Yeti Finance contest
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 code contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the code contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of Yeti Finance contest smart contract system written in Solidity. The code contest took place between December 16—December 22 2021.


27 Wardens contributed reports to the Yeti Finance contest:

  1. kenzo
  2. jayjonah8
  3. cmichel
  4. hyh
  5. WatchPug (jtp and ming)
  6. UncleGrandpa925
  7. pauliax
  8. dalgarim
  9. csanuragjain
  10. 0x1f8b
  11. heiho1
  12. Jujic
  13. defsec
  14. robee
  15. Ruhum
  16. gzeon
  17. certora
  18. Dravee
  19. shenwilly
  20. p4st13r4 (0xb4bb4 and 0x69e8)
  21. gpersoon
  22. SolidityScan
  23. sirhashalot
  24. cccz
  25. broccolirob

This contest was judged by Alberto Cuesta Cañada.

Final report assembled by captainmango and CloudEllie.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 55 unique vulnerabilities and 129 total findings. All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.

Of these vulnerabilities, 8 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity, 13 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity, and 33 received a risk rating in the category of LOW severity.

C4 analysis also identified 18 non-critical recommendations and 56 gas optimizations.

33 of the findings for this contest relate to a wrapped asset subsystem (and in particular, the WJLP contract) that was noted as experimental, and has subsequently been removed from the Yeti Finance protocol. Of these WJLP / wrapped asset findings, 6 were high risk and 4 were medium risk. At the time of the C4 audit contest launch, this subsystem was known to be not well tested and experimental, as noted in the contest repo; therefore the wardens were advised to consider it as an example only. Because this one contract had an outsized impact on the outcome of this contest, and since it has since been removed, we have organized the report into two sections, separating out the high- and medium-risk findings related to WJLP.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Yeti Finance contest repository, and is composed of 14 smart contracts and includes 4459 source lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities according to a methodology based on OWASP standards.

Vulnerabilities are divided into three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

Further information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website.

High Risk Findings (2)

[H-01] receiveCollateral() can be called by anyone

Submitted by jayjonah8, also found by dalgarim and kenzo


In StabilityPool.sol, the receiveCollateral() function should be called by ActivePool per comments, but anyone can call it passing in _tokens and _amounts args to update stability pool balances.

Proof of Concept

Allow only the ActivePool to call the receiveCollateral() function: require(msg.sender = address(active pool address), “Can only be called by ActivePool”)

kingyetifinance(Yeti finance) confirmed:

@LilYeti: This was also caught by our official auditor, but good catch.

0xtruco (Yeti finance) commented:

Fixed this, #190, #285, already in code

[H-02] Yeti token rebase checks the additional token amount incorrectly

Submitted by hyh


The condition isn’t checked now as the whole balance is used instead of the Yeti tokens bought back from the market. As it’s not checked, the amount added to effectiveYetiTokenBalance during rebase can exceed the actual amount of the Yeti tokens owned by the contract. As the before check amount is calculated as the contract net worth, it can be fixed by immediate buy back, but it will not be the case.

The deficit of Yeti tokens can materialize in net worth terms as well if Yeti tokens price will raise compared to the last used one. In this case users will be cumulatively accounted with the amount of tokens that cannot be actually withdrawn from the contract, as its net holdings will be less then total users’ claims. In other words, the contract will be in default if enough users claim after that.

Proof of Concept

Now the whole balance amount is used instead of the amount bought back from market.

Rebasing amount is added to effectiveYetiTokenBalance, so it should be limited by extra Yeti tokens, not the whole balance:

It looks like only extra tokens should be used for the check, i.e. yetiToken.balance - effectiveYetiTokenBalance.


function rebase() external {
    uint256 yetiTokenBalance = yetiToken.balanceOf(address(this));
    uint256 valueOfContract = _getValueOfContract(yetiTokenBalance);
    uint256 additionalYetiTokenBalance = ...
    if (yetiTokenBalance < additionalYetiTokenBalance) {
            additionalYetiTokenBalance = yetiTokenBalance;
    effectiveYetiTokenBalance = effectiveYetiTokenBalance.add(additionalYetiTokenBalance);
function _getValueOfContract(uint _yetiTokenBalance) internal view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 adjustedYetiTokenBalance = _yetiTokenBalance.sub(effectiveYetiTokenBalance);
    uint256 yusdTokenBalance = yusdToken.balanceOf(address(this));
    return div(lastBuybackPrice.mul(adjustedYetiTokenBalance), (1e18)).add(yusdTokenBalance);

