Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Chakra smart contract system. The audit took place between August 29—September 12 2024.


109 Wardens contributed reports to Chakra:

  1. shaflow2
  2. Abdessamed
  3. fyamf
  4. 0xAsen
  6. SBSecurity (Slavcheww and Blckhv)
  7. Emmanuel
  8. AllTooWell (zhuying and 0x996)
  9. Tigerfrake
  10. said
  11. klau5
  12. Draiakoo
  13. Daniel_eth
  14. 0xNirix
  15. Xor0v0
  16. b0g0
  17. pwnforce
  18. Sabit
  19. 0x18a6
  20. jesjupyter
  21. mjcpwns
  22. rbserver
  23. calc1f4r
  24. haxatron
  25. 0xb0k0
  26. Audinarey
  27. 0x37
  28. mojito_auditor
  29. gesha17
  30. joicygiore
  31. gajiknownnothing
  32. agent3bood
  33. Drynooo
  34. MrPotatoMagic
  35. ZdravkoHr
  36. Shaheen
  37. devival
  38. Topmark
  39. Coinymous
  40. Respx
  41. jasonxiale
  42. m4k2
  43. peanuts
  44. DPS (yvuchev and 0xJaeger)
  45. avoloder
  46. Breeje
  47. calfun0x
  48. aldarion
  49. Moksha
  50. blackpanther
  51. Rhaydden
  52. franfran20
  53. Subroutine (p4y4b13 and Subsix)
  54. kutugu
  55. bhilare_
  56. LuarSec (GhK3Ndf and lod1n)
  57. 13u9
  58. Agontuk
  59. Cybrid
  60. DanielArmstrong
  61. IzuMan
  62. 0xabhay
  63. 0xpetern
  64. NexusAudits (cheatc0d3 and Zanna)
  65. atoko
  66. tekkac
  67. PASCAL
  68. Tonchi
  69. Trooper
  70. Tumelo_Crypto
  71. 0xHelium
  72. Brene
  73. Bauchibred
  74. Taiger
  75. 0xastronatey
  76. abhishek_thaku_r
  77. Inspecktor
  78. Decap
  79. 0xSolus
  80. 0xDemon
  81. 10ap17
  82. JanuaryPersimmon2024
  83. BY_DLIFE
  84. kind_killerwhale
  85. Kaysoft
  86. DimaKush
  87. Shubham
  88. Omik
  89. eierina
  90. minato7namikazi
  91. 4rdiii
  92. yudan
  93. Sparrow
  94. biakia
  95. PolarizedLight (ChaseTheLight and Auditor_Nate)
  96. sivanesh_808
  97. Nexarion
  98. King_
  99. VulnViper
  100. Flare
  101. Sisi
  102. mrjorystewartbaxter

This audit was judged by 0xsomeone.

Final report assembled by liveactionllama.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 26 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 14 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 12 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 46 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Chakra repository, and is composed of 16 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language (1,357 lines of code) as well as 8 smart contracts written in the Cairo programming language (1,510 lines of code).

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (14)

[H-01] Invalid token address used in ChakraSettlementHandler::cross_chain_erc20_settlement(...) leading to invalid transaction creation and event emission

Submitted by 0xb0k0, also found by AllTooWell, rbserver, said, shaflow2, fyamf, Abdessamed, SBSecurity, calfun0x, joicygiore, ABAIKUNANBAEV, Coinymous, Audinarey, b0g0, gajiknownnothing, mojito_auditor, devival, and jasonxiale

Lines of code


The ChakraSettlementHandler incorrectly passes the contract address instead of the token one, when creating the create_cross_txs transaction and when emitting the CrossChainLocked event. The contract depends heavily on correct event emission as the protocol’s validators listen for these events and execute state-changing operations based on them.

Proof of Concept

The ChakraSettlementHandler::cross_chain_erc20_settlement(...) function processes incoming cross-chain settlement user requests and sends data to the settlement contract. The method creates CreatedCrossChainTx along the way:

    struct CreatedCrossChainTx {
        uint256 txid;
        string from_chain;
        string to_chain;
        address from;
        uint256 to;
        address from_token;
        uint256 to_token;
        uint256 amount;
        CrossChainTxStatus status;

However, in the current implementation, instead of sending the from_token address it sends the actual contract address:

create_cross_txs[txid] = CreatedCrossChainTx(
@>              address(this), // @audit - this should be the global variable `token`

When the transaction is sent to the settlement contract a CrossChainLocked is emitted:

event CrossChainLocked(
        uint256 indexed txid,
        address indexed from,
        uint256 indexed to,
        string from_chain,
        string to_chain,
        address from_token,
        uint256 to_token,
        uint256 amount,
        SettlementMode mode

However, the method, once more sends the incorrect from_token address:

emit CrossChainLocked(
@>          address(this), // @audit - this should be the global variable `token`

If we peek into the Cairo implementation we can see that the from_token address should indeed be the token address not the handler contract address:

fn cross_chain_erc20_settlement(ref self: ContractState, to_chain: felt252, to_handler: u256, to_token: u256, to: u256, amount: u256) -> felt252{
            let tx: CreatedCrossChainTx = CreatedCrossChainTx{
                    tx_id: tx_id,
                    from_chain: from_chain,
                    to_chain: to_chain,
                    from: get_contract_address(),
                    to: to,
@>                  from_token:, // proper token address passed
                    to_token: to_token,
                    amount: amount,
                    tx_status: CrossChainTxStatus::PENDING

                        tx_id: tx_id,
                        from: get_caller_address(),
                        to: to,
                        from_chain: get_tx_info().unbox().chain_id,
                        to_chain: to_chain,
                        from_token:, // proper token address passed
                        to_token: to_token,
                        amount: amount
            return tx_id;

Use the correct from_token address in ChakraSettlementHandler::cross_chain_erc20_settlement(...).

diff --git a/solidity/handler/contracts/ChakraSettlementHandler.sol b/solidity/handler/contracts/ChakraSettlementHandler.sol
index 5d31ef9..b9cbd6d 100644
--- a/solidity/handler/contracts/ChakraSettlementHandler.sol
+++ b/solidity/handler/contracts/ChakraSettlementHandler.sol
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ contract ChakraSettlementHandler is BaseSettlementHandler, ISettlementHandler {
-                address(this),
+                token,
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ contract ChakraSettlementHandler is BaseSettlementHandler, ISettlementHandler {
-            address(this),
+            token,

pidb (Chakra) confirmed via duplicate issue #175

0xsomeone (judge) increased severity to High and commented:

The Warden has identified an invalid event emission and transaction data storage both of which are imperative to the proper operation of a cross-chain bridge system.

The documentation of the project does not adequately detail how those events are consumed, and inspection of the project’s cairo code as well as the sponsor’s own affirmation on issue #175 confirms the present implementation is incorrect.

I believe a high-risk issue is acceptable for this submission due to how crucial those components are to the proper operation of a cross-chain bridge.

[H-02] In Starknet, already processed messages can be re-submitted and by anyone

Submitted by Moksha, also found by Abdessamed, aldarion, ABAIKUNANBAEV, 0xAsen, Tigerfrake, 0x37, blackpanther, mjcpwns, kutugu, pwnforce, avoloder, Audinarey, jasonxiale, Daniel_eth, SBSecurity, 0xNirix, Emmanuel, Respx, tekkac, peanuts, b0g0, LuarSec, haxatron, klau5, said, shaflow2, Shaheen, mojito_auditor, fyamf, devival, ZdravkoHr, Drynooo, Agontuk, AllTooWell, and PASCAL


The impact is high as the adversary can call the receive_cross_chain_msg with the already processed and valid parameters and benefit from it. With such parameters, anyone can call not just the validators so it further affects the protocol. Due to the missing check if the txId status is UNKNOW the attack is very much feasible as shown in the below fork testing local POC. This also breaks the main invariant mentioned in the audit docs/readme that

A cross-chain message can only be received once. The status of a received transaction in receive_cross_txs must be CrossChainMsgStatus.Unknow before it can be processed.

Proof of Concept

Below is the fork testing locally test case snippet and steps where the already deployed contract addresses on the Sepolia testnet of Starknet are used due to the nature of the bug, the attacker needs to resubmit the already processed, valid message and signatures of valid/whitelisted operators too. The sponsors have provided a notion document on the audit details page from where the contract address and other details were obtained.

Such details provided by the sponsor can be found here.

The contract address mentioned there is a bit old and got upgraded a few times and deployed new ones too so below code snippet below has the latest one.

Step 1: Get the deployed settlement_handler.cairo contract address.

This is the latest one deployed on the sepolia test net starknet chain:

Step 2: Already made call receive_cross_chain_msg to Step 1 contract with necessary parameters like txId, signatures (important), etc. Which succeed too i.e. that returned the true

This is the call:

The mint/transfer event for the same above call

Call Overview

The call is from the Chakra chain to starknet and the payload says to transfer the chakraBTC (handler/btc.cairo) deployed on the testnet chain. In the next step, we would take the same parameter for the chain locally call the receive_cross-chain_msg multiple times, and observe the balance increase for the address in this payload. According to the payload, the address to receive is 0x8e0202cd048b6ccb8aa36d5d00ed0aa9b6d9e088 and the amount is 130000 of chakraBTC.

Step 3: Forking the chain to again call the receive_cross_chain_msg to settlement_handler contract we got in Step 1.
Add the following into the cairo/handler/Scarb.toml

# add the private key or get from sponsor provided ./sn_foundry
url = " key"
block_id.tag = "Latest"

Paste the following test snippet in the cairo/handler/src/tests/test_settlement.cairo.
Tool version is same as sponsors snforge: v0.20.0

fn test_multiple_call(){
    // handler/settlement.cairo contract deployed address on starknet sepolia
    let settlement_contract_addrs:ContractAddress= contract_address_const::<0x0449f7dae3a8073aeee71a7203467d686a5227d90a9149a524787ccb0f5de54f>();
    let settlement_dispatcher = IChakraSettlementDispatcher{contract_address: settlement_contract_addrs};
    // These parameters were obtained and transformed according to the types from the block explorer of previous call
    let cross_chain_msg_id:u256 = 82534164209879964599356552878803734303950578526030081111379082455793595623651;
    let from_chain:felt252 = 0x4368616b7261;
    let to_chain:felt252 = 0x537461726b6e6574;
    let from_handler:u256 = 445232236578399690027982039634994002761675653437;
    let to_handler:ContractAddress = contract_address_const::<0x04a399c6ff072ae2e96946af915a731c4875564083df6b39e41e65c2af25f379>();
    let sign_type:u8 = 0;
    let sig_tuple: (felt252,felt252,bool) = (0x6cd261e253b93d5fa4d2d119ce6bb1395427c3daf3560b081bd36b34135048,0x44a123c8a32499c060617121c1b09dfc8afec982dd4abf27d45abd63b88ab4d,false);
    let signatures = array![sig_tuple];
    let payload_type:u8 = 5;
    let payload = array![1, 95, 27, 243, 138, 154, 82, 64, 103, 243, 156, 169, 88, 142, 43, 183, 3, 113, 115, 180, 229, 74, 48, 79, 207, 217, 15, 129, 226, 133, 221, 162, 234, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 108, 62, 237, 83, 45, 74, 57, 55, 251, 225, 120, 144, 151, 57, 230, 10, 50, 126, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 142, 2, 2, 205, 4, 139, 108, 203, 138, 163, 109, 93, 0, 237, 10, 169, 182, 217, 224, 136, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 199, 19, 150, 75, 71, 142, 63, 31, 51, 152, 100, 49, 14, 178, 250, 216, 32, 11, 40, 170, 210, 40, 58, 167, 21, 196, 194, 123, 15, 212, 243, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 251, 208];

    // ERC20 ckr_btc contract deployed address on starkne sepolia
    // The original call or above params does the mints this ckrbtc token, amount 130000 to the address 0x8e0202cd048b6ccb8aa36d5d00ed0aa9b6d9e088
    let chakraSignetBTC_sep_addrs:ContractAddress = contract_address_const::<0x05c713964b478e3f1f339864310eb2fad8200b28aad2283aa715c4c27b0fd4f3>();
    let chakratoken_dispatcher =  IERC20Dispatcher{contract_address: chakraSignetBTC_sep_addrs};
    // balance checking before the first resubmission of same message
    let balance_its = chakratoken_dispatcher.balance_of(contract_address_const::<0x8e0202cd048b6ccb8aa36d5d00ed0aa9b6d9e088>());
    println!("Balance of addrs before calling receive_cross_chain_msg: {}",balance_its);

    // calling receive_cross_chain_msg with necessary parameters
    let return_val = settlement_dispatcher.receive_cross_chain_msg(cross_chain_msg_id,from_chain,to_chain,from_handler,to_handler,sign_type,signatures,payload,payload_type);
    assert(return_val == true,'multiple call fail');

    // balance checking after call should increase
    let chakraSignetBTC_sep_addrs:ContractAddress = contract_address_const::<0x05c713964b478e3f1f339864310eb2fad8200b28aad2283aa715c4c27b0fd4f3>();
    let chakratoken_dispatcher =  IERC20Dispatcher{contract_address: chakraSignetBTC_sep_addrs};
    let balance_its = chakratoken_dispatcher.balance_of(contract_address_const::<0x8e0202cd048b6ccb8aa36d5d00ed0aa9b6d9e088>());
    println!("Balance of addrs after calling receive_cross_chain_msg once: {}",balance_its);
    assert!(balance_its == 390000, "no balance inc");

    // Again calling with same parameters. everything is same from above
    let settlement_contract_addrs:ContractAddress= contract_address_const::<0x0449f7dae3a8073aeee71a7203467d686a5227d90a9149a524787ccb0f5de54f>();
    let settlement_dispatcher = IChakraSettlementDispatcher{contract_address: settlement_contract_addrs};
    // would be calling with the same params with using the same signatures and all
    let cross_chain_msg_id:u256 = 82534164209879964599356552878803734303950578526030081111379082455793595623651;
    let from_chain:felt252 = 0x4368616b7261;
    let to_chain:felt252 = 0x537461726b6e6574;
    let from_handler:u256 = 445232236578399690027982039634994002761675653437;
    let to_handler:ContractAddress = contract_address_const::<0x04a399c6ff072ae2e96946af915a731c4875564083df6b39e41e65c2af25f379>();
    let sign_type:u8 = 0;
    let sig_tuple: (felt252,felt252,bool) = (0x6cd261e253b93d5fa4d2d119ce6bb1395427c3daf3560b081bd36b34135048,0x44a123c8a32499c060617121c1b09dfc8afec982dd4abf27d45abd63b88ab4d,false);
    let signatures = array![sig_tuple];
    let payload_type:u8 = 5;
    let payload = array![1, 95, 27, 243, 138, 154, 82, 64, 103, 243, 156, 169, 88, 142, 43, 183, 3, 113, 115, 180, 229, 74, 48, 79, 207, 217, 15, 129, 226, 133, 221, 162, 234, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 108, 62, 237, 83, 45, 74, 57, 55, 251, 225, 120, 144, 151, 57, 230, 10, 50, 126, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 142, 2, 2, 205, 4, 139, 108, 203, 138, 163, 109, 93, 0, 237, 10, 169, 182, 217, 224, 136, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 199, 19, 150, 75, 71, 142, 63, 31, 51, 152, 100, 49, 14, 178, 250, 216, 32, 11, 40, 170, 210, 40, 58, 167, 21, 196, 194, 123, 15, 212, 243, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 251, 208];

    let return_val = settlement_dispatcher.receive_cross_chain_msg(cross_chain_msg_id,from_chain,to_chain,from_handler,to_handler,sign_type,signatures,payload,payload_type);
    assert(return_val == true,'again call fail');

    let chakraSignetBTC_sep_addrs:ContractAddress = contract_address_const::<0x05c713964b478e3f1f339864310eb2fad8200b28aad2283aa715c4c27b0fd4f3>();
    let chakratoken_dispatcher =  IERC20Dispatcher{contract_address: chakraSignetBTC_sep_addrs};
    let balance_its = chakratoken_dispatcher.balance_of(contract_address_const::<0x8e0202cd048b6ccb8aa36d5d00ed0aa9b6d9e088>());
    println!("Balance of addrs after calling receive_cross_chain_msg second call: {}",balance_its);
    assert!(balance_its == 520000, "no balance inc");

Run the snforge test.
The test case passes and the balance of the receiver does the increase by 130000 every time we call with the same parameters.

➜  tests git:(main) ✗ snforge test     
   Compiling settlement_cairo v0.1.0 (/c4a/2024-08-chakra/cairo/handler/Scarb.toml)
    Finished release target(s) in 15 seconds
[WARNING] RPC node with the url uses incompatible version 0.6.0. Expected version: 0.7.0

Collected 1 test(s) from settlement_cairo package
Running 1 test(s) from src/
Balance of addrs before calling receive_cross_chain_msg: 260000
Balance of addrs after calling receive_cross_chain_msg once: 390000
Balance of addrs after calling receive_cross_chain_msg second call: 520000
[PASS] settlement_cairo::tests::test_settlement::test_multiple_call (gas: ~1003)
Tests: 1 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 ignored, 0 filtered out

Latest block number = 174196 for url =

Evident from the code the receive_cross_chain_msg function in handler/settlement.cairo function lacks the validation or invariant mentioned of CrossChainMsgStatus.Unknow thus leads to process the already processed valid message again and again resulting in loss to the protocol

Add check in the receive_cross_chain_msg handler/settlement.cairo to check the cross chain status of the txid.

 assert( == CrossChainMsgStatus::UNKNOW, 'tx status error');

zvlwwj (Chakra) confirmed via duplicate issue #131

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden and its duplicates have demonstrated that it is possible to replay transactions in the Chakra system due to a lack of transaction status validation. I believe a high-risk severity rating is appropriate for this submission as it breaches a core invariant of the system and leads to fund loss.

[H-03] SettlementSignatureVerifier is missing check for duplicate validator signatures

Submitted by SBSecurity, also found by Abdessamed, joicygiore (1, 2), 0xHelium, aldarion (1, 2), Sabit, 0x37 (1, 2), Tigerfrake, kutugu, Trooper, BY_DLIFE, Brene, jasonxiale, Coinymous (1, 2, 3), Cybrid, DanielArmstrong, IzuMan, bhilare_, 0x18a6 (1, 2), kind_killerwhale, 0xNirix, Kaysoft, calc1f4r (1, 2, 3), DimaKush, Shubham, Respx (1, 2), agent3bood, b0g0 (1, 2), Taiger (1, 2, 3), 10ap17 (1, 2), Omik, tekkac, jesjupyter, Bauchibred, Subroutine (1, 2), eierina, minato7namikazi, LuarSec (1, 2), JanuaryPersimmon2024 (1, 2), haxatron, said (1, 2), shaflow2 (1, 2), mojito_auditor, fyamf (1, 2), gesha17, klau5 (1, 2), 4rdiii, ZdravkoHr, yudan, NexusAudits, Sparrow, and biakia


SettlementSignatureVerifier::verifyECDSA and settlement::check_chakra_signatures lack checks for duplicate validators and allow passing the threshold with a single valid signature.

Proof of Concept

From the README, we see that validators aren’t trusted roles, they simply have to perform their duties and in case they are misbehaving MANAGER can remove them. It’s not expected they all to decide to perform a sybil attack.

But for this issue single validator can harm the entire protocol because signature verifiers don’t check for duplicated validators and one valid signature is enough to pass the check:



function verifyECDSA(
    bytes32 msgHash,
    bytes calldata signatures
) internal view returns (bool) {
        signatures.length % 65 == 0,
        "Signature length must be a multiple of 65"

    uint256 len = signatures.length;
    uint256 m = 0;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < len; i += 65) {
        bytes memory sig = signatures[i:i + 65];
        if (
            validators[msgHash.recover(sig)] && ++m >= required_validators
        ) {
            return true;

    return false;

As we can see nowhere do we check whether this sig is contained twice in the signatures argument.

