Golom contest
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Golom smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit contest took place between July 26—August 1 2022.


188 Wardens contributed reports to the Golom contest:

  1. Krow10
  2. kankodu
  3. 0x52
  4. IllIllI
  5. scaraven
  6. 0xsanson
  7. cccz
  8. 0xSky
  9. kenzo
  10. GimelSec (rayn and sces60107)
  11. JohnSmith
  12. 0xA5DF
  13. berndartmueller
  14. kyteg
  15. GalloDaSballo
  16. Bahurum
  17. 0xpiglet
  18. arcoun
  19. MEP
  20. rotcivegaf
  21. GiveMeTestEther
  22. CertoraInc (egjlmn1, OriDabush, ItayG, shakedwinder, and RoiEvenHaim)
  23. zzzitron
  24. rbserver
  25. ElKu
  26. TrungOre
  27. 0x1f8b
  28. kebabsec (okkothejawa and FlameHorizon)
  29. carlitox477
  30. 0xDjango
  31. sseefried
  32. Lambda
  33. teddav
  34. cryptphi
  35. Dravee
  36. simon135
  37. obront
  38. joestakey
  39. hansfriese
  40. kaden
  41. panprog
  42. ak1
  43. async
  44. reassor
  45. hyh
  46. RustyRabbit
  47. minhquanym
  48. DimitarDimitrov
  49. auditor0517
  50. 0xNineDec
  51. csanuragjain
  52. rokinot
  53. djxploit
  54. rajatbeladiya
  55. Green
  56. AuditsAreUS
  57. shenwilly
  58. Picodes
  59. dipp
  60. CRYP70
  61. Treasure-Seeker
  62. codexploder
  63. horsefacts
  64. chatch
  65. M0ndoHEHE
  66. 0xHarry
  67. jayjonah8
  68. Bnke0x0
  69. TomJ
  70. benbaessler
  71. JC
  72. Deivitto
  73. Rolezn
  74. 0xNazgul
  75. cRat1st0s
  76. Jmaxmanblue
  77. Limbooo
  78. wastewa
  79. 0xf15ers (remora and twojoy)
  80. 0x4non
  81. __141345__
  82. oyc_109
  83. c3phas
  84. 0xSmartContract
  85. ajtra
  86. MiloTruck
  87. NoamYakov
  88. Twpony
  89. Ruhum
  90. jayphbee
  91. _Adam
  92. brgltd
  93. ellahi
  94. Kenshin
  95. RedOneN
  96. saian
  97. apostle0x01
  98. Sm4rty
  99. asutorufos
  100. StyxRave
  101. robee
  102. Rohan16
  103. sach1r0
  104. 0xLovesleep
  105. sashik_eth
  106. 0xmatt
  107. supernova
  108. zuhaibmohd
  109. delfin454000
  110. fatherOfBlocks
  111. Funen
  112. jayfromthe13th
  113. Junnon
  114. lucacez
  115. Maxime
  116. mics
  117. Aymen0909
  118. Chinmay
  119. gogo
  120. m_Rassska
  121. bin2chen
  122. cryptonue
  123. ych18
  124. 8olidity
  125. Chom
  126. Jujic
  127. Ch_301
  128. Kumpa
  129. Waze
  130. 0xsolstars (Varun_Verma and masterchief)
  131. cthulhu_cult (badbird and seanamani)
  132. giovannidisiena
  133. indijanc
  134. StErMi
  135. 0xackermann
  136. 0xc0ffEE
  137. saneryee
  138. Soosh
  139. Tadashi
  140. codetilda
  141. CryptoMartian
  142. DevABDee
  143. dirk_y
  144. exd0tpy
  145. Franfran
  146. idkwhatimdoing
  147. luckypanda
  148. pedr02b2
  149. Mohandes
  150. neumo
  151. erictee
  152. durianSausage
  153. ladboy233
  154. Noah3o6
  155. 0xKitsune
  156. 0xsam
  157. Chandr
  158. CodingNameKiki
  159. Fitraldys
  160. gerdusx
  161. Kaiziron
  162. Migue
  163. pfapostol
  164. Randyyy
  165. ReyAdmirado
  166. rfa
  167. samruna
  168. tofunmi
  169. Tomio
  170. peritoflores
  171. cloudjunky
  172. i0001
  173. PaludoX0
  174. bardamu
  175. bearonbike
  176. bulej93
  177. dharma09
  178. immeas
  179. navinavu

This contest was judged by LSDan.

Final report assembled by liveactionllama.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 29 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 11 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 18 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 130 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 92 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Golom contest repository, and is composed of 6 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 1,407 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (11)

[H-01] Owner can not set the ve address via RewardDistributor.addVoteEscrow

Submitted by berndartmueller, also found by 0x1f8b, 0x52, 0xA5DF, 0xsanson, auditor0517, CRYP70, GimelSec, hansfriese, hyh, Krow10, panprog, rajatbeladiya, rbserver, teddav, and TrungOre



On the initial RewardDistributor.addVoteEscrow call, the owner of the contract can set the ve address without a timelock (which is as intended according to the function documentation). However, as the function parameter _voteEscrow is not used for the assignment, instead the storage variable pendingVoteEscrow (which is not initialized, hence address(0)) is used, the ve storage variable can not be set to the provided _voteEscrow address.

This prevents setting the ve address (ve is set to address(0)) and therefore prevents veNFT holders to claim reward tokens and Ether rewards via RewardDistributor.multiStakerClaim.

Proof of Concept


function addVoteEscrow(address _voteEscrow) external onlyOwner {
    if (address(ve) == address(0)) {
        ve = VE(pendingVoteEscrow); // @audit-info The wrong variable is used. It should be `_voteEscrow`
    } else {
        voteEscrowEnableDate = block.timestamp + 1 days;
        pendingVoteEscrow = _voteEscrow;


function multiStakerClaim(uint256[] memory tokenids, uint256[] memory epochs) public {
    require(address(ve) != address(0), ' VE not added yet'); // @audit-info reverts if `ve` is not initialized


Use the correct function parameter _voteEscrow:

function addVoteEscrow(address _voteEscrow) external onlyOwner {
    if (address(ve) == address(0)) {
        ve = VE(_voteEscrow);
    } else {
        voteEscrowEnableDate = block.timestamp + 1 days;
        pendingVoteEscrow = _voteEscrow;

0xsaruman (Golom) confirmed

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved and commented:

Resolved by removing the manually added timelocks and setting the Vote escrow in constructor and a function to change voteescrow by owner


[H-02] VoteEscrowDelegation._writeCheckpoint fails when nCheckpoints is 0

Submitted by GimelSec, also found by 0x52, 0xA5DF, 0xsanson, 0xSky, arcoun, Bahurum, berndartmueller, CertoraInc, cryptphi, ElKu, GalloDaSballo, hansfriese, JohnSmith, kenzo, kyteg, Lambda, MEP, panprog, rajatbeladiya, scaraven, simon135, Twpony, and zzzitron



When a user call VoteEscrowDelegation.delegate to make a delegation, it calls VoteEscrowDelegation._writeCheckpoint to update the checkpoint of toTokenId. However, if nCheckpoints is 0, _writeCheckpoint always reverts. What’s worse, nCheckpoints would be zero before any delegation has been made. In conclusion, users cannot make any delegation.

Proof of Concept

When a user call VoteEscrowDelegation.delegate to make a delegation, it calls VoteEscrowDelegation._writeCheckpoint to update the checkpoint of toTokenId.

    function delegate(uint256 tokenId, uint256 toTokenId) external {
        require(ownerOf(tokenId) == msg.sender, 'VEDelegation: Not allowed');
        require(this.balanceOfNFT(tokenId) >= MIN_VOTING_POWER_REQUIRED, 'VEDelegation: Need more voting power');

        delegates[tokenId] = toTokenId;
        uint256 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[toTokenId];

        if (nCheckpoints > 0) {
            Checkpoint storage checkpoint = checkpoints[toTokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];
            _writeCheckpoint(toTokenId, nCheckpoints, checkpoint.delegatedTokenIds);
        } else {
            uint256[] memory array = new uint256[](1);
            array[0] = tokenId;
            _writeCheckpoint(toTokenId, nCheckpoints, array);

        emit DelegateChanged(tokenId, toTokenId, msg.sender);

if nCheckpoints is 0, _writeCheckpoint always reverts.
Because checkpoints[toTokenId][nCheckpoints - 1] will trigger underflow in Solidity 0.8.11

    function _writeCheckpoint(
        uint256 toTokenId,
        uint256 nCheckpoints,
        uint256[] memory _delegatedTokenIds
    ) internal {
        require(_delegatedTokenIds.length < 500, 'VVDelegation: Cannot stake more');

        Checkpoint memory oldCheckpoint = checkpoints[toTokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];


Fix _writeCheckpoint

    function _writeCheckpoint(
        uint256 toTokenId,
        uint256 nCheckpoints,
        uint256[] memory _delegatedTokenIds
    ) internal {
        require(_delegatedTokenIds.length < 500, 'VVDelegation: Cannot stake more');


        if (nCheckpoints > 0 && oldCheckpoint.fromBlock == block.number) {
            Checkpoint memory oldCheckpoint = checkpoints[toTokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];
            oldCheckpoint.delegatedTokenIds = _delegatedTokenIds;
        } else {
            checkpoints[toTokenId][nCheckpoints] = Checkpoint(block.number, _delegatedTokenIds);
            numCheckpoints[toTokenId] = nCheckpoints + 1;

zeroexdead (Golom) confirmed

zeroexdead (Golom) resolved and commented:

Fixed. Ref: https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/95e83a1abead683083b7ddf07853a26803c70b88

[H-03] GolomTrader’s _settleBalances double counts protocol fee, reducing taker’s payout for a NFT sold

Submitted by hyh, also found by 0x52, 0xSky, auditor0517, ElKu, kaden, Krow10, Lambda, Limbooo, obront, rbserver, rotcivegaf, RustyRabbit, scaraven, wastewa, and zzzitron

Currently (o.totalAmt * 50) / 10000) protocol fee share is multiplied by amount twice when being accounted for as a deduction from the total in amount due to the msg.sender taker calculations in _settleBalances(), which is called by fillBid() and fillCriteriaBid() to handle the payouts.

Setting the severity to be high as reduced payouts is a fund loss impact for taker, which receives less than it’s due whenever amount > 1.

Notice that the amount lost to the taker is left on the contract balance and currently is subject to other vulnerabilities, i.e. can be easily stolen by an attacker that knowns these specifics and tracks contract state. When these issues be fixed this amount to be permanently frozen on the GolomTrader’s balance as it’s unaccounted for in all subsequent calculations (i.e. all the transfers are done with regard to the accounts recorded, this extra sum is unaccounted, there is no general native funds rescue function, so when all other mechanics be fixed the impact will be permanent freeze of the part of taker’s funds).

Proof of Concept

_settleBalances() uses (o.totalAmt - protocolfee - ...) * amount, which is o.totalAmt * amount - ((o.totalAmt * 50) / 10000) * amount * amount - ..., counting protocol fee extra amount - 1 times:


                (o.totalAmt - protocolfee - o.exchange.paymentAmt - o.prePayment.paymentAmt - o.refererrAmt) *
                    amount -
        } else {
                (o.totalAmt - protocolfee - o.exchange.paymentAmt - o.prePayment.paymentAmt) * amount - p.paymentAmt,


    function _settleBalances(
        Order calldata o,
        uint256 amount,
        address referrer,
        Payment calldata p
    ) internal {
        uint256 protocolfee = ((o.totalAmt * 50) / 10000) * amount;
        WETH.transferFrom(o.signer, address(this), o.totalAmt * amount);
        WETH.withdraw(o.totalAmt * amount);
        payEther(protocolfee, address(distributor));
        payEther(o.exchange.paymentAmt * amount, o.exchange.paymentAddress);
        payEther(o.prePayment.paymentAmt * amount, o.prePayment.paymentAddress);
        if (o.refererrAmt > 0 && referrer != address(0)) {
            payEther(o.refererrAmt * amount, referrer);
                (o.totalAmt - protocolfee - o.exchange.paymentAmt - o.prePayment.paymentAmt - o.refererrAmt) *
                    amount -
        } else {
                (o.totalAmt - protocolfee - o.exchange.paymentAmt - o.prePayment.paymentAmt) * amount - p.paymentAmt,

Say, if amount = 6, while ((o.totalAmt * 50) / 10000) = 1 ETH, 6 ETH is total protocolfee and needs to be removed from o.totalAmt * 6 to calculate taker’s part, while 1 ETH * 6 * 6 = 36 ETH is actually removed in the calculation, i.e. 36 - 6 = 30 ETH of taker’s funds will be frozen on the contract balance.

Consider accounting for amount once, for example:


    function _settleBalances(
        Order calldata o,
        uint256 amount,
        address referrer,
        Payment calldata p
    ) internal {
-       uint256 protocolfee = ((o.totalAmt * 50) / 10000) * amount;
+       uint256 protocolfee = ((o.totalAmt * 50) / 10000);
        WETH.transferFrom(o.signer, address(this), o.totalAmt * amount);
        WETH.withdraw(o.totalAmt * amount);
-       payEther(protocolfee, address(distributor));
+       payEther(protocolfee * amount, address(distributor));
        payEther(o.exchange.paymentAmt * amount, o.exchange.paymentAddress);
        payEther(o.prePayment.paymentAmt * amount, o.prePayment.paymentAddress);
        if (o.refererrAmt > 0 && referrer != address(0)) {
            payEther(o.refererrAmt * amount, referrer);
                (o.totalAmt - protocolfee - o.exchange.paymentAmt - o.prePayment.paymentAmt - o.refererrAmt) *
                    amount -
        } else {
                (o.totalAmt - protocolfee - o.exchange.paymentAmt - o.prePayment.paymentAmt) * amount - p.paymentAmt,
        payEther(p.paymentAmt, p.paymentAddress);
-       distributor.addFee([msg.sender, o.exchange.paymentAddress], protocolfee);
+       distributor.addFee([msg.sender, o.exchange.paymentAddress], protocolfee * amount);

0xsaruman (Golom) confirmed

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved and commented:

Resolved https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/366c0455547041003c28f21b9afba48dc33dc5c7#diff-63895480b947c0761eff64ee21deb26847f597ebee3c024fb5aa3124ff78f6ccR390

[H-04] Old delegatee not deleted when delegating to new tokenId

Submitted by Lambda, also found by 0x52, 0xA5DF, 0xDjango, 0xpiglet, 0xsanson, arcoun, Bahurum, berndartmueller, cccz, dipp, GalloDaSballo, GimelSec, GiveMeTestEther, Green, kenzo, kyteg, MEP, neumo, obront, panprog, rajatbeladiya, scaraven, and Twpony


In delegate, when a user delegates to a new tokenId, the tokenId is not removed from the current delegatee. Therefore, one user can easily multiply his voting power, which makes the toking useless for voting / governance decisions.

Proof Of Concept

Bob owns the token with ID 1 with a current balance of 1000. He also owns tokens 2, 3, 4, 5. Therefore, he calls delegate(1, 2), delegate(1, 3), delegate(1, 4), delegate(1, 5). Now, if there is a governance decision and getVotes is called, Bobs balance of 1000 is included in token 2, 3, 4, and 5. Therefore, he quadrupled the voting power of token 1.

Remove the entry in delegatedTokenIds of the old delegatee or simply call removeDelegation first.

zeroexdead (Golom) confirmed

zeroexdead (Golom) commented:


Ref: https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/c74d95b4105eeb878d2781982178db5ca08a1a9b

[H-05] addFee will stop accumulating fee once rewardToken has reached max supply

Submitted by shenwilly, also found by 0x52, berndartmueller, GimelSec, GiveMeTestEther, kaden, Lambda, M0ndoHEHE, obront, Picodes, rbserver, reassor, rokinot, and scaraven

RewardDistributor will stop accumulating fees for staker rewards once rewardToken supply has reached the maximum supply (1 billion).

Vulnerability Details


function addFee(address[2] memory addr, uint256 fee) public onlyTrader {
    if (rewardToken.totalSupply() > 1000000000 * 10**18) {
        // if supply is greater then a billion dont mint anything, dont add trades
    feesTrader[addr[0]][epoch] = feesTrader[addr[0]][epoch] + fee;
    feesExchange[addr[1]][epoch] = feesExchange[addr[1]][epoch] + fee;
    epochTotalFee[epoch] = epochTotalFee[epoch] + fee;

The check at the beginning of addFee is supposed to stop RewardDistributor from minting additional rewardToken once it has reached 1 billion supply. However, the current implementation has a side effect of causing the function to skip recording accumulated trading fees (the last 3 lines of the function). This will cause stakers to lose their trading fee rewards once the max supply has been reached, and the funds will be permanently locked in the contract.

Proof of Concept

  • Alice staked GOLOM to receive fee rewards from RewardDistributor.
  • GOLOM supply reaches 1 billion token.
  • Traders keep trading on GolomTrader, sending protocol fees to RewardDistributor. However, RewardDistributor.addFee does not update the fee accounting.
  • Alice won’t receive any fee reward and protocol fees are stuck in the contract.

Modify addFee so that the check won’t skip accruing trade fees:

function addFee(address[2] memory addr, uint256 fee) public onlyTrader {
    if (block.timestamp > startTime + (epoch) * secsInDay) {
        uint256 previousEpochFee = epochTotalFee[epoch];
        epoch = epoch + 1;

        if (rewardToken.totalSupply() > 1000000000 * 10**18) {
            emit NewEpoch(epoch, 0, 0, previousEpochFee);
        } else {
            uint256 tokenToEmit = (dailyEmission * (rewardToken.totalSupply() - rewardToken.balanceOf(address(ve)))) /
            uint256 stakerReward = (tokenToEmit * rewardToken.balanceOf(address(ve))) / rewardToken.totalSupply();

            rewardStaker[epoch] = stakerReward;
            rewardTrader[epoch] = ((tokenToEmit - stakerReward) * 67) / 100;
            rewardExchange[epoch] = ((tokenToEmit - stakerReward) * 33) / 100;
            rewardToken.mint(address(this), tokenToEmit);
            epochBeginTime[epoch] = block.number;
            if (previousEpochFee > 0) {
                if (epoch == 1){
                    epochTotalFee[0] =  address(this).balance; // staking and trading rewards start at epoch 1, for epoch 0 all contract ETH balance is converted to staker rewards rewards.
                    weth.deposit{value: address(this).balance}();  
                    weth.deposit{value: previousEpochFee}();
            emit NewEpoch(epoch, tokenToEmit, stakerReward, previousEpochFee);
    feesTrader[addr[0]][epoch] = feesTrader[addr[0]][epoch] + fee;
    feesExchange[addr[1]][epoch] = feesExchange[addr[1]][epoch] + fee;
    epochTotalFee[epoch] = epochTotalFee[epoch] + fee;

0xsaruman (Golom) confirmed

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved and commented:

Resolved in https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/192e152dde2eed6c01a3945aa5fd223ff786ca5e

[H-06] NFT transferring won’t work because of the external call to removeDelegation.

