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Cudos contest
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Cudos smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit contest took place between May 3—May 9 2022.


64 Wardens contributed reports to the Cudos contest:

  1. defsec
  2. sorrynotsorry
  3. CertoraInc (egjlmn1, OriDabush, ItayG, and shakedwinder)
  4. p_crypt0
  5. IllIllI
  6. dirk_y
  7. 0xDjango
  8. GermanKuber
  9. WatchPug (jtp and ming)
  10. 0x1337
  11. dipp
  12. jah
  13. danb
  14. cccz
  15. GimelSec (rayn and sces60107)
  16. Dravee
  17. hubble (ksk2345 and shri4net)
  18. kirk-baird
  19. reassor
  20. AmitN
  21. csanuragjain
  22. wuwe1
  23. jayjonah8
  24. 0xkatana
  25. 0x1f8b
  26. Funen
  27. MaratCerby
  28. gzeon
  29. robee
  30. oyc_109
  31. ch13fd357r0y3r
  32. ellahi
  33. ilan
  34. Waze
  35. hake
  36. simon135
  37. delfin454000
  38. JC
  39. Hawkeye (0xwags and 0xmint)
  40. orion
  41. m9800
  42. shenwilly
  43. cryptphi
  44. broccolirob
  45. kebabsec (okkothejawa and FlameHorizon)
  46. 0xNazgul
  47. AlleyCat
  48. slywaters
  49. 0xf15ers (remora and twojoy)
  50. rfa
  51. peritoflores
  52. 0v3rf10w
  53. hansfriese
  54. nahnah
  55. jonatascm

This contest was judged by Albert Chon.

Final report assembled by liveactionllama.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 6 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 0 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 6 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 41 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 33 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Cudos contest repository, and is composed of 2 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 615 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities according to a methodology based on OWASP standards.

Vulnerabilities are divided into three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

Further information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website.

Medium Risk Findings (6)

[M-01] Missing check in the updateValset function

Submitted by CertoraInc, also found by 0x1337, cccz, danb, dipp, dirk_y, hubble, jah, and WatchPug


The updateValset function don’t check that the sum of the powers of the new validators in the new valset is greater than the threshold, which can lead to unwanted behavior.

There are 2 main problems that can occur in that situation:

  1. The sum of the new validators’ powers will be lower than the state_powerThreshold
  2. The sum of the new validators’ power will overflow and become lower than the state_powerThreshold

The second case is less dangerous, because it won’t stuck the system in every case (only in specific cases where every sum of validators’ power is less than the threshold). The first case is very dangerous though. It can lead to the system becoming stuck and to all of the tokens on the cudos chain to become locked for users, because the validators won’t have enough power to approve any operation - whether it is transferring tokens or updating the valset.

Proof of Concept

For the first case, consider the current validators set containing 100 validators with each ones power being equal to 10, and the threshold is 900 (91+ validators are needed for approvement). Now the updateValset function is being called with 100 validators with each ones power being equal to 1. This will lead to a state where no matter how much validators have signed a message, the sum of the powers won’t pass the threshold and the action won’t be able to be executed. This will cause all the tokens in the cudos blockchain become locked, and will DoS all the actions of the gravity contract - including updating the valset.

For the second case, consider the new validators set will have 128 validators, each validator’s power is equal to 2**249 and _powerThreshold = 2**256 - 1. In this case the system will be stuck too, because every sum of validators’ power won’t pass the threshold.

Tools Used

Remix and VS Code

Add a check in the updateValset to assure that the sum of the new powers is greater than the threshold.

V-Staykov (Cudos) disputed and commented:

This check is done on the Gravity module side and since the message is also signed there by the validators, we can consider it to be always as per the module, unless there are malicious validators with more voting power than the threshold.

If the message is considered correct this means that the values of the power are normalized which is in the core of the power threshold calculation. When they are normalized this means that the sum of the validator set will always equal 100% of the power which is more than the threshold.

Here is a link to the power normalization in the Gravity module side.

