Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the PoolTogether smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between July 7 - July 14 2023.

Following the C4 audit, 3 wardens (dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin) reviewed the mitigations for all identified issues; the mitigation review report is appended below the audit report.


117 Wardens contributed reports to the PoolTogether:

  1. dirk_y
  2. rvierdiiev
  3. 0xStalin
  4. zzzitron
  5. KupiaSec
  6. wangxx2026
  7. KIntern_NA (duc and TrungOre)
  8. pontifex
  9. bin2chen
  10. shaka
  11. volodya
  12. Brenzee
  13. minhtrng
  14. yixxas
  15. Aymen0909
  16. Nyx
  17. GalloDaSballo
  18. ktg
  19. mahyar
  20. 0x3e84fa45 (0xArcturus and markus_ether)
  21. seeques
  22. Jeiwan
  23. RedTiger
  24. DadeKuma
  25. xuwinnie
  26. 0xWaitress
  27. ni8mare
  28. markus_ether
  29. Infect3d
  30. degensec
  31. Udsen
  32. catellatech
  33. josephdara
  34. MiniGlome
  35. qpzm
  36. 0xbepresent
  37. 0xkasper
  38. alymurtazamemon
  39. Tripathi
  40. nadin
  41. hals
  42. saneryee
  43. 3docSec
  44. c3phas
  45. SAQ
  46. hunter_w3b
  47. petrichor
  48. gzeon
  49. Inspecktor
  50. keccak123
  51. GREY-HAWK-REACH (Kose, aswinraj94, dimulski, 0xprinc, aslanbek and escrow)
  52. 0xMirce
  53. ptsanev
  54. Breeje
  55. Co0nan
  57. squeaky_cactus
  58. dacian
  59. kutugu
  60. 0xSmartContract
  61. peanuts
  62. K42
  63. wvleak
  64. 0x11singh99
  65. dev0cloo
  66. serial-coder
  67. Praise
  68. naman1778
  69. Rolezn
  70. grearlake
  71. Daniel526
  72. btk
  73. 0xAnah
  74. ybansal2403
  75. SM3_SS
  76. Raihan
  77. ReyAdmirado
  78. Rageur
  79. SAAJ
  80. 0xn006e7
  81. LeoS
  82. koxuan
  83. jaraxxus
  84. oxchsyston
  85. neumo
  86. 0xPsuedoPandit
  87. namx05
  88. Jorgect
  89. YY
  90. Darwin
  91. lanrebayode77
  92. alexzoid
  93. Kaysoft
  94. banpaleo5
  95. MohammedRizwan
  96. Bauchibred
  97. erebus
  98. Vagner
  99. joaovwfreire
  100. ayden
  101. ArmedGoose
  102. fatherOfBlocks
  103. eyexploit
  104. teawaterwire
  105. alexweb3
  106. LuchoLeonel1
  107. Bobface
  108. mahdirostami
  109. John
  110. ravikiranweb3

This audit was judged by Picodes.

Final report assembled by thebrittfactor.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 36 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 9 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 27 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 37 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 19 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 PoolTogether repository, and is composed of 14 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 3324 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (9)

[H-01] The _currentExchangeRate of the Vault contract can’t increase and will always be lower than or equal to _assetUnit

Submitted by KIntern_NA, also found by KupiaSec

The _currentExchangeRate of the Vault contract can not increase and will always be lower than or equal to _assetUnit. Therefore, when the vault is under-collateralized (_currentExchangeRate < _assetUnit), it can’t be further collateralized.

Proof of concept

function _currentExchangeRate() internal view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 _totalSupplyAmount = _totalSupply();
    uint256 _totalSupplyToAssets = _convertToAssets(

    uint256 _withdrawableAssets = _yieldVault.maxWithdraw(address(this));

    if (_withdrawableAssets > _totalSupplyToAssets) {
      _withdrawableAssets = _withdrawableAssets - (_withdrawableAssets - _totalSupplyToAssets);

    if (_totalSupplyAmount != 0 && _withdrawableAssets != 0) {
      return _withdrawableAssets.mulDiv(_assetUnit, _totalSupplyAmount, Math.Rounding.Down);

    return _assetUnit;

The _totalSupplyAmount != 0 && _withdrawableAssets != 0, _currentExchangeRate function will return a value _withdrawableAssets * _assetUnit / _totalSupplyAmount. However, _withdrawableAssets can not exceed _totalSupplyToAssets, which is equal to _totalSupplyAmount * _lastRecordedExchangeRate / _assetUnit. Therefore, _currentExchangeRate will always be lower than or equal to _lastRecordedExchangeRate.

Add this assert line and run forge test; all tests will pass.

if (_totalSupplyAmount != 0 && _withdrawableAssets != 0) {
  assert(_withdrawableAssets.mulDiv(_assetUnit, _totalSupplyAmount, Math.Rounding.Down) <= _assetUnit);
  return _withdrawableAssets.mulDiv(_assetUnit, _totalSupplyAmount, Math.Rounding.Down);

Remove the lines of code that limit the _withdrawableAssets:

if (_withdrawableAssets > _totalSupplyToAssets) {
  _withdrawableAssets = _withdrawableAssets - (_withdrawableAssets - _totalSupplyToAssets);

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed and commented:

Hmm, I’m not sure about this one. Will mark as confirmed and figure it out later.

Picodes (judge) commented:

@asselstine - did you figure it out?

It seems to me that because of if (_withdrawableAssets > _convertToAssets(_totalSupplyAmount, _lastRecordedExchangeRate, Math.Rounding.Down)), the rate indeed can’t increase; which is a huge issue in case of a momentary undercollateralization.

PierrickGT (PoolTogether) commented:

@Picodes - Indeed, the exchange rate should not be greater than 1 because users should not be able to claim the yield that has accrued in the YieldVault.

That’s why we have the following condition:

if (_withdrawableAssets > _totalSupplyToAssets) {
  _withdrawableAssets = _withdrawableAssets - (_withdrawableAssets - _totalSupplyToAssets);

We subtract the yield from the total amount, with the yield being the difference between _withdrawableAssets and _totalSupplyToAssets.

If the YieldVault becomes under-collateralized, users won’t be able to deposit anymore, but will be able to withdraw their share of the deposit. Any yield that as accrued and has not been claimed yet will be shared proportionally amongst users.

PierrickGT (PoolTogether) commented:

The code has been improved and clarified in the following PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/13.

Picodes (judge) commented:

Keeping high severity here because of the issue in case of temporary undercollateralization.

PoolTogether mitigated:

The issue turned out not to be the case; the exchange rate is always <= 1 (yield is liquidated). However, comments were added to clarify the behaviour.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/13

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev.

[H-02] A malicious user can steal other user’s deposits from Vault.sol

Submitted by zzzitron, also found by pontifex

Lines of code

https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/blob/b1deb5d494c25f885c34c83f014c8a855c5e2749/src/Vault.sol#L509-L521 https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/blob/b1deb5d494c25f885c34c83f014c8a855c5e2749/src/Vault.sol#L407-L415


When the Vault.withdraw() function is called, a maximum of type(uint96).max shares are burnt subsequently: Vault.withdraw()-> Vault._withdraw()-> Vault._burn burns uint96(_shares), see Vault.sol line 1139.

A malicious user can exploit this in the following way:

  1. A malicious user deposits, for example, two times the value of type(uint96).max underlying assets into the Vault; calling the function Vault.deposit() two times. They can’t deposit more in a single transaction because type(uint96).max is the maximum value to deposit.
  2. Then, the malicious user calls Vault.withdraw() with a higher value of assets to withdraw more than type(uint96).max. For example, they withdraw (2 * type(uint96).max), which is the total amount of assets they deposited before.
  3. Now what happens, is the Vault.sol contract only burns type(uint96).max shares for the user, but transfers 2 * type(uint96).max underlying assets to the malicious user, which is the total amount they deposited before.
  4. This happens because Vault._burn() only burns uint96(shares) shares of the malicious users - see Vault.sol line 1155.
  5. Now, the malicious user has still vault shares left but they withdrew the total amount of their deposited assets.
  6. Now, the vault transferred the total amount of the malicious user’s assets back to them and the malicious user still has shares left to withdraw; with even more assets that are now being stolen from assets deposited by other users.
  7. Or, if the malicious user was the first depositor, they wait until another user deposits and the malicious user can now withdraw the other users deposited assets since the malicious user still has Vault shares left.
  8. Or, if the malicious user is not the first depositor, they use a flashLoan or flashMint to deposit multiple times type(uint96).max assets into the vault. Then, they can withdraw their deposit, pay back the flashLoan or flashMint and they will still have enough vault shares left to steal all other users assets by withdrawing them.

In this way, other user’s deposited assets can be stolen, as explained above.

Proof of Concept

Here is a POC, where the problem is illustrated:


Consider adjusting the Vault._burn function to not convert from uint256 to uint96 when burning shares.

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PoolTogether mitigated:

Added SafeCast
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/9

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin.

[H-03] _amountOut is representing assets and shares at the same time in the liquidate function

Submitted by Aymen0909, also found by KupiaSec, wangxx2026 (1, 2), and 0xWaitress

In the liquidate function from the Vault contract, the input argument _amountOut is used as if it was representing a value of asset amounts and share amounts at the same time; which is impossible as there is a conversion rate between them. This error will make the liquidate function behave in an expected manner, not the one that was intended.

Proof of Concept

The issue is occurring in the liquidate function below:

function liquidate(
    address _account,
    address _tokenIn,
    uint256 _amountIn,
    address _tokenOut,
    uint256 _amountOut
) public virtual override returns (bool) {
    if (msg.sender != address(_liquidationPair))
      revert LiquidationCallerNotLP(msg.sender, address(_liquidationPair));
    if (_tokenIn != address(_prizePool.prizeToken()))
      revert LiquidationTokenInNotPrizeToken(_tokenIn, address(_prizePool.prizeToken()));
    if (_tokenOut != address(this))
      revert LiquidationTokenOutNotVaultShare(_tokenOut, address(this));
    if (_amountOut == 0) revert LiquidationAmountOutZero();
    uint256 _liquidableYield = _liquidatableBalanceOf(_tokenOut);
    // @audit _amountOut compared with _liquidableYield which represents an asset amount
    // @audit _amountOut is considered as an asset amount
    if (_amountOut > _liquidableYield)
      revert LiquidationAmountOutGTYield(_amountOut, _liquidableYield);
    _prizePool.contributePrizeTokens(address(this), _amountIn);
    if (_yieldFeePercentage != 0) {
        // @audit _amountOut used to increase fee shares so considered as representing a share amount
            (_amountOut * FEE_PRECISION) / (FEE_PRECISION - _yieldFeePercentage) - _amountOut
    uint256 _vaultAssets = IERC20(asset()).balanceOf(address(this));
    // @audit _amountOut compared with _vaultAssets which represents an asset amount
    // @audit _amountOut is considered as an asset amount
    if (_vaultAssets != 0 && _amountOut >= _vaultAssets) {
      _yieldVault.deposit(_vaultAssets, address(this));
    // @audit _amountOut representing a share amount minted to the _account
    _mint(_account, _amountOut);
    return true;

As you can see from the code above, the value of the argument _amountOut is used multiple times in the function logic and each time is representing either an asset amount or a share amount; which is impossible as there is a conversion formula used to transform the asset amount into the share amount (and inversely) with the function _convertToShares (or _convertToAssets).

From the function comments, I couldn’t figure out what the value of _amountOut actually represents, but because there is also another argument given to the liquidate function, which is _tokenOut == address(this), I’m supposing that _amountOut is representing as a share amount; which will mean that all the instances highlighted in the code above, when _amountOut is considered as an asset amount, are wrong.

Instance 1:

// @audit _amountOut compared with _liquidableYield which represents an asset amount
if (_amountOut > _liquidableYield)
  revert LiquidationAmountOutGTYield(_amountOut, _liquidableYield);

Instance 2:

// @audit _amountOut compared with _vaultAssets which represents an asset amount
if (_vaultAssets != 0 && _amountOut >= _vaultAssets) {
  _yieldVault.deposit(_vaultAssets, address(this));

And before comparing _amountOut to the asset amount values of _vaultAssets and _liquidableYield, it’s value should be converted to an asset amount with the function _convertToAssets.

This issue will cause problems for the protocol working, as the liquidate function logic will not behave as expected, because it’s comparing values that represent different things.

Note: If _amountOut is actually representing an asset amount (not a share amount as I supposed), the issue is still valid because _amountOut is also used as being a share amount inside the liquidate function. In that case, it should first be converted to a share amount with _convertToShares in order to get the correct behavior of the liquidate function.

To solve this issue, I recommend to first convert the value of _amountOut in the liquidate function to an asset amount and store it in a local variable, _amountOutToAsset. In the function logic, use the correct variable, either _amountOut or _amountOutToAsset, when interacting with a share amount or an asset amount.

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PoolTogether mitigated:

Fixed conversion and naming of field.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/6

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin.

[H-04] Vault.mintYieldFee function can be called by anyone to mint Vault Shares to any recipient address

Submitted by Udsen, also found by minhtrng, markus_ether, GREY-HAWK-REACH, KupiaSec, serial-coder, Aymen0909, peanuts, teawaterwire, ni8mare, alexweb3, josephdara, zzzitron, Jeiwan, Nyx, keccak123, LuchoLeonel1, btk, seeques, 0xPsuedoPandit, 0xMirce, RedTiger, Praise, bin2chen, ktg, Bobface, rvierdiiev, wangxx2026, 0xbepresent, dirk_y, ptsanev, shaka, dacian, mahdirostami, John, 0xStalin, ravikiranweb3, and Co0nan

The Vault.mintYieldFee external function is used to mint Vault shares to the yield fee _recipient. The function is an external function and can be called by anyone since there is no access control. The function will revert only under following two conditions:

  1. If the Vault is under-collateralized.
  2. If the _shares are greater than the accrued _yieldFeeTotalSupply.

The issue with this function is, it allows the caller to set the _recipient (address of the yield fee recipient). It does not use the _yieldFeeRecipient state variable, which was set in the Vault.constructor as the yield fee recipient.

Which means, anyone can steal the available yield fee from the vault (as long as the above two revert conditions are not satisfied) by minting shares to their own address or to any address of their choice.

Proof of Concept

  function mintYieldFee(uint256 _shares, address _recipient) external {
    if (_shares > _yieldFeeTotalSupply) revert YieldFeeGTAvailable(_shares, _yieldFeeTotalSupply);

    _yieldFeeTotalSupply -= _shares;
    _mint(_recipient, _shares);

    emit MintYieldFee(msg.sender, _recipient, _shares);


Tools Used


Hence, it is recommended to use the _yieldFeeRecipient state variable value as the yield fee recipient inside the Vault.mintYieldFee external function and to remove the input parameter address _recipient from the Vault.mintYieldFee function; so that the caller will not be able to mint shares to any arbitrary address of their choice and steal the yield fee of the protocol.

The updated function should be as follows:

  function mintYieldFee(uint256 _shares) external {
    if (_shares > _yieldFeeTotalSupply) revert YieldFeeGTAvailable(_shares, _yieldFeeTotalSupply);

    _yieldFeeTotalSupply -= _shares;
    _mint(_yieldFeeRecipient, _shares);

    emit MintYieldFee(msg.sender, _recipient, _shares);

asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PoolTogether mitigated:

Removed recipient param.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/7

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from rvierdiiev, dirk_y and 0xStalin.

[H-05] Delegated amounts can be forcefully removed from anyone in the TwabController

Submitted by 0xkasper, also found by minhtrng, qpzm, Aymen0909, Jeiwan, GREY-HAWK-REACH, 0xStalin, 0xbepresent, 3docSec, and Co0nan

The sponsor function in the Vault.sol contract allows anyone to remove another user’s delegation by forcing them to delegate to the sponsor address. _sponsor will deposit some amount from the caller for the target user and then force a delegation to the sponsor address (address(1)).

However, this amount can just be 0 and so it becomes a function to simply force a removal of a delegation. The full delegated power gets removed, because delegations to the sponsor address are not tracked.

As such, it becomes possible to call the sponsor function for every user and make the total delegated power supply in the TwabController equal to 0. The attacker can then be the only one with some delegated amount that is equal to 100% of the total supply, manipulating the process of the lottery.

Rectifying the delegation requires manual interaction from the user and the exploit can be repeated anytime and continuously, further manipulating the values in the TwabController.

Proof of Concept

function testPoCDelegateRemoval() public {
    address SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS = address(1);
    uint96 BALANCE = 100_000_000 ether;

    token.approve(address(vault), BALANCE);
    vault.deposit(BALANCE, address(this));

    assertEq(address(this), twab_controller.delegateOf(address(vault), address(this)));
    assertEq(BALANCE, twab_controller.delegateBalanceOf(address(vault), address(this)));

    // As attacker, call sponsor with 0 amount and victim address
    vault.sponsor(0, address(this));

    // Delegated balance is now gone
    assertEq(SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS, twab_controller.delegateOf(address(vault), address(this)));
    assertEq(0, twab_controller.delegateBalanceOf(address(vault), address(this)));
    assertEq(0, twab_controller.delegateBalanceOf(address(vault), SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS));

Tools Used

VSCode, Foundry.

The sponsor function should only accept deposits if the receiver has already delegated to the sponsorship address. Otherwise, the deposit is accepted, but the delegation should not be forced.

asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed via duplicate issue #393

PierrickGT (PoolTogether) commented via duplicate issue #393:

I’ve removed the receiver param in the following PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/19.

This way, only the msg.sender can sponsor the Vault by depositing into it and delegating to the sponsorship address, if it is not already the case. If the user wants to deposit on behalf of another user, they can still use the deposit function. Funds will then be delegated to any address set by the receiver.

PoolTogether mitigated:

Removed recipient param.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/19

Status: Mitigation error. Full details in report from rvierdiiev, and in the Mitigation Review section below.

[H-06] Resetting delegation will result in user funds being lost forever

Submitted by dirk_y, also found by KupiaSec, Jeiwan, 0xkasper, 0xbepresent, bin2chen, rvierdiiev, and xuwinnie

Lines of code

https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-twab-controller/blob/0145eeac23301ee5338c659422dd6d69234f5d50/src/TwabController.sol#L596-L599 https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-twab-controller/blob/0145eeac23301ee5338c659422dd6d69234f5d50/src/TwabController.sol#L648-L664


The default delegate value for a user is address(0), which maps to the user delegating to themselves. If a user had delegated to another address and wanted to reset their delegated balance back to themselves, they would lose all of their funds contributed to the vault.

Proof of Concept

As mentioned above, the default behaviour for a user is that they delegate their balance to themselves, where the actual default value in storage is the 0 address:

function _delegateOf(address _vault, address _user) internal view returns (address) {
    address _userDelegate;

    if (_user != address(0)) {
      _userDelegate = delegates[_vault][_user];

      // If the user has not delegated, then the user is the delegate
      if (_userDelegate == address(0)) {
        _userDelegate = _user;

    return _userDelegate;

When a user wants to delegate their balance, they call delegate in TwabController.sol and specify which vault they want to delegate the balance of and to which address they want to delegate to. This calls _delegate under the hood:

function _delegate(address _vault, address _from, address _to) internal {
    address _currentDelegate = _delegateOf(_vault, _from);
    if (_to == _currentDelegate) {
      revert SameDelegateAlreadySet(_to);

    delegates[_vault][_from] = _to;


    emit Delegated(_vault, _from, _to);

If a user wanted to reset the delegation to themselves, they would specify _to as address(0). However, the issue with this is that the underlying _transferDelegateBalance call will mistakenly move the delegated user funds to the 0 address.

At this point, the user might try to call delegate again with their actual address; however, now the (_to == _currentDelegate) check will be true and revert because of the behaviour specified earlier. The user also can’t delegate to any other address because they don’t own their own delegate balance anymore. Their funds are officially lost forever.

Below is a change to the existing test suite that can be executed with forge test -vvv --match-path test/unit/Vault/Withdraw.t.sol to demonstrate this issue:

diff --git a/test/unit/Vault/Withdraw.t.sol b/test/unit/Vault/Withdraw.t.sol
index 6a15a59..3cec9e3 100644
--- a/test/unit/Vault/Withdraw.t.sol
+++ b/test/unit/Vault/Withdraw.t.sol
@@ -47,6 +47,36 @@ contract VaultWithdrawTest is UnitBaseSetup {
+  function testFundsLostForever() external {
+    vm.startPrank(alice);
+    uint256 _amount = 1000e18;
+    underlyingAsset.mint(alice, _amount);
+    // Alice deposits as usual
+    _deposit(underlyingAsset, vault, _amount, alice);
+    // Alice decides she wants to delegate to bob
+    twabController.delegate(address(vault), bob);
+    // Alice now tries to reset her delegation
+    twabController.delegate(address(vault), address(0));
+    // At this point the funds are lost!! Alice tries to recover her funds in any way...
+    // Alice tries to delegate back to herself but can't
+    vm.expectRevert();
+    twabController.delegate(address(vault), alice);
+    // Alice also can't delegate to any other address
+    vm.expectRevert();
+    twabController.delegate(address(vault), bob);
+    // Alice can't withdraw because her funds have been lost forever :(
+    // Expecting a revert with "DelegateBalanceLTAmount(0, 1000000000000000000000)"
+    vault.withdraw(vault.maxWithdraw(alice), alice, alice);
+    vm.stopPrank();
+  }
   function testWithdrawMoreThanMax() external {

Tools Used


The simplest way to fix this issue is to prevent delegating back to the 0 address. If a user delegates away from the default, then they can delegate back to themselves by specifying their own address:

diff --git a/src/TwabController.sol b/src/TwabController.sol
index a7e2d51..ae7b9ea 100644
--- a/src/TwabController.sol
+++ b/src/TwabController.sol
@@ -646,6 +646,7 @@ contract TwabController {
    * @param _to the address to delegate to
   function _delegate(address _vault, address _from, address _to) internal {
+    require(_to != address(0), "Cannot delegate back to 0 address");
     address _currentDelegate = _delegateOf(_vault, _from);
     if (_to == _currentDelegate) {
       revert SameDelegateAlreadySet(_to);

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed via duplicate issue #293

Picodes (judge) commented via duplicate issue #293:

High severity seems justified because of the lines if (_userDelegate == address(0)) { _userDelegate = _user;}. It seems likely that some users are tricked into thinking that delegating back to the 0 address will cancel their delegation.

