Frax Ether Liquid Staking contest
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Frax Ether Liquid Staking smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit contest took place between September 22—September 25 2022.


139 Wardens contributed reports to the Frax Ether Liquid Staking contest:

  1. parashar
  2. __141345__
  3. Lambda
  4. bin2chen
  5. Critical
  6. Chom
  7. ladboy233
  8. joestakey
  9. ronnyx2017
  10. rotcivegaf
  11. ayeslick
  12. rvierdiiev
  13. Trust
  14. cccz
  15. wagmi
  16. Respx
  17. Bahurum
  18. 0x1f8b
  19. lukris02
  20. V_B (Barichek and vlad_bochok)
  21. datapunk
  22. Ch_301
  23. oyc_109
  24. IllIllI
  25. 0x4non
  26. pashov
  27. pfapostol
  28. bytera
  29. TomJ
  30. rbserver
  31. 0xNazgul
  32. 0xSmartContract
  33. Bnke0x0
  34. Rolezn
  35. neko_nyaa
  36. gogo
  37. leosathya
  38. ajtra
  39. Soosh
  40. KIntern_NA (TrungOre and duc)
  41. brgltd
  42. Aymen0909
  43. PaludoX0
  44. 8olidity
  45. peritoflores
  46. CodingNameKiki
  47. Sm4rty
  48. JC
  49. rokinot
  50. seyni
  51. c3phas
  52. ReyAdmirado
  53. csanuragjain
  54. OptimismSec (sseefried and tofunmi)
  55. bobirichman
  56. Deivitto
  57. cryptostellar5
  58. Diana
  59. B2
  60. ret2basic
  61. delfin454000
  62. RockingMiles (robee and pants)
  63. Waze
  64. tnevler
  65. aysha
  66. cryptphi
  67. mics
  68. durianSausage
  69. Triangle (caventa and DeviantArt)
  70. Funen
  71. karanctf
  72. natzuu
  73. 0x040
  74. got_targ
  75. slowmoses
  76. sach1r0
  77. asutorufos
  78. millersplanet
  79. jag
  80. Tagir2003
  81. 0x52
  82. yixxas
  83. 0xf15ers (remora and twojoy)
  84. a12jmx
  85. sikorico
  86. JLevick
  87. bbuddha
  88. yasir
  89. yongskiws
  90. obront
  91. Yiko
  92. Tointer
  93. exd0tpy
  94. bharg4v
  95. prasantgupta52
  96. 0x5rings
  97. SnowMan
  98. ch0bu
  99. peanuts
  100. medikko
  101. zishansami
  102. Rohan16
  103. erictee
  104. d3e4
  105. RaymondFam
  106. 0xA5DF
  107. Tomio
  108. Amithuddar
  109. Metatron
  110. samruna
  111. drdr
  112. bulej93
  113. Satyam_Sharma
  114. Ocean_Sky
  115. imare
  117. SooYa
  118. Pheonix
  119. Fitraldys
  120. 0xsam
  121. fatherOfBlocks
  122. albincsergo
  123. beardofginger
  124. Ben
  125. emrekocak
  126. dharma09
  127. 0xmatt
  128. 0xSky
  129. hansfriese
  130. m9800
  131. magu
  132. pedroais
  133. Ruhum

This contest was judged by 0xean.

Final report assembled by itsmetechjay.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 12 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 2 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 10 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 83 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 93 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Frax Ether Liquid Staking contest repository, and is composed of 6 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 413 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities according to a methodology based on OWASP standards.

Vulnerabilities are divided into three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

Further information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website.

High Risk Findings (2)

[H-01] Wrong accounting logic when syncRewards() is called within beforeWithdraw makes withdrawals impossible

Submitted by Lambda, also found by bin2chen and Critical

sfrxETH.beforeWithdraw first calls the beforeWithdraw of xERC4626, which decrements storedTotalAssets by the given amount. If the timestamp is greater than the rewardsCycleEnd, syncRewards is called. However, the problem is that the assets have not been transferred out yet, meaning asset.balanceOf(address(this)) still has the old value. On the other hand, storedTotalAssets was already updated. Therefore, the following calculation will be inflated by the amount for which the withdrawal was requested:

uint256 nextRewards = asset.balanceOf(address(this)) - storedTotalAssets_ - lastRewardAmount_;

This has severe consequences:

  1. During the following reward period, lastRewardAmount is too high, which means that too many rewards are paid out to users who want to withdraw. A user could exploit this to steal the assets of other users.
  2. When syncRewards() is called the next time, it is possible that the nextRewards calculation underflows because lastRewardAmount > asset.balanceOf(address(this)). This is very bad because syncRewards() will be called in every withdrawal (after the rewardsCycleEnd) and none of them will succeed because of the underflow. Depositing more also does not help here, it just increases asset.balanceOf(address(this)) and storedTotalAssets by the same amount, which does not eliminate the underflow.

Note that this bug does not require a malicious user or a targeted attack to surface. It can (and probably will) happen in practice just by normal user interactions with the vault (which is for instance shown in the PoC).

Proof Of Concept

Consider the following test:

function testTotalAssetsAfterWithdraw() public {        
        uint128 deposit = 1 ether;
        uint128 withdraw = 1 ether;
        // Mint frxETH to this testing contract from nothing, for testing
        mintTo(address(this), deposit);

        // Generate some sfrxETH to this testing contract using frxETH
        frxETHtoken.approve(address(sfrxETHtoken), deposit);
        sfrxETHtoken.deposit(deposit, address(this));
        require(sfrxETHtoken.totalAssets() == deposit);

        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1000);
        // Withdraw frxETH (from sfrxETH) to this testing contract
        sfrxETHtoken.withdraw(withdraw, address(this), address(this));
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1000);
        require(sfrxETHtoken.totalAssets() == deposit - withdraw);

This is a normal user interaction where a user deposits into the vault, and makes a withdrawal some time later. However, at this point the syncRewards() within the beforeWithdraw is executed. Because of that, the documented accounting mistake happens and the next call (in fact every call that will be done in the future) to syncRewards() reverts with an underflow.

Call syncRewards() before decrementing storedTotalAssets, i.e.:

function beforeWithdraw(uint256 assets, uint256 shares) internal override {
	if (block.timestamp >= rewardsCycleEnd) { syncRewards(); }
	super.beforeWithdraw(assets, shares); // call xERC4626's beforeWithdraw AFTER

Then, asset.balanceOf(address(this)) and storedTotalAssets are still in sync within syncRewards().

FortisFortuna (Frax) commented:

Does this only occur if all users try to withdraw at the exact same time? If so, this is a known bug by us and the risk would be low in a real-life deployment scenario. We can also let the users know about the ramping of the rewards.

FortisFortuna (Frax) marked as duplicate

Lambda (warden) commented:

I do not think that this is a duplicate of #311. #311 (and the other issues that are linked there) describe a recoverable issue where the withdrawal for the last user fails (which was listed as a known issue of xERC4626) until the cycle ends.

The issue here that is described here and demonstrated in the PoC is a non-recoverable sfrxETH-specific issue (because sfrxETH potentially calls syncRewards() in the beforeWithdraw function) where withdrawals even fail after the cycle has ended. It also does not require all users to withdraw at the same time.

FortisFortuna (Frax) commented:

@Lambda What about 24 ?

Lambda (warden) commented:

@FortisFortuna Good catch did not see that, yes 24 addresses the same issue

FortisFortuna (Frax) confirmed and commented:

@Lambda I will mark yours as primary because it is better documented.

corddry (Frax) commented:

Here’s the proposed fix, which instead moves the syncRewards call to a modifier, so that it actually occurs _before the _withdraw__ instead of in beforeWithdraw. It also adds it to the other 4626 withdraw/redeem functions. Would appreciate feedback if you have any

Lambda (warden) commented:

The modifier is currently missing for mint and redeem, is that on purpose? Otherwise, it looks good to me

corddry (Frax) commented:

Whoops— nice catch, added here

[H-02] Frontrunning by malicious validator

Submitted by parashar

Frontrunning by malicious validator changing withdrawal credentials.

Proof of Concept

A malicious validator can frontrun depositEther transaction for its pubKey and deposit 1 ether for different withdrawal credential, thereby setting withdrawal credit before deposit of 32 ether by contract and thereby when 32 deposit ether are deposited, the withdrawal credential is also what was set before rather than the one being sent in depositEther transaction.

Set withdrawal credentials for validator by depositing 1 ether with desired withdrawal credentials, before adding it in Operator Registry.

FortisFortuna (Frax) commented:

Interesting point, but at the beginning, the only validators we will have will be Frax controlled.

0xean (judge) commented:

    function deposit(
        bytes calldata pubkey,
        bytes calldata withdrawal_credentials,
        bytes calldata signature,
        bytes32 deposit_data_root
    ) override external payable {
        // Extended ABI length checks since dynamic types are used.
        require(pubkey.length == 48, "DepositContract: invalid pubkey length");
        require(withdrawal_credentials.length == 32, "DepositContract: invalid withdrawal_credentials length");
        require(signature.length == 96, "DepositContract: invalid signature length");

        // Check deposit amount
        require(msg.value >= 1 ether, "DepositContract: deposit value too low");
        require(msg.value % 1 gwei == 0, "DepositContract: deposit value not multiple of gwei");
        uint deposit_amount = msg.value / 1 gwei;
        require(deposit_amount <= type(uint64).max, "DepositContract: deposit value too high");

        // Emit `DepositEvent` log
        bytes memory amount = to_little_endian_64(uint64(deposit_amount));
        emit DepositEvent(

        // Compute deposit data root (`DepositData` hash tree root)
        bytes32 pubkey_root = sha256(abi.encodePacked(pubkey, bytes16(0)));
        bytes32 signature_root = sha256(abi.encodePacked(
            sha256(abi.encodePacked(signature[64:], bytes32(0)))
        bytes32 node = sha256(abi.encodePacked(
            sha256(abi.encodePacked(pubkey_root, withdrawal_credentials)),
            sha256(abi.encodePacked(amount, bytes24(0), signature_root))

        // Verify computed and expected deposit data roots match
        require(node == deposit_data_root, "DepositContract: reconstructed DepositData does not match supplied deposit_data_root");

        // Avoid overflowing the Merkle tree (and prevent edge case in computing `branch`)
        require(deposit_count < MAX_DEPOSIT_COUNT, "DepositContract: merkle tree full");

        // Add deposit data root to Merkle tree (update a single `branch` node)
        deposit_count += 1;
        uint size = deposit_count;
        for (uint height = 0; height < DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_TREE_DEPTH; height++) {
            if ((size & 1) == 1) {
                branch[height] = node;
            node = sha256(abi.encodePacked(branch[height], node));
            size /= 2;
        // As the loop should always end prematurely with the `return` statement,
        // this code should be unreachable. We assert `false` just to be safe.

0xean (judge) commented:

It is unclear both in the code above for the deposit contract as well as the documentation on keys

How exactly multiple deposits two the same validator using different withdrawal keys would work. While it would make sense that they would allow a one to many mapping, I am unable to confirm or deny this and therefore will leave the risk currently as High on the side of caution.

Trust (warden) commented:

Strong find. Indeed in ETH specs we can see that in process_deposit(), if the pubkey is already registered, we just increase its balance, not touching the withdrawal_credentials. However the recommended mitigation does not really address the issue IMO, and the detail is quite lacking.

FortisFortuna (Frax) commented:

I think it is technically a non-issue because we will be controlling the addition/removal of validators. Should that eventually become open, we will have to look at the entire code from a different perspective to close security holes.

Trust (warden) commented:

I think it is relevant, because the idea is to make the protocol controlled validators work for the attacker, because they inserted their own withdrawal credentials directly on the deposit contract.

FortisFortuna (Frax) confirmed and commented:

Ohh I see it now. Good point.

More info

Since all of the validators are ours and we have the mnemonic, would it still be an issue though? Lido’s setup is different:

FortisFortuna (Frax) commented:
From @0xJM
In the scenario that someone frontruns us with a 1 ETH deposit at the same time we do a 32 ETH deposit, their 1 ETH deposit would fail on beaconchain because it would fail bls.Verify. The result would be them losing their 1 ETH.

Our 32 ETH would go through normally and the validator would activate

0xean (judge) commented:

@FortisFortuna - can you elaborate on why you believe that bls.Verify would fail?

if not bls.Verify(pubkey, signing_root,

FortisFortuna (Frax) commented:

From @0xJM

the signing root includes the deposit message which has the withdrawal credentials

hence bls.Verify would fail on Beaconchain as I mentioned

the consensus spec has that signingroot = computesigningroot(depositmessage, domain) which is verified against the signature.

0xean (judge) commented:

The signature would be valid. The validator would still sign the message containing the credentials that they are front running with.

