Stader Labs
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Stader Labs smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between June 2 - June 9 2023.


77 Wardens contributed reports to the Stader Labs:

  1. 0x70C9
  2. 0xSmartContract
  3. 0xWaitress
  4. 0xackermann
  5. 0xhacksmithh
  6. Aymen0909
  7. Bauchibred
  8. Breeje
  9. ChrisTina
  10. Co0nan
  11. DadeKuma
  12. DavidGiladi
  13. Deps
  14. Hama
  15. JCN
  16. JGcarv
  17. Josiah
  18. K42
  19. LaScaloneta (nicobevi, juancito and 0x4non)
  20. Madalad
  21. MohammedRizwan
  22. NoamYakov
  23. Rageur
  24. Raihan
  25. RaymondFam
  26. Rolezn
  27. SAAJ
  28. SAQ
  29. SM3_SS
  30. Sathish9098
  31. SovaSlava
  32. T1MOH
  33. Tomio
  34. bigtone
  35. bin2chen
  36. broccolirob
  37. btk
  38. c3phas
  39. catellatech
  40. djxploit
  41. dontonka
  42. dwward3n
  43. erictee
  44. ernestognw
  45. etherhood
  46. fatherOfBlocks
  47. hake
  48. hals
  49. hunter_w3b
  50. jaraxxus
  51. josephdara
  52. koxuan
  53. ksk2345
  54. kutugu
  55. martin
  56. matrix_0wl
  57. mgf15
  58. naman1778
  59. niser93
  60. peanuts
  61. petrichor
  62. piyushshukla
  63. ravikiranweb3
  64. rvierdiiev
  65. saneryee
  66. sces60107
  67. sebghatullah
  68. shamsulhaq123
  69. silviaxyz
  70. solsaver
  71. tallo
  72. trustOne
  73. tsvetanovv
  74. turvy_fuzz
  75. whimints

This audit was judged by Picodes.

Final report assembled by thebrittfactor.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 15 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 1 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 14 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 24 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 28 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Stader Labs repository, and is composed of 23 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 4343 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (1)

[H-01] VaultProxy implementation can be initialized by anyone and self-destructed

Submitted by broccolirob, also found by dwward3n, hals, bin2chen, and 0x70C9

When the VaultFactory contract is deployed and initialized, the initialise method on the newly created VaultProxy implementation contract is never called. As such, anyone can call that method and pass in whatever values they want as arguments. One important argument is the _staderConfig address, which controls where the fallback function will direct delegatecall operations. If an attacker passes in a contract that calls selfdestruct, it will be run in the context of the VaultProxy implementation contract and will erase all code from that address. Since the clones from the VaultProxy contract merely delegate calls to the implementation address, all subsequent calls for all created vaults from that implementation will be treated like an EOA and return true, even though calls to functions on that proxy were never executed.

Proof of Concept

  • First, an attacker deploys a contract called AttackContract that calls selfdestruct in its fallback function.
contract AttackContract {
    function getValidatorWithdrawalVaultImplementation() public view returns(address) {
        return address(this);
    function getNodeELRewardVaultImplementation() public view returns(address) {
	return address(this);
    fallback(bytes calldata _input) external payable returns(bytes memory _output) {
  • The attacker calls the initialise method on the VaultProxy implementation contract. That address is stored in the vaultProxyImplementation variable on the VaultFactory contract. The attacker passes in the address of AttackContract as the _staderConfig argument for the initialise function.
  • The attacker then calls a non-existent function on the VaultProxy implementation contract, which triggers it’s fallback function. The fallback function calls staderConfig.getNodeELRewardVaultImplementation(), and since staderConfig is set the AttackContract address, it returns the address of the AttackContract. delegatecall runs the fallback function of AttackContract in its own execution environment. selfdestruct is called in the execution environment of the VaultProxy implementation, which erases the code at that address.
  • All cloned copies of the VaultProxy implementation contract are now forwarding calls to an implementation address that has no code stored at it. These calls will be treated like calls to an EOA and return true for success.

Prevent the initialise function from being called on the VaultProxy implementation contract by inheriting from OpenZeppelin’s Initializable contract, like the system is doing in other contracts. Call the _disableInitializers function in the constructor and protect initialise with the initializer modifier. Alternatively, the initialise function can be called from the initialize function of the VaultFactory contract when the VaultProxy contract is instantiated.

Assessed type

Access Control

Picodes (judge) commented:

Keeping High severity. This seems exploitable to lock funds with no cost, as the fallback function is payable.

sanjay-staderlabs (Stader) confirmed

sanjay-staderlabs (Stader) commented:

This is fixed in the code.

Medium Risk Findings (14)

[M-01] Risk of losing admin access if `updateAdmin set with same current admin address

Submitted by ksk2345, also found by ChrisTina and NoamYakov

Current admin will lose DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE role if updateAdmin issued with same address.

There is a possibility of loss of protocol admin access to the critical StaderConfig.sol contract, if updateAdmin() is set with same current admin address by mistake.

Proof of Concept

Contract : StaderConfig.sol.
Function : function updateAdmin(address _admin).

Using Brownie python automation framework commands in below examples:

  • Step #1 After initialization, admin-A is the admin which has the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE.
  • Step #2 update new Admin:
    StaderConfig.updateAdmin(admin-B, {'from':admin-A}).
    The value of StaderConfig.getAdmin() is admin-B.
  • Step #3 admin-B updates admin to itself again:
    StaderConfig.updateAdmin(admin-B, {'from':admin-B}).
    The value of StaderConfig.getAdmin() is admin-B, but the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE is revoked due to _revokeRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, oldAdmin).
    Now the protocol admin control is lost for StaderConfig contract.

In the updateAdmin() function, add a check for oldAdmin != _admin, like below:

    address oldAdmin = accountsMap[ADMIN];
+   require(oldAdmin != _admin, "Already set to admin");

Assessed type

Access Control

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium

manoj9april (Stader) confirmed and commented:

Sure, we will fix this.

rvierdiyev (warden) commented:

Isn’t this same as just transferring roles to the address 0 or any other address? Why would the protocol need to change roles to same address? Isn’t this an informative issue?

Co0nan (warden) commented:

I believe this falls under the “Admin Privilege” category, as such an issue should be marked as QA based on C4 docs and how similar issues got judged.

Picodes (judge) commented:

@rvierdiyev and @Co0nan - I respectfully disagree:

  • This is not an occurrence of “Admin Privilege”, which are issues where a privileged role uses their position to grief the protocol. Here, there is clearly a slight bug in the code.
  • We could argue that transferring the role to the same address is very unlikely but it is not an error in itself. The function clearly does not behave as intended in this case.
  • If you combine this with the fact that in initialize there is no call to setAccount(ADMIN, _admin); see here. It becomes actually likely that the admin calls this function for themselves.

Picodes (judge) commented:

@Co0nan - for information, “Admin Privilege” aren’t always QA, it depends on the context and is up to the judge. See here and here for the ongoing discussion about this.

Co0nan (warden) commented:

Here there is clearly a slight bug in the code.

@Picodes - This bug occurs from Admin as they pass an address twice. I have to stand with @rvierdiyev. This is likely due to missing Zero address Check on onlyOwner functions.

However, it’s up to you as the Judge and I respect your final conclusion.

sanjay-staderlabs (Stader) commented:

This is fixed in the code.

[M-02] pause/unpause functionalities not implemented in many pausable contracts

Submitted by Aymen0909, also found by LaScaloneta, tallo, martin, bin2chen, jaraxxus, josephdara, djxploit, SovaSlava, SovaSlava, SovaSlava, ChrisTina, T1MOH, NoamYakov, NoamYakov, and Deps

The following contracts: SocializingPool, StaderOracle, OperatorRewardsCollector and Auction are supposed to be pausable (as they all inherit from PausableUpgradeable), but they don’t implement the external pause/unpause functionalities which means it will never be possible to pause them.

Proof of Concept

All the following contracts SocializingPool, StaderOracle, OperatorRewardsCollector and Auction inherit from the openzeppelin PausableUpgradeable extension which means that they contain internal functions _pause and _unpause.

Because those functions are internal, the contract must implement two other public/external pause and unpause functions to allow the manager to pause and unpause the contracts when necessary. None of the aforementioned contracts implement those functions, which means even if those contracts are supposed to be pausable (and have the pause/unpause functionalities), none of them can be paused.

Add public/external pause and unpause functions in the aforementioned contracts to allow them to be pausable, this can be done as in the UserWithdrawalManager contract. For example:

 * @dev Triggers stopped state.
 * Contract must not be paused
function pause() external {
    UtilLib.onlyManagerRole(msg.sender, staderConfig);

 * @dev Returns to normal state.
 * Contract must be paused
function unpause() external onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium

manoj9april (Stader) confirmed and commented:

Thanks! We will fix this.

sanjay-staderlabs (Stader) commented:

This is fixed.

[M-03] Stader OPERATOR is a single point of failure

Submitted by JGcarv

The OPERATOR role holds a lot of power within the system, which can compromise both the system integrity and it’s permission-less nature.

Proof of Concept

The OPERATOR key is responsible for confirming the marking of each validator submitted key as either valid or invalid, without any assurance to validators.

  1. Arbitrary negation of participation makes permissionless pool permissioned.

The documentation states:

Any validator in permissionless pool can run a node with 4 ETH + 0.4 ETH worth of SD token.

Which is not strictly true, since any participant in the system must be vetted by the OPERATOR, which can arbitrarily mark as invalid or frontrun the key without the need to provide justification or having an appeal system. Alternatively, the OPERATOR can simply ignore the added key and never mark it as ready to deposit.

Therefore, the pool can’t be considered permissionless, since participants must rely on the benevolence of the OPERATOR to participate.

  1. Authorization of invalid keys

There is no way for the smart contract system to check or confirm that a given public key is really legit. This could generate income to ETHx holders, so the system relies solely on the OPERATOR to make that distinction, rendering the system vulnerable in case of a comprised wallet.

There is no simple fix for the issue, but at minimum, the protocol shouldn’t be advertised as permissionless.

Assessed type


Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium

manoj9april (Stader) confirmed and commented:

Thank you for pointing it out. We will move this logic to oracle.

Picodes (judge) commented:

Keeping Medium severity considering this could be an instance of “function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted”.

sanjay-staderlabs (Stader) commented:

This is fixed.

[M-04] updatePoolAddress functions always revert when updating existing poolId

Submitted by Aymen0909, also found by trustOne, bin2chen, and T1MOH

The purpose of the updatePoolAddress function is to update the pool address associated with an existing poolId. However, due to its internal invocation of the verifyNewPool function, the updatePoolAddress function always reverts. This occurs because the verifyNewPool function itself reverts when the specified poolId already exists. Consequently, it is not possible to update the pool address for an existing poolId.

Proof of Concept

The issue occurs in the updatePoolAddress function below :

File: PoolUtils.sol Line 55-65

function updatePoolAddress(
    uint8 _poolId,
    address _newPoolAddress
) external override onlyExistingPoolId(_poolId) onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {
    // @audit always revert on exsiting poolId
    verifyNewPool(_poolId, _newPoolAddress); 
    poolAddressById[_poolId] = _newPoolAddress;
    emit PoolAddressUpdated(_poolId, _newPoolAddress);

As it can be seen from the code above, the updatePoolAddress function contains the onlyExistingPoolId modifier which means it can only be called for updating the pool address of an already exiting poolId.

Before updating the pool address, the updatePoolAddress function calls the verifyNewPool function below:

function verifyNewPool(uint8 _poolId, address _poolAddress) internal view {
    if (
        INodeRegistry(IStaderPoolBase(_poolAddress).getNodeRegistry()).POOL_ID() != _poolId ||
    ) {
        revert ExistingOrMismatchingPoolId();

It’s clear that the function reverts when the poolId already exists meaning isExistingPoolId(_poolId) == true.

To summarize, the updatePoolAddress function reverts when the poolId does not exist and the verifyNewPool function reverts when the poolId exists. These two functions work on opposite conditions, which means when the verifyNewPool function is called inside the updatePoolAddress function it will automatically revert and the pool address of already existing poolId can never be updated.

