

Next-generation stablecoin protocol

Max bounty$2,000,000 in ETHHow do bug bounties work on C4?

Dinero Bounty Details

Note for participants: The sponsor's repo, scope definition, and contents herein are all subject to change.

Publicly Known Issues

  • All issues submitted via wardens and the Blue Team during this Code4rena Blue engagement will be added to this project list weekly.

  • Centralization Risks: Some methods (specially upgradeAndCall) are only accessible by the Dinero DAO multisig, which is the sole owner of the contracts. This is acceptable as the multisig is controlled by the Dinero DAO, which is a decentralized organization. These methods would only be used for emergency purposes, such as in the event of a critical bug or a hack.

  • Pirex ETH Liquidity: While brandedETH is immediately minted on the L2 network, the actual ETH is batched and sent over the native bridge. This means there is a period where pxETH is minted, but the ETH is not yet available in the PirexETH contract. Although users should receive the full withdrawal in pxETH at all times, attempts to redeem pxETH for ETH before the ETH is available may fail. This will depend on the redemption size and the amount of ETH deposited into the PirexETH validators.

  • Branded LST Yield Dilution: brandedETH users' balances are adjusted according to the yield accrued in the apxETH vault, which is determined by ETH rewards from PirexETH validators that increase the vault's assetsPerShare ratio. From the perspective of brandedETH users, yield can start accruing immediately after a deposit through a rebase. However, since the ETH deposited direclty on L2 is not immediately available to stake due to the native bridge delay, the yield gets diluted. This dilution issue is constrained to brandedETH users because the deposit into the apxETH vault is delayed until ETH reaches L1, and the assetsPerShare ratio synced between L1 and L2 considers balances in apxETH and pxETH held by the lockbox.

  • Out of Gas During Withdrawal: Pending sync batches amounts are consumed during the withdrawal through the syncIndexPendingAmount array. If there are many pending syncs, A large withdrawal would cause iterating over many items of the array, which would cost much gas, and could block users from withdrawing due to out-of-gas error. The likelihood of this scenario happening is directly correlated with the minSyncAmount set by the protocol team. The protocol team should set the minSyncAmount and monitor L2 deposits to ensure the system can handle large withdrawal amounts.

  • Oracle Dependency: Users rely on the L2ExchangeRateProvider contract to fetch the assetsPerShare ratio of the AutoPxEth vault during deposits. If the oracle fails to provide accurate data, it could severely impact both users and the protocol. Potential consequences include discrepancies in asset valuation or unbacked Branded LST tokens. The protocol team must monitor the oracle closely to ensure its accuracy and reliability, as failures could compromise the system's integrity and user trust.

  • Delayed Rebase: If the rebase is not called for a long time, the assetsPerShare ratio on L2 will be outdated. This could lead to a discrepancy between the actual AutoPxEth vault yield and the yield accrued by the brandedETH holders, affecting negatively users' yield. The protocol team should monitor the rebase calls and ensure that they are called regularly and close to Harvest events.

  • PirexETH Deposit Fee Increase: Increase in the PirexETH deposit fee, while there are ETH pending deposits in the native bridge, could lead to unbacked pxETH tokens. The tokens can be minted if the deposit fee (on PirexEth) is increased between the delivery of fast and slow sync messages. This would happen because the amount of pxETH minted after the fast message is received would be higher than the amount of pxETH burned when the slow message is received. While PirexETH team does not plan to increase the deposit fee, the protocol team should monitor the deposit fee and ensure that it is not increased while there are pending deposits in the native bridge.

  • Slippage Protection on Non Native Deposits: Users must carefully set the minAmountOut parameter when depositing WETH on L2. Since Stargate pools can be manipulated, the actual amountOut could be significantly lower than amountIn without proper slippage protection.

Note: We have acknowledged all findings in referenced Audits and have either fixed them or have mitigated them. These functions are required for the protocol to work as intended.

Branded LST Overview

The Branded LST is an extension of the PirexETH protocol on a Layer 2 (L2) ecosystem. Instead of holding the AutoPxEth vault shares on Layer 1 (L1), users can hold the liquid staking token (LST) on L2 and benefit from the apxETH yield.