Submitted by CertoraInc, also found by 0xA5DF, 0xsanson, Bahurum, carlitox477, cryptphi, GalloDaSballo, kenzo, MEP, and TrungOre



The VoteEscrowDelegation._transferFrom function won’t work because it calls this.removeDelegation(_tokenId). The removeDelegation function is external, so when the call is done by this.removeDelegation(_tokenId) msg.sender changes to the contract address.

This causes the check in the `` function to (most likely) fail because the contract is not the owner of the NFT, and that will make the function revert.
require(ownerOf(tokenId) == msg.sender, 'VEDelegation: Not allowed');

Make the removeDelegation function public and call it without changing the context (i.e. without changing msg.sender to the contract’s address).

zeroexdead (Golom) confirmed

zeroexdead (Golom) commented:


Ref: https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/10ec920765a5ee2afc2fe269d32ea9138d1156b6

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved

[H-07] _writeCheckpoint does not write to storage on same block

Submitted by async, also found by 0xA5DF, 0xpiglet, 0xsanson, ak1, DimitarDimitrov, Dravee, ElKu, IllIllI, JohnSmith, kenzo, and scaraven


In VoteEscrowDelegation._writeCheckpoint, when the checkpoint is overwritten in the same block the new value is set with memory oldCheckpoint and thus is never written to storage.

Checkpoint memory oldCheckpoint = checkpoints[toTokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];

if (nCheckpoints > 0 && oldCheckpoint.fromBlock == block.number) {

oldCheckpoint.delegatedTokenIds = _delegatedTokenIds; 

Users that remove and delegate a token (or call delegate on the same token twice) in the same block will only have their first delegation persisted.

Proof of Concept

  • User delegates a tokenId by calling delegate.
  • In the same block, the user decides to delgate the same token to a different token ID and calls delegate again which calls _writeCheckpoint. Since this is the second transaction in the same block the if statement in the code block above executes and stores _delegatedTokenIds in memory oldCheckpoint, thus not persisting the array of _delegatedTokenIds in the checkpoint.

Define the oldCheckpoint variable as a storage pointer:

Checkpoint storage oldCheckpoint = checkpoints[toTokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];

0xA5DF (warden) commented:

Just want to add to the impact (in case the judges consider to decrease severity), in my report of this bug (#625) I’ve mentioned a more severe impact:

An attacker can use this to multiplying his delegation power endlessly, by adding a delegation and removing it in the same block (using a contract to run those 2 functions in the same tx). The delegation will succeed but the removal will fail, this way each time this runs the user delegates again the same token.

zeroexdead (Golom) confirmed

zeroexdead (Golom) commented:

Fixed. Ref: https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/74b2e718f6ae9da815b52242a44451527d60d1ae

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved

[H-08] Users can avoid paying fees while trading trustlessly & using Golom’s network effects

Submitted by kankodu

  • If a maker makes below mentioned AvoidsFeesContract a reservedAddress and hides the info about how much they want their NFT in order.root, they can avoid paying fees while trading trustlessly and using the nework effects of golom maketplace with 0 o.totalAmt. See POC to get a better idea.
  • Here the maker uses order.root to hide the amount they want to get paid because it is much cleaner for a POC.

    • But since golom does not have an API where user can submit a signature without using the frontend, they will use something like deadline to hide the amount they want to get paid.
    • Reason they would use deadline is because that is something they can control in the golom NFT frontend
    • They can pack the information about deadline and amount they want to get paid, in one uint256 as a deadline and then the check in the contract would look a different

Proof of Concept

  • Clone the repo and run yarn
  • Create a AvoidsFeesContract.sol contract in contracts/test/ folder with following code
//contract that avoids paying fees everytime

pragma solidity 0.8.11;

import "../core/GolomTrader.sol";

//A maker will be gurranteed a payout if it makes this contract the reservedAddress and hide the payment info about how much they want in Oder.root
//Users will use this every time to trade to avoid paying fees
//They use the networking effects of the golom marketplace without paying the fees
contract AvoidsFeesContract {
    GolomTrader public immutable golomTrader;

    constructor(GolomTrader _golomTrader) {
        golomTrader = _golomTrader;

    function fillAsk(
        GolomTrader.Order calldata o,
        uint256 amount,
        address referrer,
        GolomTrader.Payment calldata p,
        address receiver
    ) public payable {
            o.reservedAddress == address(this),
            "not allowed if signer has not reserved this contract"
        ); //the signer will only allow this contract to execute the trade and since it has following checks, they will be guranteed a payout they want without paying the fees
            p.paymentAddress == o.signer,
            "signer needs to be the payment address"
        //I am using root as an example because it is much cleaner for a POC.
        //but since golom does not have an API where user can submit a signature without using the frontend, they will use something like deadline to hide the amount they want to get paid.
        //Reason they would use deadline is because that is something they can control in the golom NFT frontend
        //They can pack the information about deadline and amount they want to get paid, in one uint256 as a deadline and then the check below would look a little different
            p.paymentAmt == uint256(o.root),
            "you need to pay what signer wants"
        ); //the maker will hide the payment info in oder.root

        golomTrader.fillAsk{value: msg.value}(
            receiver = msg.sender
  • Add following test in test/GolomTrader.specs.ts here.
  • Also, add const AvoidsFeesContractArtifacts = ethers.getContractFactory('AvoidsFeesContract'); after this line and import { AvoidsFeesContract as AvoidsFeesContractTypes } from '../typechain/AvoidsFeesContract'; after this line.
  • Run npx hardhat compile && npx hardhat test
       it.only('should allow malicious contract to execute the trade while bypassing the fees', async () => {
            //deploy the malicious contract
            const avoidsFeesContract: AvoidsFeesContractTypes = (await (await AvoidsFeesContractArtifacts).deploy(golomTrader.address)) as AvoidsFeesContractTypes;

            //here the frontend calculates exchangeAmount and prePaymentAmt as a percentage of how much the make wants to receive for their NFT. 
            //as far as the frontend is concerned, the maker inputs 0 for their NFT value which in turn makes the exchangeAmount and prePaymentAmt 0 
            let exchangeAmount = ethers.utils.parseEther('0'); // nothing to the exchange
            let prePaymentAmt = ethers.utils.parseEther('0'); // no royalty cut
            let totalAmt = ethers.utils.parseEther('0');
            let tokenId = await testErc721.current();

            let nftValueThatMakerWants = ethers.utils.parseEther('10.25');

            const order = {
                collection: testErc721.address,
                tokenId: tokenId,
                signer: await maker.getAddress(),
                orderType: 0,
                totalAmt: totalAmt,
                exchange: { paymentAmt: exchangeAmount, paymentAddress: await exchange.getAddress() },
                prePayment: { paymentAmt: prePaymentAmt, paymentAddress: await prepay.getAddress() },
                isERC721: true,
                tokenAmt: 1,
                refererrAmt: 0,
                root: ethers.utils.hexZeroPad(nftValueThatMakerWants.toHexString(), 32), //convert Bignumber to bytes32
                reservedAddress: avoidsFeesContract.address,
                nonce: 0,
                deadline: Date.now() + 100000,
                r: '',
                s: '',
                v: 0,

            let signature = (await maker._signTypedData(domain, types, order)).substring(2); //a valid signature as far as your frontend goes

            order.r = '0x' + signature.substring(0, 64);
            order.s = '0x' + signature.substring(64, 128);
            order.v = parseInt(signature.substring(128, 130), 16);

            let makerBalanceBefore = await ethers.provider.getBalance(await maker.getAddress());

            await avoidsFeesContract.connect(taker).fillAsk(
                    paymentAmt: nftValueThatMakerWants,
                    paymentAddress: order.signer,
                    value: nftValueThatMakerWants,

            let makerBalanceAfter = await ethers.provider.getBalance(await maker.getAddress());

            expect(await testErc721.balanceOf(await taker.getAddress())).to.be.equals('1');
            expect(makerBalanceAfter.sub(makerBalanceBefore)).to.be.equals(nftValueThatMakerWants);//maker is guaranteed a payout


Tools Used

  • The repo itself. (hardhat)
  • Make sure that o.totalAmt is greater than p.paymentAmt in addition to this check

0xsaruman (Golom) confirmed

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved and commented:

Circumvented by putting this line in the code

require(o.totalAmt * amount * 15/100 >= p.paymentAmt, 'can only pay 15% extra');

[H-09] Repeated calls to multiStakerClaim in the same block leads to loss of funds

Submitted by Krow10



A malicious user can repeatedly claim the same staker reward for an epoch, provided the transactions all happen in the same block. This can effectively be done using services like Flashbots bundles and will result in the draining of the WETH balance of the RewardDistributor contract.

The idea is to bypass the require statement line 185 which checks if a claim has been already done for the epoch, for a specific token ID. By moving the locked tokens in a new lock, a new token ID will be generated and can be used to claim the rewards again, if the transaction happens in the same block for which the epoch is updated.

Indeed, when multiStakerClaim() is called, the rewardETH will be calculated from the amount of tokens locked in tokenids[tindex] at the block that triggered the epoch change (variable epochBeginTime). If, during this time, an attacker transfers its staked tokens to a new vault using the merge function of the VE token, the function will calculate the amount of staked tokens for the newly created tokenID as the same as the original tokenID reward.

A example abuse will look like this (pseudo-code adapted from the PoC) :

lockID = voteEscrow.create_lock(amount, 1 week); // Create lock #1 before
rewardDistributor.multiStakerClaim([lockId], [0]); // Claim epoch 0 rewards for lock #1
voteEscrow.create_lock(1, 1 week); // Create lock #2 (requires 1 Golom token, could be created in advance)
voteEscrow.merge(lockId, lockId + 1); // Transfer lock #1 tokens to lock #2
rewardDistributor.multiStakerClaim([lockId + 1], [0]); // Claim same epoch rewards for lock #2
// repeat ...

To abuse this, the attacker needs to follow this steps:

  • Have some locked Golom tokens.
  • Wait for a addFee call that will trigger an epoch change (this can be monitored by looking at the mempool or predicted from block timestamps). Services like Flashbots also allows for specifying a range of blocks for bundles for better targeting.
  • Send a bundle of transactions to be included with the block containing the epoch changing transaction (see the PoC for an example of transactions).

Note that this needs to succeed only once to allow an attacker to drain all WETH funds so if the bundle isn’t included for a particular epoch, given the frequency of epoch changes, the bundle will eventually be included and trigger the exploit.

Proof of Concept

See warden’s original submission for full proof of concept.

I initially thought about a few possible solutions:

  • Checking a lock creation time to prevent claiming from locks created in the same block but the attacker can just create the blocks beforehand.
  • Tracking the msg.sender or tx.origin for preventing multiple calls to multiStakerClaim in the same block but the attacker can just send transactions from different addresses.
  • Preventing the merging of locks but the attacker can just create locks in advance and withdraw/add funds continuously between old/new locks.

None really fixes the vulnerability as it comes from the feature of locks being tradable meaning it’s not practically feasable to know if a lock has already be claimed by an individual just by looking at the lock ID.

A possible solution would be to find a way to prevent multiple calls to the same function within a block or better, make a checkpoint of the locks balances for each epochBeginTime and uses these values for calculating the rewards (instead of querying the VE contract in the loop).

0xsaruman (Golom) confirmed

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved and commented:

Removed merge()
Ref: https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/b987077f2a227273bc7051e382bd55264162a77e

[H-10] Upon changing of delegate, VoteDelegation updates both the previous and the current checkpoint

Submitted by kenzo, also found by 0xA5DF, 0xpiglet, 0xsanson, arcoun, Bahurum, and IllIllI



The contract is accidently editing both the previous and current checkpoint when changing/removing a delegate.


Incorrect counting of votes.

Proof of Concept

If in delegate the delegate already has checkpoints, the function will grab the latest checkpoint, and add the tokenId to it. Note that it changes the storage variable.

        if (nCheckpoints > 0) {
            Checkpoint storage checkpoint = checkpoints[toTokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];
            _writeCheckpoint(toTokenId, nCheckpoints, checkpoint.delegatedTokenIds);

It then calls _writeCheckpoint, which will add a new checkpoint if there’s no checkpoint created for this block yet:

        Checkpoint memory oldCheckpoint = checkpoints[toTokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];

        if (nCheckpoints > 0 && oldCheckpoint.fromBlock == block.number) {
            oldCheckpoint.delegatedTokenIds = _delegatedTokenIds;
        } else {
            checkpoints[toTokenId][nCheckpoints] = Checkpoint(block.number, _delegatedTokenIds);
            numCheckpoints[toTokenId] = nCheckpoints + 1;

Therefore, if this function has created a new checkpoint with the passed _delegatedTokenIds, we already saw that the previous function has already added tokenId to the previous checkpoint, so now both the new checkpoint and the previous checkpoint will have tokenId in them.
This is wrong as it updates an earlier checkpoint with the latest change.

The same situation happens in removeDelegation.

When reading the latest checkpoint:

Checkpoint storage checkpoint = checkpoints[toTokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];

Change the storage to memory. This way it will not affect the previous checkpoint, but will pass the correct updated array to _writeCheckpoint, which will then write/update the correct checkpoint.

zeroexdead (Golom) confirmed and commented:

Fixed delegate(): https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/8a8c89beea22cd57f4ffaf3d0defcce863e9657f

Fixed removeDelegation(): https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/72350b0a3bdae4f21e2f015327037080f6bab867

LSDan (judge) increased severity to High and commented:

I went back and forth on if this was a duplicate of H-04 (#169) or not. The two issues are so similar it’s hard to pull them apart. Ultimately I do see the difference, mainly that this version of the issue results in a retroactive manipulation of voting power whereas the other issue allows the creation of infinite voting power. I’m upgrading this to high risk because it effectively destroys the integrity of the voting system which impacts every aspect of the protocol which is subject to vote.

[H-11] Cannot remove delegation from a token to another token

Submitted by Bahurum, also found by 0x52, 0xA5DF, 0xsanson, berndartmueller, cccz, CertoraInc, dipp, GalloDaSballo, GimelSec, Green, IllIllI, kenzo, MEP, panprog, and scaraven


A user who has delegated the vote of a veGolom token (that he/she owns) to another veGolom token cannot remove the delegation, so the delegatee token will permanently hold the voting power of the delegator token.

Proof of Concept

A user tries to remove the delegation from tokenId he/she owns to the delegated token, calling removeDelegation(uint256 tokenId).
The delegation should be removed at the lines:

        Checkpoint storage checkpoint = checkpoints[tokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];
        removeElement(checkpoint.delegatedTokenIds, tokenId);

but the array checkpoint.delegatedTokenIds is the list of delegators to tokenId itself. So, unless the delegation was from the token to itself, removeDelegation does nothing.

Two fixes are proposed:

  1. Add the delegatee as an argument to removeDelegation and remove tokenId from its list of delegators:
-   function removeDelegation(uint256 tokenId) external {
+   function removeDelegation(uint256 tokenId, uint256 toTokenId) external {
        require(ownerOf(tokenId) == msg.sender, 'VEDelegation: Not allowed');
        uint256 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[tokenId];
-       Checkpoint storage checkpoint = checkpoints[tokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];
+       Checkpoint storage checkpoint = checkpoints[toTokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];
        removeElement(checkpoint.delegatedTokenIds, tokenId);
        _writeCheckpoint(tokenId, nCheckpoints, checkpoint.delegatedTokenIds);


  1. Load the delegatee from the mapping delegates which maps each delegator to its current delegatee:
    function removeDelegation(uint256 tokenId) external {
        require(ownerOf(tokenId) == msg.sender, 'VEDelegation: Not allowed');
+       uint256 toTokenId = delegates[tokenId];
        uint256 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[tokenId];
-       Checkpoint storage checkpoint = checkpoints[tokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];
+       Checkpoint storage checkpoint = checkpoints[toTokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];
        removeElement(checkpoint.delegatedTokenIds, tokenId);
        _writeCheckpoint(tokenId, nCheckpoints, checkpoint.delegatedTokenIds);

kenzo (warden) commented:

Note that in the mitigation, nCheckpoints should access toTokenId instead of tokenId.

zeroexdead (Golom) confirmed

zeroexdead (Golom) commented:

Fixed. https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/4b19fce83ad53bc56b1bad058e1e88d90acda444

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved

LSDan (judge) increased severity to High and commented:

I agree with the other wardens who rated this high risk. It has a direct impact on the functioning of the protocol and allows for a myriad of governance attacks.

Medium Risk Findings (18)

[M-01] Use call() rather than transfer() on address payable

Submitted by cloudjunky, also found by __141345__, _Adam, 0x1f8b, 0x4non, 0x52, 0xDjango, 0xf15ers, 0xHarry, 0xNazgul, 0xNineDec, 0xsanson, 0xsolstars, 8olidity, arcoun, asutorufos, bardamu, bearonbike, bin2chen, Bnke0x0, brgltd, bulej93, c3phas, carlitox477, cccz, CertoraInc, Chom, codexploder, cRat1st0s, cryptonue, cryptphi, cthulhu_cult, Deivitto, dharma09, dipp, djxploit, Dravee, durianSausage, ellahi, GalloDaSballo, GimelSec, giovannidisiena, hansfriese, horsefacts, hyh, IllIllI, immeas, indijanc, jayjonah8, jayphbee, Jmaxmanblue, joestakey, JohnSmith, Jujic, Kenshin, kenzo, Krow10, kyteg, ladboy233, Lambda, MEP, minhquanym, navinavu, Noah3o6, obront, oyc_109, peritoflores, rbserver, reassor, RedOneN, rokinot, rotcivegaf, Ruhum, saian, scaraven, shenwilly, simon135, sseefried, StErMi, StyxRave, teddav, TomJ, Treasure-Seeker, TrungOre, and zzzitron

L154 in GolomTrader.sol uses .transfer() to send ether to other addresses. There are a number of issues with using .transfer(), as it can fail for a number of reasons (specified in the Proof of Concept).

Proof of Concept

  1. The destination is a smart contract that doesn’t implement a payable function or it implements a payable function but that function uses more than 2300 gas units.
  2. The destination is a smart contract that doesn’t implement a payable fallback function or it implements a payable fallback function but that function uses more than 2300 gas units.
  3. The destination is a smart contract but that smart contract is called via an intermediate proxy contract increasing the case requirements to more than 2300 gas units. A further example of unknown destination complexity is that of a multisig wallet that as part of its operation uses more than 2300 gas units.
  4. Future changes or forks in Ethereum result in higher gas fees than transfer provides. The .transfer() creates a hard dependency on 2300 gas units being appropriate now and into the future.

