Blockswap Formal Verification Contest with Certora
Findings & Analysis Report


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About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 formal verification contest is an event in partnership with Certora Inc. in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, use formal verification tools to mathematically prove the correctness of a program or system in exhange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the formal verification contest outlined in this document, Wardens utilized the Certora Prover (verification tool) to conduct formal verification of the Blockswap smart contract system. The formal verification contest took place between January 19—February 02 2023.


23 Wardens contributed reports to the Blockswap Formal Verification contest:

  1. Koolex
  2. neumo
  3. jessicapointing
  4. eighty
  5. Dravee
  6. Apocalypto (cRat1st0s, reassor, and M0ndoHEHE)
  7. Saintcode_
  8. abhi512
  9. PPrieditis
  10. Quiark
  11. horsefacts
  12. zapaz
  13. Junnon
  14. slvDev
  15. gzeon
  16. 100proof
  17. carrotsmuggler
  18. stent
  19. BAHOZ
  20. coqlover
  21. Zarf

This contest was judged by Certora Inc.

Final report assembled by liveactionllama.


Note: during a C4 formal verification contest, Wardens can uncover both “injected bugs” and “real bugs”. This report will focus on the latter.

The C4 formal verification contest yielded an aggregated total of 6 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 0 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 6 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

All of the issues are presented below.


The code under review can be found linked within the C4 Blockswap Formal Verification contest repository, and is composed of 1 smart contract written in the Solidity programming language and includes 402 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

Teryanarmen from Certora Inc. judged this C4 formal verification contest, and assessed severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on two primary risk categories: high and medium.

For more information regarding the severity criteria for these two categories, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

Medium Risk Findings (6)


Submitted by Dravee


DOS when using addPriorityStakers with two consecutive addresses badly ordered (address a2 < address a1), which can be quite frequent (50% chance).

Proof of Concept

There’s the following condition in the _addPriorityStakers function at L626:

File: Syndicate.sol

623:         for (uint256 i; i < numOfStakers; ++i) {
624:             address staker = _priorityStakers[i];
626:             if (i > 0 && staker < _priorityStakers[i-1]) revert DuplicateArrayElements(); 
628:             isPriorityStaker[staker] = true; 
630:             emit PriorityStakerRegistered(staker);
631:         }

As we can see here, after the index 0, it will revert if the address at index i is less than the address at index i - 1, which is quite an odd condition. Additionally, the custom error is DuplicateArrayElements, which doesn’t match with what the written condition is checking.

When adding, as an example, any 2 addresses as Priority Stakers, whether one address is computed to be greater or less than the previous one shouldn’t matter (any permutation of those 2 addresses should enable these 2 addresses to be added as Priority Stakers). We can guess here that the condition was badly implemented, making so that adding a list of Priority Stakers has a 50% chance of failing.

You can try the following on Remix by inputting 2 random addresses and see that this can be true or false depending on the order, hence the 50% chance of failure claim:

    function addrCompare(address a1, address a2) external pure returns (bool) {
        return a1 < a2;

The following rule catches it as it’s unreachable with the bug (original code), and passes without it (suggested remediation):

rule addingTwoDifferentPriorityStackers(address _priorityStaker1, address _priorityStaker2) {
    // Excluding address(0)
    require(_priorityStaker1 != 0 && _priorityStaker2 != 0);
    // Avoiding duplicates and making sure the address at index i - 1 is greater than the address at index i
    require(_priorityStaker1 > _priorityStaker2);
    // Making sure they aren't already Priority Stakers
    require(!isPriorityStaker(_priorityStaker1) && !isPriorityStaker(_priorityStaker2));
    env e;

    // Adding any 2 Priority stakers address
    addPriorityStakers(e, _priorityStaker1, _priorityStaker2);
    // The rule will fail due to this assertion being unreachable with the bug
    assert(true, "This is unreacheable");

My guess is that here, the developer wanted to somehow report that the address list contains a mistake.

However, here, even if there were duplicates in the array, this wouldn’t change anything regarding the final state (just some gas would be wasted with multiple SSTOREs). I’d advise against checking if the value is already set in storage before writing to it, as multiple SLOADs can make the function call quite gas heavy very fast.

The real condition was probably intended to be “if the staker’s index isn’t equal to the current index then revert”, but for that you’d need a way to fetch an index in an array (like JavaScript’s indexOf), which isn’t the case in Solidity.