PoolTogether mitigated:

Added check for zero address.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-twab-controller/pull/7

Status: Mitigation confirmed with comments. Full details in reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev.

[H-07] _requireVaultCollateralized() is called at the beginning of the functions mintYieldFee() and liquidate()

Submitted by RedTiger, also found by zzzitron and wangxx2026

The liquidate() and mintYieldFee() functions could leave the vaults under-collateralized.

Proof of Concept

_requireVaultCollateralized() is called at the beginning of mintYieldFee() and liquidate(). These two functions change the state and the vault could become under-collateralized at the end of the functions.


function mintYieldFee(uint256 _shares, address _recipient) external {
    if (_shares > _yieldFeeTotalSupply) revert YieldFeeGTAvailable(_shares, _yieldFeeTotalSupply);


  function mintYieldFee(uint256 _shares, address _recipient) external {
    if (_shares > _yieldFeeTotalSupply) revert YieldFeeGTAvailable(_shares, _yieldFeeTotalSupply);

Call _requireVaultCollateralized() at the end of these functions instead of calling it at the beginning.

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

Picodes (judge) increased severity to High

asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed via duplicate issue #307

Picodes (judge) commented via duplicate issue #307:

Keeping High severity as this report shows how shares could be minted; although, the vault is in fact under-collateralized leading to a loss of funds for users.

PierrickGT (PoolTogether) commented via duplicate issue #307:

The warden missed the following comment:

   * @dev - We exclude the amount of yield generated by the YieldVault, so the user can only withdraw their share of deposits.
  *      Except when the vault is under-collateralized, in this case, any unclaimed yield fee is included in the calculation.


If the Vault ends up being under-collateralized, any yield that has not been claimed will be shared proportionally between depositors. If we use _totalShares instead of _totalSupply, we would account for Vault shares that have not been minted yet, since _yieldFeeTotalSupply keeps track of the accrued yield fee, but needs to be minted as Vault shares by calling mintYieldFee: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/blob/44a6c6b081db5cc5e2acc4757a3c9dbaa6f60943/src/Vault.sol#L395

I’ve added the following to test this scenario: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/blob/44a6c6b081db5cc5e2acc4757a3c9dbaa6f60943/test/unit/Vault/Withdraw.t.sol#L128

Picodes (judge) commented via duplicate issue #307:

@PierrickGT - I do agree with you that the mitigation of this report is incorrect. However, my understanding is that there is still an important issue here; because mintYieldFee could be called even when it would lead to an under-collateralized state.

So we could imagine a scenario where _yieldFeeTotalSupply is 4, assets in the vault are 10, and user shares are 10. Then, a call to mintYieldFee would mint 4 and would lead to a loss of funds for users, as it’d bring the vault into an under-collateralized state.

PierrickGT (PoolTogether) commented via duplicate issue #307:

@Picodes - Yes, exactly. This issue you are referring to was better explained in this issue.

PoolTogether mitigated:

Fixed check for partial collateralization.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/13

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev.

[H-08] Increasing reserves breaks PrizePool accounting

Submitted by dirk_y, also found by Jeiwan, 0xStalin, and seeques (1, 2)

Lines of code

https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/blob/4bc8a12b857856828c018510b5500d722b79ca3a/src/PrizePool.sol#L498-L502 https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/blob/4bc8a12b857856828c018510b5500d722b79ca3a/src/PrizePool.sol#L743-L746 https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/blob/4bc8a12b857856828c018510b5500d722b79ca3a/src/PrizePool.sol#L312


When anyone calls the increaseReserve method in PrizePool.sol the accounted balance in the prize pool isn’t properly updated. This allows a vault to effectively steal the prize token contribution and this contribution gets distributed during draws; effectively double counting the initial injection into the reserves. The actual prize token balance of the prize pool will be below the accounted balance of the prize pool as time goes on.

Proof of Concept

As mentioned in the audit README:

“the balance of prize tokens held by the contract must always be equal to the sum of the available tier liquidity and the reserve. When contributing liquidity, the prize pool will temporarily hold a balance greater than the accounted balance, but otherwise the two should match”.

Unfortunately, this is broken when anyone contributes directly to the reserve by calling increaseReserve.

In the normal audit flow, the reserve is increased when a draw is closed by the draw manager. During calls to closeDraw, the next draw is started with a given number of tiers and the contributions for the round are calculated and split across the tiers and the reserve:

_nextDraw(_nextNumberOfTiers, uint96(_contributionsForDraw(lastClosedDrawId + 1)));

Under the hood, this calls _computeNewDistributions which calculates the amount to increase the reserves, based on the number of reserve shares and the new prize token liquidity being contributed in this round. During this flow, the actual balance of reward tokens held in the prize pool are equal to the accounted balance.

The break in accounting occurs when calling increaseReserve:

  function increaseReserve(uint104 _amount) external {
    _reserve += _amount;
    prizeToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
    emit IncreaseReserve(msg.sender, _amount);

As you can see, the prize tokens are transferred into the pool and the reserve increased. But the accounted balance is unchanged:

  function _accountedBalance() internal view returns (uint256) {
    Observation memory obs = DrawAccumulatorLib.newestObservation(totalAccumulator);
    return (obs.available + obs.disbursed) - _totalWithdrawn;

Because the accounted balance is unchanged, any vault can now call contributePrizeTokens to effectively steal the funds meant for the reserve:

function contributePrizeTokens(address _prizeVault, uint256 _amount) external returns (uint256) {
    uint256 _deltaBalance = prizeToken.balanceOf(address(this)) - _accountedBalance();

This increases the relevant vault accumulator and the total accumulator; thereby, effectively double counting the same prize tokens, since we’ve already increased _reserve.

The accounted balance of the prize pool should be updated when increaseReserve is called. I think the easiest way of achieving this is having a tracker for “reserve injections”:

diff --git a/src/PrizePool.sol b/src/PrizePool.sol
index a42a27e..3c14476 100644
--- a/src/PrizePool.sol
+++ b/src/PrizePool.sol
@@ -233,6 +233,9 @@ contract PrizePool is TieredLiquidityDistributor {
   /// @notice The total amount of prize tokens that have been claimed for all time.
   uint256 internal _totalWithdrawn;
+  /// @notice The total amount of reserve injections that have been performed for all time.
+  uint256 internal _reserveInjections;
   /// @notice The winner random number for the last closed draw.
   uint256 internal _winningRandomNumber;
@@ -497,6 +500,7 @@ contract PrizePool is TieredLiquidityDistributor {
   /// @param _amount The amount of tokens to increase the reserve by
   function increaseReserve(uint104 _amount) external {
     _reserve += _amount;
+    _reserveInjections += amount;
     prizeToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
     emit IncreaseReserve(msg.sender, _amount);
@@ -742,7 +746,7 @@ contract PrizePool is TieredLiquidityDistributor {
   /// @return The balance of tokens that have been accounted for
   function _accountedBalance() internal view returns (uint256) {
     Observation memory obs = DrawAccumulatorLib.newestObservation(totalAccumulator);
-    return (obs.available + obs.disbursed) - _totalWithdrawn;
+    return (obs.available + obs.disbursed) - _totalWithdrawn + _reserveInjections;
   /// @notice Returns the start time of the draw for the next successful closeDraw

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed and commented via duplicate issue #200:

Going to add some notes here:

The issue is that _accountedBalance() computes (obs.available + obs.disbursed) - _totalWithdrawn, which basically means the total contributed liquidity minus the withdrawn liquidity.

However, when adding liquidity manually, via increaseReserve, it does not increase the contributed liquidity.

This issue points to back-running as the problem, but that’s not the case. The case is improper accounting, as in this issue that was closed as a duplicate.

PoolTogether mitigated:

Fixed reserve accounting.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/pull/18

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin.

[H-09] Vault is not compatible with some ERC4626 vaults

Submitted by rvierdiiev, also found by Brenzee

Depositors can lose funds.

Proof of Concept

Anyone can build Vault with an underlying vault inside, which should earn yields. When a user deposits/withdraws then the _convertToShares function is used to determine amount of shares the user will receive for the provided assets amount. This function calls _currentExchangeRate to find out current rate.


  function _currentExchangeRate() internal view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 _totalSupplyAmount = _totalSupply();
    uint256 _totalSupplyToAssets = _convertToAssets(

    uint256 _withdrawableAssets = _yieldVault.maxWithdraw(address(this));

    if (_withdrawableAssets > _totalSupplyToAssets) {
      _withdrawableAssets = _withdrawableAssets - (_withdrawableAssets - _totalSupplyToAssets);

    if (_totalSupplyAmount != 0 && _withdrawableAssets != 0) {
      return _withdrawableAssets.mulDiv(_assetUnit, _totalSupplyAmount, Math.Rounding.Down);

    return _assetUnit;

As you can see, in order to find the current exchange rate, function _yieldVault.maxWithdraw(address(this)) is used. In this case, if this value (which is supposed to be a full amount of deposits + yields inside _yieldVault) is less than _totalSupplyAmount (which is the total supply _lastRecordedExchangeRate), then the rate will be decreased. Which means that the vault lost funds and users should receive less when they withdraw. Later, this new _currentExchangeRate will be stored as _lastRecordedExchangeRate.

Now, when I explained how rate is changed, I can also explain the problem with some ERC4626 vaults.

There are some ERC4626 vaults as DnGmxSeniorVault, that collect deposited funds and borrow them. When you call maxWithdraw for such vaults, if not enough funds are present (due to some borrowing percentages on the vault), then the amount returned can be less than real balance of caller.

In case a such wrong value is returned, then depositors of the Pool vault will face losses, as their exchange rate will be less than 1. DnGmxSeniorVault will again have enough balance (when the debt is repaid by jn vault), and the exchange rate will be 1.

Another problem ERC4626 vaults can create are vaults that have a withdraw limit. In that case, if the Pool vault has balance inside the yield vault that is bigger than the borrow limit, depositors will face the same problem, which leads to a loss of funds.

Tools Used


You need to consider cases where some vaults can’t be used as yield vaults and be aware of vault creators for that.

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

asselstine (PoolTogether) commented:

This is more of a general warning about the possible incompatibilities of 4626 vaults.

PoolTogether mitigated:

Fixed undercollateralized redemption while providing an exit.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/37

Status: Not fully mitigated. Full details in reports from 0xStalin and rvierdiiev, and in the Mitigation Review section below.

Medium Risk Findings (27)

[M-01] If the underlying asset is a fee on transfer token, it could break the internal accounting of the vault

Submitted by Udsen, also found by qpzm and saneryee

The Vault._deposit function is used by the users to deposit _assets to the vault and mint vault shares to the recipient address. The amount of _assets are transferred to the Vault as follows:

    _assetsDeposit != 0 ? _assetsDeposit : _assets

The Vault.deposit function uses this _assets amount to calculate the number of shares to be minted to the _recipient address.

The issue here is if the underlying _asset is a fee on transfer token then the actual received amount to the vault will be less than what is referred in the Vault.deposit function _assets input parameter. But the shares to mint is calculated using the entire _assets amount.

This issue could be further aggravated since the _asset is again deposited to the _yieldVault and when needing to be redeemed, will be withdrawn from the _yieldVault as well. These operations will again charge a fee if the _asset is a fee on transfer token. Hence, the actual _asset amount left for a particular user will be less than the amount they initially transferred in.

Hence, when the user redeems the minted shares back to the _assets, the contract will not have enough assets to transfer to the redeemer, thus reverting the transaction.

Proof of Concept

        _assetsDeposit != 0 ? _assetsDeposit : _assets


    _yieldVault.deposit(_assets, address(this));


    _yieldVault.withdraw(_assets, address(this), address(this));
    SafeERC20.safeTransfer(IERC20(asset()), _receiver, _assets);


Tools Used


It is recommended to compute the _assets amount balance of the contract before and after the safeTransferFrom call to get the difference between the two for the “actually transferred” amount to the Vault. Then, the “actually transferred” amount can be converted to shares and mint the correct amount of shares to the recipient.

  uint256 balanceBefore = _asset.balanceOf(address(this));

        _assetsDeposit != 0 ? _assetsDeposit : _assets

  uint256 balanceAfter = _asset.balanceOf(address(this));  

  uint256 transferredAmount = balanceAfter - balanceBefore;

asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

[M-02] Unintended or malicious use of prize winners’ hooks

Submitted by wvleak, also found by wvleak, serial-coder, DadeKuma, 0xbepresent, dirk_y, keccak123, rvierdiiev, shaka, 3docSec, Udsen, and Jeiwan

The setHooks function in Vault.sol allows users to set arbitrary hooks, potentially enabling them to make external calls with unintended consequences. This vulnerability could lead to various unexpected behaviors, such as unauthorized side transactions with gas paid unbeknownst to the claimer, reentrant calls, or denial-of-service attacks on claiming transactions.


function setHooks(VaultHooks memory hooks) external {
    _hooks[msg.sender] = hooks; 

    emit SetHooks(msg.sender, hooks);

Proof of Concept

Consider the following side contract and malicious hook implementation:

Side Contract:

// SPDX-License_Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.17;

import "forge-std/console.sol";

contract SideContract {
  uint256 public codex;

  function execute() external {
    codex = 1;
    console.log("Entered side contract");

Malicious Hook:

// SPDX-License_Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.17;

import { SideContract } from "./SideContract.sol";

contract ViciousHook {
  SideContract public sideContract = new SideContract();

  function beforeClaimPrize(
    address winner,
    uint8 tier,
    uint32 prizeIndex
  ) external returns (address) {

    return address(this);

Modified Test File:

diff --git a/test/unit/Vault/Vault.t.sol b/test/unit/Vault/Vault.t.sol
index d0d6d30..65caca1 100644
--- a/test/unit/Vault/Vault.t.sol
+++ b/test/unit/Vault/Vault.t.sol
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ pragma solidity 0.8.17;
 import { UnitBaseSetup, LiquidationPair, PrizePool, TwabController, VaultMock, ERC20, IERC20, IERC4626 } from "test/utils/UnitBaseSetup.t.sol";
 import { IVaultHooks, VaultHooks } from "../../../src/interfaces/IVaultHooks.sol";
 import "src/Vault.sol";
+import { ViciousHook } from "./ViciousHook.sol";
 contract VaultTest is UnitBaseSetup {
   /* ============ Events ============ */
@@ -174,6 +175,25 @@ contract VaultTest is UnitBaseSetup {
+  function testClaimPrize_viciousHook() public {
+    ViciousHook viciousHook = new ViciousHook();
+    vm.startPrank(alice);
+    VaultHooks memory hooks = VaultHooks({
+      useBeforeClaimPrize: true,
+      useAfterClaimPrize: false,
+      implementation: IVaultHooks(address(viciousHook))
+    });
+    vault.setHooks(hooks);
+    vm.stopPrank();
+    vm.startPrank(address(claimer));
+    mockPrizePoolClaimPrize(uint8(1), alice, 0, address(viciousHook), 1e18, address(claimer));
+    claimPrize(uint8(1), alice, 0, 1e18, address(claimer));
+    vm.stopPrank();
+  }
   function testClaimPrize_beforeHook() public {
     VaultHooks memory hooks = VaultHooks({

When running the test with forge test --match-test testClaimPrize_viciousHook -vv the output is:

Running 1 test for test/unit/Vault/Vault.t.sol:VaultTest
[PASS] testClaimPrize_viciousHook() (gas: 321545)
  Entered side contract

Test result: okay. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 7.29ms

This indicates that it is possible for a hook to make an external call and modify the EVM state. With that fact, there are multiple attack vectors.

Tools Used


To prevent any malicious calls, there are two possible solutions:

  1. Change the IVaultHook.sol to set the hooks as view functions and prevent EVM state changes:
diff --git a/src/interfaces/IVaultHooks.sol b/src/interfaces/IVaultHooks.sol
index 15217b8..95482c1 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/IVaultHooks.sol
+++ b/src/interfaces/IVaultHooks.sol
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ interface IVaultHooks {
     address winner,
     uint8 tier,
     uint32 prizeIndex
-  ) external returns (address);
+  ) external view returns (address);
   /// @notice Triggered after the prize pool claim prize function is called.
   /// @param winner The user who won the prize and for whom this hook is attached
@@ -37,5 +37,5 @@ interface IVaultHooks {
     uint32 prizeIndex,
     uint256 payout,
     address recipient
-  ) external;
+  ) external view;
  1. As this solution may disturb the business logic, another solution would be to cap the gas used by the hooks. In Vault.sol, set a gas limit variable that can be adjusted by the owner of the vault for flexibility:



  function _claimPrize(
    address _winner,
    uint8 _tier,
    uint32 _prizeIndex,
    uint96 _fee,
    address _feeRecipient
  ) internal returns (uint256) {
    VaultHooks memory hooks = _hooks[_winner];
    address recipient;
    if (hooks.useBeforeClaimPrize) {
      recipient = hooks.implementation.beforeClaimPrize{gas: gasLimit}(_winner, _tier, _prizeIndex); @audit-info
    } else {
      recipient = _winner;

if (hooks.useAfterClaimPrize) {
      hooks.implementation.afterClaimPrize{gas: gasLimit}( //@audit-info
        prizeTotal - _fee,

    return prizeTotal;

asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed and commented:

Adding an internal gas limit and then catching the revert would be ideal; so the claimer won’t be grieved and can detect badly-written hooks.

Picodes (judge) commented:

The issue here, is not the possible DoS, as a claimer can just skip one user, but the possibility of the grieving attack by, for example, front-running by a malicious hook. I’ll give partial credit to duplicates if there is too much focus on DoS.

PoolTogether mitigated:

Added hook gas limits and error handling.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/21

Status: Not fully mitigated. Full details in reports from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin, and in the Mitigation Review section below.

[M-03] TwabLib::getTwabBetween can return inaccurate balances if _startTime and _endTime aren’t safely bound

Submitted by Infect3d, also found by Aymen0909

Here’s the documentation of the TwabLib::getTwabBetween function:

File: twab-controller\src\libraries\TwabLib.sol

278:   /**
279:    * @notice Looks up a users TWAB for a time range.
280:    * @dev If the timestamps in the range are not exact matches of observations, the balance is extrapolated using the previous observation.
281:    * @dev Ensure timestamps are safe using isTimeRangeSafe.
282:    * @param _observations The circular buffer of observations
283:    * @param _accountDetails The account details to query with
284:    * @param _startTime The start of the time range
285:    * @param _endTime The end of the time range
286:    * @return twab The TWAB for the time range
287:    */
288:   function getTwabBetween(  //@audit - M01: dev comment (isTimeRangeSafe) doesn't seems to be followed in PrizePool calling it
289:     uint32 PERIOD_OFFSET,
290:     ObservationLib.Observation[MAX_CARDINALITY] storage _observations,
291:     AccountDetails memory _accountDetails,
292:     uint32 _startTime,
293:     uint32 _endTime
294:   ) internal view returns (uint256) {

TwabLib::getTwabBetween -function gets called in. Then, PrizePool::_getVaultUserBalanceAndTotalSupplyTwab gets called by PrizePool::claimPrize, returning twab for a specified time range, which finally is called by PrizePool::isWinner in PrizePool::claimPrize.

The thing is, as explained by the documentation, values from balance history aren’t guaranteed to be accurate if the timestamp at which time it is queried do not fall between:

  • The newest observation in a period.
  • The end of that period (period must have ended).

That is because until a period has ended, we cannot be sure the value we are querying hasn’t changed in the future (from pov of the timestamp).


This means, that if a prize is claimed, but timestamps at which the twab is getting requested do not follow these rules, the Prize Pool contract might distribute prizes based on inaccurate data. This could lead to the prizes being distributed to users who should not have won, or not being distributed to users who should have won.

