Timeswap contest
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Timeswap smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit contest took place between January 20—January 27 2023.


59 Wardens contributed reports to the Timeswap contest:

  1. 0Kage
  2. 0x1f8b
  3. 0xAgro
  4. 0xGusMcCrae
  5. 0xSmartContract
  6. 0xackermann
  7. 0xcm
  8. Awesome
  9. Aymen0909
  10. Beepidibop
  11. Breeje
  12. DadeKuma
  13. Diana
  14. Ellar
  15. IllIllI
  16. Iurii3
  17. Josiah
  18. Moksha
  19. Rageur
  20. RaymondFam
  21. ReyAdmirado
  22. Rolezn
  23. Ruhum
  24. SaeedAlipoor01988
  25. Udsen
  26. Viktor_Cortess
  27. W0RR1O
  28. W_Max
  29. adriro
  30. atharvasama
  31. brgltd
  32. btk
  33. c3phas
  34. chaduke
  35. codeislight
  36. cryptonue
  37. ddimitrov22
  38. delfin454000
  39. descharre
  40. eierina
  41. fatherOfBlocks
  42. georgits
  43. gerdusx
  44. hansfriese
  45. kaden
  46. lukris02
  47. luxartvinsec
  48. martin
  49. matrix_0wl
  50. mert_eren
  51. mookimgo
  52. nadin
  53. oberon
  54. pavankv
  55. popular00
  56. rbserver
  57. shark
  58. sorrynotsorry
  59. tnevler

This contest was judged by Picodes.

Final report assembled by itsmetechjay.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 10 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 3 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 7 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 40 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 24 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Timeswap contest repository, and is composed of 70 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 3,605 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (3)

[H-01] Rebalance logic is wrong and this distorts the pool’s important states

Submitted by hansfriese

The important states including long0Balance, long1Balance, long1FeeGrowth, long1ProtocolFees are wrongly calculated and it breaks the pool’s invariant.

Proof of Concept

The protocol provides a rebalancing functionality and the main logic is implemented in the library Pool.sol. If param.isLong0ToLong1 is true and the transaction is TimeswapV2PoolRebalance.GivenLong1, the protocol calculates the long1AmountAdjustFees first and the actual long0Amount, longFees and the final long1Balance is decided accordingly.

The problem is it is using the wrong parameter pool.long0Balance while it is supposed to use pool.long1Balance in the line L679.

This leads to wrong state calculation in the following logic. (especially L685 is setting the long1Balance to zero).

Furthermore, the protocol is designed as a permission-less one and anyone can call TimeswapV2Pool.rebalance().

An attacker can abuse this to break the pool’s invariant and take profit leveraging that.

665:     function rebalance(Pool storage pool, TimeswapV2PoolRebalanceParam memory param, uint256 transactionFee, uint256 protocolFee) external returns (uint256 long0Amount, uint256 long1Amount) {
666:         if (pool.liquidity == 0) Error.requireLiquidity();
668:         // No need to update short fee growth.
670:         uint256 longFees;
671:         if (param.isLong0ToLong1) {
672:             if (param.transaction == TimeswapV2PoolRebalance.GivenLong0) {
673:                 (long1Amount, longFees) = ConstantSum.calculateGivenLongIn(param.strike, long0Amount = param.delta, transactionFee, true);
675:                 if (long1Amount == 0) Error.zeroOutput();
677:                 pool.long1Balance -= (long1Amount + longFees);
678:             } else if (param.transaction == TimeswapV2PoolRebalance.GivenLong1) {
679:                 uint256 long1AmountAdjustFees = FeeCalculation.removeFees(pool.long0Balance, transactionFee);//@audit-info long0Balance -> long1Balance
681:                 if ((long1Amount = param.delta) == long1AmountAdjustFees) {
682:                     long0Amount = ConstantSum.calculateGivenLongOutAlreadyAdjustFees(param.strike, pool.long1Balance, true);
684:                     longFees = pool.long1Balance.unsafeSub(long1Amount);
685:                     pool.long1Balance = 0;
686:                 } else {
687:                     (long0Amount, longFees) = ConstantSum.calculateGivenLongOut(param.strike, long1Amount, transactionFee, true);
689:                     pool.long1Balance -= (long1Amount + longFees);
690:                 }
692:                 if (long0Amount == 0) Error.zeroOutput();
693:             }
695:             pool.long0Balance += long0Amount;
697:             (pool.long1FeeGrowth, pool.long1ProtocolFees) = FeeCalculation.update(pool.liquidity, pool.long1FeeGrowth, pool.long1ProtocolFees, longFees, protocolFee);
698:         } else {
699:             if (param.transaction == TimeswapV2PoolRebalance.GivenLong0) {
700:                 uint256 long0AmountAdjustFees = FeeCalculation.removeFees(pool.long0Balance, transactionFee);//@audit-info
702:                 if ((long0Amount = param.delta) == long0AmountAdjustFees) {
703:                     long1Amount = ConstantSum.calculateGivenLongOutAlreadyAdjustFees(param.strike, pool.long0Balance, false);
705:                     longFees = pool.long0Balance.unsafeSub(long0Amount);
706:                     pool.long0Balance = 0;
707:                 } else {
708:                     (long1Amount, longFees) = ConstantSum.calculateGivenLongOut(param.strike, long0Amount, transactionFee, false);
710:                     pool.long0Balance -= (long0Amount + longFees);
711:                 }
713:                 if (long1Amount == 0) Error.zeroOutput();
714:             } else if (param.transaction == TimeswapV2PoolRebalance.GivenLong1) {
715:                 (long0Amount, longFees) = ConstantSum.calculateGivenLongIn(param.strike, long1Amount = param.delta, transactionFee, false);
717:                 if (long0Amount == 0) Error.zeroOutput();
719:                 pool.long0Balance -= (long0Amount + longFees);
720:             }
722:             pool.long1Balance += long1Amount;
724:             (pool.long0FeeGrowth, pool.long0ProtocolFees) = FeeCalculation.update(pool.liquidity, pool.long0FeeGrowth, pool.long0ProtocolFees, longFees, protocolFee);
725:         }
726:     }

Fix the L679 as below.

uint256 long1AmountAdjustFees = FeeCalculation.removeFees(pool.long1Balance, transactionFee);

vhawk19 (Timeswap) confirmed and resolved:

Fixed here at this commit.

[H-02] TimeswapV2LiquidityToken should not use totalSupply()+1 as tokenId

Submitted by mookimgo, also found by hansfriese




Assuming ERC1155Enumerable is acting normally, there is an Accounting Issue about TimeswapV2LiquidityToken and TimeswapV2Token’s tokenId.

Different liquidities can have the same tokenId, leading to serious balance manipulation.

I’m submitting this issue as medium because current implementation ERC1155Enumerable is wrong, which exactly mitigates this issue making it not exploitable. But this issue will become dangerous once we fixed ERC1155Enumerable.

Proof of Concept

In this PoC, the attacker will do these steps:

  1. Add liquidity of token0 and token1, thus receiving TimeswapV2LiquidityToken tokenId 1.
  2. Add liquidity of token2 and token3, thus receiving TimeswapV2LiquidityToken tokenId 2.
  3. Burn his liquidity from step1, which will make totalSupply decrease (if ERC1155Enumerable has been patched).
  4. Add liquidity of token4 and token5, and receive TimeswapV2LiquidityToken tokenId 2. This is wrong tokenId, which should be 3.



As the comment said, if the position does not exist, create it, but the new tokenId is set as totalSupply() + 1.

Function totalSupply is defined in packages/v2-token/src/base/ERC1155Enumerable.sol, which is simply \_allTokens.length: https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-01-timeswap/blob/main/packages/v2-token/src/base/ERC1155Enumerable.sol#L37-L38

\_allTokens.length can be decreased in _removeTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration function, which is called by _removeTokenEnumeration, and by _afterTokenTransfer. In simple words, when all token amounts for a specific tokenId are burned (_idTotalSupply[id] == 0), totalSupply should be decreased.

Current implementation of ERC1155Enumerable has a bug, which will never trigger _removeTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration: Calling \_removeTokenEnumeration needs amount>0, but only _idTotalSupply[id] == 0 can trigger \_removeTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration.

    function _removeTokenEnumeration(address from, address to, uint256 id, uint256 amount) internal {
        if (to == address(0)) {
            if (_idTotalSupply[id] == 0 && _additionalConditionRemoveTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration(id)) _removeTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration(id);
            _idTotalSupply[id] -= amount;

Once the above code gets fixed (swapping the if line and _idTotalSupply[id] -= amount; line, patch given below), this issue becomes exploitable, making the accounting of LP wrong.

Proof of Concept steps:

First, we need to patch two contracts:

  • making TimeswapV2LiquidityToken’s \_timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPositionIds as public for testing, this can be removed when depolying
  • ERC1155Enumerable’s \_removeTokenEnumeration has been patched to behave correctly, which will decrease totalSupply when all token amount of a specific tokenId has been burned.
diff --git a/packages/v2-token/src/TimeswapV2LiquidityToken.sol b/packages/v2-token/src/TimeswapV2LiquidityToken.sol
index 2f71a25..f3910d9 100644
--- a/packages/v2-token/src/TimeswapV2LiquidityToken.sol
+++ b/packages/v2-token/src/TimeswapV2LiquidityToken.sol
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ contract TimeswapV2LiquidityToken is ITimeswapV2LiquidityToken, ERC1155Enumerabl
     mapping(uint256 => TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition) private _timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPositions;
-    mapping(bytes32 => uint256) private _timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPositionIds;
+    mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public _timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPositionIds;
     mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => FeesPosition)) private _feesPositions;
diff --git a/packages/v2-token/src/base/ERC1155Enumerable.sol b/packages/v2-token/src/base/ERC1155Enumerable.sol
index 4ec23ff..4f51fb4 100644
--- a/packages/v2-token/src/base/ERC1155Enumerable.sol
+++ b/packages/v2-token/src/base/ERC1155Enumerable.sol
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ abstract contract ERC1155Enumerable is IERC1155Enumerable, ERC1155 {
     /// @dev Remove token enumeration list if necessary.
     function _removeTokenEnumeration(address from, address to, uint256 id, uint256 amount) internal {
         if (to == address(0)) {
-            if (_idTotalSupply[id] == 0 && _additionalConditionRemoveTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration(id)) _removeTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration(id);
             _idTotalSupply[id] -= amount;
+            if (_idTotalSupply[id] == 0 && _additionalConditionRemoveTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration(id)) _removeTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration(id);
         if (from != address(0) && from != to) {

Add a new test file in 2023-01-timeswap/packages/v2-token/test/TimeswapV2LiquidityToken_MultiMint.t.sol:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity =0.8.8;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";

import "forge-std/console.sol";

import "../src/TimeswapV2LiquidityToken.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@timeswap-labs/v2-option/src/TimeswapV2OptionFactory.sol";
import "@timeswap-labs/v2-option/src/interfaces/ITimeswapV2Option.sol";
import {TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenCollectParam} from "../src/structs/Param.sol";
import "@timeswap-labs/v2-pool/src/TimeswapV2PoolFactory.sol";
import "@timeswap-labs/v2-pool/src/interfaces/ITimeswapV2Pool.sol";
import {TimeswapV2PoolMintParam} from "@timeswap-labs/v2-pool/src/structs/Param.sol";
import {TimeswapV2PoolMintChoiceCallbackParam, TimeswapV2PoolMintCallbackParam} from "@timeswap-labs/v2-pool/src/structs/CallbackParam.sol";

import {TimeswapV2OptionMintCallbackParam, TimeswapV2OptionSwapCallbackParam} from "@timeswap-labs/v2-option/src/structs/CallbackParam.sol";

// import "@timeswap-labs/v2-option/src/TimeswapV2OptionFactory.sol";
// // import "@timeswap-labs/v2-option/src/interfaces/ITimeswapV2Option.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/utils/ERC1155Holder.sol";
import {TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition, PositionLibrary} from "../src/structs/Position.sol";
import {TimeswapV2PoolMint} from "@timeswap-labs/v2-pool/src/enums/Transaction.sol";
import {TimeswapV2OptionMint} from "@timeswap-labs/v2-option/src/enums/Transaction.sol";

import {StrikeConversion} from "@timeswap-labs/v2-library/src/StrikeConversion.sol";
import {DurationCalculation} from "@timeswap-labs/v2-pool/src/libraries/DurationCalculation.sol";
import {FullMath} from "@timeswap-labs/v2-library/src/FullMath.sol";

contract HelperERC20 is ERC20 {
    constructor(string memory _name, string memory _symbol) ERC20(_name, _symbol) {
        _mint(msg.sender, type(uint256).max);
struct Timestamps {
    uint256 maturity;
    uint256 timeNow;
struct MintOutput {
    uint160 liquidityAmount;
    uint256 long0Amount;
    uint256 long1Amount;
    uint256 shortAmount;
    bytes data;

contract TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenTest is Test, ERC1155Holder {
    ITimeswapV2Option opPair;
    ITimeswapV2Option opPair2;
    ITimeswapV2Option opPair3;
    ITimeswapV2Option opPairCurrent;
    TimeswapV2OptionFactory optionFactory;
    TimeswapV2PoolFactory poolFactory;
    ITimeswapV2Pool pool;
    ITimeswapV2Pool pool2;
    ITimeswapV2Pool pool3;
    ITimeswapV2Pool poolCurrent;
    using PositionLibrary for TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition;

    uint256 chosenTransactionFee = 5;
    uint256 chosenProtocolFee = 4;