Albert Chon (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Agreed with @V-Staykov - this would only fail if 2/3+ of the validator stake weight were controlled by malicious validators, at which point all bets are off.

[M-02] Admin drains all ERC based user funds using withdrawERC20()

Submitted by pcrypt0, also found by 0x1337, AmitN, csanuragjain, danb, dirky, GermanKuber, IllIllI, kirk-baird, and WatchPug


Ability for admin to drain all ERC20 funds stored in contract at will, meaning all ERC20 based Cudos tokens (and any other ERC20 tokens stored in the contract) could be extracted by anyone with admin role and later sold, leaving users funds bridged on Cudos Cosmos chain with no ERC20 representation stored across the bridge - similar in impact as the wormhole hack.

This issue ought to fall within the limits the team allocated on assessing the governance role setups, since it describes a full-fledged security risk regarding users’ funds. Crucially, this function is not in the original Gravity Bridge contract for Gravity.sol.

Furthermore, the function has not been commented and does not appear in the documentation, suggesting that it has perhaps not yet been reasoned through by the development team and it’s critical this is flagged in the security audit.

Proof of Concept

Firstly, User with admin role granted waits until CUDOS bridge has decent TVL from users bridging their CUDOS tokens from Ethereum to the CUDOS Cosmos chain,

Secondly, User manually calls withdrawERC20(address _tokenAddress) with the ERC token address of the CUDOS token

 function withdrawERC20(
			address _tokenAddress) 
			external {
			require(cudosAccessControls.hasAdminRole(msg.sender), "Recipient is not an admin");
			uint256 totalBalance = IERC20(_tokenAddress).balanceOf(address(this));
			IERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(msg.sender , totalBalance);

Thirdly, withdrawERC20() function checks if user has admin role and if so withdraws all the tokens of a given token address straight to the admin’s personal wallet

               require(cudosAccessControls.hasAdminRole(msg.sender), "Recipient is not an admin");
		uint256 totalBalance = IERC20(_tokenAddress).balanceOf(address(this));
		IERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(msg.sender , totalBalance);

Fourth, user exchanges CUDOS on DEX and then sends funds to tornado cash, leaving all user funds at risk.

Tools Used

My own logical reasoning and discussion with team on Discord for confirmation of admin roles and function’s logic.

Delete the function or alternatively, send all funds to the ‘0’ address to burn rather than give them to the admin.

Change withdrawERC20 to:

function burnERC20(
	address _tokenAddress) 
	external {
	require(cudosAccessControls.hasAdminRole(msg.sender), "Recipient is not an admin");
	uint256 totalBalance = IERC20(_tokenAddress).balanceOf(address(0));
	- IERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(msg.sender , totalBalance);
     +   IERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(address(0) , totalBalance);

maptuhec (Cudos) acknowledged and commented:

The reason we have created this functions is that, if the bridge stop working, the funds for the users would be locked, and there is no chance to withdraw them. CUDOS have no intention and incentive to maliciously withdraw the ERC20 tokes, because that would lead to losing the trust in its clients and thus killing their own network. The best way for handling this is to communicate this with the community so they can be aware.

Albert Chon (judge) decreased severity to Medium

[M-03] The Gravity.sol should have pause/unpause functionality

Submitted by defsec

In case a hack is occuring or an exploit is discovered, the team (or validators in this case) should be able to pause functionality until the necessary changes are made to the system. Additionally, the gravity.sol contract should be manged by proxy so that upgrades can be made by the validators.

Because an attack would probably span a number of blocks, a method for pausing the contract would be able to interrupt any such attack if discovered.

To use a thorchain example again, the team behind thorchain noticed an attack was going to occur well before the system transferred funds to the hacker. However, they were not able to shut the system down fast enough. (According to the incidence report here).

