Juicebox Buyback Delegate
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Juicebox Buyback Delegate smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between May 18—May 22, 2023.


85 Wardens contributed reports to the Juicebox Buyback Delegate:

  1. 0x4non
  2. 0xHati
  3. 0xMosh
  4. 0xRobocop
  5. 0xSmartContract
  6. 0xStalin
  7. 0xWaitress
  8. 0xhacksmithh
  9. 0xnacho
  10. 0xnev
  11. 0xprinc
  12. ABA
  13. Arabadzhiev
  14. Arz
  15. BLACK-PANDA-REACH (Mis4nthr0pic, escrow, Muhab, deliriusz, savi0ur, lopotras, Naubit, santipu_, devscrooge, ret2basic, and Draco000)
  16. Deekshith99
  17. Dimagu (marcKn and dmtrbch)
  18. HHK
  19. Haipls
  20. JCN
  21. K42
  22. KKat7531
  23. Kose
  24. LosPollosHermanos (scaraven, LemonKurd, and jc1)
  25. Madalad
  26. MohammedRizwan
  27. QiuhaoLi
  28. RaymondFam
  29. Rickard
  30. Rolezn
  31. SAAJ
  32. Sathish9098
  33. Shubham
  34. SmartGooofy
  35. SpicyMeatball
  36. T1MOH
  37. Tripathi
  38. Udsen
  39. V1235816
  40. adriro
  41. arpit
  42. ast3ros
  43. aviggiano
  44. ayden
  45. bigtone
  46. codeVolcan
  47. d3e4
  48. dwward3n
  49. fatherOfBlocks
  50. favelanky
  51. hunter_w3b
  52. jovemjeune
  53. ktg
  54. kutugu
  55. lfzkoala
  56. lukris02
  57. matrix_0wl
  58. max10afternoon
  59. minhquanym
  60. ni8mare
  61. niser93
  62. parsely
  63. pfapostol
  64. pxng0lin
  65. radev_sw
  66. ravikiranweb3
  67. rbserver
  68. sces60107
  69. souilos
  70. tnevler
  71. turvy_fuzz
  72. yellowBirdy

This audit was judged by LSDan.

Final report assembled by itsmetechjay.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 3 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 0 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 3 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 57 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 11 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Juicebox Buyback Delegate repository, and is composed of 1 smart contract written in the Solidity programming language and includes 160 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

Medium Risk Findings (3)

[M-01] Delegate architecture forces users to set zero slippage

Submitted by adriro, also found by rbserver, 0xnacho, SpicyMeatball, max10afternoon, HHK, and 0xRobocop

The design of the delegate forces users to set a zero value for the _minReturnedTokens parameter when calling pay() in the terminal.

Technical details

In order to implement the swap functionality, the JBXBuybackDelegate needs to signal the terminal to not mint any tokens when the swap path is token. This is done by setting the weight variable to zero:


144:     function payParams(JBPayParamsData calldata _data)
145:         external
146:         override
147:         returns (uint256 weight, string memory memo, JBPayDelegateAllocation[] memory delegateAllocations)
148:     {
149:         // Find the total number of tokens to mint, as a fixed point number with 18 decimals
150:         uint256 _tokenCount = PRBMath.mulDiv(_data.amount.value, _data.weight, 10 ** 18);
152:         // Unpack the quote from the pool, given by the frontend
153:         (,, uint256 _quote, uint256 _slippage) = abi.decode(_data.metadata, (bytes32, bytes32, uint256, uint256));
155:         // If the amount swapped is bigger than the lowest received when minting, use the swap pathway
156:         if (_tokenCount < _quote - (_quote * _slippage / SLIPPAGE_DENOMINATOR)) {
157:             // Pass the quote and reserve rate via a mutex
158:             mintedAmount = _tokenCount;
159:             reservedRate = _data.reservedRate;
161:             // Return this delegate as the one to use, and do not mint from the terminal
162:             delegateAllocations = new JBPayDelegateAllocation[](1);
163:             delegateAllocations[0] =
164:                 JBPayDelegateAllocation({delegate: IJBPayDelegate(this), amount: _data.amount.value});
166:             return (0, _data.memo, delegateAllocations);
167:         }
169:         // If minting, do not use this as delegate
170:         return (_data.weight, _data.memo, new JBPayDelegateAllocation[](0));
171:     }

This can be seen in line 166 in the previous snippet of code, where the function returns zero as the weight return value when going the swap path. This weight is then used to calculate the tokenCount in the JBSingleTokenPaymentTerminalStore3_1 contract:


tokenCount = PRBMath.mulDiv(_amount.value, _weight, _weightRatio);

This tokenCount variable is finally returned to the JBPayoutRedemptionPaymentTerminal3_1 contract, which uses it to calculate the amount of tokens to mint and validate the tokens assigned to the beneficiary are above the minimum:



(_fundingCycle, _tokenCount, _delegateAllocations, _memo) = store.recordPaymentFrom(

// Mint the tokens if needed.
if (_tokenCount > 0)
  // Set token count to be the number of tokens minted for the beneficiary instead of the total amount.
  beneficiaryTokenCount = IJBController(directory.controllerOf(_projectId)).mintTokensOf(

// The token count for the beneficiary must be greater than or equal to the minimum expected.
if (beneficiaryTokenCount < _minReturnedTokens) revert INADEQUATE_TOKEN_COUNT();


This means that if the swap path is chosen, weight is going to be zero, which sets _tokenCount to zero, and implies that beneficiaryTokenCount is going to be zero as well. Setting _minReturnedTokens to any value different than zero will make the transaction revert.