The LST can be obtained by performing a deposit on either L1 or L2. On L1, the accepted tokens include Ether, pxETH, and apxETH, while on L2, whitelisted token such as Ether and WETH are accepted. Unlike deposits, the withdrawals can be initiated exclusively from the L2 side. In exchange for the LST, users receive the same amount of pxETH, in a 1:1 ratio. The pxETH can be redeemed for Ether at any time, and the redemption rate is always 1:1 on Pirex ETH protocol.


  • brandedLST is a rebasing Ethereum liquid staking token native to a Layer 2 ecosystem. Branded ETH benefits from apxETH yield and maintains an 1:1 redemption rate with pxETH. Rebases are permissionless and triggered on mainnet to adjust the assetsPerShare ratio on L2.

  • wBrandedLST is a wrapped version of brandedLST that can be used in DeFi applications. It is minted by depositing brandedLST into the WrappedLiquidStakedToken contract. The minted wBrandedLST can be used in DeFi applications, such as lending, borrowing, and trading.

  • Branded LST OFT is the 1:1 representation of wBrandedLST on another L2 chain. It is minted by depositing wBrandedLST into the OFTLockbox contract. The minted Branded LST OFT can be used in DeFi applications on the other L2 chain.


The following sections delve into the system’s components and their interactions. The diagram below showcases a high-level view of the system’s architecture.

<img width="100%" alt="image" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/cf37d8d8-1660-4ac5-9a74-04b70e85ba71">

Fig. 1: L2 brandedETH architecture


Layer 1 deposits are facilitated through the LiquidStakingTokenLockbox contract. The Lockbox is responsible for handling the Ether, pxETH, and apxETH token deposits into the PirexETH protocol. Communication between L1 and L2 is done with the LayerZero messaging system. During the deposit, the Lockbox sends the LayerZero message to the L2 chain containing the deposit amount, current assetsPerShare, receiver address and the lastest fully synced batches. The LiquidStakingToken contract that receives this message on L2 can use the provided information to mint an appropriate amount of LST shares as well as perform a rebase using the new assetsPerShare ratio from the AutoPxEth vault.

<img width="100%" alt="image" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/1648793f-6909-48d5-809c-c009c24899e4">

Fig. 2: Mainnet Deposit flow

Layer 2 deposits are facilitated through the LiquidStakingToken contract using the logic of L2SyncPool contract. Since the L2 Ether cannot immediately be used for staking in the PirexETH protocol, it must be first bridged to the L1 Ether via the native Layer 2 bridge. The L2 deposits are batched together and sent to L1 during the cross-chain syncing process. The synchronization mechanism itself is explained in greater detail in the Synchronization section. Once Ether is released from the L1 native bridge, it is deposited into the PirexETH protocol to start the Ether staking process. The validator staking rewards generate the yield for the LST and apxETH token holders.

<img width="70%" alt="image" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/59d7154c-56d0-4894-94e4-a6045a6a2733">

Fig. 3: Layer 2 Deposit flow

Side Layer 2 deposits are facilitated through the OFTMinter contract. The OFTMinter contract is responsible for handling the deposits of LiquidStakingTokens between Layer 2s. The OFTMinter contract receives a deposit and fowards to the Layer 2. After receiving tha message back from the base Layer 2 the OFTs tokens are minted on the destination chain.

<img width="70%" alt="image" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/353653f7-2874-4468-b056-5e4f362a024d">

Fig. 4: Side Layer 2 Deposit flow


Whenever new rewards are distributed into the AutoPxEth vault through the Harvest process, the price of an individual apxETH share increases. Since LST shares are L2 representations of the apxETH shares, this share price increase must also be reflected on the Layer 2 chain. The rebase mechanism informs the L2 about the newest assetsPerShare ratio from the AutoPxEth vault. The current L1 share price is used to update the internal accounting on L2. Similarly to the synchronization mechanism, calling LiquidStakingTokenLockbox.rebase(...) is permissionless but will be regularly called by the Keeper.

<img width="85%" alt="image" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/77cc6684-eba4-4513-bb34-079b97de5f0d">

Fig. 4: Rebase flow


The L1 chain is unaware of the user deposits on L2 until the two chains are synchronized. The syncing process can be done by calling the LiquidStakingToken.sync(...) function. To keep the chain states up to date, the off-chain keeper will trigger the synchronization regularly. This action is permissionless, meaning that anyone can call the sync(...) function once a certain threshold of deposits is reached (minSyncAmount).
The synchronization mechanism is split into two parts: the slow sync and the fast sync.