    HelperERC20 token0;
    HelperERC20 token1;
    HelperERC20 token2;
    HelperERC20 token3;
    HelperERC20 token4;
    HelperERC20 token5;
    HelperERC20 token0Current;
    HelperERC20 token1Current;
    TimeswapV2LiquidityToken mockLiquidityToken;

    function timeswapV2PoolMintChoiceCallback(TimeswapV2PoolMintChoiceCallbackParam calldata param) external returns (uint256 long0Amount, uint256 long1Amount, bytes memory data) {
        vm.assume(param.longAmount < (1 << 127));
        long0Amount = StrikeConversion.turn(param.longAmount / 2, param.strike, false, true) + 1;
        long1Amount = StrikeConversion.turn(param.longAmount / 2, param.strike, true, true) + 1;
            param.longAmount < StrikeConversion.combine(long0Amount, long1Amount, param.strike, false) && param.shortAmount < StrikeConversion.combine(long0Amount, long1Amount, param.strike, false)

    function timeswapV2PoolMintCallback(TimeswapV2PoolMintCallbackParam calldata param) external returns (bytes memory data) {
        // have to transfer param.long0Amount, param.long1Amount and param.short to msg.sender
        console.log(param.long0Amount, param.long1Amount);
        TimeswapV2OptionMintParam memory mparam = TimeswapV2OptionMintParam({
            strike: param.strike,
            maturity: param.maturity,
            long0To: msg.sender,
            long1To: msg.sender,
            shortTo: msg.sender,
            transaction: TimeswapV2OptionMint.GivenTokensAndLongs,
            amount0: param.long0Amount,
            amount1: param.long1Amount,
            data: ""
        console.log("opPair mint ok");

    function timeswapV2OptionMintCallback(TimeswapV2OptionMintCallbackParam calldata param) external returns (bytes memory data) {
        data = param.data;
        //console.log("token0 bal:", token0.balanceOf(address(this)));
        //console.log("token1 bal:", token1.balanceOf(address(this)));
        token0Current.transfer(msg.sender, param.token0AndLong0Amount);
        token1Current.transfer(msg.sender, param.token1AndLong1Amount);

    function timeswapV2LiquidityTokenMintCallback(TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenMintCallbackParam calldata param) external returns (bytes memory data) {
        TimeswapV2PoolMintParam memory param1 = TimeswapV2PoolMintParam({
            strike: param.strike, 
            maturity: param.maturity, 
            to: address(this), 
            transaction: TimeswapV2PoolMint.GivenLiquidity, 
            delta: param.liquidityAmount, 
            data: ""}

        poolCurrent.transferLiquidity(param.strike, param.maturity, msg.sender, param.liquidityAmount);
        data = bytes("");

    function setUp() public {
        optionFactory = new TimeswapV2OptionFactory();
        token0 = new HelperERC20("Token A", "A");
        token1 = new HelperERC20("Token B", "B");
        token2 = new HelperERC20("Token C", "C");
        token3 = new HelperERC20("Token D", "D");
        token4 = new HelperERC20("Token E", "E");
        token5 = new HelperERC20("Token F", "F");
        if (address(token1) < address(token0)) {
            (token0, token1) = (token1, token0);
        if (address(token3) < address(token2)) {
            (token2, token3) = (token3, token2);
        if (address(token5) < address(token4)) {
            (token4, token5) = (token5, token4);
        address opAddress = optionFactory.create(address(token0), address(token1));
        opPair = ITimeswapV2Option(opAddress);
        address opAddress2 = optionFactory.create(address(token2), address(token3));
        opPair2 = ITimeswapV2Option(opAddress2);
        address opAddress3 = optionFactory.create(address(token4), address(token5));
        opPair3 = ITimeswapV2Option(opAddress3);
        poolFactory = new TimeswapV2PoolFactory(address(this), chosenTransactionFee, chosenProtocolFee);
        pool = ITimeswapV2Pool(poolFactory.create(opAddress));
        pool2 = ITimeswapV2Pool(poolFactory.create(opAddress2));
        pool3 = ITimeswapV2Pool(poolFactory.create(opAddress3));
        mockLiquidityToken = new TimeswapV2LiquidityToken(address(optionFactory), address(poolFactory));

    function testMint(uint256 strike, uint160 amt, uint256 maturity, uint160 rate, address to) public {

        // vm.assume(strike != 0 && (maturity < type(uint96).max) && (maturity > 10000) && amt > 100 && delta != 0 && rate != 0);
        vm.assume(to != address(0));
            maturity < type(uint96).max &&
                amt < type(uint160).max &&
                amt != 0 &&
                to != address(0) &&
                strike != 0 &&
                maturity > block.timestamp &&
                maturity > 10000 && rate>0

        pool.initialize(strike, maturity, rate);
        pool2.initialize(strike, maturity, rate);
        pool3.initialize(strike, maturity, rate);

        //TimeswapV2PoolMintParam memory param = TimeswapV2PoolMintParam({strike: strike, maturity: maturity, to: address(this), transaction: TimeswapV2PoolMint.GivenLiquidity, delta: amt, data: ""});

        //MintOutput memory response;
        //(response.liquidityAmount, response.long0Amount, response.long1Amount, response.shortAmount, response.data) = pool.mint(param);
        uint256 id1;
        uint256 id2;
            token0Current = token0;
            token1Current = token1;
            poolCurrent = pool;
            opPairCurrent = opPair;
            TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenMintParam memory liqTokenMintParam = TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenMintParam({
                token0: address(token0Current),
                token1: address(token1Current),
                strike: strike,
                maturity: maturity,
                to: address(this),
                liquidityAmount: amt,
                data: ""

            TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition memory timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition = TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition({
                token0: address(token0Current),
                token1: address(token1Current),
                strike: strike,
                maturity: maturity

            bytes32 key1 = timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition.toKey();
            id1 = mockLiquidityToken._timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPositionIds(key1);
            console.log("id1:", id1);
            assertEq(mockLiquidityToken.balanceOf(address(this), id1), amt);
            assertEq(mockLiquidityToken.totalSupply(), 1);
            //console.log("_idTotalSupply id1:", mockLiquidityToken._idTotalSupply(id1));

            token0Current = token2;
            token1Current = token3;
            poolCurrent = pool2;
            opPairCurrent = opPair2;
            TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenMintParam memory liqTokenMintParam2 = TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenMintParam({
                token0: address(token0Current),
                token1: address(token1Current),
                strike: strike,
                maturity: maturity,
                to: address(this),
                liquidityAmount: amt,
                data: ""

            TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition memory timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition2 = TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition({
                token0: address(token0Current),
                token1: address(token1Current),
                strike: strike,
                maturity: maturity

            bytes32 key2 = timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition2.toKey();
            id2 = mockLiquidityToken._timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPositionIds(key2);
            console.log("id2:", id2);
            assertEq(mockLiquidityToken.balanceOf(address(this), id2), amt);
            assertEq(mockLiquidityToken.totalSupply(), 2);

        TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenBurnParam memory burnParam = TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenBurnParam({
            token0: address(token0),
            token1: address(token1),
            strike: strike,
            maturity: maturity,
            to: address(this),
            liquidityAmount: amt,
            data: ""
        console.log("balanceOf id1:", mockLiquidityToken.balanceOf(address(this), id1));
        //console.log("_idTotalSupply id1:", mockLiquidityToken._idTotalSupply(id1));
        console.log("current totalSupply():", mockLiquidityToken.totalSupply());

            token0Current = token4;
            token1Current = token5;
            poolCurrent = pool3;
            opPairCurrent = opPair3;
            TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenMintParam memory liqTokenMintParam3 = TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenMintParam({
                token0: address(token0Current),
                token1: address(token1Current),
                strike: strike,
                maturity: maturity,
                to: address(this),
                liquidityAmount: amt,
                data: ""

            TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition memory timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition3 = TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition({
                token0: address(token0Current),
                token1: address(token1Current),
                strike: strike,
                maturity: maturity

            bytes32 key3 = timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition3.toKey();
            uint256 id3 = mockLiquidityToken._timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPositionIds(key3);
            console.log("id3:", id3);
            //assertEq(mockLiquidityToken.balanceOf(address(this), id3), amt);
            if (id2 == id3) {revert("id3 should not equal to id2");}


Here is the log for the above test: forge test --match-path test/TimeswapV2LiquidityToken_MultiMint.t.sol -vv

Running 1 test for test/TimeswapV2LiquidityToken.t.sol:TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenTest
[FAIL. Reason: id3 should not equal to id2 Counterexample: calldata=0x31b83c070000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000d77000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000234100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000277c306f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000032e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000025f, args=[3447, 9025, 662450287, 13024, 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000025F]] testMint(uint256,uint160,uint256,uint160,address) (runs: 0, μ: 0, ~: 0)
  2709883200956651719220887728062100075977988725238523898809710331 27450636006266724768954781627
  opPair mint ok
  id1: 1
  2709883200956651719220887728062100075977988725238523898809710331 27450636006266724768954781627
  opPair mint ok
  id2: 2
  balanceOf id1: 0
  current totalSupply(): 1
  2709883200956651719220887728062100075977988725238523898809710331 27450636006266724768954781627
  opPair mint ok
  id3: 2

Test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; finished in 91.76ms

Failing tests:
Encountered 1 failing test in test/TimeswapV2LiquidityToken.t.sol:TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenTest
[FAIL. Reason: id3 should not equal to id2 Counterexample: calldata=0x31b83c070000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000d77000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000234100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000277c306f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000032e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000025f, args=[3447, 9025, 662450287, 13024, 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000025F]] testMint(uint256,uint160,uint256,uint160,address) (runs: 0, μ: 0, ~: 0)

Encountered a total of 1 failing tests, 0 tests succeeded

Do not use totalSupply() or other maybe-decreasing variables for new tokenId.

Patch file can be like this:

diff --git a/packages/v2-token/src/TimeswapV2LiquidityToken.sol b/packages/v2-token/src/TimeswapV2LiquidityToken.sol
index 2f71a25..94e4006 100644
--- a/packages/v2-token/src/TimeswapV2LiquidityToken.sol
+++ b/packages/v2-token/src/TimeswapV2LiquidityToken.sol
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ contract TimeswapV2LiquidityToken is ITimeswapV2LiquidityToken, ERC1155Enumerabl
     address public immutable optionFactory;
     address public immutable poolFactory;
+    uint256 public tokenIdCounter;
     constructor(address chosenOptionFactory, address chosenPoolFactory) ERC1155("Timeswap V2 uint160 address") {
         optionFactory = chosenOptionFactory;
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ contract TimeswapV2LiquidityToken is ITimeswapV2LiquidityToken, ERC1155Enumerabl
         // if the position does not exist, create it
         if (id == 0) {
-            id = totalSupply() + 1;
+            id = ++tokenIdCounter;
             _timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPositions[id] = timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition;
             _timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPositionIds[key] = id;

Picodes (judge) increased severity to High

vhawk19 (Timeswap) confirmed and resolved:

Fixed in PR.

[H-03] The collect() function will always TRANSFER ZERO fees, losing _feesPositions without receiving fees!

Submitted by chaduke, also found by Beepidibop and 0xcm

Detailed description of the impact of this finding. The collect() function will always transfer ZERO fees. At the same time, non-zero _feesPosition will be burned.

_feesPositions[id][msg.sender].burn(long0Fees, long1Fees, shortFees);

As a result, the contracts will be left in an inconsistent state. The user will burn _feesPositions without receiving the fees!

Proof of Concept

Provide direct links to all referenced code in GitHub. Add screenshots, logs, or any other relevant proof that illustrates the concept.

The collect() function will always transfer ZERO fees in the following line:

 // transfer the fees amount to the recipient
        ITimeswapV2Pool(poolPair).transferFees(param.strike, param.maturity, param.to, long0Fees, long1Fees, shortFees);

This is because, at this moment, the values of long0Fees, long1Fees, shortFees have not been calculated yet, actually, they will be equal to zero. Therefore, no fees will be transferred. The values of long0Fees, long1Fees, shortFees are calculated afterwards by the following line:

(long0Fees, long1Fees, shortFees) = _feesPositions[id][msg.sender].getFees(param.long0FeesDesired, param.long1FeesDesired, param.shortFeesDesired);

Therefore, ITimeswapV2Pool(poolPair).transferFees must be called after this line to be correct.