Remove the verifyNewPool call inside the updatePoolAddress function and replace it with the following:

function updatePoolAddress(
    uint8 _poolId,
    address _newPoolAddress
) external override onlyExistingPoolId(_poolId) onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {
    // @audit revert only when mismatch in poolId
    if (INodeRegistry(IStaderPoolBase(_poolAddress).getNodeRegistry()).POOL_ID() != _poolId) {
        revert MismatchingPoolId();
    poolAddressById[_poolId] = _newPoolAddress;
    emit PoolAddressUpdated(_poolId, _newPoolAddress);

Assessed type


Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium

manoj9april (Stader) confirmed and commented:

Thanks! We will fix this.

sanjay-staderlabs (Stader) commented:

This is fixed.

[M-05] StaderOracle - Strict equal can cause no consensus if trusted nodes are removed before consensus

Submitted by dwward3n

        if (
            submissionCount == trustedNodesCount / 2 + 1 &&
            _exchangeRate.reportingBlockNumber > exchangeRate.reportingBlockNumber
        ) {

In submitExchangeRateData, consensus is reached if submissionCount is strictly equal to desired number. However, trustNodesCount can be decreased and this condition can be never met.

        if ((submissionCount == (2 * trustedNodesCount) / 3 + 1)) {
            lastReportedSDPriceData = _sdPriceData;
            lastReportedSDPriceData.sdPriceInETH = getMedianValue(sdPrices);
            delete sdPrices;

In submitSDPrice, if this case happens, sdPrices doesn’t get deleted and it will affect the next submission batch’s price.

Proof of Concept

In the above snippet, let’s assume trustedNodesCount = 10, submissionCount = 5.
The condition doesn’t meet for now (5 != 10/2+1). Then trustedNodesCount decreases to 9.
Next time when a node submits, trustedNodesCount = 9, submissionCount = 6.
Then the condition cannot be met since (6 != 9/2+1).

Replace strict equal with equal or greater than. Or replace it with greater than and decrease the right side.

Not sure about adding cooldown for add/remove trusted nodes.

manoj9april (Stader) confirmed and commented:

Thanks, we will fix this.

Picodes (judge) commented:

Keeping medium severity because of the sponsor’s label, but the justification of why it qualifies for Med and what the impacts of the bug are is insufficient.

For most functions, it seems the submissionCount depends on the reportingBlockNumber so the impact would only be one period where the oracle couldn’t be updated, which doesn’t qualify without additional justification. For example, for submitSocializingRewardsMerkleRoot and submitMissedAttestationPenalties, the impact may be more important.

sanjay-staderlabs (Stader) commented:

This is fixed.

[M-06] Protocol will not benefit from slashing mechanism when remaining penalty bigger than minThreshold

Submitted by Co0nan, also found by Co0nan and 0xWaitress

During the withdraw process, the function settleFunds() get called. This function first calculates the operatorShare and the penaltyAmount. If the operatorShare < penaltyAmount, the function calls slashValidatorSD in order to slash the operator and start new auction to cover the loss.

The issue here, is slashValidatorSD determines the amount to be reduced based on the smallest value between operators current SD balance and the poolThreshold.minThreshold. In this case, where the operatorShare(1ETH) is too small than the penaltyAmount(10ETH) the system should reduce an equivalent amount to cover the remaining ETH (9ETH_). However, the function choose the smallest value which could end up being 4e17. In such cases, the protocol will not favor because starting a new auction with SD amount = 4e17 will not end up with a 9ETH in exchange.

Proof of Concept

  1. Implementation of settleFunds:

function settleFunds() external override {
        uint8 poolId = VaultProxy(payable(address(this))).poolId();
        uint256 validatorId = VaultProxy(payable(address(this))).id();
        IStaderConfig staderConfig = VaultProxy(payable(address(this))).staderConfig();
        address nodeRegistry = IPoolUtils(staderConfig.getPoolUtils()).getNodeRegistry(poolId);
        if (msg.sender != nodeRegistry) {
            revert CallerNotNodeRegistryContract();
        (uint256 userSharePrelim, uint256 operatorShare, uint256 protocolShare) = calculateValidatorWithdrawalShare();

        uint256 penaltyAmount = getUpdatedPenaltyAmount(poolId, validatorId, staderConfig);

        if (operatorShare < penaltyAmount) {
            ISDCollateral(staderConfig.getSDCollateral()).slashValidatorSD(validatorId, poolId);
            penaltyAmount = operatorShare;

        uint256 userShare = userSharePrelim + penaltyAmount;
        operatorShare = operatorShare - penaltyAmount;

        // Final settlement
        vaultSettleStatus = true;
        IPenalty(staderConfig.getPenaltyContract()).markValidatorSettled(poolId, validatorId);
        IStaderStakePoolManager(staderConfig.getStakePoolManager()).receiveWithdrawVaultUserShare{value: userShare}();
        UtilLib.sendValue(payable(staderConfig.getStaderTreasury()), protocolShare);
        IOperatorRewardsCollector(staderConfig.getOperatorRewardsCollector()).depositFor{value: operatorShare}(
            getOperatorAddress(poolId, validatorId, staderConfig)
        emit SettledFunds(userShare, operatorShare, protocolShare);
  1. Let’s suppose operatorShare is 1 ETH, penaltyAmount is 5ETH. In this case, the function will enter the If condition on L67.

 ISDCollateral(staderConfig.getSDCollateral()).slashValidatorSD(validatorId, poolId);
  1. Implementation of slashValidatorSD and slashSD.

function slashValidatorSD(uint256 _validatorId, uint8 _poolId) external override nonReentrant {
        address operator = UtilLib.getOperatorForValidSender(_poolId, _validatorId, msg.sender, staderConfig);
        PoolThresholdInfo storage poolThreshold = poolThresholdbyPoolId[_poolId];
        uint256 sdToSlash = convertETHToSD(poolThreshold.minThreshold);
        slashSD(operator, sdToSlash);

    /// @notice used to slash operator SD, incase of operator default
    /// @dev do provide SD approval to auction contract using `maxApproveSD()`
    /// @param _operator which operator SD collateral to slash
    /// @param _sdToSlash amount of SD to slash
    function slashSD(address _operator, uint256 _sdToSlash) internal {
        uint256 sdBalance = operatorSDBalance[_operator];
        uint256 sdSlashed = Math.min(_sdToSlash, sdBalance);
        if (sdSlashed == 0) {
        operatorSDBalance[_operator] -= sdSlashed;
        emit SDSlashed(_operator, staderConfig.getAuctionContract(), sdSlashed);
  1. As you can see, on line 82, the function gets the minThreshold and passes it to slashSD.
  2. On line 92, it selects the smallest value between the current balance of the operator and the minThreshold:
uint256 sdSlashed = Math.min(_sdToSlash, sdBalance);
  1. If the minThreshold < remaining penalty, which is 4 ETH in this case, the function simply ignores that and reduces the operator amount with ”minThreshold” instead. In this case, it’s < current SD balance.
  2. The function then starts new auction with the smallest value.

operatorSDBalance[_operator] -= sdSlashed;

Despite how much the user should pay, the auction will start with the min value and the penaltyAmount will not be paid in full.

The function shouldn’t use minThreshold. It should catch the remaining penalty (difference between operatorShare and penaltyAmount) and use it to calculate the required SD amount to be slashed.

Assessed type


manoj9april (Stader) acknowledged and commented:

This update is slated for a future release.

[M-07] MEV bots can win all the auctions when Auction is paused

Submitted by DadeKuma, also found by SovaSlava

MEV bots may bid on all the ongoing auctions before Auction is paused by frontrunning it with the addBid function.

This can lead to bots winning all the auctions for a fraction of their price. Especially auctions that are almost ended, as no one is able to bid until the contract is unpaused.

Proof of Concept

No one will be able to bid when the contract is paused, but bots can simply front-run the pause by looking at the mempool:

	function addBid(uint256 lotId) external payable override whenNotPaused {
	    // reject payments of 0 ETH
	    if (msg.value == 0) revert InSufficientETH();

	    LotItem storage lotItem = lots[lotId];
	    if (block.number > lotItem.endBlock) revert AuctionEnded();

	    uint256 totalUserBid = lotItem.bids[msg.sender] + msg.value;

	    if (totalUserBid < lotItem.highestBidAmount + bidIncrement) revert InSufficientBid();

	    lotItem.highestBidder = msg.sender;
	    lotItem.highestBidAmount = totalUserBid;
	    lotItem.bids[msg.sender] = totalUserBid;

	    emit BidPlaced(lotId, msg.sender, totalUserBid);

A word about severity; the contract extends PausableUpgradeable:

	contract Auction is IAuction, Initializable, AccessControlUpgradeable, PausableUpgradeable, ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable

Also, it has several functions that have the whenNotPaused modifier:

	function createLot(uint256 _sdAmount) external override whenNotPaused

	function addBid(uint256 lotId) external payable override whenNotPaused

However, it doesn’t have any pause/unpause functions that are external/public, as they have internal visibility by default in PausableUpgradeable; as such, the contract can’t be paused with the current implementation.

However, this may change in the future as the contract is upgradeable, so I still consider this issue valid.

Consider removing the whenNotPaused modifier from addBid, so ongoing auctions may be ended even when the contract is paused.

Assessed type


manoj9april (Stader) disputed and commented:

Bots can win the auction by frontrunning if that ensures a better price than the current bid (which it does) Also this is an duplicate issue of #70

Picodes (judge) commented:

I don’t think this is a duplicate of #70. This issue is specifically about the fact that pausing an auction decreases its time and that MEV bots/the admin could benefit from this. It is a valid issue, in the sense that nothing is done to prevent auctions from being closed by a call to pause, which would break the system.

sanjay-staderlabs (Stader) commented:

Hi @Picodes - thanks for pointing it out. It turns out for the mitigation of issue 383, we have removed PausableUpgradeable from the Auction contract; hence, removing the whenNotPaused modifier from addBid function. This issue is no longer relevant. Please see if we can close this or let me know what you think.

[M-08] Corruption of oracle data

Submitted by etherhood

Proof of Concept

Block for lastReportedSDPriceData = 7200
Let’s make the current block = 21601
Now StaderOracle will have data for 14400 and 21600, both blocks are being pushed by nodes and in the prices array.
It will be all mixed up. Also, As soon as the 14400 block is finalised, the data for block 21600 is all lost as well.

Add if (_sdPriceData.reportingBlockNumber == getSDPriceReportableBlock()) to ensure it is always the latest reportable block data.
Add mapping(uint256 => uint256[]) blockPrices to store the prices array separately for each block being reported, to avoid mixing and corruption of data. Or have uint256 currentEpochBlock, so when a new block of data is pushed, previous data is deleted before pushing the new data.

   delete prices;

Assessed type


manoj9april (Stader) confirmed and commented:

Sure we will fix this.

sanjay-staderlabs (Stader) commented:

This is fixed.

[M-09] depositETHOverTargetWeight() malicious modifications poolIdArrayIndexForExcessDeposit

Submitted by bin2chen, also found by sces60107

Malicious modification in favor of your own funds’ allocation rounds.

Proof of Concept

poolIdArrayIndexForExcessDeposit is used to save depositETHOverTargetWeight(), which Pool is given priority for allocation in the next round.

