Asymmetry contest
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Asymmetry audit smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between March 24—March 30 2023.

Following the C4 audit, 3 wardens (0x52, adriro, and d3e4) reviewed the mitigations for all identified issues; the Mitigation Review report is appended below the audit report.


271 Wardens contributed reports to the Asymmetry audit:

  1. 019EC6E2
  2. 0Kage
  3. 0x3b
  4. 0x52
  5. 0xAgro
  6. 0xGordita
  7. 0xGusMcCrae
  8. 0xMirce
  9. 0xNorman
  10. 0xRajkumar
  11. 0xRobocop
  12. 0xSmartContract
  13. 0xTraub
  14. 0xWagmi
  15. 0xWaitress
  16. 0xadrii
  17. 0xbepresent
  18. 0xc0ffEE
  19. 0xd1r4cde17a
  20. 0xepley
  21. 0xffchain
  22. 0xfusion
  23. 0xhacksmithh
  24. 0xkazim
  25. 0xl51
  26. 0xmuxyz
  27. 0xnev
  28. 0xpanicError
  29. 3dgeville
  30. 4lulz
  31. 7siech
  32. AkshaySrivastav
  33. Angry_Mustache_Man
  34. ArbitraryExecution (cr0, arbitrary-wanaks, tridearm, CodeBeholder, WGMIApe, pbwaffles and yowl)
  35. Aymen0909
  36. BPZ (pa6221, Bitcoinfever244 and PrasadLak)
  38. Bahurum
  39. BanPaleo
  40. Bason
  41. Bauer
  42. Bloqarl
  43. BlueAlder
  44. Breeje
  45. Brenzee
  46. CRYP70
  47. Co0nan
  48. CodeFoxInc (thurendous, TerrierLover and retocrooman)
  49. CodingNameKiki
  50. Cryptor
  51. DadeKuma
  52. DeStinE21
  53. DevABDee
  54. Diana
  55. Dug
  56. Emmanuel
  57. Englave
  58. EvanW
  59. Evo
  60. Franfran
  61. Gde
  62. HHK
  63. Haipls
  64. HollaDieWaldfee
  65. Ignite
  66. IgorZuk
  67. Infect3d
  68. J4de
  69. JCN
  70. Jerry0x
  71. Josiah
  72. Kaysoft
  73. Koko1912
  74. Koolex
  75. Krace
  76. KrisApostolov
  77. Lavishq
  78. LeoGold
  79. Lirios
  80. MadWookie
  81. Madalad
  82. Matin
  83. MiksuJak
  84. MiloTruck
  85. MiniGlome
  86. Moliholy
  87. NoamYakov
  88. P7N8ZK
  89. PNS
  90. Parad0x
  91. Phantasmagoria
  92. Polaris_tow
  93. Rappie
  94. RaymondFam
  95. RedTiger
  96. ReyAdmirado
  97. Rickard
  98. Rolezn
  99. Ruhum
  100. SadBase
  101. SaeedAlipoor01988
  102. Sathish9098
  103. Shogoki
  104. Stiglitz
  105. SunSec
  106. T1MOH
  107. ToonVH
  108. Toshii
  109. Tricko
  110. UdarTeam (ahmedov and tourist)
  111. Udsen
  112. UniversalCrypto (amaechieth and tettehnetworks)
  113. Vagner
  114. Viktor_Cortess
  115. Wander (xAlismx, ubl4nk and mahdikarimi)
  116. __141345__
  117. a3yip6
  118. ad3sh_
  119. adeolu
  120. adriro
  121. aga7hokakological
  122. ak1
  123. alejandrocovrr
  124. alexzoid
  125. anodaram
  126. arialblack14
  127. ast3ros
  128. auditor0517
  129. aviggiano
  130. ayden
  131. bart1e
  132. bearonbike
  133. bin2chen
  134. brevis
  135. brgltd
  136. btk
  137. bytes032
  138. c3phas
  139. carlitox477
  140. carrotsmuggler
  141. catellatech
  142. ch0bu
  143. chaduke
  144. chalex
  145. ck
  146. climber2002
  147. cloudjunky
  148. codeislight
  149. codeslide
  150. codetilda
  151. cryptonue
  152. cryptothemex
  153. csanuragjain
  154. d3e4
  155. deadrxsezzz
  156. dec3ntraliz3d
  157. deliriusz
  158. descharre
  159. dicethedev
  160. dingo2077
  161. ernestognw
  162. eyexploit
  163. fatherOfBlocks
  164. favelanky
  165. fs0c
  166. fyvgsk
  167. georgits
  168. giovannidisiena
  169. gjaldon
  170. handsomegiraffe
  171. hassan-truscova
  172. helios
  173. hihen
  174. hklst4r
  175. hl_
  176. hunter_w3b
  177. idkwhatimdoing
  178. igingu
  179. inmarelibero
  180. jasonxiale
  181. joestakey
  182. juancito
  183. kaden
  184. koxuan
  185. ks__xxxxx
  186. ladboy233
  187. latt1ce
  188. lopotras
  189. lukris02
  190. m_Rassska
  191. mahdirostami
  192. maxper
  193. mert_eren
  194. mojito_auditor
  195. monrel
  196. n1punp
  197. n33k
  198. nadin
  199. navinavu
  200. nemveer
  201. neumo
  202. nowonder92
  203. p_crypt0
  204. parsely
  205. pavankv
  206. peanuts
  207. pfapostol
  208. pipoca
  209. pixpi
  210. pontifex
  211. qpzm
  212. rbserver
  213. reassor
  214. roelio
  215. rotcivegaf
  216. rvierdiiev
  217. said
  218. sashik_eth
  219. scokaf (Scoon and jauvany)
  220. shaka
  221. shalaamum
  222. shuklaayush
  223. siddhpurakaran
  224. silviaxyz
  225. sinarette
  226. skidog
  227. slippopz
  228. slvDev
  229. smaul
  230. tank
  231. teddav
  232. tnevler
  233. top1st
  234. totomanov
  235. tsvetanovv
  236. turvy_fuzz
  237. ulqiorra
  238. vagrant
  239. volodya
  240. wait
  241. wen
  242. whoismatthewmc1
  243. y1cunhui
  244. yac (t4k, Peep, thebensams, devtooligan, blockdev, usmannk, jkelleyjr, thraull, NibblerExpress, engn33r, prady and panda)
  245. yudan
  246. zzzitron

This audit was judged by Picodes.

Final report assembled by yadir.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 20 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 8 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 12 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 143 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 55 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Asymmetry audit repository, and is composed of 4 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 460 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (8)

[H-01] An attacker can manipulate the preDepositvePrice to steal from other users

Submitted by monrel, also found by giovannidisiena, d3e4, anodaram, ulqiorra, parsely, n33k, Tricko, Haipls, sinarette, nemveer, 0xRajkumar, mahdirostami, 0xfusion, sashik_eth, Koolex, Vagner, RedTiger, aga7hokakological, bytes032, MiloTruck, pavankv, yac, sinarette, Bahurum, ToonVH, shaka, bart1e, bart1e, juancito, mert_eren, Krace, ck, bin2chen, igingu, AkshaySrivastav, RaymondFam, Cryptor, carrotsmuggler, Dug, and Brenzee


The first user that stakes can manipulate the total supply of sfTokens and by doing so create a rounding error for each subsequent user. In the worst case, an attacker can steal all the funds of the next user.

Proof of Concept

When the first user enters totalSupply is set to 1e18 on L79:

if (totalSupply == 0)
            preDepositPrice = 10 ** 18; // initializes with a price of 1
        else preDepositPrice = (10 ** 18 * underlyingValue) / totalSupply;

But the user can immediately unstake most of his safETH such that totalSupply << 1e18. The attacker can then transfer increase the underlying amount by transferring derivative tokens to the derivative contracts.

For subsequent users, the preDepositPrice will be heavily inflated and the calculation of mintAmount on L98:

uint256 mintAmount = (totalStakeValueEth * 10 ** 18) / preDepositPrice;

can be very inaccurate. In the worst case it rounds down to 0 for users that deposit value that is less than the value that the attacker transferred in.

In the following POC the attacker steals all of the second user’s deposit. The attacker first deposits 100 ETH and immediately removes all but 1 wei. The attacker then transfers 10 wsETH to the WstEth contract. When the second user enters with 1.5 ETH no additional safETH are minted since the minAmount is rounded down to 0. The attacker has all of the safTokens and can withdraw 100% of deposits.

Create a new test file with the following content to run the POC.

import { SafEth } from "../typechain-types";

import { ethers, upgrades, network } from "hardhat";
import { expect } from "chai";
import {
} from "./helpers/integrationHelpers";
import { getLatestContract } from "./helpers/upgradeHelpers";
import { BigNumber } from "ethers";

import ERC20 from "@openzeppelin/contracts/build/contracts/ERC20.json";
import { RETH_MAX, WSTETH_ADRESS, WSTETH_WHALE } from "./helpers/constants";

describe.only("SafEth POC", function () {
  let safEthContractAddress: string;
  let strategyContractAddress: string;
  // create string array
  let derivativesAddress: string[] = [];
  let startingBalances: BigNumber[];
  let networkFeesPerAccount: BigNumber[];
  let totalStakedPerAccount: BigNumber[];

  before(async () => {
    startingBalances = await getUserBalances();
    networkFeesPerAccount = => BigNumber.from(0));
    totalStakedPerAccount = => BigNumber.from(0));

  it("Should deploy the strategy contract", async function () {
    const safEthFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("SafEth");
    const strategy = (await upgrades.deployProxy(safEthFactory, [
      "Asymmetry Finance ETH",
    ])) as SafEth;
    await strategy.deployed();

    strategyContractAddress = strategy.address;

    const owner = await strategy.owner();
    const derivativeCount = await strategy.derivativeCount();

    expect(owner).eq((await getAdminAccount()).address);

  it("Should deploy derivative contracts and add them to the strategy contract with equal weights", async function () {
    const supportedDerivatives = ["Reth", "SfrxEth", "WstEth"];
    const strategy = await getLatestContract(strategyContractAddress, "SafEth");

    for (let i = 0; i < supportedDerivatives.length; i++) {
      const derivativeFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory(
      const derivative = await upgrades.deployProxy(derivativeFactory, [
      const derivativeAddress = derivative.address;

      await derivative.deployed();
      const tx1 = await strategy.addDerivative(
      await tx1.wait();


    const derivativeCount = await strategy.derivativeCount();


  it("Steal funds", async function () {

    const strategy = await getLatestContract(strategyContractAddress, "SafEth");
    const userAccounts = await getUserAccounts();
    let totalStaked = BigNumber.from(0);

    const userStrategySigner = strategy.connect(userAccounts[0]);
    const userStrategySigner2 = strategy.connect(userAccounts[1]);
    const ethAmount = "100"; 
    const depositAmount = ethers.utils.parseEther(ethAmount);
    totalStaked = totalStaked.add(depositAmount);
    const balanceBefore = await userAccounts[0].getBalance();
    const stakeResult = await userStrategySigner.stake({
      value: depositAmount,

    const mined = await stakeResult.wait();
    const networkFee = mined.gasUsed.mul(mined.effectiveGasPrice);
    networkFeesPerAccount[0] = networkFeesPerAccount[0].add(networkFee);
    totalStakedPerAccount[0] = totalStakedPerAccount[0].add(depositAmount);

    const userSfEthBalance = await strategy.balanceOf(userAccounts[0].address);
    const userSfWithdraw = userSfEthBalance.sub(1);
    await network.provider.request({
      method: "hardhat_impersonateAccount",
      params: [WSTETH_WHALE],
    const whaleSigner = await ethers.getSigner(WSTETH_WHALE);
    const erc20 = new ethers.Contract(WSTETH_ADRESS, ERC20.abi, userAccounts[0]);

    const wderivative = derivativesAddress[2];
    const erc20BalanceBefore = await erc20.balanceOf(wderivative);

    //remove all but 1 sfToken
    const unstakeResult = await userStrategySigner.unstake(userSfWithdraw);

    const erc20Whale = erc20.connect(whaleSigner);
    const erc20Amount = ethers.utils.parseEther("10");

    // transfer tokens directly to the derivative (done by attacker)
    await erc20Whale.transfer(wderivative, erc20Amount);

    const ethAmount2 = "1.5"; 
    const depositAmount2 = ethers.utils.parseEther(ethAmount2);
    const stakeResu2lt = await userStrategySigner2.stake({
      value: depositAmount2,

    const mined2 = await stakeResult.wait();
    // User has 0 sfTokens!
    const userSfEthBalance2 = await strategy.balanceOf(userAccounts[1].address);
    console.log("userSfEthBalance2: ", userSfEthBalance2.toString());

    // Attacker has 1 sfToken
    const AttakcerSfEthBalanc = await strategy.balanceOf(userAccounts[0].address);
    console.log("AttakcerSfEthBalanc: ", AttakcerSfEthBalanc.toString());
    //Total supply is 1. 
    const totalSupply = await strategy.totalSupply();
    console.log("totalSupply: ", totalSupply.toString());


Tools Used

vscode, hardhat

Asymmetry mitigated:

Use internal accounting to get the balance.

Status: Mitigation confirmed with comments. Full details in reports from d3e4, adriro, and 0x52.

[H-02] A temporary issue shows in the staking functionality which leads to the users receiving less minted tokens

Submitted by CodingNameKiki, also found by giovannidisiena, 0xd1r4cde17a, shaka, slippopz, MiloTruck, rbserver, MadWookie, adriro, Moliholy, ast3ros, Franfran, gjaldon, bin2chen, koxuan, igingu, and rvierdiiev

Derivative Reth prices

A quick explanation of the issue causing it, the problem is based on the function “ethPerDerivative” in the Reth derivative.

As you can see two statements can be triggered here, the first one “if (poolCanDeposit(_amount))” checks if the given amount + the pool balance isn’t greater than the maximumDepositPoolSize and that the amount is greater than the minimum deposit in the pool. Second statement is meant to return a poolPrice which is slightly more than the regular one, because it’s used in order to swap tokens in Uniswap and therefore the price per token is overpriced.

function ethPerDerivative(uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256) {
        if (poolCanDeposit(_amount))
                RocketTokenRETHInterface(rethAddress()).getEthValue(10 ** 18);
        else return (poolPrice() * 10 ** 18) / (10 ** 18);
// poolCanDeposit() returns:
            rocketDepositPool.getBalance() + _amount <=
            rocketDAOProtocolSettingsDeposit.getMaximumDepositPoolSize() &&
            _amount >= rocketDAOProtocolSettingsDeposit.getMinimumDeposit();

Below you can see the regular price returned in the first statement - 1063960369075232250:

Screenshot 2023-03-27 at 8 53 34

Below you can see the pool price from the second statement, supposed to be used only when a swap is made.

else return (poolPrice() * 10 ** 18) / (10 ** 18);

// poolPrice calculates and returns
uint160 sqrtPriceX96, , , , , , ) = pool.slot0();
        return (sqrtPriceX96 * (uint(sqrtPriceX96)) * (1e18)) >> (96 * 2);

// uint160 sqrtPriceX96 = 81935751724326368909606241317
// return (sqrtPriceX96 * (uint(sqrtPriceX96)) * (1e18)) >> (96 * 2);
// return 1069517062752670179 (pool price)

// The function "ethPerDerivative" for the else statement return (poolPrice() * 10 ** 18) / (10 ** 18);
// Which will be - 1069517062752670179

Difference between the regular price and the pool price:

regular price - 1063960369075232250
pool price -    1069517062752670179

Quick Overview

What can result to users receiving less minted tokens?

The first thing the staking function does is calculating the derivative underlyingValue. This issue occurs on the Reth derivative, as we can see the staking function calls “ethPerDerivative” to get the price, but takes as account the whole Reth balance of the derivative contract.

For example let’s say the derivative Reth holds 200e18. The pool has free space for 100e18 more till it reaches its maximum pool size. As the function calls ethPerDerivative with the Reth balance of 200e18 instead of the amount being staked. The contract will think there is no more space in the pool (even tho there is 100e18 more) and will return the pool price which is overpriced and meant for the swap in Uniswap.

underlyingValue +=
                (derivatives[i].ethPerDerivative(derivatives[i].balance()) *
                    derivatives[i].balance()) /
                10 ** 18;
function ethPerDerivative(uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256) {
        if (poolCanDeposit(_amount))
                RocketTokenRETHInterface(rethAddress()).getEthValue(10 ** 18);
        else return (poolPrice() * 10 ** 18) / (10 ** 18);

// poolCanDeposit(_amount)
        rocketDepositPool.getBalance() + _amount <=
        rocketDAOProtocolSettingsDeposit.getMaximumDepositPoolSize() &&
        _amount >= rocketDAOProtocolSettingsDeposit.getMinimumDeposit();

Let’s follow what actually happens, for now we have wrong overpriced underlying value of the derivative Reth.

Next the function calculates the preDepositPrice. l will do the real calculations in the POC, but its easy to assume that if the underlyingValue is overpriced the preDepositPrice will be too based on the calculation below.

else preDepositPrice = (10 ** 18 * underlyingValue) / totalSupply;

Let’s say the user deposits 5e18

Here comes the real problem, so far the function calculates the local variables as there will be swap to Uniswap.

