Neo Tokyo contest
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Neo Tokyo smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit contest took place between March 8—March 15 2023.


136 Wardens contributed reports to the Neo Tokyo contest:

  1. 0x1337
  2. 0x1f8b
  3. 0x52
  4. 0x6980
  5. 0xAgro
  6. 0xSmartContract
  7. 0xSolus
  8. 0xWeiss
  9. 0xhacksmithh
  10. 0xkazim
  11. 0xnev
  12. ABA
  13. Angry_Mustache_Man
  14. Aymen0909
  15. BPZ (pa6221, Bitcoinfever244, and PrasadLak)
  16. Bjorn_bug
  17. BowTiedOriole
  18. ChainReview
  19. DadeKuma
  20. DeFiHackLabs (SunSec, gbaleee, 0x4non, Aits, and Rappie)
  21. Deathstore
  22. DevABDee
  23. Diana
  24. Dravee
  25. Dug
  26. Englave
  27. Flora
  28. Go-Langer
  29. Haipls
  30. IceBear
  31. Inspex (Resistor, jokopoppo, DeStinE21, mimic_f, Rugsurely, and ErbaZZ)
  32. J4de
  33. JCN
  34. Jeiwan
  35. Josiah
  36. Kek
  37. Krace
  38. Kresh
  39. LegendFenGuin
  40. Lirios
  41. MadWookie
  42. Madalad
  43. MatricksDeCoder
  44. MiniGlome
  45. MyFDsYours
  46. R-Nemes
  47. RaymondFam
  48. ReyAdmirado
  49. Rolezn
  50. Ruhum
  51. SAAJ
  52. Sathish9098
  53. Shubham
  54. Taloner
  55. Toshii
  56. UdarTeam (ahmedov and tourist)
  57. Udsen
  58. Viktor_Cortess
  59. aashar
  60. adriro
  61. ak1
  62. anodaram
  63. arialblack14
  64. ast3ros
  65. atharvasama
  66. auditor0517
  67. ayden
  68. brgltd
  69. btk
  70. c3phas
  71. carlitox477
  72. catellatech
  73. cccz
  74. chaduke
  75. codeislight
  76. ctrlc03
  77. deadrxsezzz
  78. descharre
  79. dharma09
  80. durianSausage
  81. erictee
  82. fatherOfBlocks
  83. favelanky
  84. ginlee
  85. glcanvas
  86. handsomegiraffe
  87. hunter_w3b
  88. jasonxiale
  89. jekapi
  90. joestakey
  91. juancito
  92. kaden
  93. kenzo
  94. kutugu
  95. lemonr
  96. leopoldjoy
  97. luxartvinsec
  98. martin
  99. matrix_0wl
  100. minhquanym
  101. mrpathfindr
  102. nadin
  103. navinavu
  104. nobody2018
  105. oyc_109
  106. parsely
  107. peanuts
  108. pfedprog
  109. pipoca
  110. rbserver
  111. rokso
  112. saian
  113. santipu_
  114. schrodinger
  115. scokaf (Scoon and jauvany)
  116. sinarette
  117. slvDev
  118. tsvetanovv
  119. ubl4nk
  120. ulqiorra
  121. volodya
  122. yamapyblack
  123. zaskoh

This contest was judged by hansfriese.

Final report assembled by liveactionllama.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 2 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 2 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 0 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 83 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 46 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Neo Tokyo contest repository, and is composed of 2 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 969 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (2)

[H-01] Updating a pool’s total points doesn’t affect existing stake positions for rewards calculation

Submitted by adriro, also found by kutugu, joestakey, Madalad, rbserver, minhquanym, minhquanym, auditor0517, sinarette, ast3ros, ABA, Haipls, J4de, and Dug

Staking rewards are calculated based on the user’s share of total points in the corresponding asset pool, this is the sum of the points associated to the staker’s positions divided by the total points from all positions in the pool. We can see this calculation in the getPoolReward function:


// Return final shares.
unchecked {
    uint256 share = points * _PRECISION / pool.totalPoints * totalReward;
    uint256 daoShare = share * pool.daoTax / (100 * _DIVISOR);
    share /= _PRECISION;
    daoShare /= _PRECISION;
    return ((share - daoShare), daoShare);

However, note that pool.totalPoints is the current value of the pool’s total point at the time the function getPoolReward is called. It isn’t related to the time the user staked their position, or isn’t affected in any way by other stake/unstake actions from potentially other users.

This means that any action that modifies the pool’s total points (stake or unstake) won’t affect current staking positions, as previously opened staking positions won’t accrue their rewards correctly. For stake actions, it will cause rewards from existing staking positions to be reduced, as their calculation of the shares now divided by a higher pool.totalPoints value. From unstake actions, it will cause rewards from existing staking positions to be incorrectly increased, as the calculation of the shares is now divided by a lower pool.totalPoints value. See section “Proof of Concept” for a more detailed walkthrough.

In a similar way, this could also be used by a griefer to intentionally harm another user. As the getReward function present in the BYTES2 contract is permissionless (anyone can call this on behalf of an arbitrary account), a bad actor can call this when the pool’s total points is high, which will have the effect of reducing the user rewards.

Proof of Concept

Let’s assume the pool is empty. Alice stakes at t1 an asset worth 100 points and Bob stakes at t2 another asset worth 100 points. In order to simplify the examples, let’s also consider that all periods fall in the same window, thus having a constant reward rate.

Alice claims after Bob stakes

In this scenario, Alice claims her rewards in t3 after Bob stakes. She will get less rewards from the [t1, t2] period, as the calculation will consider the entire period [t1, t3] and calculate the shares using 200 points. Here the correct way would be to calculate the period [t1, t2] using 100 total points, and the period [t2, t3] using 100 total points.

  1. Alice stakes at t1 and gets 100 points. Total points is 100.
  2. Bob stakes at t2 and gets 100 points. Total points is 200.
  3. Alice claims rewards at t3. She will get less rewards since the calculation will be done using 200 points.

Alice and Bob stake at same time

Here, t1 == t2 and Bob and Alice stake at the same time. Alice unstakes at t3 and Bob claims rewards at t4. In this case, Bob will get more rewards, as the calculation will consider the entire period [t1, t4] and calculate the shares using 100 points. Here the correct way would be to calculate the period [t1, t3] using 200 total points, and the period [t3, t4] using 100 total points.

  1. Alice and Bob stake at t1 == t2 and each one gets 100 points. Total points is 200.
  2. Alice unstakes at t3. Total points is 100.
  3. Bob claims rewards at t4. He will get more rewards since the calculation will be done using 100 points.

Griefer intentionally claims rewards of Alice

As described in the previous section, a bad actor can intentionally claim the rewards of another user at a time the pool has a high value for total points, since this call as this is a permissionless action.

  1. Alice stakes at t1 and gets 100 points. Total points is 100.
  2. Bob stakes at t2 and gets 100 points. Total points is 200.
  3. Bad actor claims rewards of Alice at t3. She will get less rewards since the calculation will be done using 200 points.


Rewards calculation should track reward rate according to modifications in the pool’s total points caused by stake or unstake actions.

My recommendation for a performant solution would be to follow this staking example or the full Staking contract from Synthetix. The principal idea here is that every action that affects rewards triggers the updateReward modifier, which updates the rewardPerTokenStored variable that tracks the reward amount per staked token. A similar idea could be adapted to track the reward per point for the current contract. Stake and unstake actions should update this variable before modifying the pool’s total points.

TimTinkers (Neo Tokyo) confirmed and commented:

Excellent catch, good write-up.

[H-02] Underflow of lpPosition.points during withdrawLP causes huge reward minting

Submitted by rokso, also found by 0xnev, BPZ, Toshii, Josiah, ak1, ulqiorra, rbserver, juancito, juancito, minhquanym, auditor0517, auditor0517, Jeiwan, cccz, RaymondFam, rokso, MadWookie, kaden, 0x52, carlitox477, DadeKuma, Krace, Haipls, Krace, UdarTeam, kenzo, DadeKuma, ABA, jekapi, J4de, anodaram, LegendFenGuin, aashar, nobody2018, Ruhum, and Lirios

NeoTokyoStaking allows to stake and withdraw LPs. User can stake multiple times on same position which simply results in extended lock time and user can withdraw all of these LPs once lock time is passed.

There is a scenario when withdrawing LPs results in overflow of lpPosition.points. After withdraw if attacker calls getRewards() then attacker will get more than 1e64 BYTES tokens as reward.

Proof of Concept

Affected code block: NeoTokyoStaker.sol#L1622-L1631

Affected line: L1627

From below POC, you can see that Alice is staking twice and some specific amounts which will trigger underflow when Alice withdraw LP. Once staked LPs are unlocked, Alice can withdraw her LPs and call getReward() to trigger minting of more than 1e64 BYTES tokens.

Below test can be added in NeoTokyoStaker.test.js test file.

		it('Unexpected rewards minting due to underflow of "points"', async function () {
			// Configure the LP token contract address on the staker.
			await NTStaking.connect(owner.signer).configureLP(LPToken.address);
			const amount1 = ethers.utils.parseEther('10.009')
			const amount2 = ethers.utils.parseEther('11.009')
			const lockingDays = 30
			// Alice stake amount1 LPs for 30 days.
			await NTStaking.connect(alice.signer).stake(,

			// Alice stake amount2 LPs for 30 days.
			await NTStaking.connect(alice.signer).stake(,

			const priorBlockNumber = await ethers.provider.getBlockNumber();
			const priorBlock = await ethers.provider.getBlock(priorBlockNumber);
			let aliceStakeTime = priorBlock.timestamp;
			// Bob stake 10 LPs for 30 days
			await NTStaking.connect(bob.signer).stake(,

			// Set time to unlock staked lp
			await ethers.provider.send('evm_setNextBlockTimestamp', [
				aliceStakeTime + (60 * 60 * 24 * lockingDays)
			// Alice withdraw LP
                        // This transaction will cause underflow of `lpPosition.points`
			await NTStaking.connect(alice.signer).withdraw(,

			// Before exploit:: Verify Alice's Bytes balance is less than 10000 BYTES
			expect(await NTBytes2_0.balanceOf(alice.address)).lt(ethers.utils.parseUnits('10000', 18))
			// Get rewards for Alice. It will mint HUGE rewards due to underflow happened on withdraw transaction.
			await NTBytes2_0.getReward(alice.address)

			// After exploit:: Verify Alice's Bytes balance is greater than 3e64
			expect(await NTBytes2_0.balanceOf(alice.address)).gt(ethers.utils.parseUnits('3', 64))

Consider adding proper precision for points and totalPoints and also consider checking for under/overflows.

TimTinkers (Neo Tokyo) commented:

@hansfriese - this attack is a different way of abusing the same rounding bug from #348; duplicates?

I agree with the severity of the underlying issue and really appreciate the test case demonstrating this.

hansfriese (judge) commented:

Totally, there are 3 kinds of rounding issues.

  1. Users can get infinite points by depositing 5e15 twice and withdrawing 1e16. So 0 * 2 - 1 = -1 = type(uint256).max
  2. Users can get free points by depositing 1e16 and withdrawing 5e15 twice. So 1 - 0 * 2 = 1
  3. Users would lose some LP(or staking reward) due to the rounding.

After discussing with other judges, I will merge 1 and 2 into one high and mark 3 as QA as it contains a lower impact.

TimTinkers (Neo Tokyo) confirmed

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this contest, 76 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by 0xSmartContract received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: joestakey, Udsen, Kresh, atharvasama, Deathstore, favelanky, 0x1f8b, ulqiorra, carlitox477, zaskoh, rbserver, saian, 0xkazim, BPZ, btk, Go-Langer, nadin, slvDev, tsvetanovv, rokso, minhquanym, Diana, peanuts, 0x6980, Viktor_Cortess, MyFDsYours, codeislight, Jeiwan, martin, erictee, SAAJ, DadeKuma, BowTiedOriole, glcanvas, handsomegiraffe, 0xSolus, Kek, IceBear, ayden, luxartvinsec, brgltd, Haipls, DevABDee, Dravee, 0xAgro, catellatech, descharre, DeFiHackLabs, Inspex, RaymondFam, ABA, Madalad, jekapi, ChainReview, santipu_, yamapyblack, MatricksDeCoder, oyc_109, matrix_0wl, scokaf, Englave, jasonxiale, ubl4nk, Dug, pfedprog, chaduke, Sathish9098, fatherOfBlocks, mrpathfindr, parsely, Rolezn, lemonr, deadrxsezzz, Taloner, and 0xhacksmithh.


