Redacted Cartel contest
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Redacted Cartel smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit contest took place between November 21—November 28 2022.


106 Wardens contributed reports to the Redacted Cartel contest:

  1. 0x52
  2. 0xAgro
  3. 0xLad
  4. 0xNazgul
  5. 0xPanda
  6. 0xSmartContract
  7. 0xbepresent
  8. 0xfuje
  9. 8olidity
  10. Awesome
  11. B2
  12. Bnke0x0
  13. Deivitto
  14. Diana
  15. Englave
  16. Funen
  17. HE1M
  18. Jeiwan
  19. JohnSmith
  20. Josiah
  21. KingNFT
  22. Koolex
  23. Lambda
  24. PaludoX0
  25. R2
  26. Rahoz
  27. RaymondFam
  28. ReyAdmirado
  29. Rolezn
  30. Ruhum
  31. Sathish9098
  32. Schlagatron
  33. Secureverse (imkapadia, Nsecv, and leosathya)
  34. Tomio
  35. Waze
  36. __141345__
  37. adriro
  38. ajtra
  39. aphak5010
  40. bin2chen
  41. brgltd
  42. btk
  43. c3phas
  44. carrotsmuggler
  45. cccz
  46. ch0bu
  47. chaduke
  48. codeislight
  49. codexploder
  50. cryptoDave
  51. cryptonue
  52. cryptostellar5
  53. csanuragjain
  54. danyams
  55. datapunk
  56. delfin454000
  57. deliriusz
  58. dharma09
  59. eierina
  60. erictee
  61. fatherOfBlocks
  62. gogo
  63. gz627
  64. gzeon
  65. halden
  66. hansfriese
  67. hihen
  68. hl_
  69. imare
  70. immeas
  71. jadezti
  72. joestakey
  73. karanctf
  74. keccak123
  75. koxuan
  76. kyteg
  77. ladboy233
  78. martin
  79. nameruse
  80. oyc_109
  81. pashov
  82. pavankv
  83. peanuts
  84. pedr02b2
  85. pedroais
  86. perseverancesuccess
  87. poirots (DavideSilva, resende, naps62, and eighty)
  88. rbserver
  89. rotcivegaf
  90. rvierdiiev
  91. sakshamguruji
  92. saneryee
  93. seyni
  94. shark
  95. simon135
  96. subtle77
  97. unforgiven
  98. wagmi
  99. xiaoming90
  100. yixxas
  101. yongskiws

This contest was judged by Picodes.

Final report assembled by itsmetechjay.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 18 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 6 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 12 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 60 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 33 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Redacted Cartel contest repository, and is composed of 13 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 1,981 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities according to a methodology based on OWASP standards.

Vulnerabilities are divided into three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

Further information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website.

High Risk Findings (6)

Submitted by KingNFT, also found by xiaoming90, ladboy233, 0x52, rvierdiiev, and HE1M


The following redeem related functions are likely to be blocked, users will not be able to retrieve their funds.

function _redeemPxGlp(
    address token,
    uint256 amount,
    uint256 minOut,
    address receiver
function redeemPxGlpETH(
    uint256 amount,
    uint256 minOut,
    address receiver
function redeemPxGlp(
    address token,
    uint256 amount,
    uint256 minOut,
    address receiver

Proof of Concept

The GlpManager contract of GMX has a cooldownDuration limit on redeem/unstake (\_removeLiquidity()). While there is at least one deposit/stake (\_addLiquidity()) operation in the past cooldownDuration time, redemption would fail. Obviously this limitation is user-based, and PirexGmx contract is one such user.

Current setting of `cooldownDuration` is 15 minutes, the max value is 2 days.

Due to the above limit, there are 3 risks that can block redemption for Pirex users.

  1. The normal case

Let’s say there is 10% GMX users will use Pirex to manage their GLP.

By checking recent history of GMX router contract, we can find the average stake interval is smaller than 1 minute

Let’s take

averageStakeIntervalOfGMX = 30 seconds

So if Pirex has 10% of GMX users, then

averageStakeIntervalOfPirex = 30 ÷ 10% = 300 seconds

The probability of successfully redeeming is a typical Poisson distribution:


λ = cooldownDuration ÷ averageStakeIntervalOfPirex = 15 * 60 ÷ 300 = 3
k = 0

So we get

P ≈ 1 ÷ (2.718 * 2.718 * 2.718) ≈ 0.05 


If Pirex has 10 % of GMX users, then the redemption will fail with 95% probability.

A full list of % of GMX users versus failure probability of redemption

1% : 26%
5% : 78%
10% : 95%
20% : 99.75%
30% : 99.98%
  1. The attack case

If an attacker, such as bad competitors of similar projects, try to exploit this vulnerability.

Let’s estimate the cost for attack.

An attacker can deposit a very small GLP, such as 1 wei, so we can ignore the GLP cost and only focus on GAS cost.

By checking the explorer history We are safe to assume the cost for calling

depositGlpETH() or depositGlp is

txCost = 0.1 USD

To block redemption, attacker has to execute a deposit call every 15 minutes, so

dailyCost = 24 * (60 / 15) * 0.1 = 9.6 USD
yearCost = 365 * 9.6 = 3504 USD


If an attacker wants to block Pirex users funds, his yearly cost is only about 3.5k USD.
  1. GMX adjusts protocol parameters

If GMX increases cooldownDuration to 2 days, it will obviously cause redemption not working.

Tools Used

VS Code

Reserve some time range for redemption only. e.g. 1 of every 7 days.

kphed (Redacted Cartel) confirmed

[H-02] Users Receive Less Rewards Due To Miscalculations

Submitted by xiaoming90, also found by __141345__


The amount of rewards accrued by global and user states is computed by the following steps:

  1. Calculate seconds elapsed since the last update (block.timestamp - lastUpdate)
  2. Calculate the new rewards by multiplying seconds elapsed by the last supply ((block.timestamp - lastUpdate) * lastSupply)
  3. Append the new rewards to the existing rewards (rewards = rewards + (block.timestamp - lastUpdate) * lastSupply)

    @notice Update global accrual state
    @param  globalState    GlobalState  Global state of the producer token
    @param  producerToken  ERC20        Producer token contract
function _globalAccrue(GlobalState storage globalState, ERC20 producerToken)
    uint256 totalSupply = producerToken.totalSupply();
    uint256 lastUpdate = globalState.lastUpdate;
    uint256 lastSupply = globalState.lastSupply;

    // Calculate rewards, the product of seconds elapsed and last supply
    // Only calculate and update states when needed
    if (block.timestamp != lastUpdate || totalSupply != lastSupply) {
        uint256 rewards = globalState.rewards +
            (block.timestamp - lastUpdate) *
            globalState.lastUpdate = block.timestamp.safeCastTo32();
            globalState.lastSupply = totalSupply.safeCastTo224();
            globalState.rewards = rewards;

    @notice Update user rewards accrual state
    @param  producerToken  ERC20    Rewards-producing token
    @param  user           address  User address
function userAccrue(ERC20 producerToken, address user) public {
    if (address(producerToken) == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();
    if (user == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();

    UserState storage u = producerTokens[producerToken].userStates[user];
    uint256 balance = producerToken.balanceOf(user);

    // Calculate the amount of rewards accrued by the user up to this call
    uint256 rewards = u.rewards +
    u.lastBalance *
    (block.timestamp - u.lastUpdate);
    u.lastUpdate = block.timestamp.safeCastTo32();
    u.lastBalance = balance.safeCastTo224();
    u.rewards = rewards;

When a user claims the rewards, the number of reward tokens the user is entitled to is equal to the rewardState scaled by the ratio of the userRewards to the globalRewards. Refer to Line 403 below.

The rewardState represents the total number of a specific ERC20 reward token (e.g. WETH or esGMX) held by a producer (e.g. pxGMX or pxGPL).

The rewardState of each reward token (e.g. WETH or esGMX) will increase whenever the rewards are harvested by the producer (e.g. PirexRewards.harvest is called). On the other hand, the rewardState will decrease if the users claim the rewards.

File: PirexRewards.sol
373:     function claim(ERC20 producerToken, address user) external {
395:             // Transfer the proportionate reward token amounts to the recipient
396:             for (uint256 i; i < rLen; ++i) {
397:                 ERC20 rewardToken = rewardTokens[i];
398:                 address rewardRecipient = p.rewardRecipients[user][rewardToken];
399:                 address recipient = rewardRecipient != address(0)
400:                     ? rewardRecipient
401:                     : user;
402:                 uint256 rewardState = p.rewardStates[rewardToken];
403:                 uint256 amount = (rewardState * userRewards) / globalRewards;
417:     }

How reward tokens are distributed

The Multiplier Point (MP) effect will be ignored for simplicity. Assume that the emission rate is constant throughout the entire period (from T80 to T84) and the emission rate is 1 esGMX per 1 GMX staked per second.

The graph below represents the amount of GMX tokens Alice and Bob staked for each second during the period.

A = Alice and B = Bob; each block represents 1 GMX token staked.

Based on the above graph:

  • Alice staked 1 GMX token from T80 to T84. Alice will earn five (5) esGMX tokens at the end of T84.
  • Bob staked 4 GMX tokens from T83 to T84. Bob will earn eight (8) esGMX tokens at the end of T84.
  • A total of 13 esGMX will be harvested by PirexRewards contract at the end of T84

The existing reward distribution design in the PirexRewards contract will work perfectly if the emission rate is constant, similar to the example above.

In this case, the state variable will be as follows at the end of T84, assuming both the global and all user states have been updated and rewards have been harvested.

  • rewardState = 13 esGMX tokens (5 + 8)
  • globalRewards = 13
  • Accrued userRewards of Alice = 5
  • Accrued userRewards of Bob = 8

When Alice calls the PirexRewards.claim function to claim her rewards at the end of T84, she will get back five (5) esGMX tokens, which is correct.

(rewardState * userRewards) / globalRewards
(13 * 5) / 13 = 5

Proof of Concept

However, the fact is that the emission rate of reward tokens (e.g. esGMX or WETH) is not constant. Instead, the emission rate is dynamic and depends on various factors, such as the following:

  • The number of rewards tokens allocated by GMX governance for each month. Refer to In some months, the number of esGMX emissions will be higher.
  • The number of GMX/GLP tokens staked by the community. The more tokens being staked by the community users, the more diluted the rewards will be.

The graph below represents the amount of GMX tokens Alice and Bob staked for each second during the period.

A = Alice and B = Bob; each block represents 1 GMX token staked.

The Multiplier Point (MP) effect will be ignored for simplicity. Assume that the emission rate is as follows:

  • From T80 to 82: 2 esGMX per 1 GMX staked per second (Higher emission rate)
  • From T83 to 84: 1 esGMX per 1 GMX staked per second (Lower emission rate)

By manually computing the amount of esGMX reward tokens that Alice is entitled to at the end of T84:

[1 staked GMX * (T82 - T80) * 2esGMX/sec] + [1 staked GMX * (T84 - T83) * 1esGMX/sec]
[1 staked GMX * 3 secs * 2esGMX/sec] + [1 staked GMX * 2secs * 1esGMX/sec]
6 + 2 = 8

Alice will be entitled to 8 esGMX reward tokens at the end of T84.

By manually computing the amount of esGMX reward tokens that Bob is entitled to at the end of T84:

[4 staked GMX * 2secs * 1esGMX/sec] = 8

Bob will be entitled to 8 esGMX reward tokens at the end of T84.

However, the existing reward distribution design in the PirexRewards contract will cause Alice to get fewer reward tokens than she is entitled to and cause Bob to get more rewards than he is entitled to.

The state variable will be as follows at the end of T84, assuming both the global and all user states have been updated and rewards have been harvested.

  • rewardState = 16 esGMX tokens (8 + 8)
  • globalRewards = 13
  • Accrued userRewards of Alice = 5
  • Accrued userRewards of Bob = 8

When Alice calls the PirexRewards.claim function to claim her rewards at the end of T84, she will only get back six (6) esGMX tokens, which is less than eight (8) esGMX tokens she is entitled to or earned.

(rewardState * userRewards) / globalRewards
(16 * 5) / 13 = 6.15 = 6

When Bob calls the PirexRewards.claim function to claim his rewards at the end of T84, he will get back nine (9) esGMX tokens, which is more than eight (8) esGMX tokens he is entitled to or earned.

(rewardState * userRewards) / globalRewards
(16 * 8) / 13 = 9.85 = 9


As shown in the PoC, some users will lose their reward tokens due to the miscalculation within the existing reward distribution design.

Update the existing reward distribution design to handle the dynamic emission rate. Implement the RewardPerToken for users and global, as seen in many of the well-established reward contracts below, which are not vulnerable to this issue:

kphed (Redacted Cartel) confirmed

[H-03] Malicious Users Can Drain The Assets Of Auto Compound Vault

Submitted by xiaoming90, also found by pashov, adriro, poirots, unforgiven, bin2chen, PaludoX0, 0xSmartContract, ladboy233, Ruhum, cccz, koxuan, 8olidity, and rvierdiiev

Proof of Concept

Note: This issue affects both the AutoPxGmx and AutoPxGlp vaults. Since the root cause is the same, the PoC of AutoPxGlp vault is omitted for brevity.