As mentioned in the beginning the pool has 100e18 free space, so in the deposit function in Reth, the swap to Uniswap will be ignored as poolCanDeposit(msg.value) == true and the msg.value will be deposited in the rocket pool.

uint256 depositAmount = derivative.deposit{value: ethAmount}();
function deposit() external payable onlyOwner returns (uint256) {
        // Per RocketPool Docs query addresses each time it is used
        address rocketDepositPoolAddress = RocketStorageInterface(
                    abi.encodePacked("contract.address", "rocketDepositPool")

        RocketDepositPoolInterface rocketDepositPool = RocketDepositPoolInterface(

        if (!poolCanDeposit(msg.value)) {
            uint rethPerEth = (10 ** 36) / poolPrice();

            uint256 minOut = ((((rethPerEth * msg.value) / 10 ** 18) *
                ((10 ** 18 - maxSlippage))) / 10 ** 18);

            IWETH(W_ETH_ADDRESS).deposit{value: msg.value}();
            uint256 amountSwapped = swapExactInputSingleHop(

            return amountSwapped;
        } else {
            address rocketTokenRETHAddress = RocketStorageInterface(
                        abi.encodePacked("contract.address", "rocketTokenRETH")
            RocketTokenRETHInterface rocketTokenRETH = RocketTokenRETHInterface(
            uint256 rethBalance1 = rocketTokenRETH.balanceOf(address(this));
            rocketDepositPool.deposit{value: msg.value}();
            uint256 rethBalance2 = rocketTokenRETH.balanceOf(address(this));
            require(rethBalance2 > rethBalance1, "No rETH was minted");
            uint256 rethMinted = rethBalance2 - rethBalance1;
            return (rethMinted);

Next the function calculates the “derivativeReceivedEthValue”, this time the function ethPerDerivative(depositAmount) will return the normal price as there is space in the pool. Both “derivativeReceivedEthValue” and “totalStakeValueEth” will be calculated based on the normal price.

uint derivativeReceivedEthValue = (derivative.ethPerDerivative(
            ) * depositAmount) / 10 ** 18;
totalStakeValueEth += derivativeReceivedEthValue;

If we take the info so far and apply it on the mintAmount calculation below, we know that “totalStakeValueEth” is calculated on the normal price and “preDepositPrice” is calculated on the overpriced pool price. So the user will actually receive less minted shares than he is supposed to get.

uint256 mintAmount = (totalStakeValueEth * 10 ** 18) / preDepositPrice;

Proof of Concept - Part 1

Will start from the start in order to get the right amounts of “totalSupply” and the Reth balance of derivative. So I can show the issue result in POC Part 2.

The values below are only made for the example.

Let’s say we have two stakers - Bob and Kiki each depositing 100e18.

We have only one derivative which is Reth, so it will have 100% weight.

Bob deposits 100e18 as the first depositer and receives (99999999999999999932) minted tokens of safETH.

So far after Bob deposit:

totalSupply = 99999999999999999932

Reth derivative balance = 93988463204618701706

uint256 underlyingValue = 0;
uint256 totalSupply = 0; 
uint256 preDepositPrice = 1e18

// As we have only derivative Reth in the example, it owns all of the weight.
uint256 ethAmount = (msg.value * weight) / totalWeight;
uint256 ethAmount = (100e18 * 1000) / 1000;

// not applying the deposit fee in rocketPool

uint256 depositAmount = derivative.deposit{value: ethAmount}();
uint256 depositAmount = 93988463204618701706

uint derivativeReceivedEthValue = (derivative.ethPerDerivative(depositAmount) * depositAmount) / 10 ** 18;
uint derivativeReceivedEthValue = (1063960369075232250 * 93988463204618701706) / 10 ** 18;
uint derivativeReceivedEthValue = 99999999999999999932

totalStakeValueEth = 99999999999999999932;

uint256 mintAmount = (totalStakeValueEth * 10 ** 18) / preDepositPrice;
uint256 mintAmount = (99999999999999999932 * 10 ** 18) / 1e18;
uint256 mintAmount = 99999999999999999932

Kiki deposits 100e18 as well and receives (99999999999999999932) minted tokens of safEth.

So far after Kiki’s deposit:

totalSupply = 199999999999999999864;

Reth derivative balance = 187976926409237403412;

// take the info after bob's deposit and the normal price
underlyingValue  = (derivatives[i].ethPerDerivative(derivatives[i].balance()) * derivatives[i].balance()) / 10 ** 18;
uint256 underlyingValue = (1063960369075232250 * 93988463204618701706) / 10 ** 18;
uint256 underlyingValue = 99999999999999999932;

uint256 totalSupply = 99999999999999999932; 

uint256 preDepositPrice = (10 ** 18 * underlyingValue) / totalSupply;
uint256 preDepositPrice = (10 ** 18 * 99999999999999999932) / 99999999999999999932;
uint256 preDepositPrice = 1e18;

// As we have only derivative Reth in the example, it owns all of the weight.
uint256 ethAmount = (msg.value * weight) / totalWeight;
uint256 ethAmount = (100e18 * 1000) / 1000;

// not applying the deposit fee in rocketPool
uint256 depositAmount = 93988463204618701706

uint derivativeReceivedEthValue = (derivative.ethPerDerivative(depositAmount) * depositAmount) / 10 ** 18;
uint derivativeReceivedEthValue = (1063960369075232250 * 93988463204618701706) / 10 ** 18;
uint derivativeReceivedEthValue = 99999999999999999932

totalStakeValueEth = 99999999999999999932;
uint256 mintAmount = (totalStakeValueEth * 10 ** 18) / preDepositPrice;
uint256 mintAmount = (99999999999999999932 * 10 ** 18) / 1e18;
uint256 mintAmount = 99999999999999999932

Proof of Concept - Part 2

From the first POC, we calculated the outcome of 200e18 staked into the Reth derivative. We got the totalSupply and the Reth balance the derivative holds. So we can move onto the main POC, where l can show the difference and how much less minted tokens the user gets.

totalSupply = 199999999999999999864;
Reth derivative balance = 187976926409237403412;

First l am going to show how much minted tokens the user is supposed to get without applying the issue occurring. And after that l will do the second one and apply the issue. So we can compare the outcomes and see how much less minted tokens the user gets.

Without the issue occurring, a user deposits 5e18 by calling the staking function. The user received (4999549277935239332) minted tokens of safEth.

uint256 underlyingValue  = (derivatives[i].ethPerDerivative(derivatives[i].balance()) * derivatives[i].balance()) / 10 ** 18;
uint256 underlyingValue  = (1063960369075232250 * 187976926409237403412) / 10 ** 18;
uint256 underlyingValue  = 199999999999999999864;

uint256 totalSupply = 199999999999999999864; 

uint256 preDepositPrice = (10 ** 18 * underlyingValue) / totalSupply;
uint256 preDepositPrice = (10 ** 18 * 199999999999999999864) / 199999999999999999864;
uint256 preDepositPrice = 1e18;

// As we have only derivative Reth in the example, it owns all of the weight.
uint256 ethAmount = (msg.value * weight) / totalWeight;
uint256 ethAmount = (5e18 * 1000) / 1000;

// not applying the deposit fee in rocketPool
uint256 depositAmount = 4698999533488942411

uint derivativeReceivedEthValue = (derivative.ethPerDerivative(depositAmount) * depositAmount) / 10 ** 18;
uint derivativeReceivedEthValue = (1063960369075232250 * 4698999533488942411) / 10 ** 18;
uint derivativeReceivedEthValue = 4999549277935239332

totalStakeValueEth = 4999549277935239332;
uint256 mintAmount = (totalStakeValueEth * 10 ** 18) / preDepositPrice;
uint256 mintAmount = (4999549277935239332 * 10 ** 18) / 1e18;
uint256 mintAmount = 4999549277935239332

Stats after the deposit without the issue:

totalSupply = 204999549277935239196
Reth derivative balance = 192675925942726345823;

This time we apply the issue occurring and as the first one a user deposits 5e18 by calling the staking function. The user receives (4973574036557377784) minted tokens of saEth

uint256 underlyingValue  = (derivatives[i].ethPerDerivative(derivatives[i].balance()) * derivatives[i].balance()) / 10 ** 18;
// the function takes as account the pool price here which is overpriced.
uint256 underlyingValue  = (1069517062752670179 * 187976926409237403412) / 10 ** 18;
uint256 underlyingValue  = 201044530198482424206

uint256 totalSupply = 199999999999999999864;

uint256 preDepositPrice = (10 ** 18 * underlyingValue) / totalSupply;
uint256 preDepositPrice = (10 ** 18 * 201044530198482424206) / 199999999999999999864;
uint256 preDepositPrice = 1005222650992412121;

// As we have only derivative Reth in the example, it owns all of the weight.
uint256 ethAmount = (msg.value * weight) / totalWeight;
uint256 ethAmount = (5e18 * 1000) / 1000;

// not applying the deposit fee in rocketPool
uint256 depositAmount = 4698999533488942411

// Here the function calculates based on the normal price, as the pool has free space and the user deposits only 5e18.
uint derivativeReceivedEthValue = (derivative.ethPerDerivative(depositAmount) * depositAmount) / 10 ** 18;
uint derivativeReceivedEthValue = (1063960369075232250 * 4698999533488942411) / 10 ** 18;
uint derivativeReceivedEthValue = 4999549277935239332

totalStakeValueEth = 4999549277935239332;
uint256 mintAmount = (totalStakeValueEth * 10 ** 18) / preDepositPrice;
uint256 mintAmount = (4999549277935239332 * 10 ** 18) / 1005222650992412121;
uint256 mintAmount = 4973574036557377784

Stats after the deposit with the issue:

totalSupply = 204973574036557377648;
Reth derivative balance = 192675925942726345823;

Difference between outcomes:

Without the issue based on 5e18 deposit, the user receives -        4999549277935239332 minted tokens
With the issue occurring based on 5e18 deposit, the user receives - 4973574036557377784 minted tokens

Proof of Concept - Plus

So far we found that this issue leads to users receiving less minted shares, but let’s go even further and see how much the user losses in terms of ETH. By unstaking the minted amount.

First we apply the stats without the issue occurring.

totalSupply = 204999549277935239196
Reth derivative balance = 192675925942726345823;
uint256 derivativeAmount = (derivatives[i].balance() * _safEthAmount) / safEthTotalSupply;
uint256 derivativeAmount = (192675925942726345823 * 4999549277935239332) / 204999549277935239196;
uint256 derivativeAmount = 4698999533488942410;

// Eth value based on the current eth price
// Reth to Eth value - 4698999533488942410 => 4.999999999999999998 - 8766.85 usd

Second we apply the stats with the issue occurring.

totalSupply = 204973574036557377648;
Reth derivative balance = 192675925942726345823;
uint256 derivativeAmount = (derivatives[i].balance() * _safEthAmount) / safEthTotalSupply;
uint256 derivativeAmount = (192675925942726345823 * 4973574036557377784) / 204973574036557377648;
uint256 derivativeAmount = 4675178189396666336;

// Eth value based on the current eth price
// Reth to Eth value - 4675178189396666336 => 4.974637740558436705 - 8722.41 usd

The problem occurs with calculating the underlyingValue in the staking function. The function “ethPerDerivative” is called with all of the Reth balance, which should not be the case here. Therefore the function calls “poolCanDeposit” in order to check if the pool has space for the Reth derivative balance (Basically the contract thinks that the Reth balance in the derivative will be deposited in the pool, which is not the case here). So even if the pool has space for the depositing amount by the user, the poolCanDeposit(_amount) will return false and the contract will get the poolPrice of the reth which is supposed to be used only for the swap in Uniswap. The contract process executing the staking function with the overpriced pool price and doesn’t perform any swap, but deposits the user funds to the pool.

underlyingValue +=
                (derivatives[i].ethPerDerivative(derivatives[i].balance()) *
                    derivatives[i].balance()) /
                10 ** 18;
function ethPerDerivative(uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256) {
        if (poolCanDeposit(_amount))
                RocketTokenRETHInterface(rethAddress()).getEthValue(10 ** 18);
        else return (poolPrice() * 10 ** 18) / (10 ** 18);
        rocketDepositPool.getBalance() + _amount <=
        rocketDAOProtocolSettingsDeposit.getMaximumDepositPoolSize() &&
        _amount >= rocketDAOProtocolSettingsDeposit.getMinimumDeposit();

l’d recommend creating a new function in the reth derivative contract. Which converts the msg.value to reth tokens and using it instead of the whole Reth balance the derivative holds.

function rethValue(uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256) {

Like this we check if the msg.value converted into reth tokens is below the maximumPoolDepositSize and greater than the minimum deposit.

underlyingValue +=
                (derivatives[i].ethPerDerivative(derivatives[i].rethValue(msg.value)) *
                    derivatives[i].balance()) /
                10 ** 18;

toshiSat (Asymmetry) confirmed

Picodes (judge) commented:

This report is great but only tackles a part of the problem: the pricing method is versatile and manipulable, so it can 1 - lead to a loss of funds as show here depending on the condition but more importantly be manipulated easily.

Asymmetry mitigated:

Don’t get rETH from pool on deposits.

Status: Mitigation confirmed with comments. Full details in reports from d3e4, adriro, and 0x52.

[H-03] Users can fail to unstake and lose their deserved ETH because malfunctioning or untrusted derivative cannot be removed

Submitted by rbserver, also found by tnevler, kaden, 0xAgro, Parad0x, bytes032, lukris02, lukris02, P7N8ZK, IgorZuk, DeStinE21, Stiglitz, DadeKuma, J4de, rvierdiiev, koxuan, dec3ntraliz3d, carrotsmuggler, HollaDieWaldfee, and csanuragjain

Calling the following SafEth.adjustWeight function can update the weight for an existing derivative to 0. However, there is no way to remove an existing derivative. If the external contracts that an existing derivative depends on malfunction or get hacked, this protocol’s functionalities that need to loop through the existing derivatives can behave unexpectedly. Users can fail to unstake and lose their deserved ETH as one of the severest consequences.

    function adjustWeight(
        uint256 _derivativeIndex,
        uint256 _weight
    ) external onlyOwner {
        weights[_derivativeIndex] = _weight;
        uint256 localTotalWeight = 0;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++)
            localTotalWeight += weights[i];
        totalWeight = localTotalWeight;
        emit WeightChange(_derivativeIndex, _weight);

For example, calling the following SafEth.unstake function would loop through all of the existing derivatives and call the corresponding derivative’s withdraw function. When the WstEth contract is one of these derivatives, the WstEth.withdraw function would be called, which further calls IStEthEthPool(LIDO_CRV_POOL).exchange(1, 0, stEthBal, minOut). If self.is_killed in the stETH-ETH pool contract corresponding to LIDO_CRV_POOL becomes true, especially after such pool contract becomes compromised or hacked, calling such exchange function would always revert. In this case, calling the SafEth.unstake function reverts even though all other derivatives that are not the WstEth contract are still working fine. Because the SafEth.unstake function is DOS’ed, users cannot unstake and withdraw ETH that they are entitled to.

    function unstake(uint256 _safEthAmount) external {
        require(pauseUnstaking == false, "unstaking is paused");
        uint256 safEthTotalSupply = totalSupply();
        uint256 ethAmountBefore = address(this).balance;

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++) {
            // withdraw a percentage of each asset based on the amount of safETH
            uint256 derivativeAmount = (derivatives[i].balance() *
                _safEthAmount) / safEthTotalSupply;
            if (derivativeAmount == 0) continue; // if derivative empty ignore

    function withdraw(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {
        uint256 stEthBal = IERC20(STETH_TOKEN).balanceOf(address(this));
        IERC20(STETH_TOKEN).approve(LIDO_CRV_POOL, stEthBal);
        uint256 minOut = (stEthBal * (10 ** 18 - maxSlippage)) / 10 ** 18;
        IStEthEthPool(LIDO_CRV_POOL).exchange(1, 0, stEthBal, minOut);

def exchange(i: int128, j: int128, dx: uint256, min_dy: uint256) -> uint256:
    assert not self.is_killed  # dev: is killed

Proof of Concept

The following steps can occur for the described scenario.

  1. The WstEth contract is one of the existing derivatives. For the WstEth contract, the stETH-ETH pool contract corresponding to LIDO_CRV_POOL has been hacked in which its self.is_killed has been set to true.
  2. Alice calls the SafEth.unstake function but such function call reverts because calling the stETH-ETH pool contract’s exchange function reverts for the WstEth derivative.
  3. Although all other derivatives that are not the WstEth contract are still working fine, Alice is unable to unstake. As a result, she cannot withdraw and loses her deserved ETH.

Tools Used


The SafEth contract can be updated to add a function, which would be only callable by the trusted admin, for removing an existing derivative that already malfunctions or is untrusted.

toshiSat (Asymmetry) confirmed

Asymmetry mitigated:

Enable/Disable Derivatives.

Status: Mitigation confirmed with comments. Full details in reports from d3e4 (here and here), adriro, and 0x52.

[H-04] Price of sfrxEth derivative is calculated incorrectly

Submitted by lukris02, also found by joestakey, rbserver, qpzm, RedTiger, Bauer, T1MOH, dec3ntraliz3d, HollaDieWaldfee, reassor, and koxuan

In the ethPerDerivative(), the calculated frxAmount is multiplied by (10 ** 18) and divided by price_oracle, but it must be multiplied by price_oracle and divided by (10 ** 18).

The impact is severe as ethPerDerivative() function is used in stake(), one of two main functions a user will interact with. The value returned by ethPerDerivative() affects the calculations of mintAmount. The incorrect calculation may over or understate the amount of safEth received by the user.

ethPerDerivative() is also used in the withdraw() function when calculating minOut. So, incorrect calculation of ethPerDerivative() may increase/decrease slippage. This can cause unexpected losses or function revert. If withdraw() function reverts, the function unstake() is unavailable => assets are locked.

Proof of Concept

We need to calculate: (10 ** 18) sfrxEth = X Eth.

For example, we convertToAssets(10 ** 18) and get frxAmount = 1031226769652703996. price_oracle returns 998827832404234820. So, (10 ** 18) frxEth costs 998827832404234820 Eth. Thus, (10 ** 18) sfrxEth costs frxAmount * price_oracle / 10 ** 18 = 1031226769652703996 * 998827832404234820 / 10 ** 18 Eth (1030017999049431492 Eth).

But this function:

    function ethPerDerivative(uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 frxAmount = IsFrxEth(SFRX_ETH_ADDRESS).convertToAssets(
            10 ** 18
        return ((10 ** 18 * frxAmount) /

calculates the cost of sfrxEth as 10 ** 18 * frxAmount / price_oracle = 10 ** 18 * 1031226769652703996 / 998827832404234820 Eth (1032436958800480269 Eth). The current difference ~ 0.23% but it can be more/less.

Change these lines:

        return ((10 ** 18 * frxAmount) /


        return (frxAmount * IFrxEthEthPool(FRX_ETH_CRV_POOL_ADDRESS).price_oracle() / 10 ** 18);

toshiSat (Asymmetry) disputed via duplicate issue #698

Asymmetry mitigated:

To protect against oracle attacks we assume FRX is 1:1 with ETH and revert if the oracle says otherwise since there is no chainlink for FRX.

Status: Mitigation confirmed with comments. Full details in reports from d3e4 and adriro.