File: prize-pool\src\PrizePool.sol

920:   function _getVaultUserBalanceAndTotalSupplyTwab(
921:     address _vault,
922:     address _user,
923:     uint256 _drawDuration
924:   ) internal view returns (uint256 twab, uint256 twabTotalSupply) {
925:     uint32 _endTimestamp = uint32(_lastClosedDrawStartedAt + drawPeriodSeconds);
926:     uint32 _startTimestamp = uint32(_endTimestamp - _drawDuration * drawPeriodSeconds);
927:     //@audit - dev comment for TwabLib::getTwabBetween doesn't seems to be followed in PrizePool calling it
928:     twab = twabController.getTwabBetween(_vault, _user, _startTimestamp, _endTimestamp);
930:     twabTotalSupply = twabController.getTotalSupplyTwabBetween(
931:       _vault,
932:       _startTimestamp,
933:       _endTimestamp
934:     );
935:   }

Add a isTimeRangeSafe check (will depend on how devs want to handle it, either a revert or another error management solution) before getTwabBetween to ensure queried balances are accurate; otherwise, prize distribution could be unfair.

  function _getVaultUserBalanceAndTotalSupplyTwab(
    address _vault,
    address _user,
    uint256 _drawDuration
  ) internal view returns (uint256 twab, uint256 twabTotalSupply) {
    uint32 _endTimestamp = uint32(_lastClosedDrawStartedAt + drawPeriodSeconds);
    uint32 _startTimestamp = uint32(_endTimestamp - _drawDuration * drawPeriodSeconds);
    //@audit dev comment doesn't seems to be followed in PrizePool calling it
    //@audit added isTimeRangeSafe before getTwabBetween
    require(twabController.isTimeRangeSafe(_vault, _user, _startTimestamp, _endTimestamp), "Time range not safe");
    twab = twabController.getTwabBetween(_vault, _user, _startTimestamp, _endTimestamp);

    twabTotalSupply = twabController.getTotalSupplyTwabBetween(

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PoolTogether mitigated:

Ensure search timestamps are on or at period end timestamps.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-twab-controller/pull/5

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from dirk_y and rvierdiiev.

[M-04] The deposit function does not check for the maxMint amount

Submitted by ni8mare, also found by ni8mare, hals, and shaka

It is theoretically possible for the deposit amount to mint shares more than the maxMint amount

Proof of Concept

The deposit function has a check for maxDeposit and reverts if the deposit value is more than max(uint96). But, it does not check the shares to be less than maxMint amount and hence, bypasses the check. Theoretically, if the assets are equal to max(uint96) and if the vault is under-collateralized, the ratio of _assetUnit to _exchangeRate is greater than or equal to 2, then the calculation in _convertToShares.

Function _assets.mulDiv(_assetUnit, _exchangeRate, _rounding); could return a value more than the maxMint amount. This is possible in scenarios where the _assetUnit is a big enough number (as there is no limit on the decimals of the underlying asset, and _assetUnit = 10 ** super.decimals()) and the Vault is severely under-collateralized.

Include the maxMint check in the deposit function to prevent this problem.

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PoolTogether mitigated:

Fixed 4626 compliance.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/11

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev.

[M-05] Balance invariant between the individual and total twabs can be broken

Submitted by minhtrng

An edge case in the TwabController._transferBalance can cause the total balance for a vault account to decrease; although, it did not actually decrease. This will cause the sum of the individual delegateBalances for a vault to be greater than the registered total for that vault. This again will skew the odds in favor of winning a price, causing the reserve to be drained faster over the time intended.

Proof of Concept

The TwabController._transferBalance function handles the case incorrectly, where _to is equal to the SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS. First, assume the _from address is an address that has a balance and delegates to itself (the default). Then, the function will decrease the balance and delegateBalance of _from. It will also decrease the total balances of the vault account (note: that _toDelegate will be SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS due to default):

    if (_from != address(0)) {
      bool _isFromDelegate = _fromDelegate == _from;

      _decreaseBalances(_vault, _from, _amount, _isFromDelegate ? _amount : 0);

      if (!_isFromDelegate && _fromDelegate != SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS) {
        _decreaseBalances(_vault, _fromDelegate, 0, _amount);

      if (
        _to == address(0) ||
        (_toDelegate == SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS && _fromDelegate != SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS)
      ) {
          _to == address(0) ? _amount : 0,
          (_to == address(0) && _fromDelegate != SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS) ||
            (_toDelegate == SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS && _fromDelegate != SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS)
            ? _amount
            : 0

Then, the balance and delegateBalance of SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS will be increased by the same amount. This is not supposed to happen in the first place, as this address is not meant to have any balances. However, the issue described is due to the fact that the total balances of the vault account will not be adjusted, because the condition _toDelegate != SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS is not met:

    if (_to != address(0)) {
      bool _isToDelegate = _toDelegate == _to;

      _increaseBalances(_vault, _to, _amount, _isToDelegate ? _amount : 0);

      if (!_isToDelegate && _toDelegate != SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS) {
        _increaseBalances(_vault, _toDelegate, 0, _amount);

      if (
        _from == address(0) ||
        (_fromDelegate == SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS && _toDelegate != SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS)
      ) {
          _from == address(0) ? _amount : 0,
          (_from == address(0) && _toDelegate != SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS) ||
            (_fromDelegate == SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS && _toDelegate != SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS)
            ? _amount
            : 0

The ratio of _userTwab and _vaultTwabTotalSupply plays a role when determining a winner in TierCalculationLib.isWinner and the underlying model assumes the invariant to hold true:

    uint256 constrainedRandomNumber = _userSpecificRandomNumber % (_vaultTwabTotalSupply);
    uint256 winningZone = calculateWinningZone(_userTwab, _vaultContributionFraction, _tierOdds);

If the sum of the individual twabs is higher than the sum, there will be more winners than intended, causing the described drainage of the reserve.

Disallow _to to be SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS.

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PoolTogether mitigated:

Reject transfers to the sponsorship address.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-twab-controller/pull/6

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev.

[M-06] drawManager can be set to a malicious address

Submitted by Udsen, also found by catellatech, Inspecktor, squeaky_cactus, 0xPsuedoPandit, 0x11singh99, Tripathi, Nyx, Daniel526 (1, 2), namx05, Jorgect, Praise (1, 2), xuwinnie, YY, and Darwin

In the PrizePool.constructor the drawManager state variable is set as follows:

drawManager = params.drawManager;

But it accepts, even if the params.drawManager == address(0). There is no input validation for the address(0) as well.

The PrizePool.setDrawManager function is used to set the drawManager if not already set. But the problem here, is that there is no access control for this function and anyone can call this. A malicious user can front-run the valid drawManager assignment transaction and set a malicious address as the drawManager. The other issue, is once the drawManager is set, it can not be updated due to the following conditional check. Hence, the contract will have to redeployed.

if (drawManager != address(0)) { //@audit-issue - can be front run by a malicious user
  revert DrawManagerAlreadySet();

The following two functions controlled by the onlyDrawManager modifier will be vulnerable to attacks, since the drawManager is a malicious address now.

  1. PrizePool.withdrawReserve can withdraw tokens from the reserve to any address given in the _to parameter. Hence, this function will be vulnerable.
  2. The PrizePool.closeDraw() function can close the current open draw. This function is only callable by the drawManager function. A malicious user can get control of this function, thus making it vulnerable.

Proof of Concept

    drawManager = params.drawManager;
    if (params.drawManager != address(0)) {
      emit DrawManagerSet(params.drawManager);


  function setDrawManager(address _drawManager) external {
    if (drawManager != address(0)) {
      revert DrawManagerAlreadySet();
    drawManager = _drawManager;

    emit DrawManagerSet(_drawManager);


  function closeDraw(uint256 winningRandomNumber_) external onlyDrawManager returns (uint16) {


  function withdrawReserve(address _to, uint104 _amount) external onlyDrawManager {
    if (_amount > _reserve) {
      revert InsufficientReserve(_amount, _reserve);
    _reserve -= _amount;
    _transfer(_to, _amount);
    emit WithdrawReserve(_to, _amount);


Tools Used


It is recommended to check for address(0) in the constructor when drawManager is set; or to implement access control in the PrizePool.setDrawManager function, so that only the admin of the contract can call this function to set the drawManager, if it is not set already.

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

PoolTogether confirmed via discord communication

PoolTogether mitigated:

Record deployer and permission draw manager.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/pull/31

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from rvierdiiev, dirk_y and 0xStalin.

[M-07] In important libraries of PoolTogether, the pow() function of PRBMath is used, which exhibits inconsistent return values

Submitted by catellatech, also found by Tripathi and nadin

Lines of code

https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/blob/4bc8a12b857856828c018510b5500d722b79ca3a/src/libraries/DrawAccumulatorLib.sol#L406-L407 https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/blob/4bc8a12b857856828c018510b5500d722b79ca3a/src/libraries/TierCalculationLib.sol#L26


The DrawAccumulatorLib.sol and TierCalculationLib.sol libraries inherit a version of PRBMath that contains a critical vulnerability in the pow() function, which can return inconsistent values. This vulnerability is of great importance to the PoolTogether protocol, as the pow() function is used in the computation of TierCalculationLib.getTierOdds and DrawAccumulatorLib.computeC.

Recently, another protocol has also experienced the same bug and the creators of the PRBMath have acknowledged this situation. Here is the corresponding request. Due to time constraints, we were unable to thoroughly address certain rounding errors with the mul and div functions of SD59x18. However, these errors have been corrected in PRBMath V4.

Proof of Concept

Proof of the bug acknowledgment by the creator of the PRBMath

This PR makes four significant changes:

  • Upgrades to PRBMath v4.
  • Bumps all other submodules to their most recent versions.
  • Increases the minimum Solidity pragma to v0.8.19, since this is a requirement of PRBMath V4.

To mitigate this issue, please update the contracts to 0.8.19 and upgrade the PRBMath to version V4.

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium

PoolTogether mitigated:

Upgrade PRBMath to v4 and Solidity to 0.8.19.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/commit/ba56ea8bac3bce06f1e08ae071a19954dd720b1f

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev.

[M-08] An attacker can front-run deployVault to deploy at the same address

Submitted by gzeon, also found by Inspecktor, Breeje, 0xMirce, and ptsanev

Vaults are created from the factory via CREATE1. An attacker can front-run deployVault to deploy at the same address, but with different config. If the deployed chain reorg, a different vault might also be deployed at the same address.

Proof of Concept


  1. Bob setup a bot to monitor the mempool when PT deploys a new vault.
  2. Bob’s bot saw a deployment by PT at 0x1234 and fires a tx to deposit immediately.
  3. Alice front-runs PT’s deployment by deploying a malicious vault at 0x1234.
  4. Bob’s transaction ended up deposited into Alice’s malicious vault.

Use CREATE2 and the vault config as salt.

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) disputed and commented:

The Vault address is a derivative of the (sender address, nonce). I don’t see how this scenario is possible?

Picodes (judge) commented:

@asselstine - exactly. Here, it only depends on the nonce of the factory; so in case of reorg, someone could “override” a vault deployment and all following transactions would still be executed.

PoolTogether mitigated:

Used CREATE2 for VaultFactory.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/25

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin.

[M-09] High Prizes might not be claimed

Submitted by markus_ether, also found by josephdara

Lines of code

https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-claimer/blob/57a381aef690a27c9198f4340747155a71cae753/src/Claimer.sol#L210 https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-claimer/blob/57a381aef690a27c9198f4340747155a71cae753/src/Claimer.sol#L173


PoolTogether V5 delegates the task of claiming the prizes to a network of Claimers that are incentivized to claim prizes for a share of the prize won. The fees the Claimant receives is calculated based on a Dutch Auction, but then limited by the minimum prize of the prize pool.

fee = min (fee in auction = % maxFeePortionOfPrize * minPrize).

When the gas costs exceed the minPrize, the solver has no incentives to claim the price. Notice that the number of prizes only adjusts after very few prizes are claimed.

Proof of Concept

Gas prices will then rise well above the minPrize. The highest prize is suddenly drawn that day. The solvers have no incentive to claim the prize and the winner does not monitor the contract. As a result, no one claims the top prize. The protocol suffers a loss of reputation.

Tools Used

VS Code

The problem is that the incentives are not exactly aligned. The user is willing to pay anything up to their price to receive their price. But the maximum the solver receives is the minimum price. We can align the two incentives by using each user’s price as an upper bound.

function _computeMaxFee(uint8 _tier, uint8 _numTiers) internal view returns (uint256) {
    uint8 _canaryTier = _numTiers - 1;
    if (_tier != _canaryTier) {
      // canary tier
-     return _computeMaxFee(prizePool.getTierPrizeSize(_canaryTier - 1));
+	  return _computeMaxFee(prizePool.getTierPrizeSize(_tier));
	} else {
      return _computeMaxFee(prizePool.getTierPrizeSize(_canaryTier));

Since we already validate the inputs in claimPrize, the attacker can not claim more than the prize is worth.

asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PoolTogether mitigated:

Made maxFee a function of the tier’s prize size, not the smallest prize size.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-claimer/pull/7

Status: Mitigation error. Full details in report from dirk_y, and in the Mitigation Review section below.

[M-10] PrizePool -> Winners wouldn’t be able to claim prize correctly in claimPrize function

Submitted by mahyar

In PrizePool.sol vaults can call the claimPrize() function to claim prizes for winners. The claimPrize calls _getTier(_tier, numberOfTiers) function to get back the prizeSize but there is a problem in the _getTier function:

  function _getTier(uint8 _tier, uint8 _numberOfTiers) internal view returns (Tier memory) {
    Tier memory tier = _tiers[_tier];
    uint16 _lastClosedDrawId = lastClosedDrawId;
    if (tier.drawId != _lastClosedDrawId) {
      tier.drawId = _lastClosedDrawId;
      tier.prizeSize = uint96(
    return tier;

As you can see, it calls the _computePrizeSize function and downcasts the returned result. Since it returns uint256 by downcasting it to uint96, it’s possible to result in the incorrect number in the value overflow. When downcasting from one type to another, Solidity will not revert, but overflows. This means, there is a possibility the prizeSize value will result in the incorrect prize size and vaults can’t claim the prizes correctly for winners.

Check whether the result of prizeSize exceeds type(uint96).max or not, if so, revert the tx. I recommend to use SafeCast by OpenZeppelin for casting different types safely.

I also found some other downcastings in the codebase, but since they are pegged to vault share values and you already check for overflows, there is no problem.

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed and commented:

Hmm; looks like the Tier struct has an extra 16 bits available to pack. Will increase prizeSize type to uint112 and add safe casting.

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Downgrading to Med as there is no proof of impact or discussion about the chances of this occurring in the report.

asselstine (PoolTogether) commented:

Come to think of it, since prizes are in POOL and its supply is 10m with 18 decimals, then prizes can never be more than ~1e25.

PoolTogether mitigated:

Improved handling of prize size overflow.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/pull/16

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from 0xStalin and dirk_y.

[M-11] Vault.mintWithPermit() can be DoS’d

Submitted by KupiaSec, also found by dirk_y

Lines of code

https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/tree/b1deb5d494c25f885c34c83f014c8a855c5e2749/src/Vault.sol#L466-L469 https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/tree/b1deb5d494c25f885c34c83f014c8a855c5e2749/src/Vault.sol#L971-L974 https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/tree/b1deb5d494c25f885c34c83f014c8a855c5e2749/src/Vault.sol#L882-L887


Vault.mintWithPermit() uses a signature to approve the underlying asset. But the asset amount can be changed easily, so this method can be reverted and might be DoS’d.

Proof of Concept

Vault.mintWithPermit() gets the share amount as an input and calculates the asset amount from the share. Then, it approves the asset amount with permit method.

    uint256 _assets = _beforeMint(_shares, _receiver);

    _permit(IERC20Permit(asset()), msg.sender, address(this), _assets, _deadline, _v, _r, _s);
    _deposit(msg.sender, _receiver, _assets, _shares);

The signature is generated using the exact value of the expected asset amount calculated from the share amount, and the resulting asset amount depends on the exchange rate of current vault.

  function _beforeMint(uint256 _shares, address _receiver) internal view returns (uint256) {
    if (_shares > maxMint(_receiver)) revert MintMoreThanMax(_receiver, _shares, maxMint(_receiver));
    return _convertToAssets(_shares, Math.Rounding.Up);
  function _convertToAssets(
    uint256 _shares,
    Math.Rounding _rounding
  ) internal view virtual override returns (uint256) {
    return _convertToAssets(_shares, _currentExchangeRate(), _rounding);

The resulting asset amount can be different from the value of transaction start time. Even an adversary can front-run and manipulate the exchange rate. If the resulting asset amount is different from the original one, the signature will not work as expected and mintWithPermit() will revert in most cases.

We can input an upper bound of the asset amount instead of the exact value of the asset amount.

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

asselstine marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

PoolTogether mitigated:

Removed mintWithPermit.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/15

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin.

[M-12] The tier odds in TieredLiquidityDistributor are incorrect

Submitted by dirk_y

The following points are stated in the docs:

  1. The highest standard prize tier is the most common prize: occurring every single draw.
  2. The canary tier has odds of occurring daily (as if it were the highest tier).

Therefore, both the highest standard tier and the canary tier should have odds of 1; however, only the canary tier has odds of 1. The result is that the protocol is not distributing prizes as intended.

Proof of Concept

The issue with the odds calculations can be seen in the TieredLiquidityDistributor.sol contract. Below is a short snippet for the tier odds when there are 3 tiers:

  SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_0_3 = SD59x18.wrap(2739726027397260);
  SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_1_3 = SD59x18.wrap(52342392259021369);
  SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_2_3 = SD59x18.wrap(1000000000000000000);

The canary tier odds are 1 as intended; however, the highest normal prize tier odds are incorrect. If the tier odds were being calculated correctly, we should see the last two odds for each number of tiers being 1 (i.e. 1000000000000000000).

Since the TierCalculationLib.getTierOdds function only seems to be used by the GenerateConstants script, I suggest modifying the script used to generate the constants that are placed in TieredLiquidityDistributor.sol:

diff --git a/script/generateConstants.s.sol b/script/generateConstants.s.sol
index fe1d4ed..fb9f90a 100644
--- a/script/generateConstants.s.sol
+++ b/script/generateConstants.s.sol
@@ -38,16 +38,24 @@ contract GenerateConstants is Script {
     MAX_TIERS = 15;
     // Precompute the odds for each tier
     for (uint8 numTiers = MIN_TIERS; numTiers <= MAX_TIERS; numTiers++) {
-      for (uint8 tier = 0; tier < numTiers; tier++) {
+      for (uint8 tier = 0; tier < numTiers - 1; tier++) {
           "SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_%d_%d = SD59x18.wrap(%d);",
-            SD59x18.unwrap(TierCalculationLib.getTierOdds(tier, numTiers, GRAND_PRIZE_PERIOD_DRAWS))
+            SD59x18.unwrap(TierCalculationLib.getTierOdds(tier, numTiers - 1, GRAND_PRIZE_PERIOD_DRAWS))
+      console.log(
+          "SD59x18 internal constant TIER_ODDS_%d_%d = SD59x18.wrap(%d);",
+          uint256(numTiers - 1),
+          uint256(numTiers),
+          uint256(
+            SD59x18.unwrap(TierCalculationLib.getTierOdds(numTiers - 1, numTiers, GRAND_PRIZE_PERIOD_DRAWS))
+          )
+        );

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PoolTogether mitigated:

Recomputed Tier odds, reduced the number of tiers and made grand prize period draws configurable.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/pull/24

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev.

[M-13] Users can manipulate the observation creation

Submitted by Nyx

Users can alter the record of their balances.

Proof of Concept

If the users delegateBalance has changed, observations will be recorded. If there is a need for a new observation, the new observation will be created; otherwise, it will be overwritten.

A new observation creation will be decided in the _getNextObservationIndex() function.

if (currentPeriod == 0 || currentPeriod > newestObservationPeriod) {
      return (
        uint16(RingBufferLib.wrap(_accountDetails.nextObservationIndex, MAX_CARDINALITY)),

newestObservationPeriod is the last observations period. currentPeriod is a period that calculated with uint32 currentTime = uint32(block.timestamp).

uint32 currentPeriod = _getTimestampPeriod(PERIOD_LENGTH, PERIOD_OFFSET, currentTime);
    uint32 newestObservationPeriod = _getTimestampPeriod(
function _getTimestampPeriod(
    uint32 PERIOD_LENGTH,
    uint32 PERIOD_OFFSET,
    uint32 _timestamp
  ) private pure returns (uint32 period) {
    if (_timestamp <= PERIOD_OFFSET) {
      return 0;
    // Shrink by 1 to ensure periods end on a multiple of PERIOD_LENGTH.
    // Increase by 1 to start periods at # 1.
    return ((_timestamp - PERIOD_OFFSET - 1) / PERIOD_LENGTH) + 1;

The problem is, if someone deposits a small amount frequently, currentPeriod and newestObservationPeriod will always be the same and a new observation won’t be created. Attackers can keep doing this until closeDraw and manipulate their balances.

According to the docs, if a draw were to start and end within a period, a user would be able to alter the record of their balance for that draw by overwriting an Observation.

It is important to note that due to Observation overwriting, average balances for a period are not finalized until a period ends. Therefore, if a draw ends but a period has not, a user would be able to manipulate their average balance for that final period of time after the draw ends. This would result in an inaccurate record of their balance held during the draw.

asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

If someone deposits a small amount frequently, currentPeriod and newestObservationPeriod will always be the same and a new observation won’t be createdThis only works for small deposit within the samePERIOD_LENGTH`; otherwise, timestamp roundings will differ.

This report shows how by leveraging the fact that new observations are not created if the previous observations falls within the same period, an attacker could modify its average balance for the final period if a draw ends within a period.

PoolTogether mitigated:

Aligned twab queries on period boundaries.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-twab-controller/pull/5

Status: Mitigation confirmed with comments. Full details in reports from dirk_y, 0xStalin and rvierdiiev.