The PirexERC4626.convertToShares function relies on the mulDivDown function in Line 164 when calculating the number of shares needed in exchange for a certain number of assets. Note that the computation is rounded down, therefore, if the result is less than 1 (e.g. 0.9), Solidity will round them down to zero. Thus, it is possible that this function will return zero.

File: PirexERC4626.sol
156:     function convertToShares(uint256 assets)
157:         public
158:         view
159:         virtual
160:         returns (uint256)
161:     {
162:         uint256 supply = totalSupply; // Saves an extra SLOAD if totalSupply is non-zero.
164:         return supply == 0 ? assets : assets.mulDivDown(supply, totalAssets());
165:     }

The AutoPxGmx.previewWithdraw function relies on the PirexERC4626.convertToShares function in Line 206. Thus, this function will also “round down”.

File: AutoPxGmx.sol
199:     function previewWithdraw(uint256 assets)
200:         public
201:         view
202:         override
203:         returns (uint256)
204:     {
205:         // Calculate shares based on the specified assets' proportion of the pool
206:         uint256 shares = convertToShares(assets);
208:         // Save 1 SLOAD
209:         uint256 _totalSupply = totalSupply;
211:         // Factor in additional shares to fulfill withdrawal if user is not the last to withdraw
212:         return
213:             (_totalSupply == 0 || _totalSupply - shares == 0)
214:                 ? shares
215:                 : (shares * FEE_DENOMINATOR) /
216:                     (FEE_DENOMINATOR - withdrawalPenalty);
217:     }

The AutoPxGmx.withdraw function relies on the AutoPxGmx.previewWithdraw function. In certain conditions, the AutoPxGmx.previewWithdraw function in Line 323 will return zero if the withdrawal amount causes the division within the PirexERC4626.convertToShares function to round down to zero (usually due to a small amount of withdrawal amount).

If the AutoPxGmx.previewWithdraw function in Line 323 returns zero, no shares will be burned at Line 332. Subsequently, in Line 336, the contract will transfer the assets to the users. As a result, the users receive the assets without burning any of their shares, effectively allowing them to receive assets for free.

File: AutoPxGmx.sol
315:     function withdraw(
316:         uint256 assets,
317:         address receiver,
318:         address owner
319:     ) public override returns (uint256 shares) {
320:         // Compound rewards and ensure they are properly accounted for prior to withdrawal calculation
321:         compound(poolFee, 1, 0, true);
323:         shares = previewWithdraw(assets); // No need to check for rounding error, previewWithdraw rounds up.
325:         if (msg.sender != owner) {
326:             uint256 allowed = allowance[owner][msg.sender]; // Saves gas for limited approvals.
328:             if (allowed != type(uint256).max)
329:                 allowance[owner][msg.sender] = allowed - shares;
330:         }
332:         _burn(owner, shares);
334:         emit Withdraw(msg.sender, receiver, owner, assets, shares);
336:         asset.safeTransfer(receiver, assets);
337:     }

Assume that the vault with the following state:

  • Total Asset = 1000 WETH
  • Total Supply = 10 shares

Assume that Alice wants to withdraw 99 WETH from the vault. Thus, she calls the AutoPxGmx.withdraw(99 WETH) function.

The PirexERC4626.convertToShares function will compute the number of shares that Alice needs to burn in exchange for 99 WETH.

assets.mulDivDown(supply, totalAssets())
99WETH.mulDivDown(10 shares, 1000WETH)
(99 * 10) / 1000
990 / 1000 = 0.99 = 0

However, since Solidity rounds 0.99 down to 0, Alice does not need to burn a single share. She will receive 99 WETH for free.


Malicious users can withdraw the assets from the vault for free, effectively allowing them to drain the assets of the vault.

Ensure that at least 1 share is burned when the users withdraw their assets.

This can be mitigated by updating the previewWithdraw function to round up instead of round down when computing the number of shares to be burned.

function previewWithdraw(uint256 assets)
	returns (uint256)
	// Calculate shares based on the specified assets' proportion of the pool
-	uint256 shares = convertToShares(assets);
+	uint256 shares = supply == 0 ? assets : assets.mulDivUp(supply, totalAssets());
	// Save 1 SLOAD
	uint256 _totalSupply = totalSupply;

	// Factor in additional shares to fulfill withdrawal if user is not the last to withdraw
		(_totalSupply == 0 || _totalSupply - shares == 0)
			? shares
			: (shares * FEE_DENOMINATOR) /
				(FEE_DENOMINATOR - withdrawalPenalty);

kphed (Redacted Cartel) confirmed

[H-04] User’s Accrued Rewards Will Be Lost

Submitted by xiaoming90

If the user deposits too little GMX compared to other users (or total supply of pxGMX), the user will not be able to receive rewards after calling the PirexRewards.claim function. Subsequently, their accrued rewards will be cleared out (set to zero), and they will lose their rewards.

The amount of reward tokens that are claimable by a user is computed in Line 403 of the PirexRewards.claim function.

If the balance of pxGMX of a user is too small compared to other users (or total supply of pxGMX), the code below will always return zero due to rounding issues within solidity.

uint256 amount = (rewardState * userRewards) / globalRewards;

Since the user’s accrued rewards is cleared at Line 391 within the PirexRewards.claim function (p.userStates[user].rewards = 0;), the user’s accrued rewards will be lost.

File: PirexRewards.sol
368:     /**
369:         @notice Claim rewards
370:         @param  producerToken  ERC20    Producer token contract
371:         @param  user           address  User
372:     */
373:     function claim(ERC20 producerToken, address user) external {
374:         if (address(producerToken) == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();
375:         if (user == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();
377:         harvest();
378:         userAccrue(producerToken, user);
380:         ProducerToken storage p = producerTokens[producerToken];
381:         uint256 globalRewards = p.globalState.rewards;
382:         uint256 userRewards = p.userStates[user].rewards;
384:         // Claim should be skipped and not reverted on zero global/user reward
385:         if (globalRewards != 0 && userRewards != 0) {
386:             ERC20[] memory rewardTokens = p.rewardTokens;
387:             uint256 rLen = rewardTokens.length;
389:             // Update global and user reward states to reflect the claim
390:             p.globalState.rewards = globalRewards - userRewards;
391:             p.userStates[user].rewards = 0;
393:             emit Claim(producerToken, user);
395:             // Transfer the proportionate reward token amounts to the recipient
396:             for (uint256 i; i < rLen; ++i) {
397:                 ERC20 rewardToken = rewardTokens[i];
398:                 address rewardRecipient = p.rewardRecipients[user][rewardToken];
399:                 address recipient = rewardRecipient != address(0)
400:                     ? rewardRecipient
401:                     : user;
402:                 uint256 rewardState = p.rewardStates[rewardToken];
403:                 uint256 amount = (rewardState * userRewards) / globalRewards;
405:                 if (amount != 0) {
406:                     // Update reward state (i.e. amount) to reflect reward tokens transferred out
407:                     p.rewardStates[rewardToken] = rewardState - amount;
409:                     producer.claimUserReward(
410:                         address(rewardToken),
411:                         amount,
412:                         recipient
413:                     );
414:                 }
415:             }
416:         }
417:     }

The graph below represents the amount of GMX tokens Alice and Bob staked in PirexGmx for each second during the period. Note that the graph is not drawn proportionally.

Green = Number of GMX tokens staked by Alice

Blue = Number of GMX tokens staked by Bob

Based on the above graph:

  • Alice staked 1 GMX token for 4 seconds (From T80 to T85)
  • Bob staked 99999 GMX tokens for 4 seconds (From T80 to T85)

Assume that the emission rate is 0.1 esGMX per 1 GMX staked per second.

In this case, the state variable will be as follows at the end of T83, assuming both the global and all user states have been updated and rewards have been harvested.

  • rewardState = 60,000 esGMX tokens (600,000 * 0.1)
  • globalRewards = 600,000 (100,000 * 6)
  • Accrued userRewards of Alice = 6
  • Accrued userRewards of Bob = 599,994 (99,999 * 6)

Following is the description of rewardState for reference:

The rewardState represents the total number of a specific ERC20 reward token (e.g. WETH or esGMX) held by a producer (e.g. pxGMX or pxGPL).

The rewardState of each reward token (e.g. WETH or esGMX) will increase whenever the rewards are harvested by the producer (e.g. PirexRewards.harvest is called). On the other hand, the rewardState will decrease if the users claim the rewards.

At the end of T85, Alice should be entitled to 1.2 esGMX tokens (0.2/sec * 6).

Following is the formula used in the PirexRewards contract to compute the number of reward tokens a user is entitled to.

amount = (rewardState * userRewards) / globalRewards;

If Alice claims the rewards at the end of T85, she will get zero esGMX tokens instead of 1.2 esGMX tokens.

amount = (rewardState * userRewards) / globalRewards;
60,000 * 6 / 600,000
360,000/600,000 = 0.6 = 0

Since Alice’s accrued rewards are cleared at Line 391 within the PirexRewards.claim function (p.userStates[user].rewards = 0;), Alice’s accrued rewards will be lost. Alice will have to start accruing the rewards from zero after calling the PirexRewards.claim function.

Another side effect is that since the 1.2 esGMX tokens that belong to Alice are still in the contract, they will be claimed by other users.


Users who deposit too little GMX compared to other users (or total supply of pxGMX), the user will not be able to receive rewards after calling the PirexRewards.claim function. Also, their accrued rewards will be cleared out (set to zero). Loss of reward tokens for the users.

Additionally, the PirexRewards.claim function is permissionless, and anyone can trigger the claim on behalf of any user. A malicious user could call the PirexRewards.claim function on behalf of a victim at the right time when the victim’s accrued reward is small enough to cause a rounding error or precision loss, thus causing the victim accrued reward to be cleared out (set to zero).

Following are some of the possible remediation actions:

1. Use RewardPerToken approach

Avoid calculating the rewards that the users are entitled based on the ratio of userRewards and globalRewards.

Instead, consider implementing the RewardPerToken for users and global, as seen in many of the well-established reward contracts below, which are not vulnerable to this issue:

2. Fallback logic ifamount == 0

If the amount is zero, revert the transaction. Alternatively, if the amount is zero, do not clear out the user’s accrued reward state variable since the user did not receive anything yet.

function claim(ERC20 producerToken, address user) external {
			uint256 amount = (rewardState * userRewards) / globalRewards;

			if (amount != 0) {
				// Update reward state (i.e. amount) to reflect reward tokens transferred out
				p.rewardStates[rewardToken] = rewardState - amount;

-			}
+			} else {
+				revert ZeroRewardTokens();
+			}

kphed (Redacted Cartel) confirmed

[H-05] Underlying assets stealing in AutoPxGmx and AutoPxGlp via share price manipulation

Submitted by Jeiwan, also found by seyni, gogo, pashov, hl_, rbserver, peanuts, __141345__, unforgiven, Lambda, joestakey, JohnSmith, R2, Koolex, xiaoming90, yongskiws, carrotsmuggler, ladboy233, 0xSmartContract, KingNFT, cccz, HE1M, rvierdiiev, koxuan, 8olidity, and 0xLad


pxGMX and pxGLP tokens can be stolen from depositors in AutoPxGmx and AutoPxGlp vaults by manipulating the price of a share.

Proof of Concept

ERC4626 vaults are subject to a share price manipulation attack that allows an attacker to steal underlying tokens from other depositors (this is a known issue of Solmate’s ERC4626 implementation). Consider this scenario (this is applicable to AutoPxGmx and AutoPxGlp vaults):

  1. Alice is the first depositor of the AutoPxGmx vault;
  2. Alice deposits 1 wei of pxGMX tokens;
  3. in the deposit function (PirexERC4626.sol#L60), the amount of shares is calculated using the previewDeposit function:

    function previewDeposit(uint256 assets)
        returns (uint256)
        return convertToShares(assets);
    function convertToShares(uint256 assets)
        returns (uint256)
        uint256 supply = totalSupply; // Saves an extra SLOAD if totalSupply is non-zero.
        return supply == 0 ? assets : assets.mulDivDown(supply, totalAssets());
  4. Since Alice is the first depositor (totalSupply is 0), she gets 1 share (1 wei);
  5. Alice then sends 9999999999999999999 pxGMX tokens (10e18 - 1) to the vault;
  6. The price of 1 share is 10 pxGMX tokens now: Alice is the only depositor in the vault, she’s holding 1 wei of shares, and the balance of the pool is 10 pxGMX tokens;
  7. Bob deposits 19 pxGMX tokens and gets only 1 share due to the rounding in the convertToShares function: 19e18 * 1 / 10e18 == 1;
  8. Alice redeems her share and gets a half of the deposited assets, 14.5 pxGMX tokens (less the withdrawal fee);
  9. Bob redeems his share and gets only 14.5 pxGMX (less the withdrawal fee), instead of the 19 pxGMX he deposited.
// test/AutoPxGmx.t.sol
function testSharePriceManipulation_AUDIT() external {
    address alice = address(0x31337);
    address bob = address(0x12345);
    vm.label(alice, "Alice");
    vm.label(bob, "Bob");

    // Resetting the withdrawal fee for cleaner amounts.

    vm.startPrank(address(pirexGmx));   , 10e18);, 19e18);

    pxGmx.approve(address(autoPxGmx), 1);
    // Alice deposits 1 wei of pxGMX and gets 1 wei of shares.
    autoPxGmx.deposit(1, alice);
    // Alice sends 10e18-1 of pxGMX and sets the price of 1 wei of shares to 10e18 pxGMX.
    pxGmx.transfer(address(autoPxGmx), 10e18-1);

    pxGmx.approve(address(autoPxGmx), 19e18);
    // Bob deposits 19e18 of pxGMX and gets 1 wei of shares due to rounding and the price manipulation.
    autoPxGmx.deposit(19e18, bob);

    // Alice and Bob redeem their shares.           
    autoPxGmx.redeem(1, alice, alice);
    autoPxGmx.redeem(1, bob, bob);

    // Alice and Bob both got 14.5 pxGMX.
    // But Alice deposited 10 pxGMX and Bob deposited 19 pxGMX – thus, Alice stole pxGMX tokens from Bob.
    // With withdrawal fees enabled, Alice would've been penalized more than Bob
    // (14.065 pxGMX vs 14.935 pxGMX tokens withdrawn, respectively),
    // but Alice would've still gotten more pxGMX that she deposited.
    assertEq(pxGmx.balanceOf(alice), 14.5e18);
    assertEq(pxGmx.balanceOf(bob), 14.5e18);

Consider either of these options:

  1. In the deposit function of PirexERC4626, consider requiring a reasonably high minimal amount of assets during first deposit. The amount needs to be high enough to mint many shares to reduce the rounding error and low enough to be affordable to users.
  2. On the first deposit, consider minting a fixed and high amount of shares, irrespective of the deposited amount.
  3. Consider seeding the pools during deployment. This needs to be done in the deployment transactions to avoid front-running attacks. The amount needs to be high enough to reduce the rounding error.
  4. Consider sending first 1000 wei of shares to the zero address. This will significantly increase the cost of the attack by forcing an attacker to pay 1000 times of the share price they want to set. For a well-intended user, 1000 wei of shares is a negligible amount that won’t diminish their share significantly.

