Shell Protocol
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Shell Protocol smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between August 21 — August 28 2023.


44 Wardens contributed reports to the Shell Protocol:

  1. pontifex
  2. Mirror
  3. Udsen
  4. oakcobalt
  5. prapandey031
  6. Testerbot
  7. d3e4
  8. ItsNio
  9. ktg
  10. markus_ether
  11. mert_eren
  12. T1MOH
  13. skodi
  14. 0xSmartContract
  15. lsaudit
  16. MrPotatoMagic
  17. catellatech
  18. ihtishamsudo
  19. MohammedRizwan
  20. pfapostol
  21. plainshift (thank_you, windhustler and surya)
  22. 0xmystery
  23. JP_Courses
  24. carrotsmuggler
  25. rjs
  26. moneyversed
  27. 0xAnah
  28. 0xhacksmithh
  29. 0x11singh99
  30. 0x4non
  31. Sathish9098
  32. Jorgect
  33. epistkr
  34. 0xprinc
  35. Fulum
  36. lanrebayode77
  37. Rolezn
  38. Shubham
  39. ast3ros
  40. nisedo
  41. MatricksDeCoder
  42. chainsnake

This audit was judged by Dravee.

Final report assembled by thebrittfactor.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 1 unique vulnerability, receiving a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 21 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 13 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Shell Protocol repository, and is composed of 1 smart contract written in the Solidity programming language and includes 460 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (1)

[H-01] Lack of Balance Validation

Submitted by Mirror, also found by prapandey031, d3e4, Udsen, ItsNio, pontifex (1, 2), ktg, markus_ether, Testerbot, mert_eren, T1MOH, oakcobalt, and skodi


The pool’s ratio of y to x must be within the interval [MIN_M, MAX_M), which will be checked by the _checkBalances() function. External view functions will call the _swap(), _reserveTokenSpecified() or _lpTokenSpecified() functions to get the specified result. However, _checkBalances() is only used in the _swap() and _lpTokenSpecified() functions. There is no balance validation for depositGivenInputAmount() and withdrawGivenOutputAmount() functions, which use the _reserveTokenSpecified() function.


If are no other validations outside of these two functions, user deposits/withdrawls may break the invariant, i.e. the pool’s ratio of y to x is outside the interval [MIN_M, MAX_M).

Proof of Concept

Add the following code in the test/EvolvingProteusProperties.t.sol file to the EvolvingProteusProperties contract, and run forge test --mt RatioOutsideExpectedInterval:

function testDepositRatioOutsideExpectedInterval(uint256 x0, uint256 y0, uint256 s0, uint256 depositedAmount) public {
  int128 MIN_M = 0x00000000000002af31dc461;
  uint256 INT_MAX_SQRT = 0xb504f333f9de6484597d89b3754abe9f;

  vm.assume(x0 >= MIN_BALANCE && x0 <= INT_MAX_SQRT);
  vm.assume(y0 >= MIN_BALANCE && y0 <= INT_MAX_SQRT);
  vm.assume(s0 >= MIN_BALANCE && s0 <= INT_MAX_SQRT);
  vm.assume(depositedAmount >= MIN_OPERATING_AMOUNT && depositedAmount < INT_MAX_SQRT && depositedAmount >= 2 * uint256(FIXED_FEE));
  vm.assume(y0/x0 <= MAX_BALANCE_AMOUNT_RATIO);
  vm.assume(x0/y0 <= MAX_BALANCE_AMOUNT_RATIO);
  vm.assume(int256(y0).divi(int256(x0) + int256(depositedAmount)) < MIN_M);   // breaks the invariant
  SpecifiedToken depositedToken = SpecifiedToken.X;
  vm.expectRevert();  // There should be at least one case that call did not revert as expected

function testWithdrawRatioOutsideExpectedInterval(uint256 x0, uint256 y0, uint256 s0, uint256 withdrawnAmount) public {
  int128 MIN_M = 0x00000000000002af31dc461;
  uint256 INT_MAX_SQRT = 0xb504f333f9de6484597d89b3754abe9f;

  vm.assume(x0 >= MIN_BALANCE && x0 <= INT_MAX_SQRT);
  vm.assume(y0 >= MIN_BALANCE && y0 <= INT_MAX_SQRT);
  vm.assume(s0 >= MIN_BALANCE && s0 <= INT_MAX_SQRT);
  vm.assume(withdrawnAmount >= MIN_OPERATING_AMOUNT && withdrawnAmount < INT_MAX_SQRT && withdrawnAmount >= 2 * uint256(FIXED_FEE));
  vm.assume(y0/x0 <= MAX_BALANCE_AMOUNT_RATIO);
  vm.assume(x0/y0 <= MAX_BALANCE_AMOUNT_RATIO);
  vm.assume(withdrawnAmount < y0);    // no more than balance
  vm.assume((int256(y0) - int256(withdrawnAmount)).divi(int256(x0)) < MIN_M);   // breaks the invariant
  SpecifiedToken withdrawnToken = SpecifiedToken.Y;
  vm.expectRevert();  // There should be at least one case that call did not revert as expected

It’s recommended to add _checkBalances(xi + specifiedAmount, yi) after L579 and add _checkBalances(xi, yi + specifiedAmount) after L582.