Tools Used


We moved the line ITimeswapV2Pool(poolPair).transferFees after long0Fees, long1Fees, shortFees have been calculated first.

function collect(TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenCollectParam calldata param) external returns (uint256 long0Fees, uint256 long1Fees, uint256 shortFees, bytes memory data) {

        bytes32 key = TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition({token0: param.token0, token1: param.token1, strike: param.strike, maturity: param.maturity}).toKey();

        // start the reentrancy guard

        (, address poolPair) = PoolFactoryLibrary.getWithCheck(optionFactory, poolFactory, param.token0, param.token1);

        uint256 id = _timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPositionIds[key];

        _updateFeesPositions(msg.sender, address(0), id);

        (long0Fees, long1Fees, shortFees) = _feesPositions[id][msg.sender].getFees(param.long0FeesDesired, param.long1FeesDesired, param.shortFeesDesired);

        if (param.data.length != 0)
            data = ITimeswapV2LiquidityTokenCollectCallback(msg.sender).timeswapV2LiquidityTokenCollectCallback(
                    token0: param.token0,
                    token1: param.token1,
                    strike: param.strike,
                    maturity: param.maturity,
                    long0Fees: long0Fees,
                    long1Fees: long1Fees,
                    shortFees: shortFees,
                    data: param.data

                // transfer the fees amount to the recipient
        ITimeswapV2Pool(poolPair).transferFees(param.strike, param.maturity, param.to, long0Fees, long1Fees, shortFees);

        // burn the desired fees from the fees position
        _feesPositions[id][msg.sender].burn(long0Fees, long1Fees, shortFees);

        if (long0Fees != 0 || long1Fees != 0 || shortFees != 0) _removeTokenEnumeration(msg.sender, address(0), id, 0);

        // stop the reentrancy guard

vhawk19 (Timeswap) confirmed and resolved:

Fixed in PR.

Medium Risk Findings (7)

[M-01] _currentIndex is incorrectly updated; breaking the ERC1155 enumerable implementation

Submitted by eierina, also found by adriro





When minting and burning tokens,the ERC1155Enumerable implementation does not correctly update the following states:

  • uint256[] private _allTokens;
  • mapping(uint256 => uint256) private _allTokensIndex;
  • mapping(address => uint256) internal _currentIndex;

In particular:

  • the _allTokens array length (and therefore the totalSupply()) always increases (never decreases)
  • the _allTokensIndex[id] always increases
  • the _curentIndex[from] always increases

Proof of Concept

NOTE: the following test requires some private states of ERC1155Enumerable.sol to be set from private to internal.

contract HelperERC1155 is ERC1155Enumerable, ERC1155Holder {

    constructor() ERC1155("Test") {

    function mint(uint256 id, uint256 amount) external {
        _mint(msg.sender, id, amount, bytes(""));

    function burn(uint256 id, uint256 amount) external {
        _burn(msg.sender, id, amount);

    function currentIndex(address owner) external view returns (uint256) {
        return _currentIndex[owner];

    function allTokensIndex(uint256 id) external view returns (uint256) {
        return _allTokensIndex[id];

    function allTokens(uint256 idx) external view returns (uint256) {
        return _allTokens[idx];

    function idTotalSupply(uint256 id) external view returns (uint256) {
        return _idTotalSupply[id];

contract BugTest is Test, ERC1155Holder {

    function testImplError() public {
        HelperERC1155 token = new HelperERC1155();

        for(uint i=0; i<10; i++){
            token.mint(i, 1+i);

        for(uint i=0; i<10; i++){
            token.burn(i, 1+i);
            assertEq(token.idTotalSupply(i), 0); // OK
            assertEq(token.allTokensIndex(i), i); // NOT OK (should be 0)
        assertEq(token.totalSupply(), 10); // NOT OK (should be 0)
        assertEq(token.currentIndex(address(this)), 10); // NOT OK (should be 0)

    function testImplFixed() public {
        HelperERC1155 token = new HelperERC1155();

        for(uint i=0; i<10; i++){
            token.mint(i, 1+i);

        for(uint i=0; i<10; i++){
            token.burn(i, 1+i);
            assertEq(token.idTotalSupply(i), 0); // OK
            assertEq(token.allTokensIndex(i), 0); // OK
        assertEq(token.totalSupply(), 0); // OK
        assertEq(token.currentIndex(address(this)), 0); // OK

Before fix forge test --match-contract BugTest -vvv outputs:

Running 2 tests for test/Audit2.t.sol:BugTest
[PASS] testImplError() (gas: 2490610)
[FAIL. Reason: Assertion failed.] testImplFixed() (gas: 2560628)
Test result: FAILED. 1 passed; 1 failed; finished in 2.05ms

After fix forge test --match-contract BugTest -vvv outputs:

Running 2 tests for test/Audit2.t.sol:BugTest
[FAIL. Reason: Assertion failed.] testImplError() (gas: 2558695)
[PASS] testImplFixed() (gas: 2489080)
Test result: FAILED. 1 passed; 1 failed; finished in 2.22ms

Correct the implementation to update states correctly. Patch provided below for reference.

diff --git a/packages/v2-token/src/base/ERC1155Enumerable.sol b/packages/v2-token/src/base/ERC1155Enumerable.sol
index 4ec23ff..ef67bca 100644
--- a/packages/v2-token/src/base/ERC1155Enumerable.sol
+++ b/packages/v2-token/src/base/ERC1155Enumerable.sol
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ abstract contract ERC1155Enumerable is IERC1155Enumerable, ERC1155 {
     /// @dev Remove token enumeration list if necessary.
     function _removeTokenEnumeration(address from, address to, uint256 id, uint256 amount) internal {
         if (to == address(0)) {
-            if (_idTotalSupply[id] == 0 && _additionalConditionRemoveTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration(id)) _removeTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration(id);
             _idTotalSupply[id] -= amount;
+            if (_idTotalSupply[id] == 0 && _additionalConditionRemoveTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration(id)) _removeTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration(id);

         if (from != address(0) && from != to) {
@@ -114,8 +114,7 @@ abstract contract ERC1155Enumerable is IERC1155Enumerable, ERC1155 {
     /// @param to address representing the new owner of the given token ID
     /// @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be added to the tokens list of the given address
     function _addTokenToOwnerEnumeration(address to, uint256 tokenId) private {
-        _currentIndex[to] += 1;
-        uint256 length = _currentIndex[to];
+        uint256 length = _currentIndex[to]++;
         _ownedTokens[to][length] = tokenId;
         _ownedTokensIndex[tokenId] = length;
@@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ abstract contract ERC1155Enumerable is IERC1155Enumerable, ERC1155 {
     /// @param from address representing the previous owner of the given token ID
     /// @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be removed from the tokens list of the given address
     function _removeTokenFromOwnerEnumeration(address from, uint256 tokenId) private {
-        uint256 lastTokenIndex = _currentIndex[from] - 1;
+        uint256 lastTokenIndex = --_currentIndex[from];
         uint256 tokenIndex = _ownedTokensIndex[tokenId];

         if (tokenIndex != lastTokenIndex) {

Picodes (judge) commented:

There are 2 bugs highlighted here:

  • the check is incorrectly made before the state update in _removeTokenEnumeration
  • the order in which _currentIndex is updated

So splitting this finding in 2. (Note: issue title has been updated accordingly. Also, see newly created issue #300.)

vhawk19 (Timeswap) confirmed and commented:

Updated the ERC1155Enumerable.sol implementation, which should resolve these issues.

[M-02] Burning a ERC1155Enumerable token doesn’t remove it from the enumeration

Submitted by adriro, also found by eierina, hansfriese, mookimgo, and chaduke

The ERC1155Enumerable base contract used in the TimeswapV2Token and TimeswapV2LiquidityToken tokens provides a functionality to enumerate all token ids that have been minted in the contract.

The logic to remove the token from the enumeration if the last token is burned is implemented in the _afterTokenTransfer hook:


function _afterTokenTransfer(address, address from, address to, uint256[] memory ids, uint256[] memory amounts, bytes memory) internal virtual override {
    for (uint256 i; i < ids.length; ) {
        if (amounts[i] != 0) _removeTokenEnumeration(from, to, ids[i], amounts[i]);

        unchecked {

/// @dev Remove token enumeration list if necessary.

function _removeTokenEnumeration(address from, address to, uint256 id, uint256 amount) internal {
    if (to == address(0)) {
        if (_idTotalSupply[id] == 0 && _additionalConditionRemoveTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration(id)) _removeTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration(id);
        _idTotalSupply[id] -= amount;

    if (from != address(0) && from != to) {
        if (balanceOf(from, id) == 0 && _additionalConditionRemoveTokenFromOwnerEnumeration(from, id)) _removeTokenFromOwnerEnumeration(from, id);

The _removeTokenEnumeration condition to check if the supply is 0 happens before the function decreases the burned amount. This will _removeTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration from being called when the last token(s) is(are) burned.


The token isn’t removed from the enumeration since _removeTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration will never be called. This will cause the enumeration to always contain a minted token even though it is burned afterwards. The function totalSupply and tokenByIndex will report wrong values.

This will also cause the enumeration to contain duplicate values or multiple copies of the same token. If the token is minted again after all tokens were previously burned, the token will be re added to the enumeration.

Proof of Concept

The following test demonstrates the issue. Alice is minted a token and that token is then burned, the token is still present in the enumeration. The token is minted again, causing the enumeration to contain the token by duplicate.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity =0.8.8;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "../src/base/ERC1155Enumerable.sol";

contract TestERC1155Enumerable is ERC1155Enumerable {
    constructor() ERC1155("") {

    function mint(address to, uint256 id, uint256 amount) external {
        _mint(to, id, amount, "");

    function burn(address from, uint256 id, uint256 amount) external {
        _burn(from, id, amount);

contract AuditTest is Test {
    function test_ERC1155Enumerable_BadRemoveFromEnumeration() public {
        TestERC1155Enumerable token = new TestERC1155Enumerable();
        address alice = makeAddr("alice");
        uint256 tokenId = 0;
        uint256 amount = 1;

        token.mint(alice, tokenId, amount);

        // tokenByIndex and totalSupply are ok
        assertEq(token.tokenByIndex(0), tokenId);
        assertEq(token.totalSupply(), 1);

        // now we burn the token
        token.burn(alice, tokenId, amount);

        // tokenByIndex and totalSupply still report previous values
        // tokenByIndex should throw index out of bounds, and supply should return 0
        assertEq(token.tokenByIndex(0), tokenId);
        assertEq(token.totalSupply(), 1);

        // Now we mint it again, this will re-add the token to the enumeration, duplicating it
        token.mint(alice, tokenId, amount);
        assertEq(token.totalSupply(), 2);
        assertEq(token.tokenByIndex(0), tokenId);
        assertEq(token.tokenByIndex(1), tokenId);


Decrease the amount before checking if the supply is 0.

function _removeTokenEnumeration(address from, address to, uint256 id, uint256 amount) internal {
    if (to == address(0)) {
        _idTotalSupply[id] -= amount;
        if (_idTotalSupply[id] == 0 && _additionalConditionRemoveTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration(id)) _removeTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration(id);

    if (from != address(0) && from != to) {
        if (balanceOf(from, id) == 0 && _additionalConditionRemoveTokenFromOwnerEnumeration(from, id)) _removeTokenFromOwnerEnumeration(from, id);

vhawk19 (Timeswap) confirmed and resolved:

Resolved in PR.

[M-03] Fee on transfer tokens will not behave as expected

Submitted by RaymondFam, also found by rbserver, nadin, kaden, pavankv, mert_eren, SaeedAlipoor01988, and Rolezn




According to Whitepaper 1.1 Permissionless:

“In Timeswap, liquidity providers can create pools for any ERC20 pair, without permission. It is designed to be generalized and works for any pair of tokens, at any time frame, and at any market state …

If fee on transfer token(s) is/are entailed, it will specifically make mint() and swap() revert in TimeswapV2Option.sol when checking if the token0 or token1 balance target is achieved.

Proof of Concept

File: TimeswapV2Option.sol#L144-L148

        // check if the token0 balance target is achieved.
        if (token0AndLong0Amount != 0) Error.checkEnough(IERC20(token0).balanceOf(address(this)), currentProcess.balance0Target);

        // check if the token1 balance target is achieved.
        if (token1AndLong1Amount != 0) Error.checkEnough(IERC20(token1).balanceOf(address(this)), currentProcess.balance1Target);

File: TimeswapV2Option.sol#L234-L235

        // check if the token0 or token1 balance target is achieved.
        Error.checkEnough(IERC20(param.isLong0ToLong1 ? token1 : token0).balanceOf(address(this)), param.isLong0ToLong1 ? currentProcess.balance1Target : currentProcess.balance0Target);

File: Error.sol#L148-L153

    /// @dev Reverts when token amount not received.
    /// @param balance The balance amount being subtracted.
    /// @param balanceTarget The amount target.
    function checkEnough(uint256 balance, uint256 balanceTarget) internal pure {
        if (balance < balanceTarget) revert NotEnoughReceived(balance, balanceTarget);

As can be seen from the code blocks above, checkEnough() is meant to be reverting when token amount has not been received. But in the case of deflationary tokens, the error is going to be thrown even though the token amount has been received due to the fee factor making balance < balanceTarget, i.e the contract balance of token0 and/or token1 always less than currentProcess.balance0Target or currentProcess.balance1Target.


