JPEG'd contest
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the JPEG’d smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit contest took place between April 7—April 13 2022.


66 Wardens contributed reports to the JPEG’d contest:

  1. cmichel
  2. hickuphh3
  3. rayn
  4. WatchPug
  5. Dravee
  6. TrungOre
  7. berndartmueller
  8. Kenshin
  9. minhquanym
  10. AuditsAreUS
  11. 0xDjango
  12. IllIllI
  13. cccz
  14. Jujic
  15. hyh
  16. pedroais
  17. Kthere
  18. Foundation (HardlyDifficult and batu)
  19. 0x1f8b
  20. PPrieditis
  21. robee
  22. Meta0xNull
  23. rfa
  24. 0xkatana
  25. TerrierLover
  26. Cr4ckM3
  27. ilan
  28. Funen
  29. JMukesh
  30. catchup
  31. kenta
  32. kebabsec (okkothejawa and FlameHorizon)
  33. ellahi
  34. Hawkeye (0xwags and 0xmint)
  35. Cityscape
  36. horsefacts
  37. delfin454000
  38. Picodes
  39. smiling_heretic
  40. Wayne
  41. Ruhum
  42. reassor
  43. hubble (ksk2345 and shri4net)
  44. saian
  45. JC
  46. dy
  47. pauliax
  48. samruna
  49. jayjonah8
  50. Tomio
  51. 0xNazgul
  52. 0v3rf10w
  53. securerodd
  54. FSchmoede
  55. slywaters
  56. rokinot
  57. nahnah
  58. sorrynotsorry
  59. dirk_y
  60. defsec
  61. joshie
  62. peritoflores

This contest was judged by LSDan.

Final report assembled by liveactionllama.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 20 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 9 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 11 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 42 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 38 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 JPEG’d contest repository, and is composed of 14 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 3,118 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities according to a methodology based on OWASP standards.

Vulnerabilities are divided into three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

Further information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website.

High Risk Findings (9)

[H-01] yVault: First depositor can break minting of shares

Submitted by hickuphh3, also found by 0xDjango, berndartmueller, cmichel, hyh, and WatchPug


The attack vector and impact is the same as TOB-YEARN-003, where users may not receive shares in exchange for their deposits if the total asset amount has been manipulated through a large “donation”.

Proof of Concept

  • Attacker deposits 1 wei to mint 1 share
  • Attacker transfers exorbitant amount to the StrategyPUSDConvex contract to greatly inflate the share’s price. Note that the strategy deposits its entire balance into Convex when its deposit() function is called.
  • Subsequent depositors instead have to deposit an equivalent sum to avoid minting 0 shares. Otherwise, their deposits accrue to the attacker who holds the only share.

Insert this test into yVault.ts.

it.only("will cause 0 share issuance", async () => {
  // mint 10k + 1 wei tokens to user1
  // mint 10k tokens to owner
  let depositAmount = units(10_000);
  await, depositAmount.add(1));
  await, depositAmount);
  // token approval to yVault
  await token.connect(user1).approve(yVault.address, 1);
  await token.connect(owner).approve(yVault.address, depositAmount);
  // 1. user1 mints 1 wei = 1 share
  await yVault.connect(user1).deposit(1);
  // 2. do huge transfer of 10k to strategy
  // to greatly inflate share price (1 share = 10k + 1 wei)
  await token.connect(user1).transfer(strategy.address, depositAmount);
  // 3. owner deposits 10k
  await yVault.connect(owner).deposit(depositAmount);
  // receives 0 shares in return
  expect(await yVault.balanceOf(owner.address)).to.equal(0);

  // user1 withdraws both his and owner's deposits
  // total amt: 20k + 1 wei
  await expect(() => yVault.connect(user1).withdrawAll())
    .to.changeTokenBalance(token, user1, depositAmount.mul(2).add(1));

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) confirmed, but disagreed with High severity

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) resolved and commented:

Fixed in jpegd/core#16.

[H-02] Existing user’s locked JPEG could be overwritten by new user, causing permanent loss of JPEG funds

Submitted by hickuphh3, also found by 0x1f8b, AuditsAreUS, Foundation, Kthere, Meta0xNull, rayn, and WatchPug


A user’s JPEG lock schedule can be overwritten by another user’s if he (the other user) submits and finalizes a proposal to change the same NFT index’s value.

The existing user will be unable to withdraw his locked JPEGs, resulting in permanent lock up of JPEG in the locker contract.

Proof of Concept

  1. user successfully proposes and finalizes a proposal to change his NFT’s collateral value
  2. Another user (owner) does the same for the same NFT index
  3. user will be unable to withdraw his locked JPEG because schedule has been overwritten

Insert this test case into NFTVault.ts.

it.only("will overwrite existing user's JPEG lock schedule", async () => {
  // 0. setup
  const index = 7000;
  await, index);
  await nftVault
    .setPendingNFTValueETH(index, units(50));
  await jpeg.transfer(user.address, units(150000));
  await jpeg.connect(user).approve(locker.address, units(500000));
  await jpeg.connect(owner).approve(locker.address, units(500000));

  // 1. user has JPEG locked for finalization
  await nftVault.connect(user).finalizePendingNFTValueETH(index);

  // 2. owner submit proposal to further increase NFT value
  await nftVault
    .setPendingNFTValueETH(index, units(100));
  // 3. owner finalizes, has JPEG locked
  await nftVault.connect(owner).finalizePendingNFTValueETH(index);

  // user schedule has been overwritten
  let schedule = await locker.positions(index);

  // user tries to unstake
  // wont be able to because schedule was overwritten
  await timeTravel(days(366));
  await expect(locker.connect(user).unlock(index))"unauthorized");
  1. Release the tokens of the existing schedule. Simple and elegant.
// in JPEGLock#lockFor()
LockPosition memory existingPosition = positions[_nftIndex];
if (existingPosition.owner != address(0)) {
  // release jpegs to existing owner
  jpeg.safeTransfer(existingPosition.owner, existingPosition.lockAmount);
  1. Revert in finalizePendingNFTValueETH() there is an existing lock schedule. This is less desirable IMO, as there is a use-case for increasing / decreasing the NFT value.

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) confirmed

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) resolved and commented:

Fixed in jpegd/core#3.

[H-03] Update initializer modifier to prevent reentrancy during initialization

Submitted by Dravee


The solution uses:

    "@openzeppelin/contracts": "^4.0.0",
    "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable": "^4.3.2",

These dependencies have a known high severity vulnerability:

Which makes these contracts vulnerable:

  19:     function initialize(address punksAddress) external initializer {

  19:     function initialize(address rocksAddress) external initializer {

  21:     function initialize(IERC20Upgradeable _jpeg) external initializer {

  71:     ) external initializer {

  149:     ) external initializer {

Upgrade @openzeppelin/contracts and @openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable to version 4.4.1 or higher.

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) confirmed, but disagreed with High severity

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) resolved and commented:

Fixed in jpegd/core#11.

[H-04] Reentrancy issue in yVault.deposit

Submitted by cmichel


In deposit, the balance is cached and then a token.transferFrom is triggered which can lead to exploits if the token is a token that gives control to the sender, like ERC777 tokens.

Proof of Concept

Initial state: balance() = 1000, shares supply = 1000. Depositing 1000 amount should mint 1000 supply, but one can split the 1000 amounts into two 500 deposits and use re-entrancy to profit.

  • Outer deposit(500): balanceBefore = 1000. Control is given to attacker …
  • Inner deposit(500): balanceBefore = 1000. shares = (_amount * supply) / balanceBefore = 500 * 1000 / 1000 = 500 shares are minted …
  • Outer deposit(500) continues with the mint: shares = (_amount * supply) / balanceBefore = 500 * 1500 / 1000 = 750 are minted.
  • Withdrawing the 500 + 750 = 1250 shares via withdraw(1250), the attacker receives backingTokens = (balance() * _shares) / supply = 2000 * 1250 / 2250 = 1111.111111111. The attacker makes a profit of 1111 - 1000 = 111 tokens.
  • They repeat the attack until the vault is drained.

The safeTransferFrom should be the last call in deposit.

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) confirmed

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) resolved and commented:

Fixed in jpegd/core#19.

[H-05] yVaultLPFarming: No guarantee JPEG currentBalance > previousBalance

Submitted by hickuphh3


yVault users participating in the farm have to trust that:

  • vault.balanceOfJPEG() returns the correct claimable JPEG amount by its strategy / strategies
  • the strategy / strategies will send all claimable JPEG to the farm

Should either of these assumptions break, then it could possibly be the case that currentBalance is less than previousBalance, causing deposits and crucially, withdrawals to fail due to subtraction overflow.

Proof of Concept

For instance,

  • Farm migration occurs. A new farm is set in yVault, then withdrawJPEG() is called, which sends funds to the new farm. Users of the old farm would be unable to withdraw their deposits.
it.only("will revert old farms' deposits and withdrawals if yVault migrates farm", async () => {
  // 0. setup
  await, units(1000));
  await token.approve(yVault.address, units(1000));
  await yVault.depositAll();
  await yVault.approve(lpFarming.address, units(1000));
  // send some JPEG to strategy prior to deposit
  await, units(100));
  // deposit twice, so that the second deposit will invoke _update()
  await lpFarming.deposit(units(250));
  await lpFarming.deposit(units(250));
  // 1. change farm and call withdrawJPEG()
  await yVault.setFarmingPool(user1.address);
  await yVault.withdrawJPEG();
  // deposit and withdrawal will fail
  await expect(lpFarming.deposit(units(500)))'reverted with panic code 0x11 (Arithmetic operation underflowed or overflowed outside of an unchecked block)');
  await expect(lpFarming.withdraw(units(500)))'reverted with panic code 0x11 (Arithmetic operation underflowed or overflowed outside of an unchecked block)');
  • Strategy migration occurs, but JPEG funds held by the old strategy were not claimed, causing vault.balanceOfJPEG() to report a smaller amount than previously recorded
  • jpeg could be accidentally included in the StrategyConfig, resulting in JPEG being converted to other assets
  • A future implementation takes a fee on the jpeg to be claimed

A simple fix would be to return if currentBalance ≤ previousBalance. A full fix would properly handle potential shortfall.

if (currentBalance <= previousBalance) return;

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) confirmed, but disagreed with High severity and commented:

The issue can be reproduced, but due to the extremely specific cases in which this happens the severity should be lowered to 2.