Picodes (judge) increased severity to High

kphed (Redacted Cartel) confirmed

[H-06] fee loss in AutoPxGmx and AutoPxGlp and reward loss in AutoPxGlp by calling PirexRewards.claim(pxGmx/pxGpl, AutoPx*) directly which transfers rewards to AutoPx* pool without compound logic get executed and fee calculation logic and pxGmx wouldn’t be executed for those rewards

Submitted by unforgiven, also found by bin2chen and 0x52


Function compound() in AutoPxGmx and AutoPxGlp contracts is for compounding pxGLP (and additionally pxGMX) rewards. it works by calling PirexGmx.claim(px*, this) to collect the rewards of the vault and then swap the received amount (to calculate the reward, contract save the balance of a contract in that reward token before and after the call to the claim() and by subtracting them finds the received reward amount) and deposit them in PirexGmx again for compounding and in doing so it calculates fee based on what it received and in AutoPxGlp case it calculates pxGMX rewards too based on the extra amount contract receives during the execution of claim(). But attacker can call PirexGmx.claim(px*, PirexGlp) directly and make PirexGmx contract to transfer (gmxBaseReward and pxGmx) rewards to AutoPxGlp and in this case the logics of fee calculation and reward calculation in compound() function won’t get executed and contract won’t get it’s fee from rewards and users won’t get their pxGmx reward. So this bug would cause fee loss in AutoPxGmx and AutoPxGlp for contract and pxGmx’s reward loss for users in AutoPxGlp.

Proof of Concept

The bug in AutoPxGmx is similar to AutoPxGlp, so we only give Proof of Concept for AutoPxGlp.

This is compound() function code in AutoPxGlp contract:

    function compound(
        uint256 minUsdg,
        uint256 minGlp,
        bool optOutIncentive
        returns (
            uint256 gmxBaseRewardAmountIn,
            uint256 pxGmxAmountOut,
            uint256 pxGlpAmountOut,
            uint256 totalPxGlpFee,
            uint256 totalPxGmxFee,
            uint256 pxGlpIncentive,
            uint256 pxGmxIncentive
        if (minUsdg == 0) revert InvalidParam();
        if (minGlp == 0) revert InvalidParam();

        uint256 preClaimTotalAssets = asset.balanceOf(address(this));
        uint256 preClaimPxGmxAmount = pxGmx.balanceOf(address(this));

        PirexRewards(rewardsModule).claim(asset, address(this));
        PirexRewards(rewardsModule).claim(pxGmx, address(this));

        // Track the amount of rewards received
        gmxBaseRewardAmountIn = gmxBaseReward.balanceOf(address(this));

        if (gmxBaseRewardAmountIn != 0) {
            // Deposit received rewards for pxGLP
            (, pxGlpAmountOut, ) = PirexGmx(platform).depositGlp(

        // Distribute fees if the amount of vault assets increased
        uint256 newAssets = totalAssets() - preClaimTotalAssets;
        if (newAssets != 0) {
            totalPxGlpFee = (newAssets * platformFee) / FEE_DENOMINATOR;
            pxGlpIncentive = optOutIncentive
                ? 0
                : (totalPxGlpFee * compoundIncentive) / FEE_DENOMINATOR;

            if (pxGlpIncentive != 0)
                asset.safeTransfer(msg.sender, pxGlpIncentive);

            asset.safeTransfer(owner, totalPxGlpFee - pxGlpIncentive);

        // Track the amount of pxGMX received
        pxGmxAmountOut = pxGmx.balanceOf(address(this)) - preClaimPxGmxAmount;

        if (pxGmxAmountOut != 0) {
            // Calculate and distribute pxGMX fees if the amount of pxGMX increased
            totalPxGmxFee = (pxGmxAmountOut * platformFee) / FEE_DENOMINATOR;
            pxGmxIncentive = optOutIncentive
                ? 0
                : (totalPxGmxFee * compoundIncentive) / FEE_DENOMINATOR;

            if (pxGmxIncentive != 0)
                pxGmx.safeTransfer(msg.sender, pxGmxIncentive);

            pxGmx.safeTransfer(owner, totalPxGmxFee - pxGmxIncentive);

            // Update the pxGmx reward accrual
            _harvest(pxGmxAmountOut - totalPxGmxFee);
        } else {
            // Required to keep the globalState up-to-date

        emit Compounded(

As you can see contract collects rewards by calling PirexRewards.claim() and in the line uint256 newAssets = totalAssets() - preClaimTotalAssets; contract calculates the received amount of rewards (by subtracting the balance after and before reward claim) and then calculates fee based on this amount totalPxGlpFee = (newAssets * platformFee) / FEE_DENOMINATOR; and then sends the fee in the line asset.safeTransfer(owner, totalPxGlpFee - pxGlpIncentive) for owner.

The logic for pxGmx rewards are the same. As you can see the calculation of the fee is based on the rewards received, and there is no other logic in the contract to calculate and transfer the fee of protocol. So if AutoPxGpl receives rewards without compound() getting called then for those rewards fee won’t be calculated and transferred and protocol would lose it’s fee.

In the line _harvest(pxGmxAmountOut - totalPxGmxFee) contract calls _harvest() function to update the pxGmx reward accrual and there is no call to _harvest() in any other place and this is the only place where pxGmx reward accrual gets updated. The contract uses pxGmxAmountOut which is the amount of gmx contract received during the call (code calculates it by subtracting the balance after and before reward claim: pxGmxAmountOut = pxGmx.balanceOf(address(this)) - preClaimPxGmxAmount;) so contract only handles accrual rewards in this function call and if some pxGmx rewards claimed for contract without compund() logic execution then those rewards won’t be used in _harvest() and _globalAccrue() calculation and users won’t receive those rewards.

As mentioned attacker can call PirexRewards.claim(pxGmx, AutoPxGpl) directly and make PirexRewads contract to transfer AutoPxGpl rewards. This is claim() code in PirexRewards:

    function claim(ERC20 producerToken, address user) external {
        if (address(producerToken) == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();
        if (user == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();

        userAccrue(producerToken, user);

        ProducerToken storage p = producerTokens[producerToken];
        uint256 globalRewards = p.globalState.rewards;
        uint256 userRewards = p.userStates[user].rewards;

        // Claim should be skipped and not reverted on zero global/user reward
        if (globalRewards != 0 && userRewards != 0) {
            ERC20[] memory rewardTokens = p.rewardTokens;
            uint256 rLen = rewardTokens.length;

            // Update global and user reward states to reflect the claim
            p.globalState.rewards = globalRewards - userRewards;
            p.userStates[user].rewards = 0;

            emit Claim(producerToken, user);

            // Transfer the proportionate reward token amounts to the recipient
            for (uint256 i; i < rLen; ++i) {
                ERC20 rewardToken = rewardTokens[i];
                address rewardRecipient = p.rewardRecipients[user][rewardToken];
                address recipient = rewardRecipient != address(0)
                    ? rewardRecipient
                    : user;
                uint256 rewardState = p.rewardStates[rewardToken];
                uint256 amount = (rewardState * userRewards) / globalRewards;

                if (amount != 0) {
                    // Update reward state (i.e. amount) to reflect reward tokens transferred out
                    p.rewardStates[rewardToken] = rewardState - amount;


As you can see it can be called by anyone for any user. So to perform this attack, attacker would perform these steps:

  1. Suppose AutoPxGpl has pending rewards, for example 100 pxGmx and 100 weth.
  2. Attacker would call PirexRewards.claim(pxGmx, AutoPxGpl) and PirexRewards.claim(pxGpl, AutoPxGpl) and PirexRewards contract would calculate and claim and transfer pxGmx rewards and weth rewards of AutoPxGpl address.
  3. Then AutoPxGpl has no pending rewards but the balance of pxGmx and weth of contract has been increased.
  4. If anyone calls AutoPxGpl.compound() because there is no pending rewards contract would receive no rewards and because contract only calculates fee and rewards based on received rewards during the call to compound() so contract wouldn’t calculate any fee or reward accrual for those 1000 pxGmx and weth rewards.
  5. owner of AutoPxGpl would lose his fee for those rewards and users of AutoPxGpl would lose their claims for those 1000 pxGmx rewards (because the calculation for them didn’t happen).

This bug is because of the fact that the only logic handling rewards is in compound() function which is only handling receiving rewards by calling claim() during the call to compound() but it’s possible to call claim() directly (PirexRewards contract allows this) and AutoPxGpl won’t get notified about this new rewards and the related logics won’t get executed.

Tools Used


Contract should keep track of it’s previous balance when compound() get executed and update this balance in deposits and withdraws and claims so it can detect rewards that directly transferred to contract without call to compound().

kphed (Redacted Cartel) confirmed

Medium Risk Findings (12)

[M-01] PirexGmx.initiateMigration can be blocked

Submitted by rvierdiiev, also found by imare and 0x52

PirexGmx.initiateMigration can be blocked so contract will not be able to migrate his funds to another contract using gmx.

Proof of Concept

PirexGmx was designed with the thought that the current contract can be changed with another during migration.

PirexGmx.initiateMigration is the first point in this long process.

    function initiateMigration(address newContract)
        if (newContract == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();

        // Notify the reward router that the current/old contract is going to perform
        // full account transfer to the specified new contract

        migratedTo = newContract;

        emit InitiateMigration(newContract);

As you can see gmxRewardRouterV2.signalTransfer(newContract); is called to start migration.

This is the code of signalTransfer function

    function signalTransfer(address _receiver) external nonReentrant {
        require(IERC20(gmxVester).balanceOf(msg.sender) == 0, "RewardRouter: sender has vested tokens");
        require(IERC20(glpVester).balanceOf(msg.sender) == 0, "RewardRouter: sender has vested tokens");

        pendingReceivers[msg.sender] = _receiver;

As you can see the main condition to start migration is that PirexGmx doesn’t control any gmxVester and glpVester tokens.

So attacker can deposit and receive such tokens and then just transfer tokens directly to PirexGmx.

As a result migration will never be possible as there is no possibility for PirexGmx to burn those gmxVester and glpVester tokens.

Also in the same way, the migration receiver can also be blocked.

Tools Used

VS Code

Think about how to make contract ensure that he doesn’t control any gmxVester and glpVester tokens before migration.

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium

Please note: the following comment occurred after judging and awarding were finalized.

kphed (Redacted Cartel) commented:

This issue is invalid and not possible to carry out as a non-GMX insider (if the GMX team and multisig were malicious, there would be many other ways in which they can steal value, so this specific vector would be the least of our concerns) for the following reasons:

  1. The vester token transfer methods are overridden which removes the possibility of an attacker acquiring vGMX or vGLP and transferring it to the PirexGmx contract via those methods.

Vester.sol | Lines 246-263

  • vGMX
  • vGLP

    // empty implementation, tokens are non-transferrable
    function transfer(address /* recipient */, uint256 /* amount */) public override returns (bool) {
     revert("Vester: non-transferrable");

// empty implementation, tokens are non-transferrable function transferFrom(address /* sender /, address / recipient /, uint256 / amount */) public virtual override returns (bool) { revert(“Vester: non-transferrable”); }

2. The `depositForAccount` method can only be called by an account set by the GMX team as a "handler" so an attacker can't volunteer esGMX be vested on behalf of another account. Even if `depositForAccount` were to be callable by anyone, esGMX has to first be unstaked before it can be deposited for vesting, which is never the case for our contracts.

