Incorrect listing type validation bypasses enforcement of minimum purchase amount
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Finding description and impact

Incorrect validation of the listing type allows bypassing the enforcement of _minPurchaseAmt being within the range of 0 to _amount.

Proof of Concept

A listing can have two types: Single or Partial:

enum ListingType { PARTIAL, SINGLE }


For Partial listings, _minPurchaseAmt must be set to ensure buyers cannot purchase less than the specified minimum amount.

However, during the listing of a vesting, _minPurchaseAmt is not validated correctly. Specifically, the following line is implemented improperly:

require( _listingType != ListingType.SINGLE || (_minPurchaseAmt > 0 && _minPurchaseAmt <= _amount), "SS_Marketplace: Minimum Purchase Amount cannot be more than listing amount" );


This implementation mistakenly enforces that for Single listings, _minPurchaseAmt must fall within 0 and _amount. Instead, it should validate _minPurchaseAmt for Partial listings. The corrected implementation is as follows:

require( _listingType == ListingType.SINGLE || (_minPurchaseAmt > 0 && _minPurchaseAmt <= _amount), "SS_Marketplace: Minimum Purchase Amount cannot be more than listing amount" );

With this change, the check ensures that _minPurchaseAmt falls within 0 and _amount for Partial listings, as intended.

Recommended mitigation steps

The validation logic should be updated as follows:

require( - _listingType != ListingType.SINGLE || (_minPurchaseAmt > 0 && _minPurchaseAmt <= _amount), + _listingType == ListingType.SINGLE || (_minPurchaseAmt > 0 && _minPurchaseAmt <= _amount), "SS_Marketplace: Minimum Purchase Amount cannot be more than listing amount" );


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