<img width="100%" alt="image" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/3f3f7185-635b-460c-96f5-c1e1d3393bd4">

Fig. 5: Sync flow

The slow sync process sends the native Layer 2 Ether or WETH to Layer 1 over the native bridge. Due to the nature of optimistic rollups and the design of the fault-proof system, this process can take up to 7 days to finalize (for OP Stack-based rollups). The message won’t be relayed during that time, and the Ether won’t be released on L1. To mitigate this limitation the message is sent via LayerZero omnichain messaging protocol to inform the L1 about the deposit on L2, this process is called fast sync.

The fast sync The LiquidStakingTokenLockbox contract receives this message and mints pxETH tokens in anticipation of the Ether that is yet to be released from the bridge. The newly minted pxETH tokens stay in the contract, where they wait for the slow sync process to finish. If, during the waiting period, users request withdrawals on L2, whenever possible, they will be provided with the pxETH tokens from the Lockbox first instead of withdrawing funds from the AutoPxEth vault. The fast sync mechanism enables immediate liquidity for the L2 users without affecting the existing AutoPxEth deposits before the actual Ether arrives from the bridge.


Unlike deposits, withdrawals can only be initiated on the L2 side. Users can call the LiquidStakingToken.withdraw(...) function and specify the amount of assets that they want to withdraw. Their LST shares will be burned on L2, and a withdrawal message will be sent to L1 via LayerZero. Once the LiquidStakingTokenLockbox contract receives the message, it will transfer the pxETH tokens to the user on L1. As mentioned in the previous section, the Lockbox will first attempt to use all the pxETH that it currently holds, and only after that will it start withdrawing additional pxETH tokens from the vault.

<img width="100%" alt="image" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/c960316c-1253-4e85-a611-e35573e20ab2">

Fig. 6: Withdraw flow



This is the complete list of what's in scope for this contest:

