Mute Switch - Versus contest
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Mute Switch smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between March 28—April 3 2023.


In Code4rena’s Invitational audits, the competition is limited to a small group of wardens; for this audit, 5 wardens contributed reports:

  1. 0xA5DF
  2. HollaDieWaldfee
  3. chaduke
  4. evan
  5. hansfriese

This audit was judged by Picodes.

Final report assembled by liveactionllama.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 12 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 3 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 9 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 5 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 3 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Mute Switch audit repository, and is composed of 3 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 535 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (3)

[H-01] Bond max-buyer might end up buying the max buy of the next epoch

Submitted by 0xA5DF, also found by hansfriese and HollaDieWaldfee

The MuteBond.deposit() function allows users to specify the amount of value they want to purchase bonds for or to set max_buy to true. If max_buy is set to true the amount specified in the value parameter is ignored and instead the maximum amount available for purchase in the current epoch is used. This can lead to a scenario where a user intends to purchase the remaining amount of current epoch, but till the tx is included in the blockchain a new epoch starts (either by an innocent user or by an attacker) and the user ends up buying the entire amount of the next epoch.


A. The user ends up buying a much higher amount than intended
B. The user ends up buying it for a lower price than intended (i.e. less payout for the buyer)

Proof of Concept

The PoC below shows how maxPurchaseAmount() increases when a new era starts.

File: test/bonds.ts

  it('Max buy PoC', async function () {

    // buy 99% of amount available for purchase in current epoch
    let maxValue = await bondContract.maxPurchaseAmount();
    let depositValue = maxValue.mul(99).div(100);
    await bondContract.connect(buyer1).deposit(depositValue, buyer1.address, false);
    // The amount available when the victim sends out the tx
    var expectedDeposit = await bondContract.maxPurchaseAmount()

    await bondContract.connect(buyer1).deposit('0', buyer1.address, true);

    // The amount available when the victims's tx is included in the blockchain
    var actualDeposit = await bondContract.maxPurchaseAmount();    

    // expected deposit = 1 wad
    // actual deposit = 100 wad
    console.log({expectedDeposit, actualDeposit});

The following snippet shows that when a user sets max_buy to true the value used is the maxPurchaseAmount()

        if(max_buy == true){
          value = maxPurchaseAmount();
          payout = maxDeposit();
        } else {

Require the user to specify the epoch number when doing a ‘max buy’, and revert if it doesn’t match the current epoch (it might be a good idea to refactor the code to 2 external functions for normal buy and max buy, where they both share an internal function to make the actual deposit).

Side note: this is similar to another bug I’ve reported regarding getting a lower price than expected, however the root cause, impact, and mitigation are different and therefore I’ve reported this separately.

mattt21 (Mute Switch) confirmed

[H-02] Attacker can front-run Bond buyer and make them buy it for a lower payout than expected

Submitted by 0xA5DF, also found by HollaDieWaldfee (1, 2) and chaduke (1, 2, 3)

The MuteBond contract contains a feature in which after each purchase the epochStart increases by 5% of the time passed since epochStart, this (in most cases) lowers the bond’s price (i.e. buyer gets less payout) for future purchases.

An attacker can exploit this feature to front-run a deposit/purchase tx and lower the victim’s payout.

This can also happen by innocent users purchasing before the victim’s tx is included in the blockchain.

Another (less likely) scenario in which this can happen is when the owner changes the config in a way that lowers the price (e.g. lowering max price, extending epoch duration), if the owner tx executes while a user’s deposit() tx is in the mempool the user would end up with less payout than intended.

Side note: the term ‘bond price’ might be confusing since it refers to the payout the buyer gets divided by the value the buyer pays, so a higher price is actually in favor of the buyer.


User ends up buying bond for a lower payout than intended.

Proof of Concept

In the PoC below, an attacker manages to make the buyer purchase a bond at a price lower by 32% than intended.

File: test/bonds.ts

  it('Front run PoC', async function () {
    // let price reach the max price
    await time.increase(60 * 60 * 24 * 7)

    // price when victim sends out the tx to the mempool
    var expectedPrice = await bondContract.bondPrice()

    const startPrice = new BigNumber(100).times(Math.pow(10,18))
    let minPurchasePayout = new BigNumber(Math.pow(10,16));
    // using dynamic price didn't work out so I'm using the lowest price
    var minPurchaseValue = minPurchasePayout.times(1e18).div(startPrice).plus(1);

    // attacker buys the lowest amount 20 times
    for(let i = 0; i< 20; i++){
      await bondContract.connect(buyer1).deposit(minPurchaseValue.toFixed(), buyer1.address, false)

    var init_dmute = await dMuteToken.GetUnderlyingTokens(buyer1.address)
    let depositValue = new BigNumber(10).times(Math.pow(10,18)).toFixed();
    var price = await bondContract.connect(buyer1).deposit(depositValue, buyer1.address, false)
    var post_dmute = await dMuteToken.GetUnderlyingTokens(buyer1.address)

    var dmute_diff = new BigNumber(post_dmute.toString()).minus(init_dmute.toString());
    var actualPrice = dmute_diff.times(1e18).div(depositValue);

    var receipt = (await price.wait())
    // compare the expected price with the actual price
    // expected price = 200; actual price = 135.8; meaning actual price is ~68% of expected price
    console.log({expectedPrice, actualPrice:actualPrice.toString()});

Add a min payout parameter so that users can specify the expected payout. The tx should revert if the actual payout is lower than expected.

mattt21 (Mute Switch) confirmed

[H-03] dMute.sol: Attacker can push lock items to victim’s array such that redemptions are forever blocked

Submitted by HollaDieWaldfee, also found by evan and chaduke

This report deals with how an attacker can abuse the fact that he can lock MUTE tokens for any other user and thereby push items to the array of UserLockInfo structs of the user.

There are two functions in the dMute contract that iterate over all items in this array (RedeemTo and GetUnderlyingTokens).

Thereby if the attacker pushes sufficient items to the array of a user, he can make the above two functions revert since they require more Gas than the Block Gas Limit.

According to the zkSync documentation the block gas limit is currently 12.5 million (Link).

The attack is of “High” impact for the RedeemTo function since this function needs to succeed in order for the user to redeem his MUTE tokens.

The user might have a lot of MUTE tokens locked and the attacker can make it such that they can never be redeemed. The attacker cannot gain a profit from this attack, i.e. he cannot steal anything, but due to the possibility of this attack users will not lock their tokens, especially not a lot of them.

This is all the more severe because the MuteBond and MuteAmplifier contracts also rely on the locking functionality so those upstream features can also not be used securely.

In the Mitigation section I will show how the GetUnderlyingTokens function can be made to run in $O(1)$ time instead of $O(lock:array:length)$.

The RedeemTo function can be made to run in $O(indexes:array:length)$ instead of $O(lock:array:length)$. The length of the indexes array is determined by the user and simply tells how many locked items to redeem. So there is no possibility of DOS.

Proof of Concept

Note: a redemption costs ~7 million Gas when 1000 items are locked. So when running on the zkSync network even 2000 items should be enough. The hardhat tests use a local Ethereum network instead of a fork of zkSync so in order to hit 30 million Gas (which is the Ethereum block gas limit) we need to add more items to the queue.

You can add the following test to the dao.ts test file:

it('Lock DOS', async function () {
    var tx = await muteToken.approve(dMuteToken.address, MaxUint256)

    let lock_time_week = new BigNumber(60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
    let max_lock = lock_time_week.times(52);

    let lock_amount = new BigNumber(1).times(Math.pow(10,2))

    // @audit fill up array
    for(let i=0;i<5000;i++) {
        tx = await dMuteToken.LockTo(lock_amount.toFixed(0), lock_time_week.toFixed(),owner.address)

    await time.increase(60 * 60 * 24 * 7)

    tx = await dMuteToken.Redeem([0])

It adds 5000 lock items to the array of the owner address. When the owner then tries to redeem even a single lock the transaction fails due to an out of gas error.

(Sometimes it reverts with TransactionExecutionError: Transaction ran out of gas error sometimes it reverts due to timeout. If you try a few times it should revert with the out of gas error.)

The amount of MUTE tokens that the attacker loses to execute this attack is negligible. As you can see in the test 100 Wei * 5000 = 500,000 Wei is sufficient (There needs to be some amount of MUTE such that the LockTo function does not revert). The only real cost comes down to Gas costs which are cheap on zkSync.

Tools Used


First for the GetUnderlyingTokens function: The contract should keep track of underlying token amounts for each user in a mapping that is updated with every lock / redeem call. The GetUnderlyingTokens function then simply needs to return the value from this mapping.

Secondly, fixing the issue with the RedeemTo function is a bit harder. I discussed this with the sponsor and I have been told they don’t want this function to require an already sorted lock_index array as parameter. So the lock_index array can contain indexes in random order.

