C4 Competitive Audits
Find bugs other audits miss.
100+ security researchers
compete in each audit
Half a year of
code review in 1 week
The most trusted
competitive audit platform
Start an audit in 48 hours
Leading crypto projects choose Code4rena

More eyes on your code = more vulnerabilities found

How it works:
1. Put up an award pool to attract diverse talent
2. Security researchers compete, with the highest rewards going to the most rare, critical vulnerabilities
3. Achieve the highest security outcomes possible for your project
Secure audit eyes

Deploy to production with peace of mind

C4 security researchers find the bugs that other audits miss

Unprecedented breadth, unparalleled rigor

An average of over 100 security researchers participate in each audit, competing to break your code and make your project more secure.

The most competitive web3 security platform

With 10,409+ security researchers on our platform, your project gets access to the most diverse set of talent available.

The most preferred platform for security researchers

Known for the fairest and most rigorous security practices, Code4rena attracts the largest community of both proven talent and rising stars to audit your codebase.

What you’ll get

Mitigation review

Access to top talent

Our competitive audit mechanism and industry-defining leaderboard attracts both proven security researchers and rising stars.

Streamlined audit experience

We make sure you have access to the most rare, highest-severity bugs, without dealing with lower-severity findings unless you want to.

Ship faster, with more secure code

It would usually take half a year to achieve the breadth of code review C4 competitive audits achieve in one week. Start an audit in as little as 48 hours.

Don’t just take our word for it.