FilenSLOCPurposeCapabilitiesExternal Libraries
src/layer2/DineroERC20RebaseUpgradeable.sol131Interest-bearing ERC20-like token for LiquidStakingToken assets. DineroERC20Rebase balances are dynamic and represent the holder's share in the total amount of pxETH assets controlled by the brandedLST.🖥openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable, solmate
src/layer2/L1SyncPool.sol113Base contract for Layer 1 sync pools, Inherited by a lockbox contract that will handle the sync of balances from Layer 2 to Layer 1 anticipating the deposit of tokens during the fast sync and finalizing sync by depositing ETH to Pirex ETH during the slow sync🖥💰📤openzeppelin
src/layer2/L2ExchangeRateProvider.sol44Layer 2 contract for exchange rate (assetsPerShare) and fee calculationopenzeppelin
src/layer2/L2SyncPool.sol220Base contract for Layer 2 sync pools, allows users to deposit tokens on Layer 2, and then sync them to Layer 1. Once enough tokens have been deposited, anyone can trigger a sync to Layer 1.🖥💰openzeppelin
src/layer2/LiquidStakingTokenCompose.sol46An DineroERC20Rebase OApp contract for handling LST operations between Layer 2 and mainnet. It can send compose calls to allow composability with other Layer 2s.
src/layer2/LiquidStakingTokenLockbox.sol433An OApp contract for handling LST operations between mainnet and Layer 2. It holds pxETH and apxETH shares to enable withdraw of branded LST.🖥💰openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable, openzeppelin
src/layer2/LiquidStakingTokenLockboxCompose.sol494An OApp contract for handling LST operations between mainnet and Layer 2. It holds pxETH and apxETH shares to enable withdraw of branded LST. Enables sending compose calls.🖥💰openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable, openzeppelin
src/layer2/MultichainLockbox.sol185An OApp contract for handling LST operations between mainnet and Layer 2. This contract is responsible for handling deposits of LiquidStakingTokens between mainnet and Layer 2s.🖥💰
src/layer2/oft/OFTLockbox.sol101The OFTLockbox contract is responsible to hold wLST tokens and mint wLST OFTs on the destination chain.🖥💰openzeppelin
src/layer2/oft/OFTMinter.sol76A contract for minting OFT tokens on the destination chain.💰openzeppelin
src/layer2/RateLimiter.sol31A contract for rate limiting the amount of tokens that can be withdrawn to Layer 1openzeppelin
src/layer2/receivers/L1ArbReceiverETH.sol36This contract receives messages from the Arbitrum based Layer 2 messenger and forwards them to the Layer 1 sync pool💰
src/layer2/receivers/L1OPReceiverETH.sol35This contract receives messages from the Optimism based Layer 2 messenger and forwards them to the Layer 1 sync pool💰
src/layer2/receivers/L1StargateReceiverETH.sol74This contract receives WETH from the stargate bridge, unwraps and forwards them to the Layer 1 sync pool🖥💰
src/layer2/receivers/L1ZkReceiverETH.sol123This contract receives messages from the ZKSync based Layer 2 messenger and forwards them to the Layer 1 sync pool🖥💰
src/layer2/receivers/L2OrbitReceiver.sol76This contract receives messages from the Orbit based Layer 3 messenger and forwards them to the Layer 2 Arbitrum receiver🖥💰
src/layer2/tokens/LiquidStakingTokenArb.sol20Inherits LiquidStakingToken to enable sending ETH through Arbitrum native bridge to Layer 1
src/layer2/tokens/LiquidStakingTokenNonNative.sol34Inherits LiquidStakingToken to enable sending ETH through a bridge adapter (e.g. Stargate) native bridge to Layer 1openzeppelin
src/layer2/tokens/LiquidStakingTokenOP.sol24Inherits LiquidStakingToken to enable sending ETH through Optimism native bridge to Layer 1
src/layer2/tokens/LiquidStakingTokenOrbit.sol104Inherits LiquidStakingToken to enable sending ETH through Orbit chain native bridge to Arbitrumopenzeppelin
src/layer2/tokens/OrbitLST.sol20Inherits LiquidStakingTokenCompose to enable sending ETH through Arbitrum native bridge to Layer 1
src/layer2/tokens/SuperLST.sol24Inherits LiquidStakingTokenCompose to enable sending ETH through Optimism native bridge to Layer 1
src/layer2/tokens/ZKSyncLST.sol20Inherits LiquidStakingTokenCompose to enable sending ETH through ZKSync native bridge to Layer 1.
src/layer2/utils/Oracle.sol33Oracle contract for providing assetPerShare feeds.🧮openzeppelin
src/layer2/utils/stargate/StargateAdapter.sol162Bridge adapter to send ETH to mainnet using Stargate bridge.💰openzeppelin
src/layer2/utils/stargate/StargateBridgeQuoter.sol63Bridge quoter to get the stargate quote for bridging, used to get the correct amount to deposit.openzeppelin, solmate
src/layer2/WrappedLiquidStakedToken.sol77Wraps the LiquidStakingToken contract.🖥📤openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable

This is a list of mainnet contract deployments:
Plume Staked Ether (pETH)

src/layer2/LiquidStakingTokenLockbox.sol0x043eF1DC118b5039203AECfAc680CEA4E58b0eBbEthereum Mainnet
src/layer2/receivers/L1ArbReceiverETH.sol0x3dCee1719844bdeBb1536Cf77A3017670AFDF0c5Ethereum Mainnet
src/layer2/tokens/LiquidStakingTokenArb.sol0xcab283e4bb527Aa9b157Bae7180FeF19E2aaa71aPlume Mainnet
src/layer2/WrappedLiquidStakedToken.sol0xD630fb6A07c9c723cf709d2DaA9B63325d0E0B73Plume Mainnet
src/layer2/L2ExchangeRateProvider.sol0x4aC328C4708DbBDbE42E4BB8602e76B6F4dEE34CPlume Mainnet
src/layer2/RateLimiter.sol0x77Cf899591d3258AbC5cFb4Ec3c2b37D4507b0fEPlume Mainnet
src/layer2/utils/Oracle.sol0x7D7A470b57C7098DB6F95ab3963cE0A85f64b7c7Plume Mainnet