Knowing that a single validator can call ChakraSettlement::receive_cross_chain_msg with arbitrary arguments and drain all the ChakraSettlementHandler balances where he is an active validator.

The caller of the function should only give valid chains and handlers, the payload will also be valid so it can be decoded but the amount will be the entire balance (this is the max impact, but even 1 wei is considered steal because the caller has not burned or locked any tokens by first calling the send_cross_chain_msg function) of the handler.

Furthermore, the entire handler can be blocked because of the missing duplicate signature check:

  1. Single validator can sign message_hash that has ERC20TransferPayload like this, without locking any tokens in the handler on the source chain:

    ERC20TransferPayload memory payload = ERC20TransferPayload(
        to,//his own address on the destination chain
        //if SettlementMode: LockMint or MintBurn
        (type(uint256).max - IERC20(token).totalSupply())
        //if SettlementMode: LockUnlock or BurnUnlock
  2. Then he will call the ChakraSettlement::receive_cross_chain_msg on the destination and signature validation will pass because he passed his signature to the signatures argument enough times so the signature_verifier.verify returns true (again this happens due to the missing duplicate signatures check):

    For example if the required_validators = 3, his signature bytes will look like this:

    [0xf86c0a8502540be400825208944….0xf86c0a8502540be400825208944….0xf86c0a8502540be400825208944….], where dots are the remaining bytes but I think you got it ;)

    function verifyECDSA(
        bytes32 msgHash,
        bytes calldata signatures
    ) internal view returns (bool) {
            signatures.length % 65 == 0,
            "Signature length must be a multiple of 65"
        uint256 len = signatures.length;
        uint256 m = 0;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < len; i += 65) {
            bytes memory sig = signatures[i:i + 65];
            if (
                validators[msgHash.recover(sig)] && ++m >= required_validators
            ) {
                return true;
        return false;
  3. ChakraSettlementHandler::receive_cross_chain_msg will be executed:

    bool result = ISettlementHandler(to_handler).receive_cross_chain_msg(
  4. Malicious ERC20TransferPayload will be encoded and the handler will either mint to the attacker the amount which will make the totalSupply of the token = uint256.max if the mode is mint or the entire balance of the ChakraSettlementHandler stealing the locked tokens of the honest users.


The same issue applies to the Cairo code as well:


fn check_chakra_signatures(
    self: @ContractState, message_hash: felt252, signatures: Array<(felt252, felt252, bool)>
    let mut pass_count = 0;
    let mut i = 0;
    loop {
        if i > signatures.len()-1{
        let (r,s,y) = *;

        let pub_key: felt252 = recover_public_key(message_hash,r,s,y).unwrap();
        if > 0{
            pass_count += 1;
        i += 1;
    assert(pass_count >=, 'Not enough validate signatures');

Here, settlement::receive_cross_chain_msg also can be called directly from a single validator and bypass all the checks, stealing the entire balance of the handler.

The caller of the functions should only give valid chains and handlers, the payload will also be valid so it can be decoded but the amount will be the entire balance (this is the max impact, even 1 wei is considered steal because the caller has not burned or locked any tokens by first calling the send_cross_chain_msg function) of the handler.

In case both issues are separated because they happen in different places we split this one into two, covering both languages, so it is to be accepted by both.

NOTE: Keep in mind that the issue shows that any validator can drain the entire protocol due to a missing duplicate signatures (used) check that allows him to do anything with only 1 signed message. The problem is not only that validators are not trusted, when the problem is fixed as below, even if a validator decides to do something like that, he can’t achieve it, that’s why required_validators is defined at all to protect the protocol from situations like this.

In the end this single validator doesn’t lose anything, nowhere in the README it is mentioned that they are trusted, or any token stake is required from them, the only thing that can lose is their rights to continue signing transactions. On the other hand, they will receive the entire token supply or entire locked token balance.

For Solidity:

+ mapping (bytes32 msgHash => mapping(address validator => bool usedSig)) public isSignatureUsed;

  function verifyECDSA(
      bytes32 msgHash,
      bytes calldata signatures
  ) internal view returns (bool) {
          signatures.length % 65 == 0,
          "Signature length must be a multiple of 65"

      uint256 len = signatures.length;
      uint256 m = 0;
      for (uint256 i = 0; i < len; i += 65) {
          bytes memory sig = signatures[i:i + 65];

+         address validator = msgHash.recover(sig);
          if (
-             validators[msgHash.recover(sig)] && ++m >= required_validators
+             !isSignatureUsed[msgHash][validator] && validators[validator]
          ) {
+             isSignatureUsed[msgHash][validator] = true;
+             m++;

+         if (m >= required_validators) {
+             return true;
+         }

      return false;

For Cairo:

fn check_chakra_signatures(
    self: @ContractState, 
    message_hash: felt252, 
    signatures: Array<(felt252, felt252, bool)>
) {
    let mut pass_count = 0;
    let mut i = 0;
    // A set-like structure to keep track of processed public keys.
+   let mut processed_pub_keys: LegacyMap<felt252, u8> = LegacyMap::new();
    loop {
        if i > signatures.len() - 1 {
        let (r, s, y) = *;
        let pub_key: felt252 = recover_public_key(message_hash, r, s, y).unwrap();
-       if > 0{
+       if processed_pub_keys.get(pub_key) == 0 && > 0 {
            pass_count += 1;
+           processed_pub_keys.append(pub_key);
        i += 1;
    assert(pass_count >=, 'Not enough valid signatures');

pidb (Chakra) disputed and commented on duplicate issue #4:

We added a nonce to the txid, and then will the txid be included in the signature? I think this can prevent this problem.

0xsomeone (judge) increased severity to High and commented:

The Warden and its duplicates have properly identified that a single signature can be repeated an arbitrary number of times to satisfy the required validator threshold with a single validator.

I believe a high-risk rating is appropriate for this submission as it represents a significant invariant breach and a compromise of the signature verification system employed within the system.

[H-04] In settlement.cairo::receive_cross_chain_msg - the message will always be marked with Status::SUCCESS

Submitted by 0xAsen, also found by shaflow2, ABAIKUNANBAEV, SBSecurity, and Sabit


When receiving a message via the settlement.cairo::receive_cross_chain_msg() function, a call is made to handler.receive_cross_chain_msg and the return value of that call is used to mark the message with status SUCCESS or FAILED

However, the way that the handler.receive_cross_chain_msg function is implemented, it’ll always return true, therefore marking every message as successful even if the message for some reason was a corrupted one.

And breaking one of the main invariants that states the message statuses should be tracked correctly.

Proof of Concept

Let’s take a look at the code of the receive_cross_chain_msg function on the settlement.cairo contract, and specifically at the part where the call to handler.receive_cross_chain_msg is made:

    fn receive_cross_chain_msg(/*params*/) -> bool {
    //rest of the code

    let success = handler.receive_cross_chain_msg(
                    from_chain, //from_chain
                    to_chain,  //to_chain
                    from_handler, //from_handler
                    to_handler , //to_handler
                    payload     //payload

                let mut status = CrossChainMsgStatus::SUCCESS;

                if success{
                    status = CrossChainMsgStatus::SUCCESS;
                    status = CrossChainMsgStatus::FAILED;


As you can see, the status of the messages is based on the return value of this line: success = handler.receive_cross_chain_msg.

Let’s see the handler.receive_cross_chain_msg function:

            fn receive_cross_chain_msg(
                ref self: ContractState, 
                cross_chain_msg_id: u256, 
                from_chain: felt252, 
                to_chain: felt252,
                from_handler: u256, 
                to_handler: ContractAddress, 
                payload: Array<u8>
                ) -> bool{
                assert(to_handler == get_contract_address(),'error to_handler');

                assert( == get_caller_address(), 'not settlement');

                assert(, from_handler)) && 
              , contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), 
                        'not support handler'); 
                        //i.e (from_chain, to_handler)

                let message :Message= decode_message(payload);
                let payload_type = message.payload_type;
                assert(payload_type == PayloadType::ERC20, 'payload type not erc20');
                let payload_transfer = message.payload;
                let transfer = decode_transfer(payload_transfer);
                assert(transfer.method_id == ERC20Method::TRANSFER, 'ERC20Method must TRANSFER');
                let erc20 = IERC20MintDispatcher{contract_address:};
                let token = IERC20Dispatcher{contract_address:};

                // Handle the cross-chain transfer according to the settlement mode set in the contract.

                if == SettlementMode::MintBurn{
                    erc20.mint_to(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);
                }else if == SettlementMode::LockMint{
                    erc20.mint_to(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);
                }else if == SettlementMode::BurnUnlock{
                    token.transfer(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);
                }else if == SettlementMode::LockUnlock{
                    token.transfer(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);
                return true;

As you can see, as long as the function doesn’t revert, it’ll always return true.

This shouldn’t be the case and if for some reason the message is a corrupted one, it should get marked as FAILED as intended by the protocol.

The functionality is correctly implemented in the solidity version:

    function receive_cross_chain_msg(
            uint256 /**txid */,
            string memory from_chain,
            uint256 /**from_address */,
            uint256 from_handler,
            PayloadType payload_type,
            bytes calldata payload,
            uint8 /**sign type */,
            bytes calldata /**signaturs */
        ) external onlySettlement returns (bool) {

            if (is_valid_handler(from_chain, from_handler) == false) {
                return false;

            bytes calldata msg_payload = MessageV1Codec.payload(payload);
            require(isValidPayloadType(payload_type), "Invalid payload type");

            if (payload_type == PayloadType.ERC20) {
                    ERC20TransferPayload memory transfer_payload = codec

                    if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {

                        return true;
                    } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockUnlock) {

                        return true;
                    } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockMint) {

                        return true;
                    } else if (mode == SettlementMode.BurnUnlock) {
                        return true;

            return false;

Implement the functionality like in the solidity handler function so it returns false if something goes wrong.

zvlwwj (Chakra) confirmed

[H-05] settlement.cairo doesn’t process callback correctly leading to CrossChainMsgStatus marked as SUCCESS even if it failed on destination chain

Submitted by 0xAsen, also found by Tigerfrake, pwnforce, b0g0, ABAIKUNANBAEV, and AllTooWell

When a cross-chain message is sent it can return a callback with status FAILED or SUCCESS. The problem is that even if the cross-chain message failed, the original message status on the source chain would be marked as SUCCESS.

Let’s take a look at the receive_cross_chain_callback function on the settlement.cairo contract, and more specifically the part that updates the status:

    fn receive_cross_chain_callback(
                ref self: ContractState,
                cross_chain_msg_id: felt252,
                from_chain: felt252,
                to_chain: felt252,
                from_handler: u256,
                to_handler: ContractAddress,
                cross_chain_msg_status: u8, <--
                sign_type: u8,
                signatures: Array<(felt252, felt252, bool)>,
            ) -> bool {
    //other functionality

    let success = handler.receive_cross_chain_callback(cross_chain_msg_id, from_chain, to_chain, from_handler, to_handler , cross_chain_msg_status);

                let mut state = CrossChainMsgStatus::PENDING;
                if success{
                    state = CrossChainMsgStatus::SUCCESS;
                    state = CrossChainMsgStatus::FAILED;

                self.created_tx.write(cross_chain_msg_id, CreatedTx{
                    tx_status:state, <--- update the status 
                    from_chain: to_chain,
                    to_chain: from_chain,
                    from_handler: to_handler,
                    to_handler: from_handler

The problem is that as long as the call to handler.receive_cross_chain_callback function was successful, the message as a whole will be marked in a SUCCESS state even though that cross_chain_msg_status could be SUCCESS or FAILED depending on if the message failed on the destination chain.

This could lead to a situation where a message fails to get processed on the destination chain, a callback is returned with cross_chain_msg_status == FAILED but the message is marked as SUCCESS.

That situation could be a user trying to bridge his tokens, the bridging fails so he doesn’t receive his tokens on the destination chain, a callback is made and the message is marked as a SUCCESS even though it as not successfully executed.

And if we see the code of the handler.receive_cross_chain_callback function, we’ll see that it’d always return true as long as it doesn’t revert:

            fn receive_cross_chain_callback(
                ref self: ContractState, 
                cross_chain_msg_id: felt252, 
                from_chain: felt252, 
                to_chain: felt252,
                from_handler: u256, 
                to_handler: ContractAddress, 
                cross_chain_msg_status: u8 
            ) -> bool{

                assert(to_handler == get_contract_address(),'error to_handler');
                assert( == get_caller_address(), 'not settlement');
                assert(, from_handler)) && 
              , contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), 'not support handler');

                let erc20 = IERC20MintDispatcher{contract_address:};

                if == SettlementMode::MintBurn{

                let created_tx =;
                self.created_tx.write(cross_chain_msg_id, CreatedCrossChainTx{
                    tx_id: created_tx.tx_id,
                    from_chain: created_tx.from_chain,
                    to_chain: created_tx.to_chain,
                    from_token: created_tx.from_token,
                    to_token: created_tx.to_token,
                    amount: created_tx.amount,
                    tx_status: CrossChainTxStatus::SETTLED

                return true;

The function just performs validation of the handlers, if the settlement contract calls it and returns true. These validation could all be true but the initial message could still be with a FAILED status.

This is not taken into account and could lead to a failed message being marked as a successful one.

The implementation on the solidity contract is correct:

        function processCrossChainCallback(
            uint256 txid,
            string memory from_chain,
            uint256 from_handler,
            address to_handler,
            CrossChainMsgStatus status,
            uint8 sign_type,
            bytes calldata signatures
        ) internal {
                create_cross_txs[txid].status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Pending,
                "Invalid transaction status"

            if (
            ) {
                create_cross_txs[txid].status = status; <---
            } else {
                create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed;

As you can see, even if the call to the handler was successful, the status is updated with the CrossChainMsgStatus that was passed to the function and it is not automatically marked with SUCCESS.

This should be the case in the cairo function as well but right now the cross_chain_msg_status parameter is ignored.

Change this line from this:

                if success{
                    state = CrossChainMsgStatus::SUCCESS;

to this:

                if success{
                    state = cross_chain_msg_status;

To be consistent with the solidity implementation.

zvlwwj (Chakra) confirmed

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden has identified that the status of a cross-chain message is not properly set when a callback is performed on the source chain.

I believe a severity of high is appropriate, as a failed cross-chain transaction would indicate it was processed successfully when this vulnerability manifests.

[H-06] Forcing Starknet handlers to be whitelisted on the same chain allows exploit of BurnUnlock mode to drain handler funds

Submitted by Abdessamed, also found by ABAIKUNANBAEV


In Cairo contracts, when handling cross-chain messages or callbacks, the contract ensures that the handler on the same chain (Starknet) is whitelisted:

fn receive_cross_chain_msg(ref self: ContractState, cross_chain_msg_id: u256, from_chain: felt252, to_chain: felt252,
    from_handler: u256, to_handler: ContractAddress, payload: Array<u8>) -> bool{

        assert(to_handler == get_contract_address(),"error to_handler");
        assert( == get_caller_address(), "not settlement");
        assert(, from_handler)) && 
>>>  , contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), "not support handler");
    // --SNIP

fn receive_cross_chain_callback(ref self: ContractState, cross_chain_msg_id: felt252, from_chain: felt252, to_chain: felt252,
    from_handler: u256, to_handler: ContractAddress, cross_chain_msg_status: u8) -> bool{
        assert(to_handler == get_contract_address(),"error to_handler");
        assert( == get_caller_address(), "not settlement");
        assert(, from_handler)) && 
>>>  , contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), "not support handler");
    // --SNIP


In this context, handlers on Starknet must whitelist themselves as supported handlers. However, this introduces a significant vulnerability: since handlers are self-whitelisted, a malicious user could send cross-chain messages to the same chain (Starknet to Starknet) and exploit the BurnUnlock mode as follows:

In BurnUnlock mode, when a cross-chain message is sent, the user’s tokens are burned, and when the message is received, the same amount of tokens is unlocked. This opens the door for malicious actors to repeatedly send cross-chain messages to themselves, resulting in a continuous unlock of tokens:

fn receive_cross_chain_msg(ref self: ContractState, cross_chain_msg_id: u256, from_chain: felt252, to_chain: felt252,
    from_handler: u256, to_handler: ContractAddress, payload: Array<u8>) -> bool{

        // --SNIP
        let erc20 = IERC20MintDispatcher{contract_address:};
        let token = IERC20Dispatcher{contract_address:};
        if == SettlementMode::MintBurn{
            erc20.mint_to(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);
        }else if == SettlementMode::LockMint{
            erc20.mint_to(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);
        }else if == SettlementMode::BurnUnlock{
>>>            token.transfer(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);
        }else if == SettlementMode::LockUnlock{
            token.transfer(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);

By continuously sending cross-chain messages to the same chain, the malicious user can drain the handler’s funds by repeatedly unlocking tokens to their own address. As a result, other legitimate cross-chain ERC20 operations will fail due to the depletion of ERC20 tokens in the handler contract.

The self-whitelisting of handlers introduces unnecessary risk and facilitates the aforementioned vulnerability. Consider removing the check that forces handlers to be self-whitelisted:

fn receive_cross_chain_msg(ref self: ContractState, cross_chain_msg_id: u256, from_chain: felt252, to_chain: felt252,
    from_handler: u256, to_handler: ContractAddress, payload: Array<u8>) -> bool{

        assert(to_handler == get_contract_address(),"error to_handler");
        assert( == get_caller_address(), "not settlement");
        assert(, from_handler)) 
-            &&, contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), "not support handler");
    // --SNIP

fn receive_cross_chain_callback(ref self: ContractState, cross_chain_msg_id: felt252, from_chain: felt252, to_chain: felt252,
    from_handler: u256, to_handler: ContractAddress, cross_chain_msg_status: u8) -> bool{
        assert(to_handler == get_contract_address(),"error to_handler");
        assert( == get_caller_address(), "not settlement");
        assert(, from_handler)) 
-           &&, contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), "not support handler");
    // --SNIP


zvlwwj (Chakra) confirmed:

0xsomeone (judge) invalidated and commented:

The Warden has attempted to formulate an exploitation path of a self-cross-chain transfer; however, the assumption that a handler can be arbitrarily introduced to the system is incorrect given that the relevant function enrolling them is owner-controlled.

Abdessamed (warden) commented:

Hi @0xsomeone -

“however, the assumption that a handler can be arbitrarily introduced to the system is incorrect given that the relevant function enrolling them is owner-controlled.”

This is an incorrect statement because, as seen on the receive_crosschain_msg, the function enforces that both to_chain and to_handler as well as from_chain and from_handler are supported:

assert(, from_handler)) &&, contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), "not support handler");

So, starknet handlers must be self-whitelisted. A malicious user can exploit this for handlers having the mode BurnLock and drain the handler’s funds via sending cross-chain messages from starknet to starknet to repeatedly unlock tokens to their own address, as explained in details on the report.

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

Hey @Abdessamed, thanks for your follow-up feedback. The term “self-whitelisted” is invalid as the contracts do not expose a mechanism for users to self-whitelist themselves. As whitelisting is an authoritative process (i.e. requires elevated privileges), we can safely assume that registered handlers are trusted implementations rather than arbitrary users.

Abdessamed (warden) commented:

Hi @0xsomeone - I see where the confusion is coming from. Let me reformulate:
In this function, it checks that both to_chain and to_handler as well as from_chain and from_handler are supported:

assert(, from_handler)) &&, contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), 'not support handler');

This forces the owner to already call set_support_handler to add Starknet handlers as supported on the Starknet handler. Otherwise, any call to handler_erc20::receive_cross_chain_msg will fail.

Now, given the above, an attacker makes use of that to make the attack described on the report.