As the _getValueOfContract function isn’t used elsewhere, the logic can be simplified. To be:

function rebase() external {
    uint256 adjustedYetiTokenBalance = (yetiToken.balanceOf(address(this))).sub(effectiveYetiTokenBalance);
    uint256 valueOfContract = _getValueOfContract(adjustedYetiTokenBalance);
    uint256 additionalYetiTokenBalance = ...
    if (additionalYetiTokenBalance > adjustedYetiTokenBalance) {
            additionalYetiTokenBalance = adjustedYetiTokenBalance;
    effectiveYetiTokenBalance = effectiveYetiTokenBalance.add(additionalYetiTokenBalance);
function _getValueOfContract(uint _adjustedYetiTokenBalance) internal view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 yusdTokenBalance = yusdToken.balanceOf(address(this));
    return div(lastBuybackPrice.mul(_adjustedYetiTokenBalance), (1e18)).add(yusdTokenBalance);

kingyetifinance (Yeti finance) disagreed with severity and confirmed:


This is the logic for the fix which we have already done:

if (yetiTokenBalance - effectiveYetiTokenBalance < additionalYetiTokenBalance)

Will look into this again before confirming as fixed to see if it is the same as the suggested error.

0xtruco (Yeti finance) commented:

Medium Risk Findings (09)

[M-01] Wrong lastBuyBackPrice

Submitted by cmichel

The sYETIToken.lastBuyBackPrice is set in buyBack and hardcoded as:

function buyBack(address routerAddress, uint256 YUSDToSell, uint256 YETIOutMin, address[] memory path) external onlyOwner {
    require(YUSDToSell > 0, "Zero amount");
    require(lastBuybackTime + 69 hours < block.timestamp, "Must have 69 hours pass before another buyBack");
    yusdToken.approve(routerAddress, YUSDToSell);
    uint256[] memory amounts = IRouter(routerAddress).swapExactTokensForTokens(YUSDToSell, YETIOutMin, path, address(this), block.timestamp + 5 minutes);
    lastBuybackTime = block.timestamp;
    // amounts[0] is the amount of YUSD that was sold, and amounts[1] is the amount of YETI that was gained in return. So the price is amounts[0] / amounts[1]
    // @audit this hardcoded lastBuybackPrice is wrong when using a different path (think path length 3)
    lastBuybackPrice = div(amounts[0].mul(1e18), amounts[1]);
    emit BuyBackExecuted(YUSDToSell, amounts[0], amounts[1]);

It divides the first and second return amounts of the swap, however, these amounts depend on the swap path parameter that is used by the caller. If a swap path of length 3 is used, then this is obviously wrong. It also assumes that each router sorts the pairs the same way (which is true for Uniswap/Sushiswap).


The lastBuyBackPrice will be wrong when using a different path. This will lead rebases using a different yeti amount and the effectiveYetiTokenBalance being updated wrong.

Verify the first and last element of the path are YETI/YUSD and use the first and last amount parameter.

kingyetifinance (Yeti finance) confirmed and disagreed with severity

@LilYeti: The idea was that on launch we will likely use a curve pool to route through so this contract would change slightly. However it is valid and some more checks would be good to add. Moving to level 1 issue.

alcueca (Judge) commented:

A medium severity rating is warranted.

Submitted by defsec, also found by hyh and WatchPug


The latestRoundData function in the contract PriceFeed.sol fetches the asset price from a Chainlink aggregator using the latestRoundData function. However, there are no checks on roundID.

Stale prices could put funds at risk. According to Chainlink’s documentation, This function does not error if no answer has been reached but returns 0, causing an incorrect price fed to the PriceOracle. The external Chainlink oracle, which provides index price information to the system, introduces risk inherent to any dependency on third-party data sources. For example, the oracle could fall behind or otherwise fail to be maintained, resulting in outdated data being fed to the index price calculations of the liquidity.