FortisFortuna (Frax) commented:

From @denett
“The signature would be valid. The validator would still sign the message containing the credentials that they are front running with.” Only the validator can create a valid signature and we own the key to the validator.

0xean (judge) commented:

Yea, so this is the root of it, the contest does not specify that Frax is the owner of all validators that are meant to be used with this protocol. Without stating that ahead of time for the Wardens to understand, I believe this to be a valid finding and the warden should be awarded.

FortisFortuna (Frax) commented:

Ok. So in our current setup, assuming Frax owns all validators, we are safe?

0xean (judge) commented:

:) I cannot guarantee anything in DeFi is safe. My understanding of this particular vulnerability is that it would require a validator to act maliciously by using a smaller than 32 ETH deposit to front run your deposit and enable them to control the withdrawal in the future. If the validator is owned by your team and the keys are never exploited, then I don’t see how the front ran signature could be generated.

FortisFortuna (Frax) commented:

Ya, I hear you lol. At least for this particular scenario we are ok then, according to the known bug. We can pay out for the bug because none of our team were aware of it and it is good to know for the future.

Medium Risk Findings (10)

[M-01] Centralization risk: admin have privileges: admin can set address to mint any amount of frxETH, can set any address as validator, and change important state in frxETHMinter and withdraw fund from frcETHMinter

Submitted by ladboy233, also found by 0xSmartContract, 8olidity, ayeslick, Aymen0909, cccz, Chom, csanuragjain, IllIllI, joestakey, neko_nyaa, OptimismSec, PaludoX0, pashov, peritoflores, rbserver, rvierdiiev, and TomJ


Admin have privileges: admin can set address to mint any amount of frxETH, can set any address as validator, and change important state in frxETHMinter and withdraw fund from frcETHMinter.

Note the modifier below, either the timelock governance contract or the contract owner can access to all the high privilege function.

    modifier onlyByOwnGov() {
        require(msg.sender == timelock_address || msg.sender == owner, "Not owner or timelock");

There are numerous methods that the admin could apply to rug pull the protocol and take all user funds.

The admin can

add or remove validator from OperatorRegistry.sol

set minter address or remove minter address in frxETH.sol

minter set by admin can mint or burn any amount of frxETH token.

set ETE deduction ratio, withdraw any amount of ETH or ERC20 token in frcETHMinter.sol

Tools Used


Without significant redesign it is not possible to avoid the admin being able to rug pull the protocol.

As a result the recommendation is to set all admin functions behind either a timelocked DAO or at least a timelocked multisig contract.

FortisFortuna (Frax) commented:

We are well aware of the permission structure. The owner will most likely be a large multisig. We mentioned the Frax Multisig in the scope too.

0xean (judge) commented:

Going to use this issue as the canonical issue for all “malicious owner” type reports. The protocol does have some serious “trust” in the administrator and the highlighted issues are important for end users to understand and should be part of the report.

[M-02] Rewards delay release could cause yields steal and loss

Submitted by __141345__, also found by Bahurum, Ch_301, Chom, datapunk, Respx, ronnyx2017, and Trust

In the current rewards accounting, vault shares in deposit() and redeem() can not correctly record the spot yields generated by the staked asset. Yields are released over the next rewards cycle. As a result, malicious users can steal yields from innocent users by picking special timing to deposit() and redeem().

Proof of Concept

In syncRewards(), the current asset balance is broken into 2 parts: storedTotalAssets and lastRewardAmount/nextRewards. The lastRewardAmount is the surplus balance of the asset, or the most recent yields.

// lib/ERC4626/src/xERC4626.sol
    function syncRewards() public virtual {
        // ...

        uint256 nextRewards = asset.balanceOf(address(this)) - storedTotalAssets_ - lastRewardAmount_;

        storedTotalAssets = storedTotalAssets_ + lastRewardAmount_;

        uint32 end = ((timestamp + rewardsCycleLength) / rewardsCycleLength) * rewardsCycleLength;

        lastRewardAmount = nextRewards.safeCastTo192();
        // ...        
        rewardsCycleEnd = end;

And in the next rewards cycle, lastRewardAmount will be linearly added to storedTotalAssets, their sum is the return value of totalAssets():

    function totalAssets() public view override returns (uint256) {
        // ...

        if (block.timestamp >= rewardsCycleEnd_) {
            // no rewards or rewards fully unlocked
            // entire reward amount is available
            return storedTotalAssets_ + lastRewardAmount_;

        // rewards not fully unlocked
        // add unlocked rewards to stored total
        uint256 unlockedRewards = (lastRewardAmount_ * (block.timestamp - lastSync_)) / (rewardsCycleEnd_ - lastSync_);
        return storedTotalAssets_ + unlockedRewards;

totalAssets() will be referred when deposit() and redeem().

// lib/solmate/src/mixins/ERC4626.sol

    function deposit(uint256 assets, address receiver) public virtual returns (uint256 shares) {
        require((shares = previewDeposit(assets)) != 0, "ZERO_SHARES");
        // ...
        _mint(receiver, shares);
        // ...

    function redeem() public virtual returns (uint256 assets) {
        // ...
        require((assets = previewRedeem(shares)) != 0, "ZERO_ASSETS");

        beforeWithdraw(assets, shares);

        _burn(owner, shares);

        // ...

        asset.safeTransfer(receiver, assets);

    function previewDeposit(uint256 assets) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
        return convertToShares(assets);

    function previewRedeem(uint256 shares) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
        return convertToAssets(shares);

    function convertToShares(uint256 assets) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
        uint256 supply = totalSupply; 

        return supply == 0 ? assets : assets.mulDivDown(supply, totalAssets());

    function convertToAssets(uint256 shares) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
        uint256 supply = totalSupply; 

        return supply == 0 ? shares : shares.mulDivDown(totalAssets(), supply);

Based on the above rules, there are 2 potential abuse cases:

  1. If withdraw just after the rewardsCycleEnd timestamp, a user can not get the yields from last rewards cycle. Since the totalAssets() only contain storedTotalAssets but not the yields part. It takes 1 rewards cycle to linearly add to the storedTotalAssets.

Assume per 10,000 asset staking generate yields of 70 for 7 days, and the reward cycle is 1 day. A malicious user Alice can do the following:

  • Watch the mempool for withdraw(10,000) from account Bob, front run it with syncRewards(), so that the most recent yields of amount 70 from Bob will stay in the vault.
  • Alice will also deposit a 10,000 to take as much shares as possible.
  • After 1 rewards cycle of 1 day, redeem() to take the yields of 70.

Effectively steal the yields from Bob. The profit for Alice is not 70, because after 1 day, her own deposit also generates some yield, in this example this portion is 1. At the end, Alice steal yield of amount 60.

  1. When the Multisig Treasury transfers new yields into the vault, the new yields will accumulate until syncRewards() is called. It is possible that yields from multiple rewards cycles accumulates, and being released in the next cycle.

Knowing that the yields has been accumulated for 3 rewards cycles, a malicious user can deposit() and call syncRewards() to trigger the release of the rewards. redeem() after 1 cycle.

Here the malicious user gets yields of 3 cycles, lose 1 in the waiting cycle. The net profit is 2 cycle yields, and the gained yields should belong to the other users in the vault.

  • For the lastRewardAmount not released, allow the users to redeem as it is linearly released later.
  • For the accumulated yields, only allow users to redeem the yields received after 1 rewards cycle after the deposit.

FortisFortuna (Frax) confirmed, but disagreed with severity and commented:

From @denett
syncRewards should be called by us at the beginning of each period, or we need to automatically call it before deposits/withdrawals.

0xean (judge) commented:

All of the duplicated issues reference a scenario where syncRewards isn’t called at the appropriate time leading to the ability for users to steal yield from other users in some fashion. So while they are slightly different I do think grouping them together makes sense as the underlying root cause is the same.

Medium seems like the appropriate severity for this, as its requires some external factors and doesn’t result in principal being lost, only yield.

[M-03] frxETH can be depegged due to ETH staking balance slashing

Submitted by ladboy233, also found by __141345__

The main risk in ETH 2.0 POS staking is the slashing penalty, in that case the frxETH will not be pegged and the validator cannot maintain a minimum 32 ETH staking balance.

We recommend the protocol to add mechanism to ensure the frxETH is pegged via burning if case the ETH got slashed.

And consider when the node does not maintain a minimum 32 ETH staking balance, who is in charge of adding the ETH balance to increase the staking balance or withdraw the ETH and distribute the fund.

FortisFortuna (Frax) commented:

We as the team can either choose to subsidize this, or let it float. ETH 2.0 does not allow unstaking yet. When it eventually does, we will redeploy this minting contract with updated logic that may be helpful.

0xean (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

I think this is valid but should be downgraded to Medium. Users should be aware that there is no mechanism built in to deal with slashing and that the asset backed guarantee isn’t without some (perhaps negligible) risk of slashing.

[M-04] removeValidator() and removeMinter() may fail due to exceeding gas limit

Submitted by oyc_109, also found by 0x4non, Chom, ladboy233, Lambda, lukris02, pashov, Respx, and V_B

Vulnerability Details

removeValidator() and removeMinter() may fail due to exceeding gas limit

            for (uint256 i = 0; i < original_validators.length; ++i) {
                if (i != remove_idx) {

        for (uint i = 0; i < minters_array.length; i++){ 
            if (minters_array[i] == minter_address) {
                minters_array[i] = address(0); // This will leave a null in the array and keep the indices the same

The removeValidator() is used to remove a validator from the array validators.

There is an unbounded loop in removeValidator() such that if the validators array gets sufficiently large, this function call will fail due to exceeding the gas limit.

The same issue exists in the removeMinter() function. If minters_array gets large, the function call will fail.

FortisFortuna (Frax) commented:

Technically correct, but in practice, the number of minters will always remain low. If it becomes an issue, we can designate one minter as a “pre-minter” that has a batch of tokens minted to it beforehand, then auxiliary contracts can connect to that instead of ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol instead.

0xean (judge) commented:

I think Medium is appropriate here, given this could impact the functionality of the protocol.

Trust (warden) commented:

Wouldn’t call this a risk to the functionality of the protocol, because sender can always send enough gas, and validator array gets truncated every time on is popped for use.

Unbounded for-loops should be handled with care but not sure a realistic impact can be demonstrated here to qualify for Medium.

[M-05] frxETHMinter.depositEther may run out of gas, leading to lost ETH

Submitted by Lambda, also found by 0x52, Bahurum, Bnke0x0, KIntern_NA, lukris02, rbserver, Respx, rotcivegaf, Soosh, TomJ, Trust, V_B, and yixxas

frxETHMinter.depositEther always iterates over all deposits that are possible with the current balance ((address(this).balance - currentWithheldETH) / DEPOSIT_SIZE). However, when a lot of ETH was deposited into the contract / it was not called in a long time, this loop can reach the gas limit. When this happens, no more calls to depositEther are possible, as it will always run out of gas.

Of course, the probability that such a situation arises depends on the price of ETH. For >1,000 USD it would require someone to deposit a large amount of money (which can also happen, there are whales with thousands of ETH, so if one of them would decide to use frxETH, the problem can arise). For lower prices, it can happen even for small (in dollar terms) deposits. And in general, the correct functionality of a protocol should not depend on the price of ETH.

Proof Of Concept

Jerome Powell continues to raise interest rates, he just announced the next rate hike to 450%. The crypto market crashes, ETH is at 1 USD. Bob buys 100,000 ETH for 100,000 USD and deposits them into frxETHMinter. Because of this deposit, numDeposit within depositEther is equal to 3125. Therefore, every call to the function runs out of gas and it is not possible to deposit this ETH into the deposit contract.

It should be possible to specify an upper limit for the number of deposits such that progress is possible, even when a lot of ETH was deposited into the contract.

FortisFortuna (Frax) confirmed, but decreased severity to Low and commented:

Adding a maxLoops parameter or similar can help mitigate this for sure.

0xean (judge) increased severity to Medium and commented:

Warden(s) fail to demonstrate how this leads to a loss of funds which would be required for High Severity. This does however lead directly to emergency failover’s having to be called to remove the now stuck ETH, and ultimately impairs the functionality and availability of the protocol, so Medium severity is appropriate.

[M-06] frxETHMinter: Non-conforming ERC20 tokens not recoverable

Submitted by Lambda, also found by 0x1f8b, 0x5rings, 0xSky, 0xSmartContract, 8olidity, brgltd, Chom, CodingNameKiki, hansfriese, IllIllI, m9800, magu, pashov, pedroais, peritoflores, prasantgupta52, rokinot, Ruhum, seyni, and Sm4rty

There is a function recoverERC20 to rescue any ERC20 tokens that were accidentally sent to the contract. However, there are tokens that do not return a value on success, which will cause the call to revert, even when the transfer would have been successful. This means that those tokens will be stuck forever and not be recoverable.