The simplest and best solution here is simply to remove the line:

File: Syndicate.sol
623:         for (uint256 i; i < numOfStakers; ++i) {
624:             address staker = _priorityStakers[i];
- 626:             if (i > 0 && staker < _priorityStakers[i-1]) revert DuplicateArrayElements(); 
628:             isPriorityStaker[staker] = true; 
630:             emit PriorityStakerRegistered(staker);
631:         }

Again, there’s no impact besides wasting gas in adding a Priority Staker multiple times, so this revert shouldn’t exist in my opinion

vince0656 (Blockswap) commented:

Assessment: Low/Medium

We will instead check isPriorityStaker[staker] and revert if true - thanks.

Dravee (warden) commented:

Hey there @vince0656,

Just curious: why revert at all? There’s no harm in writing several times in storage isPriorityStaker[staker] = true with a wrong input. However, “checking isPriorityStaker[staker] and revert if true” will penalize every caller as all these storage reading operations are expensive.

I don’t believe the happy path should cost more gas just to prevent an unhappy one.

But that’s really just a suggestion on the remediation.

I’ll also add here that a DOS (it can be worked around here but this is still a degraded functionality, with a damaged availability) is Medium Severity usually on code4rena’s documentation, not low, due to “the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted”:

2 — Med: Assets not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted, or leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements.

I also ask here if you could please reconsider this as just Medium 👍. Of course, I’ll accept any final decision you make.

teryanarmen (Certora) commented:

I think there are two separate issues here. I believe the failure to check for duplicate entries is Low/Informational severity as having duplicates in the _priorityStakers array has no effect on the protocol. The check being unnecessary and causing a DOS to me is medium severity.


Submitted by Koolex


Deregistering inactive knot via calling deRegisterKnots directly by the Syndicate owner always reverts.


Actual Behaviour & Impact
The liquid staking manager (Syndicate owner) calls deRegisterKnots function to deregister knots. However, if any of those knots is inactive, the transaction will revert. This means in order to deregister an inactive knot, one should call updateCollateralizedSlotOwnersAccruedETH function since it calls internal _deRegisterKnots.

Expected Behaviour
Deregistering knots by Syndicate owner should succeed especially if the knot is inactive.

There is a circular dependency between deRegisterKnots and _updateCollateralizedSlotOwnersLiabilitySnapshot functions which leads to this behaviour.

deRegisterKnots always calls internally _updateCollateralizedSlotOwnersLiabilitySnapshot, and _updateCollateralizedSlotOwnersLiabilitySnapshot calls _deRegisterKnot in case the knot is inactive. So when the knot is deregistered the first time, the second time it reverts.

Property Violated

isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate is not set to true since the function reverts.

Detected by

Rule deregisterInactiveKnotShouldSucceed()

vince0656 (Blockswap) commented:

Assessment: Medium/High

We have made sure the logic will not revert when deregistering an inactive knot.

teryanarmen (Certora) commented:

Since inactive knots can still be deregistered by calling updateCollateralizedSlotOwnersAccruedETH, I believe this is medium severity.


Submitted by jessicapointing, also found by Koolex

Description of the problem

A comment in Syndicate.sol states that “Basically, under a rage quit or voluntary withdrawal from the beacon chain, the knot kick is auto-propagated to syndicate”. However, when a KNOT is inactive, the KNOT can still remain part of the syndicate and isn’t automatically removed from the syndicate.

Expected Behaviour

After calling any function, an inActive KNOT should become no longer part of the syndicate.

Actual behaviour of the system

An inactive KNOT can still be part of the syndicate.

In this rule, the isActive state of the KNOT is set to false and a function is called and the isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate state is checked.

Property Violated: inactiveKnotShouldNoLongerBePartOfSyndicate

vince0656 (Blockswap) commented:

Our assessment: Medium severity

We will expose a function for anyone to poke the syndicate when a knot becomes inactive which will then kick them from the syndicate.

teryanarmen (Certora) commented:

This seems out of scope as a knot is made inactive outside of the syndicate and we should assume that the external contract will deregister the appropriate knot when they are made inactive.

teryanarmen (Certora) commented:

Actually since the protocol doesn’t poke Syndicate directly and Syndicate is responsible for deregistering knots once they are inActive, failing to do so can lead to value being leaked from active and registered knots on a syndicate to inactive and registered knots. Since this leak is stopped when collateralizedSLOT owners claim fees and can be triggered freely by anyone, the bug is medium severity.


Submitted by eighty

Short description

Some rewards for free floating shares users could become unclaimable if the user is not careful when unstaking from a knot.

Elaborative explanation of the bug and an attack case example

When staking on a given knot, the protocol prevents staking amounts fewer than 1 gwei. Additionally, when unstaking, there’s a check against unstaking amounts greater than the amounts allowed (at 263), but there’s no check on the remaining amount. Thus, this leaves open scenarios where the user may leave less than 1 gwei on a knot. In such cases, the user cannot claim additional earnings due to the following calls: 679 - 693 - 370.

