Illuminate contest
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Illuminate smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit contest took place between June 21—June 26 2022.


99 Wardens contributed reports to the Illuminate contest:

  1. kenzo
  2. datapunk
  3. cccz
  4. kirk-baird
  5. 0x52
  6. csanuragjain
  7. hyh
  8. WatchPug (jtp and ming)
  9. Alex the Entreprenerd
  10. unforgiven
  11. Lambda
  12. IllIllI
  13. Kumpa
  14. Metatron
  15. pashov
  16. defsec
  17. bardamu
  18. ladboy233
  19. shenwilly
  20. Chom
  21. BowTiedWardens (BowTiedHeron, BowTiedPickle,m4rio_eth, Dravee, and BowTiedFirefox)
  22. 0x29A (0x4non and rotcivegaf)
  23. cryptphi
  24. auditor0517
  25. sashik_eth
  26. hansfriese
  27. Picodes
  28. dipp
  29. joestakey
  30. itsmeSTYJ
  31. Kulk0
  32. zer0dot
  33. 0x1f8b
  34. GimelSec (rayn and sces60107)
  35. StErMi
  36. robee
  37. 0xkowloon
  38. oyc_109
  39. poirots (DavideSilva, resende and naps62)
  40. TomJ
  41. simon135
  42. 0xkatana
  43. Soosh
  44. Waze
  45. _Adam
  46. catchup
  47. grGred
  48. Bnke0x0
  49. z3s
  50. fatherOfBlocks
  51. ElKu
  52. MadWookie
  53. delfin454000
  54. JC
  55. slywaters
  56. 0xf15ers (remora and twojoy)
  57. 0xNazgul
  58. asutorufos
  59. Funen
  60. hake
  61. kebabsec (okkothejawa and FlameHorizon)
  62. rfa
  63. 0xDjango
  64. saian
  65. 0xKitsune
  66. ajtra
  67. Tomio
  68. jah
  69. 0xmint
  70. 0xNineDec
  71. ak1
  72. aysha
  73. Kenshin
  74. Limbooo
  75. zeesaw
  76. Yiko
  77. Kaiziron
  78. Noah3o6
  79. UnusualTurtle
  80. 0v3rf10w
  81. c3phas
  82. Fitraldys
  83. ignacio
  84. Nyamcil
  85. RoiEvenHaim
  86. sach1r0
  87. samruna
  88. tintin

This contest was judged by gzeon.

Final report assembled by itsmetechjay.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 29 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 16 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 13 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 62 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 56 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Illuminate contest repository, and is composed of 3 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 1,297 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities according to a methodology based on OWASP standards.

Vulnerabilities are divided into three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

Further information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website.

High Risk Findings (16)

[H-01] The lend function for tempus uses the wrong return value of depositAndFix

Submitted by cccz, also found by 0x52 and datapunk

The depositAndFix function of the TempusController contract returns two uint256 data, the first is the number of shares exchanged for the underlying token, the second is the number of principalToken exchanged for the shares, the second return value should be used in the lend function for tempus.

This will cause the contract to mint an incorrect number of illuminateTokens to the user.

Proof of Concept


interface ITempus {
    function maturityTime() external view returns (uint256);

    function yieldBearingToken() external view returns (IERC20Metadata);

    function depositAndFix(
    ) external returns (uint256, uint256);


        (,uint256 returned) = ITempus(tempusAddr).depositAndFix(Any(x), Any(t), a - fee, true, r, d);
        returned -= illuminateToken.balanceOf(address(this));

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed

[H-02] Division Before Multiplication Can Lead To Zero Rounding Of Return Amount

Submitted by kirk-baird, also found by csanuragjain, datapunk, and ladboy233

There is a division before multiplication bug that exists in lend() for the Swivel case.

If order.premium is less than order.principal then returned will round to zero due to the integer rounding.

When this occurs the user’s funds are essentially lost. That is because they transfer in the underlying tokens but the amount sent to yield(u, y, returned, address(this)) will be zero.

Proof of Concept

    function lend(
        uint8 p,
        address u,
        uint256 m,
        uint256[] calldata a,
        address y,
        Swivel.Order[] calldata o,
        Swivel.Components[] calldata s
    ) public unpaused(p) returns (uint256) {

        // lent represents the number of underlying tokens lent
        uint256 lent;
        // returned represents the number of underlying tokens to lend to yield
        uint256 returned;

            uint256 totalFee;
            // iterate through each order a calculate the total lent and returned
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < o.length; ) {
                Swivel.Order memory order = o[i];
                // Require the Swivel order provided matches the underlying and maturity market provided
                if (order.underlying != u) {
                    revert NotEqual('underlying');
                } else if (order.maturity > m) {
                    revert NotEqual('maturity');
                // Determine the fee
                uint256 fee = calculateFee(a[i]);
                // Track accumulated fees
                totalFee += fee;
                // Sum the total amount lent to Swivel (amount of ERC5095 tokens to mint) minus fees
                lent += a[i] - fee;
                // Sum the total amount of premium paid from Swivel (amount of underlying to lend to yield)
                returned += (a[i] - fee) * (order.premium / order.principal);

                unchecked {
            // Track accumulated fee
            fees[u] += totalFee;

            // transfer underlying tokens from user to illuminate
            Safe.transferFrom(IERC20(u), msg.sender, address(this), lent);
            // fill the orders on swivel protocol
            ISwivel(swivelAddr).initiate(o, a, s);

            yield(u, y, returned, address(this));

        emit Lend(p, u, m, lent);
        return lent;

Specifically the function returned += (a[i] - fee) * (order.premium / order.principal);

The multiplication should occur before division, that is ((a[i] - fee) * order.premium) / order.principal);.

JTraversa (Illuminate) confirmed

Alex the Entreprenerd (warden) commented:

Also see how Swivel Calculates it

[H-03] Pendle Uses Wrong Return Value For swapExactTokensForTokens()

Submitted by kirk-baird, also found by 0x52, cccz, csanuragjain, kenzo, and WatchPug

The function swapExactTokensForTokens() will return and array with the 0 index being the input amount follow by each output amount. The 0 index is incorrectly used in Pendle lend() function as the output amount. As a result the value of returned will be the invalid (i.e. the input rather than the output).

Since this impacts how many PTs will be minted to the msg.sender, the value will very likely be significantly over or under stated depending on the exchange rate. Hence the msg.sender will receive an invalid number of PT tokens.

Proof of Concept

            address[] memory path = new address[](2);
            path[0] = u;
            path[1] = principal;

            returned = IPendle(pendleAddr).swapExactTokensForTokens(a - fee, r, path, address(this), d)[0];

The amount of principal returned should be index 1 of the array returned by swapExactTokensForTokens().

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed

[H-04] Allowance check always true in ERC5095 redeem

Submitted by Lambda, also found by 0x29A, Chom, cryptphi, itsmeSTYJ, kenzo, kirk-baird, and sashiketh_

In redeem, it is checked that the allowance is larger than underlyingAmount, which is the return parameter (i.e., equal to 0 at that point). Therefore, this check is always true and there is no actual allowance check, allowing anyone to redeem for another user.

Change the underlyingAmount to principalAmount, which is the intended parameter.

