Livepeer Onchain Treasury Upgrade
Findings & Analysis Report
Table of contents
- Summary
- Scope
- Severity Criteria
- Notes from the Auditor
- G-01 Function
can be more optimized (Save 207 Gas on average) - G-02 Function
can be more optimized (Save 443 Gas on average) - G-03 Function
can be more optimized (Save 4749 Gas on average) - G-04 Function
optimization (Save 4716 Gas on average) - G-05 Function
can be more optimized (save 148 Gas on average) - G-06 Refactor the function
(Save 1452 Gas) - G-07 Function
can be optimized - G-08 BondingVotes.sol: We can optimize the function
- G-09 Optimizing check order for cost efficient function execution
- G-10 Change the model of how events are emitted
- Conclusion
- Audit Analysis
- Disclosures
About C4
Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.
A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.
During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Livepeer Onchain Treasury Upgrade smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between August 31—September 6 2023.
30 Wardens contributed reports to the Livepeer Onchain Treasury Upgrade:
- Banditx0x
- ladboy233
- Vagner
- bronze_pickaxe
- Krace
- VAD37
- ether_sky
- rvierdiiev
- Sathish9098
- catellatech
- twicek
- HChang26
- JayShreeRAM
- Proxy
- c3phas
- kaveyjoe
- 0x3b
- favelanky
- nadin
- DavidGiladi
- 0x11singh99
- hunter_w3b
- 0xta
- turvy_fuzz
- ReyAdmirado
- lsaudit
- K42
This audit was judged by hickuphh3.
Final report assembled by liveactionllama.
The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 5 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 2 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 3 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.
Additionally, C4 analysis included 7 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 13 reports recommending gas optimizations.
All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.
The code under review can be found within the C4 Livepeer Onchain Treasury Upgrade repository, and is composed of 3 interfaces and 7 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 2,602 lines of Solidity code.
In addition to the known issues identified by the project team, a Code4rena bot race was conducted at the start of the audit. The winning bot, henry from warden hihen, generated the Automated Findings report and all findings therein were classified as out of scope.
Severity Criteria
C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.
High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:
- Malicious Input Handling
- Escalation of privileges
- Arithmetic
- Gas use
For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.
High Risk Findings (2)
[H-01] Underflow in updateTranscoderWithFees
can cause corrupted data and loss of winning tickets
Submitted by bronze_pickaxe, also found by VAD37, ether_sky, and Krace
can underflow because MathUtils is used instead of PreciseMathUtils.
Proof of Concept
According to LIP-92 the initial treasuryRewardCutRate
will be set to 10%
is set with the setTreasuryRewardCutRate()
function, which calls the internal function _setTreasuryRewardCutRate()
file: 2023-08-livepeer/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
function _setTreasuryRewardCutRate(uint256 _cutRate) internal {
require(PreciseMathUtils.validPerc(_cutRate), "_cutRate is invalid precise percentage");
In this function the value will be checked if it’s a valid PreciseMathUtils
percentage (<100%
specified with 27-digits precision):
file: 2023-08-livepeer/contracts/libraries/PreciseMathUtils.sol
library PreciseMathUtils {
// ...
// Divisor used for representing percentages
uint256 public constant PERC_DIVISOR = 10**27;
function validPerc(uint256 _amount) internal pure returns (bool) {
return _amount <= PERC_DIVISOR;
// ...
However, in updateTranscoderWithFees
, to calculate treasuryRewards
, MathUtils
is used instead of PreciseMathUtils
file: 2023-08-livepeer/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
function updateTranscoderWithFees(
address _transcoder,
uint256 _fees,
uint256 _round
) external whenSystemNotPaused onlyTicketBroker {
// ...
uint256 treasuryRewards = MathUtils.percOf(rewards, treasuryRewardCutRate);
rewards = rewards.sub(treasuryRewards);
// ...
of 1000000
instead of 10 ** 27
from the PreciseMathUtils
file: 2023-08-livepeer/contracts/libraries/MathUtils.sol
library MathUtils {
// ...
uint256 public constant PERC_DIVISOR = 1000000;
// ...
This leads to treasuryRewards
value being bigger than expected. Here is a gist of the POC. Running the POC it shows that the current usage of MathUtils
when calculating treasuryRewards
will always cause an underflow in the next line of code.
is called every time a winning ticket is redeemed. Whenever the transcoder has skipped the previous round reward call, this function has to re-calculate the rewards, as documented in LIP-92. This re-calculation will always fail due to the underflow shown above.
This will lead to accounting errors, unexpected behaviours and can cause a loss of winning tickets.
Firstly, the accounting errors and unexpected behaviours: these are all the storage values getting updated in updateTranscoderWithFees
file: 2023-08-livepeer/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
function updateTranscoderWithFees( address _transcoder,
uint256 _fees,
uint256 _round
) external whenSystemNotPaused onlyTicketBroker {
// ...
// transcoder &
L314: Transcoder storage t = transcoders[_transcoder];
L321: EarningsPool.Data storage earningsPool = t.earningsPoolPerRound[currentRound];
//accounting updates happen here
L377: t.cumulativeFees = t.cumulativeFees.add(transcoderRewardStakeFees)
L382: earningsPool.updateCumulativeFeeFactor(prevEarningsPool,delegatorsFees);
L384: t.lastFeeRound = currentRound;
- Let
currentRound() - 1
be the previous round where the transcoder skipped the reward call - Let
be current round - Let
currentRound() + 1
be the next round
During currentRound()
it won’t be possible to update the Transcoder
storage or
storage because of the underflow that will happen because currentRound() - 1
reward call has been skipped by the transcoder.
During currentRound() + 1
it will be possible to call updateTranscoderWithFees
, however, L382 will only update the prevEarningsPool
, which in this case will be currentRound()
, not currentRound - 1
. Therefor, the
won’t be updated for currentRound() - 1
Lastly, the validity of a ticket is two rounds as per the specs. This means that a transcoder that receives a winning ticket in currentRound() - 1
should be able to redeem it in currentRound() - 1
and currentRound()
. However, a transcoder that receives a winning ticket in currentRound() - 1
wont be able to redeem it in currentRound()
because of the underflow that happens while redeeming a winning ticket in currentRound()
. The transcoder wont be able to redeem it after currentRound + 1..N
because the ticket will be expired.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Use PreciseMathLib
instead of MathLib
file: 2023-08-livepeer/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
- uint256 treasuryRewards = MathUtils.percOf(rewards, treasuryRewardCutRate);
+ uint256 treasuryRewards = PreciseMathUtils.percOf(rewards, treasuryRewardCutRate);
Assessed type
victorges (Livepeer) commented:
Can confirm this issue!
victorges (Livepeer) mitigated:
[H-02] By delegating to a non-transcoder, a delegator can reduce the tally of someone else’s vote choice without first granting them any voting power
Submitted by Banditx0x
A delegate can subtract their own voting weight from the voting choice of another delegate, even if that user isn’t a transcoder. Since they are not a transcoder, they don’t have their votes initially increased by the amount delegated to them, voting weight is still subtracted from the tally of their vote choice.
Maliciously, this could be used to effectively double one’s voting power, by delegating their votes to a delegator who is about to vote for the choice which they don’t want. It can also occur accidentally, for example when somebody delegates to a transcoder who later switches role to delegate.
Proof of Concept
When a user is not a transcoder, their votes are determined by the amount they have delegated to the delegatedAddress, and does not increase when a user delegates to them:
if (bond.bondedAmount == 0) {
amount = 0;
} else if (isTranscoder) {
amount = bond.delegatedAmount;
} else {
amount = delegatorCumulativeStakeAt(bond, _round);
Let’s say that this delegator (Alice) has 100 votes and votes For
, then another delegator(Bob) has delegated 1000 votes to Alice. As stated above, Alice doesn’t get the voting power of Bob’s 1000 votes, so the For
count increases by 100.
Bob now votes, and _handleVotesOverrides
is called. In this function, the first conditional, if isTranscoder
will return false as Bob is not self-delegating.