Proof Of Concept

Someone accidentally transfers USDT, one of the most commonly used ERC20 tokens, to the contract. Because USDT’s transfer does not return a boolean, it will not be possible to recover those tokens and they will be stuck forever.

Use OpenZeppelin’s safeTransfer.

FortisFortuna (Frax) commented:

Not really medium risk. Technically you could use safeTransfer, but if someone were to accidentally send something to this contract, it would most likely be either ETH, FRAX, frxETH, or sfrxETH, all of which are transfer compliant.

0xean (judge) commented:

I think this qualifies as a Medium risk. Sponsor has created functionality to recover ERC20 tokens. Wardens have shown a path to which this functionality does not work correctly.

2 — Med: Assets not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted, or leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements.

[M-07] getNextValidator() error could temporarily make depositEther() inoperable

Submitted by __141345__

When depositEther(), if 1 validators is used before, the whole deposit function will revert, causing DoS. depositEther() function will be inoperable until the gov manually removes the mistaken validator.

Proof of Concept

In depositEther(), if the pubKey is already used, the whole loop will revert, and the deposit operation cannot move on.

// src/frxETHMinter.sol
    function depositEther() external nonReentrant {
        // ...

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < numDeposits; ++i) {
            // Get validator information
                bytes memory pubKey,
                bytes memory withdrawalCredential,
                bytes memory signature,
                bytes32 depositDataRoot
            ) = getNextValidator(); // Will revert if there are not enough free validators

            // Make sure the validator hasn't been deposited into already, to prevent stranding an extra 32 eth
            // until withdrawals are allowed
            require(!activeValidators[pubKey], "Validator already has 32 ETH");
        // ...        

And in the next rewards cycle, lastRewardAmount will be linearly added to storedTotalAssets, their sum is the return value of totalAssets():

    function totalAssets() public view override returns (uint256) {
        // ...

        if (block.timestamp >= rewardsCycleEnd_) {
            // no rewards or rewards fully unlocked
            // entire reward amount is available
            return storedTotalAssets_ + lastRewardAmount_;

        // rewards not fully unlocked
        // add unlocked rewards to stored total
        uint256 unlockedRewards = (lastRewardAmount_ * (block.timestamp - lastSync_)) / (rewardsCycleEnd_ - lastSync_);
        return storedTotalAssets_ + unlockedRewards;

Temporarily the depositEther() function will be inaccessible. Until the governance calls the registry to pop the wrong validator.

// src/OperatorRegistry.sol
    function popValidators(uint256 times) public onlyByOwnGov {
        // Loop through and remove validator entries at the end
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < times; ++i) {

        emit ValidatorsPopped(times);

Use try/catch to skip the wrong validator, then the deposit function will be more robust to unexpected situations.

FortisFortuna (Frax) commented:

We plan to keep an eye on the number of free validators and have a decent sized buffer of them.

0xean (judge) commented:

Awarding as Medium, given that this can disable deposits, the registry should check against the mapping.

[M-08] Withheld ETH shoud not be sent back to the frxETHMinter contract itself

Submitted by ronnyx2017, also found by ayeslick and rvierdiiev


It will lead to duplicating accounting for the Eths which have been already converted to the frxETH tokens. It means Eth:frxEth will not be 1:1, and eventually leads to decoupling.

Proof of Concept

The function moveWithheldETH will send the amount of the Withheld ETH in the contract to the address to. It doesnt check if the to address is the frxETHMinter contract itself.

And the frxETHMinter has the receive function which will submit any eth received to the frxETH.

/// @notice Fallback to minting frxETH to the sender
    receive() external payable {

But these parts of Eths (WithheldETH) also have been converted to the frxETH normally when they were sent to the contract at the first time.

    function _submit(address recipient) internal nonReentrant {
        // Initial pause and value checks
        // Give the sender frxETH
        frxETHToken.minter_mint(recipient, msg.value);

So these Eths will be accounted, Twice, even more. It means Eth:frxEth will not be 1:1 anymore.

The function recoverEther has the same problem. Although these two functions can only be called by owner or DAO gov. It seriously affects financial stability.

Furthermore, due to the logic receive() -> submit(), any kind of transaction that withdraws ETH from the contract and then sends it back will cause the same problem.

A non-feedback paybale empty function that does not use _submit() should be added to receive special ETH without increasing the frxeth supply.

FortisFortuna (Frax) commented:

We are well aware of the permission structure. The owner will most likely be a large multisig. We mentioned the Frax Multisig in the scope too. If moving funds, it is assumed someone in the multisig would catch an invalid or malicious address.

0xean (judge) commented:

Wardens have demonstrated a mechanism which breaks core assumptions of the contract’s accounting. While I am usually very apprehensive to call input sanitization a M issue, a simple require statement here mitigates a risk of accidentally breaking a core tenet of the asset backed token.

Going to award this as Medium for now, may come back to it to revise later.

[M-09] recoverEther not updating currentWithheldETH breaks calculation of withheld amount for further deposits

Submitted by joestakey, also found by Chom

The emergency exit function recoverEther allows the owner to retrieve the ETH in case an issue were to happen.

The problem is that this function does not update currentWithheldETH.

This means upon deposit starting again after the emergency recovery, currentWithheldETH will have an offset and will not match the withholdRatio.

Direct consequences:

  • depositEther may not deposit the expected amount of ETH into the ETH 2.0 staking contract.
  • The amount of ETH moved to an external yield protocol using moveWithheldETH() will be higher than what it should be.

Proof Of Concept

  • frxETHMinter has a withholdRatio set to 2 * 1e5 - ie the contract is meant to hold 20% of the ETH deposited.
  • Users deposit ETH into the contract.
  • An issue happens and the owner calls recoverEther(address(this).balance). Before the call, the total balance was 1e20 (100 ETH), and currentWithheldETH == 2 * 1e19 - for simplicity we assume no calls to moveWithheldETH or depositEther have been done yet.
  • The ETH balance of the minter is now 0, but currentWithheldETH is still 2 * 1e19
  • Users start depositing again.
  • At this point, the total balance is now 1e20 (100 ETH), and currentWithheldETH == 4 * e19
  • The owner calling depositEther deposits 32 ether instead of 64 ether, because currentWithheldETH == 40 ether instead of 20 ether. The owner can also call moveWithheldETH with amount == 4 * 1e19 instead of amount == 2 * 1e19.

You can add the following Foundry test in frxETHMinter.t.sol to reproduce the issue:

  • First declare address Alice = address(1); before the setUp()
function testIssueRecoverEther() public {

        // Note the starting ETH balance of the comptroller
        uint256 starting_eth = FRAX_COMPTROLLER.balance;

        // Give Alice 200 eth, 200 ether);
        // Set the withhold ratio to 20% (2 * 1e5)


        //deposit 100 ETH
        minter.submit{ value: 100 ether }();

        // Recover all
        minter.recoverEther(100 ether);

        // Make sure the FRAX_COMPTROLLER got 100 ether back
        assertEq(FRAX_COMPTROLLER.balance, starting_eth + (100 ether));

        //check `currentWithheldETH`: it has not been reset and is still 20 ETH
        assertEq(minter.currentWithheldETH(), 20 ether);

        //deposit 100 ETH
        minter.submit{ value: 100 ether }();
        //check `currentWithheldETH`: because of the offset, it is now 40 ETH, ie 40% of the total ETH in the minter
        assertEq(minter.currentWithheldETH(), 40 ether);
        assertEq(address(minter).balance, 100 ether);

        //Owner can call moveWithheldETH, transferring more than 40% of the balance, while the withheld amount should be 20%
        minter.moveWithheldETH(payable(address(Alice)), 40 ether);
        assertEq(address(minter).balance, 60 ether);

Tools Used


Update currentWithheldETH in recoverEther :

+            currentWithheldETH = currentWithheldETH >= amount ? currentWithheldETH - amount : 0 ;
192:         (bool success,) = address(owner).call{ value: amount }("");
193:         require(success, "Invalid transfer");
195:         emit EmergencyEtherRecovered(amount);

FortisFortuna (Frax) commented:

withholdRatio is is not an iron rule and can be updated by the owner at will. recoverEther will likely only be used when we are migrating to a new minting contract, so the accounting in that case is no longer important.

0xean (judge) commented:

Issue 346 has some great suggestions in it on ensuring user safety in an emergency scenario and think that both of these issues do highlight a valid concern that ultimately could affect the protocol in an emergency scenario.

[M-10] sfrxETH: The volatile result of previewMint() may prevent mintWithSignature from working

Submitted by cccz, also found by rotcivegaf, Trust, and wagmi

In sfrxETH contracts, the result of previewMint() changes with the state of the contract, which causes the value of amount to be volatile in the mintWithSignature function when approveMax is false.

And when using the mintWithSignature function, which requires the user to sign for an accurate amount value, when the amount used differs from the result of previewMint(), mintWithSignature will not work.

Consider the following scenarios.

User A signs using amount = 1000 and calls the mintWithSignature function.

During execution, the previous transaction in the same block changes the state of the contract so that previewMint(shares) == 1001, so the transaction is reverted due to a signature check failure.

Proof of Concept

Consider that in the mintWithSignature function, the user provides a maxAmount, and then requires maxAmount >= previewMint(shares) and uses maxAmount to verify the signature.

FortisFortuna (Frax) acknowledged and commented:

Technically correct, though in practice, we will allow user-defined slippage on the UI.

0xean (judge) commented:

I don’t believe the UI will be able to assist with this issue unless modifications are made to the smart contracts. The signature will become invalidated due to the return value of previewMint() changing while the transaction is waiting to be included in a block.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this contest, 83 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by rotcivegaf received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: 0x1f8b, bytera, 0xNazgul, leosathya, gogo, Rolezn, neko_nyaa, IllIllI, brgltd, bobirichman, c3phas, CodingNameKiki, ajtra, 0x4non, Deivitto, 0xSmartContract, B2, delfin454000, lukris02, Aymen0909, cryptostellar5, rbserver, Bnke0x0, RockingMiles, Diana, Waze, oyc_109, cryptphi, __141345__, mics, tnevler, V_B, aysha, 0xf15ers, a12jmx, Triangle, ayeslick, csanuragjain, Funen, Trust, datapunk, Bahurum, joestakey, 8olidity, ladboy233, sikorico, slowmoses, asutorufos, sach1r0, TomJ, Soosh, JLevick, durianSausage, rokinot, JC, bbuddha, yasir, PaludoX0, peritoflores, yongskiws, obront, millersplanet, Lambda, OptimismSec, rvierdiiev, seyni, parashar, Yiko, Tointer, KIntern_NA, Tagir2003, jag, karanctf, exd0tpy, ronnyx2017, natzuu, 0x040, Sm4rty, ret2basic, got_targ, Ch_301, and bharg4v.

Low Risk Issues

Issue Instances
L‑01 Draft OpenZeppelin Dependencies 1
L‑02 Don’t use owner and timelock 2

Total: 3 instances over 2 issues

[L-01] Draft OpenZeppelin Dependencies

The ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol contract heredit from an OpenZeppelin contract who is still a draft and is not considered ready for mainnet use. OpenZeppelin contracts may be considered draft contracts if they have not received adequate security auditing or are liable to change with future development.


Ensure the development team is aware of the risks of using a draft contract or consider waiting until the contract is finalised.

Otherwise, make sure that development team are aware of the risks of using a draft OpenZeppelin contract and accept the risk-benefit trade-off.

Also could evaluate changing to the solmate contracts since his ERC20 implementation already has the EIP-2612 permit

File: /src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol

6 import "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/draft-ERC20Permit.sol";

[L-02] Don’t use owner and timelock

Using a timelock contract gives confidence to the user, but when check onlyByOwnGov allow the owner and the timelock The owner manipulates the contract without a lock time period.


