Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Moonwell smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between July 24—July 31 2023.


78 Wardens contributed reports to the Moonwell:

  1. immeas
  2. T1MOH
  3. kankodu
  4. Udsen
  5. 0xWaitress
  6. said
  7. ravikiranweb3
  8. volodya
  9. cryptonue
  10. catellatech
  11. hals
  12. mert_eren
  13. nadin
  14. kutugu
  15. Nyx
  16. berlin-101
  17. Sathish9098
  18. Aymen0909
  19. kodyvim
  20. ast3ros
  21. jaraxxus
  22. sces60107
  23. markus_ether
  24. 0xComfyCat
  26. 0xkazim
  27. Jigsaw
  28. Vagner
  29. bin2chen
  30. MohammedRizwan
  31. niki
  32. Kaysoft
  33. solsaver
  35. Auditwolf
  36. Hama
  37. okolicodes
  38. R-Nemes
  39. dacian
  40. Tendency
  41. 0x70C9
  42. RED-LOTUS-REACH (BlockChomper, DedOhWale, SaharDevep, reentrant, and escrow)
  43. 0xSmartContract
  44. K42
  45. 0xAnah
  46. ChrisTina
  47. JP_Courses
  48. josephdara
  49. twcctop
  50. LosPollosHermanos (jc1 and scaraven)
  51. Arz
  52. Jorgect
  53. 33audits
  54. cats
  55. Rolezn
  56. Stormreckson
  57. fatherOfBlocks
  58. souilos
  59. 0xl51
  60. Topmark
  61. naman1778
  62. wahedtalash77
  63. jamshed
  64. petrichor
  65. 0xackermann
  66. 0xArcturus
  67. lanrebayode77
  68. 2997ms
  69. John_Femi
  70. banpaleo5
  71. albertwh1te
  72. codetilda
  73. eeshenggoh

This audit was judged by alcueca.

Final report assembled by PaperParachute.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 17 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 0 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 17 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 56 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Moonwell repository, and is composed of 15 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 3,569 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

Medium Risk Findings (17)

[M-01] Borrowers can avoid liquidations, if ERC777 token is configured as an emissionToken

Submitted by Udsen

If a borrower is undercollateralized then he can be liquidated by a liquidator by calling the MErc20.liquidateBorrow function. liquidateBorrow function calls the MToken.liquidateBorrowFresh in its execution process. Inside the liquidateBorrowFresh function the MToken.repayBorrowFresh is called which verifies whether repayment of borrowed amount is allowed by calling the Comptroller.repayBorrowAllowed function. The repayBorrowAllowed function updates the borrower eligible rewards by calling the MultiRewardDistributor.updateMarketBorrowIndexAndDisburseBorrowerRewards.

The MultiRewardDistributor.updateMarketBorrowIndexAndDisburseBorrowerRewards function calls the disburseBorrowerRewardsInternal to ditribute the multi rewards to the borrower. The disburseBorrowerRewardsInternal calls the sendReward function if the _sendTokens flag is set to true.

sendReward function is called for each emissionConfig.config.emissionToken token of the MarketEmissionConfig[] array of the given _mToken market.

sendReward function transafers the rewards to the borrower using the safeTransfer function as shown below:

        token.safeTransfer(_user, _amount);

Problem here is that emissionToken can be ERC777 token (which is backward compatible with ERC20) thus allowing a malicious borrower (the recipient contract of rewards in this case) to implement tokensReceived hook in its contract and revert the transaction inside the hook. This will revert the entire liquidation transaction. Hence the undercollateralized borrower can avoid the liquidation thus putting both depositors and protocol in danger.

Proof of Concept

    function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint repayAmount, MTokenInterface mTokenCollateral) override external returns (uint) {
        (uint err,) = liquidateBorrowInternal(borrower, repayAmount, mTokenCollateral);
        return err;

        (uint repayBorrowError, uint actualRepayAmount) = repayBorrowFresh(liquidator, borrower, repayAmount);

        if (_amount > 0 && _amount <= currentTokenHoldings) {
            // Ensure we use SafeERC20 to revert even if the reward token isn't ERC20 compliant
            token.safeTransfer(_user, _amount);
            return 0;
        } else {

Tools Used


Hence it is recommended to disallow any ERC777 tokens being configured as emissionToken in any MToken market and only allow ERC20 tokens as emissionTokens.

sorrynotsorry (Lookout) commented:

This logic is a bit off as the malicious user will not be having the ERC777 MToken rewards anyway, so the value extracted from this scenario doesn’t match.

Only allow ERC20 tokens as emissionTokens

Above mitigation recommendation is also matching the start of the submission. Erc777’s are Erc20 tokens as well.

alcueca (Judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented: The finding shows that rewards are distributed as part of a liquidation.

If an ERC777 token is set as an emissionsToken, which has transfer hooks, a malicious borrower can revert on receiving rewards, and avoid liquidation. Avoiding liquidation in certain situations accrues bad debt for the protocol, or can be compounded with other vulnerabilities. This would be a valid Medium.

@ElliotFriedman, do you have in your documentation anything mentioning that ERC777 tokens should not be used as emission tokens?

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) confirmed and commented:

This is a valid finding.

[M-02] Missing check for the max/min price in the chainlinkOracle.sol contract

Submitted by 0xkazim, also found by BRONZEDISC, markus_ether, Auditwolf, Hama, okolicodes, R-Nemes, kodyvim, nadin, MohammedRizwan, dacian, and niki

The chainlinkOracle.sol contract specially the getChainlinkPrice function using the aggregator v2 and v3 to get/call the latestRoundData. the function should check for the min and max amount return to prevent some case happen, something like this:

If a case like LUNA happens then the oracle will return the minimum price and not the crashed price.

Proof of Concept

The function getChainlinkPrice:

function getChainlinkPrice(
        AggregatorV3Interface feed
    ) internal view returns (uint256) {
        (, int256 answer, , uint256 updatedAt, ) = AggregatorV3Interface(feed)
        require(answer > 0, "Chainlink price cannot be lower than 0");
        require(updatedAt != 0, "Round is in incompleted state");

        // Chainlink USD-denominated feeds store answers at 8 decimals
        uint256 decimalDelta = uint256(18).sub(feed.decimals());
        // Ensure that we don't multiply the result by 0
        if (decimalDelta > 0) {
            return uint256(answer).mul(10 ** decimalDelta);
        } else {
            return uint256(answer);

The function did not check for the min and max price.

Some check like this can be added to avoid returning of the min price or the max price in case of the price crashes.

          require(answer < _maxPrice, "Upper price bound breached");
          require(answer > _minPrice, "Lower price bound breached");

sorrynotsorry (Lookout) commented:

The implementation does not set a min/max value by design. Also Chainlink does not return min/max price as per the AggregatorV3 docs HERE contrary to the reported below;

ChainlinkAggregators have minPrice and maxPrice circuit breakers built into them.

Further proof required as per the context.

alcueca (Judge) commented:

The warden is actually right. It is a bit difficult to find, but the minAnswer and maxAnswer can be retrieved from the Chainlink Aggregator, one step through the proxy. A circuit breaker should be implemented on the Moonwell oracle so that when the price edges close to minAnswer or maxAnswer it starts reverting, to avoid consuming stale prices when Chainlink freezes.

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) acknowledged

[M-03] excuteProposal can fail due to Wormhole guardian change

Submitted by immeas

Wormhole governance can change signing guardian sets. If this happens between a proposal is queued and a proposal is executed. The second verification in _executeProposal will fail as the guardian set has changed between queuing and executing.

This would cause a proposal to fail to execute after the proposalDelay has passed. Causing a lengthy re-sending of the message from Timelock on source chain, then proposalDelay again.

Proof of Concept

To execute a proposal on TemporalGovernor it first needs to be queued. When queued it is checked that the message is valid against the Wormhole bridge contract:

File: Governance/TemporalGovernor.sol

295:    function _queueProposal(bytes memory VAA) private {
296:        /// Checks
298:        // This call accepts single VAAs and headless VAAs
299:        (
300:            IWormhole.VM memory vm,
301:            bool valid,
302:            string memory reason
303:        ) = wormholeBridge.parseAndVerifyVM(VAA);
305:        // Ensure VAA parsing verification succeeded.
306:        require(valid, reason);

After some more checks are done the message is queued by its wormhole hash.

Then, after proposalDelay, anyone can call executeProposal.

Before the proposal is executed though, a second check against the Wormhole bridge contract is done:

File: Governance/TemporalGovernor.sol

344:    function _executeProposal(bytes memory VAA, bool overrideDelay) private {
345:        // This call accepts single VAAs and headless VAAs
346:        (
347:            IWormhole.VM memory vm,
348:            bool valid,
349:            string memory reason
350:        ) = wormholeBridge.parseAndVerifyVM(VAA);

The issue is that the second time the verification might fail.

During the wormhole contract check for validity there is a check that the correct guardian set has signed the message:

79:        /// @dev Checks if VM guardian set index matches the current index (unless the current set is expired).
80:        if(vm.guardianSetIndex != getCurrentGuardianSetIndex() && guardianSet.expirationTime < block.timestamp){
81:            return (false, "guardian set has expired");
82:        }

But(!), Wormhole governance can change the signers:

 76:    /**
 77:     * @dev Deploys a new `guardianSet` via Governance VAA/VM
 78:     */
 79:    function submitNewGuardianSet(bytes memory _vm) public {
            // ... parsing and verification

104:        // Trigger a time-based expiry of current guardianSet
105:        expireGuardianSet(getCurrentGuardianSetIndex());
107:        // Add the new guardianSet to guardianSets
108:        storeGuardianSet(upgrade.newGuardianSet, upgrade.newGuardianSetIndex);
110:        // Makes the new guardianSet effective
111:        updateGuardianSetIndex(upgrade.newGuardianSetIndex);
112:    }

Were this to happen between queueProposal and executeProposal the proposal would fail to execute.