Low Risk Issues List

Number Issues Details Context
[L-01] Low-level calls that are unnecessary for the system should be avoided 2
[L-02] Insufficient coverage
[L-03] Project Upgrade and Stop Scenario should be
[L-04] Division before multiplication causing significant loss of precision 1
[L-05] Update codes to avoid Compile Errors 3
[L-06] Claim event is missing parameters 1
[L-07] Project has NPM Dependency which uses a vulnerable version : @openzeppelin 1
[L-08] Keccak Constant values should used to immutable rather than constant 7
[L-09] In the constructor , there is no return of incorrect address identification 1

Total 10 issues

Non-Critical Issues List

Number Issues Details Context
[N-01] Omissions in Events 1
[N-02] Function writing that does not comply with the Solidity Style Guide
[N-03] Tokens accidentally sent to the contract cannot be recovered All Contracts
[N-04] Floating pragma 2
[N-05] Use SMTChecker
[N-06] Constants on the left are better 4
[N-07] constants should be defined rather than using magic numbers 3
[N-08] Use the delete keyword instead of assigning a value of 0 8
[N-09] Use a single file for all system-wide constants 12
[N-10] According to the syntax rules, use => mapping ( instead of => mapping( using spaces as keyword 2
[N-11] For modern and more readable code; update import usages 9
[N-12] Assembly Codes Specific – Should Have Comments 7
[N-13] Take advantage of Custom Error’s return value property 3
[N-14] Pragma version^0.8.19 version too recent to be trusted 1
[N-15] Inconsistent Solidity Versions 21

Total 16 issues


Number Suggestion Details
[S-01] You can explain the operation of critical functions in NatSpec with an infographic

Total 1 suggestion

[L-01] Low-level calls that are unnecessary for the system should be avoided

Low-level calls that are unnecessary for the system should be avoided whenever possible because low-level calls behave differently from a contract-type call. For example;"fancy(bytes32)", mybytes))`` does not verify that a target is actually a contract, while ContractInterface(address).fancy(mybytes) does.

Additionally, when calling out to functions declared view/pure, the solidity compiler would actually perform a staticcall providing additional security guarantees while a low-level call does not. Similarly, return values have to be decoded manually when performing low-level calls.

Note: if a low-level call needs to be performed, consider relying on Contract.function.selector instead of encoding using a hardcoded ABI string.

2 results

  772: 		(bool success, bytes memory data) = 
  774: 				abi.encodeWithSelector(
  776: 					_from,
  777: 					_to, 
  778: 					_idOrAmount
  779: 				)
  780: 			);
  782: 		// Revert if the low-level call fails.
  783: 		if (!success) {
  784: 			revert(string(data));
  785: 		}

  801: 		(bool success, bytes memory data) = 
  803: 				abi.encodeWithSelector(
  805: 					_to, 
  806: 					_amount
  807: 				)
  808: 			);
  810: 		// Revert if the low-level call fails.
  811: 		if (!success) {
  812: 			revert(string(data));
  813: 		}
  814: 	}


When calling out to a contract known in the system, always prefer typed contract calls (interfaces/contract) instead of low-level calls.

This is to avoid errors, potentially unchecked return values, have security guarantees.

[L-02] Insufficient coverage


The test coverage rate of the project is ~85%. Testing all functions is best practice in terms of security criteria.

Due to its capacity, test coverage is expected to be 100%.

File                       |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
 staking/                  |       95 |    74.53 |    88.57 |    89.84 |                |
  BYTES2.sol               |    78.95 |    83.33 |       75 |    71.43 |... 151,152,154 |
  NeoTokyoStaker.sol       |    96.09 |       74 |    92.59 |    90.96 |... 5,1855,1856 |

[L-03] Project Upgrade and Stop Scenario should be

At the start of the project, the system may need to be stopped or upgraded, I suggest you have a script beforehand and add it to the documentation. This can also be called an ” EMERGENCY STOP (CIRCUIT BREAKER) PATTERN “.

[L-04] Division before multiplication causing significant loss of precision

First divides and then multiplies again, there is a significant loss of precision;

  1386: 			// Return final shares.
  1387: 			unchecked {
  1388: 				uint256 share = points * _PRECISION / pool.totalPoints * totalReward;
  1389: 				uint256 daoShare = share * pool.daoTax / (100 * _DIVISOR);
  1390: 				share /= _PRECISION;
  1391: 				daoShare /= _PRECISION;
  1392: 				return ((share - daoShare), daoShare);
  1393: 			}
  1394  		}

Multiply first before dividing to keep the precision.

[L-05] Update codes to avoid Compile Errors

Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to pure
   --> contracts/staking/BYTES2.sol:245:2:
245 |   function updateReward (
    |   ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).

Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to pure
   --> contracts/staking/BYTES2.sol:261:2:
261 |   function updateRewardOnMint (
    |   ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).

Warning: Contract code size is 63151 bytes and exceeds 24576 bytes (a limit introduced in Spurious Dragon). This contract may not be deployable on Mainnet. Consider enabling the optimizer (with a low "runs" value!), turning off revert strings, or using libraries.
   --> contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol:190:1:
190 | contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
    | ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).

[L-06] Claim event is missing parameters

The NeoTokyoStaker.sol contract has very important function; Claim

However, only amounts are published in emits, whereas msg.sender must be specified in every transaction, a contract or web page listening to events cannot react to users, emit does not serve the purpose.

Basically, this event cannot be used

  1445: 		// Emit an event.
  1446: 		emit Claim (
+  			msg.sender
  1447: 			_recipient,
  1448: 			totalReward,
  1449: 			totalTax
  1450: 		);

Add msg.sender parameter in event-emit

[L-07] Project has NPM Dependency which uses a vulnerable version : @openzeppelin

1 result - 1 file

  1: {
  9:     "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable": "^4.4.2",
Incorrect Calculation	
>=4.8.0 <4.8.2
Incorrect Calculation	
>=4.8.0 <4.8.2
Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature	
Denial of Service (DoS)	
>=3.2.0 <4.7.2
Incorrect Resource Transfer Between Spheres	
>=4.6.0 <4.7.2
Incorrect Calculation	
>=4.3.0 <4.7.2
Information Exposure	
>=4.1.0 <4.7.1
Information Exposure	
>=4.0.0 <4.7.1

Proof Of Concept

Upgrade OZ to version 4.8.0 or higher

[L-08] Keccak Constant values should used to immutable rather than constant

There is a difference between constant variables and immutable variables, and they should each be used in their appropriate contexts.

While it doesn’t save any gas because the compiler knows that developers often make this mistake, it’s still best to use the right tool for the task at hand.

7 results - 2 files

  36  	/// The identifier for the right to perform token burns.
  37: 	bytes32 public constant BURN = keccak256("BURN");
  39  	/// The identifier for the right to perform some contract changes.
  40: 	bytes32 public constant ADMIN = keccak256("ADMIN");

  205  	/// The identifier for the right to configure the LP token address.
  206: 	bytes32 public constant CONFIGURE_LP = keccak256("CONFIGURE_LP");
  208  	/// The identifier for the right to configure timelock options.
  209: 	bytes32 public constant CONFIGURE_TIMELOCKS = keccak256(
  213  	/// The identifier for the right to configure Identity and Vault points.
  214: 	bytes32 public constant CONFIGURE_CREDITS = keccak256("CONFIGURE_CREDITS");
  216  	/// The identifier for the right to configure emission rates and the DAO tax.
  217: 	bytes32 public constant CONFIGURE_POOLS = keccak256("CONFIGURE_POOLS");
  219  	/// The identifier for the right to configure BYTES staking caps.
  220: 	bytes32 public constant CONFIGURE_CAPS = keccak256("CONFIGURE_CAPS");

[L-09] In the constructor, there is no return of incorrect address identification

In case of incorrect address definition in the constructor , there is no way to fix it because of the variables are immutable.

It is recommended to fix the architecture:

  1. Address definitions can be done changeable architecture
  2. Because of owner = address(0) at the end of the constructor, there is no way to fix it, so the owner’s authority can be maintained.
  74  	*/
  75: 	constructor (
  76: 		address _bytes,
  77: 		address _s1Citizen,
  78: 		address _staker,
  79: 		address _treasury
  80: 	) {
  81: 		BYTES1 = _bytes;
  82: 		S1_CITIZEN = _s1Citizen;
  83: 		STAKER = _staker;
  84: 		TREASURY = _treasury;
  85: 	}

[N-01] Omissions in Events

Throughout the codebase, events are generally emitted when sensitive changes are made to the contracts. However, some events are missing important parameters.

  1043  	*/
  1044: 	function _stakeBytes (
  1045: 		uint256
  1046: 	) private {
  1047: 		uint256 amount;
  1048: 		uint256 citizenId;
  1049: 		uint256 seasonId;
  1050: 		assembly{
  1051: 			amount := calldataload(0x44)
  1052: 			citizenId := calldataload(0x64)
  1053: 			seasonId := calldataload(0x84)
  1054: 		}
  1056: 		// Attempt to transfer BYTES to escrow.
  1057: 		_assetTransferFrom(BYTES, msg.sender, address(this), amount);
  1059: 		// Handle staking BYTES into an S1 Citizen.
  1060: 		if (seasonId == 1) {
  1061: 			StakedS1Citizen storage citizenStatus = stakedS1[msg.sender][citizenId];
  1062: 			uint256 cap = VAULT_CAP;
  1063: 			if (!citizenStatus.hasVault) {
  1064: 				cap = NO_VAULT_CAP;
  1065: 			}
  1066: 			if (citizenStatus.stakedBytes + amount > cap) {
  1067: 				revert AmountExceedsCap(citizenStatus.stakedBytes + amount, cap);
  1068: 			}
  1070: 			// Validate that the caller actually staked the Citizen.
  1071: 			if (citizenStatus.timelockEndTime == 0) {
  1072: 				revert CannotStakeIntoUnownedCitizen(citizenId, seasonId);
  1073: 			}
  1075: 			PoolData storage pool = _pools[AssetType.S1_CITIZEN];
  1076: 			unchecked {
  1077: 				uint256 bonusPoints = (amount * 100 / _BYTES_PER_POINT);
  1078: 				citizenStatus.stakedBytes += amount;
  1079: 				citizenStatus.points += bonusPoints;
  1080: 				pool.totalPoints += bonusPoints;
  1081: 			}
  1083: 		// Handle staking BYTES into an S2 Citizen.
  1084: 		} else if (seasonId == 2) {
  1085: 			StakedS2Citizen storage citizenStatus = stakedS2[msg.sender][citizenId];
  1086: 			uint256 cap = NO_VAULT_CAP;
  1087: 			if (citizenStatus.stakedBytes + amount > cap) {
  1088: 				revert AmountExceedsCap(citizenStatus.stakedBytes + amount, cap);
  1089: 			}
  1091: 			// Validate that the caller actually staked the Citizen.
  1092: 			if (citizenStatus.timelockEndTime == 0) {
  1093: 				revert CannotStakeIntoUnownedCitizen(citizenId, seasonId);
  1094: 			}
  1096: 			PoolData storage pool = _pools[AssetType.S2_CITIZEN];
  1097: 			unchecked {
  1098: 				uint256 bonusPoints = (amount * 100 / _BYTES_PER_POINT);
  1099: 				citizenStatus.stakedBytes += amount;
  1100: 				citizenStatus.points += bonusPoints;
  1101: 				pool.totalPoints += bonusPoints;
  1102: 			}
  1104: 		// Revert because an invalid season ID has been supplied.
  1105: 		} else {
  1106: 			revert InvalidSeasonId(seasonId);
  1107: 		}
  1109: 		// Emit an event.
  1110: 		emit Stake(
+			citizenId
  1111: 			msg.sender,
  1112: 			BYTES,
  1113: 			(seasonId << 128) + citizenId,
  1114: 			amount
  1115: 		);
  1116: 	}

[N-02] Function writing that does not comply with the Solidity Style Guide


All Contracts


Order of Functions; ordering helps readers identify which functions they can call and to find the constructor and fallback definitions easier. But there are contracts in the project that do not comply with this.