Example Medium Issue :

Proof of Concept

  1. Navigate to the following contract.

  1. Only the following checks are implemented.
    if (!_response.success) {return true;}
    // Check for an invalid roundId that is 0
    if (_response.roundId == 0) {return true;}
    // Check for an invalid timeStamp that is 0, or in the future
    if (_response.timestamp == 0 || _response.timestamp > block.timestamp) {return true;}
    // Check for non-positive price
    if (_response.answer <= 0) {return true;}

Consider to add checks on the return data with proper revert messages if the price is stale or the round is incomplete, for example:

(uint80 roundID, int256 price, , uint256 timeStamp, uint80 answeredInRound) = ETH_CHAINLINK.latestRoundData();
require(price > 0, "Chainlink price <= 0"); 
require(answeredInRound >= roundID, "...");
require(timeStamp != 0, "...");

kingyetifinance (Yeti finance) confirmed:


[M-03] Unwhitelisted token can cause disaster

Submitted by csanuragjain


Contract instability and financial loss. This will happen if one of the allowed contract calls sendCollaterals with non whitelisted token (may happen with user input on allowed contract)

Proof of Concept

  1. Navigate to contract at
  2. Assume sendCollaterals function is called by one of allowed contract with a non whitelisted token and amount as 1
function sendCollaterals(address _to, address[] memory _tokens, uint[] memory _amounts) external override returns (bool) {
    require(_tokens.length == _amounts.length);
    for (uint i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) {
        _sendCollateral(_to, _tokens[i], _amounts[i]); // reverts if send fails

    if (_needsUpdateCollateral(_to)) {
        ICollateralReceiver(_to).receiveCollateral(_tokens, _amounts);
    return true;
  1. This calls _sendCollateral with our non whitelisted token and amount as 1
function _sendCollateral(address _to, address _collateral, uint _amount) internal returns (bool) {
    uint index = whitelist.getIndex(_collateral);
    poolColl.amounts[index] = poolColl.amounts[index].sub(_amount);
    bool sent = IERC20(_collateral).transfer(_to, _amount);

    emit ActivePoolBalanceUpdated(_collateral, _amount);
    emit CollateralSent(_collateral, _to, _amount);
  1. whitelist.getIndex(_collateral); will return 0 as our collateral is not whitelisted and will not be present in whitelist.getIndex(_collateral);. This means index will point to whitelisted collateral at index 0
  2. poolColl.amounts[index] will get updated for whitelisted collateral at index 0 even though this collateral was never meant to be updated
poolColl.amounts[index] = poolColl.amounts[index].sub(_amount);
  1. Finally our non supported token gets transferred to recipient and since _needsUpdateCollateral is true so recipient poolColl.amounts gets increased even though recipient never received the whitelisted collateral
  2. Finally sender pool amount will be reduced even though it has the whitelisted collateral and recipient pool amount will be increased even though it does not have whitelisted collateral

Add a check to see if collateral to be transferred is whitelisted

kingyetifinance (Yeti finance) disputed:

@LilYeti: Thanks for the thorough run through. It is true, but this is abstracted away, all calls of sendCollateral are internal / between contracts in our codebase, and there are checks for valid collateral in whitelist before this.

alcueca (Judge) commented:

Validating data integrity outside a function inside the same contract would be a low severity. Validating data integrity in an external contract is medium severity. Many things can go wrong.

[M-04] Out of gas.

Submitted by Jujic, also found by gzeon

There is no upper limit on poolColl.tokens[], it increments each time when a new collateral is added. Eventually, as the count of collateral increases, gas cost of smart contract calls will raise and that there is no implemented function to reduce the array size.


For every call getVC() function which computed contain the VC value of a given collateralAddress is listed in poolColl.tokens[] array, the gas consumption can be more expensive each time that a new collateral address is appended to the array, until reaching an “Out of Gas” error or a “Block Gas Limit” in the worst scenario.

Proof of Concept

Tools Used


Array’s length should be checked.

kingyetifinance (Yeti finance) confirmed and disagreed with severity:

@LilYeti: This is a known problem, and we are yet to test the upper limits of the contracts as is. Not sure how more theoretical issues like these are scored, but I would agree with that it is a medium to high risk based on how likely it is to happen * the potential effects. The worst possible outcome is that funds are locked in the protocol because it costs too much gas to do a withdrawal. We are still doing analysis on this, judges do what you want with this information. We would actually recommend it be a severity level 2, but it does have high potential risk.

[M-05] Reentrancy in contracts/BorrowerOperations.sol

Submitted by heiho1, also found by jayjonah8


There are several potential re-entrant functions in contracts/BorrowerOperations.sol:

=> Function addColl() on line 346 is potentially re-entrant as it is external but has no re-entrancy guard declared. This function invokes _adjustTrove() which potentially impacts user debt, collateral top-ups or withdrawals.