  1. Whitelisting token0 and token1 ensuring no fee-on-transfer token is allowed when deploying a new Timeswap V2 Option pair contract, or
  2. Calculating the balance before and after the transfer to the recipient during the process, and use the difference between those two balances as the amount received rather than using the input amount (token0AndLong0Amount or token1AndLong1Amount) if deflationary token is going to be allowed in the protocol.

vhawk19 (Timeswap) acknowledged and commented:

Not supported by design.

[M-04] sqrtDiscriminant can be calculated wrong

Submitted by sorrynotsorry

Due to the wrong calculation of short and long tokens during the leverage and deleverage process, the users can suffer financial loss while the protocol will lose fees.

Proof of Concept

The protocol uses leverage function to deposit short tokens and receive long tokens. On the opposite, deleverage function serves for depositing long tokens and receiving short tokens.

Leverage Function of TimeswapV2Pool contract

Deleverage Function of TimeswapV2Pool contract

Both functions call the PoolLibrary’s leverage and deleverage functions after input sanitization.

Leverage Function of PoolLibrary contract

Deleverage Function of PoolLibrary contract

PoolLibrary’s leverage and deleverage functions update the state of the pool first for the fee growth and compute the long0Amount, long1Amount, and shortAmount. It also checks the transaction type according to the passed parameter types as per the Transaction contract’s enum types below and calls ConstantProduct’s appropriate function accordingly;

/// @dev The different kind of deleverage transactions.
enum TimeswapV2PoolDeleverage {

/// @dev The different kind of leverage transactions.
enum TimeswapV2PoolLeverage {

If the transaction type is GivenSum, both leverage and deleverage functions of PoolLibrary call ConstantProduct.updateGivenSumLong for the sum amount of the long position in the base denomination to be withdrawn, and the short position to be deposited.

} else if (param.transaction == TimeswapV2PoolDeleverage.GivenSum) {
	(pool.sqrtInterestRate, longAmount, shortAmount, shortFees) = ConstantProduct.updateGivenSumLong(


} else if (param.transaction == TimeswapV2PoolLeverage.GivenSum) {
	(pool.sqrtInterestRate, longAmount, shortAmount, ) = ConstantProduct.updateGivenSumLong(


updateGivenSumLong updates the new square root interest rate given the sum of long positions in base denomination change and short position change;

    function updateGivenSumLong(
        uint160 liquidity,
        uint160 rate,
        uint256 sumAmount,
        uint96 duration,
        uint256 transactionFee,
        bool isAdd
    ) internal pure returns (uint160 newRate, uint256 longAmount, uint256 shortAmount, uint256 fees) {
        uint256 amount = getShortOrLongFromGivenSum(liquidity, rate, sumAmount, duration, transactionFee, isAdd);

        if (isAdd) (newRate, ) = getNewSqrtInterestRateGivenShort(liquidity, rate, amount, duration, false);
        else newRate = getNewSqrtInterestRateGivenLong(liquidity, rate, amount, false);

        fees = FeeCalculation.getFeesRemoval(amount, transactionFee);
        amount -= fees;

        if (isAdd) {
            shortAmount = amount;
            longAmount = sumAmount - shortAmount;
        } else {
            longAmount = amount;
            shortAmount = sumAmount - longAmount;


And updateGivenSumLong calls getShortOrLongFromGivenSum in order to return the amount which represents the short amount or long amount calculated.

    function getShortOrLongFromGivenSum(uint160 liquidity, uint160 rate, uint256 sumAmount, uint96 duration, uint256 transactionFee, bool isShort) private pure returns (uint256 amount) {
        uint256 negativeB = calculateNegativeB(liquidity, rate, sumAmount, duration, transactionFee, isShort);
        uint256 sqrtDiscriminant = calculateSqrtDiscriminant(liquidity, rate, sumAmount, duration, transactionFee, negativeB, isShort);
        amount = (negativeB - sqrtDiscriminant).shr(1, false);


And the formula needs sqrtDiscriminant value to calculate the amount and it calls calculateSqrtDiscriminant accordingly

calculateSqrtDiscriminant function performs a bunch of checks and carries out mathematical functions to return the SqrtDiscriminant by utilizing FullMath and Math libraries.

sqrtDiscriminant = FullMath.sqrt512(b0, b1, true);


The sqrt formula in the Math contract uses the modified version of Babylonian Method when flags are included.

    function sqrt(uint256 value, bool roundUp) internal pure returns (uint256 result) { 
        if (value == type(uint256).max) return result = type(uint128).max;
        if (value == 0) return 0;
        unchecked {
            uint256 estimate = (value + 1) >> 1;
            result = value;
            while (estimate < result) {
                result = estimate;
                estimate = (value / estimate + estimate) >> 1;

        if (roundUp && value % result != 0) result++;


However, when the parameter roundUp is passed as true, this results in inconsistent behavior for different values. And it’s being passed as true as can be seen here).

In order to show some examples let’s pass the numbers as values and flag them true by using Math’s sqrt function.

Values 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Results 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 6 6 6 6 5

As can be seen from the table, the results are not distributed logically. And many times the result is steeply lesser than its neighbor results. (E.g Sqrt(6) ->2, Sqrt(15)->3 etc.)

The phenomenon occurs most if the values are small numbers.

So if the parameter value1 in FullMath.sqrt512 is passed/calculated as zero value, it has a high chance of providing a wrong calculation as a result with the line below;

    function sqrt512(uint256 value0, uint256 value1, bool roundUp) internal pure returns (uint256 result) {
        if (value1 == 0) result = value0.sqrt(roundUp);

This may lead to the wrong calculation of the sqrtDiscriminant, hence the wrong calculation of short or long amounts for the given transaction. The users might lose financial value due to this. Accordingly, the protocol might lose unspent fees as well.

While the fewer values are affected more on this one, the pools with fewer token decimals and fewer token amounts are more affected by this error. As an example, a Gemini Dollar pool (59th rank on CMC and having 2 decimals) would be subject to false returns.

Tools Used

Remix, Excel

The team might consider not using true flag for Math.sqrt function.

vhawk19 (Timeswap) confirmed and resolved:

Fixed in PR.

[M-05] unexpected overflow for FullMath.add512() which can result in irregular behavior

Submitted by codeislight

The vulnerability originates from insufficient checking in add512 function, where the AddOverflow revert gets bypassed, essentially the function assumes that an overflow only happens if (addendA1 > sum1), where in the case that it’s possible for it to overflow in the case that addendA1 == sum1, which can be resulted through assigning a value that makes ( lt(sum0, addendA0) == 1 ) <=> sum0 < addendA0, which can only be achieved normally by overflowing the least significant addition. Then we can simply break the overflow check by assigning overflowing values which results in add(addendA1, addendB1) > type(256).max && addendA1 <= sum1, then we will manage to bypass the revert check and overflow the most significant part of add512 values.

The previous attack vector can lead to a manipulation in leverage and deleverage functions, in a way that it would result in more tokens for the user.

Proof of Concept

Inputting the following values results in an overflow:

uint256 addendA0 = 1

uint256 addendA1 = 100

uint256 addendB0 = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 (uint256 max value)

uint256 addendB1 = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 (uint256 max value)

results in:

sum0 = 0

sum1 = 100

The expected behavior is to revert since, A1 + B1 result in a value that overflows, but instead consider it as a valid behavior due to the insufficient checking.


A1 - A0


B1 - B0


S1 - S0

S0 = A0 + B0

S1 = A1 + B1 + ( if S0 overflows [+ 1])

ensure A1 <= S1

revert only on A1 > S1

in the case of S0 overflows:

S1 = A1 + B1 + 1

require(A1 <= S1) is not most suited check, due to the fact that in the case of A1 == S1 check, it can still overflow if S1 = A1 + B1 + 1 overflows. which would bypass A1 > S1 revert check.

The major impact affects the leverage() and deleverage() results in values which are not expected.

Add an equality check for if statement in add512 function.

   function add512(uint256 addendA0, uint256 addendA1, uint256 addendB0, uint256 addendB1) public pure returns (uint256 sum0, uint256 sum1) {
        assembly {
            sum0 := add(addendA0, addendB0)
            carry  := lt(sum0, addendA0)
            sum1 := add(add(addendA1, addendB1), carry)
        if (addendA1 > sum1 ||      ((sum1 == addendA1 || sum1 == addendB1) && (carry < addendA0 || carry < addendB0))
) revert AddOverflow(addendA0, addendA1, addendB0, addendB1);

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

No explanation related to how this could lead to errors in leverage or deleverage.

vhawk19 (Timeswap) confirmed and resolved:

Fixed in PR.

[M-06] _ownedTokensIndex is SHARED by different owners, as a result, _removeTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration might remove the wrong tokenId.

Submitted by chaduke, also found by adriro

The data structure _ownedTokensIndex is SHARED by different owners, as a result, _removeTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration() might remove the wrong tokenId.

Proof of Concept

_ownedTokensIndex is used to map from token ID to index of the owner tokens list, unfortunately, all owners share the same data structure at the same time (non-fungible tokens). So, the mapping for one owner might be overwritten by another owner when _addTokenToOwnerEnumeration is called:
https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-01-timeswap/blob/ef4c84fb8535aad8abd6b67cc45d994337ec4514/packages/v2-token/src/base/ERC1155Enumerable.sol#L116-L121. As a result, _removeTokenFromOwnerEnumeration() might remove the wrong tokenID.

Removing the wrong tokenID can happen like the following:

  1. Suppose Alice owns three tokens A, B, C with indices 1 -> A, 2->B, 3->C
  2. Suppose Bob owns token D, 1->D, and will add A to his list via _addTokenToOwnerEnumeration(). As a result, we have 1->D, and 2-A, since _ownedTokensIndex is shared, we have A->2 in _ownedTokensIndex.
  3. Next, _removeTokenFromOwnerEnumeration() is called to remove A from Alice. However, tokenIndex will be 2, which points to B, as a result, instead of deleting A, B is deleted from _ownedTokens. Wrong token delete!

    function _removeTokenFromOwnerEnumeration(address from, uint256 tokenId) private { uint256 lastTokenIndex = _currentIndex[from] - 1; uint256 tokenIndex = _ownedTokensIndex[tokenId];

        if (tokenIndex != lastTokenIndex) {
            uint256 lastTokenId = _ownedTokens[from][lastTokenIndex];
            _ownedTokens[from][tokenIndex] = lastTokenId;
            _ownedTokensIndex[lastTokenId] = tokenIndex;
        delete _ownedTokensIndex[tokenId];
        delete _ownedTokens[from][lastTokenIndex];

Tools Used


Redefine ownedTokensIndex so that is is not shared:

mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) private _ownedTokensIndex;

vhawk19 (Timeswap) confirmed and commented:

Updated the ERC1155Enumerable.sol implementation, which should resolve these issues.

[M-07] Mint function does not update LiquidityPosition state of caller before minting LP tokens. This

Submitted by 0Kage




When a LP mints V2 Pool tokens, mint function in PoolLibrary gets called. Inside this function updateDurationWeightBeforeMaturity updates global short, long0 and long1 fee growth.

Change in global fee growth necessitates an update to LiquidityPosition state of caller (specifically updating fees & fee growth rates) when there are state changes made to that position (in this case, increasing liquidity). This principle is followed in functions such as burn, transferLiquidity, transferFees. However when calling mint, this update is missing. As a result, growth & fee levels in liquidity position of caller are inconsistent with global fee growth rates.

Inconsistent state leads to incorrect calculations of long0/long1 and short fees of LP holders which in turn can lead to loss of fees. Since this impacts actual rewards for users, I’ve marked it as MEDIUM risk.

Proof of Concept

Let’s say, Bob has following sequence of events

  • MINT at T0: Bob is a LP who mints N pool tokens at T0
  • MINT at T1: Bob mints another M pool tokens at T1. At this point, had the protocol correctly updated fees before minting new pool tokens, Bob’s fees & growth rate would be a function of current liquidity (N), global updated short fee growth rate at t1 (st1) and Bob’s previous growth rate at t\0 (b_t0)
  • BURN at T2: Bob burns N + M tokens at T2. At this point, Bob’s fees should be a function of previous liquidity (N+M), global short fee growth rate (st2) and Bob’s previous growth rate at t\1(bt1) -> since this update never happened, Bob’s previous growth rate is wrongly referenced bt0 instead of b_t1.

Bob could collect a lower fees because of this state inconsistency.

Update the liquidity position state right before minting.

After line 302 of Pool.sol, update the LiquidityPosition by adding

  liquidityPosition.update(pool.long0FeeGrowth, pool.long1FeeGrowth, pool.shortFeeGrowth);

vhawk19 (Timeswap) confirmed

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this contest, 36 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by rbserver received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: ddimitrov22, Udsen, Breeje, matrix_0wl, hansfriese, 0xAgro, Josiah, luxartvinsec, Diana, tnevler, delfin454000, Awesome, mookimgo, cryptonue, shark, IllIllI, 0x1f8b, fatherOfBlocks, 0xSmartContract, brgltd, oberon, lukris02, Viktor_Cortess, Moksha, DadeKuma, 0xGusMcCrae, popular00, chaduke, georgits, descharre, martin, RaymondFam, btk, Rolezn, and SaeedAlipoor01988 .