0xsomeone (judge) increased severity to High and commented:

Hey @Abdessamed, thanks for clarifying! I see what the outlined vulnerability presently is, and can confirm it is a valid issue. This is indeed a good finding! I have re-instated a high-risk rating for it, and appreciate the due diligence during the PJQA process.

To note, self-whitelisting is the act of whitelisting oneself; might be useful for future submissions!

Regarding comments about how the Chakra Network operates, in line with other rulings in the audit, we cannot make any assumptions as to what operations those nodes can and cannot filter, so we assume all operations are processed at “face-value” rendering this submission to be valid.

[H-07] Anyone can manipulate user nonce (nonce_manager) in settlement contract

Submitted by 13u9, also found by joicygiore (1, 2), aldarion (1, 2), Agontuk, pwnforce (1, 2), 0x37 (1, 2), Daniel_eth, Abdessamed (1, 2), kutugu, bhilare_, DPS (1, 2), jasonxiale (1, 2), Cybrid, DanielArmstrong, IzuMan, AllTooWell (1, 2), SBSecurity, Draiakoo, franfran20 (1, 2), Subroutine (1, 2), 0xabhay, 0xpetern, LuarSec, shaflow2 (1, 2, 3), klau5 (1, 2), fyamf (1, 2), gesha17, ZdravkoHr, mojito_auditor, and ABAIKUNANBAEV


There is a problem that anyone can increase another handler contract nonce (nonce_manager) in settlement contract.

nonce_manager is used to make txid

                // Increment nonce for the sender
                nonce_manager[msg.sender] += 1;

            uint256 txid = uint256(
                        msg.sender, // from address for settlement to calculate txid
                        address(this), //  from handler for settlement to calculate txid

txid is generated using several arguments and the nonce_manager[msg.sender] value as shown above.

            emit CrossChainLocked(

The handler function emits the corresponding txid value as an event.

    ///Handler code
                // Send the cross chain msg

///Settlement code
        nonce_manager[from_address] += 1;

        address from_handler = msg.sender;

        uint256 txid = uint256(
                    contract_chain_name, // from chain
                    from_address, // msg.sender address
                    from_handler, // settlement handler address

        emit CrossChainMsg(

Before the event emit, the handler function calls settlement.send_cross_chain_msg. The send_cross_chain_msg function of settlement also creates a txid and emits an event using this txid.

Through this process, the handler contract and the settlement contract emit the same txid event.

The system processes this emitted txid to handle the task.

However, there is a vulnerability that allows anyone to manipulate the nonce_manager value used when generating txid in the settlement contract with someone else’s nonce_manager value, which can cause confusion in the system.

Proof of Concept

            uint256 txid = uint256(
                        msg.sender, // from address for settlement to calculate txid
                        address(this), //  from handler for settlement to calculate txid

                // Send the cross chain msg

When the cross_chain_erc20_settlement function is called in the handler contract, a txid is generated and the send_cross_chain_msg function of the settlement contract is called.

        function send_cross_chain_msg(
            string memory to_chain,
            address from_address,
            uint256 to_handler,
            PayloadType payload_type,
            bytes calldata payload
        ) external {
            nonce_manager[from_address] += 1;

            address from_handler = msg.sender;

            uint256 txid = uint256(
                        contract_chain_name, // from chain
                        from_address, // msg.sender address
                        from_handler, // settlement handler address

In the send_cross_chain_msg function of the settlement contract, the from_address argument is set to the address of the user who called the cross_chain_erc20_settlement function of the handler set in the handler, the nonce value of the address is increased, and a txid is generated.

Here, the send_cross_chain_msg function is defined as external, so it is a function that can be called by outsiders, and since there is no other access control when increasing the nonce of from_address in nonce_manager, anyone can increase the nonce of a specific user’s settlement contract.

This can cause an imbalance between the handler’s nonce and the settlement’s nonce, potentially causing system confusion.

Also, if the same user of another handler calls the cross_chain_erc20_settlement function, a mismatch between the user nonce of the handler and the settlement will occur.


        it('Test Manipulate another settlement contract user nonce', async () => {
            const [
            ] = await hre.ethers.getSigners();
            const { tokenInstance, tokenOperator, codecInstance, settlmentInstance, tokenOwner, settlementHandlerInstance, settlementHnadlerOwner, messageLibTestInstance } = await loadFixture(deploySettlementHandlerFixtureMintBurn);

            const senderAddress = await sender.getAddress()
            const receiverAddress = await receiver.getAddress()
            const settlementHandlerAddress = await settlementHandlerInstance.getAddress()
            const totalAmount = 1000000;
            await tokenInstance.connect(tokenOperator).mint_to(sender, totalAmount);

            const toChain = "dst"
            const toHandler = 1
            const toToken = 1
            const receiverAddressU256 = hre.ethers.toBigInt(Buffer.from(receiverAddress.slice(2), 'hex'))
            const amount = 1000

            await tokenInstance.connect(sender).approve(settlementHandlerAddress, 1000)

            const tx = await settlementHandlerInstance.connect(sender).cross_chain_erc20_settlement(
            const nonceBefore = await settlmentInstance.nonce_manager(senderAddress);
            console.log("Nonce value in settlement contract before attack:", nonceBefore.toString());

            const payloadType = 5; // Assuming a payload type, e.g., for an ERC20 transfer
            const payload = "0x616263"; // Example payload data ("abc" in hex)
                senderAddress, // sender address to target
            const nonceAfter = await settlmentInstance.nonce_manager(senderAddress);
            console.log("Nonce value in settlement contract after attack:", nonceAfter.toString());

            const handlerNonce = await settlementHandlerInstance.nonce_manager(senderAddress);
            console.log("Handler Contract User Nonce: ", handlerNonce.toString());


Write test code in ChakraSettlementHandler.ts file

This test code tests whether the sender’s (user’s) nonce value has been manipulated by the Attacker.

Test log

        _ Should work in MintBurn mode (1238ms)
    Nonce value in settlement contract before attack: 1
    Nonce value in settlement contract after attack: 2
    Han```dler Contract User Nonce:  1

Set the nonce value in the settlement contract to be managed by from_handler

    diff --git a/solidity/settlement/contracts/BaseSettlement.sol b/solidity/settlement/contracts/BaseSettlement.sol
    index 7ac72a2..bd2ce00 100644
    --- a/solidity/settlement/contracts/BaseSettlement.sol
    +++ b/solidity/settlement/contracts/BaseSettlement.sol
    @@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ abstract contract BaseSettlement is
         ISettlementSignatureVerifier public signature_verifier;

         // Mapping for nonce manager and validators
    -    mapping(address => uint256) public nonce_manager;
    +    //mapping(address => uint256) public nonce_manager;
    +    mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public nonce_manager;
         mapping(address => bool) public chakra_validators;
         uint256 public validator_count;

    diff --git a/solidity/settlement/contracts/ChakraSettlement.sol b/solidity/settlement/contracts/ChakraSettlement.sol
    index ad764f2..4c2b0c5 100644
    --- a/solidity/settlement/contracts/ChakraSettlement.sol
    +++ b/solidity/settlement/contracts/ChakraSettlement.sol
    @@ -115,9 +115,10 @@ contract ChakraSettlement is BaseSettlement {
             PayloadType payload_type,
             bytes calldata payload
         ) external {
    -        nonce_manager[from_address] += 1;
    +        // nonce_manager[from_address] += 1;

             address from_handler = msg.sender;
    +        nonce_manager[from_handler][from_address] += 1;

             uint256 txid = uint256(

Modify nonce_manager as in the code above so that the user’s nonce_manager can increase according to the handler.

This operation prevents an attacker from manipulating someone else’s nonce by pretending to be a handler, and also prevents nonce collisions between other normal handlers.

pidb (Chakra) confirmed

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The issue class of this submission concerns inconsistencies with regard to the nonce values utilized by the Chakra bridge.

This submission details how it can be maliciously sabotaged, and the remaining submissions detail how the nonces can naturally deviate. I believe that these issues are identical in nature and consider all to merit a high severity rating.

[H-08] In settlement.cairo::receive_cross_chain_msg - the payload_type can be passed by the user, confusing offchain systems

Submitted by 0xAsen, also found by klau5 and fyamf


In settlement.cairo::receive_cross_chain_msg - the payload_type can be passed by the user, confusing offchain systems.

The payload_type parameter is only used to emit events so that the Chakra nodes can detect and process them.

There is no validation for it and given that it is used in an event to which off-chain systems listen to, the payload_type values will be displayed in the explorer, and there may be other extensions in the future, according to the sponsor.

This can lead to incorrect data being displayed and undefined behavior in the future.

Proof of Concept

Let’s see the code of receive_cross_chain_msg:

            fn receive_cross_chain_msg(
                ref self: ContractState,
                cross_chain_msg_id: u256,
                from_chain: felt252,
                to_chain: felt252,
                from_handler: u256,
                to_handler: ContractAddress,
                sign_type: u8,
                signatures: Array<(felt252, felt252, bool)>,
                payload: Array<u8>,
                payload_type: u8, <---
            ) -> bool {
                assert(to_chain ==, 'error to_chain');

                // verify signatures
                let mut message_hash: felt252 = LegacyHash::hash(from_chain, (cross_chain_msg_id, to_chain, from_handler, to_handler));
                let payload_span = payload.span();
                let mut i = 0;
                loop {
                    if i > payload_span.len()-1{
                    message_hash = LegacyHash::hash(message_hash, *;
                    i += 1;
                self.check_chakra_signatures(message_hash, signatures);

                // call handler receive_cross_chain_msg
                let handler = IHandlerDispatcher{contract_address: to_handler};
                let success = handler.receive_cross_chain_msg(cross_chain_msg_id, from_chain, to_chain, from_handler, to_handler , payload);

                let mut status = CrossChainMsgStatus::SUCCESS;
                if success{
                    status = CrossChainMsgStatus::SUCCESS;
                    status = CrossChainMsgStatus::FAILED;

                self.received_tx.write(cross_chain_msg_id, ReceivedTx{
                    from_chain: from_chain,
                    from_handler: from_handler,
                    to_chain: to_chain,
                    to_handler: to_handler,
                    tx_status: status

                // emit event
                    cross_chain_settlement_id: cross_chain_msg_id,
                    from_chain: to_chain,
                    from_handler: to_handler,
                    to_chain: from_chain,
                    to_handler: from_handler,
                    cross_chain_msg_status: status,
                    payload_type: payload_type <---
                return true;

You can see that the payload_type parameter is not used anywhere in the function except for the emission of the event.

So what could happen is:

  • a user or a bot sees the transaction being processed
  • calls the receive_cross_chain_msg function before the Chakra off-chain system with all the right parameters except for the payload_type
  • since the payload_type is not used in the message hash generation, the signatures verification and every other check passes successfully
  • the off-chain systems pick up wrong information from the event leading to corrupted information

Include the payload_type in the message hash generation thus making sure that it’s value cannot be altered.

zvlwwj (Chakra) disputed and commented:

Only validator can call this function.

0xsomeone (judge) increased severity to High and commented:

The Warden has identified a mechanism via which the payload_type is not properly validated as having been signed by the Chakra team, permitting cross-chain messages to be received with a different payload type than the actual one.

I believe that a severity of high is appropriate as it should (in theory) result in a transaction being processed by the Cairo code but considered unfinished by the validator system.

[H-09] Inconsistent Handler Validation Behavior in Cairo ERC20Handler’s Cross-Chain Callback

Submitted by 0xNirix, also found by shaflow2, Draiakoo (1, 2), said, Abdessamed, and SBSecurity


The receive_cross_chain_callback function in the Cairo implementation of ERC20Handler uses an assert statement to validate handlers, which causes the function to revert if a handler is invalid or has been removed from the whitelist. This behavior differs from the Solidity implementation, which returns false for invalid handlers.

This vulnerability can lead to:

  1. Transactions remaining in a Pending state indefinitely in the Cairo implementation
  2. Inconsistent transaction states across different chain implementations
  3. Potential blocking of cross-chain operations
  4. Difficulty in handling and recovering from invalid handler scenarios

Proof of Concept

Cairo implementation:

    fn receive_cross_chain_callback(ref self: ContractState, cross_chain_msg_id: felt252, from_chain: felt252, to_chain: felt252,
        from_handler: u256, to_handler: ContractAddress, cross_chain_msg_status: u8) -> bool{
        assert(to_handler == get_contract_address(),'error to_handler');
        assert( == get_caller_address(), 'not settlement');
        assert(, from_handler)) && 
      , contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), 'not support handler');

        // ... rest of the function

Solidity implementation:

function receive_cross_chain_callback(
    uint256 txid,
    string memory from_chain,
    uint256 from_handler,
    CrossChainMsgStatus status,
    uint8 /* sign_type */,
    bytes calldata /* signatures */
) external onlySettlement returns (bool) {
    if (is_valid_handler(from_chain, from_handler) == false) {
        return false;

    // ... rest of the function
  function processCrossChainCallback(
        uint256 txid,
        string memory from_chain,
        uint256 from_handler,
        address to_handler,
        CrossChainMsgStatus status,
        uint8 sign_type,
        bytes calldata signatures
    ) internal {
            create_cross_txs[txid].status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Pending,
            "Invalid transaction status"

        if (
        ) {
            create_cross_txs[txid].status = status;
        } else {
            create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed;

In the Cairo version, if a handler is invalid, the function will revert due to the assert statement, leaving the transaction in its current state (likely Pending). In contrast, the Solidity version returns false, allowing the calling Settlement contract to handle the invalid handler case appropriately.

Update the Cairo implementation to check handler validity without using assert.

zvlwwj (Chakra) confirmed

0xsomeone (judge) increased severity to High

[H-10] ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_msg and ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_callback functions do not ensure that receiving ChakraSettlement contract’s contract_chain_name must match to_chain corresponding to respective txid input though they should

Submitted by rbserver, also found by rbserver, jasonxiale, avoloder, Moksha, Coinymous, 0xNirix, SBSecurity, Respx, Emmanuel, said, haxatron, Shaheen, mojito_auditor, fyamf, klau5, ZdravkoHr, ABAIKUNANBAEV (1, 2), and Rhaydden


Because the ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_msg function does not ensure that the receiving ChakraSettlement contract’s contract_chain_name must match the to_chain corresponding to its txid input, the signatures that should only be used for calling the ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_msg function on to_chain A can also be allowed to be used on to_chain B. As a result, the handler on to_chain B can incorrectly mint or transfer tokens to recipients though such recipients should only receive such token amounts on to_chain A and not on to_chain B.

Similarly, since the ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_callback function does not ensure that the receiving ChakraSettlement contract’s contract_chain_name must match the to_chain associated with its txid input, the signatures that should only be used for calling the ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_callback function on to_chain A can also be allowed to be used on to_chain B. As a result, to_chain B’s handler’s receive_cross_chain_callback function logics can be incorrectly triggered, such as burning the corresponding token amount held by such handler on to_chain B under the MintBurn mode though such token amount should only be burned on to_chain A and not on to_chain B.

Proof of Concept

When a validator is deterministically deployed, it can have the same address on different chains. When a handler is deterministically deployed, it can have the same address on different chains. Therefore, it is possible that the validators have the same addresses on two different to_chain chains while the number of required validators are the same on both chains, and the handler has the same address on these two to_chain chains as well. Moreover, such handler can whitelist the same from_chain-from_handler combination on both to_chain chains.

Suppose such situation occurs for to_chain A and B, the validators on to_chain A can sign for a cross-chain message in which such signatures should only be used on to_chain A and should not be allowed to be used on to_chain B. However, since the ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_msg function does not ensure that the receiving ChakraSettlement contract’s contract_chain_name must match the to_chain corresponding to its txid input, the ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_msg function on to_chain B can be successfully called with the txid, from_chain, from_address, from_handler, to_handler, and payload, which were encoded in the signed message hash for the signatures that should only be used on to_chain A.

In this case:

  • signature_verifier.verify(message_hash, signatures, sign_type) would return true because the corresponding validators, which signed the signatures for to_chain A, have the same addresses on both to_chain A and B, and both chains have the same number of required validators;
  • ISettlementHandler(to_handler).receive_cross_chain_msg would be called successfully because the corresponding to_handler that is encoded for the signatures to be used on to_chain A also exists on to_chain B with the same address;
  • is_valid_handler(from_chain, from_handler) would be true when further calling the ChakraSettlementHandler.receive_cross_chain_msg function because the from_chain-from_handler combination that is encoded for the signatures to be used on to_chain A is also whitelisted by such to_handler on to_chain B.

Thus, such ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_msg function call on to_chain B would be successful, which causes such signatures that should only be used for calling the ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_msg function on to_chain A to also be allowed to be used on to_chain B.

    function receive_cross_chain_msg(
        uint256 txid,
        string memory from_chain,
        uint256 from_address,
        uint256 from_handler,
        address to_handler,
        PayloadType payload_type,
        bytes calldata payload,
        uint8 sign_type, // validators signature type /  multisig or bls sr25519
        bytes calldata signatures // signature array
    ) external {
            // verify signature
@>          bytes32 message_hash = keccak256(
@>              abi.encodePacked(
@>                  txid,
@>                  from_chain,
@>                  from_address,
@>                  from_handler,
@>                  to_handler,
@>                  keccak256(payload)
@>              )
@>          );

@>          require(
@>              signature_verifier.verify(message_hash, signatures, sign_type),
@>              "Invalid signature"
@>          );

                receive_cross_txs[txid].status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Unknow,
                "Invalid transaction status"

        receive_cross_txs[txid] = ReceivedCrossChainTx(

@>      bool result = ISettlementHandler(to_handler).receive_cross_chain_msg(

        CrossChainMsgStatus status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed;
        if (result == true) {
            status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Success;
            receive_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Success;
        } else {
            receive_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed;

        emit CrossChainHandleResult(

    function receive_cross_chain_msg(
        uint256 /**txid */,
        string memory from_chain,
        uint256 /**from_address */,
        uint256 from_handler,
        PayloadType payload_type,
        bytes calldata payload,
        uint8 /**sign type */,
        bytes calldata /**signaturs */
    ) external onlySettlement returns (bool) {
        //  from_handler need in whitelist
@>      if (is_valid_handler(from_chain, from_handler) == false) {
            return false;
        bytes calldata msg_payload = MessageV1Codec.payload(payload);

        require(isValidPayloadType(payload_type), "Invalid payload type");

        if (payload_type == PayloadType.ERC20) {
            // Cross chain transfer
                // Decode transfer payload
                ERC20TransferPayload memory transfer_payload = codec

                if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
                    return true;
                } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockUnlock) {

                    return true;
                } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockMint) {
                    return true;
                } else if (mode == SettlementMode.BurnUnlock) {
                    return true;

        return false;

Similarly, when the same situation occurs for to_chain A and B, the ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_callback function on to_chain B can also be successfully called with the txid, from_handler, to_handler, and status, which were encoded in the signed message hash for the signatures that should only be used on to_chain A, because the ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_callback function does not ensure that the receiving ChakraSettlement contract’s contract_chain_name must match the to_chain associated with its txid input.