Functions should be grouped according to their visibility and ordered:

  • constructor
  • receive function (if exists)
  • fallback function (if exists)
  • external
  • public
  • internal
  • private
  • within a grouping, place the view and pure functions last

[N-03] Tokens accidentally sent to the contract cannot be recovered



It can’t be recovered if the tokens accidentally arrive at the contract address, which has happened to many popular projects, so I recommend adding a recovery code to your critical contracts.

Add this code:

  * @notice Sends ERC20 tokens trapped in contract to external address
  * @dev Onlyowner is allowed to make this function call
  * @param account is the receiving address
  * @param externalToken is the token being sent
  * @param amount is the quantity being sent
  * @return boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
  function rescueERC20(address account, address externalToken, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
    IERC20(externalToken).transfer(account, amount);
    return true;

[N-04] Floating pragma


Contracts should be deployed with the same compiler version and flags that they have been tested with thoroughly. Locking the pragma helps to ensure that contracts do not accidentally get deployed using, for example, an outdated compiler version that might introduce bugs that affect the contract system negatively.

Floating Pragma List:

2 results - 2 files

  1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
  2: pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

  1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
  2: pragma solidity ^0.8.19;


Lock the pragma version and also consider known bugs ( for the compiler version that is chosen.

[N-05] Use SMTChecker

The highest tier of smart contract behavior assurance is formal mathematical verification. All assertions that are made are guaranteed to be true across all inputs → The quality of your asserts is the quality of your verification.

[N-06] Constants on the left are better

If you use the constant first you support structures that veil programming errors. And one should only produce code either to add functionality, fix an programming error or trying to support structures to avoid programming errors (like design patterns).

4 results - 1 file

   910: 		if (citizenVaultId != 0 && vaultId != 0) {
   917: 		} else if (citizenVaultId != 0 && vaultId == 0) {
   926: 		} else if (citizenVaultId == 0 && vaultId != 0) {
  1834: 				if (j != 0 && _inputs[i].rewardWindows[j].startTime <= lastTime) {

[N-07] constants should be defined rather than using magic numbers

A magic number is a numeric literal that is used in the code without any explanation of its meaning. The use of magic numbers makes programs less readable and hence more difficult to maintain and update.

Even assembly can benefit from using readable constants instead of hex/numeric literals.

  149  		*/
  150: 		uint256 treasuryShare;
  151: 		unchecked {
  152: 			treasuryShare = _amount * 2 / 3; 
  153: 		}
  154: 		_mint(TREASURY, treasuryShare);
  155  	}

  1076  			unchecked {
  1077: 				uint256 bonusPoints = (amount * 100 / _BYTES_PER_POINT);

  1097  			unchecked {
  1098: 				uint256 bonusPoints = (amount * 100 / _BYTES_PER_POINT);

[N-08] Use the delete keyword instead of assigning a value of 0

Using the ‘delete’ keyword instead of assigning a ‘0’ value is a detailed optimization that increases code readability and audit quality, and clearly indicates the intent.

Other hand, if use delete instead 0 value assign , it will be gas saved.

8 results - 1 file

  1517: 		stakedCitizen.stakedBytes = 0;
  1518: 		stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime = 0;
  1519: 		stakedCitizen.points = 0;
  1521: 		stakedCitizen.stakedVaultId = 0;
  1582: 		stakedCitizen.stakedBytes = 0;
  1583: 		stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime = 0;
  1584: 		stakedCitizen.points = 0;
  1635: 			lpPosition.multiplier = 0;

[N-09] Use a single file for all system-wide constants

There are many addresses and constants used in the system. It is recommended to put the most used ones in one file (for example constants.sol, use inheritance to access these values).

This will help with readability and easier maintenance for future changes. This also helps with any issues, as some of these hard-coded values are admin addresses.

Use and import this file in contracts that require access to these values. This is just a suggestion, in some use cases this may result in higher gas usage in the distribution.

12 results - 2 files

  37: 	bytes32 public constant BURN = keccak256("BURN");
  40: 	bytes32 public constant ADMIN = keccak256("ADMIN");

  191: 	bytes4 constant private _TRANSFER_FROM_SELECTOR = 0x23b872dd;
  194: 	bytes4 constant private _TRANSFER_SELECTOR = 0xa9059cbb;
  197: 	uint256 constant private _PRECISION = 1e12;
  200: 	uint256 constant private _DIVISOR = 100;
  203: 	uint256 constant private _BYTES_PER_POINT = 200 * 1e18;
  206: 	bytes32 public constant CONFIGURE_LP = keccak256("CONFIGURE_LP");
  209: 	bytes32 public constant CONFIGURE_TIMELOCKS = keccak256(
  214: 	bytes32 public constant CONFIGURE_CREDITS = keccak256("CONFIGURE_CREDITS");
  217: 	bytes32 public constant CONFIGURE_POOLS = keccak256("CONFIGURE_POOLS");
  220: 	bytes32 public constant CONFIGURE_CAPS = keccak256("CONFIGURE_CAPS");

[N-10] According to the syntax rules, use => mapping ( instead of => mapping( using spaces as keyword

  280: 	mapping ( AssetType => mapping ( uint256 => uint256 )) public	timelockOptions;
  319: 	mapping ( address => mapping ( AssetType => uint256 )) public lastRewardTime;
  326: 	mapping ( uint256 => mapping ( string => string )) public identityCreditYield;

-  372: 	mapping ( address => mapping( uint256 => StakedS1Citizen )) public stakedS1;
+  372: 	mapping ( address => mapping ( uint256 => StakedS1Citizen )) public stakedS1;

- 405: 	mapping ( address => mapping( uint256 => StakedS2Citizen )) public stakedS2;
+ 405: 	mapping ( address => mapping ( uint256 => StakedS2Citizen )) public stakedS2;

[N-11] For modern and more readable code; update import usages


9 results - 2 files

  4: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
  5: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
  7: import "../access/PermitControl.sol";
  8: import "../interfaces/IByteContract.sol";
  9: import "../interfaces/IStaker.sol";

  4: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
  6: import "../access/PermitControl.sol";
  7: import "../interfaces/IByteContract.sol";
  8: import "../interfaces/IGenericGetter.sol";


Solidity code is also cleaner in another way that might not be noticeable: the struct Point. We were importing it previously with global import but not using it. The Point struct polluted the source code with an unnecessary object we were not using because we did not need it. This was breaking the rule of modularity and modular programming: only import what you need Specific imports with curly braces allow us to apply this rule better.


import {contract1 , contract2} from "filename.sol";

A good example from the ArtGobblers project;

import {Owned} from "solmate/auth/Owned.sol";
import {ERC721} from "solmate/tokens/ERC721.sol";
import {LibString} from "solmate/utils/LibString.sol";
import {MerkleProofLib} from "solmate/utils/MerkleProofLib.sol";
import {FixedPointMathLib} from "solmate/utils/FixedPointMathLib.sol";
import {ERC1155, ERC1155TokenReceiver} from "solmate/tokens/ERC1155.sol";
import {toWadUnsafe, toDaysWadUnsafe} from "solmate/utils/SignedWadMath.sol";

[N-12] Assembly Codes Specific – Should Have Comments

Since this is a low level language that is more difficult to parse by readers, include extensive documentation, comments on the rationale behind its use, clearly explaining what each assembly instruction does.

This will make it easier for users to trust the code, for reviewers to validate the code, and for developers to build on or update the code.

Note that using Assembly removes several important security features of Solidity, which can make the code more insecure and more error-prone.

7 results - 1 file

   833: 		assembly {
   834: 			let length := mload(a)
   886: 		assembly {
   887: 			citizenId := calldataload(0x44)
  1001: 		assembly {
  1002: 			citizenId := calldataload(0x44)
  1236: 		assembly {
  1237: 			switch _assetType
  1461: 		assembly {
  1462: 			citizenId := calldataload(0x24)
  1536: 		assembly {
  1537: 			citizenId := calldataload(0x24)
  1682: 		assembly {
  1683: 			switch _assetType

[N-13] Take advantage of Custom Error’s return value property

An important feature of Custom Error is that values such as address, tokenID, msg.value can be written inside the () sign, this kind of approach provides a serious advantage in debugging and examining the revert details of dapps such as tenderly.

For Example;

3 results - 1 file

  1149: 			revert MismatchedTimelock();
  1712: 			revert LockedConfigurationOfLP();
  1835: 			revert RewardWindowTimesMustIncrease();

[N-14] Pragma version^0.8.19 version too recent to be trusted.
0.8.19 (2023-02-22)
0.8.17 (2022-09-08)
0.8.16 (2022-08-08)
0.8.15 (2022-06-15)
0.8.10 (2021-11-09)

Unexpected bugs can be reported in recent versions;

  • Risks related to recent releases
  • Risks of complex code generation changes
  • Risks of new language features
  • Risks of known bugs

Use a non-legacy and more battle-tested version
Use 0.8.10

[N-15] Inconsistent Solidity Versions


Different Solidity compiler versions are used, the following contracts mix versions:

21 results - 21 files

  2: pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

  2: pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

  2: pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

  2: pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

  10: pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

  5: pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

  10: pragma solidity 0.8.11;

  10: pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

  10: pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

  10: pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

  10: pragma solidity 0.8.11;

  10: pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

  10: pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

  10: pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

  2: pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

  2: pragma solidity ^0.8.19;


Versions must be consistent with each other.

[S-01] You can explain the operation of critical functions in NatSpec with an infographic.

An example project;


     *** ---------------------------------- ***
     ***                                    ***
     ***     PUBLIC MINTING FUNCTIONS       ***
     ***                                    ***
     *** ---------------------------------- ***
    //                       ,-.
    //                       `-'
    //                       /|\
    //                        |                       ,----------.
    //                       / \                      |ERC721Drop|
    //                     Caller                     `----+-----'
    //                       |          purchase()         |
    //                       | ---------------------------->
    //                       |                             |
    //                       |                             |
    //          ___________________________________________________________
    //          ! ALT  /  drop has no tokens left for caller to mint?      !
    //          !_____/      |                             |               !
    //          !            |    revert Mint_SoldOut()    |               !
    //          !            | <----------------------------               !
    //          !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!
    //          !~[noop]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!
    //                       |                             |
    //                       |                             |
    //          ___________________________________________________________
    //          ! ALT  /  public sale isn't active?        |               !
    //          !_____/      |                             |               !
    //          !            |    revert Sale_Inactive()   |               !
    //          !            | <----------------------------               !
    //          !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!
    //          !~[noop]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!
    //                       |                             |
    //                       |                             |
    //          ___________________________________________________________
    //          ! ALT  /  inadequate funds sent?           |               !
    //          !_____/      |                             |               !
    //          !            | revert Purchase_WrongPrice()|               !
    //          !            | <----------------------------               !
    //          !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!
    //          !~[noop]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!
    //                       |                             |
    //                       |                             |----.
    //                       |                             |    | mint tokens
    //                       |                             |<---'
    //                       |                             |
    //                       |                             |----.
    //                       |                             |    | emit IERC721Drop.Sale()
    //                       |                             |<---'
    //                       |                             |
    //                       | return first minted token ID|
    //                       | <----------------------------
    //                     Caller                     ,----+-----.
    //                       ,-.                      |ERC721Drop|
    //                       `-'                      `----------'
    //                       /|\
    //                        |
    //                       / \

Gas Optimizations

For this contest, 45 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by JCN received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: Udsen, nadin, leopoldjoy, Aymen0909, 0x1f8b, hunter_w3b, c3phas, carlitox477, ulqiorra, atharvasama, Angry_Mustache_Man, slvDev, Diana, dharma09, Viktor_Cortess, glcanvas, Flora, 0xSolus, ayden, SAAJ, durianSausage, ReyAdmirado, descharre, Inspex, RaymondFam, Shubham, Madalad, pipoca, MatricksDeCoder, oyc_109, schrodinger, matrix_0wl, MiniGlome, 0xSmartContract, Sathish9098, volodya, fatherOfBlocks, mrpathfindr, Rolezn, ginlee, R-Nemes, arialblack14, 0xnev, and 0xhacksmithh.