[M-14] Number of prize tiers always increases if just 1 canary prize is claimed

Submitted by dirk_y, also found by bin2chen, xuwinnie, and volodya

Lines of code

https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/blob/4bc8a12b857856828c018510b5500d722b79ca3a/src/PrizePool.sol#L361 https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/blob/4bc8a12b857856828c018510b5500d722b79ca3a/src/PrizePool.sol#L446-L448 https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/blob/4bc8a12b857856828c018510b5500d722b79ca3a/src/PrizePool.sol#L781-L810


As mentioned in the docs:

“The Canary Tier is a special prize tier that receives a smaller amount of prize liquidity. The Canary Tier informs the Prize Pool as to whether it’s worth increasing the number of prize tiers. The canary tier’s role is to let us know whether it’s worth offering n+1 tiers of prizes”.

The intended behaviour is that the number of tiers only increases if a high enough portion of both the highest non-canary tier prizes and the canary tier prizes are claimed, so that prizes scale with demand and liquidity. However, there is a bug that causes the number of tiers to increase if at least 1 canary prize is claimed. Therefore, it is highly likely that it will take just 12 draws to reach the cap of 15 prize tiers (or an attacker could force the situation by claiming canary prizes); at which point the prize sizes will be broken, based on the liquidity provided and the protocol will become almost unusable.

Proof of Concept

When a draw has finished/elapsed, the draw manager closes the draw by calling closeDraw. During this closing process the next number of tiers is computed:

_nextNumberOfTiers = _computeNextNumberOfTiers(_numTiers);

Before we dive into this computation, it’s worth exploring the claimPrize method. Whenever a prize is claimed, there is a largestTierClaimed state variable that is set to the highest tier that has been claimed for; which can include the canary tier:

    if (largestTierClaimed < _tier) {
      largestTierClaimed = _tier;

Now, the issue titled in this report exists because of how the next number of tiers is calculated in the _computeNextNumberOfTiers function:

function _computeNextNumberOfTiers(uint8 _numTiers) internal view returns (uint8) {
    UD2x18 _claimExpansionThreshold = claimExpansionThreshold;

    uint8 _nextNumberOfTiers = largestTierClaimed + 2; // canary tier, then length
    _nextNumberOfTiers = _nextNumberOfTiers > MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS
      ? _nextNumberOfTiers

    if (_nextNumberOfTiers >= MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS) {

    // check to see if we need to expand the number of tiers
    if (
      _nextNumberOfTiers >= _numTiers &&
      canaryClaimCount >=
      ) &&
      claimCount >=
    ) {
      // increase the number of tiers to include a new tier
      _nextNumberOfTiers = _numTiers + 1;

    return _nextNumberOfTiers;

For the sake of argument, let’s say the prize pool had 3 tiers, so the canary tier is tier 2. If there is at least 1 canary tier prize that has been claimed for the previous draw, then largestTierClaimed = 2; therefore, _nextNumberOfTiers = 4. What’s interesting here, is that even if the check to expand the number of tiers fails, we still return _nextNumberOfTiers, which has just been set to 4. So we’re expanding the number of tiers even if the claim count isn’t higher than the claim expansion thresholds.

I have made a tiny change to the existing test suite to demonstrate that the number of tiers will increase with just 1 canary prize claim. It can be executed with forge test -vvv --match-path test/PrizePool.t.sol:

diff --git a/test/PrizePool.t.sol b/test/PrizePool.t.sol
index 45d8606..36063eb 100644
--- a/test/PrizePool.t.sol
+++ b/test/PrizePool.t.sol
@@ -561,25 +561,12 @@ contract PrizePoolTest is Test {
   function testCloseAndOpenNextDraw_expandingTiers() public {
-    mockTwab(address(this), address(this), 0);
-    claimPrize(address(this), 0, 0);
-    mockTwab(address(this), sender1, 1);
-    claimPrize(sender1, 1, 0);
-    mockTwab(address(this), sender2, 1);
-    claimPrize(sender2, 1, 0);
-    mockTwab(address(this), sender3, 1);
-    claimPrize(sender3, 1, 0);
-    mockTwab(address(this), sender4, 1);
-    claimPrize(sender4, 1, 0);
+    // Just 1 canary prize tier claim increases the number of tiers
     // canary tiers
     mockTwab(address(this), sender5, 2);
     claimPrize(sender5, 2, 0);
-    mockTwab(address(this), sender6, 2);
-    claimPrize(sender6, 2, 0);
-    vm.expectEmit();
-    emit DrawClosed(2, 245, 3, 4, 7997159090909503, UD34x4.wrap(7357954545454530000), prizePool.lastClosedDrawEndedAt());
     assertEq(prizePool.numberOfTiers(), 4);

Tools Used


The _computeNextNumberOfTiers logic should be updated to the below:

diff --git a/src/PrizePool.sol b/src/PrizePool.sol
index a42a27e..016124a 100644
--- a/src/PrizePool.sol
+++ b/src/PrizePool.sol
@@ -791,19 +791,22 @@ contract PrizePool is TieredLiquidityDistributor {
     // check to see if we need to expand the number of tiers
-    if (
-      _nextNumberOfTiers >= _numTiers &&
-      canaryClaimCount >=
-      fromUD60x18(
-        intoUD60x18(_claimExpansionThreshold).mul(_canaryPrizeCountFractional(_numTiers).floor())
-      ) &&
-      claimCount >=
-      fromUD60x18(
-        intoUD60x18(_claimExpansionThreshold).mul(toUD60x18(_estimatedPrizeCount(_numTiers)))
-      )
-    ) {
-      // increase the number of tiers to include a new tier
-      _nextNumberOfTiers = _numTiers + 1;
+    if (_nextNumberOfTiers > _numTiers) {
+      if (canaryClaimCount >=
+        fromUD60x18(
+          intoUD60x18(_claimExpansionThreshold).mul(_canaryPrizeCountFractional(_numTiers).floor())
+        ) &&
+        claimCount >=
+        fromUD60x18(
+          intoUD60x18(_claimExpansionThreshold).mul(toUD60x18(_estimatedPrizeCount(_numTiers)))
+        )
+      ) {
+        // increase the number of tiers to include a new tier
+        return _numTiers + 1;
+      }
+      else {
+        return _numTiers;
+      }
     return _nextNumberOfTiers;

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PoolTogether mitigated:

Superseceded by the simplification of tier expansion logic.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/pull/17

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev.

[M-15] Tiers can be maintained active to give unfair advantage to user through DoS

Submitted by 0x3e84fa45

Tiers can be maintained active by claiming a single prize of the last tier at a loss. The protocol will close tiers of the next draw based on the largest tier claimed of the draw being closed, which is registered during the claiming of the prizes.

This is a symptom that liquidity is being spread too thin on the last tier, and is no longer profitable for bots to claim prizes for users since their gas costs are over the claiming fees they earn.

The closing of a tier is meant to increase maxFee, which is the highest price a claiming fee can achieve in the reverse Dutch Auction mechanism; which in the current draw, isn’t enough for the bot to be profitable.

The maxFee is computed based on the last active tier’s prize size, and by lowering the amount of tiers, the liquidity is going to get concentrated in less tiers and in less prizes (since the number of prizes is 4^tierNumber); thus, making the bots profitable again and incentivizing them to claim prizes for users.

During the draw where there are no incentives for bots to claim prizes, prizes won’t get claimed; which means that if someone won a high prize from a low tier, they would have to manually claim it. Otherwise, the liquidity of that prize will continue onto the next draw, leaving the user without a possibility of claiming their prize once the draw has passed.

A malicious actor that has deposited liquidity in the vaults that contribute to the prize pool could take advantage of this mechanic.

By having a bot that in this closing tier state claim their prizes when available and claim a single prize from the highest tier, they are able to maintain the tier active; which will cause following draws to fall again into the state where bots don’t claim prizes. This hugely decreases the probability of winning for users that don’t have a claiming bot while giving the malicious actor an unfair advantage.

Proof of Concept

Draw 0: closeDraw has just been executed and the remaining liquidity from the previous draw with the newly added liquidity for this draw computes a maxFee that isn’t enough to cover gas costs for bots to claim prizes. Therefore, the last tier is supposed to be closed. A malicious actor can claim a random single prize from the last tier at a loss to maintain the tier active, also claiming any prizes they may have won.

Draw 1: the new liquidity is added to the system, which will make the last tier’s prize size increase, and subsequently, the maxFee will increase. Depending on how much liquidity is added, maxFee will or won’t be enough for bots to start claiming prizes, since the last tier has accumulated the liquidity of two draws.

It could be the case that the added liquidity isn’t enough and creates a draw state similar to draw 0. To continue with the example, let’s assume that the accumulated liquidity of two draws computes a maxFee that is enough to incentivize bots to claim prizes.

Draw 1 behaves as expected, which means that the last tier’s liquidity would get claimed, and the following draw would rely mostly on the newly added liquidity. “Mostly” since there will be a remanent part of liquidity from the prizes that haven’t been won.

Draw 2: The situation of draw 0 repeats itself and the added liquidity on this draw is not concentrated enough to incentivize bots to claim prizes. The malicious actor claims a single prize at a loss again, to keep the tier active, also claiming any prizes they may have won.

This results in a situation where, depending on how much liquidity is added to each draw, many draws could result as inactive. Meaning, that unless users claim their own prizes, no one is going to claim them; while the malicious actor has an advantage, since their bot will claim their prizes, apart from maintaining the highest tier active.

Change the mechanism by which largestTierClaimed is set, so that it’s resistant to a single user performing a claim.

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

It seems to me that Medium severity is more appropriate here, as the profitability and the damage done by this attack scenario are hypothetical. It assumes that it is worth claiming prizes at a loss of, say maxFeePortionOfPrize * prize, to increase the attacker’s chances of winning. The damage is that users not claiming their prize (which requires multiple winners, as the attacker is claiming one price) will lose it.

PoolTogether mitigated:

Improved tier shrinking, retention, and expansion logic.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/pull/17

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev.

[M-16] The threshold check for adding of new tiers is skipped when _nextNumberOfTiers is at the maximum amount

Submitted by yixxas

The wrong implementation allows a new tier to be added as the threshold check is not done when we currently have 14 tiers. This means, that with just a single canary claim, a new tier will be added when number of tiers = 14.

Proof of Concept

In order for the prize pool to add new tiers, the normal prize claim count and canary tier claim count must pass a certain threshold. This check is done by the below code snippet:


    if (
      _nextNumberOfTiers >= _numTiers &&
      canaryClaimCount >=
      ) &&
      claimCount >=
    ) {

However, in the case where _nextNumberOfTiers >= MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS, MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS this is instantly returned, skipping this check.


    uint8 _nextNumberOfTiers = largestTierClaimed + 2; // canary tier, then length
    _nextNumberOfTiers = _nextNumberOfTiers > MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS
      ? _nextNumberOfTiers

    if (_nextNumberOfTiers >= MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS) {

As seen from the above code, if we currently have 14 tiers and the canary tier is claimed in this draw, hence largestTierClaimed = 13, then we have _nextNumberOfTiers = 15. Since MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS == 15, we return MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS and the new number of tiers is going to be 15, even if the number of claims for this draw does not pass the threshold check.

Make sure that we do the threshold check specifically, in the case where _numTiers == 14 and canaryClaimCount >= 1.

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PoolTogether mitigated:

Simplified tier expansion logic.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/pull/17

Status: Mitigation error. Full details in report from dirk_y and in the Mitigation Review section below.

[M-17] VaultFactory allows deployment of vaults with non-authentic TwabController and PrizePool

Submitted by Jeiwan, also found by dev0cloo (1, 2), jaraxxus, 0xSmartContract, oxchsyston, 0xStalin (1, 2, 3), keccak123, dirk_y, btk, neumo, grearlake, 3docSec, rvierdiiev, and ABAIKUNANBAEV

A malicious vault can be deployed via the official VaultFactory contract. Users may lose funds while interacting with such vaults.

Proof of Concept

The VaultFactory.deployVault function allows deploying Vault contracts. The factory contract maintains a mapping to verify that a vault has been deployed via the factory. This allows users to check the authenticity of a vault to ensure the that implementation of a vault is authentic (i.e. not altered/malicious).

However, the business logic of vaults is split into multiple contracts: Vault, TwabController, and PrizePool. TwabController tracks the historical balances of users to determine their chances of winning prizes. PrizePool runs regular draws and distributes prizes among winners. Thus, it’s critical that in every authentic Vault contract, the implementations of TwabController and PrizePool are also authentic. Otherwise, a malicious actor could deploy an authentic vault via the official VaultFactory and provide malicious TwabController and PrizePool contracts; which can incorrectly determine user balances, favors some specific addresses when determining winners, or steals the prize token. In the current implementation, users are be able to check the authenticity of a vault contract, but not the authenticity of the TwabController and the PrizePool contracts that a vault integrates with.

Consider implementing TwabController and PrizePool factory contracts. In the contracts, consider tracking the addresses of the deployed TwabController and PrizePool contracts. In the VaultFactory.deployVault function, consider checking that the passed _twabController and _prizePool address were deployed via the respective factory contracts.

Picodes (judge) commented:

See Issue #324.

asselstine (PoolTogether) acknowledged and commented via duplicate issue #324:

This the point of V5: we are replacing protocol gatekeeping with curation by front-ends.

The responsibility of curation will rest on front-ends, who will curate which vaults they show their users.

[M-18] The exchange rate change in the case of Lossy Strategy will cause the Vault to be under-collateralized for generic ERC4626 Yield Vaults

Submitted by GalloDaSballo

For Yield Vaults that use Lossy Strategies, the PT Vault will burn more Yield Vault Shares than intended when processing a withdrawal, socializing a loss at the advantage of early withdrawers.

withdraw calls _convertToShares:


    uint256 _shares = _convertToShares(_assets, Math.Rounding.Up);

Which uses the _currentExchangeRate(). This in turn, computes the withdrawableAssets by fetching yieldVault.maxWithdraw and then mapping the principal vs. the totalSupply.


    uint256 _withdrawableAssets = _yieldVault.maxWithdraw(address(this));

    if (_withdrawableAssets > _totalSupplyToAssets) {
      _withdrawableAssets = _withdrawableAssets - (_withdrawableAssets - _totalSupplyToAssets);

    if (_totalSupplyAmount != 0 && _withdrawableAssets != 0) {
      return _withdrawableAssets.mulDiv(_assetUnit, _totalSupplyAmount, Math.Rounding.Down);

This calculation is based on maxWithdraw, which is a view function.

Most implementations of maxWithdraw will simply map the available tokens to the shares owned by the owner. See OZ for example:


    function maxWithdraw(address owner) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
        return _convertToAssets(balanceOf(owner), Math.Rounding.Floor);

Or similarly, Yearn V3.

Due to the implementation, losses can be applied during YieldVault.withdraw, causing the burning of more shares than intended.

Because the PT Vault computes the shares to burn before accounting for a potential loss:

  • No loss will be accounted for in maxWithdraw (since it will use static value for assets in the vault and assets in the strategy).
  • The loss will be locked during _withdraw, but it will not be checked. The specifics of the loss are that it will cause burning of more shares in order to receive the intended assets.
  • This will cause the user to pay shares from PT Vault.
  • But it will cause PT Vault to pay more yieldVault Shares than intended, effectively diluting everyone else and socializing the losses on the laggards.

Proof Of Concept

  • Call withdraw.
  • This will compute the shares to burn to the user via _convertToShares.
  • PT Vault will call YieldVault.withdraw with the amount necessary to withdraw.
  • The Vault will take a loss. The loss will cause more shares from PT Vault to be burned, socializing a loss to other depositors.


Ensures that the PPFS of the Yield Vault doesn’t decrease, or add functions to handle lossy withdrawals.

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PierrickGT (PoolTogether) commented:

I don’t entirely understand the issue here; to me it looks like this is the intended behavior.

Users knowingly deposit in a Vault relying on a YieldVault that employs Lossy Strategies to generate yield. Let’s say for example, an option protocol, the position of the Vault loses value so all shares are backed by less underlying assets. When withdrawing, people will only be able to withdraw their shares of deposits, which indeed socializes the loss.

I think for this kind of YieldVaults, we will need to develop custom Vaults, because it’s a pretty specific use case.

PoolTogether mitigated:

Redeemed underlying liquidity using shares, not assets directly. This socializes losses, if any.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/27

Status: Not fully mitigated. Full details in report from dirk_y and in the Mitigation Review section below.

PierrickGT (PoolTogether) commented:

Working PR here: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/37.

[M-19] Silent overflow could alter computation when calculating the vaultPortion in the PrizePool contract

Submitted by 0xStalin

If an overflow happens, the computed value of the vault portion will be a totally different value than what should really be; which would end up causing the rewards to disperse and be lower for the draw that was used to compute the vault portion.

Note: Even though the bot reported issues about downcasting variables, it didn’t mention this specific unsafe casting; which if an overflow occurs, could cause a huge impact on the calculation of the vault portions.

Proof of Concept

When computing the vaultPortion to the PrizePool over a specific duration in draw, the values of the vaultContributed & totalContributed variables are computed on the DrawAccumulatorLib library, and they are computed and returned as uint256 values.

The issue is, that in the PrizePool::_getVaultPortion() the vaultContributed & totalContributed variables are unsafely cast from uint256 to int256, which could lead to a silent overflow if any of the two original values don’t fit on an int256.

As a result of a silent overflow, the computed value of the vault portion will be a totally different value than what should really be; which would end up causing the rewards to disperse and be lower for the draw that was used to compute the vault portion.

Make sure to implement a safe cast that checks if overflows occur to prevent computing a totally different value than what it should really be. Use OZ safeCast library for this type of operation.

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed and commented:

The DrawAccumulator stores the available balance as uint96, but we could definitely tighten up the data types and make casting safe.

PoolTogether mitigated:

Added SafeCast.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/pull/22

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in report from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev.

[M-20] Improper handling of cases when withdrawable assets = 0

Submitted by ktg

  • Improper handling of cases when withdrawable assets = 0.
  • The vault will not function correctly.

Proof of Concept

The functions _currentExchangeRate and _isVaultCollateralized of Vault are implemented as follows:

function _currentExchangeRate() internal view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 _totalSupplyAmount = _totalSupply();
    uint256 _totalSupplyToAssets = _convertToAssets(

    uint256 _withdrawableAssets = _yieldVault.maxWithdraw(address(this));

    if (_withdrawableAssets > _totalSupplyToAssets) {
      _withdrawableAssets = _withdrawableAssets - (_withdrawableAssets - _totalSupplyToAssets);

    if (_totalSupplyAmount != 0 && _withdrawableAssets != 0) {
      return _withdrawableAssets.mulDiv(_assetUnit, _totalSupplyAmount, Math.Rounding.Down);

    return _assetUnit;

function _isVaultCollateralized() internal view returns (bool) {
    return _currentExchangeRate() >= _assetUnit;

The function calculates the exchange rate between the amount of assets withdrawable from the YieldVault and the amount of shares minted by this Vault.

However, if _withdrawableAssets is 0, then the function returns _assetUnit (which means 1-1 ratio). This means, that even when the vault has no withdrawable assets from _yieldVault, it’s still considered collateralized.

To illustrate the oddity of this special case, consider when _withdrawableAssets = 1 and _totalSupplyAmount > 0; in this scenario, _currentExchangeRate returns 0 and the vault is considered under-collateralized (since 1 < _assetUnit). However, if _withdrawableAssets = 0, the vault is considered collateralized.

This case has profound impact since a lot of vault logic is based on the vault’s collateralized status.

Below is a POC for the above example. For ease of testing, let’s place these 2 test cases in file vault/test/unit/Vault/Deposit.t.sol under contract VaultDepositTest, then test them using commands:

  • forge test --match-path test/unit/Vault/Deposit.t.sol --match-test testOneWithdrawableAmount -vvvv
  • forge test --match-path test/unit/Vault/Deposit.t.sol --match-test testZeroWithdrawableAmount -vvvv

testOneWithdrawableAmount is to demonstrate when _withdrawableAssets = 1 and the vault is considered not collateralized. testZeroWithdrawableAmount is to demonstrate when _withdrawableAssets = 0 and the vault is considered collateralized.

function testZeroWithdrawableAmount() public {
    uint256 _amount = 1000e18;
    underlyingAsset.mint(alice, _amount);
    underlyingAsset.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max);

    vault.deposit(_amount, alice);

    // Now make the withdrawable asset = 0
    // Burn the balance of yieldVault
    uint256 yieldVaultAsset = underlyingAsset.balanceOf(address(yieldVault));
    underlyingAsset.burn(address(yieldVault), yieldVaultAsset);

    assertEq(underlyingAsset.balanceOf(address(yieldVault)), 0);

    // Although the vault has no asset withdrawable in yieldVault
    // the exchange rate is 10**18 = assetUnit and the vault is "collateralized"
    assertEq(yieldVault.maxWithdraw(address(vault)), 0);
    assertEq(vault.exchangeRate(), 10**18);
    assertEq(vault.isVaultCollateralized(), true);

  function testOneWithdrawableAmount() public {
    uint256 _amount = 1000e18;
    underlyingAsset.mint(alice, _amount);
    underlyingAsset.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max);

    vault.deposit(_amount, alice);

    // Now make the withdrawable asset = 0
    // Burn the balance of yieldVault
    uint256 yieldVaultAsset = underlyingAsset.balanceOf(address(yieldVault));
    underlyingAsset.burn(address(yieldVault), yieldVaultAsset -1);

    assertEq(underlyingAsset.balanceOf(address(yieldVault)), 1);

    // vault only has 1 asset token withdrawable, and the exchangeRate is 0
    // the vault is not collateralized
    assertEq(yieldVault.maxWithdraw(address(vault)), 1);
    assertEq(vault.exchangeRate(), 0);
    assertEq(vault.isVaultCollateralized(), false);

Since _withdrawableAssets is the dividend, there seems to be no harm in removing the check if _withdrawableAssets = 0. Therefore, I recommend removing it from the condition.