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

viraj124 (Shell) commented via duplicate Issue #268:

This should be low/med at best IMO. We’re adding the balance check, but note _getUtility is an internal method and there are input checks of the reserve balances values passed, so this is an invalid argument.

viraj124 (Shell) confirmed and commented via duplicate Issue #268:

We checked this further with some other members of the team and agreed this is high severity. We’ve fixed this in a PR.

Dravee (judge) increased severity to High

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this audit, 21 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by Udsen received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: prapandey031, MrPotatoMagic, 0xSmartContract, lsaudit, MohammedRizwan, JP_Courses, 0xprinc, Fulum, plainshift, pontifex, Testerbot, lanrebayode77, Rolezn, Shubham, ast3ros, 0xmystery, nisedo, Mirror, MatricksDeCoder, and chainsnake.

In the EvolvingProteus.constructor the duration is passed in as an input parameter. Function duration denotes the total duration of the curve’s evolution. Hence, the duration variable is a critical variable of the protocol. If duration is set to zero by mistake, it will prompt a redeployment of the contract which could be waste of gas and additional workload. An input validity check should be performed for the duration variable inside the constructor as follows:

require(duration != 0, `Duration can not be zero`);

Note from the judge: for a more detailed description of this finding, please see issue 118 from warden lsaudit


The EvolvingProteus._getUtility function is used to calculate the utility value of the pool at the time of the function call. The utility is calculated using a quadratic formula which is shown below:

k(ab - 1)u**2 + (ay + bx)u + xy/k = 0

As per the equation, there is a k value used in the a and c coefficients. But this k value is not used when calculating the aQuad and the cQuad values. This could be due to normalization of the equation or the k = 1. But the reason for the missing k value from the coefficient calculations is not given.

Hence, it is fair to assume there is a discrepancy between the Natspec comments and the actual implementation of the logic.


The natspec comments of the EvolvingProteus.withdrawGivenInputAmount function states that the feeDirection of the function to be used is FEE_UP. The reason for using FEE_UP is described as wanting to increase the perceived amount of reserve tokens leaving the pool; however, the feeDirection is determined by the protocol to benefit itself. The withdrawGivenInputAmount transaction will benefit the protocol if the perceived amount of reserve tokens leaving the pool is decreased, which is equivalent to charging a fee from the withdrawing amount.

The logic implementation of the withdrawGivenInputAmount function has implemented this requirement correctly, as shown below:

    int256 result = _lpTokenSpecified( //@audit-info - amount of reserved token to withdraw
        FEE_DOWN, //@audit-issue - discrepancy between the NATSPEC and the implementation regarding FEE_DOWN

It is recommended to update the natspect comments of the withdrawGivenInputAmount function to state that the feeDirection used for the withdrawGivenInputAmount transaction is FEE_DOWN, by providing it with the proper reason to do so.


@param px_final The final price at the `y axis`

Above comment should be corrected as follows:

@param px_final The final price at the `x axis`

The minimum price value calculated with abdk library equivalent to `10^12(wei)`

The above comment should be corrected as follows, since the given value (10^12) in the comment is not the minimum price value:

The minimum price value calculated with abdk library equivalent to `10^10(wei)`

 *  without caring about which particular function `is was` called.

The above comment should be corrected as follows:

 *  without caring about which particular function `was` called.


In the EvolvingProteus contract, there are multiple occasions where require statements are used for conditional checks. But these require statements are not using revert messages. Hence, if these require statements revert, it will be difficult to find the reason for the revert.

It is recommended to add meaningful revert messages to these require statements.


The EvolvingProteus._reserveTokenSpecified function is called to calculate the changed amount of the LP token supply based on the proportional change of the utility of the pool.

Firstly the initial utility and final utility are calculated as shown below:

    ui = _getUtility(xi, yi);
    uf = _getUtility(xf, yf);

Then, the proportional change of the utility is used to calculate the final LP token supply amount as shown below:

    uint256 result = Math.mulDiv(uint256(uf), uint256(si), uint256(ui));
    require(result < INT_MAX);
    int256 sf = int256(result);

The issue here is the computed sf (final LP token supply amount) is not checked against the MIN_BALANCE value. Since _reserveTokenSpecified is called by both EvolvingProteus.depositGivenInputAmount and EvolvingProteus.withdrawGivenOutputAmount functions, the sf amount can decrease from the initial LP token supply amount of si during reserve token withdrawals.

This could prompt the sf < MIN_BALANCE condition to occur. If this condition occurs, the transaction should revert as it is done in the EvolvingProteus._getUtilityFinalLp function. But the transaction will not revert in the _reserveTokenSpecified function execution since there is no conditional check to verify sf >= MIN_BALANCE.

The withdrawGivenOutputAmount transaction will execute successfully without reverting, even if the key invariant sf >= MIN_BALANCE is broken. Hence, this breaks the expected behaviour of the protocol.