Consider only check the VAAs validity against Wormhole in _executeProposal when it is fasttracked (overrideDelay==true).

However then anyone can just just take the hash from the proposal VAA and submit whatever commands. One idea to prevent this is to instead of storing the VAA vm.hash, use the hash of the complete VAA as key in queuedTransactions. Thus, the content cannot be altered.

Or, the whole VAA can be stored alongside the timestamp and the executeProposal call can be made with just the hash.

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) confirmed and commented:

Good finding and this is expected behavior as wormhole guardians may change if signers are ever compromised.

[M-04] Malicious emissionToken could poison rewards for a market

Submitted by immeas, also found by mert_eren

When distributing rewards for a market, each emissionConfig is looped over and sent rewards for. disburseBorrowerRewardsInternal as an example, the same holds true for disburseSupplierRewardsInternal:

File: MultiRewardDistributor/MultiRewardDistributor.sol

1147:    function disburseBorrowerRewardsInternal(
1148:        MToken _mToken,
1149:        address _borrower,
1150:        bool _sendTokens
1151:    ) internal {
1152:        MarketEmissionConfig[] storage configs = marketConfigs[
1153:            address(_mToken)
1154:        ];

             // ... mToken balance and borrow index

1162:        // Iterate over all market configs and update their indexes + timestamps
1163:        for (uint256 index = 0; index < configs.length; index++) {
1164:            MarketEmissionConfig storage emissionConfig = configs[index];

                 // ... index updates

1192:            if (_sendTokens) {
1193:                // Emit rewards for this token/pair
1194:                uint256 pendingRewards = sendReward( // <-- will trigger transfer on `emissionToken`
1195:                    payable(_borrower),
1196:                    emissionConfig.borrowerRewardsAccrued[_borrower],
1197:                    emissionConfig.config.emissionToken
1198:                );
1200:                emissionConfig.borrowerRewardsAccrued[
1201:                    _borrower
1202:                ] = pendingRewards;
1203:            }
1204:        }
1205:    }


1214:    function sendReward(
1215:        address payable _user,
1216:        uint256 _amount,
1217:        address _rewardToken
1218:    ) internal nonReentrant returns (uint256) {

             // ... short circuits breakers

1232:        uint256 currentTokenHoldings = token.balanceOf(address(this));
1234:        // Only transfer out if we have enough of a balance to cover it (otherwise just accrue without sending)
1235:        if (_amount > 0 && _amount <= currentTokenHoldings) {
1236:            // Ensure we use SafeERC20 to revert even if the reward token isn't ERC20 compliant
1237:            token.safeTransfer(_user, _amount); // <-- if this reverts all emissions fail
1238:            return 0;
1239:        } else {
                 // .. default return _amount
1245:            return _amount;
1246:        }
1247:    }

If one transfer reverts the whole transaction fails and no rewards will be paid out for this user. Hence if there is a malicious token that would revert on transfer it would cause no rewards to paid out. As long as there is some rewards accrued for the malicious emissionConfig. The users with already unclaimed rewards for this emissionConfig would have their rewards permanently locked.

The admin (TemporalGovernor) of MultiRewardsDistributor could update the reward speed for the token to 0 but that would just prevent further damage from being done.

Upgradeable tokens aren’t unusual and hence the token might seem harmless to begin with but be upgraded to a malicious implementation that reverts on transfer.

Proof of Concept

Test in MultiRewardDistributor.t.sol, MultiRewardSupplySideDistributorUnitTest, most of the test is copied from testSupplierHappyPath with the addition of MaliciousToken:

contract MaliciousToken {
    function balanceOf(address) public pure returns(uint256) {
        return type(uint256).max;

    function transfer(address, uint256) public pure {
        revert("No transfer for you");
    function testAddMaliciousEmissionToken() public {
        uint256 startTime = 1678340000;

        MultiRewardDistributor distributor = createDistributorWithRoundValuesAndConfig(2e18, 0.5e18, 0.5e18);

        // malicious token added
        MaliciousToken token = new MaliciousToken();
            block.timestamp + 365 days


        emissionToken.allocateTo(address(distributor), 10000e18);

        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1);;
        assertEq(MTokenInterface(mToken).totalSupply(), 2e18);

        // Wait 12345 seconds after depositing
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 12345);

        // claim fails as the malicious token reverts on transfer
        vm.expectRevert("No transfer for you");

        // no rewards handed out
        assertEq(emissionToken.balanceOf(address(this)), 0);

Consider adding a way for admin to remove an emissionConfig.

Alternatively, the reward transfer could be wrapped in a try/catch and returning _amount in catch. Be mindful to only allow a certain amount of gas to the transfer then as otherwise the same attack works with consuming all gas available.

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) disputed and commented:

Emission creator (comptroller admin) and emission owners are trusted, it is assumed they will not add any poison reward tokens.

alcueca (Judge) commented:

@ElliotFriedman, I’m not sure yet if anyone else has reported this, but the emissions token doesn’t need to be even suspicious. USDC and USDT can blacklist users. If you use those tokens as emissions and any of your rewards holders get blacklisted, this issue will get triggered.

lyoungblood (Warden) commented:

Since tokens (EmissionConfig) cannot be added except by admin (the DAO), I still dispute the validity of the finding, or at least the severity. We have to be reasonable in our assumptions and the assumption that the admin will add a malicious/censorable token can’t really be a precursor to a valid finding. The admin can directly remove funds from the contract with removeReserves, but we wouldn’t consider a finding like that valid.

alcueca (Judge) commented:

@lyoungblood, USDC and USDT are both censorable, and it sounds pretty reasonable that would be used as emission tokens.

[M-05] Only guardian can change guardian

Submitted by immeas

guardian is mentioned as an area of concern in the docs:

Specific areas of concern include:

  • TemporalGovernor which is the cross chain governance contract. Specific areas of concern include delays, the pause guardian, …

guardian is a roll that has the ability to pause and unpause TemporalGovernor. In code, it uses the owner from OpenZeppelin Ownable as guardian. The issue is that Ownable::transferOwnership is not overridden. Only guardian (owner) can transfer the role.

This can be a conflict of interest if there is a falling out between governance and the guardian. If the guardian doesn’t want to abstain, governance only option would be to call revokeGuardian which sets owner to address(0). This permanently removes the ability to pause the contract which can be undesirable.

Proof of Concept

Simple test in TemporalGovernorExec.t.sol:

    function testGovernanceCannotTransferGuardian() public {
        address[] memory targets = new address[](1);
        targets[0] = address(governor);
        uint256[] memory values = new uint256[](1);
        bytes[] memory payloads = new bytes[](1);
        payloads[0] = abi.encodeWithSelector(Ownable.transferOwnership.selector,address(newAdmin));

        bytes memory payload = abi.encode(address(governor), targets, values, payloads);
        mockCore.setStorage(true, trustedChainid, governor.addressToBytes(admin), "reeeeeee", payload);


        vm.warp(block.timestamp + proposalDelay);

        // governance cannot transfer guardian
        vm.expectRevert(abi.encodeWithSignature("Error(string)", "Ownable: caller is not the owner"));

Consider overriding transferOwnership and either limit it to only governance (msg.sender == address(this)) or both guardian and governance.

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) confirmed and commented:

This is an interesting finding. Only guardian can change guardian, however, guardian can only pause once and is limited in abilities to being able to fast track execution, and unpause. After a single malicious pause, the guardian would no longer be able to pause, and 30 days later, governance would reopen.

[M-06] TemporalGovernor can be bricked by guardian

Submitted by immeas, also found by markus_ether, 0xkazim, kutugu, T1MOH, bin2chen, berlin-101 (1, 2), and ABAIKUNANBAEV

When a guardian pauses TemporalGovernor they lose the ability to pause again. This can then be reinstated by governance using grantGuardiansPause.

However grantGuardiansPause can be called when the contract is still paused. This would break the assertions in permissionlessUnpause and togglePause: assert(!guardianPauseAllowed).

Also, TemporalGovernor inherits from OpenZeppelin Ownable. There the owner has the ability to renounceOwnership.

This could cause TemporalGovernor to end up in a bad state, since revokeGuardian call that has special logic for revoking the guardian.

There is the ability to combine these two issues to brick the contract:

  1. guardian pauses the contract.
  2. governance sends an instruction for grantGuardiansPause which the guardian executes (while still paused). This step disables both permissionlessUnpause and togglePause. Though the contract is still rescuable through revokeGuardian.
  3. guardian calls renounceOwnership from Ownable. Which disables any possibility to execute commands on TemporalGovernor. Hence no more ability to call revokeGuardian.


The contract is bricked. Since permissionlessUnpause can’t be called due to the assert(!guardianPauseAllowed). No cross chain calls an be processed because executeProposal is whenNotPaused and there is no guardian to execute fastTrackProposalExecution. Thus the TemporalGovernor will be stuck in paused state.

It is also possible for the guardian to hold the contract hostage before step 3 (renounceOwnership) as they are the only ones who can execute calls on it (through fastTrackProposalExecution).

This is scenario relies on governance sending a cross chain grantGuardiansPause while the contract is still paused and a malicious guardian which together are unlikely. Though the docs mention this as a concern:

Specific areas of concern include: …

  • TemporalGovernor which is the cross chain governance contract. Specific areas of concern include delays, the pause guardian, and putting the contract into a state where it cannot be updated.