A majority of functions that underwent direct changes for optimziations did not have individual tests that showed gas usage and therefore gas savings were explained via opcodes and EVM gas costs (with the exception of the first issue).

The gas savings in the first issue are substantial and therefore stake() and withdraw() were benchmarked as POCs for the optimizations that were done in storage and in the claimReward() & getPoolReward() functions.


  • Some code snippets may be truncated to save space. Code snippets may also be accompanied by @audit tags in comments to aid in explaining the issue.
  • The * next to the gas savings of an issue indicates that some instances are found within loops, meaning the actual gas savings will be greater depending on the number of iterations in the loop.
  • The last issue is soley meant to offer clarification for the issue caught by the c4udit tool.

Gas Optimizations

Number Issue Instances Total Gas Saved
G-01 Refactor mapping to save over 44k gas for new users that stake, 10k gas for recurring users that stake, and 10k gas for users that withdraw - 54200
G-02 State variables can be packed to use fewer storage slots 1 2000
G-03 State variables can be cached instead of re-reading them from storage 27 *2700
G-04 Avoid emitting constants 5 1875
G-05 Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a storage pointer 25 *1000
G-06 x += y/x -= y costs more gas than x = x + y/x = x - y for state variables 13 260
G-07 Use storage instead of memory for structs/arrays - -

[G-01] Refactor mapping to save over 44k gas for new users that stake, 10k gas for recurring users that stake, and 10k gas for users that withdraw

The lastRewardTime nested mapping is only modified in the claimReward() function and all asset types for the user are given the same value: block.timestamp (i.e. 3 different storage slots undergo an SSTORE with the same value). The lastRewardTime mapping is then accessed in the getPoolReward() function and the same values are read for each AssetType (i.e. 3 different storage slots, which hold the same value, undergo an SLOAD). Due to this flow, the nested mapping is unecessary and a regular mapping would suffice in recording a single lastRewardTime for the user since the time will always be the same for ALL assets, as per the claimReward() function.

Refactoring the lastRewardTime mapping will stop a user from incurring two Gsset (20000 gas) and two Gcoldsload (2100 gas) when they call stake() for the first time, and two Gsreset (2900 gas) and two Gcoldsload (2100 gas) each time they call withdraw() and each subsequent time they call stake().

Note that the flow in which a new user calls stake() and then withdraw() will result in ~54,200 gas savings between these two function calls + ~10k gas for each subsequent call to stake()/withdraw().

Since the claimReward() and getPoolReward() functions do not have individual tests that show gas usage, the stake() and withdraw() functions will be shown below as a POC for this gas optimization (both stake() and withdraw() result in the invocation of claimReward() and getPoolReward()).

Gas Savings for stake(), obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 26202 gas

Note that the average gas savings do not reflect the actual savings for this function since stake() will see the greatest savings when called by a new user. Observe the difference in the Max column, which will illustrate the savings a user will see when calling stake() for the first time (i.e. avoiding two Gsset (20000 gas) and two Gcoldsload (2100 gas): 44537 gas.

In addition, the MIN column shows the gas savings of the stake() function when called by a recurring user (i.e. avoiding two Gsreset (2900 gas) and two Gcoldsload (2100 gas)): 10337 gas. | | Min | Max | Avg | # calls | | ------ | -------- | -------- | ------- | -------- | | Before | 154353 | 423836 | 277026 | 71 | | After | 144016 | 379299 | 250824 | 71 |

Gas Savings for withdraw(), obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 9883 gas

Note that the gas savings for this function will be similar to the savings recurring users experience for the stake() function, since in a normal flow the user would call stake() first before they call withdraw(). | | Min | Max | Avg | # calls | | ------ | -------- | -------- | ------- | -------- | | Before | 102046 | 267114 | 187080 | 18 | | After | 93794 | 256750 | 177197 | 18 |

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
319: 		mapping ( address => mapping ( AssetType => uint256 )) public lastRewardTime;

1310: 		uint256 lastPoolRewardTime = lastRewardTime[_recipient][_assetType]; // @audit: `Gcoldsload (2100 gas)`, called 3 times in `claimReward()` for each AssetType

1433:		lastRewardTime[_recipient][AssetType.S1_CITIZEN] = block.timestamp; // @audit: 1st `Gsset (20000 gas)` for new users, `Gsreset (2900 gas) for recurring users
1434:		lastRewardTime[_recipient][AssetType.S2_CITIZEN] = block.timestamp; // @audit: 2nd `Gsset (20000 gas)` for new users, `Gsreset (2900 gas) for recurring users
1435:		lastRewardTime[_recipient][AssetType.LP] = block.timestamp; // @audit: 3rd `Gsset (20000 gas)` for new users, `Gsreset (2900 gas) for recurring users
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..51df065 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
        mapping ( AssetType => PoolData ) private _pools;

        /// Track the last time a caller was granted their rewards for each asset.
-       mapping ( address => mapping ( AssetType => uint256 )) public lastRewardTime;
+       mapping ( address => uint256 ) public lastRewardTime;

                This admin-configurable double-mapping allows us to deduce the Identity
@@ -1307,7 +1307,7 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                                applicable time period.
                        uint256 totalReward;
-                       uint256 lastPoolRewardTime = lastRewardTime[_recipient][_assetType];
+                       uint256 lastPoolRewardTime = lastRewardTime[_recipient];
                        uint256 windowCount = pool.rewardCount;
                        for (uint256 i; i < windowCount; ) {
                                RewardWindow memory window = pool.rewardWindows[i];
@@ -1430,9 +1430,7 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {

                // Record the current time as the beginning time for checking rewards.
-               lastRewardTime[_recipient][AssetType.S1_CITIZEN] = block.timestamp;
-               lastRewardTime[_recipient][AssetType.S2_CITIZEN] = block.timestamp;
-               lastRewardTime[_recipient][AssetType.LP] = block.timestamp;
+               lastRewardTime[_recipient] = block.timestamp;

                // Calculate total reward and tax.
                uint256 totalReward;

[G-02] State variables can be packed to use fewer storage slots

The EVM works with 32 byte words. Variables less than 32 bytes can be declared next to eachother in storage and this will pack the values together into a single 32 byte storage slot (if the values combined are <= 32 bytes). If the variables packed together are retrieved together in functions we will effectively save ~2000 gas with every subsequent SLOAD for that storage slot. This is due to us incurring a Gwarmaccess (100 gas) versus a Gcoldsload (2100 gas).

Gas savings: 2000

We are able to pack lpLocked and LP into one storage slot to save 1 SLOT (~2000 gas).

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
231:	/// The address of the LP token contract.
232:	address public LP;
510:	/// Whether or not setting the LP token contract address is locked.
511:	bool public lpLocked;
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..075cb0c 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -228,6 +228,9 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
        /// The address of the assembled Neo Tokyo S2 Citizen contract.
        address immutable public S2_CITIZEN;

+       /// Whether or not setting the LP token contract address is locked.
+       bool public lpLocked;
        /// The address of the LP token contract.
        address public LP;

@@ -507,8 +510,6 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                LPPosition stakedLPPosition;

-       /// Whether or not setting the LP token contract address is locked.
-       bool public lpLocked;

                This struct records an input to the staker's `configurePools` function.

[G-03] State variables can be cached instead of re-reading them from storage

Caching of a state variable replaces each Gwarmaccess (100 gas) with a much cheaper stack read.

Total Instances: 27

Gas savings: 27 * 100 = 2700

Gas savings will actually be greater since storage slot access is occuring within loops in some instances

Cache _stakerS1Position[_staker].length and _stakerS2Position[_staker].length to save 2 SLOADs

More SLOADs would actually be saved since storage slot access is occuring within a loop.

File: staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
710:	function getStakerPositions (
711:		address _staker
712:	) external view returns (StakerPosition memory) {
714:		// Compile the S1 Citizen details.
715:		StakedS1CitizenOutput[] memory stakedS1Details =
716:			new StakedS1CitizenOutput[](_stakerS1Position[_staker].length); // @audit: 1st sload
717:		for (uint256 i; i < _stakerS1Position[_staker].length; ) { // @audit: 2nd sload + on every iteration
718:			uint256 citizenId = _stakerS1Position[_staker][i];
719:			StakedS1Citizen memory citizenDetails = stakedS1[_staker][citizenId];
720:			stakedS1Details[i] = StakedS1CitizenOutput({
721:				citizenId: citizenId,
722:				stakedBytes: citizenDetails.stakedBytes,
723:				timelockEndTime: citizenDetails.timelockEndTime,
724:				points: citizenDetails.points,
725:				hasVault: citizenDetails.hasVault,
726:				stakedVaultId: citizenDetails.stakedVaultId
727:			});
728:			unchecked { i++; }
729:		}
731:		// Compile the S2 Citizen details.
732:		StakedS2CitizenOutput[] memory stakedS2Details =
733:			new StakedS2CitizenOutput[](_stakerS2Position[_staker].length); // @audit: 1st sload
734:		for (uint256 i; i < _stakerS2Position[_staker].length; ) { // @audit: 2nd sload + on every iteration
735:			uint256 citizenId = _stakerS2Position[_staker][i];
736:			StakedS2Citizen memory citizenDetails = stakedS2[_staker][citizenId];
737:			stakedS2Details[i] = StakedS2CitizenOutput({
738:				citizenId: citizenId,
739:				stakedBytes: citizenDetails.stakedBytes,
740:				timelockEndTime: citizenDetails.timelockEndTime,
741:				points: citizenDetails.points
742:			});
743:			unchecked { i++; }
744:		}
746:		// Return the final output position struct.
747:		return StakerPosition({
748:			stakedS1Citizens: stakedS1Details,
749:			stakedS2Citizens: stakedS2Details,
750:			stakedLPPosition: stakerLPPosition[_staker]
751:		});
752:	}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..8d8ccc4 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -712,9 +712,10 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
        ) external view returns (StakerPosition memory) {

                // Compile the S1 Citizen details.
+               uint256 s1Length = _stakerS1Position[_staker].length;
                StakedS1CitizenOutput[] memory stakedS1Details =
-                       new StakedS1CitizenOutput[](_stakerS1Position[_staker].length);
-               for (uint256 i; i < _stakerS1Position[_staker].length; ) {
+                       new StakedS1CitizenOutput[](s1Length);
+               for (uint256 i; i < s1Length; ) {
                        uint256 citizenId = _stakerS1Position[_staker][i];
                        StakedS1Citizen memory citizenDetails = stakedS1[_staker][citizenId];
                        stakedS1Details[i] = StakedS1CitizenOutput({
@@ -729,9 +730,10 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {

                // Compile the S2 Citizen details.
+               uint256 s2Length = _stakerS2Position[_staker].length;
                StakedS2CitizenOutput[] memory stakedS2Details =
-                       new StakedS2CitizenOutput[](_stakerS2Position[_staker].length);
-               for (uint256 i; i < _stakerS2Position[_staker].length; ) {
+                       new StakedS2CitizenOutput[](s2Length);
+               for (uint256 i; i < s2Length; ) {
                        uint256 citizenId = _stakerS2Position[_staker][i];
                        StakedS2Citizen memory citizenDetails = stakedS2[_staker][citizenId];
                        stakedS2Details[i] = StakedS2CitizenOutput({

Cache the value from the expression given to citizenStatus.points and use that stack variable in other expression to save 1 SLOAD.

For example: stackVar = (expression) => citizenStatus.points = stackVar => pool.totalPoints += stackVar.