Proof of Concept

        ui = _getUtility(xi, yi);
        uf = _getUtility(xf, yf);

        uint256 result = Math.mulDiv(uint256(uf), uint256(si), uint256(ui));
        require(result < INT_MAX);   
        int256 sf = int256(result);

        // apply fee to the computed amount
        computedAmount = _applyFeeByRounding(sf - si, feeDirection);

        require(sf >= MIN_BALANCE);

        int256 result = _reserveTokenSpecified(

Tools Used


It is recommended to add the conditional check to verify sf >= MIN_BALANCE in the _reserveTokenSpecified function, after the sf value is calculated, as shown below. If the invariant for MIN_BALANCE is broken, then the transaction should revert.

    uint256 result = Math.mulDiv(uint256(uf), uint256(si), uint256(ui));
    require(result < INT_MAX);
    int256 sf = int256(result);

    require(sf >= MIN_BALANCE); 


The EvolvingProteus._checkBalances function is used to verify the token reserve balances and the token reserve ratio are within the valid boundaries of the pool. To validate the reserve ratio is within the valid range of MIN_M - MAX_M, the following checks are performed:

    if (finalBalanceRatio < MIN_M) revert BoundaryError(x,y);
    else if (MAX_M <= finalBalanceRatio) revert BoundaryError(x,y);

The NATSPEC comments for the MIN_M and MAX_M are given as follows:

MIN_M -> This limits the pool to having at most 10**8 x for each y
MAX_M -> This limits the pool to having at most 10**8 y for each x

Even though the documentation says the y / x ratio can have at most 10**8, the logic implementation reverts when the y / x == 10**8 as shown below:

    else if (MAX_M <= finalBalanceRatio) revert BoundaryError(x,y);

But it is not the case with the MIN_M, as the transaction will not revert when y / x == 1 / 10**8. There is a discrepancy between the documentation and the logic implementation.

Consider a scenario where the y balance = 200 * 10**20 and x balance = 200 * 10**12; now y / x = 10**8. The transaction is not expected to be reverted since the documentation mentions that the pool is allowed to have at most 10**8 y for each x. But according to the logic implementation, this transaction will revert since MAX_M == finalBalanceRatio. This breaks the expected behaviour of the protocol.

Proof of Concept

        if (finalBalanceRatio < MIN_M) revert BoundaryError(x,y);
        else if (MAX_M <= finalBalanceRatio) revert BoundaryError(x,y);

     This limits the pool to having at most 10**8 y for each x.
    int128 constant MAX_M = 0x5f5e1000000000000000000;

     When a token has 18 decimals, this is one microtoken
    int256 constant MIN_BALANCE = 10**12;

Tools Used


It is recommended to modify the MAX_M <= finalBalanceRatio conditional check of the _checkBalances function, as shown below (omit the equality check in it):

    else if (MAX_M < finalBalanceRatio) revert BoundaryError(x,y);

Dravee (judge) commented:

01 - Low (0-input validation).
02 - Low (Issue with comment).
03 - Low (Issue with comment).
04 - 3 Lows (Issue with comment).
05 - Out of scope - due to the Automated Findings Report.
06 - Low
07 - Info (accepting as typo in comment but with a decreased severity as the warden misunderstood).

Gas Optimizations

For this audit, 13 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by lsaudit received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: MrPotatoMagic, JP_Courses, 0xAnah, 0xhacksmithh, 0x11singh99, pontifex, 0x4non, pfapostol, 0xSmartContract, Sathish9098, Jorgect, and epistkr.

[G-01] Do not calculate constants

146: uint256 constant INT_MAX = uint256(type(int256).max);
151: int256 constant MIN_BALANCE = 10**12;
181: uint256 constant MAX_BALANCE_AMOUNT_RATIO = 10**11;
191: uint256 constant FIXED_FEE = 10**9;
196: int256 constant MULTIPLIER = 1e18;
201: int256 constant MAX_PRICE_RATIO = 10**4

[G-02] Do not initialize variables with default values

211: bool constant FEE_DOWN = false;

[G-03] The result of function calls should be cached rather than re-calling the function

Function t(self) is being called 3 times. Firstly, in the if-condition (line 98), then - when condition fails: ABDK_ONE.sub(t(self)) and self.px_final.mul(t(self)).

File: EvolvingProteus.sol

097:     function p_min(Config storage self) public view returns (int128) {
098:         if (t(self) > ABDK_ONE) return self.px_final;
099:         else return self.px_init.mul(ABDK_ONE.sub(t(self))).add(self.px_final.mul(t(self)));
100:     }

The same issue occurs for p_max:

File: EvolvingProteus.sol

106:     function p_max(Config storage self) public view returns (int128) {
107:         if (t(self) > ABDK_ONE) return self.py_final;
108:         else return self.py_init.mul(ABDK_ONE.sub(t(self))).add(self.py_final.mul(t(self)));
109:     }

The result of t(self) should be cached in a variable, instead of being executed 3 times.

