Missing sellable check in completePurchase will cause a user to buy a token marked as unsellable by S2ADMIN if it was listed beforehand
Finding description and impact
A token marked sellable can be purchased because of the absence of the sellable check when completing a spot purchase.
Proof of Concept
A user is not permitted to vest tokens that are not marked as sellable by the contract and admin
/** * @notice Lists tokens for sale in the marketplace * @dev Validates selling limits and transfers tokens to contract * @param seller Address of the token seller * @param plan Address of the vesting plan * @param amount Amount of tokens to list * @custom:throws vesting not sellable * @custom:throws SS_VestingManager: insufficient availablility * @custom:throws SS_VestingManager: cannot list more than max sell percent */ function listVesting(address seller, address plan, uint256 amount) external onlyMarketplace { @audit>> require(vestingSettings[plan].sellable, "vesting not sellable"); require(SecondSwap_Vesting(plan).available(seller) >= amount, "SS_VestingManager: insufficient availablility");
But this tokens are always marked as sellable on deployment and admin has the Power to mark them as unsellable
/** * @notice Sets whether tokens can be sold from a vesting contract * @dev Also initializes default settings for new sellable vestings * @param vesting Address of the vesting contract * @param sellable Whether the tokens can be sold * @custom:throws SS_VestingManager: Unauthorised user */ function setSellable(address vesting, bool sellable) external { @audit >> 1. admin>> require(s2Admin == msg.sender || vestingDeployer == msg.sender, "SS_VestingManager: Unauthorised user"); VestingSettings storage vestingSetting = vestingSettings[vesting]; vestingSetting.sellable = sellable; if (vestingSetting.maxSellPercent == 0 && vestingSetting.sellable) { vestingSetting.maxSellPercent = 2000; vestingSetting.buyerFee = -1; vestingSetting.sellerFee = -1; emit MaxSellPercentUpdated(vesting, 2000); } emit VestingSellableUpdated(vesting, sellable); }
On deployment it is always set to true
*/ function deployVesting( address tokenAddress, uint256 startTime, uint256 endTime, uint256 steps, string memory vestingId ) external { require(_tokenOwner[msg.sender] == tokenAddress, "SS_VestingDeployer: caller is not the token owner"); //require(_tokenOwner[msg.sender] == address(SecondSwap_StepVesting(_stepVesting).token()), "SS_VestingDeployer: caller is not the token owner"); Can't implement this as the stepVesting Contract is not deployed require(tokenAddress != address(0), "SS_VestingDeployer: token address is zero"); // 3.2. Arbitrary transfer of vesting require(startTime < endTime, "SS_VestingDeployer: start time must be before end time"); require(steps > 0, "SS_VestingDeployer: steps must be greater than 0"); require(manager != address(0), "SS_VestingDeployer: manager not set"); address newVesting = address( new SecondSwap_StepVesting( msg.sender, manager, IERC20(tokenAddress), startTime, endTime, steps, address(this) ) ); @audit>>> IVestingManager(manager).setSellable(newVesting, true); emit VestingDeployed(tokenAddress, newVesting, vestingId); }
After a user lists this token and admin makes this token unsellable a user can still purchase this token successfully 1 second after it has been marked unsellable because of a missing check in the complete purchase function
/** * @notice Completes a purchase of vested tokens * @dev Updates buyer allocation and transfers tokens * @param buyer Address of the token buyer * @param vesting Address of the vesting contract * @param amount Amount of tokens purchased */ function completePurchase(address buyer, address vesting, uint256 amount) external onlyMarketplace { allocations[buyer][vesting].bought += amount; SecondSwap_Vesting(vesting).transferVesting(address(this), buyer, amount); }
Recommended mitigation steps
Add a sellable check in the completePurchase function has done in the listVesting function