[H-05] Reth poolPrice calculation may overflow

Submitted by adriro, also found by hassan-truscova, cloudjunky, 0x52, anodaram, and T1MOH

The Reth derivative contract implements the poolPrice function to get the spot price of the derivative asset using a Uniswap V3 pool. The function queries the pool to fetch the sqrtPriceX96 and does the following calculation:

function poolPrice() private view returns (uint256) {
    address rocketTokenRETHAddress = RocketStorageInterface(
                abi.encodePacked("contract.address", "rocketTokenRETH")
    IUniswapV3Factory factory = IUniswapV3Factory(UNI_V3_FACTORY);
    IUniswapV3Pool pool = IUniswapV3Pool(
        factory.getPool(rocketTokenRETHAddress, W_ETH_ADDRESS, 500)
    (uint160 sqrtPriceX96, , , , , , ) = pool.slot0();
    return (sqrtPriceX96 * (uint(sqrtPriceX96)) * (1e18)) >> (96 * 2);

The main issue here is that the multiplications in the expression sqrtPriceX96 * (uint(sqrtPriceX96)) * (1e18) may eventually overflow. This case is taken into consideration by the implementation of the OracleLibrary.getQuoteAtTick function which is part of the Uniswap V3 periphery set of contracts.

49:     function getQuoteAtTick(
50:         int24 tick,
51:         uint128 baseAmount,
52:         address baseToken,
53:         address quoteToken
54:     ) internal pure returns (uint256 quoteAmount) {
55:         uint160 sqrtRatioX96 = TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(tick);
57:         // Calculate quoteAmount with better precision if it doesn't overflow when multiplied by itself
58:         if (sqrtRatioX96 <= type(uint128).max) {
59:             uint256 ratioX192 = uint256(sqrtRatioX96) * sqrtRatioX96;
60:             quoteAmount = baseToken < quoteToken
61:                 ? FullMath.mulDiv(ratioX192, baseAmount, 1 << 192)
62:                 : FullMath.mulDiv(1 << 192, baseAmount, ratioX192);
63:         } else {
64:             uint256 ratioX128 = FullMath.mulDiv(sqrtRatioX96, sqrtRatioX96, 1 << 64);
65:             quoteAmount = baseToken < quoteToken
66:                 ? FullMath.mulDiv(ratioX128, baseAmount, 1 << 128)
67:                 : FullMath.mulDiv(1 << 128, baseAmount, ratioX128);
68:         }
69:     }

Note that this implementation guards against different numerical issues. In particular, the if in line 58 checks for a potential overflow of sqrtRatioX96 and switches the implementation to avoid the issue.


The poolPrice function can delegate the calculation directly to the OracleLibrary.getQuoteAtTick function of the v3-periphery package:

function poolPrice() private view returns (uint256) {
    address rocketTokenRETHAddress = RocketStorageInterface(
                abi.encodePacked("contract.address", "rocketTokenRETH")
    IUniswapV3Factory factory = IUniswapV3Factory(UNI_V3_FACTORY);
    IUniswapV3Pool pool = IUniswapV3Pool(
        factory.getPool(rocketTokenRETHAddress, W_ETH_ADDRESS, 500)
    (, int24 tick, , , , , ) = pool.slot0();
    return OracleLibrary.getQuoteAtTick(tick, 1e18, rocketTokenRETHAddress, W_ETH_ADDRESS);

toshiSat (Asymmetry) disputed via duplicate issue #693

Asymmetry mitigated:

Using Chainlink to get price instead of poolPrice.

Status: Mitigation confirmed with comments. Full details in reports from d3e4, adriro, and 0x52.

[H-06] WstEth derivative assumes a ~1=1 peg of stETH to ETH

Submitted by adriro, also found by monrel, 0xepley, tnevler, MiloTruck, sinarette, handsomegiraffe, auditor0517, 0xRajkumar, Emmanuel, rbserver, rbserver, eyexploit, 0xMirce, lukris02, Tricko, IgorZuk, Franfran, Bahurum, Bahurum, shaka, peanuts, jasonxiale, nadin, RedTiger, NoamYakov, Ruhum, BPZ, y1cunhui, Bauer, bin2chen, koxuan, igingu, T1MOH, rvierdiiev, rvierdiiev, HollaDieWaldfee, carrotsmuggler, Co0nan, and ad3sh_

The WstEth contract implements the ETH derivative for the Lido protocol. The stETH token is the liquid representation of the ETH staked in this protocol.

There are two different places in the codebase that indicate that the implementation is assuming a peg of 1 ETH ~= 1 stETH, each with different consequences. Even though both tokens have a tendency to keep the peg, this hasn’t been always the case as it can be seen in this charth or this dashboard. There have been many episodes of market volatility that affected the price of stETH, notably the one in last June when stETH traded at ~0.93 ETH.

The first indication of such an assumption is the implementation of ethPerDerivative. This function is intended to work as an estimation of the current value in ETH of one unit (1e18) of the underlying asset. In this implementation, the function simply queries the amount of stETH for one unit (1e18) of wstETH and returns that value, which clearly indicates a conversion rate of 1 stETH = 1 ETH.

function ethPerDerivative(uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256) {
    return IWStETH(WST_ETH).getStETHByWstETH(10 ** 18);

The other indication and most critical one is in the withdraw function. This function is used by the SafEth contract to unstake user positions and rebalance weights. In the implementation for the WstEth derivative, the function will unwrap the wstETH for stETH and use the Curve pool to exchange the stETH for ETH:

56:     function withdraw(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {
57:         IWStETH(WST_ETH).unwrap(_amount);
58:         uint256 stEthBal = IERC20(STETH_TOKEN).balanceOf(address(this));
59:         IERC20(STETH_TOKEN).approve(LIDO_CRV_POOL, stEthBal);
60:         uint256 minOut = (stEthBal * (10 ** 18 - maxSlippage)) / 10 ** 18;
61:         IStEthEthPool(LIDO_CRV_POOL).exchange(1, 0, stEthBal, minOut);
62:         // solhint-disable-next-line
63:         (bool sent, ) = address(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}(
64:             ""
65:         );
66:         require(sent, "Failed to send Ether");
67:     }

The issue is the calculation of the minOut variable that is sent to the Curve exchange function to validate the output amount of the trade. As we can see in line 60, the calculation is simply applying the slippage percentage to stETH balance. This means that for example, given the default slippage value of 1%, trading 1 stETH will succeed only if the rate is above 0.99. Larger amounts will be more concerning as the Curve AMM implements non-linear invariants, the price impact will be bigger. The rebalanceToWeights function withdraws all the balance before rebalancing, which means it will try to swap all the stETH held by the contract.

This could be mitigated by adjusting the maxSlippage variable to allow for lower exchange rates. However this would imply additional issues. First, the setMaxSlippage is an admin function that needs to be manually updated with extreme care. In times of high volatility the owners won’t be able to update this variable as frequently as needed to keep up with the exchange rate. This means that users that want to exit their position won’t be able to do so since the exchange for this derivative will fail (see PoC for a detailed example). Second, on the contrary, if the owners decide to set a higher slippage value by default to allow for unexpected market conditions, withdrawals and rebalancing (in particular) will be victim of sandwich attacks by MEV bots.

Proof of Concept

The following test replicates the market conditions during last June where stETH was trading at 0.93 ETH (needs to be forked from mainnet at block ~15000000). Here, the user wants to exit their position but the call to unstake will revert since the exchange in the Curve pool will fail as the output amount will be less than the expected minimum.

Note: the snippet shows only the relevant code for the test. Full test file can be found here.

// Run this test forking mainnet at block height 15000000
function test_WstEth_withdraw_AssumesPegToEth() public {
    // Setup derivative
    safEth.addDerivative(address(wstEth), 1e18);

    // Deal balance to user
    uint256 depositValue = 1 ether;, depositValue);

    // user stakes ether
    safEth.stake{value: depositValue}();

    // user tries to unstake, action will fail due to stETH being prices at around 0.93-0.95 ETH
    uint256 userShares = safEth.balanceOf(user);
    vm.expectRevert("Exchange resulted in fewer coins than expected");


The user should be able to decide on the slippage and set the expected minimum output amount to correctly handle different market conditions and user expectations. Similar to how decentralized exchanges work, the user experience can be improved by using a front-end that queries current exchange rates and offers the user a preview of the estimated output amount.

The ethPerDerivative function should also take into account the results of swapping the stETH for ETH using the Curve pool, similar to how the SfrxEth derivative implementation works.

toshiSat (Asymmetry) confirmed

Asymmetry mitigated:

Using Chainlink to get price instead of assuming 1:1.

Status: Not fully mitigated. Full details in reports from adriro and 0x52 - and also shared below in the Mitigation Review section.

[H-07] Reth.sol: Withdrawals are unreliable and depend on excess RocketDepositPool balance which can brick the whole protocol

Submitted by HollaDieWaldfee, also found by MiloTruck, d3e4, HHK, 0Kage, 0xRobocop, 0x52, adriro, igingu, Cryptor, carrotsmuggler, and ToonVH

The Asymmetry protocol promises that a user can call SafETH.unstake at all times. What I mean by that is that a user should be able at all times to burn his SafETH tokens and receive ETH in return. This requires that the derivatives held by the protocol can at all times be withdrawn (i.e. converted to ETH).

Also the rebalanceToWeights functionality requires that the derivatives can be withdrawn at all times. If a derivative cannot be withdrawn then the rebalanceToWeights function cannot be executed which means that the protocol cannot be adjusted to use different derivatives.

For the WstEth and SfrxEth derivatives this is achieved by swapping the derivative in a Curve pool for ETH. The liquidity in the respective Curve pool ensures that withdrawals can be processed at all times.

The Reth derivative works differently.

Withdrawals are made by calling the RocketTokenRETH.burn function:


function withdraw(uint256 amount) external onlyOwner {
    // @audit this is how rETH is converted to ETH
    // solhint-disable-next-line
    (bool sent, ) = address(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}(
    require(sent, "Failed to send Ether");

The issue with this is that the RocketTokenRETH.burn function only allows for excess balance to be withdrawn. I.e. ETH that has been deposited by stakers but that is not yet staked on the Ethereum beacon chain. So Rocketpool allows users to burn rETH and withdraw ETH as long as the excess balance is sufficient.

The issue is obvious now: If there is no excess balance because enough users burn rETH or the Minipool capacity increases, the Asymmetry protocol is bascially unable to operate.

Withdrawals are then impossible which bricks SafEth.unstake and SafEth.rebalanceToWeights.

Proof of Concept

I show in this section how the current withdrawal flow for the Reth derivative is dependend on there being excess balance in the RocketDepositPool.

The current withdrawal flow calls RocketTokenRETH.burn which executes this code:


function burn(uint256 _rethAmount) override external {
    // Check rETH amount
    require(_rethAmount > 0, "Invalid token burn amount");
    require(balanceOf(msg.sender) >= _rethAmount, "Insufficient rETH balance");
    // Get ETH amount
    uint256 ethAmount = getEthValue(_rethAmount);
    // Get & check ETH balance
    uint256 ethBalance = getTotalCollateral();
    require(ethBalance >= ethAmount, "Insufficient ETH balance for exchange");
    // Update balance & supply
    _burn(msg.sender, _rethAmount);
    // Withdraw ETH from deposit pool if required
    // Transfer ETH to sender
    // Emit tokens burned event
    emit TokensBurned(msg.sender, _rethAmount, ethAmount, block.timestamp);

This executes withdrawDepositCollateral(ethAmount):


function withdrawDepositCollateral(uint256 _ethRequired) private {
    // Check rETH contract balance
    uint256 ethBalance = address(this).balance;
    if (ethBalance >= _ethRequired) { return; }
    // Withdraw
    RocketDepositPoolInterface rocketDepositPool = RocketDepositPoolInterface(getContractAddress("rocketDepositPool"));

This then calls rocketDepositPool.withdrawExcessBalance(_ethRequired.sub(ethBalance)) to get the ETH from the excess balance:


function withdrawExcessBalance(uint256 _amount) override external onlyThisLatestContract onlyLatestContract("rocketTokenRETH", msg.sender) {
    // Load contracts
    RocketTokenRETHInterface rocketTokenRETH = RocketTokenRETHInterface(getContractAddress("rocketTokenRETH"));
    RocketVaultInterface rocketVault = RocketVaultInterface(getContractAddress("rocketVault"));
    // Check amount
    require(_amount <= getExcessBalance(), "Insufficient excess balance for withdrawal");
    // Withdraw ETH from vault
    // Transfer to rETH contract
    rocketTokenRETH.depositExcess{value: _amount}();
    // Emit excess withdrawn event
    emit ExcessWithdrawn(msg.sender, _amount, block.timestamp);

And this function reverts if the excess balance is insufficient which you can see in the require(_amount <= getExcessBalance(), "Insufficient excess balance for withdrawal"); check.

Tools Used


The solution for this issue is to have an alternative withdrawal mechanism in case the excess balance in the RocketDepositPool is insufficient to handle the withdrawal.

The alternative withdrawal mechanism is to sell the rETH tokens via the Uniswap pool.

You can use the RocketDepositPool.getExcessBalance to check if there is sufficient excess ETH to withdraw from Rocketpool or if the withdrawal must be made via Uniswap.

The pseudocode of the new withdraw flow looks like this:

function withdraw(uint256 amount) external onlyOwner {
    if (rocketDepositPool excess balance is sufficient) {
        // solhint-disable-next-line
        (bool sent, ) = address(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}(
        require(sent, "Failed to send Ether");
    } else {
        // swap rETH for ETH via Uniswap pool

I also wrote the code for the changes that I suggest:

diff --git a/contracts/SafEth/derivatives/Reth.sol b/contracts/SafEth/derivatives/Reth.sol
index b6e0694..b699d5c 100644
--- a/contracts/SafEth/derivatives/Reth.sol
+++ b/contracts/SafEth/derivatives/Reth.sol
@@ -105,11 +105,24 @@ contract Reth is IDerivative, Initializable, OwnableUpgradeable {
         @notice - Convert derivative into ETH
     function withdraw(uint256 amount) external onlyOwner {
-        RocketTokenRETHInterface(rethAddress()).burn(amount);
-        // solhint-disable-next-line
-        (bool sent, ) = address(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}(
-            ""
-        );
+        if (canWithdrawFromRocketPool(amount)) {
+            RocketTokenRETHInterface(rethAddress()).burn(amount);
+            // solhint-disable-next-line
+        } else {
+            uint256 minOut = ((((poolPrice() * amount) / 10 ** 18) *
+                ((10 ** 18 - maxSlippage))) / 10 ** 18);
+            IWETH(W_ETH_ADDRESS).deposit{value: msg.value}();
+            swapExactInputSingleHop(
+                rethAddress(),
+                W_ETH_ADDRESS,
+                500,
+                amount,
+                minOut
+            );
+        }
+        (bool sent, ) = address(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}("");
         require(sent, "Failed to send Ether");
@@ -149,6 +162,21 @@ contract Reth is IDerivative, Initializable, OwnableUpgradeable {
             _amount >= rocketDAOProtocolSettingsDeposit.getMinimumDeposit();
+    function canWithdrawFromRocketPool(uint256 _amount) private view returns (bool) {
+        address rocketDepositPoolAddress = RocketStorageInterface(
+        ).getAddress(
+                keccak256(
+                    abi.encodePacked("contract.address", "rocketDepositPool")
+                )
+            );
+        RocketDepositPoolInterface rocketDepositPool = RocketDepositPoolInterface(
+                rocketDepositPoolAddress
+            );
+        uint256 _ethAmount = RocketTokenRETHInterface(rethAddress()).getEthValue(_amount);
+        return rocketDepositPool.getExcessBalance() >= _ethAmount;
+    }

toshiSat (Asymmetry) confirmed, but disagreed with severity and commented:

The deposit pool is mostly always full, but the warden does have a point and we should allow for multiple options.

Asymmetry mitigated:

Check if withdraw from deposit contract possible.

Status: Sub-optimally mitigated. Full details in reports from d3e4, adriro, and 0x52.

[H-08] Staking, unstaking and rebalanceToWeight can be sandwiched (Mainly rETH deposit)

Submitted by HHK, also found by nowonder92, ernestognw, MiloTruck, tank, ulqiorra, ulqiorra, ulqiorra, Toshii, wen, pontifex, shuklaayush, nemveer, shuklaayush, carlitox477, skidog, Viktor_Cortess, 0xepley, 0xepley, kaden, nemveer, 0xTraub, teddav, n1punp, shalaamum, auditor0517, handsomegiraffe, MadWookie, 0xfusion, 0xRobocop, CodeFoxInc, jasonxiale, deliriusz, 0Kage, bytes032, yac, bearonbike, Shogoki, Bahurum, 0x52, Lirios, IgorZuk, RedTiger, 0xl51, BanPaleo, wait, 019EC6E2, m_Rassska, peanuts, RedTiger, SaeedAlipoor01988, 0xbepresent, fs0c, HollaDieWaldfee, a3yip6, Bauer, rvierdiiev, UdarTeam, top1st, Ruhum, aviggiano, aviggiano, roelio, rvierdiiev, igingu, Dug, koxuan, 4lulz, carrotsmuggler, carrotsmuggler, ToonVH, chalex, SunSec, and latt1ce


rETH derivative can be bought through uniswap if the deposit contract is not open.

While a maxSlippage variable is set, the price of rETH on uniswap is the spot price and is only determined during the transaction opening sandwich opportunity for MEV researchers as long as the slippage stays below maxSlippage.

This is also true for WstETH (on withdraw) and frxETH (on deposit and withdraw) that go through a curve pool when unstaking (and staking for frxETH). While the curve pool has much more liquidity and the assumed price is a 1 - 1 ratio for WstETH and frxETH seem to be using a twap price before applying the slippage, these attacks are less likely to happen so I will only describe rETH.

Proof of Concept

While the current rETH derivative contract uses uniswapv3 0,05% pool, I’ll be using the uniswapv2 formula ( to make this example simplier, in both case sandwiching is possible.

Default slippage is set to 1% on rETH contract at deployment. (see:

Let’s take a pool of 10,000 rETH for 10,695 eth (same ratio is on the univ3 0,05% pool on the 26th of march).

User wants to stake 100ETH, a third of it will be staked through rETH according to a 1/3 weight for each derivative.



Researcher swap 100 ETH in for 92.63 rETH
new pool balance: 9907.36 rETH - 10795 ETH


User stake his ETH, the rocketPool deposit contract is close so the deposit function takes the current spot price of the pool and then applies 1% slippage to it to get minOut.