[G-04] More likely to revert operations should be executed first

File: EvolvingProteus.sol

250:         // price value checks
251:         if (py_init >= MAX_PRICE_VALUE || py_final >= MAX_PRICE_VALUE) revert MaximumAllowedPriceExceeded();
252:         if (px_init <= MIN_PRICE_VALUE || px_final <= MIN_PRICE_VALUE) revert MinimumAllowedPriceExceeded();
254:         // at all times x price should be less than y price
255:         if (py_init <= px_init) revert InvalidPrice();
256:         if (py_final <= px_final) revert InvalidPrice();

Since py_init, px_init, py_final and px_final are int128, there are 2**128 values they can be assigned to.

This implies, that condition if (py_init <= px_init) will revert for (2**128) * (2**128 - 1) / 2 + 2**128 cases, while condition if (py_init >= MAX_PRICE_VALUE || py_final >= MAX_PRICE_VALUE) will revert for (2**128 - MAX_PRICE_VALUE) * 2**128 + (2**128 - MAX_PRICE_VALUE) * 2**128.

According to that, reverts for py_init <= px_init and py_final <= px_final are more likely than reverts for py_init >= MAX_PRICE_VALUE || py_final >= MAX_PRICE_VALUE and px_init <= MIN_PRICE_VALUE || px_final <= MIN_PRICE_VALUE. Thus, ordering of lines 251-252 and 255-256 should be changed:

if (py_init <= px_init) revert InvalidPrice();
if (py_final <= px_final) revert InvalidPrice();

if (py_init >= MAX_PRICE_VALUE || py_final >= MAX_PRICE_VALUE)
if (px_init <= MIN_PRICE_VALUE || px_final <= MIN_PRICE_VALUE)

[G-05] OR in if-condition can be rewritten to two single if conditions

File: EvolvingProteus.sol
251:         if (py_init >= MAX_PRICE_VALUE || py_final >= MAX_PRICE_VALUE) revert MaximumAllowedPriceExceeded();
252:         if (px_init <= MIN_PRICE_VALUE || px_final <= MIN_PRICE_VALUE) revert MinimumAllowedPriceExceeded();

Refactoring the if-condition in a way it won’t be containing the || operator will save more gas.

This is a simple forge test, which demonstrates gas usage for both versions:

     function testIfWithOR(
        int128 py_init,
        int128 px_init,
        int128 py_final,
        int128 px_final,
        uint256 duration
    ) public returns (uint) { 
        if (py_init >= MAX_PRICE_VALUE || py_final >= MAX_PRICE_VALUE) return 1;
        if (px_init <= MIN_PRICE_VALUE || px_final <= MIN_PRICE_VALUE) return 1;
   function testIfWithoutOr(
        int128 py_init,
        int128 px_init,
        int128 py_final,
        int128 px_final,
        uint256 duration
    ) public returns (uint) { 
        if (py_init >= MAX_PRICE_VALUE) return 1;
        if (py_final >= MAX_PRICE_VALUE) return 1;

        if (px_init <= MIN_PRICE_VALUE) return 1;
        if (px_final <= MIN_PRICE_VALUE) return 1;
Gas:testIfWithOR(int128,int128,int128,int128,uint256):(uint256) (runs: 256, μ: 914, ~: 926)
Gas:testIfWithoutOr(int128,int128,int128,int128,uint256):(uint256) (runs: 256, μ: 844, ~: 855)

This suggests, that conditions should be rewritten to:

if (py_init >= MAX_PRICE_VALUE) revert MaximumAllowedPriceExceeded();
if (py_final >= MAX_PRICE_VALUE) revert MaximumAllowedPriceExceeded();
if (px_init <= MIN_PRICE_VALUE) revert MaximumAllowedPriceExceeded();
if (px_final <= MIN_PRICE_VALUE) revert MaximumAllowedPriceExceeded();

[G-06] Incorrect usage of ABDKMath64x64.divu in constructor

259:        if (py_init.div(py_init.sub(px_init)) > ABDKMath64x64.divu(uint(MAX_PRICE_RATIO), 1)) revert MaximumAllowedPriceRatioExceeded();
260:        if (py_final.div(py_final.sub(px_final)) > ABDKMath64x64.divu(uint(MAX_PRICE_RATIO), 1)) revert MaximumAllowedPriceRatioExceeded();

Function MAX_PRICE_RATIO is declared as int256 constant MAX_PRICE_RATIO = 10**4; and it is only used in the constructor. Having this constant declared as int256 and then being cast to uint is an unreasonable waste of gas.