Proof of Concept

Test in TemporalGovernorExec.t.sol:

    function testBrickTemporalGovernor() public {
        // 1. guardian pauses contract

        // 2. grantGuardianPause is called
        address[] memory targets = new address[](1);
        targets[0] = address(governor);
        uint256[] memory values = new uint256[](1);
        bytes[] memory payloads = new bytes[](1);
        payloads[0] = abi.encodeWithSelector(TemporalGovernor.grantGuardiansPause.selector);

        bytes memory payload = abi.encode(address(governor), targets, values, payloads);
        mockCore.setStorage(true, trustedChainid, governor.addressToBytes(admin), "reeeeeee", payload);


        // 3. guardian revokesOwnership

        // TemporalGovernor is bricked

        // contract is paused so no proposals can be sent
        vm.expectRevert("Pausable: paused");

        // guardian renounced so no fast track execution or togglePause

        // permissionlessUnpause impossible because of assert
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + permissionlessUnpauseTime + 1);

However unlikely this is to happen, there are some simple steps that can be taken to prevent if from being possible:

Consider adding whenNotPaused to grantGuardiansPause to prevent mistakes (or possible abuse). And also overriding the calls renounceOwnership and transferOwnership. transferOwnership should be a governance call (msg.sender == address(this)) to move the guardian to a new trusted account.

Perhaps also consider if the assert(!guardianPauseAllowed) is worth just for pleasing the SMT solver.

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) confirmed

[M-07] fastTrackProposalExecution doesn’t check intendedRecipient

Submitted by immeas, also found by 0xComfyCat, Vagner, markus_ether, kutugu, ast3ros, and volodya

Wormhole cross chain communication is multicasted to all their supported chains:

Please notice that there is no destination address or chain in these functions. VAAs simply attest that “this contract on this chain said this thing.” Therefore, VAAs are multicast by default and will be verified as authentic on any chain they are brought to.

The TermporalGovernor contract handles this by checking queueProposal that the intendedRecipient is itself:

File: core/Governance/TemporalGovernor.sol

320:        // Very important to check to make sure that the VAA we're processing is specifically designed
321:        // to be sent to this contract
322:        require(intendedRecipient == address(this), "TemporalGovernor: Incorrect destination");

There is also a fastTrackProposalExecution that the guardian can perform (owner is referred ot as guardian):

File: core/Governance/TemporalGovernor.sol

261:    /// @notice Allow the guardian to process a VAA when the
262:    /// Temporal Governor is paused this is only for use during
263:    /// periods of emergency when the governance on moonbeam is
264:    /// compromised and we need to stop additional proposals from going through.
265:    /// @param VAA The signed Verified Action Approval to process
266:    function fastTrackProposalExecution(bytes memory VAA) external onlyOwner {
267:        _executeProposal(VAA, true); /// override timestamp checks and execute
268:    }

This will bypass the queueProposal flow and execute commands immediately.

The issue here is that there is no check in _executeProposal that the intendedRecipient is this TemporalGovernor.


governor can execute any commands communicated across Wormhole as long as they are from a trusted source.

This requires that the targets line up between chains for a governor to abuse this. However only one target must line up as the .call made does not check for contract existence. Since “unaligned” addresses between chains will most likely not exist on other chains these calls will succeeed.

Proof of Concept

Test in TemporalGovernorExec.t.sol, all of the test is copied from testProposeFailsIncorrectDestination with just the change at the end where instead of calling queueProposal, fastTrackProposalExecution is called instead, which doesn’t revert, thus highligting the issue.

    function testFasttrackExecuteSucceedsIncorrectDestination() public {
        address[] memory targets = new address[](1);
        targets[0] = address(governor);

        uint256[] memory values = new uint256[](1);
        values[0] = 0;

            memory trustedSenders = new TemporalGovernor.TrustedSender[](1);

        trustedSenders[0] = ITemporalGovernor.TrustedSender({
            chainId: trustedChainid,
            addr: newAdmin

        bytes[] memory payloads = new bytes[](1);

        payloads[0] = abi.encodeWithSignature( /// if issues use encode with selector

        /// wrong intendedRecipient
        bytes memory payload = abi.encode(newAdmin, targets, values, payloads);


        // guardian can fast track execute calls intended for other contracts

Consider adding a check in _executeProposal for intendedRecipient same as is done in _queueProposal.

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) confirmed and commented:

This is a valid finding. However, in order for this to be exploitable, the proper governor would have to emit the proper calldata on another chain, with the exactly needed calldata formatting, and call publishMessage for this to be exploitable which is a 0% chance of happening.

[M-08] fastTrackProposalExecution should only be callable when TemporalGovernor is paused

Submitted by Aymen0909, also found by hals, sces60107, Jigsaw, and ABAIKUNANBAEV

The function fastTrackProposalExecution is supposed to be used by the TemporalGovernor owner during periods of emergency, when the contract is paused to fast track a certain proposal (queue and execute a proposal directly without delay or voting), with gaol of ensuring the protocol safety.

But the function fastTrackProposalExecution is missing the whenPaused modifier which means it can be called at any time to fast track any proposal and not just when the TemporalGovernor is paused.

I submit this issue as only Medium risk because only the TemporalGovernor owner can call the fastTrackProposalExecution function (and i suppose that the owner is trusted and will not execute malicious actions), but this issue still goes against the intent of the governance process in which the members of the DAO are supposed to propose, vote and execute the proposals in a permissionless and decentralized manner and where the owner should not be able to execute actions on the protocol without the agreement of the members (except for those emergency situation of course).

Proof of Concept

The issue is present in the fastTrackProposalExecution function below :

/// @notice Allow the guardian to process a VAA when the
/// Temporal Governor is paused this is only for use during
/// periods of emergency when the governance on moonbeam is
/// compromised and we need to stop additional proposals from going through.
/// @param VAA The signed Verified Action Approval to process
function fastTrackProposalExecution(bytes memory VAA) external onlyOwner {
    // @audit can be called when contract is not paused 
    _executeProposal(VAA, true); /// override timestamp checks and execute

As it can be seen the function does not contain the whenPaused modifier and thus it can be called at any moment by the owner to fast track a proposal.

We can also notice that the function comments do mention the fact that it should only be called when the Temporal Governor is paused.

I recommend to add the whenPaused modifier to the fastTrackProposalExecution function, in order to ensure that the governance process will always work as a real DAO and the owner only intervene in the emergency cases.

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) confirmed in a duplicate issue (245)

[M-09] Proposals which intend to send native tokens to target addresses can’t be executed

Submitted by hals, also found by immeas, 0xComfyCat, RED-LOTUS-REACH, Kaysoft, Tendency, Vagner, 0xl51, sces60107, kodyvim, 0x70C9, T1MOH, and bin2chen

  • In TemporalGovernor contract: any verified action approval (VAA)/proposal can be executed by anyone if it has been queued and passed the time delay.
  • But if the proposal is intended to send native tokens to the target address; it will revert since TemporalGovernor contract doesn’t have any balance, as there’s no receive() or payable functions to receive the funds that will be sent to the proposal’s target address.
  • So any proposal with a value (decoded from vm.payload) will not be executed since the{value:value}(data) will revert.

Proof of Concept

File: src/core/Governance/TemporalGovernor.sol
Line 237-239:
    function executeProposal(bytes memory VAA) public whenNotPaused {
        _executeProposal(VAA, false);

Line 400-402

File: src/core/Governance/TemporalGovernor.sol
Line 400-402:
        (bool success, bytes memory returnData) ={value: value}(
  • Foundry PoC:
  • This test is copied from testExecuteSucceeds test in TemporalGovernorExec.t.sol file,and modified to demonstrate the issue; where a proposal is set to send an EOA receiverAddress a value of 1 ether, but will revert due to lack of funds (follow the comments in the test):
 function testProposalWithValueExecutionFails() public {
        address receiverAddress = address(0x2);
        address[] memory targets = new address[](1);
        targets[0] = address(receiverAddress);

        uint256[] memory values = new uint256[](1);
        values[0] = 1 ether; // the proposal has a value of 1 eth to send it to the receiverAddress

        bytes[] memory payloads = new bytes[](1);

        payloads[0] = abi.encodeWithSignature("");

        /// to be unbundled by the temporal governor
        bytes memory payload = abi.encode(


        bytes32 hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(""));
        (bool executed, uint248 queueTime) = governor.queuedTransactions(hash);

        assertEq(queueTime, block.timestamp);
        //---executing the reposal
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + proposalDelay);

        //check that the balance of receiverAddress is zero before execution:
        assertEq(receiverAddress.balance, 0);

        // executeProposal function will revert due to lack of funds:
        assertFalse(executed); // the proposal wasn't executed
        assertEq(receiverAddress.balance, 0); // the receiverAddress hasn't received any funds because the proposal execution has reverted due to lack of funds
  1. Test result:
$ forge test --match-test testProposalWithValueExecutionFails -vvv
Running 1 test for test/unit/TemporalGovernor/TemporalGovernorExec.t.sol:TemporalGovernorExecutionUnitTest
[PASS] testProposalWithValueExecutionFails() (gas: 458086)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 2.05ms

Tools Used


Add receive() function to the TemporalGovernor contract; so that it can receive funds (native tokens) to be sent with proposals.

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) confirmed and commented:

Good finding!

[M-10] Initial deploy won’t succeed because of too high initialMintAmount for USDC market

Submitted by T1MOH, also found by immeas

At the time of deploy, deployer initializes token markets with initial amount to prevent exploit. At least USDC and WETH markets will be initialized during deploy. But initialMintAmount is hardcoded to 1e18 which is of for WETH (1,876 USD), but unrealistic for USDC (1,000,000,000,000 USD). Therefore deploy will fail.