Current ratio: eth = 0.9177 rETH
ETH to swap for reth: 33.3333~
So minOut -> 33.3333 * 0.9177 * 0.99 = 30.284 rETH


Contract swap 33.3333 ETH for 30.498 rETH (slippage of 0.61% so below 1% and received more than minOut)

New pool balance: 9876.86 rETH - 10828.33 ETH


Researcher swap back the 92.63 rETH in for 100.61~ ETH
new pool balance: 9969.49 rETH - 10727.72 ETH

Researcher made 0.61~ ETH of profit, could be more as we only applied a 0,61% slippage but we can go as far as 1% in the current rETH contract.

Univ3 pool would could even worse as Researcher with a lot of liquidity could be able to drain one side (liquidity is very concentrated), add liquidity in a tight range execute the stake and then remove liquidity and swap back.

The rETH price should be determined using the TWAP price and users should be able to input minOut in the stake, unstake and rebalanceToWeight function.

Picodes (judge) increased severity to High

Asymmetry mitigated:

Using Chainlink to get price instead of poolPrice.

Status: Mitigation confirmed with comments. Full details in reports from d3e4, adriro, and 0x52.

Medium Risk Findings (12)

[M-01] Division before multiplication truncate minOut and incurs heavy precision loss and result in insufficient slippage protection

Submitted by ladboy233, also found by juancito, juancito, neumo, Bauer, 0xkazim, UniversalCrypto, Matin, jasonxiale, J4de, cryptothemex, latt1ce, 0xnev, and koxuan

When Calcuting the minOut before doing trade, division before multiplication truncate minOut and incurs heavy precision loss, then very sub-optimal amount of the trade output can result in loss of fund from user because of the insufficient slippage protection.

Proof of Concept

In the current implementation, slippage can be set by calling

	@notice - Sets the max slippage for a certain derivative index
	@param _derivativeIndex - index of the derivative you want to update the slippage
	@param _slippage - new slippage amount in wei
function setMaxSlippage(
	uint _derivativeIndex,
	uint _slippage
) external onlyOwner {
	emit SetMaxSlippage(_derivativeIndex, _slippage);

Which calls the corresponding derivative contract.

Case 1

	@notice - Owner only function to set max slippage for derivative
	@param _slippage - new slippage amount in wei
function setMaxSlippage(uint256 _slippage) external onlyOwner {
	maxSlippage = _slippage;


uint256 minOut = ((((rethPerEth * msg.value) / 10 ** 18) *
	((10 ** 18 - maxSlippage))) / 10 ** 18);

IWETH(W_ETH_ADDRESS).deposit{value: msg.value}();
uint256 amountSwapped = swapExactInputSingleHop(

As we can see, the division before multiplication happens in the line of code.

uint256 minOut = ((((rethPerEth * msg.value) / 10 ** 18) *
	((10 ** 18 - maxSlippage))) / 10 ** 18);

For example, if maxSlippage is 10 ** 17

(10 ** 18 - 10 ** 17) / (10 ** 18) = 0

Then minOut is 0, slippage control is disabled because of the division before multipcation.

Case 2

	@notice - Owner only function to set max slippage for derivative
function setMaxSlippage(uint256 _slippage) external onlyOwner {
	maxSlippage = _slippage;

The divison before multiplication happens below.

uint256 minOut = (((ethPerDerivative(_amount) * _amount) / 10 ** 18) *
	(10 ** 18 - maxSlippage)) / 10 ** 18;


For example, if maxSlippage is 10 ** 17

(10 ** 18 - 10 ** 17) / (10 ** 18) = 0

Then minOut is 0, slippage control is disabled because of the division before multiplication.

We recommend the protocol avoid division before multiplcation when calcaluting the minOut to enable slippage protection and avoid front-running.

toshiSat (Asymmetry) acknowledged, but disagreed with severity and commented via duplicate issue #1044:

QA, I’m not seeing the precision errors.

Picodes (judge) commented:

Note that there is a multiplication before the division, so the loss of precision is significant only if msg.value is small.

Asymmetry mitigated:

Don’t divide before multiply.

Status: Not fully mitigated. Full details in reports from d3e4 and adriro - and also shared below in the Mitigation Review section.

[M-02] sFrxEth may revert on redeeming non-zero amount

Submitted by d3e4


Unstaking is blocked.

Proof of Concept

When unstaking the withdraw of each derivative is called. SfrxEth.withdraw calls IsFrxEth(SFRX_ETH_ADDRESS).redeem(_amount, address(this), address(this));. This function may revert if _amount is low due to the following line in redeem (where _amount is shares):
require((assets = previewRedeem(shares)) != 0, "ZERO_ASSETS");
previewRedeem(uint256 shares) returns convertToAssets(shares) which is the shares scaled by the division of total assets by total supply:
shares.mulDivDown(totalAssets(), supply).
So if _amount == 1 and total assets in sFrxEth is less than its total supply, then previewRedeem(shares) == 0 and redeem will revert. This revert in SfrxEth.withdraw causes a revert in SafEth.unstake at L118, which means that funds cannot be unstaked.

_amount may be as low as 1 when the weight for this derivative has been set to 0 and funds have adjusted over time through staking and unstaking until only 1 remains in the SfrxEth derivative. Instead of just being depleted it may thus block unstaking.

In SfrxEth.withdraw check if IsFrxEth(SFRX_ETH_ADDRESS).previewRedeem(_amount) == 0 and simply return if that’s the case.

elmutt (Asymmetry) acknowledged, but disagreed with severity and commented:

Valid, but feels like an extreme edge case so disagreeing with severity.

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Low and commented:

The same reasoning works when staking and is mitigated by the min amount. So when unstaking it makes sense to assume that users will unstake at least min amount. Downgrading to Low.

d3e4 (warden) commented:

@Picodes - The amount unstaked from each derivative is a percentage of it’s remaining balance. So if 50 % of the total supply of safEth is unstaked only 50 % of sFrxEth will be withdrawn, whether that be millions or just 1 out of 2 Wei remaining.
In the scenario I provided (the weight of sFrxEth set to 0) fractions (not absolute amounts!) of the sFrxEth balance will be withdrawn and close to 0 it will decrease very slowly, eventually hitting 1.

Picodes (judge) increased severity to Medium and commented:

@d3e4 - You are right and my previous comment was incorrect.

The admin may set the weight of sFrxETH to 0, then the balance will slowly decrease, and eventually get very small and lead to this potential DOS. Starting with 1e18 sFrxETH, it’d take ~60 withdrawals of 50% of the SafEth supply to reach this zone.

Note that adding the possibility to remove derivative would also solve this, so we could argue that this is linked to #703.

toshiSat (Asymmetry) commented:

We added an enable/disable to derivative so this will be fixed with that. This is a valid ticket.

romeroadrian (warden) commented:

This is an excellent finding.

Asymmetry mitigated:

Fixing it by enable/disable derivatives.

Status: Not mitigated. Full details in reports from adriro, d3e4, and 0x52 - and also shared below in the Mitigation Review section.

[M-03] Potential stake() DoS if sole safETH holder (ie: first depositor) unstakes totalSupply - 1

Submitted by whoismatthewmc1, also found by m_Rassska


Potential inability to stake (ie: DoS) if sole safETH user (ie: this would also make them the sole safETH holder) unstakes totalSupply - 1.

Proof of Concept

The goal of this POC is to prove that this line can revert

        uint256 mintAmount = (totalStakeValueEth * 10 ** 18) / preDepositPrice;

This can occur if the attacker can cause preDepositPrice = 0.

A user who is the first staker will be the sole holder of 100% of totalSupply of safETH.

They can then unstake (and therefore burn) totalSupply - 1 leaving a total of 1 wei of safETH in circulation.

In earlier lines in stake(), we see

        uint256 totalSupply = totalSupply();
        uint256 preDepositPrice; // Price of safETH in regards to ETH
        if (totalSupply == 0)
            preDepositPrice = 10 ** 18; // initializes with a price of 1
        else preDepositPrice = (10 ** 18 * underlyingValue) / totalSupply;

With totalSupply = 1, we see that the above code block will execute the else code path, and that if underlyingValue = 0, then preDepositPrice = 0.

underlyingValue is set in earlier lines:

        uint256 underlyingValue = 0;

        // Getting underlying value in terms of ETH for each derivative
        for (uint i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++)
            underlyingValue +=
                (derivatives[i].ethPerDerivative(derivatives[i].balance()) *
                    derivatives[i].balance()) /
                10 ** 18;

For a simple case, assume there is 1 derivative with 100% weight. Let’s use rETH for this example since the derivative can get its ethPerDerivative price from an AMM. In this case:

  • Assume the ethPerDerivative() value has been manipulated in the underlying AMM pool such that 1 derivative ETH is worth less than 1 ETH. eg: 1 rETH = 9.99…9e17 ETH
  • In this case, also assume that since there is 1 wei of safETH circulating, there should be 1 wei of ETH staked through the protocol, and therefore derivatives[i].balance() = 1 wei.

This case will result in underlyingValue += (9.99...9e17 * 1) / 10 ** 18 = 0.

We can see that it is therefore possible to cause a divide by 0 revert and malfunction of the stake() function.

Assuming the deployment process will set up at least 1 derivative with a weight, simply adding a stake() operation of 0.5 ETH as the first depositor as part of the deployment process avoids the case where safETH totalSupply drops to 1 wei.

Otherwise, within unstake() it is also possible to require that totalSupply does not fall between 0 and minimumSupply where minimumSupply is, for example, the configured minAmount.

toshiSat (Asymmetry) confirmed, but disagreed with severity and commented:

Seems like a pretty big edge case and it would leave the contract with basically no funds which doesn’t seem like a High severity to me.

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Indeed, the described scenario isn’t of high severity although the finding is valid. Basically, the first or last SafETH user could force the owner to redeploy, so downgrading to Medium.

Asymmetry commented:

Out of scope for mitigation review. We will be manually holding safETH to prevent this, if not redeploy.

[M-04] Lack of deadline for uniswap AMM

Submitted by brgltd, also found by rbserver, 0xepley, Breeje, BPZ, eyexploit, SadBase, peanuts, 0xbepresent, ladboy233, Polaris_tow, SaeedAlipoor01988, latt1ce, and 0xnev

Proof of Concept

The ISwapRouter.exactInputSingle params (used in the rocketpool derivative) does not include a deadline currently.

ISwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory params = ISwapRouter
        tokenIn: _tokenIn,
        tokenOut: _tokenOut,
        fee: _poolFee,
        recipient: address(this),
        amountIn: _amountIn,
        amountOutMinimum: _minOut,
        sqrtPriceLimitX96: 0

The following scenario can happen:

  1. User is staking and some/all the weight is in Reth.
  2. The pool can’t deposit eth, so uniswap will be used to convert eth to weth.
  3. A validator holds the tx until it becomes advantageous due to some market condition (e.g. slippage or running his tx before and frontrun the original user stake).
  4. This could potentially happen to a large amount of stakes, due to widespread usage of bots and MEV.


Because Front-running is a key aspect of AMM design, deadline is a useful tool to ensure that your tx cannot be “saved for later”.

Due to the removal of the check, it may be more profitable for a validator to deny the transaction from being added until the transaction incurs the maximum amount of slippage.

The Reth.deposit() function should accept a user-input deadline param that should be passed along to Reth.swapExactInputSingleHop() and ISwapRouter.exactInputSingle().

Asymmetry mitigated:

Using swapTo/swapFrom directly from rocketpool.

Status: Not mitigated. Full details in reports from d3e4, adriro, and 0x52 - and also shared below in the Mitigation Review section.

[M-05] Missing derivative limit and deposit availability checks will revert the whole stake() function

Submitted by silviaxyz, also found by MiloTruck, d3e4, CodingNameKiki, adriro, rbserver, 0xMirce, Tricko, adriro, Franfran, 0xbepresent, shaka, cryptonue, ladboy233, HollaDieWaldfee, HollaDieWaldfee, codeislight, and volodya


The users will not be able to stake their funds and there will be loss of reputation

Proof of Concept

The SafEth contract’s stake() function is the main entry point to add liquid Eth to the derivatives. Accordingly the stake() function takes the users’ ETH and convert it into various derivatives based on their weights and mint an amount of safETH that represents a percentage of the total assets in the system.

The execution to deposit to the available derivative is done through iterating the derivatives mapping in SafEthStorage contract.

function stake() external payable {
    require(pauseStaking == false, "staking is paused");
    require(msg.value >= minAmount, "amount too low");
    require(msg.value <= maxAmount, "amount too high");

    uint256 underlyingValue = 0;

    // Getting underlying value in terms of ETH for each derivative
    for (uint i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++)
        underlyingValue +=
            (derivatives[i].ethPerDerivative(derivatives[i].balance()) *
                derivatives[i].balance()) /
            10 ** 18;

    uint256 totalSupply = totalSupply();
    uint256 preDepositPrice; // Price of safETH in regards to ETH
    if (totalSupply == 0)
        preDepositPrice = 10 ** 18; // initializes with a price of 1
    else preDepositPrice = (10 ** 18 * underlyingValue) / totalSupply;

    uint256 totalStakeValueEth = 0; // total amount of derivatives worth of ETH in system
    for (uint i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++) {
        uint256 weight = weights[i];
        IDerivative derivative = derivatives[i];
        if (weight == 0) continue;
        uint256 ethAmount = (msg.value * weight) / totalWeight;

        // This is slightly less than ethAmount because slippage
        uint256 depositAmount = derivative.deposit{value: ethAmount}();
        uint derivativeReceivedEthValue = (derivative.ethPerDerivative(
        ) * depositAmount) / 10 ** 18;
        totalStakeValueEth += derivativeReceivedEthValue;
    // mintAmount represents a percentage of the total assets in the system
    uint256 mintAmount = (totalStakeValueEth * 10 ** 18) / preDepositPrice;
    _mint(msg.sender, mintAmount);
    emit Staked(msg.sender, msg.value, mintAmount);

And for all the derivatives the stake function calls the derivative contract’s deposit() function. Below is for WstEth contract’s deposit() function to adapt to Lido staking;

function deposit() external payable onlyOwner returns (uint256) {
    uint256 wstEthBalancePre = IWStETH(WST_ETH).balanceOf(address(this));
    // solhint-disable-next-line
    (bool sent, ) ={value: msg.value}("");
    require(sent, "Failed to send Ether");
    uint256 wstEthBalancePost = IWStETH(WST_ETH).balanceOf(address(this));
    uint256 wstEthAmount = wstEthBalancePost - wstEthBalancePre;
    return (wstEthAmount);

The Lido protocol implements a daily staking limit both for stETH and WstETH as per their docs Accordingly the daily rate is 150000 ETH and the deposit() function will revert if the limit is hit. From the docs:

Staking rate limits In order to handle the staking surge in case of some unforeseen market conditions, the Lido protocol implemented staking rate limits aimed at reducing the surge’s impact on the staking queue & Lido’s socialized rewards distribution model. There is a sliding window limit that is parametrized with _maxStakingLimit and _stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock. This means it is only possible to submit this much ether to the Lido staking contracts within a 24 hours timeframe. Currently, the daily staking limit is set at 150,000 ether. You can picture this as a health globe from Diablo 2 with a maximum of _maxStakingLimit and regenerating with a constant speed per block. When you deposit ether to the protocol, the level of health is reduced by its amount and the current limit becomes smaller and smaller. When it hits the ground, transaction gets reverted. To avoid that, you should check if getCurrentStakeLimit() >= amountToStake, and if it’s not you can go with an alternative route. The staking rate limits are denominated in ether, thus, it makes no difference if the stake is being deposited for stETH or using the wstETH shortcut, the limits apply in both cases.

However this check was not done either in SafEth::stake() or WstEth::deposit() functions. So if the function reverts, the stake function will all revert and it will not be possible to deposit to the other derivatives as well.

Another issue lies in the Reth contract having the same root cause below - Missing Validation & external tx dependency.

For all the derivatives the stake function calls the derivative contract’s deposit() function. Below is rETH contract’s deposit() function;

function deposit() external payable onlyOwner returns (uint256) {
    // Per RocketPool Docs query addresses each time it is used
    address rocketDepositPoolAddress = RocketStorageInterface(
                abi.encodePacked("contract.address", "rocketDepositPool")

    RocketDepositPoolInterface rocketDepositPool = RocketDepositPoolInterface(

    if (!poolCanDeposit(msg.value)) {
        uint rethPerEth = (10 ** 36) / poolPrice();

        uint256 minOut = ((((rethPerEth * msg.value) / 10 ** 18) *
            ((10 ** 18 - maxSlippage))) / 10 ** 18);

        IWETH(W_ETH_ADDRESS).deposit{value: msg.value}();
        uint256 amountSwapped = swapExactInputSingleHop(

        return amountSwapped;
    } else {
        address rocketTokenRETHAddress = RocketStorageInterface(
                    abi.encodePacked("contract.address", "rocketTokenRETH")
        RocketTokenRETHInterface rocketTokenRETH = RocketTokenRETHInterface(
        uint256 rethBalance1 = rocketTokenRETH.balanceOf(address(this));
        rocketDepositPool.deposit{value: msg.value}();
        uint256 rethBalance2 = rocketTokenRETH.balanceOf(address(this));
        require(rethBalance2 > rethBalance1, "No rETH was minted");
        uint256 rethMinted = rethBalance2 - rethBalance1;
        return (rethMinted);

At Line#170 it checks the pools availability to deposit with poolCanDeposit(msg.value);

PoolCanDeposit function below;

function poolCanDeposit(uint256 _amount) private view returns (bool) {
    address rocketDepositPoolAddress = RocketStorageInterface(
                abi.encodePacked("contract.address", "rocketDepositPool")
    RocketDepositPoolInterface rocketDepositPool = RocketDepositPoolInterface(
    address rocketProtocolSettingsAddress = RocketStorageInterface(
    RocketDAOProtocolSettingsDepositInterface rocketDAOProtocolSettingsDeposit = RocketDAOProtocolSettingsDepositInterface(
        rocketDepositPool.getBalance() + _amount <=
        rocketDAOProtocolSettingsDeposit.getMaximumDepositPoolSize() &&
        _amount >= rocketDAOProtocolSettingsDeposit.getMinimumDeposit();

However, as per Rocket Pool’s RocketDepositPool contract, there is an other check to confirm the availability of the intended deposit;

require(rocketDAOProtocolSettingsDeposit.getDepositEnabled(), "Deposits into Rocket Pool are currently disabled");

The Reth::deposit() function doesn’t check this requirement whether the deposits are disabled. As a result, the SafEth::stake() function will all revert and it will not be possible to deposit to the other derivatives as well.

