Gemnify Pro League
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 Pro League Audit is an event where elite tier Code4rena contributors, commonly referred to as wardens, reviews, audits and analyzes smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the Pro League audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Gemnify smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between June 3 - July 26, 2024.


2 Wardens contributed to Gemnify:

  1. peakbolt
  2. cccz

Final report assembled by bytes032, thebrittfactor & Sentinel


The C4 Pro League analysis yielded 6 HIGH, 10 MEDIUM and 3 LOW severity vulnerabilities.

Additionally, C4 Pro League analysis included 2 findings rated as Informational.


The source code was delivered to Code4rena in a private Git repository.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (6)

[H-1] fundingFeeAmount is incorrectly scaled to 18 decimals instead of 30 decimals



Note: This issue is discovered by sponsor during the audit period and then discussed with the auditors.

FundingFeeLogic.getFundingFees() returns the new fundingFeeAmount and claimableAmount since the last funding fee payment.

As claimableAmount is the amount of funding fee that can be claimed by the receiving side, it is scaled and stored as COLLATERAL_PRECISION (18 decimals), to facilitate the actual transfer during claiming.

However, the scaling to 18 decimals was performed in getFundingAmountPerSizeDelta(), which also affects the fundingFeeAmount and cause it to be incorrectly scaled to 18 decimals instead of 30 decimals.

Due to this issue, the amount of funding fee paid will be much lesser than the amount of funding fee claimed, causing the protocol to incur a loss over time.

    function getFundingAmountPerSizeDelta(
        uint256 fundingUsd,
        uint256 openInterest,
        uint256 tokenPrice,
        bool roundUpMagnitude
    ) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        if (fundingUsd == 0 || openInterest == 0) {
            return 0;
        uint256 fundingUsdPerSize = Precision.mulDiv(
            fundingUsd, Precision.FLOAT_PRECISION * Precision.FLOAT_PRECISION_SQRT, openInterest, roundUpMagnitude

        if (roundUpMagnitude) {
>>>         return Calc.roundUpDivision(fundingUsdPerSize * Constants.COllATERAL_PRECISION, tokenPrice);
        } else {
>>>         return (fundingUsdPerSize * Constants.COllATERAL_PRECISION) / tokenPrice;


Within FundingFeeLogic.getFundingAmountPerSizeDelta(), removing the scaling to COLLATERAL_PRECISION as follows,

    function getFundingAmountPerSizeDelta(

        if (roundUpMagnitude) {
-            return Calc.roundUpDivision(fundingUsdPerSize * Constants.COllATERAL_PRECISION, tokenPrice);
+            return Calc.roundUpDivision(fundingUsdPerSize, tokenPrice);
        } else {
-            return (fundingUsdPerSize * Constants.COllATERAL_PRECISION) / tokenPrice;
+            return fundingUsdPerSize / tokenPrice;


And within Vault.getFundingAmount(), remove the division by Precision.FLOAT_PRECISION as follows,

    function getFundingAmount(
        uint256 latestFundingAmountPerSize,
        uint256 positionFundingAmountPerSize,
        uint256 positionSizeInUsd,
        bool roundUpMagnitude
    ) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 fundingDiffFactor = (latestFundingAmountPerSize - positionFundingAmountPerSize);

        return Precision.mulDiv(
-            Precision.FLOAT_PRECISION * Precision.FLOAT_PRECISION_SQRT,
+           Precision.FLOAT_PRECISION_SQRT,

Finally within Vault.sol scale claimableFundingAmount to token decimals as follows,

    function claimFundingFees() external nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
        if (claimableFundingAmount > 0) {
+            claimableFundingAmount = GenericLogic.usdToTokenMin(addrs.collateralToken, claimableFundingAmount);


Recommendation implemented with the following commit

C4 Pro League:

The issue has been resolved as per recommendation.

[H-2] claimFundingFees() should use GenericLogic.TransferOut()



In Vault.claimFundingFees(), the claimableFundingAmount is transferred out using safeTransfer().

However, this is incorrect as it will not update ps.tokenBalances[] with the new token balance, causing the next GenericLogic.transferIn() to return the wrong amount received.

    function claimFundingFees() external nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
        DataTypes.FeeStorage storage fs = StorageSlot.getVaultFeeStorage();
        DataTypes.AddressStorage storage addrs = StorageSlot.getVaultAddressStorage();

        uint256 claimableFundingAmount = fs.claimableFundingAmount[msg.sender];

        if (claimableFundingAmount > 0) {
            IERC20Upgradeable(addrs.collateralToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, claimableFundingAmount);

            fs.claimableFundingAmount[msg.sender] = 0;

            emit ClaimFundingFee(msg.sender, addrs.collateralToken, claimableFundingAmount);
        return claimableFundingAmount;


This should use GenericLogic.transferOut() instead of safeTransfer() so that it will update ps.tokenBalances[_token].


Recommendation implemented with the following commit

C4 Pro League:

The issue has been resolved as per recommendation.

[H-3] ExecuteBuyUSDG() and ExcuteSwap() tracked incorrect usdg amounts and poolAmounts.



Based on discussions with sponsors, tracking of usdg amounts and poolamounts needs to be based on the following principles.

  1. balance reward only affect the return value, as the ulp amount minted to the user in ulpManager
  2. balance reward does not affect poolAmounts, but collectFee will reduce poolAmounts( also reduce usdgAmount)
  3. priceImpact affects poolAmounts and minted usdg. negative priceImapct stores some tokens into swapImpactPoolAmounts, which decreases poolAmounts and minted usdg, positive priceImapct takes some tokens out of the swapImpactPoolAmounts, which increases poolAmounts and minted usdg.