  • Same applies to

-- withdrawColl() on line 373 -- withdrawYUSD() on line 389 -- repayYUSD() on line 406 -- adjustTrove() on line 420

=> Function openTrove() on line 207 is potentially re-entrant as it is external but has no re-entrancy guard declared. This function invokes _openTroveInternal() which potentially impacts trove creation, YUSD withdrawals and YUSD gas compensation.

=> Function closeTrove() on line 628 is potentially re-entrant as it is external but has no re-entrancy guard declared. This function invokes troveManagerCached.removeStake(msg.sender) and troveManagerCached.closeTrove(msg.sender) impacting outcomes like debt, rewards and trove ownership.

Proof of Concept

Tools Used


Potential solution is a re-entrancy guard similar to

[M-06] Collateral parameters can be overwritten

Submitted by cmichel, also found by csanuragjain and gzeon

It’s possible to repeatedly add the first collateral token in validCollateral through the Whitelist.addCollateral function. The validCollateral[0] != _collateral check will return false and skip further checks.


Owner calls addCollateral(collateral=validCollateral[0]):

function addCollateral(
    address _collateral,
    uint256 _minRatio,
    address _oracle,
    uint256 _decimals,
    address _priceCurve, 
    bool _isWrapped
) external onlyOwner {
    // If collateral list is not 0, and if the 0th index is not equal to this collateral,
    // then if index is 0 that means it is not set yet.
    // @audit evaluates validCollateral[0] != validCollateral[0] which is obv. false => skips require check
    if (validCollateral.length != 0 && validCollateral[0] != _collateral) {
        require(collateralParams[_collateral].index == 0, "collateral already exists");

    // overwrites parameters
    collateralParams[_collateral] = CollateralParams(
        validCollateral.length - 1, 


The collateral parameters collateralParams are re-initialized which can break the existing accounting. The collateral token also exists multiple times in validCollateral.

Fix the check. It should be something like:

if (validCollateral.length > 0) {
    require(collateralParams[_collateral].index == 0 && validCollateral[0] != _collateral, "collateral already exists");

[M-07] Cannot use most piecewise linear functions with current implementation

Submitted by cmichel

The ThreePieceWiseLinearPriceCurve.adjustParams function uses three functions f1, f2, f3 where y_i = f_i(x_i). It computes the y-axis intersect (b2 = f_2(0), b3 = f_3(0)) for each of these but uses unsigned integers for this, which means these values cannot become negative. This rules out a whole class of functions, usually the ones that are desirable.


Check out this two-piece linear interest curve of Aave:

Aave The intersection of the second steep straight line with the y-axis b_2 = f_2(0) would be negative.

Example: Imagine a curve that is flat at 10% on the first 50% utilization but shoots up to 110% at 100% utilization.

  • m1 = 0, b1 = 10%, cutoff1 = 50%
  • m2 = 200% => b2 = m1 * cutoff1 + b1 - m2 * cutoff1 = f1(cutoff1) - m2 * cutoff1 = 10% - 200% * 50% = 10% - 100% = -90%. (f2(100%) = 200% * 100% - 90% = 110% ✅)

This function would revert in the b2 computation as it underflows due to being a negative value.


Most curves that are actually desired for a lending platform (becoming steeper at higher utilization) cannot be used.

Evaluate the piecewise linear function in a different way that does not require computing the y-axis intersection value. For example, for cutoff2 >= x > cutoff1, use f(x) = f_1(cutoff) + f_2(x - cutoff). See Compound.

kingyetifinance (Yeti finance) confirmed:

@LilYeti: Great find.

0xtruco (Yeti finance) commented:

Resolved in by adding negative possibility

[M-08] Wrong comment in getFee

Submitted by cmichel

The ThreePieceWiseLinearPriceCurve.getFee comment states that the total + the input must be less than the cap:

If dollarCap == 0, then it is not capped. Otherwise, then the total + the total input must be less than the cap.

The code only checks if the input is less than the cap:

// @param _collateralVCInput is how much collateral is being input by the user into the system
if (dollarCap != 0) {
    require(_collateralVCInput <= dollarCap, "Collateral input exceeds cap");

Clarify the desired behavior and reconcile the code with the comments.

kingyetifinance (Yeti finance) confirmed and disagreed with severity:

@LilYeti: This was an issue also found by one of our independent economic auditors. Good find. Is actually more like a medium (severity 2) issue.