However, the “buyback” path is not the only alternative. The delegate could also take the “vanilla” path in which it simply bypasses the delegate and tokens are minted in the terminal (line 170 in payParams()). This creates a conflict between both paths that forces the user to set _minReturnedTokens to zero, because the taken path is resolved at transaction time. Setting _minReturnedTokens to any value different than zero will make the “buyback” path revert, while setting _minReturnedTokens to zero nullifies the slippage check when the “vanilla” path is taken.


Medium. The current design forces the user to set _minReturnedTokens to zero and disables any type of check over the amount of minted tokens.


It is difficult to give a recommendation that doesn’t involve significant changes to the code, as the current design relies on returning a zero weight when choosing the “buyback” path, which forces the condition in _minReturnedTokens in order to prevent the transaction revert. Nevertheless, the situation should be revised, as setting a zero value for _minReturnedTokens can have a significant impact on users engaging with the protocol.

drgorillamd (Juicebox) disagreed with severity via duplicate issue #36 and commented:

2 things:

  • _minReturnedToken is not really used currently in the protocol, as it’s rather for future-proof (for the day where we have terminals with various currencies, where a slippage might appear) - screenshot of the latest pay(..) for instance: image
  • In this setting, the delegate doesn’t receive this arg (hence the use of the “free” metadata arg, to pass the quote/min received)

The scenario of “the transaction is pending then current fc rolls over and the beneficiary receive less token” looks a bit super edge case (especially for a Medium risk)…

Agreed it should be more documented though, as it might be confusing right now.

LSDan (judge) commented via issue #36:

I’m going to leave this in place as a Medium. The code functions in unexpected ways based on external factors and it’s actual function is very different than a user could reasonably expect. If the variable should always be zero, consider removing it. I don’t agree with the assertion that including dead arguments which may be used in the future is future-proof.

Also, see here with regard to protecting users from themselves.

[M-02] Low Liquidity in Uniswap V3 Pool Can Lead to ETH Lockup in JBXBuybackDelegate Contract

Submitted by minhquanym, also found by BLACK-PANDA-REACH, rbserver, Udsen, adriro, adriro, Udsen, sces60107, Madalad, max10afternoon, 0xStalin, and T1MOH

The JBXBuybackDelegate contract employs Uniswap V3 to perform ETH-to-project token swaps. When the terminal invokes the JBXBuybackDelegate.didPay() function, it provides the amount of ETH to be swapped for project tokens. The swap operation sets sqrtPriceLimitX96 to the lowest possible price, and the slippage is checked at the callback.

However, if the Uniswap V3 pool lacks sufficient liquidity or being manipulated before the transaction is executed, the swap will halt once the pool’s price reaches the sqrtPriceLimitX96 value. Consequently, not all the ETH sent to the contract will be utilized, resulting in the remaining ETH becoming permanently locked within the contract.

Proof of Concept

The _swap() function interacts with the Uniswap V3 pool. It sets sqrtPriceLimitX96 to the minimum or maximum feasible value to ensure that the swap attempts to utilize all available liquidity in the pool.

try pool.swap({
    recipient: address(this),
    zeroForOne: !_projectTokenIsZero,
    amountSpecified: int256(_data.amount.value),
    sqrtPriceLimitX96: _projectTokenIsZero ? TickMath.MAX_SQRT_RATIO - 1 : TickMath.MIN_SQRT_RATIO + 1,
    data: abi.encode(_minimumReceivedFromSwap)
}) returns (int256 amount0, int256 amount1) {
    // Swap succeeded, take note of the amount of projectToken received (negative as it is an exact input)
    _amountReceived = uint256(-(_projectTokenIsZero ? amount0 : amount1));
} catch {
    // implies _amountReceived = 0 -> will later mint when back in didPay
    return _amountReceived;

In the Uniswap V3 pool, this check stops the loop if the price limit is reached or the entire input has been used. If the pool does not have enough liquidity, it will still do the swap until the price reaches the minimum/maximum price.

// continue swapping as long as we haven't used the entire input/output and haven't reached the price limit
while (state.amountSpecifiedRemaining != 0 && state.sqrtPriceX96 != sqrtPriceLimitX96) {
    StepComputations memory step;

    step.sqrtPriceStartX96 = state.sqrtPriceX96;

    (step.tickNext, step.initialized) = tickBitmap.nextInitializedTickWithinOneWord(

Finally, the uniswapV3SwapCallback() function uses the input from the pool callback to wrap ETH and transfer WETH to the pool. So, if _amountToSend < msg.value, the unused ETH is locked in the contract.

function uniswapV3SwapCallback(int256 amount0Delta, int256 amount1Delta, bytes calldata data) external override {
    // Check if this is really a callback
    if (msg.sender != address(pool)) revert JuiceBuyback_Unauthorized();

    // Unpack the data
    (uint256 _minimumAmountReceived) = abi.decode(data, (uint256));

    // Assign 0 and 1 accordingly
    uint256 _amountReceived = uint256(-(_projectTokenIsZero ? amount0Delta : amount1Delta));
    uint256 _amountToSend = uint256(_projectTokenIsZero ? amount1Delta : amount0Delta);

    // Revert if slippage is too high
    if (_amountReceived < _minimumAmountReceived) revert JuiceBuyback_MaximumSlippage();

    // Wrap and transfer the weth to the pool
    weth.deposit{value: _amountToSend}();
    weth.transfer(address(pool), _amountToSend);

Consider returning the amount of unused ETH to the beneficiary.