Declare this constant as uint and do not cast it later:

201:        uint constant MAX_PRICE_RATIO = 10**4


259:        if (py_init.div(py_init.sub(px_init)) > ABDKMath64x64.divu(MAX_PRICE_RATIO, 1)) revert MaximumAllowedPriceRatioExceeded();
260:        if (py_final.div(py_final.sub(px_final)) > ABDKMath64x64.divu(MAX_PRICE_RATIO, 1)) revert MaximumAllowedPriceRatioExceeded();

[G-07] Unnecessary double if condition in _swap and _lpTokenSpecified

File: EvolvingProteus.sol

529:             if (specifiedToken == SpecifiedToken.X) {
530:                 int256 fixedPoint = xi + roundedSpecifiedAmount;
531:                 (xf, yf) = _findFinalPoint(
532:                     fixedPoint,
533:                     utility,
534:                     _getPointGivenXandUtility
535:                 );
536:             } else {
537:                 int256 fixedPoint = yi + roundedSpecifiedAmount;
538:                 (xf, yf) = _findFinalPoint(
539:                     fixedPoint,
540:                     utility,
541:                     _getPointGivenYandUtility
542:                 );
543:             }
544:         }
546:         // balance checks with consideration the computed amount
547:         if (specifiedToken == SpecifiedToken.X) {
548:             computedAmount = _applyFeeByRounding(yf - yi, feeDirection);
549:             _checkBalances(xi + specifiedAmount, yi + computedAmount);
550:         } else {
551:             computedAmount = _applyFeeByRounding(xf - xi, feeDirection);
552:             _checkBalances(xi + computedAmount, yi + specifiedAmount);
553:         }

Function _swap checks specifiedToken == SpecifiedToken.X condition twice: firstly in line 529, then in line 547. There are no additional operations within those two if blocks, thus, the result of specifiedToken == SpecifiedToken.X will be always the same. This implies that the 2nd if condition can be removed and lines 548-549 can be included in the first if block:

            int256 utility = _getUtility(xi, yi);

            if (specifiedToken == SpecifiedToken.X) {
                int256 fixedPoint = xi + roundedSpecifiedAmount;
                (xf, yf) = _findFinalPoint(

                 computedAmount = _applyFeeByRounding(yf - yi, feeDirection);
                _checkBalances(xi + specifiedAmount, yi + computedAmount);
            } else {
                int256 fixedPoint = yi + roundedSpecifiedAmount;
                (xf, yf) = _findFinalPoint(
                 computedAmount = _applyFeeByRounding(xf - xi, feeDirection);
                _checkBalances(xi + computedAmount, yi + specifiedAmount);

The same issue occurs for _lpTokenSpecified:

File: EvolvingProteus.sol

626:         if (specifiedToken == SpecifiedToken.X)
627:             (xf, yf) = _findFinalPoint(
628:                 yi,
629:                 uf,
630:                 _getPointGivenYandUtility
631:             );
632:         else
633:             (xf, yf) = _findFinalPoint(
634:                 xi,
635:                 uf,
636:                 _getPointGivenXandUtility
637:             );
639:         // balance checks with consideration the computed amount
640:         if (specifiedToken == SpecifiedToken.X) {
641:             computedAmount = _applyFeeByRounding(xf - xi, feeDirection);
642:             _checkBalances(xi + computedAmount, yf);
643:         } else {
644:             computedAmount = _applyFeeByRounding(yf - yi, feeDirection);
645:             _checkBalances(xf, yi + computedAmount);
646:         }

[G-08] Unnecessary variable declaration in _reserveTokenSpecified

File: EvolvingProteus.sol

589:         uint256 result = Math.mulDiv(uint256(uf), uint256(si), uint256(ui));
590:         require(result < INT_MAX);   
591:         int256 sf = int256(result);
593:         // apply fee to the computed amount
594:         computedAmount = _applyFeeByRounding(sf - si, feeDirection);

Declaring the int256 sf variable is redundant. Since it’s only being used once (line 594), int256(result) can be used directly: computedAmount = _applyFeeByRounding(int256(result) - si, feeDirection);.

[G-09] Calculations which won’t underflow can be unchecked

834:        if (absoluteValue < FIXED_FEE * 2) revert AmountError();
836:        uint256 roundedAbsoluteAmount;
837:        if (feeUp) {
838:            roundedAbsoluteAmount =
839:                absoluteValue +
840:                (absoluteValue / BASE_FEE) +
841:                FIXED_FEE;
842:            require(roundedAbsoluteAmount < INT_MAX);
843:        } else
844:            roundedAbsoluteAmount =
845:                absoluteValue -
846:                (absoluteValue / BASE_FEE) -
847:                FIXED_FEE;

According to line 834, absoluteValue is at least >= 2 * FIXED_FEE (otherwise, the function will revert with AmountError()). This implies, that lines 844-847 will never underflow.