  • Use only Owned permission
  • Remove the timelock_address
  • The owner should be the timelock contract
File: /src/frxETH.sol

38      address _timelock_address

40    ERC20PermitPermissionedMint(_creator_address, _timelock_address, "Frax Ether", "frxETH")
File: /src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol

 16    address public timelock_address;

 26        address _timelock_address,

 34      timelock_address = _timelock_address;

 41        require(msg.sender == timelock_address || msg.sender == owner, "Not owner or timelock");

 94    function setTimelock(address _timelock_address) public onlyByOwnGov {
 95        require(_timelock_address != address(0), "Zero address detected");
 96        timelock_address = _timelock_address;
 97        emit TimelockChanged(_timelock_address);
 98    }

106    event TimelockChanged(address timelock_address);
File: /src/frxETH.sol

38      address _timelock_address

40    ERC20PermitPermissionedMint(_creator_address, _timelock_address, "Frax Ether", "frxETH")
File: /src/OperatorRegistry.sol

 38    address public timelock_address;

 40    constructor(address _owner, address _timelock_address, bytes memory _withdrawal_pubkey) Owned(_owner) {
 41        timelock_address = _timelock_address;

 46        require(msg.sender == timelock_address || msg.sender == owner, "Not owner or timelock");

202    function setTimelock(address _timelock_address) external onlyByOwnGov {
203        require(_timelock_address != address(0), "Zero address detected");
204        timelock_address = _timelock_address;
205        emit TimelockChanged(_timelock_address);
206    }

208    event TimelockChanged(address timelock_address);
File: /src/frxETHMinter.sol

57        address _timelock_address,

59    ) OperatorRegistry(_owner, _timelock_address, _withdrawalCredential) {

Non-Critical Issues

Issue Instances
N‑01 Unused imports 2
N‑02 Non-library/interface files should use fixed compiler versions, not floating ones 6
N‑03 Lint 11
N‑04 Event is missing indexed fields 19
N‑05 Functions, parameters and variables in snake case 31
N‑06 Wrong event parameter name 2
N‑07 Simplify depositWithSignature function 1
N‑08 Missing zero address checks 9

Total: 81 instances over 8 issues

[N-01] Unused imports

File: /src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol

4 import "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";

5 import "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";

[N‑02] Non-library/interface files should use fixed compiler versions, not floating ones

File: /src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol

2 pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
File: /src/frxETH.sol

2 pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
File: /src/sfrxETH.sol

2 pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
File: /src/frxETHMinter.sol

2 pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
File: /src/OperatorRegistry.sol

2 pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
File: /src/xERC4626.sol

4 pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

[N‑03] Lint

Wrong indentation:

File: /src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol

30    ERC20(_name, _symbol)
31    ERC20Permit(_name)
32    Owned(_creator_address)
30        ERC20(_name, _symbol)
31        ERC20Permit(_name)
32        Owned(_creator_address)
File: /src/frxETH.sol

37      address _creator_address,
38      address _timelock_address
37        address _creator_address,
38        address _timelock_address

40    ERC20PermitPermissionedMint(_creator_address, _timelock_address, "Frax Ether", "frxETH")
40        ERC20PermitPermissionedMint(_creator_address, _timelock_address, "Frax Ether", "frxETH")

Don’t use extra parenthesis:

File: /src/sfrxETH.sol

70        return (deposit(assets, receiver));

86        return (mint(shares, receiver));

Missed space:

File: /src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol

84:56        for (uint i = 0; i < minters_array.length; i++){

Remove space:

File: /src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol

63 \n
File: /src/frxETH.sol

34 \n

42 \n
File: /src/sfrxETH.sol

88 \n
File: /src/OperatorRegistry.sol

29 \n

[N‑04] Event is missing indexed fields

Index event fields make the field more quickly accessible to off-chain tools that parse events. However, note that each index field costs extra gas during emission, so it’s not necessarily best to index the maximum allowed per event (three fields). Each event should use three indexed fields if there are three or more fields, and gas usage is not particularly of concern for the events in question. If there are fewer than three fields, all of the fields should be indexed.

File: /src/frxETHMinter.sol

205    event EmergencyEtherRecovered(uint256 amount);

206    event EmergencyERC20Recovered(address tokenAddress, uint256 tokenAmount);

207    event ETHSubmitted(address indexed sender, address indexed recipient, uint256 sent_amount, uint256 withheld_amt);

208    event DepositEtherPaused(bool new_status);

209    event DepositSent(bytes indexed pubKey, bytes withdrawalCredential);

210    event SubmitPaused(bool new_status);

211    event WithheldETHMoved(address indexed to, uint256 amount);

212    event WithholdRatioSet(uint256 newRatio);
File: /src/OperatorRegistry.sol

208    event TimelockChanged(address timelock_address);

209    event WithdrawalCredentialSet(bytes _withdrawalCredential);

210    event ValidatorAdded(bytes pubKey, bytes withdrawalCredential);

212    event ValidatorRemoved(bytes pubKey, uint256 remove_idx, bool dont_care_about_ordering);

213    event ValidatorsPopped(uint256 times);

214    event ValidatorsSwapped(bytes from_pubKey, bytes to_pubKey, uint256 from_idx, uint256 to_idx);
File: /src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol

102    event TokenMinterBurned(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);

103    event TokenMinterMinted(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);

104    event MinterAdded(address minter_address);

105    event MinterRemoved(address minter_address);

106    event TimelockChanged(address timelock_address);

[N-05] Functions, parameters and variables in snake case

Use camel case for all functions, parameters and variables and snake case for constants

File: /src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol

 16    address public timelock_address;

 19    address[] public minters_array; // Allowed to mint

 25        address _creator_address,

 26        address _timelock_address,

 53    function minter_burn_from(address b_address, uint256 b_amount) public onlyMinters {

 59    function minter_mint(address m_address, uint256 m_amount) public onlyMinters {

 65    function addMinter(address minter_address) public onlyByOwnGov {

 76    function removeMinter(address minter_address) public onlyByOwnGov {

 94    function setTimelock(address _timelock_address) public onlyByOwnGov {

104    event MinterAdded(address minter_address);

105    event MinterRemoved(address minter_address);

106    event TimelockChanged(address timelock_address);
File: /src/frxETH.sol

37      address _creator_address,

38      address _timelock_address
File: /src/frxETHMinter.sol

 57        address _timelock_address,

 78        uint256 sfrxeth_recieved = sfrxETHToken.deposit(msg.value, recipient);

 94        uint256 withheld_amt = 0;

208    event DepositEtherPaused(bool new_status);

210    event SubmitPaused(bool new_status);
File: /src/OperatorRegistry.sol

 37    bytes curr_withdrawal_pubkey; // Pubkey for ETH 2.0 withdrawal creds. If you change it, you must empty the validators array

 38    address public timelock_address;

 40    constructor(address _owner, address _timelock_address, bytes memory _withdrawal_pubkey) Owned(_owner) {

 69    function swapValidator(uint256 from_idx, uint256 to_idx) public onlyByOwnGov {

 93    function removeValidator(uint256 remove_idx, bool dont_care_about_ordering) public onlyByOwnGov {

 95        bytes memory removed_pubkey = validators[remove_idx].pubKey;

108            Validator[] memory original_validators = validators;

181    function setWithdrawalCredential(bytes memory _new_withdrawal_pubkey) external onlyByOwnGov {

202    function setTimelock(address _timelock_address) external onlyByOwnGov {

208    event TimelockChanged(address timelock_address);

212    event ValidatorRemoved(bytes pubKey, uint256 remove_idx, bool dont_care_about_ordering);

214    event ValidatorsSwapped(bytes from_pubKey, bytes to_pubKey, uint256 from_idx, uint256 to_idx);

[N-06] Wrong event parameter name

Replace to parameter of TokenMinterBurned event to minter Replace from parameter of TokenMinterMinted event to minter

File: /src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol

102    event TokenMinterBurned(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);
103    event TokenMinterMinted(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);

[N-07] Simplify depositWithSignature function

The parameter approveMax of depositWithSignature function could be removedready, the permit assets should be always equal to deposit assets

File: /src/sfrxETH.sol

    /// @notice Approve and deposit() in one transaction
    function depositWithSignature(
        uint256 assets,
        address receiver,
        uint256 deadline,
        uint8 v,
        bytes32 r,
        bytes32 s
    ) external nonReentrant returns (uint256 shares) {
        asset.permit(msg.sender, address(this), assets, deadline, v, r, s);
        return (deposit(assets, receiver));

[N-08] Missing zero address checks

File: /src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol

26        address _timelock_address,
File: /src/sfrxETH.sol

42    constructor(ERC20 _underlying, uint32 _rewardsCycleLength)
File: /src/frxETHMinter.sol

 53        address depositContractAddress,

 54        address frxETHAddress,

 55        address sfrxETHAddress,

 57        address _timelock_address,

 70    function submitAndDeposit(address recipient) external payable returns (uint256 shares) {

166    function moveWithheldETH(address payable to, uint256 amount) external onlyByOwnGov {
File: /src/OperatorRegistry.sol

/*_timelock_address parameter*/
40     constructor(address _owner, address _timelock_address, bytes memory _withdrawal_pubkey) Owned(_owner) {

Gas Optimizations

For this contest, 93 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by pfapostol received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: IllIllI, ReyAdmirado, ajtra, 0xSmartContract, JC, Rolezn, rotcivegaf, c3phas, oyc_109, Bnke0x0, __141345__, TomJ, ret2basic, Sm4rty, prasantgupta52, Aymen0909, Diana, cryptostellar5, SnowMan, ch0bu, gogo, B2, peanuts, Deivitto, medikko, 0x1f8b, zishansami, rbserver, Rohan16, erictee, durianSausage, d3e4, 0xNazgul, RockingMiles, karanctf, RaymondFam, 0xA5DF, brgltd, natzuu, 0x040, lukris02, tnevler, got_targ, Tomio, Amithuddar, Metatron, samruna, millersplanet, drdr, leosathya, Waze, bulej93, jag, Satyam_Sharma, slowmoses, ronnyx2017, Ocean_Sky, imare, JAGADESH, SooYa, V_B, Pheonix, neko_nyaa, sach1r0, delfin454000, 0x4non, Fitraldys, aysha, 0xsam, ladboy233, 0x5rings, fatherOfBlocks, Triangle, seyni, albincsergo, Tagir2003, bytera, beardofginger, PaludoX0, Ben, Chom, rokinot, Funen, CodingNameKiki, asutorufos, emrekocak, wagmi, dharma09, 0xmatt, mics, bobirichman, and cryptphi.

Gas Optimizations Summary

Gas savings are estimated using the gas report of existing FORGE_GAS_REPORT=true forge test --fork-url<API> tests (the sum of all deployment costs and the sum of the costs of calling methods) and may vary depending on the implementation of the fix.
Note: method call evaluations are volatile: ≈ ±500

Issue Instances Estimated gas(deployments) Estimated gas(avg method call) Estimated gas(min method call) Estimated gas(max method call)
G‑01 Deleting an array element can use a more efficient algorithm 1 23 830 271 820 5 298 538 343
G‑02 Use function instead of modifiers 4 177 805 -990 -389 1 902
G‑03 Use custom errors rather than revert()/require() strings to save gas 21 150 574 -123 -25 -184
G‑04 Using bools for storage incurs overhead 3 20 221 -990 266 -5 979
G‑05 Unchecking arithmetics operations that can’t underflow/overflow 7 18 621 503 227 829
G‑06 storage pointer to a structure is cheaper than copying each value of the structure into memory, same for array and mapping 1 8 208 -970 106 2 487
G‑07 x = x + y is more efficient, than x += y 4 5 007 87 82 101
G‑08 It costs more gas to initialize non-constant/non-immutable variables to zero than to let the default of zero be applied 2 4 415 0 0 0
G‑09 Don’t compare boolean expressions to boolean literals 3 3 006 -477 43 55
G‑10 State variables should be cached in stack variables rather than re-reading them from storage 1 400 511 -21 4 839
Overall Gas Savings 47 419 688(7,43%) 270 705(12,18%) 5 474(0,42%) 539 594(18,02%)

Total: 47 instances over 10 issues

[G-01] Deleting an array element can use a more efficient algorithm (1 instance)

  • Deployment. Gas Saved: 23 830
  • Minumal Method Call. Gas Saved: 5 298
  • Average Method Call. Gas Saved: 271 820
  • Maximum Method Call. Gas Saved: 538 343


diff --git a/src/OperatorRegistry.sol b/src/OperatorRegistry.sol
index f81094c..6732da9 100644
--- a/src/OperatorRegistry.sol
+++ b/src/OperatorRegistry.sol
@@ -104,18 +104,13 @@ contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
  104, 104:         }
  105, 105:         // More gassy, loop
  106, 106:         else {
- 107     :-            // Save the original validators
- 108     :-            Validator[] memory original_validators = validators;
- 109     :-
- 110     :-            // Clear the original validators list
- 111     :-            delete validators;
- 112     :-
- 113     :-            // Fill the new validators array with all except the value to remove
- 114     :-            for (uint256 i = 0; i < original_validators.length; ++i) {
- 115     :-                if (i != remove_idx) {
- 116     :-                    validators.push(original_validators[i]);
+      107:+            uint256 length = validators.length - 1;
+      108:+            unchecked {
+      109:+                for (uint256 i = remove_idx; i < length;++i) {
+      110:+                    validators[i] = validators[i + 1];
  117, 111:                 }
  118, 112:             }
+      113:+            validators.pop();
  119, 114:         }
  120, 115:
  121, 116:         emit ValidatorRemoved(removed_pubkey, remove_idx, dont_care_about_ordering);

[G-02] Use function instead of modifiers (4 instances)