  1. For WstETH contract; checking the daily limit via getCurrentStakeLimit() >= amountToStake
  2. For Reth contract; Checking the Rocket Pool’s deposit availability
  3. Wrap the stake() function’s iteration inside try/catch block to make the transaction success until it reverts.

toshiSat (Asymmetry) acknowledged, but disagreed with severity and commented:

Only going to be implementing #1.

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium

Asymmetry mitigated:

Fixing it by enable/disable derivatives.

Status: Not mitigated. Full details in reports from d3e4, adriro, and 0x52 - and also shared below in the Mitigation Review section.

[M-06] DoS due to external call failure

Submitted by __141345__, also found by adriro, 0xWaitress, d3e4, kaden, MiloTruck, bytes032, m_Rassska, Bauer, 0xbepresent, Lirios, hihen, Haipls, peanuts, lopotras, UdarTeam, AkshaySrivastav, HollaDieWaldfee, HollaDieWaldfee, hl_, ladboy233, ck, reassor, volodya, and SaeedAlipoor01988


When stake()/unstake()/rebalanceToWeights(), if any one of the derivatives fails to deposit()/withdraw(), the whole function will revert, causing DoS. The impacts include:

  • users’ fund would be locked for a period.
  • contract become inoperable until the external call resumes

Proof of Concept

In stake(), each derivative iteration, ethPerDerivative() and deposit() will be called:

File: contracts/SafEth/SafEth.sol
63:     function stake() external payable {

71:         for (uint i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++)
72:             underlyingValue +=
73:                 (derivatives[i].ethPerDerivative(derivatives[i].balance()) *
74:                     derivatives[i].balance()) /
75:                 10 ** 18;

84:         for (uint i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++) {

91:             uint256 depositAmount = derivative.deposit{value: ethAmount}();

In unstake(), each derivative is iterated to withdraw():

File: contracts/SafEth/SafEth.sol
108:     function unstake(uint256 _safEthAmount) external {

113:         for (uint256 i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++) {

118:             derivatives[i].withdraw(derivativeAmount);
119:         }

In rebalanceToWeights(), each derivative is iterated to withdraw() and then deposit():

138:     function rebalanceToWeights() external onlyOwner {
139:         uint256 ethAmountBefore = address(this).balance;
140:         for (uint i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++) {
141:             if (derivatives[i].balance() > 0)
142:                 derivatives[i].withdraw(derivatives[i].balance());
143:         }

147:         for (uint i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++) {
148:             if (weights[i] == 0 || ethAmountToRebalance == 0) continue;
149:             uint256 ethAmount = (ethAmountToRebalance * weights[i]) /
150:                 totalWeight;
151:             // Price will change due to slippage
152:             derivatives[i].deposit{value: ethAmount}();
153:         }

For each of the current derivatives, there are several different scenarios where the ethPerDerivative()/deposit()/withdraw() could fail.


  • redeem() could fail due to not enough allowance.
File: contracts/SafEth/derivatives/SfrxEth.sol
60:     function withdraw(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {

61:         IsFrxEth(SFRX_ETH_ADDRESS).redeem(
62:             _amount,
63:             address(this),
64:             address(this)
65:         );

Below is sFrxEth contract code:

// line 691-700
    function redeem(
        uint256 shares,
        address receiver,
        address owner
    ) public virtual returns (uint256 assets) {
        if (msg.sender != owner) {
            uint256 allowed = allowance[owner][msg.sender]; // Saves gas for limited approvals.

            if (allowed != type(uint256).max) allowance[owner][msg.sender] = allowed - shares;
  • FrxEthEthPool exchange() could fail due to minOut requirement.
File: contracts/SafEth/derivatives/SfrxEth.sol
60:     function withdraw(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {

77:         IFrxEthEthPool(FRX_ETH_CRV_POOL_ADDRESS).exchange(
78:             1,
79:             0,
80:             frxEthBalance,
81:             minOut
82:         );
  • deposit() could fail because submitAndDeposit() -> _submit() can be paused.
File: contracts/SafEth/derivatives/SfrxEth.sol
094:     function deposit() external payable onlyOwner returns 

101:         frxETHMinterContract.submitAndDeposit{value: msg.value}(address(this));

Below is the frxETHMinter contract:

// frxETHMinter.sol: 70-101
    function submitAndDeposit(address recipient) external payable returns (uint256 shares) {



    function _submit(address recipient) internal nonReentrant {

        require(!submitPaused, "Submit is paused");


If submitPaused is turned on, this deposit function will revert.


  • rethAddress() and getAddress()

rethAddress() is called in multiple places:

File: contracts/SafEth/derivatives/Reth.sol
66:     function rethAddress() private view returns (address) {
67:         return
68:             RocketStorageInterface(ROCKET_STORAGE_ADDRESS).getAddress(
69:                 keccak256(
70:                     abi.encodePacked("contract.address", "rocketTokenRETH")
71:                 )
72:             );
73:     }

But it could return wrong address or addr(0), since the referred getAddress() could return unexpected result. addressStorage[_key] can be reset or deleted. Then the whole function call will revert.

Below is the RocketStorage.sol:

// 179-181
    function getAddress(bytes32 _key) override external view returns (address r) {
        return addressStorage[_key];

// 215-217
    function setAddress(bytes32 _key, address _value) onlyLatestRocketNetworkContract override external {
        addressStorage[_key] = _value;

// 251-253
    function deleteAddress(bytes32 _key) onlyLatestRocketNetworkContract override external {
        delete addressStorage[_key];

rethAddress() is referred in withdraw()/deposit()/ethPerDerivative()/balance():

File: contracts/SafEth/derivatives/Reth.sol
107:     function withdraw(uint256 amount) external onlyOwner {
108:         RocketTokenRETHInterface(rethAddress()).burn(amount);

156:     function deposit() external payable onlyOwner returns (uint256) {

176:             IWETH(W_ETH_ADDRESS).deposit{value: msg.value}();
177:             uint256 amountSwapped = swapExactInputSingleHop(
178:                 W_ETH_ADDRESS,
179:                 rethAddress(),
180:                 500,
181:                 msg.value,
182:                 minOut
183:             );

211:     function ethPerDerivative(uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256) {
212:         if (poolCanDeposit(_amount))
213:             return
214:                 RocketTokenRETHInterface(rethAddress()).getEthValue(10 ** 18);
215:         else return (poolPrice() * 10 ** 18) / (10 ** 18);
216:     }

221:     function balance() public view returns (uint256) {
222:         return IERC20(rethAddress()).balanceOf(address(this));
223:     }

getAddress() will also influence poolCanDeposit(), which could revert deposit() and the view function ethPerDerivative():

120:     function poolCanDeposit(uint256 _amount) private view returns (bool) {
121:         address rocketDepositPoolAddress = RocketStorageInterface(
123:         ).getAddress(
124:                 keccak256(
125:                     abi.encodePacked("contract.address", "rocketDepositPool")
126:                 )
127:             );

156:     function deposit() external payable onlyOwner returns (uint256) {

170:         if (!poolCanDeposit(msg.value)) {

211:     function ethPerDerivative(uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256) {
212:         if (poolCanDeposit(_amount))
  • burn()

There is no guarantee that the function burn() will succeed.

File: contracts/SafEth/derivatives/Reth.sol
107:     function withdraw(uint256 amount) external onlyOwner {
108:         RocketTokenRETHInterface(rethAddress()).burn(amount);

Because in Reth contract code below, the execution may fail in several cases:

  • burn() -> getTotalCollateral() -> getContractAddress() -> getAddress() might fail due to the same reason above
  • the require(ethBalance >= ethAmount) could fail due to low balance
  • burn() -> withdrawDepositCollateral() -> getContractAddress(), withdrawExcessBalance() both could fail for same reason as above
  • msg.sender.transfer() could fail due to not enough gas (2300 limit)
// RocketTokenRETH.sol: 131-146
    // Burn rETH for ETH
    function burn(uint256 _rethAmount) override external {
        // Check rETH amount
        require(_rethAmount > 0, "Invalid token burn amount");
        require(balanceOf(msg.sender) >= _rethAmount, "Insufficient rETH balance");
        // Get ETH amount
        uint256 ethAmount = getEthValue(_rethAmount);
        // Get & check ETH balance
        uint256 ethBalance = getTotalCollateral();
        require(ethBalance >= ethAmount, "Insufficient ETH balance for exchange");
        // Update balance & supply
        _burn(msg.sender, _rethAmount);
        // Withdraw ETH from deposit pool if required
        // Transfer ETH to sender
        // Emit tokens burned event
        emit TokensBurned(msg.sender, _rethAmount, ethAmount, block.timestamp);

// RocketTokenRETH.sol: 98-101
    function getTotalCollateral() override public view returns (uint256) {
        RocketDepositPoolInterface rocketDepositPool = RocketDepositPoolInterface(getContractAddress("rocketDepositPool"));
        return rocketDepositPool.getExcessBalance().add(address(this).balance);

// RocketBase.sol: 112-119
    function getContractAddress(string memory _contractName) internal view returns (address) {
        // Get the current contract address
        address contractAddress = getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", _contractName)));
        // Check it
        require(contractAddress != address(0x0), "Contract not found");
        // Return
        return contractAddress;

// RocketTokenRETH.sol: 152-159
    function withdrawDepositCollateral(uint256 _ethRequired) private {
        // Check rETH contract balance
        uint256 ethBalance = address(this).balance;
        if (ethBalance >= _ethRequired) { return; }
        // Withdraw
        RocketDepositPoolInterface rocketDepositPool = RocketDepositPoolInterface(getContractAddress("rocketDepositPool"));


StEthEthPool function exchange() could fail due to minOut requirement.

File: contracts/SafEth/derivatives/WstEth.sol
56:     function withdraw(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {

60:         uint256 minOut = (stEthBal * (10 ** 18 - maxSlippage)) / 10 ** 18;

As long as any one of the above code failed, the whole stake()/unstake()/rebalanceToWeights() will revert, and users’ fund would be locked until the external dependency is resolved, the contract will lose the core functionality.

Use try/catch to skip the failed function call, then the contract will be more robust to unexpected situations. In case of deposit(), redistribute the fund into the other derivatives according to the weights might be an option, since re-balance will be done regularly. For withdraw(), maybe temporarily record the missed amount, and give the user opportunity to retrieve later.

toshiSat (Asymmetry) acknowledged

elmutt (Asymmetry) commented:

This is known and expected behavior. We feel like having all-or-nothing failures like this simplify the logic overall and make things safer at the expense of some edge cases where deposit can fail. We can always upgrade the contract if it becomes a problem.

Asymmetry commented:

Out of scope for mitigation review. This is as expected.

[M-07] In de-peg scenario, forcing full exit from every derivative & immediately re-entering can cause big losses for depositors

Submitted by 0Kage, also found by Co0nan, deliriusz, yac, Tricko, IgorZuk, adriro, and Bahurum

In a de-peg scenario, there will be a general flight to safety (ETH) from users across the board. All pools will have a uni-directional sell-pressure where users prefer to exchange derivative token for WETH.

There are 3 sources of losses in this scenario

  • Protocol currently doesn’t localize exit & force-exits all positions. So even non de-pegged assets are forced to exit causing further sell-side pressure that can further widen slippages
  • Protocol immediately tries to re-enter the position based on new weights. Since de-peg in one asset can trigger de-peg in another (eg. USDT de-pegged immediately after UST collapse), immediately entering into another position after exiting one might cause more. A better approach would be to simply exit stressed positions & waiting out for the market/gas prices to settle down. Separating exit & re-entry functions can save depositors from high execution costs.
  • Protocol is inefficiently exiting & re-entering the positions. Instead of taking marginal positions to rebalance, current implementation first fully exits & then re-enters back based on new weights (see POC below). Since any slippage losses are borne by depositors, a better implementation can save losses to users

Proof of Concept

  • Assume positions are split in following ratio by value: 10% frax-Eth, 70% stEth and 20% rEth
  • Now frax-Eth starts to de-peg, forcing protocol to exit frax-Eth and rebalance to say, 80% stEth and 20% rEth
  • Current rebalancing first exits 70% stEth, 20% rEth and then re-enters 80% stEth and 20% rEth
  • A marginal re-balancing would have only needed protocol to exit 10% frax-Eth and divert that 10% to stEth

By executing huge, unnecessary txns, protocol is exposing depositors to high slippage costs on the entire pool.

Consider following improvements to rebalanceToWeights:

  • Separate exits & entries. Split the functionality to exit and re-enter. In stressed times or fast evolving de-peg scenarios, protocol owners should first ensure an orderly exit. And then wait for markets to settle down before re-entering new positions
  • Localize exits, ie. if derivative A is de-pegging, first try to exit that derivative position before incurring exit costs on derivative B and C
  • Implement a marginal re-balancing - for protocol’s whose weights have increased, avoid exit and re-entry. Instead just increment/decrement based on marginal changes in net positions

toshiSat (Asymmetry) acknowledged and commented:

This is definitely valid, it would require a black swan event. We have thought about this, and might implement this for v2.

This should be half confirmed, because I think we will implement the marginal rebalancing. I’m not sure if this is High severity, I will leave that up to judge.

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

The report shows how in case of a black swan event, the protocol could take a significant loss when calling rebalanceToWeights that could easily be avoided by implementing at least marginal re-balancings.

However, considering that there is no need to call rebalanceToWeights even in the case of a black swan event unless there is a governance decision to do so, I think Medium Severity is appropriate.

Note that even without black swan event, calling rebalanceToWeights would likely lead to a significant loss due to the current ineffective implementation. But there is no specific need to call this action unless the owner or the DAO wants to force the rebalancing.

Asymmetry commented:

Out of scope for mitigation review. Will need a black swan event to happen and will upgrade rebalanceToWeights later to handle this.

[M-08] Possible DoS on unstake()

Submitted by Tricko, also found by shaka and rvierdiiev

RocketPool rETH tokens have a deposit delay that prevents any user who has recently deposited to transfer or burn tokens. In the past this delay was set to 5760 blocks mined (aprox. 19h, considering one block per 12s). This delay can prevent asymmetry protocol users from unstaking if another user staked recently.

While it’s not currently possible due to RocketPool’s configuration, any future changes made to this delay by the admins could potentially lead to a denial-of-service attack on the ùnstake() mechanism. This is a major functionality of the asymmetry protocol, and therefore, it should be classified as a high severity issue.

Proof of Concept

Currently, the delay is set to zero, but if RocketPool admins decide to change this value in the future, it could cause issues. Specifically, protocol users staking actions could prevent other users from unstaking for a few hours. Given that many users call the stake function throughout the day, the delay would constantly reset, making the unstaking mechanism unusable. It’s important to note that this only occurs when stake() is used through the rocketDepositPool route. If rETH is obtained from the Uniswap pool, the delay is not affected.

A malicious actor can also exploit this to be able to block all unstake calls. Consider the following scenario where the delay was raised again to 5760 blocks. Bob (malicious actor) call stakes() with the minimum amount, consequently triggering deposit to RocketPool and resetting the deposit delay. Alice tries to unstake her funds, but during rETH burn, it fails due to the delay check, reverting the unstake call.

If Bob manages to repeatedly stakes() the minimum amount every 19h (or any other interval less then the deposit delay), all future calls to unstake will revert.

Consider modifying Reth derivative to obtain rETH only through the UniswapV3 pool, on average users will get less rETH due to the slippage, but will avoid any future issues with the deposit delay mechanism.

toshiSat (Asymmetry) confirmed

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium

Asymmetry mitigated:

Use Chainlink to get rETH.

Status: Not mitigated. Full details in report from adriro - and also shared below in the Mitigation Review section.

[M-09] Non-ideal rETH/WETH pool used pays unnecessary fees

Submitted by yac, also found by peanuts, 0x52, and Ruhum

rETH is acquired using the Uniswap rETH/WETH pool. This solution has higher fees and lower liquidity than alternatives, which results in more lost user value than other solutions.

The Uniswap rETH/WETH pool that is used in Reth.sol to make swaps has a liquidity of $5 million. In comparison, the Balancer rETH/WETH pool has a liquidity of $80 million. Even the Curve rETH/WETH pool has a liquidity of $8 million. The greater liquidity should normally offer lower slippage to users. In addition, the fees to swap with the Balancer pool are only 0.04% compared to Uniswap’s 0.05%. Even the Curve pool offers a lower fee than Uniswap with just a 0.037% fee. This Dune Analytics dashboard shows that Balancer is where the majority of rETH swaps happen by volume.

One solution to finding the best swap path for rETH is to use RocketPool’s RocketSwapRouter.sol contract swapTo() function. When users visit the RocketPool frontend to swap ETH for rETH, this is the function that RocketPool calls for the user. RocketSwapRouter.sol automatically determines the best way to split the swap between Balancer and Uniswap pools.

Proof of Concept

Pools that can be used for rETH/WETH swapping:

Line where Reth.sol swaps WETH for rETH with the Uniswap rETH/WETH pool.

Tools Used

Etherscan, Dune Analytics

The best solution is to use the same flow as RocketPool’s frontend UI and to call swapTo() in RocketSwapRouter.sol. An alternative is to modify Reth.sol to use the Balancer rETH/ETH pool for swapping instead of Uniswap’s rETH/WETH pool to better conserve user value by reducing swap fees and reducing slippage costs.

elmutt (Asymmetry) confirmed

d3e4 (warden) commented:

What is the issue here? This is an improvement proposal (QA).

Picodes (judge) commented:

My reasoning was that it’s not an improvement proposal but a bug (sub-optimal of the AMM pool), hence it does qualify for Medium for “leak of value”.

I have to admit that I hesitated but I leaned towards Medium because of the label “sponsor confirmed” suggesting that this finding provided value for the sponsor.

Asymmetry mitigated

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from d3e4 and 0x52.

