Canto Application Specific Dollars and Bonding Curves for 1155s
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Canto Application Specific Dollars and Bonding Curves for 1155s smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between November 13 - November 17, 2023.


125 Wardens contributed reports to Canto Application Specific Dollars and Bonding Curves for 1155s:

  1. 100su
  2. bin2chen
  3. 0xpiken
  4. SpicyMeatball
  5. immeas
  6. ether_sky
  7. pontifex
  8. adriro
  9. bart1e
  10. osmanozdemir1
  11. T1MOH
  12. ast3ros
  13. ustas
  14. nazirite
  15. Soul22
  16. Oxsadeeq
  17. wangxx2026
  18. 0xluckhu
  19. 0xSmartContract
  20. MrPotatoMagic
  21. Bauchibred
  22. Krace
  23. d3e4
  24. mojito_auditor
  25. rvierdiiev
  26. Yanchuan
  27. PENGUN
  28. tnquanghuy0512
  29. glcanvas
  30. 0xAadi
  31. D1r3Wolf
  32. AS
  33. leegh
  34. lanrebayode77
  35. 0xVolcano
  36. hunter_w3b
  37. sivanesh_808
  38. mgf15
  39. chaduke
  40. lsaudit
  41. kaveyjoe
  42. K42
  43. Kose
  44. clara
  45. aariiif
  46. Sathish9098
  47. 0xepley
  48. unique
  49. emerald7017
  50. cats
  51. fouzantanveer
  52. 0xbrett8571
  53. invitedtea
  54. Myd
  55. cheatc0d3
  56. tala7985
  57. JCK
  58. 0xAnah
  59. 0xhex
  60. 0xta
  61. tabriz
  62. parlayan_yildizlar_takimi (ata, caglankaan and ulas)
  63. peanuts
  64. pep7siup
  65. aslanbek
  66. jasonxiale
  67. Pheonix
  68. zhaojie
  69. max10afternoon
  70. t0x1c
  71. OMEN
  72. erebus
  73. ksk2345
  74. ZanyBonzy
  75. tourist
  76. young
  77. btk
  78. bareli
  79. Topmark
  80. sl1
  81. SandNallani
  82. MohammedRizwan
  83. wisdomn_
  84. Matin
  85. ayden
  86. shenwilly
  87. codynhat
  88. critical-or-high
  89. sbaudh6
  90. nailkhalimov
  91. merlinboii
  92. firmanregar
  93. 0xMango
  94. turvy_fuzz
  95. Udsen
  96. jnforja
  97. Madalad
  98. peritoflores
  99. inzinko
  100. deepkin
  101. DarkTower (Gelato_ST, Maroutis, OxTenma and 0xrex)
  102. 0xarno
  103. vangrim
  104. mahyar
  105. nmirchev8
  106. 0x175
  107. KupiaSec
  108. rice_cooker
  109. neocrao
  110. twcctop
  111. openwide
  112. Tricko
  113. 0x3b
  114. HChang26
  115. RaoulSchaffranek
  116. developerjordy
  117. Giorgio
  118. ElCid
  119. rouhsamad
  120. zhaojohnson

This audit was judged by 0xTheC0der.

Final report assembled by thebrittfactor.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 3 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 1 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 2 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 44 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 17 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Canto Application Specific Dollars and Bonding Curves for 1155s repository, and is composed of 4 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 316 lines of Solidity code.

In addition to the known issues identified by the project team, a Code4rena bot race was conducted at the start of the audit. The winning bot, henry from warden hihen, generated the Automated Findings report and all findings therein were classified as out of scope.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (1)

[H-01] Owner cannot withdraw all interest due to wrong calculation of accrued interest in WithdrawCarry

Submitted by 100su, also found by pontifex, immeas, nazirite, Soul22, bart1e, adriro, Oxsadeeq, ast3ros, osmanozdemir1, ether_sky, T1MOH, bin2chen, 0xpiken, ustas, SpicyMeatball, wangxx2026, and 0xluckhu

The current withdrawCarry function in the contract underestimates the accrued interest due to a miscalculation. This error prevents the rightful owner from withdrawing their accrued interest, effectively locking the assets. The primary issue lies in the calculation of maximumWithdrawable within withdrawCarry.

Flawed Calculation

The following code segment is used to determine maximumWithdrawable:

uint256 exchangeRate = CTokenInterface(cNote).exchangeRateCurrent(); // Scaled by 1 * 10^(18 - 8 + Underlying Token Decimals), i.e. 10^(28) in our case
// The amount of cNOTE the contract has to hold (based on the current exchange rate which is always increasing) such that it is always possible to receive 1 NOTE when burning 1 asD
uint256 maximumWithdrawable = (CTokenInterface(cNote).balanceOf(address(this)) * exchangeRate) / 1e28 - totalSupply();

The problem arises with the scaling of exchangeRate, which is assumed to be scaled by 10^28. However, for CNOTE in the Canto network, the exchangeRate is actually scaled by 10^18. This discrepancy causes the owner to withdraw only 10^(-10) times the actual interest amount.

Consequently, when a non-zero _amount is specified, withdrawCarry often fails due to the require(_amount <= maximumWithdrawable, "Too many tokens requested"); condition.

Proof of Concept

CNOTE Scaling Verification

An essential aspect of this audit involves verifying the scaling factor of the CNOTE exchange rate. The exchangeRate scale for CNOTE can be verified in the Canto Network’s GitHub repository. Evidence confirming that the exponent of the CNOTE exchange rate is indeed 18 can be found through this link to the token tracker. The data provided there shows the current value of the stored exchange rate (exchangeRateStored) as approximately 1004161485744613000. This value corresponds to 1.00416 * 1e18, reaffirming the 10^18 scaling factor.

This information is critical for accurately understanding the mechanics of CNOTE and ensuring the smart contract’s calculations align with the actual scaling used in the token’s implementation. The verification of this scaling factor supports the recommendations for adjusting the main contract’s calculations and the associated test cases, as previously outlined.