Proof of Concept

Here initialMintAmount = 1 ether:

    /// @notice initial mToken mint amount
    uint256 public constant initialMintAmount = 1 ether;

Here this amount is approved to MToken contract and supplied to mint MToken:

            for (uint256 i = 0; i < cTokenConfigs.length; i++) {
                Configs.CTokenConfiguration memory config = cTokenConfigs[i];

                address cTokenAddress = addresses.getAddress(


                /// Approvals
                    "Approve underlying token to be spent by market"

                /// Initialize markets
                    abi.encodeWithSignature("mint(uint256)", initialMintAmount),
                    "Initialize token market to prevent exploit"


Specify initialMintAmount for every token separately in config

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) confirmed, but disagreed with severity and commented:

Valid issue, but we have already fixed this. Probably a low severity issue as this deploy script was only configured to work on local testnets where we control the ERC20 tokens.

alcueca (Judge) commented:

The issue is still valid as Medium with the code and knowledge available to the wardens.

[M-11] Incorrect address is set as Wormhole Bridge, which breaks deploy

Submitted by T1MOH

Wormhole Bridge will have incorrect address, which disables whole TemporalGovernance contract and therefore administration of Moonbeam. But during deployment markets are initialized with initial token amounts to prevent exploits, therefore TemporalGovernance must own this initial tokens. But because of incorrect bridge address TemporalGovernance can’t perform any action and these tokens are brick. Protocol needs redeployment and loses initial tokens.

Proof of Concept

To grab this report easily I divided it into 3 parts

  1. Why WORMHOLE_CORE set incorrectly

There is no config for Base Mainnet, however this comment states for used parameters:

    /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------///
    /// Chain Name	       Wormhole Chain ID   Network ID	Address                                      |///
    ///  Ethereum (Goerli)   	  2	                5	    0x706abc4E45D419950511e474C7B9Ed348A4a716c   |///
    ///  Ethereum (Sepolia)	  10002          11155111	    0x4a8bc80Ed5a4067f1CCf107057b8270E0cC11A78   |///
    ///  Base	                 30    	        84531	    0xA31aa3FDb7aF7Db93d18DDA4e19F811342EDF780   |///
    ///  Moonbeam	             16	             1284 	    0xC8e2b0cD52Cf01b0Ce87d389Daa3d414d4cE29f3   |///
    /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------///

Why to treat this comment? Other parameters are correct except Base Network ID. But Base Network ID has reflection in code, described in #114. 0xA31aa3FDb7aF7Db93d18DDA4e19F811342EDF780 is address of Wormhole Token Bridge on Base Testnet according to docs and this address has no code in Base Mainnet.

  1. Why governor can’t execute proposals with incorrect address of Wormhole Bridge

Proposal execution will revert here because address wormholeBridge doesn’t contain code:

    function _executeProposal(bytes memory VAA, bool overrideDelay) private {
        // This call accepts single VAAs and headless VAAs
            IWormhole.VM memory vm,
            bool valid,
            string memory reason
        ) = wormholeBridge.parseAndVerifyVM(VAA);
  1. Impact of inability to execute proposals in TemporalGovernor.sol

Here you can see that deployer should provide initial amounts of tokens to initialize markets:

    /// @notice the deployer should have both USDC, WETH and any other assets that will be started as
    /// listed to be able to deploy on base. This allows the deployer to be able to initialize the
    /// markets with a balance to avoid exploits
    function deploy(Addresses addresses, address) public {

And here governor approves underlying token to MToken and mints initial mTokens. It means that governor has tokens on balance.

    function build(Addresses addresses) public {
        /// Unitroller configuration
            "Temporal governor accepts admin on Unitroller"


        /// set mint unpaused for all of the deployed MTokens
        unchecked {
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < cTokenConfigs.length; i++) {
                Configs.CTokenConfiguration memory config = cTokenConfigs[i];

                address cTokenAddress = addresses.getAddress(

                    "Unpause MToken market"

                /// Approvals
                    "Approve underlying token to be spent by market"

                /// Initialize markets
                    abi.encodeWithSignature("mint(uint256)", initialMintAmount),
                    "Initialize token market to prevent exploit"



To conclude, there is no way to return the tokens from the TemporalGovernor intended for market initialization

Change WORMHOLE_CORE to 0xbebdb6C8ddC678FfA9f8748f85C815C556Dd8ac6 according to docs

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) disputed and commented:

This is correct on base goerli, however we have not added base mainnet contract yet as it has not been deployed.

This can’t be a high or even medium risk bug because this is an issue in our testnet deploy configuration.

alcueca (Judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Upon discussion with the sponsor about differences between this issue and #114, and actual impact of this issue, I’m instating Medium severity.

[M-12] Incorrect chainId of Base in deploy script will force redeployment

Submitted by T1MOH

Incorrect chainId of Base in deploy parameters results in incorrect deploy and subsequent redeployment.

Proof of Concept

Contract ChainIds.sol is responsible for mapping chainId -> wormholeChainId which is used in contract Addresses to associate contract name with its address on specific chain. Addresses is the main contract which keeps track of all dependency addresses and passed into main deploy() and here addresses accessed via block.chainId:

    function deploy(Addresses addresses, address) public {
            trustedSenders[0].chainId = chainIdToWormHoleId[block.chainid];
            memory cTokenConfigs = getCTokenConfigurations(block.chainid);

Here you can see that Network ID of Base set to 84531. But actual network id is 8453 from Base docs.

contract ChainIds {
    uint256 public constant baseChainId = 84531;
    uint16 public constant baseWormholeChainId = 30; /// TODO update when actual base chain id is known
    uint256 public constant baseGoerliChainId = 84531;
    uint16 public constant baseGoerliWormholeChainId = 30;

    constructor() {
        chainIdToWormHoleId[baseChainId] = moonBeamWormholeChainId; /// base deployment is owned by moonbeam governance

Change Base Network ID to 8453.

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) confirmed

[M-13] It’s not possible to liquidate deprecated market

Submitted by volodya, also found by Udsen

Currently in the code that is a function _setBorrowPaused that paused pause borrowing. In origin compound code borrowGuardianPaused is used to do liquidate markets that are bad. So now there is not way to get rid of bad markets.

    function liquidateBorrowAllowed(
        address mTokenBorrowed,
        address mTokenCollateral,
        address liquidator,
        address borrower,
        uint repayAmount) override external view returns (uint) {
        // Shh - currently unused

        if (!markets[mTokenBorrowed].isListed || !markets[mTokenCollateral].isListed) {
            return uint(Error.MARKET_NOT_LISTED);

        /* The borrower must have shortfall in order to be liquidatable */
        (Error err, , uint shortfall) = getAccountLiquidityInternal(borrower);
        if (err != Error.NO_ERROR) {
            return uint(err);
        if (shortfall == 0) {
            return uint(Error.INSUFFICIENT_SHORTFALL);

        /* The liquidator may not repay more than what is allowed by the closeFactor */
        uint borrowBalance = MToken(mTokenBorrowed).borrowBalanceStored(borrower);
        uint maxClose = mul_ScalarTruncate(Exp({mantissa: closeFactorMantissa}), borrowBalance);
        if (repayAmount > maxClose) {
            return uint(Error.TOO_MUCH_REPAY);

        return uint(Error.NO_ERROR);


Here is a list why liquidating deprecated markets can be necessary:

  1. Deprecated markets may pose security risks, especially if they are no longer actively monitored or maintained. By liquidating these markets, the platform reduces the potential for vulnerabilities and ensures that user funds are not exposed to unnecessary risks.
  2. Deprecated markets might require ongoing resources to maintain and support, including development efforts and infrastructure costs. By liquidating these markets, the platform can optimize resources and focus on more actively used markets and features.
  3. Older markets might be based on legacy smart contracts that lack the latest security enhancements and improvements. Liquidating these markets allows the platform to migrate users to more secure and up-to-date contracts.
  4. Deprecated markets may result in a fragmented user base, leading to reduced liquidity and trading activity. By consolidating users onto actively used markets, the platform can foster higher liquidity and better user engagement.

I think compound have a way to liquidate deprecated markets for a safety reason, so it needs to be restored.

    function liquidateBorrowAllowed(
        address mTokenBorrowed,
        address mTokenCollateral,
        address liquidator,
        address borrower,
        uint repayAmount) override external view returns (uint) {
        // Shh - currently unused
        /* allow accounts to be liquidated if the market is deprecated */
+        if (isDeprecated(CToken(cTokenBorrowed))) {
+            require(borrowBalance >= repayAmount, "Can not repay more than the total borrow");
+            return uint(Error.NO_ERROR);
+        }
        if (!markets[mTokenBorrowed].isListed || !markets[mTokenCollateral].isListed) {
            return uint(Error.MARKET_NOT_LISTED);

        /* The borrower must have shortfall in order to be liquidatable */
        (Error err, , uint shortfall) = getAccountLiquidityInternal(borrower);
        if (err != Error.NO_ERROR) {
            return uint(err);
        if (shortfall == 0) {
            return uint(Error.INSUFFICIENT_SHORTFALL);

        /* The liquidator may not repay more than what is allowed by the closeFactor */
        uint borrowBalance = MToken(mTokenBorrowed).borrowBalanceStored(borrower);
        uint maxClose = mul_ScalarTruncate(Exp({mantissa: closeFactorMantissa}), borrowBalance);
        if (repayAmount > maxClose) {
            return uint(Error.TOO_MUCH_REPAY);

        return uint(Error.NO_ERROR);
+    function isDeprecated(CToken cToken) public view returns (bool) {
+        return
+        markets[address(cToken)].collateralFactorMantissa == 0 &&
+        borrowGuardianPaused[address(cToken)] == true &&
+        cToken.reserveFactorMantissa() == 1e18
+        ;
+    } 

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) confirmed and commented:

This is a valid finding, nice find!

alcueca (Judge) commented:

Despite the lack of PoC, this finding states clearly why the feature should be restored.

