


Available for Hire

My skills:

  • Computer engineer
  • Bot developer: my bot, GasAxy, has been qualified in GoodEntry (23/08) contest and currently it partecipates in bot races. In the last months, it obtains several grade-a judgement.
  • Gas Optimization expert: i obtained several grade-a and my work has been selected for report in CANTO (23/10) contest


Helped Secure

CantoDYADFrankencoinEigenLayerJuiceboxMunchablesENSStader LabsKelp DAOBASEChainlinkGood EntryEthena LabsOndo FinanceAI Arena

Available for hire

I'm gas optimization expert. If you DApp needs a security or gas optimization review, don't exitate to contact me on Discord "niser93"

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I am a computer engineer who has specialized in web3 and DeFi in recent years. In the last months, i helped to securize several DApp. In particular, i'm gas optimization expert.

Helped Secure

CantoDYADFrankencoinEigenLayerJuiceboxMunchablesENSStader LabsKelp DAOBASEChainlinkGood EntryEthena LabsOndo FinanceAI Arena