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) disputed and commented:

While we did not actually intend to audit the 5095 implementation, as 5095 itself is not yet final, we did describe its purpose in our codebase in the initial readme, and didn’t specify that it was not in scope. (we wanted wardens to understand its role in our infra)

With that context, we will leave it up to the judges whether or not to accept issues related to the ERC5095 token.

gzeoneth (judge) commented:

I think it is fair to accept issues related to the ERC5095 token.

[H-05] Redeemer.redeem() for Element withdraws PT to wrong address.

Submitted by auditor0517, also found by 0x52, cccz, datapunk, kenzo, and pashov

Redeemer.redeem() for Element withdraws PT to wrong address.

This might cause a result of loss of PT.

Proof of Concept

According to the, Redeemer should transfer external principal tokens from Lender.sol to Redeemer.sol.

But it transfers to the “marketPlace” and it would lose the PT.

Modify IElementToken(principal).withdrawPrincipal(amount, marketPlace); like this.

IElementToken(principal).withdrawPrincipal(amount, address(this));

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed

[H-06] Tempus lend method wrongly calculates amount of iPT tokens to mint

Submitted by kenzo, also found by cccz, Metatron, unforgiven, and WatchPug

The Tempus lend method calculates the amount of tokens to mint as amountReturnedFromTempus - lenderBalanceOfMetaPrincipalToken. This seems wrong as there’s no connection between the two items. Tempus has no relation to the iPT token.


Wrong amount of iPT will be minted to the user. If the Lender contract has iPT balance, the function will revert, otherwise, user will get minted 0 iPT tokes.

Proof of Concept

This is how the lend method calculates the amount of iPT tokens to mint:

        uint256 returned = ITempus(tempusAddr).depositAndFix(Any(x), Any(t), a - fee, true, r, d) -
            illuminateToken.balanceOf(address(this));, returned);

The Tempus depositAndFix method does not return anything. Therefore this calculation will revert if illuminateToken.balanceOf(address(this)) > 0, or will return 0 if the balance is 0.

[Note: there’s another issue here where the depositAndFix sends wrong parameters - I will submit it in another issue.]

I believe that what you intended to do is to check how many Tempus principal tokens the contract received.

So you need to check Lender’s x.tempusPool().principalShare() before and after the swap, and the delta is the amount received.

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed

[H-07] Redeem Sense can be bricked

Submitted by kenzo

Sense’s redeem can be totally DOSd due to user supplied input.


Using this attack, Sense market can not be redeemed.

Proof of Concept

This is how Sense market is being redeemed:

        IERC20 token = IERC20(IMarketPlace(marketPlace).markets(u, m, p));
        uint256 amount = token.balanceOf(lender);
        Safe.transferFrom(token, lender, address(this), amount);
        ISense(d).redeem(o, m, amount);

The problem is that d is user supplied input and the function only tries to redeem the amount that was transferred from Lender.

A user can supply malicious d contract which does nothing on redeem(o, m, amount). The user will then call Redeemer’s redeem with his malicious contract. Redeemer will transfer all the prinicipal from Lender to itself, will call d (noop), and finish. Sense market has not been redeemed.

Now if somebody tries to call Sense market’s redeem again, the amount variable will be 0, and Redeemer will try to redeem 0 from Sense.

All the original principal is locked and lost in the contract, like tears in rain.

I think you should either use a whitelisted Sense address, or send to ISense(d).redeem Redeemer’s whole principal balance.

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed

[H-08] ERC5095 redeem/withdraw does not update allowances

Submitted by kenzo, also found by 0x29A, cccz, csanuragjain, GimelSec, kirk-baird, Lambda, sashiketh, shenwilly, and StErMi_

ERC5095’s redeem/withdraw allows an ERC20-approved account to redeem user’s tokens, but does not update the allowance after burning.


User Mal can burn more tokens than Alice allowed him to. He can set himself to be the receiver of the underlying, therefore Alice will lose funds.

Proof of Concept

withdraw and redeem functions check that the msg.sender has enough approvals to redeem the tokens:

            require(_allowance[holder][msg.sender] >= underlyingAmount, 'not enough approvals');

But they do not update the allowances. They then call authRedeem, which also does not update the allowances. Therefore, an approved user could “re-use his approval” again and again and redeem whole of approver’s funds to himself.

Update the allowances upon spending.

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed and commented:

While we did not actually intend to audit the 5095 itself, as 5095 itself is not yet final, we did describe its purpose in our codebase in the initial readme, and didn’t specify that it was not in scope.

With that context, we will leave it up to the judges whether or not to accept issues related to the ERC5095 token.

[H-09] Lender: no check for paused market on mint

Submitted by kenzo, also found by bardamu, csanuragjain, and IllIllI

Lender’s mint function does not check whether the supplied market is paused.


Even if a market is paused due to insolvency/bugs, an attacker can issue iPTs.

This renders the whole pause and insolvency protection mechanism ineffective. See POC.

Proof of Concept

Let’s say market P has become insolvent, and Illuminate pauses that market, as it doesn’t want to create further bad debt.

Let’s say P’s principal tokens’s value has declined severely in the market because of the insolvency.

An attacker can buy many worthless P principal tokens for cheap, then call Lender and mint from them iPT.

The attacker is now owed underlying which belongs to the legitimate users. There won’t be enough funds to repay everybody.

Check in mint that the market is not paused.

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed

[H-10] Able to mint any amount of PT

Submitted by dipp, also found by 0x1f8b, bardamu, Chom, datapunk, Alex the Entreprenerd, GimelSec, hyh, jah, kenzo, kirk-baird, Kumpa, ladboy233, Metatron, oyc109, shenwilly, simon135, unforgiven, and zer0dot_





Some of the lend functions do not validate addresses sent as input which could lead to a malicous user being able to mint more PT tokens than they should.

Functions affect:

Proof of Concept

In the Illuminate and Yield lend function:

  1. Let the Yieldspace pool y be a malicious contract that implements the IYield interface.
  2. The base and maturity functions for y may return any value so the conditions on lines 208 and 210 are easily passed.
  3. The caller of lend sends any amount a for the desired underlying u.
  4. If principal token p corresponds to the Yield principal, then the yield function is called which has a return value controlled by the malicious contract y.
  5. The mint function is then called for the principal token with an underlying u and a maturity m which will then mint the returned amount of principal tokens to the malicious user.

In the Sense lend function:

  1. Let the amm x input variable be a malicous contract that implements the ISense interface.
  2. The malicious user sends any amount of underlying to Lender.sol.
  3. Since the amm isn’t validated, the swapUnderlyingForPTs function can return any amount for returned that is used to mint the Illuminate tokens.
  4. The malicious user gains a disproportionate amount of PT.

In the APWine lend function:

  1. Let the APWine pool input variable be a malicous contract that implements the IAPWineRouter interface.
  2. The malicious user sends any amount of underlying to Lender.sol.
  3. The swapExactAmountIn function of the malicious pool contract returns any amount for returned.
  4. The mint function is called for the PT with underlying u and maturity m with the attacker controlled returned amount.

Recommmended Mitigation Steps

Consider validating the input addresses of y, x and pool through a whitelisting procedure if possible or validating that the returned amounts correspond with the amount of PT gained from the protocols by checking the balance before and after the PTs are gained and checking the difference is equal to returned.