[M-02] Preventing any user from calling the functions withdraw, redeem, or depositGmx in contract AutoPxGmx

Submitted by HE1M

It is possible that an attacker can prevent any user from calling the functions withdraw, redeem, or depositGmx in contract AutoPxGmx by just manipulating the balance of token gmxBaseReward, so that during the function compound the swap will be reverted.

Proof of Concept

Whenever a user calls the functions withdraw, redeem, or depositGmx in contract AutoPxGmx, the function compound is called:

The function compound claims token gmxBaseReward from rewardModule:

Then, if the balance of the token gmxBaseReward in custodian of the contract AutoPxGmx is not zero, the token gmxBaseReward will be swapped to token GMX thrrough uniswap V3 by calling the function exactInputSingle. Then the total amount of token GMX in custodian of the contract AutoPxGmx will be deposited in the contract PirexGmx to receive token pxGMX:

if (gmxBaseRewardAmountIn != 0) {
            gmxAmountOut = SWAP_ROUTER.exactInputSingle(
                    tokenIn: address(gmxBaseReward),
                    tokenOut: address(gmx),
                    fee: fee,
                    recipient: address(this),
                    amountIn: gmxBaseRewardAmountIn,
                    amountOutMinimum: amountOutMinimum,
                    sqrtPriceLimitX96: sqrtPriceLimitX96

            // Deposit entire GMX balance for pxGMX, increasing the asset/share amount
            (, pxGmxMintAmount, ) = PirexGmx(platform).depositGmx(

Whenever the function compound is called inside the mentioned functions, the parameters are: compound(poolFee, 1, 0, true);

  • fee = poolFee
  • amountOutMinimum = 1
  • sqrtPriceLimitX96 = 0
  • optOutIncentive = true

The vulnerability is the parameter amountOutMinimum which is equal to 1. This provides an attack surface so that if the balance of token gmxBaseReward in AutoPxGmx is nonzero and small enough that does not worth 1 token GMX, the swap procedure will be reverted.

For example, if the balance of gmxBaseReward is equal to 1, then since the value of gmxBaseReward is lower than token GMX, the output amount of GMX after swapping gmxBaseReward will be zero, and as parameter amountOutMinimum is equal to 1, the swap will be reverted, and as a result, the compound function will be reverted.

Attack Scenario:

Suppose, recently the function compound was called, so the balance of token gmxBaseReward in contract AutoPxGmx is equal to zero. Later, Alice (honest user) would like to withdraw. So, she calls the function withdraw(...).

function withdraw(
        uint256 assets,
        address receiver,
        address owner
    ) public override returns (uint256 shares) {
        // Compound rewards and ensure they are properly accounted for prior to withdrawal calculation
        compound(poolFee, 1, 0, true);

        shares = previewWithdraw(assets); // No need to check for rounding error, previewWithdraw rounds up.

        if (msg.sender != owner) {
            uint256 allowed = allowance[owner][msg.sender]; // Saves gas for limited approvals.

            if (allowed != type(uint256).max)
                allowance[owner][msg.sender] = allowed - shares;

        _burn(owner, shares);

        emit Withdraw(msg.sender, receiver, owner, assets, shares);

        asset.safeTransfer(receiver, assets);

In a normal situation, the function compound will be called, and since the balance of gmxBaseReward is zero, no swap will be executed in uniswap V3, and the rest of the code logic will be executed.

But in this scenario, before Alice’s transaction, Bob transfers 1 token gmxBaseReward directly to contract AutoPxGmx . So, when Alice’s transaction is going to be executed, inside the function compound the swap function will be called (because the balance gmxBaseReward is equal to 1 now). In the function exactInputSingle in uniswap V3, there is a check: require(amountOut >= params.amountOutMinimum, 'Too little received');

This check will be reverted, because 1 token of gmxBaseReward is worth less than 1 token of GMX, so the amount out will be zero which is smaller than amountOutMinimum.

In summary, an attacker before user’s deposit, checks the balance of token gmxBaseReward in AutoPxGmx. If this balance is equal to zero, the attacker transfers 1 token gmxBaseReward to contract AutoPxGmx, so the user’s transaction will be reverted, and user should wait until this balance reaches to the amount that worth more than or equal to 1 token GMX.

The parameter amountOutMinimum should be equal to zero when the function compound is called. compound(poolFee, 0, 0, true);

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

The attack is unlikely: there is no real reason to do it as the attacker would have to pay gas, you need conditions on the price, and conditions on the reward amounts, as if rewards are accruing you won’t be able to do it, so downgrading to Medium severity.

However it’s true that it may be good to set a minimum amount for the swaps that depends on the amountIn, or remove entirely the minAmountOut requirement.

kphed (Redacted Cartel) commented:

Hi @Picodes, this is going to be resolved as a side effect of issue #321 being fixed (i.e. compound will be updated to consider token balances w/o dependence on external factors to prevent DoS’ing of users). Wanted to flag it for your attention but ultimately up to you re: awarding. Thanks for your help ser.

[M-03] Anyone can call AutoPxGmx.compound and perform sandwich attacks with control parameters

Submitted by cccz, also found by Englave, immeas, hansfriese, rbserver, Jeiwan, xiaoming90, and aphak5010

AutoPxGmx.compound allows anyone to call to compound the reward and get the incentive.

However, AutoPxGmx.compound calls SWAP_ROUTER.exactInputSingle with some of the parameters provided by the caller, which allows the user to perform a sandwich attack for profit.

For example, a malicious user could provide the fee parameter to make the token swap occur in a small liquid pool, and could make the amountOutMinimum parameter 1 to make the token swap accept a large slippage, thus making it easier to perform a sandwich attack.

Proof of Concept

Consider using poolFee as the fee and using an onchain price oracle to calculate the amountOutMinimum.

Picodes (judge) commented:

Flagging as best as the warden identifies that the main risk is not the possibility to increase fees but the fact that some of the pools will be highly illiquid.

drahrealm (Redacted Cartel) disagreed with severity and commented:

Please refer to:

Picodes (judge) commented:

It’s very likely that this attack is profitable as most of the time only 1 or 2 pools have decent liquidity, so Medium severity is appropriate.

[M-04] AutoPxGmx.maxWithdraw and AutoPxGlp.maxWithdraw functions calculate asset amount that is too big and cannot be withdrawn

Submitted by aphak5010


The ERC-4626 Tokenized Vault Standard requires the maxWithdraw function to be implemented (

This function is supposed to return “the maximum amount of underlying assets that can be withdrawn from the owner balance with a single withdraw call”.

The PirexERC4626 contract implements this function (
It is implemented correctly when PirexERC4626 is used on its own.

However in this project, the PirexERC4626 contract is not used on its own but inherited by AutoPxGmx ( and AutoPxGlp (

AutoPxGmx and AutoPxGlp implement a withdrawalPenalty i.e. a fee that is paid when a user wants to withdraw assets from the vault.

AutoPxGmx and AutoPxGlp do not override the maxWithdraw function.

This causes the maxWithdraw function to return an amount of assets that is too big to be withdrawn.

So when maxWithdraw is called and with the returned amount withdraw is called, the call to withdraw will revert.

This can cause issues in any upstream components that rely on AutoPxGmx and AutoPxGlp to correctly implement the ERC4626 standard.

For example an upstream wrapper might only allow withdrawals with the maximum amount and determine this maximum amount by calling the maxWithdraw function. As this function returns a value that is too big, no withdrawals will be possible.

Proof of Concept

  1. The maxWithdraw function in a AutoPxGmx contract is called
  2. Now the withdraw function is called with the value that was returned by the maxWithdraw function (
  3. The withdraw function in turn calls the previewWithdraw function (
  4. The previewWithdraw function will increase the amount of shares to include the withdrawalPenalty ( which causes the amount of shares to burn to be too large and the call to burn will revert (

Tools Used

VS Code

In the AutoPxGmx and AutoPxGlp function, implement the maxWithdraw function that overrides the function in PirexERC4626 and takes into account the withdrawalPenalty.

Potential fix:

function maxWithdraw(address owner) public view override returns (uint256) {
    uint256 shares = balanceOf(owner);

    // Calculate assets based on a user's % ownership of vault shares
    uint256 assets = convertToAssets(shares);

    uint256 _totalSupply = totalSupply;

    // Calculate a penalty - zero if user is the last to withdraw
    uint256 penalty = (_totalSupply == 0 || _totalSupply - shares == 0)
        ? 0
        : assets.mulDivDown(withdrawalPenalty, FEE_DENOMINATOR);

    // Redeemable amount is the post-penalty amount
    return assets - penalty;

drahrealm (Redacted Cartel) confirmed

[M-05] SWAP_ROUTER in AutoPxGmx.sol is hardcoded and not compatible on Avalanche

Submitted by ladboy233, also found by gzeon


I want to quote from the doc:

- Does it use a side-chain? Yes
- If yes, is the sidechain evm-compatible? Yes, Avalanche

This shows that the projects is intended to support Avalanche side-chain.

SWAP_ROUTER in the AutoPxGmx.sol is hardcoded as:

IV3SwapRouter public constant SWAP_ROUTER =

But this address is the Uniswap V3 router address in arbitrium, but it is a EOA address in Avalanche,

Then the AutoPxGmx.sol is not working in Avalanche.

gmxAmountOut = SWAP_ROUTER.exactInputSingle(
		tokenIn: address(gmxBaseReward),
		tokenOut: address(gmx),
		fee: fee,
		recipient: address(this),
		amountIn: gmxBaseRewardAmountIn,
		amountOutMinimum: amountOutMinimum,
		sqrtPriceLimitX96: sqrtPriceLimitX96

Proof of Concept

The code below reverts because the EOA address on Avalanche does not have exactInputSingle method in compound method.

gmxAmountOut = SWAP_ROUTER.exactInputSingle(
		tokenIn: address(gmxBaseReward),
		tokenOut: address(gmx),
		fee: fee,
		recipient: address(this),
		amountIn: gmxBaseRewardAmountIn,
		amountOutMinimum: amountOutMinimum,
		sqrtPriceLimitX96: sqrtPriceLimitX96
	@notice Compound pxGMX rewards
	@param  fee                    uint24   Uniswap pool tier fee
	@param  amountOutMinimum       uint256  Outbound token swap amount
	@param  sqrtPriceLimitX96      uint160  Swap price impact limit (optional)
	@param  optOutIncentive        bool     Whether to opt out of the incentive
	@return gmxBaseRewardAmountIn  uint256  GMX base reward inbound swap amount
	@return gmxAmountOut           uint256  GMX outbound swap amount
	@return pxGmxMintAmount        uint256  pxGMX minted when depositing GMX
	@return totalFee               uint256  Total platform fee
	@return incentive              uint256  Compound incentive
function compound(
	uint24 fee,
	uint256 amountOutMinimum,
	uint160 sqrtPriceLimitX96,
	bool optOutIncentive

We recommend the project not hardcode the SWAP_ROUTERin AutoPxGmx.sol, can pass this parameter in the constructor.

kphed (Redacted Cartel) commented:

The core set of contracts currently functions for both Arbitrum and Avalanche, but the AutoPxGmx contract does not (the auto-compounding contracts are part of the non-core “Easy Mode” offering). We’re aware of this and are holding off on completing those changes launching on Avalanche until after our Arbitrum launch goes smoothly. Thank you for participating in our C4 contest!

[M-06] Assets may be lost when calling unprotected AutoPxGlp::compound function

Submitted by deliriusz, also found by keccak123, wagmi, pashov, 0xbepresent, rbserver, unforgiven, simon135, xiaoming90, gzeon, R2, ladboy233, 0xLad, 0x52, pedroais, Ruhum, cccz, hihen, rvierdiiev, perseverancesuccess, and Englave


Compounded assets may be lost because AutoPxGlp::compound can be called by anyone and minimum amount of Glp and USDG are under caller’s control. The only check concerning minValues is that they are not zero (1 will work, however from the perspective of real tokens e.g. 1e6, or 1e18 it’s virtually zero). Additionally, internal smart contract functions use it as well with minimal possible value (e.g. beforeDeposit function).

Proof of Concept

compound function calls PirexGmx::depositGlp, that uses external GMX reward router to mint and stake GLP.

141:     function mintAndStakeGlpETH(uint256 _minUsdg, uint256 _minGlp) external payable nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
148: uint256 glpAmount = IGlpManager(glpManager).addLiquidityForAccount(address(this), account, weth, msg.value, _minUsdg, _minGlp);

Next GlpManager::addLiquidityForAccount is called

    function addLiquidityForAccount(address _fundingAccount, address _account, address _token, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minUsdg, uint256 _minGlp) external override nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
        return _addLiquidity(_fundingAccount, _account, _token, _amount, _minUsdg, _minGlp);

which in turn uses vault to swap token for specific amount of USDG before adding liquidity:

The amount of USGD to mint is calcualted by GMX own price feed:

In times of market turbulence, or price oracle manipulation, all compound value may be lost

Tools Used

VS Code,

Don’t depend on user passing minimum amounts of usdg and glp tokens. Use GMX oracle to get current price, and additionally check it against some other price feed (e.g. ChainLink).

kphed (Redacted Cartel) commented:

We’re using the following combination of mechanics in order to make front-running compound calls economically unattractive (or, at the very least, minimally impactful) for would-be attackers:

  • Compound incentives
  • Execution as a side effect of vault functions

Both will result in a higher frequency of the vault compounding its rewards and less resources available for potential attackers.