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
967:		unchecked {
968:			citizenStatus.points = // @audit: can cache expression value as stack variable
969:				identityPoints * vaultMultiplier * timelockMultiplier /
970:				_DIVISOR / _DIVISOR;
971:			citizenStatus.timelockEndTime = block.timestamp + timelockDuration;
973:			// Record the caller's staked S1 Citizen.
974:			_stakerS1Position[msg.sender].push(citizenId);
976:			// Update the pool point weights for rewards
977:			pool.totalPoints += citizenStatus.points; // @audit: unecessary sload, use cached value from expression
978:		}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..0469c3f 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -964,17 +964,19 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {

                // Update caller staking information and asset data.
                PoolData storage pool = _pools[AssetType.S1_CITIZEN];
+               uint256 points;
                unchecked {
-                       citizenStatus.points =
+                       points =
                                identityPoints * vaultMultiplier * timelockMultiplier /
                                _DIVISOR / _DIVISOR;
+                       citizenStatus.points = points;
                        citizenStatus.timelockEndTime = block.timestamp + timelockDuration;

                        // Record the caller's staked S1 Citizen.

                        // Update the pool point weights for rewards
-                       pool.totalPoints += citizenStatus.points;
+                       pool.totalPoints += points;

Optimization is identical to the one above. Saves 1 SLOAD.

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1021:		unchecked {
1022:			citizenStatus.points = 100 * timelockMultiplier / _DIVISOR; // @audit: can cache expression value as stack variable
1023:			citizenStatus.timelockEndTime = block.timestamp + timelockDuration;
1025:			// Record the caller's staked S2 Citizen.
1026:			_stakerS2Position[msg.sender].push(citizenId);
1028:			// Update the pool point weights for rewards
1029:			pool.totalPoints += citizenStatus.points; // @audit: unecessary sload, use cached value from expression
1030:		}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..7f03c33 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -1018,15 +1018,17 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {

                // Update caller staking information and asset data.
                PoolData storage pool = _pools[AssetType.S2_CITIZEN];
+               uint256 points;
                unchecked {
-                       citizenStatus.points = 100 * timelockMultiplier / _DIVISOR;
+                       points = 100 * timelockMultiplier / _DIVISOR;
+                       citizenStatus.points = points;
                        citizenStatus.timelockEndTime = block.timestamp + timelockDuration;

                        // Record the caller's staked S2 Citizen.

                        // Update the pool point weights for rewards
-                       pool.totalPoints += citizenStatus.points;
+                       pool.totalPoints += points;

Cache citizenStatus.stakedBytes to save 4 SLOADs.

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1060:		if (seasonId == 1) {
1061:			StakedS1Citizen storage citizenStatus = stakedS1[msg.sender][citizenId];
1062:			uint256 cap = VAULT_CAP;
1063:			if (!citizenStatus.hasVault) {
1064:				cap = NO_VAULT_CAP;
1065:			}
1066:			if (citizenStatus.stakedBytes + amount > cap) { // @audit: 1st sload
1067:				revert AmountExceedsCap(citizenStatus.stakedBytes + amount, cap); // @aduit: 2nd sload
1068:			}
1070:			// Validate that the caller actually staked the Citizen.
1071:			if (citizenStatus.timelockEndTime == 0) {
1072:				revert CannotStakeIntoUnownedCitizen(citizenId, seasonId);
1073:			}
1075:			PoolData storage pool = _pools[AssetType.S1_CITIZEN];
1076:			unchecked {
1077:				uint256 bonusPoints = (amount * 100 / _BYTES_PER_POINT);
1078:				citizenStatus.stakedBytes += amount; // @audit: 3rd sload
1079:				citizenStatus.points += bonusPoints;
1080:				pool.totalPoints += bonusPoints;
1081:			}
1083:		// Handle staking BYTES into an S2 Citizen.
1084:		} else if (seasonId == 2) {
1085:			StakedS2Citizen storage citizenStatus = stakedS2[msg.sender][citizenId];
1086:			uint256 cap = NO_VAULT_CAP;
1087:			if (citizenStatus.stakedBytes + amount > cap) { // @audit: 1st sload
1088:				revert AmountExceedsCap(citizenStatus.stakedBytes + amount, cap); // @audit: 2nd sload
1089:			}
1091:			// Validate that the caller actually staked the Citizen.
1092:			if (citizenStatus.timelockEndTime == 0) {
1093:				revert CannotStakeIntoUnownedCitizen(citizenId, seasonId);
1094:			}
1096:			PoolData storage pool = _pools[AssetType.S2_CITIZEN];
1097:			unchecked {
1098:				uint256 bonusPoints = (amount * 100 / _BYTES_PER_POINT);
1099:				citizenStatus.stakedBytes += amount; // @audit: 3rd sload
1100:				citizenStatus.points += bonusPoints;
1101:				pool.totalPoints += bonusPoints;
1102:			}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..93a190d 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -1059,12 +1059,13 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                // Handle staking BYTES into an S1 Citizen.
                if (seasonId == 1) {
                        StakedS1Citizen storage citizenStatus = stakedS1[msg.sender][citizenId];
+                       uint256 s1StakedBytes = citizenStatus.stakedBytes;
                        uint256 cap = VAULT_CAP;
                        if (!citizenStatus.hasVault) {
                                cap = NO_VAULT_CAP;
-                       if (citizenStatus.stakedBytes + amount > cap) {
-                               revert AmountExceedsCap(citizenStatus.stakedBytes + amount, cap);
+                       if (s1StakedBytes + amount > cap) {
+                               revert AmountExceedsCap(s1StakedBytes + amount, cap);

                        // Validate that the caller actually staked the Citizen.
@@ -1075,7 +1076,7 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                        PoolData storage pool = _pools[AssetType.S1_CITIZEN];
                        unchecked {
                                uint256 bonusPoints = (amount * 100 / _BYTES_PER_POINT);
-                               citizenStatus.stakedBytes += amount;
+                               citizenStatus.stakedBytes = s1StakedBytes + amount;
                                citizenStatus.points += bonusPoints;
                                pool.totalPoints += bonusPoints;
@@ -1083,9 +1084,10 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                // Handle staking BYTES into an S2 Citizen.
                } else if (seasonId == 2) {
                        StakedS2Citizen storage citizenStatus = stakedS2[msg.sender][citizenId];
+                       uint256 s2StakedBytes = citizenStatus.stakedBytes;
                        uint256 cap = NO_VAULT_CAP;
-                       if (citizenStatus.stakedBytes + amount > cap) {
-                               revert AmountExceedsCap(citizenStatus.stakedBytes + amount, cap);
+                       if (s2StakedBytes + amount > cap) {
+                               revert AmountExceedsCap(s2StakedBytes + amount, cap);

                        // Validate that the caller actually staked the Citizen.
@@ -1096,7 +1098,7 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                        PoolData storage pool = _pools[AssetType.S2_CITIZEN];
                        unchecked {
                                uint256 bonusPoints = (amount * 100 / _BYTES_PER_POINT);
-                               citizenStatus.stakedBytes += amount;
+                               citizenStatus.stakedBytes = s2StakedBytes + amount;
                                citizenStatus.points += bonusPoints;
                                pool.totalPoints += bonusPoints;

Cache LP and stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].multiplier to save 2 SLOADs.

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1137:		_assetTransferFrom(LP, msg.sender, address(this), amount); // @audit: 1st sload for `LP`
1139:		// Decode the timelock option's duration and multiplier.
1140:		uint256 timelockDuration = _timelock >> 128;
1141:		uint256 timelockMultiplier = _timelock & type(uint128).max;
1143:		// If this is a new stake of this asset, initialize the multiplier details.
1144:		if (stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].multiplier == 0) { // @audit: 1st sload for `stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].multiplier`
1145:			stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].multiplier = timelockMultiplier;
1147:		// If a multiplier exists already, we must match it.
1148:		} else if (stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].multiplier != timelockMultiplier) { // @audit: 2nd sload for `stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].multiplier`
1149:			revert MismatchedTimelock();
1150:		}
1152:		// Update caller staking information and asset data.
1153:		PoolData storage pool = _pools[AssetType.LP];
1154:		unchecked {
1155:			uint256 points = amount * 100 / 1e18 * timelockMultiplier / _DIVISOR;
1157:			// Update the caller's LP token stake.
1158:			stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].timelockEndTime =
1159:				block.timestamp + timelockDuration;
1160:			stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].amount += amount;
1161:			stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].points += points;
1163:			// Update the pool point weights for rewards.
1164:			pool.totalPoints += points;
1165:		}
1167:		// Emit an event recording this LP staking.
1168:		emit Stake(
1169:			msg.sender,
1170:			LP, // @audit: 2nd sload for `LP`
1171:			_timelock,
1172:			amount
1173:		);
1174:	}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..3c7343e 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -1134,18 +1134,20 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                        contract. This transfer will fail if the caller does not hold enough
-               _assetTransferFrom(LP, msg.sender, address(this), amount);
+               address lp = LP;
+               _assetTransferFrom(lp, msg.sender, address(this), amount);

                // Decode the timelock option's duration and multiplier.
                uint256 timelockDuration = _timelock >> 128;
                uint256 timelockMultiplier = _timelock & type(uint128).max;

                // If this is a new stake of this asset, initialize the multiplier details.
-               if (stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].multiplier == 0) {
+               uint256 multiplier = stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].multiplier;
+               if (multiplier == 0) {
                        stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].multiplier = timelockMultiplier;

                // If a multiplier exists already, we must match it.
-               } else if (stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].multiplier != timelockMultiplier) {
+               } else if (multiplier != timelockMultiplier) {
                        revert MismatchedTimelock();

@@ -1167,7 +1169,7 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                // Emit an event recording this LP staking.
                emit Stake(
-                       LP,
+                       lp,

Cache pool.totalPoints to save 1 SLOAD.

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1273:		PoolData storage pool = _pools[_assetType];
1274:		if (pool.totalPoints != 0) { // @audit: 1st sload
1276:			// Calculate the total number of points accrued to the `_recipient`.
1386:			// Return final shares.
1387:			unchecked {
1388:				uint256 share = points * _PRECISION / pool.totalPoints * totalReward; // @audit: 2nd sload
1389:				uint256 daoShare = share * pool.daoTax / (100 * _DIVISOR);
1390:				share /= _PRECISION;
1391:				daoShare /= _PRECISION;
1392:				return ((share - daoShare), daoShare);
1393:			}
1394:		}
1395:		return (0, 0);
1396:	}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..9431d53 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -1271,7 +1271,8 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                        this case, do not attempt to grant any rewards so as to prevent reversion.
                PoolData storage pool = _pools[_assetType];
-               if (pool.totalPoints != 0) {
+               uint256 totalPoints = pool.totalPoints;
+               if (totalPoints != 0) {

                        // Calculate the total number of points accrued to the `_recipient`.
                        uint256 points;
@@ -1385,7 +1387,7 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {

                        // Return final shares.
                        unchecked {
-                               uint256 share = points * _PRECISION / pool.totalPoints * totalReward;
+                               uint256 share = points * _PRECISION / totalPoints * totalReward;
                                uint256 daoShare = share * pool.daoTax / (100 * _DIVISOR);
                                share /= _PRECISION;
                                daoShare /= _PRECISION;

Cache stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime, stakedCitizen.stakedBytes, stakedCitizen.stakedVaultId and oldPosition.length to save 6 SLOADs.

More SLOADs would actually be saved since storage slot access is occuring within a loop.