The current implementation rolls over to the next pool, regardless of whether the current balance is sufficient or not.


    function poolAllocationForExcessETHDeposit(uint256 _excessETHAmount)
        returns (uint256[] memory selectedPoolCapacity, uint8[] memory poolIdArray)
        for (uint256 j; j < poolCount; ) {
            uint256 poolCapacity = poolUtils.getQueuedValidatorCountByPool(poolIdArray[i]);
            uint256 poolDepositSize = ETH_PER_NODE - poolUtils.getCollateralETH(poolIdArray[i]);
            uint256 remainingValidatorsToDeposit = ethToDeposit / poolDepositSize;
            selectedPoolCapacity[i] = Math.min(
                poolAllocationMaxSize - selectedValidatorCount,
                Math.min(poolCapacity, remainingValidatorsToDeposit)
            selectedValidatorCount += selectedPoolCapacity[i];
            ethToDeposit -= selectedPoolCapacity[i] * poolDepositSize;
@>          i = (i + 1) % poolCount;
            //For ethToDeposit < ETH_PER_NODE, we will be able to at best deposit one more validator
            //but that will introduce complex logic, hence we are not solving that
@>          if (ethToDeposit < ETH_PER_NODE || selectedValidatorCount >= poolAllocationMaxSize) {
@>              poolIdArrayIndexForExcessDeposit = i;

Suppose now, the balance of StaderStakePoolsManager is 0 and poolIdArrayIndexForExcessDeposit = 1

If I have a Validator with funds to be allocated at pool = 2, I can maliciously transfer 1 wei and let poolIdArrayIndexForExcessDeposit roll over to 2.

This way, the next round of funding will be allocated in favor of my Validator.

Normally, if the current funds are not enough to allocate one Validator, then poolIdArrayIndexForExcessDeposit should not be rolled over. This is fairer.

Suggested: If poolAllocationForExcessETHDeposit() returns all 0’s, revert to avoid rolling poolIdArrayIndexForExcessDeposit.

    function depositETHOverTargetWeight() external override nonReentrant {

+       bool findValidator;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < poolCount; i++) {
            uint256 validatorToDeposit = selectedPoolCapacity[i];
            if (validatorToDeposit == 0) {
+           findValidator = true;
            address poolAddress = IPoolUtils(poolUtils).poolAddressById(poolIdArray[i]);
            uint256 poolDepositSize = staderConfig.getStakedEthPerNode() -

            lastExcessETHDepositBlock = block.number;
            //slither-disable-next-line arbitrary-send-eth
            IStaderPoolBase(poolAddress).stakeUserETHToBeaconChain{value: validatorToDeposit * poolDepositSize}();
            emit ETHTransferredToPool(i, poolAddress, validatorToDeposit * poolDepositSize);
+       require(findValidator,"not valid validator");     

Assessed type


manoj9april (Stader) confirmed and commented:

Sure, we will fix this.

manoj9april (Stader) disagreed with severity and commented:

We expect this issue to be in QA. As in, Cooldown eventually evens out every pool.

Picodes (judge) commented:

Technically valid, although the impact should remain small. Especially as the cooldown prevents it from using this frequently and really imbalancing among validators. Keeping Medium severity as funds are at stake and it wasn’t the intended design.

sanjay-staderlabs (Stader) commented:

@Picodes - can you please elaborate how funds are at stake? I think funds will never be at stake, as funds might go to a different pool, and there is no risk of funds being at stake in this case.

Picodes (judge) commented:

My reasoning was although the impact is very limited, as the system can be gamed to send funds to the incorrect validator, which then could behave incorrectly, this report qualifies for Med severity under “leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements”.

sanjay-staderlabs (Stader) commented:

@Picodes - just to clarify, there is no incorrect validator. All validators work as expected. We have penalty mechanics in place to penalize and exit validators if they behave incorrectly, so the question of sending ETH to the incorrect validator or fund loss does not exist.

Picodes (judge) commented:

Yes, it is not an incorrect validator in the sense of a malicious one as safeguards exist, just compared to what it would have been without this bug. Unless I am missing something, you still could slightly game the system; in favor of, for example, your own validators, less performing ones, or validators starting to behave incorrectly.

sanjay-staderlabs (Stader) commented:

This is fixed.

[M-10] Owner in VaultProxy.sol is address(0)

Submitted by josephdara, also found by ksk2345, Aymen0909, bin2chen, ChrisTina, and NoamYakov

The owner variable in the VaultProxy.sol is going to be zero because of a bug in staderConfig. The intialize function in staderConfig grants the admin role to an admin passed in the native _grantRole(), but does not update the mapping that getAdmin reads from.

    function initialise(
        bool _isValidatorWithdrawalVault,
        uint8 _poolId,
        uint256 _id,
        address _staderConfig
    ) external {
        if (isInitialized) {
            revert AlreadyInitialized();
        isValidatorWithdrawalVault = _isValidatorWithdrawalVault;
        isInitialized = true;
        poolId = _poolId;
        id = _id;
        staderConfig = IStaderConfig(_staderConfig);

        //@audit-issue Admin is zero on initialize
        //address(0) is going to  be returned, wrt stader.initialize
        owner = staderConfig.getAdmin();

The intialization of the vaults would not revert and all functions restricted to the owner would be inaccessible, unless function updateAdmin is called.

The update admin does not revoke functions for the current admin in the AccessControl contract either, because the address returned is address zero.

Proof of Concept

pragma solidity 0.8.16;

import '../../contracts/library/UtilLib.sol';

import '../../contracts/StaderConfig.sol';
import '../../contracts/VaultProxy.sol';
import '../../contracts/ValidatorWithdrawalVault.sol';
import '../../contracts/OperatorRewardsCollector.sol';

import './mocks/PoolUtilsMock.sol';
import './mocks/PenaltyMockForVault.sol';
import './mocks/SDCollateralMock.sol';
import './mocks/StakePoolManagerMock.sol';

import 'forge-std/Test.sol';
import '@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/transparent/TransparentUpgradeableProxy.sol';
import '@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/transparent/ProxyAdmin.sol';

contract ValidatorWithdrawalVaultTest is Test {
    address staderAdmin;
    address staderManager;
    address staderTreasury;
    PoolUtilsMock poolUtils;

    uint8 poolId;
    uint256 validatorId;

    StaderConfig staderConfig;
    VaultProxy withdrawVault;
    OperatorRewardsCollector operatorRC;

    function setUp() public {
        poolId = 1;
        validatorId = 1;

        staderAdmin = vm.addr(100);
        staderManager = vm.addr(101);
        address ethDepositAddr = vm.addr(102);

        ProxyAdmin proxyAdmin = new ProxyAdmin();

        StaderConfig configImpl = new StaderConfig();
        TransparentUpgradeableProxy configProxy = new TransparentUpgradeableProxy(
        staderConfig = StaderConfig(address(configProxy));
        staderConfig.initialize(staderAdmin, ethDepositAddr);

        OperatorRewardsCollector operatorRCImpl = new OperatorRewardsCollector();
        TransparentUpgradeableProxy operatorRCProxy = new TransparentUpgradeableProxy(
        operatorRC = OperatorRewardsCollector(address(operatorRCProxy));
        operatorRC.initialize(staderAdmin, address(staderConfig));

        poolUtils = new PoolUtilsMock(address(staderConfig));
        PenaltyMockForVault penaltyContract = new PenaltyMockForVault();
        SDCollateralMock sdCollateral = new SDCollateralMock();
        ValidatorWithdrawalVault withdrawVaultImpl = new ValidatorWithdrawalVault();



        withdrawVault = new VaultProxy();
        withdrawVault.initialise(true, poolId, validatorId, address(staderConfig));

    function testAdminRights() public {
      staderConfig.grantRole(staderConfig.MANAGER(), staderManager); 
    function testFetchAdminAndVaultOwner() public{
        address _admin = staderConfig.getAdmin();
        assertEq(_admin, address(0));
        address _owner = withdrawVault.owner();
        assertEq(_owner, address(0));

Tools Used


StaderConfig.initialize should add setAccount(ADMIN, _admin); at the last line.

Assessed type

Access Control

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium

sanjay-staderlabs (Stader) disagreed with severity, acknowledged and commented:

We are handling it as a part of the deployment process; updateAdmin(address _admin) is called during deployment process.

sanjay-staderlabs (Stader) commented:

@Picodes - can you please check this? It think it should be part for QA. Thanks

Picodes (judge) commented:

Considering the audited version of the code, especially in combination with issue 390, I still think this qualifies for Medium severity.

[M-11] ValidatorWithdrawalVault.distributeRewards can be called to make operator slashable

Submitted by rvierdiiev

An attacker can call distributeRewards right before settleFunds to make operatorShare < penaltyAmount. As a result, the validator will face loses.

Proof of Concept

ValidatorWithdrawalVault.distributeRewards can be called by anyone. It’s purpose is to distribute validators rewards among the stakers protocol and the operator. After the call, the balance of ValidatorWithdrawalVault becomes 0.

ValidatorWithdrawalVault.settle is called when a validator is withdrawn from beacon chain. In this case, the balance of the contract is used to find operatorShare. If it’s less than the accrued penalty by the validator, then operator is slashed.

Because distributeRewards is permissionless, then next situation is possible:

  1. Operator decided to withdraw a validator. At the moment of that call, the balance of ValidatorWithdrawalVault is not 0 and operatorShare is 1 eth. Also the validator accrued 4.5 eth of penalty.
  2. A malicious user sees when 32 eth of a validator’s deposit is sent to the ValidatorWithdrawalVault and frontruns it with distributeRewards call. This makes balance to be 32 eth.
  3. operatorShare will be 4 eth this time (permisssionless) and the penalty is 4.5, so the user is slashed.
  4. In this case, if a malicious user didn’t call distributeRewards, then the slash would not occur.

Also in same way, a permissioned operator can call distributeRewards to get their rewards when they are going to be slashed. As permissioned validators are not forced to have collateral to be slashed, they rescued their earnings; otherwise, they would have been sent to the pool.

Tools Used


Maybe think about restricting access to the distributeRewards function.

Assessed type

Access Control

manoj9april (Stader) disputed and commented:

This is intended, as we want to slash SD for an operator if the penalty is greater than operator share.
Rewards share of vaults is going to be distributed by Stader every so often to enforce this.

Picodes (judge) commented:

This report shows how an operator can be slashed depending on the order of actions. It seems a valid Medium severity issue to me, as front-running/changing a sequence of action could lead to a loss of funds compared to what the operator and users thought they should get.

Wouldn’t it solve this to also fetch and solve penaltyAmount during distributeRewards?

Co0nan (warden) commented:

Not sure if I’m following the impact here.

At the moment of that call, balance of ValidatorWithdrawalVault is not 0 and operatorShare is 1 eth. Also validator accrued 4.5 eth of penalty.

This case means the validator has to be slashed. In both cases, the user must be slashed according to the design. I can’t see the exact root cause. Also, distributeRewards can be called at any time; no need to make a front-run, so the system behaves as intended.

rvierdiyev (warden) commented:

@Co0nan - the problem here is that once distributeRewards is called, then all balances of the vault becomes 0. As I described in the example, the user had 1 eth inside the vault before the distributeRewards call and he has 4.5 eth of penalty.

When withdrawals of 32 eth should come, the user’s balance will be 1 + 4 eth, which is more than penalty. But because a malicious user calls distributeRewards before 32 eth will come, then the user in the end has only 4 eth, which is less than penalty.

[M-12] ValidatorWithdrawalVault.settleFunds doesn’t check amount that user has inside NodeELRewardVault to pay for penalty

Submitted by rvierdiiev

ValidatorWithdrawalVault.settleFunds doesn’t check amount that user has inside NodeELRewardVault to pay for penalty. That value can increase operator’s earned amount, which can avoid slashing.

Proof of Concept

When a validator withdraws from beacon chain the ValidatorWithdrawalVault.settleFunds function is called. This function calculates amount that a validator has earned for attestations as a validator. So only the balance of this contract is considered.

The function fetches penalty amount. This penalty amount contains of 3 points: _mevTheftPenalty, _missedAttestationPenalty and _missedAttestationPenalty.

In this case, if the penalty amount is bigger than the validator’s earning on ValidatorWithdrawalVault, the SD collateral is slashed.

Now, we need to understand how validator receives funds in this system. All attestation payments come to ValidatorWithdrawalVault, while mev/block proposal funds are coming to SocializingPool or NodeELRewardVault (depends on user’s choice). So actually, _missedAttestationPenalty is responding to ValidatorWithdrawalVault earning, while _mevTheftPenalty is responding to NodeELRewardVault earnings.

That means, NodeELRewardVault balance should also be checked in order to find out how many earnings a validator has and they should be also counted when applying the penalty.