  • Deployment. Gas Saved: 177 805
  • Minumal Method Call. Gas Saved: -389
  • Average Method Call. Gas Saved: -990
  • Maximum Method Call. Gas Saved: 1 902

src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol:40, 45

diff --git a/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol b/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol
index 3bed26d..78da7f1 100644
--- a/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol
+++ b/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol
@@ -37,32 +37,33 @@ contract ERC20PermitPermissionedMint is ERC20Permit, ERC20Burnable, Owned {
   37,  37:
   38,  38:     /* ========== MODIFIERS ========== */
   39,  39:
-  40     :-    modifier onlyByOwnGov() {
+       40:+    function onlyByOwnGov() private {
   41,  41:         require(msg.sender == timelock_address || msg.sender == owner, "Not owner or timelock");
-  42     :-        _;
   43,  42:     }
   44,  43:
-  45     :-    modifier onlyMinters() {
+       44:+    function onlyMinters() private {
   46,  45:        require(minters[msg.sender] == true, "Only minters");
-  47     :-        _;
   48,  46:     }
   49,  47:
   50,  48:     /* ========== RESTRICTED FUNCTIONS ========== */
   51,  49:
   52,  50:     // Used by minters when user redeems
-  53     :-    function minter_burn_from(address b_address, uint256 b_amount) public onlyMinters {
+       51:+    function minter_burn_from(address b_address, uint256 b_amount) public {
+       52:+        onlyMinters();
   54,  53:         super.burnFrom(b_address, b_amount);
   55,  54:         emit TokenMinterBurned(b_address, msg.sender, b_amount);
   56,  55:     }
   57,  56:
   58,  57:     // This function is what other minters will call to mint new tokens
-  59     :-    function minter_mint(address m_address, uint256 m_amount) public onlyMinters {
+       58:+    function minter_mint(address m_address, uint256 m_amount) public {
+       59:+        onlyMinters();
   60,  60:         super._mint(m_address, m_amount);
   61,  61:         emit TokenMinterMinted(msg.sender, m_address, m_amount);
   62,  62:     }
   63,  63:
   64,  64:     // Adds whitelisted minters
-  65     :-    function addMinter(address minter_address) public onlyByOwnGov {
+       65:+    function addMinter(address minter_address) public {
+       66:+        onlyByOwnGov();
   66,  67:         require(minter_address != address(0), "Zero address detected");
   67,  68:
   68,  69:         require(minters[minter_address] == false, "Address already exists");
@@ -73,7 +74,8 @@ contract ERC20PermitPermissionedMint is ERC20Permit, ERC20Burnable, Owned {
   73,  74:     }
   74,  75:
   75,  76:     // Remove a minter
-  76     :-    function removeMinter(address minter_address) public onlyByOwnGov {
+       77:+    function removeMinter(address minter_address) public {
+       78:+        onlyByOwnGov();
   77,  79:         require(minter_address != address(0), "Zero address detected");
   78,  80:         require(minters[minter_address] == true, "Address nonexistant");
   79,  81:
@@ -91,7 +93,8 @@ contract ERC20PermitPermissionedMint is ERC20Permit, ERC20Burnable, Owned {
   91,  93:         emit MinterRemoved(minter_address);
   92,  94:     }
   93,  95:
-  94     :-    function setTimelock(address _timelock_address) public onlyByOwnGov {
+       96:+    function setTimelock(address _timelock_address) public {
+       97:+        onlyByOwnGov();
   95,  98:         require(_timelock_address != address(0), "Zero address detected");
   96,  99:         timelock_address = _timelock_address;
   97, 100:         emit TimelockChanged(_timelock_address);


diff --git a/src/OperatorRegistry.sol b/src/OperatorRegistry.sol
index f81094c..fc5d16d 100644
--- a/src/OperatorRegistry.sol
+++ b/src/OperatorRegistry.sol
@@ -42,15 +42,15 @@ contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
   42,  42:         curr_withdrawal_pubkey = _withdrawal_pubkey;
   43,  43:     }
   44,  44:
-  45     :-    modifier onlyByOwnGov() {
+       45:+    function onlyByOwnGov() internal {
   46,  46:         require(msg.sender == timelock_address || msg.sender == owner, "Not owner or timelock");
-  47     :-        _;
   48,  47:     }
   49,  48:
   50,  49:     /// @notice Add a new validator
   51,  50:     /** @dev You should verify offchain that the validator is indeed valid before adding it
   52,  51:         Reason we don't do that here is for gas */
-  53     :-    function addValidator(Validator calldata validator) public onlyByOwnGov {
+       52:+    function addValidator(Validator calldata validator) public {
+       53:+        onlyByOwnGov();
   54,  54:         validators.push(validator);
   55,  55:         emit ValidatorAdded(validator.pubKey, curr_withdrawal_pubkey);
   56,  56:     }
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
   58,  58:     /// @notice Add multiple new validators in one function call
   59,  59:     /** @dev You should verify offchain that the validators are indeed valid before adding them
   60,  60:         Reason we don't do that here is for gas */
-  61     :-    function addValidators(Validator[] calldata validatorArray) external onlyByOwnGov {
+       61:+    function addValidators(Validator[] calldata validatorArray) external {
+       62:+        onlyByOwnGov();
   62,  63:         uint arrayLength = validatorArray.length;
   63,  64:         for (uint256 i = 0; i < arrayLength; ++i) {
   64,  65:             addValidator(validatorArray[i]);
@@ -66,7 +67,8 @@ contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
   66,  67:     }
   67,  68:
   68,  69:     /// @notice Swap the location of one validator with another
-  69     :-    function swapValidator(uint256 from_idx, uint256 to_idx) public onlyByOwnGov {
+       70:+    function swapValidator(uint256 from_idx, uint256 to_idx) public {
+       71:+        onlyByOwnGov();
   70,  72:         // Get the original values
   71,  73:         Validator memory fromVal = validators[from_idx];
   72,  74:         Validator memory toVal = validators[to_idx];
@@ -79,7 +81,8 @@ contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
   79,  81:     }
   80,  82:
   81,  83:     /// @notice Remove validators from the end of the validators array, in case they were added in error
-  82     :-    function popValidators(uint256 times) public onlyByOwnGov {
+       84:+    function popValidators(uint256 times) public {
+       85:+        onlyByOwnGov();
   83,  86:         // Loop through and remove validator entries at the end
   84,  87:         for (uint256 i = 0; i < times; ++i) {
   85,  88:             validators.pop();
@@ -90,7 +93,8 @@ contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
   90,  93:
   91,  94:     /** @notice Remove a validator from the array. If dont_care_about_ordering is true,
   92,  95:         a swap and pop will occur instead of a more gassy loop */
-  93     :-    function removeValidator(uint256 remove_idx, bool dont_care_about_ordering) public onlyByOwnGov {
+       96:+    function removeValidator(uint256 remove_idx, bool dont_care_about_ordering) public {
+       97:+        onlyByOwnGov();
   94,  98:         // Get the pubkey for the validator to remove (for informational purposes)
   95,  99:         bytes memory removed_pubkey = validators[remove_idx].pubKey;
   96, 100:
@@ -178,7 +182,8 @@ contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
  178, 182:
  179, 183:     /// @notice Requires empty validator stack as changing withdrawal creds invalidates signature
  180, 184:     /// @dev May need to call clearValidatorArray() first
- 181     :-    function setWithdrawalCredential(bytes memory _new_withdrawal_pubkey) external onlyByOwnGov {
+      185:+    function setWithdrawalCredential(bytes memory _new_withdrawal_pubkey) external {
+      186:+        onlyByOwnGov();
  182, 187:         require(numValidators() == 0, "Clear validator array first");
  183, 188:         curr_withdrawal_pubkey = _new_withdrawal_pubkey;
  184, 189:
@@ -187,7 +192,8 @@ contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
  187, 192:
  188, 193:     /// @notice Empties the validator array
  189, 194:     /// @dev Need to do this before setWithdrawalCredential()
- 190     :-    function clearValidatorArray() external onlyByOwnGov {
+      195:+    function clearValidatorArray() external {
+      196:+        onlyByOwnGov();
  191, 197:         delete validators;
  192, 198:
  193, 199:         emit ValidatorArrayCleared();
@@ -199,7 +205,8 @@ contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
  199, 205:     }
  200, 206:
  201, 207:     /// @notice Set the timelock contract
- 202     :-    function setTimelock(address _timelock_address) external onlyByOwnGov {
+      208:+    function setTimelock(address _timelock_address) external {
+      209:+        onlyByOwnGov();
  203, 210:         require(_timelock_address != address(0), "Zero address detected");
  204, 211:         timelock_address = _timelock_address;
  205, 212:         emit TimelockChanged(_timelock_address);
diff --git a/src/frxETHMinter.sol b/src/frxETHMinter.sol
index 4565883..2690157 100644
--- a/src/frxETHMinter.sol
+++ b/src/frxETHMinter.sol
@@ -156,14 +156,16 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
  156, 156:
  157, 157:     /// @param newRatio of ETH that is sent to deposit contract vs withheld, 1e6 precision
  158, 158:     /// @notice An input of 1e6 results in 100% of Eth deposited, 0% withheld
- 159     :-    function setWithholdRatio(uint256 newRatio) external onlyByOwnGov {
+      159:+    function setWithholdRatio(uint256 newRatio) external {
+      160:+        onlyByOwnGov();
  160, 161:         require (newRatio <= RATIO_PRECISION, "Ratio cannot surpass 100%");
  161, 162:         withholdRatio = newRatio;
  162, 163:         emit WithholdRatioSet(newRatio);
  163, 164:     }
  164, 165:
  165, 166:     /// @notice Give the withheld ETH to the "to" address
- 166     :-    function moveWithheldETH(address payable to, uint256 amount) external onlyByOwnGov {
+      167:+    function moveWithheldETH(address payable to, uint256 amount) external  {
+      168:+        onlyByOwnGov();
  167, 169:         require(amount <= currentWithheldETH, "Not enough withheld ETH in contract");
  168, 170:         currentWithheldETH -= amount;
  169, 171:
@@ -174,21 +176,24 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
  174, 176:     }
  175, 177:
  176, 178:     /// @notice Toggle allowing submites
- 177     :-    function togglePauseSubmits() external onlyByOwnGov {
+      179:+    function togglePauseSubmits() external  {
+      180:+        onlyByOwnGov();
  178, 181:         submitPaused = !submitPaused;
  179, 182:
  180, 183:         emit SubmitPaused(submitPaused);
  181, 184:     }
  182, 185:
  183, 186:     /// @notice Toggle allowing depositing ETH to validators
- 184     :-    function togglePauseDepositEther() external onlyByOwnGov {
+      187:+    function togglePauseDepositEther() external {
+      188:+        onlyByOwnGov();
  185, 189:         depositEtherPaused = !depositEtherPaused;
  186, 190:
  187, 191:         emit DepositEtherPaused(depositEtherPaused);
  188, 192:     }
  189, 193:
  190, 194:     /// @notice For emergencies if something gets stuck
- 191     :-    function recoverEther(uint256 amount) external onlyByOwnGov {
+      195:+    function recoverEther(uint256 amount) external {
+      196:+        onlyByOwnGov();
  192, 197:         (bool success,) = address(owner).call{ value: amount }("");
  193, 198:         require(success, "Invalid transfer");
  194, 199:
@@ -196,7 +201,8 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
  196, 201:     }
  197, 202:
  198, 203:     /// @notice For emergencies if someone accidentally sent some ERC20 tokens here
- 199     :-    function recoverERC20(address tokenAddress, uint256 tokenAmount) external onlyByOwnGov {
+      204:+    function recoverERC20(address tokenAddress, uint256 tokenAmount) external {
+      205:+        onlyByOwnGov();
  200, 206:         require(IERC20(tokenAddress).transfer(owner, tokenAmount), "recoverERC20: Transfer failed");
  201, 207:
  202, 208:         emit EmergencyERC20Recovered(tokenAddress, tokenAmount);

[G-03] Use custom errors rather than revert()/require() strings to save gas (21 instances)

  • Deployment. Gas Saved: 150 574
  • Minumal Method Call. Gas Saved: -25
  • Average Method Call. Gas Saved: -123
  • Maximum Method Call. Gas Saved: -184