Then, there is a check that the address Bob has delegated to has voted. Note that there is a missing check of whether the delegate address is a transcoder. Therefore the logic inside if (delegateVoter.hasVoted)
is executed:
if (delegateVoter.hasVoted) {
// this is a delegator overriding its delegated transcoder vote,
// we need to update the current totals to move the weight of
// the delegator vote to the right outcome.
VoteType delegateSupport =;
if (delegateSupport == VoteType.Against) {
_tally.againstVotes -= _weight;
} else if (delegateSupport == VoteType.For) {
_tally.forVotes -= _weight;
} else {
assert(delegateSupport == VoteType.Abstain);
_tally.abstainVotes -= _weight;
The logic reduces the tally of whatever choice Alice voted for by Bob’s weight. Alice initially voted For
with 100 votes, and then the For votes is reduced by Bob’s 1000 votes
. Lets say that Bob votes Against
. This will result in an aggregate 900 vote reduction in the For
tally and +1000 votes for Agaisnt
after Alice and Bob has finished voting.
If Alice was a transcoder, Bob will be simply reversing the votes they had delegated to Alice. However since Alice was a delegate, they never gained the voting power that was delegated to her.
Bob has effectively gained the ability to vote against somebody else’s votes (without first actually increasing their voting power since they are not a transcoder) and can vote themselves, which allows them to manipulate governance.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
There should be a check that a delegate is a transcoder before subtracting the tally. Here is some pseudocode:
if (delegateVoter.hasVoted && ---delegate is transcoder ---)
This is an edit of the conditional of the function _handleOverrides
. This ensures that the subtraction of vote tally is only performed when the delegate is a voter AND the delegate is a transcoder. This should fix the accounting/subtraction issue of vote tally for non-transcoder delegates.
Assessed type
Invalid Validation
victorges (Livepeer) confirmed
victorges (Livepeer) mitigated:
Medium Risk Findings (3)
[M-01] The logic in _handleVoteOverride
to determine if an account is the transcoder is not consistent with the logic in the BondManager.sol
Submitted by ladboy233
In the current implementation, when voting, the function _countVote is triggered, this function is overridden in the function GovernorCountingOverridable.sol
_weight = _handleVoteOverrides(_proposalId, tally, voter, _account, _weight);
This is calling:
function _handleVoteOverrides(
uint256 _proposalId,
ProposalTally storage _tally,
ProposalVoterState storage _voter,
address _account,
uint256 _weight
) internal returns (uint256) {
uint256 timepoint = proposalSnapshot(_proposalId);
address delegate = votes().delegatedAt(_account, timepoint);
// @audit
// is transcoder?
bool isTranscoder = _account == delegate;
if (isTranscoder) {
// deduce weight from any previous delegators for this transcoder to
// make a vote
return _weight - _voter.deductions;
The logic to determine if an account is the transcoder is too simple in this line of code:
// @audit
// is transcoder?
bool isTranscoder = _account == delegate;
And does not match the logic that determine if the address is an registered transcorder and an active transcoder in the bondManager.sol.
In BondManager.sol, the function that used to check if a transcoder is registered is in this line of code:
* @notice Return whether a transcoder is registered
* @param _transcoder Transcoder address
* @return true if transcoder is self-bonded
function isRegisteredTranscoder(address _transcoder) public view returns (bool) {
Delegator storage d = delegators[_transcoder];
return d.delegateAddress == _transcoder && d.bondedAmount > 0;
The function that is used to check if a transcoder is active is in this line of code.
function isActiveTranscoder(address _transcoder) public view returns (bool) {
Transcoder storage t = transcoders[_transcoder];
uint256 currentRound = roundsManager().currentRound();
return t.activationRound <= currentRound && currentRound < t.deactivationRound;
Missing the check in the delegator’s bond amount (delegators[_transcoder].bondeAmount > 0).
The code incorrectedly counts regular delegator as transcoder and does not update the deduction power correctly.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Reuse the function isRegisteredTranscoder and isActiveTranscoder to determine if an account is a registered and active transcoder when counting the voting power.
Assessed type
victorges (Livepeer) confirmed and commented:
There is in fact an issue with the inconsistency with the
function. This report didn’t manage to go specifically into that issue, but still pointed a valid problem which is in a sense the root cause there. FTR There is no problem withisActiveTranscoder
though, since we don’t give voting power only to active transcoders. That part of this report is invalid.
victorges (Livepeer) mitigated:
[M-02] Fully slashed transcoder can vote with 0 weight messing up the voting calculations
Submitted by Vagner (1, 2), also found by ladboy233
If a transcoder gets slashed fully he can still vote with 0 amount of weight
making any other delegated user that wants to change his vote to subtract their weight
amount from other delegators/transcoders.
Proof of Concept
In BondingManager.sol
any transcoder can gets slashed by a specific percentage, and that specific transcoder gets resigned and that specific percentage gets deducted from his bondedAmount
If any bondedAmount
will remain then the penalty will also gets subtracted from the delegatedAmount
, if not, nothing happens.
After that the penalty
gets burned and the fees gets paid to the finder, if that is the case.
The problem relies in the fact that a fully slashed transcoder, even if it gets resigned, he is still seen as an active transcoder in the case of voting. Let’s assume this case:
- A transcoder gets fully slashed and gets resigned from the transcoder pools, getting his
to 0, but he still hasdelegatedAmount
to his address since nothing happens this variable. - Transcoder vote a proposal and when his weighting gets calculated here, it will use the
. _getVotes
onBondingVotes.sol which returns the amount of weight specific to this transcoder and as you can see, because the transcoder has abondedAmount
equal to 0, the first if statement will be true and 0 will be returned. 0 weight will be passed into
which will then be passed into_handleVoteOverrides
. - Then it will check if the caller is a transcoder, which will be true in our case, because nowhere in the
function, or any other function the transcoderdelegateAddress
gets changed, so this if statement will be true, which will try to deduct the weight from any previous delegators. - If any delegator already overridden any amount this subtraction would revert, but if that is not the case, 0 weight will be returned, which is then used to vote
, but since 0 weight is passed no changed will be made. - Now the big problem arise, if any delegator that delegated their votes to this specific transcoder want to change their vote, when his weight gets calculated,
gets called which will return most of the time hisbondedAmount
, amount which is greater than 0, since he didn’t unbound. - Because of that when
gets called in_countVote
, to override the vote, this if statement will be true, since the transcoder voted already, but with 0 weight and the delegator weight gets subtracted from the support that the transcoder used in his vote. - The system in this case expects the transcoder to vote with the whole
, which will make the subtraction viable, since the weight of the delegator should be included in the fulldelegatedAmount
of that specific transcoder, but since the transcoder voted with 0 weight, the subtraction would be done from other delegators/transcoders votes. - Also this can be abused by a transcoder by voting a category which he knows will not get a lot of votes, if let’s say a transcoder used his 0 weight to vote for
and every other voter will vote onfor
, every time one of his delegators want to change the vote the subtraction can revert, which will force those delegators out of the vote, until they will change their transcoder.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
If a transcoder gets fully slashed and resigned, delete his address from delegateAddress
so he will not appear as a transcoder in the mechanism of counting the votes. If he still wants to participate in the system he can act as a delegator to another transcoder. Another solution would be to not let 0 weight votes happen, since they don’t modify the vote state at all.
Assessed type
victorges (Livepeer) confirmed and commented:
Slashing is turned off in the protocol, so this specific issue is not that important. It did point towards an issue in
though in the way that thegetBondingState
function checks if transcoder is a transcoder or not and defaults to 0 whenbondedAmount
. There are other ways that this logic can be triggered (not throughslashTranscoder
) that can show inconsistencies as well, so I’m flagging this as valid for the underlying issue that it hints to, even though it does not describe a realistic scenario about how this issue could happen.
I found the POC hard to follow. A coded instance would have tremendously helped, but what I gather is:
- fully slashed transcoder that votes will do so with 0 weight.
- any delegator that delegated their votes to this specific transcoder intending to change their vote may face an issue with sub overflow because
uses the slashed transcoder’sbondedAmount
instead of the 0 weight. so this issue seems valid, although its premise is that the slashing functionality is in place.The README did not indicate that slashing was turned off, though I see it’s mentioned a couple of times in the Discord channel. Should’ve been added in the “Known caveats / limitations” section.