Simple example:

  1. A validator wants to exit.
  2. An operator earning is 0.1 eth inside ValidatorWithdrawalVault.
  3. The accrued penalty is 0.11, which means the user will be slashed.
  4. The operator also has NodeELRewardVault where their operator’s reward is 0.05 eth.
  5. As result, the user has enough balance to cover penalty, but they were still penalized.

Tools Used


As you accrue _mevTheftPenalty inside ValidatorWithdrawalVault, you also should calculate the operator’s rewards inside NodeELRewardVault.

Assessed type


manoj9april (Stader) acknowledged and commented:

Rewards are treated separately between CL and EL. We will take this suggestion into account for next upgrades.

Picodes (judge) commented:

Keeping medium severity as this report shows how an operator could be slashed, despite having earned more than the penalty if we combine EL and CL rewards, which could lead to a loss of funds.

[M-13] No bidder has incentive to bid in the Auction except doing last-minute MEV due to fixed endBlock

Submitted by 0xWaitress, also found by LaScaloneta, Josiah, peanuts, RaymondFam, and T1MOH

Proof of Concept

The auction of SD Token has a fixed endBlock. Bidder(s) would like to get SD Token with the least amount of ETH and they are all incentivized to just bid at the last block, leading to loss of protocol principle during the auction.

    function createLot(uint256 _sdAmount) external override whenNotPaused {
        lots[nextLot].startBlock = block.number;
        lots[nextLot].endBlock = block.number + duration;
        lots[nextLot].sdAmount = _sdAmount;

Genearally, auctions with a fixed endtime has the known vulnerability of being bid on at the last block. Essentially, the validator/MEVer who has the ability to slip in transaction at the last block has the highest likelihood to get the bid. This basically gives them an advantage and would lead to the auction to end at lower price.

Extend the final endBlock at each bid. This can be activated at the end of 1h, for example, to ensure the highest bidder can take the auction on in a fair manner.

Assessed type


manoj9april (Stader) disputed and commented:

MEV bots are welcome to be bidders.

Picodes (judge) commented:

This is a valid vulnerability in my opinion. MEV are, of course welcome to bid, but the problem is the current auction system doesn’t allow for a proper price discovery. From a game theory standpoint, no one has any interest in revealing their bid before the end of the auction; and when bidding, you tend to not reveal your max bid but try to guess the “second-highest bid”. Therefore, the current design can quickly lead to a suboptimal final price as someone may have increased their bid, given more time.

Note as well, that it is currently relatively cheap to censor a transaction for a few blocks by bribing block builders. So with the current design, value may easily be lost trying to censor other bidders or bribing miners to be included.

manoj9april (Stader) acknowledged, disagreed with severity and commented:

Yes, We agree with your point. But for now, we would prefer to go with a current simpler approach and improve later phases, based your recommendation.

I think this should be considered as low severity.

Submitted by Madalad, also found by MohammedRizwan, turvy_fuzz, Breeje, etherhood, dwward3n, Aymen0909, LaScaloneta, erictee, tallo, DadeKuma, bin2chen, peanuts, Bauchibred, Bauchibred, Bauchibred, Bauchibred, whimints, whimints, piyushshukla, rvierdiiev, saneryee, Hama, Madalad, and kutugu

Chainlink’s latestRoundData is used here to retrieve price feed data; however, there is insufficient protection against price staleness.

Return arguments other than int256 answer are necessary to determine the validity of the returned price, as it is possible for an outdated price to be received. See here for reasons why a price feed might stop updating.

The return value updatedAt contains the timestamp at which the received price was last updated, and can be used to ensure that the price is not outdated. See more information about latestRoundID in the Chainlink docs. Inaccurate price data can lead to functions not working as expected and/or loss of funds.

Proof of Concept

    function getPORFeedData()
        returns (
        (, int256 totalETHBalanceInInt, , , ) = AggregatorV3Interface(staderConfig.getETHBalancePORFeedProxy())
        (, int256 totalETHXSupplyInInt, , , ) = AggregatorV3Interface(staderConfig.getETHXSupplyPORFeedProxy())
        return (uint256(totalETHBalanceInInt), uint256(totalETHXSupplyInInt), block.number);

Add a check for the updatedAt returned value from latestRoundData.

    function getPORFeedData()
        returns (
-       (, int256 totalETHBalanceInInt, , , ) = AggregatorV3Interface(staderConfig.getETHBalancePORFeedProxy())
+       (, int256 totalETHBalanceInInt, , uint256 balanceUpdatedAt, ) = AggregatorV3Interface(staderConfig.getETHBalancePORFeedProxy())
+       require(block.timestamp - balanceUpdatedAt <= MAX_DELAY, "stale price");

-       (, int256 totalETHXSupplyInInt, , , ) = AggregatorV3Interface(staderConfig.getETHXSupplyPORFeedProxy())
+       (, int256 totalETHXSupplyInInt, , uint256 supplyUpdatedAt, ) = AggregatorV3Interface(staderConfig.getETHXSupplyPORFeedProxy())
+       require(block.timestamp - supplyUpdatedAt <= MAX_DELAY, "stale price");

        return (uint256(totalETHBalanceInInt), uint256(totalETHXSupplyInInt), block.number);

Assessed type


manoj9april (Stader) acknowledged and commented:

Solution with chainlink is not finalized.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this audit, 24 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by RaymondFam received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: niser93, turvy_fuzz, 0xhacksmithh, ernestognw, naman1778, SAAJ, catellatech, btk, LaScaloneta, hals, hunter_w3b, mgf15, DadeKuma, ChrisTina, jaraxxus, Rolezn, matrix_0wl, bin2chen, solsaver, T1MOH, fatherOfBlocks, Sathish9098 and 0xWaitress.

Bid Withdrawal Mechanism in Auction Contract

The current design of the Auction contract includes the withdrawUnselectedBid function, which allows a withdrawal of funds only after the auction ends. While this safeguards the auction process from disruptions, it locks up participants’ funds for a prolonged period.

To enhance the fluidity of the auction, it is proposed to refactor the addBid function, thereby eliminating the need for withdrawUnselectedBid. In the refactored addBid, the previous highest bidder’s bid will be deleted from lotItem.bids[lotItem.highestBidder], and the bidder’s funds will be refunded before updating lotItem.highestBidder, lotItem.highestBidAmount, and lotItem.bids[msg.sender].

The refactored addBid function could look like this:

function addBid(uint256 lotId) external payable override whenNotPaused {
    // reject payments of 0 ETH
    if (msg.value == 0) revert InSufficientETH();

    LotItem storage lotItem = lots[lotId];
    if (block.number > lotItem.endBlock) revert AuctionEnded();

    uint256 totalUserBid = lotItem.bids[msg.sender] + msg.value;

    if (totalUserBid < lotItem.highestBidAmount + bidIncrement) revert InSufficientBid();

    // Refund previous highest bidder and delete their bid before updating
    if(lotItem.highestBidder != address(0)) {
        delete lotItem.bids[lotItem.highestBidder];

    lotItem.highestBidder = msg.sender;
    lotItem.highestBidAmount = totalUserBid;
    lotItem.bids[msg.sender] = totalUserBid;

    emit BidPlaced(lotId, msg.sender, totalUserBid);

This refactor makes sure that before a new highest bid is accepted, the previous highest bid is refunded and removed from lotItem.bids. It’s important to note this design would need a proper audit and testing to make sure it behaves as expected in all scenarios. Additionally, take into account that the refund operation could fail due to gas constraints, so a more robust mechanism to handle such scenarios might be needed.

Streamlining the addBid function in Auction Contract: Removal of Redundant Code

The current implementation of the addBid function in the Auction contract contains a line of code that checks whether the sent ETH amount (msg.value) is zero. Specifically, the line if (msg.value == 0) revert InSufficientETH(); appears to be redundant, due to the subsequent condition that checks if the total bid is less than the highest current bid, plus the bid increment.

In the event msg.value is zero, the latter condition if (totalUserBid < lotItem.highestBidAmount + bidIncrement) revert InSufficientBid(); would effectively handle the scenario, as it encompasses the case where no new ETH is added to the bid.

While separate error messages could aid in user experience by precisely pointing out the mistake, in this context, it seems superfluous; a user not sending any ETH with the bid and a user not meeting the minimum bid increment inherently suggest the same issue - the bid is insufficient.

Therefore, it is recommended to remove the line if (msg.value == 0) revert InSufficientETH(); from the addBid function to simplify the code and remove redundancy, without compromising the function’s integrity or user experience.

Initiating Role Management in VaultFactory Contract Initialization and Subsequent Function Call Permissions

The VaultFactory contract could greatly benefit from incorporating a role management function for the NODE_REGISTRY_CONTRACT role within the initialize function. This initial role assignment is key to ensuring secure and authorized contract functionality from the onset.

Upon contract deployment, it’s crucial that functions deployWithdrawVault and deployNodeELRewardVault are callable, particularly considering their onlyRole(NODE_REGISTRY_CONTRACT) visibility. Setting the NODE_REGISTRY_CONTRACT role within the initialize function can facilitate this.

Here’s a sample implementation within the initialize function:

function initialize(address _admin, address _staderConfig) external initializer {
    _grantRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, _msgSender());
+    _grantRole(NODE_REGISTRY_CONTRACT, _msgSender());

The same shall apply to the ‘MINTERROLE’ and ‘BURNERROLE’ in the ETHx contract too.

Comments and Code Mismatch

The withdraw function in the SDCollateral contract lacks the implementation of a withdrawal delay, as indicated in the function’s NatSpec documentation. This omission contradicts the intended behavior specified in the documentation, potentially leading to inconsistencies and unintended consequences in the withdrawal process.

    /// @notice for operator to request withdraw of sd
    /// @dev it does not transfer sd tokens immediately
    /// operator should come back after withdrawal-delay time to claim
    /// this requested sd is subject to slashes
    function withdraw(uint256 _requestedSD) external override {
        address operator = msg.sender;
        uint256 opSDBalance = operatorSDBalance[operator];

        if (opSDBalance < getOperatorWithdrawThreshold(operator) + _requestedSD) {
            revert InsufficientSDToWithdraw(opSDBalance);
        operatorSDBalance[operator] -= _requestedSD;

        // cannot use safeERC20 as this contract is an upgradeable contract
        if (!IERC20(staderConfig.getStaderToken()).transfer(payable(operator), _requestedSD)) {
            revert SDTransferFailed();

        emit SDWithdrawn(operator, _requestedSD);

It is recommended to address this discrepancy by implementing the appropriate withdrawal delay mechanism in the withdraw function. By adhering to the intended withdrawal delay, operators can claim their requested SD tokens only after the specified time period, ensuring the proper functioning of the collateral slashing mechanism and maintaining the expected behavior of the contract.

Identical Code Logic

In ValidatorWithdrawalVault.sol, functions distributeRewards and settleFunds have the following identical code snippet:

        uint8 poolId = VaultProxy(payable(address(this))).poolId();
        uint256 validatorId = VaultProxy(payable(address(this))).id();
        IStaderConfig staderConfig = VaultProxy(payable(address(this))).staderConfig();

It is recommended to refactor the duplicate code snippet by grouping it into a private function. This will improve code maintainability and reduce redundancy. By extracting the common code snippet into a separate function, you can avoid duplicating the same code and make future updates or modifications easier.

Missing Length Check in claim Function

The claim function in the SocializingPool contract should include a length check for the input parameters _index, _amountSD, _amountETH, and _merkleProof before invoking the _claim internal function. This check ensures that all arrays have the same length, preventing potential errors or inconsistencies during the reward claiming process.

By verifying the lengths of these arrays, you can ensure that the corresponding values align properly and avoid any unexpected behavior or unintended consequences. Adding this length check will help maintain the integrity of the claim operation and enhance the overall robustness of the contract.

Consider adding the following length check at the beginning of the claim function:

    _index.length == _amountSD.length &&
    _index.length == _amountETH.length &&
    _index.length == _merkleProof.length,
    "Input lengths mismatch"

Unnecessary payable Keyword in withdraw Function

The payable keyword in the line if (!IERC20(staderConfig.getStaderToken()).transfer(payable(operator), _requestedSD)) of the withdraw function in the SDCollateral contract is unnecessary and can be safely removed.