However ExecuteBuyUSDG() and ExcuteSwap() do not follow them, one direct impact is that the usdg amount minted is incorrect.


    function ExecuteBuyUSDG(address _token, address _receiver) external returns (uint256) {
        DataTypes.AddressStorage storage addrs = StorageSlot.getVaultAddressStorage();

        uint256 tokenAmount;

        tokenAmount = GenericLogic.transferIn(_token);

        ValidationLogic.validate(tokenAmount > 0, Errors.VAULT_INVALID_TOKEN_AMOUNT);

        BorrowingFeeLogic.updateCumulativeBorrowingRate(addrs.collateralToken, addrs.collateralToken);

        uint256 price = GenericLogic.getMinPrice(_token);
        uint256 usdgAmount = (tokenAmount * price) / Constants.PRICE_PRECISION;

        usdgAmount = GenericLogic.adjustForDecimals(usdgAmount, _token, addrs.usdg);

        ValidationLogic.validate(usdgAmount > 0, Errors.VAULT_INVALID_USDG_AMOUNT);

        int256 feeBasisPoints = GenericLogic.getBuyUsdgFeeBasisPoints(_token, usdgAmount);

-       uint256 amountAfterFees = GenericLogic.collectSwapFees(_token, tokenAmount, feeBasisPoints);
+       uint256 amountAfterFees0 = GenericLogic.collectSwapFees(_token, tokenAmount, feeBasisPoints);

        // price impact
        int256 priceImpactUsd;
+       uint256 amountAfterFees = amountAfterFees0;
+       uint256 priceImpactUsdg;
        if (GenericLogic.isPriceImpactEnabled(_token, true)) {
            uint256 priceMax = GenericLogic.getMaxPrice(_token);
            priceImpactUsd = SwapPriceImpactLogic.getSupplyPriceImpactUsd(
                    token: _token,
                    price: priceMax,
                    usdDelta: ((usdgAmount * Constants.PRICE_PRECISION) / 10 ** Constants.USDG_DECIMALS).toInt256()
            int256 impactAmount = SwapPriceImpactLogic.applySwapImpactWithCap(_token, priceMax, price, priceImpactUsd);
            if (priceImpactUsd > 0) {
                uint256 positiveImpactAmount = GenericLogic.adjustFor30Decimals(impactAmount.toUint256(), _token);
-               amountAfterFees += positiveImpactAmount;
+               priceImpactUsdg = impactAmount.toUint256() * price / Constants.PRICE_PRECISION;
+               priceImpactUsdg = GenericLogic.adjustFor30Decimals(priceImpactUsdg, addr.usgd);
+               amountAfterFees = amountAfterFees0 + positiveImpactAmount;
            if (priceImpactUsd < 0) {
                uint256 negativeImpactAmount = GenericLogic.adjustFor30Decimals((-impactAmount).toUint256(), _token);
-               amountAfterFees -= negativeImpactAmount;
+               priceImpactUsdg = (-impactAmount).toUint256() * price / Constants.PRICE_PRECISION;
+               priceImpactUsdg = GenericLogic.adjustFor30Decimals(priceImpactUsdg, addr.usgd);
+               amountAfterFees = amountAfterFees0 - negativeImpactAmount;

        uint256 mintAmount = (amountAfterFees * price) / Constants.PRICE_PRECISION;
        mintAmount = GenericLogic.adjustForDecimals(mintAmount, _token, addrs.usdg);
+       if (amountAfterFees0 > tokenAmount) { // reward
+           if(amountAfterFees > amountAfterFees0) { // positive priceImpact
+               GenericLogic.increaseUsdgAmount(_token, usdgAmount + priceImpactUsdg);
+               GenericLogic.increasePoolAmount(_token, tokenAmount + amountAfterFees - amountAfterFees0);
+               IUSDG(addrs.usdg).mint(_receiver, usdgAmount + priceImpactUsdg);
+           } else {                                 // negative priceImpact
+               GenericLogic.increaseUsdgAmount(_token, usdgAmount - priceImpactUsdg);
+               GenericLogic.increasePoolAmount(_token, tokenAmount + amountAfterFees - amountAfterFees0); // reduce poolAmounts
+               IUSDG(addrs.usdg).mint(_receiver, usdgAmount - priceImpactUsdg);
+           }
+       } else {                              // collect fee
+           uint256 mintAmount0 = (amountAfterFees0 * price) / Constants.PRICE_PRECISION; // collectFee reduce usdgAmount
+           mintAmount0 = GenericLogic.adjustForDecimals(mintAmount0, _token, addrs.usdg);
+           if(amountAfterFees > amountAfterFees0) { // positive priceImpact
+               GenericLogic.increaseUsdgAmount(_token, mintAmount0 + priceImpactUsdg);
+               GenericLogic.increasePoolAmount(_token, amountAfterFees);
+               IUSDG(addrs.usdg).mint(_receiver, mintAmount0 + priceImpactUsdg);
+           } else {                                 // negative priceImpact
+               GenericLogic.increaseUsdgAmount(_token, mintAmount0 - priceImpactUsdg);
+               GenericLogic.increasePoolAmount(_token, amountAfterFees); // reduce poolAmounts
+               IUSDG(addrs.usdg).mint(_receiver, mintAmount0 - priceImpactUsdg);
+           }
+       }
-       if (amountAfterFees > tokenAmount) {
-           GenericLogic.increaseUsdgAmount(_token, usdgAmount);
-           GenericLogic.increasePoolAmount(_token, tokenAmount);
-           IUSDG(addrs.usdg).mint(_receiver, usdgAmount);
-       } else {
-           GenericLogic.increaseUsdgAmount(_token, mintAmount);
-           GenericLogic.increasePoolAmount(_token, amountAfterFees);
-           IUSDG(addrs.usdg).mint(_receiver, mintAmount);
-       }

        emit BuyUSDG(_receiver, _token, tokenAmount, mintAmount, feeBasisPoints, priceImpactUsd);

        return mintAmount;
    function ExecuteSwap(address _tokenIn, address _tokenOut, uint256 _amountIn, address _receiver)
        returns (uint256)
        PriceImpactCache memory cache;

        DataTypes.TokenConfigSotrage storage ts = StorageSlot.getVaultTokenConfigStorage();
        DataTypes.PermissionStorage storage ps = StorageSlot.getVaultPermissionStorage();
        DataTypes.AddressStorage storage addrs = StorageSlot.getVaultAddressStorage();

        ValidationLogic.validateSwapParams(ps.isSwapEnabled, _tokenIn, _tokenOut, _amountIn, ts.whitelistedTokens);

        BorrowingFeeLogic.updateCumulativeBorrowingRate(addrs.collateralToken, addrs.collateralToken);

        cache.tokenIn = _tokenIn;
        cache.tokenOut = _tokenOut;
        cache.priceInMax = GenericLogic.getMaxPrice(_tokenIn);
        cache.priceInMin = GenericLogic.getMinPrice(_tokenIn);
        cache.priceOutMax = GenericLogic.getMaxPrice(_tokenOut);
        cache.priceOutMin = GenericLogic.getMinPrice(_tokenOut);