Hence, IMO it isn’t entirely fair to wardens if I invalidate their issue because they weren’t aware of this fact.
Leaning towards a downgrade to M because of the external requirement of the active slashing mechanism, but am open to discussion.
hickuphh3 (judge) decreased severity to Medium
Revisiting this issue, IMO it’s unreasonable to expect the sponsor to explicitly list out all the gotchas / limitations of the protocol. Some will only pop into mind through discussions with wardens, which seemed to be the case here when the slashing deprecation was mentioned a couple of times in the Discord channel.
On the flip side, the fact remains that the slashing mechanism is part of the audit scope, and was counted towards the sLOC, plus the points I raised above. There wasn’t an indication in the code that slashing had been deprecated.
It’s a difficult decision here, considering the different parties’ POV. There could be some wardens who didn’t submit issues related to slashing because of what was brought up in the Discord channel, and those that did (as one can see referenced above) because they didn’t monitor the channel.
victorges (Livepeer) mitigated:
[M-03] withdrawFees
does not update checkpoint
Submitted by ADM, also found by rvierdiiev, twicek, and HChang26
BondingVotes may have stale data due to missing checkpoint in BondingManager#withdrawFees()
Proof of Concept
The withdrawFee function has the autoClaimEarnings modifier:
function withdrawFees(address payable _recipient, uint256 _amount) external whenSystemNotPaused currentRoundInitialized autoClaimEarnings(msg.sender) {
which calls _autoClaimEarnings:
modifier autoClaimEarnings(address _delegator) {
which calls updateDelegatorWithEarnings:
function _autoClaimEarnings(address _delegator) internal {
uint256 currentRound = roundsManager().currentRound();
uint256 lastClaimRound = delegators[_delegator].lastClaimRound;
if (lastClaimRound < currentRound) {
updateDelegatorWithEarnings(_delegator, currentRound, lastClaimRound);
During updateDelegatorWithEarnings, both delegator.lastClaimRound and delegator.bondedAmount can be assigned new values.
del.lastClaimRound = _endRound;
// Rewards are bonded by default
del.bondedAmount = currentBondedAmount;
However, during the lifecycle of all these functions, _checkpointBondingState is never called either directly or through the autoCheckpoint modifier resulting in lastClaimRound & bondedAmount’s values being stale in BondingVotes.sol.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Add autoCheckpoint modifier to the withdrawFees function.
victorges (Livepeer) confirmed
victorges (Livepeer) mitigated:
Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues
For this audit, 7 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by Proxy received the top score from the judge.
The following wardens also submitted reports: rvierdiiev, ladboy233, favelanky, nadin, Banditx0x, and DavidGiladi.
[01] There is no way to decrease the max number of active transcoders
sets the maximum number of active transcoders however there is no way to decrease the number since setMaxSize()
does not allow it.
function setNumActiveTranscoders(uint256 _numActiveTranscoders) external onlyControllerOwner {
emit ParameterUpdate("numActiveTranscoders");
function setMaxSize(Data storage self, uint256 _size) public {
require(_size > self.maxSize, "new max size must be greater than old max size");
self.maxSize = _size;
[02] When removing transcoders Transcoder.activationRound
should be set to 0 for inactive
Function tryToJoinActiveSet()
removes a transcoder if transcoderPool.isFull()
however it does not set Transcoder.activationRound
of the transcoder to 0 for inactive.
In Transcoder
struct it says if a transcoder is inactive activationRound
should be 0.
uint256 activationRound; // Round in which the transcoder became active - 0 if inactive
transcoders[lastTranscoder].deactivationRound = _activationRound; // @audit Transcoder.activationRound should be 0 - for inactive
pendingNextRoundTotalActiveStake = pendingNextRoundTotalActiveStake.sub(lastStake);
[03] No function implemented for setMaxEarningsClaimsRounds()
The constructor natspec says that setMaxEarningsClaimsRounds()
should be called to initialize state variables post-deployment. However there is no such function implemented anywhere.
* @notice BondingManager constructor. Only invokes constructor of base Manager contract with provided Controller address
* @dev This constructor will not initialize any state variables besides `controller`. The following setter functions
* should be used to initialize state variables post-deployment:
* - setUnbondingPeriod()
* - setNumActiveTranscoders()
* - setMaxEarningsClaimsRounds()
* @param _controller Address of Controller that this contract will be registered with
[04] Typos
// @audit Typo - instead of "specicic" use "specific"
35: // @dev Tracks state of specicic voters in a single proposal.
// @audit Typo - instead of "abstain" use "against"
59: // @notice The required percentage of "for" votes in relation to the total opinionated votes (for and abstain) for
- BondingVotes.sol (#L65-66):
// @audit Typo - instead of "Notce that..." use "Notice that this is different"
65: // @dev Stores a list of checkpoints for the total active stake, queryable and mapped by round. Notce that
66: // differently from bonding checkpoints, it's only accessible on the specific round. To access the checkpoint for a
[05] Functions need a more descriptive name
Some functions say they set one thing but set something different and some function names are too ambiguous.
and _setTreasuryRewardCutRate() setnextRoundTreasuryRewardCutRate
are too ambiguous
victorges (Livepeer) confirmed and commented:
This is known and expected behavior, which has an explicit check in the code to guarantee consistency. An improvement could be made to the code but the current one works as expected.[02]
Valid point on doc that oversimplifies the behavior of the field and can be confusing. In the way these fields are read, that 0 value wouldn’t matter though:[03]
Misleading docs. Probably a deprecated property that doesn’t exist anymore. Here’s the deploy code of that contract for reference:[04]
Good docs improvements.[05]
Valid points, but expected behavior, might not fix.
[01]: Recommendation
[02]: Recommendation
[03]: Low
[04]: Non-Critical
[05]: Recommendation
Gas Optimizations
For this audit, 13 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by c3phas received the top score from the judge.
The following wardens also submitted reports: Sathish9098, kaveyjoe, 0x11singh99, SAQ, hunter_w3b, 0xta, turvy_fuzz, ReyAdmirado, JCK, lsaudit, 0x3b, and K42.
Notes from the Auditor
Auditor’s Disclaimer
While we try our best to maintain readability in the provided code snippets, some functions have been truncated to highlight the affected portions.
It’s important to note that during the implementation of these suggested changes, developers must exercise caution to avoid introducing vulnerabilities. Although the optimizations have been tested prior to these recommendations, it is the responsibility of the developers to conduct thorough testing again.
Code reviews and additional testing are strongly advised to minimize any potential risks associated with the refactoring process.
Note on Gas Estimates
We’ve tried to give the exact amount of gas being saved from running the included tests, whenever the function is within the test coverage.
All suggested changes have been tested per function to ensure we don’t encounter stack too deep error.
Most of the changes involve rewriting functions and as such changes are suggested on a function basis.
We would love to look at this code again if they end up implementing the changes on this report.
When doing the refactoring, we’ve avoided including any changes that were reported by the bot and we encourage you to go through the automated findings to maximum the amount of gas being saved.
[G-01] Function processRebond()
can be more optimized (Save 207 Gas on average)
Gas benchmarks based on function rebondWithHint()
which calls our function of interest.
