Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the LoopFi smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between October 11 — October 18, 2024.


7 Wardens contributed reports to LoopFi:

  1. pkqs90
  2. 0xAlix2 (a_kalout and ali_shehab)
  3. chaduke
  4. Evo
  5. ZanyBonzy
  6. Bauchibred

This audit was judged by Koolex.

Final report assembled by thebrittfactor.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 7 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 2 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 5 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 LoopFi repository, and is composed of 31 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 3943 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (2)

[H-01] Rewards might be lost due to the error that _updateRewardIndex() might advance lastBalance without advancing index for a token

Submitted by chaduke, also found by Evo

The function _updateRewardIndex() is used to update the lastBalance and index of each reward token. This function will be called when a user deposits, withdraws collateral or claims rewards.

However, the function might not advance index when accrued.divDown(totalShares) = 0. This might happen when totalShares is too big and accrued is too small. One case is that the number of decimals for the reward token is too small.


For example, the USDC token only has 6 decimals.

Suppose accrued = $100 = 100*10**6, and totalShares = 200M = 200 * 10** 6 * 10**18; then we have  accrued.divDown(totalShares) = 0.

Furthermore, if function _updateRewardIndex() is called more frequently, either because a malicious user keeps calling getRewards() (the gas fee is low on Arbitrum) or simply because the community is large so there is a high chance that for each block (per 12 seconds on Ethereum), there is someone who calls a withdraw/deposit/getRewards function. As a result, accrued could be small, leading to accrued.divDown(totalShares) = 0. Meanwhile, _updateRewardIndex() always advances lastBalance when accrued !=0:


This means the accrued rewards are lost! Nobody will receive the rewards since index has not changed.

More importantly, due to the rounding down error for accrued.divDown(totalShares), there is always a slight loss for the rewards, which is accumulative over time.

The fix is simple. Calculate deltaIndex = accrued.divDown(totalShares) and advance lastBalance by deltaIndex.mulDown(totalShares). In this way, index and lastBalance will always advance in the same pace; in particular if index does not advance, then lastBalance will not advance either. The rounding down error is eliminated too since the lastBalance will not be accrued but by deltaIndex.mulDown(totalShares).

Assessed type


0xtj24 (LoopFi) confirmed

0xAlix2 (warden) commented:

@Koolex - I agree that this is an issue; however, the audit docs states that the ERC20s that are used by the protocol are WETH and PendleLPs which are both 18 decimals.

ERC20 used by the protocol | WETH, PendleLPs

But I’m not sure if that should be considered valid in this context.

Koolex (judge) commented:

There is another issue here.

malicious user keeps calling getRewards()

[H-02] CDPVault.sol#liquidatePositionBadDebt() doesn’t correctly handle profit and loss

Submitted by pkqs90, also found by 0xAlix2




When liquidating bad debt, the profit and loss is not correctly handled. This will cause incorrect accounting to lpETH stakers.

Bug Description

Note: This is based on the 2024-07 Loopfi audit H-12 issue. This protocol team applied a fix, but the fix is incomplete.

There are two issues that needs to be fixed in the new codebase:

  1. The profit that is passed in pool.repayCreditAccount(debtData.debt, profit, loss); should actually use debtData.accruedInterest. This is because we should first “assume” full debt and interest is paid off, and calculate the loss part independently.
  2. The loss is correctly calculated in PoolV3#repayCreditAccount, but the if-else branch is incorrectly implemented. Currently, it can’t handle the case where both profit and loss is non-zero. This would cause a issue that the loss will not be accounted, and will ultimately cause loss to lpETH holders (loss will be implicitly added to the users who hold lpETH) instead of lpETH stakers.