        // adjust usdgAmounts by the same usdgAmount as debt is shifted between the assets
        uint256 usdgAmount = (_amountIn * cache.priceInMin) / Constants.PRICE_PRECISION;
        usdgAmount = GenericLogic.adjustForDecimals(usdgAmount, _tokenIn, addrs.usdg);
        // price impact tokenIn
        if (GenericLogic.isPriceImpactEnabled(_tokenIn, true)) {
            cache.priceImpactUsdTokenIn = SwapPriceImpactLogic.getSupplyPriceImpactUsd(
                    token: cache.tokenIn,
                    price: cache.priceInMax,
                    usdDelta: ((usdgAmount * Constants.PRICE_PRECISION) / 10 ** Constants.USDG_DECIMALS).toInt256()
            int256 impactAmountTokenIn = SwapPriceImpactLogic.applySwapImpactWithCap(
                cache.tokenIn, cache.priceInMax, cache.priceInMin, cache.priceImpactUsdTokenIn
            if (cache.priceImpactUsdTokenIn > 0) {
                uint256 positiveImpactAmountTokenIn =
                    GenericLogic.adjustFor30Decimals(impactAmountTokenIn.toUint256(), cache.tokenIn);
                _amountIn += positiveImpactAmountTokenIn;

            if (cache.priceImpactUsdTokenIn < 0) {
                uint256 negativeImpactAmount =
                    GenericLogic.adjustFor30Decimals((-impactAmountTokenIn).toUint256(), cache.tokenIn);
                _amountIn -= negativeImpactAmount;

        uint256 amountOut = (_amountIn * cache.priceInMin) / cache.priceOutMax;

        amountOut = GenericLogic.adjustForDecimals(amountOut, _tokenIn, _tokenOut);

        int256 feeBasisPoints = getSwapFeeBasisPoints(_tokenIn, _tokenOut, usdgAmount);
-       uint256 amountOutAfterFees = GenericLogic.collectSwapFees(_tokenOut, amountOut, feeBasisPoints);
+       uint256 amountOutAfterFees0 = GenericLogic.collectSwapFees(_tokenOut, amountOut, feeBasisPoints);
+       uint256 amountOutAfterFees = amountOutAfterFees0;
        // price impact tokenOut
        if (GenericLogic.isPriceImpactEnabled(_tokenOut, true)) {
            cache.priceImpactUsdTokenOut = SwapPriceImpactLogic.getSupplyPriceImpactUsd(
                    token: cache.tokenOut,
                    price: cache.priceOutMax,
                    usdDelta: -(((usdgAmount * Constants.PRICE_PRECISION) / 10 ** Constants.USDG_DECIMALS).toInt256())
            int256 impactAmountOut = SwapPriceImpactLogic.applySwapImpactWithCap(
                cache.tokenOut, cache.priceOutMax, cache.priceOutMin, cache.priceImpactUsdTokenOut
            if (cache.priceImpactUsdTokenOut > 0) {
                uint256 positiveImpactAmount =
                    GenericLogic.adjustFor30Decimals(impactAmountOut.toUint256(), cache.tokenOut);
-               amountOutAfterFees += positiveImpactAmount;
+               amountOutAfterFees = amountOutAfterFees0 + positiveImpactAmount;
            if (cache.priceImpactUsdTokenOut < 0) {
                uint256 negativeImpactAmount =
                    GenericLogic.adjustFor30Decimals((-impactAmountOut).toUint256(), cache.tokenOut);
-               amountOutAfterFees -= negativeImpactAmount;
+               amountOutAfterFees = amountOutAfterFees0 - negativeImpactAmount;

        GenericLogic.increaseUsdgAmount(_tokenIn, usdgAmount);
        GenericLogic.increasePoolAmount(_tokenIn, _amountIn);
+       GenericLogic.decreaseUsdgAmount(_tokenOut, usdgAmount);
+       if(amountOutAfterFees0 > amountOut)
+           GenericLogic.decreasePoolAmount(_tokenOut, amountOutAfterFees0, false);
+       else
+           GenericLogic.decreasePoolAmount(_tokenOut, amountOut, false);
-       if (amountOutAfterFees > amountOut) {
-           uint256 usdgAmountAfterFee = (amountOutAfterFees * cache.priceOutMin) / Constants.PRICE_PRECISION;

-           usdgAmountAfterFee = GenericLogic.adjustForDecimals(usdgAmount, _tokenOut, addrs.usdg);
-           GenericLogic.decreaseUsdgAmount(_tokenOut, usdgAmountAfterFee);
-           GenericLogic.decreasePoolAmount(_tokenOut, amountOutAfterFees, false);
-       } else {
-           GenericLogic.decreaseUsdgAmount(_tokenOut, usdgAmount);
-           GenericLogic.decreasePoolAmount(_tokenOut, amountOut, false);
-       }


        GenericLogic.transferOut(_tokenOut, amountOutAfterFees, _receiver);

        emit Swap(_receiver, _tokenIn, _tokenOut, _amountIn, amountOut, amountOutAfterFees, feeBasisPoints);

        return amountOutAfterFees;


Fix has been implemented with the following commit

C4 Pro League:

The fix has been reviewed and approved.

[H-4] When calling applyDeltaToPositionImpactPool() in reduceCollateral(), deltas decimals is incorrect



When converting priceImpactUsd to priceImpactAmount, it is necessary to multiply by PRICE_PRECISION to normalize the decimals. But this is not done when calling applyDeltaToPositionImpactPool() in reduceCollateral(), this causes the passed delta parameter to be much smaller (1e30 times) than the correct value, making the update of positionImpactPoolAmounts incorrect.


-               params.indexToken, -(priceImpactUsd / priceMin.toInt256())
+               params.indexToken, -(priceImpactUsd * Constants.PRICE_PRECISION.toInt256() / priceMin.toInt256())


Fix has been implemented with the following commit

C4 Pro League:

The fix has been reviewed and approved.