[M-10] Stuck ether when use function stake with empty derivatives(derivativeCount = 0)

Submitted by rotcivegaf, also found by ArbitraryExecution, alexzoid, d3e4, brgltd, nemveer, Evo, carlitox477, Emmanuel, idkwhatimdoing, ToonVH, codetilda, pfapostol, vagrant, ayden, wait, hihen, Cryptor, 0xc0ffEE, UdarTeam, 7siech, and Co0nan

After initialize the contract SafEth, if someone call stake before addDerivative, the function stake skip the two for cycles because the derivativeCount is equal to 0 and don’t deposit in the derivative contract also mint 0 tokens to the sender. Finally the amount of msg.value will stuck in the contract

Proof of Concept

/* eslint-disable new-cap */
import { network, upgrades, ethers } from "hardhat";
import { expect } from "chai";
import { SignerWithAddress } from "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers";
import { SafEth } from "../typechain-types";

describe("stake tests", function () {
  let adminAccount: SignerWithAddress;
  let safEthProxy: SafEth;
  const depositAmount = ethers.utils.parseEther("200");

  before(async () => {
    const latestBlock = await ethers.provider.getBlock("latest");

    await network.provider.request({
      method: "hardhat_reset",
      params: [{forking: {
        jsonRpcUrl: process.env.MAINNET_URL,
        blockNumber: latestBlock.number,

    const accounts = await ethers.getSigners();
    adminAccount = accounts[0];

    safEthProxy = await upgrades.deployProxy(
      await ethers.getContractFactory("SafEth"),
        "Asymmetry Finance ETH",
    ) as SafEth;
    await safEthProxy.deployed();

  it("PoC: don't have derivatives", async function () {
    // Check: don't have derivatives
    expect(await safEthProxy.derivativeCount()).eq(0);

    // This transaction should revert
    await safEthProxy.stake({ value: depositAmount });

    const ethBal = await ethers.provider.getBalance(safEthProxy.address);
    const stakerBal = await safEthProxy.balanceOf(adminAccount.address);
    // This log 200 ether, but should be 0
    console.log("safEthProxy Balance:", ethBal.toString());
    // The staker has 0 tokens
    console.log("staker Balance:", stakerBal.toString());

When stake the derivativeCount should be greater than 0:

@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ contract SafEth is
         require(pauseStaking == false, "staking is paused");
         require(msg.value >= minAmount, "amount too low");
         require(msg.value <= maxAmount, "amount too high");
+        require(derivativeCount > 0, "derivativeCount is zero");

         uint256 underlyingValue = 0;

toshiSat (Asymmetry) confirmed, but disagreed with severity and commented:

Seems like low severity to me.

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium

Asymmetry mitigated:

Check derivativeCount on stake.

Status: Incorrectly mitigated. Full details in reports from adriro and d3e4 - and also shared below in the Mitigation Review section.

[M-11] Residual ETH unreachable and unutilized in SafEth.sol

Submitted by RaymondFam, also found by rotcivegaf, d3e4, n33k, LeoGold, Phantasmagoria, eyexploit, neumo, yac, jasonxiale, juancito, adeolu, anodaram, mojito_auditor, aviggiano, 7siech, koxuan, chaduke, and SunSec

Unlike the other three contracts in scope, SafEth.sol does not have a measure in place to utilize the residual ETH, be it:

  • accidentally received,
  • zero ETH output from unstake() arising from recipient non-contract existence, or
  • ETH sent in via stake() fails to deposit into a derivative due to uninitialized derivatives and weights, as I have explained in a separate submission.

In the derivative contracts, the above issue is wiped clean via address(this).balance every time withdraw() is predominantly invoked in unstake() of SafEth.sol:

File: WstEth.sol#L63-L66
File: SfrxEth.sol#L84-L87
File: Reth.sol#L110-L114

        (bool sent, ) = address(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}(
        require(sent, "Failed to send Ether");

Proof of Concept

As in SafETH.sol, ethAmountBefore and ethAmountAfter are used to determine ethAmountToWithdraw or ethAmountToRebalance respectively in untake() and rebalanceToWeights():

File: SafEth.sol

111:        uint256 ethAmountBefore = address(this).balance;

121:        uint256 ethAmountAfter = address(this).balance;

122:        uint256 ethAmountToWithdraw = ethAmountAfter - ethAmountBefore;

139:        uint256 ethAmountBefore = address(this).balance;

144:        uint256 ethAmountAfter = address(this).balance;

145:        uint256 ethAmountToRebalance = ethAmountAfter - ethAmountBefore;

Consider having rebalanceToWeights() refactored as follows:

File: SafEth.sol#L138-L155

    function rebalanceToWeights() external onlyOwner {
-        uint256 ethAmountBefore = address(this).balance;
        for (uint i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++) {
            if (derivatives[i].balance() > 0)
-        uint256 ethAmountAfter = address(this).balance;
-        uint256 ethAmountToRebalance = ethAmountAfter - ethAmountBefore;
+        uint256 ethAmountToRebalance = address(this).balance;

        for (uint i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++) {
            if (weights[i] == 0 || ethAmountToRebalance == 0) continue;
            uint256 ethAmount = (ethAmountToRebalance * weights[i]) /
            // Price will change due to slippage
            derivatives[i].deposit{value: ethAmount}();
        emit Rebalanced();

This will at least have the residual ETH harnessed and distributed to all existing stakers whenever rebalanceToWeights() is called.

toshiSat (Asymmetry) disputed via duplicate issue #455

Asymmetry mitigated:

Use entire balance for rebalance.

Status: Partially mitigated. Full details in reports from d3e4 and adriro - and also shared below in the Mitigation Review section.

[M-12] No slippage protection on stake() in SafEth.sol

Submitted by RaymondFam, also found by rbserver, d3e4, 0xepley, whoismatthewmc1, Parad0x, handsomegiraffe, silviaxyz, BPZ, yac, Franfran, RedTiger, ladboy233, and fyvgsk

mintAmount is determined both by totalStakeValueEth and preDepositPrice. While the former is associated with external interactions beyond users’ control, the latter should be linked to a slippage control to incentivize more staker participations.

Proof of Concept

As can be seen from the code block below, ethPerDerivative() serves to get the price of each derivative in terms of ETH. Although it is presumed the prices entailed would be closely/stably pegged 1:1, no one could guarantee the degree of volatility just as what has recently happened to the USDC depeg.

File: SafEth.sol#L71-L81

        for (uint i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++)
            underlyingValue +=
                (derivatives[i].ethPerDerivative(derivatives[i].balance()) *
                    derivatives[i].balance()) /
                10 ** 18;

        uint256 totalSupply = totalSupply();
        uint256 preDepositPrice; // Price of safETH in regards to ETH
        if (totalSupply == 0)
            preDepositPrice = 10 ** 18; // initializes with a price of 1
        else preDepositPrice = (10 ** 18 * underlyingValue) / totalSupply;

When underlyingValue is less than totalSupply, preDepositPrice will be smaller and inversely make mintAmount bigger, and vice versa.

Any slight change in price movement in the same direction can be consistently cumulative and reflective in stake calculations. This can make two stakers calling stake() with the same ETH amount minutes apart getting minted different amount of stake ERC20 tokens.

Consider having a user inputtable minMintAmountOut added in the function parameters of stake() and the function logic refactored as follows:

-    function stake() external payable {
+    function stake(uint256 minMintAmountOut) external payable {

        [... Snipped ...]

        _mint(msg.sender, mintAmount);
+        require(shares >= minSharesOut, "mint amount too low");

        [... Snipped ...]

Ideally, this slippage calculation should be featured in the UI, with optionally selectable stake amount impact, e.g. 0.1%.

Asymmetry mitigated:

Pass in minAmount.

Status: Incorrectly mitigated. Full details in reports from d3e4 (here and here) and adriro - and also shared below in the Mitigation Review section.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this audit, 112 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by brgltd received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: ArbitraryExecution, alexzoid, 0xhacksmithh, slvDev, c3phas, ak1, favelanky, m_Rassska, Viktor_Cortess, CodingNameKiki, tnevler, maxper, KrisApostolov, nemveer, Udsen, Haipls, vagrant, Infect3d, Josiah, helios, Lavishq, tsvetanovv, nadin, 0xkazim, Koko1912, 3dgeville, Bloqarl, siddhpurakaran, lukris02, pixpi, 0xWaitress, 0xffchain, Jerry0x, zzzitron, carlitox477, Aymen0909, hl_, Madalad, BlueAlder, mahdirostami, Diana, CodeFoxInc, rbserver, turvy_fuzz, DevABDee, 0xWagmi, yac, Bason, wen, pipoca, qpzm, 0xRajkumar, rotcivegaf, inmarelibero, adriro, 0xGusMcCrae, RedTiger, reassor, PNS, 0xAgro, brevis, ayden, peanuts, UdarTeam, juancito, navinavu, Kaysoft, dingo2077, 0xTraub, smaul, Gde, arialblack14, catellatech, fatherOfBlocks, Dug, ks__xxxxx, Rappie, Ignite, DadeKuma, ck, lopotras, Rickard, codeslide, 0x3b, bin2chen, Cryptor, T1MOH, Rolezn, descharre, roelio, 0xNorman, Brenzee, HollaDieWaldfee, ernestognw, Wander, BRONZEDISC, btk, 0xnev, 0xSmartContract, LeoGold, scokaf, p_crypt0, climber2002, RaymondFam, ch0bu, chaduke, Englave, Sathish9098, SunSec, georgits, and alejandrocovrr.

[01] Add checks for weight values

Currently it’s possible to set any value for the weights. Some combinations for weights could result in issues while calculating ethAmount.

For example, assuming the minimum value for msg.value, three derivatives and strange values for the weights.

msg.value = 5e17 = 0.5e18
weight1 = 5e17   = 0.5e18
weight2 = 19e18  =  19e18
weight3 = 19e19  = 190e18

ethAmount = (msg.value * weight) / totalWeight
5e17 * 5e17 / (5e17 + 19e18 + 19e19)

This would result in 1193317422434367.5 which would round down in solidity.


Add checks for min and max values for weights.

[02] Lack of method to remove derivatives

In case a derivative gets added by mistake or with incorrect parameters, currently this derivative would remain stuck in SafEth.sol.


Consider adding a method that allows removing derivatives from SafEth.sol.

[03] Reentrancy for SafEth.unstake()

There is a reentrancy possibility in SafEth.unstake() where the tokens are burned only after the derivative withdraw.

If the derivatives[i].withdraw() external call where to reenter into SafEth.unstake(), the safEthAmount is still not updated, since the _burn() is only called after, and the function doesn’t contain a nonReentranct modifier.

Note: this would only be an issue for a malicious derivative contract.


Call _burn() before derivatives[i].withdraw() in SafEth.unstake().

[04] Unbounded loop

There are multiple instances of loops executing external calls where the number of iterations is unbounded and controlled by the number of derivatives. This is not an issue on the current setup, since there are only three derivatives.

However, if a large amount of derivative gets added, functionalities like stake() and unstake() could run out of gas and revert.


Limit the maximum number of derivatives that can be added.

[05] Emit events before external calls

Multiple functions in the project emit an event as the last statement. Wherever possible, consider emitting events before external calls. In case of reentrancy, funds are not at risk (for external call + event ordering), however emitting events after external calls can damage frontends and monitoring tools in case of reentrancy attacks.

[06] Pragma float

All contracts in scope are floating the pragma version.

Locking the pragma helps to ensure that contracts do not accidentally get deployed using an outdated compiler version.

Note that pragma statements can be allowed to float when a contract is intended for consumption by other developers, as in the case with contracts in a library or a package.

[07] Lack of address(0) checks

Input addresses should be checked against address(0) to prevent unexpected behavior.

[08] Lack of setter functions for third party integrations

Misdeployed values can cause failure of integrations. One addition that can be made is to add setter functions for the owner to update these addresses if necessary.

[09] Don’t allow adding a new derivative when staking/unstaking is paused

When the system is in pause mode, e.g. staking and unstaking is blocked, consider adding a check to prevent new derivatives from being added, e.g.

require(!pausedStaking && !pauseUnstaking, "error");

[10] Critical changes should use a two-step pattern and a timelock

Lack of two-step procedure for critical operations leaves them error-prone.

Consider adding a two-steps pattern and a timelock on critical changes to avoid modifying the system state.

[11] Lack of event for parameters changes

Adding an event will facilitate offchain monitoring when changing system parameters.

Events that mark critical parameter changes should contain both the old and the new value.

[13] Check for stale values on setter functions

Add a check ensuring that the new value if different than the current value to avoid emitting unnecessary events.

[14] Calls for retrieving the balance can be cached

derivatives[i].balance() can be cached on the following instance.

[15] Variable being initialized with the default value

Unsigned integers will already be initalized with zero on their declaration, e.g. there’s no need to manually assign zero.

[16] Unnecessary calculation

Multiplying by 10**18 and dividing by 10**18 is not needed on L215 of Reth.sol.

[17] Missing unit tests

The derivative contracts don’t have all functions and branches covered.

It is crucial to write tests with possibly 100% coverage for smart contracts. It is recommended to write tests for all possible code flows.

[18] Incorrect NATSPEC

SafEth.adjustWeight() contains an incorrect @notice.

[19] In SafEth.adjustWeight() there’s no need to loop all derivatives

It’s possible to decrease the old weight and increase the new weight to compute localTotalWeight and update totalWeight.

[20] Variable shadowing

Consider renaming the variable totalSupply in SafEth.stake(), since it’s being shadowed by ERC20Upgradeable.totalSupply().

[21] Usage of return named variables and explicit values

Some functions return named variables, others return explicit values.

Following function returns an explicit value.

Following function return returns a named variable.

Consider adopting the same approach throughout the codebase to improve the explicitness and readability of the code.

[22] Imports can be group

Consider grouping the imports, e.g. first libraries, then interfaces, the storage.

[23] Order of functions

The solidity documentation recommends the following order for functions:

  • constructor
  • receive function (if exists)
  • fallback function (if exists)
  • external
  • public
  • internal
  • private

The receive() functions are currently in the bottom on the contract.

[24] Add a limit for the maximum number of characters per line

The solidity documentation recommends a maximum of 120 characters.

Consider adding a limit of 120 characters or less to prevent large lines.

[25] Use scientific notation rather than exponentiation

Scientific notation can be used for better code readability, e.g. consider using using 10e18 and 10e17 instead of 10**18 and 10**17.

[26] Specify the warning being disabled by the linter

Consider also adding the name of the warning being disabled, e.g. // solhint-disable-next-line warning-name.

[27] Replace variable == false with !variable

[28] Interchangeable usage of uint and uint256

Consider using only one approach, e.g. only uint256.

[29] Can use ternary

The following instance can use a ternary expression instead of a conditional.

[30] Package @balancer-labs/balancer-js is not used

The package @balancer-labs/balancer-js is deprecated and balancer recommends to use the @balancer-labs/sdk package instead. Also, this package is currently unused on the tests and deployment setups. Consider removing this package.

This is not a vulnerability, but removing this package is beneficial to the project, since unnecessary packages incurs overhead and increases the project download time and size.

toshiSat (Asymmetry) confirmed

Picodes (judge) commented:

14, 15, 16, & 20 are GAS findings more than QA.

Gas Optimizations

For this audit, 55 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by Rolezn received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: ArbitraryExecution, d3e4, 0xhacksmithh, alexzoid, c3phas, MiksuJak, 0xSmartContract, EvanW, maxper, lukris02, KrisApostolov, Udsen, Haipls, hunter_w3b, tank, tnevler, mahdirostami, carlitox477, Aymen0909, Madalad, 0xpanicError, IgorZuk, Bason, yac, wen, pixpi, Angry_Mustache_Man, inmarelibero, adriro, rotcivegaf, Franfran, ReyAdmirado, JCN, 0xnev, BlueAlder, smaul, MiniGlome, fatherOfBlocks, HHK, arialblack14, anodaram, Rickard, codeslide, 0x3b, 0xGordita, ernestognw, dicethedev, 4lulz, RaymondFam, pavankv, ch0bu, chaduke, Sathish9098, and georgits.


Issue Contexts Estimated Gas Saved
[G‑01] Setting the constructor to payable 4 52
[G‑02] Duplicated require()/revert() Checks Should Be Refactored To A Modifier Or Function 2 56
[G‑03] Empty Blocks Should Be Removed Or Emit Something 4 -
[G‑04] Using delete statement can save gas 3 -
[G‑05] Functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users can be marked payable 17 357
[G‑06] Use hardcoded address instead address(this) 22 -
[G‑07] Optimize names to save gas 3 66
[G‑08] <x> += <y> Costs More Gas Than <x> = <x> + <y> For State Variables 4 -
[G‑09] Public Functions To External 9 -
[G‑10] Save gas with the use of specific import statements 22 -
[G‑11] Using unchecked blocks to save gas 6 120
[G‑12] Use functions instead of modifiers 1 100
[G‑13] Use solidity version 0.8.19 to gain some gas boost 4 352
[G‑14] Save loop calls 3 -

Total: 104 contexts over 14 issues

[G-01] Setting the constructor to payable

Saves ~13 gas per instance.

Proof Of Concept

38: constructor()

33: constructor()

27: constructor()

24: constructor()

[G-02] Duplicated require()/revert() Checks Should Be Refactored To A Modifier Or Function

Saves deployment costs.

Proof Of Concept

66: require(sent, "Failed to send Ether");
77: require(sent, "Failed to send Ether");

[G-03] Empty Blocks Should Be Removed Or Emit Something

The code should be refactored such that they no longer exist, or the block should do something useful, such as emitting an event or reverting. If the contract is meant to be extended, the contract should be abstract and the function signatures be added without any default implementation. If the block is an empty if-statement block to avoid doing subsequent checks in the else-if/else conditions, the else-if/else conditions should be nested under the negation of the if-statement, because they involve different classes of checks, which may lead to the introduction of errors when the code is later modified (if(x){}else if(y){…}else{…} => if(!x){if(y){…}else{…}})

Proof Of Concept

246: receive() external payable {}

244: receive() external payable {}

126: receive() external payable {}

97: receive() external payable {}

[G-04] Using delete statement can save gas

Proof Of Concept

68: uint256 underlyingValue = 0;

170: uint256 localTotalWeight = 0;

190: uint256 localTotalWeight = 0;

[G-05] Functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users can be marked payable

If a function modifier or require such as onlyOwner/onlyX is used, the function will revert if a normal user tries to pay the function. Marking the function as payable will lower the gas cost for legitimate callers because the compiler will not include checks for whether a payment was provided. The extra opcodes avoided are CALLVALUE(2), DUP1(3), ISZERO(3), PUSH2(3), JUMPI(10), PUSH1(3), DUP1(3), REVERT(0), JUMPDEST(1), POP(2) which costs an average of about 21 gas per call to the function, in addition to the extra deployment cost.