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) resolved and commented:

Fixed in jpegd/core#7.

LSDan (judge) commented:

I disagree with the sponsor. This is high risk.

[H-06] Setting new controller can break YVaultLPFarming

Submitted by cmichel


The accruals in yVaultLPFarming will fail if currentBalance < previousBalance in _computeUpdate.

currentBalance = vault.balanceOfJPEG() + jpeg.balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 newRewards = currentBalance - previousBalance;

No funds can be withdrawn anymore as the withdraw functions first trigger an _update.

The currentBalance < previousBalance case can, for example, be triggerd by decreasing the vault.balanceOfJPEG() due to calling yVault.setController:

function setController(address _controller) public onlyOwner {
    // @audit can reduce balanceofJpeg which breaks other masterchef contract
    require(_controller != address(0), "INVALID_CONTROLLER");
    controller = IController(_controller);

function balanceOfJPEG() external view returns (uint256) {
    // @audit new controller could return a smaller balance
    return controller.balanceOfJPEG(address(token));

Setting a new controller on a vault must be done very carefully and requires a migration.

LSDan (judge) commented:

This is not a duplicate of H-05. Though both of them deal with issues related to balanceOfJPEG, they describe different causes.

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) acknowledged

[H-07] Controller: Strategy migration will fail

Submitted by hickuphh3, also found by rayn


The controller calls the withdraw() method to withdraw JPEGs from the contract, but the strategy might blacklist the JPEG asset, which is what the PUSDConvex strategy has done.

The migration would therefore revert.

Proof of Concept

Insert this test into StrategyPUSDConvex.ts.

it.only("will revert when attempting to migrate strategy", async () => {
  await controller.setVault(want.address, yVault.address);
  await expect(controller.setStrategy(want.address, strategy.address))"jpeg");

Replace _current.withdraw(address(jpeg)); with _current.withdrawJPEG(vaults[_token]).

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) confirmed and commented:

The proposed migration steps would modify the intended behaviour, which is to withdraw JPEG to the controller and not the vault. A correct solution would be replacing _current.withdraw(address(jpeg)) with _current.withdrawJPEG(address(this)).

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) resolved and commented:

Fixed in jpegd/core#6.

[H-08] StrategyPUSDConvex.balanceOfJPEG uses incorrect function signature while calling extraReward.earned, causing the function to unexpectedly revert everytime

Submitted by rayn


As specified in Convex BaseRewardPool.sol and VirtualRewardPool.sol, the function signature of earned is earned(address). However, balanceOfJPEG did not pass any arguments to earned, which would cause balanceOfJPEG to always revert.

This bug will propagate through Controller and YVault until finally reaching the source of the call in YVaultLPFarming ._computeUpdate, and render the entire farming contract unuseable.

Proof of Concept

Both BaseRewardPool.earned and VirtualBalanceRewardPool.earned takes an address as argument

    function earned(address account) public view returns (uint256) {

    function earned(address account) public view returns (uint256) {

But balanceOfJPEG does not pass any address to extraReward.earned, causing the entire function to revert when called

    function balanceOfJPEG() external view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 availableBalance = jpeg.balanceOf(address(this));

        IBaseRewardPool baseRewardPool = convexConfig.baseRewardPool;
        uint256 length = baseRewardPool.extraRewardsLength();
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            IBaseRewardPool extraReward = IBaseRewardPool(baseRewardPool.extraRewards(i));
            if (address(jpeg) == extraReward.rewardToken()) {
                availableBalance += extraReward.earned();
                //we found jpeg, no need to continue the loop

        return availableBalance;

Tools Used

vim, ganache-cli

Pass address(this) as argument of earned.

Notice how we modify the fetching of reward. This is reported in a separate bug report, but for completeness, the entire fix is shown in both report entries.

    function balanceOfJPEG() external view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 availableBalance = jpeg.balanceOf(address(this));

        IBaseRewardPool baseRewardPool = convexConfig.baseRewardPool;
        availableBalance += baseRewardPool.earned(address(this));
        uint256 length = baseRewardPool.extraRewardsLength();
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            IBaseRewardPool extraReward = IBaseRewardPool(baseRewardPool.extraRewards(i));
            if (address(jpeg) == extraReward.rewardToken()) {
                availableBalance += extraReward.earned(address(this));

        return availableBalance;

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) confirmed, but disagreed with High severity

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) resolved and commented:

Fixed in jpegd/core#15.

LSDan (judge) commented:

Leaving this as high risk. The issue would cause a loss of funds.

[H-09] Bad debts should not continue to accrue interest

Submitted by WatchPug


uint256 debtAmount = _getDebtAmount(_nftIndex);
    debtAmount >= _getLiquidationLimit(_nftIndex),

// burn all payment
stablecoin.burnFrom(msg.sender, debtAmount);

In the current design/implementation, the liquidator must fully repay the user’s outstanding debt in order to get the NFT.

When the market value of the NFT fell rapidly, the liquidators may not be able to successfully liquidate as they can not sell the NFT for more than the debt amount.

In that case, the protocol will have positions that are considered bad debts.

However, these loans, which may never be repaid, are still accruing interest. And every time the DAO collects interest, new stablecoin will be minted.

When the proportion of bad debts is large enough since the interest generated by these bad debts is not backed. It will damage the authenticity of the stablecoin.

Proof of Concept


  • NFT 1 worth 30,000 USD
  • creditLimitRate = 60%
  • liquidationLimitRate = 50%
  • debtInterestApr = 10%
  • Alice borrowed 10,000 USD with NFT #1;
  • After 1 year, NFT 1’s market value in USD has suddenly dropped to 10,000 USD, no liquidator is willing to repay 11,000 USD for NFT #1;
  • The DAO collect() and minted 1,000 stablecoin;
  • After 1 year, the DAO call collect() will mint 1,100 stablecoin. and so on…

Consider adding a stored value to record the amount of bad debt, and add a public function that allows anyone to mark a bad debt to get some reward. and change accrue to:

uint256 internal badDebtPortion;

function accrue() public {
    uint256 additionalInterest = _calculateAdditionalInterest();

    totalDebtAccruedAt = block.timestamp;

    totalDebtAmount += additionalInterest;

    uint256 collectibleInterest = additionalInterest * (totalDebtPortion - badDebtPortion) / totalDebtPortion;
    totalFeeCollected += collectibleInterest;

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) acknowledged, but disagreed with High severity

LSDan (judge) commented:

I agree with the warden. Left unchecked, this issue is almost certain to occur and will cause substantial negative impacts on the protocol. The only way this would not occur is if the NFT market never crashes.

Medium Risk Findings (11)

[M-01] When _lpToken is jpeg, reward calculation is incorrect

Submitted by cccz, also found by minhquanym

In the LPFarming contract, a new staking pool can be added using the add() function. The staking token for the new pool is defined using the _lpToken variable. However, there is no additional checking whether the _lpToken is the same as the reward token (jpeg) or not.

    function add(uint256 _allocPoint, IERC20 _lpToken) external onlyOwner {

        uint256 lastRewardBlock = _blockNumber();
        totalAllocPoint = totalAllocPoint + _allocPoint;
                lpToken: _lpToken,
                allocPoint: _allocPoint,
                lastRewardBlock: lastRewardBlock,
                accRewardPerShare: 0

When the _lpToken is the same token as jpeg, reward calculation for that pool in the updatePool() function can be incorrect. This is because the current balance of the _lpToken in the contract is used in the calculation of the reward. Since the _lpToken is the same token as the reward, the reward minted to the contract will inflate the value of lpSupply, causing the reward of that pool to be less than what it should be.

    function _updatePool(uint256 _pid) internal {
        PoolInfo storage pool = poolInfo[_pid];
        if (pool.allocPoint == 0) {

        uint256 blockNumber = _blockNumber();
        //normalizing the pool's `lastRewardBlock` ensures that no rewards are distributed by staking outside of an epoch
        uint256 lastRewardBlock = _normalizeBlockNumber(pool.lastRewardBlock);
        if (blockNumber <= lastRewardBlock) {
        uint256 lpSupply = pool.lpToken.balanceOf(address(this));
        if (lpSupply == 0) {
            pool.lastRewardBlock = blockNumber;
        uint256 reward = ((blockNumber - lastRewardBlock) *
            epoch.rewardPerBlock *
            1e36 *
            pool.allocPoint) / totalAllocPoint;
        pool.accRewardPerShare = pool.accRewardPerShare + reward / lpSupply;
        pool.lastRewardBlock = blockNumber;

Proof of Concept


Add a check that _lpToken is not jpeg in the add function or mint the reward token to another contract to prevent the amount of the staked token from being mixed up with the reward token.

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) confirmed

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) resolved and commented:

Fixed in jpegd/core#2.

[M-02] NFTHelper Contract Allows Owner to Burn NFTs

Submitted by Kenshin


In the NFT helper contract, there is no validation on that the receiver address must not be address zero. Therefore, it allows owner or an attacker who gain access to the owner address to burn NFTs forever through the functions by transferring the NFTs to address zero.

Proof of Concept

The PoC is originally conducted using foundry. However, it isn’t that complicated so I rewrote it in TypeScipt as well, the team can easily proof this by including in the CryptoPunksHelper.ts.