Additional reasoning

The user could “restake” his position on a knot, but there’s a (short) limit of 12 eth that could be filled by anyone.
A Knot could become inactive, making future rewards forever inaccessible.
The user could recover the smalls staked amounts, but he’ll not be compensated by accrued earnings.
Property violated.

Rule issue2_unstakingLeavesSmallAmountsBehind in M002.spec, regarding the possibility of small stakes.
Rule issue2_ifTheUserHasClaimableAmountsHeShouldBeAbleToClaimIt in M002.spec regarding the rewards unclaimable.


Prevent unstaking shares when the amount remaining is less than 1 gwei.

vince0656 (Blockswap) commented:

Assessment: Low/Medium

We will remove the check on the minimum amount that must be unstaked to avoid this. Thanks.

teryanarmen (Certora) commented:

I believe this is medium severity as the protocol leaks funds but major funds are not at risk.


Submitted by jessicapointing

Description of the problem

An inactive KNOT can successfully stake.

Expected behaviour of the system: The stake function should revert if an inactive KNOT is trying to stake.

Actual behaviour of the system: The stake function succeeds and the inactive KNOT stakes.

Property Violated: cannotStakeIfKnotIsInActive

In this rule, the isActive state of the blsPubKey is set to false. The stake function is then called with this blsPubKey and the expected behaviour is that the function would revert because the KNOT is inactive. However, the stake function succeeds and an inactive KNOT can therefore successfully stake. The stake function checks if KNOT is not registered (!isKNOTRegistered) and if it is no longer part of the syndicate (!isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate) and reverts accordingly but does not check whether the KNOT is inactive.

Lines of code:

Potential Fix

(,,,,,bool isActive) = getStakeHouseUniverse().stakeHouseKnotInfo(blsPubKey);
if (!isKnotRegistered[_blsPubKey] || isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate[_blsPubKey] || !isActive) revert KnotIsNotRegisteredWithSyndicate();

jessicapointing (warden) commented:

The principle found here can be applied to other functions in the code which reveal potentially more bugs. In other words, just as I have pointed out here that an inActive KNOT can successfully call stake and succeed, an inActive KNOT (or !isKnotRegistered or isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate KNOT) can successfully call other functions it shouldn’t be able to and succeed. To fix these bugs, check the isActive/isKnotRegistered/isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate state of a KNOT before executing the function. Maybe the lack of checks are intentional because inactive/deregistered knots can still call some functions but I’m including them here for completeness and in case they shouldn’t be able to execute such functions. Here are some of the other functions and lines of code:

isActive and isKnotRegistered is not checked.

isActive and isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate is not checked.

isActive and isKnotRegistered is not checked.

isActive and isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate is not checked.

vince0656 (Blockswap) commented:

Assessment: Low severity because if you stake without an active knot, you don’t earn rewards but you can always get your stake back.

We will check for active status when staking - thanks.

teryanarmen (Certora) commented:

Inactive knots can earn rewards since all rewards are compiled together, but since deregistering a knot is done when the collateralized staker claims rewards and can be triggered at any time by anyone I think this is medium severity.


Submitted by neumo


Whenever a knot is deregistered, the last value of accumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare is stored in the mapping lastAccumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare. The accumulated value must be updated always before deregistering the knot, otherwise stakers of the knot could receive less ETH than they should when claiming/unstaking. A rule allowed me to detect two functions that violate this property.


Function _deRegisterKnot is in charge of marking a knot as isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate:

/// @dev Business logic for de-registering a specific knots assuming all accrued ETH has been processed
function _deRegisterKnot(bytes memory _blsPublicKey) internal {
	if (isKnotRegistered[_blsPublicKey] == false) revert KnotIsNotRegisteredWithSyndicate();
	if (isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate[_blsPublicKey] == true) revert KnotHasAlreadyBeenDeRegistered();

	// We flag that the knot is no longer part of the syndicate
	isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate[_blsPublicKey] = true;

	// For the free floating and collateralized SLOT of the knot, snapshot the accumulated ETH per share
	lastAccumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare[_blsPublicKey] = accumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare;

	// We need to reduce `totalFreeFloatingShares` in order to avoid further ETH accruing to shares of de-registered knot
	totalFreeFloatingShares -= sETHTotalStakeForKnot[_blsPublicKey];

	// Total number of registered knots with the syndicate reduces by one
	numberOfRegisteredKnots -= 1;

	emit KnotDeRegistered(_blsPublicKey);

We can see it snapshots the current value of accumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare in the mapping lastAccumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare. This is because all claiming/unstaking on an unregistered knot should take into account the accrued ETH up to the time of deregistering. So it means, that accumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare must be up to date every time a knot is deregistered.