Since you’re not dealing with the transfer of native tokens (ETH) in this specific line, using the payable keyword is not required. The payable keyword is typically used when transferring ETH or performing operations related to ETH transfers.

You can simplify the line to:

-        if (!IERC20(staderConfig.getStaderToken()).transfer(payable(operator), _requestedSD)) {
+        if (!IERC20(staderConfig.getStaderToken()).transfer(operator, _requestedSD)) {

By removing the payable keyword, you ensure clarity and eliminate any confusion regarding the transfer of native tokens, making the code more concise and accurate.

Removal of Unused receive and fallback Functions

The receive and fallback functions in the contract PermissionedPool and StaderStakePoolsManager.sol can be safely removed, as they serve as protection against accidental submissions by calling non-existent functions. By removing these functions, direct transfers of Ether to the contract will be disallowed, achieving the same outcome as having the functions present with the reverting logic.

    // protection against accidental submissions by calling non-existent function
    receive() external payable {
        revert UnsupportedOperation();

    // protection against accidental submissions by calling non-existent function
    fallback() external payable {
        revert UnsupportedOperation();

Stale Values Attributable to Unpredictably Delayed Updates

The following concensus in StaderOracle.sol will have to be exactly met in order to have the update logics executed, highly leading to stale answers:

  1. Function submitExchangeRateData

        if (
            submissionCount == trustedNodesCount / 2 + 1 &&
            _exchangeRate.reportingBlockNumber > exchangeRate.reportingBlockNumber
        ) {
  1. Function submitSocializingRewardsMerkleRoot

        if ((submissionCount == trustedNodesCount / 2 + 1)) {
            address socializingPool = IPoolUtils(staderConfig.getPoolUtils()).getSocializingPoolAddress(

            emit SocializingRewardsMerkleRootUpdated(
  1. Function submitSDPrice

        if ((submissionCount == (2 * trustedNodesCount) / 3 + 1)) {
            lastReportedSDPriceData = _sdPriceData;
            lastReportedSDPriceData.sdPriceInETH = getMedianValue(sdPrices);
            delete sdPrices;

            // Emit SD Price updated event
            emit SDPriceUpdated(_sdPriceData.sdPriceInETH, _sdPriceData.reportingBlockNumber, block.number);
  1. Function submitValidatorStats

        if (
            submissionCount == trustedNodesCount / 2 + 1 &&
            _validatorStats.reportingBlockNumber > validatorStats.reportingBlockNumber
        ) {
            validatorStats = _validatorStats;

            // Emit stats updated event
            emit ValidatorStatsUpdated(
  1. Function submitWithdrawnValidators

        if (
            submissionCount == trustedNodesCount / 2 + 1 &&
            _withdrawnValidators.reportingBlockNumber > reportingBlockNumberForWithdrawnValidators
        ) {
            reportingBlockNumberForWithdrawnValidators = _withdrawnValidators.reportingBlockNumber;

            // Emit withdrawn validators updated event
            emit WithdrawnValidatorsUpdated(
  1. Function submitMissedAttestationPenalties

        if ((submissionCount == trustedNodesCount / 2 + 1)) {
            lastReportedMAPDIndex = _mapd.index;
            uint256 keyCount = _mapd.sortedPubkeys.length;
            for (uint256 i; i < keyCount; ) {
                bytes32 pubkeyRoot = UtilLib.getPubkeyRoot(_mapd.sortedPubkeys[i]);
                unchecked {
            emit MissedAttestationPenaltyUpdated(_mapd.index, block.number, _mapd.sortedPubkeys);

Too Harsh Deactivation Rule on Operators

It only requires one front run validator as a culprit to deactivate an operator, as is evidenced in the following code logics of:

  1. PermissionedNodeRegistry.sol with functions allocateValidatorsAndUpdateOperatorId and getTotalQueuedValidatorCount getting denied:

    // handle front run validator by changing their status and deactivating operator
    function handleFrontRun(uint256 _validatorId) internal {
        validatorRegistry[_validatorId].status = ValidatorStatus.FRONT_RUN;
        uint256 operatorId = validatorRegistry[_validatorId].operatorId;
        if (operatorStructById[operatorId].active) {
  1. PermissionlessNodeRegistry.sol with functions addValidatorKeys, changeSocializingPoolState and updateOperatorDetails getting denied:

    // handle front run validator by changing their status, deactivating operator and imposing penalty
    function handleFrontRun(uint256 _validatorId) internal {
        validatorRegistry[_validatorId].status = ValidatorStatus.FRONT_RUN;
        uint256 operatorId = validatorRegistry[_validatorId].operatorId;
        operatorStructById[operatorId].active = false;

Consider enforcing this rule only when exceeding a threshold percentage of validators front running.

Typo mistakes

-     * @notice calculates the count of validator to deposit on beacon chain for a pool based on target weight and supply
+     * @notice calculates the count of validators to deposit on beacon chain for a pool based on target weight and supply

-        uint256 collateralETH = getCollateralETH(poolId, staderConfig); // 0, incase of permissioned NOs
+        uint256 collateralETH = getCollateralETH(poolId, staderConfig); // 0, in case of permissioned NOs

-     * @notice transfer the excess ETH sent by some EAO or non stader contract back to SSPM
+     * @notice transfer the excess ETH sent by some EOA or non stader contract back to SSPM

-     * @param _endIndex  up to end index of validator queue to to count
+     * @param _endIndex  up to end index of validator queue to count

-     * @return feeRecipientAddress fee recipient address for all validator clients of a operator
+     * @return feeRecipientAddress fee recipient address for all validator clients of an operator

-    /**route all call to this proxy contract to the respective latest vault contract
+    /**route all calls to this proxy contract to the respective latest vault contract

-     * @notice @update the owner of vault proxy contrat
+     * @notice @update the owner of vault proxy contract

-     * @dev pool index start from 1 with permission less pool
+     * @dev pool index starts from 1 with permissionless pool

Repeatedly Used Instances May be Cached

    function onboardNodeOperator(string calldata _operatorName, address payable _operatorRewardAddress)
        returns (address feeRecipientAddress)
        address poolUtils = staderConfig.getPoolUtils();
+        IPoolUtils _poolUtils = IPoolUtils(poolUtils);
-        if (IPoolUtils(poolUtils).poolAddressById(POOL_ID) != staderConfig.getPermissionedPool()) {
+        if (_poolUtils.poolAddressById(POOL_ID) != staderConfig.getPermissionedPool()) {
            revert DuplicatePoolIDOrPoolNotAdded();
-        IPoolUtils(poolUtils).onlyValidName(_operatorName);
+        _poolUtils.onlyValidName(_operatorName);
        if (nextOperatorId > maxOperatorId) {
            revert MaxOperatorLimitReached();
        if (!permissionList[msg.sender]) {
            revert NotAPermissionedNodeOperator();
        //checks if operator already onboarded in any pool of protocol
-        if (IPoolUtils(poolUtils).isExistingOperator(msg.sender)) {
+        if (_poolUtils.isExistingOperator(msg.sender)) {
            revert OperatorAlreadyOnBoardedInProtocol();
        feeRecipientAddress = staderConfig.getPermissionedSocializingPool();
        onboardOperator(_operatorName, _operatorRewardAddress);
        return feeRecipientAddress;

Essential Early Checks

Key checks should be placed at the beginning part of a function logic where possible:

    function onboardNodeOperator(string calldata _operatorName, address payable _operatorRewardAddress)
        returns (address feeRecipientAddress)
+        if (!permissionList[msg.sender]) {
+            revert NotAPermissionedNodeOperator();
+        }
        address poolUtils = staderConfig.getPoolUtils();
        if (IPoolUtils(poolUtils).poolAddressById(POOL_ID) != staderConfig.getPermissionedPool()) {
            revert DuplicatePoolIDOrPoolNotAdded();
        if (nextOperatorId > maxOperatorId) {
            revert MaxOperatorLimitReached();
-        if (!permissionList[msg.sender]) {
-            revert NotAPermissionedNodeOperator();
-        }
        //checks if operator already onboarded in any pool of protocol
        if (IPoolUtils(poolUtils).isExistingOperator(msg.sender)) {
            revert OperatorAlreadyOnBoardedInProtocol();
        feeRecipientAddress = staderConfig.getPermissionedSocializingPool();
        onboardOperator(_operatorName, _operatorRewardAddress);
        return feeRecipientAddress;

Activate the optimizer

Before deploying your contract, activate the optimizer when compiling using “solc --optimize --bin sourceFile.sol”. By default, the optimizer will optimize the contract assuming it is called 200 times across its lifetime. If you want the initial contract deployment to be cheaper and the later function executions to be more expensive, set it to “--optimize-runs=1”. Conversely, if you expect many transactions and do not care for higher deployment cost and output size, set “--optimize-runs” to a high number.

module.exports = {
solidity: {
version: "0.8.16",
settings: {
  optimizer: {
    enabled: true,
    runs: 1000,

Please visit the following site for further information:

Here’s one example of instance on opcode comparison that delineates the gas saving mechanism:

for !=0 before optimization
PUSH1 0x00
PUSH1 [cont offset]

after optimization
PUSH1 [revert offset]

Disclaimer: There have been several bugs with security implications related to optimizations. For this reason, Solidity compiler optimizations are disabled by default, and it is unclear how many contracts in the wild actually use them. Therefore, it is unclear how well they are being tested and exercised. High-severity security issues due to optimization bugs have occurred in the past . A high-severity bug in the emscripten -generated solc-js compiler used by Truffle and Remix persisted until late 2018. The fix for this bug was not reported in the Solidity CHANGELOG. Another high-severity optimization bug resulting in incorrect bit shift results was patched in Solidity 0.5.6. Please measure the gas savings from optimizations, and carefully weigh them against the possibility of an optimization-related bug. Also, monitor the development and adoption of Solidity compiler optimizations to assess their maturity.

manoj9april (Stader) acknowledged

Picodes (judge) commented:

Note as well #236 and #106 by the warden.

Note: Issues 236 and 106 have been included below, at the judge’s request.

SD Collateral Contract’s Deposit Mechanism

The SD Collateral contract contains a vulnerability related to the deposit mechanism depositSDAsCollateral function due to price fluctuations in the SD token. This arises from the calculation of the minimum SD token amount required for onboarding validators and the subsequent check for sufficient collateral in the hasEnoughSDCollateral function.

Specifically, PermissionedNodeRegistry.checkInputKeysCountAndCollateral() and PermissionlessNodeRegistry.checkInputKeysCountAndCollateral() externally calling the hasEnoughSDCollateral function are possibly going to run into DoS:

        //checks if operator has enough SD collateral for adding `keyCount` keys
        //SD threshold for permissioned NOs is 0 for phase1
        if (
                totalNonTerminalKeys + keyCount
        ) {
            revert NotEnoughSDCollateral();

Proof of Concept

The vulnerability can be demonstrated through the following steps:

  1. Price Fluctuation: Assume that the price of the SD token experiences a significant drop after an operator calculates and deposits the minimum SD token amount required for onboarding validators.
  2. Calculation Discrepancy: The getMinimumSDToBond function, which determines the required SD token amount based on the current price is eventually invoked. However, due to the price drop, the calculated minimum SD token amount becomes larger than initially expected.
  3. Inadequate Collateral: Because the calculated minimum amount has increased, the operator’s balance is now considered insufficient, resulting in a false negative indication stemming from the returned values of functions getRemainingSDToBond,

    function getRemainingSDToBond(
        address _operator,
        uint8 _poolId,
        uint256 _numValidator
    ) public view override returns (uint256) {
        uint256 sdBalance = operatorSDBalance[_operator];
        uint256 minSDToBond = getMinimumSDToBond(_poolId, _numValidator);
        return (sdBalance >= minSDToBond ? 0 : minSDToBond - sdBalance);

and hasEnoughSDCollateral:

    function hasEnoughSDCollateral(
        address _operator,
        uint8 _poolId,
        uint256 _numValidator
    ) external view override returns (bool) {
        return (getRemainingSDToBond(_operator, _poolId, _numValidator) == 0);
  1. Rejection: As a consequence, PermissionedNodeRegistry.checkInputKeysCountAndCollateral() or PermissionlessNodeRegistry.checkInputKeysCountAndCollateral() reverts, disrupting the onboarding process for validators and creating inconsistency in collateral management.