// add `.only` to run only this test, not all.
it.only("allows the owner to burn nfts", async () => {
    // safeTransferFrom
    await cryptoPunks.getPunk(1);
    await cryptoPunks.transferPunk(helper.address, 1);
    await helper.safeTransferFrom(owner.address, ZERO_ADDRESS, 1);
    expect(await cryptoPunks.punkIndexToAddress(1)).to.equal(ZERO_ADDRESS);
    expect(await helper.ownerOf(1)).to.equal(ZERO_ADDRESS);

    // transferFrom
    await cryptoPunks.getPunk(2);
    await cryptoPunks.transferPunk(helper.address, 2);
    await helper.transferFrom(owner.address, ZERO_ADDRESS, 2);
    expect(await cryptoPunks.punkIndexToAddress(2)).to.equal(ZERO_ADDRESS);
    expect(await helper.ownerOf(2)).to.equal(ZERO_ADDRESS);


pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

// for test
import "ds-test/test.sol";
import "forge-std/Vm.sol";

// contracts
import "../test/CryptoPunks.sol";
import "../helpers/CryptoPunksHelper.sol";

contract CryptoPunksHelperTest is DSTest {
    Vm constant vm = Vm(HEVM_ADDRESS);
    address owner = address(1);
    address user = address(2);
    CryptoPunks private cps;
    CryptoPunksHelper private helper;

    function setUp() public {
        cps = new CryptoPunks();
        helper = new CryptoPunksHelper();

    function testOwnerTransferToZero() public {
        //make sure address zero hold no punks
        assertEq(cps.balanceOf(address(0)), 0);

        // safeTransferFrom PoC
        cps.transferPunk(address(helper), 1);
        helper.safeTransferFrom(owner, address(0), 1);
        assertEq(cps.punkIndexToAddress(1), address(0));
        assertEq(helper.ownerOf(1), address(0));
        assertEq(cps.balanceOf(address(0)), 1);

        // transferFrom PoC
        cps.transferPunk(address(helper), 2);
        helper.transferFrom(owner, address(0), 2);
        assertEq(cps.punkIndexToAddress(2), address(0));
        assertEq(helper.ownerOf(2), address(0));
        assertEq(cps.balanceOf(address(0)), 2);


src = "contracts"
libs = ["lib/forge-std/lib", "lib/", "node_modules"]
solc_version = "0.8.0"
optimizer = false
fuzz_runs = 100000
test = "foundryTest"

Tools Used

  • Foundry
  • Hardhat

Even the functions are restricted for only the owner, the zero address should not be allowed as the receiver address.

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) acknowledged and commented:

The sole purpose of CryptoPunksHelper.sol and EtherRocksHelper.sol contracts is to allow compatibility of non ERC721 NFTs to be compatible with NFTVault.sol without having to modify the vault’s code. They don’t have to provide any additional security check outside of compatibility related ones, everything else is out of scope and should be handled by the underlying NFT.

[M-03] reward will be locked in the farm if no LP join the pool at epoch.startBlock

Submitted by TrungOre


A part of reward tokens will be locked in the farming pool if no user deposits lpToken at the epoch.startBlock.

Proof of Concept

it("a part of reward should be locked in farm if no LP join the pool at epoch.startBlock", async() => {
      // manual mine new block  
      await network.provider.send("evm_setAutomine", [false]);

      // prepare 
      await lpTokens[0].transfer(alice.address, units(1000));
      await lpTokens[0].connect(alice).approve(farming.address, units(1000));
      await mineBlocks(1);

      // create new pool
      await farming.add(10, lpTokens[0].address);
      await mineBlocks(1);
      expect(await farming.poolLength()).to.equal(1);

      let pool = await farming.poolInfo(0);

      // create new epoch ==> balance of pool will be 1000 
      let blockNumber = await ethers.provider.getBlockNumber();
      await farming.newEpoch(blockNumber + 1, blockNumber + 11, 100);

      // skip the epoch.startBlock  
      // it mean no one deposit lpToken to farm at this block 
      await mineBlocks(1);
      expect(await jpeg.balanceOf(farming.address)).to.equal(1000);

      // alice deposit 
      await farming.connect(alice).deposit(0, units(100));
      await mineBlocks(1);

      // skip the blocks to the end of epoch 
      await mineBlocks(13);

      await farming.connect(alice).claim(0);
      await mineBlocks(1);

      console.log("reward of alice: ", (await jpeg.balanceOf(alice.address)).toString());
      console.log("reward remain: ", await jpeg.balanceOf(farming.address));

      // 100 jpeg will be locked in the pool forevers 
      expect(await jpeg.balanceOf(alice.address)).to.equal(900);
      expect(await jpeg.balanceOf(farming.address)).to.equal(100);

In the example above, I create an epoch from blockNumber + 1 to blockNumber + 11 with the reward for each block being 100JPEG. So, the total reward for this farm will be 1000JPEG. When I skip the epoch.startBlock and let Alice deposit 100 lpToken at the block right after, at the end of the farm (epoch.endBlock), the total reward of Alice is just 900JPEG, and 100JPEG still remains in the farming pool. Since there is no function for the admin (or users) to withdraw the remaining, 100JPEG will be stucked in the pool forever !!!

Tools Used


Add a new function for the admin (or user) to claim all rewards which remained in the pool when epoch.endTime has passed

function claimRemainRewardsForOwner() external onlyOwner {
            block.number > epoch.endBlock, 
            'epoch has not ended'
        uint256 remain = jpeg.balanceOf(address(this));
        jpeg.safeTransfer(msg.sender, remain);

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) acknowledged, but disagreed with Medium severity and commented:

This is a very minor issue, severity should be 0.

LSDan (judge) commented:

I disagree with the sponsor. Funds are lost in this scenario and it is very easy to mitigate.

[M-04] setDebtInterestApr should accrue debt first

Submitted by cmichel, also found by pedroais


The setDebtInterestApr changes the debt interest rate without first accruing the debt.
This means that the new debt interest rate is applied retroactively to the unaccrued period on next accrue() call.

It should never be applied retroactively to a previous time window as this is unfair & wrong.
Borrowers can incur more debt than they should.

Call accrue() first in setDebtInterestApr before setting the new settings.debtInterestApr.

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) confirmed

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) resolved and commented:

Fixed in jpegd/core#4.

[M-05] Rewards will be locked if user transfer directly to pool without using deposit function

Submitted by TrungOre


Reward will be locked in the farming, when user execute a direct transfer with lpToken to farm without using deposit.

Proof of Concept

“pls add this test to LpFarming.ts to check”

it("a part of rewards can't be distributed if user execute a direct transfer to farm", async() => {
      // manual mine new block  
      await network.provider.send("evm_setAutomine", [false]);

      // prepare 
      const attacker = bob;
      await lpTokens[0].transfer(alice.address, units(1000));
      await lpTokens[0].transfer(attacker.address, units(1000));
      await lpTokens[0].connect(alice).approve(farming.address, units(1000));
      await mineBlocks(1);

      // attacker direct deposit lp token to the pool 
      await lpTokens[0].connect(attacker).transfer(farming.address, units(100));

      // create new pool
      await farming.add(10, lpTokens[0].address);
      await mineBlocks(1);
      expect(await farming.poolLength()).to.equal(1);

      let pool = await farming.poolInfo(0);

      // create new epoch ==> balance of pool will be 1000 
      let blockNumber = await ethers.provider.getBlockNumber();
      await farming.newEpoch(blockNumber + 1, blockNumber + 11, 100);

      // alice deposit 
      await farming.connect(alice).deposit(0, units(100));
      await mineBlocks(1);

      expect(await jpeg.balanceOf(farming.address)).to.equal(1000);

      // when pool end, alice can just take 500 jpeg, and 500 jpeg will be locked in the contract forever !!!
      await mineBlocks(13);
      console.log("reward of alice: ", (await   farming.pendingReward(0, alice.address)).toString());
      expect(await farming.pendingReward(0, alice.address)).to.equal(BigNumber.from('500'));

In the test above, the attacker transfers 100 lpToken to the farm without using deposit function, and alice deposit 100 lpToken. Because the contract uses pool.lpToken.balanceOf(address(this)) to get the total supply of lpToken in the pool, it will sum up 100 lpToken of attacker and 100 lpToken of alice. This will lead to the situation where Alice will only be able to claim 500 token (at epoch.endBlock), the rest will be locked in the pool forever. Not only with this pool, it also affects the following, a part of the reward will be locked in the pool when the farm end.

Tools Used


Declare a new variable totalLPSupply to the struct PoolInfo, and use it instead of pool.lpToken.balanceOf(address(this)).

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) confirmed, but disagreed with High severity and commented:

Very minor issue, severity should be 0.

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) resolved and commented:

Fixed in jpegd/core#2.

LSDan (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

I’m going to downgrade this to a medium. There is a possibility for lost funds given real world external factors (user stupidity).

[M-06] Oracle data feed is insufficiently validated.

Submitted by Jujic, also found by hickuphh3

Price can be stale and can lead to wrong answer return value.

Proof of Concept

Oracle data feed is insufficiently validated. There is no check for stale price and round completeness. Price can be stale and can lead to wrong answer return value.

function _collateralPriceUsd() internal view returns (uint256) {
        int256 answer = oracle.latestAnswer();
        uint8 decimals = oracle.decimals();

        require(answer > 0, "invalid_oracle_answer");



Validate data feed

function _collateralPriceUsd() internal view returns (uint256) {

(uint80 roundID, int256 answer, , uint256 timestamp, uint80 answeredInRound) = oracle.latestRoundData();
    require(answer > 0, "invalid_oracle_answer");
    require(answeredInRound >= roundID, "ChainLink: Stale price");
    require(timestamp > 0, "ChainLink: Round not complete");


0xJPEG (JPEG’d) confirmed, but disagreed with High severity and commented:

Can add validation for round not being complete yet and potentially for stale pricing.
This should be medium risk, as shown in past contests [1] [2] [3]

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) resolved and commented:

Fixed in jpegd/core#9.

LSDan (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Agree with sponsor on the medium risk rating. An oracle with a bad value is by definition an external requirement.