[M-14] Borrower and Supplier rewards accrued could be lost when Admin replaces the reward distributor with a new reward distributor

Submitted by ravikiranweb3

Comptroller’s admin user can replace the rewards distributor contract with a new MultiRewardDistributor using _setRewardDistributor() function.

At that time, if the supplier and borrowers had accured rewards that are not distributed. The _setRewardDistributor() function replaces the old reward distributor with the new one without disbursing the borrower and supplier rewards accured.

The new logic of computation and distribution could be different in the newer version and hence before replacement, the accured rewards should be distributed using the existing logic.

The new accruals could take effect with nil accruals providing a clean slate.

Proof of Concept

The setRewardDistributor updates the mutiRewardDistributor contract with a new instance with out transferring the accured rewards to borrowers and lenders.

    function _setRewardDistributor(MultiRewardDistributor newRewardDistributor) public {
        require(msg.sender == admin, "Unauthorized");
        MultiRewardDistributor oldRewardDistributor = rewardDistributor;
        rewardDistributor = newRewardDistributor;
        emit NewRewardDistributor(oldRewardDistributor, newRewardDistributor);

The above set function should be added with a logic to look at all the markets and for each market, the borrower and supplier rewards should be disbursed before the new instance is updated. As long as there are accured rewards, the old instance should not be replaced.

Approach 1: Onchain approach

Step 1: Maintain a list of all accounts that participate in borrowing and supplying. getAllParticipants() returns a list of participants.

Step 2: Add an internal function disburseAllRewards() which can be called by adminOnly. This function looks for all partitipant accounts and for all markets, it claims rewards before updating the rewards distributor with a new instance.

 function disburseAllRewards() internal adminOnly {
        address[] memory holders = getAllParticipants();
        MToken[] memory mTokens = getAllMarkets();
        claimReward(holders, mTokens, true, true);

 // @audit use the existing claimReward function to disburse the rewards to accounts that had accruals.

Approach 2: Offchain approach

As the number of participants and markets grow, the onchain approach may result in DOS as the size of computations may not fit in a single block due to gas limit.

As an alternative, the claimReward() could be called from the outside for all the holders and markets in smaller chunks.

Use getOutstandingRewardsForUser() function to check if there are any un-disbursed rewards in the MultiRewarddistributor contract. Only if there are no un-disbursed rewards, then only allow the admin to replace the reward distributor contract with a new instance.

Taking these steps will prevent the potential case where borrowers and suppliers could loose accured rewards.

Key drive away with this approach is, unless all the accured are distributed and they is nothing to distribute, dont update the multi reward distributor contract.

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) confirmed, but disagreed with severity and commented:

This is valid, but disagree with severity since admin is trusted. Otherwise, if admin isn’t trusted, then they could rug all the funds in the contract using the _rescueFunds method.

alcueca (Judge) commented:

@ElliotFriedman - Note that the admin doesn’t need to be malicious. You could be a few months down the line, and receive a bug report that forces you to pause and replace the rewards distributor. It would be really uncomfortable to move the not claimed rewards to the new contract.

[M-15] accrueInterest is expected to revert when the rate is higher than the maximum allowed rate, which is possible since the utilization can be more than 1

Submitted by 0xWaitress, also found by 0xWaitress, ast3ros, catellatech (1, 2), Nyx (1, 2), kodyvim, and nadin (1, 2)

accrueInterest is expected to revert when the rate is higher than the maximum allowed rate, which is possible since the utilization can be more than 1

accrueInterest is an essential function to keep updated of the global mToken interest payment from the borrower to the depositor. The function is called anytime there is a deposit/liquidate/borrow/repay/withdraw.

The function is set to revert when the borrowRateMantissa is bigger than the borrowRateMaxMantissa.

require(borrowRateMantissa <= borrowRateMaxMantissa, "borrow rate is absurdly high");.

With proper configuration, this check should be fine since the real borrowRate should be calibrated to be within the maxRate. However, since the utilization could actually be bigger than 1 (when reserve is bigger than cash [issue-37] , the actual rate could be bigger than the expected unreachable max rate:

Base: 1%
multiplierPerTimestamp: 5% APR
jumpMultiplier: 50% APR
klink: 50%
We could reasonably assume the max APR is 1% + 5% * 0.5 + 50% * (1-0.5) = 28.5%

However when reserve is more than cash it would cause the utilization be bigger than 1, let’say utilization is 101%: such that the actual rate would be:

1% + 5% * 0.5 + 50% * (1.01 - 0.5) = 29%

This would cause the accurueInterest to revert.

Impact: all deposit/withdraw/borrow/repay function would fail and severe brick the operation of the protocol and lock user funds. Interest accrual cannot work which impact both borrower for timely exit as well as deposit to collect their interest.

    function accrueInterest() virtual override public returns (uint) {
        /* Remember the initial block timestamp */
        uint currentBlockTimestamp = getBlockTimestamp();
        uint accrualBlockTimestampPrior = accrualBlockTimestamp;

        /* Short-circuit accumulating 0 interest */
        if (accrualBlockTimestampPrior == currentBlockTimestamp) {
            return uint(Error.NO_ERROR);

        /* Read the previous values out of storage */
        uint cashPrior = getCashPrior();
        uint borrowsPrior = totalBorrows;
        uint reservesPrior = totalReserves;
        uint borrowIndexPrior = borrowIndex;

        /* Calculate the current borrow interest rate */
        uint borrowRateMantissa = interestRateModel.getBorrowRate(cashPrior, 
        borrowsPrior, reservesPrior);
        require(borrowRateMantissa <= borrowRateMaxMantissa, "borrow rate is 
        absurdly high");

Utilization can be above 100% when reserve is more than cash

Note: per judge request, this information from duplicate issue 37 has been appended to M-16 for the final report.

Utilization is calculated as borrow / (cash + borrow - reserve). and the utilization would determine the interest rate in this classic jump/klink model.


  1. both depositor and borrowers come in. Reserves accumulates as interest revenue paid by borrowers accrues.
  2. depositor withdraws. The protocol has only borrowers and the reserve.

When reserves becomes more than cash, the formula for utilizationRate would give a utilization rate above 1. This is different from the code comment which said to @return The utilization rate as a mantissa between [0, 1e18]

     * @return The utilization rate as a mantissa between [0, 1e18]
    function utilizationRate(uint cash, uint borrows, uint reserves) public pure returns (uint) {
        // Utilization rate is 0 when there are no borrows
        if (borrows == 0) {
            return 0;

        return borrows.mul(1e18).div(cash.add(borrows).sub(reserves));

  • Consider to cap the real-time borrowRate as the borrowRateMaxMantissa instead of reverting.
  • Consider put a cap of 1e18 to the final output.

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) disputed and commented:

Reserves can be pulled back to admin address by admin, so this is a non issue.

[M-16] A single emissionCap is not suitable for different tokens reward if they have different underlying decimals

Submitted by 0xWaitress

At MultiRewardDistributor, different rewards token can be set up for each mToken, which is the assetToken or debtToken of the lending protocol. When a reward token is set up, it’s emission speed cannot be bigger than the emissionCap (100 * 1e18 as suggested in the code comment). However since multiple reward tokens may be set up, and they may have different decimal places, for example USDT has a decimal of 6 and GUSD even has a decimal of 2 they are virtually not bounded by such emissionCap.

On the contract, tokens with more than 18 decimal would not be practically emitted. This one-size-fit-all emissionCap might create obstacles for the protocol to effectively manage each rewardTokens.

    /// @notice The emission cap dictates an upper limit for reward speed emission speed configs
    /// @dev By default, is set to 100 1e18 token emissions / sec to avoid unbounded
    ///  computation/multiplication overflows
    uint256 public emissionCap;
    function _updateBorrowSpeed(
        MToken _mToken,
        address _emissionToken,
        uint256 _newBorrowSpeed
    ) external onlyEmissionConfigOwnerOrAdmin(_mToken, _emissionToken) {
            storage emissionConfig = fetchConfigByEmissionToken(

        uint256 currentBorrowSpeed = emissionConfig

            _newBorrowSpeed != currentBorrowSpeed,
            "Can't set new borrow emissions to be equal to current!"
            _newBorrowSpeed < emissionCap,
            "Cannot set a borrow reward speed higher than the emission cap!"

Consider creating emissionCap for each rewardTokens so they can be adapted based on their own decimals.

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) confirmed, but disagreed with severity and commented:

This is a known issue, the amount of tokens created is bounded 100e18 per second. then, reward speeds will be integration tested to ensure they are properly configured.

alcueca (Judge) commented:

@ElliotFriedman, I’m not sure if you understood the finding. How would you set up the emissions cap if emissions are in USDT (6 decimals) and WETH (18 decimals).

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) commented:

Valid issue, just a question of is it medium severity. I’ll leave that for judges to decide.

alcueca (Judge) commented:

Function incorrect as to spec would be QA - This means that if the way the code works is wrong but has no real impact in the business it is QA.

Function of the protocol or its availability possibly impacted would be Medium - In certain cases, the emissionsCap will either not work or stop emissions, the protocol is impacted in a non-lethal manner, and the finding is medium.

lyoungblood (Warden) commented:

Good finding - disagree with the severity as the cap is just a safety feature that didn’t exist at all in the original Compound.

[M-17] borrowRateMaxMantissa should be specific to the chain protocol is being deployed to

Submitted by kankodu, also found by cryptonue

  • The purpose of borrowRateMaxMantissa is to put the protocol in failure mode when absurd utilisation makes borrowRate absurd. It is defined as a constant for all the chains. It should really be changed according to average blocktime of the chain the protocol is being deployed to.
  • borrowRateMaxMantissa = 0.0005e16 translates to maximum borrow rate of .0005% / block.
  • For Ethereum chain that has 12 seconds of average block time, this translates to maximum borrow rate of 0.0005% * (365 * 24 * 3600)/12 = 1314. For BNB with 3 seconds of average block time it is 0.0005% * (365 * 24 * 3600)/3 = 5256%. For fantom with 1 second of average block time it is 0.0005% * (365 * 24 * 3600)/1 = 15768%.