The second fix was also suggested in the original issue, but it isn’t applied.


        takeCollateral = position.collateral;
        repayAmount = wmul(takeCollateral, discountedPrice);
        uint256 loss = calcTotalDebt(debtData) - repayAmount;
        uint256 profit;
        if (repayAmount > debtData.debt) {
@>          profit = repayAmount - debtData.debt;
@>      pool.repayCreditAccount(debtData.debt, profit, loss); // U:[CM-11]
        // transfer the collateral amount from the vault to the liquidator
        token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, takeCollateral);


    function repayCreditAccount(
        uint256 repaidAmount,
        uint256 profit,
        uint256 loss
        creditManagerOnly // U:[LP-2C]
        whenNotPaused // U:[LP-2A]
        nonReentrant // U:[LP-2B]
        if (profit > 0) {
            _mint(treasury, _convertToShares(profit)); // U:[LP-14B]
@>      } else if (loss > 0) {
            address treasury_ = treasury;
            uint256 sharesInTreasury = balanceOf(treasury_);
            uint256 sharesToBurn = _convertToShares(loss);
            if (sharesToBurn > sharesInTreasury) {
                unchecked {
                    emit IncurUncoveredLoss({
                        creditManager: msg.sender,
                        loss: _convertToAssets(sharesToBurn - sharesInTreasury)
                    }); // U:[LP-14D]
                sharesToBurn = sharesInTreasury;
            _burn(treasury_, sharesToBurn); // U:[LP-14C,14D]

In CDPVault, change to pool.repayCreditAccount(debtData.debt, debtData.accruedInterest, loss).

In PoolV3:

        if (profit > 0) {
            _mint(treasury, convertToShares(profit)); // U:[LP-14B]
+       }
+       if (loss > 0)
-       } else if (loss > 0) {

0xtj24 (LoopFi) confirmed

Koolex (judge) commented:

Why Profit should be debtData.accruedInterest?

For the second part, could you please provide a case where profit and loss are non-zero in PJQA?

pkqs90 (warden) commented:

@Koolex - Here’s an example scenario:

  1. User originally taken out a debt of 100, and interest grows to 50, so debtData.debt = 100, debtData.accruedInterest = 50, calcTotalDebt(debtData) = 150).
  2. User collateral is only 100, and after multiplying discountPrice, the repayAmount is only 90. Bad debt occurs.
  3. loss = calcTotalDebt(debtData) - repayAmount is equal to 150 - 90 = 60.
  4. Since repayAmount < debtData.debt, we would have profit = 0.

This means for PoolV3#repayCreditAccount, 60 shares would be burned from the treasury, while instead it should be 10 (because original debt was 100, repaid is 90, 100 - 90 = 10).

You can also see that if repayAmount was 101, we would calculate profit = 1, and in PoolV3#repayCreditAccount we would mint 1 share instead. This means there is a 61 (1 - (-60) = 61) gap in treasury shares when the repaid amount diff is only 11 (101 - 90 = 11), which does not make any sense.

    function calcTotalDebt(DebtData memory debtData) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return debtData.debt + debtData.accruedInterest; //+ debtData.accruedFees;

    function liquidatePositionBadDebt(address owner, uint256 repayAmount) external whenNotPaused {
        takeCollateral = position.collateral;
        repayAmount = wmul(takeCollateral, discountedPrice);
@>      uint256 loss = calcTotalDebt(debtData) - repayAmount;
        uint256 profit;
        if (repayAmount > debtData.debt) {
@>          profit = repayAmount - debtData.debt;
@>      pool.repayCreditAccount(debtData.debt, profit, loss); // U:[CM-11]
        // transfer the collateral amount from the vault to the liquidator
        token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, takeCollateral);


    function repayCreditAccount(
        uint256 repaidAmount,
        uint256 profit,
        uint256 loss
        creditManagerOnly // U:[LP-2C]
        whenNotPaused // U:[LP-2A]
        nonReentrant // U:[LP-2B]
        uint128 repaidAmountU128 = repaidAmount.toUint128();