This means it must be sorted internally. Depending on the expected length of the lock_index array different sorting algorithms may be used. I recommend to use an algorithm like quick sort to allow for many indexes to be specified at once.

I will use a placeholder for the sorting algorithm for now so the sponsor may decide which one to use.

The proposed fixes for both functions are then like this:

diff --git a/contracts/dao/dMute.sol b/contracts/dao/dMute.sol
index 59f95b7..11d21fb 100644
--- a/contracts/dao/dMute.sol
+++ b/contracts/dao/dMute.sol
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ contract dMute is dSoulBound {
     mapping(address => UserLockInfo[]) public _userLocks;
+    mapping(address => uint256) public _amounts;
     uint private unlocked = 1;
@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ contract dMute is dSoulBound {
         _mint(to, tokens_to_mint);
         _userLocks[to].push(UserLockInfo(_amount, block.timestamp.add(_lock_time), tokens_to_mint));
+        _amounts[to] = _amounts[to] + _amount;
         emit LockEvent(to, _amount, tokens_to_mint, _lock_time);
@@ -91,8 +93,14 @@ contract dMute is dSoulBound {
         uint256 total_to_redeem = 0;
         uint256 total_to_burn = 0;
-        for(uint256 i; i < lock_index.length; i++){
-          uint256 index = lock_index[i];
+        ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //                                           //
+        // sort lock_index array in ascending order //
+        //                                          //
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////
+        for(uint256 i = lock_index.length; i > 0; i--){
+          uint256 index = lock_index[i - 1];
           UserLockInfo memory lock_info = _userLocks[msg.sender][index];
           require(block.timestamp >= lock_info.time, "dMute::Redeem: INSUFFICIENT_LOCK_TIME");
@@ -102,23 +110,14 @@ contract dMute is dSoulBound {
           total_to_redeem = total_to_redeem.add(lock_info.amount);
           total_to_burn = total_to_burn.add(lock_info.tokens_minted);
-          _userLocks[msg.sender][index] = UserLockInfo(0,0,0);
+          _userLocks[msg.sender][index] = _userLocks[msg.sender][_userLocks[msg.sender].length - 1];
+          _userLocks[msg.sender].pop();
         require(total_to_redeem > 0, "dMute::Lock: INSUFFICIENT_REDEEM_AMOUNT");
         require(total_to_burn > 0, "dMute::Lock: INSUFFICIENT_BURN_AMOUNT");
-        for(uint256 i = _userLocks[msg.sender].length; i > 0; i--){
-          UserLockInfo memory lock_info = _userLocks[msg.sender][i - 1];
-          // recently redeemed lock, destroy it
-          if(lock_info.time == 0){
-            _userLocks[msg.sender][i - 1] = _userLocks[msg.sender][_userLocks[msg.sender].length - 1];
-            _userLocks[msg.sender].pop();
-          }
-        }
+        _amounts[msg.sender] = _amounts[msg.sender] + total_to_redeem;
         //redeem tokens to user
         IERC20(MuteToken).transfer(to, total_to_redeem);
         //burn dMute
@@ -133,8 +132,6 @@ contract dMute is dSoulBound {
     function GetUnderlyingTokens(address account) public view returns(uint256 amount) {
-        for(uint256 i; i < _userLocks[account].length; i++){
-          amount = amount.add(_userLocks[account][i].amount);
-        }
+        return _amounts[account];

Picodes (judge) commented:

At first read, it looks like a great finding considering the project will be on zkSync.

mattt21 (Mute Switch) confirmed

Medium Risk Findings (9)

[M-01] Award is still distributed when there aren’t any stakers, allowing users to get reward without staking

Submitted by evan, also found by HollaDieWaldfee

Consider the update modifier for the amplifier.

modifier update() {
        if (_mostRecentValueCalcTime == 0) {
            _mostRecentValueCalcTime = firstStakeTime;

        uint256 totalCurrentStake = totalStake();

        if (totalCurrentStake > 0 && _mostRecentValueCalcTime < endTime) {
            uint256 value = 0;
            uint256 sinceLastCalc = block.timestamp.sub(_mostRecentValueCalcTime);
            uint256 perSecondReward = totalRewards.div(endTime.sub(firstStakeTime));

            if (block.timestamp < endTime) {
                value = sinceLastCalc.mul(perSecondReward);
            } else {
                uint256 sinceEndTime = block.timestamp.sub(endTime);
                value = (sinceLastCalc.sub(sinceEndTime)).mul(perSecondReward);

            _totalWeight = _totalWeight.add(value.mul(10**18).div(totalCurrentStake));

            _mostRecentValueCalcTime = block.timestamp;

            (uint fee0, uint fee1) = IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).claimFees();

            _totalWeightFee0 = _totalWeightFee0.add(fee0.mul(10**18).div(totalCurrentStake));
            _totalWeightFee1 = _totalWeightFee1.add(fee1.mul(10**18).div(totalCurrentStake));

            totalFees0 = totalFees0.add(fee0);
            totalFees1 = totalFees1.add(fee1);


Suppose there’s been a period with totalCurrentStake = 0, and a user stakes and immediately withdraws in the same transaction.

When the user stakes, update doesn’t do anything (including updating _mostRecentValueCalcTime) since totalCurrentStake = 0, and _userWeighted[account] gets set to _totalWeight (which hasn’t been updated) in the stake function.

function _stake(uint256 lpTokenIn, address account) private {
        _userWeighted[account] = _totalWeight;

When the user withdraws, totalCurrentStake is no longer zero. Since _mostRecentValueCalcTime wasn’t updated when the user staked (since totalCurrentStake was 0), the reward from the period with no stakers gets added to _totalWeight.

uint256 sinceLastCalc = block.timestamp.sub(_mostRecentValueCalcTime);
value = sinceLastCalc.mul(perSecondReward);
_totalWeight = _totalWeight.add(value.mul(10**18).div(totalCurrentStake));
(These are lines in the update modifier)

As a result, this user who staked and immediately withdrew, got all the reward from the period with no stakers. See the reward calculation:

function _applyReward(address account) private returns (uint256 lpTokenOut, uint256 reward, uint256 remainder, uint256 fee0, uint256 fee1) {
        reward = lpTokenOut.mul(_totalWeight.sub(_userWeighted[account])).div(calculateMultiplier(account, true));

Observe that the exploit condition is met as soon as the staking period starts (as long as nobody stakes immediately). The code attempts to prevent this situation setting _mostRecentValueCalcTime to firstStakeTime the first time that update is invoked (which must be a stake call).

if (_mostRecentValueCalcTime == 0) {
            _mostRecentValueCalcTime = firstStakeTime;

However, this doesn’t do anything since the user can first set the firstStakeTime by staking as soon as the staking period starts, and then make totalCurrentStake 0 by immediately withdrawing. In fact, observe that this takes away from other staker’s rewards since perSecondReward is now lower.
uint256 perSecondReward = totalRewards.div(endTime.sub(firstStakeTime));

Please add the following test to the “advance to start time” context in amplifier.ts (add it here), and run with npm run test-amplifier.

it("get reward without staking", async function () {
        await this.lpToken.transfer(this.staker1.address, staker1Initial.toFixed(), {from: this.owner.address});
        await this.lpToken.connect(this.staker1).approve(
        console.log("dmute balance before: " + await this.dMuteToken.balanceOf(this.staker1.address))
        await this.amplifier.connect(this.staker1).stake(1);
        await this.amplifier.connect(this.staker1).withdraw();
        await time.increaseTo(staking_end-10);
        await this.amplifier.connect(this.staker1).stake(1);
        await this.amplifier.connect(this.staker1).withdraw();
        console.log("dmute balance after: " + await this.dMuteToken.balanceOf(this.staker1.address))

      it("get reward with staking", async function () {
        await this.lpToken.transfer(this.staker1.address, staker1Initial.toFixed(), {from: this.owner.address});
        await this.lpToken.connect(this.staker1).approve(
        console.log("dmute balance before: " + await this.dMuteToken.balanceOf(this.staker1.address))
        await this.amplifier.connect(this.staker1).stake(1);
        //await this.amplifier.connect(this.staker1).withdraw();
        await time.increaseTo(staking_end-10);
        //await this.amplifier.connect(this.staker1).stake(1);
        await this.amplifier.connect(this.staker1).withdraw();
        console.log("dmute balance after: " + await this.dMuteToken.balanceOf(this.staker1.address))

Result on my side:

advance to start time
        ✓ reverts without tokens approved for staking
dmute balance before: 0
dmute balance after: 576922930658129099273
        ✓ get reward without staking
dmute balance before: 0
dmute balance after: 576922912276064160247
        ✓ get reward with staking

This POC is a bit on the extreme side to get the point across. In the first test, the user stakes and then immediately unstakes, while in the second test, the user stakes for the entire period. In the end, the user gets roughly the same amount of reward.