LSDan (judge) decreased severity to Medium

drgorillamd (Juicebox) confirmed

[M-03] Funding cycles that use JBXBuybackDelegate as a redeem data source (or any derived class) will slash all redeemable tokens

Submitted by ABA, also found by ktg and RaymondFam

For a funding cycle that is set to use the data source for redeem and the data source is JBXBuybackDelegate, any and all redeemed tokens is 0 because of the returned 0 values from the empty redeemParams implementation. This means the beneficiary would wrongly receive 0 tokens instead of an intended amount.

While JBXBuybackDelegate was not designed to be used for redeem also, per protocol logic, this function should have been a pass-through (if no redeem such functionality was desired) because a redeem logic is by default used if not overwritten by redeemParams, as per the documentation (further detailed below). Impact is further increased as the function is not marked as virtual, as such, no inheriting class can modify the faulty implementation if any such extension is desired.

Vulnerability details

Project logic dictates that a contract can become a treasury data source by adhering to IJBFundingCycleDataSource, such as JBXBuybackDelegate is and that there are two functions that must be implemented, payParams(...) and redeemParams(...). Either one can be left empty if the intent is to only extend the treasury’s pay functionality or redeem functionality.

But by being left empty, it is specifically required to pass the input variables, not a 0 default value


Return the JBRedeemParamsData.reclaimAmount value if no altered functionality is desired. Return the JBRedeemParamsData.memo value if no altered functionality is desired. Return the zero address if no additional functionality is desired.

What should have been done:

  // This is unused but needs to be included to fulfill IJBFundingCycleDataSource.
  function redeemParams(JBRedeemParamsData calldata _data)
    returns (
      uint256 reclaimAmount,
      string memory memo,
      IJBRedemptionDelegate delegate
    // Return the default values.
    return (_data.reclaimAmount.value, _data.memo, IJBRedemptionDelegate(address(0)));

What is implemented:


    function redeemParams(JBRedeemParamsData calldata _data)
        returns (uint256 reclaimAmount, string memory memo, JBRedemptionDelegateAllocation[] memory delegateAllocations)

While an overwritten memo with an empty default string is not such a large issue, and incidentally delegateAllocations is actually returned correctly as a zero address, the issue lies with the reclaimAmount amount which is not returned as 0.

Per documentation:

reclaimAmount is the amount of tokens in the treasury that the terminal should send out to the redemption beneficiary as a result of burning the amount of project tokens tokens

and in case of redemptions, by default, the value is:

a reclaim amount determined by the standard protocol bonding curve based on the redemption rate the project has configured into its current funding cycle which is provided to the data source function in JBRedeemParamsData.reclaimAmount

but in this case, it will be overwritten with 0 thus the redemption beneficiary will be deprived of funds.

redeemParams is also lacking the virtual keyword, as such, no inheriting class can modify the faulty implementation if any such extension is desired.

Change the implementation of the function to respect protocol logic and add the virtual keyword, for example:

  // This is unused but needs to be included to fulfill IJBFundingCycleDataSource.
  function redeemParams(JBRedeemParamsData calldata _data)
    returns (
      uint256 reclaimAmount,
      string memory memo,
      IJBRedemptionDelegate delegate
    // Return the default values.
    return (_data.reclaimAmount.value, _data.memo, IJBRedemptionDelegate(address(0)));

drgorillamd (Juicebox) disagreed with severity and commented:

The funding cycle has two delegate-related parameters, useDelegateForPay and useDelegateForRedemption. This is a pay delegate, to have a situation where the redemption becomes faulty would require the project owner to proactively submit a reconfiguration, to activate the use of the delegate on redemption. This is a user bug, not a protocol one.

Should be documented to avoid confusion.

LSDan (judge) commented:

I respect that this is user error, but I also think it’s a very easy error to prevent. Medium stands.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this audit, 54 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by ABA received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: d3e4, 0xMosh, dwward3n, Udsen, Arabadzhiev, KKat7531, SmartGooofy, Shubham, 0x4non, rbserver, adriro, codeVolcan, Deekshith99, sces60107, favelanky, lukris02, BLACK-PANDA-REACH, Dimagu, parsely, yellowBirdy, QiuhaoLi, LosPollosHermanos, SAAJ, MohammedRizwan, minhquanym, tnevler, radev_sw, bigtone, jovemjeune, turvy_fuzz, Tripathi, ni8mare, ayden, RaymondFam, 0xSmartContract, Rickard, Kose, V1235816, 0xnev, pxng0lin, 0xprinc, Rolezn, fatherOfBlocks, 0xhacksmithh, Sathish9098, souilos, 0xWaitress, lfzkoala, 0xHati, matrix_0wl, kutugu, arpit, and ravikiranweb3 .

Low Risk Issues

Total: 1 instance over 1 issues

# Issue Instances
[L-01] JBXBuybackDelegate deployer should decide if held fees should be refunded 1

[L-01] JBXBuybackDelegate deployer should decide if held fees should be refunded

When minting of tokens is done, via JBXBuybackDelegate::_mint, ETH is sent back to the terminal via a call to addToBalanceOf.