0xtruco (Yeti finance) commented:

Fixed in line 92

[M-09] Fee not decayed if past decayTime

Submitted by cmichel

The ThreePieceWiseLinearPriceCurve.calculateDecayedFee function is supposed to decay the lastFeePercent over time. This is correctly done in the decay > 0 && decay < decayTime case, but for the decay > decayTime case it does not decay at all but should set it to 0 instead..

if (decay > 0 && decay < decayTime) {
    // @audit if decay is close to decayTime, this fee will be zero. but below it'll be 1. the more time passes, the higher the decay. but then decay > decayTime should return 0.
    fee = lastFeePercent.sub(lastFeePercent.mul(decay).div(decayTime));
} else {
    fee = lastFeePercent;

It seems wrong to handle the decay == 0 case (decay happened in same block) the same way as the decay >= decayTime case (decay happened long time ago) as is done in the else branch. I believe it should be like this instead:

// decay == 0 case should be full lastFeePercent
if(decay < decayTime) {
    fee = lastFeePercent.sub(lastFeePercent.mul(decay).div(decayTime));
} else {
    // reset to zero if decay >= decayTime
    fee = 0;

kingyetifinance (Yeti finance) confirmed:

@LilYeti: Good find. The fee would be reset to not 0 in this case.

0xtruco (Yeti finance) commented:

Resolved in

Low Risk Findings (33)

Non-Critical Findings (17)

Gas Optimizations (56)

WJLP / Wrapped Assets

Because a significant number of findings in this contest relate to a wrapped asset subsystem (and in particular, the WJLP contract) that has subsequently been removed from the Yeti Finance protocol, we have listed these findings separately in this report. At the time of the C4 audit contest launch, this subsystem was known to be not well tested and experimental, as noted in the contest repo; therefore the wardens were advised to consider it as an example only.

Of these WJLP / wrapped asset findings, 6 were high risk and 4 were medium risk.

High Risk WJLP/Wrapped Assets Findings (6)

[WH-01] _from and _to can be the same address on wrap() function

Submitted by jayjonah8


In WJLP.sol, the wrap() function pulls in _amount base tokens from _from, then stakes them to mint WAssets which it sends to _to. It then updates _rewardOwner’s reward tracking such that it now has the right to future yields from the newly minted WAssets. But the function does not make sure that _from and _to are not the same address and failure to make this check in functions with transfer functionality has lead to severe bugs in other protocols since users rewards are updated on such transfers this can be used to manipulate the system.

Proof of Concept

require(address(_from) != address(_to), ”_from and _to cannot be the same”)

kingyetifinance (Yeti finance) confirmed:

@LilYeti : Originally disputed since we had different wJLP on our main where this is already removed. part of this functionality is intended but the ability to frontrun the approve / wrap call is where the liability is.

[WH-02] WJLP will continue accruing rewards after user has unwrapped his tokens

Submitted by kenzo

WJLP doesn’t update the inner accounting (for JOE rewards) when unwrapping user’s tokens. The user will continue to receive rewards, on the expanse of users who haven’t claimed their rewards yet.


Loss of yield for users.

Proof of Concept

The unwrap function just withdraws JLP from MasterChefJoe, burns the user’s WJLP, and sends the JLP back to the user. It does not update the inner accounting (userInfo). (Code ref)

    function unwrapFor(address _to, uint _amount) external override {
        _MasterChefJoe.withdraw(_poolPid, _amount);
        // msg.sender is either Active Pool or Stability Pool
        // each one has the ability to unwrap and burn WAssets they own and
        // send them to someone else
        _burn(msg.sender, _amount);
        JLP.transfer(_to, _amount);

Need to keep userInfo updated. Have to take into consideration the fact that user can choose to set the reward claiming address to be a different account than the one that holds the WJLP.

kingyetifinance (Yeti finance) disagreed with severity and confirmed

@LilYeti : Due to the specific issue mentioned here, it is actually different than #141 . If indeed the token is transferred before sending it to the protocol, it will be accepted as collateral but will never be able to leave the system, via liquidation, redemption, and should not have been able to leave except the flawed implementation of unwrap for in borrower operations allows this to be withdrawn. Large error nonetheless, recommend upgrading to severity 3.