For the same reasons described for the case involving the ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_msg function, calling the ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_callback function in this case would cause signature_verifier.verify(message_hash, signatures, sign_type) to return true, ISettlementHandler(to_handler).receive_cross_chain_callback to be called successfully, and is_valid_handler(from_chain, from_handler) to be true when further calling the ChakraSettlementHandler.processCrossChainCallback function. Hence, such ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_callback function call on to_chain B would be successful, which causes such signatures that should only be used for calling the ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_callback function on to_chain A to also be allowed to be used on to_chain B.

    function receive_cross_chain_callback(
        uint256 txid,
        string memory from_chain,
        uint256 from_handler,
        address to_handler,
        CrossChainMsgStatus status,
        uint8 sign_type,
        bytes calldata signatures
    ) external {
@>      verifySignature(
@>      processCrossChainCallback(

    function verifySignature(
        uint256 txid,
        uint256 from_handler,
        address to_handler,
        CrossChainMsgStatus status,
        uint8 sign_type,
        bytes calldata signatures
    ) internal view {
        bytes32 message_hash = keccak256(
@>          abi.encodePacked(txid, from_handler, to_handler, status)

@>          signature_verifier.verify(message_hash, signatures, sign_type),
            "Invalid signature"

    function processCrossChainCallback(
        uint256 txid,
        string memory from_chain,
        uint256 from_handler,
        address to_handler,
        CrossChainMsgStatus status,
        uint8 sign_type,
        bytes calldata signatures
    ) internal {
            create_cross_txs[txid].status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Pending,
            "Invalid transaction status"

        if (
@>          ISettlementHandler(to_handler).receive_cross_chain_callback(
        ) {
            create_cross_txs[txid].status = status;
        } else {
            create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed;

    function receive_cross_chain_callback(
        uint256 txid,
        string memory from_chain,
        uint256 from_handler,
        CrossChainMsgStatus status,
        uint8 /* sign_type */, // validators signature type /  multisig or bls sr25519
        bytes calldata /* signatures */
    ) external onlySettlement returns (bool) {
        //  from_handler need in whitelist
@>      if (is_valid_handler(from_chain, from_handler) == false) {
            return false;

            create_cross_txs[txid].status == CrossChainTxStatus.Pending,
            "invalid CrossChainTxStatus"

        if (status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Success) {
            if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
                _erc20_burn(address(this), create_cross_txs[txid].amount);

            create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainTxStatus.Settled;

        if (status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed) {
            create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainTxStatus.Failed;

        return true;

The ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_msg and ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_callback functions can be updated to check if the receiving ChakraSettlement contract’s contract_chain_name matches the to_chain associated with the respective txid input and revert if not matched.

0xsomeone (judge) increased severity to High and commented:

The Warden outlines that replay attacks are possible when receiving funds due to the absence of the to_chain variable’s validation. This allows the same payload signed by the Chakra validators to be replayed across multiple chains incorrectly, indicating a high-risk vulnerability.

[H-11] There is no refund mechanism in ChakraSettlement.processCrossChainCallback or ChakraSettlementHandler.receive_cross_chain_callback function

Submitted by rbserver, also found by 0xastronatey, Abdessamed (1, 2), gajiknownnothing, abhishek_thaku_r, Drynooo (1, 2), ABAIKUNANBAEV, Inspecktor, Decap, 0xSolus, Daniel_eth, mjcpwns, 0xHelium, kutugu, Trooper (1, 2), pwnforce, blackpanther (1, 2), Brene, avoloder (1, 2), AllTooWell, bhilare_, 0xNirix, DPS, SBSecurity, Draiakoo, Audinarey, Tonchi (1, 2, 3), Tumelo_Crypto (1, 2), jesjupyter, franfran20 (1, 2, 3, 4), Respx, 0x18a6, 0xDemon, Emmanuel, Bauchibred, Breeje (1, 2), agent3bood, MrPotatoMagic, b0g0, haxatron, said, shaflow2 (1, 2), mojito_auditor, klau5, fyamf, gesha17, and ZdravkoHr


Because there is no refund mechanism in the ChakraSettlement.processCrossChainCallback or ChakraSettlementHandler.receive_cross_chain_callback function, when the cross-chain ERC20 settlement fails, such as due to that the source chain’s handler can be removed from the whitelist for the destination chain after the corresponding cross-chain message is initiated on the source chain and before such message is received on the destination chain, the ChakraSettlementHandler.cross_chain_erc20_settlement function caller cannot get back and loses the tokens that have been transferred to the source chain’s handler or burned on the source chain by such caller.

Proof of Concept

When the ChakraSettlementHandler.cross_chain_erc20_settlement function is called to initiate a cross-chain ERC20 settlement, the function caller can check to ensure that the handler on the source chain is whitelisted on the destination chain. After such function call, the function caller has transferred tokens to the handler on the source chain under the MintBurn, LockUnlock, or LockMint mode or burned tokens on the source chain under the BurnUnlock mode.

    function cross_chain_erc20_settlement(
        string memory to_chain,
        uint256 to_handler,
        uint256 to_token,
        uint256 to,
        uint256 amount
    ) external {
        require(amount > 0, "Amount must be greater than 0");
        require(to != 0, "Invalid to address");
        require(to_handler != 0, "Invalid to handler address");
        require(to_token != 0, "Invalid to token address");

@>      if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
@>          _erc20_lock(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
@>      } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockUnlock) {
@>          _erc20_lock(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
@>      } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockMint) {
@>          _erc20_lock(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
@>      } else if (mode == SettlementMode.BurnUnlock) {
@>          _erc20_burn(msg.sender, amount);
@>      }


Yet, after the corresponding cross-chain message is initiated on the source chain and before such message is received on the destination chain, it is possible that the ChakraSettlementHandler.remove_handler function is called on the destination chain, which removes the source chain’s handler from the whitelist for the destination chain. This is beyond the control of the ChakraSettlementHandler.cross_chain_erc20_settlement function caller because such function caller cannot know this in advance.

    function remove_handler(
        string memory chain_name,
        uint256 handler
    ) external onlyOwner {
@>      handler_whitelist[chain_name][handler] = false;

When the corresponding cross-chain message is received on the destination chain, since the handler on the source chain has been changed to be not whitelisted on the destination chain, the ChakraSettlementHandler.receive_cross_chain_msg function would return false, which marks the status and receive_cross_txs[txid].status corresponding to the cross-chain message as failed in the ChakraSettlement.receive_cross_chain_msg function.

    function receive_cross_chain_msg(
        uint256 /**txid */,
        string memory from_chain,
        uint256 /**from_address */,
        uint256 from_handler,
        PayloadType payload_type,
        bytes calldata payload,
        uint8 /**sign type */,
        bytes calldata /**signaturs */
    ) external onlySettlement returns (bool) {
        //  from_handler need in whitelist
@>      if (is_valid_handler(from_chain, from_handler) == false) {
@>          return false;

    function receive_cross_chain_msg(
        uint256 txid,
        string memory from_chain,
        uint256 from_address,
        uint256 from_handler,
        address to_handler,
        PayloadType payload_type,
        bytes calldata payload,
        uint8 sign_type, // validators signature type /  multisig or bls sr25519
        bytes calldata signatures // signature array
    ) external {

@>      bool result = ISettlementHandler(to_handler).receive_cross_chain_msg(

@>      CrossChainMsgStatus status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed;
        if (result == true) {
            status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Success;
            receive_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Success;
@>      } else {
@>          receive_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed;

        emit CrossChainHandleResult(

Back on the source chain, the ChakraSettlement.processCrossChainCallback and ChakraSettlementHandler.receive_cross_chain_callback functions are then called with the failed cross-chain message’s status. This notifies that the corresponding cross-chain ERC20 settlement has failed by marking the corresponding create_cross_txs[txid].status as failed in both the ChakraSettlement and ChakraSettlementHandler contracts. However, such ChakraSettlement.processCrossChainCallback and ChakraSettlementHandler.receive_cross_chain_callback function calls do not refund the caller of the ChakraSettlementHandler.cross_chain_erc20_settlement function the tokens that were transferred to the source chain’s handler or burned on the source chain by such caller.

    function processCrossChainCallback(
        uint256 txid,
        string memory from_chain,
        uint256 from_handler,
        address to_handler,
        CrossChainMsgStatus status,
        uint8 sign_type,
        bytes calldata signatures
    ) internal {
            create_cross_txs[txid].status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Pending,
            "Invalid transaction status"

        if (
@>          ISettlementHandler(to_handler).receive_cross_chain_callback(
        ) {
            create_cross_txs[txid].status = status;
@>      } else {
@>          create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed;

    function receive_cross_chain_callback(
        uint256 txid,
        string memory from_chain,
        uint256 from_handler,
        CrossChainMsgStatus status,
        uint8 /* sign_type */, // validators signature type /  multisig or bls sr25519
        bytes calldata /* signatures */
    ) external onlySettlement returns (bool) {
        //  from_handler need in whitelist
        if (is_valid_handler(from_chain, from_handler) == false) {
            return false;

            create_cross_txs[txid].status == CrossChainTxStatus.Pending,
            "invalid CrossChainTxStatus"

        if (status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Success) {
            if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
                _erc20_burn(address(this), create_cross_txs[txid].amount);

            create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainTxStatus.Settled;

@>      if (status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed) {
@>          create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainTxStatus.Failed;

        return true;

The ChakraSettlementHandler.receive_cross_chain_callback function can be updated to transfer the failed cross-chain ERC20 settlement’s token amount to the corresponding caller of the ChakraSettlementHandler.cross_chain_erc20_settlement function under the MintBurn, LockUnlock, or LockMint mode. If possible, such function can also be updated to mint the failed cross-chain ERC20 settlement’s token amount to the corresponding caller of the ChakraSettlementHandler.cross_chain_erc20_settlement function under the BurnUnlock mode; otherwise, if the corresponding token cannot be minted by the protocol, the protocol needs to clearly communicate with its users about the inability of refunding the failed cross-chain ERC20 settlement’s token amount under the BurnUnlock mode.

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The submission and all its duplicates concern various ways in which the cross-chain system of the Chakra protocol can fail transactions and does not expose a mechanism to issue refunds for those failed transactions.

This issue class is significantly large, and the lack of documentation as well as insight into the Chakra node system renders it impossible to judge fairly. I believe that a refund mechanism should be set in place, and thus consider all issues related to its missing functionality to be of high severity.

To note, I believe this is a flaw arising from the design of the system itself and thus have grouped these issues based on the design principle they are based on. The Sponsor has expressed that the callback function is not invoked in all cases and is solely invoked in the MintBurn mode, indicating that a solution based on the callback mode is not in line with the desires of the Sponsor and cannot be considered the “unopinionated way” to resolve this issue.

The lack of documentation renders granular judgments of issues outlining the absence of a refund mechanism impractical to perform as any such distinction would rely on assumptions about the system that cannot be validated.

[H-12] Handler’s receive_cross_chain_callback() will always set the tx_status to SETTLED on source chain & burn the tokens (MintBurn Mode) even when the msg fails on destination

Submitted by Shaheen, also found by Tigerfrake, aldarion, 0xAsen, 0x37, ABAIKUNANBAEV (1, 2), AllTooWell, pwnforce, DPS, SBSecurity, 0xNirix, Respx, haxatron, mojito_auditor, klau5, fyamf, ZdravkoHr, and Abdessamed

When a validator invokes Settlement.cairo’s receive_cross_chain_callback(), they will pass the cross_chain_msg_status as an input and base on that the msg status should be set on the source chain. Means, if the cross_chain_msg_status is given as SUCCESS then the msg status on the source chain will be set as CrossChainTxStatus::SETTLED and if it is not SUCCESS then it should simply set the status to CrossChainTxStatus::FAILED but in the cairo implementation, the cross_chain_msg_status is completely ignored:

        fn receive_cross_chain_callback(ref self: ContractState, cross_chain_msg_id: felt252, from_chain: felt252, to_chain: felt252,
        from_handler: u256, to_handler: ContractAddress, cross_chain_msg_status: u8) -> bool{
            assert(to_handler == get_contract_address(),'error to_handler');

            assert( == get_caller_address(), 'not settlement');

            assert(, from_handler)) && 
          , contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), 'not support handler');

            let erc20 = IERC20MintDispatcher{contract_address:};
            if == SettlementMode::MintBurn{
            let created_tx =;
            ///@audit-issue M cross_chain_msg_status not checked like in the solidity instance, this will always set tx_status as settled and return true and never Failed!
            self.created_tx.write(cross_chain_msg_id, CreatedCrossChainTx{
                tx_id: created_tx.tx_id,
                from_chain: created_tx.from_chain,
                to_chain: created_tx.to_chain,
                from_token: created_tx.from_token,
                to_token: created_tx.to_token,
                amount: created_tx.amount,
@>              tx_status: CrossChainTxStatus::SETTLED

            return true;

The tx_status is directly set as SETTLED, which means it will be always get marked as SETTLED even when the Msg gets failed on the destination chain.

Also, as it doesn’t check the cross_chain_msg_status, this will always burn the tokens (when the MODE is MintBurn), which is not the case when we look at the solidity instance

            if == SettlementMode::MintBurn{


Wrong state update and tokens burning.

Proof of Concept

In the solidity instance both the status is checked and tokens only get burned when the status gets marked as SETTLED:

        if (status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Success) {
            if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
                _erc20_burn(address(this), create_cross_txs[txid].amount);

            create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainTxStatus.Settled;

        if (status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed) {
            create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainTxStatus.Failed;

Tools Used

Shaheen’s Vision

Make sure to check the given status and mark the tx_status base on that.

zvlwwj (Chakra) confirmed

0xsomeone (judge) increased severity to High and commented:

The submission details how the callback leg of a MintBurn mode bridge will always burn the tokens regardless of whether the transaction actually succeeded on the destination chain.

This indicates a high-risk issue within the codebase that would lead to fund loss if the destination chain’s execution fails.

[H-13] The LockMint and BurnUnlock modes cannot be used

Submitted by shaflow2, also found by shaflow2 (1, 2), Abdessamed, Daniel_eth, and Emmanuel (1, 2)

Lines of code


LockMint and BurnUnlock modes refer to the following:

  • LockMint: Tokens are locked on the source chain and minted on the target chain.
  • BurnUnlock: Tokens are burned on the source chain and unlocked on the target chain.

However, because the ChakraSettlementHandler protocol is responsible for both processing remote cross-chain messages and sending cross-chain messages to remote chains, a single mode setting cannot handle both tasks simultaneously. This results in one of the tasks’ functionalities being unavailable due to incorrect protocol implementation.

Proof of Concept

When the LockMint mode is used, it means that the source chain employs the LockUnlock mode. Therefore, during the receive cross-chain message, tokens should not be minted but rather unlocked.

Similarly, when the BurnUnlock mode is used, it means that the source chain employs the MintBurn mode. Thus, during the receive cross-chain message, tokens should not be unlocked but rather minted.

    function receive_cross_chain_msg(
        uint256 /**txid */,
        string memory from_chain,
        uint256 /**from_address */,
        uint256 from_handler,
        PayloadType payload_type,
        bytes calldata payload,
        uint8 /**sign type */,
        bytes calldata /**signaturs */
    ) external onlySettlement returns (bool) {
        if (payload_type == PayloadType.ERC20) {
                ERC20TransferPayload memory transfer_payload = codec
                if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
                } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockUnlock) {
                } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockMint) {
                    return true;
                } else if (mode == SettlementMode.BurnUnlock) {
                    return true;

In the Cairo program, the same issue also exists.

    impl ERC20HandlerImpl of IERC20Handler<ContractState> {
        fn receive_cross_chain_msg(ref self: ContractState, cross_chain_msg_id: u256, from_chain: felt252, to_chain: felt252,
        from_handler: u256, to_handler: ContractAddress, payload: Array<u8>) -> bool{
            assert(to_handler == get_contract_address(),'error to_handler');

            assert( == get_caller_address(), 'not settlement');

            assert(, from_handler)) && 
          , contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), 'not support handler');

            let message :Message= decode_message(payload);
            let payload_type = message.payload_type;
            assert(payload_type == PayloadType::ERC20, 'payload type not erc20');
            let payload_transfer = message.payload;
            let transfer = decode_transfer(payload_transfer);
            assert(transfer.method_id == ERC20Method::TRANSFER, 'ERC20Method must TRANSFER');
            let erc20 = IERC20MintDispatcher{contract_address:};
            let token = IERC20Dispatcher{contract_address:};
            if == SettlementMode::MintBurn{
                erc20.mint_to(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);
            }else if == SettlementMode::LockMint{
                erc20.mint_to(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);
            }else if == SettlementMode::BurnUnlock{
                token.transfer(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);
            }else if == SettlementMode::LockUnlock{
                token.transfer(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);
            return true;

The following is the correct logic:

    function receive_cross_chain_msg(
        uint256 /**txid */,
        string memory from_chain,
        uint256 /**from_address */,
        uint256 from_handler,
        PayloadType payload_type,
        bytes calldata payload,
        uint8 /**sign type */,
        bytes calldata /**signaturs */
    ) external onlySettlement returns (bool) {
        //  from_handler need in whitelist
        if (is_valid_handler(from_chain, from_handler) == false) {
            return false;
        bytes calldata msg_payload = MessageV1Codec.payload(payload);

        require(isValidPayloadType(payload_type), "Invalid payload type");

        if (payload_type == PayloadType.ERC20) {
            // Cross chain transfer
                // Decode transfer payload
                ERC20TransferPayload memory transfer_payload = codec

                if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
                    return true;
                } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockUnlock) {

                    return true;
                } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockMint) {
-                   _erc20_mint(
-                       AddressCast.to_address(,
-                       transfer_payload.amount
-                   );
+                   _erc20_unlock(
+                       AddressCast.to_address(,
+                       transfer_payload.amount
+                   );
                    return true;
                } else if (mode == SettlementMode.BurnUnlock) {
-                   _erc20_unlock(
-                       AddressCast.to_address(,
-                       transfer_payload.amount
-                   );
+                   _erc20_mint(
+                       AddressCast.to_address(,
+                       transfer_payload.amount
+                   );
                    return true;

        return false;

In Cairo:

    impl ERC20HandlerImpl of IERC20Handler<ContractState> {
        fn receive_cross_chain_msg(ref self: ContractState, cross_chain_msg_id: u256, from_chain: felt252, to_chain: felt252,
        from_handler: u256, to_handler: ContractAddress, payload: Array<u8>) -> bool{
            assert(to_handler == get_contract_address(),'error to_handler');

            assert( == get_caller_address(), 'not settlement');

            assert(, from_handler)) && 
          , contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), 'not support handler');

            let message :Message= decode_message(payload);
            let payload_type = message.payload_type;
            assert(payload_type == PayloadType::ERC20, 'payload type not erc20');
            let payload_transfer = message.payload;
            let transfer = decode_transfer(payload_transfer);
            assert(transfer.method_id == ERC20Method::TRANSFER, 'ERC20Method must TRANSFER');
            let erc20 = IERC20MintDispatcher{contract_address:};
            let token = IERC20Dispatcher{contract_address:};
            if == SettlementMode::MintBurn{
                erc20.mint_to(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);
            }else if == SettlementMode::LockMint{
-               erc20.mint_to(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);
+               token.transfer(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);

            }else if == SettlementMode::BurnUnlock{
-               token.transfer(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);
+               erc20.mint_to(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);
            }else if == SettlementMode::LockUnlock{
                token.transfer(u256_to_contract_address(, transfer.amount);
            return true;

pidb (Chakra) confirmed

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden and its duplicates outline a design-related flaw that is shared across the Solidity and Cairo implementations in relation to how the LockMint and BurnUnlock systems are defined, disallowing certain configurations from ever functioning properly. These configurations are expected to be a normal likelihood event due to the system’s intents to be deployed across multiple chains, rendering this submission and its duplicates to be proper high-risk criticism of the system’s design.

[H-14] Malicious actors can manipulate the cross_chain_callback callback

Submitted by shaflow2, also found by Abdessamed, gajiknownnothing, Drynooo, 0x37, 0xAsen, Audinarey, Draiakoo, b0g0, agent3bood, MrPotatoMagic, fyamf, gesha17, and SBSecurity


Because the validator’s signature message does not include the from_chain field, a malicious actor can preemptively execute the validator’s transaction with an incorrect from_chain field. This can cause the status of create_cross_txs[txid] to become a Failed state, preventing it from being executed again.