In the worst case scenario, absoluteValue = 2 * FIXED_FEE (because if (absoluteValue < FIXED_FEE * 2), then the function will revert). Moreover, we know that BASE_FEE = 800 (line 186).

roundedAbsoluteAmount = absoluteValue - (absoluteValue / BASE_FEE) - FIXED_FEE;

for BASE_FEE = 800

roundedAbsoluteAmount = absoluteValue - (absoluteValue / 800) - FIXED_FEE;

for absoluteValue = 2 * FIXED_FEE

2 * FIXED_FEE - (2 * FIXED_FEE  / 800) - FIXED_FEE = FIXED_FEE - (2 * FIXED_FEE  / 800)

FIXED_FEE - (2 * FIXED_FEE  / 800) >= 0
800 * FIXED_FEE - 2 * FIXED_FEE >= 0
798 * FIXED_FEE >= 0

This implies that calculations won’t underflow and can be inserted into the unchecked block:

 unchecked{roundedAbsoluteAmount =
                absoluteValue -
                (absoluteValue / BASE_FEE) -

[G-10] Pre-calculate equations which contain only constant values in constructor

259:        if (py_init.div(py_init.sub(px_init)) > ABDKMath64x64.divu(uint(MAX_PRICE_RATIO), 1)) revert MaximumAllowedPriceRatioExceeded();
260:        if (py_final.div(py_final.sub(px_final)) > ABDKMath64x64.divu(uint(MAX_PRICE_RATIO), 1)) revert MaximumAllowedPriceRatioExceeded();

Since MAX_PRICE_RATIO is a constant value, the value of ABDKMath64x64.divu(uint(MAX_PRICE_RATIO), 1)) can be calculated before compiling the contract. Calling ABDKMath64x64.divu on a known, constant value is a waste of gas.

[G-11] Pre-calculate equations which contains only constant values in _getUtility

709:        int128 two = ABDKMath64x64.divu(uint256(2 * MULTIPLIER), uint256(MULTIPLIER));
710:        int128 one = ABDKMath64x64.divu(uint256(MULTIPLIER), uint256(MULTIPLIER));

Since MULTIPLIER is a constant value, the values of ABDKMath64x64.divu(uint256(2 * MULTIPLIER), uint256(MULTIPLIER)) and ABDKMath64x64.divu(uint256(MULTIPLIER), uint256(MULTIPLIER)) can be calculated before compiling the contract. Calling ABDKMath64x64.divu on a known, constant value is a waste of gas.

[G-12] Some equations can be inlined to reduce number of variables declarations


int128 two = ABDKMath64x64.divu(uint256(2 * MULTIPLIER), uint256(MULTIPLIER));
int128 one = ABDKMath64x64.divu(uint256(MULTIPLIER), uint256(MULTIPLIER));

int128 aQuad = (a.mul(b).sub(one));
int256 bQuad = (a.muli(y) + b.muli(x));
int256 cQuad = x * y;

int256 disc = int256(Math.sqrt(uint256((bQuad**2 - (aQuad.muli(cQuad)*4)))));
int256 r0 = (-bQuad*MULTIPLIER + disc*MULTIPLIER) / aQuad.mul(two).muli(MULTIPLIER);
int256 r1 = (-bQuad*MULTIPLIER - disc*MULTIPLIER) / aQuad.mul(two).muli(MULTIPLIER);

Can be changed to:

int128 two = ABDKMath64x64.divu(uint256(2 * MULTIPLIER), uint256(MULTIPLIER));

int128 aQuad = (a.mul(b).sub(ABDKMath64x64.divu(uint256(MULTIPLIER), uint256(MULTIPLIER))));
int256 bQuad = (a.muli(y) + b.muli(x));

int256 disc = int256(Math.sqrt(uint256((bQuad**2 - (aQuad.muli(x * y)*4)))));
int256 r0 = (-bQuad*MULTIPLIER + disc*MULTIPLIER) / aQuad.mul(two).muli(MULTIPLIER);
int256 r1 = (-bQuad*MULTIPLIER - disc*MULTIPLIER) / aQuad.mul(two).muli(MULTIPLIER);


int256 a_convert = a.muli(MULTIPLIER);
int256 b_convert = b.muli(MULTIPLIER);
x0 = x;

int256 f_0 = ((( x0  * MULTIPLIER ) / utility) + a_convert);
int256 f_1 = ((MULTIPLIER * MULTIPLIER / f_0) -  b_convert);
int256 f_2 = (f_1 * utility) / MULTIPLIER; 
y0 = f_2;

Can be changed to:

x0 = x;
y0 = (((MULTIPLIER * MULTIPLIER / ((( x0  * MULTIPLIER ) / utility) + a.muli(MULTIPLIER))) -  b.muli(MULTIPLIER)) * utility) / MULTIPLIER;


int256 a_convert = a.muli(MULTIPLIER);
int256 b_convert = b.muli(MULTIPLIER);
y0 = y;

int256 f_0 = (( y0  * MULTIPLIER ) / utility) + b_convert;
int256 f_1 = ( ((MULTIPLIER)*(MULTIPLIER) / f_0) - a_convert );
int256 f_2 = (f_1 * utility) / (MULTIPLIER); 
x0 = f_2;

Can be changed to:

y0 = y;
x0 = (( ((MULTIPLIER)*(MULTIPLIER) / (( y0  * MULTIPLIER ) / utility) + b.muli(MULTIPLIER)) - a.muli(MULTIPLIER) ) * utility) / (MULTIPLIER);