[01] User can possibly transfer no token0 or token1 to TimeswapV2Option contract if corresponding token0 OR token1 is a rebasing token

When calling the following TimeswapV2Option.mint function, msg.sender uses the ITimeswapV2OptionMintCallback.timeswapV2OptionMintCallback function to transfer the relevant token0 and/or token1 to the TimeswapV2Option contract. Similarly, when calling the TimeswapV2Option.swap function below, msg.sender uses the ITimeswapV2OptionSwapCallback.timeswapV2OptionSwapCallback function to transfer the relevant token0 or token1 to the TimeswapV2Option contract. When token0 or token1 is a rebasing token, it is possible that the user uses these callback functions to trigger such token’s rebasing event that increases its balance owned by the TimeswapV2Option contract.

Then, when the TimeswapV2Option.mint and TimeswapV2Option.swap functions call Error.checkEnough, the rebasing token’s balance owned by the TimeswapV2Option contract can possibly exceed the corresponding balance target. As a result, the user is able to mint or swap option positions without sending any of such rebasing token to the TimeswapV2Option contract.

As a mitigation, this protocol can behave like other protocols that do not support rebasing tokens and use a blocklist to block such tokens from being used as token0 or token1 for any options.


    function mint(
        TimeswapV2OptionMintParam calldata param
    ) external override noDelegateCall returns (uint256 token0AndLong0Amount, uint256 token1AndLong1Amount, uint256 shortAmount, bytes memory data) {

        Option storage option = options[param.strike][param.maturity];

        // does main mint logic calculation
        (token0AndLong0Amount, token1AndLong1Amount, shortAmount) = option.mint(param.strike, param.long0To, param.long1To, param.shortTo, param.transaction, param.amount0, param.amount1);

        // update token0 and token1 balance target for any previous concurrent option transactions.
        processing.updateProcess(token0AndLong0Amount, token1AndLong1Amount, true, true);

        // add a new process
        // stores the token0 and token1 balance target required from the msg.sender to achieve.
        Process storage currentProcess = (processing.push() = Process(
            IERC20(token0).balanceOf(address(this)) + token0AndLong0Amount,
            IERC20(token1).balanceOf(address(this)) + token1AndLong1Amount

        // ask the msg.sender to transfer token0 and/or token1 to this contract.
        data = ITimeswapV2OptionMintCallback(msg.sender).timeswapV2OptionMintCallback(
                strike: param.strike,
                maturity: param.maturity,
                token0AndLong0Amount: token0AndLong0Amount,
                token1AndLong1Amount: token1AndLong1Amount,
                shortAmount: shortAmount,
                data: param.data

        // check if the token0 balance target is achieved.
        if (token0AndLong0Amount != 0) Error.checkEnough(IERC20(token0).balanceOf(address(this)), currentProcess.balance0Target);

        // check if the token1 balance target is achieved.
        if (token1AndLong1Amount != 0) Error.checkEnough(IERC20(token1).balanceOf(address(this)), currentProcess.balance1Target);



    function swap(TimeswapV2OptionSwapParam calldata param) external override noDelegateCall returns (uint256 token0AndLong0Amount, uint256 token1AndLong1Amount, bytes memory data) {

        Option storage option = options[param.strike][param.maturity];

        // does main swap logic calculation
        (token0AndLong0Amount, token1AndLong1Amount) = option.swap(param.strike, param.longTo, param.isLong0ToLong1, param.transaction, param.amount);

        // update token0 and token1 balance target for any previous concurrent option transactions.
        processing.updateProcess(token0AndLong0Amount, token1AndLong1Amount, !param.isLong0ToLong1, param.isLong0ToLong1);

        // add a new process
        // stores the token0 and token1 balance target required from the msg.sender to achieve.
        Process storage currentProcess = (processing.push() = Process(
            param.isLong0ToLong1 ? IERC20(token0).balanceOf(address(this)) - token0AndLong0Amount : IERC20(token0).balanceOf(address(this)) + token0AndLong0Amount,
            param.isLong0ToLong1 ? IERC20(token1).balanceOf(address(this)) + token1AndLong1Amount : IERC20(token1).balanceOf(address(this)) - token1AndLong1Amount

        // transfer token to recipient.
        IERC20(param.isLong0ToLong1 ? token0 : token1).safeTransfer(param.tokenTo, param.isLong0ToLong1 ? token0AndLong0Amount : token1AndLong1Amount);

        // ask the msg.sender to transfer token0 or token1 to this contract.
        data = ITimeswapV2OptionSwapCallback(msg.sender).timeswapV2OptionSwapCallback(
                strike: param.strike,
                maturity: param.maturity,
                isLong0ToLong1: param.isLong0ToLong1,
                token0AndLong0Amount: token0AndLong0Amount,
                token1AndLong1Amount: token1AndLong1Amount,
                data: param.data

        // check if the token0 or token1 balance target is achieved.
        Error.checkEnough(IERC20(param.isLong0ToLong1 ? token1 : token0).balanceOf(address(this)), param.isLong0ToLong1 ? currentProcess.balance1Target : currentProcess.balance0Target);


[02] Error.checkEnough function does not prevent user from sending too many tokens to relevant contract

When calling functions like TimeswapV2Option.mint or TimeswapV2Option.swap, the user will use the callback function like ITimeswapV2OptionMintCallback.timeswapV2OptionMintCallback or ITimeswapV2OptionSwapCallback.timeswapV2OptionSwapCallback to send some of the corresponding tokens to the relevant contract, such as TimeswapV2Option. Calling functions like TimeswapV2Option.mint or TimeswapV2Option.swap will revert if its call to the following Error.checkEnough function reverts when the token amount transferred through the callback function is not enough. However, if user sends too many tokens through the callback function, the Error.checkEnough function does not revert; when this happens, the extra token amount after the corresponding token balance target is met will be locked in the relevant receiving contract like TimeswapV2Option so the user loses such extra amount.

As a mitigation, the balance < balanceTarget condition in the Error.checkEnough function can be updated to balance != balanceTarget. Alternatively, some logic can be added for returning the sent extra token amount back to the user.


    function checkEnough(uint256 balance, uint256 balanceTarget) internal pure {
        if (balance < balanceTarget) revert NotEnoughReceived(balance, balanceTarget);

[03] Pool considers option not matured when its maturity and the block timestamp are equal

As shown by the following comparisons between the option’s maturity and the block timestamp in the following TimeswapV2Pool.initialize function and the pool’s various ParamLibrary.check functions, the pool considers the corresponding option not matured when its maturity and the block timestamp are equal. However, this is inconsistent with the option’s definition, which considers the option matured when its maturity and the block timestamp are equal as the option’s various ParamLibrary.check functions below show. The TimeswapV2Pool contract’s mint, burn, deleverage, leverage, and rebalance functions all have the can be only called before the maturity comment indicating that these functions are supposed to be callable only when the corresponding option is not matured. Users who checked these comments can believe that these functions are callable when the option’s maturity and the block timestamp are equal; yet, calling these functions at such timing will revert due to the duration to the option’s maturity is already 0 and the inconsistency between the pool and option’s definitions of whether the option is matured. As a result, in this case, the user’s calls of these TimeswapV2Pool contract’s functions will revert unexpectedly with the used gas being wasted, and the user experience becoming degraded.

As a mitigation, the pool and option’s definitions of whether the option is matured need to be updated to be consistent.


    function initialize(uint256 strike, uint256 maturity, uint160 rate) external override noDelegateCall {
        if (maturity < blockTimestamp(0)) Error.alreadyMatured(maturity, blockTimestamp(0));


    function check(TimeswapV2PoolMintParam memory param, uint96 blockTimestamp) internal pure {
        if (param.maturity < blockTimestamp) Error.alreadyMatured(param.maturity, blockTimestamp);

    function check(TimeswapV2PoolBurnParam memory param, uint96 blockTimestamp) internal pure {
        if (param.maturity < blockTimestamp) Error.alreadyMatured(param.maturity, blockTimestamp);

    function check(TimeswapV2PoolDeleverageParam memory param, uint96 blockTimestamp) internal pure {
        if (param.maturity < blockTimestamp) Error.alreadyMatured(param.maturity, blockTimestamp);

    function check(TimeswapV2PoolLeverageParam memory param, uint96 blockTimestamp) internal pure {
        if (param.maturity < blockTimestamp) Error.alreadyMatured(param.maturity, blockTimestamp);

    function check(TimeswapV2PoolRebalanceParam memory param, uint96 blockTimestamp) internal pure {
        if (param.maturity < blockTimestamp) Error.alreadyMatured(param.maturity, blockTimestamp);


    function check(TimeswapV2OptionMintParam memory param, uint96 blockTimestamp) internal pure {
        if (param.maturity <= blockTimestamp) Error.alreadyMatured(param.maturity, blockTimestamp);

    function check(TimeswapV2OptionBurnParam memory param, uint96 blockTimestamp) internal pure {
        if (param.maturity <= blockTimestamp) Error.alreadyMatured(param.maturity, blockTimestamp);

    function check(TimeswapV2OptionSwapParam memory param, uint96 blockTimestamp) internal pure {
        if (param.maturity <= blockTimestamp) Error.alreadyMatured(param.maturity, blockTimestamp);

    function check(TimeswapV2OptionCollectParam memory param, uint96 blockTimestamp) internal pure {
        if (param.maturity > blockTimestamp) Error.stillActive(param.maturity, blockTimestamp);

[04] Pool’s ParamLibrary.check function for TimeswapV2PoolCollectParam checks param.strike == 0 less restrictively than pool’s other ParamLibrary.check functions

As shown below, calling the pool’s ParamLibrary.check function for TimeswapV2PoolCollectParam will not revert when param.strike is 0 while one or more of param.long0Requested, param.long1Requested, or param.shortRequested is not 0. However, calling the pool’s other ParamLibrary.check functions for other param will revert whenever param.strike == 0 is true. To handle the param.strike == 0 check consistently, please consider updating the && param.strike == 0 condition to || param.strike == 0 in the pool’s ParamLibrary.check function for TimeswapV2PoolCollectParam.


    function check(TimeswapV2PoolCollectParam memory param) internal pure {
        if (param.long0Requested == 0 && param.long1Requested == 0 && param.shortRequested == 0 && param.strike == 0) Error.zeroInput();

    function check(TimeswapV2PoolMintParam memory param, uint96 blockTimestamp) internal pure {
        if (param.delta == 0 || param.strike == 0) Error.zeroInput();

    function check(TimeswapV2PoolBurnParam memory param, uint96 blockTimestamp) internal pure {
        if (param.delta == 0 || param.strike == 0) Error.zeroInput();

    function check(TimeswapV2PoolDeleverageParam memory param, uint96 blockTimestamp) internal pure {
        if (param.delta == 0 || param.strike == 0) Error.zeroInput();

    function check(TimeswapV2PoolLeverageParam memory param, uint96 blockTimestamp) internal pure {
        if (param.delta == 0 || param.strike == 0) Error.zeroInput();

    function check(TimeswapV2PoolRebalanceParam memory param, uint96 blockTimestamp) internal pure {
        if (param.delta == 0 || param.strike == 0) Error.zeroInput();

[05] Redundant named returns

When a function has unused named returns and used return statements, these named returns become redundant. To improve readability and maintainability, these variables for the named returns can be removed while keeping the return statements for the functions associated with the following lines.

  240: function mint(TimeswapV2PoolMintParam calldata param) external override returns (uint160 liquidityAmount, uint256 long0Amount, uint256 long1Amount, uint256 shortAmount, bytes memory data) {
  248: ) external override returns (uint160 liquidityAmount, uint256 long0Amount, uint256 long1Amount, uint256 shortAmount, bytes memory data) {
  305: function burn(TimeswapV2PoolBurnParam calldata param) external override returns (uint160 liquidityAmount, uint256 long0Amount, uint256 long1Amount, uint256 shortAmount, bytes memory data) {
  313: ) external override returns (uint160 liquidityAmount, uint256 long0Amount, uint256 long1Amount, uint256 shortAmount, bytes memory data) {

[06] Word/typing typos

ot can be changed to to in the following comment.


    /// @param amount The amount ot be converted. Token0 amount when zeroToOne. Token1 amount when oneToZero.

overidden can be changed to overridden in the following comment.


    // Can be overidden for testing purposes.

positionss can be changed to positions in the following comment.


    /// @dev The liquidity positionss will already be minted to the receipient.

[07] Confusing NatSpec @param usage

Because data is the returned variable of the following functions, @return can be used instead of @param in the corresponding NatSpec comment to avoid confusion.