[M-07] Wrong calculation for yVault price per share if decimals != 18

Submitted by berndartmueller

The yVault.getPricePerFullShare() function calculates the price per share by multiplying with 1e18 token decimals with the assumption that the underlying token always has 18 decimals. yVault has the same amount of decimals as it’s underlying token see (yVault.decimals())

But tokens don’t always have 1e18 decimals (e.g. USDC).


The price per share calculation does not return the correct price for underlying tokens that do not have 18 decimals. This could lead to paying out too little or too much and therefore to a loss for either the protocol or the user.

Proof of Concept

Following test will fail with the current implementation when the underlying vault token has 6 decimals:

NOTE: units() helper function was adapted to accept the desired decimals.

it.only("should mint the correct amount of tokens for tokens with 6 decimals", async () => {
  const DECIMALS = 6;

  await token.setDecimals(DECIMALS);
  expect(await yVault.decimals()).to.equal(DECIMALS);

  expect(await yVault.getPricePerFullShare()).to.equal(0);
  await, units(1000, DECIMALS));
  await token.connect(user1).approve(yVault.address, units(1000, DECIMALS));

  await yVault.connect(user1).deposit(units(500, DECIMALS));
  expect(await yVault.balanceOf(user1.address)).to.equal(units(500, DECIMALS));

  await, units(500, DECIMALS));
  expect(await yVault.getPricePerFullShare()).to.equal(units(2, DECIMALS));

Fails with following error: AssertionError: Expected "2000000000000000000" to be equal 2000000

Use vault decimals() instead of hardcoded 1e18 decimals.

function getPricePerFullShare() external view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 supply = totalSupply();
    if (supply == 0) return 0;
    return (balance() * (10**decimals())) / supply; // @audit-info use `decimals()` instead of hardcoded `1e18`

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) disputed and commented:

The yVault contract has been designed to work with Curve LPs, which have 18 decimals

LSDan (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

I’m downgrading this to a medium risk but leaving it as valid. Any number of external factors could conspire to result in a non-18 decimal token being used in the future, at which point this code may have been forgotten. A better choice would be to do a decimal check.

[M-08] _swapUniswapV2 may use an improper path which can cause a loss of the majority of the rewardTokens

Submitted by WatchPug


function harvest(uint256 minOutCurve) external onlyRole(STRATEGIST_ROLE) {
    convexConfig.baseRewardPool.getReward(address(this), true);

    //Prevent `Stack too deep` errors
        DexConfig memory dex = dexConfig;
        IERC20[] memory rewardTokens = strategyConfig.rewardTokens;
        IERC20 _weth = weth;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < rewardTokens.length; i++) {
            uint256 balance = rewardTokens[i].balanceOf(address(this));

            if (balance > 0)
                //minOut is not needed here, we already have it on the Curve deposit

        uint256 wethBalance = _weth.balanceOf(address(this));
        require(wethBalance > 0, "NOOP");


 function _swapUniswapV2(
    IUniswapV2Router router,
    IERC20 tokenIn,
    IERC20 tokenOut,
    uint256 amountIn,
    uint256 minOut
) internal {
    tokenIn.safeIncreaseAllowance(address(router), amountIn);

    address[] memory path = new address[](2);
    path[0] = address(tokenIn);
    path[1] = address(tokenOut);


In the current implementation, rewardTokens from the underlying strategy will be swapped to weth first then weth -> usdc.

However, the path used for swapping from rewardToken -> weth is hardcoded as [rewardToken, weth], which may not be the optimal route.

For example, the majority liquidity for a particular rewardToken may actually be in the rewardToken/USDC pool. Swapping through the rewardToken/WETH with low liquidity may end up getting only a dust amount of WETH.

Consider allowing the admin to set a path for the rewardTokens.

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) disputed and commented:

As of now, the one in the contract is the optimal routing path.

LSDan (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

I think the warden has made a reasonable find and recommendation. The sponsor used the phrase ‘as of now’ in disputing the report, but the idea that it may not always be the optimal path is actually specifically what the report and its mitigation addresses. That said, external factors are required so moving it to medium severity.

[M-09] The noContract modifier does not work as expected.

Submitted by Wayne, also found by hyh, PPrieditis, rayn, smilingheretic, and Cr4ckM3_


The expectation of the noContract modifier is to allow access only to accounts inside EOA or Whitelist, if access is controlled using ! access control with _account.isContract(), then because isContract() gets the size of the code length of the account in question by relying on extcodesize/address.code.length, this means that the restriction can be bypassed when deploying a smart contract through the smart contract’s constructor call.

Modify the code to require(msg.sender == tx.origin);

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) confirmed, but disagreed with Medium severity and commented:

The observations made in the issue are correct, but given how impractical it would be to make an autocompounder that bypasses the noContract modifier this issue should probably be severity 0. It’s worth mentioning that this behaviour was already known as outlined in the modifier’s documentation.

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) resolved and commented:

Fixed in jpegd/core#17.

LSDan (judge) commented:

I’m going to let this stand. Impractical or not, this is very easily exploited.

Submitted by cccz, also found by 0xDjango, 0xkatana, berndartmueller, Cr4ckM3, defsec, horsefacts, hyh, JMukesh, joshie, Jujic, pedroais, peritoflores, rayn, reassor, Ruhum, and WatchPug

According to Chainlink’s documentation, the latestAnswer function is deprecated. This function might suddenly stop working if Chainlink stops supporting deprecated APIs. And the old API can return stale data.

Proof of Concept


Use the latestRoundData function to get the price instead. Add checks on the return data with proper revert messages if the price is stale or the round is uncomplete.

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) confirmed

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) resolved and commented:

Fixed in jpegd/core#9.

[M-11] Division before Multiplication May Result In No Interest Being Accrued

Submitted by AuditsAreUS, also found by minhquanym


There is a division before multiplication bug in NFTVault._calculateAdditionalInterest() which may result in no interesting being accrued and will have significant rounding issues for tokens with small decimal places.

This issue occurs since an intermediate calculation of interestPerSec may round to zero and therefore the multiplication by elapsedTime may remain zero.

Furthermore, even if interestPerSec > 0 there will still be rounding errors as a result of doing division before multiplication and _calculatedInterest() will be understated.

This issue is significant as one divisor is 365 days = 30,758,400 (excluding the rate). Since many ERC20 tokens such as USDC and USDT only have 6 decimal places a numerator of less 30 * 10^6 will round to zero.

The rate also multiplies into the denominator. e.g. If the rate is 1% then the denominator will be equivalent to 1 / rate * 30 * 10^6 = 3,000 * 10^6.

Proof of Concept

The order of operations for the interest calculations

  • totalDebtAmount
  • MUL settings.debtInterestApr.numerator
  • DIV settings.debtInterestApr.denominator
  • DIV 365 days
  • MUL elapsedTime

If the intermediate value of interestPerSec = 0 then the multiplication by elapsedTime will still be zero and no interested will be accrued.

Excerpt from NFTVault._calculateAdditionalInterest().

        uint256 interestPerYear = (totalDebtAmount *
            settings.debtInterestApr.numerator) /
        uint256 interestPerSec = interestPerYear / 365 days;

        return elapsedTime * interestPerSec;

This issue may be resolved by performing the multiplication by elapsedTime before the division by the denominator or 365 days.

        uint256 interestAccrued = (elapsedTime * 
            totalDebtAmount *
            settings.debtInterestApr.numerator) /
            settings.debtInterestApr.denominator /
            365 days;

        return  interestAccrued;

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) confirmed

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) resolved and commented:

Fixed jpegd/core#8.

LSDan (judge) commented:

This report makes sense as a medium to me because it involves a calculation error that can lead to the protocol functioning incorrectly.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this contest, 42 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by Dravee received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: IllIllI, 0xDjango, robee, PPrieditis, Kthere, hickuphh3, 0xkatana, WatchPug, horsefacts, ilan, Ruhum, berndartmueller, hubble, hyh, kebabsec, kenta, Hawkeye, TerrierLover, rfa, catchup, rayn, Foundation, Funen, Picodes, TrungOre, delfin454000, ellahi, JMukesh, 0x1f8b, Cityscape, Jujic, JC, dy, AuditsAreUS, pauliax, cccz, cmichel, reassor, minhquanym, samruna, and jayjonah8.

Codebase Impressions & Summary

Overall, the code quality is high.

The findings here revolve around some commonly suggested practices.

[L-01] Add constructor initializers

As per OpenZeppelin’s (OZ) recommendation, “The guidelines are now to make it impossible for anyone to run initialize on an implementation contract, by adding an empty constructor with the initializer modifier. So the implementation contract gets initialized automatically upon deployment.”

Note that this behaviour is also incorporated the OZ Wizard since the UUPS vulnerability discovery: “Additionally, we modified the code generated by the Wizard 19 to include a constructor that automatically initializes the implementation when deployed.”

Furthermore, this thwarts any attempts to frontrun the initialization tx of these contracts:

  19:     function initialize(address punksAddress) external initializer {

  19:     function initialize(address rocksAddress) external initializer {

  21:     function initialize(IERC20Upgradeable _jpeg) external initializer {

  66:     function initialize(

  139:     function initialize(

[L-02] Immutable addresses should be 0-checked

Consider adding an address(0) check here (see @audit):

  77:         jpeg = IERC20(_jpeg); //@audit low: should be address(0) checked just like in yVaultLPFarming.sol and StrategyPUSDConvex.sol

  28:         jpeg = IERC20(_jpeg);  //@audit low: should be address(0) checked just like in yVaultLPFarming.sol and StrategyPUSDConvex.sol

  53:         token = ERC20(_token);  //@audit low: should be address(0)

[L-03] Unbounded loop on array can lead to DoS

As this array can grow quite large, the transaction’s gas cost could exceed the block gas limit and make it impossible to call this function at all (see @audit):

File: LPFarming.sol
141:     function add(uint256 _allocPoint, IERC20 _lpToken) external onlyOwner { 
146:         poolInfo.push( //@audit low: a push exist but there's no pop in the solution.
154:     }
347:     function claimAll() external nonReentrant noContract(msg.sender) {
348:         for (uint256 i = 0; i < poolInfo.length; i++) { //@audit low: poolInfo is unbounded
349:             _updatePool(i);
350:             _withdrawReward(i);
351:         }
360:     }

Consider introducing a reasonable upper limit based on block gas limits and/or adding a remove method to remove elements in the array.