Proof Of Concept

138: function rebalanceToWeights() external onlyOwner {

165: function adjustWeight(
        uint256 _derivativeIndex,
        uint256 _weight
    ) external onlyOwner {

182: function addDerivative(
        address _contractAddress,
        uint256 _weight
    ) external onlyOwner {

202: function setMaxSlippage(
        uint _derivativeIndex,
        uint _slippage
    ) external onlyOwner {

214: function setMinAmount(uint256 _minAmount) external onlyOwner {

223: function setMaxAmount(uint256 _maxAmount) external onlyOwner {

232: function setPauseStaking(bool _pause) external onlyOwner {

241: function setPauseUnstaking(bool _pause) external onlyOwner {

58: function setMaxSlippage(uint256 _slippage) external onlyOwner {

107: function withdraw(uint256 amount) external onlyOwner {

156: function deposit() external payable onlyOwner returns (uint256) {

51: function setMaxSlippage(uint256 _slippage) external onlyOwner {

60: function withdraw(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {

94: function deposit() external payable onlyOwner returns (uint256) {

48: function setMaxSlippage(uint256 _slippage) external onlyOwner {

56: function withdraw(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {

73: function deposit() external payable onlyOwner returns (uint256) {

Functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users can be marked payable.

[G-06] Use hardcode address instead address(this)

Instead of using address(this), it is more gas-efficient to pre-calculate and use the hardcoded address. Foundry’s script.sol and solmate’s LibRlp.sol contracts can help achieve this.


Proof Of Concept

111: uint256 ethAmountBefore = address(this).balance;
121: uint256 ethAmountAfter = address(this).balance;

139: uint256 ethAmountBefore = address(this).balance;
144: uint256 ethAmountAfter = address(this).balance;

96: recipient: address(this),

110: (bool sent, ) = address(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}(

197: uint256 rethBalance1 = rocketTokenRETH.balanceOf(address(this));
199: uint256 rethBalance2 = rocketTokenRETH.balanceOf(address(this));

222: return IERC20(rethAddress()).balanceOf(address(this));

63: address(this),
63: address(this)
63: address(this)
84: (bool sent, ) = address(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}(

99: address(this)
101: frxETHMinterContract.submitAndDeposit{value: msg.value}(address(this));
99: address(this)

123: return IERC20(SFRX_ETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this));

58: uint256 stEthBal = IERC20(STETH_TOKEN).balanceOf(address(this));
63: (bool sent, ) = address(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}(

74: uint256 wstEthBalancePre = IWStETH(WST_ETH).balanceOf(address(this));
78: uint256 wstEthBalancePost = IWStETH(WST_ETH).balanceOf(address(this));

94: return IERC20(WST_ETH).balanceOf(address(this));

Use hardcoded address.

[G-07] Optimize names to save gas

Contracts most called functions could simply save gas by function ordering via Method ID. Calling a function at runtime will be cheaper if the function is positioned earlier in the order (has a relatively lower Method ID) because 22 gas are added to the cost of a function for every position that came before it. The caller can save on gas if you prioritize most called functions.

See more here.

Proof Of Concept

All in-scope contracts.

Find a lower method ID name for the most called functions for example Call() vs. Call1() is cheaper by 22 gas.
For example, the function IDs in the Gauge.sol contract will be the most used; A lower method ID may be given.

[G-08] <x> += <y> Costs More Gas Than <x> = <x> + <y> For State Variables

Proof Of Concept

72: underlyingValue +=
95: totalStakeValueEth += derivativeReceivedEthValue;

172: localTotalWeight += weights[i];

192: localTotalWeight += weights[i];

[G-09] Public Functions To External

The following functions could be set external to save gas and improve code quality.
External call cost is less expensive than of public functions.

Proof Of Concept

function name() public pure returns (string memory) {

function ethPerDerivative(uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256) {

function balance() public view returns (uint256) {

function name() public pure returns (string memory) {

function ethPerDerivative(uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256) {

function balance() public view returns (uint256) {

function name() public pure returns (string memory) {

function ethPerDerivative(uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256) {

function balance() public view returns (uint256) {

[G-10] Non-usage of specific imports

The current form of relative path import is not recommended for use because it can unpredictably pollute the namespace.
Instead, the Solidity docs recommend specifying imported symbols explicitly.

A good example:

import {OwnableUpgradeable} from "openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/contracts/access/OwnableUpgradeable.sol";
import {SafeTransferLib} from "solmate/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol";
import {SafeCastLib} from "solmate/utils/SafeCastLib.sol";
import {ERC20} from "solmate/tokens/ERC20.sol";
import {IProducer} from "src/interfaces/IProducer.sol";
import {GlobalState, UserState} from "src/Common.sol";

Proof Of Concept

5: import "../interfaces/IWETH.sol";
6: import "../interfaces/uniswap/ISwapRouter.sol";
7: import "../interfaces/lido/IWStETH.sol";
8: import "../interfaces/lido/IstETH.sol";
10: import "./SafEthStorage.sol";

4: import "../../interfaces/IDerivative.sol";
5: import "../../interfaces/frax/IsFrxEth.sol";
7: import "../../interfaces/rocketpool/RocketStorageInterface.sol";
8: import "../../interfaces/rocketpool/RocketTokenRETHInterface.sol";
9: import "../../interfaces/rocketpool/RocketDepositPoolInterface.sol";
10: import "../../interfaces/rocketpool/RocketDAOProtocolSettingsDepositInterface.sol";
11: import "../../interfaces/IWETH.sol";
12: import "../../interfaces/uniswap/ISwapRouter.sol";
14: import "../../interfaces/uniswap/IUniswapV3Factory.sol";
15: import "../../interfaces/uniswap/IUniswapV3Pool.sol";

4: import "../../interfaces/IDerivative.sol";
5: import "../../interfaces/frax/IsFrxEth.sol";
8: import "../../interfaces/curve/IFrxEthEthPool.sol";
9: import "../../interfaces/frax/IFrxETHMinter.sol";

4: import "../../interfaces/IDerivative.sol";
7: import "../../interfaces/curve/IStEthEthPool.sol";
8: import "../../interfaces/lido/IWStETH.sol";

Use specific imports syntax per solidity docs recommendation.

[G-11] Using unchecked blocks to save gas

Solidity version 0.8+ comes with implicit overflow and underflow checks on unsigned integers. When an overflow or an underflow isn’t possible (as an example, when a comparison is made before the arithmetic operation), some gas can be saved by using an unchecked block.

Proof Of Concept

122: uint256 ethAmountToWithdraw = ethAmountAfter - ethAmountBefore;

174: ((10 ** 18 - maxSlippage))) / 10 ** 18);
201: uint256 rethMinted = rethBalance2 - rethBalance1;

75: (10 ** 18 - maxSlippage)) / 10 ** 18;

60: uint256 minOut = (stEthBal * (10 ** 18 - maxSlippage)) / 10 ** 18;

79: uint256 wstEthAmount = wstEthBalancePost - wstEthBalancePre;

[G-12] Use functions instead of modifiers

Proof Of Concept

52: ERC20Upgradeable.__ERC20_init(_tokenName, _tokenSymbol);

Functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users can be marked payable.

[G-13] Use solidity version 0.8.19 to gain some gas boost

Upgrade to the latest solidity version 0.8.19 to get additional gas savings.
See latest release for reference:

Proof Of Concept

pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

[G-14] Save loop calls

Instead of calling derivatives[i] 3 times in each loop for fetching data, it can be saved as a variable.

for (uint i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++)
            underlyingValue +=
                (derivatives[i].ethPerDerivative(derivatives[i].balance()) *
                    derivatives[i].balance()) /
                10 ** 18;

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++) {
            // withdraw a percentage of each asset based on the amount of safETH
            uint256 derivativeAmount = (derivatives[i].balance() *
                _safEthAmount) / safEthTotalSupply;
            if (derivativeAmount == 0) continue; // if derivative empty ignore

        for (uint i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++) {
            if (derivatives[i].balance() > 0)

elmutt (Asymmetry) confirmed

Mitigation Review


Following the C4 audit, 3 wardens (0x52, adriro, and d3e4) reviewed the mitigations for all identified issues. Additional details can be found within the C4 Asymmetry Mitigation Review repository.

Overview of Changes

Summary from the Sponsor:

Most of the mitigations I feel are self explanatory.

The one exception is H-04, I would like extra attention towards that one because we are assuming 1:1 but are reverting if the CRV pool is depegged. I think there could be a better solution, but it seems that we had many issues that had separate solutions, one being adding a chainlink oracle, which doesn’t exist.

Mitigation Review Scope

Mitigation of Purpose
H-01 Use internal accounting to get the balance
H-02 Don’t get rETH from pool on deposits
H-03 Enable/Disable Derivatives
H-04 To protect against oracle attacks we assume FRX is 1:1 with ETH and revert if the oracle says otherwise since there is no chainlink for FRX
H-05 Using Chainlink to get price instead of poolPrice
H-06 Using Chainlink to get price instead of assuming 1:1
H-07 Check if withdraw from deposit contract possible
H-08 Using Chainlink to get price instead of poolPrice
M-01 Don’t divide before multiply
M-02 Fixing it by enable/disable derivatives
M-04 Using swapTo/swapFrom directly from rocketpool
M-05 Fixing it by enable/disable derivatives
M-08 Use Chainlink to get rETH
M-10 Check derivativeCount on stake
M-11 Use entire balance for rebalance
M-12 Pass in minAmount

Mitigation Review Summary

Original Issue Status Full Details
H-01 Mitigation confirmed with comments Reports from d3e4, adriro, and 0x52
H-02 Mitigation confirmed with comments Reports from d3e4, adriro, and 0x52
H-03 Mitigation confirmed with comments Reports from d3e4 (here and here), adriro, and 0x52
H-04 Mitigation confirmed with comments Reports from d3e4 and adriro
H-05 Mitigation confirmed with comments Reports from d3e4, adriro, and 0x52
H-06 Not fully mitigated Reports from adriro and 0x52 - details also shared below
H-07 Sub-optimally mitigated Reports from d3e4, adriro, and 0x52
H-08 Mitigation confirmed with comments Reports from d3e4, adriro, and 0x52
M-01 Not fully mitigated Reports from d3e4 and adriro - details also shared below
M-02 Not mitigated Reports from adriro, d3e4, and 0x52 - details also shared below
M-03 Sponsor chose not to mitigate -
M-04 Not mitigated Reports from d3e4, adriro, and 0x52 - details also shared below
M-05 Not mitigated Reports from d3e4, adriro, and 0x52 - details also shared below
M-06 Sponsor acknowledged -
M-07 Sponsor acknowledged Report from adriro
M-08 Not mitigated Report from adriro - details also shared below
M-09 Mitigation confirmed Reports from d3e4 and 0x52
M-10 Incorrectly mitigated Reports from adriro and d3e4 - details also shared below
M-11 Partially mitigated Reports from d3e4 and adriro - details also shared below
M-12 Incorrectly mitigated Reports from d3e4 (here and here) and adriro - details also shared below

The wardens surfaced several new findings and mitigation errors. These consisted of 1 High severity issue & 6 Medium severity issues. See below for details regarding these as well as issues that were not fully mitigated.

[High] Protocol assumes a 1:1 peg of frxETH to ETH

Submitted by adriro, also found by 0x52

Severity: High


The ethPerDerivative() function in the SfrxEth now assumes a peg of frxETH to ETH, and reverts if the price difference (queried through the Curve pool) is more than 0.1%. Presumably, this decision was likely caused by the fact that frxETH doesn’t have a Chainlink price feed, so the sponsor decided to continue using the Curve oracle but now assuming there is a peg between both tokens.

This assumption is very dangerous and could potentially cause a DoS in the derivative if frxETH de-pegs as the ethPerDerivative() function will always revert.

Similarly to the scenarios described in this issue for stETH, it may be the case that a sell pressure on frxETH tanks the price down, or a buy pressure raises the prices above the expected limit (see charts here Especially with just a margin of 0.1%, as this represents a difference of just 0.001 ETH per unit.

It could also be the case that the protocol behind frxETH fails or gets compromised. If this happens then it is highly likely the price will fall as people will start exiting their position. As the SfrxEth withdraw() functions depends on the ethPerDerivative() function to calculate slippage, this will effectively DoS users that want to exit their position using unstake(), and will also DoS protocol admins that need to call rebalanceToWeights() to remove the position on the protocol level.


Remove the 1:1 peg assumption. Regarding the price manipulation, remember that the Curve oracle price represents a moving average of the price. Alternatively, look for another TWAP price feed or introduce additional checks to guard against price manipulation attacks (see—tamper-resistance).

Submitted by adriro, also found by d3e4 and 0x52

Severity: Medium



The protocol team introduced Chainlink price feeds for the Reth and WstEth derivatives in order to mitigate price manipulation attacks.

These changes introduce new issues, as the Chainlink responses are not validated at all. This is the implementation for Reth:

function ethPerDerivative() public view returns (uint256) {
    (, int256 chainLinkRethEthPrice, , , ) = chainLinkRethEthFeed
    return uint256(chainLinkRethEthPrice);

In the case of the WstEth derivative, additionally, the implementation even sets the price to zero if it is negative:

function ethPerDerivative(uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 stPerWst = IWStETH(WST_ETH).getStETHByWstETH(10 ** 18);
    (, int256 chainLinkStEthEthPrice, , , ) = chainLinkStEthEthFeed
    if (chainLinkStEthEthPrice < 0) chainLinkStEthEthPrice = 0;
    uint256 ethPerWstEth = (stPerWst * uint256(chainLinkStEthEthPrice)) /
        10 ** 18;
    return ethPerWstEth;

Chainlink responses must be validated. The price may be invalid, the current round may not be finished, the response may be stale, among other issues. These outputs represent critical pieces in the protocol, as ethPerDerivative() is used in the stake() function to calculate the deposited amount, and also used to calculate slippage in the implementation of the derivative.

As a reference, these reports mention similar cases of missing validation in the Chainlink response:

The following report also mentions an important detail related to the freshness of the feed for stETH/ETH, as the heartbeat for this oracle is 24 hours, see . Note that also the rETH/ETH price feed has a 2% deviation threshold, see


Validate the Chainlink response arguments. See the following article for a good set of recommendations

toshiSat (Asymmetry) commented:


[Medium] Reappearance of M-02 in WstEth.withdraw()

Submitted by d3e4, also found by d3e4

Severity: Medium


The changes in WstEth.withdraw()( has introduced a new issue exactly parallel to the one present in SfrxEth.withdraw() which was reported in M-02: sFrxEth may revert on redeeming non-zero amount, i.e. WstEth.withdraw(_amount) may revert when _amount > 0. For why this is an issue please refer to M-02. The mitigation of M-02 was to enable/disable derivatives. See my mitigation review of M-02 for how that issue is not resolved and why I think the mitigation may be insufficient. What is said there equally apply, mutatis mutandis, to this new issue.

Proof of Concept

WstEth.withdraw() now begins

uint256 stEthAmount = IWStETH(WST_ETH).unwrap(_amount);
require(stEthAmount > 0, "No stETH to unwrap");

We therefore have the same problem as in M-02 if IWStETH(WST_ETH).unwrap(1) == 0. WstEth.unwrap() is

function unwrap(uint256 _wstETHAmount) external returns (uint256) {
    require(_wstETHAmount > 0, "wstETH: zero amount unwrap not allowed");
    uint256 stETHAmount = stETH.getPooledEthByShares(_wstETHAmount);
    _burn(msg.sender, _wstETHAmount);
    stETH.transfer(msg.sender, stETHAmount);
    return stETHAmount;

We then ask whether stETH.getPooledEthByShares(1) == 0. StETH.getPooledEthByShares() is:

function getPooledEthByShares(uint256 _sharesAmount) public view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 totalShares = _getTotalShares();
    if (totalShares == 0) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        return _sharesAmount

So just like in M-02, if _getTotalPooledEther() < totalShares then IWStETH(WST_ETH).unwrap(1) == 0 and WstEth.withdraw(1) reverts.

Replace require(stEthAmount > 0, "No stETH to unwrap"); with if (stEthAmount > 0) return;

toshiSat (Asymmetry) commented:

In our remove derivative pr, we never call withdraw for a derivative contract that’s disabled.

adriro (warden) commented:

I thought of this case given the very good finding in M-02 and concluded that is not a valid scenario, realistically there’s no way that a positive amount of wstETH unwraps as zero amount of stETH. I think a low severity would be more appropriate.

d3e4 (warden) commented:

In our remove derivative pr, we never call withdraw for a derivative contract that’s disabled.

See the MRs #15, #43 and #63 of M-02 for why disabling the derivative isn’t a full solution.

I thought of this case given the very good finding in M-02 and concluded that is not a valid scenario, realistically there’s no way that a positive amount of wstETH unwraps as zero amount of stETH. I think a low severity would be more appropriate.

I agree that it seems unlikely that IWStETH(WST_ETH).unwrap(1) == 0 but I cannot see that it would be impossible. It’s also easy enough to fix.

adriro (warden) commented:

I agree that it seems unlikely that IWStETH(WST_ETH).unwrap(1) == 0 but I cannot see that it would be impossible. It’s also easy enough to fix.

wstETH is a wrapper around stETH which is a rebasing token. If you wrap 1 token then that will be always be unwrapped as at least 1 stETH, because stETH being a rebasing token it will be receiving ETH from staking rewards. This means that:

  1. Minting stETH increases shares but also increases the ETH as the user needs to submit the ETH.
  2. When staking rewards are distributed in the contract ETH is only increased, not shares.

I can’t see how _getTotalPooledEther() < totalShares would hold.

Picodes (judge) commented:

@adriro - it is very unlikely but not impossible if for example staked ETH backing stETH are slashed, no? In this case _getTotalPooledEther would decrease.

adriro (warden) commented:

@adriro it is very unlikely but not impossible if for example staked ETH backing stETH are slashed, no? In this case _getTotalPooledEther would decrease.

That’s an interesting point!