    /// @param data The bytes of data to be sent to msg.sender.
    function timeswapV2PoolMintChoiceCallback(TimeswapV2PoolMintChoiceCallbackParam calldata param) external returns (uint256 long0Amount, uint256 long1Amount, bytes memory data);


    /// @param data The bytes of data to be sent to msg.sender.
    function timeswapV2PoolMintCallback(TimeswapV2PoolMintCallbackParam calldata param) external returns (bytes memory data);

[08] Incomplete NatSpec Comments

NatSpec comments provide rich code documentation. The following functions are some examples that miss the @param and/or @return comments.

Please consider completing the NatSpec comments for functions like these.

  125: function inactiveOptionChoice(uint256 strike, uint256 maturity) internal pure { 

  16: function convert(uint256 amount, uint256 strike, bool zeroToOne, bool roundUp) internal pure returns (uint256) {    
  26: function turn(uint256 amount, uint256 strike, bool toOne, bool roundUp) internal pure returns (uint256) {    
  35: function combine(uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, uint256 strike, bool roundUp) internal pure returns (uint256) {  

  169: function burn(TimeswapV2OptionBurnParam calldata param) external returns (uint256 token0AndLong0Amount, uint256 token1AndLong1Amount, uint256 shortAmount, bytes memory data);  
  190: function collect(TimeswapV2OptionCollectParam calldata param) external returns (uint256 token0Amount, uint256 token1Amount, uint256 shortAmount, bytes memory data);  

  28: function getByIndex(uint256 id) external view returns (address optionPair); 

  13: function timeswapV2PoolBurnChoiceCallback(TimeswapV2PoolBurnChoiceCallbackParam calldata param) external returns (uint256 long0Amount, uint256 long1Amount, bytes memory data); 

  14: function timeswapV2PoolMintChoiceCallback(TimeswapV2PoolMintChoiceCallbackParam calldata param) external returns (uint256 long0Amount, uint256 long1Amount, bytes memory data); 
  18: function timeswapV2PoolMintCallback(TimeswapV2PoolMintCallbackParam calldata param) external returns (bytes memory data); 

[09] Missing NatSpec comments

NatSpec comments provide rich code documentation. The following functions are some examples that miss NatSpec comments. Please consider adding NatSpec comments for functions like these.

  56: function addOptionEnumerationIfNecessary(uint256 strike, uint256 maturity) private {    
  70: function blockTimestamp() internal view virtual returns (uint96) {  

  57: function addPoolEnumerationIfNecessary(uint256 strike, uint256 maturity) private { 
  66: function raiseGuard(uint256 strike, uint256 maturity) private { 
  71: function lowerGuard(uint256 strike, uint256 maturity) private { 
  82: function blockTimestamp(uint96 durationForward) internal view virtual returns (uint96) {    
  252: function mint(  

  25: function deploy(address poolFactory, address optionPair, uint256 transactionFee, uint256 protocolFee) internal returns (address poolPair) { 

  85: function collectTransactionFees(    

Gas Optimizations

For this contest, 24 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by 0xSmartContract received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: Rageur, atharvasama, Udsen, c3phas, Aymen0909, matrix_0wl, W_Max, shark, IllIllI, 0x1f8b, 0xackermann, fatherOfBlocks, kaden, ReyAdmirado, Beepidibop, Viktor_Cortess, Iurii3, descharre, chaduke, RaymondFam, W0RR1O, Rolezn, and SaeedAlipoor01988 .

Gas Optimizations Summary

Number Optimization Details Context
[G-01] Gas saving is achieved by removing the delete keyword (~60k) 1
[G-02] Remove checkDoesNotExist function 1
[G-03] Avoid using state variable in emit (130 gas) 1
[G-04] Change public state variable visibility to private 2
[G-05] Save gas with the use of the import statement 1
[G-06] Gas savings can be achieved by changing the model for assigning value to the structure (260 gas) 2
[G-07] Using delete instead of setting struct 0 saves gas 10
[G-08] In div 512 function, quotient 0 aggregate operation is used with unchecked to save gas 1
[G-09] Avoid using external call 1
[G-10] Gas overflow during iteration (DoS) 1
[G-11] Move owner checks to a modifier for gas efficant 2
[G-12] Use a more recent version of solidity All contracts
[G-13] Use nested if and, avoid multiple check combinations 19
[G-14] ] Sort Solidity operations using short-circuit mode 3
[G-15] >= costs less gas than > 4
[G-16] Using UniswapV3 mulDiv function is gas-optimized 1
[G-17] Using Openzeppelin Ownable2Step.sol is gas efficient 1
[G-18] OpenZeppelin’s ReentrancyGuard contract is gas-optimized
[G-19] Save gas with the use of the import statement
[G-20] Remove import forge-std/console.sol 1
[G-21] Usage of uints/ints smaller than 32 bytes (256 bits) incurs overhead 23
[G-22] Use assembly to write address storage values 2
[G-23] Setting the constructor to payable 8
[G-24] Avoid contract existence checks by using solidity version 0.8.10 or later 57
[G-25] Optimize names to save gas All contracts
[G-26] Upgrade Solidity’s optimizer 3
[G-27] Open the optimizer 1

Total: 27 issues

[G-01] Gas saving is achieved by removing the delete keyword (~60k)

30k gas savings were made by removing the delete keyword. The reason for using the delete keyword here is to reset the struct values (set to default value) in every operation. However, the struct values do not need to be zero each time the function is run. Therefore, the delete” key word is unnecessary. If it is removed, around 30k gas savings will be achieved.

There are two instances of the subject:

  31      /// @return optionPair The address of the newly deployed TimeswapV2Option contract.
  32:     function deploy(address optionFactory, address token0, address token1) internal returns (address optionPair) {
  33:         parameter = Parameter({optionFactory: optionFactory, token0: token0, token1: token1});
  35:         optionPair = address(new TimeswapV2Option{salt: keccak256(abi.encode(token0, token1))}());
  37:         // save gas.
- 38:         delete parameter;
  39:     }
  40  }
  25:     function deploy(address poolFactory, address optionPair, uint256 transactionFee, uint256 protocolFee) internal returns (address poolPair) {
  26:         parameter = Parameter({poolFactory: poolFactory, optionPair: optionPair, transactionFee: transactionFee, protocolFee: protocolFee});
  28:         poolPair = address(new TimeswapV2Pool{salt: keccak256(abi.encode(optionPair))}());
- 30:         delete parameter;
  31:     }
  32  }

[G-02] Remove checkDoesNotExist function

Using separate internal functions for non-repeating if blocks in more than one function wastes gas.

The checkDoesNotExist internal function in the OptionPair.sol contract is only used in the create function of the TimeswapV2OptionFactory.sol contract.

  43:     function create(address token0, address token1) external override returns (address optionPair) {
  44:         if (token0 == address(0)) Error.zeroAddress();
  45:         if (token1 == address(0)) Error.zeroAddress();
  46:         OptionPairLibrary.checkCorrectFormat(token0, token1);
  48:         optionPair = optionPairs[token0][token1];
  49:         OptionPairLibrary.checkDoesNotExist(token0, token1, optionPair);
  51:         optionPair = deploy(address(this), token0, token1);
  53:         optionPairs[token0][token1] = optionPair;
  55:         emit Create(msg.sender, token0, token1, optionPair);
  56:     }
  57  }



I suggest that the check on line 50 be done by adding the if block as follows.


  43:     function create(address token0, address token1) external override returns (address optionPair) {
  44:         if (token0 == address(0)) Error.zeroAddress();
  45:         if (token1 == address(0)) Error.zeroAddress();
  46:         OptionPairLibrary.checkCorrectFormat(token0, token1);
  48:         optionPair = optionPairs[token0][token1];
- 49:         OptionPairLibrary.checkDoesNotExist(token0, token1, optionPair);
+                   if (optionPair != address(0)) revert OptionPairAlreadyExisted(token0, token1, optionPair);
  51:         optionPair = deploy(address(this), token0, token1);
  53:         optionPairs[token0][token1] = optionPair;
  55:         emit Create(msg.sender, token0, token1, optionPair);
  56:     }
  57  }


[G-03] Avoid using state variable in emit (130 gas)

Using a state variable in SetOwner emits wastes gas.

1 result - 1 file:

  23     function setPendingOwner(address chosenPendingOwner) external override {
  24         Ownership.checkIfOwner(owner);
  26:        if (chosenPendingOwner == address(0)) Error.zeroAddress();
  27         chosenPendingOwner.checkIfAlreadyOwner(owner);
  29         pendingOwner = chosenPendingOwner;
  31:         emit SetOwner(pendingOwner);
  32:     }


If the following recommendation is taken into account, 130 gas is saved.

 23     function setPendingOwner(address chosenPendingOwner) external override {
  24         Ownership.checkIfOwner(owner);
  26         if (chosenPendingOwner == address(0)) Error.zeroAddress();
  27         chosenPendingOwner.checkIfAlreadyOwner(owner);
+ 31:         emit SetOwner(chosenPendingOwner);
  29         pendingOwner = chosenPendingOwner;
- 31:         emit SetOwner(pendingOwner);
  32     }

[G-04] Change public state variable visibility to private

If it is preferred to change the visibility of the owner and pendingOwnerstate state variables to private, this will save significant gas.

2 result - 1 file:

  14:     address public override owner;

  16:     address public override pendingOwner;


[G-05] Save gas with the use of the import statement

While the following two critical fee values are assigned in the constructor, there is no zero value control. This means that if both state variables are started with a possible value of 0, the contract must be deployed again. This possibility means gas consumption.

Zero value control is the most error-prone value control since zero value is assigned in case of no value entry due to EVM design.

In addition, since the immutable value will be changed once, adding a zero value control does not cause high gas consumption.

  37:     constructor(address chosenOwner, uint256 chosenTransactionFee, uint256 chosenProtocolFee) OwnableTwoSteps(chosenOwner) {
  38:         if (chosenTransactionFee > type(uint16).max) revert IncorrectFeeInitialization(chosenTransactionFee);
  39:         if (chosenProtocolFee > type(uint16).max) revert IncorrectFeeInitialization(chosenProtocolFee);
  41:         transactionFee = chosenTransactionFee;
  42:         protocolFee = chosenProtocolFee;
  43:     }



It is recommended to perform a zero value check for critical value assignments.

Add zero check for immutable values when assigning values in critical constructor.

[G-06] Gas savings can be achieved by changing the model for assigning value to the structure (260 gas)

By changing the pattern of assigning value to the structure, gas savings of ~130 per instance are achieved. In addition, this use will provide significant savings in distribution costs.

There are two examples of this issue:

  25:     function distribution(pool Factory address, option pair address, uint256 transaction Fee, uint256 protocol Fee) internal returns (poolPair address) {
  26:         parameter = Parameter({poolFactory: poolFactory, optionPair: optionPair, transactionFees: transactionFees, protocolFees: protocolFees});
  32:     function deploy(address optionFactory, address identifier0, address identifier1) internal returns (address optionPair) {
  33:         parameter = Parameter({optionFactory:optionFactory, symbol0: symbol0, symbol1: symbol1});

The following model, which is more gas efficient, can be preferred to assign value to the building elements.

  32:     function deploy(address optionFactory, address identifier0, address identifier1) internal returns (address optionPair) {
- 33:         parameter = Parameter({optionFactory: optionsFactory, token0: token0, token1: token1});
+              parameter.optionFactory = optionFactory;
+              parameter.token0 = token0;
+              parameter.token1 = token1;

[G-07] Using delete instead of setting struct 0 saves gas

10 results - 2 files:

   93:    liquidityPosition.long0Fees = 0;

  101:    liquidityPosition.long1Fees = 0;

  109:    liquidityPosition.shortFees = 0;


  228:    pool.long0ProtocolFees = 0;

  236:    pool.long1ProtocolFees = 0;

  244:    pool.shortProtocolFees = 0;

  633:    pool.long0Balance = 0;

  646:    pool.long1Balance = 0;

  685:    pool.long1Balance = 0;

  706:    pool.long0Balance = 0;


Recommendation code:

-  228:    pool.long0ProtocolFees = 0;
+ 228:    delete pool.long0ProtocolFees;

[G-08] In div 512 function, quotient 0 aggregate operation is used with unchecked to save gas

  158:     function div512(uint256 dividend0, uint256 dividend1, uint256 divisor, bool roundUp) internal pure returns (uint256 quotient0, uint256 quotient1) {
  159:         (quotient0, quotient1) = div512(dividend0, dividend1, divisor);
  161:         if (roundUp) {
  162:             (uint256 productA0, uint256 productA1) = mul512(quotient0, divisor);
  163:             productA1 += (quotient1 * divisor);
  164:             if (dividend1 > productA1 || dividend0 > productA0) {
  165:                 if (quotient0 == type(uint256).max) {
  166:                     quotient0 = 0;
  167:                     quotient1++;
- 168:                 } else quotient0++;
+ 168:                 } else 
+                         unchecked {
+                          quotient0++;
+                         } 
  169:             }
  170:         }
  171:     }


[G-09] Avoid using external call

An if block check can be added as follows. With this control, gas saving is achieved by avoiding the use of external calls.