Testing with Solidity Codes

Testing with the following Solidity code illustrates the actual CNOTE values:

function updateBalance() external {
    updatedUnderlyingBalance = ICNoteSimple(cnote).balanceOfUnderlying(msg.sender);
    updatedExchangeRate = ICNoteSimple(cnote).exchangeRateCurrent();

    uint256 balance = IERC20(cnote).balanceOf(msg.sender);
    calculatedUnderlying = balance * updatedExchangeRate / 1e28;

The corresponding TypeScript logs show a clear discrepancy between the expected and calculated underlying balances:

console.log("balanceCnote: ", (Number(balanceCnote) / 1e18).toString());
console.log("exchangeRate: ", Number(exchangeRate).toString());
console.log("underlyingBalance: ", Number(underlyingBalance).toString());
console.log("calculatedUnderlying: ", Number(calculatedUnderlying).toString());

With the logs:

balanceCnote:  400100.9100006097
exchangeRate:  1004122567006264000
underlyingBalance:  4.017503528113544e+23
calculatedUnderlying:  40175035281135

Tools Used

  • Solidity for interacting with the Canto mainnet.
  • TypeScript for testing and validation.

Using balanceOfUnderlying Function - Replace the flawed calculation with the balanceOfUnderlying function. This function accurately calculates the underlying NOTE balance and is defined in CToken.sol (source).

Proposed Code Modifications - Two alternative implementations are suggested:

  1. Without balanceOfUnderlying: Modify the scaling factor in the existing calculation from 1e28 to 1e18.
    function withdrawCarry(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {
        uint256 exchangeRate = CTokenInterface(cNote).exchangeRateCurrent(); // Scaled by 10^18
        // The amount of cNOTE the contract has to hold (based on the current exchange rate which is always increasing) such that it is always possible to receive 1 NOTE when burning 1 asD
        uint256 maximumWithdrawable = (CTokenInterface(cNote).balanceOf(address(this)) * exchangeRate) /
            1e18 -
        if (_amount == 0) {
            _amount = maximumWithdrawable;
        } else {
            require(_amount <= maximumWithdrawable, "Too many tokens requested");
        // Technically, _amount can still be 0 at this point, which would make the following two calls unnecessary.
        // But we do not handle this case specifically, as the only consequence is that the owner wastes a bit of gas when there is nothing to withdraw
        uint256 returnCode = CErc20Interface(cNote).redeemUnderlying(_amount);
        require(returnCode == 0, "Error when redeeming"); // 0 on success:
        IERC20 note = IERC20(CErc20Interface(cNote).underlying());
        SafeERC20.safeTransfer(note, msg.sender, _amount);
        emit CarryWithdrawal(_amount);
  1. With balanceOfUnderlying (Recommended): Utilize the balanceOfUnderlying function for a simpler calculation of maximumWithdrawable.
    function withdrawCarry(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {
        // The amount of cNOTE the contract has to hold (based on the current exchange rate which is always increasing) such that it is always possible to receive 1 NOTE when burning 1 asD
        uint256 maximumWithdrawable = CTokenInterface(cNote).balanceOfUnderlying(address(this)) - totalSupply();
        if (_amount == 0) {
            _amount = maximumWithdrawable;
        } else {
            require(_amount <= maximumWithdrawable, "Too many tokens requested");
        // Technically, _amount can still be 0 at this point, which would make the following two calls unnecessary.
        // But we do not handle this case specifically, as the only consequence is that the owner wastes a bit of gas when there is nothing to withdraw
        uint256 returnCode = CErc20Interface(cNote).redeemUnderlying(_amount);
        require(returnCode == 0, "Error when redeeming"); // 0 on success:
        IERC20 note = IERC20(CErc20Interface(cNote).underlying());
        SafeERC20.safeTransfer(note, msg.sender, _amount);
        emit CarryWithdrawal(_amount);

The second option is highly recommended for its accuracy and simplicity.

For post-modifications to the main contract code, it’s essential to update the associated test cases. In the MockCNOTE test contract, all scaling is currently set to 10^28. To align with the main contract changes, the following modifications are recommended for MockCNOTE:

contract MockCNOTE is MockERC20 {
    address public underlying;
    uint256 public constant SCALE = 1e18;
    uint256 public exchangeRateCurrent = SCALE;

    constructor(string memory symbol, string memory name, address _underlying) MockERC20(symbol, name) {
        underlying = _underlying;

    function mint(uint256 amount) public returns (uint256 statusCode) {
        SafeERC20.safeTransferFrom(IERC20(underlying), msg.sender, address(this), amount);
        _mint(msg.sender, (amount * SCALE) / exchangeRateCurrent);
        statusCode = 0;

    function redeemUnderlying(uint256 amount) public returns (uint256 statusCode) {
        SafeERC20.safeTransfer(IERC20(underlying), msg.sender, amount);
        _burn(msg.sender, (amount * exchangeRateCurrent) / SCALE);
        statusCode = 0;

    function redeem(uint256 amount) public returns (uint256 statusCode) {
        SafeERC20.safeTransfer(IERC20(underlying), msg.sender, (amount * exchangeRateCurrent) / SCALE);
        _burn(msg.sender, amount);
        statusCode = 0;

    function setExchangeRate(uint256 _exchangeRate) public {
        exchangeRateCurrent = _exchangeRate;

This revised MockCNOTE contract reflects the updated scale factor and aligns with the main contract’s logic.

Scenario Testing with Mainnet Forking

For comprehensive validation, scenario testing using a fork of the mainnet is highly recommended. This approach allows for real-world testing conditions by simulating interactions with existing contracts on the mainnet. It provides a robust environment to verify the correctness and reliability of the contract modifications in real-world scenarios, ensuring that the contract behaves as expected when interfacing with other mainnet contracts.

This step is crucial to identify potential issues that might not be apparent in isolated or simulated environments, enhancing the overall reliability of the contract before deployment.