Proof of Concept


Pause functionality on the contract would have helped secure the funds quickly.

mlukanova (Cudos) confirmed

V-Staykov (Cudos) resolved and commented:

PR: CudoVentures/cosmos-gravity-bridge#18

[M-04] Protocol doesn’t handle fee on transfer tokens

Submitted by wuwe1, also found by cccz, defsec, dipp, Dravee, GermanKuber, GimelSec, jah, reassor, and WatchPug


Since the _tokenContract can be any token, it is possible that loans will be created with tokens that support fee on transfer. If a fee on transfer asset token is chosen, other user’s funds might be drained.

Proof of Concept

  1. Assume transfer fee to be 5% and Gravity.sol has 200 token.
  2. Alice sendToCosmos 100 token. Now, Gravity.sol has 295 token.
  3. Alice calls the send-to-eth method to withdraw 100 token.
  4. Gravity.sol ends up having 195 token.

Change to

	function sendToCosmos(
		address _tokenContract,
		bytes32 _destination,
		uint256 _amount
	) public nonReentrant  {
                uint256 oldBalance = IERC20(_tokenContract).balanceOf(address(this));
		IERC20(_tokenContract).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
                uint256 receivedAmout = IERC20(_tokenContract).balanceOf(address(this)) - oldBalance;
		state_lastEventNonce = state_lastEventNonce.add(1);
		emit SendToCosmosEvent(

mlukanova (Cudos) acknowledged and commented:

Token transfers are restricted to the Cudos token which doesn’t support fee on transfer. Will be fixed with issue #58.

[M-05] Calls inside loops that may address DoS

Submitted by sorrynotsorry

Calls to external contracts inside a loop are dangerous (especially if the loop index can be user-controlled) because it could lead to DoS if one of the calls reverts or execution runs out of gas. Reference




Avoid combining multiple calls in a single transaction, especially when calls are executed as part of a loop.
Always assume that external calls can fail.
Implement the contract logic to handle failed calls.

mlukanova (Cudos) acknowledged

Albert Chon (judge) commented:

Would really only happen for malicious/non-standard ERC-20 tokens which could then just be ignored by the orchestrator. No way of getting around doing the transfers for each token.

[M-06] Non-Cudos Erc20 funds sent through sendToCosmos() will be lost.

Submitted by p_crypt0, also found by CertoraInc

No checks for non-Cudos tokens mean that non-Cudos ERC20 tokens will be lost to the contract, with the user not having any chance of retrieving them.

However, the admin can retrieve them through withdrawERC20.

Impact is that users lose their funds, but admins gain them.

The mistakes could be mitigated on the contract, by checking against a list of supported tokens, so that users don’t get the bad experience of losing funds and CUDOS doesn’t have to manually refund users

Proof of Concept

User sends 100 ETH through sendToCosmos, hoping to retrieve 100 synthetic ETH on Cudos chain but finds that funds never appear.

	function sendToCosmos(
		address _tokenContract,
		bytes32 _destination,
		uint256 _amount
	) public nonReentrant  {
		IERC20(_tokenContract).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
		state_lastEventNonce = state_lastEventNonce.add(1);
		emit SendToCosmosEvent(


Admin can retrieve these funds should they wish, but user never gets them back because the contract does not check whether the token is supported.

	function withdrawERC20(
		address _tokenAddress) 
		external {
		require(cudosAccessControls.hasAdminRole(msg.sender), "Recipient is not an admin");
		uint256 totalBalance = IERC20(_tokenAddress).balanceOf(address(this));
		IERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(msg.sender , totalBalance);


Tools Used

Logic and discussion with @germanimp (Cudos)

Add checks in sendToCosmos to check the incoming tokenAddress against a supported token list, so that user funds don’t get lost and admin don’t need to bother refunding.

mlukanova (Cudos) confirmed

V-Staykov (Cudos) resolved and commented:

PR: CudoVentures/cosmos-gravity-bridge#21

Note: there were originally 7 items judged as Medium severity. After judging was finalized, further input from the sponsor was provided to the judge for reconsideration. Ultimately, the judge decreased issue #143 to non-critical.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this contest, 41 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by IllIllI received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: 0x1337, jayjonah8, GimelSec, dirk_y, GermanKuber, CertoraInc, ch13fd357r0y3r, kirk-baird, MaratCerby, gzeon, dipp, robee, 0xkatana, Hawkeye, sorrynotsorry, orion, hubble, jah, defsec, Waze, ilan, m9800, hake, shenwilly, AmitN, danb, Dravee, cccz, cryptphi, 0x1f8b, broccolirob, ellahi, Funen, 0xDjango, WatchPug, kebabsec, simon135, JC, oyc_109, and delfin454000.