[WH-03] WJLP loses unclaimed rewards when updating user’s rewards

Submitted by kenzo, also found by UncleGrandpa925

After updating user’s rewards in _userUpdate, if the user has not claimed them, and _userUpdate is called again (eg. on another wrap), the user’s unclaimed rewards will lose the previous unclaimed due to wrong calculation.


Loss of yield for user.

Proof of Concept

When updating the user’s unclaimedJoeReward, the function doesn’t save it’s previous value. (Code ref)

        if (user.amount > 0) {
            user.unclaimedJOEReward = user.amount.mul(accJoePerShare).div(1e12).sub(user.rewardDebt);
        if (_isDeposit) {
            user.amount = user.amount.add(_amount);
        } else {
            user.amount = user.amount.sub(_amount);
        // update for JOE rewards that are already accounted for in user.unclaimedJOEReward
        user.rewardDebt = user.amount.mul(accJoePerShare).div(1e12);

So for example, rewards can be lost in the following scenario. We’ll mark “acc1” for the value of “accJoePerShare” at step 1.

  1. User Zebulun wraps 100 tokens. After _userUpdate is called: unclaimedJOEReward = 0, rewardDebt = 100*acc1.
  2. Zebulun wraps 50 tokens: unclaimedJOEReward = 100acc2 - 100acc1, rewardDebt = 150 * acc2.
  3. Zebulun wraps 1 token: unclaimedJOEReward = 150acc3 - 150acc2, rewardDebt = 151*acc3

So in the last step, Zebulun’s rewards only take into account the change in accJoePerShare in steps 2-3, and lost the unclaimed rewards from steps 1-2.

Change the unclaimed rewards calculation to:

user.unclaimedJOEReward = user.unclaimedJOEReward.add(user.amount.mul(accJoePerShare).div(1e12).sub(user.rewardDebt));

kingyetifinance (Yeti finance) disagreed with severity and confirmed:

@LilYeti : Probably severity 3 due to loss of allocation of funds for other users wrapping LP tokens.

0xtruco (Yeti finance) disputed:

Actually not a problem, the accrued reward is updated as time goes on and should be overridden. Follows same logic from Master chef v2 here:

alcueca (Judge) commented:

@0xtruco, are you sure of what you are saying? To me the issue seems to still exist. Could you elaborate?

0xtruco (Yeti finance) confirmed:

@alcueca Yes you are correct this actually is an issue. I initially thought that we were harvesting rewards just like TJ when users wrapped tokens but turns out that line is not there. This is in the new version of our code but was not in the version submitted at the time of the contest. Thanks for looking into it more! Back to high risk.

[WH-04] Wrapped JLP can be stolen

Submitted by cmichel, also found by kenzo, pauliax, and WatchPug

The WJLP.wrap function accepts a from parameter and a to parameter. The tokens are transferred from the from account to the to account:

function wrap(uint _amount, address _from, address _to, address _rewardOwner) external override {
    // @audit can frontrun and steal => use from=victim, to=attacker
    JLP.transferFrom(_from, address(this), _amount);
    JLP.approve(address(_MasterChefJoe), _amount);

    // stake LP tokens in Trader Joe's.
    // In process of depositing, all this contract's
    // accumulated JOE rewards are sent into this contract
    _MasterChefJoe.deposit(_poolPid, _amount);

    // update user reward tracking
    _userUpdate(_rewardOwner, _amount, true);
    _mint(_to, _amount);

When a user wants to wrap their JLP tokens, they first need to approve the contracts with their token and in a second transaction call the wrap function. However, an attacker can frontrun the actual wrap function and call their own wrap(from=victim, to=attacker) which will make the victim pay with their approved tokens but the WJLP are minted to the attacker.


WJLP tokens can be stolen.

Always transfer from msg.sender instead of using a caller-provided from parameter.

[WH-05] ActivePool unwraps but does not update user state in WJLP

Submitted by cmichel, also found by UncleGrandpa925

Calling WJLP.unwrap burns WJLP, withdraws the amount from the master chef and returns the same amount of JLP back to the to address. However, it does not update the internal accounting in WJLP with a _userUpdate call.