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed

[H-11] Not minting iPTs for lenders in several lend functions

Submitted by Metatron, also found by 0x52, auditor0517, cccz, datapunk, hansfriese, hyh, kenzo, kirk-baird, shenwilly, unforgiven, and WatchPug


Using any of the lend function mentioned, will result in loss of funds to the lender - as the funds are transferred from them but no iPTs are sent back to them!

Basically making lending via these external PTs unusable.

Proof of Concept

There is no minting of iPTs to the lender (or at all) in the 2 lend functions below:

Corresponding to lending of (respectively):

Furthermore, in:
Comment says “Purchase illuminate PTs directly to msg.sender”, but this is not happening. sending yield PTs at best.

Mint the appropriate amount of iPTs to the lender - like in the rest of the lend functions.

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed

[H-12] Funds may be stuck when redeeming for Illuminate

Submitted by Picodes, also found by auditor0517, Chom, cryptphi, csanuragjain, hansfriese, hyh, kenzo, kirk-baird, Lambda, pashov, unforgiven, and zer0dot

Funds may be stuck when redeeming for Illuminate.

Proof of Concept

Assuming the goal of calling redeem for Illuminate here is to redeem the Illuminate principal held by the lender or the redeemer, then there is an issue because the wrong balance is checked. So if no msg.sender has a positive balance funds will be lost.

Now assuming the goal of calling redeem for Illuminate here is for users to redeem their Illuminate principal and receive the underlying as suggested by this comment, then the underlying is not sent back to users because Safe.transferFrom(IERC20(u), lender, address(this), amount); send the funds to the redeemer, not the user.

Clarify the purpose of this function and fix the corresponding bug.

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed

[H-13] Illuminate PT redeeming allows for burning from other accounts

Submitted by hyh, also found by 0x1f8b, 0x29A, cccz, Chom, csanuragjain, hansfriese, itsmeSTYJ, kenzo, pashov, shenwilly, Soosh, and unforgiven

Illuminate PT burns shares from a user supplied address account instead of user’s account. With such a discrepancy a malicious user can burn all other’s user shares by having the necessary shares on her balance, while burning them from everyone else.

Setting the severity to be high as this allows for system-wide stealing of user’s funds.

Proof of Concept

Redeemer’s Illuminate redeem() checks the balance of msg.sender, but burns from the balance of user supplied o address:


uint256 amount = token.balanceOf(msg.sender);


token.burn(o, amount);
        address principal = IMarketPlace(marketPlace).markets(u, m, p);

        if (p == uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Illuminate)) {
            // Get Illuminate's principal token
            IERC5095 token = IERC5095(principal);
            // Get the amount of tokens to be redeemed from the sender
            uint256 amount = token.balanceOf(msg.sender);
            // Make sure the market has matured
            if (block.timestamp < token.maturity()) {
                revert Invalid('not matured');
            // Burn the prinicipal token from Illuminate
            token.burn(o, amount);
            // Transfer the original underlying token back to the user
            Safe.transferFrom(IERC20(u), lender, address(this), amount);

o address isn’t validated and used as provided.

Burning proceeds as usual, Illuminate PT burns second argument a from the first argument f, i.e. f’s balance to be reduced by a:

    /// @param f Address to burn from
    /// @param a Amount to burn
    /// @return bool true if successful
    function burn(address f, uint256 a) external onlyAdmin(redeemer) returns (bool) {
        _burn(f, a);
        return true;

contract ERC5095 is ERC20Permit, IERC5095 {

    function _burn(address src, uint wad) internal virtual returns (bool) {
        unchecked {
            require(_balanceOf[src] >= wad, "ERC20: Insufficient balance");
            _balanceOf[src] = _balanceOf[src] - wad;
            _totalSupply = _totalSupply - wad;
            emit Transfer(src, address(0), wad);

        return true;

This way a malicious user owning some Illuminate PT can burn the same amount of PT as she owns from any another account, that is essentially from all other accounts, obtaining all the underlying tokens from the system. The behavior is somewhat similar to the public burn case.

o address looks to be not needed in Illuminate PT case.

Consider burning the shares from msg.sender, for example:

            // Burn the prinicipal token from Illuminate
-           token.burn(o, amount);
+           token.burn(msg.sender, amount);

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed

[H-14] Redeemer.sol#redeem() can be called by anyone before maturity, which may lead to loss of user funds

Submitted by WatchPug, also found by csanuragjain, datapunk, and Lambda

function redeem(
    uint8 p,
    address u,
    uint256 m
) public returns (bool) {
    // Get the principal token that is being redeemed by the user
    address principal = IMarketPlace(marketPlace).markets(u, m, p);

    // Make sure we have the correct principal
    if (
        p != uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Swivel) &&
        p != uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Element) &&
        p != uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Yield) &&
        p != uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Notional)
    ) {
        revert Invalid('principal');

    // The amount redeemed should be the balance of the principal token held by the Illuminate contract
    uint256 amount = IERC20(principal).balanceOf(lender);

    // Transfer the principal token from the lender contract to here
    Safe.transferFrom(IERC20(principal), lender, address(this), amount);

    if (p == uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Swivel)) {
        // Redeems zc tokens to the sender's address
        ISwivel(swivelAddr).redeemZcToken(u, m, amount);
    } else if (p == uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Element)) {
        // Redeems principal tokens from element
        IElementToken(principal).withdrawPrincipal(amount, marketPlace);
    } else if (p == uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Yield)) {
        // Redeems prinicipal tokens from yield
        IYieldToken(principal).redeem(address(this), address(this), amount);
    } else if (p == uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Notional)) {
        // Redeems the principal token from notional
        amount = INotional(principal).maxRedeem(address(this));

    emit Redeem(p, u, m, amount);
    return true;

There are some protocols (eg Notional) that allows redeem before maturity, when doing so, they will actually make a market sell, usually means a discounted sale.

Since redeem() is a public function, anyone can call it before maturity, and force the whole protocol to sell it’s holdings at a discounted price, causing fund loss to the stake holders.

function previewRedeem(uint256 shares) public view override returns (uint256 assets) {
    if (hasMatured()) {
        assets = convertToAssets(shares);
    } else {
        // If withdrawing non-matured assets, we sell them on the market (i.e. borrow)
        (uint16 currencyId, uint40 maturity) = getDecodedID();
        (assets, /* */, /* */, /* */) = NotionalV2.getPrincipalFromfCashBorrow(


Consider only allow unauthenticated call after maturity.

JTraversa (Illuminate) confirmed

[H-15] Incorrect implementation of APWine and Tempus redeem

Submitted by shenwilly, also found by cccz, Chom, datapunk, kenzo, Picodes, and unforgiven

Redeeming APWine and Tempus PT will always fail, causing a portion of iPT to not be able to be redeemed for the underlying token.

The issue is caused by the incorrect implementation of redeem:

uint256 amount = IERC20(principal).balanceOf(lender);
Safe.transferFrom(IERC20(u), lender, address(this), amount);

The first line correctly calculates the balance of PT token available in Lender. However, the second line tries to transfer the underlying token u instead of principal from Lender to Redeemer. Therefore, the redeeming process will always fail as both APWine.withdraw and ITempus.redeemToBacking will try to redeem non-existent PT.