There are 2 versions of addToBalanceOf. One that accepts a flag _shouldRefundHeldFees indicating if held fees should be refunded based on the amount being added.

And the other, with one less argument, that is used by our protocol that sets it to false by default.

This option should not be hardcoded as it is, a contract deployer should determine if he opts in or not.

Instances (1)



Add a constructor parameter that is then used with the addToBalanceOf when _mint is called.

Non-Critical Issues

Total: 15 instances over 7 issues

# Issue Instances
[N-01] Use JBTokenAmount::decimals instead of hardcoding it in payParams 1
[N-02] Memo is not passed in all cases 3
[N-03] Missing, misleading, incorrect, or incomplete comments 7
[N-04] Events missing key information 1
[N-05] Empty methods should be thoroughly documented 1
[N-06] Better and documentation naming for _projectTokenIsZero 1
[N-07] Use named function calls 1

[N-01] Use JBTokenAmount::decimals instead of hardcoding it in payParams

In payParams the number of tokens to mint is determined by multiplying value with weight and dividing by 1e18.

        // Find the total number of tokens to mint, as a fixed point number with 18 decimals
        uint256 _tokenCount = PRBMath.mulDiv(_data.amount.value, _data.weight, 10 ** 18);

As the token to be used by the project has 18 decimals this is not an issue for now. Any other project token to be added will require this modified in order to keep the premise that the total number of tokens to mint is a fixed point number with 18 decimals.

Out of the formula, _data.weight has 18 decimals:


    // The weight according to which new token supply is to be minted, as a fixed point number with 18 decimals.
    uint256 _weight;

So the 1e18 must be the decimal count of the JBTokenAmount in order to be fully safe.

Instances (1)



Use the decimals propriety of JBTokenAmount instead of a hardcoded 1e18:

        uint256 _tokenCount = PRBMath.mulDiv(_data.amount.value, _data.weight, 10 ** _data.amount.decimals);

[N-02] Memo is not passed in all cases

All controller operations of mintTokensOf and burnTokensOf or terminal operation of addToBalanceOf have a _memo parameter.

The information in the memo will be passed to an event. The event is sent regardless so adding the memo will make off-chain analytics clearer.

Instances (3)





Pass the memo information to the mentioned calls.

[N-03] Missing, misleading, incorrect, or incomplete comments

There are cases where the comments are either missing, incomplete or incorrect throughout the codebase.

Instances (7)

  • _swap:

    • at line 246 toke_beforeTransferTon should be token_beforeTransferToken (code)
    • at line 251 fc should be properly described as funding cycle (code)
    • at line 301 the comments after result: are ambiguous _amountReceived-reserved here, reservedToken in reserve, consider making them more clear, example: (_amountReceived - reserved) here, (reserved (token)) in reserve (code)
    • at lines 250 and 252 ie should be i.e. (code)
  • _mint: at line 329 there is a double in in, remove one in (code)
  • uniswapV3SwapCallback:

    • at line 214 typo in controle, an extra e, remove the extra e (code)
    • at line 212 typo, “should happen” or rephrase to “happens” (code)


Resolve the mentioned issues.

[N-04] Events missing key information

Some events are missing key information when emitted.

Instances (1)

  • in _mint the JBXBuybackDelegate_Mint event should contain the minted amount and beneficiary to whom it was minted (code)


Add the missing information.

[N-05] Empty methods should be thoroughly documented

The function redeemParams variable has no code implementation.

It is both lacking any NatSpec and any internal comments to indicate its purpose.

Instances (1)



Properly document the method, why it is needed and why it is empty.

[N-06] Better naming and documentation for _projectTokenIsZero

A variable named _projectTokenIsZero is used to indicate if the project token address is less then the address terminal token by sort order.

It describes it simply as:

     * @notice Address project token < address terminal token ?
    bool private immutable _projectTokenIsZero;

then it is used to identify which swap return amount is to be used.

            _amountReceived = uint256(-(_projectTokenIsZero ? amount0 : amount1));

This is needed because Uniswap IUniswapV3Pool::pool returns the token amounts corresponding to the token sorted addresses order.

This is implicit because pools are created with the tokens as such (IUniswapV3Factory#PoolCreated)

The naming and description can be changed to better describe the need for this flag variable.

Instances (1)



Add a more descriptive name and documentation.


     * @notice sores if: address project token < address terminal token
     * @dev used to identify which pair token (0 or 1) is the project token in a swap result
    bool private immutable _projectTokenIsPairToken0;

[N-07] Use named function calls

Code base has an extensive use of named function calls, but it somehow missed one instance where this would be appropriate.

        jbxTerminal.addToBalanceOf{value: _data.amount.value}(
            _data.projectId, _data.amount.value, JBTokens.ETH, "", new bytes(0)


Instances (1)



Use named function calls on function call, as such:

    jbxTerminal.addToBalanceOf{value: _data.amount.value}({
        _projectId: _data.projectId,
        _amount: _data.amount.value,
        _token: JBTokens.ETH,
        _memo: "",
        _metadata: new bytes(0)

drgorillamd (Juicebox) confirmed

Gas Optimizations

For this audit, 11 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by JCN received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: Arz, Dimagu, QiuhaoLi, niser93, pfapostol, Tripathi, 0x4non, hunter_w3b, Sathish9098, and K42 .