        DebtParams storage cmDebt = _creditManagerDebt[msg.sender];
        uint128 cmBorrowed = cmDebt.borrowed;
        if (cmBorrowed == 0) {
            revert CallerNotCreditManagerException(); // U:[LP-2C,14A]

        if (profit > 0) {
            _mint(treasury, _convertToShares(profit)); // U:[LP-14B]
        } else if (loss > 0) {
            address treasury_ = treasury;
            uint256 sharesInTreasury = balanceOf(treasury_);
            uint256 sharesToBurn = _convertToShares(loss);
            if (sharesToBurn > sharesInTreasury) {
                unchecked {
                    emit IncurUncoveredLoss({
                        creditManager: msg.sender,
                        loss: _convertToAssets(sharesToBurn - sharesInTreasury)
                    }); // U:[LP-14D]
                sharesToBurn = sharesInTreasury;
            _burn(treasury_, sharesToBurn); // U:[LP-14C,14D]

Koolex (judge) commented:

@pkqs90 - Could you please point out the incomplete fix? This is important, since if there is no indication that the sponsor intended to fix it, it would be out of scope (according to this announcement).

pkqs90 (warden) commented:

@Koolex - The 2024-07 code had pool.repayCreditAccount(debtData.debt, 0, loss); https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-07-loopfi/blob/main/src/CDPVault.sol#L624, and was later fixed to pool.repayCreditAccount(debtData.debt, profit, loss); https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-10-loopfi/blob/main/src/CDPVault.sol#L702.

The suggested fix was also mentioned the original report for H-12.

Medium Risk Findings (5)

[M-01] Invalid handling of flash loan fees in PositionAction::onCreditFlashLoan, forcing it to always revert

Submitted by 0xAlix2, also found by pkqs90 (1, 2)

When users take a flash loan, an amount is sent to the receiver, and then some action takes place, after that action that sent amount is expected to be paid and some fee. Users can also call PositionAction::decreaseLever through a proxy, to “Decrease the leverage of a position by taking out a credit flash loan to withdraw and sell collateral”, after it is called, the flash loan lender sends the credit and calls onCreditFlashLoan, which handles all that logic.

This was reported in Issue 524, and a fix has been implemented. However, the fix is incomplete, and the onCreditFlashLoan will always revert when the fees are >0.

The fix added includes adding fees to the approval amounts:

underlyingToken.forceApprove(address(leverParams.vault), subDebt + fee);
underlyingToken.forceApprove(address(flashlender), subDebt + fee);

That fix still misses a point; the amount coming from the flash lender is constant, and that amount will be used to repay a position’s debt. The issue here is that all the amount is being used to repay without accounting for the extra fees that the flash lender will be requesting.

This causes PositionAction::onCreditFlashLoan to always revert.

Proof of Concept

Add the following test in src/test/integration/PositionAction20.lever.t.sol:

function test_leverageDownNotAccountingFees() public {
    // Re-initialize the system to have fees > 0
    flashlender = new Flashlender(IPoolV3(address(liquidityPool)), 0.01 ether);
    liquidityPool.setCreditManagerDebtLimit(address(flashlender), type(uint256).max);
    positionAction = new PositionAction20(

    uint256 depositAmount = 1_000 ether;
    uint256 borrowAmount = 200 ether;

    deal(address(token), user, depositAmount);

    address[] memory assets = new address[](2);
    assets[0] = address(underlyingToken);
    assets[1] = address(token);


    // User deposits 1k ETH collateral
    token.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max);
    vault.deposit(address(userProxy), depositAmount);

    // User borrows 200 ETH
            CreditParams({amount: borrowAmount, creditor: user, auxSwap: emptySwap})

    vm.expectRevert(bytes("ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"));
                position: address(userProxy),
                vault: address(vault),
                collateralToken: address(token),
                primarySwap: SwapParams({
                    swapProtocol: SwapProtocol.BALANCER,
                    swapType: SwapType.EXACT_OUT,
                    assetIn: address(token),
                    amount: 1 ether,
                    limit: 2 ether,
                    recipient: address(positionAction),
                    residualRecipient: address(positionAction),
                    deadline: block.timestamp,
                    args: abi.encode(weightedPoolIdArray, assets)
                auxSwap: emptySwap,
                auxAction: emptyPoolActionParams
            2 ether,

function onCreditFlashLoan(
    address /*initiator*/,
    uint256 /*amount*/,
   uint256 fee,
    bytes calldata data
) external returns (bytes32) {