Low Risk Issues

Title Instances
1 Validator signing address of zero not rejected, allowing anyone to sign 1
2 Unbounded loops may run out of gas 1
3 deployERC20() does not have a reentrancy guard 1
4 Comment does not match the behavior of the code 2
5 abi.encodePacked() should not be used with dynamic types when passing the result to a hash function such as keccak256() 1

Total: 6 instances over 5 classes
(see lower down in this report for the summary table of the Non-critical findings)

[1] Validator signing address of zero not rejected, allowing anyone to sign

ecrecover() returns 0 when the signature does not match. If the validators approve a valset including an address of 0, then anyone will be able to sign messages for that signer, since invalid sigatures will return zero, and will match the zero address.

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #1

185  		return _signer == ecrecover(messageDigest, _v, _r, _s);

[2] Unbounded loops may run out of gas

The call to ecrecover() costs 3000 gas per call, and if there are too many validators, the update of the validator set may pass, but large batches will fail

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #1

219  	function checkValidatorSignatures(
220  		// The current validator set and their powers
221  		address[] memory _currentValidators,
222  		uint256[] memory _currentPowers,
223  		// The current validator's signatures
224  		uint8[] memory _v,
225  		bytes32[] memory _r,
226  		bytes32[] memory _s,
227  		// This is what we are checking they have signed
228  		bytes32 _theHash,
229  		uint256 _powerThreshold
230  	) private pure {
231  		uint256 cumulativePower = 0;
233  		for (uint256 i = 0; i < _currentValidators.length; i++) {
234  			// If v is set to 0, this signifies that it was not possible to get a signature from this validator and we skip evaluation
235  			// (In a valid signature, it is either 27 or 28)
236  			if (_v[i] != 0) {
237  				// Check that the current validator has signed off on the hash
238  				require(
239  					verifySig(_currentValidators[i], _theHash, _v[i], _r[i], _s[i]),

[3] deployERC20() does not have a reentrancy guard

deployERC20() increments the state_lastEventNonce so it’s possible for the nonce to be incremented by a transfer hook. I don’t see a way to exploit this given the code in scope, but perhaps some other area relies on event nonces happening in a specific order in relation to the other events.

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #1

611  	function deployERC20(
612  		string memory _cosmosDenom,
613  		string memory _name,
614  		string memory _symbol,
615  		uint8 _decimals
616  	) public {
617  		// Deploy an ERC20 with entire supply granted to Gravity.sol
618  		CosmosERC20 erc20 = new CosmosERC20(address(this), _name, _symbol, _decimals);
620  		// Fire an event to let the Cosmos module know
621  		state_lastEventNonce = state_lastEventNonce.add(1);

[4] Comment does not match the behavior of the code

Both of the functions below have require(isOrchestrator(msg.sender)), and orchestrators are the first signer, so not just anyone can call these

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #1

362  	// Anyone can call this function, but they must supply valid signatures of state_powerThreshold of the current valset over
363  	// the batch.
364  	function submitBatch (

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #2

274  	// Anyone can call this function, but they must supply valid signatures of state_powerThreshold of the current valset over
275  	// the new valset.
276  	function updateValset(

[5] abi.encodePacked() should not be used with dynamic types when passing the result to a hash function such as keccak256()

Use abi.encode() instead which will pad items to 32 bytes, which will prevent hash collisions (e.g. abi.encodePacked(0x123,0x456) => 0x123456 => abi.encodePacked(0x1,0x23456), but abi.encode(0x123,0x456) => 0x0...1230...456). “Unless there is a compelling reason, abi.encode should be preferred”. If there is only one argument to abi.encodePacked() it can often be cast to bytes() or bytes32() instead.