Min | Max | Avg | |
Before | 229425 | 231632 | 230529 |
After | 229218 | 231425 | 230322 |
File: /contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
1564: function processRebond(
1565: address _delegator,
1566: uint256 _unbondingLockId,
1567: address _newPosPrev,
1568: address _newPosNext
1569: ) internal autoCheckpoint(_delegator) {
1570: Delegator storage del = delegators[_delegator];
1571: UnbondingLock storage lock = del.unbondingLocks[_unbondingLockId];
1573: require(isValidUnbondingLock(_delegator, _unbondingLockId), "invalid unbonding lock ID");
Of interest to us is the require statement on line 1573:
require(isValidUnbondingLock(_delegator, _unbondingLockId), "invalid unbonding lock ID");
The statement makes a function call to isValidUnbondingLock()
which we can see its implementation on
File: /contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
1167: function isValidUnbondingLock(address _delegator, uint256 _unbondingLockId) public view returns (bool) {
1168: // A unbonding lock is only valid if it has a non-zero withdraw round (the default value is zero)
1169: return delegators[_delegator].unbondingLocks[_unbondingLockId].withdrawRound > 0;
1170: }
Note the return statement in the above function return delegators[_delegator].unbondingLocks[_unbondingLockId].withdrawRound > 0;
We make some state reads by reading delegators[_delegator]
Back to our original function context, note we also made the same state read on
1570: Delegator storage del = delegators[_delegator];
The require statement ends up doing the following:
require(delegators[_delegator].unbondingLocks[_unbondingLockId].withdrawRound > 0,"invalid unbonding lock ID");
Note the variable delegators[_delegator].unbondingLocks[_unbondingLockId]
is equivalent to the variable lock
declared here UnbondingLock storage lock = del.unbondingLocks[_unbondingLockId];
If we inline the function isValidUnbondingLock()
we can avoid making this two state reads and take advantage of the already declared variable.
diff --git a/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol b/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
index 93e06ba..2482d64 100644
--- a/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
+++ b/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
@@ -1569,8 +1569,7 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
) internal autoCheckpoint(_delegator) {
Delegator storage del = delegators[_delegator];
UnbondingLock storage lock = del.unbondingLocks[_unbondingLockId];
- require(isValidUnbondingLock(_delegator, _unbondingLockId), "invalid unbonding lock ID");
+ require(lock.withdrawRound > 0,"invalid unbonding lock ID");
[G-02] Function withdrawStake()
can be more optimized (Save 443 Gas on average)
Min | Max | Avg | ||
Before | 104389 | 121489 | 110093 | |
After | 103946 | 121046 | 109650 | |
File: /contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
249: function withdrawStake(uint256 _unbondingLockId) external whenSystemNotPaused currentRoundInitialized {
250: Delegator storage del = delegators[msg.sender];
251: UnbondingLock storage lock = del.unbondingLocks[_unbondingLockId];
253: require(isValidUnbondingLock(msg.sender, _unbondingLockId), "invalid unbonding lock ID");
254: require(
255: lock.withdrawRound <= roundsManager().currentRound(),
256: "withdraw round must be before or equal to the current round"
257: );
Similar to the previous explanations with some additional refactoring
After the refactoring explained in the previous case, the variable lock.withdrawRound
was found to be called 3 times, with the 3rd call being a memory store ie uint256 withdrawRound = lock.withdrawRound;
. We can optimize the code further by making this memory store call before we make our validations using the require statements and use the memory variable in the require statement instead of reading the lock.withdrawRound
. In the worst case(sad path) where we fail on the 1st require check, we would only waste ~6 gas for mstore/mload
. The benefit outweighs the cons thus we should refactor.
diff --git a/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol b/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
index 93e06ba..5f0e073 100644
--- a/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
+++ b/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
@@ -249,15 +249,15 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
function withdrawStake(uint256 _unbondingLockId) external whenSystemNotPaused currentRoundInitialized {
Delegator storage del = delegators[msg.sender];
UnbondingLock storage lock = del.unbondingLocks[_unbondingLockId];
- require(isValidUnbondingLock(msg.sender, _unbondingLockId), "invalid unbonding lock ID");
+ uint256 withdrawRound = lock.withdrawRound;
+ require(withdrawRound > 0,"invalid unbonding lock ID");
- lock.withdrawRound <= roundsManager().currentRound(),
+ withdrawRound <= roundsManager().currentRound(),
"withdraw round must be before or equal to the current round"
uint256 amount = lock.amount;
- uint256 withdrawRound = lock.withdrawRound;
// Delete unbonding lock
delete del.unbondingLocks[_unbondingLockId];
[G-03] Function transcoderWithHint()
can be more optimized (Save 4749 Gas on average)
Min | Max | Avg | ||
Before | - | - | 276355 | |
After | - | - | 271606 | |
File: /contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
485: function transcoderWithHint(
490: ) public whenSystemNotPaused currentRoundInitialized {
491: require(!roundsManager().currentRoundLocked(), "can't update transcoder params, current round is locked");
492: require(MathUtils.validPerc(_rewardCut), "invalid rewardCut percentage");
493: require(MathUtils.validPerc(_feeShare), "invalid feeShare percentage");
494: require(isRegisteredTranscoder(msg.sender), "transcoder must be registered");
496: Transcoder storage t = transcoders[msg.sender];
497: uint256 currentRound = roundsManager().currentRound();
499: require(
500: !isActiveTranscoder(msg.sender) || t.lastRewardRound == currentRound,
501: "caller can't be active or must have already called reward for the current round"
502: );
507: if (!transcoderPool.contains(msg.sender)) {
508: tryToJoinActiveSet(
509: msg.sender,
510: delegators[msg.sender].delegatedAmount,
The require statement on line 499 makes a call to the function isActiveTranscoder(msg.sender)
which has the following implementation
File: /contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
1145: function isActiveTranscoder(address _transcoder) public view returns (bool) {
1146: Transcoder storage t = transcoders[_transcoder];
1147: uint256 currentRound = roundsManager().currentRound();
1148: return t.activationRound <= currentRound && currentRound < t.deactivationRound;
1149: }
Note the first two lines of this implementation:
1146: Transcoder storage t = transcoders[_transcoder];
1147: uint256 currentRound = roundsManager().currentRound();
If we look at the calling function, transcoderWithHint()
we are making the same calls.
496: Transcoder storage t = transcoders[msg.sender];
497: uint256 currentRound = roundsManager().currentRound();
Additional optimizations
On line 494, we have a check require(isRegisteredTranscoder(msg.sender), "transcoder must be registered");
that makes a function call to isRegisteredTranscoder
which has the following implementation:
1156: function isRegisteredTranscoder(address _transcoder) public view returns (bool) {
1157: Delegator storage d = delegators[_transcoder];
1158: return d.delegateAddress == _transcoder && d.bondedAmount > 0;
1159: }
In our context we pass msg.sender
as the value for _transcoder
. If we could inline this function, we can avoid making another state read to delegators[msg.sender]
on the line 510 in the main function. we read it here delegators[msg.sender].delegatedAmount,
Since we already cache it as d
, referencing d
would save us some gas.
diff --git a/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol b/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
index 93e06ba..3fc436b 100644
--- a/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
+++ b/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
@@ -491,13 +491,12 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
require(!roundsManager().currentRoundLocked(), "can't update transcoder params, current round is locked");
require(MathUtils.validPerc(_rewardCut), "invalid rewardCut percentage");
require(MathUtils.validPerc(_feeShare), "invalid feeShare percentage");
- require(isRegisteredTranscoder(msg.sender), "transcoder must be registered");
+ Delegator storage d = delegators[msg.sender];
+ require(d.delegateAddress == msg.sender && d.bondedAmount > 0,"transcoder must be registered");
Transcoder storage t = transcoders[msg.sender];
uint256 currentRound = roundsManager().currentRound();
- require(
- !isActiveTranscoder(msg.sender) || t.lastRewardRound == currentRound,
+ require(!(t.activationRound <= currentRound && currentRound < t.deactivationRound) || t.lastRewardRound == currentRound,
"caller can't be active or must have already called reward for the current round"
@@ -507,7 +506,7 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
if (!transcoderPool.contains(msg.sender)) {
- delegators[msg.sender].delegatedAmount,
+ d.delegatedAmount,
[G-04] Function rewardWithHint()
optimization (Save 4716 Gas on average)
Min | Average | Median | Max | |
Before | - | 453410 | - | - |
After | - | 448694 | - | - |
File: /contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
842: function rewardWithHint(address _newPosPrev, address _newPosNext)
847: {
848: uint256 currentRound = roundsManager().currentRound();
850: require(isActiveTranscoder(msg.sender), "caller must be an active transcoder");
851: require(
852: transcoders[msg.sender].lastRewardRound != currentRound,
853: "caller has already called reward for the current round"
854: );
856: Transcoder storage t = transcoders[msg.sender];
We look into the implementation of the function isActiveTranscoder
which is being called in the require statement. The function has the following implementation:
1145: function isActiveTranscoder(address _transcoder) public view returns (bool) {
1146: Transcoder storage t = transcoders[_transcoder];
1147: uint256 currentRound = roundsManager().currentRound();
1148: return t.activationRound <= currentRound && currentRound < t.deactivationRound;
1149: }
Put the above implementation in the context of our main function and we see two similar lines in both functions.