Gas Optimizations Summary

All of the optimizations were benchmarked via the protocol’s tests, i.e. using the following config: solc version 0.8.19. Some optimizations are also explained via EVM gas costs and opcodes.

Below are the overall average gas savings for the following tested functions (with all the optimizations applied):

Function Before After Avg Gas Savings
JBXBuybackDelegate.didPay 242106 240737 1369
JBXBuybackDelegate.payParams 8271 5393 2878
JBXBuybackDelegate.uniswapV3SwapCallback 20125 19772 353

Total gas saved across all listed functions: 4600


  • The Gas report output, after all optimizations have been applied, can be found at the end of the report.
  • The final diff for the contract, with all the optimizations applied, can be found here.
  • The Avg gas for didPay changes between tests and so the Max column (which remains the same) is used when benchmarking this function.
  • Only runtime gas is highlighted above, as it will inevitably outweight deployment gas costs throughout the lifetime of the protocol.
  • Substantial deployment gas savings are highlighted in their appropriate instances and are only provided as a reference.

[G-01] State variables can be packed to use fewer storage slots

The EVM works with 32 byte words. Variables less than 32 bytes can be declared next to each other in storage and this will pack the values together into a single 32 byte storage slot (if the values combined are <= 32 bytes). If the variables packed together are retrieved together in functions we will effectively save ~2000 gas with every subsequent SLOAD for that storage slot. This is due to us incurring a Gwarmaccess (100 gas) versus a Gcoldsload (2100 gas).

Note: This optimization will save ~20_000 deployment gas since we are avoiding one Gsset (20000 gas) during deployment. However, only runtime gas is bencharked since runtime gas is paid multiple times over, while deployment gas is only paid once.


Gas Savings for JBXBuybackDelegate.payParams, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 2743 gas

Med Max Avg # calls
Before 9981 12476 8271 10
After 6771 7523 5528 10

Pack mintedAmount and reservedRate into one storage slot to save 1 SLOT (~2000 gas)

File: juice-buyback/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
106:    uint256 private mintedAmount = 1;
108:    /**
109:     * @notice The current reserved rate
110:     * 
111:     * @dev    This is a mutex 1-x-1
112:     */
113:    uint256 private reservedRate = 1;
diff --git a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
index 0ee751b..23e2aa2 100644
--- a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
+++ b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
@@ -103,14 +103,14 @@ contract JBXBuybackDelegate is IJBFundingCycleDataSource, IJBPayDelegate, IUnisw
      * @dev    This is a mutex 1-x-1
-    uint256 private mintedAmount = 1;
+    uint128 private mintedAmount = 1;

      * @notice The current reserved rate
      * @dev    This is a mutex 1-x-1
-    uint256 private reservedRate = 1;
+    uint128 private reservedRate = 1;

      * @dev No other logic besides initializing the immutables
@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ contract JBXBuybackDelegate is IJBFundingCycleDataSource, IJBPayDelegate, IUnisw
         // If the amount swapped is bigger than the lowest received when minting, use the swap pathway
         if (_tokenCount < _quote - (_quote * _slippage / SLIPPAGE_DENOMINATOR)) {
             // Pass the quote and reserve rate via a mutex
-            mintedAmount = _tokenCount;
-            reservedRate = _data.reservedRate;
+            mintedAmount = uint128(_tokenCount);
+            reservedRate = uint128(_data.reservedRate);

             // Return this delegate as the one to use, and do not mint from the terminal
             delegateAllocations = new JBPayDelegateAllocation[](1);

[G-02] Create immutable variable to avoid redundant external calls

In the instances below, an external call to retrieve the directory is performed each time _swap and _mint is invoked. We can avoid performing this call on each invocation by executing this external call once in the constructor and storing the directory as an immutable variable. Doing so will save 2 external calls each time didPay is called (didPay invokes _swap & _mint).



Gas Savings for JBXBuybackDelegate.didPay, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 602 gas

Med Max Avg # calls
Before 148266 242106 161126 7
After 147664 241504 160575 7
File: juice-buyback/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
290:        IJBController controller = IJBController(jbxTerminal.directory().controllerOf(_data.projectId)); // called in `_swap`

335:        IJBController controller = IJBController(jbxTerminal.directory().controllerOf(_data.projectId)); // called in `_mint`
diff --git a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
index 0ee751b..403216d 100644
--- a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
+++ b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ contract JBXBuybackDelegate is IJBFundingCycleDataSource, IJBPayDelegate, IUnisw
     IJBPayoutRedemptionPaymentTerminal3_1 public immutable jbxTerminal;

+    IJBDirectory private immutable directory;
      * @notice The WETH contract
@@ -124,6 +126,7 @@ contract JBXBuybackDelegate is IJBFundingCycleDataSource, IJBPayDelegate, IUnisw
         projectToken = _projectToken;
         pool = _pool;
         jbxTerminal = _jbxTerminal;
+        directory = jbxTerminal.directory();
         _projectTokenIsZero = address(_projectToken) < address(_weth);
         weth = _weth;
@@ -287,7 +290,7 @@ contract JBXBuybackDelegate is IJBFundingCycleDataSource, IJBPayDelegate, IUnisw