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

Picodes (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

There is definitely a bug here, but I don’t see why it should be high severity. “This case has a profound impact since a lot of vault logic is based on the vault’s collateralized status” is a bit light to pass the burden or proof. At first sight, as there are no funds in the vault anymore, there is no loss of funds. Then there is the case where assets are re-added to the vault for some reason; but this would be a Medium severity scenario, considering it’s very unlikely and not described by the report.

ktg9 (warden) commented:

Hi @Picodes, thank you for your response!

Sorry I didn’t make it clearer. As you can see in the report, the affected function is _currentExchangeRate, so not only is the Vault incorrectly specified as collateralized, the currentExchangeRate also = 1 (assetUnit). These 2 functions affect many other functions, for example:

  • Function mintYieldFee requires that vault is collateralized, so a user can mint the yield fee even when it’s not.
  • Function liquidate requires that vault is collateralized, so a user can liquidate asset even when vault’s withdrawable asset = 0.
  • For deposit function, first deposit will calculate maxDeposit to limit the input tokens:

    function maxDeposit(address) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
    return _isVaultCollateralized() ? `type(uint96).max` : 0;

If the Vault is under-collateralized, a user can’t deposit since maxDeposit will return 0; however, a user can still deposit in this case:

  • User calls exchangeRate and receives 1, this can lead them to bad decisions.

To conclude, I agree that this will not lead to direct loss of funds for the vault, but will greatly impact the user, making them send tokens to the vault (through liquidate or deposit) when it’s not collateralized and will potentially suffer economically. I think it should be marked as High severity.

Picodes (judge) commented:

@ktg9 - I still think that the original reports perfectly fit with the definition of Med severity:

“leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements”.

The described scenarios require that we are in a situation with withdrawable assets = 0 and that some users behave incorrectly. Also note that I can’t consider scenarios that are not described in the original report.

PierrickGT (PoolTogether) commented:

This issue has been fixed and the exchange rate between the Vault and YieldVault is now 1 to 1. We’ve replaced the exchange rate function by a collateral one, which simplifies the conversions from shares to assets and assets to shares.

If the Vault is collateralized, meaning the amount of withdrawable assets from the YieldVault is greater than the amount of underlying assets supplied to the YieldVault, then users can only withdraw the amount they deposited. Otherwise, any remaining collateral within the YieldVault is available and distributed proportionally among depositors.


PoolTogether mitigated:

Vault shares are now 1:1 with an underlying asset, and the exchange logic has been simplified.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/18

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in report from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin.

[M-21] Vault contribution calculations wrongly include the current round when claiming prizes

Submitted by dirk_y

Lines of code

https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/blob/4bc8a12b857856828c018510b5500d722b79ca3a/src/PrizePool.sol#L366 https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/blob/4bc8a12b857856828c018510b5500d722b79ca3a/src/PrizePool.sol#L421 https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/blob/4bc8a12b857856828c018510b5500d722b79ca3a/src/PrizePool.sol#L903-L908


When claiming prizes, the higher the contribution percentage of the given vault, the higher the odds of a user contributing to that vault receiving a prize. Because the vault contributions are wrongly calculated, a vault gets credit for distributions that haven’t actually been made yet. A vault can swing the odds in its favour by contributing prize tokens to the prize pool in a recent round before claiming prizes (based on a normal value of alpha). This is particularly important when considering prize tiers that occur frequently (the highest tiers).

Proof of Concept

A draw is closed by the draw manager by calling closeDraw. During this process, new liquidity is distributed among the tiers to be available for prize claims:

_nextDraw(_nextNumberOfTiers, uint96(_contributionsForDraw(lastClosedDrawId + 1)));

In the above line, the contributions are calculated based on lastClosedDrawId + 1 because lastClosedDrawId has not yet been incremented. It is incremented at the end of the _nextDraw method.

A prize is claimed when a vault calls (via a claimer) claimPrize. In this process, the contribution percentage of the vault is calculated because it affects the winning region (i.e. odds) for a user:

(SD59x18 _vaultPortion, SD59x18 _tierOdds, uint16 _drawDuration) = _computeVaultTierDetails(

As can be seen above, the vault portion is calculated based on lastClosedDrawId, which is the value which was incremented when closing the draw previously. This method makes the following underlying call:

vaultPortion = _getVaultPortion(
      uint16(drawDuration > _lastClosedDrawId ? 0 : _lastClosedDrawId - drawDuration + 1),
      _lastClosedDrawId + 1,

This calculates the value dispersed between a start and end draw INCLUSIVE. Therefore, this is actually calculating the vault contributions based on the current in-progress round as well, which hasn’t yet been dispersed to the tiers. In fact, it also wrongly increments the start round ID.

The _computeVaultTierDetails method should not increment the start and end draw IDs:

diff --git a/src/PrizePool.sol b/src/PrizePool.sol
index a42a27e..34548c9 100644
--- a/src/PrizePool.sol
+++ b/src/PrizePool.sol
@@ -902,8 +902,8 @@ contract PrizePool is TieredLiquidityDistributor {
     drawDuration = uint16(TierCalculationLib.estimatePrizeFrequencyInDraws(tierOdds));
     vaultPortion = _getVaultPortion(
-      uint16(drawDuration > _lastClosedDrawId ? 0 : _lastClosedDrawId - drawDuration + 1),
-      _lastClosedDrawId + 1,
+      uint16(drawDuration > _lastClosedDrawId ? 0 : _lastClosedDrawId - drawDuration),
+      _lastClosedDrawId,

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PoolTogether mitigated:

Draw query ends on closed draw.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/pull/10

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in report from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin.

[M-22] Loss of precision leads to under-collateralized

Submitted by bin2chen

Since _yieldVault mostly calculates shares and uses round down when depositing, there is often a 1 wei loss of precision, which can cause the vault to go into under-collateralized mode by mistake.

Proof of Concept

When a user deposits an asset, we update _lastRecordedExchangeRate; the calculation is done by method _currentExchangeRate().

The code is as follows:

  function _currentExchangeRate() internal view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 _totalSupplyAmount = _totalSupply();
    uint256 _totalSupplyToAssets = _convertToAssets(

@>  uint256 _withdrawableAssets = _yieldVault.maxWithdraw(address(this));

    if (_withdrawableAssets > _totalSupplyToAssets) {
      _withdrawableAssets = _withdrawableAssets - (_withdrawableAssets - _totalSupplyToAssets);

    if (_totalSupplyAmount != 0 && _withdrawableAssets != 0) {
      return _withdrawableAssets.mulDiv(_assetUnit, _totalSupplyAmount, Math.Rounding.Down);

    return _assetUnit;

This method takes _yieldVault.maxWithdraw(address(this)) as the maximum value to calculate the current exchange rate. If the exchange rate is lower than _assetUnit, then it goes into an under-collateralized mode, where it can only be withdrawn, not deposited. So if _yieldVault is losing money, it goes into under-collateralized.

But there is one missing consideration here:

As long as _yieldVault is not exclusive, there will be precision loss issues. After _yieldVault.deposit(), maxWithdraw() will lose precision because most vaults will “round down” the shares calculations. For example, depositing 1000000000; however, it can only withdraw 999999999.

This leads to the problem that when the first deposit is made, it is likely to go into an under-collateralized mode immediately due to the 1 wei loss.

The following code demonstrates that when a non-exclusive _yieldVault, once Alice first deposits normally, it immediately enters an under-collateralized mode.

Add to Deposit.t.sol:

  function testLossPrecision() external {
    //0.Constructing a yieldVault that is already profitable
    uint256 _amount = 333e18;
    underlyingAsset.mint(alice, _amount);
    underlyingAsset.approve(address(yieldVault), type(uint256).max);   
    //profitable 0.1e18
    underlyingAsset.mint(address(yieldVault), 0.1e18);

    //1.alice deposit
    _amount = 100e18;
    underlyingAsset.mint(alice, _amount);
    underlyingAsset.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max);
    vault.deposit(_amount, alice);
    console2.log("loss :",_amount - yieldVault.maxWithdraw(address(vault)));
$ forge test --match-test testLossPrecision -vvv

[PASS] testLossPrecision() (gas: 402881)
  deposit: 100000000000000000000
  maxWithdraw: 99999999999999999999
  loss : 1
  isVaultCollateralized: false

This small loss of precision should not be treated as a loss. We can avoid it by adding 1wei when calculating the exchange rate.

Have _yieldVault.maxWithdraw() + 1 to avoid loss of precision into an under-collateralized mode.

  function _currentExchangeRate() internal view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 _totalSupplyAmount = _totalSupply();
    uint256 _totalSupplyToAssets = _convertToAssets(

-   uint256 _withdrawableAssets = _yieldVault.maxWithdraw(address(this));
+   uint256 _withdrawableAssets = _yieldVault.maxWithdraw(address(this)) + 1;

    if (_withdrawableAssets > _totalSupplyToAssets) {
      _withdrawableAssets = _withdrawableAssets - (_withdrawableAssets - _totalSupplyToAssets);

    if (_totalSupplyAmount != 0 && _withdrawableAssets != 0) {
      return _withdrawableAssets.mulDiv(_assetUnit, _totalSupplyAmount, Math.Rounding.Down);

    return _assetUnit;

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PierrickGT (PoolTogether) commented:

Nice catch. Since we don’t have any control over the YieldVault exchange rate, if it gets manipulated at any time, we should revert any deposits where the amount of withdrawable assets from the YieldVault is lower than the expected amount.

PoolTogether mitigated:

Improved vault share / asset calculation.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/18

Status: Not fully mitigated. Full details in report from dirk_y and 0xStalin, and in the Mitigation Review section below.

[M-23] Vault does not conform to ERC4626

Submitted by degensec, also found by pontifex

Lines of code

https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/blob/b1deb5d494c25f885c34c83f014c8a855c5e2749/src/Vault.sol#L375-L377 https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/blob/b1deb5d494c25f885c34c83f014c8a855c5e2749/src/Vault.sol#L383-L385


Vault does not conform to ERC4626 which may break external integrations.

Proof of Concept

The ERC4626 specification states that maxDeposit MUST return the maximum amount of assets deposit would allow to be deposited for receiver and not cause a revert, which MUST NOT be higher than the actual maximum that would be accepted.

Similarly, maxMint MUST return the maximum amount of shares mint would allow to be deposited to receiver and not cause a revert, which MUST NOT be higher than the actual maximum that would be accepted.

The PoolTogether V5 Vault connects to an external ERC4626-compliant Vault (_yieldVault) and deposits incoming assets in it. This means, that maxDeposit and maxMint of the PoolTogether Vault must be constrained by the maxDeposit and maxMint of the external Vault.

Tools Used

ERC-4626: Tokenized Vaults

Replace the implementation of maxDeposit:

  function maxDeposit(address) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
    return _isVaultCollateralized() ? `type(uint96).max` : 0;


  function maxDeposit(address receiver) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
    if (!_isVaultCollateralized()) return 0;

    uint256 yvMaxDeposit = _yieldVault.maxDeposit(receiver);
    return yvMaxDeposit < `type(uint96).max` ? yvMaxDeposit : `type(uint96).max`;

Analogously, change the implementation of maxMint from:

  function maxMint(address) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
    return _isVaultCollateralized() ? `type(uint96).max` : 0;


  function maxMint(address receiver) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
    if(!_isVaultCollateralized()) return 0;

    uint256 yvMaxMint = _yieldVault.maxDeposit(receiver);
    return yvMaxMint < `type(uint96).max` ? yvMaxMint : `type(uint96).max`;

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PoolTogether mitigated:

Fixed compliance with 4626.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/11

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in report from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev.

[M-24] Claimer.claimPrizes can be front-runned in order to make losses for the claim bot

Submitted by rvierdiiev, also found by MiniGlome

Proof of Concept

All prizes in the system should be claimed during the draw period. Anyone can call the claimPrizes function for any winner and prize. But the idea of protocol is to incentivize claim bots to do all claims instead of users. These should benefit from batching claims together in 1 call.

Also the Claimer contract is using vrgda which can increase/decrease fee for the claimer, depending of amount of already claimed prizes. That actually means, that in case not enough prizes are claimed in some point of time, then the fee will be increased to incentivize more bots.

So as bots will try to batch a lot of prize claims together, that means that they will spent a lot on gas. A malicious actor can see which prizes the bot is going to claim and front-run them with the last prize in the list. As a result, claiming will fail and the bot will face losses.

Another reason why a malicious actor can do that is to make vrgda to provide bigger fees. They can create a bot that will block claims of other bots with a big amount of claims in the batch, in order to wait and get better prices and claim those prize by themself and receive fees.

Tools Used


In the case of if a price is already claimed, then you can return early from the PrizePool.claimPrize function and emit some event. In this case, bots will not receive fee for the already claimed prize and their tx will continue with other prizes in the batch.

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

Picodes (judge) commented:

I’ll keep medium severity, as the sponsor confirmed with their label that it was valuable to them. I think we could also justify this being low. As in such cases, it is up to the bot to use a private rpc or some other solution to avoid being front-ran.

PoolTogether mitigated:

Added minVrgdaFee and allowed silent failure of claims.
PRs: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-claimer/pull/8

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in report from rvierdiiev, dirk_y and 0xStalin.

[M-25] depositWithPermit and mintWithPermit are allowed to be called by the permit creator only

Submitted by rvierdiiev, also found by xuwinnie

Functions depositWithPermit and mintWithPermit are allowed to be called by the permit creator only. Not any other contracts will be able to execute these function on behalf of signer.

Proof of Concept

The depositWithPermit function is allowed to provide a signed permit in order to receive, approve and deposit funds into the vault.


  function depositWithPermit(
    uint256 _assets,
    address _receiver,
    uint256 _deadline,
    uint8 _v,
    bytes32 _r,
    bytes32 _s
  ) external returns (uint256) {
    _permit(IERC20Permit(asset()), msg.sender, address(this), _assets, _deadline, _v, _r, _s);
    return deposit(_assets, _receiver);

This function calls _permit and pass msg.sender as _owner to that function.


  function _permit(
    IERC20Permit _asset,
    address _owner,
    address _spender,
    uint256 _assets,
    uint256 _deadline,
    uint8 _v,
    bytes32 _r,
    bytes32 _s
  ) internal {
    _asset.permit(_owner, _spender, _assets, _deadline, _v, _r, _s);

This means, that the signer can be only the same person that called depositWithPermit function.

However, the purpose of the permit is to allow someone to sign the approve signature, so that this signature can be used by another contract to call some function on behalf of signer.

In this case, anyone should be able to sign permit for the vault, and vault should check that _receiver is same who signed permit.

Tools Used


Use _receiver instead of msg.sender.

  function depositWithPermit(
    uint256 _assets,
    address _receiver,
    uint256 _deadline,
    uint8 _v,
    bytes32 _r,
    bytes32 _s
  ) external returns (uint256) {
    _permit(IERC20Permit(asset()), _receiver, address(this), _assets, _deadline, _v, _r, _s);
    return deposit(_assets, _receiver);

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PoolTogether mitigated:

Fixed permit implementations.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/20

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in report from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin.

[M-26] Transfer of Vault tokens can cause accounting errors in other contracts

Submitted by shaka

Lines of code

https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/blob/b1deb5d494c25f885c34c83f014c8a855c5e2749/src/Vault.sol#L1155 https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-twab-controller/blob/0145eeac23301ee5338c659422dd6d69234f5d50/src/libraries/TwabLib.sol#L48

Vulnerability details

Vault::_transfer overrides the ERC20::_transfer function so the transfer is performed using the TwabController contract. In the implementation, _shares is downcasted to uint96 and this can result in an underflow silently.

There are nat spec comments indicating that the balance in TwapController is stored in uint96, which would mean that there is no real risk of underflow. However, the TwapController contract uses uint112 to store the balance, so the risk of underflow is real.

File: TwabLib.sol

47  struct AccountDetails {
48    uint112 balance; // <== not uint96
49    uint112 delegateBalance;
50    uint16 nextObservationIndex;
51    uint16 cardinality;
52  }


Integrations of other contracts or protocols with the Vault contract may result in accounting errors, due to the amount of shares transferred being less than expected due to silent underflow.

Proof of Concept

Foundry test:

  mapping(address => uint256) userToBalance;

  function testTransferUnderflow() external {

    uint256 _amount = type(uint112).max;
    underlyingAsset.mint(alice, _amount);
    underlyingAsset.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max);

    vault.deposit(`type(uint96).max`, alice);
    vault.deposit(`type(uint96).max`, alice);
    assertEq(vault.balanceOf(alice), uint256(`type(uint96).max`) * 2);

    // Alice has now a balance of `type(uint96).max` * 2
    // Let's imagine some integration of another contract with the Vault contract
    // that performs the following operations:

    // 1. Alice approves all the Vault shares to the contract
    vault.approve(address(this), type(uint256).max);

    // 2. The contract transfers all the Vault shares from Alice and registers them
    // in in a mapping
    uint256 aliceBalance = vault.balanceOf(alice);
    vault.transferFrom(alice, address(this), aliceBalance);
    userToBalance[alice] = aliceBalance;

    // 3. Only `type(uint96).max` shares are transferred, but the double of that amount
    // is registered as transfer underflows silently. So alice can now transfer the
    // remaining balance from the vault.
    vault.transfer(bob, `type(uint96).max`);

Use OpenZeppelin’s SafeCast library to convert uint256 to uint96.

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PierrickGT (PoolTogether) commented:

Regarding the TwabController, we need to figure out if we want to keep uint112 for balances or if we want to use uint96.

PoolTogether mitigated:

Added SafeCast.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/9

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in report from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev.

[M-27] Inconsistent behavior for canary claims in the claimer

Submitted by volodya

Proof of Concept

Whenever a claimer claims prizes they compute fees per claim without considering canary claims.

  function claimPrizes(
    Vault vault,
    uint8 tier,
    address[] calldata winners,
    uint32[][] calldata prizeIndices,
    address _feeRecipient
  ) external returns (uint256 totalFees) {
    uint256 claimCount;
    for (uint i = 0; i < winners.length; i++) {
      claimCount += prizeIndices[i].length;

    uint96 feePerClaim = uint96(
        _computeMaxFee(tier, prizePool.numberOfTiers()),

    vault.claimPrizes(tier, winners, prizeIndices, feePerClaim, _feeRecipient);

    return feePerClaim * claimCount;


Consider canary as a claim.

    uint96 feePerClaim = uint96(
        _computeMaxFee(tier, prizePool.numberOfTiers()),
-        prizePool.claimCount()
+        prizePool.claimCount() + prizePool.canaryClaimCount()

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PoolTogether mitigated:

Unified standard and canary tier.
PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-prize-pool/pull/17

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in report from rvierdiiev, dirk_y and 0xStalin.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this audit, 37 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by bin2chen received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: kutugu, markus_ether, catellatech, alymurtazamemon, yixxas, Jeiwan, rvierdiiev, volodya, dacian, naman1778, lanrebayode77, alexzoid, GREY-HAWK-REACH, Kaysoft, 0xbepresent, banpaleo5, 0x11singh99, MohammedRizwan, nadin, Inspecktor, Bauchibred, squeaky_cactus, erebus, Vagner, Rolezn, DadeKuma, GalloDaSballo, keccak123, joaovwfreire, grearlake, ayden, ArmedGoose, fatherOfBlocks, eyexploit, ABAIKUNANBAEV, and 0xWaitress.

[L-01] vault._mint() forcing conversion to uint96 may result in missing values

The current protocol Vault.sol has uint256 for shares, but uint96 is used in TwabController.sol. So in mint/burn/transfer, it is forced to convert to uint96. This causes the value to exceed type(uint96).max if asset.decimals()>18, resulting in a loss of value.

Suggesting to add a method like SaftToUint96() to revert if it is larger than uint96:

  function _burn(address _owner, uint256 _shares) internal virtual override {
-   _twabController.burn(_owner, uint96(_shares));
+   _twabController.burn(_owner, _shares.SafeToUint96());

    emit Transfer(_owner, address(0), _shares);

Note: mint() and transfer() have the same problem.

[L-02] targetOf() incorrectly uses _token ! = _liquidationPair.tokenIn()

Currently, targetOf() uses _liquidationPair.tokenIn() but the actual comparison in liquidate() is _tokenIn ! = address(_prizePool.prizeToken()). So it’s _prizePool.prizeToken() that should be used instead.

  function targetOf(address _token) external view returns (address) {
-   if (_token != _liquidationPair.tokenIn()) revert TargetTokenNotSupported(_token);
+   if (_tokenIn != address(_prizePool.prizeToken())) revert TargetTokenNotSupported(_token);
    return address(_prizePool);

[L-03] setLiquidationPair() may not be able to set the old liquidationPair

Use the safeApprove() method in setLiquidationPair() to set the allowance.

The safeApprove() method requires the current allowance to be 0 for the setting to succeed. If the liquidationPair_ has been used before, this is the second time it is used and there are residual allowances, it may not be possible to set it.