After periods with no stakers, users can get reward without staking. This is also possible at the beginning of the staking period, and doing so then will reduce the reward for other users in the process.

Tools Used

Manual review, Hardhat

Possible solution 1: set a minimum duration that a user must stake for (prevent them from staking and immediately withdrawing)

Possible solution 2: always update _mostRecentValueCalcTime (regardless totalCurrentStake). i.e. move the following line out of the if statement.

Keep in mind that with solution 2, no one gets the rewards in periods with no stakers - this means that the rescueTokens function needs to be updated to get retrieve these rewards.

mattt21 (Mute Switch) confirmed, but disagreed with severity

evan (warden) commented:

Can the sponsor explain why they disagree with the severity?

Picodes (judge) commented:

The issue is valid in my opinion. The desired behavior from this line seems to be that rewards not distributed because there is no stakers are added to the rewards per seconds distributed when there are some. The fact that the first next staker could take all pending rewards is a bug.

Another mitigation could be to reset firstStakeTime and replicate the initial behavior if at some point totalStake() goes back to 0.

Picodes (judge) commented:

In the absence of comment from the sponsor, I’ll keep Medium severity, considering it isn’t the desired behavior.

[M-02] A user can ‘borrow’ dMute balance for a single block to increase their amplifier APY

Submitted by 0xA5DF

The amplifier’s APY is calculated based on the user’s dMute balance (delegation balance to be more accurate) - the more dMute the user holds the higher APY they get.

However, the contract only checks the user’s dMute balance at staking, the user doesn’t have to hold that balance at any time but at the staking block.

This let’s the user bribe somebody to delegate them their dMute for a single block and stake at the same time.

Since the balance checked is the delegation balance (getPriorVotes) this even makes it easier - since the ‘lender’ doesn’t even need to trust the ‘borrower’ to return the funds, all the ‘lender’ can cancel the delegation on their own on the next block.

The lender can also create a smart contract to automate and decentralize this ‘service’.


Users can get a share of the rewards that are supposed to incentivize them to hold dMute without actually holding them.

In other words, the same dMute tokens can be used to increase simultaneous staking of different users.

Proof of Concept

The following code shows that only a single block is being checked to calculate the accountDTokenValue at calculateMultiplier():

        if(staked_block != 0 && enforce)
          accountDTokenValue = IDMute(dToken).getPriorVotes(account, staked_block);
          accountDTokenValue = IDMute(dToken).getPriorVotes(account, block.number - 1);

The block checked when rewarding is the staked block, since enforce is true when applying reward:

        reward = lpTokenOut.mul(_totalWeight.sub(_userWeighted[account])).div(calculateMultiplier(account, true));

Make sure that the user holds the dMute for a longer time, one way to do it might be to sample a few random blocks between staking and current blocks and use the minimum balance as the user’s balance.

mattt21 (Mute Switch) disputed and commented:

dMute is a soulbound token that cannot be transferred. You can only receive it via burning mute for dmute with a minimum timelock for 7 days. This issue does not work as you cannot borrow dmute. You can borrow mute, and burn it for dmute, but you will be holding those dmute tokens for at least 7 days until you can redeem them back to mute.

Please look at how the dMute token functions.

0xA5DF (warden) commented:

Indeed, it can’t be transferred. However it can be delegated, and since the amplifier checks for the delegation balance I think this attack path is still valid.

Picodes (judge) commented:

@mattt21 - I do agree with @0xA5DF on this one. Unless I am missing something there is no restriction on delegations here, so the attack would work.

[M-03] MuteAmplifier.rescueTokens() checks the wrong condition for muteToken

Submitted by hansfriese, also found by evan

There will be 2 impacts.

  • The reward system would be broken as the rewards can be withdrawn before starting staking.
  • Some rewards would be locked inside the contract forever as it doesn’t check totalReclaimed

Proof of Concept

rescueTokens() checks the below condition to rescue muteToken.

else if (tokenToRescue == muteToken) {
    if (totalStakers > 0) {
        require(amount <= IERC20(muteToken).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(totalRewards.sub(totalClaimedRewards)),
            "MuteAmplifier::rescueTokens: that muteToken belongs to stakers"

But there are 2 problems.

  1. Currently, it doesn’t check anything when totalStakers == 0. So some parts(or 100%) of rewards can be withdrawn before the staking period. In this case, the reward system won’t work properly due to the lack of rewards.
  2. It checks the wrong condition when totalStakers > 0 as well. As we can see here, some remaining rewards are tracked using totalReclaimed and transferred to treasury directly. So we should consider this amount as well.

It should be modified like the below.

else if (tokenToRescue == muteToken) {
    if (totalStakers > 0) { //should check totalReclaimed as well
        require(amount <= IERC20(muteToken).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(totalRewards.sub(totalClaimedRewards).sub(totalReclaimed)),
            "MuteAmplifier::rescueTokens: that muteToken belongs to stakers"
    else if(block.timestamp <= endTime) { //no stakers but staking is still active, should maintain totalRewards
        require(amount <= IERC20(muteToken).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(totalRewards),
            "MuteAmplifier::rescueTokens: that muteToken belongs to stakers"

mattt21 (Mute Switch) confirmed

[M-04] An edge case in amplifier allows user to stake after end time, causing reward to be locked in the contract

Submitted by evan, also found by HollaDieWaldfee, hansfriese, and chaduke

Observe that if nobody has staked after the period has ended, it’s still possible for a single user to stake even though the period has ended.

        if (firstStakeTime == 0) {
            firstStakeTime = block.timestamp;
        } else {
            require(block.timestamp < endTime, "MuteAmplifier::stake: staking is over");

The staker can’t get any of the rewards because the update modifier won’t drip the rewards (since _mostRecentValueCalcTime = firstStakeTime >= endTime).

        if (_mostRecentValueCalcTime == 0) {
            _mostRecentValueCalcTime = firstStakeTime;

        uint256 totalCurrentStake = totalStake();

        if (totalCurrentStake > 0 && _mostRecentValueCalcTime < endTime) {

At the same time, the protocol can’t withdraw the rewards with rescueToken either since there is a staker, and no reward has been claimed yet (so the following check fails).

        else if (tokenToRescue == muteToken) {
            if (totalStakers > 0) {
                require(amount <= IERC20(muteToken).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(totalRewards.sub(totalClaimedRewards)),
                    "MuteAmplifier::rescueTokens: that muteToken belongs to stakers"


Suppose the staking period ends and nobody has staked. The admin would like to withdraw the rewards. A malicious user can front-run the rescueTokens call with a call to stake to lock all the rewards inside the contract indefinitely.

The require shouldn’t be inside the else block.

mattt21 (Mute Switch) confirmed

[M-05] MuteBond is susceptible to DOS

Submitted by evan, also found by HollaDieWaldfee (1, 2)

Observe that if timeToTokens is called with _lock_time = 1 week, _amount < 52, it will return 0.

function timeToTokens(uint256 _amount, uint256 _lock_time) internal pure returns (uint256){
        uint256 week_time = 1 weeks;
        uint256 max_lock = 52 weeks;

        require(_lock_time >= week_time, "dMute::Lock: INSUFFICIENT_TIME_PARAM");
        require(_lock_time <= max_lock, "dMute::Lock: INSUFFICIENT_TIME_PARAM");

        // amount * % of time locked up from min to max
        uint256 base_tokens = _amount.mul(_lock_time.mul(10**18).div(max_lock)).div(10**18);
        // apply % min max bonus
        //uint256 boosted_tokens = base_tokens.mul(lockBonus(lock_time)).div(10**18);

        return base_tokens;

This causes lockTo to revert.

 function LockTo(uint256 _amount, uint256 _lock_time, address to) public nonReentrant {
        require(IERC20(MuteToken).balanceOf(msg.sender) >= _amount, "dMute::Lock: INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE");

        //transfer tokens to this contract
        IERC20(MuteToken).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);

        // calculate dTokens to mint
        uint256 tokens_to_mint = timeToTokens(_amount, _lock_time);

        require(tokens_to_mint > 0, 'dMute::Lock: INSUFFICIENT_TOKENS_MINTED');

        _mint(to, tokens_to_mint);

        _userLocks[to].push(UserLockInfo(_amount, block.timestamp.add(_lock_time), tokens_to_mint));

        emit LockEvent(to, _amount, tokens_to_mint, _lock_time);

The deposit function of muteBond calls lockTo with _amount = payout.
IDMute(dMuteToken).LockTo(payout, bond_time_lock, _depositor);

Observe that regardless what the inputs are, payout <= maxDeposit() is always satisfied after the following code segment.

        uint payout = payoutFor( value );
        if(max_buy == true){
          value = maxPurchaseAmount();
          payout = maxDeposit();
        } else {
          // safety checks for custom purchase
          require( payout >= ((10**18) / 100), "Bond too small" ); // must be > 0.01 payout token ( underflow protection )
          require( payout <= maxPayout, "Bond too large"); // size protection because there is no slippage
          require( payout <= maxDeposit(), "Deposit too large"); // size protection because there is no slippage

So, if an attacker manipulates the muteBond to get maxDeposit() < 52, deposit will always fail.