[H-5] Incorrect impactPool increase when decreasing positions



When decreasing position, if there is a negative priceImpact, will try to increase the impactPool with the funds withdrawn by the user. The problem here is that even if the funds withdrawn by the user are not enough, the impactPool will be increased in full, which results in the possibility that the user can increase 1000 USD impactPool by 1 USD.


if (GenericLogic.isPriceImpactEnabled(params.indexToken, false)) {
            uint256 priceMax = GenericLogic.getMaxPrice(params.indexToken);
            uint256 priceMin = GenericLogic.getMinPrice(params.indexToken);
            (int256 priceImpactUsd,) = getExecutionPriceForDecrease(params, priceMax, priceMin);
            if (priceImpactUsd > 0) {
                cache.usdOutAfterFee += priceImpactUsd.toUint256();
            } else {
                if (cache.usdOutAfterFee > (-priceImpactUsd).toUint256()) {
                    cache.usdOutAfterFee -= (-priceImpactUsd).toUint256();
                } else {
+                   priceImpactUsd = -cache.usdOutAfterFee.toInt256();
                    cache.usdOutAfterFee = 0;
            // if there is a positive impact, the impact pool amount should be reduced
            // if there is a negative impact, the impact pool amount should be increased
                params.indexToken, -(priceImpactUsd * Constants.PRICE_PRECISION.toInt256() / priceMin.toInt256())


Fix has been implemented with the following commit

C4 Pro League:

The fix has been reviewed and approved.

[H-6] The average price was calculated incorrectly.



The protocol was calculating the position average price and the global average price incorrectly due to mixing raw price and priceImpact price and not taking priceImpactUsd into account. Since priceImpact price only applies to the increased size, rawPrice should be used when calculating the delta of the profit or loss of the position. And priceImpactUsd should be directly considered as the profit or loss of the position, so priceImpactUsd should be considered in the delta.


    function getNextAveragePrice(
        address _indexToken,
        uint256 _size,
        uint256 _averagePrice,
        bool _isLong,
        uint256 _nextPrice,
        uint256 _sizeDelta,
        uint256 _lastIncreasedTime
    ) internal view returns (uint256) {
        (bool hasProfit, uint256 delta) = getDelta(_indexToken, _size, _averagePrice, _isLong, _lastIncreasedTime);
        uint256 nextSize = _size + _sizeDelta;
        uint256 divisor;
+       uint256 priceImpactUsd;
+       uint256 rawPrice = _isLong ? GenericLogic.getMaxPrice(_indexToken) : GenericLogic.getMinPrice(_indexToken);
+       if (_nextPrice > rawPrice) {
+           priceImpactUsd = (_nextPrice - rawPrice) * (_sizeDelta / _nextPrice);
+       } else {
+           priceImpactUsd = (rawPrice - _nextPrice) * (_sizeDelta / _nextPrice);
+       }
        if (_isLong) {
            divisor = hasProfit ? nextSize + delta : nextSize - delta;
+           if(_nextPrice > rawPrice) { divisor - priceImpactUsd};
+           else {divisor + priceImpactUsd};
        } else {
            divisor = hasProfit ? nextSize - delta : nextSize + delta;
+           if(_nextPrice > rawPrice) { divisor + priceImpactUsd};
+           else {divisor - priceImpactUsd};
-       return (_nextPrice * nextSize) / divisor;
+       return (rawPrice * nextSize) / divisor;
    function getNextGlobalLongData(
        address _account,
        address _collateralToken,
        address _indexToken,
        uint256 _nextPrice,
        uint256 _sizeDelta,
        bool _isIncrease
    ) internal view returns (uint256) {
        DataTypes.PositionStorage storage ps = StorageSlot.getVaultPositionStorage();

        int256 realisedPnl = getRealisedPnl(_account, _collateralToken, _indexToken, _sizeDelta, _isIncrease, true);
        uint256 globalLongSize = ps.globalLongSizes[_indexToken];
        uint256 averagePrice = ps.globalLongAveragePrices[_indexToken];
+       uint256 rawPrice = GenericLogic.getMinPrice(_indexToken);
+       uint256 priceDelta = averagePrice > rawPrice ? averagePrice - rawPrice : rawPrice - averagePrice;
-       uint256 priceDelta = averagePrice > _nextPrice ? averagePrice - _nextPrice : _nextPrice - averagePrice;
         uint256 nextAveragePrice =
-           getNextGlobalAveragePrice(averagePrice, _nextPrice, nextSize, delta, realisedPnl, true);
+           getNextGlobalAveragePrice(averagePrice, _nextPrice, nextSize, delta, realisedPnl, true, _isIncrease);
    function getNextGlobalShortData(
        address _account,
        address _collateralToken,
        address _indexToken,
        uint256 _nextPrice,
        uint256 _sizeDelta,
        bool _isIncrease
    ) internal view returns (uint256) {
        DataTypes.PositionStorage storage ps = StorageSlot.getVaultPositionStorage();

        int256 realisedPnl = getRealisedPnl(_account, _collateralToken, _indexToken, _sizeDelta, _isIncrease, false);
        uint256 globalShortSize = ps.globalShortSizes[_indexToken];
        uint256 averagePrice = ps.globalShortAveragePrices[_indexToken];
+       uint256 rawPrice = GenericLogic.getMaxPrice(_indexToken);
+       uint256 priceDelta = averagePrice > rawPrice ? averagePrice - rawPrice : rawPrice - averagePrice;
-       uint256 priceDelta = averagePrice > _nextPrice ? averagePrice - _nextPrice : _nextPrice - averagePrice;
        uint256 nextAveragePrice =
-           getNextGlobalAveragePrice(averagePrice, _nextPrice, nextSize, delta, realisedPnl, false);
+           getNextGlobalAveragePrice(averagePrice, _nextPrice, nextSize, delta, realisedPnl, false, _isIncrease);
    function getNextGlobalAveragePrice(
        uint256 _averagePrice,
        uint256 _nextPrice,
        uint256 _nextSize,
        uint256 _delta,
        int256 _realisedPnl,
        bool _isLong,
+       bool _isIncrease
    ) internal pure returns (uint256) {
+       uint256 rawPrice = _isIncrease ? ( _isLong? GenericLogic.getMaxPrice(_indexToken) : GenericLogic.getMinPrice(_indexToken))  : (_isLong ? GenericLogic.getMinPrice(_indexToken) : GenericLogic.getMaxPrice(_indexToken));
-       (bool hasProfit, uint256 nextDelta) = getNextDelta(_delta, _averagePrice, _nextPrice, _realisedPnl, _isLong);
+       (bool hasProfit, uint256 nextDelta) = getNextDelta(_delta, _averagePrice, rawPrice, _realisedPnl, _isLong);
        uint256 divisor;
+       uint256 priceImpactUsd;
+       if (_nextPrice > rawPrice) {
+           priceImpactUsd = (_nextPrice - rawPrice) * (_sizeDelta / _nextPrice);
+       } else {
+           priceImpactUsd = (rawPrice - _nextPrice) * (_sizeDelta / _nextPrice);
+       }
        if (_isLong) {
            divisor = hasProfit ? _nextSize + nextDelta : _nextSize - nextDelta;
+           if(_nextPrice > rawPrice) { divisor - priceImpactUsd};
+           else {divisor + priceImpactUsd};
        } else {
            divisor = hasProfit ? _nextSize - nextDelta : _nextSize + nextDelta;
+           if(_nextPrice > rawPrice) { divisor + priceImpactUsd};
+           else {divisor - priceImpactUsd};
-       return (_nextPrice * _nextSize) / divisor;
+       return (rawPrice * _nextSize) / divisor;