         // If there are reserved token, add them to the reserve
         if (_reservedToken != 0) {
-            IJBController controller = IJBController(jbxTerminal.directory().controllerOf(_data.projectId));
+            IJBController controller = IJBController(directory.controllerOf(_data.projectId));

             // 1) Burn all the reserved token, which are in this address -> result: 0 here, 0 in reserve
@@ -332,7 +335,7 @@ contract JBXBuybackDelegate is IJBFundingCycleDataSource, IJBPayDelegate, IUnisw
      * @param  _amount the amount of token out to mint
     function _mint(JBDidPayData calldata _data, uint256 _amount) internal {
-        IJBController controller = IJBController(jbxTerminal.directory().controllerOf(_data.projectId));
+        IJBController controller = IJBController(directory.controllerOf(_data.projectId));

         // Mint to the beneficiary with the fc reserve rate

[G-03] Use assembly to perform efficient back-to-back calls

If similar external calls are performed back-to-back, we can use assembly to reuse any function signatures and function parameters that stay the same. In addition, we can also reuse the same memory space for each function call (scratch space + free memory pointer), which can potentially allow us to avoid memory expansion costs. In this case we are also able to efficiently store both function signatures together in memory as one word, saving one MLOAD in the process.

Note: In order to do this optimization safely we will cache and restore the free memory pointer after we are done with our function calls.


Gas Savings for JBXBuybackDelegate.didPay, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 392 gas

Med Max Avg # calls
Before 148266 242106 161126 7
After 147874 241714 160902 7

Gas Savings for JBXBuybackDelegate.uniswapV3SwapCallback, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 262 gas

Med Max Avg # calls
Before 28794 30714 20125 6
After 28402 30322 19863 6
File: juice-buyback/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
231:        weth.deposit{value: _amountToSend}();
232:        weth.transfer(address(pool), _amountToSend);
diff --git a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
index 0ee751b..9c252d5 100644
--- a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
+++ b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
@@ -228,8 +228,20 @@ contract JBXBuybackDelegate is IJBFundingCycleDataSource, IJBPayDelegate, IUnisw
         if (_amountReceived < _minimumAmountReceived) revert JuiceBuyback_MaximumSlippage();

         // Wrap and transfer the weth to the pool
-        weth.deposit{value: _amountToSend}();
-        weth.transfer(address(pool), _amountToSend);
+        IWETH9 _weth = weth;
+        IUniswapV3Pool _pool = pool;
+        assembly {
+            // function selectors for `deposit()` & `transfer(address,uint256)`
+            mstore(0x00, 0xd0e30db0a9059cbb)
+            if iszero(call(gas(), _weth, _amountToSend, 0x18, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00)) {revert(0, 0)}
+            // store memory pointer
+            let memptr := mload(0x40)
+            mstore(0x20, _pool)
+            mstore(0x40, _amountToSend)
+            if iszero(call(gas(), _weth, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x44, 0x00, 0x00)) {revert(0, 0)}
+            // restore memory pointer
+            mstore(0x40, memptr)
+        }

     function redeemParams(JBRedeemParamsData calldata _data)

[G-04] Use assembly in place of abi.decode to extract calldata values more efficiently

Instead of using abi.decode, we can use assembly to decode our desired calldata values directly. This will allow us to avoid decoding calldata values that we will not use.

Total Instances: 3


Gas Savings for JBXBuybackDelegate.payParams, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 112 gas

Med Max Avg # calls
Before 9981 12476 8271 10
After 9886 12357 8159 10
File: juice-buyback/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
153:        (,, uint256 _quote, uint256 _slippage) = abi.decode(_data.metadata, (bytes32, bytes32, uint256, uint256));
diff --git a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
index 0ee751b..6319382 100644
--- a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
+++ b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
@@ -150,7 +150,15 @@ contract JBXBuybackDelegate is IJBFundingCycleDataSource, IJBPayDelegate, IUnisw
         uint256 _tokenCount = PRBMath.mulDiv(_data.amount.value, _data.weight, 10 ** 18);

         // Unpack the quote from the pool, given by the frontend
-        (,, uint256 _quote, uint256 _slippage) = abi.decode(_data.metadata, (bytes32, bytes32, uint256, uint256));
+        uint256 _quote;
+        uint256 _slippage;
+        { // used to discard `data` variable and avoid extra stack manipulation
+            bytes calldata data = _data.metadata;
+            assembly {
+                _quote := calldataload(add(data.offset, 0x40))
+                _slippage := calldataload(add(data.offset, 0x60))
+            }
+        }

         // If the amount swapped is bigger than the lowest received when minting, use the swap pathway
         if (_tokenCount < _quote - (_quote * _slippage / SLIPPAGE_DENOMINATOR)) {


Gas Savings for JBXBuybackDelegate.didPay, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 95 gas

Med Max Avg # calls
Before 148266 242106 161126 7
After 148171 242011 161025 7
File: juice-buyback/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
196:        (,, uint256 _quote, uint256 _slippage) = abi.decode(_data.metadata, (bytes32, bytes32, uint256, uint256));
diff --git a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
index 0ee751b..ac60192 100644
--- a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
+++ b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
@@ -193,7 +193,15 @@ contract JBXBuybackDelegate is IJBFundingCycleDataSource, IJBPayDelegate, IUnisw
         reservedRate = 1;