Proof of Concept

  • Decide on a maximum borrow rate protocol is ok with (my suggestion is ~1000%) and change borrowRateMaxMantissa according to what chain it is being deployed to.

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) acknowledged and commented:

Agreed this could be configured on a per chain basis, however this is legacy code that we don’t want to change. This instance is only being deployed on base, so maybe instead of making it configurable, this value could be adjusted downwards.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this audit, 56 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by immeas received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: 0xAnah, ChrisTina, JP_Courses, Udsen, cryptonue, 0xkazim, kutugu, Aymen0909, 0xComfyCat, jaraxxus, josephdara, Kaysoft, Vagner, hals, twcctop, said, LosPollosHermanos, ast3ros, Arz, Jorgect, 33audits, solsaver, Tendency, Nyx, cats, mert_eren, kodyvim, Sathish9098, MohammedRizwan, 0x70C9, Rolezn, catellatech, berlin-101, nadin, T1MOH, Stormreckson, fatherOfBlocks, ravikiranweb3, 0xWaitress, niki, souilos,kankodu, Topmark, naman1778, wahedtalash77, jamshed, petrichor, 0xackermann, 0xArcturus, lanrebayode77, 2997ms, John_Femi, banpaleo5, albertwh1te, codetilda, and eeshenggoh.

Low-risk findings (6)

[L-01] guardian can fast track every proposal

In TemporalGovernor the guardian has a special permission that they can fastTrackProposalExecution which will bypass the normal queueProposal flow:

File: core/Governance/TemporalGovernor.sol

261:    /// @notice Allow the guardian to process a VAA when the
262:    /// Temporal Governor is paused this is only for use during
263:    /// periods of emergency when the governance on moonbeam is
264:    /// compromised and we need to stop additional proposals from going through.
265:    /// @param VAA The signed Verified Action Approval to process
266:    function fastTrackProposalExecution(bytes memory VAA) external onlyOwner {
267:        _executeProposal(VAA, true); /// override timestamp checks and execute
268:    }

This as the comment suggest should only be done in emergencies.

However there is nothing indicating that the VAA in question is supposed to be fast tracked. Hence a guardian can always fast track any VAAs that they please, bypassing the queueProposal functionality.


Consider adding another parameter to the payload indicating if the VAA is intended to be fast tracked or not.

[L-02] TemporalGovernor can get the same address on different chains

In mip00.sol the deploy and configuration proceedure for the TemporalGovernor is detailed:

File: test/proposals/mips/mip00.sol

103:            /// this will be the governor for all the contracts
104:            TemporalGovernor governor = new TemporalGovernor(
105:                addresses.getAddress("WORMHOLE_CORE"),
106:                proposalDelay,
107:                permissionlessUnpauseTime,
108:                trustedSenders
109:            );

new will invoke the CREATE opcode. This only relies on the msg.sender and nonce. Since the deploy call executes a certain amount of calls when it executes the deploy of TemporalGovernor it will have certain nonce. Hence the address of TemporalGovernor will be dependent on the account that executes it. If this is run by a new account the address of TemporalGovernor can be the same if it is executed by the same new account on another chain.

This is important because if two TemporalGovernor contracts on different chains gets the same address they can execute each others proposals:

File: core/Governance/TemporalGovernor.sol

320:        // Very important to check to make sure that the VAA we're processing is specifically designed
321:        // to be sent to this contract
322:        require(intendedRecipient == address(this), "TemporalGovernor: Incorrect destination");


Pay attention to which accounts and how the execution of the deploy script is done. Perhaps use CREATE2 with a random salt to deploy TemporalGovernor to guarantee it gets a different address on each chain.

[L-03] TemporalGovernor::grantGuardiansPause can be called after guardian is revoked

File: Governance/TemporalGovernor.sol

187:    /// @notice grant the guardians the pause ability
188:    function grantGuardiansPause() external {
189:        require(
190:            msg.sender == address(this),
191:            "TemporalGovernor: Only this contract can update grant guardian pause"
192:        );
194:        guardianPauseAllowed = true;
195:        lastPauseTime = 0;
197:        emit GuardianPauseGranted(block.timestamp);
198:    }

This doesn’t do any thing bad other than set guardianPauseAllowed=true, which is set to false in revokeGuardian.


Consider only allowing calls to grantGuardiansPause when guardian != address(0).

[L-04] No cap on how many emissionConfigs there can be for a market

Too many emissionConfigs could lead to out of gas errors when updating reward indexes. Since every operation on an mToken triggers this the whole market would be DoSed if too many emissionConfigs would be added.


Consider adding a way to remove an emissionConfig

[L-05] Neither _setMarketBorrowCaps or _setMarketSupplyCaps checks if market is listed

When adding a cap on borrow/supply admin or borrow/supplyCapGuardian can call [_setMarketBorrowCaps])( or _setMarketSupplyCaps respectively.

However in none of the there is any check that the market (MToken) for which they add the supply/borrow cap is actually listed. Hence admin or guardian could by mistake send the wrong address and then think that they configured the cap for that market when they didn’t.


Add a check that the MToken is listed when setting borrow/supply caps.

[L-06] Lack of tests for supplyCap

M̀oonwell introduces a new feature to the Comptroller: supplyCap per market. This limits how much can be minted to that market. There is however no tests for this new feature. Test guarantee that the feature works as expected and will continue to work as expected when doing changes to the code. As such they are a core guarantee for code and protocol safety.

Consider adding a few tests for the supplyCap feature

Suggestions (1)

[S-01] ChainlinkCompositeOracle::getDerivedPriceThreeOracles is very specialized

File: Oracles/ChainlinkCompositeOracle.sol

157:        return
158:            ((firstPrice * secondPrice * thirdPrice) / scalingFactor)
159:                .toUint256();

Here the three prices for the oracles are multiplied together. This requires a setup of prices like this: First one is stated to be ETH/USD

so there would have to be oracles:

ETH/USD, A/ETH, B/A to get the price B/USD

This is very limited which chainlink prices support “chaining” like this, the one used in integration test seems to one of the few:

ETH/USD, stETH/ETH, wstETH/stETH on Arbitrum.


Consider adding the ability to either multiply or divide by the last one, as that would give greater flexibility in which feeds can be used.

Refactoring (4)

[R-01] MultiRewardDistributor::calculateNewIndex parameter _currentTimestamp is confusing

File: MultiRewardDistributor/MultiRewardDistributor.sol

906:     * @param _currentTimestamp The current index timestamp

914:        uint32 _currentTimestamp,

_currentTimestamp implies now when it is however the last index timestamp. Consider renaming it to lastIndexTimestamp.

[R-02] Unnecessary _amount> 0 check

In sendReward, the function sort circuit if _amount to be sent is 0, later however it is checked that this amount is >0 which there is no way it cannot be:

File: MultiRewardDistributor/MultiRewardDistributor.sol

1219:        // Short circuit if we don't have anything to send out
1220:        if (_amount == 0) {
1221:            return _amount;
1222:        }

			 // @audit due to check above there is no way _amount cannot be >0
1235:        if (_amount > 0 && _amount <= currentTokenHoldings) {

Consider removing the _amount > 0 check since it is always true.

[R-03] MultiRewardDistributor: IndexUpdate struct is unnecessary

IndexUpdate is used to return the result of calculateNewIndex.

However in calculateNewIndex the same value for IndexUpdate.newTimestamp is always used, block.timestamp:

949:            return
950:                IndexUpdate({
951:                    newIndex: _currentIndex,
952:                    newTimestamp: blockTimestamp
953:                });

967:        return IndexUpdate({newIndex: newIndex, newTimestamp: blockTimestamp});

Hence, calculateNewIndex could simply return newIndex (uin224). Then in updateMarketSupplyIndexInternal and updateMarketBorrowIndexInternal the supply/borrowGlobalTimestamp can be set directly to block.timestamp.

[R-04] Parameter _mTokenData for MultiRewardDistributor::calculateBorrowRewardsForUser is unnecessary

The struct MTokenData has two fields: mTokenBalance and borrowBalanceStored. However only one of them is used in calculateBorrowRewardsForUser.

Therefore it is confusing that the whole struct is passed to the function as that implies that both fields would be used.

Consider just passing borrowBalanceStored directly instead of the struct.

Non-critical (6)

[N-01] Wrong grammatical number in grantGuardiansPause

grantGuardiansPause grants guardian pause. Since there is only one guardian the name should be singular not plural: grantGuardianPause.

[N-02] Erroneous docs

Guardian Pause: The guardian has the ability to pause the contract temporarily. When the guardian pauses the contract, all proposal executions are halted. The contract can only be unpaused by a governance proposal after a specified time delay.

This is not true. A governance proposal cannot unpause the TemporalGovernor. Unpause can only be performed by governor through togglePause or by the permissionlessUnpause after a delay. The only way governance could unpause is by calling revokeGuardian which is final. This would require the guardian to execute it though since only guardian is allowed to execute commands while the contract is paused.