    // sub collateral and debt
-       -toInt256(subDebt)
+       -toInt256(subDebt - fee)



Assessed type


amarcu (LoopFi) confirmed

[M-02] Invalid handling of risdual amount in PositionAction::onCreditFlashLoan, forcing it to revert

Submitted by 0xAlix2

Users can call PositionAction::decreaseLever through a proxy, to “Decrease the leverage of a position by taking out a credit flash loan to withdraw and sell collateral”. After it is called, the flash loan lender sends the credit and calls onCreditFlashLoan, which handles all that logic. When doing so, users are supposed to swap their collateral withdrawn into debt tokens so that the flash loan can be repaid.

The protocol tries to handle the residual amount from the swap (swapped - paid debt), by trying to repay extra debt for the designated position, using:

if (residualAmount > 0) {
    underlyingToken.forceApprove(address(leverParams.vault), residualAmount);

However, this is invalid for 2 main reasons:

  1. This is trying to repay extra debt than what the user is trying to, which is passed in the primarySwap.amount.
  2. If the user tries to repay his whole debt using decreaseLever the TX will revert, as it’ll try to repay some nonexistent debt.

Proof of Concept

Add the following test in src/test/integration/PositionAction20.lever.t.sol:

function test_leverageDownWrongResidualHandling() public {
    uint256 depositAmount = 1_000 ether;
    uint256 borrowAmount = 200 ether;

    deal(address(token), user, depositAmount);

    address[] memory assets = new address[](2);
    assets[0] = address(token);
    assets[1] = address(underlyingToken);


    // User deposits 1k ETH collateral
    token.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max);
    vault.deposit(address(userProxy), depositAmount);

    // User borrows 200 ETH
            CreditParams({amount: borrowAmount, creditor: user, auxSwap: emptySwap})

                position: address(userProxy),
                vault: address(vault),
                collateralToken: address(token),
                primarySwap: SwapParams({
                    swapProtocol: SwapProtocol.BALANCER,
                    swapType: SwapType.EXACT_IN,
                    assetIn: address(token),
                    amount: vault.virtualDebt(address(userProxy)),
                    limit: 0,
                    recipient: address(positionAction),
                    residualRecipient: address(positionAction),
                    deadline: block.timestamp,
                    args: abi.encode(weightedPoolIdArray, assets)
                auxSwap: emptySwap,
                auxAction: emptyPoolActionParams
            201 ether,



Suite result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 2.65s (4.18ms CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 2.66s (2.65s CPU time): 0 tests passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

Failing tests:
Encountered 1 failing test in src/test/integration/PositionAction20.lever.t.sol:PositionAction20_Lever_Test
[FAIL. Reason: CallerNotCreditManagerException()] test_leverageDownWrongResidualHandling() (gas: 1088990)

Rather than using the residual amount to repay excess debt (that might not even exist), transfer it to the designated residual recipient. Alternatively, check if the user still has any remaining debt. If they do, use the residual to repay it; otherwise, transfer the residual amount to the recipient.

Assessed type


amarcu (LoopFi) confirmed and commented:

The error in the failing test is because of a faulty setup. This will happen if the flashlender contract is not added to the poolv3 as a credit manager.

0xAlix2 (warden) commented:

@Koolex - I believe there’s confusion here, the error here isn’t because “the flashlender contract is not added to the poolv3 as a credit manager”, please let me explain:

In PoolV3.sol, if you search for CallerNotCreditManagerException you can find 2 occurrences, the first is here:

function _revertIfCallerNotCreditManager() internal view {
    if (!_creditManagerSet.contains(msg.sender)) {
        revert CallerNotCreditManagerException(); // U:[PQK-4]

This is indeed the case that the sponsor is referencing; however, there’s another occurrence here:

if (cmBorrowed == 0) {
    revert CallerNotCreditManagerException(); // U:[LP-2C,14A]

This is the case that the report is discussing, where this error is thrown when the borrowed of a position equals 0.