  22      /// @inheritdoc IOwnableTwoSteps
  23:     function setPendingOwner(address chosenPendingOwner) external override {
- 24:         Ownership.checkIfOwner(owner);
+ 24:         if (msg.sender == owner) revert NotOwner();
  26:         if (chosenPendingOwner == address(0)) Error.zeroAddress();
  27:         chosenPendingOwner.checkIfAlreadyOwner(owner);
  29:         pendingOwner = chosenPendingOwner;
  31:         emit SetOwner(pendingOwner);
  32:     }


[G-10] Gas overflow during iteration (DoS)

Each iteration of the cycle requires a gas flow. A moment may come when more gas is required than it is allocated to record one block. In this case, all iterations of the loop will fail.

  32      /// @param isAddToken1 IsAddToken1 if true. IsSubToken0 if false
  33:     function updateProcess(Process[] storage processing, uint256 token0Amount, uint256 token1Amount, bool isAddToken0, bool isAddToken1) internal {
+              require(processing.length.length() < maxProcessingLengt, "max length");
  34:         for (uint256 i; i < processing.length; ) {
  35:             Process storage process = processing[i];
  37:             if (token0Amount != 0) process.balance0Target = isAddToken0 ? process.balance0Target + token0Amount : process.balance0Target - token0Amount;
  39:             if (token1Amount != 0) process.balance1Target = isAddToken1 ? process.balance1Target + token1Amount : process.balance1Target - token1Amount;
  41:             unchecked {
  42:                 i++;
  43:             }
  44:         }
  45:      }


[G-11] Move owner checks to a modifier for gas efficant

It’s better to use a modifier for simple owner checks for an easier inspection of functions. This is also more gas efficient as it does not control with external call.

The part where owner is defined:

  22:     function checkIfOwner(address owner) internal view {
  23          if (msg.sender != owner) revert NotTheOwner(msg.sender, owner);


2 results 2 files:

  189:         ITimeswapV2PoolFactory(poolFactory).owner().checkIfOwner();


  23      function setPendingOwner(address chosenPendingOwner) external override {
  24:         Ownership.checkIfOwner(owner);


[G-12] Use a more recent version of solidity

Solidity 0.8.10 has a useful change that reduced gas costs of external calls which expect a return value.

In 0.8.15 the conditions necessary for inlining are relaxed. Benchmarks show that the change significantly decreases the bytecode size (which impacts the deployment cost) while the effect on the runtime gas usage is smaller.

In 0.8.17 prevent the incorrect removal of storage writes before calls to Yul functions that conditionally terminate the external EVM call; Simplify the starting offset of zero-length operations to zero. More efficient overflow checks for multiplication.

The version of 70 contracts included in the scope is 0.8.8. I recommend that you upgrade the versions of all contracts in scope to the latest version of robustness, ‘0.8.17’.

[G-13] Use nested if and, avoid multiple check combinations

Using nested is cheaper than using && multiple check combinations. There are more advantages, such as easier to read code and better coverage reports.

19 results - 9 files:

  15:    if ((length - 4) % 32 == 0 && bytes4(reason) == selector) return BytesLib.slice(reason, 4, length - 4);


  257:   if (roundUp && mulmod(multiplicand, multiplier, divisor) != 0) result++;


  51:    if (roundUp && dividend % divisor != 0) quotient++;

  62:    if (roundUp && dividend % (1 << divisorBit) != 0) quotient++;
  81:    if (roundUp && value % result != 0) result++;


  111:   if (param.amount0 == 0 && param.amount1 == 0) Error.zeroInput();

  124:   if (param.amount0 == 0 && param.amount1 == 0) Error.zeroInput();


  167:   if (long0Fees == 0 && long1Fees == 0 && shortFees == 0) Error.zeroInput();


  411:   if (a11 == 0 && a01.unsafeAdd(a10) >= a01) {


  136:   if (param.long0Requested == 0 && param.long1Requested == 0 && param.shortRequested == 0 && param.strike == 0) Error.zeroInput();


  60:    if (_idTotalSupply[id] == 0 && _additionalConditionAddTokenToAllTokensEnumeration(id)) _addTokenToAllTokensEnumeration(id);

  64:    if (to != address(0) && to != from) {
  65:    if (balanceOf(to, id) == 0 && _additionalConditionAddTokenToOwnerEnumeration(to, id)) _addTokenToOwnerEnumeration(to, id);

  94:    if (_idTotalSupply[id] == 0 && _additionalConditionRemoveTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration(id)) _removeTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration(id);

  98:    if (from != address(0) && from != to) {
  99:    if (balanceOf(from, id) == 0 && _additionalConditionRemoveTokenFromOwnerEnumeration(from, id)) _removeTokenFromOwnerEnumeration(from, id);


  121:   if (param.long0Amount == 0 && param.long1Amount == 0 && param.shortAmount == 0) Error.zeroInput();

  128:   if (param.long0Amount == 0 && param.long1Amount == 0 && param.shortAmount == 0) Error.zeroInput();

  149:   if (param.long0FeesDesired == 0 && param.long1FeesDesired == 0 && param.shortFeesDesired == 0) Error.zeroInput();


Recomendation Code:

- 149:   if (param.long0FeesDesired == 0 && param.long1FeesDesired == 0 && param.shortFeesDesired == 0) Error.zeroInput();
+           if (param.long0FeesDesired == 0) {
+               if (param.long1FeesDesired == 0) {
+                   if (param.shortFeesDesired == 0) {
+                       Error.zeroInput();
+	 }
+               }                                   
+           }                                     

[G-14] Sort Solidity operations using short-circuit mode

Short-circuiting is a solidity contract development model that uses OR/AND logic to sequence different cost operations. It puts low gas cost operations in the front and high gas cost operations in the back, so that if the front is low, if the cost operation is feasible, you can skip (short-circuit) the subsequent high-cost Ethereum virtual machine operation.

//f(x) is a low gas cost operation 
//g(y) is a high gas cost operation 

//Sort operations with different gas costs as follows 
f(x) || g(y) 
f(x) && g(y)

3 results - 3 files:

  298:    if (product.div(longAmount, false) != rate || product >= numerator) revert NotEnoughLiquidityToBorrow();


  15:     if ((length - 4) % 32 == 0 && bytes4(reason) == selector) return BytesLib.slice(reason, 4, length - 4);


  68:     if (subtrahend1 > minuend1 || (subtrahend1 == minuend1 && subtrahend0 > minuend0)) revert SubUnderflow(minuend0, minuend1, subtrahend0, subtrahend1);


[G-15] >= costs less gas than >

The compiler uses opcodes GT and ISZERO for solidity code that uses >, but only requires LT for >=, which saves 3 gas

4 results - 2 files:

  89:         return value1 < value2 ? value1 : value2;


  27:         return strike > type(uint128).max ? (toOne ? convert(amount, strike, true, roundUp) : amount) : (toOne ? amount : convert(amount, strike, false, roundUp));

  36:         return strike > type(uint128).max ? amount0 + convert(amount1, strike, false, roundUp) : amount1 + convert(amount0, strike, true, roundUp);

  48:             strike > type(uint128).max
  49                 ? (zeroToOne ? convert(base - amount, strike, true, roundUp) : base - convert(amount, strike, false, !roundUp))
  50                 : (zeroToOne ? base - convert(amount, strike, true, !roundUp) : convert(base - amount, strike, false, roundUp));


[G-16] Using UniswapV3 mulDiv function is gas-optimized

  180      /// @return result The result.
  181:     function mulDiv(uint256 multiplicand, uint256 multiplier, uint256 divisor, bool roundUp) internal pure returns (uint256 result) {
  182         (uint256 product0, uint256 product1) = mul512(multiplicand, multiplier);
  184         // Handle non-overflow cases, 256 by 256 division

Reference: https://github.com/Uniswap/v3-core/blob/412d9b236a1e75a98568d49b1aeb21e3a1430544/contracts/libraries/FullMath.sol#L14

Reference: https://xn—2-umb.com/21/muldiv/

[G-17] Using Openzeppelin Ownable2Step.sol is gas efficient

The project makes secure Owner changes with OwnableTwoStep.

The project’s acceptOwner() function:

  34      /// @inheritdoc IOwnableTwoSteps
  35:     function acceptOwner() external override {
  36:         msg.sender.checkIfPendingOwner(pendingOwner);
  38:         owner = msg.sender;
  39:         delete pendingOwner;
  41:         emit AcceptOwner(msg.sender);
  42:     }
  43  }


However, I recommend using the more gas-optimized Openzeppelin in Ownable2Step.sol.

Openzeppelin acceptOwner() function:

function acceptOwnership() public virtual {
        address sender = _msgSender();
        require(pendingOwner() == sender, "Ownable2Step: caller is not the new owner");


[G-18] OpenZeppelin’s ReentrancyGuard contract is gas-optimized

  11:     /// @dev The initial state which must be change to NOT_ENTERED when first interacting.
  12:     uint96 internal constant NOT_INTERACTED = 0;
  14:     /// @dev The initial and ending state of balanceTarget in the Option struct.
  15:     uint96 internal constant NOT_ENTERED = 1;
  17:     /// @dev The state where the contract is currently being interacted with.
  18:     uint96 internal constant ENTERED = 2;


I recommend using the gas-optimized OpenZeppelin ReentrancyGuard.sol contract.


[G-19] Save gas with the use of the import statement

With the import statement, it saves gas to specifically import only the parts of the contracts, not the complete ones.


6: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/IERC1155.sol";


Solidity code is also cleaner in another way that might not be noticeable: the struct Point. We were importing it previously with global import but not using it. The Point struct polluted the source code with an unnecessary object we were not using because we did not need it.

This was breaking the rule of modularity and modular programming: only import what you need Specific imports with curly braces allow us to apply this rule better.


import {contract1 , contract2} from "filename.sol";

A good example from the ArtGobblers project;

import {Owned} from “solmate/auth/Owned.sol”;

import {ERC721} from “solmate/tokens/ERC721.sol”;

import {LibString} from “solmate/utils/LibString.sol”;

import {MerkleProofLib} from “solmate/utils/MerkleProofLib.sol”;

import {FixedPointMathLib} from “solmate/utils/FixedPointMathLib.sol”;

import {ERC1155, ERC1155TokenReceiver} from “solmate/tokens/ERC1155.sol”;

import {toWadUnsafe, toDaysWadUnsafe} from “solmate/utils/SignedWadMath.sol”;

[G-20] Remove import forge-std/console.sol

It’s used to print the values of variables while running tests to help debug and see what’s happening inside your contracts But since it’s a development tool, it serves no purpose on mainnet.

1 result - 1 file:

  5: import "forge-std/console.sol"; 


Also, the following code block should be removed along with the removal of forge-std/console.sol.

  109:             console.log("reaches right before mint in timeswapv2Tokne::mint");


Use only for tests

[G-21] Usage of uints/ints smaller than 32 bytes (256 bits) incurs overhead

When using elements that are smaller than 32 bytes, your contracts gas usage may be higher. This is because the EVM operates on 32 bytes at a time. Therefore, if the element is smaller than that, the EVM must use more operations in order to reduce the size of the element from 32 bytes to the desired size.


Use a larger size then downcast where needed.

23 results - 4 files:

  20:    result = uint16(value);

  38:    result = uint160(value);


  104:   return pools[strike][maturity].liquidity;

  109:   return pools[strike][maturity].sqrtInterestRate;

  114:   return pools[strike][maturity].liquidityPositions[owner].liquidity;


  67:    liquidityAmount = getLiquidityGivenLong(rate, longAmount, !isAdd);

  82:    liquidityAmount = getLiquidityGivenShort(rate, shortAmount, duration, !isAdd);

  104:   liquidityAmount = getLiquidityGivenLong(rate, amount, !isAdd);

  110:   liquidityAmount = getLiquidityGivenShort(rate, amount, duration, !isAdd);

  142:   newRate = isAdd ? rate + deltaRate : rate - deltaRate;

  174:   newRate = getNewSqrtInterestRateGivenLong(liquidity, rate, longAmount + (isAdd ? 0 : fees), isAdd);

  206:   (newRate, deltaRate) = getNewSqrtInterestRateGivenShort(liquidity, rate, shortAmount + (isAdd ? 0 : fees), duration, isAdd);

  260:   return FullMath.mulDiv(uint256(rate), longAmount, uint256(1) << 96, roundUp).toUint160();

  269:   return FullMath.mulDiv(shortAmount, uint256(1) << 192, uint256(rate).unsafeMul(duration), roundUp).toUint160();

  296:   return numerator.div(denominator2, true).toUint160();

  316:   deltaRate = FullMath.mulDiv(shortAmount, uint256(1) << 192, denominator, !isAdd).toUint160();


  66:    liquidityPosition.liquidity += liquidityAmount;

  76:    liquidityPosition.liquidity -= liquidityAmount;

  207:   pool.sqrtInterestRate = rate;

  308:   liquidityAmount = param.delta.toUint160(),

  398:   liquidityAmount = param.delta.toUint160(),

  486:   param.delta.toUint160(),

  572:   param.delta.toUint160(),


[G-22] Use assembly to write address storage values

2 results - 2 files:

  18     constructor(address chosenOwner) {
  19:         owner = chosenOwner;```


  41     constructor(address chosenOptionFactory) ERC1155("Timeswap V2 address") {
  42:           optionFactory = chosenOptionFactory;


Recommendation Code:

  41     constructor(address chosenOptionFactory) ERC1155("Timeswap V2 address") {
- 42:           optionFactory = chosenOptionFactory;
+                  assembly {                      
+                      sstore(optionFactory.slot, chosenOptionFactory)
+                  }                               

[G-23] Setting the constructor to payable

You can cut out 10 opcodes in the creation-time EVM bytecode if you declare a constructor payable. Making the constructor payable eliminates the need for an initial check of msg.value == 0 and saves 13 gas on deployment with no security risks.