This needs to be done on the caller side according to the comment in the WJLP.unwrap function:

“Prior to this being called, the user whose assets we are burning should have their rewards updated”

This happens when being called from the StabilityPool but not when being called from the ActivePool.sendCollateralsUnwrap:

function sendCollateralsUnwrap(address _to, address[] memory _tokens, uint[] memory _amounts, bool _collectRewards) external override returns (bool) {
    require(_tokens.length == _amounts.length);
    for (uint i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) {
        if (whitelist.isWrapped(_tokens[i])) {
            // @audit this burns the tokens for _to but does not reduce their amount. so there are no tokens in WJLP masterchef but can keep claiming
            IWAsset(_tokens[i]).unwrapFor(_to, _amounts[i]);
            if (_collectRewards) {
        } else {
            _sendCollateral(_to, _tokens[i], _amounts[i]); // reverts if send fails
    return true;


The unwrapFor call withdraws the tokens from the Masterchef and pays out the user, but their user balance is never decreased by the withdrawn amount. They can still use their previous balance to claim rewards through WJLP.claimReward which updated their unclaimed joe reward according to the old balance. Funds from the WJLP pool can be stolen.

As the comment says, make sure the user is updated before each unwrap call. It might be easier and safer to have a second authorized unwrapFor function that accepts a rewardOwner parameter, the user that needs to be updated.

kingyetifinance (Yeti finance) confirmed:

@LilYeti : This is indeed an issue which would cause loss of rewards from wrapper contract usage.

[WH-06] Liquidation can be escaped by depositing a WJLP with _rewardOwner != _borrower

Submitted by WatchPug

_updateWAssetsRewardOwner(collsToUpdate, _borrower, yetiFinanceTreasury);

In _liquidateNormalMode(), WAsset rewards for collToRedistribute will accrue to Yeti Finance Treasury, However, if a borrower wrap WJLP and set _rewardOwner to other address, _updateWAssetsRewardOwner() will fail due to failure of IWAsset(token).updateReward().

function wrap(uint _amount, address _from, address _to, address _rewardOwner) external override {
    JLP.transferFrom(_from, address(this), _amount);
    JLP.approve(address(_MasterChefJoe), _amount);

    // stake LP tokens in Trader Joe's.
    // In process of depositing, all this contract's
    // accumulated JOE rewards are sent into this contract
    _MasterChefJoe.deposit(_poolPid, _amount);

    // update user reward tracking
    _userUpdate(_rewardOwner, _amount, true);
    _mint(_to, _amount);


  1. Alice wrap() some JLP to WJLP and set _rewardOwner to another address;
  2. Alice deposited WJLP as a collateral asset and borrowed the max amount of YUSD;
  3. When the liquidator tries to call batchLiquidateTroves() when Alice defaulted, the transaction will fail.


Consider checking if the user have sufficient reward amount to the balance of collateral in BorrowerOperations.sol#_transferCollateralsIntoActivePool().

Medium Risk WJLP/Wrapped Assets Findings (4)

[WM-01] WJLP contract doesn’t check for JOE and JLP token transfers success

Submitted by hyh


Transactions will not be reverted on failed transfer call, setting system state as if it was successful. This will lead to wrong state accounting down the road with a wide spectrum of possible consequences.

Proof of Concept

_safeJoeTransfer do not check for JOE.transfer call success:

_safeJoeTransfer is called by _sendJoeReward, which is used in reward claiming.

JOE token use transfer from OpenZeppelin ERC20:

Which does return success code:

Trader Joe also uses checked transfer when dealing with JOE tokens:

Also, unwrapFor do not check for JLP.transfer call success:

Add a require() check for the success of JOE transfer in _safeJoeTransfer function and create and use a similar function with the same check for JLP token transfers

kingyetifinance (Yeti finance) confirmed

[WM-02] Reward not transferred correctly

Submitted by csanuragjain, also found by hyh and jayjonah8


Monetary loss for user

Proof of Concept

  1. Navigate to contract at
  2. Let us see _sendJoeReward function
function _sendJoeReward(address _rewardOwner, address _to) internal {
        // harvests all JOE that the WJLP contract is owed
        _MasterChefJoe.withdraw(_poolPid, 0);