To address this vulnerability and ensure a more reliable deposit mechanism, the following mitigation steps are recommended:

  1. Atomic Deposit: Modify the deposit process to ensure atomicity. Instead of depositing SD tokens upfront, operators should perform the necessary calculations and checks first before depsoiting the exact required amount of SD tokens and executing the onboarding operation. This approach minimizes exposure to price fluctuations.
  2. Regular Monitoring: Implement a system to monitor and track the price of the SD token regularly. By staying informed about price fluctuations, operators can make informed decisions and adjust their actions accordingly.
  3. Dynamic Threshold Adjustment: Consider implementing dynamic threshold mechanisms that account for price fluctuations. By adjusting the thresholds based on the current SD token price, operators can maintain a more stable and consistent collateral management process.

Assessed type


manoj9april (Stader) disputed and commented:

TWAP of 24 hours solves this issue and is implemented in Oracles.

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to QA and commented:

Indeed there is already a TWAP to avoid sudden price drops which partially mitigates this. Downgrading to Low/QA.

Unrestricted Access to the createLot Function in the Auction Contract

In the current design of the Stader ecosystem’s smart contracts, the createLot function of the Auction contract can be called by anyone. This allows arbitrary users to create an auction lot, leading to unintentional donations of their Stader tokens. As these tokens are upon completion of the auction, they are then transferred to the treasury if there is no bidder:

        if (!IERC20(staderConfig.getStaderToken()).transfer(staderConfig.getStaderTreasury(), _sdAmount)) {

or the ETH proceeds to the stake pool manager:

        IStaderStakePoolManager(staderConfig.getStakePoolManager()).receiveEthFromAuction{value: ethAmount}();

This can lead to a loss of Stader tokens for users without any benefit in return.

Proof of Concept

In the Auction contract, the createLot function is open to all users:

    function createLot(uint256 _sdAmount) external override whenNotPaused {

In the SDCollateral contract, createLot is called in the context of slashing:

    function slashSD(address _operator, uint256 _sdToSlash) internal {

Unfortunately, there is no restriction in place in the Auction contract that would prevent arbitrary users from calling createLot outside of a slashing context.

To address this vulnerability, consider applying one or both of the following changes:

  1. Modify the Auction contract to restrict the createLot function only to the SDCollateral contract or a specific privileged role. This can be achieved through the OpenZeppelin’s AccessControl contract or similar mechanism and it would ensure that the function can’t be trapping arbitrary users.
  2. Implement checks within the createLot function to validate the context of the call. For instance, the function could verify that the transaction is part of a slashing event before proceeding.

In addition, make sure to properly communicate to your users the consequences and conditions of interacting with the createLot function to avoid unintentional token losses. Thoroughly test all changes to the contract to ensure they behave as expected without introducing new vulnerabilities.

Assessed type

Access Control

manoj9april (Stader) disputed and commented:

No person should be able to interact with this contract without understanding what it does.

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to QA and commented:

This would be a safety check to prevent users from doing mistakes, so is of Non-Critical severity.

Gas Optimizations

For this audit, 28 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by JCN received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: bigtone, niser93, 0xSmartContract, Tomio, c3phas, ernestognw, SM3_SS, 0xhacksmithh, naman1778, petrichor, SAQ, etherhood, Raihan, Rageur, LaScaloneta, koxuan, DavidGiladi, K42, mgf15, SAAJ, sebghatullah, matrix_0wl, shamsulhaq123, 0x70C9, Sathish9098, 0xWaitress and piyushshukla.


Some optimizations were benchmarked via the protocol’s tests, i.e. using the following config: solc version 0.8.16, optimizer on, and 200 runs. Optimizations that were not benchmarked are explained via EVM gas costs and opcodes.

Please note that a fair amount of functions that undergo optimizations are not benchmarked in the tests. Therefore, the total gas saved in the functions below may actually be greater when considering the gas saved from instances that don’t include benchmarks.

Below are the overall average gas savings for the following tested functions (with all the optimizations applied):

Function Before After Avg Gas Savings
Auction.claimSD 8693 8641 52
Auction.createLot 105780 103958 1822
NodeELRewardVault.withdraw 122581 120166 2415
OperatorRewardsCollector.claim 35757 35690 67
Penalty.updateTotalPenaltyAmount 53839 51089 2750
PermissionedNodeRegistry.addValidatorKeys 973836 962403 11433
PermissionedNodeRegistry.withdrawnValidators 30196 14323 15873
PermissionlessNodeRegistry.addValidatorKeys 839030 829233 9797
PermissionlessNodeRegistry.markValidatorReadyToDeposit 81811 81623 188
PermissionlessNodeRegistry.withdrawnValidators 35136 18608 16528
PermissionlessNodeRegistry.updateDepositStatusAndBlock 34034 14278 19756
SDCollateral.withdraw 21499 21169 330
SDCollateral.slashValidatorSD 98107 93733 4374
ValidatorWithdrawalVault.distributeRewards 85468 81847 3621
ValidatorWithdrawalVault.settleFunds 130849 117750 13099

Total gas saved across all listed functions: 102105


  • The Gas report output, after all optimizations have been applied, can be found at the end of the report.
  • The final diff for the contract, with all the optimizations applied, can be found here.
  • The Avg gas for NodeELRewardVault.withdraw changes between tests and so the Max column (which remains the same) is used when benchmarking this function.

Gas Optimizations Summary

Number Issue Instances
[G-01] State variables can be cached instead of re-reading them from storage 11
[G-02] State variables can be packed into fewer storage slots 6
[G-03] Structs can be packed into fewer storage slots 3
[G-04] Refactor external/internal function to avoid unnecessary External Calls 4
[G-05] Refactor external/internal function to avoid unnecessary SLOAD 8
[G-06] Cache state variables outside of loop to avoid reading/writing storage on every iteration 4
[G-07] Cache external calls outside of loop to avoid re-calling function on each iteration 2
[G-08] Refactor code to avoid unnecessary SLOAD 1
[G-09] Utilize return value from internal function to avoid unnecessary SLOAD 2
[G-10] Multiple address mappings can be combined into a single mapping of an address to a struct, where appropriate 1
[G-11] Using storage instead of memory for structs/arrays saves gas 1
[G-12] Using bools for storage incurs overhead -
[G-13] Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a local variable cache 4
[G-14] Combine events to save two Glogtopic (375 gas) -
[G-15] Call environment variables directly instead of caching them -
[G-16] Use assembly to perform efficient back-to-back calls 3

[G-01] State variables can be cached instead of re-reading them from storage

Caching of a state variable replaces each Gwarmaccess (100 gas) with a much cheaper stack read.

There are 11 instances of this issue. (For in-depth details on this and all further gas optimizations with multiple instances, please see the warden’s full report.)

[G-02] State variables can be packed into fewer storage slots

The EVM works with 32 byte words. Variables less than 32 bytes can be declared next to each other in storage and this will pack the values together into a single 32 byte storage slot (if the values combined are <= 32 bytes). If the variables packed together are retrieved together in functions, we will effectively save ~2000 gas with every subsequent SLOAD for that storage slot. This is due to us incurring a Gwarmaccess (100 gas) versus a Gcoldsload (2100 gas).

There are 6 instances of this issue.

[G-03] Structs can be packed into fewer storage slots

The EVM works with 32 byte words. Variables less than 32 bytes can be declared next to each other in storage and this will pack the values together into a single 32 byte storage slot (if values combined are <= 32 bytes). If the variables packed together are retrieved together in functions (more likely with structs), we will effectively save ~2000 gas with every subsequent SLOAD for that storage slot. This is due to us incurring a Gwarmaccess (100 gas) versus a Gcoldsload (2100 gas).

There are 3 instances of this issue.

[G-04] Refactor external/internal function to avoid unnecessary External Calls

The functions below perform external calls that are previously performed in the functions that invoke them. We can refactor the external/internal functions to pass the cached external calls into them and avoid the extra external calls that would otherwise take place in the internal functions.

There are 4 instances of this issue.

[G-05] Refactor external/internal function to avoid unnecessary SLOAD

The functions below read storage slots that are previously read in the functions that invoke them. We can refactor the external/internal functions to pass cached storage variables as stack variables and avoid the extra storage reads that would otherwise take place in the internal functions.

There are 8 instances of this issue.

[G-06] Cache state variables outside of loop to avoid reading/writing storage on every iteration

Reading from storage should always try to be avoided within loops. In the following instances, we are able to cache state variables outside of the loop to save a Gwarmaccess (100 gas) per loop iteration.

There are 4 instances of this issue.

[G-07] Cache external calls outside of loop to avoid re-calling function on each iteration

Performing STATICCALLs that do not depend on variables incremented in loops should always try to be avoided within the loop. In the following instances, we are able to cache the external calls outside of the loop to save a STATICCALL (100 gas) per loop iteration.

Total Instances: 2

Cache staderConfig.getMinBlockDelayToFinalizeWithdrawRequest() outside of loop to save 1 STATICCALL per loop iteration

Note: This will also save 1 SLOAD (staderConfig) per loop iteration. In addition, this function is not benchmarked in the protocol’s tests and therefore the exact gas savings are not included here.

File: contracts/UserWithdrawalManager.sol
132:        for (requestId = nextRequestIdToFinalize; requestId <= maxRequestIdToFinalize; ) {
133:            UserWithdrawInfo memory userWithdrawInfo = userWithdrawRequests[requestId];
134:            uint256 requiredEth = userWithdrawInfo.ethExpected;
135:            uint256 lockedEthX = userWithdrawInfo.ethXAmount;
136:            uint256 minEThRequiredToFinalizeRequest = Math.min(requiredEth, (lockedEthX * exchangeRate) / DECIMALS);
137:            if (
138:                (ethToSendToFinalizeRequest + minEThRequiredToFinalizeRequest > pooledETH) ||
139:                (userWithdrawInfo.requestBlock + staderConfig.getMinBlockDelayToFinalizeWithdrawRequest() > // @audit: external call on every iteration
diff --git a/contracts/UserWithdrawalManager.sol b/contracts/UserWithdrawalManager.sol
index f563434..204239f 100644
--- a/contracts/UserWithdrawalManager.sol
+++ b/contracts/UserWithdrawalManager.sol
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ contract UserWithdrawalManager is
         uint256 lockedEthXToBurn;
         uint256 ethToSendToFinalizeRequest;
         uint256 requestId;
+        uint256 minBlockDelay = staderConfig.getMinBlockDelayToFinalizeWithdrawRequest();
         uint256 pooledETH = poolManager.balance;
         for (requestId = nextRequestIdToFinalize; requestId <= maxRequestIdToFinalize; ) {
             UserWithdrawInfo memory userWithdrawInfo = userWithdrawRequests[requestId];
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ contract UserWithdrawalManager is
             uint256 minEThRequiredToFinalizeRequest = Math.min(requiredEth, (lockedEthX * exchangeRate) / DECIMALS);
             if (
                 (ethToSendToFinalizeRequest + minEThRequiredToFinalizeRequest > pooledETH) ||
-                (userWithdrawInfo.requestBlock + staderConfig.getMinBlockDelayToFinalizeWithdrawRequest() >
+                (userWithdrawInfo.requestBlock + minBlockDelay >
             ) {

Cache return values from INodeRegistry((staderConfig).getPermissionlessNodeRegistry()).POOL_ID() and staderConfig.getETHDepositContract() outisde of loop to save 3 STATICCALL (100 GAS) per iteration

Note: Caching the staderConfig.getPreDepositSize() calls are not included since it was included in the automated report. In addition, this function is not benchmarked in the protocol’s tests and therefore the exact gas savings are not included here.