[L-04] Add a timelock and event to critical functions

It is a good practice to give time for users to react and adjust to critical changes. A timelock provides more guarantees and reduces the level of trust required, thus decreasing risk for users. It also indicates that the project is legitimate.

Consider adding a timelock and event to:

vaults/yVault/strategies/StrategyPUSDConvex.sol:177:    function setPerformanceFee(Rate memory _performanceFee)
vaults/NFTVault.sol:290:    function setOrganizationFeeRate(Rate memory _organizationFeeRate)

[L-05] Fee in StrategyPUSDConvex.setPerformanceFee() should be upper-bounded

See @audit:

File: StrategyPUSDConvex.sol
177:     function setPerformanceFee(Rate memory _performanceFee)
178:         public
179:         onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE)
180:     {
181:         require(
182:             _performanceFee.denominator > 0 &&
183:                 _performanceFee.denominator >= _performanceFee.numerator,
184:             "INVALID_RATE"
185:         );
186:         performanceFee = _performanceFee; //@audit low: fee can be 100% (_performanceFee.denominator == _performanceFee.numerator)
187:     }

[L-06] Fee in NFTVault.setOrganizationFeeRate()should be upper-bounded

See @audit:

File: NFTVault.sol
290:     function setOrganizationFeeRate(Rate memory _organizationFeeRate)  
291:         external
292:         onlyRole(DAO_ROLE)
293:     {
294:         _validateRate(_organizationFeeRate);
295:         settings.organizationFeeRate = _organizationFeeRate; //@audit low: fee can be 100%
296:     }
400:     function _validateRate(Rate memory rate) internal pure {
401:         require(
402:             rate.denominator > 0 && rate.denominator >= rate.numerator,  //@audit low: fee can be 100% (rate.denominator == rate.numerator)
403:             "invalid_rate"
404:         );
405:     }

[L-07] A magical number should be documented and explained: 1e36. Use a constant instead

farming/LPFarming.sol:196:                1e36 *
farming/LPFarming.sol:207:            1e36;
farming/LPFarming.sol:307:            1e36 *
farming/LPFarming.sol:319:            1e36;
farming/yVaultLPFarming.sol:94:            1e36;
farming/yVaultLPFarming.sol:172:        newAccRewardsPerShare = accRewardPerShare + newRewards * 1e36 / totalStaked;
farming/yVaultLPFarming.sol:179:            (accRewardPerShare - userLastAccRewardPerShare[account])) / 1e36;

I suggest using constant variables as this would make the code more maintainable and readable while costing nothing gas-wise.

[N-01] Avoid floating pragmas: the version should be locked (preferably at >= 0.8.4)

The pragma declared across the solution is ^0.8.0. As the compiler introduces a several interesting upgrades in Solidity 0.8.4, consider locking at this version or a more recent one.

The following maps should be grouped in structs.


  31:     mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf; //@audit NC: related data 1
  32:     mapping(address => uint256) private userLastAccRewardPerShare;//@audit NC: related data 2
  33:     mapping(address => uint256) private userPendingRewards;//@audit NC: related data 3

  20:     mapping(IERC20 => address) public vaults; //@audit NC: related data 1
  21:     mapping(IERC20 => IStrategy) public strategies; //@audit NC: related data 2
  22:     mapping(IERC20 => mapping(IStrategy => bool)) public approvedStrategies; //@audit NC: related data 3


    struct UserInfo {
        uint256 balance;  
        uint256 lastAccRewardPerShare;
        uint256 pendingReward;
    mapping(address => UserInfo) public userInfo;


    struct TokenInfo {
        address vaults;  
        IStrategy approvedStrategies;
        mapping(IStrategy => bool) pendingReward;
    mapping(IERC20 => TokenInfo) public tokenInfo;

It would be less error-prone, more readable, and it would be possible to delete all related fields with a simple delete userInfo[address].

However, the sponsor should notice that pendingReward won’t be as easily deleted in tokenInfo, as it’s a mapping field. It would still improve code quality nonetheless.

[N-03] Unused named returns

Using both named returns and a return statement isn’t necessary. Removing one of those can improve code clarity (see @audit):

File: NFTEscrow.sol
081:     function precompute(address _owner, uint256 _idx)
082:         public
083:         view
084:         returns (bytes32 salt, address predictedAddress) //@audit NC: unused named returns
085:     {
091:         salt = sha256(abi.encodePacked(_owner));
105:         predictedAddress = address(uint160(uint256(hash)));
106:         return (salt, predictedAddress); //@audit NC: unused named returns
107:     }

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) acknowledged

LSDan (judge) commented:

I agree with the warden’s security ratings for the issues described.

Gas Optimizations

For this contest, 38 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by Dravee received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: IllIllI, rfa, 0xkatana, TerrierLover, saian, Tomio, 0xNazgul, Funen, robee, Foundation, WatchPug, catchup, 0v3rf10w, berndartmueller, ellahi, securerodd, 0x1f8b, Cityscape, FSchmoede, hickuphh3, ilan, kenta, slywaters, rokinot, 0xDjango, JMukesh, nahnah, PPrieditis, sorrynotsorry, delfin454000, Hawkeye, Meta0xNull, dirk_y, rayn, Cr4ckM3, Picodes, and kebabsec.

Table of Contents

See original submission.

[G-01] NFTEscrow._executeTransfer(): Cheap Contract Deployment Through Clones

See @audit tag:

67:     function _executeTransfer(address _owner, uint256 _idx) internal {
68:         (bytes32 salt, ) = precompute(_owner, _idx);
69:         new FlashEscrow{salt: salt}( //@audit gas: deployment can cost less through clones 
70:             nftAddress,
71:             _encodeFlashEscrowPayload(_idx)
72:         );
73:     }

There’s a way to save a significant amount of gas on deployment using Clones: .

This is a solution that was adopted, as an example, by Porter Finance. They realized that deploying using clones was 10x cheaper:

I suggest applying a similar pattern.

[G-02] LPFarming.newEpoch(): L128 and L133 should be unchecked due to parent if/else condition

Solidity version 0.8+ comes with implicit overflow and underflow checks on unsigned integers. When an overflow or an underflow isn’t possible (as an example, when a comparison is made before the arithmetic operation), some gas can be saved by using an unchecked block:

I suggest wrapping with an unchecked block here (see @audit tag):

107:     function newEpoch(
111:     ) external onlyOwner {
127:         if (remainingRewards > newRewards) {
128:             jpeg.safeTransfer(msg.sender, remainingRewards - newRewards);  //@audit gas: should be unchecked (can't underflow due to L127)
129:         } else if (remainingRewards < newRewards) {
130:             jpeg.safeTransferFrom(
131:                 msg.sender,
132:                 address(this),
133:                 newRewards - remainingRewards  //@audit gas: should be unchecked (can't underflow due to L129)
134:             );
135:         }
136:     }

[G-03] LPFarming.withdraw(): L248 should be unchecked due to L243

See @audit tag:

235:     function withdraw(uint256 _pid, uint256 _amount)
236:         external
237:         noContract(msg.sender)
238:     {
239:         require(_amount > 0, "invalid_amount");
241:         PoolInfo storage pool = poolInfo[_pid];
242:         UserInfo storage user = userInfo[_pid][msg.sender];
243:         require(user.amount >= _amount, "insufficient_amount");
245:         _updatePool(_pid);
246:         _withdrawReward(_pid);
248:         user.amount -= _amount;  //@audit gas: should be unchecked (can't underflow due to L243)

[G-04] LPFarming._withdrawReward(): poolInfo[_pid].accRewardPerShare should get cached

The code can be optimized by minimising the number of SLOADs. SLOADs are expensive (100 gas) compared to MLOADs/MSTOREs (3 gas). Here, the storage value should get cached in memory (see the @audit tags for further details):

315:     function _withdrawReward(uint256 _pid) internal returns (uint256) {
316:         UserInfo storage user = userInfo[_pid][msg.sender];
317:         uint256 pending = (user.amount *
318:             (poolInfo[_pid].accRewardPerShare - user.lastAccRewardPerShare)) / //@audit gas: SLOAD 1 poolInfo[_pid].accRewardPerShare
319:             1e36;
320:         if (pending > 0) {
321:             userRewards[msg.sender] += pending;
322:         }
324:         user.lastAccRewardPerShare = poolInfo[_pid].accRewardPerShare; //@audit gas: SLOAD 2 poolInfo[_pid].accRewardPerShare
326:         return pending;
327:     }

[G-05] yVaultLPFarming.withdraw(): L124 should be unchecked due to L119

See @audit tag:

117:     function withdraw(uint256 _amount) external noContract(msg.sender) {
118:         require(_amount > 0, "invalid_amount");
119:         require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= _amount, "insufficient_amount");
121:         _update();
122:         _withdrawReward(msg.sender);
124:         balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _amount;  //@audit gas: should be unchecked (can't underflow due to L119)

[G-06] yVaultLPFarming._withdrawReward(): accRewardPerShare should get cached

See @audit tags:

177:     function _withdrawReward(address account) internal returns (uint256) {
178:         uint256 pending = (balanceOf[account] *
179:             (accRewardPerShare - userLastAccRewardPerShare[account])) / 1e36; //@audit gas: SLOAD 1 accRewardPerShare
181:         if (pending > 0) userPendingRewards[account] += pending;
183:         userLastAccRewardPerShare[account] = accRewardPerShare; //@audit gas: SLOAD 2 accRewardPerShare
185:         return pending;
186:     }

[G-07] JPEGLock.unlock(): use storage instead of copying struct in memory L69

See @audit tag:

68:     function unlock(uint256 _nftIndex) external nonReentrant {
69:         LockPosition memory position = positions[_nftIndex]; //@audit gas: costing 3 SLOADs while only lockAmount is needed twice. Replace "memory" with "storage" and cache only position.lockAmount 
70:         require(position.owner == msg.sender, "unauthorized");
71:         require(position.unlockAt <= block.timestamp, "locked");
73:         delete positions[_nftIndex];
75:         jpeg.safeTransfer(msg.sender, position.lockAmount);
77:         emit Unlock(msg.sender, _nftIndex, position.lockAmount);
78:     }

Here, a copy in memory is costing 3 SLOADs and 3 MSTORES. The, 2 variables are only read once through MLOAD (position.owner and position.unlockAt) and one is read twice (position.lockAmount). I suggest replacing the memory keyword with storage at L69 and only copying position.lockAmount in memory.