[N-03] Weird word describing the future

File: MultiRewardDistributor/MultiRewardDistributor.sol

788:        // Must be older than our existing end time AND the current block
789:        require(
790:            _newEndTime > currentEndTime,
791:            "_newEndTime MUST be > currentEndTime"
792:        );

older here is confusing. Either say Must be further in the future or simply larger

[N-04] Forgotten cToken references

File: MultiRewardDistributor/MultiRewardDistributor.sol

842:        // Calculate change in the cumulative sum of the reward per cToken accrued

843:        // Calculate reward accrued: cTokenAmount * accruedPerCToken

844:        // Calculate change in the cumulative sum of the reward per cToken accrued

[N-05] Incorrect comments

File: MultiRewardDistributor/MultiRewardDistributor.sol

835:        // If our user's index isn't set yet, set to the current global supply index
836:        if (
837:            userSupplyIndex == 0 && _globalSupplyIndex >= initialIndexConstant
838:        ) {
839:            userSupplyIndex = initialIndexConstant; //_globalSupplyIndex;
840:        }


874:        // If our user's index isn't set yet, set to the current global borrow index
875:        if (
876:            userBorrowIndex == 0 && _globalBorrowIndex >= initialIndexConstant
877:        ) {
878:            userBorrowIndex = initialIndexConstant; //userBorrowIndex = _globalBorrowIndex;
879:        }

If the index is not yet set it’s set to initialIndexConstant not the global index as the comment suggests.

[N-06] Comment slash off by one

   /** <-- slash only 3 whitespaces in
     * @notice Call out to the reward distributor to update its borrow index and this user's index too
     * @param mToken The market to synchronize indexes for
     * @param borrower The borrower to whom rewards are going

The slash is only 3 not 4 whitespaces in.

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) confirmed and commented:

L-01- correct that guardian can fast track, however this is intended behavior.
L-02- correct, however this system is only going to be deployed on a single chain.
L-03- correct, however this doesn’t matter as the guardian would not be able to pause or unpause because address 0 is the guardian, so that doesn’t work.
L-04- duplicate finding, this is true, however this is expected behavior.
L-05- true, but there isn’t any negative effect to this happening as an unlisted token in the comptroller cannot be minted or borrowed.

Audit Analysis

For this audit, 12 analysis reports were submitted by wardens. An analysis report examines the codebase as a whole, providing observations and advice on such topics as architecture, mechanism, or approach. The report highlighted below by Sathish9098 received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: hals, kutugu, jaraxxus, berlin-101, cryptonue, catellatech, Udsen, kodyvim, solsaver, 0xSmartContract, and K42.


List Head Details
1 Overview of Moonwell Protocol overview of the key components and features of Moonwell
2 My Thoughts My own thoughts about future of the this protocol
3 Audit approach Process and steps i followed
4 Learnings Learnings from this protocol
5 Possible Systemic Risks The possible systemic risks based on my analysis
6 Code Commentary Suggestions for existing code base
7 Centralization risks Concerns associated with centralized systems
8 Gas Optimizations Details about my gas optimizations findings and gas savings
9 Risks as per Analysis Possible risks
10 Non-functional aspects General suggestions
11 Time spent on analysis The Over all time spend for this reports


Moonwell Protocol is a fork of Compound v2 with features.

Moonwell is an open lending and borrowing protocol built on Base, Moonbeam, and Moonriver.The protocol’s intuitive design ensures a seamless user experience, enabling users to easily navigate through various features and perform operations effortlessly.

Important Contracts:

  • ChainlinkCompositeOracle

    • which aggregates mulitple exchange rates together
  • MultiRewardDistributor

    • Allow distributing and rewarding users with multiple tokens per MToken. Parts of this system that require special attention are what happens when hooks fail in the Comptroller
  • Comptroller

    • This contract is based on the Flywheel logic
  • TemporalGovernor

    • which is the cross chain governance contract. Specific areas of concern include delays, the pause guardian, putting the contract into a state where it cannot be updated

Special features of Moonwell Protocol

  • Non-Custodial
  • User Experience
  • Security
  • Transparency
  • Onchain Governance

My Thoughts

Moonwell Protocol may changes Lending and Borrowing to next level.

Moonwell’s approach to lending and borrowing in DeFi can be a catalyst for positive changes in the ecosystem. By setting a standard for user experience, security, transparency, and governance, it may inspire other projects to improve and innovate, leading to a more mature, inclusive, and trustworthy DeFi lending and borrowing landscape in the future.

Decentralization and Governance: Moonwell’s onchain governance model can pave the way for more decentralized decision-making processes in other DeFi projects. As protocols adopt similar governance mechanisms, the community’s voice and participation may play a more significant role in shaping the future of DeFi platforms.

Trust and Transparency: The emphasis on transparency in Moonwell’s onchain operations can foster trust among users. As other protocols adopt similar transparency practices, users may feel more confident in interacting with DeFi platforms, leading to increased trust within the ecosystem.

Non-Custodial Solutions: Moonwell’s non-custodial approach to lending and borrowing may become a trend in the DeFi space. More protocols might adopt non-custodial models to allow users to retain control over their assets, aligning with the core principles of DeFi.

Global Reach: Moonwell’s focus on accessibility and usability may lead to increased global adoption of DeFi lending and borrowing. As the protocol reaches users in different regions, DeFi’s impact could become more widespread and inclusive.

Audit approach

I followed below steps while analyzing and auditing the code base.

  1. Read the Audit and took the required notes.
  2. Moonwell Protocol protocol uses
  3. inheritance
  4. Tests only covered 80%
  5. Multi-Chain
  6. ERC-20 Token
  7. Timelock function
  8. Need to understand moonbeam and temporal governance to understand the governance system
  9. Uses Chainlink price oracle
  10. This protocol if fork of Compound with MRD
  11. Analyzed the over all codebase one iterations very fast
  12. Study of documentation to understand each contract purposes, its functionality, how it is connected with other contracts, etc.
  13. Then I read old audits and already known findings. Then go through the bot races findings
  14. Then setup my testing environment things. Run the tests to checks all test passed. I used foundry to test moonwell protocol. I used forge comments for testing
  15. Finally, I started with the auditing the code base in depth way I started understanding line by line code and took the necessary notes to ask some questions to sponsors.

Stages of audit

  • The first stage of the audit

During the initial stage of the audit for Moonwell Protocol, the primary focus was on analyzing gas usage and quality assurance (QA) aspects. This phase of the audit aimed to ensure the efficiency of gas consumption and verify the robustness of the platform.

Found 14 QA Findings

  • The second stage of the audit

In the second stage of the audit for Moonwell Protocol, the focus shifted towards understanding the protocol usage in more detail. This involved identifying and analyzing the important contracts and functions within the system. By examining these key components, the audit aimed to gain a comprehensive understanding of the protocol’s functionality and potential risks.

  • The third stage of the audit

During the third stage of the audit for Moonwell Protocol, the focus was on thoroughly examining and marking any doubtful or vulnerable areas within the protocol. This stage involved conducting comprehensive vulnerability assessments and identifying potential weaknesses in the system. Found 60-70 vulnerable and weakness code parts all marked with @audit tags.

  • The fourth stage of the audit

During the fourth stage of the audit for Moonwell Protocol, a comprehensive analysis and testing of the previously identified doubtful and vulnerable areas were conducted. This stage involved diving deeper into these areas, performing in-depth examinations, and subjecting them to rigorous testing, including fuzzing with various inputs. Finally concluded findings after all research’s and tests. Then i reported C4 with proper formats

Found one medium risk findings admin may receive less token than expected because of this check _amount == type(uint256).max


The Moonwell Protocol team can draw lessons from other DeFi protocols that have faced similar challenges. Studying security incidents, best practices, and successful governance mechanisms from other projects can provide valuable insights for building a more robust and resilient platform.

By prioritizing security, conducting thorough risk assessments, and actively involving the community in governance decisions, the Moonwell Protocol can proactively address these areas of concern and strengthen its position as a secure and community-driven DeFi lending and borrowing platform

Possible Systemic Risks

  • Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: The use of inheritance and integration of multiple features can introduce potential smart contract vulnerabilities. Bugs, logic flaws, or improper implementations could lead to exploits and financial losses.
  • Test Coverage Risks: With only 80% test coverage, the protocol may have undiscovered vulnerabilities. Inadequate security audits could leave critical issues unnoticed, increasing the risk of attacks
  • Governance Challenges: Understanding Moonbeam and Temporal Governance systems may be complex for some users, potentially leading to governance inefficiencies or suboptimal decision-making.
  • Chainlink Oracle Risks: Relying on a single oracle provider, like Chainlink, exposes the protocol to potential risks associated with oracle failures, data manipulation, or centralization issues.
  • Protocol Fork Risks: Forking from other protocols may inherit vulnerabilities present in the original codebase. Failure to address these risks could result in potential attacks.
  • Liquidity and Market Risks: Insufficient liquidity or market manipulation risks can affect the protocol’s stability and overall performance.