Proof of Concept

This is the receive_cross_chain_callback function

    function receive_cross_chain_callback(
        uint256 txid,
        string memory from_chain,
        uint256 from_handler,
        address to_handler,
        CrossChainMsgStatus status,
        uint8 sign_type,
        bytes calldata signatures
    ) external {

In the signature verification process, we found that the signature message does not include the from_chain field.

    function verifySignature(
        uint256 txid,
        uint256 from_handler,
        address to_handler,
        CrossChainMsgStatus status,
        uint8 sign_type,
        bytes calldata signatures
    ) internal view {
        bytes32 message_hash = keccak256(
            abi.encodePacked(txid, from_handler, to_handler, status)

            signature_verifier.verify(message_hash, signatures, sign_type),
            "Invalid signature"

In this scenario, a malicious actor could execute the following attack steps:

  1. Front-run the caller’s transaction, providing correct signatures and other parameters, but with an incorrect from_chain field, causing the verifySignature validation to pass.
  2. In the processCrossChainCallback function, call handler::receive_cross_chain_callback.
  3. Due to the incorrect from_chain, the is_valid_handler function returns false, which causes handler::receive_cross_chain_callback to return false.
        if (is_valid_handler(from_chain, from_handler) == false) {
            return false;
  1. If handler::receive_cross_chain_callback returns false, it will cause create_cross_txs[txid].status to be set to Failed.
        if (
        ) {
            create_cross_txs[txid].status = status;
        } else {
            create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed;
    function receive_cross_chain_callback(
        uint256 txid,
        string memory from_chain,
        uint256 from_handler,
        address to_handler,
        CrossChainMsgStatus status,
        uint8 sign_type,
        bytes calldata signatures
    ) external {
+           from_chain
    function verifySignature(
        uint256 txid,
+       string memory from_chain,
        uint256 from_handler,
        address to_handler,
        CrossChainMsgStatus status,
        uint8 sign_type,
        bytes calldata signatures
    ) internal view {
        bytes32 message_hash = keccak256(
-            abi.encodePacked(txid, from_handler, to_handler, status)
+            abi.encodePacked(txid, from_chain, to_handler, status)

            signature_verifier.verify(message_hash, signatures, sign_type),
            "Invalid signature"

pidb (Chakra) disputed and commented:

This from_chain parameter is not important, as long as you ensure that the txid unique signature cannot be constructed repeatedly, currently txid satisfies this.

I think it should be downgraded to Medium risk, because txid can prevent it.

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden has identified a mechanism via which the third leg of a transaction can be blocked via a front-running attack, causing the transaction to indicate a failure status even though it would have normally been executed otherwise.

I consider this to be a valid high-severity issue as the status of all transactions can be trivially sabotaged to a failure state during their final callback leg.

Medium Risk Findings (12)

[M-01] Excessive Authority Granted to Managers in the ckr_btc.cairo Contract Presents Significant Management Risks

Submitted by joicygiore, also found by Abdessamed, Tigerfrake, m4k2, SBSecurity, devival, haxatron, said, fyamf, and peanuts

In the ckr_btc.cairo contract, managers possess broad authority and can execute all functions except upgrade(). This level of access contrasts with typical Solidity practices, where such functions would require owner privileges.

One of the primary concerns is that any existing manager has the ability to add new managers. This unchecked ability to expand the number of managers can lead to an uncontrolled increase in the number of authorized managers, creating a potential security risk. Without additional checks or approval mechanisms, this design flaw could be exploited, leading to a dilution of control and increased risk of unauthorized actions.

Furthermore, managers also have the ability to designate operator roles. Operators, in turn, have the authority to mint and burn tokens, which compounds the risk if these roles are not properly managed. This level of access could easily lead to a situation where control over critical functions is decentralized in a manner that might not have been intended by the original design.

It is unclear whether this design was intentional, but it introduces significant management risks that should be addressed.

        fn add_manager(ref self: ContractState, new_manager: ContractAddress) -> bool {
            let caller = get_caller_address();
@>            assert( == 1, Errors::NOT_MANAGER);
            assert( == 0, Errors::ALREADY_MANAGER);

            self.chakra_managers.write(new_manager, 1);
                    ManagerAdded {
                        operator: caller, new_manager: new_manager, added_at: get_block_timestamp()
            return == 1;
        fn add_operator(ref self: ContractState, new_operator: ContractAddress) -> bool {
            let caller = get_caller_address();
@>            assert( == 1, Errors::NOT_MANAGER);
            assert( == 0, Errors::ALREADY_OPERATOR);

            self.chakra_operators.write(new_operator, 1);
                    OperatorAdded { new_operator: new_operator, added_at: get_block_timestamp() }
            return == 1;

        fn mint_to(ref self: ContractState, to: ContractAddress, amount: u256) -> bool {
            let caller = get_caller_address();
@>            assert( == 1, Errors::NOT_OPERATOR);
            let old_balance = self.erc20.balance_of(to);
  , amount);
            let new_balance = self.erc20.balance_of(to);
            return new_balance == old_balance + amount;


The excessive authority granted to managers poses a significant management risk. The potential for an uncontrolled expansion of manager roles, coupled with the ability to assign operator roles, could lead to serious security vulnerabilities, including unauthorized minting or burning of tokens.

It is recommended to follow best practices as implemented in Solidity contracts, where only the owner has the authority to add or remove managers and operators. This can be achieved by modifying the current implementation to enforce owner checks when adding new managers or operators.

Example of a safer approach:

    fn add_manager(ref self: ContractState, new_manager: ContractAddress) -> bool {
            let caller = get_caller_address();
-            assert( == 1, Errors::NOT_MANAGER);
+            self.ownable.assert_only_owner();
            assert( == 0, Errors::ALREADY_MANAGER);

            self.chakra_managers.write(new_manager, 1);
                    ManagerAdded {
                        operator: caller, new_manager: new_manager, added_at: get_block_timestamp()
            return == 1;
    fn add_operator(ref self: ContractState, new_operator: ContractAddress) -> bool {
            let caller = get_caller_address();
-            assert( == 1, Errors::NOT_MANAGER);
+            self.ownable.assert_only_owner();
            assert( == 0, Errors::ALREADY_OPERATOR);

            self.chakra_operators.write(new_operator, 1);
                    OperatorAdded { new_operator: new_operator, added_at: get_block_timestamp() }
            return == 1;

zvlwwj (Chakra) confirmed via duplicate issue #107

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden and its duplicates have identified a potential privilege escalation exploitation path whereby a single manager can overtake the system by removing all others and then introducing malicious variants of themselves. I believe that this breaches the documentation of the system and is a form of privilege escalation as managers should collectively authorize operations.

[M-02] Missing ERC20Method validation at destination allows non-transfer tx to be handled as transfers

Submitted by Tigerfrake, also found by said


In cross-chain transactions, the integrity and correctness of the transaction must be maintained across different blockchain environments, which might have varying security measures, protocols. However, the missing ERC20method validation at destination allows cross-chain tx with a different ERC20Method from Transfer to be handled as transfer transactions when they actually aren’t.

Proof of Concept

When sending a cross-chain tx, the sender locks/burns some amount of tokens at source chain. With this, the recipient then unlocks or gets minted same amount of tokens at the destination. Basically this is similar to Token Transfer from one address to another.

As such, handler_erc20::receive_cross_chain_msg() checks to ensure that ERC20Method is TRANSFER at destination before handling tokens:

    assert(transfer.method_id == ERC20Method::TRANSFER, 'ERC20Method must TRANSFER');

Checking for the ERC20Method at the destination is crucial due to the nature of cross-chain transactions and the need for validation and security on both ends of the transaction.

However ChakraSettlementHandler::receive_cross_chain_msg() only decodes the transfer payload and proceeds to handle tokens without actually verifying that the method is transfer.

        if (payload_type == PayloadType.ERC20) {
            // Cross chain transfer
                // Decode transfer payload
                ERC20TransferPayload memory transfer_payload = codec
>>              // @audit-info Missing method validation
                if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
                    return true;

ERC20Method should be validated before handling tokens in receive_cross_chain_msg():

        if (payload_type == PayloadType.ERC20) {
            // Cross chain transfer
                // Decode transfer payload
                ERC20TransferPayload memory transfer_payload = codec
+               require(transfer_payload.method_id == ERC20Method.Transfer, "ERC20Method must TRANSFER");                

                if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
                    return true;

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Solidity counterpart of the Chakra system does not validate that the decoded EIP-20 operation is an ERC20Method::Transfer and ignores its status.

As the Chakra node system is out of the scope of this audit, I am unable to properly deduce the likelihood as well as the feasibility of this variable being any different.

I consider this submission to be a correct medium-risk issue as a result given that operations other than transfers would be assumed to be transfers.

[M-03] Inconsistency in sender address when creating cross chain messages on Starknet can lead to loss of funds

Submitted by Audinarey, also found by AllTooWell, said, fyamf, SBSecurity, b0g0, Tigerfrake, mojito_auditor, Draiakoo, and jasonxiale

Lines of code


  • Funds could get stuck in the handler_erc20.cairo contract.
  • Validators can evaluate transactions wrongly.

Proof of Concept

In the handler_erc20::cross_chain_erc20_settlement(...) function, the tx_id is saved with the CreatedCrossChainTx struct which contains info about the transaction including the sender whose account the token was transferred from.

However, on L188 the from value is supposed to be the caller’s address, but the handler_erc20 address is used instead of the get_caller_address().

Moreso, the event that are being used by the validators uses from: get_caller_address(),.

File: handler_erc20.cairo
167:         fn cross_chain_erc20_settlement(ref self: ContractState, to_chain: felt252, to_handler: u256, to_token: u256, to: u256, amount: u256) -> felt252{
168:             assert(, to_handler)), 'not support handler');
169:             let settlement = IChakraSettlementDispatcher {contract_address:};
170:             let from_chain = settlement.chain_name();
171:             let token = IERC20Dispatcher{contract_address:};
172:             let token_burnable = IERC20MintDispatcher{contract_address:};
173:             if == SettlementMode::MintBurn{
174:                 token.transfer_from(get_caller_address(), get_contract_address(), amount);
SNIP        .......
183:             let tx_id = LegacyHash::hash(get_tx_info().unbox().transaction_hash,;
184:             let tx: CreatedCrossChainTx = CreatedCrossChainTx{
185:                     tx_id: tx_id,
186:                     from_chain: from_chain,
187:                     to_chain: to_chain,
188:     @>              from: get_contract_address(), // @audit 8) wrong address used for sender when creating cc tx SUGG: replace with get_caller_address()
189:                     to: to,
190:                     from_token:,
191:                     to_token: to_token,
192:                     amount: amount,
193:                     tx_status: CrossChainTxStatus::PENDING
194:                 };

SNIP        .......

219:             self.emit(
220:                     CrossChainLocked{
221:                         tx_id: tx_id,
222:                         from: get_caller_address(),
223:                         to: to,
224:                         from_chain: get_tx_info().unbox().chain_id,
225:                         to_chain: to_chain,
226:    @>                   from_token:,
227:                         to_token: to_token,
228:                         amount: amount
229:                     }
230:                 );
231:             return tx_id;
232:         }

The problem is that

  • Since it is not clear from the audit README or the Docs how the validators would use the event, the event contains both the tx_id (formed with a wrong from value) and the correct from value, transactions could be processed erroneously.
  • If the transactions are processed wrongly, then the funds could be stuck in the contract. Without a way to retrieve them, this is a loss to the user.

Modify the handler_erc20::cross_chain_erc20_settlement(...) function as shown below:

File: handler_erc20.cairo
167:         fn cross_chain_erc20_settlement(ref self: ContractState, to_chain: felt252, to_handler: u256, to_token: u256, to: u256, amount: u256) -> felt252{
168:             assert(, to_handler)), 'not support handler');
169:             let settlement = IChakraSettlementDispatcher {contract_address:};
170:             let from_chain = settlement.chain_name();
171:             let token = IERC20Dispatcher{contract_address:};
172:             let token_burnable = IERC20MintDispatcher{contract_address:};
173:             if == SettlementMode::MintBurn{
174:                 token.transfer_from(get_caller_address(), get_contract_address(), amount);
SNIP        .......
183:             let tx_id = LegacyHash::hash(get_tx_info().unbox().transaction_hash,;
184:             let tx: CreatedCrossChainTx = CreatedCrossChainTx{
185:                     tx_id: tx_id,
186:                     from_chain: from_chain,
187:                     to_chain: to_chain,
-188:                    from: get_contract_address(),
+188:                    from: get_caller_address(),
189:                     to: to,
190:                     from_token:,
191:                     to_token: to_token,
192:                     amount: amount,
193:                     tx_status: CrossChainTxStatus::PENDING
194:                 };

SNIP        .......

219:             self.emit(
220:                     CrossChainLocked{
221:                         tx_id: tx_id,
222:                         from: get_caller_address(),
223:                         to: to,
224:                         from_chain: get_tx_info().unbox().chain_id,
225:                         to_chain: to_chain,
226:                         from_token:,
227:                         to_token: to_token,
228:                         amount: amount
229:                     }
230:                 );
231:             return tx_id;
232:         }

zvlwwj (Chakra) confirmed via duplicate issue #174

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden has identified an inconsistency in the way cross-chain message events are emitted and stored when the handler_erc20::cross_chain_erc20_settlement function is invoked.

Given that the documentation of the project is inadequate to properly assess the severity of the event emissions, I believe that estimating this discrepancy as a high-severity issue is appropriate given that events are usually imperative to the proper function of cross-chain bridges.

Abdessamed (warden) commented:

This is QA. There is indeed a wrong from set on the created struct, BUT, this information is not used anywhere else that could result in meaningful impact because:

  • The tokens are correctly locked or burned from the caller, and the Chakra nodes rely on the to argument to mint/unlock the tokens on the destination chain.

0xsomeone (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

After re-evaluating this particular submission, I am inclined to downgrade it to medium severity.

I agree with @Abdessamed in that the event is actually emitted with the correct parameters but the struct is stored incorrectly which would normally make it QA, however, we have no way of knowing (nor can we make any assumptions about) how the nodes operate.

At the very least, off-chain software that attempts to showcase which transactions a user has made will fail to do so properly. In a worst-case scenario, failed transaction refunds (which we all know are nowhere implemented within the code but could theoretically be handled off-chain) would fail to be credited to the correct recipient. In a worst-case scenario, all transactions could fail to be processed due to the off-chain software attempting to validate the event’s data with the data stored on the chain.

I personally believe that the code of the Chakra nodes would hint toward a QA severity rating for this submission, however, I am inclined to consider it a medium-risk issue due to the known impact outlined above and the unknown possibility of a higher severity impact.

[M-04] Incorrect Decimals Setting for ckrBTC Token May Lead to User Confusion and Inaccurate Transaction Amounts

Submitted by Xor0v0, also found by AllTooWell and Abdessamed


In the OpenZeppelin library, the decimals of the ERC20 component defaults to 18, which is abnormal for BTC. Incorrect decimal settings may result in users entering incorrect amounts or understanding incorrect balances during transactions. This confusion may lead to property damage or transaction failure, especially when the transaction amount is large.

On the other hand, many tools, applications, or smart contracts related to Bitcoin may rely on an accuracy of 8 decimal places. If the accuracy setting is incorrect, these tools or contracts may not work properly, thereby affecting the operation of the entire ecosystem.

Proof of Concept

Rewrite the decimals to 8 for the ckrBTC token.

zvlwwj (Chakra) confirmed

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden has identified that the ckrBTC token on the Starknet network has a different number of decimals than on other networks, causing the ckrBTC variant of the Starknet network to be consistently overvalued.

I do not envision any impact from this discrepancy apart from the value per whole unit of ckrBTC token on the Starknet network being higher than the value per whole unit of ckrBTC token on other networks. As such, I believe a medium-risk rating is acceptable.

[M-05] Settlement contract is mistakenly used for the handler contract when assigning ReceivedCrossChainTx struct

Submitted by ABAIKUNANBAEV, also found by AllTooWell, rbserver, said, Abdessamed, Draiakoo, and 0xNirix


receive_cross_chain_msg() is located in the Settlement contract and is called after the Chakra network signature verification process. However, when creating ReceivedCrossChainTx struct for the new receive_cross_txs[txid], the contract mistakenly uses address(this) instead of to_handler address.

Proof of Concept

Currently receive_cross_txs[txId] is assigned this way:

 receive_cross_txs[txid] = ReceivedCrossChainTx(

However, address(this) should be replaced by to_handler:

struct ReceivedCrossChainTx {
        uint256 txid;
        string from_chain;
        string to_chain;
        uint256 from_address;
        uint256 from_handler;
        address to_handler;
        bytes payload;
        CrossChainMsgStatus status;

As you can see here, after from_handler, there is to_handler address but it’s mistakenly set as address(this) which is an address of the settlement contract in reality.

Therefore, receive_cross_txs[txid] has incorrect parameters when creating a new received transaction struct.

Change address(this) on to_handler address in a receive_cross_txs[txid] mapping.

pidb (Chakra) confirmed

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden has identified that the ChakraSettlement::receive_cross_chain_msg function will improperly store a cross-chain message and will specifically store the to_handler address incorrectly.

The impact of this particular submission is not able to be identified properly and, given that the function appears to be invoked as the last step in a cross-chain process, a severity of medium is considered appropriate as it should not impact the actual processing of the cross-chain transaction.

[M-06] A cross-chain message can be initiated with invalid parameters

Submitted by Tigerfrake, also found by SBSecurity, 0xAsen, blackpanther, Abdessamed, 0xb0k0, avoloder, DPS, agent3bood, ABAIKUNANBAEV, peanuts, calfun0x, ZdravkoHr, 0xNirix, and haxatron


Anyone can initiate a cross-chain ERC20 settlement with invalid parameters, breaking an invariant due to missing validations.

For example if these values are non-existent or zero values, it would boil down to the following:

  • zero amount ---> Only wastes validators resources by signing the msgHash at destination only for zero tokens to be minted/unlocked to the recipient
  • zero t0 ---> If this translates to address(0), the transfer mechanism used during unlocking will revert
  • zero to_token ---> Recipients will expect to receive tokens at destination but if this token specified is non-existent, they wont receive any.

Proof of Concept

One of the Main Invariants in Settlement Handler Contract is:

Cross-chain ERC20 settlements can only be initiated with a valid amount (greater than 0), a valid recipient address, a valid handler address, and a valid token address.

This is enforced in ChakraSettlementHandler::cross_chain_erc20_settlement() as follows:

        require(amount > 0, "Amount must be greater than 0");
        require(to != 0, "Invalid to address");
        require(to_handler != 0, "Invalid to handler address");
        require(to_token != 0, "Invalid to token address");

However, this is not enforced in handler_erc20::cross_chain_erc20_settlement():

        fn cross_chain_erc20_settlement(ref self: ContractState, to_chain: felt252, to_handler: u256, to_token: u256, to: u256, amount: u256) -> felt252{
            assert(, to_handler)), 'not support handler');
            let settlement = IChakraSettlementDispatcher {contract_address:};
            let from_chain = settlement.chain_name();
            let token = IERC20Dispatcher{contract_address:};
            let token_burnable = IERC20MintDispatcher{contract_address:};
            if == SettlementMode::MintBurn{
                token.transfer_from(get_caller_address(), get_contract_address(), amount);
            }else if == SettlementMode::LockMint{
                token.transfer_from(get_caller_address(), get_contract_address(), amount);
            }else if == SettlementMode::BurnUnlock{
                token_burnable.burn_from(get_caller_address(), amount);
            }else if == SettlementMode::LockUnlock{
                token.transfer_from(get_caller_address(), get_contract_address(), amount);

As seen, the function only checks for handler validity but performs no validations for to_token, to, and amount.

Add the following checks to the cross_chain_erc20_settlement() function in handler_erc20:

+       assert(amount > 0, 'Amount must be greater than 0');
+       assert(to != 0, 'Invalid to address');
+       assert(to_handler != 0, 'Invalid to handler address');
+       assert(to_token != 0, 'Invalid to token address');

zvlwwj (Chakra) confirmed

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden has identified that the Cairo implementation of the cross-chain EIP-20 settlement function deviates from its specification and Solidity counterpart in the way it validates several input arguments.