Ink Staked Ether (iETH)

src/layer2/LiquidStakingTokenLockbox.sol0xf2B2BBdC9975cF680324De62A30a31BC3AB8A4d5Ethereum Mainnet
src/layer2/receivers/L1OPReceiverETH.sol0x8a6e8E584b415352f7aAef2304945E1772f80378Ethereum Mainnet
src/layer2/tokens/LiquidStakingTokenOP.sol0xcab283e4bb527Aa9b157Bae7180FeF19E2aaa71aInk Mainnet
src/layer2/WrappedLiquidStakedToken.sol0x11476323D8DFCBAFac942588E2f38823d2Dd308eInk Mainnet
src/layer2/L2ExchangeRateProvider.sol0x4aC328C4708DbBDbE42E4BB8602e76B6F4dEE34CInk Mainnet
src/layer2/RateLimiter.sol0x77Cf899591d3258AbC5cFb4Ec3c2b37D4507b0fEInk Mainnet
src/layer2/utils/Oracle.sol0x7D7A470b57C7098DB6F95ab3963cE0A85f64b7c7Ink Mainnet

ZKSync Staked Ether (zkETH)

src/layer2/MultichainLockbox.sol0x96B6AAE5Cdc5B6d2e1aC2EFc46162402F5a868B1Ethereum Mainnet
src/layer2/receivers/L1ZkReceiverETH.sol0x3Be5A22B1B7eBadb8b582Db444cE9e6402E39570Ethereum Mainnet
src/layer2/tokens/ZKSyncLST.sol0x8b73bB0557C151Daa39b6ff556e281e445b296D5ZKSync Era
src/layer2/WrappedLiquidStakedToken.sol0xb72207E1FB50f341415999732A20B6D25d8127aaZKSync Era
src/layer2/L2ExchangeRateProvider.sol0x587fA3e78E5de3ae78524Bd3b3A3763e50e50BA9ZKSync Era
src/layer2/RateLimiter.sol0xC5608A932658b23cA2803e9579ba3577B2B90159ZKSync Era
src/layer2/utils/Oracle.sol0xEf2cb49a39650E58fc0A2EFe379EA619e47BD052ZKSync Era

Flare Staked Ether (flrETH)

src/layer2/old/LiquidStakingTokenLockbox.sol0xaAA55490721b72A3112323FC274e9798796CcE85Ethereum Mainnet
src/layer2/receivers/L1StargateReceiverETH.sol0xc8479412404258054bea08ea2E3855C7Ba3b9434Ethereum Mainnet
src/layer2/tokens/old/LiquidStakingTokenNonNative.sol0x61Ef2d1d8637Dc24e19c2C9dA8f58f6F06C3D31EFlare Mainnet
src/layer2/WrappedLiquidStakedToken.sol0x26A1faB310bd080542DC864647d05985360B16A5Flare Mainnet
src/layer2/L2ExchangeRateProvider.sol0xADC20fb7Bc72243675C7cE72cCe8A1B20e2B0E82Flare Mainnet
src/layer2/RateLimiter.sol0xaAA55490721b72A3112323FC274e9798796CcE85Flare Mainnet
src/layer2/utils/Oracle.sol0xc8479412404258054bea08ea2E3855C7Ba3b9434Flare Mainnet
src/layer2/utils/stargate/StargateAdapter.sol0x7D7A470b57C7098DB6F95ab3963cE0A85f64b7c7Flare Mainnet
src/layer2/utils/stargate/StargateBridgeQuoter.sol0x11476323D8DFCBAFac942588E2f38823d2Dd308eFlare Mainnet

Berachain Staked Ether (beraETH)