[G-08] FungibleAssetVaultForDAO._collateralPriceUsd(): oracle should get cached

See @audit tags:

104:     function _collateralPriceUsd() internal view returns (uint256) {
105:         int256 answer = oracle.latestAnswer();  //@audit gas: SLOAD 1 oracle
106:         uint8 decimals = oracle.decimals();  //@audit gas: SLOAD 2 oracle

[G-09] FungibleAssetVaultForDAO._collateralPriceUsd(): return statement should be unchecked

See @audit tag:

104:     function _collateralPriceUsd() internal view returns (uint256) {
111:         return //@audit gas: whole return statement should be unchecked (obviously can't underflow/overflow here)
112:             decimals > 18
113:                 ? uint256(answer) / 10**(decimals - 18)  
114:                 : uint256(answer) * 10**(18 - decimals);  
115:     }

Due to the ternary condition and the fact that int256 answer = oracle.latestAnswer();, the return statement can’t underflow and should be unchecked.

[G-10] FungibleAssetVaultForDAO.deposit(): collateralAsset should get cached

See @audit tags:

141:     function deposit(uint256 amount) external payable onlyRole(WHITELISTED_ROLE) {
142:         require(amount > 0, "invalid_amount");
144:         if (collateralAsset == ETH) {  //@audit gas: SLOAD 1 collateralAsset
145:             require(msg.value == amount, "invalid_msg_value");
146:         } else {
147:             require(msg.value == 0, "non_zero_eth_value");
148:             IERC20Upgradeable(collateralAsset).safeTransferFrom(  //@audit gas: SLOAD 2 collateralAsset
149:                 msg.sender,
150:                 address(this),
151:                 amount
152:             );
153:         }

[G-11] FungibleAssetVaultForDAO.repay): L184 should be unchecked due to L182

See @audit tag:

179:     function repay(uint256 amount) external onlyRole(WHITELISTED_ROLE) nonReentrant {
180:         require(amount > 0, "invalid_amount");
182:         amount = amount > debtAmount ? debtAmount : amount;
184:         debtAmount -= amount; //@audit gas: should be unchecked (can't underflow due to L182)

[G-12] FungibleAssetVaultForDAO.withdraw(): L196 should be unchecked due to L194

See @audit tag:

193:     function withdraw(uint256 amount) external onlyRole(WHITELISTED_ROLE) nonReentrant {
194:         require(amount > 0 && amount <= collateralAmount, "invalid_amount");
196:         uint256 creditLimit = getCreditLimit(collateralAmount - amount); //@audit gas: should be unchecked (can't underflow due to L194)

[G-13] FungibleAssetVaultForDAO.withdraw(): collateralAmount should get cached

See @audit tags:

193:     function withdraw(uint256 amount) external onlyRole(WHITELISTED_ROLE) nonReentrant {
194:         require(amount > 0 && amount <= collateralAmount, "invalid_amount");  //@audit gas: SLOAD 1 collateralAmount
196:         uint256 creditLimit = getCreditLimit(collateralAmount - amount); //@audit gas: SLOAD 2 collateralAmount
197:         require(creditLimit >= debtAmount, "insufficient_credit");
199:         collateralAmount -= amount; //@audit gas: SLOAD 3 collateralAmount (could've used the a cached value for calculation)

[G-14] NFTVault._normalizeAggregatorAnswer(): return statement should be unchecked

See @audit tag:

454:     function _normalizeAggregatorAnswer(IAggregatorV3Interface aggregator)
455:         internal
456:         view
457:         returns (uint256)
458:     {
464:         return //@audit gas: whole return statement should be unchecked (obviously can't underflow/overflow)
465:             decimals > 18
466:                 ? uint256(answer) / 10**(decimals - 18)
467:                 : uint256(answer) * 10**(18 - decimals);
468:     }

[G-15] NFTVault._calculateAdditionalInterest(): totalDebtAmount should get cached

See @audit tags:

578:     function _calculateAdditionalInterest() internal view returns (uint256) {
585:         if (totalDebtAmount == 0) {  //@audit gas: SLOAD 1 totalDebtAmount
586:             return 0;
587:         }
589:         // Accrue interest
590:         uint256 interestPerYear = (totalDebtAmount *  //@audit gas: SLOAD 2 totalDebtAmount

[G-16] NFTVault.sol: struct PositionPreview can be tightly packed to save 1 storage slot

From (see @audit tags):

610:     struct PositionPreview { // @audit gas: can be tightly packed by moving borrowType and liquidatable at the end
611:         address owner;
612:         uint256 nftIndex;
613:         bytes32 nftType;
614:         uint256 nftValueUSD;
615:         VaultSettings vaultSettings;
616:         uint256 creditLimit;
617:         uint256 debtPrincipal;
618:         uint256 debtInterest; // @audit gas: 32 bytes
619:         BorrowType borrowType; // @audit gas: 1 byte (this enum is equivalent to uint8 as it has less than 256 options)
620:         bool liquidatable; // @audit gas: 1 byte
621:         uint256 liquidatedAt; // @audit gas: 32 bytes
622:         address liquidator; // @audit gas: 20 bytes
623:     }


    struct PositionPreview {
        address owner;
        uint256 nftIndex;
        bytes32 nftType;
        uint256 nftValueUSD;
        VaultSettings vaultSettings;
        uint256 creditLimit;
        uint256 debtPrincipal;
        uint256 debtInterest; // @audit gas: 32 bytes
        uint256 liquidatedAt; // @audit gas: 32 bytes
        BorrowType borrowType; // @audit gas: 1 byte (this enum is equivalent to uint8 as it has less than 256 options)
        bool liquidatable; // @audit gas: 1 byte
        address liquidator; // @audit gas: 20 bytes

[G-17] NFTVault.showPosition(): L659 should be unchecked due to L649

See @audit tag:

File: NFTVault.sol
628:     function showPosition(uint256 _nftIndex)
649:         if (debtPrincipal > debtAmount) debtAmount = debtPrincipal;
659:             debtInterest: debtAmount - debtPrincipal, //@audit gas: should be unchecked (can't underflow due to L649)

[G-18] NFTVault.showPosition(): positions[_nftIndex].liquidatedAt should get cached

See @audit tags:

File: NFTVault.sol
628:     function showPosition(uint256 _nftIndex)
661:             liquidatable: positions[_nftIndex].liquidatedAt == 0 &&  //@audit gas: SLOAD 1 positions[_nftIndex].liquidatedAt
662:                 debtAmount >= _getLiquidationLimit(_nftIndex),
663:             liquidatedAt: positions[_nftIndex].liquidatedAt,  //@audit gas: SLOAD 2 positions[_nftIndex].liquidatedAt

[G-19] NFTVault.showPosition(): Help the optimizer by saving a storage variable’s reference instead of repeatedly fetching it (positions[_nftIndex])

To help the optimizer, declare a storage type variable and use it instead of repeatedly fetching the reference in a map or an array.

The effect can be quite significant.

Here, instead of repeatedly calling positions[_nftIndex], save its reference like this: Position storage _position = positions[_nftIndex] and use it.

Impacted lines (see @audit tags):

  636:         uint256 debtPrincipal = positions[_nftIndex].debtPrincipal; //@audit gas: use the suggested storage variable "Position storage _position"
  637:         uint256 debtAmount = positions[_nftIndex].liquidatedAt > 0 //@audit gas: use the suggested storage variable "Position storage _position"
  638:             ? positions[_nftIndex].debtAmountForRepurchase //@audit gas: use the suggested storage variable "Position storage _position"
  641:                 positions[_nftIndex].debtPortion, //@audit gas: use the suggested storage variable "Position storage _position"
  660:             borrowType: positions[_nftIndex].borrowType, //@audit gas: use the suggested storage variable "Position storage _position"
  661:             liquidatable: positions[_nftIndex].liquidatedAt == 0 && //@audit gas: use the suggested storage variable "Position storage _position"
  663:             liquidatedAt: positions[_nftIndex].liquidatedAt, //@audit gas: use the suggested storage variable "Position storage _position"
  664:             liquidator: positions[_nftIndex].liquidator //@audit gas: use the suggested storage variable "Position storage _position"

This practice already exists in the solution, as seen in NFTVault.borrow():

675:     function borrow(
697:         Position storage position = positions[_nftIndex];

[G-20] NFTVault.borrow(): totalDebtPortion should get cached

See @audit tags:

675:     function borrow(
735:         if (totalDebtPortion == 0) {  //@audit gas: SLOAD 1 totalDebtPortion
738:         } else {
739:             uint256 plusPortion = (totalDebtPortion * _amount) / //@audit gas: SLOAD 2 totalDebtPortion
740:                 totalDebtAmount;
741:             totalDebtPortion += plusPortion; //@audit gas: SLOAD 3 totalDebtPortion (could've used cached value for calculation)

[G-21] NFTVault.repay(): L781 should be unchecked due to ternary operator

See @audit tag:

756:     function repay(uint256 _nftIndex, uint256 _amount)
780:         uint256 paidPrincipal = _amount > debtInterest
781:             ? _amount - debtInterest //@audit gas: should be unchecked (obviously)
782:             : 0;