Assessed type


OpenCoreCH (Canto) confirmed and commented via duplicate issue #227:

True, cNOTE only has 8 decimals unlike all other cTokens that have 18 decimals, causing this discrepancy. Will be fixed.

OpenCoreCH (Canto) commented:


Medium Risk Findings (2)

[M-01] No slippage protection for Market functions

Submitted by rvierdiiev, also found by 0xMango, d3e4, turvy_fuzz, Udsen, pontifex, jnforja, Madalad, peritoflores, inzinko, deepkin, DarkTower, peanuts, pep7siup, 0xarno, vangrim, aslanbek, mojito_auditor (1, 2), mahyar, nmirchev8, Yanchuan, PENGUN, 0x175, KupiaSec, jasonxiale, Pheonix, rice_cooker, osmanozdemir1, neocrao, twcctop, T1MOH, ast3ros, Kose, bart1e, tnquanghuy0512, openwide, t0x1c (1, 2, 3), zhaojie, Tricko, 0x3b, Bauchibred, chaduke (1, 2), HChang26, RaoulSchaffranek, max10afternoon, ustas, developerjordy, Giorgio, bin2chen, SpicyMeatball, 0xpiken, glcanvas, ElCid, rouhsamad, and zhaojohnson

Proof of Concept

Price for shares inside Market is calculated using bonding curve. Currently, LinearBondingCurve is supported. This bonging curve increases each next shares with fixed amount and also uses 10% / log2(shareIndex) to calculate fee for the share.

In order to calculate price to buy shares getBuyPrice is used and to calculate price to sell shares getSellPrice is used.

    function getBuyPrice(uint256 _id, uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256 price, uint256 fee) {
        // If id does not exist, this will return address(0), causing a revert in the next line
        address bondingCurve = shareData[_id].bondingCurve;
        (price, fee) = IBondingCurve(bondingCurve).getPriceAndFee(shareData[_id].tokenCount + 1, _amount);

    function getSellPrice(uint256 _id, uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256 price, uint256 fee) {
        // If id does not exist, this will return address(0), causing a revert in the next line
        address bondingCurve = shareData[_id].bondingCurve;
        (price, fee) = IBondingCurve(bondingCurve).getPriceAndFee(shareData[_id].tokenCount - _amount + 1, _amount);

Both functions use IBondingCurve(bondingCurve).getPriceAndFee, but getBuyPrice provides current token index as start index for curve, while getSellPrice provides current token index - amount to sell as start index for curve.

In the case when someone wants to buy shares, the price depends on current circulation supply. If this supply is increased right after a user’s buy tx, then they will pay more for the shares. If someone sells shares right before the buy tx, then a user will pay a lesser amount (which is good of course).

The same we can say about sell function. If someone sells shares right before a user’s sell execution, then the user receives a smaller amount. If someone buys shares, then the user gets a bigger amount.

As the price at the moment when user initiates buy or sell function can be changed before execution (with frontrunning or just innocent), this means that slippage protection should be introduced, so a user can be sure that they will not pay more than expected or receive less than expected.

When a user expects to buy shares for 5 USD, then the attacker can sandwich a user’s tx shares in order to make profit.

  • Attacker first frontruns and buys shares that cost 5 USD.
  • Then, let a user’s buy tx to be executed so a user buys shares more expensive (10 USD).
  • Then the attacker backruns with sell shares that cost now 10 USD and earn on this (5 USD).

The same thing can be done with sell sandwiching. When a user expects to sell their share for 20 USD:

  • Attacker can sell own share (and get 20 USD).
  • Then, let a user sell their share cheaper (and get 15 USD).
  • Then the attacker buys share cheaper (for 10 USD) and earn on this (10 USD).

While buy sandwiching needs a user to give the full approval to Market as this price is then sent from user, sell sandwiching doesn’t need that because it only sends tokens to the victim.


User can lose funds.

Tools Used


Make a user provide slippage to buy, sell, burnNFT and mintNFT functions.

Assessed type


OpenCoreCH (Canto) confirmed

0xTheC0der (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

On the one hand, according to our guidelines:

Unless there is something uniquely novel created by combining vectors, most submissions regarding vulnerabilities that are inherent to a particular system or the Ethereum network as a whole should be considered QA. Examples of such vulnerabilities include front running, sandwich attacks, and MEV.

But on the other hand, a slippage percentage parameter or expected amount has become state-of-the-art which also makes this a shortcoming of the protocol.

Consequently, it seems appropriate to move forward with Medium severity.

OpenCoreCH (Canto) commented:

Introduced params.

[M-02] Users will lose rewards when buying new tokens if they already own some tokens

Submitted by Krace, also found by d3e4, immeas, 0xAadi, mojito_auditor, PENGUN, Yanchuan, D1r3Wolf, ether_sky, tnquanghuy0512, AS, leegh, lanrebayode77, bin2chen, 0xpiken, glcanvas, SpicyMeatball, and rvierdiiev

When users purchase new tokens, the old tokens they already own do not receive the fees from this purchase, resulting in a loss of funds for the users.

Proof of Concept

According to the explanation by the sponsor (Roman), when users buy new tokens, the recently purchased token is not eligible for a fee. However, the “old shares” that users already own should be eligible.


Hey, just a design decision, the idea behind it is that the user does not own the new shares yet when he buys, so he should not get any fees for it. Whereas he still owns it when he sells (it is basically the last sale).


So the new shares should not get fee. If the user owns some “old shares”, is it eligible for a fee when the user buying?


Yes, in that case, these shares are in the “owner pool” at the time of purchase and should be eligible

However, the buy function will completely disregard the rewards associated with the buyer’s “old shares” for these fees.

Let’s analyze the buy function:

  • Step 1: It retrieves the rewards for the buyer before the purchase. These rewards are not linked to the purchase because they use the old token amounts, and the fees from this purchase are not factored in.
  • Step 2: It splits the fees for this purchase. _splitFees increases the value of shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled based on the fees from this purchase.
  • Step 3: It updates the rewardsLastClaimedValue of the buyer to the latest shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled, which was increased in _splitFees just now.