I wasn’t referring to impossible (as something catastrophic may happen to Lido, in which case an admin action in SafEth would be more appropriate), but honestly I wasn’t considering slashing. That sounds a bit more likely.

I’m ok then, given this reasoning, thanks for pointing this out.

[Medium] Rounding loss in and with approxPrice()

Submitted by d3e4, also found by adriro

Severity: Medium>


SafEth.approxPrice()( contains a rounding loss of the form a/k + b/k <= (a + b)/k which can be refactored as follows:

for (uint256 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    if (!derivatives[i].enabled) continue;
    IDerivative derivative = derivatives[i].derivative;
    underlyingValue +=
-         (derivative.ethPerDerivative() * derivative.balance()) /
-         1e18;
+         (derivative.ethPerDerivative() * derivative.balance())
if (safEthTotalSupply == 0 || underlyingValue == 0) return 1e18;
- return (1e18 * underlyingValue) / safEthTotalSupply;
+ return underlyingValue / safEthTotalSupply;

But even with this refactoring, in stake() we have the line (
mintedAmount = (totalStakeValueEth * 1e18) / preDepositPrice;
where preDepositPrice = approxPrice(), so this suffers a rounding loss of the form a/(b/c) >= a*c/b.
We would want to refactor this line to
mintedAmount = (totalStakeValueEth * 1e18 * safEthTotalSupply) / underlyingValue;.

We have another case of a/k + b/k <= (a + b)/k in stake() (

for (uint256 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    uint256 derivativeReceivedEthValue = (derivative
        .ethPerDerivative() * depositAmount) / 1e18;
    totalStakeValueEth += derivativeReceivedEthValue;

So we can do the same here and defer the division by 1e18 to after the summation, which gives us

- mintedAmount = (totalStakeValueEth * 1e18 * safEthTotalSupply) / underlyingValue;
+ mintedAmount = (totalStakeValueEth * safEthTotalSupply) / underlyingValue;


Do the above refactoring in approxPrice(). This function is still needed to estimate _minOut.
Note that approxPrice() is calculated anew in the emitted event at the end of stake() ( This means that this was not the price paid for the stake just made, but the price to pay for the next stake. It seems more appropriate to emit the price just paid, and this would also save gas by just reusing the already calculated price.

As for stake(), the rounding loss would have to be eliminated by inlining the calculation. Note that the two for-loops may also be combined. Here is a complete refactoring:

function stake(
    uint256 _minOut
) external payable nonReentrant returns (uint256 mintedAmount) {
    require(!pauseStaking, "staking is paused");
    require(msg.value >= minAmount, "amount too low");
    require(msg.value <= maxAmount, "amount too high");
    require(totalWeight > 0, "total weight is zero");

    uint256 count = derivativeCount;
    uint256 underlyingValue = 0;
    uint256 totalStakeValueEth = 0; // total amount of derivatives staked by user in eth
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        IDerivative derivative = derivatives[i].derivative;
        if (!derivative.enabled) continue;

        underlyingValue += (derivative.ethPerDerivative() * derivative.balance()); // 36 decimals

        uint256 weight = derivatives[i].weight;
        if (weight == 0) continue;

        uint256 ethAmount = (msg.value * weight) / totalWeight;
        if (ethAmount > 0) {
            // This is slightly less than ethAmount because slippage
            uint256 depositAmount = derivative.deposit{value: ethAmount}();
            uint256 derivativeReceivedEthValue = (derivative
                .ethPerDerivative() * depositAmount);
            totalStakeValueEth += derivativeReceivedEthValue; // 36 decimals
    // mintedAmount represents a percentage of the total assets in the system
    uint256 safEthTotalSupply = totalSupply();
    mintedAmount = (safEthTotalSupply == 0 || underlyingValue == 0)
        ? totalStakeValueEth / 10 ** 18
        : totalStakeValueEth * safEthTotalSupply / underlyingValue;
    require(mintedAmount > _minOut, "mint amount less than minOut");

    _mint(msg.sender, mintedAmount);
    emit Staked(msg.sender, msg.value, totalStakeValueEth, approxPrice());

where, following the discussion above, the last part may be replaced with

uint256 preDepositPrice;
uint256 safEthTotalSupply = totalSupply();
if (safEthTotalSupply == 0 || underlyingValue == 0) {
    preDepositPrice = 1e18;
    mintedAmount = totalStakeValueEth / 10 ** 18;
} else {
    preDepositPrice = (underlyingValue / safEthTotalSupply) / 1e18;
    mintedAmount = totalStakeValueEth * safEthTotalSupply / underlyingValue;
require(mintedAmount > _minOut, "mint amount less than minOut");

_mint(msg.sender, mintedAmount);
emit Staked(msg.sender, msg.value, totalStakeValueEth, preDepositPrice);

toshiSat (Asymmetry) commented:

approxPrice isn’t used to show the price + we want the updated price after the stake in the event.

adriro (warden) commented:

This is correct. I added this case in the MR for M-01, which originally talked about “division before multiplication” issues:

[Medium] Mitigation of M-08: Mitigation Error

Submitted by adriro

Severity: Medium

Link to Issue:


First, there is a clear error in the associated description of mitigation: “Use Chainlink to get rETH”. Using Chainlink to obtain the price of Reth has nothing to do with the described issue in M-08.

The issue in M-08 is about a potential timelock that is applied to Reth transfers or burn. Currently this timelock is zero, but if this is eventually reintroduced it will cause a DoS in the protocol as new deposits in the Reth derivative will block unstaking or weight rebalances.

The proposed changeset mitigates the issue, as the Reth deposit implementation is changed to acquire Reth only by swapping it using the Uniswap V3 pool.

However, another related changeset that modifies the deposit() function reintroduces the vulnerability.

Technical Details

The following pull request is used as a mitigation for M-04. In this changeset, the protocol team removed the Uniswap V3 pool in favor of using RocketSwapRouter.sol.

As we can see in the implementation of the swapTo() function, the router may eventually end up depositing a portion of the amount via Rocket Pool:

114:  depositPoolDeposit(depositPool, toDepositPool, msg.sender);

This reintroduces the deposit using the RocketDepositPool contract, which effectively reintroduces the original issue.


Unfortunately, there is no easy way to opt-out from using RocketDepositPool in RocketSwapRouter.sol. A hacky way would be to ensure that the protocol mint rate is below the idealTokensOut variable, so that toDepositPool is always zero, and the deposits are bypassed.

As an alternative, if the intention is to only use Balancer, the balancerSwap() function can be extracted out from RocketSwapRouter.sol and used directly as the implementation of the deposit() function in the Reth derivative.

elmutt (Asymmetry) commented:

Known issue. Thanks.

[Medium] Mitigation of M-10: Mitigation Error

Submitted by adriro, also reviewed by d3e4

Severity: Medium

Link to Issue:


Even though the protocol team applied the warden’s recommendation in M-10, the feature to enable/disable derivatives added as a mitigation for H-03/M-02/M-05 potentially reintroduces the issue.

Technical details

The following pull request adds a feature to enable or disable derivatives. As a result of this change, it is now possible to have at least one derivative, such that derivativeCount > 0, but have that derivative disabled.

Given this scenario, the added check in will succeed, while the deposit in the for-loop will be skipped as the derivative is disabled here

This effectively reintroduces the conditions for the original issue described in M-10.


The check should only consider enabled derivatives. Alternatively the check could be done using the totalWeight variable, as this variable considers only enabled derivatives, and will be zero if all derivatives are disabled.

elmutt (Asymmetry) commented:

We consider this edge case acceptable in order to keep code changes to a minimum.

d3e4 (warden) commented:

The suggested check using totalWeight has indeed been implemented. See #38.

adriro (warden) commented:

The suggested check using totalWeight has indeed been implemented. See #38.

I think that change should be out of scope as it is not part of the pull requests in scope. Need to double check though.

adriro (warden) commented:

Yes, that change is part of the following commit, which isn’t part of PR #208 or #264.

[Medium] Hard slippage in Reth.withdraw()

Submitted by d3e4, also reviewed by adriro

Severity: Medium


A hard slippage has been introduced in Reth.withdraw() ( This is a new occurrence of part of M-12 (not the main report, but e.g. this duplicate), namely that the slippage can be changed only by the owner, which under volatile market conditions or a depegging may be violated and thus DoS unstaking.

Note that the aspect of this issue that a user may lose funds because of an undesirable slippage which he cannot change has been fixed by the mitigation of M-12. The aspect detailed here, however, has not been fixed, and this is a new occurrence of the same type.


Remove all slippage control from the derivatives and control slippage only in SafEth.unstake() and SafEth.unstake() with the new _minOut which was put in place in the (unsuccessful) mitigation of M-12. Note that this is the same fix as for what remains to fix in M-12.

elmutt (Asymmetry) commented via duplicate issue #57:

Your issue makes sense but we are ok with having slippage in the derivatives as well as the main contract.

Mitigation of H-06: Issue not mitigated

Submitted by adriro, also reviewed by 0x52

Link to Issue:


Issue H-06 describes the potential problems of assuming a peg of stETH to ETH. The sponsor proposed a mitigation to fetch the price of stETH using a Chainlink price feed.

While the main idea of using Chainlink as the price oracle instead of assuming a 1:1 peg is ok, there is an error in the mitigation as the change misses a critical place where the peg is still assumed. This error is described below.

There is also new issue introduced with the usage of Chainlink, which is described in a separate report (issue 60).

Technical Details

The proposed pull request changes the implementation of the ethPerDerivative() function to fetch the stETH price using Chainlink. However, as we can see in the following snippet, the withdraw() function is still assuming a peg of stETH to ETH:

function withdraw(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {
    uint256 stEthBal = IERC20(STETH_TOKEN).balanceOf(address(this));
    IERC20(STETH_TOKEN).approve(LIDO_CRV_POOL, stEthBal);
    uint256 minOut = (stEthBal * (10 ** 18 - maxSlippage)) / 10 ** 18;
    IStEthEthPool(LIDO_CRV_POOL).exchange(1, 0, stEthBal, minOut);
    // solhint-disable-next-line
    (bool sent, ) = address(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}(
    require(sent, "Failed to send Ether");

The calculation of minOut is applying the slippage directly to the stEthBal variable, which is the stETH amount. This means that this calculation is assuming a 1:1 peg (see original report in H-06 for a more detailed explanation).


High. The conditions in the original report for H-06 still apply. If stETH trades below the defined slippage, the withdraw() will revert as the minOut will always be above the current price, DoSing the protocol.


The calculation for minOut should take into account the current price of stETH, which can now be fetched using ethPerDerivative().

elmutt (Asymmetry) commented:


Mitigation of M-01: Issue not mitigated

Submitted by d3e4, also reviewed by adriro

Mitigated issue

M-01: Division before multiplication truncate minOut and incurs heavy precision loss and result in insufficient slippage protection

The issue was a loss of precision of three different kinds.

  1. (a/b)*c <= a*c/b in the slippage calculations in Reth.withdraw(), Reth.deposit() and SfrxEth.withdraw().
  2. a/k + b/k <= (a + b)/k in the calculations of underlyingValue, totalStakeValueEth in SafEth.stake().
  3. a/(b/c) >= a*c/b in the calculation of mintAmount in SafEth.stake().

Mitigation review

The instances of (1) in Reth.withdraw() and SfrxEth.withdraw() have been correctly refactored.
But Reth.deposit() is now:

uint256 rethPerEth = (1e36) / ethPerDerivative();
uint256 minOut = ((rethPerEth * msg.value) * (1e18 - maxSlippage)) / 1e36;
uint256 idealOut = (rethPerEth * msg.value) / 1e18;

minOut is still of the form (a/b)*c. It should be refactored to

uint256 minOut = (msg.value * (1e18 - maxSlippage)) / ethPerDerivative();

idealOut may then be refactored to

uint256 idealOut = (1e18 * msg.value) / ethPerDerivative();

(which has the same precision.)

All of (2) and (3) remain unaltered however. This duplicate of M-01 provides an explicit refactoring of stake() which solves them. However, because of the introduction of SafEth.approxPrice() ( this refactoring will have to be reworked. Technically, this is an entirely new issue, which is why this is reported in detail in “Rounding loss in and with approxPrice()“.

Mitigation of M-02: Issue not mitigated

Submitted by adriro, also reviewed by d3e4 and 0x52

Link to Issue:


Issue M-02 describes an edge case in which the SfrxEth derivative may revert under an scenario where the calculation of the redeem amount in the sfrxETH vault is zero, causing a potential DoS in the protocol.

The proposed fix by the sponsor is to use the derivative enable/disable feature, probably with the intention of disabling the SfrxEth in case the issue is manifested. I don’t think this fully mitigates the issue for at least two major reasons, which are described below.

Technical Details

The reasoning for the issue in the original report is that if the derivative weight has been set to 0, then a series of staking/unstaking actions could dilute the amount for the SftxEth derivative and eventually lead to the withdraw() being called with 1.

The proposed mitigation misses a very important detail, which is that the disable feature operates on a global level. While the issue may be experienced by a few users that triggered the particular conditions for this to happen, other users may still have a normal or significant amount of funds in the derivative. The protocol cannot simply disable the derivative just to address the problem of a few, doing so may also lock funds for other users of the protocol.

It should be also noted that the described scenario in the original issue does not represent the only case which may trigger the issue. Any situation where the calculated redeem amount is low enough to be converted to zero assets given the required conditions (total assets and total shares) in the sfrxETH vault will trigger the issue. As a quick example, the following test reproduces the case where the user has a low number of SafEth tokens, note that here the weight of the derivative isn’t set to zero:

// Test for mitigation contest. MR-M-02
function test_SafEth_SfrxRedeemDos() public {
    address sfrxEthVault = sfrxEth.SFRX_ETH_ADDRESS();
    uint256 totalShares = ISfrxEthVault(sfrxEthVault).totalSupply();

    // Ensure assets is below shares to match conditions in original issue, bytes32(uint256(7)), bytes32(totalShares - 100e18));

    // Setup derivative
    safEth.addDerivative(address(sfrxEth), 1);

    // user has 1 ether
    uint256 initialAmount = 1 ether;, initialAmount);

    // user stakes ether
    safEth.stake{value: initialAmount}();

    uint256 userShares = safEth.balanceOf(user);

    // user withdraws everything but 1 share
    safEth.unstake(userShares - 1);

    // Now user tries to withdraw the remaining share. This will fail on the redeem function due
    // to the same issue described in the original issue.

This also demonstrates that the proposed solution isn’t a proper mitigation. The protocol can’t shutdown a derivative if an individual user is faced with such conditions that trigger the issue.


Apply the recommendation proposed in the original report for M-02. Use the previewRedeem() function to check if the returned amount will be zero to skip the revert. This will address the issue at the individual level of a particular account, without dealing with other potential issues of disabling a derivative.

elmutt (Asymmetry) commented:

That makes sense. Thanks.

Mitigation of M-04: Issue not mitigated, there is still no way to set a deadline

Submitted by d3e4, also reviewed by adriro and 0x52

Mitigated issue

M-04: Lack of deadline for uniswap AMM

The issue was that the deposit for rETH via Uniswap didn’t include a deadline.

Mitigation review

Uniswap is no longer used. Instead RocketSwapRouter is used which swaps what cannot be deposited in the pool on either Uniswap or Balancer, according to provided weights. A 100% Balancer weight has been chosen, which sets the deadline to block.timestamp. (RocketSwapRouter sets the same deadline for Uniswap.)

elmutt (Asymmetry) commented:


Mitigation of M-05: Issue not mitigated

Submitted by adriro, also reviewed by d3e4 and 0x52

Link to Issue:


The issue describes missing checks associated with staking requirements for the WstEth and Reth derivative. The proposed mitigation is to introduce a disable mechanism so that derivatives can be eventually disabled and skipped. This change is too restrictive, fails to correctly address all different described scenarios and can potentially introduce other issues.

Technical Details

There are some requirements that don’t justify disabling the derivative in a global or permanent manner. For example, the issue mentions a daily staking limit for stETH which can be correctly mitigated by just shutting down the derivative.

Here is an itemized summary of the issues in this mitigation:

  • Reth derivative is mitigated in another changeset as the stake operation now goes through RocketSwapRouter.
  • The WstETH staking still suffers from the issues described in the original report, as disabling the whole derivative is not a proper solution to address a daily staking limit.
  • The staking pause in Lido is also problematic, as disabling the derivative will not only disable deposits but also withdrawals, causing locked funds (this new issue is expanded in detail in issue 61).
  • frxETH also has staking requirement. These are described in issue #763 (, which is a duplicate of the principal issue. Staking in FRAX can be eventually paused, which causes the same issue described in the previous item.
  • Associated new issues of disabling derivatives are described in issue 61.


In the case of stETH, if the limit is reached, a potential solution would be to swap the assets using a pool. For the pause issues in stETH and frxETH, see report [adriro-NEW-M-01].

elmutt (Asymmetry) commented:

Looking at this again. Thanks.

Mitigation of M-11: Issue not mitigated

Submitted by d3e4, also reviewed by adriro

Mitigated issue

M-11: Residual ETH unreachable and unuitilized in SafEth.sol

The issue was that the rounding losses from partitioning msg.value in stake() and rebalanceToWeights() was left irretrievably in the contract.

Mitigation review

Previously rebalanceToWeights() withdrew all staked funds and redeposited only the ether that the contract received. Now, it redeposits its entire balance. As such, the rounding losses still remain in the contract after a call to rebalanceToWeights(), but the next time it is called this dust will be redeposited. Thus, at least rebalanceToWeights() doesn’t gather dust (even though it’s “not going to be used often, if at all”).

The issue in stake() remains unmitigated per se. The dust generated there would of course also be picked up by rebalanceToWeights(), but since rebalanceToWeights() is “not going to be used often, if at all”, and causes a significant loss for the protocol (M-07), this issue cannot be considered mitigated.


Sweep the dust in stake() instead by adding the balance to msg.value. Or use the entire balance in unstake(). These functions will be called frequently and it doesn’t hurt to reward users with some dust.

Note that this would entail that this check ( in unstake() would have to be removed:

require(address(this).balance - ethBefore != 0, "Receive zero Ether");

See also the new issue titled Reappearance of M-02 in SafEth.unstake() for another reason this check should be removed.

elmutt (Asymmetry) commented:

Dust of this amount is acceptable to us.


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