How it works



Wardens protect the web3 ecosystem from threats by auditing code.

Learn more about Wardens


Judges decide the severity, validity, and quality of findings and rate the performance of wardens.

Learn more about judges


Sponsors create prize pools to attract wardens to audit their projects.

Learn more about projects


Scouts focus on scoping and pre-audit intel.

Learn more about Scouts


Validators review and organize submissions to Code4rena’s audits.

Learn more about validators

Team Captain

Validators review and organize submissions to Code4rena’s audits.

Learn more about Team Captains

Audit Types


This is the standard competitive audit format on Code4rena where everyone is invited to participate and all information is open and public.

Learn more about competitive audits


This type of audit is restricted to Wardens who have met the conditions of the Code4rena Certified Contributor program, which includes a Non-Disclosure Agreement. With customizations available for your privacy needs, Code4rena can offer you an audit that is as stealthy as you’d like.

Learn more about private audits


Sponsors get the opportunity to work with top Wardens from the Code4rena community in a format that best suits their needs. When an Invitational audit is announced, a limited number of the highest-ranking Wardens who RSVP within a 48-hour window can participate in the audit.

Learn more about invitational audits

Mitigation review

Once new code is ready for review after a Code4rena audit, the highest-performing Wardens who found the initial vulnerabilities are invited to participate in a Mitigation review. Insertions, deletions and changes are considered in scope, with these Wardens doing another pass to confirm these amendments and suitable and/or find any newly introduced vulnerabilities.

Learn more about mitigation reviews