The fix has been implemented with the following commit

C4 Pro League:

Fix has been reviewed and approved.

Medium Risk Findings (10)

[M-1] Protocol fails to update cumulative borrowing rate in certain scenarios



When borrowing rate changes due to new settings or new values, it should trigger updateCumulativeBorrowingRate() to update the borrowing rate accumulator based on the previous borrowing rate first.

Otherwise, it would cause users to be overcharged or undercharged as the borrowing rate will be updated with an incorrect rate for the previous period.

The issue present in the following code, where the borrowing rate update are missing,

  1. ConfigureLogic.setBorrowingRate() will set the new borrowing rate but it fails to call updateCumulativeBorrowingRate().
    function setBorrowingRate(
        uint256 _borrowingInterval,
        uint256 _borrowingRateFactor,
        uint256 _stableBorrowingRateFactor
    ) external {
        DataTypes.FeeStorage storage fs = StorageSlot.getVaultFeeStorage();
            _borrowingRateFactor <= Constants.MAX_BORROWING_RATE_FACTOR, Errors.VAULT_INVALID_BORROWING_RATE_FACTOR
            _stableBorrowingRateFactor <= Constants.MAX_BORROWING_RATE_FACTOR,
        fs.borrowingInterval = _borrowingInterval;
        fs.borrowingRateFactor = _borrowingRateFactor;
        fs.stableBorrowingRateFactor = _stableBorrowingRateFactor;
  1. SupplyLogic.directPoolDeposit()will need to call updateCumulativeBorrowingRate() since it will increase pool amount, which is used for determining the aum, a component of the borrowing rate calculatin.
    function directPoolDeposit(address _token) external {
        DataTypes.TokenConfigSotrage storage ts = StorageSlot.getVaultTokenConfigStorage();
        ValidationLogic.validate(ts.whitelistedTokens[_token], Errors.VAULT_TOKEN_NOT_WHITELISTED);
        uint256 tokenAmount = GenericLogic.transferIn(_token);
        ValidationLogic.validate(tokenAmount > 0, Errors.VAULT_INVALID_TOKEN_AMOUNT);
        GenericLogic.increasePoolAmount(_token, tokenAmount);
        emit DirectPoolDeposit(_token, tokenAmount);
  1. Any changes to aum should also trigger updateCumulativeBorrowingRate(), as it will affect the borrowing rate.

    function getNextBorrowingRate(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) {
        DataTypes.FeeStorage storage fs = StorageSlot.getVaultFeeStorage();
        DataTypes.PositionStorage storage ps = StorageSlot.getVaultPositionStorage();
        DataTypes.TokenConfigSotrage storage ts = StorageSlot.getVaultTokenConfigStorage();
        DataTypes.AddressStorage storage addrs = StorageSlot.getVaultAddressStorage();
        if (fs.lastBorrowingTimes[_token] + fs.borrowingInterval > block.timestamp) {
            return 0;
        uint256 intervals = (block.timestamp - fs.lastBorrowingTimes[_token]) / (fs.borrowingInterval);
        uint256 _borrowingRateFactor = ts.stableTokens[_token] ? fs.stableBorrowingRateFactor : fs.borrowingRateFactor;
        uint256 aum = IUlpManager(addrs.ulpManager).getAum(true);
        uint256 price = GenericLogic.getMinPrice(_token);
        uint256 decimals = ts.tokenDecimals[_token];
        uint256 reservedUsd = (price * ps.reservedAmounts[_token]) / 10 ** decimals;
        return (_borrowingRateFactor * reservedUsd * intervals) / aum;


  2. Call BorrowingFeeLogic.updateCumulativeBorrowingRate() to update the borrowing rate accumulator based on the previous borrowing rate, before updating with the new borrowing rate.
  3. Call updateCumulativeBorrowingRate() within directPoolDeposit().
  4. To continue to have aum for OI limit, you will have to settle for an approximate solution, since price for aum is controlled by external factor.
  5. For example, you can have a bot to call updateCumulativeBorrowingRate() periodically, where the borrowing rate is updated based on latest aum. The more frequent you call it, the more accurate it will be (e.g. every 1 sec vs every 1 hr).


Recommendation implemented with the following commit

C4 Pro League:

The issue has been resolved as per recommendation.

[M-2] setFundingFactor() fails to update funding state



ConfigureLogic.setFundingFactor() should call FundingFeeLogic.updateFundingState() to update the funding state with the previous funding factor before updating it.

Otherwise this issue will cause the funding state update to use the incorrect factor for the period before funding factor update, causing users to overpay or underpay the funding fees.

    function setFundingFactor(
        address[] memory _tokens,
        uint256[] memory _fundingFactors,
        uint256[] memory _fundingExponentFactors
    ) external {
            _tokens.length == _fundingFactors.length && _tokens.length == _fundingExponentFactors.length,
            "inconsistent length"

        DataTypes.FeeStorage storage fs = StorageSlot.getVaultFeeStorage();

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) {
            fs.fundingFactors[_tokens[i]] = _fundingFactors[i];
            fs.fundingExponentFactors[_tokens[i]] = _fundingExponentFactors[i];


Call FundingFeeLogic.updateFundingState(_tokens[i]) before updating the factors as follows:

    function setFundingFactor(
        address[] memory _tokens,
        uint256[] memory _fundingFactors,
        uint256[] memory _fundingExponentFactors
    ) external {
            _tokens.length == _fundingFactors.length && _tokens.length == _fundingExponentFactors.length,
            "inconsistent length"

        DataTypes.FeeStorage storage fs = StorageSlot.getVaultFeeStorage();

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) {
+            FundingFeeLogic.updateFundingState(_tokens[i]);
            fs.fundingFactors[_tokens[i]] = _fundingFactors[i];
            fs.fundingExponentFactors[_tokens[i]] = _fundingExponentFactors[i];


Recommendation implemented with the following commit

C4 Pro League:

The issue has been resolved as per recommendation.