[G-13] _getUtility calculates the same value twice

717:        int256 r0 = (-bQuad*MULTIPLIER + disc*MULTIPLIER) / aQuad.mul(two).muli(MULTIPLIER);
718:        int256 r1 = (-bQuad*MULTIPLIER - disc*MULTIPLIER) / aQuad.mul(two).muli(MULTIPLIER);

Cache results of -bQuad*MULTIPLIER, disc*MULTIPLIER and aQuad.mul(two).muli(MULTIPLIER) to not calculate it twice.

viraj124 (Shell) acknowledged

Audit Analysis

For this audit, 11 analysis reports were submitted by wardens. An analysis report examines the codebase as a whole, providing observations and advice on such topics as architecture, mechanism, or approach. The report highlighted below by 0xSmartContract received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: Udsen, catellatech, ihtishamsudo, oakcobalt, carrotsmuggler, rjs, 0xmystery, plainshift, pfapostol, and moneyversed.


Head Details
The approach I followed when reviewing the code Stages in my code review and analysis
Analysis of the code base What is unique? How are the existing patterns used?
Test analysis Test scope of the project and quality of tests
Centralization risks How was the risk of centralization handled in the p project, what could be alternatives?
Systemic risks Potential systemic risks in the project
Competition analysis What are similar projects?
Security Approach of the Project Audit approach of the Project
Other Audit Reports and Automated Findings What are the previous Audit reports and their analysis
Gas Optimization Gas usage approach of the project and alternative solutions to it
Other recommendations What is unique? How are the existing patterns used?
New insights and learning from this audit Things learned from the project

The approach I followed when reviewing the code

First, by examining the scope of the code, I determined my code review and analysis strategy for the Shell Protocol.

I analyzed and audited the subject in the following steps:

Stage Details Information
Compile and Run Test Installation Test and installation structure is simple, cleanly designed.
Architecture Review The Proteus-AMM explainer provides a high-level overview of the Project system and then describe the core components. Provides a basic architectural teaching for General Architecture.
Graphical Analysis Graphical Analysis with Solidity-metrics A visual view has been made to dominate the general structure of the codes of the project.
Slither Analysis Slither Report The project does not currently have a slither result, a slither control was created from scratch.
Test Suits Tests In this section, the scope and content of the tests of the project are analyzed.
Manual Code Review Scope Top-down analysis of codes according to architectural design, IDE used: VsCode.
Project White Paper WhitePaper
Infographic Figma I made Visual drawings to understand the hard-to-understand mechanisms.
Special focus on Areas of Concern Areas of Concern Evolving Proteus’s algorithm has six parameters that determine liquidity concentration.

Analysis of the code base

Image #1:

Image #2:

Test analysis

Note: image has been removed due to an outdated link

ForkEvolvingProteus.t.sol :

  • Invariant tests can be great tools for shaking out invalid assumptions, complex edge cases, and unexpected interactions in a smart contract system. But it can also be challenging to channel the fuzzer’s unconstrained chaos into a suite of meaningful, reliable tests.

Evolving Proteus Invariants test list ( ForkEvolvingProteus.t.sol ):

Number Head Test Details
1. Token balance check The differences in pool token balances after a swap is same as the differences in user token balances after factoring in the fee.
2. Token supply check Utility & utility/lp token supply does not decrease after swap.
3. Deposit check For a deposit, utility will always increase, and util/lp does not decrease.
4. Withdraw check For a withdrawl, utility will always decrease, and util/lp does not decrease.
5. Soft invariant x price decreases over time & y price stays constant.
6. Soft invariant when x price increases over time & y price stays constant.
7. Soft invariant when y price decreases over time & x price stays constant.
8. Soft invariant when y price increases over time & x price stays constant.
9. Soft invariant when x & y prices both increase with time.
10. Soft invariant when x & y prices both decrease with time.
11. Soft invariant when x & y prices both stay constant.
Number Head Test Details
1. Soft invariant when x price increases over time & y price decreases.
2. Soft invariant when y price increases over time & x price decreases.

Centralization risks

There is no centrality risk in the controlled scope.

Systemic risks

We can talk about a systemic risk here because there are some Layer2 special cases.

If Arbitrum is compile Compatible with 0.8.20 and newer, contracts compiled with these versions will result in a non-functional or potentially damaged version that does not behave as expected. The default behavior of the compiler will be to use the latest version which means it will compile with version 0.8.20 which will produce broken code by default.

According to the given code, this problem does not exist, but it should be taken care of while deploying.

Competition analysis

Other projects with a similar structure to the project:

  1. dfx finance
  2. Gamma
  3. Osmosis

However, with its mathematical modeling, the Shell Protocol is unique.

Security Approach of the Project

Successful current security understandings of the project:

  1. The most important security point of Shell protocol is contracts are non-custodial, meaning NOBODY (not even the core team or the Shell DAO) is able to access the funds held in any of the core contracts.
  2. Proteus Pool Safeguards System; a pool’s deployer can assign a wallet the ability to freeze the pool in case of an emergency. LPs may still withdraw their tokens, but swaps and deposits are disabled. The Shell core team controls a 2/3 multi-signature wallet, the ShellMultiSig, that can freeze trading on Proteus pools assigned to it.
  3. On-Chain Monitoring System; Shell conducts on-chain security monitoring with Forta. Anyone can subscribe to updates from the Shell Forta bot. This bot tracks Shell transactions in which wrapping, unwrapping, swapping, depositing, or withdrawals occur over a threshold amount. If transactions occur with unusually high token amounts, the bot sends out an alert.