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1459:	function _withdrawS1Citizen () private {
1460:		uint256 citizenId;
1461:		assembly {
1462:			citizenId := calldataload(0x24)
1463:		}
1465:		// Validate that the caller has cleared their asset timelock.
1466:		StakedS1Citizen storage stakedCitizen = stakedS1[msg.sender][citizenId];
1467:		if (block.timestamp < stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime) { // @audit: 1st sload
1468:			revert TimelockNotCleared(stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime); // @audit: 2nd sload
1469:		}
1471:		// Validate that the caller actually staked this asset.
1472:		if (stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime == 0) { // @audit: 3rd sload
1473:			revert CannotWithdrawUnownedS1(citizenId);
1474:		}
1476:		// Return any staked BYTES.
1477:		if (stakedCitizen.stakedBytes > 0) { // @audit: 1st sload
1478:			_assetTransfer(BYTES, msg.sender, stakedCitizen.stakedBytes); // @audit: 2nd sload
1479:		}
1481:		// Return any non-component Vault if one is present.
1482:		if (stakedCitizen.stakedVaultId != 0) { // @audit: 1st sload
1483:			_assetTransferFrom(
1484:				VAULT,
1485:				address(this),
1486:				msg.sender,
1487:				stakedCitizen.stakedVaultId // @audit: 2nd sload
1488:			);
1489:		}
1491:		// Return the S1 Citizen.
1492:		_assetTransferFrom(S1_CITIZEN, address(this), msg.sender, citizenId);
1494:		/*
1495:			Check each citizen ID to find its index and remove the token from the
1496:			staked item array of its old position.
1497:		*/
1498:		uint256[] storage oldPosition = _stakerS1Position[msg.sender];
1499:		for (uint256 stakedIndex; stakedIndex < oldPosition.length; ) { // @audit: 1st sload + on every iteration
1501:			// Remove the element at the matching index.
1502:			if (citizenId == oldPosition[stakedIndex]) {
1503:				if (stakedIndex != oldPosition.length - 1) { // @audit: 2nd sload + on every iteration
1504:					oldPosition[stakedIndex] = oldPosition[oldPosition.length - 1]; // @audit: 3rd sload + on every iteration
1505:				}
1506:				oldPosition.pop();
1507:				break;
1508:			}
1509:			unchecked { stakedIndex++; }
1510:		}
diff --git a/./contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/./contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStakerNew.sol
index a54d218..2fa62b4 100644
--- a/./contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/./contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStakerNew.sol
@@ -1464,27 +1464,30 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {

                // Validate that the caller has cleared their asset timelock.
                StakedS1Citizen storage stakedCitizen = stakedS1[msg.sender][citizenId];
-               if (block.timestamp < stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime) {
-                       revert TimelockNotCleared(stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime);
+               uint256 timelockEndTime = stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime;
+               if (block.timestamp < timelockEndTime) {
+                       revert TimelockNotCleared(timelockEndTime);

                // Validate that the caller actually staked this asset.
-               if (stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime == 0) {
+               if (timelockEndTime == 0) {
                        revert CannotWithdrawUnownedS1(citizenId);

                // Return any staked BYTES.
-               if (stakedCitizen.stakedBytes > 0) {
-                       _assetTransfer(BYTES, msg.sender, stakedCitizen.stakedBytes);
+               uint256 stakedBytes = stakedCitizen.stakedBytes;
+               if (stakedBytes > 0) {
+                       _assetTransfer(BYTES, msg.sender, stakedBytes);

                // Return any non-component Vault if one is present.
-               if (stakedCitizen.stakedVaultId != 0) {
+               uint256 stakedVaultId = stakedCitizen.stakedVaultId;
+               if (stakedVaultId != 0) {
-                               stakedCitizen.stakedVaultId
+                               stakedVaultId

@@ -1496,12 +1499,13 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                        staked item array of its old position.
                uint256[] storage oldPosition = _stakerS1Position[msg.sender];
-               for (uint256 stakedIndex; stakedIndex < oldPosition.length; ) {
+               uint256 length = oldPosition.length;
+               for (uint256 stakedIndex; stakedIndex < length; ) {

                        // Remove the element at the matching index.
                        if (citizenId == oldPosition[stakedIndex]) {
-                               if (stakedIndex != oldPosition.length - 1) {
-                                       oldPosition[stakedIndex] = oldPosition[oldPosition.length - 1];
+                               if (stakedIndex != length - 1) {
+                                       oldPosition[stakedIndex] = oldPosition[length - 1];

Cache stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime, stakedCitizen.stakedBytes, and oldPosition.length as stack variables to save 5 SLOADs.

More SLOADs would actually be saved since storage slot access is occuring within a loop.

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1542:		if (block.timestamp < stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime) { // @audit: 1st sload
1543:			revert TimelockNotCleared(stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime); // @audit: 2nd sload
1544:		}
1546:		// Validate that the caller actually staked this asset.
1547:		if (stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime == 0) { // @audit: 3rd sload
1548:			revert CannotWithdrawUnownedS2(citizenId);
1549:		}
1551:		// Return any staked BYTES.
1552:		if (stakedCitizen.stakedBytes > 0) { // @audit: 1st sload
1553:			_assetTransfer(BYTES, msg.sender, stakedCitizen.stakedBytes); // @audit: 2nd sload
1554:		}
1556:		// Return the S2 Citizen.
1557:		_assetTransferFrom(S2_CITIZEN, address(this), msg.sender, citizenId);
1559:		/*
1560:			Check each citizen ID to find its index and remove the token from the
1561:			staked item array of its old position.
1562:		*/
1563:		uint256[] storage oldPosition = _stakerS2Position[msg.sender];
1564:		for (uint256 stakedIndex; stakedIndex < oldPosition.length; ) { // @audit: 1st sload + on every iteration
1566:			// Remove the element at the matching index.
1567:			if (citizenId == oldPosition[stakedIndex]) {
1568:				if (stakedIndex != oldPosition.length - 1) { // @audit: 2nd sload + on every iteration
1569:					oldPosition[stakedIndex] = oldPosition[oldPosition.length - 1]; // @audit: 3rd sload + on every iteration
1570:				}
1571:				oldPosition.pop();
1572:				break;
1573:			}
1574:			unchecked { stakedIndex++; }
1575:		}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..f975466 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -1539,18 +1539,20 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {

                // Validate that the caller has cleared their asset timelock.
                StakedS2Citizen storage stakedCitizen = stakedS2[msg.sender][citizenId];
-               if (block.timestamp < stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime) {
-                       revert TimelockNotCleared(stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime);
+               uint256 timelockEndTime = stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime;
+               if (block.timestamp < timelockEndTime) {
+                       revert TimelockNotCleared(timelockEndTime);

                // Validate that the caller actually staked this asset.
-               if (stakedCitizen.timelockEndTime == 0) {
+               if (timelockEndTime == 0) {
                        revert CannotWithdrawUnownedS2(citizenId);

                // Return any staked BYTES.
-               if (stakedCitizen.stakedBytes > 0) {
-                       _assetTransfer(BYTES, msg.sender, stakedCitizen.stakedBytes);
+               uint256 stakedBytes = stakedCitizen.stakedBytes;
+               if (stakedBytes > 0) {
+                       _assetTransfer(BYTES, msg.sender, stakedBytes);

                // Return the S2 Citizen.
@@ -1561,12 +1563,13 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                        staked item array of its old position.
                uint256[] storage oldPosition = _stakerS2Position[msg.sender];
-               for (uint256 stakedIndex; stakedIndex < oldPosition.length; ) {
+               uint256 length = oldPosition.length;
+               for (uint256 stakedIndex; stakedIndex < length; ) {

                        // Remove the element at the matching index.
                        if (citizenId == oldPosition[stakedIndex]) {
-                               if (stakedIndex != oldPosition.length - 1) {
-                                       oldPosition[stakedIndex] = oldPosition[oldPosition.length - 1];
+                               if (stakedIndex != length - 1) {
+                                       oldPosition[stakedIndex] = oldPosition[length - 1];

Cache lpPosition.timelockEndTime, lpPosition.amount, and LP as stack variables to save 5 SLOADs.

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1605:		if (block.timestamp < lpPosition.timelockEndTime) { // @audit: 1st slod
1606:			revert TimelockNotCleared(lpPosition.timelockEndTime); // @audit: 2nd sload
1607:		}
1609:		// Validate that the caller has enough staked LP tokens to withdraw.
1610:		if (lpPosition.amount < amount) { // @audit 1st sload for `lpPosition.amount`
1611:			revert NotEnoughLPTokens(amount, lpPosition.amount); // @audit: 2nd sload for `lpPosition.amount`
1612:		}
1614:		/*
1615:			Attempt to transfer the LP tokens held in escrow by this staking contract 
1616:			back to the caller.
1617:		*/
1618:		_assetTransfer(LP, msg.sender, amount); // @audit: 1st sload for `LP`
1620:		// Update caller staking information and asset data.
1621:		PoolData storage pool = _pools[AssetType.LP];
1622:		unchecked {
1623:			uint256 points = amount * 100 / 1e18 * lpPosition.multiplier / _DIVISOR;
1625:			// Update the caller's LP token stake.
1626:			lpPosition.amount -= amount; // @audit: 3rd sload for `lpPosition.amount`
1627:			lpPosition.points -= points;
1629:			// Update the pool point weights for rewards.
1630:			pool.totalPoints -= points;
1631:		}
1633:		// If all LP tokens are withdrawn, we must clear the multiplier.
1634:		if (lpPosition.amount == 0) { // @audit 4th sload for `lpPosition.amount`
1635:			lpPosition.multiplier = 0;
1636:		}
1638:		// Emit an event recording this LP withdraw.
1639:		emit Withdraw(
1640:			msg.sender,
1641:			LP, // @audit: 2nd sload for `LP`
1642:			amount
1643:		);
1644:	}
diff --git a/./contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/./contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStakerNew.sol
index a54d218..a7c34a9 100644
--- a/./contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/./contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStakerNew.sol
@@ -1602,20 +1602,23 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {

                // Validate that the caller has cleared their asset timelock.
                LPPosition storage lpPosition = stakerLPPosition[msg.sender];
-               if (block.timestamp < lpPosition.timelockEndTime) {
-                       revert TimelockNotCleared(lpPosition.timelockEndTime);
+               uin256 timelockEndTime = lpPosition.timelockEndTime;
+               if (block.timestamp < timelockEndTime) {
+                       revert TimelockNotCleared(timelockEndTime);

                // Validate that the caller has enough staked LP tokens to withdraw.
-               if (lpPosition.amount < amount) {
-                       revert NotEnoughLPTokens(amount, lpPosition.amount);
+               uint256 lpAmount = lpPosition.amount;
+               if (lpAmount < amount) {
+                       revert NotEnoughLPTokens(amount, lpAmount);

                        Attempt to transfer the LP tokens held in escrow by this staking contract
                        back to the caller.
-               _assetTransfer(LP, msg.sender, amount);
+               address lp = LP;
+               _assetTransfer(lp, msg.sender, amount);

                // Update caller staking information and asset data.
                PoolData storage pool = _pools[AssetType.LP];
@@ -1623,7 +1626,7 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                        uint256 points = amount * 100 / 1e18 * lpPosition.multiplier / _DIVISOR;

                        // Update the caller's LP token stake.
-                       lpPosition.amount -= amount;
+                       lpPosition.amount = lpAmount - amount;
                        lpPosition.points -= points;

                        // Update the pool point weights for rewards.
@@ -1631,14 +1634,14 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {

                // If all LP tokens are withdrawn, we must clear the multiplier.
-               if (lpPosition.amount == 0) {
+               if (lpAmount == 0) {
                        lpPosition.multiplier = 0;

                // Emit an event recording this LP withdraw.
                emit Withdraw(
-                       LP,
+                       lp,

[G-04] Avoid emitting constants.

A log topic (declared with indexed) has a gas cost of Glogtopic (375 gas). The Stake and Withdraw events’ second indexed parameter is a constant for a majority of events emitted (with the exception of the events emitted in the _stakeLP() and _withdrawLP() functions) and is unecessary to emit since the value will never change. Alternatively, you can avoid incurring the Glogtopic (375 gas) per call to any function that emits Stake/Withdraw (with the exception of _stakeLP() and _withdrawLP()) by creating separate events for each staking/withdraw function and opt out of using the current indexed asset topic in each event. This way you can still query the different staking/withdraw events and will save 375 gas for each staking/withdraw function (with the exception of _stakeLP() and _withdrawLP()).

Note that the events emitted in the _stakeLP() and withdrawLP() functions are not considered for this issue since the second indexed parameter is for the LP storage variable, which can be changed via the configureLP() function.