Fix the transfer line:

Safe.transferFrom(IERC20(principal), lender, address(this), amount);

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed

kenzo (warden) commented:

(Referring all dups here, severity should be upgraded as user funds at risk)

gzeoneth (judge) increased severity to High and commented:


[H-16] Unable to redeem from Notional

Submitted by dipp, also found by cccz, cryptphi, datapunk, hyh, kenzo, Lambda, and WatchPug

The maxRedeem function is a view function which only returns the balance of the Redeemer.sol contract. After this value is obtained, the PT is not redeemed from Notional. The user will be unable to redeem PT from Notional through Redeemer.sol.

Proof of Concept

Notional code:

    function maxRedeem(address owner) public view override returns (uint256) {
        return balanceOf(owner);

Recommmended Mitigation Steps

Call redeem from Notional using the amount from maxRedeem as the shares input after the call to maxRedeem.

kenzo (warden) commented:

Should be high severity as affects user funds.

gzeoneth (judge) increased severity to High

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed and commented

This is confirmed as a high-risk issue.

Medium Risk Findings (13)

[M-01] sellPrincipalToken, buyPrincipalToken, sellUnderlying, buyUnderlying uses pool funds but pays msg.sender

Submitted by 0x52, also found by datapunk, kenzo, kirk-baird, and pashov

Fund loss from marketplace.

Proof of Concept

sellPrincipalToken, buyPrincipalToken, sellUnderlying, buyUnderlying are all unpermissioned and use marketplace funds to complete the action but send the resulting tokens to msg.sender. This means that any address can call these functions and steal the resulting funds.

All functions should use safetransfer to get funds from msg.sender not from marketplace.

JTraversa (Illuminate) confirmed, but disagreed with severity and commented:

🤷 Unsure if reasonable to disagree with severity, but in this case none of these methods would work at all lol, so I suppose no value is at risk?

gzeoneth (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Unclear how fund would end up in the contract and doesn’t seem to be possible during normal operation. Judging as Med Risk.

[M-02] Marketplace calls unimplemented function

Submitted by 0x52

Vulnerability details

While safe.sol isn’t explicitly listed in scope it is listed as a library for all in scope contracts so I believe it should be in scope


mint and mintWithUnderlying won’t function.

Proof of Concept

safe.sol never implements a transferFrom function meaning it will revert whenever a user calls either function.

Create an implementation for transferFrom.

JTraversa (Illuminate) disagreed with severity and commented:

I don’t believe this should be considered high risk (an incorrectly copy/pasted safeTransfer lib) based on principal hah, but beyond that I don’t think it should be high risk because without the expected safeTransfer lib, the contracts would not properly compile / no value would be at risk.

gzeoneth (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Judging as Med Risk as no value at risk and function of the protocol would be impacted.

[M-03] Calls To Swivel.initiate() Do Not Verify o.exit or o.vault Allowing An Attacker To Manipulate Accounting In Their Favour

Submitted by kirk-baird

Swivel lend() does not validate the o.exit and o.vault for each order before making the external call to Swivel. These values determine which internal functions is called in Swivel.

The intended code path is initiateZcTokenFillingVaultInitiate() which takes the underlying tokens and mints zcTokens to the Lender. If one of the other functions is called the accounting in lend(). Swivel may transfer more tokens from Lender to Swivel than paid for by the caller of lend().

The impact is that underlying tokens may be stolen from Lender.

Proof of Concept

Consider the example where initiateZcTokenFillingZcTokenExit() is called. This will transfer a - premiumFilled + fee from Lender to Swivel rather than the expected a + fee.

In lend() restrict the values of o.exit and o.vault so only one case can be triggered in Swivel.initiate().

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) commented:

While it is true that a user could get better execution by submitting certain orders, we don’t think this is a problem. Invalid orders would be rejected by Swivel, and users should be free to execute the best possible orders.

JTraversa (Illuminate) confirmed, but disagreed wtih severity and commented:

So reviewing this, there is an issue though it may not be high-risk.

The user can manipulate the method by sending it an order that is not the correct type to go down the intended order path.

That said, the result on line 297 is still that the calculated lent value is sent to the contract.

So the result is that the user inputting this manipulation actually still pays for their iPTs, and their underlying just sits in lender.sol until maturity with no personal benefit. The attack would none-the-less leak value and with that in mind I’d probably just drop it down to medium?

gzeoneth (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Judging as Med Risk as no fund is lost (after maturity).

[M-04] Checking yieldBearingToken against u instead of backingToken

Submitted by datapunk

The lend function for tempus will fail with the right market.

Proof of Concept

Checks if (ITempus(principal).yieldBearingToken() != IERC20Metadata(u)), while it should check ITempus(principal).backingToken()


Do this instead:

    if (ITempus(principal).backingToken() != IERC20Metadata(u))

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed, but disagreed with severity

kenzo (warden) commented:

I think should probably be medium severity as user funds not at risk.

gzeoneth (judge) decreased severity to Medium

[M-05] Centralisation Risk: Admin Can Change Important Variables To Steal Funds

Submitted by kirk-baird, also found by 0xDjango, Alex the Entreprenerd, kenzo, Kumpa, pashov, shenwilly, tintin, and unforgiven


There are numerous methods that the admin could apply to rug pull the protocol and take all user funds.

  • Lender.approve()

    • Both the functions on lines #78 and #107.
    • Admin can approve any token for an arbitrary address and transfer tokens out.
  • Lender.setFee()

    • Does not have an lower limit.
    • feeNominator = 1 implies 100% of amount is taken as fees.
  • Lender.withdraw()

    • Allows withdrawing any arbitrary ERC20 token
    • 3 Days is insufficient time for users to withdraw funds in the case of a rugpull.
  • MarketPlace.setPrincipal()

    • Use (u, m, 0) -> to be an existing Illuminate PT from another market
    • Then set (u, m, 1) -> to be some malcious admin created ERC20 token to which they have infinite supply
    • Then call for `(u, m, 1) and later redeem these tokens on the original market

Without significant redesign it is not possible to avoid the admin being able to rug pull the protocol.

As a result the recommendation is to set all admin functions behind either a timelocked DAO or at least a timelocked multisig contract.

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) marked as duplicate:

Duplicate of #390.

gzeoneth (judge) commented:

Input sanitization and centralization is out-of-scope in this contest, however, the arbitrary approval violated.

The admin must not be able to withdraw more fees than what he is entitled to and fee calculation is correct.

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) disputed and commented:

This was not considered part of our threat model. As the remediation suggested, the admin address will be DAO-locked behind a multisig. As a result, we do not consider this to be an issue.

JTraversa (Illuminate) commented:

As an additional comment, we understand that multisigs are not a solution for decentralization, but feel strongly that certain centralization is necessary for nascent lending protocols when their integration platform is so large (8 integrations, each of them integrating 3-4 money markets).

[M-06] Principal types in Illuminate and Yield lending are mixed up

Submitted by hyh

Lender’s Illuminate and Yield lend() mistreats the principal type p requested by a user, producing another type each time: when p == uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Yield the Illuminate PT is minted to the user, and vice versa, when p == uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Illuminate the Yield PT is minted to the user.