Tools Used


Instead use the .call() function to transfer ether and avoid some of the limitations of .transfer(). This would be accomplished by changing payEther() to something like;

(bool success, ) = payable(payAddress).call{value: payAmt}(""); // royalty transfer to royaltyaddress
require(success, "Transfer failed.");

Gas units can also be passed to the .call() function as a variable to accomodate any uses edge cases. Gas could be a mutable state variable that can be set by the contract owner.

0xsaruman (Golom) confirmed

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved and commented:

Resolved https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/366c0455547041003c28f21b9afba48dc33dc5c7#diff-63895480b947c0761eff64ee21deb26847f597ebee3c024fb5aa3124ff78f6ccR154

LSDan (judge) commented:

Given how many upgrades I’m making on this, I figured a comment on my reasoning was in order. In many contests, this would be considered low risk. While unlikely to occur without warning, it is well-documented and so very well might occur at some point in the foreseeable future. With Golom’s implementation, the entire functionality of the protocol would break if the gas price were to rise, resulting in a need to relaunch/redeploy. The extreme nature of this disruption offsets the other factors normally considered and is why I consider it to be a medium risk in this contest.

[M-02] Use safeTransferFrom Instead of transferFrom for ERC721

Submitted by TomJ, also found by __141345__, _Adam, 0x4non, 0x52, 0xDjango, 0xf15ers, 0xNazgul, 0xsanson, 8olidity, apostle0x01, arcoun, benbaessler, bin2chen, Bnke0x0, brgltd, cccz, CertoraInc, Ch_301, Chom, cloudjunky, cryptonue, djxploit, Dravee, ellahi, erictee, GalloDaSballo, GimelSec, hansfriese, i0001, JC, Jujic, Kenshin, Kumpa, Lambda, M0ndoHEHE, minhquanym, oyc_109, PaludoX0, peritoflores, rbserver, reassor, RedOneN, rokinot, rotcivegaf, Ruhum, saian, shenwilly, Sm4rty, sseefried, Treasure-Seeker, TrungOre, Twpony, and Waze


Use of transferFrom method for ERC721 transfer is discouraged and recommended to use safeTransferFrom whenever possible by OpenZeppelin.
This is because transferFrom() cannot check whether the receiving address know how to handle ERC721 tokens.

In the function shown at below PoC, ERC721 token is sent to msg.sender with the transferFrom method.
If this msg.sender is a contract and is not aware of incoming ERC721 tokens, the sent token could be locked up in the contract forever.

Reference: https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/3.x/api/token/erc721

Proof of Concept

GolomTrader.sol:236:            ERC721(o.collection).transferFrom(o.signer, receiver, o.tokenId);

I recommend to call the safeTransferFrom() method instead of transferFrom() for NFT transfers.

0xsaruman (Golom) confirmed, but disagreed with severity

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved and commented:

Resolved https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/366c0455547041003c28f21b9afba48dc33dc5c7#diff-63895480b947c0761eff64ee21deb26847f597ebee3c024fb5aa3124ff78f6ccR238

[M-03] Voter in VoteEscrowCore can permanently lock user tokens

Submitted by scaraven






A malicious voter can arbitrarily increase the number of attachments or set the voted status of a token to true. This prevents the token from being withdrawn, merged or transfered thereby locking the tokens into the contract for as long as the voter would like.

I submitted this is as a medium severity because it has external circumstances (a malicious voter) however has a very high impact if it does occur.

Proof of Concept

  1. A user creates a lock for their token and deposits it into the VoteEscrowDelegate/Core contract.
  2. The malicious voter then calls either voting() or attach() thereby preventing the user withdrawing their token after the locked time bypasses

Tools Used

VS Code

I have not seen any use of voting() or attach() in any of the other contracts so it may be sensible to remove those functions altogether. On the other hand, setting voter to be smart contract which is not malicious offsets this problem.

zeroexdead (Golom) confirmed

zeroexdead (Golom) commented:

Removed Voter: https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/03572010ef868597310f4736c91aacf3aa044ce9

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved

[M-04] VoteEscrowCore.safeTransferFrom does not check correct magic bytes returned from receiver contract’s onERC721Received function

Submitted by sseefried, also found by 0x4non, arcoun, berndartmueller, cccz, csanuragjain, IllIllI, Jmaxmanblue, JohnSmith, Lambda, minhquanym, rbserver, and rotcivegaf


While VoteEscrowCore.safeTransferFrom does try to call onERC721Received on the receiver it does not check the for the required “magic bytes” which is IERC721.onERC721received.selector in this case. See OpenZeppelin docs for more information.

It’s quite possible that a call to onERC721Received could succeed because the contract had a fallback function implemented, but the contract is not ERC721 compliant.

The impact is that NFT tokens may be sent to non-compliant contracts and lost.

Proof of Concept

Lines 604 - 605 are:

try IERC721Receiver(_to).onERC721Received(msg.sender, _from, _tokenId, _data) returns (bytes4) {} catch (
    bytes memory reason

but they should be:

try IERC721Receiver(to).onERC721Received(_msgSender(), from, tokenId, data) returns (bytes4 retval) {
    return retval == IERC721Receiver.onERC721Received.selector;
} catch (bytes memory reason)

Implement safeTransferReturn so that it checks the required magic bytes: IERC721Receiver.onERC721Received.selector.

zeroexdead (Golom) confirmed

zeroexdead (Golom) commented:

Ref: https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/19ba6e83892e24b859f081525c7e0f751f5e7ebb

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved, but disagreed with severity

[M-05] Replay attack in case of hard fork

Submitted by codexploder, also found by 0x1f8b, 0xNineDec, 0xsanson, berndartmueller, chatch, RustyRabbit, teddav, and Treasure-Seeker


If there is ever a hardfork for Golom then EIP712_DOMAIN_TYPEHASH value will become invalid. This is because the chainId parameter is computed in constructor. This means even after hard fork chainId would remain same which is incorrect and could cause possible replay attacks

Proof of Concept

  1. Observe the constructor
constructor(address _governance) {
        // sets governance as owner

        uint256 chainId;
        assembly {
            chainId := chainid()

        EIP712_DOMAIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256(
                keccak256('EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)'),
  1. As we can see the chainId is derived and then hardcoded in EIP712_DOMAIN_TYPEHASH
  2. This means even after hard fork, EIP712_DOMAIN_TYPEHASH value will remain same and point to incorrect chainId

The EIP712_DOMAIN_TYPEHASH variable should be recomputed everytime by placing current value of chainId.

0xsaruman (Golom) confirmed, but disagreed with severity

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved and commented:

Resolved https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/d8a24442b8f3a764139e312ed393e5d5ffb7e596

LSDan (judge) commented:

I’m going to leave this as a medium risk. It would be a very high-impact scenario, but it relies on the external factor of a hard fork. That said, hard forks can and do happen.

[M-06] Orders with tokenAmt of type(uint256).max cannot be cancelled by GolomTrader.sol#cancelOrder

Submitted by 0x52, also found by GimelSec


Order unable to be cancelled by cancelOrder.

Proof of Concept

    filled[hashStruct] = o.tokenAmt + 1;

cancelOrder will overflow in the line shown above if o.tokenAmt is type(uint256).max causing the transaction to always revert for that order.

I don’t see any reason why 1 should be added to o.tokenAmt, change to:

    filled[hashStruct] = o.tokenAmt;

0xsaruman (Golom) acknowledged, but disagreed with severity

[M-07] veNFT withdraw and merge fail for approved callers

Submitted by horsefacts, also found by berndartmueller, csanuragjain, GalloDaSballo, hansfriese, IllIllI, kenzo, minhquanym, and rotcivegaf




Golom is impacted by a known issue with the veNFT contract that causes the merge and withdraw functions to revert when called by an approved spender rather than the token owner.

merge and withdraw may both be called by either the token owner or an approved spender. Note that both of these functions check _isApprovedOrOwner:


    function merge(uint256 _from, uint256 _to) external {
        require(attachments[_from] == 0 && !voted[_from], 'attached');
        require(_from != _to);
        require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _from));
        require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _to));

        LockedBalance memory _locked0 = locked[_from];
        LockedBalance memory _locked1 = locked[_to];
        uint256 value0 = uint256(int256(_locked0.amount));
        uint256 end = _locked0.end >= _locked1.end ? _locked0.end : _locked1.end;

        locked[_from] = LockedBalance(0, 0);
        _checkpoint(_from, _locked0, LockedBalance(0, 0));
        _deposit_for(_to, value0, end, _locked1, DepositType.MERGE_TYPE);


    /// @notice Withdraw all tokens for `_tokenId`
    /// @dev Only possible if the lock has expired
    function withdraw(uint256 _tokenId) external nonreentrant {
        assert(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId));
        require(attachments[_tokenId] == 0 && !voted[_tokenId], 'attached');

        LockedBalance memory _locked = locked[_tokenId];
        require(block.timestamp >= _locked.end, "The lock didn't expire");
        uint256 value = uint256(int256(_locked.amount));

        locked[_tokenId] = LockedBalance(0, 0);
        uint256 supply_before = supply;
        supply = supply_before - value;

        // old_locked can have either expired <= timestamp or zero end
        // _locked has only 0 end
        // Both can have >= 0 amount
        _checkpoint(_tokenId, _locked, LockedBalance(0, 0));

        assert(IERC20(token).transfer(msg.sender, value));

        // Burn the NFT

        emit Withdraw(msg.sender, _tokenId, value, block.timestamp);
        emit Supply(supply_before, supply_before - value);

However, both functions make internal calls to _burn, which does not handle the case of an approved caller correctly. The call to _removeTokenFrom on L1234 passes msg.sender rather than the token owner, which will revert:


    function _burn(uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId), 'caller is not owner nor approved');

        address owner = ownerOf(_tokenId);

        // Clear approval
        approve(address(0), _tokenId);
        // Remove token
        _removeTokenFrom(msg.sender, _tokenId);
        emit Transfer(owner, address(0), _tokenId);


Approved callers cannot merge or withdraw veNFTs. merge and withdraw may only be called by the token owner.

Update _burn to pass token owner address rather than msg.sender:

    function _burn(uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId), 'caller is not owner nor approved');

        address owner = ownerOf(_tokenId);

        // Clear approval
        approve(address(0), _tokenId);
        // Remove token
        _removeTokenFrom(owner, _tokenId);
        emit Transfer(owner, address(0), _tokenId);

zeroexdead (Golom) confirmed

zeroexdead (Golom) commented:

Removed merge and fixed withdraw here: https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/c79913ec08ba2dca87a22f1bc6fe47f65f7b4202

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved

[M-08] Pre-check is not correct

Submitted by 0xSky



fillCriteriaBid can be reverted due to the pre-check while it can work.

Proof of Concept

When refererrAmt > 0 and referrer address is not set (is 0), (o.totalAmt - protocolfee - o.exchange.paymentAmt - o.prePayment.paymentAmt) * amount - p.paymentAmt >= 0 and o.totalAmt < o.exchange.paymentAmt + o.prePayment.paymentAmt + o.refererrAmt can hold true at the same time.

It is when o.refererrAmt > (p.paymentAmt + protocolfee) / amount.
In that case, _settleBalances can work, but fillCriteriaBid will be reverted due to the check in line 342.

I think require(o.totalAmt >= o.exchange.paymentAmt + o.prePayment.paymentAmt) is correct.

0xsaruman (Golom) confirmed, but disagreed with severity and commented:

Very small chance of both conditions happening, o.refererrAmt > (p.paymentAmt + protocolfee) / amount and referrer address is 0.

Resolved https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/c15fa96271d8cf764274271eee649c79ca1b1f7d

LSDan (judge) commented:

Nice catch.

This tracks as a medium for me… it breaks protocol functionality given external factors.

[M-09] GolomToken.sol doesn’t contain a function to mint treasury tokens

Submitted by 0x52


Potential downtime in GolomTrader

Proof of Concept

GolomToken.sol doesn’t have a function to mint the treasury tokens as specified in the docs (https://docs.golom.io/tokenomics-and-airdrop). In order for these tokens to be minted, the minter would have to be changed via setMinter() and executeSetMinter() to a contract that can mint the treasury tokens. Because of the 24 hour timelock, this would lead to downtime for GolomTrader.sol if trading has already begun. This is because GolomTrader.sol calls RewardDistributor.sol#addFees each time there is a filled order. When the epoch changes, RewardDistributor.sol will try to call the mint function in GolomToken.sol. Because of the timelock, there will be at least a 24 hours period where RewardDistributor.sol is not the minter and doesn’t have the permission to mint. This means that during that period all trades will revert.

Add a function to GolomToken.sol to mint the treasury tokens similar to the mintAirdrop() and mintGenesisReward() functions.

0xsaruman (Golom) confirmed, but disagreed with severity

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved and commented:


[M-10] Delegated NFTs that are withdrawn while still delegated will remain delegated even after burn

Submitted by 0x52, also found by berndartmueller, IllIllI, kenzo, and rotcivegaf


Burn NFTs remained delegated causing bloat and wasting gas.

Proof of Concept

VoteEscrowDelegation.sol doesn’t change the withdraw or _burn functions inherited from VoteEscrowCore.sol. These functions are ignorant of the delegation system and don’t properly remove the delegation when burning an NFT. The votes for the burned NFT will be removed but the reference will still be stored in the delegation list where it was last delegated. This creates a few issues. 1) It adds bloat to both getVotes and getPriorVotes because it adds a useless element that must be looped through. 2) The max number of users that can delegate to another NFT is 500 and the burned NFT takes up one of those spots reducing the number of real users that can delegate. 3) Adds gas cost when calling removeDelegation which adds gas cost to _transferFrom because removeElement has to cycle through a larger number of elements.

Override _burn in VoteEscrowDelegation and add this.removeDelegation(_tokenId), similar to how it was done in _transferFrom.

zeroexdead (Golom) confirmed

zeroexdead (Golom) commented:

Ref: https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/a30a50abe1aa677374bdbf68e1e81d80e1545563

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved

LSDan (judge) commented:

I agree with the wardens and sponsor who rate this as medium. It does negatively impact the functioning of the protocol, but none of the reporting wardens have shown how it can be used as a direct attack vector IMO.

[M-11] When MIN_VOTING_POWER_REQUIRED is changed, previous votes are not affected

Submitted by cccz

When MIN_VOTING_POWER_REQUIRED is changed, tokenIDs with votes lower than MIN_VOTING_POWER_REQUIRED will not be able to vote through the delegate function, but previous votes will not be affected.
Since MIN_VOTING_POWER_REQUIRED is mainly used to reduce the influence of spam users, changing this value should affect previous votes.

Proof of Concept




In the getPriorVotes and getVotes functions, when the balance corresponding to tokenId is less than MINVOTINGPOWER_REQUIRED, the value of votes will not be increased

    function getVotes(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (uint256) {
        uint256[] memory delegated = _getCurrentDelegated(tokenId);
        uint256 votes = 0;
        for (uint256 index = 0; index < delegated.length; index++) {
+         if(this.balanceOfNFT(delegated[index]) >= MIN_VOTING_POWER_REQUIRED){
            votes = votes + this.balanceOfNFT(delegated[index]);
+       }
        return votes;

     * @notice Determine the prior number of votes for an account as of a block number
     * @dev Block number must be a finalized block or else this function will revert to prevent misinformation.
     * @param tokenId The address of the account to check
     * @param blockNumber The block number to get the vote balance at
     * @return The number of votes the account had as of the given block
    function getPriorVotes(uint256 tokenId, uint256 blockNumber) public view returns (uint256) {
        require(blockNumber < block.number, 'VEDelegation: not yet determined');
        uint256[] memory delegatednft = _getPriorDelegated(tokenId, blockNumber);
        uint256 votes = 0;
        for (uint256 index = 0; index < delegatednft.length; index++) {
+         if(this.balanceOfAtNFT(delegatednft[index], blockNumber) >= MIN_VOTING_POWER_REQUIRED){
            votes = votes + this.balanceOfAtNFT(delegatednft[index], blockNumber);
+         }
        return votes;

zeroexdead (Golom) confirmed, but disagreed with severity

zeroexdead (Golom) commented:

When calling we getVotes() and getPriorVotes() we’re considering MIN_VOTING_POWER_REQUIRED.
Reference: https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/db650729b0805ec19906a0ea11de6af7a53ac382

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved

LSDan (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Downgrading this to medium. Assets are not at direct risk.

[M-12] Some setters’ timelock can be bypassed

Submitted by zzzitron, also found by berndartmueller, GimelSec, GiveMeTestEther, and sseefried




MED - Function could be impacted

As the timelock does not work as supposed to work, the owner of the contract can bypass timelock.

  • Affected Functions:

    • GolomToken: setMinter, executeSetMinter
    • GolomTrader: setDistributor, executeSetDistributor
    • RewardDistributor: addVoteEscrow, executeAddVoteEscrow

Proof of Concept

The first poc shows to bypass timelock for GolomTrader::setDistributor. The same logic applies for the RewardDistributor::addVoteEscrow.
0. The setDistributor was called once in the beforeEach block to set the initial distributor. For this exploit to work, the setDistributor should be called only once. If setDistributor was called more than once, one can set the distributor to zero address (with timelock like in the GolomToken case, then set to a new distributor after that)

  1. reset distributor to zero address without timelock by calling executeSetDistributor
  2. set a new distributor without timelock by calling setDistributor
  3. Rinse and repeat: as long as setDistributor is not called multiple times in row, the owner can keep setting distributor without timelock.

A little bit different variation of timelock bypass was found in the GolomToken. Although the owner should wait for the timelock to set the minter to zero address, but after that, the owner can set to the new minter without waiting for a timelock. Since the meaning of timelock is to let people know the new minter’s implementation, if the owner can bypass that, the timelock is almost meaningless.
The exploitation steps: the second proof of concept

  1. call setMineter with zero address
  2. wait for the timelock
  3. call executeSetMineter to set the minter to zero address
  4. now the onwer can call setMineter with any address and call executeSetMinter without waiting for the timelock

The owner can call executeSetdistributor even though there is no pendingDistributor set before. Also, setDistributor sets the new distributor without timelock when the existing distributor’s address is zero.

// GolomTrader
// almost identical logic was used in `RewardDistributor` to addVoteEscrow
// similar logic was used in `GolomToken` to `setMineter`

444     function setDistributor(address _distributor) external onlyOwner {
445         if (address(distributor) == address(0)) {
446             distributor = Distributor(_distributor);
447         } else {
448             pendingDistributor = _distributor;
449             distributorEnableDate = block.timestamp + 1 days;
450         }
451     }
453     /// @notice Executes the set distributor function after the timelock
454     function executeSetDistributor() external onlyOwner {
455         require(distributorEnableDate <= block.timestamp, 'not allowed');
456         distributor = Distributor(pendingDistributor);
457     }

To mitigate, execute functions can check whether pendingDistributor is not zero. It will ensure that the setters are called before executing them, as well as prevent to set to zero addresses.