I wrote the following rule to test if this property holds after every call of the contract:

rule lastAccumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShareMustAccountForAccruedETH(method f) filtered {
    f -> notHarnessCall(f)

    env e;

    bytes32 blsPubKey;

    require isKnotRegistered(blsPubKey);
    require !isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate(blsPubKey);
    require lastAccumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare(blsPubKey) == 0;

    calldataarg args;
    f(e, args);

    require isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate(blsPubKey);


    assert lastAccumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare(blsPubKey) == accumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare(), "Knot deregistered, but lastAccumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare has a wrong value";


Basically what it does is:

  • Ensure that the knot with blsPubKey is registered
  • Ensure that it is part of Syndicate
  • Ensure that lastAccumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare for the knot is zero.
  • Execute a call to any function of the contract
  • Ensure that after the call, the knot has been deregistered (isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate = true)
  • Call update accrued ETH per shares
  • Assert that lastAccumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare of the knot is equal to accumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare

If the rule fails, we can affirm that accumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare was not up to date, because the call to updateAccruedETHPerShares should not change its value.

But I found calls to these two functions make the rule fail:

  • updateCollateralizedSlotOwnersAccruedETH
  • batchUpdateCollateralizedSlotOwnersAccruedETH

That is because these two functions don’t call updateAccruedETHPerShares and they call _updateCollateralizedSlotOwnersLiabilitySnapshot, which also does not call the update accrued ETH function. But this last function can deregister the knot (if it is not active in Stakehouse, see

The impact of this issue is the loss of part of the rewards for the affected stakers, because their share of rewards will be calculated with an old value of the accrued rewards, which is for sure less than it should be (as accumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare cannot decrease, as I checked in another rule).


High impact, because it implies loss of funds for stakers of the protocol.

Property violated

After a knot state goes from isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate[blsPubKey] == false to isNoLongerPartOfSyndicate[blsPubKey] == true the value stored at lastAccumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare[blsPubKey] should be always equal to the up to date value of accumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare.


Call updateAccruedETHPerShares inside functions updateCollateralizedSlotOwnersAccruedETH and batchUpdateCollateralizedSlotOwnersAccruedETH:

function updateCollateralizedSlotOwnersAccruedETH(blsKey _blsPubKey) public { // MUNGED internal => public

function batchUpdateCollateralizedSlotOwnersAccruedETH(blsKey[] memory _blsPubKeys) public { // MUNGED internal => public
	uint256 numOfKeys = _blsPubKeys.length;
	if (numOfKeys == 0) revert EmptyArray();
	for (uint256 i; i < numOfKeys; ++i) {

vince0656 (Blockswap) commented:

Assessment: Medium

Thank you - we have fixed this issue in the Syndicate contract.

teryanarmen (Certora) commented:

In the case that a knot successfully validates a block and earns rewards, becomes inactive and is deregistered through updateCollateralizedSlotOwnersAccruedETH or batchupdateCollateralizedSlotOwnersAccruedETH, all without any other interaction with Syndicate which calls updateAccruedETHPerShares method, the the stakers of the knot would not be able to claim these rewards and further those funds will be locked in the contract. Since this vulnerability leads to non-negligible loss of funds I believe it is high severity.

One comment, @neumo why did you choose to add

require lastAccumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare(blsPubKey) == 0;

instead of just storing the output of lastAccumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare(blsPubKey) in a variable before the call to updateAccruedETHPerShares and asserting that the variable was equal to accumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare()? Seems to unnecessarily limit the scope.

neumo (warden) commented:

@teryanarmen - My reasoning was to assure that before calling the function the value of lastAccumulatedETHPerFreeFloatingShare was 0 because that is the value registered knots have. In fact its value is only set in one place (function _deRegisterKnot), so I guessed it was safe (and less computationally intensive for the rule) to assume it to be zero before the call. Your approach is also valid too, of course. And even removing the require should work too because, ultimately, the value before the call does not matter, what is important is that after the call to updateAccruedETHPerShares the assert still holds.

I hope I answered your question!

teryanarmen (Certora) commented:

I actually think this is a medium severity since assets can’t be lost or stolen directly and have some external dependencies such as validating a block at the right time and no one calling updateAccruedETHPerShares.


C4 is an open organization governed by participants in the community.

C4 Contests incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Contest submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.