I believe a medium-risk severity rating is appropriate given that no substantial impact has been demonstrated beyond a specification deviation.

[M-07] Permanent loss of user tokens on both chains if BurnUnlock mode fails because of flawed burning pattern

Submitted by 0x18a6, also found by Abdessamed, mjcpwns, and jesjupyter


The BurnUnlock mode in the ChakraSettlementHandler contract has a critical flaw that causes token loss on both chains. This happens because tokens are burned on the source chain before ensuring a successful unlock on the destination chain. This high-risk vulnerability can lead to significant financial loss and damage trust in the cross-chain bridge system.

Note that the same issue persists in the Cairo code.

Vulnerability Details

In the ChakraSettlementHandler contract, we got two modes that burns tokens in the bridging process:

  • MintBurn: Tokens are burned on the source chain and minted on the destination chain. This mode is used when you want to permenantly move tokens from one chain to another.
  • BurnUnlock: Tokens are burned on the source chain and unlocked on the destination chain. This mode is used when you want to move tokens from one chain to another and decrease the supply on the source chain.

We observe two distinct pattern of burning tokens in MintBurn vs BurnUnlock modes:

MintBurn mode

  • Source chain (cross_chain_erc20_settlement): Tokens are locked instead of burned initially.


if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
  _erc20_lock(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
  • Destination chain (receive_cross_chain_msg): Tokens are correctly minted on the destination chain. (the Cairo code is equivalent to this)


if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
  return true;
  • Callaback on the source chain: Tokens are burned only after a successful callback. This is a security measure to ensure that user tokens are only burned when the user has received their tokens on the destination chain. If tokens were burned initially and then the call on the destination chain failed, the user’s tokens would effectively be lost on both chains. More details on this will be provided later:


if (status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Success) {
  if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
    _erc20_burn(address(this), create_cross_txs[txid].amount);
  create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainTxStatus.Settled;

BurnUnlock mode

  • Source chain (cross_chain_erc20_settlement): Tokens are immediately burned on the source chain.


if (mode == SettlementMode.BurnUnlock) {
  _erc20_burn(msg.sender, amount);
  • Destination chain (receive_cross_chain_msg): Tokens are correctly unlocked


if (mode == SettlementMode.BurnUnlock) {
  return true;
  • Callback on the source chain: No specific action for BurnUnlock mode in callback.

To summarize, the two distinct pattern for burning tokens is that: MintBurn follows a lock (source) -> mint (dest) -> burn (callback) and, BurnUnlock follows a burn (source) -> unlock (dest).

The problem is that in the BurnUnlock mode, if the execution on the destination chain fails (for instance, due to insufficient validator signatures), the user’s tokens are lost on both chains. This is because the tokens are burned on the source chain and remain locked on the destination chain, preventing the user from reclaiming them at first try, and preventing the user from reclaiming them at a latter try because user already burned their equivalant tokens in the source chain.

Note that the problem doesn’t exist in MintBurn mode (at least with this particular root cause) because we use the callback pattern. If the call to destination chain fails, the callback simply unlocks the tokens back on the source chain (which it doesn’t do in the current implementation, but is a subject of a distinct report since it’s a different root cause i.e, not implementing a callback pattern if bridging fails vs not unlocking the tokens back in the callback pattern if bridging fails).

Proof of Concept

Here’s a scenario to illustrate:

  • Alice sends 1000 CHKR in BurnUnlock mode.
  • 1000 CHKR is burned on source chain. Let’s assume Alice has 1000 CHKR locked on destination chain.
  • Sending tokens fails for some reasons, e.g, due to insufficient validator signatures. We can even consider an adversarial point of view where a malicious validator intentionally not signing a valid message hash to make it not reach required threshold and fail, with the malicious intent of causing loss of user tokens on both chains. An alternative scenario of failing is when Alice doesn’t have enough tokens locked on destination chain (e.g, she sends 1000 CHKR tokens but she only has 800 CHKR tokens locked on destination chain).
  • Because sending tokens failed, Alice now have 0 CHKR on source chain and 1000 CHKR still locked on the destination chain.
  • Alice tries again to send 1000 CHKR in any mode. Because CHKR was initially burned in first try and is now 0, she doesn’t have the equivalent CHKR to unlock it on the destination chain and is effectively lost forever on both chains.
  • In my opinion, align the BurnUnlock mode with the MintBurn mode by implementing a lock-then-burn pattern:
function cross_chain_erc20_settlement(
    string memory to_chain,
    uint256 to_handler,
    uint256 to_token,
    uint256 to,
    uint256 amount
) external {
    // ...
    if (mode == SettlementMode.BurnUnlock) {
+       _erc20_lock(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
-       _erc20_burn(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
    // ...
  • Implement the callback part, and don’t forget to unlock tokens back to the poor Alice on failure:
function receive_cross_chain_callback(
    uint256 txid,
    string memory from_chain,
    uint256 from_handler,
    CrossChainMsgStatus status,
    uint8 /* sign_type */,
    bytes calldata /* signatures */
) external onlySettlement returns (bool) {
    // ...
    if (status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Success) {
+       if (mode == SettlementMode.BurnUnlock) {
+           _erc20_burn(address(this), create_cross_txs[txid].amount);
+       }
        create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainTxStatus.Settled;
    if (status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed) {
+       if (mode == SettlementMode.BurnUnlock) {
+           _erc20_unlock(create_cross_txs[txid].from, create_cross_txs[txid].amount);
+       }
        create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainTxStatus.Failed;
    // ...

pidb (Chakra) disputed and commented:

Callback only works in MintBurn mode. For BurnUnLock, the token will be burned in the destination chain, so the suggestion here is wrong.

0xsomeone (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

The Warden and its duplicates have identified that the BurnUnlock mode is presently insecurely implemented, burning tokens prior to receiving confirmation that they have been unlocked on the destination chain.

I do not agree with the Sponsor that the callback does not work on the BurnUnlock mode as support for it should be introduced and the node system is out-of-scope of the audit. I believe a medium-risk rating is appropriate given that this issue should solely manifest in case the cross-chain transactions fail for one reason or another.

[M-08] The receive_cross_chain_msg function has potential replay attack risks

Submitted by shaflow2


The receive_cross_chain_msg function does not check the execution status of cross-chain messages itself and relies entirely on the checks performed by the settlement contract. If the settlement contract is updated without changes to the validators, this could lead to a risk of previously executed transactions being replayed.

Proof of Concept

The settlement_address contract can be updated by the owner.

        fn upgrade_settlement(ref self:ContractState, new_settlement: ContractAddress){

If the settlement_address contract is updated without changes to the validators, the cross-chain messages that were executed in the original settlement contract will no longer exist in the new settlement contract.

This allows an attacker to replay previously executed transactions from the old settlement contract, potentially leading to financial discrepancies or chaos because the receive_cross_chain_msg function does not check the execution status of cross-chain messages itself.

        fn receive_cross_chain_msg(ref self: ContractState, cross_chain_msg_id: u256, from_chain: felt252, to_chain: felt252,
        from_handler: u256, to_handler: ContractAddress, payload: Array<u8>) -> bool{
            assert(to_handler == get_contract_address(),'error to_handler');

            assert( == get_caller_address(), 'not settlement');

            assert(, from_handler)) && 
          , contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), 'not support handler');

            return true;
  1. Make the settlement_address unchange.
-       fn upgrade_settlement(ref self:ContractState, new_settlement: ContractAddress){
-           self.ownable.assert_only_owner();
-           self.settlement_address.write(new_settlement);
-       }
  1. The handler stores and verifies the state of cross-chain messages.
    struct Storage {
        ownable: OwnableComponent::Storage,
        upgradeable: UpgradeableComponent::Storage,
        settlement_address: ContractAddress,
        token_address: ContractAddress,
        created_tx: LegacyMap<felt252, CreatedCrossChainTx>,
+       receive_tx: LegacyMap<felt252, CrossChainMsgStatus>,
        msg_count: u256,
        support_handler: LegacyMap<(felt252, u256), bool>,
        mode: u8
        fn receive_cross_chain_msg(ref self: ContractState, cross_chain_msg_id: u256, from_chain: felt252, to_chain: felt252,
        from_handler: u256, to_handler: ContractAddress, payload: Array<u8>) -> bool{
            assert(to_handler == get_contract_address(),'error to_handler');

            assert( == get_caller_address(), 'not settlement');

            assert(, from_handler)) && 
          , contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), 'not support handler');
+           assert( == CrossChainMsgStatus::UNKNOW, 'tx status error');
+           self.receive_tx.wirte(cross_chain_msg_id, CrossChainMsgStatus::SUCCESS);
            return true;

zvlwwj (Chakra) confirmed

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The submission outlines a potential issue that might arise in an upgrade flow of the system if the validators are not changed. I believe such a scenario is likely, and thus consider this to be an acceptable medium-risk vulnerability as transaction replays would be possible in the edge case described.

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

Just to clarify, the upgrade outlined in this submission is an address replacement, not an actual code upgrade. As such, storage will be affected (i.e. the settlement address will have a fresh storage set) and thus this vulnerability is applicable. Alleviating an issue in the settlement implementation will not affect the handler itself as the handler would be pointing to a new settlement implementation if the function outlined by the exhibit is invoked.

[M-09] Bridging from Starknet to Starknet causes mismatch between minted ckrBTC and BTC transferred to MuSig2

Submitted by fyamf


It is possible to bridge assets from Starknet to Starknet by setting to_chain and to_handler to be the same as from_chain and from_handler. This violates the core rule of the protocol, which is “The contract maintains a consistent state between locking/burning tokens on the source chain and minting/unlocking on the destination chain, depending on the settlement mode.”

For example, this could result in the total supply of ckrBTC on Starknet being higher than the amount of BTC transferred to MuSig2 on the Bitcoin network.

Proof of Concept

When a message is received on Starknet, the handler_erc20::receive_cross_chain_msg function is called:
Link to code

In this function, it checks that both to_chain and to_handler as well as from_chain and from_handler are supported:

assert(, from_handler)) &&, contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), 'not support handler');

Link to code

to_chain must be the Starknet chain name, and to_handler must be the contract address of handler_erc20.

This check forces the owner to already call set_support_handler to add support for to_chain and to_handler. Otherwise, any call to handler_erc20::receive_cross_chain_msg will fail:

fn set_support_handler(ref self: ContractState, chain_name: felt252, handler: u256, support: bool) {
    self.support_handler.write((chain_name, handler), support);

Link to code

At first glance, this seems redundant. Why should the Starknet chain and its handler be added to the support_handler mapping within the same handler? For example, if the chain name is Starknet and the handler address is 0xaa, calling'Starknet', 0xaa) returns 1. This mapping should only record valid destination chains and handler addresses, not its own chain and handler.

This creates a potential attack:

  1. The attacker sends a cross-chain message from Starknet and handler_erc20 to the same chain and handler. This means the source chain equals the destination chain, and the source handler equals the destination handler. The parameters for handler_erc20::cross_chain_erc20_settlement would be:

    • to_chain: Starknet
    • to_handler: the same address as handler_erc20
    • to_token: the same token address (ckrBTC)
    • to: the recipient address (irrelevant for this vulnerability)
    • amount: the token amount (irrelevant for this vulnerability)
  2. During the bridging process, there is no check that to_chain and to_handler are different from from_chain and from_handler.
  3. Once the validators sign the event (the validator implementation is out of scope), the message is received on Starknet, and settlement::receive_cross_chain_msg is called. This function does not prevent the attack.

Link to code

  1. Then, receive_cross_chain_msg::handler_erc20 is called:
    Link to code
  2. This function checks if to_chain and to_handler are supported, and since to_chain = from_chain and to_handler = from_handler, it passes.
    Link to code
  3. Finally, the transfer or mint occurs. If the settlement mode is LockMint, the same amount of ckrBTC that was locked on Starknet will be minted on Starknet again. In other words, because the source and destination are the same, the locked token on the source is minted again on the same source. For example, if the attacker bridges 1000 ckrBTC from Starknet to Starknet, 1000 ckrBTC is locked on Starknet, and then 1000 ckrBTC is minted again, resulting in a total supply increase of 2000 ckrBTC on Starknet (1000 locked and 1000 minted).

This contradicts the core logic of the protocol, as explained:

“In Chakra liquid staking, users first transfer Bitcoin to a multi-signature address supported by MuSig2. This event is captured by the indexer, which calls the on-chain contract to mint ckrBTC for the user. The Bitcoin in the multi-signature address is staked into Babylon. While holding ckrBTC, users continue to earn rewards from Babylon staking. When users want to end the staking, they can burn ckrBTC.”

Link to source

This means that the amount of ckrBTC on Starknet is supposed to match the amount of BTC transferred to MuSig2. However, due to this attack, the amount of ckrBTC on Starknet can be maliciously increased and will not match the amount of BTC transferred to MuSig2.


Under normal conditions, a user locks ckrBTC on Starknet and receives tokens on another chain, enabling them to use Bitcoin-backed assets in DeFi protocols. But in this attack, the attacker locks ckrBTC on Starknet and bridges it to Starknet again to mint ckrBTC again. This causes the total supply of ckrBTC on Starknet to be higher than the amount of BTC in MuSig2, violating the core rule of the protocol.


This vulnerability does not depend on owner mistakes. The owner must have already added the source chain and handler to the support_handler mapping; otherwise, any call to handler_erc20::receive_cross_chain_msg would fail. On the EVM-based code, however, the owner does not need to add the source chain and handler to the handler_whitelist mapping, since ChakraSettlementHandler::receive_cross_chain_msg only checks that from_chain and from_handler are whitelisted, not to_chain and to_handler.

if (is_valid_handler(from_chain, from_handler) == false) {
    return false;

Link to code

Proof of Concept (PoC)

In the following test, target_chain, target_token, and target_handler are all set to Starknet, ckrBTC, and erc20_handler on Starknet, respectively. This shows that the transaction executes successfully, contrary to expectations.

use core::option::OptionTrait;
use core::traits::TryInto;
use settlement_cairo::ckr_btc::IckrBTCDispatcherTrait;
use openzeppelin::token::erc20::interface::IERC20DispatcherTrait;
use core::result::ResultTrait;
use core::box::BoxTrait;
use snforge_std::{declare, ContractClassTrait, start_prank, CheatTarget, stop_prank};
use starknet::ContractAddress;
use starknet::{get_tx_info, get_caller_address};
use settlement_cairo::interfaces::{IERC20HandlerDispatcher, IERC20HandlerDispatcherTrait, IChakraSettlementDispatcher, IChakraSettlementDispatcherTrait};
use settlement_cairo::codec::{decode_transfer, encode_transfer, ERC20Transfer, Message, decode_message, encode_message};
use settlement_cairo::utils::{u256_to_contract_address, contract_address_to_u256, u256_to_u8_array};
use settlement_cairo::ckr_btc::{IckrBTCDispatcher};
use openzeppelin::token::erc20::interface::IERC20Dispatcher;

fn test_lock_mint_self(){
    let source_chain = 'Starknet';
    let target_address = 1;
    let amount = 1000;
    let owner_address = 0x5a9bd6214db5b229bd17a4050585b21c87fc0cadf9871f89a099d27ef800a40;
    let attacker_address = 0x00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff;
    let attacker = attacker_address.try_into().unwrap();

    let settlement_contract = declare("ChakraSettlement");
    let settlement_address = settlement_contract.deploy(@array![owner_address, 1]).unwrap();
    let ckrBTC_contract = declare("ckrBTC");
    let ckrBTC_address = ckrBTC_contract.deploy(@array![owner_address]).unwrap();
    let erc20_handler = declare("ERC20Handler");
    let erc20_handler_address = erc20_handler.deploy(@array![settlement_address.into(),owner_address,ckrBTC_address.into(), 1]).unwrap();

    let handler_dispath = IERC20HandlerDispatcher {contract_address: erc20_handler_address};
    let ckrbtc_dispath = IckrBTCDispatcher{contract_address: ckrBTC_address};
    let ckrbtc_erc20_dispath = IERC20Dispatcher{contract_address: ckrBTC_address};
    // support handler
    let owner = owner_address.try_into().unwrap();
    start_prank(CheatTarget::One(erc20_handler_address), owner);
    // add from_chain from_handler
    handler_dispath.set_support_handler(source_chain, contract_address_to_u256(erc20_handler_address),true);

    start_prank(CheatTarget::One(ckrBTC_address), owner);
    // cross_chain_erc20_settlement
    ckrbtc_dispath.mint_to(attacker, amount);

    ////////////// attack starts here
    start_prank(CheatTarget::One(ckrBTC_address), attacker);
    ckrbtc_erc20_dispath.approve(erc20_handler_address, amount);
    start_prank(CheatTarget::One(erc20_handler_address), attacker);
    let target_chain = 'Starknet'; // attacker sets the target chain as source chain
    let target_token = contract_address_to_u256(ckrBTC_address); // attacker sets the target token as source token
    let target_handler = contract_address_to_u256(erc20_handler_address); // attacker sets the target handler as source handler
    handler_dispath.cross_chain_erc20_settlement(target_chain, target_handler, target_token, target_address, amount);

    assert(ckrbtc_erc20_dispath.balance_of(attacker) == 0, 'balance error after cross');
    assert(ckrbtc_erc20_dispath.balance_of(erc20_handler_address) == amount, 'handler balance error');

    // receive_cross_chain_msg
    start_prank(CheatTarget::One(erc20_handler_address), settlement_address);

    assert(ckrbtc_erc20_dispath.balance_of(u256_to_contract_address(0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8)) == 0, 'to_address balance error');
    let message_array_u8 = array! [1, 226, 26, 80, 2, 232, 11, 172, 207, 254, 0, 95, 72, 69, 136, 99, 38, 6, 228, 108, 177, 62, 5, 10, 125, 58, 52, 32, 110, 139, 85, 224, 141, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 243, 159, 214, 229, 26, 173, 136, 246, 244, 206, 106, 184, 130, 114, 121, 207, 255, 185, 34, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 112, 153, 121, 112, 197, 24, 18, 220, 58, 1, 12, 125, 1, 181, 14, 13, 23, 220, 121, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 231, 241, 114, 94, 119, 52, 206, 40, 143, 131, 103, 225, 187, 20, 62, 144, 187, 63, 5, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 144, 247, 155, 246, 235, 44, 79, 135, 3, 101, 231, 133, 152, 46, 31, 16, 30, 147, 185, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 232];
    handler_dispath.receive_cross_chain_msg(1, target_chain, source_chain, target_handler, erc20_handler_address, message_array_u8);
    assert(ckrbtc_erc20_dispath.balance_of(u256_to_contract_address(0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8)) == 1000, 'transfer error');

When bridging from Starknet, it should ensure that the source and destination are different.

0xsomeone (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

The Warden has identified a self-cross-chain-transfer exploitation path that will cause the ckrBTC token to have an incorrect total supply.

I believe a medium-risk severity level is better suited as no financial value can be exploited via the vulnerability described. I do commend the ingenuity!

[M-10] Does not check if to_chain and to_handler is whitelisted in cross_chain_erc20_settlement

Submitted by klau5, also found by Moksha, fyamf, NexusAudits, Abdessamed, gajiknownnothing, Tigerfrake, ABAIKUNANBAEV, 0xAsen, pwnforce, Daniel_eth, atoko, avoloder, AllTooWell, 0xNirix, SBSecurity, Draiakoo, peanuts, rbserver, haxatron, said, mojito_auditor, shaflow2, bhilare_, kutugu, devival, Shaheen, and Breeje


The handler does not prevent tokens from being sent to incorrect chains and handlers. If a message is sent to an incorrect handler, the failure cannot be handled through receive_cross_chain_callback.