The question arises: the fees from this purchase are not rewarded to the buyer’s old tokens between Step 2 and Step 3, yet the buyer’s rewardsLastClaimedValue is updated to the newest value. This results in the permanent loss of these rewards for the buyer.

    function buy(uint256 _id, uint256 _amount) external {
        require(shareData[_id].creator != msg.sender, "Creator cannot buy");
        (uint256 price, uint256 fee) = getBuyPrice(_id, _amount); // Reverts for non-existing ID
        SafeERC20.safeTransferFrom(token, msg.sender, address(this), price + fee);
        // The reward calculation has to use the old rewards value (pre fee-split) to not include the fees of this buy
        // The rewardsLastClaimedValue then needs to be updated with the new value such that the user cannot claim fees of this buy
//@audit it will get the rewards first        
        uint256 rewardsSinceLastClaim = _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(_id);
        // Split the fee among holder, creator and platform
//@audit then split the fees of this buying        
        _splitFees(_id, fee, shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation);
//@audit and update sender's rewardsLastClaimedValue to the newest one, which is updated by `splitFees`
        rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;

        shareData[_id].tokenCount += _amount;
        shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation += _amount;
        tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender] += _amount;

        if (rewardsSinceLastClaim > 0) {
            SafeERC20.safeTransfer(token, msg.sender, rewardsSinceLastClaim);
        emit SharesBought(_id, msg.sender, _amount, price, fee);
    function _splitFees(
        uint256 _id,
        uint256 _fee,
        uint256 _tokenCount
    ) internal {
        uint256 shareHolderFee = (_fee * HOLDER_CUT_BPS) / 10_000;
        uint256 shareCreatorFee = (_fee * CREATOR_CUT_BPS) / 10_000;
        uint256 platformFee = _fee - shareHolderFee - shareCreatorFee;
        shareData[_id].shareCreatorPool += shareCreatorFee;
        if (_tokenCount > 0) {
//@audit shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled will be increased if tokenCount>0
            shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled += (shareHolderFee * 1e18) / _tokenCount;
        } else {
            // If there are no tokens in circulation, the fee goes to the platform
            platformFee += shareHolderFee;
        platformPool += platformFee;


The following POC shows the case mentioned. Add it to 1155tech-contracts/src/Market.t.sol and run it with forge test --match-test testBuyNoReward -vv.

    function testBuyNoReward() public {
        // Bob create share with id 1
        market.changeBondingCurveAllowed(address(bondingCurve), true);
        market.createNewShare("Test Share", address(bondingCurve), "metadataURI");
        assertEq(market.shareIDs("Test Share"), 1);

        token.transfer(alice, 1e17);

        // alice buy 1 token in share1 ==> token1
        uint256 aliceBalanceBefore = token.balanceOf(alice);
        token.approve(address(market), 1e18);
        console.log(" alice balance ", aliceBalanceBefore);, 1);
        uint256 aliceBalanceAfter = token.balanceOf(alice);
        console.log(" alice balance after buy ",  aliceBalanceAfter);
        console.log(" alice cost after buy ",  aliceBalanceBefore - aliceBalanceAfter);

        // alice buy another 1 token in share1 ==> token2,1);
        uint256 aliceBalanceAfterSecondBuy = token.balanceOf(alice);
        console.log(" alice balance after second buy ",  aliceBalanceAfterSecondBuy);
        // alice get no reward for her token1
        console.log(" alice cost after second buy ",  aliceBalanceAfter - aliceBalanceAfterSecondBuy);


The result is shown below; Alice gets no rewards for token1:

[PASS] testBuyNoReward() (gas: 443199)
   alice balance  100000000000000000
   alice balance after buy  98900000000000000
   alice cost after buy  1100000000000000
   alice balance after second buy  96700000000000000
   alice cost after second buy  2200000000000000

After my suggested patch, Alice can get the rewards for token1: 2200000000000000 - 2134000000000000 = 66000000000000.

[PASS] testBuyNoReward() (gas: 447144)
   alice balance  100000000000000000
   alice balance after buy  98900000000000000
   alice cost after buy  1100000000000000
   alice balance after second buy  96766000000000000
   alice cost after second buy  2134000000000000

Tools Used


Split the fees before getting the rewards in buy:

diff --git a/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol b/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol
index 59c5c96..85d91a5 100644
--- a/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol
+++ b/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol
@@ -151,11 +151,11 @@ contract Market is ERC1155, Ownable2Step {
         require(shareData[_id].creator != msg.sender, "Creator cannot buy");
         (uint256 price, uint256 fee) = getBuyPrice(_id, _amount); // Reverts for non-existing ID
         SafeERC20.safeTransferFrom(token, msg.sender, address(this), price + fee);
+        // Split the fee among holder, creator and platform
+        _splitFees(_id, fee, shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation);
         // The reward calculation has to use the old rewards value (pre fee-split) to not include the fees of this buy
         // The rewardsLastClaimedValue then needs to be updated with the new value such that the user cannot claim fees of this buy
         uint256 rewardsSinceLastClaim = _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(_id);
-        // Split the fee among holder, creator and platform
-        _splitFees(_id, fee, shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation);
         rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;

         shareData[_id].tokenCount += _amount;

Assessed type


OpenCoreCH (Canto) confirmed, but disagreed with severity and commented:

These fees are not lost, the impact is just that for this particular buys; the other users get more rewards and the user that buys less (but the same also applies for other users, so it might even cancel out for long-term holders). So I think high is definitely over-inflated for that.

However, I agree that the current logic is a bit weird, but changing it such that they just receive rewards for the other shares would also be a bit weird (would incentivize to split up a buy into multiple ones). We discussed this internally and will change the logic such that users always receive fees for their buys, no matter if it is the first or subsequent ones.