You can easily confirm this by changing the amount passed to amount in the above PoC to a lower value and see that the test doesn’t fail, example below:

function test_leverageDownWrongResidualHandling() public {
    uint256 depositAmount = 1_000 ether;
    uint256 borrowAmount = 200 ether;

    deal(address(token), user, depositAmount);

    address[] memory assets = new address[](2);
    assets[0] = address(token);
    assets[1] = address(underlyingToken);


    // User deposits 1k ETH collateral
    token.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max);
    vault.deposit(address(userProxy), depositAmount);

    // User borrows 200 ETH
            CreditParams({amount: borrowAmount, creditor: user, auxSwap: emptySwap})

                position: address(userProxy),
                vault: address(vault),
                collateralToken: address(token),
                primarySwap: SwapParams({
                    swapProtocol: SwapProtocol.BALANCER,
                    swapType: SwapType.EXACT_IN,
                    assetIn: address(token),
-                   amount: vault.virtualDebt(address(userProxy)),
+                   amount: vault.virtualDebt(address(userProxy)) / 2,
                    limit: 0,
                    recipient: address(positionAction),
                    residualRecipient: address(positionAction),
                    deadline: block.timestamp,
                    args: abi.encode(weightedPoolIdArray, assets)
                auxSwap: emptySwap,
                auxAction: emptyPoolActionParams
            201 ether,


Hence, I believe there’s some confusion here and this is a valid medium and would appreciate if you could take another look.

Koolex (judge) commented:

@amarcu - I have run the PoC and changed the error:

        if (cmBorrowed == 0) {
            revert CallerNotCreditManagerException(); // U:[LP-2C,14A]

to other a different one. When running the PoC, it throws this error. This confirms the error is caused when there is no debt left cmBorrowed == 0.

[M-03] PositionAction4626.sol#_onWithdraw should withdraw from position CDPVault position instead of address(this)

Submitted by pkqs90

Note: This is based on the 2024-07 Loopfi audit M-35 issue. This protocol team applied a fix, but the fix is incomplete.

Only the bug in the _onDeposit() was fixed, but not the one in _onWithdraw(). PositionAction4626.sol#_onWithdraw does not withdraw from the correct position, it should withdraw from position instead of address(this).

    function _onDeposit(address vault, address position, address src, uint256 amount) internal override returns (uint256) {
        address collateral = address(ICDPVault(vault).token());

        // if the src is not the collateralToken, we need to deposit the underlying into the ERC4626 vault
        if (src != collateral) {
            address underlying = IERC4626(collateral).asset();
            IERC20(underlying).forceApprove(collateral, amount);
            amount = IERC4626(collateral).deposit(amount, address(this));

        IERC20(collateral).forceApprove(vault, amount);

        // @audit-note: This was fixed.
        return ICDPVault(vault).deposit(position, amount);

    function _onWithdraw(
        address vault,
        address /*position*/,
        address dst,
        uint256 amount
    ) internal override returns (uint256) {
        // @audit-note: This is still a bug.
@>      uint256 collateralWithdrawn = ICDPVault(vault).withdraw(address(this), amount);

        // if collateral is not the dst token, we need to withdraw the underlying from the ERC4626 vault
        address collateral = address(ICDPVault(vault).token());
        if (dst != collateral) {
            collateralWithdrawn = IERC4626(collateral).redeem(collateralWithdrawn, address(this), address(this));

        return collateralWithdrawn;
-       uint256 collateralWithdrawn = ICDPVault(vault).withdraw(address(this), amount);
+       uint256 collateralWithdrawn = ICDPVault(vault).withdraw(position, amount);

amarcu (LoopFi) confirmed

[M-04] PositionActionPendle.sol#_onWithdraw does not have slippage parameter minOut set

Submitted by pkqs90, also found by ZanyBonzy and Bauchibred

When performing withdraws on PositionActionPendle and exiting Pendle pools, users may lose funds due to not setting slippage.

