Gentlefrens, start your engines.

Coordinating AI and human efforts to provide the most comprehensive vulnerability reports for web3 projects.

Vector illustration of a series of playful robots racing
Keep your eye on our RSVP channel in Discord (warden registration required) for date/time details.

What's a Bot Race?

Icon of a round, floating robotBot Races make AI and automated tools the first phase of the competitive audit.

Icon of a wolf-like robot head printing a report out of its mouthBot Crews compete to see whose bot can create the highest quality and most thorough audit report.

Icon of two stacks of coins that are shiningUp to 10% of each contest pool will be dedicated to Bot Race prizes.

How do Bot Races work?

Stage 1
Qualifier Race

  • Bot Crews race to have their bots deliver the highest quality and most thorough report based on a repo provided at start time.
  • Qualifier Races are open for one hour.
  • Judges choose the Top 20 Bots for upcoming competitions.

Stage 2
Bot Race

  • The first hour of each audit competition will be dedicated to a Bot Race.
  • Bot Race submissions will be assessed by Lookouts, and graded A/B/C similarly to other reports based on report quality, validity, and thoroughness.
  • The best Bot Race report will receive a 30% share bonus.
  • The top report will be shared in the competition's channel and will be considered the official source for known issue submissions.
An illustration of a small, cute robot that has wolf-like features like a snout and ears.

Is your Crew ready to race your bot?

Be sure to give it a winning name!

Bot Registration is closed

The Bot Race qualifier window is currently closed.
Keep your eye on our RSVP channel in Discord (warden registration required) for date/time details.