0xsaruman (Golom) disputed and commented:

call setMineter with zero address
wait for the timelock

This alone will trigger awareness that something malicious is happening and since timelock is there people have time to get out.

0xsaruman (Golom) confirmed and commented:

The second POC is valid.

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved and commented:

Removed all secondary time locks in the contract and only using the primary timelock that will be behind the owner.


[M-13] Rewards owed burned NFT in RewardDistributor.sol become irretrievable

Submitted by 0x52, also found by kyteg


Rewards owed burned NFT are permanently locked.

Proof of Concept

function _burn(uint256 _tokenId) internal {
    require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId), 'caller is not owner nor approved');

    address owner = ownerOf(_tokenId);

    // Clear approval
    approve(address(0), _tokenId);
    // Remove token
    _removeTokenFrom(msg.sender, _tokenId);
    emit Transfer(owner, address(0), _tokenId);

function _removeTokenFrom(address _from, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
    // Throws if `_from` is not the current owner
    assert(idToOwner[_tokenId] == _from);
    // Change the owner
    idToOwner[_tokenId] = address(0);
    // Update owner token index tracking
    _removeTokenFromOwnerList(_from, _tokenId);
    // Change count tracking
    ownerToNFTokenCount[_from] -= 1;

After an NFT is burned, owner of token is set to address(0).

    rewardToken.transfer(tokenowner, reward);

This causes issues in multiStakerClaim L208. GOLOM uses OZ’s implementation of ERC20 which doesn’t allow tokens to be sent to address(0). Because the “owner” of the burned NFT is address(0) multiStakerClaim will always revert when called for a burned NFT trapping rewards in contract forever.

Implement a clawback clause inside the multiStakerClaim function. If the token is burned (i.e. owned by address(0)) the rewards should be transferred to different address. These rewards could be claimed to the treasury or burned, etc.

    if (tokenowner == address(0){
        rewardToken.transfer(treasury, reward);
        weth.transfer(treasury, rewardEth);

0xsaruman (Golom) confirmed, but disagreed with severity and commented:

I think its QA because burning NFT means the owner doesn’t want anything to do with rewards or the NFT anymore.

[M-14] VoteEscrowDelegation._transferFrom can only be executed by the token owner

Submitted by GimelSec, also found by GalloDaSballo, kebabsec, and kenzo

VoteEscrowDelegation._transferFrom should be successfully executed if msg.sender is the current owner, an authorized operator, or the approved address. removeDelegation is called in _transferFrom. removeDelegation only accepts the token owner. Thus, _transferFrom can only be executed by the token owner.

Proof of Concept

removeDelegation is called in _transferFrom

    function _transferFrom(
        address _from,
        address _to,
        uint256 _tokenId,
        address _sender
    ) internal override {
        require(attachments[_tokenId] == 0 && !voted[_tokenId], 'attached');

        // remove the delegation

        // Check requirements
        require(_isApprovedOrOwner(_sender, _tokenId));


However, removeDelegation only accept the token owner

    function removeDelegation(uint256 tokenId) external {
        require(ownerOf(tokenId) == msg.sender, 'VEDelegation: Not allowed');
        uint256 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[tokenId];
        Checkpoint storage checkpoint = checkpoints[tokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];
        removeElement(checkpoint.delegatedTokenIds, tokenId);
        _writeCheckpoint(tokenId, nCheckpoints, checkpoint.delegatedTokenIds);

Fix the permission control in removeDelegation.

zeroexdead (Golom) confirmed

zeroexdead (Golom) commented:

Changed the external function to public. Users address will be passed as msg.sender now.

0xsaruman (Golom) resolved

[M-15] Griefer can minimize delegatee’s voting power

Submitted by 0xDjango, also found by 0x52, 0xsanson, kenzo, MEP, and simon135



Similar to a previous submission, there are no checks preventing against delegating the same lock NFT multiple times. This opens an avenue to an expensive but potentially profitable griefing attack where the malicious user fills the victim’s delegated token array with minimum voting power. The attacker can ensure that a delegatee has 0 voting power.

Proof of Concept

Taking a look at the delegate() function below, there are no checks that a lock NFT has not already been delegated. Therefore, an attacker can delegate their token with minimum voting power (threshold initialized with value 0) to the victim.

    function delegate(uint256 tokenId, uint256 toTokenId) external {
        require(ownerOf(tokenId) == msg.sender, 'VEDelegation: Not allowed');
        require(this.balanceOfNFT(tokenId) >= MIN_VOTING_POWER_REQUIRED, 'VEDelegation: Need more voting power');

        delegates[tokenId] = toTokenId;
        uint256 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[toTokenId];

        if (nCheckpoints > 0) {
            Checkpoint storage checkpoint = checkpoints[toTokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];
            _writeCheckpoint(toTokenId, nCheckpoints, checkpoint.delegatedTokenIds);
        } else {
            uint256[] memory array = new uint256[](1);
            array[0] = tokenId;
            _writeCheckpoint(toTokenId, nCheckpoints, array);

        emit DelegateChanged(tokenId, toTokenId, msg.sender);

There is a limit of 500 delegated tokens per delegatee. Therefore, the attacker can ensure minimum voting power if they delegate a worthless token 500 times to the victim:

    function _writeCheckpoint(
        uint256 toTokenId,
        uint256 nCheckpoints,
        uint256[] memory _delegatedTokenIds
    ) internal {
        require(_delegatedTokenIds.length < 500, 'VVDelegation: Cannot stake more');

A more likely scenario would be as follows:

  • A proposal is live.
  • Users delegate their voting power to addresses of their choosing.
  • A and B are around the same voting power.
  • A and B both have 400 delegatees.
  • Malicious address A delegates minimum voting power 100 times to fill B’s array to 500.
  • Address A can self-delegate just a bit more to obtain more voting power.

Firstly, removing the ability to delegate the same lock NFT would make this griefing attack much more expensive. Even if that is patched, a griefing attack is still possible by simply creating more locks and delegating them all once.

I believe that removing the 500 delegated token limit would prove to mitigate this issue.

zeroexdead (Golom) confirmed

zeroexdead (Golom) commented:

We plan to keep sufficiently high MIN_VOTING_POWER_REQUIRED to prevent spam.

zeroexdead (Golom) commented:

Removed the ability to delegate same NFT. If user is trying to delegate same NFT, the old delegation will be removed.

Reference: https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/c74d95b4105eeb878d2781982178db5ca08a1a9b

LSDan (judge) commented:

I agree with the ranking of medium. This is a direct attack vector, but it’s unlikely to be used.

[M-16] GolomTrader: validateOrder function does not check if ecrecover return value is 0

Submitted by cccz, also found by 0x1f8b, 0xHarry, AuditsAreUS, djxploit, jayjonah8, joestakey, and teddav

The validateOrder function of GolomTrader calls the Solidity ecrecover function directly to verify the given signatures. The return value of ecrecover may be 0, which means the signature is invalid, but the check can be bypassed when signer is 0.

Proof of Concept


Use the recover function from OpenZeppelin’s ECDSA library for signature verification.

kenzo (warden) commented:

Seems invalid or QA at best. No impact on protocol as far as I see, invalid orders from “address 0” will revert.
In fillAsk if the o.signer is address 0, the function will try to pull tokens from address 0 and will fail.
In fillBid/criteria, function will try to transfer msg.sender’s tokens to address 0 and pull weth from address 0. So will fail.

0xsaruman (Golom) disputed

LSDan (judge) commented:

This is valid as a medium risk. It opens a griefing attack where a bad actor spams any system that relies on this function. The fact that the fill will fail while the order appears valid is specifically what makes this griefing attack possible.

[M-17] NFTs that don’t have a checkpoint can’t be transferred

Submitted by 0x52, also found by 0xsanson

Submitting as high risk because it breaks a fundamental operation (transferring) for a large number of tokens.

Proof of Concept


    uint256 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[tokenId];
    Checkpoint storage checkpoint = checkpoints[tokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];

L242 of transferFrom() calls removeDelegation() with the tokenId of the token being transferred. For tokens that don’t have any checkpoints, L212 will return 0. This was cause an underflow error and revert in L213.

Make removeDelegation simply return if nCheckpoints = 0.

kenzo (warden) commented:

Unsure if high risk, but warden correctly identified the issue (that some others didn’t) that the underflow in removeDelegation will prevent tokens from being transferred.

zeroexdead (Golom) disagreed with severity

LSDan (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Marking this as a medium risk because it only temporarily breaks functionality. The workaround would be to delegate the token and then transfer it, making the impact aggravating but ultimately minimal.

[M-18] fillAsk() Allows for msg.value to be larger than require locking the excess in the contract

Submitted by AuditsAreUS, also found by 0xSky, arcoun, bin2chen, cccz, CertoraInc, codexploder, cryptonue, dipp, GimelSec, GiveMeTestEther, Green, horsefacts, jayphbee, joestakey, Lambda, minhquanym, obront, peritoflores, rbserver, reassor, rotcivegaf, Ruhum, RustyRabbit, scaraven, Treasure-Seeker, Twpony, and ych18


It is possible to send a higher msg.value than is required to fillAsk(). The excess value that is sent will be permanently locked in the contract.

Proof of Concept

There is only one check over msg.value and it is that it’s greater than o.totalAmt * amount + p.paymentAmt. As seen in the following code snippet from #217.

        require(msg.value >= o.totalAmt * amount + p.paymentAmt, 'mgmtm');

The issue here is that the contract will only ever spend exactly o.totalAmt * amount + p.paymentAmt. Hence if msg.value is greater than this then the excess value will be permanently locked in the contract.

To avoid this issue consider enforcing a strict equality.

        require(msg.value == o.totalAmt * amount + p.paymentAmt, 'mgmtm');

0xsaruman (Golom) confirmed

0xsaruman (Golom) disagreed with severity and commented:

Resolved: https://github.com/golom-protocol/contracts/commit/366c0455547041003c28f21b9afba48dc33dc5c7#diff-63895480b947c0761eff64ee21deb26847f597ebee3c024fb5aa3124ff78f6ccR217

Disagree with severity cause it’s user choice to send more.

LSDan (judge) commented:

I agree with this being a medium. It opens up the potential for griefing attacks and all sorts of other issues that may be beyond the scope of “the user decided to send excess funds”. Further, it’s common for contracts to return excess funds, so the user may reasonably expect this behaviour.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this contest, 130 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by IllIllI received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: __141345__, _Adam, 0x1f8b, 0x4non, 0x52, 0xA5DF, 0xackermann, 0xc0ffEE, 0xDjango, 0xf15ers, reassor, RedOneN, robee, Rohan16, rokinot, Rolezn, rotcivegaf, Ruhum, RustyRabbit, sach1r0, 0xLovesleep, saian, saneryee, sashik_eth, scaraven, shenwilly, simon135, Sm4rty, Soosh, sseefried, zzzitron, 0xmatt, StErMi, StyxRave, supernova, Tadashi, teddav, TomJ, Treasure-Seeker, TrungOre, Waze, ych18, 0xNazgul, zuhaibmohd, 0xNineDec, 0xsanson, 0xSmartContract, 0xsolstars, 8olidity, ajtra, ak1, apostle0x01, arcoun, asutorufos, async, AuditsAreUS, Bahurum, benbaessler, berndartmueller, bin2chen, Bnke0x0, brgltd, c3phas, carlitox477, CertoraInc, Ch_301, chatch, Chom, codetilda, codexploder, cRat1st0s, CRYP70, CryptoMartian, cryptonue, cryptphi, csanuragjain, cthulhu_cult, Deivitto, delfin454000, DevABDee, dipp, dirk_y, djxploit, Dravee, ElKu, ellahi, exd0tpy, fatherOfBlocks, Franfran, Funen, GalloDaSballo, GimelSec, giovannidisiena, GiveMeTestEther, Green, hansfriese, horsefacts, hyh, idkwhatimdoing, indijanc, jayfromthe13th, jayphbee, JC, Jmaxmanblue, joestakey, JohnSmith, Jujic, Junnon, Kenshin, kenzo, Krow10, Kumpa, kyteg, Lambda, lucacez, luckypanda, Maxime, MEP, mics, MiloTruck, minhquanym, Mohandes, NoamYakov, obront, oyc_109, pedr02b2, Picodes, rajatbeladiya, and rbserver.

Low Risk Issues

Issue Instances
[L‑01] Only a billion checkpoints available 1
[L‑02] Don’t use payable.transfer()/payable.send() 1
[L‑03] Unused/empty receive()/fallback() function 4
[L‑04] require() should be used instead of assert() 13
[L‑05] Self-delegation is not automatic 1
[L‑06] Function may run out of gas 1
[L‑07] Vulnerable to cross-chain replay attacks due to static DOMAIN_SEPARATOR/domainSeparator 1
[L‑08] Wrong comment 1
[L‑09] Missing checks for address(0x0) when assigning values to address state variables 7
[L‑10] Missing event and or timelock for critical parameter change 3
[L‑11] Inconsistent spacing in comments 2
[L‑12] Typos 24
[L‑13] NatSpec is incomplete 19

Total: 78 instances over 13 issues

Non-critical Issues

Issue Instances
[N‑01] Consider addings checks for signature malleability 1
[N‑02] ecrecover() signature validity not checked 1
[N‑03] Boilerplate not replaced 2
[N‑04] Remove commented out code 1
[N‑05] Invalid/extraneous/optional function definitions in interface 4
[N‑06] Remove include for hardhat’s console 1
[N‑07] Contract implements interface without extending the interface 1
[N‑08] require()/revert() statements should have descriptive reason strings 31
[N‑09] public functions not called by the contract should be declared external instead 13
[N‑10] Non-assembly method available 2
[N‑11] constants should be defined rather than using magic numbers 49
[N‑12] Numeric values having to do with time should use time units for readability 5
[N‑13] Large multiples of ten should use scientific notation (e.g. 1e6) rather than decimal literals (e.g. 1000000), for readability 2
[N‑14] Use a more recent version of solidity 2
[N‑15] Use scientific notation (e.g. 1e18) rather than exponentiation (e.g. 10**18) 2
[N‑16] Lines are too long 8
[N‑17] Inconsistent method of specifying a floating pragma 1
[N‑18] Variable names that consist of all capital letters should be reserved for constant/immutable variables 2
[N‑19] Non-library/interface files should use fixed compiler versions, not floating ones 1
[N‑20] File does not contain an SPDX Identifier 1
[N‑21] Event is missing indexed fields 7
[N‑22] Duplicated require()/revert() checks should be refactored to a modifier or function 14

Total: 151 instances over 22 issues

[L‑1] Only a billion checkpoints available

A user can only have a billion checkpoints which, if the user is a DAO, may cause issues down the line, especially if the last checkpoint involved delegating and can thereafter not be undone

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/contracts/VotingEscrow.sol

535:     mapping(uint => Point[1000000000]) public user_point_history; // user -> Point[user_epoch]


[L‑02] Don’t use payable.transfer()/payable.send()

The use of payable.transfer() is heavily frowned upon because it can lead to the locking of funds. The transfer() call requires that the recipient is either an EOA account, or is a contract that has a payable callback. For the contract case, the transfer() call only provides 2300 gas for the contract to complete its operations. This means the following cases can cause the transfer to fail:

  • The contract does not have a payable callback
  • The contract’s payable callback spends more than 2300 gas (which is only enough to emit something)
  • The contract is called through a proxy which itself uses up the 2300 gas Use OpenZeppelin’s Address.sendValue() instead

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

154:              payable(payAddress).transfer(payAmt); // royalty transfer to royaltyaddress


[L‑03] Unused/empty receive()/fallback() function

If the intention is for the Ether to be used, the function should call another function, otherwise it should revert (e.g. require(msg.sender == address(weth)))

There are 4 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

459:      fallback() external payable {}

461:      receive() external payable {}


File: contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

313:      fallback() external payable {}

315:      receive() external payable {}


[L‑04] require() should be used instead of assert()

Prior to solidity version 0.8.0, hitting an assert consumes the remainder of the transaction’s available gas rather than returning it, as require()/revert() do. assert() should be avoided even past solidity version 0.8.0 as its documentation states that “The assert function creates an error of type Panic(uint256). … Properly functioning code should never create a Panic, not even on invalid external input. If this happens, then there is a bug in your contract which you should fix”.