Custom errors are available from solidity version 0.8.4. Custom errors save ~50 gas each time they’re hitby avoiding having to allocate and store the revert string. Not defining the strings also save deployment gas

src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol:41, 46, 66, 68, 77-78, 95

diff --git a/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol b/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol
index 3bed26d..758ca2a 100644
--- a/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol
+++ b/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol
@@ -7,6 +7,13 @@ import "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/draft-ERC20Permi
    7,   7: import "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/ERC20Burnable.sol";
    8,   8: import "../Utils/Owned.sol";
    9,   9:
+       10:+
+       11:+error ZeroAddressDectected();
+       12:+error AddresssNonExists();
+       13:+error AddressAlreadyExists();
+       14:+error OnlyMinters();
+       15:+error NotOwnerOrTimelock();
+       16:+
   10,  17: /// @title Parent contract for frxETH.sol
   11,  18: /** @notice Combines Openzeppelin's ERC20Permit and ERC20Burnable with Synthetix's Owned.
   12,  19:     Also includes a list of authorized minters */
@@ -38,12 +45,12 @@ contract ERC20PermitPermissionedMint is ERC20Permit, ERC20Burnable, Owned {
   38,  45:     /* ========== MODIFIERS ========== */
   39,  46:
   40,  47:     modifier onlyByOwnGov() {
-  41     :-        require(msg.sender == timelock_address || msg.sender == owner, "Not owner or timelock");
+       48:+        if(msg.sender != timelock_address && msg.sender != owner) revert NotOwnerOrTimelock();
   42,  49:         _;
   43,  50:     }
   44,  51:
   45,  52:     modifier onlyMinters() {
-  46     :-       require(minters[msg.sender] == true, "Only minters");
+       53:+       if(minters[msg.sender] != true) revert OnlyMinters();
   47,  54:         _;
   48,  55:     }
   49,  56:
@@ -63,9 +70,10 @@ contract ERC20PermitPermissionedMint is ERC20Permit, ERC20Burnable, Owned {
   63,  70:
   64,  71:     // Adds whitelisted minters
   65,  72:     function addMinter(address minter_address) public onlyByOwnGov {
-  66     :-        require(minter_address != address(0), "Zero address detected");
+       73:+        if(minter_address == address(0)) revert ZeroAddressDectected();
   67,  74:
-  68     :-        require(minters[minter_address] == false, "Address already exists");
+       75:+
+       76:+        if(minters[minter_address] != false) revert AddressAlreadyExists();
   69,  77:         minters[minter_address] = true;
   70,  78:         minters_array.push(minter_address);
   71,  79:
@@ -74,8 +82,8 @@ contract ERC20PermitPermissionedMint is ERC20Permit, ERC20Burnable, Owned {
   74,  82:
   75,  83:     // Remove a minter
   76,  84:     function removeMinter(address minter_address) public onlyByOwnGov {
-  77     :-        require(minter_address != address(0), "Zero address detected");
-  78     :-        require(minters[minter_address] == true, "Address nonexistant");
+       85:+        if(minter_address == address(0)) revert ZeroAddressDectected();
+       86:+        if(minters[minter_address] != true) revert AddresssNonExists();
   79,  87:
   80,  88:         // Delete from the mapping
   81,  89:         delete minters[minter_address];
@@ -92,7 +100,7 @@ contract ERC20PermitPermissionedMint is ERC20Permit, ERC20Burnable, Owned {
   92, 100:     }
   93, 101:
   94, 102:     function setTimelock(address _timelock_address) public onlyByOwnGov {
-  95     :-        require(_timelock_address != address(0), "Zero address detected");
+      103:+        if(_timelock_address == address(0)) revert ZeroAddressDectected();
   96, 104:         timelock_address = _timelock_address;
   97, 105:         emit TimelockChanged(_timelock_address);
   98, 106:     }

src/OperatorRegistry.sol:46, 137, 182, 203

diff --git a/src/OperatorRegistry.sol b/src/OperatorRegistry.sol
index f81094c..ac3b7a1 100644
--- a/src/OperatorRegistry.sol
+++ b/src/OperatorRegistry.sol
@@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
   23,  23:
   24,  24: import "./Utils/Owned.sol";
   25,  25:
+       26:+error NotOwnerOrTimelock();
+       27:+error ClearValidatorArrayFirst();
+       28:+error ZeroAddressDectected();
+       29:+error ValidatorStackEmpty();
+       30:+
+       31:+
   26,  32: /// @title Keeps track of validators used for ETH 2.0 staking
   27,  33: /// @notice A permissioned owner can add and removed them at will
   28,  34: contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
@@ -43,7 +49,7 @@ contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
   43,  49:     }
   44,  50:
   45,  51:     modifier onlyByOwnGov() {
-  46     :-        require(msg.sender == timelock_address || msg.sender == owner, "Not owner or timelock");
+       52:+        if(msg.sender != timelock_address && msg.sender != owner) revert NotOwnerOrTimelock();
   47,  53:         _;
   48,  54:     }
   49,  55:
@@ -134,7 +140,7 @@ contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
  134, 140:     {
  135, 141:         // Make sure there are free validators available
  136, 142:         uint numVals = numValidators();
- 137     :-        require(numVals != 0, "Validator stack is empty");
+      143:+        if(numVals == 0) revert ValidatorStackEmpty();
  138, 144:
  139, 145:         // Pop the last validator off the array
  140, 146:         Validator memory popped = validators[numVals - 1];
@@ -179,7 +185,7 @@ contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
  179, 185:     /// @notice Requires empty validator stack as changing withdrawal creds invalidates signature
  180, 186:     /// @dev May need to call clearValidatorArray() first
  181, 187:     function setWithdrawalCredential(bytes memory _new_withdrawal_pubkey) external onlyByOwnGov {
- 182     :-        require(numValidators() == 0, "Clear validator array first");
+      188:+        if(numValidators() != 0) revert ClearValidatorArrayFirst();
  183, 189:         curr_withdrawal_pubkey = _new_withdrawal_pubkey;
  184, 190:
  185, 191:         emit WithdrawalCredentialSet(_new_withdrawal_pubkey);
@@ -200,7 +206,7 @@ contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
  200, 206:
  201, 207:     /// @notice Set the timelock contract
  202, 208:     function setTimelock(address _timelock_address) external onlyByOwnGov {
- 203     :-        require(_timelock_address != address(0), "Zero address detected");
+      209:+        if(_timelock_address == address(0)) revert ZeroAddressDectected();
  204, 210:         timelock_address = _timelock_address;
  205, 211:         emit TimelockChanged(_timelock_address);
  206, 212:     }

src/frxETHMinter.sol:79, 87-88, 122, 126, 140, 167, 171, 193, 200

diff --git a/src/frxETHMinter.sol b/src/frxETHMinter.sol
index 4565883..f3b5abe 100644
--- a/src/frxETHMinter.sol
+++ b/src/frxETHMinter.sol
@@ -29,6 +29,17 @@ import "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
   29,  29: import { IDepositContract } from "./DepositContract.sol";
   30,  30: import "./OperatorRegistry.sol";
   31,  31:
+       32:+error InvalidTransferERC20();
+       33:+error InvalidTransfer();
+       34:+error NotEnoughWithgeld();
+       35:+error AlreadyDeposited();
+       36:+error NotEnoughETH();
+       37:+error DepositPaused();
+       38:+error CannotSubmitZero();
+       39:+error NoSfrxETHReturned();
+       40:+error SubmitIsPaused();
+       41:+
+       42:+
   32,  43: /// @title Authorized minter contract for frxETH
   33,  44: /// @notice Accepts user-supplied ETH and converts it to frxETH (submit()), and also optionally inline stakes it for sfrxETH (submitAndDeposit())
   34,  45: /** @dev Has permission to mint frxETH.
@@ -76,7 +87,7 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
   76,  87:
   77,  88:         // Deposit the frxETH and give the generated sfrxETH to the final recipient
   78,  89:         uint256 sfrxeth_recieved = sfrxETHToken.deposit(msg.value, recipient);
-  79     :-        require(sfrxeth_recieved > 0, 'No sfrxETH was returned');
+       90:+        if(sfrxeth_recieved == 0) revert NoSfrxETHReturned();
   80,  91:
   81,  92:         return sfrxeth_recieved;
   82,  93:     }
@@ -84,8 +95,8 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
   84,  95:     /// @notice Mint frxETH to the recipient using sender's funds. Internal portion
   85,  96:     function _submit(address recipient) internal nonReentrant {
   86,  97:         // Initial pause and value checks
-  87     :-        require(!submitPaused, "Submit is paused");
-  88     :-        require(msg.value != 0, "Cannot submit 0");
+       98:+        if(submitPaused) revert SubmitIsPaused();
+       99:+        if(msg.value == 0) revert CannotSubmitZero();
   89, 100:
   90, 101:         // Give the sender frxETH
   91, 102:         frxETHToken.minter_mint(recipient, msg.value);
@@ -119,11 +130,11 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
  119, 130:     /// @dev Usually a bot will call this periodically
  120, 131:     function depositEther() external nonReentrant {
  121, 132:         // Initial pause check
- 122     :-        require(!depositEtherPaused, "Depositing ETH is paused");
+      133:+        if(depositEtherPaused) revert DepositPaused();
  123, 134:
  124, 135:         // See how many deposits can be made. Truncation desired.
  125, 136:         uint256 numDeposits = (address(this).balance - currentWithheldETH) / DEPOSIT_SIZE;
- 126     :-        require(numDeposits > 0, "Not enough ETH in contract");
+      137:+        if(numDeposits == 0) revert NotEnoughETH();
  127, 138:
  128, 139:         // Give each deposit chunk to an empty validator
  129, 140:         for (uint256 i = 0; i < numDeposits; ++i) {
@@ -137,7 +148,7 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
  137, 148:
  138, 149:             // Make sure the validator hasn't been deposited into already, to prevent stranding an extra 32 eth
  139, 150:             // until withdrawals are allowed
- 140     :-            require(!activeValidators[pubKey], "Validator already has 32 ETH");
+      151:+            if(activeValidators[pubKey]) revert AlreadyDeposited();
  141, 152:
  142, 153:             // Deposit the ether in the ETH 2.0 deposit contract
  143, 154:             depositContract.deposit{value: DEPOSIT_SIZE}(
@@ -164,11 +175,11 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
  164, 175:
  165, 176:     /// @notice Give the withheld ETH to the "to" address
  166, 177:     function moveWithheldETH(address payable to, uint256 amount) external onlyByOwnGov {
- 167     :-        require(amount <= currentWithheldETH, "Not enough withheld ETH in contract");
+      178:+        if(amount > currentWithheldETH) revert NotEnoughWithgeld();
  168, 179:         currentWithheldETH -= amount;
  169, 180:
  170, 181:         (bool success,) = payable(to).call{ value: amount }("");
- 171     :-        require(success, "Invalid transfer");
+      182:+        if(!success) revert InvalidTransfer();
  172, 183:
  173, 184:         emit WithheldETHMoved(to, amount);
  174, 185:     }
@@ -190,14 +201,14 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
  190, 201:     /// @notice For emergencies if something gets stuck
  191, 202:     function recoverEther(uint256 amount) external onlyByOwnGov {
  192, 203:         (bool success,) = address(owner).call{ value: amount }("");
- 193     :-        require(success, "Invalid transfer");
+      204:+        if(!success) revert InvalidTransfer();
  194, 205:
  195, 206:         emit EmergencyEtherRecovered(amount);
  196, 207:     }
  197, 208:
  198, 209:     /// @notice For emergencies if someone accidentally sent some ERC20 tokens here
  199, 210:     function recoverERC20(address tokenAddress, uint256 tokenAmount) external onlyByOwnGov {
- 200     :-        require(IERC20(tokenAddress).transfer(owner, tokenAmount), "recoverERC20: Transfer failed");
+      211:+        if(!IERC20(tokenAddress).transfer(owner, tokenAmount)) revert InvalidTransferERC20();
  201, 212:
  202, 213:         emit EmergencyERC20Recovered(tokenAddress, tokenAmount);
  203, 214:     }


diff --git a/test/frxETHMinter.t.sol b/test/frxETHMinter.t.sol
index f4d6265..9529428 100644
--- a/test/frxETHMinter.t.sol
+++ b/test/frxETHMinter.t.sol
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
    3,   3:
    4,   4: import { Test } from "forge-std/Test.sol";
    5,   5: import { DepositContract } from "../src/DepositContract.sol";
-   6     :-import { frxETHMinter, OperatorRegistry } from "../src/frxETHMinter.sol";
+        6:+import { frxETHMinter, OperatorRegistry, NotEnoughETH, SubmitIsPaused, DepositPaused, ValidatorStackEmpty } from "../src/frxETHMinter.sol";
    7,   7: import { frxETH } from "../src/frxETH.sol";
    8,   8: import { sfrxETH, ERC20 } from "../src/sfrxETH.sol";
    9,   9:
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ contract frxETHMinterTest is Test {
  223, 223:
  224, 224:         // Try having the validator deposit.
  225, 225:         // Should fail due to lack of ETH
- 226     :-        vm.expectRevert("Not enough ETH in contract");
+      226:+        vm.expectRevert(NotEnoughETH.selector);
  227, 227:         minter.depositEther();
  228, 228:
  229, 229:         // Deposit last 1 ETH for frxETH, making the total 32.
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ contract frxETHMinterTest is Test {
  239, 239:
  240, 240:         // Try having the validator deposit another 32 ETH.
  241, 241:         // Should fail due to lack of ETH
- 242     :-        vm.expectRevert("Not enough ETH in contract");
+      242:+        vm.expectRevert(NotEnoughETH.selector);
  243, 243:         minter.depositEther();
  244, 244:
  245, 245:         // Deposit 32 ETH for frxETH
@@ -247,14 +247,14 @@ contract frxETHMinterTest is Test {
  247, 247:
  248, 248:         // Try having the validator deposit another 32 ETH.
  249, 249:         // Should fail due to lack of a free validator
- 250     :-        vm.expectRevert("Validator stack is empty");
+      250:+        vm.expectRevert(ValidatorStackEmpty.selector);
  251, 251:         minter.depositEther();
  252, 252:
  253, 253:         // Pause submits
  254, 254:         minter.togglePauseSubmits();
  255, 255:
  256, 256:         // Try submitting while paused (should fail)
- 257     :-        vm.expectRevert("Submit is paused");
+      257:+        vm.expectRevert(SubmitIsPaused.selector);
  258, 258:         minter.submit{ value: 1 ether }();
  259, 259:
  260, 260:         // Unpause submits
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ contract frxETHMinterTest is Test {
  264, 264:         minter.togglePauseDepositEther();
  265, 265:
  266, 266:         // Try submitting while paused (should fail)
- 267     :-        vm.expectRevert("Depositing ETH is paused");
+      267:+        vm.expectRevert(DepositPaused.selector);
  268, 268:         minter.depositEther();
  269, 269:
  270, 270:         // Unpause validator ETH deposits
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ contract frxETHMinterTest is Test {
  303, 303:
  304, 304:         // Try having the validator deposit.
  305, 305:         // Should fail due to lack of ETH because half of it was withheld
- 306     :-        vm.expectRevert("Not enough ETH in contract");
+      306:+        vm.expectRevert(NotEnoughETH.selector);
  307, 307:         minter.depositEther();
  308, 308:
  309, 309:         // Deposit another 32 ETH for frxETH.