[M-3] Lack of slippage protection for position execution price after price impact



To provide slippage protection, PositionRouter.sol checks the markPrice against request.acceptablePrice to ensure that the execution price is not worse than the user’s acceptable price. Similarly, OrderBook.sol also checks the currentPrice has passed the triggerPrice.

However, within PositionLogic.sol, both increasePosition() and decreasePosition() are subjected to price impact, which means that the execution price cache.entryPrice after price impact could be worse than what the user expected.

This could cause the user to open a position with unfavorable price, making an unexpected loss. Such a scenario could occur due to race condition or frontrunning that causes the user to encounter a significant negative price impact.

    function increasePosition(DataTypes.IncreasePositionParams memory params) external {
        // get priceImpact
        if (GenericLogic.isPriceImpactEnabled(params.indexToken, false)) {
            (cache.priceImpactUsd, cache.priceImpactAmount, cache.entryPrice) = getExecutionPriceForIncrease(

            // if there is a positive impact, the impact pool amount should be reduced
            // if there is a negative impact, the impact pool amount should be increased
            PositionPriceImpactLogic.applyDeltaToPositionImpactPool(params.indexToken, -cache.priceImpactAmount);


This issue can be fixed by applying a slippage protection through a check of cache.entryPrice against request.acceptablePrice for both increasing and decreasing of positions.

Similarly, for limit orders using OrderBook it should add an request.acceptablePrice that allows the check against cache.entryPrice.


Price impact feature removed from implementation in commit

C4 Pro League:

This issue has been resolved by removing price impact feature.

[M-4] Incorrect calculation in getRealisedPnl() affects ULP price



PositionLogic.getRealisedPnl() returns the realized profit/loss for the calculation of global long/short average price.

However, it fails to pass in the isLong parameter into getDelta() and instead use the false value even when it is for long positions.

This causes an incorrect calculation of the realized profit/loss for poolInfo.globalLongAveragePrice, which is used for aum calculation. The impact of this is that ULP price will be inaccurate as it is based on aum divided by ULP supply.

    function getRealisedPnl(
        address _account,
        address _collateralToken,
        address _indexToken,
        uint256 _sizeDelta,
        bool _isIncrease,
        bool _isLong
    ) internal view returns (int256) {
        if (_isIncrease) {
            return 0;

        DataTypes.Position memory position = getPosition(_account, _collateralToken, _indexToken, _isLong);

        (bool hasProfit, uint256 delta) =
>>>         getDelta(_indexToken, position.size, position.averagePrice, false, position.lastIncreasedTime);
        // get the proportional change in pnl
        uint256 adjustedDelta = (_sizeDelta * delta) / position.size;

        return hasProfit ? int256(adjustedDelta) : -int256(adjustedDelta);

Recommendation: Pass in the isLong parameter for the call to getDelta() within getRealisedPnl().

    function getRealisedPnl(
        address _account,
        address _collateralToken,
        address _indexToken,
        uint256 _sizeDelta,
        bool _isIncrease,
        bool _isLong
    ) internal view returns (int256) {
        if (_isIncrease) {
            return 0;

        DataTypes.Position memory position = getPosition(_account, _collateralToken, _indexToken, _isLong);

        (bool hasProfit, uint256 delta) =
-            getDelta(_indexToken, position.size, position.averagePrice, false, position.lastIncreasedTime);
+            getDelta(_indexToken, position.size, position.averagePrice, _isLong, position.lastIncreasedTime);
        // get the proportional change in pnl
        uint256 adjustedDelta = (_sizeDelta * delta) / position.size;

        return hasProfit ? int256(adjustedDelta) : -int256(adjustedDelta);


Recommendation implemented in commit

C4 Pro League:

The issue has been resolved as per recommendation.

[M-5] nextDiffUsdToken in SwapPriceImpactLogic._getPriceImpactUsd() is inaccurate



When SwapPriceImpactLogic._getPriceImpactUsd() calculates nextDiffUsdToken, the actual targetAmountToken will not match the current targetAmountToken due to the minting of the new usdg, so getNextTargetUsdgAmount() should be used here to calculate the new targetAmountToken, that is, nextTargetAmountToken.

And in the judgment of isSameSideRebalance, nextTargetAmountToken should also be used to compare with nextPoolUsdForToken.

Also, note that when swapping, when swap tokenOut, targetAmountToken and nextTargetAmountToken need to be flipped.


        uint256 targetAmountToken =
            (GenericLogic.getTargetUsdgAmount(token) * Precision.FLOAT_PRECISION) / 10 ** Constants.USDG_DECIMALS;
+       uint256 nextTargetAmountToken = GenericLogic.getNextTargetUsdgAmount(token, params.usdDelta.abs() / 1e12, params.usdDelta > 0)
        uint256 initialDiffUsdToken = Calc.diff(poolParams.poolUsdForToken, targetAmountToken);
-       uint256 nextDiffUsdToken = Calc.diff(poolParams.nextPoolUsdForToken, targetAmountToken);
+       uint256 nextDiffUsdToken = Calc.diff(poolParams.nextPoolUsdForToken, nextTargetAmountToken);

        // check whether an improvement in balance comes from causing the balance to switch sides
        // for example, if there is $2000 of ETH and $1000 of USDC in the pool
        // adding $1999 USDC into the pool will reduce absolute balance from $1000 to $999 but it does not
        // help rebalance the pool much, the isSameSideRebalance value helps avoid gaming using this case
        bool isSameSideRebalance =
-           (poolParams.poolUsdForToken <= targetAmountToken) == (poolParams.nextPoolUsdForToken <= targetAmountToken);
+           (poolParams.poolUsdForToken <= targetAmountToken) == (poolParams.nextPoolUsdForToken <= nextTargetAmountToken);


The fix has been implemented with the following commit

C4 Pro League:

The fix has been reviewed and approved

[M-6] Incorrect feeBP calculation in ExecuteSellUSDG



getFeeBasisPoints() predicts the usdgAmount change direction and then determines the applied feeBPS.