1146: Transcoder storage t = transcoders[_transcoder];
1147: uint256 currentRound = roundsManager().currentRound();
This means we are making this calls twice, one in the function being called, and the other one by the calling function.
To avoid this, we can inline the function isActiveTranscoder()
and refactor the code as follows:
diff --git a/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol b/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
index 93e06ba..34c2832 100644
--- a/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
+++ b/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
@@ -846,14 +846,13 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
uint256 currentRound = roundsManager().currentRound();
- require(isActiveTranscoder(msg.sender), "caller must be an active transcoder");
+ Transcoder storage t = transcoders[msg.sender];
+ require(t.activationRound <= currentRound && currentRound < t.deactivationRound,"caller must be an active transcoder");
- transcoders[msg.sender].lastRewardRound != currentRound,
+ t.lastRewardRound != currentRound,
"caller has already called reward for the current round"
- Transcoder storage t = transcoders[msg.sender];
EarningsPool.Data storage earningsPool = t.earningsPoolPerRound[currentRound];
// Set last round that transcoder called reward
[G-05] Function increaseTotalStakeUncheckpointed()
can be more optimized (save 148 Gas on average)
Gas benchmarks based on function rewardWithHint
that calls our internal function.
Min | Average | Median | Max | |
Before | - | 453410 | - | - |
After | - | 453262 | - | - |
File: /contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
1307: function increaseTotalStakeUncheckpointed(
1312: ) internal {
1318: if (isRegisteredTranscoder(_delegate)) {
1319: uint256 currRound = roundsManager().currentRound();
1320: uint256 nextRound = currRound.add(1);
1343: // Increase delegate's delegated amount
1344: delegators[_delegate].delegatedAmount = newStake;
1345: }
The if statement makes a call to a function isRegisteredTranscoder(_delegate)
whose implementation is as follows:
1156: function isRegisteredTranscoder(address _transcoder) public view returns (bool) {
1157: Delegator storage d = delegators[_transcoder];
1158: return d.delegateAddress == _transcoder && d.bondedAmount > 0;
1159: }
Note in the function above, we cache delegators[_transcoder]
with _transcoder
being the address passed to the function, so in the context of our function it would look like Delegator storage d = delegators[_delegate];
On the calling function line 1344, we write to the state variable delegators[_delegate].delegatedAmount
, as we already cached the variable delegators[_delegate]
we don’t need to call it directly but instead we should use the cached reference. As the cached one is simply a pointer to the original one, we would still be writing to the state variable as required.
- if (isRegisteredTranscoder(_delegate)) {
+ Delegator storage d = delegators[_delegate];
+ if (d.delegateAddress == _delegate && d.bondedAmount > 0) {
uint256 currRound = roundsManager().currentRound();
uint256 nextRound = currRound.add(1);
@@ -1341,8 +1341,7 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
// Increase delegate's delegated amount
- delegators[_delegate].delegatedAmount = newStake;
- }
+ d.delegatedAmount = newStake;//@audit Refactor the call due to the function call isRegisteredTranscoder? }
[G-06] Refactor the function unbondWithHint()
(Save 1452 Gas)
Min | Average | Median | Max | |
Before | - | 509309 | - | - |
After | - | 507857 | - | - |
File: /contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
745: function unbondWithHint(
749: ) public whenSystemNotPaused currentRoundInitialized autoClaimEarnings(msg.sender) autoCheckpoint(msg.sender) {
750: require(delegatorStatus(msg.sender) == DelegatorStatus.Bonded, "caller must be bonded");
752: Delegator storage del = delegators[msg.sender];
The require statement calls the function delegatorStatus(msg.sender)
which has the implementation:
956: function delegatorStatus(address _delegator) public view returns (DelegatorStatus) {
957: Delegator storage del = delegators[_delegator];
959: if (del.bondedAmount == 0) {
960: // Delegator unbonded all its tokens
961: return DelegatorStatus.Unbonded;
962: } else if (del.startRound > roundsManager().currentRound()) {
963: // Delegator round start is in the future
964: return DelegatorStatus.Pending;
965: } else {
969: return DelegatorStatus.Bonded;
970: }
971: }
Note we make a state read Delegator storage del = delegators[_delegator];
In the calling function , we pass msg.sender
as the function parameter which means our state read in the function being called is Delegator storage del = delegators[msg.sender];
which is the same state read we make in the main function. This means we are making this call twice(too much gas).
For this to work, we introduce a new state variable to keep track of the status as shown below.
diff --git a/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol b/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
index 93e06ba..3ec3b73 100644
--- a/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
+++ b/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
// Time between unbonding and possible withdrawl in rounds
uint64 public unbondingPeriod;
+ DelegatorStatus delegatorStatus_;
// Represents a transcoder's current state
struct Transcoder {
@@ -742,20 +743,34 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
* @param _newPosPrev Address of previous transcoder in pool if the caller remains in the pool
* @param _newPosNext Address of next transcoder in pool if the caller remains in the pool
function unbondWithHint(
uint256 _amount,
address _newPosPrev,
address _newPosNext
) public whenSystemNotPaused currentRoundInitialized autoClaimEarnings(msg.sender) autoCheckpoint(msg.sender) {
- require(delegatorStatus(msg.sender) == DelegatorStatus.Bonded, "caller must be bonded");
Delegator storage del = delegators[msg.sender];
require(_amount > 0, "unbond amount must be greater than 0");
require(_amount <= del.bondedAmount, "amount is greater than bonded amount");
+ uint256 currentRound = roundsManager().currentRound();
+ if (del.bondedAmount == 0) {
+ // Delegator unbonded all its tokens
+ delegatorStatus_ = DelegatorStatus.Unbonded;
+ } else if (del.startRound > currentRound) {
+ // Delegator unbonded all its tokens
+ delegatorStatus_ = DelegatorStatus.Pending;
+ } else {
+ // Delegator round start is now or in the past
+ // del.startRound != 0 here because if del.startRound = 0 then del.bondedAmount = 0 which
+ // would trigger the first if clause
+ delegatorStatus_ = DelegatorStatus.Bonded;
+ }
+ require(delegatorStatus_ == DelegatorStatus.Bonded, "caller must be bonded");
address currentDelegate = del.delegateAddress;
- uint256 currentRound = roundsManager().currentRound();
uint256 withdrawRound = currentRound.add(unbondingPeriod);
uint256 unbondingLockId = del.nextUnbondingLockId;
[G-07] Function slashTranscoder()
can be optimized
Note: not covered by the tests.
File: /contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
394: function slashTranscoder(
399: ) external whenSystemNotPaused onlyVerifier autoClaimEarnings(_transcoder) autoCheckpoint(_transcoder) {
400: Delegator storage del = delegators[_transcoder];
402: if (del.bondedAmount > 0) {
403: uint256 penalty = MathUtils.percOf(delegators[_transcoder].bondedAmount, _slashAmount);
413: // If still bonded decrease delegate's delegated amount
414: if (delegatorStatus(_transcoder) == DelegatorStatus.Bonded) {
415: delegators[del.delegateAddress].delegatedAmount = delegators[del.delegateAddress].delegatedAmount.sub(
416: penalty
417: );
418: }
The function call delegatorStatus(_transcoder)
ends up making a similar state read like the one in the calling function ie Delegator storage del = delegators[_transcoder];
We can refactor the code to avoid this as follows.