Setting the severity to be high as that’s a violation of system’s logic, that can lead to various errors on user side, and particularly in downstream systems.

For example, any additional income can be missed as a downstream system expects Yield PT to appear and tries to stake it further somewhere, while it will be in fact not available and no staking will be done. Say with if (amount/balance > 0) {...} type of logic, which is correct and common, there will be no revert in such a case. Generally such types of mistakes are hard to notice in production and a silent loss of an additional yield is quite probable here.

Proof of Concept

Currently when type is Principals.Yield the Yield PT is minted to Lender contract and Illuminate PT is minted to the user, while when type is Principals.Illuminate the Yield PT is minted to the user:

        // transfer from user to illuminate
        Safe.transferFrom(IERC20(u), msg.sender, address(this), a);

        if (p == uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Yield)) {
            // Purchase yield PTs to lender.sol (address(this))
            uint256 returned = yield(u, y, a - calculateFee(a), address(this));
            // Mint and distribute equivalent illuminate PTs
            IERC5095(principalToken(u, m)).mint(msg.sender, returned);
            emit Lend(p, u, m, returned);

            return returned;
        else {
            // Purchase illuminate PTs directly to msg.sender
            uint256 returned = yield(u, y, a - calculateFee(a), msg.sender);

            emit Lend(p, u, m, returned);

            return returned;

        // check the principal is illuminate or yield
        if (p != uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Illuminate) && p != uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Yield)) {
            revert Invalid('principal');

When p == uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Yield the Yield PT to be minted to the user, while when p == uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Illuminate the Yield PT to be minted to Lender contract and Illuminate PT to be minted to the user, i.e. the logic should be switched.

For example:

        // transfer from user to illuminate
        Safe.transferFrom(IERC20(u), msg.sender, address(this), a);

-       if (p == uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Yield)) {
+       if (p == uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Illuminate)) {
            // Purchase yield PTs to lender.sol (address(this))
            uint256 returned = yield(u, y, a - calculateFee(a), address(this));
            // Mint and distribute equivalent illuminate PTs
            IERC5095(principalToken(u, m)).mint(msg.sender, returned);
            emit Lend(p, u, m, returned);

            return returned;
        else {
            // Purchase illuminate PTs directly to msg.sender
            uint256 returned = yield(u, y, a - calculateFee(a), msg.sender);

            emit Lend(p, u, m, returned);

            return returned;

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) disputed and commented:

This suggested mitigation is not accurate. Although there is a problem with Illuminate’s lend method, the suggested mitigation does not resolve the problem. Furthermore, the suggested mitigation would result in Yield’s lend not minting tokens to the user. We will leave it up to the judges to decide what to do with this issue.

gzeoneth (judge) commented:

Given it is not very clear what p means in this function / what this function is doing and is not exploitable for profit, this seems to be an input validation / comment issue which is out-of-scope in this context. I will judge this as Low / QA because of the unclear comment.

hyh (warden) commented:

Well, p is a type of principal and I see little ambiquity in this. Furthermore, the issue is of logic type, not comments and quite far from input validation. @gzeoneth could you please comment on the decision? That’s logic violation/incompleteness, which isn’t QA.

gzeoneth (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Reviewed and adjusting to Med Risk.

[M-07] Swivel lend method doesn’t pull protocol fee from user

Submitted by kenzo, also found by 0x52, 0xkowloon, cccz, Alex the Entreprenerd, hansfriese, kirk-baird, Metatron, and WatchPug

The Swivel lend method adds to fees[u] the order fee, but does not pull that fee from the user. It only pulls the order-post-fee amount.


withdrawFee will fail, as it tries to transfer more tokens than are in the contract.

Proof of Concept

The Swivel lend method sums up the fees to totalFee, and the amount to send to Swivel in lent:

                    totalFee += fee;
                    // Amount lent for this order
                    uint256 amountLent = amount - fee;
                    // Sum the total amount lent to Swivel (amount of ERC5095 tokens to mint) minus fees
                    lent += amountLent;

It then increments fees[u] by totalFee, but only pulls from the user lent:

            fees[u] += totalFee;
            // transfer underlying tokens from user to illuminate
            Safe.transferFrom(IERC20(u), msg.sender, address(this), lent);

Therefore, totalFee has not been pulled from the user. The fees variable now includes tokens which are not in the contract, and withdrawFee will fail as it tries to transfer fees[u].

Pull lent + totalFee from the user.

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed and commented:

There were several issues that marked this ticket as a high-severity issue. Because the current code does not put user funds at risk (that otherwise would not be spent), we believe this issue is a Med Risk severity issue.

[M-08] Lend method signature for illuminate does not track the accumulated fee

Submitted by Kumpa, also found by cccz, cryptphi, hansfriese, jah, kenzo, kirk-baird, Metatron, pashov, and poirots

Normally the amount of fees after calculateFee should be added into fees[u] so that the admin could withdraw it through withdrawFee. However, illuminate ledning does not track fees[u]. Therefore, the only way to get fees back is through withdraw which admin needs to wait at least 3 days before receiving the fees.

Add the amount of fee after each transaction into fees[u] like other lending method.
for example: fees[u] += calculateFee(a);

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed

[M-09] May Take The Illuminate PT As Input Which Will Transfer And Mint More Illuminate PT Cause an Infinite Supply

Submitted by kirk-baird, also found by cccz, kenzo, and unforgiven may use p = 0 which will mean principal is the same as principalToken(u, m) i.e. the Illuminate PT. The impact is we will transfer some principal to the Lender contract and it will mint us an equivalent amount of principal tokens.

This can be repeated indefinitely thereby minting infinite tokens. The extra balance will be store in Lender.

This is rated high as although the attacker does not receive the extra tokens stored within the Lender they may be consumed via any contract which has been approved via the approve() functions (e.g. Redeemer).

Proof of Concept

    function mint(
        uint8 p,
        address u,
        uint256 m,
        uint256 a
    ) public returns (bool) {
        //use market interface to fetch the market for the given market pair
        address principal = IMarketPlace(marketPlace).markets(u, m, p);
        //use safe transfer lib and ERC interface...
        Safe.transferFrom(IERC20(principal), msg.sender, address(this), a);
        //use ERC5095 interface...
        IERC5095(principalToken(u, m)).mint(msg.sender, a);

        emit Mint(p, u, m, a);

        return true;


  • Lender.lend() with p = 0 to get some Illuminate principal tokens
  • token.approve() gives Lender allowance to spend these tokens
  • loop:

    • with p = 0 minting more principal tokens

In ensure p != uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Illuminate)) .

gzeoneth (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

The 1:1 circular minting will cause a few issues as highlighted in the duplicate that impact the functionality of the protocol, but no direct fund loss.

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) disagreed with severity and commented:

As noted above, this will not cause major loss of funds. As a result, this should be considered a lower level issue. However, given that it could lead to problems down the line, we should address this issue.

[M-10] Easily bypassing admins ‘pause’ for swivel

Submitted by Metatron, also found by cccz, kenzo, and Kulk0

Assuming admin decides to pause an external principle when it’s dangerous, malicious or unprofitable.