         // The minimum amount of token received if swapping
-        (,, uint256 _quote, uint256 _slippage) = abi.decode(_data.metadata, (bytes32, bytes32, uint256, uint256));
+        uint256 _quote;
+        uint256 _slippage;
+        { // used to discard `data` variable and avoid extra stack manipulation
+            bytes calldata data = _data.metadata;
+            assembly {
+                _quote := calldataload(add(data.offset, 0x40))
+                _slippage := calldataload(add(data.offset, 0x60))
+            }
+        }
         uint256 _minimumReceivedFromSwap = _quote - (_quote * _slippage / SLIPPAGE_DENOMINATOR);

         // Pick the appropriate pathway (swap vs mint), use mint if non-claimed prefered


Gas Savings for JBXBuybackDelegate.uniswapV3SwapCallback, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 75 gas

Med Max Avg # calls
Before 28794 30714 20125 6
After 28725 30645 20050 6
File: juice-buyback/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
221:        (uint256 _minimumAmountReceived) = abi.decode(data, (uint256));
diff --git a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
index 0ee751b..b87a72a 100644
--- a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
+++ b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
@@ -218,7 +218,10 @@ contract JBXBuybackDelegate is IJBFundingCycleDataSource, IJBPayDelegate, IUnisw
         if (msg.sender != address(pool)) revert JuiceBuyback_Unauthorized();

         // Unpack the data
-        (uint256 _minimumAmountReceived) = abi.decode(data, (uint256));
+        uint256 _minimumAmountReceived;
+        assembly {
+            _minimumAmountReceived := calldataload(data.offset)
+        }

         // Assign 0 and 1 accordingly
         uint256 _amountReceived = uint256(-(_projectTokenIsZero ? amount0Delta : amount1Delta));

[G-05] Use assembly to emit events

We can use assembly to emit events efficiently by utilizing scratch space and the free memory pointer. This will allow us to potentially avoid memory expansion costs.

Note: In order to do this optimization safely, we will need to cache and restore the free memory pointer.



Gas Savings for JBXBuybackDelegate.didPay, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 38 gas

Med Max Avg # calls
Before 148266 242106 161126 7
After 148228 242068 161085 7
File: juice-buyback/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
325:        emit JBXBuybackDelegate_Swap(_data.projectId, _data.amount.value, _amountReceived);

352:        emit JBXBuybackDelegate_Mint(_data.projectId);
diff --git a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
index 0ee751b..0836a78 100644
--- a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
+++ b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
@@ -322,7 +322,19 @@ contract JBXBuybackDelegate is IJBFundingCycleDataSource, IJBPayDelegate, IUnisw

-        emit JBXBuybackDelegate_Swap(_data.projectId, _data.amount.value, _amountReceived);
+        assembly {
+            let memptr := mload(0x40)
+            mstore(0x00, calldataload(0x44))
+            mstore(0x20, calldataload(0xa4))
+            mstore(0x40, _amountReceived)
+            log1(
+                0x00,
+                0x60,
+                // keccak256("JBXBuybackDelegate_Swap(uint256,uint256,uint256)")
+                0x01a4fda29d012874ff22866f5058fa420a4f8598b6f5207b9851c577c11507f7
+            )
+            mstore(0x40, memptr)
+        }

@@ -349,7 +361,15 @@ contract JBXBuybackDelegate is IJBFundingCycleDataSource, IJBPayDelegate, IUnisw
             _data.projectId, _data.amount.value, JBTokens.ETH, "", new bytes(0)

-        emit JBXBuybackDelegate_Mint(_data.projectId);
+        assembly {
+            mstore(0x00, calldataload(0x44))
+            log1(
+                0x00,
+                0x20,
+                // keccak256("JBXBuybackDelegate_Mint(uint256)")
+                0x9dd9e06f6137ca3ab76ef60c229d956aa1d09df00d9f55800cec4e1d9cf21381
+            )
+        }

[G-06] Use assembly to validate msg.sender

We can use assembly to efficiently validate msg.sender for the didPay and uniswapV3SwapCallback functions with the least amount of opcodes necessary. Additionally, we can use xor() instead of iszero(eq()), saving 3 gas. We can also potentially save gas on the unhappy path by using scratch space to store the error selector, potentially avoiding memory expansion costs.


Gas Savings for JBXBuybackDelegate.didPay, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 21 gas

Med Max Avg # calls
Before 148266 242106 161126 7
After 148245 242085 161107 7
File: juice-buyback/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
185:        if (msg.sender != address(jbxTerminal)) revert JuiceBuyback_Unauthorized();
diff --git a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
index 0ee751b..fc5566e 100644
--- a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
+++ b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
@@ -182,7 +182,13 @@ contract JBXBuybackDelegate is IJBFundingCycleDataSource, IJBPayDelegate, IUnisw
     function didPay(JBDidPayData calldata _data) external payable override {
         // Access control as minting is authorized to this delegate
-        if (msg.sender != address(jbxTerminal)) revert JuiceBuyback_Unauthorized();
+        IJBPayoutRedemptionPaymentTerminal3_1 _jbxTerminal = jbxTerminal;
+        assembly {
+            if xor(caller(), _jbxTerminal) {
+                // bytes4(keccak256("JuiceBuyback_Unauthorized()"))
+                mstore(0x00, 0x84f56813)
+                revert(0x1c, 0x04)
+            }
+        }

         // Retrieve the number of token created if minting and reset the mutex (not exposed in JBDidPayData)
         uint256 _tokenCount = mintedAmount;