// Time between unbonding and possible withdrawl in rounds
uint64 public unbondingPeriod;
+ DelegatorStatus delegatorStatus_;
function slashTranscoder(
address _transcoder,
address _finder,
@@ -400,7 +402,7 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
Delegator storage del = delegators[_transcoder];
if (del.bondedAmount > 0) {
- uint256 penalty = MathUtils.percOf(delegators[_transcoder].bondedAmount, _slashAmount);
+ uint256 penalty = MathUtils.percOf(del.bondedAmount, _slashAmount);
// If active transcoder, resign it
if (transcoderPool.contains(_transcoder)) {
@@ -410,8 +412,21 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
// Decrease bonded stake
del.bondedAmount = del.bondedAmount.sub(penalty);
+ if (del.bondedAmount == 0) {
+ // Delegator unbonded all its tokens
+ delegatorStatus_= DelegatorStatus.Unbonded;
+ } else if (del.startRound > roundsManager().currentRound()) {
+ // Delegator round start is in the future
+ delegatorStatus_ = DelegatorStatus.Pending;
+ } else {
+ // Delegator round start is now or in the past
+ // del.startRound != 0 here because if del.startRound = 0 then del.bondedAmount = 0 which
+ // would trigger the first if clause
+ delegatorStatus_ = DelegatorStatus.Bonded;
+ }
// If still bonded decrease delegate's delegated amount
- if (delegatorStatus(_transcoder) == DelegatorStatus.Bonded) {
+ if (delegatorStatus_ == DelegatorStatus.Bonded) {
delegators[del.delegateAddress].delegatedAmount = delegators[del.delegateAddress].delegatedAmount.sub(
[G-08] BondingVotes.sol: We can optimize the function checkpointBondingState
Note: no gas estimates as it was not covered by the tests.
File: /contracts/bonding/BondingVotes.sol
258: function checkpointBondingState(
266: ) external virtual onlyBondingManager {
273: BondingCheckpoint memory previous;
274: if (hasCheckpoint(_account)) {
275: previous = getBondingCheckpointAt(_account, _startRound);
276: }
278: BondingCheckpointsByRound storage checkpoints = bondingCheckpoints[_account];
The if statement on line 274 makes two function calls hasCheckpoint(_account)
and getBondingCheckpointAt(_account, _startRound)
The implementation of hasCheckpoint(_account)
is as below:
315: function hasCheckpoint(address _account) public view returns (bool) {
316: return bondingCheckpoints[_account].startRounds.length > 0;
317: }
We can see the return statement reads bondingCheckpoints[_account]
which we already had cached in the main function as checkpoints
. Inline the hasCheckpoint
function would help us use the cached value.
The next function getBondingCheckpointAt()
has an implementation that has the following state read:
BondingCheckpointsByRound storage checkpoints = bondingCheckpoints[_account];
Which is equivalent to the variable we cached in the main function. Inlining this function would avoid making two state reads which are quite expensive.
We should refactor the code as follows:
diff --git a/contracts/bonding/BondingVotes.sol b/contracts/bonding/BondingVotes.sol
index 2408c66..ca92f91 100644
--- a/contracts/bonding/BondingVotes.sol
+++ b/contracts/bonding/BondingVotes.sol
@@ -271,26 +271,44 @@ contract BondingVotes is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingVotes {
BondingCheckpoint memory previous;
- if (hasCheckpoint(_account)) {
- previous = getBondingCheckpointAt(_account, _startRound);
- }
BondingCheckpointsByRound storage checkpoints = bondingCheckpoints[_account];
+ if (checkpoints.startRounds.length > 0){
+ if (_startRound > clock() + 1) {
+ revert FutureLookup(_startRound, clock() + 1);
+ }
+ // Most of the time we will be calling this for a transcoder which checkpoints on every round through reward().
+ // On those cases we will have a checkpoint for exactly the round we want, so optimize for that.
+ BondingCheckpoint storage bond =[_startRound];
+ if (bond.bondedAmount > 0) {
+ previous = bond;
+ }
+ uint256 startRoundIdx = checkpoints.startRounds.findLowerBound(_startRound);
+ if (startRoundIdx == checkpoints.startRounds.length) {
+ // No checkpoint at or before _round, so return the zero BondingCheckpoint value. This also happens if there
+ // are no checkpoints for _account. The voting power will be zero until the first checkpoint is made.
+ previous = bond;
+ }
+ uint256 startRound = checkpoints.startRounds[startRoundIdx];
+ previous =[startRound];
+ }
- BondingCheckpoint memory bond = BondingCheckpoint({
+ BondingCheckpoint memory _bond = BondingCheckpoint({
bondedAmount: _bondedAmount,
delegateAddress: _delegateAddress,
delegatedAmount: _delegatedAmount,
lastClaimRound: _lastClaimRound,
lastRewardRound: _lastRewardRound
-[_startRound] = bond;
+[_startRound] = _bond;
// now store the startRound itself in the startRounds array to allow us
// to find it and lookup in the above mapping
- onBondingCheckpointChanged(_account, previous, bond);
+ onBondingCheckpointChanged(_account, previous, _bond);
[G-09] Optimizing check order for cost efficient function execution
Checks that involve constants should come before checks that involve state variables, function calls, and calculations. By doing these checks first, the function is able to revert before wasting a Gcoldsload (2100 gas) in a function that may ultimately revert in the unhappy case.
[G-09-01] Validate the function parameter _amount
first before making any state reads/writes
File: /contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
745: function unbondWithHint(
749: ) public whenSystemNotPaused currentRoundInitialized autoClaimEarnings(msg.sender) autoCheckpoint(msg.sender) {
750: require(delegatorStatus(msg.sender) == DelegatorStatus.Bonded, "caller must be bonded");
752: Delegator storage del = delegators[msg.sender];
755: require(_amount > 0, "unbond amount must be greater than 0");
diff --git a/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol b/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
index 93e06ba..c43f3e3 100644
--- a/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
+++ b/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
@@ -747,11 +747,12 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
address _newPosPrev,
address _newPosNext
) public whenSystemNotPaused currentRoundInitialized autoClaimEarnings(msg.sender) autoCheckpoint(msg.sender) {
+ require(_amount > 0, "unbond amount must be greater than 0");
require(delegatorStatus(msg.sender) == DelegatorStatus.Bonded, "caller must be bonded");
Delegator storage del = delegators[msg.sender];
- require(_amount > 0, "unbond amount must be greater than 0");
require(_amount <= del.bondedAmount, "amount is greater than bonded amount");
[G-10] Change the model of how events are emitted
Currently if we look at the event declaration we see something like this event ParameterUpdate(string param);
and the actual emit as emit ParameterUpdate("unbondingPeriod");
This method seems quite interesting especially for readability as we can clearly tell what the event is about. However, this method is quite expensive and an anti pattern. We can actually achieve the same readability by using named parameters for our event argument and naming the events using a descriptive name.
[G-10-01] BondingManager.sol.setUnbondingPeriod(): emit _unbondingPeriod
instead of "unbondingPeriod"
(Save 593 Gas on average)
Min | Max | Avg | |
Before | - | - | 61189 |
After | - | - | 60596 |
File: /contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
155: function setUnbondingPeriod(uint64 _unbondingPeriod) external onlyControllerOwner {
156: unbondingPeriod = _unbondingPeriod;
158: emit ParameterUpdate("unbondingPeriod");
159: }
diff --git a/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol b/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
index 93e06ba..482d4e9 100644
--- a/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
+++ b/contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
_checkpointBondingState(_account, delegators[_account], transcoders[_account]);
+ event setUnbondingPeriodNewValue(uint256 unbondingPeriod);
* @notice BondingManager constructor. Only invokes constructor of base Manager contract with provided Controller address
@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
function setUnbondingPeriod(uint64 _unbondingPeriod) external onlyControllerOwner {
unbondingPeriod = _unbondingPeriod;
- emit ParameterUpdate("unbondingPeriod");
+ emit setUnbondingPeriodNewValue(_unbondingPeriod);
[G-10-02] BondingManager.sol.setNumActiveTranscoders(): Emit _numActiveTranscoders
instead of "numActiveTranscoders"
(Save 584 Gas on average)
Min | Max | Avg | |
Before | 47192 | 64292 | 55742 |
After | 46608 | 63708 | 55158 |
File: /contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
186: function setNumActiveTranscoders(uint256 _numActiveTranscoders) external onlyControllerOwner {
187: transcoderPool.setMaxSize(_numActiveTranscoders);
189: emit ParameterUpdate("numActiveTranscoders");
190: }
+ event setNumActiveTranscodersCeilingNewValue(uint256 _numActiveTranscoders);
* @notice BondingManager constructor. Only invokes constructor of base Manager contract with provided Controller address
@@ -186,7 +188,7 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
function setNumActiveTranscoders(uint256 _numActiveTranscoders) external onlyControllerOwner {
- emit ParameterUpdate("numActiveTranscoders");
+ emit setNumActiveTranscodersCeilingNewValue(_numActiveTranscoders);
The following are not covered by the tests thus we couldn’t give an exact amount of gas being saved.