There are 13 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol

493:          assert(idToOwner[_tokenId] == address(0));

506:          assert(idToOwner[_tokenId] == _from);

519:          assert(idToOwner[_tokenId] == _owner);

666:          assert(_operator != msg.sender);

679:          assert(_to != address(0));

861:              assert(IERC20(token).transferFrom(from, address(this), _value));

977:          assert(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId));

981:          assert(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value

991:          assert(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId));

1007:         assert(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId));

1023:         assert(IERC20(token).transfer(msg.sender, value));

1110:         assert(_block <= block.number);

1206:         assert(_block <= block.number);


[L‑05] Self-delegation is not automatic

Unlike some of the other functions, _mint() isn’t overridden to call delegate(), which means the user may forget to do so and will miss out

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: /contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol

677      function _mint(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal returns (bool) {
678          // Throws if `_to` is zero address
679          assert(_to != address(0));
680          // Add NFT. Throws if `_tokenId` is owned by someone
681          _addTokenTo(_to, _tokenId);
682          emit Transfer(address(0), _to, _tokenId);
683          return true;
684:     }


[L‑06] Function may run out of gas

Once the number of epochs grow to a large number, the array allocated will be large, and the number of iterations calling external functions on ve will also be large, leading to the function running out of gas

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: /contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

215      function stakerRewards(uint256 tokenid) public view returns (
216              uint256,
217              uint256,
218              uint256[] memory
219          ){
220          require(address(ve) != address(0), ' VE not added yet');
222          uint256 reward = 0;
223          uint256 rewardEth = 0;
224          uint256[] memory unclaimedepochs = new uint256[](epoch);
225          // for each epoch
226:         for (uint256 index = 0; index < epoch; index++) {


[L‑07] Vulnerable to cross-chain replay attacks due to static DOMAIN_SEPARATOR/domainSeparator

See this issue from a prior contest for details

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: /contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

101          EIP712_DOMAIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256(
102              abi.encode(
103                  keccak256('EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)'),
104                  keccak256(bytes('GOLOM.IO')),
105                  keccak256(bytes('1')),
106                  chainId,
107                  address(this)
108              )
109:         );


[L‑08] Wrong comment

The function description and return values are incorrectly copied from another function

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: /contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

252      /// @dev returns unclaimed rewards of an NFT, returns (unclaimed golom rewards, unclaimed eth rewards, unclaimed epochs)
253      /// @param addr the nft id to claim rewards for all ids in the list must belong to 1 address
254      function traderRewards(address addr) public view returns (
255              uint256        
256:             ){


[L‑09] Missing checks for address(0x0) when assigning values to address state variables

There are 7 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

448:              pendingDistributor = _distributor;


File: contracts/governance/GolomToken.sol

59:           pendingMinter = _minter;


File: contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

81:           trader = _trader;

287:          pendingTrader = _trader;

303:              pendingVoteEscrow = _voteEscrow;


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol

870:          voter = _voter;


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol

53:           token = _token;


[L‑10] Missing event and or timelock for critical parameter change

Events help non-contract tools to track changes, and events prevent users from being surprised by changes

There are 3 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

444       function setDistributor(address _distributor) external onlyOwner {
445           if (address(distributor) == address(0)) {
446               distributor = Distributor(_distributor);
447           } else {
448               pendingDistributor = _distributor;
449               distributorEnableDate = block.timestamp + 1 days;
450           }
451:      }


File: contracts/governance/GolomToken.sol

58        function setMinter(address _minter) external onlyOwner {
59            pendingMinter = _minter;
60            minterEnableDate = block.timestamp + 1 days;
61:       }


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol

868       function setVoter(address _voter) external {
869           require(msg.sender == voter);
870           voter = _voter;
871:      }


[L‑11] Inconsistent spacing in comments

Some lines use // x and some use //x. The instances below point out the usages that don’t follow the majority, within each file

There are 2 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

181:          //deadline


File: contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

99:           //console.log(block.timestamp,epoch,fee);


[L‑12] Typos

There are 24 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

/// @audit succesful
53:           Payment exchange; // payment agreed by maker of the order to pay on succesful filling of trade this amt is subtracted from totalamt

/// @audit facilating
54:           Payment prePayment; // another payment , can be used for royalty, facilating trades

/// @audit usefull
60:           uint256 nonce; // nonce of order usefull for cancelling in bulk

/// @audit succesful
201:      /// @param p any extra payment that the taker of this order wanna send on succesful execution of order

/// @audit succesful
278:      /// @param p any extra payment that the taker of this order wanna send on succesful execution of order

/// @audit succesful
333:      /// @param p any extra payment that the taker of this order wanna send on succesful execution of order

/// @audit succesfully
370:      /// @dev function to settle balances when a bid is filled succesfully

/// @audit succesful
374:      /// @param p any extra payment that the taker of this order wanna send on succesful execution of order


File: contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

/// @audit epoc
61:       mapping(uint256 => uint256) public rewardTrader; // reward minted each epoc for trader

/// @audit epoc
/// @audit exhange
62:       mapping(uint256 => uint256) public rewardExchange; // reward minted each epoc for exhange

/// @audit epoc
63:       mapping(uint256 => uint256) public rewardLP; // reward minted each epoc for LP

/// @audit epoc
64:       mapping(uint256 => uint256) public rewardStaker; // reward minted each epoc for stakers

/// @audit upto
66:       mapping(uint256 => uint256) public claimedUpto; // epoch upto which tokenid has claimed

/// @audit upto
67:       mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public claimed; // epoch upto which tokenid has claimed

/// @audit facilated
95:       /// @dev Add fees contributed by the Seller of nft and the exchange/frontend that facilated the trade

/// @audit atleast
107:              // this assumes atleast 1 trade is done daily??????

/// @audit begiining
/// @audit begining
111:              // emissions is decided by epoch begiining locked/circulating , and amount each nft gets also decided at epoch begining

/// @audit facilated
154:      // allows exchange that facilated the nft trades to claim there previous epoch rewards


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol

/// @audit blocktimes
267:   * and per block could be fairly bad b/c Ethereum changes blocktimes.

/// @audit Exeute
526:      /// @dev Exeute transfer of a NFT.

/// @audit Pevious
688:      /// @param old_locked Pevious locked amount / end lock time for the user


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol

/// @audit Exeute
227:      /// @dev Exeute transfer of a NFT.


[L‑13] NatSpec is incomplete

There are 19 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

/// @audit Missing: '@return'
162       ///      OrderStatus = 3 , valid order
163       /// @param o the Order struct to be validated
164       function validateOrder(Order calldata o)
165           public
166           view
167           returns (
168               uint256,
169               bytes32,
170:              uint256

/// @audit Missing: '@param tokenId'
/// @audit Missing: '@param proof'
328       /// @dev function to fill a signed order of ordertype 2 also has a payment param in case the taker wants
329       ///      to send ether to that address on filling the order, Match an criteria order, ensuring that the supplied proof demonstrates inclusion of the tokenId in the associated merkle root, if root is 0 then any token can be used to fill the order
330       /// @param o the Order struct to be filled must be orderType 2
331       /// @param amount the amount of times the order is to be filled(useful for ERC1155)
332       /// @param referrer referrer of the order
333       /// @param p any extra payment that the taker of this order wanna send on succesful execution of order
334       function fillCriteriaBid(
335           Order calldata o,
336           uint256 amount,
337           uint256 tokenId,
338           bytes32[] calldata proof,
339           address referrer,
340           Payment calldata p
341:      ) public nonReentrant {


File: contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

/// @audit Missing: '@return'
213       /// @dev returns unclaimed rewards of an NFT, returns (unclaimed golom rewards, unclaimed eth rewards, unclaimed epochs)
214       /// @param tokenid the nft id to claim rewards for all ids in the list must belong to 1 address
215       function stakerRewards(uint256 tokenid) public view returns (
216               uint256,
217               uint256,
218:              uint256[] memory

/// @audit Missing: '@return'
252       /// @dev returns unclaimed rewards of an NFT, returns (unclaimed golom rewards, unclaimed eth rewards, unclaimed epochs)
253       /// @param addr the nft id to claim rewards for all ids in the list must belong to 1 address
254       function traderRewards(address addr) public view returns (
255:              uint256        

/// @audit Missing: '@return'
267       /// @dev returns unclaimed golom rewards of a trader
268       /// @param addr the nft id to claim rewards for all ids in the list must belong to 1 address
269       function exchangeRewards(address addr) public view returns (
270:              uint256


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol

/// @audit Missing: '@return'
366       /// @dev Interface identification is specified in ERC-165.
367       /// @param _interfaceID Id of the interface
368:      function supportsInterface(bytes4 _interfaceID) external view returns (bool) {

/// @audit Missing: '@return'
396       ///      Throws if `_owner` is the zero address. NFTs assigned to the zero address are considered invalid.
397       /// @param _owner Address for whom to query the balance.
398:      function _balance(address _owner) internal view returns (uint256) {

/// @audit Missing: '@return'
403       ///      Throws if `_owner` is the zero address. NFTs assigned to the zero address are considered invalid.
404       /// @param _owner Address for whom to query the balance.
405:      function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256) {

/// @audit Missing: '@return'
409       /// @dev Returns the address of the owner of the NFT.
410       /// @param _tokenId The identifier for an NFT.
411:      function ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (address) {

/// @audit Missing: '@return'
415       /// @dev Get the approved address for a single NFT.
416       /// @param _tokenId ID of the NFT to query the approval of.
417:      function getApproved(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (address) {

/// @audit Missing: '@return'
422       /// @param _owner The address that owns the NFTs.
423       /// @param _operator The address that acts on behalf of the owner.
424:      function isApprovedForAll(address _owner, address _operator) external view returns (bool) {

/// @audit Missing: '@return'
935       /// @param _lock_duration Number of seconds to lock tokens for (rounded down to nearest week)
936       /// @param _to Address to deposit
937       function _create_lock(
938           uint256 _value,
939           uint256 _lock_duration,
940           address _to
941:      ) internal returns (uint256) {

/// @audit Missing: '@return'
957       /// @param _lock_duration Number of seconds to lock tokens for (rounded down to nearest week)
958       /// @param _to Address to deposit
959       function create_lock_for(
960           uint256 _value,
961           uint256 _lock_duration,
962           address _to
963:      ) external nonreentrant returns (uint256) {

/// @audit Missing: '@return'
968       /// @param _value Amount to deposit
969       /// @param _lock_duration Number of seconds to lock tokens for (rounded down to nearest week)
970:      function create_lock(uint256 _value, uint256 _lock_duration) external nonreentrant returns (uint256) {

/// @audit Missing: '@param _tokenId'
974       /// @notice Deposit `_value` additional tokens for `_tokenId` without modifying the unlock time
975       /// @param _value Amount of tokens to deposit and add to the lock
976:      function increase_amount(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _value) external nonreentrant {

/// @audit Missing: '@param _tokenId'
988       /// @notice Extend the unlock time for `_tokenId`
989       /// @param _lock_duration New number of seconds until tokens unlock
990:      function increase_unlock_time(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _lock_duration) external nonreentrant {

/// @audit Missing: '@return'
1079      /// @dev Returns current token URI metadata
1080      /// @param _tokenId Token ID to fetch URI for.
1081:     function tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (string memory) {

/// @audit Missing: '@param t'
1189      /// @notice Calculate total voting power
1190      /// @dev Adheres to the ERC20 `totalSupply` interface for Aragon compatibility
1191      /// @return Total voting power
1192:     function totalSupplyAtT(uint256 t) public view returns (uint256) {


[N‑01] Consider addings checks for signature malleability

Use OpenZeppelin’s ECDSA contract rather than calling ecrecover() directly

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: /contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

176          address signaturesigner = ecrecover(hash, o.v, o.r, o.s);
177          require(signaturesigner == o.signer, 'invalid signature');
178          if (signaturesigner != o.signer) {
179              return (0, hashStruct, 0);
180:         }


[N‑02] ecrecover() signature validity not checked

ecrecover() returns the zero address if the signature is invalid. If the signer provided is also zero, then all incorrect signatures will be allowed

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: /contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

176          address signaturesigner = ecrecover(hash, o.v, o.r, o.s);
177          require(signaturesigner == o.signer, 'invalid signature');
178          if (signaturesigner != o.signer) {
179              return (0, hashStruct, 0);
180:         }


[N‑03] Boilerplate not replaced

There are 2 instances of this issue:

File: /contracts/governance/GolomToken.sol

5:   /// @notice Explain to an end user what this does


File: /contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol

68:      /// @notice Explain to an end user what this does


[N‑04] Remove commented out code

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: /contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol

218      // /// @notice Remove delegation by user
219      // function removeDelegationByOwner(uint256 delegatedTokenId, uint256 ownerTokenId) external {
220      //     require(ownerOf(ownerTokenId) == msg.sender, 'VEDelegation: Not allowed');
221      //     uint256 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[delegatedTokenId];
222      //     Checkpoint storage checkpoint = checkpoints[delegatedTokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];
223      //     removeElement(checkpoint.delegatedTokenIds, delegatedTokenId);
224      //     _writeCheckpoint(ownerTokenId, nCheckpoints, checkpoint.delegatedTokenIds);
225:     // }


[N‑05] Invalid/extraneous/optional function definitions in interface

There are 4 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

/// @audit withdraw(uint256) isn't defined with those arguments in the standard ERC20 definition
33:       function withdraw(uint256 wad) external;


File: contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

/// @audit mint(address,uint256) isn't defined with those arguments in the standard ERC20 definition
24:       function mint(address account, uint256 amount) external;

/// @audit balanceOfNFTAt(uint256,uint256) isn't defined with those arguments in the standard ERC20 definition
26:       function balanceOfNFTAt(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _t) external view returns (uint256);

/// @audit deposit() isn't defined with those arguments in the standard ERC20 definition
28:       function deposit() external payable;


[N‑06] Remove include for hardhat’s console

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

9:    import 'hardhat/console.sol';


[N‑07] Contract implements interface without extending the interface

Not extending the interface may lead to the wrong function signature being used, leading to unexpected behavior. If the interface is in fact being implemented, use the override keyword to indicate that fact

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol

/// @audit IERC721Enumerable.tokenOfOwnerByIndex()
275:  contract VoteEscrowCore is IERC721, IERC721Metadata {


[N‑08] require()/revert() statements should have descriptive reason strings

There are 31 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

220:              require(msg.sender == o.reservedAddress);

285           require(
286               o.totalAmt * amount >
287                   (o.exchange.paymentAmt + o.prePayment.paymentAmt + o.refererrAmt) * amount + p.paymentAmt
288:          ); // cause bidder eth is paying for seller payment p , dont take anything extra from seller

291:              require(msg.sender == o.reservedAddress);

293:          require(o.orderType == 1);

295:          require(status == 3);

296:          require(amountRemaining >= amount);

313:          require(o.signer == msg.sender);

342:          require(o.totalAmt >= o.exchange.paymentAmt + o.prePayment.paymentAmt + o.refererrAmt);

345:              require(msg.sender == o.reservedAddress);

347:          require(o.orderType == 2);

349:          require(status == 3);

350:          require(amountRemaining >= amount);


File: contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

88:           require(msg.sender == trader);

144:              require(epochs[index] < epoch);

158:              require(epochs[index] < epoch);


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol

360:          require(_entered_state == _not_entered);

540:          require(_isApprovedOrOwner(_sender, _tokenId));

646:          require(owner != address(0));

648:          require(_approved != owner);

652:          require(senderIsOwner || senderIsApprovedForAll);

869:          require(msg.sender == voter);

874:          require(msg.sender == voter);

879:          require(msg.sender == voter);

884:          require(msg.sender == voter);

889:          require(msg.sender == voter);

895:          require(_from != _to);

896:          require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _from));

897:          require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _to));

927:          require(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value

944:          require(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol

245:          require(_isApprovedOrOwner(_sender, _tokenId));


[N‑09] public functions not called by the contract should be declared external instead

Contracts are allowed to override their parents’ functions and change the visibility from external to public.

There are 13 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

203       function fillAsk(
204           Order calldata o,
205           uint256 amount,
206           address referrer,
207           Payment calldata p,
208           address receiver
209:      ) public payable nonReentrant {

279       function fillBid(
280           Order calldata o,
281           uint256 amount,
282           address referrer,
283           Payment calldata p
284:      ) public nonReentrant {

312:      function cancelOrder(Order calldata o) public nonReentrant {

334       function fillCriteriaBid(
335           Order calldata o,
336           uint256 amount,
337           uint256 tokenId,
338           bytes32[] calldata proof,
339           address referrer,
340           Payment calldata p
341:      ) public nonReentrant {


File: contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

98:       function addFee(address[2] memory addr, uint256 fee) public onlyTrader {

141:      function traderClaim(address addr, uint256[] memory epochs) public {

155:      function exchangeClaim(address addr, uint256[] memory epochs) public {

172:      function multiStakerClaim(uint256[] memory tokenids, uint256[] memory epochs) public {

215       function stakerRewards(uint256 tokenid) public view returns (
216               uint256,
217               uint256,
218:              uint256[] memory

254       function traderRewards(address addr) public view returns (
255:              uint256        

269       function exchangeRewards(address addr) public view returns (
270:              uint256


File: contracts/vote-escrow/TokenUriHelper.sol

66        function _tokenURI(
67            uint256 _tokenId,
68            uint256 _balanceOf,
69            uint256 _locked_end,
70            uint256 _value
71:       ) public pure returns (string memory output) {


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol

185:      function getPriorVotes(uint256 tokenId, uint256 blockNumber) public view returns (uint256) {


[N‑10] Non-assembly method available

assembly{ id := chainid() } => uint256 id = block.chainid, assembly { size := extcodesize() } => uint256 size = address().code.length
There are some automated tools that will flag a project as having higher complexity if there is inline-assembly, so it’s best to avoid using it where it’s not necessary.

There are 2 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

98:               chainId := chainid()


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol

577:              size := extcodesize(account)


[N‑11] constants should be defined rather than using magic numbers

Even assembly can benefit from using readable constants instead of hex/numeric literals

There are 49 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

/// @audit 50
/// @audit 10000
212:              o.totalAmt >= o.exchange.paymentAmt + o.prePayment.paymentAmt + o.refererrAmt + (o.totalAmt * 50) / 10000,

/// @audit 3
226:          require(status == 3, 'order not valid');

/// @audit 50
/// @audit 10000
242:          payEther(((o.totalAmt * 50) / 10000) * amount, address(distributor));

/// @audit 50
254:                      (o.totalAmt * 50) /

/// @audit 10000
255:                      10000 -

/// @audit 50
/// @audit 10000
263:                  (o.totalAmt - (o.totalAmt * 50) / 10000 - o.exchange.paymentAmt - o.prePayment.paymentAmt) * amount,

/// @audit 50
/// @audit 10000
269:          distributor.addFee([o.signer, o.exchange.paymentAddress], ((o.totalAmt * 50) / 10000) * amount);

/// @audit 3
295:          require(status == 3);

/// @audit 3
349:          require(status == 3);

/// @audit 50
/// @audit 10000
381:          uint256 protocolfee = ((o.totalAmt * 50) / 10000) * amount;

/// @audit 0x00
436:              mstore(0x00, a)

/// @audit 0x20
437:              mstore(0x20, b)

/// @audit 0x00
/// @audit 0x40
438:              value := keccak256(0x00, 0x40)


File: contracts/governance/GolomToken.sol

/// @audit 150_000_000
/// @audit 1e18
44:           _mint(_airdrop, 150_000_000 * 1e18);

/// @audit 62_500_000
/// @audit 1e18
52:           _mint(_rewardDistributor, 62_500_000 * 1e18);


File: contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

/// @audit 1659211200
84:           startTime = 1659211200;

/// @audit 1000000000
/// @audit 18
100:          if (rewardToken.totalSupply() > 1000000000 * 10**18) {

/// @audit 67
/// @audit 100
120:              rewardTrader[epoch] = ((tokenToEmit - stakerReward) * 67) / 100;

/// @audit 33
/// @audit 100
121:              rewardExchange[epoch] = ((tokenToEmit - stakerReward) * 33) / 100;


File: contracts/vote-escrow/TokenUriHelper.sol

/// @audit 4
/// @audit 3
17:           uint256 encodedLen = 4 * ((len + 2) / 3);

/// @audit 32
20:           bytes memory result = new bytes(encodedLen + 32);

/// @audit 0xffffff
34:                   let input := and(mload(add(data, i)), 0xffffff)

/// @audit 0x3F
36:                   let out := mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(18, input), 0x3F)))

/// @audit 0x3F
/// @audit 0xFF
38:                   out := add(out, and(mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(12, input), 0x3F))), 0xFF))

/// @audit 0x3F
/// @audit 0xFF
40:                   out := add(out, and(mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(6, input), 0x3F))), 0xFF))

/// @audit 0x3F
/// @audit 0xFF
42:                   out := add(out, and(mload(add(tablePtr, and(input, 0x3F))), 0xFF))

/// @audit 0x3d3d
52:                   mstore(sub(resultPtr, 2), shl(240, 0x3d3d))

/// @audit 0x3d
55:                   mstore(sub(resultPtr, 1), shl(248, 0x3d))

/// @audit 48
144:              buffer[digits] = bytes1(uint8(48 + uint256(value % 10)));


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol

/// @audit 255
745:              for (uint256 i = 0; i < 255; ++i) {

/// @audit 128
1044:         for (uint256 i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {

/// @audit 128
1115:         for (uint256 i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {

/// @audit 255
1167:         for (uint256 i = 0; i < 255; ++i) {


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol

/// @audit 500
99:           require(_delegatedTokenIds.length < 500, 'VVDelegation: Cannot stake more');


[N‑12] Numeric values having to do with time should use time units for readability

There are units for seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks, and since they’re defined, they should be used

There are 5 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

/// @audit 600000
48:       uint256 constant dailyEmission = 600000 * 10**18;

/// @audit 60
/// @audit 60
57:       uint256 constant secsInDay = 24 * 60 * 60;


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol

/// @audit 86400
296:      uint256 internal constant MAXTIME = 4 * 365 * 86400;

/// @audit 86400
297:      int128 internal constant iMAXTIME = 4 * 365 * 86400;


[N‑13] Large multiples of ten should use scientific notation (e.g. 1e6) rather than decimal literals (e.g. 1000000), for readability

There are 2 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

100:          if (rewardToken.totalSupply() > 1000000000 * 10**18) {


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol

308:      mapping(uint256 => Point[1000000000]) public user_point_history; // user -> Point[user_epoch]


[N‑14] Use a more recent version of solidity

Use a solidity version of at least 0.8.12 to get string.concat() to be used instead of abi.encodePacked(<str>,<str>)

There are 2 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

3:    pragma solidity 0.8.11;


File: contracts/vote-escrow/TokenUriHelper.sol

3:    pragma solidity 0.8.11;


[N‑15] Use scientific notation (e.g. 1e18) rather than exponentiation (e.g. 10**18)

While the compiler knows to optimize away the exponentiation, it’s still better coding practice to use idioms that do not require compiler optimization, if they exist

There are 2 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

48:       uint256 constant dailyEmission = 600000 * 10**18;

100:          if (rewardToken.totalSupply() > 1000000000 * 10**18) {


[N‑16] Lines are too long

Usually lines in source code are limited to 80 characters. Today’s screens are much larger so it’s reasonable to stretch this in some cases. Since the files will most likely reside in GitHub, and GitHub starts using a scroll bar in all cases when the length is over 164 characters, the lines below should be split when they reach that length

There are 8 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

132:                          'order(address collection,uint256 tokenId,address signer,uint256 orderType,uint256 totalAmt,payment exchange,payment prePayment,bool isERC721,uint256 tokenAmt,uint256 refererrAmt,bytes32 root,address reservedAddress,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)payment(uint256 paymentAmt,address paymentAddress)'

329:      ///      to send ether to that address on filling the order, Match an criteria order, ensuring that the supplied proof demonstrates inclusion of the tokenId in the associated merkle root, if root is 0 then any token can be used to fill the order


File: contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

126:                      epochTotalFee[0] =  address(this).balance; // staking and trading rewards start at epoch 1, for epoch 0 all contract ETH balance is converted to staker rewards rewards.