  4. First, they created the main audit from a reputable auditing organization like Trail of Bits and resolved all the security concerns in the report.

  5. They manage the 2nd audit process with an innovative audit such as Code4rena, in which many auditors examine the codes.
  6. They set the $100,000 ImmuneFi reward.

What the project should add in the understanding of Security:

  1. By distributing the project to testnets, this ensures that the audits are carried out in an on-chain audit (this will increase coverage).
  2. After the project is published on the mainnet, there should be emergency action plans (not found in the documents).
  3. No pause mechanism; this is a chaotic situation, which can be thought of as a choice between decentralization and security. Having a pause mechanism makes sense in order not to damage user funds in case of a possible problem in the project.
  4. No upgradability; there are use cases of the upgradable pattern in defi projects using mathematical models, but it is a design and security option.

Other Audit Reports and Automated Findings

Especially low detections in the Automated Finding Report should be taken into account.

Other Audit Reports (TrailOfBits):

Here is a summary of the issues found in the audit report with Exposure Analysis and Category details:

Audit Report TrailOfBits

Gas Optimization

The project is generally efficient in terms of gas optimizations, many generally accepted gas optimizations have been implemented. Gas optimizations with minor effects are already mentioned in automatic finding, but gas optimizations will not be a priority considering code readability and codebase size.

Gas Optimization Recommendations

  1. The highest gas expenditure in the project occurs when creating pool instances. If the architecture here was designed like the singleton architecture in UniswapV4, gas savings will be close to 90%.
  2. The most important gas usage of the contract subject to the audit is the ABDKMath64x64.sol library that it uses. More gas optimized by prb-math may be preferred. Detailed gas comparisons are available on the project’s github link


Gas estimations based on the v2.0.1 and the v3.0.0 releases.

SD59x18 Min Max Avg UD60x18 Min Max Avg
abs 68 72 70 n/a n/a n/a n/a
avg 95 105 100 avg 57 57 57
ceil 82 117 101 ceil 78 78 78
div 431 483 451 div 205 205 205
exp 38 2797 2263 exp 1874 2742 2244
exp2 63 2678 2104 exp2 1784 2652 2156
floor 82 117 101 floor 43 43 43
frac 23 23 23 frac 23 23 23
gm 26 892 690 gm 26 893 691
inv 40 40 40 inv 40 40 40
ln 463 7306 4724 ln 419 6902 3814
log10 104 9074 4337 log10 503 8695 4571
log2 377 7241 4243 log2 330 6825 3426
mul 455 463 459 mul 219 275 247
pow 64 11338 8518 pow 64 10637 6635
powu 293 24745 5681 powu 83 24535 5471
sqrt 140 839 716 sqrt 114 846 710


Gas estimations based on the v3.0 release of ABDKMath. See my abdk-gas-estimations repo.

Method Min Max Avg
abs 88 92 90
avg 41 41 41
div 168 168 168
exp 77 3780 2687
exp2 77 3600 2746
gavg 166 875 719
inv 157 157 157
ln 7074 7164 7126
log2 6972 7062 7024
mul 111 111 111
pow 303 4740 1792
sqrt 129 809 699

Other recommendations

Here are my other suggestions for corrections, the details of which are in my QA Report.

  • L-01 - result require block is inconsistent with NatSpec comment
  • L-02 - libusb dependency can be a security risk
  • L-03 - There is a difference in the formula with the NatSpec comments
  • L-04 - There may be problems with the use of Arbitrum
  • N-01 - Project Upgrade and Stop Scenario should be
  • N-02 - Missing Event for initialize

New insights and learning from this audit

  • ForkEvolvingProteus.t.sol invariant tests are extensive, quality tests in a high-mathematical computational project and are remarkable. The project developers did a great job!
  • I learned, in depth, the usage and details of ABDKMath64x64.sol library.

Time spent:

13 hours

0xRobocop (lookout) commented:

In my point of view, although the report does not touch a core area of concern specific to the code like Issue #69, the report is pretty complete in terms of security, as a holistic approach.

viraj124 (Shell) acknowledged and commented:

A few observations:

  • Regarding the invariant not testing when prices move in opposite directions, the reason for that is the behaviour is not consistent. Hence, we kept that out of scope for the audit and we won’t be using that price configuration in the near future.
  • Regarding singleton behaviour, all our accounting for all different pools is done in the ocean, so that compensates for deploying different contracts for each pool. That being said, we might change that in the future if needed. For now, due to the architecture of the ocean and for us to support more defi primitives like lending and option markets and not just be limited to amm’s, we decided not to go with the singleton pool deployment approach.


C4 is an open organization governed by participants in the community.

C4 Audits incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Audit submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.