Please add the following test case to bonds.ts and run it with npm run test-bond

Note that if the bond price is too high (> 52e18), then this won’t always be possible (because payout will change by bondPrice every time we increment/decrement value). So in my POC, I set the price range to be (1e18 - 2e18), which I believe are reasonable values as well.

it('Bond DOS', async function () {

    await bondContract.setStartPrice(new BigNumber(1).times(Math.pow(10,18)).toFixed())
    await bondContract.setMaxPrice(new BigNumber(2).times(Math.pow(10,18)).toFixed())
    await bondContract.setMaxPayout(new BigNumber(100).times(Math.pow(10,18)).toFixed())
    // ideally, the following line is what I had in mind
    // var val = new BigNumber((await bondContract.maxPurchaseAmount()).toString()).minus(1).toFixed()
    // but due to timing issues I couldn't get it to work (I'm not very familiar with hardhat)

    // so I just ran this to get the value for the next line
    // await time.increase(1)
    // console.log(await bondContract.maxPurchaseAmount());

    var val = new BigNumber("99998511926905849653").toFixed();
    console.log(await bondContract.maxDeposit())
    console.log(await bondContract.payoutFor(val))
    console.log(await bondContract.maxPayout())
    console.log((await bondContract.maxPurchaseAmount()))
    await bondContract.connect(buyer1).deposit(val, buyer1.address, false)

    console.log(await bondContract.maxDeposit())
    console.log(await bondContract.payoutFor(val))
    console.log(await bondContract.maxPayout())
    console.log((await bondContract.maxPurchaseAmount()))

    await expect(
      bondContract.connect(buyer1).deposit(1, buyer1.address, false)
    await expect(
      bondContract.connect(buyer1).deposit(1, buyer1.address, true)

    await expect(
      bondContract.connect(buyer1).deposit(new BigNumber(1).times(Math.pow(10,18)).toFixed(), buyer1.address, false)

    await expect(
      bondContract.connect(buyer1).deposit(new BigNumber(1).times(Math.pow(10,18)).toFixed(), buyer1.address, true)


This vulnerability causes deposit to fail indefinitely. That being said, the contract itself doesn’t seem to store funds, and it looks like there are ways for the admin to manually fix the DOS (e.g. deploy a new contract, set startPrice / maxPrice). So overall, I would say it warrants a medium severity.

Tools Used

Manual Review, Hardhat

Start a new epoch if maxDeposit() is smaller than a certain threshold.

mattt21 (Mute Switch) confirmed

[M-06] Amplifier users might not get all the LP fees they are entitled to

Submitted by evan

Observe that there is only one place that the amplifier is calling claimFees, and it’s inside an if statement of the update modifier, requiring _mostRecentValueCalcTime < endTime.

modifier update() {
        if (_mostRecentValueCalcTime == 0) {
            _mostRecentValueCalcTime = firstStakeTime;

        uint256 totalCurrentStake = totalStake();

        if (totalCurrentStake > 0 && _mostRecentValueCalcTime < endTime) {
            uint256 value = 0;
            uint256 sinceLastCalc = block.timestamp.sub(_mostRecentValueCalcTime);
            uint256 perSecondReward = totalRewards.div(endTime.sub(firstStakeTime));

            if (block.timestamp < endTime) {
                value = sinceLastCalc.mul(perSecondReward);
            } else {
                uint256 sinceEndTime = block.timestamp.sub(endTime);
                value = (sinceLastCalc.sub(sinceEndTime)).mul(perSecondReward);

            _totalWeight = _totalWeight.add(value.mul(10**18).div(totalCurrentStake));

            _mostRecentValueCalcTime = block.timestamp;

            (uint fee0, uint fee1) = IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).claimFees();

            _totalWeightFee0 = _totalWeightFee0.add(fee0.mul(10**18).div(totalCurrentStake));
            _totalWeightFee1 = _totalWeightFee1.add(fee1.mul(10**18).div(totalCurrentStake));

            totalFees0 = totalFees0.add(fee0);
            totalFees1 = totalFees1.add(fee1);


Consider the following situation. An user X has staked a large amount of LP tokens, and a user Y has staked a normal amount.

Y withdraws as soon as the staking period ends (block.timestamp > endTime), triggering the update modifier, which sets _mostRecentValueCalcTime = block.timestamp > endTime. Observe that after this point, the amplifier will never call claimFees again since _mostRecentValueCalcTime < endTime will forever be false.

Meanwhile, X forgot about it, and doesn’t withdraw until say 2 weeks after endTime. When X calls withdraw, X won’t get the LP fees for those 2 weeks. In fact, nobody will - they are trapped inside the mute switch pair forever since the amplifier won’t call claim.


Some LP fees can be trapped inside the mute switch pair when it should really be going to the amplifier users.

I believe it’s best to move the LP fee calculation out of the if statement.

mattt21 (Mute Switch) confirmed

[M-07] MuteAmplifier.sol: multiplier calculation is incorrect which leads to loss of rewards for almost all stakers

Submitted by HollaDieWaldfee

This report deals with how the calculation of the multiplier in the MuteAmplifier contract is not only different from how it is displayed in the documentation on the website but it is also different in a very important way.

The calculation on the website shows a linear relationship between the dMUTE / poolSize ratio and the APY. The dMUTE / poolSize ratio is also called the tokenRatio.

By “linear” I mean that when a user increases his tokenRatio from 0 to 0.1 this has the same effect as when increasing it from 0.9 to 1.

The implementation in the MuteAmplifier.calculateMultiplier function does not have this linear relationship between tokenRatio and APY.

An increase in the tokenRatio from 0 to 0.1 is worth much less than an increase from 0.9 to 1.

As we will see this means that all stakers that do not have a tokenRatio of exactly equal 0 or exactly equal 1 lose out on rewards that they should receive according to the documentation.

I estimate this to be of “High” severity because the issue affects nearly all stakers and results in a partial loss of rewards.

Proof of Concept

Let’s first look at the multiplier calculation from the documentation:



The example calculation shows that the amount that is added to $APY\_{base}$ (5%) is scaled linearly by the $\dfrac{user\_{dmute}}{pool\_{rewards}}$ ratio which I called tokenRatio above.

This means that when a user increases his tokenRatio from say 0 to 0.1 he gets the same additional reward as when he increases the tokenRatio from say 0.9 to 1.

Let’s now look at how the reward and thereby the multiplier is calculated in the code.

The first step is to calculate the multiplier which happens in the MuteAmplifier.calculateMultiplier function:


function calculateMultiplier(address account, bool enforce) public view returns (uint256) {
    require(account != address(0), "MuteAmplifier::calculateMultiplier: missing account");

    uint256 accountDTokenValue;

    // zkSync block.number = L1 batch number. This at times is the same for a few minutes. To avoid breaking the call to the dMute contract
    // we take the previous block into account
    uint256 staked_block =  _userStakedBlock[account] == block.number ? _userStakedBlock[account] - 1 : _userStakedBlock[account];

    if(staked_block != 0 && enforce)
        accountDTokenValue = IDMute(dToken).getPriorVotes(account, staked_block);
        accountDTokenValue = IDMute(dToken).getPriorVotes(account, block.number - 1);

    if(accountDTokenValue == 0){
        return _stakeDivisor;

    uint256 stakeDifference = _stakeDivisor.sub(10 ** 18);

    // ratio of dMute holdings to pool
    uint256 tokenRatio = accountDTokenValue.mul(10**18).div(totalRewards);

    stakeDifference = stakeDifference.mul(clamp_value(tokenRatio, 10**18)).div(10**18);

    return _stakeDivisor.sub(stakeDifference);

The multiplier that is returned is then used to calculate the reward:


reward = lpTokenOut.mul(_totalWeight.sub(_userWeighted[account])).div(calculateMultiplier(account, true));

Let’s write the formula in a more readable form:

$\dfrac{lpTokenOut * weightDifference}{stakeDivisor - tokenRatio * (stakeDivisor - 1)}$

$stakeDivisor$ can be any number $>=1$ and has the purpose of determining the percentage of rewards a user with $tokenRatio=0$ gets.

For the sake of this argument we can assume that all numbers except $tokenRatio$ are constant.