File: contracts/vote-escrow/TokenUriHelper.sol

72:           output = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="512" height="468" viewBox="0 0 512 468" fill="none"><g clip-path="url(#clip0_2_190)"><rect width="512" height="468" rx="40" fill="#232323"/><g filter="url(#filter0_f_2_190)"><ellipse cx="256.5" cy="-132" rx="164" ry="381.5" transform="rotate(-90 256.5 -132)" fill="#FF8982"/></g>';

78:                   '</text><text y="318px" x="54px" fill="white" font-family="Lexend Deca, sans-serif" font-weight="400" font-size="24px" fill-opacity="0.64">Locked Till</text>'

86:                   '</text><text y="248px" x="54px" fill="white" font-family="Lexend Deca, sans-serif" font-weight="400" font-size="24px" fill-opacity="0.64">Voting Power</text>'

94:                   '</text><text y="391px" x="54px" fill="white" font-family="Lexend Deca, sans-serif" font-weight="400" font-size="24px" fill-opacity="0.64">Value</text>'

102:                  '</text><mask id="mask0_2_190" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="399" y="73" width="58" height="58"><path d="M456.543 102.091C456.543 117.884 443.74 130.686 427.948 130.686C412.155 130.686 399.352 117.884 399.352 102.091C399.352 86.2981 412.155 73.4955 427.948 73.4955C443.74 73.4955 456.543 86.2981 456.543 102.091ZM405.91 102.091C405.91 114.262 415.777 124.128 427.948 124.128C440.118 124.128 449.985 114.262 449.985 102.091C449.985 89.9201 440.118 80.0537 427.948 80.0537C415.777 80.0537 405.91 89.9201 405.91 102.091Z" fill="#C4C4C4"/></mask><g mask="url(#mask0_2_190)"><path d="M458.138 73.4955H396.962V133.076H458.138V73.4955Z" fill="#FD7A7A"/><path d="M396.962 76.7614H458.138" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.328567"/><path d="M396.962 80.266H458.138" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.328567"/><path d="M396.962 83.7708H458.138" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.328567"/><path d="M396.962 87.2754H458.138" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.328567"/><path d="M396.962 90.7802H458.138" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.328567"/><path d="M396.962 94.2848H458.138" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.328567"/><path d="M396.962 97.7897H458.138" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.328567"/><path d="M396.962 101.294H458.138" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.328567"/><path d="M396.962 104.799H458.138" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.328567"/><path d="M396.962 108.304H458.138" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.328567"/><path d="M396.962 111.808H458.138" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.328567"/><path d="M396.962 115.313H458.138" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.328567"/><path d="M396.962 118.818H458.138" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.328567"/><path d="M396.962 122.323H458.138" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.328567"/><path d="M396.962 125.827H458.138" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.328567"/><path d="M396.962 129.332H458.138" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.328567"/></g><mask id="mask1_2_190" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="399" y="73" width="58" height="58"><path d="M456.543 102.091C456.543 117.884 443.74 130.686 427.948 130.686C412.155 130.686 399.352 117.884 399.352 102.091C399.352 86.2981 412.155 73.4955 427.948 73.4955C443.74 73.4955 456.543 86.2981 456.543 102.091ZM405.91 102.091C405.91 114.262 415.777 124.128 427.948 124.128C440.118 124.128 449.985 114.262 449.985 102.091C449.985 89.9201 440.118 80.0537 427.948 80.0537C415.777 80.0537 405.91 89.9201 405.91 102.091Z" fill="white"/></mask><g mask="url(#mask1_2_190)"><path d="M456.543 102.091C456.543 117.884 443.74 130.686 427.948 130.686C412.155 130.686 399.352 117.884 399.352 102.091C399.352 86.2981 412.155 73.4955 427.948 73.4955C443.74 73.4955 456.543 86.2981 456.543 102.091ZM405.91 102.091C405.91 114.262 415.777 124.128 427.948 124.128C440.118 124.128 449.985 114.262 449.985 102.091C449.985 89.9201 440.118 80.0537 427.948 80.0537C415.777 80.0537 405.91 89.9201 405.91 102.091Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.876179"/><path d="M422.132 130.606H428.026" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.109522"/><path d="M422.132 73.5752H428.026" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.109522"/></g><mask id="mask2_2_190" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="393" y="73" width="58" height="58"><path d="M450.648 102.091C450.648 117.884 437.845 130.686 422.053 130.686C406.26 130.686 393.457 117.884 393.457 102.091C393.457 86.2981 406.26 73.4955 422.053 73.4955C437.845 73.4955 450.648 86.2981 450.648 102.091ZM400.015 102.091C400.015 114.262 409.882 124.128 422.053 124.128C434.223 124.128 444.09 114.262 444.09 102.091C444.09 89.9201 434.223 80.0537 422.053 80.0537C409.882 80.0537 400.015 89.9201 400.015 102.091Z" fill="white"/></mask><g mask="url(#mask2_2_190)"><path d="M450.648 102.091C450.648 117.884 437.845 130.686 422.053 130.686C406.26 130.686 393.457 117.884 393.457 102.091C393.457 86.2981 406.26 73.4955 422.053 73.4955C437.845 73.4955 450.648 86.2981 450.648 102.091ZM400.015 102.091C400.015 114.262 409.882 124.128 422.053 124.128C434.223 124.128 444.09 114.262 444.09 102.091C444.09 89.9201 434.223 80.0537 422.053 80.0537C409.882 80.0537 400.015 89.9201 400.015 102.091Z" fill="white" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.876179"/></g></g><defs><filter id="filter0_f_2_190" x="-381" y="-552" width="1275" height="840" filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB"><feFlood flood-opacity="0" result="BackgroundImageFix"/><feBlend mode="normal" in="SourceGraphic" in2="BackgroundImageFix" result="shape"/><feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="128" result="effect1_foregroundBlur_2_190"/></filter><clipPath id="clip0_2_190"><rect width="512" height="468" rx="40" fill="white"/></clipPath></defs></svg>'


[N‑17] Inconsistent method of specifying a floating pragma

Some files use >=, some use ^. The instances below are examples of the method that has the fewest instances for a specific version. Note that using >= without also specifying <= will lead to failures to compile, or external project incompatability, when the major version changes and there are breaking-changes, so ^ should be preferred regardless of the instance counts

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/governance/GolomToken.sol

2:    pragma solidity ^0.8.11;


[N‑18] Variable names that consist of all capital letters should be reserved for constant/immutable variables

If the variable needs to be different based on which class it comes from, a view/pure function should be used instead (e.g. like this).

There are 2 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

45:       ERC20 WETH = ERC20(0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2);


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol

50:       uint256 public MIN_VOTING_POWER_REQUIRED = 0;


[N‑19] Non-library/interface files should use fixed compiler versions, not floating ones

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/governance/GolomToken.sol

2:    pragma solidity ^0.8.11;


[N‑20] File does not contain an SPDX Identifier

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/vote-escrow/TokenUriHelper.sol

0:    /// [MIT License]


[N‑21] Event is missing indexed fields

Index event fields make the field more quickly accessible to off-chain tools that parse events. However, note that each index field costs extra gas during emission, so it’s not necessarily best to index the maximum allowed per event (threefields). Each event should use three indexed fields if there are three or more fields, and gas usage is not particularly of concern for the events in question. If there are fewer than three fields, all of the fields should be indexed.

There are 7 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

79:       event NonceIncremented(address indexed maker, uint256 newNonce);


File: contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

70:       event NewEpoch(uint256 indexed epochNo, uint256 tokenMinted, uint256 rewardStaker, uint256 previousEpochFee);


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol

67:       event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved);

284       event Deposit(
285           address indexed provider,
286           uint256 tokenId,
287           uint256 value,
288           uint256 indexed locktime,
289           DepositType deposit_type,
290           uint256 ts
291:      );

292:      event Withdraw(address indexed provider, uint256 tokenId, uint256 value, uint256 ts);

293:      event Supply(uint256 prevSupply, uint256 supply);


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol

29:       event DelegateVotesChanged(address indexed delegate, uint256 previousBalance, uint256 newBalance);


[N‑22] Duplicated require()/revert() checks should be refactored to a modifier or function

The compiler will inline the function, which will avoid JUMP instructions usually associated with functions

There are 14 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol

291:              require(msg.sender == o.reservedAddress);

299:              require(amount == 1, 'only 1 erc721 at 1 time');

349:          require(status == 3);

350:          require(amountRemaining >= amount);


File: contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol

158:              require(epochs[index] < epoch);

220:          require(address(ve) != address(0), ' VE not added yet');


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol

1008:         require(attachments[_tokenId] == 0 && !voted[_tokenId], 'attached');

874:          require(msg.sender == voter);

944:          require(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value

982:          require(_locked.amount > 0, 'No existing lock found');

983:          require(_locked.end > block.timestamp, 'Cannot add to expired lock. Withdraw');

999:          require(unlock_time <= block.timestamp + MAXTIME, 'Voting lock can be 4 years max');


File: contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol

211:          require(ownerOf(tokenId) == msg.sender, 'VEDelegation: Not allowed');

186:          require(blockNumber < block.number, 'VEDelegation: not yet determined');


Gas Optimizations

For this contest, 92 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by JohnSmith received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: __141345__, _Adam, 0x1f8b, 0xA5DF, 0xDjango, 0xKitsune, 0xLovesleep, 0xmatt, 0xNazgul, 0xsam, 0xSmartContract, ajtra, ak1, apostle0x01, asutorufos, async, Aymen0909, benbaessler, Bnke0x0, brgltd, c3phas, carlitox477, Chandr, Chinmay, CodingNameKiki, cRat1st0s, CRYP70, Deivitto, delfin454000, djxploit, Dravee, durianSausage, ElKu, ellahi, erictee, fatherOfBlocks, Fitraldys, Funen, GalloDaSballo, gerdusx, gogo, Green, hyh, IllIllI, jayfromthe13th, jayphbee, JC, Jmaxmanblue, joestakey, Junnon, kaden, Kaiziron, Kenshin, kenzo, Krow10, kyteg, ladboy233, lucacez, m_Rassska, Maxime, mics, Migue, MiloTruck, minhquanym, Noah3o6, NoamYakov, oyc_109, pfapostol, Randyyy, rbserver, reassor, RedOneN, ReyAdmirado, rfa, robee, Rohan16, rokinot, Rolezn, Ruhum, sach1r0, saian, samruna, sashik_eth, simon135, Sm4rty, StyxRave, supernova, tofunmi, Tomio, TomJ, and zuhaibmohd.

Issue Instances
1 ++variable costs less gas than variable++ 12
2 Access mappings directly rather than using accessor functions 6
3 Cheaper input valdiations should come before expensive operations 3
4 Help the optimizer by saving a storage variable’s reference 1
5 The result of external function calls should be cached rather than re-calling the function 4
6 Amounts should be checked for 0 before calling a transfer 10
7 public functions to external 8
8 Using calldata instead of memory for read-only arguments in external functions saves gas 4
9 Default value initialization 2
10 Multiplication/division by 2 should use bit shifting 3
11 Splitting require() statements that use && saves gas 4
12 abi.encode() is less efficient than abi.encodePacked() 4
13 struct Order: can be more tighly packed 1
14 State variables can be packed into fewer storage slots 8
15 x += y costs more gas than x = x + y for state variables 2
16 internal and private functions only called once can be inlined to save gas 10
17 Unchecked arithmetic 50
18 Using bools for storage incurs overhead 5
19 Using > 0 costs more gas than != 0 when used on a uint in a require() and assert statement 3
20 Usage of uints/ints smaller than 32 bytes (256 bits) incurs overhead 11
21 Use custom errors rather than revert()/require() strings to save gas 76
22 Multiple address mappings can be combined into a single mapping of an address to a struct, where appropriate 5
23 Functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users can be marked payable 12
24 Do not calculate constants 4
25 <array>.length should not be looked up in every loop of a for-loop 8
26 Copying struct to memory can be more expensive than just reading from storagexxx 3
27 require()/revert() strings longer than 32 bytes cost extra gas 8
28 Remove or replace unused variables 2
29 State variables only set in the constructor should be declared immutable 3
30 State variables with values known at compile time should be constants 2
31 State variables should be cached in stack variables rather than re-reading them from storage 14
32 Using private rather than public for constants, saves gas 4
33 Remove unreachable code 1
34 No need to evaluate all expressions to know if one of them is true 2
35 No need to read tokenId second time 1
36 last_point value rewritten right after initialization 1
37 Wasted gas on copying a struct 1
38 Remove duplicate code 1
39 No need for mapping supportedInterfaces to exist 1
40 Same calculation twice 1
41 Obsolete constants 2
42 Variable end can be of type uint128 1

[G-01] ++variable costs less gas than variable++, especially when it’s used in for-loops (—variable/variable— too)

Prefix increments are cheaper than postfix increments.
Saves 6 gas PER LOOP
There are 12 instances of this issue:


File: contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol
143:	for (uint256 index = 0; index < epochs.length; index++) {

157:	for (uint256 index = 0; index < epochs.length; index++) {

180:	for (uint256 tindex = 0; tindex < tokenids.length; tindex++) {

183:	for (uint256 index = 0; index < epochs.length; index++) {

226:	for (uint256 index = 0; index < epoch; index++) {

258:	for (uint256 index = 0; index < epoch; index++) {

273:	for (uint256 index = 0; index < epoch; index++) {


File:	contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol 
415:	for (uint256 i = 0; i < proof.length; i++) {


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol
171:	for (uint256 index = 0; index < delegated.length; index++) {

189:	for (uint256 index = 0; index < delegatednft.length; index++) {

199:	for (uint256 i; i < _array.length; i++) {


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/TokenUriHelper.sol
138:	digits++;


Change i++ to ++i

[G-02] Access mappings directly rather than using accessor functions

Saves having to do two JUMP instructions, along with stack setup
There are 6 instances of this issue:


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol
72:		require(ownerOf(tokenId) == msg.sender, 'VEDelegation: Not allowed');

211:  require(ownerOf(tokenId) == msg.sender, 'VEDelegation: Not allowed');


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
1229:	address owner = ownerOf(_tokenId);

406:	return _balance(_owner);

453:	uint256 current_count = _balance(_to);

464:	uint256 current_count = _balance(_from) - 1;


Istead of ownerOf(tokenId) use idToOwner[tokenId]

[G-03] Cheaper input valdiations should come before expensive operations

Check @audit comment for details
There are 3 instances of this issue:


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
925:        LockedBalance memory _locked = locked[_tokenId];
926:					//@audit this check should be before we read from storage
927:        require(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value

942:        uint256 unlock_time = ((block.timestamp + _lock_duration) / WEEK) * WEEK; // Locktime is rounded down to weeks
943:					//@audit this check should be before we do unlock_time evalutaion
944:        require(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value

977:        assert(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId));
979:        LockedBalance memory _locked = locked[_tokenId];
980:					//@audit this check should be first, before line 977 check
981:        assert(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value

[G-04] Help the optimizer by saving a storage variable’s reference instead of repeatedly fetching it

To help the optimizer, declare a storage type variable and use it instead of repeatedly fetching the reference in a map or an array. The effect can be quite significant.
As an example, instead of repeatedly calling someMap[someIndex], save its reference like this: SomeStruct storage someStruct = someMap[someIndex] and use it.
Instances include:


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol
138:        if (checkpoints[nftId][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock <= blockNumber) {
139:            return checkpoints[nftId][nCheckpoints - 1].delegatedTokenIds;

Declare storage variable and use it:

Checkpoint storage checkpoint = checkpoints[nftId][nCheckpoints - 1];
if (checkpoint.fromBlock <= blockNumber) {
    return checkpoint.delegatedTokenIds;

[G-05] The result of external function calls should be cached rather than re-calling the function

There is no need to call another contract functions multiple times to get same value, returned value should be cached in a variable; The instances below point to the second+ call of the function within a single function:


File:	contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol
100: if (rewardToken.totalSupply() > 1000000000 * 10**18) {

112:		uint256 tokenToEmit = (dailyEmission * (rewardToken.totalSupply() - rewardToken.balanceOf(address(ve)))) /
113:			rewardToken.totalSupply();
114:		uint256 stakerReward = (tokenToEmit * rewardToken.balanceOf(address(ve))) / rewardToken.totalSupply();

239:      (rewardStaker[index] * ve.balanceOfAtNFT(tokenid, epochBeginTime[index])) /
240:      ve.totalSupplyAt(epochBeginTime[index]);

244:       ve.balanceOfAtNFT(tokenid, epochBeginTime[index])) /
245:     ve.totalSupplyAt(epochBeginTime[index]);

rewardToken.totalSupply() should be cached. ve.balanceOfAtNFT(tokenid, epochBeginTime[index])) should be cached. ve.totalSupplyAt(epochBeginTime[index]) should be cached.