[G-22] NFTVault.repay(): totalDebtPortion and totalDebtAmount should get cached

See @audit tags:

756:     function repay(uint256 _nftIndex, uint256 _amount)
784:         uint256 minusPortion = paidPrincipal == debtPrincipal
785:             ? position.debtPortion
786:             : (totalDebtPortion * _amount) / totalDebtAmount; //@audit gas: SLOADs 1 totalDebtPortion & totalDebtAmount
788:         totalDebtPortion -= minusPortion; //@audit gas: SLOAD 2 totalDebtPortion (could've used cached value for calculation)
791:         totalDebtAmount -= _amount; //@audit gas: SLOAD 2 totalDebtAmount (could've used cached value for calculation)

[G-23] Controller.setStrategy(): boolean comparison L87

Comparing to a constant (true or false) is a bit more expensive than directly checking the returned boolean value. I suggest using if(directValue) instead of if(directValue == true) and if(!directValue) instead of if(directValue == false) here (see @audit tag):

82:     function setStrategy(IERC20 _token, IStrategy _strategy)
83:         external
84:         onlyRole(STRATEGIST_ROLE)
85:     {
86:         require(
87:             approvedStrategies[_token][_strategy] == true, //@audit gas: instead of comparing to a constant, just use "approvedStrategies[_token][_strategy]"

[G-24] StrategyPUSDConvex.balanceOfJPEG(): jpeg should get cached

See @audit tags:

226:     function balanceOfJPEG() external view returns (uint256) {
227:         uint256 availableBalance = jpeg.balanceOf(address(this)); //@audit gas: SLOAD 1 jpeg
231:         for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
233:             if (address(jpeg) == extraReward.rewardToken()) { 

[G-25] StrategyPUSDConvex.balanceOfJPEG(): use a return statement instead of break

See @audit tag:

226:     function balanceOfJPEG() external view returns (uint256) {
231:         for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
233:             if (address(jpeg) == extraReward.rewardToken()) {
234:                 availableBalance += extraReward.earned();
235:                 //we found jpeg, no need to continue the loop
236:                 break; //@audit gas: instead of adding to availableBalance & breaking, just return here "availableBalance + extraReward.earned()"
237:             }
238:         }
240:         return availableBalance;
241:     }

Here, instead of making a memory operation with availableBalance += extraReward.earned(); and then using break; before returning the memory variable availableBalance, it would’ve been more optimized to just return availableBalance + extraReward.earned():

    function balanceOfJPEG() external view returns (uint256) {
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            if (address(jpeg) == extraReward.rewardToken()) {
              return availableBalance + extraReward.earned();

[G-26] StrategyPUSDConvex.withdraw(): L281 should be unchecked due to L279

See @audit tag:

273:     function withdraw(uint256 _amount) external onlyController {
279:         if (balance < _amount)
280:             convexConfig.baseRewardPool.withdrawAndUnwrap(
281:                 _amount - balance, //@audit gas: should be unchecked (can't underflow due to L279)
282:                 false
283:             );

[G-27] StrategyPUSDConvex.harvest(): L362 should be unchecked due to L359-L360 and how performanceFee is set L183

See @audit tags:

177:     function setPerformanceFee(Rate memory _performanceFee)
181:         require(
182:             _performanceFee.denominator > 0 &&
183:                 _performanceFee.denominator >= _performanceFee.numerator, //@audit gas: can uncheck L362 thanks to this
184:             "INVALID_RATE"
185:         );
311:     function harvest(uint256 minOutCurve) external onlyRole(STRATEGIST_ROLE) {
359:         uint256 fee = (usdcBalance * performanceFee.numerator) /
360:             performanceFee.denominator;
361:         usdc.safeTransfer(strategy.controller.feeAddress(), fee);
362:         usdcBalance -= fee; //@audit gas: should be unchecked (can't underflow due to L359-L360 & how performanceFee is set L183)

[G-28] yVault.earn(): token and controller should get cached

See @audit tags:

129:     function earn() external {
130:         uint256 _bal = available();
131:         token.safeTransfer(address(controller), _bal); //@audit gas: SLOADs 1 token & controller
132:         controller.earn(address(token), _bal); //@audit gas: SLOADs 2 token & controller
133:     }

[G-29] yVault.withdraw(): L178 should be unchecked due to L177

See @audit tag:

166:     function withdraw(uint256 _shares) public noContract(msg.sender) {
177:         if (vaultBalance < backingTokens) {
178:             uint256 toWithdraw = backingTokens - vaultBalance; //@audit gas: should be unchecked (can't underflow due to L177)

[G-30] yVault.withdraw(): token should get cached

See @audit tags:

166:     function withdraw(uint256 _shares) public noContract(msg.sender) {
176:         uint256 vaultBalance = token.balanceOf(address(this)); //@audit gas: SLOAD 1 token
177:         if (vaultBalance < backingTokens) {
178:             uint256 toWithdraw = backingTokens - vaultBalance;
179:             controller.withdraw(address(token), toWithdraw);  //@audit gas: SLOAD 2 token
180:         }
182:         token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, backingTokens);  //@audit gas: SLOAD 3 token

[G-31] yVault.withdrawJPEG(): farm should get cached

See @audit tags:

187:     function withdrawJPEG() external {
188:         require(farm != address(0), "NO_FARM");  //@audit gas: SLOAD 1 farm
189:         controller.withdrawJPEG(address(token), farm);  //@audit gas: SLOAD 2 farm
190:     }

[G-32] Upgrade pragma to at least 0.8.4

Across the whole solution, the declared pragma is ^0.8.0.

Using newer compiler versions and the optimizer give gas optimizations. Also, additional safety checks are available for free.

The advantages here are:

  • Low level inliner (>= 0.8.2): Cheaper runtime gas (especially relevant when the contract has small functions).
  • Optimizer improvements in packed structs (>= 0.8.3)
  • Custom errors (>= 0.8.4): cheaper deployment cost and runtime cost. Note: the runtime cost is only relevant when the revert condition is met. In short, replace revert strings by custom errors.

Consider upgrading pragma to at least 0.8.4:

[G-33] No need to explicitly initialize variables with default values

If a variable is not set/initialized, it is assumed to have the default value (0 for uint, false for bool, address(0) for address…). Explicitly initializing it with its default value is an anti-pattern and wastes gas.

As an example: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numIterations; ++i) { should be replaced with for (uint256 i; i < numIterations; ++i) {

Instances include:

farming/LPFarming.sol:281:        for (uint256 pid = 0; pid < length; ++pid) {
farming/LPFarming.sol:348:        for (uint256 i = 0; i < poolInfo.length; i++) {
vaults/yVault/strategies/StrategyPUSDConvex.sol:145:        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _strategyConfig.rewardTokens.length; i++) {
vaults/yVault/strategies/StrategyPUSDConvex.sol:231:        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
vaults/yVault/strategies/StrategyPUSDConvex.sol:319:            for (uint256 i = 0; i < rewardTokens.length; i++) {
vaults/FungibleAssetVaultForDAO.sol:45:    address internal constant ETH = address(0);
vaults/NFTVault.sol:181:        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _typeInitializers.length; i++) {
vaults/NFTVault.sol:184:            for (uint256 j = 0; j < initializer.nfts.length; j++) {

I suggest removing explicit initializations for default values.

[G-34] > 0 is less efficient than != 0 for unsigned integers (with proof)

!= 0 costs less gas compared to > 0 for unsigned integers in require statements with the optimizer enabled (6 gas)

Proof: While it may seem that > 0 is cheaper than !=, this is only true without the optimizer enabled and outside a require statement. If you enable the optimizer at 10k AND you’re in a require statement, this will save gas. You can see this tweet for more proofs:

I suggest changing > 0 with != 0 here:

farming/LPFarming.sol:114:        require(_rewardPerBlock > 0, "Invalid reward per block");
farming/LPFarming.sol:218:        require(_amount > 0, "invalid_amount");
farming/LPFarming.sol:239:        require(_amount > 0, "invalid_amount");
farming/LPFarming.sol:337:        require(rewards > 0, "no_reward");
farming/LPFarming.sol:354:        require(rewards > 0, "no_reward");
farming/yVaultLPFarming.sol:101:        require(_amount > 0, "invalid_amount");
farming/yVaultLPFarming.sol:118:        require(_amount > 0, "invalid_amount");
farming/yVaultLPFarming.sol:139:        require(rewards > 0, "no_reward");
lock/JPEGLock.sol:40:        require(_newTime > 0, "Invalid lock time");
staking/JPEGStaking.sol:32:        require(_amount > 0, "invalid_amount");
vaults/yVault/strategies/StrategyPUSDConvex.sol:182:            _performanceFee.denominator > 0 &&
vaults/yVault/strategies/StrategyPUSDConvex.sol:334:            require(wethBalance > 0, "NOOP");
vaults/yVault/yVault.sol<img class="emoji-icon" alt="emoji-100" data-icon="emoji-100" style="display: inline; margin: 0; margin-top: 1px; position: relative; top: 5px; width: 25px" src="data:image/png;base64, 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" title="emoji-100" />            _rate.numerator > 0 && _rate.denominator >= _rate.numerator,
vaults/yVault/yVault.sol:143:        require(_amount > 0, "INVALID_AMOUNT");
vaults/yVault/yVault.sol:167:        require(_shares > 0, "INVALID_AMOUNT");
vaults/yVault/yVault.sol:170:        require(supply > 0, "NO_TOKENS_DEPOSITED");
vaults/FungibleAssetVaultForDAO.sol:94:            _creditLimitRate.denominator > 0 &&
vaults/FungibleAssetVaultForDAO.sol:108:        require(answer > 0, "invalid_oracle_answer");
vaults/FungibleAssetVaultForDAO.sol:142:        require(amount > 0, "invalid_amount");
vaults/FungibleAssetVaultForDAO.sol:164:        require(amount > 0, "invalid_amount");
vaults/FungibleAssetVaultForDAO.sol:180:        require(amount > 0, "invalid_amount");
vaults/FungibleAssetVaultForDAO.sol:194:        require(amount > 0 && amount <= collateralAmount, "invalid_amount");
vaults/NFTVault.sol:278:        require(_newFloor > 0, "Invalid floor");
vaults/NFTVault.sol:327:            _type == bytes32(0) || nftTypeValueETH[_type] > 0,
vaults/NFTVault.sol:365:        require(pendingValue > 0, "no_pending_value");
vaults/NFTVault.sol:402:            rate.denominator > 0 && rate.denominator >= rate.numerator,
vaults/NFTVault.sol:462:        require(answer > 0, "invalid_oracle_answer");
vaults/NFTVault.sol:687:        require(_amount > 0, "invalid_amount");
vaults/NFTVault.sol:764:        require(_amount > 0, "invalid_amount");
vaults/NFTVault.sol:770:        require(debtAmount > 0, "position_not_borrowed");
vaults/NFTVault.sol:882:        require(position.liquidatedAt > 0, "not_liquidated");
vaults/NFTVault.sol:926:        require(position.liquidatedAt > 0, "not_liquidated");

Also, please enable the Optimizer.