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #1

182   		bytes32 messageDigest = keccak256(
183   			abi.encodePacked("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", _theHash)
184   		);

Non-critical Issues

Title Instances
1 Best practice is to prevent signature malleability 1
2 Inconsistent variable naming convention 2
3 Inconsistent tabs vs spaces 3
4 if( should be if ( to match other lines in the file 1
5 Misleading function name 1
6 Avoid the use of sensitive terms in favor of neutral ones 4
7 public functions not called by the contract should be declared external instead 10
8 2**<n> - 1 should be re-written as type(uint<n>).max 1
9 constants should be defined rather than using magic numbers 3
10 Use a more recent version of solidity 1
11 Variable names that consist of all capital letters should be reserved for const/immutable variables 1
12 Non-library/interface files should use fixed compiler versions, not floating ones 2
13 Typos 1
14 File does not contain an SPDX Identifier 2
15 File is missing NatSpec 2
16 Event is missing indexed fields 5
17 Consider making the bridge ‘pausable’ 1

Total: 41 instances over 17 classes

[1] Best practice is to prevent signature malleability

Use OpenZeppelin’s ECDSA contract rather than calling ecrecover() directly

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #1

182  		bytes32 messageDigest = keccak256(
183  			abi.encodePacked("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:
32", _theHash)
184  		);
185  		return _signer == ecrecover(messageDigest, _v, _r, _s);

[2] Inconsistent variable naming convention

Most state variables use the state_ prefix in their variable name. There are some that don’t. Use the prefix everywhere, and manually add public getters where necessary

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #1

63  	CudosAccessControls public cudosAccessControls;

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #2

65  	mapping(address => bool) public whitelisted;

[3] Inconsistent tabs vs spaces

Most lines use tabs, but some use spaces, which leads to alignment issues

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #1

128  		 for (uint256 i = 0; i < _users.length; i++) {
129              require(
130                  _users[i] != address(0),
131                  "User is the zero address"
132              );
133              whitelisted[_users[i]] = _isWhitelisted;
134          }

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #2

117  		 require(
118              whitelisted[msg.sender] || cudosAccessControls.hasAdminRole(msg.sender) ,
119              "The caller is not whitelisted for this operation"
120          );
121  		_;

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #3

647  		address[] memory _validators,
648      uint256[] memory _powers,
649  		CudosAccessControls _cudosAccessControls

[4] if( should be if ( to match other lines in the file

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #1

264  			if(_newValset.validators[i] == _sender) {

[5] Misleading function name

onlyWhitelisted() should be onlyWhitelistedOrAdmin()

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #1

116  	modifier onlyWhitelisted() {

[6] Avoid the use of sensitive terms in favor of neutral ones

Use allowlist rather than whitelist

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #1

116  	modifier onlyWhitelisted() {

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #2

65  	mapping(address => bool) public whitelisted;

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #3

109  	event WhitelistedStatusModified(

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #4

124  	function manageWhitelist(

[7] public functions not called by the contract should be declared external instead

Contracts are allowed to override their parents’ functions and change the visibility from external to public.

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #1

124   	function manageWhitelist(
125   		address[] memory _users,
126   		bool _isWhitelisted
127   		) public onlyWhitelisted {

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #2

140   	function testMakeCheckpoint(ValsetArgs memory _valsetArgs, bytes32 _gravityId) public pure {

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #3

144   	function testCheckValidatorSignatures(
145   		address[] memory _currentValidators,
146   		uint256[] memory _currentPowers,
147   		uint8[] memory _v,
148   		bytes32[] memory _r,
149   		bytes32[] memory _s,
150   		bytes32 _theHash,
151   		uint256 _powerThreshold

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #4

166   	function lastBatchNonce(address _erc20Address) public view returns (uint256) {

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #5

170   	function lastLogicCallNonce(bytes32 _invalidation_id) public view returns (uint256) {