The correct sequence is that the user deposits the asset, getFeeBasisPoints predicts the usdgAmount change direction and determines the feeBPS, and then changes the usdgAmount to apply the change. ExecuteBuyUSDG() and ExecuteSwap() both do this. However in ExecuteSellUSDG() it decreases the usdgAmount first, i.e. it applies the change first, and then calls getFeeBasisPoints to get the feeBPS.

For example, if usdgAmount[USDT] = 30000 and the user sells 10000 USDG for USDT, it should apply the feeBPS when usdgAmount goes from 30000 to 20000, but because of the early decrease of usdgAmount, it applies the feeBPS when usdgAmount goes from 20000 to 10000.

Recommendation: Consider getting feeBP first and then decreasing usdgAmount.


Fix implemented with the following commit

C4 Pro League:

The fix has been reviewed and approved.

[M-7] ExecuteSellUSDG() should also apply validateBufferAmount()




The protocol allows owner to set bufferAmounts to reserve available liquidity for leveraged positions.

    // bufferAmounts allows specification of an amount to exclude from swaps
    // this can be used to ensure a certain amount of liquidity is available for leverage positions
    mapping (address => uint256) public override bufferAmounts;

The bufferAmounts check requires poolAmounts >= bufferAmounts after the token swap, ensuring that no more tokens are swapped out. However, the problem here is that sellUSDG() also swaps tokens out, and users can execute buyUSDG() -> sellUSDG() to perform token swaps. Since there is no bufferAmounts check in sellUSDG(), it is possible that after the tokens are swapped out, poolAmounts < bufferAmounts, thus bypassing the bufferAmounts check.


Consider applying validateBufferAmount() in ExecuteSellUSDG


Acknowledged as a won’t fix for now

[M-8] ExecuteSwap() is better to collect fee before applying priceImpact



The base to collect fee in ExecuteSellUSDG()/ExecuteBuyUSDG() is the token amount without applying priceImapct. However in ExecuteSwap(), the _amountIn below is applied with priceImapct, i.e. the base to collect the fee in swap is the token amount with priceImapct applied.

        uint256 amountOut = (_amountIn * cache.priceInMin) / cache.priceOutMax;

        amountOut = GenericLogic.adjustForDecimals(amountOut, _tokenIn, _tokenOut);

        int256 feeBasisPoints = getSwapFeeBasisPoints(_tokenIn, _tokenOut, usdgAmount);
        uint256 amountOutAfterFees = GenericLogic.collectSwapFees(_tokenOut, amountOut, feeBasisPoints);

Since the tokens in priceImpactPool have been charged fee, this will cause these tokens to be charged fee repeatedly in ExecuteSwap().


Consider charging fee before applying priceImpact in ExecuteSwap().



C4 Pro League:

Will remain the same due to design.

[M-9] minProfitTime could cause unintended effects in scenarios



In PositionLogic.sol, a min profit cap is imposed when the time of last position creation/increase is within the minProfitTime. That is in place to prevent traders from frontrunning on-chain price updates as those prices are obtained from the other exchanges.

        // if the minProfitTime has passed then there will be no min profit threshold
        // the min profit threshold helps to prevent front-running issues
        uint256 minBps =
            block.timestamp > _lastIncreasedTime + fs.minProfitTime ? 0 : ts.minProfitBasisPoints[_indexToken];
        if (hasProfit && delta * Constants.PERCENTAGE_FACTOR <= _size * minBps) {
            delta = 0;

However, this min profit cap could cause unintended effects in some scenarios:

  • A position could have a profit above the min-profit-threshold (i.e. resulting in a positive delta), but after increasing the position size to a certain amount could cause it to drop below min-profit-threshold (causing delta = 0). This is because min-profit-threshold is a % of the position size.
  • nextAveragePrice() will be incorrect if the position is still within the min profit time as the profit will be zero and not considered into the nextAveragePrice().
  • Profit is also not considered in the RealisedPnl() if the position is still within min profit time period. That will then affect getNextGlobalLongData().
  • When only adding collateral with params.sizeDelta == 0, position.lastIncreaseTime is reset to current time. This puts the position in the min profit time period, which prevents the user from taking profit until it has passed. This is not necessary as the user is not increasing the position size.


To resolve this, it is recommended to either remove the code for minProfitTime or set minProfitBasisPoints to zero.

As for the issue of frontrunning that the minProfitTime was supposed to mitigation, it could instead be resolved by setting at least 1 second delay between a user’s intention to open a position and when the position is actually opened. This was implemented by gmx as proposed here


Recommendation implemented in commit

C4 Pro League:

The issue has been resolved as per recommendation.

[M-10] User could lose out on positive impact fee when decreasing position



In _decreasePosition(), the user will receive token amount based on the value of cache.usdOutAfterFee, which could comprise of the realized profit, removed collateral and any positive impact fees.

The transfer of token amount to user will only occur when cache.usdOut > 0, which is when there are realized profit and/or removed collateral.

        if (cache.usdOut > 0) {
            cache.amountOutAfterFees = GenericLogic.usdToTokenMin(params.collateralToken, cache.usdOutAfterFee);
            GenericLogic.transferOut(params.collateralToken, cache.amountOutAfterFees, params.receiver);
            return cache.amountOutAfterFees;

However, it is actually possible for usdOut == 0 while usdOutAfterFee > 0.

  • usdOut == 0 could happen if the position is decreased without removing collateral and there is no profit.
  • usdOutAfterFee > 0 could occur when the position decrease resulted in a positive impact.

That means the user will lose out on the positive impact fee when these happens as currently the transfer only happen on usdOut > 0.


To resolve this, the change can be made as follows:

- if (cache.usdOut > 0) {
+ if (cache.usdOutAfterFee > 0) {


Recommendation implemented in commit

C4 Pro League:

The issue has been resolved as per recommendation.

Low Risk Findings (3)

[L-1] getNextFundingAmountPerSize() calls getFundingAmountPerSizeDelta() with incorrect parameters



In FundingFeeLogic.sol, the function getNextFundingAmountPerSize() is used by updateFundingState() to calculate the funding fee amount.