src/layer2/LiquidStakingTokenLockbox.sol0x01D265185591d30796c11A6065DD09829F230b3eEthereum Mainnet
src/layer2/receivers/L1StargateReceiverETH.sol0x0128Cf30F7d53b190b3CAEc2193eC5B862E83183Ethereum Mainnet
src/layer2/tokens/old/LiquidStakingTokenNonNative.sol0x3B0145f3CFA64BC66F5742F512f871665309075dBerachain Mainnet
src/layer2/WrappedLiquidStakedToken.sol0x6fc6545d5cDE268D5C7f1e476D444F39c995120dBerachain Mainnet
src/layer2/L2ExchangeRateProvider.sol0xADC20fb7Bc72243675C7cE72cCe8A1B20e2B0E82Berachain Mainnet
src/layer2/RateLimiter.sol0xaAA55490721b72A3112323FC274e9798796CcE85Berachain Mainnet
src/layer2/utils/Oracle.sol0xc8479412404258054bea08ea2E3855C7Ba3b9434Berachain Mainnet
src/layer2/utils/stargate/StargateAdapter.sol0x0fEC62566754E85BafB0dA61f678daD6cb08C292Berachain Mainnet
src/layer2/utils/stargate/StargateBridgeQuoter.sol0xcab283e4bb527Aa9b157Bae7180FeF19E2aaa71aBerachain Mainnet

Orbit Staked Ether (orbETH)

src/layer2/MultichainLockbox.sol0xD20021a84F77f184D626F2F01d50CCB2010Eacb5Ethereum Mainnet
src/layer2/receivers/L1ArbReceiverETH.sol0xaC0D350A18EAFB142c79338a7b723eF8761D8213Ethereum Mainnet
src/layer2/tokens/OrbitLST.sol0x8a6e8E584b415352f7aAef2304945E1772f80378Arbitrum Mainnet
src/layer2/WrappedLiquidStakedToken.sol0xcF6C2bb97a8978321C9e207afE8A2037fa9be45CArbitrum Mainnet
src/layer2/L2ExchangeRateProvider.sol0x273a1d5b0525616d239323E67258c29Afd18fedDArbitrum Mainnet
src/layer2/RateLimiter.sol0xd48b97150bB58Ca01235fC6bE8E1D4Aac29F15c3Arbitrum Mainnet
src/layer2/utils/Oracle.sol0x26A1faB310bd080542DC864647d05985360B16A5Arbitrum Mainnet

Out of scope


  • BridgeQuoter.sol

Vendor Libraries:

  • chainlink
  • solidty-cborutils
  • layerzero
  • layerzero-upgradeable
  • zksync

Additional Context

  • Trusted Roles

    • DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE: Set keeper role in the Oracle contract
    • KEEPER_ROLE: Set Oracle answer
    • SYNC_KEEPER: Execute sync on Layer 2
    • OWNER: Set OApp delegate, peers and update key parameters
    • DELEGATE: Set OApp configuration
  • EIP Specifications:

    • DineroERC20RebaseUpgradeable: Should comply with ERC-20 standard
    • WrappedLiquidStakedToken: Should comply with ERC-20 standard
  • In the event of DOS, we would consider a finding to be valid if it is reproducible for a minimum duration of 4 hours.

Main invariants

  • Setting and updating contract addresses (wLST, peers etc) which are controlled by the OWNER
  • brandedLST.totalSupply should not be greater than pxETH equivalent assets in the lockbox (under collateralization)
  • totalShares
  • totalStaked
  • unsyncedPendingDeposit
  • syncedPendingDeposit
  • pendingDeposit
  • avgAssetsPerShare

Scoping Details

  • If you have a public code repo, please share it here: https://github.com/dinero-protocol/pirex-eth-contracts
  • How many contracts are in scope?: 27
  • Total SLoC for these contracts?: 2776
  • How many external imports are there?: 88
  • How many separate interfaces and struct definitions are there for the contracts within scope?: 16 interfaces & 20 structs
  • Does most of your code generally use composition or inheritance?: Yes, inheritance
  • How many external calls?: 1 - Native bridge call (Arbitrum, Optimism, ZKSync), 2 - LayerZero call (send and quote), 1 Startgate bridge call (sendToken)
  • What is the overall line coverage percentage provided by your tests?: 99.8%
  • Is this an upgrade of an existing system?: No
  • Check all that apply (e.g. timelock, NFT, AMM, ERC20, rollups, etc.): ERC-20
  • Is there a need to understand a separate part of the codebase / get context in order to audit this part of the protocol?:
  • Please describe required context:
  • Does it use an oracle?: Yes - Internal oracle to fetch the assetsPerShare ratio
  • Does it use a side-chain?: Yes
  • Describe any specific areas you would like addressed:


Employees of Dinero Protocol, and employees' family members are ineligible for bounties.