Let’s just say $stakeDivisor=2$ which means that a user with $tokenRatio=0§ would receive $\dfrac{1}{2}=50%$ of the maximum rewards.

Further let’s say that $lpTokenOut * weightDifference = 1$, so 100% of the possible rewards would be $1$.

We can then write the formula like this:

$\dfrac{1}{2 - tokenRatio}$

So let’s compare the calculation from the documentation with the calculation from the code by looking at a plot:



x-axis: tokenRatio
y-axis: percentage of maximum rewards

We can see that the green curve is non-linear and below the blue curve.

So the rewards as calculated in the code are too low.

Tools Used


I recommend to change the reward calculation to this:

$(lpTokenOut * weightDifference) * (percentage\_{min} + clamp(\dfrac{user\_{dmute}}{pool\_{rewards}},1) * (1 - percentage\_{min}))$

Instead of setting the stakeDivisor upon initialization, the percentageMin should be set which can be in the interval [0,1e18].


diff --git a/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol b/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
index 9c6fcb5..1c86f5c 100644
--- a/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
+++ b/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ contract MuteAmplifier is Ownable{
     uint256 private _mostRecentValueCalcTime; // latest update modifier timestamp
-    uint256 public _stakeDivisor; // divisor set in place for modification of reward boost
+    uint256 public _percentageMin; // minimum percentage set in place for modification of reward boost
     uint256 public management_fee; // lp withdrawal fee
     address public treasury; // address that receives the lp withdrawal fee
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ contract MuteAmplifier is Ownable{
      *  @param _mgmt_fee uint
      *  @param _treasury address
-    constructor (address _lpToken, address _muteToken, address _dToken, uint256 divisor, uint256 _mgmt_fee, address _treasury) {
-        require(divisor >= 10 ** 18, "MuteAmplifier: invalid _stakeDivisor");
+    constructor (address _lpToken, address _muteToken, address _dToken, uint256 percentageMin, uint256 _mgmt_fee, address _treasury) {
+        require(_percentageMin <= 10 ** 18, "MuteAmplifier: invalid _percentageMin");
         require(_lpToken != address(0), "MuteAmplifier: invalid lpToken");
         require(_muteToken != address(0), "MuteAmplifier: invalid muteToken");
         require(_dToken != address(0), "MuteAmplifier: invalid dToken");
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ contract MuteAmplifier is Ownable{
         lpToken = _lpToken;
         muteToken = _muteToken;
         dToken = _dToken;
-        _stakeDivisor = divisor;
+        _percentageMin = percentageMin;
         management_fee = _mgmt_fee; //bps 10k
         treasury = _treasury;
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ contract MuteAmplifier is Ownable{
         require(lpTokenOut > 0, "MuteAmplifier::_applyReward: no coins staked");
         // current rewards based on multiplier
-        reward = lpTokenOut.mul(_totalWeight.sub(_userWeighted[account])).div(calculateMultiplier(account, true));
+        reward = lpTokenOut.mul(_totalWeight.sub(_userWeighted[account])).div(10 ** 18).mul(calculateMultiplier(account, true)).div(10 ** 18);
         // max possible rewards
         remainder = lpTokenOut.mul(_totalWeight.sub(_userWeighted[account])).div(10**18);
         // calculate left over rewards
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ contract MuteAmplifier is Ownable{
             uint256 _totalWeightFee1Local = _totalWeightFee1.add(fee1.mul(10**18).div(totalCurrentStake));
             // current rewards based on multiplier
-            info.currentReward = totalUserStake(user).mul(totWeightLocal.sub(_userWeighted[user])).div(info.multiplier_last);
+            info.currentReward = totalUserStake(user).mul(totWeightLocal.sub(_userWeighted[user])).div(10 ** 18).mul(info.multiplier_last).div(10 ** 18);
             // add back any accumulated rewards
             info.currentReward = info.currentReward.add(_userAccumulated[user]);
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ contract MuteAmplifier is Ownable{
         } else {
           // current rewards based on multiplier
-          info.currentReward = totalUserStake(user).mul(_totalWeight.sub(_userWeighted[user])).div(info.multiplier_last);
+          info.currentReward = totalUserStake(user).mul(_totalWeight.sub(_userWeighted[user])).div(10 ** 18).mul(info.multiplier_last).div(10 ** 18);
           // add back any accumulated rewards
           info.currentReward = info.currentReward.add(_userAccumulated[user]);
@@ -485,17 +485,17 @@ contract MuteAmplifier is Ownable{
           accountDTokenValue = IDMute(dToken).getPriorVotes(account, block.number - 1);
         if(accountDTokenValue == 0){
-          return _stakeDivisor;
+          return _percentageMin;
-        uint256 stakeDifference = _stakeDivisor.sub(10 ** 18);
+        uint256 percentageDifference = (uint256(10 ** 18)).sub(_percentageMin);
         // ratio of dMute holdings to pool
         uint256 tokenRatio = accountDTokenValue.mul(10**18).div(totalRewards);
-        stakeDifference = stakeDifference.mul(clamp_value(tokenRatio, 10**18)).div(10**18);
+        uint256 additionalPercentage = percentageDifference.mul(clamp_value(tokenRatio, 10**18)).div(10**18);
-        return _stakeDivisor.sub(stakeDifference);
+        return _percentageMin.add(additionalPercentage);

mattt21 (Mute Switch) confirmed

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

This is a remarkable finding. However, I’ll downgrade it to medium as assets are not strictly speaking directly at risk (they can’t be stolen and the state of the system cannot be manipulated to grieve another user).

We could also argue that this is a case of “function incorrect as to spec” which is according to C4 doc of low severity.

Considering the importance of the finding, and especially the fact that it could lead to users receiving fewer rewards than they expected, I think Medium severity is appropriate.

[M-08] MuteAmplifier.sol: rescueTokens function does not prevent fee tokens from being transferred

Submitted by HollaDieWaldfee, also found by evan and hansfriese

The MuteAmplifier.rescueTokens function allows the owner to withdraw tokens that are not meant to be in this contract.

The contract does protect tokens that ARE meant to be in the contract by not allowing them to be transferred:


function rescueTokens(address tokenToRescue, address to, uint256 amount) external virtual onlyOwner nonReentrant {
    if (tokenToRescue == lpToken) {
        require(amount <= IERC20(lpToken).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(_totalStakeLpToken),
            "MuteAmplifier::rescueTokens: that Token-Eth belongs to stakers"
    } else if (tokenToRescue == muteToken) {
        if (totalStakers > 0) {
            require(amount <= IERC20(muteToken).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(totalRewards.sub(totalClaimedRewards)),
                "MuteAmplifier::rescueTokens: that muteToken belongs to stakers"

    IERC20(tokenToRescue).transfer(to, amount);

You can see that lpToken and muteToken cannot be transferred unless there is an excess amount beyond what is needed by the contract.

So stakers can be sure that not even the contract owner can mess with their stakes.

The issue is that lpToken and muteToken are not the only tokens that need to stay in the contract.

There is also the fee0 token and the fee1 token.

So what can happen is that the owner can withdraw fee0 or fee1 tokens and users cannot payout rewards or withdraw their stake because the transfer of fee0 / fee1 tokens reverts due to the missing balance.

Users can of course send fee0 / fee1 tokens to the contract to restore the balance. But this is not intended and certainly leaves the user worse off.

Proof of Concept

Assume that when an update occurs via the update modifier there is an amount of fee0 tokens claimed:


    modifier update() {
        if (_mostRecentValueCalcTime == 0) {
            _mostRecentValueCalcTime = firstStakeTime;

        uint256 totalCurrentStake = totalStake();

        if (totalCurrentStake > 0 && _mostRecentValueCalcTime < endTime) {
            uint256 value = 0;
            uint256 sinceLastCalc = block.timestamp.sub(_mostRecentValueCalcTime);
            uint256 perSecondReward = totalRewards.div(endTime.sub(firstStakeTime));

            if (block.timestamp < endTime) {
                value = sinceLastCalc.mul(perSecondReward);
            } else {
                uint256 sinceEndTime = block.timestamp.sub(endTime);
                value = (sinceLastCalc.sub(sinceEndTime)).mul(perSecondReward);

            _totalWeight = _totalWeight.add(value.mul(10**18).div(totalCurrentStake));

            _mostRecentValueCalcTime = block.timestamp;

            (uint fee0, uint fee1) = IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).claimFees();

            _totalWeightFee0 = _totalWeightFee0.add(fee0.mul(10**18).div(totalCurrentStake));
            _totalWeightFee1 = _totalWeightFee1.add(fee1.mul(10**18).div(totalCurrentStake));

            totalFees0 = totalFees0.add(fee0);
            totalFees1 = totalFees1.add(fee1);


We can see that _totalWeightFee0 is updated such that when a user’s rewards are calculated the fee0 tokens will be paid out to the user.