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #6

276   	function updateValset(
277   		// The new version of the validator set
278   		ValsetArgs memory _newValset,
279   		// The current validators that approve the change
280   		ValsetArgs memory _currentValset,
281   		// These are arrays of the parts of the current validator's signatures
282   		uint8[] memory _v,
283   		bytes32[] memory _r,
284   		bytes32[] memory _s
285   	) public nonReentrant {

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #7

364   	function submitBatch (
365   		// The validators that approve the batch
366   		ValsetArgs memory _currentValset,
367   		// These are arrays of the parts of the validators signatures
368   		uint8[] memory _v,
369   		bytes32[] memory _r,
370   		bytes32[] memory _s,
371   		// The batch of transactions
372   		uint256[] memory _amounts,
373   		address[] memory _destinations,
374   		uint256[] memory _fees,
375   		uint256 _batchNonce,
376   		address _tokenContract,
377   		// a block height beyond which this batch is not valid
378   		// used to provide a fee-free timeout
379   		uint256 _batchTimeout
380   	) public nonReentrant {

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #8

479   	function submitLogicCall(
480   		// The validators that approve the call
481   		ValsetArgs memory _currentValset,
482   		// These are arrays of the parts of the validators signatures
483   		uint8[] memory _v,
484   		bytes32[] memory _r,
485   		bytes32[] memory _s,
486   		LogicCallArgs memory _args
487   	) public nonReentrant {

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #9

595   	function sendToCosmos(
596   		address _tokenContract,
597   		bytes32 _destination,
598   		uint256 _amount
599   	) public nonReentrant  {

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #10

611   	function deployERC20(
612   		string memory _cosmosDenom,
613   		string memory _name,
614   		string memory _symbol,
615   		uint8 _decimals

[8] 2**<n> - 1 should be re-written as type(uint<n>).max

Earlier versions of solidity can use uint<n>(-1) instead. Expressions not including the - 1 can often be re-written to accomodate the change (e.g. by using a > rather than a >=, which will also save some gas)

File: solidity/contracts/CosmosToken.sol   #1

5   	uint256 MAX_UINT = 2**256 - 1;

[9] constants should be defined rather than using magic numbers

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #1

202   		bytes32 methodName = 0x636865636b706f696e7400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #2

433   						0x7472616e73616374696f6e426174636800000000000000000000000000000000,

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #3

535   				0x6c6f67696343616c6c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,

[10] Use a more recent version of solidity

Use a solidity version of at least 0.8.4 to get bytes.concat() instead of abi.encodePacked(<bytes>,<bytes>) Use a solidity version of at least 0.8.12 to get string.concat() instead of abi.encodePacked(<str>,<str>)

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #1

1   pragma solidity ^0.6.6;

[11] Variable names that consist of all capital letters should be reserved for const/immutable variables

If the variable needs to be different based on which class it comes from, a view/pure function should be used instead (e.g. like this).

File: solidity/contracts/CosmosToken.sol   #1

5   	uint256 MAX_UINT = 2**256 - 1;

[12] Non-library/interface files should use fixed compiler versions, not floating ones

File: solidity/contracts/CosmosToken.sol   #1

1   pragma solidity ^0.6.6;

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #2

1   pragma solidity ^0.6.6;

[13] Typos

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #1

564   		// Update invaldiation nonce


[14] File does not contain an SPDX Identifier

File: solidity/contracts/CosmosToken.sol   #1

0   pragma solidity ^0.6.6;

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #2

0   pragma solidity ^0.6.6;

[15] File is missing NatSpec

File: solidity/contracts/CosmosToken.sol (various lines)   #1

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol (various lines)   #2

[16] Event is missing indexed fields

Each event should use three indexed fields if there are three or more fields

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #1

73   	event TransactionBatchExecutedEvent(
74   		uint256 indexed _batchNonce,
75   		address indexed _token,
76   		uint256 _eventNonce
77   	);