Bypassing the admins decision can result in loss of funds for the project.

Proof of Concept

  • The principals enum p is only used for unpaused(p) modifier, and to emit an event.
  • Attacker can bypass the unpaused(p) modifier check by simply passing an enum of another principle that is not paused.
  • The function will just continue as normal, without any other side-effect, as if the pause is simple ignored.

Add this check at the beginning of the function (just like in similar functions of this solution) if (p != uint8(MarketPlace.Principals.Swivel)) { revert Invalid('principal'); }

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed

[M-11] withdraw eToken before withdrawFee of eToken could render withdrawFee of eToken unfunctioning

Submitted by Kumpa

Vulnerability Details

withdrawFee of eToken requires the amount of eToken in Lender.sol >= fees[eToken] so Safe.transfer will not revert. However if the admin withdraw(eToken) first, the balance of eToken in Lender.sol will equal to zero while fees[eToken] remains the same and withdrawFee(eToken) will become unfunctioning since eToken in the contract does not match fees[eToken]. The admin will need to rely on withdraw, which takes 3 days before transfering, to get the future fees of eToken.

Add fees[eToken] = 0; after withdrawals[e] = 0; in withdraw.

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed and commented:

Appears to be similar to #115 but not exactly the same.

JTraversa (Illuminate) commented:

Yeah I’d say definitely a separate ticket / reasonable recommended remediation.

Turns out this one should’ve been disputed (the only case where the emergency withdraw is called is when we are migrating contracts due to an emergency, meaning the old state actually doesnt matter at all).

JTraversa (Illuminate) commented:

As a quick comment in our final review, the inability to use methods on an aborted contract would only matter should you want to reinitialize the same contracts.

Given we would only abort our contracts due to vulnerabilities, there would never be such a scenario.

[M-12] Sandwich attacks are possible as there is no slippage control option in Marketplace and in Lender yield swaps

Submitted by hyh, also found by datapunk, Alex the Entreprenerd, and unforgiven

Vulnerability Details

Swapping function in Marketplace and Lender’s yield() can be sandwiched as there is no slippage control option. Trades can happen at a manipulated price and end up receiving fewer tokens than current market price dictates.

Placing severity to be medium as those are system core operations, while funds there can be substantial, so sandwich attacks are often enough economically viable and thus probable, while they result in a partial fund loss.

Proof of Concept

All four swapping functions of Marketplace do not allow for slippage control:

    /// @notice sells the PT for the PT via the pool
    /// @param u address of the underlying asset
    /// @param m maturity (timestamp) of the market
    /// @param a amount of PT to swap
    /// @return uint128 amount of PT bought
    function sellPrincipalToken(
        address u,
        uint256 m,
        uint128 a
    ) external returns (uint128) {
        IPool pool = IPool(pools[u][m]);
        Safe.transfer(IERC20(address(pool.fyToken())), address(pool), a);
        return pool.sellFYToken(msg.sender, pool.sellFYTokenPreview(a));

    /// @notice buys the underlying for the PT via the pool
    /// @param u address of the underlying asset
    /// @param m maturity (timestamp) of the market
    /// @param a amount of underlying tokens to sell
    /// @return uint128 amount of PT received
    function buyPrincipalToken(
        address u,
        uint256 m,
        uint128 a
    ) external returns (uint128) {
        IPool pool = IPool(pools[u][m]);
        Safe.transfer(IERC20(address(pool.base())), address(pool), a);
        return pool.buyFYToken(msg.sender, pool.buyFYTokenPreview(a), a);

    /// @notice sells the underlying for the PT via the pool
    /// @param u address of the underlying asset
    /// @param m maturity (timestamp) of the market
    /// @param a amount of underlying to swap
    /// @return uint128 amount of underlying sold
    function sellUnderlying(
        address u,
        uint256 m,
        uint128 a
    ) external returns (uint128) {
        IPool pool = IPool(pools[u][m]);
        Safe.transfer(IERC20(address(pool.base())), address(pool), a);
        return pool.sellBase(msg.sender, pool.sellBasePreview(a));

    /// @notice buys the underlying for the PT via the pool
    /// @param u address of the underlying asset
    /// @param m maturity (timestamp) of the market
    /// @param a amount of PT to swap
    /// @return uint128 amount of underlying bought
    function buyUnderlying(
        address u,
        uint256 m,
        uint128 a
    ) external returns (uint128) {
        IPool pool = IPool(pools[u][m]);
        Safe.transfer(IERC20(address(pool.fyToken())), address(pool), a);
        return pool.buyBase(msg.sender, pool.buyBasePreview(a), a);

Similarly, Lender’s yield does the swapping without the ability to control the slippage:

    /// @notice transfers excess funds to yield pool after principal tokens have been lent out
    /// @dev this method is only used by the yield, illuminate and swivel protocols
    /// @param u address of an underlying asset
    /// @param y the yield pool to lend to
    /// @param a the amount of underlying tokens to lend
    /// @param r the receiving address for PTs
    /// @return uint256 the amount of tokens sent to the yield pool
    function yield(
        address u,
        address y,
        uint256 a,
        address r
    ) internal returns (uint256) {
        // preview exact swap slippage on yield
        uint128 returned = IYield(y).sellBasePreview(Cast.u128(a));

        // send the remaing amount to the given yield pool
        Safe.transfer(IERC20(u), y, a);

        // lend out the remaining tokens in the yield pool
        IYield(y).sellBase(r, returned);

        return returned;

Consider adding minimum accepted return argument to the five mentioned functions and condition execution success on it so the caller can control for the realized slippage and sustain the sandwich attacks to an extent.

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed

[M-13] Leak of Value in yield function, slippage check is not effective

Submitted by Alex the Entreprenerd

The function yield is using the input from sellBasePreview and then using it.

    function yield(
        address u,
        address y,
        uint256 a,
        address r
    ) internal returns (uint256) {
        // preview exact swap slippage on yield
        uint128 returned = IYield(y).sellBasePreview(Cast.u128(a));

        // send the remaing amount to the given yield pool
        Safe.transfer(IERC20(u), y, a);

        // lend out the remaining tokens in the yield pool
        IYield(y).sellBase(r, returned);

The output of sellBasePreview is meant to be used off-chain to avoid front-running and price changes, additionally no validation is performed on this value (is it zero, is it less than 95% of amount) meaning the check is equivalent to setting returned = 0

I’d recommend to add checks, or ideally have a trusted keeper bulk sellBase with an additional slippage check as the function parameter

sourabhmarathe (Illuminate) confirmed

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this contest, 62 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by defsec received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: IllIllI, hyh, Alex the Entreprenerd, robee, joestakey, 0x29A, Lambda, oyc_109, saian, shenwilly, StErMi, TomJ, zer0dot, BowTiedWardens, 0x1f8b, datapunk, ElKu, fatherOfBlocks, hansfriese, MadWookie, Picodes, poirots, sashik_eth, simon135, Waze, kenzo, _Adam, 0xDjango, 0xf15ers, 0xkowloon, 0xmint, 0xNazgul, 0xNineDec, ak1, asutorufos, aysha, bardamu, catchup, Chom, delfin454000, dipp, Funen, GimelSec, grGred, hake, kebabsec, Kenshin, kirk-baird, Kulk0, Limbooo, pashov, rfa, Soosh, WatchPug, zeesaw, Bnke0x0, JC, Metatron, slywaters, Yiko, and z3s.