I suggest to clear the allowance to 0 before setting.

  function setLiquidationPair(
    LiquidationPair liquidationPair_
  ) external onlyOwner returns (address) {
    if (address(liquidationPair_) == address(0)) revert LPZeroAddress();

    IERC20 _asset = IERC20(asset());
    address _previousLiquidationPair = address(_liquidationPair);

    if (_previousLiquidationPair != address(0)) {
      _asset.safeApprove(_previousLiquidationPair, 0);

+   _asset.safeApprove(address(liquidationPair_), 0);
    _asset.safeApprove(address(liquidationPair_), type(uint256).max);

    _liquidationPair = liquidationPair_;

    emit LiquidationPairSet(liquidationPair_);
    return address(liquidationPair_);

[L-04] in _withdraw(), by calling _burn() and then executing _yieldVault.withdraw(), it may lead _updateExchangeRate() inaccuracy

In withdraw(), execute _burn() first in _yieldVault.withdraw().

Code as follows:

  function _withdraw(
    address _caller,
    address _receiver,
    address _owner,
    uint256 _assets,
    uint256 _shares
  ) internal virtual override {

@>  _burn(_owner, _shares);

@>  _yieldVault.withdraw(_assets, address(this), address(this));
    SafeERC20.safeTransfer(IERC20(asset()), _receiver, _assets);

    emit Withdraw(_caller, _receiver, _owner, _assets, _shares);

In _burn(), the method will execute _updateExchangeRate():

  function _burn(address _owner, uint256 _shares) internal virtual override {
@>  _twabController.burn(_owner, uint96(_shares));
@>  _updateExchangeRate();

    emit Transfer(_owner, address(0), _shares);

Then, _currentExchangeRate() will read _yieldVault.maxWithdraw():

  function _currentExchangeRate() internal view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 _totalSupplyAmount = _totalSupply();
    uint256 _totalSupplyToAssets = _convertToAssets(

@>  uint256 _withdrawableAssets = _yieldVault.maxWithdraw(address(this));

    if (_withdrawableAssets > _totalSupplyToAssets) {
      _withdrawableAssets = _withdrawableAssets - (_withdrawableAssets - _totalSupplyToAssets);

    if (_totalSupplyAmount != 0 && _withdrawableAssets != 0) {
      return _withdrawableAssets.mulDiv(_assetUnit, _totalSupplyAmount, Math.Rounding.Down);

    return _assetUnit;

This results in a wrong order:

  1. vault.burn() reduces shares.
  2. Read shares and total assets calculate the exchange rate.
  3. _yieldVault.withdraw() reduces total assets.

The result is that the second step of reading total assets is not correct and the third step should be put before the second step.


  function _withdraw(
    address _caller,
    address _receiver,
    address _owner,
    uint256 _assets,
    uint256 _shares
  ) internal virtual override {

+   _yieldVault.withdraw(_assets, address(this), address(this));

    _burn(_owner, _shares);

-   _yieldVault.withdraw(_assets, address(this), address(this));
    SafeERC20.safeTransfer(IERC20(asset()), _receiver, _assets);

    emit Withdraw(_caller, _receiver, _owner, _assets, _shares);

[L-05] liquidate() is at risk of a sandwich attack

Currently liquidate() requires _amountOut >= _vaultAssets to execute _yieldVault.deposit() if there is a residual balance in the contract. This presents some risk for a sandwich attack.


  1. A malicious user monitors memory pool, _liquidationPair transfer assets to the contract, and executes liquidate().
  2. Front-runs the transaction in step 1, transferring an asset larger than _amountOut.
  3. Waits until the first transaction, because _amountOut >= _vaultAssets, will not execute _yieldVault.deposit(), the funds are still in the contract.
  4. A malicious user uses the balance left in the contract by executing vault.deposit().

Suggesting to remove the _amountOut >= _vaultAssets restriction.

  function liquidate(
    address _account,
    address _tokenIn,
    uint256 _amountIn,
    address _tokenOut,
    uint256 _amountOut
  ) public virtual override returns (bool) {

    uint256 _vaultAssets = IERC20(asset()).balanceOf(address(this));

-   if (_vaultAssets != 0 && _amountOut >= _vaultAssets) {
+   if (_vaultAssets != 0) {
      _yieldVault.deposit(_vaultAssets, address(this));

    _mint(_account, _amountOut);

    return true;

asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PierrickGT (PoolTogether) commented:

L-01: has been fixed.
L-02 and 03: have been removed.
L-04 and 05: has been fixed.

Gas Optimizations

For this audit, 19 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by c3phas received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: SAQ, Udsen, hunter_w3b, alymurtazamemon, petrichor, 0xAnah, naman1778, ybansal2403, SM3_SS, 0x11singh99, Raihan, ReyAdmirado, Rolezn, Rageur, SAAJ, 0xn006e7, LeoS, and koxuan.

Auditor’s Disclaimer

While we try our best to maintain readability in the provided code snippets, some functions have been truncated to highlight the affected portions.

It’s important to note that during the implementation of these suggested changes, developers must exercise caution to avoid introducing vulnerabilities. Although the optimizations have been tested prior to these recommendations, it is the responsibility of the developers to conduct thorough testing again.

Code reviews and additional testing are strongly advised to minimize any potential risks associated with the refactoring process.

Note on Gas estimates

I’ve tried to give the exact amount of gas being saved from running the included tests. Whenever the function is within the test coverage, the average gas before and after will be included, and often a diff of the code will also accompany this.

Some functions are not covered by the test cases or are internal/private functions. In this case, the gas can be estimated by looking at the opcodes involved or simply benchmark any function that calls our function of interest.

Tightly pack storage variables/optimize the order of variable declaration (saves 2.1K gas)

The EVM works with 32 byte words. Variables less than 32 bytes can be declared next to each other in storage and this will pack the values together into a single 32 byte storage slot (if the values combined are <= 32 bytes).


We can pack _liquidationPair with _yieldFeePercentage by reducing size of _yieldFeePercentage to uint64

File: /src/Vault.sol
215:  LiquidationPair private _liquidationPair;

218:  uint256 private _assetUnit;

221:  uint256 private _lastRecordedExchangeRate;

224:  uint256 private _yieldFeePercentage;

When setting the value of _yieldFeePercentage we have some bounds that constrain the max value. The assigned value can be:


1218:  function _setYieldFeePercentage(uint256 yieldFeePercentage_) internal {
1219:    if (yieldFeePercentage_ > FEE_PRECISION) {
1220:      revert YieldFeePercentageGTPrecision(yieldFeePercentage_, FEE_PRECISION);
1221:    }
1222:    _yieldFeePercentage = yieldFeePercentage_;
1223:  }

From the above setter, it is evident the value of _yieldFeePercentage cannot be greater than FEE_PRECISION, lest we revert. FEE_PRECISION is a constant defined as shown below:


232:  /// @notice Fee precision denominated in 9 decimal places and used to calculate yield fee percentage.
233:  uint256 private constant FEE_PRECISION = 1e9;

This means, the value assigned to _yieldFeePercentage cannot be greater than 1e9. Using uint64, we get a max of 18446744073709551615 which should be more than enough.

As such, we can refactor and pack the variables as shown below:

diff --git a/src/Vault.sol b/src/Vault.sol
index e92ecaf..4c21912 100644
--- a/src/Vault.sol
+++ b/src/Vault.sol
@@ -213,6 +213,9 @@ contract Vault is ERC4626, ERC20Permit, ILiquidationSource, Ownable {

   /// @notice Address of the LiquidationPair used to liquidate yield for prize token.
   LiquidationPair private _liquidationPair;
+  /// @notice Yield fee percentage represented in integer format with 9 decimal places (i.e. 10000000 = 0.01 = 1%).
+  uint64 private _yieldFeePercentage;

   /// @notice Underlying asset unit (i.e. 10 ** 18 for DAI).
   uint256 private _assetUnit;
@@ -220,9 +223,6 @@ contract Vault is ERC4626, ERC20Permit, ILiquidationSource, Ownable {
   /// @notice Most recent exchange rate recorded when burning or minting Vault shares.
   uint256 private _lastRecordedExchangeRate;

-  /// @notice Yield fee percentage represented in integer format with 9 decimal places (i.e. 10000000 = 0.01 = 1%).
-  uint256 private _yieldFeePercentage;
   /// @notice Address of the yield fee recipient that receives the fee amount when yield is captured.
   address private _yieldFeeRecipient;

Note: We would need to refactor all places this value is used to change the type to uint64.

Expensive operation inside a for loop


Min Average Median Max
Before 1901 59662 67737 79917
After 1901 59649 67723 79903
File: /src/abstract/TieredLiquidityDistributor.sol
361:    for (uint8 i = start; i < end; i++) {
362:      _tiers[i] = Tier({
363:        drawId: closedDrawId,
364:        prizeTokenPerShare: prizeTokenPerShare,
365:        prizeSize: uint96(
366:          _computePrizeSize(i, _nextNumberOfTiers, _prizeTokenPerShare, newPrizeTokenPerShare)
367:        )
368:      });
369:    }
diff --git a/src/abstract/TieredLiquidityDistributor.sol b/src/abstract/TieredLiquidityDistributor.sol
index 8238103..ba0587b 100644
--- a/src/abstract/TieredLiquidityDistributor.sol
+++ b/src/abstract/TieredLiquidityDistributor.sol
@@ -358,10 +358,11 @@ contract TieredLiquidityDistributor {
       start = _nextNumberOfTiers - 1;
       end = _nextNumberOfTiers;
+     UD34x4  prizeTokenPerShare_ = prizeTokenPerShare ;
     for (uint8 i = start; i < end; i++) {
       _tiers[i] = Tier({
         drawId: closedDrawId,
-        prizeTokenPerShare: prizeTokenPerShare,
+        prizeTokenPerShare: prizeTokenPerShare_,
         prizeSize: uint96(
           _computePrizeSize(i, _nextNumberOfTiers, _prizeTokenPerShare, newPrizeTokenPerShare)

Use calldata instead of memory for function parameters

If a reference type function parameter is read-only, it is cheaper in gas to use calldata instead of memory. Calldata is a non-modifiable, non-persistent area where function arguments are stored, and behaves mostly like memory.


Use calldata on _name and _symbol (saves 524 gas on average)

Min Average Median Max
Before 3737309 3737309 3737309 3737309
After 3736785 3736785 3736785 3736785
File: /src/VaultFactory.sol
55:  function deployVault(
56:    IERC20 _asset,
57:    string memory _name,
58:    string memory _symbol,
59:    TwabController _twabController,
60:    IERC4626 _yieldVault,
61:    PrizePool _prizePool,
62:    address _claimer,
63:    address _yieldFeeRecipient,
64:    uint256 _yieldFeePercentage,
65:    address _owner
66:  ) external returns (address) {
diff --git a/src/VaultFactory.sol b/src/VaultFactory.sol
index 559fd90..2b85cba 100644
--- a/src/VaultFactory.sol
+++ b/src/VaultFactory.sol
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ contract VaultFactory {
   function deployVault(
     IERC20 _asset,
-    string memory _name,
-    string memory _symbol,
+    string calldata _name,
+    string calldata _symbol,
     TwabController _twabController,
     IERC4626 _yieldVault,
     PrizePool _prizePool,

Repeatedly doing the same operation (addition) involving a state variable should be avoided


Note this was not found by the bot under caching state variables. Gas saved on average: 548

Min Average Median Max
Before 17709 181028 190311 226423
After 17709 180480 189753 225865
File: /src/PrizePool.sol
316:    DrawAccumulatorLib.add(
317:      vaultAccumulator[_prizeVault],
318:      _amount,
319:      lastClosedDrawId + 1,
320:      smoothing.intoSD59x18()
321:    );
322:    DrawAccumulatorLib.add(
323:      totalAccumulator,
324:      _amount,
325:      lastClosedDrawId + 1,
326:      smoothing.intoSD59x18()
327:    );
328:    emit ContributePrizeTokens(_prizeVault, lastClosedDrawId + 1, _amount);

In the function above, the operation lastClosedDrawId + 1 is being done repeatedly. As lastClosedDrawId is a state variable, the amount of gas becomes too much. We should do the operation and cache the result in a memory variable.

diff --git a/src/PrizePool.sol b/src/PrizePool.sol
index a42a27e..6a850ae 100644
--- a/src/PrizePool.sol
+++ b/src/PrizePool.sol
@@ -313,19 +313,20 @@ contract PrizePool is TieredLiquidityDistributor {
     if (_deltaBalance < _amount) {
       revert ContributionGTDeltaBalance(_amount, _deltaBalance);
+    uint16 _lastClosedDrawIdPlusOne = lastClosedDrawId + 1;
-      lastClosedDrawId + 1,
+      _lastClosedDrawIdPlusOne,
-      lastClosedDrawId + 1,
+      _lastClosedDrawIdPlusOne,
-    emit ContributePrizeTokens(_prizeVault, lastClosedDrawId + 1, _amount);
+    emit ContributePrizeTokens(_prizeVault, _lastClosedDrawIdPlusOne, _amount);
     return _deltaBalance;

Use the existing memory value to do the subtraction


Average Gas Saved: 77

Min Average Median Max
Before 2750 18704 23717 29646
After 2750 18627 23615 29518
File: /src/PrizePool.sol
483:  function withdrawClaimRewards(address _to, uint256 _amount) external {
484:    uint256 _available = claimerRewards[msg.sender];

486:    if (_amount > _available) {
487:      revert InsufficientRewardsError(_amount, _available);
488:    }

490:    claimerRewards[msg.sender] -= _amount;
491:    _transfer(_to, _amount);
492:    emit WithdrawClaimRewards(_to, _amount, _available);
493:  }
diff --git a/src/PrizePool.sol b/src/PrizePool.sol
index a42a27e..596fa1c 100644
--- a/src/PrizePool.sol
+++ b/src/PrizePool.sol
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ contract PrizePool is TieredLiquidityDistributor {
       revert InsufficientRewardsError(_amount, _available);

-    claimerRewards[msg.sender] -= _amount;
+    claimerRewards[msg.sender] = _available - _amount;
     _transfer(_to, _amount);
     emit WithdrawClaimRewards(_to, _amount, _available);

Emitting storage values instead of the memory one.

Here, the values emitted shouldn’t be read from storage. The existing memory values should be used instead:


Min Average Median Max
Before 1901 59662 67737 79917
After 1901 59649 67723 79903
File: /src/PrizePool.sol
372:    _lastClosedDrawStartedAt = openDrawStartedAt_;
373:    _lastClosedDrawAwardedAt = uint64(block.timestamp);

375:    emit DrawClosed(
376:      lastClosedDrawId,
377:      winningRandomNumber_,
378:      _numTiers,
379:      _nextNumberOfTiers,
380:      _reserve,
381:      prizeTokenPerShare,
382:      _lastClosedDrawStartedAt
383:    );
diff --git a/src/PrizePool.sol b/src/PrizePool.sol
index a42a27e..74d3a25 100644
--- a/src/PrizePool.sol
+++ b/src/PrizePool.sol
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ contract PrizePool is TieredLiquidityDistributor {
-      _lastClosedDrawStartedAt
+      openDrawStartedAt_

     return lastClosedDrawId;

Optimizing the check order for cost efficient function execution

Checks that involve constants should come before checks that involve state variables, function calls, and calculations. By doing these checks first, the function is able to revert before wasting a Gcoldsload (2100 gas) in a function that may ultimately revert, in the unhappy case.


Validate parameters before doing any sstores (more than 2200 gas could be saved in case of a revert)

File: /src/abstract/TieredLiquidityDistributor.sol
235:  constructor(uint8 _numberOfTiers, uint8 _tierShares, uint8 _canaryShares, uint8 _reserveShares) {
236:    numberOfTiers = _numberOfTiers;
237:    tierShares = _tierShares;
238:    canaryShares = _canaryShares;
239:    reserveShares = _reserveShares;

320:    if (_numberOfTiers < MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS) {
321:      revert NumberOfTiersLessThanMinimum(_numberOfTiers);
322:    }
323:    if (_numberOfTiers > MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS) {
324:      revert NumberOfTiersGreaterThanMaximum(_numberOfTiers);
325:    }
326:  }

We are assigning some Storage variables a function parameter on top of doing so other minor operations. We then check if the parameters passed to the constructor meet the required specification; i.e.:

    if (_numberOfTiers < MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS) {
      revert NumberOfTiersLessThanMinimum(_numberOfTiers);
    if (_numberOfTiers > MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS) {
      revert NumberOfTiersGreaterThanMaximum(_numberOfTiers);

If the above checks fail, we end up reverting the whole transaction, meaning the gas spent writing to storage would go to waste.

diff --git a/src/abstract/TieredLiquidityDistributor.sol b/src/abstract/TieredLiquidityDistributor.sol
index 8238103..34c2050 100644
--- a/src/abstract/TieredLiquidityDistributor.sol
+++ b/src/abstract/TieredLiquidityDistributor.sol
@@ -233,6 +233,12 @@ contract TieredLiquidityDistributor {
    * @param _reserveShares The number of shares to allocate to the reserve.
   constructor(uint8 _numberOfTiers, uint8 _tierShares, uint8 _canaryShares, uint8 _reserveShares) {
+    if (_numberOfTiers < MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS) {
+      revert NumberOfTiersLessThanMinimum(_numberOfTiers);
+    }
+    if (_numberOfTiers > MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS) {
+      revert NumberOfTiersGreaterThanMaximum(_numberOfTiers);
+    }
     numberOfTiers = _numberOfTiers;
     tierShares = _tierShares;
     canaryShares = _canaryShares;
@@ -317,12 +323,6 @@ contract TieredLiquidityDistributor {

-    if (_numberOfTiers < MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS) {
-      revert NumberOfTiersLessThanMinimum(_numberOfTiers);
-    }
-    if (_numberOfTiers > MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS) {
-      revert NumberOfTiersGreaterThanMaximum(_numberOfTiers);
-    }


Reorder the checks to have the cheaper validations come first

File: /src/Vault.sol
550:  function liquidate(
551:    address _account,
552:    address _tokenIn,
553:    uint256 _amountIn,
554:    address _tokenOut,
555:    uint256 _amountOut
556:  ) public virtual override returns (bool) {
557:    _requireVaultCollateralized();
558:    if (msg.sender != address(_liquidationPair))
559:      revert LiquidationCallerNotLP(msg.sender, address(_liquidationPair));
560:    if (_tokenIn != address(_prizePool.prizeToken()))
561:      revert LiquidationTokenInNotPrizeToken(_tokenIn, address(_prizePool.prizeToken()));
562:    if (_tokenOut != address(this))
563:      revert LiquidationTokenOutNotVaultShare(_tokenOut, address(this));
564:    if (_amountOut == 0) revert LiquidationAmountOutZero();

566:    uint256 _liquidableYield = _liquidatableBalanceOf(_tokenOut);
567:    if (_amountOut > _liquidableYield)
568:      revert LiquidationAmountOutGTYield(_amountOut, _liquidableYield);

The first few checks are either reading from storage or making some external calls. These operations are quite expensive in terms of gas. We also have some checks that validate some function parameters. Reading function parameters is very cheap. As it is, in case we revert on the function parameter check, the gas consumed doing external calls or state reads would be wasted. We should reorder the checks to reduce gas consumed in case of a revert. Cheaper checks should be done first as shown below:

diff --git a/src/Vault.sol b/src/Vault.sol
index e92ecaf..7652d7a 100644
--- a/src/Vault.sol
+++ b/src/Vault.sol
@@ -554,19 +554,23 @@ contract Vault is ERC4626, ERC20Permit, ILiquidationSource, Ownable {
     address _tokenOut,
     uint256 _amountOut
   ) public virtual override returns (bool) {
-    _requireVaultCollateralized();
-    if (msg.sender != address(_liquidationPair))
-      revert LiquidationCallerNotLP(msg.sender, address(_liquidationPair));
-    if (_tokenIn != address(_prizePool.prizeToken()))
-      revert LiquidationTokenInNotPrizeToken(_tokenIn, address(_prizePool.prizeToken()));
+    if (_amountOut == 0) revert LiquidationAmountOutZero();
     if (_tokenOut != address(this))
       revert LiquidationTokenOutNotVaultShare(_tokenOut, address(this));
-    if (_amountOut == 0) revert LiquidationAmountOutZero();

     uint256 _liquidableYield = _liquidatableBalanceOf(_tokenOut);
     if (_amountOut > _liquidableYield)
       revert LiquidationAmountOutGTYield(_amountOut, _liquidableYield);

+    _requireVaultCollateralized();
+    if (msg.sender != address(_liquidationPair))
+      revert LiquidationCallerNotLP(msg.sender, address(_liquidationPair));
+    if (_tokenIn != address(_prizePool.prizeToken()))
+      revert LiquidationTokenInNotPrizeToken(_tokenIn, address(_prizePool.prizeToken()));
     _prizePool.contributePrizeTokens(address(this), _amountIn);

     if (_yieldFeePercentage != 0) {

Don’t cache a state variable if it’s used only once


Gas benchmarks are based on function isWinner that calls this internal function.