0xTheC0der (judge) decreased severity to Medium

OpenCoreCH (Canto) commented:


Note: For full discussion, see here.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this audit, 44 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by chaduke received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: pontifex, MrPotatoMagic, adriro, Bauchibred, kaveyjoe, lsaudit, d3e4, OMEN, hunter_w3b, erebus, peanuts, cheatc0d3, ksk2345, pep7siup, ZanyBonzy, jasonxiale, tourist, osmanozdemir1, young, aslanbek, Pheonix, btk, bareli, Topmark, bart1e, sl1, T1MOH, SandNallani, zhaojie, MohammedRizwan, wisdomn_, 0xpiken, Matin, max10afternoon, ayden, bin2chen, shenwilly, codynhat, critical-or-high, sbaudh6, nailkhalimov, merlinboii, and firmanregar.

[01] Check whether rewardsSinceLastClaim + price - fee == 0 in function sell()

The function should fail when rewardsSinceLastClaim + price - fee == 0 to avoid not worthy sell.



function sell(uint256 _id, uint256 _amount) external {
        (uint256 price, uint256 fee) = getSellPrice(_id, _amount);
        // Split the fee among holder, creator and platform
        _splitFees(_id, fee, shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation);
        // The user also gets the rewards of his own sale (which is not the case for buys)
        uint256 rewardsSinceLastClaim = _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(_id);
        rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;

        shareData[_id].tokenCount -= _amount;
        shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation -= _amount;
        tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender] -= _amount; // Would underflow if user did not have enough tokens

        // Send the funds to the user
+       uint amt = rewardsSinceLastClaim + price - fee;

-        SafeERC20.safeTransfer(token, msg.sender, rewardsSinceLastClaim + price - fee);

+        if (amt > 0) SafeERC20.safeTransfer(token, msg.sender, amt);
+        else revert("no zero sell.");

        emit SharesSold(_id, msg.sender, _amount, price, fee);

[02] asDFactory.create() does not prevent that two asD contracts might have the same name and symbol.


[03] getPriceAndFee() has the issue of division precision loss issue


The problem is in the following line:

fee += (getFee(i) * tokenPrice) / 1e18;

The division of 1e18 should be performed after the loop is completed to avoid early division rounding error.

Mitigation: The division of 1e19 is performed outside:

 function getPriceAndFee(uint256 shareCount, uint256 amount)
        returns (uint256 price, uint256 fee)
        for (uint256 i = shareCount; i < shareCount + amount; i++) {
            uint256 tokenPrice = priceIncrease * i;
            price += tokenPrice;
-            fee += (getFee(i) * tokenPrice) / 1e18;
+            fee += (getFee(i) * tokenPrice);
+            fee = fee / 1e18;

[04] It is better to check amount > 0 to avoid false event emit


[05] The event emitting should be inside the if statement to avoid false event emitting


[06] We need to emit an event for this function


[07] Both mintNFT() and burnNFT() lacks slippage control for the fee

Note that the fee is not a fixed value, its value depends on shareData[_id].tokenCount.


Therefore, if the function is front-run by another buy() and mintNFT() function, then shareData[_id].tokenCount will increase, and as a result, the fee will increase. A user might pay more fee than they expected due to such front-runs.

Mitigation: Add a slippage control so that the user can control the maximum amount of fee they are willing to pay.

[08] The function changeBondingCurveAllowed() will not be able to disable previously boundcurves that have been used in some share creation

It can only used to prevent future share creation to use the curve again.


[09] changeShareCreatorWhitelist() cannot disable existing creators for their already created shares

It can only prevent the creator to create more shares in the future.


[10] All the four functions buy(), sell(), mintNFT() and burnNFT() call _splitFees() to split the fees, but when shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation ==0, shareHolderFee will be added to plantformFee.


In this case, a user can front-run these transactions with a buy() to buy a share so that shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation > 0 and therefore, effectively be able to steal all such shareHolderFee in these situations.

Mitigation: Implement a snapshot mechanism for market so that a user can not just suddenly buy shares and enjoy rewards immediately. See ERC20Snapshot for an example:


0xTheC0der (judge) commented:

Although this report lacks formatting and therefore probably didn’t get a high quality tag, its QA findings provide great value. Therefore, it’s selected for report.

01: Low.
02: Non-Critical.
03: Low.
04: Non-Critical.
05: Non-Critical.
06: Low.
07: Low.
08: Non-Critical (possibly undesired, but valid to mention).
09: Non-Critical (possibly undesired, but valid to mention).
10: Low.

Gas Optimizations

For this audit, 17 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by 0xVolcano received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: sivanesh_808, hunter_w3b, mgf15, tala7985, cheatc0d3, JCK, 0xAnah, lsaudit, MrPotatoMagic, K42, 0xhex, 0xta, tabriz, chaduke, 100su, and parlayan_yildizlar_takimi.

Gas Report

Note: The following findings were not found by the bot. For max savings, please implement the changes found by bot.

[01] We can optimize the function buy(): Saves 287 Gas from tests included | | Min | Average | Median | Max | | ------ | --- | ------- | ----- | ----- | | Before | 157773 | 157773 | 157773 | 157773 | | After | 157486 | 157486 | 157486 | 157486 |

File: /src/Market.sol
150:    function buy(uint256 _id, uint256 _amount) external {
151:        require(shareData[_id].creator != msg.sender, "Creator cannot buy");
152:        (uint256 price, uint256 fee) = getBuyPrice(_id, _amount); // Reverts for non-existing ID
153:        SafeERC20.safeTransferFrom(token, msg.sender, address(this), price + fee);
156:        uint256 rewardsSinceLastClaim = _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(_id);
157:        // Split the fee among holder, creator and platform
158:        _splitFees(_id, fee, shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation);
159:        rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;

161:        shareData[_id].tokenCount += _amount;
162:        shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation += _amount;
163:        tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender] += _amount;

To get the rewardsSinceLastClaim we call an internal function _getRewardsSinceLastClaim() which has the following implementation:

    function _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(uint256 _id) internal view returns (uint256 amount) {
        uint256 lastClaimedValue = rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender];
        amount =
            ((shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled - lastClaimedValue) * tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender]) /