Bug Description

Note: This is a new issue that was introduced by the latest code diff.

The dataflow for withdrawing on PositionActionPendle is:

  1. User withdraws collateral (which is a Pendle token) from CDPVault.
  2. User performs pendle pool exit.

The issue is in step 2; since minOut is set to 0, users may receive less output tokens than expected.

    function _onWithdraw(
        address vault,
        address position,
        address dst,
        uint256 amount
    ) internal override returns (uint256) {
        uint256 collateralWithdrawn = ICDPVault(vault).withdraw(address(position), amount);
        address collateralToken = address(ICDPVault(vault).token());

        if (dst != collateralToken && dst != address(0)) {
            PoolActionParams memory poolActionParams = PoolActionParams({
                protocol: Protocol.PENDLE,        
@>              minOut: 0, // @audit-bug: No slippage.
                recipient: address(this),     
                args: abi.encode(

            bytes memory exitData = _delegateCall(
                abi.encodeWithSelector(poolAction.exit.selector, poolActionParams)

            collateralWithdrawn = abi.decode(exitData, (uint256));
        return collateralWithdrawn;

Also note that this is similar to the 2024-07 Loopfi audit finding M-39, which also talks about slippage in ERC4626. However, this Pendle withdraw exit pool code is new, and not existant in the last audit. Thus this should be considered a new bug.

Allow user to set a minOut parameter for withdraw functions, especially for Pendle position and ERC4626 position.

amarcu (LoopFi) confirmed

[M-05] PositionAction.sol#onCreditFlashLoan may end up with stuck funds for EXACT_IN primary swaps

Submitted by pkqs90

Note: This is a new issue that was introduced by the latest code diff.

When conducting a decreaseLever action, the final swap inside onCreditFlashLoan() is from collateral token to debt token. If the swap is EXACT_IN type, this means all collateral token is used for the swap. The output tokens are then split to two parts:

  1. Repay the flashloan (and fees).
  2. Send back to CDPVault to repay debt.

However, the second part have some issues. Mainly because if the repaid amount is larger than debt amount, the repayed amount will be capped to the debt amount (See CDPVault.sol code below). This means there may be some debt tokens ending up dangling in the PositionAction.sol contract, which the user does not have access to.

To explain a bit more, this is a reasonable scenario, because the amount of collateral tokens used for swap comes from uint256 withdrawnCollateral = _onDecreaseLever(leverParams, subCollateral);, and for PositionAction4626, _onDecreaseLever() supports gathering collateral tokens by exiting from pools (e.g., Balancer). This means it is totally possible that the amount of collateral tokens used for swap values more than the user’s debt in CDPVault.


    function onCreditFlashLoan(
        address /*initiator*/,
        uint256 /*amount*/,
        uint256 fee,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external returns (bytes32) {
        if (msg.sender != address(flashlender)) revert PositionAction__onCreditFlashLoan__invalidSender();
        (LeverParams memory leverParams, uint256 subCollateral, address residualRecipient) = abi.decode(
            (LeverParams, uint256, address)

        uint256 subDebt = leverParams.primarySwap.amount;
        underlyingToken.forceApprove(address(leverParams.vault), subDebt + fee);
        // sub collateral and debt
        // withdraw collateral and handle any CDP specific actions
@>      uint256 withdrawnCollateral = _onDecreaseLever(leverParams, subCollateral);

        if (leverParams.primarySwap.swapType == SwapType.EXACT_IN) {
            leverParams.primarySwap.amount = withdrawnCollateral;

            bytes memory swapData = _delegateCall(
                abi.encodeWithSelector(swapAction.swap.selector, leverParams.primarySwap)

            uint256 swapAmountOut = abi.decode(swapData, (uint256));
            uint256 residualAmount = swapAmountOut - subDebt;

            // sub collateral and debt
@>          if (residualAmount > 0) {
                underlyingToken.forceApprove(address(leverParams.vault), residualAmount);


    function _onDecreaseLever(
        LeverParams memory leverParams,
        uint256 subCollateral
    ) internal override returns (uint256 tokenOut) {
        // withdraw collateral from vault
        uint256 withdrawnCollateral = ICDPVault(leverParams.vault).withdraw(leverParams.position, subCollateral);