Min Average Median Max
Before 1046 26982 20177 55866
After 1046 27014 20232 55921
File: /src/PrizePool.sol
851:    uint8 _numberOfTiers = numberOfTiers;
852:    uint32 tierPrizeCount = _getTierPrizeCount(_tier, _numberOfTiers);

854:    if (_prizeIndex >= tierPrizeCount) {
855:      revert InvalidPrizeIndex(_prizeIndex, tierPrizeCount, _tier);
856:    }

858:    uint256 userSpecificRandomNumber = TierCalculationLib.calculatePseudoRandomNumber(
859:      _user,
860:      _tier,
861:      _prizeIndex,
862:      _winningRandomNumber
863:    );
864:    (uint256 _userTwab, uint256 _vaultTwabTotalSupply) = _getVaultUserBalanceAndTotalSupplyTwab(
865:      _vault,
866:      _user,
867:      _drawDuration
868:    );

870:    return
871:      TierCalculationLib.isWinner(
872:        userSpecificRandomNumber,
873:        uint128(_userTwab),
874:        uint128(_vaultTwabTotalSupply),
875:        _vaultPortion,
876:        _tierOdds
877:      );
diff --git a/src/PrizePool.sol b/src/PrizePool.sol
index a42a27e..9407b1c 100644
--- a/src/PrizePool.sol
+++ b/src/PrizePool.sol
@@ -848,8 +848,7 @@ contract PrizePool is TieredLiquidityDistributor {
     SD59x18 _tierOdds,
     uint16 _drawDuration
   ) internal view returns (bool) {
-    uint8 _numberOfTiers = numberOfTiers;
-    uint32 tierPrizeCount = _getTierPrizeCount(_tier, _numberOfTiers);
+    uint32 tierPrizeCount = _getTierPrizeCount(_tier, numberOfTiers);

     if (_prizeIndex >= tierPrizeCount) {
       revert InvalidPrizeIndex(_prizeIndex, tierPrizeCount, _tier);

Do not cache immutable values


Benchmark is based on the function nextNumberOfTiers, which calls our internal function.

Min Average Median Max
Before 765 765 765 765
After 757 757 757 757
File: /src/PrizePool.sol
781:  function _computeNextNumberOfTiers(uint8 _numTiers) internal view returns (uint8) {
782:    UD2x18 _claimExpansionThreshold = claimExpansionThreshold;

793:    // check to see if we need to expand the number of tiers
794:    if (
795:      _nextNumberOfTiers >= _numTiers &&
796:      canaryClaimCount >=
797:      fromUD60x18(
799:      ) &&
800:      claimCount >=
801:      fromUD60x18(
803:      )
diff --git a/src/PrizePool.sol b/src/PrizePool.sol
index a42a27e..accf0a8 100644
--- a/src/PrizePool.sol
+++ b/src/PrizePool.sol
@@ -779,7 +779,6 @@ contract PrizePool is TieredLiquidityDistributor {
   /// @param _numTiers The current number of tiers
   /// @return The number of tiers for the next draw
   function _computeNextNumberOfTiers(uint8 _numTiers) internal view returns (uint8) {
-    UD2x18 _claimExpansionThreshold = claimExpansionThreshold;

     uint8 _nextNumberOfTiers = largestTierClaimed + 2; // canary tier, then length
     _nextNumberOfTiers = _nextNumberOfTiers > MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS
@@ -795,11 +794,11 @@ contract PrizePool is TieredLiquidityDistributor {
       _nextNumberOfTiers >= _numTiers &&
       canaryClaimCount >=
-        intoUD60x18(_claimExpansionThreshold).mul(_canaryPrizeCountFractional(_numTiers).floor())
+        intoUD60x18(claimExpansionThreshold).mul(_canaryPrizeCountFractional(_numTiers).floor())
       ) &&
       claimCount >=
-        intoUD60x18(_claimExpansionThreshold).mul(toUD60x18(_estimatedPrizeCount(_numTiers)))
+        intoUD60x18(claimExpansionThreshold).mul(toUD60x18(_estimatedPrizeCount(_numTiers)))
     ) {
       // increase the number of tiers to include a new tier


It is important to emphasize that the provided recommendations aim to enhance the efficiency of the code without compromising its readability. We understand the value of maintainable and easily understandable code to both developers and auditors.

As you proceed with implementing the suggested optimizations, please exercise caution and be diligent in conducting thorough testing. It is crucial to ensure that the changes are not introducing any new vulnerabilities and that the desired performance improvements are achieved. Review code changes, and perform thorough testing to validate the effectiveness and security of the refactored code.

Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PierrickGT (PoolTogether) commented:

1 - Fixed in this commit: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/45/commits/8ea87b645abc72443efbc2696092950f7751e9b7.
2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: have been fixed.
3: does not save gas anymore now that we use CREATE2.

Audit Analysis

For this audit, 13 analysis reports were submitted by wardens. An analysis report examines the codebase as a whole, providing observations and advice on such topics as architecture, mechanism, or approach. The report highlighted below by 0xStalin received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: DadeKuma, peanuts, 0xSmartContract, catellatech, dirk_y, squeaky_cactus, K42, keccak123, Jeiwan, ABAIKUNANBAEV, 3docSec, and 0xWaitress.


The PoolTogether protocol proposition is to gamify the yields earned by depositing assets into vaults. It is an interesting proposition to allow users that are attracted to all-or-nothing types of games because the PoolTogether vaults allow vault depositors to play at random the possibility to win everyone’s yields.

The protocol aims to make the vaults creations fully autonomous and in a permissionless way. This will allow anybody to create vaults that offer the gamification feature that the PoolTogether protocol is building.

Analysis of the Codebase

The codebase of this audit included 4 components of the PoolTogether protocol, the Vault, the PrizePool, the TwabController & the Claimer. The 4 components are highly interconnected and dependent on each other.

The Vault can be thought of as the core component because it interacts with all the others.

  • It is in charge of updating the PrizePool accounting and sending and reading data from the TwabController where all the user’s balances are tracked.
  • The Claimer is a more optional component because it is up to the Vault’s owner to set a claimer using a deployed Claimer contract or not.

Relationship Diagram

There is a Vault Factory that is in charge of deploying new Vaults.

  • The deployment of new vaults is fully decentralized. It is not required to ask permission from the protocol to deploy a new Vault, or belong to a whitelist or a restriction of any type; it is fully autonomous and decentralized.

The YieldVault is not exactly a contract coded by the Protocol team, but it is expected to be an ERC4626-compliant contract.

  • Even though there is not much documentation about the YieldVault, I consider it to be a key component of the protocol because all the user’s assets will end up being deposited into the YieldVaults.

I think that this protocol uniqueness feature is how they’ve accomplished generating on-chain randomness to match the pseudo-randomness values with past values that have been generated by the user’s & vault’s balances during a specific period of time.

  • Using past values makes it near to impossible to try to compute & force a specific account to be the winner. The reason is, that even though the pseudorandom value can be computed before the tx is actually executed, the past values can’t be modified and forced to match the pseudorandom value.

    • The Math & Logic involved in this process is quite complex, it is really an artwork.
  • Also, the proposition to gamify the yields and allow users to “gamble” their yields in exchange for potentially earning the yields of all the other depositors is quite interesting because most of the crypto users are investors of high-risk profiles, which I’m pretty sure more than 1 will be interested in this offer.

Architecture Feedback, Centralization & Systemic Risks

The protocol is aiming to achieve a fully autonomous and decentralized architecture, but with decentralization comes risks.

The Asset Flows when depositing and withdrawing to/from the PoolTogether vaults are similar to the process explained in the below diagrams.

As we can see, all the user assets are really deposited in the YieldVaults, which is why ensuring that the YieldVaults are real and safe vaults is a critical task that the protocol should take care of.

Deposit Assets Flow

Withdraw Assets Flow

The decentralization part is about allowing anybody to create new vaults by using the VaultFactory that is created by the Protocol. Problems can arise if the protocol doesn’t enforce the newly created vaults to use the expected contracts for the accounting and holding of the user’s assets

  • Malicious users could abuse and deploy fake contracts and set them as the PrizePool, TwabController, and also create fake YieldVaults. This is a critical risk for users’ safeness because all the vaults created by the VaultFactory should indicate to the users that these vaults are safe to interact with.

That is a critical problem that arises with decentralization, because the creation of the vaults is decentralized, but the ownership of each vault isn’t, there is a vault owner who could abuse its power if the contracts don’t limitate it.

  • Limitate the vault owner’s power is a task of the protocol because the protocol is the one who is allowing anybody to create new vaults using their VaultFactory.

About the Liquidity Distribution fully relies on some advanced math formulas, which basically compute the number of liquidity to be disbursed across the different draws and in each draw computes how much liquidity to distribute among the different tiers.

  • Tiers are flexible, meaning, they can grow or shrink if required.

Liquidity Distribution

Draw's Liquidity Distribution

The winners are determined based on pseudorandom-generated values and matching values that have been generated in the past between a specific period of time

  • To achieve this, the protocol does some computation between the PrizePool and TwabController contracts.

determing the winner

The Claimer is only one in charge to claim the prizes of the winners (all the prizes are sent to the corresponding winner). The Claimer earns a fee in exchange for claiming the prizes on behalf of the winners.


Always have in mind the fact that if something goes wrong in a vault that was deployed using the VaultFactory, most users will blame the protocol, not the vault owner. In a normal user’s mind, the protocol is responsible to ensure that each individual vault is safe and sound.

That being said, even though the creation of vaults will be fully decentralized, make sure that the contracts limitate the vault’s owners to the minimum privileges that they require to manage the vault.

Also, make sure that the contracts enforce the vaults to use the right and expected contracts. Most of the time allowing users to set arbitrary addresses for contracts that interact with the protocol opens up some attack vectors.

Always try to mitigate the number of open doors that could be exploited or abused by the vault owners.

Time spent

40 hours

I spent 6 days on this audit, each day I put in around 5-8 hours of work. In total would be around 40 hours.

  • 3 days were to analyze and fully understand the codebase.
  • 2 days were dedicated only to bug hunting. I didn’t follow the recognition pattern; I was mostly focused on identifying critical issues caused by incorrect assumptions and bugs in the code.
  • The last day was dedicated to filling out the reports and writing this analysis, as well as creating the diagrams.

asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

Mitigation Review


Following the C4 audit, 3 wardens (dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin) reviewed the mitigations for all identified issues. Additional details can be found within the PoolTogether Mitigation Review repository.

Overview of Changes

  • Twab Controller now checks query timestamps for safety. When requesting a twab, timestamps:

    1. are required to be finalized; i.e. cannot occur during an overwrite period
    2. are aligned to period boundaries.
  • Tier adjustment algorithm

    1. The canary tier has been simplified, so that the prize size is adjusted instead of the number of prizes. Now the unified claim count across normal + canary tiers is used to determine the next number of tiers.
  • Vault exchange rate

    1. The Vault now assumes shares are 1:1 with underlying assets, unless the vault is undercollateralized. No exchange rate is stored.

Mitigation Review Scope


(all PRs have been merged into main)

Individual PRs

URL Mitigation of Purpose
VAULT-PR-13 H-01 The issue turned out not to be the case; the exchange rate is always <= 1 (yield is liquidated). However, comments were added to clarify the behaviour
VAULT-PR-9 H-02 Added SafeCast
VAULT-PR-6 H-03 Fixed conversion and naming of field
VAULT-PR-7 H-04 Removed recipient param
VAULT-PR-19 H-05 Removed recipient param
TWAB-PR-7 H-06 Added check for zero address
VAULT-PR-13 H-07 Fixed check for partial collateralization
PRIZE-PR-18 H-08 Fixed reserve accounting
VAULT-PR-37 H-09 Fixed undercollateralized redemption while providing an exit
VAULT-PR-21 M-02 Added hook gas limits and error handling
TWAB-PR-5 M-03 Ensure search timestamps are on or at period end timestamps
VAULT-PR-11 M-04 Fixed 4626 compliance
TWAB-PR-6 M-05 Reject transfers to the sponsorship address
PRIZE-PR-31 M-06 Record deployer and permission draw manager
PRIZE-COMMIT-ba56ea8b M-07 Upgrade PRBMath to v4 and Solidity to 0.8.19
VAULT-PR-25 M-08 Used CREATE2 for VaultFactory
CLAIMER-PR-7 M-09 Made max fee a function of the tier’s prize size, not the smallest prize size
PRIZE-PR-16 M-10 Improved handling of prize size overflow
VAULT-PR-15 M-11 Removed mintWithPermit
PRIZE-PR-24 M-12 Recomputed Tier odds, reduced number of tiers, made grand prize period draws configurable
TWAB-PR-5 M-13 Aligned twab queries on period boundaries
PRIZE-PR-17 M-14 Superseceded by the simplification of tier expansion logic
PRIZE-PR-17 M-15 Improved tier shrinking, retention, and expansion logic
PRIZE-PR-17 M-16 Simplified tier expansion logic
VAULT-PR-27 M-18 Redeemed underlying liquidity using shares, not assets directly. This socializes losses, if any.
PRIZE-PR-22 M-19 Added SafeCast
VAULT-PR-17 M-20 Vault shares are now 1:1 with underlying asset, and the exchange logic has been simplified
PRIZE-PR-10 M-21 Draw query ends on closed draw
VAULT-PR-18 M-22 Improved vault share / asset calculation
VAULT-PR-11 M-23 Fixed compliance with 4626
CLAIMER-PR-8 VAULT-PR-22 PRIZE-PR-23 M-24 Added minVrgdaFee and allowed silent failure of claims
VAULT-PR-20 M-25 Fixed permit implementations
VAULT-PR-9 M-26 Added SafeCast
PRIZE-PR-17 M-27 Unified standard and canary tier

Out of Scope

Issue Reason
M-01 Acknowledged issue but it will not be fixed.
M-17 Permissionless nature of vaults means that anyone can create custom vaults.

Mitigation Review Summary

Original Issue Status Full Details
H-01 Mitigation confirmed Reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev
H-02 Mitigation confirmed Reports from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin
H-03 Mitigation confirmed Reports from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin
H-04 Mitigation confirmed Reports from rvierdiiev, dirk_y and 0xStalin
H-05 Mitigation error Report from rvierdiiev - details also shared below
H-06 Mitigation confirmed with comments Reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev
H-07 Mitigation confirmed Reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev
H-08 Mitigation confirmed Reports from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin
H-09 Not fully mitigated Reports from 0xStalin and rvierdiiev - details also shared below
M-02 Not fully mitigated Reports from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin - details also shared below
M-03 Mitigation confirmed Reports from dirk_y and rvierdiiev
M-04 Mitigation confirmed Reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev
M-05 Mitigation confirmed Reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev
M-06 Mitigation confirmed Reports from rvierdiiev, dirk_y and 0xStalin
M-07 Mitigation confirmed Reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev
M-08 Mitigation confirmed Reports from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin
M-09 Mitigation error Report from dirk_y - details also shared below
M-10 Mitigation confirmed Reports from 0xStalin and dirk_y
M-11 Mitigation confirmed Reports from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin
M-12 Mitigation confirmed Reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev
M-13 Mitigation confirmed with comments Reports from dirk_y, 0xStalin and rvierdiiev
M-14 Mitigation confirmed Reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev
M-15 Mitigation confirmed Reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev
M-16 Mitigation error Report from dirk_y - details also shared below
M-18 Not fully mitigated Report from dirk_y - details also shared below
M-19 Mitigation confirmed Reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev
M-20 Mitigation confirmed Reports from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin
M-21 Mitigation confirmed Reports from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin
M-22 Not fully mitigated Reports from dirk_y and 0xStalin - details also shared below
M-23 Mitigation confirmed Reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev
M-24 Mitigation confirmed Reports from rvierdiiev, dirk_y and 0xStalin
M-25 Mitigation confirmed Reports from dirk_y, rvierdiiev and 0xStalin
M-26 Mitigation confirmed Reports from 0xStalin, dirk_y and rvierdiiev
M-27 Mitigation confirmed Reports from rvierdiiev, dirk_y and 0xStalin

The wardens determined that 4 findings from the original audit were not fully mitigated. They also surfaced 4 mitigation errors (1 High and 3 Medium severity) and 1 new Medium severity issue.

H-05 Mitigation error: The sponsorWithPermit function allows anyone to provide a valid permit for asset

Submitted by rvierdiiev

Severity: Medium

The sponsor function allows a caller to delegate their shares to the special address. In this case, the caller losses the ability to win prizes. The previous version of code had the sponsor function, which allowed the deposit of funds on behalf of the owner and delegate all user’s funds to the SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS. As result, an attacker had the ability to deposit small amount of funds (or 0) on behalf of user and make them delegate to the SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS.


The PoolTogether team has fixed that issue by removing this function. So now, the attacker can’t directly call sponsor for any address.

However, there is another function, sponsorWithPermit. This function allows anyone to provide a valid permit for asset and then do the sponsoring. It’s possible that a user will create a permit for other purposes (to just run the depositWithPermit function). In this case, an attacker (which can be some other web portal) can reuse this permit and make the user delegate all of their balance to the SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS, instead of just depositing.

This issues stands, because currently the user can’t be sure how their signed message (permit) will be used. A user can sign the permit to deposit, but it will be used to deposit and delegate to the sponsorship address.

PierrickGT (PoolTogether) commented:

Nice find, indeed. I’ve removed the sponsorWithPermit function in the following PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/40.

Note: For full discussion, see here.

H-09 Not fully mitigated: _yieldVault.maxWithdraw() returning a different value than the expected real balance of the caller

Submitted by 0xStalin, also found by rvierdiiev

Original Issue

H-09: Vault is not compatible with some ERC4626 vaults


The issue is about the Vault contract not being compatible with some ERC4626 vaults, such as DnGmxSeniorVault.

  • The warning is about vaults that don’t stick to the ERC4626 standard, and their maxWithdraw() function returns a different value than the expected real balance of the caller.


The mitigation implemented new logic to determine if the Vault is collateralized or not. Now, all shares are backed 1:1 with deposited assets.

When withdrawing and redeeming, the new implementation checks if the vault is collateralized or not; if it’s collateralized, the shares:asset ratio is 1:1, if it’s under-collateralized, the ratio will be different, and the functions will compute how many shares are required to withdraw the desired amount of assets.

  • If the vault is under-collateralized:

    • The withdraw() function will compute the required amount of shares that are required to get the desired amount of assets.
    • The redeem() function will compute how many assets the specified amount of shares can get.

The new implementation mitigates socializing losses when the vault is under-collateralized. Now, each user can withdraw/redeem up to their maxWithdraw()/maxRedeem() amounts of assets, which those values are determined based on the amount of shares that the owner has.


I consider that the new implementation mitigates issues that can arise because of ERC4626 vaults not implementing the expected ERC4626 standard.

In regards to the exact issue pointed out in the original finding about the _yieldVault.maxWithdraw() returning a different value than the expected real balance of the caller, I do agree with the sponsor’s comment that the issue is more of warning about possible incompatibilities with some ERC4626 vaults. For that reason, I think that there is not such a fix for that exact “issue”, that is more a thing at the administration level when creating new vaults. The vault’s creator should do their due diligence to verify that the ERC4626 Vault follows in the most part the standard.

dirk_y (warden) commented via issue #35:

Sounds like we’ve all kind of come to the same conclusion here (see #68 and #97). Basically, the only real resolution is discouraging certain types of underlying yield vaults

0xStalin (warden) commented via issue #35:

@dirk_y - I agree with your comment. I think this can be classified as a Q&A, since this is more of an administration thing. It is up to the vault’s creator to select the underlying vault, and it is up to the users to decide if they want to put their assets in a PT Vault using an underlying vault that doesn’t stick to the standard and/or implements lossy strategies.

asselstine (PoolTogether) commented via issue #35:

Our mitigation is that we will declare that vault compatibility needs to be checked before integrating, and that yield vaults that round down on deposit are problematic.

M-02 Not fully mitigated: A malicious user can still gas grief a claimer by deliberately reverting in a hook

Submitted by dirk_y, also found by rvierdiiev and 0xStalin

Original Issue

M-02: Unintended or malicious use of prize winners’ hooks

Lines of code



In the previous implementation, a malicious user could set arbitrary vault hooks for afterClaimPrize and beforeClaimPrize that could be used to gas grief the claimer; or cause other claims in the same call to fail by deliberately reverting.


The referenced PR does solve the original issue by capping the gas sent to external calls and safely catching reverts. I was slightly concerned that enough gas was being passed to the hooks for a single reentrant call to front-run a prize claim; however, this has been fixed by another change where previously claimed prizes safely return 0. However, this mitigation is unresolved by another change.

Persisting issue

There was another change made to the repo where claiming logic was simplified and mainly moved out of the Vault contract. However, with this change any reverts are not being safely caught:

function _claim(
    Vault _vault,
    uint8 _tier,
    address[] calldata _winners,
    uint32[][] calldata _prizeIndices,
    address _feeRecipient,
    uint96 _feePerClaim
  ) internal returns (uint256) {
    uint256 actualClaimCount;
    uint256 winnersLength = _winners.length;
    for (uint256 w = 0; w < winnersLength; w++) {
      uint256 prizeIndicesLength = _prizeIndices[w].length;
      for (uint256 p = 0; p < prizeIndicesLength; p++) {
        if (0 != _vault.claimPrize(
        )) {
        } else {
          emit AlreadyClaimed(_winners[w], _tier, _prizeIndices[w][p]);
    return actualClaimCount;

This is a problem because if the hook reverts, this is caught and then another revert is thrown:

function claimPrize(
    address _winner,
    uint8 _tier,
    uint32 _prizeIndex,
    uint96 _fee,
    address _feeRecipient
  ) external onlyClaimer returns (uint256) {
    VaultHooks memory hooks = _hooks[_winner];
    address recipient;

    if (hooks.useBeforeClaimPrize) {
        hooks.implementation.beforeClaimPrize{ gas: HOOK_GAS }(
      returns (address result) {
        recipient = result;
      } catch (bytes memory reason) {
        revert BeforeClaimPrizeFailed(reason);
    } else {
      recipient = _winner;

As a result, a malicious user can still gas grief a claimer by deliberately reverting in a hook.


The reverts should be safely caught in the Claimer contract, similarly to the initial change (and linked PR) that fixed this issue originally.

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) commented:

Handled here https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-claimer/pull/13.