Proof of Concept

Handler.cross_chain_erc20_settlement does not check if to_chain and to_handler are whitelisted. Therefore, it’s possible to send messages to any chains and handlers that aren’t paired with this handler.

function cross_chain_erc20_settlement(
    string memory to_chain,
    uint256 to_handler,
    uint256 to_token,
    uint256 to,
    uint256 amount
) external {
    require(amount > 0, "Amount must be greater than 0");
    require(to != 0, "Invalid to address");
@>  require(to_handler != 0, "Invalid to handler address");
    require(to_token != 0, "Invalid to token address");

    if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
        _erc20_lock(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
    } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockUnlock) {
        _erc20_lock(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
    } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockMint) {
        _erc20_lock(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
    } else if (mode == SettlementMode.BurnUnlock) {
        _erc20_burn(msg.sender, amount);

If a non-contract address is set as to_handler, the transaction will revert when trying to call Handler.receive_cross_chain_msg on the destination chain. As a result, it’s impossible to emit an event to signal the failure, making failure handling impossible.

// Settlement.receive_cross_chain_msg
function receive_cross_chain_msg(
    uint256 txid,
    string memory from_chain,
    uint256 from_address,
    uint256 from_handler,
    address to_handler,
    PayloadType payload_type,
    bytes calldata payload,
    uint8 sign_type, // validators signature type /  multisig or bls sr25519
    bytes calldata signatures // signature array
) external {

@>  bool result = ISettlementHandler(to_handler).receive_cross_chain_msg( // this will be reverted
    CrossChainMsgStatus status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed;
    if (result == true) {
        status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Success;
        receive_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Success;
    } else {
@>      receive_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed;

    emit CrossChainHandleResult(
@>      status,

There’s another problem. If a non-whitelisted handler requests a message, Handler.receive_cross_chain_msg will return false to indicate failure. Validators listen for the CrossChainHandleResult event to notify the source chain of the failure through receive_cross_chain_callback, allowing the handler to process the failure.

function receive_cross_chain_msg(
    uint256 /**txid */,
    string memory from_chain,
    uint256 /**from_address */,
    uint256 from_handler,
    PayloadType payload_type,
    bytes calldata payload,
    uint8 /**sign type */,
    bytes calldata /**signaturs */
) external onlySettlement returns (bool) {
    //  from_handler need in whitelist
@>  if (is_valid_handler(from_chain, from_handler) == false) {
@>      return false;

However, Handler.receive_cross_chain_callback only allows callback messages from whitelisted chains and handlers. This means that when a message is sent to an incorrect handler and fails, the callback notifies of the failure, but the source chain’s handler ignores and cannot handle the failure caused by the incorrect handler.

function receive_cross_chain_callback(
    uint256 txid,
    string memory from_chain,
    uint256 from_handler,
    CrossChainMsgStatus status,
    uint8 /* sign_type */, // validators signature type /  multisig or bls sr25519
    bytes calldata /* signatures */
) external onlySettlement returns (bool) {
    //  from_handler need in whitelist
@>  if (is_valid_handler(from_chain, from_handler) == false) {
@>      return false;

        create_cross_txs[txid].status == CrossChainTxStatus.Pending,
        "invalid CrossChainTxStatus"

    if (status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Success) {
        if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
            _erc20_burn(address(this), create_cross_txs[txid].amount);

        create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainTxStatus.Settled;

    if (status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed) {
        create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainTxStatus.Failed;

    return true;

Therefore, Handler.cross_chain_erc20_settlement should check that to_chain and to_handler are whitelisted to prevent message transmission to incorrect handlers in the first place.

function cross_chain_erc20_settlement(
    string memory to_chain,
    uint256 to_handler,
    uint256 to_token,
    uint256 to,
    uint256 amount
) external {
    require(amount > 0, "Amount must be greater than 0");
    require(to != 0, "Invalid to address");
    require(to_handler != 0, "Invalid to handler address");
    require(to_token != 0, "Invalid to token address");
+   require(is_valid_handler(to_chain, to_handler), "not valid destination");

    if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
        _erc20_lock(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
    } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockUnlock) {
        _erc20_lock(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
    } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockMint) {
        _erc20_lock(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
    } else if (mode == SettlementMode.BurnUnlock) {
        _erc20_burn(msg.sender, amount);

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The submission and its duplicates detail how a cross-chain message does not validate that the to_handler is a valid address on the to_chain, causing transactions to be permanently stuck in a pending state and thus leading to fund loss.

I believe a medium-severity rating is appropriate given that the user would have to make a mistake when submitting their transaction, however, the documentation of the system and Cairo implementation indicate that validation should occur.

[M-11] Wrong usage of transaction originator address instead of caller address

Submitted by fyamf, also found by AllTooWell, haxatron, ABAIKUNANBAEV, 0xb0k0, calc1f4r (1, 2), and Draiakoo


The from_address parameter in the events emitted when sending a cross-chain message from Starknet is set to the transaction origin (tx.origin) instead of the actual caller (msg.sender). This causes incorrect data to be emitted in the event.

Proof of Concept

When a cross-chain message is sent from Starknet using the function handler_erc20::cross_chain_erc20_settlement, the function settlement::send_cross_chain_msg is called:

Within this function, the CrossChainMsg event is emitted for validators to pick up:

                    CrossChainMsg {
                        cross_chain_settlement_id: cross_chain_settlement_id,
                        from_address: get_tx_info().unbox().account_contract_address,
                        from_chain: from_chain,
                        to_chain: to_chain,
                        from_handler: from_handler,
                        to_handler: to_handler,
                        payload_type: payload_type,
                        payload: payload

The issue is that from_address is set to get_tx_info().unbox().account_contract_address, which represents “The account contract from which this transaction originates.” This is equivalent to tx.origin in EVM-based blockchains:

This is incorrect because the address of the original transaction sender is irrelevant. Instead, from_address should represent the caller of the handler_erc20::cross_chain_erc20_settlement function.

In contrast, the EVM-based code correctly sets from_address to the parameter forwarded by the ChakraSettlementHandler::cross_chain_erc20_settlement function, which is equivalent to msg.sender:

            // Send the cross-chain message

    function send_cross_chain_msg(
        string memory to_chain,
        address from_address,
        uint256 to_handler,
        PayloadType payload_type,
        bytes calldata payload
    ) external {
        emit CrossChainMsg(

By using the transaction originator’s address (tx.origin) as from_address, the event may include an address that is irrelevant to the cross-chain transaction. This can result in misleading information for any third parties reading the events. Here are two scenarios where an incorrect from_address might be used:

Here is the simplified rephrased version of the report:

  • First Scenario: Imagine Alice sends an NFT to Bob’s contract using the safe_transfer function. This function makes an external call to Bob’s contract. During this call, if Bob’s contract calls handler_erc20::cross_chain_erc20_settlement to send a cross-chain message from Starknet to another chain, the CrossChainMsg event will show Alice’s address as from_address because Alice was the original sender of the transaction. This is incorrect because it is actually Bob’s contract sending the cross-chain message, so from_address should be Bob’s contract address, not Alice’s.

   // This is Bob's contract
   // When Alice transfers NFT to Bob's contract, this function is called.
       fn on_erc721_received(
           self: @ComponentState<TContractState>,
           operator: ContractAddress,
           from: ContractAddress,
           token_id: u256,
           data: Span<felt252>
       ) -> felt252 {
           // Calling `handler_erc20::cross_chain_erc20_settlement`
  • Second Scenario: Consider a scenario where a message is bridged from Ethereum (L1) to Starknet (L2) with Starknet validators managing the bridging process. When the message arrives on Starknet, the function marked with #[l1_handler] in the target contract is called by StarknetOS. In this situation, calling get_caller_address() in that function returns zero. If this function then calls handler_erc20::cross_chain_erc20_settlement, the CrossChainMsg event will show from_address as zero, since the original sender was StarknetOS. This is incorrect because from_address should be the target contract’s address, not zero.

    // This is the target contract
    // This function is called by StarknetOS
    fn msg_handler_felt(ref self: ContractState, from_address: felt252, my_felt: felt252) {
        // Calling get_caller_address() here returns zero
        // Calling `handler_erc20::cross_chain_erc20_settlement`

Additionally, when a callback message is received, the CrossChainResult event will show from_address as get_tx_info().unbox().account_contract_address, which is also incorrect and misleading.

Following modifications are recommended:

        fn cross_chain_erc20_settlement(ref self: ContractState, to_chain: felt252, to_handler: u256, to_token: u256, to: u256, amount: u256) -> felt252{
            assert(, to_handler)), 'not support handler');
            let settlement = IChakraSettlementDispatcher {contract_address:};
            let from_chain = settlement.chain_name();
            let token = IERC20Dispatcher{contract_address:};
            let token_burnable = IERC20MintDispatcher{contract_address:};
            if == SettlementMode::MintBurn{
                token.transfer_from(get_caller_address(), get_contract_address(), amount);
            }else if == SettlementMode::LockMint{
                token.transfer_from(get_caller_address(), get_contract_address(), amount);
            }else if == SettlementMode::BurnUnlock{
                token_burnable.burn_from(get_caller_address(), amount);
            }else if == SettlementMode::LockUnlock{
                token.transfer_from(get_caller_address(), get_contract_address(), amount);
            let tx_id = LegacyHash::hash(get_tx_info().unbox().transaction_hash,;
            let tx: CreatedCrossChainTx = CreatedCrossChainTx{
                    tx_id: tx_id,
                    from_chain: from_chain,
                    to_chain: to_chain,
                    from: get_contract_address(),
                    to: to,
                    to_token: to_token,
                    amount: amount,
                    tx_status: CrossChainTxStatus::PENDING
            self.created_tx.write(tx_id, tx);
            // message id = message count
            let message_id = tx_id;
            let transfer = ERC20Transfer{
                method_id: 1,
                from: contract_address_to_u256(get_caller_address()),
                to: to,
                from_token: contract_address_to_u256(,
                to_token: to_token,
                amount: amount

            let message = Message{
                version: 1,
                message_id: message_id.into(),
                payload_type: PayloadType::ERC20,
                payload: encode_transfer(transfer),
            // send cross chain msg
-           settlement.send_cross_chain_msg(to_chain, to_handler, PayloadType::ERC20, encode_message(message));
+           settlement.send_cross_chain_msg(to_chain, to_handler, PayloadType::ERC20, encode_message(message), 
+           get_caller_address());
            // emit CrossChainLocked

                        tx_id: tx_id,
                        from: get_caller_address(),
                        to: to,
                        from_chain: get_tx_info().unbox().chain_id,
                        to_chain: to_chain,
                        to_token: to_token,
                        amount: amount
            return tx_id;
        fn send_cross_chain_msg(
            ref self: ContractState, to_chain: felt252, to_handler: u256, payload_type :u8,payload: Array<u8>,
+           from_address: felt252,
        ) -> felt252 {
            let from_handler = get_caller_address();
            let from_chain =;
            let cross_chain_settlement_id = LegacyHash::hash(get_tx_info().unbox().transaction_hash,;
            self.created_tx.write(cross_chain_settlement_id, CreatedTx{
                tx_status: CrossChainMsgStatus::PENDING,
                from_chain: from_chain,
                to_chain: to_chain,
                from_handler: from_handler,
                to_handler: to_handler
                    CrossChainMsg {
                        cross_chain_settlement_id: cross_chain_settlement_id,
-                       from_address: get_tx_info().unbox().account_contract_address,
+                       from_address: from_address,
                        from_chain: from_chain,
                        to_chain: to_chain,
                        from_handler: from_handler,
                        to_handler: to_handler,
                        payload_type: payload_type,
                        payload: payload
            return cross_chain_settlement_id;

zvlwwj (Chakra) confirmed

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden has outlined how the system will utilize the tx.origin when processing cross-chain transaction creations which is incorrect. I believe that this does not result in a material vulnerability and is instead an incorrect system implementation meriting a medium-severity rating.

[M-12] SettlementSignatureVerifier’s required_validators is not updated, resulting in a low or high number of signatures being required

Submitted by klau5, also found by 0x37, Topmark, Draiakoo, jesjupyter, rbserver, gesha17, Breeje, SBSecurity, and 0xNirix


The required_validators in SettlementSignatureVerifier is not updated when updating BaseSettlement‘s. This results in either fewer or more signatures being required when verified.

Proof of Concept

The functions BaseSettlement.add_validator and BaseSettlement.remove_validator in the BaseSettlement contract also update the validators of the SignatureVerifier contract. However, the function BaseSettlement.set_required_validators_num does not call SettlementSignatureVerifier.set_required_validators_num. Therefore, the number of required validator signatures will not be set.

function set_required_validators_num(
    uint256 _required_validators
) external onlyRole(MANAGER_ROLE) {
    uint256 old = required_validators;
    required_validators = _required_validators;
    emit RequiredValidatorsChanged(msg.sender, old, required_validators);

This is the PoC. You can add it to solidity/settlement/test/ChakraSettlement.ts and run it.

it('PoC set_required_validators_num', async () => {
    const { settlmentInstance, verifierInstance, manager } = await loadFixture(deploySettlementFixture)
    await settlmentInstance.connect(manager).set_required_validators_num(3);

    expect(await settlmentInstance.required_validators()).to.equal(3);
    expect(await verifierInstance.required_validators()).to.equal(2); // does not changed

Call SettlementSignatureVerifier.set_required_validators_num at BaseSettlement.set_required_validators_num .

function set_required_validators_num(
    uint256 _required_validators
) external onlyRole(MANAGER_ROLE) {
+   signature_verifier.set_required_validators_num(_required_validators);
    uint256 old = required_validators;
    required_validators = _required_validators;
    emit RequiredValidatorsChanged(msg.sender, old, required_validators);

pidb (Chakra) disputed

0xsomeone (judge) commented:

The Warden and its duplicates have outlined how the BaseSettlement::set_required_validators_num function fails to take effect as expected, causing it to be ineffectual in relation to the actual signature validation performed within the SettlementSignatureVerifier contract.

I believe a medium-risk rating is appropriate given that functionality of the system is missing but no exploitable attack path has been defined.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this audit, 46 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by SBSecurity received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: AllTooWell, fyamf, ABAIKUNANBAEV, atoko, Abdessamed, NexusAudits, peanuts, rbserver, calfun0x, Rhaydden, PolarizedLight, 0xNirix, jasonxiale, sivanesh_808, devival, Bauchibred, Sparrow, Breeje, Sabit, Tigerfrake, BY_DLIFE, Nexarion, King_, DPS, VulnViper, Draiakoo, Audinarey, Flare, jesjupyter, Omik, Sisi, Taiger, MrPotatoMagic, minato7namikazi, mrjorystewartbaxter, Trooper, m4k2, LuarSec, klau5, said, Shaheen, haxatron, shaflow2, mojito_auditor, and 4rdiii.

[01] Config on Starknet allows calling for to_chain and to_handler at the same chain

Issue Description

Looking at the assert statement in handler_erc20::receive_cross_chain_callback we can see that to_handler and to_chain are also validated to be in the support_handler collection:


  assert(, from_handler)) &&, contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), 'not support handler');

In reality these 2 should be the same address and same chain on which the execution is happening. Knowing that users can create cross chain transactions for the same chain and spam validators with transactions:


fn cross_chain_erc20_settlement(ref self: ContractState, to_chain: felt252, to_handler: u256, to_token: u256, to: u256, amount: u256) -> felt252{
          assert(, to_handler)), 'not support handler');

The assert in cross_chain_erc20_settlement is intended to validate whether the destination is supported but because of the check above the admin is forced to add the address and chain of the contract that is calling the cross_chain_erc20_settlement function.


Simplify the assert in receive_cross_chain_callback and receive_cross_chain_callback by removing to_chain and to_handler.

-  assert(, from_handler)) &&, contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), 'not support handler');
+  assert(, from_handler))), 'not support handler');

[02] receive_cross_chain_msg has no access control, users can grief validators with frontrun

Issue Description

receive_cross_chain_msg in both ChakraSettlement (Solidity) and settlement (Cairo) are missing access control and allow anyone, observing the mempool, to steal the signatures and frontrun the messages gas griefing the trusted entities that should call this function:


function receive_cross_chain_msg(
        uint256 txid,
        string memory from_chain,
        uint256 from_address,
        uint256 from_handler,
        address to_handler,
        PayloadType payload_type,
        bytes calldata payload,
        uint8 sign_type, // validators signature type /  multisig or bls sr25519
        bytes calldata signatures // signature array
    ) external {
            // verify signature
            bytes32 message_hash = keccak256(

                signature_verifier.verify(message_hash, signatures, sign_type),
                "Invalid signature"


fn receive_cross_chain_msg(
            ref self: ContractState,
            cross_chain_msg_id: u256,
            from_chain: felt252,
            to_chain: felt252,
            from_handler: u256,
            to_handler: ContractAddress,
            sign_type: u8,
            signatures: Array<(felt252, felt252, bool)>,
            payload: Array<u8>,
            payload_type: u8,
        ) -> bool {
            assert(to_chain ==, 'error to_chain');

            // verify signatures
            let mut message_hash: felt252 = LegacyHash::hash(from_chain, (cross_chain_msg_id, to_chain, from_handler, to_handler));
            let payload_span = payload.span();
            let mut i = 0;
            loop {
                if i > payload_span.len()-1{
                message_hash = LegacyHash::hash(message_hash, *;
                i += 1;
            self.check_chakra_signatures(message_hash, signatures);

As we can see nowhere caller validation is done, only signatures are checked whether they belong to the current validators.

The grief is basically as ERC20 permit frontrunning, explained here. Although no harm is done, it affects the honest actors.


Add access-control allowing only Chakra trusted entities to call these functions.

[03] Missing check if the txid exists in created_tx

Issue Description

receive_cross_chain_callback in Cairo and the one in Solidity aren’t the same logic, since the one in Cairo is missing a crucial check ensuring txId is created.


function receive_cross_chain_callback(
    uint256 txid,
    string memory from_chain,
    uint256 from_handler,
    CrossChainMsgStatus status,
    uint8 /* sign_type */, // validators signature type /  multisig or bls sr25519
    bytes calldata /* signatures */
) external onlySettlement returns (bool) {
    //  from_handler need in whitelist
    if (is_valid_handler(from_chain, from_handler) == false) {
        return false;

        create_cross_txs[txid].status == CrossChainTxStatus.Pending,  <--------------------------------
        "invalid CrossChainTxStatus"

    if (status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Success) {
        if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
            _erc20_burn(address(this), create_cross_txs[txid].amount);

        create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainTxStatus.Settled;

    if (status == CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed) {
        create_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainTxStatus.Failed;

    return true;


fn receive_cross_chain_callback(ref self: ContractState, cross_chain_msg_id: felt252, from_chain: felt252, to_chain: felt252,
from_handler: u256, to_handler: ContractAddress, cross_chain_msg_status: u8) -> bool{
    assert(to_handler == get_contract_address(),'error to_handler');

    assert( == get_caller_address(), 'not settlement');

    assert(, from_handler)) && 
  , contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), 'not support handler');

    // AUDIT - missing created_tx check
    assert( == CrossChainTxStatus::PENDING, 'tx status error');

    let erc20 = IERC20MintDispatcher{contract_address:};
    if == SettlementMode::MintBurn{
    let created_tx =;
    self.created_tx.write(cross_chain_msg_id, CreatedCrossChainTx{
        tx_id: created_tx.tx_id,
        from_chain: created_tx.from_chain,
        to_chain: created_tx.to_chain,
        from_token: created_tx.from_token,
        to_token: created_tx.to_token,
        amount: created_tx.amount,
        tx_status: CrossChainTxStatus::SETTLED

    return true;

This missing check will make the problem mentioned in one of our reports [”send_cross_chain_msg in Settlement must have onlyHandler modifier”] a little different for Cairo, the problem will just not revert when receive_cross_chain_callback is called, but will take 0s for each created_tx field and will burn 0 from the contract, finalizing the cross-chain transaction and marking the non-existent txId as SETTLED, while assuming that the contract acted valid.