However, the parameters shortTokenPrice and cache.longOpenInterest are incorrectly passed in the wrong order for Long funding fee.

    function getNextFundingAmountPerSize(address _indexToken)
        returns (GetNextFundingAmountPerSizeResult memory)
        if (result.longsPayShorts) {
            result.fundingFeeAmountPerSizeDelta.long = getFundingAmountPerSizeDelta(
>>>             shortTokenPrice,
>>>             cache.longOpenInterest,
                true // roundUpMagnitude

This issue only causes a wrong order of the computation in getFundingAmountPerSizeDelta() that still derive the same result, as both shortTokenPrice and cache.longOpenInterest are used as denominators as shown below. Despite that, it is still recommended to fix this issue to prevent future bugs.

    function getFundingAmountPerSizeDelta(
        uint256 fundingUsd,
        uint256 openInterest,
        uint256 tokenPrice,
        bool roundUpMagnitude
    ) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        if (fundingUsd == 0 || openInterest == 0) {
            return 0;
        uint256 fundingUsdPerSize = Precision.mulDiv(
            fundingUsd, Precision.FLOAT_PRECISION * Precision.FLOAT_PRECISION_SQRT, openInterest, roundUpMagnitude

        if (roundUpMagnitude) {
            return Calc.roundUpDivision(fundingUsdPerSize * Constants.COllATERAL_PRECISION, tokenPrice);
        } else {
            return (fundingUsdPerSize * Constants.COllATERAL_PRECISION) / tokenPrice;


For getNextFundingAmountPerSize(), update the parameters for the call to getFundingAmountPerSizeDelta() as follows:

        if (result.longsPayShorts) {
            result.fundingFeeAmountPerSizeDelta.long = getFundingAmountPerSizeDelta(
-               shortTokenPrice,
-               cache.longOpenInterest,
+               cache.longOpenInterest,
+               shortTokenPrice,
                true // roundUpMagnitude


Recommendation implemented with the following commit

C4 Pro League:

The issue has been resolved as per recommendation.

[L-2] getSupplyPriceImpactUsd() is better to use priceMid instead of priceMax



In getSupplyPriceImpactUsd(), params.price is used to calculate poolUsd and nextPoolUsd, which are used to predict the direction of token movement and determine the value of priceImpact. The problem here is that priceMax is always used when calling getSupplyPriceImpactUsd, which actually overestimates the value of tokens in the pool, making the prediction inaccurate. We can consider using (priceMax+priceMin)/2 as params.price. (Also, priceMax is used in PositionPriceImpact, but since priceMax is not currently involved in the calculation, it is fine.


Consider using (priceMax+priceMin)/2 as params.price when calling getSupplyPriceImpactUsd().


Fix implemented with the following commit

C4 Pro League:

Fix reviewed and confirmed.

[L-3] USDG minted in ExecuteBuyUSDG() and the return value may be different, which will make slippage control invalid.



The return value of ExecuteBuyUSDG() is not the actual usdg amount minted, it returns the usdg amount suitable for ulpManager to use for minting to the user.

        uint256 usdgAmount = vault.buyUSDG(_token, address(this));
        require(usdgAmount >= _minUsdg, "UlpManager: insufficient USDG output");
        uint256 mintAmount;

        if (aumInUsdg != 0 && ulpSupply != 0) {
            mintAmount = (usdgAmount * ulpSupply) / aumInUsdg;
        } else {
            mintAmount = usdgAmount;
        require(mintAmount >= _minUlp, "UlpManager: insufficient ULP output");

However, in Router, the return value should represent the actual usdg amount minted to the user, otherwise the Router’s slippage control will invalid.

    function _vaultSwap(address _tokenIn, address _tokenOut, uint256 _minOut, address _receiver)
        returns (uint256)
        uint256 amountOut;

        if (_tokenOut == usdg) {
            // buyUSDG
            amountOut = IVault(vault).buyUSDG(_tokenIn, _receiver);

        require(amountOut >= _minOut, "Router: insufficient amountOut");
        return amountOut;


It is recommended to return two values so that the actual usdg amount minted is the second one and check it in the Router.


Acknowledged - no fix required here due to design.

C4 Pro League:


Informational Findings (2)

[I-1] validateTokens() should add additional validation



validateTokens() should add two additional validations:

  1. _collateralToken must be USDC
  2. When long, _indexToken must be a whitelisted token


    function validateTokens(address _collateralToken, address _indexToken, bool _isLong) internal view {
        DataTypes.TokenConfigSotrage storage ts = StorageSlot.getVaultTokenConfigStorage();
+       validate(_collateralToken == addrs.collateralToken, Errors.VAULT_COLLATERAL_TOKEN_MUST_BE_STABLE_TOKEN);
        validate(ts.whitelistedTokens[_collateralToken], Errors.VAULT_COLLATERAL_TOKEN_NOT_WHITELISTED);
        validate(ts.stableTokens[_collateralToken], Errors.VAULT_COLLATERAL_TOKEN_MUST_BE_STABLE_TOKEN);
        validate(!ts.stableTokens[_indexToken], Errors.VAULT_INDEX_TOKEN_MUST_NOT_BE_STABLE_TOKEN);
        if (!_isLong) {
            validate(ts.shortableTokens[_indexToken], Errors.VAULT_INDEX_TOKEN_NOT_SHORTABLE);
-       }
+       } else {
+           validate(ts.whitelistedTokens[_indexToken], Errors.VAULT_INDEX_TOKEN_NOT_WHITELISTED);
+       }


Fixed with the following commit

C4 Pro League:

Fix has been reviewed and approved.

[I-2] Some checks in validateLiquidation() that could be improved



validateLiquidation() is used to check whether a position can be liquidated. Some of the checks can be improved.


  1. For bad debts (collateral is insufficient to cover the loss), the collateral should cover losses first, i.e., let marginFees be 0.

        if (!hasProfit && position.collateral < delta) {
            if (_raise) {
                revert("Vault: losses exceed collateral");
  2. return (1, marginFees);
  3. return (1, 0); }

  4. remainingCollateral should take into account pending profits, thus avoiding users being liquidated due to insufficient collateral (but profitable positions)

        uint256 remainingCollateral = position.collateral;
        if (!hasProfit) {
            remainingCollateral = position.collateral - delta;
  5. }
  6. } else {
  7. remainingCollateral = position.collateral + delta;
  8. }


Fixed with the following commit

C4 Pro League:

Fixed 1 and 2 will remain the same due to design. Fixes have been reviewed and approved.


C4 is an open organization governed by participants in the community.

C4 audits incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Audit submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.