diff --git a/test/frxETH_sfrxETH_combo.t.sol b/test/frxETH_sfrxETH_combo.t.sol
index 5fd1612..be1236c 100644
--- a/test/frxETH_sfrxETH_combo.t.sol
+++ b/test/frxETH_sfrxETH_combo.t.sol
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
    5,   5: import { Test } from "forge-std/Test.sol";
    6,   6: import { frxETH } from "../src/frxETH.sol";
    7,   7: import { sfrxETH, ERC20 } from "../src/sfrxETH.sol";
-   8     :-import { frxETHMinter } from "../src/frxETHMinter.sol";
+        8:+import { frxETHMinter, NotEnoughETH, CannotSubmitZero } from "../src/frxETHMinter.sol";
    9,   9: import { SigUtils } from "../src/Utils/SigUtils.sol";
   10,  10:
   11,  11: contract xERC4626Test is Test {
@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ contract xERC4626Test is Test {
  822, 822:         if (transfer_amount > 0) require(owner.balance > 0, "No ether. Fork mainnet or get some.");
  823, 823:
  824, 824:         vm.prank(owner);
- 825     :-        if (transfer_amount == 0) vm.expectRevert("Cannot submit 0");
+      825:+        if (transfer_amount == 0) vm.expectRevert(CannotSubmitZero.selector);
  826, 826:         frxETHMinterContract.submitAndDeposit{ value: transfer_amount }(owner);
  827, 827:
  828, 828:         assertEq(frxETHtoken.balanceOf(owner), 0); // From original mint

[G-04] Using bools for storage incurs overhead (3 instances)

  • Deployment. Gas Saved: 20 221
  • Minumal Method Call. Gas Saved: 266
  • Average Method Call. Gas Saved: -990
  • Maximum Method Call. Gas Saved: -5 979
// Booleans are more expensive than uint256 or any type that takes up a full
// word because each write operation emits an extra SLOAD to first read the
// slot's contents, replace the bits taken up by the boolean, and then write
// back. This is the compiler's defense against contract upgrades and
// pointer aliasing, and it cannot be disabled.

Use uint256(1) and uint256(2) for true/false to avoid a Gwarmaccess (100 gas) for the extra SLOAD, and to avoid Gsset (20000 gas) when changing from ‘false’ to ‘true’, after having been ‘true’ in the past


diff --git a/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol b/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol
index 3bed26d..a5d0aab 100644
--- a/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol
+++ b/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ contract ERC20PermitPermissionedMint is ERC20Permit, ERC20Burnable, Owned {
   17,  17:
   18,  18:     // Minters
   19,  19:     address[] public minters_array; // Allowed to mint
-  20     :-    mapping(address => bool) public minters; // Mapping is also used for faster verification
+       20:+    mapping(address => uint256) public minters; // Mapping is also used for faster verification
   21,  21:
   22,  22:     /* ========== CONSTRUCTOR ========== */
   23,  23:
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ contract ERC20PermitPermissionedMint is ERC20Permit, ERC20Burnable, Owned {
   43,  43:     }
   44,  44:
   45,  45:     modifier onlyMinters() {
-  46     :-       require(minters[msg.sender] == true, "Only minters");
+       46:+       require(minters[msg.sender] == 1, "Only minters");
   47,  47:         _;
   48,  48:     }
   49,  49:
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ contract ERC20PermitPermissionedMint is ERC20Permit, ERC20Burnable, Owned {
   65,  65:     function addMinter(address minter_address) public onlyByOwnGov {
   66,  66:         require(minter_address != address(0), "Zero address detected");
   67,  67:
-  68     :-        require(minters[minter_address] == false, "Address already exists");
-  69     :-        minters[minter_address] = true;
+       68:+        require(minters[minter_address] == 0, "Address already exists");
+       69:+        minters[minter_address] = 1;
   70,  70:         minters_array.push(minter_address);
   71,  71:
   72,  72:         emit MinterAdded(minter_address);
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ contract ERC20PermitPermissionedMint is ERC20Permit, ERC20Burnable, Owned {
   75,  75:     // Remove a minter
   76,  76:     function removeMinter(address minter_address) public onlyByOwnGov {
   77,  77:         require(minter_address != address(0), "Zero address detected");
-  78     :-        require(minters[minter_address] == true, "Address nonexistant");
+       78:+        require(minters[minter_address] == 1, "Address nonexistant");
   79,  79:
   80,  80:         // Delete from the mapping
   81,  81:         delete minters[minter_address];

src/frxETHMinter.sol:43, 49-50

diff --git a/src/frxETHMinter.sol b/src/frxETHMinter.sol
index 4565883..3036cea 100644
--- a/src/frxETHMinter.sol
+++ b/src/frxETHMinter.sol
@@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
   40,  40:
   41,  41:     uint256 public withholdRatio; // What we keep and don't deposit whenever someone submit()'s ETH
   42,  42:     uint256 public currentWithheldETH; // Needed for internal tracking
-  43     :-    mapping(bytes => bool) public activeValidators; // Tracks validators (via their pubkeys) that already have 32 ETH in them
+       43:+    mapping(bytes => uint256) public activeValidators; // Tracks validators (via their pubkeys) that already have 32 ETH in them
   44,  44:
   45,  45:     IDepositContract public immutable depositContract; // ETH 2.0 deposit contract
   46,  46:     frxETH public immutable frxETHToken;
   47,  47:     IsfrxETH public immutable sfrxETHToken;
   48,  48:
-  49     :-    bool public submitPaused;
-  50     :-    bool public depositEtherPaused;
+       49:+    uint256 public submitPaused;
+       50:+    uint256 public depositEtherPaused;
   51,  51:
   52,  52:     constructor(
   53,  53:         address depositContractAddress,
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
   84,  84:     /// @notice Mint frxETH to the recipient using sender's funds. Internal portion
   85,  85:     function _submit(address recipient) internal nonReentrant {
   86,  86:         // Initial pause and value checks
-  87     :-        require(!submitPaused, "Submit is paused");
+       87:+        require(0==submitPaused, "Submit is paused");
   88,  88:         require(msg.value != 0, "Cannot submit 0");
   89,  89:
   90,  90:         // Give the sender frxETH
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
  119, 119:     /// @dev Usually a bot will call this periodically
  120, 120:     function depositEther() external nonReentrant {
  121, 121:         // Initial pause check
- 122     :-        require(!depositEtherPaused, "Depositing ETH is paused");
+      122:+        require(0==depositEtherPaused, "Depositing ETH is paused");
  123, 123:
  124, 124:         // See how many deposits can be made. Truncation desired.
  125, 125:         uint256 numDeposits = (address(this).balance - currentWithheldETH) / DEPOSIT_SIZE;
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
  137, 137:
  138, 138:             // Make sure the validator hasn't been deposited into already, to prevent stranding an extra 32 eth
  139, 139:             // until withdrawals are allowed
- 140     :-            require(!activeValidators[pubKey], "Validator already has 32 ETH");
+      140:+            require(0==activeValidators[pubKey], "Validator already has 32 ETH");
  141, 141:
  142, 142:             // Deposit the ether in the ETH 2.0 deposit contract
  143, 143:             depositContract.deposit{value: DEPOSIT_SIZE}(
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
  148, 148:             );
  149, 149:
  150, 150:             // Set the validator as used so it won't get an extra 32 ETH
- 151     :-            activeValidators[pubKey] = true;
+      151:+            activeValidators[pubKey] = 1;
  152, 152:
  153, 153:             emit DepositSent(pubKey, withdrawalCredential);
  154, 154:         }
@@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
  175, 175:
  176, 176:     /// @notice Toggle allowing submites
  177, 177:     function togglePauseSubmits() external onlyByOwnGov {
- 178     :-        submitPaused = !submitPaused;
+      178:+        submitPaused = submitPaused==1?0:1;
  179, 179:
  180, 180:         emit SubmitPaused(submitPaused);
  181, 181:     }
  182, 182:
  183, 183:     /// @notice Toggle allowing depositing ETH to validators
  184, 184:     function togglePauseDepositEther() external onlyByOwnGov {
- 185     :-        depositEtherPaused = !depositEtherPaused;
+      185:+        depositEtherPaused = depositEtherPaused==1?0:1;
  186, 186:
  187, 187:         emit DepositEtherPaused(depositEtherPaused);
  188, 188:     }
@@ -205,9 +205,9 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
  205, 205:     event EmergencyEtherRecovered(uint256 amount);
  206, 206:     event EmergencyERC20Recovered(address tokenAddress, uint256 tokenAmount);
  207, 207:     event ETHSubmitted(address indexed sender, address indexed recipient, uint256 sent_amount, uint256 withheld_amt);
- 208     :-    event DepositEtherPaused(bool new_status);
+      208:+    event DepositEtherPaused(uint256 new_status);
  209, 209:     event DepositSent(bytes indexed pubKey, bytes withdrawalCredential);
- 210     :-    event SubmitPaused(bool new_status);
+      210:+    event SubmitPaused(uint256 new_status);
  211, 211:     event WithheldETHMoved(address indexed to, uint256 amount);
  212, 212:     event WithholdRatioSet(uint256 newRatio);
  213, 213: }

[G-05] Unchecking arithmetics operations that can’t underflow/overflow (7 instances)

  • Deployment. Gas Saved: 18 621
  • Minumal Method Call. Gas Saved: 227
  • Average Method Call. Gas Saved: 503
  • Maximum Method Call. Gas Saved: 829