[G-10-03] BondingManager.sol.setTreasuryBalanceCeiling(): Emit _ceiling
instead of "treasuryBalanceCeiling"
File: /contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
176: function setTreasuryBalanceCeiling(uint256 _ceiling) external onlyControllerOwner {
177: treasuryBalanceCeiling = _ceiling;
179: emit ParameterUpdate("treasuryBalanceCeiling");
180: }
+ event settreasuryBalanceCeilingNewValue(uint256 treasuryBalanceCeiling);
* @notice BondingManager constructor. Only invokes constructor of base Manager contract with provided Controller address
* @dev This constructor will not initialize any state variables besides `controller`. The following setter functions
@@ -176,7 +178,7 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
function setTreasuryBalanceCeiling(uint256 _ceiling) external onlyControllerOwner {
treasuryBalanceCeiling = _ceiling;
- emit ParameterUpdate("treasuryBalanceCeiling");
+ emit settreasuryBalanceCeilingNewValue(_ceiling);
[G-10-04] BondingManager.sol.setCurrentRoundTotalActiveStake(): Emit treasuryRewardCutRate
instead of "treasuryRewardCutRate"
File: /contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
462: function setCurrentRoundTotalActiveStake() external onlyRoundsManager {
463: currentRoundTotalActiveStake = nextRoundTotalActiveStake;
465: if (nextRoundTreasuryRewardCutRate != treasuryRewardCutRate) {
466: treasuryRewardCutRate = nextRoundTreasuryRewardCutRate;
467: // The treasury cut rate changes in a delayed fashion so we want to emit the parameter update event here
468: emit ParameterUpdate("treasuryRewardCutRate");
469: }
+ event setCurrentRoundTotalActiveStakeNewValue(uint256 treasuryRewardCutRate);
* @notice BondingManager constructor. Only invokes constructor of base Manager contract with provided Controller address
@@ -465,7 +466,7 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
if (nextRoundTreasuryRewardCutRate != treasuryRewardCutRate) {
treasuryRewardCutRate = nextRoundTreasuryRewardCutRate;
// The treasury cut rate changes in a delayed fashion so we want to emit the parameter update event here
- emit ParameterUpdate("treasuryRewardCutRate");
+ emit setCurrentRoundTotalActiveStakeNewValue(treasuryRewardCutRate);
[G-10-05] BondingManager.sol._setTreasuryRewardCutRate(): Emit _cutRate
instead of "nextRoundTreasuryRewardCutRate"
File: /contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
1176: function _setTreasuryRewardCutRate(uint256 _cutRate) internal {
1177: require(PreciseMathUtils.validPerc(_cutRate), "_cutRate is invalid precise percentage");
1179: nextRoundTreasuryRewardCutRate = _cutRate;
1181: emit ParameterUpdate("nextRoundTreasuryRewardCutRate");
1182: }
+ event setTreasuryRewardCutRateNewValue(uint256 nextRoundTreasuryRewardCutRate);
* @notice BondingManager constructor. Only invokes constructor of base Manager contract with provided Controller address
* @dev This constructor will not initialize any state variables besides `controller`. The following setter functions
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
nextRoundTreasuryRewardCutRate = _cutRate;
- emit ParameterUpdate("nextRoundTreasuryRewardCutRate");
+ emit setTreasuryRewardCutRateNewValue(_cutRate);
It is important to emphasize that the provided recommendations aim to enhance the efficiency of the code without compromising its readability. We understand the value of maintainable and easily understandable code to both developers and auditors.
As you proceed with implementing the suggested optimizations, please exercise caution and be diligent in conducting thorough testing. It is crucial to ensure that the changes are not introducing any new vulnerabilities and that the desired performance improvements are achieved. Review code changes, and perform thorough testing to validate the effectiveness and security of the refactored code.
Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
victorges (Livepeer) acknowledged
Audit Analysis
For this audit, 7 analysis reports were submitted by wardens. An analysis report examines the codebase as a whole, providing observations and advice on such topics as architecture, mechanism, or approach. The report highlighted below by catellatech received the top score from the judge.
The following wardens also submitted reports: Sathish9098, JayShreeRAM, ADM, Banditx0x, 0x3b, and Krace.
Description overview of Livepeer Onchain Treasury Upgrade
The Livepeer Onchain Treasury Upgrade
is a significant enhancement to the Livepeer protocol
, which is a decentralized video infrastructure platform used in web3's
social media and media applications. The primary objective of this upgrade is to create an onchain community treasury
. This treasury is funded through a percentage of protocol rewards generated by the network.
To achieve this, OpenZeppelin governance
tools are leveraged, and a custom voting power module is implemented to facilitate onchain voting. The upgrade process is detailed in various technical documents such as LIP-91, LIP-89, and LIP-92, which provide a comprehensive blueprint for the upgrade’s implementation.
A critical aspect of this upgrade is ensuring that there are no significant changes to the behavior of the core protocol contract
, known as the BondingManager
, except for the specific modifications required to accommodate the community treasury. Attention is also paid to maintaining the security and integrity of the protocol to avoid introducing new vulnerabilities.
Additionally, it’s worth noting that Livepeer employs a unique staking rewards
calculation system, which is used not only for distributing rewards to participants but also for funding the community treasury.
1- System Overview
- BondingManager.sol: An existing contract that oversees the management of protocol bonds, often referred to as staking, as well as rewards. This upgrade introduces the capability to facilitate state checkpointing and the creation of treasury rewards. This contract holds paramount significance within the audit due to its pivotal role in the current protocol.
- BondingVotes.sol: This contract stores checkpoints of the BondingManager state to facilitate an IERC5805Upgradeable (IVotes) implementation for the OpenZeppelin Governor.
- EarningsPoolLIP36.sol: This library offers utility functions to calculate staking rewards utilizing the LIP-36 cumulative earnings algorithm.
- SortedArrays.sol: This library offers assistance for managing and searching within sorted arrays. It extends the functionality of Arrays.findUpperBound to include an equivalent findLowerBound for checkpoint retrieval.
- GovernorCountingOverridable.sol: Abstract contract that implements an OpenZeppelin Governor counting module, enabling delegators to override their delegates’ (transcoders) votes on a proposal.
- Treasury.sol: This contract inherits from TimelockControllerUpgradeable to enable initialization. It is used by the governor to hold funds and execute proposals.
- LivepeerGovernor.sol: This contract serves as the practical Governor implementation, bringing together both the OZ built-in and custom modules and extensions into a tangible contract that can be instantiated and utilized. It primarily handles the framework necessary to assemble these components.
Privileged Roles
Some privileged roles exercise powers over the Controller contract:
- TicketBroker
// Check if sender is TicketBroker
modifier onlyTicketBroker() {
- RoundManager
// Check if sender is RoundsManager
modifier onlyRoundsManager() {
- Verifier
// Check if sender is Verifier
modifier onlyVerifier() {
We asked the sponsors about who will be responsible for these roles, and this was their response:
victorges — 09/2/2023 at 12:20
Hey warden!
The roles are managed by a special controller owner address which handles protocol governance. See the controller contact that holds all the contract (roles) addresses
dob | Livepeer — 09/2/2023 at 3:29
I have seen a few questions come through about the Verifier role, and whether it is trusted.
Only the registered "Verifier" in the Controller contract can call the slashTranscoder function. The registered verifier contract is 0x0000000000.... the null address. Hence it can't be invoked right now, as slashing is not active in the protocol.