What happens now is that the owner calls rescueTokens which transfers the fee0 tokens out of the contract.

We can see that when the fee0 to be paid out to the user is calculated in the _applyReward function, the calculation is solely based on _totalWeightFee0 and does not take into account if the fee0 tokens still exist in the contract.


fee0 = lpTokenOut.mul(_totalWeightFee0.sub(_userWeightedFee0[account])).div(10**18);

So when the fee0 tokens are attempted to be transferred to the user that calls payout or withdraw, the transfer reverts due to insufficient balance.

Tools Used


The MuteAmplifier.rescueTokens function should check that only excess fee0 / fee1 tokens can be paid out. Such that tokens that will be paid out to stakers need to stay in the contract.


diff --git a/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol b/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
index 9c6fcb5..b154d81 100644
--- a/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
+++ b/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
@@ -188,6 +188,18 @@ contract MuteAmplifier is Ownable{
                     "MuteAmplifier::rescueTokens: that muteToken belongs to stakers"
+        } else if (tokenToRescue == address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token0())) {
+            if (totalStakers > 0) {
+                require(amount <= IERC20(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token0()).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(totalFees0.sub(totalClaimedFees0)),
+                    "MuteAmplifier::rescueTokens: that token belongs to stakers"
+                );
+            }
+        } else if (tokenToRescue == address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token1())) {
+            if (totalStakers > 0) {
+                require(amount <= IERC20(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token1()).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(totalFees1.sub(totalClaimedFees1)),
+                    "MuteAmplifier::rescueTokens: that token belongs to stakers"
+                );
+            }
         IERC20(tokenToRescue).transfer(to, amount);

The issue discussed in this report also ties in with the fact that the fee0 <= totalFees0 && fee1 <= totalFees1 check before transferring fee tokens always passes. It does not prevent the scenario that the sponsor wants to prevent which is when there are not enough fee tokens to be transferred the transfer should not block the function.

So in addition to the above changes I propose to add these changes as well:

diff --git a/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol b/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
index 9c6fcb5..39cd75b 100644
--- a/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
+++ b/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ contract MuteAmplifier is Ownable{
         // payout fee0 fee1
-        if ((fee0 > 0 || fee1 > 0) && fee0 <= totalFees0 && fee1 <= totalFees1) {
+        if ((fee0 > 0 || fee1 > 0) && fee0 < IERC20(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token0()).balanceOf(address(this)) && fee1 < IERC20(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token1()).balanceOf(address(this))) {
             address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token0()).safeTransfer(msg.sender, fee0);
             address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token1()).safeTransfer(msg.sender, fee1);
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ contract MuteAmplifier is Ownable{
         // payout fee0 fee1
-        if ((fee0 > 0 || fee1 > 0) && fee0 <= totalFees0 && fee1 <= totalFees1) {
+        if ((fee0 > 0 || fee1 > 0) && fee0 < IERC20(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token0()).balanceOf(address(this)) && fee1 < IERC20(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token1()).balanceOf(address(this))) {
             address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token0()).safeTransfer(msg.sender, fee0);
             address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token1()).safeTransfer(msg.sender, fee1);
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ contract MuteAmplifier is Ownable{
             // payout fee0 fee1
-            if ((fee0 > 0 || fee1 > 0) && fee0 <= totalFees0 && fee1 <= totalFees1) {
+            if ((fee0 > 0 || fee1 > 0) && fee0 < IERC20(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token0()).balanceOf(address(this)) && fee1 < IERC20(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token1()).balanceOf(address(this))) {
                 address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token0()).safeTransfer(account, fee0);
                 address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token1()).safeTransfer(account, fee1);

mattt21 (Mute Switch) confirmed

[M-09] MuteBond.sol: When maxPayout is lowered the contract can end up DOSed

Submitted by HollaDieWaldfee, also found by hansfriese, 0xA5DF, and chaduke

The maxPayout variable in the MuteBond contract specifies the amount of MUTE that is paid out in one epoch before the next epoch is entered.

The variable is initialized in the constructor and can then be changed via the setMaxPayout function.

The issue occurs when maxPayout is lowered.

So say maxPayout is currently 10,000 MUTE and the owner wants to reduce it to 5,000 MUTE.

Before this transaction to lower maxPayout is executed, another transaction might be executed which increases the current payout to > 5,000 MUTE.

This means that calls to MuteBond.deposit revert and no new epoch can be entered. Thereby the MuteBond contracts becomes unable to provide bonds.

The DOS is not permanent. The owner can increase maxPayout such that the current payout is smaller than maxPayout again and the contract will work as intended.

So the impact is a temporary DOS of the MuteBond contract.

The issue can be solved by requiring in the setMaxPayout function that maxPayout must be bigger than the payout in the current epoch.

Proof of Concept

Add the following test to the bonds.ts test file:

it('POC maxPayout below current payout causes DOS', async function () {
    // owner wants to set maxPayout to 9 * 10**18 
    // However a transaction is executed first that puts the payout in the current epoch above that value
    // all further deposits revert

    // make a payout
    await bondContract.connect(owner).deposit(new BigNumber(10).times(Math.pow(10,18)).toFixed(), owner.address, false)
    // set maxPayout below currentPayout
    await bondContract.connect(owner).setMaxPayout(new BigNumber(9).times(Math.pow(10,18)).toFixed())

    // deposit reverts due to underflow
    await bondContract.connect(owner).deposit("0", owner.address, true)

Tools Used


I recommend that the setMaxPayout function checks that maxPayout is set to a value bigger than the payout in the current epoch:

diff --git a/contracts/bonds/MuteBond.sol b/contracts/bonds/MuteBond.sol
index 96ee755..4af01d7 100644
--- a/contracts/bonds/MuteBond.sol
+++ b/contracts/bonds/MuteBond.sol
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ contract MuteBond {
     function setMaxPayout(uint _payout) external {
         require(msg.sender == customTreasury.owner());
+        require(_payout > terms[epoch].payoutTotal, "_payout too small");
         maxPayout = _payout;
         emit MaxPayoutChanged(_payout);

mattt21 (Mute Switch) confirmed via duplicate issue #35

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this audit, 5 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by HollaDieWaldfee received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: evan, 0xA5DF, hansfriese, and chaduke.


Risk Title File Instances
L‑01 Use fixed compiler version - 3
L‑02 RedeemEvent emits wrong to address dMute.sol 1
L‑03 Replicate price checks from constructor in setter functions MuteBond.sol 2
L‑04 Ownable: Does not implement 2-Step-Process for transferring ownership MuteAmplifier.sol 1
L‑05 Only allow rescuing MUTE rewards when endTime is reached MuteAmplifier.sol 1
L‑06 First user that stakes again after a period without stakers receives too many rewards MuteAmplifier.sol 1
L‑07 dripInfo function reverts when firstStakeTime >= endTime MuteAmplifier.sol 1
L‑08 dripInfo function does not calculate fee0 and fee1 in the else block MuteAmplifier.sol 1
L‑09 Check for each fee token individually that non-zero value is transferred MuteAmplifier.sol 1
N‑01 Remove require statements that are always true dMute.sol 2
N‑02 Remove SafeMath library - 3
N‑03 Event parameter names are messed up MuteBond.sol -
N‑04 Event is never emitted - 2
N‑05 Move payoutFor calculation into else block MuteBond.sol 1
N‑06 Remove redundant check in stake function MuteAmplifier.sol 1

[L-01] Use fixed compiler version

All in scope contracts use ^0.8.0 as compiler version.

They should use a fixed version, i.e. 0.8.12, to make sure the contracts are always compiled with the intended version.

[L-02] RedeemEvent emits wrong to address

In the dMute.RedeemTo function the RedeemEvent is emitted (Link).

It is defined as:

event RedeemEvent(address to, uint256 unlockedAmount, uint256 burnAmount);

So the first parameter should be the to address.

When the event is emitted the first parameter is msg.sender. The issue is that the to address and msg.sender can be different. So the event in some cases contains wrong information.


diff --git a/contracts/dao/dMute.sol b/contracts/dao/dMute.sol
index 59f95b7..98a65d5 100644
--- a/contracts/dao/dMute.sol
+++ b/contracts/dao/dMute.sol
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ contract dMute is dSoulBound {
         _burn(msg.sender, total_to_burn);
-        emit RedeemEvent(msg.sender, total_to_redeem, total_to_burn);
+        emit RedeemEvent(to, total_to_redeem, total_to_burn);
     function GetUserLockLength(address account) public view returns (uint256 amount) {

[L-03] Replicate price checks from constructor in setter functions

In the MuteBond constructor it is checked that maxPrice >= startPrice (Link).

These checks are not implemented in the setStartPrice and setMaxPrice setter functions.

