Incorrect referral fee handling in `_handleTransfers` function
newspacexyz profile imagenewspacexyz

Finding Description and Impact

Root Cause

The referralFeeCost is computed in the _handleTransfers function but is not deducted from buyerFeeTotal or transferred to the referrer. This creates the following issues:

  1. Unrealized Payment to Referrer: The calculated referralFeeCost is not distributed, leading to the referrer being denied the reward they are entitled to.
  2. Incorrect Accounting: The buyerFeeTotal incorrectly reflects the entire fee without subtracting the portion allocated to the referrer.


  1. Reputation Damage: The marketplace may face backlash for failing to reward referrers as expected.
  2. Loss of Referral Incentives: Users might be dissuaded from referring new participants, hampering ecosystem growth.
  3. Financial Discrepancies: Incorrect fee distribution can lead to disputes or potential loss of funds during settlements.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

  1. Deduct Referral Fee from buyerFeeTotal:
  2. Transfer Referral Fee to Referrer:
    referralFeeCost = 0; if (_referral != address(0) && listing.whitelist == address(0)) { referralFeeCost = (baseAmount * bfee * IMarketplaceSetting(marketplaceSetting).referralFee()) / (BASE * BASE); IERC20(listing.currency).safeTransfer(_referral, referralFeeCost); buyerFeeTotal = buyerFeeTotal - referralFeeCost ; }