[M-07] Deposit Feature Of The Vault Will Break If Update To A New Platform

Submitted by xiaoming90, also found by joestakey, hansfriese, unforgiven, bin2chen, ladboy233, 0x52, aphak5010, hihen, 8olidity, cccz, and rvierdiiev

Proof of Concept

During initialization, the AutoPxGMX vault will grant max allowance to the platform (PirexGMX) to spend its GMX tokens in Line 97 of the constructor method below. This is required because the vault needs to deposit GMX tokens to the platform (PirexGMX) contract. During deposit, the platform (PirexGMX) contract will pull the GMX tokens within the vault and send them to GMX protocol for staking. Otherwise, the deposit feature within the vault will not work.

File: AutoPxGmx.sol
73:     constructor(
74:         address _gmxBaseReward,
75:         address _gmx,
76:         address _asset,
77:         string memory _name,
78:         string memory _symbol,
79:         address _platform,
80:         address _rewardsModule
81:     ) Owned(msg.sender) PirexERC4626(ERC20(_asset), _name, _symbol) {
82:         if (_gmxBaseReward == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();
83:         if (_gmx == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();
84:         if (_asset == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();
85:         if (bytes(_name).length == 0) revert InvalidAssetParam();
86:         if (bytes(_symbol).length == 0) revert InvalidAssetParam();
87:         if (_platform == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();
88:         if (_rewardsModule == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();
90:         gmxBaseReward = ERC20(_gmxBaseReward);
91:         gmx = ERC20(_gmx);
92:         platform = _platform;
93:         rewardsModule = _rewardsModule;
95:         // Approve the Uniswap V3 router to manage our base reward (inbound swap token)
96:         gmxBaseReward.safeApprove(address(SWAP_ROUTER), type(uint256).max);
97:         gmx.safeApprove(_platform, type(uint256).max);
98:     }

However, when the owner calls the AutoPxGmx.setPlatform function to update the platform to a new address, it does not grant any allowance to the new platform address. As a result, the new platform (PirexGMX) will not be able to pull the GMX tokens from the vault. Thus, the deposit feature of the vault will break, and no one will be able to deposit.

File: AutoPxGmx.sol
152:     function setPlatform(address _platform) external onlyOwner {
153:         if (_platform == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();
155:         platform = _platform;
157:         emit PlatformUpdated(_platform);
158:     }


The deposit feature of the vault will break, and no one will be able to deposit.

Ensure that allowance is given to the new platform address so that it can pull the GMX tokens from the vault.

function setPlatform(address _platform) external onlyOwner {
    if (_platform == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();
+   if (_platform == platform) revert SamePlatformAddress();
+   gmx.safeApprove(platform, 0); // set the old platform approval amount to zero
+   gmx.safeApprove(_platform, type(uint256).max); // approve the new platform contract address allowance to the max

    platform = _platform;

    emit PlatformUpdated(_platform);

kphed (Redacted Cartel) confirmed

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Changing to Medium risk as the DOS would just be temporary as the platform could be reset to its previous value, and there is no clear risk of loss of funds.

[M-08] Tokens with fees will break the depositGlp() logic

Submitted by R2, also found by kyteg


In PirexGmx and AutoPxGlp you have function depositGlp(), which accepts any ERC20 token from whitelist.

Now there are 9 tokens (see here:

WBTC, WETH, USDC, LINK, UNI, USDT, MIM, FRAX, DAI And the list may extend

So any user can deposit any of those tokens and receive pxGlp token:

    function testUSDTDepositGlp() external {
        // 0 USDT TOKENS
        address myAddress = address(this);
        assertEq(usdt.balanceOf(myAddress), 0);

        // The one with many USDT tokens
        uint256 amount = 100000;
        usdt.transfer(myAddress, amount);

        // amount USDT TOKENS
        assertEq(usdt.balanceOf(myAddress), amount);

        usdt.approve(address(pirexGmx), amount);
        pirexGmx.depositGlp(address(usdt), amount, 1, 1, address(this));
        assertEq(usdt.balanceOf(address(this)), 0);
        assertEq(pxGlp.balanceOf(address(this)), 118890025839780442);

But if any of these tokens will start charge fee on transfers, the logic will be broken and calls to depositGlp() with suck token will fail.

Because here you use the amount of tokens sent from user wallet:

            t.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokenAmount);

            // Mint and stake GLP using ERC20 tokens
            deposited = gmxRewardRouterV2.mintAndStakeGlp(

And then gmxRewardRouterV2 tries to transfer tokens to his balance from your balance:

IERC20(_token).safeTransferFrom(_fundingAccount, address(vault), _amount);

(See - GlpManager and - RewardRouterV2)

But you received less than tokenAmount tokens because of fee. The transaction will fail.

Proof of Concept

Let’s imagine USDT in arbitrub started to charge fees 1% per transfer.

Alice wants to deposit 100 USDT through PirexGmx.depositGlp()

Then you do t.safeTransferFrom(Alice, address(this), 100);

You will receive only 99 USDT

But in the next line you will try to send 100 USDT:

deposited = gmxRewardRouterV2.mintAndStakeGlp(

So transaction fails and Alice can’t get pxGlp tokens.

Tools Used

VS Code

USDT already has fees in other blockchains.

Many of these tokens use proxy pattern (and USDT too). It’s quite probably that in one day one of the tokens will start charge fees. Or you would like to add one more token to whitelist and the token will be with fees.

Thats why I consider finding as Medium severity.

To avoid problems, use common pattern, when you check your balance before operation and balance after, like that:

            uint256 balanceBefore = t.balanceOf(address(this));
            t.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokenAmount);
            uint256 balanceAfter = t.balanceOf(address(this));

            uint256 tokenAmount = balanceAfter - balanceBefore;

            // Mint and stake GLP using ERC20 tokens
            deposited = gmxRewardRouterV2.mintAndStakeGlp(

drahrealm (Redacted Cartel) confirmed

Picodes (judge) commented:

As USDT is already an accepted underlying token, Medium severity is appropriate.

[M-09] broken logic in configureGmxState() of PirexGmx contract because it doesn’t properly call safeApprove() for stakedGmx address

Submitted by unforgiven, also found by eierina, Jeiwan, and imare


Function configureGmxState() of PirexGmx is for configuring GMX contract state but logic is using safeApprove() improperly, it won’t reset approval amount for old stakedGmx address This would cause 4 problem:

  1. Different behavior in setContract() and configureGmxState() for handling stakeGmx address changes. in setContract() the logic reset approval for old address to zero but in configureGmxState() the logic don’t reset old address GMX spending approval.
  2. The call to this function would revert if stakeGmx address didn’t changed but other addresses has been changed so owner can’t use this to configure contract.
  3. Contract won’t reset approval for old stakedGmx address which is a threat because contract in that address can steal all the GMX balance any time in the future if that old address had been compromised.
  4. Contract won’t reset approval for old stakedGmx address, if owner use configureGmxState() to change the stakeGmx value then it won’t be possible to set stakedGmx value to previous ones by using either configureGmxState() or setContract() and contract would be in broken state.

Proof of Concept

This is configureGmxState() code in PirexGmx:

        @notice Configure GMX contract state
    function configureGmxState() external onlyOwner whenPaused {
        // Variables which can be assigned by reading previously-set GMX contracts
        rewardTrackerGmx = RewardTracker(gmxRewardRouterV2.feeGmxTracker());
        rewardTrackerGlp = RewardTracker(gmxRewardRouterV2.feeGlpTracker());
        feeStakedGlp = RewardTracker(gmxRewardRouterV2.stakedGlpTracker());
        stakedGmx = RewardTracker(gmxRewardRouterV2.stakedGmxTracker());
        glpManager = gmxRewardRouterV2.glpManager();
        gmxVault = IVault(IGlpManager(glpManager).vault());

        emit ConfigureGmxState(

        // Approve GMX to enable staking
        gmx.safeApprove(address(stakedGmx), type(uint256).max);

As you can see it just sets the approval for new stakeGmx address and doesn’t do anything about spending approval of old stakeGmx address.

This is part of the setContract() code that handels stakeGmx:

        if (c == Contracts.StakedGmx) {
            // Set the current stakedGmx (pending change) approval amount to 0
            gmx.safeApprove(address(stakedGmx), 0);

            stakedGmx = RewardTracker(contractAddress);

            // Approve the new stakedGmx contract address allowance to the max
            gmx.safeApprove(contractAddress, type(uint256).max);

As you can see it resets the spending approval of old stakedGmx address to zero and then give unlimited spending approval for new address.

So the impact #1 is obvious that the code for same logic in two different functions don’t behave similarly.

Function configureGmxState() is used for configuring GMX contract state but if owner uses this function one time then it won’t be possible to call this function the second time if stakedGmx wasn’t changed. For example in this scenario:

  1. Owner calls configureGmxState() to set values for GMX contract addresses.
  2. Then address of one of contract changes in GMX (stakedGmx stayed the same) and owner wants to call configureGmxState() to reset the values of variables to correct ones.
  3. Owner call to configureGmxState() would fail because stakedGmx address didn’t change and in the line gmx.safeApprove(address(stakedGmx), type(uint256).max); contract tries to set non zero approval for stakedGmx but it already has non zero spending allowance. (safeApprove() would revert if the current spending allowance is not zero and the new allowance is not zero either).

So the impact #2 would happen and calls to this function in some scenarios would fail and it won’t be functional.

Because function configureGmxState() doesn’t reset the old stakeGmx addresses GMX token spending approval to 0x0 so it would be possible to lose all GMX balance of PirexGmx contract if the old stakeGmx addresses are compromised. For example in this scenario:

  1. GMX protocol get hacked (either by a bug or leaking some private keys) and stakeGmx contract control would be in hacker’s hand.
  2. GMX deploy new contracts and stakeGmx address changes in GMX.()
  3. owner of PirexGmx calls configureGmxState() to reset the values of GMX contracts addresses in PirexGmx.
  4. Function configureGmxState() logic would change the GMX contract addresses but it won’t set GMX token spending approval for old stakeGmx address to zero.
  5. Hacker who control the old stakeGmx address would use his access to that address contract to withdraw GMX balance of PirexGmx.

BPirexGmx won’t set approval for old stakeGmx contract so it would be possible for that old stakeGmx address to transfer GMX balance of PirexGmx anytime in future. The bug in old stakeGmx contract or leakage of private keys of stakeGmx address (private key who can become the owner or admin of that contract) can happen after migrating GMX and Pirex contracts too. This is impact #3 scenario.

In scenario #4, contract would be stuck in unrecoverable state. The problem is that if configureGmxState() gets used more than once and stakeGmx variable’s value has been changes more than once then it won’t be possible to set stakeGmx value to old values either with configureGmxState() or setContract() and the contract won’t be useful. The scenario is this: (safeApprove() won’t allow to set non-zero approval for address that has already non-zero approval amount. See the OZ implementation)

  1. GMX protocol changes its stakeGmx contract address from old address to new (for any reason, they got hacked or they are migrating or …)
  2. owner of PirexGmx calls configureGmxState() to update GMX protocol’s contract address in PirexGmx contract and the logic would update the values of variables. (The GMX spending approval for old and new stakeGmx address would be max value).
  3. GMX protocol changes stakeGmx contract address from new value to old value (for any reason, they decided to roll back to old address).
  4. Owner tries to call configureGmxState() to reupdate GMX protocol’s address in PirexGmx but the call would revert because the code tries to call safeApprove() for address that has already non-zero allowance.
  5. Owner can’t call setContract() to update value of stakeGmx variable because this function tries to call safeApprove() to set non-zero approval value for address that already has non-zero allowance.

So in this state owner can’t recover PirexGmx contract and because contract has wrong value for stakeGmx it won’t be functional and it would stay in broken state.

Tools Used


Like setContract(), function configureGmxState() should set approval for old PirexGmx to zero first.

drahrealm (Redacted Cartel) confirmed, but disagreed with severity and commented:

The method was meant to be called only once (ie. right before unpausing the contract to make it live). To make it clearer, we will change the method name to initializeGmxState instead.

Picodes (judge) commented:

Maybe you could add a flag to prevent the method from being called multiple times as well.

[M-10] _calculateRewards() in PirexGmx don’t handle reward calculation properly, and it would revert when totalSupply() is zero which will cause claimRewards() to revert if one of 4 rewardTracker’s totalSupply was zero

Submitted by unforgiven, also found by 8olidity


Function claimRewards() in PirexGmx claims WETH and esGMX rewards and multiplier points (MP) from GMX protocol. it uses _calculateRewards() to calculate the unclaimed reward token amounts produced for each token type. But because of the lack of checks, function _calculateRewards() would revert when RewardTracker.distributor.totalSupply() is zero so if any of the 4 RewardTrackers has zero totalSupply() then function claimRewards() would revert too and function harvest() in PirexRewards contract would revert too because it calls PirexGmx.claimRewards().

harvest() is used in claim() function so claim() would not work too. This bug would harvest rewards for PirexRewards contract and claim rewards for users from PirexRewards when supply of one of RewardTrackers contracts in GMX protocol is zero.

Function claimRewards() is written based on GMX code, but the logic is not correctly copied because GMX protocol contract checks for totalSupply() and it prevents this bug from happening.