8 results - 8 files:

  19:     constructor() {


  65:     constructor() NoDelegateCall() {


  19:     constructor() {


  77:     constructor() NoDelegateCall() {


  37:     constructor(address chosenOwner, uint256 chosenTransactionFee, uint256 chosenProtocolFee) OwnableTwoSteps(chosenOwner) {


  18:     constructor(address chosenOwner) {


  36:     constructor(address chosenOptionFactory, address chosenPoolFactory) ERC1155("Timeswap V2 uint160 address") {


  41:     constructor(address chosenOptionFactory) ERC1155("Timeswap V2 address") {



Set the constructor to payable

[G-24] Avoid contract existence checks by using solidity version 0.8.10 or later

Prior to 0.8.10 the compiler inserted extra code, including EXTCODESIZE (100 gas), to check for contract existence for external calls. In more recent solidity versions, the compiler will not insert these checks if the external call has a return value

57 results - 6 files:

   66:    amount = balanceOf(owner, _timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPositionIds[timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition.toKey()]);

   71:    safeTransferFrom(from, to, _timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPositionIds[timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition.toKey()], liquidityAmount, bytes(""));

   81:    uint256 id = _timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPositionIds[position.toKey()];
  109:    bytes32 key = timeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition.toKey();
  153:    bytes32 key = TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition({token0: param.token0, token1: param.token1, strike: param.strike, maturity: param.maturity}).toKey();
  185:    bytes32 key = TimeswapV2LiquidityTokenPosition({token0: param.token0, token1: param.token1, strike: param.strike, maturity: param.maturity}).toKey();

  125:    uint160 liquidityBalanceTarget = ITimeswapV2Pool(poolPair).liquidityOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this)) + param.liquidityAmount;

  143:    Error.checkEnough(ITimeswapV2Pool(poolPair).liquidityOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this)), liquidityBalanceTarget);

  125:    uint160 liquidityBalanceTarget = ITimeswapV2Pool(poolPair).liquidityOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this)) + param.liquidityAmount;

  143:    Error.checkEnough(ITimeswapV2Pool(poolPair).liquidityOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this)), liquidityBalanceTarget);

  131:    data = ITimeswapV2LiquidityTokenMintCallback(msg.sender).timeswapV2LiquidityTokenMintCallback(

  163:    data = ITimeswapV2LiquidityTokenBurnCallback(msg.sender).timeswapV2LiquidityTokenBurnCallback(

  160:    ITimeswapV2Pool(poolPair).transferLiquidity(param.strike, param.maturity, param.to, param.liquidityAmount);

  193:    ITimeswapV2Pool(poolPair).transferFees(param.strike, param.maturity, param.to, long0Fees, long1Fees, shortFees);


   67:    amount = ERC1155.balanceOf(owner, _timeswapV2TokenPositionIds[timeswapV2TokenPosition.toKey()]);

   72:    safeTransferFrom(from, to, _timeswapV2TokenPositionIds[timeswapV2TokenPosition.toKey()], (amount), bytes(""));

   97:    bytes32 key = timeswapV2TokenPosition.toKey();
  127:    bytes32 key = timeswapV2TokenPosition.toKey();
  156:    bytes32 key = timeswapV2TokenPosition.toKey();
  240:    _burn(msg.sender, _timeswapV2TokenPositionIds[timeswapV2TokenPosition.toKey()], param.long0Amount);

  254:    _burn(msg.sender, _timeswapV2TokenPositionIds[timeswapV2TokenPosition.toKey()], param.long1Amount);

  268:    _burn(msg.sender, _timeswapV2TokenPositionIds[timeswapV2TokenPosition.toKey()], param.shortAmount);

   87:    long0BalanceTarget = ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Long0) + param.long0Amount;

  117:    long1BalanceTarget = ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Long1) + param.long1Amount;

  146:    shortBalanceTarget = ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Short) + param.shortAmount;

  186:    if (param.long0Amount != 0) Error.checkEnough(ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Long0), long0BalanceTarget);

  189:    if (param.long1Amount != 0) Error.checkEnough(ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Long1), long1BalanceTarget);

  192:    if (param.shortAmount != 0) Error.checkEnough(ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Short), shortBalanceTarget);


  189:    ITimeswapV2PoolFactory(poolFactory).owner().checkIfOwner();

  267:    if (long0Amount != 0) long0BalanceTarget = ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Long0) + long0Amount;
  271:    if (long1Amount != 0) long1BalanceTarget = ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Long1) + long1Amount;
  274:    uint256 shortBalanceTarget = ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Short) + shortAmount;
  293:    if (long0Amount != 0) Error.checkEnough(ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Long0), long0BalanceTarget);
  295:    if (long1Amount != 0) Error.checkEnough(ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Long1), long1BalanceTarget);
  297:    Error.checkEnough(ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Short), shortBalanceTarget);
  393:    if (long0Amount != 0) long0BalanceTarget = ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Long0) + long0Amount;
  397:    if (long1Amount != 0) long1BalanceTarget = ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Long1) + long1Amount;
  411:    if (long0Amount != 0) Error.checkEnough(ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Long0), long0BalanceTarget);
  413:    if (long1Amount != 0) Error.checkEnough(ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Long1), long1BalanceTarget);
  444:    uint256 balanceTarget = ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Short) + shortAmount;
  461:    Error.checkEnough(ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Short), balanceTarget);
  479:    uint256 balanceTarget = ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(
  511:    ITimeswapV2Option(optionPair).positionOf(param.strike, param.maturity, address(this), param.isLong0ToLong1 ? TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Long0 : TimeswapV2OptionPosition.Long1),


  28:     optionPair = ITimeswapV2OptionFactory(optionFactory).get(token0, token1);


  32:     poolPair = ITimeswapV2PoolFactory(poolFactory).get(optionPair);
  46:     poolPair = ITimeswapV2PoolFactory(poolFactory).get(optionPair);


  128:    IERC20(token0).balanceOf(address(this)) + token0AndLong0Amount,
  129:    IERC20(token1).balanceOf(address(this)) + token1AndLong1Amount
  145:    if (token0AndLong0Amount != 0) Error.checkEnough(IERC20(token0).balanceOf(address(this)), currentProcess.balance0Target);
  148:    if (token1AndLong1Amount != 0) Error.checkEnough(IERC20(token1).balanceOf(address(this)), currentProcess.balance1Target);
  215:    param.isLong0ToLong1 ? IERC20(token0).balanceOf(address(this)) - token0AndLong0Amount : IERC20(token0).balanceOf(address(this)) + token0AndLong0Amount,
  216:    param.isLong0ToLong1 ? IERC20(token1).balanceOf(address(this)) + token1AndLong1Amount : IERC20(token1).balanceOf(address(this)) - token1AndLong1Amount
  172:    if (token0AndLong0Amount != 0) IERC20(token0).safeTransfer(param.token0To, token0AndLong0Amount);
  175:    if (token1AndLong1Amount != 0) IERC20(token1).safeTransfer(param.token1To, token1AndLong1Amount);
  220:    IERC20(param.isLong0ToLong1 ? token0 : token1).safeTransfer(param.tokenTo, param.isLong0ToLong1 ? token0AndLong0Amount : token1AndLong1Amount);
  259:    if (token0Amount != 0) IERC20(token0).safeTransfer(param.token0To, token0Amount);
  262:    if (token1Amount != 0) IERC20(token1).safeTransfer(param.token1To, token1Amount);


[G-25] Optimize names to save gas

Contracts most called functions could simply save gas by function ordering via Method ID. Calling a function at runtime will be cheaper if the function is positioned earlier in the order (has a relatively lower Method ID) because 22 gas are added to the cost of a function for every position that came before it. The caller can save on gas if you prioritize most called functions.


All Contracts


Find a lower method ID name for the most called functions for example Call() vs. Call1() is cheaper by 22 gas.

For example, the function IDs in the TimeswapV2Pool.sol contract will be the most used; A lower method ID may be given.

Proof of Concept:


TimeswapV2Pool.sol function names can be named and sorted according to METHOD ID

Sighash   |   Function Signature
fbddf051  =>  addPoolEnumerationIfNecessary(uint256,uint256)
1ea3a4eb  =>  raiseGuard(uint256,uint256)
3a9e8dd9  =>  lowerGuard(uint256,uint256)
f4f89897  =>  blockTimestamp(uint96)
2d883a73  =>  getByIndex(uint256)
6f682a53  =>  numberOfPools()
5c81c9b8  =>  hasLiquidity(uint256,uint256)
b15044ac  =>  totalLiquidity(uint256,uint256)
a8f403b7  =>  sqrtInterestRate(uint256,uint256)
f78333a3  =>  liquidityOf(uint256,uint256,address)
647284f5  =>  feeGrowth(uint256,uint256)
6c867790  =>  feesEarnedOf(uint256,uint256,address)
72f8f85c  =>  protocolFeesEarned(uint256,uint256)
7ffd3a70  =>  totalLongBalance(uint256,uint256)
3a9d71e7  =>  totalLongBalanceAdjustFees(uint256,uint256)
8fdc5c99  =>  totalPositions(uint256,uint256)
c0e0c4c6  =>  transferLiquidity(uint256,uint256,address,uint160)
d7e2c24a  =>  transferFees(uint256,uint256,address,uint256,uint256,uint256)
ad118b02  =>  initialize(uint256,uint256,uint160)
47b46959  =>  collectProtocolFees(TimeswapV2PoolCollectParam)
53fa956e  =>  collectTransactionFees(TimeswapV2PoolCollectParam)
55e305f3  =>  collect(uint256,uint256,address,address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256)
0150ca41  =>  mint(TimeswapV2PoolMintParam)
6da9a2a4  =>  mint(TimeswapV2PoolMintParam,uint96)
df52795d  =>  mint(TimeswapV2PoolMintParam,bool,uint96)
13576d77  =>  burn(TimeswapV2PoolBurnParam)
731d4f67  =>  burn(TimeswapV2PoolBurnParam,uint96)
bd4952bd  =>  burn(TimeswapV2PoolBurnParam,bool,uint96)
5d0ea1f5  =>  deleverage(TimeswapV2PoolDeleverageParam)
2e1b22ce  =>  deleverage(TimeswapV2PoolDeleverageParam,uint96)
cde7bf11  =>  deleverage(TimeswapV2PoolDeleverageParam,bool,uint96)
a97a4f78  =>  leverage(TimeswapV2PoolLeverageParam)
37aaeff8  =>  leverage(TimeswapV2PoolLeverageParam,uint96)
b8be2a15  =>  leverage(TimeswapV2PoolLeverageParam,bool,uint96)
c993c3fa  =>  rebalance(TimeswapV2PoolRebalanceParam)

[G-26] Upgrade Solidity’s optimizer

Make sure Solidity’s optimizer is enabled. It reduces gas costs. If you want to gas optimize for contract deployment (costs less to deploy a contract) then set the Solidity optimizer at a low number. If you want to optimize for run-time gas costs (when functions are called on a contract) then set the optimizer to a high number.

Set the optimization value higher than 800 in your hardhat.config.ts file.

3 results - 3 files:

  27: const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  28:   paths: {
  29:     sources: "./src",
  30:   },
  31:   solidity: {
  32:     version: "0.8.8",
  33:     settings: {
  34:       optimizer: {
  35:         enabled: true,
  36:         runs: 200,
  37:       },
  38:     },
  39:   },
  26: const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  27:   paths: {
  28:     sources: "./src",
  29:   },
  30:   solidity: {
  31:     version: "0.8.8",
  32:     settings: {
  33:       optimizer: {
  34:         enabled: true,
  35:         runs: 200,
  36:       },
  37:     },
  38:   },
  26: const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  27:   paths: {
  28:     sources: "./src",
  29:   },
  30:   solidity: {
  31:     version: "0.8.8",
  32:     settings: {
  33:       optimizer: {
  34:         enabled: true,
  35:         runs: 200,
  36:       },
  37:     },
  38:   },

[G-27] Open the optimizer

Always use the Solidity optimizer to optimize gas costs. It’s good practice to set the optimizer as high as possible until it no longer helps reduce gas costs in function calls. This is advisable since function calls are intended to be executed many more times than contract deployment, which only happens once.

In the light of this information, I suggest you to open the optimizer for v2-library.


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C4 Contests incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Contest submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.