M-09 Mitigation error: Auctions run at significantly different speeds for different prize tiers

Submitted by dirk_y

Severity: Medium

Lines of code



The V5 implementation delegates the task of claiming prizes to a network of claimers. The fees received by a claimer are calculated based on a dutch auction and limited based on the prize size of the highest tier (the smallest prize). As a result, it is possible that the gas price could exceed the fee received by claimers, leading to prizes not being claimed. If any high value prizes happen to be drawn during this period then they will go unclaimed.


The new implementation only computes the maxFee size based on the prize tier that is being claimed for. As a result, the fees received by claimers are now larger for larger prize tiers; thereby, incentivising lower tiers (i.e. those with higher prizes) to be claimed first and resulting in more fees paid to claimers.

New issue

Because all the tiers run on the same auction, each auction will now run at a completely different speed.


If the _maximumFee parameter specified in the constructor is relatively small, then the maxFee for the lower prize tiers (higher prizes) will never be reached anyway. If the _maximumFee is relatively large to give sufficient range for the auctions, the auctions for higher tiers (lower prizes) will ramp up very quickly to the max limit based on the prize tier. The real impact of this is that auctions are now running inefficiently, where fees are likely to be higher than they could be for the higher tiers (i.e. the bots are getting more fees than they would be willing to accept).

Proof of Concept

Based on the updated implementation, the maximum fee to be paid is now a function of the tier being claimed for, not the total number of active tiers:

  function _computeMaxFee(uint8 _tier) internal view returns (uint256) {
    return UD60x18.unwrap(maxFeePortionOfPrize.intoUD60x18().mul(UD60x18.wrap(prizePool.getTierPrizeSize(_tier))));

The return value of this call is used as the first parameter for calls to _computeFeePerClaim and in turn the last parameter of _computeFeeForNextClaim:

  function _computeFeeForNextClaim(
    uint256 _minimumFee,
    SD59x18 _decayConstant,
    SD59x18 _perTimeUnit,
    uint256 _elapsed,
    uint256 _sold,
    uint256 _maxFee
  ) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    uint256 fee = LinearVRGDALib.getVRGDAPrice(
    return fee > _maxFee ? _maxFee : fee;

As you can see, the fee is capped based on the maxFee for the prize tier being claimed for. This seems to be doing what was intended; however, there is only one auction for all the tiers, and thus the auction decay constant is consistent across all the tiers:

    PrizePool _prizePool,
    uint256 _minimumFee,
    uint256 _maximumFee,
    uint256 _timeToReachMaxFee,
    UD2x18 _maxFeePortionOfPrize
  ) {
    if (_minimumFee >= _maximumFee) {
      revert MinFeeGeMax(_minimumFee, _maximumFee);
    prizePool = _prizePool;
    maxFeePortionOfPrize = _maxFeePortionOfPrize;
    decayConstant = LinearVRGDALib.getDecayConstant(
      LinearVRGDALib.getMaximumPriceDeltaScale(_minimumFee, _maximumFee, _timeToReachMaxFee)
    minimumFee = _minimumFee;
    timeToReachMaxFee = _timeToReachMaxFee;

Whichever is the lowest of the auction _maximumFee and the tier maxFee is the max fee that could possibly be collected. In order to allow all prize tiers to be claimed it is likely that the _maximumFee in the constructor will be increased; however, this now means the decay constant is greater and therefore, the auctions ramp up faster. For tiers with a lower max fee, this means the maxFee is reached significantly faster, leading to inefficient auctions.


Potentially, there is another angle to resolve the issue reported in the original audit by having a mechanism that allows the maxFee to be increased if not enough prizes have been redeemed in the last draw, although this introduces additional complexity.

Alternatively there needs to be an auction for each tier with its own decay constant (i.e. min and max fees) to ensure that all the auctions are ramping up in a similar (but not necessarily identical) manner. In my opinion, this option makes the most sense and is the least complex and therefore, also the hardest to manipulate (if at all).

asselstine (PoolTogether) acknowledged

Note: For full discussion, see here.

M-16 Mitigation error: Number of prize tiers may never scale due to aggressive new algorithm.

Submitted by dirk_y

Severity: Medium

Lines of code



This issue is very similar to M-14 but covers another edge case where the threshold check is not performed when there are currently 14 prize tiers and at least 1 canary tier is claimed. This is due to an early return of MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS.


The updated implementation has significantly changed the tier expansion logic so that it only depends on the total number of prize claims. The current number of tiers and the number of canary tier claims has no impact on the tier expansion logic and therefore, the original issue has been resolved. However, the updated logic has introduced a new issue.

Note: The same PR fixes multiple issues, but I have arbitrarily chosen to link this new issue with M-16.

New issue

With the new tier expansion algorithm, it is highly likely that the number of prize tiers will stagnate since the percentage of prizes that need to be claimed for a tier expansion increases as the number of tiers increase.

Proof of Concept

When a draw is closed, the next number of tiers is computed based on the total number of claims with a call to _computeNextNumberOfTiers:

  function _computeNextNumberOfTiers(uint32 _claimCount) internal view returns (uint8) {
    // claimCount is expected to be the estimated number of claims for the current prize tier.
    uint8 numTiers = _estimateNumberOfTiersUsingPrizeCountPerDraw(_claimCount);
    return numTiers > MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS ? MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TIERS : numTiers; // add new canary tier

Where the first part of the underlying _estimateNumberOfTiersUsingPrizeCountPerDraw method looks like:

  function _estimateNumberOfTiersUsingPrizeCountPerDraw(uint32 _prizeCount) internal view returns (uint8) {
    if (_prizeCount < ESTIMATED_PRIZES_PER_DRAW_FOR_4_TIERS) {
      return 3;
    } else if (_prizeCount < ESTIMATED_PRIZES_PER_DRAW_FOR_5_TIERS) {
      return 4;

Thus, for the number of tiers to increase from 3 to 4, the number of prize claims must be greater than or equal to ESTIMATED_PRIZES_PER_DRAW_FOR_4_TIERS:

ESTIMATED_PRIZES_PER_DRAW_FOR_4_TIERS = TierCalculationLib.estimatedClaimCount(3, _grandPrizePeriodDraws);

Here, the estimated claim count is the sum of the number of prizes for a tier multiplied by the tier odds for all the tiers:

  function estimatedClaimCount(
    uint8 _numberOfTiers,
    uint24 _grandPrizePeriod
  ) internal pure returns (uint32) {
    uint32 count = 0;
    for (uint8 i = 0; i < _numberOfTiers; i++) {
      count += uint32(
          unwrap(sd(int256(prizeCount(i))).mul(getTierOdds(i, _numberOfTiers, _grandPrizePeriod)))
    return count;

If we consider the actual number of prizes available for 3 tiers it is: 1 * 1/365 + 4 * 1 + 16 * 1 = 20 + 1/365 ~= 20

The return value of ESTIMATED_PRIZES_PER_DRAW_FOR_4_TIERS is: 1 * 1/365 + 4 * 1/sqrt(365) + 16 * 1 ~= 16

This difference is due to the fact that the getTierOdds in TierCalculationLib.sol doesn’t return 1 for both the highest normal prize tier and the canary tier (it just returns 1 for the canary tier).

In this case, in order for the number of prize tiers to increase, at least 16 prizes (i.e. 80%) need to be claimed in the previous claim window. This doesn’t sound too bad, but because the number of prizes per tier scales exponentially, the percentage of prizes that need to be claimed increases as the number of prize tiers increase.

The effect is that as a higher number of tiers are reached, a higher percentage of canary prizes need to be claimed in order to increase the number of prize tiers. The end result is that it is likely the number of prize tiers will stagnate despite there being enough liquidity available to increase the number of prize tiers.


I recommend applying a reverse exponential weighting to the number of prize claims required for a tier expansion based on the number of tiers. By this, I mean that since the number of prizes per tier is 4^i, a similar weighting should be applied in the reverse direction to try to keep the percentage of prize claims required for a tier expansion relatively stable.

Alternatively, I would update _estimateNumberOfTiersUsingPrizeCountPerDraw to apply a fixed percentage to the actual number of prizes available (based on tiers odds of 1 for both the canary prize tier and the highest standard prize tier). I feel like this is the easier and also more logical fix.

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed and commented:

The solution we propose for this is to adjust two things:

  1. estimatedClaimCount now includes canary tiers; this means that each of the constants ESTIMATED_PRIZES_PER_DRAW_FOR_*_TIERS will include canary prizes.
  2. _estimateNumberOfTiersUsingPrizeCountPerDraw now doubles the given prize count before comparing against the ESTIMATED prize values. This is because each tier is approx 4x the previous, so by only doubling the prize count we create a safe buffer.

dirk_y (warden) commented:

So just to confirm the intended behaviour of the suggested change, you want the number of tiers to increase if >50% of the estimated prizes in a tier are claimed?

I agree that sounds safe to me. It’s not possible to scale up by more than 1 tier at a time this way.

M-18 Not fully mitigated: _redeem method doesn’t handle the case where the withdrawal from the underlying yield vault realises losses

Submitted by dirk_y

Original Issue

M-18: Exchange rate change in case of Lossy Strategy will cause the Vault to under-collateralized for generic ERC4626 Yield Vaults


The original implementation didn’t handle lossy withdrawals from underlying ERC-4626 yield vaults properly. During withdrawals from the V5 vault, the calculation of amount to withdraw/shares to burn is based on a maxWithdraw view function in the underlying yield vault. However, when the actual withdraw is performed from the yield vault, it is possible for the vault to apply losses. Based on the original implementation, this could cause the V5 vault to pay more shares (of the underlying yield vault) than intended, effectively diluting other vault depositors and causing losses for the last users who withdraw.


The updated implementation in the linked diff is further updated based on the changes for H-09. The key changes related to the original issue is that now V5 vault shares can be converted into the underlying yield vault shares through methods like _convertAssetsToYVAssets (for asset conversions in this instance) to ensure that withdrawals burn the correct number of V5 vault shares in exchange for the underlying yield vault shares when the vault is in an under-collateralised state.

However, technically the updated implementation doesn’t solve the original issue because the _redeem method still doesn’t handle the case where the withdrawal from the underlying yield vault realises losses. The vault is still considered collateralised based on the underlying maxWithdraw call, so it is possible that withdrawing a given number of assets actually burns more of the underlying yield vault shares owned by the V5 vault than intended; this still impacts those that withdraw/redeem later from the V5 vault.


Although the mitigation is technically unsuccessful, I personally agree with this comment from the sponsor on the original issue.

Although I do disagree with: “When withdrawing, people will only be able to withdraw their shares of deposits which indeed socializes the loss.”

The losses only impact those that try to withdraw last from the V5 vault since there aren’t enough of the underlying yield vault shares left to redeem.

To summarise, I think this is quite a specific use case that either needs to be explicitly supported, or the use of underlying lossy strategies should be discouraged. My personal opinion is that despite the mitigation not being resolved, I wouldn’t suggest any further changes; just wanted to be explicit that the original mitigation technically isn’t resolved. I would suggest that vaults employing underlying lossy strategies should be discouraged instead.

Assessed type


M-22 Not fully mitigated: deposits could revert if there is a loss of precision of 1 wei in the underlying yield vault

Submitted by dirk_y, also found by 0xStalin

Original Issue

M-22: Loss of precision leads to under-collateralized

Lines of code



The underlying yield vaults used by the V5 vaults usually round down shares received when depositing. As a result, if the Vault deposits to an underlying yield vault that has already issued shares, it is possible that a deposit could be rounded down to a lower number of shares. As a result, user deposits could fail because the vault will be considered not-collateralised due to the 1 wei difference in expected withdrawable assets from the yield vault.


The updated implementation now compares the withdrawable assets after a deposit with the expected withdrawal amount based on the size of the deposit and reverts if the former is less than the latter. This ensures that the vault isn’t inadvertently becoming undercollateralised during a deposit.

Mitigation not resolved

The new implementation doesn’t necessarily solve the original issue because it just reverts if the updated withdrawable assets from the underlying yield vault is less than the assets we’ve just deposited; yes, it prevents the vault from being under-collateralised, but now deposits could revert if there is a loss of precision of 1 wei in the underlying yield vault. If we wanted to protect against a rounding issue we should add in a 1 wei tolerance to the updated deposit computation. Even though the model OZ implementation rounds up for conversion in one direction and then rounds down for for conversion in the other direction, we cannot guarantee that all underlying yield vaults will do this. Thus, we should still have a small wei buffer to account for any rounding issues; otherwise, we might inadvertently end up bricking deposits for users in certain conditions where the deposit amount paired with the underlying vault balance leads to a rounding discrepancy.


In order to prevent a user from deliberately depositing assets that will result in a loss of precision in the underlying yield vault (and therefore, lead to undercollateralisation with the first deposit), I’d recommend allowing the V5 vault owner to specify a minimum deposit value that is then enforced in the deposit and mint methods. Any further loss of precision should be guarded against as suggested in the original report.

Below is a suggested diff:

diff --git a/src/Vault.sol b/src/Vault.sol
index 4da1d00..b784477 100644
--- a/src/Vault.sol
+++ b/src/Vault.sol
@@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ contract Vault is IERC4626, ERC20Permit, ILiquidationSource, Ownable {
     uint256 _expectedWithdrawableAssets = _withdrawableAssets + _assets;
     uint256 _withdrawableAssetsAfter = _totalAssets();
-    if (_withdrawableAssetsAfter < _expectedWithdrawableAssets)
+    if (_withdrawableAssetsAfter + 1 < _expectedWithdrawableAssets)
       revert YVWithdrawableAssetsLTExpected(_withdrawableAssetsAfter, _expectedWithdrawableAssets);
     _mint(_receiver, _assets);

Assessed type


PierrickGT (PoolTogether) commented:

The suggestion proposed is not really fixing the issue though, no? If I deposit 1000000000 but this deposit is only worth 999999999, when I will withdraw, I will only receive back 999999999?

So the protocol would not be no loss anymore.

dirk_y (warden) commented:

That’s true, the “no loss” claim then technically isn’t guaranteed, although a 1 wei loss is ~0 in practically every token, so I’m not sure this should hold too much weight.

The proposed suggestion was more around ensuring deposits wouldn’t be reverted if the amount happened to cause a rounding issue based on the balance of the underlying vault. Since you don’t have control of the underlying yield vault, you have to either revert on loss of precision (which you’re doing now) or absorb the 1 wei loss; I’d argue the former has a greater impact on the user since the gas used is worth more than 1 wei of a token.

asselstine (PoolTogether) commented:

Our mitigation is that we will declare that vault compatibility needs to be checked before integrating, and that yield vaults that round down on deposit are problematic.

*Note: for full discussion, see here.

Claiming prizes will be bricked if prize periods are not aligned with twab periods

Submitted by dirk_y

Lines of code



The previous implementation allowed a malicious user to keep updating their balances, provided if the previous observation fell within the same period. As such, if a draw ends part of the way through a period, the user would be able to manipulate their average balance for period and therefore, increase their odds of winning in that draw despite the draw already being closed.

Note: I have arbitrarily chosen M-13 for this report rather than M-03 since both share the same PR for their respective mitigations.


The updated implementation overlaps with M-03 and ensures that twab queries are aligned on twab period boundaries. It also ensures that any Twab queries have an end time that is finalised; i.e. the period that is being queried for has ended. This ensures that a user can’t manipulate their Twab balance between the time that a draw period ends and a Twab period ends. The original issue has been resolved, but a new issue has been introduced.

New issue

Claiming prizes is bricked if prize periods are not aligned with twab periods

Proof Of Concept

Although the updated logic solves the original issue about ensuring that the observations are safe (i.e. finalised) and observations can’t be manipulated, the change has introduced a new issue where prize claiming is bricked if the twab periods are not completely aligned or are not significantly shorter than the prize pool periods (claiming is still bricked, but for a shorter duration). This was not the case before and in fact the only requirement was that “It is imperative that PoolTogether uses periods that are smaller than a single draw”. With the change, this is now only partially true. Either the Twab period needs to be significantly smaller than a prize draw period, or alternatively the period needs to be exactly aligned with the draw period. For example, if a draw is 1 day but the period for the accumulator is 20 hours, it is possible that the there will be a 20 hour period during which any claims will revert due to the end time not yet being finalised. This could result in two possible issues: either prizes will go unclaimed altogether, or more fees are paid to claimers since the price of the auction is increasing during this bricked period. Claiming prizes will be bricked up to the maximum period length of the accumulator, assuming the twab period started 1 second before the draw period ended and the twab period was the same length as the draw period.

To illustrate this issue further, let’s explore the updated implementation. When prizes are claimed, the winning odds are calculated, which includes a call to getTwabBetween in the TwabController.sol contract:

  function getTwabBetween(
    address vault,
    address user,
    uint32 startTime,
    uint32 endTime
  ) external view returns (uint256) {
    TwabLib.Account storage _account = userObservations[vault][user];
    // We snap the timestamps to the period end on or after the timestamp because the total supply records will be sparsely populated.
    // if two users update during a period, then the total supply observation will only exist for the last one.

The start and end times passed as arguments corresponds to the start and end times of the prize tier draw frequency (i.e. daily for the highest prize tier). These times are then aligned to Twab period boundaries with the underlying _periodEndOnOrAfter call.

The key point now is that the underlying getTwabBetween call requires the end time to be finalised:

function getTwabBetween(
    uint32 PERIOD_LENGTH,
    uint32 PERIOD_OFFSET,
    ObservationLib.Observation[MAX_CARDINALITY] storage _observations,
    AccountDetails memory _accountDetails,
    uint32 _startTime,
    uint32 _endTime
  ) internal view requireFinalized(PERIOD_LENGTH, PERIOD_OFFSET, _endTime) returns (uint256) {

Where requireFinalized looks like:

modifier requireFinalized(uint32 PERIOD_LENGTH, uint32 PERIOD_OFFSET, uint256 _timestamp) {
    // The current period can still be changed; so the start of the period marks the beginning of unsafe timestamps.
    uint32 overwritePeriodStartTime = _currentOverwritePeriodStartedAt(PERIOD_LENGTH, PERIOD_OFFSET);
    // timestamp == overwritePeriodStartTime doesn't matter, because the cumulative balance won't be impacted
    if (_timestamp > overwritePeriodStartTime) {
      revert TimestampNotFinalized(_timestamp, overwritePeriodStartTime);

For the sake of argument, let’s say that a claimer is trying to claim a prize for the highest tier that is drawn daily, and the twab period ends 1 hour before the draw period. Now, when a claimer tries to claim the prize, the initial getTwabBetween call will align the start and end times to twab period boundaries. So the start time will align to the end of the last period, and the end time will align to the end of the current period. However, the current period hasn’t finalised yet! The current period finalises 23 hours after the draw has completed, which means that any prize claims for the tier will revert. During this time, the auction is still running, so the fee is perpetually increasing. After the 23 hours have elapsed, the claimers now only have 1 hour to claim the prizes, leading to either of the two scenarios mentioned above.


I recommend aligning the shortest prize period to the twab period and enforcing this in the constructor of the Prize Pool contract.

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

0xStalin (warden) commented:

This is a good finding. Although, it looks like there needs to be a couple of onchain conditions for the two scenarios to occur. I think this should be classified as a medium sev because of the number of onchain requirements for the issue to occur.

dirk_y (warden) commented:

There is only one condition that needs to be true: twab periods are not aligned with prize pool periods. And in fact, this behaviour would have been guaranteed based on the official documentation.

Picodes (judge) commented:

On first analysis, I do agree that the external conditions are minimal so it fits High severity.

Vault will stop participating in draws in the case they deposited maximum assets to the underlying vault

Submitted by rvierdiiev

Lines of code


Proof of Concept

Vault contract has a maxMint function. This function first checks allowed amount to mint in the PtVault and then also checks the amount allowed in underlying vault. It is very likely that this value will be less than what is in PtVault, as some vaults can have restriction for 1 staker.

This means, that once such amount of shares is minted, then it’s not allowed to mint anymore, so each deposit/mint will revert.

In order to contribute earned yield to the prize pool, the liquidation pair should call the liquidate function. It’s the only way to send earned yield to the prize pool.

The next process is liquidator will provide POOL tokens on behalf of Vault and Vault should mint the corresponding amount of shares for liquidator. In this case, the call will be done after the max amount is minted. Then, it will revert, which means that it will be not possible to send the earned yield to the pool and earn prizes. In this moment, the main purpose of vault stopped working; users earned yield to participate in prize distributions, but they can’t do that.

Of course, when someone will withdraw, it will be possible to liquidate again, but that will lead to bad a user experience and also someone can DoS pool by depositing again to not allow send contributions to the prize pool.

Another thing that is related to this issue, is that in the case maxMint was reached, then mintYieldFee can’t be called as well, as it also mints shares.

Tools Used


Maybe it will be best to not check for maxMint for liquidations and fee minting.

Assessed type


asselstine (PoolTogether) confirmed

PierrickGT (PoolTogether) commented:

Interesting reasoning.

Vault shares must be backed 1:1 by underlying assets deposited into the Yield Vault. If we mint more Vault shares than underlying assets withdrawable, we will enter in an under-collateralized state.

That being said, the yield that accumulated in the Yield Vault is liquidated in exchange of Prize Tokens by minting more Vault shares. So even if maxMint is reached, we should be able to liquidate this yield.

Fixed in this PR: https://github.com/GenerationSoftware/pt-v5-vault/pull/43.

Note: for full discussion, see here.


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C4 Audits incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Audit submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

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