Given the level of control that these roles possess within the system, users must place full trust in the fact that the entities overseeing these roles will always act correctly and in the best interest of the system and its users.
2- Codebase analysis through diagrams.
The main most important contracts of Livepeer Onchain Treasury Upgrade
- In this audit, the protocol provided
5 contracts
and2 libraries
. Here’s a detailed diagrams of the essential components of each ones:
1. BondingManager:
We have created a diagram organized into sections to facilitate understanding for both developers
and auditors
of the main contract. This contract is responsible for managing three fundamental areas: Delegator and Transcoder Management
, Asset and Stake Management
, and Reward Management and State Update
The contract plays a critical role in managing protocol bonds
and rewards
. A significant upgrade adds support for creating state checkpointing and generating rewards for the protocol’s treasury. Additionally, the code includes sections related to the management of a decentralized video transcoding system, where delegates actively participate, and transcoders compete for rewards.
2. BondingVotes:
In this BondingVotes
diagram, we provide a concise description of each function implemented by the contract. BondingVotes
is responsible for the checkpointing
logic for the state of the BondingManager
and its primary purpose is to perform historical calculations
related to participation in the Livepeer
3. GovernorCountingOverridable:
In this diagram
, we review the functions
performed in the contract and their respective purposes. The GovernorCountingOverridable
contract serves as a foundation for implementing decentralized governance systems
that allow delegates
to override the votes of the transcoders
they have delegated to. It also provides logic for vote counting
and determining the success of proposals
4. Treasury:
The Treasury
contract is used to manage treasury funds
and governance proposals
in Livepeer
, and its initialization
function is responsible
for configuring
the time-lock controller
for governance
. The two main purposes of this contract are summarized in the provided diagram
5. LivepeerGovernor:
In this diagram
, we illustrate how the LivepeerGovernor
contract acts as the treasury governor
in Livepeer
. It utilizes extensions
and other contracts
to implement governance logic
and vote management
1. EarningsPoolLIP36:
This library
provides functions to update and calculate cumulative fee
and reward
factors in an EarningsPool
and to calculate
the cumulative stake
and fees
of a delegator
based on these factors. The diagram
includes all the functions
in the library.
2. SortedArrays:
This library
is useful for working with arrays
of integers sorted in ascending order. In the diagram
, we specify both the findLowerBound
function, which is particularly useful for searching for a value in the array and finding the index
of the last element that is less than or equal to the searched value, and the pushSorted
function, which allows you to add values to the array while maintaining order and avoiding duplicates.
3- Livepeer Onchain Treasury Upgrade Architecture
This diagram
illustrates the interaction among the key components of the Livepeer protocol
. The LivepeerGovernor
serves as the main governance system. The BondingManager
is responsible for managing user participation, while BondingVotes
is used to handle the voting logic. Lastly, the Treasury
manages treasury funds and governance proposals related to the treasury. It also shows how a user
engages with the system, all succinctly summarized in the diagram.
Some potential areas of improvement or consideration could include:
- User Experience: Enhancing the user experience for both transcoders and token holders can attract more participants. User-friendly interfaces, improved documentation, and educational resources can be beneficial.
- Governance Flexibility: Evaluating the governance mechanisms to ensure they are adaptable and can accommodate changes as the ecosystem evolves.
- Interoperability: Exploring interoperability with other blockchain networks or protocols can expand Livepeer’s capabilities and reach.
- Documentation and Education: Comprehensive documentation and educational materials can help users understand and navigate the Livepeer ecosystem more effectively.
4- Documents
- The documentation of the
Livepeer Onchain Treasury Upgrade
project is quite comprehensive and detailed, providing a solid overview of howLivepeer
is structured and how its various aspects function. However, we have noticed that there is room for additional details, such asdiagrams
, to gain a deeper understanding of how different contracts interact and the functions they implement. With considerable enthusiasm, we have dedicated several days to creating diagrams for each of the contracts. We are confident that these diagrams will bring significant value to the protocol as they can be seamlessly integrated into the existingdocumentation
, enriching it and providing a more comprehensive and detailed understanding forusers
5- Systemic & Centralization Risks
Here’s an analysis of potential systemic and centralization risks in the provided contracts:
Systemic Risks:
- Smart Contract Vulnerability Risk: Smart contracts can contain vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers. If a smart contract has critical security flaws, such as
access errors
orlogic problems
, this could lead toasset loss
orsystem manipulation
. We strongly recommend that, once the protocol is audited, necessary actions be taken tomitigate
any issues identified byC4 Wardens
. -
Third-Party Dependency Risk: Contracts rely on external data sources, such as @openzeppelin/contracts, and there is a risk that if any
are found with thesedependencies
in your contracts, theLivepeer
protocol could also beaffected
.- We observed that
old versions
are used in the project, and these should be updated to thelatest version
54: "@openzeppelin/contracts": "^4.9.2", 55: "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable": "^4.9.2",
The latest
(as of July 28, 2023), while the project uses version4.9.2
. - We observed that
Update Risk: If the smart contract needs to be updated, there is a risk that updates may be implemented incorrectly or that new versions introduce vulnerabilities. Additionally, updates can lead to divisions within the user community.
- The protocol uses a
, and according to thesponsor
, the type ofproxy
victorges | livepeer — 09/2/2023 at 11:22 it's a custom proxy implemented/documented here https: it's more similar to a "transparent proxy" pattern than UUPS, with the target contract address being managed by the controller as well
If the logic controlling the
is not implemented correctly, there could bevulnerabilities
that allow an attacker to modify the underlying contract or theproxy
itself in an unintended way. - The protocol uses a
Centralization Risks:
- Participation Centralization: If a small group of
controls a significant portion ofassets
in thesystem
, this could lead to significantcentralization
. This could underminedecentralization
andsystem security
. - Decision-Making Centralization: If a small group of actors has disproportionate control over key decisions, such as
system rule changes
orreward allocation
, this could lead to acentralized system
where decisions are made for the benefit of a few rather than the entirecommunity
. - Transcoder Node Centralization: If a small number of
dominate the active set, this could lead tocentralization
in the provision oftranscoding services
, resulting inhigher fees
or theexclusion
of smaller actors.
6- New insights and learning from this audit
Our latest insights from the Livepeer Onchain Treasury Upgrade
protocol audit have been extensive. This audit has deepened our understanding of the Livepeer
protocol upgrade
, which introduces a community treasury
funded by protocol rewards
. The upgrade
leverages OpenZeppelin
governance primitives, underscoring the crucial role of auditing in upholding protocol integrity. It places particular emphasis on critical aspects like reward
calculations and highlights
security concerns, emphasizing the necessity of safeguarding against potential attacks to ensure ongoing system reliability. This audit has also showcased the protocol’s adaptability, as it can seamlessly adjust its reward
system and incorporate a community treasury
Overall, the Livepeer Onchain Treasury Upgrade
presents an interesting architecture
aimed at establishing decentralized
infrastructure for video streaming
in web3
social and media applications. The development team has done a good job with the code. However, as is common in blockchain
projects, Livepeer
faces risks related to the security of its smart contracts
and the centralization
of key actors such as transcoders
and delegators
. Ultimately, the continued success of Livepeer
will depend on its ability to address these challenges, especially after potential security issues are disclosed by C4 wardens
. This will involve maintaining security
and decentralization
and remaining an attractive choice for web3 video streaming
Time Spent
A total of 3 days
were dedicated to completing this audit, distributed as follows:
- 1st Day: Devoted to comprehending the protocol’s functionalities and implementation.
- 2nd Day: Initiated the analysis process, leveraging the documentation offered by the
Livepeer Onchain Treasury Upgrade
. - 3rd Day: Focused on conducting a thorough analysis, incorporating meticulously crafted diagrams derived from the contracts and information provided by the protocol.
Time spent:
15 hours
victorges (Livepeer) acknowledged and commented:
The detailed designs of the system don’t seem accurate, but the rest of the report and raised issues and suggestions are good.
C4 is an open organization governed by participants in the community.
C4 Audits incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Audit submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.
C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.