        // updates user.unclaimedJOEReward with latest data from TJ
        _userUpdate(_rewardOwner, 0, true);

        uint joeToSend = userInfo[_rewardOwner].unclaimedJOEReward;
        userInfo[_rewardOwner].unclaimedJOEReward = 0;
        _safeJoeTransfer(_to, joeToSend);
  1. Lets say user reward are calculated to be 100 so _safeJoeTransfer is called with joeToSend as 100. Also user remaining reward becomes 0
  2. Let us see _safeJoeTransfer function
function _safeJoeTransfer(address _to, uint256 _amount) internal {
        uint256 joeBal = JOE.balanceOf(address(this));
        if (_amount > joeBal) {
            JOE.transfer(_to, joeBal);
        } else {
            JOE.transfer(_to, _amount);
  1. If the reward balance left in this contract is 90 then _safeJoeTransfer will pass if condition and contract will transfer 90 amount. Thus user incur a loss of 100-90=10 amount (his remaining reward are already set to 0)

If the reward balance is lower than user balance then contract must transfer reward balance in contract and make remaining user reward balance as ( user reward balance - contract reward balance )

kingyetifinance (Yeti finance) disagreed with severity:

@LilYeti: In #61 it has description and explanation why should be severity 1.

alcueca (Judge) commented:

From #61:

@LilYeti : MasterChef is a decently well trusted contract and all JLP rewards are distributed there. Fundamentally the number should not be off by any, if any will be dust, and this exists to protect in the worst case so at least some users can get JOE out. However it is a backstop and extra safety measure. In #137 the reward being off by 10 would require an additional bug somewhere else, or a failure of MasterChef.

[WM-03] Unused WJLP can’t be simply unwrapped

Submitted by kenzo

WJLP can only be unwrapped from the Active Pool or Stability Pool. A user who decided to wrap his JLP, but not use all of them in a trove, Wouldn’t be able to just unwrap them.


Impaired functionality for users. Would have to incur fees for simple unwrapping.

Proof of Concept

The unwrap functionality is only available from unwrapFor function, and that function is only callable from AP or SP. (Code ref)

function unwrapFor(address _to, uint _amount) external override {

Allow anybody to call the function. As it will burn the holder’s WJLP, a user could only unwrap tokens that are not in use.

kingyetifinance (Yeti finance) confirmed

Added unwrap function

[WM-04] ActivePool does not update rewards before unwrapping wrapped asset

Submitted by kenzo

When ActivePool sends collateral which is a wrapped asset, it first unwraps the asset, and only after that updates the rewards. This should be done in opposite order. As a comment in WJLP’s unwrapFor rightfully mentions - “Prior to this being called, the user whose assets we are burning should have their rewards updated”.


Lost yield for user.

Proof of Concept

In ActivePool’s sendCollateralsUnwrap (which is used throughout the protocol), it firsts unwraps the asset, and only afterwards calls claimRewardFor which will update the rewards: (Code ref)

IWAsset(_tokens[i]).unwrapFor(_to, _amounts[i]);
if (_collectRewards) {

claimRewardFor will end up calling _userUpdate: (Code ref)

function _userUpdate(address _user, uint256 _amount, bool _isDeposit) private returns (uint pendingJoeSent) {
    uint256 accJoePerShare = _MasterChefJoe.poolInfo(_poolPid).accJoePerShare;
    UserInfo storage user = userInfo[_user];
    if (user.amount > 0) {
        user.unclaimedJOEReward = user.amount.mul(accJoePerShare).div(1e12).sub(user.rewardDebt);
    if (_isDeposit) {
        user.amount = user.amount.add(_amount);
    } else {
        user.amount = user.amount.sub(_amount);
    user.rewardDebt = user.amount.mul(accJoePerShare).div(1e12);

Now, as ActivePool has already called unwrapFor and has burnt the user’s tokens, and let’s assume they all were used as collateral, it means user.amount=0*, and the user’s unclaimedJOEReward won’t get updated to reflect the rewards from the last user update. This is why, indeed as the comment in unwrapFor says, user’s reward should be updated prior to that.

*Note: at the moment unwrapFor doesn’t updates the user’s user.amount, but as I detailed in another issue, that’s a bug, as that means the user will continue accruing rewards even after his JLP were removed from the protocol.

Change the order of operations in sendCollateralsUnwrap to first send the updated rewards and then unwrap the asset. You can also consider adding to the beginning of unwrapFor a call to _userUpdate(_to, 0, true) to make sure the rewards are updated before unwrapping. Note: as user can choose to have JOE rewards accrue to a different address than the address that uses WJLP as collateral, you’ll have to make sure you update the current accounts. I’ll detail this in another issue.

kingyetifinance (Yeti finance) confirmed:

@LilYeti: Thanks for the thorough explanation.


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C4 Contests incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Contest submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

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