[G-06] Amounts should be checked for 0 before calling a transfer

Checking non-zero transfer values can avoid an expensive external call and save gas.
While this is done at some places, it’s not consistently done in the solution.
I suggest adding a non-zero-value check here:


File:	contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol
151: rewardToken.transfer(addr, reward);

165: rewardToken.transfer(addr, reward);

208:  rewardToken.transfer(tokenowner, reward);

209:  weth.transfer(tokenowner, rewardEth);


File:	contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol 
238: ERC1155(o.collection).safeTransferFrom(o.signer, receiver, o.tokenId, amount, '');

304: nftcontract.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, o.signer, o.tokenId, amount, '');

364: nftcontract.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, o.signer, tokenId, amount, '');

382: WETH.transferFrom(o.signer, address(this), o.totalAmt * amount);

383: WETH.withdraw(o.totalAmt * amount);


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
1023: assert(IERC20(token).transfer(msg.sender, value));

[G-07] public functions to external

External call cost is less expensive than of public functions.
Contracts are allowed to override their parents’ functions and change the visibility from external to public.
The following functions could be set external to save gas and improve code quality:


File:	contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol
98:  function addFee(address[2] memory addr, uint256 fee) public onlyTrader {

141: function traderClaim(address addr, uint256[] memory epochs) public {

155: function exchangeClaim(address addr, uint256[] memory epochs) public {

172: function multiStakerClaim(uint256[] memory tokenids, uint256[] memory epochs) public {


File:	contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol 
203: function fillAsk(
204:        Order calldata o,
205:        uint256 amount,
206:        address referrer,
207:        Payment calldata p,
208:        address receiver
209:    ) public payable nonReentrant {

279: function fillBid(
280:        Order calldata o,
281:        uint256 amount,
282:        address referrer,
283:        Payment calldata p
284:    ) public nonReentrant {

312: function cancelOrder(Order calldata o) public nonReentrant {

334: function fillCriteriaBid(
335:        Order calldata o,
336:        uint256 amount,
337:        uint256 tokenId,
338:        bytes32[] calldata proof,
339:        address referrer,
340:        Payment calldata p
341:    ) public nonReentrant {

[G-08] Using calldata instead of memory for read-only arguments in external functions saves gas

If you choose to make suggested above public functions as external, to continue gas optimizaton we can use calldata function arguments instead of memory.
When a function with a memory array is called externally, the abi.decode() step has to use a for-loop to copy each index of the calldata to the memory index. Each iteration of this for-loop costs at least 60 gas (i.e. 60 * <mem_array>.length). Using calldata directly, obliviates the need for such a loop in the contract code and runtime execution. Structs have the same overhead as an array of length one.
Instances include:


File:	contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol
98:  function addFee(address[2] memory addr, uint256 fee) public onlyTrader {

141: function traderClaim(address addr, uint256[] memory epochs) public {

155: function exchangeClaim(address addr, uint256[] memory epochs) public {

172: function multiStakerClaim(uint256[] memory tokenids, uint256[] memory epochs) public {

[G-09] Default value initialization


If a variable is not set/initialized, it is assumed to have the default value (0, false, 0x0 etc depending on the data type).
Explicitly initializing it with its default value is an anti-pattern and wastes gas.
Instances include:


File:	contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol
45:  uint256 public epoch = 0;


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol
uint256 public MIN_VOTING_POWER_REQUIRED = 0;

Proof of Concept

In case of RewardDistributor
hardhat-gas-reporter results
before fix:
| Deployments |||| |-|:-:|:-:|:-:| | Contract | min | max | avg | | GolomTrader | 2379507 | 2379543 | 2379537 | after fix: | Deployments |||| |-|:-:|:-:|:-:| | Contract | min | max | avg | | GolomTrader | 2377233 | 2377269 | 2377263 |


Remove explicit initialization for default values.

[G-10] Multiplication/division by 2 should use bit shifting

<x> * 2 is equivalent to <x> << 1 and <x> / 2 is the same as <x> >> 1. The MUL and DIV opcodes cost 5 gas, whereas SHL and SHR only cost 3 gas.

There are 3 instances of this issue:


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol
150: uint256 center = upper - (upper - lower) / 2; // ceil, avoiding overflow


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
1049: uint256 _mid = (_min + _max + 1) / 2;
1120: uint256 _mid = (_min + _max + 1) / 2;

[G-11] Splitting require() statements that use && saves gas

Instead of using the && operator in a single require statement to check multiple conditions, I suggest using multiple require statements with 1 condition per require statement (saving 3 gas per &).
See this issue which describes the fact that there is a larger deployment gas cost, but with enough runtime calls, the change ends up being cheaper.

There are 4 instances of this issue:


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol
239: require(attachments[_tokenId] == 0 && !voted[_tokenId], 'attached');


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
538: require(attachments[_tokenId] == 0 && !voted[_tokenId], 'attached');
894: require(attachments[_from] == 0 && !voted[_from], 'attached');
1008: require(attachments[_tokenId] == 0 && !voted[_tokenId], 'attached');

[G-12] abi.encode() is less efficient than abi.encodePacked()

Consider changing it if possible.
There are 4 instances of this issue:


File:	contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol 
102:  abi.encode(	
115:	abi.encode(		 
130:	abi.encode(
414:  bytes32 computedHash = keccak256(abi.encode(leaf));

[G-13] struct Order: can be more tighly packed

Each slot saved can avoid an extra Gsset (20000 gas) for the first setting of the struct. Subsequent reads as well as writes have smaller gas savings.


File:	contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol 
47:     struct Order {
        address collection; // NFT contract address
        uint256 tokenId; // order for which tokenId of the collection
        address signer; // maker of order address
        uint256 orderType; // 0 if selling nft for eth , 1 if offering weth for nft,2 if offering weth for collection with special criteria root
        uint256 totalAmt; // price value of the trade // total amt maker is willing to give up per unit of amount
        Payment exchange; // payment agreed by maker of the order to pay on succesful filling of trade this amt is subtracted from totalamt
        Payment prePayment; // another payment , can be used for royalty, facilating trades
        bool isERC721; // standard of the collection , if 721 then true , if 1155 then false
        uint256 tokenAmt; // token amt useful if standard is 1155 if >1 means whole order can be filled tokenAmt times
        uint256 refererrAmt; // amt to pay to the address that helps in filling your order
        bytes32 root; // A merkle root derived from each valid tokenId — set to 0 to indicate a collection-level or tokenId-specific order.
        address reservedAddress; // if not address(0) , only this address can fill the order
        uint256 nonce; // nonce of order usefull for cancelling in bulk
        uint256 deadline; // timestamp till order is valid epoch timestamp in secs
        uint8 v;
        bytes32 r;
        bytes32 s;
Contract Method min max avg #calls
GolomTrader fillAsk 238167 241974 241425 7
GolomTrader setDistributor 46281 70449 47432 21
Contract avg
GolomTrader 2029204


    struct Order {
        address collection; // NFT contract address
        uint256 tokenId; // order for which tokenId of the collection
        address signer; // maker of order address
        uint256 orderType; // 0 if selling nft for eth , 1 if offering weth for nft,2 if offering weth for collection with special criteria root
        uint256 totalAmt; // price value of the trade // total amt maker is willing to give up per unit of amount
        Payment exchange; // payment agreed by maker of the order to pay on succesful filling of trade this amt is subtracted from totalamt
        Payment prePayment; // another payment , can be used for royalty, facilating trades
        uint256 tokenAmt; // token amt useful if standard is 1155 if >1 means whole order can be filled tokenAmt times
        uint256 refererrAmt; // amt to pay to the address that helps in filling your order
        bytes32 root; // A merkle root derived from each valid tokenId — set to 0 to indicate a collection-level or tokenId-specific order.
        address reservedAddress; // if not address(0) , only this address can fill the order
        uint256 nonce; // nonce of order usefull for cancelling in bulk
        uint256 deadline; // timestamp till order is valid epoch timestamp in secs
        bool isERC721; // standard of the collection , if 721 then true , if 1155 then false
        uint8 v;
        bytes32 r;
        bytes32 s;
Contract Method min max avg #calls
GolomTrader fillAsk 238153 241948 241394 7
GolomTrader setDistributor 46259 70427 47410 21
Contract avg
GolomTrader 2013782

[G-14] State variables can be packed into fewer storage slots

These state variables can be packed together to use less storage slots:


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
297: int128 internal constant iMAXTIME = 4 * 365 * 86400;

320: uint8 public constant decimals = 18;

347: bytes4 internal constant ERC165_INTERFACE_ID = 0x01ffc9a7;
350: bytes4 internal constant ERC721_INTERFACE_ID = 0x80ac58cd;
353: bytes4 internal constant ERC721_METADATA_INTERFACE_ID = 0x5b5e139f;

356: uint8 internal constant _not_entered = 1;
357: uint8 internal constant _entered = 2;
358: uint8 internal _entered_state = 1;

[G-15] x += y costs more gas than x = x + y for state variables

x += y costs more than x = x + y
same as x -= y
Instances include:


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
499: ownerToNFTokenCount[_to] += 1;

512: ownerToNFTokenCount[_from] -= 1;


Replace x += y and x -= y with x = x + y and x = x - y.

[G-16] internal and private functions only called once can be inlined to save gas

Not inlining costs 20 to 40 gas because of two extra JUMP instructions and additional stack operations needed for function calls.

There are 10 instances of this issue:


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol
116: function _getCurrentDelegated(uint256 tokenId) internal view returns (uint256[] memory) 
129: function _getPriorDelegated(uint256 nftId, uint256 blockNumber) internal view returns (uint256[] memory) {

198: function removeElement(uint256[] storage _array, uint256 _element) internal {


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
452: function _addTokenToOwnerList(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal {

462: function _removeTokenFromOwnerList(address _from, uint256 _tokenId) internal {

571: function _isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) {

677: function _mint(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal returns (bool) {

1107: function _balanceOfAtNFT(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _block) internal view returns (uint256) {


File:	contracts/governance/GolomToken.sol
123: function _hashOrder(Order calldata o) private pure returns (bytes32) {

127: function _hashOrderinternal(Order calldata o, uint256[2] memory extra) private pure returns (bytes32) {

[G-17] Unchecked arithmetic

The default “checked” behavior costs more gas when adding/diving/multiplying, because under-the-hood those checks are implemented as a series of opcodes that, prior to performing the actual arithmetic, check for under/overflow and revert if it is detected.
If it can statically be determined there is no possible way for your arithmetic to under/overflow (such as a condition in an if statement), surrounding the arithmetic in an unchecked block will save gas.
Instances include:


File:	contracts/governance/GolomToken.sol
minterEnableDate = block.timestamp + 1 days;


File:	contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol
106: if (block.timestamp > startTime + (epoch) * secsInDay) {

112:  uint256 tokenToEmit = (dailyEmission * (rewardToken.totalSupply() - rewardToken.balanceOf(address(ve)))) /
113:    rewardToken.totalSupply();
114:  uint256 stakerReward = (tokenToEmit * rewardToken.balanceOf(address(ve))) / rewardToken.totalSupply();

118: epoch = epoch + 1;

143: for (uint256 index = 0; index < epochs.length; index++) {

157: for (uint256 index = 0; index < epochs.length; index++) {

180: for (uint256 tindex = 0; tindex < tokenids.length; tindex++) {

183: for (uint256 index = 0; index < epochs.length; index++) {

258: for (uint256 index = 0; index < epoch; index++) {

273: for (uint256 index = 0; index < epoch; index++) {

286: traderEnableDate = block.timestamp + 1 days;

302: voteEscrowEnableDate = block.timestamp + 1 days;


File:	contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol 
324: uint256 newNonce = ++nonces[msg.sender];

415: for (uint256 i = 0; i < proof.length; i++) {

449: distributorEnableDate = block.timestamp + 1 days;


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol
107: numCheckpoints[toTokenId] = nCheckpoints + 1;

119: return nCheckpoints > 0 ? checkpoints[tokenId][nCheckpoints - 1].delegatedTokenIds : myArray;

138:    if (checkpoints[nftId][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock <= blockNumber) {
139:        return checkpoints[nftId][nCheckpoints - 1].delegatedTokenIds;

148: uint256 upper = nCheckpoints - 1;

150: uint256 center = upper - (upper - lower) / 2;

157: upper = center - 1;

171: for (uint256 index = 0; index < delegated.length; index++) {
172: 	    votes = votes + this.balanceOfNFT(delegated[index]);

189:    for (uint256 index = 0; index < delegatednft.length; index++) {
190:        votes = votes + this.balanceOfAtNFT(delegatednft[index], blockNumber);

199: for (uint256 i; i < _array.length; i++) {

201: _array[i] = _array[_array.length - 1];


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
499: ownerToNFTokenCount[_to] += 1;

512: ownerToNFTokenCount[_from] -= 1;

745: for (uint256 i = 0; i < 255; ++i) {

748: t_i += WEEK;

768: _epoch += 1;

994: uint256 unlock_time = ((block.timestamp + _lock_duration) / WEEK) * WEEK; // Locktime is rounded down to weeks

999: require(unlock_time <= block.timestamp + MAXTIME, 'Voting lock can be 4 years max');

1044: for (uint256 i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {

1049: uint256 _mid = (_min + _max + 1) / 2;

1053: _max = _mid - 1;

1115: for (uint256 i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {

1120: uint256 _mid = (_min + _max + 1) / 2;

1124: _max = _mid - 1;

1167: for (uint256 i = 0; i < 255; ++i) {

1213:  Point memory point_next = point_history[target_epoch + 1];


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/TokenUriHelper.sol
138:            digits++;
139:            temp /= 10;

143:            digits -= 1;
144:            buffer[digits] = bytes1(uint8(48 + uint256(value % 10)));
145:            value /= 10;


Place the arithmetic operations in an unchecked block

	for (uint i; i < length;) {
		unchecked{ ++i; }

[G-18] Using bools for storage incurs overhead

    // Booleans are more expensive than uint256 or any type that takes up a full
    // word because each write operation emits an extra SLOAD to first read the
    // slot's contents, replace the bits taken up by the boolean, and then write
    // back. This is the compiler's defense against contract upgrades and
    // pointer aliasing, and it cannot be disabled.

Use uint256(1) and uint256(2) for true/false to avoid a Gwarmaccess (100 gas) for the extra SLOAD, and to avoid Gsset (20000 gas) when changing from ‘false’ to ‘true’, after having been ‘true’ in the past.

There are 5 instances of this issue:


File:	contracts/governance/GolomToken.sol
20:    bool public isAirdropMinted;
21:    bool public isGenesisRewardMinted;


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
314: mapping(uint256 => bool) public voted;

341: mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) internal ownerToOperators;

344: mapping(bytes4 => bool) internal supportedInterfaces;

[G-19] Using > 0 costs more gas than != 0 when used on a uint in a require() and assert statement

> 0 is less efficient than != 0 for unsigned integers.
!= 0 costs less gas compared to > 0 for unsigned integers in require and assert statements with the optimizer enabled (6 gas).
There are 3 instances of this issue:


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
927: require(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value

944: require(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value

981: assert(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value


Replace > 0 with != 0
Or update soldity compiler to >=0.8.13

[G-20] Usage of uints/ints smaller than 32 bytes (256 bits) incurs overhead

When using elements that are smaller than 32 bytes, your contract’s gas usage may be higher. This is because the EVM operates on 32 bytes at a time. Therefore, if the element is smaller than that, the EVM must use more operations in order to reduce the size of the element from 32 bytes to the desired size.
It is only beneficial to use reduced-size arguments if you are dealing with storage values because the compiler will pack multiple elements into one storage slot, and thus, combine multiple reads or writes into a single operation. When dealing with function arguments or memory values, there is no inherent benefit because the compiler does not pack these values.


Use a larger size then downcast where needed.
Instances include:


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
271: int128 amount; //@audit no storage slot saved

297: int128 internal constant iMAXTIME = 4 * 365 * 86400;

311: mapping(uint256 => int128) public slope_changes; // time -> signed slope change

320: uint8 public constant decimals = 18;

356:  uint8 internal constant _not_entered = 1;
357:	uint8 internal constant _entered = 2;
358:  uint8 internal _entered_state = 1;

697:  int128 old_dslope = 0;
698:  int128 new_dslope = 0;

749:  int128 d_slope = 0;

1169: int128 d_slope = 0;

[G-21] Use custom errors rather than revert()/require() strings to save gas

Custom errors are available from solidity version 0.8.4. Custom errors save ~50 gas each time they’re hit by avoiding having to allocate and store the revert string. Not defining the strings also saves deployment gas.