Gas Savings for JBXBuybackDelegate.uniswapV3SwapCallback, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 12 gas

Med Max Avg # calls
Before 28794 30714 20125 6
After 28784 30704 20113 6
File: juice-buyback/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
218:        if (msg.sender != address(pool)) revert JuiceBuyback_Unauthorized();
diff --git a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
index 0ee751b..fc5566e 100644
--- a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
+++ b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
@@ -215,7 +221,13 @@ contract JBXBuybackDelegate is IJBFundingCycleDataSource, IJBPayDelegate, IUnisw
     function uniswapV3SwapCallback(int256 amount0Delta, int256 amount1Delta, bytes calldata data) external override {
         // Check if this is really a callback
-        if (msg.sender != address(pool)) revert JuiceBuyback_Unauthorized();
+        IUniswapV3Pool _pool = pool;
+        assembly {
+            if xor(caller(), _pool) {
+                // bytes4(keccak256("JuiceBuyback_Unauthorized()"))
+                mstore(0x00, 0x84f56813)
+                revert(0x1c, 0x04)
+            }
+        }

         // Unpack the data
         (uint256 _minimumAmountReceived) = abi.decode(data, (uint256));

[G-07] Use assembly to efficiently read from and write to packed storage slots

The EVM reads from and writes to storage 1 word (32 bytes) at a time. Therefore, if we pack multiple values together into one storage slot, the EVM will do extra operations (bit masking/shifting) to fit each value into one word. With assembly we can use the least amount of opcodes necessary to read from and write to packed storage slots.

Note: This optimzation is dependent on G-01 and thus benchmarking is done using the optimization in G-01 as a baseline.



Gas Savings for JBXBuybackDelegate.payParams, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 18 gas

Med Max Avg # calls
Before 6771 7523 5528 10
After 6747 7497 5510 10

Gas Savings for JBXBuybackDelegate.didPay, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 33 gas

Med Max Avg # calls
Before 148151 241991 161803 7
After 148120 241960 161770 7
File: juice-buyback/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
158:            mintedAmount = _tokenCount;
159:            reservedRate = _data.reservedRate;

188:            uint256 _tokenCount = mintedAmount;
189:            mintedAmount = 1;
191:            // Retrieve the fc reserved rate and reset the mutex
192:            uint256 _reservedRate = reservedRate;
193:            reservedRate = 1;
diff --git a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
index 0ee751b..6455fe4 100644
--- a/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
+++ b/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
@@ -103,14 +103,14 @@ contract JBXBuybackDelegate is IJBFundingCycleDataSource, IJBPayDelegate, IUnisw
      * @dev    This is a mutex 1-x-1
-    uint256 private mintedAmount = 1;
+    uint128 private mintedAmount = 1;

      * @notice The current reserved rate
      * @dev    This is a mutex 1-x-1
-    uint256 private reservedRate = 1;
+    uint128 private reservedRate = 1;

      * @dev No other logic besides initializing the immutables
@@ -155,8 +155,9 @@ contract JBXBuybackDelegate is IJBFundingCycleDataSource, IJBPayDelegate, IUnisw
         // If the amount swapped is bigger than the lowest received when minting, use the swap pathway
         if (_tokenCount < _quote - (_quote * _slippage / SLIPPAGE_DENOMINATOR)) {
             // Pass the quote and reserve rate via a mutex
-            mintedAmount = _tokenCount;
-            reservedRate = _data.reservedRate;
+            assembly {
+                sstore(mintedAmount.slot, or(shr(128, shl(128, _tokenCount)), shl(128, calldataload(0x164))))
+            }

             // Return this delegate as the one to use, and do not mint from the terminal
             delegateAllocations = new JBPayDelegateAllocation[](1);
@@ -185,12 +186,14 @@ contract JBXBuybackDelegate is IJBFundingCycleDataSource, IJBPayDelegate, IUnisw
         if (msg.sender != address(jbxTerminal)) revert JuiceBuyback_Unauthorized();

         // Retrieve the number of token created if minting and reset the mutex (not exposed in JBDidPayData)
-        uint256 _tokenCount = mintedAmount;
-        mintedAmount = 1;
-        // Retrieve the fc reserved rate and reset the mutex
-        uint256 _reservedRate = reservedRate;
-        reservedRate = 1;
+        uint256 _tokenCount;
+        uint256 _reservedRate;
+        assembly {
+            let storage_var := sload(mintedAmount.slot)
+            _tokenCount := shr(128, shl(128, storage_var))
+            _reservedRate := shr(128, storage_var)
+            sstore(mintedAmount.slot, or(1, shl(128, 1)))
+        }

GasReport output with all optimizations applied

| contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol:JBXBuybackDelegate contract |                 |        |        |        |         |
| Deployment Cost                                              | Deployment Size |        |        |        |         |
| 1138329                                                      | 6217            |        |        |        |         |
| Function Name                                                | min             | avg    | median | max    | # calls |
| didPay                                                       | 50836           | 160778 | 146897 | 240737 | 7       |
| payParams                                                    | 1956            | 5393   | 6640   | 7378   | 10      |
| uniswapV3SwapCallback                                        | 766             | 19772  | 28316  | 30236  | 6       |

drgorillamd (Juicebox) confirmed and commented:

I like this.

Some would really be a trade-off between readability and gas saving though :).


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