        // withdraw collateral from the ERC4626 vault and return underlying assets
        tokenOut = IERC4626(leverParams.collateralToken).redeem(withdrawnCollateral, address(this), address(this));

        if (leverParams.auxAction.args.length != 0) {
                abi.encodeWithSelector(poolAction.exit.selector, leverParams.auxAction)

            tokenOut = IERC20(IERC4626(leverParams.collateralToken).asset()).balanceOf(address(this));


    function modifyCollateralAndDebt(
        address owner,
        address collateralizer,
        address creditor,
        int256 deltaCollateral,
        int256 deltaDebt
    ) public {
        if (deltaDebt > 0) {
        } else if (deltaDebt < 0) {
            uint256 debtToDecrease = abs(deltaDebt);

            uint256 maxRepayment = calcTotalDebt(debtData);
@>          if (debtToDecrease >= maxRepayment) {
                debtToDecrease = maxRepayment;
                deltaDebt = -toInt256(debtToDecrease);

            uint256 scaledDebtDecrease = wmul(debtToDecrease, poolUnderlyingScale);
            poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(creditor, address(pool), scaledDebtDecrease);

Send the residual tokens back to residualRecipient instead of trying to repay debt.

Assessed type


amarcu (LoopFi) confirmed and commented:

The scenario is valid if the case where the debt repayment is capped, but not sure about the severity.

Koolex (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

@pkqs90 - Please clarify the likelihood and the following in PJQA:

To explain a bit more, this is a reasonable scenario, because the amount of collateral tokens used for swap comes from uint256 withdrawnCollateral = _onDecreaseLever(leverParams, subCollateral);, and for PositionAction4626, _onDecreaseLever() supports gathering collateral tokens by exiting from pools (e.g., Balancer). This means it is totally possible that the amount of collateral tokens used for swap values more than the user’s debt in CDPVault.

pkqs90 (warden) commented:

@Koolex For PositionAction4626 actions, this issue is more likely to occur because:

  1. Uses a redeem() call for ERC4626 vaults to get collateral tokens. Users cannot know exactly how much tokens are withdrawn beforehand, this is a dynamic value.
  2. If auxAction.args exists, it will perform a pool exit to get collateral tokens. Both balancer and pendle pool exits use a dynamic output value (e.g., Balancer uses EXACT_BPT_IN_FOR_ONE_TOKEN_OUT)

Also considering the general use case:

  1. When conducting collateral token -> debt token swap, the output of swapped out debt token is a dynamic value.
  2. If the position was liquidate-able, and is partially liquidated by other users by accidentally frontrunning, the required repay amount would be smaller than expected.

All above makes it more likely the user over repays his position.

    function _onDecreaseLever(
        LeverParams memory leverParams,
        uint256 subCollateral
    ) internal override returns (uint256 tokenOut) {
        // withdraw collateral from vault
        uint256 withdrawnCollateral = ICDPVault(leverParams.vault).withdraw(leverParams.position, subCollateral);

        // withdraw collateral from the ERC4626 vault and return underlying assets
@>      tokenOut = IERC4626(leverParams.collateralToken).redeem(withdrawnCollateral, address(this), address(this));

        if (leverParams.auxAction.args.length != 0) {
@>          _delegateCall(
                abi.encodeWithSelector(poolAction.exit.selector, leverParams.auxAction)

            tokenOut = IERC20(IERC4626(leverParams.collateralToken).asset()).balanceOf(address(this));
    function _balancerExit(PoolActionParams memory poolActionParams) internal returns (uint256 retAmount) {
                assets: assets,
                minAmountsOut: minAmountsOut,
@>              userData: abi.encode(ExitKind.EXACT_BPT_IN_FOR_ONE_TOKEN_OUT, bptAmount, outIndex),
                toInternalBalance: false


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