`takeLoan` in `createLaunchPad` can be griefed
Finding description and impact
The protocol allows whitelisted users to call takeLoan
, which is invoked during the createLaunchPad
function. Since there is no mechanism to limit virtualLiquidityAmount
in the call to createLaunchPad
(and therefore to takeLoan
), a whitelisted user can deliberately grief another user by consuming the maximum loanable amount (MAX_LOAN_PER_BLOCK
) before the target user’s call to createLaunchPad
. This prevents the createLaunchPad
function from succeeding during that block.
Proof of Concept
See @audit
File: LamboFactory.sol 65: function createLaunchPad( 66: string memory name, 67: string memory tickname, 68: uint256 virtualLiquidityAmount, //@audit an arbitrary amount can be used without any cost 69: address virtualLiquidityToken 70: ) public onlyWhiteListed(virtualLiquidityToken) nonReentrant returns (address quoteToken, address pool) { ... 74: VirtualToken(virtualLiquidityToken).takeLoan(pool, virtualLiquidityAmount); //@audit this can grief all subsequent users in the same block
function takeLoan(address to, uint256 amount) external payable onlyValidFactory { if (block.number > lastLoanBlock) { lastLoanBlock = block.number; loanedAmountThisBlock = 0; } require(loanedAmountThisBlock + amount <= MAX_LOAN_PER_BLOCK, "Loan limit per block exceeded"); // @audit given that this shared among users, this can be used as a grief vector
Recommended mitigation steps
Add a maximum for virtualLiquidityAmount
in createLaunchPad