Issue List

  • 1: Missing events for only functions that change critical parameters
  • 2: Critical changes should use two-step procedure
  • 3 Pragma Version
  • 4: Missing zero-address check in the setter functions and initiliazers
  • 5: Low level calls with solidity version 0.8.14 can result in optimiser bug.
  • 6: The Contract Should safeApprove(0) first.
  • 7: Use of Block.timestamp
  • 8: Incompatibility With Rebasing/Deflationary/Inflationary tokens
  • 9: Lack of setter function for the apwineAddr

[1] Missing events for only functions that change critical parameters

The functions that change critical parameters should emit events. Events allow capturing the changed parameters so that off-chain tools/interfaces can register such changes with timelocks that allow users to evaluate them and consider if they would like to engage/exit based on how they perceive the changes as affecting the trustworthiness of the protocol or profitability of the implemented financial services. The alternative of directly querying on-chain contract state for such changes is not considered practical for most users/usages.

Missing events and timelocks do not promote transparency and if such changes immediately affect users’ perception of fairness or trustworthiness, they could exit the protocol causing a reduction in liquidity which could negatively impact protocol TVL and reputation.

Proof of Concept

Navigate to the following contracts:

See similar High-severity H03 finding OpenZeppelin’s Audit of Audius ( and Medium-severity M01 finding OpenZeppelin’s Audit of UMA Phase 4 (

Add events to all functions that change critical parameters.

[2] Critical changes should use two-step procedure

The critical procedures should be two step process.

Proof of Concept

  1. Navigate to the following contracts:

Lack of two-step procedure for critical operations leaves them error-prone. Consider adding two step procedure on the critical functions.

[3] Pragma Version

In the contracts, floating pragmas should not be used. Contracts should be deployed with the same compiler version and flags that they have been tested with thoroughly. Locking the pragma helps to ensure that contracts do not accidentally get deployed using, for example, an outdated compiler version that might introduce bugs that affect the contract system negatively.

Proof of Concept

All Contracts

Lock the pragma version: delete pragma solidity 0.8.15 in favor of pragma solidity 0.8.15.

[4] Missing zero-address check in the setter functions and initiliazers

Missing checks for zero-addresses may lead to infunctional protocol, if the variable addresses are updated incorrectly.

Proof of Concept

Navigate to the following contracts.

Consider adding zero-address checks in the discussed constructors: require(newAddr != address(0));.

[5] Low level calls with solidity version 0.8.14 can result in optimiser bug.

The protocol is using low level calls with solidity version 0.8.14 which can result in optimizer bug.

Consider upgrading to solidity 0.8.15.

[6] The Contract Should safeApprove(0) first

Some tokens (like USDT L199) do not work when changing the allowance from an existing non-zero allowance value. They must first be approved by zero and then the actual allowance must be approved.

IERC20(token).safeApprove(address(operator), 0);
IERC20(token).safeApprove(address(operator), amount);

When trying to re-approve an already approved token, all transactions revert and the protocol cannot be used.

Proof of Concept

Approve with a zero amount first before setting the actual amount.

[7] Use of Block.timestamp

Block timestamps have historically been used for a variety of applications, such as entropy for random numbers (see the Entropy Illusion for further details), locking funds for periods of time, and various state-changing conditional statements that are time-dependent. Miners have the ability to adjust timestamps slightly, which can prove to be dangerous if block timestamps are used incorrectly in smart contracts.

Proof of Concept

Navigate to the following contract.

Block timestamps should not be used for entropy or generating random numbers—i.e., they should not be the deciding factor (either directly or through some derivation) for winning a game or changing an important state.

Time-sensitive logic is sometimes required; e.g., for unlocking contracts (time-locking), completing an ICO after a few weeks, or enforcing expiry dates. It is sometimes recommended to use block.number and an average block time to estimate times; with a 10 second block time, 1 week equates to approximately, 60480 blocks. Thus, specifying a block number at which to change a contract state can be more secure, as miners are unable to easily manipulate the block number.

[8] Incompatibility With Rebasing/Deflationary/Inflationary tokens

PrePo protocol do not appear to support rebasing/deflationary/inflationary tokens whose balance changes during transfers or over time. The necessary checks include at least verifying the amount of tokens transferred to contracts before and after the actual transfer to infer any fees/interest.

Example Test

During the lending, If the inflationary/deflationary tokens are used excepted amount will be lower than deposit.

Proof of Concept

Navigate to the following contract.

  • Ensure that to check previous balance/after balance equals to amount for any rebasing/inflation/deflation
  • Add support in contracts for such tokens before accepting user-supplied tokens
  • Consider supporting deflationary / rebasing / etc tokens by extra checking the balances before/after or strictly inform your users not to use such tokens if they don’t want to lose them.

[9] Lack of setter function for the apwineAddr

On the Redemeer contract, there is not setter function on the apwineAddr address. This can cause misfunctionality on the redeemer contract.

Proof of Concept

  1. Navigate to contract:
  2. apwineAddr address is set on the constructor.
  3. Setter function is missing on the contract. Misdeployed contract can cause failure of apwineAddr integration.

Consider adding setter function for apwineAddr.

Gas Optimizations

For this contest, 56 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by BowTiedWardens received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: IllIllI, defsec, joestakey, 0xkatana, 0xKitsune, _Adam, ajtra, Bnke0x0, catchup, Alex the Entreprenerd, grGred, ladboy233, pashov, robee, sashik_eth, Tomio, TomJ, Waze, z3s, 0x1f8b, delfin454000, fatherOfBlocks, hansfriese, JC, Kaiziron, Noah3o6, oyc_109, slywaters, UnusualTurtle, 0v3rf10w, 0x29A, 0xf15ers, 0xkowloon, 0xNazgul, asutorufos, bardamu, c3phas, datapunk, ElKu, Fitraldys, Funen, hake, hyh, ignacio, kebabsec, Lambda, MadWookie, Nyamcil, poirots, rfa, RoiEvenHaim, sach1r0, samruna, simon135, and zer0dot.