Proof of Concept

This is function _calculateRewards()’s code in PirexGmx:

   function _calculateRewards(bool isBaseReward, bool useGmx)
        returns (uint256)
        RewardTracker r;

        if (isBaseReward) {
            r = useGmx ? rewardTrackerGmx : rewardTrackerGlp;
        } else {
            r = useGmx ? stakedGmx : feeStakedGlp;

        address distributor = r.distributor();
        uint256 pendingRewards = IRewardDistributor(distributor)
        uint256 distributorBalance = (isBaseReward ? gmxBaseReward : esGmx)
        uint256 blockReward = pendingRewards > distributorBalance
            ? distributorBalance
            : pendingRewards;
        uint256 precision = r.PRECISION();
        uint256 cumulativeRewardPerToken = r.cumulativeRewardPerToken() +
            ((blockReward * precision) / r.totalSupply());

        if (cumulativeRewardPerToken == 0) return 0;

            r.claimableReward(address(this)) +
            ((r.stakedAmounts(address(this)) *
                (cumulativeRewardPerToken -
                    r.previousCumulatedRewardPerToken(address(this)))) /

As you can see in the line uint256 cumulativeRewardPerToken = r.cumulativeRewardPerToken() + ((blockReward * precision) / r.totalSupply()) if totalSupply() was zero then code would revert because of division by zero error. So if RewardTracker.distributor.totalSupply() was zero then function _calculateRewards would revert and won’t work and other function using _calculateRewards() would be break too.

This is part of function claimRewards()’s code in PirexGmx contract:

    function claimRewards()
        returns (
            ERC20[] memory producerTokens,
            ERC20[] memory rewardTokens,
            uint256[] memory rewardAmounts
        // Assign return values used by the PirexRewards contract
        producerTokens = new ERC20[](4);
        rewardTokens = new ERC20[](4);
        rewardAmounts = new uint256[](4);
        producerTokens[0] = pxGmx;
        producerTokens[1] = pxGlp;
        producerTokens[2] = pxGmx;
        producerTokens[3] = pxGlp;
        rewardTokens[0] = gmxBaseReward;
        rewardTokens[1] = gmxBaseReward;
        rewardTokens[2] = ERC20(pxGmx); // esGMX rewards distributed as pxGMX
        rewardTokens[3] = ERC20(pxGmx);

        // Get pre-reward claim reward token balances to calculate actual amount received
        uint256 baseRewardBeforeClaim = gmxBaseReward.balanceOf(address(this));
        uint256 esGmxBeforeClaim = stakedGmx.depositBalances(

        // Calculate the unclaimed reward token amounts produced for each token type
        uint256 gmxBaseRewards = _calculateRewards(true, true);
        uint256 glpBaseRewards = _calculateRewards(true, false);
        uint256 gmxEsGmxRewards = _calculateRewards(false, true);
        uint256 glpEsGmxRewards = _calculateRewards(false, false);

As you can see it calls _calculateRewards() to calculate the unclaimed reward token amounts produced for each token type in GMX protocol. so function claimRewards() would revert too when totalSupply() of one of these 4 RewardTracker’s distributers was zero.

This is part of functions harvest() and claim() code in PirexReward contract:

    function harvest()
        returns (
            ERC20[] memory _producerTokens,
            ERC20[] memory rewardTokens,
            uint256[] memory rewardAmounts
        (_producerTokens, rewardTokens, rewardAmounts) = producer
        uint256 pLen = _producerTokens.length;

    function claim(ERC20 producerToken, address user) external {
        if (address(producerToken) == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();
        if (user == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();

        userAccrue(producerToken, user);

As you can see harvest() calls claimRewards() and claim() calls harvest() so these two functions would revert and won’t work when totalSupply() of one of these 4 RewardTracker’s distributers in GMX protocol was zero. In that situation the protocol can’t harvest and claim rewards from GMX because of this bug and users won’t be able to claim their rewards from the protocol. The condition for this bug could happen from time to time as GMX decided to prevent it by checking the value of totalSupply().

This is function _updateRewards() code in RewardTracker in GMX protocol (

    function _updateRewards(address _account) private {
        uint256 blockReward = IRewardDistributor(distributor).distribute();

        uint256 supply = totalSupply;
        uint256 _cumulativeRewardPerToken = cumulativeRewardPerToken;
        if (supply > 0 && blockReward > 0) {
            _cumulativeRewardPerToken = _cumulativeRewardPerToken.add(blockReward.mul(PRECISION).div(supply));
            cumulativeRewardPerToken = _cumulativeRewardPerToken;

        // cumulativeRewardPerToken can only increase

As you can see it checks that supply > 0 before using it as denominator in division. So GMX protocol handles the case when totalSupply() is zero and contract logics won’t break when this case happens but function _calculateRewards(), which tries to calculate GMX protocol rewards beforehand, don’t handle this case(the case where totalSupply() is zero) so the logics would break when this case happens and it would cause function harvest() and claim() to be unfunctional.

Tools Used


Check that totalSupply() is not zero before using it.

drahrealm (Redacted Cartel) confirmed

[M-11] PirexGmx#migrateReward() may cause users to lose Reward.

Submitted by bin2chen

PirexGmx#migrateReward() may cause users to lose Reward before PirexRewards.sol set new PirexGmx.

Proof of Concept

The current migration process is: call # completemigration ()-> # migrateward ()

After this method, the producer of PirexRewards.sol contract is still the old PirexGmx.

At this time, if AutoPxGmx#compound () is called by bot:

AutoPxGmx#compound() -> PirexRewards#.claim() -> old_PirexGmx#claimRewards()

Old_PirexGmx#claimRewards () will return zero rewards and the reward of AutopXGMX will be lost.

Old PirexGmx still can execute

There are two ways to solve the problem.

  1. Set the producer of PirexRewards to the new PirexGmx in completeMigration ().
  2. In #migrateReward (), set the old PirexGmx’s “pirexRewards” to address(0), so that you can’t use the old PirexGmx to get rewards

Simply use the second, such as:

    function migrateReward() external whenPaused {
        if (msg.sender != migratedTo) revert NotMigratedTo();
        if (gmxRewardRouterV2.pendingReceivers(address(this)) != address(0))
            revert PendingMigration();

        // Transfer out any remaining base reward (ie. WETH) to the new contract
+       pirexRewards ==address(0);   //*** set pirexRewards=0,Avoid claimRewards () being called by mistake.***//

drahrealm (Redacted Cartel) confirmed

[M-12] Reward tokens mismanagement can cause users losing rewards

Submitted by Jeiwan, also found by pashov, cryptonue, 0xbepresent, __141345__, unforgiven, cryptoDave, Koolex, and datapunk

A user (which can also be one of the autocompounding contracts, AutoPxGlp or AutoPxGmx) can lose a reward as a result of reward tokens mismanagement by the owner.

Proof of Concept

The protocol defines a short list of reward tokens that are hard coded in the claimRewards function of the PirexGmx contract (PirexGmx.sol#L756-L759):

rewardTokens[0] = gmxBaseReward;
rewardTokens[1] = gmxBaseReward;
rewardTokens[2] = ERC20(pxGmx); // esGMX rewards distributed as pxGMX
rewardTokens[3] = ERC20(pxGmx);

The fact that these addresses are hard coded means that no other reward tokens will be supported by the protocol. However, the PirexRewards contract maintains a different list of reward tokens, one per producer token (PirexRewards.sol#L19-L31):

struct ProducerToken {
    ERC20[] rewardTokens;
    GlobalState globalState;
    mapping(address => UserState) userStates;
    mapping(ERC20 => uint256) rewardStates;
    mapping(address => mapping(ERC20 => address)) rewardRecipients;

// Producer tokens mapped to their data
mapping(ERC20 => ProducerToken) public producerTokens;

These reward tokens can be added (PirexRewards.sol#L151) or removed (PirexRewards.sol#L179) by the owner, which creates the possibility of mismanagement:

  1. The owner can mistakenly remove one of the reward tokens hard coded in the PirexGmx contract;
  2. The owner can add reward tokens that are not supported by the PirexGmx contract.

Such mismanagement can cause users to lose rewards for two reasons:

  1. Reward state of a user is updated before their rewards are claimed;
  2. It’s the reward token addresses set by the owner of the PirexRewards contract that are used to transfer rewards.

In the claim function:

  1. harvest is called to pull rewards from GMX (PirexRewards.sol#L377):

  2. claimReward is called on PirexGmx to pull rewards from GMX and get the hard coded lists of producer tokens, reward tokens, and amounts (PirexRewards.sol#L346-L347):

    (_producerTokens, rewardTokens, rewardAmounts) = producer
  3. Rewards are recorded for each of the hard coded reward token (PirexRewards.sol#L361):

    if (r != 0) {
        producerState.rewardStates[rewardTokens[i]] += r;
  4. Later in the claim function, owner-set reward tokens are read (PirexRewards.sol#L386-L387):

    ERC20[] memory rewardTokens = p.rewardTokens;
    uint256 rLen = rewardTokens.length;
  5. User reward state is set to 0, which means they’ve claimed their entire share of rewards (PirexRewards.sol#L391), however this is done before a reward is actually claimed:

    p.userStates[user].rewards = 0;
  6. The owner-set reward tokens are iterated and the previously recorded rewards are distributed (PirexRewards.sol#L396-L415):

    for (uint256 i; i < rLen; ++i) {
        ERC20 rewardToken = rewardTokens[i];
        address rewardRecipient = p.rewardRecipients[user][rewardToken];
        address recipient = rewardRecipient != address(0)
            ? rewardRecipient
            : user;
        uint256 rewardState = p.rewardStates[rewardToken];
        uint256 amount = (rewardState * userRewards) / globalRewards;
        if (amount != 0) {
            // Update reward state (i.e. amount) to reflect reward tokens transferred out
            p.rewardStates[rewardToken] = rewardState - amount;

In the above loop, there can be multiple reasons for rewards to not be sent:

  1. One of the hard coded reward tokens is missing in the owner-set reward tokens list;
  2. The owner-set reward token list contains a token that’s not supported by PirexGmx (i.e. it’s not in the hard coded reward tokens list);
  3. The rewardTokens array of a producer token turns out to be empty due to mismanagement by the owner.

In all of the above situations, rewards won’t be sent, however user’s reward state will still be set to 0.

Also, notice that calling claim won’t revert if reward tokens are misconfigured, and the Claim event will be emitted successfully, which makes reward tokens mismanagement hard to detect.

The amount of lost rewards can be different depending on how much GMX a user has staked and how often they claim rewards. Of course, if a mistake isn’t detected quickly, multiple users can suffer from this issue. The autocompounding contracts (AutoPxGlp and AutoPxGmx) are also users of the protocol, and since they’re intended to hold big amounts of real users’ deposits (they’ll probably be the biggest stakers), lost rewards can be big.

Consider having one source of reward tokens. Since they’re already hard coded in the PirexGmx contract, consider exposing them so that PirexRewards could read them in the claim function. This change will also mean that the addRewardToken and removeRewardToken functions won’t be needed, which makes contract management simpler.

Also, in the claim function, consider updating global and user reward states only after ensuring that at least one reward token was distributed.

drahrealm (Redacted Cartel) disagreed with severity and commented:

To make sure this won’t be an issue, we will add the whenNotPaused modifier to claimUserReward method in PirexGmx. Also, as migrateRewards is going to be updated to also set the pirexRewards address to 0, it will defer any call to claim the rewards

Picodes (judge) commented:

Seems to be the mitigation for #249.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this contest, 60 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by 0xSmartContract received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: brgltd, Deivitto, Awesome, eierina, jadezti, 0xNazgul, adriro, danyams, delfin454000, rotcivegaf, sakshamguruji, rbserver, Waze, Josiah, hansfriese, gz627, oyc_109, keccak123, B2, ch0bu, 0xbepresent, cryptostellar5, Diana, Funen, 0xfuje, pedr02b2, nameruse, deliriusz, Jeiwan, joestakey, unforgiven, xiaoming90, shark, erictee, JohnSmith, 0xPanda, btk, 0xAgro, gzeon, hihen, carrotsmuggler, R2, subtle77, codeislight, simon135, Rolezn, aphak5010, csanuragjain, datapunk, martin, Sathish9098, yixxas, perseverancesuccess, fatherOfBlocks, rvierdiiev, codexploder, chaduke, Bnke0x0, and RaymondFam .

Low Risk Issues Summary

Number Issues Details Context
[L-01] PirexERC4626’s implmentation is not fully up to EIP-4626’s specification 1
[L-02] initialize() function can be called by anybody 1
[L-03] Solmate’s SafeTransferLib doesn’t check whether the ERC20 contract exists 19
[L-04] Use Ownable2StepUpgradeable instead of OwnableUpgradeable contract 1
[L-05] Owner can renounce Ownership 1
[L-06] Critical Address Changes Should Use Two-step Procedure 4
[L-07] DepositGlp Event arguments names are confusing 2
[L-08] Loss of precision due to rounding 1
[L-09] First value check of argument of type enum in setFee function is missing 1
[L-10] Hardcode the address causes no future updates 1
[L-11] Lack of Input Validation 6

Total: 11 issues

[L-01] PirexERC4626’s implmentation is not fully up to EIP-4626’s specification

Must return the maximum amount of shares mint would allow to be deposited to receiver and not cause a revert, which must not be higher than the actual maximum that would be accepted (it should underestimate if necessary).