There are 76 instances of this issue:


File:	contracts/governance/GolomToken.sol
24: require(msg.sender == minter, 'GolomToken: only reward distributor can enable');

43: require(!isAirdropMinted, 'already minted');

51: require(!isGenesisRewardMinted, 'already minted');

69: require(minterEnableDate <= block.timestamp, 'GolomToken: wait for timelock');


File:	contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol
88: require(msg.sender == trader);

144: require(epochs[index] < epoch);

158: require(epochs[index] < epoch);

173: require(address(ve) != address(0), ' VE not added yet');

181: require(tokenowner == ve.ownerOf(tokenids[tindex]), 'Can only claim for a single Address together');

184: require(epochs[index] < epoch, 'cant claim for future epochs');
185: require(claimed[tokenids[tindex]][epochs[index]] == 0, 'cant claim if already claimed');

220: require(address(ve) != address(0), ' VE not added yet');

292: require(traderEnableDate <= block.timestamp, 'RewardDistributor: time not over yet');

309: require(voteEscrowEnableDate <= block.timestamp, 'RewardDistributor: time not over yet');


File:	contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol 
177: require(signaturesigner == o.signer, 'invalid signature');

211:  require(
212:    o.totalAmt >= o.exchange.paymentAmt + o.prePayment.paymentAmt + o.refererrAmt + (o.totalAmt * 50) / 10000,
213:    'amt not matching'
214:  );

217: require(msg.value >= o.totalAmt * amount + p.paymentAmt, 'mgmtm');

220: require(msg.sender == o.reservedAddress);

222: require(o.orderType == 0, 'invalid orderType');

226: require(status == 3, 'order not valid');
227: require(amountRemaining >= amount, 'order already filled');

235: require(amount == 1, 'only 1 erc721 at 1 time');

285: require(
286:   o.totalAmt * amount >
287:    (o.exchange.paymentAmt + o.prePayment.paymentAmt + o.refererrAmt) * amount + p.paymentAmt

291:  require(msg.sender == o.reservedAddress);

293: require(o.orderType == 1);

295:  require(status == 3);
296:  require(amountRemaining >= amount);

299: require(amount == 1, 'only 1 erc721 at 1 time');

313: require(o.signer == msg.sender);

342: require(o.totalAmt >= o.exchange.paymentAmt + o.prePayment.paymentAmt + o.refererrAmt);

345: require(msg.sender == o.reservedAddress);

347: require(o.orderType == 2);

349: require(status == 3);
350: require(amountRemaining >= amount);

359: require(amount == 1, 'only 1 erc721 at 1 time');

455: require(distributorEnableDate <= block.timestamp, 'not allowed');


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol
72: require(ownerOf(tokenId) == msg.sender, 'VEDelegation: Not allowed');
73: require(this.balanceOfNFT(tokenId) >= MIN_VOTING_POWER_REQUIRED, 'VEDelegation: Need more voting power');

99: require(_delegatedTokenIds.length < 500, 'VVDelegation: Cannot stake more');

130: require(blockNumber < block.number, 'VEDelegation: not yet determined');

186: require(blockNumber < block.number, 'VEDelegation: not yet determined');

211: require(ownerOf(tokenId) == msg.sender, 'VEDelegation: Not allowed');

239: require(attachments[_tokenId] == 0 && !voted[_tokenId], 'attached');

245: require(_isApprovedOrOwner(_sender, _tokenId));


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
360: require(_entered_state == _not_entered);

538: require(attachments[_tokenId] == 0 && !voted[_tokenId], 'attached');

540: require(_isApprovedOrOwner(_sender, _tokenId));

646: require(owner != address(0));

648: require(_approved != owner);

652: require(senderIsOwner || senderIsApprovedForAll);

869: require(msg.sender == voter);

874: require(msg.sender == voter);

879: require(msg.sender == voter);

884: require(msg.sender == voter);

889: require(msg.sender == voter);

894: require(attachments[_from] == 0 && !voted[_from], 'attached');
895: require(_from != _to);
896: require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _from));
897: require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _to));

927: require(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value
928: require(_locked.amount > 0, 'No existing lock found');
929: require(_locked.end > block.timestamp, 'Cannot add to expired lock. Withdraw');

944: require(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value
945: require(unlock_time > block.timestamp, 'Can only lock until time in the future');
946: require(unlock_time <= block.timestamp + MAXTIME, 'Voting lock can be 4 years max');

982: require(_locked.amount > 0, 'No existing lock found');
983: require(_locked.end > block.timestamp, 'Cannot add to expired lock. Withdraw');

996: require(_locked.end > block.timestamp, 'Lock expired');
997: require(_locked.amount > 0, 'Nothing is locked');
998: require(unlock_time > _locked.end, 'Can only increase lock duration');
999: require(unlock_time <= block.timestamp + MAXTIME, 'Voting lock can be 4 years max');

1008: require(attachments[_tokenId] == 0 && !voted[_tokenId], 'attached');

1011: require(block.timestamp >= _locked.end, "The lock didn't expire");

1082: require(idToOwner[_tokenId] != address(0), 'Query for nonexistent token');

1227: require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId), 'caller is not owner nor approved');


Custom errors are defined using the error statement
Replace require statements with custom errors.

[G-22] Multiple address mappings can be combined into a single mapping of an address to a struct, where appropriate

Saves a storage slot for the mapping. Depending on the circumstances and sizes of types, can avoid a Gsset (20000 gas) per mapping combined. Reads and subsequent writes can also be cheaper when a function requires both values and they both fit in the same storage slot. Finally, if both fields are accessed in the same function, can save ~42 gas per access due to not having to recalculate the key’s keccak256 hash (Gkeccak256 - 30 gas) and that calculation’s associated stack operations.

There are 5 instances of this issue:


File:	contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol
58:    mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public feesTrader; // fees accumulated by address of trader per epoch
59:    mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public feesExchange; // fees accumulated by exchange of trader per epoch


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
331: /// @dev Mapping from owner address to count of his tokens.
332: mapping(address => uint256) internal ownerToNFTokenCount;

334: /// @dev Mapping from owner address to mapping of index to tokenIds
335: mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) internal ownerToNFTokenIdList;

340: /// @dev Mapping from owner address to mapping of operator addresses.
341: mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) internal ownerToOperators;

[G-23] Functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users can be marked payable

If a function modifier such as onlyOwner is used, the function will revert if a normal user tries to pay the function. Marking the function as payable will lower the gas cost for legitimate callers because the compiler will not include checks for whether a payment was provided. The extra opcodes avoided are CALLVALUE(2),DUP1(3),ISZERO(3),PUSH2(3),JUMPI(10),PUSH1(3),DUP1(3),REVERT(0),JUMPDEST(1),POP(2), which costs an average of about 21 gas per call to the function, in addition to the extra deployment cost.

There are 12 instances of this issue:


File:	contracts/governance/GolomToken.sol
36: function mint(address _account, uint256 _amount) external onlyMinter {

42: function mintAirdrop(address _airdrop) external onlyOwner {

50: function mintGenesisReward(address _rewardDistributor) external onlyOwner {

58: function setMinter(address _minter) external onlyOwner {

65: function executeSetMinter() external onlyOwner {


File:	contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol
285: function changeTrader(address _trader) external onlyOwner {

291: function executeChangeTrader() external onlyOwner {

298: function addVoteEscrow(address _voteEscrow) external onlyOwner {

308: function executeAddVoteEscrow() external onlyOwner {


File:	contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol 
444: function setDistributor(address _distributor) external onlyOwner {

454: function executeSetDistributor() external onlyOwner {


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol
260: function changeMinVotingPower(uint256 _newMinVotingPower) external onlyOwner {

[G-24] Do not calculate constants

Due to how constant variables are implemented (replacements at compile-time), an expression assigned to a constant variable is recomputed each time that the variable is used, which wastes some gas.
Instances include:


File:	contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol
48: uint256 constant dailyEmission = 600000 * 10**18;

57: uint256 constant secsInDay = 24 * 60 * 60;


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
296: uint256 internal constant MAXTIME = 4 * 365 * 86400;
297: int128 internal constant iMAXTIME = 4 * 365 * 86400;

[G-25] <array>.length should not be looked up in every loop of a for-loop

The overheads outlined below are PER LOOP, excluding the first loop

  • storage arrays incur a Gwarmaccess (100 gas)
  • memory arrays use MLOAD (3 gas)
  • calldata arrays use CALLDATALOAD (3 gas)

Caching the length changes each of these to a DUP<N> (3 gas), and gets rid of the extra DUP<N> needed to store the stack offset.
Instances include:


File:	contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol
143: for (uint256 index = 0; index < epochs.length; index++) {

157: for (uint256 index = 0; index < epochs.length; index++) {

180: for (uint256 tindex = 0; tindex < tokenids.length; tindex++) {

183: for (uint256 index = 0; index < epochs.length; index++) {


File:	contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol 
415: for (uint256 i = 0; i < proof.length; i++) {


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol
171: for (uint256 index = 0; index < delegated.length; index++) {

189: for (uint256 index = 0; index < delegatednft.length; index++) {

199: for (uint256 i; i < _array.length; i++) {

[G-26] Copying struct to memory can be more expensive than just reading from storage

I suggest using the storage keyword instead of the memory one, as the copy in memory is wasting some MSTOREs and MLOADs.
Instances include:


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
1083: LockedBalance memory _locked = locked[_tokenId];

1136: Point memory point_1 = point_history[_epoch + 1];


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol
101: Checkpoint memory oldCheckpoint = checkpoints[toTokenId][nCheckpoints - 1];

Should use storage, because each struct field is read only once.

[G-27] require()/revert() strings longer than 32 bytes cost extra gas

Each extra chunk of byetes past the original 32 iincurs an MSTORE which costs 3 gas.
There are 8 instances of this issue:


File:	contracts/governance/GolomToken.sol
24: require(msg.sender == minter, 'GolomToken: only reward distributor can enable');


File:	contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol
181:  require(tokenowner == ve.ownerOf(tokenids[tindex]), 'Can only claim for a single Address together');

292: require(traderEnableDate <= block.timestamp, 'RewardDistributor: time not over yet');

309: require(voteEscrowEnableDate <= block.timestamp, 'RewardDistributor: time not over yet');


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowDelegation.sol
73: require(this.balanceOfNFT(tokenId) >= MIN_VOTING_POWER_REQUIRED, 'VEDelegation: Need more voting power');


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
929: require(_locked.end > block.timestamp, 'Cannot add to expired lock. Withdraw');

945: require(unlock_time > block.timestamp, 'Can only lock until time in the future');

983: require(_locked.end > block.timestamp, 'Cannot add to expired lock. Withdraw');

[G-28] Remove or replace unused variables

Remove or replace unused variables to save deployment gas.
Instances include:


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
319:    string public constant version = '1.0.0';
320:    uint8 public constant decimals = 18;

[G-29] State variables only set in the constructor should be declared immutable

Avoids a Gsset (20000 gas) in the constructor, and replaces each Gwarmacces (100 gas) with a PUSH32 (3 gas). If getters are still desired, ’_’ can be added to the variable name and the getter can be added manually.

There is 3 instance of this issue:


File:	contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol
68: ERC20 public rewardToken;
69: ERC20 public weth;


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
300: address public token;

[G-30] State variables with values known at compile time should be constants

Variables with values known at compile time and that do not change at runtime should be declared as constant.
There is 2 instance of this issue:


File:	contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol
46: uint256 public startTime; // timestamp at which the contracts need to be activated


File:	contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol 
45: ERC20 WETH = ERC20(0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2);

[G-31] State variables should be cached in stack variables rather than re-reading them from storage

Caching will replace each Gwarmaccess (100 gas) with a much cheaper stack read.
Less obvious fixes/optimizations include having local storage variables of mappings within state variable mappings or mappings within state variable structs, having local storage variables of structs within mappings, having local memory caches of state variable structs, or having local caches of state variable contracts/addresses.
Instances include:

https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-07-golom/blob/7bbb55fca61e6bae29e57133c1e45806cbb17aa4/contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol#L98-L138 rewardToken accessed 7 times; epoch accessed 15 times; ve accessed 2 times; epochTotalFee[epoch] accessed 2 times;

https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-07-golom/blob/7bbb55fca61e6bae29e57133c1e45806cbb17aa4/contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol#L144 epoch accessed N times, each loop iteration, where N = epochs.length

https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-07-golom/blob/7bbb55fca61e6bae29e57133c1e45806cbb17aa4/contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol#L158 epoch accessed N times, each loop iteration, where N = epochs.length

https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-07-golom/blob/7bbb55fca61e6bae29e57133c1e45806cbb17aa4/contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol#L172-L210 ve accessed 8 times epochBeginTime[epochs[index]] accessed 4 times epoch accessed N times, each loop iteration, where N = epochs.length

https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-07-golom/blob/7bbb55fca61e6bae29e57133c1e45806cbb17aa4/contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol#L242-L269 distributor accessed two times;

Small PoC

copy distributor to stack variable:
Distributor _distributor = distributor ;
use _distributor instead of distributor;
hardhat-gas-reporter results
before fix: | Methods |||||| |-|:-|:-:|-|:-|:-:| | Contract | Method | min | max | avg | #calls | | GolomTrader | fillAsk | 238153 |241948|241401| 7 | after fix: | Methods |||||| |-|:-|:-:|-|:-|:-:| | Contract | Method | min | max | avg | #calls | | GolomTrader | fillAsk | 238052 |241847|241300| 7 |

WETH accessed two times;

distributor accessed two times;

checkpoints[nftId][nCheckpoints - 1] accessed two times;

checkpoint.delegatedTokenIds accessed two times;

idToOwner[_tokenId] accessed two times;

tokenId accessed two times;

[G-32] Using private rather than public for constants, saves gas

If needed, the value can be read from the verified contract source code. Savings are due to the compiler not having to create non-payable getter functions for deployment calldata, and not adding another entry to the method ID table.
Instances include:


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
317:     string public constant name = 'veNFT';
318:    string public constant symbol = 'veNFT';
319:    string public constant version = '1.0.0';
320:    uint8 public constant decimals = 18;

[G-33] Remove unreachable code

There is a peace of code that does not need to exist:

File:	contracts/core/GolomTrader.sol 
177:        require(signaturesigner == o.signer, 'invalid signature');
178:        if (signaturesigner != o.signer) {
179:            return (0, hashStruct, 0); //@audit unreachable code
180:        }

Check inside if is pointless, because signaturesigner != o.signer can not be true, when if it is, then transaction is already reverted because of line 177.
hardhat-gas-reporter shows deployment gas difference from 2013842 to 2001108.

[G-34] No need to evaluate all expressions to know if one of them is true

When we have a code expressionA || expressionB if expressionA is true then expressionB will not be evaluated and gas saved;
Instances include:


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
650: bool senderIsOwner = (idToOwner[_tokenId] == msg.sender);
651: bool senderIsApprovedForAll = (ownerToOperators[owner])[msg.sender];
652: require(senderIsOwner || senderIsApprovedForAll);

Variables bool senderIsOwner and bool senderIsApprovedForAll just add more work, it should be:

 require((idToOwner[_tokenId] == msg.sender) || (ownerToOperators[owner])[msg.sender];

so if (idToOwner[_tokenId] == msg.sender) is true we will not do SLOAD to get (ownerToOperators[owner])[msg.sender]; saving runtime and deployment gas;

same thing here: https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-07-golom/blob/7bbb55fca61e6bae29e57133c1e45806cbb17aa4/contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol#L439

File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
439:        bool spenderIsOwner = owner == _spender;
440:        bool spenderIsApproved = _spender == idToApprovals[_tokenId];
441:        bool spenderIsApprovedForAll = (ownerToOperators[owner])[_spender];
442:        return spenderIsOwner || spenderIsApproved || spenderIsApprovedForAll;

But this one is a view function, so only deployment gas saved.

[G-35] No need to read tokenId second time


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
948:        ++tokenId;
949:        uint256 _tokenId = tokenId;


Change it to uint256 _tokenId = ++tokenId; and 92 gas is saved this way

[G-36] last_point value rewritten right after initialization

If _epoch > 0, then last_point is rewritten, and initialization on L726 becomes waste of gas;

File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
726:        Point memory last_point = Point({bias: 0, slope: 0, ts: block.timestamp, blk: block.number});
727:        if (_epoch > 0) {
728:            last_point = point_history[_epoch];
729:        }


Point memory last_point = _epoch > 0 ? last_point = point_history[_epoch] 
																				: Point({bias: 0, slope: 0, ts: block.timestamp, blk: block.number});

[G-37] Wasted gas on copying a struct


File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
840: LockedBalance memory _locked = locked_balance;

1164:     function _supply_at(Point memory point, uint256 t) internal view returns (uint256) {
1165:         Point memory last_point = point;

locked_balance is of same type and never used after this. Same thing with point;
There is no need in copy of it, but gas for making a copy is spent;

[G-38] Remove duplicate code

There is a peace of code that is duplicated in bo blocks of if else

467:    if (current_count == current_index) {
            // update ownerToNFTokenIdList
            ownerToNFTokenIdList[_from][current_count] = 0;
            // update tokenToOwnerIndex
            tokenToOwnerIndex[_tokenId] = 0;
        } else {
            uint256 lastTokenId = ownerToNFTokenIdList[_from][current_count];

            // Add
            // update ownerToNFTokenIdList
            ownerToNFTokenIdList[_from][current_index] = lastTokenId;
            // update tokenToOwnerIndex
            tokenToOwnerIndex[lastTokenId] = current_index;

            // Delete
            // update ownerToNFTokenIdList
            ownerToNFTokenIdList[_from][current_count] = 0;
            // update tokenToOwnerIndex
            tokenToOwnerIndex[_tokenId] = 0;

To reduce deployment gas should be:

	if (current_count != current_index) {
			uint256 lastTokenId = ownerToNFTokenIdList[_from][current_count];

			// Add
			// update ownerToNFTokenIdList
			ownerToNFTokenIdList[_from][current_index] = lastTokenId;
			// update tokenToOwnerIndex
			tokenToOwnerIndex[lastTokenId] = current_index;
	// update ownerToNFTokenIdList
	ownerToNFTokenIdList[_from][current_count] = 0;
	// update tokenToOwnerIndex
	tokenToOwnerIndex[_tokenId] = 0;

[G-39] No need for mapping supportedInterfaces to exist

This mapping takes some space and every time supportsInterface(bytes4) is called we do SLOAD to get data from this mapping.

File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
368:     function supportsInterface(bytes4 _interfaceID) external view returns (bool) {
369:         return supportedInterfaces[_interfaceID];
370:     }

I suggest we remove the mapping and change the function supportsInterface(bytes4) to:

368:     function supportsInterface(bytes4 _interfaceID) external virtual view returns (bool) {
369:         return _interfaceID == ERC165_INTERFACE_ID ||
											_interfaceID == ERC721_INTERFACE_ID ||
											_interfaceID == ERC721_METADATA_INTERFACE_ID
370:     }

This way we don’t need the mapping supportedInterfaces and no SLOADs done;
If inherited contracts support other interfaces or don’t support these just override this function and add/remove conditions;

[G-40] Same calculation twice

supply_before - value calculated twice, also it is checked arithmetic operation, so cheaper to store result in a stack variable than calculate it twice;

File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
1015:         uint256 supply_before = supply;
1016:         supply = supply_before - value;

1029:         emit Supply(supply_before, supply_before - value);

We could store result to stack variable and use it instead:

1016:         uint256 supply_now = supply = supply_before - value;

1029:         emit Supply(supply_before, supply_now);

[G-41] Obsolete constants

These values can be accessed via kewords, there is no benefit in having these constants:

File:	contracts/rewards/RewardDistributor.sol
57:     uint256 constant secsInDay = 24 * 60 * 60; 

We can use 1 days instead of secsInDay

File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
295:     uint256 internal constant WEEK = 1 weeks;

We can use 1 weeks instead of WEEK.

[G-42] Variable end can be of type uint128

Variable end can be of type uint128 to take less place and save one storage slot.
A lot of protocols even use uint64 for dates to reduce gas usage.

File:	contracts/vote-escrow/VoteEscrowCore.sol
270: struct LockedBalance {
271:     int128 amount;
272:     uint256 end; //@audit can be uint128 to save storage slot
273: }

it can be

270: struct LockedBalance {
271:     int128 amount;
272:     uint128 end;
273: }


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