It is recommended to add the check to both setter functions such that it is ensured the setter functions do not cause startPrice and maxPrice to be set to bad values.


diff --git a/contracts/bonds/MuteBond.sol b/contracts/bonds/MuteBond.sol
index 96ee755..49b87f9 100644
--- a/contracts/bonds/MuteBond.sol
+++ b/contracts/bonds/MuteBond.sol
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ contract MuteBond {
     function setMaxPrice(uint _price) external {
         require(msg.sender == customTreasury.owner());
+        require(_price >= startPrice, "starting price < min");
         maxPrice = _price;
         emit MaxPriceChanged(_price);
@@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ contract MuteBond {
     function setStartPrice(uint _price) external {
         require(msg.sender == customTreasury.owner());
+        require(maxPrice >= _price, "starting price < min");
         startPrice = _price;
         emit StartPriceChanged(_price);

[L-04] Ownable: Does not implement 2-Step-Process for transferring ownership

MuteAmplifier inherits from the Ownable contract.
This contract does not implement a 2-Step-Process for transferring ownership.
So ownership of the contract can easily be lost when making a mistake when transferring ownership.

Consider using the Ownable2Step contract from OZ ( instead.

[L-05] Only allow rescuing MUTE rewards when endTime is reached

The MuteAmplifier.rescueTokens function allows the owner to rescue any tokens from the contract.
In the case of MUTE it is checked if totalStakers > 0, i.e. if there are any stakers.
If there are stakers then only tokens in excess of rewards can be rescued.
If there are no stakers, all MUTE tokens can be rescued.
I argue that this behavior does not what is intended. The issue is that there might just temporarily be no stakers but the endTime is not reached yet. This means the contract should be able to payout rewards.

A user that stakes when there are no MUTE rewards (there must still be a small excess balance of MUTE, e.g. sent by an attacker with griefing intent, to pass this check in the stake function) must send MUTE to the contract in order to be able to withdraw again. Otherwise an amount of MUTE is attempted to be transferred that is not held in the contract.

Based on the limited privileges the owner has I don’t think the behavior described above is what is intended.

So I recommend that the rescueTokens function should not allow rescuing MUTE rewards within the startTime and endTime at all.


diff --git a/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol b/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
index 9c6fcb5..55ee81b 100644
--- a/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
+++ b/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ contract MuteAmplifier is Ownable{
                 "MuteAmplifier::rescueTokens: that Token-Eth belongs to stakers"
         } else if (tokenToRescue == muteToken) {
-            if (totalStakers > 0) {
+            if (block.timestamp >= startTime && startTime !=0 && block.timestamp < endTime) {
                 require(amount <= IERC20(muteToken).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(totalRewards.sub(totalClaimedRewards)),
                     "MuteAmplifier::rescueTokens: that muteToken belongs to stakers"

Note: I submitted a similar report that deals with rescuing fee tokens as “Medium” severity. I did this because in the case of rescuing fee tokens it affects EXISTING stakers. Here it affects only stakers that stake AFTER the tokens have been rescued.

[L-06] First user that stakes again after a period without stakers receives too many rewards

The MuteAmplifier contract pays out rewards on a per second basis.

Let’s assume there is only 1 staker which is Bob.

Say Bob calls stake at timestamp 0 and calls withdraw at timestamp 10. He receives rewards for 10 seconds of staking.

At timestsamp 30 Bob calls stake again (there were no stakers from timestamp 10 to timestamp 30).

If Bob calls withdraw at say timestamp 40, he receives not only rewards for the 10 seconds he has staked but for 30 seconds (timestamp 10 to timestamp 40).

This means that whenever there are temporarily no stakers, whoever first stakes again receives all the rewards from the previous period without stakers.

This is due to how the update modifier works.

When someone stakes and there were no other stakers, the if block is not entered and the _mostRecentValueCalcTime variable is not updated.

So when the update modifier is executed again the staker also receives the rewards from the period when there were no stakers.

I just want to make the sponsor aware of this behavior. The sponsor may decide that this is unintended and needs to change. I think this might even be a beneficial behavior because it incentivises users to stake if there are no stakers because they will get more rewards.

[L-07] dripInfo function reverts when firstStakeTime >= endTime

It is unlikely but possible that firstStakeTime >= endTime.

I suggest in issue 47 that staking should only occur when block.timestamp < endTime which would mitigate this issue as well. But for now this issue exists.

So when firstStakeTime >= endTime, the following line in the dripInfo function reverts:


info.perSecondReward = totalRewards.div(endTime.sub(firstStakeTime));

The current behavior can cause DOS issues in any components that make use of this function.

I recommend to either implement the changes in [L-05] or to implement the following:

diff --git a/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol b/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
index 9c6fcb5..415da7f 100644
--- a/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
+++ b/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
@@ -416,7 +416,11 @@ contract MuteAmplifier is Ownable{
     function dripInfo(address user) external view returns (DripInfo memory info) {
-        info.perSecondReward = totalRewards.div(endTime.sub(firstStakeTime));
+        if (endTime > firstStakeTime) {
+            info.perSecondReward = totalRewards.div(endTime.sub(firstStakeTime));
+        } else {
+            info.perSecondReward = 0;
+        }
         info.totalLP = _totalStakeLpToken;
         info.multiplier_current = calculateMultiplier(user, false);
         info.multiplier_last = calculateMultiplier(user, true);

[L-08] dripInfo function does not calculate fee0 and fee1 in the else block

In the else block, the MuteAmplifier.dripInfo function does not calculate the value for info.fee0 and info.fee1.


diff --git a/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol b/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
index 9c6fcb5..20974b8 100644
--- a/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
+++ b/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
@@ -455,6 +455,9 @@ contract MuteAmplifier is Ownable{
           info.currentReward = totalUserStake(user).mul(_totalWeight.sub(_userWeighted[user])).div(info.multiplier_last);
           // add back any accumulated rewards
           info.currentReward = info.currentReward.add(_userAccumulated[user]);
+          info.fee0 = totalUserStake(user).mul(_totalWeightFee0.sub(_userWeightedFee0[user])).div(10**18);
+          info.fee1 = totalUserStake(user).mul(_totalWeightFee1.sub(_userWeightedFee1[user])).div(10**18);

[L-09] Check for each fee token individually that non-zero value is transferred

The MuteAmplifier contract executes the following code when fee tokens are transferred:


if ((fee0 > 0 || fee1 > 0) && fee0 <= totalFees0 && fee1 <= totalFees1) {
    address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token0()).safeTransfer(msg.sender, fee0);
    address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token1()).safeTransfer(msg.sender, fee1);

So when one of the fee tokens has a value that is greater 0, both fee tokens are transferred. This means that it is possible for a transfer to occur with the zero value.

There exist tokens that revert on zero-value transfer. Also the upstream contract that transfers the fee tokens to the MuteAmplifier contract checks for each token individually that the amount is greater zero:


function claimFeesFor(address recipient, uint amount0, uint amount1) external {
    require(msg.sender == pair);
    if (amount0 > 0) _safeTransfer(token0, recipient, amount0);
    if (amount1 > 0) _safeTransfer(token1, recipient, amount1);

Therefore I recommend to check in the MuteAmplifier contract the value for each token individually as well.


diff --git a/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol b/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
index 9c6fcb5..42b4ec2 100644
--- a/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
+++ b/contracts/amplifier/MuteAmplifier.sol
@@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ contract MuteAmplifier is Ownable{
         // payout fee0 fee1
         if ((fee0 > 0 || fee1 > 0) && fee0 <= totalFees0 && fee1 <= totalFees1) {
-            address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token0()).safeTransfer(msg.sender, fee0);
-            address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token1()).safeTransfer(msg.sender, fee1);
+            if (fee0 > 0) address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token0()).safeTransfer(msg.sender, fee0);
+            if (fee1 > 0) address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token1()).safeTransfer(msg.sender, fee1);
             totalClaimedFees0 = totalClaimedFees0.add(fee0);
             totalClaimedFees1 = totalClaimedFees1.add(fee1);
@@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ contract MuteAmplifier is Ownable{
         // payout fee0 fee1
         if ((fee0 > 0 || fee1 > 0) && fee0 <= totalFees0 && fee1 <= totalFees1) {
-            address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token0()).safeTransfer(msg.sender, fee0);
-            address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token1()).safeTransfer(msg.sender, fee1);
+            if (fee0 > 0) address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token0()).safeTransfer(msg.sender, fee0);
+            if (fee1 > 0) address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token1()).safeTransfer(msg.sender, fee1);
             totalClaimedFees0 = totalClaimedFees0.add(fee0);
             totalClaimedFees1 = totalClaimedFees1.add(fee1);
@@ -332,8 +332,8 @@ contract MuteAmplifier is Ownable{
             // payout fee0 fee1
             if ((fee0 > 0 || fee1 > 0) && fee0 <= totalFees0 && fee1 <= totalFees1) {
-                address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token0()).safeTransfer(account, fee0);
-                address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token1()).safeTransfer(account, fee1);
+                if (fee0 > 0) address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token0()).safeTransfer(account, fee0);
+                if (fee1 > 0) address(IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).token1()).safeTransfer(account, fee1);
                 totalClaimedFees0 = totalClaimedFees0.add(fee0);
                 totalClaimedFees1 = totalClaimedFees1.add(fee1);

[N-01] Remove require statements that are always true

The following two require statements always pass:

lock_info.amount and lock_info.tokens_minted are of type uint256 so they cannot be < 0.