Solidity version 0.8+ comes with implicit overflow and underflow checks on unsigned integers. When an overflow or an underflow isn’t possible (as an example, when a comparison is made before the arithmetic operation), some gas can be saved by using an unchecked block:


diff --git a/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol b/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol
index 3bed26d..25010cb 100644
--- a/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol
+++ b/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol
@@ -81,11 +81,14 @@ contract ERC20PermitPermissionedMint is ERC20Permit, ERC20Burnable, Owned {
   81,  81:         delete minters[minter_address];
   82,  82:
   83,  83:         // 'Delete' from the array by setting the address to 0x0
-  84     :-        for (uint i = 0; i < minters_array.length; i++){
+       84:+        for (uint i = 0; i < minters_array.length;){
   85,  85:             if (minters_array[i] == minter_address) {
   86,  86:                 minters_array[i] = address(0); // This will leave a null in the array and keep the indices the same
   87,  87:                 break;
   88,  88:             }
+       89:+            unchecked {
+       90:+                ++i;
+       91:+            }
   89,  92:         }
   90,  93:
   91,  94:         emit MinterRemoved(minter_address);

src/OperatorRegistry.sol:63, 84, 114

diff --git a/src/OperatorRegistry.sol b/src/OperatorRegistry.sol
index f81094c..aef4e17 100644
--- a/src/OperatorRegistry.sol
+++ b/src/OperatorRegistry.sol
@@ -60,8 +60,11 @@ contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
   60,  60:         Reason we don't do that here is for gas */
   61,  61:     function addValidators(Validator[] calldata validatorArray) external onlyByOwnGov {
   62,  62:         uint arrayLength = validatorArray.length;
-  63     :-        for (uint256 i = 0; i < arrayLength; ++i) {
+       63:+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < arrayLength;) {
   64,  64:             addValidator(validatorArray[i]);
+       65:+            unchecked {
+       66:+                 ++i;
+       67:+            }
   65,  68:         }
   66,  69:     }
   67,  70:
@@ -81,8 +84,11 @@ contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
   81,  84:     /// @notice Remove validators from the end of the validators array, in case they were added in error
   82,  85:     function popValidators(uint256 times) public onlyByOwnGov {
   83,  86:         // Loop through and remove validator entries at the end
-  84     :-        for (uint256 i = 0; i < times; ++i) {
+       87:+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < times;) {
   85,  88:             validators.pop();
+       89:+            unchecked {
+       90:+                 ++i;
+       91:+            }
   86,  92:         }
   87,  93:
   88,  94:         emit ValidatorsPopped(times);
@@ -111,10 +117,13 @@ contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
  111, 117:             delete validators;
  112, 118:
  113, 119:             // Fill the new validators array with all except the value to remove
- 114     :-            for (uint256 i = 0; i < original_validators.length; ++i) {
+      120:+            for (uint256 i = 0; i < original_validators.length;) {
  115, 121:                 if (i != remove_idx) {
  116, 122:                     validators.push(original_validators[i]);
  117, 123:                 }
+      124:+                unchecked {
+      125:+                     ++i;
+      126:+                }
  118, 127:             }
  119, 128:         }
  120, 129:

src/frxETHMinter.sol:96, 129

diff --git a/src/frxETHMinter.sol b/src/frxETHMinter.sol
index 4565883..4cee757 100644
--- a/src/frxETHMinter.sol
+++ b/src/frxETHMinter.sol
@@ -93,7 +93,9 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
   93,  93:         // Track the amount of ETH that we are keeping
   94,  94:         uint256 withheld_amt = 0;
   95,  95:         if (withholdRatio != 0) {
-  96     :-            withheld_amt = (msg.value * withholdRatio) / RATIO_PRECISION;
+       96:+            unchecked {
+       97:+                withheld_amt = (msg.value * withholdRatio) / RATIO_PRECISION;
+       98:+            }
   97,  99:             currentWithheldETH += withheld_amt;
   98, 100:         }
   99, 101:
@@ -126,7 +128,7 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
  126, 128:         require(numDeposits > 0, "Not enough ETH in contract");
  127, 129:
  128, 130:         // Give each deposit chunk to an empty validator
- 129     :-        for (uint256 i = 0; i < numDeposits; ++i) {
+      131:+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < numDeposits;) {
  130, 132:             // Get validator information
  131, 133:             (
  132, 134:                 bytes memory pubKey,
@@ -151,6 +153,9 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
  151, 153:             activeValidators[pubKey] = true;
  152, 154:
  153, 155:             emit DepositSent(pubKey, withdrawalCredential);
+      156:+            unchecked {
+      157:+                 ++i;
+      158:+            }
  154, 159:         }
  155, 160:     }
  156, 161:

[G-06] storage pointer to a structure is cheaper than copying each value of the structure into memory, same for array and mapping (1 instance)

  • Deployment. Gas Saved: 8 208
  • Minumal Method Call. Gas Saved: 106
  • Average Method Call. Gas Saved: -970
  • Maximum Method Call. Gas Saved: 2 487


diff --git a/src/OperatorRegistry.sol b/src/OperatorRegistry.sol
index f81094c..b7b094d 100644
--- a/src/OperatorRegistry.sol
+++ b/src/OperatorRegistry.sol
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ contract OperatorRegistry is Owned {
  158, 158:             bytes32 depositDataRoot
  159, 159:         )
  160, 160:     {
- 161     :-        Validator memory v = validators[i];
+      161:+        Validator storage v = validators[i];
  162, 162:
  163, 163:         // Return the validator's information
  164, 164:         pubKey = v.pubKey;

[G-07] x = x + y is more efficient, than x += y (4 instances)

  • Deployment. Gas Saved: 5 007
  • Minumal Method Call. Gas Saved: 82
  • Average Method Call. Gas Saved: 87
  • Maximum Method Call. Gas Saved: 101

src/frxETHMinter.sol:97, 168

diff --git a/src/frxETHMinter.sol b/src/frxETHMinter.sol
index 4565883..a591be9 100644
--- a/src/frxETHMinter.sol
+++ b/src/frxETHMinter.sol
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
   94,  94:         uint256 withheld_amt = 0;
   95,  95:         if (withholdRatio != 0) {
   96,  96:             withheld_amt = (msg.value * withholdRatio) / RATIO_PRECISION;
-  97     :-            currentWithheldETH += withheld_amt;
+       97:+            currentWithheldETH = currentWithheldETH + withheld_amt;
   98,  98:         }
   99,  99:
  100, 100:         emit ETHSubmitted(msg.sender, recipient, msg.value, withheld_amt);
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
  165, 165:     /// @notice Give the withheld ETH to the "to" address
  166, 166:     function moveWithheldETH(address payable to, uint256 amount) external onlyByOwnGov {
  167, 167:         require(amount <= currentWithheldETH, "Not enough withheld ETH in contract");
- 168     :-        currentWithheldETH -= amount;
+      168:+        currentWithheldETH = currentWithheldETH - amount;
  169, 169:
  170, 170:         (bool success,) = payable(to).call{ value: amount }("");
  171, 171:         require(success, "Invalid transfer");

src/xERC4626.sol:67, 72

diff --git a/src/xERC4626.sol b/src/xERC4626.sol
index a8a4726..dea5982 100644
--- a/src/xERC4626.sol
+++ b/src/xERC4626.sol
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ abstract contract xERC4626 is IxERC4626, ERC4626 {
   64,  64:     // Update storedTotalAssets on withdraw/redeem
   65,  65:     function beforeWithdraw(uint256 amount, uint256 shares) internal virtual override {
   66,  66:         super.beforeWithdraw(amount, shares);
-  67     :-        storedTotalAssets -= amount;
+       67:+        storedTotalAssets = storedTotalAssets - amount;
   68,  68:     }
   69,  69:
   70,  70:     // Update storedTotalAssets on deposit/mint
   71,  71:     function afterDeposit(uint256 amount, uint256 shares) internal virtual override {
-  72     :-        storedTotalAssets += amount;
+       72:+        storedTotalAssets = storedTotalAssets + amount;
   73,  73:         super.afterDeposit(amount, shares);
   74,  74:     }
   75,  75:

[G-08] It costs more gas to initialize non-constant/non-immutable variables to zero than to let the default of zero be applied (2 instances)

  • Deployment. Gas Saved: 4 415
  • Minumal Method Call. Gas Saved: 0
  • Average Method Call. Gas Saved: 0
  • Maximum Method Call. Gas Saved: 0

If a variable is not set/initialized, it is assumed to have the default value (0 for uint, false for bool, address(0) for address…). Explicitly initializing it with its default value is an anti-pattern and wastes gas.


diff --git a/src/frxETHMinter.sol b/src/frxETHMinter.sol
index 4565883..b0f66a8 100644
--- a/src/frxETHMinter.sol
+++ b/src/frxETHMinter.sol
@@ -60,8 +60,6 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
   60,  60:         depositContract = IDepositContract(depositContractAddress);
   61,  61:         frxETHToken = frxETH(frxETHAddress);
   62,  62:         sfrxETHToken = IsfrxETH(sfrxETHAddress);
-  63     :-        withholdRatio = 0; // No ETH is withheld initially
-  64     :-        currentWithheldETH = 0;
   65,  63:     }
   66,  64:
   67,  65:     /// @notice Mint frxETH and deposit it to receive sfrxETH in one transaction

[G-09] Don’t compare boolean expressions to boolean literals (3 instances)

  • Deployment. Gas Saved: 3 006
  • Minumal Method Call. Gas Saved: 43
  • Average Method Call. Gas Saved: -477
  • Maximum Method Call. Gas Saved: 55

src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol:46, 68, 78

diff --git a/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol b/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol
index 3bed26d..860d2c4 100644
--- a/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol
+++ b/src/ERC20/ERC20PermitPermissionedMint.sol
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ contract ERC20PermitPermissionedMint is ERC20Permit, ERC20Burnable, Owned {
   43,  43:     }
   44,  44:
   45,  45:     modifier onlyMinters() {
-  46     :-       require(minters[msg.sender] == true, "Only minters");
+       46:+       require(minters[msg.sender], "Only minters");
   47,  47:         _;
   48,  48:     }
   49,  49:
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ contract ERC20PermitPermissionedMint is ERC20Permit, ERC20Burnable, Owned {
   65,  65:     function addMinter(address minter_address) public onlyByOwnGov {
   66,  66:         require(minter_address != address(0), "Zero address detected");
   67,  67:
-  68     :-        require(minters[minter_address] == false, "Address already exists");
+       68:+        require(!minters[minter_address], "Address already exists");
   69,  69:         minters[minter_address] = true;
   70,  70:         minters_array.push(minter_address);
   71,  71:
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ contract ERC20PermitPermissionedMint is ERC20Permit, ERC20Burnable, Owned {
   75,  75:     // Remove a minter
   76,  76:     function removeMinter(address minter_address) public onlyByOwnGov {
   77,  77:         require(minter_address != address(0), "Zero address detected");
-  78     :-        require(minters[minter_address] == true, "Address nonexistant");
+       78:+        require(minters[minter_address], "Address nonexistant");
   79,  79:
   80,  80:         // Delete from the mapping
   81,  81:         delete minters[minter_address];

[G-10] State variables should be cached in stack variables rather than re-reading them from storage (1 instances)

  • Deployment. Gas Saved: 400
  • Minumal Method Call. Gas Saved: -21
  • Average Method Call. Gas Saved: 511
  • Maximum Method Call. Gas Saved: 4 839


diff --git a/src/frxETHMinter.sol b/src/frxETHMinter.sol
index 4565883..802e94b 100644
--- a/src/frxETHMinter.sol
+++ b/src/frxETHMinter.sol
@@ -92,8 +92,9 @@ contract frxETHMinter is OperatorRegistry, ReentrancyGuard {
   92,  92:
   93,  93:         // Track the amount of ETH that we are keeping
   94,  94:         uint256 withheld_amt = 0;
-  95     :-        if (withholdRatio != 0) {
-  96     :-            withheld_amt = (msg.value * withholdRatio) / RATIO_PRECISION;
+       95:+        uint256 _withholdRatio;
+       96:+        if ((_withholdRatio = withholdRatio) != 0) {
+       97:+            withheld_amt = (msg.value * _withholdRatio) / RATIO_PRECISION;
   97,  98:             currentWithheldETH += withheld_amt;
   98,  99:         }
   99, 100:

Overall gas savings

  • Deployment. Gas Saved: 419 688
  • Minumal Method Call. Gas Saved: 5 474
  • Average Method Call. Gas Saved: 270 705
  • Maximum Method Call. Gas Saved: 539 594

The result of merging all optimizations

diff --git a/original.txt b/foundry.txt
index 83cd313..4a4aaa0 100644
--- a/original.txt
+++ b/foundry.txt
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
 │ Deployment Cost                ┆ Deployment Size ┆       ┆        ┆       ┆         │
-│ 1439975                        ┆ 7889            ┆       ┆        ┆       ┆         │
+│ 1353480                        ┆ 7457            ┆       ┆        ┆       ┆         │
 │ Function Name                  ┆ min             ┆ avg   ┆ median ┆ max   ┆ # calls │
 │ DOMAIN_SEPARATOR               ┆ 365             ┆ 365   ┆ 365    ┆ 365   ┆ 30      │
-│ addMinter                      ┆ 46593           ┆ 59107 ┆ 68493  ┆ 68493 ┆ 70      │
+│ addMinter                      ┆ 46508           ┆ 59022 ┆ 68408  ┆ 68408 ┆ 70      │
 │ allowance                      ┆ 826             ┆ 1048  ┆ 826    ┆ 2826  ┆ 9       │
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 │ decimals                       ┆ 289             ┆ 289   ┆ 289    ┆ 289   ┆ 40      │
-│ minter_mint                    ┆ 4906            ┆ 37627 ┆ 50706  ┆ 50706 ┆ 37      │
+│ minter_mint                    ┆ 4918            ┆ 37639 ┆ 50718  ┆ 50718 ┆ 37      │
 │ nonces                         ┆ 661             ┆ 1751  ┆ 2661   ┆ 2661  ┆ 11      │
@@ -45,45 +45,45 @@
 │ Deployment Cost                            ┆ Deployment Size ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │
-│ 2575261                                    ┆ 13642           ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │
+│ 2242068                                    ┆ 11990           ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │


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C4 Contests incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Contest submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.