The internal function reads shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled and tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender] which are state variablea and are also being read in the main function. We can avoid making this state read twice by inlining the internal function and caching one call:

diff --git a/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol b/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol
index 59c5c96..233d0ce 100644
--- a/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol
+++ b/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol
@@ -153,14 +153,19 @@ contract Market is ERC1155, Ownable2Step {
         SafeERC20.safeTransferFrom(token, msg.sender, address(this), price + fee);
         // The reward calculation has to use the old rewards value (pre fee-split) to not include the fees of this buy
         // The rewardsLastClaimedValue then needs to be updated with the new value such that the user cannot claim fees of this buy
-        uint256 rewardsSinceLastClaim = _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(_id);
+        uint256 lastClaimedValue = rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender];
+        uint256 _tokensByAddress =  tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender];
+        uint256 _shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;
+        uint256 rewardsSinceLastClaim = ((_shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled - lastClaimedValue) * _tokensByAddress) / 1e18;
         // Split the fee among holder, creator and platform
-        _splitFees(_id, fee, shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation);
-        rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;
+        uint256 _tokensInCirculation = shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation;
+        _splitFees(_id, fee, _tokensInCirculation);
+        rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = _shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;

         shareData[_id].tokenCount += _amount;
-        shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation += _amount;
-        tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender] += _amount;
+        shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation = _tokensInCirculation + _amount;
+        tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender] = _tokensByAddress + _amount;

[02] We can optimize the function sell(): Saves 234 Gas from tests included

Min Average Median Max
Before 42142 42142 42142 42142
After 41908 41908 41908 41908
File: /src/Market.sol
174:    function sell(uint256 _id, uint256 _amount) external {
175:        (uint256 price, uint256 fee) = getSellPrice(_id, _amount);
176:        // Split the fee among holder, creator and platform
177:        _splitFees(_id, fee, shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation);

179:        uint256 rewardsSinceLastClaim = _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(_id);
180:        rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;

182:        shareData[_id].tokenCount -= _amount;
183:        shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation -= _amount;
184:        tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender] -= _amount; // Would underflow if user did not have enough tokens

To get the rewardsSinceLastClaim we call an internal function _getRewardsSinceLastClaim() which has the following implementation:

    function _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(uint256 _id) internal view returns (uint256 amount) {
        uint256 lastClaimedValue = rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender];
        amount =
            ((shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled - lastClaimedValue) * tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender]) /

The internal function reads shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled and tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender] which are state variables and are also being read in the main function. We can avoid making this state read twice by inlining the internal function and caching one call:

diff --git a/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol b/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol
index 59c5c96..a73f406 100644
--- a/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol
+++ b/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol
@@ -176,12 +176,17 @@ contract Market is ERC1155, Ownable2Step {
         // Split the fee among holder, creator and platform
         _splitFees(_id, fee, shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation);
         // The user also gets the rewards of his own sale (which is not the case for buys)
-        uint256 rewardsSinceLastClaim = _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(_id);
-        rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;
+        uint256 lastClaimedValue = rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender];
+        uint256 _tokensByAddress = tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender];
+        uint256 _shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;
+        uint256 rewardsSinceLastClaim = ((_shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled - lastClaimedValue) * _tokensByAddress) / 1e18;
+        rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = _shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;

         shareData[_id].tokenCount -= _amount;
         shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation -= _amount;
-        tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender] -= _amount; // Would underflow if user did not have enough tokens
+        tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender] = _tokensByAddress - _amount; // Would underflow if user did not have enough tokens

         // Send the funds to the user
         SafeERC20.safeTransfer(token, msg.sender, rewardsSinceLastClaim + price - fee);

[03] We can optimize the function mintNFT(): Saves 215 Gas from tests included

Min Average Median Max
Before 68280 68280 68280 68280
After 68065 68065 68065 68065
File: /src/Market.sol
203:    function mintNFT(uint256 _id, uint256 _amount) external {
204:        uint256 fee = getNFTMintingPrice(_id, _amount);

206:        SafeERC20.safeTransferFrom(token, msg.sender, address(this), fee);
207:        _splitFees(_id, fee, shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation);
208:        // The user also gets the proportional rewards for the minting
209:        uint256 rewardsSinceLastClaim = _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(_id);
210:        rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;
211:        tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender] -= _amount;
212:        shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation -= _amount;

To get the rewardsSinceLastClaim we call an internal function _getRewardsSinceLastClaim() which has the following implementation:

    function _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(uint256 _id) internal view returns (uint256 amount) {
        uint256 lastClaimedValue = rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender];
        amount =
            ((shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled - lastClaimedValue) * tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender]) /

The internal function reads shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled and tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender]) which are state variables which are also being read in the main function. We can avoid making this state reads twice by inlining the internal function and caching one call:

diff --git a/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol b/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol
index 59c5c96..fc85039 100644
--- a/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol
+++ b/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol
@@ -206,9 +206,14 @@ contract Market is ERC1155, Ownable2Step {
         SafeERC20.safeTransferFrom(token, msg.sender, address(this), fee);
         _splitFees(_id, fee, shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation);
         // The user also gets the proportional rewards for the minting
-        uint256 rewardsSinceLastClaim = _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(_id);
-        rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;
-        tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender] -= _amount;
+        uint256 lastClaimedValue = rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender];
+        uint256 _tokensByAddress = tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender];
+        uint256 _shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;
+        uint256 rewardsSinceLastClaim =((_shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled - lastClaimedValue) * _tokensByAddress) /1e18;
+        rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = _shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;
+        tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender] = _tokensByAddress - _amount;
         shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation -= _amount;

         _mint(msg.sender, _id, _amount, "");