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #2

85   	event ERC20DeployedEvent(
86   		// FYI: Can't index on a string without doing a bunch of weird stuff
87   		string _cosmosDenom,
88   		address indexed _tokenContract,
89   		string _name,
90   		string _symbol,
91   		uint8 _decimals,
92   		uint256 _eventNonce
93   	);

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #3

94   	event ValsetUpdatedEvent(
95   		uint256 indexed _newValsetNonce,
96   		uint256 _eventNonce,
97   		uint256 _rewardAmount,
98   		address _rewardToken,
99   		address[] _validators,
100   		uint256[] _powers
101   	);

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #4

102   	event LogicCallEvent(
103   		bytes32 _invalidationId,
104   		uint256 _invalidationNonce,
105   		bytes _returnData,
106   		uint256 _eventNonce
107   	);

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #5

109   	event WhitelistedStatusModified(
110   		address _sender,
111   		address[] _users,
112   		bool _isWhitelisted
113   	);

[17] Consider making the bridge ‘pausable’

Having this ability would help to mitigate attacks and would ameleorate the need for this withdrawERC20() to be all-or-nothing

File: solidity/contracts/Gravity.sol   #1

632  	function withdrawERC20(
633  		address _tokenAddress) 
634  		external {
635  		require(cudosAccessControls.hasAdminRole(msg.sender), "Recipient is not an admin");
636  		uint256 totalBalance = IERC20(_tokenAddress).balanceOf(address(this));
637  		IERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(msg.sender , totalBalance);
638  	}

V-Staykov (Cudos) commented:

This is particularly high quality.

Gas Optimizations

For this contest, 33 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by GermanKuber received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: IllIllI, defsec, 0xkatana, Dravee, 0x1f8b, Funen, 0xNazgul, CertoraInc, AlleyCat, slywaters, 0xf15ers, oyc_109, robee, 0xDjango, rfa, peritoflores, 0v3rf10w, WatchPug, ellahi, MaratCerby, simon135, GimelSec, hake, gzeon, delfin454000, ilan, JC, sorrynotsorry, hansfriese, Waze, nahnah, and jonatascm.


In the sendToCosmos() function it is not validated that _amount != 0, therefore the state_lastEventNonce could be made to grow only by spending gas. If they go up to type(uint256).max could it cause an overflow and DoS system wide?


An if could be added inside the for loop to transfer if only the following condition is met if(_destinations[i]!= address(0) && _amounts[i] != 0).


An if could be added before transferring the fees with if(totalFee != 0).


An if could be added before transferring the totalBalance with if(totalBalance!= 0).


Gas is saved if the variable in storage: state_lastValsetNonce is not set to zero, since it is its default value (the tests in remix said a difference of 2246).


It would save 20,000 gas if instead of using a modifier a view function was used.


L118/L233/L263/L453/L568/L579/L660 - Instead of using i++, you could use ++i unchecked and save 20,000 gas in 10 iterations.


L118/233/L263/L453/L568/L579/L660 - It would save 2,000 gas in the for if instead of “uint256 i = 0;” were “uint256 i ;”


L231 - It would save 2,000 gas in the for if instead of “uint256 cumulativePower = 0;;” were “uint256 cumulativePower;”


L659 - Gas is saved if the variable in storage: state_lastValsetNonce is not set to zero, since it is its default value (the tests in remix said a difference of 2246).

V-Staykov (Cudos) commented:

[G-01]: Marked it with “disagree with severity” because this is not a gas optimization issue. It seems to be low/mid finding. It is indeed a valid issue, but mitigating it with just checking if the amount is not zero doesn’t seem good, since an attack can then be made with _amount= 1e-18 lets say and still be cheap enough.

[G-04]: Disputed. This seems totally not worth it, since this function is to be used in very rare cases, i.e. changing the contract, and only by admin, who would not do it if he is not sure there are funds worth withdrawing from the contract. That said, adding a check would only cause more gas consumed.

[G-06]: Disputed. This does not describe what it refers to and I personally don’t understand it. It seems not helpful at all.


C4 is an open organization governed by participants in the community.

C4 Contests incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Contest submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.