Instances: 5

Gas Savings: 5 * 375 = 1875

S1_CITIZEN is a constant

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
981:		emit Stake(
982:			msg.sender,
983:			S1_CITIZEN,
984:			_timelock,
985:			citizenId
986:		);

S2_CITIZEN is a constant

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1033:		emit Stake(
1034:			msg.sender,
1035:			S2_CITIZEN,
1036:			_timelock,
1037:			citizenId
1038:		);

BYTES is a constant

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1110:		emit Stake(
1111:			msg.sender,
1112:			BYTES,
1113:			(seasonId << 128) + citizenId,
1114:			amount
1115:		);

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1524:		emit Withdraw(
1525:			msg.sender,
1526:			S1_CITIZEN,
1527:			citizenId
1528:		);

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1587:		emit Withdraw(
1589:			msg.sender,
1590:			S2_CITIZEN,
1591:			citizenId
1592:		);

[G-05] Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a storage pointer

Caching a mapping’s value in a storage pointer when the value is accessed multiple times saves ~40 gas per access due to not having to perform the same offset calculation every time. Help the Optimizer by saving a storage variable’s reference instead of repeatedly fetching it.

To achieve this, declare a storage pointer for the variable and use it instead of repeatedly fetching the reference in a map or an array. As an example, instead of repeatedly calling _stakerS1Position[_staker], save its reference via a storage pointer: uint256[] storage s1Array = _stakerS1Position[_staker] and use the pointer instead.

Total instances: 25

Gas savings: 25 * 40 = 1000

Gas savings will actually be greater since storage slot offset calculation is occuring within loops in some instances

Cache storage pointers for _stakerS1Position[_staker], _stakerS2Position[_staker], stakedS1[_staker], and stakedS2[_staker].

More gas would actually be saved since storage slot offset calculation is occuring within a loop.

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
715:		StakedS1CitizenOutput[] memory stakedS1Details =
716:			new StakedS1CitizenOutput[](_stakerS1Position[_staker].length); // @audit: 1st access
717:		for (uint256 i; i < _stakerS1Position[_staker].length; ) { // @audit: 2nd access + on every iteration
718:			uint256 citizenId = _stakerS1Position[_staker][i]; // @audit: 3rd access + on every iteration
719:			StakedS1Citizen memory citizenDetails = stakedS1[_staker][citizenId]; // @audit: accessed on every iteration
720:			stakedS1Details[i] = StakedS1CitizenOutput({
721:				citizenId: citizenId,
722:				stakedBytes: citizenDetails.stakedBytes,
723:				timelockEndTime: citizenDetails.timelockEndTime,
724:				points: citizenDetails.points,
725:				hasVault: citizenDetails.hasVault,
726:				stakedVaultId: citizenDetails.stakedVaultId
727:			});
728:			unchecked { i++; }
729:		}
731:		// Compile the S2 Citizen details.
732:		StakedS2CitizenOutput[] memory stakedS2Details =
733:			new StakedS2CitizenOutput[](_stakerS2Position[_staker].length); // @audit: 1st access
734:		for (uint256 i; i < _stakerS2Position[_staker].length; ) { // @audit: 2nd access + on every iteration
735:			uint256 citizenId = _stakerS2Position[_staker][i]; // @audit: 3rd access + on every iteration
736:			StakedS2Citizen memory citizenDetails = stakedS2[_staker][citizenId]; // @audit: accessed on every iteration
737:			stakedS2Details[i] = StakedS2CitizenOutput({
738:				citizenId: citizenId,
739:				stakedBytes: citizenDetails.stakedBytes,
740:				timelockEndTime: citizenDetails.timelockEndTime,
741:				points: citizenDetails.points
742:			});
743:			unchecked { i++; }
744:		}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..e078701 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -712,11 +712,13 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
        ) external view returns (StakerPosition memory) {

                // Compile the S1 Citizen details.
+               uint256[] storage s1Array = _stakerS1Position[_staker];
+               mapping (uint256 => StakedS1Citizen) storage s1CitizenMap = stakedS1[_staker];
                StakedS1CitizenOutput[] memory stakedS1Details =
-                       new StakedS1CitizenOutput[](_stakerS1Position[_staker].length);
-               for (uint256 i; i < _stakerS1Position[_staker].length; ) {
-                       uint256 citizenId = _stakerS1Position[_staker][i];
-                       StakedS1Citizen memory citizenDetails = stakedS1[_staker][citizenId];
+                       new StakedS1CitizenOutput[](s1Array.length);
+               for (uint256 i; i < s1Array.length; ) {
+                       uint256 citizenId = s1Array[i];
+                       StakedS1Citizen memory citizenDetails = s1CitizenMap[citizenId];
                        stakedS1Details[i] = StakedS1CitizenOutput({
                                citizenId: citizenId,
                                stakedBytes: citizenDetails.stakedBytes,
@@ -729,11 +731,13 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {

                // Compile the S2 Citizen details.
+               uint256[] storage s2Array = _stakerS2Position[_staker];
+               mapping (uint256 => StakedS2Citizen) storage s2CitizenMap = stakedS2[_staker];
                StakedS2CitizenOutput[] memory stakedS2Details =
-                       new StakedS2CitizenOutput[](_stakerS2Position[_staker].length);
-               for (uint256 i; i < _stakerS2Position[_staker].length; ) {
-                       uint256 citizenId = _stakerS2Position[_staker][i];
-                       StakedS2Citizen memory citizenDetails = stakedS2[_staker][citizenId];
+                       new StakedS2CitizenOutput[](s2Array.length);
+               for (uint256 i; i < s2Array.length; ) {
+                       uint256 citizenId = s2Array[i];
+                       StakedS2Citizen memory citizenDetails = s2CitizenMap[citizenId];
                        stakedS2Details[i] = StakedS2CitizenOutput({
                                citizenId: citizenId,
                                stakedBytes: citizenDetails.stakedBytes,

Cache storage pointer for stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1144:		if (stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].multiplier == 0) { // @audit: 1st access
1145:			stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].multiplier = timelockMultiplier; // @audit: 2nd access
1147:		// If a multiplier exists already, we must match it.
1148:		} else if (stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].multiplier != timelockMultiplier) { // @audit: 3rd access
1149:			revert MismatchedTimelock();
1150:		}
1152:		// Update caller staking information and asset data.
1153:		PoolData storage pool = _pools[AssetType.LP];
1154:		unchecked {
1155:			uint256 points = amount * 100 / 1e18 * timelockMultiplier / _DIVISOR;
1157:			// Update the caller's LP token stake.
1158:			stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].timelockEndTime = // @audit: 4th access
1159:				block.timestamp + timelockDuration;
1160:			stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].amount += amount; // @audit: 5th & 6th access
1161:			stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].points += points; // @audit: 7th & 8th access
1163:			// Update the pool point weights for rewards.
1164:			pool.totalPoints += points;
1165:		}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..7993a96 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -1141,11 +1141,12 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                uint256 timelockMultiplier = _timelock & type(uint128).max;

                // If this is a new stake of this asset, initialize the multiplier details.
-               if (stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].multiplier == 0) {
-                       stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].multiplier = timelockMultiplier;
+               LPPosition storage stakerPosition = stakerLPPosition[msg.sender];
+               if (stakerPosition.multiplier == 0) {
+                       stakerPosition.multiplier = timelockMultiplier;

                // If a multiplier exists already, we must match it.
-               } else if (stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].multiplier != timelockMultiplier) {
+               } else if (stakerPosition.multiplier != timelockMultiplier) {
                        revert MismatchedTimelock();

@@ -1155,10 +1156,10 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                        uint256 points = amount * 100 / 1e18 * timelockMultiplier / _DIVISOR;

                        // Update the caller's LP token stake.
-                       stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].timelockEndTime =
+                       stakerPosition.timelockEndTime =
                                block.timestamp + timelockDuration;
-                       stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].amount += amount;
-                       stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].points += points;
+                       stakerPosition.amount += amount;
+                       stakerPosition.points += points;

                        // Update the pool point weights for rewards.
                        pool.totalPoints += points;

Cache storage pointer for _pools[_assetType].

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1210:		if (_pools[_assetType].rewardCount == 0) { // @audit: 1st access
1211:			revert UnconfiguredPool(uint256(_assetType));
1212:		}
1214:		// Validate that the asset being staked matches an active pool.
1215:		if (_pools[_assetType].rewardWindows[0].startTime >= block.timestamp) { // @audit: 2nd access
1216:			revert InactivePool(uint256(_assetType));
1217:		}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..b81a227 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -1207,12 +1207,13 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {

                // Validate that the asset being staked matches a configured pool.
-               if (_pools[_assetType].rewardCount == 0) {
+               PoolData storage pool = _pools[_assetType];
+               if (pool.rewardCount == 0) {
                        revert UnconfiguredPool(uint256(_assetType));

                // Validate that the asset being staked matches an active pool.
-               if (_pools[_assetType].rewardWindows[0].startTime >= block.timestamp) {
+               if (pool.rewardWindows[0].startTime >= block.timestamp) {
                        revert InactivePool(uint256(_assetType));

Cache storage pointers for _stakerS1Position[_recipient], _stakerS2Position[_recipient], stakedS1[_recipient], stakedS2[_recipient], and pool.rewardWindows.

More gas would actually be saved since storage slot offset calculation is occuring within a loop.