Add the same check in Cairo’s receive_cross_chain_callback.

fn receive_cross_chain_callback(ref self: ContractState, cross_chain_msg_id: felt252, from_chain: felt252, to_chain: felt252,
from_handler: u256, to_handler: ContractAddress, cross_chain_msg_status: u8) -> bool{
    assert(to_handler == get_contract_address(),'error to_handler');

    assert( == get_caller_address(), 'not settlement');

    assert(, from_handler)) && 
  , contract_address_to_u256(to_handler))), 'not support handler');

+   assert( == CrossChainTxStatus::PENDING, 'tx status error');

    let erc20 = IERC20MintDispatcher{contract_address:};
    if == SettlementMode::MintBurn{
    let created_tx =;
    self.created_tx.write(cross_chain_msg_id, CreatedCrossChainTx{
        tx_id: created_tx.tx_id,
        from_chain: created_tx.from_chain,
        to_chain: created_tx.to_chain,
        from_token: created_tx.from_token,
        to_token: created_tx.to_token,
        amount: created_tx.amount,
        tx_status: CrossChainTxStatus::SETTLED

    return true;

[04] ERC20TransferPayload encoding/decoding can be simplified

Issue Description

deocde_transfer can be simplified because in ERC20CodecV1 because none of the params of the ERC20TransferPayload struct are of dynamic type (string or bytes). Encoding/decoding can be easily simplified because it doesn’t matter whether the encoding is packed or not, the output bytes will be always the same, due to the types of properties:


function encode_transfer(
      ERC20TransferPayload memory _payload
  ) external pure returns (bytes memory encodedPaylaod) {
      encodedPaylaod = abi.encodePacked(

Additionally, the decoding is also heavily complicated; it can simply decode to the ERC20TransferPayload directly instead of manually parsing and slicing the array:


function deocde_transfer(
        bytes calldata _payload
    ) external pure returns (ERC20TransferPayload memory transferPayload) {
        transferPayload.method_id = ERC20Method(uint8(_payload[0]));
        transferPayload.from = abi.decode(_payload[1:33], (uint256)); = abi.decode(_payload[33:65], (uint256));
        transferPayload.from_token = abi.decode(_payload[65:97], (uint256));
        transferPayload.to_token = abi.decode(_payload[97:129], (uint256));
        transferPayload.amount = abi.decode(_payload[129:161], (uint256));


encode_transfer should be modified like this:

function encode_transfer(
      ERC20TransferPayload memory _payload
  ) external pure returns (bytes memory encodedPaylaod) {
-     encodedPaylaod = abi.encodePacked(
+     encodedPaylaod = abi.encode(

deocde_transfer should look like this:

function deocde_transfer(
        bytes calldata _payload
    ) external pure returns (ERC20TransferPayload memory transferPayload) {
	     return abi.decode(_payload, (ERC20TransferPayload));

[05] Superfluous checks in receive_cross_chain_msg

Issue Description

ChakraSettlementHandler::receive_cross_chain_msg contains 2 identical checks regarding the payload type and one of them is redundant:


function receive_cross_chain_msg(
uint256 /**txid */,
string memory from_chain,
uint256 /**from_address */,
uint256 from_handler,
PayloadType payload_type,
bytes calldata payload,
uint8 /**sign type */,
bytes calldata /**signaturs */
) external onlySettlement returns (bool) {
//  from_handler need in whitelist
if (is_valid_handler(from_chain, from_handler) == false) {
    return false;
bytes calldata msg_payload = MessageV1Codec.payload(payload);

require(isValidPayloadType(payload_type), "Invalid payload type");

if (payload_type == PayloadType.ERC20) {
    // Cross chain transfer
    // Decode transfer payload
            ERC20TransferPayload memory transfer_payload = codec

            if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
                return true;
            } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockUnlock) {

                return true;
            } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockMint) {
                return true;
            } else if (mode == SettlementMode.BurnUnlock) {
                return true;

    return false;

As we can see the first require isValidPayloadType is redundant because the if check below does the same. As a result when the payload type is not ERC20 we will revert, without even entering the check in the if statement.


Remove the require statement and add else statement, so when the other payload types are supported it will be easier to upgrade the contracts:

function receive_cross_chain_msg(
uint256 /**txid */,
string memory from_chain,
uint256 /**from_address */,
uint256 from_handler,
PayloadType payload_type,
bytes calldata payload,
uint8 /**sign type */,
bytes calldata /**signaturs */
) external onlySettlement returns (bool) {
//  from_handler need in whitelist
if (is_valid_handler(from_chain, from_handler) == false) {
    return false;
bytes calldata msg_payload = MessageV1Codec.payload(payload);

- require(isValidPayloadType(payload_type), "Invalid payload type");

if (payload_type == PayloadType.ERC20) {
    // Cross chain transfer
    // Decode transfer payload
            ERC20TransferPayload memory transfer_payload = codec

            if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
                return true;
            } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockUnlock) {

                return true;
            } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockMint) {
                return true;
            } else if (mode == SettlementMode.BurnUnlock) {
                return true;
+ else {
+	   revert("Currently unsupported");
+ }

    return false;

[06] receive_cross_chain_msg has unnecessary if clause

Issue Description

There is a redundant status assignment in the ChakraSettlement::receive_cross_chain_msg:


function receive_cross_chain_msg(
    uint256 txid,
    string memory from_chain,
    uint256 from_address,
    uint256 from_handler,
    address to_handler,
    PayloadType payload_type,
    bytes calldata payload,
    uint8 sign_type, // validators signature type /  multisig or bls sr25519
    bytes calldata signatures // signature array
) external {
    ...MORE CODE

    bool result = ISettlementHandler(to_handler).receive_cross_chain_msg(

    CrossChainMsgStatus status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed;
    if (result == true) {
        status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Success;
        receive_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Success;
    } else {
        receive_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed;

    emit CrossChainHandleResult(

When ISettlementHandler(to_handler).receive_cross_chain_msg is called we need the returned value in order to determine the status of the transaction and emit the event which will trigger the callback, but the result variable contains redundant else statement:

else {
        receive_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed;

We can simply assign the default status to Failed and only have if statement which will change the status to Success.

Same if check is observed in settlement contract:


fn receive_cross_chain_msg(
            ref self: ContractState,
            cross_chain_msg_id: u256,
            from_chain: felt252,
            to_chain: felt252,
            from_handler: u256,
            to_handler: ContractAddress,
            sign_type: u8,
            signatures: Array<(felt252, felt252, bool)>,
            payload: Array<u8>,
            payload_type: u8,
        ) -> bool {

					...MORE CODE
            // call handler receive_cross_chain_msg
            let handler = IHandlerDispatcher{contract_address: to_handler};
            let success = handler.receive_cross_chain_msg(cross_chain_msg_id, from_chain, to_chain, from_handler, to_handler , payload);

            let mut status = CrossChainMsgStatus::SUCCESS;
            if success{
                status = CrossChainMsgStatus::SUCCESS;
                status = CrossChainMsgStatus::FAILED;

Here we also want to check what is the status of the execution of handler_erc20 and emit even with the right status. Now the if is redundant because it won’t change the status.


Remove the else statement and leave only the if check:

    CrossChainMsgStatus status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed;
    if (result == true) {
        status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Success;
-       receive_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Success;
-   else {
-       receive_cross_txs[txid].status = CrossChainMsgStatus.Failed;
-   }

+   receive_cross_txs[txid].status = status;

And in Cairo:

            // call handler receive_cross_chain_msg
            let handler = IHandlerDispatcher{contract_address: to_handler};
            let success = handler.receive_cross_chain_msg(cross_chain_msg_id, from_chain, to_chain, from_handler, to_handler , payload);

-           let mut status = CrossChainMsgStatus::SUCCESS;
-           if success{
-               status = CrossChainMsgStatus::SUCCESS;
-           }else{
-               status = CrossChainMsgStatus::FAILED;
-           }

+           let mut status = CrossChainMsgStatus::FAILED;
+           if success{
+               status = CrossChainMsgStatus::SUCCESS;
+           }

[07] verifyECDSA can have strict equality

Issue Description

Function which is used to check the validator signatures uses greater than or equal to () when comparing to the validator threshold number. Indeed such check is not needed because the for loop is terminated as long as the m == required_validators :


function verifyECDSA(
      bytes32 msgHash,
      bytes calldata signatures
  ) internal view returns (bool) {
          signatures.length % 65 == 0,
          "Signature length must be a multiple of 65"

      uint256 len = signatures.length;
      uint256 m = 0;
      for (uint256 i = 0; i < len; i += 65) {
          bytes memory sig = signatures[i:i + 65];
          if (
              validators[msgHash.recover(sig)] && ++m >= required_validators
          ) {
              return true;

      return false;

The set of signatures are considered valid when there are valid signatures, equal to the threshold we don’t need to continue to check the others.


Replace the sign with simply ==:

function verifyECDSA(
      bytes32 msgHash,
      bytes calldata signatures
  ) internal view returns (bool) {
          signatures.length % 65 == 0,
          "Signature length must be a multiple of 65"

      uint256 len = signatures.length;
      uint256 m = 0;
      for (uint256 i = 0; i < len; i += 65) {
          bytes memory sig = signatures[i:i + 65];
          if (
-             validators[msgHash.recover(sig)] && ++m >= required_validators
+             validators[msgHash.recover(sig)] && ++m == required_validators
          ) {
              return true;

      return false;

[08] set_required_validators_num should have check if req_validator < validator_count

Issue Description

set_required_validators_num should check whether the _required_validators argument isn’t higher than the current validator_count. Otherwise contracts can end up in a state where, even if all the validators are active and provide signatures, they also won’t be enough to validate cross-chain transaction. Currently such check is not presented and manager can intentionally, or not pass higher number than the number of current validators and DoS the cross-chain functionality until another manager doesn’t decrease the value:


function set_required_validators_num(
        uint256 _required_validators
    ) external virtual onlyRole(MANAGER_ROLE) {
        uint256 old = required_validators;
        required_validators = _required_validators;
        emit RequiredValidatorsChanged(msg.sender, old, required_validators);


Add a check to prevent even the managers from passing _required_validators higher than the number of the validators:

function set_required_validators_num(
        uint256 _required_validators
    ) external virtual onlyRole(MANAGER_ROLE) {
+       require(_required_validators <= validator_count, "req exceeds current number of validators");
        uint256 old = required_validators;
        required_validators = _required_validators;
        emit RequiredValidatorsChanged(msg.sender, old, required_validators);

[09] missing disableInitializers in SettlementSignatureVerifier

Issue Description

SettlementSignatureVerifier is missing disableInitializers call and due to the usage of a proxy upgradeable contract without calling this function in the constructor of the logic contract. This oversight introduces a severe risk, allowing potential attackers to initialize the implementation contract itself.


Call disableInitializers: include a call to disableInitializers in the constructor of the logic contract as recommended by OpenZeppelin.


+	constructor() external {
+		disableInitializers()
+	}

[10] txId is generated differently on Starknet

Issue Description

tx_id in handler_erc20 is generated differently, compared to ChakraSettlementHandler.

In Cairo it contains the following params:

  • transaction_hash
  • msg_count


function cross_chain_erc20_settlement(
    string memory to_chain,
    uint256 to_handler,
    uint256 to_token,
    uint256 to,
    uint256 amount
) external {
    require(amount > 0, "Amount must be greater than 0");
    require(to != 0, "Invalid to address");
    require(to_handler != 0, "Invalid to handler address");
    require(to_token != 0, "Invalid to token address");

    if (mode == SettlementMode.MintBurn) {
        _erc20_lock(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
    } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockUnlock) {
        _erc20_lock(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
    } else if (mode == SettlementMode.LockMint) {
        _erc20_lock(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
    } else if (mode == SettlementMode.BurnUnlock) {
        _erc20_burn(msg.sender, amount);

        // Increment nonce for the sender
        nonce_manager[msg.sender] += 1;

    // Create a new cross chain tx
    uint256 txid = uint256(
                msg.sender, // from address for settlement to calculate txid
                address(this), //  from handler for settlement to calculate txid

In Solidity it contains the following params:

  • chain
  • to_chain
  • msg.sender
  • address(this)
  • to_handler
  • nonce of caller


fn cross_chain_erc20_settlement(ref self: ContractState, to_chain: felt252, to_handler: u256, to_token: u256, to: u256, amount: u256) -> felt252{
      let tx_id = LegacyHash::hash(get_tx_info().unbox().transaction_hash,;

As we can see both tx_ids are completely different from each other. But the intentions of the team is to construct hashes in the same way on both chains. Making the management of the transactions across different chains, Starknet and EVM in particular easier. Now they will have to have different signing logic, depending on the chain that the transaction comes.

Furthermore, the approach used in Cairo can potentially lead to duplicate tx_ids, because only 2 values are being used, both of simple types. If such scenario happens, the second user will break the invariant defined in the projects because of the active checks, preventing replays in the receive_cross_chain_callback functions:

The contract maintains a consistent state between locking/burning tokens on the source chain and minting/unlocking on the destination chain, depending on the settlement mode.


Modify the handler_erc20 contract to compute the tx_id in the same way as in ChakraSettlementHandler:

fn cross_chain_erc20_settlement(ref self: ContractState, to_chain: felt252, to_handler: u256, to_token: u256, to: u256, amount: u256) -> felt252{
-      let tx_id = LegacyHash::hash(get_tx_info().unbox().transaction_hash,;
+      let tx_id = LegacyHash::hash(, (to_chain, get_caller_address(), get_contract_address(), to_handler,;

[11] wrongly downcasted to uint64

Issue Description

In MessageV1Codec library id is wrongly decoded to uint64, instead of the original size when being encoded - uint256. The _msg that this function expects is the Message struct that looks like this:


struct Message {
    // The id of the message
    uint256 id;
    // The type of the payload
    PayloadType payload_type;
    // The payload of the message
    bytes payload;

As we can see, the id is of type uint256 but in MessageV1Codec::id it’s downcasted and will return only the rightmost bits:


function id(bytes calldata _msg) internal pure returns (uint64) {
      return uint64(bytes8(_msg[ID_OFFSET:PAYLOAD_TYPE_OFFSET]));


Apply the following changes to this function in order to return the original id that the Message struct is encoded with:

- function id(bytes calldata _msg) internal pure returns (uint64) {
+ function id(bytes calldata _msg) internal pure returns (uint256) {
-     return uint64(bytes8(_msg[ID_OFFSET:PAYLOAD_TYPE_OFFSET]));
+     return uint256(bytes32(_msg[ID_OFFSET:PAYLOAD_TYPE_OFFSET]));

[12] Whole system is missing pausability

Issue Description

All the contracts in scope are missing pausability mechanism and in case of a failure will not be able to be stopped. This poses significant risk especially in cross-chain protocols where handlers (ChakraSettlementHandler and handler_erc20) are in complete control over the locked funds of the users or can be used to mint the entire supply of the Chakra token in this scenario.

By having pause/unpause functions and whenNotPaused modifiers applied you will minimize the risk in case there is an issue in your contracts. When paused you can think of a plan to rescue the funds. Pausing is also beneficial when upgrade is performed, that way you will eliminate the risk of failing cross-chain transactions when, for example, important variable is being changed.

Without a way to pause cross_chain_erc20_settlement, you can’t stop users from spamming transactions when contracts are malfunctioning.


In order to fix this you should:

  1. import the PausableUpgradeable contract from OpenZeppelin:

  1. expose onlyOwner public pause/unpause functions
  2. add the whenNotPaused modifier to any of the critical functions, such as cross_chain_erc20_settlement and in ChakraToken's mint, burn, burn_from, mint_to.

[13] Wrong message_hash in receive_cross_chain_msg on Starknet compared to EVM

Issue Description

message_hash of receive_cross_chain_msg, constructed in ChakraSettlement.sol is completely different from the message_hash in settlement.cairo .

In Solidity it’s constructed from:

  • txid
  • from_chain
  • from_address
  • from_handler
  • to_handler
  • hash of payload


function receive_cross_chain_msg(
    uint256 txid,
    string memory from_chain,
    uint256 from_address,
    uint256 from_handler,
    address to_handler,
    PayloadType payload_type,
    bytes calldata payload,
    uint8 sign_type, // validators signature type /  multisig or bls sr25519
    bytes calldata signatures // signature array
) external {
        // verify signature
        bytes32 message_hash = keccak256(

In Cairo it’s constructed from:

  • from_chain
  • cross_chain_msg_id (txid)
  • to_chain
  • from_handler
  • to_handler
  • hash of payload


 fn receive_cross_chain_msg(
            ref self: ContractState,
            cross_chain_msg_id: u256,
            from_chain: felt252,
            to_chain: felt252,
            from_handler: u256,
            to_handler: ContractAddress,
            sign_type: u8,
            signatures: Array<(felt252, felt252, bool)>,
            payload: Array<u8>,
            payload_type: u8,
        ) -> bool {
            assert(to_chain ==, 'error to_chain');

            // verify signatures
            let mut message_hash: felt252 = LegacyHash::hash(from_chain, (cross_chain_msg_id, to_chain, from_handler, to_handler));
            let payload_span = payload.span();
            let mut i = 0;
            loop {
                if i > payload_span.len()-1{
                message_hash = LegacyHash::hash(message_hash, *;
                i += 1;

As we can see the order is different and there is to_chain instead of from_address in Cairo. But the intentions of the team is to construct hashes in the same way on both chains. Making the signing of the messages easier and the same for all validators.


Modify the message_hash in Cairo by adding from_address like the one in Solidity and use the chain_name storage variable instead of allowing users to pass it as an argument:

- let mut message_hash: felt252 = LegacyHash::hash(from_chain, (cross_chain_msg_id, to_chain, from_handler, to_handler));
+ let mut message_hash: felt252 = LegacyHash::hash(cross_chain_msg_id, (from_chain, chain_name, from_handler, to_handler));
        let payload_span = payload.span();
        let mut i = 0;
        loop {
            if i > payload_span.len()-1{
            message_hash = LegacyHash::hash(message_hash, *;
            i += 1;
        self.check_chakra_signatures(message_hash, signatures);

Or if the Starknet one is better (as we don’t know what is the correct intention of the developers), in Solidity you just have to replace the from_address with contract_chain_name:

 bytes32 message_hash = keccak256(
-                   from_address,
+                   contract_chain_name,

[14] Protocol hashes do not use EIP712

Issue Description

Signatures that validators provide in order to validate the messages are not compliant with the EIP712, as a result they will be unreadable by wallets as Metamask and can pose some difficulties for the signers.

The most crucial discrepancies are the fact that there is no domainSeparator (that includes the version, chainId, address of the verifying contract and salt, used to prevent replays), hashStruct (the hashed struct, in Chakra’s case - message_hash, it has to have defined struct and it’s signature should be hashed) and encodeData (that included the message that should be signed, in Chakra’s case the message_hash itself which contains all the params that make sense for the logical execution).

That will make the whole message signing easier and more readable. Currently we are expecting sign bytes array that is manually processed from the validators:


function verifySignature(
        uint256 txid,
        uint256 from_handler,
        address to_handler,
        CrossChainMsgStatus status,
        uint8 sign_type,
        bytes calldata signatures
    ) internal view {
        bytes32 message_hash = keccak256(
            abi.encodePacked(txid, from_handler, to_handler, status)

            signature_verifier.verify(message_hash, signatures, sign_type),
            "Invalid signature"


Add the EIP712 support, in order to make the process of signing easier and displaying signatures in a more readable format as well.

  • New message data struct that contains all the important params (the ones that are used from the message_hash currently).


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C4 audits incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Audit submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.