File: contracts/PermissionlessPool.sol
94:        for (uint256 i; i < pubkeyCount; ) {
95:            address withdrawVault = IVaultFactory(vaultFactory).computeWithdrawVaultAddress(
96:                INodeRegistry((staderConfig).getPermissionlessNodeRegistry()).POOL_ID(), // @audit: 2 external calls on every iteration
97:                _operatorId,
98:                _operatorTotalKeys + i
99:            );
100:            bytes memory withdrawCredential = IVaultFactory(vaultFactory).getValidatorWithdrawCredential(withdrawVault);
102:            bytes32 depositDataRoot = this.computeDepositDataRoot(
103:                _pubkey[i],
104:                _preDepositSignature[i],
105:                withdrawCredential,
106:                staderConfig.getPreDepositSize() 
107:            );
108:            //slither-disable-next-line arbitrary-send-eth
109:            IDepositContract(staderConfig.getETHDepositContract()).deposit{value: staderConfig.getPreDepositSize()}( // @audit: external call on every iteration
diff --git a/contracts/PermissionlessPool.sol b/contracts/PermissionlessPool.sol
index 046761d..ef0e3bf 100644
--- a/contracts/PermissionlessPool.sol
+++ b/contracts/PermissionlessPool.sol
@@ -83,17 +83,19 @@ contract PermissionlessPool is IStaderPoolBase, Initializable, AccessControlUpgr
      * @param _operatorTotalKeys total keys of operator at the starting of adding new keys
     function preDepositOnBeaconChain(
-        bytes[] calldata _pubkey,
-        bytes[] calldata _preDepositSignature,
+        bytes[] memory _pubkey,
+        bytes[] memory _preDepositSignature,
         uint256 _operatorId,
         uint256 _operatorTotalKeys
     ) external payable nonReentrant {
         UtilLib.onlyStaderContract(msg.sender, staderConfig, staderConfig.PERMISSIONLESS_NODE_REGISTRY());
         address vaultFactory = staderConfig.getVaultFactory();
         uint256 pubkeyCount = _pubkey.length;
+        uint8 poolId = INodeRegistry((staderConfig).getPermissionlessNodeRegistry()).POOL_ID();
+        address ethDepositContract = staderConfig.getETHDepositContract();
         for (uint256 i; i < pubkeyCount; ) {
             address withdrawVault = IVaultFactory(vaultFactory).computeWithdrawVaultAddress(
-                INodeRegistry((staderConfig).getPermissionlessNodeRegistry()).POOL_ID(),
+                poolId,
                 _operatorTotalKeys + i
@@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ contract PermissionlessPool is IStaderPoolBase, Initializable, AccessControlUpgr
             //slither-disable-next-line arbitrary-send-eth
-            IDepositContract(staderConfig.getETHDepositContract()).deposit{value: staderConfig.getPreDepositSize()}(
+            IDepositContract(ethDepositContract).deposit{value: staderConfig.getPreDepositSize()}(

[G-08] Refactor code to avoid unnecessary SLOAD

Line 49 is essentially setting balances[operator] to 0. Instead of performing an extra SLOAD in the expression, we can simply set the mapping to 0.

Gas Savings for OperatorRewardsCollector.claim, obtained via protocol’s tests: Avg 67 gas

Med Max Avg # calls
Before 35757 35757 35757 3
After 35690 35690 35690 3
File: contracts/OperatorRewardsCollector.sol
46:    function claim() external whenNotPaused {
47:        address operator = msg.sender;
48:        uint256 amount = balances[operator]; // @audit: 1st sload
49:        balances[operator] -= amount; // @audit: 2nd sload
diff --git a/contracts/OperatorRewardsCollector.sol b/contracts/OperatorRewardsCollector.sol
index e80db8a..d284367 100644
--- a/contracts/OperatorRewardsCollector.sol
+++ b/contracts/OperatorRewardsCollector.sol
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ contract OperatorRewardsCollector is
     function claim() external whenNotPaused {
         address operator = msg.sender;
         uint256 amount = balances[operator];
-        balances[operator] -= amount;
+        balances[operator] = 0;

         address operatorRewardsAddr = UtilLib.getOperatorRewardAddress(msg.sender, staderConfig);
         UtilLib.sendValue(operatorRewardsAddr, amount);

[G-09] Utilize return value from internal function to avoid unnecessary SLOAD

The return value from the onlyActiveOperator internal function is operatorIDByAddress[_operAddr]. In the instances below, the return value is ignored and operatorIDByAddress[msg.sender] is being redundantly read from storage. Utilize the return value to save 1 SLOAD.

Total Instances: 2

Cache return value from onlyActiveOperator inside of operatorId to save 1 SLOAD

File: contracts/PermissionedNodeRegistry.sol
401:    function updateOperatorDetails(string calldata _operatorName, address payable _rewardAddress) external override {
402:        IPoolUtils(staderConfig.getPoolUtils()).onlyValidName(_operatorName);
403:        UtilLib.checkNonZeroAddress(_rewardAddress);
404:        onlyActiveOperator(msg.sender); // @audit: 1st sload for `operatorIDByAddress[msg.sender]`
405:        uint256 operatorId = operatorIDByAddress[msg.sender]; // @audit: 2nd sload

720:    function onlyActiveOperator(address _operAddr) internal view returns (uint256 _operatorId) {
721:        _operatorId = operatorIDByAddress[_operAddr];
diff --git a/contracts/PermissionedNodeRegistry.sol b/contracts/PermissionedNodeRegistry.sol
index ca8aa81..80cfa7c 100644
--- a/contracts/PermissionedNodeRegistry.sol
+++ b/contracts/PermissionedNodeRegistry.sol
@@ -401,8 +401,7 @@ contract PermissionedNodeRegistry is
     function updateOperatorDetails(string calldata _operatorName, address payable _rewardAddress) external override {
-        onlyActiveOperator(msg.sender);
-        uint256 operatorId = operatorIDByAddress[msg.sender];
+        uint256 operatorId = onlyActiveOperator(msg.sender);
         operatorStructById[operatorId].operatorName = _operatorName;
         operatorStructById[operatorId].operatorRewardAddress = _rewardAddress;
         emit UpdatedOperatorDetails(msg.sender, _operatorName, _rewardAddress);

Cache return value from onlyActiveOperator inside of operatorId to save 1 SLOAD

File: contracts/PermissionlessNodeRegistry.sol
366:    function updateOperatorDetails(string calldata _operatorName, address payable _rewardAddress) external override {
367:        IPoolUtils(staderConfig.getPoolUtils()).onlyValidName(_operatorName);
368:        UtilLib.checkNonZeroAddress(_rewardAddress);
369:        onlyActiveOperator(msg.sender); // @audit: 1st sload for `operatorIDByAddress[msg.sender]`
370:        uint256 operatorId = operatorIDByAddress[msg.sender]; // @audit: 2nd sload

680:    function onlyActiveOperator(address _operAddr) internal view returns (uint256 _operatorId) {
681:        _operatorId = operatorIDByAddress[_operAddr];
diff --git a/contracts/PermissionlessNodeRegistry.sol b/contracts/PermissionlessNodeRegistry.sol
index 9640556..5c06f22 100644
--- a/contracts/PermissionlessNodeRegistry.sol
+++ b/contracts/PermissionlessNodeRegistry.sol
@@ -366,8 +366,7 @@ contract PermissionlessNodeRegistry is
     function updateOperatorDetails(string calldata _operatorName, address payable _rewardAddress) external override {
-        onlyActiveOperator(msg.sender);
-        uint256 operatorId = operatorIDByAddress[msg.sender];
+        uint256 operatorId = onlyActiveOperator(msg.sender);
         operatorStructById[operatorId].operatorName = _operatorName;
         operatorStructById[operatorId].operatorRewardAddress = _rewardAddress;
         emit UpdatedOperatorDetails(msg.sender, _operatorName, _rewardAddress);

[G-10] Multiple address mappings can be combined into a single mapping of an address to a struct, where appropriate

We can combine multiple mappings below into structs. We can then pack the structs by modifying the uint type for the values. This will result in cheaper storage reads since multiple mappings are accessed in functions and those values are now occupying the same storage slot, meaning the slot will become warm after the first SLOAD. In addition, when writing to and reading from the struct values we will avoid a Gsset (20000 gas) and Gcoldsload (2100 gas), since multiple struct values are now occupying the same slot.

Note: This instance was missed by the automated report.

Save at least two Gsset (20000 gas) when the handleRewards function is called (handledRewards, poolId, and reportingBlockNumber are all set in storage, but since they are contained in a single slot only one Gsset (20000) is paid).

In order for this optimization to result in impactful gas savings, we will need to pack the poolId and reportingBlockNumber in the RewardsData struct (we can safely reduce the uint type for reportingBlockNumber to uint48). We can then also pack the handledRewards variable with poolId and reportingBlockNumber by declaring it after the RewardsData struct in our newly created RewardsInfo struct.

File: contracts/SocializingPool.sol
30:    mapping(uint256 => bool) public handledRewards;
31:    RewardsData public lastReportedRewardsData;
32:    mapping(uint256 => RewardsData) public rewardsDataMap;
diff --git a/contracts/SocializingPool.sol b/contracts/SocializingPool.sol
index 19d8cb2..90b68de 100644
--- a/contracts/SocializingPool.sol
+++ b/contracts/SocializingPool.sol
@@ -26,10 +26,15 @@ contract SocializingPool is
     uint256 public override totalOperatorSDRewardsRemaining;
     uint256 public override initialBlock;

+    struct RewardsInfo {
+        RewardsData rewardsDataMap;
+        bool handledRewards;
+    }
+    mapping(uint256 => RewardsInfo) rewardsInfo;
     mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => bool)) public override claimedRewards;
-    mapping(uint256 => bool) public handledRewards;
     RewardsData public lastReportedRewardsData;
-    mapping(uint256 => RewardsData) public rewardsDataMap;

     /// @custom:oz-upgrades-unsafe-allow constructor
     constructor() {
@@ -60,8 +65,9 @@ contract SocializingPool is

     function handleRewards(RewardsData calldata _rewardsData) external override nonReentrant {
         UtilLib.onlyStaderContract(msg.sender, staderConfig, staderConfig.STADER_ORACLE());
-        if (handledRewards[_rewardsData.index]) {
+        RewardsInfo storage _rewardsInfo = rewardsInfo[_rewardsData.index];
+        if (_rewardsInfo.handledRewards) {
             revert RewardAlreadyHandled();
         if (
@@ -77,12 +83,12 @@ contract SocializingPool is
             revert InsufficientSDRewards();

-        handledRewards[_rewardsData.index] = true;
+        _rewardsInfo.handledRewards = true;
         totalOperatorETHRewardsRemaining += _rewardsData.operatorETHRewards;
         totalOperatorSDRewardsRemaining += _rewardsData.operatorSDRewards;

         lastReportedRewardsData = _rewardsData;
-        rewardsDataMap[_rewardsData.index] = _rewardsData;
+        _rewardsInfo.rewardsDataMap = _rewardsData;

             value: _rewardsData.userETHRewards
@@ -170,7 +176,7 @@ contract SocializingPool is
         if (_index == 0 || _index > lastReportedRewardsData.index) {
             revert InvalidCycleIndex();
-        bytes32 merkleRoot = rewardsDataMap[_index].merkleRoot;
+        bytes32 merkleRoot = rewardsInfo[_index].rewardsDataMap.merkleRoot;
         bytes32 node = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_operator, _amountSD, _amountETH));
         return MerkleProofUpgradeable.verify(_merkleProof, merkleRoot, node);
@@ -214,15 +220,16 @@ contract SocializingPool is

         // for past cycles
-        _startBlock = rewardsDataMap[_index - 1].reportingBlockNumber + 1;
-        _endBlock = rewardsDataMap[_index].reportingBlockNumber;
+        _startBlock = rewardsInfo[_index - 1].rewardsDataMap.reportingBlockNumber + 1;
+        _endBlock = rewardsInfo[_index].rewardsDataMap.reportingBlockNumber;

