Code4rena is honored to have helped launch many independent auditors’ web3 security careers while reimagining the audit.
One of the most rewarding things for C4 staff is getting to see upstart talent build a name they can bank on and have a world of opportunity open up to wardens. Just the same, we hear all the time from projects that they’ve found amazing solo auditors among the ranks of C4 wardens.
Today, we’re excited for our next phase in serving security researchers and securing projects.
Auditors want to showcase their strengths, experience, and performance. Projects deserve a trusted, objective way to review researchers’ track records. Code4rena Profiles address both needs and empower auditors to leverage their best work to support their careers.
Showcase your auditing skills
Imagine if you, as an auditor, had a single place you could go to highlight your work, celebrate your wins, and take on solo auditing opportunities. That’s exactly what Code4rena Profiles are! Every profile will have:
- Your name, avatar, and relevant tags
- A metrics bar consisting of your high and medium-severity findings
- Your leaderboard ranking
You’ll also have the ability to toggle visibility on:
- Your activity stream
- A list of project logos that you helped secure
- Your findings heatmap
Certified Wardens will also have additional (editable) sections available, the main one being the ‘Get a quote’ function.
If a project has viewed your profile and would like to book you for a solo audit, all they have to do is click this button to initiate the process! The C4 team you already know and trust will help take care of the rest so you can focus on securing projects.
Time for the feature breakdown
Now, let’s take a deeper look at each feature included in a Code4rena Profile.
Get a quote:
For Certified Wardens, there’ll be a link in your profile that projects can use to book an audit with you. This feature makes booking solo audits easy, allowing you to focus on what you’re best at: auditing code.
You’ll have direct access to the Code4rena team for assistance with:
- Legal agreements
- Scoping, pricing, and logistical planning
- Collection and disbursement of funds
- External accountability via a Code4rena Judge
This top-tier support you’ll receive from the Code4rena team is built into the solo audit booking model, at only 20% of the total audit fee.
Remember to opt-in via Settings if you want to make your solo auditing services available.
Metrics bar:
This section of your profile will show your high-severity and medium-severity findings, broken down by ‘total’ and ‘solo’. Your current leaderboard ranking/s will also be shown.
Activity stream:
This section will show a chronological overview of your participation and findings.
Projects you helped secure:
This section of your profile will be a sidebar, aggregating logos of all the projects you’ve helped secure with your efforts.
Findings heatmap:
Who doesn’t like metrics in different views? Broken down by audit and finding type, this section will provide a visual overview of your work.
Take a look for yourself
Ready to take a look at your own Code4rena Profile? We thought you’d never ask! To view yours, find your name in the Code4rena Leaderboard or navigate to your account avatar in the top right-hand corner of the webpage. Let us know what you think in our Discord or via Twitter.
Warden webpage: