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Introducing Code4rena Governor: Make DAO upgrades SAFE

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Line item veto as a service

Today we are announcing Code4rena Governor, the first security offering designed for the fast-moving complexity of decentralized governance.

For too long, DAOs have had to decide between deploying unaudited code and waiting 4–6 months for a traditional audit.

For security-conscious projects, protocol upgrades have the gravity of an armored truck.

Meanwhile many improvement proposals are the equivalent of a dude carrying a bag of money on a bike. And all it takes is one errant line of code.

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Protocol upgrade vs improvement proposal

Code4rena Governor gives DAOs the speed they need without sacrificing safety.

Code4rena Governor provides on-demand audit contests designed to give a rigorous review of small iterations introduced in governance proposals on a timeline no audit firm can meet.

Here’s how Governor works.

When an upgrade is ready to be voted on, you send it C4. Normally a contest will be able to start within 36 hours (guaranteed within 6 days).

Once the 48 hour flash contest ends, bug submissions will be available. Based on those results, the DAO will have a good idea whether it is safe to proceed with the code as-is or if more work is needed.

The details:

  • DAOs with Code4rena Governor will be able to schedule two-day flash contests on very short notice — as soon as 36 hours.
  • Flash contest prize pools are scoped and funded like typical Code4rena contests.
  • Code4rena will guarantee an audit contest for your governance proposal will start within 6 days or we will cover the prize pool for the audit contest.

We’ve been experimenting with a version of this model the past couple of months. We’re now ready to open it up to ten new DAOs on a first-come first-served basis. Just reach out in our Discord.

About Code4rena

We built Code4rena to respond to our industry’s need for more audits sooner than traditional firms can deliver. The industry’s top smart contract security experts compete in audit contests that incentivize finding high risk and rare bugs.

Our community of security researchers (“wardens”) has been anchored by pros like cmichel, 0xrajeev, gpersoon, pauliax, shw, and a dozen others who’ve been with us since the beginning, but we’re constantly seeing leaders emerge like hickuphh3 and brand new names like omik and 0xleastwood coming through with huge findings.

C4 keeps scaling, with over 150 wardens in our community and 10–20 wardens submitting bugs in any one contest. Because C4 is a flexible model for smart contract security, we can extend that flexibility to decentralized governance processes.

Want Code4rena Governor to help secure your DAO’s governance?

Join our Discord and give us a shout.

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