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1277:			uint256 points;
1278:			if (_assetType == AssetType.S1_CITIZEN) {
1279:				for (uint256 i; i < _stakerS1Position[_recipient].length; ) { // @audit: 1st access + on every iteration
1280:					uint256 citizenId = _stakerS1Position[_recipient][i]; // @audit: 2nd access + on every iteration
1281:					StakedS1Citizen memory s1Citizen = stakedS1[_recipient][citizenId]; // @audit: accessed on every iteration
1282:					unchecked {
1283:						points += s1Citizen.points;
1284:						i++;
1285:					}
1286:				}
1287:			} else if (_assetType == AssetType.S2_CITIZEN) {
1288:				for (uint256 i; i < _stakerS2Position[_recipient].length; ) { // @audit: 1st access + on every iteration
1289:					uint256 citizenId = _stakerS2Position[_recipient][i]; // @audit: 2nd access + on every iteration
1290:					StakedS2Citizen memory s2Citizen = stakedS2[_recipient][citizenId]; // @audit: accessed on every iteration
1291:					unchecked {
1292:						points += s2Citizen.points;
1293:						i++;
1294:					}
1295:				}
1296:			} else if (_assetType == AssetType.LP) {
1297:				unchecked {
1298:					points += stakerLPPosition[_recipient].points;
1299:				}
1300:			} else {
1301:				revert InvalidAssetType(uint256(_assetType));
1302:			}
1304:			/*
1305:				Determine the reward for the `_recipient` based on their points total. 
1306:				Iterate through the entire array of pool reward windows to find the 
1307:				applicable time period.
1308:			*/
1309:			uint256 totalReward;
1310:			uint256 lastPoolRewardTime = lastRewardTime[_recipient][_assetType];
1311:			uint256 windowCount = pool.rewardCount;
1312:			for (uint256 i; i < windowCount; ) {
1314:				RewardWindow memory window = pool.rewardWindows[i]; // @audit: 1st access + on every iteration
1316:				/*
1317:					If the last reward time is less than the starting time of this 
1318:					window, then the reward was accrued in the previous window.
1319:				*/
1320:				if (lastPoolRewardTime < window.startTime) {
1321:					uint256 currentRewardRate = pool.rewardWindows[i - 1].reward; // @audit: 2nd access + on every iteration
1323:					/*
1324:						Iterate forward to the present timestamp over any unclaimed reward 
1325:						windows.
1326:					*/
1327:					for (uint256 j = i; j < windowCount; ) {
1329:						// If the current time falls within this window, complete.
1330:						if (block.timestamp <= window.startTime) {
1331:							unchecked {
1332:								uint256 timeSinceReward = block.timestamp - lastPoolRewardTime;
1333:								totalReward += currentRewardRate * timeSinceReward;	
1334:							}
1336:							// We have no forward goto and thus include this bastardry.
1337:							i = windowCount;
1338:							break;
1340:						// Otherwise, accrue the remainder of this window and iterate.
1341:						} else {
1342:							unchecked {
1343:								uint256 timeSinceReward = window.startTime - lastPoolRewardTime;
1344:								totalReward += currentRewardRate * timeSinceReward;
1345:							}
1346:							currentRewardRate = window.reward;
1347:							lastPoolRewardTime = window.startTime;
1349:							/*
1350:								Handle the special case of overrunning the final window by 
1351:								fulfilling the prior window and then jumping forward to use the 
1352:								final reward window.
1353:							*/
1354:							if (j == windowCount - 1) {
1355:								unchecked {
1356:									uint256 timeSinceReward =
1357:										block.timestamp - lastPoolRewardTime;
1358:									totalReward += currentRewardRate * timeSinceReward;
1359:								}
1361:								// We have no forward goto and thus include this bastardry.
1362:								i = windowCount;
1363:								break;
1365:							// Otherwise, iterate.
1366:							} else {
1367:								window = pool.rewardWindows[j + 1]; // @audit: 3rd access + on every iteration
1368:							}
1369:						}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..0a58815 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -1276,18 +1276,22 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                        // Calculate the total number of points accrued to the `_recipient`.
                        uint256 points;
                        if (_assetType == AssetType.S1_CITIZEN) {
-                               for (uint256 i; i < _stakerS1Position[_recipient].length; ) {
-                                       uint256 citizenId = _stakerS1Position[_recipient][i];
-                                       StakedS1Citizen memory s1Citizen = stakedS1[_recipient][citizenId];
+                               uint256[] storage s1Array = _stakerS1Position[_recipient];
+                               mapping (uint256 => StakedS1Citizen) storage s1CitizenMap = stakedS1[_recipient];
+                               for (uint256 i; i < s1Array.length; ) {
+                                       uint256 citizenId = s1Array[i];
+                                       StakedS1Citizen memory s1Citizen = s1CitizenMap[citizenId];
                                        unchecked {
                                                points += s1Citizen.points;
                        } else if (_assetType == AssetType.S2_CITIZEN) {
-                               for (uint256 i; i < _stakerS2Position[_recipient].length; ) {
-                                       uint256 citizenId = _stakerS2Position[_recipient][i];
-                                       StakedS2Citizen memory s2Citizen = stakedS2[_recipient][citizenId];
+                               uint256[] storage s2Array = _stakerS2Position[_recipient];
+                               mapping (uint256 => StakedS2Citizen) storage s2CitizenMap = stakedS2[_recipient];
+                               for (uint256 i; i < s2Array.length; ) {
+                                       uint256 citizenId = s2Array[i];
+                                       StakedS2Citizen memory s2Citizen = s2CitizenMap[citizenId];
                                        unchecked {
                                                points += s2Citizen.points;
@@ -1309,15 +1313,16 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                        uint256 totalReward;
                        uint256 lastPoolRewardTime = lastRewardTime[_recipient][_assetType];
                        uint256 windowCount = pool.rewardCount;
+                       mapping (uint256 => RewardWindow) storage rewardWindowsMap = pool.rewardWindows;
                        for (uint256 i; i < windowCount; ) {
-                               RewardWindow memory window = pool.rewardWindows[i];
+                               RewardWindow memory window = rewardWindowsMap[i];

                                        If the last reward time is less than the starting time of this
                                        window, then the reward was accrued in the previous window.
                                if (lastPoolRewardTime < window.startTime) {
-                                       uint256 currentRewardRate = pool.rewardWindows[i - 1].reward;
+                                       uint256 currentRewardRate = rewardWindowsMap[i - 1].reward;

                                                Iterate forward to the present timestamp over any unclaimed reward
@@ -1363,7 +1368,7 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {

                                                        // Otherwise, iterate.
                                                        } else {
-                                                               window = pool.rewardWindows[j + 1];
+                                                               window = rewardWindowsMap[j + 1];
                                                unchecked { j++; }

Cache storage pointer for lastRewardTime[_recipient].

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1432:		// Record the current time as the beginning time for checking rewards.
1433:		lastRewardTime[_recipient][AssetType.S1_CITIZEN] = block.timestamp; // @audit: 1st access
1434:		lastRewardTime[_recipient][AssetType.S2_CITIZEN] = block.timestamp; // @audit: 2nd access
1435:		lastRewardTime[_recipient][AssetType.LP] = block.timestamp; // @audit: 3rd access
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..4621b10 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -1430,9 +1430,10 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {

                // Record the current time as the beginning time for checking rewards.
-               lastRewardTime[_recipient][AssetType.S1_CITIZEN] = block.timestamp;
-               lastRewardTime[_recipient][AssetType.S2_CITIZEN] = block.timestamp;
-               lastRewardTime[_recipient][AssetType.LP] = block.timestamp;
+               mapping (AssetType => uint256) storage recipient = lastRewardTime[_recipient];
+               recipient[AssetType.S1_CITIZEN] = block.timestamp;
+               recipient[AssetType.S2_CITIZEN] = block.timestamp;
+               recipient[AssetType.LP] = block.timestamp;

                // Calculate total reward and tax.
                uint256 totalReward;

[G-06] x += y/x -= y costs more gas than x = x + y/x = x - y for state variables

Total Instances: 13

Gas Savings: 13 * 20 = 260

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
967:		unchecked {
968:			citizenStatus.points =
969:				identityPoints * vaultMultiplier * timelockMultiplier /
970:				_DIVISOR / _DIVISOR;
971:			citizenStatus.timelockEndTime = block.timestamp + timelockDuration;
973:			// Record the caller's staked S1 Citizen.
974:			_stakerS1Position[msg.sender].push(citizenId);
976:			// Update the pool point weights for rewards
977:			pool.totalPoints += citizenStatus.points;
978:		}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..f7c4a13 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {

                        // Update the pool point weights for rewards
-                       pool.totalPoints += citizenStatus.points;
+                       pool.totalPoints = pool.totalPoints + citizenStatus.points;

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1021:		unchecked {
1022:			citizenStatus.points = 100 * timelockMultiplier / _DIVISOR;
1023:			citizenStatus.timelockEndTime = block.timestamp + timelockDuration;
1025:			// Record the caller's staked S2 Citizen.
1026:			_stakerS2Position[msg.sender].push(citizenId);
1028:			// Update the pool point weights for rewards
1029:			pool.totalPoints += citizenStatus.points;
1030:		}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..e940f8e 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {

                        // Update the pool point weights for rewards
-                       pool.totalPoints += citizenStatus.points;
+                       pool.totalPoints = pool.totalPoints + citizenStatus.points;

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1097:			unchecked {
1098:				uint256 bonusPoints = (amount * 100 / _BYTES_PER_POINT);
1099:				citizenStatus.stakedBytes += amount;
1100:				citizenStatus.points += bonusPoints;
1101:				pool.totalPoints += bonusPoints;
1102:			}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..af3d3de 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -1096,9 +1096,9 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                        PoolData storage pool = _pools[AssetType.S2_CITIZEN];
                        unchecked {
                                uint256 bonusPoints = (amount * 100 / _BYTES_PER_POINT);
-                               citizenStatus.stakedBytes += amount;
-                               citizenStatus.points += bonusPoints;
-                               pool.totalPoints += bonusPoints;
+                               citizenStatus.stakedBytes = citizenStatus.stakedBytes + amount;
+                               citizenStatus.points = citizenStatus.points + bonusPoints;
+                               pool.totalPoints = pool.totalPoints + bonusPoints;

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1154:		unchecked {
1155:			uint256 points = amount * 100 / 1e18 * timelockMultiplier / _DIVISOR;
1157:			// Update the caller's LP token stake.
1158:			stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].timelockEndTime =
1159:				block.timestamp + timelockDuration;
1160:			stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].amount += amount;
1161:			stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].points += points;
1163:			// Update the pool point weights for rewards.
1164:			pool.totalPoints += points;
1165:		}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..7f52897 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -1157,11 +1157,11 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                        // Update the caller's LP token stake.
                        stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].timelockEndTime =
                                block.timestamp + timelockDuration;
-                       stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].amount += amount;
-                       stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].points += points;
+                       stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].amount = stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].amount + amount;
+                       stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].points = stakerLPPosition[msg.sender].points + points;

                        // Update the pool point weights for rewards.
-                       pool.totalPoints += points;
+                       pool.totalPoints = pool.totalPoints + points;

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1514:		unchecked {
1515:			pool.totalPoints -= stakedCitizen.points;
1516:		}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..89a1f6d 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -1512,7 +1512,7 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                // Update caller staking information and asset data.
                PoolData storage pool = _pools[AssetType.S1_CITIZEN];
                unchecked {
-                       pool.totalPoints -= stakedCitizen.points;
+                       pool.totalPoints = pool.totalPoints - stakedCitizen.points;

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
1579:		unchecked {
1580:			pool.totalPoints -= stakedCitizen.points;
1581:		}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/./contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..f93562f 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -1577,7 +1577,7 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                // Update caller staking information and asset data.
                PoolData storage pool = _pools[AssetType.S2_CITIZEN];
                unchecked {
-                       pool.totalPoints -= stakedCitizen.points;
+                       pool.totalPoints = pool.totalPoints - stakedCitizen.points;

File: contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaking.sol
1622:		unchecked {
1623:			uint256 points = amount * 100 / 1e18 * lpPosition.multiplier / _DIVISOR;
1625:			// Update the caller's LP token stake.
1626:			lpPosition.amount -= amount;
1627:			lpPosition.points -= points;
1629:			// Update the pool point weights for rewards.
1630:			pool.totalPoints -= points;
1631:		}
diff --git a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
index a54d218..2513548 100644
--- a/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
+++ b/contracts/staking/NeoTokyoStaker.sol
@@ -1623,11 +1623,11 @@ contract NeoTokyoStaker is PermitControl, ReentrancyGuard {
                        uint256 points = amount * 100 / 1e18 * lpPosition.multiplier / _DIVISOR;

                        // Update the caller's LP token stake.
-                       lpPosition.amount -= amount;
-                       lpPosition.points -= points;
+                       lpPosition.amount = lpPosition.amount - amount;
+                       lpPosition.points = lpPosition.points - points;

                        // Update the pool point weights for rewards.
-                       pool.totalPoints -= points;
+                       pool.totalPoints = pool.totalPoints - points;

[G-07] Use storage instead of memory for structs/arrays

If you are not returning an entire struct (all fields) in a function then it is more gas efficient to use a storage pointer rather than using a memory pointer (which copies all the values in the struct from storage into memory). If you use a memory pointer and do not access all the struct fields in your function, then you are performing unecessary sloads. With this in mind, only the 4th, 6th, 13th, 14th, and 15th instances caught by the c4udit tool are instances where a struct is being copied from storage into memory and therefore have the hightest potential for gas savings. Below are some clarifications regarding those instances:

  • Modifying the 4th and 6th instances to use a storage pointer will not yield any substantial gas savings since all of the struct values are accessed (meaning the same amount of sloads would occur if you used a storage pointer) in the function. In addition, all the struct values are also being returned in memory.
  • Modifying the 15th instance to use a storage pointer would actually be less efficient in some cases since the struct values can potentially be read more than once during the function call. When using a memory pointer, the values would be loaded (MLOAD) from memory each time. When using a storage pointer, the values would be loaded (SLOAD) from storage each time. If you were to use a storage pointer in this instance you should consider caching the window.startTime and window.reward values to avoid re-reading those values from storage.
  • Modifying the 13th and 14th instances to use a storage pointer will result in substantial gas savings due to the fact that only one struct value is intended to be read during each loop. Although the function only reads one struct value from memory, the result of using a memory pointer is that ALL of the struct values are loaded from storage (5 unecessary SLOADs for the StakedS1Citizen struct and 2 unecessary SLOADs from the StakedS2Citizen struct) into memory. Using a storage pointer instead of a memory pointer for these two instances would result in the following gas savings:

Gas savings for stake(), obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 4463 gas

Min Max Avg # calls
Before 154353 423836 277026 71
After 149743 423836 272563 71

Gas Savings for withdraw(), obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 5346 gas

Min Max Avg # calls
Before 102046 267114 187080 18
After 102046 257972 181734 18


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C4 Contests incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Contest submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.