This assumes that the user has infinite assets, i.e. must not rely on balanceOf of asset.

  217:     function maxDeposit(address) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
  218:         return type(uint256).max;
  219:     }
  221:     function maxMint(address) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
  222:         return type(uint256).max;
  223:     }

Could cause unexpected behavior in the future due to non-compliance with EIP-4626 standard.

Similar problem for Sentimentxyz:

maxMint() and maxDeposit() should reflect the limitation of maxSupply.

Consider changing maxMint() and maxDeposit() to:

function maxMint(address) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
    if (totalSupply >= maxSupply) {
        return 0;
    return maxSupply - totalSupply;
function maxDeposit(address) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
    return convertToAssets(maxMint(address(0)));

[L-02] initialize() function can be called by anybody

initialize() function can be called by anybody when the contract is not initialized.

More importantly, if someone else runs this function, they will have full authority because of the __Ownable_init() function.

Here is a definition of initialize() function.

  85:     function initialize() public initializer {
  86:         __Ownable_init();
  87:     }

Add a control that makes initialize() only call the Deployer Contract or EOA;

if (msg.sender != DEPLOYER_ADDRESS) {
            revert NotDeployer();

[L-03] Solmate’s SafeTransferLib doesn’t check whether the ERC20 contract exists

Solmate’s SafeTransferLib, which is often used to interact with non-compliant/unsafe ERC20 tokens, does not check whether the ERC20 contract exists. The following code will not revert in case the token doesn’t exist (yet).

This is stated in the Solmate library:

19 results 

    5: import {SafeTransferLib} from "solmate/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol";

  114:         token.safeTransfer(treasury, treasuryDistribution);
  115:         token.safeTransfer(contributors, contributorsDistribution);

    7: import {SafeTransferLib} from "solmate/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol";

  392:         gmx.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);

  506:             t.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokenAmount);

  643:             ERC20(pxGlp).safeTransferFrom(

  844:             gmxBaseReward.safeTransfer(receiver, postFeeAmount);
  847:                 gmxBaseReward.safeTransfer(address(pirexFees), feeAmount);

  946:         gmxBaseReward.safeTransfer(

    6: import {SafeTransferLib} from "solmate/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol";

  258:                 asset.safeTransfer(msg.sender, pxGlpIncentive);
  260:             asset.safeTransfer(owner, totalPxGlpFee - pxGlpIncentive);

  274:                 pxGmx.safeTransfer(msg.sender, pxGmxIncentive);
  276:             pxGmx.safeTransfer(owner, totalPxGmxFee - pxGmxIncentive);

  344:         stakedGlp.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);

  387:         erc20Token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokenAmount);

    7: import {SafeTransferLib} from "solmate/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol";
  297:             if (incentive != 0) asset.safeTransfer(msg.sender, incentive);
  299:             asset.safeTransfer(owner, totalFee - incentive);

  336:         asset.safeTransfer(receiver, assets);

  361:         asset.safeTransfer(receiver, assets);

  382:         gmx.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);

Add a contract exist control in functions;

pragma solidity >=0.8.0;

function isContract(address _addr) private returns (bool isContract) {
    isContract = _addr.code.length > 0;

[L-04] Use Ownable2StepUpgradeable instead of OwnableUpgradeable contract


transferOwnership function is used to change Ownership from OwnableUpgradeable.sol.

There is another Openzeppelin Ownable contract (Ownable2StepUpgradeable.sol) has transferOwnership function , use it is more secure due to 2-stage ownership transfer.


[L-05] Owner can renounce Ownership


Typically, the contract’s owner is the account that deploys the contract. As a result, the owner is able to perform certain privileged activities.

The Openzeppelin’s Ownable used in this project contract implements renounceOwnership. This can represent a certain risk if the ownership is renounced for any other reason than by design. Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner.

onlyOwner functions;

  93:     function setProducer(address _producer) external onlyOwner {
151:     function addRewardToken(ERC20 producerToken, ERC20 rewardToken)  external onlyOwner

We recommend to either reimplement the function to disable it or to clearly specify if it is part of the contract design.

[L-06] Critical Address Changes Should Use Two-step Procedure

The critical procedures should be a two-step process.

  63:     function setFeeRecipient(FeeRecipient f, address recipient)

  313:     function setContract(Contracts c, address contractAddress)
  884:     function setVoteDelegate(address voteDelegate) external onlyOwner {

  18:     function setDelegate(bytes32 id, address delegate) public {

Lack of two-step procedure for critical operations leaves them error-prone. Consider adding two step procedure on the critical functions.

[L-07] DepositGlp Event arguments names are confusing

The uint256 amount argument of the depositFsGlp function in the PirexGmx.sol contract is named deposited in the event DepositGlp parameter. In emit DepositGlp this causes confusion in terms of user, code readability and web pages.

  421       */
  422:     function depositFsGlp(uint256 amount, address receiver)
  423:         external
  424:         whenNotPaused
  425:         nonReentrant
  426:         returns (
  427:             uint256,
  428:             uint256,
  429:             uint256
  430:         )

 452:         emit DepositGlp(
  453:             msg.sender,          	// caller
  454:             receiver,          		// receiver
  455:             address(stakedGlp),  	// token
  456:             0,                   		// tokenAmount
  457:             0,                  		 // minUsdg
  458:             0,                   		// minGlp
  459:             amount,          		 // deposited
  460:             postFeeAmount,      	 // postFeeAmount
  461:             feeAmount          	 // feeAmount
  462:         );

Event-Emit parameter names must match the function arguments or the argument they take value from.

[L-08] Loss of precision due to rounding

  221      {
  222:         feeAmount = (assets * fees[f]) / FEE_DENOMINATOR;
  223          postFeeAmount = assets - feeAmount;;

[L-09] First value check of argument of type enum in setFee function is missing

  298          @param  fee  uint256  Fee amount
  299:      */
  300:     function setFee(Fees f, uint256 fee) external onlyOwner {
  301:         if (fee > FEE_MAX) revert InvalidFee();
  303:         fees[f] = fee;
  305:         emit SetFee(f, fee);
  306:     }

Leaving the enum type argument Fees in the setFee function empty and returning the value 0 gives the same result as returning the value 0, this is a property of the enum type and therefore error-prone.

Use struck instead of enum.

[L-10] Hardcode the address causes no future updates

  18      IV3SwapRouter public constant SWAP_ROUTER =
  19:         IV3SwapRouter(0x68b3465833fb72A70ecDF485E0e4C7bD8665Fc45);

Router etc. In case the addresses change due to reasons such as updating their versions in the future, addresses coded as constants cannot be updated, so it is recommended to add the update option with the onlyOwner modifier.

[L-11] Lack of Input Validation

For defence-in-depth purpose, it is recommended to perform additional validation against the amount that the user is attempting to deposit, mint, withdraw and redeem to ensure that the submitted amount is valid.


  429       */
  430:     function depositGmx(uint256 amount, address receiver)
  431:         external
  432:         whenNotPaused
  433:         nonReentrant
  434:         returns (
  435:             uint256,
  436:             uint256,
  437:             uint256
  438:         )
  439:     {
+	         require(amount <= maxDeposit(receiver), "deposit more than max");
  80:     function mint(uint256 shares, address receiver)
  81:         public
  82:         virtual
  83:         returns (uint256 assets)
  84:     {
+ 	       require(shares <= maxMint(receiver), "mint more than max");
  438:     function withdraw(
  439:         uint256 assets,
  440:         address receiver,
  441:         address owner
  442:     ) public override returns (uint256 shares) {
+                require(assets <= maxWithdraw(owner), "withdraw more than max");

  317:     function withdraw(
  318:         uint256 assets,
  319:         address receiver,
  320:         address owner
  321:     ) public override returns (uint256 shares) {
+               require(assets <= maxWithdraw(owner), "withdraw more than max");
  450       */
  451:     function redeem(
  452:         uint256 shares,
  453:         address receiver,
  454:         address owner
  455:     ) public override returns (uint256 assets) {
+               require(shares <= maxRedeem(owner), "redeem more than max");

  341:     function redeem(
  342:         uint256 shares,
  343:         address receiver,
  344:         address owner
  345:     ) public override returns (uint256 assets) {
+                require(shares <= maxRedeem(owner), "redeem more than max");

Non-Critical Issues Summary

Number Issues Details Context
[N-01] Insufficient coverage 1
[N-02] Not using the named return variables anywhere in the function is confusing 1
[N-03] Same Constant redefined elsewhere 4
[N-04] Omissions in Events 8
[N-05] Add parameter to Event-Emit 1
[N-06] NatSpec is missing 1
[N-07] Use require instead of assert 1
[N-08] Implement some type of version counter that will be incremented automatically for contract upgrades 1
[N-09] Constant values such as a call to keccak256(), should used to immutable rather than constant 2
[N-10] For functions, follow Solidity standard naming conventions 4
[N-11] Mark visibility of initialize(…) functions as external 1
[N-12] No same value input control 8
[N-13] Include return parameters in NatSpec comments All
[N-14] 0 address check for asset 1
[N-15] Use a single file for all system-wide constants 6
[N-16] Function writing that does not comply with the Solidity Style Guide All
[N-17] Missing Upgrade Path for PirexRewards Implementation 1
[N-18] No need assert check in _computeAssetAmounts() 1
[N-19] Lack of event emission after critical initialize() functions 1
[N-20] Add a timelock to critical functions 11

Total 19 issues

[N-01] Insufficient coverage

Testing all functions is best practice in terms of security criteria.

| File                              | % Lines           | % Statements      | % Branches       | % Funcs         |
| src/PirexRewards.sol              | 98.98% (97/98)    | 99.24% (131/132)  | 94.44% (51/54)   | 94.12% (16/17)  |
| src/PxGmx.sol                     | 100.00% (0/0)     | 100.00% (0/0)     | 100.00% (0/0)    | 0.00% (0/1)     |
| src/vaults/AutoPxGlp.sol          | 91.11% (82/90)    | 93.39% (113/121)  | 87.04% (47/54)   | 94.44% (17/18)  |
| src/vaults/AutoPxGmx.sol          | 89.39% (59/66)    | 91.46% (75/82)    | 71.05% (27/38)   | 92.31% (12/13)  |
| src/vaults/PirexERC4626.sol       | 75.00% (39/52)    | 76.79% (43/56)    | 37.50% (6/16)    | 47.62% (10/21)  |
| src/vaults/PxGmxReward.sol        | 78.12% (25/32)    | 79.49% (31/39)    | 50.00% (5/10)    | 75.00% (3/4)    |
| Total                             | 56.72% (523/922)  | 58.93% (660/1120) | 59.95% (241/402) | 47.87% (90/188) |

Due to its capacity, test coverage is expected to be 100%.

[N-02] Not using the named return variables anywhere in the function is confusing

 function getUserState(ERC20 producerToken, address user)
        returns (
            uint256 lastUpdate,
            uint256 lastBalance,
            uint256 rewards
        UserState memory userState = producerTokens[producerToken].userStates[

        return (userState.lastUpdate, userState.lastBalance, userState.rewards);

Consider adopting a consistent approach to return values throughout the codebase by removing all named return variables, explicitly declaring them as local variables, and adding the necessary return statements where appropriate. This would improve both the explicitness and readability of the code, and it may also help reduce regressions during future code refactors.

[N-03] Same Constant redefined elsewhere

Keeping the same constants in different files may cause some problems or errors, reading constants from a single file is preferable. This should also be preferred in gas optimization

  18:     uint256 public constant MAX_WITHDRAWAL_PENALTY = 500;
  19:     uint256 public constant MAX_PLATFORM_FEE = 2000;
  20:     uint256 public constant FEE_DENOMINATOR = 10000;
  21:     uint256 public constant MAX_COMPOUND_INCENTIVE = 5000;


  20:     uint256 public constant MAX_WITHDRAWAL_PENALTY = 500;
  21:     uint256 public constant MAX_PLATFORM_FEE = 2000;
  22:     uint256 public constant FEE_DENOMINATOR = 10000;
  23:     uint256 public constant MAX_COMPOUND_INCENTIVE = 5000;

[N-04] Omissions in Events

Throughout the codebase, events are generally emitted when sensitive changes are made to the contracts.

However, some events are missing important parameters. The events should include the new value and old value where possible:

Events with no old value;

8 results 

  63:     function setFeeRecipient(FeeRecipient f, address recipient)

  83:     function setTreasuryFeePercent(uint8 _treasuryFeePercent)

  300:     function setFee(Fees f, uint256 fee) external onlyOwner {
  301          if (fee > FEE_MAX) revert InvalidFee();

  313:     function setContract(Contracts c, address contractAddress)

  862:     function setDelegationSpace(
  863          string memory _delegationSpace,

  884:     function setVoteDelegate(address voteDelegate) external onlyOwner {
  885          if (voteDelegate == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();

  909:     function setPauseState(bool state) external onlyOwner {
  910          if (state) {

   93:     function setProducer(address _producer) external onlyOwner {
   94          if (_producer == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();

[N-05] Add parameter to Event-Emit

Some event-emit description has no parameter. Add to parameter for front-end website or client app, they can see that something has happened on the blockchain.