Risk Rating Number of issues
Gas Issues 9

Table of Contents

  • G-01. Unchecking arithmetics operations that can’t underflow/overflow
  • G-02. Caching storage values in memory
  • G-03. Cheap Contract Deployment Through Clones
  • G-04. Use calldata instead of memory
  • G-05. <array>.length should not be looked up in every loop of a for-loop
  • G-06. ++i costs less gas compared to i++ or i += 1 (same for --i vs i-- or i -= 1)
  • G-07. It costs more gas to initialize variables with their default value than letting the default value be applied]
  • G-08. Some variables should be immutable
  • G-09. Use Custom Errors instead of Revert Strings to save Gas

[G-01] Unchecking arithmetics operations that can’t underflow/overflow

Solidity version 0.8+ comes with implicit overflow and underflow checks on unsigned integers. When an overflow or an underflow isn’t possible (as an example, when a comparison is made before the arithmetic operation), some gas can be saved by using an unchecked block:

By keeping in mind the following function (calculateFee) which makes it so that a - calculateFee(a) > 0:

File: Lender.sol
661:     function calculateFee(uint256 a) internal view returns (uint256) {
662:         return feenominator > 0 ? a / feenominator : 0;
663:     }

Consider wrapping with an unchecked block here:

  • File: Lender.sol
- 219:             uint256 returned = yield(u, y, a - calculateFee(a), address(this));
+ 219:             unchecked { uint256 returned = yield(u, y, a - calculateFee(a), address(this)); }
- 229:            uint256 returned = yield(u, y, a - calculateFee(a), msg.sender);
+ 229:            unchecked { uint256 returned = yield(u, y, a - calculateFee(a), msg.sender); }
- 400:        uint256 returned = IPendle(pendleAddr).swapExactTokensForTokens(a - fee, r, path, address(this), d)[0];
+ 400:       unchecked { uint256 returned = IPendle(pendleAddr).swapExactTokensForTokens(a - fee, r, path, address(this), d)[0]; }
- 502:        uint256 lent = a - fee;
+ 502:        unchecked { uint256 lent = a - fee; }
- 557:        uint256 lent = a - fee;
+ 557:        unchecked { uint256 lent = a - fee; }
- 605:        uint256 returned = token.deposit(a - fee, address(this));
+ 605:        unchecked { uint256 returned = token.deposit(a - fee, address(this)); }

[G-02] Caching storage values in memory

The code can be optimized by minimizing the number of SLOADs.

SLOADs are expensive (100 gas after the 1st one) compared to MLOADs/MSTOREs (3 gas each). Storage values read multiple times should instead be cached in memory the first time (costing 1 SLOAD) and then read from this cache to avoid multiple SLOADs.

File: Lender.sol
661:     function calculateFee(uint256 a) internal view returns (uint256) {
662:         return feenominator > 0 ? a / feenominator : 0;
663:     }
File: Redeemer.sol
134:             uint256 amount = IERC20(principal).balanceOf(lender);
135:             // Transfer the principal token from the lender contract to here
136:             Safe.transferFrom(IERC20(u), lender, address(this), amount);
File: Redeemer.sol
177:         uint256 amount = IERC20(principal).balanceOf(lender);
179:         // Transfer the principal token from the lender contract to here
180:         Safe.transferFrom(IERC20(principal), lender, address(this), amount);
File: Redeemer.sol
164:         address principal = IMarketPlace(marketPlace).markets(u, m, p);
187:             IElementToken(principal).withdrawPrincipal(amount, marketPlace);
File: Redeemer.sol
221:         uint256 amount = token.balanceOf(lender);
223:         // Transfer the user's tokens to the redeem contract
224:         Safe.transferFrom(token, lender, address(this), amount);
File: Redeemer.sol
256:         uint256 amount = token.balanceOf(lender);
258:         // Transfer the user's tokens to the redeem contract
259:         Safe.transferFrom(token, lender, address(this), amount);

[G-03] Cheap Contract Deployment Through Clones

marketplace/MarketPlace.sol:80:        address iToken = address(new ERC5095(u, m, redeemer, lender, n, s, d));

There’s a way to save a significant amount of gas on deployment using Clones: .

This is a solution that was adopted, as an example, by Porter Finance. They realized that deploying using clones was 10x cheaper:

Consider applying a similar pattern.

[G-04] Use calldata instead of memory

When a function with a memory array is called externally, the abi.decode() step has to use a for-loop to copy each index of the calldata to the memoryindex. Each iteration of this for-loop costs at least 60 gas (i.e. 60 * <mem_array>.length). Using calldata directly, obliviates the need for such a loop in the contract code and runtime execution. Structs have the same overhead as an array of length one

When arguments are read-only on external functions, the data location should be calldata:

marketplace/MarketPlace.sol:70:        address[8] memory t,

[G-05] <array>.length should not be looked up in every loop of a for-loop

Reading array length at each iteration of the loop consumes more gas than necessary.

In the best case scenario (length read on a memory variable), caching the array length in the stack saves around 3 gas per iteration. In the worst case scenario (external calls at each iteration), the amount of gas wasted can be massive.

Here, Consider storing the array’s length in a variable before the for-loop, and use this new variable instead:

lender/Lender.sol:265:            for (uint256 i = 0; i < o.length; ) {

[G-06] ++i costs less gas compared to i++ or i += 1 (same for --i vs i-- or i -= 1)

Pre-increments and pre-decrements are cheaper.

For a uint256 i variable, the following is true with the Optimizer enabled at 10k:


  • i += 1 is the most expensive form
  • i++ costs 6 gas less than i += 1
  • ++i costs 5 gas less than i++ (11 gas less than i += 1)


  • i -= 1 is the most expensive form
  • i-- costs 11 gas less than i -= 1
  • --i costs 5 gas less than i-- (16 gas less than i -= 1)

Note that post-increments (or post-decrements) return the old value before incrementing or decrementing, hence the name post-increment:

uint i = 1;  
uint j = 2;
require(j == i++, "This will be false as i is incremented after the comparison");

However, pre-increments (or pre-decrements) return the new value:

uint i = 1;  
uint j = 2;
require(j == ++i, "This will be true as i is incremented before the comparison");

In the pre-increment case, the compiler has to create a temporary variable (when used) for returning 1 instead of 2.

Affected code:

lender/Lender.sol:96:                i++;
lender/Lender.sol:120:                i++;
lender/Lender.sol:283:                    i++;

Consider using pre-increments and pre-decrements where they are relevant (meaning: not where post-increments/decrements logic are relevant).

[G-07] It costs more gas to initialize variables with their default value than letting the default value be applied

If a variable is not set/initialized, it is assumed to have the default value (0 for uint, false for bool, address(0) for address…). Explicitly initializing it with its default value is an anti-pattern and wastes gas.

As an example: for (uint256 i = 0; i < numIterations; ++i) { should be replaced with for (uint256 i; i < numIterations; ++i) {

Affected code:

lender/Lender.sol:265:            for (uint256 i = 0; i < o.length; ) {

Consider removing explicit initializations for default values.

[G-08] Some variables should be immutable

These variables are only set in the constructor and are never edited after that:

lender/Lender.sol:26:    address public admin;
lender/Lender.sol:28:    address public marketPlace;
lender/Lender.sol:33:    address public swivelAddr;
marketplace/MarketPlace.sol:41:    address public admin;
redeemer/Redeemer.sol:19:    address public admin;
redeemer/Redeemer.sol:21:    address public marketPlace;
redeemer/Redeemer.sol:23:    address public lender;
redeemer/Redeemer.sol:27:    address public swivelAddr;
redeemer/Redeemer.sol:33:    address public apwineAddr;

Consider marking them as immutable, as it would avoid the expensive storage-writing operation (around 20 000 gas)

[G-09] Use Custom Errors instead of Revert Strings to save Gas

As this is the case in almost the whole solution, consider also using custom errors here:

lender/Lender.sol:691:        require (when != 0, 'no withdrawal scheduled');
lender/Lender.sol:693:        require (block.timestamp >= when, 'withdrawal still on hold');


C4 is an open organization governed by participants in the community.

C4 Contests incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Contest submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.