In fact the check that tokens_to_mint > 0 in the LockTo function even ensures that lock_info.amount and lock_info.tokens_minted are greater 0.

[N-02] Remove SafeMath library

All 3 in-scope contracts use the SafMath library for simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

This causes an unnecessary overhead since beginning from Solidity version 0.8.0 arithemtic operations revert by default on overflow / underflow.

By looking into the implementation of the SafeMath library you can also see that it is just a wrapper around the basic arithmatic operations and does not add any checks (at least for the functions used in the in-scope contracts) (Link).

[N-03] Event parameter names are messed up

In the MuteBond contract, the following events are defined:


event BondCreated(uint deposit, uint payout, address depositor, uint time);
event BondPriceChanged(uint internalPrice, uint debtRatio);
event MaxPriceChanged(uint _price);
event MaxPayoutChanged(uint _price);
event EpochDurationChanged(uint _payout);
event BondLockTimeChanged(uint _duration);
event StartPriceChanged(uint _lock);

Some of the parameter names do not accurately describe the variable that is actually emitted. E.g. for the EpochDurationChanged event, it is the new epoch duration that is emitted and not a _payout variable.

There is also an inconsistency with the MaxPayoutChanged and StartPriceChanged events. So I recommend to use more descriptive names in the event emissions for these 3 events.

[N-04] Event is never emitted

There are two events defined that are never emitted. They can be removed to make the code cleaner.

[N-05] Move payoutFor calculation into else block

In case the if block is entered, payout is calculated twice.

Therefore the payoutFor call can be moved into the else block to clean up the code and save a little bit of Gas.


diff --git a/contracts/bonds/MuteBond.sol b/contracts/bonds/MuteBond.sol
index 96ee755..b462992 100644
--- a/contracts/bonds/MuteBond.sol
+++ b/contracts/bonds/MuteBond.sol
@@ -152,11 +152,12 @@ contract MuteBond {
     function deposit(uint value, address _depositor, bool max_buy) external returns (uint) {
         // amount of mute tokens
-        uint payout = payoutFor( value );
+        uint payout;
         if(max_buy == true){
           value = maxPurchaseAmount();
           payout = maxDeposit();
         } else {
+          payout = payoutFor( value );
           // safety checks for custom purchase
           require( payout >= ((10**18) / 100), "Bond too small" ); // must be > 0.01 payout token ( underflow protection )
           require( payout <= maxPayout, "Bond too large"); // size protection because there is no slippage

[N-06] Remove redundant check in stake function

The following check is redundant:


require(IERC20(muteToken).balanceOf(address(this)) > 0, "MuteAmplifier::stake: no reward balance");

This check is redundant because before this check there is another check that startTime!=0 which means the initializeDeposit function has been called which ensures the MUTE balance is not zero.

There are edge cases where the current check would apply, e.g. when staking occurs after the endTime. But the current check is not sufficient in this case because there could just be a little excess MUTE balance in the contract and the user would still not get rewards. So I recommend to remove the existing check and the edge cases will be addressed by the other changes I propose in this report.

Gas Optimizations

For this audit, 3 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by 0xA5DF received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: evan and chaduke.

[G-01] Remove SafeMath library

Gas saved: 2.1K for each tx that uses SafeMath + 100 units per call.

It seems like safe math doesn’t serve any purpose here and it can simply be replaced with normal math operands. The usage of library is pretty expensive since it makes a delegate call to an external address.

[G-02] Make MuteAmplifier variables immutable when possible

Gas saved: up to 20K per tx

The following variables can be immutable:

  • lpToken
  • muteToken
  • dToken
  • _stakeDivisor
  • management_fee
  • treasury

[G-03] Refactor initializeDeposit() into the constructor to make more variables immutable

Gas saved: ~7K per tx

The logic of initializeDeposit() cen be integrated into the constructor to make the following variables immutable:

  • totalRewards
  • startTime
  • endTime

The only issue is sending tokens before the contract creation.

This can be solved in one of the following ways:

  • Pre-calculate the address of the contract and approve the tokens to the address before creating it
  • Add a deployer contract that will create the MuteAmplifier contract. The deployer contract will hold the tokens and will contain a callback that when called would send the tokens to the sender. The callback will revert if it’ll be called at any time except during deployment (it’ll use a storage variable to indicate if we’re during a deployment or not)

[G-04] Use lock_index to look for empty elements

Gas saved: 2.2K * (amount of non-empty elements)

At dMute.redeemTo() the function iterates through the entire array to find empty elements, this means the entire array is being read in search for the empty elements.

Instead, we can find the empty elements using the lock_index and iterate through them only.

[G-05] At MuteAmplifier.update() skip updating if done in the same block

Gas saved: A few thousands

When update() is being called a second time in the same block both the _totalWeight and _mostRecentValueCalcTime don’t really change. But the logic to update them still run and uses a few thousands of gas units.

Skipping that when sinceLastCalc is zero can save that gas.

Additionally, the remaining logic regarding fees might be skipped too (not sure about that).

Anyways, if the fee0 or fee1 are zero, some of the logic can be skipped too and save gas.

[G-06] MuteBond.deposit() makes an unnecessary call to payoutFor() during max buy

Gas saved: a few hundreds probably

In the following code the payoutFor() is unnecessary when max_buy is true and therefore should be inside the else block.

        uint payout = payoutFor( value );
        if(max_buy == true){
          value = maxPurchaseAmount();
          payout = maxDeposit();
        } else {

[G-07] Storage variable caching

Gas saved: 100 per cache

The following variables can be cached into memory instead of being read (or written) twice:

Here 2 storage variables are being read twice:

        // current rewards based on multiplier
        reward = lpTokenOut.mul(_totalWeight.sub(_userWeighted[account])).div(calculateMultiplier(account, true));
        // max possible rewards
        remainder = lpTokenOut.mul(_totalWeight.sub(_userWeighted[account])).div(10**18);

_userStakedBlock is being read twice here:

        uint256 staked_block =  _userStakedBlock[account] == block.number ? _userStakedBlock[account] - 1 : _userStakedBlock[account];

epochStart is being read and written a few times:

        // adjust price by a ~5% premium of delta
        uint timeElapsed = block.timestamp - epochStart;
        epochStart = epochStart.add(timeElapsed.mul(5).div(100));
        // safety check
        if(epochStart >= block.timestamp)
          epochStart = block.timestamp;

        // exhausted this bond, issue new one
        if(terms[epoch].payoutTotal == maxPayout){
            epochStart = block.timestamp;

[G-08] _applyReward() doing sstores twice when called from stake()

Gas saved: ~400

When _applyReward() is being called from stake() the following lines are writing to variables that are then written again at _stake():

        _totalStakeLpToken = _totalStakeLpToken.sub(lpTokenOut);

        _userStakedLpToken[account] = 0;

        _userAccumulated[account] = 0;

Rewriting _applyReward() so that it won’t do those changes (e.g. pass a parameter to indicate whether it’s being called from stake() or not) and instead doing them at _stake() can save gas.

[G-09] Replace string errors with custom errors

Gas saved per instance: Probably a few thousands for deployment + a few hundreds when the function reverts

Custom errors are cheaper both for deployment and reverts, since strings take up lots of bytes code while custom reverts just a single byte.

[G-10] MuteBond’s epoch() and currentEpoch() are the same

Gas saved: a few units per tx

epoch() and currentEpoch() are basically the same, each public/external function adds a conditional check for each tx (since the contract compares the call data against the function has to find the right one). Removing this duplication can save a few gas units.

[G-11] Unnecessary multiplication and division by 1e18

Gas saved: ~20 units (200+ units when using SafeMath)

In the following line the multiplication and division by 1e18 is unnecessary.

Instead, just make sure all multiplications are done before division, that will prevent rounding in the same manner.

-        uint256 base_tokens = _amount.mul(_lock_time.mul(10**18).div(max_lock)).div(10**18);
+        uint256 base_tokens = _amount.mul(_lock_time).div(max_lock);


C4 is an open organization governed by participants in the community.

C4 Audits incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Audit submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.