Events with no old value;

  894       */
  895:     function clearVoteDelegate() public onlyOwner {
  896:         emit ClearVoteDelegate();

[N-06] NatSpec is missing

NatSpec is missing for the following functions, constructor and modifier:

  15:     ERC20 public pxGmx;
  17:     GlobalState public globalState;
  18:     uint256 public rewardState;
  19:     mapping(address => UserState) public userRewardStates;

[N-07] Use require instead of assert

  225:         assert(feeAmount + postFeeAmount == assets);
  226      }

Assert should not be used except for tests, require should be used

Prior to Solidity 0.8.0, pressing a confirm consumes the remainder of the process’s available gas instead of returning it, as request()/revert() did.

assert() and reqire();

The big difference between the two is that the assert()function when false, uses up all the remaining gas and reverts all the changes made.

Meanwhile, a require() function when false, also reverts back all the changes made to the contract but does refund all the remaining gas fees we offered to pay.This is the most common Solidity function used by developers for debugging and error handling.

Assertion() should be avoided even after solidity version 0.8.0, because its documentation states “The Assert function generates an error of type Panic(uint256). Code that works properly should never Panic, even on invalid external input. If this happens, you need to fix it in your contract. there’s a mistake”.

[N-08] Implement some type of version counter that will be incremented automatically for contract upgrades


I suggest implementing some kind of version counter that will be incremented automatically when you upgrade the contract.

uint256 public authorizeUpgradeCounter;

 function upgradeTo(address _newImplementation) external onlyOwner {


[N-09] Constant values such as a call to keccak256(), should used to immutable rather than constant

There is a difference between constant variables and immutable variables, and they should each be used in their appropriate contexts.

While it doesn’t save any gas because the compiler knows that developers often make this mistake, it’s still best to use the right tool for the task at hand.

Constants should be used for literal values written into the code, and immutable variables should be used for expressions, or values calculated in, or passed into the constructor.

2 results 

    9:     bytes32 public constant MINTER_ROLE = keccak256("MINTER_ROLE");
  10:     bytes32 public constant BURNER_ROLE = keccak256("BURNER_ROLE");

[N-10] For functions, follow Solidity standard naming conventions





The above codes don’t follow Solidity’s standard naming convention:

internal and private functions: the mixedCase format starting with an underscore (_mixedCase starting with an underscore)

[N-11] Mark visibility of initialize(…) functions as external


If someone wants to extend via inheritance, it might make more sense that the overridden initialize(…) function calls the internal {…}_init function, not the parent public initialize(…) function.

External instead of public would give more the sense of the initialize(…) functions to behave like a constructor (only called on deployment, so should only be called externally)

From a security point of view, it might be safer so that it cannot be called internally by accident in the child contract.

It might cost a bit less gas to use external over public.

It is possible to override a function from external to public (= “opening it up”) ✅

But it is not possible to override a function from public to external (= “narrow it down”). ❌

For above reasons you can change initialize(…) to external

[N-12] No same value input control

  63:     function setFeeRecipient(FeeRecipient f, address recipient)

  83:     function setTreasuryFeePercent(uint8 _treasuryFeePercent)


  313:     function setContract(Contracts c, address contractAddress)

  884:     function setVoteDelegate(address voteDelegate) external onlyOwner {

  909:     function setPauseState(bool state) external onlyOwner {

   93:     function setProducer(address _producer) external onlyOwner {

  107:     function setRewardRecipient(

  432:     function setRewardRecipientPrivileged(

Add code like this; if (oracle == _oracle revert ADDRESS_SAME();

[N-13] Include return parameters in NatSpec comments

It is recommended that Solidity contracts are fully annotated using NatSpec for all public interfaces (everything in the ABI). It is clearly stated in the Solidity official documentation. In complex projects such as Defi, the interpretation of all functions and their arguments and returns is important for code readability and auditability.

If Return parameters are declared, you must prefix them with ”/// @return”.

Some code analysis programs do analysis by reading NatSpec details, if they can’t see the “@return” tag, they do incomplete analysis.

Include return parameters in NatSpec comments

Recommendation Code Style:

   /// @notice information about what a function does
   /// @param pageId The id of the page to get the URI for.
   /// @return Returns a page's URI if it has been minted 
   function tokenURI(uint256 pageId) public view virtual override returns (string memory) {
       if (pageId == 0 || pageId > currentId) revert("NOT_MINTED");

       return string.concat(BASE_URI, pageId.toString());

[N-14] 0 address check for asset

  48:     constructor(
  49:         ERC20 _asset,
  50:         string memory _name,
  51:         string memory _symbol
  52:     ) ERC20(_name, _symbol, _asset.decimals()) {
  53:         asset = _asset;
  54:     }

Also check of the address to protect the code from 0x0 address problem just in case. This is best practice or instead of suggesting that they verify address != 0x0, you could add some good NatSpec comments explaining what is valid and what is invalid and what are the implications of accidentally using an invalid address.

like this; if (_asset == address(0)) revert ADDRESS_ZERO();

[N-15] Use a single file for all system-wide constants

There are many addresses and constants used in the system. It is recommended to put the most used ones in one file (for example constants.sol, use inheritance to access these values)

This will help with readability and easier maintenance for future changes. This also helps with any issues, as some of these hard-coded values are admin addresses.


Use and import this file in contracts that require access to these values. This is just a suggestion, in some use cases this may result in higher gas usage in the distribution.

21 results - 6 files

  20:     uint8 public constant FEE_PERCENT_DENOMINATOR = 100;
  23:     uint8 public constant MAX_TREASURY_FEE_PERCENT = 75;

  44:     uint256 public constant FEE_DENOMINATOR = 1_000_000;
  47:     uint256 public constant FEE_MAX = 200_000;

   9:     bytes32 public constant MINTER_ROLE = keccak256("MINTER_ROLE");
  10:     bytes32 public constant BURNER_ROLE = keccak256("BURNER_ROLE");

  772:     uint256 public constant BASIS_POINTS_DIVISOR = 10000;
  773:     uint256 public constant PRECISION = 1e30;
  775:     uint8 public constant decimals = 18;

  18:     uint256 public constant MAX_WITHDRAWAL_PENALTY = 500;
  19:     uint256 public constant MAX_PLATFORM_FEE = 2000;
  20:     uint256 public constant FEE_DENOMINATOR = 10000;
  21:     uint256 public constant MAX_COMPOUND_INCENTIVE = 5000;
  22:     uint256 public constant EXPANDED_DECIMALS = 1e30;

  18:     IV3SwapRouter public constant SWAP_ROUTER =
  20:     uint256 public constant MAX_WITHDRAWAL_PENALTY = 500;
  21:     uint256 public constant MAX_PLATFORM_FEE = 2000;
  22:     uint256 public constant FEE_DENOMINATOR = 10000;
  23:     uint256 public constant MAX_COMPOUND_INCENTIVE = 5000;

[NC-16] Function writing that does not comply with the Solidity Style Guide

Order of Functions; ordering helps readers identify which functions they can call and to find the constructor and fallback definitions easier. But there are contracts in the project that do not comply with this.

Functions should be grouped according to their visibility and ordered:


receive function (if exists)

fallback function (if exists)





within a grouping, place the view and pure functions last.

[N-17] Missing Upgrade Path for PirexRewards Implementation

   4: import {OwnableUpgradeable} from "openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/contracts/access/OwnableUpgradeable.sol";
  85:     function initialize() public initializer {

With the current and contracts, it is not possible to upgrade the contract.

Document the operational plan for contract upgrades. Also, consider using the UUPS proxy pattern to upgrade contract implementation.

[N-18] No need assert check in _computeAssetAmounts()

The assert check in this function is not needed. Because this check will always be true because of this line: postFeeAmount = assets - feeAmount;


  216       */
  217:     function _computeAssetAmounts(Fees f, uint256 assets)
  218:         internal
  219:         view
  220:         returns (uint256 postFeeAmount, uint256 feeAmount)
  221:     {
  224:         feeAmount = (assets * fees[f]) / FEE_DENOMINATOR;
  225:         postFeeAmount = assets - feeAmount;
- 227:       assert(feeAmount + postFeeAmount == assets);
  228:     }

[N-19] Lack of event emission after critical initialize() functions

To record the init parameters for off-chain monitoring and transparency reasons, please consider emitting an event after the initialize() functions:

  85:     function initialize() public initializer {
  86:         __Ownable_init();
  87:     }

[N-20] Add a timelock to critical functions

It is a good practice to give time for users to react and adjust to critical changes. A timelock provides more guarantees and reduces the level of trust required, thus decreasing risk for users. It also indicates that the project is legitimate (less risk of a malicious owner making a sandwich attack on a user).

Consider adding a timelock to:

11 results 

  351       */
  352:     function setFee(Fees f, uint256 fee) external onlyOwner {
  353          if (fee > FEE_MAX) revert InvalidFee();

  364       */
  365:     function setContract(Contracts c, address contractAddress)
  366          external

  918       */
  919:     function setDelegationSpace(
  920          string memory _delegationSpace,

  940       */
  941:     function setVoteDelegate(address voteDelegate) external onlyOwner {
  942          if (voteDelegate == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();

  965      */
  966:     function setPauseState(bool state) external onlyOwner {
  967          if (state) {

   94:     function setWithdrawalPenalty(uint256 penalty) external onlyOwner {
   95          if (penalty > MAX_WITHDRAWAL_PENALTY) revert ExceedsMax();

  106:     function setPlatformFee(uint256 fee) external onlyOwner {
  107          if (fee > MAX_PLATFORM_FEE) revert ExceedsMax();

  104:     function setPoolFee(uint24 _poolFee) external onlyOwner {
  105          if (_poolFee == 0) revert ZeroAmount();

  116:     function setWithdrawalPenalty(uint256 penalty) external onlyOwner {
  117          if (penalty > MAX_WITHDRAWAL_PENALTY) revert ExceedsMax();

  128:     function setPlatformFee(uint256 fee) external onlyOwner {
  129          if (fee > MAX_PLATFORM_FEE) revert ExceedsMax();

  152:     function setPlatform(address _platform) external onlyOwner {
  153          if (_platform == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();

Suggestions Summary

Number Suggestion Details
[S-01] Generate perfect code headers every time
[S-02] Add NatSpec comments to the variables defined in Storage

Total: 2 suggestions

[S-01] Generate perfect code headers every time

I recommend using header for Solidity code layout and readability:

                           TESTING 123

[S-02] Add NatSpec comments to the variables defined in Storage

I recommend adding NatSpec comments explaining the variables defined in Storage, their slots, their contents and definitions.

This improves code readability and control quality

Current Code;

  18:     uint256 public constant MAX_WITHDRAWAL_PENALTY = 500;
  19:     uint256 public constant MAX_PLATFORM_FEE = 2000;
  20:     uint256 public constant FEE_DENOMINATOR = 10000;
  21:     uint256 public constant MAX_COMPOUND_INCENTIVE = 5000;
  22:     uint256 public constant EXPANDED_DECIMALS = 1e30;
  24:     uint256 public withdrawalPenalty = 300;
  25:     uint256 public platformFee = 1000;
  26:     uint256 public compoundIncentive = 1000;
  27:     address public platform;
  30:     address public immutable rewardsModule;

Recommendation Code;

 //****** Slot 0 ******//
 26:     uint256 public constant MAX_WITHDRAWAL_PENALTY = 500;

 / /****** Slot 1 ******//
 30:     uint256 public constant MAX_PLATFORM_FEE = 2000;

  //****** Slot 2 ******//
 33:     uint256 public constant FEE_DENOMINATOR = 10000;

  /****** End of storage ******/

Gas Optimizations

For this contest, 33 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by gzeon received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: Deivitto, adriro, Tomio, halden, c3phas, cryptonue, B2, ajtra, oyc_109, karanctf, __141345__, Diana, dharma09, unforgiven, PaludoX0, sakshamguruji, keccak123, saneryee, JohnSmith, 0xPanda, 0xSmartContract, ReyAdmirado, codeislight, Rolezn, aphak5010, datapunk, Rahoz, chaduke, Schlagatron, Secureverse, pavankv, and RaymondFam .

Since GMX is on Arbitrum, a L2 rollup, it is much more important to optimize for calldata when considering gas optimization. In fact, EVM gas optimizations have minimal effect when compared to calldata optimizations. For example at 9 gwei L1 gas price and 0.1 gwei Arbitrum gas price, each byte of calldata after compression cost ~640 calldata gas. Here are some suggestions to reduce the calldata size:

  1. For all the functions with a receiver parameter (e.g. depositGmx(uint256 amount, address receiver)), add a helper function which default it with msg.sender. This saves 20 bytes (or 32 bytes, but those 0 will mostly be compressed away) of calldata ~= 12800 gas.
  2. For deposit and withdraw functions, allow the user to specify some magic value to deposit/withdraw max. This saves 32 bytes of calldata ~= 20480 gas.
  3. On the UI level, use more compressible value (e.g. 1024(0x400) instead of 1000(0x3E8)) for amounts like minGlp
  4. Consider integrating with ArbAddressTable for token addresses and other common addresses.


drahrealm (Redacted Cartel) commented:

These are interesting tips 👍 .

Picodes (judge) commented:

Flagging as best as I believe this was the submission providing the most value to the sponsor.


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