[G-35] >= is cheaper than >

Strict inequalities (>) are more expensive than non-strict ones (>=). This is due to some supplementary checks (ISZERO, 3 gas)

I suggest using >= instead of > to avoid some opcodes here:

vaults/NFTVault.sol:539:        return principal > calculatedDebt ? principal : calculatedDebt;
vaults/NFTVault.sol:775:        _amount = _amount > debtAmount ? debtAmount : _amount;

[G-36] An array’s length should be cached to save gas in for-loops

Reading array length at each iteration of the loop takes 6 gas (3 for mload and 3 to place memory_offset) in the stack.

Caching the array length in the stack saves around 3 gas per iteration.

Here, I suggest storing the array’s length in a variable before the for-loop, and use it instead:

farming/LPFarming.sol:348:        for (uint256 i = 0; i < poolInfo.length; i++) {
vaults/yVault/strategies/StrategyPUSDConvex.sol:145:        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _strategyConfig.rewardTokens.length; i++) {
vaults/yVault/strategies/StrategyPUSDConvex.sol:319:            for (uint256 i = 0; i < rewardTokens.length; i++) {
vaults/NFTVault.sol:181:        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _typeInitializers.length; i++) {
vaults/NFTVault.sol:184:            for (uint256 j = 0; j < initializer.nfts.length; j++) {

This is already done here:

farming/LPFarming.sol:281:        for (uint256 pid = 0; pid < length; ++pid) {
vaults/yVault/strategies/StrategyPUSDConvex.sol:231:        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {

[G-37] ++i costs less gas compared to i++ or i += 1

++i costs less gas compared to i++ or i += 1 for unsigned integer, as pre-increment is cheaper (about 5 gas per iteration). This statement is true even with the optimizer enabled.

i++ increments i and returns the initial value of i. Which means:

uint i = 1;  
i++; // == 1 but i == 2  

But ++i returns the actual incremented value:

uint i = 1;  
++i; // == 2 and i == 2 too, so no need for a temporary variable  

In the first case, the compiler has to create a temporary variable (when used) for returning 1 instead of 2

Instances include:

farming/LPFarming.sol:348:        for (uint256 i = 0; i < poolInfo.length; i++) {
vaults/yVault/strategies/StrategyPUSDConvex.sol:145:        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _strategyConfig.rewardTokens.length; i++) {
vaults/yVault/strategies/StrategyPUSDConvex.sol:231:        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
vaults/yVault/strategies/StrategyPUSDConvex.sol:319:            for (uint256 i = 0; i < rewardTokens.length; i++) {
vaults/NFTVault.sol:181:        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _typeInitializers.length; i++) {
vaults/NFTVault.sol:184:            for (uint256 j = 0; j < initializer.nfts.length; j++) {

I suggest using ++i instead of i++ to increment the value of an uint variable.

This is already done here:

farming/LPFarming.sol:281:        for (uint256 pid = 0; pid < length; ++pid) {

[G-38] Increments can be unchecked

In Solidity 0.8+, there’s a default overflow check on unsigned integers. It’s possible to uncheck this in for-loops and save some gas at each iteration, but at the cost of some code readability, as this uncheck cannot be made inline.


Instances include:

farming/LPFarming.sol:281:        for (uint256 pid = 0; pid < length; ++pid) {
farming/LPFarming.sol:348:        for (uint256 i = 0; i < poolInfo.length; i++) {
vaults/yVault/strategies/StrategyPUSDConvex.sol:145:        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _strategyConfig.rewardTokens.length; i++) {
vaults/yVault/strategies/StrategyPUSDConvex.sol:231:        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
vaults/yVault/strategies/StrategyPUSDConvex.sol:319:            for (uint256 i = 0; i < rewardTokens.length; i++) {
vaults/NFTVault.sol:181:        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _typeInitializers.length; i++) {
vaults/NFTVault.sol:184:            for (uint256 j = 0; j < initializer.nfts.length; j++) {

The code would go from:

for (uint256 i; i < numIterations; i++) {  
 // ...  


for (uint256 i; i < numIterations;) {  
 // ...  
 unchecked { ++i; }  

The risk of overflow is inexistant for a uint256 here.

[G-39] Use calldata instead of memory

When arguments are read-only on external functions, the data location should be calldata:

  212:     function setDebtInterestApr(Rate memory _debtInterestApr) //@audit gas: should be calldata
  222:     function setValueIncreaseLockRate(Rate memory _valueIncreaseLockRate)  //@audit gas: should be calldata
  232:     function setCreditLimitRate(Rate memory _creditLimitRate)  //@audit gas: should be calldata
  247:     function setLiquidationLimitRate(Rate memory _liquidationLimitRate)  //@audit gas: should be calldata
  290:     function setOrganizationFeeRate(Rate memory _organizationFeeRate)  //@audit gas: should be calldata
  300:     function setInsurancePurchaseRate(Rate memory _insurancePurchaseRate)  //@audit gas: should be calldata
  311:         Rate memory _insuranceLiquidationPenaltyRate  //@audit gas: should be calldata

[G-40] Consider making some constants as non-public to save gas

Reducing from public to private or internal can save gas when a constant isn’t used outside of its contract. I suggest changing the visibility from public to internal or private here:

tokens/JPEG.sol:10:    bytes32 public constant MINTER_ROLE = keccak256("MINTER_ROLE");
tokens/StableCoin.sol:22:    bytes32 public constant MINTER_ROLE = keccak256("MINTER_ROLE");
tokens/StableCoin.sol:23:    bytes32 public constant PAUSER_ROLE = keccak256("PAUSER_ROLE");
vaults/yVault/strategies/StrategyPUSDConvex.sol:66:    bytes32 public constant STRATEGIST_ROLE = keccak256("STRATEGIST_ROLE");
vaults/yVault/Controller.sol:15:    bytes32 public constant STRATEGIST_ROLE = keccak256("STRATEGIST_ROLE");
vaults/FungibleAssetVaultForDAO.sol:41:    bytes32 public constant WHITELISTED_ROLE = keccak256("WHITELISTED_ROLE");
vaults/NFTVault.sol:71:    bytes32 public constant DAO_ROLE = keccak256("DAO_ROLE");
vaults/NFTVault.sol:72:    bytes32 public constant LIQUIDATOR_ROLE = keccak256("LIQUIDATOR_ROLE");
vaults/NFTVault.sol:74:    bytes32 public constant CUSTOM_NFT_HASH = keccak256("CUSTOM");

[G-41] Public functions to external

The following functions could be set external to save gas and improve code quality. External call cost is less expensive than of public functions.

withdraw(IERC20,uint256) should be declared external:
 - Controller.withdraw(IERC20,uint256) (contracts/vaults/yVault/Controller.sol#151-154)
setFarmingPool(address) should be declared external:
 - YVault.setFarmingPool(address) (contracts/vaults/yVault/yVault.sol#115-118)

[G-42] Reduce the size of error messages (Long revert Strings)

Shortening revert strings to fit in 32 bytes will decrease deployment time gas and will decrease runtime gas when the revert condition is met.

Revert strings that are longer than 32 bytes require at least one additional mstore, along with additional overhead for computing memory offset, etc.

Revert strings > 32 bytes:

tokens/JPEG.sol:23:            "JPEG: must have minter role to mint"
tokens/StableCoin.sol:41:            "StableCoin: must have minter role to mint"
tokens/StableCoin.sol:55:            "StableCoin: must have pauser role to pause"
tokens/StableCoin.sol:69:            "StableCoin: must have pauser role to unpause"
vaults/NFTVault.sol:394:            "credit_rate_exceeds_or_equals_liquidation_rate" 

I suggest shortening the revert strings to fit in 32 bytes, or using custom errors as described next.

[G-43] Use Custom Errors instead of Revert Strings to save Gas

Custom errors from Solidity 0.8.4 are cheaper than revert strings (cheaper deployment cost and runtime cost when the revert condition is met)


Starting from Solidity v0.8.4, there is a convenient and gas-efficient way to explain to users why an operation failed through the use of custom errors. Until now, you could already use strings to give more information about failures (e.g., revert("Insufficient funds.");), but they are rather expensive, especially when it comes to deploy cost, and it is difficult to use dynamic information in them.

Custom errors are defined using the error statement, which can be used inside and outside of contracts (including interfaces and libraries).

See original submission for instances.

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) confirmed and commented:

Very high quality report, may implement some of your suggestions. Thank you!

spaghettieth (JPEG’d) resolved and commented:

Implemented most of your suggestions in jpegd/core#21. Custom errors have not been implemented as it would be too big of a change at this point and doing it properly may cause unexpected behaviour/bugs due to the codebase changing too much.


C4 is an open organization governed by participants in the community.

C4 Contests incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Contest submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.