[04] We can optimize the function burnNFT(): Saves 230 Gas from tests included

Min Average Median Max
Before 49135 49135 49135 49135
After 48905 48905 48905 48905
File: /src/Market.sol
226:    function burnNFT(uint256 _id, uint256 _amount) external {
227:        uint256 fee = getNFTMintingPrice(_id, _amount);

229:        SafeERC20.safeTransferFrom(token, msg.sender, address(this), fee);
230:        _splitFees(_id, fee, shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation);

232:        uint256 rewardsSinceLastClaim = _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(_id);
233:        rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;
234:        tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender] += _amount;
235:        shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation += _amount;
236:        _burn(msg.sender, _id, _amount);

238:        SafeERC20.safeTransfer(token, msg.sender, rewardsSinceLastClaim);
239:        // ERC1155 already logs, but we add this to have the price information
240:        emit NFTsBurned(_id, msg.sender, _amount, fee);
241:    }

We can call the internal function _getRewardsSinceLastClaim() which has the following implementation:

    function _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(uint256 _id) internal view returns (uint256 amount) {
        uint256 lastClaimedValue = rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender];
        amount =
            ((shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled - lastClaimedValue) * tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender]) /

The internal function reads shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled, which is a state variable which is also being read in the main function. We also read tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender] in the main function as well as in the internal function:

diff --git a/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol b/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol
index 59c5c96..7f3c5e1 100644
--- a/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol
+++ b/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol
@@ -229,10 +229,18 @@ contract Market is ERC1155, Ownable2Step {
         SafeERC20.safeTransferFrom(token, msg.sender, address(this), fee);
         _splitFees(_id, fee, shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation);
         // The user does not get the proportional rewards for the burning (unless they have additional tokens that are not in the NFT)
-        uint256 rewardsSinceLastClaim = _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(_id);
-        rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;
-        tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender] += _amount;
-        shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation += _amount;
+        uint256 lastClaimedValue = rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender];
+        uint256 _tokensByAddress = tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender];
+        uint256 _shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;
+        uint256 rewardsSinceLastClaim =
+            ((_shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled - lastClaimedValue) * _tokensByAddress) /
+            1e18;
+        rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = _shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;
+        tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender] = _tokensByAddress + _amount;
+        shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation +=  _amount;
         _burn(msg.sender, _id, _amount);

         SafeERC20.safeTransfer(token, msg.sender, rewardsSinceLastClaim);

[05] We can optimize the function claimHolderFee()

This is not covered by tests, so no gas benchmarks.

File: /src/Market.sol
263:    function claimHolderFee(uint256 _id) external {
264:        uint256 amount = _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(_id);
265:        rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;
266:        if (amount > 0) {
267:            SafeERC20.safeTransfer(token, msg.sender, amount);
268:        }
269:        emit HolderFeeClaimed(msg.sender, _id, amount);
270:    }

To get the amount we call an internal function _getRewardsSinceLastClaim() which has the following implementation:

    function _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(uint256 _id) internal view returns (uint256 amount) {
        uint256 lastClaimedValue = rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender];
        amount =
            ((shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled - lastClaimedValue) * tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender]) /

The internal function reads shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled, which is a state variable which is also being read in the main function. We can avoid making this state read twice by inlining the internal function and caching one call:

     function claimHolderFee(uint256 _id) external {
-        uint256 amount = _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(_id);
-        rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;
+        uint256 lastClaimedValue = rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender];
+        uint256 _shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;
+        uint256 amount = ((_shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled - lastClaimedValue) * tokensByAddress[_id][msg.sender]) /1e18;
+        rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = _shareHolderRewardsPerTokenS
         if (amount > 0) {
             SafeERC20.safeTransfer(token, msg.sender, amount);

OpenCoreCH (Canto) confirmed

0xTheC0der (judge) commented:

Chosen for report due to extensive and well-presented optimization on a per-method level, while providing valuable before/after comparisons.

Audit Analysis

For this audit, 17 analysis reports were submitted by wardens. An analysis report examines the codebase as a whole, providing observations and advice on such topics as architecture, mechanism, or approach. The report highlighted below by 0xSmartContract received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: MrPotatoMagic, Bauchibred, clara, aariiif, hunter_w3b, Sathish9098, 0xepley, Kose, unique, K42, emerald7017, cats, fouzantanveer, 0xbrett8571, invitedtea, and Myd.

Analysis - Canto Protocol


Title Details
The approach I followed when reviewing the code Stages in my code review and analysis.
Analysis of the code base What is unique? How are the existing patterns used? “Solidity-metrics” were used.
Test analysis Test scope of the project and quality of tests.
Security Approach of the Project Audit approach of the Project.
Other Audit Reports and Automated Findings What are the previous Audit reports and their analysis.
Packages and Dependencies Analysis Details about the project Packages.
Gas Optimization Gas usage approach of the project and alternative solutions to it.
Other recommendations What is unique? How are the existing patterns used?
New insights and learning from this audit Things learned from the project.

The approach I followed when reviewing the code

First, by examining the scope of the code, I determined my code review and analysis strategy. Accordingly, I analyzed and audited the subject in the following steps:

Stage Details Information
Compile and Run Test Installation Test and installation structure is simple, cleanly designed.
Architecture Review Canto Provides a basic architectural teaching for General Architecture.
Graphical Analysis Graphical Analysis with Solidity-metrics A visual view has been made to dominate the general structure of the codes of the project.
Slither Analysis Slither Report The project does not currently have a slither result, a slither control was created from scratch.
Test Suits Tests In this section, the scope and content of the tests of the project are analyzed.
Manual Code Review Scope N/A
Infographic Figma I made Visual drawings to understand the hard-to-understand mechanisms.

Analysis of the code base

The most important summary in analyzing the code base is the stacking of codes to be analyzed.