Code Commentary

  • Use consistant SPDX-License for all contracts
  • Inconsistance solidity versions used
  • Ensure that variable and function names follow consistent naming conventions for better readability and maintainability. For example, use camelCase or snake_case consistently throughout the contract
  • In the Status and DistributionStatus structs, consider using an enum type for stage to improve readability and avoid potential bugs caused by using numbers directly
  • Some functions like updateMarketSupplyIndexAndDisburseSupplierRewards and updateMarketBorrowIndexAndDisburseBorrowerRewards are similar. You can consolidate them into a single function that takes an additional parameter to specify the action (supplier rewards or borrower rewards)
  • Instead of importing the whole contract code for IERC20 and MToken, use interfaces to define only the required functions. This reduces the gas cost and enhances code readability
  • Add inline comments to explain complex logic, especially in mathematical calculations, to make the code more understandable
  • Add appropriate error messages in require statements to provide more informative feedback to users when a transaction fails
  • In some functions like exitMarket, multiple emit statements are used for the same event. Consolidate the event emissions to a single location to reduce code duplication and improve readability.
  • It’s a good practice to add more detailed information in the event logs, such as the account addresses involved in certain actions.
  • Some functions return error codes (e.g., uint(Error.NO_ERROR)), but the exact meaning of these error codes is not explicitly defined. Proper error code documentation or the use of error enums would enhance clarity and usability.
  • In the addressToBytes function, you can use bytes20(addr) directly instead of casting it as a bytes20. It will not have any impact on gas costs, but it simplifies the code
  • In the setTrustedSenders and unSetTrustedSenders functions, avoid encoding and decoding the same data by directly using the addr parameter as the key for the mapping
  • Emit events for significant contract state changes, as it helps in tracking contract activities and provides transparency to external applications
  • Consider refactoring the code to break down complex functions into smaller, more manageable pieces, following the principles of modularity
  • Instead of using separate bool variables like guardianPauseAllowed, you can use an enum to represent different contract states, such asenum ContractState { Active, Paused, GuardianRevoked }. This can help make the contract state more explicit and easier to understand

Centralization risks

A single point of failure is not acceptable for this project Centrality risk is high in the project, the role of onlyOwnerdetailed below has very critical and important powers

Project and funds may be compromised by a malicious or stolen private key onlyOwner msg.sender

File: src/core/Governance/TemporalGovernor.sol

266:     function fastTrackProposalExecution(bytes memory VAA) external onlyOwner {

274:     function togglePause() external onlyOwner {

Gas Optimizations

  1. Using token.balanceOf(address(this)) every time can potentially reduce the contract’s performance. Frequent external calls to other contracts, such as reading the balance of the token contract, can be expensive in terms of gas costs and execution time. This can lead to higher transaction costs and slower contract execution
  2. Explicitly initializing default values for variables consumes additional gas during contract deployment. If you rely on the EVM’s automatic default initialization, you can save gas costs associated with these unnecessary operations
  3. Minimize the number of state variable reads and writes. Use local variables when possible to avoid additional storage operations
  4. Limit the number of iterations in loops to prevent excessive gas consumption. Consider using other patterns like mapping, where possible, to reduce the need for loops
  5. Whenever applicable, consider batching multiple operations together to save on gas costs. For example, you can combine multiple token transfers into a single function call
  6. Remove any unused or commented-out code to save space and simplify contract logic
  7. Check if modifiers can be combined or reused across multiple functions to reduce the number of modifier calls. This can save gas by avoiding redundant checks.
  8. The enterMarkets function currently loops through the list of mTokens and emits an event for each entry. Consider batching the events or using other gas-saving techniques to reduce transaction costs
  9. In the addToMarketInternal function, you can optimize the code by storing markets[address(mToken)]in a local variable, rather than repeatedly accessing it within the function
  10. Some operations, such as updating supply and borrow indexes, are performed in a loop for each market in the claimReward function. This could lead to exceeding the block gas limit if the number of markets is substantial
  11. Evaluate whether certain loops can be simplified or avoided altogether to reduce gas costs. For instance, consider whether iterating over the allMarkets array in the _addMarketInternal function can be optimized
  12. Reuse variables instead of creating new ones when possible. This can reduce memory usage and, in turn, save gas
  13. For functions that don't modify state, use the view or pure modifiers to avoid unnecessary gas costs associated with state changes
  14. For small and simple functions, consider inlining them within other functions to save gas costs associated with function calls
  15. Use gas-efficient math libraries, if available, to perform arithmetic operations. Check if there are any gas-efficient replacements for the current math operations
  16. If certain variables, such as admin, borrowCapGuardian, pauseGuardian, etc., are not intended to be changed after deployment, mark them as immutable to enhance security and gas efficiency
  17. Simplify code logic and eliminate redundant calculations
  18. In the executeProposal function, there are two function calls to trustedSenders[vm.emitterChainId].contains(vm.emitterAddress). Consider storing the result of this call in a variable and using that variable to avoid calling the function twice
  19. In the setTrustedSenders and unSetTrustedSenders functions, you can move the msg.sender == address(this) check outside the loop to minimize storage access in each iteration saves gas
  20. In the constructor, you can use emit to emit the TrustedSenderUpdated event instead of using emit in the loop. This can reduce the gas cost by avoiding multiple event emissions
  21. In the executeProposal function, the return value returnData is not used. You can remove it if it’s not required.

Risks as per Analysis

  • Lack of integer validations in _setEmissionCap() function leads unexpected behavior
  • if (_amount == type(uint256).max) check is wrong . There is no gurantee that type(uint256).max and contract balance or same
  • updateMarketSupplyIndexInternal(),updateMarketSupplyIndexInternal() there is no limits checked when updating totalsupply
  • Inline assembly should be used with caution as it can introduce security risks. Whenever possible, prefer using built-in Solidity functions and libraries.


  • The contract interacts with external contracts, such as comptroller, IERC20, and MToken, through external calls. These external calls are not checked forsuccess or failure, and there is no handling for potential exceptions or revert reasons, which can lead to unexpected results.
  • The contract involves various mathematical calculations, such as index updates and reward distributions. It’s crucial to ensure that these operations are handled correctly and do not result in integer overflows or underflows.
  • Some of the functions in the contract, such as updateMarketSupplyIndexInternal, updateMarketBorrowIndexInternal, disburseSupplierRewardsInternal, and disburseBorrowerRewardsInternal, perform calculations and iterations that could potentially consume a significant amount of gas. It’s essential to ensure that these functions are optimized to prevent gas limitations and high transaction costs.
  • The contract uses uint224 data type for some of the index values (_globalSupplyIndex, _globalBorrowIndex, etc.). If these indices grow too large, it could potentially lead to overflow issues and incorrect reward calculations`.
  • The sendReward function performs a token transfer and is marked as nonReentrant, but it’s essential to ensure that all external contract calls, especially token transfers, are safe against reentrancy attacks
  • The contract allows the owner to update supply and borrow emission speeds. There should be careful consideration of the emission rates and their effects on the overall token economy to avoid unintended consequences
  • The contract has two functions (calculateSupplyRewardsForUser and calculateBorrowRewardsForUser) for calculating rewards for suppliers and borrowers, respectively. Ensure that both functions use consistent calculations and share the same index values toprevent discrepancies
  • Consider using upgradeable contract patterns to allow for future updates without redeploying the entire contract


  • In the transferAllowed function, there’s a comment mentioning the use of local vars to avoid stack-depth limits in calculating account liquidity. While it’s a good practice to use local variables for complex calculations, it’s important to ensure that the overall stack depth is managed appropriately, especially in functions that could be called in nested scenarios
  • The contract appears to have some administrative functions like _setPriceOracle, _setCloseFactor, _setCollateralFactor, etc., which should only be callable by the admin. However, the access control checks are not consistently applied in all these functions, potentially allowing unauthorized users to modify critical parameters
  • Several functions call external contracts, like the rewardDistributor,oracle, and token contracts, but they do not have proper error handling for potential failures. Lack of error handling can lead to unexpected behavior and vulnerabilities
  • The contract has several functions for pausing different actions (_setMintPaused, _setBorrowPaused, _setTransferPaused, _setSeizePaused). However, there is no mechanism for time-based unpausing or emergency unpause, which could be essential for the contract’s safety
  • The liquidateCalculateSeizeTokens function, used during liquidation, performs arithmetic calculations using external data (e.g., exchangeRateMantissa). Failing to handle or validate external data correctly could lead to vulnerabilities in the liquidation process
  • The claimReward function, responsible for distributing rewards, has a complex design with nested loops, and it calls an external contract multiple times. High complexity increases the risk of errors and makes the contract harder to audit
  • The getBlockTimestamp function retrieves the current block timestamp using block.timestamp. It’s worth noting that relying solely on block timestamps for time-sensitive operations can be manipulated by miners to some extent
  • Certain functions that modify contract parameters (e.g., _setPriceOracle, _setCloseFactor, etc.) do not include time limitations for changes. Adding time restrictions for critical parameter modifications could preventmalicious or mistaken changes


  • The contract relies on trusted emitters from the Wormhole bridge using isTrustedSender. However, relying solely on a chain ID and a 32-byte emitter address might not be sufficient to ensure the authenticity of the signed messages. Consider using a more robust signature verification mechanism to ensure the validity of messages
  • The contract doesn’t have any explicit reentrancy protection. Ensure that critical state changes are performed before any external calls to prevent potential reentrancy attacks
  • The contract uses uint248 for lastPauseTime, which might be susceptible to integer overflow if the pause timestamp becomes larger than the maximum value
  • The fastTrackProposalExecution function allows the owner to bypass the usual delay for proposal execution. This can be risky as it doesn’t have any checks on the validity of the proposal. It should be handled with caution and only used in specific emergency scenarios
  • The function allTrustedSenders iterates through the entire trustedSenders set to return the list of trusted senders for a chain. This operation may become inefficient as the size of the set grows. Consider alternative data structures or optimizations if needed


  • The contract relies on Chainlink oracles to provide accurate price data. If a Chainlink oracle is compromised or provides incorrect data, the ChainlinkCompositeOracle contract could also be compromised
  • The contract does not have any mechanisms in place to prevent front-running orother forms of market manipulation. This could allow malicious actors to exploit the contract and profit at the expense of other users
  • The contract relies on the decimals value returned by Chainlink oracles. If the decimals value is misaligned with the contract's expectations, it could result in incorrect price calculations and pose a vulnerability

Non-functional aspects

  • Aim for high test coverage to validate the contract’s behavior and catch potential bugs or vulnerabilities
  • The protocol execution flow is not explained in efficient way.
  • Its best to explain over all protocol with architecture is easy to understandings
  • Consider designing the contract to be upgradable or allow for versioning. This can help address issues, introduce new features, or adapt to evolving requirements without disrupting the entire system

Time spent on analysis

15 Hours

ElliotFriedman (Moonwell) acknowledged


C4 is an open organization governed by participants in the community.

C4 Audits incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Audit submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.