         // for current cycle
-        if (rewardsDataMap[_index].reportingBlockNumber == 0) {
-            if (rewardsDataMap[_index - 1].reportingBlockNumber == 0) {
+        if (rewardsInfo[_index].rewardsDataMap.reportingBlockNumber == 0) {
+            if (rewardsInfo[_index - 1].rewardsDataMap.reportingBlockNumber == 0) {
                 revert FutureCycleIndex();
-            _endBlock = rewardsDataMap[_index - 1].reportingBlockNumber + cycleDuration;
+            _endBlock = rewardsInfo[_index - 1].rewardsDataMap.reportingBlockNumber + cycleDuration;
diff --git a/contracts/interfaces/ISocializingPool.sol b/contracts/interfaces/ISocializingPool.sol
index aceee8b..ab49093 100644
--- a/contracts/interfaces/ISocializingPool.sol
+++ b/contracts/interfaces/ISocializingPool.sol
@@ -7,14 +7,10 @@ import './IStaderConfig.sol';
 /// @title RewardsData
 /// @notice This struct holds rewards merkleRoot and rewards split
 struct RewardsData {
-    /// @notice The block number when the rewards data was last updated
-    uint256 reportingBlockNumber;
     /// @notice The index of merkle tree or rewards cycle
     uint256 index;
     /// @notice The merkle root hash
     bytes32 merkleRoot;
-    /// @notice pool id of operators
-    uint8 poolId;
     /// @notice operator ETH rewards for index cycle
     uint256 operatorETHRewards;
     /// @notice user ETH rewards for index cycle
@@ -23,6 +19,10 @@ struct RewardsData {
     uint256 protocolETHRewards;
     /// @notice operator SD rewards for index cycle
     uint256 operatorSDRewards;
+    /// @notice pool id of operators
+    uint8 poolId;
+    /// @notice The block number when the rewards data was last updated
+    uint48 reportingBlockNumber;

 interface ISocializingPool {

[G-11] Using storage instead of memory for structs/arrays saves gas

The function in the instance below only reads 3 out of 5 struct fields. It is performing two unnecessary Gcoldsload (2100 gas). We can change memory to storage in order to save those two SLOADs. Note: we will also need to cache the owner struct field since it is accessed multiple times.

Note: This is an instance missed by the automated report.

File: contracts/UserWithdrawalManager.sol
169:        UserWithdrawInfo memory userRequest = userWithdrawRequests[_requestId];
diff --git a/contracts/UserWithdrawalManager.sol b/contracts/UserWithdrawalManager.sol
index f563434..a12919f 100644
--- a/contracts/UserWithdrawalManager.sol
+++ b/contracts/UserWithdrawalManager.sol
@@ -166,8 +166,9 @@ contract UserWithdrawalManager is
         if (_requestId >= nextRequestIdToFinalize) {
             revert requestIdNotFinalized(_requestId);
-        UserWithdrawInfo memory userRequest = userWithdrawRequests[_requestId];
-        if (msg.sender != userRequest.owner) {
+        UserWithdrawInfo storage userRequest = userWithdrawRequests[_requestId];
+        address payable _owner = userRequest.owner;
+        if (msg.sender != _owner) {
             revert CallerNotAuthorizedToRedeem();
         // below is a default entry as no userRequest will be found for a redeemed request.
@@ -175,9 +176,9 @@ contract UserWithdrawalManager is
             revert RequestAlreadyRedeemed(_requestId);
         uint256 etherToTransfer = userRequest.ethFinalized;
-        deleteRequestId(_requestId, userRequest.owner);
-        sendValue(userRequest.owner, etherToTransfer);
-        emit RequestRedeemed(msg.sender, userRequest.owner, etherToTransfer);
+        deleteRequestId(_requestId, _owner);
+        sendValue(_owner, etherToTransfer);
+        emit RequestRedeemed(msg.sender, _owner, etherToTransfer);

[G-12] Using bools for storage incurs overhead

Both state variables can potentially be set back and forth from true and false. This would result in a Gsset (20000 gas) everytime the values are set to true from false. We can instead use uint(1) in place of true and uint(2) in place of false and pay the Gsset (20000 gas) once during deployment (to set the slot to uint(1). This would save two Gsset (20000 gas). However, a more efficient mitigation would be to pack the variables into a slot with other variables that would inevitably be written to. Please see this finding for a more efficient solution.

Note: This is an instance missed by the automated report.

File: contracts/StaderOracle.sol
18:    bool public override erInspectionMode;
19:    bool public override isPORFeedBasedERData;

[G-13] Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a local variable cache

Caching a mapping’s value in a storage pointer when the value is accessed multiple times saves ~40 gas per access due to not having to perform the same offset calculation every time. Help the Optimizer by saving a storage variable’s reference instead of repeatedly fetching it.

To achieve this, declare a storage pointer for the variable and use it instead of repeatedly fetching the reference in a map or an array. As an example, instead of repeatedly calling stakes[tokenId_], save its reference via a storage pointer: StakeInfo storage stakeInfo = stakes[tokenId_] and use the pointer instead.

There are 4 instances of this issue.

[G-14] Combine events to save 2 Glogtopic (375 gas)

The events below are only emitted once in the handleRewards function. We can combine the events into one singular event to save two Glogtopic (375 gas) that would otherwise be paid for the additional two events.

File: contracts/SocializingPool.sol
96:        emit OperatorRewardsUpdated(
97:            _rewardsData.operatorETHRewards,
98:            totalOperatorETHRewardsRemaining,
99:            _rewardsData.operatorSDRewards,
100:            totalOperatorSDRewardsRemaining
101:        );
103:        emit UserETHRewardsTransferred(_rewardsData.userETHRewards);
104:        emit ProtocolETHRewardsTransferred(_rewardsData.protocolETHRewards);

[G-15] Call environment variables directly instead of caching them

In the instance below, instead of caching msg.sender and incurring unnecessary stack manipulation, we can call msg.sender directly. msg.sender costs 2 Gas while the extra stack manipulation will cost 3 Gas per DUP. Note: that the cached variable is used multiple times within a loop (see _claim).

Note: This function is not benchmarked in the protocol’s tests and therefore exact gas savings is not included for this instance.

File: contracts/SocializingPool.sol
106:    function claim(
107:        uint256[] calldata _index,
108:        uint256[] calldata _amountSD,
109:        uint256[] calldata _amountETH,
110:        bytes32[][] calldata _merkleProof
111:    ) external override nonReentrant whenNotPaused {
112:        address operator = msg.sender;
113:        (uint256 totalAmountSD, uint256 totalAmountETH) = _claim(_index, operator, _amountSD, _amountETH, _merkleProof);
115:        address operatorRewardsAddr = UtilLib.getOperatorRewardAddress(operator, staderConfig);

137:    function _claim(
138:        uint256[] calldata _index,
139:        address _operator, // @audit: cached msg.sender
140:        uint256[] calldata _amountSD,
141:        uint256[] calldata _amountETH,
142:        bytes32[][] calldata _merkleProof
143:    ) internal returns (uint256 _totalAmountSD, uint256 _totalAmountETH) {
144:        uint256 indexLength = _index.length;
145:        for (uint256 i = 0; i < indexLength; i++) {
146:            if (_amountSD[i] == 0 && _amountETH[i] == 0) {
147:                revert InvalidAmount();
148:            }
149:            if (claimedRewards[_operator][_index[i]]) {
150:                revert RewardAlreadyClaimed(_operator, _index[i]);
151:            }
153:            _totalAmountSD += _amountSD[i];
154:            _totalAmountETH += _amountETH[i];
155:            claimedRewards[_operator][_index[i]] = true;
157:            if (!verifyProof(_index[i], _operator, _amountSD[i], _amountETH[i], _merkleProof[i])) {
158:                revert InvalidProof(_index[i], _operator);
159:            }
160:        }
161:    }

163:    function verifyProof(
164:        uint256 _index,
165:        address _operator, // @audit: cached msg.sender
166:        uint256 _amountSD,
167:        uint256 _amountETH,
168:        bytes32[] calldata _merkleProof
169:    ) public view returns (bool) {
170:        if (_index == 0 || _index > lastReportedRewardsData.index) {
171:            revert InvalidCycleIndex();
172:        }
173:        bytes32 merkleRoot = rewardsDataMap[_index].merkleRoot;
174:        bytes32 node = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_operator, _amountSD, _amountETH));
diff --git a/contracts/SocializingPool.sol b/contracts/SocializingPool.sol
index 19d8cb2..c504d2c 100644
--- a/contracts/SocializingPool.sol
+++ b/contracts/SocializingPool.sol
@@ -110,10 +110,9 @@ contract SocializingPool is
         uint256[] calldata _amountETH,
         bytes32[][] calldata _merkleProof
     ) external override nonReentrant whenNotPaused {
-        address operator = msg.sender;
-        (uint256 totalAmountSD, uint256 totalAmountETH) = _claim(_index, operator, _amountSD, _amountETH, _merkleProof);
+        (uint256 totalAmountSD, uint256 totalAmountETH) = _claim(_index, _amountSD, _amountETH, _merkleProof);

-        address operatorRewardsAddr = UtilLib.getOperatorRewardAddress(operator, staderConfig);
+        address operatorRewardsAddr = UtilLib.getOperatorRewardAddress(msg.sender, staderConfig);

         bool success;
         if (totalAmountETH > 0) {
@@ -136,7 +135,6 @@ contract SocializingPool is

     function _claim(
         uint256[] calldata _index,
-        address _operator,
         uint256[] calldata _amountSD,
         uint256[] calldata _amountETH,
         bytes32[][] calldata _merkleProof
@@ -146,35 +144,44 @@ contract SocializingPool is
             if (_amountSD[i] == 0 && _amountETH[i] == 0) {
                 revert InvalidAmount();
-            if (claimedRewards[_operator][_index[i]]) {
-                revert RewardAlreadyClaimed(_operator, _index[i]);
+            if (claimedRewards[msg.sender][_index[i]]) {
+                revert RewardAlreadyClaimed(msg.sender, _index[i]);

             _totalAmountSD += _amountSD[i];
             _totalAmountETH += _amountETH[i];
-            claimedRewards[_operator][_index[i]] = true;
+            claimedRewards[msg.sender][_index[i]] = true;

-            if (!verifyProof(_index[i], _operator, _amountSD[i], _amountETH[i], _merkleProof[i])) {
-                revert InvalidProof(_index[i], _operator);
+            if (!_verifyProof(_index[i], _amountSD[i], _amountETH[i], _merkleProof[i])) {
+                revert InvalidProof(_index[i], msg.sender);

-    function verifyProof(
+    function _verifyProof(
         uint256 _index,
-        address _operator,
         uint256 _amountSD,
         uint256 _amountETH,
         bytes32[] calldata _merkleProof
-    ) public view returns (bool) {
+    ) internal view returns (bool) {
         if (_index == 0 || _index > lastReportedRewardsData.index) {
             revert InvalidCycleIndex();
         bytes32 merkleRoot = rewardsDataMap[_index].merkleRoot;
-        bytes32 node = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_operator, _amountSD, _amountETH));
+        bytes32 node = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender, _amountSD, _amountETH));
         return MerkleProofUpgradeable.verify(_merkleProof, merkleRoot, node);

+    function verifyProof(
+        uint256 _index,
+        address _operator,
+        uint256 _amountSD,
+        uint256 _amountETH,
+        bytes32[] calldata _merkleProof
+    ) public view returns (bool) {
+        return _verifyProof(_index, _amountSD, _amountETH, _merkleProof);
+    }
     // SETTERS
     function updateStaderConfig(address _staderConfig) external override onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {

[G-16] Use assembly to perform efficient back-to-back calls

If similar external calls are performed back-to-back, we can use assembly to reuse any function signatures and function parameters that stay the same. In addition, we can also reuse the same memory space for each function call (scratch space + free memory pointer), which can potentially allow us to avoid memory expansion costs. In this case, we are also able to efficiently store the function signatures together in memory as one word, saving multiple MLOADs in the process.

There are 3 instances of this issue.

GasReport output with all optimizations applied

Note: see GasReport for more details.

manoj9april (Stader) acknowledged

Picodes (judge) commented:

Giving Best label over issue 388 for the readability and the gas diff.


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