In this way, many predictions can be made; including the difficulty levels of the contracts, which one is more important for the auditor, the features they contain that are important for security (payable functions, uses assembly, etc.), the audit cost of the project, and the time to be allocated to the audit.

Uses Consensys Solidity Metrics:

  • Lines: total lines of the source unit.
  • nLines: normalized lines of the source unit (e.g. normalizes functions spanning multiple lines).
  • nSLOC: normalized source lines of code (only source-code lines; no comments, no blank lines).
  • Comment Lines: lines containing single or block comments.
  • Complexity Score: a custom complexity score derived from code statements that are known to introduce code complexity (branches, loops, calls, external interfaces, …).

For the image provided, please refer to the original submission.


  • Function createNewShare() - Creates a new share.
  • Function buy() - Buy amount of tokens for a given share ID.
  • Function sell() - Sell amount of tokens for a given share ID.
  • Function mint() / function burn()

For images provided, please refer to the original submission.

Test analysis

What did the project do differently? It can be said that the developers of the project did a quality job, there is a test structure consisting of tests with quality content. Especially the test coverage of Market.sol is very successful.

Market.sol smart contract test file:

  1. Bonding Curve Operations:

    • testChangeBondingCurveAllowed: This test checks if a bonding curve can be whitelisted or removed correctly. It verifies the correct listing and delisting using assertTrue and assertFalse.
    • testFailChangeBondingCurveAllowedNonOwner: This test confirms that only the contract owner can change the bonding curve. A non-owner account is used with vm.prank, and the expected revert is checked.
    • testFailCreateNewShareWhenBondingCurveNotWhitelisted: It verifies that a new share cannot be created when a bonding curve is not whitelisted.
  2. Share Creation and Pricing:

    • testCreateNewShare: Tests whether a new share can be created with a whitelisted bonding curve.
    • testGetBuyPrice: Checks if the buy price and fee for the created share are calculated correctly.
  3. Buying and Selling Operations:

    • testBuy: Tests the purchase of a share and verifies the related processes (token approval, balance updates).
    • testSell: Tests the sale of a purchased share and its related transactions.
  4. NFT Minting and Burning:

    • testMint: Tests the minting of an NFT and subsequent balance updates.
    • testBurn: Verifies the burning of the minted NFT and associated balance updates.
  5. Fee Claims:

    • claimCreatorFeeNonCreator: Tests the rejection of a fee claim attempt by a non-creator account.
    • claimCreator: Confirms that the creator can claim their deserved fee.
    • claimPlatform: Tests the accurate calculation and claiming of platform fees.

Security Approach of the Project

Successful current security understanding of the project

First they managed the 1st audit process with Code4rena. In addition, the Canto platform has had continuous audits at every stage by an auditing company such as Code4rena, which shows how much importance they attach to auditing.

What the project should add in the understanding of Security?

  1. By distributing the project to testnets, this ensures that the audits are carried out in onchain audit (this will increase coverage).
  2. After the project is published on the mainnet, there should be emergency action plans (not found in the documents).
  3. Add On-Chain Monitoring System; If On-Chain Monitoring systems, such as Forta, are added to the project, security will increase.

    For example, this bot tracks any DEFI transactions in which wrapping, unwrapping, swapping, depositing, or withdrawals occur over a threshold amount. If transactions occur with unusually high token amounts, the bot sends out an alert.

  4. After the Code4rena audit is completed and the project is live, I recommend the audit process to continue.

Packages and Dependencies Analysis

Package Version Usage in the project Audit Recommendation
openzeppelin npm v5.0.1 Ownable2Step.sol, SafeERC20.sol, ERC1155.sol Version 4.9.0 is used by the project. It is recommended to use the newest version 5.0.0

Other recommendations

  1. The use of assembly in project codes is very low. I especially recommend using such useful and gas-optimized code patterns.
  2. It is seen that the latest versions of imported important libraries, such as Openzeppelin, are not used in the project codes, it should be noted. See here.
  3. A good model can be used to systematically assess the risk of the project, for example this modeling is recommended.

New insights and learning from this audit

  1. Overview of Application Specific Dollar (asD): asD is an innovative protocol allowing anyone to create stablecoins pegged to 1 NOTE. The unique aspect is that all yield generated goes to the creator of the stablecoin. This feature distinguishes asD from other stablecoin protocols, offering a novel way for creators to benefit from their creations.
  2. asDFactory: The asDFactory is a specialized tool for creating new asD tokens. It uniquely allows the creation of tokens with non-unique names and symbols, broadening accessibility. The isAsD mapping is a critical feature for integrating contracts to recognize legitimate asD tokens. This inclusivity in token creation and verification is a distinct learning point.
  3. Minting and Burning in asD: Minting in asD requires an equivalent amount of NOTE, which is then deposited into the Canto Lending Market (CLM). This process of converting to cNOTE is a crucial learning aspect. Burning asD tokens allows users to retrieve the corresponding NOTE, providing a clear 1:1 exchange mechanism. The withdrawal of accrued interest by the creator without affecting the exchange rate presents a unique financial model.
  4. 1155tech Protocol: 1155tech introduces a flexible system for creating shares with various bonding curves, currently supporting a linear model. The division of sale fees among creators, platform, and holders introduces a balanced economic model. The ability to mint and burn ERC1155 tokens for a fee based on current prices adds a layer of complexity and opportunity for users, distinguishing it from other token models.
  5. Creating, Buying, Selling, and Claiming in 1155tech: Share creation in 1155tech can be either permissionless or restricted, offering a versatile approach to share management. The automatic claiming of token holder rewards during buy/sell actions ensures fair distribution and incentivization. The selling process includes fee deduction, highlighting the need for sustainable fee structures. The specific functions for claiming various fees (platform, holder, creator) demonstrate a detailed and equitable fee distribution system.

Time spent

14 hours

OpenCoreCH (Canto) acknowledged

0xTheC0der (judge) commented:

Selected for report due to graphs showing the underlying calls of the protocol’s main entry points.


C4 is an open organization governed by participants in the community.

C4 Audits incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Audit submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.